#free spell casting online
lovespellstip · 2 years
Spell Casters Free of Charge For Wicca Ritual Guidance Step By Step
What Are Spell Casters Free of Charge?
Spell casters free of charge is the place where everyone's problems end. This is a type of group where the world's most famous and powerful Free spell casters gather through the Internet. All of them are always present at your service online or offline.
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What Are Spell Casters Free of Charge For?
Any person who are facing trouble in their life, they can WhatsApp or Call them from anywhere at any time. The only goal of their life is to solve the problems happening in the lives of people, which they do through their powerful spell rituals.
If there is any sorrow in your life, like Love Problem, Money problem, Family problem, Marriage problem, Voodoo problem, Divorce problem or Dark spells problem etc. So you must contact Free spell casters online once. Their mantras are so powerful that you will start feeling the difference as soon as you use them.
How Do Spell Casters Free of Charge Fix Love Problems Permanently?
Free love spell casters online have very powerful spells through which they can solve any of your problems in just a few minutes. If you are facing any kind of love problem in life. Whether there is lack of love between husband wife or boyfriend girlfriend or there is no lover in your life and you want to attract your crush. So you contact Spell casters free of charge. They give you some love rituals and also a step by step guide on how you can get the most out of it.
Are Spells Can Control Mind of Someone?
Yes definitely, spells have enough power to control mind or body of any person. You can control any person for a short time or for a long time and make that person do the work you want.
Spell that control the mind and body are used when you want to make your desired person fall in love with you or marry with them. Apart from this, you can also use it when you want to make someone your slave. Another use of this can also be used by anyone to get rid of their enemies.
Voodoo Spell Casters Free of Charge
If you feel that someone has cast a spell on you or a member of your household, you can end that spell with the help of a Free of charge spell caster. You just need to WhatsApp or Call from your phone and Free spell caster will tell you the solution, so you can get free consultation now for Hoodoo and Voodoo rituals which gives you result within 48 hours.
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happytapirstudio · 4 months
Internet drama is so insane because it's always over something unbelievably petty. I know we all know this by now but I feel the need to reiterate it if only for myself. Watching two whole-ass adults argue about TLK fanart. People. People..... *clasps my hands together like a sixth grade teacher on the verge of a breakdown*
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onlinefreespell · 5 months
Spellbound by Love How Free Love Spells Can Transform Your Relationships
Do you want to bring love into your life or strengthen the love you already have? Look no further than free love spells online. These spells can help you manifest your desires and bring love into your life. In this article, we’ll explore the power of free love spells online and how they can help you achieve your romantic goals.
What Are Love Spells?
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Types of Love Spells
There are many different types of love spells, each with its own purpose and intention.
Attraction spells: These spells are used to attract a specific person or to attract love in general.
Commitment spells: These spells are used to strengthen a relationship and increase commitment.
Passion spells: These spells are used to increase passion and intimacy in a relationship.
The Power of Free Love Spells Online
Free love spells online are a powerful tool for manifesting love in your life. Here’s why:
Accessible to Everyone
One of the biggest advantages of free love spells online is that they are accessible to everyone. You don’t need to have any prior experience with magic or spend money on expensive ingredients. With just a few clicks, you can find a variety of free love spells online and perform them in the comfort of your own home.
Customizable to Your Needs
Another benefit of free love spells online is that they can be customized to your specific needs and desires. You can choose a spell that aligns with your intentions and modify it to fit your unique situation. This allows you to personalize the spell and make it more powerful.
No Negative Consequences
Many people are hesitant to use love spells because they fear negative consequences. However, with free love spells online, there is no need to worry. These spells are designed to bring love and positivity into your life, and as long as your intentions are pure, there will be no negative consequences.
Can Be Performed Anytime, Anywhere
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How to Find Free Love Spells Online
Now that you understand the power of free love spells online, you may be wondering where to find them. Here are a few tips for finding the perfect love spell for you:
Do Your Research
Before performing any spell, it’s important to do your research. Look for reputable sources and read reviews from others who have tried the spell. This will help you determine if the spell is right for you and if it has been successful for others.
Use Trusted Websites
When searching for free love spells online, it’s important to use trusted websites. Look for websites that have a good reputation and offer a variety of spells. Avoid websites that require payment for spells or seem suspicious.
Consider Your Intentions
When choosing a love spell, it’s important to consider your intentions. What do you want to accomplish with the spell? Do you want to attract a specific person, or do you want to bring love into your life in general? Make sure the spell matches your intentions and desires.
Performing Free Love Spells Online
Once you have found the perfect love spell for you, it’s time to perform it. Here are some general steps to follow when performing a love spell:
Gather your materials: Most love spells require basic ingredients such as candles, herbs, and crystals.
Set your intentions: Before casting the spell, take a moment to set your intentions and visualize your desired outcome.
Cast the spell: Follow the instructions for the spell carefully, focusing your energy and intentions as you perform each step.
Release your intentions: Once the spell is complete, release your intentions into the universe and trust that they will manifest.
Real-Life Examples of Free Love Spells Online
Attracting Love
One example of a free love spell online is the “Attract Love Spell” from Wiccan Spells. This spell is designed to attract love into your life and can be customized to your specific needs and desires.
Strengthening a Relationship
If you’re looking to strengthen your current relationship, you may want to try the “Relationship Strengthening Spell” from Spells of Magic. This spell is designed to increase commitment and passion in a relationship.
Bringing Back a Lost Love
For those looking to bring back a lost love, the “Reconciliation Spell” from Free Witchcraft Spells may be the perfect option. This spell is designed to heal a broken relationship and bring back a lost love.
Precautions When Using Free Love Spells Online
Free online love spells are an effective way to express your love, but you should be careful when using them. Here are some things to keep in mind.
Always have pure intentions: Make sure your intentions are pure and you are not trying to manipulate or harm anyone with the spell.
Use caution with personal information: Be cautious when sharing personal information with websites or spell casters. Avoid giving out sensitive information such as your full name, address, or date of birth.
Trust your instincts: If a spell or website seems suspicious or makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and find a different spell or website.
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windvexer · 4 months
Hiya Chicken! I was wondering if you could expand upon what you meant in your most recent post (some people DO need physical items)? I think I understand what you're saying (some people are incapable of directing energy for spellwork on their own and need the assistance of tools, and that's okay?) but I'm not sure it's entirely clicking in my brain. Is it somewhat akin to "some people cannot effectively direct their energy without additional forces like correspondences to nail it down"? The idea is something I can get behind, I just want to make sure I'm not missing out on other nuance and completely misinterpreting. It isn't something I've really thought about before, so I want to make sure I'm like. Understanding fully and completely. Thank you for your time :)
We are in reference to this post.
Hey! I like where you’re coming from, but I think there can be more to it. You're really kind for inviting me to talk about my thoughts 😅
Uh... I'd also like to say that this has been on my mind for a really long time, so I don't think the following is comprehensive, but it's a good start.
I also want to reiterate that when most people say "you don't need stuff to practice witchcraft" they probably mean it in an encouraging and anti-consumerist way, which I don't disagree with; I just think it's more nuanced than that.
Accessibility: A part of witchcraft is integrating it into your life so that it’s possible to practice. If you’re a very ‘out of sight, out of mind’ individual, then it may literally be necessary to have physical tools, altars, and reminders around you, or else you’ll wake up 5 months later remembering you wanted to be practicing this entire time.
Also accessibility: You say that some people might need tools to help move energy, which is a factor (more on that later!) but it’s also a thing that some people can’t just sit down in an empty room and focus on visualization + willpower. Not all people can sit still and use meditative focus to direct their thoughts for an extended period of time without any external stimulation. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be good at energy work; it just means they can’t engage with that style of practice.
Still accessibility: This is more on the “it’s okay to buy mass produced” side of things, but an interest in witchcraft doesn’t automatically equal talent or interest in handcrafting skills. Making custom boutique tools takes time, money, energy, workshop space, and physical ability that not everyone has. It’s unfair to imply that even if you can buy a ready substitute online for $30, a beginner is a poser if they don’t take four months of free time to hone a personal hobby and make the tool themselves.
Sorcery: Not all schools of sorcery agree that you can advance down the path you want to take while never accumulating physical tools, icons, or ingredients. For example, my paradigm (which isn’t terribly unique) advises that in order to make changes in the physical world around you, then you need to use physical tools. No crystals to impregnate with energy? No herbs to sprinkle into the dinner? No candles? You can’t even direct energy into the threshold, windows, doorways? Then maybe you’re not going to be able to affect physical reality the way you want to.
(But, Chicken! You don’t need physical tools to put energy work into the front door. So you agree that the physical object is still a necessity? Or, no? Is it possible to create a purely astral threshold? Because...)
Energy: Just because you can perform an operation without using any physical tools doesn’t mean you have the personal energy to pull it off, especially not on a regular basis. For example, perhaps someone can create an energy construct of a cauldron sufficient to perform ritual gestation. They cast a spell purely out of energy work, and feed it with energy. That’s all good! But I can’t do that, because it would exhaust me. It’s not that I’m unable to direct energy; I can do energy work. It’s not a lack of talent or education. It’s just that I am literally, physically, too much of a low-energy witch to be able to do a lot of work without tools. If I had to substitute everything with energy work, I couldn’t do a lot of my witchcraft; I am too tired.
Spirit Work: In my paradigm (which is not so rare), a very important way to develop relationships with gods and spirits is to invite them into your physical space by devoting trinkets, houses, shrines, or spaces to them. By giving them a slice of your life, you invite them into your life! I don’t have to do that with a spirit. I can use my energy to bridge the gap with them every time. I can provide energy offerings to them every time they come through to me. I mean – hypothetically. I hypothetically could, but I actually can’t, because even though I can do energy work, I do not have enough personal energy to call my gods and spirits through into my IRL space using my own power multiple times a day. I especially do not have this energy when I need them most – a.k.a, when I am fatigued, distressed, and in need of help.
At a certain point, if Oak tree tells you to go find wood for a staff or wand, you’re going to have to do that. Maybe it’s going to take months or years of spellwork, careful searching, and cunning, but if you want your relationship to progress, it can’t be 100% on your terms. My point in all of this is just to say, I do agree with the sentiment that (as @lazywitchling says) you can't buy skill. And a lot of confusing resources can seem to imply that a beginner has to load up on unnecessary tools just to get started, which is untrue.
But I think sometimes that this push against anti-consumerism and a desire to protect beginners has warped into a sentiment that all witches are supposed to be able to validly work with 100% mental magic all the time for all purposes, which I don't believe is true.
Some people do need stuff! For lots of different reasons! And I think that should be normal and okay.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Ghost-Be-Gone Powder
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Intent: To banishing interloping spirits.
2 pt Angelica Root
2 pt Basil (any type)
1 pt White Oak Bark
1 pt White Willow Bark
1⁄2 pt Bloodroot**
1⁄2 pt Black Salt
1⁄2 pt Sandalwood (if desired)
Note: Powdered versions of most herbs are available online. I recommend Starwest Botanicals and Penn Herbs for quality products at reasonable prices. Also, if you can get your hands on a good electric spice grinder, you can make your own powder from dried herb products.
If you don't have premade powdered herbs, grind each ingredient separately to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through a mesh strainer into a collection dish; this removes the larger unground pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the mesh strainer reduces lost material and makes collection much easier.)
Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately. Label with the name, date, and ingredients for future reference.
Use in magics intended to remove troublesome spirits from your home. Sprinkle in the corners of each room, and across thresholds and windowsills to banish unwanted spirits and prevent their return.
Cast a few pinches of Ghost-Be-Gone Powder out your front door or on your doorstep after performing a home cleansing or banishing ritual to help keep your home free of uninvited spirits. Keep a bottle of the powder in troublesome areas to help reduce problems with mild to moderate hauntings and make any spirits who wander in easier to remove. Including the powder in regular cleansing rituals also helps to keep out all but the most determined metaphysical pests.
Add a small amount of Sandalwood or your preferred incense powder to create a burnable mix for smoke-cleansing purposes. Be sure to ventilate your home well after censing as part of a spell or ritual. (Censing or heavy smoke-cleansing are not recommended for homes with pets, small children, or persons with respiratory ailments. Always let caution and common sense prevail when planning your workings.)
-adapted from Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils, (c) 2017 by Bree NicGarran
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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ddejay18 · 4 months
Batfam Reality TV show
Ugh FINE I'll tell you about my Batfam Reality TV show HC's okay? jeez... (nobody asked).
Before i yap, this idea has been swearving around in my brain like a wagon tied to a angry rhino for a while now. I can't remeber if i was inspired by other posts so if im accidentally stealing someones idea or someone has similar posts pls lmk so i can I'll tag them :). Also reminder that these are Head Cannons, if you don't agree then thats okay. These are just the senarios I play in MY head. (pls ignore all spelling mistakes, im lazy)
Okay, I feel like a reality TV show centred around the batfam would be so funny. Like, a bunch of self aware traumatized orphans hanging around in a mansion. The Kardashians but actually likeable, humble (well, it depends) and absoloute chaos, and not the "omg youre so chaotic lmao" but instead "Ah shit, someone is trying to break in to confess their love to Brucie again, someone call the cops" kind of chaos.
Bruce Wayne is the prince of Gotham. He has built Gotham from the ground up and he is loved by the majority of Gotham residents and even villains. In this cenario, Bruce's billionare playboy days are behind him, and works more like a tired dad who is just trying his best (good parent Bruce Wayne basically). He really has no idea how or when most of these people became a part of the family but is just happy they're there. Mabey Selena Kyle /or Clark Kent could be a side character and there could be a B-plot where Bruce is panicing about proposing or something. Is chronically reading the newspaper. Bruce is also the type of parent to really try to BOND with his family. Puzzles, games, trips, picknics, lgbtq+ merch ect.
Dick Grayson lives, and even has a key to the city of Bludhaven but still visits home regularly. There is an on-going gag where Dick always talks about longing for a relationship but when sees his ex'es while out and about and turns 180° and hides. (its my HC i can do what I want. Dick is a terrible long-time boyfriend, okay).
There is also a scene where Dick makes fun of Tim for being emo (he was just on his phone) and the rest of the Batfam in their one-on-one interviews show pictures and share horror stories from Dick's 'Hot topic, MCR, stealing dads car, eyeliner, youre not my real dad, ugh' phase from his teenage years and a screen shot of Bruce Wayne holding up a picture of Dick with a joint hanging out of his mouth becomes a meme format. Another clip that went viral is a home video where Alfred is scolding Dick for staying out late and he goes "UGH" and backflips out of the room. It cuts right back to Dick where he is smiling and hugging Damian being all ":D".
Jason Todd is thought to have been dead by the people of Gotham for years but as the season progresses, can be seen more and more often in the backround like walking into rooms while people are giving their one-on-one interviews and slowly backing out, or him just walking past a room, or as soon as the camera crew enters a room Jason makes eyecontact with the viewer and just turns around and leaves. There was an intstance that sparked a lot of controvercy online where Roy Harper came to the mansion looking for Jay and the batfam just stared at him, looked to the camera crew and then looked back at him. He swiftly left after rambiling about his terrible grief. (nobody bought it)
They all grew lazy nearing the end of the season and Jason just sits at the dinner table with everyone there, the camera never focuses on him and nobody mentions that he IS actually alive and is sitting RIGHT THERE. Jason just covers his face with his free hand while he eats and can just be seen in the backround while people talk. Jason says something and the camera turned to Bruce, and the editors, very poorly, tried to make it seem like Bruce was the one talking when it was obviously Jason.
In season two of "THE WAYNES" Jason finally joins the cast and admits in a one-on-one interview that he is, in fact alive and that its not a big deal (they make up an excuse and say that he just didnt like papparazzi/had a brain injury or something so he faked his death). This is never mentioned again.
Duke Thomas lives in the manor and was adopted by Bruce (again, its my HC i can do what I want). Duke is the moral compass and seemingly the only one that actually does their own chores. He is constantly just staring out into the madness that is the rest of his family since he is one of the newer member of the family. He, along with Tim are the only ones that can cuss out Bruce without reprocussion. Damian gets kind of jealous of Duke becasue Alfred the cat seems to like Duke a lot, and Dami is afraid of Alfred the cat choosing Duke as his new favorite person. Duke is extremely aware of this and shoo's Alfred the cat away and pretends to not like cats when Damian is around (to soothe his soul a bit).
Tim Drake is also one of the few members of the family that actually lives at home. Tim is a skater kid and Ipad kid at the same time somehow. He is also the ONLY person in the manor (Alfred excluded) that Bruce doesn't scold (it would be weird, since Tim basically babysat Bruce after Jason died).
Tim and Bernard Dowd start dating during the filming of S1 so there are a lot of scenes of Tim freaking out because Bernard is coming over and of the others making fun of him for looking into every detail of their interactions and overthinking them (was that a romantic gesture or not??). Bernard finally makes an appearence where he gives a short one-on-one where he introduces himself. Bernard quickly rose in ranks in terms of the internets white boy of the month (the TikTok edits went hard).
Cassandra Wayne was also legally adopted by Bruce and is his little princess (she is highly dangerous). She changed her last name from Cain to Wayne, bc i feel like she sees the Waynes as her real family. She looks nice enough but once the audience gets to know her they become aware of her insane competitiveness and how she has everyone in the manor wrapped around her pinkie. She dominates in board/video games and is the only one that can convince Alfred to get take out. Cass also practices ballet and is selectively mute and uses ASL most of the time (i just like the idea of her being SELECTIVELY mute, okay).
She is dating Steph (ITS CANON IN MY EYES). Cass, Tim, Bruce, Alfred, Damian and Duke are the only actual residents of the Wayne manor, the others just come and go like its an open buffet.
There is a scene where Cass, Steph, Tim and Bernard all sit on the couch and tell the camera crew that, "well yes Steph and Tim used to date and didn't get along for a while but now we're all friends". "Steph is tecnically dating her ex's sister but its not that complicated, REALLY". "Well yeah, Bruce conciders Steph a part of the family but its not weird or anything guys I PROMISE". "Well yeah actually, both Tim and I realized we weren't straight during our relationship. Why?" Cass and Bernard also get along really well but Bernard doesnt know any sign language and has to rely on others to translate/ Cass has to write thing down for him (they talk MAD shit).
Stephanie Brown. Damn, how the fuck does she keep get in? Sometimes Steph just sneakes into the manor to watch TV or to raid the fridge, while texting her girlfriend, Cass about how much they miss each other when Cass is litterally just upstairs and they're both too lazy to move. Bruce offered her a key to the mansion but she just responded by saying "nah its more fun this way". Steph is constantly accused of being a gold digger within the home and she doesnt deny the claims but its obvious that she does genuinely hang around because they have all become a family to her (found family basically, ugh im such a sucker).
Damian Wayne is still young so there is not a lot of scenes going into his personal life like at school and stuff but he is still there a lot. Anytime Damian says something socially strange or offputting, the others just chuck it up to Damian being a little weird sometimes teehee, or just tell people to not mind him because he is kind of new around there. Meanwhile, Damian speaks in a very professional and sophisticaded way which creates conspiricy theories among viewers about his upbringing, ESPECIALLY because Damian said something in passing about being raised in a secret mountain society.
The camera crew caught a glimpse of Damian in the yard casually accomplishing amazing feats with a giant sword and then immidietly stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed a wild rabbit in the garden. Keen viewers also noticed this strange phenomenon where Damian somehow wins every argument EXCEPT for when its with Alfred.
(I both love and hate the idea of Damian being a spawn of satan in everyones eyes. It can be funny sometimes but in my universe, Damian gets along well with everyone. Sure Damian is crude and weird but he's a kid, and i want him to have a supportive family that understands why he does and says the things he does. I basically just want Damian unapologetically being a kid.)
Alfred Pennyworth is an interesting person for newer fans of the Wayne family, since he is practically unknows to the public. Alfred introduces himself as the only butler in the Wayne manor and a long time friend of the Wayne family. Viewers quickly realize that Alfred is really the man of the house and it becomes previlant when he goes on a short weekend trip (with a secret girlfriend perhaps, Maggie Page perhaps) and everything falls apart. Bruce doesnt know where he is supposed to be at any given time, a hirearchy is established (Cass is a very unfair leader) and the only person making sure the others are fed is that mysterious figure in the backround (Jason).
Alfred makes it sound like he is only the butler but the rest of the batfam all talk to/about him as the essential part of the family that he is and how he is everyones badass, british, grand papa, dad, butler- babysitter-cook, friend thing.
Barbra Gordon is another unofficial member of the Wayne family. She is always over for game and movie nights and just in general. Barbra and Dick used to date but are on really good terms (suprisingly). Barbra is especially close with Jason, Cass and Dick, and is kind of a mentor/cool older sister figure to the others. Sometimes Jim Gordon visits as well, since he and Bruce are fellas.
In the opening scene of the first episode, the batfam are asked to make a family tree or list of sorts since there are so many of them and Barbra was the only person who remebered that Jason was supposed to be dead (nobody bought it).
This will do FOR NOW. I wasn't be able to fit everything here so ill prolly make a pt.2, where i tell yall abt some silly situations that would take place in a Wayne reality TV show. This is more like an introduction into the convoluted storyline that has been building up in my head (what else am i supposed to do at work?).
I also want to state that Leslie Thompkins is also concidered a family member to me since she is like a surrigate mother figure to Bruce but she won't be hanging around the manor as much as the others.
Ik i skipped a lot of characters that are concidered to be in the batfamily but even I dont know who IS concidered to be in the BatFam atp or I skipped characters that i just dont like/think about as much bc im shallow like that lol.
ALSO ALSO im not a huge BatCat or SuperBat shipper but i just felt like them being in the family dynamic would be interesting. Timid ol' Clark or the HBIC Selena Kyle. I also didnt include friends and stuff that would prob be at the manor all the time too like Roy, Wally, Jon, JLA, TT, YJ ect. blah-blah-blah you get it, I'll stop yapping now.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
05/09/2024 Daily OFMD recap
TLDR; Leslie Jones; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Vico Ortiz; Jes Tom; Police Menacing Max; Articles; WBD Q1 Earnings Call; Casey Bloys Excuse Generator; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie Fucking jones will be Joining NBC's 2024 Olympics coverage!! She's gonna be Chief Super Fan Commentator! Fuck yeah Leslie!
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Source: @nbcolympics Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Some sneaky shots with Chaos Dad for Kinga's 41st birthday! Happy Birthday Kinga!
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Source: Kinga Malisz's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
So apparently Samba has started his Thirst Trap Era -- none of us are complaining! A lot of the OFMD cast members decided to comment on these as well!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
In case you missed the video on Rita's IG Stories: Peepa Sighting (I don't actually know how to spell this? I see like 3 versions online-- feel free to correct me!)
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's been doing so much voice acting lately! They decided to drop some pics from the booth! Loving all the facial expressions!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
= Date My Abuelita, First! =
New Episode of Date My Abuelita, First! with Vico! Listen here
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Source: DMAF Instagram
= Jes Tom =
Our dear Jes Tom is an honoree of Queerty's 2024 #Pride 50! Congrats Jes! Thanks @adoptourcrew for sharing this!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter / Queerty's #Pride50
== WBD End of Q1 Meeting ==
Today's Q1 Meeting was full of massive BS as you've probably seen from various sources by now. Thank you @ragsandmuffins-ali for live tweeting during the call so we could get an idea of what's going on in their heads.
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Source: @ ragsandmuffins Twitter
== Max Polite Menacing ==
SO MANY OF THE CREW stepped out today and started polite menacing Max again! Excellent job everyone! Thank you @ indarltonitrust for catching the count! I saw it was close to 10K by the time I went to bed!
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Source: @indarltonitrust on Twitter And man oh man, we even got the bots in on it!
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Source: @ragsandmuffins-ali on Twitter Some folks really let loose!
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Source: @ ofmooshd on Twitter @ Seven_Sugars not pulling the punches either.
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Source @ Seven_Sugars Twitter
= Casey Bloys Excuse Generator =
Idk which one of you indestructible little fuckers on this crew created a Casey Bloys Excuse Generator -- but well done! It's fantastic, try it out below.
== Articles ==
Thank you to Adopt Our Crew, Pink News, Never Left Podcast, and everyone else who shared all these articles today! Adopt Our Crew as well as the general OFMD fandom got several shoutouts today in them!
‘Nobody cares about Gollum’: The Internet’s reaction to new ‘Lord of the Rings’ films is anything but ‘precious’ 
‘Don’t Stream on Max’: Why viewers are protesting Max and calling for David Zaslav to be fired
#DontStreamOnMax, #FireDavidZaslav Trend as Warner Bros. Tries to Convince Us Everything’s Going Great
Warner Bros. Discovery Misses Q1 Expectations, TV Ad Sales Down 11% as Streaming Revenue Flat
Warner Bros. Discovery Reports Wider-Than-Expected Loss as Revenue Falls Short
Warner Bros. Discovery Plans Fresh Cost Cuts, Max Price Hike
== Love Notes ==
Wow! Crew, today was nuts! I wasn't even present for most of it, but I poked my head in occasionally and saw so many people Polite and Not so Polite Menacing today! It was fantastic! I want to give a huge shout out to AdoptOurCrew for leading this charge, SaveOFMD Crew for all their support and resources, @sonnetforbonnet for guiding folks, and all the other folks who helped so many people today in menacing Max! I tell you lovelies, it felt really good to see that kind of passion and banding together today. It reminded me of earlier this year when we were all united for one common cause. I realize we can't keep that momentum up all the time, but it was so very heartwarming to see everyone working together today again.
You all are badasses and you should be proud of yourselves. You seriously stepped it up today. I heard there was some drama with some not so kind "max supporters" but if you can, please just ignore those folks. They don't know where we're coming from and they are absolutely not worth your energy if you don't have the spoons <3 I'd like to share another love note I found on Instagram today that's not completely applicable to todays events, but it spoke to me because of the last part. Be proud of yourselves lovelies. No matter what you did today, polite menacing, sleeping, massive aggression, whatever it was. You did great <3 Take care <3
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Source: soulscribbleerr's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is being a boss and dancing, cause yall were BAMF today.
Gifs courtesy of @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ a-man-for-hire-and-his-archives
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certifiablyinsanez · 8 months
Buckle in guys this is gonna be a doozy. Keep in mind that some people have sworn this isn’t their experience with the fandom and frankly I would like to know what spaces you are in because this is mine:
As someone who loves HH and HB, I’m going to say it; the Hazbin and Helluva fandoms are probably the worst I’ve ever encountered. Here are my top 5 gripes. Mentions of SA within the show ahead.
1. The problem fans have with the actors, studios and of course, most of all Viziepop. I’m not going into that drama, the point I’m trying to make is that white cishet men have been getting away with absolute murder for ages in this industry and have not received even a crumb of this much flack. The fact that an independent, queer, woman of color is being put through the SHREDDER online and her work is devalued despite having extensive queer, BIPOC creators, cast and characters frankly leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t think she’s perfect and free from criticism but I’ve seen people foam at the mouth in defense of people like Taylor Swift (despite her being a billionaire because yes being a billionaire is never ethical and an eco terrorist). I don’t think I have to spell out the double standards further.
2. The HORRIFIC sexualization of characters. This is so bad I have to split it in categories.
•In Helluva Boss it’s Loona. Seriously, the way people are absolute CREEPS about Loona is one of the worst cases of perversion I’ve seen of a character within a fandom. And I watch anime. I’m very familiar with the incel-y, body-pillow having, foaming-at-the-mouth weird perverts that come with animation. The fact that it’s possible Loona started out the show underage makes it worse but here’s the kicker…if Loona was not and is not underage, the obsession with her is still gross to me. About 90% of content with her is basically rule 34. They joke about it in the show with the fourth wall break, but honestly guys? Get a hold of yourselves. Especially under certain context that she might be an SA victim is worse. (See the syphilis comment in the pilot. That disease manifests symptoms over years this isn’t necessarily canon but if it ever does become canon in the future it will make the sexualization downright unforgivable).
• ALASTOR. Alastor would be a clean #2 below Loona on the sexualization scale. As an asexual aromantic person, I’m frankly insulted (but not surprised) by the fandom’s approach to Alastor. Alastor is a canonically asexual character. People will (and have) argue with me that he’s canonically ace but it’s technically not confirmed that he’s aromantic and therefore use that as a justification to use him as bait for shipping wars and fic material. Viziepop said that she doesn’t mind certain things and has the one condition that we be “respectful”. I honestly think the fandom has entirely and spectacularly failed at that. People see Alastor in 2D. He’s witty, funny, sassy, self-assured, dare I say fabulous. Therefore, people seem to forget he’s ace. I’ve literally seen people say “I’m supposed to believe this guy is ace?” YES! Because he is! This hurts me as bad as it does because I have been out as aro ace for 10 years now and I’ve been exposed to so much vitriol at our community. If you haven’t been exposed to that, I’ll just say that the general picture people have of our community is that we are robotic, loveless, and empty from something people consider as fundamentally “human”. Still to this day people debate whether we’re even real. Alastor doesn’t fit that picture with his candor and charisma, and therefore people drop his ace identity at the drop of a hat. I can see it happening here because I’ve seen it happen with real people countless times. Even if that’s not how you see it, look at it from this perspective:
It’s confirmed that Alastor had no relationships in life or in death. Some people swear that he’s canonically sex-repulsed which I agree with but can’t confirm so I don’t claim it to be true canon just yet. But look at it like this. What have we seen from Alastor so far? Angel’s advances disgust him. He rebukes all advances. It’s canon that Alastor very likely cannot see others in a romantic way (and here is why I’m sure why): because he thinks pretty much everyone is beneath him. Yes it seems he is friendly with fellow cannibal overlord Rosie and lets Nifty touch him whereas others cannot, but what does it tell you when the “closest” people to him don’t catch his eye in the slightest? Because pairings in these shows are EXTREMELY intentional. I should also say the reason I’m adverse to shipping Alastor with anyone is the same reason I don’t ship Sir Pentious with anyone. It’s absolutely not important to their character. I understand having a fascination with him, believe me I love him too, but it really seems as though these shows have been reduced to shipping fodder. Also, Angel is canonically gay and no one ships him with women because that is something folks can understand and have respect for. I personally don’t see the difference between the two (in terms of sexuality).
3. The hyper-criticalness of it all. I honestly feel bad for the cast and crew because I swear y’all are never satisfied. I see endless complaining that Hazbin sucks because the “developments are bad” or some shit. What??? Including the pilot there have been 5 EPISODES. For fucks sake WAIT. Many great stories didn’t start off awesome. Why did we all forget that stories take time to come off the ground? I feel like everyone’s been poisoned by the writing advice that if you don’t “immediately hook the viewer on the first page/episode then it’s bad” or something. With Helluva Boss that has more episodes, its usually the fact that people hate the female characters. “Loona is a bitch to everyone”, “Octavia exists solely for Stolas’ development”, “Millie doesn’t exist outside Moxxie”. I’ve even seen people SYMPATHIZING with STELLA. Okay, first of all:
• Loona is canonically the lowest class in hell and very well could’ve been born and raised in a pound for 17 YEARS. Imagine if you grew up in prison and your only chance out was for someone to come along and buy you. If the comment from the pilot holds any weight (it may not but it might), then she was SA’d too. That’s complex trauma folks and ITS NOT PRETTY.
• Octavia literally had her own episode that showcased development for both her and Loona as well as the rest of the cast. But at the end of the day, her being sidelined for Stolas isn’t a shock because who is going to carry more weight in this story? Her, or her father who is the love interest of the MC? Stolas has a bigger role, that doesn’t mean Octavia is good for nothing else. I think it’s an interesting showcase to have her as a teenager going through the trauma of a divorce initiated by an affair. It’s a very real thing that happens but I never hear talked about. I just think that it’s a pointless battle trying to have her and her fathers importance be equal. From a storytelling perspective they just aren’t and it’s okay.
• Millie is a WONDERFUL character! For anyone who has seen Demonslayer, I say that Millie got the “Mitsuri Kanroji treatment”. She’s one of few female characters that isn’t necessarily defined by a traumatic past. So far it seems like her story is a country girl born and raised on a farm with lots of siblings and somewhat iffy parents. Not exactly as dramatic and horrifying as Moxxie’s mob past, or Blitz’s life ruined by fire. I know the biggest critique is that she’s nothing outside Moxxie. Like, I’m sorry, what? Since when is it a crime to be madly in love with someone you married? I would say Moxxie is more dependent on Millie than the other way around and yet the burden of that is placed on Millie and I KNOW it’s because she’s the woman. I ADORE Millie because she’s just…normal. She’s funny, bright, sweet and bad af. If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure as to why she is hated so much. I genuinely don’t see what’s not to love about her.
• STELLA??? Guys it’s gone too far. Do you sympathize with her because Stolas cheated and the marriage was just as arranged for her as it was for him? Because after everything she’s done I don’t care in the SLIGHTEST. Because Stella had ALWAYS been cruel. Did you not see her kid picture??? She TORTURED LITTLE ANIMALS. If someone does that in real life, we don’t defend those people for a second. It’s clear that she’s hit him before. That shot where Stolas catches her hand implies that there were many times that Stella did that and he did not intercept. Stella always talks bad about Stolas no matter what. Whether it’s to her friends at parties or to Stolas’ actual face. I know she brings him down around her daughter too. She humiliates him any chance she gets while Stolas has been shown to usually refrain from doing so (does Via even know it was her mom who tried to kill her dad?). So far we have not seen her have any real love for Octavia (Stolas put her to bed always and she never got up for her). But also, the tiny detail of SENDING AN ASSASSIN AFTER HIM. And she had not a cent of concern for how that would affect Via. I genuinely see nothing in her that’s worthy of defending. Sometimes women are abusive guys I don’t know how to tell you this.
4. The hate on Hazbin ladies. People hate Charlie, Vaggie, and Nifty. They always say it’s because Vizi cant write women, I just think it’s the fact that their media literacy is in the toilet. If Charlie was anything other than the eternal, naive optimist the story of Hazbin wouldn’t even exist. It would be impossible. No one else would’ve ever started such a project as a soul rehab in hell. I’m excited to see more developments with Vaggie (cuz I know that five episodes isn’t enough to have the perfect picture of a character) but so far I’m fine with her. I like how easy and low key their relationship is. Which is funny because everyone else hates it for the same reason. Nifty is comedic relief and everyone LOOOOOVES those characters…when they’re men, which Nifty isn’t so they hate her.
5. Finally, the fact that I can’t tell who are the haters and who actually likes the show. Because the tie in with the hyper critical responses but also the fact that people cannot simply not interact with this media. Some people genuinely watch it to shit on it. I don’t understand why. Please leave us in peace to have fun and enjoy. I’ve never seen so many haters in a fandom space before.
If yall have a response like “bro where the fuck have you been interacting with the fandom” PLS tell me where y’all have been avoiding this because this shit has haunted me EVERYWHERE.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Because of certain advantages that they give, a lot of 21st century companies actually encourage their workers to become various types of monsters. Witches can cast helpful spells. Werewolves are bigger and stronger than humans in their wolf form. People infected with fae "madness" often have physical abilities other people don't. Demons don't eat or sleep and don't physically injure easily. And the list goes on. Monsters are still very marginalized, and the people who own these companies would never think to become one, but they're seen as the ultimate workers by many, the perfect dehumanization. Most people still don't want to become monsters for many reasons, but that's not the same as what companies want from people.
Your roommate is a musician, she's semi successful, specially as a singer. Legally her employer can't request she become a vampire but they're heavily pushing for it, she's ultimately free to do what she wants, but they make sure to let her know becoming one is what she needs for her singing career to take off. She's twenty three right now, every year she ages she's considered "less appealing" to audiences, but if something were to happen to make her stop aging entirely every music producer in the city would suddenly consider her a more valuable asset.
Eventually she orders some vampire venom, the stuff that makes people turn when they survive a vampire bite, online off of the grey market. She's weirdly excited for it. She has one last night of eating solid food, enjoying her favorite meals before she can't anymore. Every time she has second thoughts she asks you or one of her other friends to stop her, because it's not like she's exactly going to have a job if she doesn't do this. She takes some time at the meusum to learn a bit about vampire culture. Watches the sun set incase she's not able to see the sun when she changes. She asks you if you want to have sex with her, because so many vampires are asexual she knows this could be her last time for that too. You ask her what she think she'll miss most about humanity, she says she doesn't know, vampires are so diverse she won't know what she'll lose or gain. Then she falls asleep for the last time as a human, and lets the venom flow through her blood.
When she wakes up you hear a horrible noise. See, vampires are very diverse, immortality and bloodsucking is all they really have in common. And while a lot of them are very human like and sometimes even considered more attractive than humans, others are fully monstrous looking, and very alien to humanity. Sadly, she ended up becoming a subtype in the latter category. She's barely recognizable, her hair was bleached white, and her eyes pink pupiless orbs like a rat's, and her skin so pale you can see veins and organs underneath. She lost so much weight in the transformation you can barely, going from having an hourglass body type, to being so skinny you can see her ribs. And most disturbingly of all, her mouth has twisted into a perfectly round and always open hole, with rings of sharp fangs, just like a lamprey's, her upper and lower jaws are permanently fused, she'll never sing or so much as speak again.
Within a week her life is kind of ruined. She's from one of those subcategories of vampire that's so monstrous most vampire activists distance themselves from them. She can't sing, and nobody wants to see someone like that play guitar. Her family disowns her for religious reasons, telling her their daughter is dead. She's extremely light sensitive, not only can she not see the sun, she has issues with any bright light, there's a reason why most vampires of her subtype live in the subways.
She hates her body being like this, when she looks at her face in the mirror she starts crying, she cries a lot actually. She moves differently now, she crawls on all fours and climbs flat walls like a bug almost as much as she stands up or sits down, and when she does sit it's in very inhuman poses. She seems to hate the way she feeds, leaving way larger wounds than most vampires, and her main source of blood being rats for the time being, she cries whenever she feeds. Her reproductive organs have changed into a single hole, which fishlike eggs come out of, and hatch into little minions that she seems really afraid of, though they seem to want to please her. She didn't even lose her sexuality so the lack of normal genitals hurts her even more. Beyond everything else she's upset that she has no mouth, her voice was always her most noteworthy feature, the way she expressed herself. She can't even talk, now, having to use AAC to communicate. She used to sing as a way of venting or calming herself, and now she can't. All of her friends try to be supportive, but a lot of them are really uncomfortable around her being like this, one of them even told you he doesn't see her as the same person anymore. It's hard to even get sympathy, when most of the world sees her as a vain woman who got what she deserved seeking eternal youth, without most people knowing she didn't have a choice.
You try to be nice to her. It's the best you can do. You let her wear your comfy clothing, and stay up at night to keep her company. You try to give her a lot of physical affection, which she seem to want a lot more now, it really helps just to pet her and cuddle her. And you call her pretty, and call her sweet and lovely, and that seems to help her. You'll also spend time just talking to her, she seems to like just listening to you now. You also watch TV with her, just because you don't want her to be alone, she keeps rewatching things from her childhood, like clone wars and Steven universe, just as a weird way to remember when she wasn't like this.
She still makes music. It's different now, music that she can make purely with software on your desktop. But it's beautiful in a way that nothing she made before was. There's something so strange and impactful about it, and when she's confident enough she posts it, and she gets a following. It's a lot of other monsters who seem to enjoy it, people who've been rejected by society in a way that can't be put into words without cheapening it. The type of story told best through a wordless song.
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jaypea00101010 · 1 year
A single design problem I have for each D&D 5e class
Made this a thread over on bluesky and figured might as well bring it over here. Not really big problems in most cases, but just, small things that I feel WotC should tweak in all current 5e classes.
Artificer: No clear weakness.
A single class that can make great a great support character, DPS character, tank, single target attacker, stealth character, etc
Obviously needs to be built spesifically for each of these, but every other class has at least one thing they can't do.
Barbarian: No force resistance
Slightly cheating because it's not inherently a problem with Barbarian, but recently more monsters have been using Force damage instead of B/P/S, and barbarians should absolutely gain resistance to it while raging at higher levels.
Bard: Full-casting
Bards are designed to be a jack of all trades, it's right there at 2nd level, but they seem to have missed the 'master of none' bit.
Full spellcasting up to 9th level, a pretty solid spell list, and spells they don't have they can take with Magical Secrets anyway, even 9th level ones.
Cleric: Turn Undead
A holdover from older editions, turn undead in my opinion just doesn't make for a good universal option on clerics.
I'd much prefer something like spirit guardians or spiritual weapon be reworked into their universal channel divinity.
Druid: Universal Wildshape
Probably controversial, but I have similar problems with wildshape that I do turn undead, it's good, but a weird universal option.
If I'm a druid getting my powers from stones, plants, or the stars, why can I also turn into a ferret? There should be a few options to pick from instead.
Fighter: Action Surge at Level 2
Action surge is such a good feature, usually it's just some extra attacks, but the fact you have the chioce is great....
That said, I think it coming online so early incentivises unintentionally incentivises multiclassing, casters dipping for 2 spells a turn mostly. They've somewhat fixed it by limiting what actions you can use it for in OneD&D, but I personally just feel it should be later level rather than limiting it.
Monk: Ki Dependancy
This doesnt' need explaining, everything for monks costs ki and it really doesn't need to, they should get resource free disengage and dash, or have ki recover faster.
I had an idea for a ki recharge of 1 min, but less points overall, so you have all points for every fight
Paladin: Oaths at 3rd level
You get your power as a paladin from a sacred oath you swear, so why do you only choose that oath at 3rd level?
That's like a warlock only deciding their patron at 3rd, or a cleric only deciding their god at 3rd (Yes 1D&D does this and I hate it).
Ranger: Spells Known
Why do rangers, the class that's meant to be about being the best prepared for the wilderness and natural areas not have prepared spells?
It just seems so obvious to me, and I've got no idea why it's not done like that already?!
Rogue: Is Pretty Good
If anything I'd say that I'm not a fan of skill floors like reliable talent, and expertise not letting you use it on other tools is a bit strange, maybe the large subclass level gap?
Yeah overall I'm a fan of rogues though, they're just solidly made.
Sorcerer: Spells Known
They tried to fix this in Tasha's with subclass spell lists, and I think that's good idea generally, but letting them swap them for (admittedly limited) options from 3 different spell lists is also weird
Just give them subclass spells they can't swap, or maybe can swap fron one list and you're good.
Warlock: EB is a Cantrip
Eldritch Blast is a good spell. Too good to be honest with multiclassing at least, it's one of the reasons PalLock is such a good combo.
EB should scale with Warlock level so be a feature not a cantrip, or cantrip scaling with warlock level like it was in that One D&D UA that they then reverted.
Wizard: Subclass Theming
Tying wizard subclasses to schools was a bad idea, and what we've gotten outside the PHB seems to be an attempt to go back on that.
It also means they don't have room to explore all of each school, I'd love a teleport or summon focused wizard but school of conjuration smashes them together weirdly
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5 Things I wished I knew as A Beginner Witch (Reflecting on 5 years of being a Witch)
Hey y’all! Welcome to the Glamour Witch Bitch blog. Today I was doing a bit of reflection in my now 5ish of being a Witch. So I thought, why not share some things I wish I knew as a beginner. So here we are, stay tuned.
1. Discernment.
Yes, I admittedly started to want to become a witch and began learning from admittedly tumblrblogs and witch tok. While there is a lot of amazing creators who have good intentions, it’s always imperative to do your own research. Some books I’ve read that I’ve found very helpful so far is Entering Hecates Garden by Cyndi Brannan, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbals, The Green Witch’s Herbal Coloring Book, and Spellbound by Chaweon Koo. Some useful online resources that I like are Witchipedia.
2. Consistency
Doing one small thing magically consistently such as mirror work, money/prosperity bowls, manifestation (if you count that as magic) or a daily incense blend or herbal tea blend with intention, is much more powerful than one really large spell like once a in a while. It might even add more oomph to when to do you very large and heavy spells.
3. Shadow Work is SO Important.
Yep, I and probably hundreds if not thousands have said this. Doing the inner work will take you so much farther than any spell work. How can you expect a spell to be successful when internally you are always doubting yourself on some level. Hell, I even consider my therapy sessions and visits to my psychiatrist shadow work on some level. There’s so much resources on it now too; literally just google “Shadow Work Prompts” and you have thousands ideas given to you for free. I would like to eventually post a glamour prompt list soon.
4. Make Your Spells Rhyme
Yep, just like how it is in the movies and tv. Making poetry out of your spells and adding some rhythm just gives it a bit of oomph you know? Plus it’s fun and makes it so much easier to remember.
5. You Have to Actually Speak to Your Herbs
Tbh the fact that I didn’t realize this much sooner is a bit embarrassing on my part, but yes when using your herbs and other tools you actually have to speak intention over them and thank them for their work.
Hope this helps out anyone just starting out on their journey. Happy casting and have a lovely day.
Edit: Fixed my atrocious spelling and grammar 😭😭
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vespaer77 · 7 months
You just did the impossible. You changed someone’s opinion online. I can see Gale now. Thank you!
Listen, I'd be the first to forgive anyone if they didn't share my feelings. Gale is the worst about filling in the gaps in his story, and I filled a lot of them by suddenly taking an interest... and then going out to the Forbidden Realms wiki pages and doing supplementary reading on Mystra and Blackstaff Academy which made me first go, "Oh." And then, "OH." And then finally, "Oh my god."
It's like the same criticism I have about Star Wars, haha =) In order to know the whole story, one has to have seen x and y shows and read z comic book. Otherwise you wouldn't know that Kylo Ren wasn't actually responsible for the destruction of Luke's temple, which is somewhat critical yet relatively hidden information.
I *hated* Gale in early access. He was my dead last least favorite character. They changed him somewhat in full release (not to mention he was infinitely hotter, lol), but it wasn't until damned near the end of the game when I was like, "Wait... wait a minute." I think that's also why they did to Rolan what they did - in the same place, even. While we were completing Gale's companion quest. Rolan was the clue, the tip off. Another insufferably egotistical wizard. Suffering abuse. They laid the parallel out so plainly and I still walked right past it until Gale read the book and suddenly took a very surprisingly dark turn. And I felt so silly that it surprised me so.
And I was so disinterested in Gale at the time that I saved his companion quest for basically the last. Sort of. I think I did Gortash after him. But I got to watch all the other companions face their abuser and win. I got to help Wyll break his contract AND free his father. I got to help Shadowheart free herself from Shar and return to the open arms of Selune. I got to help Halsin fix his past mistakes and return Moonrise to its former self. I got to help Astarion face his abuser at long, long last and free himself for the first time in his own memory, along with thousands of others. And Sebastian <3 And then I even helped Karlach face her abuser and bring him to justice.
But what did Gale get to do? Where was his freedom? His catharsis? When he faced his abuser, the only thing that happened was her expressing her disappointment that he was still alive, that he didn't choose her above his own self-inflicted demise. And then she subjected him to yet another new pact that still indebted him to her. Because he's a wizard. No matter what he does, as long as he draws breath and casts spells, he'll always be indebted to her. And it just felt so... hollow. Unfair.
it made me FEEEEEEELLLLLLugh things haha! And then I was like, fuck. No, I do. I like this character.
So I unbelievably and totally and with full chest and face understand and respect it. Not every character is going to be to everyone's tastes. If anything? It just proves how well these characters are written. That this team of writers were capable of such subtlety and depth. I'm not sure I could do the same justice to a fictional creation of my own. I'm just in awe of Larian Studios =)
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adhsea · 2 years
You should give Pathfinder 2e a shot
Given the state of everything surrounding WOTC and OneD&D, I figured that now was a good time to make a post like this. I know how things like this sound, so I’m going to promise up front that I’m not here to shit on D&D. I played 5e for years and had a lot of fun with it. This is a message from someone who decided to try out PF2e and found a new favorite system, and thinks you might enjoy it too. So without further ado, here’s a few reasons to give Pathfinder 2e a shot:
Tactics and Teamwork: Combat is incredibly rewarding in 2e. Every character has 3 actions, and abilities are balanced with the idea of each action being just as valuable. Attacking multiple times a turn imposes a penalty, so it's important to figure out what you can do besides attack in order to help your party members do great on their turns as well. Attacks of Opportunity are rare, so moving into a flank position is easy to achieve. You can use skills to learn about your enemy, frighten them, knock them into the ground, it's a lot to put in one tiny snippet. If you've wanted more dynamic and tactical combat, why not give this a shot?
Balance part A: This game is incredibly well balanced on pretty much every level. The math in this game is built around the crit system, where every roll that's 10 or more above the DC is a critical success, and every roll that's 10 or more below the DC is a critical failure. This means that even as the numbers get higher and higher, they're still consistent. As a result, encounter building is simple and can be easily adjusted to fit the challenge the DM wants to give the players. It's trustworthy and reliable math that rewards tactics and good playing.
Balance part B: The martial vs caster disparity is much less of a problem in this game. Spellcasters can’t trivialize encounters with a single spell slot, and martials can feel like they have an impact on fights. For some people used to playing spellcasters, this can feel like a huge nerf. There are ways to play blaster casters and do it well, but for the most part casting is balanced around versatility and support. Martials on the other hand are stronger than in any other sword and sorcery system I've ever seen. Seriously if you've never played a martial character because you've felt they're too boring or don't have enough of an impact on the game, try one out in this system.
Character Building part Classes: As of writing this post, there are 24 unique classes to choose from in the game. 12 were released in the core rulebook, and 12 more were slowly released over the game's 4 year life span. They're not done either, there's another class coming in late summer. 2e is a game that tries to make as many character concepts possible as it can. Will you play an Investigator trying to solve crimes, an Oracle who struggles with a divine curse, and Inventor trying to create the perfect weapon, or maybe a Magus studying to deliver powerful spells through the might of your blade? The possibilities aren't endless, but they're not stopping until they might as well be.
Character Building part Ancestries: Also known as Races in D&D, your choice of Ancestry is a more impactful choice than you might expect. At various levels, you'll earn meaningful Ancestry feats that allow you to define how your character's origin shaped them. Your dwarf might've spent so much time around a forge that things like fire and smoke are easier to handle, while your goblin friend might have such a fascination with fire that they get a small bonus to doing damage with it. You can even get versatile Heritages to further define your character. Have you ever wanted to play an elven tiefling, or a gnomish aasimar? There's a lot that you can do to make your character feel truly yours.
Ease of Access: All of the rules are available for free online. Legally. This isn't a piracy statement Paizo literally makes the rules freely accessible without having to spend a cent. There's a ton of tools made by the community available online to help you play too. Pathbuilder is a great character builder that's available for free. The Archives of Nethys for 2e have the rules from every single published book available, even adventure paths. pf2easy is another great catalogue you can search through and filter. I could go on and on. The only time paizo ever really insists on payment are the prewritten adventures, which is completely understandable. And speaking of which.
The Adventure Paths: Paizo's prewritten Adventure Paths are great. They're available in physical copies or pdfs, always in sets of 3 or 6 books, with the 3 book sets being adventures spanning 10 levels and the 6 books spanning 1 to 20. They're written with making things as easy for the gm as possible in mind, and you can expect them to be mostly prepared for player approaches to problems. And hey, if the campaign goes off the rails before you finish the first book, you don't have to buy anymore and can just keep things going however you want. If you're just starting out, the Beginner's Box is a great way to get introduced to the system. It comes with simplified rules and prewritten sheets to teach you the basics if all the rules feel like too much to wrap your head around.
I'm cutting myself off because this post is long enough, and I'll just keep on writing run on sentences if I don't. If you've made it all this way, I hope I've convinced you to try out 2e. It's an incredible system that more people should know about. You can sometimes find people willing to run the beginner's box for free online, and there's no shortage of people willing to help answer questions about the system. And if you're willing to take the plunge right away, I'll leave you with the Rules Index on AON. Just click the tab that says Core Rulebook, and boom you have access to everything you need to get started. Good luck and have fun.
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alicelufenia · 4 months
Another week, another update on the Chosen of Eilistraee playthrough
We sneak through Grymforge picking off the wandering guards and the scrying eye (which is stupidly resistant to damage in tactiction, but vulnerable to thunder so Gale blows it up with a chromatic orb)
After all the stragglers are dealt with, we try to take some of the duergar in the main room with Nere, but aggroing them, even by drawing them away, aggros the rest of them. We manage to take out one, and then run away, with plans to long rest to reset their aggro and be fresh for the big battle (no negotiating with slavers this run)
Also backed off on my rule of using no gameplay mods and added UA6 Invoke Duplicity, 5E Mirror Image, and UA8 Healing Buffs, to make Shadowheart slightly more viable as a Trickery cleric. I gotta tell you, UA6 Invoke Duplicity ROCKS! It's basically a misty step that leaves a duplicate that you can opt to cast spells from, including melee ones if they're next to enemies. Moving it is a bit clunky, as it uses Tabletop rules for moving it on your turn with a bonus action, but the fact that Shadowheart can just rush into the midst of it, Fear everyone, then bonus action fuck off to a hidden corner, where she can cast spells with impunity from the duplicate (and enemies will occasionally try to attack it, but favors easier targets usually). The fact it now only grants advantage to the caster if she's next to it and the enemy isn't that big a deal, it's now so much more fun to use! Zero regrets with this one.
Dream Visitor is back, explaining how the True Souls are controlled. Finally the seed is planted that they may yet be saved, though visitor wants her to try to work with them by using the tadpole powers, which Tav doesn't wanna do.
Tavierra now has dual wield. The start of her main playstyle is coming together (just two more pieces needed to bring it online) For now she wields a rapier in the off hand, Phalar Aluve in the main. Which gives her pseudo extra attack at Character Level 5, not bad for an early multiclass.
Time to prepare everyone for the fight.
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Karlach you're not yourself before you've had your medicine.
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MUCH better! (we also throw in our 2nd to last soul coin, it's gonna be a long day)
Sadly I have no screenshots of the battle but, let's just say do you know what's better than a Hunger of Hadar cast on all the enemies grouped up by a Minor Illusion, from hiding, making everyone trapped in the HoH surprised for a round? Not much. We easily dispatched the duergar from a high point, Karlach happily chucking spears, javelins, chairs, at everyone while Wyll knocked them back into HoH with Eldritch Blasts. Did you know Warlock is a really good class?
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The gnomes are understandably happy with this result (I very nearly got Laridda here caught in the Hunger of Hadar, but luckily she was just out of it, and all the duergar were too busy focusing on us and getting out of the pain zone to care about the gnomes.
Time to break Nere out with the Runepowder Vial. Now, here I tried two paths, and while one is arguably more interesting, I went with the one with the best in-game reward. However:
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With the Duergar defeated, we have a way to negotiate with Nere, even influencing him to let the slaves free, and he's none the wiser.
He tells us about his mission to find an alternate route to Moonrise, but the cavein lead to failure. We tell him he can inform the General himself, but he's stuck here too with his moonlantern broken. So he gives us a spider lyre which we can use via the mountainpass route. So this is an alternative to working with Minthara that still lets you take the super shortcut to Moonrise at the start of Act 2.
More importantly, now that we've had him talking for some time, he's noticed something:
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Damn wish it worked this fast with Minthara. We explain how the Absolute is a front for mind flayers, and that we're protected. Just spill the beans right away.
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So here's where we diverge in how we can deal with Nere. We can either goad him to fight, or convince him that he should leave the Absolute. That latter option is the interesting part. This is basically doing what we do with Minthara but way earlier and easier. Which is probably due to Nere being not as motivated to stay with a religion—unlike Minthara who has an EXTREMELY devout personality.
Convincing him to leave nets us his gratitude, and a reward of... a +1 Dagger. An insult, really. This makes you miss out on his rapier which is decent at this level, and the BEST GENERAL BOOTS IN THE GAME. And this is before we've even MET the Myconids, so we've no motivation to take his head right now. It wouldn't be so bad if he did show up later like Minthara did, but nope, this is the last we see of "Twat Soul" Nere. Had he showed up later and gave his boots as a reward, this would probably be the best outcome.
All that being said, he DID kinda murder one of the gnomes in cold blood after being rescued. So I think, after getting threatened by him for our blasphemy, it's fair to say Tav is through trying to save this guy, and is ready to kill him instead, if only to give the one gnome whose sister is killed some closure and justice. She's been Chaotic Neutral for the most part, but she's trending more towards Chaotic Good as this crisis she's in starts to feel more like a pilgrimage on behalf of her goddess.
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Tavierra equips the shoes she'll likely use for the rest of the game.
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Also, Astarion is interested in the tadpole powers even if Tav isn't. I make sure he gets Luck of the Far Realms and make a mental note to find enough tadpoles to ensure Minthara can get the same later. Guaranteed crits on both of them are godsends.
After dealing with Nere and talking to the gnomes, I head back to the Emerald Grove cause I completely forgot to talk to Zevlor after killing Kagha! He gives me his gloves, which are going on Shadowheart at least until she starts getting the pieces for her future radiating orb build put together.
I also decide to just Item Spawn the ring of protection into my game. My justification is: it's my game and you have no power over me, also I did successfully steal the idol, I just didn't know that NOT accepting the quest from Mol locks you out of the reward, and giving her the idol later doesn't do anything. So lesson learned, but I still want it cause Tactician Mode.
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Also got Wyll this absolutely stylish mid-tier armor! The dye is modded, but I think red and gold suits him well.
Next step: deal with the Goblins once and for all. Tav is fresh off failing to get anywhere with Nere, and is considering what other options she has with these True Souls now. She knows that they're not necessarily willingly serving, by virtue of being tadpoled, but that doesn't change the fact they're zealots right now. She'd ask for more guidance, but aside from a few days ago when she first met Minthara, and she was guided to a singing blade, there's been nothing else from Eilistraee, no obvious signs at least. What to do?? (also she really should go find Halsin, he's still locked up lol)
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Monster Spotlight: Quickwood
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CR 8
Neutral Huge Plant
Bestiary 2, pg. 228
These misleadingly-named carnivorous ambush predators stake their territory in forests filled with oak trees, which they resemble when in bloom and at rest. Not only does this offer them camouflage, but their unique Oaksight ability allows them to see and hear through any oak tree within 360ft of themselves so long as they know the tree is there--yes, amusingly enough, Oaksight doesn’t confer any special ability to DETECT oak trees, a Quickwood must find and identify them itself before it can cast its senses to them. Their +11 to Knowledge (Nature) checks makes this a non-issue, and also allows them to identify the presence of any delectable creatures that may be living near their chosen hunting grounds.
Strangely wise and intelligence for Plants, Quickwood utilize their network of spies to keep tabs on their territory, patiently waiting for easy prey. While perfectly able to live off mundane wildlife, Quickwood prize the flesh of humans and elves above all others because they’re a carnivore on Golarion, so of course they do. Such prey requires a careful approach, much more careful than snaring wolves, rabbits, and deer, so the Quickwood become incredibly patient when such a meal approaches, especially since--like I alluded to in the first sentence--they have only a 10ft movespeed, so fleeing prey is difficult to keep up with. Able to speak both Common and Sylvan, the brutish tree may call out for aid to lure in the soft-hearted, but with no ranks in Bluff it’s much more likely to wait until victims come closer on their own, carefully tracking them from tree to tree with its Oaksight. And “closer” to a Quickwood is much, much further than you’d probably ever think.
Amusingly for a Huge creature, a Quickwood only occupies a 5ft space, but its trunk is flexible enough to give it a 15ft reach with its bite (2d6+9 damage). That’s not the ‘far reach’ part, though, the ‘far reach’ is its preposterously lengthy Roots, which have a reach of 60ft. Able to cause three* of its Roots to erupt from the soil anywhere within its reach as part of a Full-Attack, each one deals 1d6+4 damage (though it can augment any of them with Power Attack) but more importantly immediately attempts to Pull any creature they damage 10ft closer to the Quickwood. If all three roots strike the same target that’s 30ft of forced movement right into the Quickwood’s personal space, and if a creature is pulled within range of its bite? It gets to bite them as a FREE ACTION with a +4 to the attack roll! That doesn’t override the bite they get from their normal Full-Attack, either, so a Quickwood that pulls someone into its bite zone gets to chomp onto them twice!
*the Roots ability in the actual book says it can attack with six roots, but the creature’s actual statblock--as well as every online resource--states it can only use three. In addition, each online descriptor of Roots replaces ‘six’ with ‘three.’ Just something interesting to point out! If you wanted to considerably up the challenge, doubling the number of roots it can lash with would certainly do it.
Not only is a Quickwood spooky when on the offense (especially if it’s attacking from an area you can’t see via its Oaksight), but its defenses are startling in more ways than one. While immunity to Electricity is no oddity among Plants, immunity to Fire is certain to catch players hoping to easily clear out this old growth off-guard. Even more than that, it has Spell Resistance 19 and the unique ability to absorb any magic that fails to pierce its SR, holding the magical charge within its body until it needs it. Rather than healing itself or replicating spell effects, though, it can eject the spell energy as a standard action to create an aura of supernatural terror around it. The aura’s radius is 10ft times the level of the spell it absorbed and it lasts for only 1 round, but anyone who starts their turn in the aura must make a DC 20 Will save or be panicked for a whole minute, effectively useless in combat and forced to flee at top speed from the Quickwood, unable to bring themselves to fight back even as it snares them in its roots and pulls them back round after round.
Though it has no remarkable defenses against a madman with an axe willingly diving into its melee to chop it to bits, the potency of its Fear Aura is typically deterrent enough, scattering the party and letting it pick on whatever members made their save. A DM wishing to add some wicked challenge to this fight (I mean, more wicked than it attacking from an unseen location) can have it START the battle with a store of magic from a previous unfortunate meal. This is a powerful opener, especially since its SR lowers to only 14 while it stores its magic and it can only hold onto one charge at a time, prompting it to loose the fear as soon as it feels like it’s in danger. Like when the party’s caster reveals they have Cold or Acid magic, so it needs its SR as high as possible... or, y’know, when the Hasted Barbarian charges in.
You can read more about them here.
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mysticmorningstar · 1 month
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quick review of this book:
more expensive than it was worth tbh. probably could find a pdf online for free, and the information inside is helpful to a beginner but not to someone already semi-experienced in the craft. the book presents witchcraft as being a bit more strict than it is in some ways (i.e. only casting spells on very specific days), but other than that all the spells look pretty good.
i will mention that despite the book's insistence on being white witchcraft, there are several direct love spells and other spells intended to take free will, which is generally not considered "white" magic, especially by wiccan standards. nothing wrong with it, just something important for people buying this book to know.
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