#deity jason
yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Deity Jason or deity Nico is good tho but anw. I give you Deity Jason and Nico.
In which Jason ascends and Nico accepts his father’s gift of immortality - which he previously declined - because he doesn’t want to leave Jason alone, because he knows Jason hates being alone.
Or another scenario wherein Nico has strip off his mortality before anyone even realizes it. And then Jason ascends because he’s promised he would follow Nico to everywhere to prove that he’s not alone. So, out of the flow of time it is, then.
They just don’t want the other to be alone. So now they’re two gods roaming the world side by side. The sky watches over their journey and the earth carries their steps far away.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
AU: Jason has Lazarus Pit effects, but it just plays suitable (or funny) background music to whatever he's experiencing.
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sarafangirlart · 17 days
Fuck no ok I’ll complain about Kaos more:
It makes no sense that priestesses and devotees of Hera are expected to either never marry, or to abandon their family, bc really? Not only do the vast majority of Ancient Greek and Roman cults not want their priests and priestesses to be virgins, they straight up expected them to get married and have children bc family (and nepotism) was a big deal.
Do you expect me to believe that the GODDESS OF MARRIAGE WOMEN AND FAMILY would want her priestesses to not have family or to abandon the family they have?
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slayedthedaybae · 1 year
Once saw a pjo Fan comment that Ares was Zeus favourite son because of trials of Apollo and I died inside a little bit. So enjoy my rant about it
1. Apollo in nearly every single myth is described as his dads favourite. No beating around the bush that’s his favourite son (and highly likely child).
2. The Iliad (basic Greek mythology reading) has Zeus tell everyone in the council that Ares is his least favourite child (most likely in all the Gods too)
3. Ares is incredibly loyal to his mother and through many texts (that aren’t biased towards Athena) is seen to love his siblings a whole lot, no matter what his mother says about them. In the myth of him getting abducted by the twin giants who were threatening to r@pe his mother and sister (Artemis) and to force them to marry them. Ares was angered by this and scared for this and tried to fight them by himself leading to his capture, torture and in some tales even r@pe until Hermes rescued him
4. He is the only God (in my memory) to not have ever sa ANYONE. Every single relationship was consensual and is the only man in his family to ever do so with Zeus, Hermes, Hephaestus, Apollo, Hades, Poseidon and Dionysus all having sa people
5. One thing that boils my blood the most though in pjo is his treatment of his children. Ares was despised by his father and his mother put a lot of pressure on him to be perfect for her legacy, causing him to act out a lot and be perceived as vicious and brutal. In every myth though he never wanted his children to feel the same way he did and was apart of every single one of his child’s life.
Hope you enjoyed my rant!!!! And if not well then idk what you want from me
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kylokilljoy · 3 months
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euryvices · 5 months
terribly conceived zeus headcanon
when he heard jason was going to be born, he bought half of the baby store. granted, he wouldn't do this normally, but this woman had made him fall in love twice. so, his arms were full of toys but the most important one of them all was a tiny feather, enchanted to grow with the person it was made for. sadly, hera finds out. all the baby things are back in the stores, but, the feather stays. and each year zeus watches the feather grow, millimeter by millimeter. no one prepares him for the day the feather stops growing.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
Not to get pedantic (oh who am i kidding that’s most of this blog) but I am genuinely fascinated by the potential applications of the established canon in HoO and TOA that the gods canonically have both historic and regional forms, and can appear as specific versions of those forms and have kids of those specific forms, which influence what powers the kid has/what pantheon they fall under/etc etc (and also the implication that demigods can be born under multiple forms of a singular deity). This is somewhat backed up even earlier in the first series when we’re told that Percy has earthquake powers because of his father being Poseidon “The Earthshaker” (which is Mycenaean Poseidon) - which could also tie into why Percy generally takes leadership roles, is hopping in and out of the Underworld a lot, and is apparently particularly powerful for even just a Big 3 kid, since all that would line up with Mycenaean Poseidon being generally put at the head of the pantheon and also being a chthonic deity.
Now this gets really interesting when we start looking at deities being combined and conflated, because a.) the Romans weren’t the only ones doing that and b.) the Romans had their own gods originally, they didn’t just take the Greek ones and slap a new name on them. They merged a lot with their own preexisting deities alongside adopting worship of deities from other cultures as the Romans spread (and the Greeks also did this), and c.) the ancient Greeks and Romans did exist at the same time.
Like, we know in terms of the Greeks and Romans that if their godly parents are “equivalent” then their demigod children are siblings, just like if Greek demigods have the “same” godly parent then they are also siblings. However, very few Greco-Roman gods are one-to-one, and a lot are like three gods in a trench coat, and then if you want to get into historical forms then you can start running into weird things like “Well, if you go back far enough, these two Greek gods may have originated from the same thing-” and also if we’re talking historical forms, again, the Greeks and Romans existed at the same time! Which means there would be historic forms of godly parents that are both Greek and Roman! So like, where do we go from there? Would Hazel be equally siblings to a child of Plutus as she is to Nico because both Hades and Plutus were conflated into Pluto? Orcus was also conflated with Pluto - does that mean when Nico killed Bryce Lawrence, he was killing his half-brother? (cause then that parallels just a couple chapters later when Will faces off against Octavian-) Are there demigods who, depending on their godly parents’ form(s), are technically both a Greek and Roman demigod? If Hermes and Pan possibly originated from the same god, does that mean all the satyrs are siblings with the Hermes kids? If we want to get into all the nonsense of Dionysus’ origins and Zagreus and Hades, does that mean Nico is technically siblings with Dionysus kids? Does Dionysus joke about this during their therapy sessions? Are some demigods in certain cabins siblings with kids in other cabins but each others’ siblings aren’t siblings depending on what form their godly parents were in?
I have a headache now.
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There should be a Gotham deity of some sort that’s an old lady who’s been around since Dick was Robin, but every time one of the Robins is in danger she just shows up and drops bird seed in front of them
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lavender--milk · 7 months
One of my favourite things about Apollo is sometimes, when I'm thinking about him, he shows me that he's present by playing a song from my childhood that I haven't heard in years. Twice recently it's happened with my family member's music on shuffle, and once a song from my past showed up in literally an "Apollo Devotional Playlist". And when it played I just got such a calm warm feeling in my chest. Thank you Apollo 💛💛
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
nO BUT WHAT IF IT WAS HERA/JUNO WHO PULLED JASON BACK FROM DEATH?? like after Apollo leaves Piper on that beach with his body Hera shows up like "Well now we can't have my champion looking like this now can we?" And summons his spirit back and says "I'm not done with you yet" and says if he agrees to become a god and do her bidding, she will protect Piper the best she can so of course Jason agrees. Then Piper is threatened into secrecy and the coffin she brings back on the plane is actually empty. WHAT IF.
……….Hera really needs to fix her Heracles problem. As in, if I had a dime for every time she adopts a bastard of her husband’s, makes him a hero, makes him him immortal as her trophy champions then I’d have two dimes - which are not a lot, but it feels problematic.
That is to say: this is intriguing LOL. It also provides a reason as to why Jason would accept immortality. Always the selfless type, isn’t he, smh. An empty coffin is a… strangely enthralling concept, too.
And the fact that Jason is, now, bound to obey Juno’s every command is… exhilarating, to say the least. It truly opens up a lot of different scenarios as to what would transpire afterwards. Would Jason be a loyal prawn to the gods - a callous warrior or a mindless puppet? Or, would he break someday and be the most terrifying foe? Would he still be able to be a Pontifex when the meaning of it is to connect gods and demigods/mortals? How would the others react? Would Piper try to break the bind by, idk, charm-speak maybe? Or get rid of herself because she’s the price anw——okay that’s enough.
Another interesting about this, tho, is how Hades would probably react to the fact that a son of his brother’s is strip off death by the will of Juno alone - considering how he appeared to be very strict about rules of life and death.
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happyk44 · 1 year
jasico prompts!!!!! i have several you can choose ur favorite:
stupid newlyweds who are on honeymoon and therefore their braincells are dead, not noticing weird things happening around them bc 1) they're used to weird shit 2) they just got married and are too into each other to notice the terrorist attacks, alligators, and mafia shootouts
classic coffeeshop au except this coffeeshop is definitely a front for money laundering but the receptionist is So Cute so you can't blame jason for going there everyday
jason has wall of nico photos that are definitely not creepy and he insists that its just his cork board where he puts photos of friends on except its mostly nico.
god!jason kidnaps nico to piss hades off but oops now he's in love and he keeps making excuses as to why he cant release nico: weather's too hot, you owe me money, i have a cold, etc etc
It wasn't a shrine. No matter what Leo said, it wasn't a shrine. Shrines were completely different - Jason knew that. He had a couple actual shrines and this, this was just a photo album. It wasn't even technically dedicated to Nico. It just sort of... ended up there.
Jason couldn't really pinpoint when or how Nico's photos became the prime material of edge page. The album had been a simple idea. Something to look at when he was feeling lonely and remember that he had friends. Initially it was just a small photo book he took with him on his travels but ever since Leo made him that portable printer, he had expanded it to a couple collections.
He hadn't been hiding it either. The albums were innocuous from first glance, protected. Everyone knew he had them, he talked about them all the time. Every time he whipped out his disposable camera, and then later his shock-proof phone, he'd say a quick, "For the album." And they'd smile and pose. There were a lot of candid photos too.
Travelling was just easier for Nico. So he was around more. Checked in more. Of course, Jason was going to have a lot of photos of him.
But as he flipped through his albums, he was beginning to speculate that maybe Leo was onto something. It still wasn't a shrine but...
Well, Nico was pretty. The light caught his face in wonderful angles. There were times he'd be laughing and Jason would think, I have to remember this.
The thing about losing all your memories? You wanted to make sure you had something, just in case it happened again. He wanted physical proof. Leo was here. Piper baked cookies. Hazel had a birthday.
Nico laughed. Nico smiled. Nico disappeared into the corner shadows of the wall. Nico held a puppy. Nico walked around with a half-grown chicken on his head for two hours.
Jason closed the album shut and set it aside. Nerves tousled up inside him. This was... perhaps a problem he had not anticipated. He steeled his breathe inside himself.
It wasn't a shrine. Shrines were for worshipping. For holiness. And his pitures of his friends were important and beloved, but they weren't worshipped. Or holy to him. They were just memories. They were just moments. They were just...
He closed his eyes and exhaled softly.
Sprawled out on the bed, Leo snored. Jason honed in on the sound as he creaked open the album closest to him and reviewed the photos. Nico's hair caught in the moonlight, his head tilted back up to the stars, eyes closed, face blissful. Half a second later when he caught Jason taking a picturing and started laughing. Another half second and the smear of his hand, his dark eyes peeking out just above.
Jason traced the picture.
I knew you loved him, Leo had laughed hours ago as he'd flipped through pages, but I didn't realize it was obsessive horror movie shrine type love.
Of course, Jason loved him. He loved all his friends. Nico was important to him. And these photos weren't - they were just a memories. Just moments.
Jason flipped through the pages of the album. The brushes of air caught against his skin. Thoughts of sinking into shadowy tendrils, the rush of nothingness, fluttered to the front of his mind. Nico's hands cold against his. His quiet, Are you okay? as Jason readjusted to solid ground.
In the album, Nico reflected back at him from every corner. Dark eyes glinting with secret smiles. The curve of his jaw. The spread of his hands. Other people sat in the pages too. But Nico outnumbered them all. He was front and center. Just looking at him filled Jason with a thick warmth he hadn't felt in a very long time.
He paused. An understanding dawned on him.
Of course, I love him, he's my friend, he'd huffed back at Leo earlier. And it's not a shrine.
Leo had grinned wickedly. His eyes were alight with a knowing that Jason detested. He hated the way Leo always seemed to know him better than he knew himself. Not in a factual logical way - but emotionally. Jason could introspect on himself for decades and never come out with the emotional understanding Leo could sniff out just by looking at him.
It's totally a shrine, dude. He'd laughed a little here, hipchecked Jason. And you're not thinking of the same love I'm thinking of.
He didn't elaborate then and Jason didn't ask. But he got it now.
Maybe it was a shrine then. Sort of. Looking at Nico - candid and posed - filled him with a quiet delight, a sense of clarity. And there was devotion there. It sat quiet in his bones, waiting for the moment Nico would appear from the shadows like an unholy angel. Then it would rattle up cut through Jason's core like a hot knife. Like an iron brand.
He'd been branded in the name of a god before. Although then, he had been an unknowing participant, sat down before a group of adults and burned until his tongue bled. His shrine was devoted to a statue. His prayers heard without much response.
This time was different. His shrine was smiles and humanity, warmth. His calls went answered every time. The brand on his soul had been placed there willingly. He'd chased it down with heavy teeth and was rewarded with blood and family.
Jason pushed Leo's legs out of the way and crawled into place next to him.
The last couple of years had been spent wandering around from place to place, restoring temples, building shrines, remembering the forgotten, taking care of the old. In his travels, he'd hoped for a deity he could take pride in like he used to. When he'd ask them what they wanted from a follower, they'd smile knowingly with crooked teeth and sharp eyes and shaky hands.
They knew the truth he was too blind to see.
He'd already found his god.
Now he just needed to prove his devotion.
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brb cackling at my own fic
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nicstylus · 7 months
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Finished >:D
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
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JayDickWeek Day 7 - Soulmates
Nightwing and Flamebird as reincarnated soulmates <3
(nightwing and flamebird concept art under the read more. ignore the writing, thats my brush notes lol)
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homochihuahua · 1 year
There is this panel with Bruce laying atop Selina, they are nude and he is kissing her neck with the side of her face being what we see of them while she is gasping. Alfred intrudes on the and he looks mortified lol.
It such a lovely sexy thing and I can't stop thinking of it with Jason being the one to do this to Dick, maybe in the setting where Dick was filling in Bruce' sudden absence, they were almost successful in keeping their relationship a secret, but one night Dick's moaning got so loud it worried Alfred so much he had to take matters into his hand, only for him to catch them red handed.
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dax-enfinity · 2 years
No idea if this rarepair already exists or not but I’m talking about Jason/Anubis like this dynamic would be so interesting to me honestly
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