#heterosexual and cisgender
zero1qn2 · 2 years
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you can now rest at the stillwater
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amisscreant · 1 year
With @staff 's recent post saying 1/4 of this site is LGBTQ going around, I'd like to see what the actual demographic is
Please reblog for bigger sample size!
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minecraft · 1 year
Did y'all know that Elon Musk's Twitter recently added LGBTQ terms (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Transgender, Queer) to it's "offensive words" list - meaning that links to tweets with words containing them aren't previewed in twitter DMs and are generally de-boosted (shown to less people) by the website? Did you also know there exists a character called the zero-width non joiner that you can copy and paste in-between letters of any keyword so that the keyword visually looks the same but isn't automatically seen by the algorithm as containing a keyword?
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warper-in-training · 2 months
Shout out to men who play Obey me!
Shout out to trans men who play Obey me!
Shout out to mascs who play Obey me!
Shout out to cisgender men who play Obey me!
Shout out to intersex men who play Obey me!
Shout out to men who play Obey me and selfship with the male characters!!
Shout out to men who play Obey me and selfship with the female characters!!
Shout out to men who play Obey me who don't ship with anyone at all!!
Shout out to all of us. we've seen some shit.
Terfs/radfems/"mEn DnI" gtfo.
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david-goldrock · 7 months
Since this is tumblr, I just wanna check
Please reblog to enlarge the sample size
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coldflash-corner · 4 months
There's something about both Barry Allen and Leonard Snart that gives me the vibe of "I never intended to be in the closet. I didn't even think I was being subtle. But somehow everyone here is completely convinced I DON'T like men"
That's it. That's the vibe.
Barry especially.
He's fully assumed everyone already knows he's queer and likes men because of His Everything, and hasn't considered anyone might Not know out of his friend group
Learning that they dont was... a surprise
Snart on the other hand, figured out this was happening quite quickly. Not exactly WHY it was happening, but definitely aware that is Was. So takes advantage of this by being fairly obviously into men but never actually addressing it, and letting the closet get built around him. Much safer for him to exist in his line of work if everyone already believes about him what they want to believe
Very much a "I didn't Try to make this happen but damn if I won't take advantage of it"
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otaku553 · 1 year
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Recent thoughts on my social relationships
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thatheathen · 1 year
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i love you alterouses who are still in the egg. i love you alterous teens just figuring out yourself. i love you adults who are starting the process or have been in the process for years. i love you people who are confused as to what this feeling is and are trying to figure it out. i love people who have an alterous crush or squish or equivalent preferred descriptor and are falling for someone. I love you people who are so happy they aren’t dealing with alterous feelings rn bc they are happy where they are. I love you people with alterous feelings who can never tell the person /people you feel it for. I love you people who are figuring out how to tell the person/people they feel alterous care for. I love you people who are in a happily committed alterous relationship. I love you alterous monogamous people. i love you alterous polyamorous people. I love you aro alterous people. I love you allo alterous people. I love you relationship anarchy alterous people. I love you trans alterous people. I love you cis alterous people. i love you het alterous people. I love you the relationship between alterous feelings and adding that as the subtext to your sexuality (i.e. bialterous, homoalterous, etc). I love you allos happily breaking the cycle and destroying amatonormativity in their lives. I love you people of color who are coming to terms with how their culture was influenced or impacted by amatonormativity and patriarchy and trying to deconstruct their old thought processes. I love you people who have always known something was wrong but now you have the language. I love you people who are deconstructing what they’ve been taught a relationship is “supposed” to be. I love you allos who happily come and enjoy an aro spectrum term. I love you aro’s digging deep in our community finding new terms to understand their feelings by. I love you people who are in love, and I love you people who are so grateful for their life with their alterous partner. I love you people who relate alterous more towards platonic feelings. I love you people who have alterous sexual feelings. I love you people who relate alterous more towards romantic feelings. I love you people who don’t relate their alterous feelings to any platonic or romantic feeling. I love you people who experience this in a flux or fluid state. I love people who experience it in a specific grey area. I love you people who experience alterous attraction, who have had the confusion haunt and hurt other relationships before they found alterous, who have found so much honest joy in realizing these are their feelings. I love you the ups. I love you the downs. I love you the joys. I love you the happiness. I love you the sadness. I love you the loss. I love you for giving me something special. Something that’s sometimes temporary but beautiful. Sometimes dangerous but giving me the opportunity to stand up for myself and express myself. I love you feeling like icarus far too close to the sun. And the blush that comes when you don’t die immediately. First you hold the suns hand. I love the wide vast beautiful experiences so many people have, and all the kind souls that come together here during these trying times.
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bizarreaizen · 4 months
"at least allocishet people don't make their sexuality/gender their entire personality" they do though.. what about the gender norms? the gender expectations for cis men and cis women like for example, the fact that men are expected to pay for dates or women are expected to be housewives? the mountain amount of gendered products they are like the pink razors for women or the "make up for men"? or the whole thing about alpha males and some cis women making their bad experiences being a woman a way to shame trans women? the people still pushing out traditional and ignorant beliefs about men and women? or the parents treating their sons and daughters differently just because of their assigned gender at birth like the dads saying "lock up your daughters" and the boymoms having an emotional incest bond and obsessive nature to their sons? /srs
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dhddmods · 2 months
Queer cishets/allocishets exist.
Been seeing a lot of queer people be exclusionary lately towards cishet queers, not just here on Tumblr, but on other spaces (like Reddit) and we are getting tired of it.
Cishet isn't the opposite of queer. Neither is allocishet. The opposite of queer is conformant.
Being cisgender, allosexual, alloromantic, and heterosexual does not negate other queer identities/experiences that may be in place. Here are some examples of cishet/allocishet queers:
A person that is cishet asexual/greysexual/ace-spec.
A person that is cishet aromantic/greyromantic/aro-spec.
A person that is allocishet and on the auto spectrum.
A person is allocishet and intersex (PLEASE reblog the linked guide, by the way, it is SO IMPORTANT to share information about intersex health and bodies.)
A person that is allocishet and altersex.
A person that is allocishet and non-binary. Being cisgender & transgender are not mutually exclusive. If a person was unassigned at birth/UAB or assigned X at birth/AXAB, and later discover they are non-binary, they might consider themselves cisgender non-binary.
A person that is allocishet and gender non-conforming or pronoun non-conforming.
An allocishet person in a queer relationship with a person on the non-binary spectrum.
A person can be allocishet and in an alterous relationship, queerplatonic relationship, or wavership.
A allocishet person that personally feels as though their ambiamory/polyamory is queer.
A person that is allocishet cupiohex (meaning they engage in a sexual or romantic manner with the same/similar genders, despite experiencing no gay attraction.)
An allocishet sysmate within a queer shared-body (ie; a transgender body, an altersex body, an intersex body, etc).
When a person says "allocishets/cishets aren't welcome at pride", they end up excluding a large portion of our community. They often give off the same vibes as people who exclude queer people that are in straight-passing relationships (such as a bisexual in a "hetero" relationship, a woman dating a non-binary person that appears very masculinely, etc.)
Many people are well-meaning when they say these things, unaware of the implications and harm it can have on other queer people. But many people genuinely are exclusionists, and stand by it, despite all the examples we listed. And you never know which one you are going to get if you engage with someone who heavily monitors what people are/aren't welcome at pride.
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(679) vriska is bigender, pansexual, and polyamorous (she/they). vriska is currently dating john, who is cishet.
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prophecyofgray · 1 year
club penguin was a transgender website for transgender people & every motherfucker in that game had something lgbt going on. dot she/he/they bisexual. aunt arctic she/he lesbian. PH she/they lesbian trans woman. gary the gadget guy he/him gay trans man. rookie he/they gnc af gay transmasc. jpg he/him gay trans man. idk what the fuck cadence has going on and i don’t think they would want me to figure it out but either way i respect it. klutzy any pronouns bisexual. Any questions
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aviidormech · 5 months
minor unprompted autistic tangent. i think confined relationship types are silly. platonic, romantic, and sexual feelings are organized by the ones feeling them, and not some arbitrary set of rules.
if 2 goobers exist platonically, but also fuck sometimes, cool.
if a few people regardless of orientation wanna make out sloppy style, good for them.
as long as relevant parties are consenting, and comfortable it shouldn't matter what they do with eachother as long as they agree what that means.
sexual, romantic, and gender identity exist in flux and attempting to add rules to any of them defeats the entire point of being queer to begin with.
this has been autistic ramblings with headass machine, have a pleasant [time of day]
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star-dust-shark · 1 year
School pride project!!!
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My vice principal at school asked me to make a pride mural!!! Hopefully they’re up by the end of this week :)
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beiraswrath · 11 months
i hope this doesn't come out wrong but realizing that queerness isn't a club really helped radicalize me against exclusionary ideology. being queer isn't a ticket into discourse or political opinion. to me queerness is devotion to radical self-determination. it's saying fuck you to the idea that repressing human expression is pivotal to maintaining societal harmony. specifically from my background of usamerican, it's saying fuck you to the protestant ideology of your wants and needs being subordinate to the standards of god.
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