#Epic Party Ideas for Kids
kidsinnowadays · 1 year
How to Throw the Ultimate Kid's Party: 10 Epic Ideas That Will Leave Guests Speechless
Discover creative and unforgettable party ideas that will make your child's celebration a memorable and speechless-worthy event. #KidsPartyIdeas #EpicCelebrations #ParentingFun #PartyPlanning
Introduction: The Art of Crafting Unforgettable Childhood Memories Every parent knows the magic that lies within the world of children’s parties. It’s a realm where imagination knows no bounds, where laughter echoes like music, and where every moment becomes a cherished memory. But when it comes to throwing the ultimate kid’s party, how can you ensure that it stands out from the rest? How can…
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Their S/O Is An Ancestor of Odysseus 
Type of Writing: Random Idea  Name: Their S/O Is An Ancestor to Odysseus  Characters: Poseidon, Ares, and Hades  Idea-Giver: Random Thoughts, Epic: The Musical, and Homer’s The Odyssey 
A/N: In honor of the fifth saga of Epic: The Musical coming out today, I decided to finally write this fun prompt I made months ago. I hope you guys enjoy this piece, I personally loved writing it so much! Anyways, I have a question for you all; What is your favorite Epic: The Musical saga and your favorite song/character? 
⚠️ TW: Mentions of death, attempted murder, and permanent physical damage ⚠️ 
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Deity! Reader ; Ancestor to Odysseus - Relationship: 3/10
🔱 When he first met you, you had told him you had human descendants, and he accepted that whole-heartedly. You cannot change your lineage or who they have kids with *ZEUS
🔱 Anyways. Poseidon did eventually ask to see your only known descendant, at least to you. And he was not amused to see him again 
🔱 You and Hermes just stood alongside one another and lead Poseidon to the male’s home, the only reason Hermes knew is because your initial descendant, who was the human’s father, had a child with Hermes’ female descendant, Anticlea 
🔱 Smiling gently as a young male named Telemachus ran up and hugged you as a female, that being Penelope, also came out and embraced you while she smiled and nodded to Hermes 
🔱 Asking to see the boy’s father, Poseidon gained a small sense of nervousness. Why was he suddenly a hair off about seeing your once-living descendant 
🔱 Oh, this was why… 
" Poseidon, my love. Meet- "  " Odysseus?! " 
🔱 Looking back and forth between your blonde-lover and your brunette descendant, Odysseus, you began to look at Hermes, asking him with your eyes how they knew one another 
" What a coincidence, Uncle Poseidon! It seems that Y/N is the ancestor to Odysseus, the man who you tried killing multiple times centuries ago! How intriguing! "  " You tried to WHAT?! " 
🔱 Odysseus narrowed his eyes at the God of the Seas and walked to you, opening his arms for a hug, which you sincerely accepted as you glared at your husband in silent rage. Your eyes said everything to him; you better explain yourself. 
🔱 Poseidon sighed lightly and began to tell you everything, right from the start of his involvement with Odysseus 
" You do remember Polyphemus, correct? "  " Of course I remember him. Why? "  " Your boy here blinded him. He and his men had come in and attempted to steal his flock of sheep from him. And, after a mild fight, he blinded him with a burning steak, as he slept nonetheless. How cowardly. " 
🔱 While you were now upset with both parties, Telemachus and Penelope eventually got the two to come to an understanding as to not upset you and possibly cause a massive dispute that may end up with you losing your mind, and not fakely like Odysseus tried 
🔱 Odysseus and Poseidon may act nice when your looking, but they literally glare at one another when you look another way. And you know this, but seeing them at least try to bond to help you warms your heart to much to say anything ✧⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋄✧⋄⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋆⋄✧⋄⋅⋆⋄✧⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋆⋄✧⋄⋅⋆⋄✧⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅
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Deity! Reader ; Ancestor to Odysseus - Relationship: 6/10 
⚔️ You were thankful that Ares had enough free time to come with you down to Elysium to meet your descendant 
⚔️ He has always asked you questions of him, and because you finally got back into contact with the man who distantly shared your blood, you excitedly told him that he, his wife, and his son were all available the following week 
⚔️ Ares was nervous as hell when approaching the house of your descendant 
⚔️ They’re basically the only family you have left, since Hermes doesn’t count because you weren’t related, your lineage members were 
⚔️ But, in a way of generosity, Hermes decided to join you both. In his words, which were twisted majestically with a suave tone that matched the once youthful Zeus had, he just wanted to encounter the man who was the result of two deity-influenced offsprings coming together 
" Lady Y/N! To what do we owe the pleasure? "  " The pleasure is all mine, youngling. Now, where's Penelope and her husband? They invited me here with my husband- "  " Lord Ares! "  " Uh- yeah… "  " Can you please direct us to them, ma'am? "
⚔️ After being directed to a long dining room, which was where you found a young male with brunette hair, an older-woman, and an older-man with the same hair as the younger one 
⚔️ Smiling as you hugged him and the two other mortal and humanized souls, Ares narrowed his eyes at the older man, before asking who he was 
" Odysseus, King of Ithaca. And this is my wife, Penelope, and my son, Telemachus. And you must be Ares, the God of War. It is a pleasure to meet you. "  " And you… Odysseus. " 
⚔️ While Ares was caught off guard by how adaptive and calm-seeming Odysseus was, he was quite pleased with how accepted the human was with his ancestor marrying a relative of the man who tried killing him and did kill most of his men 
⚔️ But, he is thankful that Poseidon doesn’t randomly come up in the conversation. As that would’ve led to Odysseus hearing the stories of how, in Poseidon’s eyes, he was a horrendous person 
⚔️ Well, they ain’t wrong. His personality kinda lacks sometimes
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Deity! Reader ; Ancestor to Odysseus - Relationship: 9/10 
💀 Hades was pleased to hear how adoringly you would speak of your human lineage. Most deities would shun that, as they believe Humanity are a bunch of scum and worse than rust on a boat’s underside 
💀 He is a family-centered man at heart, so seeing how close you were to these humans made him want to meet them himself 
💀 But what he didn’t expect was seeing a familiar face standing alongside a woman and younger boy 
💀 It was Odysseus. The man who blinded his nephew, Polyphemus, and enraged his second-younger brother, Poseidon 
" Oh! How unexpected, right, Uncle Hades? " 
💀 Yeah, he just stood there for a good few minutes, just staring with wide eyes like this; 🤯 
💀 Hades eventually snapped out of his daze and cleared his throat before offering his hand to the King of Ithaca, his wife, and son, while you just opened your arms to embrace them as if you had known them for centuries 
💀 Well, you have, but you get the point 
💀 You and Penelope had nudged Hades through the castle before landing in a room where there laid many tapestries of happenings from Odysseus’ journey back home, but the three decorative fabrics that stood out were Polyphemus’ attack, Poseidon’s iconic rage, and Odysseus in the Underworld 
" Ah, you seem to have found my small shine. I remember all of these events as if it was yesterday, and I suppose 9 years prior. "  " Yes… I seemingly forgot that you had come to the Underworld to seek out… oh what was his name again? Oh, yes, Tiresias. " 
💀 Hearing of Odysseus’ experience in Hades’ Kingdom made them slightly closer, as Hades allowed him to visit some of his deceased previous crewmates and his mother, whom was happy to see him years later 
💀 They have a far better bond than Hades does with the rest of his brothers, but he must keep that from Poseidon. His jealousy knows no end
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fourmoony · 11 months
omg haii, i read ur mini seiries called hope, and i absolutely ADORE it!!! you're probably already writing a part 4, but i wanna request an idea - her first b-day and she meets regulus and lily for the first time where regulus is kinda quiet, not involving himself that much and hope penguin-walks over to him and hugs his leg and regulus goes full-on sweet mode omgg and he baby-talks her like "heyy hope" and "i'm your favourite uncle, right?" and hope babbles back <333
i would be in total awe if i saw this in at least one of your parts, it's also my birthday in 10 days so perfect fit in with hope's birthday!!
tysm for reading <333
hi! I love this idea... sorry it took so long, I've been swamped with college work. this one only features Regulus because the story got away from me, but I could do a separate one for Lily if you like. happy belated birthday, I hope you had an amazing day :) hope you like it
𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 (𝟒) - james potter x f!reader - this part doesn't have much james content, sorry!
summary: Hope and Uncle Reggie fluff. 1.9k
masterlist - part 1 - part 2 - part 3
There’s balloons and banners on every wall, presents on every surface, toys strewn all over the floor, and paper plates dotted in various areas.
Hope stands in the middle of it all, in the eye of the storm, the brightest smile you’ve ever seen on her chubby little face. It’s strange, when you really think about it, that she smiles just like James. Considering she’s not biologically yours, nor his. But she smiles like him. Unabashedly, bright, all of her tiny little teeth on display, eyes crinkled at the corners from the sheer force of her happiness. You’ve wrangled her hair into pigtails and she’s wearing the pink corduroy pinafore Sirius bought her with matching pink socks. She’s the epitome of cuteness and your heart can’t take it.
It’s surprising – and yet not at all – that she hasn’t napped all day. It’s not long gone four pm, the party winding down, and there’s been not a single tantrum, nor a moment of calm from your daughter. James, on the other hand, has had several tantrums. He’s adamant Hope has defied all biological laws and is growing too fast. He says it so often you think he might have wished it true, because today, for the first time, you see it.
She’s no longer the baby James brought home bundled in a blanket, with a nervous smile on his face. She’s a bright, loving, happy little girl with so much attitude, so much love, so much energy, and you really feel like maybe she is growing too fast. You can’t slow time, no matter how hard you try, and that makes your lip wobble as you stare at your daughter, pointing sticky fingers at Remus who tries to dodge her, and your boyfriend, who’s trying to corral her with a baby wipe.
All the kids invited to the party have long gone, stuffed with cake and with a complimentary party bag. The cottage is no longer crowded or overrun by hyperactive children. Calm has resumed – well, as calm as any residence with your daughter and your friends inside of it can be. Sirius is half passed out on the sofa from hours of keeping up with his god daughter, legs swung up over the arm, a haphazardly placed party hat on his head. Remus is still trying to dodge Hope’s sticky fingers but is now the one with the baby wipe trying to corral her. He won’t win. You know your daughter and by now, Remus should know that his attempts are futile. But they’re both laughing, even if Remus keeps grimacing every time her hands land on his beige trousers.
“So,” James appears beside you, an overly fond look in his eyes, “Hope’s Epic First Birthday – success?”
You hum, lean into the arm he’s wrapped around you, emulating warmth and comfort and every bit of him you’ve come to love over the years – home – “Massive success. Best parents ever.”
James huffs a laugh and presses a kiss to the side of your temple. He tenses when the doorbell rings. It’s habit, after the war, but you’re safe now, so he releases you with a chaste peck to the lips and jogs off to answer. Remus has strong armed Hope into his lap and is wiping down her hands. You smile. He’s better with her than he would ever know. You can hear James happily talking away to someone, shoes are discarded with a familiar thump by the front door, and then he appears back in the doorway with a wide smile.
Regulus appears behind him, a tentative smile on his face. He’s so similar to Sirius it’s kind of shocking, but the differences are there. Where Sirius is punk rock and messy black eye liner with leather jackets and shaggy hair, Regulus is stoic, regal, neat and put together. It’s been an odd adjustment, watching the two brothers become acquainted with each other again after years of being apart, but it warms your heart every time share a smile or a joke, sometimes an awkward hug. Winning the war was mostly because of Regulus and his behind-the-scenes efforts and when Sirius found out, it shattered everything he’d ever thought about his brother. Watching him recover from what he thought would be mourning his brother, but actually turned out to be healing with his brother, has been beautiful.
“Sirius,” You call, “Regulus is here.”
Sirius perks up, all sense of exhaustion gone, and smiles wide at the sight of his younger brother. Regulus is wearing all black – slacks and a button up shirt. They have the same eyes, same cheek bones, same nose. But Regulus is, for lack of a better word, serious. He’s well put together, posh, a man of luxury, after inheriting half of the Black family riches two months ago.
It’s why, when you spot the sparkly pink gift bag in his hand, you have to bite your lip to stifle a laugh.
“Reg,” Sirius stands, hesitates, but ultimately decides to go for a hug, anyway, “You made it.”
Regulus hugs Sirius back, albeit a little awkwardly, “Of course.”
He turns to you and James, “Sorry I missed the party. All the people, I just…”
James waves a dismissive hand, bright and easy smile on his face, “Honestly, mate, don’t worry about it. Twenty screaming kids is anyone’s worst nightmare.”
Regulus smiles a little, nodding in way of an answer. Hope has wrangled her way out of Remus’ grip and is tottering across the living room floor, dodging stray balloons and wrapped presents as she goes. When she reaches Regulus, she stops, tiny fist clutching at the leg of his trousers. Regulus hasn’t spent much time around Hope. You don’t know if he really likes kids. But when he crouches, a soft look about his eyes you’ve never seen before, you release a breath you hadn’t known you were holding. James guides you to the armchair, pulling you into his lap.
You sit happily, watching the scene before you unfold. Sirius and Remus seem to be as mesmerised by this version of Regulus as you are.
“Hi, Birthday Girl,” His voice is quiet, sweet like honey as he holds the bag out to her, “This is for you.”
Hope looks enamoured by the pink glittery bag, let alone whatever could be inside. Regulus sits it on the ground, legs in a basket to get onto Hope’s level. The bag sits between them like a peace treaty. Hope stares at Regulus and he waits, face blank, lips upturned maybe a little. Her tiny, little hand reaches out, palm flat against his cheek and Regulus closes his eyes for a second before a wide grin spreads its way across his face. Sirius steps around them carefully to reach for the camera by the mantle. Without another word, Hope clambers into Regulus’ lap and sits down. She’s never been shy, so you don’t know why it surprises you so much.
“So,” Regulus starts, holding open the bag so that Hope can see inside, “Start with this one.”
He hands her a neatly wrapped gift, white paper with little pink hearts and you melt at the idea of cold, stoic, Regulus Black in a shop somewhere buying pink gift bags and wrapping paper. He helps Hope a little to unwrap it, and then holds it out in front of her. It’s a book, from what you can see, with a tiger and a little girl on the front cover.
“This book is called The Tiger Who Came to Tea. It’s a muggle book, one my cousin Andromeda used to read to me. I think you’ll like it.” He’s talking so quiet you really think he’s only intending for Hope to hear him.
Your daughter looks entirely fascinated, enthralled by the attention she’s gaining from Regulus.
Sirius snaps a picture, but Regulus doesn’t look up.
He pulls another gift out of the bag, a smaller box, which he helps Hope unwrap again, “Your Uncle Sirius says you’re going to be a famous Quidditch player, one day. This is Plan B. You don’t have to be magic to make potions,” He flips the lid on a little wooden box, engraved with her name, and inside are loads of scribbled on pieces of parchment, “These are my perfected recipes. You’ll go a long way with these, but something tells me you’re going to surpass them by a mile.”
Your lip wobbles as you watch. Throughout the nine months Hope has been your daughter, you’ve thought many times about her future. Sirius has a can do, no worry attitude about her becoming a Quidditch star. You think he’ll move heaven and earth to make it happen for her. But Regulus has given her the beautiful gift of his own potion recipes, and the ability to create and succeed in something she can do with no boundaries.
He’s given her an heirloom, a starting point, an incredibly thoughtful gift and it’s truly beautiful.
“Your mum and dad can probably hang onto this for a few years. But it’s yours, don’t let your dad nick it, I know how bad he is at potions.” Regulus looks pointedly at James, who wipes tears from his eyes as he laughs.
You place your hand over his heart and share a look you’ve come all too familiar with – how lucky are we to have a little girl who is so adored?
The last present Regulus takes out of the bag isn’t wrapped. It’s a teddy bear, brown and small enough for Hope to carry. She takes it from his hands with a wide smile, giving him a small ‘ta’ as way of thanking him. Regulus smiles, nods his head, “You’re welcome, Hope. Happy Birthday.”
She’s up like a shot once presents are finished – as is to be expected. She totters over to Sirius, who looks equally as teary eyed as you and James and shows him the bear with great enthusiasm. You stand to collect the box of potion lists from the floor, holding it gently, a smile on your lips. Regulus is standing now, so you look to him, finger rubbing softly over the engravement of her name, “Regulus, I- thank you. This is a beautiful gift. And the book, she loves tigers.”
He smiles softly, nodding his head, “Remus told me she made Padfoot wear a Halloween costume of a tiger.”
You laugh fondly at the memory as Sirius – who’s holding Hope in his arms as she wriggles – growls at Remus for recounting the story. Remus holds his hands up in surrender, a knowing look in his eyes.
“And the potions stuff is because there should be something from our world for her to access no matter what. I have a feeling she’ll be one of the greats, I wasn’t lying about that. Just like her mum.”
“Can I hug you?” You ask Regulus.
He nods, and so you do. It’s a little stunted, a little awkward, but it means the world over.
“Okay,” James claps his hands together, the remnants of tears on his cheeks like a little snail trail, “Cake?”
“Please.” Regulus nods and follows your boyfriend to the kitchen.
Sirius hands Hope off to James as he passes, who immediately reaches for Regulus. He takes her wordlessly from James, the ghost of a smile on his lips. Sirius reaches over to the mantle, hands you a photograph that’s been left to develop. Hope and Regulus are on the floor, your daughter curled comfortably onto his lap, smiling brightly up at him as he holds the book in front of her. He looks so happy, so content, nothing like the boy you knew in school, Sirius’ estranged brother. He looks like Reggie.
You smile, take your wand from your back pocket and wave it over the photograph.
In small cursive letters, underneath the moving photograph, appears: Hope and Uncle Regulus on Hope’s First Birthday.
Sirius beams.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
You sell items to adventurers for a living. It's relatively easy to get business in a frontier city like the one you live in. You were planning on becoming an adventurer yourself but an injured leg when you were young prevented that. But because you already know how to find items, and how they should be fairly priced, so it's a good living.
Not everyone who thinks of themselves as adventurers actually are adventurers. You sometimes have to sell weapons to naive groups of kids, who have no idea what they're doing. Useally you humor them, they tend to go off into useless places with no gold to be found, an old mineshaft that's been explored a thousand times over has become famous for such things. If they seem like they'll go somewhere way more dangerous than they should, you point them to the mineshaft.
Of course, most of your business is from actual adventurers. They tend to be wanderers, foreigners, a lot of ex merchants or ex millitary, or children of nobility who cant inherent, the type of people who never had the chance to make a safe living. Most of them are nice to you, and if they're not you know how to get them to leave.
You also know how to become a protecter for the adventuring parties who need it. Your shop is basically the center of their community in this part of the city. If a spellcaster is part of an illegal religion, or performing banned practices, you know what symbols to sell them to help them hide themselves. If someone is clearly a runaway slave or serf, or from a race that's considered a monster in this part of the world, you know how the forge the right documents. There was a hobgoblin who frequented your shop for a long time, who you sold weapons to, who you had to testify in front of the city sherif was not a hobgoblin but was infact a member of a rare subrace of elf that you made up to protect him. You may have also recently made an entire fictional category of magic legally real for the sake of protecting some necromancers you know.
There are some people you never sell to. It's not considered good principle to sell to people who would gladly kill your other clients. There was a group of warriors weilding holy magic who talked a lot about punishing sinners, they came back with the heads of goblins and hobgoblins a lot, and vampires, and humans of religions other then theirs. After they started bringing in more of their freinds you cut them off.
There are people who you wished you hadn't sold to for other reasons. There was this human noble girl who you sold a suit of armor to, she had run away from an arranged marriage and joined an adventuring party so she could be as far from her parents as possible. She seemed so excited to be in a big city, to be out in the world, she chatted with you for hours about an epic poem from ages long gone that she liked. When she came back to your shop after her first quest she had turned undead, something happened in her first dungeon that changed her, her skin was pale, and her teeth had turned sharp, you just remember her shivering and trying to cry, and muttering about how cold she was. Her other party members said they were happy she was more durable like this, they didn't seem to care about her outside of that.
And of course, there's the fact that every adventurer you know, useally doesn't come back eventually. When a full party goes you can assume they left town, but when just one or two from a party is missing there tends to be one explanation. Most adventurers don't have long careers, and mortality especially high for rookies. But you don't tend to ask if anyone is dead, it's better to just assume they went home, as implausible as it may be.
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thisapplepielife · 4 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
You Hear That?
Week #4 Prompt: Camping | Word Count: 3850 | Rating: T | POV: Robin | Pairings: Platonic Stobin, Pre-Steddie | Characters: Robin, Steve, Eddie, Corroded Coffin, The Party, Nancy & Jonathan | CW: Language, Recreational Drug Use, Underage Drinking | Tags: S3, Reluctant Camping, Unexpected Crossing of Paths, Platonic Stobin, Corroded Coffin Boys, Pre-Steddie, Flirting
This is set during the S3 finale. Happening between Starcourt and the "three months later" time jump.
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"Camping. Capital camp. Lowercase…ing," Steve says, trailing off at the end, his forehead wrinkling up in confusion as he clearly tries to think through the dumb thing he just said.
"Well, that kinda fell apart on you, didn't it, dingus?" Robin asks, arching her eyebrow in his direction.
"Shut up. You know what I mean. Camping! Fun!" Steve shouts, far too close to her face.
"Back off, Boogaloo. And I beg to differ. Camping is not fun. Camping is torture, and I'm not signing up to be tortured with you again. One and done, at least per summer, that's my official policy."
Steve gives her the eyes, but they aren't gonna work. She's immune to his wiles. The Harrington Charm doesn't do anything to her loins, unfortunately for him.
"No," she says, and that's that. End of discussion.
Three hours later, here she stands, right in the middle of Hunting & Camping, a store in town she never thought she'd ever have to step foot into.
"Steve, you know what lives in those woods. Do you have a death wish?"
"C'mon! There's been nothing, nada, since Starcourt. It's done. Over with. Gone. We can live our lives, go camping, anything we choose."
"Great. But we do not choose camping," Robin insists, "We aren't camping people, are we? There's no haircare in the woods, Steve. Think about that. Long and hard."
"Fine. You stay here. I'll go camping alone," Steve says, crossing his arms across his chest.
"You're not going camping alone!" she screeches, because he'll be killed for sure.
"You're right, I'm not. The kids are demanding to come along. So, it's me and Jonathan."
"Well, that sounds fun for the both of you. Who will come home with a black eye? History says-"
Steve interrupts, "Yeah, yeah. Exactly. So, you have to go. You and Nance. So the girls can come along. Joyce will allow El to go, but only if you ladies go, too."
"Chief Hopper will roll over in his grave if El goes camping with Mike Wheeler present. You and I both know that."
"Well, good thing he'll never know, I guess," Steve says, defiant. "C'mon, Buckley. Are you with me or not?" 
She's always with him, now. That's just how it's gonna be, maybe forever. Or at least until they get eaten in the woods they have no damn business traipsing into.
"Fine, I'm with you. But mark me down as a hostage." 
"Great, love to hear it," Steve says, a big smile on his face, and she reluctantly smiles back. It's contagious, even if she knows this is a terrible idea for many, many reasons.
The trek out to Skull Rock is pretty shitty, but she keeps up. Walking alongside the not so prissy Nancy Wheeler, Erica, El and Max. She should have worn better shoes. Steve should have told her to wear better shoes. Nancy is in hiking boots and Robin is not at all surprised that she's prepared for life in ways Robin will probably never be. 
Up ahead, the boys are arguing, causing a ruckus, and Steve is clearly regretting this decision. Good. He should. This was a terrible idea of, like, epic proportions. Maybe worse than working in a mall with a Russian secret lair underneath it.
"How did you even get to come?" Robin asks Erica. Because she didn't expect her to be standing there on the curb with Lucas, her My Little Pony sleeping bag under her arm.
"Tina is covering for me, duh, so I can hang out with you nerds. Don't know why I even want to though," she says, snippy, and Robin grins. She's funny.
"Maybe we should have invited Tina," Robin says.
"And risk her seeing I even know you nerds? Absolutely not," Erica says, like she's totally disgusted, and Robin laughs. 
"Okay, hot shot," she answers, watching as Nancy stops behind Steve and the boys, as they scout out a spot that might work.
"Here?" Jonathan asks, and Steve nods, agreeing.
Steve is finishing putting up the tents, all of them, because nobody is helping him, not even Nancy. He kind of had this coming, it was all his terrible idea.
"You hear that?" Steve asks, head turned towards the sky, like he's a damn dog. 
"Hear what?" Robin asks. She doesn't hear anything. "Is it a monster? A bear? It better not be a bear, I swear-"
"It's not a bear. It's a guitar," Steve says, driving the last of the tent poles into the ground.
"A guitar? In the woods?" Who the hell would be playing a guitar in the woods. Probably some sort of demented fairy, destined to murder them all, given the opportunity. 
"I hear what I hear, Buckley. I'm gonna investigate," Steve says.
"Well, it was good knowing you, Harrington," Robin answers, because everybody knows you don't go blundering into the woods, especially if it sounds like you're being lured there, for fuck's sake.
Steve would definitely be the first to die in a horror movie.
Except, she knows that's not true. He's more capable than she ever could have expected, especially for being such a big dingus.
Steve just waves her off, and starts stomping off into the underbrush. Heading towards the sound she definitely doesn't hear.
But after a little hesitation, she follows. He can't go alone. She knows what could happen if he does.
"I knew you'd come," he crows, pleased with himself.
"Shut up, dingus," she mutters, and the further they walk, the more she thinks Steve was right. There is the faint sound of a guitar.
And laughing. 
Steve pushes apart the branches of a bush, just enough for them to see through it, together. Spying. 
It feels familiar.
And there's the culprit, Eddie Munson from band, sitting around a fire with some other boys, playing his guitar. Jeff Williams, Jackie's older brother, is one of them, she's pretty sure. 
They have a case of beer, and she's pretty certain that's the faint stench of weed hanging in the air.
"It's just Eddie Munson," Steve whispers, like she isn't aware of that. 
"Yeah, I have eyes, I can see that it's Eddie and his cronies."
Steve lets the branches go, and she is sure they're gonna turn around and leave, but they aren't that lucky. Honestly, they'd have no luck at all if they didn't have bad luck.
"Hey! Who the fuck is there?" Eddie yells, the guitar playing ceasing.
Steve rolls his eyes, pushing forward, out into the open, "It's just me, Munson, cool your jets."
"What the fuck are you doing out here, Harrington?" Eddie asks, then clearly catches a glimpse of Robin, "Oh. I see."
"Ew, no, you see nothing," Robin says, feeling the urge to clear up that misunderstanding right away. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize band geek Robin Buckley was too good for King Steve Harrington."
"Way too good," she snarks, and Eddie laughs, really laughs, and Steve doesn't, but she can tell he's amused and not mad.
"If you're not out here to fuck, then what brings you two into our neck of the woods?" Eddie asks, slouching over towards them.
"Your neck of the woods? I'm the one that popularized this spot, I'll have you know," Steve snaps, bitchy, arms crossed.
Robin smiles.
"Is that so?" Eddie asks, tilting his head, offering Steve a big, predatory smile.
"Definitely sure that's so," Steve answers, not backing down.
"That's not how I've heard it," one of the other guys shouts from near the fire they've lit, and Robin isn't sure who he is. 
"And you are? The forest authority?" Robin asks, challenging him.
"Yep. That's me," he snaps back, but doesn't offer up his name.
"That's just Gareth," Eddie says, "don't mind him."
Oh, no way. Gareth Jones? The goofy kid she had to deal with at her job at The Hawk last summer that drove her insane? His mother dropped him off nearly every afternoon, money in hand, and he always made a fucking mess with his popcorn and Reese's Pieces. He might be the number one reason she took the job at Scoops this summer, instead of going back to theater. Looking at him now, he's sure changed. Growth spurts are a bitch, she supposes. 
"Nice hair," she snarks at him, looking at his poodle-looking head. He's clearly trying to grow it out, probably to be more like Eddie, but it just isn't there yet, and his curls definitely aren't making things easy on him.
"What are you doing out here, anyway? Dirty freak orgy?" Steve asks, and Robin doesn't know how she got so lucky to have such a bitchy boy as a best friend, but she loves her good fortune. 
Eddie laughs, and she sees Steve smile at him.
"Why? You wanna join?" Eddie asks, leering, taking a lazy, sauntering step closer to Steve, assuming he'll back down. Eddie's hands are framing his belt buckle, drawing the eye, even her eye, and it's so gross but she's also very intrigued to see how this pans out. 
Eddie's not gonna scare Steve with the fear of the queer, and she was right, Steve doesn't back down, like she knew he wouldn't.
"Maybe I do," Steve says, rubbing his lips together, tongue wetting them in a gross taunting way, and Robin wants to spray him with a garden hose, but doesn't have that option, so instead she just watches as Eddie's eyes flick down to Steve's slick, glossy lips. 
Gross. Fuck her whole life. She takes back all the stuff about loving her good fortune. This is bad fortune. Like, empty fortune cookie levels of bad luck. Russians under the ice cream shop you work in, rotten luck. Honestly.
But Steve wins this round, because Eddie is the one that retreats, but he's laughing as he does it, waving his hand for them to follow. They're not gonna do that, right?
Wrong. Steve follows, so she trails behind.
"Gareth, you've met," Eddie says, "Jeff. Goodie. We didn't know we were encroaching on King Steve's territory, but we're just hanging out, camping, if that's alright with you two."
"I guess," Steve says, teasing, fucking flirting if she's not mistaken. Can't he ever turn it off? Ugh. "We're camping down there. With the kids I babysit. I heard your guitar, wanted to make sure you weren't straight out of Deliverance, or, like, ax murderers."
"Well, I am that, or haven't you heard?" Eddie asks, dimple showing up in the firelight. And Robin doesn't know how she's here right now. She should have stayed with Nancy and Jonathan and just let Steve be eaten by bears or monsters. Or Eddie Munson. Whatever.
"Heard what?" Steve asks.
"Hellfire Club!" Eddie shouts, waving his arms in an animated way, and Robin doesn't know what that is, and clearly Steve doesn't either.
"Sorry, man. Is that your band?" Steve asks, looking as confused as she feels.
"No, that's Corroded Coffin!" Gareth snaps, popping off, all pissy from the log he's sitting on.
"Sorry, my bad," Steve says.
"We play at The Hideout on Tuesdays," Gareth says, eyes narrowed.
"You play in a bar. You?" Robin asks, not believing a word of this. Not possible.
Gareth starts to answer, but Eddie holds up his hand and cuts him off.
"I'm channeling Satan. And I'm offended you don't know that, Harrington," Eddie says, and Steve's face is pure confusion, and Eddie laughs, taking pity on him, "It's the D&D club I run," Eddie adds, and Robin sees the light bulb pop on over Steve's head, like he's in a goddamn cartoon.
"Oh! The kids play that," Steve says.
"Do they now?" Eddie asks, not believing him, clearly.
"And how old are these kids?" Eddie asks.
"Freshman, in the fall-" Steve says.
"Fresh blood," one of the guys says, cackling under his breath, as Steve keeps talking.
"-but I think Will is moving," Steve finishes.
"Will Byers, the zombie boy?" Eddie asks.
"Ssshh!" Steve hisses, "Don't call him that, okay?"
Eddie holds up his hands, backing off.
"Okay, okay, Harrington, don't get so worked up. I was just kidding," Eddie says, and the other boys all laugh.
"Well, it's not funny," Steve says, softly, "just. Don't. Okay?"
"Okay," Eddie concedes. 
"Thank you, he's been through a lot," Steve says, looking back over his shoulder, like the kids might all be snooping right behind them. Which, fair enough. They would totally do that, given half a chance.
"Well, since you're here, you want a beer or…?"
And Steve's nodding, like an idiot. 
Robin snags his arm, "Nancy will kill you." 
And Eddie takes a step back, hands going up, "Well, we wouldn't want the girlfriend mad." 
"She's not my girlfriend," Steve says, looking at Robin, "and Nancy can handle the kids for a bit, yeah? She's got Jonathan."
Robin is sure this is a bad idea. Nancy will be pissed about being left, and probably be pissed at Steve for having a beer or a toke, or whatever he has planned, while he's supposed to be in charge of the kids. 
"You're camping with your ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend and...Robin from band? Oh, how the mighty have fallen." 
Steve doesn't take the bait, just pushes forward and sits down on the fallen log, right next to Gareth, who squawks in protest. 
Eddie follows, and hands Steve a beer, and then offers one to Robin. She shakes her head no, one of them needs to keep their sanity, she thinks, and then she watches as Eddie lights up a joint. Great. 
They pass it around, and she's not sure what they're doing here. These guys don't like them, and they definitely don't like these guys. 
Every time Eddie came into Scoops, as soon as he was gone, Steve would say something about Eddie "The Freak" Munson. And now he's just hanging out with him, like that's a normal thing to do? 
It's not a normal thing to do. Not at all.
"So, you're babysitting tonight?" Eddie asks.
"Unfortunately," Steve answers.
"Shame, I'd like to get The King all fucked up," Eddie says, leaning forward, elbows on his knees, hands cupping his face.
"Don't call me that. High school is over. Steve is fine," Steve says, and the other boys all laugh, and Eddie throws up another hand and they all stop.
Toadies. The toadiest of the toadies.
"Steve," Eddie says, and it's positively lewd. 
"Thank you," Steve says, taking a long drag, holding it in his lungs, showing off, slowly killing himself in the process, she's sure of it. Idiot.
Robin shakes her head.
Then she feels something brushing her shin, and jumps, expecting a snake, or something worse, but it's just the boy she doesn't know, toeing at her with his shoe, offering her a can of Coke, cold and dripping with ice water from the cooler at his side.
She takes it, "Thanks. I'm Robin."
"Goodie," he says, like he isn't at all interested.
"Goodie?" she asks, and makes eye contact with Jeff Williams.
"It's a nickname," Jeff explains, like she might have thought otherwise? 
But she just nods.
"I'm in your class," Goodie says dryly, and are they? She swore they were a year younger.
"Sorry, we must not have classes together very often, if ever," she says.
"Of course we don't, you were always in all those smart classes," Goodie snaps, and she laughs. Mrs. Click's history class with Steve Harrington was not the smart class, even if she was a year ahead of where she was supposed to be. 
"Eddie, though…"
"Hey!" Eddie snaps, having heard it, somehow, despite talking to Steve at the same time. 
Robin knows Eddie is headed into his third senior year, this time with her class. The rumor mill had been running wild at the end of last year, and it seems to be true, she guesses.
"Well, third time's the charm?" she asks, because what the fuck do you say to that? Sorry you flunked high school, again.
"Here's to hoping," Eddie answers, then turns his attention back to Steve.
Nancy really is gonna kill them if they don't head back, and soon. 
"Steve, Nancy…"
"I know," Steve answers, "let me finish this beer and we're gone."
She nods, because unless she wants to stomp back through the woods all by herself, she doesn't have much choice in the matter. 
Gareth hands her a stick with a marshmallow stuck in the end, and she takes it. She could have a s'more if she has to wait. It's the least they could do, she supposes, and she pokes it into the fire, starting to toast it up.
"Have you ever had one with a Reese's cup?" Gareth asks, holding up the package, an offer.
She hasn't, but now she wants to, for sure, and takes it from his hand, nodding in thanks. 
"You used to work at the theater, right?" he asks.
"Unfortunately," she says.
"I went there a lot," he says.
"Oh, I'm well aware," Robin says, snarky.
And Goodie and Jeff both laugh, and it really wasn't that funny, she doesn't think.
"Haha, she knew you had a crush on her!" Goodie says, poking at Gareth with his roasting stick, as Gareth tries to bat it away.
"How embarrassing for you," Jeff adds, smirking, catching Robin's eye.
He did what now?
"I did not!" Gareth screeches in a way that says he probably, definitely did. 
"I'm sure he didn't," she says, though, cutting him some slack, "If he did, he surely wouldn't have made such a gross mess for me to clean up everyday he was in there, right?"
"See? I was gross," Gareth clings to the accusation, like that's an improvement. Whatever helps him sleep at night.
"Okay, Pig-Pen," Jeff says, and Gareth is flushed. Probably from the embarrassment, but if he's not stupid, he'll play it off as the heat rolling off the sure to be illegal campfire.
Goodie laughs at the taunting, and she is so distracted that she almost burns her marshmallow, but she pulls it out and blows the flame out, just leaving a nice char. Sweet. Just how she likes them.
She puts the peanut butter cup on the graham cracker, and places the warm marshmallow on top, covers it with the other cookie, and is just squeezing it all together into a gooey mess when Steve leans over her shoulder and plucks it right out of her hand, taking a bite.
"Bad dingus, no!" she snaps, but just starts the process to toast another marshmallow. It'll be much easier to do that than fight for her original one from Steve's mouth. And she knows where that mouth has been, so no thank you.
"Thanks, Rob," Steve says, and she grumbles in response, but Gareth, Jeff and Goodie all laugh. Eddie is too busy plucking away at his guitar again, and he really doesn't sound half-bad.
She makes her second s'more, they say their thank yous and goodbyes, and start walking back towards their own campsite.
"So, what was that?" she asks, looking over at Steve, but it's really too dark now to see any of his features.
"What was what?" he asks, and it sounds like he honestly doesn't know.
"Whatever that was with Eddie?"
"What was? He's Eddie "The Freak" Munson, it was nothing," he says, and it doesn't sound like he's lying. Is he unaware he was flirting? Is that even possible?
She weighs her options. She's really gonna need more data. Maybe they'll cross paths again with Eddie Munson, and she'll be able to suss it out better.
"Nothing, I guess," she answers, and he just nods like he's not the least bit curious about what she meant.
Nancy and Jonathan are waiting at the edge of the campsite, and Nancy has a flashlight in hand. When she sees them approaching, she shines it right into their eyes.
"Jeez, Nance, put that thing down," Steve says, shielding his eyes from the onslaught of light, as Robin does the same over her own eyes.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Nancy asks, hands on her hips and she looks just like Steve, like that. It makes Robin smile.
"Bears. Checking for bears," Steve says.
"Well, either those bears threw shit at you in self-defense, or you have chocolate smeared all over your faces," Nancy declares, oh so dryly.
They both reach up to wipe at their faces, licking their lips.
"That's what I thought," Nancy accuses.
"Steve heard a guitar, it was Eddie Munson and his friends. They had s'mores," Robin caves, admitting to everything. Well, almost everything. 
"You ate s'mores? From Eddie Munson?" Jonathan asks, then mumbles under his breath, "Wonder what those were laced with?"
Robin stills, she doesn't want to be drugged again, no way, but then laughs. She'd opened the candy herself, and unless Eddie had the forethought to lace the marshmallows or graham crackers, it seems unlikely.
And she's pretty sure Eddie's reputation is more bark than bite, anyway.
The kids must hear them talking, because they cause a commotion coming over, Dustin getting right into Steve's face.
"Back off, Henderson," Steve says, holding him by both shoulders, pushing him away.
"I smell beer! Steve's been drinking beer while in charge of us!" Dustin screams, and the other kids just look at him like he's lost his mind.
"So?" Lucas asks.
"Can I have one?" Mike tries, and Nancy and Steve both snap no at the same time, and he turns sullen.
"I had one beer, to be nice. To be friendly. Just to make sure we won't be, you know, messed with, or any of that dumb shit," Steve argues, hands waving.
"Sure, sounds likely," Dustin says, like the sarcastic little shit that he is. 
"Well, that's what happened," Steve says, not rising to Dustin's bait, at least not yet.
"And just who did you have this beer with?" Dustin demands to know, hands on his hips. Have they all picked up this gesture from Steve? It's looking likely, at this point, and Robin worries for herself that she might be doing it without realizing. The horror.
"Eddie Munson," Steve says.
"Eddie Munson!" Dustin screeches, "He runs the Hellfire Club at the high school!"
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard," Steve says, resting his hand on the top of Dustin's head, ruffling his hair through his hat, "I put in a good word for you guys."
"No way, did you really?" Dustin asks, looking up at Steve, awed.
"I did, I told him to look for you in the fall. Now leave me be, you little dickhead, and don't make me take it back," Steve answers, and Dustin rushes back towards the other boys, suddenly excited about the prospect of maybe having an in to get into Hellfire Club.
Whatever floats his boat, she supposes.
Robin looks at the tents, and the small, very contained fire Nancy and Jonathan built while they were gone. 
Looking at it now, camping might actually be fun. 
At least for one night, anyway.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun! 🏕️
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superkooku · 4 months
Dionysus' iceberg
This post is what remains of an initially very long rant idea. That means there will probably be a part 2 😏.
Here's the reason for my title :
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In theory, you can stop there since my meme pretty much summarizes my complaints. But since I like ranting, I'll continue 😈
The tip of the iceberg
When you think "Dionysus", which words come in mind first ?
Probably "wine", "party", "alcohol" "fun god".
These words are what most people remember about Dionysus. And yes, I'm not going to deny, they fit.
Unfortunately, my problem comes with the fact that 9.5 times out of 10, Dionysus' personality will exclusively revolve around these aspects.
Since the issue is about modern adaptations and perceptions, I'll use a modern term.
I'm sure most of you are familiar with flanderization, right ? If not, the link to TV Tropes' article on the subject is available.
Many adaptations fell into that trap for, I think, every single Olympian.
Hades, god of the dead, lord of the Underworld = Satan, evil death god, darkness and sorrow
Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty = Superficial bimbo who only cares about her pretty face
Zeus, king of the gods, lord of the sky and thunder = 100% pure God OR more recently : evil king god who constantly abuses women.
The gods are stripped of their complexity to fit simpler and more "digestible" characterizations. It doesn't help that the cultural context surrounding them is also taken away...
But this is about grape boi, right? Well, Dionysus is no exception to that rule. In fact, he might be one of the worst cases.
So far, he was never really portrayed in an "insulting" light, like Apollo in Lore Olympus or Hades in the Percy Jackson movie. Fortunately.
But, from all the popular adaptations I've seen, none of them manage to portray Dionysus ! None ! Does that make them automatically bad ? No, of course. It's just something I noticed.
God of war ? Doesn't appear, only mentioned
Disney ? Don't even try 🤣. Just a drunk goofball. Yes, that includes the fantasia segment and Hercules.
Lore Olympus? Well, he's a baby for 99.99999% of the time, so it doesn't count. But he's still a quiet little Gucci bag for Persephone.
Hades I ? Just a nice guy. But hey ! He can give us useful boons ! And I like his sass.
Maybe he'll do more in Hades II. They're usually more accurate than most, right ? Though that's not a very high bar. And they know about Zagreus ! Surely that's a good sign, right ?
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Here's what all these adaptations tell us :
Dionysus is the god of wine, feasts and parties
He's an Olympian
He likes to get drunk and party 🥳
And that's it.
Again, I'm not blaming anyone, but if the myths stopped with those three points, wouldn't everyone wonder why he's even an Olympian ? I sure did when I was a kid.
We have the god of thunder, the goddess of wisdom and war strategy, god of music/arts/medicine/100 other things, the god of the oceans ! Many cool gods !
And some drunk dude. He's not given any particular power, except the power to stay super passive no matter the stakes ! If the story revolves about epic godly fights (which is often the case), he's absolutely useless.
Heck, Hades II even actively depicts him as a pacifist who can't handle war. While he's not physically a weakling, he sure psychologically is.
Why is this a problem ?
I am not going to beat around the bush: this gives us a very incomplete and incorrect perception of the god.
Even the things that aren't forgotten about him (like his link to wine) aren't explored.
The thing with Hades II (that's the last time I'll mention it) is that it tries to deepen the flanderized version of Dionysus. He's not stupid, but afraid. He drinks to forget his issues.
While this characterization can be very interesting taken separately, we must remember that this isn't an OC, but an interpretation of a cultural figure.
It must be accurate ! While I can accept some liberties, I think that those should mostly be an extension of the original material, not a total deviation.
Dionysus isn't a scared little boi or a stupid drunkard you can manipulate. In fact, that's quite the opposite. And he's not afraid to get his hands dirty.
(even if the "dirt" in question is the blood of his enemies).
Under the surface
Though it's rather "stuff you can find on Wikipedia". Or by reading the myths.
More about it in part 2 of the rant...
It'll be about theater, madness, travels, link between mortality and immortality and... pirates turning into dolphins.
The actual interesting stuff about Dionysus.
Edits :
1. Thanks to @st4riel-the-w1tchling for clarifying the situation about Percy Jackson. I made my own research about BoZ. My opinion is basically still the same. Again, nothing terribly offensive, but nothing that interesting for Dionysus either.
2. I made part 2 a while ago, might as well add it here :
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chronicrabbit · 2 years
A Very Steddie Christmas
Listen. I had an idea.
It’s post-Vecna. Steve and Eddie are friends. Eddie has had a hopeless little crush on Steve for years, yada yada yada. The usual shit. You get the picture.
It’s mid December and Steve Harrington is hyped up for Christmas.
Steve had always been a Christmas fan. He lives for it; the tacky decorations, the twinkling lights strung up on every tree and house on the block, the joyous atmosphere, the warmth of a good cup of cocoa on a snowy Hawkins night.
Steve loves Christmas, even more so now that he has a Family™️ to share it with!
So when he overhears Eddie talking to Gareth about how he’s:
“Never had an actual Christmas”
he knows his services are needed.
He makes it his mission to give Eddie Munson the best Christmas ever, despite Robin’s teasing looks and Dustin’s frown of confusion.
He starts it all off with inviting him over to decorate inside and out, mostly because he doesn’t particularly want to do it himself and Robin point blank refuses when he asks her.
It’s not the funnest holiday activity, but the end goal is worth it; that’s what Steve’d always thought, anyway.
The Harrington’s were not terribly festive people, but they were deeply prideful and competitive, so naturally there were about five shelves in their sizable garage packed full of lights, tinsel, baubles, and other more expensive pieces of decor purchased by a fuming and wine-drunk Claire Harrington after a single and very passive aggressive conversation with Mrs. Thompson across the street.
Steve and Eddie work for hours, ending in tinsel littering every available surface, a bent gutter from a very close call with the ladder, and a declaration of hatred for string lights, but the huge grin on Eddie’s face is undeniable as they stand side by side, clinking together their hideous holiday mugs of eggnog and rum as they survey the impressive product of their hard work.
It looks amazing.
Mrs. Thompson, eat your heart out.
His next step is to bake his Nonna’s red-hot cinnamon snickerdoodles, the ones she’d sneak him every Christmas when he was a kid before his parents decided visiting was too much effort, and to watch a few Christmas Classics.
The cookies were meant to be a surprise, but Eddie shows up an hour and a half earlier than he’d said he would with the movies Robin had set aside for him and finds Steve in the kitchen, hair pinned back, glasses on, and red knit sweater covered in flour despite the apron tied around his waist.
He finds he doesn’t so much mind the change of plans as he and Eddie dance around the kitchen to George Michael, Eddie grabbing the batter covered wire whisk for a compelling performance of “Last Christmas”, a song he very clearly knows none of the words to.
Once the cookies are safely tucked away in the oven, they make their way to the couch, sitting nice and close for extra warmth as “It’s a Wonderful Life” begins to play.
Eddie talks through the entire first part of the movie, and when they return from the short break they take to retrieve the cookies from the oven and divvy them out between the two of them along with two cups of steaming hot cocoa, he talks through the rest through his mouthful of cookie.
Steve’s never enjoyed that movie more.
The third step is a bit more of an impromptu thing, because when Steve wakes up to see a fresh layer of beautiful powdery snow on the ground, he basically has no choice but to round up the party for the worlds most epic snowball fight.
Eddie complains at first, but quickly changes his tune the moment Mike manages to nail him directly in the face with a snowball.
He leaps into action with a declaration of:
“Oh it’s on, Wheeler!”
No matter how much Dustin swears you can’t win a snowball fight, Steve and Nancy definitely take the victory that day between her killer aim and his brutal throwing arm.
They split up into groups after the fact for some more snowy day activities.
El, Max, Nancy, and Steve build a little snow family together, Mike, Lucas, Will, and Robin work exceptionally hard to craft a nice sturdy fort with packed snow and ice (they write out actual equations and dimensions that make Steve’s head spin), and Erica, Dustin, Eddie, Jonathan, and Argyle make a serious of increasingly more ridiculous snow angels, ending in the five of them just tackling each other over to see what shape it makes.
Everyone stays out until their fingertips and noses are bright red and numb, finally giving in and heading inside once the sun starts to set and fresh snow starts to fall.
They clamber into Steve’s house, bundling up in blankets and huddling in front of the fireplace together to watch, much to Steve’s chagrin, the He-Man Christmas Special from the year before that Dustin had recorded over an episode of Night Court (Claudia was still upset with him over it).
And he couldn’t lie to himself and pretend he didn’t know how close he was sitting beside Eddie on the couch; close enough that their shoulders were bumping together with each breath.
He also couldn’t pretend he wasn’t enjoying every single time Eddie would turn to face him, to share in the excitement of whatever was happening on the screen.
Steve hadn’t watched a single second of the movie, far too focused on the dimples that appeared whenever Eddie smiled that big sunny smile, or the crinkles that appeared likewise around his big brown eyes, or the small freckle just over his lip…
He’d have to adjust his plan just a little.
With that new information tucked safely away in his mind, his next step became very clear. Thankfully, he didn’t need a different gift idea than the one he’d already come up with, perhaps just a different method of delivery.
It’s the afternoon of Christmas Eve when he knocks on the door of Eddie Munson’s trailer, the only one in the park with a complete absence of Christmas decorations or, at the very least, a wreath or something.
Eddie answers with that heart stopping smile, dressed in a blue sweater Steve is 90% certain he snatched from Robin who stole it from him some time last year.
He doesn’t give Eddie much time to greet him, holding out a small green bag with a red bow.
“What’s this, Steve?”
Eddie’s eyebrows pinch together, his smile not quite dropped, more slanting into a look of gentle confusion.
“It’s a present. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow, so…”
Steve does a ‘here we are’ motion with his hands, pushing the present towards Eddie once again.
The movement seems to reactivate Eddie, who pulls Steve into the warmth of his living room with a shiver.
“You got me a present?” Eddie inquires the moment the door was closed behind them, protecting them from the bitingly cold air.
“Of course. Can’t have Christmas without the gifts, can you?” Steve laughs.
“Christmas,” Eddie repeats after him a bit dubiously.
“Yeah, I suppose you can’t,” he shrugs, as if he doesn’t know.
“Exactly, so!” Steve extends the bag towards Eddie once again, shaking it enticingly.
Eddie’s nose scrunches in that way it does when he’s very carefully considering something.
“Steve. As much as I appreciate the constant stream of hot cocoa and holiday cheer you’ve been bombarding me with for the past week, I gotta ask. What gives? Why are you doing all this?”
Steve sighs.
“Well, I…” he starts, licking his lips as he tries to sort out his jumbled thoughts before continuing.
“To tell the truth, I overheard you telling Gareth that you’ve never had a real Christmas before. I… I’ve always loved Christmas. It’s the only holiday my parents would stay home for- well, up until I turned 16, that is. So, I guess I just… wanted to give you one. A real Christmas, that is.”
Eddie presses his lips together into a thin line, his usually open expression strangely unreadable as he considers Steve closely.
He nods when he seems to come to a conclusion, reaching his hands out towards the little bag and clenching and unclenching his fingers as if to say:
Steve smiles and hands over the gift bag, his stomach turning somersaults like an Olympic gymnast.
Eddie tears through the tissue paper, sending it flying to litter across the carpet, until his fingers find the occupant of the bag; a single Polaroid.
He fixes Steve with a raised eyebrow before letting his eyes fall back down to take in the picture.
“Alright,” Eddie nods as if he’s trying to understand a joke, mirth-filled gaze landing back on Steve over the Polaroid.
“Ok, Stevie. Very funny.”
Steve can’t help the smirk that overtakes his own face.
“And it’s all yours,” he assures him, playing into the playful tone as he watches Eddie survey the snapshot of the guitar; a BC Rich Warbeast with a glossy black body and a cherry red flame motif.
“I’ll cherish it, Big Boy,” Eddie snorts good naturally, pressing the image to his chest with a dramatic little sigh.
“I sure hope you will,” Steve nods.
“It cost me most of my savings up front, and I still have payments to make on it for the next few months.”
Eddie eyebrows scrunch together at that, that puzzled look from before returning to his face as he pulls the picture back up to take a closer look.
“Steve, wha- this… is this in your living room in this pic- Did you…”
Steve watches as several emotions crossed Eddie’s face; confusion, bewilderment, disbelief, and then, finally, understanding.
“Steve…” he says in what’s barely a whisper, Steve leaning in a bit closer to hear him.
“Did you… did you actually…”
He can’t seem to finish the sentence, so Steve takes it upon himself to answer him.
“I know you’ve been missing your old one. It’s not the same, but it’s the closet I could find and it’s waiting for you under the tree at my place. I had to drive all the way to Indy for it, and it’s not new, but I checked it out and it’s only lightly used. The scratches were easy enough to buff out, and Jeff helped to make sure it was-“
Steve grunts at the sudden impact of a body against his, warmth flooding through him as Eddie wraps him up in the tightest hug he’s even been given in his life.
He can’t help the surprised laugh that escapes him, sputtering as some of Eddie’s hair gets in his mouth. He winds his own arms around Eddie’s waist, pulling him somehow closer and simply breathing him in.
“You are unbelievable,” Eddie breathes as he gives him a solid squeeze before pulling back, though he doesn’t relinquish his hold on Steve’s shoulders.
“So, I’m guessing you like it?” Steve asks through his smile.
“Like it? Stevie, I… I could honestly kiss you right now! You’re damn lucky there’s no mistletoe here, or else-“
Eddie’s words die out as Steve digs in his pocket, pulling out and raising up high above their heads a little sprig of mistletoe with the most charming smile he can muster.
He prays his nerves don’t show through as Eddie’s eyes meet his, wide with shock as they flicker back and forth between them and the mistletoe.
“Damn lucky,” Steve says, his tone steady with resolve even as his hand shakes.
In the next second Eddie’s lips meet his and it’s everything he could’ve ever dreamed of.
It’s everything every single cheesy little Christmas RomCom promises.
When they finally part, both breathless and dazed and smiling like complete idiots, Steve tugs Eddie in close by his pilfered sweater.
“So? Was this a good first Christmas?”
Eddie’s eyebrows raise up and he honest to god giggles.
“Considering Christmas is tomorrow, I’d say it’s a pretty solid start.”
Steve allows himself a very John Bender-like fist pump, much to Eddie’s amusement as he pulls him into another kiss.
“As sweet as this is, Sweetheart,” Eddie whispers against his lips, hands fisting in the fabric of his sweater to hold him nice and close, which is lucky considering how hard Steve swoons at the word “sweetheart”.
“I feel the need to ask.”
“Anything,” Steve promises, nudging Eddie’s nose with his own as he presses a couple more gentle kisses against his grinning mouth.
“You know I’m Jewish, right?”
I might turn this into an actual multi chapter fic. Let me know if that’s something y’all would want!
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
I just love the idea of the guys as dads. Like, Bucky would be the fun dad who coaches the kids' baseball team and gets super into playing princess with his daughters. He would host Fourth of July pool parties and take the family on the best vacations. Gale would be the patient, quiet dad who helps with homework and always knows when something is bothering one of his kids, and exactly what to say to fix it. Rosie would be the dad who nurtures the kids' intellectual curiosity and has real, in-depth talks with them and is the best at cheering them up when they're sad. And Brady, the man that he is, would be the dad with seven kids who treats every single one like they are his only child, and is super hands-on with the entire Brady bunch.
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Nonny, you are so on the mark with all of these and I have a few thoughts to add—gracefully, of course :)
Cut for length, paragraph form, more under the cut:
Bucky Egan as a dad is the dad who thrives in the summer. He's the one who comes home with new flavors of ice cream and popsicles for the kids because, "hey, it's summer!" And he throws around a baseball or football after a long day of work because his kids get to have his attention. He's the type of dad who shows up front row to the ballet recital and cheers as loud as a baseball fan. He's the type of dad who takes pinkie promises seriously and knows exactly what Disney princess is the best one (it's clearly Belle). Bucky is the type of dad who insists on holding the 4th of July parties and has the best sort of fireworks. But he's also the dad who insists on having the coolest birthday parties and makes a big deal over kindergarten graduation. He's the type of dad who loads all of the kids into the car because the Grand Canyon needs to be seen—it's actually a trip to Disneyland, but that's besides the point. He's the type of dad you feel safe going to about things and he's always going to listen and care about what you have to say. He's the type of dad that everyone's friends want to be over at the house because he's fun and he's cool and still acts like a teenager. 11/10, let this man be a dad.
Gale Cleven as a dad is the dad who you know you can go to about anything. Whether it's the math homework that takes hours and hours at the kitchen table or if it's a last-minute science project, he's ready and willing to help with it all. He's the type of dad who supports your dreams and helps you set goals to achieve it. He's the one who asks if you've practiced your instrument or how long you were at baseball practice for this week—and then faithfully shows up to see the pay-off for your hard work with a smile and a treat afterwards. He's the one who watches things quietly and then comes to talk to you at the end of the day with soft words and kind advice. He's the one who takes long drives with his troubled teenagers and they can talk about all sorts of things and he just feels like a safe place to all of them. He's the type of dad who casually fills up your gas tank because he's out and about and knows that you forgot and it's just a good thing to do. He's the one who works extra shifts because his daughter really wants that doll or his son really wants to go to the baseball game—and he's always ready to talk or share things with them whenever they want. Gale Cleven is the one who wasn't sure about being a dad but everyone knows that he's the best dad in the world. 15/10—a slight mess about it, but the best in a crisis and knows how to respond.
Robert Rosenthal as a dad is the one who starts buying books at a young age and tries to make curiosity something to be encouraged and enjoyed. He's the one helping them figure out science and math in the form of baking and teaching english through epic fairytales. He's the one who you can ask any sort of political or social issue questions to and he usually has an answer for you. In the event that he doesn't, he asks for some time to research and learn and then get back to you on it. He wants to talk in depth about religion and God, and if that isn't for you, then he respects that and your boundaries. He's the type of dad who is seen as all-knowing and wise, even though he's still learning himself. He's the first to apologize or recognize that he has faults, but he's also the first to support you in your goals. You want to work for NASA? Buckle up, he's going to get you there one way or another. He's the type of dad who keeps every school project you've ever done and remembers every little hope or desire that you've ever had. Rosie is the type of dad who expresses praise and pride in your work and acknowledges your hard work and talent in anything and everything that you do. He's the type of dad that as you grow older, it's easier to be his best friend. 10/10 he's going to be the best dad to talk to as an adult.
John Brady as a dad is the one who knows how to connect with each and every kid. There's a wide variety of interests, goals, hopes, dreams, and hobbies—he can only do so much. But he's the sort of dad who sits down to talk with each kid genuinely and wants to hear about their day. He's the one who finds himself so entirely invested in whether or not Lana is dating Jodi's ex-boyfriend, or if the Bears are going to the Superbowl, or if the New York City Ballet is performing Sleeping Beauty this year or not. He's an expert in remembering who is friends with who and knows all of his kids' friends by name. He's the one who swaps off to drive them to piano lessons or to dance practice—then alternates between getting home late from work and picking up the boys from basketball or track. He never complains about it and he'll never admit if he has a favorite—he makes all of his children feel like they're the favorite. Each has a special relationship with him. John Brady as a dad is the type of guy who keeps a gaggle of pictures in his wallet and is just waiting for someone to ask him about his kids because he's so proud and excited about each and every one—even if their path isn't as linear or as clear as the others. He's the one who everyone feels like is so involved and great that he must just be a dream. 12/10 recommend giving this man a whole horde of children, bc he's ready for them.
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big-bat-bitch · 2 years
Wayne Family and Galas Headcanon
I actually have an opinion that not all of the Waynes totally abhor galas like they are usually depicted as in fanon. Here are some of my thoughts on who does and does not like Rich People PartiesTM:
Bruce: Usually hates them, but likes that he can use his “Brucie” persona to fuck with people he doesn’t like and embarrass his kids.
Dick: Loves them. He gets to dress up all fancy and watch a bunch of other fancily dressed people. Rich people are total freaks, and getting to listen to the wacky shit that comes out of their mouths is better than any sitcom. It’s almost as good as a circus.
Jason: Hates them. Everybody there can go eat rocks as far as he is concerned. The only good parts are when he inevitably causes a scene by absolutely bodying some smug, rich, racist bastard for making a rude comment against him or his siblings and he is forcibly removed by security. This happens at every single function. Jason is not sure why Bruce keeps forcing him to attend. The Wayne family lawyers and PR team are tired. Also, the food is served in ridiculously small portions and that fucking sucks.
Cass: Like them for similar reasons to Dick. She loves getting dressed up - it makes her feel like one of the princesses in the animated movies that Dick loves so much. Her favorite part is getting to dance with her family. She especially loves that Bruce always makes sure to put away his Brucie persona to do a Father-Daughter dance with her. She also always wears a pair of beautiful pearl earrings that Bruce gave her when he adopted her. They were once a part of his mother’s favorite necklace (you know the one).
Tim: Doesn’t care for them, but usually doesn’t despise them like some of his siblings. They were a pretty routine part of his childhood, so he is fairly desensitized to the glitz and glam. He is a pro at dealing with insufferable socialites and tends to be on damage control for his siblings.
Duke: At first the idea of attending rich people parties caused him a lot of anxiety, but after his first one, he came to love them much like Dick. Rich people are so fucking strange. It’s like getting to go to the zoo but the animals are trying to share their opinion on social reform with you. Absolutely bonkers. 10/10 entertainment.
Damian: Would rather have to fight Condiment King. There are too many people patronizing him. There are too many opportunities for enemies to hide in plain sight and strike when he and his family are defenseless. There are too many smells and lights and his clothes itch and his father insists on humiliating himself and besmirching their family’s name. The only good part of the night is when Todd inevitably beats the snot out of some imbecile and is dragged off like the hooligan he is.
Stephanie: Has a lot of fun with them. She is not Bruce’s kid, but sometimes tags along as one of his kids plus one (Tim or Cass, take your pick. I am partial to StephCass because gay, but it really doesn’t matter). She and Cass have an epic shopping spree before each event getting new shoes and clothes. The day of, they pamper themselves with hair, makeup, and nail appointments at exclusive spas. They spend way too much time taking pictures of themselves and each other to post to social media. It’s like prom, but even better because she is no longer an awkward teenager. She loves people-watching with Dick and Duke and dances the night away with Cass.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Nrfth (11) – New beginnings or past mistakes - FIN
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Summary: Betrayal cuts deep. If your heart and trust get damaged. Can you find a way back?
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of past heartbreak/shitty behavior/break-ups, groveling, angry reader, arguments, adorable Lilly Anne, plot twist
No rest for the heartbroken masterlist
<< Part 10
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“He’s here,” Tracey wrinkles her nose when she sees Chris walk toward the gate. “There is still time, babe. Let me give him a new face.”
“Maybe this was a bad idea,” you nervously wring your hands. Lilly Anne is busy talking to her friends. She hasn’t seen Chris and his dog yet. You can just tell her Chris didn’t make it to her birthday party. “Can you distract Lilly Anne? I need to talk to Chris first…”
You walk toward the gate, swallowing thickly as prepare yourself for another confrontation with Chris. “Y/N, hey. Uh-I got presents in the back of my car. I wanted to bring Dodger here first.”
Chris awkwardly glances at you. He holds a Captain America balloon, in his hand, and a large unicorn stuffy tugged under his arm. “Thank you for having me.”
“Chirs, listen…maybe this was a bad idea. We haven’t seen each other for years and now you are here, at my daughter’s birthday party. I didn’t think this through.”
“Please don’t send me away. I don’t want her to believe that I didn’t show,” he sniffs. “I’ll do anything. If you can’t forgive me for the way I acted back then, I understand. I don’t expect you to even like me. But give me the chance to get to know my daughter.”
“Daughter?” Your daughter gasps. “OH MY GOD! Captain America is my daddy!” She jumps up and down, squealing. “I knew it, mommy.”
Lilly Anne looks up at Chris with glassy eyes. She smiles sweetly and softly says his name.
“Y/N,” Tracey stumbles toward you and Chris. “She tricked me. Lilly said she wants water, not juice.” Your friend guilty looks at you. “I’m sorry.”
“Auntie Trace! Captain America is my daddy!” Lilly Anne hugs you before running off to tell all of her friends Captain America is her father.
“Great.” You hide your face in your hands. “I knew this was a bad idea. How could you just drop you’re her father? She won’t stop talking about you now!”
“I’m sorry…I didn’t…” Chris stammers. He looks at his shoes, sighing. “I fucked up again.”
“Hey, stop cursing! We have kids here,” Tracey grunts. “And yes, you fucked up epically. Lilly won’t stop asking Y/N about you from now on.”
“What did you tell Lilly about her dad?” You square your jaw at his question. How dare he to even ask?
“What do you think I told him? You treated me like trash.” You snap at Chris. “I told her that her father is busy with work. That he would love to be with us, but can’t because he’s so busy.”
Chris drops his gaze. “I’m sorry…”
“You should be more than sorry,” Tracey grunts. “You left this wonderful woman, pregnant with your child. But this wasn’t enough. You had to ruin her career too. Now you blame that woman when it was your fault everything fell apart.”
“I could’ve done more,” he admits. “I was scared of my feelings. Falling for Y/N wasn’t in my plans, but I did. When she came, and showed me the pictures and footage I did what I had to do to…”
“Protect your sorry ass.” Your friend jabs her finger into Chris’s chest. “That’s what you did! Don’t you dare to pretend that you did this to protect my friend!”
“Tracey…” you whisper. “We shouldn’t discuss this now. I said my part.” You look at your daughter. She runs back toward you, Tracey and Chris to wrap her hand around his wrist.
“Mr. Chris…Capt—” Lilly Anne frowns as she looks up at Chris. For a moment they just look at each other. Your daughter puckers her lips. “Can I call you daddy, Mr. Chris?”
Your chest tightens at her innocent question. It feels like someone squeezes your heart and tries to rip it out. She sniffles as Chris needs too long to answer.
He looks at you, a silent question in his eyes as your own fill with tears. “Doll, how about we celebrate your birthday first? You don’t want to miss having fun with your friends, right?” Chris clears his throat when you shoot him an angry look. “Or…uh…”
“A word,” you crouch down to press a soft kiss on your daughter’s cheek. “How about you go and talk to your friends? We will talk later. Okay. I need to talk to Mr. Chris first.”
“Okay,” your daughter sighs deeply. “I can show them the doggo.” She grins and turns her attention toward Dodger. “Come, doggo. I’ll show you my birthday presents.”
Tracey follows Lilly Anne to make sure she won’t hear what you are going to tell your ex. “You-“ you point a finger at Chris, “follow me inside.”
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You are fuming as Chris stands in your living room. He clutches the unicorn to his chest as you look like you are about to rip him a new one.
“If my daughter asks you if she’s allowed to call you daddy,” you snarl, “you say yes, of course, baby girl. You don’t let her wait and feel like her father doesn’t love her.”
“I panicked.”
“You panic a lot,” you scoff. “Not days ago, you begged me to let you be a part of her life. If this is how things will go with you around, I’ll never let you get close to my daughter again.”
“Our daughter,” he holds the unicorn a little tighter. “I didn’t want to overstep when Lilly Anne asked me if she can call me daddy.”
“Bullshit.” You just love to talk back. “You chickened out. If you admit that you are her father, people will find out. And it scares you to hell and back.”
“I-“ he sighs and shakes his head. “You truly believe I’m the worst.”
“Because you are the worst,” you grit your teeth. “This is so…” you groan and kick an imaginary stone. “Frustrating. I hate you. My daughter adores you. What am I supposed to do?”
You choke out a sob when Chris drops the unicorn to the ground to wrap his arms around you. He whispers your name, but you ignore his words. Burying your face in his chest you pretend things between you didn’t end the way they did.
The tears finally fall, as you allow yourself to bask in his warmth and the smell of his cologne. He sighs as you rub your face on his chest. “Doll, I love you so much…so much…”
Chris closes his eyes; he nuzzles his nose in your hair. He feels lightheaded, ready to fall asleep as he enjoys having you back in his arms.
He drifts into darkness as you slip out of his grasp.
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“Y/N!” He jolts up on the bed, panting heavily. “No…I…” Chris looks around the bedroom. His heart still races when he dips his head to look at you.
“What’s wrong?” you blink your eyes open. “Chris? Baby?”
“I-I had a nightmare,” he chokes out. “I fucked up, and we broke up.”
You worriedly look at Chris as he starts to rock back and forth. “She extorted me, and I fucked up… you’ll never let me see my daughter.”
“Chris?” Now you are really worried. “She went to jail, remember? You came to me and told me about the pictures.” You sit up to run your hand over his back to calm Chris. “We worked this out, baby.”
“It felt so real.” He sniffs. “I lost you. I lost Lilly Anne.”
“DADDY! MOMMY!” your daughter storms into the bedroom before you can talk to Chris. He seems to be shaken but plays it cool when your daughter jumps onto the bed, followed by Dodger.
She squeals and crawls toward her father. “DADDY it’s my birthday.”
“Of course, it is, little Cap,” Chris chuckles when your daughter peppers his face with kisses. “So, what do you want to do today?”
“I wanna eat ice cream…”
“You’ll get ice cream,” your husband wraps his arms around your daughter, holding her tight while you run your hand over his back. “Right, mommy?”
“Daddy will buy you your favorite ice cream, and later we will celebrate your birthday with Auntie Tracey and all of your friends.”
Chris nods and tries not to choke on tears. The dream felt so real, and he wonders what would’ve happened if he hadn’t told you the truth years ago…
Bazinga! ... I tricked you...😁
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valeriianz · 1 year
so, i HAVE an idea for something 00's romcommy (thanks to @carnelianmeluha and @wordsinhaled) but as i was writing it, i thought to myself, "but they need backstory!" and what was going to be just a few paragraphs of introspection turned into a 3.3k high school AU set in the 90s. so, have this for now. part 2 will be up whenever i feel like it :)
Hob found him in a corner, blending into the shadows and had to laugh as he looked up at the sound of his name. He was wearing black, as usual, with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his tight jeans.
“So glad to see you here.” Hob said as he approached, looking upon his friend with a little less restraint than he typically allowed. The vodka-spiked punch was hitting him hard.
Dream relaxed a modicum, his shoulders visibly drooping as his chin tilted up.
“I am only here because you invited me.”
Hob’s smile only widened as he leaned forward. 
“Then I’m flattered. Do you want a drink?”
Dream shrugged and Hob laughed again, turning halfway and inclining his head for Dream to follow him.
Hob, despite being in with the more popular kids in his grade, wasn’t the biggest fan of house parties. He knew Dream wasn’t either; moreso, in fact. Dream was more likely to be found spending his Friday nights cooped up in the library, nose stuck in a book.
But tomorrow they were graduating from high school, and Hob’s parents weren’t coming back from their anniversary trip until the morning. Which meant this was Hob’s last chance to throw an epic rager. 
Though Derek Gallagher, the star athlete of their high school’s football team, was also throwing a party tonight, so it was less of a rager going on here, and more of a casual hang sesh. Hob couldn’t complain though. At least he liked the dozen or so people in his parent’s house, and at least cleaning up the next day wouldn’t be impossible. And no one had messed with the volume control for the music yet; 90s hip hop and r&b dripping through the entertainment system. 
Hob nabbed a red solo cup and ladled out the sweet drink into it, passing it along to Dream, who took it with a suspicious look before taking a sip.
Dream immediately blanched.
“Oh. That’s awful.”
Hob laughed again before biting his bottom lip. Dream didn’t seem to mind though, his own little smile peeking through.
“You can dilute it with more juice in the fridge, if you want.”
Throughout the evening, Hob tried to keep his attention on more than just Dream at his side, chatting with his fellow classmates and laughing along to stories and jokes, one last go at clearing up the rumor mill.
And though Dream mostly kept quiet, he did acknowledge those who greeted him, congratulated him on getting into a university in England, how fun it was going to be moving overseas, to which Dream hummed and nodded politely.
Hob was the only one who knew the truth: that Dream’s parents were sending him away. That while Dream had been accepted on an academic scholarship, it was only because his family had set it up for him. Had forced him to apply, had paid for his application and was having him shipped off next month, when Dream would turn 18 and they didn’t have to keep him in their house any longer.
What looked like a privileged situation was actually cruel and heartbreaking. Yes, Dream was going to Oxford. That was insane. Yes, his stupidly wealthy parents were paying for his room and board and what tuition the scholarship didn’t cover. But it was only a drop in the bucket for them. They saw Dream’s future more as a promising investment for when they grew old and needed Dream’s career to take care of them. Not as if they had plenty of money stowed away to keep them afloat during retirement and then some. Or plenty of children, for that matter.
And of course to say they had yet another child in some prestigious university didn’t hurt their reputation either.
Hob managed to derail the subject every time it came up, of where everyone else was going to college. It was inevitable, discussing the future with his classmates, given the timing. But Hob could see Dream sinking more and more into himself as the night went on, holding onto his drink more for his hands to be occupied than anything else.
“I know,’ Johanna announced suddenly, hours bleeding into the late evening. “Let’s liven things up a bit.”
She had several hands help clear a large area in the living room as she procured the empty vodka bottle, shaking it with a drunken twinkle in her eyes.
“Truth or dare, motherfuckers.”
The party, which had been dying down, suddenly turned up again. Everyone refilled their drinks and formed a large circle on the floor. 
Dream plopped down next to Hob, folding his legs and throwing a lazy, tipsy smile at Hob. Who had to take another sip of his drink to keep himself from doing something drastic. Like tell Dream how cute he was right now. 
His coal black hair was a mess, sticking up and curling around his ears from the excessive amount of times Dream had run his hand through it. His boots were off, his sock-clad toes wiggling in anticipation. And his blue eyes seemed to shine, reflecting off the Christmas lights Hob had hung around the house for the party.
The game started and everyone played along, turning up the stakes and performing various wacky scenarios that only teenagers were capable of escalating. Cori licked Alex’s eyeball on a dare, erupting a chorus of screams and gags and Alex furiously rubbing his eyes afterward. On a demand for truth, Rachel confirmed the rumor that she’d fingered Johanna under the bleachers freshman year to an absolute assault of jeers and hooting and hollering, causing the extremely rare sight of Johanna flushing scarlet from her ears down to her neck. 
Naturally the game turned racy after that. Dares to kiss and show off hidden tattoos. Truths to admit who fucked whom and what would you do for such-and-such.
Hob feels himself getting warmer. And not to mention Dream, who remained seated next to him during this entire debauchery, becoming increasingly more uncomfortable as the game wore on. Hob could sense him slowly slipping out of the circle, until his knee lightly touched Hob’s hip, instead of where it had been for the better part of half an hour, resting against his thigh.
Hob turned, finding Dream staring down into his empty cup, turning it around and around in his grasp, and had just opened his mouth to comfort him, when Johanna piped up across from him.
“Hob, truth or dare.”
Hob’s head swung forward, eyes falling on the bottle top pointing directly at him. He sniggered softly, taking another peek over at Dream and finding his eyes now on him. Hob gently laid his hand over Dream’s foot, giving it what he hoped was a comforting squeeze before facing Jo again.
Truth be told, Hob was feeling much too invigorated from the alcohol, and he’d been waiting for his time to shine. Hob loved making a spectacle and so let his smile turn into a smirk, meeting Jo’s challenging stare head on.
A collection of “ooh”s and delighted giggles spread around the circle.
“Good choice, Hobsie.” Her own brown eyes sparkled with mirth. Hob wasn’t sure when Rachel had crawled into her lap, but didn’t let it distract him from her next words. 
“I dare you to…” Jo tilted her chin, tapping it in mock consideration. “Kiss the person the bottle next lands on.”
Oh, easy, Hob thought. About to open his mouth to say so, when Jo spoke up again.
“With tongue.”
“Pfft,” Hob sat up, pushing his chest out. “You’re on.”
He reached forward, licking his lips teasingly as his eyes roamed around the circle of his peers, getting a hand around the bottle and giving it a powerful twirl.
The room went quiet save for a few hushed exchanges and some girls giggling that only made Hob grin flirtatiously. He felt the alcohol in his blood rushing with enough speed to make him dizzy, and the spinning bottle honestly wasn’t helping. But Hob had been patiently waiting his turn all night so watch it he would. 
Soon, all eyes followed the bottle as it began to slow, a hush of anticipation that Hob’s peers had been accustomed to all night falling over the circle once more.
Until the bottle finally stopped, and Hob’s heart along with it.
Because the mouth of the bottle pointed squarely at Dream, sitting right next to him. 
Scattered hollering and clapping filled Hob’s ears as his gaze flicked sideways to his friend, who was staring at the bottle, his posture ramrod straight, his hands no longer fiddling.
Hob swallowed and ignored the jeering and playful jab at his side from Cori, eyes fixated on his friend, his best friend. Who didn’t like going to parties, who only smiled when he meant it, who only complained about his parents stupid and strict rules only if Hob asked, never wanting to appear annoying, or too much, preferring to keep to the shadows.
Dream, who would fold if only Hob gave him his best pout, allowing himself to be tugged along to a concert or arcade with a well timed joke and friendly pestering. Who seemed like such a stick-up-the-ass to everyone except Hob, who only had eyes for him. Hob’s best friend, shy and awkward and a little mean, and so devastatingly handsome it was a wonder Hob hadn’t had the balls to do something about it yet.
It would take something as juvenile as a dare to finally give Hob the excuse to act upon his helpless crush. Though Dream…
Dream hadn’t looked away from the bottle. Bringing his lips in to form a line and. Hob felt his nerves begin to escape from out his ears.
“Hey…” Hob spoke gently, moving his hand to carefully rest on Dream’s knee.
Dream’s gaze snapped to Hob at once, and the look in his eyes made Hob’s stomach drop.
He looked terrified.
Hob’s breath caught in his throat, the air around them suddenly thick with an unidentified tension. 
Cori’s voice popping up over Hob’s shoulder made them both jump.
“C’mon, Morpheus. Hob won’t bite, unless you ask him to!”
Hob sighed loudly, rolling his eyes for the group’s benefit, who eased up with a roll of snickering around them. One time, that happened!
“I–” Dream started, swallowing hard enough for his Adam’s apple to bob harshly. “I’d rather–”
“Just one kiss, Dream,” Hob heard himself say, a little desperate. A little too drunk. “It’ll be really quick…” He felt himself already leaning in and Dream’s lips parted, sucking in an audible breath.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
Jo and Cori started the chant, and everyone around them followed suit, egging Hob and Dream on.
The realistic, rational part of Hob’s brain, which was still muddled by cheap vodka, tried to remind Hob that this was just a game, and Dream didn’t have to do this if he didn’t want to. He’d even opened his mouth to say so, amongst the drunken, teenage laughter and clapping in time to the chant.
But what he spoke, instead of insisting they didn’t have to kiss, that they could potentially even revisit this, and Hob’s ego wouldn’t be bruised, thank you very much, was a quiet,
Dream’s brows pinched together, he looked truly torn and Hob couldn’t figure out what that meant, especially as the seconds ticked away. Driving Hob crazy, waiting for permission; verbally or even a single head nod. Hob wet his lips and his stomach did an acrobatic leap as he caught Dream’s gaze flick down to catch the motion, his shoulders visibly rising as he took a breath.
Hob blinked and Dream was untangling himself from the floor, standing up so fast he wobbled, and stomped out of the room.
The chanting died down at once. Hob felt himself frozen to the carpet in the surrounding silence. 
Somebody politely coughed. Hob’s gaze found Johanna, who only looked back at him in sympathy, her eyebrows tilted up. 
Humiliation and rejection burned in Hob’s chest, crawling up his neck and making his ears hot. 
Cori clicked his tongue and Hob whipped his head around to glare at him.
“Tough luck, buddy.”
“Shut up,” Hob hissed, feeling all the more embarrassed for it. He splayed his hands flat on the floor, pushing himself up without another look at his classmates, and walked towards where Dream had vanished to with shaking limbs.
Hob found him quickly enough, going through the laundry room and out the door that led to the back yard.
Blue eyes, barely visible in the darkness, rose to find Hob as he made his way down the steps, sitting across from Dream, against the railing, putting distance between them.
Dream looked forward again, his eyes set, face unreadable. Hob hated that he was drunk at the moment because he’d otherwise never chuckle sarcastically like he’s doing now. Hiding the pain, perhaps, hoping Dream can’t see how ashamed he’s feeling, how rejection boils in his blood and even looking at Dream right now, twists Hob’s insides.
“What the hell?”
Dream takes a long breath through his nose, pushing his shoulders back. And says nothing.
“It would have just been a stupid kiss,” Hob goes on, unprompted. Words tumbling out of his mouth like vomit. “You’re my friend. Is the thought of kissing me so disgusting you need to run away?”
Hob feels his eyes begin to sting and throws his head back, smiling derisively. He was about to start crying. Great.
Once he’s gotten himself under control, Hob tilts his head down and finds Dream watching him, his own gaze softened, if only minutely.
His lips part, voice low and quiet. “You misunderstand me.”
“Then I’d love it if you’d explain,” Hob sighs roughly. “Because you just made me look like an asshole in there.”
Dream shakes his head, unfolding his arms over his lap and getting long, pale fingers around his knobbly knees instead.
“The world is ending tonight.” Dream starts cryptically, staring at how his fingers pick at the tears in his jeans. “Tomorrow we graduate. I’m going to England and we’ll never see each other again.” He looks sideways at Hob, who’s holding his breath.
“And you’re still worried about how people perceive you?” He takes a breath. “You choose to spend your last hours getting drunk and playing juvenile games? Instead of…” Dream gaze flits back toward the house, swallowing.
Hob scoots over, closer to Dream. Summer is right around the corner but the night air is cool still, clean and pleasantly quiet. And Dream blends into the darkness like he belongs there, the stars in the cloudless sky, how they light up the darkness along with the moon, giving just enough illumination to see by, to marvel at Dream sitting on Hob’s back porch steps. 
Taking in the wonder that is Hob’s closest friend, beautiful, shy, wicked smart Dream. Hob feels calm fall over him like a blanket. Mulling on Dream’s words, and settling on a response.
“What would you rather be doing?”
Dream finds Hob’s gaze again, and Hob lifts his shoulders, prompting Dream further, but he remains silent. Hob takes a breath, speaking again when Dream doesn’t respond.
“If the world is ending anyway…” Hob starts, licking his bottom lip. “Then just say it.”
Agonizing seconds slip by, where Dream stares at Hob, lips slightly parted, eyes widening.
“I want to kiss you.”
Hob’s heart lurches in his chest and he feels the air leave his lungs. Dream’s voice is so quiet, so fragile, it makes Hob ache.
“But not–” Dream inclines his head slightly, toward the house. “Not like that.”
“Oh…” Hob says eloquently, finding himself petrified once again.
There’s a new tension in the silence that falls between them. Waiting, anticipating. Hob takes a steadying breath and feels like he’s jumping off a cliff.
He gets on hand on the floor between them and leans over, his other hand hovering towards Dream. 
“Can I–?”
Dream meets him halfway, pressing warm, chapped lips to Hob’s, and holding still. 
It’s sweet, and careful, and when Dream exhales from his nose, the warm air hitting Hob, his lips part to take a breath and Hob lunges forward, getting a hand around the side of Dream’s face and pulling him in. Hob sweeps his tongue along the seam of Dream’s lips once before diving past, pulling a surprised gasp from Dream that turns into a soft groan.
Hob’s fingers caress into the soft strands of Dream’s hair as they kiss, elation popping off like fireworks under Hob’s skin as he finally is able to touch his friend like this. Move his lips along Dream’s with drunken coordination and vigor, putting as much affection and want into the kiss as Hob could, hoping Dream could understand. Could feel how long Hob has wanted to do this. And as they move together, bodies naturally closing the distance between them and Dream’s hands finsting into Hob’s shirt before weaving up and around his shoulders, Hob understands why Dream would rather share this privately, without an audience of their peers gawking.
Because this was real. Years of repressed yearning and feelings bubbling up to the surface and tumbling forth in exchanged breaths and needy whines, Hob’s fingers digging a little harder into Dream’s scalp, Dream’s hands, in response, clawing at Hob’s back, pulling him impossibly closer as his body arched like a bow so their chests bumped and Hob could feel the heat of his friend’s body against his own.
Hob tore his mouth away, taking a ragged breath, stealing it from Dream, before going back in, again and again, little lips-only kisses that elicited the prettiest noises from Dream. Especially as Hob’s lips wanders down his chin and up his jaw, causing his friend to cling tighter to Hob, tilting his head to give Hob better access, breathing through his mouth, the hot air hitting Hob’s ear and driving him wild.
“Dream…” Hob finally spoke, his low voice painted in arousal and causing Dream to shake in his arms. He nipped Dream’s ear before licking it. “Why is this all coming out now?”
One of Dream’s hands went up into Hob’s hair, fingers tangling in the brown locks as he huffed his response.
“I could ask the same of you.”
Hob smiles, but it’s sad. He’s slowed down now, gently nudging his nose underneath Dream’s ear before pulling back, facing him once more.
Dream’s eyes flutter open and Hob feels struck down. He’s never seen Dream’s eyes so dark, his blue iris’ nearly all encompassed by the black of his pupils. Hob, unable to resist now, taps his nose to Dreams, taking a breath.
“I was scared.”
He can hear how Dream swallows.
“Me too.”
They sit like that for a long moment, holding on to one another, breathing each other’s air, savoring the revelation that had just transpired. And knowing it wouldn’t last. 
They of course saw each other again at graduation, and throughout the days that followed. Hob prepared to move across the state to his chosen college and Dream prepped to leave the country all together.
Hob offered to drive Dream to the airport on moving day, but Dream shook his head, saying it was already too painful that he was leaving, he didn’t want any lingering looks. Instead Dream’s father took a quick detour to Hob’s house, where Dream stood in Hob’s doorway to say goodbye, and in full view of both their families, all they could do was hug. And Hob put his entire body into it, crushing Dream, who had always been so damn thin and gangly, in his arms and nosing his way into Dream’s hair to take one final, deep inhale.
“We’ll see each other again.” Hob promised, in that hopeful way young people did.
Dream only smiled ruefully, his eyes shining and causing a lump to form in Hob’s throat.
“Yeah.” Hob nodded, getting his hands around Dream’s face and caressing his thumbs under his eyes and across sharp cheekbones. “You think you can get rid of me that easily?”
Dream huffed out a quiet laugh, the blue of his eyes sparkling.
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suzannahnatters · 9 months
My final Love Like the Galaxy reaccs!!! the tl;dr:  I loved it and it's the sort of show that probably demands to be seen twice because TWISTS and HINDSIGHT so IDK, one day maybe! Anyway it's either on Viki or on YouTube for anyone who wants to see what happens when Jane Austen comedy of manners meets The Count of Monte Cristo, but, like, in Ancient China, featuring an epic romance between a naive sledgehammer engineer girl and the terrifying murder general who cannot help looking utterly besotted with her every time she drifts past: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZZZLpfFwcBprNI6msl3NWt3pdX6F-eGs And now: for the reaccs for episodes 43-56, including the famous Murder Party (TM), check under the cut!!!
If Yang Yang ends up with Smug Scholar instead of her sweet little marquis I WILL throw things (thankfully, the sweet little marquis is getting actual screentime with her)
oh I LOVE this: the Empress apologises to Consort Yue for stealing her husband, and Consort Yue points out that if it's anyone's fault it's the Emperor's, and why should the Empress apologise? it's the little things, you know?!
I love that in amongst all this scowly strategising and betrayal and people's families in mortal danger…there's a whole running joke about whether the armour Niao Niao made her beloved makes him look more like a chicken or a mandarin duck
cdramas asking the real questions
wow they really kept like 90% of the action budget for this episode and money well spent say I
once again murder general is rushing off to save our girl, only this time he guesses precisely where she is and what she's doing, and knows she's probably doing a great job of it :')
GASP we are suspicious of Elder Brother Snacks now???
I've got a bad feeling about him and the crown princess turning out to be bad eggs - almost as though we're building up to a BIG BETRAYAL between our babies
Wan QiQi swaggering into prison in a wedding dress is the energy I aspire to
Hmm… Lou Ben feels very very foreshadowy of an obsessive man making a self destructive choice to grab what he wants no matter how it hurts the woman he loves
All the foreshadowing is REALLY mounting up now - Snacks still caring about NN but not wanting to see her after what she's done, NN observing of another couple that they were birds on the same tree but flew apart when trouble came
Anyway we are all headed for a heck of a third act breakup aren't we
is zisheng,,, allergic to almonds
what an absolutely bonkers twist
poor little Wang Ling! how terrible does her family have to be that she is trying to save her murderous traitor of an elderly husband, just because he treated her better than anyone else in her life?
"he even had a flower garden planted in my courtyard to please me, although he has life-threatening asthma! which means that he can't visit me very often! he's the best husband, Niao Niao!" okay Mrs Charlotte Collins
"Cheng Shaoshang, it seems you really don't know anything about Ling Zisheng" OOOOOOHH
Smug Scholar: a voice of reason. a stickler by the rules. an indefatigable drama queen who is quite ready to beg murder general to go right ahead, be his guest, do crime, because then Smug might get to marry Niao Niao instead
torture is always wrong, revenge kids! that said, it's very funny that murder general has been busy with hot iron and boiling oil all night and found out nothing, while NN has put herself fully abreast of the situation armed with nothing more than…a conversation with a female acquaintance
"wait - all that stuff you did in my name was ALSO in pursuit of your revenge plot? who are you really?" this show keeps serving the best stuff
matching bite marks on the arm is a way cooler idea than matching tattoos tbh
why are you not telling her, zisheng, she already knows!!!
she's sworn up and down (with bitten arms!) that she won't mind, it's keeping this from her that she can't forgive, get a clue!!!!!
ooooo - we have been cordially invited to a MURDER PARTY love the gearchange from Jane Austen Romcom to Jacobean Revenge Tragedy
Glad that we were given this scene of Marquis Chengyang being delusional and Chunyu being Justly Terrified that the young man obsessed with revenge has finally agreed to come to his father's birthday party, it doesn't quite explain how nobody realises this is Very Bad News but at least lampshades it
Since filial piety is the norm in this society, I guess it's hard for the elders to realise just how at risk they are from someone unfilial!
I LOVE that Chunyu (sp? the stepmother) gets a whole speech to point out the hypocrisy of HER continually bearing the blame of "climbing into the master's bed" after so many ppl in the show have ridiculed her for it as though it wasn't a decision made by the marquis
oooooooooooohhh this is amazing: Yang Yang is disturbed that NN's farewell before the wedding sounds like she doesn't ever intend to return home. and from NN's response, she KNOWS murder general is about to do something crazy and is fully prepared to suffer the consequences alongside him
it's…really amazing that during the stretch of the cdrama when the male lead traditionally starts Machinating and Scheming and lying to the female lead about it, THIS show keeps the heroine's agency intact, she sees right through his lies, she is still front and centre. Chef's kiss.
she knows where it's happening; she knowns when it's happening; she's sending someone for news. she's amazing and so are these writers.
meanwhile: murder general refusing to enlighten the marquis as to his true identity is Irene of Athens-level pettiness and I love it
the way this show keeps this whole episode focused on the story's main character even though she has little to do with -
oh wait never mind she has decided to involve herself anyway!!! now we get the entire Cheng family charging into battle? with NN at their head on a black horse? EPIC?????
well THAT was the best of Jacobean revenge tragedy
shocked to discover that Zisheng has Always Known who was really behind the fall of the lone city - he's just been quietly, methodically working through the destruction of all the perpetrators, COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO style
I love a protagonist who holds cards so close to his chest that not even the audience knows what's going on
more than that, it really adds nuance to the show's themes about revenge. Sometimes the system is broken, & even in a good system people will sometimes get away with murder. What to do then?
I can't support the vindictiveness of the leads (& I'm not sure I'm meant to) but as revenge plots go, I like the weightiness of the themes - how to fight for yourself in a world where laws and manners tell you you shouldn't? - better than Dumas' more superficial take.
where did these two henchmen come from, because they are NOT being paid enough to be part of this absolute disaster
also WHEE Niao Niao gets to swoop in and save HIM for once! Well done our girl!
oh what an idiot. what an absolute peanut.
I was pulling for you, murder general, but I'm not sure how you'll manage to come back from doing the One Thing (abandoning her) she asked you not to do
she's still calling him by his false name T_T
something something she only ever knew him by his false name and identity not his true one
moment of silence, please, I'm experiencing an emotion
well, duh - of COURSE Third Prince is here to collect NN to go help him plead for murder general, who has obviously been quietly helping him all along. even better: we don't know if NN is just figuring this out now or has known it for months but she understands it perfectly, just like we do, the moment she sees Third Prince's face
!!! murder general has been deceiving everyone in so many other ways too???????
it's not just that he knew all along who was responsible for the lone city's fall and has just been working silently to gather evidence on them: he ALSO has been playing four dimensional speed chess with palace politics, supporting a totally different faction to the one he was supposed to be aligned with?
I just love the sort of character who plays certain things SO close to the chest while also being utterly open and vulnerable about certain other things. like, as long as we trust their judgement for hiding the certain things and know it's not for purposes of control. and while NN does interpret his secretiveness as control, due to her upbringing, it's also easy in hindsight to see things from zisheng's POV: he is playing not one but several high stakes political games, treading a tightrope between the prince he is supposed to be supporting versus the prince who would clearly be a better choice, and now suddenly thrown into the middle of all this is a naive and well-meaning sledgehammer fiancee who is an absolute force of nature but who is not yet quite insightful enough to see and understand where the deep waters run; she's simply driven by personal loyalty to protect her empress' son. and she keeps forcing choices on him: protect her, or serve the Third Prince? and he makes tremendous sacrifices, as with the Tiger Tally, to save both of them. so is he going to take the risk and tell her and trust in her, or is he going to keep her in the dark just about this, until the game is over (it's so close to being over) and he can be as candid about these things as he can be about everything else?
but at the same time, he was so frustrated with her for not being candid with him, for not telling him when the mean girls tried to KILL her, for lying to him about choosing to help the crown prince - he should have known better than to reproach her about this when he was doing exactly the same things to her all along.
I love that the show just doesn't support him in this. for two people who both say they want to work as a team, these two both spend an awful lot of time keeping things from each other. and it's only after going away and thinking about it that I start to see his side of the story at all, because she is so totally front-and-centred in the way the story is told.
oh wow - now she gets a whole speech and thesis statement about how just because she's a woman she shouldn't be shut out of her husband's confidence, and ends: "Ling Buyi is my most beloved person in the world. But I am still me."
I love this show so much
It's really wild that murder general, who everyone knows went on a murderous rampage to kill the entire Ling clan, goes from being condemned to death to the apple of the emperor's eye based on his surname changing
no doubt it's historically accurate and murder uncle, at least, deserved it - but for me it's just another sign of how irretrievably this system is broken, that bloodline so clearly outweighs right and wrong.
I'll be chewing over the question of whether this last-minute aversion of filial impiety ("it's ok! he was doing it to avenge his REAL father!") undermines NN's previous point about the right to filial reverence depends on a parent's conduct, or whether it's an author's saving throw to secure a HEA
"but I can never forgive him for abandoning me - he even swore it was for my sake" aha! How To Critique The Break Her Heart To Save Her Trope (Without Actually Using The Trope??????) this show didn't HAVE to hunt down and kill every bad Asian drama romance trope like this but is that stopping it? no
Empress telling NN that whatever decision she makes, she will support her in - hits like a punch because the only person who's told her this till now is murder general. On the other hand it is comforting, and underlines the themes of NN being a whole person without him, bc she still has love and support!
as an aside, I also like how the show has handled NN's terrible parents. by the end of the show, she's fought for, and won, their respect and support, & has come to understand the pressures they are under. but she will never love them the way she loves the Empress, bc they haven't earned that love. I feel this consolidates the filial piety critique.
we finally get to hear murder general's side of the story - and it's fascinating to hear him say that he failed. he did everything to bring ling yi to justice - and couldn't. the murder party was his failure.
I'm finding the murder party less problematic at this point than the Censorate beating
whoah, the empress is sailing in to admit that she spoiled her children until they were useless, so she's not upset about the crown prince being demoted? seems a rather unfortunate theme if children are only ever bad because of bad parenting
NN still taking absolutely no prisoners in the romance, though: "oh, I understand you perfectly. the problem is that you never understood ME" that's quite a burn
The Empress is now requesting to be deposed, and it's a complicated scene - is she blaming herself, or voicing regrets? I think she's regretting not fighting for herself: as she points out, her accepting a menage a trois has not spoiled Consort Yue's life so much as it has spoiled her own chance at love.
while the show has sometimes been finger-wagging, it's saved here bc she also blames the Emperor for going along with the flow, too, and tamely accepting a three-way marriage.
meanwhile at home, everyone's like "Niao Niao is so mature now!" and I'm sitting here like NO SHE'S NOT, SHE'S HAD ALL THE HAPPINESS CRUSHED OUT OF HER and…….along comes Not-Quite-So-Bad-Mum to say that precise thing, and confess to having been wrong all along???? This show just keeps hitting.
Love that NN's 3rd brother is completely on her side at this moment. he understands the assignment ("break up with murder general and send him away with a flea in his ear") and executes it with prejudice.
oh…mum has repented too late. I'm not sorry for her, but I AM sorry for the way NN chooses to spend the next forever - when there were so many things she wanted to see and do!
and now: five years' worth of mutual pining in excruciatingly aesthetic slomo, thank you
meanwhile everyone in the Cheng family is getting married? Yang Yang is getting married? Mum's warrior maid is getting married? Good for you warrior maid!
Smug Scholar, otoh, has remained UNmarried for our girl, and I actually love the choice he's presenting her - NN doesn't much care who she marries if it's a business arrangement; she just won't marry the man she loves knowing he was willing to lie to her and abandon her
is it really weird that I suddenly want to write the story about the coldly pragmatic fake marriage of convenience between NN and Smug Scholar
!!!! she IS going to get engaged to him??? murder general is going to come back from five years of picturesquely scruffy suffering to find her engaged to Smug Scholar??!?!?!!!??!
oh this will be GOOD
"thanks, but I can ride without stirrups these days" I love that this show is allowing the heroine to establish a life of her own apart from the hero - they have to be complete on their own before they can be good for each other.
and now: a break from reality for an absolutely bonkers carriage chase, which, because this is a cdrama, comes complete with one of the parties trying to extort a proposal of marriage from the person chasing them
I swear this is the third time this exact same cliff has cropped up in this show, one would think that people would know better than to gallop madly down the DEAD END CLIFF ROAD
Empress pays her last respects to the emperor: "I know that if it wasn't for Emperor Li's tyranny you would have asked nothing more than to live a simple life" LIESSSS this man requires a constant stream of drama to live, how would he have survived as a gentleman farmer?
"if you are truly filial, don't exchange your life for mine. Live well." while this show has come down in the end in favour of filial piety, I think that for the most part it keeps filial piety where it belongs: subordinate to ethics - and that's something I can get behind.
With NN decided that murder general is not the man for her and murder general determined to accept her decision, I really don't see how this will get believably sorted out in the next…3 eps. Bc she's absolutely right, he had his chance and he blew it. That said, I was really worried the show would blame her for being unreasonable, but only the recent antagonist has done that
even NN's mother is now telling him: we don't need you to perform guilt for us, we also had our chance with NN and blew it, now we can only defer to her conscience AND YOU SHOULD TOO
so, I guess we're headed for an "undeserved grace" ending, and I hope they make it a convincing one and not cheap, bc it's too late to show him doing any work to prove his repentance.
oh I love this scene: she tells him she forgives him but cannot trust him, and he without defending himself, vows to live well and take care of himself (because quietly protecting the people she cares about is the one last thing he can do for her)
and he won't ever tell her that he's been doing this because he knows it would only make her despise him more!!!
time for the bad family to apologise, the grandmother in particular for trying to control her children, and Niao Niao to decide no longer to carry resentment, but to dwell on the people who love her instead
I love that the themes have largely to do with resisting control, even when it's from family members, and fighting for yourself. Even more, I love that the highest expression of this theme comes in the trust there's supposed to be between husband and wife. Sometimes, lack of communication IS an attempt at control - although on thinking it over I'm not sure it always has been that on murder general's side. but if there's one thing the past five years must have taught him, it's that he's going to have to be be particularly open with this particular woman, because her family HAS tried so hard to be controlling in the past, and she can't take even the appearance of it from him.
somehow, yet another of NN's old enemies has an overly complicated plan to kill her sigh
loving how murder general jumps into this trap and promptly becomes useless and it's time for the lil henchmen to save the day
stop shouting his name and figure out how to open the trapdoors Niao Niao, smoke inhalation is no joke
murder general looks amazing for someone who was just blown up
ahaha Snacks has fallen in love with his wife, we love to see it
Smug Scholar, meanwhile (exact words): are you all done flaunting your love?
flailing I love it NN is deploying her secret weapon….the family Cheng
"you can't be in two places at once, General!"
maybe not, but wifey and he can
"i'd like to see who interferes with my best granddaughter's marriage!"
*smash cut to the emperor having a hissyfit because he can't interfere with the marriage *
it's over? pokes couch cushions for spare episodes
OK I LOVED that murder general's grand gesture in the final ep comes in the form of a dilemma. should he go rescue his beloved as everyone is telling him - or should he stay on task, submit to everyone's ridicule for not protecting his woman, and risk her thinking he's abandoned her again?
his answer shows that at last, he has come to truly understand her (five years after she told him he'd never understood her). it's not physical abandonment she truly fears. what she fears is not being trusted & allowed to act as his equal. So he leaves her to protect Guo village while he stays on HIS task. His grand gesture, after so many rescues, is not to rescue her at all.
SCREAMING at that moment when Third Prince is like, seriously, mate, you'd better not abandon her! she needs help!!! go on I'll be fine!! and Zisheng VISIBLY WAVERS and then pulls himself together and shouts GUO VILLAGE HAS NIAO NIAO! GUO VILLAGE WILL BE FINE!!!
since the root of the contention between them was always him not treating her as an equal, this is probably the best proof of change we could get in the screentime. and the show is very insistent to tell us that if NN bends to take him back, it's because it's what SHE wants, not bc she can't survive without him.
the show does give her that moment of fright during the explosion to rush her past her abandonment issues, but since the real issue was always about control, I can make my peace with it. Similarly, she taught him a 5-year lesson about not consulting her. He knows - & her family makes it explicit - that he can never pull something like this again.
final overall thoughts: I have rarely seen such a well done romance in Asian drama, especially cdrama. The show was long & got repetitive, especially in the 2nd half, even though it had some of my favourite stretches as NN starts fighting for respect & equality within her marriage.
The themes about family, state, and fighting for oneself got fingerwaggy at a lot of points, many side characters were brutally humiliated and many of the numerous female characters became nonsensically villainous just to give NN antagonists. So, I would say the show is quite flawed.
that said, what this show does well, it does SO WELL. I was absolutely invested in this romance to an extent that is very rare for me. I was delighted by the way the show critiques asian romance tropes, there's a wonderful Dumas-level revenge plot, the fight scenes while rare are terrific, the show remains laser focused on its female protagonist all the way to the end, and if you are not delighted by the utterly besotted looks murder general serves up five times per episode, I don't know what to do with you.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
may I request some college au headcanons for the slashers, where they never turned out to be slashers for whatever character you like
OMG thats great idea :0 (where i live we dont have colleges but high schools and universities so i kinda wrote it like high school than college alright? Requests open
College AU! with Slashers
Stu and Billy would act pretty much the same, exept the whole stabbing ur gf moments-total extroverts, skipping like half of lessons and trowing parties every weekend.
Brahms and Billy Lenz would probably be this introverted guys who never talk to anyone ESPECIALLY any girls, and Brahms gives me vibe of person who would be good at history and geography.
Jason and Micheal are besties idc what yall say. Micheal wants to beat anyone up and Jason just wants a minute of peace. Also Micheal would probably be car mechanic or something, while Jason probably would work in Crystal Lake and make sure that kids dont do anything ape shit crazy.
Asa would just be collecting bugs as hobby and probably that would be his job too (he has some sort of ee papers? from biological uni (canon btw) so ig he wouldnt stuggle with finding well payed job). But in College he would be totaly introverted DO NOT TALK TO HIM unless you want to hear him start monologue about how bugs are epic.
Im sorry if you waited long time! i kinda wrote it and left it in drafts cuz i forgor!! :p Requests open if anyone wants anything
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
omg thank you for doing my request!!! i absolutely adored it, dw im from the east coast myself (new york specifically). if it’s okay, i’d like to request more modern day sullys and fali? i just love your take on them.
a/n: ahh !! thank you so much. ( east coast gang rising up !! ) anyway , yes i actually think the modern au is just so simple but so cute and fun to write , which is also why i'm publishing this request before some of the older ones. i want to be able to keep feeding you all while i develop ideas and fics for the other ones. hope you enjoy !! reblogs + feedback is always appreciated !!
tags: @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @wxnderingthoughts @pinkhotdogsfr
modern au headcanons for the sullys + fali
Tumblr media
one of the most chaotic families out there
trust me when i say this
when any of the kids have friends over, the guests are always shocked to find out that they ever manage to get anything done
there's always someone being a problem ( lo'ak )
tuk is the "do it all" child
like soccer, lacrosse, dance, school plays + musicals
she totally ate as an oompa loompa in charlie and the chocolate factory jr.
the older siblings all took a picture with her while she was in costume
[y/n] has an epic 0.5x picture of her from that night and is saving it for her graduation
[y/n] has the most baby pictures and "baby's first christmas" ornaments / type stuff just because she was the first child
neteyam has a good bit, so does kiri, but lo'ak and tuk have barely any
you can tell that they gave up on parenting tuk because she's such a menace
the whole entire family is banned from pizza hut
they refuse to speak on the topic
after neteyam and lo'ak played jv basketball together, kiri and [y/n] worked together to rewatch all the film and make a compilation of all their funny moments
tbt to when lo'ak completely missed the basket during a free throw
to present it, they gathered the entire family into the living room and pretended it was serious
but as soon as the video started, the two girls could not hold up the act and ended up on the ground in tears as they laughed at the entire thing
lo'ak and neteyam were not amused
jake was totally losing his mind
he loves making fun of his kids ( affectionately )
you can always tell neytiri's mood based on what she's listening to when she cooks dinner
a podcast means she's feeling good, feeling productive - sad music means she's, well... sad - classical music means you must stay far away from her
kiri, [y/n], and neytiri have their periods sinked up
it's complete hell for everyone else
once jake came home from work late and saw them sobbing on the couch to an episode of how i met your mother
sometimes the siblings will all sit down and have tuk paint their nails as she just talks the most amount of shit about every kid in her class
it's literally the funniest thing
she has some serious issues
kiri and [y/n] both like reading but the difference between the two is that kiri actually reads and [y/n] has five different books sitting on her bedside table
when she does have a random burst of energy to read, they always swap books
the head boys lacrosse coach is the biology teacher and he loves the sully family
he also teaches forensic science
not only is [y/n] dating his star player, but she manages the team
plus neteyam is on his team
sometimes, during their lunch period, fali and [y/n] just roll up to his class ( the same period that lo'ak and tsireya have bio )
ao'nung also plays basketball, so him and lo'ak were literally always beefing until they randomly just became friends
and then it was chill!
[y/n] and fali also drive tsireya and ao'nung around quite a bit, but they don't mind
everybody trusts fali and [y/n]
they're the type of people that you call if you need anything ever
kiri and neteyam have definitely called their sister or fali during a party after realizing they needed to get home
once neteyam's old friends left him there with no ride and he was... not all that sober
fali was at the same party because lacrosse team!
this boy did not hesitate to leave with neteyam and bring him back to his house
neteyam called his parents and pretended he was sleeping over with ao'nung ( who helped cover for him ) and ended up sleeping in fali's guest bedroom
every day kiri collects random ideas for her future speech as [y/n]'s maid of honor at her and fali's wedding
[y/n] still doesn't know
neteyam has an entire shoebox full of memories with his big sister that he plans to give her before she moves out
panic ensues the household when they reach june / graduating month
they do not want to think about their first baby leaving the nest!
neytiri is such a sad frantic mama
just wants everything to be perfect for her baby
jake ensures her that it will be
moving on to more happy stuff!
neytiri is totally a swiftie
like a very serious very loyal swift or that knows every single song and every single album and every single word
owns her ugly merch but it's okay because it makes her happy
tsireya's favorite candy would be watermelon jolly ranchers and she always has them in her backpack and stuff
lo'ak started to also keep watermelon flavored things in his backpack when he first started crushing on her
he would give her some during bio
her smile was always worth it
[y/n] and fali have the cheesiest and cutest way of reminding each other that they love each other
and that would be by giving each other their last piece of something
like they would give each other their last oreo, their last piece of gum, their last hershey kiss, his last name
it's just a silent exchange of their infatuation for each other
everybody else watches as they contemplate leaving because of how lonely they make them feel
kiri makes the silliest birthday posts
like she absolutely exposes every single one of her siblings by posting their ugly pictures on her instagram story
and she isn't even nice enough to keep it on close friends
lo'ak and [y/n] have a super long streak on snap chat of like 600+ days
and they are constantly scared of losing it
tuk takeover happens on a rare occasion in which, every few months, one of her older siblings allows her to do their streaks
she usually manages to post something stupid on their stories or something, but all of their friends have learned to look forward to it
fali and [y/n] were friends for a year before dating, but half of that year was spent with them absolutely crushing on each other
their first kiss story is so embarrassing and they refuse to tell anyone about it
fali wears bracelets that [y/n] makes for him
he always wears the bracelets that tuk makes for him and they're the cutest things because it's just a random assortment of beads
fali probably has a like single piercing on one of his ears after losing a bet with his friends
but he's grown to love it
he always has to take it out for lacrosse because the helmet is a pain
[y/n] buys him cute little earrings that he refuses to wear because they're always silly
like, "no, [y/n] i'm not wearing a singular waffle earring."
the only earring from her that he wears is the earring that matches the ring he gave her on their one year anniversary
she gave him that earring for his birthday
he almost cried
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wiihtigo · 4 months
CASEY NATION RISE 7, 9, 17, 20, 23, 25
ask game
7. What’s one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
i used to think that she didnt care much about the art of actually acting and cinema and stuff and for her it was more about just being famous and it didnt matter how. i think that was partially because although i knew i wanted her to lust for fame and money the acting dream was kind of just randomly decided on. i thought i could easily swap it out with modelling or singing or something and it wouldnt make much difference. but the more time ive spent with casey, the more i see her as a true lover of movies and art....which i think leads in well to her endgame job being a script editor rather than an actor. her true talents lie behind the screen even if she herself doesnt see it...
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
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whats a girl to do - cristina
a post canon (after nell dies) caseys life anthem:)
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
well i was going to blame it entirely on you that nell dies and i had no say in that but i suppose i did come up with her emotional reaction to that myself, which causes me a lot of slow damage pain. SO I GUESS THAT..the fact she pushes michelle away after it happens is really depressing to me because thats literally her only friend left and only possible pillar of support, but she pushes her away because she hates everything and shes mad shes not nell and shes mad at her family and wants to explode. I think she'd be marginally less suicidal if she stayed friends with her.....
I guess also pulling from alternate realities the one where she dies is pretty fucked up. and very painful. and nell doesnt even make it to her to cradle her in her arms. SAD
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
yyessss. at least when he and nell start getting lowkey. no. highkey #serious. early in their setup he wouldnt gaf if nell was married to a businesswoman in russia.but when they start ummmm [redacted] then hes like waittt. lol waittttttt lol wait. lol. WAITTT. gets a little annoyed when theyre at the doom patrol warehouse party and jayna from the wonder twins tries to get ladybugs number. THATS MY BODYGUARD..GET YOUR OWN. it manifests in that he'll get clingy to nell and mean and passive aggressive (or just aggressive) towards the person pissing him off. will be petty and spiteful (sees some poor scared nervous young lesbian trying to say hi to nell so he slides in and nuzzles up to her shoulder in public to let that sstupid kid know to go away)
idk why he does this. if you asked him if he liked nell he would say And what has she done to MAKE me like her
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
lol GRIEF. little casey has never experienced a death before nell! not even a pet death. she has no idea how to process those feelings or cope with them in the slightest. she goes like catatonic immediately after the fact bcuz shes so completely shocked and wasnt prepared for it at all (lowkey thought ladybug was too awesomeand strong to ever get got. stupidd)
on the complete flip side, also .....l-l-l-l-l-l-l--l-l-l-l-l-l...LOVE. or at least feeling a smidge of serious romantic attraction to someone. in canon end she never gets to deal with that bcuz she only realizes it after nell died and then promptly buried everything related to nell deep inside a hole. but in nyc nell simply has an epic near death experience where hes hospitalized and thats when casey is like fuuuuuuuuuck that scared me. DO I LIKE HER? she acts a bit pathetic and tsundere abt it which is endearing to me personally. maybe scares nell a bit. its cute to me though <3
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
shes not a good person </3 shes selfish and mean and doesnt care about other people </3 bent on revenge and hating </3 genuinely not a good guy </3 i love everything negative about casey the most
i also think secretary characters are sexy.
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mayhemlovesenvy · 5 months
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Barbie's aunts! 💐
I will talk a bit about them :O bc I'm inspired
Im so fucking mad why did the draft erase itself im going to explode. Anyways. Take two
I finally found the strenght to make them some nice drawings!! Yippee
Relationship chart time!
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The idea is that Jorge and Lucía are legally married, while they're all 'married' to each other and love e/o very much 🔫 they're so lovely
They have matching necklaces with their names jorge's one is just a "J"
So Lucía takes the Romero last name and then they give it to Barbie (???) And Rosita has any other last name that i haven't thought abt yet...
Lucía works at a... despensa/kiosko they have in their house. Funfact, they're Bon's neighbours! Bon's father would hate them if he got out of the house to see they exist probably... They also know abt one of Bonnie's moms
I haven't thought of something that I like for the other two; but they used to have interesting jobs when they were younger :D
Talking about them younger 💥💥💥
Lucía was the one who found tiny Barbie in a (adult) party so she did the most logical thing: take her home 👍 so she took the car without telling the other two who came home very confused to find a 6y/o tiny little kid in their bed 🤏
The next day they ask abt her family and Barbie tells them that her mom kicked her out of the house for a reason she can't remember. They go to talk to the mother! And punched her
So now they have a little kid, that grows to be a teen that has a bf with no home (hi onnie) so they actually have two kids on their care
And that's one of the most stable families actually... good for them
As for their past before Barbie: It's mostly Rosita centered (in my brain); she used to have a bf but then they broke up after something and that made her sad and big job problems and stuff and she meets Jorge and Lucía who were already dating or smth and they help her get out of there and it's very epic and something... and then they all live together messy-ish but then Barbie appears so they better fix their lives quick 💥💥💥💥
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