#WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE. in my subconscious.
ohyoufool · 1 year
You KNOW WHAT I figured out why I like the Kraken. SO Providence Falconers-coded.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
dickie and jason headcanons pretty please
Everyone thinks Tim and Damian are a nightmare to have in a room together, but it's actually Dick and Jason. Tim and Damian still need to work through a thing or two and subconsciously pull their punches because of that, but Dick and Jason have no such thing. They've been siblings the longest and at this point it's an undisputed fact that they love each other, so there's zero limit to them being absolute menaces
They've been in a Toy Blast standoff since last year. Dick keeps speedrunning the levels and Jason keeps deleting the app from Dick's phone until he catches up
The bathroom switch in the Bludhaven apartment is outside the bathroom. Barbara kept telling Dick to get it changed and he kept procrastinating, so when Jason broke in and turned the lights off in the middle of Dick's shower, all Babs said from the other room was "Told you so"
Jason: "Alfred, tell Dick to quit breathing over my shoulder"
Dick: "Tell Jason to quit blocking the screen with his big helmet"
Alfred: "Sort it out yourselves, this is not in my job description"
Dick wrestled Jason for an Oreo but also gave him the comfier sleeping bag in the span of five minutes while they were on a stakeout
Jason is absolutely the sibling that chases Dick around the house with a knife for fun when Bruce and Alfred aren't around
Dick: "Get out of my room"
Jason, lurking outside the windowsill: "I'm not in your room"
Dick's outfits aren't truly considered nice until they pass the Jason Test, which is getting a "meh" instead of "you look like you were drawn by a fourth grader"
To brag that he got the last slice of pizza, Jason slapped it across Dick's face
The most accurate ruler in the world is the one they use to split the last candy bar (but Dick secretly lets Jason have an extra millimeter)
And the most accurate measuring cup is the one they divide the last of the apple juice with (though Jason generously gives Dick a few drops more)
The tension is palpable—even the Subway guy cutting their sandwich can feel it
Alfred sends them out to do yard work and they start sword-fighting with increasingly bigger sticks until Dick grabs a rake and Jason whips out the All-Blades
Jason: "I was here first!"
Dick: "I was born first!"
Jason: "I was adopted first!"
Dick has two Instagram accounts—Dick Grayson and Nightwing. Jason has three—Jason Todd, Red Hood, and the verified Nightwing
When the Cave is colder than usual, Jason brings Dick his favorite peppermint hot chocolate but always takes the first sip
Together they stole the bat-plane, flew to Lebanon for food, received a hefty fine after nearly colliding with a fighter jet, got a huge scratch on the side, paid someone under the table to fix it, and put it back where they found it in the span of Bruce debriefing the Justice League
Dick will go through Jason's leftovers, pick out what he likes, and leave the rest. Later he'll hear Jason walk out of the kitchen shouting "Who the FUCK took the shrimp out of my shrimp fried rice?!"
When they were kids Jason's bedtime was half an hour later than Dick's. Dick still has beef with Bruce about that
Dick is Player 1. Jason is Player 6 because the first time they played he grabbed a random controller from a box of dozen
Jason: "Help me bury this body"
Dick: "Sure"
Jason: "Also I need to delete all record of this guy's existence"
Dick: "Will do"
Jason: "And can you get me a drink?"
Dick: "Get it yourself"
When he first arrived, Jason was resistant to the idea of having an older sibling until he realized he has Younger Brother Privilege
Dick hides the remote with a sword swallowing trick and Jason hates it
They use texts for personal conversations, WhatsApp for vigilante business, and Snapchat for unhinged memery. It's like talking to 3 separate people
They also have their own text abbrevation: DTB (Don't tell Bruce)
They don't apologize, they just sulk in their rooms for a couple hours until Alfred calls them down for dinner and they forget all about it
Goon: "Who's that blue fella? Youse was fightin' real loud"
Jason: "Nightwing. He just pisses me off sometimes"
Goon: "I can take care of him"
Jason, lighting a cigarette: "Go ahead, I'll be here when you get your ass handed to you"
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ninibeingdelulu · 2 months
I’m scared
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synopsis: simon can’t sleep due to his nightmares, so he tells you about his childhood and…his fear of becoming a bad father
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The fading sunrays streak vibrant tangerines and crimsons across the dusky skies gradually dimming over the secluded ranch you both retreated to - desperate for a more tranquil life far removed from Simon's harrowing past.
Despite the idyllic setting and near-constant solitude constantly surrounding your cozy homestead nowadays, he still instinctively startles awake most nights drenched in a cold sweat.
Tonight seems no different when that painfully familiar shudder wracks Simon's powerful frame beside you in the tangled bedsheets.
One moment, he's coiled tighter than a loaded spring through the entire rippling expanse of his musculature while visions of yet another fallen brother scream silently behind those tightly screwed eyelids.
The next, Simon jolts upright sucking in air like he just emerged from being submerged as the last vestiges of his latest night terror dissipates.
You stir only fractionally at the abrupt disturbance, too preoccupied with your own dreams involving a much more joyous source leaving you both deliriously giddy as of late.
Blearily cracking one eyelid open, you're greeted with the sight of Simon swiping a weary palm across his sweat-slicked brow while continuing those subconscious white-knuckle grips along his thighs.
He remains completely transfixed by some unseen assailant lurking in the shadows beyond your bedroom door for another few interminable beats.
"Hey you..." Your voice is soft yet purposefully pitched just loud enough to penetrate the lingering fog clouding Simon's senses.
Instantly those impossibly soulful blue irises you fell hopelessly in love with swivel back towards you - naked vulnerability completely undisguised in their sunken depths as his respiring gradually calms.
"Shh...c'mere, baby." You beckon with your arms outstretched - Simon swiftly answering by collapsing with practiced ease against your welcome embrace while thumbing away the sudden moisture rimming his lashes.
Neither of you exchange another syllable for what feels an eternity. Simply existing in rare respite tangled as one until his residual tremors finally cease.
"Tell me about your nightmare..." You murmur - lips brushing the sensitive shell of Simon's ear while trailing your fingertips along the corded musculature spanning his shoulders.
His timbre emerges low and throaty when he acquiesces - callused palm drifting towards where your hands remain splayed across the bunched plane of his abdomen.
"It was… it’s stupid, it was about my dad. All the shit he put me through when I was just a kid,” His voice crack slightly at the word. “It disgust me. The animals, the concerts..."
You squeeze Simon closer at those doleful parting words - mouth parting to rebuke his self-deprecation when his palm suddenly clenches against your belly into a taut fist.
Those once warm blue spheres boring through you with naked terror reflecting in their unsettling blankness.
"...but now, how can I be a father worthy of passing anything on when I'm still such an utter wreck myself?" Simon croaks desolately.
"My own childhood ended before it even began between what the 141 had me doin' out there...and that ain't exactly the example I want settin' for our--"
"Simon Riley, you are going to make the most natural, incredible father this little one or I could ever dream of - end of story."
Your tone brooks no argument as you unhesitatingly seal his fears beneath the scorching press of your mouth colliding against his.
Imprinting every ounce of staunch belief and devotion swirling behind your next declarations directly onto his plush lips.
"Because no matter how much darkness this crazy world dragged you through? You somehow emerged even brighter...and when I look at you now all I see is pure, unconditional light. Nothing else matters except the profound love you have shining in these eyes and overflowing from your beautiful soul, okay?"
Simon remains resolutely mute as you cradle his visage in your palms - thumbs gently caressing those gratefully glistening irises swimming closer with every steadying breath cycling between you both.
Until eventually another profound epiphany seems to dawn across his expression while one hand slowly descends to cup your burgeoning swell...
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respectthepetty · 10 months
Is Dan's shadow a succubus? Or more appropriately an incubus?
Homie, how would I know?! I'm watching the same show as you. If I knew what that shadow was, I wouldn't need to suffer through the last seven episodes. I was too busy being scared for my life the first seven episodes to truly think about what that shadow was, and now I have to sit through seven more just like alls the rest of ya to figure this puzzle out!
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But why are we gendering the shadow? Is the shadow male? To me, the shadow is just energy, possibly a physical manifestation of Dan's trauma; therefore, is it an extension of him. Like Peter Pan's shadow!
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@kenjiyabuki went full big-brain and noticed the painting in the background of Brother Anurak's office is Henry Fuseli's The Nightmare.
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Ain't no detective like a Tumblr detective.
And because of this, I immediately went to my favorite art historian (I go to departments often asking BL-related questions which is one perk of working in higher ed), and she immediately said, "It's about sex."
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More specifically, repression of desire.
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Not everyone subscribes to this interpretation, but . . .
There is a mirror and a vial of water in the left bottom corner on the table in the painting. Mirrors mean truth and serve as a bridge between the two worlds (truth/lie, life/death, conscious/subconscious), while water (describe as a mirror-like substance) also serves as a bridge between two worlds. We don't see the mirror fully, so we don't see the truth of the situation, but two worlds are colliding within the painting.
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We've seen a good amount of mirrors in the show.
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And water.
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The show doesn't have a crazy-looking horse in the background unless we are considering the makruk pieces, which are called "horses" and not "knights" like in chess, the horse in this scenario.
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That's a stretch even for me, but we still have the bare basics - a person with the weight of desire resting on him.
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A desire to be comforted when nobody holds him.
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A desire to be protected when he feels abandoned.
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A desire to feel normal.
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And Trin had the same desires.
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There is definitely some funky business happening at the school because Trin and Dan are linked through their desires and experiences, but the shadow was there long before Dan stepped onto the campus.
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Detour - In the third episode, the monk told Dan in order to change his karma, he needed to forgive when the time came after Dan saw his dad briefly playing makruk in his dream. At the end of that episode, Dan saw his father's ghost while he was acting the ghost scene from Hamlet, which is a play about revenge and forgiveness.
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The shadow led Dan through a tour of his family's happiest moments in episode four right before he encountered his father again.
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And his father asked for his forgiveness.
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To which Dan said "hell to the no"
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And this is why I think the shadow IS Dan. The monk told him to forgive to change his karma. The shadow led Dan to do just that, but Dan didn't; therefore, he didn't beat his karma and ghost-dad told Dan he was becoming everything he hated. Was this conversation all in Dan's head? Was he, through the shadow, guiding himself to be better than his father? And did he override his subconscious to seek revenge instead because that's what he truly desires?
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More interestingly is what shows up every time someone chooses revenge over forgiveness - Trin! Rather than the shadow lurking in the water after Dan's dad died, Trin was waiting for him.
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Trin was waiting for him in the bathroom to lead Dan into the funhouse when Nai decided to teach Anan a lesson.
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And Trin showed up right before Anan attacked Dan.
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Each time, the mirrors and water are present, so wouldn't that make Trin The Nightmare?
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Of course, I, a color demon must mention how I find the use of red fascinating mostly when thinking about it in correlation to the painting since red is behind the nightmare figure.
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And it spreads underneath the sleeping person in white as if that innocent person is being surrounded by this desire.
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All of this is to basically sum up that Trin has a face. The shadow doesn't. Trin is a person. The shadow isn't. Just like those headless figurines the locals use as stand-ins for them to appease the wild ghosts and protect them from harm, Dan's faceless shadow could be his way of protecting himself and hiding his desires from outside forces.
And Trin could be a way to expose all that's hidden, including those desires.
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agere-fics · 8 months
Mickey D's
dni: k!nk, anti-agere, agepl4y, or ddlg-esque blogs 🍄 this blog is a safe space for age regressors and age dreamers 🍄
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Characters: Modern World AU Din Djarin, Age Regressor Reader
Pairing: Caregiver!Din Djarin x Regressor!Reader
Summary: A long day of work was the tipping point for your stress. Now, you're impure regressing.
Word Count: 764
Content Warnings: Impure regression, stress, physical touch (like hugs), mentions of going to work, work related stress, use of bubby/baba for Din, that's it :)
love y'all 🐈
Most days you can move past that gut wrenching feeling. It lingers in your abdomen, in a stand still, until it bulges out like a cruel, evil monster.
What comes of it is a crying, snotty mess. Makes you feel like the world is crumbling and that soon the universe would be devoured. But after a while... it can actually make you feel okay. Being little turns into a warm, tight hug, with heaps of security and safety.
You're so busy for so long that you hardly ever go into that headspace willingly anymore. Your subconscious decides when it's had enough at whatever point in time.
Today was one of those days and you think Din knew.
For one thing, you had him drive you to work that morning. The less obvious one may have been you biting your nails. Maybe your orderly squared breathing was noticed, too.
You were about to find out as you walked closer and closer to his parked grey pickup truck.
You reached for the car door and swung it open.
"Hey, bug-"
"SHHHH!" You panicked and looked around. No heads were turned or funny faces pulled. You were in the clear.
Din muttered a soft oh.
Belongings flew onto the floor of his truck, followed by you plopping nto the passenger seat. The door slammed shut.
You sighed, covering your face with your hands.
Din started, "Can I-"
Screams were muffled, taking residency in your palms.
"Oh, baby." Din slowly reached his arm over to you, placing his hand on your back. You flinched, but didn't give any other sign of discomfort from it. He rubbed soft circles into you, and breathed a deep sigh.
It hurt so bad, so very bad, this pain in your chest, this ache in your heart, this hurt in your head. But you couldn't even cry. Nothing. Not even a tear. You were so numb to it all.
You threw your body into him, colliding with his side and wrapping your arms around him. "B-bubby." you quivered.
Din leaned into your embrace and kissed the top of your head. "It's alright. It's okay." He assured you. "Some days are not good days. I know the feeling. You're doing so good, and trying so hard. I'm so proud of you for that."
"Don't wanna- can't talk 'bout it anymore."
"We don't have to, little lovebug. I do have something that might cheer you up, though, but only if you're interested-"
You lifted your head and looked at him with wide curious eyes. Your bubby looked right back at you with the universe glowing in his. A grin finally grew upon your face as you moved to sit back in the passenger seat.
"Close your eyes."
You squeezed your eyes really, really tight. So tight, it was kinda uncomfortable. For good measure, you also used your palms to hide your eyes.
"I'm gonna hand it to you, and you have to guess what it is, okay?"
You nodded swiftly.
"Here ya go." Din giggled, loving how happy he could make you.
You heard the crinkling of something but gasped as soon as you felt it. It was that all so familiar bag you've held countless times before. Your eyes went wide. You kicked your legs and swung your body side to side, you were just so excited you couldn't contain it. "It's McDonald's!"
"That's right, my beautiful little one, it's good ol' Mickey D's." Both of you let out little giggles.
What's the best elixir for a bad, bad day? Bubby and your favorite food EVER!
You started to open the bag until Din stopped you.
"Wait, butterfly, hold on." You look at him. "I need you to eat it at home."
"Awww," you frowned. "But why?"
"Because," He thought for a moment. "Because, bubby likes to keep this big, old truck very, very clean... and being clean makes me very, very happy."
You looked at him for a second and eventually relinquished. "Okay. I love you, Bubby. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"I love you even more, honey bee." He kissed your head. Din got settled back in his seat and began to start up the car. "Seatbelts on?"
You exclaimed, "Oh, yeah! check!"
"Okay, we are off-"
Din moved his foot. Luckily he hadn't actually started going yet. His brows wrinkled. "Huh?" He looked down and saw that he did, in fact, forget to put it on.
"Silly bubby, we have to be safe!" You quickly dragged his seat belt into the buckle and made sure he was very properly secured.
"Thank you so much, caterpillar. What would I do without you." He smiled. "Now, can I go?" He looked to you expectantly.
"Yes! vroom vroom!"
Giggles echoed off the car walls, your day was already getting better.
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oceanbug · 1 year
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
19. drinking game.
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"You wuss, let’s fight again!"
"Y/n, he’s passed out on the floor." Jimin stared at the tall, dark-haired boy who had passed out after having three shots of vodka.
"Ugh, Soobin’s lame!"
Almost as if he’d heard this insult from the deepest parts of his subconscious, Soon shots up and let’s out a slurred
"Am not!" Before face planting, right back onto the ground. At this point, everyone had been drinking and partying away for a while, and the party seemed to be dying down.
"Since everyone’s looking dead, how about we spice things up? Party games?" Aeri had her usual chipper tone, which was laced with mischief. The plan was to play a game of Never Have I Ever, then lean into Truth or Dare later on. Since Aeri suggested the game, she started off with the questions.
"Ok, let’s get in the circle, kiddos! I’ll go first! Never have I ever dated someone richer than me." No one in the room except Yeonjun took a drink.
"Ugh, as if. I’ll go next. Never have I ever dated someone for less than 2 weeks." Again, no one moved except Yeonjun.
"Never have I ever dated someone, then broke up with them after our English presentation."
"Never have I ever been on the school’s gossip account."
"Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend." Ok Ningning.
"Never have I ever been over 5’10."
Ok, the questions were getting very obviously targeted. Sure, some of them may count for others, but all of them made Yeonjun take a shot. At this point, he was so wasted that he couldn’t even pick up the glass to take another shot.
"Ok, I’m totally bored. Let’s do truth or dare!"
"I don’t know, ladies, I’m a bi-" Ninging quickly cut off Yeonjun before he got the chance to escape.
"Jimin, truth or dare?"
"Ugh, you’re so lame. Well, how was I? My kisses are known for being unforgettable." You wanted nothing more than to tune out the conversation, but it was just a game. Having to get used to Jimin talking about other people at some point, you forced yourself to listen.
"Oh? Fine, I guess. I wasn’t really paying attention. Nice-flavored lip gloss, though."
"Cherry." Ningning smiled, seeming satisfied with her answer.
"It's my turn." Yeonjun’s words were slurred and incorrigible. The plan wasn’t for him to actually ask a question, but just get bombarded with questions. But it’ll probably seem less planned if you all let him. So you played along.
"Ok, go ahead!"
Ok, ok, ok…..Y/n. Truth or dare!" He made a cartoonish horror sound after asking.
"Hm, dare?"
"Okkk, you had a lot of talk on Twitter, huh? Put it into action, mama’s, kiss the Ningster herself." Your eyes went slightly wide; you’d only joked about kissing Ninging?
"Your girlfriend?"
"Yup. Do it." All eyes were on you at this point. I mean, I guess it’s just a game? What harm is there?
"Oh my gosh, don’t look so dramatic; come here." Before you could fully turn around, you were lip to lip with Ningning. Ning ‘Rich Bitch’ Yi Zhuo.
"Cherry." Was all you could get out after you two broke up your kiss. You were slightly red in the face and trying to put together what just happened. You looked at your friend Jimin for reassurance of what had just happened, and she could only offer a slight thumbs up. While Aeri could only hide her giggling face.
"Woah! I love parties!" Said the drunk man.
"Ok, my turn then. Yeonjun, truth or dare." Jimin’s eyes were fixated on Yeonjun, ready to ask her question.
"Truth, I can’t pick dare; I got my lady here."
"How was your kiss with Wonyoung? In high school? " There it was, the million-dollar question of the night. Ever since your conversation with Ningning, it was clear Wonyoung was hiding something. If he hadn’t really gotten together with Giselle, then why would Wonyoung lie? The answer was clear.
"Oh, chick’s got wicked tongue action! Blaming it on Gigi was such a crazy thing to do, though. Guess she couldn't afford to lose my Boo-bear Ningning as a friend. I still feel bad for Giselle. I hope she’s doing okay."
"Yeonjun, I’m right here." Giselle waved her hands in front of his face, but it was clear that he was ready to end this night. Yeonjun laid down in Ningning’s lap and fell asleep.
"At least we got enough information out of him." Said a stunned Jimin.
Ningning could only look down at Yeonjun’s sleeping face. She opened her mouth and let out an anger-filled whisper.
“That fucking cunt. Wonyoung’s going down.”
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masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist (open): @azraism ; @kimsgayness ; @sewiouslyz ; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura ; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon ; @rdfgfv ; @beawolfbealionbeyou
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moltenwrites · 2 months
Writing interview tag!
Ohoho this one is exciting! Thanks @the-letterbox-archives for the tags. Your answers were sick, it was a very interesting read. This one is a long one, but the goal is to answer a LOT of questions. A empty list will be at the bottom with the tags!
About me
When did you start writing?
Oo im not sure? I started “ seriously “ writing a couple of years ago when I took a writing class, but I wouldn’t say I was really a “ writer “ untill I started working on How Our World Ended a few years ago
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Oh 100% I haven’t been reading that much lately, but I mostly read horror and mystery. While I sneak in horror sometimes, I’ve never really been compelled to write a mystery story
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
If I’m honest, no to both of those. I have authors I love, but i have my own thing. And people don’t compare me to any author. Weither that’s good or bad is up to you I guess
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write with my old, shitty Chromebook on my bed with my pillow propped up as a back rest. My PC keyboard is very loud and just not too fun to write with, and I despise writing on mobile. If I’m in the mood, I turn on some music and get to work
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I’m gonna answer this question in two different ways, how I get inspiration for ideas, and how I get in the writing vibe. For the first, it’s honestly just seeing something I like and going “ I wanna do that “ or listening to a song while some grand story plays out in my head. For ACTUALLY writing, that’s tricky. I normally write late, but if a friend is up talking about whatever thing ive really liked as of late can help. Thinking ahead to scenes I’m excited to write helps, especially when I listen to music that I tie to those moments.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
I mean, I’m sure they did subconsciously somehow- but I tend to write in fantasy, and my suburban ass life doesn’t really lend to my ideas well. Though I will say, my moms fondness for museums has inspired Paintings a good bit
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
Yeah, a good few. I’d say grief, and how it impacts people is the most prevalent theme across my stories. This is a bit surprising since I’ve ( fortunately ) not lost too many people in my life
would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Oo this one is HARD. I can pick my favorite for each story easily but OVERALL is really hard. I’m torn between Lars from Souls Collide, or The Artist from How Our World Ended. Both characters mean so much to me, and I’d say those two are the characters I’ve made with the most depth. Ughh this is difficult. I guess I’ll say Lars for now, just because of how prevalent and important to me he’s been
Also I know it’s not what the question is asking, but my favorite character that I DIDNT make is Sunny from OMORI
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I think I’d vibe with most of the souls collide cast, considering they were initially based off of people I knew. I also think I’d get along with Asim and Astera from Paintings, along with Lyra and Val from How Our World Ended.
which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Oh god most of them. I write TERRIBLE people. Samaueal would just kill me- I’d hate Nelios, he’s a dick, Ryder from Souls Collide was based off of a person I disliked in real life, Salazar is pretentious and WOULD kill me, Dimitri is the worst- I can go on. But the worst is Samaueal, considering he would just kill me for the hell of it
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
It’s real weird. I either see something I like, and want to steal it in some way, so i base a character off of them. Asim and Astera are heavily influenced by Mary and Reginald from Cemetery Mary, Hart is inspired by Walter White, the whole council was inspired by the organization from Kingdom Hearts. But for characters I didn’t partially steal, it mostly just comes to me when listening to music. Some characters were also created out of necessity, and evolved far past that.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Yup. I tend to write certain types of characters very formally, my protags are often shaken by one particularly harrowing event, and they almost all have some sort of huge internal fight with themselves.
How do you picture your characters?
It depends! Most of the time, I imagine every character in the style I wanted Souls Collide to be, but for certain scenes ( especially fights with Res ) I see it in live action.
My writing:
what’s your reason for writing?
I have a whole lotta ideas and gotta get them out SOMEHOW.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Literally anything positive anyone says makes my day. You all have been more supportive than irl friends. But the things that make my day are either people predicting what comes next in private circles, and for comments here, saying that people like a character or are interested in a story makes me beam. I will die if I ever get fan art ( in a good way )
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
However they wanna. You don’t have to see me any way, but I’ve tried to be a positive force here, so I guess that.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I don’t wanna sound egotistical, but my ideas are really cool ( at least I think so )
What have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
I’ve been told that what I can do is impressive. I remember one specific interaction about the artist that was incredibly kind.
How do you feel about your own writing?
It depends. I’m incredibly proud of my recent work. I love how Paintings is coming along, and I think the laster chapters of How Our World Ended are the best things I’ve ever written. Anything over two years old is dogshit though, I was in physical pain rereading the first draft of chapter 4
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Gonna be real, don’t think I’d live. But in the event I continued living for whatever reason, maybe? I don’t know, that’s a hard ass question.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
I write plots entirely for myself, but I try to thing about what issues there are with my plot from a readers perspective. Idk if that sounds crazy, but thinking about stuff from an outsider perspective can be helpful in editing.
Annnd that’s all, this took me life half an hour wow. Here’s the question list ( It’s unspaced so fellow mobile users can actually copy it all ) Thanks for reading it all, if you did, it’s a super fun exercise!
About meWhen did you start writing?Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?can you tell me a bit about your writing space? What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?Characters: would you please tell me about your current favorite character? Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?How do you picture your characters? My writing: what’s your reason for writing?Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? How do you want to be thought about by your readers?What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?How do you feel about your own writing?If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
Annnnd tag list!
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn @wyked-ao3
+ Open, as always
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diazheartsbuckley · 1 year
Fuck It Friday
Tagged by my lovelies @daffi-990 and @jesuisici33 💗
Yet another continuation of my little mini series: When Hearts Collide (Can I Take Your Hand?)
Will be tagged by the series name from now on ✨
Find the prev eps here and here
Eddie’s mouth seemed to dry up on the spot and he blinked a few times, trying to grasp the question that Buck had just asked him.
The fact that he had asked for permission to kiss him instead of just doing it, sent shivers down Eddie’s spine and it wasn’t until Buck spoke again that he realized that he hadn’t answered yet.
“Eddie?” Buck chuckled softly, playing with Eddie’s fingertips.
“I’m sorry, what?” Eddie said as his eyes never left Buck’s plump lips.
Pink, plump lips that had been on his mind before. Maybe not always as innocently as this time, he couldn’t deny that.
Buck slowly retracted a hand from Eddie’s and lifted his head up, a finger placed beneath his chin, which allowed Eddie to somewhat focus again.
“I asked if it would be alright if I kissed you”
Buck’s voice sounded like a little bit impatient yet also playful, Eddie’s reaction amusing him. Yet it filled him with immense joy when he watched Eddie’s face light up in a warm, heartfelt smile.
“I always convinced myself that I would be the one who would make the first move”
The words out of Eddie’s mouth were barely a whisper, like only he and Buck existed in this moment.
“Is that so?”
Buck’s hand wandered from Eddie’s chin to the side of his face, cupping his strong jaw.
“Yes” Eddie mumbled, feeling himself grow weak at Buck’s touch.
Over the years, Buck had always made an effort to touch Eddie in any way that he could.
A firm hand on his shoulder, fingertips brushing across his lower back, thighs pressed together in the fire engine whenever they were going out on a call, a careful grab on his hips after ending a hug.
Not to mention the eye contact that always lingered. Eddie had caught Buck looking at him so many times with immense affection radiating through his entire being.
This touch was gentler than all the other times and the soft look on Buck’s face definitely didn’t make it easier for Eddie’s knees to stay steady.
“Well I hate to tell you this but you’re wrong”
Buck grinned before he leaned in, allowing his lips to lock with Eddie’s in a long expected kiss.
It took Eddie about half a second to return the kiss, his arms subconsciously wrapping around the back of Buck’s neck, his heart beating hard and fast against his ribs.
Buck’s lips were like an actual piece of heaven; warm, alluring, even slightly wet and they tasted sweet, a hint of his vanilla flavored chapstick lingering.
Eddie had always teased him about that stupid chapstick yet now, it was the perfect one for him.
He felt Buck’s hands on his hips, his grip tightening as the kiss went on, his body almost trembling as he got to touch and taste him like this.
“God, I’m so in love with you, Evan” Eddie softly breathed out against Buck’s lips, not wanting the moment to come to an end.
He didn’t even realize the words that came out of his mouth until he saw Buck’s face beaming in a wide and elated expression.
The two of them were almost completely entangled, not minding the world around them despite being the middle of a parking lot. It didn’t matter who saw them, all that mattered was this.
This kiss, the soft embrace and the love that was clearly between them, a love than was more than just friendly. A love that had been forged by leaning on each other for emotional support, safety and unconditional love through all of the traumatic experiences that they had shared. It felt unbreakable because they had built a bond up like this, worked through all of their struggles, both professionally and personally.
As he slowly unwrapped himself from Buck, Eddie felt a sense of peace and comfort in knowing that he hadn’t just been imagining things.
“How-… how long?” Buck was now the one to feel shy and Eddie let his hands find Buck’s again, his lips almost tingling from their kiss.
“Almost from the beginning of it all. So uh-… five years” Eddie explained and without hesitation, placed another warm kiss on Buck’s lips, knowing that he was allowed to do that now.
Tagging!! @eddiediaztho @bucksbirthmark @disasterbuckdiaz @wildlife4life @forthewolves @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @excuseme-greentea @giddyupbuck @callaplums 💗🦋
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ransprang · 8 months
thank you to @eldergrim for your support <3 we hope you like your match up
if anyone else wants a match up this is our ko-fi
your match up is....
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How you met: You were in the bustling city of Baldur's Gate, a gentle cinnamon roll, finding solace in a quaint bookstore. Lost in the pages of an enchanting tome on witchcraft, you suddenly collided with a mysterious figure. “Apologies, I didn’t see where I was going,” he said with dark hair cascading over his shoulders, and voice as smooth as velvet. The pages of the delicate tome you were holding scattered to the floor. You knelt to gather them, and Gale bent down to help you. As you searched for the pages together, Gale’s light-colored eyes met yours, and in that moment, you felt a spark. Over time, Gale began to visit the bookstore regularly, sharing insights into magic and literature. One day, he surprised you with a gift—a rare edition of a book you'd been longing for. Charmed by his present, you agreed to a date and were happy to note he chewed with his mouth closed. As a result, you agreed to a second date too and the rest was history. 
Dark hair? Chocolate brown eyes? Just tell us you want Gale goddamn. Apart from his looks he treats you and everyone around him like a gentleman with the utmost courtesy. We know it wouldn’t take long for you to fall for him.
You and Gale would love cooking for each other. He would learn all your favorite dishes and cook them for you whenever the party managed to acquire the ingredients. You would help him prepare meals for the camp every night.
You and Gale would spend many cozy afternoons immersed in your shared passion for witchcraft. Brewing potions and practicing spells together, you both would enjoy the occasional fun accidents when one of you accidentally gets turned into a sheep or accidentally ascends into a supreme being. 
One day, when you both are on a shopping errand, in a quiet corner of a magical marketplace, Gale surprises you with a carefully crafted enchanted pendant. When worn, it echoes his voice, whispering sweet affirmations and heartfelt messages. This enchanted gift becomes a cherished talisman, wrapping you in his soothing words whenever you need comfort or a reminder of his affection
Gale would take you on intimate stargazing evenings atop the city walls. With a blanket spread under the vast sky, he would attempt to play a simple melody on his lute, borrowed from Alfira. As the night continued, he would talk about his favorite constellations, and show off his knowledge by telling the story or lore behind each constellation. 
Gale would introduce you to the world of dream interpretation and astral projection. Together, you would explore the realm of shared dreams, where your subconscious selves embark on fantastical and kinky adventures. These dreamscapes would become a sanctuary on difficult days camping in the wilderness and the connection you would forge would transcend into the waking world.
Gale and your love languages would be compatible. He loves receiving gifts, especially magical ones he can consume. He also regularly asks for favours so would enjoy any acts of service too. He would show his love through quality time and words of affirmation.
PLEASE send this man to therapy and take yourself along with him. All the ‘oh my ex was a goddess thing’ surely is not good for him. That isn’t to say that he doesn’t love you, rather that a human-goddess relationship probably took a toll on him. 
Having an arsenal of spells at his disposal, Gale would help you with your gardening. Since he’s a wizard and not a druid, some of your plants and flowers mayyyy not make it. He’d be very apologetic every time he messes up a spell, “Honey, I’m so sorry about this. I suppose I still have much training to do as a wizard. This is a humbling experience. I assure you, you and your plants are in good hands.”
Gale would be a gentle dom in bed. He’d be willing to indulge in your kinks. If any of them involve any form of hurting you like knife play he’d need more convincing, but ultimately would try it once if that’s what you truly want. 
Gale is the master of aftercare. He’d have a sweet dopey smile on his face as he looks at your post orgasm body. He’d run his hand through your hair and pull you into his arms gently cuddling you in his warmth. 
Beautiful hands are what you get with a wizard who has been trapped in a tower and the only heavy lifting done are big books. Gale’s hands are mostly intact minus some paper cuts from spellbooks. He loves putting his fingers in your mouth and fingering you watching you come undone under his touch, “My goodness, you look so beautiful with my fingers in you.” 
Gale starts off the night by gently making love to you before eventually fucking your guts out. He would like to pound you under the stars out in the fields, where you can even see beads of sweat roll down his chest hair glistening with the starlight. 
Gale grunts and groans, he likes to show how much pleasure you can give him. He can sound like a rabid animal if you let him.
Sucking on your clit is his other hobby. He loves to eat you out, it can replace his breakfast, lunch and dinner. Wizard dinner as he likes to call it.
Gale can sprout vines from the ground that entangle you against the wall while holding open your legs, letting you feel the cool breeze. He likes rubbing your folds with his two fingers, spreading the wetness and lubricating you before rubbing your clit with his tip.  
He loves smacking your ass cheeks and tightly gripping and spreading them apart. He loves getting hickeys too, when you start kissing on his neck and moving your way down to his chest, or maybe even give him a surprise suck on his cock.
Gale would get naked and go invisible. Asking you to touch him and guess which part of his body you are feeling.
Gale would also produce alot of precum, especially if you masturbate for him. He likes to watch you touch yourself and rub your sensitive clit.
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siren-serenity · 1 year
"Please don't leave me alone! I can give you the finest jewelry, you can live in luxury without having to lift a finger for the rest of your life, I can cook, clean, I c-can give you anything you want. E-Even.. My body... But all you have to do is just be here with me, my angel fish~."
- Azul Ashengrotto
i need you
characters: azul ashengrotto, gn!reader warnings: angst a/n: - my love for azul has no bounds asdfghjkl - thank you so much ame and mero for being so quick to reply <3 - feedback is appreciated!
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Azul Ashengrotto has never known such pain not until that day arrived. He remembers vividly your figure standing before the intimidating Dark Mirror, the tense suspense hanging in the air, and your enchantingly beautiful eyes filled with unshed tears. Because of him.
He remembers how he shed all sense of decorum, pushing, scrambling, screaming until his throat had gone hoarse for days, doing anything and everything to get to you. Time seemed to slow as two things happened simultaneously: the Dark Mirror's booming voice as it began the ritual and a cry of desperation tearing from Azul's throat. At last, the students got out of his way and he launched himself, arms acting like a shadow of his tentacles as he wrapped you in his embrace. He feels your warmth, your strange human warmth that sharply contrasted yet complimented his own cold, glacial touch. He smells your scent, so uniquely you, and he could never tire of it.
"Please," he murmurs before squeezing you tight. "Please d-don't leave me alone."
He hears gasps from other students as he openly breaks down, gasping for breath with each word while a strange, choking feeling emerges in his throat. Azul doesn't dare to face you; he's such a coward. Yes, a coward indeed for he fears committing to love. The all-powerful force that unites humanity yet can break hearts in a single syllable. He knows it all too well since it was your heart he broke, one that he knows will take decades for him to apologize.
But Azul Ashengrotto doesn't care. He continues to babble, losing his conscious mind while his subconscious drift off to imagining worse case scenarios in the most vivid colors.
"I can give you the finest jewelry, you can live in luxury without having to lift a finger for the rest of your life, I can cook, clean, I c-can give you anything you want. E-Even...my body...but all you have to do is just be here with me, my angel fish," He pleads, begging before at last, he kneels pathetically. Finally, upon hearing the thump, you face him.
He dares to look up, only to find his heart-shattering. He had hoped, he had dreamt that he had done it - he could finally have you back again! But no, the cruelty of reality slapped him. Your face was barren of emotions, fists clenched by your side, and upon looking into your eyes, he finds no trace of raw emotions.
"Headmaster?" You spoke with a cool voice. You shake Azul's hand away, carelessly throwing it to the side as he gasps out a heartbreaking, heartwrenching "No!"
"I believe that the ritual is finished," You step, and each click against the marble tiles reminds him of how much further you were going, away from him, away from his grasp, away.
Azul shouts out your name just as your fingers touch the surface of the Dark Mirror. A bright light shines around your figure before Azul throws himself forward, arms reaching out to tug you back into his grasp (Azul has never let anything he wants out of his grasps, no he is selfish, he is greedy, he wants everything the world as to offer) but he collides with the chilly surface of the Dark Mirror instead. The pain is but an echo compared to the feeling of his heart shattering into millions of pieces when he doesn't see you.
He murmurs your name feverishly, whipping his head around like a lost child. Out of the corner of his eyes, he faintly registers pitiful looks before realizing the dreadful truth - you were gone.
"Y/N? Y/N?! Come back to me! I need you! My angel fish- I NEED YOU! COME BACK! P-please!"
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smolhoneybat · 7 months
hi! i've been a fan for quite a while. i really admire how you seem to articulate, i found myself becoming more introspective with every video. also it's really nice to see someone talking about games and series i really love. aside from that, i wanted to ask if you had any recommendations like games, books, shows, movies?
hi hi!! thank you so much, pinning the words down is hard but worth it haha 💛
Ooh I have so many... obviously there's the games and shows I've talked about on my channel but standouts would have to be Darkwood, Nier Automata and Arcane but ALSO
Games: -A Space for the Unbound: chill fetch quests in a small town in rural Indonesia, finish your summer bucket list with your gf, pet cats, dive into the subconsciousnesses of your neighbours!
-Ender Lilies: metroidvania platformer with some tight controls like Hollow Knight, gorgeous artwork and music, you play as Lily, a young amnesiac priestess trying to purify the spirits of the dead and stop the plague ridden rain that won't stop falling, you're small and weak but you recruit different spirits to fight with you but it never feels overwhelming or bloated, really enjoyed it
-Signalis: survival horror as an android looking for her gf, she made a promise and she's going. to. fulfil. it. Dystopian future in space with lots of good old rusty machine body horror, strange senses of time and memory and there's some puzzles in there too.
-Sunless Sea: Victorian London was moved underground by bats. Don't worry about it. Go sail the seas and try and turn a profit without losing your mind from the Horrors ^.^ (deceptively a lot of reading in this, plays like a management sim meets VN)
-Omori: 4 years ago Something happened. Omori dreams his days away in his room, carefully not thinking about that Something. Some of the game is in his colourful dream worlds and some out in the real world. Fights are always tinged with emotional rock paper scissors as how you, your friends and enemies feel will affect the fight! He's about to move house and an old friend comes knocking on the door...
Books: -Va11-Hall-A: I...don't know whether to put a VN under games or books so I'm putting it between the two. You're a barista in a cyberpunk kinda world, you listen to patrons while making them drinks and chat. (It's chill but sometimes gets pretty heavy and has a lot of mature topics in it for the record.) -Deathless by Cathrynne M. Valente: an alternate history book that has one foot in the Russian Revolution and the other in fairytale. Marya Morevna marries Koschei the Deathless, and goes back to his kingdom. She makes friends with various folklore creatures, checks in on her sisters who all married birds and her old and new lives begin to collide.
-The Locked Tomb trilogy by Tamsyn Muir: sci-fi necromancers vie to become the next right bony hand of God, first book is a murder mystery, second is a grim tale by a survivor of the first but something is Wrong and you know it is, third is an oddly domestic political tragedy and I loved them all so much, cannot recommend the audiobooks in particular enough (as the first is a murder mystery, all the voices the narrator does are both incredibly well done but let me pinpoint exactly who was speaking even when I couldn't remember their names, also she voiced Daniella in Haunting Ground!)
-The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch: small orphan becomes a conman in fantasy Italy. Ends up being drawn into some political intrigue and fucks around finds out, frequently!
-Children of Time: Spiders! Once upon a time an arrogant scientist decided to infect monkey with a virus that would encourage rapid evolution within cooperative species but...it reaches jumping spiders. They have their own form of sign language with vibrational tappy patterns against the ground and wiggling their palps! Scientist's consciousness has melded with an AI and is waiting for her monkeys to become intelligent enough to contact her
Misc: -Dungeon Meshi: do you want to learn about the ecosystem of a dungeon while also figuring out how to cook the creatures inside and watch a guy with a monster special interest live his absolute best life? Yeah you do! (I'm really enjoying this rn so ye)
-Mabel: podcast about a home health carer for an old lady who's only living relative, Mabel, is missing. Anna, the nurse, starts leaving her voicemails like a diary and slowly gets drawn into family secrets, fairy logic and goes exploring places she shouldn't (this one does not shy away from heavy topics including serious child abuse and its effects so if that's not for you then leave this one be)
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hymnoire · 27 days
Gaya stands, her eyes sweeping over the room, every detail etched in her mind like a carefully curated piece of art that of her success. La Maison Vermillion is more than just a gallery; it is an extension of her very being, a sanctuary she had dreamed of for many years. Each piece on the walls, each artist who contributed, every vision that came to life within these walls—all speak a language she understands intimately, a silent conversation between the art, the people, and the hidden corners of herself. Tonight, as the soft hum of conversation fills the space, she allows herself a rare moment of stillness to contemplate it all. After months of preparation, weeks of planning, and hours spent conversing with each guest, this is her moment to breathe. This place is not merely a gift from her adoptive father; it is a testament to her will. The world has given her everything—wealth, status, a place among the elite—but at what cost? It’s a question she cannot quite answer, though her subconscious seems to mourn the cost daily. Here, within these walls, she finds a piece of herself that she has tried to shield from the influence of those who crafted a life for her. La Maison Vermillion is hers, a symbol of the independence she fought to reclaim yet doesn't have quiet yet. In this space, she can finally breathe, even if only for a fleeting moment. Her reverie is interrupted as more guests approach, eager to speak with the woman of the evening. It is the third anniversary of the gallery, a milestone that many have come to congratulate her on. The crowd is eclectic, a crossroads between the wealthy and the artistic, where different worlds collide in celebration. Her eyes catch sight of a familiar figure, his presence unmistakable even in the crowded room. Kai. ( @terragro ) He stands near the snack table, his tall frame dressed in his usual black, a stark contrast to the vibrant colors of the gallery. A smile tugs at Gaya's lips as she watches him. For all the complexity of her life, Kai has been a constant, a steady presence that brings with it a sense of calm. The calm she finds in late-night letters to him, when the words come more easily than sleep. Cygnus, he calls her—a name that feels like an entity born from their exchange of secrets and shared thoughts. She is hindsight bias, too. Gaya never told him she doesn't know why he calls her the latter but she doesn't want to ask, she believes it means he sees something in her she cannot see just yet. She likes that, that little mystery, scavenger hunt of deciphering his labels of her. She has always sensed a grand sensitivity in the way he addresses the world around him, and even himself. It’s through his words that she knows he understands her in a way few do. There is something endearing about the way he stands there, his expression impassive as he surveys the plate of appetizers in his hand. He is out of place in this crowd, yet somehow perfectly at home surrounded by art. He could be one of the pieces himself, she muses. Moments like these remind her that not everything in her world is dictated by the cold logic of power and propriety. Here, amidst Seoul’s elite, Kai is a reminder of the simplicity she sometimes longs for—the simplicity of paper and ink. She moves toward him, the noise of the gallery fading into the background. It feels special to face someone who knows so much about her yet has rarely seen her face to face. Gaya isn’t shy, nor easily embarrassed; her emotions are worn on her sleeve, and her grin says it all. It widens as soon as he greets her. She is Cygnus again, wrapped in the warmth of his quiet understanding.
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“Greetings, nurturer of shadows and echoes,” she says, using the same words she has penned in her letters."On this night of celebration, my eyes land on a figure—a shadow from my late-night writings come to life, or perhaps he’s real, standing here among us. Do you believe in ghosts, conjured from the depths of imagination? " She then speaks with an amused tone, a theater monologue tone almost, as if she is reading out loud a letter she would write for him about tonight, one she will probably write anyways. “Hey, I had no idea you would come,” she continues, her voice softening with sincerity, smiling with her eyes. "I’m so honored you did. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I think the last time we saw each other, this gallery was barely a year old. That's crazy?” Years fly, don't they. Excitement within her—the kind that makes her want to ask him so many questions, to spend time with him away from the crowd. “Ah yes the artist you’re interested in, the auction won’t start for another hour actually. Mmm... so how about a walk with me while we wait? I can show you the ateliers. They’re my favorite part of this place. Maybe they’ll become yours too.”
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charmercharm3r · 2 years
Violent Delights, Chapter Two: By the Hand of the King
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
Chapter Word Count: 3.9k
Story Synopsis: Worlds that were never meant to collide, caught in political and emotional turmoil taken for the worst. But even the destruction of kingdoms that followed couldn't have stopped him burning down the world for the mortal that made his mouth water in thirst and dead heart beat.
Warnings: mentions of blood, vampire!hyunjin, witch!reader, eventual smut, themes of vampirism, family problems, probably very inaccurate representation of how medieval hierarchy actually works, a sappy confession
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
Hyunjin has never hated himself more than he did now, standing across the room from you, who had never been more embarrassed. With his back against the wall, Hyunjin kept his face towards the ground in an attempt to avoid looking at you, the flush on your cheeks too inviting. 
Hands folded politely in front of him, he listened intently to the quiet conversation between Jisung and his father to distract himself from your rapid heart beating through the dining hall.
“You are going to be accompanying me to tomorrow’s meeting. It’s time you start learning about the realm’s political matters,” the King spoke to his son, bringing a glass cup filled with O-Neg to his lips.
“Father, I already understand politics. It’d be more useful for me to attend hunting lessons,” Jisung retorted with half his attention on the prettily plated fruits in the center of the table.
“Not tomorrow, you will be joining me. The council has been awaiting my answer on the realm’s inflation and I’d like your opinion.”
“So ask me my opinion now, not in front of your pretentious councilmen just so they can sit there and whisper about how irrelevant my opinion even is.” The room was silent besides the occasional cricket chirping.
It was the same conversation every meal time, the King telling the Prince to be more princely and Jisung wanting nothing to do with it, resulting in another squabble and someone angrily storming out— who it is just depends on the discussion for the night. This time, the focus shifts quickly from Jisung to Princess Yeji.
“Just do as you’re told for once, will you?” Yeji interjected, raising an eyebrow at her brother. Her voice made your ears perk up, the hem of your dress seemingly less interesting now. Unintentionally— or maybe subconsciously— your eyes fell across the dining room on a particular vampire who was nervously failing to melt into the walls. Hyunjin looked anywhere but you, if possible he’d be just as red in the face except out of humiliation instead. 
Burning in the back of your throat, you wanted to get his attention somehow. Why was he avoiding you? Why couldn’t he even look in your general direction? Did you repulse him that much? Disgust laced his features, you could see Hyunjin biting the inside of his cheek, the same face he made when he had to sit with Jisung while he feasted on his weekly blood donations.
A loud thump followed by the clattering of metal dishes echoed throughout the stone room, the center of the commotion being the wooden table. Yeji was sitting prim and proper as usual, though holding her glass exceptionally tight. You looked up in time to see Jisung abruptly standing from his seat, holding himself back from lunging across the table at his older sister. The King did nothing to react at his children’s squabble while the Queen next to him shot daggered stares at her daughter, but still said nothing.
“Stay out of this,” Jisung was biting his tongue. “Go run off to the garden and continue playing pretend with the family witch. That’s all you’re good for.” All the eyes in the room turned to Yeji, with you in her background, suddenly feeling uneasy in the vicinity of so many vampires. Your gaze flickered around the room, unsure of where to look and ultimately settling back to the floor again.
Even under all the crushing attention, Yeji’s cool demeanor didn’t falter. Raising the cloth napkin to her lips and dabbing, she cleared her throat. “Play pretend, brother? Is that what I do?” Unbothered, she smiled up at her fuming sibling. From behind Jisung, Hyunjin took a step closer towards the Prince. “If that’s what you tell yourself to make you feel better, then sure. I play pretend. I also attend all of my classes, have brunch with mother, go to war meetings with father, pick up all of your slack in the council gatherings because my inadequate little brother can’t be bothered to take his role within the hierarchy seriously. So forgive me if I enjoy spending time with my friend in the garden.”
Silence filled the hall again, but you could hear your heart pumping loudly in your chest. If you could hear it, so could every other vampire within a mile. It wasn’t the tension between the two siblings that made your brain race, but rather that Princess Yeji thought of you as more than just an ear to spill her problems to. She thought of you as a companion, someone she could rely on. And it was the most warming acknowledgement you’d ever received, in front of her mother and father at that. But how inappropriate it was for you to be reacting in their presence, not that the Princess or Prince minded. The King shot you one quick, cold side eye and you forced yourself to control the muscle that kept you alive. With the burning in your cheeks, towards the floor did your head fall.
Prince Jisung scoffed, looking at his mother. The Queen understood her son better than most, sometimes better than he understood himself. When her eyes softened and she slowly, silently shook her head no, Jisung stormed off angrily. 
“Why can’t we have one meal together without someone leaving prematurely?” The King muttered, not directly at anyone but intended for all ears to hear.
“Because you force him to be someone he isn’t,” the Queen shot her head at her husband, delicately red painted lips flattening into an exasperated line.
He didn’t mean to, but Hyunjin let himself glimpse at you, tracing the pattern of the floor in your head. In the King’s presence, he didn’t allow for more than a millisecond to indulge in the sound of your heartbeat. Guilt paraded beneath his icy skin, but why, he couldn’t understand. Sorrow lingered as well, a tinge of desperation, and a bucket of self-loathing, Hyunjin straightened his posture and waited.
“Don’t talk to me about our children’s issues, Hyesung. I don’t have the time nor the patience to argue with you about this again.”
“Issues?” Yeji raised her voice, mimicking her absent brother by shoving her seat back forcefully. She had both her parents' attention, now. “I am exactly who you raised me to be. I am your daughter and the son you wish you had instead.” Not waiting for her father to respond, Yeji threw her napkin to the table and followed her brother towards the exit.
Your only common ground was now gone, leaving Hyunjin, you, and a few other service staff to accompany the King and Queen. Expressionless, her highness looked in the direction her children left while her husband pinched the bridge of his nose. Out of uncertainty, you looked at Hyunjin, who was already looking back. You couldn’t read his features now, something of a cross between sympathy and worry riddling behind his eyes and sad, pursed lips.
It was quiet for a few more painfully slow moments until the King spoke again, “Hyunjin, go make sure my son doesn’t destroy the courtyard again.” Quick, elegant, Hyunjin bent into a deep bow towards the royals and turned on his heel to leave. Just as you straightened your dress to follow him out of the room, he spoke again. “Y/N, stay. I need to speak to you.” Your breath hitched in your throat at the King’s forwardness. Very rarely did he ever address you by your first name, this time was the coldest he’s ever done so.
Hyunjin could hear your heartbeat pick up erratically again, almost making his footsteps stutter as he came to the wooden door. As soon as he was through the frame, he sharply turned and stayed close enough to listen in. It was purely reactionary, almost a second nature to be near you in case he needed to save you from any monster that wasn’t him.
Your feet felt heavy as you took a step towards the table, almost struggling to breath as though you’d just ran miles to get here. The King was a terrifying man, scary and incredibly powerful. Anyone could have guessed from his aura alone, around his wife, he was practically a god. His love for her overpowered his love for his own children, the knowledge made you internally shake as you approached her side.
As sweet as her daughter, Queen Hyesung gave you a short, reassuring nod before her husband continued his rant. “You are given one job,” he started, eyes of the purest crimson boring straight into you, almost through you. “I expect you to do it. Not feeding my daughter fairytales of outside these walls. Her role here is more important than your life will ever be. Remember your place.”
“Yes, your highness.” You gave him and the Queen a deep bow, “I apologize for overstepping.”
“You can go,” he dismissed you before you’d even stood up straight. When you did, Queen Hyesung gave you another melancholic nod, you escaped the dining hall as quickly as your lead feet could carry.
Hyunjin was still waiting, waiting for you to round the corner and bump into him. He’d make an excuse. Yeah, that’s what he’d do. He’ll tell you that he was coming back to inform the King of Jisung’s status. Maybe you’ll brush against his shoulder and he’d get to feel your body warmth again, or maybe you’ll stop to make conversation and he could comfort you. Maybe he–
The nonexistent air was knocked from Hyunjin’s lungs, sending him flying backwards into the cobblestone floor. Heat flooded his chest as his arms instinctively came to wrap around whatever it was that slammed him into the ground. Fragile, your skin warmed the palms of his hands as his back came crashing flat. He was so consumed in his thoughts that he didn’t realize the speed at which you were walking, he wasn’t braced for your impact.
You’d tried to cover your face to keep anyone from seeing the tears brimming in your eyes, not seeing the vampire that you’d body slammed into. Instinctively, your hands came out to catch yourself, despite landing on the person, your palms scraped against the cold cobblestone. It hardly hurt, you wouldn’t have felt it if the cuts didn’t catch onto the fabric of the vampire’s shirt as you pushed off their chest to stand. Muttering slurs of apologies and bending at the waist for a full bow, your damaged hands trembled at your side, not because of the pain but out of fear that you potentially knocked into the wrong vampire. Cold fingertips trailed lightly over the tops of your hands, not acknowledging your apologies but rather the now slightly bleeding scrapes.
Lifting your head and standing straight from the 90 degree angle, Hyunjin’s eyes were laser focused on your palms. His eyebrows were scrunched together in a concentrated furrow, almost pained as he flipped them over to reveal the injuries to both your hands. It wasn’t dripping in blood, but they would surely scab over by the end of the day. You could feel him shaking as he held you, unsure why.
The tip of his tongue poked out from between his lips, swiping the delicate skin and leaving a glistening layer to it. The scent of your exposed blood was making it harder for him to think, the same sweet, powdery florals flushing his nose as he lightly traced the edge of the cuts. “It doesn’t hurt,” you whispered. Whether you had said something before that, he didn’t know.
“I did this,” he murmured more to himself than you. As he pressed into the tender skin, more blood seeped from the scrapes, your scent growing even stronger. Pushing harder, a small, “ouch,” left your lips, getting Hyunjin to meet your eyes.
“C’mon.” Gently did he guide you towards your potion room. You didn’t necessarily need his help bandaging the wounds, but he stayed anyway. He forced you to sit on the wobbly wooden stool while he fleeted around the room gathering clean cloths, warm water, and something to sterilize. Wordlessly, Hyunjin motioned for you to stand so he could take your spot, guiding you to sit on the table instead. The height difference wasn’t much as you sat taller than him now, but just enough so that he had to look up to meet your face.
But he didn’t, he didn’t look at you once since returning to privacy. Even as you winced under the touch of the warm rag and when he wrapped the clean bandage around your hands, he didn’t dare look at the disappointment and disgust on your face.
If he had, he would see you contorted with concern, nothing but carefulness and longing in the way you gazed into his hidden crimson eyes. When he finally finished his task, Hyunjin moved to stand but your fingers on his shoulder kept him seated. Then, did he finally meet you face to face.
To his pleasure or agony– Hyunjin had no idea– you didn’t push him away. In fact, you stared directly into his beautiful red eyes, seeing the flecks of gold come and go the longer you kept the proximity. It was fascinating, how they quite literally swirled within the red, becoming more and more apparent. Then with the same hand on his shoulder, it came up to the side of his cheek, hesitant. The cold radiated off of him, it was soothing under your fire hot skin like you could almost hear it dimly sizzling. His lips trembled when the pads of your fingers made contact, yourself sucking in a deep breath out of fear he’d shy away.
Hyunjin didn’t move a single muscle. He sat still as stone as you examined his face. “You’re so pretty.” Somehow, the paperweight in his chest tightened as though he genuinely felt it beat.
His tongue was caught in a spiderweb as the words refused to be spoken, mind unable to form the right sentence to portray that– no. If I am pretty, then you are the model goddesses try to take after. And even after they attempt to understand your beauty, they still get it wrong.
Instead what came out was, “you’re so clumsy,” and took your hand gently away from his face. Cupping it between both of his, Hyunjin placed your wounded appendage gently into your lap and stood, leaving you breathless and embarrassed.
What had come over you? Speaking such words to your superior, your lord, a vampire. It was easy to hate living here with monsters, and somehow Hyunjin had made it tolerable. Now, you’d humiliated yourself in front of him and he flat out rejected you. How were you to ever face him after this? You wouldn’t, you decided. You’ll avoid him like the plague and tell Yeji that you just couldn’t attend dinner anymore, she’d definitely understand, right?
“I should go,” voice small, you whispered.
Hyunjin peered at you from over his shoulder, a pained smile and fake chuckle emitting from his mouth. When you raised an eyebrow at him, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor. “Twice I’ve been in here today and messed it up both times, hm?”
Your head tilted in even more confusion, and he flashed a big, fang filled smile in your direction. “You’re being weird,” you murmured.
“I’m being weird? My apologies, my lady. I’m just not used to having to care for a human. It’s like taking care of a pet.”
“A pet? That’s how you think of me?”
He’d blown it now. There it was again, the words not coming out right and he had no idea how to fix it. Hyunjin anxiously smoothed down the ends of his hair and took two steps towards you, retracting his fangs. “Th– that’s not what I meant.”
“That’s how it sounded.”
“I– I don’t–” he stopped himself, scared that it’d make things worse. In the span of one day, he’d almost bitten your head off, gotten you in trouble with the royals, injured you, made you bleed, and dismissed your clear courting signals. How did he end up here?
“Just say what you mean.” You weren’t messing around anymore, judging by your tone of voice. It was stern, demanding almost, though you were never the type to demand anything from anyone.
“If I tell you, you’ll run away.” He felt like he was collapsing in on himself, sinking into the floor and unable to move so he’d be forced to endure this emotional beating.
You let out an exasperated laugh, “you forget how fast you are. You’d catch me anyways.” It sounded quite literal when you put it that way, though there was a much more hidden meaning that no one had to look very deep for. There was no one other than him, no one that could’ve outshined him in any sense of the word, and no one else you’d risk your life for by the hand of the king.
Still, a cracked smile broke on his porcelain face in a way you couldn’t read other than it wasn’t the kind of happiness that met his eyes. No, Hyunjin seemed like he was hurting, just like every other time he was around you but somehow this was the worst it’s ever been. The gold in his eyes shone brighter, almost completely overtaking the red in the reflection of the yellow candle light. It was impossible to look away, somehow even more alluring than his usual sultry burgundy, something you’ve never seen from any vampire before.
Hesitating, Hyunjin reached up to untie the red ribbon that kept half his hair up, letting it fall into his face. He toyed with it for a second between his fingers before mumbling towards the ground, “I don’t need oxygen and you still make it hard for me to breathe.”
Your heart beat was speeding up, completely numb to the wound on your hands now as you leaned back onto one and the other clutched at your dress. It was thumping loud in your ears, probably even more so for him, watching the way Hyunjin turned to face you but kept his eyes to the floor. “How pathetic do I have to be to wish for something as useless as oxygen. I don’t need air in my lungs or a heart to pump blood through my body. I don’t need to be frightened of time because I have infinite amounts of it.” His slow footsteps echoed closer, “I don’t age or feel pain the way humans do. Any magical illness I face, you’re there to save me.”
Through the fringe of his hair, Hyunjin looked up at you. The gold was more than prominent now, so bright you should’ve been worried. It was like he had a torch of his own behind the very irises that were in his skull. Inch by inch, he closed the distance until he was in front of you again, towering over your nervous figure.
“Isn’t it sad, my lady,” the tops of his thighs brushed against your knees, the only contact besides bringing his hands up to gather your hair and pulling it over to one side. Separating into three strands and beginning to braid, he continued, “I have the strength and power of the gods and yet I’ve never felt more weak than when I’m with you.” As his words trailed off and your breath hitched in your throat, nimble fingers tied off your hair with the ribbon.
It felt like the same bow in your hair was tightening around your neck, constricting you from making a sound other than a pathetic whimper as Hyunjin let his hands fall to the table on either side of you. It strung tighter around your airway when he rested his weight onto them, coming in just centimeters from your face. The crimson eyes you were so used to looked unreal now, entirely replaced by the golden amber of this new Hyunjin. You felt uneasy and excited, cautious and daring all at the same time as he caged you in.
Somehow, between the centimeters distancing your and his lips decreasing and the pounding of your heart in your chest you found your voice again, “truly, it’s pathetic.” His pretty eyes narrowed at your words, though not interrupting. You paused, let him sweat for a moment before continuing, “you speak of immortality like it’s a gift. You get to be young and beautiful forever but at what cost?”
“You think I’m beautiful?” He smirked, with his eyes this time.
“I told you you’re pretty minutes ago and you responded by calling me a pet and poking fun at the fragility of my measly human body. I’m starting to think you enjoy giving me emotional whiplash, my lord.”
“Death doesn’t scare me but you do.”
“Being cryptic again.”
“I want to kiss you.”
“No one’s stopping you.”
“This is,” a cold hand pressed into your chest just where your heart lies beneath. The cold of his fingers grazing your exposed collar bone made goosebumps rise along your skin. “This stupid, useless piece of meat that is keeping my precious little witch alive.”
Possession. Claim. His. His little witch.
There was a tint of desperation that lingered in his tone, making you the slightest more confident. “I’m not yours until you make me yours.” 
“You’re asking so much of me tonight.”
“And you’re giving me so little.” Adrenaline in your body made you scoot closer to the edge of the table, knees making way for him to nudge just that much more into you. Even through the thick fabric of your dress and his own clothing, it was exhilarating to feel him against you.
“I know what you want. Take your own advice and say it.” His plump lips brushed against yours, hardly grazing and it sent sparks down your spine.
“Kiss me.”
“One more time.”
“You talk too much.” You closed the almost nonexistent gap, softly pressing your lips to his. It was gentle, a young and inexperienced kiss because that’s as far as it got. Hyunjin repeated your actions, kissing you sweetly without pushing it any further. Skin cold but so good, sharp fangs just one wrong move away from piercing your own flesh. But that didn’t matter. Perhaps you were being reckless but you couldn’t help it, pulling him as close as he’d let you. The push and pull of your two varying strengths felt like a game, an addictive gamble wondering who’d power over the other when the two of you knew who was really in charge. A game of wits, if you will. Who had the most self control and who would be the first to break.
Hyunjin wouldn’t let himself so much as touch you any other way, while you balled your fingers into the thin material of his silk blouse. The sound of your lips colliding and breaking apart, one after another bounced off the cobblestone walls. It was too much and not enough, you’ve wanted to kiss him for so long and now you were overwhelmed while actually being able to do it. The only reason you pulled away was to be able to catch your breath.
“I take your breath away too, don’t I?” Hyunjin smirked against your lips, puckering and giving you a few more chaste kisses and accepting them wholeheartedly.
Match point.
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eaglebow09 · 9 months
Forgiveness (Revali x OC Anya)
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Revali found himself in a place of vulnerability he had seldom experienced, even though he was asleep. The vissage of Anya lingered in his thoughts, her memories a relentless presence that haunted the corners of his mind. He lay on his bed in the dark night, restless and bothered by how things became so complicated.
He had been annoyed by the way he cared for her, how her presence seemed to chip away at the walls he had so carefully constructed around his heart. Revali had always prided himself on his self-sufficiency and his ability to stand alone, but Anya had managed to infiltrate his thoughts and stir emotions he had long buried. She was never suppose to even be there with them, he tried to tell himself, but nothing would qualm his confusion. In the ethereal privacy of his dream, he felt her presence drawing near. The soft, gentle sound of her footsteps echoed in the chamber of his subconscious. He could sense her approaching, and it both intrigued and unnerved him. Suddenly Anya materialized before him, her form radiant yet ghostly in the moonlight, she looked down at him and her eyes held a sadness that mirrored his own, a sadness written with all the unspoken words that hung between them.
Without a word, Anya lowered herself and Revali's breath caught in his throat as her fingers brushed gently against his cheek. It was a touch that sent shivers down his spine, a sensation he had never experienced before. She shook him, and it terrified him. Anya leaned in, her lips tenderly brushing against his forehead. The kiss was soft, a bittersweet promise of forgiveness and understanding and in that moment, his heart ached. 
"What have I done." He whispered.
But as quickly as she had come, Anya began to fade, her form dissipating like morning mist touched by the first rays of sunlight. Revali reached out, longing to hold onto her presence, but his fingers passed through the empty air.
He awoke with a start, the remnants of the dream still lingering in his mind. Revali was left with a sense of both yearning and frustration, knowing that the care he felt for Anya was something that could ruin him. As the morning light bathed his room, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to let down his walls and allow himself to be touched by her in the waking world.
Trying to keep some goodies floating out here. My 3rd chapter is in the photoshop phase! Almost there
Poor Revali, Pride truly is a fools downfall. I wonder what happens when Pride and Guilt collide? Can he accept that he was wrong? Or gather the courage to fix what he broke, despite having to admit he was wrong all along? We shall see how it all pans out as our characters set out.
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Random post-shower thought:
I feel like people who say that Iroh from AtlA had no issues overlooked a possibility that a lot of the friction between him and Zuko stemmed from Iroh's own character weaknesses coming into conflict with Zuko's.
Namely, he tended to treat the situation as a game, had a lot of subconscious privilege, and his tendency to (at least in my opinion) project his dead son Lu Ten's personality traits onto his nephew.
A large chunk of Iroh's character stems from him essentially being a very privileged person. Crown Prince and beloved by his nation until the failure of Ba Sing Se. Even then, he treated war like it was a game, even if he was much more affable and nice compared to the other Fire Nation commanders we've seen.
And he basically didn't really start opposing the war until he lost his own son, and realized that this wasn't a game for them...
But even after gaining wisdom, enough to become a White Lotus member who opposed his nation's war, it was pretty clear that his "it's all a game" mentality and privilege were very problematic views that collided hard with his nephew's view of the world.
Zuko had basically lost everything in his eyes (even if he still had some privileges for the first Season), and here was his well meaning uncle seemingly not taking things seriously.
And it makes sense, because Iroh wasn't exiled along with Zuko; he CHOSE to go with Zuko, which while certainly heartwarming, also meant that he didn't really have to take the situation as seriously as his nephew, because (at least until the beginning of Season 2), he could basically return home if he wished. And this privilege subconsciously affected his judgment, caused him to basically not take things as seriously as he should have until it was no longer an option to do so.
His blunders with the poison tea and his rather preposterously lax behavior at Ba Sing Se (being a renowned war general taking refuge in the very city he tried to conquer, literally taking MASSIVE risks by firebending his own tea in the middle of a refugee crisis where ANYONE who was paying attention could see him, being interested in having a tea shop IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEALTHIEST AND MOST LIKELY FILLED WITH MILITARY PERSONNEL WHO MIGHT RECOGNIZE HIM AND SERVING THE EARTH KING) only further highlight the sheer disconnect he has as a result of his privilege as a prince, and it really bites them in the ass.
And to be honest, I think he also had a tendency to project his dead son's traits onto Zuko. While Lu Ten didn't get any significant characterization, I think it's fair to say that he was probably a lot like Iroh, if younger and probably more inclined to follow and want his father's approval.
And I think we see this consistently in Iroh's tendency to try to treat things like a game around Zuko, despite Zuko clearly being someone who takes things extremely seriously, and being emotionally more intense about things in general. And this well-meaning but not entirely correct love ends up being as much of a problem as it was a benefit, because while Zuko DID need Iroh's wisdom, it was also clear that Iroh's wisdom only worked when Zuko didn't have any better options or was thinking clearly, but fell apart for situations when Zuko needed much more profound emotional support for his psychological scars.
And this is especially evident for the bit where Iroh believed that Zuko would want to spend the rest of his life as a tea shop assistant, despite knowing the kind of person Zuko was. Because Iroh was, once again, projecting his own desires and what his son might have accepted onto a very prideful and emotionally wounded young man, and it cost both of them immensely.
And yet, I think this was also the moment when Iroh finally realized the issue, because distancing himself from Zuko, while no doubt painful, was probably necessary for both of them. Because Iroh recognized that he needed to get his own head out of his ass in regards to how he treated the situation, and to also let Zuko be his own man and figure things out his own way, rather than trying to think of Zuko as Lu Ten 2.0.
I should note that this isn't an indictment of Iroh; if anything it just shows that Iroh, as good of a mentor as he may be, was far more complex and had his own character arc to go through.
...This got way longer than I thought it would.
No, it was just the right length to illustrate that he did very much have flaws and character growth. He had a lot of things figured out but he also had a bit farther to go before he could be the parental figure Zuko needed.
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wysteriaz-blog · 2 years
Two Worlds Collided & They Could Never Tear Us Apart
Chapter 2: Demons and Demon Slayers, Oh My!
You come across a strange house in the woods and you learn a few things in your short time here: very strange, frightening, and powerful monsters that look like humans exist in this world. And it seems like even normal (well sort of) people can be just as strange and frightening!
Or read the series on Ao3 / Wattpad!
▪︎☆°○°☆ Playlist ☆°○°☆▪︎
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You pant, wiping your hand across your forehead. The sun overhead was now at its highest peak and scorching hot. You've been walking for at least another hour now. It was getting harder to keep going, especially with your legs starting to feel weak again. You didn't want to bother Tanjiro or Zenitsu with something so minor as needing to take a short break since you're sure you've already worried them enough with your sudden outburst earlier. So, you just grit your teeth and bear it. You could make it! Surely, you would all stop sometime soon to rest, and then you could carry on. There had to be a town or something close by, right?
But your luck seemed to have run out, as there were no signs of civilization yet.
Oh well, you could probably use the exercise and should get used to walking again.
It didn't seem like many vehicles or other forms of transportation were very common either, especially out in the countryside, which was fine with you. You actually enjoy walking, but it isn't very appealing to you right now, considering you've been doing it for hours, non-stop. And you are extremely tired, hungry, and thirsty. Your stomach decides to growl very loudly then, notifying the other two of your growing hunger, and they turn to look at you. You crack a small, embarrassed grin as you subconsciously cover your stomach by crossing your arms, willing it to be quiet. But it rumbles again, as if in retaliation, demanding to be heard and fed.
You try to stay focused on the road ahead and ignore it, but a light tap on your shoulder stops you in your tracks. You turn around to find Tanjiro smiling softly and procuring a ball of rice, neatly wrapped inside two thin wooden wraps (Kyougi) , from within his coat. He holds the ball of rice out towards you, but you hesitate to grab it. Only when he pushes the offered food closer, nodding encouragingly, do you finally reach out and claim the ball of rice. Inspecting it closer, you see something green sticking to the bottom of it and subtly sniff it, turning it over in your hands. Tanjiro and Zenitsu watch you, finding your curiosity a little amusing and endearing.
Feeling their eyes on you, you look up and smile awkwardly. You're afraid to admit that you have no idea what the green thing is, and it's the only thing preventing you from eating the rice right now. You don't want to seem ungrateful, but you have an aversion to certain textures and tastes, and this seemed like it fit right on the list of things that you would have a hard time stomaching. It looked slimy yet dry and had a salty smell, but it wasn't overly strong. Your reluctance to begin eating gives enough time for Zenitsu's stomach to start growling, drawing everyone's attention to the loud gurgles. He smiles sheepishly and pats around his body, opening his coat up to search for some of his own food, but he comes up empty-handed. 
"Do you not have any food?" Tanjiro asks.
Zenitsu sighs, his lips forming a small pout. "No... it's all gone."
"Ah... sorry. I'm afraid that was my last ration," Tanjiro says, glancing at the onigiri in your hands.
"That's fine… I can survive. She's a lady, so she should have it."
Watching their faces and listening to the way they are speaking, you start to pick up on the fact that they may be hungry and not have any more food. Your gaze slides down to the ball of rice in your hands, and you frown guiltily. There's no way you could accept this now. Without a second thought, you offer the food to Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Their eyes widen as you try to give it back, shaking their heads and waving their hands around as they try to kindly reject you. But you don't give up and keep urging them to take it, turning your head away in a show of reluctance to take it for yourself. Tanjiro starts speaking, probably telling you to just take it, as he firmly but gently tries to close your fingers around the food, but you frown and quickly shake your head as you look at them once more.
Back and forth, the ball of rice is shoved between you until you finally get the idea of sharing it. They might not take it all for themselves, but hopefully they will take their own share, so you don't have to feel bad. Taking the ball of rice, you start to pull it apart and split it into thirds.
Zenitsu gasps, his lips quivering, as his heart warms at the show of kindness. "Woah! She really wants to share with us... she's so nice!"
"Yeah, she really is. But I don't know if I can accept..." Tanjiro agrees with a half-smile. "She probably needs it more than I do."
"Well, I don't think she'll let you go hungry," Zenitsu says as he points out the way you step closer and hold the pieces out towards them with an expectant expression.
They both reach out and take a piece, smiling as they each take a bite of their portion. Zenitsu groans as he finally has a taste of food for the first time in almost two days. He had run out of his rations, but he was doing fine for the time being and figured he would find somewhere to restock his supply sometime soon. However, he didn't realize just how desolate it was out in this part of the countryside, so he was preparing himself to starve to death. He ignored the slight hunger pangs that were starting to settle in, but then Tanjiro pulled out his last ration, and his stomach was reminded of just how empty it was at the sight of it. He's pretty certain Tanjiro was also hungry, as he didn’t have much food left either, trying to save as much of it as he could—until he decided to give what was left to you.
Thankfully, you wanted to share it with them. 
Everyone eats their ration with content smiles as you continue on your journey. A couple hours go by and you're still walking, the path leading into a dark forest up ahead—not a single town in sight yet. But you have a little more energy now that you have some food in your system, so you don’t mind continuing on this journey. Before you know it the sun slowly starts to set with about an hour of light left, and you only stop for a short moment when Zenitsu suddenly pauses, his steps slowing down as he tilts his head curiously. Tanjiro looks at him and cocks his head to the side when Zenitsu's face quickly drops, his eyes widening as an uneasy feeling washes over him.
"Do you… hear that...?"
Tanjiro blinks and looks around. "No... I don't hear anything?"
You're curious as to why you’ve stopped and what they're saying, but you don't have a chance to really ponder it as Tanjiro sniffs the air and suddenly tenses up as he walks towards the forest, a bit quicker than before.
"That smell... there's blood!"
Zenitsu's eyes bulge, and his voice grows higher-pitched as he whimpers and chases after Tanjiro. You follow behind them as quickly as you can, catching up once Tanjiro sets foot under the dark shade of the trees, but Zenitsu completely stops in his tracks and refuses to move any further.
"N-No way! We can't go in there! There's probably a demon in there, and I-I'll die!!" he protests loudly.
"Someone may be hurt," Tanjiro says urgently, gesturing into the forest. "We need to go in there and help!"
You shuffle your feet, and Zenitsu's attention snaps to you as he points at you. "W-What about Y/n-san?! We can't take her in there!" Tanjiro purses his lips and almost looks guilty for a second as he glances back at you, scratching his head sheepishly, to which Zenitsu shrieks loudly. "DID YOU SERIOUSLY FORGET THAT SHE WAS WITH USSSS?!"
Even though he knows you probably have no clue what is going on, Tanjiro feels bad and apologizes to you anyway, bowing down halfway. "Y/n-san, I'm sorry!"
You are once again confused as to why they have mentioned your name all of a sudden, and your curiosity is only peaked as they look very nervous for some reason. And why did Tanjiro bow to you for the second time today?
Seriously, what’s happening now?
He straightens back up and turns to Zenitsu. "Alright, we'll just have to be extra careful, and if anything happens, we'll protect Y/n-san together. Come on, Zenitsu, let’s go!"
Zenitsu's eye twitches as he shouts, waving his arms around. "Are you crazy?! YOU better protect her if anything happens, since you want to go in there so badly! I'm not going in there! I told you I’ll die!!"
Tanjiro's face goes blank. His eyes, which usually look so full of life, appear empty as he deadpans, staring at Zenitsu. His voice becomes unnaturally quiet and cold as he slowly turns around. "Okay, I will," he mutters. "If you won't help, just stay here then—I'll do it myself…"
His demeanor catches Zenitsu off-guard. "Ehh?! W-Wait! Don't get mad, Tanjiro! That’s even more unsettling!!"
Tanjiro calls out to you, gesturing for you to follow him as he ignores Zenitsu, barely looking over his shoulder. "Y/n-san, follow me, please. Stay close!"
"Aghh! Tanjiro, just wait a second—" Zenitsu quickly faces you as he’s ignored and cries out for you instead, going to grab your arm as you walk by, but he stops himself at the last second. "Y/n-san, please, hold on! Don't go!"
You're beyond confused right now.
Tanjiro calls for you again, so you continue to follow him, but you keep looking back at Zenitsu as he continues fussing right where he stands. What was happening? Tanjiro walks with determination once you fully catch up to him, but you can't help feeling worried about why Zenitsu wasn't coming along. 
Did they have a fight or something?
It makes you anxious…
Even though you don’t know either of them very well, you didn’t want your small group to get split up.
"Uh, Tanjiro…" you mumble, wringing your hands together before lightly tugging on his sleeve. "What happened? Why isn't Zenitsu coming…?"
You tug a little harder, which makes him finally stop, causing you to lightly bump into him. He turns to you with a blank expression, but it quickly becomes troubled once he faces you and sees the look on your face. He can't ignore how bad he feels now that he's cooled off. And as it turns out, you're very persistent, as you tug on his sleeve again with even more force this time as you try to lead him back to the forest’s entrance, where Zenitsu is still crying. He wasn't one to get upset quickly or easily, and he feels pretty ashamed for the way he had just acted, so he wordlessly follows you back.
Zenitsu is sitting on the ground, sniffling to himself, when you see him again. You go up to him as Tanjiro slowly follows behind, and Zenitsu's eyes widen when he looks up to find you in front of him. He cries out your name and sobs, grabbing onto your legs. You almost lose your balance, but you manage to stay up and begin to awkwardly pat his head as he clings to you like a child.
"Gaahh! Y/n-san, you came back! It's dangerous and scary in there! Tanjiro is crazy! He's gonna get us all killed rushing in there like that!!"
Tanjiro listens from a few feet away, and he doesn't react nor deny what Zenitsu is saying; he wasn’t wrong. Tanjiro had acted a bit rash. He’s always felt responsible for trying to do everything that he can to help others, so he wanted to go as soon as possible after smelling blood. But it wasn't like him to not think things through all the way. It's no excuse, but the anxiety and innate need to help a person who was potentially in danger had gotten to his head. Zenitsu and him both knew something dangerous—likely a demon—was in the forest, but he had gotten so focused on wanting to help whoever else may be in there that he forgot you were with them. All rationality had gone out the window in his desperate need to help someone, which is extremely dangerous and could get them killed.
Even as skilled Demon Slayers, it would be risky going into the forest, and with you tagging along, it only made the situation that much more complex and dangerous if they weren’t careful.
They would have to protect you (should anything happen, which is a high probability) and try to help whoever else was in there, all while trying to fight a demon. You weren't from here; that much was very obvious from the moment he saw you. You didn’t sound or look like anyone around here, and as far as he could tell, you were just a normal person. It was a safe bet to say that you most likely didn't know that demons or Demon Slayers even existed either. And all of that meant that they would have to be extremely careful and make sure you would be safe wherever they took you because you were at a clear disadvantage.
He sighs and rubs the back of his as he finally steps closer, garnering Zenitsu's attention as he sheepishly apologizes to him, while Zenitsu warbles an apology back. You stand there, continuing to awkwardly pat his head, until he finally lets go of your legs and stands up. There wasn't any more time to waste, though, as it was their duty to help those in need. Zenitsu knew they had to go make sure someone wasn't in trouble, as well as Tanjiro, although they would do so more carefully this time! Tanjiro leads the group forward, with you in the middle and Zenitsu sticking close to you in the back. He would jump and squeak at every little sound, and you reached back to pat his arm in reassurance a few times. 
Well... you hoped it was reassuring because you were honestly a little creeped out yourself and would also flinch at random little sounds.
Soon enough, you come across a house hidden within the forest. There's a faint whimper behind some bushes, and you all slowly and cautiously make your way towards it. Tanjiro carefully pulls some branches aside, revealing two young children who stare at your group with wide eyes full of fear. Zenitsu tries to talk to them, but they remain unresponsive until you crouch down in front of them, giving them a gentle smile. Zenitsu and Tanjiro watch as you softly call out to them, your hand slowly reaching out in peaceful display. They hesitate but seem to trust your calm nature and crawl out to grab onto you. You pat them like you had done with Zenitsu, trying your best to comfort the lost and frightened children. They fairly quickly begin to warm up to you, but they become worried once they figure out that you are a foreigner.
They hadn’t fully realized that you weren’t from here until they had gotten closer to you and saw that you couldn't understand them and that your clothing was different. They were afraid of not being able to communicate their needs, but luckily, Tanjiro and Zenitsu were here, which makes them perk up when they recognize other people. When Tanjiro prompts them to speak, they quickly begin to explain that their older brother has been taken by a monster. They tell him that they had followed the tracks to this house, but they hadn't seen their brother or the monster come out, and they were too scared to go in.
Just then, a loud crash is heard, and you all shoot up to look at the house where it came from. A body comes flying through an open window from the top floor, and you gasp, quickly trying to shield the children from the sight as the body lands on the ground with a sickening thud. Tanjiro dashes forward and tries to help the person who crashed through the window, his heart sinking to his stomach, hoping it wasn’t their brother. The man is barely alive and mutters a few things before he finally succumbs to his injuries.
The kids tremble in your hold, and the boy peeks around you. Then he whispers, his voice shaking. "T-That.. isn't our brother. He’s w-wearing an orange kimono..."
Tanjiro is relieved that it isn’t their brother, but he's still very troubled and sad that someone has died.
"I see... so, it's captured more than one person." He looks up at the window and sniffs the air before glancing at the children. "Your brother is still in there, then." He turns to Zenitsu with furrowed brows. "And I can smell blood even more than before..."
The little boy looks at the house and sniffles, grabbing onto you tightly. "More b-blood?! Oh no, can you find our brother? Do you think he's still alive?!"
Tanjiro stands with a small frown on his face. "I'm sure he's fine… don’t worry, it'll be alright. We're going to defeat the bad guy and save your big brother, okay?"
"R-Really? You'll help us?" the little girl asks hopefully, tears slowly dripping from her eyes.
He smiles softly, walking up to her and wiping her tears away. "Yes, of course! I promise to do everything that I can to save your brother. In the meantime, will you please look after this box? It’s more precious to me than my own life, and I’m entrusting it to you," he says earnestly, easing the box off his back.
This would be alright, he thinks to himself. He can leave you and the children outside—away from the danger—while he and Zenitsu investigate the house. 
"Y-Yes! We’ll look after it," the boy proclaims, his eyes shining as he quickly stands by the box.
"Thank you. And I'm sure Y/n-san will take good care of you as well until we come back." He looks at you and smiles warmly, then turns to sadly look at the man lying on the ground, giving a small bow. "I’m sorry I can’t bury you right now, but I promise to give you a proper burial once I return…"
You watch as he begins to walk to the house, but you quickly grab his sleeve for the second time today. Your instincts are screaming at you. This isn’t right; something is very wrong here! Why is he going towards the house?! Some man just fell, or was thrown, out of a window and is now lying dead on the ground!
He pauses and tilts his head as you continue tugging on his sleeve, your voice rising in pitch. "W-Wait, don’t tell me you’re going in there!”
He silently watches as you quickly move your hands around while talking, your words all jumbled as you try to stop him from going inside. He doesn't know what you're saying, but he can detect the hint of fear and concern coming from you in small waves, so he thinks he understands what you're getting at. It was nice to know that even though you had just met, you seemed to care about their well-being. And while it was dangerous, he was sure they would be fine; he had to at least try to stay positive for his sake and everyone else's, as it was their duty to protect those who couldn't fight for themselves, and he wasn't one to back down when it meant helping others.
He calmly wraps his hands around yours, smiling. "Don't worry, Y/n-san, we'll be fine. Zenitsu and I will take care of this, okay?"
"Uhh... Tanjiro," Zenitsu calls out nervously, "I hear that sound again, and it's really unnerving. It sounds like… a drum."
"A drum? I don't hear anything..."
"Yeah... I don't think we should go in there, especially since that guy is dead! I seriously don't want to die!" Zenitsu exclaims shakily.
Tanjiro's smile falters as he faces Zenitsu, his voice slightly strained. "Are you saying you’re not going to help? You do know that we're the only ones that can do this, right…?”
"Yes, but I told you that I’m a weakling, so I'll definitely die! What good will I be if I end up dead as soon as I step foot in there?! I'll— I’ll just stay here! Yeah... I can watch over the kids and Y/n-san while you go in there, save their brother, and get rid of the demon!!"
Tanjiro slowly turns his back to Zenitsu, huffing under his breath. "Alright, then… have it your way."
Zenitsu freezes and yelps as he catches a glimpse of his expression. "Aaahhh! Tanjiro, please don't look like that… it’s so scary!!" Zenitsu has quickly learned that he did not like when Tanjiro's mood and face shifted like that. How can someone be so warm but look so cold and scary all of a sudden?! "O-Okay fine, I'm coming with you! You win, alright?!"
"Don't let me force you," Tanjiro emphasizes his displeasure with the way he mutters.
Zenitsu scrambles and grabs onto Tanjiro's arm as he squeaks. "Ah, I'm sorry! Seriously, don't be maaaad! I said I'll goooo!!"
Tanjiro just ignores him and turns back to you, his expression more relaxed as he nods, and you can only watch as he walks inside the house with Zenitsu in tow, who continues whining as he reluctantly follows him inside. As they close the door, you turn to the boy and the box on the ground. You carefully push and pull the box to a nearby tree with the boy helping you while the little girl hovers around and watches. You’re pretty curious, so you knock on the box, but you don't hear anything except the soft echo of your knuckles on the wood. You wonder what could be in there as it was fairly heavy, but you don't dare open it, as you can’t invade Tanjiro's privacy or personal belongings like that.
But you can’t help thinking to yourself: how does Tanjiro casually carry that on his back?!
Once you're done getting the box into a more hidden place, the little girl shyly reaches out to grab your hand as she sidles up to you, and you smile down at her. You gather around and sit down against a tree, picking at the grass and leaves strewn on the ground for a few minutes, placing the foliage in their hair to pass some time. It’s a good distraction for a while as they giggle and try to stop you. You were still on edge about this situation, though, but you tried your best to keep calm as you all waited for Tanjiro and Zenitsu to come back, not wanting to upset the children anymore than they had been. 
Although it was fairly difficult to do knowing that there was a dead body not even twenty feet away…
It would be dark very soon, so you hoped they'd be quick, considering it was already fairly creepy outside and you didn’t know what dangers could be lurking in the woods surrounding the area. After a couple of minutes of you all sitting in silence, with the last rays of sunlight filtering through the trees, you slowly start to drift to sleep as the night creeps in, your exhaustion from the day finally catching up to you. It only feels like a few seconds since you fell asleep when you're woken up to the sound of loud bangs—like a set of drums. Your eyes shoot open, and you blink a few times as you adjust to the darkness. A cool breeze makes you shiver, and your heart starts to pick up its pace as you realize that Tanjiro and Zenitsu still aren't back out yet.
The weird drum sound begins again; it’s faint but loud enough for you to hear it, so you slowly sit up to try to hear it better, careful not to disturb the children who are blissfully unaware. You make sure they’re asleep before you stand up and slowly make your way towards the house. It probably was a very bad idea, but you were going to do some investigating now, as you couldn't handle not knowing what was going on inside.
Those two should be out by now… right? 
It must have only been around half an hour since you fell asleep. You think they may be searching the place for other people, as some man had fallen out of a window earlier, but surely it shouldn’t be taking this long to investigate. The house seemed old and empty, so no one else should be here. 
But then… where was that banging coming from?
The wooden porch creaks as you approach the door and slowly begin to push it open. It's so dark and you can barely see anything, but you step inside and close the door behind you anyway, slightly shivering from the draftiness in the house. Chills run over your arms and back as the drum sounds again, and suddenly there's a bright light. You squeak in surprise when something collides with you, sending you tumbling to the ground.
"Y-Y/n-san, what are you doing here?!"
You look up to see Zenitsu's shocked face. His eyes are wide as he helps you stand up, his legs and hands trembling.
"Zenitsu? What's going on…?"
He doesn't answer you. Even if he did understand your question, he'd probably still be too out of it to properly answer it. All you receive in reply is a shriek as the drum sounds again and the room suddenly changes before your very eyes, completely disorienting you.
"Agggh!! We gotta get out of here!" Zenitsu wails as he grabs onto your arm, running around as you try to gather your bearings. 
He flings a random door open and nearly passes out as he suddenly comes face-to-face with a weird creature, his face as white as a ghost. It huffs air out through its nostrils and charges at the both of you, causing you guys to scramble and fall over, but it easily jumps over your heads as it continues running down the hall… while cackling? You watch as it runs and belatedly realize that it’s a man, and not just that, but a man wearing a boar's head for a mask.
What in the world?!
The cackling fades away, and you're left standing in shock next to Zenitsu, who doesn't move a single muscle. With the way he looks at this moment, you’d think he’s perpetually stuck in a state of shock.
It begs the question... is he even breathing?
"Uhh, Zenitsu…?"
Your voice seems to snap him out of it as he screeches to high heaven. "HYYYYYAAAGHHH, WHAT WAS THAT?! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!"
You don't understand what he’s saying, but you understand the inflection of the words, and you completely agree—you should leave immediately—it was too weird and creepy in here! But first, you had to find Tanjiro, because you were not going to leave this place without him. You grab Zenitsu's sleeve and start dragging him away. It's dark for the most part in a lot of the rooms, but you can see one room that's lit up from behind a screen. You rush over to it, quickly sliding it open, and are met with maroon eyes staring right back at you. 
Tanjiro looks shocked but relieved to see you and Zenitsu. "Y/n-san? Zenitsu? Where did—"
You don't let him finish speaking before grabbing his sleeve as well, pulling both of them further into the room, and they stumble along behind you. Zenitsu is still rambling on while Tanjiro tries to get your attention, but you don't pay him any mind; you are too focused on trying to find an exit now that you’ve found both of them.
Suddenly, everything starts shaking.
The room changes again. And then another bang has the room spinning around. You lose your footing and start to slide down the floor, with Zenitsu screaming his head off. It quickly stops, and you all groan as you land in a pile.
Zenitsu quickly springs up into a sitting position and clutches onto Tanjiro's arm. "AHHH! THE DEMON IS HERE! TANJIRO, DO SOMETHING!"
“Calm down, Zenitsu!” Tanjiro looks worried as he briefly pats Zenitsu's arm before standing up. "Are you guys okay?"
He helps you stand up as well, and when Zenitsu finally nods and also stands back up with shaky legs, Tanjiro begins to scan the room. It felt very off; the room was tilted sideways, and all of you were somehow on the… wall? 
"Why do the rooms keep changing all of a sudden?" Zenitsu chatters shakily as he whips his head around, shuffling closer to the both of you.
"This must be the demon's blood art," Tanjiro mumbles. "I don’t know why everything is starting to change now, but we've got to find those kids' brother soon and then get rid of the demon. But first… we have to get Y/n-san out of here—it’s not safe right now."
"You're telling me," Zenitsu says with a nervous pout.
"Speaking of which… why is she here? This isn't good..."
"I don't know… she just showed up! But I’m glad she did, I was all alone, and I kept hearing terrifying sounds everywhere!”
"Alright… well, we'll just have to be extra careful for now. The demon must be somewhere close since the room got flipped, so we better hurry."
Tanjiro turns to you, offering a small smile as well as a few reassuring words, hoping it'll ease your nerves. You didn't show it on your face too much, but he could tell that you were very confused and frightened right now given how your scent had changed; it was by far the strongest he's smelled from you specifically since meeting. You try to focus on his voice; the calm and reassuring tone slightly easing your nerves. But strange things were happening here, and you didn't like it one bit. Your heart was one scare away from leaping into your throat. This was not normal in the slightest. Rooms aren't supposed to change! 
But you have to tell yourself that there’s nothing to worry about—everything will be fine.
"Ah man, how are we supposed to get out if the room isn't the way it should be?! The door is all the way up there now!" Zenitsu exclaims, pointing up.
Tanjiro’s eyes follow his gesture. "Well… we'll have to climb out!"
You follow Tanjiro to the wall and look up as he grabs onto a desk that somehow is staying in place. The room had flipped over, but most of the objects inside, aside from yourselves, had stayed put. He places both hands on it and starts pulling himself up, testing the stability. Once he deems it safe, he bends down and grabs your hands. Zenitsu tries to help by locking his own hands together, letting you step up, and pushing you along the way. It wasn't a huge desk, so once you were up, Tanjiro guided you to the next object, letting you go first. Slowly, you guys made your way up but had to stop once you ran out of things to jump on and climb on. Luckily, the last thing you made it to was a big bookcase that could fit all three of you. As you all search for another way out, you hear a low voice.
"How annoying… where is he?"
Bang! Bang!
"Tha-That sounds like the demon!"
The room flips once again, sending everyone spinning around the room; all your climbing has been for nothing. Everyone slowly sits back up, turning around to spot a weird-looking guy with drums standing in a doorway. His skin was sort of gray in color, and his nails were grotesquely long and sharp. You don’t have much time to wonder who he is before he bangs the drum a few more times, sending everyone but himself to fall and slide around the room again, with you landing right at his feet. He was fairly big-looking now that you were up close, and if your eyes weren't deceiving you at all, then you'd think he wasn't human—he looked like a monster! Why were his teeth so sharp? Why were his eyes unnaturally red? And… were those drums attached to him?!
You gasp in shock, pain shooting over your scalp as he grabs onto your hair and lifts you up, turning your face sideways as he looks over you. "Hmm, this certainly is a strange one…” he hums quietly, “but not what I’m looking for…"
"Hey," Tanjiro shouts, scrambling up onto his feet, “put her down!”
"So… annoying! Stop all the yelling; it’s rude; you're in my home!"
Zenitsu is shaking as he squeaks out, "N-Not until you l-let her go!"
"How irritating..." The demon lets go of you and shoves you behind him as he grumbles. "You are not welcome here—get lost or else! You're all wasting my time..."
Tanjiro pulls out a sword and gets into a fighting stance. "I'm sorry, but no. It is my duty to slay you and save the people here, so I will not leave until my job here is done!"
The demon growls, and that's when Tanjiro leaps forward with his sword pulled back, ready to strike, but he's thrown off course when the demon hits one of the drums on his body once again. You shriek as you start falling down, the room changes directions, and Zenitsu screams as he gets flung out of the door into an entirely different area. Tanjiro manages to land on his feet and worriedly calls out to you, but before he can get a chance to check if you’re okay, the boar man you had seen earlier comes bursting through a screen wall, cackling like a madman as he wields two serrated blades. He points a blade at the demon and shouts something before jumping at him, but the demon slaps a drum, and everything goes spinning once again. The board-masked man gets flung back and ends up stepping on you, but he doesn't even seem to notice or care as he's still cackling away, like he was having the time of his life.
Tanjiro gasps and swiftly makes his way over, pulling his foot up and throwing him off of you. "Watch out!"
The boar man twists in the air and lands on his feet. "Who the hell are you…?" he drawls while staring Tanjiro down with an irritated huff.
Tanjiro ignores his question in favor of helping you up, keeping you close to his side before he turns around to scowl at the man. "Who are you to question me when you’re the one stepping on a woman without any care?"
"Didn't see her..." He shrugs nonchalantly before cackling out loud. "Hahaha, you got spunk—I like that! Having someone send me flying, that's a first for me!"
The boar man suddenly charges towards you both, but Tanjiro jumps back with you in his arms, just in time to avoid being sliced by a pair of serrated blades. Your pulse pounds with adrenaline at the close call, but luckily Tanjiro was fast, or you both would have been shredded to pieces.
“Stop it! Aren’t you on our side?!” Tanjiro yells at him, but he charges at you again. 
The Drum Demon snarls and hits another drum, shredding the floor in between the boar man and you two, growing tired of you three fighting each other. He hits it a second time, and everything changes once more. The boar man falls and crashes through another screen, landing on his back with an 'oof.’ Tanjiro pulls you in as the room flips and holds you closely, the both of you rolling around with the shifting building. He tries his best to keep your body from hitting anything, cradling your head carefully in his arms until the room finally stops. He looks up for a split second, surprised to find that the demon with the drums is just walking away, muttering under his breath. He hits another drum, and the room changes once again. Both of you roll once again until the room stops changing. Tanjiro's so confused as to why the demon didn't really seem to care for you both or the masked man. The drum demon actually seemed distracted, like he was looking for something.
The demon actually seemed distracted, like he was looking for something…
After a few seconds of scanning the new room, he sits up and slowly releases you, helping you both back up onto your feet. You only just realized that you'd been gripping onto his coat so tightly that your knuckles were white. You're trying to keep yourself from shaking because of how terrifying this all is, but you can't seem to stop the trembling. Tanjiro notices and watches your hand squeeze the fabric, frowning slightly. It's not because he's worried about you ruining his haori—no, far from it. He's just worried about your safety and how you're feeling right now... which doesn't seem all that good. If you need to hold onto something, which happens to be his haori, then he doesn't mind at all. He'll gladly let you hold onto it if it helps you, even if just a little.
He looks back up at your face and flashes a soft smile. "It's gonna be fine; don't worry. Just stay behind me," he says reassuringly.
You don't know what he said, but the way he said it made it sound like everything was going to be fine. And you believed it—believed in him. Although you haven't known him for more than a day, he has proven himself to be a very kind and capable person. He's helped you and saved your life just a few minutes ago, without any hesitation, when he could have easily been hurt as well, so you have full trust in him right now. You give a small nod, and he leads the both of you to a sliding door, opening it and peeking outside. Once he deems it safe, he grabs your hand and slowly walks down a corridor. It's extremely quiet for a while as you wander through the halls with Tanjiro, but after a while, you're startled by a sudden scream. Zenistu comes barreling around a corner, crying loudly as he bumps into Tanjiro and sends him tumbling away to the very end of the hall. Tanjiro grunts as he hits the wall and has the wind knocked right out of him, and Zenitsu grabs onto your leg, too scared to notice what he'd done. You squeak from the force and grimace as you're still exhausted and sore from walking all day without much rest.
Your voice is strained as you try to focus on staying upright. "Z-Zenitsu, are you okay?"
Something comes crawling around the same corner Zenitsu just came from, a long tongue dangling from its mouth as it grins creepily. You freeze at the sight, the hair on the back of your neck standing up, your blood running cold at the horrific sight. You end up falling over as Zenitsu suddenly faints, becomes dead weight, and pins your leg down, causing you to yelp in pain. Your leg starts bleeding from where it had been scraped against the floor from the impact, and you wince. You try to shake Zenitsu awake, but he doesn't budge. The panic that you feel about being unable to move while a monster comes towards you is like no other.
"Mmm, I can smell something... delicious! It's her... her blood," the creature gurgles hungrily, swiping its tongue out as it takes a step forward and bares its teeth.
You look up to see the monster coming closer and nearly burst a lung as you scream. "AhHh! Zenitsu, get up right now!!"
It's moving terrifyingly fast, and it spits out its tongue like a chameleon, aimed straight for you. Every one of your senses becomes dull as you're faced with the strong probability of death. All you could think, hear, or see was the ugly creature before you. This was it—you were going to die! You close your eyes, bringing your arms up to pathetically shield yourself as best as you can, and you prepare for the worst, expecting nothing but pain and bloodshed.
But nothing happens...
You crack an eye open in time to see part of the thing's tongue falling to the ground in front of you. You stare at the gross muscle as it flops nearby, blood splattering on the floor. The creature cries out and looks surprised at having the tip of its tongue suddenly missing. You want to throw up, but you squeeze your eyes shut and take a few deep breaths to stop the nauseous feeling from rising any further. Your eyes peek open to watch as Zenitsu stands up with his head held down, holding an arm out in front of you while the other holds a sword by his side. The creature scowls, and you blink a few little tears away as Zenitsu then slides a foot back, leaning forward with both of his hands firmly gripping the sword now. His eyes are closed still, and he breathes in through his teeth, a little billow of air puffing out when he exhales.
"Huh...? You're not the same as before, boy. No matter, I'll deal with you... and then eat her!"
It springs its tongue back out, but Zenitsu's hands swing up, instantly slicing through the appendage. The movement was quick and seemed to irritate the creature even more as it snarled, and its tongue thrashed around wildly. The thing gets ready to try to attack him again, but it doesn't get the chance to take another step or even blink as the air shifts around Zenitsu.
It feels like static... like... electricity.
He mutters lowly, his body tensing up. "Thunder Breathing: First Form—Thunder Clap and Flash!"
Within the blink of an eye, Zenitsu dashes towards the monster, sparks of lightning following his trail as he slices right through its neck in one swift motion. It happened so quickly! You barely blinked, and it was over! You can't help but stare in complete shock and awe. That... was incredible. The head of the creature rolls by his feet, and he seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in, shaking his head and blinking a few times.
He looks down and jumps away from the severed head, shrieking. "Ahhh, it's dead! W-What happened?! That's so creepy!"
He runs over to you, throwing himself down at your side, and whimpers as you continue staring. Tanjiro finally stumbles back over to you guys and pants a little, his face etched with worry.
"Are you.. both okay?" he asks, slightly hunched over.
He got really worried something had happened to you guys, but he couldn't move for a minute. Zenitsu was running so fast that when he bumped into him, he knocked the breath right out of him, as he hit a wall pretty hard. He had to catch his breath for a minute since he'd landed right on a previous injury to the ribs from a while ago. He tried to move as he heard screaming, but his body wouldn't let him move. You looked a little shaken up, with a scrape on your leg, but you seemed fine otherwise, and so did Zenitsu. His eyes drift, catching sight of the demon's body and head a couple of feet away, slowly burning, and he looks at you both quizzically. He doesn't get the chance to ask what happened because the drum demon comes back and looks angry.
"I didn't notice it before, but that scent is unmistakable. She's a Marechi! The blood spilling from her wounds, though, is different... and much stronger—I must have it! Give... her... to me!!"
Tanjiro and Zenitsu share a wide-eyed look and stand in front of you, drawing their swords out and standing defensively, trying to shield you. This was bad. The demon that had ignored everyone for the most part was now after you.
"Zenitsu, do you think you could take Y/n-san and find those kids' brother?" Tanjiro's gaze stays locked on the demon, his brows furrowed. "I'm trusting you to take care of them while I'll handle the demon..."
Zenitsu is shaking and his eyes are blown wide, but he tightens his grip on his sword and gives a firm nod before he helps you up, quickly leading you away to search for the other boy and hopefully escape the house. The demon yells, and the drums go off as you're taken farther away. Tanjiro was expecting the demon to hit the drums, though, so he jumps and spins in the air before landing back on his feet. Another bang, and he ducks just in time to avoid an attack that slashes through the air. He watches the demon as it hits the drums some more, and he tries to focus on what each one does. He follows the movements of the room, feeling like he's getting used to it, and he prepares to strike, but he has to stop himself to avoid another slash attack. He was doing alright, but the moves were getting faster. He's a little afraid to get closer right now, as he could be torn to shreds if he isn't careful. His old wounds that haven't quite healed all the way are starting to ache with all of the movement and fighting he's had to do so far.
"Give up, boy, you cannot win this fight," the demon snarls.
It was tough... but he can't give up. He has to give everything he's got, or else he and everyone else here would die—he can't allow that! The demon keeps hitting drums while Tanjiro leaps and stumbles around the room. He's barely dodging some of the attacks as a few items in the room slam right into his body, completely throwing him off balance. The room quickly turns over and over, getting more difficult to navigate while trying to avoid being hit with an attack. How long could he keep this up? It doesn't matter. He can't think about it. He has to focus! He has to keep going and behead this demon as soon as possible.
"Listen, I’m not going to give her to you," Tanjiro declares, tightening his fist around the hilt of his sword.
“Don’t get in my way, boy! Her blood will make me stronger! Her blood will make my powers even better!”
“You’re already stronger than most humans, so why do you need it? There is no reason good enough to spill an innocent person’s blood for your own greed! I won't allow you to harm another person…”
The demon looks surprised for only a moment before he snarls and starts hitting the drums even faster than before, causing the room to spin all over the place. Tanjiro is becoming dizzy trying to keep himself straight and avoid all the attacks, his head spinning and his body aching all over as he's jostled around. As the room continuously spins around, a big piece of broken furniture comes hurtling towards his chest and nearly knocks him down, causing him to heave in pain. He needs to end this fast, or things will just get even worse. His energy and body can't keep this up forever. He finally spots an opening and focuses all of his energy on moving forward. This was his last chance to end this!
He takes a shallow breath and launches forward, his sword slashing forward in one swift motion. The demon's eyes widen as his neck is cut through, his head falling to the floor with a thump. Tanjiro lands and stops to catch his breath, inhaling deeply, but he gasps and winces as a sharp sensation stabs through him.
"Aah—aughhh..!" he groans, grabbing at his chest.
He falls to his knees and tries to calm himself down, slowing his breathing. That... really hurt. He shouldn't have taken such a deep breath, but he desperately needed to breathe, as he had held his breath for a couple of seconds in concentration, trying to end the fight as quickly as possible.
"Boy," the demon slurs, "answer me. Did you really think... I was already strong?"
Tanjiro keeps his eyes on the ground, a pained grimace on his face as he tries to regulate his breathing. "Yes, I truly did..."
All the demon says is, "I see," before his body and head completely disintegrate into ash.
Tanjiro sighs and slowly stands up, grabbing onto the wall as he makes his way out of the house. He pauses when he smells blood again but quickly picks up the pace, ignoring the pain because he had to make sure nothing was wrong and you were all okay. As he finally makes his way out, he spots the children and an older boy in an orange kimono, all huddled together. It was their brother! Then that must mean Zenitsu and you had found him and made it out—what a relief! But they were looking off to the side, still looking scared. His eyes follow, and he sees Zenitsu, who's holding onto his box and looks quite beaten up, with the boar man hovering over him.
"Fight me!" he yells.
Tanjiro's eyes are wide as he takes in the sight, not quite processing what is happening. Zenitsu doesn't budge, so the man decides to kick him over and over. And then there's you. You're trying desperately to pull the man away, but he easily keeps you at bay, lightly pushing you away. He isn't even trying, which makes you mad. You realize that just pulling at his arms won't work, so you frustratedly start smacking him. It doesn't seem to really work either; he just seems more annoyed and shoves you away a little harder than before. You fall over, but it doesn't stop you from getting back up and smacking him with more vigor. You've had enough! You growl and claw harshly at the man's shoulder, drawing blood, and it finally gains his full attention.
He rounds on you quickly and grips your wrists before swinging and tossing you off to the side, huffing angrily through his mask. "Alright, you wanna fight?! I'll take you down!"
He stomps towards you and kicks your side when you try to get up. You grunt and wheeze in pain, but you still try to get up. He kicks you again, and you go rolling into a tree from the force of it, hitting your head and almost knocking you out. Your head spins as you barely hold yourself up on shaking hands, gasping for air.
"Come on, get up and fight me! I won't hold back just because you're a girl!"
The man suddenly wields his blades, stalking towards you as you lay against the trunk of the tree.
Tanjiro finally snaps into action and rushes in with just his fist. "STOP IT! GET AWAYYYY!!!"
The man turns, and Tanjiro lands a single punch, sending him flying through the air. You hear a loud crack as your vision fades in and out, and you can't help but wonder... was that.. the man's ribs? You finally succumb to the pain, and everything fades away as you slip into darkness.
Taisho Secrets
* Marechi is a rare blood type that is favored and sought after by demons. Eating a human with Marechi blood is equivalent to eating one hundred humans—giving them more strength and power. According to the Drum Demon, you are a Marechi, but your blood is stronger than any other blood that he has come across.
Extra Info: “Kyougi” is a traditional packaging material that has been used for a long time in Japan; it is made by cutting red pine trees and shaving them thinly, then drying them.
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