#cultural warfare
azucarera-art · 9 months
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when u, a queen, come across another king, & u discuss how best to maximize ur joint slay 💅🏽✨
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filosofablogger · 2 years
A Conservative Worth Listening To
A Conservative Worth Listening To
In his speech a couple of weeks ago, President Biden made it a point to note the difference between the “maga-Republicans” and the more moderate, mainstream Republicans.  It often seems that the latter group are scarce, at best, but they are out there … the ones that are sickened and disgusted by the former guy, the ones who see the maga-cult as a very real threat to this nation, to democracy, to…
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tomsecker · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Documents Prove Film is Propaganda - Spy Culture in MintPress News
Top Gun: Maverick Documents Prove Film is Propaganda – Spy Culture in MintPress News
Alan MacLeod put together a feature for MintPress on the Top Gun: Maverick documents, and how film is military recruitment boosterism and an attempt at post-war rehabilitation, just like the original movie.  Both Roger and myself provided some ideas and input, but Alan dug into the contracts between the Pentagon and the movie’s producer, helping lay out the extensive military support on…
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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sparksinthenight · 2 months
If the economy NEEDS workers working in degrading, dehumanizing, dangerous jobs where they have very little power, then you need to get a different economy. Any world that relies upon the exploitation and abuse of the workers needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt. We can make a society where no one has to work a job that’s physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, emotionally, or environmentally unhealthy or unsafe for them. We need to create that society.
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mitoad · 2 months
ok we need an e/se asian reader in the taskforce. the first time they get offered tea from price, thinking that it’s hong cha . ends up spitting it out after they take the first sip and realise it’s fucking earl grey . who teaches them torture methods that were simply just what their parents did to them as a kid . who is generally pretty nice, but can scare the living shit out of new recruits if they have to (once again, asian parent skill) . who leans over to price and discreetly asks ‘is that just a white people thing ?” whenever ghost and soap are on their shit .
just them being silly would be funny as fuck should out to all writers who do asian!readers we love you out here
(some of tags r important, please check them)
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If you are an English speaker and looking for a report "from the ground" on what is happening on the Norther border of Ukraine in Kharkiv Oblast👇
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strawb3rrysunda3 · 2 months
not mine but pissed me off so much THE MAN IS NOT A BASIC BITCH
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"the classics"
"I refuse to study this character there fore I will go off of basic stereotypical answers that may or may not be racist." YOU BASIC BITCH
Gaz my love my sweetie you deserve so much more that fucking KFC and McDonald's also I'm sure your pancakes are top tier, we need more than this though
Also... white monster... I'm taking that how I am rn hold on **WHITE** monster yeah ok-
Ok for y'all who want a real answer let's do some research TOGETHER.
Gaz is very quick on his feet as in his wiki for MW he completed his training course in 19 seconds! He's also very chill and extremely funny based off the dialogue in MW2 with lazwell and price, he's very dedicated and does research. He's a smart cookie 😊 he got along with Alejandro and Rudy so I say he's very much an extrovert/ people guy since everyone he's met LOVES HIM. So I'd say he's a fan of group meals, loves eating with about anyone he knows especially soap and price since he's gotten along with them for awhile. He's also feisty so he also probably eats quickly too as the military is always on the move so that's kinda obvious. For favorite foods I've done some research
Gaz was born and raised in London England and his parents are of Ghanaian decent wow! So doing some research on the foods I tried to find as home made as possible cause I'm sure England doesn't have a lot of foods from that culture so ive decided his favorite food is drum roll please!
Boiled yam or plantain with Kontomire stew! It looks soo good oh my god- with koobi fish and smoked macarel since London is literally an island their fish varatey is up there! So most of the ingredients are easy finds or can be grown to be made. Which makes an easy yet cultural home made dish that I think suits him very well with his high metabolism.
Do your research so I don't have to clean up your mess 🫶
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welldonekhushi · 2 months
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Finally got some inspiration to draw and my very idea was to draw Arjun in his cultural clothes!
He was born in Maharashtra, so I tried drawing him in Maharashtrian clothes (with the help of my friend who lives there) and he looks really good 😫✨
Let me know what you guys think about and, I hope you like it! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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lurkingdoll · 2 months
The COD community and shipping
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So, lately I have been getting a strange influx of anti-Ghoap posts on my feed. Just multiple posts ranting about how Ghoap is bad to ship and how it's not canon, will never be canon, and people shouldn't ship them because they are just friends. So, as someone who has been in a variety of fandoms and has a lot of experience in shipping communities, I want to discuss this because many of the people writing these rants seem to either have never interacted with fandom content before or just never heard of shipping before.
Shipping is when the fandom of a media (Ie: Show, Movie, Book, Game, ect..) thinks certain characters would make a good couple. People who make Ship content are people who draw, write fanfics, ect.. about said characters as a couple. Shipping has existed since there has been media with characters to ship
After the call of duty modern warfare reboots came out, there were an influx of newer fans who came in, many of them being people who have been part of shipping communities in the past. So, when they saw the entertaining dynamic between Ghost and Soap, they began to ship them and this seems to somehow upset people.
Many people got upset mostly due to the fact Ghost and Soap are "Just friends" and insist their playful banter shouldn't be taken as flirting even though many lines such as "Like a good ol boy" and "That's why I love the Ghost" can easily be interpreted as flirting. This isn't even to mention the fact that people have been shipping non canon ships since the dawn of shipping. Hell, people use to ship characters from entire different franchises. Just because they aren't dating in canon doesn't mean they can't be shipped.
Some like to argue that people should just allow platonic relationships to remain platonic and this argument is rather weak for multiple reasons. First of all, platonic relationships are not superior to romantic ones, they are both equally valuable. Secondly, many romantic relationships BEGIN as strong platonic relationships.
While I'm not the type of person to scream "homophobia" at every little thing, there's no denial that the hatred people have for Ghoap comes from homophobia. Before the influx of newer fans, Cod was infamous for it's widely homophobic and racist player base and those players are still very prominent in cod lobbies to this day. So, it makes sense they would be upset to see a large influx of more inclusive fans that also made a gay ship very popular. There's no doubt that a large reason for why so many people have such an issue with a ship as harmless as Ghoap correlates with the very present homophobia within the COD community
Generally, there's no reason to be upset over Ghoap. You're allowed to dislike ships, that's fine, but don't go around throwing a fit and getting mad at people who ship a perfectly harmless ship just because you personally dislike it. There are bigger things to worry about than strangers on the internet thinking two men who canonically get along very well together would make a cute couple.
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yebreed · 5 months
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Canopy Chariot From The Emperor Qinshihuang Mausoleum
Qin dynasty chariot, unearthed from the burial pit on the west side of the Qinshihuang Mausoleum (秦始皇陵) in Lintong, Shaanxi.
The life-size painted chariot is 317 cm long and 106.2 cm high. Exhibited in the Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum (秦世皇黃陵博物院).
Vintage photos of the excavation and restoration:
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
Repeating old mistakes
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tenaciousgay · 5 months
Landlord bootlickers think landlords are important to the rental market because when they leave, the properties go off the rental market, as if the properties cease to exist, rather than being shifted to the sellers market and sold. This logic exists in a vacuum. The vacuum of pro landlord brain rot. In reality, landlords have taken property from the private sellers market, which otherwise would have been bought by people to live in, such as couples or familes etc, but instead have become part of an investment portfolio. This is where the propaganda begins. Landlord stans will claim that the landlord putting the property up for rent to be rented by, the family or couple or person who got outbidded on the private market by the landlord, is a good thing because it is providing a market. They will never acknowledge that the property has been horded, stolen right out from under the people who want to buy it to live in. Instead you get this cognitive dissoance about how the landlords are providing a service and we should all be grateful, and to never call out landlords on being scum of the earth when they pull shit such as putting a bed up on the market for rent, in a shared room, in a shared house.
They will never admit that by forcing a landlord to sell up, that it will be a net benefit to the rental market by reducing demand. That's one less family/couple/person looking for a place to rent and will be able to buy. That's a good thing, especially during this housing crises. There are too many people on the private rental market because they have no choice. They need a place to live, and the private rental market really isn't sutiable and the options are slim already. So this pro landlord propaganda rubs me the wrong way. Why should we bend over backwards to cater to them? Their apologists act like when a landlord enters the rental market that the property they are offering just spontaneously pop into existence! And extend that thinking to when landlords sell up, that the property ceases to exist. It's magical thinking, but I don't put that past much people in this country to be perfectly honest.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time. Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
Author: @roguedruid
Note from submitter: Class 1-A and 1-B are split into a Hero vs Villain team for a weekend-long battle simulation game, and pushes Izuku into leaning hard into his analysis skills in order to bolster his team's abilities. Overall a very fun fic
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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compacflt · 8 months
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wip wednesday: made a HUGE amount of progress this week (for context—purple is unfinished & yellow is finished; last week all of them were purple) … i am in the home stretch here
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