#I'm thinking about this too much next thing i know I'll be making a kingdom au;;;;))
satubby · 3 days
[Once upon a dream: Where you were happy]
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As once in the dream, where you forgot your memories by my side, I will still be waiting for you, so please just don't forget who you were … My precious daughter of man - Malleus Draconia
[Disclaimer: This may contain errors so I'm sorry if they bother you or confuse you when reading. I didn't think this would be so long, I will finish part 3 in a few weeks. Thanks for your support, credits to the fanart I use, if I find their artists I'll post them.]
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Morning was rising outside but the curtains cast shadows in your room, then the doors opened and the maids came into your room, they were all making as much noise as ever, you sigh exhaustedly refusing to look at them. "Come on princess, get up, today is your 16th birthday" One of them said, pulling you out of bed.
"I'm coming, I'm coming... It's too early for this" You sigh, getting up and heading to the powder room, you swallowed your bitterness smiling like the 'worthy and pretty princess' you were, then the maids. did their job starting to comb your hair. Your gaze was distant and you constantly clutched your dress, you were beautiful yes, but you honestly didn't care.
"Ouch, damn it" You whisper, feeling their eyes constantly on the back of your head. 
"Watch your mouth princess" murmured one, they continued brushing your hair and making you presentable, they always made sure you looked good. As you sat there, the doors opened again and a tall figure walked in. It was the housekeeper serving the queen, she entered haughty and powerful, all the maids in your service began to murmur. "Please hurry princess, you wouldn't want to embarrass the emperor and empress, would you?" 
You almost wanted to wring his neck but you knew better than to do stupid things. So you stood up without paying attention to his 'reprimand' and bowed your body politely, bowing your head as well, after all, you were a princess without any power.
 "Yes, thank you for letting me know...I assure you I only wish the best for the kingdom and the imperial family" She looks you with that very, very stiff and bitter face. After that incident like every morning, you moved towards the emperor's castle because you lived in the empress castle, farther than any other room, you used to live in the basement where they put weapons and old stuff but it was something. 
Walking down the hall, your arrival is announced, with trumpets and a red carpet. You know they're just pretending, no one gives a shit if you got in or not.
"ATTENTION!!! THIS IS THE INCOMING HEIR PRINCESS!" closing your eyes you enter with dignity as you were taught, you felt the pressure on your being before those judging eyes of the pompous nobles, so you tried not to look bad. Some looked at you with barely concealed disgust, others simply didn't look at you and the rest whispered like silly little birds cackling incessantly amidst rumors and gossip. 
Your strides echoed with the sound of the floor as you walked towards the rulers of this place you hated to call home; the looks they gave you were either filled with disgust or filled with envy as they stepped aside to make way for you. The hall in front of you slowly filled with people after you walked away and approached the throne on the platform. 
The emperor was sitting upright on his throne, next to him was the empress, looking majestic and presumptuous, as always. The empress smiled slightly as you knelt before them, both extended their hands waiting for a kiss from you, most of all it was the woman before you who gave you that silent command.
The empress stroked your hair with false kindness when you complied with her order, still with her smile on her face she continued to enjoy your humiliation, it disgusted you to look like a mere dog... And the emperor didn't even do anything, he never really cared about you. 
"Happy sixteenth birthday my dear.... Now I hope you won't do anything to make us sad; or would you like to see her highness disappointed?" Her lips brushed your lobe warning you with sincere malice, then she walked away from you smiling as if nothing had happened, you didn't even react, you knew what she wanted, you wouldn't give her that.
"Thank you for- Your worries, your highness and beloved emperor.... I wish you good vibes and I hope you live long!" With those words, you forced a forced smile swallowing your little pride and the bile in your throat felt bitter. You sincerely praised yourself, since you were good at acting, you had to do it if you wanted to survive. 
Again the emperor looked at you without interest and gave you permission to leave, so you did and like every year, you were alone on your birthday, the gifts were not really for you, much less was this party... And honestly you had long ago stopped giving it importance. 
Once he gave you permission to leave, you could leave the throne room and get away from this heavy atmosphere that only made you feel sick and want to vomit because of so much hypocrisy in the air. Although before you managed to get out of sight you could hear the nobles start whispering and gossiping behind your back. 
They were noisy, much louder than a rooster would be at morning crowing time, but what could you do? Nothing and just thinking about them gave you headaches. You continue down the halls, with a couple of maids walking behind you who don't care for you either. They never really liked you, so they just followed you as their job ordered, even you wouldn't want to be with yourself, you were a bitter mess. 
"Please leave me alone, okay? I need air" You turned around stopping at the entrance towards a balcony. They look at you confused but they care so little about you that they better bow and leave, you on the other hand headed for the nearby balcony, stretching your legs and leaning your body against the marble railing.
Looking down at the ground, you let out sighs and snorts, then unleash your usual attitude of resignation and rebellion, only being alone you can say or do the little you can, the little freedom you had.  
 "Fuck those fucking nobles, I didn't even want to come— Fucking loudmouths, they're just vultures hoping I'm wrong, honestly... GO TO THE FUCK THEM ALL!! That fucking housekeeper, the emperor and the fucking empress!.... Anyway, I hope this day ends soon"
You let your head fall on your shoulders, looking resigned to your situation, you were sick of following these stupid rules. A lady doesn't do this, a lady doesn't do that— You are at your limit and yet you can only complain to yourself or suffer your punishments. 
Your eyes unconsciously looked at parts of your body, you bit your lips in frustration.... Those scars still hurt, but you had to bear them because that made you a princess- Although honestly you always had that doubt, Did princesses really do that? In your stories it was something else. But laughing, remind yourself that they are just that, stories annnnd, since you were a child you didn't know who you were before coming here, you were always told what to say or do, as you were foolish and naive, you blindly followed in fear of that damned bitch of an empress. 
You were the puppet in her theatrical play, used and punished if something didn't go her way. Sometimes you wanted to kill her, but you'd rather keep your neck in your body. No one would help a dirty blood like you, a stupid girl with no connection or power whatsoever plus your stupid insignificant elven powers weren't even strong you could only heal scrapes or make little lights because according to rumors; your dead mother wasn't a complete elf. 
"These heels burn so much, maybe I should throw them away... But that damn woman will punish me if I do. It's a real shame my birthday sucks and the weather is so nice, which is ironic because I'm a mess."
You drop your body onto a nearby table, playing with your fingers, you didn't know at what point you started to fall asleep. 
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While you were dozing on that table, lost in a kind of dream, you began to feel like you were floating in the air, reality became a dream and vice versa. At some point you opened your eyes in a strange place, it was all white and there was only you, but your body was shining, as if the stars had given you their remains to make you shine.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the giggling of a little girl, a very familiar one, that hair and tattered clothes were familiar even though you couldn't see her face. 
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"Hello? ... How strange, I swore I heard something-"
You scratched your eyes thinking you were still hallucinating. You had just fallen asleep and didn't know how you got here. 
"Haha... Nyum!"
There it was again, that childish giggle attracted you again, then turning towards where it came from, you saw a completely white silhouette standing in the middle of the void. 
"Hey girl, what are we doing in this place and-? Wait!" You exclaimed starting to follow her, as she started to run, the emptiness started to change. 
The more you ran, the more it changed, the ground felt soft as you now stepped on clouds. Tall mirrors filled your vision like a maze, then again you heard the girl's giggle. 
"Haha! You can't catch me.."
Your eyes followed her silhouette in confusion, she was as energetic and elusive as... You, from childhood. You didn't know why, but you began to follow her, all these hallways of mirrors reflected both figures. 
"Girl don't run! Ugh, just tell me what this place is, fuck I just wanted to sleep and I ended up here!"
Sighing tired from so much running, you stop to rest, however something caught your attention; some mirrors were worn or broken, others simply had nothing to reflect. 
And the farther away you went the darker this place became, you two glowed as the darkness swallowed you. Then you see her entering a specific mirror, it was full of thorns and wilted roses, this place was silent, her giggling stopped being heard, slowly you went towards that mirror. 
"That girl- How strange, she took me all this way just to see this mirror?"
You whisper without understanding this strange dream, if it was one to begin with. 
So lost were you in your thoughts, that you don't even notice when your hand goes through the mirror and you are swallowed by it, unlike others, this mirror is dark as much as the the glass it was made of as its withered wooden frame. 
Screaming as you fall, you feel the air seep into your tresses shaking and making a mess of it, your dress suddenly changed as you landed in a brutish thump.
With pain in your body, you slowly got up spitting grass, that strange fall made you feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Slowly you could stand up on your own feet, you were without shoes which seemed strange but what did you expect? This dream is strange in itself. 
"I must stop getting so much in my head— come to think of it, where did that mirror take me?"
You turned around looking at your surroundings, however the girl glimpsed out of the corner of your eye again, laughing at you and making you angry. 
Now you felt like the empress every time you yelled at the silhouette. Fuck! Some habits stick with people. 
She kept running into the mist of this dark forest, with you following behind her, the branches on your feet and the wildlife of the place making you scrape, but it didn't matter. You wanted to know how to get out of this place. 
"Jijiji! I'm faster than you..." Whispered the brat, her silhouette running and when you finally came out of the dark forest, the light filled her eyes blinding you. When the effect passed, you stopped thinking for an instant, this whole place was magnificent and magical, but the girl was gone. 
In its place, the vast tulip field filled your view, in the middle of it and far away on the hill, lay a beautiful oak tree the size of the most pompous castle presumably held by royalty. 
Mesmerized by this magnificence, you walked down the hill, it was a few more meters but something guided you to the oak tree. The closer you got, you heard a deep and melancholic voice singing.
Its beautiful whistling caught your attention, the closer you got the better you saw someone's back and— That little girl sitting next to her. 
Never thought that you would be Standing here so close to me There's so much I feel that I should say But words can wait until some other day
Both were relaxing on a chair made of wood and flowers as a handle, the stranger kept singing; for some reason his voice gave you a familiar but pleasant peace, you didn't know why or how, but you keep watching them swinging. 
It's been a long, long time Haven't felt like this, my dear Since can't remember when It's been a long, long time You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you Or just how empty they all seem without you
The wind was blowing away the colorful petals of the field full of those tulips, you standing still in the tall grass, mesmerized by the whistling of that stranger, still looking at the girl, they seemed so comfortable with each other.
It's been a long, long time It's been a long, oh long time
And then that song stopped, breaking like a spell as well as your illusion, for just as the figure turned, his face could not be seen for he silenced you, causing thousands of tulips to cover your vision. 
"WAIT PLEASE! Who are you—" 
With an abrupt silence, you were left in the emptiness of before, broken glass halves scattered on the floor surrounded your feet, the girl was gone, only you and that hall of mirrors remained. 
Sighing, you pick up several pieces and your fragmented reflection looks back at you.
Your thoughts stop when you feel someone pull you out of that place and your eyes open as you feel the pain of a slap. Your eyes immediately went to those responsible for that: The maids in the service of the empress, who don't even look sorry for having done such a thing.
"Hey, you know you shouldn't sleep like that in public, you should be ashamed of yourself? What if the nobles gossip about you? hahahahaha." 
You clutched your reddish cheeks due to the hard slap, you growl silently wanting to do something but you just bit your lip in anger and swallowed it with 'dignity', which was the only thing you really had left; nothing belongs to you nor did anyone in this palace seem to take your position seriously.
You are just an ornament for the empress and a sack of potatoes for others to vent their frustrations. You had nowhere to go, if you left they would surely kill you, because the dirty blood should not live. 
"Please, couldn't you be less rude, Tsk! If you were seen slapping me, wouldn't you go unpunished? I'm still the emperor's daughter. It's frowned upon for a commoner to hit a noble, let alone royalty like me" You sneered with measured sarcasm, if they wanted to pull shit against you, you'd mess with them, it's all or nothing.
Your joke made them turn pale, the other maid behind gasped and took a step back. The one who slapped you swallowed as she quickly pulled herself together. They did not want the wrath of the empress if such rumors began to circulate, their necks, and perhaps yours, would roll. 
"You should be grateful princess because I have not yet reported your attitude to our noble empress, be good and we can forget about this incident" They said with a smile on their faces, the other nodded his head as the speaker held his face confidently, as if he had all the power in the situation, but his eyes reflected the fear and falsity of his words.
If they did that, they would pay more than you, a simple spanking would not be mere punishment for commoners like them, on the contrary for you, who you would be 'disciplined' for your indecency as a noble, 
However, you were interrupted by the empress's housekeeper (that damned boot-licking spy) She advanced towards you and all the maidens present bowed in fear, the two in front of you also trembled. 
"Now ladies don't make a fuss in the middle of the balconies and princess let's avoid making a fuss, please if you are not going to do anything at the party then go back to your room. As for you as maids, you have permission from the empress to discipline her, but don't overdo it..." She looked at you with cold condescension, as if she were superior. Biting your lips, you force a smile crumpling your dress in anger but swallow it all, smiling politely and standing up, wiping your dress and bowing.
 "Thank you, I will follow that sage advice, as you always know what to do, with your permission." Annoyed and frustrated once again, you left in anger and your footsteps echo loudly through the empty corridors of this place, listening to the maids laughing at you, as always.
Those damn maidservants, they always had something to say, didn't they? Laughing and talking behind your back every chance they got. Then there were those damn nobles, they were all the same, looking down on you. They always had something to comment on, whether it was your looks, your status or how you behaved. In the end you were just a trophy to them. A princess just to show off, nothing more.
Your thoughts were diverted by the sounds of the party, soon the second waltz would begin. But even if you were to go there, you would not be welcome, which is silly and ironic because this party is for you but no one actually congratulates you, the bitch empress steals every birthday you had, only to receive praise for her benevolence towards you... A bastard with dirty half elven blood.
 "Phew, at least this day is winding down." 
You sighed again as you vaguely thought about your dream, but you were more curious about that stranger, you didn't understand why he sent you back to reality, nor did you know why that girl led you there. In the end you walked down the hallway ignoring the lights and the drunks, it was like that every year, just nobles inflating their egos and gossiping behind each other's backs.
Hallways full of drunks were nothing new to you. Every year the parties ended the same as the others, with drunks and gossiping nobles. You couldn't wait for it to end, you always found it exhausting and annoying. Yet here you were, standing in the middle of the hallway with all these drunken fools around you... Surely there were some fucking and eating with lust around. 
"Hello princess!" 
A voice called out behind you, one you sadly recognized from all the years you had lived in the palace living with the nobles.
The stupid, disgusting son of Marquis Duboff, that dog rather than a man, always insisted on touching you and then complained when you refused. Snarling at fate, you tried to run away from him but he grabbed your hand and cornered you on the wall almost going out to the stairs. "Come on princess! Don't be like that, the other time I saw you flirting with other men, maybe the little slut can't help strutting around and wanting to fuck cock? You can't fool me, I know you like it—!" 
Drunk breath filled your nose, you wanted to vomit. His smell and everything about him disgusted you, so when he held your wrists, you kicked him in his private parts, you were irritated beyond belief.
"Tsk! When are you going to understand that I HATE YOU? You're a garbage existence, so.... If you'll excuse me, m-a-r-q-u-i-s!" With those words, you fixed your dress, you could be cheeky and follow orders for your own survival... However, you weren't going to play along with his games, that human excuse was a stubborn and pathetic being because you didn't want to call him a man when the vacancy was too big for him. 
This one knocked you down putting his hands in your hair, you in defense tried to shake him off but in the end between pulls, he knocked you down hitting you in the face and calling you an ungrateful bitch.
The blow threw you to the ground and to the side, sending you stumbling into a wall, you almost died if you fell badly down the stairs. You clutched your cheek as a groan of pain escaped you and, of course, the pathetic bastard was still standing there mockingly.
"You're not going anywhere princess, even though you act like an ungrateful bitch...I'm sure you'll soon come to your senses when you see that I can be gentle..." 
He sneered at you as he looked down at you from his elevated position holding an entire bottle of wine. His smile grew as he took a step closer to you, striding over and drinking. 
Then he started fighting you when you pushed him back wanting to leave, and he had the audacity to call you a spoiled brat, when IN YOUR LIFE! You've had some of that, anything you wanted was squashed and used as an excuse to make you less or crush your spirit. 
"STUPID BITCH!", you hear him yell as you poked his eye with your fingernails, in an attempt to stop him from taking your clothes off. He finally smashes the bottle on your head, making you blurry and blood dripping from your wound. 
You couldn't stand it any longer and you ran away crying, not out of sadness or helplessness (maybe it was that, but you would never say it out loud) but mostly it was rage, pure and undiluted. You felt pathetic, a fragile doll that broke for someone else's enjoyment.
"Fuck all of you... Ick! You guys are assholes" You clench your fists drawing blood from your wound with a torn piece of cloth from your now torn dress and head to your room, well, those fancy furnishings and decor really couldn't be called a room, it wasn't yours to begin with, just a guest room modified to mimic that of a room for royalty. 
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Still, you decided it was better to go to your old, dirty and abandoned 'room', which was just the basement where they kept junk and rusty weapons. As you enter, you close the door, dropping into a crouch and hugging your legs, enclosing your face in your dress breaking that elegant facade into sadness and anger. 
You were exhausted and tired, very tired of everything, of everyone. Running away from the damn marquis, from the empress, from the nobles. You just wanted to be free, to be happy and find a place to just... be, instead of being a princess forced to live in a damn box and be judged or belittled for every little action.
Sighing as you sat there in that dusty old room, tears streaming down your face as you hid in your dress, you continued to wander in your thoughts. You felt alone, cut off from anything good or happy in this damned place, if there was any happiness in the falsehood of nobility to begin with. 
Your snot was running from your nose, your makeup was smeared and you didn't care at the time, you just wanted it all to be over. Sometimes you were angry at your dead mother, you blamed her for your useless elven blood running through your veins. You would even cut yourself to try to get it out and stop being a dirty blood, but all you get were injuries with punishments from the empress, you honestly don't know when was the last time you smiled or if you ever did, 
You wanted to keep hating her, she's a mother who never saw you grow up, but you didn't want to be like them, just another human, someone who pretends and discriminates against others just because. It would be hypocritical of you to do so, but sometimes you just want to scream and hate them freely, but it's stupid to do that and you just put your anger aside.
"It's useless, everything is the same every year, what did I expect this time? Mother, is my existence wrong? They just use me and throw me away when I'm not useful. I'm getting tired, how much longer can I go on with this performance?" You cried rubbing your eyes and wiping your smeared makeup with your dress, it was ruined anyway. 
Your eyes wandered around the room, looking at old dusty furniture and consumed by time, now they are blurred memories. If you think about it, in the past for some reason, you used to write letters to someone, hoping they would take you away from this place, but those hopes are ephemeral like happiness. 
You continued to sit there and cry, your feelings of hopelessness and anger pouring out. The makeup on your face was ruined, but you didn't care, it would be just another reason for the empress to call you a savage, mocking you. 
The zero memories of your childhood or the existence of your mother, your life here, everything came over you. It was very hard to face it all, very hard to hold out hope for any kind of happiness for yourself. After all, you were nothing more than a princess in a cage.
For a moment, the sensation you felt in that dream made you think of the stranger, and the memory came to mind, the magical and serene sight. It is contrary to how you felt now.
The moonlight illuminated the old dusty room, your eyes for some reason went to the old table, many broken drawings on it, for a moment you saw yourself as a child writing right there, however something blinded you like a light in your eyes. Curious you get up going to the table, the last time you were here living and sleeping you were exactly 11 years old, so you had left everything the same as when you left. 
"What the hell—?" Your gaze went to the pieces of paper, then moving them you coughed through the dust that was released after years in neglect and, shaking it with your hand— A strange piece black as darkness received you, the one that has accompanied you in your life since you are conscious until you forgot it, and if not for today you would still be in oblivion of its existence. 
Then, when you took it, an energetic discharge came from the tip to your head, giving you headaches and like a vague memory, you were pulled towards that vision, but it was blurred, what you knew was that you were in a forest. Your hands were small but you did not control this memory and this childish body.
Your ears perked up as you heard your own voice laughing, but it sounded more animated. Sometimes you think the current you is so different from your childhood self, less bitter and miserable. 
"M■□ll■s-sama, it's unfair that you always let the human win!" 
Another voice interrupted your diatribe and in turn you recognized that it was male, of course with a youthful and scandalous touch. A familiar laughter made you open your eyes in this dream(?), then that stranger whose name you did not fully understand, answered the other man, strangely you did not see who they were, because in this memory you were still hiding behind a tree.
"S□b■k, don't be hard on her, besides I don't want to make her feel bad, my ■□■■■□ is important" Your giggles kept coming out as your eyes made you expectant in this strange dream, just sharing vision with this uncontrolled childish body. The strangers behind the tree, shrouded in mystery, continue to argue. 
'What are they talking about?'
You thought to yourself, not your dream self, just your current self. Strangers are still looking for you, you looked like you were 5 years old by the size and high pitched giggles you let out. And that was before you came to the palace, what was not clear to you about this situation and your past self which you didn't remember much, so you are not understanding anything.
The two voices kept talking as the you in this memory peeked out for seconds, unable to really see their faces due to the speed at which you were hiding. You were looking from your childhood perspective, hiding in a tree and laughing to yourself, it all seemed less difficult if you thought about it. The other two males seemed to be looking for you, still arguing as they looked around the area.
Your childhood self seemed cheerful, again you wondered if she was really you or if she was just a past fragment. You looked happy, as if you were having fun playing some kind of game with these strange men. What were they talking about, and why did it seem so familiar, you didn't know, but it hurt your chest to hear yourself laugh. 
Since you came to the palace the childish games were over; so seeing this broke you in a certain way. Then you felt big hands taking the shoulders of your childish self, you laughed and named the stranger, but again the seemingly important words or names were cut off and erased, fragments remained of that stage of yours, which you did not know. 
"T■un□■ta□■u! hehehe you found me.... You were 3 seconds faster, though it's unfair because S■b□k always complains" Your words and voice were lively, sweeter and in comparison to the bitter words for this life you were leading. The stranger whose face was covered by the sunlight because you were in his arms, his shadowed face looked at you, his fanged lips smiled at you. 
His fangs glistened as a smile broke out on his face, laughing at your childish words. His voice was soft and warm, but no less gravelly and elegant, almost like the glow of the incandescent sun on you in the dream.
"You were well hidden, I could hardly find you. But I know your usual hiding places, little ch□■dr□n ■□ m■n." He said with lightness in his voice. One of his big hands moved to stroke your head, tousling your hair as he said this. Even though it was hidden behind the blinding light of the sun, you could still make out its outline....
It had a rather strange silhouette, horns coming out of its head and long wings behind it, something you only saw in forbidden books.... A dragon, but it didn't make sense that it was humanoid. 
In fact this whole situation confused you, unfortunately you came back to reality when the darkness swallowed you and you fell to the ground with a sharp blow, the dragon's scale no longer shining as brightly as before. You got up carefully, you were a mess in every sense of the word if you looked at yourself in a mirror. 
Picking that thing up carefully, you wonder if this is what made you see that. Are those your memories from when you weren't here? But it didn't make sense, the empress said she found you with two elderly brothers who were farmers, so why - why were you having these weird flashbacks? 
You sat on the old bed, holding the dragon scale in your hand and looking at it. Your head was throbbing and your thoughts were a mess. That vision... it was so vivid, like a memory... But how could it be a memory? You come from those farming families, the empress herself had said so... Though knowing her character, she could lie to you as she did about your mother's death. 
Those two men in the vision, you couldn't make out any details about them. But why did you feel so close to him in that dream? Besides you had already seen him when you fell asleep on the balcony, is everything connected...?
"Phew, I better go or I might get punished... But I can't leave this here, if they come to clean up, which is rare, they might see it, maybe I should take everything left of this old place" You put the dragon scale in your secret pocket inside your breasts, just when you were about to leave, you also saw the letters hidden under so much trash and dust. Some were torn and some were stained with ink. 
Your look is nostalgic, really when you were a simple and silly girl you didn't know how to hide things. So you took them, on your way out you took caution in looking both ways down the dark subway corridor and when you saw the shores clear, you left.
You exited the subway, making sure that no one was there, before leaving. As you did so, you returned to your room as quietly as possible. You hoped that the party was over and everyone was too drunk to notice your absence... 
As you walked through the halls, your mind kept thinking about that memory, if it was one. You had so many questions about it, about your past self and who you really were before you turned 6. It was so clear, so real... But who were they? What if... Was it all a strange fantasy of yours? Now you have a faint fragment of hope in you, even if it's vain and selfish. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the empress waiting for you in your room, you panicked hiding the old letters and anything suspicious, she looked at you with false elegance and the lunar shadow did not help your fear to diminish.
"W-what are you doing here? I thought you were with the emperor"
You whisper avoiding looking at her, she stood up, unaware that there was your faithful maid. A maid who barely entered months ago and quickly befriended you with insistence; but that doomed her like many. Now she's dead on the floor, again you lost another ally, though you tried to prevent anyone from coming to you, trying to be nice when you couldn't afford that, it's a weakness the empress would exploit. 
Said woman continued to look at you with a cold stare, the false elegance on her face unchanged.
"Watch your tone of voice, princess." He said in a cold voice. His cold green eyes scanned you, observing your ragged and disheveled appearance with an almost mocking look on his face.
"I heard about what happened between you and the marquis earlier, my dear." You swallowed bile cursing everyone and her for that false sweetness in her voice. She took a step towards you and her tone quickly changed to a higher pitched one.
"You know how much I despise it when you embarrass me like that."
Her hands went to your bare, messy shoulders, your hair was ragged and that only added to her condescending tone, mocking your messy appearance. You bit your lips, she knew everything, she always does. You're more sure that damn dog Duboff made a fuss complaining about you, you just expected the worst in situations like that.
 "W-what's wrong with it, Your Highness? I only defended myself, or are you afraid of rumors? For example... That you don't take good care of me, and even if I AM THE EMPEROR'S DAUGHTER! You still treat me badly-" Her nails finished digging into your skin as a warning but you were so fed up that you continued.
"And yes I did, I don't give a damn anymore anyway, that dog deserved it! He's a scumbag, he wanted to abuse me, hahaha you don't even care about my image, only yours and your ego-Urgh!" A slap echoed in the empty room. The empress snarled with a contorted face, you laughed internally as you watched her lose her composure, she was a fucking bitch to you. 
It was quite satisfying to see the empress lose her composure in this way. Her face contracted in anger, a complete contrast to her normally reserved and cold demeanor. She had just slapped you, leaving a red mark on your cheek.... but you couldn't help but laugh at this. Seeing her lose control like this was almost funny.
The empress snarled at your laughter, the anger and irritation clear on her face. She moved closer to you, grabbing your hair and tugging on it. 
"How dare you talk to me like that... You're a dirty bastard blood!"
The empress's face was now contorted with anger, frustration and humiliation. After all, how dare you speak to her like that, especially at a party meant to celebrate her benevolence? You should thank her for even existing, but here you were like a brazen rat. 
"You ungrateful, insolent bitch!" She spat, tugging at your scalp and grabbing your cheeks hard so you could look her in the eye. 
"How dare you speak to me like that, I who have given you everything! Your position as princess, your meals, your clothes, let it be clear to you that you are inferior to me, without my help the emperor wouldn't care about you!"  
"... I didn't want to be this! Do you know how many nights I starved to death just because you and those maids wanted me to? You don't know anything, my life is not really mine but I'm running out of patience, even when I wanted to run away, you didn't let me... I begged you, but no more!"
"You're a-" Her hand reached up to hit you again but when you tried to pull away she only abused you more until it hurt all over, then complained about your rebelliousness and savagery.
He continued to prattle on about your insolence, debating whether he should kill you or not, but decided to leave, only punishing you by locking you in the room and ordering that no one was to come in or go out to feed you for a week. 
You got up when she left, she might as well kill herself and you wouldn't care. After a while, you changed your clothes after a relaxing and decent bath, no insults or dirty water. You were self-sufficient enough, since you were treated like a maid when you first arrived, you did everything. 
At the end of the night you lay staring at the letters on your bed, those letters written by you that for some reason you don't quite remember why you did it. "Ahh... what a day this was." 
You were left in your room, alone once again. The empress had left you with a burning cheek and a week of hungry solitary confinement. But it didn't matter, you were used to it.
With slow steps to the bed, you plopped down on the bed and then settled in, your eyes drifting to the old letters scattered on the bedspread. They were written in childish scribbles, but somehow they had some meaning. Why did you write this? And to whom? You had long forgotten the reasons behind it... You had priorities, like not dying for that woman's whims. 
With nothing to do, you decided to read them, starting with the one with the oldest date and paper. The letter began somewhat disorganized, it read like this:
March 23, first date of the solar calendar.  'It happened again today, I miss you Tsunotarou so much..... Mairy yelled at me again, you know, I know I'll never give you these letters but I hope someday to see you so I can read them for you, although I think it's more for convenience.  Nobody wants me here, I shouldn't have run away from home, Uncle Lilia was right. Humans are not the same, much less easy to understand. They are like me, physically they are but they don't act like I thought they would. Everyone says I'm a dirty blood worse than a commoner, Sebek was right when he said we are bad, but I'm not like that.  
Your expression softened but mostly out of confusion and the feeling that comes from reading this. So that's what the nickname you were talking about in the dream was... That silhouette was Tsunotarou? You didn't know but your head hurt thinking about it and even for some reason you got stuck trying to say that nickname, but still you continued reading.
 April 16 of the solar calendar  'I'm very sad, I hardly remember Uncle Lilia anymore, I'm very afraid. Tsunotarou... what if I forget you too? I don't want that, so I'll keep writing letters, so maybe my adult self will read them, I hope everything gets better, because today they made me mop the floor and the housekeeper punished me for something I didn't do. The older maids threw water and cow dung on my floor, when I had already cleaned it, I really want to come back to you Tsunotarou'.
Your expression became somewhat inexplicable, you felt the tears fall again for no apparent reason, you did not understand this feeling. Perhaps compassion for your previous innocent self, who was hurt and crushing your spirit to become what you are today.
The cards only continued to get worse. Your past self was young and innocent, so full of optimism and hope, but instead was only met with suffering. She was treated like dirt, forced to do tasks she wasn't cut out for, and others around her bullied her...and no one did anything to stop it. Your heart ached as you read the letter from your past self, and tears streamed down your face as you read it.
You clenched the letter tightly in your hand, your heart felt heavy in your chest... You didn't know if you wanted to keep reading because you were honestly so devastated by the constant abuse you've normalized, but reading all this just makes you feel sorry for yourself. 
Still, you catch a glimpse of one letter in particular lying on the corner of your bed, it's crumpled and musty as if it had been wet. Trembling you pick it up reading it and it just opens up another memory you had blocked out for yourself.
XX December of ... ??? 'Tsunotarou... I no longer remember why or why I am writing this, who are you, that I am writing this to you? I don't know, maybe it was all a dream and you, Tsunotarou whoever you are, don't exist. Last week I was caught trying to escape, but I don't remember the reason for it. Honestly it's all confusing so I'll stop writing these meaningless letters. I just know I've been hiding them, so I have to respect that about myself.... Well, this is goodbye. 
Now you remember! This is the last letter you wrote, you only know you finished it because of the first line, that nickname, you wrote it weeks before and you don't remember much. Suddenly your head starts to hurt and you get a lot of cut memories that make you cry in pain.
As you read that last letter, you were hit with a flood of memories. They came back vividly, but it was still a little fuzzy in your mind. 
You remembered why you wrote the letters. You were writing to him, that man you played with in the woods in your dream. You remembered him... and you remembered his nickname. Tsunotarou. Even the mere thought of it made your head throb. But as the memories slowly came back, you couldn't help but sob at the truth of all the events and the realization of it. 
What little you know of this is due to the only clues you had. With determination, you were determined to seek the truth behind your whole life and your lost happy childhood, so these days where the empress locked you up, you would flee through the secret corridors you had discovered in this room since you lived in it. 
Wandering the aisles of the library in the middle of the night, you were looking for books on magic or creatures of that kind, which were burned years ago by the wars, it was hard to find them. 
Despite feeling so tired, your heart was beating with determination. You knew you had to find the answers behind everything. It was time for you to find out the truth about your past and the real reason why you were here. You had so many questions running around in your mind....
But it was already late and you could already feel the tiredness invading your body after searching the library, so you walked with your books in hand through the corridors until you reached your room. With a tired sigh, you lay down on your bed, thoughts still running through your head as you slowly drifted off into an intermittent sleep...
And so for the rest of the week, you went to the basement to see if there was anything else but there was not. Then you rummaged through the housekeeper's room finding the strange bag that you now had in your room, in front of you. 
There was a strange old stuffed animal, some exotic flowers you didn't know about, a map crumpled and yellowed from years but most surprising were the many dragon scales in a jar. 
This was definitely yours, but why would you have this here? It didn't make sense and besides there were 2 books downstairs, one had drawings of 4 men, three of them with pointed ears and one was like the silhouette in your dream, with horns. 
The other was a human like you but wore a uniform; also, the second book had strange spells in it. The spell book was like the few pieces of page you found in the library on the hidden side. Thoroughly checking between pages, you saw a piece of paper with something written on it, there was also a drawing made by you most likely, underneath the apparent lullaby. 
Something about the drawing of the horned man seemed strangely familiar to you, though you didn't know why. Maybe there was a connection between him and that man in your dream... Curious, you read the writing on the paper, although due to the bad handwriting and scribbles on it, it was difficult to read.
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You let go of the paper from your hands because your head started to hurt, a male voice echoed in your erased memories. It was a quiet place, a comfortable bed and finally you saw black tinted lips and fangs, he sang you that song but again, his face was blurred. 
You gripped the paper once again tighter, your head throbbing from the strange memory that came over you. The memory was fuzzy, but it was still clear enough that you could make out the vague silhouette of a man, fangs and lips tinged with black. He was singing that song to you, his voice soft and comforting.
Te agarraste la cabeza, tratando de recordar más, pero el dolor de cabeza sólo pareció empeorar. ¿Por qué tus recuerdos volvieron repentinamente a ti una vez más, y fue realmente Tsunotaoru, el hombre que te parecía tan familiar...? No lo sabías así que simplemente te volviste a dormir, cayendo profundamente
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The breeze on your face welcomes you back, dazed you open your eyes seeing that you were now on a marble table near the oak tree. Confused you wake up and this time you see that you are not a teenager, more like a girl, this confuses you a lot.
Walking aimlessly, you hear in the distance in the same oak tree or further on, in the tulip field, someone singing, that same song you read in that paper.
I know you I walked with you once in a dream I know you That look in your eyes is such a familiar gleam. And I know it's true, that visions are rarely what they seem.
The tune was different, but undoubtedly it is the same voice and the same place as when that little girl in the dream led you there, the same person singing that lullaby. 
But I know you I know what you will do You will love me once and for all As you once did in a dream
You kept moving forward, the smell of flowers filled your nose and as if taking the place of the girl who you assume is your inner self, you continue moving towards the figure on the hill, standing among so many flowers looking at the sun.  
But I know you I know what you do You love me at the same time As you once did in a dream I know you I walked with you once in a dream 
The wind was soft and cool against your skin as you walked through the tulip field. The sweet smell of flowers filled the air and the sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. As you continued walking, you heard that familiar song echoing in the air.
 "Who are you really?" you whisper in that childish little voice, this time you control this body and even if you expected an answer, there is only silence.
The closer you got, the more your heart pounded in your chest. And then, you finally saw it: a tall horned figure standing a few feet away from you.
Something in his majestic, magical and calming presence made you cry. At this moment you became a little girl taking the place of your inner self, now you just wanted to hug that man and run in his arms, like a game.
"Tsunotarou... that's what your name is?" those simple words made the horned figure look at you, with a slow step he walked up to you bending down to look at you.
The stranger smiled at you as he bent down to your level. He gently wiped away your tears with his thumb, his gaze warm and affectionate.
"Yes, it's me" he whispered in response. 
"I have missed you so much." This time your inner self spoke for you, since you wouldn't be able to understand its identity or the feelings it provokes in you, but you don't want to push it away either.
The man dressed in black hugged you tightly, squeezing you close to his chest. It was a protective embrace and you could feel the love and affection in his touch.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to see you again, the clues I left you in your dreams, do you still have doubts my little girl?"
You nodded as you let yourself be carried by him, all your stress or bitter attitudes gone. There is only you and that lost innocence. 
"Sorry if I don't understand anything, it's just that I forgot you and that frustrates me" This time you spoke from your heart, with the truth. Without lying to anyone much less yourself and he seemed to understand. 
"Everything will have an answer, but I've missed you too, I can't be near you because I wouldn't know how to control myself, I may lose control if I see you more than I should" His whispers sounded melancholy and plaintive, but deep down his tone threatened to overflow into madness and rage. 
"Then why didn't you come for me? I don't remember but I feel like I sink into a sadness thinking about you" This time he kept silent, his face you couldn't see but you felt the tension in his body. 
"...There were reasons beyond my power that prevented me from that, besides if I went after you I could have accidentally killed you in my rage looking for you."
Despite his words you felt disappointed with him, you still decided not to hate him, you didn't want to be a bad person, no matter how bitter you were. 
"I understand... But could you answer me something, why don't I remember you well? I know you had something to do with me however, I don't remember, much less know who I was before what I am now."
The strange man again took your face in his hands and you saw why you couldn't see him, there was a mist blurring his face. 
"I don't think it's time yet, but I assure you that in a few weeks you will know... Until then, I will see you and answer your questions, my little daughter of man. Because we saw each other in a dream-" 
You wanted to keep asking but he kissed your forehead and you fell into a dream within your dreamlike sleep, finally waking up hyperventilating. 
"... Fuck I couldn't ask him his real name."
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noxtivagus · 2 years
I HAVE WRITTEN SO MUCH IN MY NOTES IN THE PAST HOUR OH MY of today n then to-do dump n other stuff too 🫣
#🌙.rambles#i write my answers for asks in my notes like i'm writing my first draft for an essay 😭😭 tbf writing long stuff here on tumblr is like#writing letters to me. i love it so so much. i ended up ranting in my to-do list though cries. that said tho.... one thing i wrote here tha#i want to ramble about in tags. thinking abt college since some relatives asked earlier. since i'm aiming to head into top unis here yh#not gna have my close friends to be in school w which makes me a bit sad 🥹 but god i'd love to one day experience studying w friends#at houses or cafes or libraries. one thing i'm excited abt growing up is having more freedom in going out w people#also thinking abt how i love childhood friends to lovers so. i want my own in a way. but ion have ^ that r potential love interests tho so#friends i have in hs are what i'd next ideally like if it were possible. cries that would be my ideal type bcs i love the idea of#growing up together in these somewhat vulnerable stages i think. we're all learning so much n so young. but nah not gna happen most likely#wna reconnect w my old friends to keep contact n widen my circle. more friends. friend groups. i'm not the most social person esp irl but#i think for most of my life i've had inconsistent friendships so it's gotten lonely? closest friends r kinda drifting away as we grow older#n w everything in the present i think i'm afraid of being left behind. i wish i cld open up. be more honest and less hesitant w reaching ou#i know what i want n i'm just afraid to seek it out directly but. anxiety. i don't want to be a bother but i rlly crave#deep and authentic relationships. i'd really seek them out but maybe the inner child in me can't really let that guard down yet ?#deep down i think i'm afraid of being hurt again n left behind. forgotten. (don't leave me behind. please stay with me. tell me it's real)#there's so much i don't want to forget. so much i want to hold unto. so much i want to do. that keeps me going. i want to learn so much#listening to kingdom hearts right now is making me emotional.... now that i'm growing older i want to do so much more#was nearly crying while writing this in my notes because it hurts so much and i think i'm so so afraid#love... whether it be familial or platonic. one day romantic too. goddamn listening to don't think twice reminds me of my young dreamer sel#& love for life as a whole n myself too. i want to keep my childhood. i'll have what i can. do what i can. ffs life's too short so#i'll reach out more. even if i get anxious embarrassed shy / i need to actively challenge that. even if i'm afraid. face my fears#like goddamn i want to open up i want to be honest. i'm not embarrassed by my emotions bcs it's human. but i just can't#i'll do it all. i really will. life goes by far too fast and i don't want to lose all of this. so i need to be stronger. better#but simultaneously i just want to rest n idk be a kid again and stop thinking and worrying so much#adolescence.... holding unto my childhood while also making steps towards adulthood. n i'm so afraid but i know it'll be alright#so long as i trust myself ? i know a lot of pain. i'm certain that i'm capable. but. ffs. tears in my eyes. (i'm afraid. i'm so afraid aren#sorry for the rant i just realized again n. yk i'm human n that's something i need to be constantly reminded of#spending time with people and indulging in my passions give me life but. the former is so fleeting n i'm afraid of being left alone#the latter is so hard when time's going far too fast and it feels like i can't keep up with it all#'don't think twice' : 'if you want to make it happen/ nothing's impossible / all you gotta do is say the word/ the walls will crumble'
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a1307s · 7 months
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Mating Season #1
(Garfield Logan Smut)
[Art is not mine! Credit to mothyx]
Requested by: Liviejc
Word Count: 3653
Warnings and/or Pre-notes:
Titty sucking
Oral (female receiving)
     The sound of my boyfriend moving around the bed wakes me up. On instinct, I reach for Garfield. "You okay?" I ask, my fingertips brushing his bicep. 
     Recently Gar has been acting really weird. He's been super short tempered, to the point that Conner had to break up a fight between him and Bart earlier this week. Though, Conner thinks it was just Garfield being territorial instead of him being upset.  He might be right, Gar has been super clingy lately, so he probably misinterpreted Bart's behaviors. On the other hand, my boyfriend has been picking fights with everyone so I'm not sure what's going on with him.
     "Ya, I'm just warm," Garfield answers, moving closer so I can wrap my fingers around his arm. 
     He's right. His skin feels like it's boiling under my touch. About the time his anger picked up, his body temperature did too. "Maybe you should see a doctor," I say, propping myself up so I can look at Gar. 
     Garfield turns his head so he's facing me. His eyes are a bright green that stands out in the dark. His pupils are a bit slitted, reminding me of a cat. "I'm usually super warm, babe. You know, the whole 'animal kingdom' thing," Gar answers, trying to put my worries to rest.  
     "Ya, I know. You're just warmer than usual and you've been kind of moody. Maybe you're getting sick."
     "I'm not getting sick. I'm just a little warm."
     I sigh in defeat and lay back down. "We could turn down the heat," I offer, sliding my hand from Beasty's arm up to his hair. I softly twirl the ends around my fingers, soaking in the softness of it.
     "It's already at sixty-five. I don't want to make it too cold, you won't be comfortable then," He answers, eyes shut and soft purrs coming from him because of my petting. 
     "We could take the comforter off the bed and just sleep with the under-sheet."
     "Ya, but if you're too cold you won't be able to sleep," Garfield says again, opening his eyes to look at me. 
     "You're pretty much a personal heater at all times. If I get too cold, I'll just snuggle up closer," I answer, scooting over some to place a soft kiss on his forehead. 
     Gar doesn't answer so I pull off the comforter before laying back down. I snuggle up to him, laying my head on his chest and slinging my leg across the waist band of his pj  pants. It seems to help for a couple minutes, but not very long. Garfield starts shifting again, so I roll over to remove my body heat from him. He relaxes again, but again, it doesn't last long. 
     "I'm going to try a cold shower," he says, kissing my shoulder blade before getting out of bed.
     I hum in response but stay curled up in bed. It's silent for a second before Gar turns the shower on. After a couple minutes I start to think that maybe less clothing will help. With this thought, I reluctantly roll out of bed to change out of my long-sleeved shirt and fuzzy pj pants. By the time I'm changed - now in a sports bra and spandex - and back comfortable in bed, Gar is out of the shower. "Did it help?" I ask, sitting up in bed, causing the sheet to pool in my lap, and look towards the bathroom.
     "Ya," Beasty answers shortly, his eyes locked on me. "Did you change?" He asks, taking quick steps towards the bed. 
     "Yes, I did. I figured less clothing might help so maybe take off your shirt and pj bottoms before laying back down."
     Beasty hums, eyes still locked on me as he pulls his shirt off in one swift movement. He drops his bottoms, leaving him in his boxers as he crawls back in next to me. He lays down before wrapping his arms around me and tugging me closer. My mostly bare back is pressed against his chest. Gar's skin feels a lot cooler than earlier which brings a bit of relief to me. Maybe he was just a little warm. 
     I close my eyes and snuggle into him. I lay there, almost asleep, when Garfield starts moving his hands. They rest at my waist for a moment before sliding up my sides. It stirs me a bit, but not too much since I'm use to his wondering hands, especially when we cuddle. His hands slide from my sides, across the band of my bra before dipping down to my stomach. They rest there for a bit before sliding back up to my sides. "Are you going to sleep?" I ask, poking a bit of fun at my boyfriend.
     "Ya," Garfield says, his voice raspier than I thought it would be. "You just... feel really good on my skin," He adds, nuzzling his head into my neck.
     We're quite for a few minutes, the whole time I can feel his skin heating up again. "You should really see a doctor tomorrow," I whisper, moving my arm behind me to run my fingers through his hair. "Please?"
     "Fine," He whispers back, his arms tightening on me and pulling me closer. I can feel every inch of his scorching skin pressed up against me. Garfield shifts his head, gently pressing soft kisses against my neck. He makes a neat line down my neck and over my shoulder before working his way back up. Gar starts down again but rests against my jugular. He makes soft hums against my skin before gently sinking his teeth into me. He follows the line he made before, making soft nips along the way, but soon the nips turn into full out biting. He covers my neck and shoulder with teeth marks, sinking his teeth in as far as he can, causing a stinging sensation along his path. 
     "Hey, hey, hey," I yelp as Beasty starts to work over the bite marks again. "It hurts," I whine, trying to shrug him off.
     "I'm sorry," Gar whimpers, nipping into a pervious made mark, causing prickles of pain to overtake my nervous. "I can't help myself," He whines, running his tongue over the marks. This doesn't help the stinging. Garfield's hands slide back down from my sides, sliding between my legs to paw at them. "You smell so sweet," He bellows as his nails dig into the flesh of my thighs. 
     My heart skips, fear and arousal both rushing through me at Beasty's sudden roughness. In the past two years Gar has always been so gentle with me during everything. He's always so gentle when he intertwines his fingers with mine to avoid clawing me. Always careful not to accidently nick my lips with his canines when we kiss. Always only using feathery touches and making sure to go slow and gentle during sex. He has only ever once left a mark on me, and it tore him up for a month after. Beasty has never acted like this.
     My legs squeeze shut out of fearful instinct. "You're scaring me," I whisper, trying to pace my breathing.
     "Don't be scared," He mumbles into my ear, nipping at my ear lobe before continuing to add to the collection of teeth marks on my neck. Beasty's claws dig further into my thighs as he tries to spread them open. "Open your legs," He hisses. "Please," Garfield's voice softening for a second, sending a wave of relief through me before digging his teeth back into my flesh and starting the feeling of stinging pain all over again.  
     "Please," I whine, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. "You're hurting me, Gar."
     Garfield rolls onto his back, dragging himself away from me. In the process, he tears the skin of my neck where his teeth were buried and his claws tear into my thighs. Warm blood slowly trickles from the wounds. My legs shake a bit, but I can't tell if it's from fear or arousal... or both.
     "I'm sorry," Gar mutters, turning me to my other side so that I'm looking at him. His eyes are still slitted, like a predator looking at their prey and his jaw is clenched. "Did I hurt you?" He asks, running his fingertips across my thighs, causing the wounds to ache more. Garfield's eyes widen for a second before slitting more than before when his fingers come in contact with my blood. "I'm sorry," He repeats, wrapping his hands around my legs and pulling me onto his lap. 
     His body presses against me, my knees resting at his sides as the rest of me rests on his torso. The hold he has on my legs reminds me how defenseless I am against him. The thought makes me tingle, and this time I know it's both with fear and desire. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Garfield repeats again, his eyes flickering from my face to my chest and then my pussy, back up to my eyes. "I just... you... I need... I want... I don't know what's happening," He stumbles over his words, his eyes constantly flickering over me as his hands rub up my legs, over my sides and rest on my chest. 
     He softly paws at my chest, his eyes locked there along with his hands. Garfield lets out a sigh of frustration, squeezing my boobs a lot harder than normal. "Are you horny? It's okay if you are," I say, wrapping my hands around his wrists to try and get him to loosen his grip a bit.
     "I don't know," He answers, letting go and resting his hands against my chest for a moment. Gar's eyebrows scrunch together as he thinks, his hands picking up where they left off, but his touch is softer this time. "I just... I don't know," he says, running his thumbs under the band of my bra.
     "What are you thinking about?" I hum moving my hands from my lap where they've been to run them over Gar's chest. 
     He stays quiet. I take the silence as a chance to line his chest and shoulders with soft kisses. After a couple minutes he stops me, moving his hands from my tits to my shoulders to push me back up in a sitting position. Gar places his hands back on my boobs, squeezing them hard like before as his thumbs start to work my bra up. "Take it off," He orders, glancing at my eyes before focusing on my tits again.
     "Take. It. Off," He growls, eyes glaring into mine before snapping down again. My knees squeeze his sides as my pussy tingles at his tone. Maybe I like Beasty being aggressive. "Jesus," He mumbles, sliding the rest of his fingers to the band and ripping the sports bra off of me before tossing it to the floor. The chilliness of the room hits my nipples, causing them to start hardening. "It's been making me so angry; seeing any other dude near you, let alone talking to you," Beasty says, his hands warming my chest up.
     "Is this about my disagreement with Bart the other day?"
     Once the words are out, Garfield flips us over, his weight pushing me into the mattress. My legs are sprawled out under us, and my arms wrap around his shoulders to try and steady myself. One of Gar's knees are pushed into my cunt, the other one is being used to prop himself up some. His hands are digging into the mattress on either side of my head and his eyes are glowing as they burn into me. 
     "Say his name again. Say it again, I dare you. I don't see him being able to sense your heartbeat from ten miles away. I don't see him being able to sense your smell from six miles away. And I certainly haven't seen him dipping his head between your legs every night to help you sleep," Beasty says, digging his claws further and further into the mattress after every sentence. "Do you ask Bart to pump in and out of you when you're horny? Is Bart the one you choose to spend your life with?"
     "No," I mewl out, closing my legs around his knee.
     "Keep your legs open," He orders, ripping my legs open and shoving his nails back into the claw marks he left on me. "For the past month, every time I've seen you sparring with a guy, talking to a guy, being anywhere near a guy, all I've thought about is leaving pretty little bruises all over you so that everyone could see that I'm fucking you. I don't want too. I don't like having those thoughts but they're there. And then, ever since your pretty little body started letting off your ovulation pheromones all I've thought about is putting a baby in you. Thought about filling you up, watching you walk around with my baby in you, seeing your pregnancy waddle when your tummy gets all big and round."
     "Gar-" I start but he cuts me off by bending down and taking one of my nipples into his mouth. "H... hey," I whimper, shoving my hands into his hair. He lifts his hand to paw at the breast not in his mouth. He sucks on me for a while, most definitely leaving a bruise before switching to the other side.
     When he's satisfied with himself, Gar lifts his head up to look at me. His eyes have gone soft and are no longer the predator slits from earlier. "I'm going to leave bruises on you, okay? I'm sorry. I need to. I really really need to. I need to make you hurt. I'm sorry," His words come out almost as cries. 
     "I know. I'm sorry. I don't want to, but I need to. I don't know. It feels like... I don't know. I'm sorry," Gar says, constantly repeating himself as he rubs my hips and nuzzles the unmarked side of my neck. "I can leave. I don't want to hurt you. It's just... in me... in my veins... I feel it, right there. Right under my skin. The need to prove I touched your body. The need to put a baby in you. I can leave if you're not comfortable." Gar murmurs the last part, running his tongue across my skin and rutting his knee against my spandex. "I need it," He whispers into my skin. 
     I can feel Garfield's tears against my skin as he holds me. I move my hands to his shoulder to softly rub them, trying to help him relax as he starts marking up my neck again. He was already rough on the other side but he's being a lot harsher this time around. By the third bite mark, I can already feel the blood tricking from the new wounds caused by him. "Beasty-"
     "I'm sorry."
     "I'm really sorry."
     "Garfield," I say a little harsher, moving my hands to his hair in order to tear his mouth off of me. "Beasty... I think you're in heat," I say, trying to ignore the increasing pressure building in my groin from the friction happening between my legs.
     "Ya, sure, whatever," he says, pulling my hand out of his hair and attaching himself to the first thing he can get his mouth on. His mouth works down my shoulder, across my collarbones and down my chest. He leaves hickies and bite marks the whole way down. 
     "Gar," I moan out, trying to get his attention but reacting to his tongue running just above the waist band of my spandex instead. "Garfield, please stop," I whimper, tugging on his hair again.
     He does listen, stopping the movement of his mouth and his knee. I'm left a bit sad from the loss of frication against my pussy, but he is just doing what I asked. "I'm sorry," he says again, his hands rubbing my inner thighs, spreading the blood that's been left there. His eyes are back to being slit but they're red and puffy now.
     "Baby," I say, softly taking his face in my heads. I force him to look at me as I rub circles on his cheeks. "I think you're in heat," I repeat, giving him a second to register what I'm saying.
     "Oh... oh! Oh, ya. That... would make a lot of sense," Beasty says, gently running his fingertips over my clothed pussy. "Though, technically it would be called 'rut' cause I'm a dude," he says, watching my legs close around his arm. "I really want to put a baby in you."
     "You... you really can't put a baby in me," I breath out, leaning my head back and shutting my eyes to soak in Gar's touch. 
     "But I really can," he says, using his free hand to pull my legs open again. Beasty dips his head down, going to leave hickies and more markings across my thighs. "Let me put a baby in you. Please?"
     "No... no baby, Beasty," I whimper, my legs starting to shake from the stimulation and the pain starting to gather from the new and old marks. 
     "Please?" He asks again, wrapping his fingers around the bottom of my spandex, starting to pull them down. Once he gets them off of me, he starts licking over the newly exposed skin, leaving my pussy untouched. 
     He teases me, running his tongue and mouth close to my cunt but not close enough to continue the stimulation I want. "Stop teasing," I beg, trying to unwrap his arms from my legs.
     "Let me put a baby in you and I'll stop teasing," Garfield comments, slowly running his tongue through my folds before lifting his head up to leave bruises along my hips. I whine, getting a retaliation of his claws digging into my legs again.  "I'm going to fill you up by the end of my mating season so you might as well let me now."
     "Gar... please... you... you can fill me up all you want after... after my ovulation, okay? Stop teasing. You're bruising every... every inch of my skin. The least you can do is... is make me feel good." 
     He hums, thinking over my words for a second before ducking in between my thighs. His tongue slithers over my clit a couple times before he latches on it. The feeling mixed with the sound of Garfield suckling on me fills my head. My fingers tangle in his hair, pushing his head further as I grind against his tongue. 
     Beasty continues for a few minutes until I come unraveled on his tongue. He stays down there, slurping up my juices before popping his head up to look at me. "I want to cum in you," he says, wiggling two of his fingers into me. 
     "You can't," I say, shifting around to try and get his fingers deeper in me. 
     "Please? We can get the Morning After Pill tomorrow," he says, pretty much begging before he sinks his teeth into my stomach to mark me up even more.
     "Fine... fine...," I mumble, using his hair to pull him up my body. 
     He smiles up at me, nipping at my breasts as he pulls his dick out of his boxers. "Say it," Gar orders, poking his tip in and out of me. 
     "What?" I ask, digging my nails into his back as I try to pull him forward so I can feel more of him in me.
     "Say you want me to fill your pussy," Beasty says, working his way from my breasts back up to my neck. "Say you want me to try to put a baby in you."
     "Please fuck me, Garfield. Please fill my pussy," I whine, finally winning at my tug-of-war. Gar sinks into me, wasting no time to bottom out. 
     "Good," He murmurs against my skin, bring his hands up my body to pin my wrists down. His thrusts are fast, and hard, the complete opposite of what I'm use too. It doesn't take many thrusts before my hips start to hurt. "I'm going to put a baby in you," Gar whispers into my ear, his claws digging into me as he recks my hips. "You're going to get a nice big belly and a cute little waddle. Your titties are going to swell up and get big and heavy. Then, as soon as possible, I'll fuck another baby into you.  Over and over again until I give you a nice big litter."
     "I don't want a baby," I whine, trying to pull my wrists out from his grasp. 
     I can feel Gar's smile against my ear. "I know baby... I know... It'll be okay." I whine from under him, wrapping my legs around his waist as his thrusts get sloppy. As I'm getting closer, the walls of my cunt tighten around him, not helping the sloppiness he's already experiencing. "For someone that doesn't want a baby, your pussy is trying awfully hard to milk me," He teases, sinking his teeth into my neck again. Beasty thrusts a couple more times before he buries himself in me as deep as possible. His teeth dig deeper, breaking my skin again, as he bottoms out.
     Garfield slumps over, laying on top of me as he falls off his high. His hands are heavy as they slip on to my hips. Our bodies stick together from a mix of sweat and cum. The room is quiet for a couple minutes, nothing but our heavy breathing to fill the room. "I'm going to fuck you again," Beasty says, slipping his hands down my legs to wrap them around his torso again. 
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juanarc-thethird · 18 days
Hi I have a question are you still doing I have a license for that?
Yes I do ------------
I have a license for that! Part 3
Jaune is in the library using one of the computers checking flights to return home.
Jaune: Dammit, why is everything so expensive?
Winter: Is everything all right?
Jaune: Hm?
He looks back and looks at Winter standing near him.
Jaune: Oh, hello Winter. Everything is fine, thanks.
Winter: From the tone you had for a moment it didn't sound like everything was fine.
Jaune: It's nothing important. I just can't find flights to go home for a family thing, but I haven't given up. But thanks for asking.
Winter: If you want I can take you there. I have my own airship.
Jaune: Really?!
He says excitedly, but immediately takes it back.
Jaune: Oh no, no, no, I can't ask you that. It's too much. Thanks but I can't accept your help.
Winter then turns to the screen Jaune is using and sees where he is going.
Winter: You know, I was already heading to my family's villa and where you're trying to go is close by. If you don't mind making that short stop, I can drop you off there later. Also, so that you don't feel like it's too much, it would help me a lot to have some extra hands.
Jaune: For real?
Winter: Mm-hm, It's just a routine stop and then I'll leave you wherever you want.
Jaune: *Happy* Ok, cool! Thank you!
Winter: No problem. I leave early tomorrow at 7am.
Jaune: Great! I'll be there at 6:30am.
Winter: Understood. See you there. *Walks away*
Jaune: See you there! And thank you again!
The next day...
Jaune meets Winter at the airship port with his suitcase.
Jaune: Good morning Winter, I'm ready to go.
Winter: Good morning Jaune. You can put your suitcase in the back of the ship.
Jaune: Thank you.
He started to walk towards the back of the aircraft but then he stopped.
Jaune: You know, I never told you what kind of help you need in your family's villa.
Winter: Really? I thought I did.
Jaune: No, you didn't. What kind of help do you need?
Winter: I'm just going to clean the house a little. Nothing big.
Jaune: Ok, wait, let me see if I understand. Your family is the richest in all the four kingdoms, but they do not have a cleaning staff in their villa. Forgive me but it sounds a bit suspicious.
Winter: You're overthinking it. The reason we don't have Staff is because-
Jaune: *Interrupts her* Are you a member of my mom's club?
Winter: *Surprise* What?! What club? I don't know what you're talking about?
Jaune: That reaction makes me think the opposite. You know what, I'm just going to play it safe. Thank you very much for your help, but I will find another way to get there.
Jaune starts to leave but Winter stops him by grabbing his suitcase.
Winter: *Panic* Wait!
Jaune: Hey! Let go!
Winter: I swear I'm not part of your mom's club!
Jaune: Fine, you are not! Can you let me go now?!
Winter: Can I still take you home?!
Jaune: No!
Winter: Then I can't let you go!
Jaune: Winter!... *pulls* Let!... *Pulls* Me!... *PULLS* Go!... *PULLS!* now!... *PULLS!!!!!*
And with the last pull, they both lost their balance and fell to the ground. As a card fell, it came out of Winter's jacket and slid over to where Jaune was lying. They both get up and Jaune notices the card.
Jaune: What is this?
Winter: *Gasp!* Don't look!!
He takes the card and…
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Jaune: What the fuck?!
Winter immediately lunges towards Jaune taking the card from his hands. She pushes him to the ground and using her Semblance, she leaves him stuck there.
Jaune: I knew it! I knew you were part of that weird club!
Winter: *She gets into her airship* I'm sorry, my love, but I didn't expect you to find out so quickly.
Jaune: Can you at least explain to me why my mom created this club?!
Winter: I'm sorry, but it's not my place to say. Look for the Witch, she may give you the answers you are looking for.
Jaune: The Witch?!
Winter: Goodbye.
Jaune: Hey! Wait!!
She starts the engines of her airship and flies away. After some distance, Jaune is freed.
Jaune: *Upset* Fuck, back to square one.
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luimagines · 7 months
I dare you to do one with your favorite trope to write (unless you've already done it)
Oh my goodness, this might be longer that usual. XD
And I really had to think about what I wanted to write. I think I'll make this a one-shot. (unless you guys want more anyway) Prepare for this to be as self indulgent as hell. :D
And I'll make it Time while I'm at it.
Content under the cut!
This was the third time this week that you found something like this. You didn't know who was doing this.
A basket, filled to the brim with goodies and trinkets alike, sat properly outside of your window sill. It would be charming if you weren't on the third floor. Someone was climbing up to your balcony and leaving the baskets for you to find.
It was creepy- to a degree. There was never anything malicious about it though. The baskets typically held a flower, a warm meal (or groceries) and some little thing for you to put around your apartment.
You see, you moved to the Kingdom of Kokiri with nothing but a backpack and small child's wagon. Your apartment wasn't even on a nicer side of town. But it hard to be worried about robbers when you're home is bare and empty.
Slowly, that's been changing though. The baskets always had a poem attached, but no name. You secret admirer would give little things from time to time. The baskets are getting more frequent too.
What used to be a small monthly thing, turned weekly then bi weekly- and you're beginning to suspect that they're turning into a daily thing.
Part of you worries that whoever this is, is spending too much on you.
But seeing that the last basket had a new set of dining wear with plates and cups and a some nice utensils to match- you're not inclined to have them stop anytime soon when they're improve your very living conditions as it is. Even if you feel a little guilty.
That being said, this basket had a warm meal already prepared, still steaming in the glass tupperware. There was a small bouquet of roses near the top and a small little box that you opened to see a single slice of chocolate cake.
The card was attached on the inside but it lacked the typical poem. It simple read: "Rest well, Love. You've worked hard today. Dinner's on me. I just want to see you smile in the morning."
You smiles and tucked the card back into its place, bringing the basket back into your apartment.
You have to figure out who this secret admirer of yours is. It has to be someone with access to your floor but it can't be a neighbor. Right? You're on the corner so it can't be anyone to your left. But maybe your neighbor to the right? That's a creepy thought. You hardy ever see him and you don't think he showers throughout the week.
It can't be him. Or at least you're going to deny it.
Maybe it's someone from above? That's more likely. There is this cute guy that you know lives on the floor above you, but you don't know which apartment. It wouldn't be hard to drop the basket secretively onto your balcony from above if that was the case.
The thought rotates in your head as you eat the food. It's delicious. Decadent, even.
Gratitude fills your heart and soul. you have to return the favor somehow after everything this person has provided for you. But how?
You head to bed with a smile on your face and a full stomach. You'll have to start small but you can think of something.
The next morning you head to the castle and walk straight to the throne room.
It was a deal that the king had proposed personally to you. You get to work concern free in his kingdom but you have to report to him every other Tuesday. Seeing as you had nowhere else to go, you didn't think it wise to refuse.
You've grown somewhat close, but with his power and status by his side, you couldn't help but slightly intimidated by him even now.
The king- like most Royals of Kingdoms of Hyrule- was a dragon. Sure, he could take the form of a typical man, but he stayed in his half form more often than not. His age and strength add to his credentials. As the current senior amongst dragons, all you've gathered is that he's lived longer than he appears. The older the dragon, the stronger they are.
King Link is a force to be reckoned with.
However, he's kind and patient with you. He's not all that bad.
You nod and grin at the Captain, who's affectionately called Warrior. Another dragon hidden among the people. You don't know his story, but he's a hard working fellow. He also came to the king in a time of need, looking for asylum and has been working under his employ ever since. He is the king's right hand man.
Warrior smiles back and salutes you softly as you enter. You'll never understand why you've more or less been given free reign of the castle, but with his approval, you feel better to head on in.
You meet the king and curtsy clumsily, still feeling rushed. He's asked you call him Time and he stands from the throne. His face is kind, amused even. A chuckle tumbles out of him as he walks toward you, his marble like tail swinging behind him. "I thought we were passed the formalities, my dear."
You clear your throat. "Were we? I don't recall."
He laughs again. "Come. We have much to discuss."
You nod and follow. He leads you to the back room with a gentle touch the small of your back. It's a familiar routine that you've grown comfortable with.
There's a small rounded table with a pale blue laced table cloth. There's a delicate tea set and it's covered to the brim with snacks and treats alike. You think you see a few of your favorites and your eyes light up at the sight.
King Time notices and he smiles, pleased. "Sit."
You nod and take your usual spot. Time sits across from you and serves you the pieces that you eyes earlier. You almost feel bad. You're still full from the night before.
Time notices. "Something wrong, dear?"
"No." You shake your head, afraid of insulting him. "Someone gave me dinner last night and I'm still a bit full from it."
Time seemed to be shocked by the tidbit. "Really?... Was it good?"
"It was delicious!" You can't help but gush. "I would normally cook for myself but they send food from time to time and it was still warm so I couldn't resist."
His smile turns a little tight. "Is that so? I'm glad that you were fed adequately then.... May I ask who?"
You falter, the smile on your face turning more soft and shy. "Um... I think it was my neighbor..."
"...You don't know who it is?"
You blush and look down onto the table, playing with the treats on your plate. "I know that I should be more cautious. But they've only ever left it on my balcony... It's a secret admirer so to speak. They've given me trinkets and flowers and food. It seems as if they've slowly been furnishing my house for me. I don't know... I've been trying to think about who it may be, but I'm coming up short. Regardless, enough about my lack of love life-"
Time abruptly puts his hand under the table but you catch the reason why before he can hide it.
He's bent the fork in half with his hand, seemingly without realizing it. He smiles brightly, as if nothing happened and the thought gets put on the back burner for now. "Right... Well, you can always ask for my assistance, Darling."
You shake your head with a small smile. "Thank you, but I'm here to report my work. Let's get to business then."
Time clenches his jaw slightly but nods in agreement. "Right. I believe last time you mentioned that you were following a trail of some suspicious individuals on the property of the farm lands for relief efforts. Did that bloom into anything substantial?"
You pull out a manila folder with a smirk and hand it to the king. "Did it ever."
The time passes before you know it. Little by little, as you give your report, if drifts away and you're talking about your lives as much as you can before you leave.
Warrior comes in, informing Time of another meeting has to attend. He looks apologetic.
The king winces but you're quick to stand up, mid panic. "I'm sorry. I've overstayed my welcome."
"Impossible." Time blurts, standing abruptly as well. He reach out as if to stop you and moves around the table as if to block your path. His tail curls around your ankle, stopping your in your tracks. It's gentle but firm. Even if his grip is painless, you can already tell that you wouldn't be able to escape on your own.
You freeze and after a beat he lets you go. Time gulps and stands, seemingly more aware of what he was doing. His grip falls away and he takes a step back. "R-right... I won't keep you from your work much longer then."
You can't help but blush. He's always been fine with putting a hand on your shoulder or your back... but the tail is one of the most sensitive parts of a dragon. And he just grabbed you with it. For some reason, you find yourself blushing.
You nod dumbly, as if your schedule is jammed packed like his. Your heart is pounding. You follow Warrior out of the room as he leads you back to the main gate of the castle.
"Sorry." Warrior says quietly. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"Nonono-" You're still shaken by the phantom feelings of the scales around you. Even if it was just a brush, there was a power there. You don't know why you're so out of whack suddenly. The act was more intimate than you were able to admit. "If you didn't say anything, I would have kept going. Honestly, I swear he's just humoring most of the time."
"This is the only time we get him to actually take a break." Warrior tells you. "He'd work himself t the bone if it weren't for you. It's not like he can't afford it. He's two years ahead of his work. By all means, keep him there longer."
You flush and look away, walking out of the gate. "Oh please, he'll get sick of me before we'd know it."
Warrior is quick to bite his tongue, biting back the instant retort that no doubt sat on his tongue. He takes a breath and shakes his head.
"...He likes you." Warrior looks pained. Like there's something there that he wants to say but can't. You don't see it. "Would you like me to walk you home? If I recall you live far enough away-"
"Not enough to cause concern, Captain." You smile and pat his shoulder. "But thank you."
"His Majesty wouldn't like it if anything happened to you." Warrior tries to push it a little bit.
You shake you head. "And take more of your time away? You work just as hard, if not harder, than the entirety of the castle staff. I think only the King works harder than you."
He presses his lips into a thin line. His own scales poke from under his skin. Something is riling him up but you don't know what. You've never seen his dragon form or even his half. He seems to hide it more often than not. You would never know he was a dragon if the King hadn't said anything earlier.
Warrior sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "Very well... Just... be safe, yeah? I don't think the goddesses themselves would be able to calm the king should things go wrong."
"Like what?" You snort. "I end up in the hospital? I'll be fine. No worries."
You wink for good measure and head home, happy, fulfilled and ready to take on the rest of the week.
You miss the next three visits.
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nr1chaedickrider · 5 months
Love's gonna get you killed - we could've had it all.
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Grief is the response to the loss of something deemed important, particularly to the loss of someone that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, grief also has physical, cognitive, behavioral and social dimensions.
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The sun shines through the large window in your room, and you rub your eyes with your hands as you slowly wake up and stretch. After getting dressed, you make your way to the dining hall where Dahyun and Tzuyu are having breakfast together.
"Good morning," Tzuyu says as you sit down next to her, leaning your walking stick against the table as a cook brings you food and you mumble a "thank you".
"How's your leg?" asks Tzuyu.
Her question gives you a twinge in your head, an uncomfortable feeling, and it's as if the event that actually happened months ago is happening right now.
You clench your teeth as Momo kisses your cheek and pulls the sword out of your thigh as you fall to the ground.
All you see is her looking down at you, tears in her eyes, and whispering an "I'm sorry", her only reply, an apology, a goodbye.
She disappears between the bushes, the last time you saw her.
"Y/n?" Tzuyu asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"My leg... it's better now, but it still hurts sometimes, but I'll start training again soon," you answer, a small smile on your lips.
"By the way, you two were a bit loud yesterday..." you add and hear Dahyun almost choke on her food, Tzuyu laughs a little.
"Sorry," she replies.
It is quiet while the three of you eat, Tzuyu interrupts the silence,
"Various people are coming to visit us tonight, we wanted to have a big party, are you coming too?" she asks, you look at her and think about it.
But just like before, you lose yourself in your thoughts and Momo is standing right in front of you.
"Come on," she says as she stands in the water, you get in, your suit wet and you can feel the goose bumps on your body from the cold.
You both look at each other, the only sound in the background is the water.
"Y/n?" says Tzuyu, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asks, pulling you out of your thoughts again.
"What, ah, yes. I'm coming..." you stand up, "I think Im gonna visit Jihyo..." you say, she nods and lets you go.
"How are you?" asks Jihyo as you sit down next to her.
"Normal, I guess," you answer and she looks at you thoughtfully.
"Jeongyeon can officially start training again, she's doing much better," Jihyo says, breaking the silence.
Momo, who attacked Jeongyeon to get your attention.
"Good" you just say, but Jihyo knows exactly how you feel for a reason.
"You don't care about Jeongyeon as much as you do for Momo, do you?"
You look at her, somehow trying to find an explanation that makes sense, an explanation that shows that you're not thinking about Momo, that she's not that important.
"Sana is back in the kingdom," she says to change the subject, and you suddenly feel uncomfortable.
Memories of the past come flooding back, things that happened years ago.
It's like the first time you saw her, her smile that made your cheeks glow. Her hands that touched you in such a way that you completly melted in her arms, her lips that were so soft that you felt like you were kissing the softest pillow in the world.
Her way of talking that made you cry when she left.
"Why?" you ask Jihyo and she can tell immediately that you're lost in your thoughts.
"Because of Tzuyu's party, she came all the way from Japan, as queen she has to make official visits," she answers.
"Official visits..." you mutter.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"My people need me."
"I can't be seen with you."
I can't be seen with you.
"I know you're probably not ready to see her, and maybe you never will be, but at least try," Jihyo says and you nod, looking down onto your slightly trembling hands.
"I'm glad you all came tonight," Tzuyu says in front of all the guests at the party, a glass of champagne in her hand and in the hands of everyone else.
"I hope you enjoy tonight!" she finishes her sentence and the people applaud as a small orchestra starts playing music, people start talking to each other while some of them start dancing.
Unfortunately, the music sounds far too familiar.
"Will you dance with me?" Momo asked when you were at Dahyun's ball, just as this song started to play.
You take a deep breath and look around, then walk out of the palace and onto the terrace.
Why was every palace built by the water?
The stony shore only reminds you more of the night, even more of the evening when you felt too comfortable with Momo.
The night when Momo kissed you on the cheek.
You take a sip of your champagne, it's quite cold, you can feel it running down your throat, leaving a slight burning sensation.
But you are not alone for long, you hear the door open, you turn around and Sana is standing right in front of you.
Your eyes widen in surprise, because somehow a small - or rather larger - part of your body was hoping that Momo would be standing in front of you, that she would be here again for some reason,
A part of your body hoped that she was looking for you.
"Y/n?" says Sana.
"Sana?" you answer, a soft whisper, as if you were afraid someone might hear you, as if you weren't allowed to speak to a queen.
"Long time no see..." she says, walking to you and leaning against the stone wall, her voice so soft again that you want to cry, to take her in your arms and tell her how much you actually missed her.
But instead of saying anything, you lean against the stone wall next to her, both of you looking at the water in the distance as the sun sets.
"I heard about what happened," she says, and you don't know what exactly she's talking about.
The situation with Momo?
The attack on you that left you still unable to train properly?
The days you spent crying for Sana? Your despair?
Too many events come to mind as Sana continues,
"That thing with your leg, that knight, what was her name again-
"Momo," you answer, perhaps a little too quickly.
"Exactly, she hurt you in the fight. I hope your leg is better," a small smile appears on her lips as she finishes her sentence.
"It's gotten a lot better," you answer, drinking the last drops of your champagne. The burning sensation is back in your throat, but somehow you start liking it, a kind of burning that is somehow pleasant.
It's quiet, uncomfortable, but comfortable at the same time. Like a paradox - it's as if she has always been here, as if she never went to Japan.
"I missed you."
Sana says after a while, and it scares you somehow - you don't answer.
But Sana doesn't mind, not at all - she found your quiet way somehow relaxing. She always liked the way you listened to her without answering, because deep in her heart she knew that you somehow remembered everything, that you thought of every single detail even when she was gone.
"Whether you want to believe me or not is your decision, but I can only say that to this day I regret leaving," she says as you look at her, her eyes are slightly watery - another one of her special qualities - she gets emotional easily when she talks about her feelings.
You put your hand on hers, your thumb gently stroking her palm, a small but somehow meaningful sign for Sana. A kind of comfort.
How ironic, really, that you are comforting her.
You look back at the water, Sana does the same.
"I'll stay here longer, y/n," she adds.
Part of your body rejoices, maybe you shouldn't, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't think about her almost every day.
Thinking about Sana has distracted you from many things -
especially at this moment.
You don't notice Momo opening the door and watching you and Sana.
You don't notice the way her grip on the glass is getting tighter and tighter.
Despair? Anger?
And when you hear the sound of glass falling to the floor and shattering into little pieces -
Momo was already gone.
Your head hurts when you wake up, maybe it was stupid to play drinking games with Tzuyu, Dahyun and Sana.
Actually, you wanted to stay civil, but... it didn't work out so well.
You decide to take a walk through the forest to get some fresh air.
After a few minutes you find yourself in this place.
Behind bushes and trees -
The place where you saw Momo for the first time.
The place where she gave you the scar on your face - which is almost gone now,
The place where you and Momo fought in the rain.
The place where you kissed before you never saw her again.
But this time it's different, this time there's no Momo here to attack you, this time you're all alone, without any armor or weapon.
You sit down on the grass and lean against a bigger stone.
And it's so different from the other times, it's just quiet, pleasant.
And maybe it would have stayed that quiet and pleasant if you hadn't suddenly heard footsteps coming closer and closer,
and before you can even react,
Momo is standing right in front of you.
She looks down at you, her expression is hard to read, it's hard for you to tell what she's feeling.
The only thing you notice is that she has no weapon or armor.
She's not here as a knight from the other Kingdom, but simply as Momo.
Just Hirai Momo.
None of you dare to say anything, maybe that's what makes you different from Sana -
You're more afraid.
Because what you did with Momo was always whispering, talking at night, hiding.
She doesn't say anything, she just sits down next to you.
And you don't complain, no, of course not.
Because somehow this is something you've wanted for months.
You don't complain when Momo puts her head on your shoulder, but you put your head on hers.
You both look at the ground in front of you, the only sounds are your breathing, the chirping of birds and a light breeze that comes now and then.
And Momo's hand plays with the grass under her fingers, perhaps a sign of nervousness?
And when she starts humming softly, you don't mind, no, you just try to listen to her even more.
Even though the melody is unfamiliar to you, it is somehow so relaxing, unfamiliar and yet familiar at the same time.
And what's going on in your head that you're doing this, that you're daring to take her hand.
She doesn't pull her hand away, but intertwines your fingers.
And her cold hand is somehow so pleasant that you warm it with your warm hand and she cools you down with hers.
And this moment is more pleasant than you thought, if you only knew who exactly was watching.
Because the person is not happy, they don't know why they feel this way, but it hurts their heart.
You yawn as you look around and slowly realize the situation you are in,
or rather, were.
You are still sitting on the grass, your back leaning against a stone as you look beside you,
Momo is gone.
Without a word of goodbye.
You get up, pick up your walking stick and walk back to the palace, it's quite late and you wonder how long you've been in the forest.
Before you can enter the palace, you run into Jihyo who quickly pulls you aside.
You give her a confused look before she starts talking,
"Sana's been looking for you all day," she says, and your body starts to hurt.
Why is she looking for you?
Does she know about Momo?
"I don't know what's going on, but she's in your room. Maybe you should go upstairs and talk to her," Jihyo says and you nod, thanking her for the warning.
The walk upstairs felt faster than usual, you take a breath and open the door, Sana is standing in front of the large window as you walk in.
You close the door behind you and walk slowly towards her, leaving a few feet of space.
"You shouldn't stand so long, sit down," she says, but it sounds more like an order.
You nod and sit down, she walks towards you.
"Where have you been?" she asks.
"In the forest."
Her question makes you think. You just wanted to get some fresh air, then you met Momo and just fell asleep.
"Just like that, why do you care?" you ask back and Sana laughs a little.
"You shouldn't spend time with people like that, especially not falling asleep next to them," she says, standing right in front of you.
She knows about it?
She has seen you and Momo?
Why is she telling you all this?
Thousands of questions pop into your head and you can already feel the headache, Sana interrupts your thoughts when she starts talking again,
"I know Momo, and believe me, she's not a good influence for you. She's dangerous, and you're not the first person she's had contact with like this. I only want the best for you," she says.
"What do you mean?" you ask, but she only confuses you more with her words.
She sits down across from you, her legs crossed, her back straight and her posture noble.
"You are not her first victim. No matter what you think is going to happen between you, it won't. She did something to my kingdom years ago that is still unforgivable," she replies.
"Just believe me, please. You know I only want the best for you."
Your hand clenches into a fist, how ironic that Sana out of all people would say such things.
"You only want the best for me? You left me, you said you couldn't be seen with me. You have no idea what's best for me," you reply, perhaps a little too aggressively.
But Sana doesn't seem to be offended, her expression is still neutral, but it looks like she's suppressing a smile when she starts talking again.
"Why is Momo so important to you that you get so defensive?" she asks.
She probably knew exactly what point she had hit.
Sana knows exactly how your emotions tick, she knows every single detail and could make you cry in just a second.
"I..." you start to speak, but nothing comes out.
"She attacked you, she's a knight of the other kingdom, she almost killed Jeongyeon. So I ask again, why is she so important to you?" she says, provoking you even more.
And as you think about it, you realize what a bad person Momo really is.
The many fights, the attack on Jeongyeon, the provocation, her aggression.
The way she made you cry?
Her tender lips on yours before she disappeared for months?
When she listened to you talk about your fears at the ball?
And her alleged attacks were never fatal, you start to notice while thinking about everything.
Jeongyeon - She hit her in a place that heals easily.
You - The scar on your face that didn't even touch your eye or neck.
Her sword that was in your thigh - it healed faster than you thought.
The way she always called for the others after hurting you, so you could get help right away.
Sana stands up, on her way out of your room, but before she can leave, you turn around and say something.
"Maybe Momo is a better person than you."
Sana turns and looks at you, a smile on her lips.
A smile?
"I see" she answers and closes the door behind her.
Why did she say that?
Why did she smile?
What is she up to?
It is dark, the wind is cold and yet so pleasant.
You find yourself in front of a large stone wall, one that protects the palace.
Or rather;
You are standing in front of Dahyun's kingdom.
Even though peace has been restored, you prefer to play it safe and take the more inconspicuous route.
You bite your lower lip as you climb up, your thigh tightening from the pain as you reach the other side.
And as you run up the stairs to Momo's room, you are stopped.
"Who are you?" asks a man, taller than you, a small sword in his hand - probably as a defense.
You remember your dream again, the one in which you also met this man.
You don't answer him, but attack him, the sword flies out of his hands and lands in yours.
And before he can react, you stab him.
And as if nothing had happened, you just keep walking.
Up the stairs, through her door and close it behind you.
You look around her room first, it looks similar to yours, maybe because you're both knights.
You want to turn around, but you bump into something.
Or rather,
against someone.
You gasp as you feel a knife at your neck.
And somehow it's just like in your dream again.
"Momo, it's me," you say as she pulls her knife away from your neck again and puts it away.
"Why are you here?" she asks as she sits down on her bed, leaving space for you as you sit down next to her.
"I honestly don't know..." you start to say,
"I talked to Sana," you can tell from Momo's reaction that something is wrong.
The look on her face confuses you. Why is she reacting like this? What's the story behind the two of them?
"Did she tell you not to talk to me anymore? That I'm a bad influence?" Momo asks, you nod slowly, hoping she'll finally explain why Sana has been acting like this.
"I wasn't always part of Dahyun's kingdom Y/n," she says, and you're only more confused.
"Before Sana was in charge of her kingdom, it was Mina. Younger than Sana and I, but part of the royal family, which is why she came to power when her parents passed away." the more she talks, the more confused you get.
"We were pretty close friends, the three of us, I served Mina's kingdom," Momo stops talking for a moment, taking a breath as she looks down at her hands.
"It got to the point where Mina kissed me, and I kissed her back. We acted like two little teenagers in love, but then..." You see her thinking about how to phrase her next words, she lets out a little laugh.
"Our kingdom was attacked and I defended Mina and Sana. Mina wanted to stay with me the whole time because she was worried about me. When it came to an attack...
she stood in front of me because I didn't see it coming, right infront of me and Sana.
I wanted to help her, but in the end it was too late.
Sana still hasn't forgiven me for it, it seems. She got everyone to turn on me, and I fled because it's supposedly all my fault." Momo says and stops talking, you look at her, and now somehow you understand everything.
"But it's not your fault" you whisper, it shouldn't even come out as a whisper, but somehow it just doesn't come out any louder.
Momo looks at you, a slight smile on her lips - which quickly disappears,
"But maybe you need to listen to Sana, even if I hate to say it.
I don't want anything bad to happen to you," she says.
Couldn't she have just said "Don't listen to Sana"?
"Wouldn't it be funny if this was the last time we talked to eachother in peace?" Momo asks.
You look at her and somehow wish she hadn't said that, because it makes you somehow scared.
But you choose to ignore it.
You choose to focus on the present, on what's happening now and not years later.
You take a deep breath and take her hand in yours.
Her hand is cold, again, - yours is warm.
She looks at you as you answer;
"You're both idiots"
Momo looks at you, confused.
You close the distance between the two of you, her soft lips on yours as she dares not move.
This time it's different.
It's not a stupid dream you're having because you're confused about your feelings for Momo.
It's all more real.
And you want it, so, so much.
But before you can pull away, Momo starts kissing you back.
And her lips feel so soft, it feels like a new sensation that drives you crazy.
As you two continue kissing, Momo pushes her tongue into your mouth and you let out a soft whimper at the feeling of her exploring your mouth.
She pushes you into her matress as she gets on top of you, leaving your lips as she places wet kisses on your jaw, trailing down to your neck and leaving hickeys by biting, sucking and nibbling on your skin.
Your hands grip the bedsheets, head leaning back deeper into the pillow because of the pleasure, toes curling into the bed as Momo parts your legs with her free hand, slowly and lightly rubbing circles over the pants you have on.
"Fuck Momo-" you let out, opening your eyes to make eye contact with her.
Her hands toy with the hem of your shirt, looking at you with a smile that seems more like a nasty smirk.
"Can I take this off?" she asks, and you're close to just rip off your shirt yourself, because Momo knows damn well how much you want this.
"Don't ask stupid questions.." you answer, and your t-shirt is being pulled off faster than you thought.
And Momo's eyes sparkle a little when she sees that you haven't thought about wearing a bra, being topless right infront of her.
She leans down, trailing her kisses down from your collarbone to your chest - kissing inbetween your breasts before taking one of your hardened buds into her mouth, her hand playing with the other one.
You throw your head back again, back arching, wanting to get somehow even closer to her touch.
After licking, biting and lightly sucking, she continues kissing down your body, stopping right infront of your pants.
She thinks quicker than you - catching your hands before you could, somehow, make her touch you where you really need it faster.
She looks up to you, that nasty smirk fully on her lips, and oh god what you would do to wipe it off her face so she stops feeling so confident.
"You're so impatient baby, how long did you wait for this?" she asks teasingly, her voice husky, making that one damp spot on your underwear even wetter.
"Too long-" you whimper, maybe it would be embarrassing to admit this, and it is probably very embarrassing - but in this moment, you couldn't care less.
Your body is hot, sweaty, and your mind clouded by the thought of Momo finally touching you like you desire.
Mind full of wanting to submit to her, your body trusting her completly to being in charge.
She interrupts your thinking when you see her having a piece of black cloth in her hands, her look on her face not that teasing, rather like she is asking you if she can do what she wants to do.
A simple question, no strings attached.
You nod.
She smiles, sitting upright as she takes your arms, placing them behind your back as she ties your wrists together, not too tight, but definetly so tight that you cant simply take them off.
She plays with the strings of your pants, clearly teasing you, again.
"How bad do you want this?" she asks, leaning on top of you as she whispers into your ear, her breath hot and her voice sensual.
You feel shivers running down your spine as she speaks, thinking of an answer that will leave her satisfied enough to touch you.
"So bad that its embarrassing to say, so bad that i would say it infront of the whole kingdom so they can hear it." you answer, and your breath hitches when Momo brushes her finger against the damp spot, pressing right against your heat, telling by her face, she's visibly satisfied by your answer.
"Can't leave you hanging, right?" she says, fingers hooking onto your pants as she pulls them off along with your underwear, throwing it on your shirt.
She lowers herself so her face is right infront of your core, her slow breaths tickling you in a way that makes your hips buck.
She comes closer, leaving kitten licks on your clit as you moan, head leaning back into the pillow as you bite your bottom lip.
Your hands try to move as you realize that they are tied together, wrists rubbing against eachother as your body tries to feel Momo even more.
"Please.. don't tease-" you moan out, earning a chuckle from her.
"Okay okay.." she answers, her tongue suddenly moving faster as she enters your hole, making you let out a louder moan.
You turn your head as you moan into the pillow your head is laying on, back arching even more when she speeds up.
"Momo.." you pant, moans leaving your mouth while you try to speak.
"I'm close-" you say, feeling her smirk as she, somehow, goes even faster, even deeper.
Your thighs close around her head, forcing her to spread them open again with her hands as you cum into her mouth, a loud moan ripping from your mouth as your juices flow out.
Momo pulls back, watching you breathe heavily as you try to come down from your high, brushing your hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear.
Maybe this is her favorite sight.
Seeing you like this.
Hands tied behind your back, cheeks flushed, neck full of hickeys, back slightly arched, eyes closed and your brows furrowed.
She doesn't get to stare long though - you open your eyes and look at her.
"Admiring me?" you say and laugh a little.
"Maybe" she answers, fingers drawing circles on your thigh.
A silent request, an invitation.
Her motives are clear as a sky without clouds.
And again, you nod, letting her take control over this situation, - letting her take control over you.
She smiles, fingers inching closer to your heat.
And when you feel her fingers brush over your clit, your mouth drops open, hips bucking into her touch, wanting more.
She pulls her fingers away, a string of wetness on them.
Her fingers slide down, through your folds as she slowly puts a finger in, your hands gripping the cloth that is restricting your hands.
You let out a moan and bite down on your lip.
And when Momo slowly starts to move, she realizes the way you're so tight.
"First time?" she asks, and you embarrassingly nod, cheeks turning into a crimson color.
She smiles, hand trailing up your body, leaning forward as she kisses your neck softly.
"I got you" she whispers, kissing along your neck and collarbone, adding another finger into you slowly.
"Fuck Momo-" you moan, your mind going crazy over the new sensation of Momo's long, thick, fingers inside of you, body slightly grinding onto her to feel her even more.
And she starts to thrust into you, some slow, experimental thrusts to see how you would feel.
Your moans get louder, and all your thoughts disappearing as your mind gets clouded by the way you feel Momo everywhere.
Her mouth lands on your breasts, kissing them as she drags a tongue over your nipple, making your back arch off the bed and closer to her.
"Are you close?" she asks, smiling against your chest as she curls her fingers into that spot that makes you moan even louder.
You nod, lip trapped between your teeth, head thrown back.
She grins against your chest, her fingers moving even faster, scissoring and curling into the spots that make you crazy.
"Momo-" you yell out, toes curling into the matress, gripping the cloth that is tied around your wrists, body twitching while cumming.
She slowly stops moving her fingers, helping you ride out your high.
She pulls her fingers out, slowly licking them clean.
You try to calm down, panting with your eyes closed.
Momo pulls off the cloth from your hands, and when you open your eyes you can see the little red marks it left.
She smiles at you, taking your hand in hers.
"How about we take a bath?" she asks with a smirk.
That nasty smirk again, the one that makes you want to wipe it off her face.
The one you slowly start to adore.
"Sounds good" you answer.
War is like a plague, a disease.
Something that can always come back for some reason.
Once you have it, it will never leave you.
Peace, however, is something you can only dream of.
The complete opposite of war.
And while the kingdoms enjoyed the supposed peace, war came right after.
Unprepared, without any signs, without any official announcement.
It was only days after you slept with Momo.
Days after you last spoke to Sana.
Jihyo stands beside you as Tzuyu gives a speech to the residents, your armor donned.
"Are you sure you're really ready to fight yet?" she whispers to you.
You look to her briefly, and nod.
You look next to you and look at Momo.
"We'll do everything we can to keep the peace!" says Tzuyu.
"Our kingdoms will work together for your safety." says Dahyun, standing next to Tzuyu.
Momo has a slight smile on her lips, and it makes you show yours too.
Maybe you really are like childish teenagers who are in love, but in this moment - and in all other moments, really - you don't care.
Because you both have each other, and that's the most important thing.
You can be happy together.
Even with war.
You are split into groups, Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Momo and you, while the other knights are in another small group protecting a different part of the kingdom.
You run through the forest in two lines,
Jihyo and Jeongyeon are behind you,
Momo and you lead the way, all four of you with swords in hand, making sure no one can attack you.
It's darker now, which means you have to concentrate so that you can see everything clearly.
You walk past the part of the forest you've been to too often.
A part where you have probably made the most memories.
And somehow every one of them has something to do with Momo.
Momo notices you looking there and touches you with her arm so that you look at her, she smiles at you.
A simple sign that she knows what you're thinking about.
You hear a strange noise behind you, but before you can turn around you feel a blow to your head and fall to the ground.
The last thing you see are people standing in front of you and pulling a cloth bag over everyone's head so that you can't see anything.
The last thing you feel is thick ropes being tied around your arm.
And suddenly, you feel nothing as everything goes black.
As you slowly begin to regain consciousness, you realize that you are still tied up, your vision still blocked by the cloth bag.
You try to hear something and realize that you are in a carriage, or rather a horse-drawn carriage as you can tell by the clattering of hooves.
The cart comes to an abrupt stop as you hear something being opened, probably to get you out, but suddenly, you hear a whisper next to you -
"I'll find you in every universe."
You can tell by the voice that it's Momo, and how much you want to answer, Momo is pulled away and someone grabs you to get you out of the car.
You run to where you are being led and somehow you are scared, of course you should be scared, but that uneasy feeling in your stomach makes it all worse.
You are pushed to the ground, onto your knees.
The cloth bag is pulled off your head, and as you look around, you are shocked.
You see many knights, from their armor you can tell they are not from Tzuyu's or Dahyun's kingdom.
You see Sana.
Her clothes dark, her expression cold as she watches all the other knights being forced to their knees just like you.
You look beside you, and a few meters away you see her.
She looks you in the eye, her smile no longer on her lips, but, for the first time, her look is different.
She is afraid.
Next to you are Jihyo and Jeongyeon, somewhere further you see knights like Nayeon and Chaeyoung.
You look at Sana again, and as everyone looks at her, she starts talking.
"I'm glad to be here," she says with a wicked grin, one that gives you goosebumps.
She takes the sword from a knight and looks at it, then smiles.
"I don't really like doing the dirty work," she says.
"But as queen, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands"
She looks around, her eyes landing on you.
"Oh Y/n, long time no see right?" she asks, kneeling down in front of you, sword in her hand.
She reaches behind your head, your hair between her fingers as she pulls your head back.
You grit your teeth.
Momo, further away, tries to get free, somehow, to help you, but it's impossible.
"Oh Y/n.. Our friendship is great, isn't it? Or maybe we have more?" she asks teasingly.
"We don't have anything." you reply, and she laughs.
She laughs and lets go of your hair to stand up.
"Because Momo is better than me, right? Right?" she asks, pacing back and forth a few steps.
You don't answer, but only feel more uncomfortable and wonder what exactly Sana is up to here.
"If you look around you'll see that we're somewhere in the middle of nowhere. A perfect place for corpses" she announces and everyone looks at her in confusion, looks full of fear.
"But don't be afraid... You don't have to do anything except watch..." she says, but suddenly she adds something that makes your blood freeze -
"Unless your name is Hirai Momo, then you're the star of the show!" she finishes, and everyone is even more shocked, Momo's eyes wide open as Sana points her sword at her.
"Sana! You can't do this," you say.
A pathetic attempt to somehow save Momo, to somehow stop Sana from doing what she's about to do.
Sana approaches Momo and stands right in front of her.
"Sana please!" you call out, she looks at you.
"Please..." you feel your eyes getting watery, "it's not Momo's fault that Mina is dead, you know that!"
Sana listens to you, lets you finish, and you feel like she's really letting up.
"You don't have to do this. Please. You're not a better person if you kill Momo. It won't bring Mina back!" you say, tears streaming down your eyes.
Sana nods.
Sana nods?
"I think you're right, Y/n..." she says, lowering the sword.
Only to raise it again.
"I make my own decisions, though." she says.
Momo looks at you,
and suddenly her face is covered in blood.
Sana's sword is suddenly stuck in her head before she pulls it out.
You've seen brutal things, of course, you're a knight -
But seeing Momo,
Momo being killed in front of you.
"Momo!" you scream.
Your eyes are full of tears and you somehow try to untie these filthy ropes.
Because somehow you think you still have a chance to save her.
Momo looks at you.
"Y/n.. I'll... I'll find you..."
She topples over, onto the dirty ground, onto the grass.
"Momo..." you say again, hoping that this isn't real.
It's just a bad dream, isn't it?
Or is it?
Jihyo looks at you, tears in her eyes and in everyone else's, but you're only focused on Momo.
She doesn't move, just lies there.
Not a single breath, no stupid grin, nothing.
"Why not in this one?" you ask.
"Why couldn't you just find me in this universe?" you ask.
And to hear you like that, you'd think you were talking to someone.
But no one is standing in front of you, or next to you.
You are alone.
'Hirai Momo, a fighter, a person full of love' is written on the gravestone.
And it doesn't feel real.
And a part of your body still hopes it's not real.
You kneel down, run your hand slowly over the engraved writing.
"Why?" you ask into the silence.
And inside, you think to yourself that someone is behind you, answering your question.
In your mind, Momo is standing behind you and says that she survived.
"I will never forget you," you say.
A promise.
One that you will never break.
One that you will always remember.
You will remember how beautiful she was, how she made you feel.
You will remember her smile, and you will always love her.
"I'll never love anyone like that again" you say to yourself, maybe you say it to her, in another universe she is listening to you.
In your heart, Momo is not a knight of the other kingdom,
Or a bad person,
But simply Hirai Momo.
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misc-obeyme · 4 days
I refuse to believe that Dia would dislike Simeon, because mans is too much of a golden retriever imo, like only time I can recall him being genuinely mad or whatever was when he got kidnapped at the amusement park and realized his kidnapper wanted to kill MC and Belphie
- 🦊
Hmm well I think that one relationship chart they posted a billion years ago is what said that Diavolo can't stand Simeon. Hold up I'll find it.
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This one!
I think it makes sense for Diavolo to have been wary of Simeon at first. He's generally very nice, but I also think he cares very deeply about his kingdom. And if he isn't sure whether or not someone is a threat to it, he's going to be careful until he knows for sure.
I also think he's displayed that a few times in Nightbringer, when things were getting dicey. He definitely wouldn't be needlessly cruel or even dislike someone for no reason, but he does step into that regal persona when he needs to. I'll never forget the time he clapped back at Raphael... hold up I think I have that screenshot still...
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Hee hee this one. I was like yaaasss.
Of course we find out later that [spoilers redacted but if you know, you know].
He's got that authoritative anger, like... don't play with me. I'm the next Demon King and I won't be trifled with. There was also that time in NB when he gets into a fight with Lucifer himself... he seemed pretty upset then, too.
Anyway, I don't think he really dislikes Simeon. That graphic is pretty old and they've been retconning all kinds of things. But I do think it makes sense for Diavolo to be wary of him, especially in the beginning of OG.
Of course, this is just my opinion!
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riniworld · 4 months
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yandere!knight oc x princess reader
warnings// mention of killing? i don't think there's anything more
reference// you,m'lady,your highness-majesty,y/n.
a/n// I'm kinda satisfied with that-
edit// okay i overthink, i didn't want to do it like that in first but then it's just hit me that if i made him just want power and starts to slowly falling for the reader it'd be better-now i guess I'm kind of regret it.
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It is the third day of the death of the queen and your sister,no one knew the murderer and you didn't dare to say it was senor maybe out of fear from the look that was on his eyes that day or maybe because he's the only one who treated you right....and you still love him.
either way here he is free and became your personal knight,you can't even look at him without shivering you still see the blood on his hands, your relationship became tense or for you at least,he's acting all normal not like he killed the ruler of the kingdom herself!,he did apologize a few times to you but it wasn't a realistic apologising he don't feel guilty you can see it in his eyes.
despite all of this you have now a new anxiety,the court and privy council are discussing if you're suitable to be the next ruler, few of the servants knew about you being an Illegitimate daughter of the king and the old ones only and the council as well of course.
you never wanted the throne nor you dreamt about it,you know how hard it is to rule a whole kingdom and you don't know anything about ruling,but also The people need a ruler and the queen didn't have any relative the only one was her daughter and they two had gone..now you're the only one in the line.
the cup of tea in your hands has become cold a while ago,you're sitting in your garden lost in thought,snapping out of your thoughts when someone take the cup out of your hands,it's senor.
"what are you thinking about,m'lady?" he ask and put the cup on the table
you look at him for a minute before you replay "about everything happening now." you look at the ground not able to keep the eye contact.
he put his hand on your shoulder "don't worry too much,you're capable of it." he smile at you, a smile made your heart warm.
you exhale "i hope so." you say unsurely.
senor pause for a second before he kneel at your feet,cupping your hands in his "You were born to be a ruler,there's nothing to be anxious about you've got everything to rule a kingdom the right way....just like your father."
His words made you feel at ease knowing someone is there to support you in any time,for a second you forget what senor had did and he's the one who put you in this situation.
before you replay you two hear a footsteps coming your way and with last squeeze to your hands senor stand up to stand behind you,your relationship is still a secret after all.
a maid approach you and bows a little before speaking "your highness,the council has arrived and they're waiting for you in the guest room." right one of the benefits from the queen's death is that everyone stopped ignoring you.
you nod "I'll head to them right away,thank you for telling me."
the maid bow again before she head to her work.
you stand from your chair nearly knocking it off but luckily senor was there to catch it,as long as he's here everything going to be perfect, just keep relying on him.
you walk to the guest room million of thoughts running in your head,when you stand in front of the big door you take a deep breath and buff your chest high,making a steady face one of the things you learn from your father is that maintain a steady posture even if you're about to cry,when you try to open the door a hand stop you.
"let me,m'lady" senor opens the door for you.
all the members of the council stand up and bow,you also bow your head a bit, senor kept standing in the door and you sit down.
"good evening,your highness" one of them speak first.
"first we're really sorry for your lose,the queen was a good person to the entire kingdom be sure we all are sad to lose her and her daughter" a man seems to be old enough to have even meet your father in his young age speaks like he's really in the verge of tears.
"thank you for your kind words i appreciate it." you say politely.
senor's hand tighten around the hilt of his sword, there's no need for all the long talk is there? it's already difficult enough for him to see you give attention to another!
"yes, it is indeed a misery for the kingdom, but as you know your highness The people need someone to rule them and there is no one on the suggestion list but you...unfortunately." the last one speak in a stern tone..rude.
"yes, i understand." you try hard to not show the anxiety in your voice.
"After we discussed this several times...Due to the lack of suggestions to rule the kingdom, we unanimously decided to give you the rule as you're the only suitable person available" the one who greeted you say with a small smile and the others nod.
you stayed silent don't know what to say, is that really right? will you be capable on ruling the kingdom like the queen was? You clasp your hands together and squeeze them tight.
"don't worry,your highness we won't let you alone in this, someone will come and teach you everything you need to know about ruling a kingdom as he is an expert on the history of the kingdom and his father studied your father when he was going to become the next king so you'll be familiar with him beside he's near your age." The person who consoled you about the queen's death speak.He seemed to have noticed your anxiety.
You gathered your strength to speak, you can't seem weak now "it-s an honor for me to know that you see me as suitable for such a great position. I will do my best not to disappoint you and to rule this kingdom as my parents did before."
"we hope so too, as you know that too risky because no one ruled this kingdom except those of royal blood before, so we hope our decision not wrong" the rude one say.
another one clear his throat "if you'll excuse us now,your highness we have to go, it was an honor talking to you,we expect the tutor to arrive in the next week." when he finish everyone stand up,and you as well.
"I'll be waiting,thank you for your visit."
you shake hands with all three of them and asked some servants to escort them.
when they left,you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding "oh god that was exhausting"
"how about we go to your room to take a rest,m'lady?" senor suggest as he come to your side.
"yes,that would be good"
as soon as you enter the room you throw yourself in your bed and bury your face in your pillow,senor close the door behind him and sit on the edge of the bed.
he reaches his hand for yours,you flinch when he take it but let him anyway,he start kissing it all over,You move your head to the side fighting a giggle threatened to escape "what got into you?" you couldn't hold your smile back.
he say between the kisses "you gave-alot of attention to them-i want some too."
now you can't hold your giggles anymore "you big baby." you tease.
he moves all the way to your neck,it's ticklesh "come on now stop,i want to sleep."
senor lift his head up and look into your eyes before he sigh and sit straight "fine."
you give a final smile and close your eyes,it's not even a minute before you hear metal hit the ground when you open your eyes you see senor taking his armor off left with a plain white pajama,you sit straight nearly choking on the air.
"what are you doing?!" you whisper shouted afraid someone will come in any time.
senor look at you with innocent look and sit beside you covering you both in th blanket "isn't it obvious,m'lady? taking a nap with you." he say like it's the most normal thing in the world.
"what if-what if someone came in and saw you?!"
"no one will come in without your permission." before you can respond he covers your heads under the blanket and lie down before he pulls you in his chest. "now sleep well,m'lady." then he close his eyes pretending to sleep
you sigh not able to complain,finally you let yourself drift to dream land,not knowing that someone won't sleep staring at you.
after two days(Note: the coronation ceremony does not happen like this in reality it's just my au!!)
It's your coronation ceremony day, today you will officially become queen of the kingdom and rule it.
the maids are doing your makeup and your hair,you've never been the senter of attention,always sitting in the corner on the masquerades and balls,so you're extra anxious,especially must of the nobles will be here tonight.
the maids put the last touches,you asked them to leave you alone for a minute to prepare and they did.
when they left you hear a knock on the door and immediately knew it was senor so you give permission to enter as you need someone to calm you down.
senor enter and closed the door quickly,when he laid his eyes on you he become speechless.
oh god his heart beat quickly like it's gonna ripe through his chest...his face flush red and his breath quicken,he want to run away to not ruin you right here and there,he don't know why he's feeling like that,that's not his goal!.
when you feel like he's staring too much you panic,maybe out of nervousness "isthereanythingwrongwithmyfaceisitmyhairorismydresstoorevealing?!" you talked fast to the point you didn't understand yourself.
"no-no you're perfect-beyond perfect i don't know if I'm willing to let you set your foot out this door" senor said while he was still far away from you.
"i don't know how this supposed to make me feel" you sit down and put your head between your hands "ugh! I'm so nervous i don't know what to do!" you look at senor without lifting your head up "why are you even standing there? sit."
senor kept standing in his place "believe me it's better for the two of us,m'lady."
you look at him weirdly before you hear your name called from the other side of the door.
you walk down the aisle all the eyes on you,senor is holding you arm 'just for safety'.
you've meet people for the first time,some who was your sister friend some who knew the queen and even some who knew your father very well.
senor was glued to you side the entire time,and you swear you've seen the danger in his eyes again.
"tell me if someone made you uncomfortable so I'll have a word with them" "senor no-"
After the coronation, all the required ceremonies, and the oath of loyalty,now everyone just enjoy they're time,dancing,drinking and eating.
you were taking a drink to ease your mind when someone approaches you.
he take your hand and bow "may i,have the honor to dance with your majesty?"
he seems to be son of a duke you think you've seen him before,you were about to accept when someone snatched you hand from his....right,senor.
the man look offended "the audacity!,who do you think yourself?"
"your majesty i need to talk to you for a bit,may we go somewhere more...private?" senor whispered in your ear,but it was enough for the man to hear.
you look at senor before nodding,you excuse yourself and go with him.
giggles echo the garden as senor take you running to somewhere,you ran difficulty because of your dress and your shoes but you won't deny it was fun,the last time you ran like that was when you were a kid.
senor stopped at the end of the garden, close to the fence where no one would get there,he catch his breath and speak "have your nervousness ease a bit,m'lady?" he asked between his panting.
and you weren't any better as the garden was very large "was that your goal from all of this?"
senor shrug "part of"
"well,what is so important that you had to kidnap the queen herself from the ceremony?" you say jokingly
senor laugh but cut it shortly and look at you with serious expressions "y/n..you know that i love you" he say carefully
you look at him confused "i..do,what is your point?"
"and i'm very serious about you and I don't care if our state are completely different"
"why you say that all of a sudden?"
"well.." senor take a deep breath Before he kneels one one knee,your breath stops as you know where this is going to "I've thought about that for a long time.." He took a ring out of his pocket "will you marry me,y/n?...not as a knight but just as senor will y/n marry senor?"
for a minute you thought about it all and if it was a good choice but you couldn't contain yourself and it slipped "yes,yes i will"
senor put the ring on your finger immediately before he hold you and swing you around,he put you on the ground and hug you tightly.
"you don't know how happy i am now!" he almost shouted
you didn't say anything, just buried your face in his neck smiling like an idiot.
after some minute you lift your head up,"don't take me wrong but can we keep this a secret untill we're officially married? just because you know...the people and their gossip and i just became a queen so it's not really a smart move to reveal this all of a sudden"
"of course,anything will make you comfortable,m'lady."
you smile widely and kiss him on his cheek
Oh,you poor girl,you've fallen into his web and soon enough the throne will be his.
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i hope you like it:)
have a good day/night♡
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tanoraqui · 5 days
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: In Which Chilchuck Begrudgingly Has Feelings for his Coworkers, and Kabru Has...Something. He Sure Has Something Going On Over There.
Before we continue, I feel I should clarify 2 things:
I've been trying, ish, to avoid spoilers for this comic, but I've watched through the Golden Country episode and more importantly I'm so bad at not reading spoiler-y but interesting- and insightful-looking analysis. So, much of this commentary isn't wholly original and any particularly genius theories of future events are likely made with actual foreknowledge.
When I said on the first post that I was starting the comic because "I need to know what happens", what I specifically meant was "I need to know how the Laios-Kabru dynamic ends up, and the general geopolitical situation, so I can accurately daydream what sort of tariffs they'll set in the kingdom of which Laios is definitely not going to be the one managing the political, economic, or social minutia." Tariffs are going to be important, okay. They're a key way a nation-state interacts with other nation-states, especially one with rare materials to trade, powerful neighbors who want them, and the natural barrier of an ocean. Truly, every fantasy series ever should be required to have an epilogue or many an additional book/season/etc of a The West Wing-style depiction of day-to-day governance of whatever resulted from the story's climactic finale.
Okay, back to the liveblog.
Inch resting. The manga characters, having met the Mad Mage, keep using she/her pronouns for them, where in the anime they used he/him. I assume one of these is just, like, wrong - some translation choice was made before truth was revealed later in the course of publication?
But it makes SENSE that the characters wouldn't necessarily know, at this point! The Mage's appearance is pretty gender-neutral, especially as an elf, an notably gender-ambiguous race. So the characters in the manga picked one guess and stuck with it, and the characters is the very slightly alternate timeline of the anime picked another and stuck with that!
Now: having used they/them throughout this musing and previously he/him because a) the show and b) that's what I saw in fandom, I think I'll switch to referring to the Mage with she/her pronouns now. Because A) that's how the thing I'm reading apparently will be doing it, and B) they still call her "Lord of the Dungeon", which is obviously the greatest gender option of all.
...however, the manga does keep saying "lunatic magician" rather than "Mad Mage" (caps mine), which is a TOTAL failing in drama. Always alliterate, preferably archaically.
Orc woman: Ugh, this halffoot sucks. I'll tolerate his company only as a favor to the vegetable guy.
Orc woman after listening to Chilchuck complain about his coworkers for an hour: Nvm, this halffoot is a worthy and loyal friend of the vegetable seller, and I guess those other guys too. He's just emotionally constipated about it.
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Laios just has these soft little fond smiles sometimes and I? want to hug him?
MY MAN IS BACK!! Kabru wink count: 1 this chapter, 4 total [updated as I read]
Corpse Retriever: If you don't report us for trying to get you guys killed so we could collect a retrieval fee, we'll let you kill those two of our guys who are already unconscious and collect that fee yourselves. We'll just take 30% of it, for not telling on you.
Kabru, internally: Hm. Well, I'm not king of this dungeon yet, but nonetheless I feel comfortable passing and executing a just judgement upon you for your many known, presumed and planned crimes. Emphasis on 'executing.'
Kabru aloud: I accept!
Kabru: [starts killing them with a classic faint, wide-eyed smile]
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What a guy. He's even holding that knife so well. Look, next he's analyzing social trends and acting ruthlessly to adjust them toward the direction of the greater good!
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What a guy. Truly this is a "so my type that it's embarrassing" situation.
I can't efficiently crop panels to show all this, but favorite parallels in these chapters full of parallels:
Kabru's breakdown of the Touden party is like Laios eagerly explaining and analyzing the behavior and anatomy of monsters (including, though we don't know it yet, calculations for killing them - though we DO see him saying that humans are easy to kill because he knows all the physical weak points!)
The references throughout these two chapters, by Kabru and his party, to the interconnected socioeconomic dynamics of the island and dungeon - the corrupted system fails to check corpse retrievers, the Island Lord as an annoying but necessary bulwark against the Elves, the dungeon growing hungrier as fewer adventurers go down because there's less money and more risk - are so so so like Senshi and Laiois discussing the dungeon biome's ecosystem and food pyramid.
The whole vibe of the party re: their respective weirdo tallman leaders. We watched Team Laios develop this, recently crowned with Chilchuck's near-tearful argument to turn back for a rest, which means we can recognize it when we're dropped into it with Team Kabru: that "this guy is SUCH a goddamn weirdo, but I already followed him into some level of hell, so I'm obviously not turning back now." Kabru's party does think he's weird - "You remember so much about other people that it's creepy." "Why are you enjoying this?" But they're also pitching in on the speculation like Team Touden all hel cook monsters. Compare:
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Also!! Something something predisposed beliefs and presumptions of others... This party is so eager to assume the worst of our party, even though our party objectively saved them from perma-death twice, once from ghosts and once from being eaten by fishmen. Chichuck is greedy and bossy, Senshi smells so...notably...that he's judged to be sketchy af... Kabru is trying his best with what info he has, he knows it's not enough to pass a judgement and he wants more, but it's very...uncomfortable? To see this sort of discussion of people we know are great, when we're so used to watching monsters be killed with exquisite understanding and respect.
...I'll chew on that angle of theme more later. Man, you know how, say, what makes the musical Hamilton so good is at its heart it's just like 5-10 leitmotifs that interweave to create every single song? Dungeon Meshi is like that. Hmm a Dungeon Meshical...
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"Yeah, yeah, we've all heard your weekly lecture about how someone responsible and sociopolitically conscious needs to take the dungeon and the throne or everyone in this region is doomed. None of us can wait to see you flip off the Island Lord to his face. Eat your rations, buddy."
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[3 seconds earlier:
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I'm obsessed. In the spirit of this comic: I want to eat him with a spoon. I want to take small divots out of him and lick each one carefully off the spoon, luxuriously exploring and enjoying the complex texture and flavor. Like he's a really good pudding. And then I want to see if, if he and Laios kiss, do they both explode in antimatter.
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{His woman.}
This is just a fantasy! AU, with princess x servant/bodyguard (?), reader is a badass lady and the servant is head over heels for her. also, have fun reading!
also, I tried to make this as poc! friendly as possible. I have written some parts about hair, but I don't mean it in a bad/racist way. I'm not black, but in this story, you just have problems with your hair like I do, so I literally just inserted myself there. I just made it so other people could maybe relate to my problems too :)
Warnings: suggestive content, Your bodyguard masturbates to you behind closed doors in detail, angst-father issues/trauma/no love (at first, maybe a part two? 👀👀👀), near death experience-but not you
this is more like a story, so buckle up babes! Also, I think I'll make more parts of these, but tell me if you like it!
I have plenty of weird but also pretty romantic dreams, and in this one, I was some sort of princess who had to choose a husband because of being the next queen and only child and no brother and bla bla bla.
BUT. I also had some sort of, I dunno, servant? Well, someone who always watched me/my back like some sort of bodyguard. The thing was, he was pretty hot. Freckles which adored and accentuated the cheeks, neck, shoulders (+ other body parts 😏), glasses in front of tired, serious eyes, long/dark brown thick/curly locks that were always in a low pony tail and forehead fringes that gave the guy a cute but also at the same time hot look, big nose, broad shoulders, tall, muscular body (but not too buff), nice arms, veiny hands and pretty much everything that would make a woman wet swoon.
Also, the voice was to die for. Do you know professor cal? (I know him from youtube). Yeah, I had his voice in my head as the guard and let me tell you guys, I wanted that guy to become real.
Also, let's call him...Cal, okay? because of professor cal's voice, alright? and his nickname or real name will be Lasco, so when you are alone with him, you call him cal! And you're the only one who's allowed to call him that.
But that's not- okay wait that was mainly the fucking introduction of the guy of my dreams, now let me start with the introduction of the story.
"Your majesty, you can't just reject a man blindly-", a nameless maid said, but was interrupted by your soft glare. "And why can't I?", you asked gently, looking at her with an almost pleading look. you wanted to know the answer as well.
Your poor excuse of a brutish father and shitty leader of your country wanted you to be married to an unimportant country. The son from the country was a playboy, treated women like objects, didn't know what sharing meant, stepped and spit on other people and wasn't really interested in you, more attracted to your body.
your mother was a softspoken woman, but since women were still not respected in the monarchy, you wanted to change that. you hated that your mother couldn't stand up for herself. you hated that she got belittled whenever you were around, and you feared that it was much worse when you weren't.
One day, however, it all stopped. and you were the reason.
"Why should I marry him again?", you asked the man who was one of the reasons you came to this world. you hated to call him that.
your 'father' gave you a glare which you reciprocated tenfold, making the geezer sitting in front of you scratch his neck nervously.
"Well, because... because I said so!" "And what use would that bring to our kingdom?"
"How dare you-" "Your highness. please tell me. Why am I going to be betrothed to a man whom I have no information over and who doesn't even seem interested in wanting to get to know me? What use would our marriage have?", you retorted quickly, eyeing the guest to your 'father's' left. His son was right next to him, glaring at you angrily. your mother only looked at you with a shocked expression before standing up to apologize-
"Don't, mother. You have no reason to do that.", you only said coldly while holding a hand towards her direction, awaiting a plausible explanation from the bastard sitting next to your king.
"Listen, me and your father are good friends, and we decided that it'd be a good idea if-"
"So you have no use for the country but just want us to get married to each other because you guys are friends? Or because your whore of a son can't seem to stop getting his dick wet and because I have never touched a man? If that's the reason, THEN YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!", you screamed, pulling your golden sword from it's home-your earrings-and pointed it towards the bastard.
That seemed to be the thing they were not prepared for, because the king from the other country and his son scrambled away while your 'father' was getting angry at you. But, oh boy.
How was the saying again? Like father, like daughter?
If his anger was already bad enough that most people from his own country feared him because of his temper, how would the other countries try to calm yours?
YOU ARE NO WHERE TO BE CALLED A KING, A LORD OR EVEN A LEADER! YOU'RE NOT EVEN A GOOD FATHER!", you roared, your voice booming louder in the castle than his ever could, grabbing the attention of all the residents of your own, soon to be castle.
your golden sword pointed towards him, and while nearly every servant and some guards gathered together to know what this family fuss was about again, they were shocked and surprised to see that you were pointing your sword at him.
sure, you had arguments and fights with that old geezer, but nothing ever was as serious as this. "You put-" "YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A MAN, I am done with you humiliating our name, or kingdom, our country. do that you get the hell away from here, with all your fucking concubines and mistresses. and don't you ever show your face in here, or my country again. because if you do...
... then I'll find you and behead you myself."
All he could do was run, run as fast as he could, and while he was still at it, his concubines and bad partners, gambling friends, drinking friends and other bad people he liked to associate with, followed him as well while taking all their belongings, which surprisingly, wasn't less than you imagined.
After the last one was gone, your mother only whispered your name and you immediately threw yourself to the ground in shame in front of your mother. "I beg for forgiveness. Please forgive me for my big mouth and sharp tongue, mother. please don't be mad at me-"
"Mad at you? Oh, my sweet daughter, how could I ever be mad at you?", she asked, opening her arms with tears eyes and a wobbly smile. You ran towards her but held her as gently as you could, like a flower. "I fear that I do not onderstand, mother. Why are you not mad? I put shame on your name for rejecting a noble's proposal...!"
Your mother only chuckled, happy to hold her one reason to stay alive in her arms. She was also glad that everyone saw that her and her daughter were so close and that the rumours about the daughter and the mother hating each other would come to an end. "That's exactly why I am so proud of you, my love. you have mastered what I couldn't and still can not do today; express myself, voice out my uncomfy state, give my opinion...being loud. Being heard. Being understood."
You stroked your mother's back like a mother consoling her child. your mother's nerves were always on haywire when your father was around, and it was tearing your heart apart to see your mother so scared in the presence of that former bastard of a leader.
"I will try my best to help you mother. After all, you are leading this kingdom on your own now. But fear not, I will stay by your side until death will tear us apart. But even then, I will not rest in peace until I have found your soul next to mine and we can be together again, even after we've descended to heaven.", you promised. She only hugged you tighter and released a breath.
Lasco, your bodyguard, who has witnessed your great performance of strength and anger, only watched you in awe, a small blush on his cheeks. See, as you were the crown princess, the next queen and he was your guard, he had to look after you ever since he could remember. he was also your best friend and you and him did pretty much everything together.
It was actually not fair, to be honest. Cal had a crush on you since the first time he saw you, which was when him and you were children; even when you were chubby, had snot coming out of your nose, and always chaos-hair. what drew him to you was your calm nature. He thought of you like a flower when he first met you. Never bothering anyone. always in your own little world. You never yelled, or got really angry or made a fuss out of everything. Only when something really bothered you, did you frown, pout, and release a small and quiet 'hmpf!' sound, which he cherished forever by grabbing at his chest where his heart belonged whenever you did it.
He also found you really cute. your eyes were so adorably wide and full of wonder, wanting to explore the world with silent pleading. But since it was forbidden, you examined books, maps and even listened to adventurers and businessmen and women who sailed the world like your life depended on it.
Your hair seemed to have a mind of it's own, as it was either perfectly calm, a few strands of hair not wanting to go to their place or your hair pointing to all directions. your personality was also to respect, or gush over.
You were always a calm kid, never dared to trouble your parents, always good with everyone. you tried your best to help everyone and do your homework or train your body to fit into a queen's life. you tried to take as much off of your mother's chest and shoulders as you could, with no regard of self care.
you, with those beautiful eyes, that changed over the years.
Your body, that changed over the years.
Your mind changed too.
But it scared him.
Sure, you've gotten a lot smarter and even more helpful than you already were. you blossomed from a small, sweet, shy, friendly, peace-loving girl to a poisonous, beautifully, deathly and ruthless woman. But Cal was not even close to the mind to complain.
I mean, you've grown up, and so has he. It was just...to him, time flew by so quickly. One moment, he was protecting you from other baby princes from bullying you because of your shy nature, then you and him talked about serious topics like future and love in your teenage years, where he nearly gave out his secret of having a crush on you, and now, you had to choose a husband, rule the kingdom alongside your mother, and forbid war, even when your kingdom was one of the strongest out there.
Cal has fallen for you. And...so have you.
You fell for him the moment he gave you the promise that he'd always protect you. It was when you two were still children. He was eight and you were five at the time, but you could not mistake your warming cheeks and fluttering stomach for anything else but love towards that boy. the first few weeks, you hid from him, spoke as little as possible with him and never looked him in the eyes.
You were wondering every night if Cal knew about how you gave him heart eyes everytime you two locked eyes. or if he maybe thought of you as a pretty girl...? Or if he thought of you as a nuisance, because you thought that you'd be one to him, being a princess and all. Since you had trouble forming big sentences and tended to be shy by nature, even as a grown up, you only gave him commands, asked about his wellbeings, or nodded when he gave you an update about something.
The more days passed, the more you strived to be perfect. Not just for the people you'd have to rule over one day, or your mother, but for him. you wanted to show him that you could become the perfect leader. That you'd become a great queen. You took more care to your body when Cal made some remarks about how skin care was less appreciated these days. your hair seemed to follow your lead too, because over the years, you managed to take proper care of it.
you took more care in the way you dressed, acted, spoke and most importantly, your face. you always frowned, naturally, and you hated it. You hated when people asked you why you were looking so sad or glum or depressed or angry, and you were left irritated. so you always raised your brows to give your face not an irritated, but bored look. Better than nothing, right?
whenever you looked at Cal, you didn't see your bodyguard, but a potential lover. He was always good with kids, treated women with the utmost respect, was one of the strongest men in your kingdom and very handsome.
However, there was one information that shattered your little love world and heart yes and daydreams about Cal; you had to marry a prince. Bodyguards were not allowed as potential husbands, except for when you'd like to have a consort or lover.
You, from that moment on, forbid your feelings towards your longest friend and buried them into the darkest corners of your heart, soul, and mind. and over the months, you managed to hold proper conversations with him, plus, you didn't see him as husband material anymore.
Or so you thought.
As you were busy with making new rules, comforting your mother and firing your father's followers, Cal thought that you didn't have any use for him at the moment, which was good.
As fast as he could, he excused himself with a silver plate in front of his crotch and went straight to his room. Beforehand, he made sure that no one was in the hallway, so that they couldn't hear him doing his unholy, and unforgivable act. In his chamber, he whimpered into his hand and his other one grabbed his hard-on. His glasses went down a little, but not that he cared. Lasco moaned into his hand as he slid against the door a little, panting at the thought of you.
You, who so bravely told your father to fuck out of your life with a blade at the bastards throat which you took from your earrings. you, who always was so...cold, but at the same time so unbelievably hot at the same time. His princess, who didn't want any nameless, stupid prince. Cal didn't know what type of prince you'd like. What type of husband would meet your standards. Maybe the fictional characters you've been sighing about with a sweet smile and gazing off with a blissed out face?
C-could he call you... his princess? Could he call you...his girl?
...His woman?
At that thought, Lasco stumbled towards his bed, throwing his belt and pants to the ground before stripping off his underwear and grasping his leaking cock. It may look small in his hands, but if you saw it, you'd be really scared of it's size and girth. Much over average, about 9 and a half inches, and his girth around the width of your wrist. His mushroom head was adorably flushed a light pink, with freckles adorning his shaft and inner thighs- actually his whole body to be honest.
He pumped it a few times, abs already glistening with sweat, whimpering in a high pitched voice again, brows furrowing and shoulders shaking, his nipples growing hard at the cool air of his room, forgetting that he'd get overly sensitive when he got hard because of you. He whined when he immediately had a flashback of him following after you for safety reasons and you suddenly halting in front of him and him stumbling on you, his hips - and so his dick - brushing against your soft, plump ass. When you turned to apologize, there was only a gust of whind in form of his silhouette.
He rubbed his head a little harder, and choked back a sob. His glasses nearly fell off, but he adjusted them while his left hand shook from touching himself. he faced the door this time, his brows furrowing, as he stroked his shaft, the foreskin covering and uncovering his cockhead evertime he moved his hand up and down.
What if somebody came in? How would he explain himself?
Lasco massaged his balls gently, groaning before chuckling breathily, growing shy as he thought of you again with a cute -about to be fucked out- smile on his face.
What if you came in and caught him in this state? How would you react? What would you say? Would you get aroused too? Or bully him? Tease him? Or be disgusted by him for thinking of you so lewdly?
He cried out your name before cumming so suddenly, the orgasm shaking him. His back arched and his thighs squeezed shut a little, and his glasses finally fell down, onto the sheets which were now soiled. He felt like the walls of his room were still echoing your name and he groaned. Cal was laying on his back now, arms spread out and he stared at the ceiling.
He panted, grinning like a madman with a heavy blush. The thought of you catching him in such an incredulous act, with him parting his legs for you and chanting your name like a mantra, giving you a show-
Ah shit. He got hard again. He sighed exasperately.
Just as he was about to do the act again, this time feeling a little more guilty for picturing you doing these things to him, he changed his mind. He stood up, and took a long, cold shower.
Now refreshed and not so horny anymore, the bodyguard quickly made his way over to your presence, fixing his posture and taking deep breaths, a neatly written letter which he wrote months ago, only for you and you only to read.
Maybe Cal should just confess and hope that you'd accept his feelings. But he didn't know how you felt about him. Since you were little - since the first time you two fucking met - you never really talked much with him. Cal was left wondering if you even harboured any feelings for him in the first place.
If you didn't then he'd make a total fool out of himself. If you did, then maybe...
Just maybe, he'd become your husband. Your husband, who'd try to read every single wish you had right from your delicate lips. Your lover, who'd be the man of your dreams if you said yes to the very question. Your lover, who'd swear to become the greatest king in history, with you as his strong, smart and beautiful wife. His woman.
He wanted to be yours so bad it hurt him mentally and physically whenever a love interest who wasn't him got brought up. whenever you spoke about maybe visiting or inviting a prince over made him hurl and want to punch a wall.
He didn't notice that he was already in front of your door, your deep, gentle voice immediately reaching his well-trained ears. He allowed himself to smile for a millisecond, then his smile vanished and he stepped inside.
Heya, how was that?
I kinda let out everything I thought in here, like for part 2!
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pandoa · 1 year
it's the little things: III
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the little things they do for you
~feat. heartslabyul~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
~headcanons~ part 1│part 2│part 3
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ace trappola saves you a seat wherever you two may go—though that doesn’t make him any less of a pain in the ass about it. in class, the cafeteria, library, or even your own dorm room, ace makes it his personal obligation to (1) save you a spot beside him, and (2) piss you off in the process. it's not like the seat wasn’t meant for you, but ace felt that he needed a much more entertaining way to save it for you. from draping a lazy leg over your seat just as your body finds its way into the chair to placing random—but overall harmless—items onto the cushions of your seat, he’ll do almost anything to mess with you. your reactions are just too priceless.
"Ah... class is finally over..."
"I thought Trein's lecture would never end! I am exhaus— Hm?"
"Oh, hey, (Y/n). What's up?"
"I... took your spot? Nah, I don't think I saw anyone sitting here before~ You're imagining it."
"Besides, my legs seem really comfortable here; I don't think I could move even if I wanted to."
"There's an open spot on the ground, though; you could sit there if you wa— Ouch! Okay, okay, I get it! I'll scooch over!"
"Just stop hitting me for Seven's sake!"
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deuce spade unconsciously picks up your mannerisms. whether it be the certain phrases you say or the carefree way your hands seem to wave at the sight of him, deuce begins to mimic it all. he doesn’t even notice it until ace irritatedly points it out after a sickeningly oblivious “study session” with you and the other first years as the majority of the time was spent watching the two of you—each both more dense than the next. it wasn’t too difficult to catch on, really, but some part of deuce hopes that you hadn’t caught on just yet. he wishes to face his feelings properly, so perhaps give him a little more time, yes?
"Wait, so... in the history of magic, the fae began to progress their own kingdom... when?"
"Uh... let's see. It should obviously be sometime before the war between the fae and humans, that's a given, but... Huh?"
"What's up? Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?"
"We're both just sitting the exact same way—? Oh... yeah, I guess we are."
Deuce looked down only to notice the similar way your hands would fidget in sync with his. Oh, great. Now we're both twirling our pens the same way; I need to stop before this starts getting a little weird for them—
"U-uh! It's probably just a coincidence! Yeah!"
"No deeper meaning to it... totally."
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cater diamond sets his phone aside when talking to you. he may be the type to practically be attached to his phone twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; however, that doesn’t mean he lacks any self control when around you. even he knows that time is precious and that the memories he shares with you would come to be much more valuable than checking the likes of his latest magicam post. flipping over his screen to face the back of his phone, cater’s attention is entirely on you, and you alone. although, he might pull it out for a quick pic with you as you two are hanging out wherever you are. could you blame him, though? the view of you and him in the same camera frame was just too pretty for a sight to skip out on~
"(Y/n)! You made it~ I think you had something to tell me, right?"
"Nope, you weren't interrupting anything! Just posted a last-minute story on magicam—nothing too important."
"Just go on with whatever you wanted to tell me. I'm listening."
"Oh... my phone's ringing? They can wait, hehe."
"Keep going~ My full attention's only on you."
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trey clover never fails to give you a small treat—be it a homemade piece of candy or pocket-sized sweets—each day he sees you. at first, it starts as a matter of chance. one day he happened to have a petite sample of a new recipe he’d been experimenting with and saw you as the perfect taste-tester of the newest treat. but as one day turned into another, trey found that he never failed to keep a sugary dessert inside a pocket or two of his uniform, each one different every day. he just enjoys the way your face seems to light up at the sight of the sweets gently being placed into the palms of your hands.
"(Y/n), here's the book you left back at Heartslabyul yesterday. Make sure to remember it next time, haha."
"It's no problem. Oh, yes, and—"
"I baked these miniature pies yesterday after you and Grim came over for the Unbirthday. They're candied, too, so they might be to your liking."
"It's no trouble! I'm glad you seem to like the smaller things I bake."
"It's nice to see whenever you enjoy my cooking, in all honesty."
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riddle rosehearts is more lenient on you when regarding the dearest queen’s rules. he doesn’t seem to be doing it on purpose, though—no, no. all of his words and actions, to him, are all acts of respect and common courtesy for the dear prefect. you’ve encountered so much; the most he could do is show you respect as well, yes? like deuce, everyone but him tends to notice it and it truly messes with everyone’s minds. clearly an act of favoritism, all the students of heartslabyul grow envious of riddle’s much more lax treatment towards you. riddle may be fond of you, but why did they have to get the short end of the stick???
"And what do you all think you're doing eating a tart so guiltlessly?"
"Rule number 089: Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission. I do not remember giving any one of you permission to eat a tart today."
"Such violations will not go unpunished."
"Oh... the prefect is here, too? Well..."
"They are in no part of the Heartslabyul dorm and, in fact, lead their own dorm as well. We are—in some way—equals from differing dorms."
"No, I am not just conjuring excuses! Stop this nonsense, or off with your head!"
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a/n: ace was one of those kids who’d pull on another kid’s pigtails or ponytail back in elementary school i just know it
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noxtivagus · 2 years
>< it is 4 am i will sleep soon but
#🌙.rambles#it's not easy to just stop being confused and lost & stop worrying but#i feel a lot better tonight after remembering a lot of things n crying did help >< i think it's fine for me to do more tomorrow instead#regrets are hard to deal with but i know i'm stronger than them. so i'll prove it and rise above all that#oh yeah there's some stuff in particular that's weighing me down that r too personal for me to share with anyone but#i think i can handle that better now. in time.#we're all still so young n there's so much we have yet to learn and experience. we're still developing.... n that's part of being human.#GOD WAIT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT TO WRITE WHEN I MADE THIS POST BUT YEAH POINT STANDS#i've just been listening to music for the past few hours i think while writing n doing other stuff#wait my mind is wandering;;;; i barely ate anything today.... just breakfast then some pastries then. half eaten lunch?#i'll take better care of myself tomorrow. this weekend. and next week especially when sembreak ! yes#i'm really gna have to sleep soon though oh my god how do i survive weekdays when i never get enough sleep unless i'm sick 😭😭#anyways. wait. music ! KINGDOM HEARTS.... FINAL FANTASY XV#started both in 2019 n finished in 2020 summer when i picked them up again.... wait.... my mind is wandering#i find it really interesting how the way we help others really says a lot about us ourselves as people#i've analyzed that a lot before n i am again now at 4 am oh no . i realize though that. for my own self#i'm actually rather affectionate at heart huh;;;; it makes me a bit shy thinking about that . i blame the stories and the final fantasy#compliments from the heart. how much i value you for who you are. and what you mean to me. i love to be direct about that#advice as the sort of person i know you are. because i love you. i'm romantic ! but not in a relationship way or wtvr here ok .#on that thought sometimes i realize i may often come across as aroace but goddamn i really just get shy n hide with that sort of topic#i will Deny till the day i die </3#i cld ramble more about this but it is now 4:20 n BACK TO KINGDOM HEARTS#hmm i was barely a teen when i played kh3/ffxv. thinking abt it n especially the latter really influenced me for life#earlier while listening to her ost i was thinking about how since i only played kh3 i don't know too much about the series' lore#& xion. but i find it interesting how. her theme is my fav from the charas. i really loved her name (i used it for the protag in a short#story back in gr9 for school). i never really knew too much about her but god i feel like. idk just a connection that's. hmmm#older now thinking more of her character she really really appeals to me. from her design n personality n it seems like fate. we're similar#wait this is so fucking dumb i searched up noctis n i immediately smiled . damn . he. 🥹 still so special to me#i shld replay kh3 n ffxv soon. my childhood. anyways it is nearly 4:40 holy shit i have to wake up at 5:30 GOOD NIGHT
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synergysilhouette · 5 months
My frustration with Asha's writing
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A lot of people liked "Wish," and a lot of people didn't, and a particular concern for the latter was the main protagonist. Since I'm in the camp of "I'm frustrated with 'Wish,'" I'll discuss a little bit about why Asha feels like such a letdown.
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She's an archetype, but not an individualized character. She screams "Disney heroine," but she doesn't have anything about her that makes her character stand out (positively) among other Disey female leads. She has no flaws that hinder her, and her positive traits are vague at best. "I care too much," is the most generic thing I've ever heard a main character say. In fact, it becomes almost meaningless when a character (who genuinely means it) says it about themselves; caring too much is a statement that works best when talking about someone else. In fact...
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2. She has significant plot armor. She gets far in the process of being considered to be Magnifico's apprentice, but it's never said WHY. Considering her friend (or friends? I'm not sure) works in the castle, Dahlia putting in a good word for Asha would make sense to why Magnifico would consider her, and even him asking around town for their opinion of her would make more sense. But it feels like she gets so far in the process simply because she's the main character, despite Magnifico knowing next to nothing about her. And Magnifico has several magical powers at his disposal, but he's still defeated by her (mainly because he only uses his staff against her).
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3. She has a lot of influence, but again, it's not really said how or why. During the reprise of "This Wish," the people of Rosas side with her against Magnifico--but this is likely because she's the only one who dared to stand up against him. We only see Asha interact with the people of Rosas during the opening song with her as a tour guide (how did she get THAT job?), and it feels very professional, very timed. It doesn't feel intimate or personal, like Asha has built up a good rapport with the other citizens.
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4. Her family is poorly defined. Sabino's wish is to create a song that inspires the next generation, but as Magnifico himself mentions, that's a vague wish--plus imo, it's cheating; rather than working hard and creating a legacy for yourself, you want to wish to give something for people to remember you by. And Sabino is obviously older than Magnifico, but his life--and how he lived it without the kingdom of wishes--is never explored. Perhaps if it was explained that he experienced great hardship and his spirit was broken, it'd explain why he was so fixated on getting a wish. And Sakina's wish is never explained. She's probably the worst-characterized parent in a 21st century Disney movie, since she's pretty much just there. And Asha's father inspired her, but he isn't shown much. I'd have enjoyed it if the plot revolved around her trying to revive her father and it proves Magnifico's point that some wishes can't/shouldn't be granted.
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5. She learns NOTHING. Her whole song is about "I've lived a lie" when that's not entirely true; she takes a very black and white view on the situation without ever trying to evolve her viewpoint via Magnifico's perspective, and the people of Rosas never stop to think "we shouldn't be codependent"; they just think "we shouldn't have let Magnifico lie to us." It's a giant avoidance of guilt on everyone's behalf, and since Magnifico is a villain, no one really cares that he has some semblance of a point. When you look at protagonists like Pocahontas, Judy Hopps, and Anna, you see how they learned a new way of looking at things, that they've suffered hardships (either through their own making or otherwise) and that they've grown from it.
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6. She's "relateable." Disney's adorkable thing hasn't been too much of an issue for me up to this point; it was unique when Anna did it, and it never feels super cringey with Mirabel and Moana (though if Mirabel is cringey, it fits into the narrative). But now it's tired. I'd enjoy more mature leads like Raya, Tiana, and Elsa, rather than Disney trying to make a protagonist that tries--and fails--to be quirky. And I never really saw Rapunzel as adorkable as her later leading ladies. But Asha tries too hard; honestly that should've been one of her flaws in the film. Her desperation to meet everyone's approval would've been something neat (albeit familiar if we compare her to Mirabel) to explore in the film.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 27 days
King of decay
New game ch.1
Ch.2 ch.3 A03
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A/N: since everyone pick king shigaraki in the poll, I couldn't resist making this story asap. I was into this idea for the longest. If you guys enjoy this story please let me know. So this is a dark romantic fantasy theme au where it doesn't follow the mha plot but I'll add characters into this story, I'll post this every Friday if this get popular. ( Not this Friday but the next one. ) anyway I hope y'all enjoy this one. MINOR N ANTIS DNI, IT'S 18+ AND YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
New game
—>press start (click)
Choose a player?
—> Player one (click)
Player two
Will you have a love story or not?
—> yes (click)
Select a difficulty
—> legendary (click)
Are you sure you want to continue?
—>yes (click)
Shigaraki's pov
It's the beginning of my life, I lost my family by accidentally killing them with my bare hands. I met a strange man before the incident, I didn't know much until I was cursed with it, I couldn't touch anything and anyone with these hands.
Blood covered my hands as I sob uncontrollably, I ran away from my village to live in the forest alone.
The days went on as my clothes got dirty and I felt cold, I lay on an old tree as a resting spot.
No one in my village helped me, I was truly alone, I curled into a ball and couldn't stop crying.
Until I hear him, the strange man that brought me home as I look up with tears.
“ Are you lost? ” he had a sincere smile as he put a hand on my head and pull me close.
“ don't worry, I'll take care of you young one.”
“ What's your name? ” he looked into my eyes as I stare in silence.
“ tenko shimura..” he has a comfort aura as he smiles softly.
“ tenko… you will be reborn, you don't need your old life from that village. ” I tilt my head in confusion as he pet my hair softly.
“ you will be known as tomura shigaraki as the new~.. come on little one.” and I don't remember much about my childhood but I had everything a kid asked for, a massive bedroom, a feast, so many maids to help me out.
As I grew older into my early adulthood, my old man king Shigaraki made me become a king.
He wished for two things for me, a new heir and to rule the world with a fist.
A new heir?uh I'm not sure about it since I'm cursed with decay. I can't do anything like that but fear of not finding a wife and starting a family is running out of time.
I sit on my throne lazily as my mentor Kurogiri, he was around when Afo brought me into his kingdom when I was a child.
He cleared his throat as he had a princess in line and in hand in marriage as I sighed softly.
None of them catch my attention, they're a bit too rude and entitled little brats that pisses me off.
“ Switch one would you like your highness? ” I roll my eyes as I tilt my head at him then at the women.
“ ehh.. they're not interesting to me. ” Kurogiri bowed his head as he apologized.” I deeply apologize your highness, we'll find more princesses!! ” he politely escorted the women away as they looked neither offended nor annoyed about wasting their time. At least I didn't send them to the dungeon to go rot.
This is wasting my time, I need some fresh air, I told my guards not to worry about me as I'll be taking a long walk.
I head quietly to my master bedroom as I dressed myself in civilian clothes. Baggy black outfit and deep red cloak.
I pull my hood over my long messy white hair as I begin to scroll to the village nearby.
This village is doing a bit better these days, afo was an evil man and so evil that he forced everyone to bow to his knees and give him money. I didn't understand back then how he brainwashed them into thinking he's a good king and made them starve.
I destroyed that man after he was laying in bed after I became king. He didn't say anything, he seemed like he's ready to pass away so I ended his suffering by decaying his face. Putting his ashes into a jar on the shelf never went into his old room afterwards.
I passionately hate him and how he's treating everyone in this kingdom.
I begin to walk into a flea market, looking around as I observe the surroundings.
This village has gotten a lot better, there were people enjoying their own life and gossip as I eavesdropped.
“ Man, that new king seems more intimidating than the last one.”
“ yeah but at least he's a bit helpful by making us have better jobs and- ” I was too distracted by their conversation but I didn't realize a young woman bumped into me, costing me to catch her while she was falling.
My eyes wide in shock, too stunned by what was happening.
You were covered in dirt, covered in rags as you immediately apologized." Oh God!! I'm sorry Mister, I didn't see you coming.” as you're rambling, I wasn't shocked by bumping into you. No no no.. you didn't decay immediately, my hands were on your arms for a second and you didn't get affected by this.
Strange as I thought to myself, could this be my new lover? A person that is immune to this cursed and be alive.
“ it's o-okay.. don't worry about it sweetheart.” I give you a playful wink as I walk away. Who is this woman and I need to make her mine.
Mine and mine only, seeing you blushed even though you had a rough life with dirty old clothes on and hair that hasn't been washed for days.
I couldn't help but find you adorable and remind me a lot like myself when I was young and in the forest once.
I turn my head back as you slowly walk away from people who have jobs selling fruit on the streets.
You definitely peak my interest, I need to follow you.
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murasaki-cha · 8 months
I've recently gotten into web comics but I don't like most of the male characters in romance comics, they do some really creepy things that seem to just get swept under the rug. Do you have any recommendations for some good romance comics?
*cracks neck* I've trained for this day for years
This is going to be a combination of manhwa, manhua, webtoons and probably some manga too, of all kinds of genres, most are my favorites and I'll explain why so pick whatever catches your interest.
Post is going to be super long so:
I Stan The Prince -> starting of with a strong one, the fl writes a fanfiction about the notorious ex crown prince and raises his popularity. Now she has to work with him and write another book all while dealing with political drama and dark royal secrets. This manhwa rescently just came back from an incredibly long hiatus, it has no novel it's an original manhwa and the main couple are literally the cutest most in love mutual pining idiots ever they're married they just don't know it yet
Hidden Love -> Warning this has a 7 age gap! The story starts when the fl is 13 and meets her brothers dormmate and falls in love with him but keeps it a secret and they lose contact. Years later when she's in college she reunites with the brother's friend and old feelings start to resurface and he slowly falls for her now that she is an adult. I am going to repeat this only once, no grooming, no weird underage romance, ml never liked her like that when she was a child her romance was one sided back then, both are consenting adults now. The fl helps ml with his struggling past and makes him realize he is worthy of love. The fl is strong and confident and she's the one saving the ml multiple times. The ml is literally such a green flag even if he's a big flirt when "courting" her. It's an incredibly touching story and it even has a drama
Eternal Love/First Froat -> set in the same universe as the story above, this is about the love story of the prev fl brother and the mc, his high school classmate. Both had a crush on each other back then but the fl pushed him away coldly and they seperated. Years later they met by chance and by chance yet again ended up as roommates. Slowly they realize the feelings never went away and they keep getting drawn to each other but the horribly tragic past of the fl and the reason she pushed the ml away slowly uncoveres too. This is a beautiful story of a love that never stopped. The mcs are literally meant to be and the fl is so strong after everything she's been through. And the ml is the most patient, caring mam ever everyone deserves a man like him. Literally the standard. Both these books can be read as stand alones but there are some hilarious moments that can only be completely understood if you read them both
Savinvg My Sweetheart -> You will cry so hard while reading this. Fl is the saintess' daughter and after the death of her husband who she was politically married to, she goes back in time a few months before their marriage and only has one goal, to save her kind husbad from her mother even if it causes her death. Both the fl and ml love each other so incredibly much but both think the other hates them because of the forced marriage yet that misunderstanding doesn't stop them from being the literal greatest cople ever! The are such a healthy couple and both are incredibly fleshed out and not just making romance their entire point of existance. Fl slowly gathers powers in order to stop her biological mother who is evil incarnate and save everyone. Ml works together with fl and on his own in order to strengthen his kingdom. And the link that connects them will literally have you crying for the next 20 years. The story is more of a found family/romance and it's one of the most well written stories ever, you will almost never find one loophone everything is planned to the T
Caught By The Villain -> the ml might start bad here but I'm telling you his character development is simply 👌 ✨️. Fl gets transported into the world of this novel she read as the twin sister of a minor villain. Later she has to join knighthood disgusted as her brother and somehow gets chosen as the personal guard of the crown prince, aka main villain, but also with the og!ml which is somewhat different from the story. Ok I'm going to start by saying the title is literally the greatest clickbait ever because almost everyone but the villain catch her and discovered she's a girl. The story has great representation and discusses about a lot of topics like gender and sexuality which you almost never find talked in manhwas. The ml starts bad but slowly by spending time with fl he realizes his mistakes, sincerely apologises tho does not expect forgiveness, promises to change and does keep his word, genuenly loves and cherishes her and is an all round little meow meow and I love him. He's a bi disaster too. Fl is strong and under lots of stress. She slowly gets closer with ml and realizes he's not just the big bad evil villain from the novel and the closer they get and the more genuine their friendship becomes, the more she feels guilty for hiding her true identity from ml. And the og!ml is a special case that I don't even wanna touch with a 10 foot pole so theres that. The development all these characters go through is slow and so perfectly written you don't even realize how much they changed until you go back and realise they're not the same as the beginong
Even If You Split My Mouth -> manga with japanese urban legends which means it has some gore and body horror. The story follows a Kuchisake-Onna and her contract fiancé, a 17 yo boy who has the power to strengthen her legend with his words so she won't disappear. She doesn't want this engagement while he is in love with her so they form a pact, if she can scare him within a year the engagement is off, if not than they get married. This is one of those stories that start all silly goofy but end up having some of the deepest lore ever. The fl is super cute for a yokai and she blushes a lot every time ml flirts. Ml is completly unphased by her scare attempts and loves her to bits. They're such a dumb cute couple and their love story is so fun and sad sometimes. All the side characters are entertaining and lovable. Really there's not one bad thing I can say about this manga, it deserves more love
You Are My Desire -> high school sweethearts and later uni sweethearts. Fl moves to a new city and school after her parents messy divorce and her father's remarriage. While looking around she stumbles upon a tatoo shop and amazingly embarrasses herself in front of the tattooist. On the first day of school she happens to end up as deskmates with that same tattooist who's coincidentally the school tyrant but slowly it becomes visible this tyrant doesn't act like a tyrant at all and so a weird relationship is born out of the two of them. The two mcs are one of the best couples I've ever read. They slowly heal heach others wounds and teach each other that they love them even with their scars. I don't wanna say a lot since the manhua only has aroumd 20 chapters and there's so much story from the novel that hasn't been told yet. There's slso a drama that was rescently released
Daytime Star -> modern manhwa. An actress who has been cast as nothing but an extra for almost 10 years lands a small role where she gets to play along one of the best male actors in the industry. After that they both can't stop thinking about each other and that's how their love story begins. One of the healthiest modern manhwa couples ever! They're literally so cute they will call you single in all languages pf the world and more. I also loved that the fl slowly rose to fame almost all on her own using her own strength and talent with very few minor moments where others helped. It's a great story and it talks about the struggles of working on the korean entertainment industry too
Villains Are Destined to Die -> oh where do I begin with this masterpiece! Fl gets transmigrated into a dating sim she was playing as the villaines and she's currently in the hard mode which makes it super dificult for her to clear the game. She has to increase the affection percentage of the capture targets so she can go back to her old life and avoid the bad ending which always results in her death. This is literally one of those stories that gets you hooked on the very first chapters alone. Fl goes through so much and she's such a tragic character. All she wants is a peaceful life and she works damn hard for it. Her family is just exhausting but they slowly develop besides SOME who shall not be named. The ml, which you'll probably figure out who it is lile halfway through because he's just that iconic, is literally THE BEST, THE STANDARD! I love him so much and it might not show it in the begining chapters but he's is just perfect. The romance is more secondary tho and the story focuses more on the fl's struggles to survive and the discovery of the secrets that can change the fate of the entire kingdom.
See You In My 19th Life -> this rescently got a drama and I recommend watching that too. Fl is a reincarnator who remembers all her lives besides the first one. In her 19th life she resolves to find a boy form her 18th life who made her enjoy life again after so many reincarnations and made her wish she was reincarnated once again. She manages to get a job in the hotel he manages and immediately asks him to date. Thus begins the story of her following and flirting with her love from the prevous life without him knowing it's her and slowly healing his scars and traumas while also solving the mystery of her reincarnation. The story us full of mystery and absurdly cute couples. The ml is traumatized by fl's death since she died quite literally right in front of his eyes when he was really young and he also has a crap ton of family drama to deal with. The fl loves the him so much and tries her best to help him not just physically but emotionally too. She's like a breath of fresh air for the ml and their love is just so selfless. He loves her even when he doesn't know she's his first love reincarnated. The side couple is literally amazinv too and I would need an entire paragraph to talk about them too. The mystery of the webtoon always keeps you on the edge. Overall amazing webtoon and has an amazing kdrama!
(I'm getting tired and I have to wake up early tomorrow so I'm just gonna drop some titles with no explenation now. There might be some shounen ai in there fyi)
A Stepmother's Marchen
How To Win My Husband Over
Death To Lady White Ferret
Positively Yours
Business Propsal (Also has a great kdrama)
Sasaki to Miyano
A Good Day To Be A Dog (kdrama rescently started)
Till Debt Do Us Apart
Shoujinkou Nikki
Hirano to Kagiura
The Reason Why Raekiana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion (also has an anime)
Once More
Love Like Cherry Blossoms
Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi (it's a student x teacher but honestly it's more of a dark comedy manga and it's hilarious so I recommend it)
I Raised Cinderella Preciously
The Perks of Being A Villainess
Ajatsuki no Yona
My Secretly Hot Husband
Ok that's all I can squeeze out of my brain for now. Hope you enjoyed the recs
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bonefall · 7 months
Do you have any plans with Petal? She was so interesting even when she played mom to Misty's kits, taking care of them even when Misty did not do the same for her and Fox, she was dealt a rough hand and I always said she deserved better than to be Clear Sky's Loyal Lackey forever
Petal is still a bit up in the air, but I DO know for certain a few things;
She is now a Tribe cat. BB!DOTC features a language barrier between Park and Tribe cats, so everyone in early SkyClan must come from the Tribe.
Fox Claw and Petal Claw will probably end up being part of the Claw Family.
Fox's death will need to be shuffled, since the set-up is so different. I do like Petal holding a grudge against the person forced to kill him, though.
I know for a fact that Red Claw is going to be part of this family; either a child of Fox or Petal. Acorn Swoop eventually has children with a member of the Claw family-- her canon love interest is Red but I'm not averse to making it someone else in this group.
Petal Claw is rewarded with the orphaned kits of Misty-- now a Park cat. Tensions are going to rise between SkyClan and the River Kingdom as a result of this.
However. Birch and Alder won't keep those names for two reasons;
Reason One, the more important reason, is that Park Cats are born nameless. They don't HAVE names yet-- just physical characteristics.
But also, SkyClan wouldn't allow them to keep the names either. So, Petal Claw will rename them.
I was thinking it COULD be Red Claw and Snake Claw, but I'm not sure if it's wise to fuse FOUR characters into 2 so hastily. So, I am still unsure.
In any case, eventually one of these kits will defect on learning they have family in the River Kingdom, curious to learn more.
Anyway, back to Petal Claw.
She will be doggedly loyal to SkyClan her whole life, Clear Sky's favorite soldier. She enjoys a lot of privilege within the Clan, and revels in her power and status.
She does eventually die for the cause-- probably in the First Battle, because Sparrow Heart needs room for an opportunity to become the next leader.
Petal Claw is also, unfortunately, a major reason Skystar becomes part of StarClan. She really is loyal to the very end, rallying his other dead supporters to clamor for him when he arrives.
Overall, Petal is an ambitious, scrappy, loyal cat who is a major recurring ally of BB!Clear Sky. She revels in what SkyClan can offer her, and the influence she weilds as a result of her devotion. Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven!
She's got an important role. If I wrote every cat someone likes defecting I wouldn't have anyone in SkyClan at all lmao
I do have to say though-- the little "bonus chapter" trying to frame Petal taking Misty's kits as "aww shes being so noble when misty didnt do it for her" frustrates me immensely. I'm VERY much not a fan of it. This woman was fucking murdered on screen for her land by a bloodthristy tyrant and Petal jumped foward to prevent the maniac from slaughtering babies too. The way it tries to take attention away from CLEAR SKY'S MURDER to make it about Petal "breaking a cycle" is just plain awful.
Even worse is how the books quickly shift to passive voice after First Battle. "After their mother Died." Mentions of Clear Sky murdering this woman dry up for a looong while until Milkweed.
So in BB I honestly have no desire to preserve that in any way. Petal Claw wanted the kits because a bigger family is a point of status, and the mother was dead now anyway. Someone needs to care for them-- and so it should be her, because she deserves it. Clear Sky agrees, happy that she will raise more cats who are loyal to him.
Thunder Storm will be witnessing this while he is training under his father; and I'll probably end up doing something with the fact that this means he has information that will be relevant to River Kingdom.
(Or perhaps the Wind Coalition. I'll figure out which one works better for political tension here.)
BUT at the very least, Petal Claw won't be getting fridged for Clear Sky's man pain like canon. Seriously what the fuck. What an awful way to send her out; dying of illness but having just enough strength to throw herself at Clear Sky's feet going "ouuuugh i knew youd saave me. Ur so strong and brave and amazing and cool and misunderstood and everyone on the internet who says mean things about you is evil."
We support women's wrongs here. She will die in BATTLE like she DESERVES
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