#Harley loves Deadpool
doingartiguess · 1 month
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Queer crime is the best crime ✨ you all loved the last Nimona piece so much I decided to expand on it and include all our fav queer criminals.
New print I designed for this week’s conventions! All the prints are 11x17, signed, and on a museum quality paper because I don’t believe in that cheap shit.
You can get it this weekend at Flame Con (if you’re around) or on sale this week here at the shop link:
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hyukaphobicsworld · 5 months
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In red we trust
This will not be like my other drabbles. This book is for mature audiences only. Please know this book is only for imagination and is not based on true or wanting events. Thank you
Second warning(s): Deadpool!felix x Harley Quinn!afab reader, enemies to lovers, controlling, murder, blood, fear kink, oral sex (female receiving), Felix hitting it from the back, Felix is really a bit perverted, samurai/killer Felix, slight misogyny in the beginning (Felix learns his lesson), cheating, masturbation (no cumming), humiliation kink, Dacryphilia, leaving marks on each other, grinding, cussing, and weapons, strong ass pull out gang!!!! (TELL ME IF I MISS ANYTHING!!)
Note: Guys, I have no idea what I’m yapping about. I really don’t know a thing about Harley Quinn nor Deadpool (I know more about Harley Quinn than Deadpool) They most likely won’t act exactly like the character nor be even
He runs around and swing his trusty swords through all of them. One by one, they all fall down with nothing but scars as the last piece of evidence. None of this is a joke to him, none of this is funny to him. He takes this serious. He gets people behind him, in front of him, and beside him.
The leader, boss, can only stand there confused. He sees all of his men be taken down by one dude in red. A man who is incredibly powerful. But not physically like Felix. Felix believes that that is all that matters. The physical power and what you can do with it. Not the controlling power.
The leader sits there in shock when there is no man left of his. He’s scared and is only left to think, “Who is the foe in all black and red, two swords on his back and an intimidating mask down his face? And how the hell is he so good at fighting?” Felix starts walking towards the leader and the leader backs up until his back was pressed against the cold wall behind him
“Who are you?!” The leader aggressively asked. “State yourself?!”
Felix slowly pulled off his mask and smirked at the shocked man’s face. “The names Deadpool.” He said in deep, alarming, and intimidating voice. Nothing scared the leader more. “Is that yo-“ were his last words before Felix quickly brought out the gun and shot him. Leaving nothing but dead people on the ground for evidence. He rolled his eyes and put his mask right back on. He starts whistling while walking out into the hall. He trips over one of the bodies and stumbles. “Woah! Excuse you!” He throws his arms up in the air. He was talking to the person he brutally murdered with his swords, actions as if they were still alive and they did that on purpose. Felix walked down to the dead man and kneeled. “So you really aren’t even going to excuse yourself? Jeez, people these days.” He rolled his eyes while chuckling to himself. “I’m sorry, Deadpool!” Felix said, making the dead person’s lip move in sync to his voice.
“Yo!” You scream from across the hall. Felix looks back and tilts his head in confusion. You looked like nothing but a shadowy figure to him. He snickered to himself when his vision got cleared and saw it was nothing but a woman with a metal baseball bat in her hands. He got up and wiped his hands. “Who are you? I don’t want you ending up like…” He pointed at all the dead people all over the floor and shrugged his shoulders. “Plus,” he started, putting his hands behind his back and standing from on his heels and back on his toes. “I don’t like to fight women. Why do that when we both know who will win this fight?”
You snickered. Of course, you’re a woman and he’s a man which obviously means he’s better and has to go easy on you. What a pathetic view on women. You pointed your bat at him and closed on of your eyes. “Seems like you got all the work here done. So all I need you top do is step aside, toots!” You smiled and wiggled your head back and forth, causing your pigtails to move. Felix stops moving and stands still. “No can do, pink. You see, I have this whole-“ He started but you couldn’t stand his blabbering. You ran towards him with your bat swinging up.
“Well damn, couldn’t let me finish?” He asked, sarcastically. He pulled out his blade and ran up to you too. When he got close enough, he swung and missed. You jumped from the left wall to the right wall and landed your whole body weight on his shoulders. He moved around and placed his hands on your thighs while grunting. “You look eatable from the view right here.” He tried to joke. You rolled your eyes and picked the pistol out your pocket and spined it around your finger before shooting him in the neck. He fell to the ground and so did you.
Felix holds his neck, trying to stop the blood from coming out. You clicked your tongue at him and found some type of wire with on the ground. He’s going to die anyways. What’s the point in tying him up? “Well,” you begin, wiping off your hands, “It was nice to meet you, Mr…” You paused, trying to catch his name. But all that came out of his mouth was gurgling sounds. You chuckled and walked off with your bat on your shoulders and your arms wrapping around it.
You walk into the room where the leader and all of his men were murdered. You whistled. He did all of this? Couldn’t have done it alone. You could. But, with the way you easily defeated him, no way he did it by himself. You laughed and took the little paper you had in the back of your shorts and punched in the numbers to the code. But it didn’t work. The hell? You could have sworn these were the numbers the man told you last week? Even after you killed all of his colleagues right in front of him, he still lied. “Well played chubby desk dude, well played.” You said to yourself. Before you even got to punch in the numbers again, you heard light foot step and you immediately swinged you back to see.. that dude in the red again?
How? You just shot him, but no time to stop and think! He’s already coming at you with a sword. “Didn’t think I would just let you do that to me so easily, did you pink?” He snickered and you kicked his leg, but he didn’t budge, still trying to cut your waist. You managed to jump over his blade and kick his face while you were up in the air. His body stood still but his face trembled a bit, causing you to get a good look at his neck. What the hell? You don’t even see the bullet wound! It’s like you just didn’t shoot him with a gun! When you landed back on the ground, you dropped your bat. You did a backbend into a flip behind you to get your bat back. “Oh, you’re flexible! I like that, pink!” You knocked one of his blades out his hand with the bat. “How the hell did you not die?!” You asked, still trying to hit him. He laughed and grabbed his blade back. “Because I’m a ghosssttt!” He said, trying to intimidate the voice of a ghost. Jesus he was annoying.
You growled and ran to hit him with your bat but he got you before you could get him. He sliced you thigh which cause you to lose balance, but still have you up in the air. Though you were landing right for him, he catches you. He look at you for a second too long. Staring at you and yur body down before he threw you against the wall harshly. You groaned and got back up. “Still not tired, pink?” He asked. “Never, red!” You ran and he went up, so you went down. You slid across the floor and kicked his calf. He fell straight to the ground while you got your bat back. You quickly got up before him and swung the bat across his face, making him lie right back down. “Now stay down, red!” You yelled at him. You put in the numbers again and it did open this time. You smiled, this is what pudding wanted! But when you opened it, there was nothing but a sticky note with “haha” written in a dark red. It was him! You look and he wasn’t on the ground anymore, he was on the widow, about to jump. He looked back to you and smirked. “The names Deadpool, pink!” He laughed and jumped out the window. And although this was a high building, none of his bones broke when he reached the concrete. Who the hell is he? And why is he so invincible yet sexy?
Another day of unexpected catastrophes. Mr. J is going to be upset when you tell him one dude dressed in red and black from head to toe, heavy handed, deep voiced, small waist, sexy, swift moevment fighter snatched the information he needed right from your hands. What will you say then? That you were too distracted by trying to keep your legs tied together from the warmth that you could feel going on in your core? Or the fact you only stayed for longer than you needed to because you were trying to see what he looked like without the mask? If he sounded that sexy, he had to have been sexier without the mask.
No Harley! You have Pudding! You have joker! Sure, he’s leaving you alone very often but expects you to do the above and beyond for him. I mean you had to go through all that work and get can���t even get you a can of pineapples from the store without complaining! Ugh! But he is still your boyfriend! So if you even thought about red while simultaneously sneaking your hand down your underwear, fingering yourself because of the way he grabbed you and threw you, you are a disgusting monster. But here you are, doing exactly what you didn’t want to do. Disgusting monster.
You touch yourself to only the thought of him as your lips opened agape and let out tiny whimpers. You could feel the tense tension when you first saw him. Though you can’t tell his facial expressions (because of the whole mask thing) you wanted him anyways. His voice so deep and sexy. Calling you pink and his sarcastic and funny remarks. God, he was so annoyingly sexy. Your fingers went faster when you remember the grip on he had on you. Forgetting the moments he hurt you and replacing them with the pleasurable moments is something you just learned to develop with Joker. You were already gripping your bedsheets and then you remember his words, “Oh, you’re flexible! I like that, pink.” sends you through the roof, almost getting you to cum.
“Honey! I’m home!” Were all the words you needed to hear to throw you off your game. Great. Your not even horny anymore
This time, you have a new location. Joker wasn’t so happy when he found out you were not able to get the first one. He mumbled off something with the words of “have to do everything by myself again.” Which was infuriating to you because he never did any work. But, nevertheless, that’s your pudding and you love him. Now, time to get information again. The riddler won’t stop himself in the act and it is anything for your pudding, am I right?
This time, you come prepared in case of any distractions. You got greanades, baseball bat, pistol, snare trap, and you personal favorite, Jack in the box! (A distraction tool.) You are unstoppable. Not another man in your mind, no one in your way, you feel greatly confident. Who wouldn’t when your you?
You get into your car and tap on your speaker that connects you to Joker. “I’m on my way pudding. I’ma make you proud,” You said while smiling. “You better.” He said back. You turn it off and get ready to drive down the location you panned to stop at.
You made it there. But this time, it was full of people. Yes! Finally, you get to get some credit into doing something. They all started charging at you like a bunch of humans chasing a rat. Can you really blame them? A girl with crazy clown makeup, two pigtails, and a baseball bat comes in when it specifically said “NO WEAPONS!!”. But, you still kick there ass. Your bat swings across their heads and they all get taken out.
Your gymnastic skills coming in handy from time to time. That’s when more started to come. But it seems like they were running away then actually running towards you. You ignored it and kicked every single one of their asses. Throwing your bat all around. Getting people from the bathrooms, meeting rooms and even elevators. In which you use to get upstairs. You’re left with nothing but blood all over your body. You use the elevator to get upstairs as you whistled. And then, you saw him again. The dude from yesterday.
Red. He was there again. His facial expressions were visible through the mask and it upset you. Because you could really see when he resisted his eyebrow up. Stupid motherfucker. Why is he even here? He took your stuff yesterday and now he is here for a round two? You growled. “Hey! You gotta be fucking kidding me.” You yelled at him and he threw his arms up. “How are you not dead? You feel off a seven foot high building!”
“Nice to see you too, pink.” He laughed and took out his swords. “But this time, I really need you to go away.” He squints his eyes and talking a little louder so his voice isn’t muffled behind that stupid mask. Stupid fucking mask. What does he look like without it? Seriously, he better be drop-dead ugly so you don’t feel bad when you kill him. “If anything, you were in my w-“ you were about to finish your sentence till he threw a tiny knife out his pocket and threw it straight at you until you caught it. “Well that was just rude.” You rolled your eyes and threw the pocket knife at the wall.
You took out your bat and started dashing at him again just like yesterday. He came toward you as well as both came in a baseball to sword competition. It was insane. He was just like you. He looked so brittle and fragile. That was only because he was so skinny. But he was just as strong, coordinated and unpredictable as you. Both use humor, both really good with weapons but there is something about, and that is that he will not die. You can’t brush it off. He is almost as invincible as you.
“Harley!” You heard coming from your earpiece. When you tried to reach for it, Felix kicked your bat out of you hand and your ear piece out your ear. “Damn it!” You said and Felix pushed you to the ground. He won this time. Felix put his foot on your back and grabbed your pigtails, pulling them back. “Okay, pink. Let me ask you this, w-“ Before he talks you spit on his mask. He stood for a bit then wiped the spit off. When he did, he wiped it off with two fingers. He made you open your mouth and put his two fingers in your mouth back where your spit belonged. He chuckled as he watched you be defeated by him, yet you still let him torture you. You are literally choking on his fingers with your spit clogged down your mouth yet this is the hottest thing that ever happened to you.
“Harley! Harley, babe! You still there?” Joker called out. The ear pierce played out loud now that it wasn’t in your ear anymore. Felix chuckled darkly and took his fingers out of your mouth. He looked over at you and raised a brow. “That’s you name, isn’t it pink? Or, I’m sorry, Harley.” You could only glare at him, not wanting to say a word back out of humiliation and shame. “Pretty, thing.” He said, caressing your cheek.
“He said babe, didn’t he? That’s your boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?” He asked, deepening his voice with every question asked. And again, you could only glare at him, but he knew what your glare meant. “He is, isn’t he? And here I was wishing you were single.” With his foot still on your back, he smashed the ear piece. The only way for you to communicate or even go back to Joker.
You were upset, that was hot at first, but now, this is just unessecary. You set your palms on the floor and used your arms to lift you up. You kicked him off your back and made him fall to the ground. You walked on your hands to be your bat back and when you did, you stood back on your feet. Felix got up and started stretching. “You are so flexible, Harley. You don’t know how much that turns me on.” He chuckled. He brought out his other sword and he smirked. He started whistling but you noticed his legs were opened widely. If you squeezed yourself small enough, you could kick his ass. So you did. You slide across the floor and went between his legs, then used your bat to hit his dick.
When he fell on his knees, holding his crotch, you were about to leave to find the information you originally came for, but you couldn’t. Not without knowing one question at least. What does he look like? You needed to get your information quickly and find some type of way to get to Joker but your curiosity got the best of you. You slowly walked up to him and laid him over on his back. Before he could even protest, you got on his lap.
“Shut up!” You yelled at him and he growled. But he did as you said, he stayed shut. His hands were free, he could stop you anytime if he wanted to. He could throw you, punch you, hell he could make you choke on his fingers again, but he didn’t. He didn’t move a damn muscle. You quickly reached for his mask and snatched it off his face. Jesus he was so fucking hot.
He had pink lips and a well defined jawline. It was sharp and noticeable. This he had pink plump lips that were covered in sweat, but he licked it off with his lips. His nose was round but pointy at the same time. And his hair blonde with the tips dyed red. Red was a real good nickname for him. He grunted in defeat, just like you were but this time he did do something with his hands. His hands landed straight on your waist. Your reactiveness called and lied his hands down on his wrists before giving him a look, almost for consent. He pushed your hips back a bit further to the point where you were on his hard dick. He was excessively hard to the point where you gasped as you felt his dick.
He rolled his hips and moaned at the cause of any friction on his dumb cock. But he was hot when he threw his head back, showing more of his Adams apple. “Oh yeah, pink. Just like that” He said in his dep voice, This time, you heard his original accent. You knew it was wrong. You were in love with Joker but god you were horny. And Joker wasn’t giving you this type of satisfaction in bed.
He unzipped his pants and let his cock spring out of his pants. You gulped at his length. Not even Joker got this hard in the bed. “If you want to.” He whispered to you and you cleared your throat. Well, this is an obvious answer. No.
“Yes.” You said, grabbing his cock and start licking the tip. What are you doing? Of course you should stop but his sweet moans make you want to keep going. He’s like a bitch in heat who hasn’t been fucked yet. You started taking his full length down your throat and he groaned, holding your head still as he started to fuck your mouth. “Oh fuck. Stay just like that Harl.” He said, there goes a new nickname. His sexy deep voice mixed with Australian accent keeps sending vibrations in a place you don’t want to talk about.
Felix lets out his last grunt before coming all in your mouth. Nothing but long, white sperm dripping from your mouth. You looked up at him and he looked back up at you. Both of your eyes landed on each others lips and you got pulled into a heated make out session. Both of your tongues attacking one another’s. You both moaned into the kiss as you saw his cock getting harder. He started to make his way down your your neck and left marks all over your neck as you moaned. “Red, re-“ He cut you off and put a hand on your mouth. “Felix. I’m Felix.” He actually said his name. He might be getting too comfortable.
“So short. Wanted’ to rip them off since I first saw you.” He confesses, referring to your shorts. His voice went deeper and deeper the more he complimented you. They were some booty shorts that you wore for gymnastics. Leather and black just how you liked it. His hands snuck down to your shorts and rubbed the his hands down the silk.
With at least two swift movements, he was right on top of you. “So pretty, Harl.” He said again and slowly started to aggressively pull your tiny shorts down. Then, your pink laced panties. “Oh god” he growled and leaned his face towards your cunt. He took one quick swipe with his tongue on your cunt and your back arched up. He was so pussy-whipped for a girl that he just known yesterday. Good thing you are too.
He kept licking you up and down, eating you until there was no oxygen left in your lungs. Your gripped on his hair, pulling his face down harder. “Oh shit. Felix!” You moaned out which encouraged him to eat you more. He swirls his tongue just the way you loved, making you buck your hips against his plump lips and wet tongue.
Your legs started to close up on his head, letting him know you were almost close. But he kept moving your legs, not allowing them to close up on his head. “Stay still, bitch.” He growled. He was just so nice and giving you all these compliments, but now you’re the bitch? Great. And although you should be kicking him off you, you moaned louder. “I’m gonna cum, please!” You begged, not even know what you were begging for. It’s like you were having a stroke. Just spilling words out. He rubs your thighs and fingered you while sucking your clit.
She rolled her eyes back and came all over his fingers. You panted on the floor, catching your breath after the impassioned moment. He got up and sucked his two fingers with your cum slowly, and you watched him. You watched him lick your cum clean off his fingers. “Fuck..” You blurt out as your body collapses on the floor.
You just cheated on your boyfriend with a dude who you were trying to murder to get out your way yesterday. What the actual fuck are you doing. You pulled up your shorts to which Felix was confused to. “Hey, I’m not do-“ before he could finish, you kicked him in his face and booked it, running straight to the file room. And you have to admit, it is impressive how well Felix can take out so many men with two swords and maybe a gun. Because all of your work downstairs, was an easy blow. But it’s just like yesterday when you walked into the file room. Nothing but dead men with sword wounds on their back, head or for some odd reason, their pelvis. Questionable, but it gets the job done.
“Shit, shit, shit!” You cuss to yourself. Felix broke your ear piece and now you have no idea what to do when you get to the file room. You don’t know if you were supposed to unlock some secret code or anything. Fuck. “God, what the fuck do I do?” You cursed at yourself.
“How about not kick me when I give you the chance to cum next time?” You heard a familiar voice from behind you. No, of course it’s not Joker. You wish. It’s Felix. You turn around and back up slowly as he approaches you. “I was being nice to you, pink. I thought you were a sweet girl. Why are you so mean to me?” You kept walking back till your back hit the cold wall that made your back arch.
“I have a boyfriend.” You stated. “You knew that because you asked me, and I responded.” “Didn’t seem like you did a few minutes ago.” God he was so cocky, you wanted to punch him. You wanted to punch him for being right. Because, to be logical, you just sucked a dudes dick and then let him eat you out, knowing damn well you have a boyfriend. “Yeah, that’s the problem, Felix! I have a boyfriend!” “You have a boyfriend but you’re confused on why I’m doing better than him, right?” Yeah, that it. You punching him for being right, starting now.
You threw a straight punch, aiming for his face but he caught it just in time. He turned around and bent you over the table, leaving your arms behind your back. “Am. I. Right?” He asked, emphasizing each word. As much as you tried to squirm out of his touch, it was no use. “Yes..” you were confused on how a dude who was trying to kill you yesterday is better at fucking you with his tongue than the man you have been dating for 6 years now.
He sneaks his hand down the curve of your ass, then down your cunt that was soaking. “May I?” He asked, insisting that he was asking for your consent to fuck you. He was a cold blooded samurai, but he wasn’t a rapist. Good to know. “Yes.” You said, clearly. So clear, in fact, he raced to pull down your shorts again and take out his cock. “I’ll pull out, I promise.” His voice was so sincere considering what he just did to you. He leaned down and kissed your soft neck, distracting you from the face he was slipping his cock inside you right now.
You moaned when you felt it inside you. It was hard enough to take on your mouth, but it’s ten time harder to take him inside you. You gripped his arm and he griped your hips tighter. He slowly let you adjust to his size. “You got it. You can take it.” He reassured you as you whimpered and whined.
As soon as you fully adjusted to his size. He moved at a faster rhythm. His hips were so well coordinated with his thrusts, making it soft but pleasurable. But it didn’t seem like Felix could go that far with slow sex, because he immediately went faster. Not wasting any time and fucking you into the desk. You moaned loudly since you just got used to his size and he’s already fucking you like a dog in heat. You scraped the desk and moaned. “Oh shit, fuck.” You moaned. He grabbed both of your pigtails and pulled them back, causing your fucked out expression to show.
Felix laughs. “Oh, Harl. You’re so pretty.” He looked at you cry and wiped the tears all over your face. “Look so pretty when you cry.” He leans down and sucks your neck again as he hits your g-spot as well. It was like being overstimulated over and over again. You screamed at how good he was fucking you. He grabbed your tits, hair, face, he was touching you all over. “You’re so pretty, pink.” He said against your neck. “I’d choke you if you didn’t have a choker on right now.” You couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious, but the pleasure didn’t want to make you find out.
“I’m gonna cum!” You moaned and he started groaning loudly. “Me too. Fuck, cum with me.” He said, pinning your hand on the desk. It only took a few more thrusts before you both came. And just like he promised, Felix pulled out just in time, cumming all over your back. “Holy shit, that was awesome.” Felix said, before you even got to get a word out, you heard someone in the halls. “Harley! Harley! Pudding!” Shit! Joker was here! “Damn it.” Your cursed and immediately pulled your shorts back up as Felix put his cock away. “I have an idea. Let me see your thingy.” Felix said and took your pocket knife and started to cut all around his body. “What the hell are you doing?! Doesn’t that hurt?!” You asked him, he wasn’t even hissing or groaning at the pain.
“Like hell. I need to cut you.” “Wait wha-“ before you could protest, he was cutting your legs, arm and even your cheek. It definitely made it look believable that you guys were fighting than fucking. “Okay, now you need to look dead.” You to,d him and he shrugged his shoulders. “Easy.” He takes the pocket knife and stabs his neck, just like how you did the first time. “Felix!” You whispered to him, trying to make sure Joker couldn’t hear you. “Lix! Dumbass! Why would you do that! I said fake!” You dropped to your knees as he dropped to the floor. “It wasn’t obvious from the first time you met me, doll? I’m mortal! I don’t die. I’ll see you soon, pink. I’ll see you soon. Now get off the floor and stop showing compassion for me or else your boyfriend will know we did something.” He managed to gurgle out and you laughed. Always found how to be funny in the wrong times.
Felix eyes closed and you got up. When you walked out into the hallway, you saw him, you saw Joker.
“Jeongin!” You ran to him and hugged him, acting like you didn’t just let another man fuck you. Jeongin held you back, picking you off the floor and spinning you around. He looked at all your fake ass scars and runs his finger through the cut on your cheek. “Your okay, right Harley?” Oh yeah, you were more than okay. You were fucked out of your mind. But you just nodded. “I’m alright pudding!”
“I’m sorry I made you do this alone. You made sure everyone was gone?” He asked you, always making sure you did all the work. “The job is done.” You told him, smiling. “Let’s get going then.” He pecked your lips and you pecked his back. He held your hand as you walked with your pudding.
In the car, you felt something weird on the back of your thigh. You look to see what it was and it was a note. “Call me, pink. ***(***)****” Seriously. How did he even manage to do that? “Jeongin, I love you.”
Crazy plot twist that Jeongin was actually joker 🤪🤪. I’m like sooooooo smartt to do thattttt. Anyways, tell me if I should make another one. This actually took way longer, so I hope it’s worth the wait! Good night, morning, or afternoon! (It’s 12 am for me rn)
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smilechiales · 3 months
I just of a Night at the Museum AU where lightning strikes a comic store and despite all logic all the statues of heroes, villains, etc. just come alive and it's absolute chaos.
The Justice League is trying to crack the case why they are suddenly in a store where all their secret identities are on full display, the Avengers are running around and smashing things, somewhere Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier are playing chess and arguing.
And the person on shift is a fan but is totally not getting paid enough for this sh*t.
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Spidey regrets introducing Wade and Harley immensley, he doesn't like being the defacto adult, however, he brought this on himself.
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owlarchimedes · 2 months
The two best superhero films I've ever seen are Birds Of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn) and Deadpool and Wolverine and the reason behind that is people like Ryan Reynolds and Margot Robbie. They're starring in the movie they're helping produce it and they genuinely care about these characters and the story. They each have an amazing cast and it's the perfect balance of character and plot driven stories, humor, heart, angst, good villains, interesting "heroes," and I really could go on and on
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derelictdumbass · 1 year
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Wanted to show off some of my bday gifts uvu
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the difference between the fourth wall breaks of something like the Deadpool movies compared to something like Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn and She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is that every joke in Deadpool feels masturbatory like the writers think they're so hilarious for doing a fourth wall break like that's never been done before whereas both of the other two not only feel right at home with the characters' personalities but are much more natural and much more well done compared to the jokes in Deadpool or its sequel. (do not get me started on Deadpool 2, the movie sucks ass in basically every way except for the characters of Domino and Yukio. every single joke in it was outdated before it was even written. they were making fucking dubstep jokes in 2018. it was a 2012-ass script made way too late and riding on the coattails of the first with even less effort into being actually good.)
but the difference between those properties is that Deadpool wants to be congratulated for being some insanely crazy shocking movie that's pissing off the studio system or whatever but every single joke in it was approved by those people because it makes them money like it's so antithetical to the entire point they're trying to make and it makes for a very infuriating watching experience sometimes. the cognitive dissonance is hard to swallow with that one. but the way BOPATFEOOHQ and She-Hulk do their bits feels so much more authentic and less self-congratulatory and also just like they're clearly done with so much more passion and effort and care? when I watch either of the Deadpool movies, I feel like I'm watching a bunch of executives jerking themselves off. when I watch the other two, I feel like I'm watching a passion project that the executives clearly didn't give a shit about and thus the creative team were actually allowed genuine creative freedom with not a lot of oversight. that's a little less true with She-Hulk (especially in terms of that glorious finale although even that feels more authentic and artist-driven than most things in either Deadpool movie. Kevin Feige's boring, sanitized ass does not have the range to do that finale) being a MCU property although Phase 4 was so fucking experimental and it was a joy to behold even if not everything hit but it's still true and more authentic for the most part. with Deadpool it feels like the only person who really really cared about it was Ryan and like maybe a few of the other actors who actually did do commendable work with what they were given but with the other two projects, it feels way more collaborative because every single person showed up and cared deeply about what they were making.
(this is an addition to the tags bc I ran out [apparently i forgot there was a 30 tag limit] but. anyway the point is. Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is a phenomenal movie in basically every single way and you should watch it.)
#James talks#sorry I just wanna scream about how much I love BOPATFEOOHQ again#the first CBM since 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 that felt more like the voice of artists than the voice of a studio.#I love Shazam but even that felt like it was a little studio driven instead of being a David F. Sandberg movie.#like BOPATFEOOHQ feels artist driven the same way The Batman does and the TASM movies do.#not to derail this tag rant but the TASM movies are Marc Webb movies through and through.#yes they have Sony's grubby hands on them with the product placement and shit but they are inseparable from Marc's vision#they are what Marc cares about more than what the studio cares about. the thematic interests are all Marc Webb.#anyway point is: more art like BOPATFEOOHQ bc it actually cares and less shit like Deadpool that is just pointing and laughing.#Deadpool feels like it's laughing at the concept of superhero media and it's a horrible boring deconstruction of it bc it doesn't get it.#it feels bad to the psyche the same way those meme disney show record scratches do—#like 'my life is kinda crazy' but it's 'ironic' now so it's 'funny'.#'see it's funny bc they're self-aware!' okay but what are they doing by being self aware???#I'm not saying every piece of art has to be some profound exploration of whatever but Deadpool feels bad to watch in a way the others don't#BOPATFEOOHQ is actually fucking commenting on something using its gags!#the fucking 'they call her... the crossbow killer gag' is actually thematically relevant!! women telling their own stories!!#a subversive joke actually playing into the themes of the project!! imagine that! care ajf effort put into saying something!!#anyway Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is phenomenal.#genuinely one of the greatest CBMs out there. also just a phenomenal time. even tho Parasite is a better movie overall#— BOPATFEOOHQ was my favorite movie of 2020.#some of the best action around with a great script with amazing pacing and phenomenal acting and a great score and soundtrack!!#literally nothing more to ask for.#one of my usual criteria for evaluating how good a piece of art is how much I'd add to it to help it do what it was trying to do.#like not cutting anything from it unless absolutely absolutely necessary. just adding like maybe 10-15 minutes to the runtime and—#helping maybe a few weaker elements shine more. with BOPATFEOOHQ the only change I'd make is to have more of the characters.#let us see more of Cassandra and Black Canary. more of their inner lives and backstories.#Christina Hodson tells us their stories with great efficiency and it's done really well but visually I'd just like to do more with them.#give them each maybe a 2-3 minute scene with what their daily routine is like.#maybe explore Canary's history with her mother more. see how it ties into the GCPD more effectively.#maybe actually see Cassandra's parents and how she deals with them daily instead of hearing about it from her hiding outside
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volfoss · 1 year
sorry to double post about this but its really frustrating to me how you can FEEL the effects of the harley quinn 2019 show on her comics. because (outside of Humphries who writes her 2016 run really well) it just changes to that take on her character (which is really bad btw. i have many other gripes with the show but i will NOT get into it rn) and you can see new writers just taking inspiration from the show
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earnappno1 · 25 days
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gothgoblinbabe · 1 month
Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
(chapter 1/2)
(Logan Howlett x afab reader)
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A/N: Yeah, the brain rot has reached a maximum and I've completely disregarded the consequences of a digital footprint! there's a couple descriptions of style of clothing/jewelry but you can imagine that as you please, also absolutely based off of "Babe Im Gonna Leave You" by Led Zeppelin bc idk somewhere in my delusions I think Logans a Zeppelin kinda guy and its what I've been listening to. For the sake of the plot, stick with me, you've got an imaginary ex bf and his random name I picked is gonna be Danny and he suuuucks real hard okay? okay and I need you to pretend dear lovely reader that you like led zeppelin if you don't 💔[holding your face ever so gently and smooching ur forehead] and I've seen only xmen origins, x-men, X2, and Deadpool x wolverine so pls pls forgive me if some stuff doesn't canonically fit. This is kind of cringe but I wrote too much of it to get rid of it just bare with me I beg of u and it was so long I had to split it into two parts
Summary: Meeting the infamous Wolverine got you roped into a liiiitle more than what you bargained for
Warnings: swearing, you have telekinesis and telepathy (cause that's cool, c'mon), mild angst, suggestive stuff kinda, mentions of cheating (Logan does not cheat on u I pinkie promise), Logan calls you kid but you're not actually a child lol, you're a good bit younger than him but also so is anyone else who isn't borderline immortal
Word Count: 4K
Pt 2!
[credit for text post dividers here and here]
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There had been muttering here and there between the students at the academy that Wolverine was coming back after a few years on his own, confirmed when Marie recognized the motorcycle now parked in the driveway of the mansion.
He was immediately wrapped into a hug by Marie at the door, dropping his bags to the floor.
"Hey, kid, miss me?"
"Maybe," she smiled sweetly, tucking the white strands of hair behind her ears.
"Long time no see, huh?" Ororo's voice interrupted from behind her, earning a hug from Logan.
"Any one else around?" he questioned, hoisting his bag up over his shoulder again.
"Scott and Jean are around here somewhere, Charles as well. Oh, and there's a couple new faces you haven't met," she responded, smiling at the way Marie's eyes lit up at the chance to mention what she had been meaning to tell Logan.
Marie gasped and said your name, grabbing Logan's arm in excitement, "you have got to meet her. She joined us a couple of months ago, I think you'll really like her. She's kind of been like...our you, when you've been gone."
He quirked an eyebrow at that, looking between the both of them for an explanation as to what that was supposed to mean.
"You'll see," Ororo chuckled lightly, "oh, you will see."
"She's here now, I think, you should go introduce yourself to her!"
Logan had swiftly caught onto Marie's adorable attempt to play cupid and gave her a nod, "maybe when I settle in, okay, kid?"
She nodded in agreement and both her and Ororo watched him walk off further down the corridor.
"How do you think it will go when they meet?" the later of the two asked earnestly once he was out of sight.
"Well," Marie paused for a moment, thinking, "they'll be inseparable or absolutely hate each other."
Ororo nodded in agreement almost immediately, holding in a small laugh.
Much later in the evening, Logan had been beckoned into the study along with Ororo, Marie, Bobby, you, Jean and Scott by Charles.
He had been the last to enter, eyes immediately settling on your unfamiliar frame stood next to Marie with your back against the wall. You had plenty of rings adorning your fingers and necklaces dangling in front of your chest in the same kind of fashion he'd seen in those magazines with the Harley biker girls. You looked a little like one of them too, in well fitting jeans adorned with a belt, a band shirt and some chunky boots, except you were very much real and not on glossy paper.
"Oh! Logan!" Marie exclaimed upon noticing his arrival, beckoning him over with her hand. That turned your attention to him and he felt like the wind may have been knocked out of him when your eyes met his. You were far prettier than any of the girls he'd seen in any magazine.
"This is her," Marie whispered to Logan when he approached and nudged his arm, referring to when she had told him about you earlier.
"This is Logan," Marie said to you, gesturing towards him and leaning a little closer to you to whisper something he wouldn't catch, "and he's single, by the way."
A grin was plastered on her face when she pulled away and you rolled your eyes, "Marie - "
"I know, I know, too soon, but I just thought that was very good information for you to know," she raised her hands and stepped away a little, still intent on watching how the two of you interact for the first time.
Logan extended a hand for you to shake and you did the same. Your hands were small in his and your skin soft to the touch. It was almost hard for him to drop your grip when he did, nervous that he'd hold it even a second too long.
Nervous. Women had rarely ever made him nervous in the hundred - something years he'd been alive, and yet he could feel his heart pounding in his ears when you ran your hands through your hair to push it out of your face.
"Nice to meet you," he finally spoke, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
This may have been a good opportunity to try out your powers a little, concentrate hard enough on the handsome stranger's face to know what exactly was playing out behind his staring gaze, but you resisted the urge to do what you considered a tad bit violating.
"Same here," you responded at last, averting your gaze for just a moment to avoid inadvertently doing exactly what you had just decided you wouldn't.
Marie and Ororo had studied the small interaction between the two of you - of course - waiting for something more to happen, only to be disappointed when the both of you nodded courtly and turned away from each other.
"Well, that's not good. He'd be on her like a dog already - " Ororo started under her breath.
"No, no, I just think..." Marie interrupted, narrowing her eyes between the two of you, "I think they just need to get to know each other."
"I'm telling you, I just feel like they'd be good together, they just need a chance to get to know each other!"
"Do you really think she's ready to get with another guy?" Ororo nodded her head in your direction, lowering her voice, "after all that stuff Danny pulled?"
Marie grimaced at the mention of one of the professors names, shaking her head in mild disgust, "have you seen him lately? always coming up to her in the halls and stuff, it's sad - for him, I mean."
Before either of them could further debate the topic, Charles gained everyone's attention to discuss a series of tasks he'd assigned to you all. As he spoke, you only tuned in once you heard your name.
"You are the one I'd like to send out to complete that with Daniel."
"Could, uh, can I do it with someone else? or have him do it alone, or something?"
Logan caught the confused look Jean shot your way, tilting her head before she spoke, "You don't want to go with Danny? What happened, I thought the two of you -"
You cut her off with a sharp shake of your head, scowling, "uh-uh. Hell no. He...uh, I'll tell you about it later."
You had realized the sudden vulnerability you'd found yourself experiencing in a room full of eyes on you and cleared your throat, attempting to change the subject.
"I can hang back and keep an eye on the kids, I don't mind."
"They do love you," Ororo chimed in, "and we need someone to stay back to watch them anyway."
"They only like her so much because she allows them to break the rules," Scott remarked, earning a nudge in the arm from Jean.
You sighed, rolling your eyes, "Scott, the thing with the kids in your room was one time and it was an accident - "
"Was it? Because one of them wrote 'asshole' on my bathroom mirror with sharpie."
"They're kids, they do that kind of stuff!"
"was that really one of the kids?"
You tucked your lower lip under your teeth in an attempt to smother a laugh. Logan almost immediately did the same when you darted your eyes around the room in a guilty attempt to avoid eye contact.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me - " Scott started but Charles interrupted, holding up a hand.
"Alright, the both of you - enough. You," he continued, gesturing towards you, "may stay back with the children. Please do not allow them into anyone's personal quarters and I would advise you to hide the permanent markers for the time being, away from the children and perhaps yourself."
You nodded and hung your head low to hide the reappearing smile across your face. Logan stared inadvertently from then on, watching you twist your rings around your fingers and focusing on you intently when you spoke every now and then. When you were all dismissed by Charles and filed out of the room, you and Marie walked ahead of most of the group, almost out of ear shot.
Logan heard Jean's hushed voice behind him as she leaned into Scott, "so...what do you think happened? With Danny?"
"Who the hell is this Danny guy?" he finally asked, turning over his shoulder to interrogate the two of them.
"Well," Jean whispered your name, looking ahead to be sure you hadn't caught their conversation, "it's her boyfriend. Or was, I guess. They had a thing for awhile but they stopped hanging around each other all the sudden and she can't even stand to hear his name - she hasn't told me what it's about yet."
Logan simply hummed in acknowledgment, turning back ahead and finding his gaze caught on the sway of your hips as you walked.
"Oh no," he heard Ororo huff beside him, almost immediately following her gaze to see a guy he didn't recognize slip behind you and put an arm around your waist. Too far out of ear shot to hear the context, he watched you squirm out of the young mans grip and shake your head as you kept walking.
"Is it bad I want to get closer to hear what they're saying?" Ororo muttered, looking to the other three in her proximity.
"It's not our business," Jean reminded her.
"So, that's him?" Logan asked, gesturing to the guy still on your heels like a puppy.
"uh - huh," Ororo answered, frowning as she watched Danny make another pathetic attempt to put his arm around you.
When the two of you stopped at the far end of the hall and you told Marie it was okay to leave you, Logan, Ororo, Scott and Jean all turned the corner to the closest hallway.
"Oh, I know It's bad but I have got to know what lame excuse he's got this time," Ororo shook her head, stopping just around the corner to eavesdrop.
"Ororo - " Jean sighed, placing a gentle hand on her friend's arm, "come on."
"They're in the hallway! it's not like I'm standing outside a door," she reasoned, hushing them after so that the only voices hard were yours and Danny's.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry - "
"Danny, many times do I have to tell you I don't care? Why won't you just leave me be?"
You sounded exasperated, your voice slightly muffled when you rubbed your face with your hands.
"What do you think he did?" Scott chimed in in a hushed town, now fully invested in the dialogue.
Logan was still stood there, though he wasn't too sure why. He could have and should have kept walking - let the three of them do their weird detective work - but instead found himself leaned against the wall with the rest of them.
"I love you, you know that, sweetheart, I - "
"ugh, don't call me that. You gross me the hell out, you know that?"
Both Jean and Ororo made almost the same shocked expression.
"oh, it has to be bad," Jean hissed, frowning at the venom in your tone.
"Tell me you're not still in love with me, you know you can't, we - " Danny's voice began again and yours cut him short with a sense of finality in your tone.
"Danny. I stopped being in love with you the day I walked in on you fucking another other girl."
Jean's hands flew to her mouth to muffle a shocked gasp. Scott stood with his arms crossed, his face in a grimace.
"ooh, that is bad," Ororo whispered just as a door slammed.
Logan furrowed his eyebrows, following everyone else as they continued their path down the hall again. This Danny kid had to be a real idiot.
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Weeks had passed and you shared small talk with Logan every now and then, sometimes making snarky comments here and there - though more often than not together and at Scott's expense. Funnily enough, the ability to piss Scott off so much made Logan like you even more. Maybe Marie was right, you kind of are like him.
You walked alongside him down the corridor one afternoon, intending to fulfill Ororo's request for the both of you to check in on some of the newer students.
"So, do you always do your hair like that?" you raised your eyebrows up at him, eyeing the peaks in his hair.
"Yeah. What, you don't like it?" He grinned, expecting you to make some smart remark about it.
"No, not that," you giggled, "it's like lil' cat ears, it's cute."
He looked down at you quizzically, stopping in his tracks.
"cat ears?"
"mm-hm. You're like a big kitty."
You bit down another giggle, reaching up boldly to touch his hair.
He gently swatted your hand away, still with a small grin on his face.
"Don't call me that."
"Big kitty?"
"Okay, kitty meow - meow."
He narrowed his eyes as you turned to continue walking in an attempt to hide the huge smile plastered on your cheeks that threatened to transform into a rather loud laugh.
"Uh-huh, whatever. You better not let anyone else hear you call me that," he huffed as he caught up to you rather easily.
As you were about to make another retort, your smile dropped at the sight of a familiar and unfriendly face that had come from around a corner.
"Christ," you squeezed your eyes shut in frustration, rubbing your forehead at the sight of your ex-boyfriend.
"Hey," Logan leaned down a little, nudging you gently, "I'm here, you're good. You're fine, don't worry about him. It's just us, alright? Walk past him like you don't even see him."
Though he'd be embarrassed to admit and absolutely deny it if anyone asked, he'd unfortunately (for himself) harbored a crush on you that only took a couple weeks to develop. He hadn't even really gotten the chance to know you yet, though that was precisely why he was glad about moments like these. He wanted to, even if he felt like a school kid with a playground crush.
You had simply nodded at his words, allowing him to place a gentle hand on your upper back to guide you down the hall with him. Even through the layer of a jacket and t-shirt, you could feel the warmth of his hand on you.
Logan remembered that moment in the hall on the first day you'd met, but never pestered you for details about what the hell went on before he got back. He figured when and if you wanted to tell him, that was up to you.
Keeping your eyes straight ahead, it took what felt like years to pass your ex-boyfriend. When you finally did, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, until his voice stopped you in your tracks.
"That's my shirt."
You whipped your head around, feeling Logan slip his arm a little further around you as a protective reflex.
"What?" you furrowed your eyebrows, looking down at your attire. The shirt, a tad oversized and well worn, was so familiar that you had completely forgotten it once did belong to him.
"I want it back," he spoke again, crossing his arms.
"Do you really want it back?"
You were beyond fed up with his pestering at this point, already having decided what may make the message clear.
"Okay. Fine."
You pulled away from Logan and slipped off your jacket, turning around to hand it to him. He gave you a confused look, hesitantly taking it out of your hands. In a matter of seconds, you turned back around and tugged the t-shirt up and over your head, tossing it directly at Danny's chest. You turned back and took your jacket from Logan's hands, zipping it far enough to cover your bra. In the few seconds you had stood facing him, he had done his best to keep his eyes away from your body and failed miserably, looking up after to see the asshole a few feet away already glaring at him.
"What, you're just gonna walk around like that? And what are you doing hanging out with him anyway, don't you know he - "
You groaned at the sound of Danny's voice again, gently tugging Logan by the hand in the opposite direction as you began to walk away, "yap, yap, yap - just shut the fuck up."
Logan couldn't help the smirk plastered across his face as you continued to walk, finally turning a corner. Before you could apologize to him for having to awkwardly stand witness to that, Scott's voice echoed from the stairway above you.
"Hey, Charles is looking for you two. He says he has something he needs you to take care of, he didn't say what."
"Thanks for the specifics, Scott," you replied sarcastically, "but we're supposed to check on - "
"I know," he interrupted, "I got Marie and Bobby to cover you. You're welcome, by the way."
You rolled your eyes and looked back to Logan, dreading what exactly it was Charles wanted from you.
That landed you where you were the next morning, heaving your bags into the back of Logan's truck.
"If we have to take the truck like two states over, can I at least drive?"
The plane being needed for another assignment that Jean, Scott and Ororo were assigned left the two of you with Logan's truck. You'd been asked to retrieve a rare mechanical piece needed for the construction of some new device; you'd only been half-listening when Charles started to explain the details, lost in thought after he'd mentioned it would require the two of you to sleep out overnight.
Man, that had made your chest feel tight. It had been almost physically painful trying to swallow down every tell that you really liked him for the past few weeks and now you had no choice than to be each others only company for nearly 2 days.
"Yeah, in your dreams, kid," Logan scoffed playfully and brought you back to reality, dangling the keys in his hand.
You narrowed your eyes at the keyring he began to spin around his finger. In a split second, the jangle of the metal could be heard as you snatched them from his hand with only a focused thought.
You caught them in your raised palm and tilted your head, a terribly smug smile across your cheeks.
"Looks like my dreams came true, huh?" you teased, walking past a still mildly distraught Logan to get into the drivers side.
"If you dent it, I'll kill ya," he warned as he finally slid into the passenger seat, watching your every move as you started the engine and carefully reversed out of the garage.
"Uh-huh, sure," you retorted sarcastically, "I'm terrified of the kitty claws."
"What did I say about calling me that?"
"Calling you what?" you feigned ignorance, fumbling with the knob on the stereo to change the station as your eyes stayed glued to the road.
"And don't mess with everything, kid, you'll end up breaking something. She's on old girl, you gotta - "
"Dude," you interrupted, simultaneously cranking down your window and fishing a pair of sunglasses out of his center console, "I know how to drive, chill out."
"Dude," he mocked, "this truck is probably almost as old as you, you gotta be careful."
You rolled your eyes under the shades of the worn aviators you had slipped onto your nose, simply nodding and continuing to flip through stations.
"Pick one and stick with it, will you?"
"Ooh, is someone mad I got the keys?"
Before he could say something in response, you gasped at sound of the song playing on the station you had just switched to, twisting the knob almost as far as it could go.
Logan recognized the familiar thump of "babe I'm gonna leave you" by Led Zeppelin, furrowing his eyebrows when you began to nod your head and sing along.
"You like Led Zeppelin?" he nearly had to shout over the music, leaning in to you a little further.
"Yeah," you responded, reaching over to turn the music down just enough for you to hear each other and glancing at him momentarily, "How come you're looking at me like that?"
He unfurrowed his eyebrows and shrugged, keeping his gaze on the road ahead as he spoke, " just never pegged you for a Zeppelin kind of girl, I guess."
"No? What's that supposed to mean?"
You were smiling again and it was excruciatingly difficult for him not to stare when you looked so good in the spot he usually sat with his old sunglasses on.
"Didn't think you had good taste in music."
That made you giggle and you shook your head, turning the stereo back up to a booming volume.
He watched you tap your fingers on the steering wheel to the drums as you continued to drive, occasionally moving to push your windswept hair out of your face. The morning sun shining through your open window highlighted your features perfectly and Logan sighed without a thought, unheard over the music. Jesus, he had it bad.
You could feel his stare in your peripheral vision every time he looked to you and it felt far warmer than the sun beating down on you from the opposite direction. You truly rarely ever used your developing skill of telepathy, feeling it was only justified when absolutely necessary to obtain information, but his burning gaze nearly had you veering off the road at times and his prior answer to the question of why he was looking at you that way wasn't too convincing.
With a deep breath, already wondering if it was a mistake, you kept your eyes focused to the road but gradually concentrated on the man beside you. Sometimes people's thoughts would appear as inner dialogue, other times as imagined scenarios, daydreams or visuals. You were confused, then, when you only saw an image of yourself as you were now. If you concentrated too hard, your own thoughts would transfer to Logan's mind and it would be humiliatingly obvious that you had been poking around in his consciousness and so you tried to clear your mind and try again, assuming your own mind was too preoccupied with yourself to concentrate properly.
Still, you could only see the image of yourself driving from the perspective of the passengers seat, one hand on the wheel and the other in your hair as you propped your elbow on the door. This time, though, you could hear the accompanying echo of Logan's voice over the hum of the music you had tuned out.
Is her hair always like that? I like it that way. Pretty.
You swallowed hard, fidgeting with the hair that was between your fingers. It's a compliment - innocent enough, and undeniably kind of sweet. You felt guilty then for probing his thoughts and nearly shook yourself out of it, only to realize the image in Logan's mind was no longer of just your profile. He was thinking about your legs, thighs squished against the seat of the truck.
You nearly choked on your own saliva, clearing your throat at the echo of his voice again and immediately withdrawing yourself from his mind.
"You okay?" Logan spoke aloud, putting a gentle hand on your upper arm.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," you lied, trying with every fiber of your being to just keep all focus on the road. You knew you shouldn't have done that. It was just a thought, though, nothing said aloud to change anything between the two of you, and so you pretended the best you could that you hadn't heard or seen a thing.
About eight hours, a handful of dad rock albums and a stop to switch seats later, you finally pulled into the parking lot of the nearest motel you had found didn't have a highlighted "no vacancy" sign.
"If there's fucking bed bugs in here, I will never let you hear the end of it," you warned from the passenger seat.
"I think you'd talk my ear off till the day I die anyway," he scoffed, shifting the truck into park and pulling the keys from the ignition.
"You won't die for another hundred-something years."
"Exactly my point, honey."
You rolled your eyes and slipped out of the truck as he did, pretending the nickname hadn't made your face burn. You both grabbed your belongings and once inside you looked around the small lobby as Logan checked you in, impressed with how surprisingly clean the place seemed to be.
"Hey, is that okay?"
Logan's voice took your attention from the painting on the wall you'd been inspecting and you raised your eyebrows.
"Uh, there's a room left but it's only got one bed."
Your face dropped and you looked between him and the poor kid behind the counter who already looked nervous as all hell.
"You're kidding."
"We can keep driving, but we've already been on the road all day and I don't think there's another place around here for a good few miles."
He was much more calm than you expected him to be and you exhaled, thinking of the literal pain in the ass caused by sitting in the car for so many hours.
"Ugh, fine."
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A/N: I had to split this in two because it was so long but If anyone likes this at all I will post da other part cause I like spewing my brain rot on the internet <3
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Hey, Tira!! Anon that suggested Latina! Reader here. First of all, are you doing good? Remember to drink water, okay?
Secondly, for a neglected! Reader plot,(or maybe a one-shot, whatever you feel like writing) what do you think about magical girl! Reader? Like, there's this pink (or any other color) teenage girl/boy in gotham that fights some type of not really scary monster (maybe those from precure, as they don't look that frightening) with glitter and hearts and cute stuff and then the batfam is just flabbergasted because why?? Are they?? So cute?? And they become yandere because they just think reader is so so adorable and innocent
And maybe gotham villains have a soft spot for reader becuase they saved them for the monster thingys
And now reader has to deal with all the most powerful entities in gotham being obsessed over them
And IF it is a neglected! Reader they have to deal with the pain of being adored by the batfam as their magical girl persona, but not as their real self
OR MAYBE!! Star butterfly! Reader (i could elaborate if you want!)
Sorry for the long ask and any writing mistakes, and again, really self indulgent because I love love love magical girls!!
Hi! I love hearing from you again!!! I'm doing good, I just watched the Deadpool and Wolverine movie and it's taken a grip on me 😩
I love that idea for the plot! I was hoping to do a magical girl reader because my FYP on both Tiktok AND Tumblr has been magical girl batfam and I just finished watching Sailor Moon last night.
I'd love to incorporate that into the plot (as well as make a separate one-shot of it in a different instance).
I for sure think that the Batfam would have the mindset of "oh, they're dressed up in cute, bright colours and is fighting non-frightening monsters. That must mean they're an innocent teen playing dress up and doesn't actually know the truth about the real world"
Whether it's true or not is up to you to decide for now but I personally think that Reader would be in the middle, aware of the world around them but oblivious to how it affects themselves - or completely different then that, Reader would be completely aware of the world and struggles in real life but fights as a magical girl + with a smile on her face so she can give others hope.
For the villains I think for sure that the ones who have a proper soft spot (eg. Wouldn't get Reader involved in crimes, would work to protect Reader) would be Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Two-Face and Penguin.
For the villains that will let Reader get into trouble so they can save them I think it would be Bane, Catwoman, Clayface and Killer Croc. (Possibly Mad Hatter).
For the villains who would purposefully incorporate Reader into their schemes I think the main ones would be Joker, Hugo Strange and Scarecrow (for two different reasons however).
For Joker he'd see it more so as a bonding experience, a way to "hang out" and "catch up". Even if the Reader is held hostage, in the middle of the battle field, etc.
For Scarecrow I think it would come moreso from a sense of morbid curiosity. How far will Reader go to help people? How does their mind work? How will they react to Fear Gas? What is their fear?
I'd definitely think Harley would love the outfit and Mad Hatter would start to think of you as Alice with your colourful get-up.
If we're talking Batman villains who aren't in Gotham (Talia, Ra, Deadshot, Deathstroke) then I feel it would be a different kind of attachment.
It would be more like "what is this colourful child doing in such a dark place?" (Even if you are already in your adult years).
Talia and Ra would see Reader as someone to train, Reader has great strength to wield and if Talia/Ra can train them then Reader will be a great asset.
The difference between the two would be that Talia grows attached in a nurturing way while Ra grows attached in a condescending way.
Talia would think of Reader as a child for her to protect
Ra would think of Reader as a lamb that will be slaughtered without him.
Deadshot has his own kid, he doesn't care much for another until seeing Reader hurt/sad. Reader would be a substitute for Deadshot's daughter while she's with her mother.
Deathstroke, I really don't like him (sorry if you do, he just makes me feel icky), but I feel he'd have a mix between Talia's headspace and Ra's headspace.
"Reader can't survive without me guiding them. Reader needs a father to help them grow" it doesn't matter if you have a dad, he won't compare to Deathstroke. If it's such a big deal for Reader Deathstroke will just remove Reader's father from the picture.
I'd love for you to elaborate on Star Butterfly!
Dw about long requests, I literally squealed when I saw it!!
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wutheringcaterpillar · 5 months
indicates smut**
indicates triggers!!
Peaky Blinders
18 Years
Take Your Medicine Sweetheart ‼️**
The One That Got Away ‼️**
Corruption **
Back to December
Dessert Before Dinner ‼️ **
An Unfair Loss ‼️
Imprisonment ‼️**
Reader cheats request ‼️*
Lucid Dreams
Piss kink request ‼️ **
Who’s The Other Girl? ‼️*
A Hole in The House ‼️**
Petrovna!Reader x Tommy request
Tommy after an argument request
A Crime for The Times ‼️ **
Tommy steals reader from John request ‼️*
dark!tommy request ‼️**
tommy x girly!reader headcanons
I’ll Always Be Your Boy ‼️
Harley Quinn reader request s3
Tommy thinks reader dies request
Voyeurism with Imaginary friends ‼️**
Tommy x step daughter reader ‼️*
Little!reader x Tommy request ‼️
Sister!reader caught smoking
A Bump In The Night ‼️* ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
Cillian Murphy
To Have and To Hold ‼️*
Time Was Never on Our Side ‼️
An Act of Violation ‼️**
The Griever and The Grieving
A Lesson Learnt ‼️*
Jealous request **
Watching The Detectives
A Secret ‼️*
The Exchange ‼️*
Read Your Diary ‼️*
An Odd Arrangement ‼️*
C for Credit ‼️*
Oppie being jealous request
Surrogacy request ‼️*
The Edge of Love
William seeing you nude
Domesticity ( 1 2 3 4 5
A Quiet Place
“You Know I Got It, Come and Get It” ‼️*
Red Eye
Kitten. ‼️*
An Odd Arrangement ‼️*
An Assassination of The Heart ‼️
Insecure!reader request **
You Hate To Want Me. ‼️**
The Delinquent Season
An Ally Fuck ‼️**
Jim fucks his son’s ex request ‼️**
Jim x daughter's!best friend request ‼️*
Breakfast on Pluto
I’ll Be Your Girl **
Transition & Compromise ‼️
Protective!Mama Bear Kitten ‼️
A Much Needed Break
Lunch Break ‼️**
Criminal Minds
• Show Me Off (You Won’t) -college!Hotch x reader- ‼️*
• Do You Remember That Night?
( 1 , 2, 3 , 4)
Heaven and Back **
315 notes · View notes
incorrectbatfam · 1 year
sorry to bother but i was wondering if you have any comics you read when youre having a hard time? everything sucks rn my grades are shit my cat is sick my friends always hang out without me and i cant get my meds bc im at my dads place and he doesnt believe in mental health. i just scroll thru tumblr and shit bc idk what else to do anymore. sorry if im annoying ik im just a stranger so you can just ignore my rambling if you want
I'm sorry to hear you're going that. I don't know how you prefer to deal with things specifically, so I gathered some stuff that you can pick from depending on what you need.
If you want to laugh
Batman #147
Amazing Spider-Man #258
Super Sons vol. 1
Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy
Batman: Lil Gotham
World's Funnest
If you need to cry
Astonishing X-Men #1
Flashpoint #5
Loving Reaper
Adventure Comics #452
The Sculptor
Superman vol. 1 #712
If you're looking for a distraction
Vixen: NYC
The Walking Dead
Batman: Year One
Proctor Valley Road
Doom Patrol book 1
If you're seeking validation
DC Pride 2022
Black Panther and the Crew
Wayne Family Adventures #45-46
Ms. Marvel vol. 1
Birds of Prey #56-108
Finally, if you feel like you're out of options
Superman: Grounded
All-Star Superman #10
Captain America: A Little Help
Marvel Knights 4 #4
Deadpool #20
Robin #156
This one is always worth a try
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artbyblastweave · 9 months
Hey I was wondering since you are very familiar with superhero comics/media and I am not: I remember reading on TVTropes about how there was some comic arc where Superman is basically forced to kill the Joker/does it under extremely understandable circumstances, but then immediately jumps off the slippery slope and becomes a horrible mass murderer. SO, I was wondering if Amy in Worm is a commentary/take on this, on what kind of warped understanding of morality taught by someone's family environment would one have to have to actually believe breaking one's principles once while being forced to by a serial killer would make you into an irredeemable villain forever, and what kind of trauma and warped understanding would you have to have for that to actually be TRUE and for you to actually do horrible things afterward. Emphasizing that that kind of moral arc is not how normal humans work and there would have to be very unusual circumstances for it to happen. But since I don't know about superhero comics I can't really elaborate on this, so I wonder what you think of the idea.
So the specific arc you're talking about was Injustice: Gods Among Us, and the tie-in comics produced as a backstory for that video game- which came out in 2013 onward, so the times don't line up for Amy to be a commentary on that arc specifically. In particular, Superman has basically the exact opposite issue that Amy does; he killed Joker because he murdered an entire city, and he justifies his subsequent slide towards tyranny on the grounds that he wasn't being proactive enough to stop things like that beforehand. Kind of a common refrain in "Superman loses it" stories- refer in particular to the "I did love being a hero. But if this is where it leads, I'm done with it" scene from the Justice Lords arc of the old Justice League cartoon. (Batman is occasionally painted as having a "murder-is-like-potato-chips" problem, refraining from killing because he wouldn't be able to stop. Depends on the writer, though.) What Amy absolutely is commenting on is what I think was a very pervasive idea in cape comics in the years when Worm was being formulated- the idea of the hero/villain binary as a real and meaningful thing, two meaningful categories of people which you can switch between as a discreet and meaningful action. Black Knight, Hawkeye, Rogue- all superheroes who started as supervillains, two distinct statuses which they held. Characters like Deadpool and Harley Quinn start as villains and drift towards a third-position antiheroic middle-ground that's treated as noteworthy for not really falling into either camp- in turn sort of generating what basically amounts to a third cluster, a coherent trinary. (A lot of 90s anti-heroes reifying the binary in how they're marketed as violating it.) Not actually many heroes I can think of who've gone full villain and had that stick, but definitely heroes who've flipped for a time in a meaningful way- Hal Jordan becoming Parallax sticks in my head. And at least since the 80s you've had writers making post-modern gags about powered people who opt out entirely and have day jobs using their powers for something mundane. (The X-Men are all over the place in here.) And subdued but gradually swelling in popularity is where Worm lands- the idea that what you're actually looking at here is a mob of agents, with their own granular agendas, alliances, outlooks, lines in the sand, and relationship to the law-as-written- that when a hero starts acting villainous or a villain does something heroic, when they approach a fifty-fifty split without actually changing their label, it's an indictment of the idea you can actually broadly group them so neatly in the first place. And there's a lot of clunky dialogue in parts of Worm where characters are treating the hero/villain binary as a real tangible thing- "hero behavior, villain behavior-" in a way that seems hilariously naïve and awkward from where I'm sitting in 2023, and indeed was probably kind of a no-duh moment even in 2011. Anti-heroes had been around for a while. But I do think that those sequences were written in conversation with an assumption about the genre that wasn't totally dead in the water at the time, an assumption that Amy holds as a way of showing how treating the categories as innate will drive you nuts when they fail to model reality. I genuinely believe that the MCU and DCEU have killed this binary dead in the general consciousness, though. These days a "superhero" is whoever the protagonist of the movie is, and the idea that that can encompass a whole range of moralities is pretty strongly cemented. A supervillain is whoever fights the star of the movie once and then dies. It's whoever is creating a problem right that second, not a social role you hold for a prolonged period. In this way and some others, Worm hasn't been commenting on the dominant paradigm of superheroism in some time- it's becoming kind of a period piece.
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arkhamasyl-m · 9 months
I genuinely think one of the best Harley’s I’ve seen recently (IMO of course) is the Gotham Knight’s Harley. So let me rant about her.
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One of my favourite things of upfront is that she’s clearly not that young. That might sound weird but lemme explain. One of my biggest pet peeves about comics, is female characters who are supposed to be the same age as a male character, yet they look like they’re 20 whilst that male character looks age appropriate. In every Harley adaptation, she is canonically supposed to be the same age as Bruce and yet… If you pick up any modern comic with the two characters, Bruce looks late 40s, early 50s (which he is) yet Harley looks to be in her 20s. It’s gotten to the point where I’m not surprised if people do think Harley is supposed to be decades younger because of this, which is just sad. In Gotham Knights, she looks the same age as Bruce and still has a great design and characterisation. She isn’t a grandma, but she also isn’t a college student. It makes sense in the story since this is an older Batman, and the story is late in his career when he already has a full Batfamily and Harley’s already left the Joker. No way could a 30-year-old Batman have done all of this yet, so he’s not 30, he’s middle aged and so is Harley. It’s a weird thing to bring up I guess, but I appreciate a story about a Batman whose career has literally ended, having a Harley who clearly isn’t 20, and is still written amazingly.
The next thing I love about her is she’s not an anti-hero. Here’s the thing, I don’t mind Harley being an anti-hero, she’s a character who since the beginning was always written to he sympathetic and redeemable so her becoming an anti-hero and even allies with Batman himself is fine in most comics (as long as they don’t just skip straight to that point) but I do miss Harley being a villain, as it’s just a fun thing to see the character do. This is a late career Batman story, so she is no longer with the Joker which is great but, she’s also not an anti-hero saving the day, she’s still a villain but is no longer bound by the Joker and is free to do things her own way. Her schemes are both chaotic, funny but also scary, making her a real threat whilst also not making her as evil as the Joker. She’s fun in the way you don’t really mind she’s being a nuisance, unlike the Joker who is fun in the way that you want it to be over if that makes any sense.
Another thing I love is her relationships with the team. It’s clear from dialogue with the Batfamily that she and Batman have a friendship, reminding me of the old Batman the Animated Series episodes where Harley and Batman were allies. She was still a villain in those episodes, but she ended up doing the right thing and was genuine in her attempts to help Batman. Here’s its very similar, even though we never actually see Harley meet with Bruce, we know from how she speaks of him that she is on good-terms with him, and has been his ally for a while even though she is villainous. This just comes down to preference, but I much prefer a Harley Quinn who will enact a villainous plan, but also genuinely help Batman with his vigilante stuff over a Harley who completely reforms and just becomes a shitty “hero” who is like a Wish version of Deadpool. This Harley seems genuinely upset that Batman is dead, and not in the way “Oh, I have nobody to play with” but in the “Oh, my friend is gone” kinda way. Her relationship with the titular Gotham Knights is less developed despite it being assumed she has faced them before, yet it’s still there. Her dialogue with Red Hood is best out of all the Knights as he is genuine when he talks to her about her help, and she is genuine when she talks to him. No trickery, no unspoken anger between them. Just two people genuinely trying to help each other, even if Harley is planning a comeback behind the scenes, her conversation with Red Hood is genuine and heartfelt. Even after being captured she compliments the Knights and tells them they will do good following in Batman’s footsteps.
I also think her plan is rather dumb but in the good way. It’s very comic-booky without being too stupid that it’s just annoying or too serious/realistic that it doesn’t suit a superhero game. It’s the right amount of camp AND suits Harley. A mistake I see a lot with Harley being a villain, is her plans just being things the Joker would do, but now it’s Harley doing that. Maybe for an early-career Harley who just broke up with the Joker sure, it makes sense her plans would just copy his without her own personal flair, but if that Harley has been without the Joker for a while, but her plan is literally just something he’d do exactly the same, it’s stupid. She’s not the Joker, she needs her own style to be part of her plans or it’s just a Genderbent Joker. In Gotham Knights, the plan is similar to something Joker would do. Harley brainwashing civilians to become reckless, deranged and dangerous on paper is something a Joker would do, but it’s in the execution. If this was the Joker, he would spray laughing gas on a crowd, and the crowd would have deformed Joker smiles on their faces as they went nuts. Harley though, she uses her psychology degree and her own brains to convince people they need to feel safer, and then those pills make people reckless and insane. The way it’s shown too, it kind of implies Harley meant no harm from it, and it was just so she would have fun with a bunch of people like a party I guess. The issue is, these people aren’t in control of themselves and their bravery and lack of fear means they have no issue doing dangerous stunts that will kill them. It’s villainous for sure, but fine with good intentions. She’s not an anti-hero, just a fun villain.
Her design, admittedly isn’t the best, I don’t like the bob she has in her main Harley design BUT I think this is the best casual Harley design. Most of the time a casual Harley outfit is just Harley in a themed outfit that isn’t her costume but is similar, like Harley in a red and black jacket and pants. Sure it’s casual, but when Harley is out in public doing normal things, or just lounging around at home is she going to be wearing a full face of clown makeup and a tactical, high-quality red and black jacket? I doubt it. In this game, I LOVE her casual outfit. It’s just her hair up in her signature pigtails, a white tank top with scribbles all over it, some prison pants and some red and black slippers. Yes there’s elements of Harley, which is good, but it’s not what she would wear whilst fighting the Justice League just like how her jester outfit isn’t what she’d wear whilst binge watching some show on Netflix whilst on her couch. I can tell who it is from the design, and her own personal touches add so much character to her. She’s drawn Batman on her shirt, she’s clearly very crafty as shown from her hideout and makeshift outfit with the torn up sleeves and the scribbles and doodles all over her clothes. I genuinely prefer her casual outfit over her fighting clothes, but it’s just so fitting for her, and I love this Harley sm.
We barely see a late-career Harley Quinn but this is exactly what I imagined and I’m glad with how she came out in this game. Everything about her works so well, and my only complaints are small nitpicks not minor issues. I want more of her and I adore her character.
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winniethewife · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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Love bites (Peter Parker)
Knife play (Hunter)
Exhibitionism (Jonathan Levy)
Thigh riding (Capitan Rex)
Threesome (Obi-wan/Satine Kryze)
Bondage (Boba Fett)
Stripping (Steve Rogers)
Cockwarming (Tony Stark)
Hunter/prey (Crosshair/Hunter)
Degradation (Loki Laufeyson)
Blindfold (Din Djarin)
Glove kink (Jake Lockley)
Begging  (Peter B Parker)
Object insertion (Natasha Romanoff)
Against a wall (Marc Spector)
Whipping (Clint Barton)
Praise kink (Steven Grant)
Masturbation  (Poe Dameron)
Somnophilia (Stephen Strange)
Orgy/group  (Bad batch)
Hate sex (Edgin Darvis)
Voice kink (William Tell)
Dirty talk ( Commander Wolffe)
Costumes (Harley Quinn)
Breeding (Miguel O’hara)
Choking (Bucky Barnes)
Wax play (Deadpool)
Intercrural sex (Han Solo)
Gagging (Crosshair)
Cunnilingus (Fives)
Underwear kink. (Basil Stitt)
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