#and maybe get two mermaid boyfriends too
folklorebitch13 · 2 years
At The Rocky Sea
summary: Bucky and Steve find a little mermaid, and they want to keep her. Forever.
pairing: dark!Stucky x f!mermaid!reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: angst, dark Steve and Bucky, dom/sub undertones, no smut (sorry guys) manipulative Stucky, innocent reader, naive reader, abduction.
a/n: Hey guys, enjoy this story, it's s kinda dark but mostly at the end, i hope you enjoy :) please leave a comment, that would make me very happy, let me know what you thaught of this story ;)
I do NOT consent to any translations, or this oneshot to be posted on any other platform.
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It wasn't unusual for the two lovers to walk at the shore, letting the waves gently wash over their bare feet, hands intertwined, making their way to the dock. Steve would end up drawing Bucky, who was admiring the sea with his feet in the water. This little routine helped the men, it gave them some time alone but also helped with their fear of water.
Today the weather wasn't particularly nice at the secluded beach, owned by Tony Stark himself, the sky was gray, the waves were wilder and the wind was blowing. Bucky had suggested going home but Steve refused, he was Captain America, an avenger after all, who was he to be scared of the sea? So Bucky held Steve's hand a little tighter as Steve build up a little bit of courage to keep going.
They sat down at the edge of the dock, Steve leaning against one of the wooden poles, his body turned toward Bucky so he could draw his side profile. The pair sat in comfortable silence, no words needed to be exchanged.
As bucky looked out at the sea he noticed something, in the distance, but close enough to be clear, his gaze met someone's eyes, and as soon as their gaze met, the person disappeared underwater.
"Stevie," Bucky said, immediately alarmed, "what's up, Buck?" the blonde answered, "I swear I just saw someone in the water." Steve frowned, he looked up from his drawing, but as he looked at the sea, there was no one there. "maybe it was seagull" Steve said, giving his boyfriend a reassuring smile, the soldier nodded and went back to looking at the waves, more concentrated this time.
About ten minutes later the face reappeared behind the waves she was closer and this time he could see her from the shoulder's up. A woman, he could tell by her feminine features, his heart skipped a beat, "shit Steve look it's not a seagull it's a woman" he said getting up on his feet, this time Steve saw her too and just like bucky he stood up. The woman apparently didn't like this, sinking down into the water until only her eyes could be seen.
"Ma'am, do you need help?" the blonde yelled, "of course, she needs help this isn't exactly the weather to go swimming," Bucky remarked, "well she doesn't look like she's drowning, punk," Steve said turning his attention to his boyfriend, but when men looked back at the sea, the woman was gone once again. After an hour, the couple left with a sick feeling in their stomachs, trying to comprehend what had happened.
A month passed by and they never saw the woman again, Stark had a team search the area but nobody was found, maybe the boys had imagined her, maybe the woman drowned and the current took her too far. So one day when they were at the beach they got quite the surprise.
It was a beautiful day, the sun was shiny the waves were calm, the two men decided that instead of going to the dock as they usually did they'd go a bit further. The lovers ended up resting at some rocks, while Bucky climbed and jumped from rock to rock having Steve yell at him to "be careful!" Steve was reading a book, letting the heat of the sun warm up his bare chest.
What the pair didn't know was that they had a visitor, a delicate young woman watching them from behind a rock, observing them. The young mermaid had always been curious, much to the merfolk's dismay. Her father warned her, to stay at home, leave the snooping around for the Hunters. But she didn't listen, she was a good girl, really, but she was bored.
These two human males were too tempting, she thought about them all the time since that stormy day, watched them in secret, felt her cheeks warm up, and had a weird feeling in her stomach when the lovers were intimate on the beach, touching each other and taking their layers off. But she had never been this close to them, and it was very exciting.
The mermaid was watching the blonde, her eyes peeking up just above the rock, just enough to see them, her hand having a firm grip on the rock to keep her up. She was so focused on watching the blonde read, she didn't notice the brunette getting higher and higher on the rocks, not until he said something she didn't understand and the blonde's neck snapped toward her direction.
Steve was enjoying the moment, he liked moments like these, stress-free. "holy shit Stevie" Bucky interrupted him from his reading, "I knew we didn't imagine it". Steve followed his boyfriend's gaze and saw her, not far away from him, hiding behind a rock was a girl, her eyes widened when she realized she'd been caught.
The blonde slowly got up from his rock while keeping eye contact, as he stood straight he could see the upper half of the girl, and she was truly beautiful. He watched her, she was small, delicate, her skin looked soft and pretty, she looked scared like a lost puppy, her long hair covered her bare chest, steve just wanted to scoop the poor thing up in his arms and take her away.
"hello there sweetheart" he said slowly approaching her, trying to be as gentle as possible, giving her a kind smile. He smiled at her, the girl thought, he talked to her in the same way he talked to his mate, he couldn't possibly hurt her then?
"have you been you been watching us, little spy?" he asked a smirk on his face as he kept coming closer, until something caught his attention. A long, pale, blue tail coming from the girl herself, his breath caught in his throat but he tried to stay calm, not wanting to scare the creature. "oh my, Buck look at the pretty thing, a little mermaid" he said as Bucky came down the rocks. He stopped getting closer when she looked around, ready to leave.
Bucky stood right behind Steve mesmerized by the girl in the small pool of water between the rocks. Steve put his hand to his chest, "I'm Steve" he said before pointing to her "what's your name, doll?" he didn't expect her to understand so it was no surprise when her brows furrowed adorably and she tilted her head in confusion. the girl's vocabulary was limited, the tiny bit of English she learned by watching humans.
Steve chuckled and pointed to himself again, "Steve" he said slowly, "s-ief" the girl tried, her voice soft yet raspy, Steve's smile grew as he slowly walked around the rock. He got a full view of his little mermaid in the small pool of water enclosed by rocks, he was fascinated, her blue tail was long with delicate fins at the sides, much more complex than the tail Ariel had in the little mermaid. There was pale blue webbing between her fingers and barely visible scales on her upper arms and rib area.
Luckily she didn't try to leave so he squatted next to her to be at the same height as the girl who was now sitting, leaning against the rock.
Steve rolled up his pants, the clear water came to his ankles, Bucky followed Steve and squatted down next to him. The girl felt extremely nervous, at this point if she wanted to get away they could stop her, she was trapped, but then again they seemed so nice. "Steve" the blonde repeated, "Stief" she tried again, good enough, Steve thought. "That's right," he smiled, "that's Bucky" he smiled.
Bucky was nervous too, he was scared being around a pretty little thing like her, he didn't know how to act, his lover made it seem so easy, talking to a mermaid. "Bucky" she repeated, Bucky's heart skipped a beat when she got his name right the first try. "yes, Bucky, that's my name, name, what's your name?" he asked. The girl shrugged and shyly looked down, she was ashamed she couldn't give them a name, sure the merfolk had names but it was different, almost like a song.
Steve felt her shame, "that's alright, doll, we'll name you... Angel" he said before sitting down scooping the girl up in his arms sitting her down on his lap, his fingers ran over her delicate scales leaving the girl flustered. "look at her Buck, isn't she just a sweet little Angel" he smirked, "hell yeah, so sweet... Can we keep her Stevie?" he asked, giving Steve puppy eyes. "tsk, tsk, tsk she's not a toy Buck" Steve smirked at his boyfriend who just whined in response.
Months passed, they saw their little mermaid every day, she felt good with them, safe, they learned her more English and she gave them shell's she found in the ocean every day. She was fascinated by Bucky's metal arm, touching it whenever she could, the three loved cuddle and make-out sessions.
One day floating in the water, wrapped in Bucky's arms while Steve was collecting shells she asked him a question. "buck, want ask you question" she said, "what's up, doll" he answered. "I want try something, see Steve an' Bucky do," she said, her voice small and insecure. "what d'you wanna try doll?" Bucky asked Angel, "no move" she whispered, bringing her face close to his.
She frowned while she focused, slowly bringing her face closer to Bucky's, when her lips almost grazed Bucky's she let out a shaky breath before pressing her lips to his, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling. Bucky cupped her face, encouraging her to keep going, her lips were soft, the kiss was so different from Steve's kisses, while Steve usually took control, with his little mermaid Bucky was leading the dance.
his metal hand found its way to her breast, thumb brushing over her hardened nipple and he felt her tail brush against his leg. "Can't leave you two alone for a minute can I?" they heard Steve say who swam towards them, Angel blushed while Bucky just grinned.
Steve went for morning swims instead of morning runs now, loving to see his little mermaid in the water, she looked so happy, mindlessly and effortlessly swimming around, holding the blonde's hand. Steve was no longer scared of the sea, he couldn't be, not when his new love lived there.
Bucky and Steve had a long discussion about their relationship after meeting the mermaid, they both agreed they loved each other more than words could describe but they couldn't deny their attraction to Angel.
The more the three's love grew the more the two men got worried. The ocean was a big place with many dangers and the idea of something happening to their girl was unbearable. They grew more possessive, angry if she wasn't at the rocks at the usual time, Angel didn't mind, she just wanted to have her men with her.
One day Steve and Bucky walked down the beach excited to see their girl as always. She wasn't waiting for them at the rocks, so they walked around them, and the sight was terrifying. They found their girl, their precious girl, on the beach, not close enough to the shore to have the waves engulf her, she couldn't be outside of the water for long because it left her suffocating.
The girl was wrapped in nets, the nets had cut her while she'd tried to get out of them but they stayed tangled. The men didn't know how long she'd been here or how she got here, all they knew was that she was gasping for air, her eyes lifeless. They ran towards her, Steve picking her up without a taught and carrying her to the waves, dropping to his knees and gently laying her down, calming her down in the water.
"Hey sweet girl, it's okay we're here, look at me sweetheart, it's steve" he said, caressing her face while she took deep breaths, tears stinging in his eyes. While he whispered reassuring words to her his lover used his pocket knife to cut the net off her body.
As her body absorbed oxygen, the men held her until she could speak, "what happened, darling?" Steve asked while he gently caressed her face. "big boat... wanted to see... curious," the little mermaid tried to use the words they taught her, "but boat... taking turtles... so I help turtles, but got scared, net stuck around me... i...manage swim away, but net stuck... I was looking for you... but tired, I rested on the beach, but sea went away,".
She sniffled, small tears rolling over her cheeks. Bucky sighed, a frown on his face, "doll, we talked about this... sometimes being curious is bad, dangerous, we can't have you be in danger...", "Bucky and I had a long talk about this sweetheart, and we think it would be best if you came to live with us at the compound" Steve said. it was the girl's turn to frown, "don't understand" she said,
"We build you a nice big saltwater pool with all the nice fish, we told the team about you and they're so excited to meet you" steve smiled, holding you closer, "no, don't want leave, sea is my home" you said as you started trashing in his grip trying to get away.
"we were scared you'd say that sweetheart, so we're making it easy for you, you don't have to have to think just go to sleep" Bucky said, with a smile you usually loved, he pressed a piece of cloth to your nose and mouth, the chemicals burned in your nose as you tried to fight the urge to sleep, but finally the dark engulfed you.
The avengers were looking down at a large pool, the saltwater clear compared to the sea, they looked at the fish and plants, but most of all they were looking at the precious little mermaid at the bottom of it, she had nowhere to hide, so she just looked at the group of people, they all had a giant smirk on their face.
She looked at the two men she used to think of as her lovers, but she felt betrayed. Steve and bucky didn't feel guilty for the scared look their girl was giving them, how could they? she looked so pretty like this. It wasn't their fault she was so innocent, not their fault she wasn't an equal to them in the relationship.
She was their darling, their obsession and fantasy but she was nothing more then a pet. And the two men were so excited, they now could spoil her, love her, protect and take care of her forever. till' the end of days.
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inbtswethrrust · 3 years
Hey guys! I've recently received some asks regarding mindheist deleting their ao3 account, along with all the works. Someone was kind enough to send me pdf files for all of the works published on ao3 by mindheist, and so here is a compilation for all of them with the links for the files!! Enjoy your reading. By the way, if at any point the writer themself would like me to delete this post, I will.
So the post doesn't get too long, i'll put up a divider! Happy readings!
The Ocean at the End of the Universe It's hard to find just one person in a sea of stars. (space au)
Wish I Would've Known The worst part isn't hatred. The worst part is not talking anymore, and never understanding why. (based on the song we don't talk anymore)
You're My Genie, Lamborghini (You're My Teeny Weeny Meenie) You know those people saying technology is driving people apart? Yeah, fuck them. (twitter au)
with it's sequel... You Got the Best of Me (Synth Riff) Two social media sweethearts get married. Baby boomers crash and burn in the distance at this flagrant display of millenial culture. (continuation of ^^)
Galaxy S♡ we all have those memories that don't end, even when everything is over. Some call that critical error. Others call it human existence. (androids/robots au)
Watchers of the Eternal Flame Jimin goes to Rio de Janeiro to live his passion. He leaves Rio da Janeiro having found his dream. (summer olympics au)
In My Blood Sometimes fate is a flat tire and a crushed bumper. (a/b/o au)
i try to picture me without you (but i can't) "You think relationships last in the village? You want one with me? You think you'll be happy?" Maybe Taehyung did think that they could be happy. (sequel to Watchers of the Eternal Flame, summer olympics au)
And, Home (Will Feel Like Home Again) Between the oily residue of night market tables and the rickety steps of the Hakone mountains, there is a little bus station in the fog. (travel au)
Fool Me Once (Shame On You) Fool me twice, shame on me. (established relationship)
Ghost Story It was an untold story with no ending, until now. (ghost au)
Invisible People The most important things are the hardest of all to see. (ballet au)
Let Us A relationship is a two-way street. (strangers to friends to lovers)
Never Let Me Go Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey. (soulmates au)
Pour Up (Drank) If you can read this, take another shot. (frat au)
Rich Bitch When you make six figures a year, Valentino isn’t that big of a deal. (the au is,,, tae is rich)
Shark In the Water As far as fairy tales go, this one doesn’t have a lot of faeries. Tales, yes. Tails, that is. Just the one. One (1) tail. (mermaid au)
Terrible Things Happen (Sometimes, They Save You) Min Yoongi wakes up from a nightmare on a sunless afternoon to a reality more twisted than his dizziest daydreams. (american horror story au)
The Day The Earth Stood Still Somewhere in New York, Seoul, Florence, Los Angeles, is a tale as old as time. (pre-apocalypse au)
起死回生; To Live Again Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us. (historical au)
SERIES: I'm feeling electric tonight
(fake dating au.)
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go Dramatization. Do not try at home.
I Just Wanted You to Know (That Baby, You’re the Best) If you experience headaches, nausea, or heartbreak, discontinue use and talk to your doctor because relationships might not be right for you.
Think I'll Miss You Forever Happy endings sold separately.
SERIES: Interstellar (historical fantasy au)
Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time.
Perihelion Perihelion: the point in the orbit of a celestial body at which it is closest to the sun.
SERIES: Moonrise (werewolf au, abo au)
Bad Moon Rising Taehyung has always wanted to be a superhero. Jeongguk has always been a supernatural.
I Fear the Fever, It Runs Electric There are some perks to having Jeongguk as a boyfriend. For one, he makes procrastination impossible.
Shaking Inside My Bones For better or for worse, everyone gets better at this. It’s practice. It doesn’t quite make perfect but it gets pretty damn close.
SERIES: The Ones Who Watch Us (horror au)
They Can See Us There are two things that you should hope always follow you. Number one: your shadow. Number two: your reflection.
Why Aren't You Scared of Me? (What Do You Know?) There are much worse things to be scared of.
SERIES: Where You Go, I'll Go To (grim reaper au)
In the Blind The world, as most people see it, is only half the story.
Time would envy us (part two, by nikkumeul) This is the other half of the story. This is forever. OBS: same link as above, starting from page 26)
SERIES: You bring good to my lonely life (honestly) (hollywood movie star au)
Love Will Always Be A Lesson (Let’s Get Out of its Way) Lesson 1: It's not real
Pizza Magazine Love is a strange, strange thing. (OBS: same link, starting from page 156)
We Who Hide From the Sun “It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re seventeen and planning for someday. And then, quietly, and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.” (childhood friends to lovers au)
Admin's Note:
Okay, i'm back now. these are all the mindheist fics i've gotten the links for, thank you to all who sent them to me, very much appreciated! the links lead you to a pdf file on google drive, owned by my own account. i'll have those up all the time, but in case something happens and they get removed i advise you to download the ones that you want to keep personally! hope you enjoy the read babies, love you all!! and thank you again!! and thank you to mindheist in the first place for writing all of these amazing fics.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Until Death Do Us Part
Pairing: Akaashi x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Sea Warlock!Akaashi, Mermaid Reader, Non-Con/Rape, Mind Control, Body Modification
Summary: As a little girl you’ve always dreamed of marriage, but maybe you should have been more careful of who you decided to exchange eternal vows with.
This is for @terushimooo's Aquatic August collab. Happy swimming~
You love Itachiyama, love waking up and seeing the endless sea of blue, love waving down at all the sea creatures, sirens, mermaids, and so much more who cheerfully greet you. You love Itachiyama and Itachiyama loves you, the citizens of your kingdom eagerly calling your name and shoving free samples of tasty food and merchandise in your hand as you swim by the marketplace, excited to interact with their favorite (and only) princess.
But as much as you genuinely love your realm, you’ve always been too curious for your own good, your sheltered life forcing your imagination to go wild as you listen intently to merchants and travelers from out of town who tell you about corners of the ocean and sea creatures you’ve never even heard of.
There’s a limit to how much pretty words and mental images can satisfy you and your cousins Sakusa and Komori roll their eyes and sigh when you begin to repeatedly try sneaking out from their protective watch, eager to experience what lies beyond the borders of your safe haven.
It’s a comic joint effort between the citizens, your cousins, and the royal guards as they all work to keep you as safe as they can. It becomes a game of sorts, one that they all begrudgingly begin to enjoy, and laughter fills the kingdom when citizens take turns cheering for you or your cousins as Sakusa and Komori rapidly swim after you, leaving ripples and bubbles in your wakes as your tails flick back and forth.
They’re hesitant to let you wander off on your own at first, the creatures of your realm and the palace guards begging you to at least let them accompany you when you’re insistent about exploring the surrounding areas. Sakusa scolds you, always dragging you back to the palace when you do manage to escape, although you hide your smile when you see how he wordlessly takes all your new discoveries from you and carries them back for you. Komori also nudges you back when he’s the one sent to find you, although he always lets you wander around for a while longer when he does locate you, indulging your whims before finally enticing you back home with the promise of a new seashell necklace, his treat.
But over time they begin to relax, just wishing you safe travels and exploring when they do see you ready to slip past the border, Sakusa and Komori reminding you not to stray too far and not to stay out too late when their schedules don’t permit them to leave with you.
You love meeting new people, exploring new towns, seeing the sights outside of the bubble you’ve grown up in. But novelty wears off and even the surrounding territories begin to become familiar to you, an old itch beginning to creep inside of you once again, a desire to see even more churning inside of you. And it’s that yearning inside of you that has you secretly wandering in a different direction one day, going far further than you’ve ever been before, leading you to Akaashi’s lair.
Akaashi sees you long before you even realize you’re in his territory and he’s intrigued to say the least. He can’t even count the number of greedy, selfish, desperate souls who’ve sullied his grounds, disgustingly groveling at his feet, whining for their wishes and desires to be granted. But you? You’re different. He can tell just by how unaware and genuinely curious you are as your eyes flit about the unknown area, ooh-ing and aah-ing at the site of different coral and species of fish you’ve never seen.
You’re not here for him. He’s sure you don’t even know exactly whose lands you’ve naively fluttered upon. And before he even realizes what he’s doing, his legs have transitioned into a mass of swirling tentacles, rocketing him towards your direction.
When’s the last time he’s talked to someone outside of the lowlife scum who begged and pleaded for his help? When’s the last time he was able to enjoy another’s company? The warmth of another’s body entwined with his?
There’s a painful tug at his heart when he sees how you tense at his presence, fear lacing your gaze when you connect the mass of glossy black tentacles on his lower half and his piercing blue orbs to his true identity.
It’s not hard to understand exactly who you’re face to face with, the rumors of the sea warlock’s appearance and reputation having spread far and wide. You’ve always been horrified by the stories you’ve heard. Maybe it’s because you’re far too simple-minded, far too easily satisfied as both your cousins fondly tease you about. But you can’t imagine wanting anything enough to give up your voice, your tail, your ability to love and laugh.
You know Akaashi only takes from those who seek his help, that you technically have nothing to fear. But you still cower in front of him, folding your tail in front of you and clutching it to your chest, a small silly part of you scared that he’d snatch it away from you.
The gesture makes Akaashi laugh and you stare wide-eyed at the handsome creature in front of you, your tail slowly flopping from your arms and floating freely as you let the lovely tinkle of his laugh echo around you.
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on taking your tail. Unless you’ve come here for me to grant a request?”
You furiously shake your head from side to side, still a little apprehensive as he sends a small amused smile your way. But as he continues talking, you can feel the tension ease from your body, your body matching Akaashi’s pace as he gives you a tour of his neck of the woods. He’s so well-spoken, a soothing tone to his voice that easily lulls you into a sense of peace as you eagerly listen to him tell you about the local wildlife and terrain.
He tells you stories of worlds and creatures you can’t even begin to fathom. He tells you of life above the waters and in the sky. And you find yourself returning back to him over and over again, although it would be a lie to say it’s purely out of a desire to learn more.
Your curiosity is as insatiable as always, but you get distracted more often than not when Akaashi speaks. You get lost staring at that striking face and into those gorgeous eyes. Your eyes glitter in awe as he effortlessly transitions between gracefully swimming upon a mass of tentacles to fluttering two human legs in the sea, appendages you’ve never seen before.
You’re falling fast and hard for the sea warlock and you don’t think there’s any going back.
Akaashi knows there’s no going back.
He’d fallen for you the second you had opened up to him, the moment you had seen him as just another creature to befriend instead of a wish given genie whose only purpose was to dole out wishes. And he’s not ignorant to the way your eyes wander across his figure, his face, how you badly try to hide your growing attraction to him.
So it only makes sense that he doesn’t resist temptation anymore now that he knows the feelings are mutual and he hungrily lets his tentacles wind around your waist, pulling you towards him so he can embrace you in his warms, closing his eyes in bliss as your barely covered torso presses against his own bare chest. One of his hands snakes to unclasp your seashell top while his lips devour yours, sighing at how sweet you taste.
But he grimaces in displeasure when your tail begins to wildly flail from side to side, your hands annoyingly pressing against his chest. And he pulls back, brows furrowed as he tries to understand what’s wrong, only to scowl when he sees hesitation tinged with fear in your pretty eyes.
He thought you were far beyond this point. What is there to be scared of? Why are you so skittish? But he hasn’t gotten as far as he has by blowing his fuse so he forces his tentacles to relinquish you, lightly replacing them with his hands as he brings you over to his bed, letting you sit on his lap and tuck your head under his chin as he gently rubs his thumbs soothingly over your waist.
It’s a good sign that you feel comfortable enough to bury your face in his chest and he lets you sit there silently, waiting for you to speak up. And his patience is rewarded when you nervously draw aimless partners on his skin as you begin to talk.
He bites back a laugh when you ramble on about how you’ve never even had a boyfriend before, never done more than platonically hug and kiss your family and friends. This is all so new to you and isn’t it too fast, too soon? What even are the two of you? Does he even like you? Love you? You don’t want to be just a notch in his bedpost. You want to date, get married, have a family. Only married people can do the things...the things that…
You trail off in embarrassment, unsure how to even phrase things you’ve only whispered about in hushed voices with your friends, that you’ve never experienced for yourself before. But your face heats when a low chuckle reverberates in your ears, gasping when one of Akaashi’s hands digs into your skin, the other traveling sensually up your spine before roughly grabbing the back of your head and pulling you in for a kiss that’s all heady hunger that leaves you breathless.
It would be so easy to just give in, to melt and moan as his nails threaten to pierce your skin, his arms caging you against him until all you can feel, see, and smell is him. Your tongues entangle with each other and you gasp when his fingers begin to slip under a seashell, the other hand teasing the transition of skin to scale. But when he begins to tweak a nipple and palm your ass, you’re jolted back to reality, the morals of chastity and purity you’ve been raised with battling against the temptation of Akaashi’s touch.
“Wait, Keiji. Wait!”
This time there’s no hiding his irritation and you flinch at the annoyance in his eyes as he stares you down, a coldness in his face you’ve never seen before. But you press on, believing that if he truly cared for you, he’d understand. All your girlfriends had told you that if you found the right one, they’d be patient, they’d wait until you were ready.
“I- I really like you, but I don’t think I’m ready for this yet. I want to go on dates, get engaged, get married. And maybe it’s old-fashioned, but I want our first time to be our wedding night, after we’ve said our vows and promises to be together forever.”
“You want to be together forever?”
Akaashi can’t help but smile at the hopeful look in your eyes when you nod your head in affirmation.
“Then until death do us part.”
You’ve always wondered what magic would look or feel like and now you know. You whimper as you feel something powerful, something foreign surge through you, Akaashi’s eyes glowing far more than they should, the shadows of his cave seeming to grow and loom over the two of you. There’s a searing pain on your lower abdomen and the expanse of your chest and you scream as it fills like your tail is being torn into two.
And suddenly there’s a feeling of something wrapping around your heart, an ache between your legs-
Your legs?
You stare in horror, tears forming in your eyes when you see your beautiful tail replaced by two legs, strange black markings permanently engraved over your womb, the scrawl of Akaashi’s name taunting you from its loving placement above your heart.
“Don’t cry, my love. Look we can match now. Consider it a reminder of our new beginning together, the start of the rest of our lives.”
This is a mockery of everything you’ve believed a marriage to be and you only sob harder as Akaashi pins you on your back, his legs in between yours pushing them apart. But he tires of your pained and agonized cries and you gasp as the new markings decorating your skin begin to glow blue. Fear is replaced with lust and all you can think of is Akaashi, all you want is Akaashi, all you need is Akaashi.
There’s just enough of your own will to know this isn’t right, this isn’t truly you. But you can’t do anything against your body and mind’s cravings, the way you instinctively lean into every kiss, every touch. Is this how it always feels? You can’t tell if the delirious pleasure you’re feeling is normal or if it’s being heightened by whatever incantation Akaashi has you under. But you can’t bring yourself to care about the details, not when your eyes are rolling back in your head, something slick leaking from between your new limbs as Akaashi makes his way down your body, mouth and fingers lapping at your new slit.
Your chest heaves, nipples standing at attention, gleaming with Akaashi’s saliva as your body contorts as he continuously pumps in and out of you, adding finger after finger until it feels like you’re going to burst. You don’t even recognize the wanton cries in the air as your own, lewd whines of “Keiji, Keiji, Keiji” filling the air. And then there’s a snap, your body going rigid as something coils tight inside of you before you’re wailing, body thrashing and convulsing around the four digits stuffed inside of you, your arousal coating Akaashi’s fingers and dripping down his wrist.
You hate how wrong it feels to be empty, a whine escaping your lips at the loss of his fingers as he pulls them out. But you flinch at the sight of Akaashi seductively licking his skin clean of your mess, desire making his eyes dark as he contently hums at your taste. You try to use his distraction as a chance to slowly crawl away, but you let out a surprised cry when strong hands drag you back in place, spreading your legs once again.
“We’re not done with our wedding night yet, darling.”
Something hard and thick nudges at your entrance and you struggle anew to no use as your markings glow blue once more. And suddenly you’re pliant and aroused all over again, overwhelmed tears streaming down your face as despair and lust mix together, only heightening the dizzying feeling of having Akaashi’s cock balls deep inside of you. It’s too much, too soon and yet it’s not enough, desire pulsing inside of you, need making you go mad.
But it doesn’t matter what you want or how you feel and Akaashi reminds you of that as he uses your body to chase his own end, hips thrusting in and out of you, cock dragging against your oversensitized walls. On and on he goes, following through with a relentless, brutal pace, spurred on by your lewd moans and the way your nails draw blood as you claw at him, body trying to ground itself in any way.
You’re tumbling over the edge once more and what husband would he be to not join his lovely new wife over that precipice of pleasure? So he follows you down, groaning and burying his face in your neck with a kiss as he thrusts one last time, sinking deep inside of you as he fills you to the brim with his seed.
Reality sinks in as the blue glow emblazoned on you begins to dim until only skin and dark markings are left and disgust makes your guts churn. All you want to do is curl up into a ball. All you want is to be back home with your cousins, joking with Komori, being a brat to Sakusa. All you want is to go back in time, go back to the carefree days of innocence and fluttering your tail when Akaashi was just a faceless name.
But there’s no going back and all you can do is lie there and accept your fate as Akaashi reverently kisses and caresses his marks on your body.
Until death do you part.
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folkloreguk · 3 years
🍒Cherry Ice Cream (2)🍒
A/N: Part two is here! There won't be another one after this. I just wanted to split it into two little scenarios with one being cute and the other not so cute lmao...I hope you enjoy - as always I appreciate feedback a lot!
taglist: @lovely-ateez
genre: smut, optional bias (m) x reader (f), lifeguard!au, pool sex, unprotected sex
words: 3.4 k
PART 1 (fluff, both parts can be read independently)
It was the middle of the summer holidays and you had never been happier. Sunny weather, swimming, lots of free time and as much ice cream as you wanted were only a few of the reasons for your luck. The main cause was the boy of your dreams. A few weeks ago, you had met. It had been the most chaotic, embarrassing day at the public swimming pool – or so you had initially thought. Turns out being a walking disaster could not only attract negative attention. When the otherworldly handsome and kind lifeguard had pulled your clumsy figure out of the water and even bought you ice cream to make you feel better, you had a feeling things were about to change. And you hadn’t been wrong. Maybe you were seeing things through rose-colored glasses and a mix of lovestruck hormones, but you suspected he might just really be this great.
Ever since your first ice cream date, the two of you had been inseparable. Looks were one thing – and you had made yourself aware that though he was a picture of perfection, he could still have turned out to not be your type at all. But the inside reflected on his outside. Every day you found out a new enrapturing detail about him. He was a never-ending book that you were utterly unwilling to put back down.
Your days were spent at the public swimming pool, watching your lifeguard boyfriend do his job and questioning if this was all some sort of hidden camera prank. During his break he came running straight to your spot under the trees and plopped down on your towel, ready to spend the most time with you until he had to go back. Although your streak of bad luck was over, he still took care of you and made sure you were okay in the heat. He reminded you to drink enough water and sent you a good morning text every day. When he had first asked you to help him put sunscreen on his shoulders, you had hesitated with cheeks hotter than the sunlight that day. Now it was a daily thing, and sometimes when his hands were on your back, rubbing in the lotion, you caught yourself wishing there weren’t a hundred families around you. But it was hard scoring alone time with him at the pool. Even later at night, right before closing time, there were always one or two diehard swimming fans there.
“I love watching my cute girlfriend swim,” he would keep telling you.
“You better make sure you’re paying attention to the rest of the visitors, too,” you would reply, but secretly love his flirty remarks. Perhaps he wasn’t even so far off. After your first encounter, it was apparent that maybe you were the one guest who didneed the closest monitoring. Even his co-workers knew of you. They had made it their life mission to remind him daily how whipped he was for you, but he never cared about their teasing.
At night, you rode your bikes home. Towards the candy cotton clouds on the horizon, through the small suburb, you rode side by side, still damp hair flowing in the wind. Outside your home he cupped your face then, the sun kissed skin of his hands still warm to the touch. Like he was the slowly setting sun himself, he kissed you goodnight. You were addicted to his lips. He made you fly, brought back all your fondest memories as if he himself was in them, and let you forget every worry you’ve ever had in the world.
One evening at the pool, you lay on your bathmat, headphones in your ears and your favorite summer playlist taking you to another world. Suddenly, two hands grabbed you by the shoulders. You jerked up in surprise.
“Oh my god, we could have hit our heads together!” you scolded your boyfriend, who was smiling at you like an innocent five-year old.
“Guess what. My boss just told me that I can close the place up tonight. You know what that means, right?” he said.
“Tell me more,” you smirked.
“Technically, we can stay here however long we want. And do whatever we want. As long as no one finds out,” he whispered the last part into your ear. Chills ran up your spine despite the heat in the air.
“Do whatever we want, huh?” you said. “I thought you were being a model employee?”
“I am,” he shrugged with his child-like smile. “And the model employee needs to go back to work now. I have a reputation to uphold. You’ll be waiting for me, right?”
“Of course,” you nodded, watching his figure as he jogged back to his seat by the pool. The next hours seemed to go by extra-slowly, to your dismay. After his announcement, you only found yourself staring in his direction more than on any other day. Truly, you could never get used to his handsomeness. You thought of his voice that made you melt like ice and his hands when he kissed you. Too often they remained in innocent, safe territory. Maybe that was about to change. It was a Friday, meaning the opening hours were longer than usual. By 10 pm however, even the last person had left. The public swimming pool was closed. Officially.
You had to admit, you could get used to having an enormous swimming pool all to yourself. Blissfully, you dived through the water, not having to worry about crashing into anybody’s legs or losing track of your surroundings. You had always felt as though swimming was a little like flying. Not that you knew what flying would be like. But if you had to make a guess, feeling weightless and small in a seemingly endless space probably came close. All your life, it had remained the same. Playing pretend in the water, acting like a mermaid scavenging for the most precious treasure of the seven seas – all your loveliest ideas lingered in your memory like it had been yesterday.
The pool had a shallow end, about the depth which allowed your head to reach above the surface, and progressively deepened towards the other end. You took a gulp of air and descended into the darkness. Taking long strokes, you dived towards the white light at the wall of the shallower pool end. With the brightness ahead of you, you failed to notice the shadow behind you.
As you were in the process of coming up from the water, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around you. For the second time that day, you jolted in surprise and quickly gasped for air.
“You scared me out of my wits! Will you stop that!” you said, but you were already smiling. It was hard to carry grudges against the boy behind you. Not when he held your waist and rested his chin on your bare shoulder, grinning as if it was a crime to even suspect him of such things.
“Hi, there,” he said and pecked your cheek sweetly. “I missed you.”
“So did I,” you admitted. Only months ago, you had made fun of how lovestruck your friend had been. You weren’t one to speak now. His hands let go of you while you turned your body to face him. Then they were on you again, and although it was a small touch, your lack of clothes created a tension between you right away.
“Wanna race me?” he whispered into your ear, as if there was anyone around to listen in. Was he serious? Did he really think you wanted him to let go of you now? His voice on your neck rendered you wanting him so bad, you had to take a deep breath to compose yourself.
“I’ve been swimming all day,” you said. “Besides, didn’t you say we could do whatever we wanted? We can swim whenever we want, during opening hours.”
“Oh, sounds like you have better plans?” he asked. For a moment, he touched your forehead with his. If you bent forward slightly, you could have kissed him. His hungry eyes were on your lips when you had finished the thought.
“I was thinking you could kiss me, for starters?” you coaxed him. He chuckled.
“So you’ve been thinking about it too, the past few hours,” he realized. “You know, I was trying to be subtle about it.”
“Forget about being subtle,” you said. “Let’s just make out, please?”
“I’d like nothing better than that,” he smiled, and then your mouths touched. His gentle lips tasted faintly of chlorine and salt, a taste you had come to associate with him and magnificent things. You held his face in your hands tightly and pushed your body against him yearningly. Reacting, he sighed and deepened the kiss. His wandering hands found the small of your backside as you arched your back into his frame. You hummed quietly, hands burying in his wet hair and playing with it at the nape of his neck.
All your childhood you had been searching for your treasure under the water. Now you understood. He was right there in front of you. Little you would be proud you had found someone this precious and incomparable. And hot.
“Jump,” he said. You did as he suggested and wrapped your legs around his waist. The proximity of his body made your heart hammer against your ribcage with such feverishness, you worried it might jump through your chest. With the way he touched every curve of your body, you almost forgot how to kiss. Luckily, your instincts did the job for you as you sipped on his lips and sighed every so often. He caught your bottom lip between his teeth, and you felt his smirk when you moaned in surprise. Every inch of your skin burned with desire for him.
As he carried you over to the side of the pool, you pulled away shortly. You took the liberty to attack his neck with frenzied kisses. It felt just as you had imagined a thousand times. You couldn’t possibly recount all the instances when you had found yourself staring at his neck and shoulders in the past weeks. He was easily the biggest distraction you had ever known. But it wasn’t your fault his tanned skin was so inviting and his strong presence ever so alluring. Returning his teasing, you bit into his shoulder, kissing and sucking on it right after.
“Fuck, baby,” he said in a throaty tone. “You’re amazing.”
Softly, he rubbed his nose against yours before your lips locked again. The kiss was all but soft. Your tongues meddled as if you were starved people and you could barely keep your hands in one place. Not that you would want to. You wanted to glue his hands onto your body or better yet handcuff him to your wrists. What was the opposite of a restraining order called? You were about to invent a word for it. Never before had you been so intoxicated, so in ecstasy with another person.
He pulled aside the fabric of your top momentarily and cupped your breasts in his hands. You gasped and melted into his touch and the way he played with your nipples. He attacked your neck in kisses and you shut your eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips.
“I really want you.” He had his hands on your ass and all you could think about was the growing bulge in his swimming shorts. Your hard nipples rubbed against his chest, the thin fabric of your swim top doing little to nothing to separate your bodies. How could somebody’s whole existence be so titillating? He pulled away, just far enough to speak but barely. “I’ve wanted you like this for a while. But I didn’t want to unsettle you by making you think I just want sex from you. Truth is, I don’t want you to be just some summer romance, Y/N. Every day I hope you’ll still be here when summer is over.”
“Why would you think I’m going anywhere?” you asked. “You’re the reason I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I ask myself every day how I managed to end up with you in the first place.”
“That’s easy. First, threaten to demolish the turnstile with your stubbornness, second, offer your head to a bunch of kids with a water ball, third, square up against a bug in front of a hundred people, fourth- “
“Okay! Enough,” you said. “Don’t bring up my clumsiness. That’s just about the least sexy thing in the world.”
“Baby, I think there’s nothing not sexy about you,” he spoke. He kissed you deeply and all your embarrassing memories vanished at once. “So, you’re cool with this?”
His sudden change in tone caused your breath to hitch in your throat, as his hands lingered by your hips, just above your bikini bottom. You only nodded, the motion getting more eager as the words sunk in. He slid his fingers along the inside of your thigh, and you squirmed under his touch in desperation. Swiftly, he pushed aside the material above your center. His digits slid through your wetness, catching the nub between them, and rubbing ever so slowly. An overwhelmed gasp spilled over your lips, and you closed your eyelids.
“Fuck- ,“ you muttered under your breath. He teased your core, nearly sliding his finger into you, but then pulling away to find your nub to toy with.
“You look so beautiful,” he said. At his words, you looked at him through fluttering eyelids. He was one to talk about beauty. The luminescence from underwater sharpened his features, and his eyes had something magical, something enchanting about them. Like he could have you – or anyone – without saying a word. He reminded you of a merman, or rather a siren. Ready to drag you along with him, deep under the surface. And you were so willing to let it happen. For all you knew, you were long lost and under his spell anyway.
“Have you ever done it in public?” he asked. You were too distracted by his fingers on you at first, head hanging back in ecstasy, until you snapped out of it.
“No, but – fuck – I guess I can strike that one off my sex bucket list after tonight, can’t I?” you said.
“You have a sex bucket list? Interesting, tell me more about it,” he smirked. His eyes darkened and his tongue licked over his lips once. As if on command, his lazy ministrations on you quickened, rubbing your clit in small, circular motions until you were a moaning, stammering mess. You suspected he did so just to see your immediate reaction, and you gave him just what he wanted.
“Can we postpone the – the talking…on later?” you murmured, feeling like collapsing against his broad shoulders. “I’m kind of too busy to – to talk.”
“I can see that,” he teased you, kissing you gently. The delicacy of his lips only made your head spin more. “You’re so sweet, baby.”
“Don’t you want to get busy too?” you asked. You reached for his swimming trunks and wrapped your hand around his hard member through the material. “I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“Shit- me too.” His arousal echoed in his moans, and he sucked in a breath. There was a sense of power in knowing you could make him react so gravely by doing so little. You tugged on his trunks and pulled them down a little to reveal his full length. Palming him, you felt how painfully hard he must have been for a while now. He groaned and it was the best thing you had ever heard. Eagerly, you slid your bikini bottom off and watched for a moment as it sunk down into the depths of the pool. Your legs wrapped around his waist again as he aligned his cock with your core.
At this point you supposed you were both out of words. Hunger had taken over and you barely managed to form a sentence. He kissed you and you hummed and nodded, wanting him to know you were ready. Easily, he entered you and you whimpered at the way he stretched your velvet walls after all the wait. Your senses were overcome with everything around you. The warm water enveloping the both of you, the soft summer breeze caressing your faces, his hands on your hips as he guided your body into his thrusts and the sound of your breathless moans and sighs – it was pure bliss. Night had almost fallen, with the sky being a deep blue, almost black by now. It was a perfect setting for a perfect night with your favorite person.
You gazed into his dilated pupils and the coil in your stomach tightened in the most delicious way possible. Now you recounted a myriad of dreams you’d seen him in. Not always, but occasionally he showed up in your dirtiest of dreams, with his gorgeous, addictive smile and strong arms. But now he was right there, in front of you – inside of you – and you apprehended how weak your boldest imaginations had been. Your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders as you clenched around his cock. He moaned your name huskily and it only clouded your head further.
It was crazy how loving a person could magnify everything. Even with closed eyes, the mere idea of him fucking you, at night in a public pool, could beat every single other experience you’d ever had. You felt like you were blessed with the audience with a god. A god, who had manifested on earth only to scoop you up and show you the finest things in life. You definitely couldn’t think of a finer thing than his cock dragging through your walls, hitting your g-spot repeatedly, while he had you cased against the pool tiles. Moans and little whimpers fell from your lips, and you were glad there wasn’t a single soul close by who could have heard.
He was jaw-dropping. With the way he pounded into you hard, using the poolside wall as support on your back, you felt your head spin as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your skin seemed to prickle wherever he touched you and you pushed your chest against his. Just a little closer, you told yourself, even though you were running out of space already. It was body against body while he whispered naughty things into your ears, telling you how incredible you felt, how lucky he had gotten with you and how sexy he found you.
“You’re the fucking best I’ve ever had, baby,” he said. His teeth grazed your neck as he kissed your sensitive skin messily. You could have counted every single drop of water hanging from the strands of his hair and adorning his face. Could have taken notice of every single eyelash and even the tiniest speckles of color in his irises. But you could barely command your eyes to stay open.
“So- close,” you said. In your ecstasy, you clawed at his back as another wave of pleasure went through your entire body.
“Together, hm?” he said, lips brushing over your cheek with every thrust. You hummed and nodded, as he picked up his thrusts to a toe-curling speed. With every touch of your sweet spot, you felt reality slip away a little further, and you were doing nothing to fight it. You invited the feeling in, resting your forehead against his, breaths coming out in short puffs. And then it overcame you. Your orgasm jolted through you like electricity, and you clung to him as if you might have sunken otherwise. It made your shared moans high pitched, and he followed you, pulling you into his arms like it was alone you who was keeping him afloat.
The splashing of the water softened as he drew out your highs for as long as possible with slower thrusts. Eventually, he halted completely. He cradled your face in his hands and when you finally opened your tired eyes, he was watching you with full adoration. His charming smile caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach. This was only the beginning of your time together, yet you could barely fathom your fortune. And as it seemed, this time fate was on your side.
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imaginewithtearose · 3 years
Idk what your character limit is, so if you're only doing one character per request I get it if you only choose one, but can I request hcs of Chenya, Floyd, and/or Azul with a mute s/o?
Oh thanks for being considerate! I dont have a character limit for the moment, so im taking everyone here :) Such a cute Ask!!! Of course! I had fun writing this! I hope to see you again.
Chenya, Floyd, and Azul with a mute s/o (gender neutral)
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Pretty sure he noticed right away. One of the first that does notice it after meeting you.
Its not a big problem! He is a really talkative cat, so he will find a way to communicate with you.
If he has to learn hand signs, he goes right after his dear friend Riddle. Im pretty sure he knows about it. And then, one sunny afternoon, you found your cat boyfriend in a three, hand singing you a "Hello!" Way too excited.
If you can hear, great, at least he learned to understand you. A big win for you two.
Wanna ask about the reason, but he will just wait until you tell him. He is a prankster, yeah, but he isnt someone to get into your business!
If someone makes fun of you because of this, che'nya just makes a uncomfortable silence until all realizes that it wasn't a fun joke and just runs. In case that doesnt work, che'nya is ready to make that person so scared with his unique magic that he doesnt wanna go back! Never!
Those pranks doesn't make sense, thats what he says. But you know when he winks at you that its his form to say he loves you. Even if saying every day in every form was enough lol.
Anyways, that doesnt save you from his pranks. It just make them more personable!
He wants to see your expressions, all of them, fear, joy, and sadness. Well, not so much your sad face--
One time he just writed a sign that said "look up" and his head was just there, that how you meet him! You were the first person on all of hearstlabyul that falled in the prank! Hahaha!
A little disappointed that couldn't hear you scream but after he learned that you are mute he just went :00000
For your anniversary he makes the same prank and you do a big act of falling into it again. Seeing you smile dorkly makes him wanna hug you all day.
In general, a very supportive cat-boyfriend :)
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What does it mean that you cant talk???? Do you not want floyd to hear you???? Maybe if he hugs you with all of his force your voice will be out!!
Jade stopped him before he did this, dont worry about your health.
He is a little... Emm... He doesn't understand at first. Of the three, he just, cant understand.
Until he remembers that story with a mute mermaid! Ohhh! So you're like her!!
When you nodded, he just happily jumped to hug you.
Jade has to teach floyd how to read hand signs, he didnt do well. But when you offered to teach him, he was a little puppy behind you!!
He rapidly learned and used this to his advantage.
"look y/n this fish doesnt know what im saying to him!!!!!" He was just saying "dumb fish" lmao.
Aggressive agains everyone who makes fun of you. Even if you dont care or notice it. No one can say anything bad to his little shrimp.
Floyd just goes with the flow with this, he learns the basics and if you need something specific, you write it down.
A very supportive and funny eel. I can imagine him being your support and always going behind you so everyone know about his fabulous partner!!
Doesn't make you feel inferior tho, he is just excited about this
In fact, he didnt admit it at first, but you caught his attention because of this.
The curiosity didn't kill the eel, but instead give him an awesome partner :)
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Yeah he is a nerd and all but didnt notice that at first. He just thinks that you are shy and dont want to talk to everyone. Same tho, he says mentally.
Until he has to talk to you about something, and he sees you using hand signs.
“Oh, so thats why...”
Another one that doesn't stop comparing you to that little mermaid who lost her voice for love. Sorry y/n.
Makes everyone at the mostro lounge learn hand sign language. He already know btw. But he just wanted to make you feel comfortable in there.
Another one that if someone makes jokes or bothers you about this, well... Just might warn you that their reputation will fall until apologizes to you lol.
You never suspected about the octopus boi. Well not never but-
He just loves to take walks with you around octavinelle or the nrc, while making you take his arm like the gentleman he is. He likes see you express your day to him. And vice versa.
The way you two became close was because he wanted to take advantage of this condition to make you sign a contract for your voice back. But slowly, he realized that you didnt need something like that, you expressed yourself better than him.
And thats when he falls in love. And ironically, you are the one that confess.
This octo-boi will be with you all the way. A sweet boyfriend who will help you like a true gentleman, or that will cry like a little baby in your arms.
Hope you like this answers!! Have a good day!!!
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anxious-changeling · 3 years
Monster!Narancia, Ghiaccio, and Josuke x F!Monster!Reader Who Cries Easily
TW: mentions of brains and limbs falling off in Josukes section!!!
Cute animals? Cry. Sweet gift from s/o? Cry. Amazing day with your partner? Cry. Bestie are you okay-
This is so long for what -_- anyways enjoy!!!
Living Doll!Narancia x Selkie!Reader
You met one another when Narancia presented you with your pelt, offering a shy apology. He should’ve known better than to pick up some random “fabric”
Honestly he hadn’t known it was a selkie pelt he’d picked up until you came frantically looking for it-
He was very surprised when you bust into tears and thanked him- though he did try to awkwardly comfort you, only causing you to cry harder..
Thankfully he knew a little about what happens to female selkies when men find their pelts so he’s glad he found it first! He really didn’t want such a pretty lady to have her pelt found by some jackass.
Once he got you to calm down he offered to take you out for lunch! He knows a great place that’s calm and has good food!
He doesn’t exactly eat due to his living doll status, but he doesn’t mind rambling while you eat! As you come to know one another you find you enjoy each other’s company and many of the same things!
After a lot of time hanging out and bonding Narancia learns that crying just comes easily to you! He still instinctually goes to comfort you but it’s less frantic!
Sometimes he’ll show you something cute just to see if it’ll make you cry. Cute frog stuffed animal? Tears- Baby horse? Sobbing-
He’ll tease you for your little quirk but if anyone tries to he’s ready to defend you! Fugo and Mista learned that the hard way 😅😅
“That’s my girlfriend asshole don’t you ever make fun of her!”
Naiad!Ghiaccio x Dog Hybrid!Reader
Honestly when you first stumbled upon Ghiaccio’s secluded pond.. it has been loud to say the least.
Nothing’s more terrifying than a angry territorial naiad- you barely had time to dodge an ice spike he hurled at you!
But you couldn’t help but be drawn to the spot, so you began leaving offerings on the edge of the pond! Various baked goods, fresh jams, perfectly ripe fruits, etc. honestly offerings fit for a deity-
When he saw you crying over a flower you’d trampled he was loud and confused. How could you waste tears on a flower of all things??
In all honesty he made the tears worse- but how was he supposed to know? Maybe he should interact with people more-
When you cried over a deer you saw limping in the forest he was confused, why would you cry over something natural? Life and death are natural why shed tears???
You both got to bond over many topics as time went on and became very close! Maybe a little too close~ ;)
When he asked you to become his girlfriend he was very glad you didn’t start crying. His mistake when he presented you with a beautiful gem.. then came the flooding.
Honestly he’ll always wipe away your tears and give you ear scratches to get your tears to stop. Who are you to refuse such a kind gesture? What a sweet boyfriend~
He’s grateful that you have such a sweet soul and see tears as a way to express a great range of emotions!
If anyone tries to mess with you they’ll find themselves on the end of some nasty ice spikes..
He can handle rude ass comments aimed at him but as soon as they target you they’re goners-
Mermaid!Josuke x Zombie!Reader
You and Josuke first met at a secluded beach! He accidentally showed himself to you while being a bit lazy about checking for humans-
Honestly when Josuke first met you he thought you were a human with a looot of scars/stitches.
So imagine his surprise when your hand fell off in front of him, shocking to say the least-
He was in full banshee mode while you calmly reattached your fallen limb- what a wonderfully terrifying experience for the merman..
He finds it really confusing how you’ll sob over anything cute he brings, but don’t shed a tear over a limb that’s fallen off. It’s a very interesting difference in the two things!
He didn’t grow up with any women besides his mother in his pod so maybe it’s just a human woman thing?
He loves bringing you abandoned shells and shiny rocks for you to add to your collection! Sometimes he’ll even get you a pretty treasure from a sunken ship! Or stolen from a human ;)
When he asked you out he was surprised how dry eyed you were. Though was completely taken aback though when you started bawling as he presented you with a flower-
He doesn’t understand what exactly makes you cry but he knows it’s usually a good thing! You’re quirky and he loves you for it💗!
He’ll also give you any fish/seal brains leftover from a hunt! You’ll never go hungry while Josukes around!
He and his pod make sure to keep you well fed and protected! His mother is very proud hes brought home such a wonderful girlfriend~
You return the favor of course by scaring off anyone who dare wander near your beloveds beach ❤️~
“Scram unless you’d like to be my lunch human, this cove is protected incase you’ve forgotten.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Daughter Of Superman, The Adopted Son Of Batman...What Could Go Wrong? PT. 1
Jason Todd x Kryptonian!Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3.8K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I totally forgot about this one! If you like how cute and fluffy it is, just wait for PT. 2! It gets angsty >:) -Thorne
They were pretty lazy teenagers when they weren’t busy saving the world with super speed, strength, and smarts. Even if their textbooks were spread all over his bed they were still too lazy to actually do their homework, instead scrolling through social media apps and trolling all the citizens of San Francisco about the identities of the Young Justice Team.
She glanced up from the advanced calculus textbook and stared at the boy laying across her thighs. “Tim, isn’t your dad hosting a gala this weekend?” he hummed in response, and she asked, “Are we allowed to come?”
He didn’t bother looking up from the tablet he was tapping at and nodded. “Yeah. Bruce already added your names to the list, (Y/N).” a flicker of a smile came over his lips and he added, “Of course I had to wear him down in order to get Bart on the list.”
She looked over at their speedster and grinned. “I’m kinda surprised Bruce actually let you on the list Bart.”
A shocked expression etched across his face and he questioned, “Why do you say that?”
(Y/N) shifted Tim’s head, smiling as he grunted from being moved, and rose from the bed, walking over to the minifridge. She pulled out a soda before jumping back on the bed. “Because between you, Tim, Conner, and me, you’re the one who gets us into the most trouble.” She shifted Tim’s head back into her lap, petting his hair until he smiled.
“I do not!”
“Oh really? Do you remember prom night? It’s been almost two years and they stillcall us and talk about the absolute mess we—well, you caused.”
“That cake wasn’t there when I started running, I swear!” he pointed at Tim. “Tim it wasn’t! You know that!”
The others cackled at his protest, and (Y/N) glanced at Conner. “You gonna bring M’Gann?”
A faint pink tinged his cheeks, and he shifted his gaze down at his physics textbook. “Uh…maybe.”
(Y/N) leaned forward, poking his cheek. “Your heart’s beating pretty fast, little brother.”
He swatted her hand and glared at her. “Shove off.”
She snorted and glanced at Tim. “What about you, Timbers? You going to go with Stephanie?”
“Steph and I aren’t dating anymore, (Y/N).”
“For now. But you two like each other.” She smiled and singsonged, “She’s your first love~”
“What about you?” Tim scowled. “Who’s your date?”
She grunted at him and laid flat in the bed, Bart’s legs under her back. “Are you kidding me? You know my dad won’t let me get a boyfriend, let alone a date to a gala for a night.”
“You’re nineteen, (Y/N). I think you’re allowed to start dating.”
“And my parents help pay for part of my utilities. Does it look like I’m going to do anything to tip that delicate balance of not having to pay for all that?” she sighed. “Dad’s always been that way when it comes to me.”
“Daddy’s little girl.” Conner grinned.
(Y/N) grunted and reached over, shoving Conner off the bed. “Don’t call me that. I am not a daddy’s girl.”
The others laughed at her and Tim quipped, “Yes, you are. You two go on father-daughter dates every month and take pictures to show everyone.” She glared at him and he smiled, continuing, “Maybe we can find a date for you at the gala.”
“You can try. But mom and dad are going to be there. If dad sees me with a boy, he’s liable to lose his mind.” The others laughed again, and (Y/N) rested her head down on Bart’s lap. “I need a dress, Timmy.”
He glanced over at her and tapped a few buttons before showing her the screen. “How does this look?”
(Y/N) took the tablet from him and looked over it, taking in the image of the navy-blue dress. “I like the color, but this is a Cinderella dress. Give me something not as…poofy.” He nodded and took the tablet back, tapped on it, then handed it back to her. “Hmm…too booby.” The other two boys giggled at her answer and Tim sighed, taking the tablet again.
He handed it back to her once more and she looked at the dress. “Mermaid silhouette…sheer side…strappy back…” She glanced up at Tim and nodded. “Got a pair of shoes to match?” He hummed and she grinned. “Then I’ll take it. Thanks Timbers.” He nodded once more, and she nudged Bart. “Oi Allen.”
“Don’t run into the cake at the gala, okay? It’ll probably cost more than you.”
“It was an accident! Stop bringing it up!” The others simply laughed at him.
***At The Kent Farm***
“Mom! Dad! Jon! I’m home!” She shut the door behind her and turned, catching Jon who’d launched himself at her. “Kid you’re getting too big to do that.” He laughed at her and she let him down, ruffling his hair. “Where’s mom and dad?”
“Out back with Krypto.” He tugged on her sweatshirt. “Did you bring me anything from the tower, sissy? Did ya? Did ya?”
(Y/N) snorted and rummaged in her pocket, pulling out one of Tim’s crimson shurikens. “Tim gave this to me to give to you.” She handed it to him but held it when he reached for it, “Do not,” she warned firmly, “cut yourself with this or mom and dad will make you give it back after they finish tearing me a new one for giving it to you.”
“I won’t!” he promised and she watched his eyes light up in wonder when he took it. She ruffled his hair once more before walking towards the backdoor.
She stepped outside and saw her dad throwing a ball with Krypto, her mom watching from the back porch; she walked over and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Hey, mom.”
Lois glanced up at her and smiled. “Hey, sweetheart. You’re home early.”
(Y/N) nodded, sitting down beside her. “School let out for the week, and we didn’t have any missions from the Justice League, so I figured I’d spend a few days here instead of cooped up in the tower.”
“I’m glad you decided to come home, hon. It’s always nice when you come back.”
She looked up and saw Clark walking towards her. “Hey, dad.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Hey sweetheart, how were the boys?”
“They’re good. We did our usual thing.”
Clark sat on her other side. “Collapse on Tim’s bed and lay around like lethargic teenagers?”
(Y/N) snorted and shoved his shoulder lightly. “We were productive young adults. We finished over-break assignments and reports. Well…mostly. Still got that thirty page physics paper I have to write but…I’ll let that stew awhile.”
He chuckled. “Anything else happen today?”
“Talked about the gala this weekend.” She paused. “You guys are coming too, right?” They nodded and (Y/N) laid back on the porch, pulling out her phone. “Ugh…I remember how badly the Wi-Fi sucked out here. I don’t have any service at all.” She looked at her mom. “I don’t how a journalist like you manages to live in the middle of nowhere like this and still stay sane.”
Lois snorted and thumped her leg. “It’s called satellite service. Now c’mon, let’s go inside. Dinner should be done by now.” (Y/N) rose from the porch and they all began walking in when the sound and feel of rushing air came over them. She and Clark immediately spun, ready to defend themselves when they saw Conner hovering in the sky.
His eyebrows were drawn in slight concern. “(Y/N)! We need you!”
She nodded, shucking off her sweatshirt and pants, revealing the blue suit underneath. The crimson cape billowed around her and she glanced up at him. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve got simultaneous bank robberies all over SF. Bart and Tim are already on the first few. I came to get you.”
(Y/N) turned to her parents. “Rain check on dinner guys.” She turned in the direction of San Fransisco, eyes darting wildly as she viewed her teammates positions. After a second, she nodded. “I’ve got em, Bart’s on the east, Tim’s on south. You take north and I’ll take west.”
He nodded and she shot up from the ground. They were almost in San Francisco when her father’s voice reached her. “Be careful, (Y/N).”
She curled her fists when the bank doors came into view and responded, “Always am, dad.”
“The dress looks fine, (Y/N).”
She glanced up at Tim who was smiling at her; she let out a sigh, letting go of the side strap she’d been tugging, still semi-uncomfortable with how it fit. “I know it does. But I feel like it’s still a little…grown up for me. I’ve never had a dress this open in the back or the sides since…ever.” The boys laughed and she smiled at Bart and Conner. “I forgot how well you two cleaned up.”
Bart pulled at both sides of the bowtie and winked at her, while Conner merely grunted, “I still hate tuxedos.”
“You’re definitely going to hate the long hours of your wedding then.” They laughed once more, and the car pulled around the venue.
Tim looked at them and grinned. “Show time, lady and gents.” They followed him out of the limo, grinning at the cameras as they walked inside.
Immediately, the view made her eyes go wide and she gaped. “Damn…this place is…really big.”
Tim shrugged nonchalantly, “I dunno, the ballroom in Wayne manor is bigger, but definitely more expensive.”
Bart shook his head. “Tim, my dude…we live on minimum wage not a billionaire’s salary.” (Y/N) and Conner simply nodded, still dumbfounded at the sheer size.
Tim rolled his eyes and looked around. “There’s Bruce and the others.”
She glanced in the direction he was looking and she saw her parents with Bruce. “Looks like mom and dad are busy chatting.” The others nodded and she turned to Tim. “What exactly are we supposed to do at a gala?”
“Have fun?” (Y/N) heaved a sigh and stared at him until he said, “You dance and drink and eat. That’s all you do.” He waved his hands. “Go knock yourselves out.”
They started to fan out when (Y/N) called out to them. “Wait!” They paused, turning back around. “We should go talk to Bruce and tell him thanks for inviting us.” They nodded and followed Tim over to Bruce.
He saw them coming and turned, holding out his hand to her. “Good to see you, (Y/N). You look wonderful this evening.”
Her cheeks warmed at the compliment and she smiled, giving his hand a firm shake. “It’s good to see you too, Mister Wayne, you don’t look too bad yourself. Thank you for inviting us to the gala.” The others shook his hand, and she turned to her parents. “Hey mom, dad.”
Lois walked around her and squealed, “You look so beautiful!”
(Y/N) cleared her throat, feeling her cheeks warm as the others smiled in her direction. “Mom…chill out, you’re embarrassing me.” She merely laughed but stepped back over to Clark’s side and (Y/N) looked around. “Bart have you—and he’s already at the buffet table.” Snickers sounded behind her and she sighed. “I’m going to make sure that the bottomless pit doesn’t devour all your food before your guests can eat, Mister Wayne.”
They watched her walk off and when she got over to the table Bart was standing in front of, she saw him shoving food in his mouth. “Oh my god…Bart, what are you doing?”
He turned to her, and swallowed, a sheepish smile crossing his face. “I haven’t eaten anything today,” he licked his thumb clean. “I’m hungry.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and sighed. “Just try not to eat your fingers, would you?”
He snorted and pointed to an appetizer. “You should try the pigs-in-a-blanket. They’ve got this sauce on top that’s just—.”
A low voice cut him off. “They have pigs-in-a-blanket! What!” They turned to see a young man a couple years older than them reaching over. “The old man’s never had something this plain at a gala.” He popped one in his mouth, then turned to them. “You’re Timberly’s friends, right?”
They nodded and (Y/N) gazed, something about him tugging at her mind. “I know you from somewhere.” She stared into his teal eyes and suddenly she remembered where she knew him from; she’d never forget those teal eyes and how angry they’d been. “You’re Jason Todd, aren’t you? Bruce’s second son.”
He grinned. “That’s me. Have you and I met before? I have to agree with you, because you look really familiar.”
(Y/N) glared at him and crossed her arms, spitting. “We met in the Hall of Fallen Titans three years ago.”
Jason’s eyes briefly widened, before they narrowed in amusement. “You’re the one who threw me out the third story window after I kicked Timber’s ass.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about all that, doll. Timmy and I are good now. You can ask the speedster about it.”
She continued to glower at him until Bart leaned over, propping his chin on her shoulder. “He’s telling the truth, (Y/N). Tim told me a while back that he and Jason are brothers now.”
Jason nodded and she finally stopped glaring at him. “Just so you know Jason, I can still throw people out windows.”
He smiled and held out a hand, watching her place hers in it; he brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, doll.”
Bart poked her side and grinned. “I’m gonna go see Tim and Conner. I’ll leave you two alone.”
He wandered off and (Y/N) pulled her hand back. “So, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”
Jason chuckled. “Oh, I was. I got better. We just made up a story about me getting lost, yadda yadda yadda, I’m not important.” He propped his elbow on the wall above her and grinned. “But what is important, is how pretty you look in your dress.”
(Y/N) cocked a brow. “Is that supposed to flatter me?”
“Is it not?”
“It could be a little better.”
He laughed and she found herself smiling along with him. He nodded towards the balcony. “Wanna get some air?”
She nodded, and they walked out into the night. (Y/N) gazed up at the stars and sighed in wonder. “There’s billions of them out there…I’ve never tried to leave earth and go search for them on my own.”
Jason leaned on the railing and gazed at her. “How come?”
(Y/N) shrugged, leaning against the railing too. “Dad’s full Kryptonian…me and Jon are, to use a less than favorable term, half-breeds.” She paused. “I’m not sure if I would survive like dad does out in space.”
“Won’t know ‘til you try.”
She huffed a laugh and looked at him. “If I’m wrong, I might die.”
“And if you try and you’re right, you won’t be dead.”
She shook her head at him, a smile playing at her lips. “You’ve got answers to everything, don’t you, Jason?”
He grinned at her. “I find that being sharp and witty helps with the crowds, doll.” The music sounded from inside the ballroom, and he stepped back, offering her a hand. “May I have this dance?”
(Y/N) rested her hand in his, feeling him pull her close, his other hand resting on her lower back; it was warm against her open skin and she cleared her throat. “I should warn you, I can’t dance to save my life.”
A cocky smirk crossed his lips and he leaned down, his lips brushing her ear. “I can take the lead, doll…all you have to do is give it to me.”
“Your flirtations need work too.”
Jason chuckled in her ear, making her shiver as he pulled back. “I don’t think they do.”
“Arrogance isn’t attractive, Jason.”
“It isn’t.”
“I heard you the first time, doll.” As they swayed to the music, he asked, “So, how’d you and Nerd-bird become friends?”
“We met through Conner.”
“The clone?”
“My brother.”
“He introduced the two of us, and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Only friends? Nothing more?”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to smirk and she looked at him. “Are you asking because you want to know if there’s competition?”
He stopped moving and they stood still, her in his arms. “Just want to know if there’s anyone between me and first place.”
She huffed a laugh. “God, you’re something else.” Her eyes found his and she asked, “Do you want to get out of here?”
Jason nodded and stepped back, holding out his hand. “Where do you want to go?”
(Y/N) smirked and stepped forward, closing the distance he’d created, and wrapped an arm around his waist. His teal eyes widened, and she looked back at the party; no one noticed them, and she turned back to face him, “Up, up, and away.” They flew upwards, and she felt him latch onto her. “Why are you acting like I’m going to drop you, Jason?”
He made a waring noise in his throat. “I have a friend who’s an Amazon, and she is…very fond of throwing and dropping me.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Sounds like we’d get along spectacularly. She likes dropping you…I like throwing you out of windows…”
“That was one time. And you caught me when I was off-guard.”
“Uh huh, sure. You got your ass kicked by a sixteen-year-old and I think you’re just bitter.”
He grumbled at her. “Rub it in, why don’t you, doll.” She laughed and lowered them down; their feet hit the roof and he looked at it. “Wayne Enterprises? Why?”
She shrugged. “Cool tower…nice view.” She took a seat on the ledge, listening to him sit beside her.
He leaned over. “Almost romantic…don’t you think?”
(Y/N) eyed him, seeing a goofy smile on his face; she snorted, shoving him lightly. “You’re cheesy.”
“So I’ve been told.”
She glanced back at the water. “You know if this goes anywhere, my dad and your dad aren’t going to be happy.”
Jason snorted, nonchalantly replying, “Doll, there’s a few things I’m afraid of in life. Superman and Batman…are not those things.”
“Is that arrogance or confidence I hear coming through?”
He shrugged. “Probably a bit of both.”
(Y/N) smiled, then she felt his hand rest on hers, letting him link their fingers; she turned her face to him. “Is this the part where you tell me I’m beautiful and ask to kiss me?”
Jason grinned. “No, this is actually the part where I tell you you’re drop dead gorgeous…can I kiss you?”
She giggled, leaning in, and just before his lips brushed hers, she whispered, “You know I can kick your ass, right?”
He groaned. “Should I mention that strong women really do wonders to me?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and brought her free hand up, curling in his shirt. “Shut up and kiss me, Jason.”
“With pleasure.” His lips met hers, and she felt him bring his hand up, cupping her cheek. She pulled back ever-so-slightly, but he chased her, pressing his lips to hers again. He let go of her hand and brought his other hand up. He lowered her down until (Y/N)’s back was flat against the ledge; the chill from the stone made her arch her back off it, and press into his chest.
Jason pulled away slightly and smirked at her. “Cold?”
She rolled her eyes at him. “If you want to keep making out, jokes aren’t going to do the job.” He snorted at her and leaned forward again, intent on kissing her senseless when someone cleared their throat, startling them.
They sat up quick as lightning, turning in the direction of the sound. “I wondered where my daughter had flown off to.”
“Oh my god,” she hissed and covered her face with her hands. “Dad. C’mon…seriously?” Clark stepped onto the ledge and walked towards them.
Jason leaned down, whispering, “Is he going to throw me off the ledge?”
This made her giggle despite trying not to and she shoved him. “Shut up, Jason.”
He grinned at her and rose from his position, standing in front of her father. “Mister Kent.”
“That’s my daughter.”
“Oh, I know it is. I still remember how she threw me out of a building a few years ago. I get teary thinking about it.”
The corner of Clarks mouth rose, but then dipped back down, and (Y/N) stood up. “Dad, I’m nineteen. This whole, ‘daddy’s little girl can’t date’ bit, is getting old.” A hurt look crossed his face and she stepped forward, taking his hand. “To you, I’ll always be your little girl, dad. But sooner or later you’ve gotta come to grips with me dating and having…mature relationships.”
Clark held her gaze, then glanced at Jason who grinned and gave a thumbs up. “Does it have to be one of his kids? I mean if it’s going to be, I like Tim.”
“Ew, gross. Tim’s my best friend.”
“What about Dick?”
“Nice butt, but he and Kori are dating.” She paused and smiled at him. “The only one left is Jason, dad.”
Clark eyed Jason once more, then Jason offered, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m slightly afraid of your daughter.”
He sighed. “Thank you, Jason. I can tell.” Turning to her, he cupped her cheek. “It feels like yesterday I was bringing you home for the first time.”
“Dad…stop…we don’t need sentimentality right now.”
Clark hummed and smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead; he turned to Jason and leveled him with a hard look. “I don’t think I need to warn you about what happens if you make her sad.”
Jason gave him a mock salute. “Chances are I’ll be in ICU after I was thrown out a building.”
“Oh my god. Let that go.”
They laughed, and Clark rose from the rooftop. “I’ll need to get back to the party. Don’t do anything crazy.”
They waved him off and (Y/N) turned to Jason. “Do you want to get something to eat?”
He nodded. “There’s a pizza shop down the block from here.”
“Sounds great.” (Y/N) rose a few feet off the roof when she heard a cough behind her.
She spun around and looked down at Jason. “Doll…I don’t know if you know this…but I can’t fly.”
“Whoops. My bad.” She lowered back onto the rooftop and held out her arm.
He walked into it and wrapped an arm around her waist, then tipped his head to her. “Up, up, and away.”
(Y/N) snorted as she rose. “You’re still cheesy, Jason.”
The grip on her waist tightened as he murmured, “I know.”
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plaidbooks · 2 years
Ask a Dad part 5
A/N: Hey y’all! So, this is the last chapter I have written so far for this series--let me know if you want more! Next chapter would be some Sonny/Jude bonding time.
Tags: none
Words: 1401
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba  @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy  @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl  @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
After your confession to Sonny, your relationship became much smoother. In the dates afterwards, he’d offer to pay, rather than just doing it, and if you said that you wanted to, he’d let you without a fuss. Eventually, neither of you kept count on who paid for what; it was just unconscious.
But the question that came with every relationship appeared in the back of your mind; when were you going to have him meet Jude? Though, it was different with Sonny; he had already met your son before you were dating, and he had had a great rapport with him. But dealing with Jude as first a fan, then a delinquent, wasn’t the same as….
The word son floated through your mind, but you squashed it quickly; you didn’t want Sonny to be Jude’s dad. Okay, well, that wasn’t quite true—it was more complicated than that. You didn’t date anyone with the intent to give Jude a father. And while it would be nice to have a fatherly figure in the home, it was ultimately up to your son. The first step was always finding someone who genuinely liked kids and could raise them well. But the second and most important step was Jude accepting him, too.
Jude was as integral in your life as you were in his. There was no hiding the fact that you were dating—you wouldn’t hide that from him, anyways—but you were hiding the little tidbit that it was Sonny. You just didn’t want to bridge that gap, not yet. But, of course, Sonny was the first to broach the subject.
“Hey, there’s a new exhibit coming in at the MoMA,” he started. “I bet I could get tickets for the three of us…you, me, Jude.”
Your first instinct was to shut him down, but you hesitated. Jude was getting more into art after the talk with his counselor about possible college paths. And the fact that Sonny remembered what Jude was interested in—you told him once, months ago—was heartwarming.
When you didn’t answer right away, Sonny continued. “Look, I know you’re highly protective of him. But…I want to take the next step in our relationship.”
“Like…moving in together?” you asked softly.
He grinned. “In a normal relationship, that may be the next step, but I think that’s step three for us. No, the next step is meetin’ Jude. Officially, not as a youtuber and definitely not as a cop. I wanna meet him as your boyfriend, but only if you’re ready for that.”
You swallowed against the lump in your throat; how would you tell him? “Hey, just so you know, I’m dating the ‘Ask a Dad’ guy….”
Sonny squeezed your hand reassuringly, and you looked up into his eyes. “I do want you two to meet—officially—but I’m not quite sure how to go about it.” You shook your head, “it’s not like when he was younger, and I could introduce you as mommy’s friend….”
He chuckled at that. “Jude’s old enough to understand what a relationship is, doll.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, “it’s up to you; I’m not gonna push ya. But I’m ready if you are, and I can be there if ya want me ta be.”
“I think I should…do it alone. At least to break the news. If it goes well, then we can go to MoMA together, maybe catch lunch?” You thought about Jude and Sonny sitting down for a meal, and it just made your head start to spin.
“Let’s take it slow, one step at a time, doll. Talk to him, first, and we can go from there.”
Sonny had been right; trying to think about the future made you anxious. Your mind drifted from where you were currently, to Sonny just living with you both, being a part of your lives. It was the in between that was muddy, and it made you hesitate. If Jude didn’t approve of Sonny, you weren’t sure what you’d do. You loved Sonny; you hadn’t told him yet, of course, preserving the words for after you told Jude, but at this point, you were having trouble picturing your future without him.
You decided to tell him on a Friday night, that way he could mope in his room all weekend if he wanted, rather than having to go to school like everything was normal. You ordered a pizza before you left work, then let Jude know so he could answer the door if they beat you to your home.
The pizza was indeed there before you, and Jude was already happily eating it as you came into the apartment. You froze for a fraction of a second when you heard Sonny’s voice before realizing it was coming from Jude’s laptop.
“New video?” you asked, voice a little dead-panned.
He hit the spacebar, pausing the video. “Nah, just a repeat. How was work?”
You both fell into your routine of asking about your days—and making sure homework was done—as you went to the kitchen for a drink. You stuck with water and grabbed a soda for your son before joining him on the couch with your own slices of dinner.
“Can we talk?” you asked. You felt a little silly saying that to Jude, but you wanted him to realize this was an important talk and to pay attention.
As such, he sat up a little straighter. “Oh god, I’m going to meet your boyfriend, aren’t I?” he replied. Sometimes, he stunned you with how smart he was.
“You are, if you want. But, um…you’ve already met him before.” When Jude simply blinked at you, you quickly blurted out, “it’s Sonny.”
“Nuh uh,” he said in a childish tone.
“Yeah huh,” you answered, just as childish.
He smiled at you, eyes disbelieving. “Yeah, and I’m dating Betty Crocker.”
“I’m being serious here!”
“Oh, so am I,” he replied, taking a bite of pizza. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone. “What’re you doing?” Jude asked, sitting up and trying to look at your phone screen.
“Texting him to come over,” you said, tucking your phone back into your pocket.
It took Sonny fifteen minutes to knock on the door, and the entire time, Jude was trying to call your bluff. But once you opened the door and ushered Sonny inside, your son’s jaw dropped.
“You’re really dating Sonny?!” he asked, quickly getting to his feet.
The former grinned sheepishly. “I am, yeah. Your mom and I have been dating for a lil bit. Is that okay with you?”
“Okay? That’s awesome! Mom’s dating a famous guy!” he exclaimed. Before you could correct him, he asked Sonny, “can I be in the next video? Please?”
Sonny looked to you, “um…ask your mother.”
“Can I mom, please, can I?”
Well, at least he was taking this well. “I’ll have to…think about it,” you responded. There were privacy issues you’d have to talk to Sonny about. Another time. “But first, I wanted to tell you that Sonny invited us to see the new exhibit at MoMA—”
“No way; the Rembrandt exhibit?” Jude looked from you to Sonny, eyes sparkling. “I was going to try and convince mom to take me!”
Sonny smiled, a more genuine look on his face. “Well, no need ta convince her; I’ll pick up the tickets tomorrow,” he looked back to you, “as long as there’s no objections?”
“None,” you replied, smile matching his. This went much better than you had hoped…even if you had to sit Jude down and explain the difference between internet famous and famous. You also didn’t want him to only like Sonny because of some grandeur image of fame.
Jude jumped up and down, unable to contain his excitement. “Is Sonny staying over? Can I show him some of my art?”
You glanced at Sonny with raised eyebrows—he seemed just as excited as Jude was. “Ask him, not me,” you replied with a smile.
“I’d love ta see your art,” Sonny said, eyes crinkling with his smile. Jude turned and hurried to his room, the sound of things rustling emitting from within signifying his search for his art books.
“There’s pizza in the kitchen; want me to grab you a slice or two?” you asked Sonny with a soft voice.
His expression was warm as he smiled. “I’d love that.”
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kerasines · 3 years
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Jikook Fic Recs
Rafa @userjiminie asked for Jikook fics and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t end up making a whole rec list, so here we are!
the little mermaid by cartographic (T, 5k) “Does Jungkook think we’re dating?” Jimin grabbed at his collar. “Are we dating? Why didn’t anybody tell me? Shouldn’t there have been a card, or a cake?” “Do you want a cake?” “Well,” Jimin said.
Riptide by peppermint_wind (M, 62k) Jeon Jungkook is still just a kid when he sets out for Seoul. He knows about the tall buildings, the maze-like roadways, and dorm life he's signed up for. He expects the difficulties of being a trainee, finds it in the holes of his worn out dance shoes and countless sleepless nights. But what he doesn't expect, could never expect, is meeting Park Jimin. It's then Jungkook realizes that there's more to learn in Seoul than dance choreographies: about growing up, falling in love, and about himself.
washing machine heart by pulses (G, 3k) “The most memorable moment in Japan?” Jungkook repeats. “Definitely sleeping in with Jimin-hyung.” Or: Jungkook has a lot of himself to give, but only so much others will take. Even then, sometimes those pieces will be the few he had wanted to keep. Or: A story about making your own choices.
it always feels like the first time by cephalopop (E, 6k) “Maybe if we set some ground rules first,” Jimin says quietly. “Like no marks when we’re filming. Or a limit on how long we’re going to do this.” Boundaries, Jimin reminds himself. You read about that somewhere. “No marks,” Jeongguk agrees, eyes still trained on Jimin’s mouth. Jimin suppresses a shiver. His mouth feels swollen already, even though they’ve barely kissed. “Let me get cleaned up, Jeongguk-ah. Wait for me in the bedroom.”
it's no secret +  let's get physical +  i bloom just for you by cephalopop and unconscious (E, 25k... but there’s a 50k sequel that’s just Taemin/Kai that everyone should read too and I say this as someone who barely knows who they are) “I don’t want to cause you any trouble,” Taemin lies. Causing trouble is exactly what he wants to do. If Jeongguk’s touching Jimin like that, and staring at Taemin like this, and those two aren’t fucking, there’s a serious problem in the Bangtan group dynamics.
ways of seeing by unconscious (M, 4k) Cameras have been a constant fixture in their lives; even in their absence Jungkook feels their phantom weight in the way he walks and adjusts his posture and smooths nonexistent wrinkles in his shirt. His image on film is always a shadow on the edge of his vision, a warning, a shackling of his spontaneity. Everything must be considered. When he takes the camera in his own hands, though, things… Things settle, in a way. He feels in control. If he’s behind the lens, it’s not trained on him. With the camera in hand he can look as much as he wants. Or: GCF in Tokyo.
I'll Be Your Island by sleep_song (E, 4k) Hawaii ended up bringing out the desperation in both of them.
i don't usually give in to peer pressure (but i'll give into yours) by islandbreeze (E, 6k) They agreed, last time, like all the other times, it shouldn’t happen again. But it’s been almost a month since the last time, and Jungkook is lonely, and sexually frustrated, and disturbingly, misses Jimin. He’s tried to rationalize it, dismiss it, convince himself that it’s just like scratching a physical itch for both of them, nothing more. Deep down, though, he knows that’s not true.
These Moments and Vibrant Hues by miss_begonia (M, 3k) Idol life is not conducive to being boyfriends, but Jungkook is really fucking stubborn.
in the darkness, your light by Mother of Pearl (M, 25k) Jungkook dreamed of a gallery show, his name on a placard, limited run signed prints of his photographs. What he found instead when he arrived in Seoul was an uninspiring job driving a taxi and a sea of faces half-hidden behind masks. Now, with tightening restrictions to curb the pandemic and the new year looming, it’s time to decide: stay in Seoul or return home? Into this moment enters an early-morning fare, an exhausted nurse who might just be the inspiration he's been searching for. Or: One lonely winter morning while Seoul sleeps, Jungkook has a chance meeting with a quiet stranger whose smile lights up his whole world.
stay (i really want you to) by jeyhawk (E, 18k) "Come home with me," Jimin says. "What?" Jeongguk looks at Jimin as if he lost his mind, eyes red and wet with tears."Come home with me," Jimin repeats. "You're not gonna find a better option at this time of night and the bus'll be here in five minutes."
the apparition of these faces in the crowd by cartographic (E, 29k) Jimin wasn’t the type to spam spit in my mouth king, but he also couldn’t say he didn’t not want to say that. Or: Jimin struggles with three issues: his rampant addiction to camboy Bad Buff Bunny, the advancing (maybe) attention of the ridiculously attractive stud that was Jungkook, and himself.
kissed the canvas by pieces (E, 53k) Jeon Jeongguk might be one of the best boxers in the world, but he's not superhuman. Meaning, he, like everyone else, is just a little bit weak for Park Jimin – Korea's darling idol. When he finds himself at Gold Star Entertainment for his photoshoot as a sponsor of Jimin's SPREAD YOUR WINGS athleisure clothing line campaign, he doesn't expect Jimin himself to be the one showing him the ropes.
the sun hasn't died by idazzle (T, 16k) Jimin and Jungkook have been together for five years. They are hunters in a post-apocalyptic world crawling with monsters. Everything changes when in the middle of preparing for their anniversary Jimin finds out a life-ruining secret that Jungkook has been hiding...
the heart of a siren by namakemono (E, 92k) Beware of what you take from the sea. She is not a treasure to be plundered, but a dark, vast void that will swallow you up and think nothing of it.
Falling for you again by Rose_gold715 (T, 31k) Jungkook loses all memory of the last five years of his life. Jimin is scared he will never love him again.
Black Swan by serendiplini (E, 24k) After spending hours painstakingly following a tutorial from his favorite beauty youtuber Jeongguk, Jimin just so happens to run into him at a club. [or: hot twink does my makeup - not clickbait]
Snowed In by bloomuntilweache (T, 9k) Getting snowed in with a one night stand wasn't exactly the Christmas Eve Jungkook or Jimin had planned.
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Song of a Mermaid Warrior pt 2
Part 2 to the mermaid story!
Decided to continue it, wanted to see where Jordan's story ends up.
You can read pt 1 here.
“Well, well, well! Never thought I’d see the mermaid herself swimming over to my fetid swamp here in the slums!”
A slim young man with bright purple hair grinned, flipping a silver coin into the air over and over without looking at it. “Thought you said you were never coming back? What, did your last book not sell as well now that you're peddling comforting little lies about your species?”
Jordan leaned against the doorframe of the dilapidated shop, wondering for the thousandth time if this was a bad idea. She knew the answer, deep down, but chose to ignore it. “Tock, cut the crap.”
“Oh sweetie, you haven’t changed. “ Tock laughed. “ I can cut the crap, but not sure what use it would be… crap is notoriously difficult to cut, tends to mush up, you know… and whose crap should be cut? Mine?” He shrugged. “ Sorry to say this body doesn’t make physical waste. What about yours?”
Jordan rubbed her forehead. “I should have known better than to do anything other than speak as literally as possible… I hate fairies.”
“You only know one fairy, darling.” Tock’s eyes blinked, the irises turning green, than orange, than staying at a robin’s egg blue. “Unfair of you to judge the whole species just because you don’t like me. Especially because I have been nothing but fair and helpful to you.”
“You tried to trick me into giving you my skin.”
“TRIED. Tried is the key word there. Plus you didn’t fall for it, so what’s the problem?”
Jordan sighed, knowing that there was never any point with arguing with Tock.
She had run into the fairy over two years ago. At that time she was frantic, trying to find Hunter’s location, and her desperation had led her to the darker corners of the city. She had spent every last coin she had, unable to eat or sleep, and at her darkest moment, she stumbled into Tock’s shop. Later Jordan had realized that it was likely that despair that had allowed her to find his place. There were magic wards to keep all but the most vulnerable out.
When they met, Tock had seen her madness, her obsession, and was ecstatic. He tried to get her to agree to many terrible deals in exchange for tracking down Hunter and after adding a small addendum she had agreed, feeling that whatever price she had to pay was worth it.
In the end, the addendum she had insisted on saved her skin, quite literally. She had added on a time limit that he had to track Hunter down and arrange a meeting. And to Tock’s shock and dismay, whatever elven magic was hiding Hunter’s identity; it was beyond the fairy’s ability to dismantle.
Tock had failed to find Hunter, and the contract expired. Jordan left, at the time feeling a strange mix of disappointment at the failure and gratitude to be still in one piece. As they parted ways, she swore never to come back to his broken place of deals with the devil.
Until today.
“So what brings you here, my lovely little fish?” Tock flipped his coin again, and it sizzled as it disappeared into thin air. “Still trying to find that stubborn elf boyfriend of yours?”
“He was just a friend, and no. I gave up on him years ago.”
Tock frowned, blinking as his eyes turned a bronze color. “Pity. Your skin has only gotten prettier since the last time I saw it… would love to find your price to part with it.”
“…” The memory of Hunter cheerfully making plans to run away with her still hung in her mind. What was it that he had said? “We might lose our clothes and money, but at least we’d have a fun story to tell”? We had no idea what real fairies were like. The ocean’s song in Jordan’s ears was rising, she kept her lips closed to hold back the seductive call of the magic. The fairy noticed her struggle, backing away slightly.
“Fine, fine, no more talk about your skin. Why are you mermaids so sensitive about losing organs?” He paused for a moment, thinking. “Mermaids regenerate, right? Or was that trolls?”
“Tock….” The name was forced out between clenched teeth.
The fairy rolled his eyes, changing them to a pure silver color. “So what deal DO you want to make today, my angry mermaid friend?”
She dug through her pocket handing over a silver badge with a handkerchief. Her touch shouldn’t affect his abilities, but Jordan still didn’t want to touch it. It represented something she had tried to move beyond in the last few years, a part of the past that caused her to wake up sobbing some nights, and to stay up drinking others.
Hunter had been her only friend, the only person in this world she thought she could trust. She had learned the hard way how foolish that trust had been. But once she had finally made peace with that fact, he had sent someone to intrude in her life once more. After forcing her to stay out of his battle, he was inviting her to join him, dangling the one thing he knew she couldn’t resist to get her to agree: the existence of other full blood mermaids.
She wasn’t going to play by his rules. If he was expecting her to run back to his side after forcing her away years ago, he would be sorely disappointed. And if she was going to use the clue he had given her, it was for her reasons and no one else’s. Because for everything he had gotten wrong, Hunter had gotten one thing very right:
She did want to find the mermaids in the city.
Not out of any sense of loyalty or need to find others like her, however. She was simply desperate. The instincts to fight and kill, to use her magic to trap and destroy, grew stronger by the day. Soon she was afraid she’d start killing innocent people. She needed to find a way to control it.
Jordan was hoping that other mermaids would know how.
Maybe other mermaids don’t have this problem. She thought at her darkest moments. Maybe I’m just a killer, a monster.
She tried not to think about that to often.
Tock gingerly picked up the badge, his eyes widening with surprise and turning a glowing violet.
“You always have the best things! Let’s see… silver… It was made several years ago… it had other forms years ago… but the owners of those items died quite violently…” He paused, glancing at her curiously. “Your handiwork, I would guess?”
“No comment.”
“Such an unfriendly fish… good thing you have such pretty skin, otherwise I wouldn’t pay you any attention.” He turned back towards the badge in his hand. “It was made with care and love… quite a pure emotion of care… along with a large amount of hope, all mixed in with the silver as it was reformed… it was part of a set?”
“Yes.” She swallowed uncomfortably, pushing back the memories of a young naïve girl, who thought herself hardened and bitter, carefully making a birthday present for her best friend.
“Can I see the other one?”
She thought of the location of the badge she had once treasured. “No.”
Tock pouted. “Fine. It contains quite a few auras, but the strongest one… is quite familiar.” His eyes turned a bright angry red. “Elf!”
“Yeah, it was Hunter’s.”
“That BASTARD! His blasted elf magic forced me to lose my contract with you!” He tossed the badge to the counter with a disgusted grimace. “You’ll never be that perfect combination of desperate and vulnerable again!” He looked back at me. “You are STILL trying to find that elf who dumped you three years ago? And I thought you had standards.”
The ocean song roared in her ears as it sensed her anger, pushing at her control, leaking from her lips. She could feel it swelling beneath her skin, threatening to force itself out. Tock rolled his eyes at the sight.
“Don’t try your battle magic here. You may be quite terrifying to meet in a dark alleyway, but I have some great wards in place.” He sneered as she kept her lips closed tightly. “Just a word of advice: Don’t face off a fairy in his own home.”
Jordan forced her magic down with great struggle, every instinct wanting to lash out. “I don’t want you to find Hunter. I want to know most frequent locations this amulet has been over the past six months.”
“And that’s not the same thing because…”
“Because it’s not him I’m wanting to find.” If he's found mermaids, then the locations he's been, the people he's spoken to... they'll be clues to track them down.
Tock raised an eyebrow. “Then what ARE you trying to find?”
“None of your business. I just need the locations this object has been most frequently.”
“Very well.” His smile became sly, his eyes shifting away from the angry red to a dark blue. “What deal shall we make for me to do this? How about your skin…”
The last word trailed off as Jordan held up a golden coin.
The silence in the room stretched on, as Tock’s gaze was locked on the object in her hand. His eye color was shifting rapidly, brown, grey, orange, green, before the whole eye filled with color finally turning a solid, glowing silver. His shoulders twitched, and his teeth grew longer in his mouth, the sharp points pressing into his still human appearing lips.
“Where did you get that?” His whisper had lost all of his previous joking tone. There was a small amount of magic woven into his words, a minor compelling spell to force her to speak, and speak truthfully. It buried itself in her ear, making her thoughts foggy. Jordan smiled, shaking her head as the ocean song within her rose in volume, drowning out the fairy magic easily, keeping her mind clear.
“I’ve picked up a lot of things these past few years.”
“No.” Jordan flipped the coin, mimicking the fairy’s earlier actions. “Don’t try your magic on me, fairy. I’ve had too many years of practice ignoring magical compulsions.”
“Fine.” He sighed loudly. “Do you know what it is you have there? Do you know if there’s any more?”
“I’ve heard stories… tales only whispered in dark alleys and in crumbling basements. Do you know in schools here they teach that the humans are the only ones affected by the Darkness? That losing the ability to have children was the be all and end all of the curse?”
“…” Tock kept silent, staring at her. Shrugging, she continued with a mocking smile.
“What a limited view, right? Turns out that everyone lost something to the Darkness. Every single one. It took whatever that species valued most. For humans, such a short-lived, social people, it was taking away the ability to make new generations. But fairies… you are born of magic and air, part of nature and outside of time. Procreation means nothing to you.” She flipped the coin up, letting it spin in the air before catching it and holding it firmly in her hand. “The Darkness took something much more important to you fairies.”
Tock was trembling at her words, unclear if it was with fear or anger. “What do you think the Darkness took from us?”
Jordan glanced at his empty back. “Your wings.”
“…” The fairy’s hands were gripping the counter in front of him. His fingers sank into the wood as easily as if it was made of clay.
“If it were just something to help you fly, I bet you would have simply made do without them. But they represent something much more important, don’t they?” She leaned closer, ignoring his threatening aura. “That’s where fairies store their magic. So now you have the live with the scraps of magic you absorb from the earth and enchanted items, unable to store it within yourself. That’s why you work here, in this pitiful little shop, unable to do more than hide behind these wards and peddle minor magic tricks for favors.”
“Be careful, mermaid…”
“Oh I’m careful enough, Tock.” She opened her hand and stared at the coin in her palm. “No wonder you wanted my skin… how much magic should be stored within it, I wonder. Enough to last you a few years I would think. Which is why this little coin is so important to you.”
“Fairy gold.” She held it up again. “Quite pretty, actually, looks like the real thing even on close inspection. But if I were to try to spend it… it would expel all the magic stored inside, turning to wood and taking away my lifetime’s luck. An inconvenience for me… but for you?” She grinned. “It stores enough magic for you to live comfortably for quite some time. You could leave this shop, set up protective wards wherever you ended up. Magic enough to stabilize your appearance so your eyes and ears don’t change; let you blend in if you wanted to leave your house for a change. “
“So what do you say, Tock.” Jordan flipped the coin one last time. “Do we have a deal?”
After a long pause, the fairy spoke up. “… I …”
The shop door slammed open and a short redheaded young man burst in. As he rushed to the counter, Jordan got a closer look. He was a few inches shorter than her, his leaner frame still obviously muscular. His facial features were handsome, with bright green eyes that glowed with excitement and fiery red hair that was cropped short. He wore regular clothing, a grey t shirt and jeans, and would have seemed very average except for the massive axe strapped to his back.
Who the heck is this?
“Glit, this isn’t the time.” Tock warned, his tone still angry and tense.
“No, Tock, I’ve been thinking about it… maybe I SHOULD be willing to compromise… exactly how much skin would you need to help me find the dwarves?”
The fairy’s eyes glowed an excited gold, his teeth retracting once more as he stabilized his appearance. “Well now…”
“Add his bill to mine.” Jordan interrupted, glaring at Tock. “No skin.”
“But… that’s unfair! We already had a deal!”
“You didn’t accept it in time, so now the deal has changed. “ She shrugged “The price I’m offering is more than enough to cover us both. I would suggest you take the deal before it changes again.”
Tock glared. “FINE! FINE, I ACCEPT!”
The young man turned to her, shocked. She met his gaze, holding back the urge to sigh. Jordan wasn’t much one for random acts of kindness to strangers, but he reminded her of herself a few years ago. Lost, desperate… the only kind of people who can slip past Tock’s wards. She just wasn’t sure what his reaction would be to her interference… annoyance? Gratitude?’
He grinned at her. “You look really strong! Wanna fight?!”
… Well that certainly hadn’t been the reaction she was expecting.
“Maybe later…”
His shoulders slumped. “Dangit. I was losing hope of meeting a strong person in this awful city… no offense if you like it here.”
“None taken, I don’t.”
“I finally meet someone worthy of a good fight, and I make a terrible first impression.” He sighed. “My Ma always did say I needed to work on my introductions.”
“…And you are?”
His eyes widened. “I haven’t told you that yet?” His hand slapped his forehead. “Sorry, must have been distracted by the whole ‘trading my skin’ thing. I’m Glitenaere ni Tolk Vhelarite, firstborn of Marleiun ge Nerturin, the greatest Dwarven warrior alive… but you can call me Glit!”
She looked over the short young man. “You are the greatest warrior?”
“Nope. My Ma.”
“You’re a dwarf?”
“Since I was born.”
Jordan felt curious, having only ever read about dwarves from human textbooks, which said they were a reclusive, unfriendly race.
The reportedly unfriendly, reclusive dwarf was reaching out to shake her hand. “Thanks for the saving my skin, friend!”
She didn’t take his hand. “Shouldn’t you have a beard?”
Tock burst out into laughter, his eyes turning a humorous magenta. “Wow, way to go straight for the gut.”
“Aww, shut up fairy, she didn’t mean anything by it. Can’t blame her for not knowing in a city like this.” Glit leaned against the counter, rubbing his chin with an idle hand. “I’m a darkling, a child born infected by the Darkness.”
“Every race lost something.” Jordan whispered.
“Not everyone was infected, but those who were never grew beards.” He looked sad for a brief moment. “It’s a symbol of strength, of connection to the Earth… everything in our culture revolves around it.”
“What about the women?”
“Oh they grow them too. You should see my Ma. Her beard makes all the boys cry with jealousy.” Glit laughed. “They all thought with her being the strongest and all, her child would be too… but…”
“Oh don’t worry, friend. I’m not weak. I may not have a connection with the earth and a powerful beard, but I’m a force to be reckoned with when I have an axe in my hand!”
Tock looked up, his eyes turning bright white. “You may have to test that out sooner rather than later. We have company.”
BANG! Something slammed into the closed door behind them.
Jordan took a defensive stance, while Glit drew his axe. “Who’s coming?”
“Probably one of those damn purity obsessed groups. They constantly sweep the slums, looking for low bloods and part elves. Usually the wards keep them away, but today, I got a little… distracted. “
“Great. Not really in the mood to deal with these guys, Tock.”
“They bad guys?” Glit spoke up.
“Yep.” Jordan answered softly. “They do horrible things to those who can’t defend themselves.”
“Fair enough. Today they picked on the wrong type of people, though.” Glit grinned. “Let’s kill them!”
His easy acceptance of the violence they would face ahead gave her a little pause. Before she could examine it too closely, the door crashed open, and a large group of men wearing black cloths around the lower halves of their faces rushed in. In their hands were standard pistols, the dull metal glinting off the many lamps of Tock’s shop.
“Looks like we got a haul, boys!” One of them spotted Glit and Jordan, his eyes widening with shock. “That short one definitely can’t be high purity… he’s either a low blood or a dirty elf mix blood! And the other…” He glanced and Jordan and laughed. “A No Blood? Thought they were all gone!”
Glit twirled the massive axe in his hand with ease, looking confused. “Do I look like an elf?”
Jordan thought of the tall quiet young man who had always followed behind her, always trying to avoid violence. “Not even a little.”
“Ah.” He tossed the axe lightly, catching it with the other hand. “Hey fellas, despite your insults and poor eyesight, I’m gonna be nice. Here’s your one chance to run away, before my strong friend and I start slicing you to pieces.”
Even with the majority of his face covered, the disdain on the attacker’s face was evident. “Shut up, dirty elf! Even with your axe, you really think you can face a group with guns?" He snorted, "Now we’re gonna have fun killing you.”
Glit just laughed at the threat. “I was hoping you guys would say that!”
As the group of attackers spread out around the room, he turned to face one side, leaving his back open to Jordan.
Jordan hesitated briefly at Glit’s open back, startled at the gesture of trust, before slowly turning to cover him. She glanced around to see that Tock had disappeared before closing her eyes, calling up the song within her and setting it free.
From her mouth a song of battle rang out. Several of the attackers stopped in their tracks, caught in her illusion, but the rest were only mildly affected, just barely losing their grips on their weapons.
Jordan cursed silently, still singing. Her magic was very effective against small groups of enemies, but the more people it was spread out against, the less useful it would be.
As the song of death spilled constantly from her lips, she felt her nails grow out into claws and moved forward, striking the attackers that were not incapacitated first. From the side she heard Glit run forward, spinning his axe, blood and tissue flying through the air as he cut through enemies.
Blood dripped from her fingers. She heard someone behind her, preparing to strike and turned, grabbing his neck. She felt the water within his heart, and used her magic to stop it in place. His face turned pale, and clutching his chest, he fell to the ground.
Jordan was feeling the drain of her magic. Her vision was turning a bright blue, the song growing in her mind, calling for her to give in completely.
BANG! A shot rang out past her ear, and sensing the danger, the song surged louder in her soul.
Can’t give up all control to my instincts. She thought grimly, slicing the shooter’s face. I might just lose myself completely.
It was hard, fighting against physical enemies while resisting the magical bind of her own blood, but Jordan forced herself forward, grateful for the help of the dwarf beside her. If she had faced all these enemies by herself, she might have lost to the bloodlust within her.
The air was filled with blood and screams.
And then… there was silence.
Jordan’s vision cleared as she forced the song of the ocean down, keeping it tightly controlled within herself. Her nails retracted and she stood in place, staring down at the blood on her hands.
Hunter always said he didn’t want me to be a killer. She closed her eyes briefly with pain. She felt dirty, worthless. Maybe if I wasn’t one he wouldn’t have left me behind.
Lost in her thoughts, she only came out of it as she felt a warm touch on her hands. Shocked, her eyes flew open, only to see Glit pushing a large wet cloth into her grasp.
“Here, friend, you can clean your hands with this.”
She paused, unused to the kindness, but took it anyways. “Thanks.”
“No problem! You’re amazing! That battle song… had magic in it right? Are you not human?”
“Mermaid.” The word came out before she could stop it, and Jordan pressed her lips together, annoyed. He’s a stranger. No need to tell him anything more. She tucked the dirty rag in her pocket, not wanting to give Tock a free sample of her blood.
“Really? I thought they had all disappeared!” Glit’s face lit up. “My Ma always said that the mermaids were the only warriors she wouldn’t want to face up against! That’s awesome!”
She glanced at the dismembered bodies on his side of the room. “You’re not such a bad fighter yourself.”
His smile brightened. “Really? Thanks! Those guys back home thought I was pretty useless, being a Darkling and all, but if a mermaid warrior says so, I’ll trust your opinion!”
“This is all very touching… but what am I supposed to do about the mess you made?” Tock’s annoyed tone caught their attention.
“We fought off your attackers while you hid in the back, fairy.” Jordan raised an eyebrow. “You can worry about the mess. You’re lucky we don’t charge you for the service.”
“Yeah, what she said!” Glit crossed his arms, standing at her shoulder, and smiled at Tock, the still bloody axe in his hand making the gesture threatening.
Tock rolled his now yellow eyes. “Fine. While you two were gleefully tearing those idiots to pieces, I finished the tasks you gave me.” He spread a map on the counter, ignoring as the far corner was stained with blood. Jordan recognized it as a map of the city. With a golden pen the fairy circled a few buildings. “Here’s where the amulet has spent the most time in the last six months, in order of most time spent.”
She glanced over at Glit beside her. “And the dwarves?”
“Tougher, since he doesn’t have a possession from the dwarves in question, but…” He picked up a silver marker, and circled one place. “There is a high concentration of earth magic here.”
Glit and Jordan stared at the spot, where silver and gold overlapped.
“Looks like me might be looking for the same place.” She whispered.
“Really? That’s great, friend!” He paused. “By the way, what’s your name?”
“Jordan. But I don’t think we’re friends. I don’t trust anyone.” Not anymore.
“Jordan!” He grinned. “Don’t worry, we can still be friends. You don’t have to trust me. I’ll trust you enough for the both of us.”
Tock groaned. “You’re so naïve… why couldn’t you have shown up when the mermaid wasn’t around?! I could have extorted you for so much skin!”
Jordan grabbed the map silently, unsure of how to respond to the dwarf’s enthusiasm.
“If you’re going there, can we go together? I’m looking for a large group of dwarves that disappeared, we think they might be being held captive in the city.”
“…You really shouldn’t trust people so easily.” Her words came out as a pained whisper.
Glit’s face became solemn for the first time since they met. “It’s okay. I’ve grown up in a world that hates me. It’s not been easy, but over the years, I’ve developed a good sense of those around me, and what kind of people they are.”
“And kind of person do you think I am?” She was genuinely curious what the cheerful dwarf thought of her.
“You? Well, you’re someone who cares too much and wishes you wouldn’t. My guess is that you’ve been hurt very badly by someone you trusted… and now you would never wish that same pain on another person.” He shrugged. “So that’s why I trust you. You might kill me if you have to, but you’ll do it facing me. You won’t stab me in the back. You couldn’t bear to do that to someone after what you’ve been through.”
“Interesting opinion.” Jordan felt a strange mixture of despair and relief at his words. “Not put off by me killing men while they’re stunned by magic? That wasn’t just a fight…I’m a killer.”
“Hmm… well, I just chopped up six guys with an axe, and the only reason they didn’t shoot a bunch of holes in me is because of your magic, so I’m pretty sure I can’t judge.” Glit patted her on the back. “Are you looking for mermaids, like I’m looking for dwarves?”
She nodded silently, although silently she thought their reasons for looking were quite different.
“Then let’s go find our people together! You don’t have to trust your back to me, but don’t worry! I’ll defend it anyways.”
“Can you two leave?" Tock rubbed his face tiredly, his eyes flickering between purple and pink. "This touchy feely stuff is bad for my business. What if some desperate fool walks in and is inspired by all your motivational speaking?”
Jordan tossed him the fairy gold, taking back the silver badge she had given him, and turned and left the shop. “Never coming back, Tock.”
“Keep telling yourself that, my fishy friend!” He called back. “You’ll come back. They always do.”
“Okay then! See you later, Tock!” Glit called out as he walked behind her.
“…Actually, I would prefer it if YOU don’t come back. You give me a headache.”
Jordan and Glit left the carnage filled shop behind them
“So mermaids and dwarves being held in the center of the city.” Glit thought out loud. “Some sort of human conspiracy?”
Jordan thought of growing up in the orphanage, the city’s emphasis on having higher purity of mermaid blood rather than human, the complete lack of information on other races. She thought of Hunter and the underground Resistance. Of the Darkness that spread everywhere, touching every species.
Everyone lost something to the darkness, right?
So what did mermaids lose?
... What did I lose?
“There’s something broken about this world, more going on here then we realize.” Jordan answered softly. “But we’re going to figure it out.”
“For now.”
“Awesome!” He pumped a fist in the air. “Wait until I tell my Ma I went on a quest with a mermaid warrior. She’s gonna be so impressed!” He paused. “You two would get along, I think. Strong warrior types and all.”
Jordan sighed, rubbing her forehead.
“Why does everyone keep sighing around me?”
“… Let’s go. “
They moved quietly towards the place marked on the map. Glit, surprisingly, activated a hidden mechanism on his axe, folding it into thirds and hiding it in a backpack, and pinned on a “34” badge. He saw her glance at the silver ornament and shrugged. “Snatched this off some guy who tried to mug me when I arrived in town. Most people think I’m just a low purity level student when I’m dressed like this .”
“How old are you?”
“…” Older than me? Jordan adjusted her mental view of him silently.
“Don’t worry if you thought I was younger.” He raised his hands helplessly. “No beard and the dwarven height tends to confuse people.”
“No worries, as long as you don’t think I’m weak and helpless just because I’m shorter than you.”
She thought of him cutting through enemies with his axe. “No chance of that.”
They made they way to the abandoned factory that Tock had marked for them. As they neared the area, Glit pulled out a machine from his bag waving it through the air.
“What’s that?”
“Dwarven machine, it detects the presence of magic.” He frowned. “We need to be careful. This whole place is covered with spells.”
“If this was a human holding place…”
“It shouldn’t have magic.” He finished her thought. “Maybe go up to the roof and enter from there instead?”
They scaled the wall silently, cutting a small hole in the roof with yet another tool from Glit’s bag. As she peered into the building, she felt the ocean’s song start welling up within her.
“There’s danger here. We should go back and regroup.”
“Jordan, look out!” Glit pushed her to the side, wincing as the blow from behind her struck his head instead.
Jordan opened her mouth to release her magic, but before a sound could escape, a hand grasped her arm and magic flooded her body.
“Sleep.” The voice was familiar, but her mind was already falling into darkness.
Jordan woke up on a couch in a dark room. Groaning, she rubbed her head, feeling angry. She knew this feeling, this hung over dizzy sensation. Remembered it too clearly even though she wished she could forget.
“Elven magic.”
Glit groaned from his sprawled position in the corner of the room, his arms and legs tied tightly. The ropes dug into his skin, but he ignored it as he flipped his body into a sitting position on the floor, looking up at her with a sad expression. “Sorry I missed them behind us.”
“It’s fine, thanks for taking that hit for me.” She glanced at the wound on his head, crusted with dried blood, and winced. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just a friendly tap. I’ve got a hard head.” He grinned, then looked around. “Real question is, who has us, and why?”
“I have an idea... but I really hope I’m not right.”
“You always did have good instincts, Jordan.”
The familiar voice spoke up from the doorway, Jordan forced herself to sit up on the couch, staring at their captor with a pained expression.
She knew him.
Of course she knew him.
He had set his trap, sent her his badge, knowing she would use it… and she had fallen for it.
The man who haunted her nightmares smiled sadly at her. “Not happy to see me?”
She blinked, shaking her head slowly. “Hello again, Hunter.”
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
okay so I love littlemix!reader x Tom holland??? the best pairing ever??? Anyways could you do something based of Holiday, like it’s obviously based off their lovers and maybe his reaction to the song & mv? Pls I’m in love with Baby Mix btw 😌❤️
Glad you’re enjoying the Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland fics, I’m enjoying them too🥰 Thank you for the support on Baby Mix, btw, I appreciate it! Sorry for taking so long! Much love and happy reading💖
I completely forgot when the girls dropped the video so I’m making up a time. Enjoy:)
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Counting down the minutes to midnight, Tom continuously refreshed the YouTube app on your smart tv. The two of your were in his shared home with Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine. You’ve been staying with the lot since the beginning of quarantine; London’s travel ban prevented you from catching a flight back home to your family, resulting in your boyfriend, Tom, begging you to stay with him and his mates. You didn’t have a problem with it in all honesty, the boys were great and respectful roommates. Though you were the only woman in the house, they provided you with entertainment and respected your alone time. They were a nice group of lads, letting you in on inside jokes and making you feel like you were part of the gang. By now, you probably were part of the gang. Harrison even considered on replacing Tom with you.
“Bubs, the video’s not gonna be up yet.” You glance at the screen that showed the previous videos the band’s channel posted. Tom huffed, nudging your arms apart so he can squeeze through them to lay on your chest. The two of you were currently in his room waiting for the release of Holiday’s music video. Tom had been anticipating the video all day, asking for hints about the music video’s concept and wondering how it looked.
With his body snuggled up against yours, he rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arm around your torso. His other hand reached towards the tv with the remote as he clicked the video for Break Up Song.
“I know it’s not gonna be up yet, but what if they accidentally uploaded it early? I wanna see the video already.” He whined. His fingers began to drum to the beat of Break Up Song on your stomach.
You laughed, fingers carding through his brown curls that have grown for the past months. He hums along to the song while you text the girls. He lets out a chuckle once he sees you on the screen doing the dance that he’s been helping you learn for the video. You had been struggling to get the choreography down and doing the moves on time. Noticing your desperate attempts at the moves, Tom offered to help you. Obviously in the end you perfected the choreography, seeing as it made the video, thanks to Tom.
“You are so cute.” He mused watching you dance around in the video. “Look at you dance, I don’t know what you were so worried about. You look so adorable when you dance and look at your face! Just wanna squish those cheeks together.” He began to tease you. You whine his name out as he reached up to squish your cheeks together with his hand. Your phone began to rang causing him to stop. He glances at the sceeen, “It’s my best friend, lemme answer it.”
“Go ahead.” You giggled handing him your phone. His head remains on your chest as he answers the FaceTime call. Jesy pops up on the screen with a giant smile but it drops once she sees Tom, changing into a playful scowl.
“Hi best friend!” Tom greets her loudly, a playful grin on his face. Jesy rolls her eyes at the boy.
“Hi Tom.” She greeted him sarcastically. “Give the phone to (y/n).”
“She’s right here, see,” Tom moved the phone further away so you were both in the frame. You waved at her, “Jess I miss you!” You cried.
“I miss you too darling—Tom give her the bloody phone!” Jesy scolded him through the phone. He let out a dramatic sigh before handing you your phone and snuggling into your stomach, mumbling something about “not being able to catch a break from the constant bullying of Jesy Nelson.”
“Right just a few minutes left, I’m trying to get the other girls on here.” Jesy explained as she tapped around her phone. Sooner or later. The two of you were joined by Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne.
Perrie let out a squeal as she saw everyone on the screen, “You guys I miss you so much!”
“Didn’t we all see each other just a few weeks ago?” Jade asked sipping on a glass of wine as per usual.
“Yeah, on the set, but it’s a few weeks too long.” You pouted. You noticed that everyone was drinking except for you, “Wait, has everyone got a drink except for me?”
Leigh-Anne’s eyes scanned everyone on the screen, “You are, are you in bed already? It’s so early babe.”
“Leigh-Anne’s it’s literally about to be midnight, it’s late.” Jesy chimes. Jade makes a sound of disagreement, “I mean does time even matter anymore?”
“What day is it anyway? I’ve lost track.” Perrie thought out loud. You moved to get up from the bed but Tom stopped you. “Where are you going?” He whispered.
“I’m getting a drink, I’ll be back.” You patted his cheek before sitting up. He stops you once again and stands from the bed, “I’ll get you one.” He kisses your temple and leaves the room.
“Aww, was that Tom?” Jade asked leaning closer to her camera. You hummed, “Yup, being the amazing boyfriend he is and getting me a drink.”
Perrie smirked at you, “Gosh, there’s that smile again. She’s whipped for ‘im ladies!” The girls began “ooo-ing” like a bunch of elementary school girls. “Guys, stop.” You whine.
“Have you told him the part you wrote was inspired by him?” Leigh-Anne asked, chin in her palm.
“No, I’ll tell him while he’s watching. He’s been so excited the whole day, probably more than me.” You chuckle. As if on cue, Tom comes back in with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
“Tom’s going to be so nerdy about it, like a cute nerdy, you know what I mean? All mushy gushy. Like how he gets whenever (y/n) kisses his cheeks.” Jesy said as the girls cooed. Tom peeks from beside you.
“Did I hear that correctly? Did Jesy just compliment me?” He asked everyone, looking back at you for confirmation. You shrugged as you looked at Jesy. Jade stifled a laugh at Jesy’s annoyed expression.
“Oh fuck off you div. It’s an observation. You could barely compose yourself whenever you’re around (y/n).” Jesy playfully jabs at him. You adored their friendship, it was like a brother/sister bond. Jesy being the older sibling and Tom being the annoying little brother.
“Jes, leave the poor boy alone, he makes our baby happy.” Perrie defended Tom. Tom smiles thankfully at her, “Thank you Perrie, at least I know some of you like me.”
Tom pops open the champagne and takes one of the glasses to pour the beverage in, “But I’ll take it as a compliment Jes. Cheers to that.” He raises his glass and clinks it with your phone screen. You and the girls continue to talk until midnight. When the video was finally released you all celebrated and took some screenshots of each other to post later.
When your FaceTime call with the girls ended, you turned to Tom, who already had the video up on the screen. He made grabby hands at you and pulled you to sit in between his legs. With his back against the headboard he made sure the two of you were comfy before asking you, “Can I click play now?”
You chuckled at him as his leg bounced, “Yup.” He pressed play, placing the remote down and wrapping his arm around your front to pull you closer to him. The intro to the video starts, the title of the song appearing on the screen in a water type font. Jesy pops up on the screen singing her part, Tom cheers yelling “It’s my best friend!”
Tom hypes each of the girls up while they appear on the screen, cheering their names. When the chorus comes, his brows furrow as he looks down at you. “Wait where are you? Why—why didn’t they show you yet?” He questioned you, visibly upset. You were about to answer but instead pointed to the screen when you realized your part was coming up.
Boy, have I told ya?
You give it to me like no other guy
We got that heat, yeah, like the summer (summer)
And that's why I'm so glad I made you mine
You appeared on the screen, body cladded in a white bikini that had gold straps for both the bra and thong. You bursted out laughing when you saw Tom’s reaction. His eyes look like they were about to bulge out his head while his jaw was slacked.
“Holy...shit.” He mumbled eyes glued to the screen as you sang. The scene was you in that blue hallway type set. You looked at the camera, bedroom eyes fully activated as your back slid down the wall. You felt his grip around you tighten, his breathing getting deeper.
The scene changed to the one with the planets, sculptures, and lounging chairs. You were seen walking towards a Chaise lounge, giving the camera a perfect view of your bum. While you sat sideways on the couch in the video, Tom couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked in the video. You looked like a goddess, confident as you strutted around in that little number of yours in the video.
You turned to look at him once your part was done and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “You know my whole part was about you right?” His head snaps to look at you, “You wrote something about me in a song?”
“Tommy, I always do. Who else would I be singing about?” You asked him amused. He took a second to think before shaking his head, “I thought it was in general, like it was based on how you would feel if you were with someone that made you feel that way.”
You nod at his explanation, “Well yeah, the fans could see it that way. But when I sing it, it’s about you.”
A goofy grin made its way to his face before he giggled, “It’s about me.” He pulled you into a hug from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. He turned back to the tv to see you all dressed as mermaids while you sang your part in the chorus.
“Wait what—you’re mermaids?” The look of confusion appeared on his face again as he tried to figure out the video. He looked at you then back to the screen, repeating the action a few times.
“I never thought I’d say this, but if you were a mermaid, I’d still fuck you.” He confessed with a shrug. You bursted out laughing at his confession, “How do you even fuck a mermaid, Tom?”
His hands gripped your sides, voice going down an octave, “You tell me, (y/n). Get the mermaid tail back and we’ll find out.” You looked at him shocked, “Thomas!”
He laughed dropping the act and went back to watching the music video. “Wait, I’m still cofused. I thought you guys were in space cause of the planets and stuff. Why are you guys also underwater? And mermaids?” You tilted your head trying to come up with an answer for him.
“Um—it’s a spa, on a another planet, which also has an ocean I’m guessing, and that’s why we’re also mermaids?” You explained, also questioning yourself.
“I like the concept, probably the most random video you guys have had, but it’s sick.” He approved of the video with an impressed look on his face. When the video ended, he immediately pressed replay. Though when your part came up this time he let out a “GOD DAMN” before his eyes scanned you up and down. When he finally felt like he’s processed the music video, he let it play in the background and paid attention to you.
He leaned down to kiss your lips sweetly, “Love, that was amazing. I’m proud of you.” He was quick to add on, “And thank you for writing a part of the song about me, I never thought someone would write a song about me, not even a part. But thank you, I love you so much.”
You giggled shoving your face into his neck as you both moved to cuddling. Suddenly you remembered something you and the boys promised to do.
“Tom! We were supposed to watch the video with the other boys! Remember we promised to not watch it without them?” You leaned back to look at Tom who was already shaking his head.
“Oh they’re not allowed to watch the video.” He muttered. Your brows furrow at him. Tom motions to the tv, the part where your bum was facing the camera on the screen.
“Because of that, I don’t need them seeing that, that’s mine.” One of his hands trail down the length of your back to grip your ass. He rolled over so he was on top of you, dipping his head into your neck, his lips ghosted fluttery kisses along your skin. You let out a content sigh, running your hands through his soft hair. When his lips reached your ear, he whispered, “But seriously though, you should think about investing in a mermaid tail.”
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so, you've done pumpkin head billy and scarecrow billy fucking steve, any monster steve for billy to fuck?
I am ashamed to say I don't think I've actually finished any of my monster Steve ones where I let them bone 😭 It's a travesty but I do have some wips. Maybe this year I'll get some of those done. Admittedly I veer toward prettier monsters when I turn Steve into something, not that anytime I write monster Billy he isn't pretty too. Steve just happens to be my favorite so he gets the naturally pretty things.
So I don't think I have anything as off the wall for him as I have had for Billy. Like I've got some more coming for Billy lol. But we're talking about Steve.
There is the demon one I talked about in a wip ask recently and I actually have two demon one. People have probably forgotten about the little sex demon wip (I don't make original headers just something to let me know what it is in the doc) form at least a year ago but I started working on that again not to long ago. Wings and tails and horns for him there.
Ghost Steve with writer Billy where Billy fucks Steve back to life. Steve was sacrificed to a demon in the cabin Billy is renting and the demon liked Steve so much he made it possible. Unsurprisingly I have another one where Steve is a fairy (does that count as a monster? Ghosts count right?)
Honorable mention Steve as a life size porcelain doll, who once was human and got turned into one after he died and Billy finds his key. I don't actually know if they're going to get to bone in that one or not.  One where their both mermaids and one where Billy is a mermaid and Steve is I don't even remember what it was I made him I haven't looked at it since last year but I'm hoping to get back to it by may because merman and I was planning on changing what Steve was because I think that's what was causing the stall.
Oh and someday I'll do gargoyle Steve because I was supposed to do him as part of my big bang that I ended up unfortunately having to bail on. I think trying to make him a gargoyle there might have been adding to my general troubles with writing Harringrove at that time. But I do have an idea that is less sexy and more silly where Billy puts him in stupid clothes each day while he's a statue before he can move again at sunset. Billy invests in a lot of tear away clothes, starts making them himself so he can dress his boyfriend in increasingly silly/sexy things.
What are some monsters people would like to see Steve as? Just out of curiosity no promises to incorporate but you never know.
Thank you for the ask hun 💜💜🎃
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blissfulparker · 3 years
Reader crying while she's trying on her dress for her wedding because she thinks it doesn't good at all, but it was hard to find a dress similar to the one you were gonna use before knowing you were pregnant, so you call tom and ask him to come pick you up and when he sees you in your wedding dress he's in total awe
I changed it up a bit and also it’s so long because this reminded me so much of the office with Jim and Pam😭
You loved the newfound Angel that grew inside you, loved everything about being pregnant with Toms child. But you didn’t like how much it effected the wedding, you didn’t want to postpone anything but there were some adjustments but ones you forgot to make to your dress.
You kicked Tom out of the house to try on the wedding dress two nights before the wedding. He went out drinking with his brothers but still checking up on you.
You hated the slim fitted mermaid style dress. It was gorgeous two months ago when you tried it on. But that was two months ago, you had just missed your period then and the child was nothing to the wedding. But looking at it you hated it. It was too tight and the bump was starting to show.
In an emotional fit, you called Tom. Not wanting to disturb anyone else, you called your fiancé wanting him home.
“Darling, is everything okay? I came as quick as I—“ he stared at you in the white dress, the lace that went all the way down, the most beautiful dress he’s ever seen worn by the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
“I’m sorry,” you wipped your eyes. “I know you were having fun. I shouldn’t have called you but I just didn’t know who else and I really missed you and I hate this dress so much. I thought it would fit still but it’s so tight and barely stitches up and—did you drive here drunk?” You asked.
His eyes red and he blinks a few times taking you in. “No, no, I did not drive here drunk,” he walks torwards you and hits the counter in the process. “Ow! Careful darling there’s a counter there.” He points and you laugh at how he’s clearly trying to sober up for this moment.
“Shit tom! I forgot it was bad luck! You can’t see us like this—“ you try to cover up but Tom already is wiping away your tears and kisses your cheeks.
“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I mean that with my whole heart. How on earth did I get so lucky? I don’t know. I will never know why I was sent you and what I did to deserve it. You look so pretty right now, wow.” He looks down at the dress and you sniffle.
“I didn’t think I would be showing this much. I don’t want to tell everyone at the wedding.” You say. Tom nods understanding the stress not only for you but for him.
“You have a spare right?” He asks.
“A spare? What? No, Tom there is no such thing as a spare wedding dress.” You tell him and he shakes his head pinching his nose.
“No, no, I mean you talked a lot about this other dress and you know what—fuck it. You love this one. This is the dress and you look so goddamn beautiful right now I-I feel like I’m looking at an Angel. This is your dress. This is the dress your getting married in and fuck I’m going to cry so hard as you walk down that isle wearing it. You are carrying our baby, our baby while looking so beautiful. This is it (y/n). This is the dress.” He tells you and you nod. He was completely sober now, only wanting to be with you in this moment.
“You’re right.” You laugh. “Yeah this is my dress.” You sniffle.
“Yeah, it is.” He kisses your cheeks. “So let’s get fucking married.” He tells you and you nod kissing him and he pulls away. “After I get Advil, darling we have Advil right?”
Laughing you get your hungover boyfriend Advil as you slip out of the wedding dress and crawl into bed with him. Maybe your wedding wasn’t going to be the most perfect but it certainly was going to be your wedding and no Holland wedding was perfect to the bare eye but it was perfect to you.
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Poly party summer fun headcanons bc 😄 (I'm sorry I'm advance that this is so fucking long please forgive me) (you can find part 2 here)
Part 1
Pool party:
- El learns the usage of the word "hot" (regarding attractiveness, not temperature) when she sees Max in a two-piece swimsuit
But then Mike is like "what about me?" cos he's totally jealous and wants El's attention too, but before she can respond Max is like "you're not hot, Mike, you're more like cute in a nerdy kind of way. I guess." and El is like "yeah, you're a cute nerd!" and Mike is like "ex-fucking-cuse me??"
And then Will is like "I think you're hot" and Mike is like "thank you-"
"but you're still a nerd"
"you're a nerd!" and he grabs Will and kind of traps him in this hug and says "but you're a cute nerd" and then a cute kiss
And El is giggling at byler but still staring at Max too, and Max is yelling Byler to get a room, and Lucas is just rolling his eyes at everyone but he also keeps getting distracted looking at Max, and Dustin is yelling at everyone
"for the love of god, can you guys stop flirting for like two minutes and help me set up the snacks??"
And Suzie is like "I'll help you, Dusty-bun"
"you're the best girlfriend in the whole world"
*giggles* "you're the best boyfriend in the whole galaxy!"
"well YOU'RE the best-"
(cos Dustin and Suzie like to do this weird one-upping kind of thing ???)
And then everyone is just like "okay okay, we're coming!" and "we're helping, geez!"
- Max totally helped El shop for and pick out her swimsuit, something that would show off her cute bod and drive Mike crazy (but also herself), and "damn girl, you have no idea how good you look" *wink*
- Lucas pushes Max in the pool
- Max obvsly gets revenger by pushing Lucas in the pool, while he's in the middle of doing something else like conversing, idk
- El wants to get in on the pool-pushing action, so she tries to push mike in the pool, but he grabs hold of her and they both fall in
- Underwater kisses! (with all the ships)
- mad flirting and lots of staring, lol (also with all the ships)
- El and Max sunbathing next to Suzie but they are on towels on the grass instead of a chair bc how are they supposed to get all close to each other on a single chair ??
- sunbathing girls ogling the boys in the pool
- boys in the pool ogling the sunbathing girls
- squirt guns, water balloons, and fights with pool noodles
- Suzie likes to sunbathe and read fantasy novels (she's totally a girly-girl nerd) and Dustin likes to just stop and watch her sometimes bc she's beautiful and also cute and hot, and sometimes she'll catch him watching from the pool or across the yard and they'll smile at each other.
And then she'll say something super cheesy like "I miss you, Dusty-bun" cos technically they are apart from each other. And he starts to say that he misses her too, but then Max/Lucas are like "jesuschrist, you guys are LITERALLY 20 feet away from each other!" and Dustin is just like "hey, I put up with all of your cute couple-y shit!"
- El wants to know what Suzie is reading and Suzie starts telling her the story in great detail (cos she's totally read the book before, it's one of her favorites? WHAT BOOK DO YOU GUYS THINK IT IS, LET ME KNOW) and then she recommends more books for El
- El totally takes control of the big inflatable pool floatie shaped like a duck or a unicorn or idfk
- Mike and Will try to push the floatie over but she clings to it, screaming, and even tho they manage to overturn her she still comes out on top and splashes them to make them stop
- Max helping El defend against the boys by jumping on some backs lol (more like grabbing and hoisting bc it’s hard to jump when in water)
- Max then trying to join El by jumping on the floatie (from the side of the pool), but she just ends up sinking them both
- El also tries doing those mermaid hair flips and just generally her and max doing funny things with both their hair (El wants to be a mermaid)
- pool volleyball, anyone? Or maybe pool basketball??
- Joyce is there to bring them lemonade and the burgers that Jonathan makes and other summer foods bc she is mom of the goddamn century
- chicken fights (top/bottom) (lmk who you think would win, lol)
Max/Lucas vs El/Mike
Will/Mike vs El/Max
Lucas/Dustin vs Max/Mike
Taunts and "insults" are slung, but also cheers, lol
Everyone falls down more often from loss of balance than actual pushing
- "no running around the goddamn pool, or you little shits will face some serious consequences!" (lol sorry I had to put Steve in there, but he's really not threatening at all 😆)
- Marco Polo (and El is totally not allowed to cheat by using her powers) (but even without cheating she's still pretty good, lol)
- sneaking up behind and dunking
- El wearing goggles and just being able to actually look and SEE underwater and it's so cool and beautiful, "but it makes everything sound weird"
- splash fights, and usually more than half the party ends up turning on one or two specific people
- the boys try to do that thing where you dive through inflatable donuts and it basically becomes a contest
Will can successfully dive through one donut, it's mostly just luck tho
"okay, you can dive thru one donut, but can you dive thru two??" (Mike kind of succeeds but he somehow gets his foot stuck and kicks the donut off)
"okay, but can dive thru three???"
And Dustin is like "come on guys, this is getting insane" but he sees the donuts getting stacked and everyone lining up and he's just like *sigh* "goddamnit" cos he knows he has to do it now too, he's not backing down!
El doesn't dive but she successfully pencil jumps thru at least one donut
Max dives thru two-and-a-half donuts (don't even ask me how) and it's not all three, but it's more than any of the boys can do so she totally wins the contest
- when it starts getting late, before everyone goes inside, Joyce takes some photos of all of them while the sun is still out (until Will jokingly begs her to stop), some smiling ones, some silly face ones, and a couple candid ones (Jonathan takes most of the photos tho cos duh)
If you have any ideas or anything to add, please feel free to do so, either by reblogging or my askbox! 👍🏻
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artzychic27 · 3 years
Just Some Artist Family Values Quotes
Nathaniel: Marinette. Alix. Why do you hate the baby?
Alix: We don’t hate him. We just wanna play with him.
Marinette: Especially his head.
Nathaniel: Guys, do you think we love the baby more than you?
Alix/Marinette: Yes.
Marc: Do you think that when a new baby arrives, one of you had to die?
Alix/Marinette: … Yes.
Juleka: Oh, well that’s just not true. *Sighs* Not anymore.
Nathaniel: Look at you. Midnight, moonlight, surrounded by death.
Marc: It's been too long.
*They lean in to kiss…*
Marinette: Do it!
Alix: Hold him still!
*Gunshot; Glass Breaking*
Marinette: You missed!
*With an amused shake of his head, Nathaniel leans in to kiss Marc again*
Marinette: Here, catch!
Alix: I don't want him!
*Glass Breaking*
Marc: One house, eight people. *Sighs* So many windows.
Nathaniel: Monochrome, it's you I'm worried about, the stress, all this squabbling.
Marc: Oh, I'll be fine. I'm just like any modern young man, trying to have it all-- loving boyfriend, a family. It's just… I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade, that's all.
Nathaniel: You can! You shall! So it must be!
*Glass Breaking*
Marc: … But how?
Lila: I can show you all my references so you know I'm not a homicidal maniac.
Marc: Of course you're not.
Nathaniel: You're too young!
Lila: Look at you. All cooped up in this house with a new baby....That's not easy, is it?
Marinette: No.
Lila: Why, I bet sometimes you wish it was still just the two of you.
Marinette: *Looks to Alix* Or less......
Manon: And then Mommy kissed Daddy, and the angel told the stork, and the stork flew down from heaven, and left a diamond under a leaf in the cabbage patch, and the diamond turned into a baby!
Alix: Our friend’s parents are having a baby, too.
Marinette: … Your parents had sex.
Marc: Marinette is at that very special age where a girl has only one thing on their mind.
Audrey: Boys?
Marinette: Homicide.
Damian: Marinette, do you think that maybe someday you might want to get married and have kids?
Marinette: No.
Damian: But what if you met the right man, who worshipped and adored you? Who'd do anything for you? Who'd be your devoted slave? Then what would you do?
Marinette: I'd pity him.
Marinette: Your work is puerile and under-dramatized. You lack any sense of structure, character, and the Aristotelian unities.
Annoying counselor: Young lady, I am getting just a tad tired of your attitude problem.
Marc: *to Lila* You have enslaved her. You have placed Rose under some strange sexual spell... I respect that. But please, may we see her?
*Alix hits a bird during archery practice*
Becky: It's an Elegant Tern!
Gary: But aren't they endangered?
Marinette: They are now.
*Marc is reading "The Cat in the Hat" to Kiran, who has golden curls and rosy cheeks*
Marc: Are you enjoying this?… To think, a brother of mine! *turns the page* "I know it is wet, and the sun is not sunny. But we can have lots of good fun... that is funny."
*He flips to the next page*
Marc: Oh, no… He lives.
Lila: So I-I killed. So I maimed. So I destroyed one innocent life after another! Aren't I a human being? Don't I yearn, and ache, and shop? Don't I deserve love... and jewelry?
Marc: *Tearfully nods*
Delivery Room Doctor: *to Mrs. Anciel* Push, Mrs. Anciel. Forceps?
Forceps Nurse: Forceps. *Hands the Doctor forceps*
Delivery Room Doctor: Would you like anesthesia?
Mrs. Anciel: Yes, please!
Marc: I’ll take some too, if you’re offering.
Alix: It's a boy.
Marinette: It's a girl.
*Marc and Nathaniel rush into the waiting room*
Rose: Guys!
Juleka: What news?
Marinette: Marc, Nathaniel, what is it?
Nathaniel: It's an Artist!
Juleka: *waves a skull at Lila* Luxor, nexor, burst, and BURN!
Lila: What is she doing?
Juleka: Just a curse. Have a nice day.
*the dancer in the cake doesn't pop out*
Nathaniel: That poor girl. Félix, was she in there before you baked?
*Félix hangs his head*
Nathaniel: … C'est la vie!
Damian: Do you know what happens if my butler uses a fabric softener?
Marinette: What?
Damian: I die.
Gary: Yes, indeedy, just the ticket: "Bambi."
Becky: "Lassie Come Home.”
Gary: "The Little Mermaid."
Marinette: Stop it!
Damian: *motioning to Alix* She’s only a child!
Marc: *walking into Kiran’s nursery* Oh, Nathaniel. It's dark, it's depressing, it's desolate.
Nathaniel: It says "toddler".
Marc: It's a dream.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Current mood is contemplating an AU wherein Boone (yes that Boone, its been too long since a Dick and Boone shitpost so off we goooooooo) anyway, so AU wherein he graduates from his League of Shadows training around the same time Dick becomes Nightwing, and since I headcanon Boone having known who Dick really is for years because he’s not a complete dumbass and Dick Grayson is a fairly high profile figure and it doesn’t take a genius to look at a picture of him and recognize him as “aka Freddy Lloyd,” I mean, they did live together for weeks or even months.....
POINT IS, so Boone is all done with his training and sees Nightwing bigwigging it up with the Titans and then sees there’s a new Robin in Gotham, and all these thoughts come together in a perfect storm for Boone to be like LETS PLAY “WHAT IF I GO FUCK WITH FREDDY!”
SO. In this AU Nightwing and Shrike’s confrontation slash reunion happens before he ever moves to Bludhaven to be a solo act and when he’s still based out of New York, and actually takes place in Gotham during a period when Bruce is out of town on an extended mission or something, as this Shrike figure starts stalking Robin and Jason is like UMM HELP GIRL, I mean not that I need it CUZ I DON’T, but like if you want to come help with this weirdo I guess that’d be alright, we could hang, its cool.
So Dick trainsurfs down to Gotham all quick like a bunny and is like waaaaaait a minute, this guy calls himself Shrike? That’s weirdly specific, I knew another Shrike once......and Jason’s like maybe this is the same guy? And Dick’s just all umm no, he’s dead. He like, died and stuff. He made like a corpsicle. Definitely not him, its gotta be someone else....oh fucking hell, its Boone. Of course its Boone. Why did it have to be Boone?
And Jason’s like who the fuck is Boone?
Dick shushes him distractedly. Nobody. There is no Boone, only Zuul. Eat your vegetables.
Jason: You are the weirdest person alive, and that’s saying a lot, I live with Bruce. What is going on right now?
Dick: Nothing? *examines himself in a mirror that is actually just a broken piece of window glass procured from yon surrounding rooftops* Hey how does my hair look? Is it wavy enough? I feel like it could be more wavy.
Jason: Is your hair - what? Dude, is this Boone guy like your ex-boyfriend or something?
Dick: Please. As if. He wishes. Also I knew him when we were like twelve. Or eleven. Maybe ten. I forget. It was definitely pre-pubescent though.
Jason: That’s not a denial.
Dick: Its also not an admission and also stop being smart and insightful, its rude and I did not ask. Besides, its not like I’m trying to look good for Boone, eww, he’s a loser, I would never. I’m just trying to look BETTER than him.
Jason: Ahh. Well. That’s different then.
Dick: See? You get it.
Jason: Not even a little bit. If this is what puberty does to you I want no part in it.
Dick: Too late. Its already begun. I spy hairs on your chinny-chin-chin.
Jason: What kind of bizarre Three Little Pigs segue is.....who ARE you right now?
Dick: Stop victim-blaming me for my discombobulation! I haven’t seen Boone in years and he could be here any second now and he already has the lead, I can not let him confront me in a state less than poised, suave and sophisticated, its just the RULES.
Jason: Well you’re off to a stellar start. Why is it so important you win this whatever this is with whomever Boone is and also are you still going to therapy? I feel like maybe not and maybe that was a mistake.
Dick: You’re a terrible little brother, just the worst. And okay, look. Its complicated, see. I met Boone at a very specific time in my life when both of us were kinda floundering in that verb kinda way, not like the Little Mermaid kinda way.
Jason: Stop using similes. I’m begging you. It hurts.
Dick: THE POINT IS......we were both.....kinda lost, at the time. Aimless. Looking for purpose. And one of the things we both ended up kinda turning to in search of that purpose was like.....our natural competitiveness.
Jason: Wait. You’re competitive? You? OMG THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION.
Dick: I hate you. You are a blight upon the wheatfields of my soul. NOW IF YOU’LL EXCUSE ME, I WAS MONOLOGUING. Okay. So. Boone and I, we kinda fell into this cycle of eternal competition, that was intensified by us not really having anything else that was OURS at the time, so it became sorta like....the only thing that mattered? If that makes sense?
Jason: Weirdly, that’s the first thing you’ve said all night that DOES make any sense. Okay. I’m keeping up. Continue.
Dick: So it was like constant one-upmanship. If I snuck in somewhere without a trace, he had to sneak in better. If he was unmoved by being surrounded by dead bodies and gore, I had to be more unmoved. If I escaped from a deathtrap in half the time expected, he had to halve that when it was his turn, and if he made it through an obstacle course while bleeding from a leg I had to beat him while bleeding from both legs, look it was this whole thing.
Jason: Wait, and you knew this guy when you were ten? Where the fuck did you two even MEET? Jason Voorhees’ Little Daycamp of Horrors?
Dick: ANYWAY. The point is everything is about competition with us, it always has been, and like, he’s the only person who was ever able to keep up with me at least at the time and just like I was the same for him, and so we hated each other because we were both mad at the world back then and hated everybody and everything, especially the one and only other guy who kept showing us up, but at the same time, we were closer to each other than anyone else in the world at the time because we were the only ones on each other’s same page and able to stay on that same page so there was like.....weird solidarity in that? Idk. I TOLD YOU IT WAS COMPLICATED.
Jason: No, its okay, I get it. So what happened?
Dick: Oh, our mentor died and Boone thought it was all my fault. His name was Shrike too and given that Boone’s here now and calling himself Shrike, I’m guessing he still does.
Jason: .....uh huh. Was it your fault?
Dick: Only a little bit! It was mostly gravity. That bitch.
Jason: Ooookay, not touching that one. So. In conclusion: he’s.....here to kill you then? Or he’s not here to kill you then.....?
Dick: Oh he’s here to kill me, but ONLY if he can beat me first. If he can’t beat me, then no, he’s not here to kill me, just whine, wangst and moan at me.
Jason: And by beat you, you mean at.....having wavy hair?
Dick: At EVERYTHING. Ugh, were you even paying attention?
Jason: Oh yeah. I’m SO glad we cleared all this up. Next time, just simplify and explain he’s your childhood frenemy turned actual nemesis.
Dick: Huh. Yeah, y’know what, that does pretty much cover it....
Jason: Who you totally want to bone due to unresolved and conflicting feelings stemming from your brief but intense time together in your formative years as well as and compounded by your neurotic obsessive attraction to hyper-competent individuals who challenge you on physical, mental and emotional and even moral levels.
Dick: What the....a) you’re wrong, b) STOP STEALING MY PSYCH TEXTBOOKS and c) you could not BE more wrong.
Jason: Your hair looks flat and lackluster. He’s totally gonna beat you there.
Dick: You’re the actual worst. 
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