primaryassist · 1 year
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confessedlyfannish · 9 months
DP x DC Prompt
Batman grunts a greeting at the boy Selena has introduced as "Danny" as if it's totally normal for a kid to be hanging out on a rooftop with her, kicking his legs out above the edge as if he's not 20 stories up.
Selena shares an equally amused glance with Danny that has Batman scowling harder than his usual as the boy gets up, stretching out from his hunch to reveal a 6 foot 2 build not unlike Jason's.
"Wow, spot on," Danny whistles, grinning at Selena. "I owe you a twenty."
"Darling," Selena purrs, hand finding purchase on his upper bicep. "I never exaggerate."
"Looks like Catwoman's got a new scratching post, B," Nightwing cackles in his comm, which is probably why Batman finds himself gritting out a--
"Little young for you, isn't he?"
The kid--in a hoodie and jeans, seriously, where did Selena find this guy--stares at him incredulously before his mouth stretches into an uncomfortably wide grin, revealing fairly sharp canines. He strides forward.
"What can I say, Mr. The Batman," he says, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. He must be around the same age as Dick. "I've got a thing for powerful women in black."
"See you for dinner tomorrow Lena," he says, hand lifted in farewell as he heads for the edge. He pushes himself over the wall with one hand, dropping over.
Batman clocks Selena's lack of alarm and doesn't flinch. Thirteen seconds later, there's no resounding thud when Danny's body would've met the pavement and she's still smirking at him.
"No metas in Gotham," he growls.
Selena throws her head back and laughs. "If I see any, I'll be sure to call. Now," she kisses his cheek, "I better go. I've got a date tomorrow."
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tinkertea · 27 days
the worst part about kyle is that he is just so pretty with his bright smile and big brown eyes, feeling at ease around him comes like second nature. pretty kind kyle would never say anything out of pocket, would never make any creepy comments! he wouldn't make you miss out on your time with friends or family - it's you who'd rather spend time with him than your close ones. he would never make you sacrifice your career - it's your own decision that the house needs to be made a home by someone, that someone should do that full-time (so what if he drops a comment here and there about his big salary, how the house feels empty and devoid of life, how his mates' partners all stay home)
the worst part about kyle is that you are so distracted by his beautiful face and kind words, by his soft lips and lilt that he doesn't even have to lay out a trap to ensnare you entirely, to make you completely his. it's all your own doing.
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cod-dump · 7 months
Teen!Ghost, staring at the tray of burnt cookies: I followed all the directions… I took them out when the timer went off!
Teen!Farah as Teen!Gaz coughs while fanning the smoke out the door with a towel: Simon, that was the fucking smoke alarm!
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fandom-drake · 1 month
Roy posting on his mostly dead social media: Some of us were playing fuck marry kill and now everyone is arguing over who gets to marry Jaybird. Rayner insists not redheads should get priority lol.
A very confused Dick who's been trying to invite Jason to movie nights for months: Roy Harper call me right now or so help me-
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tf141 jokingly blames price's wife for the extra pudge added to their bellies. but the thing is, you love to feed them. 'cause when they're deployed they can go days without eating, or not eating enough. so whenever they come to visit, you literally stuff them, complaining that they're "gaunt" and that they've "lost so much weight". truly it's just you being worried about them in your own way. but hell, they love it and will eat anything you give them ( especially if you say it's made with love 💀 )
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dearinglovebot · 4 months
sorry I just watched a camrip of argylle and they walked into so much queercoding with rachel/elly. why did she self-insert as a man? why did she imagine an au where she and her boyfriend are implicit gay lovers? if we’re supposed to take her interactions with lagrange as what happened, is she also supposed to be read as bisexual? why did saba el-badr say “or me” when asking if she missed anything from her old life?????? if they make a second then they’d better commit to the trans masc bisexual angle
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celenawrites · 1 month
marriage of convenience with sgt. kyle gaz garrick and him trying to navigate being a soldier as well as your husband...the awkwardness...the soft domesticity...the yearning....the understanding...the gentleness...mhm
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141 Restaurant AU
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Price owns it and is the head chef. He's ex-military and with how he runs his kitchen there's no mistaking it. This is his 'relaxing' retirement job.
He doesn't yell but does expect order and speed. If you're working in his kitchen it means he thinks you're good at it, he doesn't put up with self-doubt.
Kate Laswell is the day-to-day manager who handles any annoying customers and the business side of things. You can earn bonus points by bringing her a drink to her office.
Simon Riley is the sous chef. He's been wearing a black face mask since before the pandemic.
Got the nickname Ghost because no one ever sees him arrive or leave. He's also ex-military, or that's what everyone thinks. If you ask, he changes his answer every time (think of that scene from Ratatouille).
Is normally very quiet and keeps to himself but also physically threw a customer out when they screamed in a server's face over not being able to order a medium-rare salmon filet.
Kyle Garrick is the host. If he likes you, he'll make sure you always get a booth. If you annoy him, you're getting sat by the kitchen, the front door, or the bathrooms.
He's very sweet to new servers and is willing to cover for you in forget to put something in.
John MacTavish is the bartender. Constant flirt and gets the best tips in the place. Will make your after-shift drink a double if you ask nicely.
Got the nickname Soap after he put dish soap in a mop bucket for the floors. No one will ever let him live it down.
You can always ask him for advice on wine pairings.
Farah and Alex used to work in the kitchen but left to start a halal food truck together. Has the best lamb kebabs in the city. When they ever stop by they eat on the house.
Rudy and Alejandro run the bakery that provides the restaurant with all its bread and desserts.
Rudy will leave a pastry in the cooler for you if it's your birthday. If Alejandro likes you he'll give you a whole cake on your birthday.
Graves runs an 'authentic' Mexican restaurant down the street. It's actually Texmex (and honestly it's pretty good) which causes arguments every time Alejandro and he talk.
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474lyse · 1 year
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FIGHT! <<< RUN...
I'm not over with this crossover, I hope u still want more uwu
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teamblck · 4 months
COD characters as silly little stuffed animals i have found online
warning!! this is stupid!!
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miwsolovely · 15 days
combat medic!reader getting the brunt of gaz’s death + price who breaks. based on mito’s post !!
tw: heavy grief, character death.
it wasn’t raining.
on days like these, days where people are mourned and remembered, where people regret and forgive, it’s supposed to be sad.
it’s supposed to be sad, so why is the sun shining? why is the sky clear? where’s the bitter, dewy smell of the rain on the plants?
Why are the flowers blossoming on such a dreary day?
you thought the setting was bad, thought the world hated you with how the skies were free of dark clouds and droopy leaves, but when the 21-gun salute started, your knees buckled and your body started shaking; you want to go home.
home where you used to lay on the couch together, home where you used to cook meals together, home where his scent still lingers on the furniture, his clothes, his pillow. it was still there, his tantalizing scent, comforting you during the hard days where you can barely close your eyes, but tormenting you every day with what you lost.
each fire of their guns made you flinch, made you dig your nails into your palm until they bled, made you sink your teeth in your chapped lips until you tasted iron.
only when you looked down at your hands, seeing the blood trail out of the crescent marks you created and spread out on your palmar flexion creases like art, the trail of blood leading from your mouth splattering on your open palm and staining the dry grass, that you realized where you are.
you’re at a funeral, his funeral.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick, a sergeant in the 141, your friend, your best friend, the man you found yourself falling for day by day. he’s gone.
if you’d have gotten there sooner, if you’d have—
the whiplike shots of the guns shake you out of your reverie.
but they also send you into a more poisonous one.
one where you see him. see his face covered in blood, his beautiful face, stained by the blood of enemies.
we get dirty and the world stays clean.
but he didn’t need to. he didn't need to get dirty to keep the world clean. he was the only one who had a clear mindset in the darkest times, who had stayed by you when your sheets would stick to your skin and your mind had been plagued by the cloying melody of the night.
to you, the world needed him to stay clean.
they needed him in the way he'd anyways go out of his way to make sure the elderly were safe after a bad day, who always check up on the kids he'd meet on ops after they went through a traumatic moment,
you needed him in the way he could just be there with you and listen to your hummingbird heart beat into his open palm when you’d lie in bed together.
you remember, his ebony hair that is, was, a rich dark brown, that always seemed to verge on black; it always reminded you of the grand piano he has.
. . . Had.
his voice was always so soft, just like the word ebony itself has a pleasing, melodic sound when it's spoken, his name, not his callsign, instead, the name given to him by his mother who has equally as shiny hair and skin;
Kyle. your kyle, your love. your everything.
though you were going through one of the worst throes since your late parents, though your grief was present in your breath, though the wail you let out scratched your throat like knives; others were going through the agonizing pain of loss.
others like johnny whose tear stained sketchbook is filled with kyle’s last moments smiling, where he was petting a stray cat on the outskirts of the battlefield a few weeks ago.
others like simon who can’t walk to his room without feeling his eyes sting and heart crumble; kyle’s room exactly across from his, with bouquets and letters and everything that screams Kyle blocking someone from entering.
others like johnathan.
johnathan, who can’t drink his tea without feeling like somethings wrong. kyle would make him tea early in the morning with his own special touch. though he’d never told price what it was.
johnathan, who finds himself gently moving the gifts left in front of kyle’s door and quietly moving inside after opening the door.
johnathan, whose tears come fast when he sees your sleeping body laying on his bed, tears flowing free even in your sleep.
johnathan, who gently wakes you up and guides you to the bathroom so you can wash up and get something to eat.
“kyle wouldn’t want this for you doe.”
johnathan, who after you wash up and after johnny drives you to a nearby diner, stands alone in kyle’s room.
johnathan, who falls to his knees and lets out a deep wail that comes from the hearth of his sorrow.
johnathan, whose tears cascaded down his face like a relentless waterfall, each droplet a testament to the profound sorrow that had hollowed out his heart.
johnathan, whose sobs echoed through the empty room, a symphony of despair that reverberated against the walls and seeped into the very air he breathed inside this grave of a room.
johnathan, whose grief seemed to bend him, much like how he saw you curled in fetal position, his shoulders were hunched as if carrying the burden of a thousand heartaches; his team’s heartaches, your heartache. his own headache that weighed the weight of the world ten times over.
johnathan, whose eyes, windows to a soul shattered by loss, glistened with the raw, unfiltered emotion of a man who had been stripped of all pretense.
johnathan, who, in that moment, he was the embodiment of human fragility, a poignant reminder of the universal capacity for suffering.
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to other platforms !
- likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated <3 !!
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eilidh-eternal · 5 months
I need Kyle Master Chef™️ Garrick in my kitchen, in nothing but those slutty grey sweatpants, cooking me a bomb ass curry or jollof rice😩
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dcbinges · 4 months
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Solo #1 (2004) by Tim Sale & Darwyn Cooke
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pononoin · 29 days
I will always fall for Kyle being a horrible cook and Stan somehow or other, always enjoys the meals Kyle makes (the only one, really)
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dailydccomics · 2 months
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Gotham's rogues always on their absolute best behavior Batman and the Spirit (2006) art by Darwyn Cooke
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