#does this count as a body mod?
everydayesterday · 1 year
[maybe there are some other T1Ds out there.]  
I’m trying the Freestyle Libre 3.  This is my first real try at a CGM.  So far I’m quite enjoying seeing real-time changes in my numbers (and I am very much a numbers person); I think it will be tremendously helpful in keeping things closer to 110.  
I do wonder though if it’s supposed to still hurt 6 hours after installation of the sensor—is that normal?  It doesn’t hurt tremendously, but I do notice it.  It’s a very localized burning sensation.  
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sae1549 · 1 month
Head canons of the companions: Sfw/// Nsfw
Word count: 1.9k
Very random head cannons for the companions + Halsin
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Shadow Heart:
•If she were to get her nails done she would get stiletto nails that are black chrome.
•I feel like she would argue with you about who gets to cuddle with your shared animal.
•She used to be an emo kid.
•I could see later if she does not become shars Dark judiciary she would change her style to something with cottagecore undertones.
•She loves to give you flowers.
•She also gets over her fear of swimming and now it is an activity she looks forward to doing with you.
•Always cold.
•Would love to have kids.
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•She is a switch, but prefers to do the work.
•But if you are the top best, believe she expects the princess treatment.
• Her favorite body part would have to be the stomach and thighs.
•She would be willing to have an extra partner in the bedroom, but she is mostly referring to Halsin.
•She is skilled with her hands.
•She loves to listen to all the sounds that you make.
•Very good with aftercare, either getting a towel to clean any fluids or getting water and a soft blanket. So that the two of you can cuddle and relax.
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•He loves his hair being played with.
•He also loves laying on your lap when you are reading.
•He hums when he is reading or “looking into the mirror”
•He often asks you to describe his face because he cannot see it. And if you can draw he will bashfully ask if you can draw him, mostly to see how you view the way he looks.
•Once you get into a relationship he becomes a softie only to you.
•He wants to try and knit or crochet but has no idea how to.
•He likes to hold your hand, or be at least touching you all the time in one way or another.
•He loves soft blankets and will wrap himself up in one before sitting in front of the campfire.
•Does not want kids.
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•He loves the predator/prey kink. Especially if you're willing to have your blood as the reward.
•7.5 inches. (19.05 cm) All ima say
•He loves to lightly drag his fangs down your neck before he bites you.
•Thigh guy. He can appreciate all body types, but something about plush thighs makes him want to sink his teeth into them.
•He always likes seeing your face, but not opposed to other positions. He just favors seeing you.
•He is a very caring partner, always watching and adjusting what he is doing so that you are enjoying it too.
•Man is absolutely amazing with his hands.
•Overstimulation plays a big part in your sex life, he would make sure you came 3 times to every one time.
•He likes to whisper into your ear how much he loves you while deep inside you.
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•Cuddling is a key point for relaxing
•Most of the food she likes is spicy.
•She is also very into Mead, and hard liquor.
•She always looks intimidating but literally the minute she starts talking she is the sweetest. This throws off everyone when they meet her.
•Very protective of everyone in camp. But I also want to see when fights happen.
•I believe that she has lifted Astarion by the middle of his shirt when he gets a little blood thirsty.
•She can dance like it's no one's business.
•She is the biggest flirt!!!!!!
•If you are a girl she calls you “hot mama” in passing or “hottie” as a male.
•Will forget what she is talking about in the middle of a sentence.
•Works out at 5 am every day, often going with Wyll and scratch.
•Loves kids.
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•Big mommy Karlach
•She loves sweet soft sex.
•Totally an ass girl. She will spank you any chance she gets. Sexually or non-sexually.
•Her tail is sensitive and loves when you touch it.
•Same with her horns but at the base of her horns.
•She would want to cuddle with her partner after finishing.
•She would also be great with after care, checking to make sure you are okay and that she didn’t burn you. If she had she would go into full freak out mode. Getting you anything and everything she can to make sure that it heals well.
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•She would be elated if you brought her a sword as a gift.
•often sighing when she was not involved enough in conversation.
•She has back pain, often asking for someone to walk or crack her back.
•Stretches often.
•Likes to work out as well, but does it around 4 to avoid everyone else but will find somewhere nice to have breakfast.
•Does not like flowers.
•Will give you a massage if you are in pain, telling you that you have been working well.
•Very Jealous.
•Her best friend is the owl bear. And you of course.
•Wants kids
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•Very forward with what she wants.
•Rough sex all the way.
•Likes Ass. But will never outright say that.
•Likes it when you call her name.
•Likes being kissed.
•If you have a tail she likes it if you wrap your tail around her in some way.
•Low key freaky, but nothing too extreme.
•She likes to cover your mouth if you are being too loud, as she does not want anyone to hear how well you are getting off.
•She is not very good with aftercare. She will give you water though.
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•Wants to go on a picnic with you so bad.
•He prefers eating Gloves over shoes for his magical artifacts.
•When he is lost in thought, if you are also a wizard you can see bits of weave around him. Mostly circulating his head and hands.
•He loves reading and finding new books. Will even go out of his way to talk to withers to see if he knows of any more interesting books. Sometimes withers will give them to him to read. When he gets them back there are many dog eared pages. With different nice notes for Withers.
•He writes all over his books. He even gives you one that was enchanted to tell a different story that he loved of you each time the book is opened.
•He wears glasses when he gets older.
•Wants kids but is scared of having any thinking he wouldn't be any good at it.
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•8 inches.
•Magical, loves to incorporate magic into your sex life.
•Mage hand?
•Boob man. Does not matter the size as long as he can suck on them.
•He is amazing with his hands and his mouth. Those spells are not easy to pronounce.
•Loves to slowly undress you to build up to the moment.
•Moderately horny.
•Making love to you makes him feel like you are becoming one.
•Whispers praises to you.
•Also loves to be praised.
•Never afraid to initiate the act with you, going as far as to pulling you away from the camp to enjoy eachothers company.
•Lovesssss to hear you moan, it makes him sure that he is doing everything correctly and well.
•Breeding kink. Goodnight
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Such a sweetie.
•Loves to dance, and will ask you if he may have this dance even if there is no music.
•He would go crazy for a Bard at his side.
•Man can sing. And dance what more could you ever need.
•He is charitable. Helping anyone that he can, almost pushy about it sometimes. But he is purely doing it out of kindness.
•Karlach is his bestie. They love to shit talk Mizora.
•She would love to adopt Scratch if he could. But believes he would be better off with Gale or Shadow Heart.
•Loves drinking wine. Often getting wine drunk and giving you so many kisses you could suffocate.
•When you are sleeping together he likes sleeping on the outside incase anyone comes in he can protect you and worst case scenario you can escape.
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•8.5 inches
•He would be a boob man.
•Caring, and gentle.
•Loves getting heads, but is not opposed to giving it either.
•When getting head he would get too excited and fuck the back of your throat.
•Loud, will get very embarrassed if anyone happens to hear him.
•If you were on top and used his horns as leverage he would go wild.
•His favorite position would be missionary, so he could be closer to you and hold you in his arms.
•Needs to feel needed, often will ask for intimacy. But does not always mean bone and be done. He likes to take his time and enjoy each part.
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•Literally the sweetest man.
•Want to be the rock to everyone, and loves if anyone comes to him asking for advice.
•He would become everyone's therapist, but to talk with him he will also teach each person how to whittle a figure while talking. This leads to an excess of carving statues, surprisingly Lae’zels is the best. Making an owl bear that she let Halsin keep.
•Is basically the doctor, everyone going to him when they need healing.
•Often will find an area where he can be one with nature in the morning.
•Loves to cook, always making sure to feed everyone else before himself.
•He is a lightweight drinker. And will baby a drink for hours before finishing it.
•Likes going swimming in his bear form.
•Often going into his bear form when he is sleeping.
•Take baths in nature.
•he will hand pick flowers to give to you so that you have something beautiful from mother nature.
•Chews on pencils.
•Tests your food after Orin shows up at camp, he would rather him getting hurt than you.
•Wants kids, he would be such a good father!!!!!!!!!!
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•HUGE DICK im talking 9.5-10 inches.
•He is big and he knows it. Making sure to prep you well before doing anything.
•He will split half and half when he does it in bear form or in his normal form as long as you are okay with it.
•He is a thigh man.
•He loves stretch marks, kissing them, running his finger tips over them. He just loves them so much.
•Amazing with his hands.
•Speaks in a way that's like honey dripping from his lips. (Very sweet)
•Animalistic when doing the deed.
•Freaky, and i mean like freakyyy.
•Does not care if anyone within a 10 mile radius can hear the two of you.
•Doggy style is his go to.
•He is not opposed to an extra partner in the bedroom, hell he enjoys to the fullest as well. Everyone involved is being satisfied does not matter how long it takes.
•Aftercare is top tier!!!!!!!! He is going to sit with you for a few minutes while he heals any of the wounds that may have been afflicted while everything was happening.
•He cleans you up, and sits you in his lap while he strokes your hair. Swallowing you up in his arms and chest.
•He will want to go over what happened later on after you have recovered. To see what he can improve, what you liked and what you didn’t like. Every detail is saved in the back of his mind for another time.
•Horny ass man.
This was so fun to write. I’m not the best with writing about smut but I did my best.
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2.5 of the major bracket
For Eddie Brock and Venom:
I'm pretty sure its Canon in the comics and like, Canon adjacent in the 2nd movie??? Idk I just watched the first one sooo, anyways, this isn't propaganda i just couldn't remember if you said they needed to be Canon so I put what I rembered about that here, idk I'm proboboly just gonna send the propaganda in the ask box at a later date 
They eat people:) venom is an alien symbiote and Eddie is the host and they have melded together into one being. They care for and protect each other and are so intimately intwined they are only ever separated by force. Also they’re both absolute disasters and they periodically bite and eat the heads off their enemies. 
They eat people <3 
For Will and Hannibal:
Ive previously only heard the term "murder husbands" refer to hannigram so it feels flitting. The whole series culminated with a murder they did together bathing in blood. 
The show and ship that coined murder husbands. It’s in the text in s3 from a journalist side character. They do Many murders either together or as a message to each other. Usually this involves turning the dead body into an art piece. The show ends with them killing a guy together in a slo mo scene backed by porno music.
They're both batshit and manipulative.
ALRIGHT so they're not canonically together but it is HEAVILY implied and they have some sort of fucked up psychosexual obsession with each other. in the later parts of the show they start committing murder and cannibalism together and they're soooo unhinged but it's awesome
kill people for each other. maim each other. kill people together. most batshit insane metaphors. send each other to jail. ruin everyone’s lives. someone can probably say this better than me but these gay people are insane
Literally THE murder husbands. They kill for each other. They've tried to kill each other. They're canon in all but name, like the homoeroticism between these two is the driving force of the show.
one time hannibal folded a guy into an origami human heart
They are in love and they kill and eat people. They are called Murder Husbands in canon.
The original murder husbands (literally, that's not just their ship name, they get called that in canon)
The show begins with Will working for the FBI and trying to catch Hannibal, but because Hannibal is so intrigued by the way Will is able to see the world and the motives behind the killings so easily, it becomes a game of Hannibal isolating Will even more from the people around and seducing him to try and kill. By the time Will starts embracing the side of him that Hannibal sees, he starts oulling back and trying to distance himself so that when the time comes for Will to fully embrace himself and Hannibal, no one really suspects what they have planned. 
hannibal literally does murder as courtship and it works bc will is also a fucked up little guy
I'm actually quite offended they aren't included by default (joke). They are THE murder husbands!!!!!! (mod note: they should have been, but I wanted to see how many submissions they'd get. They got 19, making them a little more than 6% of total submission count).
do i have to say it. they literally get called murder husbands IN THE SHOW
There are 3201 works for Hannibal on ao3 tagged Murder Husbands. They are the ogs, they are the pioneers we owe it all to them.
THEE murder couple. You know it. I know it. They commit crimes at each other as courting and then commit crimes together and then fall off a cliff to wash up somewhere and live on to serve cunt. Get referred to as 'murder husbands' in canon. What more do you need
Hannigram were literally called Murder Husbands in canon, they are the og, they are THE blueprint. They were gay as hell and comitted so much murder so many crimes. THEY RAN OFF TO EUROPE TOGETHER.
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yin-shimo · 6 months
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DECAYED "Easy Access" ed.
poly count
mesh visuals
UV texture
Lets get the biggest possible problem out of the way first. There's four items.
Open Jeans: 71,856
Jeans: 34,080
Softie Top: 32,036
DDG String: 21,776
How does this compare to Maxis clothes?
I didn't go through every clothes they've made, but crop shirt, short sleeve wise, the largest poly count i saw was 4.2k That's a ratio of 160: 21 or 8: 1 if we make 4.2k into 4k.
for jeans, the largest i saw was 1,270. That's a ratio of about 85: 3 or 28.33333...: 1 if you want an easier number.
For bikini/under/etc the average was 1000~ so for ease sake, we'll use that. That's a ratio of 22: 1.
**Disclaimer: ratios are based on averaged numbers for simplicity's sake
Rating: 0/10
reason: the numbers are answer enough BUT in addition it literally made my game glitch/freeze up when first selecting them, playing with sliders, AND exiting CAS.
This covers as stated... mesh visuals such as clipping or just looking nothing like it's advertised.
Problems 1 & 2:
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for simplicity's sake, I'm using CAS poses. I think if it fails to look good in CAS it definitely won't look well in game.
Texture Type: 100% alpha, could not be mistaken for maxis.
Texture Quality: the texture is rather blurry and over-saturated in comparison to more higher quality CC clothes.
**Disclaimer: I don't play with the HQ mod so idk if it looks better with it.
Rating: 4/10
This section kind of overlaps with #2 so look back up for review.
Aside from what was shown up there, when walking (for the open jeans) the crotch area again clips between itself as well as ankle seen in the left leg.
for the unopened jeans, no immediate issues seen when walking (same for the shirt & thong)
Rating: 6/10
reason: clipping could be fixed by simply deleting unnecessary body mesh/ possibly minor weight tweaks
4. UV TEXTURE (mapping)
This section is meant to answer the question, "Will any conflict with other parts such as shoes, hats, etc?" Using the sims 4 UV map template as my guide, here are the results:
All four correspond to their proper sections and shouldn't conflict texture wise with other CAS parts
Rating: 10/10
This section covers questions like, "Does this work for large muscular and/or fat sims? Does it work if my sims are the lowest body mass?
TLDR; answer: Yes.
Answer: I only checked the top and opened jeans (as it's the worst mesh of all 4) and with muscles and fat at the max both simultaneously and respectively, there were no additional clipping or issues such as it not following with the body changes. The same could be said when both (or one) was dropped to the lowest.
Rating: 10/10
and lastly:
Would you recommend to a friend: NO. Would you use this item yourself: NO. Paywall Status: PERMA-PAYWALLED. Additional Info: $5 USD for current month, $10 2months prior + blender cc, $25 access to lifetime cc. Additional Info #2: They have a free sample of the closed jeans...(yay SL behavior [sarcasm])
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residenthughes · 1 year
starting afresh
pairing: leon kennedy x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.3K
tags/warnings: fluff, domestic fluff, re4r leon with re2r haircut/hairstyle
summary: it's been six years since the raccoon city incident. some things change, and some things stay the same (where re4r leon cuts his hair as short as it was in re2r for the first time)
notes: whoever made the mod(s) for leon to have his re2r hairstyle in re4r, no words. just take my money. I'm begging. but if y'all have seen those screenshots/played with the mod yourself, you just know how good he looks with his hair short :((( makes me so soft! hehe
feel like i kind of stepped up my dialogue here, thanks to all the fics I've been reading as of lately 😈 couldn't be more thankful, haha! hope y'all enjoy this and please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this!
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“What do you think?”
You’re at a loss for words. Jaw slack and eyes wide. You’re overreacting, you know you are but this quite literally came out of nowhere. It was an uneventful, slow Sunday. As per yours and Leon’s routine, the leisurely day was spent draped in a citrus scented duvet and immersing yourselves in cosy cuddles to recharge for the long week ahead. It was only when your lips ghosted over the rosewood marks of love peppered across the expanse of Leon’s clavicle, hands feverish and wandering that your actions ceased upon the growl of your stomach.
Leon can only laugh, kissing away the flush of your cheeks as he mumbles against your forehead. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s make some food.”
You pout, wanting to beg for five more minutes (like you hadn’t before), bones aching for the pamper the cloudlike bed provides, but Leon’s already leaving you, arms extending up to the ceiling as he stretches. The sliver of afternoon light peeking through the curtains basks his toned body in all kinds of flattering light, muscles expanding and contracting. 
Leon turns to look at you, lips plump with love as the duvet drapes your body like some fine ballroom gown. He swears his heart beats out of his chest. There really is no one as beautiful as you. 
“Race you to the kitchen?” A teasing eyebrow is raised and even though Leon sets himself in motion to sprint, you don’t budge. Not even an inch. 
He deflates, eyes rolling as he pads over to your side of the bed.
“Don’t wanna,” you mumble as you attempt to bury yourself into the bed, cocooning yourself with the dark shadow grey duvet. “Too lazy.”
Leon sighs. “I’ll give you a piggyback ride?”
Your attention is grabbed. You remove the duvet from your face, sly smirk positioning itself amongst your features.
“I’m listening.”
You cupping behind your ear is what does it for Leon. Dramatic as always.
A huff of amusement sounds from him. Considering the extent as to which the man spoils you rotten, you should be babbling for him to recant his offer, carrying yourself to the kitchen before you two move in a synchronised dance practised all the years you’ve been together as you make food. But Leon’s already perched up on your side of the bed, back towards you with his hands behind him.
“Of course you are,” he beckons for you with the flutter of his fingers, an easy smile sent your way over his shoulder. “Now, hop on before your stomach eats itself.”
You follow his lead, as you always do. Hooking your legs around his waist and circling your arms loosely around his neck. You don’t forget to show your appreciation, peppering his nape with kisses that have laughter pouring out of Leon like honey. Once you’re in the kitchen of your shared apartment, Leon sets you down on the cold countertop with the squeeze of your thighs and opens the fridge.
“Shit,” you crane your neck to look into the fridge too. Much like your stomach, it’s pretty empty. “Need to head to the store if we want something edible for dinner.”
“Is there anything for now at least?” You really can’t be arsed to wait to go get some groceries, make a meal and then eat.
“Kind of, but we definitely need to go shopping after this.” Leon states as he brings out the remnants of the fridge. You go to grab the spices from the cabinet and the last of the eggs and stare at your ingredients.
“Let’s get this party started.” 
You groan. 
Leon can be so lame sometimes. Yet so lovable all the time.
Once the appetising brunch made with nothing but the utmost of love settles in your stomach, you reluctantly begin to egg yourself on to completing the rest of your weekend’s work and preparing for your Monday back at the office. Blue light glasses perched against the bridge of your nose, you gnaw at the end of your pencil, legs crossed in the way Leon always jokes in the shape of a pretzel. You’ve left quite a bit of work for yourself to complete tonight, so you don’t see yourself leaving your workspace anytime soon.
Leon understands, he always does. Kisses your forehead delicately and murmurs something about getting some stuff from the grocery store for dinner. He’s out the door before you can get a word in. You now understand why he left in such a hurry, understand why he took longer than usual. 
Before you, your longtime partner, with long dirt blond locks that framed the angles of his cheekbones, sports a new hairstyle. Or should you say old. You haven’t seen him like this since you first started dating - bashful young adults about to embark on their journey into adulthood, sweaty palms linked and heart beats in sync. Ever since the ruinous events of Raccoon City, you noticed that with all the scars and burdens Leon carries with him that he never once looked the same. Face gaunt and eyes sunken in. It took a long while before life returned to his eyes. And though you were beyond ecstatic that Leon was seemingly getting better, you couldn’t help but take note of his hair. He never cut it like before. Never. 
Opting for longer strands of his gorgeous hair, Leon always gave a chuckle and said, “thought you always wanted me to grow my hair out,” whenever you asked. It was sweet of him to do so, sweet of him to say, but you and him both knew that wasn’t entirely true. However, you never pried - that was not in your nature, and certainly not evident in all the years you’ve been with Leon. So, you didn’t ask again and when the time came that Leon’s huffs of annoyance filled your ears as he struggled with keeping the strands out of his face, he departed with a smile and cut a mere two inches off his almost shoulder length hair. It remained that way for the next six years.
Now, having grown into his rugged features, the short hair length from all those years ago conjures something else in you. It feels nostalgic but new -  feels right and looks that way too. But more than anything, you feel proud. Proud of Leon and all that he is, all that he’s become despite everything.
“Barber went a bit crazy, didn’t he?”
Oh, bless him. He’s so awkward, so endearing it hurts. Pools of blue avert your gaze, the floor apparently more interesting, fingertip scratching the surface of his cheeks that burn with ruby red. This is a big moment for Leon, you think, but you know better than anyone that he doesn’t want it to be. Just wants your reassurance and all the calmness that comes with it.
Your hands against Leon’s cheeks shift his eyes to yours, getting an eyeful of the absolute fondness that swims in your eyes. He simply drowns in it - knows the glimmer in your eyes signifies the pride that swells in your chest, the tenderness of your touch loving and reassuring. He did well, has always done so well. Deserves his flowers and the whole damn garden. 
“Maybe,” you giggle and your joy is contagious. Smiling with you, Leon feels you twiddle the strands of his hair between your fingers. Slow and gentle - like your love is. It’s so sweet. “But, I’m not mad at it. Not one bit.”
In all the time you’ve been with Leon, there hasn’t been any more than a handful of times you can recall where he willingly leaned on you for support. Not because you lacked the capacity to do so, but because the solitary nature and secrecy of his job kept him from doing so. Facing his nightmares as much as he could by himself, meeting his new nightmares on missions by himself - everything by himself. But in moments like these, where the significance of his trauma can be lost in translation, he surrenders himself to you. Altogether. Unabashed and brave. He couldn’t be more dashing than he is right now, all versions of himself served to you on a silver platter. 
You fall in love all over again.
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
creepypasta piercing hcs!!!???!!!
A/N: inspo from me finally stretched my ears to 0g!!! i also didn't include brian or tim, because their irl actors didn't have any. :)
characters: toby, jeff, ben, e. jack, nina, sally, jane, liu, jane, clockwork/natalie, zero, kate, jason, helen/bloody painter, puppeteer, jason, judge angels, cody/x-virus, sally
cw: mentions of piercing infections, manic episodes, and pps LOL
toby: my boy is DECKED OUT in shit!! double eyebrows and nostrils, bridge, smiley, septum, snakebites, cheeks, practically every ear piercing. had a belly button at one point (someone please draw this) but was too insecure to show it off so he took it out. on top of this sluttiness he also has dreams of getting a pp one 🤭 but only when he's manic. prefers to do his own, mostly does them during his ✨episodes✨. the one good thing about his CIPA is he can just get whatever he wants. has to be reminded to clean them.
jeff: his skin is super sensitive and he absolutely does not take care of anything so he's had to take a ton out, but he's managed to keep a few. he def has 00g gauges and a septum, left eyebrow, a few helixes, tried a lip ring and tongue but they got nasty infections. the infirmary hates him.
ben: since he's in link's body, he already has basic lobes. i like the idea that he can kind of change his appearance (being a ghost and all) so he added some more hoops along his elf ass ears. keeps trying to dare jeff into getting his nipples and belly button done (it's not working).
e. jack: has his basic lobes. was too much of a mama's boy to get any facial piercings and was too much of a wuss to get more ear piercings. and honestly??? he's been deterred away from getting more because of jeff.
nina: OMG snakebites, medusa, tongue, septum, nostril, triple lobes and helix on either side, nipples. belly button with cute ass Y2K dangly jewelry. owns half of the claire's store earring collection.
sally: has her basic lobes with the cutest little gold bow earrings <3
jane: kept her basic lobes and her seconds, both are little hoops. silver girly for life!!! doesn't really like any other body mods or such.
liu: do his staples count has one basic lobe on his right. lil hoop in it :3 wanted to be 'rebellious' 👹.
natalie: eyebrow (on the opposite side of the clock), triple lobe, industrial on left side and double helix on the right. belly button. has a nose ring on her right, with a skinny gold hoop in it. doesn't care for metals at all, they're all mixed (monster) she learned from her clock eye to keep her body clean, so she regularly cleans them. go girl!!'
zero: stretched her ears to 16mm, tongue and septum. doesn't go crazy but she's dedicated to her gauges.
puppeteer: he's sexy so has to have stretched ears. they're only at 00g cause he likes them noticeable but not too big.
bloody painter: literally nothing except an eyebrow on his left. toby thinks its odd. secretly afraid of needles so he sticks to what he has.
judge angels: basic lobes, both tragus and a helix on her left and she's happy with it. she likes that it adds a bit of sparkle to her look but its not excessive unlike some people.
jason: he's a SLUT!!!!!!!!! has dick piercings. im not gonna look them up cause i don't feel like seeing pps but he... he has a few. has his basic lobes, nipples and belly button as well.
kate: i feel like she doesn't really care about her appearance, so she used to have basic lobes but they closed cause she never put them in. is intrigued by the idea of having a ton but she knows she could never commit herself to the upkeep. admires toby's from a distance.
cody/x-virus: got influenced (peer pressured) into getting a few due to toby. HAS to make sure everything is properly sterilized beforehand and will usually do them himself to make sure. double lobes, a tongue, both eyebrows, both helixes and a snug on his right. cleans them all twice a day.
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floralcyanidee · 9 months
ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀɴ ᴀʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ - ᴊᴏɴᴀᴛʜᴀɴ ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ
Jonathan Crane x GN/AFAB!Reader Headcanons
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Headcanons about Jonathan Crane and his life with an alt (emo/ goth) partner.
warnings: mentions of taxidermy, mentions of witchcraft, mentions of religion, mentions of animal remains, theft, innuendo, mature themes, mentions of body modifications
word count: 696
author's note: as ya'll know I'm a slut for Jonathan so I decided to do some headcanons about him with an alt partner (I'm alt soo it was warranted) I based these headcanons on universal and well known characteristics of alt peeps as well some based on me and my friends. i hope everyone enjoys! (:
main masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
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* Jonathan is obviously a criminal, so nothing is stopping him from stealing. this includes him stealing things from inbound patients at Arkham Asylum. He often finds things that remind him of you and will give them to you. You know where they come from, obviously, because you know who Jonathan is, but you find it endearing and romantic that he thinks of you.
* You and Jonathan live on the outskirts of the city, where there’s plenty of woodland to explore. Jonathan enjoys it because it gives him peace from work and being a villain, you enjoy it because there are oodles of animal bones and plants to scavenge. 
* Keeping that in mind, you often use the plants or bones or even still-fresh remains you find for your spells/ rituals/ altars/ taxidermy/ crafts. Sometimes, Jonathan will also find things when he’s out exploring or getting away from things. Every now and then, he’ll try different plants for new toxins, so he’s out scouring the woods. He’s always thinking of you, of course, so whenever Jonathan comes across a cool-looking plant or the skull of an animal, he snatches it up immediately.
* He admires your belief system. Whether it’s Witchcraft, Hellenism, etc., he appreciates the art and dedication you put into it. Jonathan sees it as equivalent to science in a way- creating spells and mixtures and getting something new from it. Sometimes, he asks for your help with his experiments simply because of your knowledge of apothecaries and spells.
*  Black is your color. Jonathan knows this and doesn’t mind that you’re clad in all black whenever he has to make an appearance in Gotham. You get plenty of stares, sure, but he doesn’t care about that. Jonathan doesn’t really care about anything except his experiments and you.
* Jonathan finds your body mods (tattoos, piercings, etc.) intriguing. When you first met, he had a ton of questions about them. Did they hurt? What do they mean? He loves the different jewelry you wear as well. 
* Your obsession with horror is one of Jonathan’s favorite things about you. He finds it adorable that you can quote numerous horror movies and even recite lines as they’re being said. When Halloween comes around, it’s always a treat (non pun intended.) You love cosplaying various horror characters from movies, shows, and video games. Jonathan adores it and sometimes plays along.
* Speaking of Halloween, one year, he dressed as a priest, and you dressed as an undead nun. This year, you’re becoming a crow, and he’s dressing as you guessed it- a scarecrow. You’re already planning next year’s costumes.
* You’ll drag Jonathan to concerts and cons all the time. At first, he was hesitant to go to them, but the more you’ve taken him, the more he’s grown interested. Your favorite bands are now his favorite bands. He’s found himself humming the heaviest of songs you introduced him to. You used to beg him to dress for the cons, but now you don’t have to. Jonathan already has ideas for the next con, even.
* You and Jonathan surprisingly have a lot in common. You had rough childhoods, you have a genuine disdain for other people most of the time, cats are interesting to both of you, and you have some mental illness as well, and so does he, obviously. You also have a mutual hatred for Batman. You think he’s overrated, and Jonathan, well, why he hates him is obvious, too.
* Did someone say fishnets? Jonathan has bought you so many pairs of those and knee socks because he’ll literally rip them off you. He gets you a bunch of fishnets in different colors to match the lingerie sets he buys you. Jonathan thinks you look the hottest in red.
* Jonathan’s favorite intimate thing to do is dye your roots or paint your nails. At first, he hated doing your hair, but now he does it without a problem, plus he’ll even touch up your layers. He’s delicate when painting your nails, holding your hands softly but firmly. Jonathan is very intricate in nature, so he does them flawlessly every time.
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@sstar-ggirl @cillsmurphs @ldklollord @thecherrycocktail @dunklerkeks1611 @hllywdwhre @ecstaticforus @faelvz @ceruleanrainblues @yongi-lee @baizzhu @aporiasposts @queenshelby @amanda08319 @orijanko @naty-1001 @raineeace @nela-cutie @cutexlr @flwrs4aust @langdons-slut @shynovelist @trixie23 @cillianbabe @slut4thebroken @mypoisonedvine @burnyouwithacigarettelighter @cranesbathtowel @arieslost @nefhertari @forgottenpeakywriter @llucky-llove @october-atoner @madlittlecriminal @ynisthatyou @starbxnny @darkmoviesquotespizza @newtsniffles
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kotias · 4 months
Herf G Operation - My Arum Lily
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Time to present here as well the porn without even the shadow of a plot that was entirely written to indulge G, one of the four mods of @goodomensafterdark !
Big, big, BIG thanks to all the artists who got involved in this project, offering stunning art for this fic:
- @bea-n-art for her Temptation artwork
- @lauramoon1987 for her Languid Moan artwork
- Zoinksart for their smut artwork (to be found in the fic!)
- @gahellhimself-blog for his winged artwork
- @daneecastle for her Falling for You artwork
- @gleafer for her Gaunder at his statue artwork that inspired a part of the fic (to be found in the fic)
- @vavoom-sorted-chill for her Say It artwork
It was a huge honour working with you all on this beautiful project to destroy G's brain in one messy strike <3
Tags: Wings - mausoleum - Grave - under the stars - Risk of being caught - laudaddy - Cemetery - consenting adult-shaped beings - alcohol leaves body before anything happens - Plot What Plot - Smut with Feelings - Chops Vault (more details in the AO3 tags)
Rating: explicit
Word count: 8,286 words
Hoowee, laudanum! Last time Crowley does that!
Plot? What plot? Purely indulgent cemetery porn without even the shadow of a plot.
Crowley tried to wiggle into a more advantageous position, but stuck as he was in the coffin, all he was able to do was make the wood creak under the power of his wings, shuddering under Aziraphale's weight and soft caresses. “Gah-” His eyes fluttered shut, his mouth opening wide, showing his fangs and forked tongue. “Angel, that’s-” Aziraphale’s hand coursed through the feathers of his obsidian wings, clutching his throat shut. “Goddamn, angel-”
“No blasphemy, wily snake.” He wrapped his fingers around his cock, and Crowley gasped under his grasp.
“Ah- alright, Father Fell.”
Now, that was surprisingly exciting- Aziraphale’s shaft most certainly reacted quite well to the title. “Hmm, indeed. And a holy man’s role is to thwart the plans fomented by Hell.”
“Oh please, Mr. Holy Man, show me the Light that I have forsaken!” Crowley exclaimed sarcastically into the void of the night, his snickers broken off by soft moans that he tried so very hard to conceal.
“Hm, well, you see… The most pious ones go as far as punishing the evil out of a body. Do you think that might work?”
“Oh, I don’t know about tha-” A gasp stopped him in his words, and he closed his eyes for a moment, as Aziraphale’s hand trailed its path among his dark feathers, pressing them between his fingers, caressing them like tender skin.
Continue reading on AO3, accompanied with the 7 beautiful works of those wonderful artists!!
~The Arum Lily, or calla lily, often was used in funeral arrangements in the Victorian era; additionally, also had a strong symbolism of rebirth and resurrection in Christianity.~
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cranetreegang · 1 year
The Call of Adventure - Ominis x FemReader
I just wanna shoutout everybody. You have all been so sweet and kind with all these fics of Ominis <3 So thank you!!! I'm so happy y'all are enjoying them just as much as I am writing them <3
This was a fun one. Ever since I got the Companions Mod, ya know your gurl had to have Ominis tagging along. I will say, there is something quite amusing about dismissing Ominis on the other side of the map and just being like 'yeah walk your blind ass back to Hogwarts' as he shuffles away.
Anyways, I got carried away with a simple broom flying lesson (looks at word count with a heavy sigh).
hope you enjoy and enjoy while listening to -> Soaring over Hogwarts
Summary: Hoping to show Ominis the joys of broom flight, things take a drastic turn.
Word Count: ~ 4,400 words
Read my other Ominis Fics Here!
“I’m not so sure about this.” Ominis holds the broom away from him, not daring to put his leg over the wild thing. 
“You were sure just mere moments ago.” She teases. 
“That was before the damn thing nearly ripped my arm off.” He mumbles. 
She hums in thought then offers, “Perhaps, we should take things slow.” 
Ominis lets out a sigh of relief, but the feeling is short lived as she continues, 
“We can fly together on my broom.” 
He grimaces, “Surely you jest.” 
She walks closer to him and he catches the slight shake of her head, “Not at all. The only way we can get there and back before curfew is by flying.” 
He scowls with a grumbling complaint under his breath. 
“Oh, don’t be that way, Ominis. I think you might enjoy this.” 
“Or, I’ll fall to my death.” 
She snorts, “Then better be quick to cast Levioso on yourself then. Now, come on. We’re losing daylight.” 
She mounts the broom, patting the seat in front of her. He debates with himself on what to do. This is a horrible, ill-advised, reckless plan. But, when will he get another opportunity like this? And he’s heard the rumors of her excellent flying abilities. He lets out an exaggerated sigh as he swings his leg over her broom, dropping the other broom onto the lawn. 
“I better not regret this.” He hisses. 
She can’t stop her wide grin as she scoots closer to him, “Alright, grab hold of the broom with both hands. One in front of the other.” 
Ominis puts his hands around the broom’s handle then they’re just as quickly launched into the air. Her arms fly around his waist as they rocket higher into the sky. 
“Ominis! Even out! You’re pulling too much!” She shouts over the roaring wind. 
He can barely breathe, let alone think. He pushes the broom down, sending them into a downward spiral. His stomach plummets and he can’t make out what she’s trying to say over the air shooting past them. 
Her hands are on his and she speaks in a level voice right into his ear, “Ominis. It’s alright. Follow my movement.” 
She gently pulls up and he does the same until their descent stops, leaving them floating in the air. She lets out a sigh, collapsing against his back. 
“Not exactly how I envisioned our take off going.” She chuckles between heavy pants. His eyes are wide and he’s surprised the death grip he has on the handle hasn’t shattered the polished wood. 
“I nearly killed us.” He murmurs, his body shaking out of his control.
“Nearly. But, not quite.” She slowly removes her hands from his and leans off his back. “How are you fairing?” 
“I want to get off this damnable thing.” He seethes.
She laughs, “But, you’ve already done the hardest part! Granted, we will need to work on takeoffs, but we’re at the best part. Flying.” 
He shakes his head, “No. This was a mistake. I never should’ve gotten on this thing. Now, tell me how to land.” 
She bites her lip, “Ominis.” 
“What?” He snaps. 
She frowns as she takes in the tremors racking through Ominis’ body. A pang of guilt overcomes her at putting him in this position. He’s confessed his desire to fly on a broom before as they were on their way to class. He heard the whoosh of a student passing overhead and he had a slight smile as he mentioned he’s always wanted to learn to fly. It hurt her heart to hear him dismiss the idea as soon as he uttered it. Now that he’s here, he may very well never fly again. Perhaps this was indeed a mistake. Her jaw sets and her head rises with determination. 
She’s not willing to give up just yet. She places her hand on his back. The touch makes him stiffen even more than he already was.
“Take a moment. Breathe. Breathe with me.” She sucks in an audible breath while rubbing her hand up then down his back. “In and out. Slowly. Like this.” 
He matches her breathing, realizing just how frantic he had become. They’re fine, he reminds himself. They’re both fine. He follows the assuasive movement along his back and he’s able to relax himself bit by bit. 
With their hearts no longer threatening to burst out of their chests and his breathing evening out, she continues,
“A broom is only as good as its rider. If you are calm, your broom will be too.” She glances around with a slight grin, “Do you know where we are?”
“Not in the faintest.” 
“Well, take a moment. Feel where we are.” 
Ominis’ relinquishes his tight hold on the broom; enough to let a hand slip into his robes and grab his wand. His wand adjusts his field of view by sending out waves as far as it possibly can. He’s amazed at how much he can make out and he takes notice of the spires surrounding them.
They’re over Hogwarts. About thirty meters above, judging from how far the ground is below them. He can hear the distant chatter of students as they cross in the courtyard. He believes it’s the Transfiguration Courtyard given the sizable tree in the center. 
His shoulders sag with an exhale, the last of his tremors leaving him, “We’re over Hogwarts.” 
She nods, “Yes.” 
He shifts in place, finding some comfort being airborne, but not much.
“We can land if you wish, but I think if you make a lap around the castle, you might enjoy it. Hogwarts from above is truly a sight to behold.” 
“I don’t want to lose control again.” He whispers.
“You won’t.”
He scoffs with his head dismissing her, “Do you not value our wellbeing? Your wellbeing?” 
“I trust you.” 
He’s stunned at her admittance. He almost wants to question her sanity in placing so much faith into him. She shifts to be even closer to him and he’s acutely aware of her arms coming around his waist. 
“Now, trust yourself. I know you can do it.” She encourages. “Once you’re ready, take it slow and lower the handle until it’s in front of you.” 
He takes a deep breath, putting both hands back on the broom with his wand tight in his grip to guide him. He pushes the handle down until they begin to glide forward. 
“Just like that!” She exclaims. 
He grins at his progress as they soar over the rooftops of the castle. Without realizing, he leans towards where he wishes to go. The movement is easy and he can’t help a prideful smile from coming over him at the smooth turn.
“See, you’re a natural.” She beams, further cementing his elation.
He takes them over Hogwarts, his mind reeling from visualizing the campus from above. There’s many sections he didn’t even know existed and others he had new appreciation for. He dives them under one of the stone bridges and flies them through the canyon. He hears the waterfall and river below them. He flies so close to it, water sprays up in a fine mist onto them. 
“I think that’s the Slytherin common room.” She points out to the right of them. 
He glides them closer and he chuckles, “If Sebastian could see us, he’d believe he’d lost his mind. Or that we’ve both lost ours.” 
“You’ll have to surprise him some time. I’d love to see his face as you take off. We could all fly over to Feldcroft and surprise Anne too.” 
Ominis could almost hear Sebastian’s exclamations and Anne’s pure shock. It’s enough to make his stomach flutter. He follows the river towards the Black Lake when he comes to a gentle stop; their feet hover just above the cool waters. 
“Well, where is it you wanted to go?” Ominis turns his head towards her. 
Her grin consumes her whole face at the sight of Ominis’ poorly disguised zeal.
“Towards the right. You’ll need to get us above the treeline though.” She points to their heading and he nods. 
He turns them until she tells him to stop. He takes in a deep breath, enjoying this sensation of floating in the air. Then he takes off. 
Screeching across the lake and going far faster than he ever thought he would be going at the start of this flight. She squeals in delight at his pace and his chest swells at the sound of her joy. He gets them high enough to soar over the treetops. He’s beginning to understand how the broom reads him and it’s becoming nearly intuitive to fly.
“We’re just over the Forbidden Forest!” She yells. 
He smells the fresh pine and the damp air of the forest which accompanies it. Trying to sense the trees below them as they zip by makes his head whirl. While he can’t make out the fine details of the branches, he can tell they’re massive and their thick canopy blocks out the ground below.
“That’s not where we’re going, is it?” He questions. 
“Not at all! It’s forbidden.” She smirks, making him scoff.
“Like that word has any meaning to you!” 
She chuckles and gives him a slight squeeze around his waist, making his chilled cheeks warm. They continue soaring over the countryside. The Forbidden Forest seems almost pleasant being so far above it, he thinks to himself. He keeps them just above the treetops, but he’s sure if he stretches his foot out, he’d kick the top of some of the towering giants poking out.
“Nearly there. Do you see it? It’s just to the left of us.” She says.
He angles them to the left, slowing them as he does so, and he picks up on some sort of structure poking out between the foliage of the forest. 
“What is it?” He wonders as he tries to find a way for them to land. 
“I’m not sure. That’s why we’re here.” 
He finds a clearing near the front of the edifice and begins a slow descent. The tips of his shoes graze the ground while they glide forward until he comes to a complete stop. 
“Here we are.” She says, letting him dismount before she dismisses her broom. “Not bad for your first flight.”
Ominis turns his head towards her with a soft grin, “I’m glad we landed without the aid of Levioso.” 
“As am I.” 
Ominis examines where they are. From what his wand is able to pick up, they’re in front of some sort of ruin. The grand entrance has long since crumbled into a half formed arch. 
“Up for some exploration?” She asks while she heads through the dilapidated entryway. 
Ominis can’t help his grin as he follows her inside into what he suspects was a courtyard. There’s remnants of stone between patches of overgrown grass and ivy under his feet. He lets his hand trace along a moss covered pillar while they venture inside. Wood crunches under their boots as they step over the door and the interior isn’t faring much better than the outside.
“So, how did you stumble upon this place?” Ominis questions. 
The fading sun warms parts of his cheek and neck as it filters in through the many cracks and holes in the deteriorating walls. He reaches his hand out to touch these exposed rays of light in the cool, damp ruin. She admires him basking in the sunlight; envious at how perfect he looks. His windblown hair and easy smile makes this whole scene feel dreamy. She has to avert her gaze to be able to answer him.
“Do you want an honest answer, or that I simply stumbled upon this place by accident?” 
He shoots her a concerned scowl, “I fear I may regret this, but the honest answer.” 
She hums while she kicks a cracked pot over, “I may, or may not, have been in the area dealing with some poachers. And, well, I came here seeking cover while I dispatched them.” 
“You are too reckless for your own good.” He sighs. 
She shrugs, “You must admit this place is amazing. I wonder just how old it is. Or what it once was. I’m sure it was quite stately in its time.” 
Ominis goes towards a shattered wooden long table with a fallen chandelier as its new centerpiece. His fingers trace over the once polished edge as he walks by the rotting relic.
“I’d imagine this was someone’s grand estate. A count’s, perhaps. Given the size.” 
“A count you say?” She looks around the ruined architecture in a vain attempt to picture what this place would’ve looked like when it was alive with people instead of vines. “Shame it’s in ruins now.” She frowns as she stares at a faded portrait hanging precariously on the wall above the fireplace.
They wander towards the back of the estate when she notices wooden boards laying on the floor. As she approaches, she realizes the boards are covering a hole in the ground.
“Oh. What’s this?” She kneels next to the wood boards and peers into the darkness below. Ominis joins her, his head tilting to the side in curiosity. 
“See anything?” He asks.
She shakes her head, “No. It’s too dark.” 
Ominis’ hand scours the grass-covered ground around him until he finds a palm-sized rock. He slips the rock between a gap and lets it fall. He presses his ear in the opening and listens to the rock clattering at the bottom. Based on the echoes, he believes this is an actual room rather than a hole in the ground.
“Anything?” She wonders.
“There’s certainly something there. I believe this may have been the cellar.” 
“Stand back.” She gets to her feet, pulling out her wand as she does. Ominis stands next to her. 
“Depulso!” She swishes her wand and the boards are reduced to splinters. She’s quick to lean over the edge again, sticking her wand into the opening. “Lumos.” 
The ghostly hum is higher than her own as she catches glimpses of dusty stone flooring and walls from her wand’s cold light. She looks over to Ominis, “It’s not too far of a drop. Let’s investigate!” 
Before he can object, she’s already jumping into the opening. He hears her land with a ‘huff’.
“Come on! What’re you waiting for?” She yells at him when he doesn’t make any sort of movement.
He groans to himself as he sits on the edge of the hole, his feet swinging into the abyss. He takes a sharp breath before he falls in after her. He lands with a slight grunt, but he’s pleased he stayed on his feet. His wand picks up what he heard and this is indeed a room of some kind. The musty, moldy air makes his nose crinkle in disgust. He hears her walking towards the far wall. 
“Cellar indeed. Although…,” She brings her illuminated wand closer to the wall. 
“What is it?” Ominis joins in with her examination. He reaches out and touches a large metal ring attached to the wall.
“I think it can be opened.” She takes several steps back and he does the same. “Accio!”
She rips the lid of the case off, letting it crash to the ground, and she gasps in shock. Something knocks into his foot. He frowns at the object being far too light for a rock or piece of stone. He kneels down and his fingers graze over the object. It’s spherical in nature and there’s two large holes then two smaller ones. He traces over several ridges until a clear picture forms in his mind. His hand reels back.
“A crypt.” He exclaims. “We’re in a crypt.” 
“It does appear that we are.” 
He whips his wand around, searching for a way out. He crosses to the other side, but he can’t detect any sort of stairs. He does however sense a hallway leading underneath the estate. He stands near the entrance of the corridor and a chill shoots down his spine when a cold draft gusts into his face.
“I don’t like the feel of this place.” He murmurs. 
“Oh, there’s no reason for such angst. It’s just a long, dark hallway inside an abandoned, creepy crypt. What could possibly go wrong?” She smirks as she takes the lead down the hallway with nary a hitch in her steps. 
“I can think of plenty.” Ominis states while following after her. “I will admit, I do admire your bravery. This is certainly not a place for those of the faint hearted.” 
She giggles, her amusement echoing off into the distance, “I can admit the same of you, Ominis. I’m starting to believe there’s a bit of Gryffindor underneath all that green.” 
A smile splays across him and he can’t suppress his chuckle. He is surprised he’s not more upset with being potentially trapped in a tomb. If he were here with anyone else, he imagines he would be far more vexed with the situation than he is. It seems her adventurous nature is quite contagious and he finds himself eager to discover more secrets to this long forgotten place. 
The hallway takes them into an open room. Their footsteps reverberate into the vast nothingness.  
She lets out a gasp, “It’s huge.” She waves her wand around in an attempt to penetrate the darkness, but it’s like a thick veil is placed in front of her. “We’re probably the only ones who've set foot here in some time.”
“I don’t see a way out though.” Ominis frowns. “The room dead ends here.” 
“Perhaps there’s a secret entrance somewhere.” She heads towards the center of the room. 
He snorts to himself at her guileless wonder and excitement. They move through the open room, noting the columns supporting the ground above them are in rather good shape considering the rest of the fallen estate. 
“It’s so eerie here.” She observes. “Like the air is completely still.”
“Almost like we aren’t supposed to be here.” He teases. 
She chuckles, “Fair point.” She smiles as she looks at him. He’s enjoying himself far more than he’s pretending to be. “I am glad you’re here with me. Even if all we find is just a big, dusty room.” 
He takes in a sharp breath at her statement, hating how easily she could send him spiraling with just one comment. The sounds of pebbles dragging against stone catches his attention. It’s not coming from her though. It almost sounds like feet shuffling the more Ominis tunes into the noise.
“Did you hear that?” He questions.
She freezes where she’s at and turns her attention to her companion. His head turns more towards where he first heard the noise. She strains her ears to do the same, but she only hears ringing due to the silence of the place. 
“I don’t hear-,” 
“Behind you!” Ominis shouts just as an arm swipes at her. 
In a flash, she’s suddenly next to him. He almost can’t believe it and his wand can barely comprehend how she achieved such a feat. It’s like she transformed into magic then reappeared next to him. He can’t dwell on the moment though as the room erupts into groans and growls.
“Inferi!” She cries out. “Fire’s the only way to kill them.” 
There’s several coming towards them, more than he can count. He readies himself and she does the same. 
“Where are they? I hear them, but I don’t see them.” She states, her head turning every which way. 
“There!” Ominis points towards where he hears at least three.
“Confringo!” She lights one on fire and the sparks ignite those around it. Burnt flesh consumes the air and she’s able to see enough from the immolated corpses to continue her attacks.
Ominis is suddenly aware of more Inferi coming behind them. He turns and casts, “Incendio!” 
A blast of flames knocks two of them back, leaving him the chance to cast Confringo on those still standing. 
“Bombardo!” She explodes the ones getting close to them, rocking the ground and walls, and sending gravel on top of them.
“Depulso!” He knocks the rest away, leaving a clearing for them to retreat back down the hallway. He grabs her free hand and tugs her from the battle. 
“Bombardo!” She blasts the ceiling and he can hear the room collapsing just behind them, nearly knocking them off their feet from the impact. Unfortunately, not all the Inferi are caught in the rubble. She keeps firing spells down the hallway while he dodges them past swiping arms reaching out from the crumbling stone walls. They manage to get back into the room they dropped into when she wiggles her hand from his tight grasp. 
There’s a surge in the air, one which electrifies his skin and overwhelms his senses. He’s amazed to find this surge to be stemming from her. She lets out a cry and the entrance to the hallway topples down with a roaring clap of thunder, blocking the Inferi from chasing them. Dust blasts into the room, staining their mouths, and the ground shakes under their feet. Their relief doesn’t last long as more Inferi begin to clamor out from the caskets lining the walls. 
“This way!” She grabs his hand and guides him back underneath the hole. She glances around at the Inferi nearly free from their stone confines. 
Ominis readies himself to face the remaining Inferi when she turns towards him. 
“I’m going to cast Levioso on you. Then you’ll be able to reach the ledge. Ready?” 
Before he can question, she quickly casts, “Levioso!” 
His feet leave the ground and he levitates in the air. He barely catches himself from flipping around. His mind whirls into overdrive and he reaches out towards the ledge. He grabs on and pulls himself up. He searches for her below and he finds her just underneath him. He hears her rapid fire of spells to keep the horde at bay, but she’s about to be swarmed with Inferi on all sides. Without any more hesitation he yells, “Accio!” 
She’s yanked up to him with a surprised gasp leaving her. She lands right on top of him, sending them both crashing to the ground. They’re both panting, their hearts beating frantically. She manages to push herself up to look down at him. 
“Are you alright?” She asks. 
“Never better.” He groans. 
She laughs, falling back onto him with a sigh, “You sure do know how to make things exciting, Gaunt.” 
His chest rumbles under her as they both laugh. 
“If I remember correctly, I believe you were the one to say ‘what could go wrong’. Seems the universe was apt to show you just how wrong things could go.” 
“Seems so.” She giggles, finding enough energy to roll off of him.
Below them, they can still hear the faint groaning of the Inferi. His hand pats the ground until he finds what he’s searching for. He grabs her hand and gives her a squeeze with a soft sigh.
“You are unharmed, yes? They didn’t hurt you?” His tender voice makes her heart skip a beat.
She glances towards Ominis, noting his face firmly plastered to the ceiling above them. 
“I’m okay.” She reassures him with a squeeze of her own. She watches his chest rise in a deep breath and the sight makes her cheeks warm for some reason. 
She releases his hand to prop herself up with a wide grin.
“Well, this hasn’t been quite the adventure I had in mind, but at least I’ll have you back before curfew.” 
Ominis chuckles as he stands, dusting himself off, “I believe you’ve satiated my need for adventure for the day. For the month even.”
He offers his hand to her and helps her to her feet. She takes in the disheveled sight of the Slytherin boy. His hair is wild and untamed from their fight. Dark soot and dust coats his reddish cheeks and stains his formally tidy robes. It’s a good look on him, she decides before she brushes a few pebbles, leaves, and other small debris from his hair and shoulders. His eyes are wide at the gesture and he’s forgotten how to breathe for a moment. 
“I think you’ll find yourself craving such reckless activities. In fact, you’ll be practically begging to come on another adventure with me.” She smirks, satisfied with her efforts in preening him, then heads back towards the entrance. He coughs, willing himself to calm down, before catching up to her.
“Will I? I’m not one to beg, you know.” He smirks right back at her. 
They arrive back at the entrance of the sullied manor with the sun having long since set, leaving them both bathed in the moonlight. The cold light of the moon makes the boy next to her seem otherworldly. And if she were to try to reach out to him, he would simply vanish like an all too pleasant dream. She’s thankful he can’t see her staring. Or, perhaps he could in his own way. Perhaps he could feel her awestruck gaze upon him as it whispers across his skin. 
She bites her lip while she summons her broom, “Guess we’ll see, won’t we?” 
“I suppose so.” He replies in a near whisper.
She holds the broom between them, letting him mount first. He settles himself on the broom, finding it far more natural than when they started earlier this afternoon. A crack of a twig makes Ominis turn his head towards the forest. While he almost dismisses it as an animal, something about it makes him pause. 
“What is it?” She wonders, turning her gaze to what’s got his attention.
“I’m… not sure.” He gets the distinct impression they’re being watched. Not just by one set of eyes either.
Out of the shadows of the night’s embrace, a masked man steps forward.
“Hello, lovelies.” He greets, twirling his wand between his fingers with a malicious grin. Her hand grips Ominis’ forearm and her whole body is frigid as more people emerge from the shadows. “Was hopin’ you’d come back ‘er, lil’ girl. We’ve been waitin’ for ya.”
Read Part 2 Here
AN: Did I get carried away? Without a doubt. But, I really wanted to have some Ominis adventures sooooo here we are. I did my best in the combat, but that's one of my weaker writing skills in my opinion *stares at my part two with even more action*
I think I maaaay have abused his wand's 'seeing' ability quite heavily here, but ehhhhhh magic am i right???? ...right? 💀💀💀💀💀
I've never tagged peeps before so uh hopefully this is right 😂-> @mehnotenoughtime
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anonymous-rendezvous · 9 months
He Comforts You - Luca 💛
Luca Kaneshiro x GN!Reader
✦ — Written by Mod I ✨. Beta Read and Edited by Mod S 👿.
✧ — Comfort & Care Masterlist | 💛 You comfort him
✦ — Contains: Established relationship, fluff, & comfort
✧ — Word count: 481 | Ao3
Snippets of time showing how you and your partner care for each other.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
You let out a sigh as you finally reach the front door. You’d gotten off work much later than you intended, and then halfway home you suddenly remembered Luca had asked if you could pick up a few things from the grocery store for dinner. Shifting the bags around in your arms to dig out your keys from your pockets, before trying to unlock the door. Yet, before you can fully unlock it, the knob suddenly turns under your hand and the door is yanked open. “Your back!” The briefest flash of yellow before a large body darts past the door and sweeps you off your feet.
It takes you a moment to register the fact that you're suddenly held up in your boyfriend’s strong arms, “Whoa–Luca!!” As tired as you are, you can’t help laughing affectionately as he spins the pair of you around a few times. When he does finally return your feet to the ground, he has to help steady you as you start to stumble.
“Babe! I’ve missed you!” He starts to take the grocery bags off of you. “Oh! You got everything, thank you!”
“It’s no problem, love. Sorry, I’m so late though.” You let out another tired sigh as the weight of the grocery bags finally leaves you. “I would have told you I was gonna be late if I had known.” Luca immediately shakes his head.
“No, it’s okay! That’s not your fault.” His head tips to the side with a soft smile on his face. “I’m just happy you're home now, ya know?” As he takes in your tired form, an idea hits him, eyes lighting up. “Oh! Wait here!” The mafia boss quickly turns on his heels and rushes the groceries inside and presumably to the kitchen. You don’t have time to ponder what he’s thinking before he’s once more in front of you. “Arms up!” You’re already following his order before your mind can process what's happening and then you're suddenly in his arms once more.
“Ah–” You can feel your face heat up as he cradles you in his arms before turning and carrying you inside the house. “L–Luca, I can walk just fine.”
“I know!” He replies immediately. “But I wanted to do something for you! You’ve had a long day, right? Lemme help a little, okay?” You can only respond with an embarrassed yet affectionate huff. It’s not long before he reaches the couch and sets you down as carefully as he can. “Okay! You rest here, I'm gonna start on dinner!” Before he reaches the kitchen, he suddenly freezes before turning and rushing back to your side. There’s a question on your lips that dies before it can form as his lips press against yours. “I appreciate you, babe.”
“I appreciate you too.” The sun pales in comparison to the smile that lights his face.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Likes are nice and we do appreciate them. However, comments/feedback is what really motivates us to continue writing. Even just a keyboard smash or emojis are a joy to see!
We do not allow our stories to be translated or reposted/shared anywhere. The only places our stories should be found are on Ao3 or Tumblr. Nowhere else.
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How They React to a Heavily Tatted/Pierced/Modded!Reader
Post Type: Headcanons
Warning(s): Body Mods, Piercings, Etc
A/n: These are purely based on piercings and body mods I want so... ..also I did three points for them all bc I'm having a hard time writing this for some reason? this has been in my drafts for months
Will ask about the body mods and which ones hurt the most
Lowkey wants some of his own
Gawks over the split and pierced tongue
"Dood...I need that tongue on my cahk"
Enjoys looking over all the piercings, especially the more naughty piercings
*moves hair behind ears to show off his elf-ear body mod*
It's the only one he has, but he's looked into different body mods over the years and adores most of them, so he talks about them a lot to you
Loves that you and he both have pointed ears, it's a like a matching couples thing
"Didn't that hurts?"
Is concerned about the pain scale, but he thinks its brutal af
He especially loves any cat jewelry, its adorable
LOVES self-expression and loves you
He's considering getting his tongue split, honestly (please ensure he actually knows the aftercare for it)
His favorite on you is the eyeball tattoo, he thinks its brutal
Secretly really attracted to it
You wouldn't expect it (I'm a firm believer Charles is a massive secret pervert)
I also firmly believe he has at least one piercing of his own, specifically on his dick. No one knows about it except his s/o and Pickles
His eyes go wide, he counts his eyes as a body mod (even if it isn't cosmetic)
Appreciates the crazy look, to him it's self-expression
Helps you with aftercare if you get any more while with him, he understands the need to have them clean
Lowkey creeped out, but he gets it
"I'm just saying I wouldn't want any (body mod-wise)."
He does have some tattoos and totally gets his ears gauged
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Once again i come crawling over your doorstep beloved techo friend... would you. Perhaps. Be inclined to write something short and steamy for them? :3<
i am ineed inclined toward a lot of techo things :3
Tech's hands draw slowly down his body, and Echo shivers, his hips rising into the touch. Every time. Every time Tech touches him like this, it short-circuits something in his brain, and all he wants is more. Especially when Tech kisses his neck like that, his mouth softer than it has any right to be.
He almost whines when Tech draws back, but it's some relief that Tech's fingers thread with his, and he stays close. His gaze moves even slower than his hands, taking in every inch of Echo like he's something fascinating. Part of Echo wants to get used to it. Part of him wants to hide from a love that deep. He's not sure which part is stronger.
Still, he says, "I don't know how you can keep looking at me like that, when I look like this."
The hands stop on his hips, half warm on his skin, half a ghost of a sensation on metal. Even with all the work Tech's done on them, his legs still don't pick up the sensation of touch very well.
"Oh, honey, no," Echo begs, because he knows the look of a nerd who's started thinking about something. Last time that happened, Tech ditched him to work on a modded scomp link for three hours. "If you leave me here-"
"I don't understand." Tech almost collapses on him, face tucked into Echo's neck. He shudders violently, and Echo curls a hand in his hair, suddenly uncertain. "I don't understand how you can keep saying that. You're beautiful. You're so beautiful."
For a long minute, he can't think of anything to say. Tech has said all sorts of things about him before, many of them complimentary. But even when Echo brushed them off or said something contrary, Tech usually didn't object in turn. He usually just ignored it or changed the topic or sometimes just doubled down. Echo was rarely in any state to continue the conversation much longer after that.
Now he's starting to wonder. Did Tech just not realise, before? Did he not know that Echo was disagreeing?
"Please talk to me," he whispers. "Please say something."
"I don't understand," Tech repeats.
"I know. I know, I'm sorry." He's not entirely sure what he's apologising for, but it slips out before he can think it through, and he's not about to take it back.
"I love you." Tech's breath is warm against his skin, each sentence interspersed with kisses. "I love you. I love you. I love you."
Echo catches his mouth in a kiss. The kind that always makes Tech gasp against him, makes his hips roll down and his shoulders flex. And the same happens now. Just like always. Just like Echo was counting on.
"Tech," he murmurs.
"I can-" He takes a deep breath and lets it out. "I can believe it, sometimes, when I hear it from you. That I'm beautiful."
Tech smiles. It's like the sun on Kamino. Rare, and precious, and bright. Echo hates to cover it up with another kiss, but he can't resist.
"Do you want to hear it again?" Tech asks.
"Yes," Echo breathes out, and is a little surprised to find he means it.
"I love you. You're beautiful." He says it over and over again, and every time, Echo believes him a little more.
He grins, and noses at Tech's cheek. "Hey. You wanna do more than make out?"
"I would like that very much, yes."
Echo's hands go to the clasp of Tech's pants, working them down his legs until Tech can kick them off. His movement jostles the hammock beneath them, but that just gives Echo an excuse to hook an ankle over Tech's, his other leg moving up and over Tech's waist.
"For stability," he says, and grins when Tech obviously doesn't believe him. "Because you're smoking hot?"
"Acceptable," Tech murmurs. He starts working a hickey into Echo's throat, and Echo tilts his head back, baring any part of him that Tech wants to touch.
He doesn't mean to moan the way he does, when Tech nips at him a little, but with the way Tech presses even closer, he doesn't mind a bit. He moves his hands to Tech's hips, holding him close, hoping he'll want to be even closer.
"I have something else," Tech murmurs in his ear.
"Am I going to like it?"
"I think very much so."
Echo gasps sharply, warm and soft and pleasure and Tech swirling together in a hurricane with calm at its centre. Calm so often gone from both their lives, and all the more precious when it comes.
"I like that very much," he manages to choke out.
There's not much use of words after that, from either of them, but they're still saying plenty in the best language possible.
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cluster-b-culture-is · 9 months
Quick question: does DiD count as cluster b?
Good question. The short answer is no. More details below.
DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is a Dissociative Disorder, not a Personality Disorder. Because DID used to be called MPD, many people think it's a Personality Disorder, but it's not. Cluster B specifically refers to Personality Disorders.
Dissociative Disorders (including DPDR, DID, OSDD, and more!) are characterized by dissociation, or a disconnection from either reality or oneself. DID specifically is characterized by the presence of two or more personality states (often called alters in a medical context) that are highly differentiated (at least some alters have very differing personality, mannerisms, gender, sexuality, age, etc.) and with dissociative amnesia at least some of the time (which is the inability to remember things that happened when another alter was controlling the body/fronting). DID is frequently caused by childhood trauma.
People with DID (like Mod Orange, who is writing this) often refer to themselves as systems, but not all systems have DID, and not all systems are formed by trauma. Similarly, not all people with DID use system terminology to refer to themselves. Many systems have OSDD-1, P-DID, UDD, or are not clinically disordered at all.
Personality Disorders (PDs), on the other hand, are set of disorders characterized by rigid, inflexible, and maladaptive patterns of thoughts and behaviors. People with personality disorders often have trouble with self-perception and interpersonal relationships. Many personality disorders are formed through trauma.
Personality disorders are divided into three clusters: Cluster A (PDs with a tendency towards social withdrawal), Cluster B (PDs with a tendency towards overly emotional thinking and behavior), and Cluster C (PDs with a tendency towards anxious and fearful behaviors).
Cluster A includes PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder), SzPD (Schizoid Personality Disorder), and StPD (Schizotypal Personality Disorder).
Cluster B (which this blog focuses on) includes ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder), BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), HPD (Histrionic Personality Disorder), and NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).
Cluster C includes AvPD (Avoidant Personality Disorder), DPD (Dependent Personality Disorder), and OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder)
This blog focuses on being a safe space for everyone with Cluster B PDs, since these PDs are very frequently demonized. There are other blogs and places across the internet that focus on other PDs, and on DID or systems. Hope this answers your question!
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Gay wrongs tournament, quarterfinals of the major bracket
For House and Wilson:
Literally the most insane couple of all time from medical malpractice the show. They’re best friends, they live together, they’ve drugged eachother, they make stupid bets together, they manipulate each other, they ride off into the sunset together. They’re Sherlock and Watson, they’re the best doctors in their fields and you’d never want them anywhere near your medical care.
Medical malpractice <3
For Will and Hannibal:
Ive previously only heard the term "murder husbands" refer to hannigram so it feels flitting. The whole series culminated with a murder they did together bathing in blood. 
The show and ship that coined murder husbands. It’s in the text in s3 from a journalist side character. They do Many murders either together or as a message to each other. Usually this involves turning the dead body into an art piece. The show ends with them killing a guy together in a slo mo scene backed by porno music.
They're both batshit and manipulative.
ALRIGHT so they're not canonically together but it is HEAVILY implied and they have some sort of fucked up psychosexual obsession with each other. in the later parts of the show they start committing murder and cannibalism together and they're soooo unhinged but it's awesome
kill people for each other. maim each other. kill people together. most batshit insane metaphors. send each other to jail. ruin everyone’s lives. someone can probably say this better than me but these gay people are insane
Literally THE murder husbands. They kill for each other. They've tried to kill each other. They're canon in all but name, like the homoeroticism between these two is the driving force of the show.
one time hannibal folded a guy into an origami human heart
They are in love and they kill and eat people. They are called Murder Husbands in canon.
The original murder husbands (literally, that's not just their ship name, they get called that in canon)
The show begins with Will working for the FBI and trying to catch Hannibal, but because Hannibal is so intrigued by the way Will is able to see the world and the motives behind the killings so easily, it becomes a game of Hannibal isolating Will even more from the people around and seducing him to try and kill. By the time Will starts embracing the side of him that Hannibal sees, he starts oulling back and trying to distance himself so that when the time comes for Will to fully embrace himself and Hannibal, no one really suspects what they have planned. 
hannibal literally does murder as courtship and it works bc will is also a fucked up little guy
I'm actually quite offended they aren't included by default (joke). They are THE murder husbands!!!!!! (mod note: they should have been, but I wanted to see how many submissions they'd get. They got 19, making them a little more than 6% of total submission count).
do i have to say it. they literally get called murder husbands IN THE SHOW
There are 3201 works for Hannibal on ao3 tagged Murder Husbands. They are the ogs, they are the pioneers we owe it all to them.
THEE murder couple. You know it. I know it. They commit crimes at each other as courting and then commit crimes together and then fall off a cliff to wash up somewhere and live on to serve cunt. Get referred to as 'murder husbands' in canon. What more do you need
Hannigram were literally called Murder Husbands in canon, they are the og, they are THE blueprint. They were gay as hell and comitted so much murder so many crimes. THEY RAN OFF TO EUROPE TOGETHER.
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Specific asfk James and Sirius headcanons (some NSFW)
- lactose intolerant
- goes for jogs at 5am
- angry crier
- tried a raw egg in his beer once but actually enjoyed it and now continually does it
- loves titties so much. titty fucking & sucking & just constantly touching and laying on them
- #1 Quidditch fan. if they had Quidditch on TV he would shout in excitement and stand directly in front of the TV the whole time
- James has a scar on his arm because Pads scratched him while they got overly excited playing.
- loves all food. he will eat anything. even if it's not eatable. he ate a cockroach once because Remus dared him too. he's eaten play-doh too many times to count.
- Damiano David vibes
- he has his nips pierced
- i imagine him super into body mods and tattoos and stuff
- heavy sleeper
- ultra feminist
- owns a shirt that says "BROKE BOYS DONT DESERVE NO PUSSY"
- loves buying people things
- Sirius 6 shots in: "Remus, pick a country,,,, i'll buy it for u"
- steals Lilly's earrings & skirts & purses & makeup & dresses &
- happy trail
- aftercare then cig then food then sleep
- Eats his steak as rare as possible without making him sick
- "Yeah, can you just wave the meat over the stovetop? thanks" -Sirius, ordering his steak at a restaurant
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fairyvearths · 1 year
these two windows
FANDOM: one piece WORD COUNT: 5, 500+ on tumblr. 9, 300+ on ao3 PAIRING: monkey d. luffy x roronoa zoro x reader WARNINGS: cursing, i guess. lots of banter/teasing. forced close proximity. kissing towards the end, and leaning towards suggestive. if you’re going to read it on ao3, pls pls pls look at the tags on there first before continuing SUMMARY: you’re crushing on your two best friends, who are in a relationship with each other. you try not to be too obvious about. (you're very obvious about it.)
NOTE: @some-piece​​ hello bas!! i am your valentines for the @onepiece-blorboexchange​. i know this is very very late, but i hope this makes up for it 💖 to bas, please read it on ao3, there is so much more to the fic than what’s here on tumblr. to everyone else, if you’re 18+ and want to read some, uh,, unholy stuff, you can head on over as well. otherwise, enjoy this little fluff piece. also to mod lale, thank you for granting me the extension. i’m still late though, so orz
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You don’t mind being saddled with looking after Luffy and Zoro—presenting no fight when Nami lists out the groups.
She gives you an apologetic grimace but you wave away her concerns; it’s easy to dismiss her worries when Luffy smiles at you, eyes closed, cheeks squishing as his lips stretch wide.
Your heart does a funny little flip flop, and you manage a grin back at him, trying to ignore the fluttering in your throat. You hold his gaze for another half second before you look away—cheeks dangerously warm. As you turn your head, you catch Zoro’s eye, flickering your attention to him when you see him watching you.
You try not to grimace, knowing how he gets when Sanji or Usopp—Hell, even some of the other captains you’ve met along the way—are a little too affectionate with Luffy for Zoro’s comfort. You back a step away from Luffy, refocusing on Nami as she organises the last of the crew.
She announces budgets and shopping lists before handing out pouches of Beli. When she gets to your team, she sighs softly. She spares a glance at the others, lips thinning into a straight line. She looks, for all intents and purposes, like she’s fighting a losing war in her mind. Nami passes the bag to you. “Don’t… let them buy things, okay?” she whispers.
With what you hope is a reassuring smile, you swipe the pouch. “You can trust me.”
She looks anything but reassured. “I don’t.”
You wink. “That’s the spirit!”
She blinks, glances at the others shouldering on their bags, preparing to depart. “This was a mistake,” she laments to herself. “Maybe I should reshuffle the groups.”
Luffy’s yell carries over the ship.
You have a second to react, turning to him to see what’s going on before something firm collides into your body, warmth wounding tightly around your middle.
A breath escapes you and you’re tilting backwards, the unexpected weight shifting your centre of gravity.
A hand on your back steadies you, another on your arm to pull you back upright. You can feel the heat even through the shirt you’re wearing.
“Oi.” Zoro’s gruff voice comes from beside you, and it takes his intonation for you to realise that Luffy had been the one to crash onto you.
Luffy has his legs coiled around your waist, arm’s curled snake-like over and under yours.
Zoro admonishes him, letting go of your arm now that you’re standing upright again. He swats the back of his hand on Luffy’s arm. “Careful.”
“Keep the group!” Luffy implores Nami. “I like it like this.”
You pretend that that doesn’t fill you with a cloud of warmth. That it doesn’t feel like the sun is shining directly on you. You back up a step in an attempt to get away from the rising feelings in this conversation, but you belatedly realise you can’t; Luffy is on you, Zoro has a bracing hand against your back. You’re quite literally trapped here.
Nami throws a look around the small group before landing on you, something in her face that you can’t quite place. She grins, light of mischief dancing behind her eyes. “Okay,” she relents, in that tone you know means that there wasn’t that much of a fight to begin with. “I’ll keep the group.”
Luffy giggles, something light that bubbles out onto your shoulder and his limbs tighten around your body. The hand on your back gets heavier.
Uh oh.
Zoro’s getting angry.
He’s gonna take it out on you.
“Okay,” you say, keeping your voice purposefully light and devoid of the awkwardness you feel in this situation. “You’re getting heavy, Luffy.” You don’t give him a choice, shifting your weight to steady yourself before grabbing his thighs to pull him from you.
“I said, be careful.” Zoro digs his hand a little harsher, pushing you upright.
Luffy wriggles out of your grasp, climbing you like some sort of snake.
The change in weight unbalances you and you careen towards the deck, back first.
There’s yells, coming from you, Zoro and Luffy and you hit something firm, the air crushing out of you as you land.
“You fucking gremlin,” Zoro breathes, voice strained. It’s only because his chest is reverberating against your upper back do you realise that you’ve fallen on him.
Oh, shit.
You try to get off him, but Luffy is resting his weight atop you. 
He’s laughing, like it really doesn’t concern him at all that he’s still clinging onto you, half fallen into your lap while you’re on top of his boyfriend.
You crane your neck to look up at Nami, who’d been the one to speak.
She blinks down on the three of you, looking very much like she’s trying to hide a smile. “You guys…” She chuckles. “Do your thing, I’m gonna.” Not even bothering to finish her sentence, she turns, walking away to the group that she’s organised for herself.
“Hey.” Zoro places a gentle hand on your side to grab your attention and you whip your head to face him at the touch. “You okay?”
Your heart stutters in your chest; his hand is resting on the side of your ribcage. His gaze, always magnetising and heavy, feels even more so with his face literal inches from yours. Your mouth is drying, your throat sticks to itself.
Has he always been this pretty? Handsome, yes, that is a relatively objective fact about him. But pretty? It’s his eye that draws you in; a cool shade of grey that has, at times, looked silver under different lighting. He blinks down at you, lips parting, probably to speak again.
But you’re staring at his mouth, heart roaring deafeningly in your head so you don’t really hear what he has to say, if anything. You don’t remember moving, but your face is getting closer to his. Close enough that you can feel his breath on your cheek, and—
You pull away, heat rising up from your chest, flushing across your neck. What the fuck?
(So caught up in your own thoughts, you miss how Zoro’s hand falls away, fingers curling into a loose fist by his knee. You miss how he shoots a quick glance at Luffy, both their faces pinching in disappointment. And, most importantly, you miss that you weren’t the one moving at all—Zoro had leant into your space.)
You’re crushing on your two best friends, who are in a relationship with each other. Big whoop, that’s not news to you. You’re usually much more inconspicuous than this—fucking relax.
Your heart drops into your stomach when you realise that Luffy is staring at the two of you, expression unreadable.
“We should get going,” you throw out into the air. “Before the shops close.”
Zoro hums, a short noise that you can’t quite read.
“You didn’t answer his question,” Luffy says. He leans forward, a little pout on his lips. 
You back away, jerking lightly when you bump into Zoro’s shoulder. You find some weird middle ground, holding yourself awkwardly so you’re equally distant from them both. “What?”
“We fell,” Luffy reiterates. “Zoro asked if you were okay.”
“Um.” You take stock of yourself; yes, you’ve been jarred around slightly, but, all things considered, you’re surprisingly unharmed.  If you forget about the tightness in your chest, and your heart hammering away, the only thing of note is that Luffy is a pressing weight on you, but that can be easily fixed. “I’m fine.”
“You’re lying,” Luffy says, blunt.
He blinks at you, expectant.
“He means, you don’t seem fine,” Zoro pipes up from behind.
Fuck that Captain’s Intuition.
“Uh.” You swallow a wave of panic. “I wasn’t hurt in the fall,” you try instead.
Luffy stares at you for a second longer before nodding, satisfied. He climbs off you, arms already stretching to grab onto the ship’s bannister and slingshot him onto the island, smile splitting his cheeks, a yell of adventure on his lips
“I…” You sigh, defeated. “We were supposed to stick as a group.”
“We’ll catch up,” Zoro muses. He’s already stood up and he reaches down, offering you a hand. “C’mon.”
You take it, gingerly, trying not to think too much about his hand in yours. It’s normal, you tell yourself. People help each other off the floor all the time. Don’t think too much about it. “Yeah,” you say, because talking always made it easier to keep your mind off of things. “but Nami probably put me with you two to keep you both on a leash.”
Zoro smirks as he pulls you up. “You think you can tame me?” he asks, voice dangerously low. His grip on your hand tightens and your heart squeezes with it.
You think you forget how to breathe, frozen in a stupor.
When you don’t react, Zoro releases your fingers, turning around so you don’t see the grin fighting its way on his face. “Let’s go,” he says as he begins walking.
You blink after him, once.
The fluttering in your chest settles onto your sternum. Wait, hang on. “You don’t know where you’re going!” That thought sobers you up enough to bound over to him. “Maybe it’s better if I lead.”
Zoro furrows his brows as he shoots you a glance out of his periphery. “What do you mean?”
“It’s just…” You’re trying to find a way to phrase your words without offending him. “You—Where do you think the market is?” you try instead.
He shrugs, shoulders hunching up to his neck. “Doesn’t really matter, does it?”
“We find Luffy,” he says. “He always gets us where we need to be.”
Your steps falter, watching Zoro as he continues walking across the deck like what he said wasn’t out of the norm for him.
Roronoa Zoro—a sap?
Kinda cute.
No sooner does the thought enter your mind do you dismiss it quickly. Stop that, stop it.
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It’s supposed to be an uneventful supply run.
In-and-out. Quick. Efficient.
That was the plan. Or, at least, Nami’s plan.  
You should have known that none of those words would be in Luffy’s or Zoro’s vocabulary.
And Nami should’ve known it wouldn’t be in yours either. Honestly, what was she thinking, putting you with them? There’s no way you would’ve babysat them. At times, it feels like you enabled them, more so than anything, but—
You know what, actually?
No, no.
You aren’t taking the blame today. And you’re not blaming Luffy or Zoro either. None of this was any of your faults.
Because who, in their right minds, would have predicted that this small island would have a Marine Festival?
“What the fuck’s a Marine Festival?” Nami hisses, through the Baby Den Den Mushi.
“Exactly!” You force your voice into a whisper, glancing to your right, outside the edge of the wall.
No one is looking.
“A shit ton of Marines are marching through town,” you inform her, “and we’re, kinda, maybe stuck in an alley.” The way the houses are laid out means the gap between the buildings progressively grows smaller the further in you go. And at the sole entrance of the alley, are all the Marines on the island, apparently. Slowly walking like some parade.
Music, cheers, and confetti, included.
Nami sighs, exasperation lacing the breath of air. You can see the exhaustion lining her brows on the transponder snail. “At least—Please tell me you’re still with Luffy and Zoro, though?”
“Yeah.” Unfortunately.
In your initial panic after seeing the Marines, you’d pulled Zoro into the closest hiding place. You then grabbed Luffy and yanked him in with you.
Zoro had shuffled into the space, until he could barely wedge himself further, shoulders too wide to go any deeper. Which is good, you tell yourself, because the only way out is the only way in, and you’re standing right there.
And you’ve kept Luffy directly in front of you, giving you the opportunity to stop him before he runs out into the town—or worse; go deeper into the alley because his bodily rubber properties would allow him to.
God forbid either of them be left unchecked with Marines.
In your, more hopeful, infancy of ten minutes ago, you’d waited for the Marines to scatter. But they kept marching, and marching, and, so, you called Nami to tell her the news.
“I just—Why can’t we chaos our way out of here?” you lament; the prospect of being stuck in the cramped passage for any longer than you already have doesn’t sit well with you.
Luffy perks up, eyes illuminating with a gleam that you can see, even with the dim lighting. Zoro leans in closer, arm flush with yours.
You pretend not to notice and focus all your attention on the Den Den Mushi in your palm.
“Because we need to wait for the Log Pose to calibrate.” 
Your lips press into a thin line, unimpressed. “How long’s that gonna take?”
You roll your eyes, displeasure roving through your features.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me—”
Oh, shit.
She can see your expressions, too. 
“Wait—no, no-no,” you clamour to your own defence. “I wasn’t rolling my eyes at you, it was at the situation.”
The snail is silent, looking very indifferent.
“Nami,” you whine, “I promise.”
“Uh-huh,” she finally says, sceptical. 
“Just lay low until the Log Pose resets, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, and then to make up for the eye-roll, you add, “Love you.”
Without missing a beat, Nami responds, “That’s fifty Beli for loving me.”
You splutter. “Hello?”
She hums. “If you can’t afford to pay, you can’t afford to love me.”
“Yeah, alright.” You chuckle, grinning at her antics. “You ain’t worth it, anyways.”
Nami yells—the beginning of her tirade spilling through the Baby Den Den Mushi.
You jump, hand over the snail’s mouth to muffle it before you hang up on her. “What the Hell,” you breathe, turning your attention to the entrance of the alleyway.
The Marines keep marching.
“Scale of one to ten,” you say, lightly, “how badly do you think she’ll beat my ass when we get back?”
Luffy makes a sound like he’s thinking. “Four.”
“Just four?” Surely it’d be higher than that—it’s Nami.
“She’ll try on a seven,” Luffy elaborates, “but you’re strong, so four.”
You blink at him, a blush beginning to creep up your neck that you hope they don’t see. “You think I’m strong?”
Luffy beams, cheeks stretching. “Yep!”
Oh. You look away, breath stuttering in your chest. Your fingers twitch as you try to find something to do so you’re not forced to stare at him. Belatedly, you realise you’re still holding the communication device. You try to open your bag, but your left arm bumps into Zoro where he’s still leaning against you.
He’d been so quiet, presence strangely comfortable and safe, that you’d forgotten to register he was there.
“Uh.” You turn to face him, but he seems unfazed by your accidental touch. “Sorry,” you mumble.
He dismisses your apology with a grunt.
When he doesn’t offer anything else, you clear your throat. “Can you possibly move back a bit? I need to get to my bag.”
“Can’t,” Zoro says. “‘S too narrow.”
“Ah. Well—”
“Here.” He takes the snail from your hand, hand brushing against your own fingers and you try not to let your breathing change too much. He attempts to undo the clasp on your bag with one hand, but he struggles. “Luffy,” he finally says after giving up.
Without hesitance, Luffy leans over and fiddles with it. His knuckles scrape against the fabric of your shirt as he works.
Your heart flutters into your throat until all you hear is your own heartbeat thudding away in your ears. You hold your breath, afraid that if you did try to breathe, your lungs would stutter and you’d give yourself away.
Luffy holds the flap against your waist and Zoro places the Den Den Mushi inside.
You stare at the bag, watching their hands move so you don’t have to look at their faces and fluster yourself even more.
Once inside, Luffy releases the flap so it falls back into place and Zoro buckles up the clasp again. Neither of them move back to their original position, crowding into your space even though they have no reason to be.
Or, maybe, they’re just trying to get closer to each other.
That would make more sense. 
You should move out of their way.
You slide over to the right, closer towards the exit but your shoe trips over something.
Luffy yelps.
You flail for balance.
Luffy steadies himself on the wall next to you, and you fall on his outstretched arm instead of the floor, and Zoro grabs you both by the elbow.
“The Hell are you two doing?” he barks, tugging lightly to pull you upright before letting go. He sinks his back on the roughened bricks.
“Sorry—I’m sorry!” Judging by Luffy’s earlier exclamation, you realised you kicked his foot.
“What were you up to?” Luffy asks, head tilting in puzzlement. He doesn’t remove his arm from beside you and if you were to sidestep to get further away from his limb, you’d only be crowding into Zoro’s space.
“I was trying to get out of your way,” you answer honestly, “let you two be closer, or something.”
Luffy’s lip downturns. “You don’t want to be closer?”
You blink. Then, “Bit weird, is all.” You’re trying not to read too much into his words; take him at face value, don’t assume his intentions.
“What’s weird about you being closer?” Luffy leans forward—trying to prove his point, or out of interest, you’re not sure.
Regardless, you inch away, back of hitting the wall. Your shoulders brush against Zoro’s. You spare a glance at him, but he only watches, face impassive. You let out a small breath, once again cursing the small enclosement you’re trapped in. “I don’t—This is—” Your voice is getting smaller and smaller.
“Relax,” Zoro says.
“I am relaxed,” you fire back.
He makes a sceptical noise. 
With how close he is to you, it wouldn’t take that much effort to elbow him in the ribs, so you take advantage of that and do so, earning a grunt. “Fuck off.”
As you settle back against the wall, you realise; you’re calmer. Less nervous than you had been before.
Son of a bitch.
You’re barely able to hide the smile that rises to your lips; somehow, Zoro grew to know you. But he’s right—if you’re going to be stuck here for the next hour or so, you shouldn’t be so tense about it. “You guys don’t have claustrophobia, do you?” you inquire, suddenly realising that this wouldn’t be an ideal situation if they did. 
“What’s claustrophobia?” Luffy’s nose scrunches in confusion.
Zoro shuffles, like he’s shrugging. “Afraid of Santa Claus.”
A laugh startles out of you at the answer and you cover your mouth to muffle yourself.
“Oh,” Luffy says, sincere. “No.”
You shake your head. “That’s not what it means,” you manage to say in between giggles.
“What do you mean?” Zoro presses, the same time Luffy asks, “What’s so funny?”
“Wait.” Newfound chuckles linger in your throat and you turn your head to face Zoro. “Is that—Do you really think that’s what that means?”
Zoro blinks at you, lips pressing into a thin line. “Well—I don’t anymore.”
“No-no,” you beg, grabbing his arm. “I’m not making fun of you.”
“Ya-huh.” Zoro is doubtful, and you don’t blame him because you’re still laughing. “Can definitely feel you’re not.”
“What does it mean, then?” Luffy implores, leaning into your space. 
You smile at him, quick huff of breath escaping your nostrils. “Afraid of small spaces.”
“Ah.” Luffy nods. “So, Zoro was stupid.”
“Shut up!” Zoro hisses, leaning across you to smack Luffy’s arm.
You can’t help but laugh at their antics, chest tightening as your breath sticks in your chest because you’re not taking in enough air. You try to be quiet about it, not wanting to alert the Marines.
“You didn’t even know what it meant,” Zoro snaps. 
“But I didn’t get it wrong!” Luffy fires back. “Hey.” He batters your arm to get your attention. “Zoro’s stupid, right?” 
You try to stifle your laughs, but to no avail. You shake your head, making a cutthroat motion with your hand to let them know you can’t be a part of this conversation. 
It takes another couple minutes for you to collect yourself, especially when Zoro and Luffy start to silently wrestle with each other, doing more harm to themselves when they crash their own elbows and knees into the walls instead of each other. 
“I have another question,” Luffy pipes when you’re taking a final, big breath. 
“Uh-huh?” you croak, wiping the tears from your eyes. 
“Who’s Santa Claus?” 
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As it turns out, the Log Pose needed three hours before it recalibrated to the next island. When Nami’s call comes through, you can’t rush out of the alley quick enough. The restlessness of being trapped for so long resulted in absolute chaos as soon as the three of you were spotted by the Marines.
It’s not like you guys were trying to be found.
It’s not like you were trying to be subtle about your presence, either.
Needless to say, the number of injured Marines who were there before you arrived, compared to the number after was… drastically different.
You’re stretching out in the sun, enjoying the warm rays you’re able to catch, now that you aren’t in a dark alley filled with cold bricks. After telling Sanji you hadn’t had breakfast, and then later weren’t able to buy anything during lunch ‘for the sake of the crew,’ he’d whipped up something quick and somewhat light, so you’d still have room for dinner in a couple hours. You’d finish the last bite ages ago, but the sun feels too nice to leave, so your empty plate sits on the table. 
A shadow falls over you and you open your eyes, brows raising as Zoro rattles a plate onto the table. He pushes the first plate to the side before placing another next to it.
Luffy comes bounding over with empty bowls and spoons.
“You guys hungry too?” you yawn.
Zoro huffs in amusement. “When isn’t he?”
You chuckle. Then, after noticing how they’re more relatively cleaned up than usual, you pry, “Is this something special?”
“A date,” Zoro says, blunt.
“Ah.” You know a dismissal when you hear one. You stand, taking your plate to clear up more space for them. “Alright, I’ll get out of your way.”
In the distance, you hear a squeal before it’s muffled and a small crash. You turn to look at the level above, where you’re sure you heard the noise, but you don’t see anyone or anything there. You narrow your eyes, turning back to Zoro and Luffy. “Uh, have fun,” you say, departing for the kitchen.
(Zoro and Luffy watch you leave, eyes tracking as the door closes behind you. Luffy pouts, gaze forlornly drifting to the three bowls stacked on each other. Zoro groans, tilting his head back to the sky.
“How can someone be so stupid?” he muses.
Usopp tears Nami’s hand from his mouth and they jump out from their hiding spots, vaulting over the railing to join their Captain and first mate on the lower deck.
“What was that?” Nami hisses.
“Hey, keep it down,” Zoro grouses.
“What did you guys say?” Usopp accuses.
“Nothing!” Luffy protests. “Zoro said it was a date, and then—” He gestures towards the kitchen where you’ve disappeared into.
Nami stares at the both of them, their brows furrowing as they sit in their misery; Zoro on the beach chair you’d just vacated, and Luffy on the ground. Patient as a saint, she pulls in a deep breath. “Did you say it was a three person date?”
Zoro sits up, as Luffy turns to look at him.
A beat.
“No,” they both answer.
Usopp growls something that sounds more like squeal. “Are you—?”
“Keep it down!” Zoro hisses, pulling the sniper to the ground before his voice can escalate any louder.
Usopp lands with a grunt, effectively silenced. “Why are you both so stupid?” he bemoans.
“It was Zoro!” Luffy defends himself.
“Oi!” Zoro kicks at Luffy’s leg.
“Lord have mercy,” Nami sighs.)
Sanji looks up, wide eyes blinking owlishly when he sees you. “Uh…” He pauses in cutting the onion. “Why are you here?”
You throw a thumb over your shoulder, back out to the deck. “Zoro and Luffy are having a date.”
“Uh-huh?” he responds slowly.
“They set up at my table—I mean, I don’t know why ‘cos there’s like, two other tables out there, but, y’know.” You shrug, trying to be nonchalant, but you’re too annoyed; they didn’t have to kick you out so rudely.
It hurts a little, you have to admit to yourself. Especially after hanging out with them in the alley. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it wasn’t the worst, either. You had fun together, or so you thought.
“Wait, so what’d they say?” Sanji asks. “Exactly?”
You furrow your brows, heading to the sink to wash your plate. “That it was a date.”
“And that was it?”
“Yeah.” You rinse the soap off and place it on the dish rack.
“And they didn’t ask you anything.”
“Uh.” You wipe your hands on a towel, heading back to the counter. “No. What would they ask?”
Sanji looks about this close to bursting out in laughter.
“What?” you implore, thrown off by his expression.
He shakes his head, bowing his head to resume the prep work for dinner. “Nothing,” he sings, mirth underlying his tone. “What a bunch of priceless idiots.”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing,” he repeats.
“You gonna stay to help?” He tries to redirect your attention, easily grabbing a knife from the wooden block set and placing it on the counter, handle to you.
You huff. “Not if you’re hiding stuff from me.”
“I’m not hiding—” At your pointed look, he shrugs. “Okay, maybe, yeah,” he relents. “But, trust me,” he says beseechingly, “this isn’t something you want to hear from me.”
“You know you're leaving me with more questions, right?”
He scrapes the minced onions into a mixing bowl. “I don’t think I should say anything.”
The door opens at the end of his sentence and you peek over your shoulder, fully swivelling around in your chair when you see that it’s Luffy and Zoro. They enter the kitchen, letting the door shut behind them.
It’s silent.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, trying to sound casual.
“We weren’t clear,” Luffy says.
“Uh.” You look between the two of them, trying to figure out what conversation just got dropped into your lap. “About what?”
“Not in here,” Sanji begrudges.
“Shut it, Cook,” Zoro snaps.
“You are running out of favours, mosshead.”
“You can shove your—”
“Zoro!” Luffy whacks his arm into Zoro’s stomach.
Zoro actually looks ashamed, clenching his teeth together.
Sanji sighs. “Fine.” He takes off his apron and drapes it over a chair as he passes by. “Don’t touch anything,” he warns.
Zoro and Luffy turn to watch him leave, waiting until the door swings shut before rounding back to you.
“I don’t understand what’s happening.” You decide to speak up first, laying out your level of awareness.
“The date was supposed to be with you,” Luffy says.
You blink. “What?”
“The date—outside; you’re supposed to be there too.”
“Because we want you there,” Zoro states.
“And you want to be there, too,” Luffy adds.
You purse your lips. “I don’t want to third wheel—plus!” you yell when they open their mouths to interrupt you. “Dates don’t really include friends.”
“Not as a friend.” Luffy steps forward, stands in front of the chair you’re sitting on.
“What?” you ask, voice weak.
Luffy holds onto the chair on both sides of you, caging you against the counter and him. “Not as a friend,” he repeats. “We want you there on the date—as a date.”
You forget how to breathe, chest flooding with a tightness that almost hurts with every heartbeat. It’s fast, your heart thud, thudding away in your ears.
They want to date you.
They want to date you, too.
You’re not alone in your feelings for them.
‘We want you there,’ Zoro had said. ‘And you want to be there, too,’ Luffy had claimed.
He knew.
He knew.
Luffy says something, mouth opening in silent syllables that you don’t hear above your own thoughts.
You should probably answer him, ask him to repeat. But you lean forward, clutching his vest in your fist to pull him in and meet you halfway in a kiss.
Luffy groans into your mouth, wrapping his arms around your waist as he kisses back, searing and desperate and filled with so much affection that your heart bubbles away under your tongue. He’s almost leaning you back onto the counter with how much he’s pushing himself onto you.
When you part, he pulls you back upright onto the seat, breathing heavily. He laughs, pecks your lips again.
You smile in return at his joy.
You kissed him. You kissed Luffy, and he kissed you back.
Luffy looks over to the door and you follow suit.
Zoro is still standing at the entrance, watching.
You swallow thickly, disappointment swirling in your gut because you don’t know what he’s feeling or thinking, but if it was something positive, he’d be more reactive, right? You pull your hands away from Luffy, clasping them in your lap. “You’re okay with this?” you ask him, voice quiet.
“I’m okay with it.” You can’t really pierce through his tone to know what he’s thinking.
“What about us?” you inquire. Zoro had become one of your best friends, and like Luffy, you’d developed a crush on him too. You’d hate for your new relationship with Luffy to erode your previous friendship with Zoro because he got jealous.
“What about us?”
If there was ever a time to define a relationship, it would be now, right? “Do we…” You clear your throat, shaking away the nerves.
Luffy slides a hand into yours, and, somehow, that gives you the courage you need.
“Do we get to kiss, too?” you question, hesitant.
Zoro tilts his head to the side. “Is that what you want?”
“Is that what you want?” you parrot back.
Zoro smirks. In seconds, he crosses the distance, hand cupping the side of your cheek.
Your heart flails wildly in your throat.
“Yes,” he whispers, and he brings your lips to his. He kisses you just as hungrily and passionately as Luffy did, thumb sliding across your jaw.
Your heart jumps into your throat and you gasp in a breath, only for him to dig deeper, tongue flicking against yours. You moan, a quiet noise that he swallows into his chest.
Warm lips attach to your neck and you almost choke, squeal of surprise sticking in your throat.
Zoro chuckles into your mouth, humming as he breaks away from you, kissing softly behind your jaw.
You’re panting softly, eyes rolling back as Luffy sucks on your skin. Your head feels cloudy, chest so full and light at the same time, heart beating so loudly you’re not sure how it hasn’t exploded out of your ribcage.
This is real.
This is happening.
“So, about that date,” you breathe, slotting your hand under Luffy’s jaw and lifting him off your neck.
“Fuck the date,” Zoro growls into your ear. He nips your earlobe.
You barely have time to react to that before someone slides their hand on your thigh, boldly going up higher and higher until their fingers rest just below your crotch. You groan, inhaling a quick breath.
Luffy grins at your reaction and you know it’s his hand. “Why don’t we get out of here?” he suggests. “And make you make more noises?”
Oh, shit. Eyes widening, you nod vigorously. “Yep, yeah.”
They pull away, Luffy sliding you off the chair before you all exit the kitchen together.
The cool air of the evening breeze washes over your hot skin. Usopp, Nami and Sanji are lounging around the now-deemed ‘date’ table and they look over when the door opens.
“Up there,” Zoro says, nodding his head to the crow’s nest.
Luffy pulls you along with him with such urgency that Usopp straightens his back.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
Luffy doesn’t respond, already climbing the ladder.
“Uh,” you start, stumbling after him.
“Don’t interrupt us,” Zoro suggests. “We wanna be left alone.”
“Oh,” Usopp says. Then, “No! I didn’t need to know that!”
“You asked, dummy.” Zoro waits for you to get higher on the ladder before he starts to ascend.
“Because I didn’t know!” Usopp wails.
Luffy has already reached the landing. Rather than wait for you to complete the climb, he stretches down and wraps an arm around you, pulling you off the ladder.
You yelp, flailing as he pulls you up. “Luffy!”
“Also,” Zoro continues, “you might not want to be near here; we’re probably gonna be loud.”
“Shut up!” Usopp screams, cheeks reddening.
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