#and we have plenty of time because again we are somehow only HALFWAY THROUGH what the heck
egophiliac · 2 years
i love your blog bc i love kamen rider AND twst- it’s like a one stop shop for me xoxo
ps. how did you like the new geats episode?
i’m so excited the next one, my friends and i started called sunday “geatsday” cuz that’s when we get together to watch it lol
k bye 🤞💚
there are so many of us who are into both Rider and Twst! excellent taste all-round. ✨
I had to double-check the episode number we were up to on Geats because I cannot believe we're only about halfway through? somehow?! I am absolutely with you that Sunday is Geatsday, I need to know where the heck they're going with this. we've gone from tournament to reality show to...counter-reality show?...what could possibly be next. please let it be a bake-off
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heaven-s-black-box · 4 months
Choices- Sunday & @/crystalkat6747 OCs
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Recovery date: May 13th, 2024
Description: Hello it's me I had an idea about my OC's I wanted to share with you so what if Kesshou was summoned by Sunday like how Aventurine was in the 2.1 quest but Kakeru went with her for emotional support because Kesshou always gets nervous when she's meeting someone for the first time. Not long after they arrive Sunday starts talking about Kesshou's mother Aoi and how Kesshou looked so much like her which really confused them because they didn't think he'd really know Aoi, Kakeru tried to ask some questions but was shut down when Sunday said he wished to speak with Kesshou alone. (I think you can guess what I have in mind)
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank her for her contributions. If you want more information on these characters there's this post on Kesshou and this one on Kakeru, but you should be good to read without them. Articulating my point in this one was hard, so I hope it came across right.
Pt.1 Pt.2 N-P Pt.3
Word count: 1 153
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If there was one downside to the pilgrimage Kesshou was on, it was the lack of political practice. Sure she’d attended and headed plenty of meetings amongst her kind, and even a few close allies, but being sent for so suddenly caught her off guard. She’d never been to Penacony, at least not in her memory, and the Ali weren’t in a particularly close relationship with the Family; so, everything here was uncharted territory.
A hand brushing against her shoulder pulled her from her musings. As it swept away the invisible dust, it took the careful threads of doubt with it, and the reassuring look on Kakeru’s face washed away any uncertainty left.
She may not have the council, or her advisors, but she had Kakeru– and that was enough for today. After all, the head of the Oak family had only asked to meet her as a sign of good faith. This was no more of a political move than her conception.
Three sharp knocks echoed through the hall before a muffled voice called for her to enter.
The head of the Oak Family, Mr. Sunday, stood up from the table to meet her halfway as the door closed behind the two guests.
“Your highness,” Sunday bowed, one arm crossed in front of him and the other held behind his back, “on behalf of the Oak Family, I welcome you to Penacony.” He turned to Kakeru. “You must be the former heir…” there was a slight pause before he spoke again, as if he were picking his words carefully, “please, join me for tea.”
He stepped back, waving them towards the table and following close behind Kesshou. Sunday pulled out her chair, then rounded the table and took up his own seat. Kakeru stayed standing next to his cousin, he hadn’t been invited after all.
The conversation was easy; Sunday asked about their trip so far and how they were enjoying Penacony. Kesshou answered, and Kakeru simply observed. Somehow, Kesshou thinks she may have mentioned being born here, Aoi came up.
Neither Ali missed the hitch of Sunday’s wings, or the way his tea cup stilled part way to his lips.
“How is Ms. Aoi?” He asked, lowering his teacup without taking a sip. His hands laced in front of him. “It’s been a long time since I last saw her, though I must say you bear a striking resemblance to her in her youth.”
Sunday fought back a grin at the way Kesshou’s face scrunched up, noting that she had much to learn in the way of political maneuvering. He would applaud the way she schooled it almost as fast though.
“You and she were close?” Kakeru asked.
Kesshou’s gaze was sharp as she seemed to pick him apart. Kakeru’s gaze seemed distrustful.
The answer was vague.
“She’s never mentioned you.”
Kakeru’s tone was quickly turning hostile; something must have struck a nerve. Sunday found it almost nostalgic as he was reminded of his own sister. Kesshou almost reminded him of  a young Robin, strong willed and kind.
“Do you mention every bird you come across?”
“Mr. Kakeru, for someone who invited himself-”
“I invited him.” Kesshou spoke up suddenly. She turned to Kakeru. “You’re being rude to our host.” Turning back to Sunday, she bowed her head slightly, “I apologize for his behavior. I invited him as an advisor should you look to strike a deal of some kind.”
“It’s alright, I understand. You can never be too careful, however, I would prefer we continue our conversation without an audience… if that’s alright.”
Kesshou could see by the way Kakeru’s jaw moved that he was physically biting his tongue. She couldn’t blame him, whether they were right or not, something about Sunday seemed off.
“Kakeru,” she waved him down, and he leaned his ear next to her, “wait outside for a bit, I won’t be long.”
He hesitated before standing up completely and excusing himself.
The sound of the door closing still echoed through the room when Kesshou spoke up again.
“I have… one question. Did you have any regrets?”
Sunday looked thoughtful for a moment. It was a very vague question, but he’d answered a similar question from Robin once before.
“I do not regret fathering you,” he said, the same answer he had given Robin when she expressed her concern about the deal Mr. Gopher had signed him into. She’d already left Penacony and only learned about the deal after the conception was confirmed. “However, I do find myself regretting the circumstances, as I’m sure so does your mother. She often spoke of her sister’s misfortune, lamenting that something a s simple as being in love forced her to give up her throne.”
Kesshou dropped her gaze to her tea. It was cold now, and she’d barely touched it.
If her mother mentioned Ayano at all, she must have really trusted Sunday. 
“That is what I wanted to speak with you about.” Sunday stood from his chair and began to circle the table. “I want to create a world for the weak, where it isn’t survival of the fittest. It is a dream shared by my sister and I, and one I wish to pass on to you. A world where you do not have to bear a child at the whim of your council.” He extended his hand to her. “Your people have suffered so much, you deserve a place of peace.”
Kesshou’s eyes flicked from her father’s hand to his face, then back to his hand.
“I…” It sounded tempting but… it sounded an awful lot like death. “I need to consult my people on this matter.”
Sunday’s determined expression twitched.
“Of course.” He lowered his hand. “I’m sure Mr. Kakeru is also growing impatient.”
“Most likely.”
Kesshou pushed herself away from the table and stood up, bowing to Sunday.
“Thank you for the tea, and the offer. I will contact the council once I return to my room in reality.”
“Very well, I await your answer.”
Sunday bowed as well before following her to the door.
She pulled the door open, finding Kakeru leaning against one of the statues. He straightened up and made his way over.
“It is a shame though,” Sunday sighed, making the two Ali freeze up, “that your answer was evident the moment you asked to take time to consider. For that reason, I cannot allow you two to leave.” 
Kesshou whipped around, a fearful look in her eyes. Kakeru grabbed one of her arms, and Sunday grabbed the other– leaving Kesshou trapped as Kakeru tried to pull her away. Neither one of them could summon their weapons before a heavy fog began to bleed through their consciousness.
“I apologize,” Sunday looked down at Kesshou, his eyes were filled with more pity than sorrow, “but I will not allow the same fate that befell your mother fall onto you.”
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Ok so here’s the bullet point fic I’ve got going, it’s set in the usual ofmd modern au folks have been building up around these parts!
- So imagine Stede starts picking movies he thinks will be fun to show Ed and Izzy when they’re little, since they’ve seen very few children’s movies overall
- He starts with Disney from the 70s and 80s, thinking those might be somewhat familiar
- Those go okay, they’re certainly not poorly received but Ed’s response is lukewarm (and given that Izzy usually regresses to an age too young to really follow a movie’s plot, Ed’s opinion is the one Stede is after)
- After a bit of consideration, Stede throws the whole “familiar” angle out—there’s plenty of children’s cinema that’s been released in the last decade alone they could be enjoying!
- He starts thinking about movies his own kids enjoyed as they grew up; they’ve been raised entirely in the digitally animated era, but Stede has a soft place in his heart for the more classic hand-drawn aesthetic, so he compromises and picks a few of their favourites from the 90s and early noughties
- The whole round of selections goes well, but he surprises himself by knocking it out of the park with one of his choices for an entirely unexpected reason
- From the moment the first warm notes of ‘He Mele No Lilo’ are sung over that rich underwater landscape, Ed is enchanted by Lilo and Stitch
- Stede can’t help but hold a hand over his heart when he notices, about halfway through the movie, that Ed has been slowly inching himself forward to get closer to the screen at the foot of the bed
- Ed’s echolalia comes out more when he’s regressed, and he happily repeats Stitch’s little gibberish phrases as they’re said onscreen, because alien words are fun for his mouth!
- The next day, when Ed is big again, Stede asks him what he loved so much about it, and Ed, after some light deflection (as emotionally guarded people are wont to do), admitted that he was blown away that Disney had made a movie about a little Native Hawaiian girl
- Stede manages to stick his foot directly into his mouth immediately in that somehow-still-endearing (at least to Ed) way of his
- “But—you’re not Hawaiian?”
- Ed laughs, because he knows his partner tries his absolute hardest but is still a bit Stupid when it comes to stuff about race, but that’s okay, he’s still learning
- “I know that, mate, but think about it broader: that’s an Indigenous islander culture they’re portraying and celebrating that whole movie. That’s incredible—the Disney when we were kids would never have made somethin’ like that, it was always that, like, Anglo-Saxon, Western European ideal or whatever. S’just kinda cool.”
- Stede knows his next move. He is going to absolutely Win at Showing His Partner Movies While He’s Regressed. He can’t wait
- Belatedly, he asks Izzy what he thought as well, only feeling a little bit sheepish since he knows his other partner’s review will be, shall we say, minimalistic
- Izzy raises his eyebrow, clearly amused by Stede’s entirely hamfisted attempt to include him in a conversation to which he has little to contribute, “I remember, uh, bright colours and music? It got the job done”
- “Efficient, was it, Iz?” Ed teases, and Izzy, predictably, flips him off, but doesn’t try to hide his laugh as he does it
- The next time both his boys are small, Stede can barely contain his excitement as he sets up the movie of the night: Moana
- ‘Ed’s gonna go bananas for this’, he thinks gleefully
- He’s right
- It doesn’t take Ed long to pick up on the setting of their latest cinematic journey
- When it sinks in (after gaping at the TV for several seconds in silence), his hands begin flapping wildly, he lets out a few joyful squeaks and gasps—and promptly dissolves into tears
- Stede worries suddenly that he may have Succeeded Too Hard
- He pauses the movie to check in, but Ed, even through his tears, chides him and demands he press play again Right Now
- “‘M jus’ happy, Mama,” he explains gently, voice watery as he rubs tears from his eye with his fist
- Stede rubs his back soothingly and says, “I’m glad, love. Thank you for explaining your feelings to me.”
- Ed still has some sobs left in him after that but is mostly calming down, unlike Izzy, who picked up on Ed’s tears and got spooked
- He’s just too little to get that people cry for all sorts of feelings, not just bad ones, and if his big brother, who’s the bravest, smartest person in the world, is crying, something must be really wrong!!
- Stede lifts the smaller man onto his lap to cradle him against his chest, bouncing him very gently with his knees and making soothing sounds
- Ed, with one eye still on the TV, scrunches up his nose and asks why Izzy’s crying too, so Stede explains, and suddenly Ed is tugging Izzy right out of his lap
- “Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay, let Mama look after Izzy, you just watch your movie,” he says even as the baby is plonked between Ed’s legs, propped up against his chest
- “But I wan’ Izzy to get to watch it too!!”
- Since the aforementioned Izzy seems to be coming out of his crying fit, Stede just sits back and watches his boys watch
- Ed is pointing and chattering throughout the movie, guiding his baby brother through the story with him
- Stede thinks that the baby is probably more engaged by the hands popping out on either side of him at random intervals than the movie, but it doesn’t matter—they’re both smiling
- He leans back, and thinks to himself, ‘Yeah. This is what winning feels like.’
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Y e s aaaaaa representation is very vital in films, especially ones that are geared towards younger audiences!! Tiny Ed definitely catches these things and gives him the building of new childhood memories that he gets to experience with his Mama and baby brother ;w; 💖🥺
Oh you knooow Eddie then has a Lilo and Moana dollies that go everywhere with him when tiny and just sometimes sits there and admires them (before promptly declaring them astronauts and making them fly xD)
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bujorulgalben · 2 years
ooc: eve goes to romania pt.2: 2022!
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i reckon we should jump right into this bc hoo wee did i ramble here. i need to write a travel log someday and publish it. that’d be fun. anyway:
let’sa go!
to preface, let me explain that i absolutely had an ulterior motive when travelling out to bucharest this time around. it was first time i travelled since the pandemic; granted, they didn’t need proof of vaccination or a covid test done prior to arrival, but i was worried that i had somehow forgotten how to go about airports and independent movement abroad. my worries weren’t justified, thankfully :)
it was my first time travelling alone. this was extremely important, as i had always planned to make my next trip to bucharest with someone else. that didn’t happen, and i had to do this now for myself. this would change my plans for the future. i had to see if i could live in bucharest, if i really, really wanted to. believe me, i was challenged on this decision a lot lol. every romanian i spoke to about this seemed very confused.
and they were lovely! my spoken romanian has absolutely decayed since my MA studies (and now i have my motivation to revise it!!) but those i spoke to were eager to humour me/let me practice. if i ever stumbled, or if they spoke too quickly (90% of the time this was the case), i knew how to ask if they spoke english. 100% of the time, the answer was yes, but if i then wanted to reply in romanian, they would continue to support me!
capital cities are never the best way to see a true reflection of a country and it’s people; i know i’d never say that londoners are a reflection of those living in manchester or brighton, for example. it’s a very different beast. thankfully, i work in london, so i know what to contend with. there’s a constant rushing, and not just on the roads. and bucharest’s roads are fast. granted, because their main roads are 3, sometimes 4 lanes wide (perfect for national parades!), the speed limit can afford to be higher. i don’t think my uber driver to the airport on my final day slowed down from 70mph, ever! he earnt that tip fair and square. nice work, teodor.
my apartment was in a communist block on one of bucharest’s busier streets, right at the top of sector five; a stone’s throw from cismigiu park in one direction, and downtown in the other. my airbnb host (another sweetheart, who gave me so many food recommendations) had warned me about the noise, but i can’t sleep in too quiet a room. i found the noise comforting. yes, even the 4am ambulance siren. i learnt that the crows of bucharest all roost in cismigiu park, as well! a cloud of black wings and cawing descended on the park at dusk, and left again at dawn, without fail.
september is still very warm in bucharest, and i foolishly packed for a british autumn. the metro stations especially were VERY warm, and i was pleasantly surprised at how spacious the stations and trains were. the map is extremely easy to follow (not the spaghetti mess that is the london underground), and there’s signs constantly telling you where to go/what platforms to go to for your stop/etc. london should take notes here.
speaking of spaghetti, i did eat a lot of pasta during my stay. i already knew that romanians are big fans of italian food and coffee, and they do it very well! my favourite restaurant in the city served the best damn calzone i’ve ever eaten; with truffle salsa and this lovely, sweet marinara sauce. the romanian gin was refreshing, and easy on the palette. otherwise, i tried to have a shot of palinca with every dinner... and had to call it quits halfway through my trip lol. i can’t keep up with the locals. i fought hard to find my favourite romanian beer in bucharest; silva blonda. pale ales are more popular in transylvania, apparently.
i drank a lot of lemonade during my stay as well; with honey and mint; which helped with the cold i caught on the flight over. romanian lemonade just hits different.
i saw plenty of gentlemen’s clubs (yes, they really were ‘men only’. i was mad.) and plenty of bars offered hookah. i didn’t try this time, as i was advised to try it with a group for my first try, but it did look fun! every big billboard ad was for a gambling site of some sort, and watching international football on tv also saw it littered with betting ads. all registered, mind you, and they need to make that very clear. small businesses have to do the same, and display certificates in their windows, i noticed. this included the ‘box shops’ stationed on busy streets and corners; many being newstands and florists. there’s a lot of florists, and young women walking around with bouquets. i’m sure you could’ve guessed that this made me incredibly happy.
i saw some beautiful roses at the botanical gardens, and heard the city stay silent for the church bells and chanting early on a sunday morning. that in itself is incredible, and hearing the services was nothing short of magical. that morning, i met up with a photographer for an airbnb experience and we clicked nearly immediately. a history student at bucharest’s university, an introvert, a cat person. we’re now mutuals on instagram, and have promised to host the other when they next visit our respective capitals. 
she was one to suggest i visited romania’s national art gallery (and prioritise that wing of the gallery over the european one) and i’m delighted that i did. she also told me to prioritise carturesti carusel; romania’s most famous bookshop, and one of the most beautiful in the world. i bought a couple of translated books; “nostalgia” by mircea cartarescu, and an anthology of poems by nichita stanescu! 
of course, i wasn’t just in bucharest, and did spend a couple of days in brasov; getting there by train from gara de nord; bucharest’s main train station. it was painless, and i wasn’t subjected to any significant delays... although i did see one delay of two hours for a train due to arrive from vienna. 
brasov looks incredibly different; a city surrounding a mountain with beautiful, colourful buildings. it was the first city i volunteered in, eight years ago, so this visit was more for nostalgia. i hiked to the top of that mountain in the morning (and found out that it was home to 9 rare species of wasp... the hard way), and stood next to the hollywood-styled sign at the top. just like i did 8 years ago.
i chatted to an american at dinner the night before (from queens, and the son of romanian immigrants, now visiting grandparents still in ro) and became fast friends with him as well! we were both eavesdropping on a tour group behind us, quietly judging our respective countrymen, and i invited him to chat once they left. his romanian was a lot better than mine. lol.
asides that, i also (finally) got myself to sinaia to see peles and pelisor castles. both are stunning, of course; something out of a fairytale. complete with the misty mountain setting, as this was the only day i had rain. themes for the architecture, inside and out, come from all over europe; but is especially obvious in the saxon and baroque influences. i had the best goulash for lunch there. the food overall on my trip was pretty great!
this trip left me physically exhausted with all the walking and hiking, i missed pearl terribly after befriending all the stray cats (and there’s a lot!), and i bought a whole bunch of goodies! a lot of milka! a well-known balkan peace offering lol.
for photos and the like, i’m going to plug my insta (wink), and encourage you to watch the story i made for my 2022 visit to ro! i got some banger photos, too, as well as some from the photoshoot i’m yet to drop. i’m pretty sorted for munday now lol.
and... yeah! thank you for reading thank you for dealing with my ooc posting i need to get to work on getting my work visa now. after another week of pto. i’m shattered.
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cottagecorrosive · 10 months
A post to myself so no one read it pls
I'm going to be okay. Someday I'm going to wake up with the dawn and have the warmth of the sun gently get me out of bed. I will go into the kitchen of a small home that we bought together after we have experienced the world despite never leaving the country. I will cook breakfast: pancakes with lots of syrup, eggs, bacon, hot coco...your favorite. I'll wake you up with the smell of a lovingly made meal and gentle sound of me humming our song. We have plenty, but each melody reminds me of you. That's why I can get out of bed. The sun and the warmth remind me I will have another gentle day with you. We'll eat on the porch outside and listen to the morning birds. Our jobs will be worthwhile. We'll have a garden. We'll have a golden lab and name him Rusty. He won't be bright, but he'll shine. We'll have plenty of room to breath and to run and to skip and to frolic. We'll act like no one is watching because the only person i care about who looks at me is you...and i know you love me. And you know I love you too. Forever and always. I'll be able to sit in the living room. I'll be happy to wake up. It'll be hard going to sleep because of how excited I am for tomorrow. We'll be okay. Our minds may not be fixed from all that we've been through, but we know how to love each other's scars. At night we'll have fires and smores and we'll cuddle watching a movie you fall asleep halfway through. I'll carry you to bed and kiss your forehead before trailing off to a dream that will never compare to the life we have. We'll have a family that accepts for who we are and we enjoy the holidays. I haven't been on social media for months. We'll make pinky promises and keep them because they are the most important thing. Chores are not a chore. We'll wash the dishes together and sing our favorite songs. We'll do laundry together and sing The Devil Went Down to Georgia in time with our broken yet usable washing machine. We appreciate living and the living. We'll go hiking all the time and take the time to relax. We'll see each other in the stars. We each have our own space and can appreciate time together and apart. We'll need time to be alone, but I can't wait to tell you what I did and I can't wait to hear what you did. We'll be gentle with each other. In every way. We'll try to bake and create new recipes. Probably failing most of the time, but laughing at how gooey the cake looks and eating it anyway. We won't get angry anymore. At anyone. I'll say I love you a million times and minute and mean it every time. It's my only constant thought. We'll take pictures of everywhere we go and hang them on the wall. Some we'll forget, but they'll be there. Every day I will fall in love with you again. Every few nights we'll get dressed in our nicest clothes and dance on the porch. We'll try to learn new ways to dance and will never be able to because we'll just fall to the floor laughing at ourselves. I'll still practice when I'm alone to impress you next time. We both will. We'll never stop trying to impress each other. I'll learn your favorite songs on guitar and we'll sing together. When we're doing chores I'll turn off my music to head you softly humming. I'll never be tired again. Not like I was. Not like I am. We'll read together, not saying a word. We'll sometimes buy gifts for each other, but most of the time it'll be crafts of love. A crotched ghost. A song. A birdhouse. A trip. A crown made from daisies. We'll exist together. Somehow never getting in the way of the other. We'll celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, Halloweens, Christmases, Easter to the fullest extent. Not to celebrate them, but to have an excuse to have fun with each other. We'll appreciate every season and the change they bring. The Spring. The Summer. The Autumn. The Winter. Change and love are the only constants. We'll wash each other's hair. We'll do things for one another because we want to, not because we have to. We'll be content.
Life will be gentle and worth living.
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dollslayer · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Bartender!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend makes a surprise appearance at your sister's wedding you find help from an unexpected source.
W/C: 4,642
Warnings: NO MINORS, Smut, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
A/N: Hey! I know it's been a minute (sorry), I wrote this for @saiyanprincessswanie's writing challenge using the bartender au! If you like this please reblog and comment and check out my other fics!! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
You sighed internally before slapping on a smile for yet another group picture. Your bridesmaid dress was itchy and you already regretted spending the entire night in it, as the reception was just starting. But it was your sister’s day and you decided that if what she really wanted was for you to wear this itchy monstrosity to honor her wedding then damn it, you’d do it. So you leaned in close with the rest of the wedding party and posed some more.
When the photographer had finished with his photos you were ushered to the family table and wedged between your mother and your aunt. You mentally cursed your sister for seating you with them because they were going to spend the entire night trying to set you up with someone while simultaneously lamenting that you’d dumped your boyfriend of 4 years just a month earlier. Your mother wanted grandchildren so badly, you didn’t know why she couldn’t just settle to get them from your sister.
“Sweetheart, you and Steve were so good together though! Remember when he surprised you at Christmas with that puppy? I don’t know how you let a man like that go…” Your mom chided.
You grabbed the attention of a passing server and grabbed the champagne off their tray. If you were going to have this conversation again you needed liquid courage to do so. You downed it in three sips and your mom scoffed at you.
“Mom, we've been over this. I didn’t ask him to do that, we agreed we weren’t ready for a dog. Ugh, oh my god, anyways, we just didn’t work together. Sometimes things don’t work out, Mom. You’ll still get grandkids, just not from me.” You patted her on the shoulder but she just pursed her lips and looked past you to your aunt.
You wanted nothing more than to get wasted but you couldn’t do that to your sister. You wouldn’t get blackout drunk, but you were definitely getting drunk tonight. The reception was being held in a hotel and the wedding party had a block of rooms reserved so it’s not like you had to drive. You just had one thing to do before you did that.
The moment you’d been dreading had finally arrived, the toast. You held your freshly topped-off glass of champagne and brought your fork to it to get everyone’s attention. Someone handed you the mic and you hesitated before taking it and nervously cleared your throat.
By what you assumed could only be the grace of God you managed to deliver the perfect toast about finding the right person and soulmates and anything else you might find in a hallmark card with only minor stumbles. Everyone clapped and your brother-in-law wiped a stray tear and everyone finally dug into dinner. You just hoped that would mean your mother would be quiet about Steve for the next 20 minutes and then you could escape to the open bar.
You almost made it through dinner scott-free and sat back to watch your sister’s first dance. Just when you thought you were in the clear it was your aunt that threw a wrench in your plans. She was three glasses of wine deep and had that glassy look in her eye when she grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer. She spoke to you in a low voice while trying not to fumble her words.
“Listen kiddo, I know your mom is hard on you about Stevie but she just wants what’s best for you. What you two had… it was so good even I liked him! I don’t like anybody y’know that. So.. so why don’t you jus’ give ‘im another chance, make your mom happy? Couldn’t be that bad, could it? Maybe he’ll even… surprise you”
You mentally blocked out her words halfway through her speech, hoping neither of you would remember it by the end of the night. Right now you just had to get her to stop so you could get away from the table. You didn’t think you could take one more second of being shamed for leaving Steve.
You smiled sweetly and nodded in understanding towards her words.
“I know, Aunt Linda. I know. Sometimes things happen, I love mom but I’ll find someone else.”
With that you patted her on the shoulder and took off in search of the bar.
There were two bars and you wanted to go to the less crowded one. Looking around you had spotted it just past the dancefloor and made a beeline. Weaving through the now open dance floor and escaping the invitations to join your family you finally made it and leaned heavily against the countertop with a sigh.
“Rough night?” Your eyes follow the gruff yet amused voice and find that it belongs to a very handsome man with a defined jaw, clear blue eyes, and long hair that was tied back.
You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“You don’t know that half of it. Nothing like a wedding to remind you how single you are” You joked.
“Ah. Yeah, that’ll do it. That’s rough. You look like you need a drink, what can I get you?”
“Dealer’s choice. Just no vodka.” You requested.
He smirked and nodded, perusing the lines of bottles that were in front of him. He bit his lip as he concentrated on what to make and you tried not to stare. You watched him get to work on your drink and couldn’t help but notice the way you could see his muscles move underneath his dress shirt.
He turned back around and proudly presented you with something fizzy in a highball glass.
“My own concoction, I even used the non-watered down liquor. Just for you” He says with a wink.
You try your best to hide your shy smile and accept the drink.
“Thank you, how sweet of you.” You tell him.
“It’s nothin’. So how’s a gal like you single? If you don’t mind my asking. Seems pretty impossible to me.”
You're caught somewhere between flattery and embarrassment and just hope it doesn't show on your face. You take a long sip of your drink and gear up to answer him.
“Well, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, actually. He’s really sweet but he always had a tendency to steamroll my needs and just do whatever he was going to do. Eventually that shit adds up.” You sigh.
“Like for example - last year we had talked about getting a dog and I said I wasn’t ready, we’re just both way too busy and then on Christmas day he shows up with this puppy! And then I’m the villain for telling him no! The puppy ended up going to a good home but he did stuff like that all the time. It just became too much. Anyways now my mom won’t get off my ass about leaving him.” You shook your head.
“A puppy? Wow, that’s… intense. That’s a lot, I’m sorry. You finish that drink and I’ll pour us both a shot” He laughed.
You nodded in agreement and downed the rest of the cocktail. He held up two shot glasses and extended one to you.
“A toast, to… wait. I don’t even know your name!”
His shoulders shook as he laughed and he answered you.
“I’m James but you can call me Bucky” You made a face at that.
“What kinda name is Bucky?” You asked before giving him your own name.
“Whatever, I’ve got two shots of tequila, you want one or not?” How could you say no?
“A toast,” You continued, “To you and your weird name, Bucky.”
He laughed and you clinked your glasses together, then against the counter before downing them in one go. You tried your best not to make a face and looked up at Bucky to find him extending you the lime chaser, which you took gratefully.
“Hoo… I could use like, 3 more of those to get through tonight. So, how’d you get into bartending?”
“I needed somethin’ to put me through school and I figured this beats stripping. Though, with some of the customers we get sometimes I’m not so sure”
You laughed at that and Bucky went on to tell you anecdotes of all the crazy people he’s had to serve, disastrous weddings, and the time he got a lapdance from the bride herself. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed but you were enjoying talking to him, forgetting your mission to be drunk.
The two of you kept swapping stories and were getting to know each other a bit more. He let you vent about Steve and just listened, it was refreshing to talk to someone and not be told what it is that you should be wanting. When you pictured the night you didn’t picture yourself confiding in the bartender tonight but if you were honest you were enjoying yourself. It beat awkwardly dancing with your family and enduring more disappointed remarks from your family.
You had hoped you could hide out at the bar and spend the entire night unscathed when the double doors to the ballroom opened. Your heartbeat in your ears as time slowed down around you as a blond head of hair made its way through the archway. Your laughter died in your throat when Baby blue eyes found you across the room and you froze like a deer in headlights. No. Nononononono this isn’t happening.
Time has somehow come to a halt while simultaneously hurtling forward since you can’t get yourself unstuck from this moment yet fail to realize that Steve is now standing right in front of you. His hair is swept back perfectly and he flashes you that million dollar smile of his that shows off his dimples perfectly. You scold yourself for checking him out but damn did he always clean up nice.
“Hey, sweetheart” he says shyly, as if he’s not crashing your sister’s wedding to get with you.
“What…? What are you doing… here?” You ask quietly, trying to avoid a scene.
Before he can answer you your mom comes up behind Steve and squeezes his shoulders tight, all with a big, bright smile on her face. Of course. How did I not see this coming?
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Of course, sorry to have missed the ceremony but there’s still plenty to celebrate, right?” He asked with his signature boyish smirk.
Shock was still in full effect on your features as you stood stock still. But that shock was soon giving way to anger as you slowly pieced together everything that was happening. Your mom had brought back Steve to try and get you back together and Steve was steamrolling you again.
“I… I, can’t. I can’t-” You started
“Sweetheart, how many of those have you had? You need some water.” Steve motions to the drink in your hand and you feel the anger running through your veins about to take over. You have to move this out of the room. Now.
“Why don’t we move this to the hall?” You suggested quietly.
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started moving towards the exit but you did spare one last panicked glance towards Bucky. He looked confused and his brows were quirked in a way that made him look upset, almost. You sent him a pleading look before turning back around and preparing yourself to deal with this shitshow that had slowly unfolded before you.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. You got this. Your hand begins to push the door open when Steve’s much larger one covers yours and gets the job done. An action that you once would’ve thought was sweet, one that you would’ve made you swoon, even, is currently pissing you off.
You two made your way to the hallway and you looked around before you started in on him.
“Okay, what the hell, Rogers? Crashing my sister’s wedding? Really?! I don’t give a shit if my mom put you up to this I-”
“Sweetheart, please. She thought you might be having second thoughts and maybe us seeing each other would… patch things up. We just want what’s best for you, sweetheart” Steve attempted to console you, reaching out to try and rub your arm but you pulled back.
“No! I am so sick of you running me over! You never listened to me or what I had to say and this is exactly why I broke up with you, Steve! You’re being so fucki-”
“Hey, babe, everything okay out here?” Bucky’s voice surprised you but not as much as his lips pressing a kiss into your hair and his arms wrapping around your waist.
You had to crane your neck to look back and up at him. It took all of two seconds for you to piece together what you’d hoped was the truth. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you as if to say “come on” and in all your desperation you went with it. You supposed that his formal uniform made him pass for a regular guest.
“I, ah, yeah, yes. Steve here was just leaving, right?” You asked him.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a stunned expression, mouth slightly open in disbelief. His hand reached out towards your shoulder but Bucky pulled you back gently.
“Doll, are you serious? Who even is this guy? Does your mom know about this?”
“No, she doesn’t. It’s… new…” You told him.
“Right,” Bucky cuts in, “It’s new so we weren’t telling anyone just yet but she figured I should at least be here for the reception”
“Seriously?” Steve scoffs, “Man bun? What does he have that I don’t? C’mon, you know what you and I have is real.”
“What you and I have is over, Steve. You never listened to me, always pushed me further than I was ready for. We’re done, it’s over. I’m sorry for whatever Mom told you”
Steve took a harsh breath inwards and you watched him try to decide whether he should walk away or blow up. Based off of the veins popping in his forehead, he was opting to blow up.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to but-”
“She said it’s over, punk. Move along” Bucky cut in. He took a protective step in front of you and pushed his shoulders back, squaring up to Steve. Steve seethed quietly and you two exchanged very tense glances.
“I’m telling your mother about this. I doubt she’ll be happy to hear you brought some random person to your sister’s wedding.” Steve spat.
He walked past the two of you and bumped shoulders harshly with Bucky. Bucky’s jaw tensed and his grip on your waist tightened but he didn’t retaliate. Instead he took a step back to get a proper look at you.
“You okay?”
“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but you looked like you could really use the help.”
“Well… thank you. I appreciate it, more than you know. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” You laughed to yourself a little and added, “We’re not even together 5 minutes and you already have all my emotional baggage”
Bucky laughed at that and shook his head.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ve got some crazy exes too. So what now? You going back in?”
You became a little flustered at that but moved past it with a sheepish grin.
“No,” You shook your head, “I think it’s best for everyone if I just go up to my room and avoid a whole scene.”
“Well at least let me walk you up. I wouldn’t put it past that creep to follow you.”
“What about the bar?”
“We’re overstaffed and the party’s winding down anyways. They’ll get on without me”
“Alright then” You accepted and started off towards the elevators.
You two were standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when you spotted the doors to the ballroom open. Your mother was looking around, her face a picture of anger. Lucky for you the doors closed before she could look in your direction and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You know as far as fake boyfriends go I’d say you’re pretty good”
“Just good? C’mon I had that guy on the ropes.”
“Yeah alright,” You relented with a grin.
You exited the elevator car and made your way down the hallway until finally you reached your door. You fished your keycard out of your wallet and turned to Bucky.
“Hey… do you wanna… maybe come in? Hang out? I know you’ve got work but if you’re overstaffed maybe…” You trailed off. There was a beat of silence and you felt regret instantly, thinking you’ve asked too much of him. “Y’know what nevermind, you don’t have to, I’m sorry I-”
“I’d love to hang out with you, if you’re okay with that. Plus it’s probably better I wait to get back until the wedding’s over. Can’t really show my face as your boyfriend and then get back behind the bar, can I?” He said with a soft smile.
“Suppose you’re right,” You swiped the card and cracked open the door.
You stepped inside and felt like you could finally breathe again. You kicked off your heels and went to turn on the lights. You reached back to get the zipper of your dress but couldn’t quite get there.
“Will you get my zipper?” You asked Bucky. He nodded and came closer to you.
You could feel his warmth radiating from him when he was this close. Your nostrils filled with the heady scent of his aftershave. He smells so good. He unzipped you halfway and left the rest for you.
You thanked him and grabbed your change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. Relieved to finally be free of the itchy monstrosity of a bridesmaids dress you sighed and put on a tank top and pair of shorts. You realized the tank top showed a little more of your cleavage than intended but you shrugged it off and exited the bathroom.
Bucky’s eyes landed on you and he took a sharp breath in but tried to play it cool. It half worked, you caught him staring a little bit and giggled to yourself. When you looked at him again he was undoing his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt. Wonder what he’d look like if he unbuttoned just a few more… You stopped yourself in that line of thinking and joined him on the couch.
“I think your phone’s gonna zap itself into an early grave with the way it’s been going off” Bucky said as he pointed to your phone on the table.
You picked it up to find you had several missed calls from your mother, one from Steve, and one very long text message from him that was already inducing a headache. You opened it, forgetting you had read receipts on. Oops. You weren’t going to read this now in front of Bucky, so you shut it off and put it aside.
“So how are you feelin’?” He asked.
“Better now that I’m out that damned dress. As for my family, they'll get over themselves. I don’t know why who I’m dating is such a big deal to them anyways.”
“You do look more comfy now that you’ve changed. If you don’t mind me sayin’ you’re just as gorgeous now as you were all dolled up”
You felt heat flood your cheeks instantly and eked out a thank you. You and Bucky talked for an hour more or so and in that time you’d found yourself nodding off with your head on his chest. On instinct he brought your whole body closer to him and put his arm around you. If you were less sleepy you’d be embarrassed but right now you didn’t care.
Bucky had moved slightly and inadvertently jolted you awake. You shot up and realized that you’d cuddled your way into Bucky’s side and now the embarrassment was catching up with you. You instantly scooted back to give him some space.
“Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to cuddle you” You said while avoiding his gaze.
You felt a hand on your thigh and finally looked up to find him smirking at you.
“I didn’t mind it. It’s getting late though, I should get back.”
You were slightly disappointed but nodded your head. You rose and followed him to the door. He went for the handle but turned around when you grabbed his hand. He stepped away from the door and was in your personal space. You looked up at him with a shaky breath.
“Thank you, again, for what you did. It was really sweet of you.” He smiled down at you and brought one hand to your face. Oh God, I didn’t prepare for this. Your heart was beating just a little harder as you looked into his clear blue eyes.
“For you? Anytime. I had a really fun time with you tonight.”
“Me too.”
With that his other hand came up to cup your face and he kissed you sweetly. It wasn’t until you kissed him back that he pulled away.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I don’t wanna make you uncomf-”
You grabbed him by the shirt collar and brought him in for another kiss. This time more demanding but just as sweet. He let out a small moan and you swear you could’ve melted. His tongue explored your mouth while his hands moved their way down your body and brought you even closer to him. You could feel that he was hard and it only made you want him more.
Without breaking the kiss you started to move backwards towards the bed until finally you were just at the edge of it. You broke apart for air and searched his eyes only to find his pupils blown wide in lust. You cupped him through his pants and he groaned. He was big. Maybe even bigger than Steve.
“We don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to do,” He breathed out. You shook your head and kissed him again.
“I want you, I’m sure.” You panted out.
“I don’t have a condom”
“Doesn’ matter, I’m on the pill” You told him. With that his hands were up your tank top and you’d helped him to remove it. He worked on his shirt next and while he fumbled with the buttons you took off the rest of your clothing.
Bucky was every bit as devastating as you’d thought he’d be and you let out a genuine sigh. His toned muscles rippled throughout his arms and torso and you watched him remove his boxers and you’re not entirely sure your jaw hadn’t dropped. He noticed you gawking and chuckled as he leaned down to join you on the bed.
“See somethin’ you like?”
He didn’t give you the chance to answer though, he pushed you backwards onto the bed and kissed you again, this time trailing his kisses all the way down your body. He stopped and took his time to admire each of your breasts, licking and biting your nipples. You’d gasped in surprise and pleasure. He moved his way down finally to your pussy and looked up at you.
“Can I? You could only nod and let out a shaky breath as you sat up on your elbows and watched him get to work. He kissed and caressed your thighs until finally his fingers were prodding at your entrance. He groaned at how wet you were and pushed two fingers in. You let out an obscene moan and your hands went into his locks. His tongue lapped at your clit before he sucked on it, all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you in search of your G-spot.
You’d pulled his hair out of his bun and guided his tongue where he needed to be. Finally getting the right angle you were whimpering in pleasure, back arched almost to a point of pain. He’d finally found the spot he’d been looking for and your eyes shut closed in pleasure.
“Please,” you begged, “Please don’t stop I’m so close”
You pushed his head harder against you and his fingers sped up. It was only a matter of moments until your toes were curling in pleasure and you writhed on the bed in the aftershock of your orgasm. Bucky continued to lap away at you until you pushed him off. He came back up to eye level with you and had a wolfish grin.
“Who knew you’d make such noises? God it was so hot”
You pulled him in for another kiss and reached down to grab his cock. You pumped it a few times before you moved down to return the favor when he stopped you. You looked up at him with brows pinched in concern.
“Don’ worry about me, I just wanna feel you”
He moved you beneath him and you spread your legs apart for him. You were still sensitive in your post-high when his tip brushed your clit but you didn’t mind the bolt of pleasure. He aligned himself with your entrance and looked you in the eye as he pushed all the way inside of you slowly. You let out an involuntary moan, trying to accommodate his full length.
“You good?” He asked.
“I’m good, you’re just...big” He smirked at that.
“Can I move or do you need a second?”
“No, you can move, please move.”
One hand on your hip and the other on your breast he started thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. You swore you could feel every bump and ridge of him with every inch he put into you. His pace picked up and he kissed the column of your neck, finding the one spot that drove you crazy. Your small mewls turned to full moans and he began fucking you harder.
“‘M not gonna last much longer” He told you. You didn’t say anything in response, just brought him in for another kiss and grabbed a handful of his ass to push him further inside you. He chuckled at that and took the hint.
He was going the hardest he had so far and you were holding on for dear life and loving every minute of it. His panting breaths were heavy in your ears and you reached down to toy with your clit so you’d cum together. His thrusts were getting a little sloppier and your hand moved faster, quickly approaching both your peaks. He let out an almost pornographic moan as he came, He fucked you through his orgasm and not a moment later you came for a second time. Your bodies melded together as you rode out the last waves of each other’s orgasms.
Finally Bucky stopped and held himself with one hand, trying to catch his breath. You were slightly dazed, trying to compute how your night had ended up like this. Bucky rolled over onto the bed and you felt the mess between your thighs. You looked over to him with a hazy smile.
“So, I know we’re doin’ things a little backwards here but, maybe I could take you out some time? If you want?”
Your smile grew even wider and your heart felt so light in this moment.
“I’d like that”
You didn’t know what tomorrow would hold or how to even begin cleaning up the mess with your family. You’d deal with it all in the morning, for now you’d just bask in the afterglow with your fake boyfriend and be grateful for chance meetings.
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retrievablememories · 3 years
three’s company | kai & taemin (m)
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title: three’s company pairing: taemin x reader x kai genre: smut, fwb request: “hello!! can I req a kai and taemin with female reader smut fic?” word count: 4.4k warnings: MMF threesome, oral (female and male receiving), deep throating, fingering, unprotected sex (don’t try at home 🚫), cumshots, some spanking, taemin has dom tendencies, the aftercare is a bit lacking i think sjdfklfsk a/n: i have not written a proper threesome fic in so long, this didn’t come as easy to me as i thought it would 🤧
at the beginning of the fic—if you don’t know about taemin’s infamous slippers here are some references lol
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“Open the door for your best friends!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Taemin’s head peeks through the crack in his front door only a few seconds later, and he grins at the sight of you and Kai standing on his front step, overnight bags in hand. “Took you long enough.”
“We would’ve got here sooner if Y/N didn’t take a hundred years to find her favorite slippers,” Kai says, snorting.
“I can’t go anywhere without them, they’re part of my bedtime routine,” you protest, stepping inside as Taemin opens the door wider for the two of you to come in. “And I am not wearing Taemin’s rat fur shoes as a consolation prize like he tried to make me do last time.”
Taemin rolls his eyes at your complaint. “Rat fur slippers or not, you have no problem stealing all my other clothes.”
“It’s not my fault your clothes are so cozy.”
“You say that every time you steal our stuff,” Kai points out, walking past you both to make himself comfortable on Taemin’s couch. “How many of my poor hoodies are hanging up in your closet, never to be worn by me again?”
“Just the right amount,” you insist, dropping your bag to the floor and jumping onto the couch with Kai, splaying yourself across his legs and the couch cushions. He grins at you like you’re an overexcited kid and leans against the back of the couch.
“You’re so goofy. I hope you don’t plan on having me take care of you all weekend like the last time you ate too much sugar and crashed like hell,” Kai says, tapping his finger on your forehead and making you swat his hand away.
“No, I’m not gonna do that again...I don’t need to be babysat, Jongin!”
Taemin passes by the two of you on the couch and pinches your thigh as he goes; fortunately for him, he’s fast enough to escape a slap from you. “Don’t worry...even if it does happen, we’ll take good care of you.” He leaves with a joking smile as he goes into the other room, though the teasing note in his tone makes you wonder for a brief moment.
A few hours later, the three of you are in the kitchen preparing snacks for your movie night—which usually ends up with you and Kai doing most of the work because Taemin tends to be a mess in the kitchen. Kai’s phone pings from the living room, and he leaves the both of you alone to go check what it is. Taemin sidles up to your side as soon as Kai exits the room, and you give him a questioning look when his arm goes around your waist.
“What do you want,” you deadpan.
“Don’t be so mean to me.” His tone is playful, but the lips at your ear are not so innocent. “We haven’t even seen each other in a while.”
“I know, which is why I’m astounded at your inability to keep it in your pants. You should’ve had plenty of practice by now.” Taemin gives an amused laugh, his eyes watching the doorway the entire time, and while the coast is still clear he takes the opportunity to press his hot lips against your neck. You shy away from him, but only because you don’t want to get caught.
One game of Truth or Dare with Taemin more than a year ago had gotten out of hand—a game the three of you usually played together, but Kai had been busy with EXO’s promotions for Obsession at the time—and the next thing you knew, you were sleeping with one of your good friends.
You knew that friends-with-benefits arrangements often ended in flames—you’d seen it happen too often with your other friends and their sexual partners—but you didn’t regret anything about the situation. You both enjoyed the sex, and it hadn’t managed to ruin your friendship, so neither of you saw any real reason to stop. No regrets—except for maybe the fact that you were keeping it secret from Kai.
It was Taemin’s suggestion and you went along with it, though you weren’t really sure what difference it made. He always acted as if letting the younger man know would be too much shock for him to take, or maybe he’d find it awkward to continue hanging out with you two, which you found ridiculous (it turned out fine with him, why did it need to be kept from Kai?) but you weren’t interested in arguing about it.
Taemin looks like he’s about to say something else, but he’s suddenly zipping away from your side just as quick as he came. You see the reason why when Kai walks back into the room seconds later, seemingly unaware of Taemin’s earlier antics. You screw up your mouth and glare at Taemin for almost getting caught when all this secrecy was his idea.
Kai raises his eyebrows. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me Taemin is bothering you again.”
“When is he not?” 
“Stop pretending like you don’t love it.” Taemin pulls out aegyo that makes both you and Kai cringe like you’ve been stung. Taemin laughs at both your expressions, though he’s also a bit embarrassed for even trying to use the cute card on you; you rarely fell for those tricks of his.
Kai shakes his head. “This is going to be a long weekend.”
Despite Taemin having more than enough space in his home to host all three of you in your own rooms, you all end up in Taemin’s bed when you decide to turn in for the night. Kai swore he was only stopping in to talk before going back to his own room, but he never left his side of the bed even after the overhead lights were turned out. You lie in between the two men the whole time, enjoying their body heat on either side of you and the comfort of having them nearby.
Kai is already knocked out on your left, but Taemin remains awake, his eyes sparkling with devilment in the dark. He angles his body more towards you, lying on his side, and you mean to ask what he’s doing and why he’s not asleep yet when his hand lands on your thigh.
Your lips part and your mouth moves aimlessly for a few moments as his hand works up and down your thigh, warming you up. “Jongin…” you finally whisper, and both of you know that you speaking the other man’s name is not you trying to call out for him—it’s a warning.
“...is asleep,” Taemin says, unfazed.
“This is wrong,” you mutter, but you don’t make a move to stop him when his hand comes closer to the space between your thighs. Taemin brushes his fingers across your pubic mound as he reaches his hand over to your other thigh, teasing you. “You were the one who wanted to keep all this hidden. Remember that.”
“Correct,” he responds, still sounding perfectly casual about the entire situation. “And we still can, if you just be quiet for a little while and let me do this.”
“Can’t you wait until later?” Your voice comes out strained. When his hand inches closer to your inner thigh again, you don’t know whether you want to ask him to stop for his own good or go further. “Like when he’s in the shower or something?”
Taemin slides his hand fully between your legs now, the heel of his palm rubbing against your clit. “I have to touch you.” He says it like he doesn’t know what will happen to him if he doesn’t get the opportunity now. The tinge of neediness in his voice breaks something inside you and makes you want to relent without a single question more.
The sudden movement of his palm on the most sensitive part of your body causes you to jerk, and your elbow hits Kai right in the side by accident. For a tense moment, you think maybe you haven’t woken him, but then he grumbles and gently shoves you back. “Why are you elbowing me?” he murmurs, and then you freeze when he turns his head and opens his eyes to look at you. His eyes are only cracked halfway, but even in the dim room you know there is a good chance he can see how Taemin’s hand is now halfway tucked into your sleep pants as he begins his descent into your underwear. You stay stock-still as if that’ll make him unable to see you, which feels as ridiculous as it sounds.
“I-it was an accident, sorry,” you stammer. Kai doesn’t respond right away, too busy blinking his eyes against the dark. Then he says,
“If you two are going to do that, go in another room.” He scoffs and turns over, and you’re mortified. He sounded completely nonchalant about finding the two of you in a compromising position, which makes you wonder; does he somehow already know about the arrangement you two have? Maybe neither of you were ever really as sneaky as you’d thought.
“You should join us,” Taemin suggests, throwing yet another wrench into the situation. Kai’s body stiffens beside you, and there’s silence before he faces you both again.
“Aren’t you being a little—”
“Yes, join.” Taemin interrupts you, and you roll your eyes, pinching his arm. “Don’t pretend like you haven’t thought about it before.”
“What does that mean?” you blurt out, jerking your head to look at Taemin. What secrets have they been keeping from you? Kai looks equally bewildered, which makes you more confused.
“I—when have I suggested anything like that?” Kai argues, though his voice is uncertain.
“You don’t have to. You are easy to read, Jongin.” Kai makes a disapproving noise at Taemin’s statement.
“Easy to read? What about you thinking you were being sneaky with Y/N this whole time—”
“Well, I thought we were pretty damn clever—”
“Look, if you two are just going to go back and forth, I’m going to sleep—”
“Fine. Let me join, then.” You want to complain at being interrupted again, but Kai’s words make you pause. And then his eyes drift over to you, his face turning towards yours on the pillow and his voice becoming more yielding. “If you’re okay with it.” 
You feel a bit winded, never really expecting him to say yes. But now here it is, out in the open and waiting for you to take hold of it—or shun it away. You also know yourself well enough to understand the second choice isn’t even an option for you. Taemin waits in silence to see what your answer will be, though the corner of his mouth is already lifting in a smirk because he can take a good guess.
“Okay. Then let’s do it.”
With your acceptance, there’s a tense pause as everyone waits to see what the other will do first.
Taemin makes the first move by sliding his hand the rest of the way into your underwear, his fingers dipping down to feel you. You’re not as wet as he’d like yet, which he immediately seeks to remedy by rubbing your clit and bringing his plush lips to your exposed collarbone.
“Kiss her,” Taemin says in between laying kisses of his own across your chest. Kai stays still for a moment longer, and you wonder if he’s regretting this decision, but when you glance up at him his eyes are glued to where Taemin’s hand is moving beneath your pajamas. Finally, he tears his stare away from the scene playing out in front of him and meets your gaze, coming closer to press his mouth on yours.
More often than not, Taemin’s kisses are heated and frantic, as if he can never kiss you enough—which is not to knock his experience or skill, because he has more than enough to satisfy you—but Kai is soft and slow against your mouth, kissing you deeply and intensely like he might not get to do it again.
Taemin laughs quietly against your neck at how you grow wetter beneath his fingers from this one kiss. 
Kai’s touch is a little more tentative because he hasn’t done this with you before, but his hands go to the hem of your shirt. He goes underneath the fabric, pushing it up your stomach along the way, to touch your breasts. Your nipples harden at his touch, and he rolls them between his deft fingers. It doesn’t take long for him to begin desiring more contact, and he shoves your shirt up above your chest, lowering his head to take a nipple into his mouth.
Taemin situates himself further down to let Kai have his way with your upper body and introduces one of his fingers into you, sliding the slender digit inside and crooking it up to find that soft spot. You twitch around him, your thighs tensing and flexing, and he keeps his lips pressed close to your hips, biting the skin there and then dragging his tongue across the places he’s just irritated. You’re already feeling overwhelmed at having both men pleasure you at the same time, and you’re not sure how you’re going to make it through the rest of the night.
Your pulse races against Kai’s mouth as his kisses travel to your neck, making you shiver. “Does that feel good?” Kai asks, his voice low, and you nod without a second thought. You belatedly realize he’s referring to Taemin's actions when you notice his eyes have drifted below the waist again. He seems entranced with the way Taemin fingers you, or maybe he just wants a turn for himself. 
“It does,” you say, as if your nod wasn’t confirmation enough. Your words trail out of you in a breathless whisper. Kai soon shifts lower down your body just as Taemin eases another finger into you, which makes you moan softly. You think your heart might beat out of your chest when Kai settles himself beside Taemin, and you can guess what’s about to happen.
“Are you going to have her all to yourself?” Kai remarks, his tone joking.
“I was here first.” Taemin grins deviously, but he shuffles over to make more room for Kai between your legs.
As Taemin keeps moving his fingers inside you, brushing them against your g-spot and making you moan desperately, Kai lowers his head and drags his tongue over your clit. You gasp sharply at this brand-new sensation; the sight of it is even more erotic than you could’ve imagined. Kai wraps his mouth around your sensitive clit and Taemin observes closely as the other man sucks and licks into you. Though Taemin sometimes likes to pretend he isn’t as easily aroused as you know he can be, he can’t hide the way his breaths grow rushed and his face becomes more flushed.
The soft but intense sucking of Kai’s mouth and the smooth strokes of Taemin’s fingers have you careening off the edge faster than you anticipated, and your legs scrabble against the sheets as you toss and turn in the tide of a strong orgasm.
Kai comes back to your upper body when he’s finished, leaning in close to where your head rests on the pillow. Your chest heaves as you try to regain your breath. He smiles down at your supine figure, pressing another kiss to your lips. “You’re so sweet,” he murmurs against the seam of your mouth, and he slides his tongue in to let you taste yourself even more deeply.
Between kisses, Kai pulls your shirt the rest of the way off. You end up doing the same for him—with his help—and you run your hands over the newly exposed skin, feeling the soft but firm ridges of his abs underneath your palms. The length of his cock presses against his sleep pants, half-hard and still rising. Somewhere below you, Taemin removes your panties and pajama pants from around your ankles, and even though you feel spent, your body is already reacting to the idea of him pressing your legs open wider and pushing into you.
“Turn on your stomach,” Taemin instructs, though he’s already grabbing your hips and shifting you over before you can do it yourself. He doesn’t miss the opportunity to palm your ass as he does, his digits dipping down between your legs like he’s going to start fingering you again. Some nights, he can spend forever doing just that—pulling you apart with his hands and mouth and denying you his dick until he finally feels like giving it to you.
His plans for tonight are a little different, though. 
Taemin taps your lower back and says, “I think you know what to do.” You can’t see his face, but he must be giving Kai a certain look because the other man smirks, shaking his head.
“Come closer,” you say to Kai, because just as Taemin predicted, you know exactly what he expects you to do. You run your fingers up the length of Kai’s strong thighs, feeling the hard muscle of them and bringing your hands up higher to caress the bulge straining against his pants. Kai’s eyes grow heavier as he watches you palm his dick, and he settles himself in front of you with his legs spread.
You could probably occupy yourself all night with pulling reactions out of him and teasing him, getting to know what he likes and making him drip sticky precum down your hand. You are too eager to see his dick and feel him in your mouth, however, so you drag the waistband of his pants and underwear lower to bring it out. It’s thicker than Taemin’s, pretty and tan with prominent veins, and you can only imagine how it’s going to feel once he actually gets inside of you. Kai watches you with burning eyes as you grip the base in your hand and get his dick wet with your saliva, sliding your tongue across the shaft. A heavy, shaky breath leaves him when your mouth makes the first contact.
Behind you, Taemin’s cock nudges your entrance and then pushes in, and you whimper from being stretched while Kai’s dick bumps against your lips. Taemin keeps his hands on your ass as he begins thrusting into you, taking his time with it and building your pleasure up with slow thrusts. You want Taemin to move faster and send you spiraling headfirst into pleasure again, though. You whine with your mouth still around Kai’s tip, which makes him give an answering moan.
“Stop playing around and swallow his dick, Y/N,” Taemin taunts you from above. He angles his hips a bit differently to find your g-spot, and you make a choked noise when he locates it, causing Kai’s dick to slip from your mouth.
“Shut up, Taem. It’s not like you’re making it easy.” Taemin gives a sudden rough thrust in answer to that, and even Kai grins at the pleasured expression on your face and the surprised yelp you let loose.
“Try harder.” Taemin insists, and he lands a swift slap on your ass. It’s not harsh, but it’s enough to make you cry out. “You want her throat around your dick, don’t you, Jongin?”
Kai raises his eyebrows at Taemin’s words, but the twitch of his cock in your hand and the bob of his Adam’s apple are unmistakable. “Can you take it?” Kai asks you, voice thick with desire.
“Give it to me.” You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out for Kai to slide in. You’ve deep-throated Taemin numerous times before, and you are impatient to let Kai try it now. His gaze darkens, and he grips his cock and leads it deeper into your mouth. He shudders visibly when the warm, wet heat of your mouth envelops him. He hesitates for a moment, like he doesn’t want to go too deep and hurt you, but you look up at him from beneath your lashes with your best pleading eyes and he is completely lost to your longing expression. His stomach tenses when he pushes further, feeling the tight space of your throat squeezing around his tip. More precum drips from him.
“Good girl,” Taemin whispers from above, his eyes glued to the back of your head. He leans forward for a better view so he can watch Kai’s dick disappear between your lips, and that movement ends with his hips pressed flush against your ass, his length as far in you as it will go. You moan helplessly around Kai as Taemin continues fucking you at this depth and angle, one of his hands gripping your hip tightly. You feel beyond full, unable to think about anything other than the two men inside of you.
“Don’t come yet.” Taemin pushes into you as steadily as ever, rushing towards his own climax as his breaths grow more broken-off.
Kai groans as your tongue slides sloppily against his shaft, your body being repeatedly pushed forward by Taemin’s thrusts. He doesn’t even have to do much work to fuck your mouth. He only keeps his hand at the back of your head, more because he just needs to touch you somewhere rather than trying to control the pace. The wet and filthy sounds of his dick hitting the back of your throat bring him ever closer to his end, but Taemin’s gaze gives him pause. “You’re telling me not to come yet?”
“You still have to fuck her,” Taemin says, smacking your ass again. He slows his pace momentarily to lift your hips slightly, sneaking his hand beneath you to circle his fingers around your clit, and your body tenses as you give a stifled cry. “You’ve got to feel her. This pussy is so fucking good, isn’t it, Y/N? Want him to fuck this needy little hole? You’re already getting tighter around me just thinking about it...how dirty.” There’s no way to respond with your mouth currently occupied; you only give a low, shuddering moan.
“F-fuck.” Kai abruptly pulls himself out of your mouth to stave off the orgasm threatening to overtake him at the sight of you looking so fucked-out. Like Taemin said, he definitely wants—needs—to be inside of you at least once before the night is over.
“J-Jong—” You want to beg for him to put his dick back in your mouth, gripping his thighs and trying to get closer, but those attempts are lost when your climax finally comes crashing over you. Taemin keeps his hand on your lower back to prevent you from squirming away from him as he continues thrusting into you throughout your orgasm, overstimulating your already wired senses. Weak with pleasure and shaking, you let Taemin use your body to get closer to his own end, which you’re more than happy to do.
Seconds later, Taemin is pulling out of you and stroking his dick, spilling his cum on your lower back and your ass. He lets go of his dick and slips it between your ass cheeks, thrusting between them and milking himself of the last few drops. He smirks at the messy creation he’s made all over your skin.
When Taemin lies on the bed next to you, Kai sheds his pants and takes his place. Kai gently turns you onto your back and grabs your weakened legs, pulling them around his waist, and you let him maneuver your body as he wants.
When he pushes into you, you almost want to sob at the way his dick spreads you open, sliding deep inside your oversensitive pussy. His eyebrows crease together at how you feel around him, so warm and wet.
Kai’s pace is not as quick as Taemin’s; his strokes are deep and hard as he buries himself inside and pulls nearly all the way out. Your lingering pleasure is stoked even higher by the intense way he’s fucking you, and your muscles feel like they might cramp up, but he keeps your legs spread open for better access.
“Is it good, Y/N? Do you love it?” Taemin asks from beside you, his voice light and airy as if he’s in awe of it all. His hands sneak over to your breasts, and his lips soon follow.
“Fuck, yes.” Kai brings one of your legs up to his shoulder to get a better angle. His gaze is burning as he looks at you and Taemin—Taemin sucking your breasts, your knitted eyebrows and half-open mouth, the sight of his shaft disappearing into you. “You feel s-so good. So fucking deep...” You grab Kai’s arms on either side of you, nails pricking his skin.
“Y/N…” Kai’s voice has grown rough, tinged with desperation. Sweat drips from his face and down his abs. His pace increases, and the tension tightens in your lower stomach again as his hips slap against yours.
Taemin grips your chin and turns your face towards his, sliding his tongue into your mouth in a wet kiss. At the same time, he moves his other hand lower to stroke his fingers across your clit, and this pushes you off the edge into a dizzying orgasm. It’s strong enough to turn your whole world blurry with an endless ecstasy.
When Kai gets close, he pulls out like Taemin did to jerk himself off and come across your stomach, painting your skin with his warm cum. His groans are deep and rich and lovely, and they make you clench with the last waning vestiges of your orgasm.
Kai lies beside you on the free side that Taemin isn’t occupying, keeping one hand on your thigh like he needs to have some part of you always touching him.
“We need to clean up,” you mumble, uncomfortable with the cum drying on your skin, though you’re also trying to battle the increasing sleepiness threatening to drape itself over your eyes like a veil.
“Maybe later.” Taemin throws an arm around your waist and cuddles his face into your neck. Kai grins and nudges his nose against your ear, tickling your skin. Their breaths fan over your skin, and you sigh and close your eyes, contented despite the mess.
“Fine. As long as you carry me to the shower later.”
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boldlyanxious · 4 years
Mistaken Identity
@sailormarelda apparently your wish is my command
If you enjoy, check out my masterlist
Just her luck that some asshole on the subway dumped his sticky energy drink all over her. It wasn't just wet. It was sticky and soaking through her shirt. Somehow he managed to pour it on her front and back.
He didn't even apologize. He just shoved past her and got off on the next stop.
It was only a few more stops until her stop. She checked her directions again before she climbed the stairs to get to the street. Maybe luck was on her side because there was a vendor right there with shirts for sale and a very inviting looking coffee shop. She bought a shirt and hoped the coffee shop had a decent bathroom for her to clean up in.
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She laughed in the mirror at the shirt and artfully tied it so the ab muscles drawn onto the Superboy shirt for where hers were and it still showed off her dark skinny jeans. It was the best she could do to show off her designs on her outing since her blouse was not currently worth seeing. She hoped she could get the drink stain out later.
The barista did a double take when she ordered and looked a bit confused. She clearly wanted to say something but she took a breath and told Marinette the total. They didn't know her here so they wouldn't know that she frequently ordered drinks like that. She could probably chug it and then take a nap but she definitely needed it for the rest of today.
Roy was by the back of the counter throwing away his paper cup when he heard a name he knew coming from the baristas,
"If she weren't clearly a girl I would think it was Tim Drake. It's the exact same order too."
"He was here earlier today. He was wearing the same shirt."
"Maybe there is an evil plot in the city and he got turned into a girl."
"Stranger things have happened for sure."
Roy pulled out his phone and tried to text Tim. Girl Tim was on the phone and definitely not reading any messages. He snuck closer to hear the conversation.
"... Definitely got a look for ordering my regular coffee.
I've got a new look though. It is guaranteed to protect me from villains.
Okay. Well I have my coffee and I'm on my way. I'll see you there."
She hung up and grabbed the coffee. But Roy couldn't just let her leave. Tim needed help and the Bat family would want to know about this right away.
Marinette walked down the street happy to have her coffee. It was exactly what she needed. She was already feeling better. She jumped back from the street when a car suddenly came right at her. So much for American traffic coming from the other direction. Luckily her coffee didn't spill.
"Hey, did you need anything?" the driver called out.
"I'm fine," she responded then muttered to herself, "You clearly need driving lessons."
She hoped he didn't hear her because he was suddenly getting out of the car. He was walking towards her and ask her alarm bells were going off in her head.
"Are you sure? We probably need to get you help."
Marinette looked around trying to make a plan. She looked one way and then took off running the other way. That didn't do enough to confuse his reflexes. He grabbed her quickly and closed her into the back seat of his car. She tried the handle and it was locked from the inside.
She had dropped her coffee and her purse before he pushed her back here. He had grabbed the purse off the ground before he got in and sped off but she didn't think she could reach it. He had a flashing light on the car so no one would question his erratic driving.
Maybe she had been confused with a criminal. She would just need to wait it out until she could explain who she was. Her stomach turned when he pulled off the street and into an underground parking area. He went all the way to the lowest level and to the back. There was only one other car and a door. No one was around.
Roy didn't know what had happened to Tim but he seemed to have no memory of who he was. Jason had probably contacted the others by now and they could figure out how to help him. Although it would be easier if she weren't fighting while he was trying. He ended up pulling her out of the car by the leg and throwing her over his shoulder.
She was still yelling at him and hitting his back but no one was around to hear before he entered the code and went through the door. He didn't even bother with greeting Jason. He deposited Girl Tim into a safe room and closed the door. They had a 2 way mirror they could use and an intercom system.
By the time he was finished, Jason was already looking through the glass.
"Damn, Tim makes a hot girl. And loud." Jason said.
"Do we have any idea what might have happened?" Roy asked.
"Oracle is searching and the others are coming. I'll let her know about the loss of memory too. That could complicate things for anyone else affected. If people don't know anything happened we will have to rely on missing person reports."
Marinette tried not to think of all the warnings she had gotten before moving here. They had been plentiful but she brushed them off. It couldn't be that bad. She knew people who had lived here for years and they said it was mostly over blown. But sure had been here under 3 days and had just been kidnapped in broad daylight.
She knew the guy had been acting weird. She should have run immediately. She should have stopped being polite and thrown her $12 coffee at his face before running away. She tried to be nice and it was going to get her killed.
They all took turns looking through the glass at their friend/brother/son. But Girl Tim didn't know any of them. Oracle had confirmed that the coffee shop was the last place Tim's phone had been and Steph had seen him before he left wearing the same shirt. Roy told them about the phone conversation he has heard and it all fit.
Now they just had to figure out what had happened and how to reverse it.
Eventually Marinette got tired of taking to the wall. Technically it was an intercom imbedded into the wall but it felt like it because they didn't seem to hear her at all. There were more of them now. She didn't know how many more but it had to be at least 4 separate people. She was pretty sure it was more than that though.
She didn't know what they could possibly want with her.
She flopped down onto the bed and covered her face with the, hopefully clean, pillow and screamed into it. It felt really good. It was exactly what she needed, aside from her coffee and freedom.
But apparently they choose that time to make a move. Hands were on her holding her and moving here. She saw a needle and she did everything she could to fight them. She definitely hit a couple of them but the needle still went into her arm.
She wasn't sure what they were expecting the result to be but she allowed herself to relax against the arms that still held her. One moved to lift her back in while the others filed out of the small room.
She waited until the doorway was clear before she moved. She jumped back up and hit his chin with her head. He was not dazed for nearly long enough but she ran for the door anyway. She was out of the room and halfway to the exit when he caught up with her and pinned her down.
It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Another man walked in right then.
"What is the deal with you all blowing up my phone? I'm trying to get some work done."
The room froze. They all just stared at him until the man pinning her down spoke.
"If you are there and perfectly fine. Then who is this?"
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @adrestar
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matsbarzal · 3 years
can I please request angst #14 with Petey??
angst #14. "are you going to talk to me or?"
pairing: elias pettersson x reader word count: 1.3k warnings: angst (happy ending)
Elias Pettersson knew he was good at lots of things. He knew he was a good person, a good friend, an even better hockey player. But the one thing he wasn’t good at? Understanding what he had done to upset you.
It wasn’t that he didn’t have a relatively good understanding of the stupid things he did, he knew he had made plenty of mistakes in your relationships, easily fixable ones, really. Except this time.
It had been almost four days of complete radio silence, no text, no call, no FaceTime’s, nothing. You had sent him a thumbs up the moment he landed and told you he had landed, and no response since. Elias could easily tell you had been on your phone, snapchat stories and twitter likes popping up on both his feeds every now and then, but he could not fathom why you hadn’t texted him in days.
You had fought hundreds of times before, little spats here and there, petty arguments that just turned into nothing when he brought home your favourite food, but never an argument to the extent that you wouldn’t even text him.
“You alright over there, Petey? Lookin’ a little queasy… oh shit that rhymed, look at me go,” trying to ignore Brock was even more difficult than trying to understand why you weren’t texting him, especially when said blonde was his best friend and could pick up on every social cue Elias was giving off.
“Fine, yeah.”
Shrugging his shoulders slightly, the Swede thumbed through his phone, bringing up your contact card and then exiting out every few seconds. “Y/N still not texting you? You sure you didn’t do anything before we left?”
Tossing the phone onto the table in front of him, Elias groaned as he tried to rack his head for what he could’ve done wrong before leaving Vancouver. There was a multitude of things it could be, there was a spat right before he left the apartment, an argument over moving the cars, which somehow turned into him suggesting that the two of you should get a dog.
The Swede couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment in your last two days with one another where he might have upset you to the point of not speaking.
Halfway across the country, your eyes had barely left the box you had found sitting in Elias’ top drawer since he left. It was all you could focus on, your eyes constantly moving to find the little black box that you had moved to the top of the dresser, its closed lid haunting you, taunting you the more and more your eyes peered to it.
Elias hadn’t made any indications that this was what he was pushing towards, you hadn’t even realized he was considering this. Two years into a relationship, you knew it was possible, but you just didn’t realize how possible.
You loved him, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t, but did you love him enough to get married? Maybe. But add in the constant bickering, the continuous fights, the never-ending spats that had no regular conclusion and usually just consisted of some form of idiotic makeup in the hopes the both of you would forget about what you were arguing for anyways.
The silent treatment may have been petty, all of Elias’ texts going unanswered, snapchats only being sent back every time the timer would appear next to your streak. You knew it was childish, and was probably terrifying your boyfriend, but your brain couldn’t fathom what to do, couldn’t fathom what you wanted.
The game against the Canadiens had been explosive, the Canucks losing horrifically, and Elias’ play just an even bigger catalyst to the team. It was the first game you had watched where he hadn’t played his best, the turnovers were consistent, his numbers were down, his penalty minutes were even higher than usually.
And you knew there was a large possibility you were the main cause for his deterioration of play.
Pulling up your phone from its spot stuffed under the covers, you scrolled until you reached his contact name, the little blue dot beside it just an indication of how many messages had gone unanswered in the last few days. Before you even had the chance to send a message through, his contact name appeared at the top of your list.
are you going to talk to me or am i going to come home to an empty apartment tn? not sure what i did wrong but this isn’t fair
You could feel the guilty instantly seep through your body at the text message, your eyes welling up with unshed tears at the message that came through. Elias was your best friend, the epitome of everything good in your life, and something about that just terrified you.
i’ll be here when u get home, ‘Lias. have a safe flight xo
A large sigh of relief left the Swede’s lips when the three bubbles popped up under your name, an even bigger sigh leaving his lips when you said you’d be home when he got there. He allowed his phone to drop in between his legs, his eyes focusing on the iPad in front of him, currently playing reruns of New Girl, your favourite show to watch together.
Almost six hours later, you heard the sound of the lock clicking, the door swinging open to reveal a dishevelled and thoroughly exhausted-looking Elias Pettersson.
“So, are we going to do this now? I told Brock to set up his guest bedroom, I’m not arguing all night so let’s just get this over with,” his keys were tossed onto the centre island, his eyes never leaving yours as you tried to rack your brain for what to say.
“I found the ring… in your top drawer.”
Your stomach turned as you watched the array of emotions fly across Elias’ face; confusion, frustration, anger, sadness, everything smoothing together before he placed a stoic look across his features.
“You freaked out and ignored me for almost five days, because you found a ring in my drawer?” The scoff fell from his lips almost beautifully, his features twisting into annoyance as he looked at you.
“I just… I didn’t know how to react. We argue about everything, ‘Lias. We literally fight about the colour of the sky, and you’ve already bought a ring?”
Moving so he was sitting on the couch opposite of you, the Swede turned so his entire body was facing you, the stoic look now turning into a look of concern.
“Y/N… we fight about everything because that’s just how we are. Our fights have never, ever turned into anything serious. We argue with each other because we both never want to be wrong, that shouldn’t be a reason for you to freak out and not want to marry me one day, my love. Just because I have the ring doesn’t mean I want to get married tomorrow. It’s my grandmother’s engagement ring, Emil let me have it for the day I eventually propose to you. I didn’t buy it, it’s been sitting in that drawer for ages.”
You could feel the embarrassment settling in your stomach at his words, your stomach turning as you tried to think of a response. The only thing you could muster up was an apology, your eyes never leaving your hands as they twisted amongst each other.
His body moved closer to yours, one arm wrapping around your back as he gently pulled you into his side.
“You don’t need to apologize, just maybe instead of going ghost, argue with me instead? Since when are you one to hide your feelings, especially something like that?”
Shrugging your shoulders at his words, you felt his lips press against the crown of your head gently, his hands squeezing your side as he did so.
“Pinky promise that you won’t do that again? Scared the shit out of me and Brock, and Brock never gets scared.”
Pushing your pinky finger towards him, he wrapped his own around yours with a smile small, his head pressed against yours as he squeezed your pinky with his own.
“And quit going through my drawers, nerd.”
“Don’t leave your clothes in the dryer then and I won’t have to put them away for you, Pettersson.”
note: thank you for requesting this!! i hope you enjoy, and it's everything you wanted. it's not too angsty, and it has a happy ending so hopefully that's perfect. <3
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"A drunk villain topping a sober yet submissive hero?🙏"
Request #9
Warning: nsfw.
A fun little idea! This is also the last request from my old blog's inbox, which I'm glad about because my current inbox is already filling with new requests. (Keep 'em coming tho! I love your ideas!💖)
I also gotta say, I've been on fire recently! I've been writing so much I got drafts saved and ready to be posted! Hopefully, I don't jinx myself here lmao.
Anyways, enjoy! ^^
Hero weaved through the crowd of criminals, wine glass in hand, as they kept an eye out for their target. They have been sent out on a mission by Organization. They were to find Villain, capture them, and at last bring them to justice.
The hero was currently at a ball being held by Supervillain. Their disguise consisted of state-of-the-art technology forming a hologram over their entire body, making them look like Other Villain, with whom Villain is on good terms. Combined with a voice changer, they would no doubt fool the villain and catch them off guard.
Hero's plan was pretty basic. They were going to find Villain, drag them off somewhere away from the party, pin them down, and cuff them.
"Simple, but effective." - they thought to themself. The hero's only issue now was that they still had no idea where the hell Villain was-
"Well, hello~." - a voice slurred from behind Hero, and before they could even turn around, an arm hooked around their shoulders, and Villain's ugly mug was right in their face.
Getting into character, the hero responded, "Ah, Villain! It's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Mmm, sure has. Hey, how's about we... make up for lost time, eh?" - the villain asked, leaning even closer to the disguised hero's face, running a finger down their jawline suggestively. The smell of alcohol wafting off them made Hero's eyes sting, but they played along nonetheless, "Well... I don't see why not~."
"Oh, this is perfect." - Hero thought. They have been preparing for this for weeks. They had to catch Other Villain a few weeks back, just so that they could pull this off. And out of all possible outcomes, this was the best and most convenient one.
"But perhaps let's go somewhere more... private." - the hero suggested, dragging Villain along down a nearby hallway. The other did not resist, letting 'Other Villain' pull them into a random bedroom as they drunkenly giggled to themself.
Hero locked the door behind them, and before Villain could react, they grabbed their arms and pinned them down on the side of the bed, turning off their disguise.
Villain looked surprised, then confused, and then something seemed to click in their head.
"Oh, my. Hero, if you wanted to have some fun that badly, you could have just asked~."
It was the wrong thing that clicked. Hero's face heated up at the other's words. They found themself at a loss. And in their surprise failed to realize that their hold on the villain had loosened.
Villain, drunk out of their mind, somehow noticed their slack hold, and before the hero knew it, their positions had switched. The villain was on top of them, pinning their arms above their head and grinning down at them, their bodies pressed against each other.
And as their crotches brushed, Hero's face turned beet red. They couldn't stop a shudder from running through them as the villain whispered in their ear, "So, how about it, Hero~? Wanna play~?"
The hero tried to stutter out an answer but found that they couldn't. They looked for a possible way out, and to their surprise, noticed that Villain's grip wasn't as strong as it could be. They have been pinned down by the other plenty of times in the past during their fights, so they knew that they could easily escape right now.
But did they want to?
Hero could feel their blood rushing down to their sex as the villain rubbed against them. They knew they shouldn't be letting this happen, but... Villain just looked so hot like this. And their touch was making the hero want more.
"F-Fine, let's play." - the villain only giggled in reply and locked their lips together, kissing hard and with need. The feeling distracting the hero's senses. They inhaled sharply as the other's grip suddenly increased. Have- Have they been pretending to be weakened?!
Hero could not escape anymore, and honestly...
...they didn't mind in the slightest.
As their kiss continued, Villain dragged the hero to the middle of the bed. Releasing their wrists, they ran their hands down Hero's chest and then began unbuttoning their shirt. In their drunken state, however, they struggled and tore the shirt open out of annoyance.
Hero whined a bit at the sight of the loose buttons flying and decided to ruin the other's shirt the same way. They went to grab the fabric and tear it off the other, only to have their hands pinned at their sides.
A "Tsk, tsk." sounded in their ear as Villain scolded them, "You don't get to touch me unless I say so." - the sudden chiding caught the hero off guard, and they couldn't stop the pit that grew in their stomach from the villain assuming control.
"Understand~?" - Villain asked, their lips brushing against the shell of Hero's ear, eliciting a small gasp from them. A wave of pleasure shot through them as the other nibbled on their earlobe.
"Y-Yes." - the hero managed to mutter out, somehow already breathless. Barely anything has happened yet, so why were they freaking out so much?! Why did- Why did it feel so... good to be below Villain like this?
Was it just the danger of letting their nemesis have control over them? The adrenaline of being at their mercy?
The excitement of being so close together?
"Good~." - the villain purred above them, running their hands across every bit of Hero's torso, dragging their nails down the other's back, arching it and making a shiver travel down their spine.
The hero had to bite back a moan as the other ground against them once more. They wanted to pull the rest of Villain's clothes off but knew that they couldn't, that they weren't allowed to.
That powerlessness only served to turn them on further. Hero clawed at the plush bedsheets below them, bunching up the fine material between their fingers. The villain chuckled at the sight, leaving a trail of kisses down the other's neck. Going down their chest, they bit the hero occasionally, bruising their flesh and making them whine needly.
Villain went even lower, tugging down the hero's pants, but only slightly, not enough to reveal their sensitive genitalia. They left even more kisses on them, licking their skin, making Hero inhale shakily and wonder what the villain's tongue would feel like just a little bit lower.
That pondering only worsened as Villain forced their legs apart and mouthed them through their pants, teasing the hero, who this time couldn't help the moan that slipped past their lips.
Hero tried to grab the other's head on instinct. They wanted to keep them there, for that sweet feeling to continue but stopped themself halfway, remembering how the villain forbade them from touching them. They grasped at the bedsheets once again, knuckles hurting from their hard grip.
"Good hero~." - Villain praised, making the hero blush even more, as they turned their head to the side, trying to hide and smush it into the pillows. Their face, however, was back on full display within seconds as the villain suddenly pulled their pants down further and took Hero into their mouth.
The hero couldn't stop the curse that left them alongside Villain's name, which they began to moan louder the more the villain licked and sucked at their privates. The feeling of the other's teeth teasingly dragging down them made Hero's back arch again, and the threat of Villain being able to bite down on them made their insides twist.
They whimpered as the villain suddenly pulled away from them, only to swallow the lump that had formed in their throat as the criminal stripped themself of their remaining clothing, revealing themself to the hero lying below them.
"Like what you see~?" - Villain asked, giggling. The alcohol in their system still making them giddy. Hero could only stare at them, impossibly red in the face as they answered, breathless, "Yes."
The villain leaned forward, once more looming over the other, and the hero whined at the sight, pleading, "V-Villain, please can I touch you? Please, I- I want to touch you, please."
"Aww, begging already?" - the villain teased, taking hold of Hero's hips and positioning themself against them. The hero went to beg more, but only a mixture of a moan and a whine left them as Villain slid into them without warning.
The villain's pace was slow and surprisingly steady, considering how drunk they were. Hero held onto the bedsheets like their life depended on it. They wanted to touch the other so, so badly.
Villain leaned down and caught their lips in a light kiss, running their hands up the hero's sides, making them squirm. A gasp left Hero as the villain hit them in the right spot. The other grinned and pushed against it, again and again, thrusting in quickly and roughly, but slowly pulling out and then repeating the cycle until the hero was begging them again.
"F-Fuck! Villain, please!" - Hero yelled across the room, their mind so clouded with lust that they have forgotten all the enemies that surrounded them, all the villains and criminals alike partying just a short distance away. So many people, which wouldn't hesitate to kill them on sight.
Villain merely grinned. They could feel their orgasm coming closer and decided that they have messed around for long enough, "Hero~..."
Said hero focused on them, as best as they could anyway, and exhaled weakly as the villain's words registered in their clouded brain.
"You may touch me~."
Hero wasted no time hooking their limbs around the other. They moaned as their lips crushed together, as Villain began to pound into them without mercy.
The feeling of their skin against each other, the sheer amount of intimacy, and physical contact quickly drove the hero over the edge. And as they yelled out the villain's name, they too felt their blissful finish wash over them.
As the two began to gasp for air, slowly coming down from their high, Villain slid off of Hero, whose eyes were closed as they tried to steady their breathing.
The hero's eyes snapped open, however, at the feeling of power suppressing cuffs locking around their wrists.
"W-Wait, what is-" - they tried but were interrupted as the door suddenly burst open, and Supervillain's henchmen flooded the room, followed by their boss.
"Are you quite done yet?" - the supervillain asked Villain, an impatient look on their face that only made the villain giggle, adding to Supervillain's annoyance.
"Yeaaah, I guess I am." - the villain responded, ignoring the shocked hero beside them as they got up from the bed and approached the supervillain.
"Unless you wanna have some fun too~?" - they asked, leaning against the other criminal, still very much but-ass naked.
Supervillain only pushed them off and growled out, "Ugh, don't touch me. You smell like heroism and righteousness. Disgusting."
"Aww, but then... don't you wanna make me smell like chaos and evilness, again~?" - Villain playfully pushed, stretching their body in a teasing manner.
The supervillain only grumbled under their breath, "Oh, you stupid fucking..." before turning to their henchmen and barking out some orders at them.
The henchmen grabbed Hero and left the room. Supervillain relocked the door behind them and proceeded to drag Villain back towards the bed.
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Do you think you’ll continue with the lawyer Nessian fic. It was so amazingly written I’d love to read more! I love all your writing anyways I’ll be happy with anything❤️
Ok not *technically* a Drabble request BUT I’m not ready to commit to a full lawyer AU that happens in order however I did just drum up a part 2 that we’ll say is several years before the previous lawyer AU. Nessian teasing in a bar and Rhys being a dumbass.
FYI the lawyer Drabble I’m talking about can be found HERE.
“I’m in love,” Rhys slurred. Cassian, a decent bit bigger than his brother and two drinks behind him, had a gentle buzz so he could only surmise that his brother was well passed sober.
“Congratulations,” Cassian grinned, clapping his hand on Rhys’ shoulder. “May I lay eyes upon the future Mrs. Dumbass.”
Rhys stared at him flatly. Blew a laugh out of his nose. “She’s not marrying you, brother.”
Cassian snorted, casting his eyes around the elegantly decorated little lounge they’d stepped into for the night. Lounge, not bar. Because they were mature adults now looking to take the edge off after a long day of work, not college students looking to get fucked up.
It was different.
It was different because the cocktails cost $20 and were served in actual stemware instead of red solo cups. They were evolving. Growing. Cassian was a lawyer now and Rhys was supposed to be doing actual work for his dad’s company so… no more dive bars.
Now they frequented little lounges where accountants and lawyers and bankers sat in tailored suits and discussed… adult things.
It was all very civilized.
And yet here was his brother. Every bit the horny college student they were trying not to be. Oh well, old dogs and all that.
“End of the bar.” Rhys jerked his head to the left and Cassian grinned.
“Might be a little old for you, champ.”
Rhys wrinkled his brow and turned to look at the grandmother doing a crossword puzzle on the far left side of the bar. A martini glass in front of her. Good for grandma.
“Other end of the bar!”
Cassian smirked. He didn’t need to turn his head, since he’s noticed her the second she walked in, but he still did. Just so he could look some more.
“Ah, you mean the deliciously dishevelled leggy brunette with her suit jacket on the chair beside her who just ripped the pins out of her hair like they personally offended her and then laid them in a neat little pile beside her Kobo?
“Mmm,” Rhys grinned, “I’d like her to rip those fingers through my hair.”
Cassian rolled his eyes. “Go for it, brother.”
Rhys grinned wider. “I think I will.” He straightened up, ran a hair through his artfully mussed hair, and pulled on the lapels of his Gucci suit jacket until they were even again.
Cassian snickered into his Old Fashioned. Rhys could straighten his jacket all he wanted. He could pretend he wasn’t drunk all he wanted. It wouldn’t matter one bit.
Not with Nesta Archeron.
Nesta Archeron who hated men that stunk of trust funds and privilege more than anything else in this world.
This would be fun to watch.
Watch her try to ignore him at first. Eyes glued to the page of her book, hand reaching up to wave through the air like Rhys was an annoying fly she could swat away.
Rhys, to his credit, was a clever little bastard. He asked the bartender for a refill of her drink and set it down in front of her then sat himself one stool down from her.
He didn’t move her jacket to sit next to her, which would have had her going feral. He just sat there, waiting.
After a few moments Nesta let out an exacerbated sigh that Cassian could hear from across the room. There was his girl.
Well, not his girl. Not even a little bit his girl, but… someday.
Cassian decided that he was going to Marry Nesta Archeron the first time she kicked his ass up and down a negotiation meeting. It was a couple years ago now. He’d been young and new at his firm. She was young and new too, but the words learning curve were not in Nesta’s vocabulary. Everything she did, she did with perfection.
Including getting rid of men she didn’t want hitting on her.
She said something to his brother that made Rhys’ half drunk, cocky, smile fall halfway down his face.
Cassian would’ve given his left eye to know what she said in that moment. She had a knack for jumping at the jugular and Rhys… oh Rhys. So obvious.
After a few moments and the continual fall of Rhys’ face, Cassian decided it was time to intervene. He knocked his drink back and straightened out his own suit jacket. Armani, still overpriced and designer but not so obvious or try hard as Mr. Up On The Trends with his Gucci. Nesta appreciated classics.
Simple. Clean lines, solid colours, classic. Which was why it was so fun just how attracted she was to his half wild self.
Unlike Rhys, Cassian plucked Nesta’s light grey suit jacket up off the stool beside her and reached over her head to hang it on a coat hook at the end of the bar. Settling himself into the chair beside her like it was exactly where he belonged. Which it was.
She turned around with an indignant shriek and a fire-breathing snarl that narrowed into just a hard glare when she realized it was him. Touching.
“This guy giving you trouble, Nes?”
Rhys choked on his whiskey and Cassian fought his hardest to keep a straight face.
“I so don’t need your saviour complex right now, Cassian.” Nesta scoffed.
“No,” Rhys rolled his eyes. “She was doing perfectly well scaring off everyone in a 10 mile radius all on her own.”
Nesta smiled sweetly, “I was just playing your game.”
Rhys sputtered again. Looked up at his brother. “This devil woman that you apparently already know,” he glared, “is all yours. I’m going home.”
“Be sure to drink plenty of water!” Nesta sing songed after him. Rhys flipped them both off on his way out.
“What’d you say to him?”
Nesta smiled. A pretty, feline little thing. “He said he wanted to chat. Suggested 20 question, which is the lamest, oldest, crustiest line in the book. So I went first. Asked just how small his dick was that he felt the need to overcompensate with the swagger and the gratuitous displays of wealth. He thought he was quite clever to use his question to ask if I wanted to check for myself how not small his dick was and then I asked if his daddy never loved him and that’s where all of that machismo masking painfully obvious and deep seeded feelings of inadequacy and insecurity came from. I was going to offer him my friend’s number before you showed up. She’s an excellent therapist.”
Cassian laughed. Hard. For a very long time. He loved Rhys, but sometimes the kid could use a nice set down. It was always sweeter when delivered by a beautiful woman. Not to mention, Cassian himself had gotten the same ice cold rejection the first time he met Nesta. When he asked if she wanted to get a coffee and she looked at him like something she’d scraped off the bottom of her shoe. That Rhys was chased off so easily just proved he couldn’t take the heat.
“You know the walking trust fund, I presume?” Nesta boredly sipped the drink Rhys had bought her. And even that was somehow amusing.
“Only for the last couple decades or so,” Cassian grinned. “He’s like a brother to me.”
“Explains a lot.”
“Your insults are more impactful when you clarify which person is being insulted.”
“I was going for the two birds one stone method.”
“In that case, consider me wounded, sweetheart.”
Nesta scoffed, “Unfortunately not mortally.”
“Oh Nesta, if I weren’t here you’d die of boredom and you know it. No one else can run you up and down the courtroom like I can.” Now. Cassian grinned as he watched the word flash across her eyes. He’d never live that first blunder down.
Nesta rose an eyebrow. “Bold of you to assume you present any challenge whatsoever.”
Cassian signalled for another drink and leaned forward. “Alright, I’ll bite. Who in this entire city can give you more of a run for your money?”
“Vanserra.” Nesta looked him dead in the eye. And managed to keep a straight face. As if that wasn’t the funniest fucking thing he’d heard all day.
“Oh yes, Nepotism and Nepotism LLP certainly has us all shaking in our boots,” Cassian blew out a breath. “What are you working on now?”
“I’m working on upholding attorney-client privilege.”
“So, the Suncurser merger.”
Nesta looked up. “How did you-”
“Helion and I are old friends. I checked the zoning on the lots he was buying before the merger went ahead to make sure the expansion was even feasible. But, as you know, M&A isn’t my thing. So I may have… given him a referral.”
“Are there any rich playboys in this city that you aren’t friends with?” Nesta finished off her drink and pointedly didn’t signal for another. “And if you think I’m going to be grateful to you for sending this my way you’ve got another thing-“
“Helion is my friend.” Cassian repeated, cutting her off. “He believes in this merger and he wants it done right. You’re the best, Nesta. Why wouldn’t I send him to you?”
“It’s not just to get in my pants?” She narrowed her eyes.
Cassian laughed again. “Oh no, sweetheart. When you invite me into your bed it will have nothing to do with work. It’ll be because you’re tired of denying how much you want me.” Cassian leaned in closer, one hand resting on the back of her chair. “Tired of denying the thrill that shoots through your whole body when we lay into each other. In the court room or out.” His nose brushed against hers, just a little, and Cassian felt Nesta tense up. He smirked, mouth just inches away from hers. “Tired of denying how right this is.”
Nesta’s voice was rough, husky. “So your plan is to wear me down?”
Cassian smirked. “My plan,” his hand came up to stroke the silk covered expanse of her upper arm, “is to marry you, Nesta Archeron. But sure, we can start with wearing you down.”
***Feyre and Nesta look physically similar so you can’t tell me drunk Rhys wouldn’t hit on Nesta in a bar before realizing he’d made a terrible mistake and running away thank you***
Also tags yourself, I’m the grandma doing the crossword puzzle with a martini. She’s an icon and she is the moment.
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echoalyssa · 3 years
Phantom | Dick Grayson
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Authors Note: There’s some light language in this, but thats about all!
“Phantom to Nightwing, entering dead zone now. Start the clock and come in if I’m late. I love you.”
You now had an hour inside the base, unable to contact anyone. You were collecting intel and because you were the stealthiest and smallest, (Damian was too young for this particular mission) Bruce had sent you in.
Your boyfriend, Dick Grayson had wanted to come with you but Bruce had rejected the idea because two people was more risky than one.
Dick had been livid, it was more risky for your life for you to go alone. He was your partner even though you were all a team. Ever since childhood, the two of you fought together and somewhat seemed to share the same mind.
You push a vine our of your dace. Your black masks shows the digital map of the quietest places to step. Your hood is pulled up to disguise your features and skin tone that obviously didn't fit in with the darkness of the air around you.
You had left your mottled cloak behind, opting to only have to worry about your body and where you place it. 
Joker was extremely active underground lately, he’d evolved and Bruce had only your mission as a lead. 
Your mask displays your one hour timer on the left hand side of your vision. Fifty minutes to get into the compound and back to safety.
The compound comes into view, a flat stone building that just didn’t fit in with the forest that surrounded it. You creep forward, staying in the shadows and hugging the walls of the building until you reach the only vent.
The stone was practically flat but years of training allowed you to look your gloved fingers into a crevice and wedge a booted foot into the building.
You begin climbing, scaling upwards twenty feet. The screws of the vent are all different and you have to pull away from the wall, your body straining so you can unscrew the bottom two.
You’re small enough that you can pry the vent open enough that you can squeeze yourself in. Forty minutes your clock reads. You were going too slow. You crawl forward on your elbows, you trek forward, you should have asked for two hours. Shit.
You hit the record button on your wrist panel and pull the microphone out.
It’s a tiny one but the quality is amazing. You’re peering through a small vent above a research lab now and you thread the microphone and it’s wire through the vent. The audio feeds into your ear piece and also saves to the hard drive in your panel.
You’re holding your breath, only breathing when you have to to minimize any chance of getting caught.
“We need to move in now! He’s only getting more recruits and it’s only a matter of time before they find us again.” Says a voice.
“If they haven’t already! I say we try the new weapon on some unsuspecting crowd of bystanders now. Then they’ll be too busy trying to save those silly citizens to deal with us.”
“Yes but is it ready..?”
“It needs to be tested again and we need to find a more powerful energy source eventually.”
And then the joker walks into view of the vent. He’s holding a blueprint and he spreads it on one of the tables. It’s the paint schematic for the weapon because of course, the joker being the joker meant that everything needed to be green, purple, and white.
You raise a hand to your mask and tap twice. It takes a screenshot of your view of the blueprint and sends it to the bat hard drive.
“Did you have any luck with batons inner circle? Would anyone snitch?”
“A couple...” the speaker listens. It’s valuable intel and now Bruce would be able to feed false information to the rats.
You begin to tap their names away into the panel and then attempt to wirelessly hack into the mainframes. The firewall were strong and plentiful but eventually they all fall victim to you. Sixteen minutes your timer reads. Shit. The data downloading from their computers and into your drive is only halfway done.
It won’t be very detailed. Just minuscule bits of information because you couldn't connect physically to the computers. It’s a line of script here and there that didn't make much sense to you because you weren't super tech-y. Though every line counted and that you knew. Several addresses also pop up.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, your panel signals that the download is complete. Seven minutes reads the timer. Double shit.
You scramble backwards knowing that you’ve done all that you can. Somehow managing to turn yourself around in the small space. You’re almost at the vent when you foot clangs against the side of the vent.
You freeze, no alarms go off, but then again why would they? The timer is still ticking and you continue on, sliding out of the vent. You fumble with the screws, attempting to get them back in in case your cover hadn't already been blown. You then plant your feet, push off and flip down to the ground. You land nimbly in a rolling crouch and then pop to your feet and take off, sprinting for the tree line.
They come from the shadows. Dozens of them. All focused in on you.
You suck in a breath and draw your longswords.
“Bring it on Goonies!” You call and they surge forward all at once. Some with guns, electric batons, and swords.
You stalk forward, meeting them in the middle. You begin slashing immediately at arms, legs, torsos, anywhere that wasn’t too lethal. You weren't a killer.
Except there were just so many, the sword in your left hand falls from your grip and you pull out a disc, throwing it into the incomers. It explodes, blinding some and wounding others. 
You yank s taser out from your belt and stab it into an attackers neck while blocking an attack with your sword. And then it happens. A baton smacks into the back of your head and you stumble forward, dizzy. A blade slashes your thigh, splitting skin and muscle. A cry comes fro, your lips and you lash out desperately with your one remaining longsword. You're able to down the foe who had slashed you.
Two more take his place and then a dagger rips through your abdomen from behind. You scream, falling to your knees. Just as it gets put through your thigh, followed by your shoulder. You land in the grass face first and the world goes dark, sound fading out.
‘Dick.’ Is your last thought.
Dick is staring at the timer that is displayed by his make. 00:00:05. 00:00:04. 00:00:03. 00:00:02. 00:00:01. And the dreaded number... 00:00:00. It blares red and he stares at the forest, fists clenched. Where was she?
Tim steps forward and places a hand on his shoulder. “Give her five minutes okay? She’s smart. You know how these missions sometimes go overtime. She’s got this.”
“We never should have sent her in alone. It was too risky. Damn it!”
His fist rockets into a tree. He considers going after Bruce, giving him a piece of his mind. Then decides that it isn’t worth it and begins to prepare to go in after his love.
He makes sure to grab the miniature cauterizer and some other emergency medical supplies, stuffing them into the pouches on his belt.
“Wait, Nightwing, we’ll go together. We need a plan!” Damian calls.
His heart is pounding out of his chest and he can’t breathe. ‘What if he was too late? What if she was already gone?’
He doesn’t want to wait for a plan, time was ticking. He pushes past his adoptive brother.
“Dick wait!” Jason calls trying to grab his arm. But he keeps going, breaking for the trees to find her.
Jason and Tim look at each other, then they both look at Damian. “Stay here.” They say simultaneously/
“No way!” He yells back at his brothers.
The three of them take them off after Nightwing. And Bruce, having watched all his children run into danger, follows them in.
Nightwing is pushing through vines and branches, not caring if he makes noise or not. He knows the rest of his family will follow him, but quietly.
His mail enhances his vision in the darkness. He draws a thumb over his own panel and it activates the heat censor on his mask. Dick Grayson pushes forward quickly, scanning frantically for her heat signature.
And then he sees it. She’s always run cold. Her fingers and limbs always frozen. A small prone figure, running colder than the other surrounding bodies. He kicks up his pace, heading for her because he just knows.
“Phantom!” he yells, followed by, “Robin! I think I found her!”
He skids to a halt and falls to his knees, he can see the stab wounds. The way her blood has soared into the ground beneath her. 
Nightwing rolls her over, jamming his fingers under her neck to find a pulse. It’s there. But weak.
He rips the cauterizer out of his belt and drapes her body over him just as Jason appears. 
“Is she..?”
“Alive.” He grunts, “Not for much longer I need to..”
Jason helps him rip the uniform away enough so Dick has enough room to maneuver.
“Hold her down!”
Jason does as he’s told and Dick places the cauterizer to her skin.
“Only do what you have to, we need to get out of here. And soon.”
He pushes the two flaps of skin together and places the sparking tool to it. The heat melds the skin together. She’d need to be pumped full of antibiotics in case any of the blades were dirty and risked infection.
She only stirs slightly, too disoriented from her loss of blood. He talks to her the whole time he works on her.
He only does her abdomen, knowing that it’s her most serious injury. It might not even hold from the jolting and jostling that would occur in the journey back. Dick stabs a painkiller into her thigh, just in case she were to awaken.
He motions to Tim and Damian, who had been standing guard, to take up the rear. Grayson then scoops up his girlfriend, cradling her to his chest.
“Jason. Take point. Let’s get her home.”
He sits by her bedside. His hands are covered in her dry blood, along with his suit. He hadn’t bothered to change.
Y/N had needed a blood transfusion and he had offered immediately, hence why there was a needle in his arm funneling blood into girlfriend. Alfred had stitched do her wounds and hooked her up to an IV for hydration and anti-infection purposes.
She’d been changed out of her uniform after she was stable for cleanliness reasons and was now wearing one of his black shirts.
He’s holding her hand, his thumb tracing over the pulse point of her wrist occasionally.
It would be a long road to recovery for her though they all knew that she would bounce back and attempt to get back in to the field as soon as she could walk.
It’s days later when she finally wakes, her eyelids fluttering.
“Dick.” She whispers.
He’s right there, just like he had been, he’d only left briefly to shower but he ate and slept at her side. Jason had covered both of your patrols, with Bruce helping out.
“I’m okay. You’re okay, babygirl.” He places a hand on her face and she leans her head into his touch.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Hiiii, so I decided to continue my combing through the books for random specific Everlark related content series. This one is Katniss and Peeta taking care of each other. This is Part One and only includes stuff from the first book because it was getting too long. 😭😅. Anyways, hope y’all enjoy.
I gently unzip his jacket, unbutton his shirt and ease them off him. His undershirt is so plastered into his wounds I have to cut it away with my knife and drench him again to work it loose. He’s badly bruised with a long burn across his chest and four tracker jacker stings, if you count the one under his ear. But I feel a bit better. This much I can fix. I decide to take care of his upper body first, to alleviate some pain, before I tackle whatever damage Cato did to his leg.
Since treating his wounds seems pointless when he’s lying in what’s become a mud puddle, I manage to prop him up against a boulder. He sits there, uncomplaining, while I wash away all the traces of dirt from his hair and skin. His flesh is very pale in the sunlight and he no longer looks strong and stocky. I have to dig the stingers out of his tracker jacker lumps, which causes him to wince, but the minute I apply the leaves he sighs in relief. While he dries in the sun, I wash his filthy shirt and jacket and spread them over boulders. Then I apply the burn cream to his chest. This is when I notice how hot his skin is becoming. The layer of mud and the bottles of water have disguised the fact that he’s burning with fever. I dig through the first-aid kit I got from the boy from District 1 and find pills that reduce your temperature.
“Swallow these,” I tell him, and he obediently takes the medicine. “You must be hungry.”
“Not really. It’s funny, I haven’t been hungry for days,” says Peeta. In fact, when I offer him groosling, he wrinkles his nose at it and turns away. That’s when I know how sick he is.
“Peeta, we need to get some food in you,” I insist.
“It’ll just come right back up,” he says. The best I can do is to get him to eat a few bits of dried apple. “Thanks. I’m much better, really. Can I sleep now, Katniss?” he asks.
“Soon,” I promise. “I need to look at your leg first.” Trying to be as gentle as I can, I remove his boots, his socks, and then very slowly inch his pants off of him.
I scoot my square of plastic under him so I can wash down the rest of him. With each bottle I pour over him, the worse the wound looks. The rest of his lower body has fared pretty well, just one tracker jacker sting and a few small burns that I treat quickly. But the gash on his leg . . . what on earth can I do for that?
I know the tracker jacker leaves draw out infection, so I start with those. Within minutes of pressing the handful of chewed-up green stuff into the wound, pus begins running down the side of his leg.
“What next, Dr. Everdeen?” he asks.
“Maybe I’ll put some of the burn ointment on it. I think it helps with infection anyway. And wrap it up?” I say. I do and the whole thing seems a lot more manageable, covered in clean white cotton.
I help him dress, leaving his feet bare so we can walk in the water, and pull him upright. His face drains of color the moment he puts weight on his leg. “Come on. You can do this.”
But he can’t. Not for long anyway. We make it about fifty yards downstream, with him propped up by my shoulder, and I can tell he’s going to black out. I sit him on the bank, push his head between his knees, and pat his back awkwardly as I survey the area.
When Peeta’s able to stand, I half-guide, half-carry him up to the cave. Really, I’d like to look around for a better place, but this one will have to do because my ally is shot. Paper white, panting, and, even though it’s only just cooling off, he’s shivering.
I cover the floor of the cave with a layer of pine needles, unroll my sleeping bag, and tuck him into it. I get a couple of pills and some water into him when he’s not noticing, but he refuses to eat even the fruit. Then he just lies there, his eyes trained on my face as I build a sort of blind out of vines to conceal the mouth of the cave.
I check his forehead and find it burning and dry. I don’t know what to do. Leave him in the bag and hope the excessive heat breaks the fever? Take him out and hope the night air cools him off? I end up just dampening a strip of bandage and placing it on his forehead.
I spend the night half-sitting, half-lying next to Peeta, refreshing the bandage.
Peeta sits beside me, leaning against the wall, his bad leg stretched out before him, his eyes trained on the world outside. “Go to sleep,” he says softly. His hand brushes the loose strands of my hair off my forehead. Unlike the staged kisses and caresses so far, this gesture seems natural and comforting. I don’t want him to stop and he doesn’t. He’s still stroking my hair when I fall asleep.
I give him more fever pills and stand over him while he drinks first one, then a second quart of water. Then I tend to his minor wounds, the burns, the stings, which are showing improvement.
Peeta’s stretched out on top of the sleeping bag in the shade of the rocks. Although he brightens a bit when I come in, it’s clear he feels miserable. I put cool cloths on his head, but they warm up almost as soon as they touch his skin.
I sit back on my heels and look at him with a mixture of sadness and satisfaction. A stray berry stains his chin and I wipe it away. “Who can’t lie, Peeta?” I say, even though he can’t hear me.
I gingerly lift my hand to my head and find it bandaged. This simple gesture leaves me weak and dizzy. Peeta holds a bottle to my lips and I drink thirstily.
He doesn’t seem angry about my tricking him, drugging him, and running off to the feast. Maybe I’m just too beat-up and I’ll hear about it later when I’m stronger. But for the moment, he’s all gentleness.
“You need to eat. I’ll go hunting soon,” I say.
“Not too soon, all right?” he says. “You just let me take care of you for a while.”
Peeta feeds me bites of groosling and raisins and makes me drink plenty of water. He rubs some warmth back into my feet and wraps them in his jacket before tucking the sleeping bag back up around my chin.
Rain drips through several holes in the ceiling, but Peeta has built a sort of canopy over my head and upper body by wedging the square of plastic into the rocks above me.
“I think your wound is bleeding again. Come on, lie down, it’s bedtime anyway,” he says.
My socks are dry enough to wear now. I make Peeta put his jacket back on. The damp cold seems to cut right down to my bones, so he must be half frozen. I insist on taking the first watch, too, although neither of us think it’s likely anyone will come in this weather. But he won’t agree unless I’m in the bag, too, and I’m shivering so hard that it’s pointless to object. In stark contrast to two nights ago, when I felt Peeta was a million miles away, I’m struck by his immediacy now. As we settle in, he pulls my head down to use his arm as a pillow; the other rests protectively over me even when he goes to sleep. No one has held me like this in such a long time. Since my father died and I stopped trusting my mother, no one else’s arms have made me feel this safe.
I set a good dinner out, but halfway through Peeta begins to nod off. After days of inactivity, the hunt has taken its toll. I order him into the sleeping bag and set aside the rest of his food for when he wakes. He drops off immediately. I pull the sleeping bag up to his chin and kiss his forehead, not for the audience, but for me. Because I’m so grateful that he’s still here, not dead by the stream as I’d thought.
Although I’m shaking in the biting wind, I rip off my jacket, remove my shirt, and zip back into the jacket as swiftly as possible. That brief exposure sets my teeth chattering beyond control.
Peeta’s face is gray in the pale moonlight. I make him lie down before I probe his wound. Warm, slippery blood runs over my fingers. A bandage will not be enough. I’ve seen my mother tie a tourniquet a handful of times and try to replicate it. I cut free a sleeve from my shirt, wrap it twice around his leg just under his knee, and tie a half knot. I don’t have a stick, so I take my remaining arrow and insert it in the knot, twisting it as tightly as I dare. It’s risky business — Peeta may end up losing his leg — but when I weigh this against him losing his life, what alternative do I have? I bandage the wound in the rest of my shirt and lie down with him.
“Are you cold?” he asks. He unzips his jacket and I press against him as he fastens it around me. It’s a bit warmer, sharing our body heat inside my double layer of jackets, but the night is young. The temperature will continue to drop. Even now I can feel the Cornucopia, which burned so when I first climbed it, slowly turning to ice.
“Cato may win this thing yet,” I whisper to Peeta.
“Don’t you believe it,” he says, pulling up my hood, but he’s shaking harder than I am.
Somehow, we make it back to the lake. I scoop up a handful of the cold water for Peeta and bring a second to my lips.
The hovercraft materializes overhead and two ladders drop, only there’s no way I’m letting go of Peeta. I keep one arm around him as I help him up, and we each place a foot on the first rung of the ladder.
“It’s my fault,” I say. “Because I used that tourniquet.”
“Yes, it’s your fault I’m alive,” says Peeta.
“He’s right,” says Caesar. “He’d have bled to death for sure without it.”
I guess this is true, but I can’t help feeling upset about it to the extent that I’m afraid I might cry and then I remember everyone in the country is watching me so I just bury my face in Peeta’s shirt. It takes them a couple of minutes to coax me back out because it’s better in the shirt, where no one can see me, and when I do come out, Caesar backs off questioning me so I can recover.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
May I request scenarios of Diasomnia and Pomefiore taking care of their child s/o? Sort of similar to the one you did for when Silver, Rook, Kalim etc being turned into children ❤️❤️❤️
Hope you will enjoy it~! ❤️❤️❤️
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🐲 Malleus thought nothing could surprise him anymore in his long life, yet when he saw your small form, he had to admit he hasn’t expect you to turn into a child anytime soon,
🐲 tries and will find a solution quicker than Crewel or Crowley,
🐲 at first, Malleus is lost. The whole situation is new to him and he doesn’t really know how he should take care of you or what he could be doing with you, until you get back to your normal form,
🐲 he did ask Lilia for help,
,,Y’N, what would you want to do?” ,,You’re a prince” “Yes, indeed” “Teach me how to dance”
🐲 Malleus furrowed his eyebrows, a bit taken aback with your sudden request, but soon a soft smile graced his lips. You were truly adorable as a child and he absolutely wouldn’t refuse you anything,
🐲 needless to say, you stomped on his feet a lot,
🐲he carries you on his shoulders almost all the time and you refuse to get down from them. You just wanted to touch his horns, but you really liked the feeling of being so tall and the view up there was truly amazing, 
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🦇 the only one who actually knows what he’s doing,
🦇 at first, Lilia gets a bit emotional, as all those fond memories he had created with Silver when he used to be a child flooded him. You two ended up looking at pictures from Silver’s childhood, 
🦇 won’t stop cooing how adorable you are and he will certainly take a million of pictures much to your dismay (enough to create a whole album just with the photos from two days you spent as a child)
🦇 Lilia saw this a perfect opportunity to cook especially for you. Before this ancient fae burnt a whole kitchen down or accidentally poisoned you, Silver appeared with edible food and saved you from Lilia’s questionable dishes,
🦇 you had a lot of fun with Lilia, since you two organised a sleepover. Eating pizza, building a pillow fort, eating unhealthy ammounts of sweets, pranking Sebek - you truly had the best time of your life and you two even invited Malleus to join you (Silver fell asleep halfway through). 
🦇 fun ended when you told a “spooky” story and Lilia being Lilia decided to pull some ancient, fae book with terrifying stories that made Silver suddenly more than awake,
🦇 needless to say, you, Silver, Malleus and even Sebek ended up sleeping all together in the pillow fort with Lilia that night, refusing to turn off the light,
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⚔️ Silver refused to let you touch his sword. Actually he hides it before you, so you won’t get hurt by accident. He hides everything that is sharp,
,,No, Y/N, you’re not going to climb that horse” “But, we always go horse-riding on Tuesdays!” “Yes, when you’re an actual adult”
⚔️ so instead you decided to go to sleep, 
⚔️ you both spend a lot of time napping together. Lilia often sees you two sleeping peacefully underneath a tree in the forest, while animals are all around Silver who has clovers in his hair (all thanks to you)
,,Can I braid your hair?” “...” “please?” *sigh* “Yes, sure”
⚔️ your braiding-hair skills certainly got better, even Vil would be impressed,
⚔️ when he’s asleep, you often sketch Silver trying to capture his beauty. Lilia finds your drawings purely adorable and he always coos how cute you are. Of course, Silver has no clue that you have a whole stash of drawing of him and you wish to keep it that way,
⚔️ Lilia of course offers his help, even if it mostly consists of him telling you all the embarrassing stories from Silver’s childhood
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⚡ panics on the inside and on the outside. Can’t and won’t calm down anytime soon,
⚡Sebek hides any dangerous weapon from you and tries to babyproof the house as much as possible,
⚡tries to be quieter with you, as Sebek thinks children generally aren’t fond of loud sounds (oh how wrong was he). Somehow you managed to be louder than him, when you decided to throw a tantrum, 
⚡takes you with him literally everywhere. May it be his sword training, actual classes or just his night patrol, Sebek refuses to leave you unattended,
⚡ you ask him to read you and he gladly complies. Sebek switches from actual history textbooks to some fairytales, but you don’t mind this duality. Just hearing his soft voice reading you something before sleep is more than enough to calm you and lull you,
⚡you often fall asleep in his lap, 
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💜a child, huh? Something truly unexpected. Vil is the first one to put his initial shock and disbelief aside and he immediately starts working on potion to turn you into adult again. He really wants to dedicate himself to it and at first Vil is engrossed in his work,
💜at first. Soon, you get rather bored and you begin to disturb him. Vil wanted to yeet you to Rook, he truly did, so he could focus on making a potion for you. Yet, after certain hunter told him for the umpteenth time that professor Crewel is taking care of it, he started considering taking a break,
💜your absolutely adorable puppy eyes finally convinced Vil to spend some time with you,
,,Can I style your hair?” “Absolutely no” “Please?” “I said no, but we can throw a small fashion show, hm?
💜 you two throw a small fashion show, but perhaps, a raid on Vil’s closet would be a more appropriate word. You tried a lot of his clothes and Vil taught you how to do poses,
💜 you two sneaked out to Heartslabyul to taste some strawberry tarts baked by Trey (even though Vil certainly was on a diet),
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🏹 oh là, là. Room won’t shut up about how cute you are. He constantly coos how lovely you are. You quickly get tired of this bullshit,
,,Could you stop!” “My, my, mon lapin, tu est trop mignon~!”
🏹 Rook lets you style his hair,as well as wear his hat, 
🏹takes you on his regular Leona-watching-from-the-bushes-event and you enjoy your new, stalkerish role perhaps a bit too much,
🏹Rook obviously refused to take you hunting, yet you followed him either way and you ended up convincing him not to kill a hare, but to adopt him,
🏹 Vil certainly wasn’t pleased when you showed up with a hare named “Five” 
🏹 your puppy eyes and pouting face is enough to persuade Rook to do whatever you wish. Literally, he won’t be able to refuse you 
🏹Vil told him not to give you any sweets, but one look of your puppy eyes and Rook is melting. He will sneakily give you chocolate when Mr.Schoenheit is not looking,
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🍏 Epel has absolutely no clue how to take care of you. Absolutely, he’s just lost, 
 🍏 but he tries his best to keep you from dangerous, sharp things that may result in you hurting yourself,
,,I’m not a baby, I can slice the bread myself” “Y’N, you’re literally a child”
🍏 however, Epel let you help him bake some apple cookies and you two ended up having a flour fight (yes, you started it on purpose), 
🍏 you two become partners in crime. Sneaking out at the evening to Savanaclaw, eating snacks past bedtime, violating practically every, single rule Vil imposed on you two and finally raiding Rook’s stash of sweets - there’s just plenty of things you both managed to do together, 
🍏 Epel plays a loooooot of board games with you - literally every, single game he managed to find in Pomefiore, while you both sip on hot chocolate with marshmallows,
🍏 he is elated, when you turn to your original form. Sure, he had a lot of fun taking care of child version of you, yet he much more prefers your older self (mostly because he can finally kiss you)
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
my moonbeam
credit to @iaminlovewithagingermilf on tiktok! inspired by her post on 6-6 enjoy :D 
Sirius always kinda knew he was gay. 
Sure, he didn’t exactly know there was a word for what he felt, but it had always been boys for him. Whether it be his surprisingly sweet next door neighbor, or the cool older guys at his family functions, or the quiet boy next to him on the Hogwarts Express. 
It didn’t take him long to make friends at Hogwarts, and he treasured them all in their own ways. James was basically his brother, and the two were inseparable by the time their first year at Hogwarts had passed. Peter was the only suitable opponent in Wizard’s Chess Sirius had yet to find and the boys spent hours on the game. And then there was Remus - Sirius always did have a soft spot for him. 
It hadn’t been love at first sight, nor the second, but it didn’t take long for Sirius to be entranced by his dorm mate. From his mysterious scars to his faintly freckled skin to his way with words, Sirius was head over heels. 
He didn’t quite know it at first, but by the time he was heading into fifth year, Sirius was painfully aware of this crush that had been only growing for the past four years. And so he reverted to his only way of coping with strong emotions: joking about them. 
The boys were used to Sirius being a flirt, but he had never fully directed it toward Remus. This year, however, he did just that. 
He wasn’t certain Remus even noticed at first, because he didn’t really pay him much attention. Like the day Sirius found a bubble charm and was intent on sending them towards Remus who was sprawled out on the floor, studying for some Potions test. 
He was laying on his stomach, hand cradling his chin as he squinted down at some recipe. Every now and then, he’d pause and scribble down a couple notes before continuing to tap the end of his quill against his lips. It was driving Sirius insane. 
And so he decided it was the perfect time to try out a bubble charm he had found. Much to his delight, it worked on his second try and soon enough, bubbles were cascading down and around Remus as he worked away. He didn’t realize they were even there at first, as they settled down on his golden hair. But then they were drifting down to his textbook and popping, leaving little wet rings. 
“Sirius,” Remus groaned, swatting at the bubbles that continued to rain down around him. “I’m trying to study, just like you should be.” 
“Take a break.” 
“I took a break a half hour ago. Go do that in the common room.” 
And then he returned to his school work, pulling his amber eyes from Sirius’ silvery ones and ignoring him once again. Sirius pouted at that, and sent out  another wave of bubbles. He knew that if it were anyone but him, Remus would’ve snapped, but he had special Sirius privileges.  
Instead, Remus just sighed, looking up at Sirius again, “C’mon, Pads, stop that. Why don’t you come study too?” 
“I studied enough, and so did you!” 
Remus gaze was unwavering, and so was his restraint, “I really need to study, so quit it.” 
Sirius grinned, flicking his wand and waggling his eyebrows, “Make me.” 
Remus just rolled his eyes at him, wordlessly turning back to his work. 
Sirius wasn’t quite sure what Remus’ sexuality was. He had never dated anyone in their years at Hogwarts, but Sirius suspected it was because of his monthly issue, and not the lack of options. Sirius was definitely not the only one eyeing up Remus, but it seemed the others weren’t making any moves for a reason. 
It was basically tradition that Remus braided Sirius’ hair for him, seeing as he was one of the only ones allowed near his hair. Usually he helped comb and braid his hair up in their dorm, but the two had ended up in the common room for once. Remus was perched on the couch, halfway through Sirius’ hair when a couple girls passed by, giggling about how cute of a couple they were. 
While Sirius’ heart leapt at the fact that people thought they might be dating, he didn’t show it on the outside. Especially when he could see Remus frowning out of the corner of his eye. 
“We’re not dating,” he called out to the girls who seemed genuinely surprised at his answer and glanced at Sirius for an explanation. 
Sirius took his chance. He gasped, clutching a hand to his chest, and turned to face Remus, hair yanked out of his grasp. “How could you say that, my moonbeam!” 
Remus just stared at him, then the girls, before shaking his head and reaching out to direct Sirius back to his spot on the floor. “Hush if you want your hair to be braided.” 
Sirius decided Remus’ lack of disgust at the thought of dating him was a win. Sure, he told the girls they weren’t dating, rightfully, but he didn’t seem upset or anything. Maybe, just maybe, could he also be... 
Instead of trying to figure out Remus’ sexuality, he kept up this act of dating Remus, despite his unwillingness to play along. It was honestly too much fun, and Sirius loved the small moments he could have before Remus would shut it down. 
Somehow, much to the exasperation of Remus, Sirius always picked times when he was studying to latch onto him. 
Remus was reading some sort of transfiguration textbook that was humongous and perched on his lap as he leaned back into the plush couch of the common room. There were plenty of empty seats next to him, but Sirius couldn’t be bothered with them. Instead, he pushed Remus’ book aside to plop down onto his lap, legs stretched out over the empty seats. 
Ignoring Remus’ oomph, Sirius slung an arm over his shoulders and took on some posh accent, “Oh, Remus, how I have missed you so! Too long have we been separated!” 
That got Remus to smile and he reached up to lightly shove Sirius’ forehead, “What’s that accent supposed to be, hm? Is that Rich Sirius surfacing?” 
“It’s no accent, it’s who I am! And I can’t stand to be apart from you any longer!” To finish off his little act, Sirius leaned in to press a sloppy kiss to Remus’ cheek and laughed at the way he cringed away, wiping at his cheek. 
“Shove off,” Remus groaned, but his tone was light-hearted as he pushed Sirius off his lap to continue reading. 
Sirius continued to drape himself over Remus and poke fun at him, cooing about their “relationship”, and somehow, as the weeks passed, Remus began to give in. 
This time, there truly were no seats open when Sirius perched on Remus legs, peering down at the book he was reading. Instead of shoving him away or sighing, Remus just adjusted his arm so it was wrapped around Sirius’ back so he wouldn’t slip and fall off the couch. 
It was such a small action yet it warmed Sirius’ heart and a smile pulled at his lips as he snuck a glance at Remus. He seemed unaware, eyebrows drawn together and lip pulled between his teeth as he continued to read his book. Feeling brave, Sirius shifted in his lap to drop his head onto Remus’ shoulder before gauging his reaction. 
Remus didn’t say anything but his cheeks began to flush pink and it made Sirius’ stomach flip. Was Remus Lupin...blushing? 
And so as he continued to tease Remus and invade his personal space, he couldn’t help but notice the clear change in Remus’ behavior. He definitely didn’t blush this often before, and since when did he join in on Sirius’ joke and also press a kiss to his cheek? 
Maybe it was time for Sirius to do some digging on Remus’ sexuality.
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hello! i was wondering if you could write the following request; you are a member of the Brotherhood, the most dangerous assassins league of Middle Earth. To say that the Company of Thorin Oakenshield is both impressed and intimidated is an understatement.
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The Company/Reader: Killer Good Looks pt.1
Trigger Warnings: Referenced assault and child abuse, murder
To say you're an excellent fighter would be a gross understatement.
You're the very definition of a rogue; you like shiny things, you're stealthy, cunning, persuasive, what are we missing...? Oh! And you're also an infamous deadly assassin for hire, and you get hired alright.
You're wanted (in more ways than one), for people are always looking for someone to fulfill their dirty deeds for them.
Almost everything is on the table with you; you'll steal things for people (and yourself), kill if the price is right, infiltrate and lie, and many other things, however, there are some things off limits.
For example, you won't kill kids. You never have and you never will, you flat out refuse; you also don't sell yourself to others for pleasure or other things of inappropriate nature; and, most importantly of all, you don't kill those whom you have a relationship with (meaning you don't kill friends, though those are few and far between).
When you were but a child your parents sold you off to put bread on their table, and you knew nothing but torment from that moment on.
For months the lady's husband would sneak into your rooms at night, and she would always pretend not to notice; she took to releasing her frustrations out on you under the false pretense that you were an issue, beating you, berating you, yelling, abusing; they were horrible people taking advantage of a 10 year old child in every way imaginable.
You felt no remorse when you finally gathered the courage to slit their throats one night, and to this day you still don't.
The news of your deeds spread quickly, for they proved to be quite shocking and a wonderful topic for conversation.
A mere child servant manages to kill their masters unseen and unheard, escaping into the night never to be seen again? That would catch anyones attention. And it certainly caught the attention of The Brotherhood.
They found you, took you in, and honed your sloppy skills to make you into the perfect, lethal weapon.
You've killed more people than you can count, stolen more than even the richest man has, and lied to everyone you've ever met at least once.
It's safe to say that you're not exactly a stand up citizen.
Your name, as well as the name of the organization who taught you all you know, is well known throughout Middle Earth which is why you were, ultimately, employed to assist and protect the line of Durin in their journey to reclaim Erebor...
Except, unbeknownst to them, you have ulterior orders from The Brotherhood regarding the operation.
Once the dragon is either confirmed dead or slain and the mountain is reclaimed, you are to kill the Durin's (and anyone else who stands in your way) and claim the mountain for The Brotherhood.
When you were first given this assignment you had no qualms with it.
Yes, dwarfs are strong, brave, and resilient, but you are fast, intelligent, and one of the best fighters in the organization because of your early start and ability to disconnect yourself from almost every situation. Also, you don't know them, any of them, and you've never had trouble killing royal, powerful people before.
It was supposed to be easy.
You joined the group in a cute little place called The Shire in a hobbit hole belonging to one Bilbo Baggins, and when you met everyone you figured that killing them would be easy, but as time went on you began to forget about your mission.
Everything started out simple. You didn't talk much and they stayed away from you for the most part; partially out of intimidation, but also from reservations on disturbing you.
You're a private person, and they'd hate to make you dislike them by being nosy or prying.
Gandalf is the only one who knows of your past, but even knowing who you truly are, he never for a second suspected what your true purpose was.
It's around the time you all leave Rivendell and return to the road when things start to change.
Thorin wanted to keep a schedule and reach the Misty Mountains before the end of the 4th week, and halfway into the 4th, you're already there are the entrance to the mountain pass.
Because the group makes such excellent time Thorin chooses to reward the group with a day and night full of rest to spend restocking supplies, regrouping, and relaxing, which is something that benefits you all greatly.
By this point, you've worked up enough 'trust' to actually sleep in short bursts around them, and you take full advantage of this day of rest to regain your strength.
At some point during the night you manage to fall asleep, and hen you wake you find that you managed to pass out for a good 4 hours.
The very first thing you notice is Dwalin sitting not far from you, and the blanket draped over your resting form.
To say you're taken off guard would be an understatement, for you never expected to be treated with such tenderness (or at least, tenderness by your definition considering the life you've lead).
"Dwalin...?" You call after a time of looking ahead, wanting to find out his motivations.
His gaze snaps over to you and a small, greeting smile falls upon his lips, "Good evening. It is mid-night, I'm sure you'd like to know."
You glance briefly up at the sky and observe the position of the moon and stars and find that he's correct, then your gaze returns to his face. "I see. What are you doing over here, though?"
The balding dwarf looks a tad more sheepish when you ask your question, and his voice contains slight embarrassment, "Well, we know you don't much like sleeping around us, or in general, so I thought that keeping watch here may help you feel even a bit safer."
Those words shock you to your very core.
"You'll always be safe with us, you should know. You protect us in waking, so the least we can do is return the favor in sleeping."
Any and all responses that come to your mind in this moment seem inadequate in comparison to his declaration, so you're left sitting there looking at him with a blank, yet dumbfounded stare.
"You needn't say anything in response. I just thought you should know." Another smile graces upon his lips, and then his attention turns back out towards the darkened tree line surrounding the mini camp in a half circle. "Sleep more if the desire is to suddenly strike you."
And, for some odd reason, you do.
For the first time in what has to be years, you sleep through the night and do not wake again until the sun beckons you to do so.
When the first light shines through the trees and makes the forest sparkle with morning magic, you arise and find that a new dwarf, Ori, has taken the place of Dwalin.
A feeling, one that you can't identify, rises within you, and you find yourself unable to handle it.
"Ori." You greet curtly, "I am going to depart for a time. Expect me back in 20 minutes."
The young dwarf looks up at you and nods shallowly, not even entertaining the thought that you would need an escort. "Alright. Get back safely."
His words linger with you after you leave, for the act of being cared for is alien to you.
When was the last time someone genuinely cared for your well-being and not just what they would lose if you were to perish? When was the last time someone thought of you as a person who could be harmed instead of a weapon that maybe tarnished every-so-often?
These thoughts plague your mind as you go to search the game traps you lay around the camp the morning before, and you find that the prize is well worth the early journey.
3 rabbits, 2 squirrels, and a wild hog around 2 feet long and a foot wide. The hog you caught along the way, actually. It had been sniffing around one of the game traps you sent (the trap wouldn't have been strong enough to hold it anyways), and you wasted no time in throwing a dagger straight into its' head.
You string up the rabbits into a line of rope and carry the hog over your shoulders (it's really heavy, so you made sure to evenly distribute the weight), and then you head straight for the group with your prizes in hand.
When you enter the clearing you're noticed immediately, for the game hanging from your body draw a lot of attention.
"Odin's beard!" Gloin exclaims, jumping up from his spot once his eyes fall upon you, "Look at all of that!"
All eyes are on you as soon as the red-haired dwarf alerts them to your presence, but you maintain a mask of nothing even despite your discomfort with being the center of attention.
"Where did you get all that?" Fili calls, getting up and approaching you to help carry the load.
You shrug off the line of rabbits and squirrels to him when he begins to tug on it and bring the hog to the middle of the camp, dropping it down heavily.
Bombur looks up at you with a grand smile and praises you in his low, baritone voice, "Well will you look at that! Now that's a hog."
You dip your head in acknowledgement of his compliments and offer right after, "Do you want me to skin them?"
"Oh, no, no! You have done more enough for us, we can manage that at the very least." The older dwarf assures you, patting the fat belly of the swine, "Thank you, lass. We haven't had a commendable meal in months, so this will be a real treat."
You received so many compliments and acclimations that you almost began to blush, but that's an unconscious ability that had left you a long time ago.
Everyone traveled with full bellies that afternoon, and there was plenty of leftovers to last everyone well into the next day as well.
Things like this are seldom the topic of talk or praise in the organization you work for, and you can never rely on anyone. You're all thieves, after all. Liars, tricksters, murderers... how could you trust someone like that to have your back? But... somehow, they trust you to protect them and their precious royal friends.
You: the liar, trickster, and murderer.
They sleep in your presence as if you hadn't stolen millions in treasure, product, and money; as if you hadn't killed a quarter of the people you've met in your lifetime. They trust you, the real you (or at least the realest version of you that there is), and it's a truly foreign feeling.
Of course, even though these good feelings long since lost to you have returned for a time, you keep yourself in check with the thoughts of what they would do to you if they found about your true intentions.
The images of their betrayed, angry faces, the disgust that would shine in their eyes when they realize what you're truly capable of... you're always sure to not lose sight of your end goal; the Mountain of Erebor and its' lost treasure. If you're to fail, you're certain that you'll be killed (either by the dwarfs or The Brotherhood), so you don't even entertain the thought of abandoning your mission.
Later in the day, during the trek up those horrible, treacherous mountains, you're approached by Bofur, the hat wearing dwarf with a smile more contagious than any sickness.
"Hello." You greet curtly when he falls into step beside you, eyeing him in your peripherals. "Is there something I can help you with?"
"Oh, no." He shakes his head no and reaches up to straighten his fur hat, "You just looked a little lonely, is all."
Lonely, huh?
You don't reply right away and look ahead with your usual blank expression and dull eyes, though you do feel an uncomfortable, appreciative feeling swell inside of you. "I am not lonely." You inform him matter-of-factly, though when you glance down at his face you see that your words have slightly hurt his feelings.
Your heart twists slightly painfully when you see his saddened countenance, and before you can even think about it you're blurting out, "But I welcome the company regardless."
His frown is immediately replaced with a brilliant smile and his eyes positively shine with enthusiasm; you never thought your acceptance would garner such a reaction from him (much less anyone for that matter).
The dwarf practically talks your ear off while the 15 of you travel up the Misty Mountains, telling you everything he possibly can about his homeland, family, and feelings regarding the journey (as well as other things), and while all this incessant blathering would normally irk you, you actually find that you quite like it.
Bofur's excited speech does eventually die down when it starts to rain, though, for he and yourself both think it safer to concentrate on the hike as its level of danger grows.
It isn't long before night falls, and once it does the rain becomes a much more dangerous obstacle.
There is lower visibility and the rocks become horribly slippery, though neither of these things could ever hope to top the giant stone beasts that begin to battle right in front of you all.
The stone giants don't seem notice any of you, and if they do then they simply don't care, and you all barely escape with your lives. They throw huge boulders bigger than any building you've ever seen, and their hand-to-hand combat leaves you all shaking against the mountainside, fearful of falling to your deaths as you sway every which way.
To your, and everyone else's luck and great joy, a little cave in the mountainside appears before you all (after a horrible death scare with half of the company), and it becomes your resting spot for the night.
You, like usual, choose a spot closest to the cave entrance with rock that covers both your back and left side and fall asleep effortlessly. You plan on only resting for four or so hours, hopefully until the rain passes, and then you can resume watch so the others may regain their strength (they're heavier and bigger than you, so they need more rest and food).
Those 4 hours (and an extra half!) pass by without issue and your internal clock eventually wakes you up.
One of the first things you see when your eyes flutter open is the stone ceiling of the cave hovering above you, and the next is Bofur who sits in the little watch spot right across from your sleeping area.
You sit up as soon as your sleep addled mind clears and your blurry eyes gain focus and call softly, "Bofur, go ahead and take a rest. I can resume your watch."
The dwarf jumps slightly when your soft voice breaks through the silence and reaches out to him, but he doesn't move to get up. Instead, a small smile upturns the corners of his lips and he whispers back, "No, you do a watch of your own every night and refuse to wake anyone else up often enough. Please, go back to sleep."
He noticed that?
You can't even keep the surprise from your face, for your eyes widen almost imperceptibly and your lips part slightly. "I..." You've been shocked speechless, something that you thought impossible.
"We have all noticed, in case you're wondering. Now, go ahead and resume sleep. I've still got another 30 minutes of watch."
And, for some reason, you don't protest.
Sleep calls to you and tugs at your eyelids, making them heavy and causing your eyes to burn. What spell have they put you under to make you tired again under a simple command, you wonder?
You fall back asleep despite yourself, but it doesn't last long, for within 20 minutes after Bilbo tries to leave and the storm begins to quiet, the floor opens beneath you all and swallows everyone whole.
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