#bruce: did harley steal your suit?
luvly-writer · 1 year
"But oh..Cara mia"
Ch. 11 The princess is back
Dick Grayson x Latina! reader
Status: Ongoing
Author's note: Starfire is slightly OOC because i needed to change it in order to fit the story. Bro ngl, I feel bad for the character cause I love her in the comics and in the series. So head up, you have been warned. Hope you enjoy! Love you all and hope you are all safe! Remember to drink water and rest <3
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @prettyacademia00 @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl @Eurydicegrimes @writing-for-the-hell-of-it
Series Masterlist:
You walk into the cave and sense the tense atmosphere. Damian is glaring daggers at Dick who is scolding him for what you hear is about his lack of respect, and Kory is looking at both of them, taken back. Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Barbara, Cass, and Duke look uncomfortable as fuck. Bruce tiredly looks at the scene and then buries his face in his hands in exasperation. Alfred is nowhere to be seen. You walk closed and finally clear your throat, making them stop and look at you. "Bad time to arrive?" you say and Bruce has never been more thankful for the fact that you have appeared. "Not at all, we were just discussing the strategies and it got out of hand. Good of you to join us, Calvary. I have hope that you won't be making this a habit" says Bruce making you smile sheepishly as you walk toward them. You try to ignore the looks they are giving you. "Well then, fill me in on what has happened, the sooner I'm up to date, the quicker a solution can be found," you say as you go and stand next to Barbara. As Bruce fills you in, you can feel a few pairs of eyes set on you. To be honest, they were ALL stealing glances at you. Your new armor came as a surprise to them. It suited you. It hugged your body nicely and showcased your best features. Definitely a good look on you. "That would be about it, any suggestions?" finished Bruce and you hum. Finally, you speak up, "We need to go undercover. Selina is out of the question because she was already our main source of information and if they see her more than one night, knowing Penguin, he will start to grow suspicious. Harley is also out, last I know, they weren't in the best of spots and that takes Ivy out as well. We could always call Kate. She hasn't been working much with direct contact with the rouges so it could be an opening. A simple in and out. But it can't stop there, we need eyes everywhere. We should expand patrol routes so that we can observe all of Penguin's trade activity. Call in Harper and Luke. Ivy, Selina, and Harley can help as well. We need all hands on deck. Patrol the ports and the Gotham highway exits for any unusual activity. We can rotate so it won't look suspicious." Bruce stays quiet. He wasn't that fond of having missions extend away from the people present but they did need all hands if they wanted to stop it before it started.
Bruce nodded pleased by her suggestion. "I'll call Harper, Luke, Selina, and Kate. You make sure Ivy and Harley are on board. Remember to keep a low profile, too many vigilantes out can cause alarm and potentially give away that we are out for them. We will go on the usual patrol routes tonight and begin tomorrow with the new ones. Dismiss" and just like that he turned and headed straight for the Batcomputer. This gave freeway for the others to finally greet you properly. "I'll be damned, Yn swoops in and saves the day!" exclaims Steph with a laugh, pulling you into a hug. You laugh and greet her back. "First of all, EXPLAIN THE SUIT!" said Barbara excitedly and the girls nod. "Definitely cause girl you looking fired up!" exclaimed Duke and you smile. "Grandmother gave it to me, she insisted I should start to live up to my Amazonian status and mom insisted as well," you say and they all nod. You turn to Jason, who hugs you and lifts you up. "Well damn, Amazonian armor fits you well sis!" and you squeeze him back. Once he lets go, Tim walks to you, "Please do not make it a habit to leave so often, especially in the middle of a case." and you laugh as you ruffle his hair affectionately. "I'll try not to" you say holding your pinky, to which Tim wrapped his around yours and nodded. Hey! Pinky promises were sacred in this family. Finally, Damian steps forward, arms crossed. "Is that armor even durable for battle?" (translation: are you sure it will keep you safe?) he asks and you mimic his crossed arms and answer, "Of course Damian, it was made by the gods themselves and all of my adjustments are still there, so trust I will be alright." He nods and goes to stand next to you, leaving Dick as the only person left to greet you. You both stay looking at each other. Your gaze is challenging and his was a little starstruck.
My word, you looked heavenly. He would never say it out loud but he had always loved how your old suit looked on you. He always saw it as a shame when you had decided to drop your cowl and reserve it for emergencies only. He remembered one of the times he had come back from Bludhaven to visit and saw you. He had been 19 at the time and you 17. He had done a double take when he saw you. You truly had grown and blossomed through the years, becoming one beautiful young lady. He had always found you attractive, but that was always set aside and ignored because of your constant fighting. But then, as he saw you giggling with Babs as you both teased Bruce about the date he had with Selina, he knew that he couldn't ignore it anymore. You were mesmerizing. A sight that he never got tired of admiring. Sure you had your differences but fucking hell, you are one beautiful woman and your suit always highlighted that. Coming back to the present, nothing could prepare him for the moment you walked out of the Zeta tube. He quite literally felt his breath being knocked out of his lungs. From your ponytail adorned by the royal headpiece to the way, the suit hugged your body, to the knee-high boots. You were a sight. And when you took your mask off, those gorgeous (y/c) eyes that found him and challenged him to say something made his heart stop for a second. You were going to be his ruin and it scared him how more than willing he was of letting that happen. He was so ready to get on his knees, worship, and pledge allegiance to he-
his train of thought was interrupted by Kory, who was staring holes into Yn. "You must be Calvary, I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamara, also known as Starfire. A pleasure to meet you" she said, extending her hand towards Yn. Everyone noticed the slight snark in her tone as she dropped her titles. Thankfully, Diana had assumed something like this would happen and prepared Yn on how to respond when someone tried to intimidate her with status. Yn lifted her head and tightly grasped Kory's hand. "Princess Yn Prince of Themiscira, darling of the gods. It is a pleasure indeed" she said holding eye contact with Kory. Yn let go of her hand and said, "Now if you excuse me, I have some calls to make, hope your stay has been pleasant so far." and turned to walk away to her lab, turning the lights on, and sitting on her desk. Watching the entire thing, Damian smirked. Oh, how he adored Yn. Dick gulped and turn his gaze towards Star, who looked at him suspiciously as if trying to read him. He then turned to Damian, who crossed his arms once again, and walked away towards Yn's lab, "Not hearing it, Grayson". The rest had already left after Yn left aside from Barbara. Kory huffed and decided to walk upstairs. Dick closed his eyes, knowing he was in for another argument, and groaned. Barbara looked at him with pity, "Oh Dick, what have you gotten yourself into" she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder and walked past him. What indeed had he gotten himself into.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Cryptomnesia —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: We reached the fun part! Enjoy -Danny
Words: 1,017
Phase Five Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Anti-Hero’ -by Taylor Swift
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xiii: Turning Point
She'd reached rock bottom and she could not fall any further. The so-called best Avenger the world would never meet, unemployed and working for half-assed mobsters and fraudulent governments.
No one could get her out of the massive hole she'd dug, but at least now that she'd reached her limit, Cat doubted things could get any worse. November ended, and M.O.U.S.E. was still trying to get a hold of her files.
Harley was working as an intern at Stark industries, Pepper liked him and he'd proved to be an extraordinary addition to the company. Life was so incredibly monotonous for a while, so much so that when Clint Barton called her, she thought it was a scam.
"Very funny," he replied. "I don't have much time so can you please not interrupt me?"
"Since when do you have my number?"
"You've had the same number since you were sixteen, pretty sure everyone has you on speed dial."
"Pretty damn rude of them to never call, then," she taunted him.
"I need intel," he ignored her. "I'm trying to contact the tracksuit mafia."
She chortled. "They're dumber than your little pinky! Why on earth would a guy like you contact them?"
"You seen the news?"
" If I need to know anything, my assistant tells me about it."
"The Ronin was seen in New York."
"You're in New York?"
"No. A kid stole my suit at an auction—"
"What? I thought those were over!"
"You didn't do your job, did you?"
"You're not doing a good job at convincing me either," she scowled. "Scratch that, I don't want to be convinced. Whatever you're asking, forget about it. I'm not an Avenger and I'm not your buddy."
"Nah-ah! I'm out. I'm tired of you heroes—"
"This kid is at risk if we don't do something—"
"How old are they?"
"About your age."
"They're old enough to take responsibility for their dumbass actions. Stealing the Ronin suit, really," Cat scoffed. "Don't they know he's like a death magnet?"
"My kids could lose their father, Cat."
She moved the phone away from her ear and muttered a bad word. Her soft spot had always been children. "You should've thought twice before having them, don't you think? Agents are always dying."
"I really don't have time to listen to a crybaby lecture me about my life choices as if she knew better. Just give me their contact."
"How do you know I have it?"
"You've been making some questionable friendships for a whole year, and a lot of people in S.H.I.E.L.D. still got their eyes on you."
The information made her angrier. "Get your intel from someone else."
"I have no one else."
She hesitated. "What?"
"You should know," he sighed. "There's no one left."
"There's double the amount. You heard Bruce's cousin is a hulk now too?"
"You know what I mean," Cat knew what he meant. "We had this in common, Cat. We wanted others to pay and we called it justice. I made a mistake, and that mistake is back to bite me in the ass. Who's to say yours won't come back later? And who will help you if that happens?"
The young woman squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can't do this. I'll give you their contact but leave me out of it."
She sent him the info. "You're lucky I didn't delete it. Those assholes cost me a partner."
"You broke up with Spider-man?" He asked in surprise.
"The hell are you talking about?" A flash of something went through her head. Familiarity. "You got what you wanted, now leave me alone."
"One last thing," he added. "If I don't call you by midnight, come for me."
"I said—"
"I promised my kids I'd be back for Christmas."
"Oh, fuck off," she groaned. "Now you're just taking advantage of me."
"You have a chance to turn your life around, Heathen. A single act could exonerate you."
"Doubt it. I've done more than just 'messing up', I am the whole problem."
"If I report back, case closed. You can tell yourself you're better off alone. But if I don't call, you'll have to be more than just mad... or you could stay as mediocre as you've proven to be, that's up to you."
"Did Steve take a course on speeches? Everyone else is so shitty at it..."
"You're a pain in the ass but I always thought you had something special in you."
"Ew." She replied, not very flattered. "I hope you don't step on anything slippery, the hip surgeries are expensive these days, and you'll leave Nathaniel out of college."
The man sighed. "Talk to you later."
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"Mouse," Cat tried to sound casual, but her eyes kept glancing at the phone on her counter. "Give me the time."
"Three A.M."
"That's way past the hour Clint said he'd call..."
"Three hours late, to be precise."
She stared out her window, then shook her head and walked to the bathroom. The mutant faced her mirror with a frightened gaze, if she did this, it would mean taking a step back. She wasn't sure she was strong enough to handle all the disappointment that ensued.
"I'm not a hero," she told herself. "Snap out of it!"
"I've got full access to the Power Broker's cloud. I need your confirmation to start deleting—"
"Delete the files!" Cat's slitted pupils widened.
"Also..." a look of determination settled on her face, things could only go up from here, right? "Send a flea to the tracksuits. I should make sure he's not dead."
"Sending the flea."
The miniature drone left the apartment. Cat washed her face, and went back to her bedroom.
M.O.U.S.E. reported back."All files have been deleted. Barton is alive but he's being held hostage. A young woman is with him."
"Give me visuals."
The A.I. projected the scene from its place: Clint and a girl she didn't know were both tied to mechanical rides for children.
She sank down on the mattress defeatedly. She grabbed her phone to look at the time and saw Pietro's face once more. The image pulled her heartstrings and made her frown. "I wanted to end this... you brought him to me, didn't you?"
Cat walked up to her closet, dragged out a box hidden at the very back, and from it, she pulled out her spear, a cape, and a smartwatch.
"At least I get to see Clint riding a unicorn..."
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Next Chapter—>
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
So, uh.
How ‘bout that AU where Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark went to a boarding school or, idk, some Young Rich Kid Thing years ago and have this ~frenemies thing going on?
Because heirs to their respective empires/legacies who end up in the superhero business.
The press thinks they’re rivals/frenemies and such? Which in all honesty they should be?
But nah.
(But maybe?)
In reality they heckle the shit out of each other and stage “hostile takeovers” and whatnot because things are slow and boring, or they need to train up new people to handle serious attempts and anyway.If they manage to succeed it just means there’s a WE branch in that city or SI in this one and anyway.
It’s entertaining as hell watching the pres trying to make sense of it?
But also the superhero Thing and late night calls where it’s clear the other one Knows but coming out and admitting it would spoil the fun, but anyway, okay, anyway.
Sometimes Bruce gets packages with new gear/tech that have the Si logo on them somewhere - discreet-like, but also where Bruce knows to look. Or Tony gets a gift or someone taps JARVIS on the shoulder like psst, hey, you should take a look at this, and oh, hey, something nefarious is brewing and Tony best nip that nonsense in the bud before it blows up in his face.
Clark is convinced Bruce cannot stand this Tony Stark character? But then there’s some party or an expo and Bruce has to attend, and Clark goes (as Bruce’s ~date or in capacity as a reporter or just to fuck with Bruce for the hell of it) and is like oh.
Because to anyone who doesn’t know better it sure as hell looks like Bruce cannot stand Tony? But he’s got a real smile on his face, no horribad Brucie facade, seems glad to see him?
(And look, he doesn’t know Tony well, but he’s interviewed the man before and the smiles he sees on Tony’s face while talking to Bruce aren’t the same ones he gave Clark during that interview.)
There’s the matter of Bruce’s kids and Tony’s kids and Bruce’s no, pls no, at the mere thought of them meeting?
But of course they do, because his kids are all horrible little gremlins and Tony’s got this mixed bag - Parker’s charmingly polite, but then there’s Keener and oh, God, the rest - and Bruce is like *SIGH* because the world will never be the same again???
Also, though, also.
Bruce’s kids when they’re with the Titans and Tony’s on the west coast at the time, you know - convenient that - and oh, God, the horror? (The horror.)
Especially when he finds plans for iron man suits in Robin’s colors???
There are so many over the years, and when his kids outgrow Robin there are suit designs for Nightwing, and armor or Red Hood - where did Bruce think Jason got the fancy helmet from, you know? Ra’s? Talia? Pfft. Red Robin and he knows Oracle’s got a line to Tony and JARVIS and whoever else for Steph and Cass and whoever.
(Armor at the very least, if they refuse a full suit and Bruce is like *SIGH* but it’s not like he’s going to turn something like that down, you know? Tony makes the best and it’s sticking point on the business side of things at times, a good reason for that division of WE to be better, dammit, although outsiders think it’s a business thing and nothing personal at all, and anyway.)
Tony forever trying to ~woo Bruce’s kids away because they’re all so fucking smart?
But then there’s Tim, and Tony remembers the Drakes, okay. Wondered what happened to that kid he met at some party once upon a time, heard about the everything that left young Timothy without a mother and father badlyinjured and -
Also, okay, also.
Sometime after the everything with Jason, and Tony being in no position to help Bruce out, but then JARVIS tells him Batman’s got himself a new sidekick and really, Bruce, really.
Got to put in more work if you’re going to do the secret identity thing because that’s obviously the Drake kid - thank god you gave him tights, but come on, man, are you serious with all this?
And then the moment Tim’s anywhere near the west coast Tony has to check in on this kid and is like *_* because he’s the perfect little sarcastic brat and oh, Bruce, where do you find these kids?
But no, don’t tell Tony he can handle only so many tragic backstories before his morning coffee and anyway, about time you old bastard.
(Because Jason and Bruce’s guilt and everything.)
But then fast forward to Tony in New York and Tim’s there for a Thing for WE and Tony >:)))))))))))))) because he’s going to steal Tim for SI, don’t think he won’t, Wayne.
And then other shenanigans, I guess?
The Avengers being all ??? at this kid in the Tower who isn’t Peter or Harley and Tony trying to sell him on an armored suit of his own - grappling hooks are so yesterday, you know? Tony’s suits are so much better, and anyway, did he mention the flying thing?
Because it is awesome, Tim, trust him.
Tim is just *eyeroll* because Tony’s not wrong, but the whole metal suit doesn’t lend itself incredibly well to the whole...terror that flaps in the night thing or whatever the Bats have going for them???
(Tony takes that as a challenge because he can so make a stealth armor, just watch him, Tim.)
But anyway.
Tam being like.
NO. You can’t have him, he’s a nightmare, but he’s our nightmare, and then , idk, commiserating with Pepper and/or taking notes from Pepper and Tim and Tony are like oh, no, but also oh, yes, because Pepper is terrifying and her teaching Tam her tricks can only end well.
(Not for Tim, necessarily? But you know. In general.)
And then some party or gala or whatever and Bad Guys and the Avengers show up to save Tony and whoever?
And are ??? because Tony and Tim are like “Oh, no, after you I insist,” and “No, no, this is your city after all,” and so on because manners! And also superhero politics and really, the bad guys are hilariously bad at this and no one’s in any danger from them, and anyway.
(Also. Tony being ridiculously charmed by Damian, okay. This little >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( kid who clearly thinks Tony is at least three steps below slime he found on the bottom of his little batkid boot and oh, God, it’s like seeing young!Bruce before his kids ruined his life but in concentrated form and he cannot believe Bruce didn’t want the two of them to meet, Damian is a fucking delight, okay, as is Tony, and anyway. Yes.)
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Six Eggs in the Nest
Bruce returns from his trip through time to discover that not only had his kids grown, but so had his family. An old face had reappeared in his absence.
Part of the Six for the Age of One AU
“How are you feeling?”
“Come on, Bruce,” Clark sighed. “As subtle as it might be, your heart rate still changes when you wake up.”
Bruce grunted, not opening his eyes.
“Good to know your trip through time didn’t affect your language skills.”
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing of note on the League’s front,” J’onn reported and Bruce finally opened his eyes to see the martian was looking over Bruce’s vitals.
“Just business as usual,” Diana agreed from the doorway.
Bruce turned to Clark, who was sitting in a chair next to Bruce’s hospital bed. “Gotham?”
Clark gave a soft smile and answered the unasked question, “The kids are fine. They’d be here, but I guess Ivy and Freeze got into a fight just as they were about to leave and Penguin tried to use the distraction of the fight to move cargo or something.”
“I checked in with them just before you woke,” Diana said before Bruce could get worked up. “In Oracle’s words, I threw Harley at Ivy and Nightwing, Signal, and Corvid smashed Freeze’s helmet so that fight’s basically won. Batwoman reported that her team had taken down Penguin and were supervising the cargo’s transport to the evidence locker before heading in.”
Bruce nodded, relaxing. “I’d assume Batwoman is Stephanie. Nightwing… Dick?”
“Yeah,” Clark said, looking smug. “And Corvid is Damian. Tim’s going by Ghost Bat now.”
“When you disappeared, they all stepped up to become heroes worthy of your legacy,” Diana said. “You would be proud of how strong they’ve been.”
“I am proud.” He simply wished he’d been there to see them through the transition. “How long was I gone?”
“A year,” J’onn said, apologetically and Bruce nodded.
That was longer than it had been for him, but not by too much. A year though…
He’d missed most of the kids’ final year of high school. He’d missed their graduation. He’d missed helping them sign up for college.
Was Duke enjoying his literature studies? Did Stephanie go through with her plans to start the pre-med track or make good on her jokes about taking a year off? Was Damian able to decide between a business or veterinary medicine major? Had Tim figured out what he wanted to do? Did Dick change his mind about not continuing school?
And little Carrie was still so young. Would she even remember Bruce?
“What’s the cover story for Bruce Wayne’s disappearance? And Batman’s?” Bruce asked, pushing the rest down. “I’ll need to figure out how to spread out my appearances so no one becomes suspicious.”
The three shared a look and Bruce’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s not that simple,” Diana said slowly.
“I’ve been standing in for Bruce Wayne with Timothy’s help,” J’onn said. “It was Duke’s idea. Richard had taken up your mantle, but he wasn’t able to convince those who really knew Batman so I was going to pretend to be you until enough time had passed that we could fake your death without it being connected to the change in Batman. Then Timothy and Damian found evidence that you were alive so we’ve kept up the ruse.”
Bruce nodded. It was a good idea, even if Bruce didn’t exactly feel comfortable knowing the martian had been impersonating him for so long. Something else caught his mind, though. “If Dick is Batman, why is he also going by Nightwing?”
“Dick was Batman for a while, but… someone else is Batman now,” Clark said, uncertainly.
“We don’t know. The children won’t tell us,” Diana said. “They’re as stubborn and secretive as their father.”
“About six months ago Batman just… changed,” Clark explained. “We didn’t notice at first since Richard was still the one showing up for Justice League stuff, then Nightwing appeared in the news. It was pretty obvious Nightwing was Dick. We thought that maybe he was setting up his own hero for when you came back, but Batman was seen working with Nightwing and all the rest of the boys. He’s also more…”
“Vicious?” J’onn offered. “And dramatic, but in a grim way. His fighting style is firmer as well, in a way Dick couldn’t manage no matter how much he held himself back. His Batman is more genuine than Dick’s. To the point that, from what we’ve gathered, those who realized he had replaced you already think you’re back.”
“We tried asking Dick the next time he came up for a meeting, but all he’d say was that he wasn’t ready to see us,” Diana added. “Clark went to Gotham -”
Bruce glared at the kryptonian.
“I know, I know. Your kids caught me within minutes and Stephanie gave me a lecture you’d be proud of. And don’t act like you’re not burning with curiosity. Do you even have an idea who it could be?”
“Did you find out anything?” Bruce redirected and Clark shook his head.
“I couldn’t see much because the cowl is as lead-lined as you always had it and he got out of there fast once Stephanie intercepted me. He was tall and broad like you and what skin I saw was fair, so he couldn’t be any of the boys.”
That… didn’t add up. Who would the boys have trusted with Batman? “I need to get home.”
All three looked like they wanted to argue, but J’onn unhooked him from the monitors.
The cave was empty when Bruce teleported in, though the still-warm cup of tea next to the Batcomputer’s keyboard and the lit-up screens showed that Alfred had recently been monitoring the comms before stepping out for a moment.
“- anything yet?” came Robin’s -- Nightwing’s -- voice when Bruce hit the button to unmute the main comm line.
“Wonder Woman said he was still unconscious when she checked in,” Oracle answered.
“Batman, Batwoman, and I will be at the cave in a minute. The two of us can head up immediately and report back,” Ghost Bat offered.
“Speak for yourself,” Batwoman huffed. “You can hang around Wonder Woman smelling like a sewer all you want, but I need a shower.”
“You will wait for us or I will give all your sweatshirts to Goliath as nesting materials, Ghost!” Corvid snapped.
“Nah, Goliath can do better than G’s hoodies. Besides, he’ll just go steal some from Metro. I’m pretty sure half the ones he’s got now are clone boy’s anyways,” laughed a voice Bruce didn’t recognize. Batman’s, he assumed. Something about it nagged at him, but he couldn’t place it. He was sure he knew the person though. Was he altering his voice for the suit like Bruce did? It didn’t have the growl, but maybe he was just making his voice deeper. If his voice was higher…
Bruce was torn out of his musings by a snarl. He turned to see a large groenendael stalking towards him. Behind the dog was a massive pillow with five other dogs atop it. A Great Dane was stretched out regally at one end, wagging his tail but otherwise not paying Bruce any attention. A lab and a pit bull were flopped over each other limply in the middle, fast asleep. A German shepherd was standing on the other end, just as alert as the groenendael without the aggression. A Chihuahua was similarly eyeing Bruce from her spot tucked under the Great Dane’s chin, kept quiet and still only by the larger dog’s presence.
Bruce wasn’t surprised the dogs had invaded the cave in his absence. He could only hope Goliath and Wiggles had continued to be cut off in their separate portions of the cave and Alfred the Cat hadn’t been allowed to torment the bats.
He knelt and held out his hand. “It’s alright, Jane. It’s just me.”
The groenendael quieted at his voice and continued approaching him. The closer she got, the more relaxed she became until she was close enough to cheerfully lick and nuzzle at his hand as an apology for growling.
“It’s okay, girl. You’re doing a good job protecting the cave while everyone’s out.”
Ace was at his side in an instant to sniff him over for injuries and nose his neck in a greeting Bruce easily returned. Titus yawned and turned away as things calmed down, which allowed Ami to leap to her feet. She gave two quick yaps at Bruce, then stomped over to curl up on a corner of the pillow. Haley and Hazel slept on.
A moment later the roar of an engine echoed through the cave, heralding the arrival of the Batmobile. Bruce’s spot was slightly hidden from the vehicle bay, so he had the chance to observe the three that climbed out.
Batwoman’s suit wasn’t too dissimilar to the one Barbara had donned during those two short years she’d held the mantle. All Stephanie had altered was swapping out the red on the bat, belt, cape lining, and wig for her signature eggplant.
Ghost Bat’s suit was black, sleeveless, and made from the same lightweight armor Tim and Dick always used. A grey bat was across the chest, the color matching his gauntlets. He wore a cape and cowl like Batwoman’s, though the cape lining and wig were grey. The wig was also cut short to match Tim’s chin-length locks instead of Stephanie’s chest-length curls.
Batman’s suit, at first glance, looked exactly like Bruce’s. On closer inspection, though, it appeared thinner, closer to the medium bulk armor Damian and Stephanie used. There were also knives hidden across the suit and the cape was shorter than Bruce kept it. His build appeared to be just as Clark described, but Bruce knew the suit enough to tell it was making him look broader in the shoulders and the boots’ soles were altered to make him look shorter. Bruce estimated him to be a few inches taller than himself and around Duke’s width. The visible portion of his face was a pale beige, distinctly different from Dick’s olive tone or the other boys’ darker skin colors.
“- soft and roomy!” Ghost was arguing. “It’s no different than you stealing Bruce’s!”
Batman shot him a perfect Bat-Glare, as the kids called it. “I don’t have any of his sweaters!”
“That’s because after you steal them, Alfred always washes them and puts them back in B’s closet,” Stephanie snorted, pulling down her cowl. She gave him a wink when he turned the glare on her. “Just because you only wear them to bed doesn’t mean we don’t notice. Also, Tim’s stolen horde isn’t just Kon’s. He also got some of mine, Cassie’s, Duke’s, Damian’s, and yours in there. Dick’s and Cissie’s aren’t baggy enough and Bart’s are scratchy. He’s also got one of Kori’s because he took it thinking it was Babs’ and now he’s too embarrassed to give it back.”
“STEPHANIE!” Ghost shouted as Batman snapped, “Is that where my green hoodie went?”
Stephanie snickered as she turned to head deeper into the cave. Her eyes caught Bruce’s and she froze.
“What’s wrong?” Batman asked and he and Ghost followed her gaze.
“Kids,” Bruce said after a moment of trying to figure out what to say.
Batman stiffened and Stephanie smiled. “Hey, B.”
Ghost shot forward, but stopped just before he reached Bruce, looking like he was barely holding back from throwing himself at Bruce.
Bruce took the decision away from him by pulling the boy into a hug. He pulled down the cowl to press a kiss to the top of Tim's head as the boy started to shake slightly with silent tears.
“So B’s here,” Stephanie said and he heard her voice echo through the comm in Tim’s ear.
“He’s supposed to be resting on the Watchtower.”
“Of course they couldn’t keep Father contained.”
“We’re on our way.”
“You’re here,” Tim whispered and Bruce pressed another kiss to his head.
“I am. I’m so sorry for being gone.”
“Tim’s the one who found you,” Stephanie said as she walked up. “Or, well, he’s the one who made it possible for the JL to find you.”
“I heard. I’m so proud.”
“Damian helped,” Tim muttered, burying his reddening face further into Bruce’s chest.
Bruce rubbed his back for a few seconds, then pulled away so Tim could pick up the Chihuahua nudging up against his ankle. He made sure Ami was helping Tim calm down before nodding at Stephanie. However, he soon found his gaze shifting back to the unknown factor.
Batman was still standing where he’d been the last time Bruce checked. He looked frozen in place, only his hand having shifted so that it could rest on Jane’s cheek. The groenendael was staring up at him as she licked and nuzzled at his wrist and hip in an effort to draw him back from wherever he was, though Bruce doubted he could feel it through the suit.
She must have realized it too as a moment later she stood up on her hind legs with her forepaws on Batman’s chest so she could lick at his chin instead, snapping him out of it enough that he looked away.
It was then that Stephanie glanced over her shoulder to see what Bruce was staring at. “Shoot.”
“What?” Tim asked, tucking Ami to his chest. He looked at Stephanie, then Batman, then his eyes shot to Bruce. “Oh. Crud. We really meant to do this slowly.”
“Are you two going to introduce me?” Bruce grunted.
His eyes were still on the stranger, but he could see both eighteen-year-olds open their mouths to respond. Before they could, Batman nudged Jane off and reached up to pull down his hood.
Bruce’s breath caught in his throat.
“Hey, Dad,” Jason said, running his fingers through his black and white hair.
Ace nudged Bruce’s side, just under his ribs.
He took a breath, then another.
“What part of do this slowly didn’t you get, Jay!”
“We all know he wasn’t going to rest until he figured out who I am. I’m just ripping off the band-aid.”
“This isn’t my Earth,” Bruce said.
The three shared a look and Tim pressed into Bruce’s other side. “It is.”
“My Jason is…”
“Dead?” Jason finished. “Yeah, it, uh, didn’t take. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Not the time, Jay!” Steph sighed. “Come on, Old Man. You look awful. We’ll explain once you’re sitting down.”
Bruce’s hands itched to grab Jason. To grab him and pull him close and never let him go again.
He kept his hands to himself as he followed the kids to the meeting table. They had just enough time to get settled when the elevator dinged and Alfred stepped out with a fussing Carrie in his arms.
The butler took in the group, then gave Bruce a pointed look. “You are meant to be resting.”
“I had to check on the kids.”
“Of course you did.” Alfred came forward to deposit Carrie into the arms of her honorary grandfather then set a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, Master Bruce. We’ve all missed you.”
Bruce nodded and looked down at the toddler.
She blinked up at him before smiling and poking his cheek. “Boosie back!”
“Yeah, Sweetheart, I’m back,” he said, voice hoarse.
Three motorcycles shot into the cave, the boys on them quickly jumping off. Bruce set Carrie on his knee as he took in his rapidly approaching sons.
Nightwing’s suit was similar to Ghost Bat’s, though his had sleeves and he had just a domino in place of the cape and cowl. The suit was black with a cobalt V across the chest that resembled a bird. The wings stretched all the way to the shoulders then ran down the sleeves to end at the tips of his middle and ring fingers. The blue color carried over to his domino mask and the trim of his boots. A pair of escrima sticks poked out from behind him and black pouches were connected to the waist of the suit like a built-in utility belt.
Corvid’s suit was black with a matching utility belt and carried the same moderate bulk Damian preferred. A long, hooded jacket sat over the suit, sleeveless and colored sapphire with white trim. It sat open, revealing the white outline of a bird stretched across his chest. The suit was finished off with a black domino mask with equally black lenses and tall emerald boots.
Signal’s suit looked the same as it had when Bruce was sent away, and Bruce took comfort in the fact that not everything had changed.
Stephanie ducked down for a quick hug, then removed her daughter from Bruce’s lap so she wasn’t crushed when Nightwing threw himself into it a second later.
“You’re so stupid for running off from the Watchtower, but I’m glad you’re back.”
“I’m fine,” Bruce said, holding the boy close with one arm as he reached out to grab his youngest’s hand.
Corvid squeezed back as he glanced over Bruce, then let go and left to take a seat.
After giving Bruce a quick hug around Nightwing, Signal went to grab his own seat as well. He pulled off his helmet and looked pointedly at Jason before turning back to Bruce. “Guess it’s storytime, huh?”
“You couldn’t even keep it a secret for five minutes?” Damian tisked after he’d removed his mask.
“He was ripping off the band-aid,” Tim mocked.
“We all know how obsessive B gets when someone puts a mystery in front of him,” Jason huffed, throwing his hands in the air.
“It is something you’ve all inherited from him,” Alfred hummed as he began to set cups of tea in front of everyone except Carrie, who got a sippy cup of warm milk.
Dick squirmed around so he could remove his mask and accept his cup of tea, then made himself comfortable in his father’s lap.
“You’re getting too old for this,” Bruce teased, wrapping his arms around the eighteen-year-old, and Dick shushed him.
“Where should we start?” Stephanie asked.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 16
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
When everyones dates go very well
First< Previous > Next
“Thanks for dropping us off,” Marion slides out Selina's car, Kagami and Chloe following, “We couldn’t take the same route as them,”
“I’d be disappointed if you did,” Selina teases, with an edge of seriousness.
“Thank you,” Kagami chimes in, getting waved off by Selina as she and Chloe leave to hunt down the targets.
“So you’re going to tell him?” Marion whispers through the open window.
“Yep,” She sighs, tightening grip on the steering wheel, “We’re going to go on a date of out own, completely romantic, then ruin the evening,”
“You really think he’s going to be mad?” Marion cringes, getting a reassuring smile.
“At me,” She clarifies, “Don’t you worry he’ll be thrilled to have more kids,”
Marion holds back a laugh at her exasperated tone, “Have fun,”
“I won’t,” Selina assures, throwing back a, “Have fun,”
“I will,” Marion grins, spying on the totally-not-a-date between two disasters will be nothing but entertaining.
Marion waves at the leaving car before jogging to catch up with the girls. Staying slightly behind to watch them try and talk about plants. Chloe trying to sound more intelligent than ‘look at the pretty flower’, not that Kagami would mind. He resists the urge to drags his fingers through the leaves of ferns and vines as they walk down the winding paths of the botanical garden. Too many times has he touched plant life only for it to wither and die later, a side effect of holding his miraculous too long. So he always made sure Marinette is around to counteract the bad luck.
The urge gets easier to resist as they enter a more open garden area, filled with flower patches and green grass. Probably the cleanest place in Gotham likely thanks to a certain rouge that would hunt you down for littering here. He spots the two lovebirds and directs the girls to a nearby tree well suited for hiding behind as they spy on the little picnic Adrien has set up, in a grassy patch surrounded by flowers.
“Oh my god,” Chloe groans, “How can they be such idiots?”
“Can we just tell them?” Kagami asks irritably, not for the first time.
“No, let their relationship take its natural course,” Marion scolds, not for the first time.
“Do you think they’re going to be just as slow when they’re together?” Chloe complains more than asks, “Will they ever get married?”
“Are you kidding?” Marion scoffs, “The day after they get together someones going to propose,”
“Probably both,” Kagami predicts, watching as they both fumble over something.
“Probably,” Marion and Chloe both agree, as the fumbled object gets dropped.
“Well, hey there!” a high pitch voice shouts through their whispering, “Who’re we spying on?”
Marion whips around coming nose to nose with Harley Quinn herself. He takes a step back to see Poison Ivy standing just behind.
“Um…” Marion debates going for his baton, they didn’t seem hostile but they don’t need to be to cause damage, “Our friends date?”
“Ohhh!” Harley stands on her tiptoes to look over their heads, “Aren't they just precious?!”
“Yes,” Ivy agrees to Harley’s goo-goo eyes despite not having looked over once.
“Let's go say hi,” Harley links her arms with Marion and Chloe’s dragging them over to the picnic.
“What are you doing here!” Marinette shouts as soon as they approach, seemingly more surprised at them than the two rogues.
“I caugh’em spyin on ya and decided to drop in,” Harley releases them and sits down, “This looks delicious!”
Harley takes a cookie from a plate, eyes lighting up when she takes a bite. Marion locks eyes with Marinette as confused as him. It only gets worse when Ivy sits down as well, on the grass not the blanket. Well it’s not like he can just leave. Marion shrugs and sits down, immediately reaching over to steal from Marinette's plate, ignoring the plates around him.
“Sooo,” Harley hums partly around a mouthful of cake, rocking back with legs crossed, “What’s ya names,”
“Marinette, that's Marion,” Marinette hisses his name, as she tries to snatch back half a sandwich.
“Oh! Brucie’s kids!” Harley claps her hands together, “You’re the Wayne twins!”
“Uhhh…” Yes? No? Kinda? Soon? It’s up to him?
“No they're not,” Kagami takes a seat following Chloe, “It’s just a baseless rumour,”
“Yep!” Marion agrees way to loudly, “A completely baseless rumours, no fact here, nope,”
The look he gets from Marinette is expected, but it’s Chloe’s lingering gaze that really gets to him.
“I like what you’ve done with the flowers,” Marinette covers for him, alerting him that Poison Ivy had made many more bloom.
“I didn’t do much,” Ivy says, even as the grass around her is a couple inches taller than it used to be, “They already wanted to bloom so bright at seeing you,”
“Really?” Marinette sweat drops, reaching for her bag, “I do have a bit of a green thumb, I take care of a garden back home,”
“What wonderful things do you grow?” Ivy asks with keen interest, Adrien off to the side looking awestruck at Marinette’s composure.
“She’ll be takin all day now,” Harley spins towards the three other date crashers, “I didn’t hear your names!”
Chloe and Kagami startle as she leans further into their personal space.
“Surely if you’ve heard of the twins you’ve heard of me,” Chloe flips her hair, only getting a blank face from Harley, huffing, “Chloe Bourgeois,”
“Kagami,” She replies curtly, “Marion doesn't appreciate date crashing,”
“It’s alright Kags,” Marion assures, he more had a problem with having to hold her back from yelling at them both when they didn't kiss after fireworks.
“Ohhhh, are you two dating,” Harley stage whispers, making Chloe choke on her drink.
“No not at all,”
“Just friends,”
And not friends in the Adrien Agreste way.
“Ew gross you two dating?” Chloe cringes, “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!”
“Oh! Then you two!” Harley exclaims, addressing the girls.
“Well I….”
“Rion!” Chloe yells, blushing furiously at his shit eating grin.
“Well let me give you some advice,” Harley sing songs, a not so subtle glance back at Ivy.
“I don’t think that's necessary-”
“Hush now,” She shushes Kagami, “So when you're on a date and some bozo tries interrupting, there's this nifty thing you can do with certain nerves-Or! If you have the tools, a good whack upside the head-Or! My favourite! You get your gun and…”
Marion shifts away, still keeping Chloe and Kagami in his sights, both completely red.
“-And I planted this one three years ago,” Marinette explains, letting Ivy hold her phone, eyes glued to whatever picture was on it, “I know they tend to like partial shade but I found this one prefers to be more in the sun, so I just move it on especially sunny days,”
“Your garden is brilliant they all look so-” Her gaze snaps up to Marion, making him freeze in place, “They do not like you,”
“Um,” It takes a second to realise she was talking about the plants, “I guess not, the plants at home like me,”
“Do they?” Ivy frowns, and Marion desperately hopes she likes Marinette enough to not attack him.
“Well, we have a catnip plant that does,” Or at least Plagg likes it enough to do his best not to let anything, even himself, destroy it.
“You do?” Ivy turns to Marinette, who starts talking about the plant.
Marion takes this opportunity to escape back into the conversation they were having with Harley-
“And if you really want to have fun in bed you can-” Nope never mind.
Marion stands, considers bringing Adrien along to find some more snacks for their bigger group. But he seemed just as enthralled with Marinette as Ivy is with plants. He walks off waving to Marinette as she looks over to check on him. He smiles at the silent desperate pleads for help Chloe and Kagami give him. With a bounce in his step Marion walks off.
He didn’t even realise he had left them alone with two rouges until he was halfway through the gardens. Whatever. Marinette could handle them and they both seemed friendly enough, if not very polite. If they wanted to crash a date he can think of another person that would rather it happen to them.
“So the twins got out of hospital yesterday,” yes because that's a good way to bring up the topic of your illegitimate children to their out of the loop father.
“That’s fast,” Translated means; I’m suspicious.
“Did you look into those Paris heroes?” No she isn’t stalling not at all, this is important.
“I did, they’ve been working mostly alone for years,” Bruce scowls, picking at his food “I don’t know how the league hasn’t heard about this,”
“Didn’t Marion say this Ladybug person fixes everything?” Selina hums, she had been to Paris and never saw anything, they couldn't be that good could they?
"Is that what he meant?" Bruce looks up at her genuinely puzzled.
Selina hides her smirk behind her wine, which she desperately needed for this conversation. She had forgotten not everyone could understand their babbling. Not even Bruce, yet. She merely hums in response, before taking a gulp of wine.
“I plan on contacting her,” Bruce admits out loud, their secluded rooftop table ensuring privacy, “Did they say anything more to you?”
“They’ve had some other things on their mind lately,” She doesn't meet his eye, so they were back to this topic, great.
“Post traumatic stress?” Bruce guesses, she wished- wait no- that's not good.
Selina would rather do this a hundred times over than have her kids suffer like that. Fortunately they didn't seem to be. Which could be concerning in its own right.
“No, actually, they seem completely unaffected by a near death experience,” Selina sighs, they should be right? Thats normal for regular people right? Well they weren't normal, mainly because of the man sitting across from her, who needed to know that, “Just like their father,”
“Tom?” of-fucken-course he had to make this harder, no she will not admit she was purposefully vague.
“No,” Selina feels the anxiety in her chest choke her, “You,”
And nope that last word only made it worse.
“... What?” Bruce pauses, fork still in mid air.
“You,” She places her empty glass down, the clink hitting the table deafening.
“... Selina, what are you saying,” Bruce lowers the fork, halfway between a scowl and suspicion.
“I mean we’ve been at it for years is it really that surprising?” Selina tries to play off, joking tone not overshadowing her panic.
“Selina,” Theres that stern tone, paired with the signature Bat glare.
“... They’re your kids, our kids,” Selina corrects, making sure to meet his eye. No tricks this time.
She lets the silence hang, studying Bruce's face. At first you can clearly tell he's trying to keep a mask on, but it cracks bit by bit. She sees confusion, realisation, panic, anger, disappointment all over lapping. Swirling together repeating over and over again until settling on anger.
“Why didn’t you tell me!” He explodes, pushing her off the ledge she had been on all day, or the last couple days, or hell for eighteen goddamn years.
“Because you-you’re-” She fumbles, so many reasons, mainly relating to Bats in some way, but that wasn't the main reason, “You said you didn’t want kids!”
“You never told me I already had kids!" The realisation hits Selina that he remembers.
If it was just now, or he had for years. He remembered the night she had asked if he wanted a family. He had said no. That he couldn't. That he had a responsibility to the city. So she had left. Not daring to see him when she was pregnant and not wanting to see him afterwards. The next time she saw Bruce he had just adopted a child.
“What would you have done! Huh?!” A child who a year later was chasing criminals around Gotham, “Would you quit? Would you dress them up too and make them fight crime!? I sent them to Paris to avoid that!”
“You know full well I never made them do anything!” Maybe not on purpose, but they do a whole lot for his approval.
“Their kids Bruce! You should have never let them join you out there!” She rants, pacing away from the table.
She gave them up so they would never join her either. Although with how much Marion likes cats he would surely love his own cat suit.
“How would you know what would happen?” Bruce demands, keeping pace with her, dragging his hands through his hair, “I-god- I hadn't even adopted Dick yet and you wrote me off!”
“ Exactly , do you really think you could have raised them!” Dick's his argument for good parenting? Better than Jason.
“Maybe I wanted to!” Bruce yells, anger crumbling, he collapses onto a love seat looking over the city, “Maybe I wanted to raise at least one of my children,”
“I know,” Selina tentatively sits on the chairs arm, reaching over to him, “But they deserved a chance to live without all this ,"
She vaguely gestures to the city and partly to Bruce. Who looks offended at his inclusion.
"They’ve been in Gotham a week Bruce," She slides into the seat, arguing her point before he has the chance, "And they have the press after them, villains attacking, they just got out the hospital ,”
“Hm,” Bruce looks out at the city, not really seeing any of it. “They really are like me huh,”
“Without a doubt,” She gets a slight tug at the lips from Bruce, completely humourless.
They fall silent Bruce looking out at the city. She studies his expression, less of a world wind of emotion now but certainly still in turmoil. He starts to fix his mask back in place, she looks away so he doesn't have to. Looking out at the view they were meant to be enjoying on their date. One that she had planned. Bruce was never going to trust her to plan one again. Or at least he will always be expecting her to spring shocking news on him.
“What do you want to do now?” She asks the question she has wondered for years.
Whenever they were alone and things were calm, unnervingly calm for Gotham. She had thought of telling him. Partly because the calm alarms her, in a life of chaos she felt out of place in it. It would be the perfect way to bring the storm. While cats tended to hate water she has been an alley cat all her life, the calm was meant for house cats. However, thats what the other part of her wanted. For that calm to stay, but to include their kids. Who always sat at the edge of that calm, threatening to ruin it never letting her settle into it. Maybe that was why she could never enjoy it. Maybe now that they were in the storm, the next calm would be with the two of them.
“... I don’t know,” a rarity for the Batman, more common for the man underneath.
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month
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A little batjokes fic I have been working on. It’s also on ao3 but I’m kind of at a loss of which direction to go with it at this point. So I figured I’d post it here for now until I figure it out .
I fell in love with an idea. A picture I had created that was never meant to be. There was never any possibility that we could be happy together. That a life where only the two of us existed could be possible. Not when every part of me craved the adrenaline from a night of violence and waking up to new scars that defined who I was. And you with your savior complex, thinking the whole world would fall if you went away. Needing the praise even in anonymity. Hiding the scars that defined you with a well-dressed suit. It could never be. But I would be a liar if I said every part of me didn’t ache for the possibility of existing.
Joker rolled over. His thoughts had once again turned the bat. He would never admit that he spent countless hours losing sleep considering the possibility of a normal life. One where his past had not led him to this place. One where he could casually run into a beautiful man while doing something completely mundane. Maybe walking down, the street, perhaps in a coffee shot, or even stealing passing glances on the subway. Finally, one would make a move. They would go on dates, share laughs, and slowly fall in love. He grabbed a pillow lying next to him a slammed it into his face, an attempt to eradicate these thoughts. The joker wasn’t a romantic. He was tyrannical, a leader, the bringer of chaos.At least in his mind this was how he chose to believe he was perceived. Sure, some would say he was insane, psychopathic, a cold-blooded killer, and well truthfully, he was these things. So, these romantic urges that kept coming over him where very detrimental to the brand that he had built around himself. For God’s sake if a hot intelligent blonde woman in a skintight suit who was utterly devoted to him never did it for him then why the hell was he fantasizing about a grown man in a cape. Joker groaned again because it wasn’t just any man in a cape, it was Bruce fucking Wayne. Leave it to him to fall for an eccentric billionaire with a savior complex and moral compass to match.
If you had told Joker a few months ago, the man he was caught in this never ending dance of justice with was Bruce Wayne he probably would have laughed in your face and depending on his mood that day, you might have also not survived the interaction. He did have a flare for being dramatic and something about senseless murder just made him positively giddy. Rumors have always spread in Gotham City’s underground. And why would they not, everyone wanted to know who was truly under the mask that continuously foiled their plans. Most wanted to know so that they could end him for good. Or at the least target those closest to him in order to prove a point. Joker had never particularly cared about the identity of his sworn enemy. He much preferred the tango the two performed without any outside views of who the other was. Both pushing each other to the right to the edge, waiting for the other to overstep their boundaries and go too far. Names could ruin that. There was something about the not knowing that added to the thrill of it all. That made the excitement of both men rise. Joker couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of it. But now he had name to the face behind the mask.
It had started as a relatively normal day, when Joker received word that a Mr. Bruce Wayne had been seen sneaking around one of Joker’s new warehouses. Of course, this had piqued his interest. Why was the elusive billionaire in such a bad area of Gotham, it’s almost like he’s asking to be robbed. It’s not as if he could blend in, everyone knew his face. And secondly the only ones in the know about this newest warehouse were Joker, his most trusted henchman R, Harley, and a certain bat who had found out and stopped by for a visit a week ago. Of course he had found nothing, and the camera only caught him for a moment before he flung one of those damned batarangs at it and every other one he found. Joker sighed, batbrain probably never even considered the expense Joker would have to incur to replace those. The warehouse was nothing, more of a safety net if he ever needed the space. Or more than likely it would be converted to a place for those who worked for him to stay. God knows the filthy animals couldn’t keep a living space to save their lives. And providing living arrangements, food, drugs, and booze was generally the best way he had found to keep street thugs loyal to you. He may be insane, but he wasn’t stupid. And of course, he knew word about his new endeavor would draw the bat in. If there was one thing batsy couldn’t resist it was a hot tip about a new diabolical plan the Joker was forming. And so, what if Joker had his henchman anonymously tip off Jim Gordon knowing he would immediately find a way to alert the bat. Sometimes you have to force fate to get what you desire. And that night what he desired was not a fight but just to watch batman in action.
From his hiding spot the Joker could see everything his bats did. He watched him canvas the area and could hear the frustrated huffs he let out every time he again came up with nothing. He watched as bats paced back and forth clearly trying to figure out what angle was being played. Listened as he radioed Gordon filling him in on the nothingness the warehouse held. They went back and forth wonder what plan was being devised for this place. God Joker could watch him forever. Studying his lips, the way his jaw clenched when he was unhappy. He longed to see his face, to touch him. On the other hand, that would ruin their game and Joker really really liked games. It was fascinating to him that even though the bat had found nothing he stayed there pacing. Glancing at the door every few moments. Joker almost wondered if the bat was waiting for him to show up. Did their little fights give the bat the same thrill Joker got? The way both of their adrenaline rose, their hearts beating fast, and their breathing getting deeper. The pain was so intoxicating and led to the ultimate pleasure. Nothing else could top it. But not tonight. Tonight, Joker wanted him to squirm. And squirm he did. In semi defeat, the bat sat down on a box in the corner. Hidden in the shadows waiting. He waited the entirety of the night, unaware that the Joker was sitting merely feet away. It wasn’t until light started to seep in that the bat finally sauntered away. It was curious. Surely there was other crime going on in Gotham. Honestly when wasn’t there crime in Gotham, the city was a cesspool of it. He’d even heard tell of a heist the Penguin was planning that night. And surely Bats had been made aware of that. And yet he never left the warehouse.
Snapping back to the present Joker frowned at the tingly feeling the memory had given him. Now onto the pressing issue of why Bruce Wayne was at his warehouse and how he knew it was there. He gathered himself, choosing his most basic suit. It was navy blue and had none of the flare that he had come to appreciate. He also forewent applying his face makeup to appear more normal. After a moments thought he also chose to grab his sunglasses, gloves, and a hat in an attempt to slightly disguise himself. He doubted this would do much as he slid a hand across the white skin of his face. It was an aspect of himself that he struggled to hide. It was why he preferred the night over day. In the darkness he could appear normal, avoiding the judgmental eyes that the daylight cast. He had learned throughout the years of course. Purchased wigs and learned how to properly put them on so they looked real, he had found contacts that closely matched the color his eyes had once been. But he was unable to find anything for the skin. He had tried foundations but none of them worked. He often questioned if it was due to the acid, this led to a spiral of remembering the events that caused him to fall. He never spent to long considering it otherwise his mind began to drift to a dark place. A place that scared even him, one where he could feel his mental state slipping. Slowly succumbing fully to the madness. Joker shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. After a final glance in the mirror, he slipped out of his apartment to find an available car. He hoped Wayne would still be there, thankfully it was only about a 10-minute drive from his place. He had made this decision deliberately hoping that no one would consider he lived close to his investments and would rather stay far away from them to avoid suspicion. Once in the garage, he chose a simple black car and started the drive, preparing for a confrontation with the treasure of Gotham, Bruce Wayne. As Joker pulled into the warehouse drive, he could see a small blue car parked not far off in the distance. It was pulled off to the side of the road just slightly, he assumed the placement was meant to make it look like the car had broken down there but due to the current situation it seemed like it may be Mr. Wayne’s. He pondered whether he should go search the car before heading to the warehouse, ultimately deciding against it in case Wayne decided to stop whatever he was doing and head back. Joker put his car in park and turned off the engine. He felt it best not to alert the man breaking into his building. As he walked up the gravel, almost by divine intervention a certain someone was crawling out of one of the first story windows.
“Uhm, excuse me sir. I don’t usually like finding unknown men crawling out of my buildings.” it seemed best not to start off too accusatory in case there was a valid reason a billionaire was snooping around his property.
“Oh, uhm, of course I am so sorry about this.” He stopped and cleared out his throat. “I am Bruce Wayne, I uh wasn’t aware that someone had purchased this property. I had been informed it was for sale and wanted to check it out to see if it would be a good space for some new developments at Wayne Industry.”
Wayne held out his hand and Joker realized he intended for them to shake hands. How disgustingly formal. He slowly reached out a gloved hand to shake, watching as the man’s hand nearly covered his own. The strong grasp jolted through Joker and he quickly pulled away wiping the glove on his pants as if this would establish some kind of unspoken boundary between the two. Joker kept his gaze on the man, there was something so familiar about him. Maybe he was making it up it was completely feasible that he had just seen an interview the man was in. His excuse was reasonable as well. The property had only been off the market 2 weeks at most, but why bother sneaking into it and distancing your vehicle from the building?
“Oh, I see. I’m Jack. Jack…Sawyer. Do you always examine potential investments by climbing through the windows?”
The man’s face reddened. “The uh, the door was jammed and when I was assessing the outside of the building, I noticed one of the windows was ajar and figured it wouldn’t hurt to use that as an entry.”
“Hmm understandable. Well, I would be happy to give you a tour of the building, but I am afraid that it has already been purchased by me, so it would be no use to your company endeavors.”
Clearly embarrassed by having been caught the man stood there fidgeting. His jaw clenching and unclenching. His eyes darting to the gate. He wasn’t scared, no Joker knew fear, and this was not it. Nervous perhaps? Anxious? Something was off but Joker couldn’t quite place it. His voice, his mouth something about it called to Joker.
There was a long uncomfortable pause before Wayne looked at Joker and said, “Yeah, I…I would love a tour. Do you have any plans for the building?”
Joker hadn’t expected this. It was more of pleasant offering rather than one he actually wanted to do. But, maybe during the tour he could pinpoint what it was about this man exactly.
“I’m not really much of a planner Mr. Wayne. To be honest the price of the building was such a steal I couldn’t pass it up. I’m sure you understand that you don’t become a billionaire by spending recklessly now do you? I am considering using it as a storage facility. I own a bar you see and the storage capacity there is really lacking so I figured why not buy a cheap warehouse.”
The man seemed genuinely taken aback by this statement. His jaw clenching again. His eyes searching Jokers face as if he was trying to pull something out of him. Joker stared back, his eyes never leaving Wayne’s. It was as if they were locked in a battle only Joker wasn’t sure what exactly they were battling for. Surely Bruce Wayne wasn’t so pressed for a warehouse building that he was going to come for some lowly bar owner. And that was when it clicked. Jokers’ eyes broke the stare and fell to the man’s clenched jaw. He knew that clench. He knew that mouth. As if he hadn’t fantasized about those lips on him for months now. Bruce fucking Wayne was Batman, unbelievable. In his surprise he let out a not-so-subtle gasp.
“Are…are you okay Mr. Sawyer?”
“I uh oh yes of course, sometimes my mind escapes me, I suffered an accident sometime ago and the effects seem to pop up at the most inopportune times.”
Wayne dropped his gaze and shifted uncomfortably. “You said you owned a bar. What’s the name of it maybe I’ve visited there?”
“Oh, I highly doubt that Mr. Wayne. It doesn’t usually bring in” he paused looking the man up and down “your type, but….If you’re ever feeling frisky, it’s called The White Knight.”
Joker stopped to look at the man after saying this. He knew damn well that Batman had no idea of the existence of this place. He had undergone every security measure to ensure so. But he knew that this would elicit a response from the bats. How could it not? The Joker owning a secret bar that batsy hadn’t been informed about, on top of the bar being a mockery of his title. It would make Batman seethe.
Wayne’s eyes darkened and his nostrils flared, it was slight, but it was enough for Joker to confirm what he already knew.
“Thank you for the offer to show me the building Mr. Sawyer, but I’m sorry I just realized I have to go.” he glanced quickly at his watch, “I forget I had a meeting to attend. This has truly been an enlightening afternoon.”
“I agree Mr. Wayne, it certainly has been. Are you sure you don’t want a quick tour?”
“No, uh thank you but no. I truly have to go.” And with that Joker watched the man saunter down the driveway. He pulled off his glasses and stared after the man. This newfound information complicated things but it also gave Joker leverage and God knows Joker liked having leverage.
What to do with this leverage? He could let it slip…no…no he didn’t like that. Freely handing out this precious information to those lowly Neanderthals. No, they would go after him, and while Batman would never stand down, they would probably kill him. The bat would die at the feet of those he spent so long pursuing. He grimaced picturing the scene. He couldn’t let them kill Batman. Batman was his. Joker felt that nagging voice in his head again, the one he constantly tried to keep at bay with Scarecrow’s medication.
if anyone is going to kill the bat it’s going to be you right?? You could never let anyone take him from you. He’s yours, yours yours. HAHAHAHAHA.
He took his hands, slamming them to his ears. “Shut up, shut up, shut up I do not want to kill him.”
Of course not, maybe just torture him a little bit until you can’t stop, poor Joker always unable to prevent yourself from going to far.. Drag the knife across his throat, cutting a tad too deep. Tie him up. Let him bleed out while watching you perform. That’s what you want isn’t it? For the bat to bleed, his pretty red blood spilling across the floor. And as he falls to the ground ceasing to exist so does his deluded version of Gotham. You, standing strong watching the city succumb to crime and destruction. Knowing they will not mourn him. Gotham doesn’t care. Gotham feeds on destruction, chaos, and the ruin of its citizens. If you’re born here you don’t stand a chance. There is no good in Gotham, so you must kill the only thing that believes it exist. Kill the bats, Kill the bats, Kill the bats.
He felt his mouth curving up into a terrifying smile as a fit of giggles erupted from his mouth HAHAHAHAHA.
His hands fell from his ears to clasp over his mouth, an attempt to silence, well really everything. After a few minutes, the laughter subsided, and the thoughts quieted. He sank to ground resting his chin on the top of his knees. His faced ached from the experience as it usually did, tears began to well in his eyes, a product of self-hatred, anger, and sadness.
He didn’t want the bat to die. Or…or maybe he did. Things would be far less complicated if a certain dark knight wasn’t involved. Unfortunately, a part of him wanted to be held by the knight. His slight framed wrapped in the strong arms of his enemy. Letting his body go limp as he breathed in the comforting smell. Hands running through his hair. Soft whispers trying to convince him that the world isn’t all bad. But it is isn’t it? There’s no good here, no God exists because if he did, he would surely drown this city. This hell on Earth, putrid and reeking of sin. Never allowing happiness to live within its borders. Joker pulled himself upright and violently wiped away the tears that had covered his face. He was the goddam Joker not some pathetic schoolboy with the luxury of pathetically crushing on the most popular boy in the grade. Brushing off his pants from sitting on the ground he began to stroll back to his car. Tonight, he would choose chaos. Perhaps a robbery he hadn’t performed one of those in a long while. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Harley to get the men prepped and to choose a nice jewelry store for their night out. Yes, a robbery sounded splendid. Maybe tomorrow he would figure out what to do with Mr. Wayne. Or maybe he would do nothing at all, just keep the information in his pocket. After all what was the point in ruining their game?
"Mr. J, if you don't mind me saying, you're uh heart didn't seem to be all into the score last night..." Harley's eyes didn't quite meet us. No doubt they were fearing the repercussion these words would bring. She would never say it but she liked the anticipation, the not knowing what was coming. Perhaps she even liked the pain when it came. But, perceptive as ever she was correct.
Sighing Joker looked over at her. "Harley I've told you time and time again please do not call me that. Just Jack is fine. Please just Jack. I was merely distracted last night. There's some financials issues with the club that I need to work out."
She walked over to him, placing one hand on his. The other at her side twitching to cup his face, knowing he would withdraw if she did. "I can't call you Jack anymore, it's too...personal." Then she jumped back and just like that her mood changed and smile erupted on her face "Besides Mr. J is so much more fun to say, wouldn't you agree? It gives you authority and I love a man who has power." The deviousness written across her face.
"Damn it Harley. Then call me Mr. Napier if you insist on acting this way about it. Also cut the showbiz act. It makes you seem desperate and pathetic." He knew the words would sting her. He wanted it too. He hated her for bringing out the worst in him. But that nagging voice loved her for it. Together the two could be unstoppable, maniacal. It's why he had broke it off. She was smart, brilliant even. She knew what his inside voice wanted and she knew how to provoke it out of him because in that world at least they are together. Part of him wanted to snap her neck and that be the end of it. And yet another part knew he could never do that because he cared for her in the way only two people with so much history and tragedy could. His gaze fell to her stomach, wondering what could have been. "Leave me alone Ms. Quinzel, your presence is pissing me off."
Tears gathered in her eyes as she turned to leave the room, slamming the door for effect.
He winced at the sound. Going after her would just provoke her wrath and he didn't have the energy to deal with that. It's best to give it a few days. He shouldn't have lashed out at her. He was frustrated. The bat had failed to show up last night, which meant the thrill he normally got from nights like that was nonexistent.
There was no point feeling sorry for himself. It never led to any place good. He stood up grabbed his jacket and headed for he bar. At the very least he could use this energy to get something done and for the sake of his workers hope that none of them were stupid enough to tantalize him tonight. His bloodlust was encompassing him and anything could set him off at this point.
The walk from his apartment to the bar wasn't a far one but the cold air made it seem like miles. Joker shivered trying to shake the chill that encompassed him. Gotham was always cold. It didn't matter what time of year it was. Sure the air warmed but you could still feel the breeze nipping at you, waiting to drop. He glanced at the sky, dusk was settling. It didn't matter, the sun never quite shown here in Gotham either. It was gray, just consistently gray. But it never seemed to bother any one else, or at least not that he had noticed. It's where his flare for colors came from, he wanted to break away from the gray.
He was merely feet away from the opening of the bar, the music creeped onto the otherwise silent street. He smirked, the song playing was one of his favorites. He leaned against the brick wall feeling the vibrations of the loud speak reverberate through calming him. He closed his eyes and just listened. Sighing as the song ended he felt a little better. Perhaps he would just go to his upstairs room and let the music take him away for the night. He would never admit the sway the sounds had over him. Finding comfort in the beats a rock song would produce.
A rustling sound came from the doorway, making him straighten quickly, keeping his face a blank canvas. He could already hear the gossip from his men if one of them found him out here basking in the sound of the music. Especially, with how he talked about it in front of them. Calling it a pointless waste. No. His entire personality was to remain hidden. To them he was a maniac, always angry, and mere moments away from snapping. Everything was jokes and crime. Not an entirely wrong synopsis but he was never to be seen as human, because that meant weakness and he would never again be seen as weak.
Fortunately, this was just a drunk patron stumbling his way out. In his drunken state the man couldn't particularly walk straight and managed to trip over his feet, his face colliding with the Joker shoulders. Finally a reason to have some fun. In less than a second Joker twisted away and wrapped his hand around the patrons throat, with full force he pushed him into the wall. The mans head collided with the brick, a sickening thud could be heard. Joker smirked, even drunk he could feel the mans fear radiating off of him. His adrenaline keeping him alert. His eyes screaming for help in ways his mouth could not. It was heaven. Joker leaned into the man, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that you should watch where you're walking?" He could feel his smile widening
"I.....I......uh.....I....I'm sorry sir." He gasped between words. Jokers fingers were wrapped so tightly around his neck it was a miracle he was able to get any words out all. With a glance down, Joker could see that the man had wet himself. Well this is no fun, the poor sap isn't even going to fight back. His smiled faltered where's the fun in that?
Just kill him, he isn’t worth anything. No one would miss him. Snap his neck, feel his bones crush beneath your strength. Come on you know you want to. You want to feel that rush. See the light as it drains from his eyes. Pleading until the very last second.
Joke could feel his smile widening again. His fingers twitched as he started to laugh. The man's eyes grew large with realization. He knew that laugh. All of Gotham knew that laugh. His body started to shake as tears streamed down his face.
See how pathetic he is. He doesn't deserve to live. You know you want the high this will give you.
And with that he gave in. His fingers tightened and with a final gurgle the mans will gave and his body slumped. The Joker let go and gasped at the feeling it gave him. He was positively giddy. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad day after all. He pulled out his phone and called one of his men to come dispose of the body. He didn't need anyone poking around his bar. A worker came out the side door and Joker motioned him over.
The worker glanced briefly at the body "Geez boss what'd he do to you?"
With a sneer Joker spat back "Not that it's any of your business but he bumped into me. Now get rid of the scum."
Recognizing his boss's mood the man quickly grabbed the body and retreated.
Joker turned away walking into the bar. He was ready to have some fun.
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 12 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
<- Previous part (11)
Next part (13) ->
{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
So The Whole World Knows
Bruce loves you. It's the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up. You talked for hours, until late at night, and Bruce told you exactly when he started falling for you. It was on the day he went to Belle Reve to take in your papers. That was the first time he saw you, through the camera they had in your cell. You remember that day because the lights were turned on for fifteen minutes or so. But you would never guess it was for Bruce to see you. From that moment on, Bruce told you, he felt something change inside him. He also tried to push it back, ignore it, misread it. But he knew he had to help you.
It got a little messy when it was your time to speak. You stuttered like an idiot, struggling to find the right words to express yourself. Bruce did seem to find it a little funny, so you playfully slapped him a couple of times. But in the end, the three words finally came out, from your lips and from his. Bruce is dead serious about your relationship, and this time he told you with all the words. He assured and reassured you this is not just a fling or a crush. He wants what you have to be serious, solid. And you want the same.
Smiling, you move closer to Bruce, felling as his chest rises and falls with his steady breath. “Morning, sweetheart.” He says.
“It's a little late, I bet.” He turns his head to look at the digital clock by the nightstand on his side of the bed. “Almost ten.” He starts moving to get up and you let out a groan.
“Five more minutes. C'mon.”
“I'm taking you out today, remember?” He sits up, looking down at you. “So get up and get ready.”
He's way more excited about this than you are. But you get on with the morning routine. Shower, breakfast, and you have to add dressing up on something other than sweatpants and tank top. You have just two pairs of jeans to choose from and a few blouses. Bruce got them for you a while ago, but you never had any reason to use them. You have a pair of white sneakers too. When you're done, you do look different. Normal... These simple-looking clothes are expensive, you can tell. You've had your share of stolen high fashion clothes, so you know the difference between clothes that normal people can buy and the clothes Bruce Wayne has access to.
“Are you ready?” Bruce calls and you leave the bathroom. “You look–”
“It's just sneakers, jeans, and a purple blouse.” You cut him off, rolling your eyes at the smile that comes to his lips. “You look very handsome in this suit.” You can't help but say, trying not to look for so long and leading the way out of the bedroom.
Bruce rathers have his driver taking you, so he can stay on the back seat with you. Seeing the city after all this time, almost a year and a half if you count with the time you were in Belle Reve, feels different. Even more because you're in the daylight, not trying to hide, and not planning any kind of mischief. It's like seeing everything for the first time. Gotham has it's a beauty... at least here, the good part of the city.
When Bruce tells the driver to stop, your heart skips a beat. He gets out first, and you're frozen, suddenly aware of people walking up and down the street. “Let's go,” Bruce says in a soft tone after he opens the door for you.
“Let's go,” you repeat, more to yourself than to him.
And you're off the car, holding Bruce's hand as you walk at a slow pace. You get the feeling that people are staring. At you, at Bruce, and them at your holding hands. It's good to know that they don't seem to know who you are. Bruce takes you to a few stores so you can buy your own clothes. You resist a lot because you keep checking the price tags even though he told you not to. You stop by a restaurant to have lunch before you hit different stores. At some point you know you have more than you need right now, but he doesn't seem to see it that way.
“They don't recognize me,” you mutter as you pass by a small group of people.
“You're different. And not just because of the hair color.” He looks down at you, smiling.
Biting your lip, you hold back a smile too. As you look at the store's display, you slow down until you stop before a window. There's a necklace in a display, with three pink stones. Acting out of pure instinct, your eyes scan the store's entrance for cameras. Two. “I could steal it, you know.” You decide to tell Bruce, just to tease him. “One of those cameras is broken. And even if it wasn't, it never stopped me before.” You wink at him as he raises his eyebrow, starting to move again.
“Come.” He grabs your arm, pulling you inside the store.
“No,” you exclaim, trying to pull him back to the street. Which is useless. “Bruce, c'mon.”
“Ma'am. I'd like to see that piece you have on display. The necklace with the pink diamonds.”
The woman does as he says, and seconds later she puts the piece on the desk before you. “This is a unique piece. The designer never makes the same piece twice. A true jewel.”
“It sounds super expensive.”
“Well, you can't expect to buy something unique for a low coast.” She says, even though you weren't talking to her. “Are you going to take it, Mr. Wayne?”
“Let's see.” Bruce takes the necklace from the display and moves to stand behind you. “Pin your hair up for me, please.” He asks when he notices that you won't move. Taking a deep breath, you do as he says, and Bruce puts the necklace around your neck, pulling you to stand before the mirror. “What do you think?”
The delicate stones looks beautiful, obviously, and you touch it with your fingertips. “I think it wasn't meant for someone like me,” you whisper.
“I think you're wrong. And it's you that makes the necklace look even more beautiful.” Bruce places a soft kiss on your shoulder before turning back to the woman. “I will take it.”
Unbelievable. “You shouldn't spoil me, Bruce Wayne,” you tell him when you're leaving the store.
“After everything you went through in that hell, I will spoil you... Just a little bit.”
“Well... I think we can go home now. Or do you want to take me somewhere else?”
“You will need a dress for today's gala.”
“What?” You stop walking again, turning to look at him. “What gala?”
“I have another dull party to attempt, and I thought it would be a good chance to introduce you to the city.” He says as if it's no big deal to take a wanted criminal to a high society party, where everyone will not only see but photograph you.
“Bruce, people will... Everyone will see that we're together... What will they–”
“Haven't you considered the possibility that I might want people to know we're together?”
You don't even have the chance to think about what the hell you were going to say next because Bruce pulls you into a kiss. It's slow, as if you're weren't in the middle of the sidewalk of a very hectic street. But soon enough there's no one else. As you step closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, you deepen the kiss. The world fades away, and nothing else matters. And you feel like you can deal with the gala as long as you're with him.
• • •
As much as you love the silver dress Bruce gave you for your birthday, your back is still a little messed up. So your new dress, in a dark shade of blue, covers it. It's crazy how Bruce has to help you figure out what to do with your hair. Luckily, Diana is still here to intervene. She helps you make some waves and pin half of it up, to so it'll stay away from your face except for a few locks. You're worried sick about this gala thing as you go downstairs, and to the living room, where Bruce is waiting. He smiles when he sees you, and you blush and look down.
The short trip to the gala is silent because you're gathering the courage you'll need. When the car stops, you're taken aback by the countless photographers and journalists.
“Are you ready, my love?” Bruce asks, holding your hand. You nod, taking a deep breath. “I'll open the door for you and those flashes will be on your face. There will be questions, and probably a headline about Bruce Wayne's girlfriend tomorrow.”
“I know.” Nodding at him, you watch as he gets out. Bruce stops and waves for the cameras for a while before walking around the car and opening your door.
The world slows down as you step out, holding onto Bruce's arm, trying your best not to look more misplaced than you already do. “Just smile.” He whispers before placing a kiss on your cheek. And you do as he says, smiling and even waving a little. There are countless cameras flashing, microphones, and a lot of questions, so many you can't even understand most of them. Some want to know your name, why you showed up with Bruce Wayne if it's right to assume you're in a relationship. But since Bruce doesn't seem like he'll answer any of them, you keep your mouth shut. “Time to go in. Let them freak out about it.”
“Okay.” You let him guide you inside, a hand on the small of your back.
This gala takes place in a luxury hotel, and its main hall is sophisticatedly decorated. Everything seems terribly expensive and breakable, and the people seem to be stupidly rich. You even recognize some of them. Politicians, philanthropists, CEOs... You stole from some of these guys and here you are now, at the same party, as if you belong.
“What is it?�� You stop by your table, and he pulls the chair for you to sit.
“What happens if only one person here recognizes me?” Would they call the police? Start running? Yelling? It would certainly be a mess, and the last thing you want is to ruin this. Bruce decided to bring you here so the city will see you, and to make a point to those women who still insist on trying to get him... And because he wanted your company. You can't even count how many times he told you that having you here would make this dull gala become something great... Bringing yourself to believe it it's still hard, but you're trying not to doubt him anymore. He has been proving that everything he says is true.
“They won't, my love. And even if they did... You're with me, remember? Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“Bruce Wayne.” A woman stops by, the same you saw some time ago from your window, hugging him in the garden. “So the rumors are true. You actually came with a girl.”
“Angela, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend.” He says, smiling as you reach out your hand to shake Angela's. There's a sting of anger in your chest, and for a moment you don't know why. But it must be jealousy, right? Bruce told you they're just old friends, but the image of the hug, and what you thought it meant back then floods your mind. But you bring back to memory everything Bruce said, and everything he has done.
“Nice to meet you, Angela. Bruce told me a lot about you.”
“Only the bad things, I hope.” She giggles and you offer her a smile. “You better be ready to see your face on every news channel tomorrow night. The woman who finally got into Bruce Wayne's heart.”
“I've been warned,” you say, exchanging a glance with Bruce.
“Well, take good care of him. He can be a little... Complicated.”
“You have no idea how.” Oh, if she only knew about his night job...
“I will leave you two. I still need to make my presence known to some very boring people.” With a last smile, she walks away.
“And I should do the same.” Bruce stands up.
“Okay.” You're starting to accept the fact that you'll have to sit here alone for a while when he reaches out his hand. “What?”
“Did you think I'd leave you here?” You take his hand and stand up, and he pulls you to his side. “I won't leave you alone.”
Biting your lip, you hold back a smile.
Now you get why Bruce finds these parties so dull. He walks around, meeting people, engaging in small conversations, complimenting random things... The difference now is that he's introducing you to every single one of them, as his girlfriend. Saying that they're surprised is a misunderstanding. They're perplexed because they don't seem to recognize you from any of the high society families of Gotham. Or from anywhere else.
As the night goes by, you feel the anxiety vanishing. You even give your opinion about some things. Politics, company administration, economy. It makes Bruce give you a proud smirk, that you'll make sure to tease him about later.
When the formal talk is over, and the music starts playing, Bruce takes you to the middle of the hall, and you dance among the rest of the people. The photographers are allowed in, but not the journalists. And it doesn't take much until some of them reach you, and the cameras start flashing.
“As soon as they get a few good shots, they'll leave,” Bruce reassures you.
“I'm alright. It doesn't bother me.” You have your eyes fixed on him, but you close them when your foreheads touch.
“There's something else I need them to get on camera. To make things one hundred percent clear.”
Bruce closes the final distance between the two of you, capturing your lips on a soft, warm kiss. And it happens again, the rest of the world disappears. The flashes, the gossip... Nothing else matters.
• • •
“Bruce, I'm on TV,” you yell from the living room. “And not because I broke the law.”
He comes from the kitchen with a smile, handing you a bowl of ice cream before sitting beside you on the couch. “What are they saying?”
“The girl who came out of the blue stole Bruce Wayne's heart. The most wanted bachelor is now taken. Sorry, girls.” you add the last sentence, shrugging your shoulders. “Same thing that channel five.”
“I got calls. People asking for an interview with you.”
“Oh, no. They'll ask about my past. What the hell am I going to say?”
“You don't have to say anything. They don't have to know.” He gestures for you to move closer, and when you do, he pulls you so you're seated in between his legs, comfortably leaning against his chest. “Nothing else matters, remember? Just you and me.”
“Nothing else matters,” you repeat, closing your eyes for a moment to feel the soft kiss he places on your shoulder. “Life is good, you know? It's finally good.” Your mind floats back to your troubled past, when you had many things, expensive things, everything money could get. And how empty it was. Flash forward to today, here, in Bruce's arms, you finally feel complete, loved, like you found your place in the world without having to steal it, or put on a mask to conquer it.
“There's only one thing left, my love. Your freedom.”
Moving so you can look at him, you sigh. “Even if I have to be here, not being allowed to go out there again, I'd still be happy, you know.”
“But I want you to have everything. To be free to go for a walk if you want, to make friends and hang out with them. Graduate and find a job you enjoy... All the things you never had.”
“Maybe it's more than I deserve.”
“You deserve it. More than those guards who torture you. They're criminals too, as were you.”
The simple fact that the said it in the past makes you smile. “I love you, Bruce.”
“I love you too.” You both focus on the news again, watching an entire show decided to talking about you. Countless photos and videos of Bruce come to the screen, and you can't help but look with admiration. You look good, despite seeming a little clueless in the beginning, but then you look almost normal, holding onto Bruce's arm. The gala was nice, and you felt a little special by being there, but the best part was coming home with Bruce and having the silly little things you have. Having dinner together, falling asleep together. Happiness isn't enough to describe it. You'll have to create a whole new word.
@fionanovasleftnut @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker @rosalynshields
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queerbutstillhere · 4 years
For @binarystarkillers , Happy Birthday, you sweet angel!
Tim sighed, watching the sparkle of elegant gowns and the dull tones of black suits, all of them the same except for the occasional bright tones of his brothers'. Dick had picked a blue suit, easily standing out in the rest of the formal wear, Jason was wearing a black suit with a red button down, and Damian, the little shit, had gotten away with a cream suit. Somehow. He looked like a bond villian. Duke had escaped this particular event due to a bad head cold. Cass was somewhere, wearing a gorgeous high-low golden halter top gown. Bruce was also somewhere in attendance, with Selina on his arm, the two matching in their formal wear.
Tim was wearing a gray suit and a white button down, no tie, just a matching vest. He hated the gala's, he always had, but since he had become a CEO, it gotten significantly worse. People tried to smooth talk him, win him over, even seduce him. Hence why he was currently tucked away to the side by thr hors d'oeuvre, pretending he was waiting for someone while his brothers smooth talked their way through the whole party.
He had been allowed to bring a plus one, he always was, and he wanted to bring Kon, he had certainly invited the man, but Kon hadn't shown and Tim was less then amused. It wasn't like he didn't have a massive crush on him or anything. So here he was, alone, as always.
He sighed and snagged one of those little fancy people sandwiches before heading towards the bar. Maybe he could get a mocktail or something. Or convince the bartender that he was over 21 and could legally drink... Either way it'd give him something to do.
"Ah, Mr. Drake," the blonde bartender says, leaning forwards on her elbows with a smile. "The usual?"
Curse this place for hiring the same bartender as last gala. And the one before that. And the one- okay you get the point.
"Yeah," he said with a resigned sigh, stuffing his sandwich into his mouth in one bite.
Bruce would probably give him a disappointed sigh if he saw that.
"Where's your friend? The really buff one?" She asked as she shook his drink.
"Oh. Did you invite the ginger then?"
"No. I invited Kon."
She hummed.
They had conversations like this a lot. She poured his drink, garnishing it with a little herb and then passing it over.
"Well do try to have some fun, and don't let Jason give you too much alcohol, okay?"
She left to go serve another person who stepped up to the bar, so Tim turned around, observing the crowds, testing his skills by picking out who was already drunk, putting names to faces, such things.
And then some guy sidled up beside him.
"Hello," said a friendly sounding New York accented voice.
Tim glanced over, smiling in response and sipping his drink.
The person was probably five or so years older then Tim, brunette, but clearly dyed. He had hazel eyes, a five O'clock shadow, and was wearing a simple black suit with a dark blue tie. He leaned against the bar next to Tim.
"Timothy Drake, right?"
"That's me."
Tim switched the hand that his drink was in, turning and holding out his right one to shake.
"Eric Daly."
"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Daly."
"Just Eric is fine," Eric said with a chuckle.
Tim smiled in response, noting Dick dipping the woman he had been dancing with, giving her his most charming smile. It made him want to gag. So did the heavy cologne Mr. Daly was wearing.
"Can I get you anything?" The bartender asked as she walked over.
Eric ordered himself a drink, as she started making it, she shot Tim a look that clearly said 'say the word and I'm there'. He just smiled back at her.
"How are you enjoying the gala, Mr. Drake?"
"Tim, please. And it's. . . Pleasurable."
Eric chuckled. "So you're bored. Don't worry, I grew up going to these two, I know the feeling."
"My parents own the construction business in Gotham. I'm sure you can imagine how busy we've been of late, with that Batman and his companions running around."
"I take it you don't like the Batman much?"
"Well I do owe most of my inheritance to him, so I like him just fine, I suppose."
Tim turned his gaze fully to Mr. Daly, trying to decide his angle.
"But you do have to admit, the crime rate has seemed to go up with his appearance."
"You say this as if the crime rate was low before him."
"No, it wasn't, but there was a significant lack of clown themed psychopaths running around."
Tim felt himself bristle in defense of Harley, but he kept his mouth shut.
"Anyway, would you like to go dance, Tim?"
Tim glanced over to see he had somehow already drank all of his drink. So he did his duty and smiled and nodded, setting his own on the bar and adjusting his jacket slightly before following Eric to the dance floor. They danced for a few songs, talking business mostly. Eric's angle ended up being that he was trying to win over Wayne Enterprises to work with his company only, instead of the small contractors Tim had them hiring. And he hated it. He had no idea how many subtle help me looks he had sent at his brothers as he passed, but Damian, when he had made eye contact with the younger teen, had just openly laughed at him.
After about three songs, Tim suggested they go get another drink, to give himself some space from this man, so they made their way back to the bar.
"Well, all I'm saying is, we should have dinner and discuss this a little more fully-"
"Mr. Daly, I do not think you understand," Tim snapped, his harsh tone coming out more then intended. "Wayne Enterprises has no interest in working with your company, you are already stealing work from the small contracting companies, and then buying them out when they inevitably go bankrupt. We do our best at Wayne Enterprises to work with local businesses and help support the people within our city. Your company does not meet those requirements."
Eric's eyes flashed with anger for a moment before he smile politely, gently touching Tim's arm.
"Now, Tim-"
Tim's head snapped to the side as he heard the familiar voice. He never once in his life felt relief faster. Walking over to him in a casual saunter was Conner Kent, wearing a dark blue suit and a black t-shirt underneath. He looked a little windblown, but still he was here.
"Kon," he said with a grin.
Conner walked over, bending slightly to pull Tim into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around his smaller friend, and immediately Tim felt safe.
"Sorry I'm so late, Lex kept drabbling on and on and kept making me change suits and finally I managed to escape with this-"
Tim chuckled, his chin tilted up awkwardly as he hugged Conner back.
"It's okay. You could've texted me though."
"I... Didn't? Damn. I blame Lex for that."
Conner stepped back, and then his eyes slid to Eric, who suddenly look awkward.
"Oh, hello."
"Oh, Conner," Tim said, neatly slotting himself in against Kon's side. "This is Eric Daly. Eric, this is Conner Kent."
"Nice to meet you," Eric said softly, looking a little intimidated.
"Yeah, you too!" Conner said in a tone that Tim knew was his false happiness. He squeezed Tim a little tighter against him.
There was an awkward pause of silence, then Conner looked down at Tim.
"I'm gonna go find your dad and let him know I made it, okay?"
"Okay. You owe me a few dances."
Confusion flashed over Conner's face for a few seconds, but when Tim glanced at Eric, he seemed to understand.
"Yeah, of course. Sorry, again. I'll be right back."
Tim grabbed Conner's lapel, pulling him down so he could kiss Conner on the cheek. "You better be."
Conner stared at him, flustered for a moment before flashing a smile and heading away. Tim felt his face heating up, but he turned back to Eric.
"So, drinks?"
"Uh, yeah," Eric said softly.
They walked back over together, and the bartender quickly made their drinks, giving Tim a few questioning glances. No sooner had they been passed over then Kon reappeared.
"I was ordered to keep you out of trouble," he said, leaning against the bar and focusing on Tim.
"Me? Trouble? If B is expecting trouble he should keep his eyes on that one," Tim said, pointing out Jason.
"He is. That's why he needs me to watch you."
"Pftt," Tim said, sipping his mocktail until it was taken from his hand.
"Ew, what is this."
"You know very well," Tim responded, snagging it back.
Eric cleared his throat, and Tim looked back at him.
"Well, it was nice talking to you, Mr. Drake. Have a good evening."
"Oh. You too, Mr. Daly!" Tim responded with a smile.
Eric made a hasty departure. Tim chuckled and looked up at Kon, who was pretty close, but that was normal for Kon.
"Thanks, you got here right in time to save me."
"Me? Save you? The world must be ending," Kon said, but he said it softly, almost sadly.
"Yeah... Anyway, you wanna go dance?"
Kon's gaze snapped over to him, looking surprised.
"Yeah, flyboy. I wasn't joking."
"Oh, I wasn't..."
Tim snagged Kon's big hand and pulled him away.
Fellas, is it gay to slow dance to with your best friend to an orchestra rendition of Always by Frank Sinatra? Because Tim sure hopes it is.
They made it out to the dance floor and Tim turned to Kon, reaching up to put his hand on Kon's shoulder, his other one he left in Kon's hand, just adjusted his hold slightly. Kon put his free hand on Tim's waist and they slowly started dancing, before getting in rhythm with the music and swirling around, getting deeper into the dance floor and further away from the eye of the paparazzi and media.
There was a hint of awkwardness surrounding them. They had had this weird little flirting relationship for a while now, only recently it'd gotten worse. And by that, Tim means Kon's flirting had gotten just slightly more, and Tim had actually started reciprocating. Kon had always flirted with him. Just now he actually felt things when he did it.
"So what did that creep want anyway?" Kon asked softly.
Tim glanced up to him, his face only a few inches away.
"Wanted Wayne Enterprises to pledge sole loyalty to their construction company. I told him to stuff it. Either that or he wanted in my pants. Couldn't tell you which."
"Yeah. I could."
"Are you saying you can read people better then me, Kent?"
Their heads had come together at some point, Tim's temple against Kon's cheek.
"No I'm just saying I'm better with relationships and flirty things like this."
"Are you really?"
"Yeah, Red, I am."
Tim chuckled lightly, feeling Kon's arm tighten a little more around his back and pull him in just that little bit closer. He let his eyes close, letting the music and Kon's presence wash over him. Kon smelled good. He smelled like the coast, and like the vanilla candles at Lex's. He smelled like his shampoo, old spice maybe, and a bit of cologne, and also just pure Conner Kent. And he was warm, not too hot, but warm and comforting.
"So what really kept you."
"Oh, it was actually Lex. I went to him for fashion advice, and while he had me pinned down, he decided to give me another one of his famous talks."
Tim snorted lightly, pulling away to look at Kon. He opened his mouth to respond, but Kon quickly interrupted.
"Don't hit me."
And then his lips were on Tim's.
Tim froze, his hand tightening in Kon's jacket as his body screamed for directions on how to respond. Hit him? Kiss him back? Flip him? No! Don't flip him.
Tim quickly decided on kissing him back, the hand on his shoulder sliding up to his neck. They stopped dancing, just stood there kissing gently. Tim pulled away first, feeling his face heating up, even as butterflies fluttered in his heart. Did this mean?
"Was that okay?"
"Was?" Tim paused, staring at Kon for a moment. "Why didn't you do that earlier, dumbass?"
Kon laughed brightly. Around them, the world went on, rich couples still danced around them, in fact, Tim spotted Dick twirl past, and caught a smirk from him, but he decided to ignore that.
"Guess I wasn't brave enough before."
Tim scoffed. "You, not brave enough?" He asked as he pulled Kon back into a dance.
"Yeah, sometimes I get scared, Timmy. Scared of losing people I love."
Tim hummed as once again his forehead came to rest against Kon's cheek. It was a good way to hide how red his face was. He felt like butterflies had taken residence in his chest, he felt like he was on top of the world, he felt like he could face off with any villian in the world and come out on top. He felt indestructible, because Kon had just kissed him. Which probably meant he liked him back.
They danced for a while before Tim's feet started getting tired. But he didn't want to stop. Kon was a good dancing partner, he never stepped on toes, and he was happy to lead. Happy to let Tim lean against him as they swayed. But Tim had another idea. He snagged Kon's hand and they snuck out, out to the gardens out the back of the venue. It was too cold right now for the gardens to be a good place for people, but Tim was more cold adapted then most people. He glanced around to make sure no one would see them and then pointed up. Kon caught his meaning and picked him up easily, taking him up to the roof. They sat down on the edge of it the cement part, Tim pressed into Kon's side. He closed his eyes and let his head rest against Kon's neck.
"Thanks for coming, Kon."
"Yeah," Kon said, and Tim could hear his smile.
"And for rescuing me."
"From Daily?"
"Right. And you're welcome."
Silence fell over them, but it was nice and comfortable and Tim didn't want to leave Kon's presence.
"How much trouble would you get in if we just left?"
"How mad would your dad be if I just picked you up and we went back to the manor?"
Tim considered his options. Stay here with snotty rich people. Go home with Kon. He pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to the family group chat informing them that he was leaving. Kon grinned, and once they stood, he easily picked Tim up again. A quick flight later, they plopped down at the manor front door.
"Is it locked?" Kon asked, walking up and eyeing the door.
Kon smiled and reached out, barely touching the lock, eyes closed for a moment. And then he pushed the door open.
"You know I have a key, right?"
"But Tim, my T-"
"Don't say it."
Kon scowled at him. They went to the kitchen, raided snacks and then went up to Tim's room, ditching fancy clothes and climbing into bed. Tim turned on a movie on his laptop and they just sat there for a while, before Tim glanced up and found Kon's gaze on him.
"What?" He asked softly.
"You're really beautiful, Tim."
"What?" He gasped out.
Kon smiled. "You are. You are absolutely gorgeous."
Tim pouted slightly. "I'm not."
"Yes, you are. From your beautiful skin, to your cute nose, and your gorgeous eyes? God," Kon breathed the last word out, shaking his head slightly.
Tim's cheeks heated up and he ducked his head, pointedly avoiding Kon's eyes.
"Tim," Kon said with a slight chuckle.
"Are you getting flustered?"
Kon pulled on his arm, and Tim squeaked as he was tugged sideways lightly. He went to adjust and made the mistake of glancing up at Kon, who quickly ducked his head and caught Tim's lips in another soft kiss. He found himself adjusting to face Kon fully to avoid breaking the soft contact. His hands came up to cup Kon's face, while the half-kryptonian's landed on his hip and waist.
"So I'm really assuming this means you also have romantic feelings towards me," Kon murmured lightly after pulling away.
Tim huffed and swatted his chest. "Jackass!"
Kon laughed and pulled Tim to him until he was sat sideways in his lap.
"Sorry sorry, I just had to check."
Tim shook his head slightly in amazement at his dumbass friend. "Yes, you dork. I like you."
"Okay, that'd a relief. Because I'm pretty far gone, myself."
Tim scoffed, looking up at him. Immediately a smile took over his face.
"So are you gonna ask me out or what?"
"Oh, I have to do the asking?'
"Yes you do."
"You're the rich kid!"
"Literally so are you."
"Okay but technically I'm not supposed to use Lex's money."
"He's rich, Kon, he probably won't even notice if you don't a million dollars, let alone the like fifty to a hundred dollars it costs to take someone on a date."
Kon scoffed lightly, then shook his head.
"Fine fine." There was a pause. "Tim, would you wanna go on a date with me?"
"I'd be absolutely pleased too."
Kon laughed, and just because he could, leaned down and kissed Tim again.
"I'm glad."
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awstrck · 4 years
A/N : so this is a one shot inspired by @psychovigilantewrites ‘Don’t Call Me That’, her work is really amazing and you guys should really check it out :)
My OC is basically Helena Wayne but if she was born on Earth 1 and Selina kept her a secret from Bruce, raising her with Ivy and Harley.
Warnings: a lil bit of swearing, a lil bit of violence and a some angst
Rat piss, sewage and dried blood filled Copycat's nostrils as she and Batman walked down the halls of an abandoned cell block of Arkham. Guards had sent a report of screaming and movement down in the old west wing, which hasn’t been used in years.
“What happened here?” Helena questioned as her stomach turned at the foul smell while Bruce seemed to be unfazed by it. ‘Must be used to it’ She thought to herself.
“Remember when Joker injected himself with the titan serum?”
“Oh.” Was all Helena could utter.
She wasn’t in Gotham at that time because of a mentor ship she had been offered overseas for 2 years. In that time, the Joker had caused a riot within Arkham and injected himself with a titan serum, a mix of Bane’s toxins and some other chemicals. After being defeated and locked up in a full body cast for 19 months he eventually broke out. It was also in that time Bruce had found a successor to the Robin mantle, Jason Todd, who was kidnapped and brutally murdered in front of him at the hands of Joker.
Helena wasn’t bothered by it as she never really knew Jason, but it made her question why Bruce didn’t do more than just break Joker’s bones for what he had done. She may live with her father now, but it didn’t change her views on how justice should be dealt.
The stench of the cell block worsened as they encountered a locked door and her nose scrunched up, “The least they could do is clean up this place-”
She was cut off by what almost sounded like a whimper behind the locked door and looked at Bruce as he raised a finger to his lips, indicating for her to be quiet and took out a small explosive from his utility belt. The door handle fell as the two walked in and analyzed their surrounding.
The smell made Helena want to gag as tears welled up but quickly blinked them away as she saw a chair toppled over, animal bones, scratches on the wall and dried vomit. She then saw Bruce standing still over something.
Helena knit her eyebrows, “B, What is it?” She asked as she inched closer and froze with mouth agape at what she saw.
The body of Jason Todd, laying on ground and barely breathing. Cape tattered and body fluids covered his suit.
“H-how is he even alive?” It had been two years since that night Joker filmed his death, making them all believe Jason was dead.
Then it clicked.
The animal bones she saw that were scattered on the floor-
“My boy, oh god. My boy. What did he do to you Jason?” Bruce’s voice cracked as he cradled Jason in his arms, tears streaming down his face. Helena felt her heart ache watching her father let all his emotions out and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.
“I sent Alfred the text, he’s waiting in the cave with all the medical equipment he could find.” Helena said, thinking he would get up and they could nurse Jason back to health quicker but he stayed on the floor.
She took off her goggles and sighed, “C’mon dad, the quicker we leave, the quicker we nurse him back to health.” Bruce got up with Jason still in his arms and walked out the cell as Helena followed behind them.
‘Two years? Damn I can’t imagine what he has been through.” Helena thought to herself as she trailed behind them, sat in the batmobile while never taking her eyes of Jason.
She had only met him once, both in their uniform but on different sides. Her and Selina were stealing the newest artifact in a museum when the dynamic duo showed up to ruin the heist. Jason got scratched up pretty good that day.
The sound of waterfalls and machine wiring brought Helena out of her thoughts as they drove into the cave, coming at a stop behind a rail.
Bruce and Helena jumped out as Alfred rushed with a gurney to Jason’s side, “Dear God! How did he manage to survive that long in there?” He questioned and hooked Jason’s wrist to an IV.
“There were signs of small animal bones on the floor.” Bruce stated and Helena grimaced at the thought of Jason eating rats to survive.
A silence passed over as the three looked at Jason and Bruce finally broke down, “I didn’t search hard enough, I should’ve- Oh god-” His voice cracking as he covered his face in his hands.
“Dad, please don’t blame yourself. You did the best you could-”
The sound of Jason’s heart monitor speeding and his whimpers cut Helena off as Bruce rushed to his son’s side, gently touching his arm.
That was clearly a mistake as Jason jerked away from his touch, eyes wild and breathing heavily. It certainly didn’t get any better when he realized where he was and who he was next too.
Jason immediately ripped off the IV, “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!” He screamed and got off the table as the Bruce took a step closer.
“Jason it’s me-”
Jason shook his head vigorously, “No- No you’re not real! You never came for me.” He growled as he glared at Bruce and Helena’s heart broke a little.
Bruce slowly took a step forward, “This is real and I did come for you. You aren’t there anymore, you are here with me. You are safe.” He reassured him as he kept approaching.
“You’re real?” Jason whispered.
Jason let out a humorless laugh, “Good.”
He then lunged at Bruce with his finger wrapped around his neck, pressing down hard as he shouted, “HOW LONG, HUH? HOW FUCKING LONG DID IT TAKE FOR YOU TO FIND ME?”
Bruce immediately flipped them over, pinning Jason’s arms, “Jason, calm down. You need to rest- “
“CALM DOWN!? YOU LEFT ME TO ROT IN THAT ABANDONED WING OF ARKHAM FOR OVER A YEAR! WITH HIM.” Jason’s voice cracked as he shouted at Bruce and didn’t feel the tears streaming down his face.
“Joker was right, you never loved me-” He deadpanned as he got out of Bruce’s hold and attacked him, not once holding back on his punches as Bruce just let him.
“I was just a child soldier to you, huh? I bet if it was Dick, you would have found him in a heartbeat-” Helena had enough and knee’d him in his face, knocking him off Bruce.
He glared at Helena and before he could attack, Alfred quickly sedated him.
She then went to go check on her father who laid still on the floor, eyes wide open, “Why didn’t you detain him?” She asked him.
“I’ve never seen him act so wild before-”
“Jason was kidnapped, tortured and locked away for two years. It’s obvious that the Joker may have brainwashed him, said things about you that aren’t true. Anything thing to make him turn against you-” Helena paused for a moment as she put the pieces together.
“What if- what if this was Joker’s plan all along? To make Robin turn against you? Your own partner? I do remember him saying something about ‘getting tired of the same old fanatics’ with you before I left.” She theorized and Bruce hummed in agreement as he got up from the floor.
Bruce then looked at Jason, eyes softening, “If what you’re saying is true... then-” His eyes darting back to Helena, “We need to come up with a plan to bring him back.”
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beanzykin · 4 years
Trick or Treating adventures
Tony and Steve take little Peter our for Halloween
Words: 1.7k
A petite Peter awoke from his slumber. His mission: annoy his father.
The small bean wandered around the tower, searching for Tony. He passed by Natasha, Wanda, and Bruce on his way over.
" Hey мой маленький паук, where 'you going?" Peter looked up towards his aunt and his eyes instantly widened. " Uncle Clint?!" Natasha laughed at the small boy's confusion. " No Глупый паук, it's still me, Aunt Tasha." He gave her another confused look. " I'm dressed up as uncle Clint! It's Halloween, Детеныш паука!" Peter made an 'O' face as he looked towards the others.
" Brother Vision and uncle Thor," he stated, pointing at Wanda then Bruce. Wanda lifted the small child and set him on her lap. " We're dressed up as our boyfriends," Peter perked up and many ideas ran through his head of who he wants to be. " I wanna be Daddy!" He jumped up and down in Wanda's lap.
" I wanna surprise Daddy and be Iron Man!" Bruce chuckled at how happy Peter was. " Why don't we see if Pepper and Happy could design you an Iron man costume?" Peter nodded his head enthusiastically before his smile faltered. " Uncle Bruce, where's your hammer?" The scientist laughed yet again then sighed. "I can't lift that hammer, only Thor can." 
Peter ran to his room in excitement. 
"Miss Friday, may you call Ned, please? I gotta tell him about my Halloween costume!" The bean jumped up on his bed and lifted the pillows in search of something. "Hey, Pete! What'cha looking for?" Ned's face came up on the hologram, really, really close up. "I'm looking for my Iron man gloves, the ones Pepper made me!" Ned backed away from the camera and watched Peter flip over yet another Black widow plush. "Why would you look under your stuffies?" 
Peter huffed in defeat, spreading his body out in a T-pose across the bed. "I keep them there at night for when I watch Daddy's fights," he mumbled a little something about pretending to be him but no one caught on. "Oooohhh…" there was a small silence before Peter took a deep breath, letting it out in a loud scream like groan before his voice cracked. He soon sat up and looked at Ned through the hologram. "I'm all good now." He gave a smile. "What are you going as?" 
Ned quickly ran out of the frame view and came back two seconds later holding a brown furry costume. "I'm going as chewy! I already got the impression spot on,"
"Little Peter, Pepper would like you to meet her in the living room." Peter looked up from his colouring book. "Loki Doki, thank you Miss Friday!" He abandoned his pregnancy test blue Crayola crayon.
He skipped his way through the halls and soon made his way to the living room. "Hiya, Miss Pepper!" He ran up to her and gave her a tiny leg hug of excitement. "Hiya, bean!" She crouched down to his height, "I finished that Iron man costume for tonight," Pep smirked as she felt Peter's arms wrap around her once more. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The small boy jumped up and down in her grasp. 
Pepper pulled out a little Iron man mask to fit the tiny boy's head, along with an Iron man onesie. Peter quickly snatched the costume out of her hand and put it on, with Pep's help of course. After she helped Peter with the suit, he tugged the mask on his face and looked up smiling, even if no one could see. Pepper laughed at his antics. "Someone's excited, you ready for tonight?" Peter took his mask off, leaving his curls ungroomed and nodded his head over and over. 
“What’s daddy going as?” Pepper sighed, “Your dad doesn’t like to dress up for Halloween,” Peter frowned. “But everyone else dressed up!” Pepper remembered seeing Thor dressed up as Bruce trying to convince Loki to dress up as something. “Oh yeah, and what did they dress up as?” She stood up and went to sit on the couch. “They went as their boyfriends. Auntie Nat was dressed as uncle Clint, sister Wanda was dressed as brother Vision and uncle Bruce was dressed as uncle Thor!” He exclaimed, trying to get up to Pepper’s lap. Pepper hummed and helped the boy sit in her lap. 
“What if daddy went as his husband, papa?” 
“Hey, Tony, would you be so kind as to take the younger boys out trick or treating?” Steve walked into his husband’s lab, mingling around a bit. “Sure thing,” He sighed, “I can’t believe that Harley doesn’t want to go with us this year…” Steve put a hand on the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist’s back. “Hey, he’s getting older, he just wants to go to a Halloween party with his friends,” Tony looked up. “I didn’t even know he had friends!” There was an awkward silence.
“What are you wearing?” 
Steve looked at his outfit. A black tank top with a blue circle in the middle, resembling the Arc reactor in Tony's chest. A pair of red sunglasses resting on his forehead, a fake beard and some light blue jeans. 
“I’m you!” Tony sighed again. “You could’ve just asked for the suit, that would’ve been easier,” Tony gave his husband an unimpressed look. “But then I would be Iron man,” He whined. “ don’t get me wrong, I love Iron man. I would just much rather be my Tony Stark!” Tony rolled his eyes,” Why did you dress up as me anyway?” As if his excitement could get worse. “Everyone else is dressed up as their significant other, I wanted to join!” By now it was clear Tony was extremely annoyed at Steve’s antics. “Whatever,”
Peter waddled into his father’s lab, one question mingling in his mind: who are you going as? 
“Daddy, daddy!” He cheered in his little Iron Man costume. Tony turned around to face his son. “Oh. My. God! You’re dressed as a little me!” He squealed at his son’s adorableness. The question that was on Pete’s mind was soon forgotten because of his father’s excitement. 
“Yeah!” He mimicked the hand reupholsters while making sound effects with his mouth, even if he didn’t have the gloves.
“Bud, where’d the Iron Man mittens Pepper gave you go?” Peter flushed in embarrassment, he was hoping Tony wouldn’t find out they were missing. “I might have lost them…” 
Tony sighed. “Aw man, guess we’ll have to get you new ones then,  huh?” The frown on the spider's face turned upwards into a giddy smile again. 
“I had something to ask you…”
“Oh yeah? And what was that?”
“I forgot…” He pondered for a moment. “Oh! I remember, who are you going as?”
Tony chuckled. “Daddy doesn’t dress up for Halloween, sorry Pal,” He picked up the once again frowning Peter and propped him on his shoulders. “But I’ll be taking you and your friend Ted Trick or Treating tonight!” He tried to hype up the little tike again.
“His name is Ned, daddy!” Peter hugged his father’s head. “Is it? Darn, I could’ve sworn it was Ted,” Peter laughed at what he thought was one of his dad’s jokes, when in reality it wasn’t. 
“Common please, daddy… you gotta dress up its Halloween!”
“I betcha no one else in the tower is wearing something, other than your Papa,” Tony tried to spar himself from the embarrassment of dressing up.
“Nope! Auntie Tasha was dressed up as Uncle Clint!” Peter leaned forward so he was blocking Tony’s view with his hair. “Everyone’s dressing up as their Boyfriends.” He said Matter-Of-Factly.
Tony sighed, knowing there was no way he’d get out from dressing up as his boyfriend… Captain America. Not to mention he always thought Cap had the cringiest suit. Ever. Like, why little wings on his helmet? With the giant ‘A’ on the top too? And don’t even get him started on the bright stripes.
“You want me to dress as Papa, don’t you?”
So here the three were, Son, Papa and Dad. Peter and Steve dressed as Tony and Tony dressed as the one and only first avenger: Captain America. In the old fashion suit.
“This is stupid, lets just get Ted-”
“Ned and go.”
Steve chuckled. “Common, babe, can’t be that bad…” Tony turned to his loving husband. “Your suit looks like a three-year-olds Treehouse Superhero special.” 
“Alright, someones not in the mood for Trick or Treating,” Steve picked up his son, him and Peter both blowing Tony a little raspberry before buckling the smaller Tony in his car seat.
Once they got Ned, the four were going door to door. Tony stealing some of Peter’s candy while he wasn’t looking.
It wasn’t till later, when they got to the Thomson’s house, that Tony was visibly tired.
Peter rang the doorbell, Star Wars theme pillowcase in hand. A man in a fancy suit opened the door, a little boy in an Iron Man costume like Peter behind him.
“We don’t give out candy.” The man in the suit said with a cold expression. Steve’s happy-go-lucky stare turned into a glare within seconds, this dude didn’t have to be so disrespectful about it. Peter’s still a child for crying out loud.
Before either of the super parents got to say anything, the other little boy dressed as Iron Man spoke up. “Hey! Puny Parker, is that you?” The boy, now Peter knew named Flash, teased. 
This time the Peters parents didn’t even speak, they were just in shock at how ignorant this child was.
“That’s a stupid costume. You don't look anything like Iron Man nor have the gloves to go with it,” 
That was where Tony lost it.
Tony was getting pulled back by his husband as Peter and Ned watched in awe. Meanwhile, Flash ran back into his house.
“Tony, you don’t threaten little children.” Steve took off his fake glasses, scolding the billionaire. “He made fun of our kid, our kid, Steve. Weren’t you upset?” Steve sighed.
“Of course I am, child’s a brat. But that doesn’t mean you can almost kill him,”
“Whatever, we don’t need to go Trick or Treating next year. I’ll just buy Pete candy.”
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blackbatpurplecat · 4 years
What do you think of Catwoman in the video games (Arkham City & Knight, Tell Tale, Injustice)? Which are you favorites and do you think TPTB would ever come out with a solo game of her's?
Yay, finally I get to say something NICE! XD Short answer: They’re (almost) all great! My absolute favorite is Catwoman in the Telltale games!
Very long answer incoming:
Lemme rank them from the one I like the least to the one I love the most. That’s probably the easiest way to answer this. There are many more games Catwoman is appearing in but they’re not really worth mentioning here.
3) Catwoman in Injustice 1+2
Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of Catwoman in those two but that’s no big surprise when the cast is bigger than the one in Avengers: Endgame. She’s fantastic in the tie-in comics but I can’t count those here.
So in part 1, she’s Bruce’s ex who ratted him out to protect him and after everything, she still wants to redeem herself and get back together with him. I liked her purple-gray costume (the weird steampunk one with the tail... not so much), I liked her voice-actress who also voiced her in the Arkham games, Grey DeLisle. I liked her cunningness, how she quickly figured out that Cyclops was a different Cyclops and made him blow his cover.
I understand that Selina would do something more selfish to protect the man she loves. She wanted Supes to spare Bruce and for that, accepted that many other people would die - BUT I will never understand WHY they wrote her arc like that. Why not write her as Bruce’s loyal partner and girlfriend? Why couldn’t she be on his side in the fight against Superman and the Regime? Even Harley and Luthor were! At least, they didn’t make her entirely evil, she did have good intensions but was misguided. And her ending had a feeling of hope in it.
Years later, she’s apparently reached her goal of redemption, found her way back to Bruce, and is now working as a double agent for the Insurgency. This time, she has more than only two scenes but we don’t learn much more about her, her relationship with Bruce, or her arc. You gotta read the comics for that... And again, not a huge fan of her costumes in this one but it’s cool that you can modify them to your liking. 
Her ending is the worst in this however. After what she’s been through with Bruce, after fighting with him, against him, redeeming herself, earning his trust again, and getting back to his side, she... just leaves him because she got bored. Wow. What fucking idiot wrote that?!
All in all, she’s a minor character in both games, her arc happens mostly off-screen, they don’t do anything new or outstanding with her but I enjoyed seeing her. Too bad, you can’t play as her.
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2) Catwoman in the Arkham games
Now THAT’s more like it! ❤️Back then, I only bought Arkham City because you could play as Catwoman in it. I didn’t know much more about the game, I had never played its predecessor, I only wanted to play as Catwoman - and boy oh boy what a glorious purchase that turned out to be!
To this day, I still adore Arkham City, so much so that I bought it three times (CD + Steam + PS4). I can play it in my sleep! And it made me buy Asylum, Origins, Blackgate, and Knight, half of them were good and some also had Catwoman!
City - Her part in the game is a short side quest that’s not really connected to the main story: Catwoman wants to steal from Hugo Strange’s vault, convinces Ivy to help her break into it, then she leaves her loot behind to save Batman’s life, then tracks down Two-Face to get her stolen loot back, and after finishing him, retrieves her loot. She then decides to stay in Arkham City because it’s still dangerous there a.k.a. fun!
While it’s a shame that Catwoman and Batman only meet twice, they do save each other’s lives. The banter and flirting could certainly be better in this though. Her story isn’t anything new BUT it’s perfectly executed and it’s exactly what Catwoman’s like. She’s playful and seductive (they could have turned down her horniness about a few points - but you gotta please the fanboys *sigh*), she’s looking after herself, she only does what she wants (so she won’t return the plant to Ivy who had treated her so badly), but in the end, she does the right thing by saving Batman because she has a good heart.
While her side story felt tagged on, I really enjoyed it! I just love playing as her, beating up thugs, using the whip, and crawling on the ceilings. Also you get to wear the BTAS suit AND the purple Long Halloween suit! YAY!
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Blackgate - It starts with Batman chasing Catwoman across the rooftops for the very first time, that’s just a fantastic intro! And I really liked their fight towards the ending for its very interesting execution. This time, Catwoman is not playable but both a suspicious ally who helps Batman with information and an enemy Batman has to defeat. Which I get because they’ve basically just met and don’t know each other yet.
The lack of trust is also the reason why Catwoman’s playing him like she is in the game. She figures him out rather quickly and cleverly uses his urge to save and protect others against him to get access to what she had been told to get from Blackgate. Manipulating Batman into helping her completing her mission is a real Catwoman-y move so the Arkham games continue the trend of “getting” her character. Well, except for having Catwoman lick herself like a cat.
Knight - Selina’s third and last appearance in the Arkham games. She’s kinda playable and she’s no enemy BUT she’s a damsel in distress... ... ... Okay, Knight, what do have for us?
Riddler, of all people, has captured Catwoman and uses her to play with Batman. Well, at least it proves that everyone knows about the relationship between the Bat and the Cat (yet Catwoman keeps saying they’re not close - oh honey, no one believes you). Selina’s wearing an explosive collar and Batsy has to find Riddler trophies and complete riddles (and for some fucking reason drive races!) to unlock the keys to set her free.
Catwoman’s kinda playable since you can’t explore the city with her but you can switch to her while you’re solving Riddler’s contraptions or fight his robots. The dual team feature in the game was magnificent in general. I would have loved to play more as her but at least, she’s not just sitting around waiting for Bruce to save her but is partaking in her own rescue.
The chemistry between Bruce and Selina is the best part of this Riddler mission. Neither fears nor takes Eddie seriously and especially Selina drops so many awesomely annoyed comments and jabs against him, but gets increasingly more worried. While we saw BatCat meet in Blackgate, in Knight they’ve known each other for years and it shows. There’s no other character in the game Batman talks to in the way he talks to Catwoman. It’s... casual, funny, flirty. Additionally, you can clearly hear his worry for her in his voice. In the end, Selina even comes back to help Batman with Riddler even though she didn’t have to - she wanted to! And offers more of her help, it’s so obvious how much he means to her.
I love Batman and Catwoman working together and flirting and bantering while fighting other Rogues but the only thing that’s holding this back from being perfect is the series’ idiotic insistence that Bruce is still mourning the al Ghul chick which we all know is bullshit. And Selina doesn’t know Batman’s identity?! Come on.
To sum it up, I really liked Catwoman’s attitude and portrayal in Knight but would have loved to have more of her in the game. What we got was passable enough to have fun with. Bonus points for the 90s Balent suit you can put her in!!! If only there was an Arkham game in which both characters were playable and constantly working together, now THAT would be my dream!
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1) Catwoman in the Telltale games
Where do I start? The voice? The charm? The complexity? 
She’s not playable but that doesn’t make this game and her in it less perfect. We again meet a clever, confident, I-mostly-care-about-myself Selina who’s great at fighting and stealing and manipulating. She’s caught Harvey in her trap to get close to his buddy, rich boy Bruce Wayne. She instantly finds out that he’s Batman (same way he finds out that she’s Catwoman) and they form a rocky alliance which either blooms into something deeper or not, depending on your decisions.
The makers of the game understand her the way Rocksteady did but add a softer layer to her. She’s playful, seductive, and doesn’t take no shit from anyone and in episode 3 of the first season, we see a vulnerable Selina for the first time. A woman who doubts she could ever be more than a cat burglar. She does take pride in her skills and doesn’t apologise for what she does (she even says “you shouldn’t trust me”) but you notice that she’s longing for a connection, for someone who trusts and relies on her without weighing her down. 
I personally had the impression that she felt a bit honored that Batman would support her and have faith in her the way he did in my playthrough. It gave her a chance to prove to herself that she could do more, be more. And that it felt good to have someone she in turn could rely on and trust which proved to her that the world maybe wasn’t as bad as she’d thought, that she could let her guard down once in a while. There was also another side we don’t see often on her: She didn’t want to face Harvey at the hospital. Maybe due to cowardice, shame, you decide.
Her last scene in season 1 wasn’t the best, it was just her going back to her old ways, seemingly leaving behind her character development from previous episodes but she probably wasn’t at the point of staying and saving people yet. It was the usual move to save herself and telling herself that she’s a bad person who doesn’t have feelings for Bruce. Changing yourself isn’t hard, it’s not changing back to your old self that is, and I think that’s what happened there, she simply fell back into her old self. 
In season 2, she returns as the thief we all know and love. They didn’t change her, her actions and dialogue lines fit the character we met in season 1. This time, we also see her vengeful side as she’s trying to get revenge for her dead friend, Riddler, and she won’t let anyone get in her way, not even Bruce.
Later, she wants Bruce to tell her that he needs her and he can’t take down Harley and the rest without her, proving she wants to be needed and trusted as I’d mentioned before. Same goes for admitting that it means a lot to her that he lets her into his secret life. Season 2 shows us that everything from season 1 did leave an impact on her and her development is slowly moving forward. One lovely example is her being surprised by a hug in S1 and in S2, she hugs Bruce first.
To put lots of rambling briefly I LOOOVE Telltale’s Catwoman! She’s not just a cunning thief but a woman with feelings, hopes, fears, layers. I really hope we will get a third season someday, especially since we didn’t get any closure scenes with Selina, no matter which Joker we fought in the last S2 episode.
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Now regarding her own game... She had one already with a 1999 Game Boy Color game. Nothing huge but I count it. Especially since she’s wearing her 90s suit in it. 😉
I would very much welcome a Catwoman game with her as the lead! An Arkham like game: open world Gotham, you get to meet many Rogues, you have to flee from Batman and/or fight his kiddies. Maybe you need to team up with Harley and Ivy, or with Batgirl! OR make it like a Lara Croft game with lots of breaking and entering, and stealing valuable artefacts.
Alas, I think the chances of getting a Catwoman game are very slim! DC are so focused on Batman and Superman, they won’t spend millions of dollars on the production of a game that’s... not starring at least one of those two. I mean there’s not even a Wonder Woman game so why would they make one starring Catwoman? A shame really.
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 14) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Oliverbruce3 on Tenor
Word Count: 2.2K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: It’s time for a Gala and with that Y/N Wayne’s first public appearance.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterisations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36​ @acvrosstheuniverse @friedchickening​ @chillybabe
Y/N nibbled on her lip as Harley and Ivy ushered Jason out of the house. He was to get ready at Dick’s hotel room. There was no chance that he would be allowed to see Y/N in her dress before the Gala. Lord knows what her mother and Harley and Ivy would be like when Y/N and Jason decided to tie the knot. She could only imagine. Bruce was already in his suit and made to wait in the living room as Selina, Harley and Ivy helped Y/N into her dress, did her makeup and hair, and put her jewellery on. Harley and Ivy had already left the Manor to arrive at the Gala, leaving Y/N with Selina and Bruce.
With shaking fingers, Y/N put the pearl earrings that Jason bought her in and then smoothed the non-existent creases from her dress.
“You look stunning,” Selina said as she squeezed her daughter’s shoulders, “absolutely breath-taking.”
Selina herself wore a sleek fitted dress made of black satin with a gold chain back with simple, elegant gold jewellery. Her hair was loose and framing her face. Selina Kyle had a nearly twenty-year-old daughter and still looked as though she hadn’t aged a day since her daughter was conceived on that rooftop. Y/N and Selina could have been and had been, mistaken for sisters.
“Mum,” Y/N blushed, turning around and hugging her mother.
“Careful,” Selina chuckled, “don’t want to ruin your beautiful gown now, do we?”
“You look… just, wow!” Y/N said to her mother. Selina smiled modestly as she slide her hair behind her ear.
“Thank you, kitten,” Selina pressed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead then wiped the lipstick stain from her skin, “now, come on, let’s go and see your father.”
Selina took Y/N’s hand they led her slowly down the stairs to make sure that neither of them tripped and fell. As they reached the final steps, Bruce stood there waiting. He held his hand out to help Selina and then his daughter.
“Stunning,” Bruce told them, “the pair of you.”
“Bruce, you sweet talker, you!” Selina chuckled, fondly patting his cheek.
As the car which Y/N and her parents were in pulled up, she looked out of the window to see Jason and Dick waiting at the entrance. The press weren’t outside, like one might expect, but were waiting inside patiently, waiting to see what they had been rounded up into the Gotham Ballroom for. Jason smiled as he recognised the car, pulling up. He quickly came down the steps and opened the door the moment the car stopped.
Jason gasped as Y/N took his hand to help her step out. They stepped to the side as Bruce and Selina stepped out. Jason looked at Y/N’s dress; a black dress with red lace patterned elegantly over it and a v neck with long sleeves. The lace was printed heavily on the upper half, very little black fabric showing, including on the sleeves, while scattered elegantly over the lower half. The lower half was netted, showing her legs from the lower thigh down, her upper thigh hidden by the underskirt of a body-con sewn into her dress. The edge of her net skirt was decorated with the red lace as well. The red lace, Y/N’s favourite part of the dress, was floral; leaves, roses, other unidentified flowers with her Aunty Ivy could recite from memory, but Y/N didn’t know. It was a beautiful gown fitted to her body like a glove.
“Whoa, Kitty Cat,” said Jason, “just… wow, you look… wow!”
“Worth the wait?” Y/N chuckled teasingly as she remembered how he scolded after Ivy and Harley shushed him out of the house.
“Definitely,” he nodded.
“Look at you two,” Selina cooed, “all match-y and cute.”
Jason looked as though he should have been walking the red carpet for the MET Gala, stylishly looking to the left and right with one of those relaxed cool celebrities with those expensive real leather shoes, black and polished so well that they reflected the flashes of the cameras back to them as he effortlessly look good in every photograph taken of him. His suit was custom made to match Y/N’s dress. He wore a black satin suit with a floral pattern illustrated on the jacket and trousers. There was a plain black satin waistcoat underneath the jacket with a plain black button-up shirt. His black satin tie was printed with a red wildflower design and the handkerchief in the jacket pocket was also a black satin with a red embroidered edge. His outfit was, like Y/N, was fitted perfectly for him.
“Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy have good taste in fashion,” Jason chuckled as he kissed Y/N’s temple, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Damn right they do,” Y/N grinned, “they’re style icons!”
“Come on,” Dick chuckled as he stood watching them all, “the press is waiting inside.”
“Are you ready?” Bruce asked Y/N, who took a deep breath, smiled and nodded, holding onto Jason’s hand.
The moment they walked into the ballroom; all eyes were on them. Y/N and Jason, arm in arm, and Bruce Wayne with Selina Kyle. Dick Grayson was going stag and everyone watched the group curiously.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Bruce called out with a chuckle, “apologies for our late appearance, but who doesn’t like to make an entrance?”
The stuck-up people all chuckled lowly in a charming fashion with a playful shake of the head before returning to the conversations they were previously having. Y/N exhaled and looked to her father, who gave her a sympathetic smile, a smile which told Y/N ‘sorry but these events never get easier’. Y/N smiled back in understanding with a nod.
“Let’s get a drink,” Dick said to them all.
“Yes, please,” Y/N nodded exasperatedly as she and Jason started following Dick.
“We’ll be doing rounds,” Selina and Bruce said as they walked a separate direction to begin talking with the guests.
“You alright?” Jason asked Y/N, noticing her paled expression.
“God, this is overwhelming!”
“Hey, you’re doing great,” Jason said, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her forehead. “Everything will be fine.”
“Yeah,” Dick nodded, “these things don’t come up often, but you just need to learn how to handle them.”
“How’d you handle them?” Y/N asked as she shakily took a champagne flute off of a passing tray.
“Personally? I hung in the kitchens and ate,” Dick shrugged.
“I don’t think I’m going to have that luxury when people find out who I am,” she said as she faked a smile as the strangers eyed her curiously.
“Well, you’ll have me here to help,” Jason smiled.
“Thank god!” Y/N chuckled as she leaned into him as his arm draped itself around her shoulder. “These will be a lot more bearable with you.”
“Gawd, ya’ll are sickening,” Harley drawled as she suddenly appeared with Ivy. Harley was wearing a golden floor-length gown with a slit in the skirt. It was backless with a halter neckline and a bow on the lower back. Ivy wore a caped chiffon gown of a soft grass green that flowed with every step she took. Harley wrapped an arm around her spouse’s waist, pressing a big red kiss on Ivy’s cheek, causing Ivy to playfully scowl as she pulled a napkin off a table and dab it away so not to ruin her makeup.
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black, isn’t it?” Y/N teased as Harley rolled her eyes.
“How’s the elite of Gotham handling Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy making an appearance at a Wayne Gala?” Dick asked them.
“Well, I’d like to point out that the moment the staff saw me.” Ivy said, “They took out the floral centrepieces your father chose.”
“That’s not fair,” Y/N scowled, “let me talk to dad.”
“No, no,” Ivy shook her head, “if it makes them feel safe, let them have it. I don’t need plants to kill people if I wanted.”
“She’s incredible with a gun,” Harley bragged, “it’s so hot.”
“Kickass girlfriends are hot!” Jason lifted his glass slightly. Harley laughed and nodded, as did Ivy.
“I’ll drink to that,” Harley said as she clinked her glass with Jason’s own glass.
“So, sprout,” Ivy cooed, stroking Y/N’s hair fondly, “how are you finding your first Gala?”
“A bit uncomfortable at the moment,” she confessed in a whisper, “I feel everyone staring at me…”
“Hun, not to call you vain or anything, but I think it’s Ives and me they’re gawking at,” Harley gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Well, I think when the board of Wayne Enterprises realise I’m stealing the CEO position from them, I’ll be the one getting the stares…”
“Hey, you are a hard worker, determined and have a head for business,” Ivy assured her.
“Yeah,” Dick nodded, “you’d end up CEO even if you weren’t a Wayne.”
“Thanks,” Y/N smiled as she let out a shaky breath, “nice to know not everyone in this room is going to try and kill me.”
“You could take all these suits down with one hand tied behind your back,” Jason assured Y/N, rubbing her shoulder and chuckling. “Don’t worry.”
“Can’t help but feel nervous,” Y/N confessed.
“I get it,” Dick said, “trust me, I do. I’ve dealt with all these people had to be introduced – the only difference is I weren’t a threat to the CEO position, so I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now.”
“Emotional hell!” Y/N sighed, “God, I’m practically shaking right now. I kinda wanna run out of here right now.”
“Whatever you need,” Jason placed his hands on her shoulders after brushing her hair from her eyes, “I’ll do. I’ll be there for you through all of this. Promise.” He travelled his hands down her arms to her hands, taking them in his own, rubbing his thumbs on the back of her hands. “Breathe, in and out, in and out.”
Y/N nodded as she followed his voice, breathing in and then out and then in and then out. Repeating it a few times, Y/N felt herself slowly starting to calm out. Looking into his eyes, Y/N smiled.
“Thank you, Jason,” she said, leaning in and kissing his cheek, right next to his lips. “What would I do without you?”
“Gawd, you make the notebook look bleak,” Harley rolled her eyes.
“Kitten,” Selina said as she and Bruce approached their daughter, “are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she smiled, holding Jason’s hand, silently asking if Jason could come with her. Bruce and Selina smiled and nodded as Y/N turned to Jason, who kissed the back of her hand. “Let’s go.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Bruce said into the microphone on the stage. Selina, Y/N and Jason stood at the back of the stage watching as Jason held Y/N’s hand, “thank you all for coming out tonight. Now, I know that everyone except a select few know the reason behind this Gala, and so the rest of you are left wondering why you are here. Rightly so of course – Bruce Wayne is not the type of man to throw a party for the sake of it… well, anymore at least, I’m not in my twenties any longer.” The audience began laughing at Bruce’s joke in a low collective fashion to appease the Billionaire. “Now, as I said, I’m not a young man anymore, not like Mr Todd, or even Mr Grayson, who has been kind enough to come from Detroit for this evening, which I cannot thank him enough for this support. As of late, I have found myself wondering what is to happen to Wayne Enterprises when my time is up. Hopefully, I have a long, long life ahead of me, I plan to stick around for a long time at least – no need to take me off your Christmas card list yet, ladies and gentleman. But all joking aside, this past couple of months have been sobering for me, and I have come to learn so much about myself, and of those, I love and care about. The love of my life, Selina Kyle,” Bruce looked at Selina and smiled at her. Selina smiled and waved at Bruce. Certain members of the crowd seemed to be familiar with who she was, remembering her from Bruce’s youth, and aww’d at them, “and… my, well, mine and Selina’s incredible daughter, Y/N Wayne,” the audience started making a low murmuring noise, wondering if they had heard correctly – daughter? Did Bruce Wayne say daughter? Bruce Wayne has a daughter? A daughter with Selina Kyle?
Bruce nodded for Y/N to come to the front with Selina, gesturing to her to speak into the microphone. Jason squeezed Y/N’s hand in support before letting go and stepping back as Y/N walked with her mother to the front of the stage. Y/N smiled at her father before leaning into the microphone.
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen,” Y/N said, “I am Y/N Wayne, daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.”
“Now,” Bruce said as he spoke into the microphone again, “I am sure you all have questions, but before you ask those, I want to make an announcement about the future of Wayne Enterprises – when my time to step down as CEO arrives, the role shall be filled, rather well I would say, by Y/N Wayne.”
The crowd up-roared.
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tickleficcatalogue · 5 years
Marvel: The Avengers Masterpost
Non-Serious: Strange proves to Tony that he can be non-serious. Ticklish!Tony
Not Marijuana: Peter Realizes that MJ’s name is definitely slang for weed. Ticklish!Peter
Passion: Wanda takes the time to explain to Vision what ticklishness is. Ticklish!Wanda
Never Stop Being Awesome: Peter is feeling down so the reader comes over to cheer him up. Ticklish!Peter
Belly Rubs: A grouchy T’Challa receives a ‘belly rub’ from Tony. Ticklish!T’Challa
Home: Reader is Loki and Thor’s sister, sibling banter and teasing ensues. Ticklish!Thor
A Horrible Trade: Reader is Loki and Thor’s sister and decides to steal Thor’s cape. Ticklish!Thor
Good Night Kiss: Loki and Thor attempt to convince reader!sister to let them give her a goodnight kiss, they are her older brothers after all. Ticklish!Reader
Titanium: Reader is Thor and Loki’s sister and the God of fear. After a battle, tickly events ensue. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Loki
Captain, Captain, Cat: Reader and Tony dress up as Cap for Halloween, Steve goes as a cat who’s gives particularly good belly rubs. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Reader
Web: Reader decides to count Peter’s freckles. Ticklish!Peter
Becky and Sad: Sam buys Bucky a birthday cake that happens to have an embarrassing misspelling on it. Ticklish!Sam  
Only Monster That Matters: Wade helps out a touch-starved Peter. Ticklish!Peter
The Perfect Outfit: Tony buys T’Challa a cat onsie, and of course there needs to be photo evidence. Ticklish!Tony
No More Twister: Peter is showing off during twister, so Ned and MJ take it upon themselves to humble him. Ticklish!Peter
The One Thing All Gods Fear: Reader is Thor and Loki’s sister, more sibling shenanigans. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Loki
When It’s Christmas: Tony hates Christmas, so Pepper decides to cheer him up a little. Ticklish!Tony
Completely Human: Reader is Steve’s sister, Steve and Tony decide to help the reader with her tiredness the morning after she goes on a mission with Peter. Ticklish!Reader
I Hear Music: Reader is Steve’s sister, sibling shenanigans and tickling ensue with the help of one Tony Stark. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Two Hours and Twenty-Seven Minutes: Reader is Steve’s sister and is having some existential/suicidal thoughts, Steve takes her mind off of her immortality and lightens the mood. Ticklish!Reader
Happy Birthday: Reader is Steve’s sister, after a tough battle the Avengers help her celebrate her birthday. Ticklish!Reader
Both Of Us: Reader is Steve’s sister and breaks Tony’s TV, a chase ensues. Ticklish!Reader
New Friends, Old Memories: Peter lets slip that he’s ticklish. Steve and Bucky take the opportunity to mess around like old times, only Steve’s no longer the one on the receiving end. Ticklish!Peter
Offshooting: Peter claims you’re ticklish, and you’re in denial. Tony steps in to help clear things up (also featuring Thor and Steve). Ticklish!Reader 
Theft: You have no idea why you decided to run off with Bucky’s metal arm. Neither does he. You also have no idea how to outrun him. Chaos ensues. Ticklish!Reader
Impulse: You’re in a massive ‘Lee mood, and Peter sees you trying to tickle yourself. Things go marginally less awkwardly than expected. In which you and Peter are best friends. Ticklish!Reader
Weekend Disroutine: Peter is exhausted, sleep deprived, and in denial of both of these things. A few of the Avengers decide to help him out (also featuring Tony, Clint, Bucky, and Steve). Ticklish!Peter 
Ammunition: Tony keeps trying to make conversation whilst you pack up after a lab session, and you don’t know how to answer his questions (also featuring Bruce and Peter). Ticklish!Reader
Sunset: Thor keeps trying to calm Bruce down, until Bruce realises maybe Thor’s not trying to. Ticklish!Thor
Lego: Peter finds out you like being tickled. Ticklish!Reader
Challenge: Steve puts up with a lot as one of your best friends, but you wish he could put up with you trying to ambush him without immediately turning the tables. Ticklish!Reader
The Winter Jogger: Bucky swings by your apartment after a morning exercise session with Steve, but the Winter weather and his prosthetic make for a rather chaotic visit. Ticklish!Reader
“It’s three in the morning”: You’re staying at the Avengers HQ with Peter, and wake up to grab some coffee. But it seems you might’ve woken him up. Early morning chats and lots of fluff ensues. Ticklish!Reader
“You have five seconds to run”: Tony and Peter are working in the lab, which is always a recipe for disaster. Ticklish!Peter
“Are you Scared?”: Cloaks stir up all kinds of trouble, especially according to Tony. Ticklish!Tony
“I can’t believe I just did that”: Things are pretty dull on the Asgardian battleship, so Thor turns to his friends for entertainment. Ticklish!Bruce
“Was that a giggle?”: Ned finds Peter’s new spiderman suit amazing; but it’s hard for Peter to appreciate it when Ned keeps poking him whilst he wears it. Ticklish!Peter
“No, not there! Anywhere but there!”: In which Peter makes one too many science jokes in the lab with Tony, and Tony decides to investigate something he’s overheard. Ticklish!Peter
“I’ve never been more embarrassed in my entire life”: Tony decides his sparring session with Peter needs a little mischief, and Peter decides sparring was a mistake (also featuring Strange). Ticklish!Peter
Boundaries: Steve finds out you’re ticklish, and your attempts to dissuade him from tickling you are failing rather miserably. Ticklish!Reader
Bittersweet: In which Peter tickles the reader half to death and they ponder whether this betrayal can be forgiven. Ticklish!Reader 
Class Project: No one’s too old to play pretend, right? The answer is yes. You, Peter, and MJ don’t know this, though. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!MJ, Ticklish!Peter
Sleepover: A simple disagreement at Peter’s apartment escalates into a rather one-sided tickle fight, which results in some unexpected discoveries for both you and Peter. Ticklish!Peter
Summer Sledding: Peter, Morgan, and Pepper are over for the afternoon. Scott just so happens to be making up for some lost childhood time with Cassie via reconstructing an old classic. Ticklish!Peter
The Spider’s Out Of The Bag: Peter’s been pushing himself in every aspect of his life, and he looks like he’s gonna collapse out of exhaustion. While giving Peter a needed massage, Ned finds a way to convince his friend to get some rest. Ticklish!Peter
A Bit Of Trouble: Bucky’s arm is malfunctioning, and it’s causing him to rip off all the doors in the tower. So obviously, Tony offers to help fix it. Ticklish!Bucky
God Of Static: Thor teases Bruce with the power of electricity. Ticklish!Bruce
Swatting More Than Flies: Sam and Bucky get Peter a fly swatter as a gag gift. Ticklish!Peter
The Way Things Were: Steve and Tony reminisce. Ticklish!Tony 
Twinsies: Pietro wants Wanda to admit that he’s the best. Ticklish!Wanda
What’s The Matter Kid?: Tony spends some time with Harley. Ticklish!Harley
Time To Go: T’Challa is stubborn, Tony has a cure for that. Ticklish!T’Challa
Not Touching: Sam won’t move his seat up so Bucky establishes that he is definitely not touching Sam. Ticklish!Bucky
Musical Bros: Natasha and Tony share a love of musicals, Steve finds out. Ticklish!Natasha, Ticklish!Tony
Forts and Snowball Fights: Winter time fun means snow forts and snowball fights, fluff, and tickle fights! Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Steve
Fun: It’s Bruce’s birthday. The Avengers just want him to have fun. Ticklish!Bruce
Never Have I Ever: The Avengers play a game of Never Have I Ever together and discover that Tony is very ticklish. They take advantage of this fact. In a fun way. Ticklish!Tony
Science and Laughter: A few times when Tony tickles Bruce in the lab, and one time that Bruce tickles Tony. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Tony
Secret Sketches: Tony convinces Steve to show off his art. Ticklish!Steve
Sun and Sand: Steve and Tony go to the beach. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Technical Difficulties: Tony’s having a wee bit of trouble with his phone… being a good friend and lab partner, Bruce decides to distract him. Ticklish!Tony
Too Much Stress: High School AU. When Steve is stressed about exam results, his friends decide to ‘distract’ him. Ticklish!Steve
Иногда Yмный: Tony is sometimes smart. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
When You Wish Upon A Star: Peter won’t get out of bed. Enter Tony Stark. Ticklish!Peter
Normal: Being the sister of the world’s greatest hero has its advantages and disadvantages. While attempting to do something a normal teenager would do, things go wrong, and it takes a Captain America and an Iron Man to make you feel better. Ticklish!Reader
Remember When: Bucky finds you awake and upset one night. Ticklish!Reader
Bucky, You’re Not Punny: Bucky thinks he’s funny. He’s really not, but he still gets you to laugh. Ticklish!Reader
’S’ Is For ‘Steve’: Steve told you not to get that tattoo. You got it anyway. Ticklish!Reader
Call It Magic: Your fear of thunder drives you into a certain God’s arms one night. Ticklish!Reader
Happy Birthday, Old Man: The one thing you shouldn’t do on Steve’s one hundredth birthday is call him old. Ticklish!Reader
Pillow Fights and Budding Feelings: Tony calls the Avenger his family out loud, Steve pays Tony a visit to help Iron Man get out of his own head. Ticklish!Tony
The Untitled Story of Ridiculous Feels: Tony finally confides in Steve about the events that occured in Iron Man, the next morning, Steve wants to make sure Tony doesn’t regret it. Ticklish!Steve
Beginning of Something Else: Steve and Tony are mutually pining, finally they decide to do something about it. Ticklish!Tony
Club AU Part 1: Tony works at a club oriented to a very specific clientele. Ticklish!Tony
Favorite Games: Pepper reveals how she keeps Tony under control. The Avengers are totally on board with this. Tony is just done. Ticklish!Tony
Berry-gum Owes Me A Fic Now: Tony is being sent on an undercover mission. Steve finds his disguise absolutely adorable. Teasing. Ticklish!Tony
Another Untitled Thing For Berrygum: An exploration of Natasha and Tony’s bromance. Ticklish!Tony
The Harry Potter AU: Steve perfects “Rictusempra” (NSFW). Ticklish!Tony
MINIFIC: Tony has been teasing Steve. Raspberries. Tame. Ticklish!Tony
Oh God I’m So Tired: Pre-serum Steve and Bucky always feel the need to tease each other. Ticklish!Steve
In Which Loki Is Actually Mildly Useful (for once): Loki turns Steve into a cat. Tony wants to snuggle, but Steve’s fur presents a problem. Ticklish!Tony
Girls Night: Pepper wants to hang out with Natasha and Tony doesn’t know how to interact with humans. Ticklish!Tony
Prelude: Steve loves the sound of Tony’s laughter, so he takes every opportunity to hear it. Ticklish!Tony
Discoveries: Steve mildly injures his foot. Tony is all about helping. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Overdone: Tony gets a little too enthusiastic regarding Christmas. Ticklish!Tony
The Feathers series: The team finds an alien with a very specific set of feeding needs.
Stark vs Alien: Ticklish!Tony
Stark vs Rogers: Ticklish!Steve
Stark vs Feelings: Ticklish!Tony
Capture series: When you’re trapped in a HYDRA cell, there aren’t that many methods of entertainment.
Capture: Ticklish!Tony
Capture 2: Ticklish!Steve
Capture 3: Ticklish!Tony (NSFW)
Accept Me: Tony has a question and Steve tickles it out of him. Ticklish!Tony
Cheer: Tony is sad. Natasha and Steve are not willing to put up with this. Ticklish!Tony
Frame By Frame: Snippets from the lives of Rhodey and Tony, growing up together.
1: Ticklish!Tony
2: Ticklish!Tony
3: Ticklish!Tony
4: Ticklish!Tony
Flashbacks:  Rhodey tells Steve about Tony’s past, Tony has a larger circle of people he can trust. Ticklish!Tony
Day Off: Tony, Bruce, and Steve are having a lazy day at Avengers Towers. Tony’s out of it and Steve wakes him up with the help of Bruce.  Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Steve
I Believe It’s Called Being Ticklish: Loki got yelled at by his father and goes off to sulk in his room. Luckily, his big brother, Thor, is there to comfort him and to get him smiling again! Ticklish!Loki, Ticklish!Thor
Bucky’s Secret: Bucky is angry and jealous of Steve and his new body. Steve tries to convince him that it isn’t that great to be him anyway by exploiting his weakness. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Bucky
A Friendly Conversation (Part 1): The Avengers are on the hunt for the Tesseract. Before they find it, some acts of friendship and boredom are displayed. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Tony
A Friendly Conversation (Part 2): The mission was moderately successful. They didn’t get the Tesseract but found the next best thing: Loki. They talk with him to try and figure out what his plan is among other things. But the interrogation goes off target once tickling is brought into the picture. Ticklish!Loki
A Baby’s Day: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are de-aged and Loki helps babysit! Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Loki, Ticklish!Tony
Maybe It Wasn’t So Bad: Loki finds out that he’s not a proud Asgardian prince, and rather that he is the son of the Frost Giant king, Laufey. He starts out completely devastated, but then realizes that it wasn’t all bad. Ticklish!Loki
Tickling, Toads, and Trickery: The Avengers chase Loki around the heli-carrier, which results in tickle fights and a vengeful Trickster. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Clint
Sleep: Thorki fic. Late at night, Thor observes his brother and lover while they sleep and he finds all the more reasons to love him. Ticklish!Loki
An Average Asgardian Saturday: During Loki’s parol time after the Battle of New York, him and Thor act like brothers again and explore the castle in Asgard. Ticklish!Loki
What Started Out As Science: Tony tries to get Bruce to sleep someway and somehow… even if it includes some major mothering. Ticklish!Bruce
Making Him Laugh: Tony takes notice of the fact that Bruce never laughs. He makes it his job to get a smile and a laugh out of the guy, even with some persuasion. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Tony
Heart In The Morning: It’s Bruce’s job to wake the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and he has his methods. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
Rushing for Gratitude: Tony tries being open and friendly with Bruce since he stays in Stark Towers with him, and he volunteers to make life as easy as possible for him. He takes measurements of Bruce and fools around with him. Bruce rushes to thank him afterwards. Ticklish!Bruce
The Super Awesome Tickle Fight: The title says it all, the Avengers have a tickle fight. Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Clint, Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
The Battle for the Remote (Original): Tony and Bruce have a cat and mouse chase around Stark Towers. Hilarity ensues. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
The Battle for the Remote (Alternate Ending): Technically a second part to the original one. Tony and Bruce have a cat and mouse chase around Stark Towers. Hilarity ensues.
The Battle for the Remote (Post Alternate Ending): The continuation of the second part of this series, also the last. Tony and Bruce have a cat and mouse chase around Stark Towers. Hilarity ensues. Ticklish!Bruce
The Hawk’s Weakness: Clint gets himself into a ridiculous situation, in which a delighted Tony Stark finds him. Ticklish!Clint
MISSION: Science Bonding: The Avengers meet up to figure out a way to get Tony and Bruce to talk and interact with each other. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
Can’t Sleep: Bruce struggles from lack of sleeping. Thor offers his help because maybe together they can figure out a solution. Ticklish!Bruce
Tickle Interrogation: The Avengers need to know where the Tesseract is. Thor knows just how to get the information from Loki. Ticklish!Loki
Doctor/Patient: After defeating Loki, Tony and Bruce go back to the battered Towers building and give each other check-ups, exploiting some ticklish spots.Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
Camping: Thor takes Bruce on a date in the woods. A night filled with tickle fights lies ahead. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Thor
Persuasion: Thor asks Loki for his help in facing Malekith. When Loki declines, Thor might have to take “drastic” measures to get him to agree. Ticklish!Loki
On My Side: Bucky and Tony have avoided each other for a long time, but when they come face to face, they settle their differences in the most childish way imaginable. Ticklish!Bucky, Ticklish!Tony
You Gotta Get Out More: Bucky getting a metal arm-repair from the billionaire philanthropist which comes with some tickly adjustments. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bucky
Comfort, Dance, Fireplace: Tony takes Bucky out on a date, they get drunk, and fun begins. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bucky
Not Here: Post Ragnarok, Loki and Thor attempt to be brothers again. Ticklish!Loki, Ticklish!Thor
SERIES: Airplane: You are on Tony’s private jet with Peter Parker for a mission, he finds a little secret of yours and decides to exploit it with the Avengers. Ticklish!reader, Ticklish!Peter
Always Have a Plan: Reader is teasing Loki and he has enough and wrecks her. Ticklish!reader
Bane of Your Existence: Peter finds out that the reader gets flustered when he says “tickle” or wiggles his fingers, and a lot of teasing ensues. Ticklish!reader
Bathtime: Tony’s guilty pleasure are baths, but he refuses to let anyone know about it. One night as he’s relaxing in the tub, Steve barges in and decides to annoy Iron Man for a bit. Ticklish!Tony
The Best Little Sister: Loki comes into your room extremely upset about something and as his little sister, you know exactly how to cheer him up. Ticklish!Loki
SERIES: Bully: You are the school bully but when Peter Parker finds out your secret and breaks down your cold walls, you two start to fall for each other. Ticklish!reader
Catch a Laugh: You’re re-recording some audio for the movie and you run into trouble with a particular scene. Thankfully, Tom knows exactly how to overcome that. Ticklish!reader
Classroom Jokes: Peter sits behind the Reader in math class and pokes her back to get her attention, he realizes that her back is ticklish so he starts to tease her about it while Reader tries to stay quiet in class. Ticklish!Peter
Costumes: It’s Halloween and Peter wants Tony to wear a costume. Tony, however, has a different idea. Ticklish!Peter
Game Night: Steve is aching to play some games with his friends, but they’re all stuck on their phones. If there was only a way to get their attention… Ticklish!Steve
Halloween: “Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.” Peter wants you do dress up with him for Halloween and you refuse, but he gives you compelling evidence on why Halloween isn’t so bad. Ticklish!reader
A Healing Touch: You have the power to heal yourself and your fighting skills are rather extraordinary. While the Chitauri is invading New York (again), you are seriously injured and Steve is concerned about you. Ticklish!reader
Hot Chocolate: Reader finds out that Peter’s ticklish and tells Tony about it, he chases and tickles the reader for revenge. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!reader
Make Me Laugh: Reader teases Peter for laughing at everything and he challenges it with, “No I don’t! Go ahead, make me laugh.“ Ticklish!Peter
My Secret Powers: You are a mutant who can feel what others are feeling, and the Avengers enjoy taking advantage of those powers. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!reader, Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Nerd: “You’re a nerd.” Peter is ashamed of his hobbies and interests, but Tony makes sure he knows that he’s not alone. Ticklish!Peter
Panic Attack: Reader and Peter Parker are dating, and reader has a panic attack in the middle of the night because of too much stress. Ticklish!reader
Pinky Promise: You played an innocent prank on Steve Rogers but ended up finding out about his little secret. Ticklish!reader
Present: “Show me what’s behind your back.” Peter has wonderful news about his science project and you make a little gift for him. Ticklish!reader
Smile: “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” Wanda is using you as a model for her painting but you’re struggling to hold a nice smile. She finds a way to help you out. Ticklish!reader
SERIES: Snatcher: You are a mutant who does petty crimes for clients to afford food and shelter. The newest gig doesn’t go as planned and Tony Stark offers you a position at the Stark Towers. This sparks a brand new life for you. Ticklish!Reader
Snowball Fight: You have a very one sided snowball fight with Loki and Thor. Ticklish!reader
Tradition: Peter Parker still gets nervous around the Avengers so Steve helps him relax. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!Tony
Training: Reader has a little sister relationship with Thor and she’s all whiney and childish while she’s training so Thor tickles her to shut her up. Ticklish!reader
The Wild Creature: Reader gets playful and attempts to tickle Peter, but due to his Spidey strength, he just wrecks her. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!reader
A Little Wrapped Up: Peter gets stuck in his own webs, so Tony tries to help. Ticklish!Peter
A Rare Day Off: Clint and Natasha spend some time together on a day off. Ticklish!Natasha
A Ticklish Winter Soldier: Steve and Tony help Bucky de-stress. Ticklish!Bucky
Hard Work…and Some Play: Steve and Peter are paired for sparring on a training day and Steve needs to find some way to get the spider pinned. Ticklish!Peter
Horrendous vs. Hilarious: Steve gets stuck in a suit, and of course the suit starts to vibrate. Tony is thoroughly entertained. Ticklish!Steve
In These Dark Days: Peter is having a hard time and Bucky understands, so he tries to help the kid out. Ticklish!Peter
Itsy Bitsy Spider: Peter’s having a bad day, so Tony does his best to cheer him up. Ticklish!Peter
Lovers and Laser Tag: Bucky get Steve during laser tag, so Steve punishes him when they get back home. Ticklish!Bucky
Sequel to Lovers and Laser Tag: Steve’s Turn: Steve tries to sabotage Bucky during laser tag, so Bucky gets revenge. Ticklish!Steve
Seriously You Two: Tony helps Bucky and Steve get together after having to hear about both of them pining. Ticklish!Bucky
That’s More Like It (Continuation of Seriously You Two): Bucky and Steve finally go on their date. Ticklish!Bucky
So You Like It: Bucky wants more with Steve, and he also realizes that maybe he likes tickling, but not at a great time. Ticklish!Bucky
Spiderling’s Crush: The Avengers convince Peter to spill the details of his crush. Ticklish!Peter
Super Spy vs Super Soldier: Natasha and Steve have a new favourite game called ‘catch and tickle’. Ticklish!Steve
Welcome Home, Spiderling: The Avengers go out of their way to make sure that Peter knows that he is a part of the team and he should try to destress a little. Tony wants to focus on the destressing most of all. Ticklish!Peter
You’ll Pay For That: Reader pranks Loki, Loki can’t let the reader get away with that. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Loki
Wrestling Through Time: From pre-serum to post-serum to present day, Steve and Bucky have always had their fair share of play fighting. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Bucky
Not-So-Close Shave: Tony and Steve tease each other in Tony’s lab. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
There’s Growth in Pain: Steve helps Bucky figure things out and deal with his guilt. Ticklish!Steve
Shield Stealer: Natasha steals Steve’s shield. Ticklish!Natasha, Ticklish!Steve
Fallen Spider: Peter takes a fall, so Tony gives him a little examination. Ticklish!Peter
Overwhelming: When Steve gets overwhelmed, Tony distracts him to help his boyfriend relax. Ticklish!Steve
Kinks: Bruce really should of minded where he put his computer. Especially when working with Tony Stark. Ticklish!Bruce
Nights When You Can’t Sleep: Everytime Clint can’t sleep, he always calls Natasha to come stay with him. Each time never fails to brighten up his sleepless nights. Ticklish!Clint 
Biology Of A Spider: Just the thought of Ned tickling him can get Peter giggling, Ned uses this knowledge to his advantage. Ticklish!Peter
Playful Profanity: Steve makes fun of Bucky’s old age, so after a frantic chase, Bucky dismantles Steve with his fingers in front of the whole team. Ticklish!Steve
Not Like Other Girls: MJ is always taking Peter by surprise. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!MJ
Intern Interrogation: MJ questions Peter about his internship. Ticklish!Peter
Spidey-Senses: Peter’s two friends learn a lot of new things about him. Ticklish!Peter
The Bored Web-Slinger: Peter wanders around the Avenger Tower on a particularly boring day, until he gets sucked into Bucky and Steve’s shenanigans. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Peter
The Golden Retrievers: Nothing is normal the way it was before the snap, but the Avengers are much closer afterwards, and an unlikely trio of excited pop-culture lovers emerges. Ticklish!Peter Parker
A Far Too Sleepy Spider: Tony needs to find a way to wake Peter up, because apparently, the kid could sleep through a hurricane. Ticklish!Peter
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stagekiller · 5 years
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 Jerome’s Cult.
cult; noun, often attributive
1 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious
2a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion          
3: a system of religious beliefs and ritual also
4 : formal religious veneration
5 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
Jerome’s Cult started out as a band of miscreants that were inspired by Jerome’s endeavors during his MANIAX era. On Gotham’s Season 2 we see viewers mimicking Jerome’s trademark cackling and committing mindless acts of violence after his example. In this post, I will attempt to fill the plot gaps on the Gotham show and explain how my version of Jerome’s Cult came to be.
   It’s fairly obvious that a few dozen ( potentially mentally ill ) citizens would not be enough to create an entire cult. What is more, the very nature of Jerome’s ideology focuses on hedonism, individualism and selfishness (take what you want, kill who you want) so it’s absurd to think that it could lead to building a group. A group requires something to tie them together.
   Later on the show we are introduced to Jeri and her nightclub, Celestial Garden. When Bruce visits her for information on Matches Malone, the club is crowded with punks, criminals and plenty of people in clown makeup. Jeri herself is wearing (Harley Quinn inspired may I note) clown makeup. There’s a slide show of Jerome’s endeavors playing in the background.
   At the time, Jerome was dead. Jeri becomes the main perpetrator and ‘enhancer’ in a way, of his ideology. I imagine the process resembles what I’m doing right now; taking something, a lead ( in my case, canon references, in her case, footage of Jerome professing his ideology ) and enhancing it to suit your worldview. I’m not saying Jeri necessarily supported Jerome’s legacy because she believed in it. Maybe she just wanted a trademark for her club. Maybe she wanted to bring more people in. She was most likely already drawing her clientele from a pool of Gotham’s underbelly ( she runs a brothel after all ) so it’s very likely she wanted to appeal to this crowd and Jerome’s anarchistic, hedonistic nihilism suited that purpose.
   In every society there are always people who are misfits, mistreated, misunderstood. Such ideology often appeals to these crowds, because it gives them a purpose and a motivation. It creates a group where they can belong (think of how Fish Mooney inspired ‘the Freaks’ aka Indial Hill experiments by treating them like they were ‘a family’). That was the BONDING GLUE Jerome’s Cult needed to exist. And Jeri provided the space for them to come together and discover what they had in common.
   I’m gonna try to put my personal feelings on this man aside and talk about him for a bit.
   Dwight is somewhat of a prototype for the kind of crowd Jerome’s Cult attracts. By which I mean, you guessed it, incels. People looking for a purpose, a meaning, a group to be part of. People looking for someone to rely on, a leader, someone to be inspired by. What Dwight did was take idea Jeri had molded and convert it into an obsessive kind of worshiping over Jerome’s pretty face instead.
  Jerome becomes the idea. The Idea IS Jerome.
   Hence the obsession with resurrecting him. Let’s be honest, a part of that was probably Dwight’s own desire to bask in some of clownman’s glory and steal it for himself. To become The Guy who Resurrected The Prophet. What a slimy dude.
  So now we’ve reached the timeline point where clownman wakes up, looking snatched (literally cause his face been snatched) and Dr. Thompkins kindly lets him know that he has a fanclub equipped with actual clubs. Imagine hearing that, after your supposedly clairvoyant dad told you that you’d leave a legacy of death and madness. And you came back to life. And you actually have a legacy. All I’m saying is that this kinda thing GETS to someone, you know? Especially if their ego was moon-sized before.
   Of course Jerome doesn’t individually care about any of his cultists. But they’re HIS cultists. And he wants to keep the party going, so, he takes to giving them speeches and art shows and creating a myth around his name to keep them engaged. What started out as a group of punks in clown paint now converts to an actual criminal organization.
  There’s smuggling, heists, drug rings, profiting from prostitution etc etc Essentially, cultists became his thugs. They start to produce their own weapons (laughing gas, toxins etc) and claim their own turf, with Jeri’s nightclub continuing to be the central gathering point. Even though there’s no hierarchy, prominent names and figures start to arise. A set of behavioral rules develops (i.e. never interrupt Jerome’s speeches). And we come full circle, from individuals, to groups, to what the cult came to be.
    Follow up post on the inner workings, rituals etc is in the works, ‘cause this one got REALLY long :”D
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areiton · 5 years
Master Post: Tony Stark Bingo
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I didn’t get a blackout but I had a lot of fun with this bingo. Big thanks to @tonystarkbingo for hosting! Below is my fic for this bingo. 
You can read everything on AO3
Title: I’m yours Square: T4 – Marriage Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
“Hey, kid, how you holding up?” you ask, bumping his shoulder. Peter leans into you, and it aches.
You don’t get to keep this, don’t get to keep him.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17844074
Title: written in scandal Square: R4 – Peter Parker/Spider-Man Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: Mutual pining, Sex Tape, Slight Non-Con Summary:
“What’s going on?”
And she says the two words that send the whole world crashing down around him.
“It’s Peter.”
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17977820
Title: secret dreams we whisper in the dark Square: S2 Secret Relationship Pairing:  Rhodey/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
They never wore them.
They sat in his bedside table, with the lube and handcuffs, a dream they never spoke of.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18108689
Title: coming home Square: K4 – Presumed Dead Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Harley Keener Warnings: Presumed dead Summary:
“They want to plan the funeral,” he says, after a while, and Harley smiles.
It’s not a happy smile. It’s the kind of smile he learned from Tony, the kind that is all sharp teeth and threat and it makes Peter shiver.
“Tony left plans for that,” he says. “Let them have their spectacle.”
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18130361
Title: stealing our future Square: R3 – Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
Peter knew when he left, Tony would struggle. It’s why he didn’t want to leave. He fought the idea, hard, and lost--May and Tony and Rhodey and Ned all demanding he not settle, all begging him to think about his future.
He didn’t point out his future was standing front of him with an exasperated expression and a three piece suit.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18229673
Title: something better Square: A3 – Free Space Pairing:  Rhodey/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
He never wanted to make weapons. He loved robots, loved creating, loved figuring out how to make things better. Destroying–that was never his goal.
And then he met Rhodey.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18326219
Title: good for him Square: A5 – Irondad Pairing:  Harley Keener/Peter Parker Warnings: N/A Summary:
He doesn’t like Harley.
But he can’t deny that Harley is devoted to Peter, that he dotes on him and protects him.
He doesn’t like Harley. But Harley is good for Peter.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18386660
Title: losing by degrees Square: R5 – Fix It Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: Grief/Mourning Summary:
He looks around, and Strange’s grip on him tightens, so slightly he doesn’t even realize it. “Where is he?”
The Avengers are all here--Loki clasped in Thor’s shaking embrace, Sam quiet and too close to Bucky, both avoiding Cap’s gaze. Wanda is there, a gaping hole near her where Vision should be.
They got them back, Tony thinks, giddily, tears stinging in his eyes. And the calculations he and Bruce had played with worked, Lang got them back and brought them here.
“Where is he?” Tony demands again, shriller this time.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18602926
Title: counting days Square: A2 – DUM-E Pairing:  Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Warnings: Character Death Summary:
Sir leaves.
He leaves, but he comes back.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18802285
Title: whatever it takes Square: K2 – Accidental Villainy Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: dark themes, questionable morality Summary:
When things are quiet and calm and empty, his mind turns where it always does—to Tony. To the gaping hole where he should be. And to the little thorn of knowledge. He takes a shuddering breath, and goes to the workshop.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18937927
Title: the lost Square: S4 – I Regret Nothing Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: recreational drug use Summary:
“Who is he?” Tony asks, once. The pill is gone, but the world is still foggy on the edges. Night is gathering and he should go home.
He doesn’t. He sits near the dark haired boy and waits for answers he knows won’t come.
“He cares for us,” Jamie says, finally.
His hand rests between them, gleaming and robotic and Tony bites his lip to keep from touching. “He fixes us, when we’re broken.”
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19154992
Title: confessional Square: T5 – Kink: Vibes in Public Pairing:  Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: Exhibitionism Summary:
“Will you be good, baby? Will you be quiet?” Bucky breathes, biting down on the delicate tendon in Tony’s neck, dragging his tongue over the throbbing pulse, and shoving his fingers in Tony’s lush wet mouth.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19230643
Title: command not recognized Square: T2 – Fever Dream Pairing:  Peter Parker & Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
It doesn't feel real. Not this. Not the past eight months. Not the order hanging in the air.  "Kill Peter Parker."
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19455544
Title: wrap me up in your scent Square: A1 – Smell Pairing:  Rhodey/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
He can hear the sound of machines, can smell the sharp bite of industrial cleaners and anesthetics and there’s a too familiar pull of tape and needles on his arm, and he flails, just for a second, to pull them free even as he opens his eyes.
Darkness greets him.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19717762
Title: s’mores & diamonds Square: T1 – Hedonism Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
He wants to give Peter the whole goddamn world, even if his boy has only ever wanted sweet kisses and lazy afternoons in the lab.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19931539
Title: kneel for you Square: T3 – Kink: Dom/sub Pairing:  Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
You forgot. What it felt like, to feel like this. To be happy.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20044978
Title: like this Square: T3 – Kink: Non-Penetrative Pairing:  Peter Parker/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
He loves Peter. Madly, desperately, dangerously.  And he trusts him.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20166310
Title: heavy lies the head Square: K5 – Lost Their Powers Pairing:  Peter Parker & Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Summary:
You didn’t die.
Ironman did.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20248843
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tealeaves-1912 · 5 years
Marvel Mafia AU (name pending)
Hello! This is the first chapter of the story I wanted to post. Here’s some backstory
My friend and I made marvel gen 2 characters, and I decided to add them into a story. That means that some of these characters belong to me, so please do not steal or reference off of them. I will state which characters belong to me and which ones do not
I will put warnings for a lot of big and little things, so please watch out for the red warning sign.
The chapters are all in the POV of a character, and the first ones are introductions of the main ones.
WARNING: brief descriptions of violence, open wounds, hospital visit, cuss words, kidnapping.
Anastasiya belongs to me and her name is pronounced Ah-nah-stah-SEE-uh
“My name is Anastasiya, I am the second youngest of 7 children. I was ten years old when Mama saved me from a group of Russians who take young orphans and try and brainwash them for something big. I spent my childhood stealing money and food from the local gas stations after my dad died and my brother left. It was just me, my siblings, and Mama for a short time.”
“One day I came home and my youngest sister died. Food income was very slow because of the snow but I at the time did not realize she was starving. Three years later my first Mama joined her.”
“I was separated from my siblings and was stripped from my clothes and drugged. As I have said before to you I do not remember it I just remember who saved me.”
“She had red hair and moved her body in a way that distracted the guards as she took them down.”
“дядя met up with us and we lived happily ever after!”
“Oh honey, we both know that isn’t trueeee”
“Mmh? How would you know? But anyways back to my answer to your little question. Mama saved me from the people who were trying to take me, I believe you are familiar with them? Red room? Brainwashing bastards? Any other names you can think of? Let me know while I continue. “
“My brother, haven’t seen him since I was 6. He left without a trace. Never bothered to search, never cared. “
“Anything he said before he left?”
“Listen hear женщина (woman) I was six, what do you remember from being six? “
“She’s holding out on us”
“Oh? Am I? How would you know? Unless you know something I don’t?”
“Listen here girly, tell us what we want to know and maybe you will get out of here without a scratch.”
“I’ve been down here for what? Twelve hours? How’s the weather?”
“She’s stalling. Would you like to say anything to the tape before we lock you back up?”
“Mmh? Oh yeah!
“And what’s that?”
She has a hideous grin on her face at the moment, it shows off her golden front tooth and the witches wart on her nose wonderfully. Of course no offense to witches, wonderful people really!
“Мат!” (Checkmate)
Throwing my body back wards was easy since I spent the entire time undoing the ropes around my wrists, the landing was not however. It had never been my strong suit, jumping up from my back. Mama could do it perfectly every time, I’m lucky I didn’t make myself look like a fool just now. With my hands undone the leftover chair pieces fell from my back.
This part is always my favorite. When the guards tried to stop me, I used his fist to lift myself up and wrap my thighs around his head, I gave my lower body a quick twist and his neck broke. With the next guard I slid under his legs tripping him, he hit his head on the metal cabinets and knocked himself out.
Damn, these people really have underestimated me I’m offended! Two guards in the room?
Oh, right, how could I forget about this one?
“I’ve let you have your fun, now do we really have to do this?”
Getting in to my stance I noticed she had a gun on her right.
I marched towards her and she decided at that moment to pull out the gun. How stupid is she!?
Grabbing and twisting her wrist I got her to drop the gun and took it as my own, pointing it at her instead.
Nope not doing this monologuing!
The trigger pulled back with my finger shooting a perfectly round hole through her forehead.
Leaving the room I shot any guards that tried and come towards me and exited the underground building.
“Come on, come on Mama!”
Just then the sound of a helicopter filled my head as it flew above me. I saw дядя (uncle) in the window as the ladder dropped down.
I was almost pushed out of helicopter as soon as I stood in it, the only thing keeping me in was my hand on the bar of the door.
“Боже мой, о чем ты думал! ты мог умереть! Вы ранены? что случилось?”
(oh my god, what were you thinking! you could have died! are you hurt? what happened?)
“Mama I-“
I didn’t get to reply before she dragged me over to the seat to look over any wounds.
Mamas face was scary. She looked mad but also relieved. дядя looks weary of Mama. Of course he is. Who wouldn’t be? Everyone is afraid of Mama even when she’s happy.
“Bullet wound in the upper thigh”
damn, how did I forget about that? The damn guards had decided to shoot me when I tried to get away when they first took me.
“Sorry Mama”
I’m slightly ashamed. I shouldn’t have gotten shot. If I’m being honest with myself I also shouldn’t have tried going on this mission.
“How long have I been gone?”
“Twenty-Five hours.” дядя said
No, I have not been gone for Twenty-Five hours! How long was I out for? I can’t respond to that.
“You never replied to our calls so we were forced to track you using the tracker” дядя said again when I didn’t say anything back
I got up and moved to the table as Mama ushered me forward.
The anesthesia took over me and my world went black.
Beep, beep, beep
Would someone turn that alarm off?
I tried to reach up under my pillow but something was stopping me. I opened my eyes and of course! I’m in a freaking hospital!
Sitting up and taking the IVs out I take a look around.
Never mind, it’s the lab
Planting my feet on the ground and my hands on the bed I push myself up and onto my feet. It feels like any injury I’ve gotten is healed now. I take a look at the bullet wound and all that’s left over is a curricular part of skin that’s whiter than the rest of my body. Letting go of the blue hospital gown I walk out of the Lab looking for preferably Mama.
“I thought you were never gonna wake up!”
My body went against what I wanted to do and flinched at the loud voice. “Hello Bruce”
The owner of the voice walked out from behind the wall in his signature lab coat and young child in tow.
Wincing from Cliffs voice I hugged her back.
“Cliff, inside voices remember?”
“Sorry papa”. She looked kinda ashamed but I know it’s all a front.
This kid could fake anything, she could even lie like a professional. One time she came home from school and had somehow managed to convince her teacher that the dog literally ate her homework. We don’t even own a dog. That’s what you get when you allow impressionable children to hang around Lilith.
“I’m okay Cliff”
Bruce turned around and shuffled a bit while I hugged the Ten year old. “Here you go Ana”. He handed me my stuff and pulled Cliff along leaving me alone to get changed. Did they really find stuff from the back of my closet?
Laid out in front of me was a pair of yoga leggings, a muscle shirt I haven’t worn since 2014, and under garments. Who chose this stuff? Getting the clothes on my body I was relieved to find the shirt still fit me. It was quite long Five years ago so now it was the right length and I haven’t grown outwards to much besides the breast area.
As soon as I walked out of the lab I was hugged by my blood brother. His name is Harley, I hate his guts but I probably couldn’t live without him. He’s the son of the owner and CEO of a company I can never name. He also happens to be a part of the secret organization that the majority of us are also in.
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