#and i get to make and serve food I'm really proud of
lexkent · 1 year
every single day at work I think of posts I wanna make about work when I get home (funny, stressful, crazy, nice thing that happened etc) and every single day I come home and don't even consider posting about work my mind is wiped
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polarisjisung · 4 months
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pairings: nct dream x fem! reader
genre: fluff (established relationship in all except haechan's)
wc: 4k (it was meant to be shorter...)
warnings: one swear word (literally one I promise), mentions of shitty work environments but nothing in detail, not proof read, reader is implied to be shorter than jisung, use of pet names
notes: HAPPY V DAY 🥰🥰
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MARK - candle light dinner at home
Mark's job is his passion and his best form of expression has always been through music— most special occasions, like the day he'd asked you to become official or your birthday, Mark would write and compose a song especially for you— this time Mark wants to switch it up. He felt like it was almost too predictable for him to plug a pair of headphones in your ears and serenade you, he didn't want that. Mark believes in making each and every moment together special, and asking you to be his valentine deserved a little extra attention.
It's a known fact that Mark isn't to be trusted in the kitchen, it just isn't his forte, which is why you're usually the one cooking and he'd do the dishes.
Tonight he decides you deserve something special, it's a couple weeks before the 14th, and since the new years he's been taking some extra special training from jaemin on cooking up some of your favourite dishes. At first things started out palatable at best, but now, even jaemin could argue that they were delicious— that was the thing about Mark, nothing could beat his dedication and man was he dedicated to expressing his love for you.
You finish work late tonight and you're already planning on what take out to order once you get home, like you usually would, admittedly you don't actually like take out all that much, which is why Mark is all the more eager to see your reaction to his efforts.
The second he receives the text that you're on the way home, Mark is running across the kitchen and setting up the table, a romantic setting with a home cooked candle light dinner, something you were sure to like. Hes grinning from ear to ear as you step through the door, enveloping you in a bone crushing hug the second he lays his eyes on you.
"there's my pretty girl"
"here I am" you smile, kissing his cheek, mark can't shake the feeling that you seem a little down.
You seem tired, Mark assumes it was a hard day at work, and suddenly he feels the need to make sure everything is extra perfect.
There's some rose petals scattered along your dining table, pretty pink cocktails with a little edible glitter sprinkled along the top laid on each end of the table next to a beautifully plated serving of your favourite foods. Of course there's a small hand written note placed by your plate, a love letter with Mark's best fancy hand writing, lettering the words will you be my valentine across the envelope.
Mark waits for you patiently by the stairs, you were usually pretty fast at getting unready but Mark felt as though he was waiting for hours— though he didn't mind all that much waiting for you.
"It smells really good babe, I'm starved" you say when you see him leant against the bannister of your stairs
"let's not keep you waiting then hmm?" he smiles wide as ever, grabbing your hand and escorting you the table, it's not unusual for Mark to pull out your chair as you sit down, but you can't help but gawk at the spread in front of you, tears welling in your eyes
"you made all of this mark?"
he nods, proud of himself, though he's a little hesitant seeing the watering of your eyes
"you don't like it?" he wishes he didn't ask the question, watching you burst into tears at the confirmation
"I love it of course i do," you wipe the tears, feeling mark let his arms hang around your waist from behind you, "I just, today was hard and this, means so much to me"
Mark smiles, he realises you haven't noticed the pink and red envelope by your side, and he knows that you're feeling guilty about the tears— as much as he believes in talking through your emotions, Mark realises that's just not what you want right now and so he quietly presses a kiss to your cheek, wiping his thumb past where the tears had rolled down, and places the envelope between your fingers.
Had you not stopped yourself, you think you'd cry again.
"I love you" you whisper, voice cracking as you do, "of course I'll be your valentine" and that night, you swear you fell in love with Mark lee all over again.
RENJUN - going above and beyond
Renjun regularly buys you flowers, and each time there's an absolutely unbeatable look on your face, whether it's an intricate bouquet or a simpler bunch of tulips, he swears the smile on your face gives him reason to live, every single time. You're his muse, his biggest inspiration and to him a DIY valentines proposal only seemed right.
Thanks to your chronically online tendencies, you'd been fawning over those glitter rose bouquets to him all week, unintentionally for the most part, but considering the bouquet he'd last given you was slowly withering away in the vase you kept them in, renjun found himself scrolling through multiple tutorials, and ultimately, covered in glitter from head to toe the following week.
For anything concerning you, renjun likes to go above and beyond, he was a simple man for the most part but for you, simplicity just wasn't a feasible option in his mind.
He spends the whole month planning the perfect valentines proposal, and just to make sure that the seed of insecurity can't sprout itself in your mind, Renjun makes sure to ask you to be his valentine a month in advance.
It's a weekly date night like usual except its all the more extravagant. Renjun had made a reservation at a fancy riverside restaurant and chosen out the most perfect outfits for the both of you, it was no doubt he had a good eye, undeniably you also happen to look drop dead gorgeous in the simplest of clothes.
He knows he can't push you against the wall and smash his lips against yours, given the oppurtunity he absolutely would but considering the setting, he opts for expressing his thoughts to you instead
"you look perfect" there's a soft blush that creeps up on your face as the waitress guides the two of you to your table— you don't fail to take notice of how empty the restaurant seems
"renjun? you booked out the whole restaurant?" he nods, a sheepish smile lining his lips, he knew you didn't always like that he spent so much on you, but to renjun it was worth it, and this time you don't dispute it with anything more than an eye roll. He made you feel nothing short of a princess.
Renjun pops the question with full confidence, his hands tugging tugging at your fingers from across the table— the bouquet he'd made for you sitting across from you in a vase that looked oh so similar to your favourite, now shattered one
"Be my valentine?"
You'd been dating for years, of course you'd say yes, but it made your heart flutter every time, knowing he had made the effort to ask
"forever and always jun, you're stuck with me"
He'd have it no other way.
JENO - sweet and simple
Jeno loves you more than words can describe and really he doesn't think he can put it into words even if he tried. He already does so much for you on a day to day that even he struggled to find ways to go above and beyond when it comes to birthdays or valentines. He asks you about 3 weeks in advance, not too early but not too late, the perfect timing. It's a simple moment but it's special, jeno makes it special.
You'd been living together for a while, and jeno figured the perfect way to surprise you would be after a night out with your girls, since you refused to be home any later than midnight, saying you needed your beauty sleep. He wishes he'd gotten a balloon pump given the amount of pink red and white heart shaped latex balloons he'd blown up in the past two hours, but he knows your reaction will be worth it.
You knock against the front door, slightly tipsy, but nothing too major, eyes scanning over jeno who for some reason still seems to be in his dress shirt and trousers from work. He couldn't tell you he got to work straight away after getting home, wanting everything to be perfect meant he had no time to waste.
"there's my handsome boyfriend" you swing your arms over his neck and jeno let's a nervous chuckle escape, you barely notice the tension in his laugh as he helps you inside.
"did you have fun doll?" you nod against his chest, and jeno's eyes crinkle into a small smile
he's already taking your shoes off, knowing that kicking your heels off after getting home was an absolute must for you, you don't pay any mind to his actions, he always did this. Instead you're pressing a quick kiss to his cheek
"thank you" you'd say, or at least try to before jeno has you in his arms carrying you up the stairs to your bedroom, bridal style— now this, this was certainly new
"jeno put me down" your giggles resound through the house but jeno doesn't let up, smiling down at you in his arms
"I've got legs nono and they work just fine" he shrugs at your words
"yeah and your boyfriend has arms that work just fine too, don't have these arms for anyone but you doll"
safe to say you're a blushing mess until jeno finally places you down outside your shared bedroom door, letting you open the door yourself
A gasp escapes your lips at the sight of the large bouquet of flowers sitting on the bedside table, one practically the size of your head, maybe even bigger, filled with red roses, and a card alongside. There's a million balloons bumping against your feet and a small banner with jeno's handwriting reading "will you my valentine?" resting on your queen sized bed— jeno notices how your smile reaches your eyes
"so doll, be my valentine?"
"only since you asked so nicely" you say, and jenos lifting you up again, pressing a kiss to your lips
"think you just made me the happiest man alive"
HAECHAN - a heartfelt confession
You'd always been his sunflower, when things were tough you were there to help him through it all, his beacon of happiness and all things good in life. But haechan had never quite explicitly let you in on those feelings of his, you were supposed to be just best friends, recently that didn't seem enough for haechan.
He'd always had confidence, and despite the little slither of insecurity that lingers in the pit of his stomach at the possibility of rejection, he makes every effort to make the moment perfect, for you.
It was often your hangouts would take on a more date like form, this time however haechan had made the conscious effort of making this as close to a date as possible. He'd practically begged you to wear that beautiful baby blue sundress he bought for you for your birthday, and claimed the rest of it would be a surprise— placing a blindfold over your eyes.
It's only 5am, far too early in your opinion, to even be awake on a Saturday, something you groaned about just a little as you were warily following the pull of haechans hand.
"Hyuck are you kidnapping me?" you asked, only hearing haechan's laughter echo in your ear a little while after, you take it as a no and continue walking, the texture of the ground beneath you becoming softer and almost slightly wet, you can't help but let your curiosity grow.
"I could be in bed right now hyuck, pretty please can you tell me what we're doing?"
had it not been for the blindfold, you'd see the way his eyes roll and his nervous smile grew into an amused one
"you could be in bed any day sunshine, trust me this is a once in a life time thing" he hoped, in reality haechan had been convincing himself that rejection just wasn't an option, there was no way you didn't feel whatever spark this was between the two of you the same way he did.
Your scream cuts his thoughts out, and yet again, he smiles at the sight of you, hair flowing slightly in the breeze, your lip stuck between your teeth
"hyuck there's something on my leg— are you sure you're not kidnapping me? It's okay if you are just let me know so I can put up a fi—"
you don't expect to find yourself in a sunflower field, when haechan finally removes your blindfold.
There was no way the lee haechan would confess to you, quite frankly the love of his life, without serenading you. So there he is perched up on a chair that he'd set up before picking you up, strumming away at a guitar as he sings your favourite song.
"Sunshine will you be my valentine?"
You freeze when you see him stood in front of you, that angelic face of his only inches from yours— you nod.
"You know I love you right" this time, despite all the times he had posed the same question, you realise that the I love you means a lot more than usual
JAEMIN- spur of the moment (sort of)
Jaemin is the best boyfriend you could ask for and more, something he wants to continue to live up to, but considering he's set the standard so high, jaemin struggles sometimes.
He realises that not everything needs to be hugely extravagant and that as long as you liked it, jaemin did too.
That doesn't stop him from scrolling through Pinterest and tiktok for ideas, all of which he's already done in the last few years or thinks just aren't good enough. He settles on going to the store to grab some valentines essentials before making his mind up. That's where the teddy bear catches his eye, a practically 6 foot tall Teddy bare reading the words will you be my valentine in red cursive that had his heart beating out of his chest, it was just so cute, jaemin and to buy it.
The idea finally dawns upon him when he's finding a way to fit everything into the back of his car, those stubborn helium balloons trying to fly out, forcing him to hold them down with the two chocolate boxes he'd bought, with the fluffy brown Teddy bear at the centre. A little adjustment here and there, and if jaemin did say so himself, it looked beautiful, some finishing touches and it'd be perfect.
Everyday, jaemin picks you up from work, despite the fact that you have your own car, jaemin makes it a point to both drop you off and pick you up from work with perfect timing, you don't know how he does it really. But jaemin always manages to bring you your favourite coffee and pastry when you're feeling down, or always has painkillers in hand for the days you work longer hours, knowing you'll feel a headache coming on the second you walk through the doors of your office building. He picks you up with a smile every day, and, as always, exactly what you need.
Tonight after a failed business idea proposal and a heck of a lot of judgemental glares from the specific work colleagues of yours who didn't seem to like you, with no actual reason, you don't know how jaemin's going to manage it lift your mood, all you know is that he will.
"hi pretty" he flashes you a sweet smile, as he steps out of the car to take your bags from you
"hi jaem" you smile at him, he recognises its nowhere near as full and bright as usual and you're thankful he doesn't push on the topic
"I'll just put these on the backseat, do you think you can just grab a bottle of water from the back?" you nod at his request, reaching out to lift the trunk
Jaemin somehow manages to prove himself every time, it was like he bad a 6th sense, solely for you.
The soft glow of the fake candles jaemin had bought to set the scene lights up your face as he turns to sneak a look at your reaction. You swear you've never seen the back of his car so packed, full of your favourite things, makeup essentials, snacks, flowers and the most adorable fluffy brown bear. You barely take into account half of it, mind blurred with the sheer admiration you had for jaemin.
Like always he made your heart flutter, being his valentine only made your heart swell further.
"what's wrong?" he notices the way your eyes brim with tears, holding your cheeks between his palms, you don't waste a second to pull him close, placing your head against his chest.
"nothing, everything's perfect"
"so?" he raises his brow at the teddy bear before looking back at you
"of course I'll be your valentine nana"
CHENLE - kind of cheesy but crazy cute
Extravagant and over the top may as well be his middle name, chenle was a firm believer in go big or go home. When it came to you it seemed all the lavishes were multiplied ten fold.
Chenle asks you at his pool party just at the end of January. Who even has a pool party in January? well chenle does, he claimed it was to celebrate the longest month of the year finally passing, really it was just an excuse to get everyone together again.
And chenle loves to show you off, but he appreciates those one on one intimate moments with you especially. He knows not to ask when the party is in full swing, though he does steal you away for a few kisses. It's only when the party dies down and its just the two of you left behind that he drags you to the other end of his garden, to show you something.
"What is it you want to show me lele?" you ask, not noticing the candles spread across the area in front of you, chenle had placed them all there in an attempt to set the scene just a little.
There's still some music playing in the background, now a softer slower song echoing through the area, chenle let's his hand slip into yours
"may I have this dance m'lady?"
it was rare chenle was every this chessily cute, a red flush spreading across your features as you smile, nodding
You swear when your eyes lock that you've never been luckier, dancing in your damp swimsuit cover up with him as the soft breeze blows by you, his own eyes gazing down into yours so gentle.
"would you be my valentine?"
Chenle assumes the kiss you press against his lips means yes
JISUNG - late night picnic by the riverside
Now jisung wouldn't class himself a romantic, he was far from it. He was kind and caring and a total sweetheart but he wouldn't quite say romantic. This plan of his however, has him thinking otherwise.
You had always mentioned thinking stargazing was one of the cutest date activities, especially for a couple like the two of you who took so much interest in astronomy. Jisung sees it as the perfect way to ask you to be his valentine.
You're at the park, the same one you liked to take late night strolls on, sit on the bench and eat those snacks you bought from the convenience store just across the street at. It's pretty large and despite your frequent visits, jisung realises you barely make any use of the riverside that runs along the far end of the park— usually since the two of you get too tired to walk even half the expanses of the park.
It had taken jisung a good week and a fair few discussions with his friends,and even one with his mum, to figure out the best way to execute his plan, so that everything would be perfect. He'd packed a little basket of your favourite snacks and a blanket to place on the grass, and knowing you well enough, jisung had thrown an extra jacket over his outfit. You were bound to get cold.
"Jisung, how come you have a basket?" you ask, your fingers intertwined as you make your way down the gravel pathway, stars reflecting in your eyes as you stare up at him, fuck the sky, the only stars jisung cared about were the ones that shone so brightly at him, and only at him, in those perfect glossy eyes of yours. And if that's what stargazing was, jisung could do it all night long. The rest of his life in fact.
"Jisung?" He barely realises that he hasn't answered your question and when he does, still slightly dazed from your sweet stare he only shakes his head a little.
You don't question it further, jisung could be a little caught up in his thoughts (mostly you), a lot of the time, but you didn't mind
Only one small sigh and jisung takes it as a cue to throw you over his shoulder, carrying you to the other end of the park, he couldn't let you walk if you were tired now could he?
It's only a few weeks into the new year so the weather is still a little chilly, and jisung notices the way your hands grow cold in his, a knowing smile biting at his lips
"feeling cold?" you shake your head but jisung's shrugging off the jacket resting over his torso already and placing it over yours instead, the musky scent of his cologne only adding to the warmth you feel as you stare up at the sky above. You don't realise his eyes on you, that unwavering stare composed of nothing more than love. He doesn't mind, taking a soft breath to compose himself before popping the question.
For some reason jisung can't bring himself to do it. He finds himself far too immersed in the moment. As much as he'd always wanted to go stargazing, especially with you, jisung can't hope but keep his eyes on you, so mesmerised by the sites in front of you as you try and identify the constellations.
"That's the constellation of love isn't it sung? cass– um, cass something"
cute jisung thinks, as he follows your finger upwards, smiling to himself
"hmm not quite angel, but if I show you you have to promise me something?" you turn your head back slightly to look up at him, resting in his lap with his hands resting either side of your waist
"be my valentine?" he asks you with that gummy smile and bright eyes, before letting his hands wrap around yours, guiding your index slightly up and to the right,
"cassiopeia, that's the one"
really and truly, he's internally freaking out at the lack of response on your side, but when you smile up at him with that toothy grin, he feels the warmth rising in his chest.
"hey valentine, do you think I could get a kiss?" jisung swears his smile couldn't grow any wider.
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subfootboii · 1 month
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"I'm home."
You heard your dad calling from outside your room as you were jerking off while browsing some male foot blogs. You panicked and started hiding the lube, tissues and your dick. He went in just in time to see your screen filled with images of barefoot guys.
"Whats that? What are you doing son?"
"It's nothing dad... I was just..."
"Just what son? I'm your dad, you can tell me anything right?"
"I'm... into feet dad. Men's feet..."
"Anything else?"
"I'm gay dad."
"Nope. That's not what you are. You're a faggot. Don't be shy of admitting it. That's what you are. That's what you are born to be. An 'it' to serve a true God."
"But dad-"
"I'm not your dad anymore. I'm an alpha, a God for your degenerate kind. You are here to serve me, to worship me. There's nothing wrong about it. Natural order. Do you think I used to do house chores when I went to college? Do you think I ever did? I've always had fags and bitches for such shit. I divorced your stupid mother because of how annoying she started to get of me fucking other bitches and keeping all the house chores on her. And look at how naturally you stepped in to do house chores after that. I didn't have to tell you anything. I knew you're a faggot back then. Now it's time for you to fully embrace it. Don't worry God will help you."
You stood there shocked by what he just said. Even though your gay you've necer looked at you dad as anything but your father and now he sees you as an 'it' and called you a faggot.
"I know this can bea bit much to handle for your small faggot brain. Let's take ot step by step. Is dinner ready?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes... God?"
"Be proud of it faggot"
"Yes God."
"See. That was easy. Follow me."
You started following him to the kitchen when he stopped walking and turned back to you.
"It will follow God on its hands and knees. Always."
You weren't really understanding what he wants. Why is your dad talking to you like that? What is his goal? But before you know it all you sensed was a slap across your face rendering you senseless. You dropped to your knees and ached in pain.
"It should be quite at all time unless ordered otherwise. It will now follow God on it's hand and knees unless it wants a proper beat up."
You complied as you didn't want to be hit anymore. Until today you never really appreciated how jacked up your father was.
When you both arrived to the kitchen he got two plates. He poured a large portion of the food into one and what was left over in the other. He placed the big portion on the table and the other one under it.
"It will remove God's shoes and socks and then place god's feet in it's dish and eat from it. Now."
You were still in denial of what was going on. How did your life suddenly turn into this? Why is your father doing all that? Within seconds he kicked your face.
"This will be the last time God gives it another chance. Any form of disobedience will now be taken care of properly. The last thing a God wants after a long day at work is a disobedient faggot."
You followed through his orders. You took his shoes and socks off and a sweaty manly smell filled the air making your eyes watery. He pressed his feet in your plat making sure to crush all the food inder his huge manly feet then rested them at the middle of the plate.
"It will now eat all the portion on the plate."
The smell was so strong you knew the taste wouldn't be any better. You started eating like a dog from the plate licking his feet in the process.
You could hear him finishing up so you started to go faster. You knew that you shouldn't make him wait snd you weren't looking forward to getting punished by him. You both finished at the sae time and you made sure to leave his feet clean and spotless.
"It did a good job. Know it will prepare God's bath."
You prepared for his bath and having to stay on your hands and knees made it really challenging but he told you to stand up only to reach things up high.
"Let God see. It did a good job. Now It will go clean God's work boots and God's house flip-flops. They will be clean by the time God finishes bathing. It will do it using only it's tongue"
You crawled to the kitchen and started licking his boots clean making sure to cover every spot by your tongue. By this point you started understanding how things will work out from now on. You started accepting it.
You heard him step out of the shower and you knew you should rush to his flip-flops now so he won't be mad. You crawled to bedroom and started cleaning them and enjoying their taste. Yo held them with your mouth and placed them right outside the bathroom just in time for him to get out.
"I see it did a good job."
He wore the flip-flops and walked to the living room where he rested and flaunted his huge feet on the coffee table.
"It will now message God's feet."
You did as he asked and gave him a good massage. He must've been so tired you thought to yourself. Long hours of work every day. The least you could do to him is to serve him like this every day. That's what he deserves.
After around an hour he stood up and looked down at you.
"See? That was easy. That's what it was born for. That's what God deserves. New rules will be set and ut will comply. It will follow me to God's bedroom."
You followed his to his bedroom. He uncovered a cage you've never seen before from under his bed.
"God got this for his first faggot. All my bitches and faggots sleep in one place under my rule. This cage is now it's bedroom."
He opened it and signaled for you to go in. You did. The cage was directly after the end of the bed amd you could see his feet when he rested on the bed. It was small and uncomfortable... it was what God wanted for it.
(Story suggestion by: @chrishemsworthservant)
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ryker-writes · 1 year
No I’m sorry but if Azul was my sibling and he treated me like that he’d be dead to me. I would have torn into him the second he tried to get me to sign anything. Believing he’s above me and everyone else? No better the those who used to pick on him. I’d quite then and there and even after his overblot if he tried to call me his sibling I’d make it very clear that with the way he’s treated me at this point he’s just a cruel stranger with the same parents
Fair. A lot of people have actually said that they wouldn't forgive the boys after what they've done. The amount of people who've asked for this amazes me
For those who didn't see the first part, you can find it here
Request rules and Masterlists
Azul as a sibling (Broken relationship with no forgiveness)
Azul had been avoiding you for years now
it started when he became friends with the Leech twins
before then you had always been there for him
always defended him when others picked on him
but when he met the Leech twins, he didn't need you anymore
and he cast you aside
even when you both got into NRC, he didn't pay you much attention
but he made you work for him at the Mostro Lounge with all the worst jobs possible
while you worked for him, he barely ever interacted with you
the only times he did was to tell you not to call him brother
and then he wanted you to sign a contract
it said that you would work and do anything he wanted you too, and you could never tell anyone that you were related, you used to be close, or even give details of his childhood
in return you get some of the better jobs like actually dealing with customers and more discounts
there was no way you were signing that
the contract basically wanted you to become a slave to Azul and for slightly better jobs and a few extra bucks off the food you make?
not a chance
who does he think he is?
you two were family at one point but it's like he thinks he's so much better than you now
this was not the Azul you knew in the past
this was someone you've never met
enough was enough
you teared apart his contract and said
"If you don't want to be siblings that badly, then fine. We aren't siblings. I'm not going to sign some contract in order to be bossed around by someone who wants nothing to do with me. In fact, I quit. You're no better than those who used to bully you."
with that, you walked out
Azul was angry, but you didn't care
you didn't want anything to do with him
so you left Mostro Lounge and hung out elsewhere on campus
you made your own life and got friends who didn't associate you with Azul
then a few weeks later, there was talk of another student overblotting
it didn't take long for someone to mention who it was
of course Azul would overblot
it didn't matter much to you
but then you noticed Azul around you more often
he didn't say anything and was just "coincidentally" in the same place as you when you were
there would times when you would glance near him and see the panic set into him
Azul really wanted to say something but was too nervous and didn't know where to start
you didn't even give him the time
you never talked to him, and never even looked directly at him
until one day when you were having a disagreement with a classmate
Azul thought this would be the perfect time to step in and show that he still cares and even start a conversation
maybe you would even be grateful for his help
"Excuse me? It would be wise to watch what you say. After all, that's my sibling you're talking about."
how dare he
how dare he step in like everything was fine now and even try to "help" you like you couldn't help yourself
the classmate walks away and you're left with Azul who looks very proud of himself
until he looks at you and sees just how cold your expression is
"Listen to me Azul. I don't need your help, and we certainly aren't siblings. I used to defend you all the time and you returned the favor by pushing me away and trying to get me to serve you. You are not the Azul I used to know. You are just a cruel stranger that's taken up too much of my time."
he looked slightly stunned and then he avoided even looking at you
for how he's treated you for years, this is what he had coming
you weren't going to put yourself through that kind of pain again
so as you walked away from Azul and his life, you simply said
"You should be glad. After all, you never wanted to be my brother in the first place. You got what you wanted."
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bangchansgirlsblog · 7 months
Warning: Abuse, Angst/comfort, crying, blood.
Pairing: Hyunjin x reader
Summary: Hyunjin saves you from an abuse relationship.
Hey😆 if you don’t like graphic things please don’t read. Thank you! Not the best one shot but yeah hope you enjoy it :))
"Alex please! I'm sorry!" I yelp as I scrumble on the floor trying to get away from my now angry boyfriend. My hands trembled and my body was now vigorously shaking on the ground.
This had been going on for 30 minutes and I was exhausted and dehydrated. My hands were slippery from the blood that laid on them. All my senses were gone at this point but he kept going and going.
"You'll be actually sorry when I'm done with you," his fist connecting with my chin as I scream in pain from the constant beating of his hands against my limbs. His steps were loud and his breathing was even louder. His face occasionally getting really close to mine.
"Please forgive me! I didn't mean it! Alex please!" I get on all my fours and take a few crawls away from his standing figure but his hands wrapped around around my ankle and yanked me back to his body.
He had a smirk on his face. He enjoyed this. I knew he did but the constant manipulation and lying words tricked my mind into thinking that maybe he was just stressed or tired or maybe I did something to trigger him whenever this would happen.
This time was done I know I had to get away somehow. I knew that if I didn’t leave him I would end up dead or I could put anyone at risk with him around.
I’m ripped away from my thoughts and prayers when his voice booms into my eardrums. A ringing sound now playing really loudly.
"You think you can be a little slut huh?! You think you can get away with this shit?! You're fucking pathetic!"
My eyes are glued to his body. His arms were both grasping and digging into my flesh. Small whimpers are leaving my mouth. I couldn’t see anything due to the tears that fogged my site but I knew he was so proud of himself.
He knew he could control me. He thought I wouldn’t leave him but this time I was thinking about it. Thinking about getting here alive.
I pray that it’s all over when he just glared at me and it is when he spits on me and walks away. His saliva is hot against my face. My body laying on the ground as I tried to get energy to get up. I slowly look up to see if he was still In the room but thankfully he was gone.
The slamming front door confirms it.
The world seemed to be moving in slow motion. The plate that was once neatly stacked with food was now on the floor and shattered.
Pillows were everywhere and the painting Hyunjin had made me was now ripped on the floor.
Heavier sobs leave my mouth as I slowly get up but I’m unable to. My body wouldn’t allow it. My shaking arms couldn’t support the weight. My breathing was getting worse but the sound is covered with my phone was ringing non stop.
Hyunjin's name popping up time and time again.
The warm sension of blood oozed from my nose. The throbbing pain of my nose and now black eye lingered. My body ached.
This was a normal thing tho. Alex didn't have the best temper and I knew that. It was my fault.
I knew he didn't like his food served at this hour but yet I thought that if I somehow convinced him to eat now I could go out later to hangout with the guys. He didn’t like them at all but he always found himself around us trying to make a point about who could come near me and who couldn’t.
I slowly help myself up by leaning on the couch.
My arms were bruised and the breaths I would try to take hurt really bad. Tears continued to roll down my cheeks. I limp towards the messy area trying to clean it before he came back. Before he would have another reason to snap.
The apartment was quiet. Khami was locked in his cage. The lights were dim and the kettle was boiling.
It was the knock on the door that got me out of my trance. My neck snapping towards it.
Who could be out there? Everyone knew not to come announced. The more I thought about it the more scared I got. Was it the neighbor? Did someone call the cops?
I try to avoid the door but the knocks get more frantic and loud. Hyunjin's voice now coming through.
"Y/n?! Y/n it's me! Please open the door. Are you hurt?! I can see your shoes out here! I know you’re in there!”
I was in the kitchen when Alex had come into the room. He was wearing his work suit and a smile played on his lips. He placed a kiss on my forehead and sets his briefcase on the table.
"Hey love, how was your day?" He asks. I look over at him and give him a tiny smile.
"It was good and yours?" I automatically ask him. My hands were stirring the cooking pot and the kettle of warming water sat besides the sauce pan.
"Yeah just tired,” he tans and furrows his eyebrows while looking at his watch “what are you doing?"
I run my hands nervously and turn towards him.
"Oh I'm just making you a plate of food before I go,"
"Go where?" His eyes furrow and I gulp, "remember I told you that I was going out with the guys? You let me go,”
"Go where? I don't remember this," his eyes squint "why would you go out with the boys?"
"Baby remember when I asked you?" I frown and look up at him. My hands play with the strings from the apron.
"You’re not going-" his voice is firm and now he is towering over me.
"But babe-"
"I said you’re not going and it's final," he snaps before turning around and leaving the room.
I let out a sigh thinking that maybe he was just in a bad mood but nevertheless a no was a no.
I put everything down and pull out to phone Chan who wasn't picking up so the next best option was Hyunjin.
"Hyunjin?" I say softly,
"Hey! How are you?" He beams through the phone. His voice was soft yet excited. The thought of no seeing them hurt my heart. I had been avoiding them due to the clear visual bruises that lay on my body from the fight I had gotten in either Alex a few days ago.
They were all so attentive when I was around them so I knew it wasn’t a good idea to be around when I was covered in bruises. Too many questions.
I begin to explain, "Oh I just come today, I'm sorry-"
"What? This is the 3rd time you've cancelled this week," his voice is layered with confusion, “are you trying to avoid me because of the kiss?”
My heart stops beating for a second and butterflied start to invade my stomach. It was definitely not because of that. I start to blush, I feel it.
"No Hyun it’s because Alex-"
"Who the fuck are you talking to?" A voice booms causing me to jump. I turn to see Alex stood by the door. His frame covering everything.
"It's no one Alex it's just Hyunjin,” I try to explain,
"Hello? Y/n? Is that Alex?" I hear Hyunjin's voice from the other side of the phone before glass shatters causing me to drop the phone.
"What the fuck is your probekm you bitch?!" He yells and charges at me.
"Alex no! I was just-"
I feel a hot sting on my cheek and my body being pulled by my hair to the living room.
I let out a scream causing him to let go and put his palm against my mouth
“Shhh don’t say a word, why the fuck are you telling Hyunjin about our business? Huh?! Is he part of our relationship?!” My eyes go wide and I frantically shake my head no. I can fear the tears starting to form in my eyes.
He lets go of my mouth and I take on a deep breathe trying to regulate my breathing. Trying to get away but my body is thrown to the floor.
“Alex please! Please I won’t do it again! I’m sorry,” a squeal leaves my mouth as I grab my rib cage that was now on fire because of the impact.
His eyes were dark and his fists were clenched and red from the previous fights we had gotten into. He was wearing his normal sweatpants, Shirt and his hair was a mess.
“Do you think you can play me?!” His voice booms through the room.
“No no no , I love you Alex-“
“Then act like it!” He is calm for a second before charging at me again causing me to scream in fear, “You’re the fucking problem. You little pathetic nobody!” His hand wraps around my neck trying to grab me off the floor.
My hands automatically try to remove his finger but his grip is too tight causing me to lack air. Not to breathe.
“Seems you don’t listen? Today I’m going to discipline you again.”
“H-Hyunjin go away please!” I whisper through the door.
“No Y/n! open the door right now or I’m calling the cops,” he threatens. My body goes cold, what could I possibly do?
“No no no! Please don’t!” Panic feels me before my shaky hands slowly open the door and a peep through the little crack.
“What is it hyun?” I whisper. I examine him. His wearing a flannel and some jeans. His airforces on and his jyp budge attached to his shirt meaning he had come from the studio.
“I heard everything Y/n open then door please?” His eyes are soft, warm and glistening.
“No-no you can’t Alex-“ by the time I try to finish the sentence he had managed to push himself through, frantically looking around the room.
“Is that son of a bitch gone?” He looks over at me when his done looking around the room.
“Yes yes- Hyunjin you have to go- he might be back-“ he takes a step back and looks at me in horror.
“Your face-“ he gasps then proceeds to step closer to me.
Sobs leave my mouth again. I try to hide it with my sleeves, “No don’t look at me-“
“I’m killing this motherfucker.” His body is tensed up and his jaw clenches.
His hands reach out to examine me. My face but I wince and try to step back.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here on time my love, this is my fault, I knew he wasn’t okay! Fuck. Are you okay? What hurts? Let me see please princess? Let me take care of you-“ he pulls me on his body but I try to resist. This doesn’t let him let go though.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” is all he says and that makes me fall against his body. It was overwhelming. I was tired. I was crying. I was a mess. I was in pain. Really bad pain. My chest hurt. He carries me to the couch before examining the bruises even more. His eyes squinting. The room is silent only a few barks from Khami.
His hair was in a ponytail and his nails were painted in black. The little things I was noticing as I stared at him trying to make out what his face was saying or what his brain was thinking.
He gets up and gets the first aid kit and some cleaning supplies before sitting back down.
“I’m going to touch you okay? And it might hurt but I’m just cleaning you up okay?” I just nod trying not to fight or say anything.
“We’re leaving, you’re going to stay with me until we can find you an apartment and you’re leaving this bastard.”
“But he’ll find me Hyunjin,” I cry in a panic.
“Hey hey hey, even if he does, which he won’t. I’ll whoop his ass and give him a big beating. Nothing will happen, plus his going up against 8 boys I think we can take him,”
“What about-“ I wince when he puts a bandage on my arm. My concentration now turning to the throbbing wrist.
“No I’m not taking no for an answer. You’re coming with me, stay here.” He gets up and I watch him closely. He enters Alex’s room and disappears. Knowing I couldn’t argue with him I knew I had to get Khami because that witch would try and hurt him. I limp over to Khami’s cage and get him out. He starts licking my face and whimpering. Knowing he had been watching everything in the apartment from moments before.
“I got your bags love,” Hyunjin says coming back. He gives Khami a small smile before he wraps his hand around my waist pulling me onto him.
“I love you,” his lips touch my softly. His fingers wipe the tears that had fallen from before. His body is warm and he smelt like flowers and blueberries…maybe strawberries.
“I’m going to protect you. I have to protect you.”
Before I can say anything he grabs my stuff and guides me to the car outside closing the door.
This was a new beginning to the end.
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bonefall · 17 days
i NEED to know more about waspwhisker/waspstar now that xey seem to be leader during TBC/ASC. are xey as levelheaded as leafstar or more aggressive? i think it would be fun if xey were willing to defend skyclans separate culture WAY MORE than leafstar was willing to. that would especially bring conflict with the imposter and maybe could even lead to a battle!
I'm leaning HEAVILY towards doing it. Killing off Leafstar during Squirrelflight's Horror by having Juniperclaw poison their food makes perfect sense. He was trying to make them desperate to leave the territory, so they'd invade the Sisters' camp.
Plus, then I can delete the Meadow Saffron subplot. There was no new plant that suddenly showed up like a big coincidence RIGHT as tensions escalated-- Sparkpelt can just have gotten a bite of the poisoned food somehow.
(Maybe a diplomatic meeting... I'll think about it.)
Anyway, here's an Intro to BB!Waspwhisker, and how xey would act as Waspstar in comparison to BB!Leafstar;
Once the ShadowClan family tree is complete, I will be going back to SkyClan's overhaul and making it more significant.
But in the meanwhile, Waspwhisker is a very close family cat to xeir mate Fallowfern, and kids; Plumwillow, Rabbitleap, and Creekfeather.
(Nettleplash might be gone, unsure.)
I really like Creekfeather for absolutely no reason. I just like his name lmao. SO I'm probably going to put him into The Kin so I can get mileage out of him as a villain
Having Waspwhisker have to fight and maybe even kill xeir own son sounds absolutely JUICY. Push this guy to the BRINK
Show, over and over, how Waspwhisker is willing to put SkyClan above everything xey've ever loved.
When The Kin absorbed a significant portion of SkyClan, Waspwhisker took Leafstar's side. Though xey can be tough, xey're always fair and rational.
The reason to exclude Daylight Warriors makes no sense and is just based on pride, in xeir eyes. The Daylight Warriors are not the ones attacking the camp right now, are they?
There are SkyClan Warriors in the gorge that night, and there are traitors.
And if that includes Creekfeather... then so be it. Creekfeather has made his choice.
You might think that Waspwhisker is a mean person. Xey're not.
In fact, when it comes to friends and family, Wasp's compassion is absolutely limitless.
Plumwillow and Rabbitleap get their love of long discussions from xem, as a Ba Waspwhisker was always encouraging their curiosity.
Xey like to answer questions with more questions, and guide kits and apprentices by leading them to the right answer instead of outright telling them.
The thing that makes Waspwhisker so brutal is that, well... xey just don't see the value in being overly generous. Xey want what xey are owed.
Down to the last scrap of fur, the final droplet of blood.
As a warrior who has gone through so much, loved so thoroughly, and serves a people who have lost everything, shouldn't respect come with that?
SkyClan has been cheated, threatened, and betrayed from the moment they were driven from the forest. Waspwhisker believes in reciprocity like it's a bank account-- xey simply want the positives and the negatives to be in balance.
It feels clear to xem that the moment they stepped paw into the new forest, the Forest Four saw them as pitiable.
They were not equal. SkyClan is a mixed-blood Clan of ex-kittypets and loners.
The politeness that defines SkyClan, helped to keep coalitions of cats together at a distance through forgiveness and cordiality, is a funny joke to Forest Four.
Though times are changing in Clan Culture, strength is currently still a stronger value than diplomacy.
Leafstar was playing by SkyClan rules. They have their own values, traditions, even a copy of the warrior code that diverges earlier.
But Waspwhisker can see-- what at first seems "amusing" about SkyClan to the Forest Four is quickly hardening into contempt.
And that contempt is mutual.
Forest Four cats are proud, self-absorbed, xenophobic, and stubborn. And they don't even realize that.
They're so used to only ever dealing with each other. With their big bluffs, political showboating, and ceremonial fights.
To Waspwhisker, it seems as though Forest Four cats see battle like a game. One you play together, with ancient, unspoken rules that SkyClan has been locked out of for generations.
It's been so long since they've known REAL fear that they've forgotten it. SkyClan hasn't.
Claws aren't toys; battle isn't a game. To SkyClan, their skills are a martial art.
To be respected.
In SkyClan's conversation about what "version" of the Warrior Code they will use, and how they interact with other Clans, Waspwhisker has always felt uneasy about the very premise.
Who interprets the Code, to begin with? Us, or them?
If I end up going with this, Leafstar will die of poisoning in Squirrelflight's Horror.
Juniperclaw did it to try and convince SkyClan that the Sisters ARE a threat. He wants them out of ShadowClan territory.
At first, Heartstar is going to refute any accusations of her deputy/nephew doing this poisoning. Nepotism is her consistent weak spot.
Waspwhisker might have died too, but someone tasted poison.
(Maybe I'll have it be the wounded sister they are holding as a prisoner. She can recognize a flower in a spoonful of soup and lurch foward to slap it out of their paw, then dump over the pot. Maybe when Squilf's about to have a bite, so there's a big accusation that the sister only stopped it to try and help the one who's been nice to her)
But in any case, when Waspwhisker finds out that it was a Forest Four warrior who did this...
It really solidifies in xem that xeir uneasiness was right.
Juniperclaw may have acted alone, but his feelings were born out of a deeper spite. One that Leafstar was too optimistic about.
They'll never take SkyClan seriously if something is not done about Juniperclaw. Exile is a JOKE.
The only thing that Forest Four cats seem to respect is brutality.
So xey will GIVE them brutality.
You demand we follow your version of this code?
"We'll start with a true warrior not needing to kill to win his battles, unless it is necessary for self-defense. Understand that I have no reason to believe Juniperclaw would not do it again. This was self-defense."
If the Forest Four can't even be consistent about Commandment 1, then they wouldn't be able to handle how SkyClan interprets the rest.
Xey insist SkyClan matters will be handled by SkyClan. When a law would affect another Clan, then we can discuss it.
Like Bramblestar, Waspstar refuses to be pushed around.
Unlike Bramblestar, they aren't a particularly emotional or biased person. In fact, Waspstar is cold.
That reputation is exactly what xey want, though. Let it precede us. "If they fear us, we live in peace. If they respect us, we live in peace. I offer the choice of which type of harmony we have together."
A good diplomat realizes quickly that Waspstar is not unreasonable, though. Getting xem to do anything is a matter of demonstrating mutual benefit.
Or making a show of goodwill.
Hawkwing is chosen as Waspstar's deputy because of his compassion and commitment.
They're not TOO different as well, and that's a plus to Wasp. Xey want the deputy to see eye-to-eye with xem, but still be bold and emotional enough to launch a challenge if needed.
Xey have thought fondly of Hawkwing ever since Plumwillow's mate went missing, and Hawkwing became a father to Wasp's grandkits.
Unfortunately, I can see Waspstar either respecting the Impostor a lot (for living by the same brutality he demands of other Clans) OR coming to a huge battle against the Impostor (for trying to force SkyClan to live a certain way).
In contrast to BB!Leafstar, who would think Bramblefake is a lunatic from the very beginning.
In a nutshell; If the two leaders heard the phrase, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,"
Leafstar would hum and smile, praising the wisdom of the words. There are many ways to win a battle, and she does not want SkyClan to have to lose its peaceful life after enduring so much hardship. "That which cannot be fixed must be broken, and revenge is not something that can be repaired."
Waspstar would gently shake xeir head. That hope died with her. Either SkyClan will choose the change they make, or it will be taken. Our new neighbors respect only one thing, and if we want our kittens to live in peace, then we must study war, "If the enemy has taken your eye, take both of theirs."
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hello, may I request jing yuan with a teen!reader who is jealous of yanqing? - they are around the same age as him, a new cloud knight who is an orphan, they try really hard to get the generals attention, even making him tea, buying presents etc. they want to be like yanqing, and are a bit jealous of the relationship with jy and yanqing, so they always try to prove themselves, even sacrificing food and sleep for their training, and are reckless during missions (bonus points if yanqing or jing yuan is present at the mission, they would literally fight until they pass out)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Heyy! It took me a while to figure out but I think I did it right! If not, feel free to let me know and I'll try fixing it.
But uhhh it may be kinda long but I hope it still matched your taste!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic, angst with comfort
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Yanqing this, Yanqing that... you were tired of it!! All you wanted was for Jing Yuan, your parental figure and someone who you really looked up to, to look at you the same way he looks at Yanqing. Was he better fighter? Smarter? Better stamina? Yes, yes and yes. But you need to be good for something, right?
You tried serving him tea, organizing his paperwork and other mundane works like that... but he always gave you the same answer. Pat on your head and gentle smile alongisde "thank you". But he never looked at you with proud feeling in his eyes, like he did at Yanqing. Even compliments were different!
"Thank you, Y/N."
"Thank you, Yanqing. I'm happy I could count on you with this task. Keep up the good work."
But it was probably a little bit of a mistake... you should probably ask him about it but you really couldn't help but overthink it a bit.
So when one day, Jing Yuan asked YOU to accompany him for one of his missions, because he saw potential in your skills, you thought fate finally smiled to you and gave you opportunity to prove yourself. And you weren't about to just let it slide by not using situation like that.
It technically was trio mission because he also took Yanqing, but you got into 2 groups pretty quickly. And ot course, Jing Yuan prefered to leave you on his side since you're not as experienced fighter. But you decided to prove yourself! You used every opportunity to slash an opponent.
"These are highly dangerous... It'd be better to not take ant risk and just sneak past them."
"I can handle them!!"
"Y/N, wait!"
You rushed towards group of tall robots not caring much, you just wanted to prove yourself and you didn't even care enough to rationally think of this situation or at least about the plan.
What was worse, Jing Yuan didn't even got the chance to react and you already began the fight. He rushed after you as soon as he could but this big group of robots was something even he prefered to fight with cautiousness.
You were honestly doing pretty good and were hoping Jing Yuan was watching you. You peeked through your shoulder to see if he's looking, but he wasn't... you were so disappointed you didn't even notice the upcoming attack and in matter of w second, you were crashed on the wall.
"Y/N, stay back!"
"That's an order!"
You stayed in the back a bit shocked... he never really pulled the general card on you and didn't order you with such a stern voice... But at least his fighting skills were pretty good so you could just watch from the back... and despite not being able to fight, you still wanted to help so you told him enemies moves.
"O-On the left! Two on back! Hand above from east!"
He followed your instructions and you may've not knowed it but you were actually a big help to him. You took small but important bit if concentration from his shoulders so he could actually focus more in his modes rather than tactics.
After the fight was finally over, he came back to you, mix of emotions on his face so you couldn't really tell how mad he was at you... You honestly expected him to scold you or even punish you when you saw his hand rising. But he ended up just parting your head gently with small soft smile as he kneeled down a bit to match your level. He could definitely see your surprised expression because he didn't wait with explanation.
"You did a great job, Y/N. I knew it was just the right idea to bring you here with me."
And you finally received your compliment... did he figured out this was something you were missing? Or was it a lucky guess? Even you after spending so much time with him can't fully figure him out yet... but all his soft actions made your heart melt and you had to remind yourself to not break in front of him just like that. But his next words... seems like you got the scolding either way...
"But that doesn't change your actions were irresponsible. And I'm asking you to not start any fight like that again. If I tell you we're avoiding the fight or stay behind, you need to listen to me, alright? I don't mean to hold you back, I just want to ensure your safety."
You just nodded at his words. If you can't fight... and he complimented you supporting him behind... maybe tactics are the way to impress the general and get compliments like these more often without risking your life?
"I promise I'll try to not go against your orders anymore. I'm sorry again..."
"Don't worry, it all ended up good. Let's go back to Yanqing and see how he's doing, shall we?"
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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esotericpluto · 1 year
messages from your spirit guides
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. Please, tip the reader here
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pile 1
For you, the first message I received and quick and short. Your guides are asking you to drink water, eat healthy food, especially fruits. Wear lots of sunscreen too, as I'm hearing some of you might be prone to sun damage or sunburns.
For some of you, you should focus a bit more on your friendgroups in the next weeks, as I feel like some friends would want to have you around them and might need your help or support.
I feel like some of you might have many dreams, ambitions and goals, to the point where sometimes you don't know where to begin or multitask between them. Your guides are telling you to figure it out, as it will greatly help you in the future. For this, they highly recommend you to set a practical plan for each of your goals and focus on a fewer at a time, as it will get you further. Setting a practical goal can be simply writing it out in steps, which will help you stay motivated and track your progress. I feel like for many of you, this might also be luxury, lifestyle and finances related, in which case, I also recommend you using affirmations and meditations for abundance and to align your mindset/self-concept with your desire.
I feel like there is also a big desire to be genuine, to just be who you are and express yourself without any fears. Your guides want to tell you to stay true to yourself and just ne yourself without minding anyone's opinions about it. Whoever doesn't like you or judge you just serves no purpose in your life and their negative criticisms say more about them than it says about you. Genuine people will flock to you once you unapologetically become yourself.
Overall, it is also a great time for healing: so focus on healing old wounds, traumas, fears and insecurities. Your healing process will be heightened for the next few months and your guides will aid you in the entire process, making sure you improve and grow.
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pile 2
Many of you have been working crazy hard lately, maybe even manifesting things important to you into your life. Your guides are congratulating you on the good job and seem very proud of you. I hear to keep going and persisting as most people who picked this pile will achieve their goals really soon. All it might be needed for some of you is to either let go/trust or have a final breakthrough.
For all of you thinking about starting something new in your life or taking a certain action. I'm feeling that you should definitely go ahead with it. It could also be related to the previous paragraph and be what you need to manifest it fully.
If you are into someone or trying to manifest a new job or business, try to make the first move on them. Even if it might not go perfect the first time around, 100% hold your vision and persist in your desire as you will get success. It will worl out in your favor!
Those of you planning on dying your hair any bold color, I am hearing from your guides to rethink it for a while more as it might not be something you will like a lot or feel comfortable with yet. Maybe trying out different neutral colors first would be better for you for now. However, I'm getting that you should 100% go for the haircut you are planning, if any.
I'm also getting to not stay home this summer and go hang out with your friends more often. If your friends are out of town, take yourself on a date somewhere nice and pretty and buy yourself flowers or a treat!
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pile 3
I feel like some of you are being encouraged to go out and try new smoothie and fruit juice flavors, especially if you live next to the beach or similar. Enjoy this with some friends or even your partner if you have any.
If you don't have a partner, I feel like your guides are saying you might find one soon, especially if you are going on vacation soon. If you are not going on vacation soon, your guides want you to try and go, even if just for a weekend.
For many of you, you guys are insisting on something or being stubborn in a situation. If this is a manifestation/dream related situation, then your guides want you to keep persisting and believing/assuming that what you want is already yours and this will make it come true. For those of you who have been in an argument lately, I feel like this means that you might be being too stubborn and it's better to just drop it and let go, as in some cases arguing just won't solve anything. However, for all the cases in this pile, I see that having faith and knowing that what you want will happen is a common theme here.
You should also think about checking on your loved ones soon if you haven't yet and see how they are doing. I feel like some of you have loved ones going through hard times or you might yourself be going through hard times. You are safe and will be safe and get to a better situation soon enough, so will your family and friends.
Your guides also want you to know that communication is important in your connections with others, especially if you are someone who overthinks a lot or has many insecurities. If someone is doing something that is making you confused or overthink, think about bringing up to them how you are feeling and solve the situation.
Your guides are also motivating you to try and contact them when you have questions, whether by praying, meditation or simply talking out loud. They will reply to the best of their abilities. For some of you, I also hear you should start working out to have a healthier lifestyle.
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cwritesforfun · 21 days
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Business Dinner
Enjoy;) Masterlist
(YES, the plot has changed. I do not own The Bear characters.) Y/N = Your Name
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You finish getting ready and you walk out to your living room where you see your boyfriend pacing. He was pacing earlier, but you were hoping he had stopped when you did your make-up. You exclaim, "Carmy, baby, what's wrong?" He turns to you, sees you, and says, "Wow honey, you're gorgeous. I mean, jaw-dropping stunning. Let me see you twirl." You twirl and he says, "I can't believe I'm your boyfriend. I'm so lucky that I have you in my life." You wrap your arms around his neck and say, "I'm lucky to have you in my life too. I've never been happier." He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you gently. He asks, "Are you sure you want me as your plus one tonight? I'm sure one of your friends would go if you asked." You answer, "Yes, I'm sure. I can't wait to show you off. I'm so proud of you and your success with the Bear. You also said you couldn't wait to try the food at this restaurant, so I'm happy we get to try it together. Why? Where is this sudden hesitation coming from?" He replies, "I just ... I know that there are going to be a lot of business people tonight with their millionaire star boyfriends or girlfriends. I'm not even close to that. Everyone at the party doesn't have anxiety like us and I'm stressed I'll say something wrong. Times like these make me feel insecure about who I am and like being together doesn't work." You ask, "But if you ignore tonight, do you think we work together?" He answers, "Yeah, I mean sh** I love you. I haven't told you that, but I'm nervous and stressed. I don't want to lose you." You say, "I love you too, Carmen Anthony Berzatto. I think you're the sweetest and kindest boyfriend ever." He kisses you on the cheek and you continue, "I know you're nervous, but you'll be okay. We'll be together all night. You won't ever lose me. And I refuse to hear you talk about yourself as worthless and think that. You're worth the weight of the world in gold. You're the love of my life and you're perfect to me. I love every side of you." You kiss and he says, "Ok, if we are going, we should leave before I back out. And, warn me, next time you say my full-time, I felt like I was in trouble." You laugh and you leave the apartment.
Carmy drives you both downtown and you use the valet at the restaurant. It's free valet tonight, but we're allowed to tip.
Outside the restaurant, one of your coworkers waves and walks up with their partner. The coworker says, "Hi, I'm Pippa and I work with Y/N. This is my partner, Jennifer." I introduce Carmy to them and meet Jennifer. We all head inside and ask to be seated at the table together. I know Pippa and she's a good person. She's also very passionate about food. I've met Jennifer once or twice when she drops lunch off for Pippa at work. She seems cool. They should get along with Carmy and not make him feel anxious.
Drinks are being ordered. I know Carmy is still working on staying away from alcohol and being clean. I'm so proud of his journey with it so far. I lean over to Carmy and say, "Check out their Clean Cocktails. It's their version of mocktails and they're really good." He kisses me on the cheek and says, "Thanks babe."
We then get up to get a salad from the salad and appetizer bar. Carmy gets excited to see the fresh fruit and hot fresh bread. The restaurant has some pepper that makes him excited since it's hard to get, so he tells the chef behind the bar that he is the head chef at The Bear and he wants to know more about how they use it/cook it. The chef behind the salad bar says he will send the head chef to talk to Carmy about it after the salad servings are out. This excites Carmy and you're so happy that he is happy.
You both mingle with a few people as you walk back. You can tell some of their eyes linger on Carmy an extra second or just stare weirdly at you both, so you try to keep moving.
As you're eating the salad, the head chef of the restaurant walks up and asks if we want to see the exclusive inside of the preparation of the peppers as well as the meat. Pippa, Jennifer, Carmy, and I follow him to the back. We learn about their process and they let Carmy try, which makes the head chef intrigued. You all try them hot off the pan and they're so good. We then head back to our seats.
The entrees are served and you notice your boss walking over with his wife. Note about your boss, he thinks he's the best boss and the smartest person in the room at all times. His wife is super fake and clearly is only with your boss for the money. Your boss exclaims, "Hello Pippa and Y/N! I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting either of your plus ones yet tonight." Pippa says, "This is Jennifer and she's one of my best friends. You also might recognize her from The Chicago Bandits Pro Softball Team. She's the pitcher and the captain of the team." Jennifer shakes your boss' hand. Your boss says, "It's nice that you were able to make it. I'm sure practice keeps you busy." Jennifer replies, "It's the off-season, so I was able to be here. It's a lovely dinner." Your boss nods. To cut the tension, you exclaim, "It is a great event. This is my boyfriend, Carmen Berzatto. He's the head chef and owner of the restaurant, The Bear." Your boss' wife says, "One of my girlfriends said you had lovely appetizers and a fine wine selection." Carmy smiles and says, "I'm glad, tell her thank you. I helped hand-select our whole menu and think it all pairs well with our wines. Our sommelier hand selects it all as well." Your boss asks, "I'm glad to hear you have a sommelier. Do you think that we could get a reservation there for Tuesday at 7:15?" BRUH wtf?!?!?! The Bear is usually full at peak dinner times and most reservations are already fully booked. Carmy pulls out his phone and says, "Sure, enter your details. I'll send a confirmation of the reservation. We'd be pleased to have you." Your boss enters his details and asks, "Will you be working that night?" Carmy answers, "Yes sir, I will." Your boss hands Carmy his phone back and replies, "Good, we want the best experience." Carmy replies, "My staff is highly trained and all have completed training with chefs worldwide. And, my sous chef is the expediter as well. You have nothing to worry about." Your boss nods and then asks, "How did you go behind the scenes tonight? I saw that you all met the head chef too. It took me forever to meet him. I thought he was avoiding me." And for good reason lol ... You exclaim, "Carmen was talking to them about their peppers. The head chef had heard of The Bear and knew of Carmen's work from NYC as well as here, so he was excited to invite us back into the kitchen. They gave us a tutorial on preparing them, and we tried them hot fresh off the pan." Your boss nods and then leaves with his wife. That was weird, ok.
When they're far away, you ask, "Is there even space free at The Bear on Tuesday?" Carmy says, "We always save a few tables for walk-ins, so yes." You reply, "You should put them by the bathroom." Carmy replies, "No, I'm not that mean." Pippa says, "You should spit in their food." Carmy replies, "I don't want it to bite either of you in the butt if he hates it. They won't be at a prime table, but I'll make sure my staff are on their best behavior. I'll even stop by to check in on their meal." Pippa says, "Don't give them a discount. They have the money." Jennifer says, "You're so evil, babe." Pippa laughs. You say, "Yet there was no lie in what Pippa said."
Dinner finishes and light desserts are served. It's sorbet, which is cold and refreshing. Your boss thanks everyone on the microphone and everyone is reminded to pick up the free swag bags by the door prepared by his wife.
Pippa, Jennifer, Carmy, and I leave together. The swag bag includes a bottle of wine, soap made by the boss' wife, socks with your work logo, and extra pens with your work logo.
You tip the valet and you get in the car.
At your apartment, you strip off the dress and slide on one of Carmy's shirts and your pajama bottoms. You go into the bathroom to wash your face of make-up. Carmy walks in, wraps his arms around your waist, and says, "I'm glad I went tonight. I liked being with you. I also will admit that I liked your friends. Pippa and Jennifer were cool. I don't like your boss or his wife. They kind of suck." I laugh and reply, "Yeah, they're not the best. Why did you give them a table this week at your restaurant? Also, I need to rinse my face." You move slightly out of his arms to wash your face then you say, "Ok, we can go to bed." Carmy holds your hand and you both get into bed. You exclaim, "I loved being with you tonight. You're the best boyfriend for going and for putting up with my boss. I feel like I didn't get to show you off as much as I could have. I forget how many people I dislike at work and don't want to speak to. Ugh, I wanted to tell everyone how cool you are and why you're a catch." He laughs, kisses the side of your head, and says, "Baby, it's okay. I think you're a catch too. I'm sure people saw us together and thought we were just the hottest couple." You laugh and say, "I mean we are." He kisses you as he laughs with you.
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I'm so sorry I died. I am planning to continue this, I just have to figure out where it's going. In the meantime HAVE SOME DRABBLES! (only the first one is a hybrid drabble) (I was trying not to focus on anyone and it ended up being mainly Ghost related)
I've been reading more hybrid reader fics lately, and I cannot stop thinking about the idea of a bunny hybrid reader who isn't just all timid/shy around everyone like I see in a lot of fics. All of the other bunnies treaded lightly when they got on base to avoid trouble, but not you. When you arrive on base, Ghost ofc tries to intimidate you. You don't stumble or falter, though. You hold his gaze, glaring back at him until Price has to order you both to stop. Within the first week, you're in Price's office for practicing parkour in the halls on your way to the gym. In your defense, no one else was in those hallways, and you didn't notice the cameras until then. The first time you spar with the other bunnies, you lose. They all look at you intently, waiting for some kind of response; however, you getting up with a proud smile doesn't seem to be what they were waiting for. The first time tf 141 realizes you aren't to be fucked with is the only time anyone ever steals your food. Soap jokingly picks some food off of your plate, only to be tackled to the floor and pinned down by you. No one even looks at your plate for the rest of that meal break. Tf 141 really starts to appreciate you after the first mission they bring you on. Your muscular advantage is concentrated in your legs, enabling you to use trees, buildings, and other tall structures to your advantage. You can completely disappear as long as you stay silent, and disappear you do. You and 141 are able to ambush an ambush team and take out multiple enemies before they know you're there. After that, they start taking you with them whenever you're not needed elsewhere and incorporating you into their group more.
I also can't stop thinking about a situation where newbie reader is used to glaring matches and just doesn't tolerate Ghost's bullshit. Like you get there on base and expect to settle in, meet the team, etcetera. You were hand-picked to help out with some critical missions coming up and you're... not excited, but definitely proud to be expanding your experience. You're definitely excited to make more friends to protect. When you land, Price and the team are all waiting for you. They all run through introductions with a name, rank, and some opt to say how long they've been serving. You run through the same information about yourself, making small talk with Gaz, Soap, and Roach when Price walks off. Ghost's silent stare doesn't escape you amidst it all. He barely seems to want to be near you. So, mid-conversation with the boys, you turn to face his direction and stare back at him. You can't tell what expression he has under his mask, but you're sure it's not a welcoming one, so you do your best to mirror it. You even tilt your head in Soap's direction to ask if "the statue" does this a lot. Tension rises instantly. None of you are holding weapons, yet you feel as though all of you have sniper lasers trained on your heads. Soap, probably making the smarter decision, opts not to involve himself. "Yeah, I do this a lot. What's it matter to you?" Ghost finally breaks the quiet. "Well, I just figure a statue is usually made of stone," you start, before dropping your voice to a deadpan, "and can't stare at you like you should be dead just because they did." "I don't have time for this. Soap, Roach, with me in the sparring room. Gaz, show the newbie around. Bring her to us after." You don't stop calling Ghost 'Statue' after that, mostly because you can tell it makes his blood boil as much as he tries hiding it. Price constantly has to tell the two of you to stop bickering before he reports to his own higher-ups about it. Everyone notices how much harsher Ghost Statue is on you when he's left in charge by Price, and how much harsher he tries to be when he's not. Needless to say, the two of you do not get along. It's when you start rubbing off on Soap that Ghost Statue really, really starts hating you. It's an accidental slip of the tongue, the first time Soap calls him Statue directly to his face. The glare isn't given to him though, it's given to you, and ten times worse than you've ever gotten it. Needless to say, you get a lecture in Price's office the next morning, and you stop calling Ghost by the wrong name if he can hear you. You just have to find other ways to irritate him.
This last one is kind of inspired by Riley. Simon can't hate dogs because he would hate Riley if he did. However, I can imagine Simon disliking cats. Generally, he avoids being around them if he can, but he's typically okay being in the same room. Until he meets the cat you and Soap decided to adopt (Soap, of course, knowing Simon doesn't like cats, and you being oblivious to this fact). This cat is still small enough that it sees a big tall thing and thinks climb. Soap constantly has this cat on his shoulder or, for some reason, laying on top of his mohawk. So the first time Simon walks in, this cat jumps down from where he is on Soap to make an approach. First comes the leg rubs, then comes the testing of the pants. When Simon tries to pick this cat off of his pants, the cat instead clings to his sleeve, and climbs up to his shoulder anyway. That day is the most annoyed you've ever seen Simon "Ghost" Riley. But then he turns into one of those cat dad situations. He does his best to avoid this cat when he can, but ends up not succeeding, and the cat slowly grows on him. He still claims to hell and back he would never get a cat of his own, no matter how much time he spends with your furry friend.
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Day 10 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
I feel really good about today. I got a lot done despite trying to nap three times (I wasn't able to actually get any sleep), and the only reason I kept trying to nap was because I've been up since 3am. It's easy to get a lot done when you've been up forever.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
took a walk around campus outside
logged most of everything I ate into my food tracking app
cooked a healthy breakfast + ate a serving of fruit (red grapes)
🧠 Mental Health
morning guided journal
night time guided journal
retail therapy <3 (bought some makeup on the ulta app)
❤️ Emotional Health
read 2 sections of 101 Essays to Change the Way You Think
answered the journal prompt "what is one of my limiting self beliefs?"(realized I'm the reason I don't have many friends, need to change that)
📚 Intellectual Health
finished chapter 13 notes for psyc
completed all of chapter 14 notes for psyc
selected my articles for my reflection paper for my health and sport class + formatted Google docs for each article reflection writing
(This all took me 2.5 hours from 4am to 630am, the perks of accidentally waking up early as heck)
🏘 Adulting
organized my desk drawer
reached out + invited my older brother to come see me since he was in town (he'll be here soon!)
had a phone call with my dad
🥰 Self Love/Care
morning skincare
night skincare (just moisturizer, I was tired)
took a warm shower + brushed my teeth (as gross as it sounds that I don't do it every day, depression sucks and I'm proud of myself for even one win )
made my bed (trying to make it a habit)
let in morning sunlight until it began to get dim outside (keeps electricity costs down and boosts my mood when I'm in my room)
I am very proud of myself for today despite my lack of motivation these last few days. Hopefully, this carries over to tomorrow, and I can be productive at least a little bit before i have to go to work. There's still time in the day, but I'm satisfied with today, which is why I'm posting this a bit early in the evening. Thank you and much love to everyone who has been commenting encouraging and supportive things it makes it easier to be open and honest about my struggles, mental health, and overall well-being.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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zoeykallus · 9 months
Hey I absolutely love your writing and wanted to ask you if you could do a batch ,rex,Wolffe,Gregor Howzer x reader
I just had my finals and I absolutely nailed it
I got one of the best scores in my country and will be able to go to every University I want and my family celebrated with Champagne (my parents sister aunt etc.) what would my clone and I do and how would they act in such a family moment (the first or second time they see my parents and don’t know my other family members)
I would really love to see this and you would make me so happy.
Firstly, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get here! Secondly, CONGRATULATIONS! That's so awesome! I'm proud of you and so are our clone men 😁
The Bad Batch/Rex/Wolffe/Gregor/Howzer x Reader HCs - Proud Family Moment
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Mostly Fluff
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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He is so happy for you! Hunter is very proud, but also a little nervous to meet your family. He dresses up neatly and brings souvenirs for everyone. He wants to make a good impression.
Flowers, chocolates, champagne, even balloons for you. Even though he might get some critical looks at first, among other things because of his rather conspicuous tattoo on his face, his smart, calm, and kind nature quickly wins over your family.
The way he treats you and looks at you, full of respect, pride and affection, quickly catches everyone's attention. He cares for you, reads your every wish from your lips. Hunter has quickly won not only your heart.
You are the center of the attention, and Hunter is happy to see how happy you are.
He may seem a little stiff at first, but that's because he's nervous and wants to do everything right. He is immensely proud of you. Echo has brought food, homemade of course, only the finest and other small gifts for you and your family.
It takes a little while, but he finally thaws out and feels really comfortable with you and your family. He even exchanges a few recipes with your aunt and has a pleasant man to man conversation with your father.
Echo feels honored that you and your family let him participate in this moment, and he also thanks you, very solemnly with a little speech in which he also speaks very proudly, about you and your success, which is applauded and well received by everyone.
The hearty giant takes all hearts by storm. He makes jokes, takes care of the drinks for everyone and every time your eyes meet, he beams at you proudly, lovingly.
Your family likes him very much, he is so open and warm. He is not too shy and quickly gets into conversation with people. He speaks highly of you, how much he likes you is more than obvious, and this goes down well with your family.
Wrecker is very grateful for the invitation, he likes that you include him, he likes to be a part of you, your life.
You don't have to worry about anything today, Wrecker serves you from front to back, and he does it with pleasure.
"Let me do that for you!" he says and gets you something to eat, "I'm so proud of you, sweetie".
He is incredibly proud of you. Tech has often studied with you and gone through your study material with you.
At the party with your family, however, he is unusually quiet at first, afraid to say the wrong thing or to make a mess with his special way. But he gradually thaws out. His gentle, intelligent manner is very well received.
He talks a lot and your family asks a lot of questions, fascinated by the knowledge Tech carries around with him.
His smile is small, almost gentle, but his eyes light up every time your eyes meet. Tech is very proud of you and incredibly grateful to be here to celebrate with you and your family. He's never had much of a real family, aside from his brothers, but this feels like home.
You could not persuade him to come to the family celebration. Crosshair wrestled with himself for a long time, but couldn't bring himself to do it. He is just not ready yet. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is incredibly proud of you.
You have a date for the evening, after the party. Corsshair is there much too early, waiting on the street corner with a feeling in his stomach as if he had swallowed a big stone. He feels he let you down when he declined the invitation.
He waits until you come out, waves to you. Crosshair has flowers for you and a fancy bracelet, a small gift for the successful graduation.
"Are you mad?" he asks as you smile and put on the bracelet.
You look at him questioningly.
"What, why?"
"Because I wasn't at the ceremony," he says meekly, still feeling the rock in his stomach.
You kiss his cheek and say, "No Cross, I'm not. You're not ready, and that's okay."
A small smirk appears on his lips.
He is so proud, has told everywhere about it, no matter if people want to hear it or not, somehow he always manages to slip your degree into a conversation.
You're already afraid people won't like you anymore because they're constantly being chatted up about you by him.
Of course, he comes to the family party. Disciplined, polite and decent as Rex is, he is well received by your family.
He pushes chairs, helps people out of their jackets, pours drinks for the women present, and is, as always, a gentleman. He quickly becomes the center of attention, even when he doesn't want to be. Every now and then he throws you a wry smile or a wink, while your aunt hangs on his arm and asks him a thousand questions.
You can't blame her, how could anyone not like Rex?
Oh, he is very proud of you, very happy about your success. But he would rather celebrate with you alone.
At first, he doesn't really want to come to the family party, he thinks he would only disturb them, but you can persuade him. Of course, he has flowers for you and a bottle of fine, sweet wine from Naboo.
The stoic, serious Wolffe is looked at quite critically at first, partly because he seems so gloomy and serious. But he and your father strike up a conversation, and slowly the good Wolffe thaws out. You watch them for a while and are fascinated by how lively they talk, they seem to get along very well.
Wolffe's gaze briefly wanders to yours, he smirks and winks at you, his way of saying that it was a good idea for him to come along.
He is enraptured, totally thrilled.
"That's great, I'm so proud of you!" he exclaims, twirling you around.
Of course, he comes along to the family party. Gregor is just a little shy for a moment, but quickly finds his way in and into various conversations with your relatives. You hear his sweet giggle over and over and smile in satisfaction.
He helps your father at the barbecue, in between handing out drinks, happily contributing and already feeling almost at home himself.
He is so gentle and at the same time full of energy that you can only watch him grinning. Gregor beams at you as your eyes meet. Gregor is very proud of you and very happy to be here and celebrate with you and your family.
You are so disappointed. Howzer canceled at short notice, an unexpected mission is coming up, and he has to leave the planet. Actually, you are still happy, you are proud, and rightly so. But the fact that Howzer had to cancel at such short notice drags your mood down quite a bit, against your will.
With a sigh you enter the house, having bought some cake, when you see that everyone is in the garden. And if your eyes don't deceive you, Howzer is there too. You hurry outside and stare at the people present, your family, Howzer.
There is a large pavilion set up in the garden, a buffet table, benches and tables, all decorated with balloons and flowers.
It turns out Howzer lied to you to surprise you, he planned all this with your family behind your back from the start, got the decorations, seating, drinks and the pavilion.
He beams at you, "Congratulations sweetie, we are all very proud of you. Sorry about the little white lie."
You push the cake into your aunt's hands, who almost drops it, and you fall around Howzer's neck, who hugs you warmly.
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cloudy-em · 9 months
Hey, I got an idea for Carmen, if you're okay with it, of course.
Basically, the reader has an eating disorder (she throws up after almost every meal), and he tries to help her.
of course love!! i myself have struggled with disordered eating
disclaimer: the following post will contain potentially triggering and/or upsetting content. i do not write triggering content to romanticize it; i occasionally write triggering content because i recognize it can serve as a form of comfort for readers and authors. if you think any of this post may cause you discomfort, please feel free to interact with one of my other posts.
warnings: mention of food, detailed talk of disordered eating, talk of feeling ill and vomiting
Being in a new relationship with a famous chef and battling an eating disorder at the same time is certainly not easy. I like Carmen, I really do, and I don't ever want to upset him. I've been avoiding food-related dates with him; usually we walk in the park or get coffee. But he's been begging me to let him make me dinner, and this last time I made up an excuse, the disappointed look on his face absolutely broke my heart.
"So, I'm not free tonight for dinner, but I uh, I can come over tomorrow?" I offer. He lights up, nodding.
"Y-Yeah, okay! I'll make you something nice, yeah?" He asks, but it's not really a question, more of a confirmation. He kisses the top of my head gently, rubbing my shoulder.
I watch as he walks out of my office door, closing it behind him. When I hear the latch, I sigh.
I'm already shaking when I knock on Carmen's apartment door. It swings open, revealing the beaming chef.
"Come in, 'm almost done, 'kay? Make yourself at home," he says sweetly, stepping aside to let me in.
Whatever he's decided to make smells delicious, but I can't appreciate it for long, because my stomach quenches, making the reality of it set in. I'm either not eating and offending Carmen, or I'm throwing up in his bathroom. Neither is a desirable outcome.
He looks beautiful while he cooks, so focused and in his element. He's plating his creation carefully for the both of us, like it's the final touch to his painting. He sets our plates at the table and smiles gently at me, signaling he's ready for me to join him. I'm not ready.
It feels like my whole body is convulsing as I walk over to the table and sit down. He's made a beautiful chicken fettuccine with a light cream sauce and peas. I pick through, trying to make it look like I'm eating, only collecting a few peas and small pieces of pasta on my fork.
"Hey, what's up?" Carmen asks. "Do you not like it?"
"No, it's not that, Carmy! It's good, I promise," I reassure him.
"What is it, hm? You can tell me. Are you vegetarian? Dammit, I knew I should've asked but I assumed-" he begins to ramble and I cut him off.
"I'm scared," I whisper. I can feel the crocodile tears forming, and one falls when he reaches out to rub my hand with his, moving his chair closer to mine.
"What're you scared of, baby?" He asks. I shake my head, but he's looking at me so intently, like he cares so much that I just break, sobbing.
"It's not you or your cooking, Carm! I promise! You're so good and so talented and I'm so proud of you! But I'm so fucking scared, Carmy." He nods and hums, his large palm rubbing soothingly between my shoulder blades. So I continue, "It's just a lot of food, and I can't really explain it, but it- it's just a lot of carbs and I don't want to gain weight and whenever I eat full meals it makes me so, so sick. I can't eat more than a couple of small snacks a day, otherwise I'm vomiting everything in my stomach," I sigh.
"It's okay, baby," he says softly. "We'll work through it, yeah? You never, ever have to eat everything I put in front of you. I want you to feel safe and comfortable with me, 'cause you make me feel safe and comfortable. But you gotta eat something, honey, y'can't starve yourself. Y'gotta eat balanced, too. Here, let's try."
He cuts a very small piece of chicken and puts it on my fork, holding it out for me to eat. I do, and he praises me. "Good job, I'm so proud of you. See? That's protein, it'll keep ya going. You don't even need that much, just a couple more bites, yeah?"
He continues to help me stomach enough food to keep my blood sugar up, praising me for every bite.
"I can't, Carmy, no more please. I'm starting to feel sick," I warn.
"Y'did good, okay? I'm so proud," he kisses my temple gently. "We'll keep working on it together. I'm here for you."
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
I want you but I’m unworthy + romantic + Zoro
Please you are amazing 😻
Thank you so much! Comments like these are my lifeblood 🥺
This story is 18+, minors dni
This is part of my Follower milestone event.
Extra training
You've been living with Mihawk for a while when two newcomers mix up the gloom. Expecially Zoro - the seasoned warrior is both fascinating and intimidating. When he finds out that you would do anything for him, he shamelessly uses you
Contains: dominant zoro and a deepthroat
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Zoro was extremely tough. Extremely tough to love. When he showed up at the island, unconscious and barely alive, you openly ogled that perfect, bruised body while tending to his wounds. After his eyes have opened, it became evident that you wouldn't be able to escape your feelings for him. He was proud and strong, determined and hard working.
And so smoking hot. His tanned skin, the scars on his body, his muscles glistening in the sun...and that unbearable swagger with which he approached every new training method Mihawk came up with.
Every evening, he was exhausted and starved, but he stayed proud. So you took it upon yourself to take care of him. You brought him water when the sun was burning hot in the sky, you brought him food when he over exerted himself again. As you fell more and more in love with him, the need to help him drove you, and the sparse attention he granted you in exchange made you crave more and more.
It made you work harder, too. To make him see you? Make him more comfortable in your home? Make him stay? In any case, he didn't really see what you did. He thanked you for food and drink, but he ate alone, trained all day and fell over from exhaustion as soon as his head hit the cushion.
You tried giving him small gifts, but he didn't seem to get the concept. When you left a rose on his bed he sat on it by accident and threw it on the floor. When you left a poem on his nightstand he put pitcher of water on it, making it unreadable. He didn't want you to prepare a bath or give him a backrub. Food registered with him, but not as a special gift.
One day, you worked up the courage to just ask him: "can I do anything more for you?"
"Nope, I'm good" he said, chewing on the bread you served him. He was adorable as his cheeks were stuffed with food. Your food.
His total disinterested in what you had to offer hurt, but it was his style to be rough and self reliant. Your disappointment must have shown because he asked: "I'm sorry, was that wrong?"
"No, of course not! I just..." you choked.
"What?" He asked.
"I would have liked to take care of you some more." You whispered.
"Really? Did Mihawk order this?" He asked, laughing.
"No?" You were confused. "Why would he?"
"He orders you around all day, to bring me something to eat and stuff" Zoro explained, holding up the slice of bread he was chewing on.
"He doesn't order me to do anything. I do that because I want to." You answered, a little irritated. Zoro's eyes widen as the few gears in his head began to turn.
"Oh, so...you just bring me food and do stuff?" He asked, brows creased.
"Yes." You answered.
"Oh." Zoro said. "Why?"
The question, while absolutely obvious, took you completely off guard.
"Uhm..." you maneuvered yourself into this corner, now you had to get out. But as beautiful and invincible as this man was, he wasn't smart or subtle.
"I think it's a nice thing to do" you said absolutely truthfully while also not saying much.
"Ok!" Zoro smiled. "Thank you!"
He dug in, ignoring you once again.
So much for that. Back to fantasizing about him alone in your bed.
Normality continued for the next days. Zoro got his ass kicked by Mihawk. Perona was annoying. Three days later however, you got to talk to him again. This time he had to run laps around the castle. You watched him while drinking tea on a picknick blanket. Round after round he ran, brave and strong as he always was. As he got more and more exhausted, gritting his teeth with every new lap, your desire to just lick the sweat of his muscles grew. In fact, your thoughts had turned naughty again as his shirt got drenched by rain and his formidable, chiseled chest was showcased. Heaving with deep breaths, broad and firm. Would his chest rise and fall like that if you got on your knees before him and pleased him?
You had to bite your lip and rub your thighs together with excitement. As you were savouring the sweet fantasies in your head, Zoro looked at you as he jogged by. Again. And again. Eventually, he strayed from his path - towards you.
"Yo, Y/n!" He called, waving.
"Yes?" You tried to sound normal, having normal thoughts about what was in his pants.
"I've been thinking. So..." he ran his hand through his hair.
"You said Mihawk doesn't order you around" he half asked.
"Everything you did for me was your own decision."
"You once asked me if I wanted a bath and a massage."
You didn't answer, instead you looked away, blushing.
He smirked. "Thought so"
"You know, I feel like taking a bath." He said, still smirking.
"After I ran the 500 laps Mihawk wanted" Zoro ended. "Lost count though..." he touched his chin, thinking.
"You're in lap 652, last I counted." You told him as it was your turn to smirk, sipping your tea.
"Getting a little confident here, are we?" He said, his grin wide.
"I would like that bath now that I am done. And one of those...massages" he put special emphasis on the last word and turned around to stroll to his room, causing you to jump up and run after him.
He didn't bother slowing down for you, in fact he seemed to love seeing you work hard to keep pace with his long strides, turning around often to catch you staring at his muscular backside.
Arriving at his room, he began undressing immediately, throwing his dirty, wet clothes on the floor. This was too much for your heart, you decided to flee into the bath and prepare the tub.
As the hot water ran, Zoro strolled in, totally naked and took his sweet time to get in. You couldn't help but sneak a little peek at his dick. Was he already half hard?
With a sigh, he lay down in the tub and waved you to him.
"Now that massage...I want to try that." He let his arms hang from the sides of the free standing tub and closed his eyes.
Your chance! You decided to take his hand first, massaging his palm. It was so full of bruises and calluses you could have spend hours exploring it with your fingertips. You worked your way up his knuckles. Seeing his hand in yours, it looked huge. His fingers were thick enough to fill you up if he decided to finger you. As your mind became a filthy playground for your lust again, you had to check if he was looking - nope, eyes still closed.
You moved to his wrists and up his lower arm. You couldn't resist at least brushing his arm past your breasts, it could also have been a coincidence. As his skin scraped past your nipples, a moan escaped his mouth and an eye opened.
"You're a naughty girl" he breathed with a husky voice.
"Am not!" You snapped.
"Cheeky, too..." he said, followed by a "tss, tss".
He looked you in the eyes - and send a splash of water over the edge of the tub towards you, soaking your top. Which turned a little...see through. You didn't wear the most sexy lingerie, or had the most beautiful tits - but Zoro licked his lips at the sight. Saying absolutely unconvincingly "oopsie" as he stared at your chest - and you froze.
After what felt like an eternity of open ogling, he laid his head back and said "my shoulders are really hard..."
You weren't sure if he was mocking you or seducing you, but for now it was a nice enough game.
It was as if he asked you to crush stone with your bare hands. His muscles made his shoulders broad and the soap made them slippery, your hands were simply not big enough to really grab him to get those knots out, so you worked with two hands on one side in your futile attempt of a back rub.
Nevertheless, he sighed deep and seemed to relax, letting his body glide into the tub a little deeper. You did your very best to at least massage his scalp and neck, when he shifted slightly and from your position at his head, you could see the crown of his penis poking through the surface of the water, clearly standing upright, rock hard.
As you realized what you were seeing, your fingers cramped in shock.
"Whoa!" He screamed, your nails had dug in his skin and left little half moon impressions.
"Your tiny nails are sharp!" He joked as he rubbed his now even more bruised skin.
"I am so clumsy, I am so sorry!" You apologised.
He lifted is upper body and put his hands on the edges of the tub, getting up.
"I think I'm done bathing now" he said.
Ouch, you ruined it. Feeling guilty, you looked at the floor, still kneeling next to the tub.
He wrapped a towel around his narrow hips and walked back to you. You couldn't look into his eyes, you were so ashamed. He bent down to your eye level and whispered with the faintest, softest voice: "hey honey, it didn't hurt, I promise. And I'm not mad."
You looked up into his eyes, they looked lovingly at you as you felt his finger curl under your chin.
He whispered into your ear: "I've seen you lick those pretty little lips when you looked at me. I can only guess what's going on in that head of yours. If you don't want that's fine. But I have another request..." his voice trailed off and he stood to his full height, dropping the towel to the floor. His erection was now directly in front of you. From above, he studied your face closely, eyes darting around to catch any clues you might give him. You licked you lips. His hand moved to the back of your head, but didn't guide you.
You decide to give the crown a little lick with the tip of your tongue, tasting with pleasure the salty cum on his cock. It was slick and hot and you could feel his blood pumping through the thick veins. He growled.
"You're teasing me" he pressed out between gritted teeth.
"I have a lot of steam to blow off" he warned you as your head moved slowly forward.
"So be a good little girl and open up" he demanded.
And like a good little girl, you said "Ahh-" which was cut of when he pushed his cock deep into your throat, drowning out your voice.
"You're lips are so fucking perfect" he grunted as he watched his cock slide in and out of your mouth as he dictated the rhythm with his bucking hips. His cock glided past your tongue and deep inside with ease, heavy and thick. Once he realized how good you were at sucking cock, he pushed deeper, almost all the way to the base.
"You're so fucking perfect" he grunted and buried both his hands in your hair, picking up the pace. The wet sound of your mouth being fucked filled the room together with his constant moaning.
"I love when it jiggles" he told you, rocking your upper body harder, one hand wandering past your neck to squeeze your breast and play with your nipple.
"Cannot keep this up" he whimpered and pulled his cock out all the way, leaving you panting.
"Do you want it?" He asked, stroking his penis with his fist.
You nod and open up your mouth, sticking out your tongue. Slipping back in, he was clearly already orgasming, his hips bucking wilder and deeper while his knees shook.
A helpless scream escaped his mouth as he came inside yours, filling you up with his salty, hot and delicious cum. You felt his cock twitching and pumping inside your mouth as he found release after hard days of fights and training. You coughed as his cock left and he fell to his knees to be at eye level with you. He wiped some leftovers from the corner of your mouth.
"Swallowed everything. Well done" he praised you and gave you a deep, long kiss.
So, this turned out a little smutty, but it's not my fault. It's Zoro's. I should punish him a little next time 🤔
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okay so apparently the post i made at 4am last night about the denholm family legacy and corresponding mental health implications blew up and now i'm receiving all sorts of screaming (/pos) in the tags. on a Related note, i've been brainrotting about p!scott's character intro sequence so much and now i Need to yell about all this somewhere or i'm gonna cry.
"Okay (×7), what do I need? Big day. BIG day. Okay. Okay, um, let's get the spyglass Dad got me and… Mum got me the new journal [to] write down all my discoveries."
the fact that the journal p!scott was using as a diary was meant for THIS. THIS was what it was meant to be used for. i would just like to point this out to y'all.
the EXPECTATIONS from the very start. good god it's so offhand of a comment but i am Stuck here. the Expectation of following in your family's footsteps. it's not just "do what We did" but also "do what you are Supposed to do".
"What else do I need? Ehm… outfit, check… oh, food! Um, Mum said… there we go, she'd made me five mutton wraps, okay, this will- I'm a little bit hungry… no, I shouldn't, I gotta save this; this has got to do me for a while until I can, like, find my own things. Ehm, what else do I need to take? It's Initiation Day, so everything starts here."
i don't have much of a comment on this. i really don't. only thing i can probably say is my headcanon of p!scott learning to cook from his mother.
"Um… the sword. Right. This is a family heirloom; it's served all the other Herons well, it'll serve me well, I'll definitely- I'm gonna discover so many things, I'm gonna make everyone proud, just like I was… born to do. Just like I was meant to do, 'cause I'm a Heron and that's- it's all I've ever been, and it's all I'm… was ever gonna be."
god the RESIGNATION. just. the resignation of having so much pressure put on you that it can crush rocks without using a machine. there's no way out of Being in the heron faction and doing what herons are Supposed to do. we see in the vods it's not that you Don't enjoy exploring and discovering things, but Man, would you prefer to do it on your own terms?
(what was going through your head when your brother turned up on the isles again, after you thought star dead and mourned star for a year? when star decided to join a Different faction from you and go against all you both have been taught?)
(you called the nightingales stars "new family" during the dipper quest. it's undeniable that you still love your brother and we all know that, but do you feel abandoned in that star has left you to join a new faction and have stars own life? do you feel that being in different factions means you Shouldn't have a place in stars life anymore, though you refuse to let your actions show it? do you envy star for having escaped the toxic environment where you both grew up in? that while you were born and saddled with all the expectations, star shouldn't have had to worry as much because your parents put all their eggs in a single basket, i.e. you?)
and the sword. the sword being a physical Reminder of all the baggage that comes with being raised by Internationally Famous parents who Expect you to do the same or risk their disappointment… something you either can't imagine or would rather not imagine?
"Ehm, hm… well, I'm- I guess this is everything. (sigh) Here we go. It's the life I always wanted, or at least, the life that I was given."
ohhhhh god the implication of being told this is the life you are Supposed to aspire to. and going along with it because you were raised to believe this is the life you Should have and internalizing it because you can barely even Imagine an alternative.
even when you ask yourself, "do you Really want to live like this?", do you hesitate to answer? it is just a yes/no question but does your answer Always have a "but" after it? because going against what you've been taught growing up is Not An Option For You, at least in your mind?
oh to think when someone asks, "how do you Live like this?", the response in your heart is "you don't." because in a toxic household, there is only survival and you Build Your Bed on surviving based on what you have been taught. because you can barely fathom a life where this Isn't the case.
"Alright, I'm gonna be late. Look out, world, Scott Denholm, #1 Heron, ready for action!"
this sounds like an assurance of confidence, yeah, but who Are you trying to convince? are you telling the world, or are you telling yourself? with all that you have already said, one might wonder which is truly the case.
(also, when cc!scott said that his character had "anxiety" from trying to live up to the expectations, was this supposed to mean "anxiety (emotion)" or "anxiety (disorder)"? because while the first one is very obvious, i would not be surprised if the second one happens to be the case as well.)
in summary: p!acho is a walking embodiment of trauma and drops it in Moments across many livestreams so you don't forget. p!scott is Also a walking embodiment of trauma but drops it in the first three minutes of the series and Never speaks of it again.
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misslavenderlady · 9 months
Love at First Bite 💞
David/Female!OC & Male!OC/Female!OC
Summary: David and the Lost Boys always have their eyes out for new brides to claim. However, when the vampire queen becomes smitten with a sweet redheaded boy, it may lead to the first time a groom is added to the coven.
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This was inspired by @ghoulgeousimmaculate and her characters from the series Party the Pain Away and the various fics that take place afterwards. Ghoulie and I discussed the possibility of having another boy join the coven after so many girls were brought in. So everyone meet the new kid on the block! We hope you like him as much as Sis does~
WARNINGS: Fic contains mentions of fear, emotional manipulation, power dynamics, toxic relationship dynamics, PDA, mentions of blood/murder and alcohol. This has references to Ghoulie's stuff, and takes place in the modern world, not 1987. Part 2 HERE credit to hellobeautiful.com and artmoda.by for the pics of Daniil Kalinin and Chloe Bailey for face claims of Oliver and Sis.
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Oliver was no stranger to working hard. From a very early age, his father taught him the values of an honest day's work and the appreciation of those who took on the most challenging jobs. Things like sanitation, customer service and food preparation were to be respected, as they were thankless jobs with poor compensation.  
He kept this in mind as he got settled into his new job after moving to Santa Carla. Not too many places were hiring as much due to the tourist season dying down for the year, but he was able to get hired at a local Italian restaurant. According to the manager, they had recently lost a waitress and needed to fill the position as soon as possible. 
After seeing the ins and outs of the restaurant himself, Oliver could see why it had a lot of business, even after the summer rush. It was a gorgeous place, and he was quite impressed with the quality of the food. Putting on the server uniform made him feel quite proud of the work he was going to do. 
His first few shifts went well. Oliver got settled in with lunch services and was sure to always work with a smile and a positive attitude. The customers enjoyed his friendliness and dedication to making sure their meal was perfect. Even if he was still very green, he had plenty of potential. 
That's why his boss made him a very particular offer. 
"Hey, Oliver," the middle-aged owner said to him. "Now that you're getting more comfortable, I'd like to get you set up for a dinner shift. We could really use the help during that time."
"Oh yeah! No problem!" the redheaded boy agreed. Little did he know that around the corner, his fellow servers were looking at one another with a shared sense of nervousness. Oliver had no idea he was getting into. 
The night shift brought quite a lot more customers to the restaurant. Oliver was working twice as hard as before to make sure everyone had full drinks and hot plates of food in a timely manner. He wasn't perfect by any means, but his hard work and dedication was clear to everyone. 
He was so focused on putting orders into the POS system that he didn't notice a new couple being welcomed in by his boss. 
"Saluti signore e signora! Your usual table is all set up. Right this way!"
By the time Oliver turned back around to see who had walked in, they were already out of sight. 
"I'm not taking their table. You go take it."
"Fuck you! I took them last time! You do it!"
Oliver couldn't help but overhear two waitresses bickering quietly off to the side. They had been more casual around other tables during all the other shifts they worked together. It was a surprise to see them so adamant about not serving the couple that had walked in. 
He'd dealt with his fair share of nasty customers in past jobs. There was one elderly woman at a cashiering job that had threatened to beat him senseless with her cane over an expired coupon. If he could handle that, he could handle anything.
"I can take their table!" 
The two girls turned toward him, looks of shock plastered on their faces. 
"Really? You WANT to take them?"
"Yeah! It's no big deal, really."
They didn't look entirely convinced, but they were still appreciative of Oliver's offer to take the burden off of them. They handed him a pair of menus and silverware before each giving him a soft smile.
"Your funeral, bud."
Oliver played it off as a harmless joke, snickering playfully as he headed off to the new table. Little did he know how serious his coworkers were with such a warning. 
He'd never served anyone in the space behind the curtain before. He didn't know what to expect when he pushed the black velvet fabric to the side in order to step forward. When he got a good look at one of the diners, he nearly dropped all the items he had in hand. 
Sitting pretty in the booth across from the entrance was the most stunning woman that Oliver had ever laid eyes on. Her beauty was enhanced by her long locs, brown eyes, flawless makeup, plush lips, and glowing skin illuminated by the candles. 
Oliver could practically feel his jaw hanging open at the sight of the mystery woman. If her looks hadn't caught his eye, then the bold dress she wore certainly did. There was barely any fabric on the top half, just mere straps crossing over her curvy figure. 
If he wasn't careful, he'd start chubbing up before he could even take her order. That would be embarrassing enough if it were just her. But there was also a tall, blond, and handsome gentleman cozied up next to her. Clearly her date. 
Oliver was just grateful for the thick fabric of the apron and his notebook covering up the area. 
He finally mustered up enough courage to step to the front of their table. When the lady looked up at him, her eyes shimmered. It was as if she were admiring some kind of precious gem or a beautiful flower. Still, Oliver wasn't confident enough to believe she was as amazed by him as he was to her. 
"Good evening!" he greeted the two. "My name is restaurant, welcome to the Oliver." 
Immediately, the boy's skin flushed to a deep shade of red when he realized he got his line backwards. He slapped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment, wishing he hadn't screwed up like that. 
"I-I mean…my name is OLIVER. Welcome to the RESTAURANT. I cannot believe I did that…"
"Aww, you nervous, sweetheart?" the woman cooed, clearly amused. "This your first night? I haven't seen you around here~"
Her voice was as warm and sweet as fresh honey. The sound alone made it feel like his heart was pumping faster and faster and his blood growing hotter with every moment. 
"Well…kinda," he admitted, smiling sheepishly. "It's my first dinner shift. I've been working lunches for a couple of weeks now."
The lady nodded, seemingly understanding of his situation. While she was warm and welcoming, her date seemed to be cold as ice. His frosty blue eyes were staring directly at Oliver, scanning over him carefully. It was like he was trying to figure out his entire personality with just a look. 
It really put him on edge. Oliver wouldn't lie to himself about that. 
"Well congratulations! You picked the best place in town to work!" she smiled. "We're regulars here! You'll be seeing us quite a bit. My name's Sis!"
She held out her perfectly manicured hand to the boy, happy to introduce herself. Oliver smiled right back as he slipped his hand against hers. He was a bit surprised to find it chilled to the touch, but not to a point of discomfort. After all, with hands as soft as hers, nothing about the experience was unpleasant. 
After a good shake, the two let go. Not even a second after she released his hand did her date push his own hand in, grabbing hold of Oliver. The man had a much stronger grip, squeezing the fresh rather tightly as he shook. 
"I'm David. Her husband."
Oliver felt his stomach drop as if he were riding on the world's steepest roller coaster. This wasn't some random date. This was a man she was in a committed relationship with. 
"Oh my God, stop drooling over a married woman, you idiot. Dad raised you better than this!" Oliver scolded himself inside his head. 
"Well, it's really nice to meet you! B-Both of you!" 
David seemed to tone down his icy demeanor, giving Oliver a slick smile as he leaned back against the fabric of the booth. He tugged his wife to his chest, letting her cuddle up to him. Even with their intimate embrace, she still watched Oliver with big doe eyes. 
"So! What can I get you started off with for drinks?" 
Sis opened her mouth to speak, but wasn't able to get a word out. David deprived her of that.
"Bottle of Pinot Noir for the two of us to share. Red is the best. Right, doll?" 
To Oliver's surprise, Sis didn't look happy with that choice. Her lips were stuck in a pout and she was looking down at her lap in disappointment. 
"David, I've told you a thousand times, I don't like red wine. I want Chardonnay!" she whined. 
"Hush, darling. Daddy knows best for you~"
That didn't sit right with Oliver. Seeing her uncomfortable made him uncomfortable too. Did her husband have a habit of forcing choices she didn't want? He seemed pretty pushy. Not to mention condescending as hell. 
He nodded as he made his way past the curtain and down the hall to where the wine cellar was. While he was able to find the Pinot without issue, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander to the wall of white wines. 
It wouldn't be very fair to not at least offer the lady a choice. 
When he made his way back into the private area, Oliver held out the two bottles he had grabbed on his way out. David raised his eyebrows in surprise when he noticed the Chardonnay label. 
"I hope you don't mind! I wanted to provide some options so everyone could get what they wanted."
The blond didn't like the decision to bring out the white wine, but it thrilled his wife to have her favorite drink as an option. Oliver couldn't deny she looked extra beautiful with the look of happiness on her face. 
He popped open both bottles, carefully pouring each drink into their glasses. While David stared him down with deep focus, Sis was more relaxed with her expression. She mouthed a 'thank you' when she had her wine prepared. Oliver gave her a polite nod, but little did she know that on the inside, his heart was getting quite fluttery from the way she looked at him.
"Now then! What can I get the two of you for tonight?"
"Oh? Did they not tell you our regular orders?" David asked, raising an eyebrow. His lips were curled back into a smirk, taunting Oliver with a deep smugness. "You seem to have a long way to go in this business, kid."
He wanted to tell the guy off for mocking his newness to the restaurant, but Sis beat him to the punch. 
"Oh David, be nice! You're gonna scare the poor boy off!" 
David turned his gaze from Oliver back to his wife. There was a deep, intense focus in his icy blues. It was as if he was trying to speak to her without speaking out loud. The way Sis slunk back into the cushion of the booth made it seem like whatever message he was attempting to give got to her. It was like watching a small bunny cower under the intimidating stare of a wolf. 
Oliver gripped his pen and notepad tightly, fighting back the anger boiling within him. He still remembered how, when he was a little kid, his father taught him that men who tried to control and hurt women were cowards. Pure Scum of the Earth. This guy was no different if he thought it was okay to act that way with his own wife. 
"She'll have the chicken parmesan and a Caesar salad."
"Actually, Sir," Oliver spoke, not bothering to write down the order. "I would rather let the lady speak for herself, so I know for certain she's getting what she wants."
David didn't like that one bit. It positively baffled him that someone would talk back to him in such a way. Oliver stood his ground, not breaking eye contact with him for even a second. 
Though David was furious at such treatment, Sis was elated by it. She appreciated the respect the redheaded server was granting her. The smile on her pretty face was all Oliver needed to know he did the right thing. 
"Well! As a matter of fact, I was interested in trying some New York strip. I've been hearing really great things about it from my girlfriends!"
Oliver was more than happy to write that down for her. He eagerly scribbled away as she told him how she wanted the steak cooked and what kind of veggies she wanted for a side. Oliver even made a note to bring her extra potatoes as a way to show her extra care. 
"I'd be happy to get that for you, Miss."
"Oooh! I haven't been called 'Miss' in quite some time. Aren't you a charmer~"
His cheeks were positively flushed with redness from her sweet coos of praise. It was worth it, even with her husband staring him down with a burning hatred. 
"And for you, Sir?"
"The same. But make my steak rare. I have quite an appetite for something bloody."
Now Oliver wasn't feeling as confident in himself. Normally he would dismiss these comments as coming from someone trying too hard to be tough after listening to too many podcasts on being an "alpha male". 
This was not one of those times. Something about the way David looked at him made it seem as if that was to be taken as a genuine threat. That he better mind his business or else he would be the one to become a bloody piece of dead meat. 
Any confidence Oliver had before was promptly shut down. With a quick flick of his pen, he finished writing out the order and gave a nod before scampering off back to the kitchen. The sooner he got out of David’s sight, the better. 
“How’s it going back there?” one server asked Oliver while clumsily put in the order. She must have sensed his nervousness from all the way back in the kitchen.
“It’s interesting…” he admitted. “That woman is really nice, but her husband looks like he wants to bite my head off.”
Oliver had been exaggerating when he said that, but when he glanced over at his coworker, she had a look of genuine concern on her face.
“Listen to me, Ollie. Just play it safe. David is not someone you want to mess with. Just be quick, respectful, and get out of his way so he can spend time with his wife. It’s your best chance at surviving the night.”
The redheaded boy let out a deep sigh as he passed the order along to the chefs. She was right. He couldn’t let his budding crush on a random customer cloud his judgment. All he had to do was work hard, and not let his emotions get the better of him. If everyone was happy, then he would be happy too.
“Okay. I can do that,” he said. “I appreciate everyone looking out for me.”
“No problem,” she replied, giving him a pat on the back before turning to leave. However, she didn’t get far before thinking of one last piece of advice to give. 
“Oh! By the way! Don’t be shocked if those two are…heavy on the PDA. David’s quite wealthy, so Giuseppe lets him get away with more lewd stuff. If you see something, don’t say anything.”
That certainly wasn’t something Oliver was expecting to hear in terms of advice. He wasn’t even sure to what extent she meant by that. It wasn’t until he grabbed a basket of fresh bread for their table and made his way back to the area behind the curtain that he finally understood.
And boy, did he get an eyeful.
David had Sis firmly perched on his lap, letting her straddle him as he feverishly kissed her. Her hands were holding onto both sides of his face, stroking his beard lovingly. They both moaned into their kiss, pawing at one another as if they hadn’t experienced a sensual touch in ages. Tongues dancing together and bodies moving.
David had pulled down the fabric of her dress, letting the girls out for anyone coming by to see. It wasn’t a surprise that she didn’t have a bra on under such a skimpy piece, but it was still quite a shock to see a half-naked customer going at it with their lover without a care of who came their way. 
Oliver kept his mouth shut, still very much shocked by the lustful display, but now knowing better than to say anything. Even if this wasn’t normal for the restaurant, he would still be a bit too shy to ask them to stop. All he did was silently move to place the basket on the corner of their table. They could take the basket whenever they finished..
His green eyes glance up just for a mere moment, moving without his control. He didn’t mean to, but even in that split second, his gaze locked onto the lady. Sis’ eyes opened, catching Oliver in her peripheral vision. The poor boy froze in place, hand still on the bread basket and eyes widening as the beauty watched him. Meanwhile, David’s eyes were still closed, his mouth now on her neck to nibble and kiss at her soft-looking flesh. Only Oliver and Sis were watching one another.
Oliver was certain she was going to scowl at him. Tell him to beat it so she could continue getting frisky with her hubby. But she didn’t. In fact, she did the opposite. 
She smiled at him. 
A smile that was a perfect mix of sweet and spicy. Something that showed she liked having him nearby for company, but also a hint of desire from him watching them. Her beautiful brown eyes were shimmering in the light, while her long lashes fluttered in a playful manner. She puckered her lips to make a kissing motion at him. 
Was she….flirting with him? All while riding her husband?
Oliver was far too overwhelmed to even consider the idea. He scampered off out of the room, leaving the couple be in order to rush back to the kitchen. Better to let them be before his face went full-tomato in color. Even still, while he tried to keep busy with his tasks, his heart was beating a mile a minute. 
By the time the dishes were ready to be served, he had managed to pull himself together enough to bring out their food with complete professionalism. 
Sis and David looked more than satisfied. All snuggled up with one another. They had dressed up again, and their hair was a bit messier and faces flushed compared to the last time Oliver had popped in.. All he had to do was act like he HADN’T just seen them in a romantic embrace.
“Here you are! I really hope you enjoy the meal!" 
The excited grin on Sis' face as she watched him set her plate of food down was all too sweet. She really was a beautiful lady, and every moment he made her happy ended up making Oliver happy, too. 
Still, he wanted to make sure both of them were satisfied with their service. With the same friendly smile on his face, Oliver turned to David to set his own dish down, too. Unfortunately, he didn't get the same expression of delight that Sis had shared. David kept his lips pressed tight in a grimace. His entire body was in a tense form. Eyes of crystal blue were watching him with unblinking focus, like a hawk stalking its prey. 
Everything about David was making Oliver nervous, but it wasn’t the intensity that finally made him stumble. It was how, for a split second, the color of his irises seemed to flash to a bright yellow right before Oliver’s very eyes.
Oliver jumped as he was setting the plate down, knocking into David’s glass of wine in the process. A sea of dark red wine sloshed outward, cascading onto the table, the cloth on top of it and down onto the lower half of Sis’ dress.
“Ah!!” she gasped. “SHIT! No! I just got this from Italy!”
The boy’s eyes widened in shock, tearing away from David and focusing just on the lady whose dress he had just ruined. She looked so upset, and it made him feel deep shame and fear, overwhelming his senses with panic. The blood in his face drained, leaving him completely pale. 
“O-Oh! I am SO sorry, Miss!” Oliver stammered.
“Now look at this mess,” David tsked, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Unlike Sis, who was showing worry over her beautiful gown, he had an aura of disappointment. He was acting like a parent getting ready to give their child a firm scolding. 
Unbeknownst to Oliver, David was already planning how he would teach him a lesson for ruining his wife's belongings. He would make the poor server boy realize just who he had messed with. Really make him sorry for his actions. 
But he didn't get the chance. 
"Please let me fix this!" 
The redhead was quick to jump into action, first grabbing an unused cloth napkin and dunking it into an untouched glass of ice water to soak it. He kneeled down in front of Sis' seat and began gently blotting at the stain on her dress. Even with the dark fabric hiding the redness, he wanted to prevent any discoloration on the garment. All the while Sis watched with a worried expression. 
"Don't worry! I know some tricks to help with this."
In between dabbing with the wet, cold rag, Oliver grabbed a nearby salt shaker and sprinkled some salt into his palm before rubbing it evenly over the red stain. 
"Let that sit for a few minutes," he explained, getting back up to his feet and moving the items on top of the table around so that the soaked tablecloth could be removed from their sight. "After I toss this into the laundry pile, I'll grab some more stuff to finish cleaning!"
Oliver was off like a shot, racing against the clock so that the stain wouldn't set. He wouldn't possibly forgive himself if he ruined their night by his clumsiness. He wasn't even thinking about the odd moment with David's eyes. All he remained focused on was getting all the necessary supplies from the cleaning closet. 
With his tools in hand, Oliver returned to the dining area, kneeling once again by Sis' side. The salt had come in handy for pulling a good amount of the red color out, but the next part would add an extra kick for help. Oliver's hands moved in a blur as he poured dish soap and hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. With the liquids measured to his liking, Oliver sealed and shook up the bottle to a sudsy consistency. 
"Wow! Aren't you an efficient thing?" Sis smiled, holding out the fabric so that he could evenly spray the stain. "Where'd you learn this trick, honey?"
"Oh, my dad knew a lot about preserving clothes whenever they got stained, ripped, or worn out," Oliver explained. "Growing up, we had to make our stuff last as long as possible. Didn't have money to burn on new clothes all the time."
That's the understatement of the year, he thought to himself. Piles of bills and his father's restless nights worrying about being able to feed his child weren't something to take lightly. Still, he didn't want to burden the couple he just met with his life story. All he wanted to do was to fix his mistake so their date wasn't spoiled. 
"Listen, I do feel bad about the mess. If the stain is still there by the time you're finished with your meal, I'd be more than happy to pay for any other cleaning you get done for it."
As much as Oliver wanted to offer to pay for the dress itself, he could not possibly afford the cost of a luxury brand dress straight from Europe. Not unless he saved his money for the next 50 years. Still, Sis' kind smile told him the offer he had given flattered her. 
"Don't you worry your sweet head, hun," she cooed, tucking a finger under his chin and tilting his head up a bit more. Oliver softly gasped at the gesture, cheeks flushing red once again. 
"Yes. She's right," David spoke up. Oliver nearly jumped out of his skin when he remembered her husband was right next to them. "Thank you for cleaning her up. It's good to know Giuseppe knows how to pick the best and most competent people to work here."
After a dinner of going back and forth between smugness and fear-inducing intensity, it was a relief to see David actually pleased with his work. Oliver quickly scampered back to his feet so he wouldn't push his luck with being so close to the guy's wife. Even if it was nice being around her, he wasn't a home-wrecker. 
The rest of their night went off without a hitch. Both of them got to enjoy their delicious steak dinners in peace, and Oliver managed to keep their glasses topped off without spilling another drop. By the time he delivered the check to their table, it was safe to say he had redeemed himself. 
"It was a pleasure serving you both tonight! How's your dress looking now?"
"Good as new all thanks to your quick thinking, hun!" Sis beamed, showing off the bottom half of her dress. Sure enough, Oliver's work had left it spotless once again. "I want to properly thank you for doing that for me."
Oliver wasn't one to take on acts of service for any rewards. He simply liked to make himself useful and ease the burden of others. But with the excited glint in Sis' eyes as she nudged her husband, he couldn't bring himself to decline such an offer. 
That was until David dug into his pocket and pulled out the most massive wad of cash Oliver had seen in his entire life. He was practically bug-eyed at the sight. David reached out to place the stack of bills in his hand, but he shook his head 'no'.
"Wh-Whoa! That's very generous of you, but I can't possibly accept that much money from you!"
David was already intimidating enough. Having the ability to throw money around like it was nothing didn't help that feeling. Besides, he was just doing as his father would have done. Not accepting charity for basic decency. 
"It's nothing! I haven't had such amazing service in a long time!" Sis insisted. "You worked hard and I can already tell you're gonna be our favorite server here. Let me show my thanks, Oliver."
Sis plucked the cash wad out of David's hand and reached her hand out to tug at Oliver's apron. He softly gasped as she tucked the money into his pocket, giving his chest a light pat afterwards. He felt like his head was going fuzzy.
"Besides…I have a soft spot for cuties with freckles~" 
Oliver's heart was practically doing backflips in his chest. The couple smiled playfully as they put their arms around one another, ready to leave together. By the time they had moved past the curtain and exited the restaurant, he was still standing in place with a bright red set of cheeks and a pocket full of hundreds. 
He would definitely be asking his boss for more dinner shifts going forward. 
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"It's amusing he put in all that work fixing the stain, considering you're gonna get it covered in blood for our hunt later."
David and Sis were enjoying the remaining moments of their date night together. With the light of the full moon illuminating the path of the Santa Carla streets, they could enjoy each other's company and keep their eyes out for a victim or two.
"He was a sweet guy," Sis sighed, nuzzling against her husband's shoulder. "Very polite, dedicated, hardworking. I overheard his thoughts, too. Poor thing struggled when he was growing up. He comes from humble beginnings."
"Yeah, and he thought I was being an asshole."
"You're just soooo intimidating, Daddy," Sis cooed, stroking his ego. "And he backed off when he found out we were married. He's a respectful boy."
Little did Oliver know that David was one of several partners that Sis was romantically involved with. Humans and their ideas of monogamy were all too amusing to vampires. 
David smiled kindly down at his wife, noticing the substantial amount of bliss she was experiencing. 
"You really liked him, huh?"
"Yeah. I did," she sighed dreamily. "He was like…a loyal puppy"
Little did she know that the gears in David's head were turning. He adored seeing his queen so happy, especially after the recent traumatic events she had gone through. She was a fighter to the end, and she deserved to feel safe again. 
Perhaps the pup would come in handy to his queen. 
end of part 1
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