#gear head! Tim drake
sanguineterrain · 2 months
crushin' | jason todd
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Summary: Barbara invites you to dinner with the Bats. She's done so before, and you've always declined, but this time, you agree because the Bat you've had a crush on for ages will be there. Little do you know, the only reason he's staying for dinner is because of you.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings/tags: batfam shenanigans, dick is a good meddling brother and deserves a fruit basket, fluff and humor, kissing, crushes, love confessions. just wanted to write something sweet and light :)
the divider
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"So you're gonna press this," Barbara says, demonstrating on her own screen.
You follow along, clicking and typing. She nods.
"Good. Then you're gonna do this."
You open the file. A video of what looks to be Bruce drunkenly hula-hooping pops up. Your eyes widen.
"And that's how you keep Bruce in check," Barbara says, patting your shoulder. "Use sparingly. Only when he's getting on your last nerve."
"Wow," you say. "Babs, I... I don't know if I should have this kind of power."
"No, it's cool. I have dirt on everyone in this family, so really, it's my power. You're the only one who gets to see the vault."
You look at her. "You scare me."
She grins. "Thanks! Anyway, you're free to go. They'll be back from the mission soon, so our job is pretty much over."
The computer beeps. She checks the notification and types back. Then she hums.
"Or, you can, y'know, join us for dinner. Alfred keeps wondering when you'll do so."
You press your lips together. "I dunno, Babs... are you sure? I don't want to intrude."
"You're not. Seriously. And you know what I just found out? Jason will be here too."
Well. That does certainly stop your refusal in its tracks. You haven't seen Jason properly since he returned. You feel a pang of guilt at that; true, he's never at the Manor, at least not when you're around. But you could've reached out by now.
Still, being able to see him again properly is a wonderful opportunity. One you can't pass up.
"Okay," you say. "I'll join you all. As long as Alfred's okay with it."
She rolls her eyes, smiles. "Don't be ridiculous. C'mon."
You follow her to the elevator Bruce got installed for her. In the Manor, most of the family are sitting down to dinner. Damian and Cass are on one side of the table. Bruce is at the head. Alfred is still bustling in the kitchen.
You start to pull out the chair next to Cass, but Barbara startles you.
"That's Dick's chair!" She smiles sympathetically. "Sorry. He's particular. Isn't he, guys?"
"Yes," Cass says. "He's comfortable here."
"I've no idea what you're referring to, Gordon," says Damian. He nods at you. "Hello."
You smile. "Hey, Damian. That's fine. I'll sit next to you, Babs." You sit in the middle of three chairs, with Barbara on your right and an empty chair on your left.
"Hi, Cass. Hello, Mr. Wayne."
"Bruce," he reminds you. That's not happening. It feels way too weird to call him Bruce, even though you've known him since Jason was Robin. Just, no.
Cass smiles. "Hello. Glad to have you."
"Where's Tim and Duke?" you ask.
"Thomas is at university," Damian says. "Drake is probably with that idiot clone he calls a boyfriend."
Bruce looks up. "Tim and Connor are dating?"
"Good God," Barbara mumbles.
"Well, yes, Father. They've been dating for quite some time, even shared a room together. Last month, Drake went undercover in Atlantic City and the clone—"
"Old man! Where are you?"
"Jason, just—"
"Shut it, Dickhead."
The grandfather clock swings open, revealing the Cave entrance. Up stomps Jason, followed by Dick. Jason has a smear of purple goo on his forehead, but otherwise is clean. His back is to you.
Jason points an accusing gloved finger at Bruce. "You owe me a new bike, new guns, new gear, new phone, new—"
"Jason, slow down. Why exactly do I owe you new things?" Bruce asks.
"Because Tweedle-Dum here didn't scan the fuckin' spaceship that landed in Syracuse and melted my bike with purple goo!"
"It said it was empty," Dick says tiredly. "How was I supposed to know an abandoned ship would spit goo?"
"Okay, alright, boys, don't fight. Yes, Jason, I'll compensate everything you lost in Syracuse."
"Yeah, you will. And a new fridge." Jason thinks. "And a new TV."
"Master Jason," Alfred begins, walking into the dining room with a dish of roasted potatoes. "You may continue your bargaining with Master Bruce after dinner. Wipe that alien sludge off your face and have a seat."
Jason sighs. "Alf, I appreciate the invite, but you know I don't dine with most of the folks at this table. Gets real fuckin' crowded."
"Master Jason, watch your language," Alfred says sternly. "We have a guest. Behave like the young man I raised you to be."
Jason scoffs. "Who, Barbie? She doesn't—" He turns and stops, staring at you.
You smile, suddenly self-conscious. "Hi."
He swallows, eyes wide. "Hi. Hey."
"Aren't you staying for dinner?" you ask, confused. "Barbara said you were."
"I—" He glances at Barbara, then looks at you. "Uh. Well. I don't really..."
"C'mon, Jay, you guys should catch up!" Dick says brightly, already seated.
Jason's mouth sours as he turns to Dick. You pull out the chair next to you and tap the seat.
"You can sit next to me," you say, looking up at Jason.
He immediately turns back to you, lips parted. "Oh. I—y-yeah. Sure. Thanks."
"Master Jason. The goo," Alfred reminds, raising a brow. "And hang up your jacket."
Jason quickly backs up and bumps into the table corner. He winces.
"Right. I'm gonna... yeah. Be right back."
Jason disappears down the hall. Dick grins wolfishly at Barbara.
"You're amazing," he says.
"I know," she says, shrugging.
Alfred serves the last tray of vegetables, then sits. Jason soon returns, gloves and jacket away and goo-free.
"Did you style your hair, Todd?" Damian asks.
"No. Shut it." Jason scoots in his chair, glaring at his brother. But when you pass him the tray of roast, his expression softens. He smiles at you.
"Thanks," he says, and puts three slices on his plate. "Great roast, Alf."
"You haven't tried it," Alfred says, but looks very pleased.
"Don't need to."
"We're very glad you're here, Jason," Bruce says. "All things considered—"
Jason holds up a hand. "Ah-ah. I'm not here for you, old man. Save the speech for another day."
"And who are you here for, Jason?" Dick asks, propping his chin on his hands.
"None of your beeswax, Dick."
Dick shrugs. Damian begins to talk about an art project in school. You pay the appropriate amount of attention until Jason nudges your arm.
"Hey," he says, nodding at your empty glass. "Didja get something to drink?"
"Oh." Heat creeps up your neck. "Um, no. Sorry. I didn't know where to get the drinks."
"'S okay. Alf doesn't put out drinks anymore 'cause everybody drinks something different. You just help yourself to whatever's in the fridge. I'll get it for ya."
"Jason, you don't have to—"
He holds up a hand, smiling. "C'mon, none of that. You're a guest. Orange Fanta, right?"
You blink. "You remembered."
"Uh." His cheeks go pink. "I mean, yeah. No biggie. I'll be back."
Jason stands. Immediately, the others pounce.
"Are you going to the kitchen?" Dick asks.
"No," Jason says.
"Can you get me another Diet Coke?"
"Todd, if you're going to the kitchen, I would like another lemonade, please," Damian says.
"I just said I'm not going to the—"
"Master Jason, will you please bring this into the kitchen?" Alfred asks, holding up an empty tray.
Jason heaves a sigh. You wince.
"Sorry," you whisper.
He shakes his head and winks. "Nah, 's not you."
Obediently, Jason takes the tray and goes to the kitchen. He returns with a Diet Coke, which he tosses at Dick, who catches it with one hand, and a bottle of lemonade, which he throws to Damian who also catches it with one hand and a scowl. Finally, Jason opens the Orange Fanta for you and gently pours it into your glass, then sets the half-full can next to your plate. He sits down.
"Of course they get special treatment," Dick mumbles into his drink.
The table rattles, and Dick winces, squinting at Jason. The table rattles again, and Jason hisses.
"Boys," Bruce says wearily. "Enough."
"Yeah, Jason," Dick says, sticking his nose up. "Y'know it's my birthday soon. I deserve a brother who doesn't kick me."
"Oh, I'll tell ya what you deserve," Jason begins.
"Are we doing laser tag?" Cass pipes up from the end.
"'Course we are! Everybody's gonna be there." Dick looks pointedly at Jason. "Except my own brother. He refused."
You look at Jason, who's got a nasty glower aimed at Dick.
"You're not coming?" you ask.
Jason's expression melts away when he turns to you. "Uh, I mean—"
"No, he's not," Dick says, pulling the saddest pout you've ever seen. "He said he wanted nothing to do with my stupid birthday."
"Those weren't my exact words."
"They were very close," Damian says.
"Jason, I can't believe you aren't going to Dick's birthday," Barbara says, shaking her head.
Jason's mouth falls open. "Et tu, Barbie?"
"You should come," you say, touching Jason's arm.
He immediately looks at your hand. You slowly remove it, smiling sheepishly.
"Then we can be a team," you say. "We're playing doubles. I'm horrendously bad at laser tag, but I bet we'd win together. I'd watch your six."
"Leaving them in the lurch, Jason?" Barbara tuts. "So unlike you."
Jason heaves a sigh. "For God—okay. Alright, brother mine. You win."
You beam. "So you'll come?"
"'Long as you and I are a team," Jason says, a little shy.
You bump his shoulder with yours. "Of course."
Dick looks at you. "You should join us for dinner every night."
You laugh bashfully. "Thanks, Dick."
Dinner goes on. Bruce excuses himself early, as do Cass and Damian. Soon, it's the four of you plus Alfred cleaning up after dinner. You and Jason are loading the dishwasher when Jason hisses. He pulls out his hand, revealing a thin red cut on his palm.
"Are you okay?" you ask, hovering worriedly.
"Yeah, 'm fine. I'll take the tray—"
"Jason, no," Dick says, herding him away from the dishwasher. "You have to get that wrapped immediately."
"What are you—dude, it's a tiny cut—"
"Yeah, but there was food on there, and you have no idea what can get into the wound and make you sick," Barbara says seriously. "You need to get it cleaned right now."
Jason rolls his eyes. "Fine, whatever. There's a first aid kit in the closet."
"There isn't!" Dick says, shooing Jason toward you. "Alfred hasn't restocked it. You have to go to the Cave. You should both go."
"Yes, great idea," Barbara says, looking at you. "You have medical experience, don't you?"
"I mean, a little, but—"
"More than us!" Dick says, shoving you both towards the hallway.
"I don't think so..."
"You take care of Jaybird here, he needs that hand," Dick says cheerily, opening the Cave entrance. "Go on, go."
"Christ on a bike," Jason mumbles, and heads down the stairs.
You follow, confused and concerned. The entrance slides closed. Jason goes to the medbay, muttering under his breath as he digs through one of the drawers with one hand. You join him, searching the top drawer for the antiseptic spray.
"Is the cut really bad?" you ask, trying to get a better look.
"No. My brother's just an idiot. Nothin' new."
You pull out the spray, some gauze, and a bandaid. Jason nods in thanks and goes to take it.
"I can do it," you say. "I do have medical experience, after all."
He snorts. "Fine by me."
You both sit on the edge of a cot. You turn to Jason and pull his hand into your lap. He inhales sharply. You stop.
"Is this okay?" you ask.
"Y-yeah. Fine. Sorry. I don't get touched a lot." Jason's mouth screws up. "Ugh. That sounded weird."
You laugh. "It's fine, I know what you meant."
He scratches the back of his neck while you clean his hand. He has big hands. Bigger than you remember. They're deeply scarred and calloused. You rub your thumbs over the pads of his fingers without thinking.
"You got soft hands," Jason says quietly.
"Heh. Thanks. The computer life."
He hums. "I didn't know you were working with Babs."
The guilt swims back full force.
"I know. I'm sorry. I should've reached out, Jason. I-I basically ignored you. Not on purpose! I just... I guess I wasn't sure where we stood and I thought maybe you'd be mad I was working for Batman after everything and I was afraid that we wouldn't—"
"Hey, whoa. 'M not mad." Jason finds your gaze. You frown. "I'm serious. I don't mind that you're working for Bruce. I mean, hell, I do too, on occasion. Mostly I just bitch at him."
You giggle. He smiles. You're still holding his hand. You don't really want to let go. Jason doesn't seem to want to pull away either.
"Well, even so, I'm sorry for not reaching out. I did miss you, Jason. And I'm glad you're back."
He clears his throat, ducking his head. "Huh. Well, I missed you too. And y'got nothin' to apologize for. I could've asked about you."
"Uh-uh, no, I'm the king of self-deprication. Y'can't take that from me," Jason says, eyes dancing with mirth.
You sigh dramatically. "Fine, fine. Can we say that we both could've reached out?"
"That's agreeable. And, uh, while we're clearing the air, I'm so terribly sorry 'bout my dumbass brother."
You tilt your head. "What do you mean?"
"Ah, huh. Hm. Well, funny thing. I kinda had a, um, crush on you, before. And Dick has it in his head that I... that I have a chance now. So... yeah."
"Before?" you ask.
You don't know why you're disappointed. It's not like you knew. Except maybe if you had, you wouldn't have missed out. Maybe you wouldn't have lost so much time.
Jason glances at you. "What... why are you sayin' it like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you wish... that I..." He shakes his head. "Forget it."
"Jason," you say, barely a whisper.
He looks at you. His eyes flick to your lips, just for a millisecond. "Yeah?"
"Can I kiss you?"
A beat. Your heart falls.
"Yeah." Jason nods. "Yeah, kiss me."
You heart soars.
You hold Jason's face, still holding his hand. He gingerly touches your neck with his uninjured hand, strokes behind your ear with his thumb. Every nerve alights. You're kissing Jason Todd. The boy you've loved since you were thirteen.
"They did it! They're kissing!"
Jason growls against your mouth. You know it's not aimed at you, but it makes lightning shoot down your spine. Wow.
"'M gonna kill 'im," Jason mumbles.
You smile and pull back, just an inch. "It's nearly his birthday. At least wait till next week."
"Hm." Jason kisses the corner of your mouth. You like him so much. "Fine. Y'know you can convince me of pretty much anything? Wield that power carefully."
You wrap your arms around his neck. Jason braces you with a hand on the small of your back.
"I'm very flattered, but I think you're confused, Jay." A kiss to his jaw. "It's you who has a hold on me."
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dahliakbs · 4 months
Retired Villain
(⁠ ๑Batfam X Reader - Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne and Tim Drakeノ⁠♡ ⁠)
╠You'd put your reckless lifestyle behind in favor of living a boring civilian life, knowing that you wouldn't get anywhere in life if you kept getting beaten up and sent to jail over and over like it was the only thing life had to offer.
You thought that putting your past behind you and creating yourself a fresh start would finally put the bats off your trail...
But sadly for you, it had only taken your cities vigilantes about two weeks to find out where you lived.
Even though they'd found out where you lived and how you'd decided to turn your life around they didn't believe it.
And instead of taking the information at face value they'd decided to check up on you in person.
And that they did.
Now you would've thought that they'd leave you alone after just the first few times but no, they'd started popping up everywhere. Using the excuse of your old atrocities to monitor you almost every waking moment of the day.
And when I say every I mean every.
Your at the supermarket, buying food like everyone else and Nightwing just randomly shows up out of nowhere. Bugging you and using the excuse of monitoring you to justify his presence.
"I know times are dire but stealing milk from the supermart?" you could see his outline in your peripheral, propping himself up against the fridge next to you.
He's shaking his head playfully before moving to take your cart away from you. You knew he was aware that you weren't gonna steal anything but apparently teasing you was his new favorite hobby.
"For the last time, I'm not stealing anything from this store" you huffed before dumping the carton of milk into the cart he'd taken from you.
"This store, so how about the next one?"
You could already feel the gray hairs sprouting, it was like he was sucking all the energy out of you and you could do nothing about it.
Well, at least he helped you with the shopping right?
While your on your way making your way to work one of the Robins will just mysteriously appear next to you, specifically the youngest one. Always giving off a clear air of distaste towards your entire being but still accompanying you on your way to work.
"Don't you have school kid?" you ask, it was like nine in the morning and he was casually walking next to you as if he didn't have somewhere to be right now.
"I don't need to go to school, besides I'm stuck monitoring criminals like you" he stated and you could already feel him drilling holes into the side of your head.
This kid really has no chill...
"Well if it makes you feel any better I also don't like having people watch me 24/7" you could feel your shoulders sag at the thought of having to put up with the bat and his tiny army of children.
Even when you were simply relaxing in your humble abode they'd still had the audacity come ruin your little alone time.
You were just relaxing in your pyjamas, munching on some popcorn and enjoying the fact that for once you were finally all by yourself when suddenly a figure hauls themselves over the edge of your window sill and crashes onto the floor of your apartment.
Of course your quick to push yourself off your couch and grab a weapon from the hidden compartment in your chair only to realize that your intruder was just another one of batman's minions.
"Red, you can't be serious" you immediately drop you weapon and walk over to his crumpled form.
He looked like he just went through hell, which was pretty sad since you knew he was just a kid on the inside but batman's sidekicks always seemed a little on the younger side.
"Are you crashing for the night?" He'd already done this before, always denying the fact that he was staying the night but always ends up staying anyway.
"No, I'm not" he muttered to himself, crumpling even more into himself but flinching when one of his wounds comes into contact with his detached gear.
"Right, your monitoring me" you played along, allowing him to believe that he was leaving anytime soon but you could already see his body relaxing it self.
"By the way, your crashing on the couch Tonight" you'd at least allow him to stay somewhere in your house, knowing that the supposed 'Batcave' that they always spoke about was somewhere on the other side of Gotham.
He should be lucky that he's your favorite, because ain't no way were you allowing any of the other bats anywhere near your house. Let alone inside of it.╣
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Still thinking about last night
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”No, no, but seriously,” you start, adjusting on your seat, “it wasn’t that bad. At least not by the end. I felt like we had-“ a connection, that you managed to see him as he was for at least the brittlest of moments. But the sentence dies at the tip of your tongue. You prefer to keep that to yourself. pairing: tim drake x reader tags: stalking, average tim behavior, college student reader word count: 1.7k
“Do you look up all your girlfriends?”
Tim doesn’t like the insinuation, but he shoulders on because Barbara’s network is far more extensive than his, far more even than the Batcave’s, and this is a favour, after all.
Your face is on full display, a shot from your ID, taking up the main screen on Oracle’s setup. You don’t look very happy.
Your hair is longer than when he met you the other night, and he sees the fading of some sort of dye on the tips of your hair. 20 years old, born and raised in Gotham, there is nothing outstanding about you.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he replies as an afterthought, his eyes on the screens. You enrolled in GU last year, took up journalism as a major. Why would a college student live in a warehouse? 
Because it has to be a warehouse, why else would it have been called like that in the files?
The incident that led him to your apartment is still something that embarrasses him. A mistake on his part, something that shouldn’t have happened.
He keeps going over the details, trying to understand; it was just the criminal of the week, a robbery gone wrong at a jewelry shop, hostages that shouldn’t have been there. He had been sneaky, gotten inside before anyone noticed, and released the hostages in record time (which was good, because when they started shooting, Tim was the only one inside). But one of the rogues got on the defensive when they saw he was one of the bats, had gotten a hit on Tim’s ear, and broken his comms. Then a shot in the darkness and a sharp pain took over his senses.
Which one was the lesser evil, running away to seek shelter while he was still lucid? Or detaining the rogues but risking further injury?
The final matter came down to “what would Bruce do?”
So Tim had pushed through, managed to knock them out, cuffed them somewhere the police would find them, and left before anyone else could see him.
The sky was raging, as expected of Gotham, when he stepped foot on the rooftops outside. His breathing was ragged, the pain was excruciating and he had left the Red Bird at the cave.
It only crashed down on Tim as the thunder and lightning erupted around him, shivering and in pain. Once the adrenaline left, it hit all at once-
He was alone.
It only took a second for the gears to kick in. He couldn’t access the Batcomputer, or call anyone who could help. He could take care of it without them, but where would he go? Leslie’s clinic was on the other side of the city, and after retiring it had fallen under new management, would whoever was i charge still treat vigilantes? There were no warehouses around the area either, not ones he remembered anyway, and the longer he thought, the more he started to fear bleeding out in the streets.
What other things did he have access to offline? His suit had prior saves of data, backup files from years prior. Tim accessed them with shaky hands. 
As he thought, not many places to go to in the area, but there was somewhere marked as a safe place. Somewhere that wasn’t Bruce’s but that was listed as Bat equipped. He headed there with desperation clawing at his throat, pain drilling at the back of his eyelids.
But he didn’t find what he was expecting. Instead, there was you and a mundane house. Somewhere that looked lived in, rather than a closet stuffed with expensive tech and medical equipment.
He realized too late, that the information was outdated, that he was going to die from a mistake.
Except he didn’t. Except you were there.
And he wants to figure it out, what kind of sane person could possibly do what you had done? He wants to figure you out.
“She isn’t shady,” Barbara supplies unhelpfully. She starts looking over your school records, your extracurriculars, you studied at the same school he did, nothing out of the ordinary; A book club, perfectly good grades, no problems with teachers or classmates. There’s an internship registered under your name at one of Gotham’s local newspapers, and there, a few articles on topics like battok trends or the latest celebrity scandal. The few lines he skims read uninspired.
The only thing Tim finds unusual is paperwork from the year before, for a cat you had adopted.
“I didn’t see any pets.” At least not when he was there. His allergies would have started making him sneeze like a madman otherwise. But what could he possibly get from that?
You’re perfectly ordinary, so ordinary Tim can’t possibly figure out why you’d be living full-time in a Batman safehouse.
And it’s driving him crazy.
Barbara hums, saying your name, and then, she says your second surname, your mother’s maiden name, “Thompkins?”
“Thought it was common,” Tim shrugs because he hadn’t taken notice of the detail during his first research. Barbara sends him a pointed look.
“Who was the safehouse registered under?” It’s a simple question, Tim realizes his slip-up on the next beat.
“Is she related to Leslie Thompkins?” 
“Grandniece looks more like,” Barbara supplies, pulling up your mother’s birth certificate. She digs up an old picture, a younger Leslie posing next to a smiling blonde woman, who holding up a med school diploma. Seems like your mother followed in her footsteps.
“The warehouse is registered under her name,” Barbara supplies, pulling up a scan of the apartment’s deed. Leslie Thompkins is clearly written as the owner. It must have been a safehouse for her, and subsequently for Batman, a long time ago. All before you took over. “You satisfied now?”
Tim says nothing at that, gnawing at his lip.
From the screen, your picture stares back.
“It was freaking scary.” You complain over your instant noodles. But they’re too hot and they scald, making you hiss. Your friend stares at you from across the table.
None of your high school peers stuck with you after graduation, so your list of friends remains painfully empty. And it would be a name shorter, had Claudia not appeared into your life.
You met during your internship, where she was interning too, at the literature department of the magazine. You’re both close in age and enjoy reading classics, so you spend lunch breaks together and bond over trash-talking your coworkers. She’s one of the few people you talk to in an otherwise silent existence. And she’s quite funny, too.
”It feels like one of those trashy romance novels, right?” She gestures openly, a sandwich in her hand. You’ve been telling her about your encounter with Red Robin for a lack of anything else. It’s the only interesting thing that’s happened to you in a while. “‘The superhero crashed at my place! And oh no, he’s naked!’.”
You snort, slapping her arm, “he was not naked! And it wasn’t romantic at all! I was so scared I’d throw up all over him from the stress!”
She chokes on a piece of ham, then starts to laugh. You start laughing too. 
It’s a relief having Claudia to make it all sound less scary.
Her laughing stops when her phone beeps and she pulls it out. Meanwhile, you choose to entertain yourself with your food.
”Is it that twitter account?” You ask half curiously. She hums in response, not looking up from the screen.
”Seems like bird boy hasn’t been seen in a while,” Claudia scrolls down her feed as she talks, quickly liking posts or replying to comments. She runs a popular fan account in her spare time that revolves around Gotham vigilantes, which is not a niche topic.  Most of the accounts themed around the bats, much like Claudia herself, are not native to Gotham. Rather, they’re from Metropolis or San Francisco, where the public regularly sees Superman or the Titans. Gothamites don’t have that kind of relationship with their heroes. “Red Robin’s been out of the streets since last Friday.”
”I guess that means you’re not lying,” she says teasing, which makes you blow a raspberry, “how did you do it, though? I would have messed up so bad.”
”Eh,” you start halfheartedly, “I took pre-med classes all through high school. I’ve forgotten most of it, though, but what little I knew came in handy,” you shrug, leaning back against your chair, “he had some pretty useful stuff, too. Super fancy equipment. That definitely helped.”
“Anyone else would have tried seeing under his mask, and you’re telling me what stuck out to you was his equipment?” Claudia laughs. “Maybe your next article will be about the bats’ tools. Does Batman carry around bat-bandaids? What about bat-snacks?”
You choke on your food, pushing down a laugh. It would be better than the stuff you’ve been writing about for these past few months, anyway. There are only so many influencers you can interview without going crazy.
”No, no, but seriously,” you start,  adjusting on your seat, “it wasn’t that bad. At least not by the end. I felt like we had-“ a connection, that you managed to see him as he was for at least the brittlest of moments. But the sentence dies at the tip of your tongue. You prefer to keep that to yourself.
“He was your favorite, you said, no?” Claudia catches on and continues, “I’d be just like you if Nightwing crashed into my apartment too.”
You’re about to retaliate, because-
Because what happened was not without meaning. You had realized he was more than an ephemeral figure or a distant idol, something as tangible as you, and that had made you stop fearing, for better or for worse.
But your boss peeks his head around the corner and takes sight of you both. “Your break is over,” he says and stands in the doorway as he watches you tidy up and throw empty containers and coffee cups into the bin.
Just as you’re leaving you catch something by the corner of your eye. On the TV is a fuzzy image of something humanoid, vaguely red and black. 
Wherever you go, the shadow of Red Robin follows.
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dc-eased · 6 months
you get used to it
cass: *emerging out of the shadows* what's for breakfast duke, new to the house: AAH- WHAT THE FUCK- alfred, not missing a beat: Good morning, Ms Cassandra. I am making blueberry pancakes, as requested by Master Richard, though he does not seem to have woken up yet. jason, peeking his head out of the kitchen, somehow fully dressed in Red Hood gear, except sans helmet and plus frilly pink apron: lazy ass probably won't crawl out of whatever hole he's died in till two, he went to sleep at four this morning. cass: *nods sagely* duke: *still frozen in shock and horror, internally screaming and gaping* damian, stepping out from behind alfred: Good morning, morons. I'm surprised to see you're all alive, though Drake appears to be nearing death's door. everyone: *glances over at the corner of a random hallway, where a drooping, haggard time lurks* tim, eyes manic and smudged with the darkest eyebags known to man: WHAT DAY IS IT? bruce, hair unkempt and sleepy looking: *yawn* thursday. alfred: It is Saturday, Master Tim. Master Bruce, you could do with a pick-me-up. (derogatory) duke: WHAT. THE. FUCK. alfred: Language, Master Duke. dick and steph: *still blissfully asleep in their rooms, dick is passed tf out on his stomach, steph is sprawled on her back in a stunning imitation of a starfish*
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flwrkid14 · 6 days
Danny Phantom x Tim Drake: The Ultimate Campus Power Couple, Football Edition
picture this: Danny has always been a huge college football fan—like, Amity Park goes nuts for it. It’s practically in his DNA at this point. So when Danny hits college, it’s a no-brainer: he tries out for the football team, and obviously, he crushes it. He’s the star running back, fast, agile, and honestly just born to be on the field.
Enter Tim Drake, aka Danny’s ridiculously supportive boyfriend. Tim’s not necessarily a football guy, but for Danny? He’s there. He’s at every single game, wearing Danny’s varsity jacket like it was made for him, sitting front row, screaming louder than anyone else when Danny scores. The other students think it’s adorable (or they’re jealous, let’s be real).
On campus, these two are the definition of “campus couple goals.” Danny’s the football star with all the charisma, and Tim’s the genius who’s always with him, supporting him in his own quiet, unshakeable way. If they’re not holding hands walking between classes, you’ll find them at the cafeteria, Tim quizzing Danny on some class they probably share while Danny’s got an arm around him, nodding but mostly just focused on how cute Tim looks in his jacket.
Game day is serious business. Tim shows up early to claim his seat (always the same one, right where Danny can see him). He’s got his routine down—Danny always gets a good-luck kiss before heading out onto the field, and let’s be real, Danny is 100% convinced that those kisses are why he’s so good at the game. The rest of the team teases him about it, but he doesn’t care—because Tim’s his lucky charm.
Danny loves to show Tim off, too. After a big win, he’s dragging Tim onto the field with him, arm around his shoulders like, “Yeah, that’s my genius boyfriend,” while Tim just stands there, trying not to look embarrassed but totally failing because he loves it. Danny’s got that proud grin, Tim’s got his almost too big varsity jacket, and the entire campus is either swooning or jealous because honestly, who wouldn’t be?
And let’s talk about the post-game routine: after every game, no matter what, they’re meeting outside the locker room. Danny’s still hyped from the adrenaline, all sweaty and beaming, and Tim’s waiting there with a smirk, ready to hand over a water bottle and steal a quick kiss. They walk back together, Danny in his football gear, Tim still in that jacket that’s like three sizes too big, and it’s just… perfect.
the best part? Even when they’re not at a game, they’re still that couple on campus. Tim’s constantly wearing Danny’s jacket, and Danny’s forever pulling him into random kisses between classes. They’re the kind of couple that makes everyone believe in love again—Danny’s the heart, Tim’s the brain, and together they’re just unstoppable.
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thethirdtriplet · 11 months
Head cannon for the Batkids:
So, we’re all aware that out of all Bruce’s kid Tim is the only one that’s ever gotten away with lying to him on more than one occasion.
And we know how smart he is, right, so if over the years he just keep doing it, lying to Bruce, about small things that wouldn’t really harm anyone. Just so he could observe and keep track of how much he can get a way with, for future reference of course.
But he gets so good at it that Bruce, Bat “the most paranoid person on the planet” man, immediately trusts his words, just like that.
Honestly why wouldn’t he? Tim hasn’t given him anything to doubt. He’d been carful over the years. 1-Hiding his tracks, 2-being overly truthful, 3-keeping his reputation as clean as possible.
1-He breaks something? Bruce wouldn’t know, cause he hid the evidence, bought a replica or straight up gaslights Bruce into thinking it never existed.
2-He stirs up trouble with the YJ, he’d tell Bruce with all honesty what happened, to the point where Bruce just expects the truth when Tim reports a mission to him, unbeknownst to him, that half of it is lies.
3-He keeps this up in his years as Robin to stay in his good graces, obviously, he’s polite, diligent, reliable and responsible, who wouldn’t trust a boy that’s so mature for his age?
Of course then his sibling find out about this certain skill of his and employ him to lie for them.
Dick, broke a chandelier he was not supposed to be swinging on? No problem; Timmy’s on it:
Dick: *tries giving Tim the puppy dog eyes that have virtually no effect on him*
Tim: *sends him an unimpressed look*
Tim: Bruce, just look at that ancient looking chandelier and tell me it wasn’t going to fall on someone’s head one day or the other?
Bruce: …
Tim: *sighs exasperatedly*
Tim: Do you have such little faith in your own son that you would believe he would endanger himself doing something that could potentially injure him, that you specifically told him not to do.
Tim: *sends a pointed look towards dick*
Dick: *sends him a sheepish smile*
Bruce: …
Bruce: *relents*
Bruce: I guess you’re right.., and the chandelier is quite old,..I’ll have to buy a replacement..
Bruce: *walks away*
Tim: You owe me, for this.
Dick: Yeah, I know, but thanks anyway Timmy!
Jason, scratched the Batmobile, he wasn’t permitted to drive? Bribe Tim; to deal with Bruce:
Jason: I’ll cook for you, anything you want, as payment.
Tim: *sighs*
Tim: Bruce, are you really sure you were careful with the Batmobile, last nigh? I seem to remember, you were in quite a rush to catch up to two-face, who was escaping in his getaway car.
Bruce: I checked on it last night, and don’t remember any scratches…
Tim: You were dead on your feet last night, barley even able to change out of your gear, write a full report, then head to bed, it shouldn’t be surprising that you missed a few scratches on the car.
Bruce: …
Bruce: I guess so… I’ll just have to keep a more attentive eye on it, next time…
Bruce: *walks away*
Tim: I’ll be expecting breakfast burritos, to appear on my plate, in the morning.
Jason: You can expect anything you want, and I’ll make it happen, after that save, nerd-bird.
Damian, snuck in an injured cat to take care of, before sending them off to the shelter? ‘Force’ Drake, to help:
Damian: While I usually wouldn’t resort to you for assistance, Drake, I must reluctantly admit, I am in need of it.
Tim: I’ll only agree, if you name the cat Drake.
Damian, who already named the long haired, black furred, blue eyed cat, after Tim: Very well.
Later on:
Bruce: *spots the new cat*
Bruce: Tim, is it just me or does Alfred the cat look.. different.
Tim: I’m not sure what you’re talking about, B.
Bruce: I could have sworn his eyes were yellow, not blue?..
Tim: Are you sure, though? Perhaps you’re mistaken. Maybe it’s a trick of the light? There’s a lot of reasons, as to why you could have mistaken the cat’s eye colour.
Bruce: …
Bruce: I guess… if you say so…
Later, later on:
Damian: Drake, Drake, the cat, has been adopted, as of late, by a loving and nurturing family (as loving and nurturing a family can be, in Gotham).
Tim: Cool.
Cassandra wants Bruce to attend her recital, but he’s busy? Ask Tim for help:
Bruce: Odd, I remember I had a few more cases to finish today…
Tim: Ohhh, those? Yeah, you gave them to me, not long ago.
Bruce: …I did?
Tim: Yeah! Just last night, when you told me you promised cass, you’d attend her recital, tonight. So I suggested, to handle those cases for you.
Bruce: …
Bruce: That does seem like something I’d do, thanks for reminding me, Tim, I’m glad I can count on you.
Tim: Of course, B.
Later on:
Cass, hugging Tim; to show her appreciation.
Duke, may or may not have skipped school after first period? Get Tim to help:
Tim: Bruce, is the school absolutely sure, he hadn’t attended his classes, I mean you can obviously see, from the security camera, that he entered the school gates this morning.
Bruce: The teachers stated that he didn’t answer when his name was called in class, and that they didn’t see him all day, on school grounds. None of the security cameras captured any sight of him, other than when he entered, through the gates.
Tim: Ohhh, I see, he must’ve been honing his bat-skills, you know sneaking around, undetected, in school, that must be why no one noticed him, not even the security cameras.
Bruce: …
Bruce: You’re right. I’ll be speaking to the principal about the staff’s inability to locate him, when he was obviously on school grounds.
Bruce: Then, I’ll talk to Duke about refraining from using his bat-skills in our civilian lives. Even if it’s for training purposes. Although I’ll have to commend him, for attending the whole day, undetected.
Later on:
Duke: Are you sure I can’t do something to repay you, I mean, you saved my hide, just now.
Tim: Well.. there is this new juice bar I’ve been wanting to check out, I could use the company.
Duke: No way! I heard about it too, hold on let my grab my phone, then we can head out.
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 31 - "It's not your fault."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: Based on the setting created through Prompt 14 and its Reblogs. Not necessarily to read beforehand but it might give a little context. I tried to go with a more Halloween themed short story hope that worked out.
"Damian this mission has the highest priority any mission or case ever had before." Dick was clutching a glaring Damians shoulders who was now raising an eyebrow like his elder brother had lost his mind.
"Richard, this is ridiculous." He commented, crossing his arms.
"I am serious Dami, we can not fail with this." The elder stressed more. If it were any other situation than this then Damian might have taken Dick more seriously but as it was. His elder brother was pleading with him, dressed in a ridiculous Vampire outfit after having forced Damian into an outfit that was clearly a mockery towards his old league gear. It was a simple ninja costume Dick was making him wear.
"Please Dami! You don't want to get black listed for a month like Bruce or Tim, right? Jason is going to do this if we ruin their first Halloween in Gotham!" The younger's eyes narrowed.
"Do not place me on the same level as Drake. I will not lose any rights towards my nieces and nephews like he did." He huffed as he looked away stubbornly from his elder brother. Damian was not foolish enough to repeat the same mistakes some members of his family have made. He was not going to let his nephews even touch coffee or any caffeinated drink in the first place.
Besides the incident with Jasmine and their father was a whole different matter. It was their fathers own fault for unconsciously challenging his niece and disregarding her talent in analyzing one's mindset, Todd had mentioned once.
"I just want to make sure! Jason has become so protective of the kids and I do not want to lose favorit uncle's privileges!" Damian's eye twitched as he shoved away his elder brother with his hand placed in the other's face. "You must be delusional Richard. I seem to remember that I was the favorite uncle of the twins."
Before Dick could counter Damian the front door opened and the two saw Jason enter the manor with the crime twins on either side of him and the toddler in his arms. The second eldest raised an eyebrow at them before glancing down towards the twins.
"Hey Little Wing, right on time! Where is Jazz?" Dick greeted them cheerfully, bending down a little to wave at Ellie that was blowing a raspberry in his direction. He was probably imaging it but it looked like the little girl was glaring at him.
"Already dropped her off with her school friends, I will pick her up tomorrow afternoon. It's her sibling free day, remember?" Jason only raised an eyebrow also noting the frown the twins were sporting at seeing Dick.
Dick nodded, turning towards the twins. Did he imagine it or did one of the boy's whisper fruitloop to the other. "Ready for your first Trick or Treat in Gotham? We gotta collect all the candy for you two that we can!"
"Sure." Dick was hoping for more enthusiasm from the boy's but maybe that would come once they got their first candies bagged. "You two look interesting, what are you going as?"
"Frankenstein." The two answered simultaneously before glaring at each other and Dick sweatdropped. One of the boy's was dressed like a mad scientist with a white coat and welding goggles strapped to his head as well as some broken medical equipment clearly made visible. The other boy looked more like a monster with ripped clothing, fake bolds glued to his neck and drawn stitches all over his visible skin that was coloured slightly greenish.
"Wow you both did a good job! The monster looks just like in the movies." Dick tried in hopes
"I see. So Daniel is Doctor Frankenstein while Dante is Frankenstein's monster." The twins looked up towards Damian, the glare lost for a moment before they turned on each other again.
"See Uncle Dick said it! When someone says Frankenstein they think of the Monster, twerp!"
"Nuhu! Uncle Damian got it! He knew I was the Doctor and not the monster!"
"And Jazz just got them to stop arguing about that shit." Jason muttered with a glare towards Dick before the twins could devolve any further into their argument Jason stepped towards the side where Alfred had appeared and was heading over the now bubbling little girl that was making grabby hand towards the butler. He then turned towards the boys.
"Okay you two. Remember today's rules." He clapped his hand for more effect and to get the two to look at him. Which sort of worked as they still gave each other side eyed glares but nodded regardless. "Good and remember no crimes today, enjoy your fun and do not stuff yourself with candies."
"Okay Dad." The twins answered in sync before Jason literally pushed them towards Dick and Damian and out the Manors front door. They were the ones taking the twins out for a Trick or Treat run as their first Halloween in Gotham. Jason was going to hang back with Alfred to take care of Ellie.
Dick had volunteered doing this for his brother a couple weeks before Jason had wondered what he was going to do with the kids for Halloween. Dick had also instantly volunteered Damian for it two. Their youngest brother wasn't that much older than the twins yet and they surely would feel more comfortable with two known family members around.
An hour in and Dick was moments away from admitting that he made a grave mistake.
"Dami! Have you seen Danny?!" Jason was going to murder them if they lost one of his kids. So Dick was rightfully slightly panicked. He had taken his eyes of the boy for only a moment to check something on his phone.
"You have lost Daniel?" The youngest Wayne looked miffed at him and had a slight glare before though Dick noticed something else in his eyes too. "Damian, where is Dan?"
The younger clicked his tongue and Dick paled slightly. Okay no big deal, they temporarily lost the crime twin. He had found and followed Danny before, surely he would be able to find the boy in the crowd of disguised children too. Danny went with a mad scientist costume. How many of them were running around? It would be more difficult to find Dan, he had spotted a couple of different Frankensteins already.
"Jason is going to blacklist us, isn't he?" Dick muttered his eyes wandering over every child he could see going from door to door for candies. Damian doing the same even watching other adults and parents in case one of them had the idea to snatch his nephews from them.
"It won't be as bad as Drake and father." Damian commented as a form of consolation to his elder brother but knew it probably would. Jason blacklisted Tim from watching the kids for the caffeine incident for a month and their father was still blacklisted until Jazz felt like talking to the man again, the twins in solidarity to their sister doing the same.
"Should we split up? But what if they are looking for us? Oh good what if one of the rogues snatched them up? Or worse, some leftover guys from that damned organization?" From the corner of his eyes Damian saw how his elder brother was getting worked up and even though he wasn't showing it, he too was worried. This certainly was not how they had hoped the boy's first Halloween with them would go.
In a decorative street tree on the side of the path Dick and Damian were on sat two boy's one munching on a licorice stick while the other was nibbling on chocolate. Both were invisible just in case their uncle decided to look up.
"Fake blood next?" Danny asked as he watched Dick starting to pace.
"Not yet. Did Dad mention anything about the firecrackers?" Dan asked in return as he bite of another piece of his licorice stick.
"Not that I remember, tho Jazz said to go easy on Uncle Dick." Danny hummed tilting his head slightly with a frown. "But he lost that privilege looking like the fruitloop. You got one of Dad's fake guns right?"
"Why? Didn't you say you wanted to 'fake' stab yourself with the broken syringe?" Dan raised an eyebrow as Danny gave him a feral grin. "You recovered your shape shifting power, right?"
Dan returned the feral grin with one of his own understanding what kind of prank Danny was hinting at. "For once, I like the way you're thinking, twerp."
"Would you stop calling me that! We are the same age now!" Danny pouted as he stuffed the last of his chocolate in his mouth and prepared to jump off the tree.
"Never!" Dan quickly answered with a laugh as he took the lead and jumped off the tree and disappeared into the crowds first as he let go of his invisibility. Danny quickly followed doing the same. They had after all a lot more pranks planned to play on their uncles.
The evening ended with Dick and Damian making their way into the Manor through the bat cave entrance so that they could get to the Medbay before Jason saw the twins. Both looked rather disheveled and like they had gotten dragged through mud. What they didn't expect was Jason, being in the cave and looking at them with raised eyebrows. Dick was holding Dan who was literally growling as Dick was pressing a bundle of tissues against the boy's nose. There was a ripped strip of his vampire costume tied around Dan's arm, a line of dried 'blood' going down the arm.
Damian was holding Danny. The boy looked dizzy, holding his head with one hand while he whined about everything being to bright, the goggles of his costume were cracked and the white coat now had red 'blood' strains, the shirt he was wearing also appeared to be soaked in 'blood' and there was a tried spot of blood below Danny's nose like he also had had a nose bleed like his twin.
"What happened?" Jason's tone sounded neutral and Dick laughed nervously.
"It looks worse than it is…" He tried to salvage, maybe they could still save their nephew watching privileges.
"It's Richard's fault. He lost sight of Danny first." Dicks head whipped around towards Damian who just decided to throw him under the bus. A look of betrayal crossed the eldest face at the narrowed stare Damian was giving him. "The situation spiraled from there."
"No wait! Damian lost Dan! It's not just my fault!" He tried to defend himself as Jason's eyes narrowed on him. But before he could come up with any more reasons why it was not just his fault and that they should not lose any of their uncle privileges because of that…
…Jason started laughing, wheezing out a "It's not your fault."
Confused Dick blinked before Dan jumped out of his hands the same time Danny jumped out of Damians. Suddenly the kids appeared like nothing was wrong as they rushed over towards Jason. Hadn't Danny been dizzy until now? And Dan had complained and growled at him about a headache?
He glanced at Damian who was watching the twins with narrowed eyes.
"Well looks like you two had a lot of fun." They watched how Jason patted the twins' heads grinning at them as the boy's sported proud looks, like they were pleased with themselves. "Your Auntie Babs is making a highlight reveal for the entire family later. Till then go wash up and bug one of your other uncles or aunts."
"Can I go bug Uncle Tim! I got an new invention idea when Uncle Dick got chased by the dogs!"
"I want to find Aunt Harper."
"Sure both should be in the Manor by now. Just wash up first." With the boy's sent away it left the two adults and teen in the batcave. One of them gabbing like fish, the other glaring with narrowed eyes and the last of them still chuckling.
"Todd." Damian hissed and Dick knew that tone. Damian was promising revenge on Jason.
"Light up brat. The twins needed an outlet and Jazz suggested they could pull some pranks today, I just told them that with you two they could go all out."
Dick wasn't sure if he should feel relieved or be slightly mad at his brother for that but eventually he decided to go with relief. "So we are not losing uncle privileges, good."
"You two are still getting blacklisted for two weeks."
"I demand a reason."
"You tried taking them with you on patrol and you gave them blade training. They are six."
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funkylittlebidiot · 5 months
leap of faith
It's happened again - sleeping in the afternoon means i get creative in the evening. Here's a thing.
The Bats wouldn’t make it in time, Tim knew as he scrambled through the door leading onto the roof of Wayne Enterprises. He’d known it the second he’d hit the panic button right before his doors burst open, spilling tactical gear-clad goons into his office.
He’d also known instantly this wasn’t a situation worth the risk of playing Timothy Drake-Wayne, so he’d chucked the Manila folder he’d been holding out like a batarang.
It wasn’t particularly effective, but it was instinct, as much as ducking for cover behind his mahogany desk in the same move. Thank god Bruce had made it bullet resistant - there’s no feature more practical in a desk. Especially in Gotham.
Of course, that’s when a bullet pierced through the wood anyway and almost knicked his shoulder. It only took a moment to take in the projectile, a bullet shaped like an arrowhead the size of a thumb, lodged into the wood with the tip coated in a green crystalline sheen.
It’s only then that Tim had begun to panic.
There were many reasons why criminals might attack Timothy Drake-Wayne - money, leverage, petty grudge, a slip in his identity or a social faux-pass were all possibilities that easily swam to his mind. There wasn’t a single reason he could think of that they would attack Timothy Drake-Wayne with kryptonite.
And Tim was an inventive guy, if he did say so himself.
Breathing going slightly funny, but forcing that to the side, he took stock of his options. The bats wouldn’t make it in time, he didn’t have his own suit and weapons, and there was no way in hell he was going to call to Kon for help. Not with kryptonite in play.
If he could he’d text Kon he was craving Belgian chocolate so he’d get as far away from WE as possible.
Anyway, think.
Tim waited for the first goon to round the desk and point his gun at his head, and purposefully fumbled a bit as he grabbed the gun and twisted in a move he’d mastered at twelve years old. He might not be able to afford playing civilian, but he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity of being underestimated.
They took it as a lucky shot - a rich boy taking a defense class is only common sense in a city like Gotham - but it still left one out of six attackers on the floor with a dislocated shoulder. The gun he’d twisted out of his arm was used to knock aside another, before breaking the nose of the assailant.
There were still four guns on him - five if the guy got over his broken nose - and the space was too cramped a battle ground. Tim was used to fighting the open space of city streets, or the occasional indoors he’d been able to case beforehand, swooping in with full control of the situation. Situations where he’d had his suit.
His dark slacks and white button down wouldn’t hold back as much as an open-palmed slap, and with his missing spleen he was too high-maintenance to be a kidnappee.
He had to get out of the office.
Tim jumped over his desk, clearly surprising his assailants as he used the same move to kick out with his feet. They dodged, but their movement had cleared out a path to the roof access stairs hidden behind a set of doors resembling a build-in closet.
It was a useful feature - both for the CEO with the private helipad on the roof and the vigilante needing to sneak out of the office during city emergencies.
Tim ran up the stairs now, grateful they hadn’t managed to get a hit in yet, but hyper-aware he wasn’t actually running towards something, and burst out into the April chill. The helipad was empty because he hadn’t thought to schedule an emergency evacuation today, but the feel of cold air against his skin was soothing. It made him feel more like Robin - Red Robin, whatever - standing high on a roof, in control of his surroundings once more.
They would have to follow him up. They would need to come through the door one by one. And Tim still had the gun.
Of course he couldn’t actually use it. He didn’t know how lethal the unfamiliar weapon would be.
Besides, the thought of shooting rounds of kryptonite made him ill.
The door bust open, followed by two guns with men attached stepping out onto the concrete. They moved quickly, swarming out like a trained SWAT team, which made his stomach flutter nervously. He’d only seen the six, five now were left.
But he didn’t know how high up they went. How many had been needed to get the six of them up to the top floor of Wayne Enterprises in the first place? How many more were downstairs?
Tim fought the urge to take his eyes off the men in front of him to sweep the surrounding roofs for snipers.
The previous comfort had left him, feeling exposed with his back turned to the skyline, his button-down catching the wind like a white flag.
“You’re trapped,” one of the men called, voice amplified to be heard over the roar of the wind. “Surrender and we’ll take you quietly.”
Tim frowned.
“What do you want?” He yelled back, playing along as his thoughts ran ahead, calculating his options. “Money?”
“Leverage.” The second guy on the left called out. “You’ll be fine as long as you play along.”
“What do I have to do?” His heart was racing in his chest, fearing the answer but also determined it wouldn’t be a problem. If they ask him for Superboy it’s an easy response.
“Just get back down, open your computer, and set up a -“
Tim already wasn’t listening anymore, ears rushing with relief as he threw down the gun and started running.
It was a stupid coincidence - the kryptonite just an extra precaution or a new trend on the streets of Gotham or whatever. They didn’t want Conner. Which meant there probably wasn’t a sophisticated contingency set up for if he were to show up - no hidden snipers in the surrounding buildings (at least none expecting Superboy), no Cadmus technology, nothing.
Still, he made sure to wait until he’d dropped at least 30 stories to finally yell out a slightly strangled - Superboy!
The following few seconds, as he continued to fall, his heart sinking into his stomach, he was forced to question the decision of leaping before making sure Kon was actually paying attention.
Then, only fifteen stories below that, he collided with a familiar body, strong arms wrapping around him as his momentum careened to a halt. Tim clung on instinctively, air leaving his lungs with a sigh as his arms came up around Kon’s neck in a tight hug, the tiptoes of his leather shoes awkwardly fitting their usual holds on Kon’s feet. This sure was easier in his Robin suit, but that thought quickly left his head as he was surrounded by the warmth of Conner. His thin white shirt had been terrible at keeping out the chill of the drop, the wind tugging at it incessantly, but against Conner it allowed him to actually feel the arms wrapped around his back, the hands pressed against his side like pools of heat.
Tim smiled into the crook of Kon’s neck, before forcing his brain to focus back on the situation as he could feel Superboy tense with anger, shifting to fly back up to take in the scene. He pressed a quick kiss into the soft skin under his jaw, hoping to soothe.
“Do not engage,” he spoke into Kon’s ear, though he knew he’d be able to hear perfectly even if Tim couldn’t catch his own voice over the sound of the wind. “They have kryptonite weapons.”
Kon tightened his grip and shifted like he wanted to take his chances, but Tim tugged at his hair until he looked down and Tim was finally able to meet his eyes.
The sight was heaven-send, but the slow curls of panic were still swirling in his gut, telling him to get those eyes as far away as possible.
“Let’s go home. Please.”
Kon swallowed but nodded, tightening his grip before they were swept away by the wind.
As soon as they came to a halt and Tim couldn’t see the city gray of Gotham anymore, his heart finally un-clenched. He went boneless as their feet touched the ground, and Kon’s grip on him softened into a proper hug.
“Thank god you’re okay.” Tim breathed into Kon’s hair, causing Kon to pull back and meet his eyes with a furious gaze.
“Me?” He ground out, hands tightening on Tim’s hips. “I’m not the one pushed off the top of a building!”
“I’m fine! I wasn’t even pushed - I jumped!”
“You- jumped.” He looked like he was short-circuiting, which might have been funny if Tim hadn’t cared that he was clearly upset. “Tim!”
“Why would you do that?!”
“Because I needed to call for help but I wasn’t going to do that anywhere near where they could get a good shot at you!”
“So you jumped?! From a skyscraper!”
“No, I jumped into your arms!”
“What if I hadn’t heard you!”
“Then I would have been upset.”
“You would have -“
Tim kissed him before he could short-circuit some more, which luckily did help him reboot and focus on what’s important - wrapping his arms around Tim’s hips again and pulling him closer, pressing their chests together as Tim moaned against Kon’s mouth.
He wanted to walk Kon back, push him against a wall before dragging him into his bedroom to thank him properly for being his knight in leather jacket - which is when he realized they were no where near his apartment OR the tower.
They were on a forest-lined stretch of road, a familiar iron gate to Tim’s back.
He pulled back, accusatory, mentally rearranging his gratitude into punishment instead, as he glared at Kon. “I told you to take me home!”
“I did!” Kon sounded way too smug, clearly pleased Tim was suffering in his own right. “They were almost at the tower when I got there. Cass told me to get you home or else - and I’m more scared of her then I am of you.”
“If I get murdered by the Spawn you’re going to feel so guilty.” Tim murmured, crossing his arms against the hollow feeling of dread in his stomach as he stared up at the manor. Cass was there. Bruce was alive.
He could deal for half an hour.
That would have to be enough.
Kon’s arm fell like a comforting weight around his waist as he came to stand beside him, squeezing softly. “I’m just a shout away.”
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Tim Drake and 60 for the ask game!
Number 60: Truth Serum.
This is going to be DC only with no DP. Hope you all enjoy!
I tried something new here and wrote in an omniscient narrator. Hope it comes across okay. I want to practice more because it is a useful POV to write in and I've never really used it before. Not in anything polished, at least.
I'll be honest, this isn't your usual truth serum fic. Hope you all like it anyway!
Word count: 2k
Tim glared at the person who held him captive. Gotham's newest rogue smiled at him as he held up a syringe. Dressed in a long, white lab coat with blue surgical gloves and black boots, he looked like a cartoon scientist.
"Thank you for coming to me, pet. I've finally perfected my serum and can't wait to make a birdie sing." Glee filled the man as he gloated at his prey. This was the night he’d been working towards for years.
"You'll never get anything from me." Tim finally twisted his hand to the proper angle to feel the edge of the razor blade hidden in his sleeve. They hadn’t bothered stripping him when they took his visible weapons and utility belt, much to Tim’s relief.
"Oh, once we get this in your system, we will!" The scientist laughed. "I've spent years on it, you know. And with it running through your veins, you'll answer all my questions!"
And then, before Tim could release the blade and slice through his ropes, the man jabbed the syringe into his neck. The solution burned going in and Tim grit his teeth against the pain.
The man laughed again. This was the best night of his life. "Now, we wait! Just a few minutes and you'll tell me exactly who Batman is. And the rest of your flock. And anything else I want to know."
Tim glared, but focused on sawing through the ropes without making his movements obvious.
Just as the rope split, he heard the sound of a distant explosion. Mad scientist man glared at Tim before speaking into a walkie. "What was that?"
Tim smirked and found himself answering, "My backup," before he could stop himself. Shit. He bit his cheek and launched himself out of the chair.
He punched the man hard, knocking him to the ground. He wanted to ask if there was an antidote or what side effects he could expect, but he couldn't give the man a chance to ask any questions. Instead, he slammed the man's head into the floor, knocking him out.
Maybe he could find a computer on the way out.
Another explosion sounded and Tim cursed under his breath. Nope, he didn't have time to look for information or computers or even the rest of his gear. He had to get out of here now before his family caught up.
On the other side of the warehouse, Jason laughed as he detonated another explosion. For once, Bruce wasn’t scolding him for the unnecessary force. And Dick even helped him set up the explosives. Over the comms, Barbara’s voice was cold as she told him where he would cause the most destruction.
“This guy’s a chemist,” she said. “He’s worked for Scarecrow in the past and he’s been collecting chemicals in large quantities for the past two months. Red Robin was trying to figure out what sort of concoctions he’s been developing, but hadn’t as of last night’s report.”
Damian snorted. “If he were competent, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Dick tsked at him. “That’s enough, baby bat. RR is plenty competent.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “Enough chatter. Oracle, where to next.”
“Go through the second door on your left. Wait, hold on.” More quietly, she said, “What are you doing RR?”
“What’s happened,” demanded Bruce.
“Based on his tracker, Red Robin has left the room he was held in. But instead of reuniting with you, he’s taken a path into the sewers.”
“I’ll follow RR,” said Dick. “The rest of you focus on taking these guys down.”
“Very well,” agreed Bruce. “Report in once you find him.”
“Will do, B!” Dick said as he turned and rushed back into the city, following Babs’ instructions.
Tim, meanwhile, sprinted through the sewers. He had a safe house nearby. He had a protocol for this and it didn’t involve being anywhere near his family. He didn’t look down as his boots splashed through the disgusting water. It wasn’t far now. Not ten minutes later, he was taking an exit into a retired subway station and climbing the fence to the streets.
Two more blocks, and he was on the fire escape and pushing open the window to his safe house. First thing he did was rush to the computer and turn it on. Two minutes later, he hit send on an SOS.
Scattered across the country, three people’s phones rang with an emergency signal.
Unfortunately for Tim, that was the moment Dick caught up to him as well. Tim heard the window open and a voice call out, “Red Robin?” Though really, calling out was a formality. Dick could tell Tim was in by the lights that were on.
“In the bedroom!” replied Tim before he could stop himself. Then he cursed. Apparently the serum would work even if the question wasn’t stated in full. He dove for the closet where he knew a pair of noise-canceling headphones sat. He slapped them on just as Dick entered the bedroom.
Dick relaxed as soon as he had eyes on his brother. “God, Tim. Don’t worry us like that! Why’d you run?”
But Tim was staring at him with wide eyes. “Because I was injected with a truth serum.” He slapped his hands over his mouth as soon as the words were out and closed his eyes tightly. Lip-read questions also counted apparently.
Dick froze. “What?” he asked.
But with his eyes closed and the headphones on, Tim couldn’t hear him. Dick reached out to touch Tim’s shoulder only to be tackled to the ground.
He had his escrima sticks in his hands and his thumb was over the button to electrify them when he recognized Impulse. “Impulse? What are you doing here?”
Tim wished he could see what Dick was doing, but he couldn’t risk seeing another question. He had too many secrets he was keeping from his family to trust himself around them.
Bart glanced at Tim who’d backed up until he was against the wall. “Rob messaged us with an incident CH3874G. And the protocols for that involve immediate extraction.”
“I’m his brother. I’m not going to hurt him!” Dick glared up at Impulse even as his thoughts were with his brother. Who’d refused to even look at him out of fear.
Bart shrugged. “Incident CH3874G means he is to have no contact with anyone other than myself, Superboy, or Wonder Girl until the effects wear off.”
“That’s ridiculous. We can take care of him just fine in the cave.” Dick twisted and managed to push Bart off, but he barely regained his footing before Bart was back pulling back his arms and holding him fast again. “Let me go!” he shouted.
And that moment was when Kon made his own way through the window. “Not gonna happen until we get Rob far away from Gotham. He doesn’t want any of you around him right now.”
“Seriously, what do you think I’m going to do to him?” protested Dick.
“Uh… Isn’t it obvious?” asked Bart. “You’re going to ask him questions. And there’s only five questions Tim will tolerate being asked when he’s under the influence of a truth serum.”
“What questions are those?” asked Dick.
Kon snorted. “If you don’t already know, then you don’t get to know.” He walked past Bart and Dick to stand in front of Tim. Kon blocked Dick’s vision enough that he couldn’t see Tim’s face.
Kon tapped a simple “hey” on Tim’s shoulder in Morse code. “Hey, Rob,” he repeated verbally when Tim opened his eyes.
Tim sagged against the wall in relief when he recongized Kon. And he caught a glimpse of Impulse behind him, too. Good, he’d be getting out of here. He hugged Kon tightly, shutting his eyes again so he wouldn’t be able to see Dick.
Kon chuckled and rubbed his back before pulling away. Making sure to enunciate clearly so Tim could read his lips, he said, “No questions until we get you to the designated place. Cassie’s meeting us there. Climb aboard the Super Express.”
Dick could only watch helplessly as his little brother was carried away into the night. “Why wouldn’t you let me help?”
Bart snorted. “Look, Nightwing, I like you. But I like Tim more. He’s my teammate. And he holds nothing so dear as his secrets. Be honest, would you or Batman or any of your friends and siblings let the chance to question him pass by? Would you let him keep his secrets?”
“Of course I would!” Dick insisted. But he knew his family. Bruce wouldn’t. Jason wouldn’t. Damian absolutely wouldn’t.
Bart snorted in disbelief. “Then maybe you should ask yourself why Tim doesn’t trust you enough to even ask.”
Dick glared at the wall, but didn’t have a retort.
“Now, this has been fun, but I’ve got a best friend to look after. We’ll return him once he’s better!” And Bart rushed off to join his friends. Tim would be trying to find a cure as soon as he had access to a computer, but Bart rather hoped it’d just have to wear off on it’s own. It had been too long since they’d gotten together for a movie marathon in a pillow fort.
In the end, Tim didn’t return to Gotham for three days. Three days over which Dick reconsidered every interaction he’d had with his brother, trying to figure out when he’d lost his trust.
He had to admit that stalking was practically a family love language, though. And Damian didn’t help the situation by loudly and often lamenting the lost opportunity to question Tim on anything and everything.
Bruce merely hummed when Dick reported on the situation. He was just glad his son had freed himself before spilling any family secrets and was currently safe with his own friends. Kon sent periodic updates to Clark who passed them onto Bruce, so he knew his son was safe. Nothing else mattered.
The moment Kon set down on the grounds of Wayne Manor with Tim, half the family rushed out to greet them.
“Tim,” said Bruce. “I’ll expect your report by the time we start patrol.”
Tim laughed, “You know, B, you could just ask me how I am. I’m fine, by the way. Truth serum wore off about twelve hours ago. It had a ridiculously long half life. But don’t worry, I’ve already got ideas for potential reversal agents.”
Before Bruce could reply, Dick was pulling Tim into a tight hug. “Glad to see you doing better, Timmy.” More quietly so only Tim and Kon could hear, he whispered, “And I’m sorry.”
Tim pulled away confused. “For what?”
Dick stared back, mouth agape. “I— because I tried to ask you questions?”
Tim laughed and shook his head. “No hard feelings. I would’ve done the same. That’s why I messaged the people I did.”
Damian sniffed. “It does raise the question of what secrets you are keeping from us.”
Tim shrugged and grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Bruce narrowed his eyes and hummed. “Would you be willing to have lunch with just me, Tim? It’s been a long time since we had any one-on-one time.”
Tim swallowed. “Oh, uh, I should really write that report, don’t you think?”
Bruce chuckled. “I’ll let you skip it if you have lunch with me.”
Kon pretended he didn’t hear the quiet “fuck” Tim let out. “Well,” he said, “I think that’s my cue to leave. Catch you later, Tim!”
“Bye, Kon!” Tim hugged him quickly, then he was alone with his family. He sighed. “Fine, B. I’ll have lunch with you.”
He only hoped at least half his secrets would survive the meal.
It's easiest to lie to Bruce when he doesn't suspect you're lying. When he knows and is actively trying to figure out what you're hiding? It's a lot harder.
So, I know truth serum implies secrets will be revealed, but I just couldn't believe that Tim didn't have a fail safe in place for one. And his friends are ride-or-die and would help him get away from The Batman if necessary. So they did.
Dick and Tim talk it out later and Dick gets added as a back up to any future Truth Serum incidents.
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schrijverr · 8 months
You Don’t Know Me, But I Know You 3
Chapter 3 out of 6
5 times Tim showed he stalked Robin + 1 time Jason did
Inspired by this post of thecrazyleader.
On AO3.
Ships none
Warnings: none
3. A Familiar Story
This time, they’re not out on patrol, but sitting around in the living room. It’s a rare moment that Jason is joining them, not for a case, but just to hang around.
They’re all in the library, draped over the comfortable chairs and couches there. Duke and Damian had been doing homework, while Tim worked on WE stuff and Jason read a book. However, they have all slowly abandoned what they were doing and are now sharing stories of their time as vigilantes (mostly trying to one up each other in front of Duke, the new guy, the fresh canvas).
Jason is talking now, just finishing his story smugly with: “And that’s how I knocked out Killer Croc with one punch. Guy never saw it coming.”
“Are you for real, man?” Duke asks, both awed and skeptical.
“Yeah, I had a mean right hook, even back on the street. He didn’t stand a chance,” Jason brags.
“I don’t know,” Duke says, a little apologetic. “You were our Crime Alley Robin, everyone heard you talk. We were extra proud of you back there. I kept up. But you were like a 100 pounds soaking wet back then. I’ve fought Killer Croc, there’s no way.”
“Tt, it does seem unrealistic, Todd. It’s unbecoming to aggrandize yourself and a tactical error,” Damian says.
“Oi, brat, I was your size back then, think you couldn’t KO Croc?” Jason shoots back, getting annoyed.
“Of course I could,” Damian sniffs. “But unlike you, I have years of training and am naturally more gifted when it comes to martial arts.”
“Who’s aggrandizing now, you little shit,” Jason snarls, gearing up to jump Damian, when they’re interrupted by Tim, who says: “Nah, Jason’s telling the truth.”
“What?” Duke chokes.
“Why are you taking my side all of a sudden?” Jason asks, suspicious (which is fair, since Tim usually doesn’t take his side, often leaving him on his own, even when Tim knows he’s right, just because he can).
“I took pictures of it,” Tim shrugs. “I can show them to you if you don’t believe it.”
“What the fuck,” Duke mutters softly, but he’s drowned out by Damian telling Tim to cease aiding and abetting Jason’s lies, while Jason demands Tim shows them the photos so he can get justice.
Soon they’re in Tim’s bedroom, where Tim is dragging a big box from one of his closets that is marked with the date of Jason’s second year as Robin. As he opens it up to reveal tons of photos, Jason comments: “Okay, if I wasn’t so hell bend on proving my badass-ness, I would comment on what a fucking creep you were, Timbo.”
“Everyone’s a critic,” Tim says resentfully. “It’s just a hobby.”
“Can anyone please tell me what the hell is going on? Where did he get all these?” Duke asks, sounding a little scared as he watches Tim go through the box to find the right one.
“B didn’t say that Tim only got my job because he used to stalk us?” Jason asks, though it’s more a comment.
“It’s so pathetic, it is obvious that only Drake would wiggle his way in like that,” Damian says, managing to judge both Tim for the photos, Bruce for adopting Tim and Duke for not knowing.
“No,” Duke replies, a little shrilly.
“It’s in the files, don’t any of you read those?” Tim complains, before making an aha sound as he pulls out a photo set that shows exactly what Jason described.
Jason holds them above his head as he crows: “Victory!” before he ruffles Tim’s head: “You’re still a fucking creeper though, Timbit.”
“You don’t get to complain when I’m backing you up,” Tim bitches back, snatching the photos back.
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Cuddling (fluff)
Requested?: No
Oneshot: Tim and Bernard cuddling. (That's it, that's the oneshot.)
I didnt plan to post today but here we go
Tim Drake loved a lot of things. A lot of them were Robin or crime fighting related but his boyfriend Bernard was one of the things that Tim Drake himself loved the most.
After a long patrol, Red Robin put down his gear with a long sigh. The patrol was not necessarily bad it was just very long and Tim was drained, ready to fall into bed and sleep for 12 hours straight. Batman already sat back in front of the Batcomputer, the rest of the family was out on patrol or upstairs in the manor.
"Master Tim." Tim turned around, Alfred approached him with a small smile. "Mr. Dowd came to visit you earlier, he is staying in your room. I thought i would let you know so you don't get a heart attack."
Tim's eyes widened and a smile crept up on his face. He texted Bernard earlier but he didn't know he would come over. Alfred smiled and nodded his head before he walked off. Tim stood there for a few more seconds smiling before he took a very swift shower. After all, his boyfriend would probably not want to share a bed with him when he was all sweaty and dirty from patrol.
After that, dressed in a tshirt and sweatpants, Tim silently made his way through the hallways over to his room. It looked like the light was out so he slowly opened the door to not wake his boyfriend, in case he was sleeping.
Tim quietly entered and closed the door behind himself. The room was dark except for the moon light shining through the gap between the curtains. He could spot a body under his blankets that slowly moved up and down breathing, blond hair sticking out from under the blanket.
Tim tiptoed over to the bed and slowly crawled over the matress and under the blanket. Bernard sighed softly as the matress moved under him. Tim layed down behind him and wrapped his arms around the other boys waist which made the smaller boy press his body against him a little.
"You are finally here." Bernard mumbled sleepy while he turned around and pressed his nose into Tim's shoulder. Tim smiled as the smaller boy wrapped his arms around him too. "Yeah, i kinda got baited with the idea of cuddling my boyfriend." Tim chuckled softly while he put his head on Bernard's head.
"You seemed to feel down earlier so i thought i'd come over and cheer you up." Bernard leaned up and peppered Tim's neck with kisses. Tim giggled and blinked away some tears. "Ahh, how do i deserve you?" He grumbled while he kissed Bernard's head. The other boy leaned up and nudged his nose against Tim's chin, demanding a kiss. Tim chuckled and leaned down to fulfill his wishes.
Bernard's lips where soft against his and he happily sighed into the kiss. They exchanged some sweet, innocent kissed and leaned their foreheads against eachother to enjoy the other's presence. "You totally deserve me." Bernard whispered. "But don't think about it now, i came to cuddle you happy, not to make you cry." Tim rolled over and pressed his face into the pillow embarassed.
"So... do you want me to spoon you or do you want to lay down on top of me?" Bernard asked with a sunny smile. Tim pressed his face into the pillow deeper. "On top of you please." He grumbled into the soft fabric sheepishly. Tim felt his boyfriend move around a little and after that hold up one side of the blanket. He moved over little by little like a cautious animal until he pressed himself up and climbed half over Bernhard. He settled down on his chest with his arms around his back and their legs tangled together.
Bernhard slipped his hands under Tim's t-shirt and gently carassed his lower back. Tim purred a little and nuzzled his nose into his neck. "I like that, keep going." He mumbled into Bernhards neck who chuckled in response. He continued to gently massage his boyfriends skin and Tim basically went limb on top of him.
The tender affection slowly lulled Tim to sleep, there was no denying that this was his happy place. "Sleep tight, Tim." Bernard whisper into his hair. Tim lazily lifted his head up and leaned over to gently kiss his boyfriend. "Mhh, i love you." He whisper lightly slurrend from the sleepiness. Bernard smiled at him and returned a short but sweet kiss.
"I love you too." Bernard whispered back. Tim made a determined nod of acknowledgement and Bernard laughed softly at the sleepy state that Tim slipped into. "Can you spoon me now?" Tim asked. Bernard nodded and Tim rolled over to the side with his back facing the other boy.
Bernard scooted closed and wrapped his arms tightly around Tim's waist. He pulled the blanket over them and made sure Tim was tucked in nicely and wouldn't get cold. "Thank you." Tim mumbled while he nuzzled into the body behind him and took Bernard's hand to kiss it. "I got you. Good night, baby." The blonde boy whispered into Tim's neck smiling.
Tim smiled and kissed Bernhard's hand again before he tucked it under his arm and finally dozed off in the arms of his love.
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
I’ve been kind of brain dead for ideas lately but an old one that I was batting around the other day was, following Jack Drake’s death everyone was scrambling to figure out what to do with Tim. Bruce wanted to adopt him, Dana was going to take him when she was well enough, Dick probably threw his hat into the ring to give the kid options.
Now Tim has this grand scheme to circumvent all this by hiring an actor to portray a made-up uncle but he looks out at the city one night and is Tired. This city stole his peace, bits of his flesh, his friends and now his dad. Suddenly he doesn’t want to live there anymore. He makes a phone call and a few days later, he’s on a bus to Smallville to be fostered by Martha Kent.
Kon was a little surprised at the call but Martha didn’t hesitate to sign those papers. She’d seen the fallout of Tim when his mother died, if no one else would take care of Tim then she would. He arrives with a backpack full of clothes and a U-Haul of computer equipment which he sets up in the back guest room barely leaving room for a bed.
He goes to Smallville High with Conner, eats an early, homemade dinner by Ma who kisses his forehead before he Zetas back to Gotham for patrol. He’s still Robin, still fights and bleeds for Gotham. But he can’t live there, not right now. Bruce is doing his pouty hurt dad routine, Dick thinks he’s trying to make a move on Kon but really Tim is tired of the brutality of the city and wants some peace for once in his life. He Zetas back early in the morning, quietly knocks on Ma’s door so she knows he’s back and heads to bed.
His allergies give him hell in the country but he still insists on helping Kon with chores. Conner laughs at how badly he fumbles through livestock feeding and crop tending and starts working on ways to make it more efficient. He sleeps through class and spars out in the open fields and, when he’s feeling homesick, Kon will fly him real high and drop him and he can pretend like he’s just dived off a skyscraper. Martha reminds him to eat, to sleep, to wash behind his ears and stop looking at gruesome crime scene photos at the dinner table. Tim’s never had a happy, normal family situation. It unnerves him but it soothes him too as he works, really works, on some of his more self-destructive habits. For Ma’s sake. Martha knows this is only temporary, that Tim can’t, won’t, stay away from Gotham forever. But she drapes a blanket over his shoulder where he’s fallen asleep 5 minutes into a movie on the couch and brushes his hair out of his sleep deprived eyes. She loves Bruce like a second son but Tim is her baby now too and she’ll tear B to shreds if he doesn’t properly care for Tim when he returns.
Kon and Tim, who’d been kind of dancing around their feelings for years, are now in an equally strange dynamic of ‘are we brothers now? are you just a bud crashing indefinitely at my house? we come and go from Titans Tower together what does everyone THINK is happening???’ and settle for just doing nothing. They do stay up late on nights Tim isn’t in Gotham talking about bad tv shows and how lame school is and rocket ships and the latest supervillain scandal. As weird as the situation is, Tim looks happier and healthier than he has in ages. Plus it’s kinda rad to have a sleepover with your best friend every night. As far as he is concerned, Tim never has to step foot in Gotham again.
Clark comes back to the farm from a long space mission to find Batman’s latest sidekick typing up a storm typing on a computer with one hand and stirring soup with the other. “Sup,” Tim mumbles as he remains focused on both his tasks. “Sorry, guest room is mine now. I’d offer it up but it’s a pretty tight fit in there with all my gear.” And that’s how he found out his Mom may or may not have legally kidnapped Batman’s sorta maybe I guess not kid from under his nose and he’s Clark’s unofficial little brother. All he knows is Bruce is going to be a nightmare at the next League meeting.
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pekejscatbed · 1 year
Please Don't Leave (i need you more than you need me) | Jason Todd & Tim Drake
info/warnings: Tim Drake Angst, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Men Crying, Panic Attacks, Hugs, Platonic Cuddling
batman masterlist
It's weird, Tim and Jason's relationship. 
When they'd first met, Tim had been looking up to him for years, long before ever taking up the mantle of Robin himself, but as the new Robin, Jason hated him. Jason saw Tim as nothing but his replacement, just some kid who took his place after he died- after Joker murdered him- and he was forgotten. So, Jason tried to kill him. Jason beat the kid to a bloody pulp and Tim's infatuation turned to hated as the trauma set in.
A few years have passed since then, and while the two aren't constantly at each other throats and can actually have a civil conversation and crack trauma jokes that would make anyone else uncomfortable, the scars are still there. Neither of them has forgotten their first encounter and Tim will never forget the pain.
So, this is definitely a surprise. 'This' being Tim, still in his Red Robin gear, curled up on the old, ratty couch in Jason's safe house when the latter gets back after a long night of anti-heroism.
"The fuck are you doing here, Tim?" Jason takes off his helmet and domino mask, setting them both on the small, wooden table in the center of the room. He isn't mad, not really. For all he knows, Tim could be injured, and the safe house could've been closer than the Batcave- it's happened before (it amazes Jason how the younger always gets in without setting off any of the multiple traps, and also worry's him- should he set more, should he blow this place up and start over?). "You hurt?"
Tim doesn't respond, not verbally, and Jason almost misses the small shake of his head. 
Okay, the kid doesn't wanna talk. That's fine. Jason thinks to himself as he takes off his boots, setting them next to the table. "I'm gonna go to bed, then."
(By bed, Jason really means the futon hidden away in the only room in this place other than the bathroom and the weapons vault, though that's hidden (everything else is just one big open space))
"No!" Tim jumps off the couch so fast, the movement startles Jason more than the kids broken down yelling. The kids' cowl is off, and his own domino mask is dropped to the floor when he stands, falling from his lap, and his eyes are rimmed red and wet with tears. Jason only now realizes that Tim is shaking, violent shudders wracking through his whole body. He's in front of the older in an instant, shaky hands gripping onto Jason's jacket, and he looks up at his adoptive brother with a desperate plea in his watery eyes.
Jason fights back the urge to shove Tim off of him, maybe flip him over his shoulder, the sudden touch activating his fight or flight response- he has to stop himself from leaving too, because the situation is awkward and Jason's never been all that good at comforting people, but his little brother (when had he started thinking of Tim as family?) needs him so he stays, slowly wrapping his arms around Tim. 
Tim slumps against Jason's body, who easily supports his weight, and sobs into his chest. Pleas of "don't leave me" and the like slip through Tim's sobs, but Jason gives no response, instead just holding his brother close and letting him cry himself out.
They stand there for a while until Tim's sobs die down and his body stops tremoring so violently, though he's still somewhat shaky, and he's taking deep breaths against Jason's chest. With Tim finally calming down, Jason starts to pull away, but Tim's grip on him tightens and his breathing quickens up; Jason holds him close once more, rubbing small circles into his back, and takes deep inhales, followed by slow exhales for Tim to match. 
As Tim copies Jason's breathing, Jason starts whispering, voice quiet as so not to startle the younger. "Are you okay?" He pauses. "Never mind. Wanna stay the night?"
Truthfully, Jason doesn't think Tim is in any state to go back to the manor and considering the whole "please don't leave me" thing, he probably doesn't want to. Not now, at least. A nod against Jason's chest proves him right.
"You gotta let go, Timmy, so we can get to the bedroom, okay?" Tim whines in response, making no move to let go. "Alright. Want me to carry you, then?"
A small nod, and Jason is telling Tim to jump, then he's picking up Tim like he weighs nothing, his hands under the others' legs, which are now wrapped around his waist. Slowly, Jason walks them both to the small room he calls a bedroom, filled with his futon, a small dresser/nightstand, and a radio plugged into the wall. 
When the older leans over to carefully drop Tim onto the futon, he's met with some resistance, though Tim (reluctantly) lets go when Jason promises he's just going to change them both out of their… 'work' uniforms and then Tim can cling onto him all he wants. 
The younger curls up on the bed as Jason peels off his armor and lets it fall to the floor, then grabs a pair of sweats and a tank to change into, grabbing another pair of sweats and a t-shirt for Tim. Speaking of, when Jason tells Tim to sit up so he can slip off his suit, Tim actually listens, making Jason's job here much, much easier. The older then shimmies the sweatpants up Tim's legs, holding back a snort at how loose they are on him, then pulls the shirt over Tim’s head, this time openly snorting at how small Tim looks in it compared to Jason himself; Tim gives him a half assed glare as he lies back down, though the glare is quickly forgotten as Jason tells him to scoot over, then lies down next to him.
Tim is immediately clinging to his older brother again, head on his chest and arm around his waist, and Jason wraps his arms around Tim's back in return. And really, the cuddling (Jason will deny it's cuddling) is making it easier for both men to actually fit on the small futon that definitely is not meant for a fully grown man and his nineteen-year-old brother.
Both of them fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms, and Jason is happy to not have any nightmares plague his rest for once.
When Jason wakes up the next morning, Tim is gone, though the space next to him is still warm, and there's a note on his dresser/nightstand: invest in a bed for fucks sake.
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mrmaybank · 2 years
Fandom: DC
Title: You can’t stop DNA
Character(s): Joker, Jason Todd, Damien Wayne, Tim Drake
Request: No
Genre: angst
TW: kidnapping, mental torture, vomit,
A/N: (Y/B/M) means your birthday month quick heads up
You weren’t a hero or a vigilante or a villain. You were (M/N) Quinn, the boyfriend of Jason Todd. And the son to Pamela Lillian Isley and Harleen Frances Quinzel or Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. You lived with your aunt Selena until you turned seven when you move in with your moms.
Neither of your moms were a big part of your life in those sevens year, sure they visited but they never stayed for long and they didn’t visit often. Who did was your dad, Jack Oswald White or the Joker. He would visit you ever month on the first Saturday of the month and the last Saturday of the month. But in (Y/B/M) he would stay the whole week of your birthday.
He was your whole world until your moms revealed to you the truth of what they did. The truth of who your dad really was, you didn’t believe it at first but then you saw him the Gotham news and you knew. You began to spread the two people your dad was.
When he was with you and making you the happiest kid alive he was Jack, your dad. But when he was out there terrorizing people, he was joker. They were two different people because Jack was your dad the Joker wasn’t and he wouldn’t ever be.
“Hey,” Jason spoke, as he entered the room decked out in his red hood gear. He had everything on expect for the hood which rested in his arms.
You looked up from your phone and smiled at him, “Hey, I thought you guys left to go on patrol ten, fifteen minutes ago,” You replied.
“Yeah, were about to leave, but Damien then threw up. So he’s staying here and since Alfred is out of town were wondering if you would watch him,” He replied.
“You of course, I will,” You got up from Jason’s bed and placed your phone in your pocket. You got up making your way over to the door frame, Jason currently resided.
“Thank you, love you,” he leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on your lips.
“Love you too, don’t get your ass sent back to the grave,” you laughed.
He shook his head, “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied. You watched as he made his way down the hallway and eventually out of sight before making your way to Damien’s room.
The door was opened but you knocked anyway, “Damien,” you called. You didn’t get a response, only hearing the familiar sound of someone emptying there stomach. You walked into the room entering the same bathroom, where Damien currently leaning over the toilet.
You sat down next to him, rubbing his back. This went for awhile until the poor the kid finally stopped, “i’m gonna go get you some clothes to change into. Go jump into the shower,” you were honestly surprised when Damien didn’t put up a fight like he would usually.
A couple minutes later after Damien took his shower you both were laying his bed, watching some random TV show. Everything was fine until you noticed Damien become tense. At first you thought nothing over because the kid was sick but something just didn’t seem right about the way he was acting. “Are you okay?” You asked.
He looked around the room, “something isn’t right,” he told you. You cocked an eyebrow at the boy as he stood up walking over his desk, you were quick to follow.
“Damien-,” you began but were cut off by the sound of glass breaking. The window above Damien’s bed had shattered as a sliver canister was thrown through it landing on floor just in front of Damien’s bed.
Before either of you could react gas began flooding from the canister, you quickly covered your nose with your shirt. Damien doing the same but it didn’t help and the whole world slowly went black.
You groaned as you slowly came into consciousness your head hurt like hell. You went to move your arm but couldn’t you slowly looked down and panic set in as you realized you were chained by your wrists and ankles to chair.
Okay what happened last? You asked yourself. Everything came flooding back to you, you tried your hardest to look around the room. You began to calm down a bit when your eyes landed on Damien. He looked perfectly fine from what you saw, “Damien,” he didn’t move. “Damien,” you shouted once more.
This time he did move, he opened his eyes a couple of times. “(M/N)?” He asked in a soft voice, he went to move only to find out he was in the same predicament as you.
“just stay still,” you told him, “Bruce and everyone else will get us out of here,” you turned from him to ceiling of the room and began speaking again not exactly sure who too. “You hear that fuckwad, Bruce is gonna get us out of here. He’ll send the whole fucking justice league if he has too,” You exclaimed.
“I’ve beat them before,” someone spoke. Someone you hadn’t seen in years, he revealed himself from the darkness and smiled at you. It was the joker, “You don’t look happy to see me Kiddo,”
“What do you want?” You fought to keep your voice steady. He just smiled at you as he made his way over to you, he placed his hands on your shoulders.
“don’t fucking touch him,” Damien shouted. He turned to Damien and smirked, before turning back to you. You fought to get out of the grip but his hands only tighten.
“You know, you look so much like me,” he smirked. You didn’t have time to respond before his knee made contact with your stomach, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes.
He tsked as he removed his hands and moved back from you, “but your just as pathetic as your mother,” he laughed, an evil laugh that sent chills down your back. “You know you would a make prefect little me, I’d just have to toughen you out,” he told you.
“I’m nothing like you,” you hissed.
“Oh but you are, you are my son. Were bounded by blood and your blood is filled with-“
You cut him off, “stop it!” you exclaimed.
He just shook his head, “Your blood is filled with evil,” a few tears escaping the hold you had on them slowly streamed down your face, He smiled at this, “you see it’s true,” he laughed.
“It’s not!” Damien exclaimed, “he’s nothing like you!” The joker’s attention was now fully on Damien.
“Oh but he is, it’s in his blood. Before his moms were one, I am one, and his pathetic little pussy of an aunt was too. It’s just about time before he caves and becomes one as well,” his watch beeped and the looked at the two of you, “Well I must be off, i’ll see you soon (M/N),” and with that he was gone. Like he was never there in the first place.
Only a second later did a down in the corner of the room open to reveal Jason and Tim. They were both dressed up in there respective superhero outfits, but instead of wearing his red hood helmet Jason wore a domino mask. Jason quickly ran over to you and untied you from the chair. As soon as he did you wrapped your arounds his chests and began sobbing.
He wrapped his arms around you rubbing his hand up and down your back. He looked over at Damien who mouthed the words ‘Joker is an ass’ to him. Jason rolled his eyes at this before turning back to you, “Look, I don’t know what he said or what he did but I can assure none of what he said was true and you sure as hell don’t deserve anything that he did to you,” Jason told you.
You wanted to believe but you couldn’t. You really just couldn’t.
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halfagone · 9 months
*stares deeply into your eyes*
i know you're mostly a dpxdc blog, but it also seems like you like Tim Drake and Jason Todd, so allow me to share a ficlet that i made that i hope you like because you've written so many of my favorite fics, and i want to write you something too but it's too short, and writing is harder than i thought it would be 😭❤️❤️❤️
Tim is 13 now.
And currently, he is boredly fishing for Huntress while holding a fishing rod, the Joker squirming where he is tied up from the rod's string. The tape stuck to the Joker's mouth was slightly coming off, so his loud screams and grumbling could be heard all throughout the street.
Tim kicked the Joker in his side. "Can you please quiet down?!" he asked. "I want to fight Batman, but today's Tuesday!!! Riddler has dibs on Tuesdays!!"
"Oh my god." a familiar voice said, causing Tim to groan. "You villains have dibs on what days you fight the B-man?"
Tim pouted at Robin. "Not really," he said, kicking the Joker again in his frustration. The man let out a pained grunt, but didn't stop squirming. "Only the Riddler and Catwoman were nice enough to call dibs. Everyone else just does their own thing."
Robin chuckled and sat beside Tim, legs swinging as he brought out a lighter and cigarette.
Tim brought out his spray bottle and squirted some water as soon as the cigarette was lit. Grumbling, Robin put away his lighter, and flicked the cigarette towards the Joker, who growled when it hit his forehead.
"So, who are you trying to get the attention of?" Robin asked, taking out a lollipop and opening it, handing it to Tim who gratefully took it.
Grape flavor, a flavor Tim hates but will accept since he's bored. "Huntress," he replied. "I want to break her crossbows."
Robin furrowed his brows. "Why?"
Tim looked at him like he was stupid. "Because we have Guns? That are easier to Reload? And Faster??????"
"So, what, you're just here to diss on her weapon of choice?"
"And break it," said Tim, setting the rod down to bring out a roll of duct tape. He rips off a piece and sticks it over the Joker's mouth, over the old one. "She can still be a huntress with shotguns, y'know?"
"Why do you even want her to use guns?? Wouldn't it be easier for you, as a villain, if someone had bad weapons choice?"
And that was the thing, wasn't it? 13 years old, and Tim was a menace bordering on supervillainy. Ever since he's been a little boy, he just knew that he was going to become the World's Greatest Supervillain.
And right now, he needed to become Gotham's Greatest Supervillain.
"If Huntress has better gear, she'll kill off all the other villains and rogues," he explained. "Then, it will only be me and the other big names left!!"
Joker scoffed. Tim kicked him again.
Robin only had a thoughtful look on his face.
"You know what? I don't think she's gonna change gears," Robin said, standing up and stretching side to side.
Tim pouted again. "I could still try."
"Or..." said Robin, who took off his mask and grinned down at Tim. "You could try convincing me to use guns."
Tim gaped.
Joker's eyebrows rose.
And Tim squealed, causing the Joker to scream in fear as the rod went swinging left and right, up and down, and all around. The Joker can't even vomit his dinner.
"So? So?!!! What's your villain name gonna be???" asked Tim.
"Not a villain," said the Ex-Robin. "Anti-hero, more like." Then, he smirked down at the Joker. "I'll be the Red Hood."
The Joker rolled his eyes.
But then gasped when Tim excitedly brought his hands up in excitement, causing the rod to be lift and the Joker to bounce around where he was hanging.
"I don't know what brought this on," said Tim, vibrating in place, "but I hope we could have a great partnership going up against Batman!!!"
The Newly Dubbed Red Hood grinned, extending a hand out for a shake, which Tim took, which accidentally caused him to let go of the rod.
WHICH caused the Joker to scream, and land splat on the ground, legs breaking and head cracked open.
Above, the Supervillain Tim and Anti-Hero Red Hood's partnership began beautifully under a cloudy, Gotham night.
i hope you liked it!! it didn't exactly go how i wanted and the ending felt rushed, but this was an experience! you've written so many fics, and this frustration and excitement i felt while writing makes me appreciate you more!! i wish you to always be healthy and happy, and i hope you continue writing what you love ❤️ thank you always for writing and sharing your fics ❤️ they are some of the best things i have in my life
*goes cross-eyed*
I do post a lot of DPxDC, but I was originally a fan of both fandoms separately. So you can imagine now why I was so obsessed with the crossover. lol And I've written some of your favorites?!?! 🥺😭 Thank youuuu!! Oh how it warms my heart.
As for the little ficlet you've sent me: djgfhnhfjkhs They are menaces your honor. Tim is definitely unhinged. Good for him. Somehow it feels like becoming Batman's partner actually taught him some self-control and since he isn't Robin here, well, guess he doesn't have any. lol
ajkhhkghfj If you keep complimenting me I will simply burst into flames. I'm glad you had fun writing this too! It can definitely be frustrating at times, especially when you want everything to be perfect, but half the fun is just doing something you love. ❤️
Thank you for the unexpected ficlet and compliments! May you have a wonderful rest of 2023! 🥰
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smittywing · 1 year
FicBit 7: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Previous parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
This was not one of Jason's better ideas.
Jason tried. He did. He went to the nightclubs and the bars and he asked guys out on dates and kissed guys on the dance floor. Not one of them was Tim Drake. Sure, some of the kisses were interesting and one guy put a heavy hand on Jason’s lower back and pressed him close in a way that he liked, but when he went home, when he went to bed, there was only one person on his mind.
Maybe, he thought, he was trying too hard. He was in the back of a nightclub nursing a drink and watching the couples and throuples on the dance floor. He had discovered a few things that he liked and didn’t like and he could build on that. But his heart wasn’t in it tonight and he knew it.
At least it wasn’t until a slim, dark-haired guy leaned into the bar to speak to the bartender and Jason knew him. He would know Tim Drake anywhere. Tim got his drink and backed up, his eyes casing the room. There was nowhere to go, so Jason just braced for Tim’s gaze to sweep over him and lifted his glass in acknowledgment. Tim nodded and started filtering his way through the crowd toward Jason.
“Hey,” he said, a few inches below Jason’s ear. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Jason shrugged. “Research,” he said. “Where’s Cannon Fodder?”
“I’m working tonight,” Tim said, sliding up against the wall next to Jason and taking a sip of his drink. “It’s drugs,” he said from behind the glass. “Want to help?”
“Hell yes,” Jason said. 
For the record, Jason would be down with taking out some pushers even if it didn't involve Tim murmuring in his ear for the next ten minutes. 
But it did. 
“It comes in on motorboats small enough to come up to the dock,” Tim explained. “They cut and package it in one of the rooms upstairs - I haven’t gotten in there yet - and then they have the dealers take it to the floor. A little dancing, a little grinding, hey you want to do some powder, and they’re making bank before midnight.”
“So we want to be on the docks,” Jason reasoned. “Pushers aren’t getting us anywhere but the cutting room. If we can get onboard one of those boats - “
“This is just evidence-gathering,” Tim told him. “If we can catch the actual sale, I’ll call Detective Williams and he can - “
“Don’t you want to get the big bad,” Jason asked. “Cut this ring off at the head?”
“Do you have anything that even resembles a plan?” Tim returned. “We don’t have gear. At least I don’t.”
“I came here to get laid, not bust a drug ring.” Jason shrugged. “But I like to think I’m flexible with my plans.”
Tim stared at him a moment, eyebrows furrowed, mouth slightly open, and Jason suddenly realized what he’d said. Well. Who cared, anyway. One of these days he was going to get laid at one of these places. He didn’t have to tell Tim that it wasn’t actually going to be tonight.
‘Come with me,” Tim said suddenly, looping fingers around Jason’s wrist and tugging him around the crowd, up to the bar. Tim left his half-filled glass on a tray and waved down a handsome blond guy at the edge of the room. For a moment, Jason thought Bernard was actually there, but then realized the guy was too broad and too sharp-featured to be Tim’s boyfriend.
“What can I get for you, Mr. Drake-Wayne?” the man greeted them, hardly sparing a glance for Jason. “Or for your friend, perhaps?”
“Listen,” Tim said, sounding impatient and bored for someone who had summoned the guy in the first place. “My friend - “ and at this point, he slid his hand into the back pocket of Jason’s jeans - “is looking for a bump but frankly, I’m a little concerned about the quality of the stuff here. How do I know it's not cut with fentanyl or something else that could cause some…bad press?”
Wow, Jason almost said because he knew Tim had some bastard in him but he delivered that line so coldly, Jason wanted to shiver. 
There were other reasons he wanted to shiver, starting with the hand Tim had firmly tucked in his back pocket. He was starting to regret wearing the tight jeans that night. 
“Understood,” the man said. “If you like, I can show you the process from receipt to delivery. The package comes to us pure and the division of assets takes place upstairs.”
“Please,” Tim said disdainfully. “I do enjoy an efficient operation.”
They followed the man down a back hallway, past the bathrooms and the kitchen, and finally out a set of double doors onto the freshly salted air of the courtyard. 
Under the light of the new moon and the motion-activated security lights on the building, Jason’s pants were definitely too tight. He tried to adjust himself subtly but Tim noticed and a blush spread across the bridge of his nose and over both cheeks. He did not, however, remove his hand.
“Mr. Drake-Wayne,” the man said, nodding to the water. 
Tim looked at his watch. “On the nose,” he said. The speedboat pulled up alongside the dock and the pilot looped heavy rope lines around the pylons of the dock. 
“Pure bricks,” the man said, breaking one in half. White powder puffed upward in the moonlight and Jason threw up a little bit in his mouth. He tapped a finger against the split edge and held it up to Tim’s face - to smell or taste, Jason wasn't sure. “A sample, Mr. Wayne?”
“Drake-Wayne,” Jason said. 
“Excuse me?” the man said, looking vaguely horrified that Jason dared speak. 
“He uses both names,” Jason said. Tim was the only one of them to use the Wayne moniker - mostly because Bruce had suckered him into working for the business - but he made sure to acknowledge his birth family as well, and Jason respected that. 
“Of course,” the man said. The expression he cast at Jason was most definitely in the sneer family. “Any other requests?”
“Well,” Jason said, deciding to go for broke. “I don’t suppose we could have a tour of that ship?”
Tim’s hand spasmed. Yeah, this was definitely one of Jason’s better ideas.
This turned out not to be one of Jason’s better ideas.
Jason hit the water feet-first and sank like a rock. He exhaled some bubbles and followed them to the surface with brute strength strokes. His head broke the surface and he immediately looked around for Tim as he blinked water out of his eyes. For a long moment, he couldn’t see Tim, could barely see anything, and his heart seized up as he reoriented himself, finding the ship behind him and the lights of the marina in the distance. He shook his head and his ears popped and there, finally, Tim’s head broke the surface twenty feet away.
Jason used a powerful crawl to close the space between them. “You okay?” he called, spitting out vile Gotham river water that lapped into his mouth when he opened it.
“Yeah,” Tim called back, spitting out his own mouthful. His hair fell into his eyes and he shoved it back out of the way. “Make for the marina. My boat’s not far.”
‘Not far’ was a relative statement, Jason found, as he followed Tim through the water toward the lights. Tim was a graceful swimmer, cutting through the water swiftly and quietly. Jason had the strength and endurance, but he wasn’t as fast as Tim and trying to keep up was actually a little bit of a workout.
“Here,” Tim finally declared, grabbing the ladder on the outside of one of the boats and hauling himself out of the water. Jason followed closely, feeling the weight of the water fall off him as he pulled himself up the rungs.
“Ugh,” Jason said when he hit the deck. “Gross.” He was drenched through and while he was glad he’d been wearing clubbing clothes instead of his armored suit, he was drenched and the night air was chill.
“We probably need a course of antibiotics now,” Tim said, and Jason coughed out a watery laugh. Then Tim sat straight up. “Oh, shit.”
“Oh shit, what?” Jason asked but he didn’t have to wait for an answer.
Cannon Fodder was on the dock and hopping onto the boat. He was a good-looking kid, Jason had to admit, taller than Tim, lean but fit, with dark blond hair falling over his eyes. 
“Tim?” he called. “Tim’s friend? Are you okay?”
“Hey, hi,” Tim said, scrambling to his feet and reaching for Bernard. “We’re fine, it’s all good.”
“Were you *swimming*?” Cannon Fodder asked in horror and reared back when Tim leaned in to kiss him. Jason couldn’t really blame him. Gotham’s water wasn’t exactly potable on its own and the river caught the worst of it. “In the *river*?”
Tim raked his hair back. “Um. Jason fell in and I jumped in for…solidarity.”
“Solidarity,” Cannon Fodder repeated.
“To help him get back up to the boat,” Tim amended hastily.
“Help,” Cannon Fodder echoed. His eyes narrowed at Jason and Jason immediately felt guilty. This was the guy who made Tim smile like Jason had never seen before, Tim’s *partner* and Jason couldn’t stop himself from wanting to wrap Tim in his arms, kiss him, steal him away for his very own. 
Did Cannon Fodder know he was the guy Tim had kissed? How had he reacted when Tim had explained? How had he *felt*? Was the context enough? Empathy might not be a trait people immediately associated with Jason, but he was having a hard time not putting himself in Cannon Fodder’s shoes right now.
“I fell in,” Jason said. “I was chasing my, um, hat. I had a hat and I thought I could grab it. Guess I was wrong.” He could feel Tim’s eyes on him. Ugh, selflessness was the worst.
“Sorry about your hat,” Cannon Fodder said. “You might want to hold on to it better next time.”
“Yeah,” Jason said, entirely aware there was no wind that night. “Or maybe not wear a hat.”
“Also an option,” Tim agreed. “Um, Bernard, this is my friend Jason. Jason, this is my boyfriend Bernard.” And then he fucking blushed at calling Cannon Fodder his boyfriend. “Look, we should get some dry clothes. Um. Jason, I’ll see if I have anything that will fit you?”
That was unlikely. Jason might be able to squeeze into a t-shirt that was oversized on Tim, but there was no way pants were going to happen.
“Uh, thanks but I think I’m just gonna…Uber?”
“Uber?” Tim repeated.
“Uber,” Cannon Fodder said firmly.
Somehow Jason’s phone survived its bath in the Gotham River, courtesy of the weatherized case Barbara had left in a gear drop. There was awkward silence as Jason waited for his ride.
“Thanks for the save,” Jason said stiffly when his ride was a minute out. “Bernard, good to meet you, man.”
Yeah, Cannon Fodder definitely knew who he was.
Jason collapsed in the back seat of the car and closed his eyes. He’d given an address two blocks from his closest safehouse but chances were he’d have to burn the place anyway. River stench lingered.
He tried not to picture Cannon Fodder taking Tim below decks and stripping him of all those wet clothes, wrapping him in towels, running a hot shower, getting in with him, soaping him up, and - 
Yeah.  Not picturing that at all.
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