#Jason tried and Dick covered his mouth before he could finish.
raeofgayshine · 4 months
Wish there was a way to begin to explain what happened tonight during stream because there’s some kind of gold in Jim thinking that Riddler is fairy (like tinkerbell) but everyone else just thinks he’s calling Ed a slur and the pipeline it leads down, connecting to Bruce thinking babies come from kissing, all the way to Jim asking Ed and Oswald if Tim was “their fairy baby and Tim telling Steph “I think Jim just called me a fairy.” Steph: “sorry you had to find out this way, but we all kind of knew.”
#ravenpuff rambles#y’all it’s fucking wild out here I’m telling you#and it’s the funniest shit in my life to think about Jim having no idea fairy can be used as a slur#and he’s just convinced Ed is an actual mythical being#while literally everyone he talks to keeps going “I don’t think you can say that Jim#all of Gotham is begging their commissioner to stop being homophobic. Jim is just fucking confused why no one is as excited about this as he#also Bruce got bad sex ed in school and then Alfred forgot he was a parent and needed to give Bruce the talk so he just kind of never#learned a goddamn thing.#Bruce tells every one of his kids babies come from kissing. every single time Alfred spits out his tea in shock because B still doesnt know#he has like 12 children and fathered at least one of them biologically and Alfred things surely he’d figure it out#he never does#meanwhile Bruce things talking about kissing makes Alfred uncomfortable because he’s old and British#Luckily the kids at least got a better education#Dick had to learn himself but he gave Jason the full talk with PowerPoints and everything#(Jason begged him to stop because he could learn through books. dick refused)#every subsequent kid has been informed by the one before them#So Jason is unfortunately tasked with teaching Tim.#Tim passes it on to Duke. Duke to Damian. etc#Babs gave Cass the talk though. Dick refused because he had done his one brotherly duty and Jason refused because Cass was older then him#so to Babs it was.#she also gave Steph the talk against her will which Steph thought was stupid because she had already had a kid by then#none of them are allowed to tell Bruce the truth though#Jason tried and Dick covered his mouth before he could finish.#Damian has tried several times but is always interrupted but Tim appearing out of nowhere and tackling him to the ground#I love this stupid fucking family your honor
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deliciousbasementtrash · 11 months
Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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From Batman Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoon. Artist Inker Starbite
Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. Batman has offered you a job. You are now a nurse for the entire Batfamily. Jason patches you up.
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x Female!reader
Warning: Adult language, angst, mention of a gunshot
Word Count: 1.3k (sorry it's a bit shorter today)
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it
Part Six: The Patch Up
Tentatively, I gave Jason my burned hands. They dwarfed in comparison to his. I watched Jason’s face as he assessed me. His dark brows were pinched with concentration; his jaw was clenched tight. I noticed his forehead was spackled with sweat, and his cheeks looked flushed. Concern flashed in my mind, as I closed my eyes and did my own assessment of him. 
My power fell over me like a blanket, covering me with the essence of Jason. I searched around trying to find the cause of his disheveled state. There, flashing bright, was a gunshot wound to his stomach. My eyes flew open. 
“Jason, why the hell did you not say anything? You have a fucking gunshot wound!” I yelled at him, as I slowly healed him. I saw spots float in the edges of my vision and felt bile rise in my throat. Quickly, I blinked and swallowed trying to regain composure. After healing Tim, Dick, and Bruce using my power felt more like drudging through mud rather than gliding on ice. 
I felt Jason’s grip on my wrist tighten, “Don’t you dare try to heal me. I don’t want it.” Contraindicating his harsh tone, he lightly cleaned my hands and began wrapping them meticulously. 
“What do you mean you don’t want it? You need it.” Anger flashed inside me. His tone might have been harsh, but mine was final. There was no arguing with me. Not over this. 
Jason must have felt the signifying cue of pins and needles, “Dammit, y/n! I said I don’t want it! Not when you’re like this!”
Annoyance, sharp and hot stabbed through me, “Jason, I’m fine. I’ve dealt with worse before, and I deal with worse in the future. But you need to have that healed.” The argument was futile. I was done healing him by the time the words left my mouth. 
I felt Jason tense when he realized what I had done. His eyes burned with anger. I tried my best to keep eye contact with him. Not wanting to back down. But my body betrayed me and began to sway. 
Jason’s hands steadied me and I heard him swear under his breath, “Dick get me a protein bar.” Once again it was a demand. 
“Were you raised in a barn? Saying fucking please, dickwad,” I said, unsteadily. 
Jason held up the protein bar, “I don’t want another word out of you. Eat it.”
Out of spite, I kept my mouth shut tight. 
“You either eat this willingly or I shove it down your throat,” Jason practically growled. 
Succumbing to my body’s needs I ate the damn protein bar. Despite not wanting to follow Jason’s commands I needed food, water, and sleep. When I finished the protein bar I held the empty wrapper up for him to see. “There are you happy?”
“Not in the slightest,” he grumbled. 
I barely refrained from rolling my eyes, slowly I got up. “Well while you are sulking in the corner I am going to bed. Goodnight.” 
“Try not to pass out on your way up there,” Jason yelled behind me. I was already in the elevator. 
“Try not to get shot again,” I shuck my tongue out just before the doors closed. I could have sworn I saw Jason smirk at that.
That night I could barely sleep. I tossed and turned, my mind racing. Just as I was finally drifting off to sleep a scream cut through the air. In a matter of seconds, I threw my blankets off and ran out of my room. I looked frantically around trying to determine where the scream came from. A few whimpers sounded and I realized it came from the room neighboring my own. Without a second thought, I opened the door. 
The room was dark save for one lamp that remained on, giving the room a slight glow. The room was clean with miscellaneous books and knives scattered about. Toward the back of the room, pressed up against two walls, as if hiding, was a bed. A bed with a man thrashing around like a fish out of water. He was gasping for air, and crying out. 
“Please, stop! Please! Please!” Jason cried and begged. Something inside me cracked, as I ran forward. 
I knew I probably shouldn’t have abruptly woken him up, but I couldn’t stand the fear and heartbreak in his voice. 
“Jason,” I said gently, but loud enough to wake him up. He thrashed more. “Jason, wake up, please,” I begged him. 
It wasn’t working, slowly I put my hand on his shoulder, and as if I struck him with lightning he abruptly shot up in bed. His hands wrapped around my throat. Instantly, I couldn’t breathe. His grip was a steal that I could not break. 
“Jason!” I croaked out. His eyes were unseeing, somewhere far away. “Jason!” I tried again. Not wanting to hurt him, but needing him to get off I started lightly slapping his face. I saw him blink and shake his head as if clearing cobwebs. I saw the moment he realized it was me. He released me instantly and pushed himself to the far edge of his bed. Putting the most distance between us as he could. 
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” He yelled at me, his eyes crazed as he looked at my neck. 
“I’m sorry! I heard screaming. I just wanted to help–”
A dark bitter laugh escaped him, “Of course, you just wanted to help. That’s how you justify everything, isn’t it? Get the fuck out of my room.” I got whiplash from the words leaving his lips. They paralyzed me for a moment. “I said get out!” Jason yelled. 
Waking me from my trance I ran out of the room. My heart pounding. Tears threatened to spill. I couldn’t get his words out of my head. 
Of course, you just wanted to help. That’s how you justify everything.
Have I become manipulative like my father? Using my righteousness as a shield thinking I’m better than him? When all along I was just the same. A cruel person using others to make myself feel better. Was that the root of my motivation? I didn’t know. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
As if the universe heard my thoughts, a text popped up on my phone from a number I did not have saved. 
[Have lunch with me today. Your mother’s favorite spot. 12:30. Don’t be late.]
A cold bitter laugh left me. Today was going to be a fucking shit show. 
Jason ran a hand through his hair, over and over. Ever since he came back he had the same dream every night. Every night he relived the Joker beating him. Every night he felt the pain of coming back to life. Maybe that’s why it is so hard to forgive Bruce. To Bruce it’s linear, something that happened in the past. To Jason, it happened in the past but is also happening right now. 
Jason was used to the nightmares. The whole house was. At first they all came and comforted him. But each time Jason snapped. He said something that cut too deep. And eventually, the people stopped coming to comfort him. It was a blessing and a curse. Jason wasn’t sure if he was happy or sad they stopped coming. He didn’t want to hurt them, but he didn’t want to be scared and alone. But he never thought… he never thought that she would try and comfort him. 
Jason’s heart raced as he clutched his head in his hands. He had strangled her. What if he hadn’t woken up? What if he broke her neck? She needs to stay away from him. She is too good. Too pure of heart. If she was around him; his black decaying heart would make her own start to rot. He couldn’t handle that. He couldn’t hurt her again. 
No. Jason would have to push y/n away. That was the only answer.
Taglist: @soundsfunbutno@killxz@morpheus-girl@redhood414@bungunz@conicoroahre@greenyofthegreens@taytaylala12 @theroyalmanatee @nym-0-s @sarahskywalker-amadala @bonesbonesetc @dreaming-of-the-reality @gone-batty-fics @thescarletcryptid @bakugosgf2005 @irregular-child @vythika96 @greenyofthegreens @mythicalmo
Let me know what you guys think <3
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livingz0mbee · 11 days
Synopsis: Batfamily; Tim, Dick, Jason , Damian, Bruce.. get teleported to some alternate universe where they’re all women. The witch who gets them there promises she’ll let them go once they help her. Whatever that is.
Note: This is from me daydreaming constantly, so if anyone seems op then it’s because it’s my mind 😭. I needed to let it out and decided to write, dk if i’ll finish it.
Warnings: Bruce’s version is Black, Which makes Damian’s version Mixed. OOC idrc just for funsies, Tim’s ver has slight anxiety. Coming out, Gun mentions, I’m pretty sure stab mentions, BirdFlash at the end there. Not much in here honestly Just a bunch of yap, The story jumps a lot.. cuz this is me making my daydream into a fan fiction .
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What happened? How had they ended up here? Why the fuck is clark a woman? Dicks head pounded as all he could recall was reaching out to tim before some sort of green thunder striked both of them. He’d have to find Tim, once his eyes adjusted to the blue and red blur infront of him, he was greeted with a huge grin and a hand.
“Hi! My name Is Claire, I know you! Don’t you know me?” she asked as she grips his shoulder, easily pulling him up. Dick groaned, giving her a small smile, “I think you.. might have the wrong guy.” He spoke, patting her bicep to signal for her to put him down. She set him down before eyeing him. Her mouth made an ‘O’ shape. “Teleported here by some magical witch? Yeah probably, Anyway let me take you to the league! You won’t believe your eyes! Wait till you see your mo- well dad- I’m not sure.” She kept blabbering, not giving Dick much time to respond before she picked him up bridal style, boosting into the air in almost milliseconds, zooming to The justice leagues tower.
Okay. This is even Crazier. He sat next to his father; who was on his right, Jason on his left, Damian sitting next to Bruce on the right, and Tim next to Damian. They all had.. confused looks on their faces as they made direct contact with the.. justice league? The flash was a woman, her blonde hair flowing down her sides as Jordan, Yes first name Jordan, leaned into her ear, whispering. She covered her mouth as they both laughed a bit. She tried looking away from Damian but she couldn’t help herself. She threw her head back, her laugh cutting through the silence as Jordan slammed her fist on the table, holding her stomach. What could be so funny? Well Wonder Woman was still Female, so.. what was the issue?
Claire cleared her throat her voice more serious, Bailey stopped her laughing, breathing as she wiped her tears. “Sorry, Sorry.” she nudged Jordan once more and they giggled before turning their attention to Claire. “I know you’re all confused, but I’ll explain..” She stood up and adjusted her glasses. “Around … erm I guess 2 weeks ago..” she glanced at Jordan Who shook her hand from side to side before nodding. “Two weeks ago, a lady came here, saying that this world was going to break? Something with it colliding with another verse.. I don’t really know, But our dear Miss wayne-” Damian suddenly stood up with his arms crossed over his chest, “Miss?” he sat down staring daggers at SuperWoman, bruce put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. “Yes.. miss? Can you not tell? This world is almost completely opposite of yours. Most of your Men.. are Women with few women being men.
She held out her hand, gesturing towards bruce. “Like you for example. In this Universe your name is … uhm.. how about she com-” interrupted once more, a slightly high pitched voice cutting through her, a dark corner of the room revealed Damian’s counterpart, emerging from the shadows, glaring at Damian. “Danielle. How can you forget? Aren’t you ..” she looked Claire up and down, “super?” she finished before she sat right across from Damian, the long table giving her and Damian some.. needed space. Jason grumbled, “The same damn person.” Claire raised her hand, “Can I finally speak without a pre pubescent child interrupting me?” her hands on her knees as she made a pouty face at both children, Danielle flicked her off earning a Smirk from Damian. “As I was saying.. you’re all female here. Uhm, Jason is just Jaclyn, but I call her lynn! She hates me sorta. Uhm Dick is still Rikkie, By the way, Spelled R-I-K-K-I-E. We just call her Rick Or kie, yknow dick wouldn’t really match but that’s what her siblings call her sometimes. Interesting choice the bunch. Tim is well, Tam, now that i’m thinking about it.. I wouldn’t..” she shook her head.
Jason chuckled as he kept repeating it to Tim, leaning over so he could see him, “Tam, holy fuck what a name.”. Tim didn’t think it was funny, but Danielle giggled. “Well How about I call our dear bat! Wouldn’t it be fresh to meet them?” Claire pulled out her phone, scrolling a bit before she ringed a number. “Speaker, Speaker!” Bailey Yelped as she sped over to Claire, Jordan got up as well as they crowded around each other. Danielle huffed, how was she the first here. “Hello?” A husky voice spoke from the other side, it gave Bruce a shiver, was that.. him? Bailey was the first to speak practically shaking. “Batsy! Come quick you’ll wanna see this! it’s like you but it’s a GUY! and it’s like all your little kids but they’re like guys too!” she had snatched claire’s phone screaming into the mic, She handed it to Jordan who giggled, “Your little devil spawn is here too. With her little boy version. Ugh.. I don’t know how you do it..” Claire took the phone, scoffing. “Sorry, Wayne it seems their.. excited for your reaction. Might be the first we get from you in a while. Just Bring your kids, No need for cass or duke.. Just the birdies. Oh no Steph either.” It was a moment of silence, the sound of a page flipping, “Alright. I’ll be there soon, Suits or..?”
Her voice was silky and Jason groaned in Disgust as he saw Jordan and Bailey jump up in down, Fangirling as if this wasn’t their coworker. “Suits or no suits, all we need is you and them.” the phone made a beep sound, signaling she had hung up. “As I was saying.. That witch, she said something bad was going to happen that involves me and she needed all the ‘Wayne blood that she could possibly get’ uhm whatever that means. But she didn’t say much before she teleported away, then yknow now we’re here.” Bruce narrowed his eyes through his mask, glancing at dick from the side who looked back at him in a questioning way. “Now we wait.” Claire sat in a chair next to Jordan, walking down the the long tables opposite side of bruce, Bailey scrambled next to her practically tripping over feet as she kept chanting “You think she’s gonna wear the suit? Oh god let her wear the suit! I might pass out she’s so hot.” she squat down, looking down as she shook her head. What the hell was up with her and this Batwoman being so Hot???
A few minutes went by and a knock on the door was heard. Jordan Stood up and opened the door, groaning when she saw Jasons Counterpart, “Oh you can’t be fucking serious.” Danielle said as she turned around, “Even Pam is better than you.” she held up the middle finger once more mouthing a ‘fuck you’ Jay slid through the door, mumbling something about children and puberty and disrespect. She didn’t even notice the 3 Boys staring at her, jaws to the floor.
Her streak of white hair covered almost the first part of her hair, a good chunk on the left, the right side being significantly shorter. She wore Her Red hood suit, Gun in her right hand as she slid it into her holster. her sleeves were rolled up similar to jason’s as she held up her middle finger back at danielle. “Man fuck you kid. I promise Once you get past the age of 8 physically… oooh.. don’t let me… don’t let me near you..” she growled , eye twitching as Danielle stuck out her tounge.
That’s when she noticed the Boys staring at her. More so the Boy that Looked identical to her. “Holy Shit. Is that me? like gender swapped?” She lifted a brow, and pointed her finger at him before she looked at Danielle who nodded, “Unfortunately, it’s as ugly as you.” Jay Balled her hand into a fist as she pounced, screaming at Danielle as someone held her back. “AHH! *** YOU ********* KISS MY **** WAIT TILL I **** JUST **KIN WAIT.?!!?!” she said as she clawed at her. Danielle held her hand up to her mouth, gasping. “How rude.” she said as her face changed into a smirk. “Look, Pam meat is here to help you!” Danielle said as Tam struggled to hold Jay back,
“She’s just a kid! Weren’t you like that!!” she huffed, clearly out of breath.. Her boots slid against the floor as Jay kept fighting her. She wore basically the same as tim, Instead of long pants, it stopped at shorts, Her cape was smaller and she didn’t have her mask on. Jay stopped pointing as she chuckled. “Just wait kid.” Tam sat her down , putting a space between the two of them. “Is your name really Tam?” Tim grimaced as he stared at her. Literally him, just had longer hair. She scanned every last inch of his face with a small smile. “No. It’s actually Tammy, Every calls me Me’Me.” she was clearly shy, Before she realized what she said moving her hands frantically as she shrugged; “W-well you know Tam too cuz that’s short for y-yknow tammy but we all knew that right??” Jay planted a hand on her shoulder and laughed, “Chill, not that deep bro.” she sighed, placing her head in her hands.
Claire Coughed, gaining their attention. “Where’s Your mother, and her little acrobat?” She kept glancing into the dark corners which didn’t go unnoticed by bruce. “They were right behind me.” Tams voice was muffled by her hands which made her sulk even more. “So.. surely they’re in here right?” Jordan said. still standing by the door, speak of the devil, Someone knocked at the door as voices could be heard. Something like ‘get your nose out of the book! this is a meeting’ and a grumble. Jordan opened the door, A suited Female version Of dick walked in, and dick smiled. So he’s hot in every universe?
She walked in her hands making a ‘follow me’ motion in which a black boot stepped through the door, The mood switched in seconds, Bruce’s stare never wavering. A woman walked in, Her hair In curls with an eye having a cut over it, that same eye was white as she held a brown book in her hands, her mask was held in her hand as she shook Jordan’s hand. Which made jordan Turn to bailey and silently jump and smile. Rik Stood behind Her mother, placing her hands on her shoulders, popping up with a ‘tadaa!’.
She smiled patting Waynes shoulder, whispering something in her ear. “And Dick has arrived. Ironic name for someone wit-” wayne interrupted her, putting her hand up to Danielle, that shut her up quick and Jay snorted. Jordan went to sit down, before noticing her green lantern suit disappearing. “Are you serious Bree?” She looked over to Wayne, who had her ring flipping between her fingers. “Focus.” flicking the ring back towards Jordan as she shook her head. What an Entrance, shutting up her daughter with one small movement, along with stealing the ring with a small movement. Obviously she had noticed her male counterpart, but paid no attention, clearly not caring. She wasn’t… never mind. Rik took off her mask and waved at Jay giving her kisses back to back, ‘i 💚 you she mouthed to jay who visibly cringed. Making the heart shape and everything. Ugh..
Claire explained everything , being met with Jay almost leaving three times due to “Oh fuck no” and “Multiverse Bullshit, Get me out..” but Rikkie brought her back, soothing her in her own strange way. Everyone stared at Bree waiting for her response. Her bottom face was covered by the book she had her nose in and she peeked up when Bruce spoke, he had taken off his mask and he questioned her back story. “Mind if I ask you, what’s.. how.. did it happen?” the room became thick as Bruce stared right through her soul. Bree sighed, placing down her bruce. Her skin was A tone of brown, which explained why Danielle’s skin was significantly darker than Damian’s. She thought of how to start.
“Well. I’m not from Gotham. I was raised somewhere In Georgia, but my mom died in…” she paused, face scrunching up. “She died in a shooting. Common in the area I was living in, my father took me in, before he told me he wasn’t good for me. He wasn’t able to take care of me and sent me to an orphanage. Luckily That’s when.. I guess Mom came. They had a vactation in Georgia and they went to orphanages. Luckily They found me and took me in. I got a plane back to gotham and for some reason.. My father was mad at that.. I’ll never know why.” bruce interrupted her, “Perhaps Jealousy? Better life.” bree nodded in agreement. “Perhaps.”
“He killed them, Cold blood, In public, Everyone saw, anyone who tried to help he held them at gunpoint. Someone had accidentally shot me trying to shoot him. You know how traumatic kids memory goes, you either remember every last detail or your brain completely wipes it from your memory. I had the latter. Everything is a blur and I only remember little parts. I don’t know who or what saved me.” Bree fiddled with her thumbs, making direct eye contact with Bruce. Dicks eyes softened. She was definitely more open. Rikkie pulled out her phone, typing something before leaning over and handing it to Tam, who glanced at it, then handing it to Jay, who’s head snapped over to Rikkie ‘No.’ she mouthed and shook her head. Rikkie nodded, making her best puppy dog eyes before Jay rolled her eyes and nodded.
A few hours later, Jay and Rikkie were running around, well more like Rikkie chasing Jay, pleading for her to go see a movie together. “We haven’t done anything since we were kids!” “No.” “Please!!” “No.” “PLEASSE.” rikkie was on her knees grabbing at her sisters knees basically ripping her pants, Jay Cringedd kicking her legs violently as to get her off. “Damn! Okay fine! Just get the hell off of me??!” with one final wiggle of her leg, Rikkie sprang off, Easily doing some sort of backflip onto her feet. She cheered tears instantly drying on her face. Jason watched and laughed at Jay before Dick said the four of them should all go. “NO!” both jay and Jason said, Instantly turning to look at dick who put his hands up defensively.
Bree sighed as she made MeMe a cup of coffee, sliding it over to her. She thanked her mother before she held out her hand. Bree took it, using her other hand to read her book. “Something the matter, My Dove?” Almost everyone Turned to look at them, besides Danielle who was kneading some sort of bread with Damian.
MeMe felt her face heat up at the sudden onlookers. She walked around the table, never letting go of her mother’s hand, coffee forgotten on the other side. “I need to talk to you.” Bree made a symbol with her hand and MeMe nodded, feeling her eyes gloss over. Bree sat her book down and let her daughter guide her. “Dove?” Bruce, Jason, and Tim asked, looking at an unbothered Danielle. “Are you Guys idiots? Robin- the bird, Dove- a bird..? Obviously makes sense.” “What does she call you ducky too?” Damian quipped which led to a ball of flour being thrown into his face, he coughed as Jay snickered.
“No you imbecile. Ugh, Disgusting. Anyways- Put a tea spoon of vanilla extract.” Damian followed directions, clearly annoyed. In the other room, Brees gaze on MeMe was gentle. MeMe felt herself struggle to breathe, not wanting to be outcasted of any sort once she said something. “Mo-m” she choked out. She was already crying. She knew it was coming. “I-i-i think I like girls.” It was silent. She looked up to see her moms face sad, but also gentle, her one brown eye seeming more full of disappointment than hatred. She flinched before feeling her mother’s hand on her cheek, wiping the tears off her face.
“What’s wrong with that?” “Are you not upset? l-like the possibility of not having children or something religious?” Bree hummed, admiring her daughter’s beauty. “No.” her response was flat, “Never really wanted grandchildren, Just need you guys. And I’ve never really been religious. Speaking of being gay.. your sister Rik, used to have a crush on KF. They kissed once on her 14th birthday. I saw but never told her.” MeMe laughed, before her eyes opened and she Stood up. “Wait- Seriously? Oh. My. God. I’m totally using that.” MeMe said as she kissed her mom’s forehead, jumping over the couch and heading back into the kitchen. Bree chuckled as she heard a booming laugh from jason, along with a “NO? NO? HOW DOYOU- NEVER I NEVER DID THAT! WH- IT WAS A ONE TIME THING!” she heard a mention of birdflash before she entered the room.
Sliding towards her book, she attempted at leaving but her eldest knew her too well. “MOM?” she turned around, trying to hide her laugh. She slowly backed up the stairs “what? i saw you guys, i thought it was cute, explore while your young, your still friends right?” bree kept going rik flailed her arms around, “Sh-sh-Sh!! I was 14! Why would you tell the biggest mouth her 12 years later! My reputation is ruined! I’m gonna get called ‘birdflash’ by this booming- this booming lesbian now!” she stomped her foot as her mom shrugged. Jay was laughing and pointing at her, as she fell onto the floor. “Oh my god! Oh my god! Fucking BirdFlash! Golden! That’s fucking hilarious.”
“It’s not funny LYNN” “It so is funny DICK.” Jay stood up, still laughing slightly as she kept reapeating it, “Why would you kiss speed kid? out of all people!” Jay couldn’t help but start laughing again clutching onto a wall for support. Riks face was red and she couldn’t help but groan; “14! I was a kid Guys! Haven’t you ever done something stupid as a kid! Well not saying i regret it but- UGH you know what I mean.” Danielle chuckled as her and Damian finished backing whatever cake pops they were doing. “I’ve never regretted anything.” dani spoke as she popped a few cake pops into some cream, coating them in sprinkles shortly after. Rik rolled her eyes, “Need I remind you of the Tim you wanted to Challenge me to a fight because your so clearly stronger? Who wasn’t able to patrol for two weeks?” Rik asked looking around. Danielle growled, “You got lucky Dick”
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to-the-stars8 · 1 year
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3
55- Circus Acts and Stitches
You clapped when Dick landed on his feet effortlessly, showing you that even though he was taken out of the circus there was no taking the circus out of him. Jason threw a sly comment across the Batcave about how his tricks were what tipped Tim off, and that, at the end of the day, would probably be the source of uncovering all their identities. Dick didn’t pay any attention to him, instead going back onto the uneven bars, while you turned back to Jason. 
He was sitting in the med bay with Bruce stitching up a cut he had gotten on his arm while sparring with Damian—Jason wasn’t ashamed of getting cut by his younger brother, and even complimented Damian’s growth after he had told him off. 
“How’s he doin’, Mr. Wayne,” You asked, getting up from your spot to wander over. 
Bruce chuckled, “He’ll live.” He turned to his youngest son who was sitting nearby cleaning his blade. “Any deeper, though, Damian, and you would have cut an artery. You need to be more careful when sparring.”
“You can’t blame me for his lack of speed,” The little boy said nonchalantly. “The bigger ones move slower.” 
“You better watch that fuckin' mouth—” Jason started to say before Bruce gave him a pointed look. 
You finally managed to reach Jason before he could get up to return the favor when Damian stuck his tongue out tauntingly, pressing a kiss to his temple to calm him. “Let’s see the damage.” 
Peering over, you could see a long cut on Jason’s arm that would no doubt turn into a scar, no matter how well Bruce could stitch up an arm. The sight made your stomach churn, but you made sure to not let Jason know by smiling up at him.
Your eyes then flickered over to Damian. It was a bit obvious to you that he felt bad about hurting his brother and that he was trying to cover up just how much he cared. Damian was sitting too close for someone who supposedly was proud of his win and his eyes kept looking at Jason’s arm with flashes of guilt, though his face was motionless as he kept his facade of indifference. 
“You got ‘em pretty good, Dami,” You said. 
Damian only nonchalantly said, “Yeah.”
Jason’s eyes looked to you before Damian. He tried to jokingly say, “When I brush up on my stealth, kid, watch your ass.” 
“Jay…” Bruce said, tone thick with a readied reprimand, as he finished up on his son's arm. 
When Jason was all wrapped up and looking as he did before sparring, Damian seemed to relax a little. You reached over and ruffled his hair, whispering that it was okay. All the while, Bruce told Jason the same tale of how to take care of his wound, it sounding more like another lecture than advice. 
“Fuck, it’s hot as hell down here,” He said suddenly, wanting to just stop his endless talking. “Wanna go for ice cream, babe?”
“I wanna go for ice cream,” Dick said as he swung upside-down from one of the bars.  
Jason opened his mouth before closing it again, taking a second to think about what he wanted to say before finally coming out with it. “As long as you’re not gonna do any circus acts, you can come.”
The amount of joy and surprise on Dick’s face told you that it must have been the first time in a while that Jason had willingly let him accompany him anywhere. When he turned to Damian and invited him, the look reflected Dick’s. Surprise, though with a hint of underlying suspicion that sparkled in his green eyes. 
Cooly, he responded, “You’re not planning on some sort of retaliation, hm? This has to be a trick.”
You looked up at Jason, “You better not be.”
“No! No. I just want some fucking ice cream, I swear on my own grave,” He said, mumbling an apology afterward to Bruce who grimaced. 
Damian finally relented, sliding off his chair after putting his sword to the side, though not without a threat that if it was a trick the cut would be worse than before. Jason looked to you for strength before thinning his lips to keep an insult from passing through them. That little boy had a thing for testing every nerve. It gave him pause for a moment, wondering if he had been the same way as Robin.
Dick, overjoyed, hopped off the bars with an extravagant flip. Clapping again, you went over to him to ask him about it, leaving Jason with Bruce and Damian. 
Jay sighed before looking down at his younger brother. “Damian, you don’t have to worry about hurting me. There are no hard feelings. If there were, I’d let you know. And, I...I’m sorry for what I said to you earlier, too. I’m too grown to be talking to you like that.”
Jason surprised himself with his apology and consolation toward his younger brother. It left him to wonder if what he had said to Damian was your influence or something he wished had been said to him when he was younger.
Damian was quiet for a moment, not sure how to respond before finally mumbling something about how he wasn’t worried about Jason being hurt and that his words had little effect on him. Still, his words must have had some effect since his little brother was now sticking around a little closer with more comfort. 
“Are you coming, too,” Jay asked Bruce. 
As quick as Catwoman’s whip, he turned around, “Me?” 
“I mean, who else? You should know that if you come you’re paying, so…” Jason looked down, expecting Bruce to decline with some poor excuse. Instead, the words that hit Jason’s ears sounded so different.
No, not different, he quickly decided, familiar. 
Bruce sounded like Dad again. “I think we can squeeze it into the budget. Let me get my keys and wallet.”
Jason nodded, watching his father walk away before looking over to see Dick attempting to get you to grab onto the uneven bars, to which he was threatened with no ice cream if he continued. Dick pulled away, mumbling about how his little brother was no fun, as you hopped away talking about how excited you were for ice cream. Damian was quick to show off his skills of flips and tricks, all of them Dick’s old moves, which impressed you immensely. 
Jason found himself liking the way you were immersing yourself into his family—better yet, into this life. You acted as if all of this was normal, taking it all with the love and acceptance you could muster. He realized that you were unintentionally reminding him that this life wasn’t always black and blue bruises with bloody cuts. It was family—love.  
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daisies-daydreams · 9 months
So, this is an unofficial, official request. I am in the mood for confessions. There is no outline. As long as it has Jason and a confession, we squared. Though sprinkle in a little angst, and maybe a little bit of Dick giving advice.
Angel in Red (Jason Todd x F!Reader) Pt. 1
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Image Source(s): Pexels & DC Comics
Pairing: Jason Todd x F!Reader Category: Angst, Eventual Smut Warnings: Swearing, Endangerment, Mentions of Murder Word Count: 1.7k+
A/N: I was so excited to write this story, you have no idea! I hope you enjoy!
-> Part 2
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Your heart stopped when you reached your desk. 
“I told you already, I made sure the murders were pinned on one of Falcone’s men, not Marchetti’s,” your boss, Police Chief Sullivan, harshly whispered into a cellphone. Your eyes widened as you froze where you stood. 
You were just coming back inside to grab your phone. You were working late tonight to catch up on some menial tasks…but you never expected to stumble into this kind of conversation. Sullivan sighed. 
“Christ, Dante. You’re killing me here,” he groaned. A cold chill ran down your spine as your throat tightened. Dante…as in Dante Marchetti. The mob boss that had Gotham in an iron grip for the past few months…the one your boss was tasked in capturing. 
You quickly grabbed your phone, your hands shaking as you pressed “record”. You tried to remain as hidden as possible as you held your breath. 
“What more do you want me to do?” Sullivan snapped as he banged his fist on the desk. You flinched and nearly dropped your phone, sighing quietly as you caught it. “You listen to me, Marchetti: I’ve been covering your ass this whole time. The least you could do is give me some more time to-“ the police chief paused. “No, please. I-I’m sorry,” he said in a more shaky voice. “There’s no need to bring Abby into this,” Sullivan swallowed thickly. Your heart raced when he mentioned his wife’s name. “Alright, I’ll get it done,” he sighed. Your stomach twisted into tight knots. 
Get what done? 
“As of tomorrow, Detective Montoya will no longer be assigned to your case,” he said. You shivered at the implication as you took a step back. You gasped when your ankle rolled, making your heel loudly clack against the marble floor. You tensed when you heard some shuffling inside Sullivan’s office. 
“Hold on a second, Dante,” he said, his voice a strained murmur. You scrambled beneath your desk, tucking your knees up to your chest just as Sullivan came out. You held your hand over your mouth, your phone still recording as you squeezed yourself into the space as much as you could. Sullivan grunted as he sighed. “Sorry, I thought someone else was here,” he muttered before turning back into his office and fully shutting the door. You exhaled and stopped the recording, your heart pounding inside your ears as you shook. 
Your mind raced as you slipped onto your hands and knees and crawled past his office. You tried not to let panic overwhelm you as you made your way to the back door. You clutched your hand over your chest as your eyes burned. 
“Holy shit,” you panted. You forced yourself to continue down the street walking despite how heavy your body felt. You couldn’t stop, not now. Not when the whole narrative of the case was changing this quickly. You finally made it to the subway station and pulled up Barbara Gordon’s number. You quickly dialed the number, glancing all around you until Barbara finally picked up. 
“Barbara Gordon speaking,” she hummed on the other end. You sucked in a sharp breath as you bounced your leg. 
“Barbara, it‘s (Y/N). I need to talk to you about something,” you said. 
Barbara’s eyes were wide by the time you finished playing the recording. You squeezed your hands in your lap as you swallowed a lump in your throat. 
“I always knew that guy was a dick,” she huffed. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. 
“How could I have been so stupid? I’m his assistant for God’s sake,” you groaned. You relaxed a little when she placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s not your fault, (Y/N). He’s obviously been using burn phones to ensure that he isn’t being tracked,” Barbara said as she placed a warm cup of tea in front of you. You gave her a small smile before sipping on the drink. 
“He…He almost caught me, Barbara. I don’t think he saw me, but I’m not sure,” you said as your chest tightened. Barbara took a sip of her tea as she thought to herself for a moment.
“You still need to go in tomorrow,” she said. Your eyes widened as you clenched your jaw. 
“What?!” you breathed. Barbara set her cup down. 
“I know it sounds like the least safe option, but think about it. If you call off or don’t show up at all, Sullivan might start to connect some dots before we can come up with a plan of our own,” she explained. You shook your head. 
“I don’t think I can do it,” you groaned as you tugged on your hair. “How did I get myself into this? I’m a pencil pusher, Barbara, not one of those caped crusaders you see on the news,” you said. Barbara nodded slowly, her blue eyes softly glowing with sympathy. 
“I know…but what you did today showed that you’re just as brave as them,” she reassured you with another pat on your shoulder. You nodded and took a deep breath. 
“Thanks, Barbara,” you gave a weak smile. She grinned back and nodded. 
“Of course,” she said gently. You blinked as she took your phone. “May I?” she asked. You nodded and watched as she wheeled over to her computer station. She plugged your phone in with a USB cord and downloaded a copy of the recording. “I’m sending this to my father. He won’t be in town until tomorrow morning, but I know he’ll help us as soon as he can,” Barbara said as she typed a few things into her computer. You nodded slowly as you watched her send the file to the Commissioner. 
“You okay?” your friend asked. You glanced up, your throat tight as you tensed. 
“I…I don’t know,” you sighed. “What if he did see me? What if something happens tomorrow?” you clenched your fists. Barbara paused for a moment. 
“How about this: I’ll send over one of my guys to come pick you up,” she offered. Your eyes lit up. 
“Really?” you asked. Barbara nodded as she cleaned her glasses. 
“Absolutely. My assistant Thomas can come get you,” she explained. You nodded. 
“That sounds great,” you replied as you stood up. Barbara gave you a weary glance. 
“(Y/N), you still need to be careful. I’m sorry, but like it or not, you’re a part of this now. I’ll do my best to protect you, but you need to stay alert at all times, okay?” she said firmly. You took a deep breath. 
“I understand,” you said. Your friend looked you up and down. 
“Do you feel comfortable going home? Or do you want to stay the night?” she asked. You bit the inside of your cheek as you rested your hands on your hips. 
“I don’t want to endanger you by being here,” you said with a strained voice. Barbara sighed as she turned in her wheelchair. 
“It’ll be alright, (Y/N). I can handle it,” she said as she cheekily flexed her arm. You laughed and shook your head. 
“I mean, if you’re offering,” you shrugged. Barbara smiled. 
“Let me get a few things for you,” she beamed before going down the hall. You sighed and looked back at the three computer screens. You noticed a window open with a news article. 
You shivered as a cold chill ran down your spine. Barbara came back out as you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
“Are you okay?” she asked as she furrowed her brows. You nodded. 
“Yeah, I just need to get some sleep,” you said. Barbara hummed and nodded. 
“Alright,” she grinned before turning around. You offered her a smile, but it quickly dissipated as thoughts of tomorrow violently swarmed inside your mind. 
Jason remained tense in his dark vehicle, his crimson mask clad over his rugged face as he listened in on a phone conversation. He narrowed his green eyes as he heard the police chief murmur over the phone.
“Roy, it’s Sullivan…I may have a job for you”. 
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @tayleighuh @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @blueapplesiren @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @spiderrinn
Want to be a part of my taglist? Comment down below!
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ali-r3n · 2 years
Head Over Heels
Eddie Munson x Henderson’s Sister!Reader
The moment Eddie knew Y/N Henderson was the one for him
Fluff, Some violence, mentions of weed
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Y/N took a seat at her lunch table across from her best friend, Robin.
"Hey," she said when she saw the frown on her face. "What's going on?"
Robin looked up from her tray where she played with her food and glared over at the basketball table. "Jason is such a dick."
"You just realized that now?" she joked, trying to brighten her mood.
"Even more so than usual."
"What did he do now?" Y/N asked. She leaned in to make sure that no one overheard what she was going to say next. "Did he find out about you and say something? If he did, I'll fucking kill him! I will wring his neck with my bare hands. I will shove a basketball up his a-mmph."
She was interrupted during her rant by Robin bending over the table and covering her mouth.
"No, he doesn't know shit." She sat back in her seat.
"So, what did he do?"
Y/N's blood boiled as Robin told her what Jason and his cronies did.
"Douchebag." If looks could kill then the one she shot the basketball table would've had the Team Captain 6 feet under.
"Right? Someone needs to knock him down a peg...or 10. One of these days somebody is going to get tired of his shit and smack that smug smile off of his face."
Robin's statement caused an idea to spark in Y/N's mind.
"You're right," she said and stood up.
"Right about what?" Robin inquired. "Y/N/N? What am I right about?"
Y/N walked up to a fellow student with a polite smile. "I can take that for you." She took their finished empty tray and approached the basketball team with a determined pep in her step, her eyes hard as steel and zeroed in on her target.
Mike nudged Dustin's shoulder.
"Ow, what?"
"What's your sister doing?"
"My sister..." Dustin looked over to his sister.
"Hey Jason."
"What do you want, Fr- AH!"
Y/N had reared back and smacked him across the face with the plastic tray so hard, Justin was thrown out of his chair onto the cafeteria floor.
"Oh shit!" Dustin exclaimed.
"She's lost her damn mind."
The cafeteria was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. She stared down at the biggest jerk of Hawkins High with a smug look.
Her face fell and she felt like a bucket of ice water had just been dumped over her head.
Principal Higgins approached her and grabbed her bicep.
"My office, now."
She ducked her head as he led her out of the cafeteria, unaware of the brown eyes that followed her from the Hellfire table.
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"Detention, for a week."
She stood up when dismissed and walked out of his office, a detention slip in her hand.
She heard clapping and looked over to where Eddie 'The Freak' Munson leaned against the wall.
"That was some show, Henderson."
"Well, I aim to please."
He kicked off the wall and walked towards her.
"What did the Warden say?" he asked and plucked the paper out of her hand. He whistled as he read it. "A week, huh? That blows."
"What can I say? He can't get enough of me."
Eddie snorted.
He handed the slip back to her with something hidden underneath it. He leaned in and whispered, "this is on the house."
Y/N turned it over and saw the little baggie of week. On the plastic was written, 'want to go out on a date?'
She tried to contain the thousand watt smile that wanted to spread on her face. She cleared her throat to give her time so that she wouldn't appear to be as eager as she was.
Eddie grinned and tilted his head. She had a feeling he saw through her false persona of calm. "I'll pick you up tonight."
"I have detention tonight," she countered.
He spread his arms as he backed away. "Then I'll pick you up after detention." He gave her a wink before he turned on his heel and walked down the hall.
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"Can I ask you a question? Y/N asked as they ate pizza in the back of his van.
"You just did," he joked with a shit eating grin.
She rolled her eyes and nudged his side. He draped his arm around her shoulder and made a motion with his free hand.
"Ask away, Sweetheart."
"Did you ask me out because I hit Jason with a tray?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"I've had a crush on you since middle school. You used to be this quiet, mousy girl and then one day you came to school this total badass who took no shit from anyone. I fell head over heels and today when you hit that Douche in the face...I knew that I had to stop being a coward and ask you out."
"If I knew this would happen, I would've hit Jason in the face a lot sooner."
Eddie let out a laugh.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did, but I'll let you ask another." She smirked.
"Haha, very funny," he replied. "Was hitting Jason in the face worth a weeks worth of detention?"
"Oh, Absolutely. Why thinking of doing it too?"
"Might as well. That way I can spend more time with my girl." He grinned down at her.
"So I'm your girl now?"
His cheeks turned red and he stuttered. "Well, I mean... I-If you want to be my girl, that is. You don't have to be, but I'd like it if you we-mmph"
His ramble was cut off by Y/N reaching up to grab the collar of his shirt to pull him down to press a kiss to his lips.
"I definitely want to be your girl."
"Metal," he said, breathlessly. "Do you think we could..." he motioned between them. "Kiss again."
"You don't have to ask me twice."
Eddie cupped her face and captured her lips into another kiss.
{Based on the scene from Santa Clarita Diet where Abbey hits a kid with a lunch tray}
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86 @shenevertricks1831 @urlocalhippie2029 @celestair @ruinedbythehobbit @purple-storm
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @livslifeonline
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams @april-foolish
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
405 notes · View notes
igotanidea · 2 years
Tired: Jason Todd x cheshire!reader
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Ok, I know I'm a bit monthematic, but who's up for some Jason angst?
Still, a part of Cheshire!verse. Other parts are: Cheshire cat, That damn gala and Five years later (previous to Tired)
"But I fucking love you!"
"YOUR LOVE HURTS!" Oh, damn. She said it.
"Wha... What?" the brokeness on his face seemed to traspire straight into her heart. Just for a second she saw the same little boy she knew before. Little Jason, who craved love and affection and for some crazy reason could never get enough of it. All that shortage was still there.
"Your love.... hurts." she managed to say, but the last part was almost inaudible.
"Hm." he muttered acting so much like Bruce, quickly covering for his moment of weakness
"What?" there were so many words hidden behind that "one "hm" and she caught herself mentally preparing for a hit from him. It was coming.
"You're giving up on me then?" he hissed "you know, for someone who tried to be so different than Bruce and took so much fucking pride out of it, you two are awfully similar."
"Are we really?"
"You don't see it now. But he gave up on me after my death as well. Never fucking coming after Joker to revenge me. It was like....."
"Like he never wanted you." she finished looking straight into his eyes and that sparked something in him.
"'Cause you never really wanted me either, did you?" he hissed taking a few steps towards her and pushing her into the wall with all the force he could get. Which was a lot. She didn't even wince at the hit but her eyes grew wide "You were just playing around, ready to jump into Dick's bed, huh? Cause everyone wants a fucking hero!" he shook her violently.
"This is not fair, Jay. It's so not fair......" she whined. Now he was hurting her.
"Fuck!" finally he realised that his own anti-hero instincts were working against him. Against her. Against them, if there were still them. Due to that realisation he released the grip on her shoulders.
"You say it like I wasn't fighting for you for the last half a year. I did. You can't deny that."
"Y/N, I'm...."
"I know. You're sorry. That's the thing with you, isn't it? You do some stupid shit. You apologise. And then it starts again. I'm tired, Jason. I'm really, really tired. You dare to put the words in my mouth saying that I don't love you. That I don't think you're worth fighting for. So tell me, why am I not enough for you to go back to your previous self? Not the unhinged....."
"I never said that." she looked down.
"You didn't have to."
"STOP TRYING TO GUESS WHAT I THINK!" she yelled like never before and took him by surprise. "If I didn't love you, If I thought you were a monster I would give up so long ago. But I didn't. Because I love you more than antything and you fukckin now that!"
"And you know I love you Y/N. You do, right?"
"But we're not good for each other, apparently. And I....."
"For what it's worth, I never wanted to put you through it. It's just alal this anger inside me" he cupped her cheek resting his forehead on hers "You can't do it, can you?"
"No. No, I don't think I can."
"It's ok. I get it" his hand move to the back of her head, the other resing on her waist pulling her closer.
"Do you really?"
She sighed deeply opening her mouth but he cut her before anything was actually said.
"Stay with me. Just tonight. Please."
"Please. One last time."
"And then it's over?"
"And...." his voice broke and he had to pause before continuing "and then it's over."
should I continue? :D :D
edit: the whole story is here
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dairy-farmer · 10 months
Wayne Enterprises had decided to hold a celebration in honor of Halloween
Under normal circumstances, people would hide in their houses on this day and wait for the super criminals who escaped from prison to be caught, but thanks to the joint efforts of the vigilantes and the police, everyone was caught before the celebration day and security measures were taken to prevent them from committing crimes for at least a week
That's why Bruce didn't listen to the insistence of any of his sons, saying that their participation was mandatory and they had to prepare a costume
Look, Tim was a busy person. He also believed that it was ridiculous for a person who sometimes didn't even have time to sit down and eat to be asked to think and figure out what he wanted to wear
Probably Bruce was making this definite move because he wanted to spend time with his four sons, but Tim didn't really have time to think about it
That's why, while complaining to Steph about the issue he accepted the blonde's offer to find a costume that would fit his body, despite his doubts
As a result, half an hour before the party, he was left alone with a maid's outfit that was too narrow in his chest area and open enough to make the ends of Tim's small breasts visible and cause his butt to appear with a slight tilt
(There was no other choice. He could have had a sheet over him and become a ghost, but then he would have become a greater subject of ridicule than the ridicule that could result from wearing this maid's outfit. People would criticize him for not making an effort for such an important event, which was the last thing he wanted)
While he was wearing the outfit, he was also wearing the lacy black underwear that Steph bought underneath. He didn't have breasts big enough to require him to wear a bra and he would looked ridiculous in the outfit if he try to wear one
When the procedures were finished, he went in front of the height mirror and started examining his body. He had a much nicer look than he expected. When he lifted up his skirt and looked at his lacy underwear, it was in such a way that if a wetting occurred, his pussy would be visible to everyone openly
This situation was exciting him. Because he knew that soon when he came down the stairs he would start to get wet just because of the looks of his family. He wished that someone would fuck him hard by pulling him into a corner and covering his little mouth with their big hands and preventing him from making a sound
But for this, they had to go to the party in the first place so Tim slipped his black heels on to his feet and made his way downstairs, gently shaking his hip with each step. When he finally got in front of the four men in front of him, he encountered different reactions
Damian squirted the water he was drinking towards the table at that moment and tried to hide his trembling little adolescent dick in his pants, knowing that Tim would see
(He was wearing an outfit from the time of League of Assassins and his favorite katana was placed in the weapon storage area. He was probably allowed to make a samurai-style appearance in exchange for not wanting to wear any costumes)
Dick's eyes were slightly darkened, his pinkish tongue protruded from his mouth and hovered over his lips
(During the navigation of his tongue, Tim saw two sharp teeth. His eldest brother, with his cape placed over his muscular shoulders, was currently giving off the air of a vampire who wanted to drink Tim's blood to the last drop)
Jason let out a sharp whistle into the air. Afterwards, he started to grin towards Tim with an expression that liked the image before him
(Jason wore a zombie suit that probably made Bruce squint with regret. Certain parts of his body and costume were covered in blood, but he still looked like he was having fun)
Bruce slowly turned his head to the other side and coughed, saying that they would be late so they had to move quickly. But anyone could tell that his hands were moving towards Tim and he was probably burning to hide his small body
(Bruce was wearing a Superman suit. He had probably lost a bet with Clark and was cursing the man who could smile brighter than the sun from the inside)
They eventually made it to the party, but nothing of Tim's dream came true. Yes, the water from his little cunt hadn't stopped all night because of the stares on him (Tim could have sworn his underwear left a mark on that spot when he sat down) but no one from his family had tried to contaminate his body with their touch
So when they got back to the mansion, he angrily closed the door of his room and played with himself all night
One of Tim's features was that he loved to have his body bare after he had an orgasm. He would leave his pajamas on the chair next to his bed and just put a thin blanket over himself
So when he woke up in the morning, Tim had no clothes in his closet or on the chair other than the maid outfit he wore last night at the end of his bed which made him smile
His family wanted to play a game in which made Tim normally very submissive but now he is determined to drive them crazy before having sex with them just like they were driving his body crazy with just looks yesterday
His first victim was Bruce. In the early morning, the other residents of the manor would still be in bed but if it was necessary to attend a meeting, Tim or Bruce would get up early and try to work in silence closing the normally open door of the study
He opened the door as quietly as possible and began to walk towards the back of the chair, looking into the slightly growing blue eyes
He noticed that his stepfather, who adopted him, calmly turned off the camera and tried to get into a more comfortable position. He probably thought Tim was going to get under the table and he would stick his big dick down his little throat like he did before, but this time they were going to play by Tim's rules
After getting behind the chair, he began to run his soft hands over Bruce's body. He placed his lipstick-smeared lips on top of the sensitive area that existed towards the upper parts of his neck and began to suck
At the same time, the points he touched with his hands were slowly descending and moving towards the top of his pants, which covered his dick
He knew that Bruce was also trying to hear the sounds rising from the meeting, so after settling on his lap, he covered his ears with both hands and began to rub gently
Since he wasn't wearing underwear this time, he knew that his pants were covered with orgasm fluid, but he didn't care and focused only on his own pleasure. Finally, the moment he realized that Bruce was approaching, he got up from him and pulled his hands away from his ears and smiled
'They're calling to you, aren't you going to answer?'
Indeed, for a few minutes, other people who had been at the meeting had been questioning where Bruce was gone and trying to find out his thoughts. Tim left the room by putting his hand on his lips, sending a kiss to his stepfather and obliging him to do a status check
When he went down the stairs and headed for the kitchen he noticed Jason standing in front of the counter and preparing breakfast
When Alfred went to England because of a family matter, Jason usually did the dishes, and this morning, as you can tell by the smell, they were going to have an egg menu
Tim moved towards the man who was texting on his phone at the same time and put his hands towards the area where his dick was and whispered that he was extremely hungry
Tim got a slight chuckle over this remark. Jason turned his body towards the counter to himself and unbuckled the waistband of his trousers, allowing it to fall towards the floor
Tim also left the remaining parts of the lipstick, most of which he left on Bruce's neck, on the dick standing in front of him
Without gagging, he took the dick between his lips and let it go down his throat to the point where there were hairs, and it became even thicker decoupled with his warmth
Just when he realized that Jason was going to ejaculate, he pulled his body back and caused his cock to be exposed to cold air
He smiled at his younger older brother, who was looking at him with slight resentment but general bewilderment, and spoke as he stood up
'The eggs are burning'
He left the cursing Jason behind, giggling and picked up one of the pies on the table and left the kitchen
Towards noon, he found Dick, as on every holiday, sitting on the sofa in front of the TV in the movie viewing room and watching one of the newly released animated films
Usually Tim would use this time to get a comfortable sleep in the warmth of his eldest brother's arms tucked in, but this time he found himself walking to the table in front of the sofa with a decking cloth in his hand
Dick always started sulking and complaining when someone got in front of him while he was watching a movie, but before he could open his mouth and say anything, Tim bent down to let his already short skirt go up even further, and even though he was facing away, he knew that Dick was running his tongue over his lips
He moved forward from the seat he was leaning against so that he wanted to bury his face between Tim's butt cheeks. And Tim slowly rubbed himself with a little acrobatic movement towards the point where his mouth was to fulfill this request
However, the moment he saw Dick's arms go up in the air and he was going to pull himself closer, Tim pinned them to the seat with both hands. He also brought his pussy, which continued to flow slightly, to the point where his eldest brother's mouth was for a few seconds, and then went down, giving the same time period for the cock hidden in his pants
Then he got up, planted a little kiss on Dick's lips, who was looking at him in surprise on the sofa, and started walking outside the movie room. When he turned around and looked, he also smiled as his brother collected the orgasm fluid that met his body with his finger and put it in his mouth
It was a little more difficult to find Damian. He had probably heard from Bruce or Jason what Tim was up to and was refusing to join the blue balls caravan
Yet he said nothing when Tim joined him by opening the cabin door to the shower
He took his younger brother's dick in his hands, whose hormones had gone through the roof due to puberty, and began to blow without caring about the wetness, which fell on his upsets and glued his clothes even more to his body
At the same time, he was also touching other points of the body that were shorter with very little difference from himself(he was sure he would surpass himself after a few months) and he was placing kisses on certain points of his hair
Just when Damian started shaking because of the rigidity of his orgasm, Tim, although he felt really sad this time, withdrew the warmth of his body and left the shower with quick steps after planting a kiss on his little brother's cheek
He could hear his last name being shouted behind him, which had been a while since Damian had called him that, so he was really angry, but Tim ran and closed the door of his room and locked it. This would give him a little time to prepare himself
So it was no surprise that as soon as he left his room in the evening and went into the hallway, they glued his body to the wall and his lips were imprisoned by another piece of meat, he was thrown on the big bed in Bruce's room and they took turns having his body all night long
On the contrary, if he wanted more, he was sure that his request would be answered this time from the blackened eyes and hardened cocks of the four people opposite him
!!!!!!!!!tim seducing his family because they wouldn't make a move 😩😩😩😩!!!! his frustration when he was dressed all nice and pretty and they wouldn't even make a move so he needed to make it for them 😍😍😍😍😍!!!!!!!!!!
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your-nanas-house · 3 years
Ok I have a request 😁 Jason and y/n doing the dirty and being caught by Bruce? 😋
Beautiful 🤣
Tumblr media
pairing: Jason Todd X Wayne!Reader
warnings: SMUT
words: 712
summary: in the request
note: sorry for the mistakes and the English.
Their breaths were heavy and their eyes were filled with lust as they looked at each other catching their breath from the long kiss they had shared, their lips were already red and the air was filled with lust and desire.
Jason had been made to stay at home by Bruce after a fight between them and had used that situation to invite his girlfriend to the Manor, while his adoptive father ran around Gotham in a bat costume and his butler was in the batcave dealing with the batcomputer.
A giggle escaped Y/n' s mouth when her boyfriend tried to take her to his room without being able to stop kissing her body or lips for a moment, ending up tripping and falling on the carpet with her; "we're not doing it here, hottie" Jason chuckled softly as he continued to kiss her neck while quickly removing his shirt and returning to kissing her "why not? it wouldn't be the first time" he smiled at the sound of his girlfriend's giggle "it's not happening, Mr Todd, not again, last time Alfred almost caught us and you almost twisted your shoulder".
The boy nodded understandingly, grabbing Y/n by the thighs as he stood up, holding her in his muscular arms, walking, this time without stumbling, to the bed while returning the hungry kiss.
He slowly put her down, climbing on top of her, tracing kisses along her abdomen as he removed her pants and smirked at the sounds that came out of her mouth when he kissed her inner thigh.
Bruce was over the rooftops of Gotham and he couldn't stop thinking about the constant fights with his adopted son Jason, he didn't like fighting with his children but it happened all too often, maybe that was why sooner or later they all left the Manor, like his only daughter Y/n, biological daughter who had decided to get a flat for herself.
Moans of pleasure filled the room as the girl kept her eyes closed and arched her back at the jolts of pleasure Jason's tongue was giving her as he ate her out. She couldn't deny that she wasn't bad at this.
The black haired boy always managed to turn her on, especially when he was with his face buried between her thighs as he gave her pleasure and allowed her to run her hands through his dark curls and pulling them making him moan into her sex.
What Bruce wanted to do was to get home as soon as possible and talk to Jason, as hard as it might be sometimes, he felt a little guilty this time and it reminded him of the times it had happened with Dick, when his first adopted son was still Robin and not Nightwing.
And he succeeded, luckily, that night was a quieter night than the others, he didn't have to do much and managed to get back to the Batcave, without too much trouble, to park his Batmobile and remove his suit before going to check on Jason.
The sound of skin slamming against skin and the sound of moans were loud, Jason was going at a fast and rough rhythm, hitting all the right spots; his arms were wrapped around Y/n's body, which hugged his neck keeping his head pressed against her boobs as she hugged his hips with her legs, already feeling that tingle in her stomach that preceded the climax of her pleasure.
Jason was starting to feel it too when the door opened and Bruce's voice was heard "Jason-" the boy was in time to cover them with a blanket as he froze, paling, slowly looking over to where Bruce was standing, looking at them shocked and embarrassed "close the door!" were the words that brought Bruce back to his senses and made him close the door quickly. Waiting outside for them to finish and come out so he could talk to them, it was probably time for the speech too, he would probably ask for an explanation since he had no idea Jason and his daughter were together, what was Y/n doing at the Manor anyway? How long had they been together? Why hadn't he noticed or why hadn't they told him?
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Dead Clown 🤡
Jason todd x reader
Warning: smut, murder but it’s okay.
Jason pulled his helmet off and ignored the rain that poured down his face. He had to see this without a filter. He even considered taking off the domino mask but he was out in the open. The pouring freezing rain had him shivering but Jason was unaware. He literally couldn’t believe the sight before him.
The joker was laying in his back, the pasty skin on his forehead was marred by 2 small holes. The back of his stupid green hair looked almost black when mixed with blood. Blood and water mixed in a pink puddle around his head. Jason forced himself to check for a pulse before hitting his comms.
“Bats, you need to get down here,” he said in a shocked voice. “The joker is dead.”
“..... are you okay,” Bruce said in a measured voice.
“I’m fine. He was dead when I got here,” Jason added knowing he was number one suspect.
“On the way.”
Batman and Red Robin showed up shortly with Robin not far behind. It didn’t take long for the detectives to believe Jason’s innocence. The evidence didn’t match him.
Jason sat on a piece of concrete near the scene as they worked. He had hoped to see this for years now. But it wasn’t the same. Maybe it was because Jason didn’t get his revenge or because it looked too neat. Two quick shots to the brain. Probably didn’t even see it coming before he was lights out.
Bruce walked over to him as the other two took photos and bagged evidence. A little blood here. Some fabric fibers there. No fingerprints because of the heavy rain but a bullet casing.
“Did you see who shot him?”
“No B. I literally got here and he was already out. He was supposed to have a drug drop but I guess that didn’t happen,” Jason said with a shrug.
“You were going to fight him alone,”Bruce said with a raised brow.
“No. Just reconnaissance. I would have called it in,” Jason defended himself. Bruce gave him a side look before moving on to the case.
“Commissioner Gordon is on the way,” Tim said. He held bags of evidence carefully in his lanky fingers. “We’re finish collecting-“
“Can we go home, father? It’s freezing cold,” Damian interrupted. Bruce sighed before looking at him.
“Red Robin was talking but yes, you both should back to the cave to process everything. Red Hood, you too. The commissioner knows you have a history with the joker so it’s best you leave too. I’ll take care of this,” Bruce said carefully. Any wrong word might set Jason off with his trauma over the death of his murderer.
“Uh yeah, sure man,” Jason said clearly distracted. He would usually argue with everything Bruce said and this made Bruce even more worried for the young man. He sent a quick message to Dick before the commission met got there.
“We’re running the tests right now and there really isn’t much else to do. Robin already went to bed. Go home Hood and get some sleep,” Tim said by the computers. Jason hadn’t bothered to get out of his suit or shower.
“How long? How long until you get results?”
“Oh, uhhh maybe 12 hours? A while. Sorry DNA testing isn’t like in the movies. The meta or clone tests are even longer. It probably won’t be until tomorrow night that we know anything,” Tim said turning in his chair. “Get some sleep.”
Jason considered giving him a nasty comment but held it. He certainly felt dead on his feet and had a nice warm woman waiting at home for him.
“Call when you know anything,” he said with a growl.
“Yeesh, yeah. I will,” Tim said backing away. “Say it. Don’t spray it,” he muttered as Jason walked away.
Jason trudged into the apartment leaving wet clothing in his wake until he stumbled to bed in nothing but his boxer briefs. You were going to be mad at him for the mess in the morning but that could wait. He looked at you asleep on the bed. You looked so sweet and innocent. Like an angel compared to his dirty hands that practically dripped blood every night.
He slid under the blanket and pressed close to your warm form. You gasped awake before relaxing when you realized it was just Jason. Did you not realize he could kill you 84 different ways in your sleep? It didn’t really matter as you snuggled your head into the crook of his neck and slid your legs to entangle with his. Jason’s arms automatically wrapped around you and rubbed your back until your breathing was even in sleep. He stared at the ceiling until the hint of dusk could be seen outside.
Jason woke with a gasp followed by a moan as he felt perfect wet heat encompass his dick. He looked down to see the blankets move rhythmically as you slid your mouth along his dick. He blinked himself more awake to truly enjoy it.
It wasn’t the first time you had woken him as such but it was certainly a rare occurrence. Reserved for birthdays and Christmas, he couldn’t imagine what he did to deserve such a wonderful wake up.
“Fuck! Princess,” he groaned as you swirled before taking him deep. You hummed questionably.
“What did I, mmmm, do to deserve such a fuck! Perfect mouth. Perfect wake up,” he said pushing covers down to show you between his legs. You looked up at him with big innocent eyes as you licked long hot strips up his cock. You took him deep in your mouth before sliding off with a pop.
“I can’t spoil you?” You purred and he twitched. How did he get so lucky? “Do you want to finish in my mouth or can I ride you first?” You asked and he god honest choked on his spit.
“Baby, *cough* whatever you want, what. Ever. you want,” he said and you grinned before climbing up his body to straddle him. His hands ran along the side of your body before gripping your hips. You sunk down on him with a little mewl.
“Fuck Princess, you’re so wet. Do you like... do you like sucking my cock?” He asked breathlessly.
“Of course, Jaybird. Sometimes I touch myself when I blow you, like today,” you admitted with a sweet little giggle. He almost came right them. How could you say the dirtiest things while being the sweetest person he’d ever known?
Jason reached his thumb down to rub your clit as you moved. You whined before nodding at him. Your mouth fell open and your hips sped up. He knew that you weren’t going to last long. You really did get hot and bothered blowing him. You made little whined and whimpers before moaning his name loudly as you came. Your body clenching on him was enough and he thrust up into you as he came as well. You bent down and kissed him deeply. Jason was panting by the time you pulled back.
“Loved that for sure, but what the hell was that, Princess,” Jason asked breathlessly as you climbed off and threw on some clothing. You chuckled a little before tossing him his boxers.
“Just wanted to wake you up this morning. Do you want some pancakes, Jay,” you asked. He sat up and pulled them on.
“You certainly did. And I never say no to food. Especially my favorite food,” Jason said with a grin. “Is it secretly my birthday? Am I dying and you’re prepping me beforehand?”
You laughed. “You already did that, baby.”
Jason gasped a little before laughing.
“I just wanted to treat you like you deserve. Pick a movie. There’s a new slasher out that you can tear apart,” you said walking in the kitchen and grinned at Jason’s heart eye look he gave you.
He looked through the movies without paying them much mind. He’d seen the joker dead the day before and now his girlfriend was spoiling him. He didn’t know what to think about. He’d think about the joker finally being dead. He couldn’t hurt Jason or those near him any more. You’d been kidnapped 6 months earlier and it had almost ripped Jason apart when he found you bloody and beaten. Luckily alive though.
Then he thought about how sweet you were. A perfect angel who had nothing to do with that life. You couldn’t kill someone if you tried. He just wanted to keep you in an innocent bubble, especially after being kidnapped.
“Jay? Jason?” You said near him and he jumped. He had been so lost in thought that he didn’t notice you coming over to him with a plate of food. Heart shaped pancakes covered in whipped cream stared up at him and Jason had a little grin on his face.
“Sorry, thanks. This looks good,” he said and you grinned before sitting with your own. Jason turned on a movie and sat next to you to eat.
Jason’s phone rang.
He gave you an apologetic look before answering.
“Yeah,” he answered before quickly standing up to talk in another room. Definitely bat business, it sounded like. He came back in a few minutes putting on his suit. He bent and shoved most of a pancake in his mouth. Jason pulled you to your feet and swirled you around before holding you by the waist. You giggled.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I’ve got to work. But when I get back, I’m making up for this morning, okay? Breakfast was amazing,” he said before pulling you into a dizzying kiss. You nodded before he left.
Jason arrived at the cave and realized something was instantly wrong. Tim, Dick, Damian, Bruce, and even Alfred were waiting for him around the computers. He slowly walked up. They didn’t think he did it, did they? Jason looked around in case of a fight.
“I have some bad news,” Dick said. Jason just stared at him. Dick sighed. “We know who killed the joker. You won’t like it. You- you might want to sit down.”
Jason frowned at his tone. It was the tone you used when telling a kid their parents died. He looked at the computer to see surveillance footage of the roof where he found the joker. He clenched his fist as the mad man walked in the screen.
“You know, this is the worst meeting place in the world,” joker said with a laugh. Jason’s eyebrows rose. He hasn’t expected audio. “So what do you have that I might want on the birds?”
A female voice off camera could be heard saying, “peace of mind.”
“Doubt you could give me that Princess,” he said in a mocking tone. His posture was casual even though the lower half of a woman’s body had walked into the screen and she held a gun in hand pointed at him. She froze at his words.
Jason couldn’t look away if he wanted to.
“Yeah, I know,” joker said. “I forget faces. Too many changing and quite a few people are a little two faced,” he said with a laugh. “But I never forget a voice. You sounded so much more sweet when you were crying tied to a chair. And the way you sobbed when I brought out the crowbar.... music to my ears. I bet it just reminded you of a certain bird that just didn’t quite make it the first time.”
“Shut up. I- I don’t care,” she said. Jason’s heart was in his throat. He knew exactly who that was before Tim’s DNA tests were complete. She moved around a little nervously.
“Honey, Princess,” he said drawn out in a mock of Jason’s voice. “Unless you plan on using that gun, put it down and we can play a game. You like games? You play one with the red bat all the time. Does he know? Does he know that you’ve been hunting me for.... geez, since you were kidnapped I’d bet.”
“Now drop that gun and I show you what pain really feels like,” he growled and she shot him in the forehead before he moved. He made a disconnected sound before falling to his knee, perfect height to be seen in the camera. She shot him again between the eyes and he fell back silently. His body splashed on the rainy roof before blood began to pool behind his head. The woman looked for a second, her body language painfully stiff, before running out the way she came.
The cave was silent as Jason realized what he just saw. He blinked a few times before clearing his throat. Has she- did she-??
“I assume the DNA matches?” He asked and Tim nodded before sliding him a paper copy. 98% match. Only chance it wasn’t you was an evil twin or clone but no, he noticed the clothing and mannerisms. It was you.
“Are you going to bring her in?” Bruce asked quietly and Jason gaped.
“I sure as shit ain’t. She killed the man who kidnapped her and abused her. That sounds like self defense to me,” he defended. Dick looked at him in pity and Jason quickly looked away.
“It was premeditated, Jason,” Bruce reminded him.
“I know. I’ll take care of it. She’s not going to prison. I’ll talk to her,” he said. Bruce gave him a hard look. “You come near her- I swear to god, Bruce. I’ll shoot you myself.”
Jason got up to leave. Dick moved out of his way. He wasn’t getting in this.
“Jason,” Bruce said but Jason was already gone.
Jason was a pretty smart guy but he was completely shocked at this moment. What possessed you to kill the joker? To seek him out? A man that tried to kill you and you were willing to meet him alone? Not even Jason wanted to do that. And that morning you were treating Jason special. He thought for a second that you killed the joker for him. It chilled him to the bone but he put that thought out of his head. No, you had your own reasons to do it.
Jason walked in the apartment cautiously. Who knows how you would be acting, the perfect girlfriend or finally breaking down when you realized you killed a man. He found you in the bedroom asleep. You didn’t look like you had just killed someone and for a second Jason had doubt but the video and DNA didn’t lie.
He crawled in bed with you. You pulled him close and laid your head on his chest and Jason’s heart hurt. You looked fine but killing people left scars and your first time killing someone was not something you forget.
You woke with a gasp and cry hours later. You trembled and grasped at Jason tightly. He woke up confused before pulling you closer.
“Hey, Princess, I’m right here. You’re okay,” he said rubbing your back and holding you close. “What’s going on?”
“I see him. When I sleep. Every time,” you breathed almost in tears. Jason kissed your cheek and he felt wetness on your skin. You had been crying. He didn’t want to ask but now was as good a time as any.
“Princess, what did you do last night?” Jason asked so quietly. You looked up at him quickly and it confirmed everything he needed to know.
“Nothing. I was here. All night. Wh-why?” You asked, lying terribly. Jason sighed. He closed his eyes before willing himself to speak.
“You know I’m a detective. I can tell that you’re lying,” Jason started gently.
“What does that mean,” you said a little too quickly. Your breathing started to speed up again and Jason hated the look of fear on your face.
“I’m not mad. I won’t turn you in. Just tell me what happened,” he said softly, watching you intently. You wanted to shrink away a little.
“I can’t,” you whispered. Your eyes started to water and you blinked them away.
“Did you do it? Did you kill him? I can help you,” Jason said and you froze. “Talk to me.”
“I-I did,” you said looking at him in terror. Your eyes were red rimmed. “I did.”
“I’m sorry,” he said pulling you tight to his body. You broke down in little sobs and clung to him. “I’m so sorry that you thought you had to. I should have. I’m sorry.” He wrapped you up and made little shhh noises and you cried until you fell back asleep.
You woke up later with a pounding headache wrapped up tightly against Jason. He was on his phone but sat it down when he saw you were up.
“Hey,You don’t have to worry about it. I’ve taken care of everything,” he said ever so gently. You nodded.
“What does that mean?” You asked slowly.
“Red Hood took the wrap on it. No great loss with one less psycho in Gotham. Harley Quinn had an impromptu parade with hyenas and jugglers and everything. Nightwing made an appearance. Dick said Barbie slept through the night for the first time in months and she said she’d help you with anything you need,” Jason said trying to be positive. You gave him a dry smile.
“That’s nice. What about- what about Batman?” You asked.
“He’s Batman. But he’ll get over it. And the next time you kill a murderous clown, let me help. He could have killed you. And if anyone knows how to hide a body, it’s me,” Jason said giving you a squeezing hug. You smiled despite yourself.
“I’ll remember that. I’m a little sad I missed the hyena parade,” you admitted.
“Oh she’s having a parade every day this week. An anonymous donor gave her a ton of fireworks. Fairly certain it was Tim,” Jason said.
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wordsfromthesol · 3 years
Author: @wordsfromthesol​ Taglist: togasbetch malfoys-demigod pricetagofficial Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: You're a detective at Bludhaven PD with Dick Grayson and when a serial killer your after starts hunting you down, you have no choice but to ask for his help. Warnings: Kidnapping, stalking Word Count: 2.3k
You had been working at Bludhaven PD for about 2 years before the hotshot Dick Grayson came on the scene. Though you had grown into friends or at least friendly coworkers…he annoyed the shit out of you. After all, everything seemed to come so easy to the pretty boy Grayson and you could count the number of times you had actually seen him at the station on one hand. Thankfully this happened to be one of those times because you had run out of options.
"Dick, can I get your eyes on this case? I'm been staring at these files for hours and can't find the pattern. Yeah, they've obviously got a type. But that's not enough to go on."
Dick briefly runs through the file before staring blankly up at you. "You can't be serious, right? You need to take yourself off this case."
"People are dying, Dick." You had already assumed you would get some pushback from the star detective.
"I can't let you go after this guy. You're an exact match to all 5 people they've killed." Dick attempted to reason with you, to no avail.
"Then I'm the exact person who should go after this guy. Rather it be me than some civilian." Finally, Dick relented and gave you some useful information.
"Well…everyone was taken near an abandoned subway line." He takes out a highlighter and marks up the map. You tried to mask your nervousness as the bright yellow line stopped a block from your apartment.
"Thanks…I didn't even notice that." He nodded, still apprehensive about giving you the information, as he handed the file back to you. Tucking the papers away, you decided to finish up the research at home. 
As you sauntered home, you were barely able to keep your eyes open. Stopping at the crosswalk, you noticed a man staring at you in your peripheral vision. You swore he was the same man from five blocks ago. Surely you were just paranoid…right? You began weaving in and out of the crowd, making a complete circle back to the crosswalk. Yet there he was in the corner of your eye. This wasn't paranoia. This was real. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and pressed Dick's contact card.
"Hey, uhm…remember that case we were talking about today?"
"You mean literally 20 minutes ago? Yeah, I remember."
A nervous chuckle escaped your lips, "Well you were probably right." Dick could hear the shakiness in your voice.
"He's following you, isn't he?"
Your current situation momentarily left your mind as the words tumbled out of your mouth, bypassing the brain. "How the fuck could you possibly know that?!"
"Don't go home. I'm coming to get you." You wanted to plead with him to stay on the line, but your stubbornness got the best of you. Slowing your pace, you attempted to stay in the crowd and walked straight. How was Dick even going to find you? As soon as the thought danced across your mind, there he was, as if you summoned him from thin air.
"Y/N!" The familiar voice called out from the street. A deep sigh of relief flooded over you as you trotted over to him. Crawling on the back of the motorcycle, you didn't bother asking where he was taking you. Anywhere was better than here.
"Wow. Just wow." Dick shook his head in awe as he climbed off the bike, ushering you into the apartment building.
"It's not like I planned it." You tried to force the uneasiness from your voice.
"Right, of course not. You realize he had to have been following you for days now, right? He knows where you live. You can't go back there." You hadn't really thought about that, yet where were you supposed to go? You looked at him pensively, unable to form a proper sentence. "Looks like you're staying here then." The alacrity of the statement caught you off guard.
"I can't just --"
"Right right. So let's go antagonize the serial killer. Genius." The sheer amount of sarcasm took you aback, this was a completely different side of the infamous Dick Grayson than you were used to.
You glared at him as he opened the door to his apartment. "So dramatic…besides, someone has to stop him. He's already after me, so I'm the perfect bait."
Dick's eyes went wide. He looked at you like you had three heads before bellowing, "ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!"
"Do you have a better plan?" Part of you hoped he would begin rattling off some convoluted trap. One that didn't hold your life in the balance.
"Well…not yet. But I'm sure we can think of something. Give me a few days."
A few days came and went and you were losing your mind in Dick's apartment. The worst part was, you were never alone. Dick or one of his family members was always by your side. You weren't quite sure how some 14-year-old kid was supposed to do anything if said serial killer showed up, but Dick was insistent.
Finally, you caught a break. Jason, your latest babysitter got called away on some emergency and Dick wouldn’t be home for another hour. Of course, Jason informed you to tell Dick he left just moments ago, which actually worked in your favor. You dialed Captain Holt on your phone and began to strategize. The captain wasn't keen on using you for bait either, but eventually, you swayed him. Everything was planned to take place tomorrow afternoon, a time Dick just so happened to be testifying in court.
"Y/N?" The confusion spread across Dick's face as he opened the door.
"I'm here!" You called out from the bedroom before stepping into sight.
"Where's Jason?"
"Oh, family emergency. But he left like two minutes ago. Nothing to worry about."
"Okay…" Dick didn't sound convinced.
"I also got a call from the captain today. He wants to meet with me tomorrow at 2." You tried to play it off as a casual request, but you knew it wouldn't be that simple.
"What? Why? We still haven't caught the psychopath…plus I have court tomorrow."
"Dick, I'll be in a police station. You can drop me off on your way."
Dick let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine. But I don't like it."
You were absolutely terrified, but you tried your best not to let it show through. After all, you asked for this. Dick still seemed uneasy, even as he dropped you off at the precinct. You wondered if he could tell something was wrong. Though there wasn't much he could do at this point, considering he was due in court by noon.
"Y/N. Are you sure about this?" Captain Holt questioned as you walked into his office.
"No. But something needs to be done. This guy doesn't just give up. So either I'm bait and we have a chance at catching him, or I die a horrific death for no reason. Not the best of options."
Holt nodded in understanding, "Well everything is set up. We have snipers in position around the perimeter of your apartment and a dozen plain-clothed in the vicinity."
"So hopefully we have a chance. What about near the abandoned subway entrance? That's how Dick thinks he's staying out of sight."
"Covered. We are ready to go on your command. Though I still think Detective Grayson should be informed of the plan."
"He's in court. So he couldn't help out anyways. The fewer people that know, the better. Let's move."
You arrived at your apartment without any issues, though you could feel a million pairs of eyes on you. With everyone watching you, it would be hard to notice one more face. Nevertheless, you persisted, attempting to go about your day in your apartment. The apartment that now seemed so foreign to you, though you had only been unexpectedly ripped from it a week ago.
As the day went on you began to feel more and more lightheaded. Normally, you would chalk it up to stress, but given the situation, you decided otherwise.
"There is still no sign of him," he ignored the strain in your voice.
"I think…he's already…here." A crashing sound was left ringing through the earpiece.
"I want everyone on her position now! Get me a visual!" Captain Holt's booming voice commanded those around him. "Where are my snipers?!" An eerie silence crept over the line. "Shit." He mumbled before pulling out his phone. The dial tone appeared to mock him until finally the other end picked up.
"What happened?" The stringent words reverberated in the air.
"He has her."
"Goddammit. How did he get her out of the precinct?" Dick didn't wait for an answer. "Because she wasn't in the precinct. How could you let her be bait? You've seen what this guy does!" The anger was bubbling up inside him. Out of everyone, why you. Why did he have to go after you?
"I know."
"How long? HOW LONG HAS HE HAD HER?!" Two cops turned towards Captain Holt as Dick's voice echoed from the speaker.
"About a minute. From her apartment." As soon as the word left his lips, the line went dead. Holt buried his head in his hands. If there was any hope of finding her, it was Dick Grayson.
You woke up in a cold, dark, concrete room. "Well, guess that didn't work out as planned…" You mumbled to yourself, or so you thought.
"Really? You thought a bunch of cops in blue jeans could stop me? I've been hunting you for months. Along with the others.  But you. You were my challenge. I memorized everything about you. Your favorite breakfast, your confidants, what time you call your family. Lovely little folks, by the way. And then you thought you could hideaway in that pathetic little Richard Grayson's apartment. The only reason I didn't take you then is because I didn't want to. What kind of challenge would that be? That would have diminished everything!" He carefully stepped around your chair, weaving your hair in and out of his fingers, until he turned to face you. "But now, here you are! My masterpiece! My coup d'etat!" His lips forced their way to yours. "Don't worry, my sweet. I'll take my time with you. After all, the grand finale demands perfection!" The crazed man turned on his heel and sauntered out of the room, leaving you with your own horrific thoughts.
It felt like hours had gone by before he returned. When he walked in, his eyes went immediately to your wrists and fingernails, which were now bloodied beyond recognition. "Now I wish you hadn't done that. Blood does not make for a spectacular fossilization." He walked around and surveyed the damage. "I guess it was to be expected though. After all, it wouldn't be fun without the challenge."
"You know, you keep saying that this is some big challenge, yet you gassed me and then tied me up. That doesn't seem like you are really challenging yourself."
"Simple-minded fool! Challenges are not always those of brute force. It took planning and timing to get you here. Those 4 snipers set up on the surrounding roofs? Had to get them out of the way. A delay in your communication device? Truly a necessity. And though you had the foresight to add a few men to the abandoned subway tunnel, they neglected to surveil the associated maintenance hatches. So you see, your perfect encapsulation proves to be quite the…" You noticed a slight furrow of his brow as the sentence broke. "Challenge. Now to finish preparing the resin!" Off he galloped, but you swore something was off. A slight change in his mood.
You heard several loud bangs before your captor fell backward through the door. Nightwing loomed over his grisly body. Then his eyes shot up towards you.
"I'm okay." The words were forced from your throat. With those two small words, Nightwing glared down towards the man and began throwing punch after punch. "STOP! Please!" You screamed out the words, shocked at the vigilante's ferocity. Nightwing's eyes slowly shifted towards you. It was as if a twinge of pain ran its way through his body as he crept towards you. Once close enough, his hands carefully cradled your face until finally, he spoke.
"I don't know what I would have done without you. Why did you do something so stupid?" You could tell he wanted to say the words out of anger, yet a euphoric aura surrounded them instead.
Still confused, you began to answer as he unbound your wrists and ankles. "He wasn't going to give up. This was our chance to catch him…"
"I would've found another way!" The words burst out of him louder than expected. Nightwing let out a sigh as he helped you out of the chair.
"Alright, Dick, I'm sorry." You glanced at him for a reaction...nothing. Worried he didn't hear you, you pushed the point further. "Guess I should be glad you weren't in court long."
Dick stopped in his tracks, finally realizing his mistake. "I…uh…left early." As the two of you got outside, there were a dozen cop cars already swarming the area. Two of the officers came up to meet you.
"Detective! Are you alright? What happened?!" The first began to raddle off questions, but Dick quickly deflected.
"You can find out later. I'm taking her to the hospital. Your man is inside, unconscious."
"I can still talk ya'know…" You mumbled as the officer ran off to inform the others of the new information.
"Yeah, but then you'd try to convince me not to take you to the hospital. And that's not going to happen. But don't worry, the captain is on his way there now. You'll get to regale the entire course of events with him."
It was almost scary how well he knew you. "You'll stay too?" The simple question caused an oversize grin to spread across his face, but all he did was simply nod.
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lily-drake · 3 years
Any holiday or day where gifts were given was taken with utmost seriousness in the Wayne household.  Or in other words, it was a competition to one up each other’s gifts.  It all started when Jason came to the house and Dick had come back to visit for the holidays.  Marinette hadn’t really understood what was happening when she happily opened Dick’s present, which was a new knitting kit with so many different materials.  She ran over to him and hugged him tightly as Alfred took photos.  Dick had glanced over at Jason and smirked at him, but Jay-Jay only rolled his eyes with his arms crossed.  She still hadn’t opened his after all, and he was around her more now than Dick was, which meant he had a higher advantage of knowing her new interests and endeavors.  So he watched as she pulled out a thick book of fashion design and her own embroidery set.  Her eyes practically glowed as stared at the set.  Jason hadn’t even seen her move because next thing he knew strong arms were wrapped around him.  The 7-year-old had definitely been taught by Dick on how to hug people.
Bruce gazed lovingly at his children, but he knew about their competition, and he would not be outdone by his sons.
“Daddy, Daddy, look what Birdy and Jay-Jay gave me!  They’re so nice!  Feel the material Birdy got me, I can make so many things now!”
“That sounds amazing, Bluebell.”
Marinette smiled brightly as she showed Bruce the gifts that she got.
“Do you want to see what I got you?”
He asked amusedly.  Marinette began to hop on her toes in excitement, because daddy’s always had the best gifts!
“Yes please!”
Bruce smiled and pointed out a small, thin, rectangular box under the tree.  She leaped over to it and when she opened it her mouth dropped open and she squealed.
“You got me tickets to Sophie Theallet’s fashion show?!”
She was jumping with joy as she stared at the five tickets in her hand.  Bruce looked over at and smirked at the boys.  He won, again.  They groaned and sulked in annoyance.  Why did he always win?
Marinette was 9 when she finally figured out what her family was doing, and she knew that she would be the one to give the absolute best gifts to her family!  Her family deserved something super special, so she went to work.  Her Birdy was part of the circus and they had a lot of equipment he often used.  But what could she do that would be super special and make her win the competition?  Then it hit her, she knew exactly what she would do!  She would need to ask Alfred for help, but it would be worth it!
Next was Jay-Jay.  She didn’t know much about his past as he always told her that she had to wait till she was older, but she knew about him now.  Jay-Jay loved to read and would often read to her, he really liked hoodies and comfy things, and he liked to bake with Alfred and her.  So maybe…….yea!  She would do that, it shouldn’t be that hard to do.
Daddy always got her such nice gifts, how could she ever beat him?  There had to be something she could do to outdo him.  He was Batman, he worked with the Justice League, he loved all of them, and sometimes if he finished his work early would watch movies with them!  But he was always so good and knew exactly what to get.  She would try though, she had an idea and she hoped it would work.
Alfred, he deserved the best gift because of everything he did for them!  She already knew the perfect gift for her grandpa Alffie!
Christmas arrived and she stared out the window as the snowflakes fell onto the covered yard.  Maybe they could go sledding today, that would be so much fun!  She was so transfixed in the snow, and thinking of how pretty a dress would be with the same color and different designs, that she hadn’t noticed her brothers sneaking up on her.  A squeal left her lips as she was lifted into the air and twirled around wrapped in the warm embrace of her Birdy.  She giggled as he spun and squeaked as she was gently thrown into the air, only to land on the couch.
“Good morning Blueberry.”
Dick chirped happily.  She giggled again and leaned into Jay-Jay’s hand as he ruffled her hair.
“Morning Pixie-pop.  Sleep well?”
“Morning Birdy and Jay-Jay.  I slept great, thank you.  Did either of you?”
Jason shrugged with a small smirk,
“I slept fine, though I wouldn’t have minded sleeping a little longer.  You missed Dick’s hallway caroling this morning.”
“I sounded amazing, thank you very much.  And I was too excited to fully sleep.  I’m going to win this year.”
Dick said pridefully.
“No way, I’m totally going to beat you.”
Jason deffied puffing out his chest slightly.  Marinette giggled and called out,
“No, I’m going to beat all of you!  I will be the champion gift giver this year.”
They looked at her and smirked.
“Only in your dreams Pix.”
“You’ll see,”
She replied, crossing her arms and lifting her nose in the air like she had seen some of the people at the galas do.
“Then you’ll have to agree with me!”
They all gave each other sceptical looks before laughing and continued to talk until daddy came down.  When he finally did, the competition commenced.  The first person to open presents was her, obviously, as she was the youngest.  Dick had given her a really nice and fancy art kit, and she loved it!  Jay-Jay had given her tickets and backstage passes to the theater for The Nutcracker, she had been wanting to see it for a while now.  Alfred had told her that he would teach her how to make a super secret recipe, and she would be able to help him with dinner today too!  Daddy, he was too clever, too cunning.  He had given her a pet hamster, and it was beautiful!  She couldn’t beat him now, her gift was nothing compared to-to this!  She tries though, and maybe she could win second?  Yea, she would be ok with second, if she got this adorable baby creature.  She couldn’t even be mad or disappointed, because look at its cute little feet and adorable eyes!
Next was Jay-Jay.  The others had given him some really nice things, but she felt that hers was the best!  So when he opened it and his eyes shined, she knew she made the right thing!  It had taken her hours to find it, and she had to ask Dad if she could get it since she wasn’t allowed to use the card without permission.  It was one of the first books of Pride and Prejudice ever published, she even got him a fancy ink and quill set so he could better embrace his Harry Potter nerdom.
“This is amazing, thank you Pixie, I guess I do owe you an apology, this is amazing.”
She smiled up at him while gently petting the top of her new hamster's head as it laid on her lap.
“Told you!”
For Dick she had knitted him a collection of stuffed animals that he talked about from the circus.  Alfred had helped her find the material and helped her when she made a mistake or needed help on a particularly tricky part.  She thought she saw Dick’s eyes water for a second.  The next thing she knew she was being tightly hugged, but he left enough room to not squish her furry child.
“Thank you Blueberry, it’s amazing.”
“Of course it is, I made them!”
He chuckled as he pulled away and ruffled her already messed up hair.
She had made Daddy a picture book and had decorated it with black and yellow glitter, bats, and different birds.  Throughout the book were all of the pictures that she was able to get her hands on dated and labeled in order from oldest photo to most recent.  He had a soft smile as he looked through the book and when he finally looked back up to his slightly nervous daughter he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.
“I think you won this year.”
“Nuh ah!  You gave me a hamster!  There’s no way I could have won!”
“Well, I think all the others would agree that you thought of and made some very amazing gifts.”
She turned to look at the others as they gave gentle nods and thumbs up.  Her cheeks felt really warm and she smiled at them all.
“Thank you.  Now Grandpa Alffie needs to open his presents!”
Alfred smiled at the small child and opened the gifts he had received from the others.  Marinette had made and embroidered a new handkerchief for him.  He seemed to like it as he immediately placed it in his pocket.  She was the victor of this year's Christmas gift exchange, but she still felt that Daddy beat her.
As years passed and her family grew so did the competition.  Sadly, it would be harder to her her family their most desired gifts as she had decided to study abroad in Paris that year, but she would be da*ed if she didn’t try her hardest.  She had gotten better with her skills for making things over the years, and so much had happened.  Jason had died and come back, that was the hardest time of her life.  They had new people adopted into the family, and she even had a little brother!  She was going to meet him this year when she went to visit for the winter break.  She would have the glasses with her at all times in case there was an attack so she could quickly come back here and take care of it.
When she arrived at the Gotham Airport and saw her large family standing and holding a sign as they looked for her she ran up to them as quickly as she could.
Jason called out, catching the small girl and twirling her around.  She laughed and when she was put down created the rest of her family just as happily.  When she finally came face to face with her little brother she held out her hand.  Her family said he was more formal and was very against physical touch that he did not agree to or initiate.  He eyed her hand suspiciously before shaking it and giving her a nod.
“Damian Al Ghul-Wayne.”
“Marinette Wayne.  It’s nice to finally meet you Damian.”
They both let go after a firm shake.  She already had a gift for him, and Kagami helped her find the perfect one.  It was a nice blade, the blade was completely black, but had a red tint to it and red gains that delicately ran through it.  The hilt was of fine golden metal and a strong leather grip.  She had made the sheath for the blade.  With strong leather and an inner layer of Kevlar so the sword would be protected.  She had carved in Arabic symbols to spell out “Son of Bat” and had sewn a few almost unnoticeable small robins along the bottom and top of the inky black material.
For Tim, she had gotten him the best coffee beans in all of Paris and she had made him new lounge clothes that identified with his hero persona of Red Robin that had many hidden pockets and two large to-go coffee cups, one on each sleeve.
For Jason she had made him a new leather Jacket with book quotes embroidered all over the inside of the inner material.  There were lots of different pockets, and a few tailor made to fit his guns.  She had put a few Jagged Stone concert tickets in one of the pockets too.
For Stephanie, she had made purple silk pajamas that had waffles all over it.  She had even made sure that there was a hood connected to the pj shirt.
For Cass, just like Jason had done for her, gotten tickets for The Nutcracker.  She had also gotten her ballerina shoes, the best one and most highly recommended ones from the Paris Ballet.
For Dick she had made him an elephant onesie.  Why you may ask, well because for her birthday he had given her a mouse one.  So was it spite for being called short, or was it her trying to match, nobody needs to know.
She had made Alfred a new apron with the words “Don’t try anything, I already know.”  Neatly sewed in cursive into it.
She had gotten Babs a new eskrima stick infused with a bit of her luck in it so no one would underestimate her in battle as she would always have luck on her side giving her the upper hand.  She may be disabled, but that doesn’t stop her from kicking butt.
Finally, her gift for her dad.  This one was hard, because she wasn’t around to know what had caught his eye this year, and her siblings refused to tell her.  It was fine though, because she would figure it out.  And she did, or at least she had tried.  She ended up making him a bee suit jacket with everybody’s names sewed into the inner lining, multiple pockets for convenience, and black bats that would only be shown in the right lighting.  She would win this year, she would!  Sadly, Dick had won last year, but she would regain her crown again this year!  She would be the best gift giver of her whole family!!!
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess
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litrally · 2 years
Superficial Wounds
read it on ao3!
Dick had been in the vigilante business for nearly a decade of his life. He’d stared down magicians, mob bosses, corrupt officials, and serial killers--but nothing had ever caused his body to tense quite the same way as the distant roar of the batmobile as it came into the cave.
Come on, come on, come on, Dick chanted silently in his head, his eyes flitting between the progress bar of the batcomputer and growing pool of light issuing from the batmobile’s headlights as it drew closer.
Dick hadn’t spoken more than a dozen words to Batman in the last few weeks, and had spoken even fewer to Bruce outside of the cowl. Their latest fight about god knows what had sent Dick storming out yet again, but a few too many sleep deprived nights had him knocking a week old mug of coffee onto his computer set up in Bludhaven. He’d been tracking this killer for over a month and had finally gotten a DNA sample, only to be left with a very short list of locations capable of identifying the killer.
The process of getting said sample, however, had been a little difficult. Dick could feel the bruises forming on his face, and his ribs protested whenever he moved too fast. Dick found himself blinking something out of his eyes, only for his fingertips to come away bloody when he reached up to wipe them. Damn.
The progress bar of the computer seemed frozen at 92%, and Dick had no choice but to tug the hood of the sweatshirt he had thrown over his uniform a little higher as the batmobile screeched to a stop.
The low rumble of Bruce’s voice filtered across the space, and Dick relaxed marginally when he realized Jason was being dismissed to go upstairs. Well, at least that was one fewer thing to worry about.  
“Nightwing,” Bruce called.
Dick hated the way his back straightened, but kept his eyes trained on the computer. 95%.
“Yeah?” he replied, clearing his throat when the sound came out more hoarse than he thought it would.
Bruce appeared at his side, the cowl pulled down so Dick had a clear view of the way Bruce looked him up and down. He resisted the urge to step away, and tried to tilt his body away from Bruce’s line of sight. .
There was a beat of silence. “Did you need help with something?”
“No my system was, um, down.” Dick said. “I just needed an ID on a sample and I’ll be out of your way.” 97%.
Bruce nodded, but didn’t walk away. “Are you... okay? You aren’t hurt or anything?”
“No, of course not,” Dick replied, a bit too quickly. He stepped away as he did so, lifting his hands from the console and leaving small red prints in front of the computer.
He didn’t need to look up to know where Bruce’s gaze was focused. 99%.
“Let me see,” Bruce said softly, and Dick kept his face turned towards the floor, hidden in the shadow of his hood.
“I’d really rather you didn’t--” Dick didn’t get to finish his sentence when Bruce reached out faster than he could react and gently grabbed his chin, turning his face towards Bruce’s.
He noted vaguely that his DNA analysis was ready. Very helpful timing, he thought sourly.
Bruce swore softly as he tilted Dick’s face to the side, his gaze flicking down the bruises covering his cheekbone. Dick swallowed, before opening his mouth. “I--” his voice cracked on the syllable. God, he was just so tired of arguing.
Bruce took his arm without a word and tugged him over to the the medbay. Dick hung his head and followed, a tremor going through his body when he hopped on to the cot. Bruce pushed back the hood covering Dick’s head, and Dick could have sworn he watched the blood drain from Bruce’s face.
Dick had never known Bruce to be anything but steady, but his hands shook as he rummaged through the medical box before bringing out some gauze and tape. Bruce began gently wiping at the cuts on Dick’s face, and Dick found an incredibly interesting spot over Bruce’s shoulder to focus on as he worked.
Bruce worked in silence, only speaking when he asked Dick to remove the top half of his suit so he could wrap his ribs. By the time Bruce was done, Dick found himself swaying from exhaustion, and Bruce wasn’t looking much better.
Bruce opened and closed his mouth at least three times before any sound came out of it. Dick felt the corner of his mouth quirk up in a smile.
“Stay here the night?” Bruce finally decided on hesitantly. “I can have the analysis results ready for you to take with you in the morning.”
Dick nodded and moved slide off the cot.
Before he could overthinking it, Bruce leaned forward to press a kiss to the top of Dick’s head. Dick blinked.
“You know, I--” Bruce began, before cutting himself off and blinking towards the ceiling of the cave.
“Yeah, Bruce.” Dick whispered with a small smile. “Yeah, I know.”
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All Men Have Limits - III
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,500+
Previously on…
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Bruce was having yet another night without sleep. It happened often. And similar to the rest of the family, he just learned to function on very few hours of sleep.
So, he decided to make his way down to the kitchen.
But as he walked down the long hallway of bedrooms, he noticed that Y/N’s door was open. He glanced inside to see that it was empty and her bed was still neatly made from this morning. 
He looked down at this watch to see that it was almost 5AM.
A part of Bruce expected to find Y/N snacking or drinking coffee. But she wasn’t in the kitchen either.
Bruce sighed, realizing where she’d be and made his way down to the cave.
He expected to find Y/N with her eyes bloodshot and shoulders hunched over at the computers.
What he didn’t expect was to find Y/N passed out, slouched in the chair, knees in her chest and head balanced on the palm of her hand. How her elbow stayed propped up on the arm of the chair was beyond Bruce.
He smirked at the sight.
Perhaps she’d been spending too much time around the Wayne family. She was starting to adopt their bad habit of exhausting themselves.
Bruce knew she would be irritated if he moved her. But, honestly, he didn’t really care.
Carefully, Bruce slipped his arms behind her back – separating her from the chair – and then behind her knees, slowly lifting her into his arms.
Even though the movement was extremely smooth, Y/N still stirred.
“I was just taking a cat nap,” Y/N mumbled, but couldn’t even open her eyes to make the argument compelling. “I’m still working.”
“No, you’re not. Time to get some sleep.”
“Mmmm. Fine,” she slurred and tucked her head into his neck.
Bruce wasn’t sure if her mind even put together that it was him carrying her.
But he savored the closeness as he carried her out of the cave and up the stairs to the second floor of the manor.
When they got to her bedroom, Bruce put her down on the bed so softly, that she didn’t even feel it. Then he bent down to take off her shoes and unfolded the covers to tuck her in.
Just as Bruce reached the door.
Y/N woke up slightly and muttered, “Night, Bruce.”
His hand froze on the doorknob. It was so quiet that he wasn’t even sure if he had imagined it. But he couldn’t find the courage to turn and face her.
So he shut the door and let her sleep.
“Where’s Y/L/N?” Damian asked the table.
She usually ate breakfast with them.
“Still sleeping,” Bruce answered without looking up from the newspaper. “No one bother her today. She needs to rest,” that made him look up and give a warning look to Tim, Damian, and Dick.
Then Jason came stomping into the kitchen.
He grabbed a pastry and ate it standing up, getting crumbs all over the floor.
“Where’s ladylove?” He asked with his mouth so full that he looked like a chipmunk.
Bruce ignored him and looked back down at the paper.
But Dick frowned at him. “Don’t call her that.”
“What do you care?” Jason laughed.
Dick didn’t dignify the question with an answer. He just thrust his chair back and shoved Jason’s shoulder as he stormed past him.
“What’s his fucking deal?” Jason asked once he was out of ear shot.
“Watch your language,” Bruce warned with a glare from behind his paper.
Jason exhaled a laugh. “I’m not a kid. I also don’t live under your roof anymore.”
“And I consider that a gift,” Damian muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.
Jason smacked the back of his head.
Damian flew out of his seat and lunged for him. “I will end you, Todd!”
“Maybe when you hit puberty, demon spawn.”
“Damian!” Bruce shouted to get his son’s attention. His son snapped to attention. But then Bruce’s tone was eerily calm when he continued with, “Control your anger.”
It was something they’d been working on since Damian arrived at the manor. Bruce guessed that Damian would always have a temper. But he needed to learn how to control it. Through time and practice, he got better.
Damian took in a deep breath, but still looked like he wanted to murder Jason.
“I will be training,” Damian announced through an irritated sigh before leaving.
Bruce glared at Jason. “Don’t push him.”
“He started it.”
“You claim you’re not a kid, so don’t act like one.”
“Speaking of kids…” Jason started with a smile.
Bruce swiftly stood up. “Don’t even try.”
Then he was gone as well, leaving just Jason and Tim.
“Well, it appears everyone is in a rather bad mood this morning,” Jason joked.
But there was no response from Tim.
“Are you sleeping with your eyes open?!?” Jason yelled.
That woke up Tim and he jumped. “Huh? What?”  
Y/N would’ve slept the whole day if she hadn’t smelled the coffee and breakfast.
She winced as she woke up to see if her mind was playing tricks on her.
But on top of her nightstand sat a beautiful, antique tray with a full American breakfast on it, a cup of water, a giant mug of coffee, and a little vase with a tiny flower in it – a single, pink peonie.
Y/N rubbed her eyes awake with a shy smile.
Alfred was way sneakier than she realized if he could bring in a full tray like this and not even wake her up. She must be far more exhausted than she originally thought.
But then a piece of paper caught her eye. A note.
Y/N reached for it.
In the neatest handwriting Y/N had ever seen, she read:
“Perhaps you should take the day to relax. I apologize for my behavior last night.”
Y/N snorted at the word ‘behavior.’ Everything he had done last night was passive. It was more of an energy and tension than actual behavior. But Y/N had to give him credit for being aware of it. He had annoyed her last night, especially when Dick somehow took the fall for her own actions regarding her own life.
She ate the food at a disturbingly fast rate, not realizing how starved she’d felt until taking the first bite.
She would definitely miss Alfred’s cooking when she finally left Wayne Manor… whenever the hell that would be.
Y/N hoped it was sooner rather than later.
‘No, you don’t. Liar.’ A voice said inside her head.
Once Y/N had finished eating at light speed, she threw on a pair of baggy jeans and a cropped sweatshirt. She grabbed her coffee and carried it through the hallway.
She heard typing coming from Bruce’s office. He hadn’t used the room since she starting stay at the manor. So, her curiosity got the best of her and she leaned into the doorframe.
Bruce was wearing a navy polo that fit tight on his toned body. He was behind the desk, typing on the computer with his brow folded in concentration.  
He immediately noticed her presence and looked up from his work.
“Hi,” she said shyly before she leaned her back into the doorframe and took a sip of coffee.
“Hi,” he smiled back.
“Thank you for the breakfast.”
Bruce leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “I can’t take credit for the actual cooking,” he admitted with a smirk.
“Oh, I know.” Then she looked around the study. “I was on my way to the cave when I heard you in here.”
Bruce frowned at that. “I thought you were going to take the day off.”
“I think you thought I was taking the day off.” Then she raised an eyebrow and glanced at all the work spread out on his desk. “Maybe you should take a break.”
“This is Wayne Enterprises, not my…nighttime…activities.”
Y/N shrugged and sipped more coffee. “Still work.”
Bruce rubbed his face. “Guess so.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” Y/N walked into the room and didn’t break eye contact. “If you take the day off, so will I.”
She expected Bruce to immediately shoot down her offer.
But he was smirking as he considered her proposition.
“Deal,” he told her before standing up and walking out from behind the desk.
He got unnecessarily close, invading her space.
Bruce held out his hand.
Y/N grinned at the formal gesture, but shook his hand.
But when their hands gripped together, the gesture no longer felt formal. It felt intimate. Y/N’s grin fell when she acknowledged it.
“What did you have in mind?” Bruce asked. He put his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
If he felt the same intimacy as she had, he didn’t show it.
Y/N cleared her throat. “How about something simple? Maybe a walk?”
Bruce nodded slowly. “A walk sounds good.”  
“Well, then what are we waiting for?” Y/N sassed.
He shook his head and almost rolled his eyes before gesturing to the door, silently telling her to go first.
Next thing Y/N knew, she was getting an informal tour of the grounds at Wayne Manor from the owner himself.
Y/N listened closely, genuinely finding all the history interesting. Bruce was surprisingly a good storyteller – even if he was more informative than colorful.
“I know you had a hard childhood. But it still must’ve been nice growing up in a place like this,” Y/N tried to tell him.
“I suppose so.”
He glanced at Y/N and found her giving him an encouraging look, as if she was silently begging him to say more, to share more.
But he left it at that.
“Damian is rather fond of animals. That’s why we updated the old outbuilding. He keeps his horses there…amongst other things.”
Y/N chuckled and nodded, “He was telling me about Batcow the other day.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate me telling you this, but I think Damian has enjoyed having you around – all the boys have.”
Y/N hummed and turned to fully face Bruce. “And what about you? Have you enjoyed having me around?”
“Wayne Manor is the safest place for you right now.”
“That’s not what I asked, Bruce.”
But he already knew that.
Y/N waited. Because she wasn’t going to let him ignore her question.
“Dick has taken quite a liking to you,” Bruce said quietly.
“Don’t change the subject,” Y/N snapped.
He opened his mouth to continue, but she cut him off.
“We’re not talking about me and Dick. We’re talking about me and you.”
Bruce’s jaw tightened.
Y/n took a step closer to him. “Why did you kiss me the other night?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Did you not want me to?”
“What does it matter?” Y/N sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I want to know what you’re thinking. I thought I put up walls. But you give me nothing, Bruce. Absolutely nothing. One second I think you see me as a nuisance, then the next you’re fucking kissing me.”
“You’re not a nuisance.”
“Oh, he speaks!” Y/N threw up her arms.  
“What do you want me to say, Y/N?” He asked evenly.
Always calm and collected. Overly polite. Controlled. Closed off.
“Forget it,” Y/N breathed and started walking back to the manor.
But after she was a few yards away, she realized she wanted to say one last thing and turned back around.
“Not that it matters. But I did. I did want you to kiss me.”
“Then why did you run away?” Bruce asked.
“Because I knew you would do it eventually. And I was trying to protect myself.”
So much for a “day off.” When Y/N was upset, she turned to her work to take her mind off of things. Was it denial? Was it displacement? She didn’t like to dwell on it. And most of the time, there was no one in her life to call her out for it.
Y/N thought she was emotionally distant, but Bruce won that race by a landslide. And she found it infuriating.
It was interactions like the one she just had that made Y/N think everything Dick tried to tell her about how Bruce saw her was utter bullshit.
Y/N arrived to the cave with an energy she was definitely not expecting.
Damian and Dick were training on the lower level while Tim and Jason observed from the sides.
Y/N had seen footage of each of them fighting before. It was one of the research pieces she’d watched while investigating them before figuring out their identities. But seeing it in person was a completely different experience.
Dick was using his escrima sticks,  while Damian had his katana.
Jason noticed her arrival and made his way over with a smirk.
“Was wondering when you’d wake up,” he greeted.
“Please tell me that’s a sword for training and not an actual blade,” Y/N asked nervously while her eyes followed the two dancing around each other. She could even hear the blade slicing through the air.
“Don’t worry. They won’t seriously hurt each other.” He had a little side smirk. “Especially since Dick is Damian’s favorite.”
Y/N looked at Jason. “I always assumed Bruce was his favorite.”
He shrugged. “Dick’s been a father to Damian far more than Bruce ever has.”
She didn’t have anything to say to that. It caught her by surprise a bit.
“Can you fight?” Jason asked her.
Her eyes widened. “No. I don’t know how to do…anything. I did one of those boxing workout classes. I hated it. All the instructors are male models, and that’s their side hustle.”
“I can assure you that was not boxing,” Jason laughed. “Why haven’t asked one of us?”  
Y/N shrugged. “Seems like a waste of your time.”
“No, it sounds like a fun time,” Jason corrected.
She laughed at that.
They both watched the two again.
A few moments went by before Y/N quietly added, “I have a gun. I don’t really know how to use it. But I thought it was necessary with my…line of work.”
Jason nodded slowly. “These pansies have a certain aversion to guns.” He looked down at her. “If you need me to show you a few basics, let me know.”
Y/N quickly looked at him. “T-Thank you.”
He laughed. “Don’t look so surprised.”
Jason Todd may have been labeled an anti-hero or even a criminal at one point. But deep down, he was still a Wayne. And even though he had the reputation of the bad boy, they all knew he was a sweetheart deep down. However, Y/N was now just seeing it.
Y/N jumped when Damian was slammed to the ground.
“Jesus,” she hissed.
“He’s fine,” Jason insisted.
But then he leaned closer and started pointing out certain moves to her. 
“With Dick’s gymnastics background, he incorporates a lot more acrobatics and moves that require more flexibility. He’s good at improvisation. He also leans more toward taekwondo. But with his escrima sticks, he also uses arnis.”
He looked down to make sure he wasn’t boring Y/N before he continued.
“He almost moves like a dancer,” she thought aloud, proving she was interested and engaged.
“Exactly,” he nodded. “Whereas Damian is still a kid. It’s less about power and more about agility. Before he got here, he was trained to kill. He’s mastered the sword better than any of us – but don’t tell him I said that. Damian’s had to adjust his technique and turn it non-lethal.” He smirked, “Just think devil ninja and that pretty much sums it up.”
Y/N laughed.
“And Tim?” She asked.
“Tim leans towards Kobudo, which is an ancient style developed by the Japanese. He prefers to use a battle staff. He’s smaller, so his technique is very calculated and controlled. Every move he makes counts for something. He’s extremely observant and can read his opponents like a book. Dick tries to create his openings, while Tim waits for the exact right moment.”
“Smart,” Y/N commented.
Jason nodded in agreement.
She turned back to him. “And you? What’s your style?”
“Brutal,” a voice said behind them.
Y/N whipped around to see Bruce standing behind them with his arms crossed. He’d changed, and was now wearing a tank top and sweatpants. Clearly he came down with the intention to train as well.
Jason didn’t seem surprised nor did he acknowledge him, meaning he probably knew the moment Bruce had arrived. He just didn’t care to notice him outwardly.
“Wing chun. Heavy-weight boxing. Krav Maga,” Bruce continued as if he was just listing of stats. “Angry…” he shrugged, “sometimes reckless.”
Jason scoffed at that.
“And he can’t seem to get over his complex for guns,” Bruce finished.
Jason turned to him. He was just an inch or so taller than Bruce. But he looked like he was twice the width and his muscles were somehow even bigger.
“Should we give her a show, B?” Jason offered with amusement.
“We’re not a spectacle, Jason.”
Jason looked down to Y/N. “Such a party pooper this one.”
She smirked at his sass. Bruce was not in her good graces right now, so she would support any and all mocking of him.
Y/N hadn’t even looked at Bruce since he arrived. And now she was choosing it as a perfect time to finally make her way to her computers and away from him.
Jason didn’t miss the cold shoulder. “What did you do to piss off yet another woman?”
Bruce glared at him, and walked down to the training area with the boys.
Jason followed after him. 
He looked back and forth between Bruce and up at Y/N, a plan developing in his head.
“$100 bucks Bruce can lay out Dick in two minutes,” Jason said loud enough that Y/N could hear him.
Tim and Damian shared a smirk.
Bruce and Dick glared at him.
“I’m not betting against that,” Damian announced.
Tim smiled. “But I will.”
Dick shook his head in submission, “Fine.”
Bruce needed the practice, even though he was aware Jason had ulterior motives with his request. So he just gave Dick a look of consent.
Y/N tried to ignore what was happening, even though Jason made it very clear for her. She heard the sound of fists and feet hitting skin. He heard their grunts of pain and exertion.
It wasn’t until she heard Dick torment Bruce with, “Come on, old man,” that Y/N couldn’t help but turn to watch them below the platform she worked on.
Dick’s teasing worked, but not in his favor.
Bruce no longer took it easy on him. Maybe that’s what Dick wanted, but he was now on the defense.
They were fighting hand to hand. No escrima sticks or gadgets. Just hand-to-hand combat.
Y/N could tell the that Dick was starting to get frustrated. 
Bruce, however, seemed completely calm. He knew all of the boys’ fighting styles and taught them the majority of what they knew. There was a part of Bruce in all of them. It almost made for an unfair fight. 
Their movements got faster and faster. Y/N was struggling to figure out what was even happening anymore.
But just when she was about to give up her observing and get back to work, Bruce managed to get a proper grip on Dick and flipped him over his shoulder.
Dick landed on his back hard. So hard, that Y/N heard the smack and the sound alone made her feel sick.
Y/N gasped, and put a hand in her mouth when the sound came out louder than she expected.
Jason, Tim, Damian, and even Dick glanced up at her.
But Bruce was staring down at his opponent.
“Your weight placement was off and you know how to get out of that hold,” Bruce lectured. “You know better.”
Dick glared up at him.
Bruce offered him a hand up, but Dick ignored it.
“I know,” Dick growled as he got to his feet.
“You’re letting yourself get frustrated. It’s causing your mistakes.”
“I said I know,” Dick snapped louder this time.
Before an argument could really start, Alfred made his presence known by clearing his throat.
All the boys looked up at him, as well. 
“What is it?” Bruce asked.
“I was rather certain you’d forgotten. Seems I was right.” Alfred cleared his throat. “I came to remind you all that the annual gala for the Martha Foundation is tomorrow night at the manor.”
“Can’t we reschedule it,” Damian whined.
Bruce shook his head. “The Court of Owls is made of Gotham’s elite – many of who are invited. If we cancel, it will cause suspicion.”
“You can’t honestly think we should risk that with Y/N being here,” Dick called out, gesturing up towards Y/N.
Bruce and Dick had a silent conversation.
Y/N knew it was about her, so she did not appreciate being excluded.
“Oh, wow. Looks like one of my safe houses is finally more secure than this place,” Y/N spoke up melodramatically.
But she should’ve known it wasn’t going to be that easy to escape.
Next chapter is gonna be fun, guys. 😈 But let me know what you thought of this one. 
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 13: To the Death (Death)
Their last few days in Gotham went by smoothly. No rogue attacks, no akuma tacks. The only negative was Mr. Wayne refusing to allow her on patrol again because she was “injured” and “could have died.” Gotham has been nice for the most part and was full of surprises, but Marinette was relieved when the plane landed in Paris. The entire trip moved to the back of her mind, almost like a dream. Like it hadn’t really happened. Until Hawkmoth sent out his next akuma.
Taking in a shaky breath, Marinette blinks back tears. Everything was suddenly real. Hawkmoth might win.
She despised akumas with weapons. Specifically, the lethal weapons. Creative weapons or blasters she could handle. No problem. Legitimate swords or guns? Not so much. Instead she was left with a feeling of dread and uncertainty.
Pushing forward, she’s just about to call her lucky charm when she feels it. Choking slightly on the blood- why is there blood- she looks down at the sword sticking out of her chest. Oh. That’s why there’s blood. Blood. She coughs, wincing as she watches the blood pour out of her mouth. Huh. That’s not right. She almost hears Chat screaming. But why? Why does he sound so upset? Why- Oh. OH. She’s dying. She realizes this with a start as the world around her darkens and she begins to sway. She’s dying, and Hawkmoth is going to get her Miraculous. Hawkmoth is going to win. Oh, no- please-
“Chat.” She manages to say, watching as he runs towards her and scoops her up, carrying her out of the way of cameras and prying eyes. A place she can stay. A place where Hawkmoth won’t take her Miraculous. He won’t. He can’t. She frowns, black spots covering her vision, but not enough to hide his tears.
“Take them. Save them.” She manages to say, shaky hands reaching for her earrings. His lips move, so she knows he’s saying something. She wishes she could hear it. Wishes she’d thought of this possibility. She thinks Chat will win. But it’ll be so hard. She should’ve wrote a will. Should’ve planned ahead. Should’ve been more like her father. She blinks at Chat- Adrien- and realizes he’s still talking. She hopes it’s not important, that maybe he could tell her later. Her thoughts continue to jumble, just like her vision. Shifting into one incoherent mess. Words become shapes, pain dulls until she’s numb. Until she can’t feel it. Until she closes her eyes and lets the darkness carry her away.
Immediately after finding out about his Parisian daughter, Bruce Wayne had installed the akuma alert system in the Batcave. And on his phone. He wanted to be absolutely certain that he would know what was happening when, and maybe even find some way to help. Do something. Stop the emotional terrorist that had taken over his daughter’s childhood.
Sitting in his study, he takes a swig of coffee, thankful for a relaxing Saturday. He wanted to avoid WE, stay as far away as possible. They’d been bombarding him with questions about Marinette and the (true) rumor that started when her class first arrived in Gotham. Wanted to know if it was true, what they could say, what the official statement was. He wasn’t sure. He wanted Marinette to be able to make that decision. But it wasn’t something you could just ask after only a week of knowing each other.
A shrill ring breaks him out of his thoughts and he glances at his phone. That’s odd, he thinks, looking at the screen. Until he reads closer and realizes why it looks different. The Parisian news stations, who had never seemed too distressed by attacks before, were urging people to hide. Not just shelter in place. But hide. Making up his mind quickly, Bruce makes his way to the Bat Cave. Sure he couldn’t jump over to Paris to assist his daughter in battle, but he had to know that she was safe. He had to know Marinette would be okay. Miraculous cure or not. Walking into the cave, he’s unsurprised to see Tim already there, the news feed pulled up on the largest screen.
“It’s not looking good B. Casualties have already passed fifteen hundred. LB and Chat both look exhausted and the fight just started.” Tim informs him, frowning into his unnecessarily large cup of coffee. Bruce simply nods, trying to ignore the sudden tension in his jaw.
“How’s she holding up?” Dick asks, arms crossed as he walks in, Damian trailing in behind him.
“She’s giving ‘em hell but she also took a coupla good hits.” Jason says, watching his phone as he walks in through another entrance. Bruce’ chest feels warm at the obvious concern and care his sons have for their sister. He had no doubt that Cass (who had returned to Hong Kong before Marinette returned to Paris) was also watching the stream. Although not necessary, it was still nice of them to check. To care. As the fight goes on though, Bruce becomes antsy. The cameras are too far away to pick up the conversation between the heroes and the akuma, but it doesn’t look good. Marinette looks anxious, nervous, almost frenzied. All emotions he’d never seen on her (as Ladybug).
“Call your lucky charm.” Damian hisses, glaring up at the screen. Bruce silently agrees. As odd as the power was, it hadn’t failed her yet. There’s no- his blood freezes. The world shuts down as he tries to remember how to breathe. To remember that it’s okay to breathe. Because standing in front of the akuma is his daughter. With a sword protruding from her chest. The entire cave is silent, everyone waiting. Trying to process. The sword is pulled back and Bruce watches, sick to his stomach as blood falls out her mouth. As she sputters, more blood falling out. The dazed look on her face as she sways on her feet, not quite seeing her surroundings breaks his heart. She stumbles, her legs giving out, and he stares, unable to look away as Chat Noir manages to grab her and swing away.
“She did not even dodge! She could have-”
“She’s not- she’s okay, right?”
“Is she-?” Bruce is barely able to hear the chaos around him. Barely able to focus on the video in front of him. He lets out a shuddering breath, turning his complete focus to watch for her to come back. Surely someone would heal her. The Miraculous cure could heal her. It had to. He desperately watches the screen, waiting for her spotted costume to come back. She had to come back. He sees spots, but squints. Something’s wrong with the spotted costume swinging towards the fight. The colors are right, but the flash of blonde hair and distinct male figure- it’s not...it’s not her. Not Marinette.
“It appears Mr. Bug is on the scene. Ladybug is down. I repeat, Ladybug is down.” The news anchor reports, a distraught look on her face. But the look on her face is nothing in comparison to the agony that shoots through Bruce. How? Why isn’t she up? Why would Adrien use her Miraculous? Why not heal her now, let her finish her battle? Unless...could she not be healed? Was the Miraculous cure unable to bring the Ladybug holder back? No. No, he couldn’t think that. Couldn’t accept that. She had to be okay. He couldn’t lose a child. Not again. Never again.
“The Cure will save her.” Damian says stiffly, tugging Bruce from his thoughts. He looks over to his youngest, torn by how young Damian suddenly looks. How broken he looks, staring at the screen in front of them. Braving a glance at his other sons, Bruce suddenly feels sick. His phone rings suddenly, and Bruce jumps, hoping the name- but no. It’s Cass, requesting a facetime. He answers, giving his daughter (is Marinette okay? Will she be okay? What if he loses her right after finding her?) a quizzical look.
“Little sister is okay, right?” She signs furiously, a frown on her face. Bruce grits his teeth, trying hard to push down the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.
“I’m not sure.” He answers, leaving his tone flat and without emotion. He couldn’t break. Not right now, not when his children looked so scared. Not when they all looked horrified. He couldn’t afford to be scared or horrified too. He had to hold it together. Even if he was screaming on the inside. Screaming and begging and pleading with whatever powers there were. Pleading for his daughter’s life. For her to wake up. For the Cure to work on her. He watches and waits. Wincing as Adrien is thrown around even more than usual. His hands twitch, wanting to do something, anything to help. Bruce finally stands, ready to put on his suit and just take the damn Zeta tubes to Paris. Who gives a damn about Hawkmoth, his daughter needs him. He’s just about to walk away when he sees it. The pure white butterfly flying out of Mr. Bug’s yoyo. Bruce inhales sharply, watching the wave of light and tiny ladybugs sweep across the city. He watches as Adrien slides the victim a card before swinging away. Watches as he doesn’t reappear. The camera zooms in to the area he’d flown off to, but there was nothing. Zooming back out, the camera focuses back on the news anchor.
“And that’s another akuma, taken down by our brave heroes. Back to you, Jean Marc.” She says with a tense smile. And the footage cuts out. It’s no more. No one moves. No one speaks. Everyone just stares at the blank screen. The screen where they’d watched Marinette be stabbed. Where they’d seen a sword go through her chest. Bruce clenches his jaw, trying desperately to stop himself from crying.
“I’ll be back.” He says gruffly, leaving his seat to go and put on his suit. There was no way she was gone. He wouldn’t accept it. So, he was going to go to Paris. He’d find her and wrap her up in some goddamned bubble wrap and make sure that his daughter didn’t get stabbed again. God, she has to be okay. His thoughts are frantic as he moves swiftly towards his suit, his thoughts only of getting to Paris. Getting to Paris, and finding Marinette. A sudden flash of light brightens the cave and Bruce instantly gets into a fighting position, watching the light turn into a circle. A portal, right in the middle of the Bat Cave. His breath catches as he watches two figures fall through the portal. Adrien, obviously still in spots. And the girl next to him….he frowns, not quite recognizing her.
“Kaalki, dismount.” The girl says, a soft light flashing over her. Bruce freezes, eyes scanning his daughter as she smiles awkwardly. Glancing over her, reminding himself that she’s there. She’s alive. He crosses to her in three large steps and drops to his knees in front of her so that they’re on eye level.
“Never do that again.” He begs, voice breaking slightly as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. She’s alive. She’s okay. She’s alive.
Marinette buries her face in her father’s shoulder, tightening her hold on him. He was the only parent that knew she was Ladybug. The only one who would be affected by seeing her stabbed on live tv. Coming to see him directly after the battle was all she could think of when she woke up. She knew she had to see her dad and her brothers. Reassure them that she was still there.
“I’m so sorry Dad.” She chokes out, tears running down her face as she remembers the pain of being stabbed in the chest. The way her vision went dark. The way the blood felt as she choked on it. She squeezes her eyes shut, breathing shakily as she holds onto him for dear life, barely registering when more warmth surrounds her. She doesn’t have to open her eyes to know what it is. Her brothers, all hugging her. Surrounding her, making sure she’s there. She sighs in relief, glad that they’re all there. Glad that she’s able to hug them again.
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capricorn-stark · 3 years
Smoke and Mirrors
pairing: jason todd x reader, childhood friends
warning: language, slightly heated towards the end but it’s very mild, smoking - i’m not a smoker nor do i condone it, don’t do it kids
a/n: references some early stuff from RHATO (2011)
“The girls at the diner used to call those cancer sticks.”
You thought it was pretty ironic for him to say that when he plucked the cigarette you were holding right out of your hand, leaning against the railing of the balcony and seeming utterly unabashed. You hadn’t even heard him landing beside you until he started speaking. 
You made a face at him as he unlocked and slid his helmet off while grinning at you in a typical self-satisfied fashion, bringing the cigarette to his own lips. 
“Let me guess,” you started dryly, watching a plume of smoke swirl out of his mouth as he took a drag. “That’s why you took their warning very seriously and told yourself to never, ever smoke one.” 
“I never said that,” he protested with another obnoxious laugh as he turned to glance over at you. “You made that shit up yourself. Not my problem.” 
You rolled your eyes at him before moving to fish out your pack and lighter out again, half-heartedly settling another one between your lips and lighting it up. Jason’s eyes followed the smoke back to you, his own expression unreadable.
“And I thought you said you quit this shit.” 
You shrugged, not quite looking at him when you opened your mouth to answer. 
“People say stuff all the time, Hood. What did you expect?” Your words were directed towards a little more than just smoking. A beat passed before he shrugged it off. 
“Hell if I know.” 
You both sat there for a while in silence as you smoked, watching the grey clouds stray towards the hazy glow of the setting sun on the horizon. The city beneath you was beautiful tonight, a seemingly endless stretch of dark gleaming buildings reflecting the pinks and oranges of the sunset. You wanted to relish that moment more than anything for a while, and you did. 
You closed your eyes and let the cigarette leave your mouth, clouds falling from your lips, nicotine buzzing in your bloodstream.
It would be a beautiful night. You could tell.
When you opened your eyes, you felt Jason’s eyes on you again and your turned your head to meet them. In the sunset, they really did glow a strange hue of green - yet another marker from his swim in the Lazarus. You hadn’t seen those eyes in quite a while.
“What, you want to take a picture?” you started in a somewhat jestful tone at his expression. “It’ll last longer.” 
“Would you let me?” was his rather cocky comeback as he took his own cigarette out of his mouth, another smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “‘cus I don’t have anything against that idea, per se-”
“I was joking-”
“Right, totally.” 
“I was!” The look on his face was infuriating enough to let you know that he didn’t believe shit. You let out a rather long and weary sigh. “I thought you weren’t planning on coming back anytime soon.” And at last, the disdain you had been trying so hard to contain from him was surfacing in your tone.
And clearly, from the way he was staring at you, he seemed to notice.
His latest adventures with his new friends, dubbed The Outlaws, hadn’t exactly been on the down-low. You knew one of them, Roy Harper, from being his best friend from a long time ago, and you had seen the glowing orange alien chick who accompanied them for the past few months on the news after he had taken off from Gotham. 
You couldn’t deny the fact that you had been more than a little dismayed by the fact that he hadn’t even bothered to give you some sort of goodbye before they left, either - no visits, no phone calls, no letters, not even a poorly placed sticky note on the front of your apartment door left to get swept away by some janitor when it fell off. 
You woke up one morning and heard from his brother that he wasn’t around Gotham anymore, no real explanations as to why the hell that was. 
He just disappeared. 
“You’re not thrilled to see me?” he attempted with mock hurt, and you gave him a very unimpressed look. “Sure, doll. I see how it is.” You acted like the nickname didn’t affect you as much as it did, because he didn’t deserve the satisfaction of otherwise.
“You know what I mean, Jason.” 
“I thought it was Hood?” He caught your look again. “Jeez, I’m just fucking around.” The silence stretched on and he at least had the sense to look a little guilty when he spoke again. “Y/N. Listen, I’m - I’m sorry.” 
You didn’t say anything for a while, your eyes still fixed ahead on the horizon. What did he expect you to say?
“I didn’t plan on leaving like that, I just - shit happened. And I didn’t want to stay in this shithole of a city for longer than I had to, anyways.” 
Of course. He was bad at goodbyes, so he never said them. You were above chasing after him, so you never did.
“You could’ve at least made a call after you left.” The cigarette was still burning in your hands, the white filter crumbling away in the wind. “Or, I dunno, sent a text, or even a damn email or something. Anything.” Even you were surprised by the contempt lacing your voice with every word you spoke. You had told yourself he had to have had his reasons for leaving and that you wouldn’t waste your own time being angry at him. But somehow, you couldn’t help it. It had hurt more than you chose to realize. “It’s been months.” For once, his passive expressions and sarcasm had been replaced with something else. 
“I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal to you.” You almost let out an incredulous laugh at that. 
“Not a big deal to me? Are you serious?” You turned back to face him and he pursed his lips, clearly having realized that he had said the wrong thing. “After you came back - from the dead - and after everything that happened, you seriously thought I wouldn’t care what happened to you?” Jason opened his mouth, then wisely closed it while you tossed your cigarette down to crush it beneath your heel. “Wow, Jason, you knew me way better than I thought you did.” 
“I didn’t mean to leave,” he tried again after a beat, taking a half-step towards you. “I wasn’t - I was on a mission, and this submarine thing with the dudes I was dealing with blew up, and then I woke up like a week later on this island thing with a Tamaranean alien princess who thought I was Dick, and then I found out Roy was gonna get executed, so-” He seemed to realize how incredulous that sequence of events sounded from the look on your face. So he let out a sigh, wringing his hands. “Okay. Yeah. I was kind of a douche.”
“Kind of?” 
“I was definitely a douche,” he amended with another sigh, running a hand through his dark hair. He took a breath. “But I did mean it. I’m sorry.” 
And you knew he meant it when he said that. Even back in his unruly days as a Robin, when your friendship had first formed, you had figured out that it was ridiculously hard for Jason Todd to let go of his pride and apologize for basically anything. When he got older, it admittedly hadn’t gotten all that much better.
Until now, apparently. Just a little. And you could never stay angry at him for very long, as much as you might have tried.
You let out a sigh yourself, glancing up at him. 
“When did you even get back?” 
Jason made a show of fishing his phone out of his pocket and taking a look before answering. 
“About - twenty minutes ago.” He cleared his throat a little. “I wanted to see you.” There it was again - that infuriating feeling in your chest. 
“Did you?” You tried to keep your tone as neutral as possible as he rubbed the back of his neck, somewhat awkwardly glancing away from you before he spoke again. 
“Yeah. I missed you.”
Well fuck. That was a big one. 
“I guess I missed having you around. Sometimes.” He chuckled at your attempt to be nonchalant, stepping even closer to you. 
“That’s it? That’s all I get?” You rolled your eyes at him, refusing to say otherwise. You weren’t about to give in to him.
“Yeah, that’s all you-” Before you could finish, he had cut you off with a kiss. And in another moment, after his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer, you realized your entire train of thought had been derailed completely because your best friend was kissing you.
“Get?” he offered when he pulled away again, another rather smug smile playing at his lips when you managed to look at him again, clearly flustered. “You sure about that?” 
You appropriately told Jason to fuck off before you pulled him down towards you again for another kiss. And that kiss turned into another, then another, and another. 
Your seemingly blasé attitude towards him and his constant teasing towards you had always helped you both shy away from whatever it was that you actually felt towards the other. It was easier to laugh at each other, or flirt, or push each other away than to actually move past your pride and admit how you felt. 
But then again, between tender caresses and heated kisses, you didn’t think there was a need to really say anything out loud. Where his hands were on your body alone could tell anyone what was going on in his head.
You had missed him more than you could express in words, and it was increasingly clear that he had felt the exact same way. Your relationship had always toyed at the fine line between friendship and something more, and your actions in that moment had firmly moved you both past the former. 
For so many years, your respective egos had provided a cover from a truth neither of you had been ready to come to terms with. But now, beneath the haze of cigarette smoke, sheets, and Gotham sunsets, you could finally see what exactly that was. There had always been something more underneath all of your smoke and mirrors. 
And although it wouldn’t be right then and there, eventually, you’d clear all of that smoke away. 
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