#gotta solve the riddle gotta do that things then go do that thing and in the process do that thing
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
New wings au, wooo!!
I absolutely loved it so much, I love how Fitz is stressed and scattered in a composed kind of way, idk if that makes sense but it's a particular vibe that you nailed
I love how he absolutely despises The Being as well, it's very funny
Also, that ending tho!!!
Biana, baby, are you alright? Do you need a hug?
I feel like their mental states would get a lot better if they just accepted their new behaviours and incorporated them into their persons
Fitz could be frazzled in his burnt out gifted kid way as he skims across the ground, occasionally flapping his wings as he walks and humming along to a tune in his head, probably a song that he heard from Sophie that he enjoyed (He seems like a pop person, like "Runaway" by Bruno Mars, maybe "Teen Idol" by Marina and the diamonds) because birds, as he compares his notes on "What The Fuck Happened To Us" and going into a fight or flight when someone surprises him, like puffing out his feathers and getting very ruffled and almost preparing for a fight, just instinctively, or flapping his wings when he jumps and just shooting out of the area and climbing back to his house.
Like, I can imagine him getting very skittish around unfamiliar things but also very cocky and confident about things he knows very, very well. Maybe he even gets an ego boost and preens his wings to make them perfect at all times and getting a fascination with his his reflection and how his eyes work.
Also skitting up the side of his house and falling asleep on top of it instead of in it. I can't describe the skitting part but like, half crawling up the side while flapping his wings to give himself a boost and having to remind himself that he is an elf and that elves stand and walk and don't snap at his friend for touching his things or getting into his personal space, a friend that very well knows that it's his area and his stuff and his bed and some stupid little owl isn't going to disturb it like how they disturb his nights and prey-
And then banging his head against a wall while trying to get it back into elf mode and a very sleep deprived Dex just standing there being so confused because all he did was inspect Fitz's pen when Fitz made a low squawking sound and glared at him and puffed out his feathers
Also Dex going through similar changes, except now he's super conscious of every noise he makes and goes out of his way to be as silent as possible.
Also Fitz making a high pitched "Brr?" noise whenever he's surprised or someone's getting his attention and staring at them with wide eyes and being very unnerving, considering he's Fitz
!! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wasn't 100% sure with this chapter because like...I do not know how Keefe would actually react to his mom dying and the trio just kept making jokes when I was writing everything and I was just sitting there like blease you guyys. this is serious. I actually took out some in editing because when I was writing it I was like this is too many humor. But that's besides the point! the point is I'm thrilled you enjoyed the new chapter <33
(got long so under cut!)
also hell yeah I was going for exactly that vibe with Fitz!! Throughout the whole chapter he was just going "don't freak out everything's fine don't freak out everything's fine dont--" over and over to himself. He is trying so hard to be there for Keefe and to be supportive but also he has no idea what is going on because he doesn't have a monster and has never been to the room and Sophie and Keefe are acting like it's normal so he's gonna act like it's normal too but the walls are fucking moving
I'm not sure he despises the being, but he is definitely very very stressed around it. The last time he saw the thing it was thrashing around and screaming its head off as the place collapsed around them and it nearly took them out on accident with all that flailing, so he doesn't exactly trust it. He doesn't hate it it's just like if you got bit by a dog and then you were nervous around dogs. But he's tolerating it for Keefe's sake and because it seems calmer now...
Biana is going through some things right now, though I can't say what or whether she's okay without spoiling the next chapter. But herougaern that ending gave me so many problems because I kinda have this method of slightly winging things where I've got an idea of what I want but then I like to let it figure itself out in the story. smaller examples include what Sophie stole from the store at the last moment (I didn't actually know what she stole when I wrote that she stole it) and what Fintan told Marella about the stars and the dreamers (I had kind of an idea, but no concrete plan for what it meant). and then in this chapter Biana's thing came up before it'd entirely figured itself out so then I was just there like...what is up with Biana actually. someone please tell me. but I did figure it out, now she just has to!
you know what? I think your assessment is fair. Sophie seems to be doing better now that she's not freaking out about the wings or the new world she find herself in; she's back in contact with her parents and working towards taking down Phoenix and the Neverseen! Now that she's had her moment, it's time to focus on everyone else...we'll just see how they end up coping or accepting things if they do!
also wait hang on I love the idea of birds and humming songs, that's so cute wait a minute. frazzled Fitz comforting himself with music is so so precious. Also I literally drew on the fight or flight idea you said when writing today's chapter that's wings au canon right there baby!! His feathers puffing up when he's annoyed/embarrassed/scared etc. That is canon! He's trying to take up more space so people leave him alone and he can calm down, though the being didn't really seem to be paying him any attention.
Cocky but skittish...you may be onto something there. He's just trying to be there for his friends and acting like everything is under control, but also all of this is very very weird thank you very much and he's in way over his head and has no idea what to do about it. He has eagle wings he just woke up and grew eagle wings his life is very much not normal. How can he not be on edge in a situation like this?!
The preening I've typically attributed to Keefe, but there's nothing stopping that from infecting Fitz as well!! he's gotta make sure all his feathers are in order and that everything's set so he can go out there and. idk do something. what do you do when you're living in a group of your friends on the surface during an apocalypse of monsters. scrabble?
Fitz honey you don't have to sleep on the roof you have. You have a bed. It's canon we've seen it. Sophie watched you sleep that one time remember. when she broke into your house in the middle of the night. Please sir please don't sleep on the roof there are monsters outside that's kinda. that's kinda the whole premise of the au there are monsters outside. especially around where you are there are many monsters.
elf-mode vs bird mode is hilarious! I don't really think it'd fit with what I have planned for Fitz, but the contrast between the two is incredible. also you're so right Dex is sleep deprived. he hasn't figured out how to sleep yet. one day he'll learn how to sleep but not today. today he is chronically tired--sophie infected him with insomnia or something. perhaps the reason Dex likes to be up so late is partially because he's owl based and partially because it's quieter at night! not that the kotlcrew is very loud but being alive tends to make some noise. I personally like to think that Tam and Dex have a kinda night time friendship where they're existing in the same space at the same time when everyone else is asleep. they don't necessarily talk but they enjoy someone else being awake
Fitz *handshake* Echo: going brrr apparently. also you've just made me realize how unnerving he could be. like he's speifically got the funky teal eyes so him staring at people is like...why. your eyes are so bright stop it. stop looking at me like that. and because he usually only stares at Sophie during telepathy things when it's mutual, so having that intense focus on you is like sir what are you trying to do
anyway the point of all this is that Fitz is very dear to my heart and I love him immensely and I'm ecstatic to learn that you enjoyed the chapter!! now I gotta write the next one because this one gave me so much trouble. the end of my semester is nearly upon me, so perhaps I can write extra before the next semester starts...
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
Happy Winter Holiday Gift Calendar 2023
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These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in during the Winter Holiday Campaign from 09 Dec 2023 to 31 Dec 2023! For those that want to read them again, you can find them in the Album, under GIFT CALENDAR 2023.
"How will you be spending the day?"
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I think I will go to the library today. There were someone's scribbles all over the book I borrowed yesterday, you see. It disrupts my focus, so I plan to find a replacement book. Seriously... It's a terrible crime to deface a book like this.
Today? Well, it's snowing outside, and I got no club practice, so maybe I'll check out on my streaming service a movie or show that catches my eye. I can stay warm and cozy in my room, all while munching on some snacks. Don'tcha think we deserve lazy days like this sometimes?
I'm going to try to finish the assignments I got today, before the day ends. That's what an honor student should do, right? But... The first question is already a tough prac app question...? Right! Just gotta hunker down and get down to it!
Maybe I'll surf Magicam for some 'cammable spots that're only available in the winter. Stuff like diamond dust, or hotels made from ice... Knowin' they're only limited to the season really gets me psyched up!
It's pretty cold every day now, so I think I'll stock up on lemonade-ginger syrup. It'll warm you right up if you drink some. What, according to the Queen of Hearts' Laws, we can't have lemonade after 8 o'clock? Well, this has ginger in it, so it's a completely different drink, isn't it?
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No plans worth mentioning. What, not what you were expecting? Well, too bad. The campus is completely covered in snow, so the best thing for me to do is just to get back to my dorm room and relax while solving some chess problems.
The track team has practice today. But since it's supposed to snow in the afternoon, it may just end up being indoor training. It takes a while or the body to get limber in the winter. That means we need to extra thorough in our warming up exercises.
Obviously, I'm gonna be workin'! Today, I'm at a cake shop, and tomorrow I'm waitin' tables at a restaurant... The holidays are coming up, so 'tis the season for a ton of high-payin' temp jobs to fill my pockets, too! Shishishi!
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As always, I will be awaiting everyone's visit to the Mostro Lounge. On a cold day such as this, we usually receive orders for dishes that are more common in the winter season. I'm sure today will be a rather busy day.
I thought perhaps I would make a herbarium. The atmosphere this time of year tends to be dry, so it is the perfect opportunity. How would you like to join me? No need to worry, I will show you how everything is done.
Yesterday I saw someone wearing these boots lined with fur, and it looked kinda fascinating, so I thought I'd try to find some in town. I wonder if it's hard to walk in? If I find a good pair, I think I'll buy 'em and try 'em out.
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Today, we have travelling salesmen from the Scalding Sands coming. I'm planning on buying a ton of stuff for the holidays! It's so exciting to think about what kind of treasure I might find! You should bring some friends over and check it out, too.
There's no club activities today, so I plan to look into a few things. My family will be going on a trip over the holidays, you see. Tourist attractions, climate, local cuisine, souvenirs... Never a bad idea to gather too much information, don't you think?
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I intend on picking up the spring coat I had on order. I'll also look for accessories that go with it while I'm out. Hm? It's too early to think about spring attire? If I wait to prepare everything for after it starts to get warmer, then I'll completely miss out on the season.
Snow's piling up again today, so I'm plannin' on clearing the magical shift field with the rest of my clubmates. Didn't bother me none, but the other guys were all dog-tired... Pathetic, ain't they?
I plan to check on the houseplants we are cultivating in the Science Club. Fufu, I wonder what sort of expressions they'll have today? I do hope there'll be some changes from yesterday that I'll get to enjoy.
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Obvi, just been hyperfixating on my online games, like always... Rather, why would you think I'd go out in cold weather like this in the first place? I recently overhauled the internet speed in the dorm, so it's crazy fast now lol. Gonna actually pull an all-nighter, it's been a while!
It'll probably be a game day with my roommates, since the new game that I ordered online arrived. Physical games might take up more space, but I just can't help but want to actually collect my favorite games, y'know?
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It's chilly today. The best thing to possibly do on days like this is to warm my room and enjoy some frozen treats. Perhaps I'll invite Lilia and the others later. Fufu... I suppose it's not a bad thing to be the one making preparations for them once in a while.
I will be practicing my swordsmanship with Father after this. I thought I would finish up my assignments beforehand, but... Before I realized it, I had fallen asleep and my notepad was completely blank. What should I do...?
I plan to read the book I ordered from the Mystery Shop the other day. It's a book that I've been eagerly awaiting. Grandfather was the one to recommend it to me, so I must read it over and over again and tell him my thoughts on it!
We have band practice today. However... When it gets cold like this, my fingers get numb and hard to move. Hm? Naah, I already have the songs memorized. It's really only about staying in rhythm with the other members!
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Brrr, it's cold~! Hey, henchie! Today we're gonna stay cozy under that "KOTATSU" thingie. We'll have some snacks and play some games together... Myaha! Today's totally gonna be a blast!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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via-the-cryptid · 1 year
Convincing Ellie not to leave is more difficult than anticipated.
The Riddler wasn’t really expecting to obtain a whole-ass child today, but she’s here now and she’s getting adopted whether she likes it or not. Already he’s seen her fiddling with his puzzles and in his opinion, she’s not only a worthy opponent, but a worthy winner as well. He doesn’t usually mind when people solve his riddles with their own answers, but usually it’s only Batman who gives him a real challenge. This, however… this is a little kid, and she’s not even scared. In fact, it looks like she’s having fun.
But of course, as soon as her common sense catches up to her brain, she immediately shoves the puzzle box he handed her back into his arms, stumbling as she backs up. “Look, this has been fun and all, but I gotta fly. Things to do, y’know?”
No, he does not know, and besides, she just said she had no parents. Where is she even staying?
“You know,” he starts, “if you don’t have any place to stay, you’re going to get robbed. Crime Alley isn’t a very safe spot for a… thirteen year old? I’m estimating thirteen, you look pretty short.”
“Fourteen, thanks very much, and I can handle myself.”
He was sort of lying before, she’s only close to Crime Alley, not actually in it, but still. She’s far too casual about this whole ordeal. Either that or she just doesn’t want to go with a strange man, which… fair, at least she’s got some street smarts.
“There are a lot of people looking for you, kid.” He steps closer, and she steps back. She doesn’t trust him, that much is clear. “I can offer you a safe place to hide for a bit, at least until all this blows over.”
“What, out of the goodness of your heart?” Ellie scoffs. “Yeah, no. I know your type and I’m not falling for it. ‘Sides, my brother told me not to listen to suspicious old men, and unfortunately for you, ya really fit the bill.”
And then she’s just… gone. She didn’t even phase out this time, she just vanished. It’s like she popped out of existence right before his very eyes.
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vikenticomeshome · 2 months
Cyberchase Character Discussion (for your local Cyberchase trivia quiz) - #3: Jackie
Here we go again. I've made this style of post about Inez and Matt, and now it's Jackie's turn.
#3: Jackie
Let's start with her bio from "Meet the Cybersquad". Again, this almost 25 years old now, so who knows how much of it is still canon.
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So, we get our introduction to Jackie. She's smart, funny, has a plan, and is over-the-top. Yeah, that's accurate so far.
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For some reason, this page was not in her original bio when they released it in 2001. They went back and added this page later in 2002. This is the only bio that I have seen that had content added like this. This page lets us know that her favorite color is yellow, and she loves tofu burgers. I don't know if the show has confirmed that she is a vegetarian or vegan. She is shown to care about animals, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was canonically a vegetarian.
Her favorite book is one that I hadn't heard about until now: "Walk Two Moons" by Sharon Creech. In this story, the 13 year old protagonist, Salamanca (Sal) Hiddle, goes on a cross-country road-trip to visit her mother. There are themes of coming to term with loss and building new relationships. It makes me wonder if, at some point in development, the show-runners might have been interested in giving Jackie a tragic loss similar loss to Sal. I haven't seen the later seasons where they bring in the kid's families, but I don't believe they have gone that route so far.
For her favorite music, we get two bands: Destiny's Child and NSYNC. These are very much a product of the time. Destiny's Child actually disbanded in 2006, as the members went off to do solo work. NSYNC disbanded in 2002, and then reunited in 2023. Well, we know that Jackie loves her R&B and Pop music, so I'm sure she found other bands to follow since then.
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Her favorite movie is Shrek, which only came out in 2001. Matt and Inez have definitely sent her all the memes that have come out about that movie since then. Her pet peeves are bugs and anything messy. Yeah, that still tracks. She has a "Wheaton Terrier" named Brandy. I don't know if the spelling has changed over the years, or if they just made a spelling mistake in her bio, but I have only seen it spelled as "Wheaten".
Jackie also gets a bio from Nelvana, which is pretty cool. I've only been able to find surviving archives of bios for her and Matt. They have sections for Inez, Dr. Marbles, Motherboard, The Hacker, Buzz, and Delete. However, all of those are left empty in the surviving archives of the pages. I don't know if bios were completed for those other characters.
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We get emphasis on the point of Jackie being organized. We also get more insight into how she solves problems. She uses diagrams, charts, and graphs among other things. She also touched on her tendency to use initials as shorthand for things. I remember the Blue Bunny Place (B.B.P) from "Of All The Luck". Was she hip in 2002? Is she still hip now? I'm not qualified to say.
We also get an introduction to Jackie through the official prequel web comic, "How It All Started: Episode 3". We see Jackie making her own skirt out of strips of fabric. I assume it is for cheer-leading.
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Narration: Meanwhile, on Earth, three kids who don't know each other are about to have the adventure of their lives.
Jackie: I gotta organize this stuff
Narration: meet Jackie, who has her own sense of style...
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Narration: And her own way of doing things!
Here's Jackie's Official Cyberchase Trading Card.
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When they picked her favorite line as "Make room! I gotta pace!", they probably picked her most iconic line. She loves video games, piano, and foreign languages, which is great. We do get to see her play an unnamed videogame during Season 1 Episode 25 "A Battle of Equals". The hero "San Man" is trying to save the environment by stopping the villains that are trying to pollute it. One villain is called Johnny Grime. There are number riddles, and they are the same sort of riddles that the kids solve during the episode.
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I don't think we ever see her playing piano or speaking a second language on the show. Quick question: What are those shoes that she wears? Inez has a pair or blue boots. Matt has a pair of red and white sneakers. Jackie's shoes are a little harder to place. They are purple, and they have considerable heels. Were these meant to be high-tops? I don't know that I've seen high-tops with heels in that size before.
The big thing that people remember Jackie for are her dramatic outbursts. And her most iconic one is probably from Season 3 Episode 4 "A Piece of the Action". You can tell that someone in the animation department had fun with this one.
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Here's a transcript.
Jackie: Great! Now we'll never get into Hacker's control center. And if we can't get in there we can't stop Hacker. And if we can't stop Hacker, he'll erase Motherboard's memory with the magnetite! Cyberspace is doomed! Doomed I tell you! Doo-hoo-hoo-hoomed!
Matt: And the award for best dramatic outburst of today goes to Jackie!
Jackie: Matt!
What else can I say about Jackie. Well, she has an amazing tolerance for cold weather. Even in Arctic Cybersites, she still made do with the same short skirt.
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Anyway, here's the prototype for Jackie. She had a completely different hairstyle and outfit. She was also called Julie. Again, I consider her current design an upgrade from the prototype.
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And here's the Who's Who document on her.
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We get more discussion on Jackie being a gymnast and artist. She loves Instant Messaging. I guess that would have been AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) at the time.
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anindecisivespirit · 6 months
Baby Bat AU
Okay so like, I heard about the comic One Operation Joker, in which Batman is turned into a baby and Joker decides to raise him, and I just. My brain exploded with ideas. I haven’t read it and I’ve barely heard anything about it, but if I was writing a story with that premise it would probably go something like this (originally a thread of messages over discord):
Joker brings this newly turned baby batman to a meeting with all the other rogues And they’re like… why do you have a baby?? I don’t like the implications? And he explains that it’s batman, and some of them want to just kill him right now while he’s a baby, but he’s like “no no no, because then we’d have no proof that we killed Batman and you know it’s gotta be a spectacle. Mr Freeze, you try to find a cure, and the rest of you will help me take care of this baby.” And Riddler is trying so hard but babies are just so dumb. He’s trying to teach Bruce to solve puzzles and answer riddles. Ivy is telling him bedtime stories about how important the environment is and that the people who hurt it should die. Joker is the most irresponsible parent ever and Bruce almost dies three times a week. They were a little hesitant to let Zsasz near him but now Bruce is crawling all over him and hanging off his arms as Zsasz tells him about each and every one of his tally marks.
(Btw Zsasz can’t kill Bruce even if he wanted to, because he wants to kill Batman. He has a special place saved for Batman’s tally mark, but if he killed this baby… he wouldn’t be able to use it. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to. This is not Batman.)
Clayface is shapeshifting into various animals to keep him entertained.
Bruce understands exactly 0-3% of what’s going on. They don’t know who he is so they all just keep calling him Batman/Bats/Batsy.
Bruce Wayne has gone missing.
Baby Bruce is terrified of Joker’s face for a good while, and keeps crying when he sees him. The first time he looks at him without getting upset Joker almost starts crying
Alfred is searching desperately for Bruce. Penguin is having mob meetings with a baby vest, and he’s put Bruce in a tiny suit Harley is trying to rollerblade around with him
None of them care that Bruce can’t understand anything that they’re talking about, they’re all trying to teach him to be Batman but also to be a tiny criminal at the same time
Joker gives him batarangs, which the others have to quickly take back before he hurts himself. They get him little foam batarangs instead
Riddler gets a little box that opens when you press a button, and he puts Bruce’s favorite treats in it to encourage him to figure out how to open it This results in the others giving Riddler one of those little puzzle boxes you give to cats and stuff as a joke, but Bruce seems to unironically love it
He plays with Catwoman’s whip and all of her cats love him. They curl up with him all the time.
Maybe Bruce is old enough to be saying words. He’s got mom and dad down, along with hungry and no and yes. So, all the rogues start trying to make absolutely sure that he says their name first. It’s a thing, now. They have to be first, they need to be the favorite. He gets ‘riddle’ if only because Riddler says it so often. He takes to saying ‘Za’ when he wants Zsasz. You can catch Joker crying in the shower because Bruce hasn’t said his name yet and he’s gotten most of the others down
None of them really pay any mind to the fact that Bruce Wayne has gone missing because they have more important things to do All except for the Riddler, who has known Batman’s identity for months and just never said anything. He debates whether or not he should tell anyone…
They knit him a little hat with bat ears on it, and it’s adorable
(Feel free to talk to me about this in tags and replies and asks!!!)
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imagine--if · 2 years
Omg! Imagine Eddie has never celebrated his birthday before until after he meets the reader who surprises him with cake and presents. He's big on giving overwhelming affection to them but he doesn't know how to accept it without getting emotional "You truly are an angel sent to me from Heaven my darling"
A/N: I loved writing this sm 🥺 I double-checked and Eddie's birthday's on July 21, 1984, so I'm expecting all of danonation to do something that day cus I sure as hell will 😂💚
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: FlUfF 😍🎂
Words: 463
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When Edward wakes up to your shared bed only having one of you under the covers, he frowns in confusion, slight panic rising in his mind. You're never up this early, are you? You don't have work. What if-
Then the door opens, and there you are, walking slowly and steadily with a tray in your hands, white material draped over the oddly shaped food beneath it as you sing him happy birthday with a concentrated but happy grin. A giddy smile meets Edward's hopeful eyes, his mouth agape, as you plant it on the bed and usher him to sit up and take the cloth off.
"Go on, Eddie!"
"Wh- what's this?" he asks in surprise, before tugging down the cloth, and his breath catches in his throat. "Oh, darling... it's wonderful. How long did this take you?"
The cake's sprayed a deep green and has his signature question mark symbol in the centre, the icing outlining it as neat as you could get it as it encircles the cake from the top and shows off the random, complicated cyphers you'd carefully copied out of one of his notebooks around the question mark. You quickly grab a lighter for the small candles that are placed on the inner side of the icing, and stare at the cake proudly.
"You know... only a few hours."
"A few hours?" he repeats with a breathy laugh, admiring it from every angle before looking up at you in wonder. "You... you didn't have to do that..."
"Well, I figured you've never really had anyone to celebrate with before," you respond with a soft smile, "and I got you a few things. I hid them in places you have to solve with riddles," you add with a smirk, "like a weird kind of scavenger hunt, but you'll probably figure it out in a second. But it was fun! And you deserve to be celebrated, Ed- hey, why are you crying?"
Edward takes a shaky breath, and pulls you in for a tight hug, a few tears slipping down his cheeks in happiness and shock at the whole thing.
"It's perfect," he says, his voice muffled in your shoulder, and he kisses your cheeks, then your lips, holding you impossibly close. "You're truly an angel sent to me from heaven, my love. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"You're welcome, Eddie," you smile, cuddling against his side as you pull the cake closer. "C'mon, you've gotta blow them out and have a few slices for breakfast before the presents, okay?"
He can only nod, staring at you in touched adoration and resting his head against yours before doing just that, feeling so full of warmth and love for the first time in his life.
A happy birthday indeed.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @phantomofthecathedral @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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uniarycode · 1 year
Hikari Yagami Week 2023 - Day 4 - Sports
for @hikariyagamiweek
Hikari and Takeru had only been in the same class for months, yet there was no one else in the school she was closer to.  It wasn’t that they knew everything about each other, but they didn’t need to. 
Takeru always knew when Hikari was down, and had a talent for picking the best gifts for her.  Franchises she didn’t even know he knew she liked, necklaces that instantly fit her aesthetic, sweets she’d never reject.
And in turn, she could just as easily read and adjust to his moods and attitudes.
So strong was their bond, it came as a shock, to her, to him, likely to all their observers, when Takeru nonchalantly kicked a soccer ball to her feet.
Hikari instantly retreated.
“I-I don’t play.” She said simply.
Takeru blinked.
“You don’t play?”
It was a ludicrous statement.  Hikari knew every rule of the sport.  Could be just as loud as her brother in calling out the referees when she felt they made an incorrect call.
She was also intricately linked to the soccer club.  Having assisted the team readily when she and Taichi shared the same school.   It was how she met Daisuke.  It was how she’d met Sora.  It was even how she met Koushiro.
And while she wasn’t n Sora or Taichi’s level, Hikari was still an athlete.  She could handle herself in other sports.
And yet, she didn’t play. That wasn’t a lie.
Takeru looked at her, attempting to solve her riddle. “Well, could you pass the ball back?”
Hikari glanced at the ball, then at her feet.  She felt woozy.  She reached down and scooped the ball up with her hands, throwing it to her best friend.
It was too much to ask for that to be the end of that.  Takeru had let the subject drop, but only because there were other people about.  Two days later Hikari found herself cornered, with a well-intentioned blond and a bag of soccer balls.
“Takeru, if we’re going to waste time, couldn’t we spend it destroying dark towers?” she asked.
He saw right through her on that. “we already agreed to take a break from that.  Relaxation is important as well.”
She didn’t feel very relaxed.
“I don’t play.”
“You don’t?  or maybe you won’t?  or maybe you can’t?” he set a ball down, about a yard in front of her.  “Can Hikari not kick a ball?”
She felt part of herself rise to the challenge and the rest fall.  “It’s not about can.” She said simply.
“Ohh?  Well then, if you can get this ball in the net before we have to leave, I’ll spend the extra time treating you to that ice cream place you like so much.  But you gotta kick it.  No hands.”
Of course, he knew what tempted her the most.  “Takeru… it doesn’t matter.  I don’t play.”
“I’m not asking you to play, I’m asking you to kick.  What’s the worst that can happen?”
Sirens, bright lights, doctors yelling words she couldn’t understand.  An angry mother, a tearful father, a frightened brother.
“You never know.”
Takeru sized her up.  “is the ball going to turn into a dinosaur?  Or maybe an evil robot?  I don’t recall those stopping you before.”
She twitched. “it’s different.”
“Well, maybe it can be the same?” Takeru said.  “Maybe this ball is Ladydevimon.”
Hikari brought a hand to stifle a giggle. “What?”
“it is.  It’s her head.”
“It’s her head.  She sat there taunting you, and she called Angewomon a goodie two shoes.  Are you going to let her get away with that?  Come on Hikari kick her -”
“Takeru!” Hikari said. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because you can’t go through your entire life scared to kick a ball Hikari.  You want to be a teacher when you grow up, you’ll have to help kids learn as well.”
“That’s when I’m an adult.”
“You can’t put it off forever,” Takeru said.  “Look at you, I’ve seen you do incredible things.  Things no other kid can say.  And you can’t kick a soccer ball?  Where’s the girl who was antagonizing a perfect-level she-devil.”
Hikari paused.  She looked down at the ball, and did her best to do as Taekru directed. Imagining the ball was actually that hag’s head.  She sulked up until the ball was right in front of her right foot, curled her knee, closed her eyes, and let it go.
It was not the most accurate kick in the world.  Not by far. But of the two kicks of the soccer ball she’d taken in her life, it was by far the least disastrous.
Hikari far preferred ice cream to hospital beds.
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Pgs. 385 - 445
TG: skepticism is the crutch of cinematic troglodytes TG: like hey mom dad theres a dinosaur or a ghost or whatever in my room. "yeah right junior go back to bed" TG: fuck you mom and dad how many times are we going to watch this trope unfold it wasnt goddamn funny the first time i saw it TG: just once id like to see dad crap his pants when a kid says theres a vampire in his closet TG: "OH SHIT EVERYONE IN THE MINIVAN" TG: be fuckin dad of the year right there
so fucking true Dave, keep spitting.
EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. that's all i'm saying.
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oh hey it’s the page I used to showcase Hussie’s affinity for slurs.
still bad.
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me when I fucking sTAB MY MOTHER.
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I’m having rough flashbacks to HS^2 and I don’t like it.
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also I just gotta say that Mom is the coolest looking person in this entire comic I mean just look at this fucking POSE.
it just screams “hello daughter you are going to get fuckin served.”
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yes. the pony. beloved Maplehoof.
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I’ve always seen this idea that the process of creating Earth, and by extension Universe B, involved taking the attributes and interests of the 12 trolls and morphing them into brand new instances and ideas, like how Gamzee’s Juggalo religion manifested as ICP on Earth.
I like to think that the entirety of the For Assholes book series exists through a recycling of Karkat’s personality.
also that fucking Asshole Note is comedy gold.
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aw yeah time to fucking beat the shit out of an imp let’s
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W magnet.
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alright for real this time let’s kick the shit out of this imp.
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also another White John can be found in this flash, collect all 7 to turn Super White.
also the Egbert Centipede I guess.
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Tip: I am so fucking mad.
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he did it. he destroyed the fucker. John man.
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fuck you cat I am about to revive.
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TG: i mean dont get me wrong i think its cool and all TG: the semi-ironic puppet thing or whatever TG: or semi-semi ironic TG: man i dont even know TG: im just starting to think some of this shit is going a little far and its kind of fucked up TT: I've seen his websites. TT: I like them.
what did she mean by this.
what did she mean by this?
what did she mean by this?!
TG: oh man i wish lil cal wouldnt look at me like that TG: with those dead eyes jesus TG: sometimes i dream that hes real and hes talking to me and i wake up in a cold sweat and basically flip the fuck out
not saying it.
Page 422, titled “[S] GO ON. ==>” completely underrated flash, just listen to this fuckin song.
it captures the feeling of a big expository RPG cutscene so damn well I love it, it’s like I’m a kid again.
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this is also just one of my favorite Sburb mechanics, I love the concept of basically deciding the abilities and aesthetics of the NPCs via prototyping, it’s such a cool little thing and opens up a lot of possibility for any fan-sessions.
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JOHN: ok, i think i get it now! JOHN: so i guess the battle against good and evil is sort of irrelevant? well, i don't know, that all sounds kind of weird, but in any case, we build the house to get to these gates, and then i can save my dad! NANNASPRITE: Yes, John! JOHN: and then after that, we solve this ultimate riddle thing and save earth from destruction!!! NANNASPRITE: Oh no, I'm afraid not!
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NANNASPRITE: Your planet is done for, dear! There is nothing you can do about that! JOHN: oh...
I fucking love this sequence because John activates the Cheery Protagonist Mode ready to assemble a team of teens with attitude in order to save the world from Dark Chess and whatever only to hear that the entire world will end and his response is just “aw..... :(”
I went on this entire shpeel about the potential of writing an isolationist John based off of willy nilly prose narration at the beginning but MAN do the early versions of the kids not give a SHIT about what’s going on.
“John Egbert, the Earth is doomed, it is going to explode, all life will die, you and your friends will be the last living things remaining.”
this is a very weird moment that sticks out when looking at the comic as a whole because the weight of literally all life dying at once is nonexistent, but at the same time, this is fucking hilarious.
it makes think about a lot of rewrites I’ve seen where they try, emphasis on try, to give the fact that world ends more emotional relevance, and they basically kinda force this by introducing random background characters who are obviously going to die immediately.
like “oh hi my name is Huma Nfriend I’ve been besties with John Egbert since childhood we’re very close and cool and we’re gonna play a game called Sburb!!!” and then they just
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I understand y’all want to make the characters actually feel something in regards to the entire home blowing the fuck up but there’s gotta be better ways than inventing some characters just to fridge.
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also John does this.
uh, yeah. I don’t know.
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he’s having a moment.
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just give him some space.
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ok now that’s just rude.
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god Rose’s house during the winter is so pretty.
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holy shit a Jade and Rose conversation, I hope we get plenty of these! (we do not.)
Jade knows about Sburb??? and it could bring Jaspers back to life???? what could it me- ok this joke already fucking sucks.
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ah yeah it’s time to beat the shit out of the local whiteboy.
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this shit is so fucking cool oh my god.
also there are literally meteors falling as Dave looks out and I guess he does give a shit.
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harmonyckrs · 2 months
DAY 4 in Twisted Strangetown: A Curious Family Reunion
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WHAT'S UP GANG? Chloe here, back at it again with another report (Chloe, take this seriously. People's lives are at stake here)! So that basic looking nerd dude with the alien baby asked us to temporarily move in so that he would feel more at ease and make sure nobody else would get kidnapped again or whatever. Dunno why Lola agreed to this but yeah
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Anyway, I told Lola about what Ajay and I talked about so now we have to go find this Aktu dude or whatever and figure out where Vidcund went. Speaking of Aktu, that dumbass called me today lol. He gave me some kind of cryptic message about meeting him in the "floating world of colors and clay" as if I'm supposed to know what that means. Wack ass bitch
Also I just found out that the bimbo girl that I thought Lazlo was dating isn't actually in a relationship with him! So I guess there's actually one hot single woman in this boring town (don't even think about pursuing her). Maybe I can snag her for myself since Lazlo seems to be taking his sweet time making a move LOL
Anyway, Chloe OUT! Gotta go solve that fucking riddle
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A: And that's about everything. Again, I'm really sorry about what happened.
V: Is the entire town really under someone's control?
A: Yeah. Cyd and I suspected something was off for a while, which was why we came here before it started to affect us. Whoever is responsible for it doesn't have any power here, so he told me to grab any human I saw and take them here. And you were the first person I encountered, since you just ran up to me and shoved me out of nowhere yesterday afternoon.
V: You were spying on me! And you couldn't have just asked? I know at least seven people who would've loved to participate in your little experiment, my brothers included!
A: Again, I'm sorry! We'll help you get back to Strangetown once Cyd's powers are fully recharged. Also reversing that other person's mind control took a lot of energy, so he's also passed out. I can introduce him to you once he wakes up.
V: And how long is that going to take?
A: Probably about a week for both...again, sorry. I can find a way to make it up to you.
V: You better! I'm going to be missing a lot of work because of this! I don't want to lose my job, and Pascal still needs my help with Hecate!...oh, fuck! My family's all still being mind controlled, aren't they?
A: Yeah, probably.
V: Can't you do something about that?
A: I'm not the one with mind control reversal powers. And Cyd already had a hard time reversing yours. He'd probably die from exhaustion if he tried to reverse the entire town, unless if you're fine with moving everyone here and waiting several years.
V: Ugh...
A: Yeah, sorry. The easiest thing to do for now is figuring out who it might be. I'm not really familiar with everyone in Strangetown, but maybe you might have a clue.
V: Actually, I think I know who's responsible...
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V: So there's that old lady Olive Specter, who's a witch. I'm pretty sure she could be behind everything that happened. And then there's also that asshole Loki-
A: Loki?
V: Yeah! He sent our town into an eternal winter because of one of his stupid experiments going wrong, and now we're stuck having to wear coats all the time. He's just the worst! And he stole my girlfriend, Circe, from me when I was a teenager. It took me ages to get over that. And he's also one of my coworkers and acts all high and mighty just because he's at a higher rank from us thanks to the strings that his parents probably pulled for him...are you even listening?
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ab-arts · 2 years
I finished the game a few hours ago, still almost doesn’t feel real skndjsjs
But HOLY FUCK it was amazing!!
Of course I have my nitpicks but overall I give it a solid 9/10! Wish my shit ass computer would’ve given me more than 3-5 fps sometimes (not exaggerating)
Some rambles regarding the game below, nothing coherent or an official review just some thoughts:
Alright so first of all HOLY SHIT THE GRAPHICS, GOREGOUS
Even the very beginning of the game I was on edge, the atmosphere the game gave was immaculate
Once again wish I hadn’t been lagging so bad I was constantly faceplanting into walls XD
All the mirrors in the game actually worked!! Idk why that amazed me so much but it did
Audreeeey, omg I love her, I love her so much,,
She reacts to things! She’s dynamic she’s alive!! Henry I love you too but please man you’re a little bland considering the horrors around you dhdjdh—but ooh I love her and her personality,, there’s some parts I wished she’d reacted to more n had more lines but mostly I just really loved listening to her talk,,,
SPEAKING OF HENRY, HENRY HAS A CANON DESIGN NOW!! NEAT! Still keeping my own the same though cuz I like it better jdndjdh
ALSO JOEY WAS THERE TOO—he was so fascinating?? Like..he wasn’t this evil guy, he regretted what he did? And he and Allison were friends I think? And he helped Audrey? AND OH MY GOD THE REVEAL THAT HE MADE HER IN THE REAL WORLD?? I was blown away honestly. And omfg my design for Joey had a Bendy pin and GUESS WHAT CANON JOEY HAD
His design is a little weird for me tho? Like it’s cool and absolutely is scary, I’m just not fond of his face?? His teeth?? That’s not a smile that’s just teeth, he gotta have a smile, turn up the corners of his mouth plz
Also was not very thrilled by the mechanic where you have to hide from him, except he’s not even there and it’s just a countdown to insta-death? I was hoping to actually get hunted by him and have to stealth, Alien: Isolation style. The mechanic also annoyed me in another way cuz it usually caused a lag spike aaaand it’s hard to hurry and find a hiding spot when you have 3 fps and keep running into walls, though that was caused by my shit computer, not the game itself, so it gets a pass. Still would’ve preferred getting hunted by the Ink Demon though
Also can we talk about whatever the FUCK the Keepers were?? Those things were CREEPY like, EIEHGHHG WHAT THE HELL, the way they TALKED dear god
They don’t even have legs they just SLITHER AROUND
The Lurker was funky but I don’t have too many thoughts about it itself, more about the LONG ASS SIDE QUEST you can do for it that I didn’t know was OPTIONAL
I had to go all the way back up to the fuckin Animation Ally and oh my god the amounts of times I died, the many times the map broke or the one time it just wasn’t there at all (once again I blame my computer), the time in a fight in which it was lagging so bad it nearly crashed and the audio was freaking out, and what do I get after all that? A FUCKIN SCHEMATIC AND SOME COLLECTABLES
Allison omg, I loved her in this- I only wished she showed up more, she was a delight and I really wanted her and Audrey to become friends. Tom was there too but I don’t really care about him kdndjjd
ALICE THO, GOD what a return, and it was SPECTACULAR. The riddle (that was fun to solve, and not stupid hard like some of the other fuckin puzzles I hate puzzles I suck at them), the fucking ELECTRIC CHAIR she put Audrey on, HAVING A GUN??? THE WHOLE OH SO TENDER SCENE BETWEEN HER AND ALLISON,,,?? God I have feelings
Wilson is..hard to describe cuz honestly I didn’t know what to make of him? Like the beginning scene with him in the elevator was very ew creepy please stop, I could just feel Audrey’s discomfort, and obviously the whole turning on the ink machine (I was so obsessed with the gathering ritual items for the pedestals parallel) and murdering himself and Audrey scene was a big red flag, and ofc the creepy ass posters and lying and just having dictator-y but distant vibes, but later on he kind of seemed like he had decent motives?? Idk..but OH IT WAS A TRICK, A TRICKY TRICK—HE TRIED TO TURN AUDREY INTO HIS OC
It was sooo funny to watch that scene play out and Wilson starts dragging her toward that machine, and I was just going like “push him in push him in push him in” and then she DID and I was like YEEEAH
I’m not sure which is scarier though, that thing whatever it’s called or the fuckin SPIDER THINGS WITH TEETH
Oh my GOD I hated those so much, ESPECIALLY THE BIG ONE
I think I was either lagging too much of never got killed directly by it to see it, but aPPARENTLY IT HAS A DISTURBING DEATH SCENE WHERE IT EATS AUDREY ALIVE
I wanted to see the deaths scenes in non-laggy format and I watched it and YEAH
Oh I can’t forget about Bettyyyy, what a sweet gal, I love her and I need more of her
And whatever the fuck that weird book was, the Mug and the Maiden?? Who wrote that they sound hilarious
The whole thing about the ink world and the real world being SEPERATE WORLDS was wild too, like—there was a CITY there, it was HUGE, and the implications of the ink people there being memories, like Joey—the real world versions not there at all but simply alternate copies living a hell (ofc the exception being Audrey and Wilson I’m assuming who’s real world selves were Actually There)
OH OH AND BABY BENDERSSS!! Didn’t do hardly anything and kind of just followed me around for a bit but he was cute! Immediately followed with oh my fucking god as I found out he got tortured by the Keepers
Also in this butcher shop (which had a clever little Meatly reference in the name that made me chuckle) there was just these words that said “the beef is people” and like wow, Audrey accidentally committing cannibalism real
NO CUZ ID BEEN EATING IT. THERES FOOD ALL AROUND (more than just bacon soup! It was all very creative and I liked it ^^) AND SOME OF ITS SLABS OF MEAT
But anyway, I saved the most important details for last—THE PARTS WITH SAMMY!!
There were hardly any. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. BUT, I did enjoy the ones that were there! Sammy having a couple memos, him being held in a cell by the Keepers (FREE HIM) as he’s designated a Cyclebreaker, just playing his banjo looking all vacant, and during the final combat scene HE HAD VOICELINES! A few, before he was SHOT OFF A BALCONY BY ALLISON. ALLISON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. FIRST YOUR HUSBAND NOW YOU. WHY
He did a fucking Wilhelm scream as he died (for the 4th time in the series mind you) tho so that was hilarious, but STILL
GIVE ME MORE IN DEPTH SAM CONTENT JDS. DO I NEED TO BRIBE YOU. (for legal reasons this is a joke)
But yeah! Overall these are most of my thoughts regarding how I feel about the game, and though there’s things I would personally change (aaand considering I didn’t get nearly all of the achievements and there’s probably bounds of secrets I didn’t find, there’s prolly a shit ton I still don’t know), I still thoroughly enjoyed playing it! For me it was worth the wait ^^
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palialaina · 10 months
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If I gave Jel a heart attack when he saw how short I'd cut my hair, he sort of returned the favor with these little cuties!
I came to ask his advice on what I should wear to do all the mining I needed to do (I forgot I could buy the iron bars I needed. Always gotta do things the hard way, that's me!), spent about ten minutes reminding him that hair grows back, and then another ten squealing over these little darlings.
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I have no idea what I should name any of them! Most of them are chilling at home while I'm out, but the nocturnal one is bold and cuddly, and just climbed right on up my shoulder!
Jel said he couldn't keep them at his shop because they get into everything, so I said I'd bring them home, and they could stay with me. He was limp with relief from that, lemme say!
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Solving Jina's riddle gave me a headache. I'm not a very good water-personality, I thnk... Or maybe Jina's just smarted than me. I found the second clue entirely by accident, when I tripped on the giant planter in the middle of town. Apparently, it was a fountain back in the day!
So there was that part figured out. Lark came by at that point, and after I explained what I was doing, they suggested the solution to the last part of the riddle! Jina said we should get to see it first, so we went in and wow.
Apparently it was a university--and somehow, I know what that is. How, not a clue, but I know--and this was their library.
Was this whole valley just one really big school?
We found a preserved note among all the books--and man, resisting the urge to take some home was hard--but it doesn't really shed much light on the situation. What the heck did humans do?
The library made us both sad, so we left and split up after, but man. Now I have more to think about that ever...
Less dramatic news, Uncle B said I was finally ready to be part of the Gardening Guild, and I knew he had blueberry seeds!
Also apple tree seeds. But I can't afford either one yet.
It's kind of nice no longer really needing to go anywhere other than where I want again. There's a bunch of little things to do, but I'm not stressed out of Jina's riddle, and I'm kind of shrugging about the whole Night Sky Temple stuff now. I need my glow worm farm to start giving me glow worms, and I need to find these caves in Bahari where I can actually fish for things (Is it just the mines? That can't be it, right?), but mostly I'm just kind of... relaxing again.
Well, sort of. I will earn those darn blueberry bush seeds, Uncle B, just you watch!
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proloser-spiral · 2 years
an idea i've had for a while. umineko spoilers. gotta be at least past episode 7 tea party for it to even make sense. I was gonna write a fic but... idk i feel like i just gotta get the idea out there before i explode because every time i try and write it properly i give up.
Basically, a universe where Lion survives that starts almost identically to what we know of the 1/2,578,917 they come from; after the funeral for Beatrice, the parents are challenged by Kinzo to solve the epitaph riddle. However, for some reason in this fragment (let's call it 1/5,153,834) Lion returns to the mansion while the parents are still in the middle of solving it, probably just forgetting something from their room, and decides to stay and help. Like before, they all solve it together and go to the Golden Land together, now with Lion in tow.
When things start to go chaotic this time, however, two things happen. For one, the trigger becomes stuck, set to explode. Secondly, in a panic, Lion barricades themself alone in the escape tunnel directly after seeing Natsuhi shot. The door gets stuck and it's impossible for anyone to get in or out either way. From that point, we don't know what happens to anyone else on Rokkenjima, only Lion alone. It's a catbox sealed only by a stubborn door.
Aware of the explosion to come, and with no other choice, Lion heads towards Kuwadorian for safety. There, they're met with the prison their own birth mother was kept in, but with no knowledge of their actual lineage that was only given to them through an invasion from the meta world, they are simply left in this sad and dusty little house left to wonder what it was for and how they could live on Rokkenjima their whole life and not know about it. Maybe there's a photo of Beatrice- either Castiglioni or Ushiromiya -around to give them some idea of who might have lived here, but they would only have context of the confusing funeral their grandfather had put on the previous day to relate it to.
From there, their position resembles that of Eva after the events on Rokkenjima. As the last remaining relative and technically an adult at 19, they are both recipient of whatever fortune Kinzo kept off of the island and made guardian of Ange. And of course, rumours swell as they always do. People question whether Lion was ever 'successor-sama' really, it would make it seem like they were innocent if they were ALWAYS bound to get the fortune, now wouldn't it? And why would a random grandchild get that position? They're not a direct child (from all anyone knows), and they're not even the first born grandchild! So it makes more sense to everyone that 'successor-sama' is a lie to cover up the true motive of inheriting the wealth.
I'm not sure exactly how Lion would be faced with the responsibility of being a parent, after the trauma of losing their own. Plus suddenly going from privately beloved child to the most scrutinised public figure. That and I think they might have a harder time fighting off Ange's other side of the family. They for sure wouldn't be the same kind of bitter as Eva, but it's hard to say exactly who Lion would be through trauma like that without the encouragement of someone like Will and the knowledge of being a shining light for someone else.
If there's blueprint, I'd say they'd reflect a bit more of Sayo at that point. Of course, Sayo was traumatised from a child, and built her whole life around said trauma, where Lion had that idealistic childhood that Sayo dreamt of, and each grew into distinctly different people because of it, but also I think that even with that much nurture there's still some nature that connects the two that could come out in these kinds of moments. So I'd say that perhaps Lion also reaches towards the fictional.
Honestly, if I was trying to tie it around, I could see Lion getting into Van Dine's work. They're mysteries that click in their mind the same way that mysteries clicked for Sayo. Perhaps they could be trying to reframe the tragedy they went through in this lense of a mystery, of there being a culprit and a scheme, of there being a reason, even though they were there and knew that death was ensured by terrible accident. It's them looking back at the tragedy the way Sayo looked forward at it. And, of course, specifically Van Dine because of Mr Willard H. Wright. Maybe Lion conjures him in a similar way that Ange conjures the seven sisters. He's just a personification of their mind based on this writing. It's sad and it's lonely but... they get to be together even in this world.
Anyway, that's the thoughts thanks for reading.
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rose-of-the-valley · 2 years
Mooncake Headcanons Pt. 1
Featuring the demon brothers! (all others coming soon in a separate post!)
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Mooncakes are one of my favorite holiday foods even though they're getting more and more expensive every year. My mom used to make them when I was little so that she could make them with the fillings she liked, which then led to us knowing the extent of how bad these things are for your cholesterol.
I still eat them though because I think they're delicious and I am no stranger to hedonism. I would eat an entire box of mooncakes in a day if people would let me.
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Lucifer's favorite mooncake flavor is Wu Ren (five kernels/mixed nuts). It's a pretty traditional mooncake filling, favored among older generations but less popular with younger people
Thus, perfect for the Devildom's resident Old Man™
If you remind him about the Mid-Autumn Festival early enough, he might even ask Diavolo for permission to bring you to the human world to celebrate
Knock on his study door the night before with an ornate box of them. He'll actually pause his work for once, even pulling out a bottle of demonus for the occasion
Offer to feed him a piece and his eyes will go wide, but he'll chuckle and let you do it anyway, so long as you can keep it a secret
"Mooncakes? Is it that time of year already? I'll have to arrange for us to go see a lion dance together. You'll share these with me later, won't you?"
He's not particularly picky about what flavor he gets, but his favorites have a salted egg yolk core. Bonus points if it's got two
The sweet-and-salty combo is admittedly good, but mostly it's about the fact that the golden center makes him think of money
If you're planning on surprising this demon with a gift box, you better hide it well. They sell for a lot, and he's got a knack for finding things in hidden spots
If you manage to pull it off, watch this demon light up with joy. He knows how much they cost, so you must care for him a lot if you got him some
The tsundere will never admit that that's why he's happy, of course. He'll brush it off saying he's only blushing because it's warm, never mind that it's the middle of fall
"Whaddya mean the egg yolk's supposed to represent the full moon? Doesn't that look like Grimm to ya? Whatever, ya better not have gotten mooncakes for anyone else!"
Everyone's favorite otaku loves red bean mooncakes
You can bet that there's an Azuki-tan limited edition mooncake design that he just has to get
Imagine his surprise when you show up at his door two days before the release with a box of them! Just for him!
Poor guy can't decide between asking what strings you pulled to get these and just blurting out that he loves you. What comes out is a garbled mix of the two followed by a string of attempted clarifications
You'll have to convince him to actually eat them; he loves them so much that he tries to keep them on his shelf with all his other merch and gifts from you
"T-These are the Azuki-tan mooncakes! They only release them once a decade! I'll cherish them forever! Now we gotta watch the episode the design is based on!"
A bit more into modern styles than his older brothers, Satan's found that his favorite mooncakes are lava custard
The gooey liquid center surprised him the first time he had one, but he found that he quite liked this alternative to salted egg yolk fillings - it provided a nice flavor contrast without the annoyance of the egg yolks falling out when you tried to cut them
(Besides, think of the look on Lucifer's face when he gets these from an "anonymous fan" and cuts one open only to spill egg yolk everywhere!)
Catch him when he doesn't have his nose buried in a book (or cat fur) so you can share these without worrying about making a mess
However, when you find him he's got a box of your favorite flavor in his hand. He likes to keep up with human world holidays, after all
"You know, I've heard that you're supposed to solve lantern riddles for Mid-Autumn Festival. You'll come with me to try and guess some, right?"
Asmo's favorites are snow skin mooncakes
Look at how delicate and beautiful they are! Just like him!
He's definitely snapping a bunch of pics for Devilgram. Cue a collage of him holding up mooncake halves and winking or blowing kisses at the camera
Of course, if you were the one to gift him the mooncakes, then you have to be in the photos too! Show the Devildom how much you love him and how adorable you both are!
His favorites are the ones where you're feeding each other a bite. He'll only post the one where you're using dessert forks though, saving any spicier ones for his personal collection
"Oooh they're so pretty! Look at all these colors! If you come to my room later I'll show you how thankful I am ♡"
While he'll take any mooncakes he gets, Beel's favorites are the savory Suzhou style mooncakes with a minced meat filling
Soft and flaky, they're not as dense as regular mooncakes, but oddly enough they feel more satisfying than their sugary counterparts
When you share these with Beel, he'll likely try to devour them in one bite, which really isn't too bad of an idea considering how many crumbs these flaky pastries leave
If you're feeding him though, be careful not to get your fingers bitten
You won't have to worry about saving any for yourself. The holiday is about family after all, and Beel loves nothing more than sharing with the people he loves
"I want to have a big dinner with everyone. Then I want to share these with you after. They'll taste better if I eat them with you."
Belphie's favorite is another regional variant - specifically the Teochew/Chaoshan thousand layer mooncake. He prefers his with a mochi and black sesame paste filling
This demon loves the human world, and with the mochi craze it's no wonder that this is his (current) preference
Take him out for an Authentic Festival Experience™ and surprise him at the end with these mooncakes. Break one in half and feed it to him if you want to see him blush
He might be sleepy after a day of activities, but he'll try to stay awake and admire the full moon with you
If he does fall asleep, you can bet he'll be dreaming about laying under the moonlight with you
"Hey, come lie down next to me. Just make sure you don't get any crumbs on my pillow, ok?"
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Hi there, queenie! I hope you're doing well :) Could you write me some Laura/Max, please? Maybe have the two of them react to some werewolf movie after what they've been through... or something fluffy about them getting a dog? Just have fun with whichever prompt you choose :)
It was an accepted danger of volunteering at the shelter - when you were feeding and grooming and walking and playing with the rescues day in and day out, you were going to fall in love with a few, that was just a fact. To her credit, though, Laura had held out for as long as she possibly could’ve, writing a million excuses in her head why it wouldn’t work out each time some cute little furball threatened to steal her heart: They didn’t have the space, they didn’t have the time, food was expensive, vet bills were more expensive...
But then she had forgotten her lunch at home and everything changed.
It was almost hilarious, really, how quickly Max had shifted from “Hey hon, I gotta get back to work but you left this at home” to “I can be late, I can definitely be late!” when he’d caught sight of the retriever puppy with his floppy ears and doggy grin; it was funnier still how quickly that changed when he caught a glimpse of the name engraved on the little guy’s collar, his eyebrows shooting up as he looked Laura’s way.
“I was gonna ask if we could keep him,” Max had said, looking back down at the grinning, panting puppy happily curled up in his arms as though it were a riddle he needed to solve, “But I’ll admit this is a little, uh...hmm.”
And because the thought had occurred to her on more than one occasion since the fuzzbutt had been dropped off, Laura had knelt down beside Max to scratch the retriever - the one whose previous owner had, apparently, named Silas, of all things - right between the ears as she made him a deal: “How about...we take him under one condition, and that condition is that from this moment forward, he’s, like...Spot or something.”
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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diasomnia-cookies · 2 years
Goodnight Firefly
One-Shot: "i could kiss you" , from this prompt list
Characters: Reader (GN) x Cater, Semi-Romantic
Warnings: Cursing Y/N = your name
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It was not very often that Cater Diamond found himself stuck in sticky situations. No, actually that was a fucking lie. There were plenty of times things went wrong, but this might top it, maybe. Listen, it wasn’t like he purposely wanted to piss off Professor Crewel, he just genuinely forgot.
But here Cater was, in the lab room being glared at by the man with a very impeccable split dye. He was pretty sure he’d never seen the true color of Crewel’s roots, but that wasn’t the matter at hand. No, the problem now was Crewel’s yearly teaching assignment for the third years. As a means for “preparing the next generation of professors,” Crowley incorporated in the potionology curriculum a student teaching lesson.
Each third year was required to find a first year and teach them how to prepare any selected potion from a given list. It was honestly a hated assignment by everyone, including Crewel, which is why it was so easy to repress forget, especially the part about picking someone to teach.
“I’m sorry what was that Professor Crewel?” Cater asked in an attempt to stall for time.
Crewel wasn’t amused. “I said, where is your partner’s paperwork?”
Lie. That’s the only option here. Lie now, solve it later. “Oh, my apologies I forgot it in my dorm. Can I bring it tomorrow?”
“Mr. Diamond, you have until the end of day to put it in my hand, or else you will fail this assignment.”
Cater contemplated this, he could just fail it if he really wanted to, but he was not in the habit to ever not complete an assignment. Also, Riddle’s wrath may very well rival Crewel’s should such a stain be put upon the Heartslabyul dorm.
“Yes, sir, I will get that to you right away.” With that, Cater ran quickly out of the room. He had two hours to convince someone to be his partner for this assignment. He was optimistic, there were plenty of first years, he was sure someone would agree.
He was wrong.
An hour and a half later and no luck. He turned to every avenue he knew and yet found no solution. All the first years in Heartslabyul were accounted for, and so were most of the other dorms. It took much to defeat the third year, but truly at this point he was willing to face a failing grade.
“Hey Cater, is everything okay?” a familiar voice asked.
Cater looked up to see the prefect of Ramshackle dorm with a look of concern on their face. In one more desperate attempt at helping his situation, he asked them “You don’t happen to be paired with anyone for the potionology teaching assignment are you?”
The prefect looked curiously at him, “Is that the thing where you have teach a first year some kind of potion?”
Cater nodded in response.
“Oh nope, I heard Deuce and Ace kind of complain about it. But no one has asked me. Why what’s up?”
Y/N was a little taken aback by the request, “Umm…sure?”
“I could kiss you right now,” Cater said hugging Y/N tightly causing them to blush profusely. Before they could respond however, Cater held out a piece of paper and a pen. “Please sign here.”
Y/N looked at the paper, reading through the quite terrifying list of warnings and liabilities to sign away. But Cater’s excitement got the better of them, who were they to deny him, especially when his smile was this bright.
Y/N picked up the pen and signed on the dotted line. “Great, so what next?”
“Next, I have to run this Crewel, but meet me in the alchemy lab tomorrow after classes?”
“Yeah that sounds good!”
“Gotta go, but, truly, honestly, thank you so much!” With that, Cater ran off to the office as fast as he could.
“Hey, so what are we doing?” Y/N asked Cater as they walked into the alchemy lab.
Cater grabbed a jar of some yellow liquid from the bottom shelf and responded, “Well today, I’m going to teach you how to go invisible.”
Y/N looked at Cater incredulously, “I’m sorry, that’s possible?”
“Oh yeah, I mean I learned how to do it when I was a kid.”
“What the hell did you need this for as a kid?”
Cater chuckled, “Well sometimes as a kid I wanted to just disappear. Didn’t exactly have friends, so it was just easier to hide than anything.”
“You didn’t have friends? Yeah I don’t believe that,” Y/N said while putting on their safety equipment.
Cater picked up the last vials and beakers he needed and came over to the lab table. “It’s the truth! I was a lonely kid there. I mean my sisters were busy doing their own thing and there were no kids my age in the neighborhood. But don’t worry about it, now I’m going to show you the tricks of the trade.”
Y/N laughed at the comment and picked up their pen and notebook. “Alrighty professor, how do we do this?”
For the next hour, Y/N took down everything that Cater instructed and followed his instructions very carefully. It all seemed to work out really well actually, Cater could be a professor if he wanted to. But Cater didn’t hate himself, so that was off the table.
“Well, that seems to be it,” Cater declared while very proudly looking at the small cauldron of orange liquid on the table.
“So now what?” Y/N inquired as they got up to begin cleaning up, “How do you get graded?”
“Oh, that’s the easy part, we go to Crewel tomorrow or sometime in the next couple days and show him the results.”
Y/N stopped immediately and turned to the grinning redhead, “Wait. You mean I have to drink it?”
Cater nodded, “It’s a sign of trust and faith in my teaching skills.”
“Uhuh, well this seems safe.” There was no way this was, but Y/N wasn’t going to crush Cater’s dream or his grade. “By the way how long is this supposed to last?”
“Oh about like an hour, nothing too long. Just for you to get around places and mope without anyone asking questions.”
That definitely was not a depressing statement. Sometimes Y/N wondered what changed Cater to the person he was today, but that was perhaps not a question for now.
Cater began to the split the liquid into smaller vials for easier consumption. “Hey we made a little extra, do you want to try one now?”
Y/N sighed and took one of the vials from the table, “Yeah sure might as well so I know what to expect tomorrow.” What could wrong?
They popped the cork off and chugged the liquid. It tasted oddly sweet, but they didn’t recall the recipe ever calling for something like that. In fact, they assumed it should have tasted a little bitter based off the ingredients.
“Oh. Fuck.”
Yeah, everything could go wrong.
“Cater what, what do you mean ‘fuck?”
It was around this point where Cater wished he could make himself invisible too. He held up the mirror for Y/N to look at what happened.
“Cater……why am I glowing?”
There was no way to explain this. Well, there was. Cater looked through the ingredient containers on the table to find the culprit. And there it was, the yellow liquid from the shelf from earlier hiding away behind other herbs. In his defense, it did just so happen that daffodil syrup and lemon concentrate were very similar shades. He held the bottle up sheepishly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” There was no way this was real. It must be a sick cosmic joke.
“Hey, at least you look really cute! You could do a great Magicam shoot right now,” Cater suggested.
“Kidding!” he exclaimed holding his hands up in defense. He was kidding, sort of. Y/N did look nice with the soft glow of yellow around their whole body, even if they were glaring daggers. “I really am sorry about this.”
“Is there any way to fix this? I look like a damn lamppost.”
Cater shook his head. “Honestly, I wouldn’t even want to try. The first thing they tell us if we mess potions up is to just let them run their course. Most of them don’t last longer than an hour unless they’re super complex.”
The extensive list of liability on the waiver made sense now. They could add, ‘Student personally responsible if they turn into a walking glowstick’ to it now. Y/N conceded and returned to cleaning the rest of the equipment with Cater in silence.
Everything was cleaned within a half hour, but the radiating light seemed nowhere near fading. The sun had set, so the luminescence was truly standing out in the night sky. Luckily no one was nearby, or Y/N thought they might’ve died of mortal embarrassment.
“Here,” Cater said and began to take off his uniform jacket. “Put my jacket over your head. I’ll walk you home.”
Y/N graciously accepted the jacket and gesture. There was no way they could ever truly be mad at Cater, after all he didn’t intend for this to happen. “Thank you. And I forgive you.”
Cater wrapped one arm around Y/N and hugged them close to him. If it were not for the glowing, Y/N was sure that their blush could be super visible. They settled into Cater’s chest as they walked in silence towards Ramshackle.
“Hey, I stopped glowing,” Y/N declared as they finally reached the front door of the dorm.
Cater chuckled, “And here I thought you would shine so brightly in my life forever.”
“Nope! I’m good on that,” Y/N said with a giggle as well. “Well, this is me. Thank you for walking with me.”
“Anytime,” Cater said and began to turn to head home. “Goodnight firefly!”
“Goodnight Cater,” Y/N said as they began to unlock the door. Admittedly, they were going to think about this day for a while. Firefly did have a nice ring to it.
Cater started to turn away to walk back to Heartslabyul before remembering. “Oh by the way,” he began, “What time do you wanna see Crewel tomorrow?”
Y/N didn’t answer and slammed the door to Ramshackle shut. Nope. Going to a magical school was not a great idea.
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
Okay, I don't know who else to share this situation with because I don't want all my friends to know before it's official, so I'm going to ask you guys
I (an INFP) want to ask this other girl (ENFJ) to be my girlfriend, we've been getting to know each other and going on dates for a whole lifetime now, I'm head over heels for her and I feel like it's about time I ask her, BUT here's the thing
I'm planning out how I am gonna do it and I think I'm doing too much? I want it to be memorable and special, but I feel like if I do something too big she might feel pressured to say yes? Does that make sense?
I don't want her to feel guilty in case the answer is no, because, you know "oh, she went through all the trouble to make something nice, I can't say no now." would not be a good way to react to a dating request.
My initial plan was to have her sister giving her a paper with riddle when they're leaving the cooking class because she loves solving riddles, so I thought that'd be a good idea, and if she gets it right, it'll take her to the place we had our first date, where there'll be another friend of ours with another riddle and a gift (3 books of her favourite author), and then it'll lead her to our favourite coffee shop where there'll be a box with her favourite sweets waiting for her along with another riddle inside the box, and then it'll lead her to her place where I'll be waiting with a picnic setting and a siberian husky puppy on her back garden (the dog she's always saying she wants), I got him because my aunt's huskies had puppies and she gave me one. And then I'd read her this letter I wrote to myself the day I realized I was in love with her and ask if she wanted to be my girlfriend.
But now I'm just sat on my bed looking at all the things I bought to make this work and thinking, bloody hell, what the actual fuck am I doing??? IS IT TOO MUCH?? Do you think she'd feel pressured to say yes even if she don't mean to say yes? should I go more simple? just a chocolate box and the puppy? is the puppy too much as well??? HELP, PLEASE
omg infp THIS IS SO CUTE AND SWEET like im dying stopp my heart can't take itttttttt
okay look imma be honest with you. this is a lot like it's proposal level stuff... but this does sound like its a big deal for you guys and that you're very close already so im sure it'll be great and memorable and amazing if you go for it <333
honestly, i really can't give you advice. like whether you should go for it or not is very dependent on ur relationship and what sort of person your soon-to-be gf is. but really don't be worried that she'll be pressured to say yes, she's gotta say how she feels honestly. if she wants to back out im pretty sure she'll back out, no matter hOW amazing ur plan is (which it is)
despite me saying i can't give you advice, im gonna give it because like- i totally think you should go for it. if (when!) she says yes, you guys can always chat about it later. you can tell her ur worries about her feeling pressured, and you guys can talk through that
edit: also i forgot to say but, keep us updated and tell us how it goes!
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