#disabled BIPOC aces
theacecouple · 11 months
A-specs Committed to Anti-Racism (ACAR) is proud to present a panel on disabled BIPOC aces for Ace Week & Disabled Ace Day! Panelists will discuss intersectional issues and speak to their own experiences within the asexual community.
RSVP Here -> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/disabled-bipoc-aces-a-virtual-panel-tickets-738978764377?aff=oddtdtcreator
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Next week is Ace Week, and A-specs Committed to Anti-Racism (ACAR) is hosting a panel on Disabled BIPOC Aces next week for Disabled Ace Day!!
AND, our lovely incredible friend, Courtney Lane of The Ace Couple podcast, is going to be on it! The Ace Couple have been guests on our stream a few times, and Courtney always has the best stories, so you know it's going to be an interesting time <3 Plus, Courtney is THE FOUNDER of both Disabled Ace Day and ACAR, so, y'know. She's kind of a big deal. <3
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aspenforest732 · 9 months
Mortem ad Wrens Chapter 28: Into the Lion's Den
tw: dead name, being found by past abusers, trafficking, starvation, torture, threats of death and violence, fear, the uncaring nature of abusers, coercion, lack of autonomy, eugenics, experimentation, medical torture and torment, mutilation, death of children, emotional abuse, a scene that mirrors the torment of indigenous Jewish BIPOC and disabled folks during times of extreme eugenics and hatred for marginalized groups Akira and Bakugo try to survive their kidnapping
The mirror of the last trigger warning is separated by [MIRROR START] and [MIRROR END]. It's not necessary to read or be summarized, so skip it if you need/want to. This is a heavy, dark chapter, so do what you need to and be kind to yourself. ‘text’ JSL Text thoughts
“-cut the small talk and die!”
Akira slowly came to painful awareness, their entire body throbbing and shaking. They cracked their eyes open, surveying Bakugo strapped into a chair with bulky restraints covering his hands and the League standing around a bar. At least the lights are low, Akira mused, barely registering as Dabi met their eyes with concern.
“Pipsqueak’s awake,” he drawled.
Twice brought a bag of jerky, at which point Akira realized they were also restrained as their bony, too-thin wrists scraped against the cuffs. The villain dangled the bag in front of them as Shigaraki turned his attention to them.
“Sensei wants you alive, but it’s not mandatory for the process,” Shigaraki rasped. He frowned and stalked forward, grabbing Akira’s chin while keeping his pinky lifted before pinching one of their contacts and removing it. There was a small red dot on the lens that wasn’t normally there. “Can’t let the npc’s cheat now, can we,” Shigaraki muttered as he disintegrated the contacts.
“It can’t be…” Akira looked up as Mr. Compress strode forward and took off his mask. They flinched into the back of the chair as he grabbed their chin. “It is! That’s the Inoue kid I was telling you about.”
Akira froze, fear flickering in their eyes as they tried to keep their face neutral. Mr. Compress studied them with keen, worried eyes as Bakugo jerked against his restraints.
“The hell are you on!” Bakugo snarled. “Their name is Mori, not Inoue.”
Kurogiri pulled a file from seemingly thin air and nodded, “The resemblance is striking. And would explain the other bidder.”
“Why did you leave your family?” Magne asked. She straightened slightly, hints of curiosity peeking through her tight expression.
“They don’t have to tell you shit,” Bakugo growled, “and they can’t anyways. They’re mute, dumbass.”
“Spinner, release their restraints. They can’t move in their state anyways,” Shigaraki ordered. The gecko cautiously stepped forward as Mr. Compress backed off, Spinner eyeing the explosive blonde warily as he released Akira.
Wincing at the movement, Akira used their capture weapon to guide their arms forward so they could sign as Dabi interpreted, ‘None of your fucking business.’ They hesitantly took the bag of jerky and forced themself to start eating, the lack of hunger amidst their pain a testament to how far along they were.
“They abandoned you, didn’t they? You were failed by heroes and yet you try to walk the path of your oppressors. Why not tear down the system, watch it burn so you can start anew?” Shigaraki grinned.
‘I ran,’ Akira glared. ‘I intend to rebuild the system you only seek to destroy.’ They could feel Bakugo staring but couldn’t bring themself to look.
“If your goal is to first destroy, ours is aligned,” Kurogiri intoned. “I would recommend you listen to our offer.”
Akira finished off the bag with a thoughtful expression plastered on their face before risking a glance at Bakugo. To their shock, there were only traces of anger in his expression filled with concern, confusion, and fear. ‘If you want me to even consider your offer, I need more food. I’m in third-stage starvation right now, and that bag will maybe last two hours. High protein and high vitamins are best right now.’
“You’re not in a position to make demands!” Twice reprimanded before looking almost concerned. “They’re just a kid. We should help.”
“Kurogiri,” a deep voice crackled from the small tv, “bring the child to me.”
Akira sent a panicked look to Bakugo before being consumed by familiar darkness and deposited at a table. Across from them sat a broad-shouldered man with a large scar over his face wearing a breathing apparatus and a formal suit. Akira immediately averted their gaze downwards, the man radiating a deeply unsettling aura of danger.
“Eat, child. You have nothing to fear here,” the man said, gesturing to the large meal laid out.
Akira only hesitated a moment before digging in. Just build your strength up, you can let this be your baseline for now. Survive first, worry about fluctuation repercussions later.
“Are you aware of your family’s transgressions? Good, then I’m sure you understand why they must die.”
Akira glanced up at that, carefully keeping their expression neutral even as their hands shook. Whether from the pain or fear they weren’t sure at this point. Their stomach rolled as they tried not to think about where they were or what would happen to Katsuki.
“I can give you the tools, the people, the money to do whatever you wish to them,” the man continued. “All I ask in return is for you to assist my own goals and follow me. Would it not be a wonderful revenge for a Wren child to turn villain and take them down?”
Akira let a hint of their budding curiosity show as they carefully signed, ‘What would you get in return? What would you have me do?’
He grinned coldly, “Your mere presence, much like Tomura’s, would be a blemish on hero society. I see your potential, child, and oh the places you could go if you never had to wonder where your next meal would come from. Of course, you would do nothing that would make you too uncomfortable, and we can protect you from the Wrens.”
‘Can I think about it? ’Akira hesitantly signed. Is it really buying time if I’m considering it? Akira pushed away the thought derisively, trying to focus on the room’s layout and blinking cameras.
“Of course, child. We will have quite some time together, and I can assuage any doubts you may have. You may call me Shigaraki or All for One. I presume Mori is your preferred name?”
Akira froze at the confirmation, panic surging back even as they tried to clamp down on their emotions. They stiffly nodded and finished what they could from the table, certain they could last the rest of the night at least. They’re coming. Just hold on and don’t give in.
Ÿ̸̩̮́̏̀̈̌͠ȍ̴̧̨̧̧͎̦̬͍̳͕̀̿͗̾̚ú̵̖̱̱͍̪̓̌͐͆͐̅͑̓͊̒̉̕͠͠͝'̶̡͓͈̰̭̦͓͓͔̥̞̣̝̯͍̟͓̂̎͂͗͑͊̈̌̾͘l̵̢̧̡̟̥̖̞͉̪̯̗̜̼͖͓͈̅̎͆͆͋́̐̊̏̄̕͠ͅl̸͙͔͕̪̺̤͚͙͚̈̎͌̔̽̊̇̈̔̄̀̓͗͘͠ͅ ̸̛̤͙͈̺͚͔͍͈̣͎̥̥͆̑̅̇̄̈́̑͠l̴̳̯̤̑ơ̸̧͙̝͈̎͆̃̊̈́̑̅́̃̂̎̏̈̍͝s̵̢̢͉̗͍̤̯͚͕̹̿̽̀͐̓̒̕̕̕̚͠͝ę̸̨̭͓̘͔͙̲͔̣̰̫͔̥͔͇̐̒̽̃͊̿̚͝͝ ̷̥̘͕̖̭͔͈̲̜͕͈͉̫̩͕̱͓͆t̴̨̛̥̤͎̳͓̭̰͇̗̗̦͇̖̪̫̜̏̈́́̈́͛͛̍̚h̶͇̺̫̖̄̋̐͑̆̏̑̽͋̇̍̃̚̚͠e̷̩̘̿̓̓̓̑̉̇͗̽͗̓͂̆̍̾͌̽m̶̼͇̙̘̗̣̏͒̄̋̈́͒̌̐̾́̒͗̉͘ ̵͖̳͇̲̲̤͉̯͈̗̥̹̹̬͔̯̝̎̍̈́̃̀̑̍̓̓̐͊a̵̡͓̖̦̬̩̝̥̓̾̎̔̒͜͝ͅn̴̢͈̟̗̞͓̊͜y̵̠͉͕͖̏̃̒̿̀͒̎͛͐̎̈́́̊͊̕w̴̫̪̞̜͖̱̥͈̩͙̭̩̺͒͛̌a̶̢̭̥̻͍̻͇͋̈́͛̏̂͐̆̑̔̾̀̍̌͝ŷ̸̧̧̡̛͙̖̫͖̺͙͍̺͕͈̞̓̀̒̇͌͆̉̏̀͘ (You’ll lose them anyway)
No, they’re not going to leave if they haven’t yet. Just let… Akira tapered off as they realized All for One was smirking. Looking around their mindscape, they didn’t see anyone, but that wasn’t always an indicator. So, they mentally screamed.
All for One chuckled darkly, “I see you realized one of my quirks. Your plans can be folded into our resources. Incentives can be provided, of course, if the other parties don’t desire a partnership.”
Akira shuddered but kept their mind carefully blank. ‘I appreciate your generosity,’ they signed, carefully focusing on each word instead of jumping ahead to connected thoughts.
Eventually, All for One escorted Akira to a small bedroom attached to an office. They carefully kept their mind blank aside from matching the pitch of a low hum felt throughout the building. A few minutes after All for One’s steps faded into the distance, they carefully lowered themself onto the bed. Give up what little I’ve carefully cultivated for a near-guaranteed success, Akira mused. The people already involved wouldn’t be out of danger, but maybe they could be kept out of further danger? Akira knew they would be labeled a villain, a traitor even soon after their plan started, but All for One had lived for well over a century if the age of stories could be trusted. They could try to limit casualties, but from Shigaraki’s campaign, Akira doubted they’d be able to do so for long and certainly not by proxy. And what would Aizawa think? Taishiro?
Akira sagged against the headboard, still exhausted from the day’s chaos. As they drifted off, their treacherous mind slipped one last thought. Am I even worth being saved?
Akira awoke gradually for once, realizing with a confused frown that it had been a dreamless sleep. Surveying the room, they tested the thickness of the walls, noting that the one opposite the office was a little thicker. Akira meditated on the bed for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door and it opened. They tensed as All for One entered, bearing a tray piled with lunch foods.
“I hope you enjoyed your rest,” he rumbled. “A life such as yours is often plagued by nightmares.”
Akira nervously ate while All for One waited by the door, their eyes flicking to him every couple bites as they focused on a K-pop album in their head. Their thoughts occasionally started turning to Katsuki, but Akira quickly turned back to the song. As they finished, Akira slipped off the bed opposite All for One, keeping their eyes on the ground and mind on the songs.
“I trust you have thought about my offer,” All for One said, his aura of danger returning. “Today I will show you what you can have if you agree.”
Akira slowly nodded, heart pounding as they fell into step behind him. The villain led them out into a viewing area over large vats with tubes running to massive tubs. Stepping beside All for One, Akira’s breath caught in their throat at the dozens of Nomu in the vats. They were definitely in a warehouse, and Akira startled at the number on the right wall, not recognizing it as a Shizuoka code. I wonder how… Remembering who they were next to, Akira shut down that train of thought and refocused on the songs, cringing as they glanced to the villain who was now facing them.
“I suppose another way the heroes have failed you,” All for One said, voice gaining a slight edge. “You will never have to sleep on a warehouse floor again, my dear, if you stay with us. An army of Nomu under your command, a warm place to stay, all the food you could ever want. All this could be yours, and the Wrens will never see the light of day when we’re done.”
‘And what if I refuse?’ Akira leaned away from his gaze.
“If you cannot be of use willingly, we can still make use of your quirk,” All for One said dismissively. “I’m much more interested in your potential, however, and would be willing to invest more time in changing your mind if it comes to that.”
Akira shuddered, flashes of family members “changing their mind” flashing in their head. They flinched as a massive hand rested on their shoulder and All for One’s face came into view.
“We would talk, child. Nothing more, I can assure you,” his voice dripped with sympathy and Akira found themself wanting to believe him.
Startled at the thought, Akira wrenched their shoulder out of his grasp and stumbled back a step, hand death gripping the railing as their left knee buckled. Their eyes remained fixed on the floor as they tensely waited for All for One’s reaction.
He sighed and stood. “Come, I will show you the rest of this base. We have many, and you will not have to stay at U.A. if you join, although that is an option. You certainly would not be alone.”
Akira glanced up at that, mentally running through the options in their class alone. Hitoshi wouldn’t, they have too much at risk. Katsuki has enough of a temper but clearly wasn’t at their base willingly. Koji could use animals to relay information, but he’s too sweet. Akira carefully watched All for One’s posture as they ran down their list of candidates and was shocked to see his body language change ever so slightly at Aoyama. What the fuck?
All for One chuckled darkly, pausing his explanation of how someone named the Doctor created Nomu. “Clever child. A shame the boy never got used to his quirk. Quirkless like he and my brother’s successor are either the best or worst candidates depending on their genetics.”
Successor… why is that familiar? Akira tried to think of when they last heard the word.
“The green-haired boy, Midoriya,” All for One supplied. “Though a surprise it was handed down to two Quirkless in a row, I suppose the Symbol of Peace was desperate.”
‘His quirk wasn’t forcibly manifested?’ Akira signed, hurt blossoming in their chest as they remembered the hours spent researching with him. I thought he understood.
“No, Mori,” All for One corrected and explained the origin of Midoriya’s quirk.
I knew All Might was a shitty person, but what the hell. Giving a child this burden? Akira snarled as the story got worse. They stumbled, peering in between the vats as they noticed something vaguely familiar. Akira took a step towards the vat, catching sight of a mutating Arata before All for One’s hand firmly squeezed their shoulder.
“Looking at them will just upset you. Know that none of them were missed and almost all were near death or longing for it when they came to us,” All for One murmured. “It is a shame the wielders of One for All have only gotten younger as my brother’s legacy has been passed on.”
Akira found themself nodding and cast one last look at the developing Nomu before letting All for One lead them onward. Their stomach did flips as the villain showed them the operating room where Ragdoll lay and another room with file cabinets filled with quirks, their owners, and missing person reports.
Akira narrowly held back the bile until the last room where their knees gave out at the sight of failed experiments. Parts of children whose bodies were too weak to handle multiple quirks, adults who bore signs of extensive, prolonged injuries, and others with a hollowed-out appearance.
Akira shuddered, tears streaming down their face as All for One placed a hand on their back while looming over them. “It’s important to remember the past while looking forward to the future. We’ve perfected the process since these sacrificed their lives. You’ll see a whole new world at my side, and someday you’ll look back on this room in pride.”
Akira numbly nodded, keenly aware of where they could end the day. All for One brought them back to the file cabinet room and set a stack of files in front of them to find suitable quirks for their plans. He left, locking the door with the promise of bringing food later. What started as getting to know the victims of his operation morphed into a growing morbid curiosity as Akira found a few Trump and Brute Regeneration quirks that could theoretically counteract or reverse the brainwashing depending on how the currently active quirk worked.
Some hours later, All for One brought dinner and a radio. Akira paused as they heard Eraser’s voice. “The ‘worst outcome’ I assumed in that situation was that the students would be at their wits’ end and be killed.”
Akira felt a little of their tension drain as Nezu mentioned there were no serious injuries from the attack. At least the others are safe.
“Can you say the same thing for the kidnapped Bakugo and Mori?” a reporter asked. Akira snorted as he used Katsuki’s attitude as an excuse to write him off as joining the League. “And no one knows anything about Mori. Their guardians are nowhere to be found, and their address is a P.O. box. What evidence do you have they are who they claim to be?”
Aizawa took responsibility for Katsuki’s violent tendencies before pausing a moment. “We are aware of Mori’s situation, and they highly value their privacy. I will not be discussing the personal life of one of my students, a minor, on live television.”
As Nezu reassured the press that the school was investigating with the police, Akira finished the food and stood, carefully moving away from All for One. “You’ll be exposed soon, Mori, and that will only bring more pain to the few you’ve exposed to your plan. Join me, and we will take the heat of whatever the Wrens bring.”
Akira looked between the files and All for One a few times before slinking forward. If I’m exposed this early, they’re going to die no matter-
Akira warped forward out of the room as an eighteen-wheeler slammed through the roof, sending chunks of concrete and drywall flying as they tried to dodge. Remembering the layout, they started to limp towards the warehouse floor but were abruptly pulled back to All for One’s side by dark whips made of crackling energy. All for One frowned as the dust settled and Best Jeanist, Mountain Lady, and Gang Orca rounded up the Nomu. He sighed, “It seems Tomura has failed again. Stay here, you wouldn’t survive the fight.”
Akira froze as they watched his oppressive aura strengthen and expand, All for One starting to float and become more muscular. “Let’s show these children what real power looks like,” he mused.
Akira has a “max” of 4 clones because more puts too much of a strain on their body. Having 12 active for more than a few seconds wrecked them. Schooling your thoughts is pretty hard without training, especially under stress.  Finally had to break from the lyrics! And I was so close to the end, too ☹ “when at last we atone” just did not fit this chapter at all. Lol I can't believe I thought the lyrics fit for that long! Also, going back over this made me realize my early conceptualization for telepathy was based on system interactions. Originally thought they were based on actual interactions (different host, high school)
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thefloweredblade · 10 months
I love lesbians I love Butch lesbians I love femme lesbians I love stud lesbians I love androgynous lesbians I love she/her lesbians I love he/him lesbians I love they/them lesbians I love multipronoun lesbians I love neopronouns lesbians I love cis lesbians I love trans lesbians I love nonbinary lesbians I love two-spirit lesbians I love older lesbians I love younger lesbians I love I love atheist lesbians I love religious lesbians I love buff lesbians I love skinny lesbians I love fat lesbians I love disabled lesbians I love BIPOC lesbians I love hairy lesbians I love bald lesbians I love ace lesbians I love aro lesbians I love dom lesbians I love sub lesbians I love nerdy lesbians I love artistic lesbians I love academic lesbians I love rich lesbians I love poor lesbians I love flamboyant lesbians I love hijabi lesbians I love niqabi lesbians I love veiled lesbians I love out lesbians I love closeted lesbians I love shy lesbians I love out going lesbians I love witchy lesbians I love questioning lesbians I love lesbians with a different romantic label I love lesbians with a different sexual label I love historical lesbians I love future lesbians
I love lesbians and anyone sapphic/trixic mwah mwah mwah
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
happy ace week to
aro aces
zed aces
non-sam aces
oriented aces
trans aces
genderqueer aces
intersex aces
ace bipoc
fat aces
virgin aces
disabled aces
old aces
ace teens
ace sex-workers
aces who love sex
aces who hate sex
nonlibidoist aces
libidoist aces
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the-delta-quadrant · 1 year
happy non-binary week to
non-binary BIPoC
intersex non-binary people
non-binary aces
non-binary aros
non-binary mspecs
non-binary lesbians
non-binary veldians
non-binary disabled people
fat non-binary people
poor non-binary people
non-binary people from countries where being non-binary is dangerous
trans non-binary people
non-binary people who are neither cis nor trans
cis non-binary people
non-binary people who use neopronouns
they/them non-binary people
she/her non-binary people
he/him non-binary people
no pronoun non-binary people
non-binary people with uncommon genders
closeted non-binary people
out non-binary people
happy non-binary week to all non-binary people. 💛🤍💜🖤
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little-sw33tie · 11 months
*Taps mic*
Is this thing on? Yeah.
All I have to say is that
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newsmutproject · 2 years
Call for Submissions: Erato II
Send us your most seductive flash fiction and prose poetry*!
We’re seeking super short writing in any subgenre, featuring characters of any and every orientation and gender, so long as they’re 18+ and express their consent to all erotic activities. Whether they find pleasure through BDSM, fetish, or vanilla encounters; in long-term romances or one-night stands; with one person, a roomful of people, or just themselves, it’s all good.
How explicitly you want to portray the sex, and what counts as sex, is up to you - but leave the reader in some way breathless.
Vivid writing, clever and original plots, and stylistic or structural experimentation are particularly welcome. We want stories that are sex positive, body positive, and inclusive. Usually at least half the stories in our anthologies feature characters who are LGBTQIA+, including the ace spectrum.
BIPOC writers, trans and nonbinary writers, disabled writers, working-class writers, and writers of other marginalized and underrepresented identities are warmly encouraged to submit. We’re thrilled to work with writers from around the world at any stage of their careers, including those who have never been published before.
*Please note, prose poetry, not verse poetry. We share some inspiring verse poetry on our blog, but don’t publish it—yet.
We’re also interested in excerpts from longer works, including sex scenes from stories in a genre other than erotica. 
Payment & Length:
We’ll pay $25 for the first 500 words and 2 cents per word thereafter, up to $45 for 1,500 words. 
Please include wordcount with your submission. We’re willing to look at slightly longer stories, so long as they still fit the spirit of ‘flash fiction’ (e.g., if you’re at 1,575 words and can’t find more to trim), but payment is capped at $45.
Accepted pieces shorter than 500 words will receive $25.
All contributors will also receive an ebook copy of the anthology and a discount on paperback copies.
For a taste of our tastes, check out our first flash anthology, Erato, and our blog – but we love to be surprised by new concepts, and we actively want to expand the range of identities and perspectives we publish with each book.
You can also read two of the pieces from Erato for free online - both award winners!  
“A Study in Circuits and Charcoal” by jem zero won the Best Feminist Sex category of the Good Sex Awards.
“Touch” by D. Fostalove was a runner-up in the Best Sexy Talk category.
More details and tips below the cut:
Submissions open: April 2 – August 31, 2023 (Extensions can be made upon request.)
We’ll send a confirmation email (manually) within a week of receiving your story. Please query or resend if you don’t see this confirmation in <7 days. 
Acceptances won’t be sent until the submissions period ends and all stories have been considered. Some rejections may be sent out sooner.
Publication date: Early 2024
Some tips to save you time --
Our hard-ons:
All stories will be copyedited before going to print, but well-polished submissions have some advantage. Here’s a guide to dialogue punctuation - getting it right can save lots of editing time (it also shows you paid attention to these guidelines).
We strongly prefer 1 character’s POV per scene unless you’re doing something incredible with an omniscient narrator. Use scene breaks to change POV rather than ‘head hopping’.
We don’t require, but do enjoy, stories that feature realistic sexuality, including safer sex.
Throughout our blog, we share lots of stuff we find interesting about sexuality and would love to see reflected in submissions! For instance: do you know how excited we’d be to publish a story about a character with vaginismus? (Hint: very!)
We’re eager to see sympathetic and sensual depictions of people who are often poorly represented in mainstream smut. Just to start with, this includes Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color, trans women (as well as trans men and nonbinary people, but we want to especially recognize the impact of transmisogyny), disabled people, and fat people, as well as the many people who belong to more than one marginalized group. Writers of these backgrounds are warmly encouraged to submit. 
Some of our favorite erotic flash fiction opens in the middle of sex. However you do it (and there are many ways to do it), grab the reader’s attention from the first lines.
However short the flash, there’s always room for the ingredients that take a sex scene from a list of mechanical actions to an interaction between multidimensional characters. Some writers get creative by choosing to omit one of those tools, like dialogue - this can work too! We certainly don’t mandate dialogue, or descriptions of textures and scents, or whatnot. But if you’re looking at your story and feel it might be missing something, the Sex Writing 101 list can be useful.
We’re interested in erotic narratives that build or explore a consent culture.  We want to see affirmative consent, whether expressed through a verbal “yes” (or a “maybe, let’s try” or “yes for now”), through action & collaboration (returning their partner’s kiss, guiding their hands to where they want them, etc.), or telepathy. “Enthusiastic consent” can be a fuzzy target (who decides what counts as ‘enthusiasm’? does it leave room for more cautious experimentation or other nuances?), but we’re never going to reject a story because its characters seem too eager and excited to have sex with each other.
All sex that takes place in the action of the story must be consensual. However, stories about characters who have survived sexual coercion or trauma will certainly be considered.
At the New Smut Project, we’re looking for thoughtful stories that explore sex as a positive force in people’s lives. The overall tone of our anthologies tends toward the optimistic, although there’s definitely room for stories that are nuanced, bittersweet, and even gently tragic (both our Good Sex Award winners, linked above, are strong examples of stories that are bittersweet, mixing challenges with reason for hope - and have we mentioned scorching-hot sexiness?). Hope and defiance are very sexy. 
References to other literature, art, music, and more are awesome. Brainy is sexy. Nerdy is sexy. Do keep in mind we can’t publish outright fanfiction unless it’s of a work in the public domain. But we are all about erotic retellings of Shakespeare, or the Epic of Gilgamesh, or what have you.
Right now for Erato II, we’d love to fit in more super-short pieces (500 words and shorter) with intense feeling and imagery - prose with the impact of poetry.
Hard sells and hard nos: 
Our upper limit of 1,500 words isn’t firm because we want to make writers’ lives easier: we know there are times when you aimed for flash, overshot, but trying to trim more words could remove something significant or take more time than it’s worth. Remember, though, this is still a flash fiction anthology, so we can’t include stories that exceed the limit by more than a few hundred words. (The reason we’re not saying how exactly how many more is because that would become a new upper limit that’s not necessarily firm...ad infinitum. If you need a hard limit, aim for <1,500.) 
No coercion as part of the action of the story (as mentioned, it might form part of a character’s history, sensitively handled and not for titillation). This means no characters badgering each other into an activity or characters being “obligated” by circumstances. We’d also prefer not to see sex between teachers and students or doctors/therapists and patients. Especially gross and deliberate violations of the consent guideline may result in your email address being blocked without notice. Don’t troll us. (If you’re not a troll, don’t worry; the kinds of things we block for are not written or sent by accident.) 
No sexually active characters under the age of 18. 
Stories about deception (including infidelity) are very hard sells. Like many of our hard sells, these ideas are worth exploring in literature but often aren’t a good fit with our focus on sex as a positive force in people’s lives.
We appreciate bittersweet stories, but aren’t fans of when tragedy seems like a “punishment” inflicted on the characters for having sex. If characters have contempt for each other in place of sexual tension or the story ends with a death, it’s likely too grim for us (at the same time, stories about desire mingled with grief, pleasure in the face of impending loss, or ghosts with vibrant sex after-lives can be a great fit and are of personal interest to editor T.C. Mill). 
Stories about a character being seduced by someone who turns out to be a vampire, demon, or serial killer and then - surprise! - gets killed/eaten/tortured/dragged to Hell are not a good fit. Cryptid boyfriends (and lovers of other genders) are great, we just don’t want to see them tricking and preying on their partners; that’s not exactly sex positive consent culture in action. 
Other concepts we’re not thrilled to see: stories where characters have sex while very intoxicated/high, stories about sex robots (vs robots who happen to have sex; it’s a key distinction!), and stories where characters have sex because they are hired to (our focus is on different motives for sex; we welcome pieces about sex worker protagonists in their personal lives). Stories with other premises will be much more competitive in the submissions pile. 
Don’t send stories based in transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, fatphobia, and other asshole moves (but it’s fine to send stories acknowledging these prejudices as part of a character’s lived experience).
We can’t accept writing or characters you don’t hold the copyright to (this has been a particular issue with quoted song lyrics. Please only quote lyrics you have written yourself or know to be in the public domain. It also now includes AI-generated text). As mentioned, intertextuality with public domain works is wonderful, though, so bring on the erotic Great Gatsby retellings!
Unlike many publishers, we’re willing to consider stories we rejected from previous calls. It’s best to be upfront about what you’re re-sending and why you believe it might be a fit for us this time around (if the story has been substantially revised, if it received a personal rejection lamenting that we just couldn't fit it in a prior anthology, etc.). Also, be upfront with yourself about whether you have other ideas for stories to submit and if you’re certain you understand the kinds of stories we publish. 
Multiple submissions: We’ll look at 1 or 2 stories per author. You don’t need to send both stories at the same time, but if you are submitting 2 stories at once, feel free to do so as 2 attachments to a single email (easier for us to keep track of).
Simultaneous submissions: Please let us know in your cover email if your story is also under consideration elsewhere. Keep in mind that we’ll hold stories we’re considering at least until September 1, 2023 (and likely later, as it can take some time to make final decisions about which stories we’ll publish).
Reprints: Happily considered! So are translations of stories into English and excerpts from longer pieces. We especially enjoy republishing older stories (reviving those which have gone out of print) and love to look at sexy scenes excerpted from longer stories in genres that aren’t erotica. In your cover email, please give us the details and confirm that you can offer us reprint rights. 
How to submit: Send your story to newsmutproject(at)gmail.com as a .doc/.docx or .rtf file, a Google Drive link, or in the body of the email. In the subject line, include the story’s title and “Erato Submission” to keep your email safe from the spam filter.
We’re not picky about format, but anything resembling Shunn’s Modern Manuscript Format works especially well. However you do it, please include wordcount somewhere on the first page. This info helps us organize the stories we’re considering.
Provide your cover letter in the body of the email, not as an additional attachment. If you’re unsure what to put in your cover letter, no sweat. We don’t need much, but Strange Horizons’s tips are excellent. If authors are comfortable declaring marginalized identities that have informed their writing in their cover letters, we appreciate knowing this and will not disclose the information to others (it’s up to you what you feel safe and comfortable sharing in your published author biography and promotional interviews - and in your cover letter; all this is optional).  
Also, we appreciate hearing in your cover letter about where you learned of this call for submissions! Big thanks to everyone who’s done this so far - it helps us know where to promote future anthology calls.
Submissions will be read by T.C. Mill (she/her) and Guinevere Chase (she/her). 
Questions, updates, and more information: Contact us with questions and suggestions at newsmutproject(at)gmail.com. Answers to frequently asked questions are posted in the q&a tag on this blog. For updates and more info, you can sign up for our newsletter through MailChimp, follow us here on Tumblr, and/or follow us on Twitter (much less active).
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hellyeahscarleteen · 3 months
Scarleteen Pride is Here!
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Today’s the day! Scarleteen’s annual Pride is here to celebrate Queer Care and fill your timeline from 9 AM to 9 PM CST with great reads, fascinating histories, and chances to connect with other queer and trans folks!
We’re keeping our live chat open all day if you want to come for advice, support, or opportunities to learn more about what young people experience when they use our services. 🏳️‍🌈🎉
Read on for the schedule!
9 AM CST: An AMA on our message boards and Reddit with Scarleteen queer, autistic, trans/non-binary, ace-spec, and kinky volunteer Ellie. These AMAs are both a chance to get to know the folks who make Scarleteen great AND a chance to just talk with a diverse array of other queer and trans folks, something it’s not always easy to find in person.
10 AM CST: Check out our Instagram for a mini-history on pioneering activist Simon Nkoli
11 AM CST: Our queer, agender, disabled and relationship anarchist founder, Heather Corinna, will be on our message boards and Reddit for an AMA! Come chat with us on Bluesky about what Queer Care means to you.
1 PM CST: Join queer, genderfluid Scarleteen volunteer Kier on Reddit and our message boards for an AMA! And hop back over to our Instagram to learn about gay imam, Daayiee Abdullah.
3 PM CST: Come chat with pansexual, autistic, queer and BIPOC Scarleteen volunteer Sofi, on our Reddit and message boards!
5 PM CST: Swing by an AMA with genderfluid and bisexual Orion, one of volunteers, on Reddit and the boards! Then check our our mini-history on Sue Willis!
7 PM CST: Have a lovely, after-dinner AMA with intersex, queer Scarleteen volunteer Cat on our Reddit and message boards.
8 PM CST: Learn about the groundbreaking film “Different from Others” in our reels!
You can also find the whole schedule, and all the links to ALL the things, here: https://loom.ly/WF0DZuw
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
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I know this is a lot of words so just skip through the fun colours until you find what you need
I go by Nine my pronouns are He/they/it. I am a disabled artist who mostly draws OCs and fanart of South Park
I use procreate on my ipad and clip studio paint pro on a Huion 16 KAMVAS tablet, I also use i krita for most animations i make.
Also you can check out my instagram! (I’m trying to post on there more)
compilation of info about me:
- I am a minor (so just— don’t be weird)
- my special interests and current hyperfixations are TV shows/movies as a whole (with a special love for horror), batman, zombies (i dont care that it’s technically horror i adore zombies) and mythology
- my favourite colour is green, specifically swampy greens
- I’m a baby punk (of about two months at the time of posting this)
- I will say queer, fag and tranny (as a gay and trans person) so if you’re not good with that, this is your warning
- as cool as i think furries are, I personally do not identify as one (despite my persona being a spider creature)
- i have POTS, because of that i mostly use walking sticks/canes (Glados and p-body). I also have one with a crow head named Wesley
- i’m trans, aro/ace, nonbinary and gay
- I’ll take little requests but eventually i would love to have commissions open
(I’ll likely add more to this later)
My tags:
Soursart (all of my art)
Soursvoice (most of the things I’ve said but not all of them because that’s too much work. Everything recent)
Headcanons (self explanatory)
Sourisdisabled (all of my posts on disabilities, mostly focused on my own)
Pronouns update (if you want to see how frequently I realize I’m not comfortable with my pronouns)
i want this blog to be a safe space for everyone so if you have anything against 2SLGBTQIA, BIPOC or disabled people existing you will be blocked <3 (this is also a safe space for furries and therians love you guys. Be nice to them)
ALSO proshippers just— fuck off. again, if not you will be blocked
+ anyone who thinks being a pedophile or zoophile is the same as being queer
I’ll answer any questions y’all have as long as it’s not too personal
(Especially HC questions or questions about my characters i have so many things to say)
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goblinbugthing · 11 months
Bugthing’s brand-new Pinned Intro Post!!!!!!
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Hi! I’m Bug, I’m a mentally ill emo artist and fic author. This is where I put my nonsense for you internet ppl to look at.
I’m transmasc, currently identifying as xenogender, and I use he/xey/it/they pronouns. Mutuals, and only mutuals, can use my other neos, blood/bleed and gore/gory. I’m solian/mspec veldian, fictoromantic, and fictosexual. Please respect that!!
Currently, I’m into Hollow Knight, the Kirby series, A Hat in Time, Bug Fables, Cult of the Lamb, Rain World, and Fate/Zero. Do be warned, though, I can fall out of these fandoms at any time — my interests are almost always fluctuating.
This blog is safe for minorities! (e.g. disabled ppl, LGBTQ+ ppl, BIPOC, Palestinians, etc.)
I am a minor. Don’t be weird.
Other stuff under the cut!
(divider gif via @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
My asks are open! Feel free to ask me stuff about my hyperfixations, or whatever you wanna know about me, as long as it’s not too personal.
Commissions are open! You can support me by purchasing one. Ko-Fi linked below!
My other socials:
My YouTube channel (I don’t upload much)
My Wattpad I can’t link for some reason. My @ is koko-the-ann0yance on there (I hardly ever touch this one)
My AO3 (All my fics live here now)
My TikTok (Why do I have this? I couldn’t tell you.)
My $$app (Consider supporting me and my reckless spending addiction)
My Ko-Fi (Commissions & tips!)
My other blogs:
@princes-creations-askblog — An askblog specifically for my OCs.
@ask-emporianroyals-au — My AHiT AU askblog.
@kirby-souljourney-au — My Kirby AU blog.
@hollowknightinsanity — My HK sideblog.
@kokothedrag0n — My RP blog, where I act as my sona.
Current works:
Kirby: Soul Journey — My Kirby AU fanfiction, taking place after Kirby and the Forgotten Land. (Read on Tumblr / Read on Wattpad / Read on AO3) (To be rewritten)
Kirby: Soul Journey oneshots collection — A set of oneshots created for K:SJ. (Read on Tumblr / Read on Wattpad / Read on AO3) (To be rewritten)
Hollow Knight: Empty Promises — A set of fics created for my base Hollow Knight AU, Empty Promises. (Read on AO3 / Wattpad link to be added)
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My tag key:
#buggie’s rambles — Text posts
#buggie’s randoms — Nonsense stuff! In other words, my homemade memes
#buggie’s doodles — Doodles and sketches
#buggie’s characters — OC stuff
#buggie’s creations — Proper artwork
#buggie’s creations (in the making) — Work-in-progress artworks
#buggie’s building paradise — All my Minecraft build stuff :3 (here’s a list of all the mods i use if you want em)
#buggie’s stories — My original writing
#buggie’s answers — My answered asks
#buggie’s polls — Self-explanatory. My polls
#buggie’s queue — The Very Rare Queued Posts (the only one unaffected by the name change)
#buggie’s stims — Stuff I stim to
#buggie’s sluttery — A tag I made specifically for my ace friends to block so they don’t get suggestive content on their dash. Also known as my hornyposting. Please block this tag if you don’t wanna see suggestive stuff!
#buggie irl — IRL pics of me, mostly just my gender euphoria
#saved 4 serotonin production — My comfort tag
#quicksave — Stuff I want to look at later
#important — Self-explanatory. Important stuff
#semi-important — I’m honestly not sure, just scroll through the tag if you want an idea, because I can’t describe it myself
#besties doodles — Art from my mutuals
#besties rambles — Ramblings from my mutuals
#other’s art (it’s awesome) — Other people’s awesome art
#other’s rambles (sick af) — Other people’s sick af rambles (I tend to forget to use this one…)
#bbg tag — Posts both by me and by other people about my F/Os
#images that describe my gender — My gender envy tag. Don’t question the stuff that’s in there.
I tag triggers with #cw (trigger).
I tag OCs with #oc: (oc).
If I make any new tags (or remember any ones I forgot), this section will be updated!
Also, please keep in mind that tumblr is a bit fucky and sometimes doesn’t show posts under tags for some reason! Some posts might have my old tags on them.
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DNI list:
If any of these fit you, do not interact with my blog.
NSFW blogs (I scroll through every blog that follows me. I don’t wanna see that.)
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists, sexists, misogynists, antisemites, etc.
H//arry P//otter enjoyers (I fucking hate J.K. Row//ling and all her works.)
D//anganronpa-specific blogs (Very sorry — this is just a big trigger for me.)
People who support Israel’s genocide of Palestinians (Stay FAR away from me.)
People who ship The Knight/Ghost and the Grimmchild (I mean, you do you, but I don’t wanna. See that. Feels weird.)
A//I “art” supporters (this includes A//I generated anything. Text, music, images, ANYTHING. Go away.)
H//azbin fans (😐)
And I believe that’s it! Enjoy your time here :)
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theacecouple · 11 months
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Next week, we have a fabulous panel lined up for Disabled Ace Day during Ace Week!
Please spread the word and don't forget to RSVP via Eventbrite!
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northlight14 · 8 months
I'm sorry, this probably doesn't have much to do with your blog or content but I felt the need to ask so I can learn more and research later
What is the flag in your banner?
Hey no problem, thanks for asking :)
It’s the voidpunk flag. Voidpunk is basically a subculture created by a user here on tumblr that’s essentially focused on groups who are dehumanised in society, mainly aspec, trans/non-binary and neurodivergent/disabled people but I know that there are people who are BIPOC who resonate with it too. The idea behind it is basically to reclaim our dehumanisation and embrace what is considered “not human”. Essentially saying to our oppressors “maybe I’m not human. What of it?” And forcing them into a situation where they have to either agree with us or argue why we are human, making it a win-win scenario. I get why some people don’t like the idea and want to encourage others to see us as human beings. I do agree with that sentiment to an extent too. But as a non-binary, aro/ace and neurodivergent person, I find the whole idea of voidpunk to be super empowering
Hope that makes sense. Feel free to ask more stuff because I don’t mind talking about it :)
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sevenrenny · 8 months
Oh look, finally making one of those Tumblr bio posts.
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Welcome to my blog! Just a note that my blog might have some spoilers for certain fandoms (right now, mostly for My Hero Academia and Sonic The Hedgehog media).
✦ My name's Renny (they/them). I'm a queer, disabled, mixed-race fanfiction author.
✦ Transmasc/nonbinary, polyamorous, ace 🌈
✦ ADHD, c-PTSD, Dyscalculia, chronic pain and chronic medical conditions.
✦ 16+ account. Mostly SFW but might occasionally reblog posts that might have more mature topics. Please see me list of content warning tags if there are tags you'd prefer to filter out.
✦ Most of my fics are SFW but I do sometimes write NSFW with aged-up characters to explore adult themes, so please be aware of the age rating and warning tags of my fics.
✦ I'm in multiple fandoms but I'm currently active in the My Hero Academia fandom as well as the Sonic The Hedgehog fandom. Casual furry as well.
✦ I most write for the ships IzuOcha from My Hero Academia and SonAmy from the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise, but I'm generally a multi-shipper.
✦ My English was self-taught up until I majored in a BA in English Literature in college. I'm a slow but avid reader. I especially enjoy middle grade and adult books, BIPOC and LGBTQ+, animal fiction, and magical realism.
✦ I’m known for my angst stories, but I’ll occasionally do fluff and AUs and other genres/tropes.
✦ I’m most active on AO3. (Please note that I do not use my FFN account anymore, so I won’t be able to see any questions sent to me there.)
✦ If my ask box is open go ahead if you have questions or would like fanfiction writing/research tips. I might take a few days to answer because I'm an employed adult who's juggling multiple projects and my chronic pain means I sometimes need a few days rest.
✦ Please don't come to me for discourse or shipping wars or the like. That's not how I roll.
Link to my AO3 account.
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skys-archive · 18 days
TW: censorship and the word r*pe used twice, no detail
The problem with taking canon aro and/or ace characters and putting them in romantic/sexual relationships is not that aro/ace people can't have romantic or sexual relationships. It's that it's never explored how their asexuality and aromanticism affects those relationships.
Yes aroace people can date and have sex, but they're aroace because the way they experience it is different from what is considered normal.
I'm both romance and sex favorable. When it comes to romance, I'm overall pretty favorable. I enjoy romantic relationships and all the things that typically go with it. But I have periods where I'm really not, where the connection feels different and maybe I don't want the touching and physical touch that often comes with romantic relationships. Even when I'm 100% romance favorable it just feels, different. I will be in sexual situations and enjoy but it's very very easy for me to incredibly uncomfortable and feel awful about it. There's very few times I'm interested, and it goes in periods as well.
That's just one example of what asexuality and aromanticism as a relationship favorable aroace can be.
There's nothing inherently wrong with shipping aro/ace characters but its wrong to strip them of their aro/ace identity, the same way you shouldn't strip a BIPOC, otherwise queer, or disabled person of their identity.
And you can be allo and still write good aro/ace representation. It's good ideas to do research and gt imput from aro/ace people but totally go for it.
There is an argument to be made that if it makes you uncomfortable or you don't like it, block it and move on. And yeah, that true, and I can't really argue why you shouldn't just do that. I fully agree with, for example, Ao3's don't like don't read idea and i think that's great. But it just gets blurry at points. But is it really okay to rid someone of their disability? To whitewash? To partake in or write kink that is normalizing clearly wrong behavior? To write or draw child porn?
It's makes me wonder how far the idea of don't interact if you don't like it should go. And honestly I don't know where I stand on it either. Because some of it is just blatantly awful. But at the same time, writing it is better than actively partaking and hurting people. As awful as it is its better to fetishize rape than actually rape someone. And if you try to start censoring some things, it's too easy to start censoring everything.
So it's just hard to actually have an opinion on
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no-passaran · 11 months
Johnnie Jae and Courtney Lane talk about being asexual in the American for-profit healthcare system, pregnancy tests and husband's permission.
Clips from Disabled BIPOC Aces Panel held on Disabled Ace Day in Ace Awareness Week 2023.
Transcription under the cut.
Johnnie Jae: One of the things I find with disability and being Ace is the fact that it’s, more often than not, deemed a symptom of our disability, and not really seen as just the way that we are. [laughs] And, like, every time I go for healthcare, I find that there’s a lot of things that get disregarded. Like, you know, we can tell them that we are Asexual, that we’re not sexually active, and yet I still get a pregnancy test. The last medical procedure that I had, I had two pregnancy tests. [laughs] And I was cracking up, because I was like, “Seriously?” [laughs] Because they did a rapid pregnancy test and then they did a blood urine test. So I was just like, “That seems a little extreme for somebody who’s Asexual.” [laughs]
But also, it’s not just in, like, getting our physical health care. It’s in our mental health care. When we disclose that we are Ace, oftentimes, they try to uncover a reason for it. And oftentimes, you know, it’s like, they start questioning you about whether you were abused as a child or what kind of trauma you experienced, and you’re just like, “Yeah, that doesn’t really fit into how this is,” you know?
Courtney Lane: So to go back, actually, to Johnnie Jae’s previous answer talking about the pregnancy tests. That’s the thing where also, in a country where we do not have universal health care, you’re often paying out of pocket for that. And if you have to take a lot of them, it can get very expensive, and it can add up on top of already expensive medical bills.
Johnnie Jae: Yeah, I find the medical stuff to be the most — like, where I find more roadblocks, especially if somebody has lupus. So, lupus is a mimic. And there are so many other diseases that lupus kind of mirrors, right? So, whenever I go in for treatment, there’s a lot of diagnostics that are needed. And in order to access those diagnostic tests, you have to wait for your pregnancy test. You have to wait. And there were often times, especially when I was married, where, you know, there was a potential health issue where I may have needed to have, like, an emergency hysterectomy. And the first thing they want to do is get your husband’s permission. They want to speak to him first and see what his opinions are. And we’re like, “We’re not sexually active. You know, we’re not looking at having children.” But yet, that’s still the issue that has to be overcome first. It’s almost like even if you’re… It’s just like, as a woman, you’re just not given agency over your own body.
But also with lupus, you know, a lot of the treatments are very harsh. Or, for me, one of my treatments, one I really needed — like, at the last resort treatment for me — is cytoxan, which is a chemotherapy. And every single time that it comes to me needing this treatment, you know, I’m in dire straits at that point. And it’s, you know, literally a life-saving measure for me to start that medication and that treatment, but yet, I will have to wait for pregnancy tests. I will have to wait for them to talk to my partner to see what his thoughts are on the fact that, you know, it may inhibit my ability to carry a baby. And it’s just ridiculous that you have to wait to be treated, when clearly you know your own body, when clearly you know where you stand on whether or not you want children. But yeah, you’re always having to go through having somebody else’s permission to get that treatment even though your life is at risk.
And, you know, when you say that you’re Asexual, like Courtney was saying, they were like, “Says no, but haha.” It’s the thing that you constantly have to come up with, because they just can’t fathom that, you know, relationships are very complex. They’re very different.
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