drawbauchery · 1 year
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Gotta love two and a half men 🫶 top three fav poly ships for danganronpa
!!! THE COLORS!!!! THE SLIPPERS (ʘ//ᗩ//ʘ)
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antigonenikk · 1 month
batman perhaps the most prodigious child abuser to ever live. no wife. no biological children of his own whose lives he could destroy (at first) so he got smart. hustled. took to the streets picking up and adopting orphans and then ruining each of their lives systematically. until ofc he got sick of them and threw them out for the next best model. he was flawless in his execution of it too. these kids still want daddys attention til this very day. even after he rocks their shit or kicks them out for the millionth time. these mfs are willing to KILL each other for a chance at being daddys favorite candy baby for a week. batman truly is a sick mf i understand why joker thinks they have a connection.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Actor Au!
Where Batman and Co. are the most popular TV series and they’re currently filming Jason’s death.
Only Bruce goes so deep into acting he breaks down for real upon the part where he arrives at the warehouse and digs through the rubble for his child.
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"back off" with Jaason?
TW: patronizing man
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Scary dog privileges. That’s what Artemis called it once when she saw him in action.
Even if you were simply stopping by the corner store for some more bananas and yogurt, he was there. Anytime the sun set on Gotham and the criminals began to crawl out of the shadows, you couldn’t go anywhere without your guard dog.
At first it rubbed you the wrong way. Did he not trust you?
But then you learned quickly that it wasn’t you he didn’t trust. It was the leering monsters of Gotham who preyed on young women like you. You found solace in his presence, even if he insisted on following you the ten feet it took you from your work to your front door.
But this was the first time that Jason Todd had to go into scary dog mode during the day.
He had left the table the two of you were occupying so he could go help a woman outside who appeared to be struggling to juggle her grocery bags and her cane. You loved your kindhearted man and savored the sight of the way the corner of his eyes crinkled with his laughter. He took her bags in one of his big, strong hands and offered her his arm which she gladly took. Jason glanced at you through the window and jerked his head towards the left before holding up four fingers. 
He wouldn’t be gone long so you could hold down the fort for a bit.
The humid Gotham air caused condensation to gather on the surface of your travel mug and you absentmindedly drew your finger through the droplets as you thumbed through some paperwork that Bruce asked you to take a look at. For Wayne Enterprises, that is. Not the night job.
The Bowery wasn’t just Jason’s territory. You pulled the marionette strings for the daytime practices. As he cleaned up the mob, you focused on filling in the power vacuums left behind by various murders and arrests. Job training programs, continuing education, supporting schools, that was your thing. So when Bruce approached Jason about building a new library in the Bowery, your boyfriend directed his father to you.
You were so engrossed in the details of the building plan that you didn’t look up when the chair across from you pulled away. You assumed it was Jason, of course.
“Did you know your dad wants the entire first floor to be for children and teens while also supplying a social worker program on the second floor for the unhoused?” you mused. When your question went unanswered, you raised your head to find a man who was decidedly not your boyfriend leering at you.
“Can I help you?” you sighed.
“Hi. I’m Mark. I was working over in the corner and noticed that you were really focused. Can I ask what you’re working on?”
“No, but you can fuck off,” you said as politely as your sharp words would allow. “If you saw me sitting here, then you saw my boyfriend seated here too.”
He raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, I was just looking to make polite conversation but you’re over here jumping to conclusions. Can’t a guy just come say hello?”
You clasped your hands in front of you on the table and leaned forward. “Alright, Mark. What were your intentions when you came over here? Especially since you waited until my boyfriend was gone. That doesn’t seem to be polite conversation but predatory behavior.”
You flashed him a fake smile and batted your lashes. His lips screwed up tightly and he scoffed. “All of you females are the same. I mean, you really thought that I would want to hit on you? How arrogant can you be? Here’s a tip: learn to respect men an-”
He was cut off by a hand curling around the collar of his shirt. Jason yanked Mark up and out of the chair and pulled him in close, his lips peeling back in a sneer.
“Here’s a tip: you see any girl, but especially my girl, and you learn to back off before I break your arm off and shove it down your fucking throat,” Jason growled. You blinked up at the two men and then grinned, leaning your head on your hand and watching as your guard dog went into attack mode.
“Hey man, I was just trying to be friendly,” Mark gasped out. There was no way he could take on the over six foot tall tank that was Jason Todd. Your boyfriend’s jaw clenched and a vein throbbed under his skin, which you really shouldn’t find so hot. 
“Yeah? I wasn’t. You should be glad I’m feeling charitable today. Now, you’re gonna pack your shit up and get out of my fucking sight.”
He let go of the weasel and stepped back so his thigh brushed against your shoulder. Jason crossed his arms over his chest, accentuating his already massive form with the bulge of his biceps. Mark raised his hands as he scooched around the mountainous man and darted back to his table.
“Sorry, Mallory,” Jason called to the owner of your favorite cafe. She merely waved him off and shot you a wink. You leaned your head against Jason and raised your hand to settle on his waist but he didn’t relax until Mark was out of the store, the bell ringing behind him as the door slammed shut on his ass.
“He didn’t touch you, right?” Jason asked. His voice still held that sharp edge to it but it softened when he turned to face you. One of his hands came up to cup your cheek and you smiled at his touch.
“No, baby. I wouldn’t let him touch me even if he tried.”
“Good.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before he rounded the table and settled back in his seat. One of his hands remained clasped over yours as he gazed at you from across the table.
“Guess what your dad wants to do on the first floor?” you asked as you waved the building plans in front of his face.
“Tell me,” he hummed. Jason Todd might be your guard dog, but you never saw his fangs directed at you. Despite his size and stature, he was just a little puppy when it came to you.
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rhysuje · 2 months
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Frame redraw! Salim saving Jason from the spear.
(only one of many times these two save each other)
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bruciemilf · 2 months
The most embarrassing moment of Jason’s life is calling Bruce to bail him out for underage drinking
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frownyalfred · 5 months
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*checks notes* fellas is it weak to be forcibly brought back to life, tortured, brainwashed, and then have a rough time figuring that all out?
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daisy-mooon · 1 year
"Show Annabeth looks like Hazel :/" Not to be a hater but are you fucking blind.
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lavndvrr · 6 months
i was just telling my bestie about how much I hate calypso and now she’s trying to guess who I ship Leo with by listing off every female character in the books
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Nico: why is Leo clinging to you like that?
Jason: a few hours ago he heard me singing "Nobody Loves Me" and thought I genuinely felt unloved and had a mental breakdown so I offered him comfort and he's been here ever since.
Nico: oh, honey.
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iamweak · 1 year
bruce is the type of person to not really use pet names for his partners but save them and exclusively only use them for his kids
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drawbauchery · 9 months
I want to take your kiyo by my teeth and thrash around like a gator I love him so much
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hthgsdkgskd holy shit. thank you for giving me faith in my version of kiyo
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trashmakerarticle · 10 months
Bruce being absolutely horrible in the kitchen will always be a fav, but listen aight
Would Alfred really let this boy live with teaching him how to cook? I know Alfie drilled it into his brain on how to cook with perfection, but Bruce just chooses to make bum ass food for a reason only god knows, most weirdest combinations that got so weird to the point Alfred banned him from ever stepping foot in the kitchen ever again
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ghost-bxrd · 8 days
“It ain’t a pony ride out there, boss,” he says, tone neutral, but Jason can hear the undercurrent of bitterness in it, “Ain’t nobody lookin’ to hire one like me ‘cept crooks. Penguin had decent enough pay and didn’t have us doin’ gutter work, ‘s more than I’d coulda asked.”
Jason hums, coming to a slow stop in front of the man to stare him down through the expressionless lenses of his helmet. Behind him, loading a truck advertising “Daisy’s Floral Florist” full of drugs hidden in boxes packed with plastic bouquets, his goons pretend like they’re not listening with rapt attention to the exchange taking place.
Jason nods, tilts his head, nods again, and then jams the barrel of a gun into the soft underside Dave’s jaw, “I don’t believe you.”
Dave, to his credit, doesn’t flinch. Doesn’t even blink. Just keeps staring straight ahead, stance open, like they hadn’t first met each other when Jason was drenched in blood and chucked his predecessor’s head at him with a dry “Congrats on your promotion.” Like the Red Hood isn’t the definition of violence waiting to happen.
It fucking pisses him off.
Jason snorts and holsters the gun in one smooth motion, stepping back.
“But you’re in luck. I need a second pair of hands to run things for the next job when I’m-“ picking my kid up from school and make sure he hasn’t burned the whole thing down in the meantime, “…unavailable.”
— The Antithesis of Magic, Chpt 6 sneak peek
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I have no idea if the bingo card is finished yet or not (last i checked there were a few left!!)
but "What did you just say?" with Jason <3 idk it sounds...angst in a way and while I value my heart i do like a good "gasp??" read.
mwah mwah mwah <3
I said I was going to take a break tonight. I wrote this in an hour. I am a liar to myself.
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He flinched when the hand landed on his shoulder. Jason Todd, the scourge of the underworld and solid wall of muscle, flinched at the touch of his partner. He shrugged you off and moved to the other side of the room so he could start stripping off his weapons and placing them in their respective cases. He’d be damned if he left a knife or gun somewhere you couldn’t see and you accidentally injured yourself.
Fuck. He was just a walking red flag for you. His very presence was a danger to your life. How many times had someone come close to you because you were Jason Todd’s partner? He could only dread the amount of people that would follow if they knew he was the Red Hood.
“What’s going on, Jase?” you asked quietly. You didn’t try to come any closer and instead you sat down on the end of the bed and watched as he went through the post-patrol motions.
“Nothing.” His voice was gruff and low as usual, but you could sense something under the veneer of ice and metal that coated that one single word. Your eyes narrowed and you repeated yourself, slower and with more intention.
“What is going on in that pretty head of yours, Jay?”
“I said nothing so stop fucking pushing,” he snapped. He slammed the lid of his gun safe a little harder than normal and he winced. He was glad his back was turned to you because he didn’t want to see the look on your face. Hell, he didn’t want you to see the look on his face. He was doing this to protect you. To keep you out of this life and away from the blood that he could never clean out from under his nails.
The word was crisp and it cut through the silence that enveloped the apartment. Jason’s hands hovered over his thigh holsters and then his shoulders tightened. He turned around to face you, all six feet and three inches of pure muscle looming over you like a warning. His lips curled up into a sneer before he spat out his next sentence.
“What did you just say?” Venom laced his mouth and spat out into every word, coating his tongue with hatred and rage. For a brief, vicious moment, he relished in the way your nose twitched and your brows sank for just a moment, but then the venom turned to the burning acid of bile in his throat at the realization that he was hurting you from his words. He didn’t even need to use his fists.
You composed yourself and he blanched for a moment when he saw the way your hands curled up into the sleeves of his hoodie that hung off of your body. You looked so small in that moment even though he knew your personality could capture an entire room.
“I said no. I said no because you don’t get to tell me to not push. Because I know what you’re doing.”
That little hitch in your voice was nearly enough to bring him to his knees but he just glanced away and crossed his arms over his chest, as if they would defend his heart from you. As if you didn’t already hold his heart in the gentle cup of your hands.
“And if this is how you want it to go, Jason Peter Todd, then so be. So fucking be it.” Rage sparked in your eyes and he flinched just barely under the shaking tone of your voice that reeked of barely suppressed anger. “But I’m not going to sit here and let you self-destruct our life because you think that by pushing me away that you’re doing me a favor. You can take that notion right out of your head because I’m not leaving even when you’re being the biggest dick alive.”
You stood up now and your pointer finger jabbed into his chest. He could barely feel it through his body armor, but the pressure grounded him. Tears shone in your eyes and his face fell. God, you were always so good at reading him. He should have known you would catch on within seconds.
“My love has made me selfish. I cannot exist without you,” you whispered. Your jabbing finger turned into a delicate, open palm pressed against his covered heart. He dropped his head onto your shoulder and let out a long, shuddering breath.
“I am forgetful of everything but seeing you again,” he announced to his traitorous mind. He sank to his knees and pressed his forehead against your stomach. You cradled him to you, your fingers running through his sweat-soaked hair.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“I know. I know you are. I know you’ll do this again.” He had these moments after particularly violent nights. All brute strength and barbed words in the hopes that you would leave him because he knew that he was strong enough to go head to head with metahumans, but he would never be strong enough to walk out on you.
“You should leave me,” he voiced his thoughts.
“Shhh.” Your nails scratched across his scalp and he pressed himself closer to you. What a sight he made. A man kneeling in penance at the altar of his deity. He could offer nothing but his broken vessel, but you always accepted it and filled it with love, even when it leaked out and spilled onto the floor.
His fingers clutched at your hips and you laid a gentle hand on the back of his neck, your skin soft against his armor. He should pull away. He shouldn’t let his gear touch you. Taint you.
“Stop thinking,” you ordered. “Whatever you’re thinking, just let it pass. Focus on me.”
This would happen again. Not tomorrow. Tomorrow he would wake up before you and make your favorite breakfast, not as an apology but as a thanks. He would lay on the couch with his head in your lap as you read aloud whatever you were currently reading. He would kiss you with the sweetness you deserve and love you with the heart he should have.
But when he came home with that look in his eyes in a month or maybe even in a year, and he got ready to push you away, you would simply sit on the edge of the bed and bring a grown man to his knees.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
There are so many better superhero medias you could make crossover genres with DC with.Spiderverse.Big Hero 6.Henry Danger.The Powerpuff Girls.But no no,let's insert an incelcore dude from a generically conservative 2000s show out of spite instead of love for minorities and reduce an underaged wasian girl to a bicycle for men while claiming to love her more than her canon writers who're somehow LESS racist.Man even Bnha is better than this shit,at least poc exist and the women have actual personalities
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