#Self-care neglect
drcpanda12 · 11 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.knewtoday.net/early-signs-and-symptoms-of-psychiatric-problems-recognizing-potential-indicators/
Early Signs and Symptoms of Psychiatric Problems: Recognizing Potential Indicators
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Psychiatric problems can encompass a wide range of conditions, each with its own unique set of signs and symptoms. It’s important to note that these symptoms can vary greatly depending on the specific disorder and individual factors.
Psychiatric problems, also known as mental health disorders, encompass a broad range of conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and overall well-being. These conditions can affect people of all ages and backgrounds and may manifest in various ways. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of psychiatric problems is crucial for early intervention and effective treatment.
It’s important to note that psychiatric problems are complex and multifaceted, and each disorder has its own distinct set of symptoms. Additionally, individuals may experience symptoms differently based on their unique circumstances. Nonetheless, there are some common indicators that can serve as early warning signs.
By understanding and being able to identify these early signs and symptoms, individuals, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals can intervene promptly, potentially preventing the condition from worsening or alleviating its impact on the person’s life.
In this article, we will explore some of the earliest signs and symptoms of psychiatric problems. However, it’s important to remember that self-diagnosis is not recommended, and only a qualified mental health professional can provide a definitive diagnosis. The information presented here is intended to raise awareness and promote early detection, encouraging individuals to seek appropriate professional help when needed.
Remember, mental health matters, and early recognition and intervention can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by psychiatric problems.
Here are some common early signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of a psychiatric problem:
Changes in mood: Persistent feelings of sadness, irritability, anger, or anxiety that seem out of proportion to the situation.
Withdrawal and social isolation: A noticeable decline in social activities, avoiding friends and family, and a preference for being alone.
Sleep disturbances: Significant changes in sleep patterns, such as insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
Changes in appetite: A noticeable decrease or increase in appetite that results in significant weight loss or gain.
Lack of concentration: Difficulty focusing, making decisions, or completing tasks that were previously manageable.
Decreased energy and motivation: Feeling consistently fatigued or lacking the drive to engage in activities once enjoyed.
Increased agitation or restlessness: Feeling constantly on edge, restless, or experiencing a sense of unease.
Unexplained physical complaints: Frequent headaches, stomachaches, or other physical symptoms without a clear medical cause.
Changes in self-care: Neglecting personal hygiene, appearance, or engaging in self-destructive behaviors.
Cognitive difficulties: Problems with memory, attention, or executive functioning (planning, organizing, problem-solving).
Changes in Mood
Changes in mood can occur for various reasons and are influenced by a combination of internal and external factors. While it’s normal to experience fluctuations in mood from time to time, persistent or extreme mood swings may indicate underlying conditions that require attention. Here are some potential causes and factors that can contribute to changes in mood:
Emotional triggers: Certain events or situations, such as receiving good news or facing a stressful event, can elicit emotional responses and cause shifts in mood.
Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause, can lead to mood swings. Hormones play a significant role in regulating mood and emotions.
Sleep disturbances: Lack of quality sleep or disruptions in sleep patterns can negatively impact mood stability. Sleep deprivation can make you more susceptible to irritability, sadness, and mood swings.
Stress and anxiety: High levels of stress and anxiety can affect mood and lead to mood swings. Coping with excessive stressors, such as work pressures or relationship difficulties, can strain emotional well-being.
Mental health conditions: Conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder can cause significant mood swings. These conditions often require professional diagnosis and treatment.
Medications and substances: Certain medications, such as antidepressants, steroids, or hormonal treatments, may impact mood stability. Substance abuse or withdrawal can also contribute to changes in mood.
Seasonal changes: Some individuals may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs during specific seasons, usually winter. Changes in light exposure and circadian rhythm disruptions can influence mood.
Lifestyle factors: Poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol or drug use can affect mood stability. Engaging in healthy habits, like regular exercise and a balanced diet, can positively impact mood.
If you’re concerned about your mood swings or notice persistent changes in your emotional well-being, it’s recommended to consult a healthcare professional or mental health provider. They can help assess your situation, provide an accurate diagnosis if necessary, and guide you toward appropriate treatment options.
Withdrawal and Social Isolation
Withdrawal and social isolation are significant aspects of mental health and can have a profound impact on an individual’s well-being. While I cannot generate images, I can provide you with information on withdrawal and social isolation.
Withdrawal refers to a behavior where individuals consciously or unconsciously distance themselves from social interactions and isolate themselves from others. It can manifest in various ways, such as avoiding social gatherings, spending excessive time alone, or withdrawing emotionally from relationships. It is often associated with mental health conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, social anxiety, and certain personality disorders.
Social isolation, on the other hand, refers to a state where individuals have limited or no social contact with others. It can result from external circumstances, such as living alone or being geographically isolated, as well as internal factors like a lack of social skills, low self-esteem, or a fear of judgment and rejection. Prolonged social isolation can significantly impact mental health and contribute to feelings of loneliness, depression, and increased vulnerability to other mental health issues.
Both withdrawal and social isolation can be early signs of underlying mental health problems. They can be influenced by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, trauma, societal pressures, and individual temperament. It is important to recognize and address these behaviors, as they can have detrimental effects on individuals’ mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
If you or someone you know is experiencing withdrawal and social isolation, it is advisable to seek professional help from a mental health provider. They can provide an accurate diagnosis, determine the underlying causes, and recommend appropriate interventions or treatments to address these issues and promote social connection and well-being.
Sleep Disturbances
Sleep disturbances are disruptions in the normal patterns of sleep, which can include difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing poor sleep quality. They are common symptoms associated with various psychiatric problems and can also contribute to the development or exacerbation of mental health issues. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on sleep disturbances.
Sleep disturbances can manifest in different ways, including:
Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early in the morning. Insomnia can be associated with psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Hypersomnia: Excessive daytime sleepiness, often leading to long or unrefreshing naps. Conditions such as major depressive disorder and certain sleep disorders, like narcolepsy, can cause hypersomnia.
Nightmares: Disturbing dreams that awaken individuals during the night, causing anxiety or fear. Nightmares can be linked to conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, and mood disorders.
Sleep apnea: A sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breathing during sleep, leading to disrupted sleep and daytime fatigue. Sleep apnea can affect mental health by contributing to mood disorders and cognitive impairment.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS): An uncomfortable sensation in the legs, often accompanied by an irresistible urge to move them, which can disrupt sleep. RLS is associated with conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders.
Sleep disturbances and psychiatric problems often have a bidirectional relationship, meaning they can influence and exacerbate each other. Disrupted sleep can contribute to the onset or worsening of mental health conditions, and psychiatric problems can disrupt normal sleep patterns. Addressing sleep disturbances is essential for promoting overall mental well-being.
Changes in Appetite
Changes in appetite refer to significant alterations in a person’s desire to eat or the amount of food they consume. These changes can be indicators of underlying physical or mental health issues. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on changes in appetite.
There are two primary types of appetite changes:
Increased appetite (polyphagia): This involves an abnormally heightened desire to eat and a tendency to consume larger quantities of food. It can be associated with conditions such as depression, certain types of anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and some medical conditions.
Decreased appetite (hypophagia or anorexia): This refers to a reduced desire to eat or a lack of interest in food. It can result in decreased food intake and weight loss. Decreased appetite can be a symptom of various mental health disorders, including major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, eating disorders (such as anorexia nervosa), and substance abuse.
Changes in appetite can significantly impact an individual’s nutritional status and overall well-being. It is important to identify the underlying cause of appetite changes and address them appropriately. A healthcare professional, such as a doctor or mental health specialist, can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the root cause and develop a suitable treatment plan.
In some cases, changes in appetite may require a multidisciplinary approach involving mental health interventions, nutritional counseling, and medical management. Additionally, supportive measures like maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and establishing healthy eating habits can also be beneficial.
Lack of Concentration
Lack of concentration, also known as difficulty focusing or sustaining attention, is a common symptom that can occur in various mental health conditions and situations. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on the topic.
Lack of concentration refers to an inability to focus on a task or maintain attention for an extended period. It can manifest in several ways:
Distractibility: Being easily distracted by external stimuli or internal thoughts, making it challenging to stay focused on the task at hand.
Mind wandering: Frequently experiencing a wandering mind, where thoughts drift away from the present moment, causing difficulty in maintaining concentration.
Difficulty starting or completing tasks: Struggling to initiate tasks or experiencing challenges in following through and completing them due to a lack of sustained attention.
Lack of concentration can be associated with various mental health conditions, including:
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Individuals with ADHD often experience difficulties with concentration and attention, leading to problems in academic, work, or daily life functioning.
Anxiety disorders: Excessive worry, racing thoughts, and feelings of restlessness in anxiety disorders can impair concentration and make it challenging to focus on specific tasks.
Depression: Depressive symptoms such as fatigue, diminished motivation, and reduced cognitive functioning can lead to difficulties with concentration and attention.
Stress and overload: High levels of stress, overwhelming demands, or multitasking can impact concentration and make it harder to maintain focus.
Sleep disturbances: Lack of quality sleep or sleep disorders can significantly affect cognitive functioning, including concentration and attention.
If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent difficulty with concentration that interferes with daily functioning and quality of life, it may be helpful to seek professional evaluation. A mental health professional can conduct an assessment, identify any underlying conditions or contributing factors, and recommend appropriate interventions. Treatment options may include therapy, medication, lifestyle modifications, and developing strategies to improve focus and attention.
It’s important to address the underlying causes of lack of concentration, as improved focus and attention can enhance productivity, performance, and overall well-being.
Decreased Energy and Motivation
Decreased energy and motivation are common symptoms that can occur in various mental health conditions and situations. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on the topic.
Decreased energy refers to a significant reduction in physical or mental vitality and can manifest as feelings of fatigue, lethargy, or a general lack of energy. Motivation refers to the drive, enthusiasm, or willingness to engage in activities or pursue goals. When energy and motivation are decreased, individuals may find it challenging to initiate tasks, experience a lack of interest or pleasure in activities, and struggle to maintain productivity.
Several mental health conditions can be associated with decreased energy and motivation, including:
Depression: Reduced energy levels and loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities are hallmark symptoms of depression.
Anxiety disorders: Chronic worry and anxiety can be mentally and physically draining, leading to decreased energy and motivation.
Bipolar disorder: During depressive episodes of bipolar disorder, individuals may experience low energy levels and a decrease in motivation.
Chronic stress: Prolonged exposure to stress can deplete energy reserves, leading to a lack of motivation and fatigue.
Certain medical conditions and medications: Some medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or chronic pain, can contribute to decreased energy and motivation. Additionally, certain medications may have side effects that impact energy levels.
It’s important to differentiate between a temporary decrease in energy and motivation due to situational factors (such as stress or a busy period) and persistent or significant changes that affect daily functioning and quality of life. If you or someone you know is experiencing prolonged or severe decreases in energy and motivation, it may be helpful to seek professional evaluation. A healthcare provider or mental health professional can conduct an assessment, identify underlying causes or contributing factors, and recommend appropriate interventions. Treatment options may include therapy, medication, lifestyle modifications, and developing strategies to increase energy and motivation.
Addressing decreased energy and motivation can significantly improve overall well-being and quality of life. It is important to seek support and guidance from professionals to explore the underlying causes and develop a tailored treatment plan.
Increased Agitation or Restlessness
Increased agitation or restlessness refers to a state of heightened physical or mental activity, often accompanied by a sense of inner turmoil or discomfort. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on this topic.
Agitation and restlessness can manifest in various ways, including:
Physical restlessness: Difficulty sitting still, pacing, fidgeting, or constantly moving body parts (e.g., tapping fingers or bouncing legs).
Emotional agitation: Feeling on edge, irritable, or easily provoked. There may be a sense of inner tension or unease.
Racing thoughts: Experiencing a rapid stream of thoughts, making it challenging to focus or relax.
Impatience: Having a decreased tolerance for delays or frustrations, often resulting in heightened irritability.
Agitation and restlessness can be associated with several mental health conditions, including:
Anxiety disorders: Conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can lead to increased agitation and restlessness due to heightened levels of anxiety.
Bipolar disorder: During periods of mania or hypomania, individuals with bipolar disorder may experience increased energy, agitation, and restlessness.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Restlessness and difficulty staying still are core symptoms of ADHD, particularly in children and adolescents.
Substance withdrawal: When an individual stops using certain substances, such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, or stimulants, they may experience agitation and restlessness as part of the withdrawal process.
It’s important to note that increased agitation and restlessness can also be influenced by situational factors such as stress, sleep deprivation, or certain medications. If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent or severe agitation or restlessness that interferes with daily functioning and well-being, it may be helpful to seek professional evaluation. A mental health professional can assess the symptoms, determine any underlying conditions or contributing factors, and recommend appropriate interventions. Treatment options may include therapy, medication, stress reduction techniques, lifestyle adjustments, and coping strategies to manage agitation and restlessness effectively.
Addressing increased agitation and restlessness is crucial for promoting overall mental well-being and reducing distress. Seeking professional help can provide guidance, support, and appropriate interventions to manage these symptoms and improve quality of life.
Unexplained Physical Complaints
Unexplained physical complaints refer to physical symptoms or sensations that cannot be adequately explained by a medical condition or a specific physical cause. These symptoms may lack a clear organic basis and may not align with the expected physiological findings. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on this topic.
Unexplained physical complaints can manifest in various ways, including:
Chronic pain: Persistent or recurrent pain in different parts of the body, such as headaches, backaches, or joint pain, without a clear medical explanation.
Gastrointestinal issues: Frequent or chronic digestive complaints, such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, or changes in bowel habits, with no identifiable organic cause.
Fatigue: Persistent feelings of tiredness, low energy, or weakness that cannot be attributed to a medical condition or physical exertion.
Non-specific neurological symptoms: Experiencing unexplained sensations like tingling, numbness, dizziness, or balance problems without apparent neurological abnormalities.
Sleep disturbances: Persistent difficulties with sleep, such as insomnia or non-restorative sleep, that do not result from an identifiable sleep disorder or external factors.
These unexplained physical complaints often fall under the category of somatic symptom disorder (SSD) or related conditions. Somatic symptom disorder involves experiencing distressing physical symptoms and excessive concern or preoccupation with these symptoms, which may significantly impact daily functioning and quality of life.
It is important to approach unexplained physical complaints with a comprehensive assessment that includes both physical and psychological evaluations. Sometimes, these symptoms can be influenced by underlying mental health conditions, such as anxiety disorders, depression, or trauma-related disorders.
It’s essential to validate and address these symptoms with appropriate support and care, as understanding the mind-body connection can contribute to improved well-being and symptom management.
Changes in Self-care
Changes in self-care refer to noticeable alterations in a person’s ability or willingness to engage in activities that promote physical and emotional well-being and personal hygiene. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on this topic.
Self-care activities encompass a wide range of behaviors, including maintaining personal hygiene, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, seeking social support, and attending to emotional needs. Changes in self-care can manifest in several ways:
Neglecting personal hygiene: Individuals may show a decline in grooming habits, such as not showering regularly, neglecting dental care, or wearing unwashed clothes.
Poor nutrition and appetite changes: There may be a noticeable shift in eating patterns, including reduced appetite, skipping meals, or relying on unhealthy food choices.
Lack of exercise or physical activity: A decrease in engagement in regular physical activity or a significant decline in overall mobility and energy levels.
Neglecting emotional well-being: Individuals may withdraw from activities they once enjoyed, isolate themselves socially, or disregard activities that promote emotional well-being, such as hobbies or self-reflection.
Changes in self-care can be indicative of various underlying factors, including:
Depression: Individuals experiencing depression may struggle with motivation, energy levels, and finding pleasure in self-care activities.
Anxiety disorders: Heightened anxiety can lead to difficulties in focusing on self-care, as individuals may be preoccupied with worry and physical symptoms.
Substance abuse: The misuse of substances can interfere with self-care routines and priorities, leading to neglect of personal hygiene and overall well-being.
Chronic illness or pain: Managing chronic health conditions or experiencing persistent pain can make self-care activities more challenging to accomplish.
Overwhelming stress: High levels of stress can contribute to a neglect of self-care as individuals may prioritize other responsibilities or struggle with time management.
Addressing changes in self-care is crucial for maintaining physical and emotional health. By prioritizing self-care activities, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, resilience, and quality of life.
Cognitive Difficulties
Cognitive difficulties refer to challenges or changes in various mental processes involved in thinking, understanding, remembering, and problem-solving. While I cannot generate images, I can provide information on this topic.
Cognitive difficulties can manifest in different ways, including:
Memory problems: Difficulty in remembering recent events, important information, or tasks that need to be accomplished.
Concentration and attention issues: Finding it challenging to stay focused on tasks, easily getting distracted, or experiencing a general lack of concentration.
Slowed thinking or processing speed: A noticeable delay in processing information, generating thoughts, or responding to stimuli.
Language difficulties: Struggling to find the right words, express oneself clearly, or understand written or spoken language.
Executive function deficits: Difficulties in planning, organizing, problem-solving, multitasking, or initiating and completing tasks.
Cognitive difficulties can be associated with various factors, including:
Aging: Normal age-related cognitive changes can lead to mild memory difficulties and a slight decline in cognitive functioning.
Mental health conditions: Conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can impact cognitive abilities.
Neurological disorders: Conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause cognitive impairments.
Medication side effects: Certain medications, particularly those affecting the central nervous system, may have cognitive side effects.
Chronic stress: Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can impact cognitive performance, including memory and concentration.
Addressing cognitive difficulties early on is important for managing symptoms, improving cognitive functioning, and enhancing overall well-being. Professionals can provide appropriate support, guidance, and interventions to help individuals cope with and adapt to any cognitive changes they may be experiencing.
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I'm glad we all agree that talking to the police is a no go, but I wish people would quit it with the "but you can and should ALWAYS tell your doctor/psychiatrist/therapist EVERYTHING!" Because bigoted doctors, ignorant doctors, ableism, medical neglect, forced treatment and medical abuse are all very real and widespread problems. And facts are that I barely know of one single disabled person who has never dealt with a shitty "health care professional". So yes, in an ideal world you SHOULD be able to safely tell them everything all the time, but this is unfortunately not an ideal world, and there are plenty of situations where it isn't actually safe or advisable to do that
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kittyandco · 3 months
does anyone else get so upset when you think about all the things that happened to your f/o... all the things they went through? all the things they haven't healed from? the pain that they may still be enduring? how you can do your best to help them but you can't protect them from everything. so you just love them the ways they needed before, how they deserved. and you see them happy because they finally accept, at least in some ways, that they do deserve it. they deserve love like all beings do
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 months
It may be that if you had always been rejected by those you liked or you got to do things you really didn't feel like in order to not being left out (but still ended up alone), you may now fear being yourself and being seen for real. You may have learned from that experience that no matter what, there's something wrong in you and you may have (even unconsciously) tried to hide from others in any way you could. Maybe you also started to unconsciously either search for more people that would possibly reject you for various reasons (so that if one day you found one and they didn't reject you, you could feel enough) or you started to like people secretly, or people that are "unreachable" to you and you don't have to deal with in your everyday life, so that they could not reject you.
But there's nothing wrong in you. It's just that we cannot be appreciated and accepted by everyone (or by all the people we'd like to), and that some relationships are not the ones for us. Plus, there may also be a problem of having different outlooks and ideas coming in between, or issues that are not compatible among each others. Whatever may be the reason, it won't always be like that. Don't be afraid of being yourself, of sticking to your values, of being seen for who you are and of receiving a no. It will hurt ofc, but it doesn't mean that you're not worthy or lovable in your entirety or by the whole world: you just didn't click with that person/people and that's okay. There are hundreds of others willing and waiting to click with you. Give yourself and them a chance.
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recoverr · 10 days
shoutout to all the kids with good people as bad parents. the parents who were sympathetic, honest and kind to everyone until you were the next in line. the parents who loved the entire family except you. the parents who preached about acceptance, warmth and kindness, but never offered it to you. the parents who were understanding to friends, cousins or siblings, but not to their own children. the cognitive dissonance is surreal, but i promise it is not a reflection of your own worth. you deserve more.
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ed-recoverry · 2 months
This post exempts you from any and all “If you don’t ___ this post, ____ will happen.” You are hereby immune to it all. You are now protected! Be free!
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burningvelvet · 2 months
"Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting."
— Shakespeare, Henry V (2.4. 80-81)
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pain-is-my-game · 1 year
I love reading mental help information and it says something like, "if you can relate to such and such symptoms find a trusted adult in your life and talk to them about it." It's me. I'm the most trustworthy adult in my life.
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n4rval · 5 months
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i kinda suck at this college thing
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betweenthenotes · 13 days
Its gonna be okay just remember that no matter what your trauma is, someone’s made a spotify playlist for it
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aftgficrec · 22 days
heyy i’m looking for this fic that i haven’t been able to find in forever. i read it in 2020 i think so it’s probably deleted, but it was basically about andrew’s time in foster care and how he ended up in jail, how he met aaron, how he met higgins, all the stuff. it had 2/4 chapters completed or something like that and it was titled something like “the before and the after”. like before he met neil and after. yeah. tyyyy!!
I’ve had a good look around, but I haven’t been able to find a fic that exactly meets your criteria, this one is the closest I could find.  Hope it’ll do for now, but maybe our followers have a better idea. You could also search our tags theme: juvie and theme: foster care. This fic is locked, so you need to be logged into an AO3 account to access it. - S
Doe by FoxyAtlas [Rated M, 12068 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2022, locked]
Andrew Doe wasn't worth a goddamn thing. He did everything he could to make his foster parents want him, but he was a lost cause. He would never have a family, and he would never be wanted. Nothing he could do would change that. Or so he thought. --- The story of Andrew Minyard's life, starting at 6 and going through to the end of the AFTG series. Includes: shitty foster situations, Cass and Drake, meeting Aaron for the first time, juvie, Tilda, working at Sweetie's, hooking up with Roland, getting the offer to join the Ravens, joining the Foxes, becoming Kevin's protector, and having Neil Josten absolutely turn his life upside down.
tw: depression, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: child neglect, tw: suicidal thoughts
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lyss-butterscotch · 8 months
How did the bond between Moon and Pebbles change before and after the big incident?
Before the incident, they never truly got to be siblings. Moon would be estatic to have Pebbles as a sibling and at this point feared messing up their relationship. 'I have someone to be my sibling now, someone i could talk to, i'm no longer alone in this life anymore'. So she's way too lenient and fussy over him, she overly worries about his feelings, doesn't correct him when he's acting out, and offered to do work if he thinks its too hard. Pebbles being on his stubborn phase would think Moon is too constraining with her attempts to bond and... underestimating him for not giving him adequate work. Which leads to him being distant, and their relationship remains professional despite Moon's attempts to bond.
After the collapse, Pebbles got ALOT of time to think about Moon's intentions. Sig confronting him helped him realize 'look how much she cares, shes not perfect, but you never gave her a chance' to add to the 'i caused her collapse' guilt. So the first thing in his mind when she wakes up again is 'make it up to her make it up to her make it up to her'. Moon on the other hand is freed from her can, she feels less constricted. Both in a 'im no longer stuck there' and 'i no longer feel alone since i can go meet new friends out here' way. Now its Pebbles' turn to be the fussy one out of obligation to repay his sin and fear of losing one of the only people who cares for him, even if it means getting subjected to her fussing. And along the way even if it took a while, they'd come to an understanding, set boundaries, and maybe Moon's liveliness rubbed off on Pebbles too and they can start building a more genuine sibling relationship.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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[ID: the uncoloured drawing for page 4 of the comic Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #192 next to the publicized page. In them, Alfred is in a room in the Wayne Manor and is drawing back the curtains to let in the sunlight. The narration reads, ‘In the morning, it's like nothing happened,’ despite Bruce almost bleeding out from a rough patrol last night. Bruce from off panel comments, “Ah, much better with the extra light. Thank you, Alfred.” Alfred looks over and dryly replies, “You know, anyone else would be doing pretty well just to be awake”
Bruce is shown to be in an electric hospital bed and has his head wrapped in bloodstained bandages, where little tufts of black hair stick out from it. He has a neck brace on and his arm is wrapped. There's a large bandage placed on his lower face, where his stubble is also overgrown due to neglecting his personal grooming in favour of focusing on Batman related duties. The revealed room is shown to be cluttered with several large, medical machines and carts full of medical supplies — which includes sponges, oxygen tanks and masks, pain relievers, syringes, bandages, and (inexplicably) a baster. Bruce sits up in bed and is chewing at the end of a pen as he looks down at a notepad and several papers that's on an overbed table.
Alfred brings him breakfast on a tray as he remarks, “I step out for twenty minutes and you're not only awake, you're already scribbling notes. Might I impose on you to set those aside long enough for some food, if not some actual rest?” Bruce instead asks where's the coffee, to which Alfred responds, “Actually, Sir, I think the last thing your overtaxed system needs right now is more stimulant.” Bruce challenges him, “‘Overtaxed’? Is that your professional opinion?” Alfred wryly replies, “As the one who found you riddled with holes last night, I can only speculate as to their cause. However... having discounted the possibility of suicidal intention, or gross incompetence, on your part...” Bruce immediately accuses, “You think I'm trying to do more than I can actually manage.” His butler calmly justifies, “Unless you've developed some new ability that you are hiding from me, I suspect you cannot be everywhere at once.”
In the original line art, there's two plushies (a round bunny and a bat) drawn amongst all the medical supplies. Sadly, it wasn't included in the publicized version. The third photo is a description of the drawing from the artist's (Seth Fisher) website. It reads: This is one of the delightful pages in which Seth put some amusements for himself which were censored and excised by the editors, in order to retain Batman's image as a serious superhero. In this page both the bunny and the bat in the lower right frame failed to make the final cut.]
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k1tty-b0t77 · 11 months
For all of those without a father, or ones being abused, neglected, etc, I'm so fucking sorry. You don't deserve that. Take care of yourself today. Fuck what he wants today. Today is your day, I've decided. Eat something yummy, take a shower, take a walk, watch something funny or comforting. You deserve it for putting up with that shit. I love you and happy You Day.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year
All the times you were told by your equally wounded caregiver to not dream too far, that something (eg. even a toy or game table) was just useless so you shouldn't buy it, that you were obliged to say no to something your soul was calling for, all those different situations are still inside of you. And they are often playing with your mind, hindering you, caging you, blocking you unconsciously from moving towards anything you really want. Not letting you see your real worth, not letting you try for something better, different, for anything you really desire. Please, don't let this mental pattern block you. Free yourself. Believe you can try and have what you desire. You are deserving at least a try, no matter how things will go. Stay hopeful, stay positive, and keep believing in yourself and how much you deserve. Do not let the past or someone else's pain hinder you. You deserve much more. And you surely deserve accolades for making it to today despite it all.
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