#but it'll be a close contest !
sapphroditewrites · 9 months
Bishova Poll Marathon! (9/10)
this was a hot debate on the bird app, i can't wait to see what y'all say here. (i did use some of the reasons ppl gave on twitter, just so the playing field is even)
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Do the batfamily members ever get too into their undercover work? (Undercover in an office and theyre worried about spreadsheets, working in a warehouse and coming home complaining about missing parts)
Bruce: Status updates on your undercover missions. Dick, you first. What have you got down at the docks?
Dick: I haven't confirmed the Killer Croc sightings yet, but more importantly, our catch hasn't been measuring up to last year's. Tuna we're doing okay on, but the salmon population seems to be on the low end. I've contacted the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries but it'll be another 3-5 business days before they can come down and check it out.
Bruce: At least you're doing something to help. Jason?
Jason: Class was okay. I think the kids are warming up to me as their substitute while Mrs. Maloney is out on maternity leave. The average on the last vocabulary quiz was 83.53% so either I'm doing my job right or they need to be challenged. I'm worried about Tristan Lancy, though. He's normally a good student but his grades have been dropping recently and his parents don't seem like safe people to tell. I'll talk to him tomorrow and try to pair him up with a peer tutor if he needs it.
Bruce: Also see if he has any alternate contacts besides his parents. Tim, any updates at the chemical plant?
Tim: If by updates you mean OSHA violations, I could go on all week. We got a batch of new recruits today and they were just thrown into the work—no PPE, no safety training, nothing. This is what happens when you place production over employee well-being. I'm gonna file a complaint after this meeting. Also, I think the union will have something to say about the manager cutting people's lunch breaks short.
Bruce: I see. Damian? Please tell me you found something volunteering at the zoo.
Damian: Depends on how you define "found." While I have not obtained evidence of a mutant larvae black market, I did help some of the animals at the sanctuary make progress with their recovery. Bobo the monkey is healing from his broken arms and we're gradually getting him re-acclimated to climbing higher surfaces. Suzie the black bear was born a little prematurely but seems to be catching up to her peers in terms of growth. Lastly, we got a grant for additional wildcat research and enrichment. As an aside, we are having an educational seminar on European mountain goats this Friday at 3:30 and I expect all of you to be there.
Bruce: I'll put that on our calendars. Steph?
Steph: It's not really undercover work for me, just work. Anyway, yes the newest Batburger location is being used for money laundering. But I really need to vent about the customers for a sec. We don't open until 10 and at 9:30 this morning some moron was banging on our door demanding Jokerized cheese fries. Then right in the middle of the lunch rush, Janie got sick so I had to fill in as the cashier and it was hell. After that, I had to step in between a fight at the drive-thru because the customer claimed we only gave him nine pieces of his ten-piece Robin nuggets and tried to beat up the kid who took his order. And to top it all off, an entire high school hockey team came in five minutes before closing.
Bruce: Cass?
Cass, blowing balloons: Can't talk. Arranging bat mitzvah.
Bruce: Duke, you're my last hope.
Duke: Margie's bringing a peanut butter chocolate cake to the bake sale. I swiped her recipe and we can easily beat her. Her ganache is way too watery and just runs off the top of the cake, which isn't even leveled. She's also trying to do something with a raspberry filling that isn't working at all. It's like she couldn't decide on what to bring. The bake sale committee also asked if we can bring some apple pies because the original baker has to go out of town for a family emergency. I think we'll win if we bring them with some ice cream and a touch of caramel, even though this isn't a contest.
Bruce: Thank you. At least our most critical case has been taken care of.
Barbara: ...I'll save my book launch for later.
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ghostofhyuck · 3 months
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NCT Dream when they caught you fangirling over them.
Mark Lee ; listening to his songs
Mark would be super casual when he goes home and hear "Child" playing in the speakers. He'll be embarrassed at first but you seem chill as you bop your head while cooking. He'll take the opportunity to sneak on you and grab you by the waist. You'll be startled especially when he pulls you for a hug. He knows that his songs are your comfort songs so he'll make it special by singing it to you too.
Huang Renjun ; watching his "Fools" cover
Renjun will be eyes wide when he opens your laptop and his cover of "Fools" is open in your browser. His ears will turn red and you'll caught him sneaking on your laptop, that's why you were quick to close it before he snap out of it. But Renjun will never let you live after that incident. "If you want I can sing it to you live," he teased which made you embarrassed. 
Lee Jeno ; you buying his expensive photocards
Oh this poor samoyed, Jeno will be very confused on why you're trying to buy an expensive photocard of him online. He can't believe that his photocard cost a lot and would even convince you to not waste his money on his photocards. "You know you have me right? okay if you want my photocards I can ask the company --- please, just don't waste that much money." 
Lee Donghyuck ; watching a fancam all over again
He'll be surprised that you're watching a fancam of him during a concert. He'll be confused because you seemed to be smiling nonstop at his fancam when it's just him waving around the fans. "Oh it's nothing, you look like you're made to be on stage," you said nonchalantly but Donghyuck acted like his heart burst like a bubbles because of what you said. He'll be dramatic but found the thought of you watching his fancam endearing. 
Na Jaemin ; buying a jaeminbun doll
Jaemin will be having a staring contest at the HUGE Jaeminbun doll on your bed. He's confused as to why the funny-looking fanmade doll is in your room. "Are you replacing me with a doll?" he asked but you shared that it'll be your cuddle buddy whenever your boyfriend's outside the country. "Okay fine, since I'm here, it has to go inside your closet." 
Zhong Chenle ; you watching his pre-debut videos
Chenle would be curious as to why you find the joy in watching his pre-debut videos. "You look cute," you reply and Chenle's forehead will crease more. "why? do I no longer cute anymore?" he will ask, and you have to assure him that he's now more handsome than cuter. He'll bought it and will watch along with you, even sharing you stories of his childhood. 
Park Jisung ; posting his instagram updates in your ig story
You accidentally post your boyfriend's instagram post in your private account's ig story with a love song as a music background, and before you could delete it, your boyfriend saw it already. "why do you have post my instagram post when you can just post a photo of me right now?" he will ask you nonstop until you give in and eventually post a real-time photo of him in your ig story. 
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petermorwood · 3 months
Food on St Patrick's Day (in the USA)...
...is usually Corned Beef & Cabbage, which is the Irish-American version of the original Irish boiled bacon & cabbage, but while the celebratory Irishness is still going strong, try something a bit more authentic.
A nice warm coddle. Not cuddle, coddle, though just as comforting in its own way. (Some sources suggest it's a hangover cure, not that such a thing would ever be necessary at this time of year, oh dear me no.)
Coddle is a stew using potatoes, onions, bacon, sausages, stout-if-desired / stock-if-not, pepper, sage, thyme and Time.
You'll often see it called "Dublin Coddle", but my Mum made Lisburn Coddle lots of times, I've made West Wicklow Coddle more than once, and on one occasion in a Belgian holiday apartment I made Brugsekoddel, which is an OK spelling for something that doesn't exist in any cookbook.
I do remember one amendment I made to Mum's recipe, which met with slight resistance at the time and great appreciation thereafter.
Her coddle was originally cooked on the stove-top, not in the oven, and nothing was pre-cooked. Potatoes were quartered, onions were sliced, bacon was cut into chunks and then everything went into the big iron casserole, then onto the slow back ring, and there it simmered Until Done.
However, the bacon was thick-cut back rashers, and the sausages were pork chipolatas.
Raw, they looked like this:
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...and the bacon looked like this:
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Cooked in the way Mum initially did, they looked pretty much the same afterwards. The sausages didn't change colour. Nor did the bacon.
While everything tasted fine, the meat parts always looked - to me, anyway - somewhat ... less than appealing. "Surgical appliance pink" is the kindest way to put it, and that's all I'm saying. This is apparently "white coddle" and Dubs can get quite defensive about This Is The Way It SHOULD Look.
I'm not a Dub, so I persuaded Mum to fry both the bacon and sausages first, just enough to get a bit of brown on, and wow! Improvement! I remember my Dad nodding in approval but - because he was Wise - not saying anything aloud until Mum gave it the green light as well.
Doing the coddle in the oven, first with lid on then with lid off, came later and met with equal approval. So did using only half of the onion raw and frying the other half lightly golden in the bacon fat.
Nobody quoted from a movie that wouldn't be made for another decade, but there was a definite feeling of...
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There are coddle recipes all over the Net: I've made sure that these are from Ireland to avoid the corned-beef-not-boiled-bacon "adjustment" versions which are definitely out there. I've already seen one with Bratwurst. Just wait, it'll be chorizo next.
Oh, hell's teeth, I was right. And from RTE...
Returning to relative normality, here's Donal Skehan's white coddle and his browned coddle with barley (I'm going to try that one).
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Here's Dairina Allen's Frenchified with US measurements version. (I feel considerably less heretical now.)
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And finally (OK, not Irish, but it references a couple of the previous ones and is a VERY comprehensive write-up, so gets a pass) Felicity Cloake's Perfect Dublin Coddle (perfect according to who, exactly...?) in The Guardian.
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Returning to the beginning, and how boiled bacon became corned beef (a question which prompted @dduane to start an entire website...!)
The traditional Irish meat animal for those who could afford it was the pig, but when Irish immigrants (even before the Great Famine) arrived in the USA, they often lived in the same urban districts as Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.
For fairly obvious reasons pork, bacon and other piggy products were unavailable in those districts, but salt beef was right there and far cheaper than any meat Irish immigrants had ever seen before.
Insist on tradition or eat what was easy to find? There'd have been contest - and do I sometimes wonder a bit if sauerkraut ever came close to replacing cabbage for the same reason.
The pre-Famine Irish palate liked sour tastes: a German (?) visitor to Ireland in the mid-1600s wrote about about what were called "the best-favoured peasantry in Europe", and mentioned that they had "seventy-several sour milks and creams*, and the sourer they be, the better they like them."
* Yogurt? Kefir? Skyr? Gosh...
Corned beef and Kraut as the immigrants' celebratory "Irish" meal for St Patrick's Day? Maybe, maybe not.
Time for "Immigrant Song" (with kittens).
Corned beef got its name from the size of the salt grains with which the beef was prepared. They were usually bigger than kosher salt, like pinhead oats or even as large as grains of wheat, and their name derived originally from "corned (gun)powder", the large coarse grains used in cannon.
BTW, "corn" has been a generic English term for "grain" for centuries, and "but Europe didn't have corn" is an American mistake assuming the word refers to sweetcorn / maize, which it doesn't.
Lindsey Davis, author of the "Falco" series, had a couple of rants about it and other US-requested "corrections". As she points out, mistakes need corrected but "corn" is not a mistake, just a difference in vocabulary.
In Ancient and Medieval Ireland pig would have included wild boar, the hunting of which was a suitable pastime for warriors and heroes, because Mr Boar took a very dim view of the whole proceeding and wasn't shy about showing it (see "wild boar" in my tags and learn more).
Cattle were for milk, butter, cream and little cattle; also wealth, status, and heroic displays in their theft, defence or recovery. It's no accident that THE great Irish epic is "The Cattle-Raid of Cooley" / Táin Bó Cúailnge (tawn / toyn boh cool-nyah).
Killing a cow for meat was ostentation on a level of lighting cigars with 100-, or even 500-, currency-unit notes. Once it had been cooked and eaten there'd be no more milk, butter, cream or little cattle from that source, so eating beef was showing off And Then Some.
Also, loaning a prize bull to run with someone else's heifers was a sign of great friendship or alliance, while refusing it might be an excuse for enmity or even war. IMO that's what Maeve of Connaught intended all along, picking undiplomatic envoys who would get drunk and shoot their mouths off so the loan was refused and she, insulted, would have an excuse to...
But I digress, as usual. Or again. Or still... :->
For the most part, "pig" mean "domestic porker", and in later periods right up to the Famine, these animals were seldom eaten.
Instead, known as "the gentleman who pays the rent", the family pig ate kitchen scraps and rooted about for other foods, none of which the tenant had to grow or buy for them. These fattened pigs would go to market twice a year, and the money from their sale would literally pay that half-year's rent.
For wealthier (less poor?) farmers, pigs had another advantage. Calves arrived singly, lambs might be a pair, but piglets popped out by the dozen. A sow with (some of) her farrow was even commemorated on the old ha'penny coin...
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What with bulls, chickens, hares, horses, hounds, pigs, salmon and stags, the pre-decimal Irish coinage is a good inspiration for some sort of fantasy currency.
But that's another post, for another day.
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liveontelevision · 3 months
Tap Out Vox X Reader
Ok, I am in LOVE with this god dam TV head lookin ass, so here's a quick one shot of him being an absolute Sub! Mess!
The All-Mighty Vees were the central powerline for entertainment and technology in Hell, but even those three dorks liked to have fun. Sometimes, they would play poker games on their rare nights off that miraculously lined up. Of course, money means nothing to these business partners, so they like to bet on favors. There were times when Valentino would lose to Velvette, who would get to use his studio for a day, or Valentino would get to borrow some of Velvette's actors for a shoot, little things like that; things that would be considered a minor inconvience. Until tonight, that is.
Velvette created a sort of dancing competition program, and it was booming in Hell. The show was spiced up with a stage covered in landmines, falling spikes, randomly shooting arrows, etc. Contestants were judged by their talent and if they came out in one piece by the end of the routine. The season finale was fast approaching, but Velvette was lucky to get a quick game of poker in between her packed schedule. With her cunning and wit (and some cards under the table), Velvette managed to weasle a win from Vox. He was never one to complain about carrying through with these favors, so Velvette took the chance to bring her program to the next level.
"You have to compete!" She declared with pride, her hands slamming on the table, with a sly smirk. "It'll be easy, i'll get someone to train and. but i need a hook for this finale, and your dashin' face would be perfect. And! I'll pair you with my best dancer, eh? How's that sound, love?" She explained, showing no sign of wavering. She clearly had this planned ahead of time.
"Fuck me, Velvette." He squints, throwing his cards behind his shoulder. "Fine.. i guess the publicity will boost viewers on both our fronts- " He groans and crosses his arms over his chest. "- Hate to admit it, but i haven't been tuning in, doll. So, who's this dancer i'm stuck with?"
You arrived in hell after a life of drugs, sex and booze. You always joked about going to Hell. It was obvious you wouldn't make the cut into heaven. What you definitely werent expectingbwas for Hell to look just like the busy and messy streets of the ritzy cities you would party in. With absolutely no shame or doubt, you were quick to work your way up in the industry to work for the Vees. You started with Valentino, working up quite an audience in that field. And he didn't even make a contract! You said yes to anything, so really, there wasn't a point. That grew to helping Velvette with some small rolls in some shows, then moved up to you, performing and acting often. You were the lead singer of a band in your life, and you had quite a few talents hidden up your sleeve. Truly, a perfect byproduct of the Vees. Once Velvette pitched the show to you, you immediately auditioned as always and were quick to get in.
Weeks pass, and you're finally in the top 3 of the show! You were a solo dancer throughout, but with the routines provided, you were required to find a dance partner. Velvette to the rescue, somehow managed to bag the other Vee, Vox himself. You'd be lying if you said this didn't get you excited.
During one of the dress rehearsals, you were finally able to work your routine with Vox. Sure, you've met him before and said hi in passing, even going out with the Vees for some press events, but you never expected to get this close to him. Velvette would provide some amazingly embarrassing footage of his dance lessons. The two of you couldn't help but giggle at the powerful demon, getting so frustrated to music. Still, seeing his towering figure made you siddently nervous to have such intimate contact with him.
He came into the rehearsal space with a black turtle neck and pants, going along with some heeled boots that he'd have to wear during the performance. No matter how nicely those tight clothes hugged his figure, it was immediately disheartened by the scowl on his face. You couldn't help but hold in a laugh, picturing the compilation of videos that Velvette had previously shown you of his many failed lessons.
You weren't wearing much, a lilac cropped tank top and some yoga shorts that almost seemed too small, as well as strappy jazz shoes that you had to wear doing the final performance. This get-up made Vox look you up and down when he finally meets with you face to face. His unethusiastic expressions made him look more childish and grumpy than intimidating.
To you, at least.
"So! Pleasure to work with you, sir. Can't wait to see how you keep up with me." You commented smugly, reaching a hand out for a formal handshake. He scoffs and brushes your hand away before simply walking off to discuss something with Velvette. You crossed your arms across your chest and huffed, letting some random assistant tie your hair up as you glared in his direction.
After Velvette scolded him on something you didn't hear, the rehearsal began. Since your usual style was fast pased and almost always involved some sort of sexual overtone, the plan was to choreograph something intimate to create a sort of power couple for people to route for. This involved a lot of close contact that you and Vox were immediately struggling with. With movements that involved swinging you around, dipping you, and generally keeping you close to his chest, it was no simple task for two demons with a competitive streak.
After hours of eventually getting the choreography down, the main notes involved the constant glares you two were giving each other.
"Hey! You owe me this, I won game night! So make this work, fucker!" Velvette was getting fed up with Vox at this point and there was a scheduled photo shoot for some promo images coming up, so you had to break anyway. You went into your dressing room to change into your costume for the shoot. A slinky red sequence dress with a tightened corset that hugged your hips and stopped right at the point where you had to pull it down every so often as to not flash anyone. Paired with some fishnets and black shiney jazz shoes. It was simple compared to some of the stuff Velvette's had you wear, but it'll definitely draw some eyes when plastered on a big enough billboard.
Finally reaching the studio after hair and makeup battered your face, you got a look at Vox. He wore a white button-up that was neary opened down to his clavicle, where the red belt of a tuxedo hugged his waist, tying your outfits together. He cuffed his sleeves while waiting for some kind of direction. You couldn't help but pause to take in some of his features that you've never seen before. The bare skin of his chest and the strong arms that led into the same blue claws that were just around your waist during rehearsal. He caught you staring and knew exactly what was going on in your head. His first response was to send you a smirk that you couldn't decipher as harmless or not. You both snap out of your gaze when Velvette yells in some directions to push you into the camera's frame.
You were menuvered physically, someone essentially adjusting your position until it looked right. The final pose had your chest flush to his, and your leg hiked up his body as you swung backward to look at the camera. Vox was there to hold you in place by gripping underneath your thigh and having a tight hold onto your waist. It was difficult, but after multiple other provocative positions, the shoot was finally done. The two of you quickly pulled away from each other, smothered by the clashing energy.
"This'll have to do, i guess. Okay, flat face, you're good for today. The next rehearsal is tonight, now shoo." Velvette doesn't even look up from the screen in front of her as she nearly throws the two of you out of her studio. The door shut with a slam after you stumbled directly into Vox. He had grabbed onto your forearms, forcing your hands to lay on his chest to brace your fall. You quickly pushed off of him to stand straight, crossing your arms and stubbornly looking away. The tightened laces of your dress pushed your cleavage up a bit, giving a lovely show for the TV demon that towered over you.
He lets out a sigh of disgust after snapping his gaze away from your body. "Knock it off, will you? You're acting like a brat." He hissed at you, beginning to walk towards the hallway with the dressing rooms. You quickly stumbled in the same direction, attempting to keep up with his long strides.
"Fuck you, Vox! I'm just trying to do my job!" You quickly retorted, finally walking alongside him, your arms crossed again. He takes another quick glance at your body, unfortunately getting caught. "And stop that, you freak! You'vs been eyeing me up all day, you might as well fuck me in the dressing rooms if your so interested in my tits." You snapped at him, but your last response gave Vox a wicked idea. He wasn't one to refuse a challenge.
"Sure, we've got time, doll." He shrugs off the comment as you start to turn into your room. You quickly turned your body to face him, an angry yet reddened expression on your face.
"Seriously, fuck you." You muttered, turning to enter your dressing room. You go to open your door before you're cornered against it by Vox's arms, caging you in. You turn back to face him, trying to appear disgusted even with the heat crawling over your cheeks.
"If you think you can handle it, sweetheart." He smirked down at you, enjoying watching you squirm more than he'd like to admit. It finally evolved into an unspoken game of chicken. You took your doorknob and opened the door, letting the two of you fall in. Aware of your action, you slid back to keep Vox from falling onto you. He stumbled forward while glaring at you, still not planning on backing down. But neither were you.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips against his. It felt like a cold screen for a moment before quickly melting into the sensation of physical lips. He was shocked by the bold move but has played this game all too many times. It was always easy for Vox to charm or hypnotise his way out of a situation like this, but his competitive spirit was strong. He was quick to lift you up from under your legs and essentially drop you onto the vanity. The wood hit your tailbone with a thud, and you let out a flustered yelp into his lips. Your arms quickly found their way to his shirt, untucking it until it loosely hung around him. He lifted himself away from you but was still close enough for your legs to be nearly draped around his hips. He began to unbotton his shirt that you had so kindly untucked.
"You sure you wanna keep this up, sweetie? I wouldn't want to overwhelm you or worse -" he leaned in, becoming uncomfortably close to your ear. "- injure you before your big show." The threat only made your blood boil, but a flashing light caught your eye. His chest was dark, with glowing blue circuits that occasionally seemed to flicker.
"As if. You couldn't even keep up with me even if i was injured." You spoke smugly, trying to keep your cool while denying the heat pooling in between your legs. He scoffs and starts to undress you, while you assisted. It was aparently a two person job, with an unspoken understanding that Velvette would kill both of you if the dress was ruined in anyway. After it was safely tossed the side, Vox was quick to start running his claws along the curves of your body. You pulled him impossibly closer, your legs nearly wrapping around his hips. You tried your hardest to stifle any response to the claws trailing down the center of your stomach. Finally, you pushed him away, letting your hands lead him to fall back on some decorative couch that was nearby. You were quick to straddle him, feeling the buldge in his pants to gauge how much of an upper hand you had.
"Aw, was the idea of fucking me on my own vanity getting you all excited?" You asked him in a teasingly sweet voice, running your hands along the bottom of his screen, then tracing your hand down towards his pants.
"I could ask you the same thing." He muttered, taking a hold of your hips and pullimg them closed towards his groin. You were quick to lift your hips off his lap, pushing his back fully against the backrest and breaking that contact. You let out a deceivingly sweet chuckle, before planting a small kiss on his neck. His skin really was metal, no matter the heat you felt through his pants. It was cold to your lips, but once you noticed a reaction from him, you just had to keep it up.
His breath became a bit heavier as his hands slid down to your ass, squeezing his clawed fingers into it almost to the point of skin breaking. You tried your best to not let a noise out, luckily your face was hidden in the nook of his neck and his shoulder. Even with his robotic anatomy, his skin was melting with each mark, bite and kiss you left on his chest. The action of covering his chest in the bright red lipstick you wore, brought the both of you closer to together, your hips finally meeting his again. As your chests became flush, you looked back up to him, seeing the eyes on his monitor glazed over, somehow some dewy tears beneath them.
You were winning.
You tilted your head back for a moment, seeing the large mirror from the vanity was directly behind them, leaving the both of you entirely visible to Vox. You tip his monitor foward with a forceful lift, holding tight as you made him look over your shoulder.
"Look at you.. quite a sight, huh?"
You teased in a harsh tone, leaning back a bit for him to see the cluster of marks and stains you left on his collarbone. "What do you think? Red really is your color. You look soo pretty." Your words were meant to piss him off, but seeing how he melted and let out a breathy groan when you called him pretty was an even better reaction. He looked away from the mirror, flustered at the sight of himself.
"Ohh, is Mr. Bigshot here enjoying some tender love and care? Aww, well, all you had to do was ask, baby~" You crashed your lips against his again, shocking him back into the moment, as he held onto your hips to brace himself. You were quick to pull away, leaving him unfulfilled before peppering multiple kisses across his screen and making sure you were to leave as many vivid red lip stains as you could.
"F.. Fuck you..." he mumbled, "fuck this'll be a pain in the ass to get off.." You look down at him from your higher position, an almost dark look across your face.
"Then tell me to stop. Either give up and accept defeat-" you started, beginning to stand in front of him." Or give in. And let me take care of you." You ran your hand along his pants, your fingertips brushing across the stiff tent in his pants. He let out the smallest yelp, not expecting the sensation. You continued to just lightly touch his groin, reaching to fiddle with his belt buckle.
"So? What are you gonna do? You gonna give in? You want me to keep touching you, hm?" You teased, leaning towards his face by placing your hands on his seated thighs. Your bent position left a great view of your ass, still clothed with sleek red underwear and fishnets. He pouted, looking into the mirror momentarily to appreciate the sight. You looked over your shoulder, grabbing his screen to jerk him back to your eye level.
"Tap. Out." You hissed, glaring into his eyes.
"Fuck! Fine, whatever! I tap out.. I-I.. Keep touching me.. i want you to keep touching me." He let out, getting progressivly flustered as he spoke. You looked at him, trying desperately to hide a smirk by biting your loeer lip. Noticing that you still weren't making a move and definitely wouldn't let him take the upper hand at this point, he rolls his eyes and looks towards the ceiling to avoid your eyes. "Please." He blurted out, a cyan hue growing across his cheeks. You let out a confident chuckle, before immediately dropping to your knees in front of him and continuing to fully release his throbbing cock from his already dampened trousers.
"Good boy~ Now enjoy the show, okay?" You let out before taking a hand around the base and sending a long lick up his length, immediately drawing the head into your mouth. You worked your magic, running your tongue in circles around the head and pumping your hand across the rest. The heat of your mouth on his tip and the coolness of the room barely breezing across the rest of his hard on made him shutter. He was looking down at you, instinctively attempting to buck his hips. You were quick to use your other hand to push his hips back down, running your neatly done nails across his thigh to the point of leaving marks, clearly indicating don't try that shit again.
You start to take in more of his cock into your mouth. Bobbing your head to set a nice rhythm, nothing that couldn't finish him off just yet, but enough to make him lose his composure more than he already has. You look up to meet his eyes, seeing him stare down at your work. You slowed to an impossibly slow speed before quickly pulling your mouth away, a line of saliva still connecting your lips to his member.
"That's not what i meant." You spoke strictly, reaching up to tilt his screen back towards the mirror. He did enjoy the pretty sight of you on your knees, but his mess of an appearance and reactions embarrassed him."If i see you looking anywhere else - if i see that you're not enjoying the show-" you squeezed his cock that had cooled from your hot spit hitting the cold air of the room. Almost too tightly. He winced, looking back down at you with a wide concern. " -Then i'll just have to stop. I can't reward that sort of behavior, hun." You sounded almost threatening and continued to tighten your grasp. He reached down, squeezing your shoulder before fixing his weary eyes to look at his wreck of a reaction in the mirror. "There we go! See? Look how lovely you look." You switched almost immediately to a sweet voice, loosening your grip and nuzzling his cock against your cheek, right at the corner of your mouth. "So? Are you gonna play along? Be good for me?" You spoke with hot breath against his member, your lips hovering just over the head. He nodded reluctantly.
"Say it." Another sudden transition from that sweet tone back to a stern voice.
"Nng... I'll be g-good.." he spoke quietly, ashamed that he had to say that while looking into the eyes of his reflection. You let out a sly chuckle, immediately assuming a quick pace. You weren't quite able to reach the base, but you made up the difference in your hand, and your other still dug your nails deeply into his thigh. The combined sensations of pain and pleasure made him whimper, struggling to keep his eyes open and his head foward. Every time you saw him start to lose his computer, you either slowed to a complete stop, ran your sharp teeth across his shaft as a warning, or behan to squeeze at his base. Each warning was enough for him to realize he was losing his attention. As he got closer, still somehow managing to stare into the reflection, he reached for your hair, running his claws across your scalp.
You allowed this, he's been doing so good for you, after all.
Holding his hips down to prevent any involuntary jerks, you began to sloppily cover his cock with your spit, speeding up even more. You needed him. Now. He was quick to let out moans and groans, not very domineering ones, which almost surprised you. He was truly unraveling.
"I-I'm gonna.." he started to say in between breathy moans. As soon as you heard you sped up right until you felt his cum hit your tongue. But as soon as you felt the smallest amount, you stopped and held your grip tightly around his base, not stopping him from finishing but definitely making it more difficult to enjoy. You pulled your head back, catching your breath. You sit up on your knees and pull his monitor to reach your lips, kissing the small amount of his cum into his mouth with your tongue. His eye twitched at the new flavor in your mouth and was quick to pull away, wiping his lips ftom a combination of drool and his own fluids.
"That was good! You handled me so well.. But i didn't give you permission to cum did I? And you ruined my hair." You almost pouted, looking back to the mirror to attempt to fix your hair up as much as possible. You got a good look at his full body and smiled into the mirror. "God, you're beautiful, Vox." You said, your voice dripped with sweetness as you turn a decievingly genuine smile his way. It only made him blush more. The sight made you absolutely giddy. You finally looked down at him, seeing him begin to go soft." Ah ah~, you need to deal with the mess you made, baby." You took a hold of his still twitching cock, moving your hands along it again. It was quick to stiffen up again, but the overstimulation from just finishing drove Vox to lean his head back and let out more breathless moans. In a quick motion, you were back in his lap, just hovering your entrance over his member. You moved your underwear to the side, running your own fingers between your folds and lifting your hands back up to his view.
" See what you're doing to me? You lost your little game, and now, i'm left with this mess." You spoke matter of fact, licking your own fluids off your fingers. You quickly pressed another kiss against his mouth, the mixutre of both your fluids making this an especially messy one. His senses were overloaded. Every now and then, some moans would come out with a slight delay or glitch to them. He placed his hands on your hips, wanting to get at least one victory out of this. With one claw, he carefully ripped the fishnets covering yout entrance before forced himself into you, bottoming out immediately. You shot up, yelping at his sudden courage. Giving you time to relax into him, you gripped onto his shoulders. He led you up and down on his cock, barely guiding you before you began to move at your own pace, beginning to unravel yourself. He tilted his head to look into the mirror again. Seeing you from both angles made him drive up into you harder. He had to admit, it was a great view.
As you bounce yourself on his cock, you take his hand and lead his fingers to rub your clit. He immediately picked up the note and began to run tight circles with the sharp tip of his finger. The sensation made you shiver, his metal like claws a start contrast to the warmth you were amitting. Beginning to hit your g spot timed with the constant contact of his finger to your clit, left you breathy, a moaning mess. He was reaching his breaking point, making his body physically react to yours. Small and sudden shocks would amit from his finger and occasionally through his cock, causing a sensational pain. His voice continued to glitch, indicating how he was about to finish, which you noticed immediately. You slam down onto him, lifting his eyes towards you by grabbing a hold of his neck, lightly squeezing.
"You have to get permission to cum. Got it?" You said sternly, your sudden halt making his leg twitch and shift underneath you. "O-okay.. fine..! Keep going, i'm close-" you yanked him closer.
"Ask. Nicely."
"Fuck... C-can I cum for you..? Please... let me-" his voice began to trail off as you quickened your pace again. "Such a good boy. Okay, but only because you asked so nicely." You praised and tapped your finger against his nose(?) mockingly, then felt another shock run up inside of you. He finished almost immediately hearing those words. You felt his cum fill you up, but you guided his hand back down to your clit to continue rubbing as you kept up your pace. His sensitivity left a twitching static shock inside of you, which was quick to lead you to finish, the heated pain in your stomach finally releasing.
You fell onto him, your head resting on his shoulder as you simply stay seated om top of him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. He was nuzzling the side of his screen into your ear and kissing just along your neck. As soon as you regained your senses, you melted into his aftercare. You wouldn't expect him to be so sweet to you after this, but he was holding on to you like his worse fear was you getting up. You ran your hands along his back, enjoying how much comfort he seemed to need so desperately.
The sweet moment lasted for a while, before you pulled away gently and looked up towards the clock near the door.
"Fuck! Rehearsal! Get up get up!" You quickly lifted yourself off of him, before you looked at eachother. Your fishnets were ripped, some small bruises on your neck. He managed to plant a few, but that was nothing compared to the sloppy lipstick covered state he was in. "Ugh, god dammit!" You stormed off and quickly grabned some wipes, scrubbing the lipstick off his screen and chest." Velvette's gonna kill me..!" You groaned, nearly getting everything off.
"Calm down doll, I'll get some people from hair and makeup to fix up this mess." He snapped his fingers, which somehow alerted an imp assistant to knock on the door. You quickly reached for a nearby robe and tied it around your waist just as they entered the room. "-and they will have no problem with keeping this little secret, right?" His eye began to run hypnotic waves as he was quick to brainwash the assistant. You hesitantly sat and let the imp quickly fix up your messy appearance after finding new fishnets and hanging up your delicate dress to put back on later. Vox sat there, his shirt still completely undone, his legs crossed and arms splayed across the back of the couch. He simply sat there, watching you get pampered to perfection again. Every tine you made eye contact with him you began to turn red. Sure, you had the upper hand just moments ago, but the effect this demon had on you was immense, making the immediate poeer dynamic switching back to him.
Once the two of you had cleaned up a bit more, you headed towards the door. He spun you before pressing a quick kiss on your forehead, then turned you back and let you walk out in front of him.
"I told you i could handle it, and it for sure seemed like you couldnt keep yourself together. So, i win!" You clarified as the two of you walked down the hall, back towards the rehearsal space.
"Fine. Sure. Watever you say. Keep telling yourself that.. if that's what it takes to make you do it again." He shrugged off your obviously victory with that dumb invitiation. You punched his arm as the two of you continued to argue. It was still clear to you both. You came out on top this time.
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drmaddict · 17 days
Ankle Biter
Summary: The boys get to know (Y/n's) dog. He's not quite like the military dogs they know.
Characters: Ghost, Soap, Rudy, König
Wordcount: 786
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"What's that?"
"My dog. Pumpkin."
Simon looked irritated at the sceptically blinking dog in front of him.
"That's not a dog.", he said bluntly.
(Y/n) crossed her arms. "Really?"
Simon continued to look at the Chihuahua in front of him. "It'll break if you just look at it."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes.
Simon put his hands on his hips.
"I mean... If anything, I'm surrounded by shepherds... Not... Not by anything like that.", he tried to explain somehow, pointing at the ball of fur that was still scrutinising him insistently.
The doorbell rang, but Pumpkin didn't move an inch. Had Simon fully in his sights.
(Y/n) went to the door and greeted the postman, while her two men engaged in a staring contest.
Simon crossed his arms. Pumpkin stood up.
(Y/n) came back into the room. "Pumpkin come.", she ordered and the little dog followed without hesitation. Simon walked after her too.
"Why such a barker?"
"He doesn't bark. He's well behaved." She opened her parcel and pulled out a colourful, crinkly bag. Pumpkin's tail immediately wagged excitedly, but he stayed put.
(Y/n) took a mat from one of the drawers and sprinkled the contents of the bag into the fine grooves of the mat, placed it on the floor and leisurely tucked everything away in its place.
"And... Go.", she said with a grin. Pumpkin, who had been waiting excitedly, immediately jumped onto the mat and nibbled the treats out of the grooves.
Simon scrutinised the situation closely. "Don't grin like that. These are basic commands."
She just nodded with a grin. "Sure."
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"What are you doing?"
Simon flinched, caught off guard. He quickly brought his arms back to his body and stood up. Pumpkin barked discontentedly. The little one was far from finished.
(Y/n) stood grinning in the doorway with her arms crossed and mocked him silently. Simon rolled his eyes, annoyed.
"Nothing," he blurted.
"Mhm.", she nodded. "Pumpkin seems to like 'nothing' though."
Simon looked at the dog wagging its tail excitedly. He sighed and knelt down again. "Crawl.", he pressed out and Pumpkin immediately crawled under his palm, which he held just above the ground.
He felt (Y/n's) hands stroking through his hair. Simon just let him.
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"And that's-"
"Woof! Woof! WOOF!"
A small ball of fur raced towards Rudy. He flinched out of reflex, quickly sat down on the kitchen stool and held his feet up.
"Nacho off!", (Y/n) ordered emphatically.
The little dog put some distance between himself and Rudy, but was still growling. Rudy looked at the hubris-infested ball of fur.
"Is this going to go on all the time?"
(Y/n) looked at him apologetically. "He's not so good with men.", she confessed.
Rudy carefully put one foot back on the ground. Nacho immediately jumped towards him.
"Hey, off! Off!" Rudy barked and held his foot up again.
"This is going to be a lot of work.", admitted (Y/n).
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He leaned towards (Y/n) and pressed his lips playfully under her earlobe. Even before his lips touched her skin, he heard a growl. He let his eyes snap open and looked into Chef's eyes. The little Chihuahua looked at him menacingly. (Y/n) giggled.
Johnny approached (Y/n) once more and immediately Chef came closer. "Hey, we all want to cuddle with mummy. Come on make yourself- Ah!"
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"What did you do to your brow?", asked Simon.
Johnny saw the images of the little Chihuahua in front of him, who had bitten his eyebrow like a pitbull. This creature had never liked him.
"... Dog attack."
Simon just nodded, then faltered. "Doesn't your girl have one of those ankle biters."
"It was another dog!", said Johnny far too quickly and left the room.
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"Come on Buddy. That was an accident. I didn't see you."
The giant of a man crouched in front of the couch, looking puppy-eyed at the little dog in front of him, who stubbornly ignored him.
(Y/n) hadn't expected it, but Buddy had accepted Klaus immediately. The little Chihuahua loved being carried around by him and being bigger than the rest. Klaus was just insanely big. Unfortunately, he was also so big that he sometimes overlooked Buddy.Like today. He had been walking through the kitchen, still completely sleepy, and had unfortunately kicked Buddy. The little one wasn't hurt, but now thought that Klaus didn't like him any more.
(Y/n) watched the spectacle with a soft heart. The little dog almost whimpered in explanation. Klaus continued to stroke his fur. "I know. I'm sorry." Buddy hesitantly turned round and cuddled up to Klaus' chest. He immediately picked him up and hugged him.
(Y/n) smiled gently. "Can you guys stop being so damn cute?"
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Half of My Heart || Kinktober - Day 24
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pairing ▸ jeong jaehyun × f!reader
now playing ▸ half of my heart - josh makazo
⤷ ❝know you still have things to say. it's different since i broke us apart.��
genre ▸ non-idol au, jock!jaehyun, exes to lovers, smut
warnings ▸ period sex, praise, fingering, marking, car sex, mentions of blood (obviously)
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
You go to the skate park late at night to think.
It helps when you've got a lot on your mind and need to unwind, but you couldn't do that tonight.
A bunch of frat boys came together to throw a party, one you were invited to. It may not be your usual night out, but at least it was different.
Now alcohol can be your escape from a broken heart.
Kevin: Hey, you made it!
Y/n: I'm usually here skating on a regular night.
Kevin: Saved you a seat, right here
You roll your eyes as he pats his lap. You look around and see that there truly was no more space to sit and just take his offer.
Y/n: So, did I miss anything?
Kevin: Nah. Just a few guys on the football team having a chugging contest.
Y/n: Mmm, boring.
Kevin: It was.
You scan the park just to have something to do, but it proves to be a mistake when you spot your ex-boyfriend making out with one of the cheerleaders.
That hurts.
Kevin: Where'd your mind go just now?
Y/n: Saw Jaehyun playing tonsil hockey with captain preppy.
Kevin: Brutal. Need me to kick his ass?
Y/n: Nah. He'd squash you like a bug and I happen to love my best friend.
Kevin: I hate when you're right.
You guys laugh and you get up to grab a closed bottle of beer. When you come back, Kevin notices your ex staring at you two.
Kevin: He's looking.
Y/n: Don't care.
Kevin: He looks like he wants to kill me.
You roll your eyes and position yourself so you're straddling Kevin. He doesn't react, just holds your exposed hips so you don't fall back.
Y/n: You think from this angle it'll look like we're kissing?
Kevin: Yeah, why?
You put your thumb on his lips before kissing your nail, pressing your forehead against his. Kevin wraps his arm around you to make it look like he's pulling you in deeper.
You pull away and smile at him, a silent thank you for going along with your plan.
Kevin: He's coming over here.
Y/n: Don't lie to me, Moon.
So much for not caring.
Kevin: Just turn around.
You do and feel your heart drop as he strides over to you.
Y/n: Shit, gotta go.
Kevin: Have fun, bestie! Use protection!
You flip him off and hurriedly make your way towards the parking lot. Maybe you'll get home quicker if you run.
Jaehyun: Y/n! Wait up!
Why does he sound like he's right behind you?
You make a noise of surprise when he grabs your arm and turns you to face him.
Y/n: Oh, hey.
Jaehyun: Hey. Did you not hear me?
Y/n: Nope, sorry.
Jaehyun: Can we talk?
Y/n: I don't think that's a good idea.
Jaehyun: Please? I swear I'll leave you alone after, if that's what you want.
You sigh.
He was using those stupid eyes of his. The ones where they get all soft and kind.
He still knows how to make you weak.
Y/n: Fine.
He smiles and guides you to his car with a hand on the small of your back. You feel his warm fingers curl around your waist, almost like he's afraid you'll run.
You curse yourself for wearing a crop top.
He opens the passenger door and you reluctantly get in.
There was an awkward silence when he gets in, locking the car doors. It was only for privacy reasons.
Jaehyun: I hate how we left things.
Y/n: How you left things.
He takes a deep breath and nods.
Jaehyun: I never wanted to hurt you.
Y/n: But you did.
He broke things off two months ago because he "needed to be with someone that matches his popularity", hence the bimbo he was making out with.
Jaehyun: It's just- I got lost in the glory of being the quarterback, that I became a different person. I let go of the one person who means the most to me because of it.
Stupid excuse.
Y/n: I get it, Jae. I'm not popular enough for you. I'm not drop-dead gorgeous enough for your new friends. But you didn't have to insult me when you broke things off. That was just cruel on your part.
He understands that.
He messed up so bad and it cost him the love of his life.
Jaehyun: You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. That is a fact no one will ever get to prove wrong. My heart will always belong to you.
He still has feelings for you?
Jaehyun: If you can give me another chance, I swear I'll do right by you.
Y/n: Don't you have a girlfriend?
Jaehyun: No.
Y/n: Then why were you making out with the head cheerleader? Thought she was your arm candy.
Jaehyun: I never made it official with her. Just let her kiss me in public, but nothing other than that.
Jaehyun: What about you? Are you and Kevin Moon dating?
Y/n: Nah, I was just feeling petty. Kiss was fake; he'd launch me off of him if it was real.
Jaehyun: Now that sounds like him.
You both laugh, comfortable silence surrounding the once tense atmosphere.
It feels warm and familiar.
Jaehyun: Can I- Can I kiss you?
You nod, leaning in to meet his lips halfway.
You climb over and straddle his lap while he puts his seat all the way back. His hands roam your entire body, tongue exploring your mouth all over again.
You feel him getting ready to slide his hand into the waistband of your panties when you stop him.
Jaehyun: What's wrong?
Y/n: Nothing, I just remembered something.
Jaehyun: What is it?
You feel embarrassed to say this out loud. You're hot and bothered, but can't do anything about it because-
Y/n: I'm on my period.
He begins to laugh and kiss the skin underneath your jaw.
Y/n: It's not funny!
Jaehyun: It's kinda funny, baby.
You whine, hiding your face in his chest.
He wraps his arms around you and kisses the crown of your head.
Jaehyun: It's funny because you think a little blood's gonna stop me from fucking you.
You yelp when his hand slips inside your panties and his middle finger circles your clit. You moan very loudly from not having been touched since he left you.
Jaehyun: Careful, baby. Wouldn't want anyone to hear your pretty sounds.
Y/n: Don't give a fuck.
You kiss him as his fingers get covered in a mix of your arousal and blood. Your pad gets scrunched the more his knuckles disappear in your cunt.
You sit up and take your top off, revealing you perky tits.
Jaehyun: No bra? What if you accidentally flashed everyone at the party?
Y/n: It is what it is.
He chuckles, helping you steady yourself as you get completely naked.
He lowers his jeans down enough so his cock springs free. He was hard and leaking, just how you like him.
You align yourself with his tip and slam down on his cock. He moans as you bounce without adjusting.
You were too horny and impatient to give a fuck about anything right now.
Y/n: Hated seeing you with that stupid, blonde airhead. Wanted to beat her ass everytime she passed me on campus.
Jaehyun: Aww, you didn't like how close she was to me? Then fucking mark me so she knows who I belong to.
You don't even have to be told twice. Your mouth litters multiple red hickeys all over his neck and chest.
God, he bruises so easily, it makes you needier.
You look so ruined already, but he wants to break you. Have you reduced to a drooling and whimpering mutt for him like he always does.
But not tonight.
Tonight is about getting you back and doing everything he can to show you he means what he says. He's going to love you despite what others say.
You're worth it.
He gasps when your teeth scratch against his jugular, lightly sucking on the skin there.
Y/n: I'm gonna cum.
He watches you bounce on his cock, tits matching the rhythm as you squirt all over him - you probably got blood all over him, too.
You get tired, so he slams his hips into you as the top of your ass hits the bottom of the steering wheel. Lucky it wasn't the horn, right?
Y/n: Want more. Please give me more.
Jaehyun: Such a good girl. Always taking what I give you and begging for more, not satisfied until everyone at this fucking party can see how thoroughly mine you are.
You scream as the tip of his cock hits your g-spot. It was a delicious repetitive motion that has you shaking in your ex-boyfriend's arms.
You press your chest against his, mouth attacking his neck as you meet his thrusts.
He tries to pull you off his neck by your hair, but you growl at him - mouth leaving him for only a moment to push his hand off before devouring him again.
His hands leaves bruises on your hips at how hot that was of you. Being on your period makes you even hornier than a bitch in heat.
Jaehyun: You’re my little whore, aren’t you?
You growl again, biting on his shoulder before nodding to his question.
Y/n: Only yours.
He picks up his pace, causing you to grip onto the handle above your head to steady yourself. His cock rams into you so rough, you're drooling and whimpering - just like he wanted.
Both of you cum at the same time, not caring who hears you anymore. You just care about each other.
You bury your face in his neck trying to catch your breath. He leans back and massages your body to help soothe the shaking.
Y/n: I've missed you a lot.
He smiles, kissing your temple.
Jaehyun: Please give me another chance, Y/n. I can give you everything you need and want. Just give me one month and I swear I'll embed myself so far in you, you won't be able to breathe without me.
You giggle, resting your chin on his chest.
Y/n: Okay. But only one chance. If you blow it, you'll never see me again.
Jaehyun: Thank you, baby. I promise I'll treat you right.
He shifts a little and you whine. His cock was still inside you.
Y/n: Can we leave to get cleaned up? Cum mixed with blood isn't a pretty sight.
He laughs with his entire chest, kissing your lips with a huge grin.
Jaehyun: 'Course we can.
a/n: get me away from pinterest prompts. this ain't good for my sanity. thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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thebisexualdogdad · 7 months
One piece preferences - How they spend halloween (GN!reader)
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Luffy -
● trick or treating of course
● has a super detailed costume that he spent months making
● and starts ringing doorbells the moment the sun goes down and goes way past when the rest of the kids have gone to bed
● "Luffy it's nearly midnight I don't think people are going to open their door for you anymore"
● "but we're so close to finishing my trick or treating map, we've only got one more block to go!"
● has eaten all his candy two days after Halloween
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Nami -
● hands out candy while watching scary movies
● she's made you guys a bowl of freshly popped popcorn and turns your favorite movies on
● also snacks on the candy in between visits from the kids
● pretends to be scared by the movie so she can cuddle with you
● falls asleep on the couch surrounded by empty candy wrappers
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Sanji -
● throws the best Halloween party in town
● has to hire a bouncer because there's a line of people trying to get in
● as well as a bartender to make signature halloween themed drinks
● he spent the last week decorating your home
● and made all the appetizers for the party himself
● wears a couples costume with you that wins his own costume contest
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Zoro -
● turns all the lights off and pretends not to be home
● unfortunately for him your neighbors saw his shadow walk by the window and started knocking on the door
● you convinced him to find something he could hand out
● so he gave the kids some ketchup packets he found in the kitchen
● "you really didn't buy any candy at all?"
● "Hey at least I didn't give them toothbrushes"
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Usopp -
● favorite part of Halloween is getting to prank people
● hides in bushes and scares people walking by
● TP's random houses with giant trees knowing it'll be that much more difficult to clean up
● has you filming him so he can post the videos to tik tok hoping to go viral
● but of course the only one that does is the the video of a guy punching him after he jumped out at him with a fake machete
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Shanks -
● is the guy in the neighborhood known for handing out full sized candy bars
● all the kids make sure to go to your house first
● you two sit on the porch handing out candy and playing card games
● Shanks compliments every single kids costume that comes by
● plus he's got wine in cups to go for the parents who need a little pick me up
● so he's the neighborhood favorite for both the kids and the parents
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Buggy -
● runs the local haunted house
● goes all out with the a little too realistic special effects
● has had the cops called on him multiple times over the years because of the amount of terrified screams that can be heard blocks away
● you once had to convince a cop that the body he had hanging at the start of the haunted house was in fact not a real body
● and at the end of the night he's already planning on how he can outdo himself next year
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Mihawk -
● doesn't even know it's Halloween yet everyone thinks he's dressed up
● "nice vampire costume dude"
● "I don't know what you're talking about"
● "it's halloween… and you're dressed like a vampire… right?"
● "this is how I dress everyday you peasant"
● you have to drag Mihawk away before he fights this dude
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Cabaji -
● trick or treats and gets mad when people say "aren't you two a little too old to be trick or treating?"
● wears one of those "this is my costume" t shirts
● drinks beer while you guys are trick or treating
● steals candy from kids that don't have parents with them
● and then eggs people houses to finish off the night
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marysandbox · 1 year
Dress - Taylor Swift x Reader
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Summary: The one where "Dress" was written for you. [Requested]
Warnings: (+18), smut (it's flagged and can be skipped), fluff, secret relationship, implicit forms of media homophobia, mentions of past relationships. | Words: 2.724
A/N-> I found this request from last year on my drive, I believe it was a writing challenge. It was my first time writing for Taylor, and since it wasn't the focus of my main blog, I ended up forgetting about this one. Now that I have this secondary blog, I haven't found any reason not to share this little one.
General Masterlist |
Sighing softly, you let go of her hand.
Taylor remained close to you, however.
"It'll be quick." She assured, forcing a smile. "A few hours, we'll go home, okay?"
It was your turn to smile, your gaze roaming the entire figure in front of you, watching the new dress hug all the right places.
"You look beautiful, dear. Did I mention?" You deflect from her previous sentence, and despite the soft redness in her cheeks, her stare is amused.
"Once or twice."
"Then I need to improve on that number." You spoke, bringing your face closer to her ear. "You're breathtaking, Tay." You whispered, enjoying the way her skin shivered.
But the place was beginning to fill up. The other contestants and performers were arriving incrementally, and even though you were hidden from view by the cameras now, it was still too risky to be so close and so non-platonically in public.
Resisting the urge to kiss her cheek, you pulled away and cleared your throat softly. "After you, Miss Swift."
She rolled her eyes at the formality, a smile playing on her lips.
Taylor left first, or rather, entered, the great hall where the awards ceremony would be taking place this year.
You as an independent artist were going to sit a few tables away from her.
The challenge was to keep your eyes off your girlfriend when she looked so stunning.
The evening passed slowly, most probably because all you could do was watch the concerts and speeches and try to cheer yourself up a bit with the expensive food and bad drink.
Your only wish was to be able to keep your hand intertwined with hers and kiss her, even if only on the cheek, as married men could do around the room.
For your happiness, at least you can look at her. Her album won one of the awards that night.
She came on stage, to wave and to express her thanks, and you can't even control your own expression.
Would the photographers in the room be able to tell that your eyes shine brighter than the lights when you look at her?
Would Taylor be able to see you from that distance?
You know she can. Because she meets your gaze from the stage and smiles in a way that you know is just for you.
And when the night is over, she has autographs to sign, and hands to shake, and you are beginning to regret not drinking when one of the boys in a band tries to get her number from her managers.
It has been like this for some time.
Maybe days, or months? Sometimes you feel that it has been going on for years. Maybe all your life.
When you didn't know her, what was it like to go to LA?
Not to be around her, visiting galleries and parks in a poor disguise, or rushing out of rehearsals to spend time in her apartment under the sheets.
Soon spring is coming, and you need to get back to England for the awards.
Taylor invites you to accompany her to the Grammys when you're back.
At this point, even with all the precautions, the media recognizes that you two are close.
“Best friends” is written on the cover of gossip magazines. Her marketing team won't let her comment.
You are at her house again, before you travel, and she is wearing a sweatshirt that is yours, that she took from the bags you are not done with.
"I'm going to need that in the London cold, Tay." You mutter as you approach to hand her the drink you said you were going to prepare for you two.
She lifts her gaze from the little notebook, confused for a moment until she recognizes that you were talking about the clothes. Then she just smiles "Buy another, this one is mine until you get back."
You laugh softly, shaking your head as you sit down in the armchair across from her.
There is a forgotten movie on the television, and your cell phone is vibrating with the new appointments on your calendar, but you are looking at the woman in front of you. The blonde strands fall down at the sides of her face, her legs crossed on the bed as she scribbles some things down.
"Is it for Reputation?" You ask about the verses she suddenly, in the middle of the movie session, got the idea to write. She covers the paper immediately with her hand.
"Don't peek!" She warns with an expression of false seriousness, pushing the closed notebook further into her lap, her other hand holding her mug of chocolate.
"Never." You assure. "I can't wait to hear, though."
Her cheeks flush, and she smiles. You won't disturb her in her writing, and you think you can just watch her work and you'll be happy.
Most of the time, you hate journalists.
That's one of the times.
"We heard that you and Taylor Swift have become very close since the 2014 Grammy party." The man with the mustaches began, and from the tone, you knew it couldn't be a good thing. The dozens of cameras and microphones beside him in the stands kept you from turning your back. "We wanted an opinion, don't you think it's funny that Swift always writes of her relationships and people keep dating her?"
That was so mean. Unnecessarily mean.
You licked your lips, frowning, trying to remain calm.
Even the artist answering questions next to you grimaced, although she didn't stop her own interview to comment.
Your manager always said, "Take a deep breath, don't let it get to you. Everything can get around in a joking tone, so if you want to punch someone, the best alternative is to ironize what was said to you."
"Look buddy, have you met her?" you started in the least angry way you could manage. " Tay is by far, the most incredible, inspiring, hard-working, and intense woman I have ever met. I think everyone who meets her has the same impression, and when you have a chance to be, whether it's a footnote or a song, you take a chance. Because anything is worth it to have a little piece of paradise that is being loved by a woman like her."
The man was embarrassed by his question, and unresponsive. His best was to smile. Some of the others began to comment on the sweetness of your answer, but you were dismissing further questions to get into the event.
Before the party was even over, all the way to another continent, Taylor would be teary-eyed with the cut of this little interview circulating on the internet and on her cell phone screen.
You came back to the United States two weeks after you left.
It was like longing torture, to be honest.
Your cell phone had unread notifications because you were in airplane mode the whole trip.
You called Taylor as soon as you picked up your bags.
"Hey, baby sorry for the delay, I forgot my cell phone was off "You spoke as soon as she answered.
"No worries." She said. "Where are you? The car will be right out."
The Grammys were tonight, but you hadn't even taken off your travel clothes.
"Yeah, I think I'll miss my ride." You say checking your watch. "Can I meet you at the party?"
"Of course, darling." She spoke a moment later, almost hesitantly. You didn't catch why. "I love you, see you later."
"I love you too."
You were late. Very late.
Not only did it take forever to get a cab, but you lost your keys somewhere in your suitcase and it took an hour and a half for a locksmith to service you at that time.
When you finally arrived, through the back because the red carpet was closed, the awards ceremony had already begun.
Your gaze searched among the people immediately, and Taylor was in one of the front seats.
Yours was between the ninth and tenth row. You could barely make out her figure from that distance.
The way you missed her was almost painful.
And the speeches and applause continued, and you were exchanging sweet messages with her across the room.
She didn't win anything that night, a younger girl took many victories.
Everything seemed to happen automatically, until the party and she was close enough for you to hold.
You hugged her tight, fuck the photographers and the rest of the world for a few seconds. She hugged you back just as hard, her hands wrapped around your neck.
One or two people noticed the excitement and one of the managers clarified something about you being traveling, a long time apart.
But you didn't follow this.
You just focused on the bright blue eyes in front of you, without saying anything, and you already knew.
You were talking about going out and missing each other, and it was hard to hear each other in that crowded room, with the music so loud.
So Taylor was leaning into your ear, and it just seemed like friends trying to hear each other better.
"Can we go to my apartment after here, please?" She almost begged, her fingers haunting your wrist a moment before she pulled away, with the most innocent expression in the world.
And you were swallowing dryly, shifting your gaze from her lips to her eyes and forcing a not the least bit affected smile, as if she had just made a comment about the food. 
It was your turn to lean in so, seeming to continue the conversation. "I can't wait to get that dress off you, baby."
She sighed, almost inaudible. But you felt it against your neck, her breath uncompensated.
Then you both were pulling away, and smiling gently, keeping up appearances.
–//– ~smut scene~ –//– 
You let your hands wander down, tongues together sliding against each other, the soft moans being the only sound in the room.
Taylor was pulling you by the tie, stumbling around the apartment to the bedroom, but you two kept stopping all the way. Pressed against each other, breathing together.
"I need this off." You warned breathlessly about her tight clothes, the kisses running down her collarbone as she melted against you.
It seemed to become the most complicated thing to remove when you had her throwing her hips towards you, her body so warm.
So with a frustrated grunt, you grabbed the fabric and ripped it off. She let out a low moan, the cold air against her skin being quickly replaced by the sensation of your hands running over her entire body.
"God, Tay, I missed you so much, baby." You declared kissing your way to her breasts. 
"I missed you too." She returns equally breathless, her eyes closing tightly as she feels your lips around her nipples, stimulating her eagerly.
Her legs are giving out. You can tell, and waste no time in grabbing her by the waist, looking for the first surface you can find.
Your hand pushes some objects out of the way, books, and picture frames. You place her on the top of a cabinet, seated, and her legs encircle your waist as your mouth returns to hers.
Taylor gasps against your lips, kissing you in the same overwhelming intensity, her hips splaying forward, trying to ease the sensation between her legs.
You smile at this, slowing the kiss as you slide your hands down her thighs.
Her panties are ruined. She is dripping, you can feel it through the fabric.
Taylor chokes as she feels your thumb against her clit, and moans hoarsely when you begin to press.
"Is that good, baby?" you tease when she can no longer kiss you back, her hands on your shoulders and her eyes ajar staring at you.
She looks so beautiful. Her darkened eyes, her flushed cheeks, and her lips were puffy from kissing hard.
You smile at her, as your fingers push the fabric of her panties aside and you slip into her without warning, which elicits a moan from both of you.
It is always as amazing as the first time. She is hot and slippery, and you sigh. "Fuck, I need to taste you."
She whimpers and barely has time to complain about the lack of contact when you remove your fingers, because her complaint dies in her throat and turns into a suffering moan when you get on your knees in front of her, and sink your face against her nub without warning.
"Jesus!" She exclaims affected as she feels your tongue, eating her with desire, and all she can do is close her eyes tightly, trying not to cum immediately.
You moan against her pussy, her taste is intoxicating. Your own panties stick to the wave of arousal you feel as you eat her out.
You move your tongue with precision and speed, sinking between her folds, stimulating her as deliciously as possible.
She becomes a mess of whimpers and loud moans, and digs her nails into your scalp hair, forcing your face against her before spilling onto your tongue.
"Fuck." She whimpers excitedly, trying to recover from her orgasm as you drink all her liquids and continue to overstimulate her. "Babe, please."
"Give me one more sweetheart." You ask as you pull away for a moment, moving your fingers to open her more. "I know you can."
She nodded breathlessly, already ready for another one anyway. And you weren't going to stop anytime soon.
– ~end of smut~ –
You sleep until late.
When you awaken, there is a small breakfast tray in the corner of the bed, and a blonde woman in the armchair, a notebook in her hands.
"Are you watching me sleep?" You ask in a husky voice, as you open your eyes. She blushes, shifting her gaze back to the pages, making you smile. "Creepy."
She laughs softly, and one of the sheets she has crumpled into a little ball, she throws at you.
You stretch, sitting up properly. 
"I wrote a song about you." She declares in silence many moments later, when you are already passing jam on your toast.
You raise a brow, a playful smile, "Yeah? Are you going to tell me what it is called?"
She bites back a smile, denying with her head. You give a chuckle. "Not even the album?"
Taylor leaves the notebook on the armchair, and crawls back to the bed, keeping her gaze on you until you are close enough.
"What's the fun in saying, if you can guess?" She whispers against your lips, and you feel the jam drip against your fingers, but you don't even mind, moving forward to capture her lips.
She smiles against your mouth, and you forget about the food, wrap your hands around her face, and kiss her until she is flushed and breathless beneath you.
"Not even a hint?" You try later in a brisk tone. She laughs, shaking her head. "You know what, Tay? It doesn't really matter." You murmur as you lie down next to her, tracing her features with your fingers. She raises her eyebrow in curiosity.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because I'm staying long enough." You reply. "I will stay until all the love songs make you think of me."
She blushes, but has a challenging smile, "You are so cocky."
You laugh, nodding. "All of them. From Taylor Swift 2006 to 1989."
She laughs softly. "You want me to think about you with all of my ex-boyfriend' songs?"
You nod trying not to laugh too. "You'll think about how none of them compared to me."
She giggles, moving closer to kiss you several times on the cheek, over and over again, until you are laughing too.
A long moment after, you calm down, and she has her face resting on your chest, your hands on her waist and hair, and you notice the mood has changed.
You don't push, Tay talks when she wants to. And it doesn't take long for her to kiss your skin and then whisper, "You're going to be my best song."
Smiling weakly, you kissed her forehead. "I just hope to be the happy ones."
Taylor sinks her face against your neck, entwining her legs in yours. "You are."
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graves4girls · 9 months
☆ 18+ me & u | miguel o'hara
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✮ wc. 4.4k ⚠︎ warning(s): 18+, unprotected, pre/noncanon, teensy tiny bit of possessive reader, fem!reader i got carried away with this so it's hella long but idgaf cuz i had sm fun writing it so if it gets rambly sorry :(( also if u can't tell by this i'm excited for halloween ⟡ be sure to check out my work on ao3 → gravesforgirls !!
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You smear the black gloss across your lips, one arm stabilizing yourself as you stand bent over the vanity, fixing the small imperfections of your makeup. You cap the lipgloss and drop it into your makeup bag, straightening to eye your outfit in the mirror, fixing the ears secured to the top of your head. A knock at your bedroom door pulls you from admiring yourself any further, moving to pull the door open, smiling at the tower of a man behind it.
"You ready?"
"For what?"
Your eyebrows knit together, crossing your arms over your chest. "The costume party! You said you were going." 
His eyes run over your frame, eyebrows raising at the provocative costume. "I decided I don't want to. All it's gonna be is drunk people dry humping and vomiting everywhere."
You frown.
"We were supposed to go together. You can't just back out. You promised."
"I'm breaking it, then. I'm sure you'll have fun without me."
You drop your arms to your sides, sighing. "You're driving me then. And I need to make a pit stop at the party store. I need one more thing for my costume."
He grumbles quietly but nods nonetheless, letting you slip past him and down the hall.
You push the car door open as he shuts the engine off, but you don't get out, looking back at him.
"Aren't you coming in?"
He quirks an eyebrow. "Why would I go in? You're the one who wanted to come here."
"What if I need help getting something off a high shelf?" 
He rolls his eyes at the lame excuse, biting back a grin. "That's what the workers are for."
"Just, come in with me. It'll be quick."
He reluctantly steps out of the car, following close behind you.
You skim through the aisles, eyes locking on the bright red and blue of one particular costume hanging on the wall, and you reach to pull it down, scanning the size. He notices you eyeing the package, stepping closer.
"What do you need that for?"
You hum, giving him a grin. "I don't. But you do. You'd look so cute in this."
He gapes at you for a moment, waving a hand in the air as he shakes his head furiously. 
"You're fucking crazy if you think I'd ever wear that. I'm not ten years old. And I told you I'm not going to the stupid party."
"Come on! I'll pay for it–just come with me. I really want you to go."
He stares at you for a few moments in silence, small scowl etched into his features and his big arms folded over his chest. The way you look up at him with those big, pretty eyes, and the way you're practically begging him to go makes him weak, and you smile when he drops his head with a sigh.
"I can't believe you're actually making me go to a costume party dressed as goddamn Spiderman. Was this the only reason you made me drive you here?"
"No, I still need a cat tail."
You pull him along by his hand through the crowds of people and drag him up the stairs, in search of an empty room.
"What are you guys supposed to be?"
You turn to the voice, smiling at them.
"I'm a black cat. He didn't have time to change yet, but he's gonna be Spiderman." You can tell he's already regretting giving in to your batting eyelashes and pouty lip, not acknowledging the person whatsoever. "Is there anywhere he can change? Bathroom or something?"
"There's one down the hall, to the right. Hopefully nobody's hogging it yet."
You nod and yank him towards the room, knocking before pushing it open when you get no response. You shove the costume against his chest, toothy grin stuck to your face.
"You're way too happy about this. You owe me."
"Whatever, just hurry up. They're gonna have a contest later for best costumes and I'm gonna nominate you."
"¡Oye, no empujes tu suerte-!"
You push him back and slam the door shut, giggling at the way he groans.
"Almost done?"
You can hear shuffling behind the door.
"Uh–yeah. It's just a little…tight. This was the biggest size they had?"
The door creaks open, and he peeks his head around to look at you.
"Yeah. It can't be that bad. Show me." He pulls the door open, and you hide your laugh behind your hand at the sight of him. "See, I told you! You look cute."
"You're laughing. I look ridiculous."
"I'm serious! Give me a spin."
Another incredulous look, but he obliges when he realizes you mean it, popping your hip out as you shift your weight. He turns slowly, and you can't keep your eyes from drifting lower, taking in the way the thin material hugs his ass perfectly, along with the rest of him, really. You whistle at him as he turns back to face you, mischievous and teasing.
"Watch it. I'll ditch your ass if you keep that shit up." He points a finger at you, but you wave him off, pushing his hand down.
"Where's the mask?"
"I'm not wearing it. This is bad enough."
"You're wearing the goddamn mask. You're not Spiderman without the mask. Put it on."
You can't place it, but every girl that ogles at him and feels him up tightens something in your chest. He's not even trying to be the center of attention, yet girls are flocking to get close to him. You're supposed to be dancing with your friends, but you're too busy glaring at the Barbie hanging off his arm to enjoy the music anymore.
"Hey, what's your problem?" One of your friends bumps against your shoulder, eyes following your gaze, and she sighs. "Ignore them. You're here to have fun."
You huff quietly, fixing your cat ears.
"I know, but he's supposed to be my Spiderman. He should be over here, with me."
"Holy shit, you are pathetic. C'mon, let's get some drinks."
You tear your eyes away from the sight, sulking into the kitchen.
"What do you want?"
"Just some juice or something. I'm not in the mood to get drunk anymore."
You take the solo cup from her hands, taking a sip and turning to eye the crowd from the threshold of the kitchen doorway, getting small glimpses of him through the silhouettes of people dancing. His mask is pulled back to show his pretty face, pieces of messy curls falling into his face as he laughs at something you're too far to hear. Honestly, you can't really blame them completely, he does look gorgeous, strong muscles straining against the cheap material of the costume, leaned cooly against the wall with his arms over his chest. You decide to cut his conversation with Harley Quinn short, curating a quick cocktail and leaving your friend to call after you, slipping past inflatable dinosaurs and far too many half-assed skeletons to snake between them.
"Hey! I brought you a drink."
His eyes flicker from the cup to you once, twice, before he squints.
"Why? What'd you do to it?"
You swat at his chest, holding it out further to him. "Nothing, you dick. I'm being nice. I did drag you here."
He takes the cup from you hesitantly, searching the concoction for any sign of foul play, before taking a sip, and you mentally note the absence of the pig-tailed girl that'd been heckling him. 
"You've been getting a lot of attention tonight, huh?"
He glares at you, gently swirling his cup.
"I can't get two seconds alone. I don't know how you like these kinds of things."
"Well, try actually doing something rather than sitting in a corner acting all mysterious. And put the mask on."
You reach out to grab his free hand, gently pulling in an attempt to get him to follow you.
"And where exactly are you bringing me?"
"The dance floor. I know you've got a little something up your sleeve."
He holds a finger up as he takes another sip.
"Let me finish my drink, and I'll meet you out there."
"Promise? And don't break it this time."
"Promise. Ahora déjame en paz."
You drop his hand, smiling as you skip away to find your friends once more.
You jump a bit when you feel big hands catch your hips, and you're about to swing at the person that seems to think it's okay to grab random girls when his deep voice rumbles in your ear.
"Having fun?"
You look over your shoulder to find that big eyed mask staring down at you, nodding with a smile.
"Took you long enough. And you kept your promise."
You turn to face him, but he keeps his hands on your hips, and your face heats up a bit at the contact.
"I got a little held up. And you'll never guess who it was."
You scrunch your face, tilting your head a bit. "Who?"
"Another black cat. But like, Marvel's Black Cat. She had the whole get-up, claws and everything."
You heat up even more.
"Oh, really? That's funny." 
"Yeah, she was trying to get my number and shit."
You suck your teeth. "And shit? What else was she trying to get?" You tease him, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Nothing like that, you weirdo. Are we gonna dance, or what?"
You give him a half-hearted smirk as he clears his throat, brushing his hands away to turn to your friend.
Your friend's hanging off of you, drunkenly babbling and giggling, and you decide to recuperate away from the crowd, patting a hand against Miguel's shoulder.
"Help me bring her somewhere quieter. She needs to sober up."
He picks her from your shoulder with ease, following you away from the loud music and up into an empty bedroom. You retrieve some cold water as he sets her on the bed, and she plops back with a laugh.
"Hey, drink this. You're fucking plastered."
She refuses it at first, but with minimal fighting, she eventually chugs the drink and falls against your shoulder. 
Her boyfriend collects her soon enough, conveniently leaving you and Spiderman to linger in the quiet room.
"You seem to be having a good time. Aren't you happy I made you come?"
He plops onto the bed with a huff, pushing the mask up and raising his eyebrows.
"I wouldn't say happy, but I'm not not happy. I mean, I like seeing you have fun."
You step closer to the mirror hanging on the door, prodding at your makeup.
"Yeah? You looked pretty thrilled out there."
He watches you from his spot, leaning back on one of his palms. "What are you doing?"
"Fixing my makeup. She smudged it when she was grabbing at me."
"You look fine."
You give him a look from the side of your eye, pulling out a small lip gloss from your bra cup and twisting it open. "That's not the compliment you think it is." 
He rolls his eyes. "You know what I meant. You look pretty. You can't even tell it's messed up."
You close the small tube and set it down on the wardrobe, running your hands down your sides to feel the shiny faux leather fabric of the bodysuit. You can feel his eyes on you, running all over your body, and suddenly there's a tight coil in your stomach. 
"Did you ever give that girl your number?"
His eyes snap to your face when you turn to look down at him, brows knit together.
"Who, Black Cat? No, no, she's not my type. And I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend. I've seen her around campus a few times with the same guy."
You hum quietly.
"What about Harley Quinn? She's cute."
He shrugs. "She's just in my genetics class. She was just asking about an assignment. Nothing nefarious." He sits up, a small smirk working its way onto his lips. "Why are you grilling me all of a sudden? Are you trying to hook me up with someone?"
You shake your head with a grin, cheeks heating up. "No! I'm just wondering. I mean, girls have been hanging off of you all night. Surely you gave one of them your number, or something?"
He chuckles quietly, toying with the fabric on his leg. "No, I don't go handing out my number to random girls."
"What about you? Don't you have guys all over you?"
You scoff, moving to sit next to him.
"Hardly. I'll be lucky if I get one guy asking for my number before I leave. And the clock is ticking. It's already almost midnight."
He's looking at you, staring, and you don't want to look back.
"I think they're just intimidated. They think you'll reject them." His voice is quieter, softer, but it still rumbles deep in his chest.
"Shut up."
He leans closer.
"I'm serious." His hand comes up to tuck some hair behind your ear, lingering before it drops back to his side. "You look stunning. I mean, you're always gorgeous, but you look especially good in black leather."
Your whole body feels like a furnace, scorching with the sudden tension in the air, and you stare down at your lap.
"Oye. Mírame." His hand comes up once more to grab your chin, turning your head to face him. "I mean it."
Your eyes fall to his lips for a moment, nodding softly. 
"I know." Your own voice betrays you, nearly a whisper as you find his gaze.
He's kissing you before you can say anything else, big hand cupping the side of your face as his nose bumps against yours, and your hands are quick to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. He leans into you, nearly knocking you over if it weren't for his hold on you, desperate to get more of you. He's hoisting you into his lap, hands grabbing at your hips as your tongue slips into his mouth, and he's letting a low groan fall from his lips. He can't pull you close enough, strong arms constricting around your waist as your hands frame his face, only pulling back when your lungs nearly burn. 
"You should've done that a long time ago."
He chuckles against your lips, brown eyes boring into your own, pupils blown wide. "I was waiting for the right time." 
You drop another heated kiss to his flushed lips, humming into his mouth when he rolls your hips down into his own.
"You really wanna do this here?"
"I don't think I can hold out any longer. I need you, now." 
You rock down against him with another kiss.
"Whatever you say, Spiderman." 
Your hands are moving to tug off his costume, leaving him in tight briefs that leave little to the imagination. He shifts your position to pin you below him, stuffing his face into your neck to let his lips find your throat, and your hands are tangling in his messy hair, black nails massaging his scalp. His fingers crawl down your side to grab one of your thighs, hooking your leg over his hip as he drops his head lower to litter your collarbones with kisses, nipping gently at the exposed skin. 
Your hands fall from his hair to feel along the muscle of his chest, down his abs until they bump into the elastic band of his briefs, stilling against the fabric. His hips roll into your light touch, begging for something to rub against, and your hand drops lower to brush your fingers against him through the thin cotton, earning a quiet groan that melts into your skin. He draws back to take you in for a moment, kissing you, eager and hot, and a big hand snakes between you to delicately pull the zipper of your bodysuit down, shoving open the piece to let the warm air hit your bare chest. 
You slip your hand beneath his briefs to wrap your fingers around him, heavy in your hold, lazily running your fingers up the underside of his shaft. He's tugging at the sleeves of the bodysuit to push it down your arms, trailing kisses down your sternum as he does so, only pulling away to discard the garment beside you on the bed, immediately latching back onto you while one of his hands slowly inches lower to ghost over your cunt. He nudges aside the lacy black panties that just barely conceal you, his thick fingers exploring you, rolling over your clit a few times before they're soaking in your juices, pulling a quiet keen from your plump lips. He muffles your soft noises against his lips, his other hand sliding up your neck to cup the side of your face, and the way he's moving against you so languidly feels far more intimate than just any other fuck. He's being careful with you, taking in every mewl and whine you make, fingers working you perfectly, as if he already knows every part of you and how to touch you just right. 
"You doing okay?" He bumps the tip of his nose to yours, warm breath fanning across your lips. 
You nod, letting a hand come up to nestle in his hair. "I'm doing more than okay. Feels really good."
His thumb rubs circles into your clit, palm pushing against you when your hips begin to lift from the mattress, keeping you in place below him.
You need something else. It's not enough. 
"Mmph–Miguel…" You manage to whimper out his name, teeth tugging at your bottom lip. "I…" Your words melt into another moan, eyelids fighting to stay open.
"Hmm? What is it, gorgeous? Tell me." He caresses the side of your face, calloused thumb brushing over your cheekbone.
"I want you…I want you to fuck me. Please." Your cheeks burn, no doubt scalding to the touch as you stare up at him through your long lashes, gnawing at your bottom lip. 
He seems to short-circuit at your plea for a moment or two before he gives an avid nod, smooshing another kiss to your lips. "I'll give you anything you want if you keep asking like that. God, you are fuckin' perfect." 
His hand slips from between your thighs to grab at your panties, and the sound of the lace tearing apart pulls you out of your mind for a second.
"Miguel! Are you that impatient? Those were my favorite pair!" You can't hide the little giggle that carries your words, hands wrapping around his forearms.
"I'll buy you a new pair." He dismisses your comment with a kiss to your jaw, throwing the pathetic string of lace aside. 
He drags the tip of his cock along your slick folds a couple times before he's stretching you open, big hands catching the back of your knees to push your legs back towards your head, groaning low in his throat at the way your warm walls hug him tight. Your own hands grab at his strong arms, clinging to his wrists as he slowly rolls his hips into your own, and you bite back a moan when he bottoms out, stilling against you. He's big, but the stretch feels so good. Filling you to the hilt, overtaking all your senses as he cages you beneath him, nothing else on your mind but him.
"This alright?" He leans down to press little kisses to your cheek, thumbs absentmindedly rubbing shapes into the back of your knees.
"Mhm." You can't find the strength to conjure up anything intelligible, mind foggy with the little grunts he makes that make you want to squirm. 
His deep moans and hums tickle your skin, nose pressed into your neck as he rocks into you. His hands drop to the mattress, letting your legs hook over his big shoulders instead, and your nails dig into his biceps, clawing at him. His slow thrusts grow more eager, rocking you against the sheets as he lifts his head to look at you, watching your expression pinch and contort whenever he brushes that sweet spot. 
Your eyes water when his hips snap against you, faster and more brutal with every roll of his hips, teeth nearly drawing blood as they sink into your plump bottom lip, swollen from his constant need to be kissing you. One of his hands has snuck between your legs once more to pay special attention to your clit, making you a whimpering, mumbling mess below him. His other hand finds its way up to hold your chin, his thumb slipping between your lips to settle on your warm tongue, and you gently suck on the digit as your eyes find his. 
"Fuck…I'm not gonna last much longer if you keep looking at me like that."
Your eyebrows knit together when he hits that sweet spot inside you, a pathetically loud moan ripping through your vocal chords as your hips jerk. The bedframe screams with every rough slam of his hips, and he revels in every whine and hiccup that leaves your pretty lips, smearing his spit-slick thumb across your jawbone. His hips grow more erratic with every moment that passes, carelessly drilling into you in a desperate attempt to chase that high. His praises have devolved into gravelly mumbles, nose bridge pressed against your jaw as his warm breath hits your sticky skin, and one of your hands fumbles to wrap around his neck, keeping him close to you. His fingers work your clit tirelessly, a silent plea for you to finish, cock bullying your tight walls. 
His hips stutter as he comes, giving one more deep slam of his hips before filling you completely, panting heavy and uneven as he continues to rub circles into the sensitive bud. He slowly tilts his head to stick lazy, hot kisses to the underside of your jaw, urging you on as your legs begin to tremble. He grins against your skin when your thighs shake, coating his fingers in your juices as your orgasm hits you, comforting you with a kiss to the corner of your mouth as you come down. He lets your legs fall to frame his hips as he pulls out of you, bringing his hand up to run along your stomach, over your chest and curling behind your neck, thumbing over your jawline as your eyes tentatively find his.
"There you are, pretty girl. How're we feeling?" He looks almost lovestruck, his expression so tooth-rottingly sweet it makes your stomach do flips.
You hum quietly, leaning into his hold. "Perfect. A little tired, though." 
He smiles at you, dropping a kiss to the tip of your nose that has you smiling right back at him. 
He pulls himself away from you leisurely, running a hand down your side before getting up from the mattress, eyeing the mess of clothes scattered across the room. You sit up, leaning back on the heels of your palms as he moves to pick up his briefs. You both jump at the sudden knock on the door, and you panic when the doorknob twists. 
"Hey, Miguel! You in here? You-!"
His reflexes are quick enough to slam the door shut before whoever it was barging in could catch a glimpse of the filthy scene, eyes wide and head snapping towards you to find your own expression just as alarmed.
"What the fuck, man?! Knock first!"
"I did, dude!"
He growls quietly. "Well, wait for me to respond! You don't go around swinging doors open! I'll be down in a bit! Christ…" He twists the lock on the doorknob, running a hand down his face.
You're already pulling your clothes back on by the time he turns around, pulling the zipper up as he slips on his briefs.
"Sorry. I should've made sure it was locked earlier."
You shake your head, waving him off and pushing him away from the door to look in the mirror, eyes widening at your reflection.
"Holy shit. My makeup is fucked." There's black streaks of dried tears staining your hot cheeks, lip gloss smeared and cat ears askew.
He stands behind you, and you want to disappear. This is what was under him that whole time? Utterly mortifying.
"Here, let me help. Look at me." 
You shamefully spin around, avoiding his eyes as his hands come up to hold your face. His thumbs run over the black marks on your face, gently wiping at them as you sigh.
"What are you sighing about?"
He continues to swipe at the messy makeup, rubbing his finger under your lips to pick up the excess gloss.
"Why didn't you tell me I looked like shit?"
He hums softly, holding you still. "Cause you don't. You look pretty. Some messy makeup isn't gonna change that." He leans closer to your ear, his breath tickling your skin. "And in all honesty, it was really hot."
You push him away with an amused giggle. "Whatever. Let me at least put some more lip gloss on." You grab the tube from the wardrobe, but he picks it from your hand before you can turn back to the mirror. "What the hell-?"
"Shh. Just let me do it." You roll your eyes but let him tilt your head back, smearing the shiny gloss across your lips. "Can I give you one more kiss before we go out there?"
He dips his head to stick one last long kiss to your soft lips when you begrudgingly nod, flattening your hair and fixing your ears when he draws back. You turn back to the mirror, pleasantly surprised at his handiwork.
"Oh my god, the contest! Hurry up and get dressed! I totally forgot about it."
He groans as you stuff your lip gloss back into the cup of your bodysuit, pulling on the tight spandex costume and following you out of the quiet room. The subtle looks you get as you pull him down the stairs makes you both giddy and horrified, keeping your head down as you shove past people. You can hear someone on the stereo system saying something about the runner up winner, and you deflate a bit. 
"Dammit! We missed it."
He nuzzles his face into your neck as he comes up behind you, sighing. "Well, since it's too late for the contest, why don't we get out of here? I think we both could use some sleep"
You hum in a quiet agreement, letting him pull you out the rowdy house and into the cool night air. 
"And don't think you don't still owe me for putting me in this stupid costume."
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bisexualnatalies · 6 months
everyone talks about 208 shaunanat but no one talks about how when nat sees that shauna doesnt pull the queen she's visibly relieved; her shoulders drop and she exhales. about how they only close in on nat's reaction when shauna and travis pull cards. about how they pull cards one after the other, and she realises that the people she loves are going to be okay. about how when nat pulls the queen shauna looks like she is reliving what it's gonna be like to kill one of her best friends all over again. about how she asks her to turn around because she can't look into nat's eyes because they're the same eyes she's looked into for soccer practices and pep talks and silent commiserations about contests of prides they wish they'd never started. about how when shauna puts jackie's necklace on nat, she moves her hair out of the way so her blood won't stain it. about how shauna is aware nat has control over so little, always has, but she cares about her hair. she takes care of it, she dyes it, she never lets her roots grow too long. about how her hair is still blonde and it'll be dyed red in no time if she doesn't do something and shauna refuses not to give nat that gentleness. that final consideration.
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glitter-lisp · 3 months
@nart-is-a-monster said: Uhhh Hugo and Varian buying a lamp
"I hate it," Varian says.
"I think it hates you too," Hugo says, frowning at the display. "It looks, like... really angry for some reason."
"Why does it have so many corners?" Varian asks, reaching out to poke at one with trepidation, like he expects it to bite him. "Why would anyone make a brutalist lamp? This thing is a lawsuit waiting to happen."
"Does it even have a lightbulb?" Hugo asks, cocking his head to the side like the weird collection of sharp, metallic pieces will start to look more like a lamp from a different angle. "How do you turn it on?"
"I'm scared to find out," Varian admits. "I feel like you have to make a blood sacrifice, and it'll start to glow."
Hugo glances around the room. "I'm scared of all of these lamps. Varian, I've never been scared of furniture. What's wrong with these lamps and why are they so scary?"
"This is 900 dollars," Varian says instead of answering, squinting at the price tag. "Who would pay almost a thousand bucks for a lamp with no lightbulb?"
"We need to get out of these store," Hugo says fervently. "I know Rapunzel recommended it, and I trust her, but–"
Varian backs away slowly, eyes on the lamp like he's afraid it will start moving if he looks away. "But she's artsy as hell and also rich and forgot that we have to save up to afford McDonald's?"
"There's gotta be a thrift store nearby," Hugo says, taking Varian's hand as he starts to ease them towards the exit of the stupidly expensive furniture store Rapunzel recommended. Varian still doesn't look away from the lamp, locked in a staring contest with it. Hugo doesn't blame him. Half of the things for sale look like weapons, and as expensive as everything is, he wouldn't put it past them to come to life. "We can probably find one for like 5 bucks."
"I want to kill it," Varian says, and he's following Hugo but his eyes are still locked on that nightmarish floor lamp. "Hugo, we should see if they do payment plans, I hate that lamp so much–"
"We're not buying a lamp just so you can destroy it," Hugo says, hauling Varian towards the front doors. "We have to eat."
"That thing shouldn't exist," Varian insists. "I could be saving someone. Someone could buy that lamp and then cut their arm off because they walked too close to it. I could be a hero."
"Or you could buy a 5 dollar lamp from a thrift shop and leave rich people to waste all the money they want on their stupid deadly lamps," Hugo says, finally getting them out onto the street. He breathes a sigh of relief as they step outside, free from the insane modern art gallery masquerading as a furniture store that was unlocking homicidal tendencies in his boyfriend. "And still have money left to pay rent this month."
"God, that thing cost more than our rent," Varian says, rubbing at his forehead as he finally seems to break free of whatever lamp-fueled rage he was experiencing a few seconds ago. "What was she thinking? I work for her, she knows how much I make–"
"Thrift store," Hugo repeats, squeezing Varian's hand and starting to tug him towards a more familiar, less terrifyingly wealthy part of town. "Then lunch?"
"If we end up spending more than ten dollars on a lamp, I'm charging Rapunzel for it," Varian says flatly, but he squeezes Hugo's hand back as he follows him down the street.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 10 months
Ego Jinpachi - "Gloomy"
In which a certain football enthusiast is in one of his moods again. Or; In which Ego Jinpachi's loyal assistant tries their best to better his sour mood.
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Ego Jinpachi was an enigma to the many Blue Lock contestants and even to Anri who worked somewhat with him. The bespectacled man was best described as a hermit; a weird man who had a seemingly unhealthy obsession with the future of Japan's football. He kept to himself, all holed up in his office on his own.
Well... almost on his own.
[Surname] [Name], a loyal and dedicated assistant to Ego, was with him nearly all hours of every day. The only times they would leave his side was to complete errands when either they or Ego would use the bathroom or the rare times when Ego slept. They knew the elusive man far more intimately than anyone in the Blue Lock facility.
They know him so well, that they could tell that he was bothered before he even realized it himself. Which leads us to where we are now.
"What's the matter, Eggy? You hungry?"
You ask your position next to your boss's desk, your posture standing at attention despite the playful tone in your voice.
The bespectacled man huffed as he tore his eyes away from the wall of screens in front of him to give you a confused but slightly irritated side glance.
"Don't call me that. I was fine before you interr—"
A light pink dusted his cheeks as he looked away in embarrassment as well as irritation; he knew you'd bother him about this for the next day or two. Ego could already see you sporting an amused expression from the corner of his eyes.
"You want me to make you something or order take-out?"
You ask smugly, cheeks hurting from how hard you were restraining yourself from grinning viciously and ruthlessly teasing him.
Ego pushes up his glasses and turns his eyes back to the various screens in front of him. His gaze continuously flickers back to you as he tries to word his answer in a way that won't praise you.
"Make something, it'll take too long for take-out to get here."
He huffs out, not even bothering to look at your reaction; he already knows what he'll see.
You chuckle as you turn and make your way to the door to complete the task given to you. Though before you exit, you stop and look at him over your shoulder.
"You know... you could always just admit that you enjoy my cooking... Eggy."
You say through a smirk before slipping through the doorway, catching a 'Don't call me that, dammit!' before the door fully closes.
Gosh... your boss is such a tsundere.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
second times the charm , juraj slafkovsky
note, thank you to @antoineroussel for yet another amazing fic exchange! you rock! this fic is for bestie maleeha (@lam-ila). i decided to do grumpy-sunshine (inspired by keeley and roy from ted lasso) and second chance romance. grumpy-sunshine is also one of my fav tropes so i really hope you enjoy this! :) another note, breaking my own rule of not writing for players under 20, but i couldn't pass up the opportunity to write for my favorite slovak. last note, this fic is part of "the lover series", my series about 25 different kinds of relationships. this relationship falls under "second time around". check out this masterlist for more. pair, juraj slafkovsky x reader summary, juraj and y/n were... something some years ago. but that was done and over with. so when y/n comes back as a medical team member, juraj knows there's only so much time to avoid all his problems. warnings, juraj gets injured and i'm not trying to romanticize it. this is my best attempt at grumpy-sunshine, and idk how much of this it really is, but i tried. i tried to leave out as much angst as i could, but with a second-chance romance, there is bound to be some angst, but i promise it'll all lead to a happy ending, i promise! word count, 6869 words (literally the longest thing i’ve ever written on here)
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(gif not mine)
You and Juraj had something. You weren't officially dating but you were more than friends. It didn't last too long but lasted long enough to leave an imprint on you. After a while, you started to think about him and it didn't hurt and you moved on with your life.
Juraj had done the same, but his moving on wasn't as progressive as yours. He was almost a shell of who he was before. He was once smiley but that all changed after your breakup.
You knew Juraj played hockey and knew he wanted to play in pro in the big leagues, you just didn't expect the big leagues to be in the same city as you.
You had been hired by the Canadiens a little before the season ended, so you had heard the rumors about Wright being drafted first, but when you watched the draft and watched Juraj, instead, walk across that stage first, you were just as shocked as everyone else was that arena.
On the first day of work, you had given yourself pep talk after pep talk in the mirror, while you were getting ready, in case you would run into Juraj.
For the majority of the day, you were in the clear. You had yet to run into him, but towards the afternoon was when more players started coming in for help.
Juraj was one of those players.
When he saw you, he froze. He stopped walking and just stared at you, like a creep. You turned around and stopped the conversation you were having when you locked eyes with him.
"Y/N?" Your coworker, Lorelei called your name, "You okay?" She followed your line of sight and saw you and Juraj having a staring contest.
"Uh, yeah." You blinked, turning back to Lorelei, "Can you excuse me?" She nodded, watching you walk away, over to Juraj, "...Hi." You let out a breath.
"Hi." He nodded, his voice curt and short, but then again, he was only saying one word.
"Can we talk?"
"Don't think there's anything to talk about." He shrugged.
"Come on, don't be like that."
"Be like what?"
"Can we just talk, Juraj?"
"We really don't have anything to talk about, Y/N." He told you, his tone so sharp it felt like it was stabbing you in the chest.
You picked up how much he really really did not want to talk to you, so you took it as your cue to not push him, "Right." You nodded, "Yeah, right." You walked past him, trying to hide the embarrassment you felt.
Right as you walk out, Arber walked up to him, "Who's she?"
"Ex," Juraj responded gruffly.
"Huh," Arber nodded, "Guessing you didn't end on the best terms?"
"You would be right."
"I gotta say, she looked pretty upset when she was leaving." Juraj simply ignored him.
"... and I gotta tell you, I was this close to just punching him in the face." Your date, Milo, laughed as he explained yet another story.
This date, so far, was not going very well.
Milo wasn't a bad guy, it was all you. You subconsciously kept comparing Milo to Juraj, and in that sense, they were both very different guys.
You listened to Milo talk for almost the entire night, and for that entire time, you spent it comparing two guys to each other.
"You okay? You've hardly touched your pasta." Milo pointed out.
"Yeah, I'm great." You plastered on a smile, pushing down the internal battle you were having, "Just really tired. Work." You shrugged.
"Work, right." He nodded, looking like he was ready to ask more questions, "You work where again?"
"I work for a hockey team." You answered, not wanting to start by saying you worked for one of the biggest hockey teams in Canada.
"The Canadiens?" He asked.
"Yeah, medical staff." You nodded.
"Wow." His eyes went wide as h sat back. in his seat. You could practically feel the questions he was gonna ask next, "Do you get free tickets?"
You deflated. It was always 'Do you get free tickets?' and 'Do you know so and so?'.
"I don't get free tickets." You shook your head, leaving out the discounted part.
"Have you met Caufield and Suzuki? Ooh, and the new draft? The Slovak?" He asked excitedly.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, "Yeah, I know them all."
"Wow, that is so cool!" He exclaimed, "I have like a million different questions to ask those guys."
The rest of your date was spent with you answering all of Milo's questions about your work, and usually, you would happy to answer questions about work but in this case, Milo didn't care about what you did for the team, he only cared about the team.
Walking on the treadmill was something you found relaxing. Exercise wasn't relaxing to you, but something about walking on the treadmill and just listening to music gave you peace.
You were so in your head, you didn't even realize that someone had started walking on the treadmill beside you and started talking to you. You only realized Arber was talking to you when he tapped you on the shoulder.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt him tap you, "Whoa!"
"Sorry, didn't realize you couldn't hear me."
"Yeah, I listen to my music really loud." You took out your earbuds, "So, can I help you with something? Any injuries?"
"No, I just had some questions." He looked almost shy.
"Can't promise I'll have all the answers." You turned to him.
"You and Juraj..." You sighed, "Didn't expect that reaction." He chuckled.
"I don't know what Juraj told you,"
"Said you were exes and that was it."
"And that's all there is." You shrugged.
"No, come on, I saw your face when you walked out of the locker room the other day, and it was not a happy one."
"The end of our relationship wasn't the best." You furrowed your brows together, trying to find the words, "He wasn't there for me when I needed him. I was putting more effort into the relationship than he was."
"That doesn't sound like Juraj."
"And how long have you known him exactly?" You raised a brow. When he didn't respond, you nodded, "Exactly." Arber watched you and waited for you to continue, "He was a good guy at the beginning, really. He was great. But something changed." You explained.
"I'm sorry." He offered a sympathetic smile.
"Well, if that's all the questions you have..."
Arber got the message and took his leave. He stopped the treadmill, "Thanks."
"Glad I could help." You slipped your earbuds back in and continued your walk.
You were watching the game from the medical room. You were lying on the bed in the medbay with Lorelei, eating snacks and enjoying the game.
Everything happened so quickly. One minute Juraj was on the ice and the next he was slammed into the boards by one of the other guys.
The play kept going but Juraj wasn't getting up. You were on your feet, trying to get a better look at what was going on, but when everyone noticed he wasn't getting up, the while was blown and the main medic, your boss Matt, rushed onto the ice.
Matt bent down next to Juraj and was talking to him and you so wished you could've been out there, talking to him. After a lot of waiting, Juraj was helped to his feet, his arms slung over Matt's and a couple other players.
He was shuffled down the tunnel and you could hear the commotion as they got closer and closer to the med room.
They carried him into the room and set him on the bed. You tried to figure out what was going on, "What's wrong?" You asked Matt, fiddling with your necklace nervously.
"I don't know yet. He says his entire left leg hurts, so we're trying. to narrow down where it hurts first." Matt snapped on a pair of gloves as he pushed through the crowd of people surrounding the bed.
Matt started pushing down his leg to find the spot that hurt. He eventually got to Juraj's knee, and when he did, Juraj let out the most pained noise you'd ever heard him make.
They pulled all the padding away and saw that his knee was very dislocated, "Okay, there's our culprit." Matt sighed, running a gloved wrist across his sweaty forehead.
"All right, we're gonna pop it back into place, but it's gonna hurt, I'm not gonna lie." The paramedic in the room told him.
His eyes frantically searched the room and when he found yours, it was almost like he was begging you to hold his hand. And you couldn't deny him of that, so you made your way over and hand his hand.
"Okay, are you ready?" Juraj looked anything but ready, "All right, on the count of three." The paramedic nodded.
You looked over at Juraj and saw the nervous look written all over his face, "You're gonna be okay." You reassured, "Just... think of something else. Think of what you're gonna eat after this or your favorite candy."
"I can't." He shook his head, eyes watering at the pain.
"It's gonna be okay. I promise." You squeezed his hand, "My favorite is Milkyway." He was barely paying attention to as he gritted his teeth in pain. You were tempted to kiss his forehead or something, but that wasn't your job anymore. The most you could offer was your hand.
"One, two, three." Once she hit 3, she snapped his knee back into place. He cried out in pain, "All right, you're all done, Juraj." She announced, "Now we're going to take you to the hospital so you can get further accessed and we'll put a splint on there."
"When will I get to play?" Even with tears on his face, all he was worried about was playing hockey.
"Let's just worry about your getting your knee accessed then we'll worry about playing." The paramedic smiled, pulling up the rails on the gurney.
Your hand slipped from his and you watched them wheel him away, "He's gonna be okay." Lorelei told you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and let Lorelei hug you.
After dislocating his knee, Juraj was out for almost 7 weeks, you didn't see much of him, but after he was cleared, it almost seemed like you were seeing him everywhere.
And it was intentional, on Juraj's part. After the accident, it was almost like a wake-up call.
Even though you weren't together, you showed up and were there for him in the medbay, holding his hand and reassuring him that everything was going to be okay.
During practice, you just so happen to be hanging by the bench with Lorelei, talking about your plans, "You sure you don't want to come out with us?" Juraj heard Lorelei ask as he made his way over to the bench to get some water.
"I'm fine, really." You insisted.
"All right, but next time, you're coming out with us."
"All right." You smiled. She walked back down the tunnel, but you sat down on the bench, watching practice.
"You should go out with them." Juraj voiced. As the words escape him, he wanted to hit himself. You turned to him, brows furrowed together, "Sorry, that was wrong."
"It was." You nodded, "But I want to know why you think that?"
"Because I know you, Y/N. You probably don't have many friends right now,"
"Okay, rude." You crossed your arms.
"But am I wrong?"
You hesitated, "No."
"See? So, go. Hang out with them. You'll have fun." He insisted.
"Why are you pushing this so hard? We don't like each other."
"Who said I didn't like you?" Juraj asked in a tone that made him sound offended.
"You did when you brushed me off the other day." You reminded him. You raised a brow when he stayed quiet, "I'll see you around, Juraj." You followed in Lorelei's footsteps and made your way back down the tunnel.
With Matt's secondhand medic being out with a cold, you were taking his place behind the bench. So, during the game, you were standing towards the entrance of the tunnel where the second medic usually would be.
"This your first time on the bench?" Cole Caufield asked.
"That obvious?"
"If your good at your job, you've got nothing to be worried about." He offered you a smile.
"Thanks." You nodded.
Juraj, who was sitting further down the bench, saw Cole talk to you. He saw you laugh at a joke Cole made, a total cliche. He looked away, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
"Not your girl." He muttered to himself in Slovakian so the guys sitting next to him assumed he was just giving himself a pep talk.
A couple of days later at practice, you were carrying some supplies to the medbay. Your headphones were in and you were in work mode. You happened to walk past the hallway where the locker room was and happened to make eye contact with Juraj.
He was entering the locker room post-practice. You were prepared to just ignore him and walk past him but he offered you a smile, and when you returned it, confused, he stopped in his tracks and made his way over to you instead.
You furrowed your brows together and set the boxes in your hands on the ground, taking out your earbuds, "Juraj." You greeted, "Hope you aren't injured."
"Nope, all good." He shook his head.
"Good." You nodded.
You stood in silence, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited for him to say something, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"I just... I wanted to say I had no right for talking to you like I did the other day." You were surprised and your face probably showed it, "So, I'm sorry."
You smiled softly, "Thanks. I appreciate it." He smiled in response before turning and heading back over to the locker room. You watched him, a smile on your face and for the first time in a while, Juraj was the cause of it.
Somehow you ended up working the medical staff booth at the Habs event. You were standing behind the table, watching as everyone passed by, seemingly having no interest in the medical staff.
You sighed for the umpteenth time, "Excuse me?" You heard a familiar voice and looked up, "Have you ever stitched up Suzuki?" Juraj joked.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Not yet, but I have stitched up a few of the other guys, ya know, the nobodies." You joked. He nodded along, "Some rookie, Slav-Slafkovsky I think his name was." You laughed when his jaw dropped.
"A nobody? Really?"
"I'm just kidding. You aren't a nobody. You're somebody." You punched him softly in the shoulder from across the table.
"So, where are all the people? Why is your booth so empty?"
"Since you asked so kindly," You joked, "Captain Suzuki and Cole are doing a signing so everyone's probably over there. I'm surprised you aren't over there."
"Why would I be over there?"
"'Cause all your friends are over there and you'd get to take pictures and sign autographs." You shrugged.
"Well, I'm hanging out with a friend right now and I can sign autographs and take pictures from here."
"That's not really what this booth is for, but it's the thought that counts." He shrugged, "Also, we're friends?"
"Are we not?"
"I don't know it's just we don't really talk and on the off chance that we did talk, you were either brushing me off or apologizing."
"I thought we were friends."
"I don't know, I guess we can try to be."
You smiled. He smiled back.
Juraj had been replaying your conversation over and over in his head for almost 2 weeks before he finally gathered up the courage to talk to you again.
You and Lorelei were talking in the little dining hall in the arena. He approached your table and when Lorelei saw him approaching, she smirked before pushing her chair out and walking to the fridge, pretending to be busy.
You smiled at Juraj when he sat down next to you, "Hi."
"Hi." He looked nervous.
"Can I help you with something this fine afternoon, friend?" You asked, taking a bite of your sandwich.
"I've been thinking about our conversations for the past 2 weeks." He took a breath, "And I don't want our first conversation as real friends to be an apology, but I need to apologize to you for how our relationship ended." You nodded along cautiously.
"I was a horrible partner to you, and I can't go back in time and change things or stop what happened, but I can offer an apology."
You smiled softly, "I appreciate that. It means a lot." You reached over and grabbed his hand, "But now I think it's time for us to stop apologizing. Well, unless you do something crappy again."
He laughed, "All right, no more apologizing, unless I'm a jerk again."
"Starting now." You held out your hand.
"Now." He nodded, shaking your hand with a laugh.
"So, Juraj is doing his first post-practice media since his injury." Lorelei brought it up to you as you were cleaning the medbay.
"Is he?"
"Yeah, he is." She smirked, "Just wanted to let you know, ya know, just in case you want to skip out on me."
"I'm not gonna ditch you." You laughed, but paused, "Hypothetically..."
"Go." She didn't even let you finish.
You smiled before running out of the room and rushing to find the media room where Juraj would be. You stopped in the doorway, surprised that you found the space practically empty save for one reporter sitting in the back row.
Juraj had yet to come in, so you took a seat in the front row. When he did walk into the room, he froze briefly before making his way up to the table.
He locked eyes with you as you flashed him a smile, "Don't all raise your hands at once." He joked.
The man in the back raised his hand, and Juraj called on him, seeing as he was the only guy in the room. He asked his question, and Juraj gave a very "hockey player" response.
Then an awkward silence fell over the room, and Juraj waited for the reporter to ask a question. When he didn't, you quickly raised your hand. He looked surprised when he saw your hand shoot up.
Your arms were moving faster than your brain as you quickly tried to come up with a question, "Yes, in the front." He pointed to you, attempting to hide his shock.
"Yes, Juraj." You nodded, "Y/N Y/L/N with Canadiens Today." He smiled, "My question is what's your pregame meal?"
Juraj laughed, "I'm pretty basic. Pasta guy, maybe throw in some veggies if I'm feeling fun."
You got up from your seat and ran around to the row behind you and took a seat again, raising your hand again. He broke into a smile when he caught onto what you were doing, "Yes, you." He pointed to you.
This went on for a couple more questions. You switching sets and asking him a question. You knew this probably wouldn't get published out into the world, but the room was empty you were there, so you might as well ask the questions.
After media was over, the reporter walked out of the room, but you stayed. Juraj smiled at you, "Thank you for that. It was embarrassing as it was to walk into an empty room."
"We're friends. It's what friends are for." You shrugged, sending him a smile.
The Canadiens charity dinner/gala was an event you were looking forward to. Kirby had asked you to go, purely as a friend. He didn't have a date and you were friends.
"Do you want a drink?"
"Sure, thanks." You smiled.
Kirby headed over to the bar while you took in the decorations around the room, "You look nice." Juraj complimented as he approached you.
"Thanks." You smiled, looking back at the large lighting fixture hanging from the ceiling.
"So, you came with Dach?"
"He asked, I accepted." You shrugged.
"We could've gone together."
"You didn't ask." You raised a brow at him, "If you had asked, I would have said yes."
Juraj didn't respond, instead, he took in your words as Kirby made his way back over with your drinks in hand, "Hey, good to see you." Kirby greeted, handing you your drink.
"Yeah, you too." Juraj nodded his head, "I'm gonna go find my seat." Juraj turned and walked towards the tables, trying to find his name card.
You and Kirby followed in his footsteps and made your way over to the tables to find your own name tags. To your luck, you were seated at the same table as Juraj and a few of the other guys.
"What a fun coincidence." You laughed, taking your seat, Juraj on your left and Kirby on your right.
"Yeah." Juraj managed a laugh, one that didn't quite reach his eyes but you and everyone else at the table failed to realize.
Once everyone else got situated and seated at their tables, the event organizers gave a speech and a few other higher-up team members.
Eventually, the appetizer came out, and when you got a chance to look at what was on your plate, you stared at it, "Everything okay?" Kirby asked, noticing your intense staring competition with the olives and cherry tomatoes mixed in with the salad on the plate.
"Oh, yeah, all good." You nodded, "Not the biggest fan of olives and tomatoes." Juraj knew it was the understatement of the year. You absolutely hated both of them.
You pushed the olives and tomatoes to the side of your plate, trying not to make a scene. Juraj, without even thinking, reached over and scooped the two things off your plate and onto his.
You stared at him, watching him eat the olives and tomatoes from his own salad, "What're you doing?"
"You hate them." He shrugged as if it was nothing.
"Juraj..." You sighed.
"What? Were you gonna eat them?" He asked.
"Then why waste food?" He shrugged again. You laughed, shaking your head and reaching for your drink, rejoining the conversation.
Juraj felt almost like he had won. He made you smile and that was a win in his book.
You were slipping a shirt over your head when you heard a knock on your hotel room door. This was one of the first roadies you and Lorelei were given the "okay" from Matt to come.
You assumed it was Lorelei but when you opened it, you were surprised to find Juraj instead, "Oh." You halted in your steps.
"Hi." He stood in the doorway nervously.
"Hi." You smiled, "Gosh, you're shaking like a leaf. Are you okay? Are you cold?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded, "I was just-I came to ask you-I was wondering-"
"Juraj, geez, it's just me. Calm down, take a breath." You chuckled, watching him stutter over his words.
"Do you want to hang out with me today?" He finally spat out.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I already have plans." Everyone was given the day off so you and Lorelei were planning on checking out the city and being tourists.
"I talk to Lorelei already. She's spending the day with a few of the other guys."
"Wow, you really thought this through." You laughed, "What did you have planned?"
"Well, I've never been to Seattle before, so maybe we can start there?"
"Well, you're in luck, I've been before and I know all the best places."
"Great." You grabbed your bag, a jacket and your room key then stepped out into the hallway together.
You did all the touristy things with Juraj. You visited the Space Needle, visited Pike Place Market, and even got coffee from the first Starbucks.
You tried to convince him it was just overpriced Starbucks that you would have to wait in an hour-long line for, but he wanted the experience and who were you to deny him of that?
After spending the entire day exploring the city, you and Juraj sat down for dinner at a little lowkey restaurant, nothing fancy, "So, did you enjoy the Y/N Tour today?"
"I did. I'd give you 5 stars."
"Ah, thanks." You laughed, "What was your favorite part of today?"
"The Needle was fun."
"I figured it would be."
"Why is that?"
"'Cause it was my favorite too, and we like a lot of the same things." You answered, taking a bite of your sandwich.
He watched you while you watched the people outside the window. He smiled, taking a bite of his own sandwich as he followed your eyes and people-watched along with you.
Later that night, you and Juraj were walking back down the hallway toward your hotel room, "I'm glad you asked me to be your tour guide today."
"Yeah, well it was either you or Wifi, and don't tell him I told you this, but I think you're prettier than him." You laughed as you slid your room key into the lock.
"Well, goodnight, Juraj. I'll see you tomorrow." You smiled.
"See you tomorrow." He repeated, sending you a smile.
You closed the door and shucked off your jacket and bag. Right as you kicked off your shoes, there was a knock on your door. Your brows furrowed together as you made your way back over to the door.
"Did you forget something?"
"Yeah, I did." He nodded, "Can I kiss you?" You blinked like a fish, trying to comprehend what he said, "I would've just gone for it without asking, but you always tell me consent is important."
Your brain started working again, and you smiled, "Yeah, you can kiss me." You nodded. He leaned forward, cupping your cheek and kissing you. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you.
As you pulled away, you could see something in his eyes. It wasn't regret nor was it joy, he looked conflicted, "Are you okay?" You asked.
Instead of responding, he pushed your arms away and turned in the opposite direction, walking towards his hotel room. He left you standing there, confused.
The morning after the kiss, you tried to confront him during breakfast, but by the time you made it down for breakfast, he had already left for practice.
"So he kissed you and bailed?" Lorelei asked.
"Just walked away." You nodded.
"That's strange." She commented, "I'm not a betting woman, Y/N, but if I were, I would bet a whole paycheck that Juraj is still in love with you."
You shook your head with a roll of your eyes, "That's not true."
"Oh, it absolutely is. and your denying it is silly. I know you still like him, maybe even love him."
"I don't love him." You denied once again.
"All right, you don't." She shrugged.
Juraj had been avoiding you. He didn't know how to confront you. He kissed you. It had been a good kiss, great even. But for some reason, he ran off.
He knew he had to confront you and admit how he really felt, but the one thing he was scared of more than anything was being rejected. He could handle you hating him and not talking to him and being upset with him, but he could not physically handle you rejecting him.
He had tried on numerous occasions to approach you. He approached you but when opened his mouth, nothing came out. Another time, he, once again, opened his mouth to say something, but someone else called your name and before you noticed him, you were being pulled in another direction.
When he saw you walking down the hall, he knew he had to say something, "Y/N." He called out.
You looked up from your phone and when you saw it was him, you were ready to turn around and walk in the opposite direction, "No, wait, please." He begged.
You slowly turned around to face him, and slid your hands into your pockets, "Can I talk to you?"
"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" He winced at the way the sentence had come out, but he knew he deserved it. After all, he kissed you and then ran off.
"Right, I just wanted to clarify something." You nodded, "I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to run off like that, I swear. I just, I think my legs moved faster than my brain." You were confused and your face must've shown it.
"What I'm trying to say is I wanted to kiss you, and I had it all planned out in my head. I was gonna kiss you, and I was gonna confess my feelings for you, but then I ran because I was scared you wouldn't feel the same way. Still am, by the way. Scared you won't feel the same."
"I like you, Y/N, and boy does it feel good to say that. Because I've been holding that in for so long. Longer than I'd like to admit." You simply stared at him, eyes wide.
"Say something." He begged. But you couldn't. You were shocked. He actually liked you. He frowned when you didn't respond, only stare at him. He took your silence as his answer and once again, turned and left you alone again.
You sat by yourself in the arena, trying to understand what just happened. You were an artist, but you could draw the look on Juraj's face when you didn't say anything, and it hurt that your brain didn't move fast enough to say anything.
No one was in the arena except for the Zamboni which was going over the ice, but you were sitting in the nosebleeds section so you would be left alone by anyone on the ice.
"What're you doing up here by yourself?" You turned around to see Arber standing a few seats away.
"Hmm." He hummed, "You and Juraj look the same. You're both moping, which means something happened, so spill."
"I messed up." You told him in a tone that let Arber know that it was more than a little mistake. He sat down in the chair next to you. You filled him in on what happened and he sat there and listened, he didn't interrupt you.
"You know what you have to do?" You looked over at him, "You gotta tell him how you feel. You're both hurting. It's so clear you both still have feelings for each other, and the only way to stop the hurting is to admit the truth. Tell him how you feel, Y/N. What's stopping you?"
"You didn't see his face. He was heartbroken."
"Then go." He told you.
You stared at his door, hesitating. After a few mental pep talks, you finally raised your hand to knock on his door. You heard someone making their way to the door, and when it opened, instead of Juraj, you were met with his roommate.
"Are you here for Juraj?"
"Yeah." You nodded. His roommate moved out of the way just enough for you to enter. When you walked in, you looked around.
"He's in his room." He pointed down the hall to Juraj's room. You knocked on his door and waited for a response.
"Come in." You opened the door and saw him laying in his bed, looking just as miserable as you, "What're you doing here?"
"You didn't let me say anything."
"I did. I waited."
"Then that's my fault. I was trying to figure out what to say, but I couldn't get it out."
He stared at you, trying to decipher what was happening, "Are you here to reject me again?"
"No, I wanted to talk to you about something else." You stepped into his room, shutting the door behind you, "I talked with Arber, who gave me some good advice."
"Did he now?"
"Juraj," You took a breath, "I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier. But I'm here now, and I want to say I feel the same way about you." He raised a brow, "I like you, too. Maybe even love you, but I'm not sure about that yet."
He stared at you the same way you had stared at him when he proclaimed his feelings for you, "I probably always have and always will. Somewhere along the way, I forgot about that because I was blinded by the hurt and pain you caused, but seeing you again and spending time with you, it was like all those feelings came rushing back like a waterfall."
He smiled as he listened to you. He could tell you meant it as he watched you, "You don't have to love me right now 'cause I'll love enough for the both of us."
He jumped out of bed and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly, "I do love you." He spoke into your hair before kissing your head. You smiled, letting out a happy and relieved sigh as you hugged him back, relishing the feeling of having his arms back around you.
"Special delivery!" Lorelei announced walking into the medbay with a package in her hands, "Special delivery for one Mrs. Y/N Slafkovsky." She joked.
"Okay, you can stop with the wedding jokes. We aren't married, we're just dating. We're taking things slow."
"I know, but it's still funny." She set the box down on the table. You looked over at her, "What? Are you gonna open it?"
You laughed, grabbing a pair of scissors and opening the box. You smiled happily when you pulled out all the bubble wrap, revealing heaps and heaps of Milkyway bars.
"What is it?" Lorelei asked.
"Milkyway." You pulled out a bar and unwrapped it, taking a bite.
"Come on, as my girlfriend you have to wear my jersey."
"I already have a jersey."
"Yeah, with some other guy's name on it."
"I'll be sure to tell your captain he's just another guy." You joked.
"Please?" He begged.
"I'm kidding. Of course, I'll wear it." You grabbed it from him and set it aside. You wrapped your arms around his waist, looking up at him, "Be great."
"Always am." He wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
"Score a goal for me."
"Who do you think I am? That would make me the worst boyfriend in the world. With you in the crowd? Now I've gotta do it."
"I'm in the crowd more often than you'd think." You reminded him, "Behind the bench and all."
"But this is different." He pointed out.
"All right, whatever you say." You smiled, pushing yourself up. He got the picture and leaned down, kissing you.
During warm-ups, he skated past multiple times, slammed into the glass a few times, and right before he skated off the ice, he tossed a puck over the glass to you and winked.
You smiled, slipping into your pocket, "You're making me feel really lonely." Lorelei joked.
"Sorry." You laughed.
"Don't you dare apologize." She nudged you softly.
Halfway through the 3rd period, the Habs were up by 2 and things looked like they were only going up from there. You watched as Jake Evans passed it to Anderson who passed it back to Jake. He skated down the ice, looking for someone to pass to.
Juraj hopped off the bench after switching with another player. Jake passed it over to Juraj, who skated around the Yotes player and tricked the goalie.
He looked like he was going left, but instead shot from the right. You jumped out of your seat and hugged Lorelei as the goal horn sounded.
Juraj was pulled into hugs by his teammates as he celebrate. Before he skated over to the bench, he pointed over to you. When you locked eyes, he blew you a kiss, dedicating his goal to you.
You laughed as you felt eyes from everywhere on you. The celly replayed as he skated past you and pointed to you and blew you a kiss.
"I'm calling that the Y/N goal." Lorelei joked, nudging you with her arm softly.
When you woke up that morning, you felt like everything was wrong. That could have partly been because you woke up late and accidentally pressed stop instead of snooze. And when you got to work, it felt like things were only going worse.
So, during your lunch break, you found yourself on the treadmill, trying to not cry as the stress of your day got to you. You walked at the slowest speed as you closed your eyes and tried to breathe.
"Hey, I've been looking for you all day." Juraj joined you on the treadmill next to you. He was walking at a faster pace as he talked about his day.
He was telling you a funny story about how practice was going when he looked over and noticed you weren't paying attention, "Hey, you okay?"
You opened your eyes, "No, everything is bad."
"What do you mean?"
"Today has not been good, and I've been trying to turn it around, but it's not working."
"Do you want to keep talking about it?" You shook your head, "Are you gonna cry?" You nodded, "All right." He stopped his treadmill and turned yours off.
You stood at the end of the treadmill as he wrapped you in a hug, letting you cry out all the emotions from the day. He didn't say anything, he only rubbed your back and let you cry, and placed a few kisses on your head.
About a month after your first game, you were sitting in a different spot in the arena, but it was still out of your price range if you were to buy your own ticket.
You watched Juraj get into a fight then watched him get ejected. The fight wasn't anything bad and it wasn't any different than any other fight, but something was wrong with him, you could see it.
You gathered your stuff up and made your way down to the locker room. You peeked into the locker room and saw him sitting in his stall, looking as dejected as ever.
He heard your footsteps walking into the room, then looked down, "You aren't supposed to be in here during the game." You ignored him and approached him, "Did you hear me? You aren't supposed to be here."
You sat down next to him and reached for his hand. You didn't say anything, but when you slipped your hand into his, his body deflated. and he melted into you.
You didn't say anything as you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He leaned down and leaned his head on your shoulder as his body molded into yours.
And that was that. Neither of you said anything. You only sat in the locker room, Juraj clinging to you in silence.
You and Juraj were sitting in different rooms in your apartment. He came over after practice and the two of you kind of just stayed in separate rooms doing your own thing.
You made your way out of your bedroom and into the kitchen but as you passed the living room, you saw Juraj sprawled out on your couch. His eyes were closed but you could tell he wasn't asleep.
You set your mug down on the table next to the couch and sat down next to him. You ran your hands up his arm, then leaned down and kissed his cheek.
"You finally done?"
"Almost. One more paragraph then I'm all yours for the rest of the night." He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down to lay on his chest, "One more paragraph, come on." You laughed.
"That's too much." He whined, closing his eyes as if he were going to fall asleep.
"No, come on. I'm almost done!" You begged. He only pretended to snore. You sighed, laying your head on his chest as you gave in to your fate.
You both eventually fell asleep and when you. woke up, it was much late. You woke up before him and looked up at him tiredly, smiling.
"Creep." He muttered as he opened his eyes and saw you staring at him. You rolled your eyes.
He yawned as he began waking up, "Don't you think it's crazy that almost a year ago you couldn't even be in the same room as me."
"Crazy." He hummed.
"Sometimes good things really do take time." You smiled.
"Well, then I'm glad I waited." He leaned down, kissing you softly.
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I get the sense that by the time we get to the final round of this tournament it'll get to the point where literally only one person on this webbed site knows each of the characters and we will have reached a stalemate
In ancient magic prophecy voice: Only you, the viewer, can prevent this dark future from coming to pass. You must reblog EVERY poll where the two contestants are close.
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asklostcelestia · 8 months
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