lavenoon · 2 years
just saw the time, whoops! (I am headed to bed no worries)
First you get drawings from me, and next you're getting writing! >:0 How dare you inspire me so much! (I'm so immensely normal about Accidentally Undercover)
Enjoy this snippet/tease :D
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I am so incredibly normal about people being normal about my AU, does that make us even?
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n4rval · 6 months
a little pause on art for finals(they are all late) but boy has brain been braining
more specifically on dings' dynamic as asriel and chara's weird uncle bc that's just something i don't see a lot
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DP X DC crossover prompt
Sam and Tucker, thanks to living in Amity Park and being overshadowed and controlled by ghosts so many time, had become very liminal. Until an accident while trying to stop the newest ghost enemy led to the two of them becoming halfa’s. Sam’s ghost form looks like what she looked like during the whole Undergrowth thing. And Tucker’s ghost form looks like his King Tuck design.
After a reveal gone wrong, Danny, Sam, and Tucker flee Amity Park. The trio run away to Gotham, and using money Sam managed to snag from her account before they left, they buy a nice sized building right in the middle of Crime Alley. They decide to turn it into a bookshop and cafe. There’s a garden/greenhouse attached to the back end of the building where Sam grows all her plants and herbs. Tucker has his own tech room in the basement alongside Danny’s tiny lab space. They live together in the apartment above the bookshop/cafe.
One day while out on a walk, Danny stumbles across two tiny twin half formed baby ghost cores. They’re nothing more than tiny little balls of glowing light at the moment. Baby ghosts that are just starting to form but are nothing more than cores at the moment. But they seem to be slowly fading. Danny refuses to let them fade away into nothing. He scoops them up, infuses them with some of his ectoplasm to get them going, and then shoved them into his chest for safe keeping and so that they can be close to his own core which starts slowly feeding them energy.
Danny rushes back to the shop and drags Sam and Tucker to the upstairs apartment and shows him the baby ghost cores he’s found. The three all agree that they’re going to help these cores develop into actual ghosts. They switch off on who carry’s the ghost cores around. Some days it’s Danny. Some days it’s Tucker. And some days it’s Sam. Each of them feeding the cores a little bit of their ectoplasm to help them grow.
One of the cores feels distinctly female and has a purplish blue glow to it. The three start jokingly calling her violet. The other core has a distinctly male feel to it. It’s an orangish red and has a small crack along one side of it. Danny jokingly said one time how he (the baby core) kind of looked like Nemo’s egg at the beginning of Finding Nemo and ever since they’ve been calling him Nemo.
The two cores have been developing very slowly, both seemingly unable to absorb the needed ectoplasm, to form into full ghosts, quickly. The trio is fine with this, they can be patient, and wait to meet their twins.
Then one day there’s some kind of massive ghost attack. Maybe a cult or something attempted to summon the ghost king but messed up the summoning and accidentally summoned something else. The Justice League try and fight the thing, but they’re no match for this ghost monstrosity. And the JLD aren’t available to help for whatever reason. The trio decides to step in and help. They kick the crap out of the ghost pretty easily and send it back to the ghost zone. Then Danny, in his King Phantom garb (crown of fire, whispy white fire like hair, a regal looking version of his hazmat suit, the ring of rage on one finger, and a cape around his shoulders, the outside being pure white but the inside looking like the vastness of space) approaches the cult and rebukes them, telling them how even if they had managed to summon him he never would have helped them take over the world.
After that the trio become members of the Justice League. Thanks to some of Danny’s previous time travel shenanigans, and Danny being the ghost king, and Sam and Tucker his consorts/mates(?) the Justice League all think that the trio are ancient eldritch ghost gods.
And then one day when the trio are in the Watch Tower with the rest of the League their twin baby ghost cores come up. Maybe it was time to switch out who was carrying them, and mid meeting or lunch or whatever, Danny just reaches into his chest, pulls out two small glowing orbs. He cradles them close to his chest for a moment, looking at them lovingly, and whispering something soft to them in ghost speak. Then hands them over to Sam, who does the whole cradle them close and whisper softly in ghost speak before shoving them right into her chest.
They look up from this to see the whole League staring at them wide eyed and confused. Danny just casually explains that those are their children but they’re still forming so the trio needs to keep them close to their cores to help them grow, but they like to switch up everyday who carry’s them. Every member of the Justice League becomes super protective of the trio after this. They see it as the three essentially being pregnant (sort of), and they don’t always know which one of them is carrying the baby ghost. So best to just be protective of all three. The trio finds this kind of amusing and a touch bit sweet.
When the twin baby cores finally develop into actual baby ghosts, the two kind of look like a mixture between Danny, Sam, and Tucker’s ghost forms. Though Violet has dark purple hair and eyes and Nemo has bright orangish red hair and eyes.
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | sim jake
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❝ i’m sorry we only got 26/30 on this worksheet ❞
heeseung | jay | JAKE | sunghoon | sunoo | jungwon | ni-ki
oh jake.
student athlete and math genius jake
you’re in the same class but he feels so far because he hangs out with his rly pretty friends
u can only look from afar
he’s always a tiny bit late to class
always drawing attention to his pretty boy face 😞
at 7:30, the bell rings and classes start
at 7:31, jake walks into class late
but the teachers always give him a pass bc how could they not when he smiles at them like that and apologizes like that
even ur teachers are down bad
he probably becomes your class representative for that one strict teacher’s class bc they always have a soft spot for jake
u want the deadline of the homework extended? ask jake to message them
he sits in the middle seats
not too prim and punctual to be at the front
but still likes school enough not to completely goof around at the back
sometimes your math teacher lets you do quizzes and worksheets by pair
(it’s the only way some of you can get a passing grade)
by statistics and some type of sampling, you end up getting partnered up with jake
“hi, good morning,” he’d greet with his infamous smile
now you get why all the teachers swoon for him
he’s so cute. this is going to be a problem
this is going to be a BIG problem
you were already bad at math, and now there’s a big pretty distraction sitting next to you
though, tbh, you were also relieved when you heard your name with his bc he’s ltrly known as a math genius
he’s one of the students that teachers excuse for their math contests
and wait 😭 did he just say something to u? did he ask about a formula bc u honestly have no clue
“(name)?” he’d shake your shoulder gently and it’s enough to bring you back on earth
“sorry, did you ask something?”
“oh, i’m done … if u wanted to compare answers? or if u trust me enough?”
you trust him enough
he’s ltrly THE carry
jake will speedrun differential calculus like he’s writing the alphabet
uh oh.
why does he look so HOT with his pencil and the way he writes numbers
you’re going insane
you should never be paired with jake ever again
but by some twist of fate, you always end up as jake’s partner in numerous activities
lab work and experiments and communication reports?
“jake and (name),” the teacher would announce
ofc… typical of friends, they HAVE to push you around as you walk to your seat beside jake’s
while you’re of great help with anything else, you’re starting to feel bad about his literal carry in math tho
“are you sure it’s ok? i’m just rly horrible i’m sorry,” you’d apologize
he would just laugh and dismiss your concerns
“nooo, it’s okay. i’m fine! i can tell you didn’t get enough sleep last night”
(you spent the night binging a new show that came out)
your stomach doesn’t feel so good after that one.
who gave him the right to NOTICE things now???
when your teacher returns your paired worksheets, he has the GALL to apologize
a big fat 29/30 will be written on top and he’d say “oh i’m sorry we had one mistake 😕” like BOY SHUT UP !!!!
after your partner shenanigans, you’d start talking more in the classroom
he’d give u a fist bump if u bumped into each other in the hallways while walking with ur respective friend groups
sometimes even shout your name to get your attention only to wave at you
“why are you smiling like that?,” sunghoon would ask accusingly
and you know what? jake has no shame
“(name). she’s pretty cute, no?”
BYE absolutely no shame
so now, when he speedruns an activity, you’ll find him hovering around you until he starts to make conversation
if the teacher leaves early ?? suddenly he’s transported to the seat next to yours and flirting
being friends with jake is chaotic…. bc that would automatically mean being friends with HIS loud ass friends
pretty friends have upgraded to pretty LOUD friends
they’re so annoying too
“jake and (name), can you buy us water?”, heeseung would ask
but jake’s already taking your hand and dragging you away bc he will take every opportunity to hang out with you alone
BTW computer science god idk i just got the vibes
during valentines that year, he codes you a little website please end me
mind you, you aren’t even together yet
he just codes for you as a friend 😂😂😂 as if anyone’s believing that
oh and he also avails those anonymous services so you’ll just be receiving flowers from the student council throughout the day
“oooooh, who are those from,” he would be smiling like it’d be so painfully obvious it’s from him
“do you like them?” NOOOOOOO he just wants to know ok!!! tell him you love them please
OK back to normal no more valentines
when class dismisses, you’d find him lounging around the basketball court with heeseung
sweaty….. wet hair…. oh dear
jake is a sight to see when he’s playing basketball
u usually sit at the bleachers anyway bc ur friends enjoyed watching
he is SOOOOO annoying esp now that you’ve grown closer over the months
he’d make stupid plays and draw attention to you 100%
“if i get this shot in, will you go on a date with me?”
cue the screams and the teasing and the fake vomiting as you’re pushed around
OFC he makes the shot
he’s sim jake, math genius AND student athlete
“so, tomorrow after class?”
“huh?? i thought you were joking??”
“what? no! have i not been obvious? i ltrly flirt with you evry chance i get??”
“well… idk! maybe you do that with everyone!”
“only you”
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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Danny had no idea what a meta was, but appearently he had something called a meta-gene. One would think a mutation that can cause people to manifest superpowers from lab accidents would explain his disastrous career as a superhero, but they would be wrong. Dannys meta gene was never activated and the whole ghost fiasco was just eldrich shenanigans at its finest.
No, Danny's meta gene activated just two weeks ago on his fifteenth birthday where he was celebrating at Sam's place with Tucker. They had gotten into one of thier usual fights about food and Danny just did not want to deal with it and went into another room.
Sams cat didn't love him per say but it usually didn't hate him either. Today was not his lucky day. The kitty scratched him and wouldn't you know? His meta gene wasn't activated by an interdimentional portal opening up on top of him, it wasn't activated by the numerous energy blasts he had been hit with nor the various electric shocks.
No, it was activated by a freaking cat scratch.
He stared at himself in the mirror, glowing green eyes with slit pupils stared back at him. His kitty ears were folded back to show his shock and displeasure over the situation but it was still rather obvious what they were. The tail wagging slowly behind him was the same snowy white as his hair and ears.
He looked like Phantom. He looked like Phanton as Fenton. Ancients. There was no way he was going to be able to hide this. Transforming brought about no change other than the hazmat suit. He was so screwed. He couldn't go home like this.
Breathing heavily and on the verge of a panic attack he called Jazz once, twice, three times, but she didn't pick up. Danny knew he couldn't stay in the human world, it was too dangerous.
But if he wasn't there to protect the ghosts than it would be too dangerous for them to stay too. He knew for a fact Dani was staying with Dora while she taught her how to read and write so he had pretty much no qualms about destroying the portals and outing Vlad through a pre-made video of him transforming and boasting about his crimes to Phantom, courtesy of Tucker and him filming it all.
He felt bad about ditching his friends one last time, and at his own birthday party no less! But he knew if he tried to say goodbye they would guilt him into staying and it would end horribly so he left a note explaining what happened and bounced.
Destroying the portals hadn't taken much time or effort nor did destroying over 20 years of research between the three. It was exploring the Ghost Zone that was giving him problems. He was always warned by Wulf not to open portals in the Ghost Zone unless you were very experienced cause if you screw up theres no telling when or where you will land. He thought back to Wulfs lessons and tried to conjure the image of lush wildlife and abundant food.
The place he ended up portaling to had neither of those things. In fact if felt like the opposite when he landed in a grimey alleyway in the dark of night.
A spotlight was pointed toward the sky, painting the clouds above in a yellow light holding a stylized image of a bat in the center. Danny wondered what that was about for only a minute before he heard the tell tale whoosh sound of someone landing in the alley behind him.
Dannys new instincts reacted before the logical part of his brain took hold causing him to whirl around with his ears flattened to his head and he hissed so furiously that the man with the red helmet (mask?) back up several paces while cursing furiously. The man also mentioned something about a "Pit" but Danny wasn't paying attention, he was scared out of his mind and bolted down the alleyways and out of sight before phasing into a dilapidated building and hiding under some rubble.
Later, Red Hood told Nightwing about the Lazarus Pit catboy demon and described it as nightmarish as possible before adding that it was kinda twinkish. He also added "for the love of God dickwing, don't let demon brat adopt that thing"
In Damians defence, he found Danny asleep next to Alfred the cat in Batcows barn and just decided he was thier new cat. In other news hes far more concerned with hiding Danny From Catwoman than from father.
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ghostytoad · 7 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Leo
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff, Mild Angst || Words: 2.3k
Raph | Donnie | Mikey | Bonus!!
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oho, hello good lookin'~ it's nonstop flirting and banter from the minute they met and it's not going to stop anytime soon
finally! someone who has a sense of humor and can appreciate a good one-liner or two! and they can dish it out as well as they can take it? be still, my beating heart!
leo genuinely finds it to be a gift from the gods that y/n shares his brand of comedy and will not let up on it when he's around them
the romantic tension between y/n and leo is so thick that he could probably slice through it with his odachi - it makes his brothers sick to have to listen to all the schmoozing but leo ADORES the flirting praise
the boy would bend over backwards for y/n; he'd sell his prized jupiter jim collectibles for them if they asked him to (maybe… he'd probably still keep one or two tho)
there's an unspoken and ongoing (very friendly) rivalry between them; leo and y/n are constantly looking to one up each other and it's getting to ridiculous levels of competitive; they won't stop until things hit "deadly" levels and one of them almost ends up getting hurt
even little everyday tasks become a competition for the two of them, there's just no end to their games
grocery shopping? betcha i can save more money than you! pizza night? i can stuff twice as many pizza slices in my mouth than you can. hanging out in donnie's lab? hoo boy, i guarantee i can make him snap first.
it's the bane of donnie's existence, considering he's the target of most of their shenanigans; if he has to endure another one of their "who can ruin donnie's day" games, he swears it'll be the start of his villain arc
mikey's the unofficial score-keeper and peacemaker when things get too heated between the two of them; although he's more likely to stoke the flames than intervene… he just happens to enjoy watching them get carried away (not that he'd say it to their face). definitely enables the chaos to a terrible degree
"no way, you know i totally had that game last night before you went on to blow up my spot with your little tackle! next time we portal our way onto the superbowl field mid-game, i'm leaving YOU on the sidelines and scoring that touchdown solo!" (concerned raph sounds in the background)
they've absolutely plotted to portal their way into "hard to access" places like the white house or splinter's secret lounge room, but raph and donnie made them promise not to do it for very different reasons (donnie doesn't want to have to bail them out if they get stuck and raph is just being raph)
leo and y/n's carefree attitudes combined has landed them into trouble with the law a few times, both in new york and the hidden city
together, they're banned from like 10 different places and they're legally not allowed within 100 feet of any magicians; leo's only explanation for that is "we couldn't tell if it was part of the costume or if the guy actually had a barber-stache and how were we supposed to know he was blind?!". to this day, no one knows what he's talking about.
leo would absolutely hide the evidence of a crime for y/n; he ain't no snitch either and he's not going to let his bestie take the fall for something that TOTALLY wasn't their fault! more than likely, he'd blame their antics on hypno or if it's something not so bad, splinter.
senor hueso has an entire wall dedicated to leo and y/n: The Wall of Failures and Stupid Mistakes That You Will Surely Learn Nothing From
it has photos of all the times leo and y/n went on a fun little adventure and ended up being taken hostage by a villain, thrown in jail, or overall just beat up (they're mostly selfies and yes, leo is smiling and posing in all of them)
he would never let y/n get into any major trouble and he has the common sense to remember that y/n is only human, so at the very least he knows not to do anything too dangerous when they're around; he's reckless but he doesn't have a death wish
"i'm all for a good espionage mission and all, but this is big mama we're talking about! i say we sit this one out and wait for another chance to come along so we can try on these rad bellhop uniforms."
the two of them have made it a point to announce their arrival anywhere by doing the team rocket motto; occasionally mikey or april will join in as meowth. they have the costumes to match and will inexplicably be wearing them every time they do it.
they truly enable the worst in each other; raph insists on tagging along as the unofficial babysitter to every little hangout because of their chaotic nature, meanwhile donnie has protocols for every possible "doomsday" scenario they could initiate with their little stunts. zombies or accidentally reviving the shredder is at the top of that list.
matching outfits are a big must for leo; someone as UH-MAZING as y/n is absolutely worthy of leo's impeccable fashion sense and there's no way he's gonna pass up a chance to twin with y/n. if they refuse to match with him for whatever reason, he will pout about it for days.
whenever leo is sad or feeling a little down, y/n is the first person he goes to for a little cheering up. they somehow know just what to say to make the boy feel like a champion. and no, he didn't give them a script to read off of! (he totally did)
even with all the flirting and pick-up lines, leo still dreads the thought of ever admitting his feelings to y/n; he's a confident turtle, sure, but that's just the face part of being the face man. he's secretly an insecure mess when it comes to them
will become a flustered mess if y/n genuinely compliments or praises him; he'll stutter for a good minute or two before finally snapping back to his suave cool guy persona (which doesn't fool anyone, he's OBVIOUSLY crushing hard)
after an unfortunate night of misadventure, leo's forced to confess to his feelings AND his crimes
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Well, some adventure this was turning out to be.
"Get in there! Y'all got the right to keep yer traps shut!"
Yep. What a real swell time.
Being hauled away in a prison ball, headed to the Hidden City Police Headquaters, all the while Big Mama's men chasing close behind.
"So much for the adventure of a lifetime." Y/N hissed bitterly as they tugged and pulled from the tangle of limbs they found themselves in, trapped inside the small bubble with Leo tightly packed alongside them.
"Well, maybe if SOMEONE weren't such a slowpoke, we'd have made it back! And I'd like to say for the record, you are the WORST lookout. Maybe next time try to keep up, will ya?" the turtle spat back with a scathing glare.
Y/N could only muster a hearty scoff as they balled their fists, unable to throw a punch from how they were positioned. Their heel found a suitable landing in the direct center of Leonardo's plastron and dug in with a stomp, eliciting a pained groan from him and a satisfied smirk from Y/N.
"If you weren't so cocky, we might've ACTUALLY pulled off your little stunt! But nooo, Leo just HAS to get in the last word!"
"OHO, pot calling the kettle black now, eh?" Leo wore his signature smug expression and attempted to jab a digit into Y/N's forehead. Given the way his arm was caught between his bent thighs, he only managed a slight graze before opting for a flick instead.
The two bickered and took shots at each other throughout the trip, much to the chagrin of the arresting officials steering nearby. It was gonna be a long night for everyone.
At the station, Leonardo and Y/N were placed into holding together, both of them choosing to sulk in silence on opposite sides of the confined room. It wasn't until Y/N was being processed that the question of what to do with the human came up for the arresting officers. With Leo's odachi confiscated, it wasn't like they could just send Y/N home on their own, but they couldn't leave Y/N in the same cell as powerful, human-loathing yokai. Leaving the pair to stew in their anger, the officers left to deliberate on Y/N's fate.
Silence followed. Neither one wanting to give in to this bitter game of chicken, Leo instead let out a loud, exaggerated sigh.
Irked by the lack of response, he threw his head back and gave a loud, guttural groan of frustration.
"Right. So you aren't talking to me." he rolled his eyes and forced his gaze back onto Y/N, who sat indignantly across from him on a cold cement bench, their knees held close to their chest.
Not even a glance back.
"Oh, come on! You can't actually believe this is my fault! If anything, you should be mad at the guard that threw us out and called the cops! He's the one who got us in this little mess!"
The silence tore at Leo's chest, his heart thumping heavily against his plastron as he dejectedly sat back against the cold wall. It was unlike Y/N to ignore him like this. With every second, the stillness became unbearable. This little adventure was truly a disaster, not just for the predicament the two found themselves in but also for the lengths Leonardo had gone to ensure Y/N would have a good time. So that HE would have a good time with them. It didn't matter to him that they could be facing time in prison. That whole deal was practically child's play to the mischeivious mutant. It didn't even matter that they faced a total ban from the mystic city itself. It was the fact that he might've dashed any chance he had of winning over Y/N's affections.
'You just HAD to fuck it up, didn't you? You had to go out and be an asshole!' a booming inner voice fed into his insecurity and the crushing weight was enough to curl the red-eared slider into a fetal position, his lower lip quivering as he fought back tears.
"I…" a sniffle broke Leo from the spiraling despair he'd been wallowing in, unsure if the sound came from him.
"Am I… holding you back, Leo?"
Another sniffle and this time, he was sure the sound came from across the room. Peering over at the source of the sound, he found Y/N curled in on themselves, little hiccups causing their small form to quake and shudder. They were crying.
"Y/N?" Shifting from the bench, Leo took a few hesitant steps towards them as his hand ghosted across their shoulder before pulling away. His face wrought with guilt and worry, he debated scooping them up in his arms and holding them tightly to him right then and there. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. The thought of rejection stopped him in his tracks.
"I don't know why I do it. Why I try so hard to prove that I deserve to be around you." Y/N continued, their voice muffled as they buried their face in their knees. "I'm- I'm just a human. I'm not as strong. I'm not as quick. I can't compete with you and your mystic skills. I can't even keep lookout for you!"
"What? Y/N, no, you got it all wrong! Yeah, you're a human but I-"
"Just stop it! Stop!" Forcing back a loud hiccup, their head shot up to meet Leo's concerned gaze with a fierce, stubborn glare.
"You DON'T have to feel sorry for me and you DON'T have to keep me around! So why? Why keep me around when all I do is drag you behind?"
Their narrow eyes locked themselves with his, desperately searching his expression for any hint of pity. All Leo could do was chuckle, his concern melting into fondness.
"I don't feel sorry for you. Sure, you've looked better but I was so afraid I was the one holding YOU back."
"H-Huh? Me?"
"Y/N." The turtle sighed as he plopped himself down beside them, allowing their back to rest against his side as they unfurled from their little ball of sadness. "You ARE a human, yeah. But do you get how cool that makes you? You can do so much more than I ever could! Look, I might have my good looks, my mad skills, and my amazing charm, but you have that and more in… whew, in spades and for you, it's practically effortless."
As Leo moved to wipe a tear from Y/N's eye, he cupped his other hand on their damp cheek and with a tender tap of his thumb, he parted their lips slightly and moved in to plant his lips softly against theirs. The ghosting of his lips left enough room for Y/N to pull away if they felt uncomfortable. Instead he was nearly knocked back with the full force of Y/N's lips crashing against his, their body leaning over him and practically trapping him underneath their warmth. Leo's hands held firmly onto Y/N's sides and he eased himself back against the cold of the bench, breaking the kiss to let out a soft chuckle.
"I love y-"
"Well, well, well~ Looks like someone owes me 3 months of chores." a familiar, taunting voice hummed not too far from the two.
A jingling of keys had them both whipping their heads towards the now-open cell door, spotting the unmistakable, cocky face of Donatello leaning against the bars with crossed arms.
"Yeah, yeah, you two can get back to your little makeout session. But I thought you'd like to know I paid your bail, you're welcome." He waved them off as he began down the hall. Some adventure this turned out to be.
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Bonus comic: Leo definitely used his one phone call to call Señor Hueso
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bluerosefox · 1 year
The (Not) Normal One...
I LOVE the stories where Danny is deaged and later found by one of the bats and taken in as a son or he's Bruce's bio son and is either Damian's twin or half brother or little/big brother BUT I don't see a lot of reborn/reincarnated Danny into the batfamily (I can think of two but one of them he is Dick's son?clone?somewhat clone? And the other is an amazing story where Danny is reborn as Jazz and Jason's kid and I love it to bits)
So let's change that a bit and have some fun.
Here's the idea
Danny, either from finally aging to his death (it was slow and long aging but he is still partly human too don't forget that) or dying at the hands of GIW (or by his parents if we go the Bad!Fentons route), is reborn into the batfamily.
He could either be Bruce and Selina's kid after they finally tie the knot, or be a one more attempt by Ra's or Talia to get the heir they want but is immediately found out when Tim notices certain labs active and they find baby Danny. OR Danny can be an oops baby to Bruce's one night stands OR one of the batboys baby. EITHER WAY, Danny is reborn into the family from the start.
And he has his memories. (He has little hints of his powers btw, they dont fully come in until his 14th bday)
And his new family all swear to give him a proper and happy childhood (as best as they can seeing how it's Gotham)
Only I want Danny milking being a baby then toddler/kid and later a teen for all its worth. He's going to enjoy this new life with everything he gots.
Like imagine the chaos and shenanigans he gets into as a toddler. He's the king of hide-and-seek. He uses his tears to get away from whoever annoys him. He's mastered the puppy dog look to get away with things (it holds no effect on Alfred though, man is immune to all tricks).
But then of course there's the... odd things that happen around him. Sometimes they catch him talking to no one. Sometimes they spot a ball or a toy rolling to Danny despite him not touching it. Sometimes they think they see or hear someone in the room with Danny only to go busting in to find nothing. (One time someone busted his nursery door down they heard on his baby/toddler monitor the distorted voice of a woman singing him a lullaby (it was Martha who was soothing him to sleep after a tiny nightmare, boy was Bruce not ready for one of his kids to hum the tune in the morning)).
Danny asking for an extra drink and the newspaper after Bruce is done before he runs off to one of the many sitting rooms the manor has. There he leaves the drink and the newspaper near a chair, hops into another chair nearby and chats to someone (they all think its his imaginary friend but that honestly doesn't explain why the drink seems to slowly disappear without anyone touching it. (btw its Thomas, Danny is talking to they like chatting in the morning)
OR when Danny gives hints to cases his family is working on, how he knows? No one knows. Sometimes they chalk it up to a kid randomly saying stuff or seeing it from a different simple outlook but sometimes it seems a little too on the nose and they think Danny might know about their night jobs... (He does know, but he gets some info from Lady Gotham who visits him and gives him little hints to pass onto her fav Knights)
Basically what I want is a reborn Danny trying to get a decent childhood/teenage years before his powers kick in full swing, his family trying the same but they got no idea about the powers (maybe), and ghosts like to visit Danny. The shenanigans that follow will be amazing.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
So what if the “No metas in Gotham” thing scared Danny Fenton away from Gotham City?
What if Danny gets a grant or scholarship at Central City University?
What if Danny gets an internship job as an assistant Forensic Scientist at the Central City Police Department?
Ok so hear me out:
The Rouges in Central City are much more chill and jokey than most superhero protected cities and have a good relationship with The Flash and would remind Danny of Amnity in that sense.
Danny’s entire obsession with protection and also a likely mentality of “Police and law enforcement have been horrible to me in the past so I will do everything I can to make sure what happens to me happens to no one else” would make him strive to be an honest protector of the people. He could be a cop and Barry Allen works with him because he knows that Danny isn’t corrupt. A reverse Batman and Jim Gordon if you will. He could also be a Forensic Scientist that recently joined CCPD and Barry Allen is assigned to be his mentor to show him the ropes. Either way The Flash grows to respect and care for this really strange kid who’s eyes sometimes look green as a trick of the light.
Danny using his powers to help solve murders, crimes, and ghostly shenanigans in Central City by talking to the local paranormal entities and recently deceased and pretending that he just is really really good at his job (well he is, but he has a bit of ghostly help.)
The Flash and Kid Flash notice this strange white haired meta zipping around and go to meet him and find out that he’s roughly Wally’s age. The speed force feels a bit strange around this kid, Like he’s been a part of multiple time altering changes. He doesn’t seem malicious though and the kid is really funny so Barry is going to let this ghostly meta do his own thing.
Phantom and The Flash start teaming up. Having an extra person in a battle is always nice. The Flash also notices that this Phantom kid is always DELIGHTED to fight Captain Cold. What The Flash expected to be a long battle that would end in almost frostbite and a long night with little to no sleep ended up being a five minute excursion. The Phantom reveling in the low temperatures and freezing Captain Cold’s cold gun and feet with a more crystalline and shinier type of ice. Instantly ending the battle.
Phantom fights Abra Kadabra and loudly complains to Abra while fighting how stupid Abra’s gimmick is and that it doesn’t look like real magic.
Phantom helps dismantle Weather Wizards plan to blot out the sun by simply turning the giant storm clouds that the Wizard summoned into snow.
The Flash is completely dumbfounded when the Reverse Flash shows up at his work, taunts Barry Allen, when Phantom comes out of nowhere, possesses The Reverse Flash, who then asks the location of the nearest containment facility that’ll house a speedster. Danny/Reverse Flash proceeds to run himself to the location, lock himself in, and exit Thawne’s body. The amount of awe Barry feels can’t even be put to words. Barry Allen’s arch nemesis. Defeated by a ghostly kid who has bi weekly hangouts with his nephew to binge watch D-list horror movies. What the fuck.
Danny has a great relationship with Barry. The two quickly bond over being quippy and aren’t annoyed when the other is consistently late to every possible meet up. Danny is incredibly dexterous and knows his way around the lab and Barry is happy to chat with someone who happily will talk back and ramble on about their life and has a genuine want to help others.
If Barry asks Batman on tips with how to take care of an overworked and constantly exhausted kid that’s between him and the Bat.
Barry mentally adopts this strange coworker and if he spotted the kid behind the CCPD building turning into Phantom? That’s none of his business and for Danny to reveal to him on his own time.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Can we hear about the day Lazard snapped from the firsts shenanigans?
The Day Lazard Finally Snapped
• It all starts when Angeal and Sephiroth are passing through the Skyview Hall when they spot Reeve with a baby in a holder strapped to his chest.
Angeal: Hey Reeve! I didn't know you had a child.
Reeve: I don't. This is my assistant's baby. I allow her to bring him in on occasion since childcare is hard to find. She asked me to watch him while she's in a meeting, but⏤
Sephiroth: What kind of mother abandons her child?
Reeve: ⏤but I have to meet with the editor of Architecture Weekly in ten minutes.
Sephiroth: What kind of mother abandons her child with a strange man who works for Shinra?
Angeal: I'm sorry to hear that, director.
Reeve: Wait, could you two watch him? It'll only be for an hour.
Angeal: I don't think⏤
*Reeve hands the child to Angeal, who is now sweating bullets*
Reeve: Great, thanks! By the way, I'm supposed to be locating some materia that went missing from the inventory this morning. Do you mind finding them for me? Here's the list.
*Reeve hands Angeal the list, Angeal hands the baby to Sephiroth, who holds it like a bomb with his arms outstretched*
Angeal: Reeve, I really don't think we⏤
Reeve: Great! See 'ya!
• Reeve literally sprints away. Angeal looks back at Sephiroth, who has now strapped the baby to the carrier on his chest. Angeal looks down at the list.
Angeal: Three Ifrit summons, sixteen fire materia, nine ice materia, thirty chocobo lures, four petrify materia, and seventeen lightning materia.
Sephiroth: The baby is crying because it wants its mother. I feel a strange kinship with this child.
Angeal: Why would someone need thirty chocobo lures??
Sephiroth: There, there. Don't cry because your mother abandoned you, rejoice because your father isn't Professor Hojo.
*Angeal grows exasperated and turns to Sephiroth*
Angeal: Seph, it's hungry. We need to feed it.
Sephiroth: Where will we find someone with functioning mammary glands on such short notice?
*The baby cries more, Sephiroth holds it closer to him*
Sephiroth: You're upsetting our child.
Angeal: IT'S NOT OUR⏤*Angeal takes a deep breath*⏤It's not our child, give it the baby formula, and let's go. We still need to find the culprit behind the stolen materia.
Sephiroth: Do you mind if we stop by Professor Hojo's lab first? I want to show him what competent fathership looks like.
Angeal: No. And you're acting insane. Here, give me the baby.
Sephiroth: I have only had this child for three minutes, but if anyone tries to hurt it or take it away I will kill everyone here.
Angeal: When this is all over, I'm signing you up for art therapy and getting you a cat.
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• Lazard is away on a business trip and has left Genesis in charge. He's supposed to be getting work done, but instead he's sitting in Lazard's office with his feet up, reading a romance novel.
Genesis: I don't understand why Lazard complains all the time. This is the easiest position in this company.
•There's a violent crash right outside the office, followed by Zack's voice going "Wow! I didn't know the ceiling was that easy to break."
*Genesis gets up at the speed of light. He runs out and sees Zack and Cloud with tennis rackets*
Genesis: What are you doing? I thought I sent you far away on a mission to Cosmo Canyon.
Zack: We got back early! And since Angeal's busy there's no point in training. Plus, my mission report can wait until Lazard's back.
Genesis: And what's Strife doing here? Last I recall this is the SOLDIER floor, not the Infantrymen Who Look Like Baby Chocobos floor.
Cloud: Could've fooled me. I saw you and thought this was the Sephiroth Is Better Than Me So I Take It Out On Bad Poetry floor.
Genesis: Listen here⏤
*Zack jumps between them*
Zack: We were just playing some tennis! Where's the harm in that?
Genesis: Zack where's the ceiling
*They look up and six ceiling panels are missing*
Zack: We're playing pro tennis.
Genesis: Goddess.
Cloud: But we lost all of our balls and now we can't play anymore.
Genesis: Hm. Have you tried substituting them with something else?
Cloud: Like what?
Genesis: Materia are round and large enough to work.
Zack: Good idea, but we don't have any to spare.
Genesis: I have some.
*Genesis pulls a key out of his pocket, walks across the hall, and unlocks a supply closet where he pulls out a crate full of materia*
Zack: Woah! How many do you have in there?
Genesis: Three Ifrit summons, sixteen fire materia, nine ice materia, thirty chocobo lures, four petrify materia, and seventeen lightning materia.
Cloud: Why does the box say Property Of Shinra Electric Power Company? Wait, did you steal this??
Genesis: There is no such thing as stealing if your victim stole it from the planet.
Zack: Why thirty chocobo lures??
Genesis: Do not presume to question my actions.
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• Sephiroth and Angeal have no leads on the missing materia, so they decide to go ask the turks for any information they have. They walk into a conference room where Tseng and Rufus are talking.
Tseng: WHY do you have a baby??
Sephiroth: Two men cannot raise a child without being criticized.
Angeal: We're babysitting.
Rufus: How may we help you?
Angeal: A crate of materia went missing from the inventory. Reeve asked us to locate it. Any chance you have an idea where it went?
Rufus: We were just going over the security footage, actually. A stunning, beautiful woman was seen entering and leaving with the stolen materia.
Tseng: Come take a look.
*They walk over and watch the security footage*
Angeal: That's GENESIS.
Tseng: Impossible. I had no idea Rhapsodos was a master of disguise.
Sephiroth: He's not even in disguise. He wore that dress to a Loveless performance yesterday. *said while he rocks the baby to sleep*
Rufus: Sephiroth, would you mind accompanying me to meet my father? I'd like to show him what adequate fathership looks like.
Sephiroth: Gladly.
Angeal: *exasperated* We'll get the materia back from Genesis, don't worry. There's no need to get involved, and we'll make him promise not to do it again.
Tseng: Actually, the issue is much more annoying. You see, the crate he stole contained faulty materia. We're not sure they even work, but if they do there might be some...explosive consequences.
Angeal: Don't worry, knowing Genesis, he's hording the materia somewhere until the search dies down and hasn't actually used it yet.
*The baby hasn't fallen asleep and is wide awake*
Sephiroth: Of course, how could I be so foolish? The baby needs to be tired out through playtime and proper enrichment first.
*Rufus takes a box of ammunition from his coat pocket and uses it as a rattle. The baby laughs*
Tseng: Sir, I don't think that's an appropriate toy for a baby.
Sephiroth: Nonsense. I had that toy when I was younger and I turned out fine.
Angeal: No the fuck you did not.
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• Zack and Cloud's tennis match with materia is going smoothly. Genesis has made himself the umpire and is officiating the match. They're in Lazard's office so no one catches them slacking off.
*Cloud hurles a fire materia toward Zack at top speed. Zack shrieks and ducks*
Genesis: Five love.
Zack: No fair! He's just aiming it right at me!
Cloud: Because you're my opponent. That's how tennis works.
*Cloud sends another chocobo lure Zack's way that hits him right in the face*
Genesis: Six love.
Genesis: ......
Cloud: I really need to get back and start getting ready for patrol tonight.
Zack: Nooo, come on! Just one more try! I'll beat you, you just watch.
• Cloud sighs and readies himself. Zack grabs a lightning materia and serves. Cloud hits the materia when it reaches him. Except this time it fuses with the tennis racket and starts hissing and billowing smoke. Cloud panics and lets the tennis racket drop. It starts glowing and vibrating.
• All of the littered materia on the office floor start emitting the same low whistle and vibrating, all at once.
• Genesis senses the incoming explosion. He grabs Zack and Cloud and dives under the desk.
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• Lazard comes back from his business trip early. He's in the elevator thinking about the decision to leave Genesis in charge. He had initially meant to bequeath Sephiroth the responsibility, but felt for Genesis. They're always placing him second next to Sephiroth, constantly berating and expecting the worst from him.
• He thinks it's unfair. Genesis is one of the most competent SOLDIERs in the program. He's hardworking, responsible and authoritive. There's no doubt in Lazard's mind that everything is running smoothly in his absence.
*Lazard opens his office door*
• The three Ifrit summons went off and are raging, smashing the walls and ceilin. The fire materia also went off and now everything is on fire. It's shooting fire balls and one of them burned the office door clean off, shattering the glass. The ice materia has caused a raging blizzard inside the office and everything that isn't on fire is freezing over. The lightning materia is causing firework-like explosions to go off.
• Lazard stands there for a good five minutes, petrified (literally) (the petrify materia hit him)
• Once the last blast of lightning goes off and things seem to have quieted down, Genesis, Zack and Cloud poke their heads up from under the desk.
Zack: Hey, director! We didn't expect you back so early!
Cloud: How was the business trip? Have fun?
Genesis: My, my, director, that suit makes you look dashing. Have you done something to your hair?
• It's a poor choice of words because half of Lazard's hair is on fire.
*Angeal runs in*
Angeal: Genesis, you crook. Did you use Lazard's access card to steal all that materia?? Do you know how mad he's going to be when he finds out? He's already in trouble with upper management because he left you in charge.
*Zack points to Lazard in the corner, Angeal turns around*
Angeal: Oh. Oh no.
• And then the chocobo lures go off. Thirty grown chocobos come speeding into the office, two of them knocking Lazard to the ground.
• And then, as if things couldn't possibly get any worse, Sephiroth runs in with the baby.
Sephiroth: Angeal, how dare you abandon me and our child??
Angeal: Oh my god.
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• The Firsts and Zack are sitting in the briefing room when Tseng walks in.
Tseng: Good morning. As you all know, Lazard has taken a medical leave. I'll be taking his place while he's away.
Genesis: How is he? I tried to visit him in the hospital yesterday, but apparently the mere mention of my name sent him into another cardiac arrest.
Tseng: He's sedated and fine. Don't feel discouraged. Two Seconds went in to visit him this morning, but all it took was one look at a SOLDIER uniform and he started screaming.
Angeal: If he quits, it's on Zack, Gen and Strife. Sephiroth and I were busy hunting materia and babysitting.
Sephiroth: No. You were looking for the materia. I was taking adequate care of the baby and giving it the attention its mother denied it.
Tseng: Sephiroth
Tseng: Sephiroth why do you still have the baby?
*They look over and sure enough, Sephiroth has the baby in a carrier strapped to his chest*
Sephiroth: I'm the most competent adult in its life.
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There’s an urgent knocking at Ramshackle’s front door, and it only grows more urgent as you and Grim play rock, paper, scissors to determine who has to go deal with whatever mess is waiting outside. As if the one knocking senses your trepidation and is having none of it, the banging becomes loud enough to drown out even Grim’s gloating as you approach.
With desperation on his face and a surprising proposition for you, who do you see at the door but-
Or, reasons why they’d ask you to fake date/fake get engaged/fake get married:
(Gender neutral reader)
Riddle Rosehearts
His mom really is trying to control his life down to the last detail, and Riddle wants no part of any marriage she’s arranging. But he needs some romantic backup to convince her to back off his love life, so please please please help him, he might even let you break a rule or two for this.
Ace Trappola
Ace made a bet that if you two dated you’d make it past the six month mark, sheepishly admitting he hadn’t considered he’d need your help for this. He’s thrilled when you’re on board with the lovey-dovey act, ‘cause wow you’re convincing everyone, maybe even him…
Deuce Spade
Deuce accidentally told his mom that he’s dating someone- no, he doesn’t know how, but please, you’re the only person who can and will help him, and he can’t make his mom cry.
Cater Diamond
As ever, Cater’s motivation is Magicam-related. There’s a contest for cutest couple, and you’re too caught up in the realization that Cater said you’re cute to even ask what the prize is.
Trey Clover
This man is too sensible for typical fake dating shenanigans so I’m going to break the fourth wall and say he doesn’t get the top secret family recipes from grandma until he gets engaged; do it for the baked goods!! Just don’t add oyster sauce!!
Leona Kingscholar
Leona’s family has been annoying him to get engaged, and in a fit of frustration (Cheka was yelling right in his ear), he told them he already was. Of course he’s going to ask one of the few people here he can actually tolerate to fake being his betrothed.
Jack Howl
Jack is another pragmatic one and very serious about relationships to boot- but perhaps Jack made a bet with Ace that he could actually date someone without falling in love with them… oops.
Ruggie Bucchi
At least at first, it’s all business: couples’ discounts, double coupons, the wedding registry- think of the wedding registry, prefect! Right up until he remembers you don’t get to keep the gifts if you don’t get married. But there are worse things than staying married, right?
Azul Ashengrotto
After a great deal of consideration and thought about his future and who it would be most advantageous to spend it with, Azul has produced a marriage contract- okay, fine- it’s the tax benefits.
Jade Leech
Tax fraud. He’ll be quite frankly astonished if you need more explanation than that.
Floyd Leech
Okay so Floyd got bored- what do you mean that isn’t enough of a reason, being around Shrimpy is always fun, and he’s BORED, weren’t you listening?
Kalim Al Asim
His family has started forwarding all of the mail from oh so eligible suitors (checked for poison first of course), and it’s starting to take up too much space in Scarabia, so could you please help him, prefect? 🥺
Jamil Viper
Kalim is refusing to pick someone to marry unless Jamil has a partner he loves too. So as much as this pains him, given all ten things he hates about you, all of the suitor mail has flooded the Scarabia kitchen and lounge… and he thought he saw a bug hiding in there.
Vil Schoenheit
Our perpetually typecast villain hero has decided that one way to change the narrative is to become one half of a perfect couple. And since casting the role of Twisted Wonderland’s sweetheart within the confines of Night Raven College is no mean feat, he’s found himself at the doorstep of the one person capable.
Epel Felmier
Epel mentioned a lab partner on a phone call with his very excited parents only to realize at the end of the call that he hadn’t said the word “lab.” So now they’re clamoring for him to visit home with his partner, so could ya do him a favor and come out to Harveston with him, eh?
Rook Hunt
You’d mentioned how convincing Rook had been in his love poems for Eliza, so the hunter turns around and professes his own love for you in verse… wait, is he making this up on the fly or not? Somehow you think this one is real.
Idia Shroud
Scarred by his experience with one (1) phantom bride, Idia has decided the best solution is… well, to never leave his room again. But on the occasion he does, it pays to have a fake partner with an equally fake engagement ring on their finger. Now if only he can figure out why his hair turns pink when he talks to you.
Malleus Draconia
Human-fae politics aren’t typically on your radar, but they sure are after Malleus explains that a political marriage between the future king of Briar Valley and a human would… help to smooth things over. And given that there are a grand total of two humans who aren’t afraid of him, and one of them is Silver… yes, the emerald the size of your face is an engagement present, will you accept?
Sebek Zigvolt
If Malleus must consider marrying a human for peace, then Sebek will unquestioningly follow in the young master’s footsteps. This just means you are the most acceptable human here, human! Nothing more! Now please hold his hand.
Silver’s proposal, genuine or not, is downright princely… up until he falls asleep in the middle of it. Oh, his motivation? Well, you started out with no family or history here, and he understands that, and how lonely it must be. Consider this one way to ensure Diasomnia will adopt you.
Lilia Vanrouge
To be honest, you barely follow Lilia’s convoluted scheme as he explains it, and you’re not sure how much is scheme and how much is actual interest in you. After enjoying the confusion for a day or two, Lilia clarifies that yes, he does like you. But will you still crash a fancy party with him? He really does need a date to distract the host while he steals an ancient sword or six after all.
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in1-nutshell · 3 days
Shenanigans happen, Fearless gets hit with magical plot ray and temporarily turns cybertronian.  Good news, they’re now alot more durable and no longer under threat of squishidge.  Bad news, their shenanigans have doubled now that they're durable.
YES! Fearless has returned and back with a new body!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless turns Cybertronain
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Human/Cybertronain reader
The Lost Light had just found a new relic on one of their trips.
The science department was in charge of figuring out what it was capable of doing.
No one knows who or what had activated the relic, or why it even spontaneously combusted because everyone was too busy avoiding the energy beam that was ricocheting around the lab.
That is… until it left the lab.
Meanwhile, Fearless was hauling some metal scraps back to their room with Whirl.
Well, they were doing the work while Whirl was busy talking to them about the latest development in getting Cyclonus and Tailgate together.
None of them saw the energy beam heading towards them until it was too late.
The impact sent them both flying back.
Whirl tried to get back onto his pedes, but a giant weight suddenly flung on top of him.
Whirl tries moving the enormous weight off of him.
That fails miserably.
“Get off of me you little—”--Whirl
“Whirl?! Whirl where are you!”--Fearless
The weight suddenly gets off of Whirl’s chassis as the smoke clears.
In front of him was a large bot on their knees staring shakingly at their servos.
The bot looks at him.
“Primus! Fearless is that you?!”--Whirl
They nod looking back at their shaking servos.
Whirl takes their servos into his claws.
The shaking lessens a bit.
“C’mon let’s get you up.”--Whirl
Whirl stands up and attempts to help Fearless up.
Whirl is immediately dwarfed by Fearless’s shadow once they stand up straight.
Fearless blinks their new optics at Whirl before cracking a smile.
“Wow, the view really is nice up here.”--Fearless
Then their smile drops.
“What? What’s with the face?”--Whirl
They break out into a giant smile.
“I can finally do this now!”--Fearless
“Do wh-AAAHH!”--Whirl
Fearless scoops Whirl into their arms and hugs him tightly, slightly swaying back and forth.
They let him go while testing their pedes.
Thankfully they had retained their ability to move around just fine.
Fearless turned around and immediately started heading to Swerve’s.
Whirl stood there for a second trying to comprehend what had just happened.
“…This is what I get for staying on this ship. FEARLESS GET BACK HERE!”--Whirl
Meanwhile on the bridge…
“Fearless’s signature just disappeared!”
To see a bot burst through the doors of the bar wasn’t a sight too uncommon to Swerve’s.
But to have the bot smiling and immediately start hugging bots, that was new.
Even more when Whirl came in venting heavily and slightly cursing under the vents.
Chromedome was the first to try and confront the bot.
He was also one of the bots victims.
Chromedome was not expecting the bot to be so happy to see him and throw their arms around him.
Rewind tried to come to his rescue, but the mystery bot had also scooped him up into the hug.
“I’m-- its nice to meet you too but—”--Chromedome
The bot releases him to fully hug Rewind.
“Hey that’s my—”--Chromedome
“Welp, that happened.”--Whirl
All optics are on Fearless, who is completely unphased and still hugging Rewind.
Fearless finally releases Rewind and proudly puffs their chassis.
“Nice body am I right!”--Fearless
“But how!? Why?!”--Skids
Fearless and Whirl shrug.
“Energy beam.”—Fearless and Whirl
“An energy beam? That’s it?”--Cyclonus
Fearless nods before scanning the crowd.
Target locked.
Fearless lunges out and wraps their arms around Rung, hugging him close.
“Fearless, dear, how long have you had this… new frame of yours?”--Rung
“Don’t know. Less than 5 minutes though.”--Fearless
“And you haven’t thought about visiting the med bay to see if there are any complications?”--Rung
Fearless pauses for a second before releasing Rung.
“Hmm, haven’t thought about that. Honestly, my first thoughts were hugging everyone on board, telling Megs—PRIMUS MEGS DOESN’T KNOW!”--Fearless
Rodimus, Megatron, Drift, and Ultra Magnus appear at the door.
“Listen up! Fearless has gone missing. We need to—”--Rodimus
“Fearless is right here.”--Whirl
Whirl points over at the larger bot inside the bar.
“Yeah, some crazy energy beam thing came in and zapped me… And well…”--Fearless
Fearless runs up to Megatron and wraps their arms the best they could around him.
Megatron’s own arms flail around a bit before awkwardly hugging them back.
“Shut it, you’re ruining the moment.”—Whirl
“Where did you even get a camera?”—Drift
It didn’t take long to find where the cause of the energy beam came from.
But the relic was almost completely obliterated.
It would take some time to figure it out.
Fearless was checked in with Ratchet as soon as they could.
Thankfully they came out of the med bay with a clean bill of health.
It did take a while to get used to.
Especially being taller than most of the bots on board.
In fact, they are sure that they were even taller than Megatron by a couple of inches.
Megatron denies this.
… but Brainstorm checked, they were taller than him.
The minibots have found a new jungle gym to climb on.
Also, no one was except from Fearless’s merciless reign of pranks and hugs filled with words of affirmation and love.
Speaking of which, Megatron was never far from them.
A shadow per say.
But it came at a cost.
“Fearless… I need you to release me.”--Megatron
Fearless has locked their arms and pedes around him like a koala.
“You said you could count the number of times someone hugged you on one servo. I am just getting you caught up.”—Fearless
They hug a bit tighter causing the ex-warlord to grumble but made not effort to get them off of him.
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Fearless the moment they realized the ship would be subjected to their pranks and hugs.
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pix3lplays · 6 months
Ok I have like 3 Dr.Ratio related request
1/3 Dr.Ratio and S/O with senku ishigamis personality and then competing to see who's smarter because S/O is competitive like that
Okay okay I hear you >:)
Made this really cheesy and full of romantic tension since that just SCREAMS Dr. Ratio to me.
Cw inappropriate workplace shenanigans lol
-Dr. Ratio x reader who’s really smart-
Ohhh he loves that he’s finally found a partner who can challenge him in every aspect of the word. You’re both constantly at each other’s throats, as academic rivals, and oooh your students can just SENSE the romantic tension between the two of you when you’re in the same classroom together, and you’re frantically looking over what he’s written on the whiteboard, scanning for mistakes while he sits back smugly with his arms crossed, knowing you won’t find one. And OH the way his heart rate picks up when you suddenly stop, point at a tiny section of the whiteboard. “You forgot to carry the one,” you say. “WHAT?” he rips off that mask of his and stands very, very close to you. “Right. Here,” you say, tapping at a small portion. He squints, both of you leaning in close. So close your shoulders are brushing, your students are losing their minds just waiting for the two of you to kiss already. “Unbelievable,” he murmurs under his breath. He forgot to carry the one. You both reach for the marker to correct the mistake, your hands bumping each other making both of your faces heat up but you’re both too focused on ragging each other to notice the tension. After a way too long stare down, he backs off and lets you take the marker, and he watches as you correct the mistake, feeling a hint of embarrassment. And a hint of attraction towards you for finding such a tiny mistake in his meticulous calculations. If he wasn’t in front of a classroom full of students right now he would- “There, done,” you pull back to admire your work, and you feel his presence behind you, his eyes scanning over your new calculations, and he nods in approval. “You, my dear, have bested me…I concede. This once,” he says, letting you know the same mistake will not happen again. He gives your calculations one final check before he shrugs his pretty shoulders, admitting defeat. You can’t take this game anymore. “Doctor.” “Yes?” “Just kiss me.” Truthfully he Was having the same thought, but…right here, right now? In front of all his students? “Professor l/n…in this moment? My…students are watching…” he whispers to you. “Maybe next time?” “Who said anything about a next time?” you challenge, warning him this was his last opportunity to kiss his personal favorite academic rival. “I-well-“ One student shouts: “JUST KISS ALREADY.” He sends the offender a sharp glare before turning back to you with a flustered look on his pretty face. “I mean…okay then if that’s what-“ You don’t let him finish. You grab him by the shirt collar, and pull his lips against yours. A few students clap. Someone goes “yeahhh, get it, teach!” When you pull away he’s gasping for breath, and desperately trying to press his lips back up against yours again, like the pathetic, desperate man he was. “Oh my, look at the time…my seminar is about to begin,” you say, glancing at your watch. “I’ll have to see you later, Doctor.” He doesn’t want you to go. He reaches out pathetically for you, not even able to speak, and you easily push his hand away. “Sorry,” you say, not sounding very sorry at all. “Duty calls!” And with that you swish your lab coat as you turn around, abandoning your poor Doctor, leaving him with just the smallest taste of you, to make sure he was distracted for the rest of the day, and liable to make even more mistakes for you to come in and correct. He stares at the door where you disappear, as if you might change your mind and come back and kiss him again, and when you don’t return he does his absolute best to returning his attention to his classroom, sliding his mask on and beginning the instruction anew, with the Correct calculations this time.
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valorant-drabbles · 7 months
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Valorant Agents on Their Day Off
Brimstone implements a mandatory day off for each agent. No work is to be done on that day, and agents are encouraged to take advantage of this.
See below the cut for all agents
Brimstone: Despite the fact this was his idea, he’s one of the most reluctant agents to actually take his day off. There’s always too much to keep track of- missions, agent shenanigans… He’s only going to take his day off if he’s sure nothing bad will happen, and leave the Protocol in the capable hands of Viper and Sage.
Breach: Man is absolutely pumped to find out it’s his day off tomorrow. You bet he’s gonna drink the night away, knowing there’ll be no repercussions in the morning!… well, aside from a hangover. But he’s going to be noisy as hell all night, so other agents are encouraged to wear earplugs if they plan on getting sleep the night before his day off.
Astra: Oh you KNOW she is making plans the second she finds out when her day off is. She might even encourage Neon or Raze to ditch their training that day to go out with her for a few hours, assuming they aren’t being sent out on a mission. Near the end of her day off, she’ll dedicate some time to meditating and treating herself to some desserts from the VP’s kitchen.
Jett: She’s the first to be given her day off. As a result, she probably gloats to Phoenix and Yoru about her upcoming day off, claiming that she ‘earned it’ with her badass moves in the field, thinking she got it for impressing Brim. She’s quickly humbled upon finding out she isn’t the only one. Regardless, she’ll still probably spend the day with Phoenix when he’s not busy, watching movies, binge watching shows, and even brainstorming some future pranks to pull.
Chamber: The marksman is one of the more difficult agents to convince to take a break. He’s dedicated to working on his guns any free time he’s given- but at what point is he just continuously working? Brimstone ordered Chamber to take his day off, and forbid him from entering his workshop for any reason that day. He tried not to act too bothered by it, but Chamber was rather fidgety without occupying his mind with his guns. So instead, he opts to do research on how to improve his guns, and spend the time during meals watching soap operas. What? He loves the dramatics.
Gekko: He’s hyped, man. He calls up his mom to let her know he’s gonna drop by, and spend the day with his little buddies. Spend a few hours with his mom, helping out around the house like the good son he is- then walking the neighbourhood, getting boba… and trying to keep his creatures out of trouble. He just goes with the flow of the day, skateboarding around and letting the world decide what he does. And today? He’s getting ramen.
Omen: He’s… hesitant to take a day off. Not because he’s worried about being needed during a mission per se… but more-so because he doesn’t know what to do with himself. There’s only so much knitting he can do in a single day… and that’s bound to get boring at some point. Neon suggests he tries some other crafts or hobbies on his day off, so he dons a disguise, and visits a craft store. He buys more yarn, and picks up a few new crafts to do. Some diamond paintings, a sticker book or two… though he takes a liking to photography, with disposable cameras.
Viper: Another case of ‘workaholic doesn’t want to take a break’. The only way she’s taking a break is if Brimstone orders her to, otherwise she’s not taking it by herself. Similarly to Chamber, she’s banned from her lab for the day… so she decides to go visit a reptile sanctuary. She spends the day observing the different scaled creatures, taking notes and even sketching a few out if they inspire ideas for potential weapons. She’s of course drawn in by the snakes, and spends the most time watching them in fascination. She’ll end the day by ordering in something for herself and watching a documentary or two.
Reyna: She laughs when she’s told to take a day off- only to realize… Brim was being serious. It would take her awhile to figure out what to do that whole day… but after asking for advice from Sage and Skye, Reyna is convinced to try going to a spa. It’s a very different experience for her, but she does her best to actually relax and be pampered. It’s not something she would try again unless she had company… but she can’t deny how rejuvenated she felt afterwords. Reyna and Sage make plans to take a spa day together at some point in the near future.
Sage: Being the self-case wizard she is, Sage is probably the most normal about taking a break. She tends to her small garden during the day, treats herself to a nice bath… diffuser for oils, relaxing music- the whole nine yards. She’s almost entirely non-contact, with the only difference being Skye, who would bring her tea every so often or ask for quick advice on how to treat a certain injury. The next day, Sage is glowing with energy and extra cheerful.
Yoru: He’s immediately leaving the base the second he can. Grabs his motorcycle, and drives out to the highway- doesn’t turn back. He’ll never admit it, but the poor guy is pretty homesick. He misses the cherry blossoms of Tokyo. The hustle and bustle of the city… the authentic food. He doesn’t have time to go home, so he does the next best thing. Yoru rides into the nearest city, and has a night on the town. People watching, trying different hole-in-the-wall food places, maybe some random shopping? If he’s in a particularly good mood and sees something in a shop window that reminds him of an agent from the protocol… he’ll buy it and keep it stashed in his room as a birthday present for them. He’ll say it was just some junk he found laying around his room… best not question him too much on it.
Phoenix: This guy is getting into all kinds of mischief. Nothing illegal, of course… but he’s definitely hitting up a night club or two, talking to girls (and boys, let’s be honest). He’d find a clique of cool people to hang with, and spend the night riding around town with them. By the end of the evening, he’d probably have made good friends with his new posse, and most likely hangs out with them when he can outside of work hours on weekends. He most definitely gets a little too drunk and does some mild trespassing and messy parkour… and also ends up being everyone’s collective cigarette lighter. But a cigarette lighter everyone loves. Life of the party.
Killjoy: Tell her to stay out of her lab, and you have a German storm coming. She’ll argue as best she can, but she can’t do much to sway Brimstone. Since she can’t actively work on her tech, she grabs a notebook and sketches out some designs for new projects for the future… upgrades to current utility, anything. She has too many ideas and can’t be left to sit alone with them. By the evening, she’s gonna be pretty burnt out and have a sore wrist from all that writing… so she might invite Raze to grab dinner with her. The two will discuss potential upgrades for their current projects before Killjoy inevitably falls asleep. She’ll wake up in her bed, not knowing how she got there… and probably forget her day off even happened.
Raze: She’s similar to Phoenix in the sense that she wants to go out and do something fun. She’ll pack some spray paint and go out to find a place to tag or do art on; usually old, abandon buildings… since she’d gotten an earful from Viper the day she got caught tagging a building in the city and had to get bailed out by the Protocol. Turns out graffiti is illegal! Who knew? Raze didn’t! But she’s careful now, and really enjoys expressing herself freely. Might buy herself a large canvas so she can spray paint some stuff back at HQ. Just as long as she doesn’t make a mess.
Sova: The most difficult bastard to convince to take a break, good god. It would take a solid hour of arguing for him to finally concede defeat and agree to the break; ONLY under the conditions that Brimstone will promise to call him to action if they need him. Thankfully it doesn’t come to that, but Sova still spends the day prepared to be sent to a site at any second. He’s not the best at relaxing, and hasn’t done it in years. Still, he’ll make an effort. He calls his babushka, and talk to her for hours if he can. He’ll sit in his bed and journal, or go out hunting in the evening.
Neon: It was probably her idea to give the agents a day off. Though since her powers can be a tad unstable at times, it’s unlikely the protocol will want her leaving the HQ on her own. Not that she minds. She’s most likely spending the day hanging out with Phoenix and Jett when they aren’t busy training, or binge watching some shows she’d been meaning to catch up on. Might join Raze in whatever shenanigans she’s gotten herself into. Might also bother Sage a little bit during the day if she’s bored and wants ideas.
KAY/O: Day off? Does a robot need a day off? It’ll take some time to explain what a day off is to him, and why he needs to take one… Despite the fact he doesn’t have the need to rest as humans do. But he appreciates that he’s being treated like all the other agents, even if he doesn’t require the day off. Brimstone is probably more lenient with KAY/O, letting him be in the labs if he wants to upgrade something of his. As long as it isn’t under his ‘work’ protocol, KAY/O can do pretty much everything he usually does. He decides to take a stab at cooking for the other agents- and even though you’d expect him to pull it off (since recipes are just… instructions for food)… it ends up being inedible, and he makes quite the mess. Jett definitely has a bit of a hissy fit over it, and demands KAY/O clean the mess he’d made. He feels very bad. But you can’t blame a robot for trying something new!
Deadlock: She. Doesn’t know what to do with herself. She’d be one of the few agents who actually tries to get away with working while on her sanctioned day off, but is quickly foiled by Brimstone when he orders Killjoy to deactivate Deadlock’s arm from being able to use her utility. Deadlock is NOT happy about this, and will most definitely hold a grudge. She’ll be in the shooting range most of the day, and will threaten to break anybody who tries to stop her. Her form of relaxing is training. If she is forbidden from training as well, she’ll most likely just lay in bed all day being bitter.
Harbor: He’s not gonna turn down a free day off, that’s for sure. He’s going to make the most of it. Harbor goes down to the beach and spends the whole day there. Maybe he’ll try some local food shops, maybe he’ll play some volleyball… swimming, diving, watching the sunset, listening to the waves… he’s very laid back with whatever he does. Honestly, he’s most likely trying to get himself more in tune with the ocean, observing the waves and the creatures within. Or maybe he just wants to be a beach bum for a day, who knows. One this is certain though: everyone is jealous that Harbor doesn’t burn in the sun. Lucky bastard.
Iso: He’ll shrug and agree. He’s not one to cause a fuss over this kind of thing. Iso will spend most of the day looking into some new music, putting together playlists… he might do some obstacle courses in the training yard for fun, perhaps do a few laps around the field. It might look like training, but Iso is actually just doing it for himself. He likes to keep active, and make sure his agility is in check.
Fade: Oh god. She isn’t happy. Training and missions are one of the few things that keep her mind off the chaotic nightmares she has to deal with. Her prowlers get stir crazy if they aren’t allowed to be let out, so Brimstone promises to let them take out a few bots to satiate their bloodlust while Fade tries to actually relax. She’ll most likely blast music in her room to drown out any unwanted thoughts… and maybe do some online shopping for things she’s been meaning to order. Some new makeup, some hair dye (for herself and for Gekko). Might have a few drinks on her own in an attempt to loosen up at night… and will inevitably forget to drink enough water before bed, so she’ll be extra hungover.
Skye: The second she leaves the HQ, she’s completely off the grid. Nobody is able to contact her, even if they needed to, because she left all her tech at the base. She spends the whole day in the forest, meditating, being one with the nature around her, strengthening her bond with the creatures and life around. She’ll let her trailblazer out to run around, maybe play some hide and seek with it. She’ll climb trees, skip stones… you name it. Skye is making the most of her day off, and enjoying every second of it, living in the moment. She’ll always miss the fresh forest scents when she leaves to return to the protocol. Maybe she’ll bring back a succulent to her room so she can take care of it.
Cypher: It’s not that he doesn’t want to have a day off… In fact, he probably needs the break more than anyone. Though it’s difficult for him to be able to fully relax when he knows that at any moment, the protocol’s personal information, top secret plans, and more could swiftly be in the hands of their enemies if he isn’t careful. The only way he’s gonna accept his day off is if Brimstone allows him to keep his laptop, so he’ll be alerted if there’s any privacy threats the second they happen, and will be able to deal with them immediately. Thankfully, nothing happens the day he takes his breath. So the Moroccan spends the day in his room, mask off, drinking his very expensive tea, and reading a mystery book series he’d been meaning to get into for awhile. And of course, his door is locked so none of the younger agents can barge in and complain that a certain website is blocked… he has to protect whatever innocence they have left.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
Zoomies: Y/N likes to keep her private life private, especially from her close friends at Star Labs. Unfortunately, she is forced to reveal a secret of hers when her daughter’s day care closes for the day.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Toddler Shenanigans.
To Note: Barry Allen x Female!Reader, Reader has a Daughter.
Request: @twilightlover2007: My idea for the next is the team doesn't know about Y/N's life outside of working at Star Labs until one day she brings a special little guest with her due to some unforeseen circumstances. She brings in her 2 year old daughter. HR and her daughter become fast friends; I wanna see a kid fascinated by all the stuff in Star Labs and when she sees the flash suit she squeals as she's a huge fan of his. I would love for her to have feelings towards Barry but she never said anything mostly cus she's a single mama. (Dad either died or is not involved).
Authors Note: For some reason I get the feeling that HR would make a great babysitter, also, little baby gorl in flash onesie? So adorable! —🐝
Word Count: ~3.7k
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“…sorry to inform you that the daycare workers of Central City’s Toddler Town are out with the flu and thus we are unable to open up the daycare to look after your little one. We offer our most sincerest apologies and will work to…” Lowering your phone, you looked at your daughter who was happily shoveling Cheerio’s into her mouth, oblivious to the troubles in your life.
“Well, looks like you’re stuck with me today, kiddo,” You sighed out, massaging the place on your forehead where you already felt a headache forming. This morning hadn’t gotten off to a good start. First, your alarm clock had failed to go off, then your daughter didn’t want to get changed into her clothes for the day, and to add to that, the daycare that usually looked after your daughter while you were at work had closed because most of its workers had come down with the flu.
It wasn’t the worse thing in the world, but life as a single mother wasn’t easy and you savored the moments you had to yourself. Well, a quick call into to work and you could work at home for the day… but your daughter would be a distraction, and a very good one at that. An idea came to you. Cisco and the others would be at the lab, and that meant plenty of extra eyes and ears to keep track of your daughter.
“Not the safest place but it’s better than stuck at home with you climbing up the walls.” You sighed to yourself, setting your phone down and reaching for a washcloth to clean up the mess your daughter had made while eating breakfast. She wasn’t that bad of a messy eater, but she did sometimes get enthusiastic with her food, and that usually ended up with food projectiles raining around the circumference of her highchair. Cleaning up the cheerios was a quick task, and by the time you were done, Y/D/N was kicking in her seat and waving her arms at you, obviously wanting down.
“Mama!” Y/D/N exclaimed, her feet kicking against the high chair. “Down, down!”
Setting aside the washcloth, you picked her up and set her against your hip before reaching for a wet wipe on the kitchen counter to wipe her… you guessed it… messy face.
“Were you eating your Cheerios or just playing with them?” You asked as she giggled and tried to hide her face from your attempts to wipe at her cheeks. Little meaty fists half heartedly smacked at your hands, and withdrawing the wet wiped, you looked at your daughter with a raised eyebrow. “What? You want to have food stuck to your face all day?”
“I want down!” She squealed, kicking her legs against your body. Letting out a soft chuckle, you lowered her to the floor and watched her dart off for her toys neatly packed away in her toy box. Keeping up with your daughter was difficult, from the moment she woke up to the moment she passed out, she was on the go. She didn’t walk, she sprinted. Where she got the energy, you didn’t know, but you did know one thing: Y/D/N was going to be a firecracker when she grew up.
You watched as she pulled out her beloved flash stuffed toy and started zooming around the kitchen, making noises as she went. She absolutely adored the Flash, he was her hero and idol. If she could grow up to be him, she would. Well, she’d be meeting Barry for the first time today, and while you wouldn’t tell her that it was him that was the Flash, she would probably be over the moon about all the Flash paraphernalia.
So while your daughter ran around, you cleaned up the kitchen and started gathering your required supplies to be working at the lab. Packing a backpack, you started adding a few things for Y/D/N to tide her over for the day, mainly a few books, some colored pencils, and several snacks. If you ran out of things to keep Y/D/N entertained at the lab, well, there was plenty there that she could play with safely. Tucking your wallet and car keys into your backpack, you shouldered it before looking around for your wayward daughter.
“Y/D/N?” You heard a giggle from the living room adjacent to the kitchen, and Y/D/N head popped up over the side of the couch, mischief in her eyes. Grabbing her coat, you held it out. “Come on, it’s time to go!”
She slipped from the couch and hurried over, her sock covered feet scurrying across the floor. Somewhere in the time you had been gathering your things, your daughter had managed to get herself into her favorite flash once complete with a hood that had little lightning bolts.
“Y/D/N…” Little lips pouted up at you as she wrapped her arms around her red covered body and turned her chin.
“Don’t wanna change!”
“What happened to the clothes you were wearing during breakfast?” You asked, your eyebrows pinching together as you looked around for the discarded clothes. She wasn’t the best at dressing herself yet, but she could wriggle in and out of clothes enough to change them. Currently, her favorite onesie that mimicked Barry’s suit, was only half zipped up, her left arm was bunched at her elbow, and the onsie itself was shifted on her body so it was longer on one side.
Just by the look on her face and the pleading in her eyes, you found yourself folding to your two and a half year’s wishes. Shaking your head while laughing, you fixed the lopsided onsie so it was on her body correctly and flipped up the hood, watching as her eyes lit up. With an enormous grin on her face, she let you put her coat on over her onesie, and that grin only widened when you pulled out her red Flash sneakers that had little wings attached to them.
“Gotta complete the look, right?” You explained as you tucked her feet into them. With her shoes and coat on, her flash stuffed toy in hand, and your backpack slung across your back, you picked her up and carried her out of the apartment.
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“…above all, I need you to listen to the adults, okay?” You spoke  from where you were kneeling in front of her. “No touching things that aren’t yours or we might not be invited back.”
Y/D/N nodded at you in all seriousness, and despite the seriousness of the conversation, it was hard to keep a strait face while she was dressed so adorably. Looking up at the building, you silently wondered how your team mates would react once they found out that you, a single woman not in a relationship, had a daughter. Your life outside the team was private, you had never really talked about it because, well, single mothers didn’t usually have a good reputation. That was going to change today and you only hoped that your friends would take kindly to Y/D/N.
Taking your daughter’s tiny hand in yours, you walked towards the entrance, wondering what you were going to say when the team set their eyes on the little girl next to you dressed as the flash. When people saw her, their hearts melted she was that adorable, but would the team be mad at you because you had never told them about her? You were about to find out.
Entering the building, Y/D/N started skipping along side you, kicking her light up flash sneakers. The lights flickered off the walls of the lab and as you neared the cortex, you heard a heated conversation between Cisco and Caitlin regarding the design of Barry’s suit and the sensors within it.
“I’m telling you, it will look ridiculously cool and help with Barry’s aerodynamics.” Cisco’s voice rang out.
“That’s absurd, Cisco, his suit needs to be affective, not aesthetically pleasing.” Caitlin argued back as you and your daughter emerged from the hall. Caitlin and Cisco were standing head to head, both with sour faces.
“Aesthetics is part of the package,” Cisco insisted. Caitlin snorted and shook her head, then she caught sight of you. You waved at her as her eyes went wide and next to you, your daughter tugged on your coat.
“Mama, who are they?” She whispered, hiding behind you but poking her hooded head out from behind your legs.
“These are my friends,” You explained, lifting your eyes from your daughter to your friends. “This is Cisco and Caitlin.”
“Oh my God that’s a tiny child,” Cisco eked out with strained tone. “Why do you have a tiny child, Y/N?”
Caitlin gave Cisco a look before stepping forwards and bending down.
“Hi, my name is Caitlin. What’s your name?” Caitlin asked. Your daughter edged a little further out from behind you and kept her eyes on the floor.
“I’m Y/D/N,” She said shyly, still hugging your leg. You cleared your throat.
“Y/D/N’s daycare is closed today,” You explained, looking down at your daughter.
“I’m still trying to process the fact that you have a kid,” Cisco said, his voice high. As you were snorting, your daughter let out a dramatic gasp and darted forwards.
“Y/D/N!” You exclaimed as she moved her feet across the cortex to body slam the glass screen that covered Barry’s suit when he wasn’t using it. She pressed her face against the glass, her body practically vibrating.
“Mommy, mommy! Look, it’s the Flash!” She gasped, only briefly glancing back at you for a moment before gluing her eyes back on Barry’s suit.
“That’s not the Flash, baby,” You spoke up, hurrying forwards. “That’s just his suit, you know, like how you have your suit?”
“OMG, she’s exactly like a mini Y/N.” Cisco whispered from behind you. You shot a dirty look over your shoulder at Cisco taking a dig at your mostly hidden love for Barry. Well, a lot of people knew you loved Barry, but you know, Barry wasn’t exactly the most observant of people when it came to the romantic feelings of others. Besides, you had your daughter to look after, your feelings for Barry would always come second to her. In addition, how could you ever compete with Barry’s first love, Iris? While Y/D/N continued to fawn and preen over Barry’s suit, you took a step back and rubbed your forehead.
“You look exhausted,” Caitlin commented, walking over to where you stood. You looked at her and shook your head.
“I’m a single mother of a child that seems to have an unlimited amount of energy through the day.” You told her. “Half the time I am watching I spend chasing after her and the other half I spend searching for her. She doesn’t give me a break.”
“You could always put a tracking device on her,” Cisco chipped in as he walked over with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Your head was snapping to his faster than a mother hearing her child talk back.
“You want me to put a tracking device on my daughter!?” You hissed under your breath. Cisco held up his hands.
“I’m just saying,” He said in his defense. “You’d always know where she is.”
Sighing out in frustration, you ran hand over your head and looked back at your daughter fawning over the various Flash paraphernalia scattered around the cortex. She was having the time of her life.
“I don’t want to become a helicopter mom,” You sighed softly. Caitlin cocked her head to the side and gave you a shrug.
“You are a mom, I think you are entitled of being a helicopter mom at this age. Toddlers get themselves into the strangest of situations.” Caitlin told you before you both looked to where your daughter had been standing. She was gone.
“Snicker doodles,” You cursed, your head swiveling around in search of your daughter. “This happens every time!” Trying not to panic, you began searching for your child with Caitlin and Cisco’s help.
“I think that tracking device would be helpful right about now…” Cisco spoke as you poked your head into the nearest bathroom. She wasn’t there.
“Not the time, Cisco!” You uttered out, feeling like a bobble head with how much your head was snapping around trying to find your naughty daughter. “Y/D/N!”
“I’m sure she couldn’t have gone far,” Caitlin spoke up, going to the cortex desk and pulling up the security cameras. Just as you looked at the possible hallways Y/D/N could have wandered down… you heard a squeal of laughter coming from the labs. The three of you hurried in the direction of the labs. You hurried to the labs and upon emerging into the spacious room, you stopped short.
HR had your daughter perched on his hip while he stood in front of a white board, and your daughter was currently drawing all over the board with what you only hoped, was a dry erase marker.
“Oh thank God,” You sighed out, putting your hands on your knees and breathing out a breath in relief. You literally felt like you had lost a few years off your life, loosing Y/D/N is the labs. “Y/D/N!”
At your sharp call, Y/D/N’s head snapped around and HR looked your way.
“This little precious Flash wandered in here!” HR happily explained as you marched up to him with a frown on your lips.
“Y/D/N Y/L/N,” You started. “What did I tell you about wandering off!?”
Her lip wobbled as her face fell, she knew she shouldn’t have run off on you. You let out a sigh at her face.
“You make me worry so much when you do that. If you want to go somewhere, you need to tell me first, okay?” You said as you walked up to HR and made sure you had eye contact with your daughter.
“Sorry,” Y/D/N whispered out, slumping against HR’s shoulder. She knew she had done something wrong, and that was all you needed out of her, to recognize that what she had done was wrong. So softening your face, you let your eyes lift to HR.
“I see you made a friend?” That had her perking up and a smile starting to grow on her face. Her little face beamed up at HR and she started kicking her feet in happiness.
“HR! HR!” She chanted, her little fist gripping his shirt. HR beamed back at her and tickled her side, making more squeals of laughter erupt from her lips.
“Mystery case of where Y/D/N went is solved, I’m gonna go work on that tracking device.” Cisco said, placing a hand on your shoulder as he passed you. You didn’t have the constitution at this point to tell him otherwise.
“HR, do you mind watching Y/D/N for a little while? I need to get some work done.” You softly asked while Y/D/N went back to dragging the hopefully dry erase marker, across the white board. This time HR was beaming at you and gave you a thumbs up.
“Me and the little one can spend hours drawing!” HR said excitedly, true excitement glowing within his blue eyes. You felt better about leaving her in his hands, after all you knew that Y/D/N already seemed to adore HR and he her.
“I owe you one,” You told him before back away and leaving the two to play with the whiteboard.
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The day had gone wickedly fast, much to your surprise. HR had kept Y/D/N so entertained you were sure that the two were best friends by the end of your work day. Between drawing on the whiteboard, HR reading one of his novels to her, and the finger painting session, you were convinced HR was a God at babysitting. That or he had a natural disposition with children. Either way, the pair adored each other and you dreaded the moment you had to separate them.
Work ended for you and you were shifting into team flash mode. Barry had arrived for patrol for the night and had yet to cross paths with HR and your daughter, so that conversation hadn’t happened yet. The night kept everyone busy and at some point, Y/D/N had passed out while being carried around by HR, and he hadn’t bothered to put her down. So drool was slowly collecting on his shoulder. HR hardly seemed to care, or notice that he was still carrying her around. Looks like you found yourself a potential babysitter.
You got into helping Barry navigate the streets of Central City as Cisco monitored the police channels. There wasn’t much going on tonight, mostly just a few burgleries, one fire, and a cat stuck in a tree that had already scratched three firemen trying to get it down. Barry had manged it, but he had earned himself a nice set of scratches on his cheek. It was a good thing he healed fast or his coworkers would have questions in the morning.
You were clicking through a few feeds of security camera’s when Barry blew in, done with patrolling for the night. You looked up at his cheek as he pulled down his cowl and frowned.
“That cat did a doozy on you, Barry,” You spoke. Barry let out a snort at your words and walked over to where you sat at the cortex’s curve desk.
“First time I’ve dealt with resistance during a rescue.” Barry spoke, his fingers brushing over the healing scratches. “How’s your night been? Cisco said you had to work here today?”
And there is it… how exactly did you go about talking about this? How did you tell Barry that you had been hiding your daughter away from the team since the moment you found out you were pregnant? As it turned out, you didn’t have to say anything. 
HR came walking into the cortex, your daughter still drooling away fast asleep on his shoulder, while twirling one of his drumsticks in his free hand. Barry spared him a glance and then did a double take, his brows pinching together as his mind worked over the fact that HR was carrying a child.
“B.A.!” HR exclaimed. “You’re back! How was your night?”
HR happily walked over, oblivious to Barry’s gawking, as he was his usual cheerful self. You watched as Barry’s eyes ran over your daughters form, dressed in her flash onesie, which was now dirty. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who she belonged to… she was after all, a spitting image of you. HR stuffed his drumstick in his back pocket and began patting Y/D/N’s back as he hummed and went to talk to Cisco.
Your eyes dropped to your lap as Barry turned back around to face you.
“Y/N?” Barry asked, his voice still soft. You pursed your lips and hesitantly raised your eyes to meet his in trepidation. “I— I didn’t realize you had a daughter…”
You cleared your throat, feeling your cheeks warm in shame.
“Yes, well, I’m not exactly proud to be a single mother.” You murmured softly. “Her daycare is closed today and I needed help watching her… she’s a handful since she never stops running around until she’s passed out from exhaustion.”
Barry’s face softened and he let out a breath through his nose.
“Nonstop the whole day? Sounds like she’s got a serious case of the zoomies.” He chuckled. You joined in and rubbed your tired eyes.
“Yes, well, she also idolizes the Flash. I think she’s trying to get as fast as him.” You reply, glancing at your daughter passed out on HR’s shoulder. “She’s obsessed with that onesie.”
“She’s cute,” Barry commented before studying you closer. “You know, Y/N, we wouldn’t have judged you for being a single mother.”
“I know, it’s my pride,” You admitted. “As a single mother I think I’m trying to prove that I am capable of providing for her the way she needs.”
“You don’t need to do that alone,” Barry told you, giving you one of his heart stopping smiles. “We’re here for you, just like you’ve always been here for us. Next time you need help just call me.”
“Barry, I can’t ask that of you. Not when you are dealing with your own issues and Iris…” You told him. Barry shook his head at you.
“Iris and I broke up a while ago, we just don’t seem to work.” He explained, rolling his head to the side. “We— it’s probably not ever going to work, I thought I loved her for so many years. I’ve been ignorant to those around me.”
You shrugged at him.
“You were in love, Barry.” He scratched the back of his head.
“Was I?” Barry asked, his eyes momentarily distant. “Look, Y/N, I know if this sounds weird, but do you want to go out some time? I feel like I’ve never really known you and I want to know you better.”
You stared at Barry, your cheeks warming. Barry must have seen something on your face because he was turning a shade of pink and scrambling for words.
“I know you’re busy with Y/D/N and all, but I also want to get to know her too, she’s important in your life. Probably the most important thing actually, I mean, she already likes the Flash? You think I have a chance at getting her to like me?” You started laughing at Barry’s word scramble.
“Barry, I’m pretty sure she’ll like you the way you are, no Flash needed to convince her.” You told him. Barry’s face turned bright once more.
“Great! Because there is this Flash day event involving kids, there’s support to be a bunch of little kid activities she might like and since she already likes the Flash…”
“She’ll love that.” You spoke, cocking your head at your sleeping daughter. “She eats, sleeps, and breathes, all things Flash.”
“Great! I’ll text you the details when I get home,” Barry said with a glowing smile before the two of you looked back over to HR who was still patting Y/D/N on the back. He really didn’t seem to even know he was doing it. “He’s a natural with kids, isn’t he.”
“Surprising, isn’t it.” You said with a tired sigh. “But those two sure seem to adore each other.”
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Date Published: 6/30/22
Last Edit: 5/1/23
Barry Allen Masterlist
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cutielights · 8 months
may I request some headcanons for the rise! turtles w/ a reader who loves rats? (like bruno madrigal) they’ve usually got at least one or two on their shoulders, their hoodie/jacket pockets, etc. (their pet ones ofc)
please, and thank you
I need to feed my followers as I finish the fluff alphabet <3 (just gotta write Donnie’s segment!)
What a lovely request anon!
Tw: None
Rise! Boys x Rat owner S/O
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Asks if they’re yours or if they just like you
Enamoured by them, likes seeing them nest in your hair
That’s his lock screen btw, the rats in your hair
Gives them tiny skateboards
Pushes them around on said tiny skateboards
Takes the rats with no warning
Puts them on his head
Gives them lil chew things, in an attempt at preventing holes in everyone’s clothes
An attempt
Gives them small sunglasses, so they can be as “cool as him”
Your rats don’t like him at first
Have you seen how animals react to this guy?Definitely need some trust exercises
Rat peed on him once
He claims it’s because they don’t like him
And- hey! You never know but probably not
With some treats they eventually come around
Likes holding them, they look so tiny in his hands!
Watches them sleep, just, look at them they’re so cute
Let’s them nap in between his stuffies, just because it’s adorable
Loves their little tails, the way they curl around things? Amazing
Could really use a Lab rat or two, but respects that you love them and will not let him
Took a while for him to get used to them
But the rats?
They love him
Maybe it’s the smell
I mean, you guys are a package deal so he doesn’t have a choice, would never pull a ‘it’s me or them’
He does like that they’re warm however, jealous
Of what you may ask? That you get many tiny personal heaters at all times and he does not
But- then again he could just… make some, but I digress
Eventually comes to love them, giving them treats and a place to nap if you aren’t available for whatever reason
Loves the little babies from the get go
Makes them food, likes feeding them things
Asks to give any potential babies names
Definitely has a page or two in his sketchbook with them as the muse’s
Watches them take naps in your pockets
LOVES it when they scurry up his arms
It’s so ticklish! And he’s not wearing a shirt so it’s amplified
Watches their shenanigans
Films them too, just as a keepsake
Dies of cuteness when spotting them sleeping
Game: do I like rats? The answer may surprise you! It won’t
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thatshadowgastwhore · 1 month
Okay okay, soulmate au where once your soulmate is born you get your soul mate mark, it doesn’t really matter what it is, the first thing they say to you, whatever. It appears once you’re both alive. So about half the population are born with it already on them, the other half usually get them within their first fivish years of life.
Someone people never get them, which is sad but not unheard of.
(Disclaimer on timelines, the I’ve read a lot of fan content but very little official content so my knowledge of some things may not line up with canon)
Tim thinks he’s one of those people after he’s passed age seven with no soul mark. His parents think it makes him a freak, the works, because they’re the worst.
And then at like, age fifteen he gets his mark. And he is so ashamed and embarrassed that his soulmate could possibly have just been born that he does not let ANYONE know he has one now, because everyone knew he didn’t have one before.
And then he meets Kon. Grown in a lab, chronologically like two years old Kon. Who came out of the test tube with a soul mark. The only one Luther’s attempts at cloning to have one. And the two really like each other, but Kon is cagey about whether or not he has one, and again, Tim doesn’t want to admit that his soulmate is apparently two years old, he’s going to keep that under wraps for the next thirty years until it’s even mildly appropriate, thank you very much.
Kon doesn’t understand the relevancy or context of soul marks (he honestly thinks it’s a Luther thing and doesn’t want to talk about it because of that,) and Tim is secretive because he thinks it kind of makes him predator adjacent. The two both have crushes on each other, but Kon is basically flirting at a brick will because Tim is like “no, clearly I am destined to be a bad romantic partner, so I must shove all my feelings into a corner and never acknowledge them so I can never be a creep.” But somehow, Kon sees Tim’s mark, and doesn’t tooooo think much of it. Shenanigans happen until Kon accidentally learns the relevance, puts two and two together and realizes he and Tim are soulmates.
He goes to Tim about it, but Tim is sensitive about the whole soul mate situation, and shuts Kon down. Eventually, Kon is able to show Tim his soul mark and Tim recognizes it, and happily ever after, the end
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