#The Natural Method That Supports Healthy
harvinder909 · 1 month
The Natural Method That Supports Healthy Weight Loss & Steady Blood Sugar Levels
Shedding Pounds and Feeling Great: My Experience with "The Natural Method"
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For years, I struggled with maintaining a healthy weight and keeping my blood sugar levels in check. I felt sluggish, my energy levels dipped throughout the day, and the numbers on the scale just wouldn't budge. I tried various fad diets and exercise routines, but nothing seemed sustainable. Then, I discovered "The Natural Method That Supports Healthy Weight Loss & Steady Blood Sugar Levels," and it completely changed my approach to health and well-being.
Making Sustainable Changes
The Natural Method isn't a quick fix or a restrictive diet. Instead, it focuses on developing healthy habits that you can maintain for the long term. The program provided a clear roadmap with easy-to-follow guidelines on portion control, mindful eating, and incorporating more whole foods into my diet. I learned about the importance of balancing carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats for sustained energy and blood sugar control.
Embracing a Rainbow on My Plate
One of the most significant changes I made was focusing on colourful, nutrient-rich whole foods. The program encouraged me to explore a wider variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I discovered new recipes that were not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Swapping out refined carbohydrates for their whole-grain counterparts, like brown rice instead of white, made a noticeable difference in how I felt after meals.
Finding Joy in Movement
"The Natural Method" emphasizes the importance of regular exercise for weight management and blood sugar control. However, it doesn't advocate for grueling gym sessions. Instead, it encourages finding activities you enjoy, whether it's a brisk walk in nature, a dance class, or swimming. I started incorporating short bursts of movement throughout my day, like taking the stairs or doing some stretches during work breaks. Gradually, I found myself looking forward to my daily walks and exploring new exercise routines.
The Results Speak for Themselves
Within a few weeks of following "The Natural Method," I started noticing a positive difference. My energy levels soared, and the afternoon slump became a thing of the past. The numbers on the scale began to reflect my newfound healthy habits, with a steady and sustainable weight loss. More importantly, I felt a significant improvement in my overall well-being.
A Lasting Transformation
"The Natural Method" is more than just a weight loss program; it's a lifestyle shift. It empowered me to take charge of my health and make positive changes that I can maintain for the long term. I no longer crave sugary treats or feel overwhelmed by restrictive diets. I've embraced a way of eating and moving my body that nourishes me from the inside out.
If you're looking for a sustainable approach to weight management and healthy blood sugar levels, "The Natural Method" is definitely worth exploring. It's a program that guides you towards a healthier, happier you, one delicious meal and enjoyable movement session at a time.
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astro-rainbow777 · 2 months
💐🌸 𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 🧸🌱
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♉︎ - Happy Taurus Season Everyone!!! In honor of Taurus season, I am continuing the signs through the houses series. I hope y’all enjoy my findings & this post serves you well. Thanks so much for all of the support! Happy Spring & Upcoming Beltane to the Pagan Community <3
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🌸 Taurus in the First House ~ Taurus on the ascendant is the embodiment of peace, calm and pleasure. These natives aren’t the most outgoing but leave such a comfortable and cozy first impression. They don’t say more than needs to be said, however they are unlikely to turn down a conversation. They have a soft and natural beauty about them and strong familial values. They enjoy the finer things, have a clean aesthetic and a “rich” aura. Many of them are shorter or more petitie in size, have a pleasing and smooth voice and kind eyes. However, if you mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns! Being on the opposing end of Scorpio, when they cut you off, it is completely. Good luck getting back into their lives because they are a closed book. Why y’all always smell good? Fr tho
🐂 Taurus in the Second House ~ Here the sign is in its ruling house, they do very well in saving their money, are picky about what they eat and indulge in the material pleasures of life. They value loyalty, commitment, stability and security - not to mention their love fashion & the arts. They will tell you they have the most exquisite taste, you would find it very difficult to change their mind. They hold up strong values and morales, what they know to be right and wrong is the truth. This is a very secure personality, they are very comfortable with their bodies, and have a healthy sense of worth and self love. Honestly such a healthy placement - as someone with NO earth in their chart - muhbenaaaace
💰 Taurus in the Third House ~ These natives find security and peace in their childhood homes, where they grew up, the memories of their cousins and siblings. They could be the most stable or the least stable out of their siblings. The way they think, learn and communicate is slow and methodical. They take their time in studying new topics, preferring to stay on the surface of a topic. They may have an artistic and beautiful singing voice, or maybe the way they speak is just very polite and sweet. They were raised with manners and this makes them very charming. They can have a liking for music that moves at a slower pace, classical music, or just a more elegant taste in art.
🥘 Taurus in the Fourth House ~ Their family could be a source of stability and security for them. The mom, mother figure or more feminine role model can be the bread winner in the family, her love language could be gifts, an amazing cook, and give a lot of hugs 🫂 They have stable emotions, it takes a lot to emotionally sway them. It may end up bothering people who try to get an emotional reaction from them because of this. They can be the most grounded one in their family. Their family may view them as realistic, practical and reliable. Family is what gives them sanction from the world.
💝 Taurus in the Fifth House ~ They express them selves in a very material type of way, their flex is their finances. These natives take a lot of pride in what they have...this usually comes from a place of having to work really hard for their things. They love the natural look, minimalist, they like long lasting, high quality, practical fashion. To them that is the best statement to make. They don’t like that trash to treasure look their tastes are refined. They will shower their kids with the finer things and really enjoy providing for them - this will be their love language. They aren’t huge adrenaline junkies and enjoy more grounded, chill hobbies. They definitely don’t mind being alone and love their down time at home…on the couch…snacks…naps…repeat.
🐻 Taurus in the 6th ~ These natives prefer a slow start to their daily routine, and enjoy a slow paced job, with chill yet organized coworkers. The workplace must be something that they don’t hate… because if they hate it and it stresses them out just thinking of going, they won’t work there. Period. They need low maintenance pets as these individuals are very independent in nature. It’s important for their day job to be a place of peace and pleasure for them, and once they are comfortable, it’s gonna be hard to get them to leave. Their job can provide them with sooooo much stability if they have a good one.
🍨 Taurus in the 7th ~ Wining and Dining with your loved ones! Shopping sprees, luxurious and high quality partners. With the ones they love the most, they spoil, eat and they just want to be lazy with them honestly. They want their relationships to be a place of peace for them. It’s important that their partner can support themselves and is stable on their own. It will just cause them stress if they are constantly worrying about having to take care or mommy their partner. It’s possible that they can stay with someone out of fear of the unknown/change, even tho they don’t like them or it’s not working anymore.
🌷 Taurus in the Eighth House ~ Cycles related to self esteem, self worth, and supporting themselves. Honestly, this is a really hard placement to have- they may have times where they stay in ab*sive relationships because they can’t support themselves financially or they are too uncomfortable alone. However, the eighth house is notorious for taking your greatest fear/weakness and turning it into their super power. You just have to get through those lessons and take those leaps of faith to unlock that power and hidden potential! They like to engage in their senses when they’re intimate with their partners and prefer slow love making rather than the raw primal stuff.
🪴 Taurus in the Ninth House ~ These people can be a little fixed in their beliefs, their spiritual beliefs/religion can be a source stability and sanction for them. If they aren’t necessarily spiritual- they could just have a specific philosophy or lifestyle that they stick to. What I admire about these individuals, is they know exactly what they want. When they travel, it has to be somewhere where they know exactly what to expect, somewhere that won’t give them anxiety, and probably a more luxurious staycation type of experience. They could also enjoy a nice nature walk with their loved ones.
👛 Taurus in the Tenth House ~ Every single person I have met with this placement neeeeeed a stable job, they will not leave a job if it provides them with the type of lifestyle they desire. It doesn’t really matter what they are doing for their career as long as it aligns with their values. Their dad/father figure could have been the sole provider and could have made a huge impact on their reputation. This is definitely a daddies money placement 💀 - sorry if that’s triggering for anyone lol. The father figure could be super down to earth and chill, enjoy cooking or just be way too overly indulgent in a negative manifestation.
👒 Taurus in the Eleventh House ~ Is the stay at home friend, doesn’t like to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Much likely to want to stay inside and bond with their community in a space that is familiar and inviting to them. Their community could be their sanction and be the most stable part of their lives. They enjoy cooking and creating art for their friends. Anything to bring peace to their homies senses! For their friends, the Taurus eleventh house native’s place is a home away from home. How special 🥹
👄 Taurus in the Twelfth House ~ When it comes to matters of the twelfth house, spirituality, isolation, ect. - these individuals may like to keep things light and on the surface. They are comfortable being alone, in fact they consider it to be comfortable and safe. Their spirituality isn’t something they spend time questioning, and they could be very comfortable with the unknown, they enjoy their own curious nature. They are endearing to their own selves, however sometimes their sense of worth could be confusing. They may have a hard time understanding their own values and morals, preferring to just go with the flow, everyday they are a new person trying on different personalities, hobbies and styles! The possibilities are endless! It’s quite an interesting placement. One more thing….secret indulgences…the silent snacker
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Smell ya later!
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astrolovecosmos · 29 days
The 5th House & Pregnancy
Below gives insight into how one might prepare for a child during pregnancy, their hopes and potential as a mother/parent. The 5th House rules over creation, legacy, and pregnancy.
Aries/Mars in the 5th House = Confident in their decisions as they prepare, leader of the household and will be giving orders that must be followed - is the captain now, is very brave with their pregnancy, could try to do everything on their own at times, Mars tends to be associated with an unexpected or impulsive pregnancy (could be unplanned or a planned birth that is premature), could find their assertion and inner warrior through pregnancy, won't hesitate to take care of their own needs, passionate and enthusiastic in their anticipation.
Taurus/Libra/Venus in the 5th House = There is a great focus on getting ready in the material and financial world, their environment must be stable, works hard to make the nursery and home welcoming and comfortable, works hard to make their self as comfortable as possible during pregnancy too, is very protective and cautious around pregnancy, Venus in particular is debated to indicate a very smooth or "easy" pregnancy.
Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 5th House = SO MUCH RESEARCH - parenting books and blogs, singing and talking to the belly often, may like to be part of support groups or around other pregnant woman or mothers of newborns, Virgo in particular can be highly critical of themselves during pregnancy and/or critical of their family in relation to the pregnancy, some debate Mercury and Gemini could indicate twins, very good at sticking to healthy habits, vitamins, and eating, may need a lot of verbal reassurance at times.
Cancer/Moon in the 5th House = May have a lot of expectations about being a mom/parent, could idolize this part of their life, can be highly sensitive and introspective during their pregnancy, is SUPER protective and may be very selective about who is in their life now, their emotional and intuitive connection to their baby may seem supernatural, is good at nurturing themselves and the baby, is associated with being highly fertile, may be attracted to ideas of a natural birth, breast feeding, or other natural methods in pregnancy and babyhood, may seek a lot of advice or become inspired by their own mother or grandmothers.
Leo/Sun in the 5th House = Goddess levels and attitude towards motherhood/parenthood, can be demanding during pregnancy, it is all about HER until the baby is born, isn't afraid to make pregnancy a little fun in their preparations - maybe they get really creative with the nursery or finds a lot of joy in getting to know other expecting mothers/parents, with the Sun in particular their identity may be changed in pregnancy, maybe they makes their identity all about being a mom/parent, or may highly project their identity onto the baby in pregnancy and babyhood, is devoted and adoring to their child and very proud of the both of them.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 5th House= Pregnancy may force them to deal with deep and important questions, might heal themselves during or through pregnancy somehow, could be introspective during pregnancy and may be tempted to isolate at times, there are themes with control such as becoming highly controlling during pregnancy, taking control of their own life, or refusing to let anyone control them, is perceptive and intuitive towards their pregnancy and child, may become softer and more compassionate through pregnancy, crazy pregnancy dreams and intense cravings.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 5th House = Won't let pregnancy slow them down or restrict them, could face important questions about responsibility and sacrifice, excited and impatient about the pregnancy, curious about other women's/parent's experiences, can approach pregnancy in a very open-minded way somehow, pregnancy may be a strong spiritual experience, makes decisions quickly, can gain a lot of wisdom from pregnancy, some debate Jupiter in particular indicates having multiple pregnancies close together or having twins or more at one time, the cravings may drive them crazy, could somehow have a "lucky', "blessed", or maybe "easy" pregnancy.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 5th House = Wants to be a hardworking parent, wants to mentor as a parent or maybe mentor and guide others in pregnancy and motherhood/parenthood, fantasizes or plans to "master" motherhood/parenthood, looks forward to or takes on the authority and respect of motherhood/parenthood, Saturn in particular can be associated with fear and insecurity about being a parent but also overcoming that fear, will only become a mother/parent once they are truly ready, may be tempted to do everything on their own or feel like they have to, can be controlling during pregnancy and don't mess with their routine and organization, is very serious about their potential and preparing for their child.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 5th House = Can be very particular in their pregnancy but also confident, pregnancy may be daunting or force them to mature, will have unconventional views and approaches to pregnancy, somehow this pregnancy could be a rebellion or liberation for them, places a lot of importance on the society and community they will be raising their child in, may try to change the world for their children or take a "having children and raising them to make the world a better place" stance, Uranus in particular is associated with unexpected birth (early or late) or unplanned pregnancy and adoption or surrogacy as well, Uranus is also associated with choosing to not have children, may want to connect with other pregnant woman or moms of newborns, could want a lot of social reassurance and activity during pregnancy, may have unique symptoms and cravings.
Pisces/Neptune in the 5th House = Wild pregnancy dreams and cravings, has a deep spiritual connection and experience during pregnancy, relies on their intuition a lot during this time, has a complex relationship with acceptance, forgiveness, and sacrifice with and during their pregnancy, has a lot of hopes and needs to be careful of becoming too unrealistic about their aspirations for pregnancy and becoming a mother/parent, could experience very intense and volatile mood swings compared to their peers' or other family members' pregnancies, may have a lot of struggles with the baby blues, connecting with their baby may come easily or be a huge focus for them.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hygiene tips
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after touching public surfaces.
Carry a hand sanitizer with you. Make sure the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol and rub it over your hands until dry.
When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow to prevent the spread of germs. Dispose of used tissues immediately.
Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible, as these are entry points for germs into your body.
Take showers or baths regularly to keep your body clean and fresh. Use soap and water to thoroughly cleanse your body, paying attention to areas like armpits, feet, and groin.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to clean your tongue, and replace your toothbrush every three to four months.
Keep your nails short and clean to prevent the buildup of dirt and bacteria. Use a nail brush to scrub under your nails regularly.
Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home, such as doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and electronics. Also, keep your living space well-ventilated.
Wash your clothes, bed linens, and towels regularly, following the manufacturer's instructions. Use the appropriate water temperature and detergent to ensure proper cleanliness.
Avoid sharing personal items like towels, razors, toothbrushes, or makeup.
Practice good food hygiene by washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption. Cook food to the appropriate temperature to kill harmful bacteria, and refrigerate leftovers promptly.
Keep your surroundings clean: Regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, phones, keyboards, and remote controls. This helps eliminate germs that may be present on these surfaces.
Maintain clean and healthy feet: Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent fungal infections. Wash your feet regularly, dry them thoroughly (especially between the toes), and wear clean socks and well-fitting shoes.
Ensure that the water you use for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene is clean and safe. If necessary, use water filters or boil the water before use.
If possible, use a shower filter.
If you are sexually active, use barrier methods (such as condoms) to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections. Get regular check-ups and screenings as recommended by healthcare professionals.
Take care of your mental well-being by managing stress, getting enough sleep, engaging in regular physical activity, and seeking support when needed. Good mental health is essential for overall well-being.
Sleep with aloe vera on your face to help with scars and acne.
Massage your body with oils and lotions after shower or before bed.
Eat greek yogurt to help fix PH balance, acne and odor in your private area.
Wear cotton based underwear.
Do not treat your body like a trashcan.
To smell good during the day:
Regular bathing helps remove sweat, dirt, and odor-causing bacteria from your body.
Apply antiperspirant or deodorant to clean, dry underarms to control sweat and odor.
You can also use baking soda and lemon to get rid of under arm odor.
Put on freshly laundered clothes each day. Clean clothing helps prevent the buildup of odor-causing bacteria and keeps you smelling fresh.
When choosing clothes, opt for natural fibers like cotton or linen, which allow air to circulate and help wick away moisture from your body. Avoid synthetic materials that can trap sweat and lead to unpleasant odors.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and use mouthwash to maintain fresh breath. Don't forget to clean your tongue as well.
Apply a pleasant fragrance, such as perfume or cologne, sparingly. Avoid excessive application, as it can be overwhelming to others. Focus on pulse points like the wrists, neck, or behind the ears.
Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent foot odor. Wash your feet daily, dry them thoroughly (especially between the toes), and wear clean socks and well-ventilated shoes.
Regularly brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria and contribute to bad breath. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins from your body. Staying hydrated can help prevent the buildup of odors.
Certain foods, such as garlic, onions, and spicy dishes, can contribute to body odor. Pay attention to your diet and make choices that minimize strong odors if you are concerned about smelling good.
Keep a small travel-sized deodorant, wet wipes, or refreshing body spray with you to freshen up during the day, especially in hot or humid weather.
Ensure your clothes, towels, and bed linens are washed regularly. Use a detergent with a fresh scent to keep them smelling clean.
Spray perfume on your brush or use natural oils that are safe for your hair.
Wipe front to back to avoid infections. Use toilet paper then wipes.
moisturize your skin.
When washing your hair, make sure you are using products that clean your hair without drying it out.
Keep feminine wipes with you.
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lovings4turn · 5 months
୭ 🗝️ ✧ ˚. 🪩 you’re my painkiller . . . (j.s.)
— your boyfriend apparently has zero regard for his own wellbeing. you, on the other hand, seem to have enough concern for you both (1.6k words)
+ aka the classic ‘patching up your injured s/o’ trope. brief mentions of injury and blood but nothing serious
+ also my first time writing any sort of nhl work so pls don’t be too too harsh ! a special shoutout to my lovely @wintfleur for all of the support and for listening to my various ramblings n complaints about this fic😭
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juraj regrets nothing.
even now, sitting in the penalty box with a bust lip, he couldn’t care less. not about the player that he was swinging at two seconds ago, nor about how well the small cut on his face is going to heal. shit happens, after all.
though, no.
maybe there’s one small thought gnawing away at him, sitting persistent at the front of his brain and demanding his attention. it’s the knowledge that you’re sitting at home and have definitely just watched the whole ordeal unfold.
fuck, he thinks, taking a drink and pushing his hair back. cold water brushes against his split lip and he winces slightly, breathing still laboured from the exertion of both his play and his onslaught of hits onto the opposing team. you’re a worrier by nature, and juraj’s sure that whatever close up of his face that they’ve displayed on the broadcast has done nothing to quell your concern.
scraps happen all the time in hockey. it’s a fact that you were well aware of long before you’d even started dating juraj, and it would be ridiculous to expect him to never get caught up in a bit of a scuffle. if anything, it should be assumed. but this doesn’t mean you have to like the thought of it, either. 
no one likes to see their partner roughed up and bleeding, no matter how good they may or may not have looked whilst getting into said fight. especially not when you have to wait another two hours or so to see them again.
two minds intertwined, both you and juraj desperately wish you could have attended the game tonight so the distance between you could be a little smaller. he would find a way, some method of conveying to you that he was completely okay, and worrying was the last thing you needed to do. the dickhead deserved it, after all.
sadly, things can’t always work out the way that juraj wishes, and now he has to deal with the consequences. it’s a painful rest of the game, and his drive home is even more laborious. how he will find a way to quell your worry, to assure you he was fine, and that if anything, this method of getting out a little extra aggression was pretty healthy depending on who you asked, is beyond him. luck and charm is all he has on his side. 
turns out, all of his planning and preparation isn’t needed.
he doesn’t even have the chance to get a word out before you’re rushing over to him, a surprise yet fond oof escaping his bitten lips as you bury your face into his sturdy chest. large calloused hands find their way to sit at your waist, the fabric of your hoodie hiking up slightly to grant juraj’s fingertips access to your skin.
he’s granted a tight hug before you’re pulling back far too soon for his liking, your warmth lingering against his chest and tunnelling through his skin to reach his heart. juraj’s thumbs stroke at the exposed strip of your waist as he awaits your next move.
in an effort to reach his face, you push up onto your toes and juraj automatically stabilises you by tightening his grip on your waist. cautious to not hurt him, you cup his jaw with a gentle hand, the dusting of faint hair familiar against your skin. your thumb barely ghosts over the dried crack of blood sitting on his bottom lip, a place you’d pressed countless kisses in the past now marred by a mark of frustration.
with your furrowed brows and pouty lips, you look downright adorable to juraj as you survey his scrapes, which are arguably nothing in his eyes. he’d be lying if he were to say he wasn’t enjoying the way you were fussing over him, and he was a little amused at just how concerned you were over a few little cuts.
finally, your observation comes to an end.
“you’re an idiot,” you surmise, clicking your tongue softly as you fail to hold back a smile.
the blunt nature of your words takes him aback, and he barks out a laugh.
“it’s not bad.”
his voice is thick, accent heavy, and it takes a lot of effort for you not to swoon.
“there’s blood.”
he holds his hand up, pinching his pointer finger and thumb close together. “little bit.”
“still blood.”
his eyes are locked onto yours, and though you want to do nothing more than kiss him silly, the thought of causing him any more pain or discomfort is out of the question. all you can do is stare at one another, hoping your expression can convey far more than touch or words.
eventually, your hand leaves his jaw, and juraj finds himself having to stop his face tilting, wanting to follow the caress of your palm, to chase the warmth it gives him. the longing doesn’t last long as your hand finds his own, squeezing it in a show of love.
he doesn’t think twice as you lead him into the bathroom. your hands are on your hips as you huff out a breath, squinting slightly in a laboured effort to remember where exactly you stored the haphazard medical kit that was invented for moments exactly like this.
luck is on your side, as your guess of rooting through the cabinet underneath the sink proves to be successful. your fingers swipe through various medical products, and you pluck out some plasters and antiseptic, hoping that they would do the job.
juraj stands behind you like a lost puppy, half amused and half concerned at the speed at which you’re moving. he truly doesn’t think his injuries are anything to dwell on, but the way that you’re acting prompts him to think twice.
oblivious to his hovering, you plant your palms firmly onto the cold marble of the bathroom counter before you push yourself up, your new height bonus granting you easier access to the scrapes on juraj’s face. you pat your thighs and give him a smile.
“come here then, let’s get you patched up.”
juraj doesn’t need to be told twice. in two long strides he’s standing between your split legs, hands finding purchase on your thighs as you take a minute to properly assess the damage done to your boy’s face. truly, it could be far worse - you’ve seen players lose teeth in the past, after all - but you think you’ve earned the right to be a little dramatic.
“this might sting,” you warn, beginning to pour some of the antiseptic liquid onto a cotton ball. the strong scent causes your nose to scrunch and juraj can’t help but to press a kiss to the wrinkled skin, a silent communication of consent.
it hurts like a bitch. you murmur apologies throughout, cursing and wincing with him as you dab at the area around the wounds in an attempt to clean up as much of the blood as possible. it’s impressive, how efficiently you work, considering you’re not exactly well versed in cleaning up wounds. 
“what even happened?” you ask. “whole thing happened out of nowhere, from what i saw.”
juraj drums his fingers against your thighs, jaw clenched slightly as he distracts himself from the harsh sting of the antiseptic liquid. your question gives him something to think about, to focus on.
“eh, nothing really. was frustrated, he chirped me. next thing i know, we are fighting.”
you can’t help but laugh at his nonchalance, and your smile reflects onto his own face, the sun lending light to the moon. the motion stretches the gash on his bottom lip and he hisses a little, letting out an indignant sound as you swat at his curious hand.
the plasters you purchased are far too big for the small cuts along his lip and cheek, so you’re forced to slim them down slightly with a pair of rapidly acquired nail scissors, tongue poking from the corner of your lips. you delicately press the bandages to his injuries, smoothing over the fabric with a level of caution reserved for fine china or glass. 
evaluating your half-assed medical job, you move to cup juraj’s face once more and relish in the way that he steps closer to you. a hand swipes at his cheekbone, and you tsk slightly as your knuckles graze the mottled skin in an act of sympathy. “that’s definitely gonna bruise love.”
“eh, it will make me look tough,” he jokes, puffing out his already large frame even further. it’s impressive, you have to admit.
“don’t want you looking tough,” you huff. “want you looking okay. no matter how good you look when y’roughing someone up.”
though you’re joking, juraj senses the underlying worry in your tone, your mind wandering to the threat of him stumbling through your doorway in a far worse condition. 
“i’ll be more careful.” a promise.
“what am i gonna do with you, hm?” you tease.
your hands come to rest around his broad shoulders, and juraj slides you off of the counter, hands coming to support your thighs as you wrap your legs around his waist. he carries you towards your bed like it’s nothing, laying you down gently before crawling next to you. he wastes no time in pulling you into his chest, your ear against his chest as the steady thrum of his heartbeat lulls you into a calmer state.
“for now? cuddle me. all i need.”
“i’d love nothing more.”
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celestialtarot11 · 4 months
Hiii, how are you doing? 👀 I saw you answered a question about channeling spirit guides during your tarot readings, and I was wondering how you do it without getting your energy drained quickly? Because i want to do that too, but I always get drained easily after one channeling session D: do you have some tips for that? Thank you! ✨️💖✨️
Hi! I’m doing wonderful thank you for asking 💗 How are you as well? And of course! Lets talk about it.
How To Channel Spirit Guides + Protect Your Energy
🤍 Preparation is key when you want to begin channeling. Set aside 1-2 hours to yourself, that way you can relax, get ready and also process what happened after the channeling session.
☁️ Start by eating healthy foods before you channel. For me, I can’t channel on an empty stomach since my energy is being used to communicate with these spiritual beings, so for some of ya’ll, ya’ll need to eat to stabilize your body. And some people I know do fine on an empty stomach which is also valid! Figure out what works for you. Your energy needs to be stable!
🤍 Take some deep breaths to help calm you. You channel best when in a calmer state, and the messages come naturally and easily.
☁️ Set the mood as well, make sure your environment is clean, organized and is to your liking. I can’t channel in a dirty environment, so it has to be clean and proper to invite spiritual energy in. This does help the flow of energy!
🤍 Cleanse your tarot cards for accurate results. This can be done by knocking 3 times on them, blowing on them, or using a crystal to help. Any method can work as long as you’re comfortable.
☁️ Cleanse your space spiritually. It’s important that when working with celestial energy, we want to only hear from them not other spirits/entities (unless that’s something you want, but that’s a whole different rabbit hole!) You can cleanse with runes, incense, candles, crystals, and so much more. Protecting your space is highly important so the wrong spirit/entity cannot attach to you.
🤍 Talk! Openly talk to your spirit guides and now you can begin channeling. Whether it’s out loud or in your mind.
☁️ After, it’s recommended to do some breathing exercises to help cleanse energy, and to awaken your body you can do some stretching! Or go for a walk. You can take the time to process what the heck just happened 😂 which is why it’s important to take 1-2 hours for channeling sessions.
Something I do want to stress: It’s highly important you protect your spiritual space and energy regularly against unwanted entities/spirits. As someone who worked with spirits for a long time, it’s easy to invite a malicious spirit/entity by accident. Or to communicate to it unaware that it is a malicious spirit/entity. Please be safe. If ya’ll would like for me to talk about this in a different post more in depth, I absolutely can! Or you can ask questions.
Something else I do want to mention. I stress the importance of physical care & movement here, because our body is the vessel to receive energy. Our body needs care when channeling, to help support what energies will come through. It’s all connected, our body, mind and soul. It’s like a car, you need to fill it with gas so it can take you to where you need to be. Without gas it won’t work. Our bodies can shut down midway channeling because the energies are so heavy/dense. We can get exhausted, fatigued and irritated! That’s your sign to stop channeling and take a break.
Thank ya’ll for reading 💗☁️🫶 happy & safe channeling!
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cannellee · 6 days
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୨୧ alpha! tokyorev x omega! reader (pairing : mitsuya, rin, kakucho, baji, wakasa, muto, shinichiro, ran)
— their reactions to their omega constantly getting nosebleeds
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as expected of mitsuya, he carries handkerchiefs on him at all times and hands them to you even before you can notice your nose bleeding yourself.
he's knowledgeable and softly guides your head in the best position to naturally stop the bleeding. he pats and kisses your head when you start complaining about how annoying this problem of yours is and reassures you that no, he doesn't mind at all taking care of it, telling you how he likes to feel useful to his lovely omega.
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he is a bit surprised at first, he doesn't understand how someone can have such a weak constitution. your allergies actually are the causes of all your nosebleeds and you can't do much to stop them from happening.
still, he tries to remind you to take your medicines and feels the urge to comfort and support his sweet omega whenever you cry from frustration. he's hugging you and spreading strong pheromones to force your mind to think about something else.
when it's less serious, he's sometimes softly laughing at your annoyed face to lighten up the mood while still taking your feelings seriously.
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kakucho is holding the tissue for you, insisting you let him help you, gently tilting your head back and pinching your nose : "hey love, let's get you settled".
he's actually very worried about you and his alpha instincts push him to make sure his omega is healthy and safe, which is why he'll schedule a doctor's appointment. your constant nosebleeds can't be normal and kakucho is too preoccupied to simply let your nose bleed several times a week. there has to be consequences about such a thing and kakucho ain't taking any risks.
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calls you his little soldier.
he's thinks it's cool at first, it makes you look tough and reckless. but he notices how regular those happen and he gets lowkey scared for your safety.
as they became a recurring issue, he made sure to keep an eye on you, looking out for you, making sure you were eating well and drinking enough, thrusting a water bottle into your hands whenever you do as much as mention that youre thirsty.
he'll tell you to not push yourself too hard and to rely on him whenever you're too tired, even his long hair is yours to do whatever you want with : braid them, put ribbons and pink hair clips... as long as it brings a smile to your lips, he's ready to comply. that's what he's here for after all!
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you're actually surprised to see him express such worry for you. as laid back as he can be, he knows that you getting so many nosebleeds in such a short amount of time is abnormal and he gets concerned when you simply shrug it off with a smile, telling him it's okay.
the first time it happened, his eyes narrowed with concern, but he managed to keep his composure : "easy there", he'd say softly, guiding you to sit down, "breathe, it's okay". he's very gentle and soothing in his approach, no matter what, you feel well taken care of and his comforting scent feels nice.
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the way he handles your nosebleeds is very rigorous, he literally approaches the situation methodically.
"sit down", he orders you firmly, guiding you to a chair and pressing a cloth to your nose. "tilt forward, not back." you simply look at him with an amused pout because you don't see what's the big deal about it, but muto's concern for you is real and he doesn't like how carelessly you treat your health.
but after all, it's his job as an alpha to make sure his omega is all right. he doesn't mind you being clueless and reckless about it, he's here to compensate.
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shinichiro doesn't know much about omegas, he does know that you're more fragile than the rest of society but he isn't aware that it sometimes comes with health issues. you getting nosebleeds was something which happened your whole life : you were sensitive to temperature changes and too much effort led to this problem of yours.
shinichiro panicked at first ; you didn't bump your head on anything so what could be the cause ? he'd jump at your side and have a horrified expression once you start laughing at him. he doesn't know what to do at first and you're the one who have to grab a tissue to dry your nose.
after reassuring him for the tenth time that you're fine, he's more on his guard than he ever was, constantly eye siding you, just in case anything else happens to you. he offers you his best support and will do anything if it can soothe his precious omega.
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yes he's worried at first, but quickly figures out after checking your health record that it's simply a minor issue and bothers you more during your daily life than it can harm you.
he actually finds it very cute how you handle your nosebleeds, he loves to see you walk around as if everything's normal, with two pieces of tissue inside both your nostrils. he takes quick pictures before you can even notice and enjoys your angry pheromones once you see his laughing face.
but he does take you seriously and only act like this when he knows you won't take it to heart. if you do feel self-conscious about it, he'll scent you all over, jokingly biting your soft cheek in hopes to make you smile, which always works by the way!
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bloomzone · 1 month
✩ꜝFinding Peace: 5 Tips For Managing Stress And Living A Balance Life
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"You can be happy about anything. You can be happy about life. You can be happy about music. You can be happy about food. You can be happy about sleep. You can be happy about others, and I can be happy about STAYs"
-bangchan straykids.
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In this blog, we will explore various tips and strategies to help you manage stress and live a more balanced life. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by work, school, or personal responsibilities, this blog will provide you with helpful information and resources to help you find the peace and balance you're looking for !:
by: 𖧷´ bloomzone 𝅄 ׂׅ
⊹ .ᐟself care !
Taking care of yourself is incredibly important, not only for your physical health, but for your mental health as well. When you prioritize self-care, you're able to better handle stress, have more energy and feel more positive and relaxed.Some examples of self-care activities that can help with stress management include exercise, mindfulness and meditation, spending time with friends and family, journaling, and finding time for hobbies you enjoy. Remember, putting yourself first is not selfish, it is necessary to maintain balance in life.
⊹ .ᐟ mindfulness
Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way. It's about being present and fully immersed in the moment, without getting lost in thoughts of the future or past.By practicing it you can develop greater clarity and focus, as well as reduce stress and improve emotional balance. It can also help to increase self-awareness, which can be helpful in managing difficult emotions and situations. U can practiced through activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply paying mindful attention to your daily activities.
⊹ .ᐟ healthy coping with mechanism
Healthy coping mechanisms are strategies or activities that help people manage difficult emotions and situations in a healthy way. Some examples : exercising, journaling, spending time in nature, meditating, talking to a friend, engaging in a creative activity, or listening to music, traveling with friends somewhere...By utilizing healthy coping mechanisms, u can be able to manage stress and emotions in a positive and productive way, rather than resorting to unhealthy coping methods such as substance abuse, binging, or self-harm.
⊹ .ᐟstrong relationships
In addition to providing emotional and social support, strong relationships can also help with stress in other ways. For example, they can provide a sense of security and stability, which can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Relationships can also provide distractions from stressors, which can help to reduce the perception of stress. Furthermore, relationships can provide opportunities for laughter and fun, which can help to regulate stress hormones and reduce physical symptoms of stress. Overall, strong relationships can play a significant role in managing stress and promoting overall well-being.
⊹ .ᐟhealthy boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries is an important skill for managing stress and maintaining overall well-being. They refer to the limits and preferences that individuals set for themselves in their relationships with others. They enable individuals to protect themselves from stress, maintain self-respect, and preserve their energy and timel.involves clearly communicating one's limits, needs, and expectations to others for example Saying no when you need to and not feeling guilty about it,Communicating your needs and desires openly and honestly,Not tolerating disrespectful or harmful behavior from others,Scheduling time for self-care and activities that you enjoy, Protecting your personal space and time It requires a balance between being firm and flexible. Healthy boundaries can help to reduce stress by protecting individuals from harmful or manipulative behaviors, and by ensuring that their needs and desires are respected and acknowledged.
ıllı ⠀ :  In short, managing stress and finding balance in life is key to mental health. Self-care, mindfulness, healthy coping mechanisms, strong relationships, and boundaries + there is a lot of tips.. can help reduce stress and improve well-being.Take care of urself and set healthy limits to live a happier, less stressed life ‹3. ♡ !!
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nenelonomh · 12 days
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weekend reset
what to do on the weekend to ensure a productive week
i'm sure by now that you've definitely seen videos of girls and their aesthetic 'sunday resets'. they encapsulate self-care, productivity, and well-being and do so in such a stylish way.
a weekend reset is a to-do list that follows you every weekend to set yourself up for a good week. it's holistic, covering various aspects of your life.
some benefits of a weekend reset include adding structure to the weekend, decreasing procrastination, helping you start the week feeling accomplished, and supporting overall wellbeing.
'sunday night stress' refers to feelings of intense anxiety and dread that routinely occur every sunday. they often start in the late afternoon and continue into the evening. these emotions can snowball into physical manifestations such as a racing heartbeat, and trouble sleeping. the trigger? anticipating the return to school/work or upcoming responsibilities for the week ahead.
to combat this, consider changing your mindset and creating a weekend reset routine.
even if you don't struggle with sunday night stress, creating a weekend routine can help you (in the simplest form) make the most of your time while balancing relaxation and productivity.
but how do you create a weekend routine?
during the week, write down tasks that need attention over the weekend. include household chores, grocery shopping, and anything to prepare for the upcoming week.
note any plans, events, or commitments for the weekend. this helps you plan around them effectively.
add activities you'd enjoy alongside necessary tasks - like family movie nights, exercise classes, or nature walks. prioritize self-care and relaxation.
make sure to avoid over-scheduling, by balancing activities and rest. overloading your weekend can lead to burnout. aim for a mix of productivity and leisure.
set a regular wake-up time. consistency helps regulate your body clock. wake up at the same time daily for better sleep and energy.
implement screen-free time. dedicate moments without screens - read a book, take a walk, or engage in other offline hobbies. make sure to get outdoors over the weekend. breathe fresh air and recharge. nature has a calming effect.
consider meal-prepping for the week ahead. personally, i find meal prepping very helpful since it helps eliminate decision fatigue during the week. additionally, it can save time on busy weekdays. some popular methods of meal-prepping include make-ahead meals, batch cooking, individually portioned meals, and ready-to-cook ingredients. the easiest way to employ meal-prepping is to build a combination of easy, healthy pre-made meals and prepped ingredients.
remember - your weekend routine should be a blend of productivity and relaxation, tailored to your needs and preferences.
for further reading, check out these links: Sunday Scaries: Who Gets Them and How To Deal - Supportiv How (and Why) To Create a Weekend Routine - Almost The Weekend How to Create a Weekend Routine (and Why You Need One) (merakilane.com) How To Build The Best Sunday Reset Routine | Notes by Thalia How to Meal Prep — A Beginner's Guide (healthline.com) 10 Productive things to do on weekend - For Busy Bee's (forbusybees.com) Have Better and More Productive Weekends | The Muse
hope this was helpful! ❤️ nene
image source: pinterest
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dballzposting · 4 months
There's really no plainer way to put it but that Goku's love language is fighting.
As in, that's how he communicates, that's how he expresses himself, that's how he comes to understand, that's how he bonds; the pattern of empassioned push-into and push-back. The resistance and deflection, the purposeful direction, the pinpoint strikes.
It's really not a tug-and-pull yin-and-yang dance between two people, as much as it is that each party is BOTH yin and yang. They enter with their own completed prerogatives, and they have a physical argument to test their stance. Each party has their choice of tactic, their own rhythm of when to roll aside and when to spin and strike back and when to dig their heels in and block.
It's because he's a Saiyan and also because of his upbringing. He grew up with the rhythm of the wilderness, where everything is self-defending and self-righteous; and where everything communicates through subtle fights, those inter-organismic interactions, all utilizing the basic moves of offense, defense, or avoidance.
Different animals utilize different techniques, habits, forces of nature; they fall in different niches in the environment. The rabbit does not want to be preyed on, but if he is caught, he is able to accept this inevitability of present reality with grace; the tiger does not want to be caught, and if he is, he'll size you up and make sure you're worth it before rolling over.
It's driven by instinct and biology, but from Goku's budding perspective, it was no different from how warriors learn and adapt and have the volition to utilize different techniques.
The only other person he knew was his Grandfather, who was one of the best martial artists on Earth at the time, and thus: Goku's early bonding behaviors were ruled by the training he did with his grandpa. This also informed his general understanding of the world at large.
Once Goku started on his epic swag adventure and met new people, he had the capacity to love them all, and he continues to fight for them. But the way he loves his friends is maybe not what people have in their head when they think of deep bonding. He loves them, in a sturdy and firm way, in a "of course I do" way, as upfront and practical as any other observation of the natural world.
It's not deep, raw, or passionate; it's not vulnerable, it's not sustaining, it's not supporting; it's not messy or emotional, it's not blood-red or heart-pink ... Goku just stands with a perfectly straight spine, perfectly secure, and he loves his friends, that's all there is to it! He has fun with them, he enjoys their company, he worries for their well-being ... And he will easily go years and years without ever seeing them. When he does see them, he just picks up where they left off like no time had passed at all.
My point is that Goku doesn't NEED his friends, he does not need to see them or to be with them or to feel their support. You know how humans are social animals and need to interact with others in order to stay healthy and functioning; and you know how Goku isn't a human!
He's a Saiyan, so it's by nature, but it also very much has to do with his lived isolation during his formative years. His roots of stability are in boundless nature, the art of fighting, and confidence in his own body; not in the presence of a community.
When he DOES bond deep with people, as in connect on an intimate level, it's in the context of fighting. That's how he understands them and makes himself understood! Through the language of technique, through the specific combinations of offense, defense, and avoidance.
He routinely makes friends with people whom he originally fights as an opposing party, such as the case with Yamucha, Tenshinhan, Yajirobe, Vegeta ... And he makes a habit out of mercy and requesting teamwork with everyone he fights.
He doesn't take fight to be only an aggressive thing, and he takes to friendly sparring or methodical training really well - thinking very fondly of Master Roshi, Master Korin, Popo, King Kai - and having a DELIGHTFUL time with Krillin when they trained close in their younger days.
Of course, fighting CAN be a purely angry, aggressive thing. But he's always ready to let it Not Be, too. Except in the cases of righteous, seething anger (his battles with the biggest bads who have done much to hurt his friends, planet, and order of the universe), Goku loves it when an opponent wants to hang around and fight again.
It's like how predator animals play with each other by tussling for fun. It's not just when in the pursuit of food do those animals utilize predator behaviors, but it's ALL the time, because they have been endowed by nature to be Of A Certain Make & Model because it helps them to survive, and it's just who they are always. They notice certain things, make certain things out to be important, they are intrigued by certain things, they like to move in certain ways - it's everything about all of them that puts them in their ecological niche.
EXAMPLE: Think about how cats are wired to recognize the visual pattern of a snake and to respond quickly, and that's why they sometimes swat at bananas. Or how they hiss, a behavior that emulates the sound of a snake, but they don't know that, they just get angry and hiss. Or how their eyes and brain are designed to notice and follow Movement, and they find this A.) Important and B.) Intriguing; they often orient toward it. This intrigue is selected for because the movement could be food, but, to the lived experience of the animal, it's also just fun. Cats will play with inanimate objects and rodents all the same.
For comparison, non-predatory birds are wired to find importance in things like color and size and shape when it comes to finding food - and they AVOID movement, taking flight away from rather than orienting toward it like the cat.
Another detail about predatory animals: when hunting, they require the element of resistance to stimulate their predatory instincts. This has the advantage of steering the animal away from already-dead-and-possibly-contaminated prey, and toward still-alive-and-delicious prey. This is why the freeze response works in deterring predators; because when the prey isn't moving and fighting back, the predator doesn't feel stimulated enough to hunt. Who knows what animals feel, but the lived experience may be a sort of disgust or repulsion; a definitive avoidance.
At any rate, cats find a lack of movement and a lack of resistance Boring, which is why your cat loves to chase the string toy you just yanked away from her, and why she gets bored when you stop.
My ultimate point is that that's what Goku is like, as a Saiyan, as a mountain boy, as himself.
It's no surprise that his ONLY goal in life is fight. So it's not bizarre to think that through this is how he comprehends and connects with others.
Since this is the case: I honestly think, that on some level, he has loved every opponent he has ever faced. Even Freeza, who introduced him to the purest and most earnest form of righteous rage - Goku hated him more than he had ever hated anybody; but I think that he still loved him as the living, fighting being he was. It's an undercurrent of love that comes with the territory whenever Goku fights, whenever his body gets to move and express himself in that way; and that LOVE I think is the source of his strength. Fighting for anger or other corrosive emotions dirty your soul in the long-term. Goku loves to fight, and has loved deeply every opponent, even if only at the most basic and required level - but he loved, and he loves, and that's why he's the greatest. It's an expansive, nurturing, positive force that he brings into the world.
He loved his grandfather. He loves Roshi and Krillin and all the rest. He loves his sons, and he bonds with them when he trains them, because it's through this that he comes to understand their deepest ways; and he's honored to do so, and he's proud of them beyond measure.
Chichi has long since been out of the ring, but I think that the most vivid memories that Goku has of her are when she is yanking on his ear or slapping him for his ignorance. Like how the cat attaches importance to patterns of movement, Goku attaches importance to such physical engagement; and he retains those impressions for longer.
What he has with Vegeta is the realest shit right down to their bones and shared Saiyan physiology, and it's imperative that they continue to fight each other for forever.
So I guess my point is that if you want to bond with Goku: you'll have to come at him a bit, and offer meaningful contact, and when he comes at you, never roll over like a possum - actively resist, dodge, and strike back.
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Omg i did not know your asks were open i love your blog💗💗
Can I request undertaker with a s/o who smokes and has some unheatly wasy of coping do to the trama she expirienced thank youu💗💗💗
Although he's aware that some ways of calming oneself down can be considered unhealthy, Undertaker wouldn't be the first one to point them out. No matter what you do, living always results in dying and if smoking or drinking is making the difficult times more bearable then who's he to instruct you?
He knows that life can be overwhelming and the more empathetic you are, the harder it can be for you to maintain the relatively good humour, especially when experiencing some problems—he's the one who actually couldn't bear being alive anymore, after all. That's why he'd be pretty understanding when it comes to bad days or mood swings. And so, if you can find relaxation in unhealthy methods then so be it! As long as it's not directly exposing you to a danger of death or serious injury.
Besides, let's be honest, who is actually living a completely healthy life? Is there even a single person who has absolutely no bad habits? Undertaker is convinced that such a human doesn't exist, since they're way too prone to temptations of mind and body. It's only natural if you're one of them, too.
He might actually try to join you in smoking, drinking or whatever way you're coping—all out of sheer curiosity. He'd want to see what the whole fuss is about but also experience something like that with you, partly to keep you company and partly to see for himself if there'll be any positive results on him. He's very open-minded, sometimes too much.
Still, he'd keep an eye on you, just to make sure that you won't accidentally hurt yourself too much. The very last thing Undertaker wants is to lose you to some kind of addiction. But if you'd want him to act like your guardian or mentor who'll make sure that you won't go down the wrong path in life then he's definitely not this kind of person. He won't encourage nor discourage you but his eagerness and participation may actually result in you getting more into your bad habits.
Honestly, not the best person to be around if you're trying to quit anything. However, you should keep in mind that it's his way of showing his support and understanding for you, whatever it may be.
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atopfourthwall · 8 months
Geez Louise that was an aggressive response. I wasn't advising you on how to make everyone stop teasing you, mid level youtubers will always have jerks. I was talking about a proven method to deal with it in a healthy way- judging from your response alone I felt you needed. Think of its this way: you made that comic 17 years ago. Do you really want to be still getting SO angry and snapping at people in another 17? If not at LB but whatever else they'll come up with? But up to you, best of luck.
You're absolutely right it's an aggressive response. Maybe it was an unwarranted one... but your message was frankly unserious and unoriginal. Because your "proven method" is horseshit. "If you let people bully you, they'll stop bullying you." That's what you're recommending - be good natured about people insulting me. It is in fact not healthy to sit there and bear it and pretend I'm okay with it. I was quiet about it for a year or two before I finally started pushing back on it. I was miserable and it was affecting my mental health. They kept doing it - some because they honestly did not realize it upset me (and again, that's who the thread is for and I repeat - speaking out about is what got people to stop). But the other ones? "Do you really want to be still getting SO angry and snapping at people in another 17? If not at LB but whatever else they'll come up with?" Here is what you need to understand and I don't think you do: THESE PEOPLE DON'T FUCKING LIKE ME. They don't like my face. They don't like my voice. They don't like my show. They don't like my sense of humor. They don't like my hat. They don't like that I'm liberal. They don't like that I support LGBT+ people. They don't like that I analyze Power Rangers. They don't like me when I'm happy. They don't like me when I shout. They don't like me when I'm successful. They don't like that I was part of Channel Awesome. They don't like that I'm NOT part of Channel Awesome. They don't like my friends. They don't like me streaming. They don't like me criticizing truly awful people. They don't like when I don't dance to their little nickname. They. Don't. Like. Me. I am a joke to them - a clown, a living meme that they can throw my name out and it's an automatic laugh. I am not a person to them with thoughts and feelings and something that can be hurt. I am only real to them because they think I'm pathetic and they want to bully someone that they think is more pathetic than them. They do not and never will respect me. They see me as the guy who invented Lightbringer 17 years ago. That's it. That is all I will ever be to them... if I'm lucky, because these are the same kind of people who will try to find ANY weakness, anything that's slightly embarrassing I've said or done as a weapon... or just make up complete bullshit to attack me and make that into more memes against me, too. And the fact that you just refer to it as "teasing" me shows everything I need to know, frankly. Because that's all that it is to you - not something that was hurting me. Not something that was affecting my mental health. Not something that I respectfully ask people to stop doing because it makes me uncomfortable. Hell, your original message said I was "constantly" doing it. Two threads a couple years apart with a smattering of me asking one-on-one "Hey, can you not do this? It's actually intended as an insult." The assholes doing it to be assholes just get a block, because why the fuck would I try to engage with them? So yeah, if I'm aggressive in my response, I'm sorry, but your way is NOT healthy. Maybe my way isn't the right way for everyone, sometimes it CAN make things worse... but that's not the case for me and I get tired of bad advice from people who think they understand what's going on.
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Dating Yandere Ken Would Include:
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As a yandere, he becomes obsessed with his love target. He becomes possessive and jealous to an erratic degree. His emotions are overwhelming, and he can become prone to fits of rage and violent outbursts. Any thought of you with anyone else makes him explode.
He will use any method he can to get your attention and affection. He'll stalk, manipulate, and even harm others who get in his way. His feelings are extreme, and he can be unpredictable and unstable.
He becomes consumed by the idea of you, constantly thinking about you. He becomes overly dependent and clings to you, obsessively watching your every move. He can become manipulative and emotionally abusive. He can even reach the point of stalking and intimidation.
He may use extreme measures to keep you all to himself, whether that be blackmail, threats, or even physical harm. His emotions become so intense and out of control that he can become obsessive beyond a healthy level.
His extreme jealousy can lead him to engage in manipulative, controlling, obsessive, and even violent behavior to ensure that you stay with him and no one else. He will do anything in his power to prevent you from leaving him.
He becomes emotionally abusive and paranoid, constantly monitoring your movements and trying to control who you talk to. He becomes emotionally unstable and can lash out physically or emotionally if you disobey.
In Barbieland, or even the human world, if someone tries to stop him, He gets very angry and aggressive. He can lash out physically, and he can become even more mentally unstable and unpredictable. If the person persists, he may become hostile and violent, and even willing to harm or threaten them to protect you. It is a dangerous, toxic dynamic that can escalate quickly.
It would be a severe blow to his ego if you attempt to leave. He would be devastated and emotionally destabilized. He would attempt to manipulate you to stay and he would try to guilt you into staying with him in any way possible. He would use his emotions to try and sway you, but if that doesn’t work, he may resort to more extreme and dangerous methods to try and keep you with him.
If you were another Ken or Barbie, he would be even more aggressive and territorial over you. He would be extremely concerned about being replaced or forgotten, even going to extreme lengths to ensure that he remained as your only partner. He would become even more emotionally unstable and possessive, with a deep sense of entitlement over you. His jealousy and need to control would escalate even further.
If you were a human, he would have a sense of superiority over you. He would see you as being less important and insignificant in comparison to him and his needs. He's trying to make sure that you always choose him over anyone else. He would want you to be obsessed with him. He'll even attempt to isolate you from your family and friends, in order to make sure that you rely solely on him. He would make you feel like you can't survive without him.
He might be willing to do something extreme such as kidnapping you and hiding you in Barbieland. He would do whatever it takes to make sure that you are his, and his alone. He would go as far as to isolate and keep you from any contact with the outside world.
As a yandere, his affection is twisted by obsession and possessiveness, and it becomes dangerous and unhealthy. He would be extremely smothering and overbearing, with a sense of entitlement over your affection. He would want you to be completely dependent on him for emotional support and approval, and he would punish any behavior or behavior that is perceived as a threat to his hold on you.
Despite his yandere tendencies, he can exhibit moments of kindness and affection. He can be caring and thoughtful, but these moments are often twisted and corrupted by his possessive and controlling nature and thinking. He can be affectionate in his own way, but the toxicity outweighs any genuine form of affection.
Despite the obsessions, possessiveness, and controlling behavior, this all stems from him having an intense fear of abandonment. His desire to keep you all to himself comes from his own insecurities and fear of losing you.
“I know I'm not perfect, and I know that I can be distant and cold at times. But there's a hidden part of me that is very fragile, and I want you to know that. Please don't ever leave me, because I don't know what I would do without you. I know I can be possessive and obsessive at times, and maybe even controlling, but I'm like this because I love you so much.”
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
Women's Health: Daily habits that could be affecting your hormones
Hormones play a central role in the proper functioning of your body and overall health. They affect your menstrual cycle, fertility, bone health, mental and physical health. Your skin, weight, thyroid, energy levels, heart and breast health and much more.
These are some common habits that can influence hormonal balance:
Sleep: Irregular sleep can disturb hormone production, like cortisol, insulin, and growth hormones.
Diet: Eating lots of processed foods, unhealthy fats, and sugars while lacking essential nutrients can lead to hormonal imbalances. Extreme diets can also harm hormones.
Stress: Chronic stress releases cortisol, disrupting other hormones in the body.
Exercise: Too much or too little exercise can impact hormone levels. Overtraining raises cortisol, while being sedentary affects insulin sensitivity.
Caffeine and alcohol: Consuming too much caffeine or alcohol can affect hormone production and the endocrine system.
Plastic usage: Some plastics contain chemicals that disrupt hormones, especially when they leach into food and drinks.
Skincare and household products: Harmful chemicals in skincare and household items can act as hormone disruptors.
Medications and contraceptives: Some medications and birth control methods alter hormone levels.
Smoking: Smoking and secondhand smoke can disrupt hormones.
Environmental toxins: Exposure to pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in the environment act as endocrine disruptors, affecting hormone production and function.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is vital for hormone secretion and function.
Sunlight exposure: Natural sunlight helps regulate circadian rhythm and melatonin production, impacting other hormones.
Social interactions: Loneliness and social isolation affect hormone production and stress hormones.
Water bottles and food containers: Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastic bottles and containers, BPA can disrupt hormones when it seeps into food or drinks.
Laundry products: Some laundry products have chemicals that act as EDCs, impacting hormone balance through skin absorption.
Synthetic fabrics: Fabrics like polyester can cause increased sweating and heat retention, potentially affecting hormones.
Personal care products: Certain cosmetics and shampoos may contain harmful chemicals that interfere with hormone levels.
Intermittent fasting: Extreme fasting or calorie restriction may disrupt hormonal balance for some individuals.
Gut health: A healthy gut, supported by a balanced diet and probiotics, positively affects hormone metabolism.
Birth control methods: Hormonal contraceptives, like pills, patches, or IUDs, can influence hormone levels and affect individuals differently.
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heich0e · 1 month
Liv you don’t have to answer this if you’re not comfortable with it but I was just wondering if you have any tips on how to have safe sex? I feel like those kinds of conversations are so overlooked in media and as a person who’s never been sexually active im kinda nervous and scared. I know having a condom it’s important but what else? Like, how to prevent infections or something like that… anyway yeah, sorry if that was an intrusive ask. I hope you have a nice day!
EDIT: i say this below the cut, but i want to add it here too i am not an expert i am just a person speaking from what i know and sharing what resources i can.
first of all please DON'T apologize!! this is such an important question/subject and i think it's very sweet you came to me with it, and i appreciate you trusting me to help!!
off the top of my head the three biggest things that came to mind were condoms (the big obvious one) but also ideally a backup birth control method if contraception is necessary, making sure you and your partner are tested for STDs/STIs (also probably obvious) and just generally are able to communicate about stuff like that, and (something that i wish more ppl talked about!!) lube. lube helps reduce friction, which prevents any tearing (both internally but also for condoms!! just make sure the type of lube you're using is ok to be used with whatever kind of condom you're using.) i've been saying for years that more ppl need to get on board with using lube because it is there to help!!
when it comes to sexual hygiene it's going to differ a lot for every person, not just depending on your anatomy but because everybody's body is different. everyone says "pee after sex to prevent UTIs!!" but the reality is that sometimes that just doesn't help—i know ppl who deal with chronic UTIs because they have a rly sensitive PH/flora and sex just fucks with it (no pun intended.) yeast infections can happen too. the most important thing is that you know this is NORMAL and is not something you need to be scared of or embarrassed about.
please for the love of god my sweet angel if you are a vagina haver do NOT use internal "feminine washes." they are BAD for you and your snatch. no matter how "natural" or "ph balanced" they claim to be they are not meant to go inside you and can rly fuck with your body chemistry. use gentle unscented soap around the area and otherwise JUST water to clean inside. (here's a link to a webpage from the royal women's hospital on dos/don'ts for hygiene! it covers everything from washing to menstrual care to sexual hygiene, but it is specific to vaginal care.)
i'm not an expert, or a doctor, i'm just a girl on the internet who's sharing what she knows with you. but i want you to be informed and feel empowered and reassured by that information, so i found some resources on safe (/"safer") sex for you in case you want to read some stuff from people who know what they're talking about.
scarleteen - this is the largest online resource for "comprehensive and highly inclusive sex and relationships education, information and support." This is an incredible and regularly updated source for info on EVERY possible subject related to sex, bodies, and relationships.
the safer sex toolbox from the american sexual health association - after skimming through this seems like a very helpful and incredibly detailed resource!
planned parenthood resources - they have pages that talk about everything from birth control, to healthy relationships, gender identity, and even sexual pleasure.
love you little friend, and i am very proud of u for asking and wanting to know this info. you're doing amazing!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Just curious, how do the lmk crew when they are sick and when others are sick? (Not pregnancies since that whole different ball park.)
OK heres my hcs for how LMK gang deals with being sick/others being sick:
Xiaotian/MK: Ignores serious symptoms until he physically cannot walk. And although he loves the extra break time, he almost goes nuts when he's too sick and feverish to much else but rest. Draws a lot when ill, especially of his fever dreams. To Others: he goes full worried mother-hen on them. Soup, tea, soft pillows, meds, you name it - he'll zoom across town for it. Often ends up catching whatever the other person had cus of proximity.
Xiaojiao/Mei: Legit doesn't notice her symptoms until she starts flagging mid-drive, then she puts herself on strict bedrest until she's good enough to hit the road again. Prefers to treat herself, so she gets embarassed when she gets really sick and the others have to step in. To Others: Jokingly mourns them and drops off a bag filled with their fave snacks before booking it out the door. She will support them from a distance. XD
Sun Wukong: "Bah! Illness is for dorky mort- ACHOO!!" His relative isolation on FFM and hubris towards earths tiniest organisms has left SWK with almost zero immunity to common diseases. Pretty much passes out the second he gets the tiniest cold. Will try and meditate/sleep his way back to normal, but will need to be dragged kicking and screaming to a doctor. To Others: The opposite. Mortals are so fragile! Are you ok!? Why is your nose running? Are you dying?! This monkey goes into full panic mode over the smallest ailments. Buys out the pharmacy's stock in cough syrup and cold meds. Probably makes himself sick in the process.
Macaque: Accepts his fate and holes himself up in a nest for the foreseeable future. Has a slightly stronger immune system than Wukong (don't tell me that this monkey didn't live like an alley cat at some point), but in the case of really serious illness will crawl himself towards his nearest ally and/or enemy for assistance/a more honorable death. Secretly enjoys being pampered while in his more vunerable state. To Others: Full mom-mode combined with "I told you so" attitude. Strict bedrest and warm blankets. Monkey instincts take over and he'll make the sick person eat weird medicinal plants he finds/alchemises, and cuddle them in hopes of making them feel better. Often times it works.
Pigsy: Claims he's never taken a sick day in his life. Is proven wrong the first time he catches a random virus and has to shut the down kitchen for about a week. Is very frustrated, but puts the customers' safety over his pride. When he gets the slightest bit better he'll start cooking up a storm to make up for lost time. To Others: "Sick. Leave. Now." Will physically carry his sick friends/workers to the doctors to get meds before he lets them in the door. Will stuff the sick person full of healthy traditional soup recipes to encourage "natural healing" in addition to strict medical assistance. Will claim that he'd do this for anyone (he lying).
Tang: "Oh no~ I have the flu! I guess I'll have to stay home and be feed soup by my beloved Piggy~" This man will 100% take advantage of his sickness for attention. Don't lie to me. To Others: On one hand, eww. On the other, he may be able to steal a bowl of Pigsy's healing soup. Will smile fondly and let the ill person recover in their own time with meds.
Sandy: Goes belly up in the water. He's a guy with great constitution, so he doesn't get sick often. But when he does? Doctor, now. Can bounce back fairly quickly if treated, but he'll insist on the others not getting too close to him or his cats less they catch it too. Will appriciate any help (esp with his foster cats) around the boat house tho. Cat cuddle pile until he's better. To Others: Enters the room wearing a face mask and gloves, holding a tray of different teas (hot and iced), and offers to lend his aromatherapy machine. Very big on holistic methods, but won't discourage modern medicine.
Red Son: Goes into "dying victorian child"-mode. Was in the Guanyin's Southern Seas paradise for centuries (so no immunities) and likely hasn't caught most diseases simply because his body runs too hot for the micro-organisms to survive. But if he catches something supernatural, or it triggers a violent immuno-response? He's a sweaty mess unable to move from his bed, surrounded by ice packs. It's very difficult to take care of him in this state cus he's like smouldering lava. His parents get *very* worried. Gets ridiculously honest, slurring things like; "I love you so much noodle boy~" *passes tf out* to his caretakers. Doesn't remember a thing afterwards. To Others: "Bull Clones! Initiate hazmat procedures!" Gets mega worried cus he's never had to help someone in this state before, but understands how laboratory hazmat works, so will assist wearing full PPE. Will disinfect the ill person's entire living space to eliminate future threats. If the sick person is someone *really important to them, Red will panic and seek out supernatural assistance.
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Nezha: "Sick? Nah I don't get sick." *falls asleep at the breakfast table the second no one's looking*. Tries to "tough it out" like he believes he should, but is woefully unprepared for how protective the rest of the gang can be. It's been a long time since someone has actually tucked him in and nursed him back to health - he gets really emotional. Will now die for his caretakers' no matter how small his ailments were. To Others: Vows to help however he can, and then goes to stand guard at the bedroom door. Will call for advice on bedside manner stuff cus he's not used to it (youngest of three yo) beyond what his mom would do for him as a toddler.
Bai He: Little kid. Will sneeze and cough and allow herself to be corralled into bed for the week. Very sleepy. Stuffed animal fort will be built to protect her. Mo may sneak in to cuddle her better. To Others: Is told to keep away from the sick person less she catches it, but will sneak in and donate one of her fave toys to keep them company. In the case of non-communicable ailments; will sneak in and try to cuddle the sick person better since that always makes her feel better too. Brings her tablet so that they can watch something together.
+(Au character) Chenxiang: Is pretty healthy, but also has no idea how personal health works. Gets his first ever really bad illness by getting drenched in rain one night and not drying himself off properly. Hallucinates feverishly and mistakes Wukong as still being his Sifu, and that he needs to save his mother. Multiple family members are required to wrangle Chenxiang back to bed in this state. Gets really quiet/wistful once he starts getting better. To Others: Gets really worried and immediately summons the adults for help. The only other time in the past he's cared for a sick person... didn't end happily. So he gets really really insistent on the sick person going to the doctor, taking meds, drinking tea & soup, everything. Pretty much helicopters over the sick until they get better, or if the adults take over for him.
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