#and that I met Evans 8 years later
evansrogerskitten · 7 months
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Came for Evans, stayed for Ackles, here to see what Powell does next.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 month
for @bucktommypositivityweek Saturday 8/17: nicknames and terms of endearment | naming conventions | 1300 words | rated T
Tommy wasn’t much of a nickname guy. He shortened names, of course – he wasn’t the kind of asshole who insisted on calling Hen Henrietta or Eddie Edmundo – but Howie was almost always Howie, not Chimney, even after they reconnected, and the handful of other firefighters they knew with goofy monikers were still almost always referred to by their given names.
Buck had asked him about it, once; he’d assumed that an Army pilot would have been all in on nicknames and callsigns. But Tommy had simply shaken his head and said something about how, in his experience, they always came from negative moments.
Haven’t you ever noticed that? He’d said. They’re almost always based on something bad. A mistake or a close call. I don’t know, I just don’t think people should be known for something they fuck up when they’re a probie, or a raw recruit. When they’re still learning.
And Tommy wasn’t wrong; most nicknames did stem from some kind of fuck up. Usually something funny or ironic, but not always. To Buck it seemed almost like a kind of hazing ritual – maybe rite of passage would be a kinder term – like, can you really join the club if you can’t handle a little joke? But Buck also saw Tommy’s point. Saw how the loss of a name could mean the loss of agency, loss of identity, loss of control over one’s own person in a context when so much control had already been willingly given up. To service, whether that meant the military or the LAFD or just being the guy always willing to step in and do something.
Buck saw that, even if he didn’t feel it himself. For him, getting a nickname had been freeing – had been an opening up, a door to an identity he’d wanted for a long time without being able to name.
Becoming Buck instead of Evan had been – it was hard to describe. He’d always secretly wanted a nickname, wanted something cool and casual and jocular, something to show that he belonged somewhere. But Evan didn’t exactly lend itself to shortening or rhyming, and nothing he’d done in his youth had ever set him apart. Not in a way that mattered; not in a way that stuck.
He’d lived more than twenty five years of his life being Evan and feeling vaguely uncomfortable about it – until the fire academy, when someone had called him Buck and he’d just run with it, made it happen, finally carved out his own little niche in this world that suddenly meant so much to him.
And that’s how it had been – he’d just been Buck – until Tommy came along.
He hadn’t meant to introduce himself as Evan, when they met in the hangar. In fact, he hadn’t introduced himself at all; Chimney had been the one to make introductions. “Tommy, allow me to introduce you to your flight attendants for this evening’s little jaunt: Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz. Boys, this is Tommy Kinard, formerly of the 118 and currently probably regretting picking up my calls.”
They’d all shaken hands, faces serious. The weight of the moment and what they were about to do was heavy on their shoulders, despite Howie’s wisecracking, and it hadn’t even occurred to Buck to throw out his usual line about his nickname. And later, during his tour of Tommy’s station, it hadn’t really registered for Buck until they were halfway through that the other man had exclusively referred to him as Evan. It felt too late to correct him by the time he’d noticed.
And besides, he’d realized – much later – how much he liked the sound of Evan coming out of Tommy’s mouth.
Neither of them were big on pet names. Tommy would throw out the occasional sweetheart, which always made Buck melt a little inside, but it wasn’t a regular thing. Buck sometimes went for baby in intimate moments – babe, with what Tommy called “a tone,” if he was being a bit of a brat – but it was often as much for comedic effect as anything else.
They mostly just stuck to names. For Evan, the novelty of murmuring Tommy as he kissed his boyfriend’s Adam’s apple or his stubbly cheek or down the line of his happy trail never seemed to wear off. The masculine body under his hands and lips. The masculine name on his tongue.
He asked Tommy, once, after explaining his own weirdly complicated history with his name – and his parents, and his dead brother, and his long unwitting search for an identity – why he went by Tommy, not Tom or Thomas.
“I guess it sounds a little juvenile, doesn’t it?” Tommy said. “For a guy in his forties.”
“I mean, I don’t think so,” Buck said. “I think – I don’t know, I think it fits you. Like, I’ve heard other people call you Tom, but if I called you Tom, I feel like that’s a different person, almost. Someone I don’t even know.”
“I feel the same way about Buck,” Tommy admitted. “Hen says it, I don’t even blink. I know it’s you. But if I say it? It’s like, who is that.”
Tommy shifted a little on the couch. Plucked at his jeans, wrapped an arm around Buck’s shoulders and then immediately shifted again so he could run his fingers through Buck’s hair.
“I’ve told you a little about my dad,” he said eventually. “About how we don’t… get along. Never did, really, even when I was just a kid.” He paused, for long enough that Buck looked up enquiringly, only to see Tommy staring off into the middle distance.
“But I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that I was named after him,” Tommy continued eventually.
“Wait, really?”
“Really. I am technically a junior. Thomas Edward Kinard, Jr. He actually wanted my birth certificate to say “the second,” but my mom put her foot down.”
“Wow. I had… no idea.”
“I stopped using the junior a year or two into my stint in the service. Dropped it completely when I came out to Los Angeles. Changed my driver’s license and just… didn’t put it on the paperwork. I’m sure that won’t come back to bite me in the ass someday.”
Tommy laughed, short and sarcastic, and Buck frowned. He’d only heard that laugh a couple of times, but he didn’t like it. He wormed his way out from beneath Tommy’s arm so he could take one of his broad hands between his own, petting over hairy knuckles and a calloused palm.
“Have you ever thought about changing it? Choosing something new?” he asked hesitantly.
“No. Never. He took enough from me, over the years,” Tommy said harshly. “He doesn’t get to take my name, too, even if it did come from him. Besides, it pisses him off enough that I went by Tommy past the age of sixteen. Changing my name would feel like… would feel like giving in.”
“I get that,” Buck said thoughtfully.
He squeezed Tommy’s hand one more time, then put it aside and climbed carefully into his boyfriend’s lap. Tommy let out a soft grunt of surprise as Buck wound his arms around his neck and tipped his face up for a kiss.
Buck obliged him. “Well, for what it’s worth,” he said softly, lips brushing against Tommy’s, “I love your name. I love how it sounds when I say it. Tommy,” he murmured, and Tommy swallowed hard. “It fits you. I don’t know how else to say it. It’s you. And I – I love you. So I love your name.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d said those words, but it was still new enough that they tasted fresh and exciting.
“I love you, too,” Tommy said quietly. “Evan,” he said, and kissed him again.
this was supposed to be something fun and silly based on this post but then it developed emotions and that's why it's a day late.
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florsial · 8 months
There isn't enough Bartylus content, I'm throwing a fit
And here's a lil playlist i made and realized gave off slight bartylus vibes<3:
Spectrum and Hot Gum gives off such bartylus vibes!!
Here are some Bartylus hcs!!!
-I do believe in canon Barty is younger than Reg by about a year but I don't really like that, so I imagine Barty is just younger than Reg by about a few months (i do what i want)
-Though they first met at a pureblood event when they were both 8 years old and Barty finds himself being pushed to talk to the sickly-looking boy who clung to Evan Rosier while his brother was being pulled away by Walburga and Orion. He didn't get to talk to Regulus at all that night, but Evan was nice.
-When he sat with Evan and Reg on the Hogwarts Express for the first time, Regulus still didn't talk to him. Just starred. It was then that Evan explained that Regulus didn't know any English, only French.
-So Barty tried to teach some to him, but since he was pretty stumped on English too, being used to Italian most of his life, it didn't do much for Reg. Though it did make him laugh.
-They started dating in their 4th year, at first it was just casual dating, neither of them actually thought they would last so long but that did. Though with a few split-ups here and there.
-Once when Regulus got extremely sick, Barty took a walk to pass the time (since Reg insisted that his boyfriend keep a distance so he wouldn't get sick too) and ran into a stray black cat. It reminded him of Reg so he took it with him and presented it to Reg who opted to name the cat Artemisia
-Regulus likes to write letters and poems so he can slip them into Barty's bag for him to read.
-Cue soft dancing between the two, they def do it in private as a way of comfort
-Barty finds random shit he thinks Reg will like and just bring it to him like a cat, Reg a has about 2 boxes for it all
-They both know exactly when the other is lying. Both of them grew up in households that would lie often so they would see through each other so quickly. This is why surprises between them are basically useless but Reg likes to do so anyway because it's the thought that counts in his head
-In my little head they ran away to elope and just never told anyone. In canon compliant, I would imagine them eloping in the middle of wartime and planning to announce it when everything was over, but it just never happened cuz Reg died.
-I think it would be more fun if it was in a muggle/modern au where shortly after Sirius runs away, Reg and Barty run away to elope and they just disappear until years later when Sirius sees his little brother who he thought was still living with his parents and the little fucker is married to the psychotic bitch who threw knives for fun in high school (i might actually write a fanfic on this holy shit)
-wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses wrist kisses tehe
-Regulus paints Barty's nails cuz Barty has shaky hands that can never keep still
-Partly blond Regulus who lets Barty dye his hair
-They like to play tag together, while on the outside it's just a sweet thing, it is always a bit more symbolic than what people think
-Regulus knows how to sew so when he sees that some articles of Barty's clothes are ripped, he takes them and fixes them up. When Barty takes notice of this, he takes care to buy Reg a bag of candy and extra kisses as payment
-I don't really see them as super chaotic more like, unnerving in the sense that someone will be like: Evan: Yo your boyfriend is creepin me out Barty: K, he does that Barty: anyways you wanna see this macabre painting I made of someone getting eaten Evan: . . .yk what sure
-Painter Barty/Writer Regulus who are each other's muses hehe
-Barty learned how to make rings out of paper clips so he would make them and just throw them at Regulus. He started making them in 3rd year and has yet to just give them to Reg. He has to throw it. Barty says it's tradition, Evan calls bullshit, and that Barty just likes seeing Regulus confused about where the ring fell on the ground (it's true)
-Regulus likes to sneak up on Barty but over time Barty has become more aware of Regulus sneaking up on him.
-They share jewelry but the vibes are always the complete opposite when they wear it so people don't realize they are wearing the same piece. Regulus would wear it in a fancy and sophisticated way and Barty would wear it in what I think of as the "dirtbag" way (idk how else to describe forgive me)
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Nrfth (8) - Leave it all behind
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Summary: Betrayal cuts deep. If your heart and trust get damaged. Can you find a way back?
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, we stan Tracey in this house, Tracey is the best friend ever, hurt & comfort (not Chris), unplanned pregnancy, language 
A/N: Please consider I changed the timeline (timespan between the movies) a little to match my story. We are now in 2013, two years after they met.
No rest for the heartbroken masterlist
<< Part 7
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Three months later, …
“Babe, you need to eat something. Anything. Let me order food.” Tracey sits next to you on your couch. “I know, Y/N. I know it feels like your whole body is sore.”
“He didn’t just end things with me for some other girl, Trace.” You wipe your face. “He cut me out of his life.”
She glances at the muted TV, sighing deeply. “Y/N let’s get out of here for a while. We can just…” She drops her eyes to your middle, sighing once again. “Why did you never tell him?”
“Did you not see the news? I bet the bitch taking over the role in the Avengers movie is the one he chose over me. She didn’t do just a cameo. She has at least five scenes with the Avengers. And, they have the audacity to resurrect my character at the show.”
“What?” Tracey gapes at you like she got punched in the face. “But they let you die, Y/N.”
“Yep,” you pop the ‘p’. “They resurrect my character and surprise,” you chuckle humorlessly, “that bitch will take over my role at the show too.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“I wish,” you choke on your tears once again. “I can’t take a job because of my circumstances while Chris parades his bitch around town, or rather he shows her off in every interview as his new sidekick. They gave her my role, Tracey! MY ROLE!”
“That’s so fucked up,” she grunts. “Breaking up with you was one thing but this is…like he’s not the same person. Maybe this is a serious case of body snatching.”
“Body snatching?” You laugh for the first time in weeks. “Really?”
“Like in the old movie,” she mutters. “Don’t you remember? We watched it when we were kids. You got scared and I had to hold your hand the whole night.”
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I remember,” you say with a smile. Tracey was always there for you. Even when she was scared too, she held your hand. “I wish they exchanged Chris, but this is all him. I don’t know how I could not see he’s like that.”
“Hmmm…I don’t understand him. Out of the blue, he breaks up with you and ruins your career.” Tracey knits her brows together. “This is too fishy. Maybe you should try to talk to him one last time. He owes you an explanation.”
“Men are pigs,” you scrunch up your nose. “Please make sure that I never fall for one of them ever again. From now on, I’m cured of men…”
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You’re restless tonight. 
No wonder. Tomorrow you should’ve been on set again to film the new season of your show. Now someone else will play your role and you are stuck at your apartment.
“Babe, did you listen? That fandom guy messaged you again on Twitter. He wants to know why you left the show,” Tracey sighs as you look at her. “Why don’t you tell him what happened? Maybe if the fans of the show get to know about the shit Evans and the studio pulled they’ll cancel the show.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Trace.” You give her a sad smile. “He made his decision. The studio too. I got to move on. It sucks but there is nothing I can do about it.”
“That bitch stole your role in the movie and the show!” Tracey mutters. She throws her hands up as you turn around to stare out of the window. “Make them pay, Y/N.”
“Let me at least scratch his car or use my baseball bat to remodel his face.”
“I thought he loves me too,” you sniff. “Love, such a stupid word for something breaking you down to nothing.”
“Y/N,” Tracey softly says. “Let’s go for a walk or eat ice cream. Just stop hiding at your apartment.”
“He didn’t even try to contact me. I realized a few days ago, that he never gave a shit about me.” You shrug. “I wanted to call Chris to tell him about…”
“Babe, you don’t need that asshole. We’ve got this. If you want me to, I’ll be your baby daddy.”
You snort, and then, you start laughing and crying. “Thank you,” you wrap her in a hug, “Daddy.”
Now Tracey laughs too as you hold each other. “Do you remember the guy giving me STDs? I was so in love that I got a tattoo with his name. I let them tattoo my ass, babe. I’m one stupid bitch too.”
“What’s with men these days? Why are they all assholes?”
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Another month later, New Zealand, …
“I like it. What do you say?” Tracey watches you look around the new apartment. You decided to leave Hollywood and turn your back on the film industry in your country. 
This means you have to move out of your old apartment as fast as possible and leave the world you believed you know so well behind.
“I like it too.” You should have a look around the apartment you want to rent, but you can’t focus. You are miles away, still wound tight as you saw an interview with Chris and his new sidekick last night. “I think this is it, Trace.”
“Babe, are you sure? This is going to be your new home.” You can hear the worry in her voice.
Tracey was, once again, your rock. She’s so much more than a friend. 
How would you call the one dragging you out of your bed to make sure you eat? The only person who understands how you function and feel. 
Friend. Ally. Sister. Soulmate. 
“Hmmm…” you take a deep breath. “You’re right.” It’s time to focus on taking your life back in your hands. For almost four months you let the decisions someone else made dictate your life. “Let’s have a closer look, shall we?” 
You hold out your hand for Tracey. She smiles and takes it. “We will get you through this too, Y/N. No man is worth your tears or that you stop living the life you built for yourself.”
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You grin as Tracey props her feet onto the coffee table. She just finished carrying one of the last moving boxes into your new home and now, she’s chewing on a slice of pizza. 
“I like it,” you say more to yourself than your friend. “My new job is great too. I always loved working behind the scenes, and this is my chance to do so.”
“How’s the bean today?” She drops her eyes to your swollen belly. “Does the bean want more pizza?”
“Can you not call them bean all the time?” Tracey snorts at your angry expression. “Even though their father is an asshole, I love them.”
“I love them too,” she coos and places her hand on your belly. “Good thing Aunt Tracey will buy them all the things you won’t. I’ll hang out with them and teach them how to mess with bitches.”
Smiling you look at your friend. She moved heaven and hell to help you get where you are now. Tracey even quit her job and moved to New Zealand to help you buy a house which you couldn’t have effort otherwise.
“They will love you too, babe.”
“I know.” She shrugs. “How could they not love me?”
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At the other end of the world, Chris stares at a picture of you on his phone. He took it while you were asleep. He sighs and shuts off his phone.
For days he tried to reach out to you. It took him almost five months, but he found the strength to face you after what he did to you only to find you gone.
He missed the chance to tell you the truth, and it breaks his heart…
>> Part 9
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A Ball That Will Change Lives - Chapter 9 (Epilogue)
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders characters)
Pairing: Royal!James/Bodyguard to Royal!Lily/Commoner to Royal!GN!Reader
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans
Plot: one year later, and the three of you are now getting married
Notes: I am anti-JKR and her beliefs. This blog is a safe space.
Masterlist - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
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One Year Later:
It was the day you had been waiting for since both the Prince and Princess proposed to you. It was the day you would be marrying both of them and all three of you will be magically joined for the rest of your lives.
This past year, you had been happier than you had ever been since your parents passed. James’ parents had become your unofficial parents. When you met them, they welcomed you with open arms.
As you got to know everyone, you felt like you finally understood what home was. Along with that, you remembered what having a family was supposed to be like.
As you stood in front of everyone, with James and Lily at your side, you held their hands. “I bind myself to you, my loves, my lights in the darkness, in love. To cherish and support you, to love and to honour you, until our last days. Death will never part us. Our love will be one for the ages. With these words, I vow that we will always be a family.”
Hearing James and Lily repeat the same vows, with slight differences, made you cry. James had called you his angel and Lily the guardian of his heart, while Lily had called you her beautiful love and James her ray of sunshine.
You let the tears fall freely, because you were overjoyed. In that moment, you could feel the love radiating from both of them, and after you all had kissed, you leaned against James, looking at the castle and you knew you were home.
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eleventeeny · 1 month
You Wanted the Best: My In-Depth Experience at a KISS Show
October 27, 2023
For 50 years, KISS has been setting the standard for spectacles. With their kabuki makeup, wide and mind-boggling variety of merchandise, and insane on-stage performances, they have changed the culture of music.
Before the show at the Dickies Arena, I had never been to a concert alone nor had I ever bought my own ticket for a show. I went crazy the moment I got the money for a good seat. I went for a seat 12 rows from the stage and I got a soundcheck and Q&A pass.
After I was dropped off and walked up the steps to the venue, I met an older lady, seemingly in her 40's, and we became instant buddies. By a stroke of fate, we also had the same VIP package, so we got to stand in line together. She told me her stories of seeing KISS over the years as well as a story of her meeting Eric Carr in the 1980's, which I thought was really cool.
I got to take a look at the KISS cosplayers around the venue, I didn't get to see many fans since VIP and non-VIP concertgoers were on different sides of the arena, but there were many things to see. I also got to see fans decked out in official and unofficial merchandise; pants covered with the Love Gun album cover, hats with some of the more unflattering pictures of the members, etc.
As I was in line, I got to listen to KISS concert stories from other people in line and I got to conversate with other fans. During the time I was waiting, I checked my social media and saw an announcement that the show had officially sold out.
Inside the building, I was given a VIP pass and I got to check out the merchandise as we waited for soundcheck. It started kind of late, beginning 5-10 minutes after it was supposed to. We got to pick our seats, and when we walked down the stairs to the floor section, I got to admire the props and set for the show. There were huge statues, 2 on each side of the stage, displaying the members of the band, however I didn't get a picture. On the stage itself, there was the iconic light-up logo.
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The woman I befriended sat with me in one of the rows closer to the stage. She tapped on my shoulder and pointed to Eric Singer sitting on the edge of the stage talking to some fans while passing out drumsticks.
One by one, the members walked out on stage. Paul announced that he was feeling ill, having just gotten a flu shot, this sickness later becoming the reason they had to cancel two shows in Canada and one in Knoxville, and told the audience he'd be leaving the singing to Gene, Tommy, and Eric so he could save his voice for later in the night.
They played 'Plaster Caster,' 'Shock Me,' and 'Christine Sixteen'. Everything went off great and as I was watching Tommy during Shock Me, Paul threw a guitar pick into a chair three seats away from me. Before I could process it, a few guys dove into the chair to get it.
After 'Christine Sixteen,' they started the Q&A bit, and a microphone was passed around amongst the fans. One fan asked if anyone in the band had used the KISS condoms from 2002, to which Paul cleverly, and probably truthfully, responded "They're too small". Gene also told the story of how he discovered the uniqueness of his tongue when he was a kid, which you can read about in his book Kiss and Make Up.
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A few hours later, the openers came out to perform. The band, Amber Wild, was very interactive with the crowd and held themselves well on stage. The vocalist, Evan Stanley, is also the son of Paul Stanley. They had just released their first single 8 days before the show.
When KISS opened with Detroit Rock City, the massive black curtain sporting the KISS logo was pulled down and the members were brought down on individual platforms.
The pyrotechnics were insane throughout the show but were especially prevalent in the opening performance. With each blast of fire, I could feel the heat against my face.
Before God of Thunder, Gene did his legendary blood-spitting performance. I think it'd be cooler if, instead of wiping the blood off his face before singing, he would just perform with the blood still there. It adds to the show.
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During the encore, they dropped these huge balloons, confetti, and streamers upon the crowd. As I was leaving, I saw two fans fighting over one of the balloons.
The arena was filled with 1970's kids who seemed less like fans and more casual, which makes complete sense. KISS was absolutely everywhere back then, so when people who were growing up in the 70's see KISS, they feel drawn to it because they're a symbol of that time.
The show was amazing and even as a younger fan, I felt really involved and included when I spoke with some of the older fans there. I had a great time. There's always something about KISS that someone will find intriguing.
Despite retiring in December of 2023, KISS has still been going strong with their dedicated and loyal fanbase. In July of this year, they surpassed one billion streams on Spotify for their hit song 'I Was Made for Lovin' You'.
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blond-jerk-tourney · 9 months
Champagne Bracket: Bracket Finals
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Sharpay Evans
Blonde, HSM antagonist but it was never that deep
vote for Sharpay right now she fought sasuke
Kristoph Gavin
tried to kill a 12 year old girl and her father, also killed some other guy because he lost to him at poker
Quick propaganda for kristoph because he fascinates me and i need to show off how insane he is: when a client choose another defense attorney over him he used an 8 yo to hand that attorney forged evidence. he then proceeded to use his prosecutor little brother to make sure the court knows the attorney used forged evidence, thus making him lose his career. he then proceeded to play 5d chess with said attorney for 7 years, all hidden under the label 'friends'. he tried killing the 12 yo who forged the evidence but ended up killing her dad 7 years later instead, but he had a plan b and still managed to almost kill the girl. when he met the client that i mentioned at the beginning again, he murdered him. he's manipulative as hell and wants to be the best with the most power and everything that he did said above was literally out of Pettiness for that one attorney, and also to cover himself up (not so successfully since he does end up caught)
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a-fiery-fox · 21 days
hi!! i just finished re-reading the waste land for like the 100th time, it's one of my favourite fics i read this year and i love it so so much
i just wanted to ask - how old do you think everyone is in the fic? i don't think it's said anywhere but i always imagined sirius to be like 18/19 when his pov starts, and considering all the time it takes him to be trusted by the order and all the time skips and things like that, at the very least a few years must have passed for remus' pov so i thought they were like...may be 25 in his?
anyway i have a thing with timelines so i always wondered about theirs!
lots of love xxx
Hiii!!! Omg sweet anon you don't know how much this q means to me 🥹 The Waste Land holds such a special place in my heart and it makes me SO happy that you enjoyed it too! Sending you so many kisses rn.
& You came to the right person bc I too LOVE a good timeline. Obvs I don't really mention any years or ages in the text so imagine whatever you want to imagine! The beauty of fanfic!!
Spoilers below the cut!
I imagined something very similar to what you said actually, but I never rlly cared to break it down into actual numbers until now. Did I skim through my entire fic again to do your question justice? Maybe.
I envision S around 18/19 when his pov starts, defo having a rebellious streak but still very much dependent on his home & family. It takes him a good few months until he asks J to become part of the Order, and then he does some odd jobs for them for about 3-6 months maybe? So I guess he meets R about 9ish months after seeing him for the first time.
Then he's with the Order for a few years, he's got the back and forth with R, the Manchester job and then Jily get pregnant in their early twenties (like they do in canon). R and S hook up secretly for a few months (secretly... cough cough... not if your name is Lily Evans) and then R sacrifices himself when they're 23/24.
I don't think I actively mention how long R is kept at the Institute, but I imagined it to be rougly 7-8 months? There is a passage somewhere that mentions flowers being in full bloom when R was taken and when he escapes he's met with crisp fall air. Or something along those lines.
R's recovery is a few weeks at least, then we got the whole Oslo thing and Riddle resigns another half year later.
Soooo. Yeah. Hope this does your question justice?
All the love <3
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complicatedkiwi13 · 2 years
Time After Time -Harry Styles AU
Part I
Prompt: Harry and Y/N met in high school and there was an instant spark. What will happen 10 years later?
Word Count: 1.3K+
Warning: none?
Previous Part
POV: Emery Jade
Fake it til you make it, I thought as I am opening the doors to a conference room in my manager’s office building. Today is the day where I finally get to meet the cast of Greta Gerwig’s new movie that I am honored enough to be able to star in as the lead. This is what I have always dreamed of, working with one of my favorite directors, being able to play the lead, and I already know I will love this cast. Greta always picks good people to work with. 
Looking up and I gave everyone a big smile. Everyone returned the gesture except for someone who seems to be studying the script. I don’t mind anyways as my eyes immediately fall onto my best friend, Indy Quan. Her facial expressions matched mine except she also had a wary look that accompanied her shocked look. 
“Indy! Get over here,” looking over at Greta who is seated at the head of the table,”I think working with my best friend might be more exciting than working with you,” I said, giggling like a toddler who is up to no good. 
As I pull her into a hug, I hear Chris Evans whisper, “I thought they don’t know each other and are just big fans of one another.”
I met Indy in elementary school and we have been inseparable ever since. We kept in touch even when she went to a different middle and high school across town. We would hang out whenever we can and one night during freshman year, she came over to my house since my mom was out of town and my siblings moved out. She brought a joint with her and it was both our first time smoking weed. I thought it would be brilliant to voice record us high and listen to it the next morning. 
It's safe to say that words were said. Being the theatre kids and fire signs that we are, we came up with a master plan of fooling the media. The deal was that once we made it as actors we were going to  lie to everyone and say how big of a fan of each other we are. Little do they know we have been best friends since the age of 10. Surprisingly, no one has thought otherwise until today. 
I giggle to that as Indy whispers into my ears,”I’m sorry. He’s here”, she whispers with a sorrowful look on her face as she pulled away.
I was still smiling even if I was a bit confused, fake it til you make it, I remind myself. I hear Greta asking everyone to take a seat. As I looked for my name and seat, I noticed a name for the seat beside me, Harry Styles. 
So this was what Indy was sorry for. 
Taking a deep breath, I reached for my chair, only for Harry to beat me to it and pulled it out for me. I looked into those eyes and I feel like how I did 10 years ago and I never wanted for it to change. 
Unfortunately for me, lIfe had other plans. I haven’t spoken to him once in the past 8 years but he follows me everywhere. At a bar, where I am trying to drink away our memories, his song comes on. In the car, where I find what little peace I have, his songs come on the radio. I can’t avoid him when I'm grocery shopping either, the tabloids love him as much as the people I pass by on the streets do. 
For a split second, I forget about everything that happened, or should I say didn’t happen, in the past 8 years. It was like we were just H and Em. We'd go on long car rides in the middle of the night with no destination in sight. He would make me laugh with his stupid joke that never made much sense. I was the big spoon to his little spoon.
I snapped out of it and took a seat when he gave me a tight lipped smile. When he use to do that, it was a sign that he was nervous or anxious. I wonder if it still means the same thing. I returned with a genuine smile as I took my seat. 
There are a lot of incredible actors in the room, including Timothee Chalamet who is in nearly everything that Greta works on, for good reason of course. I admire how much emotion he can put into a role. 
He gives me a soft wave as I smile at him. He, as well as Chris who is chatting with  Indy, has to be one of the most genuine people I’ve ever talked to so fair in this industry. His take on any topic is so refreshing and I always tell him how he should write a book. 
“Good afternoon everyone!,”Greta said excitedly,”Thank you for all being here and taking the role. I am so excited to work with each and every one of you and to see you all put my vision to life!” 
Everyone cheers, Harry stands up and starts clapping and everyone follows. 
Giggling, she said,”Thank you guys but that enough,” and everyone sits back down once again. “I would like to introduce to you all officially, Ms. Emery Jade as the lead and accompanying her on screen as her love interest is Mr. Harry Styles!”
Harry and I awkwardly stand up as everyone cheers and we clap for each other. To everyone, besides Indy, we are perfect strangers, let's hope we can keep that act. 
She continues on with introductions and the rest of the table read becomes a blur. Thankfully it seems like I managed to write some notes down. 
“Thank you guys so much again! I’m very excited about this project and I hope you are too. Rehearsal begins next Monday, you should already have the schedule in your email. That’s it for today. Stay safe everyone,” Greta announces.
 Everyone gets up and begins to exit the room. Indy making her way towards me, I notice Harry talking to Greta. 
“You wanna have some drinks and talk about this?” Indy asked as she adjusts the tote on her shoulder. 
“Yes please. Just come straight to mines. I have everything you need there and with how today went, you’ll be in no state to drive” I said after relieving a sigh. 
She nods before her cell phone starts ringing and tells me she’ll meet me there. 
I wave a goodbye to Greta, who’s gathering her things. I reach for the door handle, but realized Harry already had  his hand on it when I felt the warmth and electricity travel from his hand to mine’s. Funny how that feeling hasn’t left after all these years.
I look up at him with a smile and he nods. I thanked him in the elevator that we quickly got into. I could tell that the silence was making him uncomfortable, even after all this time.
“Congratulations. I’ve seen some of your work,” he pauses,”It’s good. Actually more than good”
This lack of confidence and nervousness takes me back to the first time we met. It takes me back to the moment where the lines between friends or more. The stolen glances, tiny touches that feel more than what they were intended to be. 
“Thank you,” I said with a slightly nervous laugh, “you’ve been up to a lot yourself! You’re music’s beautiful, Harry. I’m glad the world gets to experience your talent”
“ You listen to my music?” He said, looking as stunned as ever, “thank you, but I never thought about you knowing about it”. He tried to save his shock with a shy chuckle but he knows that Y/N knows him better than that.
“You don’t just stop listening to a voice like that” I said with a smile. It’s true though, that voice has gotten me to do way more than I am proud to admit but he doesn’t need to know that.
 “Besides, there’s a lot that you don’t know”, I said as I walked off the elevator, leaving him like he once left me.
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nobleflowers · 2 years
My marauders era headcanons part 8
Slytherin squad (Reg, Dorcas, Pandora, Barty, Evan and Emmeline) edition
They're all in the same year
Barty, Evan, Regulus and Dorcas were friends before Hogwarts since they're all purebloods and are also associated with the sacred 28
They met Emmeline and Pandora at Hogwarts and became friends instantly
They LOVE to cuddle and it's always so messy trying to fit six people in one bed
They're all Slytherins obviously
Emmeline, Regulus and Dorcas all play quidditch and Emma Vanity is their team captain (she's 3-4 years older than them)
Emmeline has a pet lizard and it loves everyone but Barty (Barty will claim otherwise if asked)
They watch horror movies and only Regulus and Dorcas are not scared
They love to gossip in slug club
Hottest friend group fr
When Regulus came out as trans in 2nd year they all helped him pick out a new name
Pandora and Emmeline are the parents of the group because the other four didn't really have a clue what good parents look like
Emmeline struggled a lot with her identity and had a lot of internalized aphobia before the others helped her figure out that she's aroace and accept it
Pandora and Regulus are both autistic and bonded over that a lot
When Evan and Barty happened in sixth year Emmeline, Pandora and Regulus all handed Dorcas galleons because Dorcas knew all along
Eventually Dorcas, Evan and Barty moved away from their abusive households and got a flat together
Regulus also moved out a bit later and went to live with the potters
They have a lot of inside jokes too
Marlene and James are honorary members of the group
This was more of a time line thing so I may do more about just them as friends
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chaoticharlotte · 8 months
Day 1: First Sight
Read on AO3 here!
Word Count: 413
Evan meets Sammy for the first time.
==================February 1st, 1974==================
William had taken Evan with him to Simon’s house. William and Simon had met when they went to pick up their kids Terrence and Noah from daycare, respectively, and had hit it off rather quickly. Will was still closer with Henry, having known him for far longer, but Simon was closer and easier to visit. So to the Vernum’s home he went.
Simon had recently had a 3rd child, Samuel, and he wanted Evan to meet who would likely become one of his future classmates, given their birthdates and the fact that Simon wouldn’t let any of his kids be held back only because of age.
There was also another reason he was visiting. He’d begun work on opening a restaraunt, and wanted a partner or two for the business. He’d be visiting Henry later with a similar proposition, of course, but Simon had expressed interest in working with him before. So while William and Simon talked, Samuel and Evan Christopher were over playing in the next room.
Despite the 16 week and 1 day age difference, the two babies had very similar interests in toys and promptly began laughing and playing together.
“Sorry, William, but I don’t have any of the necessary skill set to help you here. I know Henry runs a few restaraunts, why don’t you go ask him to be your partner?”
“I was already planning to speak to Henry, but I was hoping you’d be interested as well. Regardless, I take it you wouldn’t mind if I stay for tea? I’d bet Christopher would like to spend more time with Samuel as well.”
“Of course not, old sport!”
“Oi, who the bloody hell are you calling old? I was in 10th year while you were graduating from university!” Simon simply laughed at that.
Sammy had stopped laughing and was paying attention to the conversation; as much attention an 8-month-old can have to a conversation, anyway. “A bwa bwa la!”
“Oh? Whattya need buddy?” said Simon.
“K... Ki...”
“Oh, you’re trying for your first word!”
“Kiki!” said Sammy, pointing at Evan.
William laughed. “I guess that’s your name now, bud: CC.”
“NWO!” Sammy pouted, “ONLY ME CALL KIKI!”
“Alright, I get it. You don’t want anyone else to call him by the nickname,” said William.
Meanwhile, Simon was staring at Sammy in slight shock. “I- Wha- you just went from rarely babbling to practically a full sentence! HOW?”
Evan finally spoke something: “Can I keep him?”
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
Buddie Fanfics Masterpost
One shots:
You're not my home land anymore (so who am I defending now)
5.5k | Read on AO3
Buck thought that he and Eddie were in the same page, when Eddie starts dating Ana its very clear that they werent, so whos gonna mend Buck's broken heart?
Always taste like you
2.4k | Read on AO3
(A story about Buck and Eddie’s relationship, or lack thereof, told by Eddie)
Eddie still didn’t understand what it was that he had with Buck. Eddie and Buck start sleeping together, but they dont talk about it, Eddie wants more, Buck apparently is happy with how things are, how long can Eddie go like this?
Tis the damn season
5.2k | Read on AO3
Evan and Eddie met one night and fall into bed, for the next four years they keep coming back to each other. Would they be able to keep each other?
Eddie Diaz discovers the secrets of the universe
3.9k | Read on AO3
After leaving the 118 Eddie has too much time on his hands and comes across a book that would change his life. He finds himself dealing with all his past repression and trauma, coming the other side better, happier.
You weren't mine to lose
4.3k | Read on AO3
There's a Gallery in New York with objects from failed relationships and people that've left, it's called the "Broken Hearts Gallery" and when they open an exhibition Buck runs into a very familiar item that brings on a lot of realizations and new light on his relationship with Eddie, who he hasn't spoken to in weeks. Eddie on the other hand is trying very hard to accept that Buck's happy with someone else and move on, when he goes back to the gallery and find and item that changes it all. Could their broken hearts be mended?
Hear full of grief
1.6k | Read on AO3
Eddie's having a rough day, in a awful month, during a shitty year. Naturally he falls apart, somehow it gets worse before it gets better.
You were the only safe heaven I’ve known
12.6k | Read on AO3
Buck ran away from his pack after his parents told him they had arranged a mating for him. Years later he's finally settled and ready to take that last step with his real mate, and best friend, Eddie, when his parents show up in town demanding he honor the mating they had arranged for him, and Buck is not letting go of his happiness so easily, he's ready to fight for his happy ending.
Bound to you
4.1K | Read on AO3
At 12 years old, Eddie does a ritual to show him the person he's gonna spend the rest of his life with. At 29 he meets Evan Buckley.
“Alright then, I have one, it’s not an urban legend, it’s a ritual, and if goes well, you’re supposed to see the person who you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with” They all smiled excitedly at him, turning all their attention to Eddie “I heard it from our cousin”
“Which one?” Sophia interrupted.
“Marina” Eddie answered and Sophia nodded in approval “She was telling it to Andrea, and I managed to hear the entire thing”
Don't let go now (somebody is lying)
44.2k | 8/8 | Read on AO3
One missundertanding let Buck's mother to belive that Eddie was his boyfriend, and Buck foolishly didn't correct her, thinking it wasn't hurting any one. When the buckleys announce they're coming for a visit Buck has to ask Eddie to pretend to date him while they're there, if Buck is hiding the fact that he's in love with his best friend that's his business. It's only for two weeks, right?
The 118 Protection Program
28.4k | 3/3 | Read on AO3
King Evan Buckley III is ready to rule his country, after finishing his preparation and coming of age he is ready for his coronation, only for it to be interrupted by General Kendall who's been after their kingdom for years. His sister has arranged a plan B for him to be safe, even if it means leaving her behind and be placed in the care of one Eddie Diaz and his team. * Or another story about King Evan falling in love with his protector Eddie Diaz, and Eddie falling in love with his charge.
Till now i always got by on my own (i never really cared until I met you)
101.8k | 19/23 | Read on AO3
After Abby packed her bags and left, Buck felt suffocated by LA and the reminders of her, so he throws himself into his work until Bobby makes him take some vacation time, Buck ends up taking a small roadtrip from Texas to LA, until his jeep breaks down in El Paso and he finds himself pulled to his mechanic and his adorable son, and somehow finds himself staying in Texas trying to help them get a surgery for Chris, when other options don´t work, Buck decides to ask Eddie to marry him so he can use his insurance. Sure things can´t get too complicated right?
Tumblr Prompts dump
16k | 19/? | Read on AO3
Collection of prompts ive answered on my tumblr, figured they could be accesible in one place.
The Love affair
Complete | Works 2
Just between us (did the love affair maim you too?)
16.4k | Read on AO3
Evan met Eddie during the summer of 2012 while they were both drifting through their lives, finding a safe place in the other, until Eddie unexpectedly walked out of Evan's life, leaving him heartbroken and disbelieveing in love. In 2018 Buck meets Eddie again, and as much as he tried not to, he falls in love with him again. Too bad Eddie moved on with his life. Or did he? (Also known as the summer fling/Exes to lovers fic, Buck's version)
What we had (sad, beautiful, tragic, love affair)
20.7k | Read on AO3
Eddie met Evan during a summer in 2012 while they were both trying to find their place in the world, and fell completely in love, but when has Eddie ever gotten to keep what we wants? After leaving Evan behind without word, he spend 7 years trying to get over him without succeeding. In 2018, Evan walks back into his life, leading to Eddie to fall in love with him again, even with the mountain of guilt and mistakes he's made in the past, too bad the universe doesn't grand second chances. Or does it? (also known as the summer fling/exes to lovers fic, Eddie's version)
Cordolia Verse (bakery AU)
On going series | Works 7
Be still my foolish heart
14.7 | 8/8 | Read on AO3
Eddie Diaz moves into his Abuela's small town, Cordolia, after she breaks her hip and needs help running the family bakery, it something he always wanted to do and now he finally has the chance to go back into the path the thought he'd follow when he was a kid. He just wasn't counting on falling in love with Evan Buck Buckley, the cute barista at the 118 café, given his track record with relationships he tries to court Buck with the one thing he's sure he can't screw up: baked goods.
State of Grace
2.9 k | Read on AO3
Buck and Eddie have been dating for a few weeks when they finally have sex for the first time.
I don't wanna wait my whole through (to say i'm in love with you)
1k | Read on AO3
They've been dating for three months when Eddie tells Buck he loves him.
I will hold you in my arms (right where you belong)
1.4k | Read on AO3
Eddie is an excellent baker, he's not the best cook, after almost giving Buck food poisoning one time, Buck decided to teach him how to cook.
You're gonna be alright kid
1.7k | Read on AO3
It's Buck's first big accident now that he's a firefighter, Eddie's freaking out a little.
I sing songs about the past
6.9k | 2/2 | Read on AO3
After his injury Buck moves in with his boyfriend, Eddie; his sister shows up back on his life and Buck's learning to trust that he get's to keep the happiness he has. What could go wrong?
This is Halloween (Halloween! Halloween!)
3.7 | Read on AO3
Buck think Eddie's bakery is haunted, Eddie's sure it's not.
“We have about 10 minutes, wanna make out?” Eddie told him, trying to get him to relax, his shoulders were tense and this was supposed to be the one night of the week where they both could relax.
“What if the ghost gets angry?” Buck asked seriously.
“I think I’d known if I was working in a haunted bakery for over two year”
“It could be a new ghost”
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The fact that Evan dated Frances I think was random, I don't think it means that he's been looking for young girls with a magnifying glass because it doesn't even seem to be a pattern, like in the case of Leonardo Dicaprio for example. I mean it's possible that some men at some point in their life have dated someone 10 years younger and it's not always because there's a frivolous reason or some sort of fetish behind that, and I'll give as an example another actor who I'm also a fan of, Tom Hiddleston in 2016 dated Taylor Swift eight years apart, Tom at the time was 35 and Taylor was 26 (same situation with Haley and Evan for those who think Haley is too junior for Evan) the point is that Tom didn't date Taylor because he was after someone younger, they met casually and apparently at least on Tom's part he seemed to have a real interest in that relationship. Now regarding saying that Evan is single at 36 from a somewhat negative connotation, here I will also make an example of Tom because after the relationship with Taylor, he was single until his 38th birthday, it was in late 2019 that he started dating his co-star who is currently his fiancée, he got engaged at his 40th birthday, he is four years older than his fiancée and last year they had their first child and mind you I am not saying the same way it will happen with Evan, maybe as expected in a while we will see him with someone or dating someone else before he meets his end game or maybe the opposite will happen and he will decide to be alone for a good while, whatever it is. My point is that making these prejudiced comments regarding a certain age in someone, if it's offensive to us as women to have these ageist comments about women like "they are better when they are younger" or "if they are not married or single at a certain age it's because of this and that" then why make these comments with men or all people in general? Why speculate on age and say "if you are single at this age it's because maybe you are not good at intimacy or you are not good at this or that"? Simply someone can be single by choice or because they can't find someone special. I think the important thing for everyone should be to be able to be happy regardless of whether we have a partner or not, and whatever age we decide to have a partner, there are people who settle down later in life, we don't all have to get married in our 20's.
i think it’s fair to say that it’s still to be seen whether evan dating much younger will be a trend. quite literally, only time will tell. but i mean, to be fair.. since emma, all of his girlfriends have been at least 8 years younger 🙃 halsey, frances, haley.. while they are old enough that it is not creepy, that’s not exactly the conversation we are having. it’s more so about men in general preferring younger women. there is a reason no one bats an eye at men dating women half their age but if a woman does it, it’s a huge deal. but i agree there’s no reason to start assuming negative things because someone is single at 36, or any age for that matter. everyone’s trajectory is different and not everyone will want the same things out of life. the concept of needing to be settled with a family by a certain age is an antiquated way of thinking.
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ilovelotsofthings · 2 years
Afton Family Movie Star Au:
Started: 2/23/2022
So you all know those many fanfics in many fandoms where the characters are famous and then those subsets that go into the non glamorous part
This is that au
This is not a very happy universe (Like canon Fnaf is /s)
There is going to be the normal child death and abuse (those novels) with it being worse Only if I commit to making it worse
So background is that William and his Wife Carol are actors and were child stars
Same with his siblings except they didn't become big like him. That is because they were born 1954 (Elisa), 1960 (Oliver), and 1967 (Roselle)
So Carol and him got married at 18 during the filming of a movie. 
They had been coworkers and friends since they were 6.
So at 19 Carol gave birth to Michael. Who was immediately passed on to his dad's parents.
Michael was born 1968 and was raised with his uncle and aunt to also be a child star.
He didn't become as popular and was used in few films and commercials.
Michael was just hard to work with as he just wanted to learn about anything and everything.
Also he just sucked at being in front of the camera. 
Next up is that William and Carol in 1972 gave birth to Elizabeth to whom they kept and showed off as the perfect family.
Elizabeth was planned and announced unlike Michael who they just had Carol hide, give birth and come back.
They are getting great movie roles and TV shows.
Life is going great so far.
Michael isn't acting yet and just gets to grow up in not 100% spotlight
(The Afton family is popular because 1 big star and 3 smaller stars. William is just more important in the public's eyes)
The Afton family (in all aspects) are rich and never financially in trouble.
The younger aftons don't have to do anything (well Elizabeth will in the future but at the moment she doesn't)
Life goes great for 1 year when Carol starts to hit that max amount of stress when a year later she finds out she is pregnant. She is having a mental breakdown after 2 and ½ decades of acting.
Also not just acting but Carol was an accident that neither parent wanted so they used her for money and once she was married off and they didn't need her anymore they had more kids.
They replaced her with new kids born 1970 and 1972.
In 1975 C.C Evan Afton is born. 
The public knows about him so they cannot just say he is another sibling of William's 
(Michael would be about 7 or 8 and being raised as William's youngest sibling)
Public at this point is weary of Carol as she has been having problems for years at that point.
Elizabeth is happy to have a sibling though she wanted a sister.
Elizabeth is 3 at that point in time.
William's career is doing great while Carol's is going down the drain
After the birth Carol wants nothing to do with CC and just gives him ro William.
Once she is healed she just locked herself in a bedroom.
She would only leave to go to parties. Drinking and Drugs.
Carol wanted something more after decades.
William now has 2 kids and a wife who wants nothing to do with them.
Well he had a nanny but fired her because she was stealing
This is where Henry and Charlie (born 1972). Newly hired Nanny and his daughter who can be friends with the kids.
So Charlie and Elizabeth became fast friends and played whenever Elizabeth wasn't acting.
In 1976 Carol almost overdosed and when she got better she vowed to stay clean and then divorced William.
She very quickly met someone new (totally not someone she was cheating William on with. No /s). They married and moved very far away as soon as the divorce was final.
The divorce went quick because she didn't want custody and only wanted a few million.
William said sure. He didn't quite care
She had 4 kids in 1978, 1980, and 1984. Twin boys in 1980 and girls in 1984 and 1978.
Also in 1978, Elizabeth and Michael met.
They met because of a party William threw and invited his family.
All minors were to hang out somewhere else. So all of them (Charlie, Afton Kids, and Roselle) just talk and play games.
Just some lighthearted stuff before their lives go to the gutter within the next 5 years.
Well actually there were other kids but they were allowed to run around. Aftons and Charlie are just special. It is their house after all
(A kid did go "missing" at the party. Large house and all with people not watching their kids)
At this point in the timeline very few kids have gone missing. Especially since it would be suspicious if it happened at every party.
So after that Michael and Roselle don't get to hang out with them anymore.
Between 1978 and 1983 Elizabeth got a role in a sitcom as the youngest daughter. It ran for only 5 years and did pretty well.
Until the mother actress was found dead.
They just decided to air what they had and not film anymore.
Also in between 1978 and 1983 CC was sent to a boarding school as William didn't want to raise him.
Michael simply in that time has eased out of acting and is now just acting as a normal teen and drawing.
Also in between that time nothing interesting happened to Charlie (yet)
[Forgot to say that Charlie and Elizabeth are homeschooled]
More kids and adults have died in that time. Quite a bit more too.
It is obviously William killing them. All of it is for fun.
Elizabeth is shining under all the attention. She does miss CC though. 
Police are trying to solve all these murders they just are not doing so good.
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miyamorana · 2 years
2022 Fic Recs Part 3: Everything Else
Happy New Year everyone! I have once again read a lot of fics in 2022 and want to share my favorites. I’m only reccing complete fics as usual, although I’m reading a lot of amazing WIPs. Maybe at some point I’ll do a special WIPs rec list?
Anyways! This is Part 3, which is for everything other than anime/manga fandoms.
Part 1: BnHA (25 + 2 crossovers (Harry Potter and Star Wars)) Part 2: Other Anime (Haikyuu!! (18), Hunter X Hunter (1), Jujutsu Kaisen (8))
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate SG-1 crossover (1), Harry Potter (9), Julie and the Phantoms (1), The Legend of Zelda (1), Our Flag Means Death (1), Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms (6), The Sandman (4), The Sandman/Julie and the Phantoms crossover (1), Teen Wolf (5), Voltron: Legendary Defender (2), The Witcher (3)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate SG-1 Crossover Title: Bridges Author: Tassos Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 114,456 Series: Part 1 of Bridges 'verse (Words: 140,209 - Works: 4) Summary: After the collapse of Sunnydale, Jack gets a call about a woman he knew over twenty years ago . . . and the son he never knew he had.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Azoth Author: zeitgeistic Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Rating: Explicit Word Count: 88,722 Series: Part 1 of Azoth (Words: 90,351 - Works: 2) Summary: Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Life skills outside the curriculum Author: Endrina Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Rating: Explicit Word Count: 66,238 Summary: It was "Witch Weekly", of all people and organizations, the first to notice and comment on The Boy Who Lived’s absence from the ranks of first years at Hogwarts. The magazine went on to elucubrate that the young hero was studying at a foreign school, possibly Beauxbatons or Holzschuhkäse.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: The Meaning of Mistletoe Author: Endrina Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy in later parts) Rating: Mature (Part 3 is rated Explicit) Word Count: 30,708 Series: Part 1 of The secret language of plants (Words: 373,077 - Works: 4) Summary: “Just… tell me. Tell me what is going on, Snape.”
What was going on was that Severus Snape had no trouble tracking down one Petunia Evans, now Dursley, to a little town in Surrey where he saw how exactly she was treating her nephew. Which somehow led to last night and Severus knocking on Lupin’s door with a toddler half-asleep in his arms.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Mental Author: sara_holmes Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: Mature Word Count: 186,678 Summary: Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Slithering Author: astolat Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: Explicit Word Count: 27,355 Summary: Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: The Gift of Kindness Author: hippocrates460 Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: Explicit Word Count: 107,004 Summary: When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, everything is overwhelming. Luckily he makes some friends, Hagrid who took him to Diagon Alley, Ron who he met on the train, and Severus, who explains why they have to pretend to hate each other. This story spans 7 years, during which Severus and Harry get to know each other and find understanding.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: A Radical Change in (Self) Perception Author: AnyaElizabeth Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: Explicit Word Count: 57,117 Summary: Harry should know better than to touch museum exhibits, especially in a magical museum. Now he's in trouble...
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Things Gained in the Chamber of Secrets Author: Blueseabird2 Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 21,437 Summary: Harry finds out that the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets might not be particularly happy to be acting against students. Turns out, a hatred of baby Dark Lords and a tendency towards being over-protective makes an excellent basis for friendship. Harry gains a new mother. She has several opinions on how people are treating her hatchling.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: Just a Few Changes (will Keep you Safe) Author: Blueseabird2 Pairing: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (Background Relationship) Rating: Teen Word Count: 29,841 Summary: It's been over five years since Voldemort's defeat when Harry Potter gets pushed through a portal and falls into the Great Hall of Hogwarts. This wouldn't be a problem, exactly, except it's his parents' Hogwarts instead of his own. Thankfully, Hermione and Ron aren't about to let him face this newest form of trouble by himself. Even more fortunately, Hermione says they're in a different dimension entirely. Harry has a castle full of living ghosts, his best friends by his side, and three to six months to make just a few changes. Starting with a snake.
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms Title: Touch Me Like a Love Song Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Julie Molina/Reggie Peters Rating: General Word Count: 1,201 Summary: Julie has always kept her deepest feelings locked away in the dream box her mother gave her when she was very young. Reggie, on the other hand, uses a plain old notebook. She swears she didn't mean to read it.
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask and related fandoms) Title: Sands of Time Author: tirsynni Pairing: Ganondorf/Link Rating: Teen Word Count: 103,445 Series: Part 1 of Sands of Time (Words: 118,807 - Works: 8 (some of which are WIPs)) Summary: Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death Title: on the bed of this blue ocean Author: kirkaut Pairing: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,684 Series: Part 1 of on a homeward path we go (Words: 25,540 - Works: 2) Summary: Ed’s made up his mind: if he ever lays eyes on Stede fucking Bonnet again, he’s a dead man. Ed’s had six months of Stede-lessness, and six months of thinking about all the terrible things he’d do to him when they saw each other again. Somehow, it never occurred to him to think that they’d never have the chance. [Or: Ed hears about Stede's 'death' and promptly falls apart.]
Fandom: Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms Title: Runaways Author: MermaidMarie Pairing: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,697 Summary: “You again,” the kid said. “You again,” Leo replied. - In which Leo and Nico run into each other several times, before they meet on the Argo II.
Fandom: Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms Title: Love, Or Something Like It Author: MermaidMarie Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace Rating: Teen Word Count: 15,078 Summary: In which, a year after the prophecy is over, Nico and Jason get sent on a quest where they have another run-in with Cupid. Things go a little differently this time.
Fandom: Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms Title: Those walls I built didn't even put up a fight Author: Aza (sazandorable) Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Will Solace Rating: General Word Count: 14,214 Summary: "Is it morally okay to stab a medic with their own scissors?" Nico asked Cecil. (Not that he usually cared about morally okay, as Octavian might demonstrate.) Nico's three days in the infirmary go by faster than he'd thought, and Will just won't stop flirting.
Fandom: Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms Title: As The Miles Go By Author: Marine_is_Hope Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace/Piper McLean Rating: Teen Word Count: 18,130 Summary: What are you supposed to do after you single-handedly win a war? Would you try to stop another, run and hide, or would you try to make something new? Would you go searching for those who had disappeared without a trace? Three months after the battle with Gaea, Nico is running and Jason is searching. Piper is just trying to keep everything together. In the end, it all boils down to one last question: how far would you go to overcome the past? How many miles would you travel to save someone who doesn’t believe that they deserve a new beginning?
Fandom: Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms Title: The Blank Pages at the End of the Atlas Author: Sour_Idealist Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Rating: Explicit Word Count: 37,360 Summary: Five years after the Gaea War, Percy and Annabeth are at Camp Half-Blood, training the students, treading water. Then a fairly straightforward task - get a vulnerable demigod child to safety - turns up an old friend.
Fandom: Percy Jackson & Related Fandoms Title: Halloween Candy & Crushes Author: MermaidMarie Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace Rating: General Word Count: 3,567 Summary: It started with someone casually commenting at dinner one night that Halloween was probably Nico’s favorite holiday. Impassively, Nico had shrugged and picked at his food. “Never really had a Halloween.” Jason had perked up, the way he always did when Nico shared any personal detail about himself. “Me neither,” he offered.
Fandom: The Sandman Title: Building on These Foundations Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Rating: General Word Count: 2,085 Summary: What happened to Dream's realm when he was captured can never be allowed to happen again. It's time he took precautions to ensure it does not.
Fandom: The Sandman Title: King of Infinite Space Author: Banhus Pairing: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Rating: Mature Word Count: 15,865 Summary: In which Hob has a spate of odd nightmares, a collection of strays, a student with an unusual knack, and a very weird fall semester.
Fandom: The Sandman Title: Inspire in Me, the Desire in Me Author: ElloPoppet Pairing: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Rating: Teen Word Count: 14,850 Series: Part 1 of In Between Days (Words: 20,705 - Works: 2) Summary: It’s the right day, but the year is all wrong, and Dream suspects that there’s something else not quite right even before he finds himself standing in front of the shuttered remains of the White Horse Tavern. Still, he’s chilled in a way he’s not accustomed to feeling, reminiscent of the hopeless, free-falling frost that climbed up his spine and inside his gut the day he was meant to meet Hob when he was imprisoned. And that’s what it is, he realizes, this cold feeling. Hopelessness. Should Dream seek him out, would Hob welcome him as a friend, or turn his shoulder as he would on an intruder? It’s what he would deserve, Dream muses as he’s preparing to turn heel from the tavern’s closed gates, even though as he’s resigning himself to shame he’s also gearing up to make this his next mission, his next purpose: to find Hob Gadling. Alternatively: Dream and Hob find each other in 2021, and see no reason why they have to wait centuries to see each other again. And again.
Fandom: The Sandman Title: more sky comes and more days Author:  Chrome Pairing: Calliope/Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Rating: Teen Word Count: 18,537 Summary: In the aftermath of her imprisonment, Calliope is determined to learn to trust humans again, so she finds a roommate and settles in the mortal world. Meanwhile, her former husband has been on another quest that ended in grief, and he seeks her out for solace. What could possibly go wrong? or, “Hey, Zed,” Hob answered. “Something the matter?” “Yes,” she said. “Calliope’s ex showed up and he’s fucking terrifying.”
Fandom: The Sandman/Julie and the Phantoms Crossover Title: Good Dreams, Sweet Prince Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Rating: General Word Count: 34,015 Summary: When Dream leaves the Burgess estate, he does so without realizing that more was taken from him during his captivity than he ever knew. As the dust settles and his realm begins to heal, Dream is unprepared for Lucienne to tell him of a ghost in the Dreaming. A ghost tethered to the mortal plane, and who can sleep as no ghost should be able to sleep. Meanwhile, after growing up with adoptive parents who hated each other more than they ever loved him, Reggie has always craved a family who wanted him. He died before he ever had the chance to find his birth father, but then, when has a little thing like death stood in the way of Reggie and his dreams?
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: El Lazo Author: thisgirlsays22 Pairing: Derek Hale/Stile Stilinkski Rating: Explicit Word Count: 50,995 Series: Part 1 of El Lazo (Words: 54,503 - Works: 2) Summary: "Seriously, Derek, level with me here. Is this some kind of werewolf mating ritual?"
"No, Stiles." Derek scowls, shooting him a dirty look.
Canon-flavored college AU in which Stiles is a little bit older, Derek's a little bit wiser, and Erica and Boyd still manage to get kidnapped by the Alpha Pack.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: Where You Still Remember Dreaming Author: yodasyoyo Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes Rating: Explicit Word Count: 95,612 Summary: “What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you Balto.” “What’s yours?” “Stiles.” Derek raises an eyebrow. That isn’t his real name. There’s no way. But now he thinks about it, he has a vague memory of someone, probably Uncle Peter, telling him that with the fae, names have power. “I’m Miguel,” he says. “Lie.” “Are you trying to tell me your real name is Stiles?” Stiles runs his tongue across his teeth and considers Derek carefully. “Fair enough,” he says, “Miguel it is.” Grabbing his groceries and pocketing the change, Derek turns to leave; he’s nearly at the door when Stiles calls out, “By the way, Miguel, if you’re interested, it’s two for one on bags of kibble at the pet store down the street.” Derek doesn’t look back, doesn’t hesitate, just raises a hand and flips him off on the way out.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: Blood Pounding in Our Veins Author: minusoneday Pairing: Danny Mahealani/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Mature Word Count: 41,305 Summary: Stiles figured that Mrs. McCall finding out Scott’s secret would change things, but he’s completely unprepared for the very first thing she does, which is to invite Isaac to move in with her and Scott. *** In which Stiles is angry. For some very good reasons.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: A Brief Introduction to Live Action Roleplaying Author: wldnst Pairing: Danny Mahealani/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen Word Count: 28,171 Summary: Jackson tells Danny he's a werewolf. Danny gets werewolf advice from a stranger on the internet. Things escalate from there.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: Don't Call Me Buttercup Author: ElloPoppet Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen Word Count: 15,825 Summary: Isaac wants to do Secret Santa. Derek is bad at gifts. Stiles helps, and also practices making Derek uncomfortable with awful, cutesy pet names along the way. Derek secretly loves the pet names. Oh, and he loves Stiles as well.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Title: The Snow on Mars Author: museaway Pairing: Keith/Shiro Rating: Teen Word Count: 11,243 Summary: This is the reality with a happy ending thanks to the help of a meddling inter-dimensional being and a few Christmas ‘spirits’ sent to show Shiro the past, present, and future.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Title: Method Acting Author: YouAreInAComaWakeUp (Nikanaiko) Pairing: Keith/Lance Rating: Teen Word Count: 11,116 Summary: A lot of things can happen in ten years.
Things like a person's citizenship being revoked due to new, xenophobic laws.
But there is...one...loophole.
Fandom: The Witcher Title: Do it Again Author: thisgirlsays22 Pairing: Geralt/Jaskier Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,771 Summary: By the twentieth time Geralt has gone through the loop, he decides to just throw himself off the cliff’s edge after Borch.
He wakes up to his twenty-first attempt.
Fandom: The Witcher Title: Fever Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier Rating: General Word Count: 2,158 Summary: Jaskier has all but forgotten he's anything but human.
Fandom: The Witcher Title: Goodbye To All My Darkness (There's Nothing Here But Light) Author: ElloPoppet Pairing: Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9,910 Summary: Geralt of Rivia made his way to Kaer Morhen during the Summer of the 78th year of his life, believing himself ill. * “Some would consider the extraordinarily rare gift of a soulmate something to be grateful for, Geralt. A side effect of your mutation to be celebrated. Although, I can understand why having an empathic bond with a newborn creature might be making you feel a bit bratty.” Minutes of silence stretched between them, interrupted only by the sounds of the wind whipping through the valley outside. Eventually, Geralt lifted his head and stood. “Fuck.” He said after a time, with finality. “Hmm,” Vesemir agreed. * In the 97th year of his life, Geralt met a bard named Jaskier.
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greensparty · 5 months
Preview: 2024 IFFBoston
Forget about Xmas, this is the most wonderful time of the year!  It is now my favorite time of year in Boston! My favorite film festival in Boston, in Massachusetts and possibly the world is Independent Film Festival Boston (read my coverage here).  I have a special place for this festival: in 2014 my documentary Life on the V: The Story of V66 had its World Premiere at the festival, and in 2015 I was on the Documentary Jury. The 2024 festival is at Somerville Theatre (Somerville), Brattle Theatre (Cambridge), and Coolidge Corner Theatre (Brookline) from Wed. May 1 to Wed. May 8, 2024!
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2024 IFFBoston logo
Here are just some of the Official Selections that are on my radar:
Wed. 5/1/24:
The Opening Night Film is the recent Sundance hit Ghostlight, about a construction worker who joins a theater group!
Thurs. 5/2/24:
One of the most highly-anticipated movies of this year is I Saw the TV Glow about two teens who bond over their fandom of a mysterious TV show. I caught director Jane Schoenbrun's last film We're All Going to the World's Fair when it was was at the 2021 IFFBoston and while I had a mixed response to the film, I'm excited to see their follow up.
In a festival first, they are going to be doing their first episodic screening with the first episode of a 3-part documentary series Ren Faire airing on HBO later this year. While IFFBoston is very much a film festival and not a TV festival, I think it's kind of cool they are expanding their reach to include this doc about a Texas renaissance faire.
Fri. 5/3/24:
In the recent Sundance hit My Old Ass, an 18-year-old's mushroom trip brings her face-to-face with her 39-year-old self played by Aubrey Plaza (who makes everything she's in better).
Sat. 5/4/24:
In addition to all of the shorts package programs, it's always exciting to see IFFBoston do a Students Short Showcase made up of student films.
After my friend Michael Gill passed away in 2022, my hope was that his long in the works documentary about Billy Ruane, owner of legendary Boston rock club The Middle East (actually Cambridge, but a big part of the Boston music scene), would somehow get completed and released. I met up with Gill a few times before he moved around 2017 as I had heard about his doc and there was a lot of overlap with his doc and my doc Life on the V: The Story of V66 in terms of interviewees and subject matter. I am thrilled to see that co-director Scott Evans completed The Road to Ruane and it is finally premiering. The fact that the doc features loads of Middle East archival footage and interviews with members of Dinosaur Jr., The Lemonheads, Buffalo Tom, Letters To Cleo, Morphine has my attention too!
Sun. 5/5/24:
In the comedy Tallywacker, a two-member rock band's friendship is tested when one of them gets a gig touring with a major rock star.
My friends director Dan Habib and editor James Rutenbeck were at the 2018 IFFBoston with the great doc Intelligent Lives. Now they are back with a new doc The Ride Ahead co-directed by Dan's son Samuel about his own personal journey to becoming an adult. “But no one tells you how to be an adult,” Samuel says, “let alone an adult with a disability.” I've been hearing a lot of great things about this doc!
The always good Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a comic genius, but she's flexed her dramatic muscles in films like You Hurt My Feelings. In Tuesday she plays a mother who must confront death with her teenage daughter in the form of a talking bird.
Mon. 5/6/24:
My friend Mark Phinney's film Fat was at 2014 IFFBoston when I was there with Life on the V: The Story of V66. We've remained good friends since then and I'm super excited to see his new feature Fear of Flying about a man struggling with his anxieties while trying to maintain his relationships.
Earlier this year I got to cover the Oscar-nominated Short Films and one of the nominees for Best Documentary was Nai Nai & Wai Po from director Sean Wang. Without missing a beat, Wang is back his with his Sundance award-winner Didi.
Tues. 5/7/24:
In My Own Normal, director Alexandre Freeman turns the camera on himself: living with cerebral palsy since age two he is now an adult about to become a new father and how his parents react to this. This is produced by Friends producer Kevin S. Bright, Oscar-winner Chris Cooper and my friend Ariana Garfinkel (she's an IFFBoston alum having produced Best and Most Beautiful Things, You Don't Nomi, and On These Grounds).
Sing Sing stars recent Oscar nominee Colman Domingo as a man imprisoned at Sing Sing who is involved with a theater troupe for incarcerated men. This movie actually walks the walk and features the majority of its cast made up of formerly incarcerated members of the real life theater troupe the film is based on.
Wed. 5/8/24:
The Closing Night Film is the comedy Thelma starring Oscar-nominee June Squibb as an elderly woman who is scammed by a caller claiming to be her grandson and goes on a city-wide quest to get back what's hers. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this one!
For tickets and info to IFFBoston
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