#Depression poem
support · 11 years
Everything okay?
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astoryfullofwoe · 1 year
look at me
tw: s€lf h@rm, $ui€ide
i’ve never outgrown
the child who purposefully
trips and scrapes their knee
for their parents’ attention.
years later and i still
wail and scream just so someone
will spare me something more
than a fleeting glance.
because my knee isn’t
the part of me that’s hurting.
my knee is bloody and scratched
but it will heal by tomorrow
and you won’t even be able to
tell i was ever bleeding.
it’s not my knee, it’s my heart.
it is my heart that hurts,
cradled by my ribcage and
stowed away in my flesh—
who would ever be able to tell
it is cracked and bleeding?
out of sight, out of mind.
i put a bandage over my bleeding knee
and my mom kisses it better
(it’s the only way i can be the center
of an adults attention);
i wrap gauze around my bleeding wrists
and fall in love with the colour red
(i never fell out of love
with intentional infliction).
the screaming child in me lives on;
i want someone to notice
and beg me to stop,
beg me to stay alive,
because it feels like i could
take a flying leap of faith off of
the bridge over the creek near my house,
or bleed out in my bathtub,
or choke on a bottle of mystery pills,
and no one would notice.
or worse, no one would care.
intentional falls evolve into unscrewing
pencil sharpeners and still nobody notices.
scrapes mutate into cuts
and still nobody notices.
so please, just look at me.
i’m not asking you to rip my body
from the bridge barrier,
just look at me.
look in me not through me;
look into me.
see me for who i am
beyond this wounded persona.
sorrow is all i’ve ever known,
but with soft words and gentle hands,
maybe i can forget what torn flesh feels like.
maybe i’ll rediscover sunlight.
take the blade out of my hand
and place your heart there instead;
for i am only cruel to those
who i believe deserve to suffer,
and that is not you, never you.
you are safe with me,
i am not safe with myself.
no one has caused me as much hurt
as i have myself.
these scars would not exist without me—
i have only myself to blame.
look at me.
i want to scream:
look at all of my ugliness,
and love me for it anyways.
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rosekiller-addict · 11 months
Red and Silver
** If you are struggling please reach out to someone. things can get better I promise <3**
Red and Silver
the colors I clung to
the colors I knew might be the death of me one day but I couldn't seem to bring myself to care
it started with the silver
the way the sun or the lampshade or my flashlight would make it sparkle
making it seem like something it wasn't
making it seem more welcoming that it should be, like it wouldn't hurt me
and then came the red
who knew silver and red went so well together?
and as time grew, I became more and more obsessed with these colors because who was I without them?
so maybe that was why I dyed my hair red when I had never before liked the color
and maybe that was why I sought out every piece of silver I saw
and maybe this is why I hated looking in the mirror but I could never be sure why
because every time I did, it reminded me that I was nothing without these colors
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jolieoneiron · 11 months
I feel like
someone tore me apart
like a demon who plays with you
A satanic laugh at your pain.
I have scars
and wear them with shame
when did I stop loving myself?
Did I ever love this body? This soul?
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kiwicvts · 1 year
(Content warning: Depression, Venting, Sh) In the silence of my solitude, I find solace in the blade's embrace. A dance with darkness, hidden from view, A secret battle I cannot erase. Each scar tells a tale of pain, A silent plea for release. A temporary relief I gain, But it never brings me peace. The world may never understand, The reasons behind this strife. But within these scars, my hand, I search for a glimpse of life.
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knockingfrominside · 11 months
I want that fairy tale love
The kind you see in the movies
That everyone swears doesn’t exist
But it does
I’ve seen it
I want that fairy tale love
That lets you know that it’s real
I want to feel loved
I want love to be a cloud hugging me making me warm
Even on the days when love is hiding its face behind anger and miscommunication
I want to be consumed with love
- why do I never feel loved
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wherehave-yougone · 8 months
Seven Hours Until I'm Home
Laying in bed all day
Walking around aimlessly
Cleaning things in hopes it'll clean my mind with it
Struggling to eat
Conversing with my cats
Searching for anything to make this day pass
A text pops up, its from you
"7 hours of work left, cant wait to be home"
I lay back in bed and try to sleep
Each room quiet and still
Everywhere empty and cold
Begging for the day to end
So I too can be back home.
'I only feel at home when im with you'
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crazycatgirl420 · 2 years
Depression To Me - a poem
I lay upon a bed of shattered thoughts
An ache deep in my bones
A thought of what could be
But upon my chest unseen
Sits a horror like no other
It claws and it tears and it sucks my life away
Until not but a husk remains
A hollow echo of who I used to be
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mosscaller · 10 months
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Where is home? I don't know..
All my life, I've moved from one place to another - struggling to feel like I can let down my walls and feel safe.
Nothing feels right.
The world is dangerous, and loud. I don't know how to exist here.
I'm scared. Lonely and hurting.
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saddarkentruths · 2 years
Who are you supposed to tell, when all your friends are happy and you dont want to bring them down.
Who are you gonna drag down with you, who's gonna walk around knowing this about you, just so you feel less alone.
Maybe they will turn it into something darker, maybe they will hate you for this.
Maybe they will think you told them for them to feel sad too.
Maybe you're the problem.
Who are you supposed to tell when you want to lie down and die, to lie in the ocean and drown, to fall down a building and break?
Will you do it close to them? For them to wonder why you didnt tell? Why you didnt show any signs? Why you didnt trust them?
Are you leaving a note saying this?
They're too happy, their lives are healthy, while yours crumble under the sun?
Who are you to darken their view of the world?
Would you do this to them?
What if you fail, and you have to listen to them cry and beg you for an answer.
How will you take that?
You might lose those you had, you might get some who will ask if you're ok each time you sniffle.
It will become a chore to tell them you're fine, it will make it worse, the guilt you gave them for not talking to you about something they didnt know about.
That's not their fault, how would they know?
You're the perfect actor at this point, wheres your oscar?
You've darkened their happy lives, because you didnt speak up.
You cant leave anymore because they wont let you go, everyone is waiting and watching.
You're trapped in a physical cage, is it better than the mental one you built over the years?
But you lie here thinking about the 'ifs' and 'maybes', maybe you should take the chance...
What's the worst that can happen? Other that what you've already thought?
Apologise to them first, then confess your feelings and thoughts, maybe write them down and hand them a note, some words are hard to say.
They stare at you, as you expected they look at you different. You knew it, here it comes.
You close your eyes and wait the dark, the yelling...
But you feel warmth, you hear muffled sobs and get held so tight it's hard to breathe, you open your eyes and see those who you assumed would leave and hate you, holding around you and promise to help you feel what they feel, or better at least.
Is this what I thought would happen? Is this real?
You hug them back, and they say your name inbetween sobs.
Yeah... this is real.
And I'm safe.
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aviancomposition · 1 year
sick and tired.
the asphyxia catching up to me.
a common theme, in these words
the sense of hopelessness
never better explained than
when one describes the loss of ability
to breathe.
everything too thick,
and me, with no knife to cut through
everything that stands in my way.
i will drown here, in this whirlpool
of instability.
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disastrluv · 1 year
i don't know how you could look at me like i hung the stars in the sky. tie my shoelaces. agree to run through the water park at my college. show me the table you built by hand. place your hands over mine and laugh with me all night.
just to leave.
there's more to the world, you say.
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astoryfullofwoe · 2 months
The sickness clings to your skin
like rain beating down on you—
persistent and desperate
to infiltrate your bones,
to rot you from the inside out.
The scent of despair follows you around—
you wear it like armour, like an umbrella.
Can’t you smell it?
The damp melancholic air
tinged with the scent
of an indescribable sorrow;
it surrounds you like screams,
like the thunder shouting her anthems of rage—
the same rage that you harbour, child,
longing for a reaction, for an outlet,
for something that your faceless
bedroom walls cannot provide.
Time floats on by, indefinite,
blown by the ever-changing winds.
Shades of grey contorting
and melting into white,
cotton clouds replacing
the gloomy overcast;
the sun has come out—
you didn’t even notice, did you?
Feel Her joyful rays dance on your skin,
evaporating the rain that has soaked your bones.
Wake up and smell the petrichor,
that earthly aromatic hymn
of the calm after the storm.
Breathe in, breathe deep,
let the dewy air enter your lungs
and embrace you like a mother.
The black sludge that lives
in your chest is evaporating,
fading, fading, fading,
until it is almost entirely gone—
reduced to puny tendrils of parasite,
suspended in futile attempts
to cling onto your ribcage;
and in its place, a sphere of light
amongst the likes of which
you have never felt before:
a blazing, all-consuming light,
but not blinding, no—
for you’ve never seen so clearly;
the veil of fog has lifted.
the world is so vast,
its corners unfolding before your eyes.
The storm has been long and harsh—
you deserve this happiness, child.
so breathe out slowly, lie down,
feel the grass tickle your bare skin
(don’t be afraid of the earth,
we are all an extension of Her, anyways),
breathe in the petrichor,
the promise of blossoming life,
and start anew.
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borderlinebastard · 1 year
in my dreams
I pack my bags under heavy clouds.
pretend that I'm in control of my life
as it gets carried away from me.
put my hand over your mouth
feel your trembling lips on my palm
to stop your screams about how
nothing I do is worth more than a grain of sand,
finally hearing the compressed silence I'd been craving.
and my own voice, firm,
the whisper that it's always been
reverberating around your skull for the first time
as I'm draining everything bottled up out of fear
revealing the anger and betrayal beneath it.
then I leave in transport not designed by physics
going to a place I've never been that is familiar
until I wake up.
each morning alarm an attrition.
I'm blinking at strange furniture
legs still afloat
wanting to jump ship
flow out of routines
erode comfortable walls
hoping to find a better sail to push me along,
but instead sleeping adrift
dreaming again.
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jolieoneiron · 10 months
Let me go,
say goodbye.
I’ll let you bury me
find peace in a garden of flowers
where my mind will rest.
It’s playing tricks on me.
I never wished to die.
I do.
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blue has been with me for years.
she is there when i get up in the morning. she watched as i brush my teeth and get dressed. she sits next to me on the bus. she walks everywhere with me, i am never without blue.
through the day, she is quieter. she doesn’t like to talk about herself to people. she is scared they’ll hate her for who she really is. i tell her if they hate her then they’ll hate me. but she doesn’t listen.
blue comes home with me. she lies next to me in my bed. she plays with my hair as we lie and stare out of the window. she sits next to me at the dinner table, watching me eat.
at night, she talks to me. she tells me she will never leave me, she will always be with me.
blue tells me i only need her. i do not need other people in my life, she is enough.
blue tells me that i am not enough. blue watches as i hate myself, as i cause myself pain in ways i would never wish upon another person.
blue is the one wrapping my hand around the knife, saying i was the one holding it and this is my fault.
this is all my fault.
blue tells me no one loves me, and no one will ever love me. she tells me i don’t deserve love, and anyone who dares try to love me will leave. only she will stay.
i do not know who i am without blue, and therefore i fear her leaving. though unhealthily, blue and i are connected.
and i am scared one day she’ll leave me too
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