#alternate universe? ???
borgijin668 · 2 days
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Resist&bite! part 9...
Hey, I decided to post this update a little earlier than usual. We are sloooowly approaching the end of the prologue...
Looks like Donnie's still in trouble. Also, have some savage Raph! >:D
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First part
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onboardsorasora · 8 months
okokok @blacklaces and I have been chatting and hear me out!
WHAT IF? Mobwife Daniel, our beloved, never fell in love with Christian? And instead, after the wedding he’d been sneaking off to go see Lewis this whole time. Lewis is the love of his life and who he wanted to marry. 
Christian eventually catches on that Daniel is hiding something and ups his security– enter Max who is a fucking unit and Daniel’s new bodyguard. Daniel is incensed at Christian trying to curb his movements. He realizes fairly quickly that he can’t lose Max. Max has a crush but it's not useful to Daniel because it means Max doesn’t want to leave him alone.
Daniel calls Lewis in tears because he’s feeling trapped and alone. 
It's been over a month since Max was his new shadow, since his movements were confined to the house, his favourite shops and restaurants. His driver followed Max’s instructions only and the security in these places had increased. 
It’s been a month since he saw Lewis last. Since the argument with Christian that left him locked in one of the guest rooms temporarily. It wasn’t the hickey that had tipped him off, but Daniel’s new driver had blabbed. Allegedly, he’d spent too long at Nico’s place– ‘longer than necessary’. It had been enough for Christian check security cameras. 
The hickey had just been an icing on the cake when Christian had thought to get violent. Daniel had drawn his knife and the motion and pulled his husband’s eyes to his thigh. The bruising had been stark and unfamiliar. 
Christian left bruises on his neck, because he wanted to claim him. Wanted everyone to know that Daniel was his. Lewis left them on his thighs because Daniel knew he was already his.
Max had moved in two days after and Daniel hadn’t known peace since. 
Daniel locked himself in his bedroom and dug through his underwear drawer until he found it. The burner phone took a moment to turn on and load up and with shaking hands, Daniel dialed the only number in the call log.
“Yes?” the voice on the other line was wary. They didn’t communicate this way– Daniel never hid it but Christian also never searched his phones. This phone was for emergencies. Only five people had this number and Daniel’s would come up as unlisted.
“You need to get me out of here..” Daniel’s voice wobbled. “Lewis, please.” 
“Has he hurt you?” Lewis’ voice was tight and Daniel shook his head before remembering that Lewis couldn’t see him.
“No. They haven’t touched me. The new one– Max. He follows me everywhere.” Daniel took a shuddering breath before his jaw clenched. “And this morning I overheard him and Marta talking about calling my doctor. He is not getting me pregnant Lewis, I’ll fucking kill him myself.” His eyes blazed.
“Shh, shh. Calm down– it's ok Love. I’ll come get you. Do you think you can make it to Nico’s?” Lewis cooed over the line, Daniel took a moment to compose himself. He could go to Nico’s but he wouldn’t be alone, Max would would be there.
“Not without my jailer.” Daniel pouted, biting his cuticles.
“Don’t worry about the kid. Get to Nico’s he’ll be expecting you–Val will pick you up. I’ll deal with everything else.”
“I love you.” Daniel mumbled, grateful. He heard Lewis chuckle on the other end of the call and it sent a shiver down Daniel’s spine.
When they hung up, Daniel got dressed. He wore his favourite jewelry and armed himself with his knives and gun. Max was in hallway when he walked out.
“Are you ok Daniel?” Max looked at him concerned and Daniel fought back his glare. He’d gotten the puffiness down but his eyes still looked a little pink.
“I’m fine. I’m going to Nico’s.”
“Already? Viviene said your order wouldn’t be there until Friday.”
“Well, she called and said it's here now.” Daniel raised his brow and licked his lips, trying to remain calm and unsuspecting. He bit his tongue at Max’s blush.
“I will drive you.” 
— - —
Valtteri said nothing, but watched as Lewis made a few calls. It wasn’t until they were driving that he broke his silence. 
“Are you sure about this? It will start a war.” 
Lewis didn’t look phased. “Toto’s aware. I’m gonna do everything to make sure Daniel is safe.”
“He’s safe in his house, with his husband and bodyguard.” Valtteri pointed out, he would follow Lewis wherever– but he needed him to be sure.
“Fuck a war, Daniel is worth it.”
“Then let’s go.”
They grabbed Daniel before his car even left the compound. The left wing of Christian’s mansion going up in smoke provided the perfect cover. 
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 9 months
Chapter One of a PotC Fic?
It's short, sweet, and sets up some things. It's also unedited. I just wanna get a couple reactions before I continue.
Working title is Scourge of Poseidon.
It begins with a dream. Filled to bursting with wonderful colors, swirling skirts and swishing petty coats. He finds himself along a coastal shoreline near midday, a bay below the cliff and a lighthouse atop it. He is close enough to see clearly a bride and groom in the midst of their ceremony, but not so close as to identify their countenance. 
Then suddenly he is sitting ‘round a table, watching on as the groom dances with his mother and the bride dances with her father. The boy’s a spitting image of his mother, with mousy blonde hair tied back against the nape of his neck. The girls’ fine curls are done up in a crown and her father thumps along the cliff, his long, gray hair adorned with a wide brimmed hat topped by a large, garish feather.
And with a crash of thunder, the sky is dark, the wedding guests flee, and up the path from the lighthouse comes Davy Jones. The menacing man with a cephalopod head has his gaze set upon Elizabeth, dressing her for revenge. 
He draws his sword, rushing to intercept the madman before he can reach his family. Henry grabs Carina and drags her with him, towards him. Elizabeth tries to surge past him, but she is unarmed and he forces her back with a stiff arm. 
Then, with a flash of lighting, pain radiates from his chest. Thunder rolls and with it the pain, ripping through his torso. He forces himself to glance at his chest. His sword is embedded in it. Only once he’s fallen to his knee’s does he realize that Elizabeth is screaming his name. Begging him not to leave her. She cradles him against her bosom,so careful of the sword stuck in him like a pin cushion. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot force his mouth to form words. He cannot reassure his wailing wife or blubbering son that everything will (not) be alright. 
Jones laughs, and the laugh morphs with the rain. It comes harder, and the voice grows higher, with a rasp and a deep accent Will wishes he didn’t recognize. 
“A touch… a destiny!”
There’s a bang from the other room, and William Turner shoots up in bed with a startled yelp. 
“Will? Good Heavens, are you alright?” 
His hand is at his heart instinctively. He presses his palm flat against his chest, slowing his panting so he can feel the pulse in his palm. His fingers brush the scar carved to remove the blasted organ in the first place over twenty years ago. Though it’s healed, it will always remain, a reminder of the debt owed his ship. The Flying Dutchman. 
Although, perhaps, it was a debt owed to it’s creator, the blasted goddess Calypso. It was her curse upon Davy Jones that, through a series of highly complex and rather laborious events, saved his life.
The shiver down his spine, whether from his thoughts or the morning chill, snaps him from those thoughts. He stood, and his nightclothes hung loose on his frame. The door to their room opened with a creak (one he reminded himself once more to fix) and his wife, Elizabeth, stepped inside. “Are you alright? You’ve slept awfully late?” 
Will stretches, then yawns, glancing out the window. The sun has risen near fully over the bluff. “Why didn’t you wake me?”
Elizabeth’s brow furrows “You didn’t budge when I tried. I figured I’d leave you to it.” His wife, the Pirate King of the Brethren Court, was a marvelous woman. She was beautiful, with hair that darkened as she aged and a strong face and piercing eyes. Piercing eyes that helped her hold the air of a pirate, a frighteningly good one at that. She was Pirate King for a reason, after all. And while that reason had been self serving on the behalf of Captain Jack Sparrow, pirate lord of the Caribbean, she had more than proven her metal, lead men in to battles and won. 
As the poor, unfortunate soul who oft’ cleaned ship in the wake of these battles, he was keenly aware of her prowess with a cutlass and flintlock. 
“Are they awake?” He queries, slipping a black long coat around his shoulders. Elizabeth opened the door, allowing him to peer out on the two youngins around the table. 
“No, no,” a feminine voice scolded, “That’s not how you say it. It’s en vee-no veritas, not vine-o.”
Henry scoffs, a smile crossing his face “It’s not my fault!”
“Wha… of course it is! You were the one who wouldn’t sit still when your mother tried to teach you!”
“Well then, it’s her fault for teaching in such a boring manner.”
“I whole heartedly object to your classification of my teaching abilities!” Elizabeth slips past him, taking his hand and pulling him forward into their quant kitchen. Everything was hand made, done by the finest craftsmen on the seas, tribute to their king and prince. He remembers visibly the first time she actually go to show him this tribute. She’d never been able to do it justice with those tiny pictures in whiskey bottles. 
“Would you have rather your father taught you latin?”
“Seeing as he taught you to sword fight, yes.” Henry ribs, glancing at his father with eyes, glittering with joyous tears. 
Will chuckles, stepping out to join them, but his heart aches near as much as when it’d been run through. He’d longed to teach Henry to fight with a sword, one he’d make the boy of the finest metals and with all the love that filled his heart. Perhaps to match one he’d made for his mother and himself. Instead, he’d been chained to a ghastly ghost ship, his heart cut out to lead these dead men on Fiddler’s Green or the Locker. Not even he knew where they’d go, but after two decades, he’d gotten a knack for guessing. 
“There’s bacon on the stove, and I can make more toast if you’d like,” Carina stood, taking a plate from the head of the table. 
“That would be lovely” Will glances at Elizabeth, smiling brigher than the sun. 
“Carina was up even before me.” She reveals with a shrug. 
“I couldn’t sleep!” The girl calls, setting the plate before Will.
“Thank you, but I can’t imagine why,” he glances at Elizabeth, who smirks. 
“Neither can I… unless the wind against your bedroom window has become bothersome again…”
“Mother! You know well as I you could hardly sleep last night!” Henry scolds. 
Her smile falls into a more intrigued look, her arms crossed. “And as I said, I do wonder why?”
Will smiles “I barely slept on the eve of our wedding”
“The first or the second?”
“Honestly?” Will discards his silverware and leans back in his chair, “both”. 
“Well, ours is on land, for starters,” Carina sets a plate of toast on the table. All four pieces are grabbed up, one per person. Henry draws Carina’s chair back as Elizabeth sits to Will’s left and Henry at the tables foot. “And there’s no government officials present.”
“Yes, they were terrible company” Elizabeth glances at Will, now midbite, who manages a nod and affirmative grunt. 
Carina offers a little humph “And no pirates.” Elizabeth feigns offense, to which Carina quickly adds “Except the respectable ones.” 
“I would hope I’m more than just respectable,” Elizabeth teases, rising to her full height and placing her hands on her hips. She declares with a delighted smile “I am their king after all.”
“And what was all this about not having politicians at our wedding?” Henry goads with a smile. 
Will answers smoothly “The pirate king is neither a politician nor a pirate. She is your mother.” 
Carina glances out the window, then hurriedly clears the table as she declares “Well, look at the time. We’d better get going. Don’t want to be late to our own wedding now, do we?”
“I suppose…” Henry gasps when Carina splashes water from the pail against his back. Giggling, she makes a break for the stairs, and Henry follows close behind with a murmured “get back here!”
Elizabeth chuckles, settling into her seat for just a moment more. She’d really rather wear trousers to the wedding, but of course, there was proper societable company coming, so she must at least present a front of normalcy, just as she’d done in the years of Will’s absence. Of course, there were rumors, a while mill of them. People murmured when she’d first settled in the lighthouse, purchased from what funds she’d salvaged from her father’s accounts and assets left unassailed by Cutler Beckett. And then she’d brought many a strange man to Port Royal, pirates by trade, craftsmen by necessity. They’d furnished her little light house, just in time for her to welcome her little prince, Henry William. The boy, no, man, who was to be wed that day. 
She is roused from her thoughts by the distinct shing of a blade being withdrawn from it’s scabbard. She glances towards the door, where Will stands, his sword glinting in the candle and morning light. 
The sword he’d drawn from it’s rack was the one he had originally crafted for then Commodore Norrington, folded steal, a handle enlain with gold filigree, and a tang near the full length of the blade. It was the same one he turned in with his commission, which Cutler Beckett took and presented the then Admiral. And Davy Jones took the damn thing and used it to run her beloved husband through. And the blasted Jack Sparrow had wrapped her Will’s hand round his broken sword and released it, felling the fowl heart of the devil. 
Pirates, Jack Sparrow, most of all, had stolen so much from her. But what they’d taken, they’d given in equal measure. 
She watches Will, first examine the blade, then running his thumb against it’s edge. It’s a simple test of sharpness. He then replaces the sword in it’s scabbard, and he brings it with him as he retreats to their bedroom. It alarms her, though she’s not quiet sure why, and she follows, calling after him. 
“Why do you need that?” 
Will sets the sword on their bed, turning to her head on. The years had treated her well. Despite the darkening of her hair and a few wrinkles, she still looks the same as his last landfall. The years have caught up with him now that he is free. His hair is still dark, black in most lights, with crows feet at his eyes and a more or less permanent furrow in his brow. The same as Elizabeth’s. 
“I figure, what, with it being a wedding, some propriety might be in order.” 
He smiles. And when he smiles, there are lines on his cheeks, racing across his dimples. And even if he hates to admit it, there is a gray streak in that mop of hair, kept carefully hidden against his scalp. 
Elizabeth smiles, and those same smile lines are there. Beautiful, just as she is. She dawdles up to him, leaning against his chest. He wraps his arms around her, arms still toned from years on the sea, strong arms that she still longs for. Twenty one years is far to long to be away from the love of your life. Far to long to keep their child holding out hope that his father will return. Far to long to excuse a missed visit because his father had been overtaken by his curse. 
“You’re scared something’s going to happen at the wedding?”
A chill runs through his chest. Of course he is. His dream is still in the forefront of his mind. No, it won’t be Davy Jones, who he’d cast to his own locker (with help from Jack), but it would be someone. He’s sure of it. 
Calypso’s words still ring around his head. “A touch… a touch… a touch!” 
He sighs, opening his eyes. Elizabeth is right there, finally right there. Solid, against his chest. He can hold her, and he sighs, relieved. Even more than a year on. “I’m sure you remember our own wedding.” 
Elizabeth chuckles. “How could I forget?”
“It’s just in case.” He assures. 
“You won’t need it.” She whispers. 
“It’s just in case.” He assures. 
He’s more or less reassuring himself. 
Just in case. 
Just in case.
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not-poignant · 11 months
4, 9, and 11 for stain!
Ooo okay! For A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Don't have one! I don't remember things like this and I can't reread the entire fic to find one because I don't tend to think this way and then I can't choose anyway. I did enjoy having Alex say 'bet' though. Alex generally is getting my favourite lines overall.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
I don't know what this means, so no. Does this mean like... did I imagine other versions first? Or like... am I copying someone else's version? Anyway, no. But I don't know what this means!! Does it mean did I write another version of it first? I didn't! Unless that means The Wind that Cuts the Night? But that's a different pairing, and it's a different course of the relationship, so again no?
I don't knowwwwwww
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I suppose 'everything' is too vague but there's definitely no one thing. I really do just love contemporary enemies-to-lovers and I specifically really love Alex and Sebastian lmao I'm going to end up writing that I love all of it. :D
At the moment I just really like that the story mostly tells itself. The progression of their relationship feels natural and fun to me, and while it is a very slow burn it probably helps me personally to know that they are SO close to sparks kicking off, and also knowing there will be very little turning back once that happens. I can be quite relaxed while writing this story, I feel like everything's structured in a way that means it will unfold with very little ennui on my behalf, and I like that. It feels like the story has its own engine, and I don't have to add much fuel anymore.
From this fanfiction meme! (Also it doesn't just have to be my fanfic, can be my og stuff too, in case anyone was worried)
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chessalein · 11 months
Jackie + Nori story concept I had
At one point I had the idea that someday a woman would ring on Mama Welles door. The hobby mailwoman with the "I don't really give a shit but still wanted to do that" attetude asked her if she is Mrs. Welles, who has a son named Jackie.
Jackie who heard his name drop, came to the door with suspicion in his eyes. Mamá answered yes, already slowly reaching for the gun she had stached beside the door, in case someone wants to try something funny.
Turns out the woman has a letter for Mamá.
In this letter someone wrote that she hopes she and Jackie are doing well and that she wants to let them know that they don't have to be afraid that Raúl comes back because she took care of him. Wishing them all the best. Its signed with "Elenore Rose"
Big confusion spreads who she is, how she knows of them and what this all means.
The woman tells them that she works in an Asylum and that one of her patients gave her this letter and told her what the surroundings looked like, that it was a Valentinos home and that she asked to bring this letter here.
They want to visit her to ask more about that and the Lady who's name is Mell tells them that they could try but that she doesn't know if its possible.
Because this patient Elenore Rose, has multible personalities that "borrow" her body, like they all say. Mostly its a Lady named Beth who says she was a Moxes before she got killed. Another one is a Corpo named Francis, who claimes to have gotten sick but doesn't know what happened then. Sometimes a very agressive character would turn up, they never speak, they are only very agressive, so they mostly send her back to sleep with the help of sleep darts.
Beth and Francis told them that thats "the animal guy" and mention sometimes a person named "Amata" as well.
Elenore who the two call "Nori" only comes out very seldom. Maybe 3 times since she was brought there over a year ago by a man who told them that she was schizophrenic and that they couldn't take propper care of her right now and paid them an enormous sum so she was kept in the most isolated part of the Asylum.
They never visited again, and now Beth the Mox is nagging around almost every day if she wasn't trying to flirt with the male stuff. Francis mostly came out when Beth got too annoyed or when information had to be gathered.
When they visit, Beth is hitting on Jackie the whole time. Offering the body she is borring right now as part of a deal to meet Nori. Even telling him that it was never used in that way and that she could be all his.
His answer - of course - was no.
"No audience with the princess if they can't convince the guard." She told him. Pleased by his answer she made another deal. She wanted to visit Lizzie's bar because she had some business there.
She was swearing and saying dirty things all the time, something that didn't fit the look of the woman in front of them.
They made a deal that he would bring her to Lizzie's bar because she had business there, and she went to fetch Nori.
Now Francis showed his face, happy to hear that Nori had visitors. But he knew that she wouldn't be happy if she would meet the guessets dressed like this, so he is her personal fashion guy and pics out some stuff for her which he put on in the bathroom.
After he was finished, he explained who he is and how he dispises Beth for always putting clothes on Nori that she wouldn't aprove of.
Turnes out that the Mox kind of plays first guard for her host and the corpo takes care of the planing and information stuff. All without Noris knowing.
In the middle of their conversation the character would change again. Now it seemed to be more fitting the look.
At first the woman was shy and confused, even slightly scared. But as soon as she looked at the latina, her expression truned first to surprise and then to a warm look.
"Mrs. Welles. You look well. Time really didn't harm your elegance."
She stood up from the chair Francis had placed her on and walked over to her to shake her hand.
"I'm Elenore Rose. I'm happy to see you again, even though you don't know of our first meetings."
"How do you know us?"
"Us? ... NO WAY!" Nori beamed a happy smile up to the big guy. "Jackie?!"
She looked up and down at him, amazing by how big he is now. Telling him that the last time he met him, he was super small and carried around a plush astronaut all the time.
When the two asked how she knew them, she told them a story about a invention that should bring dead people back and that Raúl was one of the test subjects, that she was sent into his memories and thats how she saw how he treated the two of them and that she felt victim to his anger herself while trying to do her job. So she made sure that he would never come back and thought that the two should know that they are save now.
They wanted to know more, but at some point she got scared and shotted herself off and left at some point. Leaving Beth with them.
A few days later, Jackie kept his promise and brought her to Lizzie's where Beth had to clear some things. At first the person she wanted to meet didn't believe her but after a test they talked a lot. After the deed was done, Beth confinced Jackie to stay a bit and party.
They talked and Beth told him what she knows about the whole "bringing back people from the dead" thing.
It all made Jackie very curous, so he wanted to know all of it. That meant to meet Nori again and to get to know her better.
Thats like... what I had thought of till then.
Her backstory would be the same as in "Bringing back the sun", just that here the people who she failed to bring back never left. Their souls didn't make it into their bodies, but stayed in hers. In the Sarah Donum. At some point she couldn't contain them anymore and started to switch character. That made her useless to Arasakabecause only she knew how to connect to other Sarah Donum and minds, so they stored her away in the Asylum. No one there would believe her and they would pic her up if they would need anything from her again. And like this she would get taken care of without them having to move an inch or so.
Valerie gets involved and they find out that she is actually the daughter of William and Sarah Finch. She was last seen 8 years ago on a inventor gala. She and her father were never seen again shortly after that. Her mothers maiden Name was Rose, so she took that, after her father never saw her as a daughter and she wanted to feel closer to her mother, who at least loved her while taking her last breath.
One big scene would have been:
"Why should I come out here when I can stay inside with Amata. Nothing good came from out here my whole life. Thats why I gladly lend them my body. It was never mine anyway, other people decided what I would do all the time. Claiming it as theirs. "
Showing Jackie that she sees no use in her existence and her body and that she gladly gave it away to beth who seemed to have much more fun with it.
Even though I like the concept... I like "Bringing back the sun" much better ♥ I'm very happy with my story.
Please ignore all the grammar stuff. I'm not native english speaker, I'm super tired and done by this week AND it seems that I have catched the cold from my boyfriend so my brain is mush right now.
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marskiiii · 4 months
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innerenigma · 7 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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strawverrii · 24 days
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((concept au where bill lost his memories))
this is embarrassing to post ngl haha
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sm-baby · 10 months
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I wanted to try my own take at a sort of "swap au " :3! though-- it's more a "role swap" than anything else, haha!
I give yall Zooble another time cuz I'm sleepyyy
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cr1nge-culture · 10 months
one of the best fics i've ever read, one that had me addicted to my phone and crying, wasn't even prose. it was a huge, casual, bullet-pointed outline with every detail of an au that the author never got around to writing in full. and it was amazing.
let this be a message to all you who want to write but can't do it "normally": write it! someone out there will eat it up. whether that be poetry, tiny drabbles, or bullet pointed list: your work is always worth it. your art (yes, art!) will alway deserve to have its moment in the spotlight. why? because you made it. even if it wasn't done in a traditional matter, it came from your brain and your creativity and that is amazing.
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catawonkus · 3 months
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
Danny’s mostly gotten the hang of portals by now. Sure, it’s not perfect, but he’s pretty accurate for the most part. So when he was super tired after another late night ghost battle, he decided to just portal home instead of flying back.
And he screwed it up.
Instead of coming out into the lab at home, he landed in the workspace of an alternate universe version of his dad.
He didn’t immediately notice though. Sure, the T-rex statue is new, but it honestly might not be the weirdest thing he’s ever seen his parents work on. Plus, again, he’s exhausted. He doesn’t have the energy to deal with that right now. In fact, he was so out of it that he didn’t even bother to fully fly to his bedroom, just collapsing onto the first couch he found and immediately going to sleep.
Alfred frowned down at the boy he’d found sleeping on the couch. He knew the faces of all Bruce’s kids, and this wasn’t any of them.
Maybe he’d just brought in another one and forgot to tell him. The boy certainly fit the mold.
He sighed and shook his head fondly. He’d bring it to Bruce up in the morning. For now, he just laid a blanked over the sleeping figure. The boy looked like he needed his rest.
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heavenbarnes · 4 months
in an alternate universe, you meet older bf!simon through a friend- well, a friend’s brother.
your friend’s brother, johnny. he overhears you whinging to his sister about how fucking hard it is to find a place to live. so he tells you about this guy he serves with.
‘L.t’ he calls him.
since he and L.t are on deployment so often, there’s a tidy re-purposed council flat that’s often empty. johnny says he’ll chat L.t about your predicament and see what he thinks.
L.t allows you to live in his home- problem is he’s leaving on deployment literally tomorrow so you have to exchange agreements by text.
you’ve got money going into his account, some basic agreements about no parties, no partners, no smoking, and no mucking about.
L.t gives the key to johnny, who gives it to his sister, who gives it to you- opening the door to an almost pristine little home. not a thing out of place.
military precision.
so you move in and you’re shocked to find more than a flat pillow and plaid duvet cover. there’s 3-in-1 in the shower but easily replaced with your own products.
the pantry and fridge are bare but soon filled with your favourites. your undies are drying over the dining chairs and your blanket is draped across the couch.
you’ve got your own profile on the netflix and your toothbrush is in the holder. you’ve done what you were told.
“make yourself at home”
so much so that you almost forget deployment will end at some point, hard to remember when you don’t even have the faintest idea when that’ll be.
johnny said it could be weeks, maybe months. he didn’t tell you that it could be at any moment.
you think you hear the door in the deep of your sleep but your brain reassures you it’s in the back of your dream- you don’t even wake.
it’s actually the weight dropping beside you on the mattress and shuffling up to your back that gets you. it’s a miracle you don’t scream.
L.t lands a rough hand on your back, something about “calm down, s’only me”
only him? he who’s name you don’t even know?
as if he can read your mind, he’s following up with a grumbled “simon”
simon ‘sans-last name.’
before his breathing begins to even out.
your heart is beating out your chest- perfect stranger climbing into bed with you?
the voice in your head that always wants you to be polite reminds you that this is actually his house, after all.
he was also kind enough to let you stay, charging a rent way below going rate.
he had just been away serving this country, duty to protect and all.
and johnny knows him, vouched for him- sure johnny can be a bit of a perv but he’s harmless.
simon must be too, right?
you decide to settle back under the duvet, telling yourself it’s you that’s being weird. you need to be more grateful!
mans tired, if he wasn’t absolutely shattered he would’ve taken the couch.
you’re almost entirely convinced until you feel a strong arm loop around your waist, pulling you back into something unbelievably hard.
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squidflavoredsoup · 1 month
he came downstairs finally
i gave up on bribing him w food n left n he kinda just came down on his own n then YELLED at me for food so
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i dont got SHIT in this house so i got him a hot pocket
he didn’t like that n kinda threw a fit n i just didn’t wanna deal w that so he went in timeout
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