#heal from heartbreak
ranjith11 · 8 months
How To Get Over A Breakup & Move On Part 2 | Moving on after a breakup | how to deal with breakup
If you're struggling to move on from a breakup, this video is for you! In this empowering video, we delve into effective strategies for dealing with a breakup and embarking on a journey of healing. From inspirational breakup quotes to soothing therapeutic music, we've curated a comprehensive guide to help you find the strength to pick yourself up and start anew. Don't let heartbreak define your story - watch now and take the first step towards a brighter future.
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dailydiarynquotes · 5 months
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evankinard · 1 year
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I keep seeing people say buck has never gotten a breakdown moment and every time I have to reply well what's all this then
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thevirgodoll · 16 days
when you decide to love yourself more, you pick up the pieces you thought they left and just move tf on with your life. you take those pieces and do some heart surgery. this may be the first person, the tenth person, or the fiftieth that has hurt you and shattered you. but it's far more worth it to reconstruct your heart to be whole again than to let someone who didn't even have half of a heart when they met you steal yours and walk around with it as their own.
it's dramatic, but you have to decide that your life is literally on the line. people lose their minds trying to figure out why someone lied to them and why they're gone. heartbreak (from an ex, a friend, a family member, etc) can literally kill you. the light in your eyes is now a poor excuse for a fire that can barely spark. your appetite doesn't even exist and left a pit in your stomach. your soul is tied to all of the limiting beliefs they brought with them and now, in your unwillingness to see them for who they are, YOU have adopted their same cadence, mindset, and loathing.
i think subconsciously we sit in pity just to feel closer to the person that we couldn't quite "fix" or the person we always say "if they could've just...if i could've gotten them to see XYZ about themselves" or "what if". IF THIS OR THAT.
you can recognize you're in the trenches with them because you really loved them, but you cannot STAY there. this isn't you. in your reality, you are LOVED. you are WHOLE. you are WORTHY.
i don't even think it's the fact other people don't see it. i think they do, and because they see it that means they'll have to live with just as much integrity as you do. they'll have to step outside of their comfort zone and finally measure up to this new person they have around them. and they can't...so they sabotage. but that's the thing. THEY made that decision. so stop suffering on their behalf and let them lay in the bed they made.
and i know you're like, easier said than done??? trust me. one day, you wake up and it doesn't hurt at all. one day, you stop waiting for them to come back. it's like a switch. what am i waiting on someone else for? why would i want someone to decide that they love me? pfft.. literally with those questions, i regain my common sense and detach. it's over, it's done. it's like they never existed.
give them a mental funeral with their flowers for what they DID do that you were able to appreciate - if anything - and look back on the entire thing as an experience you needed to push you in a different direction. stop wishing things were different and start creating a better story. literally, just tell yourself this isn't real and that they passed away.
genuinely believe that sometimes we need somebody to fumble as a wake-up call. take that time out, recoup, and write a new story where none of this shit ever happened. and never let anyone have the option to shift YOUR world like that ever again. i mean it.
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prosebyday · 8 months
I’m a better lover to myself than you ever were to me I make the best coffee for myself in the morning I keep myself warm at night, snuggled up in blankets I worked on the lawn and garden today I cook myself meals from homegrown veggies I’ve spent all week since I sent you away cleaning the house and it’s so much easier just doing everything I asked of you by myself, then waiting for someday when you might do it,  because someday never comes.  I do everything you did for me without the resentment you showed me because I love myself enough, I see my worth, I don’t resent me like you do and I still have so much time on my hands to be a person,  instead of taking on the burden of your emotional needs.  I can’t be a therapist, a mother, a provider each day to my partner.  I can do so much more for myself with that time and energy.  I love you and I deserve so much more.
August 19, 2023 // Grazia Curcuru
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baby-xemnas · 1 month
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autodiscipline · 1 year
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nowritingonthewall · 1 year
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I’m just begging you: Don’t make us go there again.
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felineandhustle · 18 days
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corazon-sanador · 8 days
She was my first true love and always shall be just that, but she is not the one for me. How fascinating that both statements, while appearing seemingly contradictory of each other, can in fact, both be true.
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Wake up with faith. No matter where you stand, regardless of how difficult it is to believe at the moment, the truth is that this too shall pass. If you make the choice to stand firm on your will to remain curious about your tomorrows, know that you are heading for something beyond your expectations. I, myself, am not the best when it comes to mastering the art of life, but I am definitely a master at turning my imperfections into art. I know most of you aren't at your best now, but let's wait, and be patient. Together, let's make this a journey worth fighting our inner barriers for.
-Sabina Yesmin
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sakura-hayashii · 4 months
12.21.23 - 6:42 pm
im sorry. you deserve the whole world and more, so im sorry i cant give that to you. i have my moms eyes, and her habit of giving out bittersweet love; something that heals you only to destroy you in the end. i have my dads nose and his habit of absence; never there in person but always there in your mind taking up space. and my stubbornness that you always tell me will be the death of me, i get from both parents. so im sorry that my stubborn mind refuses to accept your love. and im sorry that my distance doesnt make your heart grow fonder and that it only makes it grow colder. im sorry. im sorry. im sorry for the 16 missed calls i never picked up. and for the 8 voicemails i never listened to. im sorry… i swear to god im sorry. so please remember one thing… i would have loved you if i could. i was never sure of my belief in god. maybe its because the day that my heart went numb was also the day he stopped answering my prayers. but something about you makes me want to believe. so i pray… i pray every day that you get all the goodness in the world that you deserve. and for you, i hope that god will listen to me… even if its the last time he ever does.
- S.H. // things ive never said #1 (via 2amthoughts)
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dailydiarynquotes · 5 months
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lettersfrom-s · 1 year
Looking back now, it’s hard to believe there was a time I truly thought I’d never get over you.
— Letters from S
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I love how your Bruce is traditional but it is also like a mix of different types of traditional. Like he comes across as both "Rich white old money type" traditional AND "member of a marginalized minority group who take great pride in their identity to cope with years of ostracization and going "the world wanted me dead for my culture and religion so i might as well die loud and proud instead of conforming to their unachievable ideals" " traditional
Thank you for this ask, I really love it! I have a shitton to say on this topic, including a lot of worldbuilding decisions on Gotham cultures, immigrant spaces, segregation, how it ended up like 1920s-1930s NYC/Chicago mixed with my own city, Jason "Foil" Todd's Inferiority Complex, but that would make this depressingly long. Long time readers would know that I have, like, really complex and discrete religion headcanons for everybody I write. It's important.
Any decent Batman Story (TM) is about Gotham. It has to be a huge presence. It's like writing Dick Tracy without Chicago, or Cheers without Boston. When he's written well, Batman is a reflection of Gotham, and they metaphorically represent each other.
Most Batman writers get this, so there's always a lot of historical worldbuilding and everything. But I'm a community health person, and I grew up in the inner area of my own very large city, and creating a Gotham that feels real and rich is more complicated than the Court of Owls stuff. For me, cities are the intersection of culture, community, history, oppression/SES/war etc, and the modern day to day lives of people. When I want to make a rich city that was relevant and important to the story, I wanted to focus on immigrants and cultural minorities. You know - the people who create the cities lol. I decided on a history that involved the idea that Jewish families were the oldest in Gotham, and that they were one of the people to help create it and influence its culture.
I read a Daniel Handler quote just now that said "there is something naturally Jewish about unending misery". What is more Batman, Bruce, and Gotham than that, lol. The Jewish diaspora experience - the traditional history just as you outlined it in your ask - is baked into Gotham, it's the foundation. Gotham is a city of unending misery, but it's a city that stands tall. It takes a thousand hits and always gets back up again. People within it experience unending poverty and suffering, but they stand together. Just fucking refuse to die, as a whole. What's more Jewish than that! What is more Batman than that! Gotham should always be allegorical for Batman and Bruce, and through Gotham existing in that traditional Jewish experience, I think that's where you got the impression of Bruce as very traditional too.
Tim and the Drakes are the modern reflection of this. I was extremely explicit that Tim is alone in the world because of the Holocaust. I talk a lot in the story about how war and violence destroy children's lives, and that stretches back to the 1940s. About how war and violence creates violent children, which is what Tim became. His acting out was from the trauma of seeing his family slaughtered in front of him, and like a lot of people he used his religion to justify it.
There's a reason why the very first moment when Tim and Bruce actually connect as a family is when they find kinship and understanding through their shared backgrounds and values. They both saw their families slaughtered, they're both alone in the world - but they found each other, and they'll keep living.
OK BELIEVE IT OR NOT THAT'S THE SHORT VERSION. Seriously, though, I'm not. Uh. Actually fucking Jewish. This is like the fourth time I've talked out of my ass about this. I'm actually really interested in reading about the actual Jewish themes in Batman, because from what little I know they HAVE to be there. Any smart people out there who know about it, or who can link something written about it?
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ruminate88 · 13 days
“He was the death of the old me. He put the knife into my old broken heart to finish it off but I only grew a new one after him.”
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