#especially since the both of them are so emotionally constipated
kaeyapilled · 1 year
wheres that post thats like. ragbros reconciliation content needs more screaming and yelling at each other. whoever said that you are SO right
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rileyslibrary · 7 months
Okay okay but hear me out- reader gets assigned on their first solo mission by Price and Ghost is inwardly concerned for them and keeps subtly giving tips to reader about the basics of any mission as way to prepare them
Hi, anon and thank you for requesting this! I made some minor adjustments to the original idea since I got lost in the process once I began writing. Reader is also fully aware of Ghost’s concerns and messes with him.
Fluffy, the usual banter, an emotionally constipated Ghost, yada yada. Enjoy!
“Again,” Ghost murmurs as he shuffles through the row of tactical knives on the table. He decides on one, picks it up and walks towards you. “What is this?” He asks.
You look up from tying the laces of your boots and redirect your attention at him. He either believes you’re an idiot or doesn’t trust you enough. Either way, it’s not a good sign.
“Good question, Lieutenant,” you reply. “What you’re holding in your hands is a knife. Knives were one of the earliest tools used by humanity to-”
“Cut it out.”
“That’s correct!” you exclaim. “You mainly use one of those to cut stuff.”
A long sigh escapes him, and he throws his head up. He lowers the knife and walks towards the table, scratching the back of his balaclava with the other hand. He takes a few breaths, turns around and lifts the knife again.
“That’s not what I’m asking, and you know it.” He growls. “What kind of knife is it?”
“A sharp one.”
“Stop it.”
“You mean stab it?” you ask and continue tying your laces. “Yes. Yes, you can definitely stab with it.”
He throws the knife onto the table and leans on a chair, holding it with both hands. His brows are tied together, and you can see his jaw tightening beneath the balaclava.
“I need you to focus.” He says firmly. “This is not the right time for jokes.”
You stand up and walk towards him, now standing by his side. You grab his shoulder and squeeze it. He doesn’t budge, yet he slowly shakes his head.
“You’re worried.” You state.
“I’m not worried.” He replies. “I don’t know what Price was thinking; the stakes are too high for this to be your first solo mission.”
“So you don’t trust me.”
“Of course I trust you.” He says and lets go of the chair. “It’s just too dangerous for you to go alone.”
“So you are worried.” You whisper with a smirk.
He looks at you with the side of his eye and picks up a map from the table. He spreads it out in front of him.
“Alright,” he says, “let’s go over the route again.”
“Got it,” you nod. “So, what’s the plan?”
“What do you mean, ‘what’s the plan?’” He shouts, turning to look at you with wide eyes. “We’ve been through this-”
“-a hundred times now.” You interrupt. “Yet you still want to go over it again and again and again and again.”
“I just need you to be ready.”
“I am ready!”
“Then go on,” he says, pushing the map towards you, “what’s the plan?”
“Alright,” you begin, pointing to a door on the eastern side of the facility. “I’ll start here, at the service entrance. It’s not heavily guarded since they mainly use it for their occasional smoke breaks.”
“But you’ll still need to be cautious,” He adds.
You ignore his remark and continue to outline the route.
“From there,” you say, moving your finger along a series of corridors, “I’ll make my way through the maintenance tunnels. They’re narrow and dark but should provide good cover from security patrols.”
“And when you reach the central hub,” Ghost continues, pointing to a large room at the heart of the facility, “you’ll need to be especially careful since that’s where the security is the tightest. There’s only one entry point, so once you get to this door you should-”
He slowly turns towards you and gives you a side-eye. “You’re not taking this seriously,” he whispers.
“On the contrary, Lieutenant,” you jest. “I’m deadly serious.”
“Deadly serious?” he scoffs and shakes his head. “You might end up seriously dead if you don’t pay attention.”
You roll your eyes and let out a sigh.
“When I get close to that door,” you say, pointing at the map, “I’ll wait for Soap and Gaz to manipulate the security systems and set off the alarms. Once the commotion is at its highest, I’ll infiltrate the hub, collect the intel, and escape through the ventilation shafts.”
“Right,” he says and folds the map. “Do you have everything you need?”
You turn your attention to yourself, checking your tactical vest, and he does the same. His eyes scan over every piece of equipment on you. He walks around you, tracing his fingers along the edges of your gear, checking for any signs of damage. He reaches out to adjust a loose strap on your vest, ensuring it’s securely fastened.
“You need to make sure everything is secure,” he says as he continues to search each pocket and pouch on you, ensuring that your supplies are well-stocked and easily accessible. “We can’t risk losing any essential gear during the mission.”
You follow him with your eyes and smirk as he inspects you. “Is that what worries you?” You ask. “Losing gear?”
He pauses for a second and meets your eyes. “You know what I mean,” he says as he tightens a buckle on your waist. He takes a few steps back and nods. “Everything looks good,” he concludes.
“Alright,” you nod back and walk towards the door. “Let’s do this.”
“Stay sharp out there!” he shouts.
“Yeah, yeah,” You shout back as you exit the briefing room, “sharp like a knife!”
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sashisuse · 4 months
okay so what we’re not going to do is villainize shoko.
jjk 261 spoilers, thoughts, and a brief analysis of shoko. (and touching on some sashisu stuff. more specifically the sash part.)
i see a lot of people bashing her for not having a reaction to the body swapping plan and that satoru was like ‘i’m mostly surprised shoko didn’t object’ SO. here’s what i’ve got to say.
shoko didn’t object because she was fully under the belief that satoru was going to win. that it wasn’t going to happen. it was literally the worst worst worst WORST case scenario. she had SO MUCH faith in satoru.
let’s rewind back to the shibuya arc. what we knew about shoko at that time regarding her use of cigarettes was that she had quit five years (iirc) prior to those events. her smoking habits literally revolve around satoru’s wellbeing.
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mind you this was after she and yaga learned satoru had been sealed. she heard the news and immediately began smoking. why? because shoko is a person who masks her emotions and she does it well. she’s not the type of woman to break down in tears. she’s going to hide it and instead light up a cigarette.
we saw this with her interaction with suguru. she acted very nonchalant about his defection and the massacre he committed on the village and his parents. but when we fast forward ten years and go to jjk0, it’s made abundantly clear that she still cares about him. during the meeting where yaga declares they’re going to kill suguru — i’m pretty sure his words were ‘exorcise the curse that is geto suguru’ or something along those lines — shoko leaves. she flat out walks out. and during the night parade of 100 demons, we have a moment where see the most emotion out of shoko that we have for the majority of the series. she’s angry. she’s hurt. she has these thoughts of something along the lines of like ‘you sure made a mess for us’ regarding suguru. and it’s especially prominent because it’s the first time we’ve ever seen her like this and only time. the closest we get to seeing that again is during the sukuna fight.
she literally cares so much but she’s just emotionally constipated and doesn’t know how to show it 😭 it’s an issue both she and satoru have. they deflect. they mask. they move on and yet the carry it with them somewhere deep inside them.
so we go back forward to satoru and sukuna’s fight. where we do see emotion from shoko but what’s most important to note is the panels she’s in. when they focus on her, she’s either smoking a cigarette, lighting a cigarette up, or we see her surrounded by cigarette butts.
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we see her genuinely fearful at this point. she had full confidence that satoru was going to win. that’s why she said ‘do what you want’ and didn’t object. because in her mind, it wouldn’t happen.
it’s very important to remember that sashisu, whether you see it in a romantic or platonic way, was a group that cared so fucking deeply for one another. their bonds were deep. their love for their found family was deep. it’s part of the reason why suguru defected in the end. which i can get it into but not at this time. but at the end of the day, sashisu had ass communication skills and failed to properly understand one another.
and that seems to continue on with the satoshoko side of that, which was left after suguru left. and after he died.
also, it’s really important to remember that shoko is not like satoru and suguru. she’s a healer. that’s it. that’s all she does. she doesn’t get to fight or be on the front lines like they do. she’s the one who gets to wait behind and wait until the damage is done to do her job. she’s been doing this since she was (probably) 15, maybe even younger since we don’t know her backstory. she’s going to be emotionally detached. also, keep in mind this page:
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specifically her first piece of dialogue. ‘it’s more like we have to do it.’
and that’s the bottom line.
whew. this was rough. shoko ieiri you will always be loved by me.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
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Some meetings are nothing but fleeting coincidence- others are what we call fate.
Tags/Warnings: Dragonblood!Prince!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Angst, Some fluff if you squint?, Jungkook is emotionally constipated oops
Length: 4.8k Words
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
It’s been a long time since you’ve been put in your cell, and yet, you don’t provide the castle guards with any answers they might seek.
The straw pinches and picks at your skin, but it’s warm and soft whenever you sleep. The food you receive is barely enough to fill you, but it keeps you alive, and gives you something to do during the day. The only sunlight you get is from a small, barred up opening far up on the back wall of your cell- one of many, placed in rows, but always with a wall in between each cage to separate the prisoners. Isolate them.
Today, it’s raining.
Two guards enter the hall underground you’re in, opening your cell. “looks like you’ll get a shower.” One chuckles, before he puts the shackles around your wrists, tugging you out by the chain that connects them to one another. This is also not new. Sometimes, they’ll put you out in the snow, or the wind, or today- the rain.
But you’ve got nothing to say.
The light stings your eyes as you can hardly see, stumbling more than walking after the guard who chains your hands to a large, wooden construct meant to hold onto the chain from your shackles. “Maybe it’ll wash the grime off.” The guard jokes to the one next to him, before he leaves your already shivering body behind.
As your eyes adjust to the brightness, you look up- finally able to see the flying dragons above clearly, their wings keeping them circling in the skies, colors mixing.
This is why you’re here.
Dragons are seen as dangerous, wild and violent creatures that humanity needs to be protected from. Therefore, dragon eggs and nests need to be reported, and any sightings too- so when you failed to do so, and even offered a once injured beast shelter, you’ve made yourself an enemy to the kingdom.
Especially because you refuse to reveal where it went after you’ve nursed it back to health.
And you will continue to stay quiet, because you know that dragons aren’t the vile beings they’re made out to be. No- the real beasts are the humans here, who enslave their own people just for choosing to help an injured creature that’s not of the same kind.
This isn’t fair.
And if that is what life is all about- you don’t want it.
They throw a young man into the cell right next to yours, where you’re still laying on the floor, still recovering from the rain and cold from yesterday.
He can’t be just a normal human being- the jewelry he still wears on his face and ears distinctive, just like the ink beneath his skin. He’s probably one of the dragonblood people.
He watches you for a good while, before he actually speaks, quietly so. “what did you do?” He asks, and your eyes look at him from where you’re laying on the floor near the hay.
“…I hid a dragon from the kingdom.” You answer just as quietly, eyes closing again.
“Why?” the young man asks.
“Because it.. was hurt.” You simply offer the truth.
“Did they survive?” He questions further, and you nod, a smile tugging on your lips.
“Can you hear them?” the man asks, but you shake your head.
“I’m not one of them.” You answer. “I’m just.. human.” You tell him, and he falls quiet again.
Having nothing more to say.
Today, they’ve taken you both out again. Him in the cage, you chained up near him, hands bound by shackles attached to a wooden post.
It’s nighttime, and they’ve not yet taken you back inside like usual.
“You cannot hear them..” Comes a voice from the side, the young man turned towards you, the fire of a nearby torch reflecting off of his dark eyes. You nod- he’s most likely been imprisoned for a reason regarding dragons as well. “and yet you helped them?”
You shrug, which is barely noticeable amongst your shaking body. “..it felt unfair t-to leave it and l-let it be captured.” You admit to him. “E-everything was fine.” You say, and he just watches you, only a few larger dragons now left in the skies above. “but- b-but then I fought with my brother. And so he wrote a letter t-to the court.” You giggle, remembering the poor writing of his. Frankly, you couldn’t write at all- but still. For someone who thinks so highly of himself such as your brother, he sure lacks in every task and talent.
“What did you fight about?” the young man wonders.
“H-he had told me I had t-to leave the house we inherited from our p-parents, because he’d found a potential woman for himself.” You say. “A-and I told him to at least let me stay in the c-cabin close by.” You explain, voice stammering due to the cold. “He said I couldn’t. So we fought. Because.. I had nowhere else to go.” You admit. “I was scared.”
The young man is silent at that.
“can you hear them?” You ask, eyes closed as you hear his own chains move around with him as he adjusts his sitting position.
“I can.” He tells you, and you smile.
“Do you think they know?” You wonder, an open question he interprets as you asking if they know of your past actions for them. “maybe t-that’s why they’re above..” you figure, and it’s quiet for a moment.
“They know.” He tells you, and you nod, accepting that answer. He’s most likely just trying to comfort you, and you appreciate that. Your shivering slowly stops, and you know it’s not a good sign.
“I’m glad.” You say to him, tension leaving your body as you open your eyes again- surprised to see him look at you still, but his gaze doesn’t unsettle you like it does the guards. Maybe because to you, he’s an equal. He’s just as much in this situation as you are.
“Hold on a bit longer.” He says, and you’re not sure what he means by that- when suddenly, something crashes down, sky darkening as it fills with dragons, fire filling up the ground for a moment as one of them shields the young man from the guards approaching. He’s saying something, you’re not sure what- as his cage is torn and bent apart, steel unable to hold it’s shape against the claws of the beasts claiming the skies and mountains as theirs.
A dark brown dragon approaches you, bites at the chains of your shackles, before they break and have you released- body falling to the wet ground, where it is picked up by hands to be placed on the back of the beast.
You’re not very aware what happens. You just feel cold- and oddly warm, all at the same time.
When you wake up, you’re warm- and also, not alone.
There’s multiple little.. animals? All laying on the blankets that cover you- and as you look closer, you realize they’re young dragons. “Oh, you’re awake.” A man says, noticing your opened eyes. ��I was worried you might need more time. My name is Seokjin.” He offers, before adjusting a pillow. “You’re.. somewhere safe. That’s all you need to know for now.” He kindly offers, when the door opens.
“Oh, she’s up.” The other man says, politely nodding towards you. “I’ll tell the kitchen that she’ll eat too?” He asks, and Seokjin nods.
“But only some soup for now, the same as the others we took in.” He explains. “and yes, that includes Jungkook. Make sure he doesn’t steal anything from the kitchen.” He says, as the man chuckles and leaves. “That was Taehyung, by the way. He’s mainly responsible for the young hatchlings- but he’s also in charge of handling the new Hiwerns we took in.”
“…Hiwern?” You wonder, and Seokjin nods.
“yes. Hiwerns- are you not one?” he wonders as be helps you sit up. “Jungkook didn’t tell us much about you, so I assumed you were- despite you being rather.. small.” He says, and only now do you notice how tall he is.
“Jungkook?” you ask, unsure. “the.. other prisoner?” You ask, and Seokjin smiles.
“Yes. He was taken after he got caught off guard.. but we all know what the prince is like.” He laughs, making your eyes widen. “Wait.. you.. seem confused.”
“I am.” You say. “I’m not.. I don’t know anything about a.. prince?” You question, when someone walks in-
The man you remember.
“Jin, why do I need to keep eating soup- oh.” He notices, looking at you before his face becomes more gentle. “Hello. It’s good to see you up.”
“She’s a bit confused.” Seokjin says, as Jungkook nods.
“I figured.” He simply sighs. “I’ll talk to you later. I’d like to talk to her alone right now.” He requests, and Seokjin leaves, while Jungkook stays behind to sit on the edge of your bed.
He looks different. Skin clean, and dressed in clearly well made clothes- fit for a prince, like Seokjin had mentioned. “ask away. You must have many questions judging by the way you look.” Jungkook says, and you look to the little dragon hatchling that curls up near your legs, continuing to sleep.
“Hiwern.” You begin. “What.. is that?” You wonder.
“I’m a Hiwern. So is he, and almost everyone else here.” He simply replies. “Hiwerns are.. people who have dragon blood inside of them. We’re like.. descendants of the more traditional dragons, so to say. That’s why we can hear them, and speak their language.” He offers as an explanation. “that’s a very simplified version of it all. But you don’t need to know much more than that.” Jungkook says.
“…and you’re a prince?” You ask a bit more hesitant, and he nods.
“I am. At least, for the Hiwern people.” He shrugs. “for your people I’m nothing more than a monster.” He says, and you shamefully look down.
“What.. what is going to happen to me?” You wonder, and he just smiles as he gets up, hissing a bit probably due to his injuries he sustained while captured.
“You’ll heal. After that, we’ll bring you back to your people.” He reassures you, as he opens the door to let Seokjin back inside-
Leaving you with a dark wish to never heal at all.
The snow is deep, as you and Jungkook walk through the woods in the mountains together.
You’re humming a song that catches his attention, making him turn to look at you over his shoulder. “how do you know this song?” He questions.
“My mother hummed it often. I just.. picked it up.” You answer a bit hesitant. “I can stop if you want..” you say, but he shakes his head.
“its no problem.” He answers. “your voice is.. soothing to listen to.”
“What is.. the song about?” You ask, awkwardly asking your questions because you don’t want to overstep a line- but this is a unique opportunity to satisfy some curiosity you’ve always had.
“The song of the daughter.” He answers. “it’s.. a tale of the first Hiwern daughter of the mountains.” Jungkook explains. “according to.. tales, there were once four daughters born from a dragon mother. One in the mountains, one near the sea, one in the desert, and one in the woods.” He recites. “and they gave their gift of dragonblood to their children, and so on. That’s how.. we apparently came to be. Sons and daughter’s born and travelled, and we eventually formed our own society.” He shrugs.
“So.. there’s Hiwerns all over the world?” You ask, and he nods.
“But since the royal families have made the act of dragon-speech illegal, we have been hiding.” He explains. “where is.. your family?” Jungkook asks as he walks further down the mountains with you.
“My mother was hung a few years ago, for.. the same thing I was supposed to be hung for.” You say, walking next to him. “but.. they didn’t hang me, because they wanted me to tell them where the dragon went.” You explain. “so they could find the nest.”
Jungkook stays quiet for a while, before he speaks again. “You said you have a brother?” Jungkook asks, and you nod.
“I was living with him after my mother died. Until.. he sent a letter out that exposed what I’d done.” You say.
“He’s a human too, I assume?” Jungkook wonders, and you nod your head.
“though we are only somewhat blood related. We have the same father, but not the same mother.” You tell him. He nods, quietly, before he walks further.
“this is as far as I’ll take you.” He says, before offering the bag to you. “There’s rations in here, and something to help you on your way.”
“You didn’t have to do that.” You tell him, but he shakes his head.
“take it as.. me repaying the kindness you’ve shown before.” He offers. Under different circumstances, he would’ve let you stay with him- but he can’t simply trust a kind face and gentle hands in times like these.
You’re still human. And humans can’t be trusted.
So you nod your goodbye, quietly, as you walk away from him and towards an uncertain future-
Leaving the prince with a slightly bitter taste on his tongue.
Jungkook knows what the dragons are doing just a few days after you left- but that doesn’t mean he quite understands their reasons for doing it.
Sure, you’ve helped a young dragon in the past. And sure, you’ve been very sweet to the hatchlings too for the very short time you’ve been here. But why do all dragons seem to have this.. strange interest in you?
“You seem in thought.” Namjoon asks, as he places his books back into their respective spots in his library.
“I am.” Jungkook’s responds, looking out the window. “There’s.. do the dragons seem to be acting.. strange to you?” He asks, and Namjoon turns around to face him.
“..You’re talking about her.” He says, and Jungkook nods.
“They’re not very clear in their reasoning as to why they seem so interested in her.” Jungkook says. “and it’s most certainly neither prey drive nor distrust.”
“Its curiosity.” Namjoon finishes, as he puts another book between two others to keep them all in order. “Maybe because she’s living out in the open. From what I’ve heard, she’s not gone to any villages yet.”
“No.” the prince denies. “they.. almost watch over her.” He shakes his head, arms crossed. “Feann keeps flying over the area she currently resides in. And Gowren apparently keeps her company at night.” He explains, remembering the things he’s heard from the wild dragons of the area. “But they refuse to tell me their reasons as to why.”
“protectiveness. Interesting, considering she’s got no Hiwern blood.” Namjoon agrees with the prince’s suspicion. “they should naturally be wary of her- but if you remember, the hatchlings didn’t mind her either.” He offers.
You definitely spoke the truth when claiming that you were human, that much he knows. So why this interest in you?
“Maybe you could send out someone to check up on her.” Namjoon says. “I know this is making you nervous.”
“I probably have to.” Jungkook agrees. “I don’t want them to become too friendly with a human. The younglings might misunderstand, and lose their natural fear of humans.” He worries, and Namjoon nods.
“How about you send out Hoseok? Yoongi might be human, but he would most likely just intimidate her.” He proposes. “and, Hoseok is faster.”
“You’re right.” Jungkook nods. “thank you.” He nods,
Walking out the library to find the man in question right away.
“Oh.” You say, spotting Hoseok walking towards you. You’ve seen him before, fleetingly, but you can remember faces well.
“You’ve come fairly far.” The man tells you, before he nods politely, and sets down a small bag of things. “these are sent by Seokjin.” He informs you, and you accept the bag that’s filled with some foods for you to eat, as well as a blanket.
“I- I’ll be out of the area soon, I promise.” You tell Hoseok. “I’m just.. not that fast.”
“There’s no need to rush, really-“ He starts, when suddenly, a young but large dragon clumsily makes its way down to instead almost.. shield you from the man?
“Huh?” you’re caught off guard, and mostly confused.
“This is.. something else.” Hoseok says, before he says something in a language you don’t understand- and you take it as a message to leave, as you slowly get up from your spot, to bury the remnants of the little fire you made, so you don’t draw too much attention to your existence. “where are you going?” Hoseok asks.
“Away.” You answer. “I’m not sure where to.. but I really don’t want to cause any problems for you or anyone else, really.” You explain yourself. “Prince Jungkook gave me the chance to be set free and start over- it would be ungrateful not to take it.” You tell him, and he nods.
It's not his place to question your actions.
And so he makes his way back, returns to the safety of his home and hidden town hidden by the high up mountains, where Namjoon already informs him that the prince wants to hear what he’s found right away.
“She gives her thanks. For the supplies I’ve given her- though I did not reveal the actual sender, like you told me to.” Hoseok says as he sits down with Jungkook, who’s just finished eating in his room.
“..was she well?” He asks, and the older Hiwern nods.
“She seemed fairly good given her situation.” He offers. “she is leaving the area as we speak.”
“I did not tell you to send her away.” Jungkook growls a bit argumentative, and Hoseok shakes his head.
“I know. It’s her choice she made herself.” He instead answers, though it doesn’t seem to pacify the prince very much. “why? She’s right in saying that it is for the best.”
“Id argue against that. Its for our best- but not hers.” Jungkook mumbles, understanding very well that you can’t just waltz back into the human towns as if nothing happened. You’re still wanted after all- and this time they won’t be so lenient, he’s sure of it.
“How come you’re so concerned, yet you sent her away?” Hoseok asks, curious. “We’ve taken Yoongi in, years ago. So it’s not like what she is could be the problem.” He almost teases.
“I don’t know.” Jungkook answers, leaning his chin on his hand. “I don’t.. I’m not sure about her.”
“You’re scared of a human?” the older dragonblood laughs, but the prince just rolls his eyes.
“it’s not fear. But.. uncertainty.” He admits instead. “The dragons are awfully attached. And so is my blood.” He says, referring to his inner dragon. “I’ve been.. dreaming of her.”
“Oh no, I’d rather not know.” Hoseok jokes.
“Trust me, I’d rather have simple desire filled visions than.. whatever it is that’s going on. If it was just sexual dreams I’d at least have a proper explanation as to what I’m supposed to do about it.” Jungkook shakes his head. “But instead, I just.. hear her sing.”
“Sing?” Hoseok wonders, interested.
“Humming, to be precise. The song of the Daughter.” The prince explains. “it keeps echoing in my head, and it’s quite frankly starting to drive me crazy.”
“And you think sending her away will help?” the older man asks without needing an answer. “it’s what you think you need to do, but what you actually need-“ hoseok stands up to place a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “-is an answer.”
“..You’re right.” The prince runs a hand over his face. “I’ll send out someone to find her, and bring her here. I can’t go on like this.” He says with frustration, before getting up to talk to Namjoon.
Maybe, sending Yoongi was not quite the brightest idea the prince has had.
Because Yoongi notices quickly, that despite being on horseback, there’s no catching you. He’s spotted you already, has called out to you- but just like a freshly hatched dragon youngling, you seem to have an ingrown fear of anything remotely human. And the distrust is also clear, as you do not seem to care about his explanation of being sent by the Hiwern prince himself.
He can’t blame you. A former slave himself, he knows that his own kind is never to be believed.
There’s no arguing with you, as you play a game of hide and seek it seems like, and in a way, it’s almost an exciting change of pace for the usual slow and steady life in the mountains. “Please stop-!” He calls out again as he spots you once more-
But you’re running. And by the dragons above, you’re fast.
His horse is trying to keep up, even through the trees and bushes, but you’re at an advantage as you jump and duck your way left and right, until you find yourself out in the open, a river flowing past in quick motion. You would’ve had to cross it either way. There’s no way around it.
“Don’t do that!” Yoongi warns, well aware of the slippery stones and strong current most likely becoming a death trap if underestimated- and you seem to do just that, as you make your way through, legs soaking up the cold water. “stop- you’ll get hurt!” He calls out once more, but you just glare at him-
A fire equal to a dragon’s breath in your eyes.
And then, you slip, and fall right into the water, making Yoongi lead his horse as fast as it can run next to the riverbed, to keep an eye on you as best as he can- but the moment you seem to lose consciousness, he knows he’s lost.
“fuck!” Yoongi curses, horse refusing to move m as a dragon dives down from above to help- body blocking the river for a moment to catch yours against it, giving Yoongi an opportunity to drag you out and into the nearby grass.
The silvery dragon watches intensely as Yoongi helps you cough up the water swallowed, while others swarm the skies as if they heard the commotion and came to see for themselves. “can you hear me? What hurts?” Yoongi asks, concerned but also annoyed- and you just shiver for the moment, seemingly accepting whatever fate might fall onto you.
The fellow human sighs, before he moves to his horse to fetch a blanket he packs for emergencies- wrapping it around you, before he helps you onto its back to bring you where Jungkook had requested you to.
He's holding onto you with one arm, your body leaning against his front as you sit in front of him. “…how will I die?” You ask with a hoarse voice.
He chuckles. “hopefully not at all.” He answers. “The prince will already scold me enough for having you fall into the river.”
You sleepily watch the dragons above follow hou both- and decide that you believe him.
“I’m sorry.” You apologize.
“no need.” The man denies. “I can understand. And I would’ve been just as wary if I was you.” He offers.
“Why.. do I have to go back?” You wonder. “did I do something wrong?”
“I’m not sure, but it’s nothing bad.” He reassures you, as he’s let through by the guards stationed a good while before the town begins. “you can sleep soon. Hold out a bit longer.” He requests, and you nod, trying hard to do just that.
But just as a concerned looking Hoseok and Seokjin help you down the horse, you can’t stay awake any longer.
“She’s still asleep.” Seokjin says, as Jungkook stands in front of the door to your room, as he’s been told.
“It is almost noon. I need to see her-“ the prince argues, but the older man shakes his head as he takes the hand from the door.
“She needs to rest first.” He urges.
“Rest?” Jungkook questions. “What happened?”
“According to Yoongi, she was scared and did not believe him when he told her he was sent by your request.” Jin explains. “She ran off, and fell into the river close to the south border of the woods. Qen helped- if she didn’t block the river and catch her, we most likely would’ve lost her.” He says.
Jungkook stares at the door.
“I’d like to see her, still.” He says, unsure why he feels this urge. He really should let you rest, but he at least wants to look at you, for reasons he’s not sure of.
“But do be quiet.” Seokjin sighs, as he opens the door to the room you’re sleeping in, a hatchling having entered from the window, sleeping soundly on your legs.
Jungkook walks in with stealth, not wanting to disturb your rest.
He stays near the door, not walking any closer, and it helps his ache quite a bit already to just see you sleep there. Like his mind if finally reassured again that you’re close by and taken care of, his chest feels lighter, not as constricted as before.
This is wrong.
The signs all point to one simple answer, and he knows it, as does Namjoon, and most likely Seokjin and Hoseok as well. But a connection like that can’t be, isn’t meant to work and shouldn’t be condoned nor explored by himself. You do not belong in his world, and neither does he belong into yours.
He has to fulfill his own blood’s final task, after all- bring a Hiwern child into this world, to keep his people alive for another generation. Something that only a hiwern Mother can do for him, as dragonblood is only given to the child by the mother, not the father.
He would betray his entire kind if he was to give into whatever this sick and twisted joke of nature is.
And he can’t do that, especially not as a prince. He’s got a duty to fulfill, he’s viewed as a leader and example. Anyone else would most likely be looked past- but not him. All eyes are on him, at all times.
He can’t do this.
So he instead makes his way out the door again, to find Namjoon and cut this bond before it can get any tighter.
“I do not care.” Jungkook argues, pacing from side to side in front of the window of his study, Namjoon sitting down with a troubled expression on his face. “Yoongis situation is not the same as mine. He will bring a Hiwern child into this world, I will not of I let this happen.” The prince argues.
“You don’t even know if she has any emotional connection to you.” Namjoon tries to explain. “If you would just take some time and-“
“And what? Let this bond grow until we both get hurt when we inevitably have to sever it?” The prince scoffs. “I will not be the reason my kind fails to survive.”
“You’re acting as if we’re on the brink of extinction..” Namjoon tells him. “What are you so scared of?” He worries, and Jungkook falls silent, as he looks outside the window.
“Of setting a wrong example.” He mumbles. “Even if the people accept it, what if it sets off a chain reaction I can’t control? Humans aren’t to be trusted, let alone get close to. The fear we teach our children has to stay intact.”
“And it will. Yoongi still can’t get close to any of the younger-“ Namjoon starts, but Jungkook snaps his head around, still upset.
“And yet she seems to be considered as a surrogate mother for the hatchlings. Namjoon, you’ve seen it too- I don’t know what sick joke they’re playing on me right now, but I can’t let this continue.” The prince says. “she will leave, after we separate the bond. And that’s final.”
“I hope you know that you’re asking a lot of me.” Namjoon lowly says, and Jungkook nods, serious.
“and if you can’t do it,” Jungkook says, before turning around again-
“Then I’ll find someone else who will.”
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐢 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
genre: angst, smut, romance, slow burn, mutual pining, secret relationship
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
word count: 6.1k
chapter summary: you and joel take your relationship to the next level.
warnings: themes of grief and loneliness, hurt/comfort, fluff, body painting, joel being a very lousy nude model, oral (male receiving), heavy petting, fingering, shower sex, edging, dirty talking
a/n: aaaaand we're BACK-- the hiatus is officially over and I am so ready to focus on this series. I've missed them so much and I hope you guys all did too 💗 also special thanks to @undercoverpena for cheering me on while I was writing this, love you to the moon and back bby xx
Chapter Eleven || Chapter Thirteen
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Loneliness had never been a stranger to you. You had your own brand of it, like a homemade fig preserve. Being so close with it, you’ve added something from yourself, and in return, it has branded your personality in such a way that it has become hard to think there was anything but. 
For the longest time that special brand of loneliness had been your closest friend. During adulthood, you noticed how tired you were of asking for people to be emotionally aware of your needs, your wants. You were tired of spelling it out for them. Your parents weren’t like you, neither was Auggie. No one around you was emotional like you were, so you learned to keep it locked tight in your heart. You cried at night. You smiled during the day. You felt off and weird when family members hugged you and wept on your shoulder, you dissociated. You’ve noticed this, especially at your grandfather’s funeral. He was gone and you hadn’t shed a tear among the dark black fabrics. 
Auggie knew you did this, but alas, it didn’t really matter. 
So when you found a family emotionally rich despite not having much, it came as a mild shock to you. Sarah didn’t have these issues. She didn’t care if she was emotional or not, or if what she said came off as needy. The only emotional constipation you noticed was between brothers, but even that didn’t stop them from addressing what they felt during an argument. 
You were no stranger to emotional outbursts. Reading a book and eyes welling before you could finish a sentence. 
Now, you feel less lonely thanks to Joel, Tommy, and Sarah, each filling a different gap in your withered soul. But even that doesn’t stop the old habit of sewing your mouth shut. 
You wake with a heavy weight on your chest. It’s still dark, the sky a dark shade of royal blue. It’s actually a beautiful night. However, your eyes are blind to it. Your skin is damp with sweat. If you saw a nightmare, you don’t remember what it was. You remember going to bed uncomfortable, Tommy’s sad eyes branded into your lids like tattoos you both want to and don’t want to get rid of. 
You gradually rise from the bed, the thin summer quilt sliding off your now cold body. You shudder. It had been a long time since you last felt this way. Empty and lonely. It always feels like you have to suffer through these emotions on your own, your need to smile through it more prominent than anything else. 
You smack your lips together, your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. You need water. Ice cold water. 
Going down the stairs you don’t think how dark it is, or how some particular shadows remind you of your childhood when you would wake up thanks to the jarring sound of mosquitos, looking for comfort downstairs where your grandparents were usually up. Fuck, your chest is even heavier now. The muscle in your chest more like a cannonball than heart. You’re hyper-aware of the way your chest rises and falls with every breath and quickly, you make your way to the kitchen. 
The light of the fridge momentarily blinds you but despite your burning irises you manage to wrap your fingers around the familiar handle of the old jug. You pour yourself a big glass and take small swallows.
A soft wind caresses the outer skeleton of the house. The shadows of leaves dance over the walls, again, a familiar sight that drags you back and makes you sick simultaneously. 
“You a’right there, sweetheart?” 
You jump at the sound of a voice deepened with sleep. Tommy is staring at you from the entrance, brows furrowed, the crease between them so much like his brother. Taking another small sip of water, you swallow and place the cold glass on the counter. 
“I’m fine,” you grit out, your voice leveled. “I’m sorry if I woke you up.” 
Before you know it, Tommy’s warm hands are on your face, cradling your cheeks. His thumbs move over your cheekbones, pressing and applying pressure over the bone. Your heart skips a beat. It takes you everything not to lean into his touch, to seek out that comfort only he could give. But you think of Joel, you think of him, and you stop yourself. If Tommy knew about you and Joel, if you were completely honest with him—an open book, you would’ve taken that comfort to yourself, not a worry in your heart but he doesn’t know and that alone makes your stomach clench with guilt. 
“You don’t look fine,” his hands slide down to your shoulders. “Was it a nightmare?” 
You blink heavily, your eyes locked on one another. Two broken people in a dark kitchen. It pains you that a nightmare is Tommy’s first guess. You wonder how many times he’d woken up to the faux scent of gunpowder and screams only to be comforted by the darkness of the ceiling. 
“Something like that. I. . sometimes forget that they’re gone,” your eyes drop to his chest. “And then I remember that no matter what, in the end, I’ll be lonely.” 
“Lonely?” he spits out the word, shocked, hurt and baffled. “What are you talkin’ about? You have Joel—You have me.” 
You know you do. You really do. But after years of going through it all alone, to see your friends have their own support systems and people to protect them, care for them, it’s hard to believe you’ve found your people. It’s hard to believe that years of solitude where you had to take care of yourself was over. Old habits die hard. Your heart shatters piece by piece. Your heart nothing but a heavy weight in your chest. You want to collapse, to scream, shout and cry. Salty tears sting the corner of your eyes. Suddenly you’re drowning in your past like it’s still your present, the thickness of it goes all the way up to your neck and you can’t breathe— 
“Hey—hey,” Tommy cups your cheeks, thumbs running down where tears would be but your skin is dry. “Come back to me, it’s a’right. I’ll always be with you, you know? Even if you move far away, I’ll always be a thorn in your ass.” 
You crack a smile and manage to nod, placing a hand over his own. You think a tear finally falls, maybe even two. You hate feeling like this. Hate it. Tommy doesn’t look convinced by your expression. 
“Do. . .do you want me to call Joel?” 
His words freeze you to the bone. Of course, he would ask that—Tommy Miller, always thoughtful, always putting others first. They both do. You even think to some extent Sarah does the same thing. All of them throwing themselves in front of a moving train in different ways. 
You don’t know if he’s noticed something. Or if he just thinks that Joel’s presence would be more soothing, since he’s used to relying on his older brother. 
Either way, you want him to know that he’s enough. 
And he’ll always be enough. 
You shake your head, “No,” he furrows his brows when you part your arms. “But I wouldn’t say no to a hug.” 
Strong arms sneak under your armpits and broad palms press against your back. Tommy pulls you incredibly close. Holds you indescribably tight. His scent fills your lungs. A bit of sweat mixed with a day-old deodorant. He smells nice. He always had. His skin is warm against your cheek and you smile widely this time but he doesn’t see. 
“Thank you, Tommy,” you whisper into the darkness. “I would be lost without you.” 
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“Are you sure you’re a’right?” 
“Yes, Joel.” 
“Hundred percent sure?” 
“Yes, sir,” you declare, your gaze fixed on Joel as you peer from the side of the canvas for a better look. “Now stand still.” 
Joel grumbles something inaudible and straightens his neck, attempting to keep his limbs as still as possible. Your eyes rove across his broad shoulders, the expanse of his chest, you take in the shadows that appear between every sinewy muscle and think about how to convey it into your painting. You still haven’t dared to look further down. Looking down means that you’ll definitely be distracted. 
You sketch a couple of lines that vaguely resemble his shape. You’ve missed painting nudes and when you mentioned it to Joel, he was eager to accept without actually realizing he had to stay still for a generous amount of time. 
“You should’ve called,” he grumbles. “I would’ve come straight over.” 
“I know,” you sigh. “But it was late, and Tommy was there.” 
He doesn’t say anything but you can sense his displease. 
“He’s my friend, Joel,” you answer, observing the thick contour of his neck. “And your brother.” 
“I know that. I just don’t like the idea of not being there for you.” 
“Tell him then,” you say a bit harshly. He doesn’t seem affected by your shift in tone. Another line joins the others. “If it was anything serious I would’ve called, hell, I would’ve come to you but it wasn’t that serious. I was just in a. . . mood.” 
“Tommy sure don’t think so.” 
You don’t say anything and focus on drawing the rest of his torso, he clicks his tongue in frustration, “I hate when you do this, you know.” 
You raise your eyebrows, “Do what?” 
“Downgrade your problems. It’s okay if you’re still grievin’. It’s okay if there are some things you’re still workin’ out. I just don’t want you to think you’re alone, I can be your rock, sweetheart. I’d be happy to.” 
“You are my rock, Joel—and keep still.” He huffs and straightens again, your lips twitching into a smile. “I’ll try to open up more. Promise. I do feel really lucky I have you. And Sarah—and Tommy. Some nights I just wake up feeling bad. Yesterday was just a bit more intense.” Joel grunts in approval and you add. “Also hasn’t Tommy heard of the phrase ‘snitches get stitches’?” 
“He wasn’t snitchin’,” he pouts, you want to take his bottom lip between your fingers and kiss him. “I actually asked how he was doin’ but he quickly brushed it off and told me about you instead.” 
“Of course, he did.” 
He nods but still seems wound up like a toy. His head drops a bit, the click of your tongue reminding him to keep still. 
Your eyes trace the contours of Joel’s body. He’s an excellent specimen, everything about him so human, so raw. Every freckle, every crinkle you want to eternalize onto your canvas. He’s not looking at you anymore. Eyes glued to the legs of the easel. You still haven’t fully taken in the sight of him. Sometimes you’re truly afraid of how strongly you feel for him, how much you’d be willing to lay down just to be with him. 
Honestly, a pocket of time would be ideal. That way you could spend eternity in this peaceful moment, living in bliss. 
You place the pencil down and walk up to him. His gaze is drawn to your once more, “Sorry, sweet tea, did I move again?” 
“Maybe a bit,” you lie, standing an inch away from his naked body. You press your thumbs against his cheekbones then slide them down, feeling the roughness of hair tickling your skin. His eyes flutter shut momentarily, before opening again. 
You don’t say a word. Time is still around you and you believe if you try hard enough this can be your forever. You trace the outer lines of his lips, then trace the seam. His lips part, a bit of tongue showing in between—you touch that too, shallowly dipping one finger before moving on to his neck, “To draw is to feel,” you muster, the ball of your thumb grazing firmly over his Adam’s apple. “Will you let me feel you?” 
“‘Course,” he chokes out. “Whatever you need.” 
His words make your chest swell with affection. Joel’s words make you feel brave enough to allow your gaze to venture down. You press the flat of your palms over the swell of his stomach, something trembles within—life, you think, he’s so full of it. Your one hand dares to go lower, playing with the dark curls that lead to his soft cock. 
However, he doesn’t remain soft for long, it twitches and grows, the head gaining a reddish hue. 
Joel tilts his head, gradually leaning in to claim your lips with his own. He stops when your fingers bite into his bare hips, lodging into that delicate spot between bone and muscle, he swallows thickly, cock raising with attention. 
“Stay still,” you whisper. “And maybe I’ll reward you.” 
“Oh, we’re playing that game now?” he says with a crooked smile that makes your stomach twist delightfully. You only smile as your hand slides lower and lower, until you cup his semi-hard cock. His breath hitches. 
I love you like this, you want to say but remain silent. You stroke him slowly until he’s fully hard, the warm muscle throbbing in your palm, you press your lips against his neck, sucking on his skin until his hips jerk. 
“I’m not playing any games,” you mouth into his skin. “If you let me paint you, I’ll let you fuck my mouth. Does that sound like a fair deal?” 
Joel thrusts into your hand once more, groaning as you lick the vein that throbs under his skin, “I won’t lie, sweetheart, that might be hard if you keep your hand where it is.” He exhales a shaky breath, the warmth of it fanning your skin. “But sounds fair enough, I’ll try.” 
You press a quick kiss to the small patch within his beard and pull away before he can follow the heat of your lips. He’s as still as a statue when you get behind the canvas, but instead of resuming sketching the rough outline of his body, you grab two tubes of paint and a brush; though you have your doubts you’ll be using the tool, you’d much prefer to feel the heat of his skin softening the paint between your fingers. 
When you come back to him, confusion crosses his face. 
“I thought you were gonna be paintin’?” 
Your lips twitch into a sinister smile, “I am.” 
As cliche as it might sound, Joel has always reminded you of a deep, rich shade of red—the color of blood—but he also reminds you of an earthy purple, the type of shade that makes you want to bury your fingers in it as if you might actually feel the earth itself.  
You shake two tubes of paint in front of his eyes. He’s still confused, yet remains still. You pop the red paint open first, squeezing a generous amount over his shoulder. You watch it trickle down, drops of crimson staining his torso, the color so deep that it looks too real. Your heart jumping, you quickly smear it down his chest and all the way to his stomach. Just like you predicted, the brush is forgotten, slipping from your fingers and onto the carpeted floor. Joel shudders, his breath caught in his throat, you see him clench his jaw. 
“Darlin’. . .” he rasps, voice full of gravel, and your hand stops where it follows the V of his lower abdomen.
“Do you want me to stop?” 
“No,” he answers quickly, breathily. “Don’t ever stop touching me. Don’t ever stop looking at me like that—like I’m the most valuable thing you have. Like I’m worth a damn.” 
“You are.” 
Slowly, your fingertip traces an invisible path upward, leaving a trail of red paint in its wake. Joel shudders and gulps loudly. You draw meaningless shapes, circle where his tattoo is, and draw shapes of ancient alphabets you vaguely remember from when you read a book about the Late Bronze Age. Joel shudders, twitches, and tenses under your touch but never actually moves, keeping his stance. 
After the red pigment is nothing more but a fading shade of pink, you pour some purple paint into your palm and apply it directly. You press your hand directly above his heart, leaving your handprint over it before moving to his back, “Fuck,” he groans. 
Looking down, you notice him clenching his buttocks and slightly swaying forward, you smile, his cock must be dripping. You can’t wait to take him in your mouth, for him to use you however he pleases. You need him to be desperate when he takes you, sliding his length down your throat as he berates you for taunting him with sinful touches in the guise of making art. 
You press your hands together and smear the remnants of red with the purple, the fresh paint overwhelming the other. When both hands are fully coated, your cup both his ass cheeks, sliding your hands up, you kiss the taut skin between his shoulder blades. You leave a trail of open-mouthed kisses all the way to his neck and lick the sensitive spot behind his earlobe. 
“I’d wrap my hand around your cock but I’m afraid the paint isn’t edible so you wouldn’t be able to fuck my mouth,” you tease. “Tell me what you want to do to me, Joel?” 
He groans, “Keep this up and you’ll find out, sweetheart. I’m not a patient man, you should know.” 
“But isn’t the wait fun?” you challenge, your hands sliding up to his front, right above his pelvis. “The taste of sex on your tongue, the way your cock throbs with the thought of my warm cunt tight around it? Don’t you feel that tingle. . .” you gradually lower yourself, dragging your tongue down his spine, a choked out sound rips from his throat, “going down your spine, reminding you of how good it’s finally going to feel when you push down my throat, cutting my airflow and taking me however you want?” 
Joel breathes heavily, his stomach clenching with every whispered word, “Darlin’, please.” 
“Turn around.” 
You look up as he does, you gently take his hand and place it on your cheek, your heart dissolving into something thick and sweet like honey when his thumb strokes your skin. His gaze grows soft, the arousal in them dimming, splitting away like waves to show the emotion. 
“Your knees are gonna hurt,” he says, voice dropping. 
He’s right, they are going to hurt. “I don’t care.” 
You lower both hands to your lap, obediently parting your lips, sticking your tongue out. Joel wraps a hand around his cock and jerks himself until he’s fully hard, he holds you by the hair and drags you closer. 
“You want me to fuck that pretty mouth?” 
“Please,” you repeat his own plea from earlier. 
The heft of his cock on your tongue almost feels like a blessing from above. Your eyes flutter shut. Joel slides himself torturously slow, inch by inch, as he fills your mouth, your lips stretching wide to accommodate his width. He moves down your throat, awakening your gag reflex, you hold it down, choking around his cock. 
“Fuuuuuck, that feels good,” he groans, throwing his head back. With shallow thrusts, he works your throat open. Your one hand slides between your thighs as the other braces against Joel’s thick thigh. Right now, you’re relieved you’re wearing your favorite flannel pajama shorts instead of something uncomfortable like jeans. “That’s it, touch yourself, sweetheart. I want you to come while I’m fuckin’ your throat.” You whine filthily at his words, pressing your fingers between your clothed folds, you stroke your aching clit. Joel doesn’t stop running his mouth. “You must be soaked down there, poor thing.” 
Tears sting the corner of your eyes and you manage to slip your fingers down your shorts. His thrusts become rougher, sliding all the way out before fucking himself even deeper into your mouth, down your throat. You swallow helplessly around him and the groan that slips from between his lips forces the clench of your cunt, you breathe heavily through your nose and draw vicious circles around your clit. 
“Look at you—you like me fuckin’ your mouth, honey?” You nod, his lips curling in the most devastating way. “You gonna come while rubbing that pretty pussy of yours?” 
You nod again, this time accompanied by a moan. The reverberations of the sound trembles against his sensitive cock and he rocks into your mouth harder—this time tears do slip past your fluttering lashes. You can’t breathe, your vision is blurry, yet this is everything you’ve ever wanted. Your heart feels so full, so content. He fucks every thought out of your head, overwhelming your senses.  
“Shit, shit, shit—Don’t look like that, sweetheart, don’t cry, if you do I—I’ll—” Spit trickles down the corner of your lips, everything a wet, sopping mess. With every thrust, he manages to go down your throat, his mouth constantly muttering words you can barely hear. More tears flow freely down your cheeks, mixing with the saliva and precome going down your neck. His hips move in a constant stammering motion, balls heavy on your chin as he snaps shallowly into your throat without pulling back. 
You look up to him. Your eyes shining and glimmering, Joel meets your gaze, his eyes going wide, hips stilling—
He spills down your throat, hard. 
You swallow, swallow, and swallow, gulping everything that he gives. But it’s still not enough, there’s too much, some of it spilling from the sides from where his cock stretches your lips. Your body jerks, your fingers move slowly around your clit and you press harder, your feel the warm slick dripping down your fingers, making a mess of the rug underneath. 
“Sorry, sorry—” Joel mutters over and over again almost like a chant. His voice hoarse as his chest raises with quick shallow breaths. He then lets out a deep exhale, his cock throbbing in your mouth as he pulls out. “I wanted to last longer.” 
You kiss the tip of his spent cock, “Come here,” you mumble and he quickly drops down, you take his hand, pulling it between your legs. His eyes snap to yours, pupils eating away the color as he presses two fingers into your soaked cunt. Your eyes roll and your hips immediately grind down. “I came too. I came from you fucking my mouth, Joel. That’s how good it felt. You don’t need to apologize.” 
“Fuck, you’re really makin’ it hard to stay soft darlin’.” You smile as you cup his flaccid cock, feeling the weight of it in your palm, he hisses. “You’re gonna pay for teasin’ me, neighbor. ‘Should take you on my fuckin’ knee as punishment.” 
A fresh gush of wetness spreads around his fingers, “I think I would like that,” you say, kissing his neck. “But now I think I should actually finish sketching you for my painting.” 
“I don’t think I have much strength left in my legs,” he says with a chuckle. 
“Who said anything about standing?” you stand up, taking him with you. “I’m going to paint something else and for that, I want you on the bed.” 
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You hadn't realized how much paint you managed to cover yourself in when you were pouring purple and red down Joel's shoulders.
He actually managed quite well when you asked him to lay on the bed instead of standing, and you’re fairly certain he dozed off for a moment or two. You didn’t mind. You loved how the painting had ended up, a sensual silhouette of a working man sleeping with sun cascading down his skin. 
“Surprise surprise, pourin’ paint on me got you dirty too,” Joel coos playfully, following you into the dimly lit bathroom. He stuffs your bedsheets into the washing machine, your eyes catch the smear of red and purple paint. “Want us to take a shower beautiful? We still have time until Sarah comes back from school.” 
“Someone’s cheerful now that they’ve taken their nap.” Joel holds you by the waist and pulls you close, unlike him, you’re still fully clothed—dirty, but clothed. His cock presses against the swell of your stomach. 
“I’m mighty tired of bein’ the only one bearin’ my naked ass,” he tugs off your shirt, the motion so quick that your protest dissolves on your tongue before it can materialize. “Also you owe me a nice back scrub with all those fancy soaps you have.” 
“I thought I paid my depth when you came down my throat.” 
“I don’t recall sayin’ exactly how much you owed me for this.” 
Your lips split into a grin. Without moving away, you bend over and slip out of your shorts, throwing them towards the washing machine. The flickering lustful specks in his eyes make your heart jump, they look like gold. Despite coming down your throat about forty minutes ago, he still wants you. He’s not tired of spending time with you, talking to you, humoring you in your endeavors— he’s not even mildly annoyed, which is something you thought everyone would feel eventually if they spent enough time with you. It was only a matter of when. 
You suddenly slap your palms softly against his cheeks, cradling his scruffy cheeks. His eyes rip away from your naked body to meet your gaze. You take in a slow breath. And out. Your heart rams painfully within your chest. Joel’s eyes widen slightly as he takes in your expression, observing you slowly as if he’s tasting what you’re feeling like aged wine. His fingers slither around your wrist and sliver down your forearms. 
“I love you, Joel.” 
His lips part, not with surprise, but with relief. You’re smiling giddily now, not a feeling of worry in your bones, just happiness, eagerness. You don’t care if it’s too early. Too late. It’s what you feel. And all you feel is love love love. 
“I love you too, Tea.” 
Joel brings your palm to his lips and kisses the curve of it slowly, he moves up to the middle, his mustache tickling you when he lays another kiss, “I love you so fuckin’ much.” 
You close the distance, slanting your lips together, you drink him. His lips move to the beat of the moment, tickling down tenderly and smoothly like molasses. Joel’s tongue traces the seam of your lips and you open up for him. He tastes you quickly before pulling back. He exhales deeply, his breath fanning your swollen lips. 
“Let’s get cleaned up.” 
You grin, raising an eyebrow, “So you can get me dirty again?” 
“Somethin’ like that,” he huffs. 
Joel leads you to the tub, acting as if you’re his guest and not the other way around. He turns on the shower, allows the water to run down his fingers until the temperature is just right, and then carefully helps you step in. You moan happily at the way warm water moves down your skin, softening your body and chipping away at the paint. Joel stands right behind you. You want to turn around, clean him of the colorful mess, but he doesn’t budge. His hands touch your shoulders, then skims down. 
“You first,” he murmurs, fingers washing away the paint. You lean back. His hands follow a trail to your front, kneading your breasts. 
“I don’t have any paint there,” you hum. 
“My bad, these eyes aren’t what they used to be.” 
He gives them another squeeze before going lower and lower. . .  until he’s pushing his hand between your pressed tighs. You laugh, “I definitely don’t have any paint there.” 
His teeth suddenly sink into your shoulder. The blossoming pain makes you gasp and your body reacts by bending over, rolling your hips towards him. With a soft growl, Joel grips your hips and pushes you up against the glass panel. You moan with your breasts pressing firmly against the glass, the constant shower of water making you slip. 
Joel’s lips touch your ear, “Gonna fuck you with my fingers,” he rasps. “Want you to come all around them, sweetheart.” 
Your body flushes from the inside out, “What if I can’t?” 
“You don’t have a choice,” he pushes forward, notching his cock between your folds, you whimper. “If you want me to fuck you with this cock, you better show me how desperate you are for it by makin’ a mess, honey.” 
When you don’t answer he grips your neck and forces your head back, he kisses your forehead, “Are you gonna be good for me?” 
Your stomach bottoms out, “Y—Yes, I’ll be good.” 
He kisses your forehead once more before releasing you. You fall forward with a whimper, bracing your hands against the slippery panels. Joel slides two fingers inside of you with embarrassing ease, “You like it when I’m rough,” he states, thrusting the digits in and out. You nod. “I love you,” he then says, catching you but surprise. You clench around his fingers and he chuckles darkly. “God, you’re gonna make me go insane—I love you—” 
You clench again, a loud moan dropping from your lips. The sounds you make are drowned by the water, yet he can hear you crystal clear. Your body reacts viscerally to his words, a flame that won’t ever go out burning wild in your gut—between your legs. He whispered the words into your skin, into your mouth, against your tongue. You push against his fingers, urging him to go deeper. He does. He holds you by the neck while fucking you with thick fingers, you cry out his name, whimpering those three little words that make him go inside just as much as it does to you. 
“Come for me,” he grunts. “Come for me so I can fuck you for real.” 
“J–Joel, fuck—” 
Your back arches, your orgasm rips from you, he takes it. It’s violent, earth shattering. 
Your jaw drops as he squeezes your throat lightly, the pressure adding to the intensity. You can vaguely hear him muttering ‘That’s it’ over and over, but you can barely hear the rasp of his voice. 
Joel kisses your cheek, drags his lips down your neck, “How’re you feelin’?” 
“Good. . . great actually.” 
Pulling out his fingers, he pushes them between your lips, you lap at them hungrily. While you’re busy devouring your own taste, Joel buries himself deep in your cunt. You whimper around his fingers, brows furrowing with pleasure. He pulls the digits out and grips your chin. His chest heaves as he pulls almost all the way out before snapping forward again, burying himself into the tight warmth of your pussy. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good,” he mumbles, rocking back and forth. With every thrust, your lungs convulse. You desperately grip his forearm, but your fingers slip thanks to the water droplets that surround his skin, him letting out a sudden chuckle before pulling you towards his mouth. “Sorry, sweetheart, I don’t think I’m gonna last long now either. You make me feel like a teenager again.” 
Throwing your arm back, you tug the damp locks and force your lips together. You lick hungrily into his mouth. Joel moans loudly and you swallow every little sound he makes, your cunt fluttering and clamping around his length. He pounds into you sloppily, no coordination, no calculation—just need. 
To be wanted. To be devoured. What a wonderful feeling it was.  
Joel pulls out with a grunt, you hear the slick sounds of his fist as he jerks himself over the curve of your spine. You shudder when you feel it. Warm spend trickling down your skin, mixing with the water. He spreads your ass cheeks and pushes them together with his cock between them, he grinds once—twice, before heaving and dropping his head between your shoulder blades. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, but you hear no regret behind the apology. It makes you glad. 
“Don’t be,” you turn and pick up the shower head, holding it right over his shoulders, you wipe the remaining paint away. Your stomach growls in protest, your lips twitch into a crooked smile. “God, all that worked an appetite. I’m starving.” 
“Want me to cook you somethin’?” 
Spraying the water over his other shoulder, you meet his gaze. He’s so sweet like this. His hair wet, curling at the ends. His body finally relaxed. You can’t help yourself and quickly press your lips into the corner of his jaw. 
“I have a watermelon in the fridge, you can cut that up for me.” 
“‘Course, darlin’. Anythin’ for you.” 
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Crickets chirp loudly. The wind pleasant, yet a bit too warm for your liking. You fan yourself with a hand as you lean back into the chair. Despite just taking a shower, you’re nearly dry. Summer is definitely not a good season for you. 
“Should I be offended you look so miserable right now?” Joel asks, sitting next to you. He bites into one of the watermelon slices and when a drop of sweet nectar escapes, he makes quick work of licking himself clean. You swallow, your insides pulsing. 
“No,” you sigh. “I just don’t like the heat very much.” 
“Well. . that might be a problem considering summer is basically here.” 
You groan and throw your head back, “Don’t remind me.” 
“Here,” he says, extending you a slice. “Eat.” 
You take the slice without objection, biting into the fleshy fruit. The cold juice of the watermelon feels good as it goes down your throat. You look over to the lawn, thanks to the heat most things have dried out. 
“I helped him a lot you know,” Joel says, his voice soft, as if afraid to spook you. “With the garden that is. He talked a lot about you.” 
“Did he now?” you muse, you chew the watermelon thoughtfully. Your eyes are glued to one of the butterflies in search of a flower. “I miss him.” 
“I know you do, sweetheart. I know. I wish I could ease your paint, but truthfully I have no idea how to do that.” 
“You do enough,” smiling, you turn to him and find that he’s already looking at you. “The silver lining is that I met you.” 
He parts his lips, eyes glossed over with emotion but before he can, both of you hear small steps approaching at the same time. 
“Oh, watermelon,” Sarah chirps, throwing her backpack to the floor. “Don’t mind if I do.” 
She takes a slice and sits down, eyes flitting between you and Joel. You try not to look at Joel then, your heart beating a bit too loudly for your liking. Sarah raises an eyebrow and locks her eyes with Joel, their expressions are similar when they’re about to wreak havoc. 
“What?” Joel snaps, angrily sinking his teeth into his watermelon, finishing it off. Both you and Sarah laugh, your heart feeling a bit lighter now. 
“Oh, nothin’,” Sarah rolls her tongue, mimicking her dad. “What have you two been up to?” 
“Your dad was helping me with the kitchen sink,” you answer quickly. “It’s been leaking all morning.” 
“If my dad is good at anything, it’s fixing stuff.” 
“I’m good at a lot of things,” Joel grumbles. 
“How was school?” you ask. 
Sarah’s shoulders fall a bit, but she quickly shakes it off and smiles, “It was good, nothing interesting happened.” 
You raise an eyebrow but don’t pry. Joel doesn’t seem to notice Sarah’s mood change. “We should better head off,” he says.
“But I’m still eating,” Sarah whines. “Can’t we stay a bit longer?” 
“We don’t wanna overstay our welcome.” 
You almost laugh at such an absurd thing. Him, overstaying his welcome? Never. But you also understand why he does it. Sarah is smart and by the looks she was giving you and him, she’s probably already suspicious. 
“You guys should take half of it,” you say, standing up. “I’m only one person anyway. If I eat this much watermelon I’ll end up growing one inside of me.” 
Both of them look at you deadpanned, you laugh, “You both have no humor!” 
Sarah turns to Joel, “Dad, I think you might wanna check if her water is laced with something.” 
“I think you’re right, baby girl,” Joel nods seriously. “There’s no other reason she would find that funny.” 
“If you guys keep that up I’m not giving you squat.” 
“Yes, ma’am. Sorry, ma’am,” they say at the same time. 
You shake your head, snorting at the father and daughter duo. Both of them were ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. 
However, you can’t seem to stop smiling as you head inside to get them a container to put the slices into. 
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The crack post saga continues... =D
Warning: long, long post 😊😅
To be very honest though, for today's ep I will be getting serious more than usual, because it was quite significant in the flow of the plot, and also had moments of communication (this emotional constipation is what makes me yearn for Cherry Magic ah) that need to be studied a little closely.
HOWEVER, there will most definitely be crack because this group of friends is (unapologetically) batshit crazy and my brain refuses to not make comments at the most inappropriate times.
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The sheer panic in his movements, oh my gods. It should not be as hilarious as it is 😭😂
To be very honest though, I would've panicked a bit in his place too, with friends like those, they'd never let him live it down
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Peem is so cute 😭
Nothing to see here, just a guy getting shy over how his prince charming hom-ed him, and they kissed through his hand and cuddled all night hehe
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Phum: here he comes again :) *eye twitch*
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Peem's expression, how he's still holding his hands as if he has the cup, Kluen's disbelief, and Phum's smug af face-
I'm wheezing 😭🤣
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Kluen, I'm kinda starting to like you, but no.
You don't stand half a chance against them and their situationship.
Hope you find another boyfriend to fall in love at first sight with (and leave my boys alone please, they don't need any more complications) <3
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Oh, Fang knows too. Of course he does, that's his little brother right there
We all know how protective of his brother he is, there's no way he'd let anybody else take care of him... unless, he knew Phum liked that person
les voila
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Poor Tan, his theerak just ignoring him T-T
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*looks between them* yeah, pretty much the same pic 👀
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And here it is. The root of all his fears.
See, in this camp, almost all of them are paired up in the sense that they usually stick to that person. Even Beer has MIck. But then comes wild card Kluen, who's hogging all of Peem's attention as much as he can and that leaves Phum. Alone.
I will be getting back to this running motif of Phum being alone and how it changes through the ep in later scenes as well
Also, after they went back, both Mick and Beer asked if he really was okay, which made me smile, because maybe, Phum isn't as alone as he thinks himself to be. There are people who care for him, who are concerned, who'll support him, and of course, he always has Fang, his beloved phi
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My poor babie Tan 🥺🥺
Also, notice how the shot is taken in such a way that they're the only ones in the frame, and are also standing within one specific part of the wall? (Ignore Kluen's head and hands please). It reflects how they're in their own world with each other, especially Tan
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The nosy peeps gang strikes again!
Jokes aside, the synchronised strides, the background music together set the perfect levels of suspense and comedy
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Peem, smug: yes! that emotionally constipated dumbass is finally getting out of De Nile
Pun: wait... is my plan actually working? Ah, of course it is
Toey: head empty, no thoughts, but... DOES P'Q ACTUALLY LIKE ME OMG I'LL DIE
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Oh gods, FINALLY. I wish them a happily ever after. Sadhu 😌🙏🏼
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Pun forgetting all about being quiet when Toey finally confesses is so on character 😭👍🏼
Also... what's even the point of being quiet? Q and Chain have been friends with these idiots since high school, of course they know they're peeking
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Toey: *shooketh*
Gays in thai bl and staring off into the distance 😭
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This scene was so, so beautiful and also quite important for both Q and Toey
Q knew what was up, more or less, but his confusion stemmed from his knowledge of Toey
Would Toey really go to these lengths? For him?
"Why? Are you the only one who can tease me?" <- Q says this to tell Toey that he might have been angry, but now he understands that Toey didn't really have any bad intentions
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Hugs always get bonus points from me, and this was pretty up there
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Pun hiding behind Chain is so on point
His friends: you're an idiot so we had no choice but to intervene 😭😭
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Matt's (JJ) comedic timing is >>>>>>
Toey and Matt's friendship is also given weight in the series, and I'm happier for it.
Also revenge is sweet ehehe *coughs*
Moving on.
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If there's no live singing dedicated to your One True Love, is it even Thai BL??
We Are making generous use of MSP songs 😭👍🏼
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This scene.
The apology. It is at this point that they're leaving all the past pain, grief and anger in the past
Q makes sure to tell Toey that yes, he may have loved Milk Frappe Boy, but now, in the present, all his love was for Toey, his lovable annoying mentee
This apology is not only to Toey, or Milk Frappe Boy, but to himself as well, because by causing pain to a person he loves twice, he'd caused himself pain too
The perfect sweet and romantic moment, but also with a teeny bit of teasing, because that's who they are
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No joke, I gasped and nearly stopped breathing when he said this
Peem's reply, his soft but kind of hurt voice were just so painful to hear
But it's also this moment that Peem gives Phum a reality check – if he really didn't want to, he wouldn't be doing any of this, and Phum had no business trying to control his life
The conversation outside with Q was significant, but also a diluted reflection of Peem's earlier (in ep. 7) talk with Q
Even a few episodes earlier, Q would have gone ballistic on Phum for treating his bestie like this, but now, he asks Peem how he feels for Phum, tries to understand exactly what their relationship is
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It was at this point that he knew, he fucked up
Beer is a godsent. I love him <3
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I think Toey says "I asked hia Tan to blow it up for me."
Also, Tiw and his rubber duck floater from MSP anyone? 👀
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And, we are back to square one where Phum is left alone again
As I'd said before, this a repeating motif throughout the series, but especially the last two episodes
This is how it has always been in Phum's life: he has been left behind. He does have Fang, but now even Fang has a boyfriend. And while this does not affect his brother's affection towards him in anyway, it does introduce a new strand of lonliness for Phum because 1. no matter what, he loves his brother a lot, and knows how much he loves Tan, so he definitely will try to stay out of their way at least sometimes and 2. he wants a boyfriend too. Further, he wants Peem, but there's a push and pull there, and after what he said, in his mind he had pretty much ruined his chances with his crush
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This is the moment Phum starts to hope that maybe, just maybe, his feelings aren't as unrequited as he'd thought.
On the other hand, Peem is the one afraid here. What if the deal is all that's holding them together? What if without it, Phum will have no reason to be as close to him?
Peem, baby, for one, your groups are already merged, and secondly, this guy is head over heels for you, no way he'd stop following you like a lost puppy
(Apparently, it's not Peem's turn with the communal braincell this week 😭)
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Here, Phum is technically alone, but he's surrounded with friends, and he's smiling
He isn't left behind here, for once, he's sitting there by choice (to shamelessly ogle his crush, but shh we don't talk about that) with the comforting knowledge that when/if he jumps in, he won't be left out, Kluen be damned
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Once the floodgates of affection have been opened to Q, there's no going back <3
(Also, notice how Tan is already asleep on Fang's shoulder? 👀)
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Jokes apart, this moment is so, so beautiful. The kiss, the soft question "are you ready for my answer now?" (maybe Peem isn't, but hell if he denies this man his kissies).
Everything leading up to this point is also so very delightful
Phum helping them out in the cafe, despite probably having never worked a day in his life, discovering how Peem still kept the roses and finally, finally, the completed painting. This sight, above all, is what convinces Phum that Peem might have feelings for him after all; because which fool would lie about not having completed something that would free them from being a slave to someone? A fool in love, that's who
if they don't get together and have the fluffiest moments in the next ep, I swear to god, hands will be thrown *grumbles* they're already making me wait a whole damn week
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep! (I cannot promise I won't be jumping around and screaming, but then again, this is supposed to be a crack post so-)
And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a sandwich 🧋🥪
[If you'd like, here are my previous posts: Ep 8 and Ep 9.]
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I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, Shapeshifter!Yuu brainrot! 
Basically like Penny from The Amazing World of Gumball after she broke out of her shell (literally) after Gumball confessed to her, but in a bit of an uncanny valley sort of way (at first, that is). 
So anyway, Yuu’s a shapeshifter but when they first arrived in Twisted Wonderland, their presence was basically nonexistent and they almost always blended into the background, if not for Grim who constantly brought attention to them. 
To those who paid attention closely, they could tell there was something weird about Yuu. 
They were almost eldritch-like, in an uncanny valley kind of way, like their body didn’t quite fit them but they were trying to force themselves to fit it even when it couldn’t. 
Especially with the behaviors they exhibited, how their smiles seem a bit too forced and too wide to be considered normal, how often they blink their eyes a little too late, or how their chest slows to a stop as if they forgot how to breathe that people have to literally ask them if they’re still even alive.
They just seemed too much that it was like they were manually controlling every single thing in their body, from their nerves to their heartbeat, just to be seen as normal yet still somehow failing at it. 
Sometimes, Grim has to stay awake at night and watch Yuu because he’s worried of how still and lifeless they look while sleeping, and the fact that their heartbeat slows down a little too much scares him.
But of course this doesn’t last long. 
Being in Twisted Wonderland was too emotionally stimulating for them and it didn’t take long for them to snap.
It first happened with Riddle, when he overblotted. 
Getting insulted and looked down on was the last straw for Yuu. 
They stood in place, a smile frozen on their face as they stared at Riddle. 
Then, the corner of their eyes twitched, their smile straining as their facade slowly broke. 
But no one noticed this, not when everybody was too focused on Ace who was verbally challenging Riddle who was starting to show signs of blotting.
It was delayed, Yuu’s reaction that is. 
From a very young age, they were told that their emotions were both a blessing and a curse. 
That was why they were taught and encouraged by their family to conceal it as best as they could while they were still young. 
Emotions were… complicated, so to say. 
When a child from their family becomes too emotionally stimulated, it would often lead to destruction. 
They were just too unstable and the elders in their family were worried that everyone would see them as monsters if they ever went out of control so they believed that it was for everyone’s best interest if they conceal, don’t feel (lmao, Elsa logic) as per their family’s tradition. 
But of course not every family tradition was exactly the healthiest, and Yuu’s whole family has got to be the most emotionally constipated family there ever was in their world. 
Being sent into an unknown world? Yes, that was scary, but Yuu had to control themselves and they tried their best not to burden others.
When they stood in front of the mirror that told them that their home didn’t exist, their nails sharpened under their robes (a self-defense reaction, unavoidable, really) but at least they stopped themselves right there and didn’t shift into something monstrous. 
When they were left all alone in a rundown dorm, they had to force themselves to not breakdown and cry.
When they were threatened by Leona in the botanical garden, they held their form as normal as it could. 
But they had always been tipping over the edge ever since they arrived in this unknown world. 
Like a glass of water ready to spill or a dam ready to break. 
They just had so many emotions but no idea how to show it.
However, faced with this– this! Being insulted and then getting attacked! 
It was… unforgivable! 
Well anyway, basically both Riddle and Yuu had a mental breakdown at the same time and everyone got to see Yuu turn into this gargantuan creature and deck the overblot monster, that eerily held a resemblance to the Queen of Hearts, hovering behind Riddle while Trey and the others focused on trying to knock Riddle out.
Once it was over, Yuu seemingly disappeared out of nowhere. 
Except, not really. They were still in the Rose Maze. 
Yuu just turned into this very small, translucent blob that fit perfectly in Deuce’s palm. 
Grim found them on the ground next to this black stone that smelled really delicious. 
“Y-Yuu…? It’s you, right?” Deuce hesitantly asks in a low voice as he stares at Yuu’s small form, careful not to jostle them around too much. “Are you alright? Do you feel okay?”
“Oh no, I broke it…” Yuu doesn’t answer him and wails instead, voice small and squeaky.
“What broke? Are you hurt? Did you break your bones? Do you even have bones when you’re like this?” Ace chimed from Deuce’s side, relentlessly poking Yuu’s wispy form. Yuu just wails even louder.
They weren’t hurt, physically at least. They just felt very sad, guilty, and upset that they broke their promise with their family to not shapeshift. 
But ever since the first time they shapeshifted, it felt as if a huge burden was taken off of their shoulders. They felt… lighter. 
This doesn’t mean that they approved themselves suddenly shifting. 
In fact, they still feel guilty every time they do it due to their upbringing but they’re finding it harder and harder to control. 
It took them some time before they accepted that this part of them was normal, that it was normal to feel this way and they were just shapeshifting according to how they felt and that was fine. 
Sure, there were some lingering feelings, especially fear because Yuu’s scared that what they were doing was wrong, that they were letting their family down.
There are days when they think that breaking free from their family’s teachings felt wonderful, and there are days when they just felt downright awful for not heeding their words.
Afterall, their family constantly taught from a very young age that they weren’t allowed to show their emotions so would it be really easy to get rid of such a teaching when they grew up? 
No, it wasn’t, but at least they’re gradually learning.
For the meantime, Yuu’s very emotionally constipated, more so than the others who lived in Twisted Wonderland.
The first time Yuu met Malleus, they shifted into a rabbit because they got scared by the sounds of footsteps heading towards them in the middle of the night. 
Malleus found this amusing, especially when Yuu shifted back to their normal form to show that they weren’t scared of Malleus.
And then the Diasomnia student proceeded to talk about gargoyles.
Every chapter arc probably has had Yuu shapeshift into a new form. 
Each one is different and unique since there’s a lot of emotions that can mix together and form something new.
Yuu’s shapeshifting abilities aren't limited to what Penny can only transform into. They’re more flexible so there’s a lot of combinations possible they can shapeshift into.
Am I going to make a description of those transformations? Nnnnooo. Maybe some other time. It’s 3 am, it’s honestly surprising how my brain’s even still working at this point.
Anyway, Yuu in their normal human form starts to become less uncanny and more human the more they shapeshift since they’ve become less worried about controlling and maintaining their form so they look normal.
Their movements become more natural and their expressions more lively, so unlike before when they first stepped into Twisted Wonderland.
Also someone telling Yuu: “That’s not what you are. It’s just how you feel.” 
And it’s most probably going to be Grim.
Smh smh, the boys failed to score some extra brownie points from Yuu, too bad for them.
Anyway, time to pass out, lmao.
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Geo cult hear me out-
geo vs sol
How would that go down? Especially since sol is best friends with hyugo. Geo dislikes hyugo while hyugo cares about geo (at least from what we know). Sol is strong physically but geo has body guards and was stated to be good with weapons especially archery.
The outcome may change depending on MC, who their preference is (geo ofc ❤️)- and which route mc takes. but if MC was unsure or didn't care then what lengths would they go to?
Geos advantages
same friend group; close with crowe (how close is unsure but the fact that they are friends says alot). Crowe is close w/ us and has our trust, crowe could get MC to like geo. idk how this could be used as I doubt geo would ask crowe to do this, but what if crowe notices and does it out of kindness for Geo? Not just crowe, but deryl talks good about geo too.
rich; has connections (to the citys founder) & body guards (who are armed with katanas)
Good with weapons, relatively strong. Extremely close with deryl (who's the strongest physically in the whole cast). I dont doubt that deryl would be willing to throw hands for geo if worst comes to worst.
Probably more mentally stable than sol
Could probably expose sol for stalking us or something
Being with him literally guarantees a stable life, hes rich and mc and him would not only be happy together but financialy stable!! A fairy tail 😇
Geos disadvantages
Clearly emotionally constipated, would probably SUCK at being affectionate.
Intimidating, he death glares us and tells us to leave when we ask a question.
Doesn't take action. hes the type to wait for a confession. depending on the type of person mc is, would cause problems.
He seems hostile, not only to strangers but to his friends (clearly in a more affectionate way).this would scare away a timid mc, or even IF mc was outgoing, i feel like geos hostile attitude would just drive mc away sooner or later.
Sols advantages
Hyugo, from our interactions with hyugo he is clearly sols wingman and is trying to get us together
Takes action, unlike geo he asked us for our number (depending on the route). And he is clearly more likely to take romantic advances
Affectionate, hes cheeky / kind with us from the get go, and even after knowing him for only 2 days mc trusts him alot due to how kind he is. Things would progress much more faster.
Protected us in day 2 (depends which route), mc owes him alot, not only that but mc got to see how much sol cares for them, "this man was crying for you". Unlike geo sol would cry and is more willing to be emotional
Strong physically, his skill with weapons are unknown, but if it were just a pure fist fight then sol would win
Probably better at communicating feelings
Sols disadvantages
Mentally unstable and a stalker, being more realistic, this would scare off mc and have a restraining order
Lacks emotion for those other than mc (and hyugo?). If mc had close friends he would be seething of jealousy, and apathetic towards them and again would push mc away because of his possessiveness.
While both sol and geo are jealous, geo doesn't get jealous often, its just that when he does he gets REALLY jealous, and adding the fact that geo isnt as crazy and sol, he would be more reasonable in his jealousy, like he wouldn't get pissy because we are hanging out with our friends like sol does in day 2 ending. Geo likely understands we each need alone time and time with friends and family.
(im not sure about family, as in one of fantasias asks its stated somthing along the lines of "he was to claim a spot in your family)
has crazy rumors surrounding him, its not clear ingame what these details contain, but knowing sol they are probably somewhat true
SORRY FOR RAMBLING!! I didn't proofread so it might be messy... (゚▽゚*)
Hmm, the Geo cult have taken your query into admission, and you shall not be trialed for heresy...yet. (don't worry, you're all good, fellow cultist enjoyer.) ₊˚⊹ ᰔ (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Anyway, I assume this is going to involve me pitting Geode and Sol against each other, so...enjoy. <33
- Signed by @biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
I'll be honest, for this fight to even happen we need these two in the same place at the same time.
Which will be difficult...unless we utilise our magnificent MC powers to get them to do whatever we want.
Taking all your points into account (which are excellent, good job btw), I genuinely think Geo will win.
Is it because I am devoted to him? (Yes /hj). Perhaps, but let me explain.
Geo has 4 friends (5 if we include you), one of whom being stronger than Sol (Deryl), and I see Deryl as a cute little retriever that'll go rabid if someone attacks who it loves/cares about.
Deryl won't let Sol get remotely near Geo.
Same with Brittney, if she got involved, she'd use the #gossipgyaru perks she has to try and fuck up Sol's rep even more.
Would be the one to give you a talk on why Sol's dangerous.
Geo also has bodyguards, along with a fuckton of money.
He could easily hire a hitman or bribe the police to ensure he has no legal trouble.
Also probably knows Hyugo well enough, so he'd probably be prepared for things his big brother is capable of.
Will use his popularity to get people to ensure Sol is far away from him (and you).
May not be as handy in a fistfight, but has prime access and ability to wield a wide range of weapons against Sol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ However, these are the most...social and physical sides of a fight. What about you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To win you over, I feel like Geo would simply get you to warm up to his friends, then him.
After all, you'd be significantly more comfortable and relaxed around him that way, right?
Despite being fucked when it comes to emotion/affection, Geo is perfect at other things.
Like keeping you safe from the man who watches you sleep.
It honestly horrified you when you found out.
And you never spoke to Sol again, hell you even got a restraining order against him.
Will make his group and himself look angelic to try and get you to warm up faster.
Despite his cold geode-like exterior, will try to warm up to you (Deryl is astounded, to say the least).
Will probably tell you Sol's from a fucked home and needs psychiatric help.
You might also just start believing it.
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frogchiro · 2 years
i think childe and diluc would both be super quick to bust a nut because diluc is an emotionally constipated repressed victorian damsel and childe is just a horny mess that gets way too excited and into it lmao
But yes i agree😭 diluc is a big fat virgin, he never wanted to have a relationship bc he's angsty and due to the whole darknight hero business he swore to himself that he'll never bond with anyone because he doesn't want to put a potential partner at risk, be it the abyss order or fatui he just can't take the risk.
Well...unfortunately it turned out that the task was failed succesfully the second he met you and fell in love with you! And you can just imagine what 20+ years of repressed feelings can do to a man. He was so flustered and so so goddamn pent up when you finally fell into bed, the lovely flush on your face and the look of sheer adoration in your eyes just adding to the feeling and...well, the moment he bottomed out his eyes went wide and the moan that he let out was angelic to your ears but you couldn't help the surprised noise that left your lips when you felt the thick stream of cum shooting inside of you combined with diluc's desperate little thrusts to get even deeper you couldn't help but clench around him which only prolonged the pathetic moan of your partner.
After diluc finally came down from his high he kinda just...curled up around you and hid his face into your neck bc of the shame💔 of course you quickly reasurred him that it was perfectly normal and you're quite flattered that he finds you so hot that he cums just by bottoming out. After that you let him and yourself calm down a bit before slowly coaxing him into action; this time your lovemaking lasted well into the night and left you both deliciously tired and spent but deeply satisfied♡
With childe on the other hand it's a completely different story💀 on his mind are only four things: you, battle, good food and sex and each and every one of those things gets him hard and leaking in his pants, especially a good fight.
More often than not he stumbles into your home still bloody and rough looking, adrenaline still pumping in his veins, his eyes have a crazed look in them and when you calm down a bit from the initial shock you can see his dick clearly creating a massive tent in his pants looking like it was ready to burst open💔
Before you could say a thing ajax was already on you, kissing you savagely, all teeth and tongue. He hoisted you up on the table and yanked your dress up so he could have easy access to his favorite part of you.
You already knew the drill, a tingle deep in your belly as you felt your lover tear down his pants and shove his thick cock inside you and almost immediately feeling the hot gush of seed inside you, childe almost bellowing at the feeling of release inside his little love, still thrusting his hips into overstimulation to coax out even more cum. After the first orgasm you know he'll be much calmer but not less savage and agressive in his lovemaking; you know that you'll spend the rest of the evening and night fucking all over the house in all kinds of positions like animals but honestly? This childe, the feral side of him, was perfect to you, and since you loved your darling fiance so much you couldn't just leave him high amd dry right?♡
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propaganda under the cut!
Josuke is fairly decent, but okuyasu, you know how in math, if you multiply a negative number with a positive one it is always negative, that is josuyasu for you. Josuke has 6 braincells and Okuyasu has -6734. Their first meeting was okuyasu trying to kill josuke, then he shows up at his house a few days later and goes "hey lets go to school! btw your mom is hot!" Josuke punches a plate of spaghetti because he thinks the chef is evil, they both fight a middle schooler who stole their cash. Okuyasu got the third most op ability in his part but he is too stupid (and kind) to realize it. Somehow they survive their entire part. They are thus far the second jojo and jobro duo to not lose each other. the second one? THEM IN AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE! (okay but okuyasu is swapped for koichi in that one, but still).
Josuke normally is pretty smart, but somewhat silly, but Okuyasu. Isn’t incredibly bright but he’s the best jojo character idc. Okuyasu brings out josukes stupid and then they are just besties and totally bouncing off each other’s stupid ideas. Idk what Okuyasu does to josukes brain but I’m here for it
I saw the post title and without reading anything else immediately went to submit them, only to go back and read the full post and realize they were included by default. They are THE dumbass duo. Ever. The worst protagonists for a detective story, but they dumbassed around so hard they somehow caught a genius serial killer. No matter who wins, they’ll always be the number 1 dumbasses in my heart.
they are the best of friends, which of course means they met by trying to kill each other.
They’re both so stupid. Like josuke isn’t that stupid on his own but he’s kinda dumb and when you put him with dumbass incarnate okuyasu they multiply each others’ stupidness. Together they are a menace.
Hinata & Kageyama
I love how at first it seems like Hinata will be The Dumb One and Kageyama will be The Smart One, but then no. Just, no, surprise girlies, Kageyama is just as much (if not even more) of a dumbass as Hinata and that’s beautiful of them.
They scream pre-pubescently at each other
They are babies. Not only are they emotionally constipated but they are just stupid in general. They thought a cell phone tower was the Eiffel Tower...
Outside of volleyball these two don’t know shit about shit. They’re helpless worms intellectually and perhaps even socially. They need help.
both of them have like. Volleyball Smarts. but off the court are so dumb like all the time. also their relationship with each other means so much to me. hinata is the person that can keep up with kageyama and wants to, that kageyama’s been waiting for. especially since his grandpa died a year ago and he has no friends. kageyama is someone who can set to hinata and also is hinata’s person to beat. they help each other grow as people while also not being able to tell twins apart even when the twins have differently colored dyed hair <3
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majycka · 4 months
hi i love your posts and as a gojohime shipper.. i feel sad that there is alot of hate towards this ship since people keep saying she hates gojo or it does not make sense due to limited reactions. What do you feel about this. i think it is just a cute fun ship .. it sadly not canon due to lack of significance and screen time utahime's character. Do you think there is alot of wasted potential with jjk even without gojohime? like with female characters like Shoko and Utahime and character arcs.
Thanks for this ask, anon! I’ll break my answers into parts cuz I’m too much of a resident gojohime yapster 😩✊
Gojo and Utahime’s dynamic
I do think that Utahime does hate Gojo because she actually have valid reasons for it BUT this does not mean that I agree with the way people shit on this part of gojohime cuz they reduce their dynamic too much on “Utahime ABHORS Gojo,” the type of abhor like wishing death on someone, but like that ignores the nuances in their dynamic as well as the individual characters themselves.
At first, Utahime and Gojo’s dynamic seems strictly professional like you know that type of situation where you hate that one person at work but you put up with them to stay “professional” and not have your personal feelings interfere with work. It makes sense because the jujutsu world is such a tight knit community that they’re just stuck with each other, and for both Teacher Gojo and Utahime, they ultimately share the goal of nurturing a better generation. That’s why Utahime puts up with him. 
However, of course, with my shipping goggles on, one thing that makes this so delish (aside from their trust on each other) is the man Gojo himself. Utahime tries so much to maintain her “dignity” and “professionalism” but Gojo just keeps on poking and annoying the fuck out of her as if like begging for her attention, and he does get a reaction from her that he seems to like(10 years of it cough cough plus he genuinely thinks that Uta's annoyance to him is their inside joke LMAO)! Comparing this “teasing” to Ijichi and Nanami, Utahime is the one that likely buttheads with him and you know what? Utahime does have valid reasons for “hating” and genuinely getting angry at Gojo. I’m gonna hold Gojo here accountable for the teasing because some fans might think that it’s just him going “haha JK!” but considering how merciless he is in insulting people “weak” and swings around his “The Strongest” title around people, Utahime has the right to be that mad and in some sense, this is like Utahime wanting Gojo to be accountable for his actions and just stop being a dickhead. Like sure, sure, it’s true that it makes sense Gojo is arrogant like that because he’s literally “The Strongest.” He’s literally untouchable.  Ijichi is intimidated by him so he’s passive with his teasing. Elders always are shitting their pants when he’s being unpredictable because they can’t stop him. Jeez, even Jogo is scared of him. His arrogance does get him somewhere though (especially when he’s beefing with higher ups to protect his students) and it allows him to get away with being an arrogant brat. 
That’s exactly why Utahime’s constant butting heads to Gojo has so much flavour compared to his interaction with others.
Utahime’s constant “respect your senior” just wants Gojo here to see her eye-to-eye, not someone who’s weak or below him but treat her like a human person because she's strong willed like that, and of fucking curse, Gojo being the complicated one here, afterall the “haha weak” teasing, did ask for her help. It’s such a whiplash that Utahime even doubted his request, and Gojo being Gojo responded with his “cuz your weak” reasoning. *Cue that iconic gjhm scene*
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BUT ME? Nah, I wasn’t TOO convinced. Gojo’s a complicated guy and this is why I even did a breakdown on why his “haha weak” to Utahime questions is a weak attempt of him tryna cover his emotionally constipated ass.
Manga spoilers but ever since this manga panel dropped,
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it basically confirmed that Gojo sees himself as a separate category of people because his “The Strongest” title made him believe that, and this thinking puts him in a strained relationship to most people in his life. He tries to do things alone because others are just “too weak” to support him, like apparently it’s a constant game of a “it’s a skill issue” when it comes to relying to others. He does this to himself when the dude badly needs support, like my guy, you said it yourself that you can’t reform the entire jujutsu system alone lol. 
But you know what’s crazy? His cahoots with Utahime is the closest thing to him letting others support him, especially someone he DEEMS “weak.” While yes later on, Gojo did ask Ijichi’s help for the Sukuna fight but Utahime gets a special mention here because she’s THE first. These two just stuck to each other despite being cities away. Moreover, both Utahime and Gojo are teachers who aim to nurture a better generation. They kinda understand each other in that department, ykyk. But then Gojo here isn’t really letting Utahime in because she’s supposedly “weak” and there’s the strained dynamic that surrounds it. Here’s an excellent post that isn’t mine that kinda explains this stuff too.
In other words, I do think Utahime hates Gojo because of how he treats people which is super neat to me cuz she wants him to be accountable and not get away from being an arrogant brat. Meanwhile, Gojo here, in an emotionally constipated, seems to yank her attention A LOT, and I even dare to think that even with walls that he builds, he craves for support but can't be totally upfront about it.
JJK and the wasted potential
The jjk fandom (even how divided we all are at times) can universally agree that Gege fumbled a lot of female characters. I have specifically talked about Utahime, Mai, and Nobara (And I’m working on another Utahime plus kyoto tech actually that was an ask from..months ago hehe) As for Shoko now, yes. I’ve read this one great post about her in how she goes against the “healer of the group” trope presented in shonen anime (example: Naruto’s Sakura and Bleach’s Orihime being the healer shown to have their hearts on their sleeves). I guess what I can say is there’s so much fun to explore with Shoko is her relationship with Utahime because even though she appears distant, she does in fact maintain a long term relationship with Uta. Another potential is her interacting with the students because the number of adults in the manga are literally almost next to none, I see her having the character arc of learning to open up to them and being that aunt who gets real with them why being an adult sucks over alcoholic drinks lol 
As for the overall wasted potential from jjk, ngl I go through the cycle of grief whenever I felt this about jjk like yes, I do feel like Mai and Maki’s arc are handled badly and yes, I am saddened by the lack of kyoto tech exploration in the manga. There’s Nobara’s and Yuki's death. However, when hitting the acceptance stage, I just grew to understand that jjk is a bleak ass manga (and it rightfully established itself like that from the start with Junpei’s death) and deaths are a huge part of it which I think a huge chunk of the fandom sometimes FORGETS. Second, Gege’s just not interested in exploring shit that I like. So yeah, I just came to the conclusion that Gege is Gege and the only way he actually makes me keep reading jjk (even with the many heartbreaks of wasted potential I have with it) is how he’s handling Yuuji and Megumi right now cuz I’m pretty invested in them.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
about q!slime "I love you", I just thought it was funny because q!roier NEVER responds back to q!cellbit (he only said it once and it was at their wedding) that's all, he literally got more sad because of q!spreen the other day than for his husband, I really love spiderbit but since the beginning of purgatory he's been acting really weird towards him, I just think he should appreciate him more since he does literally everything for q!roier and I don't see half the amount of retribution and oh I'm sure that if q!cellbit acted the way q!roier acts towards him, no one would like them and they would call them toxic. [I would also like to clarify that I don't like any other ships with them]
Clearly your understanding of these characters is lacking because Roier didn’t spend the entire last week of Purgatory obsessively protecting his husband and dying for him on several occasions just for people like you to say that he doesn’t appreciate Cellbit at all.
The thing about qRoier is that he’s always hid his emotions from everybody including the audience, and the only person who’s ever really been able to see through his Silly Guy Persona is qCellbit. Cellbit doesn’t need Roier to say “I love you” to know that he loves him because he knows that Roier expresses his love in different, more subtle ways. He spends time with Cellbit even though he doesn’t really Get enigmas the way Cellbit and even Richarlyson do, he constantly tells Cellbit that he’ll be with Cellbit no matter what. It’s why Cellbit wasn’t angry during the Egg War event, he knew that Roier would never EVER purposefully hurt him; if you watch Roier’s stream of it, you’ll see him constantly shouting for Cellbit to leave so he doesn’t have to hurt him.
During Purgatory, Roier never went out of his way to hurt Cellbit, and he felt AWFUL every time he had to. And then, once they were put on the same team, Roier spent nearly every moment he could by Cellbit’s side protecting him from mobs and from Blue Team. When Tubbo attacked in the Red Base, Roier legitimately died to protect Cellbit, and anyone who knows his character knows that he’d do it again. And again. And again!
Roier is absolutely crushed right now btw, in reference to you saying he was more upset about qSpreen dying than qCellbit. He’s always covered his grief up in jokes, it’s why most of the server and a majority of fans all believe Roier’s moved on from Bobby’s death. Again, the only one on the island who’d be able to see through this is Cellbit, but he’s. Indisposed.
The interesting thing about him grieving right now is the fact that Roier doesn’t actually seem to fully believe that Cellbit is dead. Sure, he’s saying he is, but it’s kinda more in the same way he did when he thought Richarlyson and Leo were dead. But also? He’s doing something he’s NEVER done regarding a deceased family member, and that’s changing the things they left behind. He says the castle is his now and so he can change the paintings, but he was also almost like “omg he’s gonna be so mad at this when he gets back” as he did so because he may not truly believe that Cellbit is dead, especially ooc after seeing that Richarlyson Video from the other day. Roier’s allowing himself to feel a tiny amount of hope atm, and he’s angry and he’s so SO upset. Because he loves Cellbit and he’s hurt.
By the way, the reason Cellbit’s “Te Amo” at the end of Purgatory hit so hard is because Cellbit doesn’t usually say it, either. Because he’s still lowkey super emotionally constipated, and because that just isn’t the kind of relationship he and Roier have. They both say “I love you” in different ways, and that’s just fine
But whatever, you do you. Keep watching with your eyes closed, have fun
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lizhrs · 2 years
eren x yn x jean (wc: 4099)
warnings: smut/nsfw, threesome, cunnilingus, slight dacryphilia, fingering, choking, blowjob, degradation/dirty talk
summary: after discovering your marriage isn't what it seems, you decide you finally need to give into your deepest desires and who better to help than your two most trustworthy bodyguards?
“why is he here?" eren scoffs the second he steps in the room, choosing to lean against the wall instead of moving closer towards them.
you roll your eyes, not in the mood to deal with another juvenile argument between them right now. you're too exhausted—emotionally that is. right now, there's only one thing on your mind, it's been itching away at you for over a year now and you'll be damned if you don't get it.
jean grimaces at the sight of their newfound guest, "you invited him?"
"i already told you i did." you reply, looking up at the chandelier in the ceiling. it's been an hour since you returned home, contemplating whether to call them up again after they escorted you here. a part of you is in anguish because asking them to do this will just make things undoubtedly uncomfortable for them and their boss. but the other part—the one that's a bit selfish and tired of always being discarded by a man you thought was supposed to love you just wants...you want this. and you know they want it too.
you can tell they've wanted it since the moment they laid eyes on you. eren never really tried to hide it whenever the two of you were alone, always looking at you with those fierce eyes as if you were already his. jean on the other hand, kept his distance whenever he wasn't ordered to watch over you. having that pained, constipated look on his face like you were about to pounce on him any second.
"whatever." jean grumbles. "he's going to say no as well."
"is he?" you lean up on your elbows, looking at eren. he raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"you mind telling me what's going on?"
"yes he is." jean practically growls. "because he's not that much of an idiot to get himself killed."
"what's going on?" his voice is louder now.
you blow a puff of air before standing up from the bed.your stomach is slowly getting filled with anxiety but you try and push it back, you want to do this. in fact, you need to do it. it'll calm the turmoil going on in your head right now. you have every right to sleep with anyone you want—especially after what you've just learned.
your fingers toy with the spaghetti straps of your dress before allowing them to fall, eren's eyes slightly widen at your actions as jean takes a step back, clenching his jaw. ignoring him, you unzip the dress, it falls and pools down at your feet on the floor.
"uhm..." eren starts, looking both shocked and slightly intrigued.
"she knows." jean sighs, clenching his jaw as he forces himself to look away from the sight in front of him.
"she...knows?" he looks confused.
"yes i know." you sigh, rolling your eyes. "that my prick of a husband is cheating on me and has been cheating on me for the entirety of our marriage. thanks for telling me by the way." you step out of the dress.
you're not necessarily angry at them, definitely not as much as the fury you feel for your so called husband and you know they would've been putting their own lives as risk if they told you but it still hurts.
you should've known that man wouldn't stay faithful even if his life depended on it but you needed this marriage, or so you thought. now you just want out but you know that's not an option. the only way out is if he somehow drops dead but that's unlikely with the swarm of bodyguards by his side every second.
so you're throwing your morals out the window cause you don't owe him shit, screw those vows. "you better get dressed before i—"
"before you what?" you scoff, looking at eren. it would've been an empty threat no matter what he said. "what, you don't want me?"
"you think doing this will make it better? acting like a whore and seeking our validation will make the pain go away and cause him to run to you? it's just gonna end with a bullet in all our heads."
you bite your lip, he's only saying this because jean is here. if the other wasn't, he'd be jumping at the chance for the slightest taste of you.
"not everything has to do with him—"
"so you would've been doing this even if you hadn't found out?"
"probably not." you huff. "but we all know we've all been wanting this for ages." you take a step toward eren cause lord knows jean isn't going to make any moves before someone else does. "is it so wrong to finally go after something i want? something we all want?" you stop when you're standing directly in front of eren, feeling his hot breath on your face.
"stop it." jean grits his teeth from behind you both.
"what do you say eren?" you bring your finger up to touch his chin but he grabs your wrist before you can make contact. he tightens his hold, eyes staring at you with anger because you've put him in this position. and lust. definitely lust. "he never has to know."
as much as you want to rub it in his face, telling him would just put these two in danger.
eren bites his bottom lip. it feels like a century passes before his finger ghosts over your cheek, you gasp as he moves his hand to tightly clench the back of your hair. "you're something else. you know the affect you have on us and shamelessly use it to your advantage; consequences be damned. " he sounds more proud than angry.
"is that a yes or n—" you're cut off by his lips pressing onto yours. fuck. his breath is minty fresh, contrasting with the glass of champagne you had earlier. the kiss is hard, clearly filled with pent up frustration. he quickly spins you around until he's pinning you against the wall. lips finding your jawline, neck and cheek. he's sloppy and you're not complaining.
"you really have some nerve..." he pants. "putting us in this position."
you smile, letting out a tiny whimper as he nibbles on your neck. "you sure marking her up is a good idea?" jean speaks up, sounding irritated.
"shut up." eren growls. "at least i'm not a pussy and actually doing—" he yelps before he can finish. you gasp as jean tugs him by the hair and pushes him away. he looks at you for only a second before connecting your lips together, lifting you up as you wrap your legs around him.
jean kisses you with almost as much desperation as eren, less sloppy but the frustration is there. tongue darting out to lick the outline of your lips, hands clenching the flesh of your ass, eliciting a moan from you. "you're gorgeous." he breathes out.
he walks you both to the bed, watching as you collapse on it before he pounces on top of you. holding his weight up by his forearms. "i wanted to kill him every time he hurt you."
"that's quite shocking to hear considering the fact you practically kiss his ass." eren scoffs from behind.
jean goes to look at him, an insult at the tip of his tongue but you quickly grab him by the jaw. "focus on me." you whisper.
his eyes instantly soften, he leans down to press a soft kiss to your throat. "i thought you said not to leave marks." eren scoffs. "or is that only—"
jean unsnaps your bra, taking it off and throwing it at eren's face. "he's right." he mutters. probably took a lot of strength to say those words, you refrain from a giggle. "no marks."
"then fuck me." you practically whine.
his eyes turn a few shades darker as he rips off your panties, "lub—" eren throws a small bottle of lube on the bed before he can finish, surprisingly he's sitting on the sofa, just observing.
jean takes it, squirting some on his fingers. "fuck, you look so perfect." he kisses you again, tongue sliding across yours. clenching your right breast, he doesn't waste time in quickly leaning down to nibble on it with his teeth. he sucks the sensitive nub, relishing in the way you arch off the bed.
his fingers trail down to your pussy, you gasp as you realize just how wet you are. "jean...please."
he leans down, fingers parting your folds. you can't get another word out before his tongue is suddenly coming in contact with your clit. you gasp, fingers clenching the sheets as your eyes almost roll to the back of your head. you haven't been eaten out in...fuck in so long.
his hands grab your thighs, harshly pulling you down so you’re closer to his lips. the next lick is unbearably slow, he’s teasing you but before a complaint can escape, he‘s suddenly lapping at your leaking cunt. "oh gosh...j-jean—ah!"
eren comes over, "as much as i enjoy hearing your moans sweetheart, he comes back in approximately twenty minutes. we don't have much time."
jean leans up, licking his lips. he grabs the lube and squirts some on his fingers before inserting a finger in you. he does it slowly, cautious at first and you have to coo. "she's not a fucking porcelain doll." eren bites.
"do you ever shut the fuck up?" he glares up at him, putting in another finger. your fingers are aching as you clench the sheets even more tightly, fuck it feels so good. it's been so long.
"i will when you realize how to treat her. she doesn't want to be treated like some breakable object. she wants to be treated like a whore. don't you?" he grins, hovering over your face before biting your bottom lip, dragging it out. you have to refrain from a giggle as his long brown hair tickles your chin.
before you can even answer, eren is pushing not one- but two lubed up fingers into you, alongside jeans. "fuck!" you scream, arching up, temporarily forgetting how to breathe.
jean looks worried for a moment, going to yell at eren but stops when he notices your desperate state. he bites his lip, starting to move his finger again. a thumb is rolling firmly on your clit, you wouldn’t know who’s even if you tried. not with the way they're drilling into you, causing the tears to form and incoherent moans to fumble out. "please...please." you move your head to press your cheek into the pillow, watching as the tears stain the fabric.
you were obviously pent up from everything that’s been happening lately because a second later, you were coming all over their fingers. a soundless moan escaping your lips. eren grins like a mad man, slowly taking his fingers out and of course, lapping at them as if his life depends on it.
"you're tighter than a damn virgin, does he really not fuck you that—" he cuts himself off.
"fucking idiot." jean cusses.
"why do you get to go first?" he brushes the moment off and frankly, you're too blissed out to care.
"cause you're an idiot." he pours some lube on his cock. it's only then that you realize they're both fully dressed, except for the open zipper of both their pants, cock hanging out.
you pout, you know why. all of you needed to hurry up but still...you really wanted to see those abs. "if you had it your way, yeager. she would never even be near me."
"if only i did." he glares. "it's really a shame you came into my life with a ring on that finger, sweetheart." he says to you, planting a soft kiss on your open lips.
"would you two just fuck me?" you groan.
"i would but this asshole—"
"i'm the asshole? you're the one-
"yes, you're the asshole. the biggest one of them all."
"you two should just kiss and and get it over with." you huff out of sheer annoyance, it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously—obviously considering their immense hatred for one another.
but jean stills, quirking up an eyebrow before looking at eren who scoffs once he sees the look in his eyes. "if you honestly think-" he can't get the words out before jean grabs the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss. it was frenzied, the shock only lasted a second for eren before he was trying to assert dominance. but jean was more determined than him, pressing deeper in the kiss.
and you have to gulp because holy fuck, the arousal in your lower region swirls as you see their tongue moving against each other. eren's fighting back a moan, it's clear from the way his eyes are squeezed shut with furrowed eyebrows. it only lasts a second more before jean is pushing him away and putting his attention back towards you.
your mouth is gaped open and so is erens who's kneeling on the bed besides him. you stifle a giggle only for jean to roll his eyes. "never bring that up again." he aligns his cock with your entrance and you only have a second to get ready before he's snapping forward.
you let out a choked gasp to which he smiles at, "i thought you didn't want to get treated like a porcelain?"
"i-i don't."
he grinds his hips in little circles as he leans down to whisper in your ear. "then what it is, princess?"
"you're..." you whimper. "big." you breath out. bigger than you've ever had.
that obviously adds to jean's ego, "you hear that, yeager? i'm big. tell him how much i fill you up, princess."
you shake your head as he starts to move, his cock is so hard and your insides feel like they're melting from the euphoric feeling. "he's so big—oh god eren he's so big." you moan, digging your head into the pillow.
eren clenches his jaw, looking like he wants to throw a degrading remark at jean but opts to just move closer to you. he swipes his finger across your lips before grabbing his cock and bringing it towards your mouth. you eagerly open up, not caring at how desperate you look.
“you’re going to be a good little slut and take what i give you, yeah?”
you nod. he smiles proudly before dragging his cock into your throat, pushing it inside until you’re gagging. his fingers dig into your hair as he keeps up his merciless pace. your throat already aches but none of you care enough to stop, the tears gather on your lashes as you sob. you try to keep your gag reflex relaxed but it’s pointless with the way eren is drilling into you, the little choked noises you’re making seem to be making him even more aroused. he’s stretching your mouth and throat as far as they can go, moaning at the sensation. “yeah, take it.” he groans. “you’re doing so well, y/n.”
meanwhile jean is thrusting into you, lining up one of your legs to his side. his pace has become painfully slow, making you feel every inch and vein of his cock. he’s pressing his body as close to yours as it can go.
the incessant pressure in your core has you whimpering, the noises vibrating on eren’s cock. jealousy seems to be overtaking jean as he watches the way you swallow around eren because his thrusts become quick again, reaching your deepest parts. he pounds into you, your voice cracking at the unforgiving pace. the slap of his pelvis meeting you is filling the room and eren laughs. “and here i thought you were gonna be the vanilla one.”
“fuck off.” the wet squelching of his cock moving inside of you almost has you coming again. he draws back only to slam in again. you throw your head back, not having the strength to suck eren anymore.
“fuck.” the tears are falling down your cheeks. “keep doing that, k-keep fucking me.” his fingertips dig into your thighs, groans mixing with your high pitched whines.
“ah—ah—ah!” you rut back to meet his thrusts, feeling it deep in your core.
you can tell he’s close, he almost collapses on you as he takes his cock out eliciting a cry from you. “i’m sorry princess. as much as i want to, releasing inside of you would cause problems we wouldn’t be able to handle.” he tugs on his member, only for a few seconds before he’s spilling on your stomach, a few spurts landing on your face.
eren wastes no time, pushing him away so he’s now the one in-between your thighs. he grabs you by the waist, spinning you around until you’re on your stomach with your ass up. you push your face into the pillow and almost scream as his tongue darts into your pussy. he laps it up, licking at your clit like it’s his favorite meal.
“jesus, yeager.” jean scoffs. “you’re like a damn dog.” he’s standing, cleaning himself up with a cloth.
eren ignores him, the sound of your moans already has his ego too inflated to fight. you clench the sheets so hard your fingers hurt. “o-oh—e—eren.”
“hurry the fuck up.” jean comments.
eren kneels up, “fuck off.”
“we only have a couple of minutes left, idiot.”
he sighs, “fuck that.” he whispers more to himself. you don’t even feel him align with your entrance, he’s too quick as he’s already buried inside of you. you gasp, clenching your eyes shut. “why the hell should i hurry up? why the hell does he get to have her? he doesn’t deserve shit.”
the oversensitivity is getting to you. fuck, you feel so used. it’s amazing. he yanks you up so your back is pressed up against his stomach as he rams into you. his teeth dig into your neck, ignoring the way jean scolds him for leaving a mark. he doesn’t care, biting until he’s sure there’s going to be a bruise for days.
that’s definitely going to come back to haunt you all later but the cock in your cunt has you too fucked out to care. sweat dribbles down your forehead and your cheek and eren quickly comes to lick it up. “do you like this y/n? like being fucked into oblivion. like being my little bitch?”
you sob, nodding weakly. you do, you do like it. “say it.” he growls.
“i—i like it.”
“like what?”
you whine, “i—i like being your little b-bitch. please fuck me more. please.”
his breathing comes out as ragged breaths as the pace increases even more, hands gripping your hips to the point you know there’s going to be bruises. oh fuck, how are you even going to explain this to him?
“i’ve wanted this for so long.” eren says from behind. “could do this for hours.”
“well you don’t have hours, dipshit.”
you’re shaking, it feels like it’s been hours since you all started when it’s only been about a couple of minutes. eren is pressing deep into your sensitive parts, pushing you into the mattress until you can barely breath. “what do you say jean? next time, why don't we both take her at the same time?” he asks jean as if you’re not even here.
a tiny moan escapes your lips at that, imagining them both filling you up simultaneously. jean doesn't say anything, you wish you could see the expression on his face.
his hands knead the flesh of your ass as he slams in once then twice then thrice before he’s coming. a wet sob escapes your lips as he fills your insides. you don’t even have the chance to come down from your high before jean is yanking him off the bed. “are you fucking crazy?” he grits his teeth.
your eyes are closed, still in the same position because holy fuck that just happened. all of that just happened. and you don’t regret any of it one bit.
“oh screw off, you’re just mad you were too much of a coward to do it yourself.”
“it’s not about cowardice you fucking idiot! you want her getting pregnant—with your kid? are you crazy? fucking psycho. he’d have us all killed.”
you finally regain a bit of strength as you slowly roll onto your back, staring at that damn chandelier again. you sit up, “i-it’s fine. i’ll take the after morning pill.”
eren smiles at jean, more passive aggressive than genuine. “see? it’s all fine.” he walks towards the bed again, kneeling on the bed for a taste of your lips.
jean scoffs, storming over and pushing him off. “you can’t have it all you dickwad.” he grabs your chin instead, pressing his tongue into the roof of your mouth and licking your lips. doing it all because they all know it’ll be a while before they can again.
eren stands up, “five minutes.” he looks down at his watch then at you, eyes softening. “well princess... words can’t express my gratitude towards you for tonight.”
you refrain from an eye roll just as jean pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your lips. “you guys should hurry out.” you say, ignoring the pained throb in your chest as you say that.
them leaving means him coming in and the last thing you want is to be in the same room as that bastard. “i’ll clean up myself.”
they both nod, looking a bit reluctant but knowing it’s suicide to try and stay.
“one last question.” eren says once their pants are zipped up again and you’re in a robe. “how’d you find out? about him?”
you lick your dry lips, all that screaming has your throat hoarse. “i’m not the airhead housewife you all think i am. i know a lot more shit than you give me credit for.”
jean’s eyes dart to the hickey on your neck. “obviously.”
you smile, “now leave so i can shower.”
eren’s the first to step out, the lust still evident in his eyes as he stares at you until he’s out of view. jean stays behind for a second, not really saying anything, just clenching and unclenching his fists.
you bite your lip, knowing a gist of what he wants to to say but he can’t say it. none of them can say it to you, it’ll just...it won’t end well. not one bit. so you smile, opting for a small joke. “don’t worry, next time you can come in me all you want.”
his eyebrow is raised for a second before he laughs. “next time?”
“well, of course there’s going to be a next time.”
“hmm. next time then.” he nods, taking a step back. he jokingly salutes you—doing a half assed job at it before walking out.
you nibble on your bottom lip, looking at the clock. shit. you should really win an award for the amount of things you’re able to do in the span of the remaining time you had. quickly showering, almost falling in the tub at that then dressing up in that damn pajama set you keep in the back of your closet. it’s your least sexy one, covering up every inch of your body but that’s exactly what you need right now.
you took other precautions before that, the paranoia eating you up as you applied makeup to the marks they left behind. you hate how you have to do this—he never had the liberty of washing his lipstick stained suits before returning home. why the hell do you have to go through all of this?
the beds already cleaned up, the bottle of lube hidden far inside your underwear drawer. you quickly get in the bed once you hear the front door to the mansion opening.
it only takes a few minutes before the bedroom door is opening and he’s walking over. “are you feeling better?” he asks, taking his jacket off and throwing it to the sofa.
“yeah.” you mutter. you guess pretending to be asleep didn’t work. “sorry i left early.”
“it’s fine.” it seems he’s too exhausted to go shower as he climbs in the bed next to you. “i’m sure eren and jean took good care of you.”
you nod, allowing him to pull you into his arms. “yeah. they did.”
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons for Dante realising he has a crush on reader, who is a new addition to DMC crew and fellow devil hunter? How would he act around them? Would he try and act on his feelings or keep it to himself? And how others (Vergil, Nero, Lady) would react to the whole thing?
Thank you!
Hello there! Thanks for being the first person to send a request on this blog. This is my first time writing headcanons and it probably came out more as a scenario, also i added Nico, hope you don't mind. Enjoy!
Dante Realizing He Has a Crush
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gif by @rainbow-cadenza
Being devil hunters you met during a mission: both of you got the same request from different people and as Dante was approaching the demon, he found you already there.
His first instict was to fight alone and, being the obnoxiously loud man he is, he started a scene. However, with you being almost as stubborn as he is, he shifted into a more cocky behavior.
"Alright, alright hotstuff. Show me what you got"
Needless to say, that demon was short lived.
The first time this happened he shrugged it off as a coincidence and left without really speaking much. But what happened once, happened twice. Then three times, and four, until he could no longer deny the evidence that you two seemed to meet everywhere and that you were, indeed, a good team.
He would deny his attraction and interest towards you and try to act casual.
"You know you should come to Devil May Cry. I mean. Since we meet so often and all we might as well work together".
It was when you entered the building and Dante introduced you as a new member of Devil May Cry that everyone started being suspicious and alert of Dante. He had never brought anyone to join the crew so everyone, especially Vergil, assumed that you were a particularly strong hunter or that you had demonic blood.
With some time (not even that much, really) everyone realized that Dante had a crush and that he'd brought you in just to be around you more. It was painfully obvious, except for you two apparently.
He always tried to be around you and whenever you had a mission he found an excuse to come with because "Oh I have a mission near that town, let's go on my bike".
It's an excuse to have you cling onto him but he won't admit that.
It isn't really that he purposely denies his feelings, he is just very emotionally constipated. While he always jokes and worries about others, he always has trouble understanding his own feelings and has internalized that a relationship is too much of a pain to handle or that people just don't want him that way.
It didn't stop him from shamelessly flirting everytime he could though. His behavior would constantly leave you wondering if he had a crush on you or if he was just an idiot.
He would flirt a lot, yes, but his interest would be most obvious in the simple gestures, like casually grabbing something from a high shelf if you're short or suggesting the best ways to take care of your weapons.
Lady and Nico made bets all over the place.
Nico: I bet 10 bucks Dante will share a pizza with them.
Lady, shaking her head: Don't underestimate Dante's love for pizza, he won't share.
In a way, they both won the bet. Dante did not share his own pizza but he did order one for you with his own money. Which is basically the same thing for him.
Nero was so confused at first. It seemed obvious to him that you both were interested in each other (it reminded a lot of himself and Kyrie back in the days) and stared at you two interact like a disappointed coach.
"What the hell are you doing Dante, just ask them out!"
Vergil would be even more confused than Nero, (he's an expert at not taking the hint when it comes to relationships) so he would think something among the lines "My idiot brother is acting even more like an idiot ever since that hunter came in"
Despite his loud personality, Dante is a shy and insecure lover so it would take him a lot of time before asking you out. The final push would be Nero having a pep talk encouraging him to do it.
In the end, when he does ask you out, Devil May Cry is filled with "Finally!", "Took you long enough old man!" and 10 dollar bills flowing around like nothing happened.
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Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed. I had lots of fun writing this one so feel free to let me know what you think about it. If you have any other request, ask away and don't be shy! Also, should you be interested in my works, let me know if you want me to tag you.
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graysonshmayson · 9 months
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FAQ- OP has offered the following info for context:
Ok part of me wanted to let this all slide, but I think some more context could be helpful!
Please take yourself and everyone else in your family to therapy?
Oh trust me, this is our behavior as medicated, therapy-going individuals, although my dad hasn’t gone to therapy consistently since he was young. Getting J to do anything that involves talking about how he feels usually involves threats of violence. 
Why is NO ONE ELSE helping your dad? 
No one can. He doesn’t really form close relationships. His closest friendships are his coworkers and he still keeps them at arm's length when it comes to personal things. SUPER hard boundaries, and he can be really scary so it's impossible to push it. Other than that, he has no family and lives alone now except for 2 of us kids and our grandpa. Our grandpa is an angel and tries to help him but ultimately my dad is so stubborn it's hard. He’s a lifesaver though, and helps a lot in connecting us to our dad and putting him in his place when he needs it. 
How many kids does your dad need? And why are they working in the company?
Well, his only biological kid is D! But there’s a lot of us and the official count is 6. He really has a soft spot for helping kids, though, because of his own experiences and so we’re kind of a haven for wayward teens. He mentors a lot of people, and they idolize him and want to help out. If he didn’t let them, they would try anyway, and that would be dangerous for everyone. Our family doesn’t end or start with blood. 
How the hell did T get involved at 14?
There’s not much of a way to say this that doesn’t sound weird, but he just started hanging around him until he got the position. I’m not going to take any slander when it comes to this, my dad is absolutely not a creep, T was just incredibly stubborn. He was getting in harm's way, so my dad decided to employ him so he was at least in charge. T’s dad was involved in an accident, and my dad took pity on him and got more involved. They were a good team. When T’s dad died, it only made sense to adopt him. 
Why not get custody of D?
I had quite a few people ask me this, and the short answer is that I didn’t want to. I have no interest in taking D away from his father, even if I disagree with his parenting sometimes. D has lost enough family, and it would only serve to destroy my relationship with both of them. My grandfather had custody of D, but he was getting up there in age, so I stepped in to help. 
Why didn’t your dad adopt you?
This was a resounding response to all of my posts, saying that I don’t owe him anything and have no legal ties to the family, so I should get out of there while I still can. The truth is, I was furious after my parents died. Even when my dad took me in, I ran away all the time, I got into fights, and I didn’t want him controlling me. I was spiraling, and I didn’t like being spoken down to, especially by him because he was absent due to his work. He thought that if he treated me as an equal instead of a child, I would respond to him better, which isn’t super wrong. Me working in the company helped us bond, and develop a mutual respect. I think he was afraid of ruining that and I know he was afraid of asserting himself as a father. When I was younger, it felt like he just didn’t want to be my dad. Sometimes I felt like I was a charity case he took on for himself, more than for me. I asked him why when I grew up, and he told me that he didn’t want to look like he was trying to replace my parents. He wanted to respect their place in my life and told me that it never meant he didn’t see me as his son. He didn’t want to come on too strong, and was too emotionally constipated to ask me how I felt about it. He recognized his mistake and fixed it, but I was too old to be legally adopted by then. I don’t even call him Dad most of the time (pretty much none of us do), but we still see him that way. 
How did J come back to life?
Basically we didn’t have the right body, and it turned out he survived and was hanging out with some shady circles for years before he came back. Probably plotting his revenge considering how dramatic he was when he came back. He’s pretty much fine, now though. Still a little shady but not committing as many crimes. He’s a good person when it comes down to it, just angry.
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moonflowerfourever · 9 months
Soukoku SFW Alphabets✨ (Part 1)
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Part 2, Part 3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Their ways of showing affection are weird, from writing death messages to teasing each other like no tomorrow, they probably have the type of affection that just traumatises any onlookers. Between them, they both show equal amounts of affection, just different ways of showing it. Dazai uses more words to make Chuuya feel better, while Chuuya shows affection through his actions, like making Dazai's fav dish for dinner.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Of course their friendship started with a fight. As best friends, they would probably be the worst not when bickering between themselves but when they make it everyone's problem. When they work towards a common goal though, they are unstoppable, whether it be studying for a test, or a devious plan to prank literally everyone around them. Either way, the duo is a major headache for whichever poor soul that has the misfortune of crossing paths with them.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This one's a definite yes. Cuddles are probably their favourite way of showing affection. At first sight, many would think that Dazai is the big spoon, but in reality, Chuuya's the big spoon. Dazai just likes to cling to Chuuya and fall asleep while listening to his heartbeat. Chuuya loves to bury his head in Dazai's hair and smell the sweet shampoo he'd bought for Dazai. Both of them have trouble sleeping when the other's not around, especially Dazai.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Dazai is a huge flirt and proposes double suicides with every other woman he meets, but his heart belongs to Chuuya. It's a fact that had established itself unknowingly in his head ever since he met Chuuya, but being the emotionally constipated idiot he is, Dazai didn't realise it until much much later. Chuuya is loyal to a fault, and that's the absolute truth. Ever since he fell for Dazai, Chuuya's never looked at anyone else. Maybe a few flings with nameless faceless people after Dazai left, but he never let go of the feelings he had for Dazai. As for chores, Chuuya does most of the work, but surprisingly, Dazai does some work too. It was a fact that had scared the living daylights out of the ADA when they learnt about it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
No. The thing is, no matter how much they try to stay apart, they always gravitate towards each other in the end. It's like Dazai's Chuuya's other half, and vice versa. So no, I can't write anything for impossible scenarios.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
No matter when they actually get married, their hearts were already married since they were fifteen. But Dazai was a bit afraid of the commitment at first, but as they slowly unravelled each other(and themselves in the process) Dazai's fear evaporated away. Dazai wanted to get married as soon as they got together after he defected, but Chuuya needed more time to process the events, so they got married a little late (in their opinion anyway. Kunikida still thinks 23 is too early to tie the knot.).
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
"Gentle is something that's not in Soukoku's vocabulary." is what many would think. But they are surprisingly soft when they're in tune with each other's emotions. It wasn't an easy task, especially with all the masks Dazai wore, but when Chuuya understood what Dazai needed at the moment, he became gentle and giving. Though Dazai is an expert at observing, he doesn't know how to express his feelings and ends up using physical contact to show that he really cares. In the end, Dazai is gentler physically, while Chuuya is gentler emotionally.
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