#I also have to remember that knowing I’ll get through it and having skills does not mean I can magically get out of an episode
In that lovely depression place where if I make a tiny mistake my brain turns it into ‘I’m a complete failure and I should just die because nothing I do will ever be enough’ which is just great
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
How JJK men act in and after a fight part ll
Part l with Gojo, Megumi and Nanami here
Pairing: Geto x reader, Choso x reader, bonus: Yuji x reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: my lil baby Yuji simply can't start a fight so it's more like a fluff fan service for y'all, Choso and Geto being a little mean, not proofread
Tags: @satoruukisser @sanicsmut (I just know you've waited for this one hehe) @ifuckfictionalmen
Suguru Geto
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“Hey love, how you’re feeling?”, the sweet voice of your boyfriend talks through the speaker of your phone.
Oh, how much you’ve missed him. Since Suguru became a special grade sorcerer, he’s got his hands full with work. Day in and day out, his life is occupied by exorcising curses. So him finding time to call you is a really rare occacion and puts a bright smile on your face immediately.
“I’m okay, my mission went well. Working with Utahime isn’t that bad”, you explain briefly.
“How are you? What a nice surprise that you’re calling!”
“Yeah, about that…”
He clears his throat uncomfortably, leaving you waiting on the other end of the line. What is wrong?
“Listen (y/n). There’s a very important mission for me and Satoru from Tengen-sama himself. I’ll be gone for a few day, need to leave the city…”
“Oh great, I’m coming with you!”, you announce.
Will it be hot wherever you’ll go? Maybe you can pack some nice dresses, after all you aren’t there for work. When was the last time you went on vacation with Suguru? You don’t even remember anymore. All you know is that you ha-
“There’s absolutely no chance you’ll come with me, (y/n). Come on, don’t be ridiculous, this is a mission after all. Also, Satoru will be there with me.”
Your heart sinks for a second, his words slightly hurting you.
“I’m sure Satoru wouldn’t mind! And like that, I’ll get to spend some time with you. That would be great, right?”
“(y/n), this is not the place for a grade 2 sorcerer. And I don’t want to spend time with you on a mission”, he instantly replies, voice dead serious.
Wow. You let his words sink in. No, he didn’t mean it like that, right? He didn’t just say that you are weak, that he doesn’t want to spend time with you…right? Your thoughts are racing. Why would he say something like that? You train your ass off day and night, always trying to get better at anything you do. And why does he not want to spend time with you on a mission? You’re a jujutsu sorcerer yourself after all. And he doesn’t seem to mind working with Satoru…
“I didn’t mean it like that”, he interjects after a few seconds of silence.
“Please don’t worry.”
“I just don’t understand why”, you breathe out.
“You love working with Satoru, though. Why not working with me?”
“(y/n), please don’t cause a scene right now. Satoru and I are the strongest, so it’s only logical to let us carry out that mission. You might be skilled, but not skilled enough.”
‘Not enough’, ‘don’t cause a scene’. His words cut through your heart like a knife through butter. Yes, you might be sensitive, you might overreact, but the way he speaks to you with this unknown stone cold voice and not very well picked words leaves your mind racing.
“I just thought this would be a perfect opportunity to spend some time together. The last few weeks we-“
“(y/n)”, he interrupts you harshly.
“I don’t have time for that bullshit now, okay? We’ll talk tonight.”
And with that, he hangs up, leaving you standing in the rain with trembling lips and eyes that threaten to overflow. What has gotten into him? You asked him really nicely, never pushing him with any of your words. Why did he leash out like that?
C’mon, it’s not even that bad. Maybe he was in a rush, maybe he is too overwhelmed by that important mission maybe-
You do your best to suppress your ruminations with good and logical thoughts desperately, but still…
Maybe he doesn’t want to spend time with you.
Frantically, you wipe over your falling tears, trying to calm yourself down in the middle of Tokyo. Maybe you should just get home, drink a tea and wait for Suguru to return. Yes, after all he told you you’ll talk this out in the evening.
And so you waited. Minutes, then hours, long after midnight without a sign of him. Dead worried that something might have happened, multiple unanswered calls on his and Satoru’s side. This isn’t him, it doesn’t match your boyfriend’s style at all to leave you standing in the rain. Something must have happened, something really really bad, something-
“Hello *hicks*, ‘m back”, his voice suddenly announces.
You squint your eyes, gaze fixed on the way he stumbles into the living room with his face redden in a way you’ve never seen before and orbs roaming around with no aim.
“Where have you been? I was absolutely worried about you. And you didn’t even answer my calls…”, you begin, your voice as soft as ever even though you feel like dying from the inside.
Even from afar, it is obvious that he’s drunk. Anger begins to rise in you, almost making you lose your cool temper. He can’t be serious about that.
“Yeah, had no time for that. Was out with Satoru”, he remarks.
“Yeah. Nothing new”, you comment dryly.
“You mad?”
His figure stumbles towards the couch, almost crushing you under his body weight in the process. No, the thought alone of having him near you right now drives you insane. You pull away, creating distance between your bodies.
“Huh, where are u goin’?”, he questions.
“I tried to call you this whole evening. Do you remember that you promised we would talk things out tonight?”
You desperately try to not sound hurt and vulnerable, but you simply can’t help yourself. Suguru is what you considered the best boyfriend walking on this earth, always respectful, always looking after you. But today, you’ve seen a very new side of him – a side that seems to don’t give a damn about you.
“Oh, that’s why you’re so mad…”
“I always knew and respected that Satoru is your best friend, but that you’re choosing boy’s vacation over a little bit of time with me after the two of you’ve been together the last weeks while I’ve waited at home for you just doesn’t make sense to me. But not only that, you called me weak, you made me feel as if I’m worth nothing. I don’t know, maybe I’m overreacting, maybe I’m being ridiculous like you’ve told me, but it…it just hurts me, Suguru. It hurts me that you’ve treated me this way”, you blurt out.
“I’m scared, (y/n).”
His sudden words catch you off guard, eyes glued to you with so much gravity that you forget about his drunkenness for a second. He’s scared? Where does that come from? You can’t help but scoot a little closer, his facial features looking as lovely as ever in the moonlight.
“Why are you scared, Suguru?”
“This is something really treacherous and I’m not sure if I’m able to take it. If something goes wrong, we might have to fight Tengen-sama himself or worse, you’ll get hurt in the process. I don’t want you to be in the line of fire. I’m truly sorry if I hurt you with my words this afternoon, but the thought of you getting injured on this mission alone killed me from the inside. You are way too precious to get into something like that, especially because it scares the hell out of me myself.”
You grab his hand gently, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes. No, this isn’t the time for pride. Now you understand why he acted so strange, why he came home this late and why he’s sitting in front of you full to the brim. It shatters your heart to know that these thoughts are occupying his mind – more than his words this afternoon.
“Don’t let these thoughts eat you up alive. How did you say that afternoon? You and Satoru are the strongest. If you aren’t able to complete that mission, nobody is. I believe in you with all my heart, darling. No matter how hard the mission seems, no matter how dangerous is get. I just want you to know that I’ll always stay by your side”, you mumble, arm gently wrapped around his shoulder.
“I don’t deserve you, darling”, he hushes against your ear before embracing you in a tight hug.
God, how much you needed that, how much you longed for his touch this whole day.
“I’m sorry for saying all these things to you. It’s just…I don’t want you to get involved in this…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, I get it. And I overreacted a little. Don’t think about it too much. Let’s go to sleep, okay? You probably drank a lot and tomorrow is another day.”
“I love you, (y/n). Forever and always.”
You smile at him softly, fingertips tracing along his jawline. Even though he smells like sake and his drunk eyes roam around your face with no aim, you love this man with all your heart.
“I love you too, Suguru.”
Choso Kamo
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“C’mon, stop acting like a dick”, you demand, mouth twisted into a pout.
Choso signs while rolling his eyes in pure annoyance. How long have you been sitting here, trying to convince him to take you with him to Shibuya? It sure feels like an eternity.
“Stop acting like a fool, then. This isn’t the right place for you to be. I have a very important mission to fulfill, (y/n)”, he demands.
The dangerous glistening in his eyes scream in your face to stop, to just let it slide and wait for him to return. But this is not fair. Fuck, you’re a mighty jujutsu sorcerer, you are really able to help him. But what does he do instead? Working with some of these hilarious curses.
“And I’m a very important juju-“
The way he yells into your face makes you back away in an instant, usual so bored eyes filled with nothing but thick anger.
“Don’t you understand that I don’t need you? This is very important to me, I seek revenge for my brothers. This isn’t a game, (y/n). You’ll stay here and wait until I return. Do you understand?”
You defiantly cross your arms over your chest, gaze glued to the floor.
“Do. You. Understand.”
“Yes”, you bark back.
“Good. I’ll be back this evening, my love. Don’t be too mad at me.”
His fingers gently caress your cheek before he walks away, into the fight. You cry out in frustration, a new wave of fury washing over you. Why would you be in the way? It’s not like you’re reincarnated yourself, a skilled jujutsu sorcerer for more than 150 years. Fuck, maybe you’re even on the same level as Choso. He might be your boyfriend, that doesn’t mean he can boss you around.
Yes. You are your own chef, always doing whatever you want. A cheeky grin is plastered on your face. Why would you stay at home when slaughtering some jujutsu sorcerers sounds so fun?
Without thinking twice you sprint away, into the dark night, into the train station of Shibuya Choso told you he’s stationed in. Where is he? What is he doing? Maybe you’re even able to help him killing these brats that are responsible for his brother’s death. Yes, what a joy, what a fun!
Your eyes dart around the empty area, not even a single curse in sight. Huh, that’s strange. You thought there would be more resistance, more fights. But instead, you are greeted by empty hallway over hallway, running around like a lost puppy.
Until you stop right in your tracks. Until you can hear his beautiful voice loud and clearly. Your feet carry you his direction instinctively, soon greeted by a merciless fight that lays itself out in front of you.
“Oh, what a coincidence to see you here!”, you greet your boyfriend, aiming a punch at the pink-haired boy in front of you without even knowing who he is.
Choso’s eyes widen in pure horror, forcing him to forget abou the presence of Yuji Itadori for a moment.
“(y/n)”, he breathes out.
You smile at him widely, confidence dripping from every poor.
“I told you to stay away”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“And I didn’t listen”, you reply.
With a swift motion, he pins you against a nearby wall, eyes darted at you in a way you’ve never seen before.
“I’m starting to lose patience with you, (y/n).”
“I’m here to help you out, love. Why would you have to do this on your own? I love killing people and I’m also seeking revenge for your beloved brothers. After all, they were my family too and everyone who hurts you automatically hurts me too.”
He pants heavy, gaze wandering between your eyes and lips. You’re not sure what’s going on, his mimic not telling you a single bit about his feelings. Is he mad, disappointed, absolutely furious? You can’t tell. But you meant every word you said. When will he finally realize that he’s never alone as long as he has you? You are his girlfriend, after all. It’s your job to be on his side.
“Do you really mean that?”, he mumbles, still holding onto your shoulders tightly while distracting the boy behind him with his blood manipulation.
“Of course I mean that. We’re a team, right?”
You don’t know what’s happening, too stunned by the way he suddenly wraps his arms around you so tightly that it’s hard to breathe, head hiding in the crook of your neck.
“You don’t know how much that means to me…”
It’s like you’re air and he can’t breathe, the way he holds onto you for what seems like dear life. You can’t remember a single moment he ever showed his affection towards you this passionately. But oh how much you enjoy it, closing your eyes to feel his touch even better.
“You are suborn”, he breathes out, taking your face between his hands and pressing his forehead against yours.
Are these tears glistening in his eyes? Your usual so cold and calculating heart feels as if it’s drowning in emotion, absolutely mesmerized by the way he shows himself so vulnerable around you.
“And absolutely in love with you”, you reply, running your fingertips through his hair.
“Wait here until I give you a signal. You know what you have to do”, he instructs you before pressing one last kiss at your demanding lips and turning away.
“Hell yes I do”, you response immediately, face of determination readier that ever.
Bonus: Yuji Itadori
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“Can you stop breathing so damn loud?”, you spit at him.
God, he’s so annoying. Everything is so annoying today. The way the birds sing, how your lunch tasted, your training session. Everything just sucks, including your boyfriend.
“Did I really breath that loud? Sorry babe”, he replies instantly, holding his breath in consequence.
“Urgh, can you scoot over? I need more space”, you grumble.
“Of course!”
Without thinking twice, he slides against the wall so you have more than enough space. Really, is he serious about that?
“Are you keeping safe distance to me or what?”
“Absolutely not, I just thought you need space…”
“Do you need space from me? You want me to leave, huh?”
Yuji just looks at you through his doe eyes, mind racing in a desperate attempt to understand your feelings. Did he do something wrong? Actually no, you always love to literally sit on him while watching TV, telling him over and over how much his slow breathing calms down your tingling nerves. What is different today? He looks into distance, thinking of every possible thing that might be wrong until…
Oh, you might be on your period.
Even though your mood swings were never this bad, the timing and general mood would be fitting. But asking you is way too dangerous, maybe you’ll lose it completely if he brings that up. No, he’ll just stay nice and give you what you need at the moment.
“Do you even love me anymore?”
He comes closer, gently taking your hand into his much larger one while smiling widely at you.
“Sure, you’re the love of my life after all! Just tell me if you need something, I’m always there for you, okay?”
Your stomach is killing you, it feels like getting kicked by the horse over and over again. Deep within you know it isn’t fair to let that out on Yuji, but at the moment, you simply can’t control yourself. But when he’s looking at you like that, gently smiling at you with so much affection in his eyes…
“Maybe you can bring me some pain killers?”, you mumble.
“Will be right back!”
In the matter of five minutes, he returns with pain killers and chocolate in one hand and a hot water bottle in the other. Your heart melts away. God, how is this boy so precious? Is this really your boyfriend?
“Oh Yuji, thank you so much…”, you breathe out, tears stinging in your eyes.
He’s just too good for you. You treated him so badly, and him? He treats you like a literal princess.
“Everything’s fine, (y/n). I do that with pleasure!”, he reassures you, gently wrapping his arms around you while whipping your tears away.
“I’m sorry for lashing out on you like that and causing trouble”, you sniff against his chest, immediately regretting your words from earlier.
“No need to be. We all have a bad day sometimes! And now open up the chocolate and choose a movie."
Your orbs gaze up at him, admiring his loving eyes. Is it even possible to start a fight with this boy? It seems like he understands you like no other, always saying the right words. He is simply a blessing, a true sweetheart.
“Yeah, sounds good”, you reply, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
What a precious boy you are able to call your boyfriend.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
a lesson in conversation.
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Kabukimono was becoming more and more human by the day. Were it not for the puppet joints on his body, anyone would have thought he was a real human. However, there was one thing he still struggled with.
He did enjoy talking to other humans, but unfortunately, sometimes he did not follow along properly. Sometimes he did not understand when someone was joking or not. He may not understand the figurative language one might use. (You clearly remember the day he came home and asked you what Niwa meant by the statement “Kabukimono’s like an open book!” How does he have any resemblance to a book?) He may not know what to talk about, having had a very different life from a human’s, and his own interests being different from their own.
Such were the troubles of the young puppet. But you were here for him, as well as assisting him with his conversation skills. You were happy to help him, but you were also happy to have a set portion of time for just talking to your lover. And now was one such time. 
“Well, hello there, love,” you giggled as the first thing Kabukimono did when he came through the door was hug you from behind. “Welcome home.”
“I’m back,” he mumbled into your clothes as he tightened his grip around you. 
“Looks like someone’s tired,” you observed, reciprocating his embrace. “Still hard at work, I see,” you smiled at him in encouragement. Ever since you were attacked that one time, Kabukimono had taken up an interest in swords, and Niwa and Katsuragi had begun to train him every day. Though the puppet did not enjoy violence, he had come to realize that sometimes it was necessary… for protection, at least. You weren’t sure of your feelings when you found out he was beginning to realize the cold truths of this world.
You’ve even heard that he performed a sword dance. But when you asked him to perform it for you, he said that he wanted to master it with perfection before showing you the final product. You smiled and said you were rooting for him, making him blush.
“I’m going to protect you, [Name], that’s why!” Kabukimono resolutely declared as he let go of you and smiled. You found his determination cute.
“I know you will, love. I’m counting on you,” you winked. “Now, why don’t you go get changed? I’ll get the bath ready,” you patted him on the back and sent him along his way while you began to prepare the tub. A nice warm bath would surely soothe the aches and pains he had.
You and Kabukimono had been in a relationship for a long time now, and baths together had begun to become normal. It has taken a while, as showing your lover your body was a huge step in the relationship and a very intimate thing in general. Even Kabukimono understood the meaning of such a thing, initially being shy at first too. But now he had grown to love it, liking the feeling of you washing him and vice versa.
And now the two of you were together in the tub, soap and rag in hand as you cleaned him first. His long hair had been tied up in a bun, which he looked really cute in. His normally flawless skin had a few bruises on it from sword-fighting, but they would heal in no time, being a puppet and all. Kabukimono was going on about what happened during his training, but then he started recounting a conversation that only added to his speaking woes.
“When the three of us were taking a break, Niwa and Katsuragi started talking about how I reminded them of their younger selves.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” You asked as you made sure his body was coated in soapy foam.
“It was! I liked hearing about their stories from the past. But then they started talking about a bunch of things I didn’t understand… and then other people started joining in and saying a lot of confusing things about things from so long ago,” Kabukimono sighed, before his voice dropped to a low tone. “And… and to make it worse, I don’t have anything nice to say about my past like the rest of them,” he confessed softly. You didn’t respond immediately, instead calming him with your soft touches.
“Maybe you need to move the conversation in another direction,” you replied thoughtfully as you washed out the soap with water.
“But how? Everyone was so happy reminiscing about their past… I don’t know how I could change it from that,” Kabukimono fell back into your chest, sloshing the water around. “It’s… awkward, I think. Is that the correct word?” You smiled and nodded, moving the wet strands from his face.
“Well, perhaps try talking about the future next time,” you suggested.
“The future?”
“The past is something we can only look back on, but the future is something we can build together. Despite the circumstances in the past and present, one can always look forward to the future. The future is changeable, at the very least.” The puppet seemed to be thinking about your statement. “Do you have anything you want to do in the future, Kabukimono? Any plans?”
“Plans?” He echoed. To be honest, Kabukimono hadn’t exactly thought about that stuff. He was already very caught up with living day by day with you. As long as he had you, he thought, he didn’t particularly care about what happened. Living life like this forever would be his ideal future. You were, quite literally, his world. However, Kabukimono knew he couldn’t say that to Niwa and the others. He’d come to learn that constantly talking about how much one loves their partner all the time wasn’t something most people did…
“I don’t think so, [Name],” Kabukimono decided on that response. “At least not yet,” he quickly added, not wanting to sound idiotic. You merely chuckled as you continued to hold him in your chest.
“Well, that’s okay. You still have lots of time to figure out what you want to do. And sometimes you don’t need to talk in a conversation. You can just enjoy yourself by listening to others. I’m sure the others would be happy to help you think about any possible plans.”
“What about you? Do you have any plans for the future?” The only thing Kabukimono knew, was that he wanted to be part of them, whatever they were.
“Me? Maybe when the time comes, I want to go see the other nations.” This made him perk up a bit. He too, wanted to see the world, after being mostly confined to his creator’s dark workshop, a lonely domain, and then the small village.
“You mean, all the places we’ve read about in the books? Mondstadt and Sumeru and Snezhnaya?”
“Yup! And Fontaine and Liyue and Natlan too!” You shared in his excitement. “We can listen to the bards play their poems and tunes, drink a cup of Sumeru’s special coffee, perhaps watch a trial in Fontaine… it would be so much fun,” you sighed dreamily, adoring the thought of such a fun vacation. You just didn’t think about the money aspect though.
“But would we be okay in Snezhnaya, though? I still don’t understand how people survive in that kind of climate.”
“Ah, you still haven’t seen snow, have you? Well, I guess we’ll have to visit Dragonspine before we go there then, to get you accustomed.” Oh, you couldn’t help but imagine the curious expression on his face once the eccentric felt a drop of snow melt on his nose.
The two of you chatted more about these plans, which probably seemed a bit unrealistic and impossible for the likes of you, but it was comforting in a way. To plan the future with the person who’d be with you for the rest of your life.
“You know, once you leave this tiny village, you’ll meet all sorts of people. No person will ever be the same as the next.”
“That’s amazing! I want to learn all about them. Do you think they’ll be as nice as the people in the village? Or are they like those bad guys?”
“That’s… hard to say. You’ll just have to learn to navigate your way through people, both good and bad.” Kabukimono nodded his head in understanding.
“And I’ll have you too, [Name]!”
“Yes, and me,” you smiled as you kissed his cheek. “But you know, you might meet someone better than me eventually-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Kabukimono interrupted you. “That’s not true. No one could ever be as wonderful as you,” the puppet interjected wholeheartedly. He really did mean that with every ounce of his being. Not even the Gods themselves could compare to you, in his honest opinion. “You’ve taught me so many different things. I don’t think I’d know anything without you! You’re the only person I want to be with. No one else, ever.” It seemed like he was pretty passionate about this.
“… That’s reassuring to hear, Kabukimono.” And then a silence overtook the bathroom. Although the two of you had been in the bath for far too long, neither of you felt like getting out, for that meant that this moment would end. Though you wanted to show your love even more.
You then kissed the Electro symbol on the back of Kabukimono’s neck, something that always made him stiffen for a few seconds no matter how many times you did it. It was a sensitive spot, both mentally and physically. A reminder of who he truly was, his unerasable past. Yet, somehow, he could hear your unspoken words. That though his past will always be a part of him, the future is his path to coming to terms with it and accepting who he is. His path to make his life to be what he wants it to be, no longer needing to worry about what a God wanted for him. 
“Regardless, I look forward to the future with you, my dearest love. I know there is much good and happiness to come, Kabukimono,” you gently wrapped your arms around his chest, lovingly holding him in your embrace. You did not comment on the tears flowing down his face, allowing him to let out his emotions freely.
The puppet never really understood his creator’s ceaseless pursuit of eternity, but now that he has you, a person to come home to every day, a person who will comfort him during his times of worry, sadness, happiness, fear, and more, a person who will have the most meaningful conversations and also idle chit-chat with him, he is beginning to understand her motive. He does want this to last forever. Even if it’s just the same routine every day, Kabukimono does not want it to end. He hopes it doesn’t.
However, no matter how one fights against it, eternity will not last forever. People are ever-changing, and everything comes to an end, eventually. Such is the nature of life, something the puppet will come to learn soon.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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second part to REPLACED + this set of headcannons
Feroze belongs to @moyazaika and manager reader! This is only a fan-creation.
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“Mr. Khan, this is so unfair!”
“What is ? “
“You get even more handsome each and everyday. I’ll need sunglasses at this point !”
“You flatter me too much.”
Feroze ran his hand through Eve’s silken black hair. No doubt enjoying the soft feeling around his fingers.
You were glad that Feroze and Eve got along. As happy as you could ever be even! Finally, your moody employer got along with someone else other than you. But nothing could shake this sinking feeling of dread in your stomach.
“Haha . . . “ Eve’s ears turned pink. You knew of his previous obsession with Feroze’s music before. That’s how you were first introduced to the rockstar. No doubt the idol was also enjoying the small act of affection.
“You two are getting along well.” You coughed, feeling a bit too much like a third wheel to all this.
“Mx. [Y/N]! Hey hey~!” Eve waved, basically flailing his hands with the amount of excitement in his movements, while Feroze only nodded after facing your direction.
You bowed to Eve, a habit you had a hard time turning off when you switched clients, in acknowledgment before turning to your rockstar, “You have another interview this evening. One last time before we go.”
And the rehearsal began. Eve had apparently learned to rap from one of his members previously and had incorporated that into the music. You knew this of course, as you’d often check in on his career once in a while and listen to some of his songs when Feroze wasn’t around. But it was still quite baffling to see how quickly he picked up the skill. It was a far cry from how he struggled before as a trainee and rookie idol.
Feroze preferred not having a choreography and Eve otherwise, so there were separate solo sections in the mix as well.
As always, your current client amazed you with his voice and skill on the guitar. After Eve’s number, he quickly captured your attention and kept it there for the rest of the performance.
Soon, the last note is played, and the two singers panting are all that’s left to hear.
Feroze looked over to the black haired man. The arena was a cold place but after moving around the stage a lot, Eve had started showering in his own perspiration. “You’re sweating all over, Jisoo.”
You were mishearing things. You had to. There was no way they were in first name basis already. No way. Eve was so unbothered with the way he was called that you almost thought you were imagining things.
“Ah . . . let me just . . .” Eve started removing his coat, about to walk off in search of a towel before Feroze held him by the shoulder, leaned forward,
and licked him.
You and Eve don’t even have time to react as Feroze had already pulled you to the exit. “Let’s go, meri jaan.”
“Did you just do what I thought you just did—“
“What?” Feroze had this stupid smirk on his face, seeing you all worked up over his actions.
“Don’t try this with me! What if someone saw you two ? !”
“They’ve seen me done worse.”
“I’m not talking about your reputation, Khan. Jisoo’s is as fragile as glass. He hasn’t done even half of the shit you have. He’ll be ruined!”
“What’s this? Calling him by his first name now? And where’s my rosy?”
“You called him Jisoo, too. And remember, no rosy when you misbehave.”
“Fine. I won’t do it again. In public at least.”
“Okay, okay. I didn’t know you get like this when you’re jealous. It’s kinda cute.”
Feroze laughed as you stormed off. He really does love you so much.
Once you were out of view, he checked his phone to find a couple of messages from his partner in crime.
i believe i deserve a little thanks for my services?
i’m such a great wingman, aren’t i?
don’t get too cocky.
hehe. anything for you mr. khan.
i told you to call me feroze, didn’t i?
tomorrow. us three. drinks.
last one to pass out gets to have [y/n] for the night?
you’re on.
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“You know that Feroze’s a lightweight.”
“Yet you purposely agreed to have a drinking competition.”
“Right you are.”
“When your entire personality is based on getting drunk.”
“It’s a perfect set up isn’t it? And I don’t get drunk that often!”
“Right, just every single night you go out with the boys.” You crossed your arms. Flashbacks to cleaning off all the puke from not only Eve but the rest of your old clients entered your mind. “You know I have to leave and take care of him after this right?”
Eve’s already eerie smile got even wider, “Well, at least I got you all to myself now. Right at this moment.”
You shook your head, exasperated. “I never got you.”
“You said you could never live without me. And for a while I thought you did. Leaving you was so difficult. I was ready to lose you.”
“But here you are, alive and well.” Unaware you indirectly told him that he’s supposed to be dead, you jolted when he suddenly started cackling. Thank god for private rooms.
“Baby, if you want me dead there are more direct ways of saying so.”
“No, of course not!”
“I know you don’t. You care about me so much.”
You found yourself suddenly trapped between his arms. His face right next to yours as he breathed in your scent.
“Because you’re the best manager the world could ever ask for.”
He placed a kiss on your shoulder, then your neck, your chin, and finally your lips. His was smooth, years of scolding him to use chapsticks more often actually worked. But you soon forget the texture as his tongue entered your mouth.
His hands explored and caressed your body, keeping you close to him while he enjoyed your taste.
Out of guilt from making out while Feroze lied there unconscious, you pulled away.
Eve doesn’t hide the disappointment on his face, but he also doesn’t try kissing you again. “What happens, happens. I’ll just work thrice as hard to earn you back.”
You didn’t realize his body was pressing up against you until it was gone and he had grabbed his coat, ready to leave.
“Or I could share. Wouldn’t mind doing that with Mr. Khan.”
“See ya soon, world’s bestest Manager!”
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It was almost scary seeing Jisoo in such a broken state. He had failed two evaluations in a row. One more time and he’ll be cut off from his dreams. This usually wasn’t the case for most trainees, but as he’s grown older and therefore less marketable, the higher-ups had double down on their rigid rules. Even employing a manager like you to keep him in line.
You were a massive slap to the face. But he had no one else to lean unto. His other relationships were all shallow and based on some flimsy, flowery words he’d spout at everyone. So, he found himself here, right beside you. Tears still wet on his beautiful face.
“Hey . . . c’mere.” You pulled him beside you. The boy didn’t like being touched, but he was too tired and jaded to resist. “Show them that you want this. Show them that you’ll do everything you can to reach your goals.”
You caressed his back. Even if your words weren’t much of comfort you could at least try physically calming him down. “If they keep kicking you down even after you work twice as hard then work thrice as harder. If your skill isn’t enough for them then show them your determination.”
“You can and will do this, alright Soo? I believe in you.”
And that was the final nail into the coffin. You felt him melt under your touch. His breathing finally started to steady.
“I will. I promise.” He raised his arms to embrace you. “I’ll make you proud, Mx. Manager.”
Eve’s fingers trailed over the tattoo on his face. It was cold out. Snow had covered the streets and a part of his newly dyed dark blue hair. But the alcohol, the clothes he wore and most of all the thoughts of you kept him warm.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun / moyazaika - genie | 2023
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ollieolliewrld · 8 months
Welcome to the tumblr writing space! I'm confident you'll do amazing here!
If I may request DMC- and take your time with it -what kind of partner the twins would realistically prefer. Whether it be personality types, deal breakers, what they are willing to compromise for/with, what they expect etc. I'm curious of others takes on these types of things and I'd like to see yours, when you have the time. Whether it's DMC 3 or 5 (or post 5) era, is up to you.
Happy writing! Again, take your time and polish as much as you feel you need to. Have fun!
Love, love, love this! Thank you for the request and the kind words <3 I’ll be taking the DMC 5 and post 5 era but I may revisit this once I finish playing DMC 3 fully!
**This is not a fluff piece it is a bit more serious** 
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✭ Ideal Partner
-Dante’s ideal partner would be someone who has a good understanding of their surroundings
-He’s looking for someone perceptive so that you both share a mutual understanding of situations 
-Basically, he doesn’t want to hold their hand and baby them through life
-If something happens he is going to make sure they are ok but also expects that they will not crumble completely
-Dante has been through hell and back when it’s time for him to settle down he is not playing games 
-He’s a grown man who wants his chance to finally relax
-The cocky attitude he keeps up can get him through a lot but his partner is the one who truly pulls him through it all
✭ Deal Breakers
-Will not put up with tantrums
-He can understand if you get emotional at times, he doesn’t expect you to have it all together 24/7 
-But you cannot throw a fit if something does not go your way
-Dante cannot be everywhere at once and with the state of things there are going to be times when he will have to cancel a date or movie night 
-If you cannot understand that he will not stay
-If he is going to be with someone long-term they need to be understanding of his background 
✭ Compromises
-Dante would not want his partner anywhere near combat unless they have proven to be fully capable
-After that, if you really wanted to he would be willing to let you take on some missions of your own
-He would also compromise if his partner wanted to do very typical couple things
-Like he would get a matching jacket with you or something like that but he would not do anything with writing or graphics
-If you two are going to do something it will be done tastefully and hopefully in red
-Dante wouldn’t have many things he would not compromise on, if he truly wants to stay with you he will make it work and swallow his pride once in a while as long as you are willing to put the work in to meet him halfway
✭ Expectations
-He expects that you have life skills
-You would not need to be a pro at finance or a god in the kitchen but you would need to know how to live on your own
-Dante cannot always be there even though he wants to be and he does not want the additional worry that you are going to explode when he leaves
-His ideal partner would have their head screwed on, not perfect, but able to pick themselves back up when they get knocked down
-He also expects you to support him and be there for him
-There are times when he needs a shoulder to rest on and he would expect his partner to be willing to be that
✭ Must-Have Qualities
-Dante requires someone with a sense of humor
-You need to be able to laugh and understand his jokes
-You would also need to be a good listener 
-He won’t talk your ear off but he needs you to remember what he tells you 
-It would mean a lot to him if you remembered the small things too
-Being sociable/outgoing must be your personality type
-He needs someone who can go out into the world with him and interact
-Yes he enjoys spending time rotting on a couch with you but when you two are out he wants to show you off proudly 
-Having you being confident and able to explore with him is a must
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✭ Ideal Partner
-Vergil needs a patient lover
-He is not socially inept but he is not extremely experienced in how to lead an average life and relationship
-Ideally, they would be willing to understand what he has been through and all that has shaped him into the man that he is today
-He is a loyal lover who needs someone that will stay with him through it all
-Someone resilient would fit him
-Again, like his brother, he is a grown man he does not have it in him to baby someone through life, you need to be able to stand on your own before he could settle down
✭ Deal Breakers
-He is not messing around
-No one-night stands, no FWB, he is going for the long-term
-It is end game or nothing with him
-If you could not take things seriously he would leave
-Vergil looks at life with seriousness he is not going to be with someone who continuously makes jokes every two seconds
-He is also looking for someone more submissive as in they will follow the decisions he makes without fighting him
-He is willing to take the time to explain why he made the decision but he will not take the time to go back and forth with you when he knows what the right thing to do is
✭ Compromises
-Vergil can be a little too serious at times and forgets to relax
-He wants to get things done the right way and will lose himself to his work
-Being with someone who can let loose and live would be a change in pace for him but he would be willing to compromise 
-As long as everything is handled he could spend time with you having fun
-It is very hard for him to let go of his control as he wants to be constantly motivated However, learning to take a step back and take a breath is not going to throw all of his work out the window
-Once he sees that you could slowly work him up to the very mundane aspects of life like reading a book at the beach together
✭ Expectations
-He expects you to be willing to work with him
-As I have been saying, you need to be patient with him
-Vergil is willing to learn and change but he has his own problems he is working through
-Life has not been kind to him and he will be open about that so he would expect that you do not hold that against him
-Any mistakes he makes are not done to harm you, they are done because of a lack of experience 
-He is not in tune with his emotions and has a hard time expressing his feelings as well as picking up on yours
-Hopefully, you would be able to work with this and understand where he is coming from
✭ Must-Have Qualities
-It cannot be stressed enough that he is looking for someone patient
-You do not have to be a saint he will be working with you as much as you are working with him 
-He doesn't want you to give up on him
-Vergil is looking for someone who is level-headed, not over-emotional
-He just does not know how to be around someone who can fluctuate in emotions very quickly
-You would need to be intelligent, not like a genius, but able to understand directions and pick up on your surrounding 
-He wants you to be a safe place for him so you being understanding and willing to take the time to get to know him means a lot 
-It will take some time for Vergil to open up to you fully but once he does the man is locked into you and not going anywhere
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Author’s Note: I really hope this is to your liking! I would love to hear what you think and if anyone has any opinions of their own! <3<3
I had a blast brainstorming this, thank you for sending in this request!
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randomsufff · 20 days
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HEHAHBFKI More South Park doodles I think I’m going insane.
Actually this is kind of the product of me being liking South Park way back in high school but was too embarrassed to draw them when I was bored in class and now it’s all kinda flooding back 💀
Read below if you want to know more about my New Kid and my thoughts behind some of the doodles cause this turned out longer then I though 💀
Anyways- introducing my New Kid. No name cause I literally have no idea. Whatever the cannon name is ig- though I’d think it’d be funny if she was referred to New Kid by literally everyone like in game. I like the idea that a lot of people have with their New Kids that they liked the makeover section with the girls during the Stick of Truth a little too much. I also like it cause… uh… I didn’t play Stick of Truth. (The combat system is not my cup of tea) So it’s not until the start of TFBW does she know shes really a girl.
To give context to the top right drawing- I couldn’t remember the dialogue Wendy says in the alleyway if you say you’re a trans girl- but I do know what she says if your a cis girl (I always knew you were a girl) cause I did a second play through as a cis girl. And I don’t know if there’s supposed to be a huge time jump between the end of Stick of Truth and TFBW but I think it would be funny if it was just the next day- so combine these two fact to get “Wendy always clocked New Kid as a girl but NK just found out yesterday 💀”
Anyways- she’s such a cutie, I love her and her cool superhero outfit I gave her. Outside of the game- I’d like to think of her basically exactly how she acts in game. Mostly non-verbal, with the occasional zingy one liner, and just kinda goes along with the crazy shit the happens in South Park un phased. Like if she was in a episode- the plot would happen and she would be on screen, but wouldn’t say anything, and anytime another character would address her, they’d respond however as if she spoke lmao. Aroace, just like me, so she’s just friends with everyone (except Cartman) and vibes with everyone.
The mini Style comic I though of cause 1) I wondered if Kyle had the same elf ears as the other elfs did in game (again, never played and it’s been a while since I saw gameplay so whoops if it’s confirmed or whatever) and 2) I thought it would be funny if Stan was caught lacking and tried to /rp his way out of it (I wanted to add an extra bit where Kyle would be like “Oh, are our characters gay for each other??? (ARE YOU /SRS OR /J STAN)” and Stan would have to just “yes, and” his way out.)
The last three images were kinda of a stream of consciousness put on paper and made neat lol. I really like showing that all the costumes the kids wear are homemade and stuff- either stuff taken from their parents or visibly taped together etc- cause I think it’s charming. Anyways- I though Kyle’s little robe could be like one of his parents bath robe- and it would be a little too long for him to run without eating shit so he’d have to hike it up like a skirt/dress. Which lead to me thinking that Cartman would say some shit about that and how Kyle, who has a literal Golf Club, would smack his ass up. Which then lead to me thinking about how since Kyle’s the Elf King and Stan’s basically his right hand how he might lift it up wedding dress style if needed (/RP GUYS, RIGHT?RIGHT???) and how Cartman would react, which lead to that one JoJo meme cause thats literally how they’d retaliate.
Always- I’ll probably have at least one more post about South Park I swear. There was a period of time before I stopped watching (I gotta pick it up again) where I would doodle a bit of whatever was happening in the episode, each episode. Crazy I know, but not only did it improve my drawing skills but it helped me remember what actually happened in episodes cause I have shit memory and definitely don’t remember some of the episodes I watched. So I might redraw some of those- see if anyone can tell what episode they’re from.
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esggs · 2 months
Obeisance to the Arrow - Noritoshi Kamo
#7 : Jealousy, Jealousy  
[Who are you calling 'onii-chan'? And why does Noritoshi hate it so much?]
[tw: noritoshi kamo x reader, arranged marriage, forced marriage, child marriage, mentions of adultery, couple slurs ig, jealous and pissed noritoshi, reader gets a crush on a non-noritoshi entity, fluff]
#6 - Husbandly Duties #8 - Ice-Cream Date
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Noritoshi Kamo was nothing if not a responsible man. If he’s been given a wife to be responsible for, he’ll damn well make sure that he’s doing it properly. It doesn’t matter that the said wife is 14 years old. That’s why he’s already halfway through ‘Raising A Strong Teen Girl: Tips and Tricks for the Single Mother’ in the Kamo library, only two days after the wedding ceremony. Noritoshi Kamo, as we asserted earlier, takes his responsibilities seriously. 
The family is still mad at him for agreeing to Gojo’s demands yesterday. But what’s done is done: you will be attending Jujutsu High. In a week, in fact. The best way to proceed, Noritoshi believed, was to arm you to do your best there. 
You’re scrolling through Instagram when Noritoshi sits on the sofa next to you. Just as the book says, Rule 1: Always maintain a comfortable environment with your difficult teen. “Morning” He greets you. You ignore him. Fucking brat. “Alright then, I see you’re busy. I had some extra dango I wanted to share, but I can-”
“- I’ll have it.” Your attention is still on your phone, but at least you’re talking to him. The book’s working. Rule 2: Offer incentives for good behaviour. 
“The dango comes after though. We have to talk about your schooling first.” 
“UGH!” You look at him with such disgust in your eyes. It’s okay, Noritoshi, she just lacks proper communication skills. Remember, you're the older one. Be calm, be calm… “Fucking fine! What’s there to talk about?”
It must be noted here that this behaviour was reserved only for Noritoshi. With the servants you were kind. With the elders, you were polite and obedient to the bone, having been training to be so since childhood. And with the young Kamo kids, you were jolly friends. 
You weren’t stupid though. Your relations with the above mentioned people were set in stone. With Noritoshi, you know, that the relationship you set when your marriage is still raw will set the tone of your relationship for the rest of your lives. If you were to behave with subservience now, he’ll expect you to lick his feet forever. No, now is the time to be difficult, to upset the power balance, to get the upper hand – 
How the fuck did I get stuck here?
Noritoshi is droning on and on. You’ve lost track a good while ago. Ancient sorcery clans…past users of Distillation… respectable martial arts for nobility…Kamo heritage…proper curtsies…student discipline… Everything that Noritoshi deems important for you to know, he's making sure that you know it. He's even got the whiteboard out.
At least you can chew on the dango Noritoshi gave you. You simply nod along to whatever Noritoshi is saying, not hearing a word, happy to be given dango. From Noritoshi’s point of view, even though you’re not participating in his lessons, you’re still acting decently. Rule 3: Expect only minor behavioural improvements over time. You're not snappy; your husband is happy enough. 
Or so he thought. Why then, is he watching you giggling and playing around with, of all people in the universe, his goddamn half-brother?
Miyumi, the wife of Noritoshi’s father, never extended her open and visceral hatred of Noritoshi towards you. She’s been like a caring aunt to you all your life, helping you adjust to the Kamo household when you first stepped foot in there, letting you go without doing any chores, and supplying you with as much freedom as she could vouch for. Like most of the Kamo women, she pitied you too. 
Of course, not a drop of that pity extended to Noritoshi. Not only was he constant proof of her husband’s adultery, he had also replaced her son, Kanato, as the rightful heir. Unlike most Kamo couples, Miyumi and Noritoshi’s father had actually married out of love. She had remained in love, devoted, beautiful, caring, high-status, respectful, obedient to him all her life, even bearing him a firstborn son– only to be replaced in one fell swoop. And by whom? A low-class non-sorcerer whore? With a dirty little kid simply because he could toss some blood around? 
Miyumi couldn’t even bear the sight of Noritoshi.
She didn’t mind hearing you complain about him though. She liked it when you visited her chambers, she liked talking with you. After so many years, she knew that her hatred was pointless, but the inertia of the hate did carry her forward in this stifling household. As she poured you another cup of tea while you talked about Noritoshi’s newfound determination to be a (boring) teacher who only talked about martial arts without actually letting you practise it, Miyumi smiled and called for her son. 
“He’s just back from Oxford for a week, he’s studying political history there. You haven’t met him, I suppose, little one?”
You shake your head. “I haven’t, Miyu-chan.”
Kanato’s heavy footsteps on the wooden flooring herald his arrival. 
You remember this moment for the rest of your life. Kanato Kamo, your first ever crush. Tall, lean, angel-faced, short hair dyed blonde, wearing pearls on his neck and opals on his fingers, eyeliner on his thin eyes, and a piercing above his smiling lips. Why was he walking in slow-motion? Why did your heart jump when he petted your head? Why did his voice sound like rich dark chocolates when he asked you to call him ‘onii-chan?’ Why… why does his face look so much like Noritoshi?
Your husband, Noritoshi, and his half-brother, Kanato, both look exactly like their father. Even though Kanato is a thousand times cooler and he’s in college and he wears his yakuta like a prince and you call him ‘onii-chan’ and he says he’ll teach you how to spar hand-to-hand.
Miyumi is pleased that you two get along well. Kanato chuckles at his mother's adoration for you, promising with a wink to take great care of you. You think you almost swoon.
For one, Noritoshi didn’t know that Kanato was back home. Two, he definitely didn’t know that Kanato was back home to fool around with his wife. Why then is he now watching you giggling and playing around with, of all the people in the universe, his goddamn half-brother?
“Kanato.” Noritoshi slides open the door to the training rooms. It’s pretty big, stored with various weapons, targets and dummies to practise with, and lined with a soft mattress to break falls. Noritoshi was just here to shoot some arrows when he chanced upon this scene. “I did not know that you were here.”
All three of you noted that Noritoshi called his elder half-brother by his name. Yes, Noritoshi did rank higher than Kanato, but he was still younger in age. So it’s like that, huh, Noritoshi?
“It’s a big house, Noritoshi-san. It’s hard to keep track of everyone.” Noritoshi watches as Kanato winks at you and you laugh again, a blush on your face. (“Everyone, including your young wife.”)  “I was just teaching my little sister here the basics of karate. Since she’s going to Jujutsu High and all.”
“I see.” Noritoshi’s voice is measured. For the first time, it clicks in your head that he might not be happy seeing you so comfortable with his half-brother. And for whatever reason, you actually feel a little bad about it. “I’ll finish her lessons today then, Kanato. Why don’t you go rest a bit? You'd need it, I presume.” It’s clear that there’s bad blood between the brothers. Both just toe the line between politeness and hostility. 
“Presume less, little brother, you worry too much about me. I’m afraid I’ll have to finish her lessons myself, though.” Kanato grins wide. “Since she asked me to, herself.” 
For a second, you think they’ll throw hands (they don’t). You’re starting to think that it isn’t even about you. They simply cannot stand each other. In that case, you choose to pipe up, “I think I’d like to retire actually, I’m tired. Thank you for the tutorial, onii-chan.” You smile at Kanato, who returns the smile, and turn to appease your husband. “Noritoshi-san, if you could help me to my chambers?”
“Of course.” Noritoshi gives you an arm. You wave Kanato good-bye as you walk down the long corridors to your room. As soon as you two are out of earshot, his words bite. “Antagonising me will get you nowhere.”
You get it, really. Kanato’s very existence ruffles all of Noritoshi’s feathers. And to see him get this questionably friendly with his wife… yeah, it’s best not to mention the crush at all. You decide that even though you haven’t done anything wrong per se, but it’s still hurtful to Noritoshi. All right then, you decide. I’ll humour him this one time. 
So imagine his surprise when he actually hears you apologise. You've never been anything but rude or indifferent to him; to hear you say that you didn’t realise how your actions looked on the outside, and promise that you won’t be like that again! It genuinely shocks Noritoshi out of the sulky angry mood he’d slipped into. Rule 4: Always reward any good behaviour. 
Noritoshi gets you two things: another plate of dango and a promise to teach you to spar himself. Maybe, you decide, cheeks full of sweet dango, it’s okay to be nice to Noritoshi, just now and then.
“Noritoshi’s still being an ass, I see. Not a lot’s changed here.” Kanato is lazily scrounging through his mother’s collection of jewellery. Kanato likes the more minimalistic ones, a tad bit on the high-fashion hippie line. Miyumi is happy to oblige her son, despite his father’s disapproval. Not like he approves of Kanato in any way. Not since Noritoshi, the perfect son, exists. Besides, he’ll be back to England soon. 
Miyumi’s eyes sharpen at his mention. “My god, did that brat do something to you again? I swear, I–”
“Whoa, mother, no.” Kanato, ever smiling, calms her down. “He was just super jealous that I was training with that kid. y/n. Honestly, mother, I think it was adorable. I just don’t like the way he speaks to me.”
“He has no manners. Do you know he goes out of his way to avoid me?” Miyumi sees her son pick up two lockets, one a Kamo family crest engraved on hard mahogany, another a pattern of ducks in emeralds and rubies. “Don’t bother choosing, take both.” 
“You sure, mother? I’ll kidnap some of your earrings too.”
“Yes, yes, when do I even wear them? Just don’t get them rusted.”
Kanato smiles.
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next chapter: #8 - Ice-Cream Date
a/n: are they.. no i shan't say it... warming up... caring about each other's feelings... oh my...
what if reader gets jealous? here u go: Hey Handsome!
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whiskersz · 7 months
Can you please do headcanons with Angel and Husk with a reader who suffers from chronic pain/illness and how’d they’d help reader get through it? Platonic or romantic is up to you! It’s okay if you can’t but thank you so much if you do.
Hey there! Of course I can, I decided to go with chronic pain though it’s written pretty vaguely, so it can be relatable to a wider audience; and for anyone struggling with this, make sure you rest a bunch :)
Angel and Husk with a Reader who has Chronic pain/illness
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Angel Dust
✧Angel is a very caring boyfriend; he remembers all the meds that you’re supposed to take and at what time, and if you forget about taking them he’s going to gently scold you and remind you that this is important for your health.
✧However, his life is pretty busy with him having to be on set for most of the day, so he can’t really take care of you the way he’d rather do it. Still, he’ll take a few breaks to remind you to take your medicine at the right time and entrust somebody else to take care of you if you’re having a particularly bad day.
✧Speaking of bad days, every single morning before he goes to work he’ll stop by your room; if you’re already awake he’ll tell you to text him if there is a problem and you two will share a kiss as good luck to both of you; if you’re still sleeping, he’ll gladly leave a neatly written note on your nightstand where he reminds you how much he loves you and tells you he hopes that you have a good day, and to obviously text him if something’s wrong.
Good Morning Sweets, I hope you slept fine, and that today goes well! Leave me a message if you need, I’ll try to check my phone for you. I love you a bunch, -Anthony <3
✧At the end of the day, expect a lot of cuddles and kisses! He’ll ask you how it went and if you managed to carry out any of your projects. At the start of the relationship he might even avoid talking about his own struggles because he knows you have to deal with yours every day, but as you two get more comfortable so will the relationship, and you’ll be genuine with each other, as the other will always be there for comfort.
✦Husk may appear grumpy, but as I said probably a million times at this point, he’s the exact opposite in a relationship, especially if you struggle with chronic pain or illness. He’ll be extra careful not to cause you any additional pain or fatigue, and will be thinking of you pretty much the whole time when you’re resting in your room.
✦Alcohol doesn’t really help with chronic pain and illness, so he’s willing to mix you non-alcoholic cocktails and of course prepare something extra for you, such as a breakfast in bed here...a favourite dish as lunch there...he’s skilled in the kitchen! So he does so both because he enjoys it and because it lessens your strain.
✦He can also be a bit of a couch potato, so he doesn’t really mind if you sometimes prefer to have little dates at the Hotel because you’re not feeling the best. Watching some TV to distract you sounds good enough to him, as long as you get to spend time together and he gets to comfort you with his purrs.
✦If you’re having a particularly bad day, he will do anything for you; bring you your meds, remind you to eat and drink, he will even take breaks from tending to the bar to check on you. Alastor doesn’t mind him doing that either.
✦- This only applies if you’re dating both of them – Husk will always be appointed to look after you by Angel while he’s at work if you’re in pain, and he doesn’t mind it one bit. You will receive lots of love once Angel comes home, from both him and Husk, and the playful banter between the two will surely be able to distract you a bit.  
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saruslumber-01 · 1 month
Quick take on Jiaoqiu’s trailer
As always, I love to take screenshots whenever there’s some images flashing and this time, I did the same thing.
Before I actually talk about the trailer, I want to point out how (to me at least), the theme/ost doesn’t really match him. Or rather, how he appears to be.
(Imo it’s a similar case to jade’s trailer, you’d think she’d have something more… idk tempting in a unsuspecting way, like when you believe you made an amazing deal, only to later meet the terrible consequences.
Well anyway, the thing that I noticed is that both in jade’s trailer [or at least splash art and references/motifs] and in jiaoqiu’s, they hold an apple in their hand. I get why in jade, but in jiaoqiu’s? That very weird to me)
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(Here you go, the moment, I’m talking about ^)
What I ACTUALLY wanna talk about that caught my attention, is the eyes we see all over the trailer.
I get it, he always keeps them closed, but from the trailer it seems it was not just a stylistic choice to make him this way, but actual lore behind it. (Ofc I might be wrong since we still know NOTHING about his backstory, and I’ll probably talk more when I’ll read his char stories after his release)
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Idk, to me this feels kinda weird to get his eye to pop out like that (and it reminds me of firefly’s trailer). Not only that, but we get a moment where we see a fox spirit (?) made out of fire which is oddly similar to Tail’s ‘true’ form (huohuo ult). AND then from the fox’s eye it smoothly transitions into jiaoqiu’s eye. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
To me, it might foreshadow that the “eye thing” that is going on with jiaoqiu is becase those are not his natural eyes. Rather, they’d ‘changed’ (idk how to explain that) into the golden ones, as if he got possessed by that fox spirit (or maybe I’m just reading into things too much, who knows).
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More eyes screenshots (which kinda remind me of sunday AND bring us to my next point)
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What I want to talk about is the placement of those eyes.
Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who didn’t think it looked somehow familiar…
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Rings a bell now?
I also ‘circled’ the flower she has on her ‘crown’ as it resembled the anise jiaoqiu uses in his skill, and ALSO popped up a few times in the trailer.
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I know I might be digging too deep, but I feel there something very eerie and off about jiaoqiu as a character in story, and as a playable character.
I’m sure everyone remember how jiaoqiu’s a cook, a healer, right? Then why on earth is he a nihility unit? I’ve seen sooo many people being confused about it, and I’m sure HoYo wouldn’t mention it that much, unless it was important to the story.
And before anyone goes and says “wdym phantylia got a new victim?” NO. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m trying to prove that jiaoqiu isn’t probably just some random foxian who knows how to cook (and take care of feixiao). That there’s connections that all come back to the word “possessed”.
Tingyun? Possessed by phantylia (and spexulated to return in later versions)
Huohuo? Got her tail ‘possessed’ (I don’t remember too well, sorry) by Tail, AND in her trailer (which has a lot of flashing images and yin yang in there [I’ve got screenshots for both trailers to prove]) she is possessed by Tail, a heliobus. And what is a heliobus? Some kind of fox spirit! (Or at least I think so…)
What I’m trying to say is that there’s some kind of ‘possession’ when it comes to jiaoqiu.
(And another character that got flashing images and got possessed [outside of jade and huohuo] is sparkle! And don’t you agree that in terms of the overall vibes, their trailers does seem quite similar?)
So uh, yeah! That’s all I wanted to share.
I’ll probably do one more post for just the similarities in the trailers of jiaoqiu, jade, huohuo and maybe sparkle
Thanks for reading my ramblings and getting through to whole thing, I appreciate it a lot!
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tartrat · 2 months
More digital art practice (this time with Talia)
Kapyy gets a break lol
This is basically an attempt to make an avatar. I hated doing the camouflage so i just got rid of her jacket all together.
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Also below is a crappy attempt at an alternative avatar. I originally wanted to try and base it off of the Midnights bodysuit but have it be sort of Speak now themed. Then i just gave up and made a weird rendition of her outfit from the final chorus of IKYWT, with a glitter brush that i had made in procreate. Eyes probably look a bit weird but just ignore that, this is really just a practice. I did not bother detailing the shoes.
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Yes i reused the background from my last post
just really practice nothing much to it. I did actually do a few pages in my school art sketch book on Just Dance costume design, more on how songs are interpreted and made and oc based on the avatars. This reminded me of that.
My brother recently played through persona 4 golden, a game where they go into tvs, for the first time and the other day i realised that that’s what Talia does in the map for IKYWT. Basically Talia Sway is the Persona 4 Golden.
I headcanon that she has always been able to control tvs and project memories onto them. If she decided to channel those skills she’d probably be able to broadcast other’s memories as well as her own to a farther range. What says revenge on your ex by showing the country how shitty they are. The Wake me up coach deserves no peace.
They should do a remake of womaniser but it’s Talia, the One kiss coach and all the others that the WMU coach possibly cheated on hunting him down. Like Alex Newell’s performance of the song from glee. (Yes i think that the WMU coach has already cheated on the One kiss coach, that being if that’s who he cheated on Talia with)
Still trying to develop the headcanon that she and Kapyy are twins who were separated at birth. So far i have their mother as the giddy on up coach and that the dad would be from Cyberfunk but don’t know who he should be. I realised that the women in the family always have to deal with some bloke in Wasterra cheating on them so i think it would be funny if Talia tells Kapyy that if he wants to date a guy, to not date a guy in Wasterra, he takes her advice and quickly falls in love with a guy that he knows. I still imagine the two meeting shortly after IKYWT but i also imagine that their meeting also takes place at the same time as the events from Majesty, so these two weirdos in the junkyard are talking whilst everyone else is getting turned into Night Swan’s army. Can’t remember if i said that last part in my last post. I know that i want to include a few other coaches into this family drama but all i have is Si’ha Nova’s guard and Mothigan
Now how long is it before i draw Kapyy in the midnights bodysuit doing the vigilante shit performance? (I’ve already done a thumbnail sketch but need to adjust it a bit)
Also have this work in progress screen shot where Talia is missing half her face. The way i do hair is a bit weird though.
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I’ll probably post the first drawing on twitter as i like it more than whatever i tried to do with the alternate version.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 2 months
Chapter 12
Dick could feel a vein in his head about to pop. It was all Bruce’s fault. He knew that people grieve differently, but desecrating Jason’s grave was a step too far. The manor doors opened to reveal an exhausted Alfred. His heart went out to his poor grandfather, who was given the unenviable task of caring for his absolute nutcase of a dad.
“Master Dick, I am well aware that the situation is dire, please spare Master Bruce from the worst of your wrath, he does not know what he is doing.” Alfred pleaded, the tiredness showing in his voice. Giving Alfred a pitying glance, he managed to get out, “I’ll see what I can do Al.” and continued his March down to the cave.
Downstairs, everything was dark save for the examination table, which illuminated an unrecognizable casket. He still knew whose it was though. Resentment burned through him as he remembered how he wasn’t even informed of Jason’s passing until he stepped back onto earth from an offplanet mission. He didn’t even get to see Jason one last time after he passed. The fight afterwards wasn’t fun to remember either. Then there was the Joker, the way he gloated about how hard he hit Jason, the way every fiber in his body acted on instinct, the need for Joker to be nothing more than a bloody splotch on the ground. He took a deep breath, he had work to do.
Pushing aside his stormy thoughts, he made his way next to his mentor, his father, and a man who had, at this moment, completely lost it. “Bruce-” Dick started, only to be cut off by the man himself with a single word, “Look.” The casket was empty. There wasn’t a body to be found. “I, did- did you take him out?” Dick sputtered out, as his heart began to race and his finely honed detective instincts began to kick in.
There were scratch marks and bloodstains on the inside of the coffin, one of the hinges was broken, it all indicated someone clawing their way out. Dick knew that Bruce was deeply flawed, but there was not a snowflake’s chance in hell that he would bury his son while he was still alive.
But the only option left was ridiculous, Jason would have had to have woken up alive, and dug his way up to the surface and left of his own volition. But then again, it wouldn’t explain why his grave seemed undisturbed for so long, and if Jason really is alive, where is he now? Jason was a notable figure in Gotham high society, it would be unlikely for the press to stay silent if they found the adopted Wayne boy who was thought to have died, wandering around the streets in ragged clothes. No, there was something more going on here.
Dick glances at Bruce, the confusion in his face must have been apparent, as Bruce states a single name, and that clears nearly everything up; “Talia.”
It was the only answer that made sense. The Al Ghuls were some of the only people in the world who he knew for a fact that could bring people back from the dead with their Lazarus Pit. They may also be the only people on the planet capable of covering up a crime scene so well that it could evade even Batman’s skills.
In spite of the dark scene in front of him, Dick couldn’t help but feel almost giddy at the thought of his baby brother still being alive. A long dead hope resurrected in him. Jason might still be alive.
He heard Bruce’s voice next to him, “Once the test results on the bloodstains come back, we head for Nanda Parbat.”
Back In Nanda Parbat:
Jason paced around his room, reminiscing about the fiasco that had been their last meeting. He was fully prepared for Tim to decline his invitation, but much to his surprise and relief, he had accepted. He supposed that he could take this as evidence that he didn’t fuck up too badly.
His plan was simple: sit the kid down and explain to him that while he had nothing against him, he wouldn’t be returning to Bruce, or Robin, anytime soon. Being Batsy’s sidekick was fun at first, but as time went on, he started to see the cracks in logic. He wasn’t sure if he had grown out of Robin, or if dying finally made him lose the rose tinted glasses.
He grew up in Crime Alley, the most rundown and dangerous part of Gotham, he knew of many people who would have benefited greatly from a second chance, a tiny bit of grace from the world. But there were also those who were so far gone, that it made little sense to keep them around at the expense of everyone else. He didn’t think that all criminals deserve the death penalty, and even if they did, it shouldn’t be decided by the Feds. But he can decide. He’s died, he’s grown up among criminals, he may not be the smartest kid around, but he knows how to read people.
He can live with being a killer, even if Bruce couldn’t.
Jason ran his fingers through his hair, a faint knock on the door broke him out of his reverie.
It must be Tim, no one else he knew knocked like that. The lower ranked assassins never wanted to enter his room unless they had to, Damian and Cass wouldn’t bother knocking, and Talia would knock once to let Jason know of her presence before letting herself in.
He rushed to the door, “Tim, Come in.” he said slightly breathless, he hoped it wouldn’t show too much.
The kid looked genuinely confused, yet hopeful, “You called for me?” “Uh, yeah, we need to discuss some things, about Bruce, Robin, and some other stuff.” he winced, that didn’t seem remotely friendly, more like a business meeting.
Tim’s heart sank, 'so it was just about Robin.' He chided himself for holding out hope that Jason wanted to genuinely get along with him. 'Jason probably wants me to quit Robin, but I don’t know if I can do that. What if he doesn’t agree with me and gets mad? What would Talia think? How would I get back to Bruce?-' He was rudely brought back down to earth as the door slammed open, revealing two diminutive figures, one in dark green, and the other clad in black.
The smaller of the two, ‘Was that a child??’ had a fierce frown on his face, “Todd, why have you not come to our training sessions in the past few days?” He eyed Tim suspiciously, as if he were the one intruding on their time. The second figure, a petite young girl, looked over curiously and gave him a wave. Good to see that at least one of them was friendly.
The smaller one stepped forward, giving him a withering side eye, “Todd, who is this.” He looked about ready to bring out his wakizashi as Jason promptly shielded Tim. “Damian, calm down, he is a guest of our mother, Tim Drake, the current Robin.” the small child, who was now known as ‘Damian” loosened the grip on his sword. He still gave Tim a severe side eye, but the thought of displeasing his mother put a damper on his stabby plans.
As Tim turned, he could see the black figure next to Jason, despite swearing that he saw her next to Damian mere moments ago. She nudged Jason, who seemed to have a moment of realization. “Uh, yeah, and this is Cassandra, you can call her Cass, don’t expect to reply though since she’s mute. You learn to understand her signs the more you get to know her.” The girl, now dubbed Cassandra, gave him a smile and a thumbs up, which Tim took to mean that he was making a good impression.
“Hi, Cassandra, hi Damian.” Tim could feel the stress melting away from him, it almost seemed like he was introducing himself to a new class, rather than whatever he was actually doing.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Wild headcannons please?
I have some thought based off these 2 fics a friend wrote on how Wild perceives death/his option and thoughts about dying. I’m curious about yours, but I’ll honestly be happy with anything Wild.
Or Swars, I like swars
I have so many thoughts about Wild actually!! Here’s how I write/see him:
- The most independent of the group. One might think it’s Time or even Four, but no, it’s Wild. He likes to do his own thing. Sure shenanigans with friends are super fun (his favorites to run off with being Hyrule for cave exploration and Wars for Fires), but he’s perfectly content being alone and likes personal time too
- One of the most emotionally intelligent of the Links. He absolutely knows what his limits are and he knows exactly how to handle his stress, it just includes going off on his own (which does worry the others when he just heads off with no warning, but they know he can handle himself. If he’s gone too long, Wolfie will go after him just to check up on him)
- He lets Twilight hover over him when he’s hurt for Twilight’s sake. He does appreciate the comfort, because that’s his friend and brother, but he doesn’t need the rancher breathing down his neck in order to actually rest after an injury. He just lets Twilight do it because he knows Twilight’s just going to get really worried about him and taking care of people makes Twilight feel useful, so for his brother’s sake: He’ll allow the hovering
- Snores. Extremely fucking loudly, in fact
- Realizing he actually DIED and was sort of dead for 100 years was really jarring for him, but he’s also a bit used to dying and being brought back because of Mipha, so that DEFINITELY softened the blow. Also it was hard for him to adjust after losing that, because he felt he had a failsafe and now he feels incredibly mortal
- He’s still getting some memories back, nothing huge, more so little things like him and Zelda sneaking off to chase each other in the meadows, but the process does still really affect him. He feels guilty because he’s watching this old life through a third person lens and it’s hard for him to connect that that’s HIM. He feels like a completely different person
- One of the most intelligent of the chain. He may lack historical knowledge, but his ability to SOLVE things and figure out how they work had Warriors’s jaw on the ground the first time he saw Wild’s skill in action
- Multilingual, the different regions all have their own languages and Wild know em all!! He doesn’t remember learning them, it was probably in school, he just woke up from the shrine with full knowledge of them
- His eyes slightly glow the eerie color of the shrine and it’s a bit creepy sometimes because he does have the wide eyed blue eyes stare
- Loves learning new cooking dishes and also cooking with his brothers and learning THEIR recipes from home! After the journey ends he’ll make certain dishes to remind him of the others when he misses them
that’s all i can think of for now lmao 🫶
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sickficideas · 9 months
start over || skk injury/sickfic
ao3! 5.9k - please refer to the tags and notes in the link for content + warnings!
Dazai is fairly certain he has a few broken ribs, but that’s not an unfamiliar feeling.
He resists the urge to run his hand over that spot on his chest. It’s sore and painful even completely untouched. He’s already gotten used to taking shallow breaths, anything deeper than that makes him cough, makes him only feel worse.
But he won’t see a doctor. He never does.
“I’ll take care of the report. You should go home,” Kunikida tells him. Dazai’s not used to the concern in his voice. They’ve been out all night and day on this case, which isn’t too unusual for them, but Dazai’s exhaustion has hit him much harder this time. It’s visible enough that Kunikida is concerned, but Dazai doesn’t think he has any idea about the condition of his ribs. “Might not be a bad idea to have Yosano check you over before you go, though.”
“She’s in Osaka, isn’t she?” Dazai asks, vaguely remembering the discussion from the night before. He yawns, the motion from his chest proving to be rather painful, but he hides it well from his partner, he thinks.
“She’ll be back tomorrow night,” Ranpo tells the two of them, always secretly listening. He looks like he’s actually busy with something at the moment, typing away on a computer.
“I’ll take you to a doctor, then,” Kunikida insists, setting his stack of reports down on the desk and rummaging through his bag for his keys.
“Nah, that’s alright. I think I’ll just go home, I feel fine,” Dazai insists, regardless of his true situation. Kunikida saw him get hit. He was thrown against a staircase during an altercation against someone who didn’t have a gift, and while Dazai can usually hold his own in a fight, there’s not much he can do against someone highly skilled in physical combat and nothing else.
“Are you sure? You got thrown pretty hard,” Kunikida says with a disapproving frown, setting his bag down.
“Yeah, yeah. It’ll probably just bruise,” Dazai says. He didn’t bring anything with him to work today other than a messenger bag, so he picks that up, and leaves his coat hanging over his chair. It’s far too hot for that today.
“If you’re sure. I’ll take you home, at least,” Kunikida insists, but Dazai waves him off before he can continue his search for his keys.
“I’ve got errands to run. I’ll do ‘em on my way home,” Dazai says. He knows Kunikida will stay here even though he’s scheduled to go home as well. He would rather get his work done than put it off.
Kunikida sighs and waves a hand as Dazai heads for the exit.
“He has a few broken ribs,” Ranpo says.
Kunikida lifts his head, eyes darting in Ranpo’s direction. It’s been a few minutes since Dazai left. Ranpo doesn’t elaborate, and he’s not quite sure how Ranpo could gather that just from looking at him.
“Are you sure?” Kunikida asks.
Ranpo lifts a brow. “Am I sure?”
“How do you know?” he asks.
“The way he was breathing. It’s causing him pain,” Ranpo explains as if it was obvious. “And he was hunched over by a few degrees. It’s more painful if he stands with good posture, but also when he sits down. He didn’t put his coat back on either, probably not worth it with the pain he’s in. It’s definitely his ribs.”
“Why the hell would he tell me he’s fine?” Kunikida grumbles with a heavy sigh. He can feel a headache coming on. Dazai is so incredibly -
“Well, I’m not a relationship counselor, I’m a detective. So, can’t help you there,” Ranpo shrugs.
Kunikida resists the urge to throw something at him.
Chuuya’s fancy penthouse it is, Dazai decides as he boards the subway.
His chest is starting to hurt a bit more. Going from standing up to sitting is slightly more painful, so he decides he’ll stand on the train instead and hold onto something at waist level to avoid unnecessary pain. He thinks he should text Chuuya that he’s heading over there, but he ends up in his own head, distracted by miscellaneous thoughts and advertisements in his view.
He almost misses the stop.
He feels his phone buzzing in his pocket, but he knows it’s Kunikida, and he doesn’t feel like answering. He’s sure Ranpo knows, he’s sure he’s told Kunikida, and answering the phone would certainly mean being harped on for not looking after his health.
Dazai understands his concern, he really does, but he’s fine. As long as he can still breathe, he would rather not see a doctor if he doesn’t have to.
The evening’s rush hour has started to calm down, thankfully. Dazai’s not sure he could handle being stuffed in a train car with that many people, especially now, but he gets out of the station unscathed and only has to endure a few minutes of walking to Chuuya’s penthouse. There’s a moment where he almost turns back around, but he’s already paid the train fare. Might as well finish what he started.
He digs through his bag for the key card he has to get to Chuuya’s floor, and he only manages to find it just when he makes it to the building. The elevator opens for him, and he ascends a few floors up to make it to Chuuya’s place. He takes in a few breaths, disappointed to find it hasn’t gotten any easier to breathe. Thankfully, Chuuya’s not as observant as his coworkers.
The elevator opens right to Chuuya’s living room after he's prompted once more to scan the key card. Normally, anyone else would have to be let in by him, but Dazai has stolen this extra key card of his to make it easier for him to get it. He doesn’t care for the extra steps.
He’s grinning when the elevator door opens to Chuuya almost half-dressed and sitting on his couch with a glass of wine, wide-eyed and not very happy to see company.
“Did you steal my fuckin’ key card again, Mackerel?” Chuuya grumbles, standing up from his spot on the couch to take his remote and pause the TV. He’s watching some brainless reality TV like he usually does, that’s no surprise, but Dazai’s at the point where he wouldn’t even mind watching it with him.
“You should wear that more often,” Dazai hums as he hangs his bag on Chuuya’s silly hat rack, something he knows Chuuya hates, but has given up reprimanding Dazai for. He sees Chuuya’s face redden a little at that comment. It’s an almost-too-small tank top he’s wearing with a baggy pair of sweatpants, but he’s got some nice-looking arms. He likes seeing them.
“You always scare the crap out of me when you show up like this,” Chuuya groans, obviously trying to change the subject. “I told you to text me when you’re coming.”
“Wanted to surprise you,” Dazai jokes, but he’s lost the energy to put any sort of teasing tone into his voice. He trudges over to the couch to sit down, slower than he normally would and carefully as he sinks down, trying to avoid making any grunts to show he’s still in pain.
Chuuya, though, isn’t as stupid as Dazai thinks he is. “You okay?”
Dazai’s still staring at his arms. “Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Stop looking at me like I have a pair of tits. You’re gross,” Chuuya grumbles, marching over to the kitchen. Dazai pouts, staring at the still-paused television, with no will or energy to get up to unpause it himself.
“Slug, can you unpause it?” Dazai asks, turning his head to watch Chuuya, who has taken his phone from the kitchen counter and sat at the bar, typing away.
“Do it yourself,” Chuuya huffs. “You want somethin' to eat?”
“‘M okay,” Dazai says. He should probably eat, but he’s never really hungry.
“I’m ordering food anyway. You like Chinese food, right?” Chuuya asks.
“Uh-huh,” Dazai nods, turning his head back to stare at the television, which has already moved to the idle screen. Dazai thinks he was watching a singing competition show, which isn’t nearly as bad as his usual choices.
Dazai sinks back into the couch and manages to snake one of the throw blankets over himself, feeling a little cold. He hears Chuuya muttering in the kitchen, always weirdly polite when he’s on the phone, ordering much more than the two of them could finish together.
He breathes in and breathes out a few times, realizing that not only is it not getting better, it almost feels worse. He’s having to take more shallow breaths. Maybe it would be a good idea to at least let Chuuya know, just in case Dazai suddenly can’t breathe anymore, but he’s certain Chuuya won’t handle news of broken ribs very well.
Chuuya returns with a shirt and pajama pants that Dazai left here ages ago, because obviously nothing Chuuya owns will fit Dazai’s tall frame. He lays the clothes over the side of the couch and clicks his tongue when Dazai’s eyes drift over to him.
“You look exhausted,” Chuuya murmurs.
“‘M fine. How long till the food gets here? I’m hungry,” Dazai huffs.
“Now you’re hungry, huh? Geez," Chuuya mutters to himself. "Change into these before you get on my bed.”
Dazai is well aware that he's not allowed to wear outside clothes in Chuuya’s bed and resists the urge to make a comment about the more serious topic of Chuuya's undiagnosed OCD in favor of getting closer to time in a bed. Chuuya's mattress is fantastic. Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy mattresses that give him the most rested sleep of his life. Maybe he can lay down for a little before the food gets here. He just needs to relax, he’s fine.
Chuuya starts to wander off again.
“Slug,” Dazai whines. “What are you doing now?”
“I needa do laundry. You wanna help, or keep up your freeloader lifestyle?” Chuuya calls as he walks off. Dazai doesn’t have the energy to shout back at him. Dazai realizes he didn’t make any solid plans at all to hang out with Chuuya, and that the latter has things he needs to do too, but he wishes he would use his absorbent amounts of money to hire someone to do his laundry for him.
Dazai, instead, starts to change into the clothes Chuuya brought out for him. The sweat pants are easy to slide on as he’s sitting down. It doesn’t hurt his chest too much at all. Taking off his collared shirt and vest isn’t too difficult either, he doesn’t have to pull anything over his head with the buttons, but he realizes he’ll have to with the shirt.
He puts that off, realizing he needs to change out his bandages, too. What a pain in the ass.
“Slug,” Dazai murmurs as he approaches Chuuya’s laundry room. He’s wearing a cardigan all of a sudden. Chuuya always puts something on as soon as it comes out of the dryer, he likes how warm it is. It’s cute. “Do you have bandages I can use anywhere?”
Chuuya finishes folding up a shirt before he looks at Dazai peering in the doorway, his eyes drifting down to his bandages. Dazai suddenly feels nauseous. He knows Chuuya has seen his skin without the bandages, he knows Chuuya doesn’t care, but he hates it. He hates it so much it makes him feel sick.
“Dazai, you know that I don’t -”
Chuuya stops when his eyes meet Dazai’s expression, probably on track to say something about how he doesn’t care about what’s underneath his bandages, but Dazai doesn’t want to have that conversation right now. He just wants to change the bandages so he’s clean enough to lay in Chuuya’s bed.
“There’s some left in the bathroom next to my bedroom. Second highest shelf on the right,” Chuuya says quietly, turning his attention back to folding his remaining articles of clothing.
Dazai wanders over to Chuuya’s bedroom with the shirt he’s supposed to put on folded over his arm, and he locks the door behind him, even with the knowledge that Chuuya can open it whenever he wants.
He starts to peel off the bandages, and he winces at the side of the deep purple bruise blooming over his ribs. That doesn’t look good at all. He doesn’t usually bruise like that. He runs his fingers over the spot, shivering at how his skin feels under the touch of his hand. He’s not sure any of that is real. He thinks he might have a fever. He’s overly sensitive to touch when he’s running a temperature, even at his own hands. But whether or not the fever is from his possible damaged ribs or just exhaustion, he won’t know until later, probably.
He lazily washes his face and runs a damp washcloth over his upper body, anywhere that’s reachable and doesn’t hurt to get to, before he dries off with a dry towel. He should probably shower, but he definitely can’t do that without it hurting right now. He does, however, hold that wet washcloth up to his face. It feels so good. He wonders if ducking his face into a sink filled with water would feel better than this. Maybe he’d drown while he’s at it, too.
But Chuuya’s sink is too low. He’d have to bend over a ton and that would hurt too much. He’s not in the business for a painful suicide.
He starts to wrap his arms back up, deciding to only wrap his neck and arms, and letting the t-shirt do the rest of the covering. He can’t lift up enough to get high on his chest, and it’s too much twisting around his body. He stares down the t-shirt that he’s set on the counter with a deep sigh. He just needs to rip it off like a bandaid. Pull it over his head. It can’t hurt too bad if he’s fast.
Only, it does. It hurts so much that he can’t even pull it over his head. He lowers his arms back down and whines, throwing his head back against the door. It’s so bad that it’s making him nauseous, although he’s not sure if he was feeling sick before that. His chest rattles when he takes in a breath, and he spits phlegm into the sink.
Bad sign.
"What's takin' so long?" Chuuya puffs from outside the door. Dazai almost jumps. He didn’t think he was in here for all that long, but apparently long enough. Dammit, if he opens the door and asks for help, Chuuya will see the bruise on his chest. But it’ll hurt too much to cover it, and then he’ll take even longer.
"Chuuya needs to help me put this on," he murmurs as he unlocks the door, the shirt still pulled up to the sleeves.
"What's wrong, you sore? I have ones that button from the front, if that's easier," Chuuya says, walking off to the closet before he even sees Dazai. “You guys do some crazy stuff today?”
“I got thrown against the stairs,” Dazai groans, leaning against the door frame from the inside, Chuuya’s footsteps approaching again. His arm comes in through the crack of the door with a shirt that buttons from the front, thank god, and his arm disappears once Dazai takes the shirt. He narrowly avoided a confrontation.
“Ow. You get hurt bad?” Chuuya asks, staying outside the door as Dazai shuts it again.
“No, just…sore, like you said,” Dazai manages with a little pained groan as he slips his arms through the sleeves, buttoning the front of the shirt.
“Good. That shit can really suck,” Chuuya huffs. “Actually, I saw Akutagawa curb-stomp a guy on a staircase the other day. Seriously brutal.”
Good to know Akutagawa hasn’t lost any of his violent tendencies, but he finds himself shivering at the idea of curb-stomping someone. Strange how much things have changed. Maybe it's just because of how he feels right now.
Once Dazai finishes buttoning up the shirt, he trudges over to Chuuya’s bedroom, deciding he’ll just lie down for a while as they wait for their food, but the nausea that’s starting to settle in his stomach is making him want to pass up the idea of food.
Dazai decides to just lay down on his side. Chuuya almost wanders out of the room, but he stops and turns around once he’s realized Dazai is lying down. He frowns.
"My tummy hurts," he mumbles.
"You probably haven't eaten all damn day,” Chuuya huffs. Dazai can’t deny that. He’s pretty sure he didn’t eat anything more than a snack yesterday, either, but he won’t admit it to Chuuya. He just whines to himself. “But I’ll get you some Pepto or something if it’ll help you feel better.”
Dazai isn’t sure that will do much for him, but Chuuya is already off to the kitchen before Dazai has anything to say about it. He forces himself to sit up, up and off Chuuya’s too-comfy mattress before he lays a hand on his chest. A deep breath almost has him in tears, he’s wincing so hard that the moment makes it hurt more. It feels like a knife is stuck between his ribs and he thinks if he takes a breath like that again, he’ll throw up. Not a good sign, even worse with how swimmy his head feels once it’s off the mattress.
Chuuya returns with a little medicine cup full of Pepto Bismol and Dazai doesn’t even have the energy to give him a reassuring smile, because it’s obvious that Chuuya is concerned, no matter how much he tries to hide it. His eye twitches as he approaches him, and he reaches a hand up to his cheek. Dammit.
"Shit, Dazai," Chuuya murmurs as he pulls his hand back. "Why the hell are you so hot?"
Dazai wants to make a joke, it's such a good opportunity to, but he can't. He feels awful. He’s considering making himself throw up, but he knows that’s not even remotely related to the root of his problem.
"Tell me what happened," Chuuya growls.
"It's just a few broken ribs," Dazai says quietly, but he’s finding it to be quite painful to even speak right now. He brings his hand back up to his chest.
“I’m calling one of our doctors over,” Chuuya hisses as he sets the cup of medicine on the nightstand.
Dazai freezes at the mere suggestion of that.
“No, Chuuya. Please,” he says, his breath hitching halfway through. His brain is flooded with awful things he doesn’t want to consider. “They’ll report to Mori.”
Chuuya stops in his tracks, his shoulders dropping at the last word Dazai speaks.
Dazai knows he's being paranoid. Realistically, Mori can't get to him anymore. Chuuya would never let him, he doesn't think anyone would, but none of them know the half of what Mori did to him. He would gladly use any opportunity to treat his body like a cadaver, wouldn’t he? Even now?
Even if he wouldn’t, Dazai is so paranoid about it that he’s losing his composure, and that's the problem.
He leans over the bed and gags into his hand, fully expecting to throw up, but it’s just saliva that’s pooled in his mouth. He keeps his hand under his mouth just in case, but now the nausea is pushed to the back of his mind, his brain focused on how much his current posture is hurting his lungs.
“Shit, hey. I won’t call our doctors,” Chuuya murmurs quietly, a gentle but cautious hand landing on Dazai’s shoulder. “Well…what about that doctor at your agency? Can’t she help you?”
“She’s in Osaka,” Dazai recalls. He winces at the concern in Chuuya’s voice. “I’m…I’m fine.”
“Fucking hell, Dazai, you’re not fine,” Chuuya huffs. His voice shakes. Dazai should have known that Chuuya is just as protective as Kunikida, if not worse. He can’t kind from any of them. “I’ll just - I’ll take you to a hospital.”
“You can’t just walk into a hospital, Chuuya," Dazai laughs dryly. He shivers at the thought of going to a hospital, but it’s a far better idea than being found by Mori. It doesn’t make him gag, at least.
“I don’t fucking give a fuck,” Chuuya growls. “You know how serious broken ribs can get, especially if you already have a fucking fever. You’ve probably got an infection. Why the hell would they just let you go home?”
Dazai wants to tell him that they let him go home because he didn't tell anyone he was injured. He doesn't like bothering them if he doesn't have to, and honestly, he prefers to avoid medical treatment of any kind altogether if he can. He was just trying to see how long he could go avoiding it.
"I'm gonna call a taxi and take you downstairs," Chuuya breathes out, turning on his heel and heading back for the kitchen to find his phone.
Dazai is left with his own brain, which is incredibly dangerous. He groans from the pain he’s in, and he’s trying not to think too hard about needing to go to a hospital. Maybe they can just sedate him before they do anything. He’d much prefer that. Is that an option?
He lays down on his side and curls up into a ball, but he doesn’t feel any better, it’s getting harder to breathe and that nauseous feeling won’t go away either, and it comes back with a vengeance. He forces his head up because he knows something is going to come up out of his throat, and he does feel a tiny bit guilty about getting it on Chuuya’s bed, but he can’t avoid it.
Dazai can't breathe. He's not entirely sure what he's coughing up. Foam, phlegm, vomit, maybe some blood, maybe a little bit of everything. He's seen Akutagawa do this on several occasions, actually, but he's never experienced it himself, so he's almost certain this has something to do with his lungs. Maybe the broken shards of his ribcage have poked holes into his lungs.
Oh god, he really can't breathe.
Chuuya's talking to him, but he can't hear a word. He hears his own name, he thinks, but all he can focus on is the sharp, unbelievable pain in his chest.
“It sounds to me like he has a lung infection, Dazai,” Mori says to him, expectant. He was waiting for Dazai to agree, to hand his subordinate over and let Mori take care of the rest. But even at seventeen, Dazai was smart enough to know Mori’s true intentions.
“Oh yeah? You’re a doctor now?” Dazai jokes. He’s stalling, only in Mori’s office to take a book or two out of his library that Hirotsu mentioned he needed for something he was working on. Akutagawa is outside the office, waiting. He’s coughing every now and then, coughs that really don’t sound good and that Dazai is well aware of, but he won’t hand him over to Mori.
“Come now, Dazai. Don’t let your subordinates suffer on account of your stubborn nature,” Mori teases.
“I’m not letting anyone suffer, Mori. A little cough never killed anyone,” Dazai says back, mocking that same teasing tone as he pulls out the last book he needs, but when he turns around, he realizes Mori had plans of his own. Elise was busy opening the door to the office and taking Akutagawa’s arm to lead him inside.
Akutagawa looks to Dazai, unsure of what’s going on, what he’s been brought in for, and Dazai is frozen. Dazai has been trying to limit their contact as much as humanly possible, and Mori seems to have become aware of that.
“My, don’t you look awful. How long have you had this cough for?” Mori asks him as Elise drags him closer, but Akutagawa resists the closer he’s brought into Mori’s frame of view. Dazai shakes. He’s been looking for a way to have Akutagawa seen by a doctor that Mori wouldn’t know about, but it’s nearly impossible. It’s something he’s been trying to do for himself, too, and he still hasn’t figured out how to do it. How to get one step ahead of Mori.
“Don’t answer him. We’re leaving,” Dazai growls, glaring at Akutagawa so he knows he’s serious, and Akutagawa shrinks back, still dead silent. Dazai takes Elise’s arm to pull her off of Dazai, and she disappears as soon as they make contact.
“Dazai, really? That wasn’t very nice of you,” Mori huffs. “It’s cruel of you to let your subordinates suffer. You know I would never want that for you, don’t you?”
Dazai takes Akutagawa’s arm and pulls him toward the exit, ignoring Mori’s words. Akutagawa is rightfully confused, but Dazai doesn’t need him to have any more information than he already does. He closes the door behind the two of them, and Akutagawa pulls his arm up to cough into his elbow. Dazai hears his chest rattle. He’s undoubtedly got a fever, too.
“Don’t ever go to him for any of this. Understand? I don’t care what he says,” Dazai bites, audibly frustrated and maybe a little scared, but Akutaagwa can’t pick up on the second half.
“I know,” Akutagawa answers, voice hoarse, “you’ve told me already.”
“Just making sure you listened. You’re not very good at that.” Dazai huffs, leading him down the corridor and back to the elevator.
Akutagawa looks like he’s ready to retort that claim, but he starts coughing again, into his hand, this time - blood and foam coating his palm, visibly startling him, too. He needs to see a doctor, he might even need to go to a hospital, Dazai doesn’t know the extent of his infection at all, but this isn’t normal.
Akutagawa trips when they pass the threshold of the elevator, clearly his head isn’t where it’s supposed to be - he catches himself on his hands and knees and the coughing only gets worse, bright red blood splattering on the marble elevator floor. He takes in shaky and unsteady breaths in between. Dazai just spends a few seconds staring. What the hell is he supposed to do about this?
Akutagawa collapses completely after one heavy breath seems to take all of his remaining energy out of him, and Dazai only thinks about how lucky he is that this happened here, and not in front of Mori. He just stares at his shaking form as they descend the building, and Dazai needs to have a game plan of what to do once they reach the bottom.
“Dazai,” Akutagawa barely manages to breathe out, making a pathetic attempt to get off of the floor, only to crash back down into it. Dazai kneels down beside him. He can’t even carry Akutagawa. Who does he call? What does he do?
“I know. Give me a few hours to figure it out,” Dazai murmurs.
Anyone but Mori. Akutagawa can’t go through what Dazai went through.
When Dazai wakes up, he’s stuck in a hospital room, the sterile smell of it all only reminding him how nauseous he is.
He imagines he’s been asleep for quite a while, but he doesn’t feel well-rested at all. He’s never felt that way after a hospital visit. It’s the pain medications they pump him full of, he thinks - they’re the only reason he’s slept at all, probably.
But he can breathe a little easier. There’s a mask over his nose and mouth, probably not a good sign.
There’s a nurse in the room with him, looking surprised to see his eyes meeting hers. She says something to him but Dazai doesn’t have any idea what she’s saying. The mask she’s wearing makes it impossible to even guess. She seems to jot down his vital signs before she scurries out of the room.
He realizes what she was saying to him when Chuuya comes trailing in through the door, his hair tucked into a beanie that doesn't suit him and wearing a hoodie, a black mask and a pair of fake glasses.
If Dazai had the energy to laugh right now, he would probably do it until he couldn’t breathe anymore. Chuuya doesn’t look all that ridiculous, it’s a decent disguise in practice, but it’s hilarious all the same. Only because Dazai knows Chuuya.
A shaky hand of his reaches up to pull down the mask, and Chuuya almost pulls it back over his face once he’s at Dazai’s bedside, but the nurse gives a little nod. She says something to him before she leaves the room, but the sound is muffled.
Chuuya’s voice, though, is as clear as a bell.
“You look like shit,” Chuuya mumbles, brushing his hair back and out of his face, pulling off his own mask once the nurse is out of the room. Not the first thing Dazai wants to hear when he wakes up, but it’s Chuuya.
“You look stupid,” Dazai retorts, his voice so hoarse it almost sounds like he’s lost it completely. He wants to clear his throat, but has a feeling that won’t make him feel any better.
Chuuya grumbles something under his breath before he pulls off the beanie and pushes the glasses up on top of his head, and Dazai’s never been so glad to see that annoyingly bright colored hair before. He’s really kind of gorgeous. Maybe it’s the drugs making him think that.
"I'm sorry I left you," Chuuya murmurs, reaching over to squeeze the hand that’s free from an IV. "I know you hate places like this."
Dazai's a little unsure of what to say. Chuuya's not the type to get so candid with him, and while Dazai truly does despise being in hospitals, he doesn't remember ever telling Chuuya that directly. Then again, his memory of the past has been hazy. He doesn't even remember much of anything after losing his breath on Chuuya's bedroom. For all he knows, Chuuya could have been with him the whole time.
"I'm an adult now, you know," Dazai teases, flashing a weak smile.
Chuuya rolls his eyes. "Not what I'm talking about. But whatever."
"It's fine, slug," Dazai tells him. It’s not nearly as bad of a fear as it used to be for him. He knows that sometimes it’s unavoidable. He knows he doesn't have to worry about Mori anymore, at least not while in the care of the Armed Detective Agency.
“You scared the shit out of me. Seriously,” Chuuya mumbles. “You’re staying with me for a while once you’re discharged.”
“I have to go back to work,” Dazai whispers. Sure, it’s not the working part he’s concerned with, but he really should pop in every now and then at the very least, so that they know he’s alive. Before Kunikida decides to end his life prematurely.
“Since when you do give a shit about that?" Chuuya groans, squeezing his hand a little tighter. "They're the reason you're in this mess in the first place, aren’t they?”
Dazai’s stomach drops at the notion, because that’s really not the truth. He simply lied to them, just like he lied to Chuuya. It’s what he always does. It has nothing to do with any of them.
They probably would've taken good care of him, too.
“Mm…I think you've got it all wrong, little Slug,” Dazai says, feeling himself start to doze off again. He's exhausted and doesn't particularly feel like explaining any of that to him, even though he's sure Chuuya would at least consider it.
“Don't call me little, you ass,” Chuuya grumbles, squeezing his hand a little tighter, “I'm taking you back to my apartment once you're discharged. End of story.”
Dazai's eyelids start to feel heavy, and he doesn't fight Chuuya's demand. He can always sneak out if he needs to.
But maybe he'll be okay with Chuuya looking after him, for a while.
A week later, Dazai thinks he's well enough to slip out of Chuuya's apartment early one morning, to pop into the Agency.
“Healing well from your broken ribs, Dazai?” Ranpo says as he happens to wander past him just as soon as Dazai enters the building.
“Can't keep any secrets from you, can I, Ranpo?” Dazai says, only sounding a little nervous because he can feel Kunikida glaring at him all the way from his desk. It seems the two of them are the only ones here so far, like usual. At least Atsushi isn't here to witness Dazai's inevitable death at Kunikida's hands.
“You know I don't normally air out everything you try to hide, but Kunikida already wants to kill you,” Ranpo says casually on his way back to his desk. “Figured it doesn't matter what I say.”
“Morning, Kunikida,” Dazai says as cheerfully as he can, but Kunikida has already hurled a pretty heavy report collection his way, one that Dazai's head just narrowly misses. He brings his heads up to his face in surrender.
“Don't morning me, Dazai. Where the hell have you been? Obviously you were injured, and I haven’t heard from you in over a week -”
“Aww, Kunikida, were you worried about me?” Dazai teases. His eyes dart over to Ranpo blissfully ignoring everything happening before him, wondering why he didn't give Kunikida his whereabouts when he could have easily figured out where he's been hiding. He just smiles, though. Ranpo keeps hidden what Dazai doesn't want everyone to know about.
“I'm one more incident away from putting a tracker in that damn bolo tie,” Kunikida grumbles, somehow managing to get past his anger and sit back down in his chair. He grumbles something that Dazai doesn't quite understand. He feels safe enough to approach his own desk, and sit across from Kunikida.
“What was that?” Dazai asks, tilting his head.
“Are you okay?” Kunikida says, straightening up a stack of reports on his desks with a heavy huff.
“I'm okay,” Dazai says with a half smile. “No need to worry your pretty little head about me, Kunikida. You know the universe won't let me die.”
“That's not the point, Dazai,” Kunikida grumbles, almost reminiscent of a comment Chuuya made to him at the hospital. These two always insist on worrying over him. “Tell me next time you're hurt. At least send me a damn text so I know you're not bleeding out in a ditch somewhere.”
“Well, I could be, regardless of the contents of whatever text I might send you,” Dazai teases, and Kunikida looks like he might throw the pen he's holding right at Dazai's head, but he refrains.
“Get to work. You still need to finish that report,” Kunikida grumbles, tossing him a blue folder.
“I thought you said you'd finish it for me,” Dazai says, lifting up his head as the door opens, revealing Atsushi and Kyoka, both looking surprised to see him. Atsushi rushes past everyone else as Dazai smiles at him.
“No, you pissed me off. I started it, you do the rest,” Kunikida sighs just before Atsushi sits beside him and starts a string of worried questions and assumptions that Dazai only half listens to, only watches his eyes. Chuuya really does have them wrong, they would never want him in that situation.
Chuuya would definitely like Atsushi, with how much he likes Akutagawa. He might even get along with Kunikida. Chuuya joining them for dinner sometime is some faraway ridiculous fantasy that he could only ever see Oda suggesting, and he just smiles to himself.
“Are you even listening?” Atsushi sighs.
“Sorry, sorry,” Dazai says. “Start over?”
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whereisten · 2 years
Let’s Make Tonight Your Birthday
Ten X female reader (s,f)
((Part 2 to this!))
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Ten is crazy for you and fails to hide it. He wants to celebrate you (even when it’s not your birthday).
4.2K words
Warnings: this is like pure smut hehe, praise kink (receiving and giving), oral (female and male receiving), penetration, unprotected (be safe tho!), minimal choking, food play
(A/n) just a little something for @saint-jaemin that asked for a part 2 as well as a nod to Ten’s solo release “Birthday”!! i love it and i love him so much :’) Stream it for clear skin xoxo
“Let’s make this quick and clean, Ten.” You say while lightly pushing him back down on the couch.
He smirks. “Of course..we have dinner to get to, don’t we?”
You roll your eyes and get on your knees in front of him with your dress halfway down your body.
You slowly take his zipper down while his eyes follow you closely.
“If I do this for you, can we go after?” You plead.
Ten doesn’t let his strong gaze lift from your face. “Hmmm..” he hums as he leans forward.
“If you’re unaffected by this and your makeup is still intact…then yes.”
You chuckle. “Psh..of course I’ll be fine..you’re the one that’s hot and bothered by a few pieces of fabric.”
Leaning back into the couch, Ten relaxes, watching you wrap your hand around his hard length. He exhales loudly.
“Just feels good to have me touch you, huh?” You say confidently while stroking him slowly.
Ten lets out a laugh. “Mmyeah, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel so amazing, baby…especially when you use that smart mouth of yours.”
Your mouth tilts upward.
“Oh? I’ll see what I can do.”
And you do. You stick your tongue out and run it up and down Ten’s length while watching him groan. You wish you could do more, but if you wanted the night to progress smoothly, you’d have to keep it clean and quick.
Still, your tongue finds the slit and licks up the precum. 
His head falls back in response. “Fuck…”
“Does it feel good, Tennie?”
You move your hand faster and glide across every vein with your tongue.
“So good..but not as good as when you’re on top of me…” he grumbles.
Your breathing hitches as you remember the last time you rode Ten until you saw stars.
Memories of his hands gripping your waist as they explored your stomach and then your breasts flooded your mind.
You moan to send vibrations through his member, but you also genuinely became turned on yourself.
Your hand moves faster as you think of your legs on his shoulders as he buries himself into you, his finger tips massaging you as you slowly start to lose it. You think of his grunts and the way way he pins you down while fucking you senseless. His small, but his skillful hips drive into with an unimaginable force.
Ten chuckles, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Are you wet just thinking about me in-between your sexy legs?”
Your eyes lock and you suddenly start to feel less confident as Ten smirks.
Don’t let him get to you. You’re the one in control here. 
You tried to tell yourself, but you knew you were lying. Ten was slowly taking over and there was nothing you could do, your wavering legs reminded you of that.
You still stroke his dick and lick it like it’s a popsicle and it makes him weak seeing you like this, but he wants you to be ruined too.
“Hmm? Is it my fingers or my tongue? Or is it my dick? Which one are you thinking about?” 
“Ten..” you close your eyes and moan again. You nearly gave in right there and then by opening your mouth a little wider around his tip.
“Fuck.. I’m happy with anything, just as long as I’m inside you. You know that don’t you?” He caresses the side of your face.
He’s close and you can tell by the way his hand trembles slightly.
“Yes, Tennie, I know..” you smirk before licking your bottom lip.
The truth was you were remembering Ten making love to you when you visited him in the practice room one day. 
He was practicing alone late at night so you decided to surprise him with new sneakers. He made love to you in the room shortly after with your body against the mirror and his sweaty abs and chest on your back. 
Maybe it was the stress, maybe it was adrenaline, but either way, Ten fucked you roughly that day with his fingers digging into your hips and his teeth biting your skin.
The building was empty, but that didn’t matter. You had cried out his name so loudly the entire time, you prayed the entire block was unoccupied.
You remember having to limp home once he was done with you.
Oh no..
You’re wet.
You should’ve known that reminiscing about your moments with him would lead to this. 
You flatten your tongue on him and swirl the precum around carefully so it doesn’t drip onto your chin.
Ten glances down at your cleavage and then to your delicate hands stroking him with care. 
“You’re so perfect…just wanna feel you on me..”
“Mhmm..anything for you, baby” you hum once again and the tingly sensation is all he needs.
“Ahhh..fuck…” Ten curses as strings of cum spurt out onto your hand.
He pants and shuts his eyes tightly.
Once he’s done, you place a hand on his thigh as he watches you lick up his release from the inside of your palm. 
“Ahh good girl.” He smirks and zips his pants up.
You stand up and start to fix your dress, but he takes your hand while still seated on the couch.
You sigh and turn to him with a raised brow. “Baby?”
“Ride me..please.” He begs with wide eyes while intertwining your fingers with his and watching your lips lowly.
“W-what? You’re not even hard right now-“
He pats his thigh. “Come on, pretty baby, I wanna see how wet you are.”
You shake your head. “See how wet I am AFTER dinner. Let’s go.”
Ten pouts, but accepts defeat. After all, he did make a promise and your makeup still looked wonderful.
[After Dinner]
You barely make it back inside before Ten’s hands are all over your body. You make out deeply, finally ignoring your perfectly lined lips to make a mess of them instead.
You tug the bottom of his shirt slightly as he presses you into the back of the front door to his place.
“Finally…” he smooches your lips and smiles.
“The wait is over.”
You chuckle and press a hand onto his chest. “God you’re so dramatic, that wasn’t so difficult was it?”
“Baby, I just want to see you in that set again, it’s all I’ve been thinking about.”
Your face becomes warm as you look away. Ten was crazy about you and never hesitated to let you or anyone else know that.
He takes your hand as he leads you into the bedroom. 
He brings you to the edge of the bed and taps your shoulder slightly so that you sit down. You gasp quietly at the controlling action.
He places both hands on your knees and leans down to face you. You stare at his lips, your chest rising and falling quickly as you anticipate his next move. 
Ten knows how to get your full attention. Every delicate touch, every heavenly whisper, every heated glare makes your desire for him rise. Within seconds, you’ve forgotten all about your dinner and what you ate. This is how powerful Ten is. Or rather, how deeply in love you are with him.
His lips are stained with your lipstick, and the rouge shade brings out the special shape of them.
“Pretty girl, I just wanna make you feel good.”
He whispers before kissing your neck.
You groan quietly.
His voice lowers even more. “Do you want me to make you feel good?”
“Y-yes, baby.” You close your eyes and let your head fall back as his kisses continue downward and to your cleavage.
Ten chuckles before removing his lips from your goosebump-littered skin and holding your chin in between his thumb and index finger.
He clicks his tongue. “Such a pretty face, but without manners…”
He frowns before continuing. “If you’re gonna ask for something, ask nicely.”
Your eyes widen. “Yes. Please.”
He chuckles. “That’s my girl. I think we should make tonight your birthday..”
You nod.
Ten takes your hand and has you stand up in front of him. His dark eyes are locked onto your lips as he takes his phone out of his pocket. Fortunately, he had an amazing sound system installed a few weeks ago, so when he pressed play, a sultry slow RnB song echoes throughout the apartment.
He also uses his phone to dim the lights, emulating a very romantic mood.
You place your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer, placing his hands on your waist firmly.
You move slowly and in sync,  your bodies come together as one as your heart races and you struggle to keep eye contact with Ten.
He smiles slightly. “You’re so quiet now. Cat got your tongue?”
“And what should I say when you’ve got me tied around your finger like this?” You chuckle. “You’re good at what you do, Ten.”
Ten laughs before kissing you again.
When he pulls away, you lick your lips. “What do you mean by ‘making tonight my birthday’?”
Ten smirks and spins you around so his chest lays on your back like a blanket. He places one hand around your neck while the other rubs your thigh while moving in an upward motion. 
A moan escapes you as his hips grind against you. Your head falls back onto his shoulder.
Ten’s breathing staggers as he lowers his chin into the crook of your neck. His husky voice echoed over the music. “Everything about you is perfect..” he squeezes your butt cheek once he finishes his statement.
“Yeah..but why tonight?” Your eyes close.
“Don’t need a reason, baby. And to be honest, I can’t wait a few more months to celebrate you..”
“And you know I love this set.” He continues to kiss your neck as his hand cups your breast.
His soft squeezes combined with the scent of his sultry cologne leave you mesmerized and almost dizzy.
A few minutes later, Ten zips your dress down to reveal your ass in skimpy lingerie. It falls to ground and you step out of it.
You’re about to turn to face him when is surprisingly quiet, but he pulls the waist band of your thong and releases it so that it snaps against your skin.
“Ow!” You yelp playfully, but he only chuckles and rubs his hand over the irritated area.
“I have something for you..” he says huskily, causing shivers to run through you.
“Yeah?” You look over your shoulder.
Ten quickly reaches into his pocket and takes out a small black velvet bag. 
“There’s one more thing your perfect body needs…”
He pulls out a Diamond-studded waist chain and tosses the bag onto the bed.
You gasp when you see the dazzling jewelry in his hands. “No way!! Ten..this is too much, oh my G-“
“Shhh..lovely, you’re gonna look so fucking sexy with it on.” He chuckles as he carefully places it around your waist and hooks it in the back. The diamonds and his fingers are cool against your heated skin.
You look down and sure enough, the majestic chain made you look and feel even sexier. “Thank you so much, Tennie. I love it.”
“Only for you, baby.”
He smiles before kissing your shoulder.
“Bend over for me.”
You bend over the edge of the bed with your ass up and wait for Ten’s next command.
“Tell me what you want, I’ll be the good boy for you tonight.”
You look over your shoulder at him in shock.
He smiles and bites his bottom lip. “You still have to be polite.”
“Make love to me, please?”
He shakes his head. “Of course, but right now, what do you desire?”
“Oh…touch me…please.”
Ten nods and pushes the fabric to the side before cupping your heat. 
“Ahh..you’re wet just from our dance, baby.”
You whimper as his fingers press into you more and more, then finally, two enter you. 
You exhale. “Yes..thank you.”
He takes his time curving his fingers into you while watching your eyes close tightly below him.
You relax the side of your face into the plush bed and focus on his fingers slowly stretching you out.
He loves watching you fall apart under him and as much as he wants to feel what his fingers feel around his already hard member, he knows he has to wait.
“Ten…faster, please.”
“Hmm” he glanced down at your ass as you tip toe in an effort to bring it closer to him.
“I want to go slow tonight, love.”
You whimper. “Didn’t you say you’d be a good boy for me?”
He chuckles. “Ah yes, I did say that, but don’t you think you’re being a bit too greedy? I haven’t even seen your pretty face yet?”
“And you’re taking me so well..I know you want it badly, right?”
His thumb flicks against your clit and you jump in response.
“L-let me face you then..”
You turn over on your back, using your elbows to push yourself further up on the bed.
Ten chuckles and places his fingers back in while adoring your gorgeous body below him. Something about you only being in this set with your heels and stockings on makes him silently lose it.
He takes your hand in his other hand and intertwines them above your head.
“Please kiss me.” You gaze into his daring low eyes after watching him eye you up and down.
He instantly leans down and takes your lips over like he’s been waiting all his life for you to ask. You moan into his mouth as your eyes close. He applies more pressure onto the fleshy spot, making you whimper and nearly bite his lip.
After only a few seconds, he lowers his face to your pussy and breathes heavily.
“I’ll kiss you here too, okay?”
He flicks his tongue against you while listening to you cry. His moves it in a circular motion as he presses his fingertips onto your sweet spot.
“You like it, right? Do you want more?”
He lifts his head to see your response.
“Y-yes.. More, please.” Your breathing begins to quicken as Ten continues to tease.
“Tell me I’m a good boy then..” he smirks, but never stops his heavenly fingers.
“You’re a good boy, Tennie..” you nod quickly.
Your grip on his other hand tightens as you bite your bottom lip.
He lowers his face again, pressing his lips onto your skin now and making sure apply immense pressure to your clit with his tongue.
“Ahh! So good.” You exhale.
 He never lets up on his attack, ensuring that his tongue covers all bases while his fingers move faster. Your breathing grows heavier and your moans combined with his get louder.
You bring your knees to your chest as you run your other hand through his disheveled hair and the new position drives you crazy.  
“Mmm Ten..” you cry out and shut your eyes tightly. With a few more brushes from his thumb and devilish tongue, you moan  while cumming. You grip his shoulder with your other hand, nails digging into the skin as if to hold on to your sanity.
“Ahh fuck..” Ten groans as he watches your back arch. You shut your legs tightly when your mind goes blank with just Ten’s name running through it.
“Good girl..wanna clean it up for me?”
Ten places his fingers into your mouth.
“Like this?” You lock eyes with him and he giggles at the sight of your eyes wet with your once perfect liner and mascara.  
He takes his bottom lip in between his teeth while watching you lick his fingers clean.
He then places both hands on either side of your head and kisses your lips deeply.
When he pulls away, you prop yourself up on your elbows.
“Can I take your clothes off for you?”
“Of course..” he chuckles.
After sitting on the edge of the bed again, you stare up at Ten as you unbutton his shirt and then unbuckle his belt. You face his rapidly rising chest and sculpted abs. Everything about him was beautiful and radiant, but he was more starstruck by you in this moment.
Your delicate fingers playing with the buttons, your swollen lips between your teeth as you try to breathe heavily. And your dazzling eyes that locked with his every so often.
 He rubs his thumb along the side of your face. “You’re so beautiful…”
He swallows hard while watching you struggle to unbuckle his belt.
“but you’re so anxious to fuck me, you can’t even take the belt off, can you?”
You scoff, but tighten your legs at Ten’s husky voice. He giggles unashamedly.
“Oh look at you being cocky..I kinda like it.” You finally take his belt off and bring his pants down slowly.
“Oh really?” He smirks.
“Be a good boy and rest against the headboard.” You say lowly as you stand up.
“I’ll be right back.”
You head to the kitchen while he gets into position.
A few minutes later you walk back in with a can.
“What’s that?” Ten looks up with furrowed brows.
“Oh this? Hmmm let’s just say I like my cake with whipped topping on it.”
You crawl onto the bed with a smile before kneeling over his lap and facing him.
“You’ll let me use it, won’t you?”
Ten chuckles. “Anything for you.”
He smacks a hand onto your ass before cupping it.
You yelp at the surprise attack before laughing together.
You then press the top of the can so that a white swirl escapes onto his nipple. 
“Let me clean that up for you.”
Using just the tip of your tongue first, you tease his hard nipples. He moans and throws his head back in response.
You flatten your tongue against it while flicking the tip up and down for a few seconds.
“Cant forget this one..” you say before placing a bigger swirl onto his other nipple.
Ten nearly loses it when you lick vigorously around the sensitive area. His grip on your ass tightens.
“Fuck..baby I don’t know how much more teasing I can take.” He closes his eyes tightly once your hand runs down his thigh.
“Hmmm..but I’m having so much fun.” You lick your lips and look up with an evil glare to which Ten smirks in response.
At that moment, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
He suddenly grabs your waist with both hands and brings you down onto the bed beside him.
He yanks your bra down to your midsection, causing your breasts to pop out above it.
“Don’t be selfish, pretty girl, I want a taste too.”
He takes the can from you and places a swirl onto your nipples before licking it off as you did for him. He sucks harder and moans while you cry out his name once more.
He swats your legs apart, pushes the thin fabric covering your opening and places two fingers inside you again while creating a love bite on your neck.
“Ahh! Tennie..I-I’m ready.”
“Well I’m not, I need more sugar.”
He places more whipped topping onto your skin and flicks his tongue against your hard nubs before sucking.
Your head falls back as you start to grow more and more wet with his actions. His thumb brushes against your clit with more pressure. You start to wiggle and your mewls grow louder as you fall apart.
Your hands find his broad shoulders as your press him down closer to you.
“Ten..oh my god.” You cry out as his lips latch onto your other nipple.
“Yes, baby, cum for me, please..I’ve been a good boy for you, haven’t I?”
Your eyes tighten, you’re so close and then he removes his fingers and lifts himself away from you.
You leap forward and reach for his arm, but he pushes you back.
“Open..” his says sternly with dark eyes.
You instantly open your mouth and let him place his fingers into it, allowing yourself to taste the very buildup of essence he’s caused. Meanwhile, he swirls his tongue around your nipples.  
The way he commands your movements and caresses your breasts becomes too much. You cum anyway, clenching around nothing as you scratch his back and whine with his fingers in your mouth.
He kisses the center of your chest and smirks. “Good girl.”
You pant as his fingers leave your mouth.
“I…I thought you were supposed to be the good one tonight.”
“If I was naughty, you’d be a long way from your first orgasm of the night.” Ten says in an almost threatening manner.
You lick your lips. “Ugh you’re good, I can’t even be mad at you. Maybe we should use whipped topping more often.”
He laughs then fixes your bra back to how it was. “No..you’re the only sweet thing I need.”
You roll your eyes.
“Now..” he runs a hand through his hair and lays back against the headboard, patting his thigh while watching you through low eyes.
“I think it’s time for my reward…I’ve been asking for it all night.”
You smirk and lift yourself up over him.
“What now?”
He kisses your shoulder then looks into your eyes and whispers. “Ride me.”
You bring yourself to kneel even though your legs are still trembling from before.
“Would you like to do the honors?” You raise an eyebrow.
A corner of Ten’s mouth lifts slightly. “Of course.”
He grips your waist to bring your body closer to his.
He reaches down to your apex all while looking at you above him, never letting go of your eyes.
His soft fingertips brush against your entrance, and instead of pushing the fabric to the side, he attempts to unbutton where the front and back meet.
He struggles to do so with one hand and you both begin to laugh.
“You’re so anxious to fuck me, you can’t even unbutton it, can you?” You return his question from earlier.
He blushes before laughing sweetly. “God, I love you.”
You gasp when you feel the cold air against your soaking entrance as he finally unbuttons it.
He takes your ass in his hands while you place your hands onto his shoulder. You lock eyes, biting your lip as he brings you down onto his member slowly.
You both moan when he finally fills you completely, you feel complete and satisfied like you have for so many nights. It always felt right with him.
You move up and down slowly, gently swaying your hips to increase the friction in the area you needed it most.
Ten’s eyes wander from your face to your breasts gently spilling out with each thrust, then to your waist now decorated with a chain only half as dazzling as you around it. And then to your thighs where your garter belt and stockings attach.
He silently celebrates your beauty as you close your eyes and feel yourself nearing your climax.
“Is it good, Tennie? Am I rewarding you well?”
Ten runs his hands up your thighs causing you to clench suddenly. He gasps and thrusts harder than he wants to.
You fall forward, latching your lips onto his.
He quickly kisses you back then pulls away so he can watch you again.
“Yes..fuck..so good, you’re doing so well, baby.” 
A mixture of moans and cries fill the room, Ten knows you’re just a few more moments from cumming again.
The sight of the gorgeous man below you makes you so incredibly hot, it’s ridiculous.
He smells of cedar wood and citrus, you can’t get enough. His fingertips and hands feel like silk against your skin.
You love taking him this way, but the dainty chain gracing his neck reminds you of nights before when he pushed your body into the bed while gripping the headboard. His necklace would dangle in front you as you went crazy from his smooth, but pleasurable movements. 
You moan quietly while running your hands down his pale chest.
“Faster, baby, you’re so pretty like this..” he praises you and it nearly tips you to the edge, but you want to climax with him, you have to.
He resists the urge to take over by flipping you onto your back and pushing himself so deep into your velvet until you both see stars.
You place your hands behind you on his legs as you move faster. Ten loves this angle because he can watch your body more clearly and see your muscles flex with each movement. He can also meet you halfway by thrusting into you.
“T-Ten..baby..cum with me please, I’m so close.” High pitched noises escape you and your head falls back.
“I know, I know, good girl..” 
he pushes his hair out of his eyes and watches your bodies meet, your entrance leaving his member glistening with slick as it rises and falls onto him faster and faster.
“Fuck..” he grunts and thrusts in you.
Your movements growl sloppy so he controls your body by grasping your throat with one hand and your waist with the other. He slams you down onto him repeatedly as you clench and release onto him.
“That’s it, my pretty girl.”
Hearing you cry out his name one last time is all he needs. He chokes you as he releases deep inside you and curses. 
You breathe heavily, relaxing once he finishes.
A breath leaves you both as you fall into the bed together.
“Wow..what an amazing non-birthday night.”
You chuckle then kiss Ten.
“Hey, it’s someone’s birthday somewhere.” He smiles and hugs you tightly.
You go to the bathroom together, allowing Ten to remove your lingerie set before taking a shower. He whispers sweet word and “i love you’s” while lathering you down in body wash.
You then dry up and cuddle yourselves to sleep.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
I feel like upon first meeting, Kurapika might not be as open, maybe even standoffish. But after reader gets through that shell, he doesn’t even realize how starved he is of affection. I feel like HE doesn’t even know he’s crushing until someone else points it out
The beginning, AKA how killua and Kurapika became frenemies in regards to YOU.
warning: none other than this isn’t proofread and Kurapika is horny for reader, but that isn’t anything new lol
You two meet during the Hunter exam. You join the group around the same time Killua does.
At first, Kurapika treats you the same as he would any of his other comrades. You’re sweet, and he likes that, but he wouldn’t consider you as anything other than an acquaintance.
Through the exam, you prove yourself to be reliable and kind, feeding the group and using your skills to help keep everyone together and on task.
His feelings change for you during the final phase of the exam. Kurapika doesn’t realize why at first, but seeing you fight against someone so much stronger than you makes him so fucking MAD. You get pretty beat up and lose your first match, but power through and win the next one!
He’s proud, but he’s also extremely upset. So much so that he avoids you. He doesn’t WANT to feel these things for anyone. He wants to remain distant from you, from Gon too, but when you follow them to the Zoldyck mansion to get Gon back, it’s a hard to ignore you.
You train with them, even though you’re exhausted and badly injured. You push through, helping them save Killua before finally going home, giving them all your number and making sure they know your home is always welcome to them.
It isn’t until Kurapika is in town and in need of somewhere to stay that he thinks of you again. He tried so hard to push you out of his mind that he groans. If he didn’t want to sleep outside tonight, he’d have to take you up on your offer.
You answer the call with surprise and excitement. “Kurapika, is that you? I’m so happy you called!”
Something in his chest flutters at your words. “… sorry that this is the reason I’ve called you, but do you remember saying we could stay with you if we needed to?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, you want to take me up on that offer, hun?”
Oh dear, his face is turning red from the petname.
“Erm… yes. I’ll be staying in town for a week. I can get a hotel later I j-“
“Oh nonsense, I have a few free rooms. You can stay as long as you need!”
He is silent for a moment. This was his first time talking to you in nearly two years, and yet you were happily saying he could stay in your house. “… alright, thank you.”
When he shows up, you pull him into a hug. His arms shoot out around your sides, hovering. Kurapika isn’t able to do anything other than stutter out a ‘h-h-hello’.
“Are you hungry? I just made lunch, so you should probably hurry and get some before Gon and Killua eat it all.”
He blinks down at you. “Gon and Killua are here?”
You nod. “Oh yeah, they come here at least a few times a month and eat me out of house and home. But how can I say no when two hungry kids are on my doorstep covered in dirt? They say don’t feed stray dogs because they won’t leave you alone, but I never believed in that. If I have the food to feed someone hungry, then I will.”
Kurapika takes in your words, nodding.
You lead him into the kitchen where Killua and Gon were munching on fried chicken and fruit, both staring open jawed when you led Kurapika in by the hand.
He kind of just… hovers in the living room. He’s just standing still, glancing between you and the two boys as you fix him a plate of food.
He takes the plate and eats quietly before asking which room is his. After that, he walks in and gets unpacked.
“Why’s Kurapika here?” Gon asks, reaching into fridge to grab a soda. Killua is quiet, snacking on a plate of cookies you placed in front of them earlier.
“I’m not sure, he just needed a place to stay.” You answer.
Killua narrows his eyes. He hadn’t exactly LOVED the way Kurapika had pretty much ghosted you after you helped save him from the Zoldyck manor. He’d met up with them in York New, but refused to see you. It made him a bit suspicious he might just be using your kindness to have a free place to stay.
“Weird. He hasn’t talked to you in two years, right?”
Gon raises an eyebrow at his friend. “To be fair he only met up with us once in York New.”
“I just find it weird he only contacted you when he needed something.”
You huff and flick his forehead. “That’s the whole reason I gave you all my number. If Kurapika just wants somewhere to stay and then never talks to me again, that’s okay. I’m not going to force my friendship on him.”
Unbeknownst to you three, Kurapika was leaned against the door listening to your conversation. Killua’s words drove a stake through his heart. He felt like such a douchebag for ghosting you, and even worse for only contacting you when needing something. Killua was right, but…
You didn’t seem to mind. That’s what made him so hesitant to be around you, you were way too nice. If he allowed himself to be softened by your kindness, he might just get attached.
He couldn’t let that happen.
Kurapika followed you to town as you go grocery shopping. He could at least accompany you and help carry your bags home, considering you’ve been feeding and housing him for the past three days.
You’re a woman, a relatively defenseless one at that. Although you know nen, it’s more of a support type than defense or attack. You heal people, not fight them.
As the two of you stroll through town, he can’t help but watch as your hips sway, your pretty legs bare. Before, seeing a woman with bare legs wasn’t something that would fluster him at all.
But with you… he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. And because of his eyes on your legs, when a breeze passed by and lifted up your skirt, he caught a sight of what you were wearing underneath.
White panties. That’s all he saw, a plain part of white cotton panties. When he’d passed by the women’s section in clothing departments, he’d seen the exact same pair in a pack of 5. No biggie, it’s just a pair of panties.
But the sight of it… awoke something inside him.
He paused, mouth agape and palms sweaty as his face turned red. Kurapika had never seen a LIVE women’s underwear before. Sure he’d seen the occasional porn or billboard of a woman in her underwear, but you were his friend. A person right in front of him.
“Kurapika? Is something wrong?”
You look back at him, your face innocent and sweet. You had no reason to suspect your grocery shopping companion was having his sexual awakening right then and there over your panties.
“I… it’s nothing. Let’s get the shopping done.”
Kurapika is a little bit less standoffish, seemingly observing you. It’s a little unnerving, but he’s nice enough to carry your bags and help you choose between different items, so you ignore it.
When you get home, he talks with you.
“What is your favorite color?”
“Hmm? (Color), why?”
“Curious. What music do you like to listen to?”
The questions go on for a while until you leave to shower, throwing your hoodie off to reveal a crop top underneath.
He’s staring, and it’s way too obvious. It’s just a crop top, nothing special. You even wore one the last time you saw him, so why was he only reacting like this now?
Gon and Killua watch Kurapika with frowns on their faces. He’d been acting more aloof than usual, only perking up when you walked in the room. Kurapika seemed to follow you around like a lost puppy, asking you questions and watching over you.
Killua did not like it one bit.
“What’s up with you?”
Him and Kurapika were at a bakery, picking up and order for you. It was a batch of cupcakes for a small get together you were having. Killua’s sister and Leorio would be coming, so you’d be busy making dinner to work on cupcakes.
“What do you mean?”
Kurapika thanked the cash register and handed over the money you had given him.
“I mean what’s your deal with (Name)? You keep following her around like a creep.”
Kurapika bristled at the young boys words. “Creep? I’m just observing her. She’s… interesting.”
Killua raised an eyebrow. “Interesting how?”
Kurapika scoffed. “What are you, her dad? She’s just interesting. I’ve never met someone that made me… feel the way she does. She’s strange.”
Killua’s frown deepened at his words, but he didn’t say anything else.
When the two arrived home, you took the cupcakes and gave them both a quick hug. “Aww, thank you for running that little errand for me, my sweet boys!”
Killua, who was already used to your affection, just smiled and hurried to find Gon so they could go pick Alluka up.
But Kurapika was frozen to the spot. Again, his palms were sweaty and his face red.
He’d gotten a whiff of her scent, and it was enough to make him dizzy. She smelled sweet, like flowers or some kind of fruit, along with whatever she was cooking.
It made him think of what a wife would smell like when you arrived home from a long day of work. You’d greet him with a kiss and hug, telling him about your day as he joined you in the kitchen to spend some time baking with you.
Wait, why were you the wife and he the husband in that scenario? It felt as natural as breathing to imagine you in an apron, carrying a baby on your hip as you welcomed him home.
His heart thumped against his chest painfully. The sight of you working away on some potato dish was awfully domestic.
Deep in Kurapika’s heart, he wanted nothing more than a family to come home to. He wanted that domestic, normal life where he didn’t have to worry about avenging his clan and killing the Phantom Troupe.
A future where he could lay his head on your chest at night, listening to your heartbeat to confirm in his paranoid mind that you were there and alive, and you loved him.
He shook the thought from his head, taking a seat at the counter and watching you cook.
Kurapika didn’t understand you, not even a little. Something about the mystery was alluring to him. He wanted to soak up everything you had to say.
You look up from the stove. “Yes, sweetheart?”
He has to take a moment to recover from the pet name, glad your attention had returned to the pit you’d been stirring.
“Are you… have you ever thought about what you wanted… in the future?”
She blinked, glancing back at him. “What do you mean?”
He frowned in thought before replying. “Like… getting married. And having children.”
“Mmm, i want to get married one day, but I’m afraid I’ve never been exactly… sought after. And for kids…”
You glance back at Gon and Killua running out the door. “Hey, don’t forget your jackets!”
The two run back in and grab their jackets, thanking you for reminding them on the way out.
“I feel like I already have them. Gon and Killua basically live here.”
Kurapika didn’t think his strange infatuation could increase anymore. “Really? That’s… interesting.”
“What about you?”
Kurapika glanced up at you as you stood right in front of him, leaning down slightly to meet his eyes.
“I… I want a big family one day. But I fear I may not… live that long to have one.”
You tilt your head and lean back. “Why do you say that?”
“… I’ve chosen a dangerous path. One of sufferings and hardship. It may kill me one day.”
You’re silent for a moment, before you cup his cheek and look him in the eye.
“Please don’t throw your life away. I won’t tell you what to do with your life, but just know that you are important to me. If you can’t live for yourself, try and remember all the people who have loved you in the past, present, and who will love you in the future. You’re a sweet man, Kurapika. Too sweet to die so young.”
You say softly, your eyes never leaving his. When you finish, you pull him into a hug.
Even before you’d finished, Kurapika had begun crying. How could you say that you cared for him so easily? When he thought of all the people that had cared for him, it would be hard to risk his life to avenge his people.
Part of him wanted to be angry at you. How dare you remind him of the people he lost? His chest ached at the thought of his old friend seeing him now. Would he be angry that he was so careless with his life?
But the other part of him leaned into your hug, his tears soaking into your shoulder. You rubbed circles into his back as soothingly as possible, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
Kurapika needed to pull away. He shouldn’t indulge in this weakness of his, in you. But he couldn’t. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you even closer, letting himself sob like a child.
He’s never really been able to grieve his clan, constantly being on the lookout for the Spiders and unable to truly relax due to his scarlet eyes.
But now, he cried so hard that snot mixed in with his tears. You just ran your fingers through his hair, rocking him gently as he sobbed.
He was beginning to understand why his friends seemed so drawn to, although he was pulled towards you in less… platonic ways.
“Kurapika, we can move to my room, the guests will be h-“
He shook his head and looked up, his eyes red in two ways. His scarlet eyes shone up at you as he smiled.
“No, i… I think I’m okay now. Sorry for just…”
He gestured to the mess he made on your shirt. “This.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “Don’t mention it. It’s not the first time someone’s cried on me.”
You grabbed a wet paper towel and cleaned off his face, cupping his cheek when done.
“There, all better. I’m going to change, you’ll watch dinner for me, yeah?”
He nodded, watching her go with a sigh. Kurapika felt weirdly uncomfortable with the lack of your presence, awkwardly hovering around your room.
When you leave, you’re wearing a knee length long sleeve dress. It’s simple, but cute. The thing that Kurapika notices first however, is the dip that exposes some of your cleavage, his eyes going from your face, to your tits, to your face again.
He hopes you didn’t catch him checking you out, he truly didn’t mean to. Your chest was just in perfect view and he was having trouble controlling himself for some reason.
“Killua just called and say they’ll be here in five minutes. Let’s get everything ready!”
He helps you set out plates and mix up a batch of lemonade, finding little ways to brush his hand against yours. Every time it happened he’d blush and apologized, but you didn’t mind!
The group arrived just as dinner was finished. Alluka walked in the door, looked around, then gasped when she saw you.
She ran forward and jumped into your arms. You twirled her around and laughed, the girl clinging to you like a koala.
“Aww, miss me?”
She nodded, Killua chuckling. Alluka had to be attached to you for at least five minutes before Killua would be able to pull her off, so you sat down and chatted with her until you were released.
Kurapika watched this with growing interest. You were great with kids, each of them holding you in high regards. “What’s for dinner? I’m starving!”
Leorio arrived 15 minutes late, panting as he walked in. “S… sorry for… being late… had to… grab these…”
He placed a bouquet of flowers into your arms, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Thanks lending me your old textbooks, the notes you took helped me ace my test.”
You look up at him in shock, holding the flowers to your chest. “You’re so sweet, Leorio. Thank you for the flowers!”
Something stirs in Kurapika’s chest, something he isn’t able to place. The way Leorio watches your ass as you go to grab a vase to put the flowers in makes him frown. He elbows the man in the stomach, grumbling something about being a pervert.
But Kurapika had been looking too.
Everyone gathered at the table, Alluka on one side of you and Killua on the other. Kurapika grumbled again as he took the chair in front of you. Why was he so upset over not getting to sit next to you?
Kurapika watched you throughout dinner. The way you ate, the way you wiped food from Allukas, your cute laugh when Killua made a joke. He absorbed everything about you, trying to understand what he felt for you.
Did he also see you as a mother figure, like the children did? Maybe a little, but that wasn’t quite it. He enjoyed your affection and sweet words, but there was something else bubbling beneath the surface.
Something… not platonic. Not friendly.
You were pretty, that was a known fact. He had known many pretty women, but you… you were different. You weren’t just pretty, you were… alluring. Something he wanted, desperately.
And he couldn’t understand why. Kurapika hated when he couldn’t understand things, it made him feel stupid.
“Kurapika, do you like your dinner?”
He was stirred from his thoughts by you, leaning forward a little bit and smiling at him.
“Oh, yes. It’s… delicious.”
He took another bite of his food for emphasis. It wasn’t a lie, the food was delectable, but he hadn’t been able to enjoy it due to being… distracted.
“Alright, everyone done? Time for cupcakes!!”
Killua and Gon carried the box in and set it on the table.
When they opened it, Kurapika was surprised. Instead of being cupcakes like he had been told, it was a vanilla cake with strawberry icing.
Written across the cake in white frosting were the words…
“Happy birthday Kurapika!!”
The entire group gathered around him, smiling and laughing. While he’d been reading the cake, they’d thrown on party hats.
Kurapika flinched when felt you put a hat on him, your chest squished against his back.
“This… is for me?”
KIllua watches him, his arms folded against his chest. “It was (Name)’s idea. She found out your birthday was last week and had to celebrate it.”
Kurapika couldn’t understand why. He hadn’t done anything for his birthday just a week prior. Kurapika had severe survivals guilt, and struggled to see why he should.
You leaned forward, your hair tickling his cheek as you placed some candles on his cake. You light them and pull back, putting your hands on his shoulders as you all sing happy birthday to him.
“Okay, now blow out the candles!”
He does, his eyes closing as he thought of what to wish for.
‘I want… I want to be closer to (Name).’
He was surprised by his own thought.
It was later in the night, the kids asleep in their respective rooms leaving the adults to chat. (Name) was tucking Killua into bed, the two other adults sitting in an awkward silence.
“You uh… been doing alright, Kurapika?”
Kurapika glanced at Leorio from his seat on the couch and nods in response.
“You look a little… rough.”
He wasn’t exactly wrong. His eyes were still a bit puffy from crying and his hair was ruffled, with dead ends.
Kurapika struggled to take care of himself besides the bare necessities to continue living. As long as he was able to keep moving, that was enough.
But now he pulled a strand of his hair toward and stared at it. His hair had grown out to nearly touching his shoulders, able to be put up in a ponytail if he needed.
He wondered if you liked his hair longer. It may be a bit rough and tangled, but in his heart he knew you wouldn’t mind.
You stepped out of Killua’s room, closing the door behind you slowly as to not make any noise. Once far enough away, you grin at the two.
“He likes being tucked in. It’s cute really.”
You plop down on the couch next to Kurapika and pulled a pillow into your lap to hug. “So, Kurapika, are you having fun?”
It was hard to concentrate on your question whne you were so close to him, but he managed to asnwer.
“It’s the best birthday I’ve had in a while.”
You give that pretty smile and squeeze his shoulder. “If you let me, I can make sure all of your birthdays will be fun.”
He blinks, taking a moment to process her words. “Wh-what do you mean by that?”
His cheeks turn pink, getting a little excited.
“I mean I want to be your friend, Kurapika.”
He’s unable to speak. This kind girl, who is sitting next to him smelling so sweet, wants to be HIS friend.
“You can think about it if you need to. I won’t make you-“
He was unable to look her in the eye, his hands gripping the fabric of his pants.
“I want to be your friend, too.”
You are quiet for a moment before you lean against his shoulder and laugh.
“I’m really glad. Thank you for being my friend.”
Unbeknownst to the three adults, Killua was listening from behind his door, an eyebrow raised.
‘Does he…’
Although Kurapika has said he was only staying for a week, it slowly turned into two weeks, to three, and then a month.
He would leave to go on missions or find information, but would always come back, looking around for you.
“Is (Name) home?”
Kurapika set his shoes by the door as he walked in. It was just a question for appearances, he couldn’t sense her aura so he knew she wasn’t there.
“No, she’s on a job right now.” Killua replied, flipping through a comic book and sipping on a glass of orange juice.
“A job? Like as a Hunter?”
Kurapika sighed as he leaned against the wall, glancing from Killua to the boxes of chocolate robots strewn across the floor.
“Did she say when she would be back?”
Killua closed his comic book and looked at him annoyed. “Why do you need to know?”
Kurapika raised an eyebrow. “Do I need a reason? I’m just curious.”
Killua rolled his eyes. “You mean you miss her.”
Kurapika’s face turned red, the white haired boy huffing. “You miss her. It’s way too obvious she’s the only reason you’ve stayed in town so long.”
Kurapika scowls and sits down, tapping his foot against the ground. “That’s not true. I stay here because it’s safe and convenient.”
“Keep telling yourself that, maybe it’ll come true.”
Killua stand up and walks to the door, opening it as you raise up your keys to unlock it.
“Oh, thank you Killua!”
You pocket your keys and pat his head before noticing Kurapika.
“Oh, you’re back!”
You rush forward and pull him into a hug, kissing the top of his head. “I missed you! How did you m-“
Kurapika stood up and promptly rushed out the front door, his face a dark shade of red.
“I-Ill be back in a minute. Forgot to- forgot something.”
As soon as he’s far enough away, Kurapika holds a hand to his head, panting. The sensation of your lips on him lingered, making his heart flutter.
Why did he feel like this?
After cooling off, he walks into a random bakery and picks up some cookies.
“Hey, I’m back. Forgot to pick these up.”
You look up from brushing out Killua’s hair and give him a smile. “Oh, cookies, how sweet of you! I’ll set these out!”
You look up and grab a platter and start to place them on it. Killua glanced back at Kurapika before standing up and pulling the man back outside.
“What do you-“
“What’s your issue with (Name)?”
Kurapika blinks down at the boy. “I don’t understand-“
“Don’t play dumb, yes you do. (Name) isn’t stupid, she’s noticed your strange behavior. Are you trying to worry her or what?”
“Why would I worry her? She’s… dear to me. A good friend.”
Killua groans and slaps a hand over his face. “Oh right, I forgot you’re dense. You mean you like her. It’s so obvious that even Gon has noticed.”
Kurapika splutters out a “w-what?!” before Killua continues.
“Let me clue you in. Every time you pass her by, you smile. You blush like a girl with a crush every time she hugs or touches you. Honestly you’re worse than Leorio..”
Kurapika wasn’t listening. Was that what he was feeling? He… he liked you?
It was starting to make sense.
“I…” he looked away, quiet, but didn’t deny Killua’s accusation.
“Listen, I don’t care if you like her or not. Just know that she is important to a lot of people, me and Gon included. You hurt her, you’re dead.”
With that, Killua walked back inside and joined you in the kitchen.
Kurapika held a hand over his chest. He knew he should push these butterflies away and distance himself from you, but before he could, something draws him back to your side.
Maybe he can indulge himself in these fuzzy feelings, just for a little while.
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writeradamanteve · 2 years
Anthony Lockwood Examination Post
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So much of the deleted scenes have been such a delight, and many of them I’d wished they’d kept, this montage with Lockwood included, but when I first saw this scene, my heart did hurt.
I looked at this exact snapshot and saw the face of depression.
He’s lying in bed with his eyes open, and we know he doesn’t get enough sleep. He is willing himself to get up at that very moment, and when he does, it’s routine for the next hour it takes him to prepare:
He gets out of bed, puts on the same clothes, and when he’s staring at the mirror, he puts on his face—not makeup, but—: that disarming smile, that sparkling charm, and the bold confidence.
He steps out of his room and gives that unopened door one flight up—a pedestal, really—a half-expectant look:
Any minute now she’ll walk through that door.
Oh, right. She won’t. She’s dead.
And he moves forward, as he always does.
He files that hurt away as he joins George and Lucy at the kitchen, thinking about the many ways to grow the business, outsmart Fittes, and get bigger clients/more prominent cases.
He makes plans, giving safety and caution a cursory thought. His agents are smart, they are good at what they do. George will tell him if there’s anything they need to know. Lucy’s razor sharp intuition, conviction, and more than adequate skill with a rapier bolsters his confidence on the field.
Then when they’re all there, fighting for their lives, that little voice he had ignored all this time will ring in his ears and the rare panic attack would consume him. When he staves off the panic attack, regret would inevitably settle in when the danger was passed.
Lucy is the one that either pulls him together or vehemently calls him out, and then he couldn’t bear it, having her angry at him.
There’s something about Lucy that propels him to do better. George does not have this immediate effect because George doesn’t storm off and he never turns his back on Lockwood. Lockwood knows George will bend a long while, and Lockwood knows just enough when to appease George to snap him back. Lucy is not as patient. Lucy does not hesitate, because Lucy knows that her hesitation once got her friends killed and that was not going to happen again.
The danger of dying does not scare Lockwood as much as it should, at least not in The Screaming Staircase/The Whispering Skull/Lockwood & Co. Season 1.
He was, until Lucy, too reckless. Lucy has managed to talk him down to “just reckless enough”. She also impressed upon him that he had a responsibility to stay alive because if anything happened to him, she and George would be devastated, and if there was anything that motivated Lockwood more than winning a case at all costs, it was to spare Lucy and George any suffering. He could not bear the thought of Lucy or George getting hurt, especially because of him.
Before Lucy, he was numb, his ability to truly love dormant, but she woke him up, and I’ll tell you exactly when Lucy first punched a hole through that barrier.
In the Netflix series, I think it was the possession scene, and there were about dozens of moments where we saw it happen over and over again, but IN THE BOOK, The Screaming Staircase, it was after the well was exploded in Combe Carey Hall.
I knelt by him, brushed the ash from his forehead.
His eyes opened. He looked at me with a clear, unclouded gaze.
I cleared my throat. “Hi Lockwood…”
Awareness returned. I saw bafflement first, then gradual recognition.
“Oh… Lucy.” He blinked, coughed, and tried to sit up. “Lucy. For a moment I thought you were… It doesn’t matter. How are you, Lucy? You’re okay?”
This scene, knowing what I know now, is exactly the moment Lockwood remembered what it was like to be loved again. He thought she was you-know-who, and then he realized she wasn’t, but oh, it wouldn’t be the last time Lucy would remind him what it was like to be loved and looked after.
Lucy knew it, too, in her bones, even if she didn’t identify it, and—poor George, he saw it. He even said he saw it.
I stood abruptly. “Yes, I’m fine.”
George was watching me through cracked spectacles. “I saw that.”
“What?” I said. “Saw what? Nothing happened.”
(Lucy, so guilty)
“Precisely. Where was his slap in the chops? Where was his firm shaking? There’re double standards at work here.”
Ah, George.
So Lockwood isn’t exactly suicidal. The danger is there, but he won’t perform the act for its own sake, he just, until the events of the Bone Glass, convinced himself that his priorities were: defeating Visitors and Lockwood & Co. besting everyone else.
It was an easier focus than the dread of losing the people he cared about, yet again.
Thankfully, Lucy and George are setting him on a different journey.
So in a way, George is wrong. Lucy does slap Lockwood awake, just in a different way.
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