#hahaha WOW I’m gay
zelreedsandwrites · 2 years
Bitches only want one thing and it’s a homoerotic vignette of Imogen going absolutely feral to protect Laudna set to Get Off My Back by Bryan Adams 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Personally, as an autistic person, I love people being flabbergasted about pronouns. Oh wah wah wah you’re having issues with how to refer to people?? Baybe I’ve been struggling not to refer to myself in the second person since 1997, don’t @ me until it takes you 20 years to remember which way is right and which way is left without making an L with your fingers
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yetdevout · 1 year
hi everyone.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 7 months
Rosekiller band au microfic!!!
hey guys, I wrote the first microfic in the lil series I’m doing, you can find the original idea for it here
ik I’d said I’d wait but I’m impatient hahaha
(some of the ppl that asked to be tagged if i ever wrote it: @always-reading @blu3stars @chaoticgaywitch @1284646imjusthere @depressedtheatrekiddo @idk-what-to-put-here-123)
anyway just wrote this pretty quickly so it might have some mistakes n stuff sorry abt that I don’t do grammar or punctuation anyway here you go, enjoy:
(EDIT: link to part 2)
••• Pink lipstick stains, cigarette butts
I lie in bed, I hate my guts
A day in the dark 
A muddled afternoon, yeah
Barty pressed his cheek close to Evan as they sang into the same microphone. He could feel the buzz of the music through the vibration of the stage below him. 
Oh baby darling how I long 
To become your suicide blonde
He ran a hand through Evan’s platinum curls as he sung the line. Evan leaned into it, eyes meeting Barty’s, grinning as he sung. 
To lie beside my Romeo
Oh what a wicked way to go
Evan’s fingers moved deftly on the guitar, he lifted a hand, twirled the pick in his hand before resuming immediately, he didn’t take his eyes off Barty the entire song. 
“Ah fucking hell look at the comments Bee.”
Evan was sat at the base of the sofa, scrolling through the comments on a video of their performance last night. He held the phone up to Barty on the sofa, who squinted before taking it and reading it out to the room.
“Skittlefiend57 says ‘omg Blarty and Evan! I’m so gone 4 them u guys’”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“We’ve been getting my name wrong all these years guys. Wow that’s a crazy thing to discover at 23.”
“Bad spelling aside, there’s way more. And it’s not all good stuff.”
Evan said and Barty looked back down at the comments. 
“Barty and Evan are queerbaiting, they act so gay but they’re not dating. It’s all clearly faked to get attention. Fucking pathetic. Why thank you peenisonapizza. Glad to see you know us personally and can therefore speak on our behalf.”
“Don’t know why they’re obsessed with accusing a band with two trans guys of queer baiting.”
Evan pinched his furrowed brow and shook his head in disbelief.
“They don’t even care about the fucking music, just us and whether we’re dating or not.”
Barty laid down on the sofa, dropping one arm around Evan and resting his chin on Evan’s shoulder.
“Hey cheer up Rosie. They care about the music. There’s a few assholes but that’s a given. If they weren’t talking about us acting gay they’d be talking about whether my tattoos are real or fake.”
“Or some conspiracy theory that Reggie’s not actually lactose intolerant.” 
Pandora chipped in.
“I’m not lactose intolerant!”
Regulus replied indignantly.
“Is that you talking or your obsession with chocolate?”
Dorcas rolled her eyes as she spoke. Regulus avoided her gaze as he mumbled out a half hearted response.
“Remus got me hooked on Tony’s chocolonely.”
While the rest of the group squabbled Evan leaned his head back against Barty’s shoulder, he pulled out his phone.
Hey everyone, I’ve noticed there’s a lot of speculation about me and @Barty.Grouch.JR and I wanted to say that it’s none of your business, you can think what you like but please don’t ask us or spam comment sections with theories. As always thank u so much for listening to our music, the skittles luv u x
Evan breathed in and passed the phone to Barty.
“You think this is good?”
Barty read it over and nodded.
“You’ve been really nice about it too.”
Evan huffed out a laugh.
“I was normal about, not my fault you would have said something like-“
“Roses are red, violets are blue, you are a cunt and I hate you @peenisonapizza.”
Barty took a small bow, flourishing his hand dramatically. Evan turned around and flicked him in the leg, which only succeeded in making him laugh. 
 “Ok I’ve posted it.”
Evan clicked post and watched as the ‘likes’ number quickly began to climb.
“Now I’m just not gonna read the comments on that post.”
Evan huffed out a laugh and Barty patted his shoulder.
“Good on you Rosie. Now who wants to watch a movie?”
Evan clambered onto the sofa next to Barty who leaned against him immediately, head resting on his shoulder.
Barty whispered.
“Yeah Bee?”
“Give me your phone. Look we both know it will bother you all evening not reading those comments if you have your phone on you. Just- out of sight out of mind, I’ll give it back to you once the movie is over but you deserve to have an evening off.”
Barty’s eyes were wide, expression genuine as he spoke. Evan hesitated then reached in his pocket for his phone.
“Don’t spam it with photos alright?”
A smirk spread on Barty’s face quickly, eyes sparkling.
“I make no promises Ev.”
Evan rolled his eyes but handed the phone over. 
The movie was something Pandora had picked, something from the late 80s, a strange mix of fantasy, reality and meta theatre that Evan actually didn’t hate.
Still he drifted to sleep at some point watching it, the stress of the day had clearly gotten to him and something about the way the top of Barty’s head made for a great pillow probably didn’t help.
Either way he woke up to the feeling of Barty shaking him.
“Come on sleeping beauty, let’s get you to a real bed. Here’s your phone back.”
Evan rubbed his eyes and got up, stumbling to his room as thanked Barty in a half asleep murmur.
He got to his room and turned on his phone, wincing at the glaring brightness, turning it down quickly. He opened his photos app, just as he’d suspected his camera roll was filled with new photos.
He began to scroll through them. There was one of his friends, all waving at the camera. A zoomed in shot of Inigo Montoya‘s face on the TV screen from a funny angle. Himself, looking dumb, sleeping with his mouth slightly open. He scrolled to the next picture and stopped. Barty with that cheeky grin of his, curled up against Evan, flipping off the camera. Eyes twinkling in that way that always made Evan feel a little warmer, a little brighter. He fell asleep again dreaming of a body pressed against his in a hug, the hum of a movie no longer playing, soft hair tickling his face and mischief painted in big brown eyes. 
For info about the position they’re sat in (it’s clear in my mind but I’m not sure how clear it is in the description), the song that they are playing and the movie they watch, look below the read more:
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Position they are in before Evan gets on the sofa, red is Evan, green is Barty - yes Barty is uncomfortable, yes he would sit like that anyway bc Barty will do fucking contortion to be able to hug Evan argue with a wall
Don’t question the drawing skills, I can’t draw and did it in a moving vehicle
the song is EVOL by MARINA
the movie is the princess bride suggested by the lovely @lulublack90 who u shld defo check out bc she’s rlly amazing at writing
(Oh also Evan and Reggie are both trans in this)
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treeba-rk · 1 year
treebark shippers in 2021:
wow renchanting was crazy. hahaha what if i started shipping them as a joke. why simp for the middle when you can simp for the top. hand in hand gayass. it’s a joke guys, it’s a joke. well guess what hahaha FUCK it’s no longer a joke. what’s happening to me—
treebark shippers in 2022:
treebark shippers in 2023:
[screaming and wailing on the ground] ohhhhhhh my god i miss them UNGUIDED HAND?? LIMITED LIFE?? GAYASS DRABBLE?? MARTYN?? REN!??? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM. i’m going crazy in this economy
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Veronica: hangs out with Nick plenty
Veronica: starts hanging with Summer a few times
Reporter: Locals spot Atlas’s teen idol spending time with “just a friend?” The full scoop at eleven!
Summer:*turns of tv*….*looks left*
Veronica:*leaning on Nick* Wow, you didn’t tell me you were gay.
Summer:I don’t know who, but someone is getting fired. I swear Nick could start a war and nobody will notice! I miss a shot into the trash can and I hate the planet. I literally hangout with Val all the time!
Veronica:Drama follows me.
Summer:How does this not bother you.
Veronica:I mean us together is a lie but I can’t really beat the other implications considering I’m Pan.
Summer:Pan? Like a skillet?
Nick: fucking dies
Yang, in the distance: HAHAHA HAAAA! OH MY GOD!
Summer:What? *red* What’d I say?
Veronica:I am so tired now…
Summer:What’d I say!?
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hollybee8917 · 5 months
Lighting the Flame Above
Characters: Clint Barton, Steve Rogers
Plot: Steve and Clint have their first date. Things don’t go as planned.
Warnings: Time period homophobia (40s)
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Clint walked into the common room of Avengers tower and collapsed on the couch, “My god. Why do I even try?”
“You got something to share with the class, Barton?”
The blonde straightened up and looked to his right. There sat Steve Rogers looking down at a book. He scoffed, “It’s not something you would understand Cap.”
Steve closed his book, “Try me.”
Tilting his head back, Clint replied, “You haven’t tried dating recently, have you?”
A sigh escaped Steve’s lips, “Yeah but I can’t seem to find the right person.”
“What kind of girl are you looking for?” Clint asked his team leader.
Rogers leaned back, “You sure you want to know the answer to that?”
Clint scoffed, “I dunno. All I know is that there is not a single guy in this city who does not either drink iced coffee and wear fleece scarves or says ‘yaas’ and go on and on about twerking. The word is yes. I went on a date last night with a guy named Ethan and he rambled endlessly about something called Vine.”
Steve’s eyes widened, “Clint, are-are you gay?”
Clint’s breath hitched, “Is that a problem?”
Reflexively, Steve’s head went back and forth, “No! Not at all. I’m just a bit surprised. I assumed you and Natasha were, well, together.”
Clint let loose a laugh, loud and long, “Me-me and Nat? Hahaha. No. We’re just friends. We are partners on the field and best friends off the field. We’ve never been together romantically.”
A small oh escaped Steve’s mouth. Clint looked away and didn’t say anything else. Steve stood up and made his way over to the couch. He sat down at the other end of the sofa, “Hey Clint?”
“Me too.”
Clint raised his head and looked in Steve’s direction, “You too, what?”
Steve’s hand shook a little as he wiped a stray hair from his forehead, “I’m gay.”
“No shit,” Clint exclaimed, “You’re gay? How long have you been out?”
Steve shrugged, “I never really came out of the closet.”
Clint’s eyes widened, “Am I the first person you have come out to?”
The soldier shook his head, “No. My mother and Bucky both knew. Bucky came out to me. I lived my adult life in the ‘30s and ‘40s. Men did not announce their sexuality back then. Neither did women but it was even worse for the men. Not to mention, I was a soldier. If it had leaked that Bucky and I were gay, we would have been given a blue ticket, court-martialed and tossed out of the Army then probably arrested.”
“Bucky? You mean Bucky Barnes?”
Tears formed in the corners of Steve’s eyes, “Yeah… He was my first love and the only one who really understood me and was accepting of my lifestyle because he was the same. We had known each other since we were kids.”
Clint took a breath, “Then he died. I’m sorry man. I always assumed it was you and Peggy Carter. That was the story I heard anyway. She spoke of you so fondly, I assumed that you two were lovers.”
A smile graced Steve’s lips, “Peggy was sweet but she knew that I wasn’t interested in her romantically. She caught us once, me and Bucky. We were in Austria. I thought we would be together forever. Then the train happened.”
“You wanna talk about it? It helps. At least that’s what my therapist says.”
Steve let out a low laugh, “We were sent to capture Arnim Zola. He was the main HYDRA scientist and the one who injected Bucky with a derivation of my serum. We made it onto the train but Bucky and I got separated. I was fighting a guy with a large gun that shot energy blasts and Bucky was stuck with some others. I was able to know the energy blast guy out and get to Bucky. We beat the ones Bucy was fighting but then the energy blast guy came back. The first shot separated me from my shield and Bucky picked it up. Before I could react, the energy blast guy shot a second time. Bucky was blasted out the side of the train. I beat the Hydra guy but I wasn’t—wasn’t fast enough to save Bucky.”
“Wow. I didn’t know that.”
Tears formed in the corners of Steve’s eyes, “He was the best thing I had and the only one who understood me.”
The archer leaned back, “I know the feeling. It’s been hard for me too. I had a Bucky once but his name was Henry Garrett. When I went to the Army then came to SHIELD, he was there. We fell in love pretty quickly.”
Steve scooted closer to Clint, “If it’s okay to ask, what happened?”
Clint met his gaze, “We were on an assignment in Prague. It was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance mission. We had a target that we were supposed to tail, get information about him and get out. All the intel we were gathering was supposed to go to our handler.”
“Phil Coulson?”
Clint shook his head, “I didn’t get assigned to Phil until after this mission went south. Our  handler was a man named Byron Fischer. Henry had taken me to a café just south of the Rudolfinum in Prague. What neither of us knew was that it was a setup by someone in SHIELD. Anyway, we were sitting at the café and we were ambushed by the guy’s team that we were tailing. Henry and I tried to run but I ended up getting shot in the arm and chest. Henry took out three of the men but missed the fourth one. He was also shot. Fortunately, he only took a bullet to the leg. The fourth man ran off before we could get him.”
“How did Henry die if he only received a leg wound?”
A tear found its way to the floor, “The guy came back with more men. We tried to escape but we were surrounded. Henry stood over me firing guns at the men around him. He was hit multiple times and landed on top of me. Henry covered me with his body. Our handler never showed up to evacuate us.. Instead, Phil Coulson did. By the time he did though, it was too late for Henry. He told me he loved me and died by my side.”
Steve leaned back and looked away, “I guess you and I are more alike than I realized.”
Clint didn’t respond and a comfortable silence fell over the room. The door to the elevator slid open and Tony walked through it. Steve slid away from Clint and the latter threw his legs up on the couch. Tony being Tony began to talk incessantly and neither man dared casting a glance at each other. After a short time, Clint stood, “I’m going to go train. See you later.”
Steve watched as Clint walked away.
Come on, Rogers. You can do this. Just ask him. The worst that could happen is that he says no.
Two days had passed since he’d had the conversation with Clint about their respective pasts and Steve couldn’t get Clint’s words out of his head. Steve looked at Clint as he lay by the pool on the recreation level. Taking a breath, he stepped forward toward the archer who had his eyes closed while reclining on a lounge chair.
“I can hear you breathing hard, Cap.”
A sheepish smile crossed the taller blonde’s face, “I forget you have good hearing not just good eyesight.”
Clint opened his eyes, “Wanna talk about what’s on your mind?”
Steve shrugged then rubbed the back of his neck, “I was wondering if you would like to get dinner with me?”
A smile crossed Clint’s lips, “Yeah, sure. I would like that. When?”
“How about tonight? Maybe we could go for a pizza?”
Clint nodded, “That sounds good. Maybe we could go to that place on Broadway and West 40th street? It’s called Joe’s Pizza.”
Steve smiled back at Clint, “How about six o’clock?”
“Sure,” Clint gave a toothy grin, “Maybe we could walk Central Park after?”
Steve’s breath hitched, “That sounds good.”
Clint stood up, “I have to go get ready. I’ll see you at five thirty.”
Steve Rogers sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. None of the shirts were right. Steve sighed again, “Jarvis?”
“Yes, Captain,” came the disembodied voice of Stark’s AI, “what may I help you with?”
Swallowing, Steve replied, “What is common to wear to a first date at a pizza place?”
Jarvis didn’t miss a beat, “Typically, one would wear a nice polo shirt usually a dark color, and either khaki pant or blue jeans.”
The superhero sighed, “I don’t have a solid polo. Is there something else I should wear?”
Above him, the AI responded, “It’s also advisable to wear a solid button down shirt with crisp blue jeans or black jeans.”
“That’s what I’ll do,” Steve replied, “thank you.”
Jarvis responded, “You’re welcome, Captain.”
The elevator door opened and Clint stepped into the common room. He sighed as he looked down at himself. Clint hoped this outfit was okay. As he entered, Steve looked up from the paper he was reading. An audible gasp escaped Steve’s lips, “Clint you look-”
“Too much?”
Steve shook his head, “You look amazing.”
Clint was dressed in a charcoal tee with a tan leather jacket and dark wash blue jeans.
The archer looked his team leader up and down, “You look great too. You ready to go?”
Steve nodded, “Yep.”
Getting back in the elevator, the pair rode it all the way down to the bottom floor. Steve and Clint walked out of the tower together. As they walked, Clint bit his lip, “So, Steve, what do you like to do for fun?”
Steve rubbed the back of his neck, “I like to draw. I also like boxing. What about you?”
“I’m a simple man. I like horseback riding, baseball and archery.”
A small hmm slipped from Steve’s lips, “Do you read?”
Clint shook his head, “Not a big reader. I dropped out of school in sixth grade.”
Steve stopped mid step, “Wait, what?”
The shorter blonde shrugged, “I quit when I was in sixth grade and ended up in the circus with my brother. After I left the circus, I joined the Army as a ranger then jumped into SHIELD.”
Tilting his head, Steve asked, “You have a brother?”
“Yeah but I haven’t seen him in twenty years.”
Steve paused in the street, “How long were you in the Army?”
Clint turned and looked at him, “Sixteen years before SHIELD plucked me out of it. I have a particular set of skills and SHIELD wanted to use them.”
Steve started to walk beside Clint again, “Ever had any tours?”
“Yeah, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Got my leg shot up in Kabul and got discharged from the army with a Purple heart. Once I came back, I worked as a gun for hire for a while then I landed on SHIELD’s radar. Fury sent Phil to hire me…”
Tears pricked Clint’s eyes, “Sorry. We’re here.”
Steve looked up to see the sign for Joe’s Pizza above them and pulled the door open. Clint entered first then Steve. They sat down at a table and a server came over, “Welcome to Joe’s. What can I get you tonight?"
Clint looked up, “Let me order, Steve. We’ll get a supreme pizza with black olives and meatballs. And two sodas.”
The waitress nodded and walked away. Before she could make it to the register to put the order in, the room erupted into chaos. Three men burst into the restaurant with guns leveled at everyone inside. Steve threw the table forward while Clint grabbed a knife and flipped it toward the gunman in front. It hit his carotid artery and he hit the floor with a scream. The remaining two men opened fire and people dropped to the floor and crawled toward the back. Steve used the table as a shield and shoved it into the second gunman.
As the third gunman turned his weapon at Steve but was brought down by Clint who dropped him with a kick to the legs. The man turned on Clint with a knife. Clint dodged twice then palmed the guy in the throat. He stumbled back and crashed into a nearby chair. Taking the opportunity, Clint pounced onto the guy and threw some punches against the guy’s face.
Meanwhile, Steve was going hand to hand against his opponent. Without warning, the door opened and another man stepped inside. He threw something inside before Steve could realize it. The supersoldier’s eyes widened when he realized what it was. He yelled over his shoulder, “Clint!”
Clint turned and saw it. A bomb. As if in unison, the two men jumped up, sailed over the bar and prayed that it would protect them.
Steve and Clint sat with their backs against the bar staring at each other and the mess in front of them. Coughing, Clint broke the silence, “So… dinner tomorrow?”
Steve let out a laugh, “Yeah, dinner sounds great.”
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fairy25 · 1 year
here’s my impression of men flirting: hey what are you up to? I saw your profile and thought wow this chick looks like such a bitch haha. I also see you like hotdogs, I’m always telling my buddy jackson who I passionately kiss on the mouth that every female who likes hotdogs is a 6 at best. you’re probably like a 4.5 haha you remind me of my favorite porn star if she wasn’t hot. I have 5 pit bulls all named andrew and I shoot cats for fun. you’re very ugly. you should come over later. you can park on the street and walk it’s only like 15 miles. and I don’t give women head because I’m not fucking gay so don’t ask but I’ll explain crypto to you if you hold up a picture of my buddy jackson while we have sex. I only do anal and I prefer if you’re crying the whole time. did I mention that you are extremely ugly? hahaha. anyways here’s my snap
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BSD, but it’s NTP’s Scooby Doo Parody Musical
watch this for context: https://youtu.be/bJP-JB5szH0
Dazai: The Armed Detective Agency! Mystery solvers, crime fighters, the HOTTEST people you’ve ever seen and kunikida!
Dazai and chuuya: *see each other*
Chuuya: dazai…
Dazai: chuuya…
Ranpo: ranpo!!
Junichiro: ZOINKS!!
Kenji: JEEPERS!!
Atsushi: JINKIES!!!
Kunikida: *clears throat * sorry
Dazai: * in response to kunikida* that was a new one 
Mushitaro: yes though, DO be careful…
Mushitaro: *evil laugh intensifies* mwah hahaha!! MWAH HA HA-
mushitaro: we installed that for dramatic effect  during our shows, now how did you all like it?
Mushitaro: oh they left
*mystery plot twists in Bsd be like*
Client: then he could really be anywhere! The basement has a tunnel system connected throughout the entire town!!
Kunikida: really? And you didn’t think to just, tell anyone that earlier?
Client: I didn’t think it was that important…
Kunikida: IN WHAT WORLD?!
Dazai: * is in jail*
Dazai: *sings an impossibly high note*
Dazai: woah man! I didn’t know I could do that!
Fyodor: yeah, well I do teach voice lessons in my spare time so-
Dazai: dude no way!
Fyodor: if you need any help just reach out
Dazai: yeah man for sure! For sure!
Dazai: so am I supposed to just like, stay here? Or…
Fyodor: oh! Right! Sorry sorry
Dazai: *sees a beautiful woman to commit double suicide with*
Dazai: *touches up hair and clothing*
Dazai: *dramatically poses*
Woman: *does not notice*
Dazai: *dramatically sighs for attention*
Woman: *doesn’t notice*
Dazai: * dramatically sighs even more dramatically*
Woman: *does not give two []s*
Dazai: *somersaults next to her*
Dazai: *to the waitress* were perfect together! You’re hot! I’m soooooooo hot! And I know everyone says that the bandages make me gay, but they’re really popular in Europe, besides it was only one time, he barely put it in it does not count!!  (*cough* cHuUyA * cough* )
Lucy: I’m done! Ok? Im done! Im sick of you, and Fitzgerald, and everyone else just acting like all I do is stand here and look pretty! That is what I do 70% of the time but the other 30% I am a well working member of the guild!!
Kunikida: wait a second, did you and chuuya like…
Dazai: yUp
Kunikida: I had no idea…
dazai: well it’s called the Mystery Machine for a reason
Kunidia: wow- wait a second IN MY CAR?!
Dazai: oh, yeah. Wooooops
*higuchi and chuuya are talking about chuuyas latest diary entry after dazai left the mafia*
Higuchi: you sure it wasn’t about anything else?
Chuuya: like what?
Higuchi: you know chuuya, it would be completely ok-
Chuuya: IM NOT GAY
Dazai: ever since the gang split up, I’ve had nothing! 
Dazai: Except for my modeling career, the book deal, a job, the car, riches, fame, fortune.
Dazai: but literally nothing!!!
Literally anyone: maybe you’re right-
Ranpo: Mhm, I know I am
Dazai: we’re gonna need a grappling hook!
Yosano: oh! I have that in my purse!
Dazai: a crowbar-
Yosano: I also have that in my purse!!
Dazai: a- a large net?
Yosano: I’d have to grab my second purse from the car, but it’s in there!!
Chuuya: *loses his temper in front of his team*
Chuuya: sorry guys, im dealing with a lot right now, it’s um- 
Chuuya: *checks self help book*
Chuuya: internalized rage cause by my attraction
Chuuya: *checks book*
Chuuya: towards
Chuuya: *checks again*
Chuuya: men
*Bsd mystery’s also be like*
ADA: *reveals perpetrator*
ADA: the [person working with them to solve the ctime]
ADA: *gasps*
Dazai: *sarcastic* man, I did NOT see that one COMING
*mysteries in Bsd be like, (part 3!!)
Perpetrator: and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling SUNAVA []S!!!!
Chuuya: *is being forced to retreat. Dazai’s dragging him away* you haven’t seen the best of CHUUYA NAKAHARA! LET ME AT EM!! LET ME AT EM
Might do a part 2, idk. But I do want to do this with more musicals! Should I do a part 2 with this one again?
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comorbididy · 1 year
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Oh! Hi! Welcome to my iiiiiintroooooo! :-)
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Art by helicopterrrfunny!!
1. Name : Baldi B. Baldimore!
2. Age : 32
3. Pronouns : He/him, however I don’t mind they/them! :-)
4. Orientation : I’m a gay man!
5. Gender : Male!
6. Species : No idea, hahaha!
7. Alter type : fictive from an altered version of BBiEaL!
8. Role : Parental figure; a mix between a prosecutor, a protector & a caretaker!
9. Fun fact : I’ve been in this collective for 5 years now! I’m now the 2nd most active non dormant & non new alter! WOW! :-D
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911-on-abc · 1 year
I don’t use my full name in this app cuz I’m a somewhat known content creator in my country sjdjdjdjdjkdkdkss I don’t need nosy people reading & criticizing my gay porn
hahaha that's such a good secret! wow. I'm kind of stunned. we have a celebrity in our midst lmao
I don't think anyone uses their full name on this app unless they are like, Neil Gaiman, although maybe your first name is really unique?? but I totally get what you mean about nosy people finding ur account... like I'm even hesitant to share the city I'm from cause what if? you know?
thanks for the ask anon!!!
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sadieshavingsex · 2 years
Hey, this is the main blog of my side blog @tinytboy.
I just wanted to say I'm very glad that there are blogs like yours out there where people are working through religious trauma.
It might bring you joy to know that I was the kid at church camp who talked loudly about being gay and having sex. I was presenting female at the time and at one point I was in the girls dorm and I told a group of them that I masturbate. All of them initially were like "oh my gosh! Ew! That's sinful and gross!"
But then as I was telling then that I wasn't ashamed of it, two of those girls told me that the masturbated too. They thanked me for saying something because both of them kept it really secret and felt like it was bad.
The rest of the girls I was talking to left that conversation with a very different viewpoint than the one they went in with.
What I'm trying to say is, I wish you'd had an experience like that. But most of all I wish the church didn't exist.
wow wow wow!!! Go you!!! I can’t imagine this happening at my church😂
I feel like it wasn’t as fundie as a lot of other places, but man oh man did it have that awful vibe to it where everyone just kept their real lives from each other. For all the friends I made at church and all the help I was offered, I sometimes feel looking back that I didn’t really know most of those people who I would talk with, and they didn’t really know me, because there wasn’t much of a willingness or ability to have conversations like this, which honestly could’ve been my fault as much as theirs bc I felt so shameful about struggles with sex, relationships, masturbating, etc!!
I’m sure that you helped so many kids that day! In my experience that’s all I ever really wanted was to be told I wasn’t alone and people would still like me for me after finding out my ~terrible secrets~ hahaha
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listen to honeybee by the head and the heart. it’s been a favorite of mine for a few months and it’s been stuck in my head all day. it reminds me of you, can you guess why? i have a good friend in scotland, we’ve been internet friends for nearly 10 years. i call her scot. while you listen to my song, i’m gonna go tell my friend about you. kinda gay, huh?
Oh lord have mercy, you’re quite sweet. Low key is but that’s okay, I like fruity things. (Wow that was dumb Rebs hahaha). I shall listen to it now
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
did you know noah was gay before he came out? what do you think of all the bylers who were fully convinced he was a straight frat bro and an ally™️ playing a gay character? i’m not sure what I thought back in the early days, but by the time S4 rolled around, I thought it was pretty obvious that he was queer. Especially when he was gushing about byler so vocally!
not that straight actors can’t also be proud allies, but it seemed… a bit more than that lmao. but it seems like so many people fell for his “I have a crush on zendaya” thing. many even thought he was secretly in love with millie and sad she was friendzoning him. and I remember back in like 2020, he used to have so many thirstyyyy female fans, much like a boy band or justin bieber. it was a wild time.
people try to switch up now, and they’re like, “I always knew.” But I’m like… did you? 🤔
cause I remember it all too well 🎵
Like I've said, I was a casual fan and didn't do fandom stuff very much at all for Stranger things before s4. Maybe the occasional interview clip that got reposted. I looked at Finn's stuff more since I had a brief stint in the IT fandom after ch2, but that wasn't like. A huge focus of mine. I only really got into deep dive looking into the cast after Noah came out. Because that was so amazing and I was so excited for the kid!! The bravery as such a young public figure in a major television show with a huge following. I remember scrolling tumblr and seeing someone reposted the iconic tiktok and just smacking my bf, saying 'oh wow Will from stranger things is gay!!?" And he was like, 'we... know this.' Hahaha. And then since there was a lack of anything in between filming and I was full on obsessed with the show at that point, I was looking at stuff about the cast as much as the characters and plot. Absorbing info and lore, etc.
So, I'm afraid I'm not too fun to be someone to dive into if I clocked anything. I clocked stuff with the literal character of Will Byers, but that was how the character was portrayed/written.
Looking back and seeing videos and interviews of him, it's like. Oh yeah, I can totally see it, how did so many miss it - but then, is that retroactive? Since after the fact, I did see reference and jokes that he seemed like a frat guy. But I also know/knew gay frat guys who you'd never clock, since it's not a one personality fits all world. So, it still fits. He may be out but he still had those college party boy/fratty vibes. I don't know!!! Hard to say overall what I really think since you get so biased being entrenched in the fandom for so long.
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imzadi-deanna · 6 months
“You’re a lesbian??” “Wow I wouldn’t have thought you were gay” “but you dated a man” “oh I didn’t think you were a lesbian you have kids!” “Werent you full on engaged to a man” “why would you date a guy if you’re a lesbian” I was literally going through psychosis when we started dating. That’s a fact. I was on antipsychotics and had a team helping me not kill myself when we started dating. I had no support system outside of that. I had moved states for uni and I couldn’t leave my room for class and talking to people was impossible. I had to get a job and I worked overnights. So I was always tired. And he was friendly. Persistently friendly and brought me into his house and his family was so nice and warm. Until they weren’t. Until it was too late and I was stuck with rent an abusive partner and a baby while still working overnights. I literally had to be rescued from it by my family who wanted better for their grand babies. Because I was stuck trying to make it work and being told it was my fault And it being the secret unsaid thing that I should have just successfully killed myself the several times I had previously tried before the first baby.
But I can’t say all that. I can’t say all that to my coworkers. Who I keep getting outted to. Because it’s not ME making the comments. But hahaha it sure is fine and funny. Haha yeah yeah totally fine. Love being outed at work. Love being told I look straight. I’m going to shave my hair off AND THEN WE’LL SEE WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH
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aajjks · 8 months
screambaby!kook your problem? hm what problem is that kook.. *she says as she nuzzles closer to his stomach. her head is ruth on top of his crotch while her cheek is pressed against his lower abdomen, looking up at him.* ah this conversation is going to kill the mood but remember ara? they girl i was kinda friends with? eh well i went to,a party with her and somehow i got so drunk i barley remember anything other than she helped me into her room, in her bed. i woke up in her bed but with a guy i didn’t even know. i was completely naked with a blanket wrapped around me, he was fully dressed but i still went and had a test done on me. i wasn’t assaulted or anything. he turned out to be gay actually and was really sweet about everything. but he said he had gotten wasted and she put him in bed with me. i just hate her for it. anything could have happened to me yet she didn’t care. hm.. that might be true.. if he’s already given me so many signs. he kills every man who hurts me within 24 hours. it’s like he attacks once he knows i’m home. safe and sound.. should i give him a sign? gosh, how the hell do i give a guy i don’t know a sign.. but if he knows me well enough to know who to kill he should know me so well that he knows what i want him to do to me with that knife.. i’m so sleepy.. your hands are a gift.
“Hahaha yn don’t play so innocent now you know what you’re doing.. also, what do you want him to do those knives? Well, he has one knife but.. what do you want him to do to you with it? I’m your friend you can tell me anything you know and WHAT THE FUCK. SHE DID SUCH A DISGUSTING THING AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME. WOW I AM FUMING RIGHT NOW. YN PLEASE YOU SHOULD’VE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS. I COULD’VE DONE SOMETHING BEFORE. ahh well go to sleep I’ll leave after you’re asleep and I’ll take your math paper with me… good night.”
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