#anyways... glad we're out of school so we don't have to deal with him
oepionie · 2 years
Synopsis: Yuuken interrogates some of the boys on the campus about their special someone. Hearing their loving ramblings on you was certainly not what he expected.
Tags: Self-Indulgent, Fluff, Angst if you squint really hard, Reader is not Yuu, Tweels are a bit...too mad in love, I brainrotted so hard, You're Malleus' fiancee, Malleus doesn't know how to tell a joke someone help him
Cw. Riddle's Mother, Overworking, Hospitalizations, Poor living conditions, Illness, Bullying, Allusions to violence, Marriage, Tad bit of possesive behavior, Description of stabbing
WordCount: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist
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About: Riddle's Rose
"Rose? I see you've met that troublesome intern at the library. That's a nickname. Their name is (Y/N) and yes, they are my partner." "A-Ah? I'm so direct? Well, you asked me a question! Though...I would prefer that this discussion end here. I prefer to keep my relationship with them private.”
Chat: Childhood Memories
“Ever since we were young, (Y/N) was quite rebellious. The complete opposite of me as a child, really. They were always sneaking off during the night and coming over to visit me. Mother...didn't approve of them and often screamed in their face. I was quite terrified she would scare them away, though that didn't stop them at all. Haha, I think they got even more persistent afterwards. I am truly glad I met them.”
Personal Story: To the Hospital
“Again...? I see. Thank you, Trey. Hmph, I'll have to schedule another visit once more."
> "Riddle? What's wrong?"
"Ah, Yuuken—It's Rose. They've gotten admitted to the hospital...again. (Y/N) is quite impulsive and tends to bite off more than they can chew. On more than occasion, like now, I would find out about their hospital admissions via Trey days or even weeks after."
>"Aren't you dating? Why aren't they telling you?"
"They claim that they withhold the information from me out of concern for my workload or out of fear of being a burden. Though that is—a sentiment I don't understand. Nothing is more important to me than their health."
About: The Photo In His Wallet
"Where is it?! Man, I'm so fucked if I lost it—Oh?! Oi, Yuuken! That wallet's mine! Man, thanks a lot. I really would've been screwed over if it weren't for you." "Eh? The photo? Shishishishi curious, aren't cha? Hmmm...how 'bout this? You get me a steaming hot meat bun and I'll give you a story time about them."
Chat: A Hopeful Future
"My studies? Course I take them seriously! That's what's gonna' put food on the table one day. Plus, I wanna' give (Y/N) the life they deserve—What'd I mean? Well, if I'm going to be their husband, I want 'em to live comfortably. It's not like we need anythin' luxurious, anyways. As long as we're together and there's enough food to go by, it's going to be all right."
Personal Story: In Sickness and In Health
"....that's good to hear. Please look after 'em, granny. Love ya." The call ends and Ruggie sighs. "That's the best news I've received since."
"Guh-?! Man! What's with you and sneaking up on me!? Yeah yeah—you heard right...news. Granny just called me to talk about (Y/N), their health is looking up. Tell ya' what, I knew that deal with Azul was worth it. I managed to snag some medicine and send it home."
>"Oh? Medicine?"
"Yeah. Ever since my first year of high school, they were sick and bedridden. (Y/N)'s parents don't have enough money for a doctor, so there's not much they can do. Of course, I'm out here doin' my best to help too."
"I really...I really wanna see them up and runnin' again. Hey, who knows—maybe we'll get to make flower crowns for the village kids again...together."
About: An Interrogation
"Yuuken, you’ve met (Y/N), I hear. Well, as their partner, it's only right that I ask you about it. I assume you don't mind. So, what is your opinion of them? Nothing short of perfection, I hope."
"Hm? You think they're nice? Good then."
Chat: Busy Octoboss
"With all the deals, my maintenance of my academic ranking, and my position as Monstro Lounge's manager, my workload is quite substantial compared to most. And, I regret to say that it does get in the way of my personal life, including quality time with my lover. It tears at my heart, yet I cherish how they're so understanding and patient. Still, sometimes I can't help but think I am undeserving of them..."
Personal Story: Deep Sea Bonds
"My childhood is not something that I appreciate or want to remember. Yet, despite everything I've been through, I do think it is pleasant to look back on the days when I met them. You see, (Y/N) was bullied too. They were just like me, relentlessly bad mouthed and hurt by the kids around us. However, they never failed to greet me every day with a bright smile on their face."
>"What a sunny person."
"They'd also always have the courage and bravery to stand up for me, often taking the brunt of the bullying. I wish I could say I did the same for them...but I was far too cowardly back then..."
>"Wow. You two must be really close, then."
"Of course. They've been through a lot.Which is exactly why I won't allow anyone to speak ill of them anymore." Azul pauses, smiling slyly. "Say, Yuuken. You'll tell me if anyone casts aspersions on my Angelfish, won't you?"
About: A Helping Hand
"Hm? What's that? Ah, you’ve met my darling pearl. I see. I do notice how you’ve been frequenting Monstro Lounge lately…Have you perhaps acquired a romantic interest towards them? No? Hehe, Alright." "Now, to answer your question, yes, that is right; (Y/N) routinely comes over to visit and aid me in my Mountain Treks. I couldn't be more grateful for their assistance."
Chat: The Pearl Ring
"Oya? I see you're curious about the ring I've been crafting. Well, it's for (Y/N). You see, in merfolk culture, we create handcrafted jewelry to serve as a courting gift. This is one of many ornaments I plan on giving them. Though, this one is...particularly unique. Ah, well...(Y/N) Leech does have a nice ring to it, does it not?"
Personal Story: A Jaded Reaction
"Oya? (Y/N) is spending the night at Ramshackle? Whatever reason for?"
>"Grim wanted to have a game night."
"Ah. I see. How...lovely. What's that? My smile is frightening you? Oho, now is it? Hehe, my deepest apologies. We eels tend to be quite...protective. I so anticipate you to take good care of them. And fret not, as long as you keep them away from any harm, no disputes shall arise."
>"Uh...and if something happened?"
"What if something happened...? Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being hunted down the face of the earth, tied up, and pulled down to the deepest pits of the blue ocean, where no one can hear your anguished cries for help...Would you?" 
"Just joking. I would never do that."
About: A Sea Walnut
"(Y/N)? Aha~~~ You've heard of my little sea walnut? They're so adorable and squishy, yanno!—Is there a problem? If you got a problem with 'em, I'll squeeze you." "Oh? Not scared at all, huh? Ehe~ You sure are ballsy. Tread carefully now, shrimpy~!"
About: Ocean Currents
"Whenever a strong ocean current comes, sea walnut always huddles close to me and grabs my arm. They've always been afraid of being blasted away."
"They used to do that a lot when we were kids, but it never gets old. Hehe~ Sometimes, I lead them to places where the waves are strong, jus' so they can cling onto me! It's so funny to see 'em get afraid and scramble after me when I move too far away. "
Personal Story: Shark Attack
"Hmm~? Oh, what're these bite marks? Rad, aren't they? I got them after fighting a buncha' sharks."
>"Sharks?! Why would you do that?"
"To get these. It's shark teeth. Our anniversary is comin' up, and Jade suggested that I should make some jewelry for them. It's a merfolk courting thing. Azul 'n Jade told me to get them pearls, but I thought that was boring. So, I'm making one with shark teeth instead! Isn't that cool~?"
>"I-I guess, but what happened to the sharks?"
"Ugh. None of them were a fun hunt. The entire hoard swam away so fast. Can you believe it???… I’m not the typa eel who would let my prey get away that easily, though. And it’s not like I had anything better to do. Ehehe! There were so many of those sharks swarming around, but I managed to squeeze them all! Well, it was worth it in the end cuz I got what I wanted. I'll do anythin' for my little sea walnut~"
About: A Hearty Meal
“What am i doing? Well, I'm making some Roast Chicken with Sumac Flatbread. Oh? Who's (Y/N)? Ah, Kalim must have told you, huh. (Y/N) is my partner. They are truly wonderful."
"For example—Though I like to think I'm skilled at disguising my true feelings, the moment I go to see them, they already know what I'm thinking. They have a keen sense of intuition and always seem to know what I need and when I need it. Truly, I'm grateful for such a caring—Ah, I'm sorry. I was rambling again."
Chat: Snake-Eyed Envy
"I can't dispute that a lot of people back home are vying for their affection.That bothers me at times. As Kalim's babysitter-ehem, retainer, I don't have enough time to check in on them every day...However, as cheesy as it sounds, I have yet to meet someone who is as smitten with (Y/N) as I am."
Personal Story: World Left Unsaid
"I soon understood that I was more than the circumstances of my birth, all thanks to (Y/N). In fact, My bond with Kalim has become stronger and more genuine thanks to them. I...realized my hatred for Kalim was just my desire for my circumstances to be different...I didn't hate him at all. Without (Y/N), I would never have understood it."
>"They must be very important to you, Jamil."
"Absolutely. I was terrified that I might lose them after my overblot. But to my surprise, they stayed with me. Naturally, it hurt them, but they were really compassionate towards me and about how much I had to go through."
>"Do they know of what you feel?"
"I...I don't think (Y/N) realizes just how much I cherish them. I don't think now's the right time for that though. I've hurt them too much and I still have a long way to go before I fix things."
About: He's Engaged?!
"I am, indeed, betrothed. Heh. Why are you looking so bewildered, Child of Man? If I'm going to be a king someday, it only makes sense that I would need someone to reign alongside me, no? At first glance, (Y/N) may seem aloof, but as you get to know them more, you'll see that they are actually incredibly lovely and warm."
"You never thought I was one for romance? My, my... What a bold statement, you best learn how to hold your tongue. Have you considered that I could use lightning to smite you where you stand?...Now, now—That was a joke. You don't have to cower in fear."
Chat: Safe And Sound
"My precious treasure tells me that I tend to get protective at times. Though can you really fault a lover for wanting to protect the one who is most important to them in this cruel, ruthless world. One where others will not hesitate to turn on you?"
Personal Story: The Art Of War
"I am actually the first of my lineage to wed someone who is not a noble. You see, (Y/N) is a knight-in-training. And, as you can probably guess, they served as my retainer. To see them at work was truly a magnificent sight to witness. They command attention and radiate strength. While I had always admired them, I could not bring myself to express my true feelings to them. Until...that night."
>"That night?"
"Yes. On the evening of Silver's 16th birthday, someone had rushed at me with a dagger in hand. (Y/N) was the first to respond and took the hit for me...The sound of their screams as the knife tore through their flesh was truly...horrifying."
>"That's horrible! What happened to the guy?"
"Worry not, he was taken care of accordingly....If there is anything I’ve learned from Lilia's many teachings, it’s that the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation. To avoid further offensives, one must deal with and eliminate adversaries as soon as possible. Don't you think so?"
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and are very motivating on my end!
Taglist: @keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @anonima-2 @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @chuuchuudreams @taruruchi
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zippidi-dooda · 2 months
I am loving this event way more than I thought I would (haven't fully gone through it yet)
But I was not expecting Vil to go ham on insults
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And this was just from what I played through today
Glad I'm not actually there cause I'd be in the background like "OOOOHHH! DAMN VIL, YOU TELL 'IM!!!" And Leona would hate me
Also love how we get the representation of someone who hates kids, I feel like there are few to no shows that demonstrate it
Cheka is cute and I love him, but I can understand Leona
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To be honest, Leona has never really been on my roster, I am more of a Malleus/Deuce/Rollo type of gal
Leona just seems like someone more fun to bugger with
But this ...
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This reveal???
Jaw dropping, king of the jungle for real, hubba hubba, hot dayum--Malleus forgive me
Another moment that I am glad I wasn't there for cause I was all over the other three's "take off the overcoat" reveal and would've been fan-girling over them, whooping and gassin' 'em up,
But the difference in how my reaction to seeing them compared to Leona would've been obvious
His aura was just so different and he doesn't show off his strength, he prefers brain over brawn, but now he was so smug about it
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Like, yes, that's what I live for
Not to mention that I personally love the idea of "flirt fighting" which entails actually sparring. Wanting to better defend and strengthen yourself is the main motivator, but tension is a great plus.
And that's essentially everything he's doing here???
Get me in the ring with him, I will lose but I will enjoy every second of it
And then, when all's said and done,
He takes the time to actually voice his evaluation and assessment of everyone in a straightforward and nice way
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I feel like I got to see a side of Leona I hadn't before and I'm really liking it
I remember reading a post about how Leona doesn't really resemble Scar who he's twisted from during the Book of Savanaclaw, where there was some good points made (namely, he kinda sat back while Ruggie did most of the dirty-work, it was on Leona's behalf but we didn't see much of him stringing Ruggie around).
But in this event we really get to see the "Scar Side" of Leona. His wit, his cunning and the issues that motivate Leona; he wants change for the better of his pride and knows how to get there quick, but others won't listen cause they have other values they'd like to keep in tact and it irritates him that they're putting the things that are (in his mind) more insignificant, first.
And I think introducing that part of Leona in this event instead of in Book of Savanaclaw works amazingly well because Leona is a prince, he is at NRC to learn yes but stays there (probably also gets held back on purpose so he'll have an excuse to stay away from home) to forget about his frustrations with his homeland. So, I think he wouldn't have much incentive to want to fix as much in his dorm or the school since his problems mainly lie back in his Kingdom.
Anyway, this is plenty fuel for happiness and story ideas and that's about all I have to share right now
(Also, the bow Grim is wearing is most similar to Leona's garb and since we are "a package deal" I'm assuming we're both wearing similar prints. So, we may be matching spectacularly with Leona. Dunno about you, but I'd gladly follow along as if I'm his trophy wife-- again, I'm sorry, Malleus don't come for me-- and also this is just more story fuel ...)
"Leona x reader x Malleus"
The story goes through the whole Cloud Calling event, with Y/N learning there's so much more to the lazy beastman than thought originally. But, when Lilia shows off the group's trip photos, Malleus is enraged to see you leaning happily against Leona in what are practically couples' clothes, the smug smirk the lion is sporting seems to be targeted specifically at the fae. What will happen when you return to NRC from your trip? Find out in the next episode
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hermslore · 9 months
Begin Again | Enid Sinclair x Reader
You just got out of a toxic relationship with Xavier and with Enid having her heart broken by Ajax too, she decides to ask you out on a date. [Reader is a vampire]
Inspo : Begin Again by Taylor Swift
You took a deep breath and entered the quad, this was the first time you were stepping out of your room after what happened with Xavier. You really liked him, but of course, he cheated on you with Wednesday.
It hurt you when he did that but you had to move on. You weren't looking forward to classes but you had to deal with it. Everyone was having breakfast and you had the first period free, giving you about an hour of free time. You were pretty popular in the school and your relationship was loved by many, so everyone knew about what had happened. Waving to many people, you made your way to the vampires.
Engaging yourself in conversations was really helping with your mood until people started gossiping about your relationship. "Y/n? Are you alright, we heard about you and Xavier," one of them quipped. "Is it true he kissed Wednesday?" another added. "He was an asshole anyway, I'm glad you got rid of him," "Wednesday didn't really seem to be his type-" "I thought he was more into Bianca," They continued with their comments which made you sick, "Stop! Enough, can you guys stop bothering her?" you heard a voice from behind you, shutting them all up.
You turned around to see Enid and smiled. You weren't very close to her but you both would always sit together in most classes and you had started to develop a liking towards her. She was friendly, smart, energetic and cared about people. You were glad to have her as a friend, although, sometimes you wondered if you both could have ended up in a relationship if Xavier hadn't happened. You were always interested in her but then Xavier came along and you had forgotten about your crush on her. "Y/n? Hey, you there?" She said, waving her hand around your face, bringing you back to reality. You shook you head and said, "Yeah, yeah." She giggled, taking your hand leading you away from the vampires to a place where you both could talk.
"So, how has it been? You know, life, I heard about what happened with Xavier, are you alright? You haven't stepped out of your room in weeks," she said, concern lacing her tone as she fiddled with her fingers. "I'm fine, Enid, don't worry, I just kinda miss him, you know? He was a good guy, well except for the cheating part," you said, shrugging as she gave you a small smile. "Well, that makes the two of us," she replied, making you raise your eyebrows. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I broke up with Ajax last week," she said as your mouth formed an 'O' shape. "So, um, I was thinking.. do you want to go to the Weathervane later today? I mean since we're both single, I- I mean uh-" you cut off her blabbering by a giggle. "You're so cute, Enid, if you want to ask me out on a date, just say so, the answer's yes, by the way." You said, walking away leaving her blushing. -- You looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. Xavier never liked it when I wore high heels but you were sure Enid wouldn't mind. You were really looking forward to the date as you made your way into the weathervane. You walked in, expecting her to be late but she was early, standing there waiting for you. She took one look at you, her jaw dropping. "Wow, Y/n, you look so good," she said, biting her lip. She signaled for you to sit down, sitting across you. Both of you indulged in conversations about various topics. She ordered drinks for you both and honestly, she got your order right in the first go. She told you so many stories but she couldn't tell why you were coming off a little shy. What surprised you the most was when she threw her head back laughing like a little kid, it was strange that she thought you were funny because he never did. You had a great time with her but it was getting pretty late so you both walked down the block back to Nevermore. You almost brought him up but she started talking about the Christmas movies she watched with her siblings which made you smile.
You had been spending the last few weeks thinking that all that love does is break and burn and end but she changed your perspective on that. You both reached your dorm as you turned around to look at her, smiling. "I had a great time, Enid, thank you for that, you're amazing," you said, making her cheeks go red.
"We should do this more, you know, friends hanging out?" she said, her eyes looking down at your lips for a second before coming back up as she bit her lip, fiddling with her fingers. You giggled, making her confused. "Oh, Enid, I like you too," You said, putting your palm on her cheek and pulling her in. She smiled into the kiss, putting her arms behind your neck as your lips moved in sync.
You thought you would be scarred for a while after Xavier and his asshole behavior, But, on a Wednesday, in a cafe, you watched it begin again.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hello, I hope you are having a good day. She wanted to ask for some platonic headcanons for the demon siblings and how they would react if they saw her sister (who is the 8th) defend the brother in question over some harmful comments another demon said to them. She is very protective and doesn't let anyone speak badly about her brothers > :).
Anyway~ hello! I did one-shot format because I felt like headcanons would turn out too repeative... I'm still not sure about it but hopefully it's alright!
I didn't do much dialogues because I really can't write fights well... but maybe one day!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic, TW: swearing, fights, homophobia in Asmo's part
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"Who does he think he is?!"
You heard some lesser demon complaining at Lucifer behind his back just because he confiscated their phones for breaking school rules. They were at fault for recording what they shouldn't!
"That fuck is probably jealous you have a girlfriend and he never even touched one."
That was so basic and yet it triggered you so much. You knew you shouldn't even bother after hearing such a low level insult but it was still an insult towards your older brother!!
You turned around to them, coming closer. They were definitely having small chuckle when they saw a teenager walking to towards adults like that. But oh boy... how you could insult others... you were even about to throw hands!
"That's enough!"
Suddenly you heard familiar voice behind you and hand separating you from other demons. It was the oldest of your brothers. He sent the lesser demons out and told them he'll set a punishment for their actions later as he deals with you first. He just looked at you slightly disappointed as he held end of his nose.
"Why did you throw hands at such a troublemakers? We talked about it, if someone brings you troubles just talk to me and I'll handle it."
"But they were insulting you!"
"And I could've dealt with it myself."
He may've said that and may've upset you a bit but deep inside his heart actually melted. He felt a bit happy that you'd want to protect his honor despite being so much younger. Of course, he'll never let that happen as he doesn't want to risk your health and life but it definitely made his day and you may know that from the fact he didn't punished anyone as roughly as usually.
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"He's literally so dumb! I can't believe he asked me for money while everyone knows he's NEVER gonna give it back!"
You overheard some demons starting a talk the second after your 2nd oldest brother left the room. When they were talking to him they so respectfully said no and that they don't have anything on them either way... but demons are cruel and you knew it.
So you being you, couldn't just let them get away with that. Maybe you were a long shorter but you WERE good at throwing! And it was just you and them in the classroom... classroom with singular chairs instead of benches... your plan was simple. And you did it without hesitation.
"Don't you insult my brother like that!!"
The two demons were a bit shocked. None of you noticed when the white haired demon came back after realizing he accidentally left you behind...
"Yo, that was great! Glad to see you won't have problems with fights!"
"I can throw one more!"
"Nah... let's go... I still have some savings so we can get some sweets, whatcha say?"
He tries shifting your attention to something else with poor excise but it worked! Or maybe he wanted to thank you for standing up for him? Not many do that after all...
"Oh sure!"
"Let's go. Oh and if Lucifer asks... just tell him it was me who threw a chair, 'key?"
"I'll get you extra sweets, c'mon!"
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You were bored at a school party. It was still quite early and you just texted on family group chat a bit. You basically we're giving Levi some tips, as despite with Asmo in his room, he wasn't confident enough with himself to go. But eventually, they texted you they're coming over!
"You think that otaku is coming?"
Your attention was catched by some chat between 2 demons. They were talking about otaku... maybe it was your little protectiveness but you decided to eavesdrop for just a bit. There is small chance they're talking about someone else, right?
"He's probably kissing with his screen like always. Honestly, isn't Avatar of Envy supposed to be more scary rather than petite?"
But they were definitely talking about your brother... So you got up from your seat and you were ready to get into the argument. You couldn't let your brother get insult like that! And luckily for you, you just happened to remember few gossips and punishments they got through and used it to your advantage~
But when you were in the middle of an argument, 2 demons being your brothers entered. One looking stressed and second looking proudly at you.
Levi may've not wanted to say anything like that in the public but boy's heart melted on spot and he tried hiding his little teats of happiness. He was just so glad to have someone protect him like that and now you may not need a password to enter his room!
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"I heard the 4th brother destroyed whole classroom yesterday."
"Seriously?! Is that motherfucker why they changed our lessons to the worst classroom ever?!"
You knew you shouldn't interact. Oldest repeated to you to not be bothered by such a simple words. But 4th and 7th on the other hand... you just felt the need to protect your brothers honor. It was him who teached you all about self defense, so you might as well use it to repair him for those lessons!
You were actually pretty good, grown up demon was actually loosing with a teenager?! You could easily say it was pissing him off but you had your fun~ And when the demon was about to punch you back, his hand was blocked by someone else's.
"Don't. You. Dare. Touch them."
You saw the rage in Satan's eyes when he stood there in his demon form. And they said you're protective of brothers!
Obviously, the demon who started all of it quickly took his leave. Seems like he's just all bark and no bite... And now your brother was looking at you with proud grin as he ruffled your hair.
"I see you remembered my lessons. But you seemed to not see the punch. I'll teach you some more later, alright? And good job there."
He knew well why you initiated a fight and he would normally rub it in Lucifer's face that you stood up for him and for the oldest never so far, but he doesn't want to cause you troubles. Instead he left it as your sweet secret!
@miya-akane - come get your cat lover!
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"That girl is hot."
"Bro, that's a dude."
You overheard someone pointing at Asmo. You weren't mad ar all, mistakes happen!
"Ew! So he's crossdressing?! What is he, gay?! I'm not coming closer to whatever this thing is!"
But... homophobia is something that always pissed you off. Couldn't he just be like "oh well I'm not interested" instead of insulting? It's not like your brother did anything wrong to him! He was just himself!
So or course you stood up from your chair and walked to them. Keeping your voice calm tho with a malicious remark and tone. You didn't wanted to fight physically but you were more than happy to give them a taste of their own medicine.
Of course the demons didn't even took you seriously, blaming things on your age when they couldn't find the right come back. When youn were slowly loosing you patience, w hand landed on you shoulder.
"Come on darling, let's not wast your precious time on these! I could repair your nails instead, what do you say?"
You naturally agreed, knowing it's best not to get in more problems than needed. And on your way, Asmo made it known he heard ALL of it. From your amazing arguments to you protecting his image. He may've not showed all of his gratitude in that moment but you'll definitely see it later, when he invites you to every single sleepover he'll hold.
@vodka-glrl - come get your pretty princess~
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"Ugh... 6th got first place in strength competition AGAIN!"
"Calm down, it's just a matter of time untill he eats someone alive and will get into trouble."
"Didn't he already? There's a reason why everyone is afraid to even come close to that monster."
You were waiting for Beel in front of a classroom as you were supposed to walk together back home and grabs 7th brother on your way too. You heard the two talking and blood was absolutely boiling in you... how could anyone call the teddybear of family a monster?! You were so angry you just wanted to hit them with a bat or so...
"Remember, only fight when someone starts it. And try not to overrate your skills."
But then you remembered Beel's words you heard after every training. He, as well as few other brothers used to teach you bit of self defense arts tho he definitely knew the most about it! They all wanted you to stay safe, but maybe it's time to repay their kindness?
Instead of throwing hands, you decided to insult them back, not holding single drop of your hatred. You may've caused a scene but at least 2 demons were left speechless. And when they finally had the guts to say something, their mouth immidietly close as their eyes landed on something behind you, leaving without a word. When you turned around you saw no one else than your brother.
"Are you hurt? You weren't fighting, were you?"
"No, I was just talking big..."
"That's good. Thank you but next time let me handle it. Well, let's go now, okey? We still need to pick up Belphie."
Maybe he didn't say much but he was smiling the whole way, telling you that your little act despite making him worry for a second, it melted his heart when someone stops up for him. Even if he'd prefer you didn't do that, he appreciated it.
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"He's sleeping all the time... how does he got a better grade than me?!"
"He must be cheating! I mean... he's utterly dumb with the amount he sleeps!"
You overheard 2 demons talking during a lesson, Belphie sleeping next to you. You knew you couldn't do much because consequences would come immidietly. But the more they whispered between each other, not even trying to make sure you didn't heard them, the more you just wanted to punch them in the face.
"Don't worry, we can always mess up with his future exam and remove all the unfair answers."
But that's when you had enough... they wanted to change your brothers answers just because they think he's cheating! You were about to get up and give them a piece of your mind, almost forgetting you're on a lesson. But luckily you were brought back down be a hand.
"Don't worry. They both are failing this year and the ones on the right girlfriend cheated on him with the one on the left, they're just jealous."
You didn't knew if he was lying about all those gossips or being serious... and two boys thought the same. You could now hear them arguing over who cheated on who, while teacher tried calming them down. So while they were busy, you decided to get an answer on your question and whispered back to your brother.
"Seriously? Did that really happened?"
"I don't know. I lied. But they'll be busy with something else so it's perfect time to take a nap, don't you think?"
@miya-akane - come get your sleepyhead!
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zoeydripdoria · 5 months
More than just roommates
Your heart starts racing as you reread his application over and over again. You're torn between your desire to spend time with him and the fear that things could get awkward if things don't work out between you. But then again, what's the worst that could happen? You two could become friends, right? It's not like you're planning on falling in love or anything like that.
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You never thought your life would turn out this way. One minute, you're minding your own business, cleaning up your room after a long day of classes, and the next, you're thrown into this whirlwind of emotions when you hear a knock on your door. It's the landlord, informing you that your roommate has moved out and that you need a new one since you don't make enough money on your own. You can't help but feel a mixture of annoyance and relief. Annoyance because now you'll have to deal with the extra rent and chores, but relief because you were never really fond of your roommate anyway.
As you're going through the list of potential candidates, one particular name catches your eye: 
 It rings a bell, but you can't quite place it. You look through their photo, and suddenly, it all comes rushing back. He's the boy from your high school, the one with the light ash-brown hair that always looked perfect no matter what the style, the deep-set eyes that could stare right through you, and the smile that could light up a room. The same Jean who sat next to you in homeroom every day for four years, the same Jean who you had a crush on since the first day of freshman year.
Your heart starts racing as you reread his application over and over again. You're torn between your desire to spend time with him and the fear that things could get awkward if things don't work out between you. But then again, what's the worst that could happen? You two could become friends, right? It's not like you're planning on falling in love or anything like that.
You decide to take a deep breath and send him a text, telling him you'd like to meet up and discuss the possibility of him moving in. He responds almost instantly, saying he's free later today. Your mind races with anticipation as the hours slowly tick by.
Finally, it's time to meet up. You're standing outside the coffee shop, trying to calm your nerves, when you see him walking towards you. He looks just as good as you remember - if not better. He smiles warmly when he sees you, and it takes all of your self-control not to melt into a puddle on the sidewalk.
"Hey, you must be y/n ," he says, offering you his hand. You take it, feeling a spark of electricity run up your arm. "It's nice to finally see you in person." His voice is smooth and rich, sending shivers down your spine.
"Yeah, likewise," you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. You decide to get right to the point. "So, about moving in..."
He nods, leaning forward slightly. "Oh, absolutely. I'd love to live here with you, Y/n. It'll be great to have someone nice to come home to after a long day." His smile grows wider, and you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks.
You take a sip of your coffee, trying to calm your nerves. "Great. Well, we should probably go over some details then. Like, how much do you make per month?"
"Oh, about the same as you, I think. Maybe a little more," he says easily. "But don't worry about that. I'm more than happy to pitch in for my share of the rent and expenses."
You feel a wave of relief wash over you. At least that part won't be a problem. "Great. Okay, well, here's my number. Let's keep in touch and sort out all the details once we're back home." You hand him a slip of paper with your phone number on it.
He takes it, studying it for a moment before looking up at you again. There's a sparkle in his eye that you haven't seen before. "Yeah, definitely. And listen, Y/n..." He hesitates, biting his bottom lip. "I just want to say that I'm really glad this worked out.
You feel your cheeks flush again, unable to look away from those deep-set eyes. "Me too, Jean. It's going to be great living here with you." Your voice is barely above a whisper, but he seems to hear it just fine.
He smiles, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. The touch sends a shiver down your spine. "I can't wait to get started. We're going to have so much fun together."
His words make your heart flutter, and you can't help but wonder where this newfound attraction is coming from. It's been years since you've seen him, and yet the way he looks at you, the way he touches you...it's like you're the only person in the world. You feel a rush of heat to your cheeks, and you're suddenly aware of the fact that you're standing close enough to him that you can feel his breath on your skin.
The rest of the conversation passes in a blur. You discuss the logistics of moving in together, agreeing on who will take care of which bills and chores. But it's the moments when you look into his eyes that seem to stretch on forever, when his touch sends shivers down your spine, that you realize this is so much more than just two roommates.
Finally, you say your goodbyes and head back home, feeling a strange mixture of anticipation and nervousness swirling in your stomach. The entire way there, you can't help but think about how things will change once he moves in. You wonder if he feels the same way you do, or if this is all just some weird coincidence.
When you finally open the door to your apartment, you're greeted by the familiar scent of your favorite candle and the sight of your cat, Milo, curled up on the couch. The reality of the situation begins to sink in, and you're left with a sense of both excitement and trepidation. But as you climb into bed that night, the memory of Jean's touch lingers on your skin, and you can't help but wonder what the future holds for the two of you.
Months later
As the months  go by, the tension between you only seems to grow stronger. You find yourselves constantly seeking each other out, whether it's through lingering glances across the room or casual touches that seem to happen by accident. The air around you feels charged with an electricity that you can practically taste, and it's becoming harder and harder to ignore the attraction that you feel for one another.
One night, while you're both sitting on the couch, watching TV, you feel Jean’s  hand brush against yours. The contact sends a jolt of electricity through your body, and you can't help but squeeze his fingers gently in response. He looks over at you, your eyes meeting, and for a moment, you're lost in the depths of his gaze. You can feel the heat radiating off his body, and you want nothing more than to close the distance between you. Slowly, carefully, you reach out and trace your fingers along the line of his jaw, feeling the rough stubble beneath your fingertips. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows heavily, and you can see the desire written all over his face.
  His eyes flutter closed at the touch, and he leans into you, letting out a soft moan. The moment feels eternal, suspended in time. You can feel the desire building inside of you, the need to feel his skin against yours. You lean in closer, your lips mere inches from his, then he lets out a shaky breath and stands up, stepping away from you. The sudden movement breaks the spell that had been cast between you, and you're left feeling a mixture of confusion and longing. He apologizes, saying that he's not sure if this is a good idea, but you can tell that he wants it just as much as you do.
The rest of the evening is awkward and strained, with both of you seemingly at a loss for what to do or say. You try to convince yourself that it's better this way, that you shouldn't rush into anything, but the ache in your chest tells you otherwise. You wonder if he feels the same way if he's as confused and torn as you are.
As you both head off to bed, you can't help but feel a sense of loss, as if something precious has been taken away from you. You crawl into bed, tossing and turning restlessly, the memory of his touch burning itself into your skin. You close your eyes, trying to will yourself to sleep, but all you can think about is the way he looked at you, the way he felt against you. It's becoming clear that there's no going back now, no undoing what's been done between you. The question now is, what will happen next?
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside your window, and for a moment, you forget about everything that's been going on. You stretch luxuriously, enjoying the warmth of the sun streaming through the curtains. As you sit up, you spot a note propped up against your alarm clock. It's from Jean, apologizing for the way he acted last night, admitting that he's just as confused and torn as you are. He says he needs some time to sort things out, but that he doesn't want to lose you.
The words bring a mix of relief and anxiety. You're glad that he feels the same way you do, but you can't help but worry about what this means for your relationship. Do you give him the space he needs, or do you push for more? You decide to give him some time, but you also make it clear that you're here for him whenever he's ready to talk.
Days turn into weeks, and you find yourself constantly seeking out excuses to be near him. The tension between you is palpable, and every time you catch his eye, you're transported back to that night on the couch. You can feel the attraction growing stronger with each passing moment, and it's becoming harder and harder to ignore.
One afternoon, while you're both in the kitchen, you lean against the counter opposite him, feeling the warmth of his body just a few inches away. He looks up from what he's doing and meets your gaze, and for a moment, neither of you says anything. The air is thick with desire, and it feels as if the room could explode from the tension. Finally, he sets down what he's holding and slowly walks over to you. His hands find their way to your hips, pulling you close, and for the first time, you let yourself fully surrender to the feelings that have been building up inside of you.
His lips find yours in a desperate, hungry kiss, and you respond with equal passion. You feel the heat of his body against yours, and as he presses you against the counter, you realize that you want this just as much as he does. He slips a hand beneath your shirt, trailing his fingers over your bare skin, and you arch into the touch, moaning softly. The taste of him fills your mouth as he deepens the kiss, and you can feel your heart racing in your chest.
When he finally pulls away, you're gasping for air, your head spinning. He looks at you with a mixture of desire and tenderness, his eyes dark and heavy-lidded.
 "I don't want to lose you," he whispers, and you can hear the raw emotion in his voice. "I don't want to fuck this up!" You reach up, tracing your fingers along his jawline, feeling the stubble there. 
"I don't want to lose you either," you admit, your voice barely audible.
He leans down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, and you can feel the tension between you begin to ease. As he pulls away, he looks into your eyes, and you see a resolve there that you haven't seen before. 
"Then let's not," he says simply, and you know in that moment that you're in this together. You reach up, threading your fingers through his hair, and pull him down for another kiss, longer and deeper than the last.
The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you and the heat of the moment. You feel the roughness of his skin against your fingertips, the strength in his arms as he holds you close. You know that there will be obstacles ahead, but for now, you're content to lose yourself in the feeling of being loved by him.
He kisses a trail down your neck, and you arch your back, pressing your breasts against his chest. He groans softly into your ear, and you feel the hard length of his arousal against your thigh. You want him inside of you, but for now, you revel in the feeling of his lips and hands exploring every inch of your skin.
As he works at unbuttoning your shirt, you reach down and help him unfasten his pants. You're eager to feel him against you, but when he steps back, you're momentarily disappointed. He looks at you with a mixture of desire and tenderness, and you realize that he's waiting for you to make the first move.
With shaking hands, you unbutton his shirt, revealing the smooth skin of his chest. He's muscular and tan from hours spent working in the sun, and you can't help but marvel at the beauty of his body. You reach out, tracing your finger over the defined ridges of his abs, feeling the heat radiating off of him.
His hands find their way back to your hips, and he urges you closer, guiding your lips to his. The kiss deepens, and you can feel the passion building between you once again. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of you, and he groans into the kiss as their bodies finally connect.
He's hard and hot against you, and you welcome the feeling of him filling you up. He moves with a slow, steady rhythm, their hips meeting in perfect synchrony. The room spins around you, but you don't care. All that matters is this moment, this connection between you.
As you come together, your bodies moving in perfect harmony, you realize that this isn't just about the sex. It's about so much more. It's about finding someone who understands you, who sees the real you and who loves you anyway. It's about trust connection and intimacy.
He looks into your eyes, and you see a mix of tenderness and desire that takes your breath away. He leans down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, his fingers digging into your hips as he thrusts deeper. You arch your back, meeting his movements with equal fervor, the sensations building inside of you, making it harder and harder to focus on anything but the feeling of him inside of you.
His skin is hot and smooth against yours, and you can feel every ridge and muscle in his body as he moves. He groans deep in his chest, and you moan in response, your body moving in time with his. You feel the familiar tension building within you, and with a sudden surge, your body shudders in release. He follows seconds later, his eyes closing tightly as he throws his head back, his breath ragged and uneven.
As the intensity of the moment begins to fade, he collapses onto you, their sweaty bodies sticking together. You can feel his heart racing against your chest, and you know that this wasn't just sex for him either. It was something more. He rolls to the side, pulling you into his embrace, and you feel the warmth of his breath on your neck as he whispers, "I love you." And for the first time, you know you mean it too.
You lie there together, catching your breath and savoring the closeness.
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Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Dark humor again. Woooh.
⚠️ Also this post might contain triggering topics such as smoking, juuling and more. ⚠️
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #1
Agares: You know if cats slept for an entire day, people will find them adorable and cute. But if I do it "I have mental health issues" and "I need help"? Seems quite unfair.
Kerori: Agares Picero. You slept for three straight days with no eating, skipping three days of school, not even communicating with us. You gave Gaap a heart attack-
Agares: I suddenly lost my ability to hear shit.
Kerori: You bitc-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Purson: Okay what happened with Jazz-kun and Lied-kun because I heard screaming beforehand and then when I came into the room they were cuddling and sleeping with eachother.
Iruma: Oh, Jazz-kun found a JUUL in Lied-kun bag and got mad and then Lied-kun called him a hypocrite because he also smok-
Purson : To make a long story short..?
Iruma: They fought and then one of them cried then comforted eachother while joking about their trauma.
Purson: It was wholesome until you added the last detail. Why?-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #3
Agares: This cup of coffee represents my love for myself.
Gaap: Agares-dono...it's empty..
Agares: Exactly.
Kerori: Okay, who thought you dark humor? I- Wait ...*turns her head to Lied*
Lied: *sweating while pretending not to hear*
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #4
Iruma: Hey, Azz-kun do you think I look fat?
Asmodeus: ..Why?
Iruma: I'm sorry I just..
Asmodeus: No, why would people be so stupidly blind to not see your elusive beauty? Damn demon these days..
Iruma: * raises his eyebrows then quickly smiled*
Kerori: Imagine saying you're not depressed but your favourite song is "Look who's inside again."
Agares: Is this because I didn't follow your devi-account yet? I'm sorry that I don't like to follow akudols that I don't like.
Kerori: I hate you.
Agares: Glad the feelings mutual.
⭐Kerori and Agares is totally not inspired by my friendship with my friend irl. Nope definitely not.⭐
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #5
Kalego: Okay you brats,what the fuck do you do when you want to call for emotional support?
Misfit Class: Oh we're fine, how are you?
Kalego: No, just no. I'm literally gonna fucking kill your therapist at this point.
Dantelion who just went to annoy Kalego: ...
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #6
Lied: What the devi? Hey, Agares what are you doing in the middle of the nig-
Agares: Do you know that there is over in lover.
Lied: Uh-
Agares: and end in friend.
Lied: UH-
Agares: and good in goodbye.
Lied: Isn't that kind of dark- anyways please go to sleep it's one o' clock in the morning.
Agares: Says your gaming addiction.
Lied: Says your coffee addiction.
Agares: Says-
Claire's note:
Two hc I have showcase in this incorrect quote.
Uno, the Misfit Class sometimes sleepover at the royal one as a way of bonding.
Dos, Purson is a real bitch when he doesn't get any sleep.
My content is turning into dog-shit ain't it? Yeah, yeah it is. Btw I'm thinking of making a misfit class hamilton play in my fanfic. The demons starring the schuyler sisters.
Lied- Angelica
Iruma- Eliza
Agares- Peggy
Them three because them crossdressing is my literal sanity.
What do you think? My hand tells me no but my brain is telling me yes. I still don't know who should be hamilton though, I'm open to suggestions. Anyways I wish you a good day or night! See ya guys, gals and non-binary pals!
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aswho1estuff · 4 months
I love it, my designer
EP #2
Dior for I adore, Versace I can't stay away
Plot- Taylor feels understood, cherish, and quite frankly loved the problem is her husband isn’t anywhere in the equation. The root of the problem is the model her husband assigned her to photograph.
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"Lemme lock this up and we're out" I say putting my keys in my purse. "Not the silent treatment" I announce laughing. Looking up I follow Diana's gaze to meet Hyunjin.
"Oh, hi Ms. Carter, and ?" Hyunjin says walking over."Hey this is Diana my friend, what are you doing here today?" I say shaking his hand after Diana "Well I'm moving my activities under this company and need a stylist soon, So everyone told me come to you".
"You should definitely work with Sasha then, she's one of the best assets here" Diana jumps in poking me forward. "That would be wonderful actually" Hyunjin grins at Diana. Pushing her I say "Don't mind her, when do you need the outfit".
"I'll need them in two weeks actually, one for the carpet and another for the after party" he lets out low. I sigh laughing "I'm gonna need all your time these two weeks then no debates". "My lips are sealed" Hyunjin whispers.
"We should take him to lunch with us then" Diana says quickly almost giving me whiplash "you know for business and time management and stuff" she lets out sheepishly.
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"And that's when she came with me up to that school id never seen those girls so scared before" Diana cackles at the retailing making me and Hyunjin laugh. "You've always been so caring huh" he says leaning over.
"she has don't let her tell you otherwise, that's why I'm glad you were able to care for her yesterday" Diana says softly she's always worried about me even though I'm older. "It was my pleasure really, I enjoyed every minute truly" Hyunjin states smiling.
"did something happen that day though before I came? if I can ask of course" Hyunjin asks low. "It's alright it was just my anniversary that day and it didn't go how I planned it would" I elaborate.
"I didn't know it was your anniversary I would have got you something" "Hyunjin you don't have to do that, it's alright" I cant fathom the thought that he and Diana would be the only ones who'd actually given me a gift.
"Well if not for your anniversary then I should get you something for our anniversary yesterday was the first day we met. You became my photographer and now stylist I think our relationship will be a long and beautiful one" Hyunjin says smiling. "Oh sorry y'all, my rides here gotta head back to the office but have fun" Diana says grabbing her purse as we wave her off.
"let's get to business then, your manager has messaged me with your brand deals so we can hit up a shop nearby for inspiration" I say muddling through my purse grabbing my wallet. "No need I've already got it" "you sure?" I ask "I want to".
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Ohh this purse is cute wait look at those shoes. "You should try them on, a little pleasure with business is okay" Hyunjin slightly smiles. "I couldn't.... maybe just for a second" I say grabbing the shoes from him. Throwing my shoes off I put them on "wow okay she's cute" I say pointing to the shoes "indeed she is" Hyunjin adds laughing.
"okay let me take em off before I get attached" gigging I sit down reaching for the shoe Hyunjin stops my hand "you don't want them?" He asks confused. "I shouldn't Ive got enough shoes really you know" I reply slowly pulling off the shoes. These are gonna live in my dreams for weeks "but you can never have too much of what you like" Hyunjin says helping me up.
"well I think daniel would disagree and he's right I do have too many shoes, I probably wouldn't wear them often anyways I'm more of a purse girl" I say putting them back.
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"You've got a package" Daniel says putting it on the bed. "Thanks?" I tell him as he walks out closing the door. Versace? This can't be I think Opening the box to find a note.
"I got the black purse so you can switch with the white one you have. Our first anniversary of many years to come I hope." - Hyunjin
<-Ep. #1 Ep.#3->
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #12
Prompt found here
(for my regular readers, this is the Harry Potter ficlet I meant to write yesterday)
The first order of operations, after their great escape from Hogwarts, was Gringotts bank to set up the last of their business affairs. After that, they went directly to the ministry. Fred and George shared a glance while in the elevator. They had some... Business with the family services division.
A week and a half after the Weasley twins left Hogwarts with a bang, Harry got a letter from them. Well, actually, Harry got two letters, a letter from Remus, which was a clever disguise for the letter from the twins, involving the same passphrase as the Marauders Map, and a letter from the ministry, which was explained by the letter from the twins from Remus.
Dearest Ikle Harrykins,
You should, at this time, have received a letter from the family services division at the ministry. We would have talked to you about this before going through with it, but we thought it best to act as soon as we legally could, instead. We want you to know that we have the utmost respect for your parents, and in no way are we trying to replace them—we'd be very poor replacements, in all honesty, your father was a legend, and your mum was bloody brilliant with a wand—we just want you to have a better home life than the one you do now, and we're tired of waiting for the adults in our lives to step up and step in. We have tried so many times to get mum or dad to lodge an inquiry or sue for custody, but they never took us seriously, and for that, we're truly sorry. They lost out on the chance to gain a truly spectacular—stupendous—extraordinary—yeah, alright, you get it, wonderful son like you. Instead, they'll get the shock of a lifetime, with their twin seventeen year old sons giving them their first grandbaby. Congrats, mum, it's a boy!
Harry, we want what's best for you, but we want you to trust us most of all. We know you struggle with authority figures, and we know there's a very good reason for that. You don't have to call us anything specific, simply using our names will do, but we're open to anything you'd be comfortable calling us. If you'd prefer more of a brotherly relationship over anything paternal, well, we certainly have more than enough practice with that! Either way, we will have to set and enforce certain rules, no matter what, though the what and how would be better discussed in person than over post.
We also want you to be prepared for a potential eruption of Mount Molly when we come to pick you up from the station, we haven't exactly told mum that we adopted you. We've only told Remus, Snuffles, and Bill, who helped ward our shop as part of our deal with the FSD for being allowed to adopt, "Someone of such standing while so young," hope you don't mind.
Anyway, if you want to tell your muggle relatives that you've found alternative housing for the rest of your schooling, you may want to do so soon, or you can simply write Remus back that you'd like your mischief managed and one of us will take care of it instead. Whichever you'd prefer, though honestly, I think Bill is planning on checking out those supposed blood wards on the place no matter what you say, just so you know.
We hope we haven't stepped too far out of bounds. We hope that we haven't broken your trust in us, or think we don't trust you for not talking to you about this before we left. Honestly, we thought of this idea right before we walked into Gringotts, so there wasn't time to talk to you beforehand. While it was somewhat spur of the moment, we do not and cannot regret adopting you, only the lack of discussion between us about it.
Hoping to talk again soon,
Gred and Forge
Before Harry knew it, he was in tears. He was beyond glad he'd taken the letters to bed with him and read them in privacy, or he'd have to explain to Ron and Hermione, or, Merlin forbid, the whole House, that he was fine, better than fine, even. His friends, his brothers, had seen him struggling to stay afloat, and instead of patting him on the head and telling him it was okay, they bloody well made him a life preserver and tied the other end to themselves. He legally never had to go back to the Dursley's ever again, the letter from the ministry confirmed it. Fred and George were his legal guardians, no one could force Harry to go anywhere without their say-so.
Hastily, and somewhat quietly due to the sleeping state of most of his roommates, Harry rushed to find a relatively intact piece of parchment to write his reply. He never wanted anything to do with his relatives again. A sob ripped out of his chest as it fully sunk in. He was free.
Hey all! Still sick (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) But we got snow this morning, so that was a good surprise! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ I had a really busy day today, so today's ficlet is pretty short, but I wanted to make sure I actually kept my word (even though I didn't write this the day I initially meant to (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ)
I'm not sure if I'll write any more non-Danny Phantom × DC/Danny Phantom × Batman ficlets (ie anything not of those crossovers) the rest of this month, I might throw in another Miraculous Ladybug × Batman ficlet or two for the practice, but I haven't really read anything not in one of those three fandoms (Miraculous Ladybug, Danny Phantom, and DC/Batman (a lot of Batman fics involve the wider DC universe, but not all of them...)) in a few months and that's making writing anything not in those fandoms more difficult than is helpful when I only have a single day to work on a given prompt 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ after November, when I'm no longer limited to just one prompt per day, we'll see!
Anyways, have a good morning/day/night!
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Despite her wariness at Chisa reccommending her for this mission, she ended up doing it anyway. She just couldn't let anyone else get caught in a trap.
So, here she was. Hidden away on the helicopter headed for Towa City. All those stealth games are coming in handy now. Being the former Ultimate Gamer has it's perks. Once the other people inside the helicopter left, she got ready to leave quietly. Before she could do that though, she noticed someone else sneaking their way off. ...Is that... Fukawa-san? I don't think she was sent on a secret mission like me... She must've gone on her own. ...I guess that's not surprising. Togami-kun's the one leading this operation, and she's always following him around...
After Toko went off on her own, Chiaki ran off as well, making sure to go in the opposite direction. Her job was to act as back-up in case something happens, so for now, she is to stay on stand-by.
After a while, walking around got kinda boring. Even with all the Monokuma robots and the creepy, giggling children. I wanna go home... This is a lot more boring than I thought it'd be... I wanna play games with Kamukura-kun and Komaeda-kun again. She was broken out of her internal pouting by a shriek coming from up ahead. Rushing forward, she readied her hacking gun to shoot.
When she finally arrived at the scene, she saw what looked like Toko and another girl in a school uniform struggling against a hoard of Monokumas. 'Toko' cackled and twirled the scissors in her hands, slicing them into a nearby Monokuma's 'throat'. "Oh, what the hell!? These things just don't stop coming! Do those brats have some eternal Monokuma factory nearby or something!? What a pain! I don't have nearly enough scissors for all of them!"
"T-Toko! W-what do we do now?! I-I-I don't have any more bullets! A-and there's s-so many of them! W-w-we-we're done f-for-!"
"Not quite yet! You're not done yet!" Chiaki rushed over and shot the nearest Monokumas all in the eye, destorying them immediately. "That uniform... Another Future Foundation member!? I thought only Master's team was sent here, what the hell are YOU doing here, huh!? Answer me!" 'Toko' seemed oddly put off by her presence. "There's no time for that right now! We need to deal with these Monokumas first. Questions can come later."
"R-right! I-I can't do much right now b-but... I can distract them at least!" The unfamiliar girl stood up, and seemed to be gearing herself up. "Alright! I've done enough crying, time to get started! I-I'll start by... running around annoyingly in circles! that'll draw their attention for sure!"
"Wha- Dekomaru! You keep your ass right where I can see you! Dekomaru!!" As the girl started running around while yelling taunts at the Monokumas, 'Toko' threw and slashed her scissors at the Monokumas while screaming at the girl for being reckless and stupid.
Ah, they seem like good friends. I'm glad. Fukawa-san seemed like she'd have trouble getting along with people.
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extralively · 5 months
The latest chapter is ominous and gorgeous. Tsumikiiii 😭😭 But damn, that SatoYura smut is GODLY 🫨🫨
Tumblr media
I'm curious if the couch scene was inspired from somewhere (like scenes in movies and stuff) or was it purely just your brilliant brain coming up with and writing down imagery of Satoru and Yura literally making love and finding comfort in each other?
I can't get over how you beautifully conveyed Satoru being vulnerable around Yura --- trusting her so much, and how Yura just welcomes him with open arms. 💘 They're so in love and they're still so in denial. 🥴😭
Thinking back to where they began... Boy oh boy... 😆 If their younger selves could see them now.
And was it just me or were they literally having sex physically and metaphysically? Reading it gave me the impression that they were so consumed in each other (like literally nothing exists outside of one another) and there was no other place they would rather be... 🫠
Also, the way Satoru has no problem picking Yura up and carrying her around is INSANELY ATTRACTIVE. 😩 Shout out to that one time they had sex in the bathroom and he was holding her up with his arms alone. I'm weak... Yura, you lucky girl.
Thank you so much hehehe <33
I don't think that scene was inspired by anything in particular! Mostly I just try to make every smut different so it doesn't get boring hehe, so I like to play around with different elements.
I think I'm decent at writing down actions, but I struggle actually conveying emotions and more abstract stuff, so that's something I have to really sit down and think as I write haha. So I'm glad it's been working out <3 It does get a little weird when I have to think of multiple different ways to "show they love each other but are still so deeply in denial about it" lmao but yes we (and they) are still at it!!
I've actually been writing a couple of quick side oneshots of them back in school because I missed that dynamic so much (I think I might do a separate work just for school-age stories), so it's really fun switching between their current lovey-doveyness and then going back to how they were at the beginning lmao. Their younger selves would have an aneurysm if they could see them now!!
Metaphysical sex wasn't intentional on my part (this time lol), but it's also pretty likely that they've been reaching out through their connection subconsciously during these moments and ~enhancing~ it all. I do still want to write them actually trying out the metaphysical sex on purpose tho (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It is pretty fun (and hot) to write Satoru just casually being strong as hell lmao. Like, gotta remember this ain't a regular person we're dealing with! But also, Yura could probably pick him up and carry him around with no trouble too LMAO he's the strongest, but he's still a regular human-weight. And he would def enjoy that, I can see him pretending to be a damsel as Yura carries him around lolol
Anyway, thank you so much again <3
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causenessus · 1 month
omg i hate that guy <- not really anymore,, he's a good teacher my grades shot up SO fast (D->A within three months of him teaching) BUT LIKEEEE HES BEEN TEACHING ME SINCE 8TH GRADE AND SAYS LIKE 1 GOOD THING EVERY 6 MONTHS
he said i did well today 😎 and if i study properly ill do the same in all my next exams !!1! i have to start a bunch of different coachings eww
ANYWAYS i woke up at like 5 today (us moment) !! idk why because i had online classes that started from 9
sleep early tho!!!!!!! i hate waking up and i hate sleeping i hate everything actually
i conked out at 11:30pm last night (omfg i did not know i could do that)
im doing so good (still high off the grades) but like lowkey panicking bc of the next exams !! my goal is to beat my sister's records <//3 basically she's pike crazy good and got 7 A* and 1 B </3 i alr got an A* in the subject she got a B in, and then i have like 7 more subjects to give exams of :[
but like she is ACTUALLY so good at studies n shit she got the highest grades in her batch in biology in this years board exams (wtf!) and when she gave her 10th grade boards she got like the highest marks in economics in 34 years/basically the whole school history i will cry .
the english teacher i have rn is fucking insane she told us callous and careless are the same thing i almost cried
she also spelled ajar as ajure
NOW YOU MIGHT SAY but lina thats hecking stupid !! its not her first language:( SHE HAS A DEGREE?? AND IS THE HEAD OF THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ??? and she took up four classes (4hrs) just talking about the SYLLABUS not even what we're learning
im aiming for like,, country highest at least in english so having her is a terrifying thought
okay anyways ill go erm sorry for yapping.. IM STARTING MY HEALTHY STUDY GIRL ERA AND STUDY NOW!!! honestly im quite proud of myself because like a year and a bit ago my grades were like,, 1 U, 3 Ds, 5 Cs and 1 B like wtf .. anyways the subject i got a U in back then,, i got 90% in boards this year ! and my lowest grade recently was 80% like chat we r eating ts up
LINA SIDE TAGENT THAT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH i love how energetic your writing is!!! like it's rubbing off on me <33 i was feeling a little sleepy but now that i'm reading your ask i feel more like !!! awake!!!! this is all /pos I JUST WANTED TO SAY I LOVE THE WAY YOU TALK </33 BUT PLEASE 5 AM???? AND YOUR FIRST ONLINE CLASS IS AT 9??? PLEASE BRO WHY IS THAT THE USUAL?? 😭 WHEN MY FIRST CLASSES WERE ONLINE IN HIGH SCHOOL I FR WOKE UP AT LIKE 8 EVERYDAY (bc idk how they were for you but like google meets were once a week and optional bc they'd just record it anyway so i'd watch the recordings at like 2x speed while doomscrolling tumblr or something)
YOU SLEEP EARLY PLEASE!! or like sleep more idk 😭😭 i could never wake up at 5 am willingly you're amazing for that 😭 the "i hate everything actually" is SO real it made me laugh so hard PLEASE 😭
YOUR SISTER SOUNDS CRAZY??? LIKE GOOD LUCK BEATING HER RECORDS IG </3 BUT PLEASE DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT OR MAKE IT A BIG DEAL !! YOU DID AMAZING THIS TIME AROUND WITH YOUR EXAMS AND IK YOU'LL DO GREAT AGAIN BUT DEFINITELY DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH PLEASE!! i cannot believe the thing about your sister having the highest grades in ECONOMICS in like 34 years because economics is NOT fun that class made like 0 sense to me like bro if the global market is crashing and economists don't understand it HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND IT ?????????
amazing job with the better grades!! and i love your healthy study girl era!! please make sure to take care of yourself and keep your mind and body nourished <333 i hope you're doing alright!! i just saw something on your blog recently that made me want to make sure you're doing alright!!! please know that my dms are always open to you!! <33 take it easy and you're an amazing person <3 you're so sweet and talented please let me know if you need anything!!
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Glee Musical Retrospective: Express Yourself (The Power of Madonna)
Sung by: New Direction Girls Original Artist(s): Madonna
Welcome to Madonna week guys!!
Overall, I think this is a good episode full of great performances but the biggest thing is that it completely changes the way music is used on the show. While, yes, it does start a little with the previous episode, here is where we get not only a thematic episode, but our first full on tribute episode. The story is molded to fit the theme, and that theme is Madonna. We can argue about how well these tribute episodes work later on, but here is really the apex of this idea. Everything is bold and brash and in the flamboyant style that is Madonna. And the show kind of never looks back.
The other thing I want to point out about the music in this episode is that how its used deviates a lot from the original set up. Not only are we getting flashier, styled performances that don't really jive with what a high school glee club can do -- we also get music being used outside of reality (though that's later). The whole concept of having the music be sung in a realistic way is just kind of thrown out the window. And you know what? That's not necessarily a bad thing....
Story Analysis
While not the first music heard in the episode (I'll get to that in the extra long extras post for this episode) this is the first performance. And the set up is important -- the fact that the girls feel like they've had to take a second seat to the guys, or feel belittled by the guys... Or just don't feel sure of themselves in general.
As Sue however hammers the message of the episode in -- the whole point of Madonna is help women feel empowered. I kind of side eye the fact that the girls don't come up with it themselves and Will does - but at least he has a good point in that they should be allowed to express themselves however they want. And to not have the guys be asshats to them in the process.
Then Puck makes such a weird comment that Madonna doesn't translate to show choir. I realize it's for the sake of the narrative. But haven't we learned by now that you can turn anything into a show choir song?
Anyway... I'm glad the girls get to kick it off with this song, which boils down to the idea that men should really treat women with the respect that they deserve.
Don't go for second best baby Put your love to the test You know, you know, you've got to Make him express How he feels and maybe then You'll know your love is real
It's interesting that the song is called 'express yourself' and is about a woman singing her thoughts on romantic relationships, but really calls out the man (or partner) to express actual feelings. It's such an interesting twist -- in that the woman of the song doesn't want fake things money can by or fleeting sexual encounters but something real. And the women knowing this and not backing down? Knowing what they want and being able to express that? That's where the real empowerment comes from.
While each of these characters will go up and down with the idea of self worth and empowerment -- in this moment, and in this performance, they do own it. They're confident in themselves, and the point of the episode is that singing Madonna helps them get there. This song is definitely an anthem for them. And while each of them have individual struggles -- the come at this song as a unit, as a unified front that says -- hey, we're here and not backing down -- so deal with it.
It's the first time we really have a performance that the whole group of them can relate to -- it's not about one person's story, but the collective story being told.
I'd argue there's a metatexual element to this song as well. I'm sure this must have been one of Ryan Murphy's get up and go songs he listened to as a young person. There's a kind of air about this song that says --- hey, this is the new Glee -- so you need to get on board because we're doing this and not backing down.
Technical Thoughts
Okay, there is a lot going on...
One of the nice things about this song is that we get to hear all the girls' voices. It's the first song that Naya sings on. And the first time (it sounds like) they aren't doubling and tripling back up singers on the track. These ladies are talented, and they sound great together. It's nice that you can hear the different strains of voices come in and out of the bigger text.
The choreography is based a lot on Madonna's original choreography. They do a really good job with it -- and it's so different from the (sometimes dull) look that New Direction group numbers often had up to this point. The girls are also really throwing themselves into this performance - and it looks really good.
Another thing inspired by Madonna is the costumes. Interestingly, Madonna stayed with a black and white theme, while the costume designers used a lot of color here. Not only did each of the girls wear a color that looked good on them -- but the color pops on the stage, making them look even more striking. There's just an overall really captivating visual componant to this song -- and it's done purposely!
The other thing about the song itself is that it's very energetic and upbeat. I think that adds to the intention of the song -- to get these girls (and the show) energized and empowered. It never lets up and never backs down.
As an interesting exercise - check out all the guys uninterested reactions. Kevin McHale said it was hard to do because the girls were so good on stage! However - Chris, as usual, is hamming it up in the background as Kurt. I will say, though I understand why they did what they did, it's hard to believe that a bunch of teenage boys wouldn't be captivated by these girls dancing so provocatively.
Also - random thought, there are certain little strains of this song that remind me of Lady Gaga's Born This Way -- I wonder if this song inspired her.
vs. The Studio Version: Stylistically, there isn't really any difference (though I always appreciate how the studio version sounds cleaner). They add in the second verse, as well as a bridge - that gives the song another minute or so.
vs. The Original Version: This episode pushes really hard to copy everything about Madonna. The arrangement for the Glee version is exactly the same -- and it's a trend that Glee is going to continue to do, backing away from a more show choir-esque style of the Front 13. Head to about the middle of this video if you want to see the costume and choreography inspiration for the girls' performance.
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iam-emmet · 6 months
//What am I doing with my life??
//this is basically a 'the story thus far' except it's set up like a bad infomercial
Are you bored with your life? Wanting to try new things? See new places?
Well, who cares. Arceus sure doesn't. Congratulations, you've won a great trip to the wonderful land of Ancient Sinnoh! Don't worry about the people you left behind, you won't even be able to remember them anyways!
Welcome to Hisui, the historical name of the beloved Sinnoh region. Here you will learn to fight pokemon thrice your size in hand to hand combat, solve ancient feuds, and cope with the fact that almost everyone here hates your guts!
Just remember to trust your instincts, and if they say don't take the cold medicine, there's probably a good reason for that.
Along the way you will get a phone and contact people from The Future! This includes the twin brother of your soon-to-be adoptive parent (more on that later), as well as the leader of an evil team, and a bunch of other random people.
But not everyone hates you! You have the Warden of Lady Sneasler and some random kid on your side! And let's not forget the blond fuck-face who lives in the walls.
Oh no, it seems you've been sent Back to The Future. Now you're out of time twice! Unfortunately you're also wearing a modified version of an evil organization's uniform so you have to dodge Officer Jennys until you make it to the subway station some rando you met on the internet works at. Luckily, he's actually not a creep and he's your adoptive uncle. Not that you realize that, it's not like him and your dad look basically identical. Not at all...
But that's boring, so now you're going to a private school you probably broke into until a Dragonite decides to carry you off to another region. Whatever, you don't care. You've been displaced so many times it'd be weird if it didn't happen.
[We interrupt this program to give you: Emmet gets to not have to deal with anything bad as his twin didn't go missing. Dumbass decides to eat a weed brownie and is paranoid the weed monster wants to eat his joltiks]
It's fine, you get to catch this cute pokemon. You're smart enough to not eat its 'wish granting mochi' so nothing bad happens-
Oh look, your uncle finally caught up with you. He also hasn't slept in a week and is stupider than usual. Oh no he ate the mochi. Oh wonderful, he's possessed. Now you have to deal with your guardian completely delirious and convinced his brother is back when he's clearly not. It's definitely not scary to watch someone interact with something you can't see.
[We interrupt this program to give you: Welcome to Wonderland, Emmet spends the entire time absolutely blasted out of his fucking mind]
Your time has been cut short as some other God got bored of your existence. Goodbye, fuck you, no one needed to remember you anyways. You're now living in the Who-knows-where Place and get to watch the boy version of you deal with your problems instead. Also your dad went AWOL but we're not entirely sure what he's up to at the moment.
[We interrupt this program to give you: Alternate Emmet got Winter Soldiered after trying to get Ingo back from (where he thought he was) in Team Plasma and Akari didn't get isakaied]
You've actually interacted with that guy before, but you had more problems to deal with than an alternate universe version of your uncle being brainwashed.
That's all we got so far, but aren't you so glad you were chosen for this shitshow?
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I'm not crying, partly because funny and or wild things kept happening, but my nose is running a bit lol xd it is from allergies though xD
Yk what we're gonna deal with my emotions in a second xD right now I'm just gonna try and focus on the episode lol
Lol the curbs being too high xD
"I know why my sorority sisters hate me" LOL but also go off Ava on the part after that xD
She's too like modern and rebellious or whatever
Yeeahh :'((
Awww and she's friends with them 😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️ yeah :'))
I get that honestly
Awww honey 😭😭
:'O Ava!!
There's some other reason though lol
Ahh the money xD
LOL Ava xD whatever it works
Do we get to see Jacob again 🥺
I mean it'll hurt me but yk
Awww honey 😭😭😭😭❤️💔
Yeah he looks r o u g h o.o xd xDD
I can't place what it is lol but good job because he looks it xD
Yk it must look wild to see me devolve into denial and madness throughout this liveblog for those who have already seen it
. . . Sorry guys xd hope you appreciate my pain
I'm gonna have to watch so many (as many as there are lol) reactions to this 😭 to get that bit of comfort I might be giving some of y'all lol
SLFKGJDKDJKS honestly fits I'm not even gonna lie to you
Him being vengeful xD
OPE that might be a bit of why he looks like a mess o.o xD
His students watching him fall apart in real time like 👁️👄👁️ ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Aww honey xdd
Oogh okay yeah so heee's not moving out you are xd
:O is he gonna live with Gregory
Y'all oh my gosh that would be wild-
The story opportunities would be there for adjusting to each other o.o 👀
It would be cool :O :D though honestly I'm not sure I could take that xD. Too much sadness and embarrassment around each other lol.
It already is with an f
Gregory's face helped with that xd
Mr. Johnson 💀
Mr. Johnson now is not the time xD
Aww Gregory I don't think it'll help much but him trying 😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️
Aww yeah it'll work :')) was sacred Jacob would refuse xd
LOL take somebody's eye out xD
Aww inviting Janine :)
What did Zach usually do that xd
OH RIGHT LOL (that's what the keysmash is about lol)
This lady xD
Girl must be so confused xD
Aww honey xdd
XDD Janine lol
Poor sub xd I mean hopefully they do lol
Aww or missing Janine :')
Awww being home alone :'((
If I get Melissa Jacob bonding over this I would not complain 👀
About the bonding I mean I would still about the breakup lol
Anyway xD
Aww Janine yeah :D
May e not quite like that but xD
Nah okay lol
I mean it might be and she's just saying it's not xd lol
Ayy Barbara :DD!!
I don't think it did but xdd
Nope xd :'//
I'm sorry Barbara that sucks :((
I bet Ava helped out though :D
Or will :)
LOL xD the all the same bit
Nahh Ava interfered didn't she xD
AWWWW stop that's so sweet :'OO :'DD
Oh my gosh 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Ooh this is a bop :o :D!
Melissa looking so proud :'))
Jacob is also going through it so hey hopefully it helps him a bit too xdd
I'm glad to see him and Janine sitting next to each other
Wild lol was NOT expecting that it took me out 💀
Aww the kids dancing :D
Awww Jacob and Janine dancing :DD :))
Lol her whole discography xD
"This is a public school!" SLFKGHDKS XDD YEAH LOL that's what I was thinking a bit too a minute ago xD
Lol they all look so done xD
Not the whistle notes lesson 💀
Okay just to get her to sing a song again lol?
Iconic love that Ava xDD
Okay she's fine and doing to with grace lol love that for her xD
Well that was a slay ending xDD
Anyway I did not deserve that though :)) about the episode overall :)) honestly I'm still in denial xdd
Anyway! Great episode lol loves it, also hate it with a burning passion xD. Some really funny moments though :D. More on the review side of things in a second (or maybe tomorrow because my hands and brain are very tired lol).
Love y'all!!
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heavenlyhoundoom · 1 year
Knd x AWISC au part 6.(Warning: Gruesome death in a nightmare.)
(Benedict and Monty exit the school and say goodbye to Cater and Linda, they then come across Rachel, who was waiting for her mother to pick her up.)
Benedict: Oh, hello, Rachel.
Rachel: Hello...i don't think you told me your name.
Benedict: Sorry about that. My name is Benedict.
Rachel(referring to Monty): And who is that?
Monty: I'm Monty, Benedict's fraternal twin brother.
Rachel: Really?
Monty: Yep.
Rachel: It must be nice having a sibling, It can get pretty lonely being an only child.
Monty: I can only imagine...
Benedict: Yeah, me too...
Monty: Anyway, how do you and Benedict know eachother?
Rachel: We came across eachother this morning and became acquainted through our shared interest in music.
Benedict: I know we only met this morning, but I think I would already consider you my friend.
Rachel: Really?
Benedict: Sure.
Rachel: Okay.
(Monty and Benedict's mom arrives and the two boys go home after saying goodbye to Rachel.)
Benedict in thought: (That's odd, I'm not scared of mother, my prey instincts must be dying out, I hope that means I'll have the best of both worlds where I won't be afraid of predators or have the urge to kill and eat prey.)
(They enter the house.)
Mariana: So, how was school, boys?
Monty: It was good until the end, where a new drama club member started being openly transphobic.
Mariana: Ugh, transphobes are so annoying to deal with.
Benedict: Yeah, but on the upside, I made a new friend.
Mariana: Really, who are they?
Benedict: She's a lioness named Rachel.
Mariana: Lioness? I wonder if she's the daughter of my childhood bestie.
Benedict: We just met, so I doubt we're close enough friends for me to ask her who her mother is.
Mariana: That's understandable. Anyway it's getting late.
Benedict: I am getting tired, what about you, Monty?
Monty: I'm getting tired too.
(The brothers say goodnight to their mother and head to their respective bedrooms.)
Benedict: I don't really want to go to bed after last night's nightmare, but I have to if a want to do good in school.
(Benedict gets in his bed and falls asleep, he starts dreaming that he's driving their mom's car through the town in the middle of the night.)
Benedict: Ugh, not this nightmare again, who am I gonna end up running over this time?
(The car hits someone and caused the car to halt, Benedict gets out of the car and saw that it was Linda he ran over.)
Benedict: No!
(Benedict rushes to Linda who was dying from her injuries.)
Benedict: Linda, don't die on me!
Linda: How could you do this, Ben? H̶͇̒̾͑͛ǫ̵̨̛̞̖̫̥̝͇͑w̸̹̳̹̠͗̃̏͠ ̴̧̬͂̔̇́̊̽͌c̷̨͉̮̗͓̖̟̱̽̾̊͊̐o̵̥̹͕̗͆́͑̃̍͝ű̵̮̇͑͐͑̈l̶͓̘̊͑͛d̵͈̙͓͚͊̔ ̶̟̭̰͕͚͛̏̽͂̈͐y̵̪͎̍̊̇͆̇͝͝ŏ̵̲̉̒͗̌u̸̖̲͕̫̙̯̓ ̷͙͙̯̪̺̘͋̀͜h̸̺͕̆ų̴̛̯͍̦̩̥̝͑̓ȓ̴̻̰̼̝̻̲̠̞t̵͔̻̩͍̤͍͇͠ ̸̡̤̖͎̞͊͆m̷̨̭̥̺͂͌̕͠e̵̡̮͓̟͎̖̿͛͒͠!̶̨͚̲̰̻͌̊̑̎̉͘?̸̫̤͒̓̅͆̈́
Benedict: I didn't mean to, Linda!
(Linda dies from the injuries Benedict accidentally caused her.)
Benedict: Linda, No! Come back to life, come back to me!
(Benedict starts crying, cussing, and even starts sadly howling at the sky, he then wakes up, relieved that his nightmare was over.)
Benedict: I'm so glad that's over...
(It was now Thursday, September sixth, Benedict gets out of bed, changes clothes, and goes down stairs to have breakfast. Monty and Mariana could tell that Benedict was feeling depressed.)
Mariana: What's wrong, my little lamb pup?
Benedict: I had that nightmare again, and this time, I ran over Linda, in the nightmare...
Mariana: I'm so sorry to hear that...
Monty: Are you going to be okay?
Benedict: I will be, I just don't think I'll be able to really talk to anyone.
(Benedict eats a muffin while Monty had some oatmeal, they brushed their teeth and wool, packed their things, and Monty drives him and Benedict to school because Mariana was busy rearranging the basement.)
The end of part 6
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The Werewolf's Good Christian Kiss
Below is a cursed AI-Generated Werewolf Romance Story that my roommate and I worked on. It is a genuine masterpiece.
It was all she could do not to stare.
In front of Nathalie stood the sexiest werewolf she had ever seen, eating a cup of strawberry almond milk yogurt sensually. He was naked except for his leather sandals and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His black hair was wet with sweat from running through the forest, but he seemed totally relaxed. His pale skin glistened in the sunlight as it reflected off his light brown nipples.
Unfortunately, he had hairy toes. It was one of her least favorite things about men; she couldn't understand why they just didn't shave them.
But other than that minor flaw...
"You're really hot." She couldn't help herself.
He barked at her like a furry. "And you're really pretty." He licked his lips. "I'm so glad we got to spend time together today. I've been looking forward to this since forever."
She blushed.
Suddenly, her hand shot forward and knocked the yogurt cup out of his hand.
"If I can't have yogurt, no one can," she growled.
The wolf's eyes turned into fireballs. "That was mine!"
Nathalie shrugged. "Sorry. But I don't eat meat or dairy anymore."
His eyebrows furrowed. They looked like caterpillars. "Are you vegan?"
"Yes! So if you want my body, you'll have to take it in trade."
He laughed. A low, throaty sound. "Oh, baby, I'm literally going to stab you with an icicle"
She grinned back. "We're even then."
He stalked toward her. "Well, you still owe me for this yogurt."
She shook her head. "No thanks."
He turned around and put clothes on. When he finally saw Nathalie again, his smile faded and he stared at her strangely. As if seeing her for the first time.
"What is your problem?" she asked.
He glanced away, embarrassed. "I finally realized that I do not like women"
She stared at him. "So what are you? Asexual?"
He nodded, although it wasn't clear whether he meant yes or no.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Because I was eating yogurt while naked and it would be really awkward to bring it up in that situation"
She rolled her eyes. "So just come out and say it."
He sighed. "I'm gay."
Her jaw dropped open. "Gay?"
He nodded. "I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind having sex with you, but..."
Nathalie rolled her eyes and handed him a razor. "Please shave your stinky hairy toes"
"Uh, thanks"
"Also, please stop staring at me"
"Okay, okay. Sorry"
She smiled. "I forgive you"
They spent the rest of the day in the woods, talking and laughing.
So was he asexual or gay, or both? Was he homoromantic? Who's to say?
As long as he kept his hairy toes trimmed, Nathalie didn't care.
When she awoke the next morning, she discovered that she was alone. The wolf must have gone home.
In his wake was a pile of blueberry yogurt cups, most likely left from the night's hunt.
At least she had survived another full day with him without getting eaten by any bears.
Day 21:
Nathalie sat in bed, reading the newspaper. She had been meaning to get around to doing that for weeks now.
She wondered if the werewolf had kept his toes trimmed since the last time she saw him, 21 days ago.
She remembered how much he loved to run through the forest, his naked body dripping with sweat. And once he'd finished eating, he would always lick his lips and growl something like, 'You're really not my type.'
Was he gay or asexual? Did he prefer men over women? Or did he like both?
Nathalie bit her lip. Was he lying when he told her that he liked her?
Yeah, probably. Oh well, she thought. If he doesn't want to have sex with me, I don't need him anyway.
Besides, she had bigger problems to deal with right now. Like how to survive another week.
Surviving the hell we call high school.
High school sucked.
Everyone was mean and cruel.
They said nasty things behind your back. They laughed at you. Sometimes they made fun of you right to your face.
Like that time a girl named Sarah walked past Nathalie in the hallway and called her fat.
To be fair, she WAS fat, but still.
It hurt like hell. She wanted to kill her.
But instead, she just cried.
It was only the second day of school, and already she felt worthless.
A few hours later, she got into a fight with someone else.
That someone else had hairy toes and refused to trim them.
On Thursday, she woke up in a cold sweat.
She lay there for several minutes, breathing raggedly. Her heart pounded in her chest. She tried to calm herself down, but she couldn't. The only thing that seemed to give her heart rest was the thought of vegan yogurt.
But what if he had already ate all of the yogurt? Maybe he had decided to keep his hairy toes after all.
Then she thought about the werewolf's stash. It was huge. She remembered how she had accidentally knocked the yogurt out of his hand during their first encounter.
Maybe he had decided to eat all of the yogurt himself.
She shook her head. That was ridiculous. Why would he do that?
Sure, his feet smelled bad, but the idea of him eating all of Nathalie's yogurt was absurd.
Nathalie thought of all the delicious flavors available for vegans. Strawberry, plain, and plain with strawberry. There was even raspberry.
Raspberry yogurt.
Her mouth watered.
She needed some. Now.
By Friday, she was too desperate to wait another minute.
She grabbed the keys to her car and drove to the nearest grocery store.
She loaded her shopping basket with every variety of vegan yogurt that she came across.
In the check-out line, she saw him.
This time, he was wearing a tight-fitted bodycon dress with purple sequins. He looked good. Really good.
His hair was perfectly styled. He was holding hands with a girl who was wearing a see-through top and white shorts.
Nathalie stared at them.
The girl noticed.
Something in her... broke. Yogurt cups fell dramatically to the floor, some bursting open. The loud schlorp was heard across the store.
Nathalie stormed over to the werewolf and yanked the neck of his pretty purple dress.
"Who do you think you are," she growled at him. "Is this how you treat women?"
He looked down at his dress.
"Huh? What's wrong with my dress?"
Nathalie grabbed it and ripped it apart.
"I gave you my Sephora gift card to buy some lip gloss for me, and now you're schmoozing it up with some other woman!"
"Hey!" said the girl. "What are you doing?"
"Treating you like a piece of trash!"
"That's not true!"
The girl started to cry.
Nathalie began to sob.
"It's because I'm Lactose Intolerant!" The wolf suddenly yelled out. "It's not like I want to cheat on you or anything!"
The girl smiled. "Yes it is. You're dating me and cheating on me at the same time!"
Nathalie threw the yogurt cups at the wolf.
Nathalie ran out of the grocery store.
She drove home, tears streaming down her cheeks.
She had ruined everything.
How could she ever trust anyone again?
The next morning, she woke up in her bed. This made sense, as she had fallen asleep there.
What didn't make sense was the wolf standing in her doorway in a fluffy pink robe and bunny slipper socks.
She looked at him.
"Where did you come from?"
"I followed you here from the grocery store yesterday"
"Oh yeah." She rubbed her eyes. "Wait, why are you in my house?"
"Because I'm gay"
"You're gay?!"
"Yeah, I'm gay"
"So you've been having sex with other people!"
"No, I've been living with two roommates since I moved in"
"You don't live here."
"I know, but I've been sleeping on their couch for years now"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship"
"But you lied to me"
"I don't lie"
"But you did"
"Show me your toes"
"My what?"
"Come on, show me your toes"
"You're a liar, remember? Show me your toes"
"Fine. But afterward, you have to leave me alone."
Wolf kicked off his bunny slippers and showed his hairy toes, ashamed.
"I thought you promised to keep them shaved!" Nathalie grumbled.
"I did"
"Why won't you let me shave them then?"
"I don't know, but I promise I will never shave my toes again. Not unless I want to"
"Stupid stupid stupid man" She slammed her fist against her forehead.
"What happened?"
"Nothing. Just forget it"
"Do you want me to leave?"
"Yes, go away"
Nathalie was so much happier without him. She still didn't have any yogurt though.
The next day, Nathalie woke up feeling refreshed.
She lay in bed and stared at the ceiling.
She knew she should probably get up and start her day, but she also knew that she didn't have to do anything until she felt like it.
She would call the boogey man to buy her yogurt, and then she would sit on the couch and watch Netflix all day.
It was going to be great!
Later that afternoon, she went to pick up the phone.
She hung it up twice before she finally picked it up.
Finally, he answered.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hi, it's me"
"Yeah. Are you busy?"
"Not really"
"Would you mind coming over?"
"Yeah, I would mind. I'm in my pajamas and watching Netflix. It's a self love day. And you are not me, I cannot love you today."
"I'll be there in five minutes."
"Okay bye."
She hung up the phone.
Five minutes later, he knocked on her door.
"Excuse me? Who is this?"
"Pizza delivery"
"Ha! No way, I'm not paying for that"
"I'm sorry, ma'am. Please pay at the counter"
"Fuck that, go away!"
"You owe me $10."
Nathalie rolled her eyes, and opened the door to confront the wolf. This time, he was wearing footie pajamas.
"Why are you dressed like that?" She asked.
"I just got home from work. I had to stay late"
"And why was that?"
"Someone stole my lunch money"
She frowned. "I will not be paying for your food"
They kiss a good Christian kiss with no tongue.
Nathalie smiled.
"Thank you so much, Wolf"
"No problem."
"See you tomorrow."
Nathalie closed the door and leaned against it.
She vowed to never see him again.
Day 34:
The wolf had come back.
He had brought her a dozen flowers, which were arranged in a vase on Nathalie's dining room table.
Something about him was... different.
He no longer showed up unannounced while naked, he was always wearing clothes now. She had told him that she was not one of his other girls, and that he needed to stop lying about everything.
She wouldn't say it, but she suspected that he was depressed. She pitied him.
He was so sad. So lonely.
When he had shown up the first time, she was upset with him for being rude, but after a few days passed, she realized that he was sweet, and almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined. She was glad that she hadn't given him her number.
She didn't even know his name.
Just like that, she forgot about him. She didn't want to speak to him anymore.
Until the motherfricker showed up again. Still wearing clothes.
"So, you're still here" she said, looking at him with contempt.
"Yeah, I am."
"What do you want?"
"I can't seem to leave you alone"
"Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore."
"You never bothered me. Or my name isn't Chadli"
"Chadli?" she said, rolling her eyes.
"Why do you keep calling me by my first name? We were never friends."
"I know. But I don't care about that"
"Well, then you shouldn't have bothered me in Walmart last week. Stupid"
The wolf shook his head. "I'm sorry"
"Shut up and leave me alone"
The wolf sighed. "I guess I'll just take these flowers."
"Oh no, you can leave the flowers"
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
The wolf took the flowers and left her apartment.
The next day, she found a note taped to her front door.
"Sorry about last night, Nathalie. I know you said to leave the flowers. Sorry bout dat"
She crumpled up the paper and threw it in the garbage.
A little while later, she walked into her kitchen to find a dozen fresh roses sitting on her table. They weren't from the wolf.
Nathalie then realized that she may have a sleepwalking problem.
The next day, the wolf showed up.
He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a button down shirt.
He smiled when he saw her.
"Hi, Nathalie"
"Did you bring me a present this time?"
"I did, watch" The full moon had risen. The wolf started violently changing. His skin turned green and his teeth grew sharp and pointed.
"That's disgusting!" Nathalie said.
"You're beautiful!" he said.
"I'm not!"
He laughed.
Nathalie looked down. Yep, toes were still hairy.
"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"
"Afraid not."
"I don't understand you, Chadli"
"I don't get you either"
"How can you not?"
"All I want is to be loved by you"
"That's not possible."
"Then make it so. Love me"
"Come here"
The wolf gently took her hand and led her to the bedroom.
They then made friendship bracelets.
Another day, another dozen red roses.
She wasn't sure if she was going crazy. Maybe she was dreaming him.
Or maybe it was real.
She couldn't decide.
Or it was her stupid sleepwalking problem again.
Maybe she was just imagining everything.
The wolf came over to Nathalie's house every single day.
There was something different about him each day.
Today, he wore a tie.
Unfortunately he was not wearing a shirt. Nathalie guessed that it was due to the wolfing out debacle.
He was always dirty though.
Nathalie couldn't help but feel disgusted by him.
"I'm sorry about last night, Nathalie" he said.
"You're welcome"
"I'm so embarrassed. My sister Enid said to give you daisies instead because you aren't like other girls. You're a cool girl"
Nathalie laughed. "Thanks for the flowers"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize, please. I like having you around."
"I like being here too."
That day, Nathalie realized that she is bipolar. It made a lot of sense. Her mood changed all the time. She was happy one minute, and angry the next.
But she realized that she was happiest when she was with him.
She wondered if he could be right.
She pulled out her revolver from her belt loop and shot Chadli square in the chest. He fell to the ground and remained dead.
She called the police to report a murder.
The next day, Nathalie was in the living room when she heard someone knocking on her door. It was exactly who she had expected.
"Why do you keep coming back?" she asked, holding her gun tightly.
"Because you are an amazing woman"
"I'm not"
"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on."
"I'm sorry, I'm in love with someone else."
"Is he hotter than me?"
"Then I don't understand"
"I just don't think I can love you"
"Why not?"
"Because you're supposed to be dead"
"I am dead. I'm a ghost werewolf now."
Nathalie was confused.
"You're a what now?"
"I'm a ghost werewolf now"
"I don't believe you"
"Can you see me?"
"Can you hear me?"
She looked into his eyes.
"Yes, I can see you. Yes, I can hear you"
"Good," he said, "So obviously I'm a ghost werewolf. Duh."
"I don't believe you. If you are a ghost, how are you breathing?"
"My body is still here, but my spirit has gone to Heaven. See, I'm wearing my favorite sweater from my aunt, and I'm wearing my favorite pants from my grandma. If I weren't a ghost, these clothes would not exist because I accidentally shrunk them in the wash 5 years ago."
Nathalie shook her head.
"Either way, I'm here now. I'm not leaving until I get some closure"
"You know, the ending of a story"
Nathalie looked up, and was suddenly facing a meat cleaver, lightly stained with the remains of a strawberry yogurt cup.
She screamed.
The wolf laughed. "Now you see me, now you don't!"
"You bastard! You lied to me!"
"It's okay, Nathalie. It will be mostly painless. Probably"
"No! I want my life back!"
"I'm afraid that you don't have one anymore."
"Bullshit! You can't kill me, I'm Nathalie!"
"I can do whatever I want," the wolf replied.
The last thing Nathalie ever saw was the shining path of silver as metal met bone.
Nathalie woke up in bed with a smile on her face. The wolf had been real.
She loved him. She didn't know why, but she did.
She was glad that she had been able to finally talk to him.
She tried to rise from her bed, but couldn't because she was fricking dead.
She could only move her mouth.
Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She looked around, confused. She didn't remember getting out of her bed. Then she remembered that she had died.
The funeral was lovely. Three people attended, and Nathalie's mother even gave a speech.
"She was such a hopeless romantic, and she always watched the entirety of those weird werewolf romance novel ads on youtube. Everyone should have known that she was adopted, this is a vampire loving family"
"I heard her scream, and I ran to the door. When I opened it, she had a meat cleaver in her head and was smiling like nothing had happened. She said that she was going to Heaven, but I knew better. When she crumpled to the floor, I was too shocked to cry. I knew it was the notorious ghost werewolf. Where did I go wrong as a mother?"
Nathalie's father looked out at the crowd and smiled. "I always knew that the ghost werewolf had a secret crush on me. All those times, when he came home from school, and I was eating dinner, he would sneak in the kitchen and watch me eat."
"He probably ate more than usual that day, too. I hope he enjoyed the last piece of steak that I ever cooked for him"
Everyone in the room was silent, except for the wolf. He was now a poltergeist. He began to whisper in her ear.
"Hey Nathalie, remember when we first met? In Walmart?"
She did not speak, as is customary for corpses.
"Remember how I told you that you were beautiful?"
Nathalie stayed still, as is also customary for corpses.
"Do you remember what I said?"
She laid there like a dead person. Which she was.
"I told you that I loved you."
She did nothing. Again, customary for a corpse.
"I mean, I really did."
She still remained silent.
"Nathalie, do you love me?"
She was a ghost. She could not answer.
The fearsome ghost werewolf Chadli haunted the local Walmart until the end of time.
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