#I talked with mr viking
undying-love · 3 months
Paul describing John: A compilation
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"I knew nothing about him except that he looked pretty cool. He had long sideboards and greased back hair and everything."
"I’d seen him around a couple of times, because I realised later what it was, my bus route, he would take that bus, but he would be going to see his mum who lived kind of in my area. And then he’d take the bus back up to his Auntie Mimi’s. So I’d seen him a couple of times and thought, ‘Wow, you know, he’s an interesting looking guy.’ And then I once also saw him in a queue for fish and chips and I said, ‘Oh, that’s that guy off the bus’. I’m talking to myself, in my mind I thought, ‘I saw that guy off the bus, oh he’s pretty cool looking. Yeah, you know, he’s a cool guy.’
"I remember John looking... we used to think that John looked pretty cool. He was a bit older than us and he would do a little more greased back hair than we were allowed… so John was quite groovy. He looked like a Ted then - he had a drape. He had nice big sideburns."
"There was a guy up on the platform with curly, blondish hair, wearing a chequered shirt-looking pretty good and quite fashionable - singing a song that I loved: the Del-Vikings ‘Come Go With Me’."
"I know how I saw John. He was just a ted, on the bus – greasy hair, long sideburns, shuffling around like he was Mr Hard. And I saw him on the top deck of the bus often, before I met him. Saw him in the queue at a chip shop once. And I thought, “He looks cool.” Turned out my best friend from school knew him. We went and met. I happened to know this song, ‘Twenty Flight Rock’. John admired that."
"Up on the stage there were a few lads around, and there was one particular guy at the front with a checked shirt, sort of blondish kind of hair... a little bit curly, sideboards, looking pretty cool. [...] He was playing Come Go With Me."
"This Ted would get on the bus. I wouldn't stare at him too hard in case he hit me."
“I just thought, ‘Well, he looks good, he’s singing well and he seems like a great lead singer to me.’ Of course he had his glasses off, so he looked really suave…He was really the only outstanding member, all the rest kind of slipped away.”
"My memory of meeting John for the first time is very clear. … I can still see John now - checked shirt, slightly curly hair [...] I remember thinking, ‘He looks good - I wouldn’t mind being in a group with him.’ … Then, as you all know, he asked me to join the group, and so we began our trip together. We wrote our first songs together, we grew up together and we lived our lives together. And when we’d do it together, something special would happen. There’d be that little magic spark. I still remember his beery old breath when I first met him that day. But I soon came to love that beery old breath. And I loved John."
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el121a · 10 months
Being Elijah's Wife would include
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Your flirtatious and magnetic confidence lingered in the memories of those you met, making you a topic of conversation long after the event had ended.
1 word to describe you would be genuine.
Elijah would never tell you, but even though it was too dangerous for a human to accompany him, he believed you made him look better and enjoyed having you around.
You are Elijah's pride.
Being Marcel's friend, you navigated the supernatural world with grace and charm.
Even when you're mad at Elijah, you can't help but believe in him. "Elijah has re-constructed diplomacy to bitchy insults and it still works, so… Yeah, I think he’s got this."
You may have not been a vampire, but you knew how to take care of one.
You were warm and approachable but commanding, a perfect balance that captivated those around you.
You and Elijah would work out together, finding entertainment in witnessing what a vampire could do.
Being the closest to Kol and Davina, you bridged the gap between the Mikaelsons and their extended family.
Being a mother figure to Kol, and of course Davina now that they're married.
You're just as much of a fashionista as he is, You wore only the finest. Picky is an understatement . No zippers,glitter, or anything that looked cheap to you.
Elijah was possessive of you since you were his greatest treasure.
Having children with Elijah after a thousand years of not being able to reproduce was a blessing and a testament to your unique bond.
You didn't care to insult anyone like your husband did, but your sharp wit was a force to be reckoned with.
Elijah is a sex god in your eyes- or anyone's of reason, and you're not shy about expressing it to his praise kink.
Elijah is busy, but you take on some of his responsibilities willingly, understanding the weight of his duties.
At first, he was afraid to ask for sex, but that notion quickly faded as he realized your desires matched his.
Elijah always buys you flowers on your monthly dates, a tradition that never fails to make you feel cherished.
He married the most gorgeous person in the world — you! And he tells you it's his biggest feat, a sentiment that never fails to bring a smile to your face.
You and Elijah share great laughs, finding joy in the simplicity of each other's company.
You teased him for losing his Viking demeanor to a suit during sex, and he's gotten less snobby trying to prove himself to you. Everyone has noticed, but no one will ever know why.
You both walk around the quarter at night, immersing yourselves in the timeless charm of New Orleans.
He's comfortable being a vampire around you.
You both read and write together, creating a world where words are your shared language.
After your showers, he braids your hair into Viking braids for the night or the rest of the day, a small intimate ritual.
And you braid his, a gesture that signifies the intertwining of your lives.
You guys cook together. Taking your time and talking about your day or upcoming day with him. The most relaxing part of your day as his Wife.
You knew him since you were a teen, so you feel like you know him in and out.
He's mostly submissive, except in bed. He tries to be, but he just can't keep his hands off you.
You didn't drink vervain because you felt that to be an insult to your husband, trusting him completely. You were an amazingly powerful sorcerer though.
Elijah fell inlove with you becasue of your love of Ideas, always having critiques, theories and your philosophical rants encouraging him to talk. How you listened to him like no other.
You created another type of magic for vampires in your studies of the supernatural because the human sacrifices weren't cutting it for you — pun intended.
When you first came back into his life, he was scared to love you because you were all he owned. Nothing Klaus had. By loving you, you taught him how to love himself. Congrats to you.
He has a secret breeding kink, One that you take advantage of. Along with his sir, Mr, and teaching kink. Nothing too wild, He's more of a romantic.
He grew a stubble for you when you told him you thought it made him look more like a DILF, embracing his role of a father.
Elijah doesn't want you on the tip of your toes to kiss him, so he lifts you effortlessly, creating a height equality you both relish.
He's your best friend, and he can say the same about you — a companionship that transcends time and immortality.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
The batkids mess up in their mission and now they want Damian to accept the blame for them (Damian is the youngest of them all, Bruce will never get too angry when is the youngest apologizing) how the batkids bribe Damian?
Steph: Heeey Dami, I might've done an oopsie on that Croc case. Do you mind taking the heat for me so I don't get benched again?
Damian: No.
Steph: Oh well. Guess I'll have to eat all these vegan waffles by myself.
Damian: Never mind, I reconsidered.
Duke: 'Sup.
Damian: What do you want?
Duke: Just someone to go to the arcade with tomorrow. I heard they have a Cheese Viking VR simulator.
Damian: I believe my schedule is open.
Duke: That's awesome! Too bad Bruce might make me clean the basement tomorrow after that botched stakeout.
Damian: I will take care of Father. You just make sure we are first in line when the arcade opens.
Tim: I messed up the Riddler mission.
Damian, on his phone: How unfortunate.
Tim: Can you take the blame? I don't wanna miss Kon's birthday on Saturday.
Damian: You know my rate.
Tim: *grumbles and writes a check*
Cass: Take my case?
Damian: I thought you already caught the suspect.
Cass: Wrong person.
Damian: What will you do for me?
Cass: Clean litterbox.
Damian: Deal.
Dick: Hey, Lil' D, can you do me a favor and gently let Bruce know that Two-Face skipped town before I could get to him?
Damian: Your Rogue, your problem.
Dick, pulling out a kitten from behind his back: Okay then, I guess I'll take Mr. Fluffykins back to that cold shelter.
Damian: Hand me that creature this instant and I will talk to Father for you.
Barbara: I need you to distract Bruce while I recover some files I accidentally lost.
Damian: *holds out his hand*
Barbara: *sighs and hands him a sketch pencil set*
Jason: I need you to convince Bruce that the explosion at Port Adams was not my fault.
Damian: Absolutely not.
Jason: I knew you'd say that, which is why I came prepared.
Jason: *reveals a bunch of knives under his jacket*
Jason: Take your pick.
Bruce: Wrong, wrong, wrong. Everything is all wrong and I want answers NOW.
Steph: *nudges Damian forward*
Bruce: Damian? Would you like to say something?
Damian: *glances back at his siblings before looking at Bruce*
Bruce, crouching down: Son, whatever you tell me, you know I'll always love you, right?
Damian: Brown's waffle mix was expired, Thomas lied about the Cheese Viking simulator, Drake's check bounced, Cain used the wrong litter brand, the kitten Grayson got was someone else's lost pet, Gordon's pencils were counterfeits from eBay, Todd's knives were plastic, and everyone failed their missions this week.
The batkids: *collective groan*
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youronlybean · 4 months
Just ZRC things <3
Jokes from a decade ago that only make sense to them
Reading the other like a book
Like Chilled going “oh, Ze [did the most normal thing ever that literally no one else would bat an eye at], that means he’s bad :/“ and he’s RIGHT
Plus Ze going out of his way to be as unpredictable as possible and breaking Chilled’s mind
Cursed duo evil games where either they get steamrolled or they are driving the steamroller
^^^ think the casual one-round imposter games vs. the imposter games where Murphy’s Law is at its peak from like 2021 among us days
In lethal company (and actually a lot of games really) Chilled always wants Ze to make the decisions or be on his team because he’s smart
“What’s Ze saying? Should we buy [thing] or not?”
That one older mongus clip I can’t find the vid for where it’s like someone (I think NerdOut) addressing Chilled: “who do you love most in this lobby?” Chilled: “Oh, no. They’re gonna kill Ze!” Ze: “Noo! I appreciate it, but nooo!”
The inherent homoeroticism of the word “Buddy”
“Mr. Chaos” “Mr. Viking”
That one PW game when Ze referred to Chilled exclusively as “Chilled Anthony Chaos”
“It’s ZeRoyalChaos, get it right!!!”
If Ze feels bad, so does Chilled vs. if Chilled feels bad he has to suck it up. They are truly the best married-for-40-years-in-spirit couple ever
“Yeah, that’s a great ide- WAIT NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????”
When they enter podcast-mode and just start reminiscing or chatting like they aren’t streaming
Chilled and Ze die first in TOS2: “They have great chemistry, they can talk to each other in death.”
The Lover-Shifter incident of 2021
Team Sicko my beloved (bonus: “There’s no risk, Ze.”)
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demigoddessqueens · 6 months
girl our baby boy hytham is lacking attention from ys . Can u right where he falls in love with Viking reader and they get married? I think he would be a good husband tbh
Awwwe Hytham deserves some love too!!! 😍
Masterlist 10
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First off, that’s Mr. Hytham “I like a woman who can kick my ass kill me”
Nah jk 🤣but really tho 🫣
Hytham will be looking at you with the biggest blown out eyes in admiration
Learned from the Master Basim himself
Your prowess, your build, the braids and tattoos!!
If this is Valhalla, he never wants to leave
Watching you spar or fight in the middle of battles is an art to him, and the blood on your face does nothing to hinder what he admires in your features
Looks for any excuse just to talk to you, even as you tell stories around the fires
Eivor notices his disposition every time you come around, nudging him with a tease every time he blushes around you
Admires your braids and tattoos and asks constant questions about them, watching your face light up as you describe them
Tries to go on walks with you if he can, of course under the guise of “gathering intelligence”
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paikothecateater · 3 days
Currently working on a whale brothers + Sweden mini fic for an ask, but I feel like I have to point this out. (this is unrelated to the mini fic, I just wanted to assure the asker that I am working on it)
So, I'm sure most of you have seen this before.
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It's a table of how the Nordics refer to one another.
I think this table is a pretty cool thing. It actually shows a lot more about their personalities than you'd think.
For example: Finland is the only one who calls Sweden 'Su-san' he's also the only one to refer to the other Nordics using honorifics or suffixes and this is actually very indicative of his relationship with the others.
(this is all information from Google, I can't speak for it's accuracy.)
The others do not refer to each other using honorifics which indicates a sense of over familiarity. It makes sense, but Finland being the only one who uses them indicates that he probably doesn't feel close enough to them to not use them. Either that or he's just too polite to.
He also refers to Sweden and Denmark with the suffix (San)
While for Norway and Iceland he uses (Kun)
This is actually also shown in the anime. He calls Sweden 'Mr. Sweden' and Denmark 'Mr. Denmark' though he does not do the same with Norway and Iceland. Now, Google did say that Kun is usually reserved for underclassmen and that may be the case for Iceland, but I'm not sure about how that reflects his relationship with Norway.
I've seen people talk about Denmark referring to Norway as his best friend and whatnot, but something I've never seen anyone bringing up is how interesting the usage of Boku and Ore is here.
Finland and Iceland refer to themselves with Boku. This is a generally more humble, polite and refined way to refer to oneself.
The other few use Ore which is described as being much less formal and a lot more masculine according to Google.
So essentially, the viking trio see themselves as big scary macho men, noted.
There's also something that generally intrigues me here.
Iceland has two ways of referring to Norway
Norway and Nore.
He uses Norway for international settings, but only uses Nore when it's just among the other Nordics.
According to Google there are a few reasons as to why that might be.
The one I've gotten most is this:
It's generally rude to refer to someone older than you by a nickname. It doesn't seem to matter any that they're in fact brothers. It looks like the same rules apply regardless of what relationship the two people have.
So it's just so he doesn't seem rude by calling Norway a nickname? I don't think it's that simple.
See, he calls all the others by a nickname, in fact, more so than anyone else. He doesn't change up in international settings for any of the others, even though, if anything, it would make more sense if he did.
Could it be his way of distancing himself from Norway in front of other countries? It would make sense. Iceland did always act embarrassed about being Norway's brother, so maybe this is his way of acting like they aren't as close as they are.
This is also something that happens with Denmark. Both he and Norway refer to Sweden as Sverige, but Denmark also refers to him as Sweden in international settings.
I don't think any of the last explanations work seeing as technically Denmark here is portrayed as Sweden's superior, so it wouldn't make sense for him to change it out of respect.
Google really did not help with this one so I had to come up with my own theory. While the others have some evidence in canon, this is just pure speculation on my part.
Denmark could be saying it in English to make it easier to understand when it comes to international settings. The Danish accent is known to be quite thick and hard to understand if you're not familiar with it. Denmark could be more comfortable with saying Sweden's name in Danish around the other Nordics as they're more familiar with his accent and could easily understand what he's saying.
What about Norway? Well, the Norwegian accent is considerably more coherent even to those unfamiliar with it.
You're more likely to guess what a Norwegian is saying through context clues than with a Danish person because you likely misheard what the Danish person said.
Sweden is also the only one to refer to Finland by... Well... Finland. The others all call him Fin.
We know by now that Sweden is very socially awkward so it makes sense that he wouldn't feel 100% comfortable calling Finland by a nickname, especially when Finland is the only person referring to him by an honorific. Sweden would likely worry that it'd be considered rude if he called Finland by a nickname.
There's something else I find a little interesting here.
Norway calls Denmark anko or Den
While Iceland calls Denmark Dan.
Why the difference between Den and Dan? Both the Norwegian and Icelandic words for Denmark start with Dan (Nor:Danmark, Ice: Danmörk), so why does Norway call him Den?
Maybe he's using the English spelling, but why would he do that? It's not like it's an accent issue. I actually have no clue as to why this is.
Another thing is Iceland being the only one to call Sweden by Sví.
We know in the anime and manga that Iceland has a particularly close relationship with Sweden, so it may be a product of that. Even when it's not directly shown, it's implied that the two are very close given that Iceland can pick up on Sweden's remote social cues better than anyone else. Is this historically accurate? I doubt it, but that doesn't exactly matter right now.
Here's another thing,
Finland's 'Ta-san' comes from the Finnish word 'Tanska' which translates to Denmark, but where does his 'Su-san' come from? The Finnish word for Sweden is 'Ruotsi'
Well it could be that (スウェーデン) the word for Sweden in Japanese is pronounced something like ( Suu-eden) so that's likely where it comes from. It's a little strange that he'd use the Finnish word for Denmark, but the Japanese word for Sweden.
Well, both Japanese and English are used in this table as what I'd like to call (base languages) the table operates under the assumption that whoever reads it either speaks Japanese or English, so they're used as though they were the same language. Essentially (Su-san) acts as (Swe-san) because (Ruo-san) doesn't help people who don't speak Finnish understand who Finland is referring to. Nordic, English and Japanese names for Sweden all start with the letter S. If I told you Sweden is referred to by 'Su-san' you'd probably think it's not that strange as an English or Japanese speaker, but if I told you he was referred to by 'Ruo-san' you probably would be very confused.
I'll quickly run down this one.
Norway calling Denmark Anko.
Anko is referred to as being (kind of like bro)
It is not in fact kind of like bro.
It means red bean paste.
Why does Norway call Denmark this? Well, it could be because of the red in his flag, but that's not what interests me.
Most Japanese nicknames are just shortened versions of one's name. Ice, Fin, Nor, etcetera.
Anko here is very interesting. It doesn't seem to be a common nickname in Japan. It could be that given that Denmark and Norway are referred to as best friends and are shown to be very close. This could be a classic case of a childhood nickname that carried in into adulthood.
Alright, that's all I have to say on this matter. As always, thank you for coming to my yap session. And for the asker who's waiting on that mini fic, I'm sorry for the wait. I just had to get this thought of mine out there before I forgot. I'll try to have the mini fic out as soon as humanly possible.
Also, let me know if you have any other theories about this name table because I'd be very interested to see if anyone else thought about this.
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sarnai4 · 6 months
I was going to make this a fun post, but then I discovered that there are Dagur gifs on here and...yeah, that light topic didn't happen. So, here goes a little sad something.
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I think these frames of animation are very interesting. Actually, this entire scene is to me. It's in "The Night and the Fury" and is right after Dagur learns that Hiccup lied. I love how this occurred because it would have been so easy to just have him be like, "You have dragons? Okay, now I'm about to kill you." They didn't do that, though. Even as Dagur is connecting the dots, he harps on the fact that a lie was told. "Your father lied to me...YOU lied to me!" If you go back to Dagur's threat from "Twinsanity," he never even said that he'd attack Berk if they had dragons. He specifically said he would if he found out they did after they denied it. Technically speaking, Dagur could have attacked immediately if he wanted to, but he still had the intention of keeping the peace. These expressions in the gif are right after he says, "You could've been my brother, Hiccup. Now, you're my enemy." When he says this, he actually sounds sad. His expressions match that. Dagur, Mr. Gets Angry At The Drop Of A Helmet didn't immediately respond with rage. He's hurt and I think I know why.
Dagur doesn't perceive things like other Vikings to put it lightly. When he has his first episode, he's talking about how he and Hiccup had great laughs after he tries to drown the poor Berkian. He calls Hiccup his old friend when they see each other again in the episode with the gif. I think he genuinely believes this. For the strange things Dagur does, he doesn't see it. So, it's not just someone lying to him, it's his best, his ONLY friend lying to him and making him looking like a cool in front of his tribe. That's why he sounds sad instead of angry. That's why he has to look away and think through what his next move is. Yes, he attacks, but what are his options?
Hiccup doesn't give him any more time to think. He tries to leave with Toothless, so Dagur has to act then. Regarding his options, they all are bleak. If he attacks, then you have war and what we got. The alternative is that he doesn't then, right? Well, that's not great either. As soon as he gets back to his ship, one of the Berserkers says that he wants to kill Hiccup himself. Dagur has to make it clear that no one besides himself will go after Hiccup. This shows how the Berserkers really can be vengeful. They're not even an aggressive group (as shown in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island"), but they have tempers. So, if Dagur holds onto the friendship that he just realized didn't exist, he has to go back with his tail between his legs and admit not only that he was played, but that he doesn't want to do anything about it.
Dagur already was worried that no one would respect him as chief. They never would if they found out he was tricked and didn't even want to get revenge for it. He would be the young chief who was too foolish to see through lies and too weak to defend his people in case the liar decided to lie again and actually attack. So, yes, Dagur attacked. Was it a mistake? Oh most definitely. He could've caused the deaths of many people and was arrested for this. So, I'm not saying that Dagur is in the right for his war, but I'm saying that I don't think it's a black and white as the show tried to portray. We see it from Hiccup's perspective with Dagur being this wild kid who just likes killing. Dagur's so much more than just some angry or deranged Viking. I just wish we got to see more of his side of things.
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inthememetime · 2 years
Uncle Vlad AU
AU where Vlad actually gets along with the adults in the Fenton household pretty well. The Problem is the Teachers. (And ghosts. But mostly the teachers).
He and Maddie have been flirting awkwardly since they were 10 years old because it was funny when adults did it, and never stopped. Neither means anything by it.
Yes, Mr. Lancer, Jack does know that.
No, we do not need you to send Danny home with the Scarlet Letter. There is no affair. You know what, if you spent this much time protecting my kids from bullies, we-
Good mom, ok? She is! Sure, she gets distracted by work a lot, but she's not intentionally negligent, and she does her best. She just isn't able to connect with Danny the way she can with Jazz.
Thinks the awkward flirting is hilarious. Regularly eggs on both his wife and BFF. Hides out at Vlad's to watch football games.
ADHD solidarity with Vlad. Two bros chillin' on a Packers couch, oi, asshole, did you just fumble in the first kickoff! Yeah, he did, which reminds me,did you want to come by for-
Jack was supposed to be there to ask Vlad for help on the portal. They have watched the Bears beat the Vikings, made plans for the weekend, managed to cook an entire meal, and it's not until 2 days later that Jack remembers. (Am I projecting my ADHD? You better bet )
Like Maddie, he isn't intentionally negligent, he just gets distracted super easily. He does his best, but often fails. A true himbo: strong of body, giant of heart, dumb of ass.
Died 20 years ago, but also recognizes that putting his face into a portal to another dimension wasn't a great idea.
Reiterates lab safety constantly despite consistently breaking the rules.
"Remember, children, do not eat or drink in the lab."
"Um. You're drinking ectoplasm right now, though."
"And I'm dead! I can get away with it!"
Despite this, neither Jack or Maddie know he's dead. Plasmius? "Cool costume!" Loses a hand that grows back in a day? "How'd you get that illusion to work?" Jokes about being dead? "Ha ha, yes, we get it. You're dead inside and like grim humor."
Neither Danny or Jazz- who do know- are allowed to tell their parents, because, "come on, guys, don't ruin a 20 year experiment for me! I wanna know how long it takes!"
Vlad is "independently wealthy". As in, he robbed a bunch of billionaires, and has blackmail on twice as many.
So as not to draw too much suspicion, he's a writer. Mostly trashy romance novels or technical manuals. There is no in-between.
Dies. Immediately joins Vlad in death jokes. Jazz: You NEED TO talk about it! Danny: IDK, Jazz, I'm still pretty shocked. Get it?
Vlad: Hey, I gotta go visit dead family for the holidays, wanna come with?
Danny: Is that where you go every year? What do you do?
Jazz: Please don't make a ghost joke, please don't make a-
Vlad: Yeah, well, we go haunting, play games, decorate the cemetery, you know. Just get into the holiday spirit, and have a damned good time.
Jazz: I'm calling the Ghostbusters.
Starts learning how to fight ghosts- Uncle Vlad helps, of course, and- DANIEL PHANTOM, WHY are you HERE, and not in math class?! GO.
Nobody knows why Vlad's so chill about the death thing until his family comes to visit- turns out, his mother's maiden name was Addams. Yes, those Addams'.
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inexplicablepeas · 5 months
So I realized that I never shared my Blood & Gold re-read thoughts due to shadow-ban issues on the old blog, thoughts under the cut! It's long!
It was interesting to read this immediately after TVA, it really highlighted Anne's talent for developing distinct voices for her characters as the two books are so different in structure and voice. Where TVA is fevered and rambling with tonnes of evocative metaphor this is logically ordered and somewhat detached. This has none of Lestat's conspiratorial chumminess interspersed with catastrophic existential crises, none of Louis' melancholy poeticism, we're just getting straight facts from Mr Marius . So Marius' voice is a bit drier than a lot of the other narrators in the chronicles but that does feel correct and it gives the book a bit of a cosier and more chill vibe than most of the other entries. It's like story time with Marius. 
It's interesting that this one isn't framed as a book being written for publication but as a quiet and private conversation between a lonely guy and a stranger who showed up on his door step happy to listen to him. I think that makes sense for Marius, he doesn't seem like he would publish his life story, he's too private and he would probably have been more tactful land less honest about certain things if it was for publication - less interesting for us!
You do still have to read a lot of his inner journey between the lines nonetheless. He's not really telling you how he was doing day to day after he abandoned Pandora entirely (following an argument about how to deal with the emerging cult of satan worshippers) then spent centuries in Rome pretending he wasn't dying for Avicus' (and Mael's?) company while letting partying mortals have run of his house as he painted the walls subconsciously with dozens of Pandora faces... but you can imagine, he's probably not feeling great!
It was fascinating to get more detail on how he was recruited to be keeper of the parents and to see his tense arms-length relationship with Mael play out over the years. Eudoxia is a great addition to the story as brief as her time in it is and getting his version of Armand's story is very welcome (and of course interesting to contrast with Armand's telling). Getting more Bianca was also welcome, she's such a big presence in TVA, I liked getting Marius' perspective there. 
I've got some of the same kind of complaints I had with TVA about what was left out. I guess that structuring a life story that spans millenia is no easy task and it's inevitable that some stuff is gonna get left out. Anne probably didn't want to rehash the same events form different perspectives over and over again but I really was disappointed that the narrative doesn't touch on his thoughts on his reunion with Armand in QotD, the brief Night Island coven times, how Daniel came to be in his care (???), his reaction to Armand's suicide attempt (!?), how was it that he and Santino ended up being the team on clean up duty together for that anyway (???), his reaction to learning that Armand was in fact alive(!) and his subsequent turning of Benji and Sybelle.
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And Pandora of course, I hadn't read her book at the time of reading this so I was disappointed about how little detail we get on the centuries they spent together. You can imagine his motivations for leaving a lot of this stuff out, it seems that some things are still too painful to talk about and he is also telling a specific story to a specific audience here (to influence a particular outcome, perhaps? *squints suspiciously at Marius*) so it makes sense for him to brush over or leave some things out entirely but it's not always the most satisfying result for a reader that's already invested in these characters and their stories.
The framing device with Thorne is great, I can't emphasize enough how immediately I fell in love with this guy, this stoic but sensitive viking titan of a vampire. I found the final chapter to be the most exciting really, I guess because where most of the story is Marius explaining from his perspective why he's alone (apart from Daniel who doesn't count because he's too obsessed with his model cities, sorry Daniel!), it's all a foregone conclusion where we're heading and we know what happens to most of the major characters but once we get back to Thorne's contemporary POV hey, anything can happen! And thanks to Thorne, stuff does happen! He's kind of the MVP of this book. We also get a teeny bit of Daniel in the framing chapters at the start of the book and hey, it's nice to see him alive and still sassy, if a little worse for wear.
Overall I find it a pretty enjoyable vampire chronicle. I do love the lore of Anne's vampire universe, how rich it is both with historical details and with her own world building and Marius is, of course, very key to it as guardian of the parents for millennia, so I do want to know everything about him and I'm glad this book was written to give us more of his story. His chronicle of his very lonely life, caused in no small part by his own stubbornness and terror of losing control is sad and often frustrating but I did find all of it a compelling read. He's a very strange guy and it really is fascinating to get more of his perspective, even if he doesn't quite have the zazz of a Lestat or the poetry of a Louis.
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arckiaym · 7 months
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"Viking? Mrx. Sizukie made breakfast." "..." "c'mon... It's eggs, you like those?"
"hey buddy," "go away legundo.." "I can't do that bud."
"did you get any sleep?" "...no" "yeah..uh. yeah, me neither."
"you neither?" "Yeah, I didn't realize how much I'd like. Like I started thinking, like, if I went by myself."
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"and like, it was fine. I'm more efficient. I'm faster, I don't need to hunt as much. Honestly I might've already made it, probably. I'd definitely get in liss trouble, that's for sure."
"are you trying to make me feel worse??" "Haha, no, hold on."
"what I'm tryina say, is that I'd never-"
"-ever. Want to."
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"hey guys? Everything ok in here? Eggs are getting cold."
"oh! Hehe, silly boys.."
"here lemme help. Momma's gotta do everything around here, huh?"
"how y'all aren't cold I'll never know. Hah..hybrids."
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Mimirs. Eepy time.
In honor of pig!viking two releasing today I finished this up faster than I intended. The brain rot has me by the THROAT
Ok buckle up I have so much to say, ok
First of all, mrx sizukie, what kind of a name is that? The kind of name when you've been following a neon orange Suzuki down the freeway for like 4 hours. Also I like to imagine that pigs don't have Mr and Mrs but just, everyone uses mx and mrx because I think ? Idk they're not human why would they have human honorifics. I'm not calling ppl who use mx or mrx non human btw, u get what I mean
Second of all, eggs? Yeah, eggs. Baby zombie piglins spawn with chickens sometimes, so. So there ya go, they have chickens, idk man.
Third of all? I let them hug, that's right!! Hug it out you emotionally unavailable pig boys!! Comfort piglin head grab and bonk also both made an appearance, hope ur happy with that. I like to think that whenever piglins go to sleep their body temperature drops so that's why they sleep in piles, and is also why they got a lil blankie :)
Also I didn't talk about the backpack last time but they've got a notebook in there! (It's vikings, it's all his notes on how to be a pig. He's learning the language in there, his handwriting is terrible.)
Also when legs flops on the bed and traps vikings legs? Did anyone else's dad do this when there was a Talk to be had? Just like sit on ur feet so u can't escape? Well mine did so that's what that's about.
I made sure to add a lot of "like" and "yeah" cause if you've ever had a Conversation then u know that those nothing words are EVERYWHERE
But yeah, legs realizes how much he'd miss viking if he wasn't around and is like "aw balls this kid is my brother"
I was drawing the last panel, the shaded one, and I was like, "am I a furry artist?" So, let's all think about that for a sec. I mean like kinda, right?"
Hi @amberstormblade ily /platonic ur writing is my absolute favorite and part two is making my synapses FIRE
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oonajaeadira · 9 months
Maybe it's because I was just talking about David Harbor Viking Santa, but this add showed its face on Tumbles and
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I immediately think it's a workout plan to be big and strong like our Beardy Boy here.
And then I see the words "for stubborn fat belly."
Look at Beardy Boy! That man has a defined adonis belt. There is muscle tone here. He could pull a truck with his teeth. Do you even understand what real strong dudes look like? Get out of my face with Mr. Sculpty Bland Man up there.
Istg I almost made noises. Angry ones. Then whiny ones.
C'mon, Beardy. You're coming home with me. You throw me over your shoulder like a sack of sexy potatoes and I'll point the way.
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stormingfrost · 28 days
Rating ROTG/GOC characters! 
I have so many opinions about these guys so I decided to rate them. Starting from the bottom to the top, these are my opinions on each character of this world. 
27. Monkey king/ lampwick iddock of the               many legs
I hate him. I hate everything he represents. Stinky bastard man. The story doesn’t make sense to me: if he had all his greed taken away from him why’d he be like that? Also his title “The Monkey King” makes me think of Sun Wukong, which is nothing like this character. I also don’t like his redesign of the many-legs thing and I just hate him. Die stinky bastard man no one likes you. 
26. Man in the Moon (book ver)
The description of him looking “kind” and “good” makes me want to throw something. Why are we assigning morality to appearance? Also, why is this random guy the unquestionable source of moral goodness? Dude was raised by mice. Other than that he’s really only in the books for like three pages so idc. 
25. Mr. Qwerty
I forget he exists.
24. Jack Frost (book ver)
I don’t like him. He’s supposed to be this lonely rebel but he spends the whole book hanging out with socialites and going to pompous parties IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION? like hey man there are starving kids right outside the party you’re at with literal royalty. He’s also supposed to be a teenager (range of age manipulation powers: 11-18) but acts like a 50-year-old man. He does nothing but hang out with a bunch of politicians and old authors. He also only uses ice magic like once in the books and is just self-important. Everything is about him even when it shouldn’t be. Easter being called Easter was Jack’s idea. Katherine has powers because of Jack. Everything is his idea, or because of him, and it’s weird. Also, not everything has to be a thing. The hoodie is apparently just under the nightlight armor the whole time and his adopted siblings embroidered the white patterns on it (again, book!Jack only uses his icy powers like twice) and it becomes a thing (also hoodies being a thing BEFORE it was invented is frustrating to me on a nitpick evel. Did the Golden age have hoodies? Their fashion looks vaguely Edwardian. Where did the hoodie come from?). Jack’s staff is alive (???). The staff also has magic scratching powers (???????). Jack can talk to every tree including firewood, and then it’s not brought up again (???????????). Not everything has to be a thing. The attachment to historical figures is weird as well. It’s not educational, it’s not respectful, and it’s not anyone who kids would recognize. It’s just strange. 
23. The Man in the Moon (movie ver)
Revived a random teenager and let him loose like a stray dog without any guidance. Other than that, we don’t know that much about him to actually know what he’s about. We don’t even know if he’s a person or not.
22. Lermantoff Serpent
The thing that hurts most about this character is the sheer potential that goes unrealized. That’s a complex backstory that could lead to so many things, and he dies in his first appearance despite being important and having a cool backstory. 
21. Twinetender
Weird concept. The stick is alive. Okay. Sure. He’s like Jack’s personal Jiminy Cricket but 1000 times more creepy. The souls of hundreds of Viking warriors (previously Native American via Instagram post but that was changed thank god the implications of that were horrific.) make up what is essentially a stick that a teenager waves around and acts as a weapon/servant. I think Joyce straight-up forgot halfway through that he was alive because he just isn’t in there anymore despite Jack always carrying the staff around. I like the character design tho, but besides that, I’d rather have the stick not be a person thanks
20. Pitch Black (book ver) 
I think the fandom puts so much emphasis on his backstory, reasonably (it’s a good tragedy), but we don’t even see Pitchiner from before, just accounts from other people. Kozmotis isn’t a character - we only hear about him through other’s exposition. The theme of grief that is intertwined with the story is tragic knowing Joyce’s life. Besides the tragic themes, he’s a stereotypical villain who evilly plots. More cliché, but then there’s a line from him that digs into hearts and stabs wounds.
19. Ombric
Wizard man. That’s pretty much all of his character. He’s written as a wise old wizard but just is standing in the background half of the time until he does something overpowered. I also don’t understand why he and Katherine aren’t literally father and daughter. Didn’t he adopt her? Why does she feel like he’s not her father? Why does he act like he isn’t her father? He adopted her
18. E. Aster Bunnymund (book ver)
I love his design and I like nerdy dork characters who repress their feelings but sometimes his dialogue is annoying. 
17. Toothiana (book ver) 
Oh, Tooth, you deserve so much better. Her character, her book, her backstory, everything was affected so much by Orientalism. Everyone else gets a role, a personality, an in-depth description of their homes and lives but she gets nothing. There are aspects of her character I like (the grief is very heart-wrenching and I just love her as a character in general) but there are just too many things I have issues with. She’s the only POC in this cast and she is a BIRD. She’s Asian but wears white clown-like makeup? The only people to are violent and greedy over magic are the village people. Not the white rich socialites who colonized and maimed for power and money. No, not them, but the village people in India are the only ones who do get greedy and VIOLENTLY KILL Tooth’s parents. She (and the representation that could’ve been so awesome) deserves better.
16. Sanderson Mansnoozie (book ver)
I love his relationship with Emily Jane. But he doesn’t get a lot of time in the books. Just maybe a few chapters? He’s great tho and I like that he was a space cowboy. 
15. The Spirit of the Woods
Underrated! I love her! She tries so hard and I just love her so much. I love her description and her personality, even if she’s only a minor character. (The day William Joyce makes art of her is the day my life will be complete)
14. Nicholas St. North (book ver)
North slays in the sleigh. I like that he has a little redemption arc and has to figure out what he wants in his life and what he wants to be. For me, it makes the movie scenes where he’s taking a mentor figure role to Jack even more meaningful, because he was in Jack’s shoes at one point, despite now being sure and confident in himself. Despite me not connecting the books to the movie, this one is the closest for me to being a part of the movie’s ‘canon.’ North is very consistent and I like his character a lot. 
13. Katherine
Teen girl protagonist with a knife! I do wish she had a little more agency as a character because it seems like every decision she makes is about the male characters. I like that she sees herself in Pitch. In the fifth book she gets older (25 yrs with kinda age manipulation with a range of 12-25. I’d say it’s closer to regression than true manipulation as it only happens under certain conditions) and she and Jack are soulmates and then she is defined by him? Even her powers are because of him, or at least the ones that are talked about the most. Second to those powers, the mythosphere was a cool concept. But what her character represents is the most significant thing about her. She is a ghost in a book, living again within the words and text every time the book is read.
12. Nightlight
Wish he didn’t turn out to be Jack. Or at least in the way that it is. I’m not opposed to Nightlight being Jack but I just don’t like book!Jack so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he’s a little adorable critter I love him and his relationship with Katherine is adorable
11. Pitch Black
My least favorite character from the movie. I don’t like his design (or any of his canon designs really. He looks like a bull terrier to me. I think the one in the comic is the best) He’s interesting as a selfish villain who is conceited and doesn’t like to share. He’s more interesting as a terrible person who likes hurting people. I love how he’s a foil for the Guardians, especially Sandy, and how he’s a mirror to Jack. I don’t get the fan interpretations of him where they woobify him and make the guardians ‘big bad bullies’ the man says with his mouth what his motives are. why are we pretending he said anything about fear being necessary and balance because he is not doing any of those? He is actively trying to take over the world with darkness. He doesn’t want balance. I’m not trying to judge anyone having fun, you do you, but I just don’t get it. I do think he’s a bit of a cliché, but it works for the movie. I also think he’s ugly (bull terrier looking mf)
10. Emily Jane
Oh, the drama! The tragedy! She’s great, and the build-up to meeting her character is masterful. I do wish we got to see her being just chaotic like how she’s said to be. Joyce tells a lot, rather than shows. 
9. Skreeklavic Shadowbent
Unironically this funky werewolf guy is my favorite character from the books. He’s got so much potential for more, the potential man! He and Pitch should’ve had more beef. Shadowbent knows all his secrets (that’s why his hair is so big) but is never utilized. 
8. Jack’s sister/Mary/Flee
I wish she was given a name. We see so much of her character and personality just from the flashbacks and she’s just so underrated. She’s more careful and nervous than her brother and needs a gentle push to have fun. She does only exist for Jack’s development which sucks. All the other kid characters get names, even if they aren’t said within the dialogue, but we never get one for her. (I’m not counting Joyce’s words as he isn’t consistent with them) However, this part of the story looks back on Jack’s past life is way too idealistic for what is a literal colonization. Her, Jack, and the rest of Burgess are literal colonizers. They weren’t good people. They were vile people who stole and maimed for land and money. While I adore this movie and its characters, this is one of my main issues with it. (Along with the weird racial coding of Bunny+Tooth, and the sexism and ignoring of female characters. The romanticism of colonization within the fandom is also worth discussing and criticism) 
7. Burgess Believers
I debated on putting Jamie in his own category but decided against it (they are tied). Jamie himself is this stalwart little believer who fights for light and hope and refuses to stop believing in goodness. They all have a battle with darkness and all win. We see their personalities! They’re great. They all have names too, even the ones that don’t have them said in dialogue. 
6. Baby Tooth
Shes so sassy I love her. I like the fan theory of her being Jack’s sister, or at least somewhat related to her. It’s fun. She’s incredibly passionate and such a fun character in this story. 
5. Bunnymund
He’s a grumpy dork with a heart of gold. I really like how they made him this gruff and badass guy who is nurturing and proud of making pretty and delicate things. It’s such a wonderful angle for a ‘gruff and rugged’ male character. He also looks up to and respects Tooth, the Smurfette (ugh) of the movie, and it’s truly one of my favorite ways this movie subverts common tropes I see in movies all the time. He’s a dork. I love him. 
4. North 
#1 dad of the year (and all years since 2012) without ever actually (technically) becoming a dad or a father figure to anyone. I adore this version of Santa. In a lot of Christmas/santa movies there is this… emptiness that I see. Because they aren’t given a reason as why they are Santa. Why did they deliver presents? Why do they care? With North, the why is answered: because he cares and loves the children of the world and wants to help protect their wonder. I think North, Klaus (2019), and L. Frank Blaum’s Santa are probably the best examples of a good Santa. (Tim Allen’s the worst. The beef I had with that man as a seven year old was insane.) They are all properly shown to why they do what they do and how important it is to them. I love how they made him crazy and sincere and caring and badass. The way he immediately steps up and becomes a mentor towards Jack is just ahshdiifska
3. Sandy
He’s such a cutie patootie. He would beat anyone up at the slightest opportunity to. I love him. I do wish he got more screen time. He could’ve came back when Jamie touched the dreamsand for the first time, or “died” later in the movie. I love how he’s characterized. The jumbled ‘words’ when he gets excited, the playfulness and gentleness. I think he’s neat and I do blame him for my insomnia. 
2. Tooth
I love her! She’s so badass and cool and awesome! I love her character design! It’s so fun and unique (although it would not hurt if they actually committed to her being Asian - there was an edit of what she would look like with darker skin and oml she looked so gorgeous). She’s kind and sweet and a bit of a manic pixie dream girl but then punches people and tears her enemies apart with her wings!!! (Unpopular opinion here but I genuinely love that she uses her wings to fight that is so cool - much cooler than a sword - I like that she is the brawler. Yes punch him!) She’s also unabashedly weird I just love that she gets so excited about teeth of all things. The sweet moment of her realizing that being out ‘in the field’ is what she’s been missing is just so great. She does tend to get ignored within the movie and the fandom, which sucks bc she’s such a great character, and she’s the only female character so it’s a big yikes (although the books nearly ignore her completely. She does like two things across the whole series) I may or may not have the tiniest crush on her. 
I may or may not have based my entire personality around this little shit. He is ultimate Blorbo. He’s sensitive and annoying but genuinely cares and loves what he does. I love how resilient he is as a character (if I was in his position I’d go crazy) and how he’s just so genuine about what he cares about. His character arc was super relatable (where’s that interview Ramsey did where he said autistic kids related heavily to Jack?) and I just adore this version of Jack Frost. I love how even from the beginning, we see who he is- a fun loving guy who loves what he does. He genuinely cares about the children and wants to make them happy and loves his role in the world as winter. He’s such a goofy little guy I love him. 
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔰 - 𝔠𝔥.10 - 𝔪𝔲𝔩𝔱𝔦-𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10 : 𝔨*𝔩𝔩 𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔢𝔫𝔰
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𝔠𝔥.9 🌕 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱 🌕 𝔠𝔥.11
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Chan and Minho walked together through the academy, making their way to the room where they were meeting all of the other boys. 
“This is fucking stupid,” Minho complained. “Yuqi was coming to my room but you went and fucked that all up.”
“Knock it off,” Chan ordered. “I guarantee she’ll still be waiting on you when we get done with this shit. That girl is obsessed with you, she’d wait all day for you if you told her to.”
“If she’s not, I’m gonna be even more pissed and there will be hell to pay,” Minho threatened.
Chan stopped walking, turning to face Minho, “are you threatening me?” he growled.
Minho smiled, smoothing Chan’s shirt out with his hands, “of course I’m not threatening you. I’m not that stupid. You’re the alpha and I fully know and understand my role. Remember Mr Bang, I’m not new to all of this.”
Chan continued to stare, coldly, analyzing Minho’s explanation. A slight smile grew on his face before speaking. “As long as you understand the pecking order, I’ll let your behavior slide this time.”
“Oh,” Minho smiled, widely, “so are you saying I can skip this meeting?”
“Absolutely not,” Chan stated. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Minho groaned but ultimately followed Chan into the room.
“Finally,” Jungwon said to the two entering the room.
“It’s about time you decide to grace us with your presence,” Sunghoon snarled, rolling his eyes.
“This better be important,” Minho snarled, “I have important shit I’m skipping.”
“Important wolf business?” Younghoon chimed in, with a smile on his face. “Like what? Killing some chickens?”
Sangyeon smacked Younghoon’s arm but didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to say anything in order for Younghoon to know what he wanted. Sangyeon didn’t mess around and Younghoon didn’t want to mess with him. Younghoon’s smile dropped from his face and a snarl appeared as he didn’t dare to say another word.
“Kill chickens?” Minho repeated, disgusted. “How fucking stupid are you that you think I spend my time killing chickens?”
“Minho,” Chan stated, causing him to stop talking about the chickens.
“I was gonna get laid,” Minho bragged. 
“Awww you were finally gonna break your cherry,” Yeonjun teased.
“Yeonjun,” Taehyun said, hoping it would shut him down.
“What I do?” Yeonjun asked.
“Knock it off,” Taehyun ordered.
“Why?” Yeonjun asked.
“So why are we here?” Chan asked, interrupting their little spat.
“Ok,” Jungwon sighed. “Getting right to the business, I see.”
“Well I’m not here for a slumber party,” Chan smiled.
Jungwon smiled in return, “take a seat and we’ll get started.”
Chan and Minho sat next to each other at the table where all of the others were already sitting.
“What’s this about?” Chan asked, bluntly. “Did my boys do something?”
“No, for once it’s not about the wolves,” Taehyun stated.
“It’s about the human,” Jungwon interrupted.
“Yea ‘the human’,” Sunghoon laughed.
Chan cocked his head at Jungwon and Sunghoon, “are you two implying that she isn’t human?” he asked.
“Not entirely,” Taehyun said.
“This isn’t make any sense,” Chan grunted.
“Have you ever heard of the First Family?” Jungwon wondered.
“Yea kind of,” Chan nodded.
“OK well…” Jungwon started.
“What the hell is the first family?” Minho interrupted.
Sunghoon laughed, “I figured ignorant wolves wouldn’t know anything.”
“SUNGHOON, enough,” Jungwon snarled, causing his companion to pout a little.
“The ‘First Family’ are the first vampires ever created,” Taehyun explained. 
“Ok and what does that have to do with anything?” Chan asked.
“The legend states that the family was a normal viking family and they were living their lives as they did in that time, just trying to exist. They lived in a colony where men lived that had the ability to transform into wild beast creatures under the full moon,” Taehyun continued explaining.
“Werewolves,” Chan sighed.
“Exactly,” Taehyun smiled. “The matriarch of the family was a powerful witch who dabbled in the black arts. She loved her family very much and would do anything to protect them. Under the one full moon, one of her sons snuck out and was killed by one of the beasts and this traumatized her. She vowed none of her other children would ever succumb to the same fate. And so she created the first vampires.”
“One of the children wasn’t the same as the others. The legend says that the mother had an affair and the one son ultimately had a different father than the other children. His father had the ability to transform into a beast,” Jungwon explained.
“A hybrid,” Chan gasped.
“Yes, a hybrid,” Taehyun smiled again. 
“This story time is fun and all but can we get to the point,” Minho snarled.
Chan elbowed Minho in the side, telling him to shut up without actually saying the words.
“When they noticed that the boy wasn’t the same as the others, the mother put a curse on him, preventing him from invoking the werewolf side. However, over the years to come he figured out how to break that curse and now he’s a full blown hybrid, a truly immortal creature. He cannot be killed,” Taehyun explained.
“And?” Chan asked.
“There are rumors going around between the witches that say that the hybrid had a child with a witch, a miracle baby if you will,” Taehyun stated.
“A tribrid?” Chan gasped.
“Precisely,” Taehyun nodded. “She’d be a mix between Vampire, Wolf, and Witch.”
“She?” Minho asked. “Don’t fucking tell me.”
“Y/N is the tribrid,” Sangyeon stated.
“Well we’re not entirely sure of that,” Taehyun corrected. 
“Ok so what now?” Chan asked.
“We need to find out for sure,” Jungwon grunted.
“How?” Chan wondered.
“There’s a lot that doesn’t make sense,” Taehyun started. “I can’t seem to figure out, if she’s all of these things, why can’t I sense any of it.”
“But she’s definitely something,” Yeonjun stated. “A regular human doesn’t possess any of the abilities she has been showing.”
“I think you all might be grasping at straws here,” Minho grunted.
“Yea I thought the same thing,” Sunghoon nodded. “Have you seen that bitch? You would think if she was that special she would be a hell of a lot hotter.”
Jungwon shook his head in disgust, “we all gotta continue finding out as much as we can and figure out who or what she actually is.”
“But I don’t understand,” Chan sighed. “Why is it that important?”
“I had a vision,” Taehyun stated, noticing Yeonjun looking down at his silver bracelet he had on his wrist. “And let’s just say if she is what we think she might be, things could end very badly for all of us.”
Yeonjun leaned over to Taehyun and whispered, “she pushed her bracelet. She needs me.”
Taehyun closed his eyes for a few seconds and whispered, “she’s in our library.”
“I’ll catch up with you later,” Yeonjun said, standing up.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Younghoon asked.
“I uh I…” Yeonjun stuttered looking around at everyone currently staring at him. “I gotta shit like right now.”
Yeonjun didn’t wait for a response, he ran out of the room, leaving everyone behind to continue their course of action.
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Y/N was sitting at a table, working on homework, alone, when Heeseung entered the library.
“Funny meeting you here,” he smirked.
“Is it really?” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Something tells me that you knew I was here.”
“You’re starting to get a little more outspoken,” Heeseung stated, appearing in the seat next to her.
“What do you want, Heeseung?” she asked.
“I figured we could use some alone time,” Heeseung smiled, seductively placing a strand of Y/N’s hair behind her ear.
“I don’t want alone time with you, I want to do my homework,” Y/N stated.
“Is that because you don’t like how I make you feel?” Heeseung whispered into Y/N’s ear, sending shivers throughout her body.
“Stop that,” Y/N ordered.
Heeseung's smile turned into rage as he grabbed Y/N by the neck. Before her knew what was happening Heeseung had her pinned up against the wall, gripping her neck tightly, making it hard for her to breathe.
“Heeseung,” she managed to get out. “You’re hurting me.”
Heeseung smirked, “and you like it.”
He let go of her neck bringing her arms above her head, holding them still.
“Ooooh we have company,” Heeseung smirked, before flipping her over so his back was against the wall and Y/N’s body was against his. He grabbed her head, forcing her to kiss him.
The door to the library flew open and Yeonjun entered.
“What the fuck,” Yeonjun snarled.
“Oh my,” Heeseung smiled, releasing Y/N. “What are you doing here?”
“What the fuck is going on?” Yeonjun snapped.
“Yeonjun,” Y/N gasped. 
“Why would you bring me here for this?” Yeonjun snarled.
“I didn’t,” Y/N said. “But I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I think she wants you to join in,” Heeseung announced.
“You’re fucked up, you know that?” Yeonjun snarled, storming out of the library. 
“Please don’t go,” Y/N begged.
Yeonjun ignored her pleas and continued to leave the room. He was extremely angry but didn’t understand why. This was all a game to him anyways so why was he actually bothered?
“What the fuck did you do?” Y/N yelled.
“He was getting in our way,” Heeseung smirked. “I want you all to myself.”
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𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔳 🌕 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 🌕 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱
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𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫
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ellethespaceunicorn · 3 months
WIP Sunday
I was tagged by my loves @viking-raider, @littlefreya, and @navybrat817 to share some WIPs and I've been working on a couple things so let's talk about them. These are both from entries to my Sweet Treats Event.
First up, a little snippet from a Lloyd Hansen x Reader:
Your heels click and clack across the stone-paved driveway as you walk to the front door. Noticing the doorbell camera to the right of the entrance, you press it and wait. 
You weren’t expecting to hear a woman’s voice.
“Mr. Hansen will be with you shortly. Please, do come in and make yourself comfortable in the lounge to the left,” she says in an eerily chipper voice.
Before you can respond, you hear the metallic click of the door unlocking. Swallowing your uncertainty, you turn the ornate handle and open the door. 
This one is gonna be on the darker side. I mean, it is Lloyd, after all.
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Lastly, a spicy little paragraph from Jake Jensen x Reader:
He knows your body like no other, so he isn’t surprised when your breathing quickens. He anticipates you moaning into the kiss, pulling away so he can hear your sweet noises fully. His leaky red tip drips on your hip as your legs wrap around him. Your heels digging into Jake’s ass only spurs him on more to bring you over the edge.
This one is just pure smut and I really enjoyed writing it.
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Not quite sure who to tag since I've put this off for like a week. Open tags ;)
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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theexaltedbride · 1 year
Dead Island 2 Slayers X National Guard Reader (Gender Neutral) (Part 2!)
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(Once again, art is not mine, but taken from the old TTRPG “All Flesh Must Be Eaten”, forgive me if its a crappy crop. AFMBE is a pretty good and highly modular game if you want to get your zombie fix on with some dicegames. I would also recommend the other games by Eden Studios, like Conspiracy X, Armageddon, and Witchcraft. Not enough people out there give Unisystem a try.)
-When it comes to running PT around the manor, or around the block that has been cleared out, Amy always runs past you like its nothing and sometimes playfully swats you on the butt just to help motivate you to move it.
-She sometimes says that after they all get out of this, she might start looking into helping out with physical therapy and exercises for wounded vets with prosthetics. Give something back to the community, but she’s doing it after she wins the gold at the Paralympics and kisses you on camera of course.
-When you go to visit Patton, Amy likes to tag along. She may not know what kind of pain he feels as a soldier, but she perfectly understands what he suffered through his injury and how he must have felt when given looks by people who saw his face. It was the same kind of looks that Amy got for her prosthetic leg. She sees that you like to check in on Patton and wants to be part of it, as her way of telling you that if you were ever hurt like that, or lost a limb like she did, then she would still love you no matter what.
-Amy has seen the way you sometimes have trouble fighting zombie soldiers, and has tried to help you through it by opening up a little about how she hates learning the names of the more recently infected, because its so much easier to put them down when you think of them as just monsters. She understands what bothers you, and she is there for you.
-After plenty of gun drills out in the hills (totally not an excuse to have a secret picnic alone together...well not all the time), you’ve both decided that a pistol is the best kind of Gun for Amy. Something lightweight she can fire one handed while on the run and keeping ahead of the undead.
-Whenever he sees you loading up on weapons or equipment it’s going to be a tossup between a John Wick or John Rambo joke.
-In a sparring match you got a bit too into it and punched Bruno so hard it knocked him down, he played it up more while asking if you could kiss it better.
-Once in bed asked you to talk to him in a more dominant and commanding way, giving him orders. 
-When you’ve tried to determine what gun was best for Bruno, he insisted on trying out a shotgun, only to immediately get knocked onto his ass by the recoil. He had a bruise for a few days, but it was the bruise to his ego which stung the most. This soon cleared up when you figured out a single shot sports rifle with the same caliber rounds as your own, was better for Bruno rather than Semi-automatic or Full-automatic. This way you could both share the same ammunition, but Bruno could actually take his time to hit the Zeds. Anything else seemed to make him too trigger happy. 
-Once you figured out Bruno kind of wanted to impress Mr. Curtis (because he was his Grandpa’s favorite actor) you helped Bruno get some target shooting in so that the next time Curtis had any shooting competitions at the mansion, Bruno just might be able to impress him. 
-Similar to Bruno, Carla will sometimes compare you to Hicks or Vazques from Aliens when she sees you loading up, and will throw some quotes your way.
-The scratches you both leave on each other during sparring sessions lead to a lot of jokes that you’re straight up having wild Viking sex rather than training. Carla just jokes back that if you can survive either one with her then nothing will kill you.
-You were genuinely impressed at seeing Carla pick up an M-249 SAW like it was nothing. She loved the look on your face as she just unloaded it into a horde of Zeds coming at you. Sure, most of her shots completely missed or only maimed the zombies, but that still doesn’t change the fact that you will never forget that moment. 
-As a special gift to you, Carla’s personal project is to pick out one of the military vehicles lying around that is best suited for both fighting and transporting people, and tricking it out to handle moving through the zombie infested streets. She’s gonna make it look like something out of Dawn of the Dead or Mad Max. As tribute to you, she’s naming it the “(Your Name) 2″. Since she’s not up to date on what vehicle does what, she’s constantly asking you about them.
-Carla liked her own style, but after finding out from you just how many different pockets military and tactical pants have she’s started to adopt them as part of her wardrobe and loves all the extra space she has for holding her tools and snacks and whatever the hell else she wants to carry with her in the zombie apocalypse. Pockets rule!
-Dani regularly helps you cut and style your hair properly so you can keep it regulation standard. She find it boring and would love to go crazy with your hair. But since you want it that way, and it relaxes you to keep some uniformity to your look, she tries to keep complaints to the minimum (but insists on getting to go all out with your hair once you both leave Hell-A and your time with the Guard is over).
-Despite not being one for guns, Dani took to them like a fish to water. She passed all the tests you devised for the group with flying colors (matched only by Sam B whose had plenty of experience by now). She prefers sticking to smaller calibers with pistols and submachine guns. You even went so far as to teach Dani a few little tricks, such as how to properly move and clear a room without bumping into someone else, and communicating with gestures and touches. Shoulder touching is normally a way of communicating between soldiers among a fire team to let them know you are nearby and ready, but between you and Dani it has also taken on a more...intimate meaning as well.
-Since Dani loves to swear now and gain you’ve taken to teaching her some military swears and fun acronyms like SNAFU (Situation Normal All Fucked Up), RDS (Real Deep Shit), and Blue Falcon (Buddy Fucker IE: Backstabber / double-crosser.).
-She sometimes jokes about taking the riot gear off of a riot zombie and wearing it so that she and you can look like a properly armored pair of warrior lovers. But she likes being able to maneuver around zombies and the armor would just cramp her style.  
-Started affectionately calling you the “GI of My Eye.”, even after someone joked that it sounded more like a reference to an eye infection than something sweet (to which she punched them square in the shoulder for it).
-He’s normally pretty anti-authoritarian and anti-establishment, but didn’t take too kindly to Rikky Rex shit talking you in your uniform and making Vietnam War comparisons. Rikky doesn’t know you and doesn’t know what you’ve been through to save people in Hell-A while he and his gang of drunks were partying it up in Beverly Hills. It wasn’t so much an argument on your behalf, as Rikky is way too drunk to hold a coherent thought, but it was kind of nice to see Jacob stand up for you personally even if there are things he doesn’t agree with about your service and to whom you swore an oath to. 
-You and Jacob are starting to develop a Legolas and Gimli style competition over who can stack the most Zeds per mission. You both lie to try and make it sound like the other person got more kills.
-Jacob is trying to find a sleeveless vest with a camo pattern that matches your own, no luck yet but he’ll keep looking.
-You tried to get Jacob to do some gun practice with you, but he honestly swears it off and is happy to stick with clubs and hammers. He says you can pick off the zeds from a distance while he crushes the ones that get through, teamwork.
-Jacob would love to introduce you to his mother, especially if you would show up in your dress uniform, his mother has always been telling him to meet someone nice and respectable outside of the Stunt actor business. 
-You and Ryan had a bonding experience over sharing an MRE together. He was surprised it wasn’t total garbage. It wasn’t good, but at least it was somewhat edible, and he especially loved finding that they sometimes come with sweets.
-You once caught him wearing your helmet and vest and admiring himself in a  mirror while trying out some lines as if he were an actor. You joked to him that if he really wants to admire himself like that in private you could clean up an extra uniform and gear for him to use, but to not use yours since you need them.
-Ryan sometimes leaves little things in your helmet when you are going to be separated for missions and he knows about it in advance. This could range from sweets, to notes, to even once an old photo of him mid dance during his previous career. 
-You’ve both been practicing how to carry another person if they are injured, that’s totally why you are constantly grabbing each other. No ulterior motive at all. It’s just professionalism, even though Ryan isn’t a real First Responder. (Do you think the other Slayers bought it?)
-He has sometimes wondered what he’d look like with a more military high and tight haircut, but just can’t give up his current hairstyle. He even jokes to you that it was a good thing he had a fireman’s costume on hand, or else he never would have been able to bluff his way past the security checkpoint if he had to pretend to be a soldier.
All Purpose Headcanons:
-Once it finally gets through the heads of everyone else that you have a day job besides being in the Guard, they started coming at you with all sorts of questions about what you do and why you chose to give up part of your time off and work days doing training and other work with the National Guard. They were kind of disappointed that your answers were pretty mundane.
-When your slayer lover was thrown into the sewer pit by the Numen, the only reason you didn’t immediately try to jump in and save them was because you tried to stab the nearest Numen who was in your way, only for them to block your hits. Despite being untrained, the Numen named ‘Thurston’ was able to match your movements with frightening speed, using the barrel of his own rifle to block all your bayonet jabs and swipes, before the one called Cadenza grabbed the barrel of your rifle and bent it like a toy. Together the two of them kicked you square in the chest and send you tumbling down into the same pit as your lover.
You landed on the ground with such force it knocked the wind out of you, but before the zombies could overwhelm you your Slayer Lover jumped in, crushing the skulls of the zeds with ease, kicking them so hard they splattered against walls. Even in your lover’s frenzied state, they recognized you and knew the danger you were in, and would not allow any harm to come to you.
-When your own Numen abilities began to manifest beyond just a general boost to your body and rapid regeneration, you found that your experience as a soldier, taking orders and sometimes giving them, has influenced your powers. When you try hard enough, you can start to command the weaker autophage infected and use them like puppets to attack other infected. It is draining, gives you a real migraine, and feels...dirty when you do it. But it has been a lifesaver for the group on a few occasions so it remains a trick you can pull out when needed. You can’t do more than a dozen infected at a single time, but the more you practice, the better you get at controlling them. 
You’re also beginning to suspect that the Numen called ‘Konradt’ might have a similar power to you. Unlike her, you only use this power when necessary, while you have a sneaking suspicion that she uses it to spy on you and the Slayers.
-Your Slayer lover kept trying to throw grenades like they were baseballs and it took you a while to teach them to properly lob it overhead. Luckily there are plenty of Zeds to practice with.
-Thankfully you haven’t had to fight too many other survivors, the uniform and six other survivors at your back is enough to intimidate most raiders, but a few times now its had to happen, at least when it does you can fall back on the training.
-As dangerous and downright terrifying as it is to go out at night, sometimes you have no choice, a mission needs to be done or you need the cover of darkness to help you get somewhere far from the mansion. For moments like these you are sadly one of the better options for a moonlight run. You have yet to find any proper night vision goggles, so you have no choice but to rely on moonlight, random streetlights, or your own flashlights to get across Hell-A. Since you’re the one with an understanding of light discipline, and regularly wears camo to blend in, you are normally chosen to go out at night. Though your Slayer Lover always wants to go with you since its dangerous at night. 
-You have some small experience with CBRN and other Hazmat training, not a lot but you and the others were given a quick refresher before being sent to LA to fight the infection, so you tend to be the one helping cleanup after any major fights near a safezone. Surprisingly, Andrea is pretty good at cleaning up those messes as well. The group also tends to depend on you to clear the way whenever you encounter that caustic slime the government was using to melt down infected bodies and neutralize the virus. 
-The worst encounter you’ve had so far has been in finding infected version of soldiers and guards that you knew from before. Whatever they once were is gone now, and you struggled to pull the trigger, the Slayers helped you, they told you to just look away while they did the dirty work. There were no jokes, no quips, just fast and efficient Slaying. Afterwards, your lover refused to leave your side until they were sure you were okay, and only after you asked them to give you some space.
-The best memory so far is when you (thanks to Carla’s mechanic experience) managed to get a Humvee working and proceeded to drive it up and down the beach, giving everyone else a turn on the .50 call in the turret, while mowing down zombies left and right. You even plowed through a few smaller swarms before you slammed into a Crusher and had to bail out while it was trying to flip the vehicle. Next time you are gonna try to do it again with an MRAP. Though honestly you should get one of those working in order to safely evacuate multiple civilians at once if you ever need it.
-Since you already have some bayonet training and experience you’re starting to get good at using spears and polearms and other similar two-handed stabbing weapons.
-Sometimes when you and Patton hang out, you both slip into a lot of military jargon and three letter acronyms or slang that leaves the rest of the group completely lost. Its fun to see the utter confusion on their faces.
-You’ve had to borrow extra uniforms off of the ‘fresher’ undead and give them a thorough cleaning so you have more than one set to use throughout the week. The others have suggested just switching to normal clothes, but you can’t. This is who you are and its who you will present yourself as, especially given how many times people have looked hopeful when you and the Slayers come to the rescue.
-Sometimes you listen to Civil Defense frequencies on the radios, or over scavenged military comms and some of the reports you hear are strange. Those earthquakes that screwed up the evacuation almost felt targeted, rather than just a case of nature being cruel. Down in one of the spare rooms you are slowly putting the pieces together with a web of intrigue on a wall. The others aren’t sure they buy your theory...but you think the Earthquakes and all that slime everywhere is not natural, its something eldritch, lovecraftian even. Luciana is the only one who is into this, but you need more proof. Which might mean dealing with the Eschaton group at some point.
When you have enough proof, you’re going to send it back to the DOD, CDC, Every single Alphabet Agency and news agency, so that the world can be prepared for what is to come. You just need to be able to prove it. This might be the only chance we have to stop humanity from dying, all the lives lost, all the pain endured, it has to be worth it in the end.
Bonus: Bruno’s playlist for you.
Some of the songs Bruno has put together which remind him of you or he likes to listen when out with you.
-The Offspring “Dividing By Zero/Slim Pickens”.
-Neo Fresco “Sublimation”.
-Battlefield 3 “Steel On Target”.
-Sons of Pythagoras  “Counting The Cost”.
-Imagine Dragons “Friction”.
-Nine Inch Nails  “The Good Soldier”.
-Invocation Array “The Machine in the Ghost”.
-Jefferson Airplane  “White Rabbit”.
-Disturbed “The Curse”.
-Disturbed  “The Infection”.
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gerec · 2 years
Hi! I have always adored your rec. Do you have cherik period fic rec? :) thank you <3
Anon if you're still hanging around (and I hope you are), I have some wonderful period fic recs for you! This fandom has an abundance of great aus, and it's pretty impossible to rec them all on one list. I'll do my best to give you a good mix of different periods and hope you find something there to enjoy :D
Here is a post that has a number of great fandom classics! (sorry a couple might have been removed from ao3 but most are still there) terrible with the brightness of gold by brawlingdiscontent
The war is lost.
With the futures of his people and his children at stake, former Crown consort Charles of Normandy awaits the arrival of England's new master, the fearsome Viking warrior, Erik Lehnsherr. (Inspired by 11th century historical events)
First Impressions by sirona
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a spouse -- or the nearest set of curtains to hide behind, if you were to believe Mr Charles Xavier. Little does he know that he himself will soon put test to that very truth.
let's pretend I'm holding your hand by primetime
"Shaw is King, Charles is his royal consort and Erik is a Knight/Lord. Shaw is sterile but his kingdom can't find out, so he asks Erik to impregnate Charles. He doesn't know Erik and Charles are in love. Regency AU."
Roses & Cinnamon by TurtleTotem
Charles Xavier lost more than his leg in the war with Napoleon, and the man he's just pulled out of the water has ghosts of his own -- especially when Charles's involuntary projected hallucinations prove catching. Raven, meanwhile, faces the choice of whether to marry respectably or run away with a carnival fortune-teller.
Pride & Prejudice - Rip it from my hands by Synekdokee
“Say you forgive me,” Erik whispered, his breath warm against the skin of Charles’ neck.
Charles stood quietly by the window, looking past their reflections out into the yard.
“You made your feelings quite clear,” he said, stepping away from Erik.
Erik grasped his wrist hard, refusing to let Charles walk away.
All the King's Man by Pookaseraph
In an effort to get out from under the thumb of his step-father, Charles chooses to become a courtesan for several minor nobles in King Erik's court. It is not long before he attracts the eye of the young king, and the Cardinal who holds the young king's ear. Charles spends months working to secure his place as King Erik's favorite and to regain his father's title of Merchant Prince. Charles hopes to disprove the old adage that once you enter the king's bed, you have nowhere to go but down.
The Marriage Bargain by kianspo
Erik Lehnsherr had made a fortune manufacturing steel in Europe. When he wished to expand to the New World, he discovered that no one would do business with him unless he was affiliated with one of the First Families, the creme de la creme of the NW aristocracy. When Lord Marko holds an auction to give away his 14-year-old stepson's hand in marriage, Erik sees his chance and takes it. He has no interest in Charles himself, but now that he has him, can they make it work?
A September as Sunny as Spring by Black_Betty, ikeracity, keire_ke
Charles Xavier was part of a famous vaudeville act before an accident cost him his career and his ability to walk. He's pulled together a new life as a musician in Hollywood, but is finding it difficult to navigate his feelings for his old friend and partner, Erik Lehnsherr, the most sought after matinee idol of their generation.
Famous film duo Frost and Lehnsherr are two of the most well-known and admired mutants in the public eye, having built their fame and fortune on silent film blockbusters.When the rise of the new "talking pictures" phenomenon threatens all their careers, they must band together to try to prove that their days of stardom are far from over.
And a couple by me for your consideration:
The Master of Charlton Park by Gerec
On the brink of losing his ancestral home, omega Charles Xavier agreed to do the unthinkable; he would sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of his family, and bear a child for a married alpha and his mate.
But Charles never expected that alpha to be Erik Lehnsherr, with whom he shared an impossible love and undeniable passion.
All of You and All of Me by Gerec
Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto is King of Genosha, forty-three and the veteran of countless wars against the British Empire.
Charles Xavier is his new husband, in a marriage arranged by the King of England as part of the peace treaty between their two kingdoms.
Logan Howlett is Charles' long time friend and bodyguard, in a secret love affair with the married Prince Consort.
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