becaexists · 1 year
Gotta love living at home with my parents bc everything will be just fine, enjoyable even, and then I say something and someone just explodes at me, like just now when, while all of us were watching arctic monkeys on TV, I casually joked about how I think me and my siblings are all autistic and my dad (like always) started screaming about how "they're not stupid, don't you dare say that!" And suddenly I was tired and searching for any excuse to retreat upstairs away from him
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glitter-stained · 15 days
More of trans allegory Jason and the goons VS the batfam:
Transmasc older goon, trying to connect: Hey out of curiosity boss, when did your egg crack?
Jason, thinking this is a bird pun about how he became Robin: Uh, 12 I guess...
Penguin henchman: Wow, you really are okay calling yourselves goons? Isn't that like a little demeaning?
Red Hood Goon: Inclusivity my guy -Henchperson is a mouthful, and that way, we don't have to assume.
Penguin Henchman: Oh my god that's so thoughtful!
*they resume shooting at eachother.*
Batman You're not okay Hood, you need a professional. Please, we can help you!
Jason: There's nothing wrong with me, I won't let you throw me into Arkham!
Goon of the week: Yeah Batfreak, the boss doesn't need help, there's nothing wrong with him! How would you like it if we tried to convert you out of being a furry, huh?!!
Batman: reconsiders life choices.
Angry goon: *beats the shit out of Nightwing with a trans pride flag*
Dick, a bisexual cis metrosexual: I'm not sure what is happening but this feels offensive.
Batman: Please, I know there's a lot of bad blood, but you're still my child...
Jason: Really? Because I clearly remember you saying you weren't my father and didn't have to deal with my "teenage angst"!
The Goons: You said what?!
Oracle : You said what?!
Dick, standing up and picking up the pride flag: You said what.
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its-your-mind · 5 months
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ORV as textposts 39/???
[Photo ID - 10 images from the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint manhwa with Tumblr posts pasted upon them.
The first image shows the backs of nine members of the main cast as they look toward the sun in the background. The text post is by Tumblr user daisies-on-a-cup and reads, "THEY DID IT THEY ESCAPED THE NARRATIVE!!! THERE IS A WAY OUT!!! THE STORY CAN BE ALTERED!!! YOU ARE NOT STUCK-THERE IS AN ESCAPE!!!! THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL BUT YOU HAVE TO WALK TOWARDS IT!!!!"
The second image shows Kim Dokja in a suit with his hand on his hip. The text post is by Tumblr user yuridefender and reads, "i do love stories that start out with the protagonist going "hi! 👋😀 i am such a normal guy. the most average person ever. 😄 an average joe even. i have no friends or enemies. i spend my time reading books and sing to myself on occasions. nothing to see here! ^^" and it turns out that not only are they a liar but also the most fucked up person ever. and a cunt"
The third image shows Kim Dokja with a shocked face. Yoo Joonghyuk is clutching Kim Dokja's shoulder as he falls. Lee Hyungsung is behind Kim Dokja on the viewer's right, and Yoo Sangah and Shin Yoosung are running toward Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from the viewer's left. The text post is by Tumblr user littlespoonsokka and reads "oh and btw the love was there and it changed everything. if u even care"
The fourth image shows Kim Dokja. The text post is by Tumblr user tomwambsgirl and reads, "being an unreliable narrator is inherently homoerotic". They reblogged with an addition that reads, "what do you have to hide? your sexuality?"
The fifth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk yelling dramatically. The text post is by Tumblr user fembutchboygirl and reads, "He's a cis man. He's transfem. He's nonbinary. He has 35 genders. He's a cis woman. He's a trans man. Gender, he barely knows her. He's transmasc. He's gnc. He doesn't know what a pronoun is. I didn t say his name but he popped into your head didn't he"
The sixth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk staring at Kim Dokja while he holds him by the throat. Kim Dokja is slightly beaten up and smirking back at him. The text post is by Tumblr user neilgayman69 and reads, "They have never canonically fucked. But also they have, and they should, and it would be a horrible idea."
The seventh image has Yoo Joonghyk hunched over in the foreground with Lee Hyungsung to his left and Shin Yoosung to his right. Kim Dokja is in the background with Yoo Sangah on his right and the viewer's left. He's facing Yoo Joonghyuk and the viewer slightly and is hunched over with a sword in his hand. The text post is by Tumblr user billypotts and reads, "stories about time travel are about two things. number one is inevitable tragedy. number two is seeing that inevitable tragedy and saying oh god I will make this right please even if I can't fix it I will try to make this right. also I lied they're about three things and third is obviously love"
The eighth image is a close-up of Kim Dokja with smile and dull eyes against a black background. The text post is by Tumblr user raylangivins and reads, "I love a character who's like "I know exactly who I am and I'm being very authentic about it" and then when you analyse his behaviour even a little bit you realise his self perception is completely selective and delusional."
The ninth image shows Han Sooyoung, Yoo Joonghyuk, and Kim Dokja. Yoo Joonghyuk is leaned over Han Sooyoung's back while Kim Dokja is slightly off to the viewer's right with a confused expression. The text post is by Tumblr user notsoni and reads, "Not soulmates but it always had to be them and they weren't destined to be together but they were doomed to be but also it took everything for them to get here and also it was never supposed to happen but also it always was and had to happen this way. Hope this helps"
The final image shows the members of Kimcom sitting around a garbage-can fire with drinks. The text post is by Tumblr user gothritsu and reads, "if theres no found family what is the God Damn Fucking Point". /End ID]
ID by @incorrect-web-novels tysm!!!
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Jason has been feeling like crap lately. He's been avoiding the other bats more than usual and rarely wants to do anything other than sleep, even his hobbies and his night job have been falling to the sidelines.
He insists hes not depressed, just really tired, but Leslie and any other doctor hes seen hasn't found anything wrong. It wasn't until the bats kidnapped him and put him through intensive testing that they discovered what was wrong.
"Jason. You're pregnant."
Jason stared at Dick like he'd grown a second head. "I'm not trans Dickiebird."
Tim came over with a tablet, "The ultrasound doesn't lie." Sure enough the tablet showed a little fetus growing in his gut. What the hell. He wasn't even showing???
"Jason." Bruces gruff voice made him glare in the big bad bats direction, "Do you know who the father is?"
"Hell if I know! I haven't even slept with anyone in the past few months!" He seethed.
Bruce furrowed his brow, "Then do you know of anythin you might have come into contact with that might have done this?"
Jason flopped his back down onto the examination table with a groan, "If i knew I would have already gotten it when I started feeling wierd."
"What about a person?" Tim asked, "Do you think a mad scientist or magic user could have something to do with it?"
Jason stared at him with wide eyes, "Oh my god."
Tim blinked, "What?"
"Oh my god." Jason grabbed his stuff and practically flew to his motorcycle, fully intending on finding that glowy white haired "meta" that cured his pit madness. &$!% it all made sense now.
Cue Red Hood nearly busting Dannys door down while the latter was busy making mac-n-cheese. Danny opened his mouth, likely to make a quip, only for Jason to beat him to the punch, "You got me pregnant, you @$$!"
Aka theres a few prompts where Jason gets danny preggo but not many of the reverse, which I feel is a crime
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'Hobies an ass guy!' this 'Hobies a tits guy!' that
You fools. You absolute fools.
Hobie is a tummy guy.
All tummies and I'm not joking at all in the slightest. ALL. ALL SIZES. Not just the model 'plus size' thing that magazines think is cute. THEM TOO BUT ALL OF THEM TUMMIES. He hasn't come across a tummy he doesn't like and he never will.
Belly button piercings? Lord have mercy. He can't help but stare.
He loves bellies.
That includes rolls or stretch marks or abs or ribs or C-section scars or anything really. Show him the tummy.
He likes people in crop tops or low rise jeans, running his long fingers across the skin. He likes resting his head on people's belly while they speak to him softly, hearing them breathe.
Hobie is a thigh guy.
Give him the Daisy Duke shorts. Thigh high socks for the love of god.
He'll wrap his arms around your leg and never let go. He can watch you do squats for hours (but then again who can do squats for hours 🤨)
You do indoor cycling? That pelaton shit? Hes gonna have to leave the room before he starts saying something slick because he CANNOT take it
Tones thighs in leggings. Really muscular thighs cracking a watermelon. Chubby thighs under fluffy mini skirts. Fat thighs in tight fit jeans or stockings.
'Ass or tits?' My sibling in Christ He's an ARM guy.
Fucking flex for him and he's gonna need a minute. Doesn't matter if you're as scrawny as him. Stretch your arms, he wants to see the ones that are going to deliver him a thousand hugs.
Hobie and hands. His are rough from the guitar playing but he takes his partner's and kisses the back of their hand, turning it over in his, tracing the lines or painting their nails or lacing his long fingers in theirs.
'Ass or tits' Do you know who we're talking about here
Hobie is the most body positive and inclusive person to walk these spider-earths
How dare you limit him He Cannot Be Contained he loves it all
Disabled or Abled. Trans or Cis. Inter or Endosex. Whether you dress modestly or masculinely or you're out here half naked on some Fashion Nova shit. HE LOVES IT.
Ass or Tits cannot contain the magnatude that is Hobie Brown
Oh and also He vaporizes fatphobes and ableists and chasers on sight with his 'i hate bodyshamers' superpower it comes free with the spider bite.
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oppopotamus · 8 months
angry sex
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trans asra x dom male reader
Warning: nsfw, hate sex/angry sex, spanking, hair pulling, asra has a pussy, petnames such as baby, slut etc, feminine words used to name his pussy, cunt, clit etc
"What the fuck, Asra?" You yell, you've both been yelling back and forth for ages. You've been mad at Asra for a long time, since he's often disappearing without a word, causing you to worry.
Although he tends to go away due to whatever he thinks is important it still gets on your nerves.
"Well, what do you want me to do!? I'm sorry that I sometimes leave for a while and don't mention it to you." Asra says, rolling his eyes.
"That's exactly what I'm fucking worried about. Don't you understand? I care about you but you leave without a fucking word, causing me to worry where the fuck you are." You pause before taking a breath continuing, "Half the time I'm worried if you're dead somewhere. You leave and come back without telling me and just fucking expect me to be okay with it?"
"I don't see what the big deal is, I mean I always come back. So what's the big deal?" Asra's words have you seething with anger.
"You really don't see what the big deal is?" You say completely dumbfounded.
Asra just throws his hands up in the air and huffs.
"Fuck you." He says after a moment.
You move towards him until you're chest to chest.
"Say that again. I fucking dare you." You say, looking down at him with your eyebrows creasing together. God this boy gives you a headache.
"What? Fuck you?" He asks a tad confused.
"Yes. Exactly that." You repeat, arms crossed over your chest as you tower above him.
"Fuck you then." Asra says, starting to get a bit nervous but shakes it off.
"If you say that one more time, Asra then I swear to god." You say letting out a breath.
"Or what?" He asks moving even closer towards you.
"You'll find out."
Asra hesitates for a moment before repeating saying, "Fuck. You." He spits out every word.
"That's the final straw." You say before grabbing his hips with a deadly grip.
You turn him around and push him forward so he hits the table with his hips harshly.
"Hey! That fucking hurt." Asra says, turning his head back to look at you.
You grab a fistful of his hair and push his head down onto the table.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Asra questions.
"Teaching you a lesson." You say, keeping your hand gripping his hair and trace your free hand down so you can grab his pants and rip a hole in his pants right from his ass to his cunt.
"Fuck! (Name), these were my favourite pants."
"I'll buy you new ones."
You take notice of how conveniently he's not wearing any underwear. You raise an eyebrow down at Asra and you can see the hint of a blush creeping onto his ears.
"What a slut, you're getting wet already." You say, ghosting a finger over his cunt.
Asra stutters for a moment and doesn't know what to say until you press a finger against his clit and he calls out your name.
You remove the finger and Asra whines though that whine suddenly turns into a moan as he feels your hard dick grind against him through the fabric of your pants.
"You don't seem to be too angry now huh baby?" You say mockingly.
"Fuck you! I'm still mad." Asra replies, you're not sure if he's still actually angry at you or he's just saying that because he knows it gets a reaction out of you.
Oh well, you're still going to fuck him senseless.
You release your hand from his hair and bring your hands to undo your pants and let them fall to your ankles.
While your hands are not holding his head down anymore Asra takes the opportunity to bring both his hands up to push himself up and turn back to look at you.
Asra's in bliss as he sees your cock slip free from its confinements and raise up, slapping against your stomach.
You smirk down at him as you see his expression, finding it amusing as how just a minute ago he was yelling at you.
He sees you looking at him and glares at you before avoiding his eyes and looking back ahead of him.
"Ah, don't be so embarrassed now, darling." You say tracing a finger up his spine over his shirt, making him shiver.
"J-just put it in already." Asra whispers out, "Do you think you really deserve it after what you just did?" You ask and Asra doesn't answer.
From his lack of an answer you raise a hand and spank him, causing him to yelp and jolt up.
"Fuck! Don't fucking do that." Asra says, turning to look at you again and raising himself up, attempting to fully turn to look at you.
You stand there for a moment before bringing your left hand up and grab a fistful of his hair and slam the side of his face onto the table.
"Shit!" Asra yells out as the side of his face makes harsh contact with the table and grunts as he feels the harsh tug of your hand pulling his hair back harshly.
"Don't." spank! "Fucking." Spank! "Talk." Spank! "Like that." Spank! "To me." Spank! "Ever. Fucking. Again." You say to him, pushing his face further into the table with each spank.
"Aah-!" Asra whines out each time he feels you hitting him, he attempts to move out of your grasp but can't.
"Nothing but a fucking brat who doesn't know when to quit and just behave." You spit out, leaning down to his ear to say the words directly into his ears.
Asra shivers as he feels your dick rub against him when you lean down to whisper in his ear.
You lean back and grab your dick, rubbing the tip up and down the entrance of his cunt, slapping it against it a few times before easing the tip in.
Asra moans out when he feels just the tip in, he forgets how mad he is at you at first until he realizes how rough you were being.
Your hand was still pushing his head into the table, his cheek starting to hurt from how hard you were pushing it down.
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you." Asra spouts out as he feels you push in deeper and deeper.
You scowl at his words and without a second thought you grip his hair tighter and pull it back whilst roughly pounding your dick deep into his hole.
"Oh god, oh fuck, fuck." Asra moans out as you pull his hair back, pain shooting through his neck and continuously pound into his tight hole.
"Fuck, Asra. You're so fucking tight, your pussy is hugging my cock," You say, pausing for a moment then continuing, "Too bad you're such a fucking brat."
All you can hear throughout the room is Asra's loud moans and the sound of your hips making contact with his ass.
"I fucking haah-hate.. Fuck. You." Asra says, stuttering his words. He doesn't even know what he's saying anymore.
Asra almost feels his eyes roll into the back of his head and you drag his head back and with your free hand bring it down to his clit, rubbing it with your fingers.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck. I'm gonna-" Asra moans out feeling his orgasm creeping up on him from your harsh treatment.
"You're really about to cum just from this?" You say mockingly.
"Fuuck.. I'm, oh god- You're a fucking dick just-!" Before Asra can even finish his sentence he's coming. Hard. He feels you hitting his ass again and again as he chases his orgasm.
When you continue to move your cock in and out again he starts feeling too sensitive.
"Please.. No more, I can't." Asra shakes his head side to side, wanting you to just finish already so he can rest.
"Just take what's, fuck, given to you, alright?" You say to him, you don't last much longer until you're spraying your cum into him.
You let go of his hair and pull out slowly. You both lay there resting for a moment, you don't say anything to test out whether or not he's still mad at you.
"M'sorry.." He says quietly. You rest your hands on his hips gently, rubbing small circles on his waist with your thumb.
"It's okay, baby."
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mousydentist · 2 months
KPTS fics under 10k that changed my brain chemistry
PART 1: KimChay
Inspired by @the-cookie-of-doom making a fic rec list, cause i was like hey! i like fics too! so here's a bunch of <10k word fics that altered the course of my life. i'm gonna do a few parts, so this first one is just kimchay. i tried to tag all the authors on tumblr but there was a couple i was unsure of so please lmk if they have an account for me to tag! (or if i fucked up any of the links cause you know tumblr was fighting me) <3 without further ado, and in no particular order:
Your last lie by saturnscoded @saturnscode (8182 words)
Not Rated. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
In which Porchay's boyfriend cheats on him with Kimhan and he decides to take revenge. Or Things get out of control and Chay doesn't know how to stop.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- this fic oh my god i love this fic. GO READ THIS FIC RIGHT NOW. yknow when people are like "would you rather have a fic with amazing plot or amazing writing" GUESS WHAT BESTIE THIS ONES BOTH. GO READ IT.
Ringing Endorsements by bisexualbard @bisexualbard-writes (2556 words)
Rated G. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim is not impulsive. Kim is a planner, a plotter, a researcher, and generally considers all angles of an action before he makes a move. Chay has always been the exception to his rules though, which is why he’s not even surprised at himself when he walks out of the jewelry shop with an engagement ring barely a month after they’ve reconciled. The only problem is, he doesn't stop at just one.
i have shed so many tears to this fic. it hits the sappy romantic in me right in the fkn feels GOD it just hurts so good ITS NOT EVEN SAD it's just so good it makes me cry 😭😭😭
podfic available by AirgiPodSLV (AirgiodSLV) @airgiodslv!!! welcome to tumblr fdjsjd
heaven is a place (here, on your floor) by booksnchocolate @booksnchocolate (7020 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
They're going to have sex. Eventually. They're going to take their clothes off and Chay is going to explore all of Kim's glorious, glorious body with his hands and mouth and – whew, he's going to need a cold shower. There's just one problem. It’s not a big deal, at first.
oh boy. what do i even say about this fic. i think about this fic a lot. like a LOT. it's so incredibly moving and emotional and ugh. just. perfect. no notes. i've cried at this and if i read it again right now i would cry again
Kim's Magic Pussy by imdeadlily @imdeadlily (8096 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim wakes up and finds his dick is gone. MIA. Vanished. Displaced. Chay has no issues with this.
i'm a die-hard imdeadlily fan. i highly highly recommend everything they've written and this fic, THIS FIC. ITS SOOOO. just. go read it. you have to experience it yourself.
rainbow hanging over your head by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye (4174 words)
Rated T. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Chay is crushing hard on Kim. That's the only reason it takes him awhile to realize kim's brothers are being weird.
this fic is the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when it's winter and you take a big blanket that like 10 times your size and you cuddle with your dog. that's this fic. i love this fic more than at least 90% of all things.
Pillow Talk by Atlas (xx_atlas_xx) @xxatlasxx (1427 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim finds some time to himself while on tour as Wik, but gets interrupted by a phone call.
FOLLOWING THE TRANS KIM THEME WITH THIS MASTERPIECE. ive screamed all up in atlas' dms ab this fic and there is a REASON it was my most re-read fic of last year. sweet little trans!kim smut that i adore
drape myself with floral light by fern_tdvuh @fern-tdvuh (2080 words)
Rated T. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
"Kim feels like a sunflower – he can't resist basking in Chay's light." How Kim and Chay recognize their love for each other via tattoos, and then share it with the world.
this fiiiIIIIIIIIIIIC GODDDDDDDD. i swoon. i SWOOOOOON over this fic. i simply do not even have the words. this fic hurts my bones, hurts down to my soul. so fucking good. 10/10
Do You Believe in Magic? by disast3rtransp0rt @disast3rtransp0rt (3407 words)
Rated T. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Deadpool continues to breeze past the entire situation, as he usually does when he’s in ‘trouble’. In fact, ‘Pool starts flirting even earlier into their banter than usual. “Did you hear the part where we’re soulmates, Spidey?” “I actively ignored that bit, actually,” Chay outright lies. Like a lying liar whose spandex is on fire. One hand is still on his hip, and he uses the other to gesture between the two of them. “What if we’re platonic soulmates?” “That’s not how the spell works,” Sabrina the Pain in Chay’s Ass speaks up. “We were hoping to summon Death, but–”
THIS FIC EEEEEEEE oh my god this was just so cute my heart simply could not take it. i read this after like, just, such an awful terrible day and it made me smile and god i love it. very special place in my heart for this fic.
i see rain but maybe they're all tears for you by OdeToFics @thestrangeillusion (5459 words)
Rated E. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
Chay slumps back down onto the couch, picking up his controller where he'd abandoned it when there was a knock at his door. "Take your clothes off and then come here," he commands with a steady voice without even looking in Kim's direction. When his words are only greeted with silence from where Kim is still standing next to the door he'd just locked, Chay turns around to look at him and raises a challenging eyebrow at him. "W-what?" Kim stutters out and Chay feels a rush of satisfaction in making the always cool and collected Kim Theerapanyakun finally lose his resolve for once. "You said 'anything', did you not?" Chay asks coldly. ~~ Or: Chay wants Kim to be as vulnerable with him as he had always made himself for Kim. He wants to have some control over Kim. He realises too late that he's in way over his head.
OOF this fic hurts so good. post canon kim having emotions, goodness gracious it HITS DIFFERENT. SAD ANGST PORN MY BELOVED. SMANGST IF YOU WILL
The Art of Persuasion by Zoiseaunoir (9226 words)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Porchay really wants to top. Kim needs a little persuasion. ... or does he?
!!!!!! some top tier kimchay communication porn. i read this fic like seven times in the week i first discovered it AND YOU SHOULD TOO
Take Your Time (I Promise Not to Run) by WildelyDawn @wildelydawn (3637 words)
Rated E. Rape/Non-con. Summary:
“Somnophilia,” Kim reads out loud. “A sexual interest in engaging in sexual activity with a sleeping person.” Chay hadn’t said no to any of his desires so far. But this is different. This is taking without asking. It’s wrong. (Or: Kim discovers somnophilia and struggles to keep his desires to himself. Chay's there to guide him through it.)
fOOkin hell this fic, this whole series actually, actually actually everything by dawn but i digress. just like, jaw-dropping plot, beautifully written, and smutty on top of it?? just 10/10 fic overall, absolutely outstanding
podfic available by Princess_Moonlight!!!
paying the price by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye (4133 words, ongoing)
Rated M. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
Secure with the knowledge that Kim won’t leave him again, Chay unblocked Kim and pressed the call button. (Alternatively, Chay fucks around and finds out. All magic comes with a price.)
:*) bro. this fic took my emotions and put them in a blender. the first chapter was jaw dropping and had me hooked, and the second chapter picked my jaw off the ground and stapled it back on with no novocain. my heart huuuuurts thinking about this fic /pos
I'd Rather Feel Pain Than Nothing At All by Sweet_William @sweet-william-writes (3108 words)
Rated E. Graphic Violence, Rape/Non-con. Summary:
Chay starts having graphic dreams where Kim attacks him. When he is faced with a real-life volatile Kim killing men in Hum Bar to protect him, he realises they were never nightmares. They were wet dreams. And now he's going to make those dreams a reality, whether Kim wants it or not.
yOWza bonowza this fic is a doozy /pos. author's note says "Because we need more awful kimchay fics <3" and sir you delivered!!!!!! spectacular and gasp-worthy, i couldn't stop thinking about it for like four days after reading it
Technicality by TheCookieOfDoom @the-cookie-of-doom (9136 words, ongoing)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
Kim is an OnlyFans model. Despite taking (literal) monster dildos up his ass on the regular, he is still, technically, a virgin.
now this one is just technically (ha) less than 10k, its 9k and ongoing but goddamnit im counting it because loooOORDD. this has almost all of my favorite tropes wrapped up in 9k of excellent writing and GOD it makes me feral like actually fr feral
K's Puppy Boy by Maenecoon @maenecoon (9944 words, ongoing)
Rated E. No Archive Warnings. Summary:
To be in K’s position, to garner the attention of people who'd pay to see him do more and go further into the depths of depravity. To feel wanted and needed and pleasured all while earning a bit of pocket money. It sounds like a dream. And so Chay's here now, attempting a stream of his own. ー Or, Chay stumbles upon the prettiest camboy. Things go downhill from there.
OK THIS ONES ALSO JUST BARELY 10K BUT LISTEN. holy F LISTEN TO ME. go read this right now. this shit has me blushing and kicking my feet and chewing my arm off and SCREAMING OUT LOUD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT god GOD ITS SO. ok yeah go read it.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
Soooo this rich photographer flew me out to his waterfront penthouse overlooking the city..... You know, he did what photographers do and filmed me, took pics, got me nice and drunk. He showed me his place, mind you he's in a fancy suit and I'm in this bikini, my cock is basically falling out of it and I'm rock hard the whole time I'm there. He shows me this gorgeous portfolio of other trans girls he's worked with, mostly videos on his computer, and oh my god..... I started fondling my cock as he kept showing me some of the prettiest girls I've ever seen, huge breasts, curvy asses, perfect smile, juicy cocks.... But every video ended with a shirtless man. I didn't get it and he told me not to worry, so I kept playing with my cock, sipping my wine as he showed me more.....
The videos always ended the same. Some handsome guy flexing his muscles, looking really hot tbh, most of them had beards or well-groomed facial hair, none were shaven. They all exuded the kind of masculinity I find super hot, def the kind of guys I love my plump ass to be fucked by. The photographer finally turned to me and told me the men were all the very same people as the sexy girls he showed me. He had a really big kink for convincing trans girls to detrans. I was floored, but kept jerking my cock..... He saw this and smiled. He told me he'd happily pay me 100K to detransition. I jerked super fast and nutted, drooling like a good little whore, eyes rolling back......
"100K? You want to see me become a boy that badly???" I panted, jerking my flaccid cock as it drooled more cum, soon getting erect again.....
"Just look at you, already a machine. Imagine what that cock could do on testosterone. I'd love to see you give up becoming a girl for good. Embrace being a guy, which is what you really are, princess.
I bit my lip, my cock responding so well to his words, nice and full again. "Please..... I like being a girl but I mean.... You really really wanna see me detrans, I can tell!"
"I do. I want to see you get muscular, pumped full of so much T and steroids nobody would ever know you were living as such a pretty girl, or at least a decent imitation, not that you pass, darling. You're hot but that cock is a dead give away, and you still look like a boy, but you already knew that, didn't you?" He stroked my chin.
I nodded softly. "I don't pass at all, do I?"
"Not in the slightest, you poor misguided fakegirl. I'm surprised anyone even thinks to gender you correctly. It definitely doesn't help that you're so proud of your cock and flaunt it all over social media, walking around in dresses with a full erection. You can just see people roll their eyes forcing themselves to call you a girl to be nice. But like I said, your face is still very masculine, totally a dead give away. Are you sure you aren't already growing facial hair? I swear I see a shadow."
I was blushing so hard, fully erect and jerking super hard again. "I mean, estrogen only helps so much, I started transitioning at fourteen! But by then..... and sometimes I forget to take my hormones and, ummmmm...... soooo, this is how deep my voice actually is." I used my real voice, sounding pretty much like a guy.
"Wow, I mean you still sounded like a boy pretending to be a girl before but I had no idea you basically already went through male puberty..... that explains why your cock is so huge. You you're pretty much not even a trans girl, you're a femboy with implants?"
I nodded, cumming again, shooting rope after rope. "Mmmmm, maybe? Sorry I don't pass very well..... I hope you still find me sexy...."
"Oh, all the sexier, in fact I'm going to take that fat ass of yours for a nice ride in a moment..... just after I give you your first official T-shot, so let's celebrate you no longer pretending to be a girl. From now on you'll be a good boy and masculinize yourself as much as possible, OK?"
"Yes..... sir..... anything else before you have your way with me?"
"I want you to post a video of yourself to your Instagram, talking in your real voice, that you're detransitioning and getting your DD implants yanked out next week."
"OK..... whatever you like. ❤️ I need to give up playing pretend..... thank you for helping me!"
"It's my pleasure, helping boys like you is my greatest passion."
Needless to say..... I won't be looking back, and I have a few more fakegirl friends I think I'll send his way....
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 5 months
Why I don't like the trans woman Vil headcanon
You probably saw my repost of another person talking about this but I wanted to rant about it by myself so here we go.
Before you start calling me transphobic, I'm not angry BECAUSE he's being headcanoned as trans (I actually headcanon him as trans myself, but as a trans man) and at the end of the day he's just a fictional character and it doesn't really matter so do whatever the hell you want.
That being said, a huge part of Vil's characters is not liking gender roles/stereotypes
This scene with him and Epel speaks for itself:
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Why is this a problem? Well the main reason I'm seeing a lot of people headcanon him as a trans woman is because he is feminine-
My reaction:
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Ah yes because feminine men totally cannot exist! They HAVE to be a trans woman! Same with tomboys they have to be trans men! Oh my god-
I want to clarify I'm not blaming trans people for this, in fact I've seen mainly trans people in the twst wonderland fandom call this out and mainly non trans people headcanon Vil as a trans woman.
To be fair, a lot of trans people started out as masculine "women" or feminine "men" before they realised they were trans, but that doesn't mean ALL feminine and masculine men and women are trans (or at least not transitioning to be the opposite gender I have met plenty of masculine trans women and feminine trans men)
Like the post I reposted said, if Vil truly WERE a trans woman, s/he'd probably be a tomboy, because a huge part of Vil's character IS 👏🏻BREAKING 👏🏻GENDER 👏🏻ROLES!
A lot of the trans male friends I have who also like Twisted Wonderland look up to Vil, because they want to break male gender roles and pass enough to be seen as a feminine guy and not a woman (what I mean by that is when trans men are feminine and like wearing dresses and stuff they are often a bit too afraid to do it due to social dysphoria and being misgendered so they usually wait until they begin passing more to wear/do more feminine things, its sad)
So when said trans male friends see the other twisted wonderland say Vil HAS TO BE A WOMAN just because he's feminine it makes them upset, they think they aren't "trans enough" and that to be a "true man" they must conform to male gender roles so they can be "trans enough"
The same goes with female characters who are masculine, trans women who are tomboys could be happy that a woman in media they watch is more masculine like them, but when people start headcanoning said woman as a trans man, it could make the trans women upset
I'm not saying headcanoning certain characters as trans is a bad thing, do whatever the hell you want, I'm not the type to get angry over fictional fun, I scoff at people wishing death upon proshippers because yeah its gross but at the end of the day its just fiction and the person behind it are often just a weird pre teen, I barely even make "call out posts" about these types of fandom stuff but subjects like being transgender often hit home for me because I have many trans friends and a few trans relatives whom I worry about because I know dysphoria can often make people think unhealthy and suicidal thoughts, so I'm just concerned about the harm certain headcanons could cause
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prince-liest · 3 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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The new trilogy means we finally got official French translations of the fifth and sixth games (the fourth already had one) so I did my thing and played through them, since they're always a lot of fun. Here are some things about French Dual Destinies I thought you might like to know:
Yes, it's set in France as per usual. They are all French people who live in Paris. And yes, that means that in this universe there is a Japanese village themed around yokai within throwing distance of Paris.
Athena lived in America in this version, and therefore peppers her speech with English and Spanish. My favourite unhinged franglais line was "let's get au travail" which I will be using from now on because it's hilarious
Many characters got French pun names again. Simon's name is "Jack Lamenoire" -- Jack, because the French version of Simon Says uses the name Jack/Jacques, and "lame noire" means "black blade". (Also he's not British or anything in this version, he just speaks in somewhat old-timey French.)
He has multiple nicknames for the judge that are all slight variations of "Your Baldness". He doesn't do that "-dono" suffix thing but he does refer to Phoenix in particular as "Maître Wright".
...I don't like pointing out things I didn't like buuuuuut his voice is a huge downgrade. Actually, to be honest, I don't like the new French voices that much in general... idk man they just don't sound very enthusiastic...
Filch's name is "Arsène Loupet", reference to the famous fictional thief Arsène Lupin, which I thought was pretty cool! (Herlock Sholmes was also a reference to that series too btw!)
Athena and Apollo use informal pronouns for each other pretty much from the get-go, but there have been some changes from the previous games: Phoenix now uses the informal "tu" for Apollo (and Athena) whereas in the prev game he didn't, Pearl now uses "tu" for Phoenix as well, and Klavier uses "tu" for Apollo now (but Apollo still calls him the formal "vous" lmao)
SPEAKING OF... SPEAKING OF. The French localisation continues to utterly baffle me when it comes to Klavier (or Konrad as he's called in French). No listen, liSTEN. In the previous game he was specifically stated to be English and did his law exams in England and dropped English words into his speech (and this is still the case in the trilogy version, I checked). But now?? They seem to have gone back on it and in this game he says he's German again, like the in English translation??? But he's still dropping English words into his speech randomly????? Look I already went through the five stages of grief when I found out they'd english-ified him, I made my peace with it, and NOW they change it???????
God and his new French voice sucks too (his old one was actually good)... what have they done to you my poor boy, was making you English not bad enough T_T Oh and he and Athena didn't even get their little language club moment where they both start speaking in the same foreign language?? Like, that just straight-up didn't happen here and I had been waiting for it aauuugh it's cool it's fine it's cool i'm okay i'm--
True to Dual Destinies fashion, there are still typos. In an emotional moment, Apollo took a leave of asbence from the office. Not absence. Asbence.
I can't put my finger on it but Robin's coming out scene felt more... respectful in French? The English translation was done over a decade ago so it feels somewhat dated, maybe that's why... I obviously don't know if she was purposely written to be a trans girl but she very much comes across that way, and it feels like the French translators were aware of that interpretation and took it into account, idk maybe it's just me
Cosmic Turnabout and Turnabout for Tomorrow were great in French though, so there's that. Clay's French name is "Pierre" which worked surprisingly well because it means stone or rock, and the moon rock was also called that, so like, the phantom had to kill Pierre in order to get the pierre... idk it worked and it was cool
Simon and Athena switch to using informal pronouns for each other very near the end of the game, in the scene where they work together to psychologically mess with the phantom. It's around the time when they start openly calling each other by first name since everyone knows now that they're old friends.
Phoenix and Edgeworth also occasionally refer to each other by first name in this game, which threw me off completely. (Reminder that Edgeworth's French name is "Benjamin Hunter". Just picture Phoenix standing in front of Edgeworth and calling him BENJAMIN. Now you understand how absolutely bizarre it felt.)
Here's the entirety of The Dissin' of Phoenix Wright in French
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rxsilabeth--er · 2 months
But being a criminal and getting trans!reg pregnant....like it's all planned.
Reader being obsessed with reg from the beginning from when he was just a trainee and committing crimes just so he could visit the scenes and watch reg. Killing people till he's darling boy is head of this case and being the one to bring him in. When he is, he chats up reg at a bar or sth, and poor reg is so clueless. Doesn't the guy he's riding and losing his mind over is the same person who is killing all those young victims he's investigating. By the time he figures it out, everything has gone to hell. And little reg is pregnant with the child of a serial killer. The worst part is that he knows. He can't tell anyone cause if his team finds out he got knocked by the psycho they're trying to catch, he'll lose the respect of the entire bureau. And Reg doesn't want to abort cause he's too stupidly in love with the man that gave him the child. However, he's shocked when he finds out the man made a small mistake in the last crime scene, but his team doesn't know it's killer and reg is a hundred percent sure the clue wasn't a mistake and was all planned out. And know he's interviewing his baby daddy in a small metal room who is highly aware of the tiny life growing inside of him and is too smug about it. With his new role as a potential witness to the case, he decides to offer his help with catching the murder and reg's boss agrees and is grateful to have the help of a local. Soo he grows to be liked by the whole group, and it's torture for reg. He keeps pulling reg into closets and bending him over the desk, promising to give him the little family he's always talked about on their dates, teasing him about how he has always been an over achiever and Regulus knows he could easily let himself hate him had their were not moments where the man was too domestic. Him walking into the office, wrapping his arms around his waist, rubbing his stomach. Talking about how their swert child will come out a genius. How he'll marry reg, whenever his ready. Always carrying with him water so reg is hydrated, doughnuts for the craving. Home-cooked meals, that reg can't help but mouth over. When reg is working too hard he'll walk into the office rub his back and little bump, telling him he shouldn't work too hard, it's bad for the baby, whispering little clues about the case In his ears. He'll buy him presents and make little baby jokes in front of everyone, making everyone confused. They'll ask if he's got a special someone at home and he's like yeah, we're expecting. He'll look reg right in the eye and go "smartest and prettiest little mama I've ever seen" and when it gets too hard for reg to cover the bump, he promises he'll quit but only if reg agrees to live with him.
Sorry, I may have gotten too obsessed 😅 I got this idea at what? 3:50 a.m and now it's 4:22. Had to get it all down immediately 😭
I'm drooling over this, it's such a piece of diamond!!! I NEED IT!! Oh my god, it's so cute yet so sexy!! Here take preggo! Reggie smut in exchange for the amazing gold's price!!| Warnings: dub-con? Slight manhandling, gun on head (reg's fine, dw), reader is kinda unhinged and insane, chocking, reg's pregnant, I have no idea, what came over me to write this...
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Thank god, everyone in the office was actually gone out to eat, Regulus said he wasn't feeling and you brightly volunteered to stay behind to care of the Head Detective and the others agree, because you're a local who became VERY close with the group.
And Regulus knew why...Regulus's head felt like it was burning, crying on his knees, spewing insults, yelling, screaming and what not simply to argue with you over the fact that you're always at his office now and he doesn't like it...
You simply grinned down at him, you liked when he cried, it was cute, you know you should be angry at him, but maybe it was the fact that he was pregnant that suddenly made him so cute and made you want to make him cry more and mewl on your cock like that other night in the forest where you pounded in him on the forest floor beside his friend, Barty's house.
Softly you walked close to the kneeling boy, lifting his face softly and grabbing his face tightly, "You cry so damn much, it's fucking annoying how pretty you look." you softly hummed as Regulus's soft whimpering as you grab his arm and lift him up, pulling him up as you sat on his chair, the Head detective's chair.
You let him stand as he continued to scream at you for the next few minutes, maybe it was the pregnancy moodswings but after a few minutes of screaming, he stood there sobbing, pregnancy emotions always got out of hand, you guessed.
Softly he walked closer to you, sitting in your lap, crying in your neck as your hands stroked his thigh and sides, one hand travelling up to the top of his jacket, you softly pulled it off as he continued to cry, whine and sob on your lap, as one hand unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt softly, the other rubbing his thigh, the shirt still tucked in enough to hide his body well.
You snaked your hands inside his shirt, rubbing his stomach where you felt the smallest amount of movement, was it from Reg's breathing or the baby's notice of his father being around, you didn't know, you preferred the latter, knowing the man in your lap could never help his greediness he had over you, his obsession over you which he tried SO HARD to deny always made you grin and made you think how cute he'd like crying on your cock.
The other hand softly unbutton his trousers, your hands slipped inside his pants on his hips, holding his hips softly as you pet his hips a bit for him to lift his hips for you remove his trousers. Throwing them haphazardly, your fingers softly grazed his clothed cunt, already starting to wet and leak even through his panties, "Oh? Already wet...expected this from you honestly." you hummed softly, taking his hand on yours and guiding it to your trousers.
As he unbuttoned your pants, you simply pushed his panties aside and stroked his cunt and clit, but not touching him where he wants. Panting and whining, he simply pulled out your cock, whining as you simply sighed. "Pitiful.." you stared at him, but he's pregnant, might as well be sweet right?
So that's how he ended up riding you, wailing and moaning like it's nobody's business as his fingers were plunged in your mouth, plugging your mouth as you sucked and slobbered over his fingers like he did on your cock with a smirk seeing him go crazy and whiny simply from bouncing over you, one of your hands rubbing and squeezing his clit and the other rubbing his tummy which was seemingly growing to show your kid inside him...
Thrusting up into his cunt, the hand which was on his stomach moved up to softly pinch his nipples just as the ringtone of your phone rang through the office, as Regulus's cries resonated within the walls, just before you pulled his panties you tore off of him and shoved it in his mouth, taking the call, putting it on speaker and placing it on the table, while one of your hands held his wrists tightly, while the other moved to hold his throat.
Noticing his movements stopped, you leaned close to his tear-stricken face and asked, "What? Did I ask you to stop? Continue fucking riding." you said softly, you were sure if not for the panties stuck in his mouth and your hand on his throat he would whine loudly to show everyone what was happening.
"Hello?" Barty's voice came from the call, "Yeah? Hello Barty!!" You asked brightly, in contrary to how you were fucking Regulus on your dick. As Regulus continued to bounce on top you, "Yeah, uh, we're reaching the station back in like two to three minutes." Barty said as all blood ran from Regulus's face while you only smirked,
"Oh? Oh, please, do come early...I miss you all and if not me, then Reggie sure does, don't you?" you said smirking as Barty laughed over the phone, "I bet, aight, I'll tell Evan to drive faster, can't leave our besties alone, can we? See you!" he said before hanging up as you pulled Regulus's panties out his mouth, making him whine as you pressed down on his throat and rubbed his clit a bit harshly,
"Why-...Why would you..you-fuck! Why would you do that?!" he asked, trying to be angry, but his exterior flattered the moment you thrust inside of him, hearing him wail.
"Come on, hurry up, don't you want to cum? If not now, then you'll have to wait up until, I don't know....a few hours?" you said as he suddenly began speeding his movements up, as you relaxed in the chair, groaning as you kissed his chest and left hickeys, biting him as he simply whined and tried his best to ride you. Your hands no longer working on his body neither did you put in any effort, if he wanted it, he can have it all by himself especially after screaming at you,
"i'm still upset at you yelling at me, so I will relax, you use me and get yourself off." you said simply, hands simply on his stomach, stroking his swelling belly, letting him use you.
Regulus tried his best to replicate the feelings of you, pinching his nipples, squeezing his clit, plunging your fingers in his hole besides your cock if you felt more mean, or the way your cock touched parts of his body his long fingers couldn't even reach...
His wet finger rubbing his own clit, as he ride to bounce himself on top of you like you always force him to, the other hand on top of yours on his stomach, feeling your cock bulging in his stomach, it was hurting, but he simply couldn't reach his good points!
What the hell, you're supposed to care for him, your baby's momma, your pretty little baby and your gorgeous princess (as you called him in a degrading way).
It wasn't helping that you were pinching his nipples seemingly out of nowhere and reminding him, "Come on, don't want the whole sector to know you're a whore right? They're gonna be here any minute now." he said. His pleasure was teetering between too much and too little and it was driving him wild,
"Ah-fuck!...please! I-I'm..fuck..I'm sorry, it's not working!!" he whined, his tears dripped down his cheeks with drool also falling down his cheeks making you shake your head, "I'm sorry, baby. You're on your own." you said simply, groaning as he clamped down on your, throwing your head back, sadism making you feel happy and a smirk on your lips as he again began to move up and down, his thighs burning just as the sounds of other's car's parking was heard.
"Oh, looks like they're here, awwhhh, baby, hurry up, come on, cum." you said with fake pity as Regulus let out a loud whine, near scream,
"PLEASE! I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry...Please..it hurts and I-fuck! Can't do it, I need you, I need you!....in here..Please daddy? Don't wanna pleasure your little cumslut...am I not carrying your baby?" he softly, whined taking your hand and placing it on his dripping cunt softly throwing his head back, you groaned and rolled your eyes as you held his hips, the fucking cumslut was smart and fucking cute,
"Awhh, fine. But hear me slut, you're not cumming the whole night after this." he said as he nodded desperately, "Fine, yes, yes!!" he nodded as you looked over to see Barty, Evan, Pandora, James, Sirius, Remus, Lily and literally everyone in the group was entering the building.
You quickly pulled out and flipped him over, slamming back inside as you pounded him on the table, as you looked over the desk to see your gun that confiscated in a opened drawer, pulling it you softly placed it on his head, making Regulus tense up, as you continued to pound inside him, spanking his ass red and rubbing it softly between your warmed up palm of the other hand before it moved to bundle up in his hair to pull up his falling and lolling head as his whined,
"Awhh, what? Scared, baby? You should be. Fucking brat, you should be fucking grateful I don't pull the trigger for almost revealing my identity...But fuck, baby, I love you." you hummed moving fast, moving the fun down to nudge his clit with the cold metal as you pounded in him, pulling his hair, and biting his shoulders, you were dressed up but he wasn't except his opened shirt hanging from his shoulders.
Regulus's whines began to be more high-pitched and faster, "Uh..No, wait..it feels weird, sir! PLEASE! It-fuck, feels like I'm gonna pee...Please, no i'm-ngh!...I'm gonna cum." he whined, thrashing softly as you placed the gun back on the table and shoved fingers in his mouth, gagging him on them, as the other pinched and rubbed his clit roughly, you could hear the other's footsteps outside on the corridors...
"Fucking cum, I better not get caught. They're just outside the door, sweetheart." you hissed as Regulus whined and let out a soundless cream as he squirted over you dripping down as he clamped down on your cock, his head dizzy as he whined softly.
That pushed you over the edge as you quickly came inside him and pulled out, staring at his dripped ass as Regulus scrambled to get his articles of clothing, including the ripped up panties and ran to the bathroom, banging the door closed just as the door opened to them, "Hey!! We got food for you as well!!" Pandora said brightly holding up a bag as they all stare at you fixing your unbutton shirts with a sweet smile, back on your lips,
"Hi, welcome back!! Where were you all gone for?" you asked, fixing your pants behind the desk hiding you as you smiled brightly. "Oh, nowhere really." Mary said sighing as she pulled up a chair beside you as you sat on the Head Detective's desk, "Where is Regulus?" Dorcas asked, as you slightly panicked, "Oh, uh, he's in the bathroom." you said smiling nodding towards the bathroom in the office.
Everyone nodded as Pandora handed you the food bag, "Oh yeah, speaking of. Reminds me, you look unsuually happy, are you expecting someone at home?" James asked smiling, as you nodded with a boyish grin,
"Yep, i'm expecting a baby!" You said just as Regulus walked out wiping his face with a napkin, his clothes back on, " the prettiest and gorgeous mama I've ever seen.." you said softly smiling at Regulus who blushed and walked closer, shooing you to get your own chair...
You pulled one beside him, as everyone began leaving to go back to different things they had to work on, as you ate your food in silence with Regulus, pulling him back to sit in your lap on the Head Detective's chair, a hand on his tummy.
You didn't really notice it, but after the few months, he was honestly starting to show, if not for the fact that he wore a brown blazer over it that hid his stomach, but if he wasn't wearing it, it was blatantly obvious as you stared at his stomach.
Regulus noticing your gaze no tummy, he hid it under his arms, his insecurity skyrocketed since becoming pregnant, but despite being insane it would be wrong to lie since he was looking gorgeous than anything,
"Quit this job, I'll take care of you." you blurted out suddenly making Regulus glare at you, "You have a lot of fucking audacity." he said pulling you close by your collar, "I'm serious...I don't want you to be held responsible if I got caught being a killer, I want you and the baby to be safe, quit this. I have money, I'll take care of you." you said softly, rubbing his stomach with one of the rare, genuine smile you held making Regulus a bit surprised but sigh,
"I'll see...", "Thank sweet mama.. :)"
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lavenderlegends · 8 months
can you fall in love after a single kiss?
ship: stiles/derek prompt: crisp air characters: erica, scott, isaac, danny, jackson, allison mention, boyd mention cw: drinking tags: college au, fluff word count: 2.6k ao3 ♞♚♞♚
"Ahhhh," Stiles says, as he steps out into the crisp fall air. He looks over at Erica. "Do you feel that?"
"Hm?" she says, looking up from her phone. "What's that?"
"The air! Fall has begun!" Stiles exclaims. He nudges her. "C'mon, why aren't you enjoying this?"
"Because," Erica says, looking back down at her phone as they walk down the path towards the parking lot. "I've got a lot going on at the moment."
"Mhm, it's that guy, isn't it?" Stiles asks, trying to peek at her screen. She hides it from him with a pointed expression.
"None of your business," she answers.
"Ugh. Well, will I at least see you at Danny's party?" Stiles shoves his hand into his pocket, searching for his Jeep keys. Erica doesn't answer by the time he's pulled out the bi flag lanyard, so he pouts. "Ericaaaa, midterms are over. We have to celebrate. Please tell me you're coming to Danny's party."
"What?" she asks, looking up at him. "Oh. Danny's party. Yes. I'll be there."
"Will he be there?" Stiles asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
Erica's face flushes in a way he's never seen before. She shrugs. "Maybe."
"I can't wait to meet the mystery man, then."
"He's not a mystery man. He's just a guy I met at the library." Erica bites her bottom lip when they reach his Jeep and are about to say goodbye. He doesn't rush to open the door.
"What is it?"
"I think... oh my god, I can't believe I'm even thinking this, let alone saying this... but..."
"Spit it out already," Stiles says, shaking with impatience. He should've taken his Adderall today, but definitely forgot. He likes to pretend he does better studying without it, but his most recent midterm would prove otherwise.
Erica ducks her head. "I think he's, like, the one."
"What," Stiles blurts. He doesn't mean to, really, but he's never ever heard Erica talk like this and they've been best friends since kindergarten. Stiles waits until she lifts her head up again before he asks, "Are you possessed?"
She shakes her head.
Stiles blinks. "Holy shit, Erica! That's huge. I never thought you'd settle down for a boyfriend, let alone the one."
Erica lets out a soft laugh. "Yeah, me neither. I don't know what it is about him, Stiles, but he gets me."
"Does he...?"
"Know I'm trans? Yeah," Erica says, nodding. "I know. It's strange, isn't it? I don't think I've ever been on a second date before."
"But this guy?"
"This guy," Erica confirms, a shy smile crossing her lips. "This guy is something else. Listen, I'm going to go shopping before Danny's party. I want to look good. I'll catch up with you later?"
"Sounds good."
"And if you tell anyone what I said--"
He laughs. "As if anyone would believe me."
"True." Erica grins, and bounces away with a skip in her step. Stiles stares after her.
This party is going to be one to remember.
Erica's in love. It's obvious. She just met the guy a week ago, but some things are undeniable.
He smiles to himself as he gets into his Jeep. Maybe, just maybe, the one for him is at the party tonight too.
Stiles shows up a little late, but he meant to be on time. He even set like six alarms to stop his ADHD from getting in the way, but alas, it was pointless. He just hopes Danny isn't mad.
"There you are!" Danny's voice comes when Stiles enters the kitchen.
"Hey, sorry." Stiles hands him a bag of ice. "I know, I know. Super late. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Derek also brought ice."
Stiles jerks his head back. "You asked Derek to bring you ice too?"
"I did," Danny says. "Figured you'd be late. I've known you since high school, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah," Stiles says, rolling his eyes. "I just can't believe you asked Mr. Grumpy Pants to bring ice. It's like asking a bear to step out of their cave while they're hibernating."
"Ha, ha," a sarcastic, dry tone comes from behind him.
Stiles jumps and whips around to see Derek freaking Hale standing behind him. He groans. "Are you everywhere? I swear, you have the hearing of a bat."
Derek tilts his head. "You shouldn't be that surprised to see me. I am Danny's roommate."
"Mhm," Stiles says. "Don't remind me."
Stiles and Derek haven't gotten along since first semester of first year. The guy has been nothing but rude and grumpy to Stiles. His theory is that Derek's in love with Danny, especially because his attitude just got worse after he learned that Stiles and Danny used to hook up in high school.
But Danny's been dating Jackson pretty much since they started college, so Stiles doesn't get why Derek's not over him yet.
"Alright, I'm off to find Scott and Isaac!" Stiles announces, before muttering, "'Cause I can't stand to be around you anymore."
Derek snorts. "Like I want to be around you either."
"Can't we be nice for one night?" Danny pleads, but Stiles just tosses his hand in the air and walks towards the living room.
Erica's talking to a very handsome guy in the corner, and she's twirling her hair. He freezes, watching them. He's never seen her twirl her hair before. Ever. But there she is, giggling, and looking up at this guy with the biggest heart-eyes he's ever seen.
"Oh my god, I can't believe it," Isaac says, suddenly appearing at Stiles' side. Scott joins him on the other side. "I've never seen Boyd talk so much to a girl before."
"Yeah, it's a bit weird," Scott says. "Erica's like... usually on the prowl by now."
"Jesus," Stiles mutters. "You make her sound like a cougar."
"Well, you know what I mean. She eats boys up and spits them out. It's her thing," Scott says. "I've never seen her so... infatuated before."
"That's a great word for it, honey," Isaac says, grinning. He shares a look with Scott, and Stiles groans. "What?"
"You two are also disgustingly in love," Stiles mutters. "Everyone seems to be these days!"
"Calm down," Scott says, but he's still got a moony look towards Isaac on his face. "You'll find the right person soon."
"Uh-huh." Stiles sighs. "I'm going to find Lydia. You two are making me nauseated."
He doesn't wait for them to protest, but heads out to the balcony. He smiles when he finds Lydia alone. She takes a long sip of her drink before looking at him.
"Nice night out, huh?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah." Lydia sighs. "I wish Ally was here tonight."
"Why isn't she?" Stiles asks, glancing back through the windows as if he might magically spot her.
"She went home to visit her parents."
"Are you two...?"
"Yeah," Lydia admits. "We're keeping it on the downlow for now. I mean, her breakup with Kira is still pretty fresh. But..."
"Damn." Stiles rubs his face. "Everyone seems to be in a relationship these days."
Lydia pats his shoulder. "I'm sorry, darling. You'll find someone. I just know it."
"Yeah. That's what they keep telling me." Stiles sighs.
Lydia finishes her drink and then says, "I'm going back inside. You coming?"
"I think I'll stay out here for now." Stiles doesn't care if he shivers. Nothing is going to make him go back inside now.
Erica has Boyd. Danny's with Jackson. Scott and Isaac have been dating for almost a year. Now Lydia and Allison? When is it going to be his turn?
Stiles stretches his neck before leaning over the edge of the balcony. He's looking into a parking lot, and it's not very exciting, but he can sort of see the city lights from here, and that's nice. He guesses.
He's not drunk enough for this.
Maybe he should ditch the party, curl up, and watch Disney Plus. Anything would be better than this. Being alone. Again. As always.
"Room for one more out here?"
Stiles freezes at the sound of Derek's voice before turning. "What do you want?"
"Thought maybe we could talk." Derek shuts the door gently behind him. "What do you say?"
"Whatever," Stiles mutters.
"What's your problem with me?" Derek asks, as if he doesn't already know. Stiles glances at him again but can't stare too long because his heart has started to pound.
He's never actually been alone with Derek before.
"Like you don't know," Stiles mutters.
"I don't," Derek says, flatly.
"You've been nothing but rude to me, and you only got ruder once you learned about my history with Danny."
Derek blinks. "What are you talking about?"
"Sure. Play dumb." Stiles rolls his eyes. He turns to face Derek now, surprised at how close they are together. It's not a huge balcony, but it's not that small either.
Derek looks down at Stiles, just slightly, and asks, "Talk to me like I'm dumb."
"Fine." Stiles lifts his head and bites his lip. Derek's eyes are unwavering on his. "You are the rudest person I have ever met. You totally changed your vibe around me after the news about Danny and I came out. You were stiffer, and not in like, a fun way. You wouldn't look me in the eyes. You just... grunted. A lot. Danny was my first. I was his first. It was all very sweet, but just because you're in love with Danny, doesn't mean you have like... claim on him. He's his own person. And he chose Jackson. So, I don't get why you're such an asshole to me."
Stiles is shaking now, but he doesn't care.
The crisp fall air has turned cold.
And then...
Derek kisses him.
Stiles would jerk back if he had the ability to think. But Derek's lips are hot against his, and suddenly, Stiles is grabbing onto Derek's sweater, and holding him there.
He'd be lying if he said this hadn't popped into his mind before. But he never thought... never in a million years imagined... never...
Derek pulls away, but not far.
His voice is soft but gruff when he says, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Then he turns on his heels and walks back into the party. As if he hadn't just given Stiles the best kiss of his life.
"What the fuck?" Stiles whispers, bringing his shaking fingers up to his lips.
He doesn't know what to make of that, so he stays out on the balcony until it's too cold, and then when he goes back into the party, Derek's already gone.
He can't stop thinking about it. He might actually understand Erica's obsession with her phone and Boyd now. Stiles waits. He waits for some sort of flicker of hope that maybe Derek kissing him was real. That maybe it wasn't a fluke.
But no notifications ever come. No Instagram follow. No accidental Tweet like. Not even a Facebook friend request.
Stiles hates it.
"Hey darling, I'm sorry, but I have to bail on our shopping trip today," Lydia tells him on the phone a few days later. "Allison had a rough time at home, and came back to campus early. I'm going to go over to hers, is that okay?"
"Yeah, of course," Stiles says, absentmindedly.
"Okay, thank you!" Lydia sends kisses through the phone and hangs up.
It takes him a minute to realize they've said goodbye and she's gone.
He's busy staring at Danny's messages in Whatsapp and debating on what to say.
Nothing sounds right.
hey your dumb roommate kissed me
hey can you fall in love after a single kiss
hey I was wondering if I could come over?
The last one, he sends.
Danny gives him a thumbs-up and Stiles makes his way over. He hesitates at the door, but it swings open and Jackson stands there.
"Jesus!" Jackson says. "You almost gave me a heart attack, Stilinski. What are you doing here?"
"We're going to hang out and play some video games!" Danny's voice comes from somewhere in the apartment.
"That," Stiles says.
"Alright," Jackson replies, shaking his head. "Just, like, knock next time." He pauses to call back to Danny. "Love you!"
"Love you too!" Danny shouts.
Jackson heads out and leaves the door open for Stiles. He slowly inches his way into the apartment and shuts the door behind him.
"Is, uh, Derek here?" Stiles asks.
"Huh?" Danny says, coming into the living room. He wears a bright smile. "No, no. He hasn't been around all week. Studying for some big test he has next week, I guess. The apartment's all ours."
"Where's Jackson going?"
"Oh, his dad's in town, so they're having dinner."
Danny gives Stiles a quick hug. "C'mon, let's play."
It's reasonable of Danny to assume Stiles wants to play a video game, but all he wants to do right now is ask about Derek. He shoves his questions deep down though.
At least, until he can't hold it in any longer. They're three hours deep into the newest game Danny bought and Stiles blurts, "Why would Derek kiss me?"
Danny freezes, pauses the game, and turns to look at Stiles. "He did what now?"
"He kissed me. At your party. On that balcony. Last week." Stiles breathes. He's finally told someone else and it feels good. "Why... why would he do that?"
"I... I honestly don't know," Danny says, slowly. His eyebrows come together. "Although, now that I think about it, he does ask about you sometimes."
"He does?" Stiles asks, hating how hopeful he sounds.
"Yeah. Like he asked if I had heard from you after the party," Danny explains. "I thought it was a little weird, but... Derek's kind of weird, y'know? Keeps to himself a lot."
"Right." Stiles bites his lip. "Okay, you know what, let's not talk about it anymore. Pretend it never happened."
Because that's what Derek's doing.
"Sure thing," Danny says, and hits play on the game. Stiles is almost instantly killed.
Stiles is walking to class with Erica through the courtyard when he finally sees Derek for the first time since the party.
"Hey, I'm not feeling well suddenly." Stiles puts a hand over his stomach. "Dairy issues."
Erica scrunches her nose. "Gross, Stiles. You really don't need to tell me that every time. And also, stop eating dairy!"
Normally, he'd laugh, but he's too tense. "Catch you back at home?"
"Sure. Feel better," Erica says, kissing him on the cheek.
Stiles waits until she's in the building and out of sight before he crosses the courtyard. His heart pounds so loud he can hear it. He's losing his nerve the closer he gets, but he doesn't stop.
"You kissed me."
Derek swings his head up from his textbook. He meets Stiles' eyes and calmly says, "Yes."
"Why?" Stiles asks, slipping into the picnic table bench. "Because I've been thinking and thinking and nothing makes sense except--"
"I have a crush on you." Derek says it so clear-as-day, it almost shakes Stiles' core.
"But why?"
Derek swallows before answering. He keeps his voice low. "Because you are so unafraid to be yourself. Because you clearly care about our mutual friends. Because you show up with ice even when you're an hour late. Because you're loud and obnoxious and funny and a smart ass. Because you don't care that my parents are rich and my dad's the dean of our school. You treat me the exact same way. You don't tiptoe around me or ask me for favours or try to get in good with me to get in with my dad."
Stiles blinks. He's positive that at some point Danny told him about Derek's parents, but he didn't realize that people... did that to Derek because of them. He swallows.
"I... I see."
"Does that answer your question?" Derek asks.
"Yes. But I have one more."
Derek simply stares at him.
Stiles musters up all his courage and says, "Can we do it again?"
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bitterkarella · 28 days
Midnight Pals: Fat People
James H Longmore: after yesterday's incident, I'd like to offer a full and complete apology to the humorless scolds of the woke mob Franz Kafka: Kafka: well, good Kafka: see that it doesn't happen again!
Longmore: look, this story about joe's unwanted penis is just a light-hearted comedic jaunt! Kafka: booo! Longmore: [wiping sweat from brow] jeez tough crowd Longmore: better switch gears Longmore: hey how about a story about gross fatties?
Longmore: i have another story too Longmore: it's a terrifying descent into the depraved world of feederism Longmore: cuz there's nothing scarier Longmore: than a fat person Longmore: steve knows what i'm talking about Stephen King: he's right!
Poe: wow, these stories are kinda problematic! Poe: you're really kinda othering to trans and fat people Longmore: well, i am originally English Poe: oh yeah ok, that scans
Longmore: there's this guy called… the feeder Longmore: and they call him that because he Longmore: get ready for it Longmore: feeds people King: oh shit! oh wow! that is terrifying! King: i thought i was prepared but i was not prepared
King: i think King: i think i need to sit down for a minute Poe: are you going to be ok, steve? King: yeah, i'm King: yeah King: i just need a minute King: phew King: my heart is racing
Barker: how is this possible? Barker: Stephen king - master of the macabre! - scared of fat people! King: look, it's not that strange King: a lot of people are scared of fat people Barker: Barker: no i don't think that's true Barker: think this is a you thing, steve
King: well, think about it King: if you see a clown walking around outside of a circus, that would be pretty scary right? Barker: ok right King: now imagine if you saw a fat person walking around on the street, like it was normal or something-
King: it's just not healthy, you see King: that's why scientists invented the weight loss pill that makes you shit yourself to death from Meg Elison's story "Please Don't Invent the Weight Loss Pill that Makes You Shit Yourself to Death" Meg Elison: Elison: I am going to murder you
Longmore: so the feeder has a whole facility full of women that he feeds Longmore: until they gain weight Longmore: they're called gainers Longmore: stop me if i'm going too fast for you
Longmore: ok so imagine a fat woman Longmore: just the fattest woman ever Longmore: just so huge beyond belief, absolutely gargantuan Longmore: like the size of the entire planet Longmore: like 464 pounds King: holy shit guys this is the scariest story I've ever heard! King: i am legit shaking!
Longmore: so this guy is feeding a fat woman a stack of pizzas Longmore: and the pizzas are all Longmore: [falsetto voice] heeeey you should eat us! we're delicious! Longmore: [falsetto] we're pizza! look at us! we want to be eaten! Longmore: [falsetto] we're gonna be so sad if you don't eat us Dean Koontz: oh no i hope the pizza gets eaten!
Joe Koch: this sucks Koch: the pizza should speak in an Italian accent Barker: yes Poe: no don't say that joe!! Lovecraft: oh jesus Lovecraft: oh god Lovecraft: [sweats] oh jesus
Koch: the disc of cracked dough, crimson gore as red as god's menstrual flow, hissing fleshy tentacles of mozzarella, pale as the broken spirals of the universe, splayed open in a tattered furl of the anal fistulas of sundried tomatoes Poe: oh max you should like this, you like pizza Max Booth III: why does everyone keep saying that
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tiredmoonslut · 2 years
I just finished S1 of Heartstopper and dare I say it....dare I say it....
I'm gonna say it. This is the sweetest piece of queer media I've ever seen. I'm sure there's more out there, but by god I am floored. Alice Oseman, can I please give you a hug?
I've never seen a show weave so deftly between my expectations. I expected a cute love story, and I got it. But what I did not expect was for the story to be so...graceful.
I'll be honest, at first glance I had low expectations for this show. The growth of queer media since the release of Love, Simon (especially MLM media) is a fantastic thing, and I'm so happy it's happening, but part of becoming mainstream is that a lot of mediocrity will come to fill the gaps. Having no prior awareness that Heartstopper was a comic series (my bad), I'd shallowly judged it as such.
Holy fuck was I wrong oh my fucking god
This show is a gift. And what makes it amazing is, as I said, how gracefully executed it is.
This show writes itself. Two teens meet-cute and have a sweet forbidden love. We all know how that goes. We even know how the gay version of that goes. But Heartstopper? It said "we see you, and raise you this". It is two teens meet-cuting and having a sweet forbidden love. But the show takes one look at all the potential tropes inherent there, and says, "nah".
Case in point. Nick. Fucking. Nelson. You are a national treasure, and I will thank Alice Oseman eternally for bringing you to me, you sweet, sweet boy. Nick's story could have been very traditional, as far as gay stories go. Masc athlete discovers he likes guys and has a crisis. Cue the internalized disgust, angry outbursts, emotional victimization, and relationship toxicity, followed by a hasty resolution that "fixes" the relationship and offers only a mildly satisfying conclusion. But what Heartstopper did so, so beautifully, is make Nick Nelson kind.
It sounds so bare minimum when viewed that way, but that is the problem. Too often in queer stories, it is either A) about the suffering of being queer, or B) about the aftermath of the suffering. Neither is uplifting, optimistic, or even nice to see represented, all the time. We've all lived it. Seeing it told so callously on a screen isn't vindicating. It's rude. Nick Nelson flies in the face of that phenomenon, simply by being kind. He is a masculine athlete who finds out he likes guys and has a bit of a crisis. But he never lashes out at Charlie, never scoffs and says "I'm not gay!", never shouts Charlie down or shames him.
From moment ONE, Nick is completely self-aware. He knows his own confusion could do harm to Charlie, so he doesn't make it Charlie's responsibility. He's proactive. He talks to people. He gets honest with himself. Soul-searches. Opens up to his feelings. Why? Because he wants to be happy, and because he is committed to kindness.
Highlighting that turned Heartstopper from a predictable gay love story into something life-giving, and warm, and adorable, and so unapologetically queer. This was underscored by Elle's storylines. Seeing a black trans girl like myself fit so perfectly into the main cast of characters and be treated with the utmost respect the entire time added years to my lifespan. Seeing an interracial lesbian couple navigate their relationship with such grace was beautiful.
And seeing all of those unique perspectives blend so easily into a unified, unapologetically queer friend group was so accurate to my own experiences as a queer individual that I found myself tearing up as I watched. This is the gooey, dramatic, teeny-bopper queer love story every queer kid deserves to be able to watch, and I literally cannot wait to get my hands on the graphic novels and the next two seasons of the show. I love it so much.
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wof-reworked · 5 months
ok I can't stop thinking about the jade winglet, here's my gender hcs for all of them
Moonwatcher - she/they (nonbinary)
I feel like this is fun bc rn (in canon) her gender is just "anxiety" but like,,, one day in the future she gets to actually play around with it
like she captures a very specific type of person I've met who you go "oh I mean I know she's gay but she's probably cis..." and then you have like one real convo and find out they're like not only nonbinary but better at it then you
I think she should get to be butch when she's older. I think she deserves being a) massive compared to her two twink boyfriends and b) gnc as shit
Kinkajou- any/all (genderfluid +transfem)
Kinkajou strikes me as being like. totally ambivalent to gender. Kinkajou changes her pronouns based on how the fruit he ate for breakfast makes him feel. Kinkajou is better than you
I think she was like staunchly using she/her for a while bc it just felt right and like changes pronouns situationally- Rainwing village is she/her, Jade Academy is any/all, close friends it varies, etc etc
Qibli- he/they (transmasc)
Qibli's just always kind of known who he is, and has been like. pretty contentedly in his corner for a while. I think it's like- a pillar of stability for him of like "at least I know I'm (x)"
Proximity to Moonwatcher puts the they/them in there bc I think it's nice when ppl get more comfortable so they start branching out a lil bit :> Qibli has like. guy who says "he/they" because he doesn't mind they/them and wants his friends to feel supported y'know
Winter- he/him (cis + gnc)
Look I feel bad making him one of like. two cis ppl at JMA but like I think it's funny if he's cis but inflicts a status effect of gender envy on every trans person in his proximity
guy who does makeup flawlessly because "it's fun" and decimates your sense of identity as you wonder why the fuck god gave these gifts to a man
extra funny for the fact that as a dragonet he gets offended by the implication he's pretty. he gets over it eventually I think
Turtle- she/her or he/she/they (transwoman/trans)
See here. Otherwise I think she's like trans and this could go in like. any fucking direction ngl
transmasc turtle??? hell yeah !!! transfem turtle??? hell yeah !!! gender is whatever Turtle has going on and god knows if she knows it
last egg to crack bc Turtle is immune to self reflection that isn't anxiety and self loathing
"Haha everyone hates how other people refer to them and their gender what do you mean? :)" (entire jade winglet: cringing with worry)
Umber- he/him (cis)
cis and a lil insecure about it but like. he's just nice :)
he's like experimented with pronouns and gender and found none of them really stuck so like. cis+. cis (extended dlc). you know what I mean I hope
gonna be honest I'm lost for him bc I genuinely forget he was there bc he peaced out so fast. justice for my boy I want to know more !!!!!
I could be persuaded for transman Umber ngl,,, it tempts me,,,,,,
Peril- she/her (trans woman)
On one hand I'm torn bc I think it almost doesn't make sense for her backstory BUT ON THE OTHER HAND the idea of Scarlet being supportive of Peril's identity and LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE is hysterical to me
though actually if we wanna get sad,,,, that 100% could be a manipulation tactic of Scarlet. "see I love you I even accept you" etc etc. now I just feel bad man
Peril's also in the same camp of Qibli of knowing this abt herself since she could think and being happy in it. She knows what she's about
Carnelian- she/they/he (transmasc)
Look butch can be a gender and sometimes you're a mean butch skywing idk what to tell you
wish she stayed alive bc her and Moon could've been legendary together. girl who will kill for you vs girl who desperately wants you to do anything else please we talked about this you can't solve your problems with murder
I think Carnelian's true gender is Skywing Patriot and idk how to put that in hc form but this is as best I've got
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