#Jason Coward
dopescissorscashwagon · 5 months
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The geological diversity of the badlands in the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness is astounding.
New Mexico
By Jason Coward
📆 Mar 30, 2024
📷 1/1000 s at f/14, ISO 640, 400mm
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sunkillerlovechild · 1 month
my favourite dynamic between Tim and Damian is Tim being confident and comfortable with his place in the family and with being Robin (Tim has a smidge of self-esteem) and he's like 15-17 basically like mid teenage years and then Damian comes and he's like between 8-10 and instantly declares Tim his enemy cause he's Robin and that is his birthright
but instead of Tim also beefing with him cause he's kind of insecure and stuff he just finds it funny and honestly kind of adorable
and like yeah Damian is an assassin but Tim is like twice his size and is trained and has years of experience, so Damian can't actually hurt him
Tim decides to indulge him cause again he finds it funny and cute and also genuinely wants to help Damian get use to living at the manor and make the adjustment as easy as possible for him
and Damian is a kid so he doesn't realize what Tim is doing and actually tries to hurt him and stuff and Tim's just so casual about it
like Damian tries to stab him and Tim just sidesteps him and continues doing whatever it was he was doing, or Damian puts poison in his coffee but Tim has either already developed an immunity to it or has an antidote on hand, so he just drinks it and acts like nothing happend
this eventually leads to Damian just confronting him (maybe even in front of the rest of the family, who lowkey had no idea that it was doing on cause Tim never mentioned anything and Damian was technically trying to kill him secretly) and Tim just honestly telling him that he just wanted Damian to feel welcome and if this help he didn't mind and was just excited to have a little brother and at the end of the day it's good training for himself and also Damian and starts giving him pointers and planning training session so that when in a few years Damian actually gets to take over Robin, he is ready
and Damian really doesn't know what to do with any of it because Tim apparently cares about him??? and is planning to give him Robin in the future???
Tim doesn't even notice that Damian is really struggling with all that he's saying until his hands are full of his little brother, who has not given a single hug to anyone yet since he arrived, not Bruce, not Dick, not even Alfred and it's over as fast as it started and Damian bolts instantly and stays in this room till dinner the next day
but than they start training together that week and maybe Tim isn't his enemy after all
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casscainmainly · 1 month
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Your wish is my command. Last time, we voted to let Duke see Dick's parents die. Now let's give him a crash course in other Batfam trauma!
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Hope you had a good time, Duke!
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artform-virtue · 9 months
if they are going to make the joker the villain of ANOTHER live action batman movie then i want the whole jason todd arc. nothing more nothing less. i want battinson to be crying and screaming and puking over his son’s dead body. if the joker is so evil then prove it. let him be a child murderer. i am sick of it. and dick grayson better be there too.
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squirtle-path · 1 year
DC you have no excuse give me Robin
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Jaime, a well meaning twink nerdy dork with inhuman strength, soft curls, big brown eyes: gosh, I'm really stoked that you're my patrol partner!
Jason 'Has No Game' Todd, shaking to his very core: get the fuck out of my city
Jaime: what!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Jason Todd.Also Megumi Fushiguro.Also Percy Jackson but by P*rcicos and gods fuckers specifically.Also Todoroki Shouto.Also Sasuke Uchiha.Also Ichigo Kurosaki.Also Hobie Brown.Also Marshall Lee Abadeer.Also Prince Zuko.Also Nicholas D. Wolfwood-Y'know you guys get it
(Oh woah,almost 400 notes and like almost 100 at least don't realize i'm insulting you and calling you basic pick mes.Well,thanks for liking and subscribing anyway ig)
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magnoliasandarson · 8 months
Actually, my Roman Empire is that in comic canon we never truly get a happy Batfamily, and 99.99999% of the time you can trace the fault directly to Bruce Wayne. I am frothing at the mouth waiting for DC to give me a Bruce that doesn't a) beat up his kids b) emotionally manipulate/abuse his kids c) pick and choose the kids he loves
I don't want a comic with Bruce Wayne naked? I want a comic where Bruce Wayne isn't a horrible father. Man is Greek Mythos levels of Bad DadTM so much of the time. I get that it will never be sunshine and rainbows, but I am begging for the bare minimum (see list above).
The Batkids deserve so much better and it breaks my heart. Being a bad dad is not integral to Bruce's character, stop making it a defining trait. This is the hill I die on, and I will make it everyone's problem.
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dysany · 2 years
Jason call himself "son of lupa" when he's in a battle and feel confident. The memory that he is part of Lupa's pack is more important and impactful for him than being a son of Jupiter.
In those moments, there's a twinkle in his eyes. A victorious smile, the aura of a wolf ready to devour anyone's throat with he's teeth.
But it's also his sweeter side. Protective, faithful, affectionate. He is Lupa's son when he fights, When he protects Leo and Piper with claws and teeth, when he trains with Reyna, when he takes care of Nico, when he pulls Percy and Frank into a sleeping pile, When he leans against Annabeth as they talk about battlefield strategy, when he snuggles and protects Hazel during nightmares. It's his wolf side, his essence
He introduces himself as "the son of Jupiter" at camp. It's empty and stressful, just like he sees being the king's son
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glitter-stained · 3 months
After a mission together, Jason takes one look at Dick's posture as he stares down at the city, and takes him to one of his favourite rage rooms.
Jason finds the dead body of a child he tried but couldn't save. Dick watches Jason punch a wall and tear at his own hair and manhandles him on a chair, shoves an icepack by his ribcage and teaches him to breathe.
It's okay. Your anger is not shameful. You don't have to be afraid of it, and there's no need to laugh and hide while it's boiling under your skin. You have a right to your own rage.
It's okay. Your anger is not violence, your emotions have not doomed you to be the worst version of yourself. You were not made for all this blood. You can live through the rage without letting it consume you.
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dopescissorscashwagon · 11 months
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Autumn along the Los Pinos River.
By Jason Coward
📆 Oct 18, 2023
📷 ISO 200, 1/200 s, f/8, 58mm
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faeriekit · 10 months
for the ask game: ritual and rites?
"This seems," Dick points out, mild with sleep deprivation, "Like a bad idea."
"I think it's a great idea," Jason says, because he is twelve, and thinks that ghost hunting is grand adventure and not, like, tedious grunt work spent fumbling around in the dark.
Dick thinks. He makes an executive Older Kid Decision (gross) and snatches the spirit box out of Jason's hands before the kid can spirit it away (ha). "No ghosts."
"Come on!" Jason whines, peeved. He jumps, and he tries to climb up Dick's Gotham U sweater— but Dick came by his height honestly, and no shrimp malnutritioned preteen is going to make Dick give in and tussle with ghosts at three in the morning.
"No," Dick snaps, arm raised higher. The preteen is unlatched with a hand to the chest and an aggressive push with his foot. Jason grooooans, as if this is the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to a preteen, ever. "If you want to fight ghosts, wait until B is back and bother him. I need four hours sleep and an un-haunted family wing during finals week. Get out and go harass ghosts on your own time."
Jason sours like an unripe lemon. "Motherfucker," he whispers under his breath, as both the worst word he knows and as if Dick has never heard swearing before.
"Pussy," agrees the spirit box.
"Shut up," Dick decides, deciding to ignore everything that isn't a nap and his econ essay. "Or I'll send you to wake Alfred about it and tell him about your desperate need."
And then, before the ghost can chime in: "Both of you."
Jason, reasonably pale, scatters. Hopefully the teen takes the ghost with him. Dick resolves to ignore any future repercussions of whatever that was; his essay is due this upcoming noon hour, and Dick is going to wreck the class's v-shaped bell curve even if it kills him.
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bikananjarrus · 1 year
it’s really such a crime that rriordan immediately pitted percy and jason against each other when they should’ve immediately bonded over being kidnapped by hera, having their memories erased, and months of time stolen from them. they should’ve been allowed to recognize each other as leaders of their respective camps (and understand what it took to get in that position, because leadership has a cost) and recognize that they are being pushed around the chessboard by the gods AGAIN, and they should’ve gotten the chance to truly combine their strength (with annabeth’s additional leadership skills) and lead the younger members of the seven. and in doing so hera would’ve realized the mistake of giving them common ground, because percy and jason’s combined power? their matching bitterness and contempt for the gods? unmatched. the olympians thought luke was bad, but god help them when percy and jason turn their power onto them
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rosemarydisaster · 12 days
Royjay fic where they actually move in together to Gotham (bear with me). Lian takes to the City like a Fish to water and they're both so relieved. She deserves a place to call home and some stability after everything she's gone through.
Once Bruce hears about it he obviously invites them to family brunch. It takes them a while to cave in (Jason has his issues and Roy doesn't know what to think about Bruce. After all he's been Dick and Jason's best friend while they were beefing with their dad), but eventually they join in for Alfred's delicious food.
Cue to everyone being flabbergasted when Lian just jumps into Selina's arms like they know each other. Like they're close with each other. Why is Selina calling Lian Shoes???? Where have they met before??? That's when they find out the reason Lian has been so comfortable in this new city is because she already lived here. And used to be Catwoman's sidekick.
Selina never let's Bruce live down the fact that his (their) granddaughter was her sidekick first.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 10 months
Okay but realistically imagine what Bruce would do when Jason came back.
Chasing this knee criminal who keeps referencing his dead son. Pushing his buttons. How dare he presume to know anything about Jason. The lost light of his life, his baby boy. He can feel that darkness creeping around the edges of his mind. That pit of anger and murderous rage he is scared he will never pull himself out of.
Hearing that robotic voice taunting him about failing Jason, failing to avenge him. He tried, god he tried. He was so close he had the knife against the jokers throat. And then he was being pulled away. Clark stopped him. Told him that he wasn’t acting like himself.
God he loves Clark but he can still feel that small pit of resentment fester whenever he thinks about bleeding that clown.
How dare he say he never loved Jason. He would have given everything to have him back for even a moment. His wealth, his status, Batman, his soul, Gotham itself. There were only three things he would never trade away. His sons. His precious boys. He would destroy himself without a second thought for their happiness. If there was anything he could give, any price he could pay to just see his baby one more time he would do it happily.
Then they are alone. He’s cornered the Red Hood. An abandoned warehouse, a bomb. He should tear him apart where he stands. He dares to make a mockery of his greatest failure? How he failed Jason. His son. His baby. His world. He will make him suffer.
Then the helmet comes off. A young man. Gentle black curls with a shock of white running through them. A domino mask over his face. It can’t be. And the mask comes away. And Bruce sees them. Those beautiful blue eyes that have haunted every sleepless night. Filled with hatred. Swimming with green fury.
But none of it matters. All the anger in Bruce is gone. He tears of the cowl, he has to see, has to see his baby’s face. Jason has a gun leveled at him, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters because Jason is here. He is alive in front of Bruce. Every wish, every regret is washed away in that moment.
Bruce falls to his knees, it’s too much, more than a wretched creature like him deserves. Jason is stunned. His hand shakes slightly. He moves forward, places the gun against Bruce’s temple and still there is no fear, just wonder and adoration in Bruce’s eyes.
“Is it you Jaylad? Please this has to be a dream, please let this be real.” Jason is shocked he expected anger, disappointment, bargaining, but all there is is a father, a broken man looking upon his life’s purpose renewed before his eyes. Bruce reaches up, slowly, reverently, like at any moment Jason will disappear, he takes Jason free hand and holds it against his cheek and then Bruce’s weeps. Not silent tears or stoic crying. He weeps, snotty and red, hiccuping sobs wracking his body. He can only repeat Jason’s name like a prayer.
Jason doesn’t even realize he has dropped the gun. His Dad is caressing his hand, wailing and babbling apologies and platitudes. Jason feels himself sink to his knees. Tears spilling from his own eyes. His Dad still loves him, never stopped, he doesn’t even care that Jason had only a week ago filled a duffel bag with human heads. He is holding onto Jason like he is sacred and he can feel the anger breaking under the desire to be engulfed by his father.
In that moment they both know that no matter what happens, they’ve come home and for the first time in a long time they both feel whole.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
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" If Bernard ever wants to hear MY theory, my address is These Legs Are Open Avenue "
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