#i did kinda ghost her. like i missed a session with her right before i got hospitalized
out-of-control · 2 years
words: 1179
warnings: drug ment/overdose ment (past)
summary: Jim misses playing shows.
Jax and Jim started going to shows together again a few months into sobriety– harrowingly, at first, but as long as they have each other there to keep them in line, everything goes alright. Or, if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to be alright, they can call it an early night and go get some cheesecake instead.
Playing shows, however; that’s a whole different animal. Jim can’t roll with the crowd he used to anymore. He learned that the hard way. He hasn’t seen any of his old “show buds” for a year now. Somewhere, deep inside himself, he wonders if he’s meant for it anymore. After all, he’s got a job, he’s got a roof over his head, he’s got a stable relationship, and never before in his life could he have said any of those. But, as dedicated he is to staying sober, he can’t kid himself and say it hasn’t felt like losing a limb. Maybe two. He misses the stage a lot. A lot a lot. Jax told him to play just for him, audience of one, but Jim thought that was stupid, told him to get his guitar and play with him instead. It’s been helping, for sure, their two-man band sessions, but it goes without saying that it’s just not the same.
Tonight at the Pross, the lineup– so he’s told, consists of all straight edge bands, and it is packed. Jax has his work cut out for him, as Jim gets to sit back and watch the sea of people ebb and flow from behind the counter. He’s heard of a few of the bands before, vaguely, but they sound… good. Really good. Way better than he was expecting, for how little he’s heard of them. Jim feels his chest ache.
It’s a slow night for the bar; obviously, but pretty hilariously. Jim and Anna crack jokes at each other about putting the self-serve water station away just to give them something to do. Jim always kinda made fun of the edge guys, but he supposes he qualifies as one now. He agonizes a little over whether or not he should introduce himself to the bands, feeling weird about it, out of his element. He hasn't done that in a long time, and he isn’t really Mr. Hot Shot Bassist anymore.
The house lights go on, the crowd files out, and Jim tidies up behind the counter for closing as the bands load out their gear. “Jim?” a voice comes, a little ways away, and Jim turns to look, combing his pink hair back with his fingers. He meets a pair of eyes, and suddenly he finds his heart lodged in his throat, as the studded vest-clad woman straightens and moves closer. “What the fuck, really?”
Jim feels weirdly defensive, hackles raised. “What?” he blurts out.
She pauses. “It’s Pennie, remember?”
“I know,” Jim says cautiously, suddenly realizing he sounds like an asshole. 
“Just-” She looks him up and down, like she’s looking at a ghost. He’s probably barely recognizable anymore. The scars are kind of a dead giveaway, though. “I heard you were dead, dude. You looked like fucking shit the last time I saw you, and then you just disappeared. And now you’re just here, like a year and a half later?”
Jim blinks. Right. “Oh.”
An awkward silence hangs between them. “It uh… it scared me sober, Jim,” Pennie says then, eyebrows knitting together. “Or at least helped get me to that point. You were kind of a big deal around here, you know. Everyone knew you. But,” She gestures vaguely at him, and smiles a little. “Word of mouth’s a bitch, I guess. Kinda worked in my favor, though.”
“What?” Jim blurts, again, and huffs out a nervous laugh, brain on the verge of overloading. One of his old drug buddies is here. And she’s sober. Because of Jim. Who is also sober. People knew about him. People still think he’s dead. People cared about him being apparently dead. People cared about him. 
“I mean, you could play in any fucking band on the spot, and you did, and you were good at it.” She wrinkles her nose. “Were. I mean, I’m sure you still are.” she laughs. “Sorry.”
“Fucking Christ,” Jim grits out, something in her laugh making him aware about the full-body tension he’s holding, and he shakes his head. “Sorry, this is just, a lot to take in?”
“Oh, sure, this is a lot for you,” Pennie teases, reaching over the counter and nudging his shoulder, giving him a sunny grin. “What the fuck, man. You’re alive! You have a job! Have you just been hiding out here this whole time?” her expression shifts to something more pensive. “You didn’t quit playing bass, did you?”
“Well,” he says weakly, glancing down at a container of lime wedges for a second, clears his throat. Where to fucking start. “I’ve been… I guess, yeah. I started here at the beginning of February. Got a boyfriend. Got a job.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, tries to be casual about taking a quick breath. Christ, this is weird to talk about, here, now. “I did overdose, that was– that did happen. Had a reckoning or whatever, got clean. Took a couple tries, but. Here I am.” he smiles a little, awkwardly. “I haven’t been gigging, though, no. I still play, just– try to keep myself sane.”
“Look at you,” Pennie leans on the bar, propping her chin on her hand, looking weirdly proud over a guy she barely knows anymore. He supposes she gets what a big deal it is, though. “Glad you’re still around. It’s good to see you.”  
“Thanks,” Jim says quietly, relaxing his shoulders. “It’s… good to see you too.” He means it, which is crazy, because he never thought of an instance where he wouldn't be filled with dread over running into one of his old acquaintances again. Though, people can change, for the better, clearly. He and Jax are proof of that.
“Do you want to play shows again?” she circles back to. “‘Cause– shit, you are one talented motherfucker, you know that?”
“I don’t know,” Jim says, wincing a little. “The scene was… hard on me. I had to get away from it all, y’know?”
She tilts her head. “Well, that’s ‘cause you were in the wrong scene, bud.” Jim raises an eyebrow at her, and she points her thumb over her shoulder, back at the empty venue. Jim switches to furrowing his brow. He misses playing shows. He really does. But... he remembers how it went the last time.
“How about this,” Pennie says, watching his face journey. “Give me your number, and I’ll let you know when I have gigs coming up. Come on out– if you want– I’ll introduce you to some friends, you can feel it out, okay?”
Jim stands there hesitating, wearing a pained expression, rubbing the inside of his wrist. Inhale. “Sure. Okay.” he says, and she fishes her phone out of her pocket.
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emailed the therapist who i used to see in 2020-summer of 2021 to ask about maybe working together again and i have been obsessively checking my email for the past two days... please get back to me even if it's to say no i can't take the suspense
#i did kinda ghost her. like i missed a session with her right before i got hospitalized#and then just never responded when she tried to contact me#so i would get if she's like. this girl is flaky i can't do this again#or if she's just not accepting new patients#but she's lowkey one of the best therapists i've ever had i just... was not open to therapy and was not making progress with her#and i was just very very bitter at that time in my life#which i still kinda am.#but she was kinda woo woo which at the time i didn't always love#but it was also refreshing. and the therapist i just ended with was super by-the-book#'ERP is the only real treatment that works and you haven't gotten better because you've never really tried ERP'#and eventually i just got so sick of that. i was like i do not feel capable of doing ERP with ED stuff and he was like well too bad. can't#help you then#but tbh i need more support right now. i have my dietician who's great and my doctor who i can't get in to see#i just need more help it's going so bad#but i cannot do the whole thing of meeting a new therapist trying to trust them again. trusting mh professionals is uh. i can't do it.#and she already knows i'm gay which is important bc it's like. it's a problem for me. and i can't come out to anyone again right now#and we're really trying to avoid going back to monte nido bc if i have to do virtual PHP/IOP i will kill myself#and if i have to go back to res.... i like to think i'm not at that point yet but i may be and it will be a WHOLE thing#and i actually have a jewish life now and it's a huge motivation for me to recover but if i have to be IP/res then#i won't be able to do that.#plus they make you eat all kinds of weird things. you only get three exceptions how am i supposed to work with only 3 exceptions#i would end up having to eat oranges#and bananas#sigh#is it obvious that i'm kinda spinning out a little.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
tell me again | e. kirishima 
➳ tags ;; fem!reader, disgustingly tooth rotting fluff, super cliche confession scene, kinda fuckboy kiri
➳ wc ;; 1.4k
➳ a/n ;; sometimes you just gotta write some corny fucking romance tropes man. 
➳ plot ;; after kirishima ghosted you post your confession, you don’t really plan on seeing him again. naturally when he shows up to your dorm during finals week - you’re not exactly sure what to do. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
A knock on the door of your shared dorm room startles you out of a late night study session. At this time of night and during finals week - you don’t find yourself to be all that excited for whoever's at the other side. Your R.A., Iida is known for being a stickler and whatever news he brings won’t be good. 
You look over your shoulder at Mina, who instead of studying, has been playing 2048 on her laptop for the last hour. She looks back at you with an exasperated sigh leaving her lips, promptly pushing her laptop to the side. 
“Why is it always me who answers the door?” she groans. 
“Because you chose to study business,” you reply without missing a beat. She flips her middle finger off at you without a second thought but your nose is too deeply buried into your materials for you to care. 
The knocking gets more frantic as the seconds pass. 
“Coming!” she shouts it, irritation already filling her at whoever would be on the otherside. She swings it open, irritated beyond belief. In the midst of her preparing to cuss out whoever was on the other side at this hour, only a quarter of her sentence makes it out of her mouth. 
“Who the hell is -,” she stumbles, pauses. The words don’t even halfway make it out of her mouth before she blinks twice before stumbling back “Kirishima?” 
At this, your head snaps up to look behind you. You know you’re not visible from the door way, your desk opposite of view but you look anyway. You can’t see him but you can hear his voice. 
“Mina, hey - uh, is Y/N here? It’s uhm.. shit, I need to,” 
Mina crosses her arms above her chest, blocking Kirishima when he tries to look over her shoulder. You’re frozen in place and you think anyone in your position would be. 
Your.. relationship with Kirishima is complicated at best. You’d know him since you were freshman and after this semester, you’d managed to work out the courage to confess your feelings to him. You were certain he felt them back for you, ignoring his somewhat notorious reputation in hopes he was being genuine. He seemed awfully genuine to you. 
As it would be, you were met with rejection. It hurt but you weren’t worried about it either way. What you wanted was to remain friends, because Kirishima is awfully important to you. A confession shouldn’tve had made so much of a difference. You wished that’d been the case, anyway. 
But he.. left you like that. Left your friendship at the weird wits end where even when you saw each other on campus or elsewhere - there was no greeting. No hello or how are you. Uncomfortably, you faded into being strangers and you haven’t spoken to him in months.
“She’s not here,” 
Kirishima’s face twists up at the words. He looks over, just peers and shakes his head. 
“I can see the little colored lights that she keeps on to focus are on. I know she’s here. Please just let me talk to her,”
Mina turns her head slightly to make eye-contact with you. You shake your head softly, uninterested in what he has to say. Your heart feels too heavy. You know it’s kind of stupid but the wound feels fresh. Never-ending in how it aches. 
Mina doesn’t budge. 
“She doesn’t want to talk to you. Fuck off back to your dorm and leave us alone,” 
Mina pushes in on the door but he sighs, sticking his hand in even when she pushes in on it. He curses under his breath at the weight of it on his hand. Mina’s eyes go wide. 
“What the fuck are you -” 
“I know you can hear so I’ll just say it, shit” ― he curses under his breath but you catch ― “Even if Mina crushes my hand, please don’t though. You both know I don’t have health insurance,” 
You crack a warbly smile at the comment and Mina lets up but doesn’t open the door up. She keeps her hand steady on his, letting him writhe in mild pain. 
“I love you,” 
You freeze and so does Mina. Kirishima rests his forehead on the door with a soft sigh. Your heart skips a beat or two. You can’t keep track. 
“I know I fucked this up like.. really bad. When you told me you had feelings for me, at first it was.. I don’t know. It was like I couldn’t believe you,” 
You bite back tears as you listen to him. He can hear people in the rest of the dorm start to peek out but he doesn’t seem to stop.
“Shit, it was you. Not be corny but fuck like.. how the hell could I ever believed you liked me? Of all people, you chose me with a shitty fuckboy reputation and stupid haircut,” he laughs a little at this and so do you. 
“Kirishima..”  Mina mumbles
“It was too much. Like you’re so.. so much. But not in a bad way. Like the idea of being with you was just so damn overwhelming. And Bakugou told me not to be an idiot and ghost you but I was just so.. so scared,” 
You can hear the way his voice shakes. 
“I’ve never been with anyone seriously before and I’m kind of an idiot and I didn’t wanna fuck it all up. Like what if you realize half-way that it’s not me you want? What if.. what if we started dating and you realized that it was some kind of mistake?” 
He smiles a little. The sound of your voice is soft like he remembers. He thinks it might be worth Mina breaking his hand if he gets to see you. 
“It was easier to break it off before it got serious, that’s what I thought. But then we didn’t talk for a few months and I was goin fuckin’ crazy thinking about you,” ― he laughs at the memory, drunk and dizzy from it ― “You don’t think you can miss one person so much. That just one person could mean so much to you.. like you’re incomplete without them there,’ 
You sniffle, wiping tears you hadn’t realized had fallen from your cheeks. 
“I think I’m in too deep. It was already too serious. I already.. loved you. I thought it’d be better if I just fucking.. ran here and told you,”  ― Mina opens the door up and steps to one side as you stumble towards it, tear eyed and in loose pajamas. Not confession ready in the least  ― “I thought maybe I’d get lucky and I’d have a chance of you at least.. forgiving me. Maybe if I was really lucky, you’d still like me too,” 
He shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at you, mouth curved into a half smile. So sincere, like always. You wonder to yourself if there would ever be a way to love him less. 
“So uhm.. I’m sorry. And I love you.. and it’d be sick if you like.. loved me back but it’s not necessary. I’ll do whatever you want just.. I dunno. Be in my life again, maybe?”
You run into his arms but he catches you. You’re a half conscious mess, sniffling into him as you punch his shoulder. He chuckles but hugs you back, wincing as you hit him. 
“Of course I love you, you stupid asshole,”  ― you whine, hugging him even tighter  ― “Your timing is shit, y’know that? Stupid -” 
He pulls back and leans into you. Lets his mouth bump into yours clumsily until you melt into a placating kiss. It’s all too much Kirishima - a gentle swipe of tongue and sharp teeth. Sweet but not enough. When he pulls away, he kisses the corners of your mouth. He’s too good at that, you think. 
“I know, but.. that’s why you like me right?” 
You roll your eyes, opting to keep clinging to him instead of replying. From behind you, Mina sighs. 
“I’m glad you stopped being a jackass but how the hell did you make it up here without Iida noticing,” 
From outside, there’s two loud but distinct voices. It’s Kaminari, screaming and Iida screaming back. When Mina walks over to peer outside, she catches an eyeful of a very naked and very drunk blonde. She cackles. 
“Uh.. I’ll just say I owe Kami a ton of money right mow,” 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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l4verq · 3 years
crossed out | b.b
bucky barnes x reader
in which you’re one of the names on bucky’s list
warnings : angst, fluff?, mentions of choking
fic : one shot
a/n : u know i’m a sucker for therapy bucky lol
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He should have skipped today’s session.
Cause he’s starting to regret coming when she brings it up.
“You gonna tell me about her?” Cecelia questions, casually flicking through a thick folder labelled James B.B.
But it was never casual.
Bucky knew she was observing his every move, his every tick. And he’d been pretty good at faking through every session until now.
“I thought you were helping me make amends.” He forges an unamused smile, which was second nature now.
“Yes and that’s why I asked you about her.” She looks up from the folder, the smallest smile tugging at her lips.
“It says here that you guys were complicated.” She continues, eyes skimming over a particular page.
Complicated was the last thing he’d use to describe it.
Cause it was the one thing that gave him some clarity, hope that he could be deserving of love again someday.
“We used to date. We broke up.” He gruffs, crossing his arms.
Maybe he should fake a mechanical failure in his arm, reschedule for another time.
“Do you still love her?”
He doesn’t answer but it’s written all over his face and Cecelia can read him like a book.
She turns over his list that she’d assigned him to make, eyes trailing down names until it reaches a hastily crossed out name at the end.
“Why don’t we pick this up next week? I hope you’ll be more comfortable to talk about it then.” She hands him back the small, black notebook.
He hesitantly takes it back, his feet already springing to get out of the room.
Was it just him or was the air running out in this tiny room.
“And, James?” She calls out.
He looks back, slightly winded.
“Remember, sometimes you need to just take a leap of faith, trust your heart.”
He nods solemnly, almost tripping over his legs trying to get to the door.
Hands fumbling over the handle, he’s greeted by a rush of cool air when he finally opens the goddamn door.
He stuffs the notebook in his pocket, taking big strides towards the exit.
It’s the same everyday.
Keep his head down, one sharp left, stop by the nearby cafe if he feels like it.
But today, he takes a right, taking out his flip phone he prefers to the touch screens these days.
Punching in the only number he knows, his stomach’s doing flips.
Don’t pick up, don’t pick up.
“So you do know how to call someone.” Sam picks up after a few rings.
He could almost hear the stupid smirk.
“How are you?” He cringes, the grip on his phone tightening.
It’s a small pause before Sam chuckles, “Y/N’s doing fine. In fact, she just got back from a mission in Prague yesterday.”
Of course, you’d still be going on missions, it was the only thing you knew.
“That’s not why I called.” He huffs, leaning against his car now.
It was an old, beat up Honda that he’d fixed up from the local junkyard.
“Really? Then enlighten me.”
It was Cecelia’s fault for bringing you up. If she hadn’t brought her up, he wouldn’t be here doing this.
“Where is she?” He closes his eyes, wanting the ground to just crack open and swallow him whole.
“Right where you left her.”
He mumbles a hasty goodbye cause he’s not sure he can trust himself to keep his composure any longer.
Getting into the car, he pulls out the notebook, going through the list.
He’d ticked off the list last month, even adding a few more names just to avoid the crossed out name at the end.
He jams the keys in, the car purring to life, before he can change his mind.
The door is taunting him.
He doesn’t know how but it is.
A quick exhale and he raises his hand to knock on it, half hoping you won’t open it.
But you do.
He always loved your eyes cause they held so much life to them.
Like for now, confusion morphing to recognition and rage in an instant.
You’re in bad shape, he can gather from the slight limp and bruises.
It feels like forever before you call his name in disbelief, what he’s longed to hear for so long.
He wishes you’d curse him out, hit him or tell him to go away cause that’s what he deserves.
But you don’t.
Instead, your pretty eyes brim with tears.
“Don’t.” He grits his teeth, unable to meet your eyes.
He always hated to see you cry.
“Then, why’d you leave?” Your voice breaks as months of bottled up heartache pour out.
He had to.
You were the only right thing he’d done in a long long time and he couldn’t mess it up.
“I needed to fix myself before I could trust myself around you.”
He grimaces as he remembers the life draining out of your face, while his hands were wrapped around your neck.
That very night he’d left, requested for therapy and could only hope it would work.
But it didn’t.
There was no fixing anything, he’d realised that waking up from nightmares far too many times.
“You could have picked up the phone.” Your voice barely above a whisper, stinging like a nasty burn.
He almost did, everytime.
But he hated himself too much to allow that.
“I’m sorry.” That’s all he can whisper, fighting the urge to take you in his arms.
“If you’d just let me in, realise that I do understand you.” You’re basically pleading at this point but you don’t care.
“I know you do. But you don’t have to. You deserve a better guy.” He says the same thing when he left like a broken radio.
“There is no better guy for me, Bucky. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?” You limp over closer to him.
You know he’s focused only on your limp, eyes filled with concern as they rake over your wounds.
“Does it hurt?”
The same thing he always used to ask after a mission while tending to your injuries.
“Yea, here.” You pat the left side of your chest, biting down a smile.
He has to fight back one too, but it’s kinda hard.
You meet his eyes, a little too long cause you’ve missed gazing into them every morning.
Maybe this is the leap of faith Cecelia keeps droning on about, he thinks as he leans in, “We should take a look at that, then.”
You sniffle, “I’m still mad at you.”
He laughs, which involuntarily makes you 2% less mad.
“I missed you.” He whispers, his lips inches away from yours.
You don’t have to say it back cause he knows.
He leans in closer, ghosting over your lips, waiting for your approval.
You close the distance, lips crashing into his almost in desperation.
Which you regret almost immediately cause you taste blood.
A split lip and kissing, not so pretty.
He pulls away and you mewl, pulling him back.
“You’re only making your lips worse.” He chuckles, hands slipping into yours.
Instead, he kisses your forehead, trailing all the way to your lips where he pecks them gently.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers again, head leaning on yours.
“I forgave you a long time ago. I was just waiting for you to come back.” You sob, tears springing out again.
He pulls you into his chest, steady hands you’ve craved for so long.
Gently rocking you back and forth, he strokes your hair, fleeting kisses to calm you down.
You’re struggling to keep your legs stable as your eyes grow heavy but you ignore the blatant aches in your body cause you don’t want to leave his embrace.
And he somehow always seems to notice.
“You need to rest.”
You shake your head, holding onto him even tighter.
He knows he won’t win against your stubborn ass so he lifts you up carefully, legs swinging over his arms while you snake your hands around his neck for support.
“Stay.” You mumble as he takes you in the room you two used to share.
And he does.
Boy, was Cecelia in for a ride next session.
a/n : im cringing as i post this🧎🏻‍♀️🔫🏃🏻‍♀️jsneyswjausowkaw but supeerr excited for tfatws this friday :)) also i named bucky’s therapist for convenience lol im pretty sure she’s not named in the first ep? i could be wrong tho
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
Family Matters - Batfamily x Reader
Summary: A surprise birthday party and Batfamily being chaotic.
“That's it Dick just a little to the right...No the other right...No! Not there you goofus! Just...Just get down from the chandelier before it comes crashing down on the rest of us and For God's Sake let Duke handle the ribbons before you somehow strangle yourself with them”
Warnings ⚠️: Fluff, lots of it, angst because I can’t help myself, Reader has got some parental issues. Hurt/Comfort.
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I wanted some good dad Bruce content so I did it myself. Also I might have been influenced by a post I made a while back about Bruce and his children. I haven't used reader's pronouns anywhere so it's kinda gender neutral.
I don’t know where I was going with this, my imagines are often like a train derailed from its track but I think it’s fine. So Enjoy ;)  
"Focus (Y/S/N), don't jump in in blind, assessing what action your opponent is about to undertake and countering it out before they can complete that action, this is the key lesson for you today", Batman's commanding voice echoed in the enclosed area of the batcave as he observed you attempting to roundhouse kick the boy in front of you. It was rather rashly executed with the hope of knocking him down which, for obvious reasons, only ended up with your leg connecting with nothing but thin air.
'Damn he is fast when he actually tries.'
"Easy for you to say Old Man! You aren't the one dancing with Mister Duckboy, the teen wonder over here!", you exclaimed, panting as your chest heaved from the exertion.
"Duckboy?!", Tim looked near scandalized as you grinned in return, stealing a glance towards the giggling crowd gathered near the stairs.
Everyone was already in the cave, it was a rare occurrence, it happened only when the issues of upmost importance were being discussed. Today was one of those days; The planning of Alfred Pennyworth's surprise birthday party.
However things usually went a lot less violent, this day every year. The sparring session this year was the result of you messing up, real bad while on patrol last night and since you were around the same age as Tim, he was found to be the most appropriate partner for it. The only drawback was that he had a staff in his hands while your weapons were confiscated, because in Bruce's words 'you rely on them too much'. You were already tired and Tim had a huge advantage over you, if you wanted to win this match you had to be quick and efficient at the same time.
Distracting Tim by your comment allowed you to have an opening, gathering all your strength you went in for a forward strike. Unfortunately he was more than ready to take you on, he crouched down, narrowly missing your punch then proceeded to swipe your legs off of the ground with his bo staff making you fall butt first on the floor.
"Congratulations you've managed to hurt both my ass and my ego, Timbers", You said laying back on the ground, hands and legs spread out and instead of helping you up, Tim joined you on the floor sitting next to you. You gave him a look that was equivalent to 'next time I get the chance, I am going to push you off a roof'.
"Your skills need improvement", Bruce said in his monotonous tone as you grunted knowing that a full ass lecture was gonna follow, but before he could get another word out, Jason chimed in with a statement no one ever expected to hear from him,"You know (Y/N), he's not wrong in fact I think the old man's actually got a point."
Jaws dropped to floor, Tim looked like he just saw a ghost, Dick who was standing near Barbara pinched himself to see whether he was dreaming or not, Damian snapped his neck up from where he was sharpening his katana, even Titus and Ace perked their heads up at the sudden silence that settled over the place. Barbara, Cass, Duke and Steph looked equally shocked.
"Before you all get any ideas, what I'm trying to say is you better pay attention because B over here won't be able to save your ass, 'cause if you slack off the next thing you know you would be in a warehouse with a maniac, getting blown to bits", Jason looked at Bruce with accusing eyes.
'And here I thought he was finally going to say something sensible', you thought to yourself as he continued,
"Take it from someone who has had that experience, you guys remember right? The fact that I--"
"Died, we know!!", everyone groaned at the same time and Bruce looked like he had to physically restrain himself from faceplaming.
"Okay! Guys how about we go ahead and do the thing we all actually came here to do instead of... whatever this conversation was", you suggested, getting up and patting the dust off your clothes.
"Well then someone has got to ask the important question here", Barbara looked around as she worded her sentence,"who is going to be the one to keep Alfred busy while we get everything ready?"
Once again the cave went silent. For a whole bunch of detectives, you all were very, very scared of Alfred, including Bruce even though he will never admit it, lying to The old-butler-cum-grandpa and making random excuses for the whole 3 hours was a thought dreadful enough to make all of you exchange petrified glances at each other hoping someone would step forward to do the job.
"I'll do it", dick raised his hand.
"NO!", everyone snapped and Dick's head tilted with a pout.
"You are good at doing a lot of stuff boy wonder, hiding things from Alfred isn't one of them", Barbara comforted Dick as Damian stepped up next.
"*tt* Since none of you imbeciles have the courage or the ability to do it. I shall be the one to handle Pennyworth. Gordon, Cain and Titus, I will require your assistance", Damian spoke or rather commanded as he went up the stairs, followed by the group he chose.
"Don't mess this up for us, you gremlin!"
"Tim!", you lightly jabbed him in the side with your elbow.
"Ow! What?"
"Be nice", you narrowed your eyes and he understood you were being serious.
"Fine I'll try, but don't blame me if he starts something", Tim shrugged carelessly. You shook your head and let out an audible sigh as you followed everyone else up towards the manor.
"That's it Dick just a little to the right...No the other right...No! Not there you goofus! Just...Just get down from the chandelier before it comes crashing down on the rest of us and For God's Sake let Duke handle the ribbons before you somehow strangle yourself with them", you eyed him worriedly.
"Oh come (Y/N) it'll be fine!", the cheerfulness in his voice made you cock an eyebrow at him from below. Duke slid in beside you.
"10 bucks says he will somehow fall within the next hour"
"Oh Duke you should know better, 20 says he'll fall within 30 minutes", you turned towards him with an evil smile.
"What are you both talking about down there?"
"NOTHING!", you both said in unison on which Dick gave you a confused look.
"Oh Hey look Steph needs my help with the cake so, see ya!", you quickly moved to the other side of the room checking in with Stephanie and Tim. She gave you a thumbs up to signal that everything was going according to plan and the place was almost ready. Everyone was laughing, bickering, having fun, it was all very rare and seeing it, a warm feeling spread throughout you.
You smiled to yourself for a moment but it faltered and a frown pulled up at your lips, a sorrowful thought crossed your mind, something you always kept buried deep down. Looking around and seeing as nobody needed your help at the moment you decided to slip out of the chaos, taking slow steps towards the patio to clear your head.
Leaning against the railing you thought back to how you left your house this morning telling your mother that you are going to stay at your friend's place for a while and how she just waved her hand at that, not even questioning you anymore. Your mind was completely elsewhere, despite the awe-inspiring dense forest right in front of you, your eyes were lost in space.
You registered, a bit too late, the presence of someone standing beside you.
"It is a nice view, but something tells me that's not what brought to out here, away from everyone else"
"Careful there Brucie or people might think that you are actually capable of some emotions which happen include caring for people", you retorted back at him. It was always a sort of defense mechanism for you, whenever you felt exposed you countered it with snarky remark.
You closed your eyes hoping that Bruce would just walk away. But he didn't. He stayed there.
Bruce leaned on the railing beside you and waited. You took a deep breath, contemplating you next move carefully.
"...Look It's really silly so can we drop it?", you whispered wondering why in the world would Bruce of all people, care about your feelings.
"Talk to me (Y/N). I can tell when something is bothering you, I may not be your father, but you are my family.", unlike usual, his voice was gentle and genuine when he spoke to you.
"I am really not a fan of surprise birthdays", you stated, starting off vaguely.
"And why is that?"
"Because I...It's silly but this one time I spent a whole week working on a birthday gift for my mom, it was like a craft pop up box which had multiple photos of us together, I made that from scratch! everything in it I made that, I worked hard for it, I did it out of love but when I gave her that surprise gift you know what she said Bruce! She said that I wasted my time that she would've been much happier if I had focused on my studies, she never even once said that she liked it and I--", you looked at him with tears brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill.
"I don't know Bruce, it-it just makes me feel sad you know? every little thing reminds me that my mother doesn’t seem to love me anymore. There is this constant thought in my mind that no one cares about me, about what I do for them and I don’t know what to do with a thought like that."
"That's not true, look around you kiddo, you are surrounded by people who would do anything for you, who love you from the bottom of their hearts", Bruce finally looked at you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"That's the thing! I am not an orphan!", you blurted out and Bruce looked more confused than ever.
"I'm aware"
"No! No you are not. I am not one of those kids you picked up from somewhere, I don't live here, Like I am sure you people aren't even sane, hell! you all make up the most dysfunctional family I have ever seen! I don’t belong here, you people have no reason to care about", Bruce gave you a sideways look, slightly chuckling at your sudden description of the people in the manor.
"But I still love everyone, my mom, you, every dumbass inside the manor right now, no matter much pain they cause me and I don't get why", this time when he looked at you, you didn't look like the vigilante who sucker punched The Riddler in the face last night, you looked like a scared little kid who is lost.
Bruce stood up straight and wrapped you in a hug. Something you never expected to happen in a million years. The shocked settled in after a bit and you wrapped your hands around him, burying your face in his chest.
"The people we love are still people at the end of the day. They act out, and sometimes they let us down, hurt us even, but that doesn't mean we stop loving them. For every bad memory, there will always be a good one that will get you through it. I promise you that (Y/N)", Bruce pulled away and gave you a warm smile. You couldn't help but smile back, your face matching his.
"Okay who are you and what have you done with Bruce Wayne? because I don't recognize this man who is full of emotions and on top of that, is giving free hugs right now", you broke into a grin, making Bruce's face go back to the stoic version.
"If you tell anyone, I will deny it"
"Sure you will"
Suddenly a clattering sound came from the hall, alerting you both. This, however, was followed by a 'I'm okay!' By the one Dick Grayson, which in turn was followed by Duke's 'Oh no!'
"Any idea what that was about?", Bruce inquired raising an eyebrow as you burst out laughing.
"That, you big softie, was the sound of me getting my 20 dollars, now let's get back before they destroy everything."
You and Bruce entered back into the hall, everyone was gathered around waiting for Damian and his group to signal the beloved butler's arrival. You stood next to Tim as Jason moved towards the switches to turn off the lights.
"Okay I'll bite why are you covered in frosting before the party even started?"
"Steph", Tim replied, too tired to elaborate, leaving you giggling.
Barbara, Cass and Damian rushed through the door, looking close to terrified, with Titus tagging along.
"He is here, HIDE!", Damian said quickly closing the doors.
After a few moments, the door creaked open and Alfred's voice came through, "Master Damian, you and I will have words for what you did to-- Oh my", he was stuck to his position at the door, too shocked to say anything more after looking at the decorations and bunch gathered around an enormous cake.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALFRED!!", you all exclaimed with extreme excitement.
As the party went on you noticed that there was, in fact, a broken chandelier broomed to the side, later on there were a few not-at-all-safe stunts performed by the boys, some really bad puns made by Dick, all sorts of shenanigans by the others and cake, lots of cake. You looked around, everyone was busy doing something but now you knew Bruce was right:
You have one hell of a family, original, found or otherwise. And you love them all no matter what.
Tags: @thesesickfics-justmakemesick
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
chasing a feeling - spencer reid
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Warnings: angsty, a lot of cursing, smut (nothing too explicit; just a pretty heated make-out session) Word Count: 4.3k Summary: You and the young doctor used to date. Now, years later, you were back in Spencer’s life - much to his dismay. A/N: it kinda takes a bit to get into so i’m thinking maybe of making a part two cause there was soo much more i wanted to write?? // PART TWO IS UP NOW, link at the bottom
“There has to be some mistake.” Spencer exclaimed, an irritated expression now outlined his facial features. “It’s not a mistake.” Emily stated calmly as she sat back down in her chair, eyeing the doctor in front of her with caution almost as if she was waiting for him to blow. But he didn't say anything. 
Instead, he was looking down at this hands. Rather at the brown folder she handed him just minutes ago. A folder containing information about the BAU’s new team member. Your information.
He reread your name over and over again. Praying this wasn't actually happening. Hoping this was a dream, a hallucination. 
“Spencer, the decision has been made. She starts today.” His eyes darted up instantly to meet Emily’s. His jaw locked. Yes, he was angry. Of course he was angry; as she suspected he would be once the news broke. And in his own mind, he had every right to be. 
“I hope you don’t think that because we know each other I’ll be the one showing her around.” He spat flinging the folder onto the desk in front of him. It landed with a soft thud. Emily sighed slightly taken aback by his attitude. She’s never seen him act this way. This wasn’t the Spencer Reid she’s worked with all these years. 
“I’ve already asked JJ to take Y/N under her wing.” Spencer flinched at the sound of your name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. No. He shook the thought away. To him, at this moment in time, you were anything but. Evil incarnate. Better. 
There was a brief moment of silence. 
“Spencer, if you want to talk-” “I’m fine.” He interrupted and hurried out of the room. Emily watched him cross the bullpen and disappear behind the glass door. She let out a deep breath while glancing at the clock on her wall. You should be arriving any minute now. 
The elevator door opened with a quiet ‘ding’. Taking a deep breath you stepped out where Emily was waiting with a smile on her face. She immediately reached out and shook your hand. “Hi again Y/N, welcome to the BAU.” You squeezed her hand gently - hoping she wouldn't sense your nervousness. “It’s definitely good to be here. Thank you for this opportunity.” 
Emily let your hand fall. Still smiling she said; “No need to thank me. Your professional reputation precedes you, I would be a fool not to hire you.” "Still, it’s an honour.” 
You followed her through the bullpen. She showed you your desk, pointed to where her office is: “I’ll have JJ give you a more detailed tour later on but right now we have a case.”. You nodded in understanding. “Yes, I packed a go-back when you rang me this morning. It’s in my car.” “Perfect.” 
Emily led you to a conference room where you were greeted by the rest of the team. There wasn’t time for deep introductions, just quick shakes off the hand in between a ‘nice to meet you’ or ‘good to have you on the team’.  Although one person was missing from the welcome wagon. And you weren't the only one to notice. 
“Where’s Reid?” Emily asked glancing around the table. She motioned for you to sit down in one of the empty chairs, which you did. “Spence said he’ll meet us on the jet.” It was the petite blonde who spoke, JJ. “Apparently he had something he needed to do before we left.” Emily nodded. She glanced at you with an apologetic look before turning her attention to the screen at the top of the room.
“Let’s get started.” 
As the team discussed details of the case, you stayed silent. You should be paying attention. Your first case with the BAU, your first day. Concentrate. Yet instead your gaze still wondered to the empty seat. 
You shouldn't be surprised that he didn't want to be here. A part of you was relieved, however, another part of you was quite hurt. You thought maybe after all these years he wouldn't have cared anymore. Clearly you were wrong. He’s not worth it. And he wasn't. So you shook the weird feeling away and turned your attention to the screen. 
Later on the jet, you didn't want to cause a scene once the young doctor finally showed himself therefore you settled into a seat as far away from the rest of the group as possible. You looked out the window, onto the grey tarmac and waited. What you were waiting for exactly you had no idea. If he didn't want to see you earlier, he definitely wouldn't want to see you now. Except now he had no choice.
“Hey, are you okay?” Your thoughts were interrupted and you looked up to find Luke smiling down at you. “First day jitters.” You lied smoothly. He grinned. “Definitely know how that feels. You’re doing great so far.” You smiled as he plopped herself down on the empty armchair in-front of you. 
There was a brief moment of silence in which you looked back outside. “So a little birdie told me you knew Reid before his time at the BAU. What was he like?” Luke inquired, making conversation. Your palms began to sweat. How would you even begin to tell him what Spencer was like? Did you even remember correctly? Or was the image you had imbedded in your brain a figment of your imagination; what you wanted to remember.
“Uhm. He was shy.” You smiled to yourself at the thought of the young doctor always tugging nervously at the hem of his shirt. “Well he’s definitely far from that now.” Luke chuckled and added: “Yeah he’s eh, he’s been through a lot in the last year alone. This job squeezes the shyness right out of you.” 
And like a ghost from your past he appeared. Almost as if he heard you talking about him. Spencer Reid. He looked different than you remembered. More grown up, older, tired. Handsome. You sat up straight in your seat; your eyes glued to the boy you were in love with all those years ago. The brown haired doctor stood at the top of the plane, a stern look on his face. He scanned the plane looking for a place to sit. That’s when his eyes landed on you. 
The air caught in your throat as your eyes locked. Should you wave? No. Smile? Definitely not. Your mind raced a million miles per second wondering what the appropriate thing to do would be while Spencer simply turned away; his attention no longer on you. 
“Do you want to go say hello?” Luke asked following your gaze. “Maybe later.” You replied, focused Spencer. From the corner of your eye you could see him nod. He wanted to say something else but he held himself back. “If you don’t mind I’m gonna catch up on some sleep.” He made himself comfortable and without waiting for you to respond dozed off.  
Spencer sensed you still looking at him. Why were you looking at him? He wanted nothing more than to scream, tell you to stop, but he was a professional. Spencer Reid was a professional and he wasn't going to let you ruin- ruin- ruin what exactly? He shook the thought away. You were bound to ruin something. 
He knew deep down he was being irrational. It has been years since the two of you last saw each other. A lot has happened since then, a lot has changed. Spencer wondered if you changed. He found himself secretly hoping you didn't; you were perfect. No, no. He gritted his teeth causing his jaw to clench. 
He glanced in the direction of your seat - why, he did not know. Curiosity maybe. Or did he just want to look at you again. But your seat was empty. 
Instead you were stood by the coffee machine, trying to figure out how the pesky thing worked. He couldn't help but snicker under his breath amused. If he was to state the obvious physically you hadn't aged a day. Your hair was different, longer and a slightly lighter colour. He wondered if it still smelled the same. Coconut. Damn it. How could you still have such an effect on him? 
In that moment he decided to bite the bullet. Better to get it over with and this was his chance. Suddenly feeling nervous Spencer took a step forward and began to approach you. 
“Hi there.” The words came out croaky. No response. You didn't even look up from the machine. Spencer cleared his throat. “You need to turn it off and back on. It’s pretty old so often it needs an additional nudge before it starts working.” 
He pressed the button restarting the coffeemaker. Spencer relaxed beside you; he was so close you could smell his cologne. It was intoxicating to say the least. The blood in your veins was pumping faster than it has been all day. 
And as if his sudden closeness wasn't bad enough, he reached over to grab the mug you were gripping tightly in your hands. His fingers brushed against yours in the process sending an immense tingle down your spine. He froze for a moment and you couldn't help but wonder if he felt it too. 
Eventually, you let out a breath you didn't even realise you were holding. “I thought maybe you would pretend I don't exist.” Spencer huffed at your comment rolling his eyes. The machine began to purr and a black liquid slowly poured into your cup. “I can't ignore you forever. We work together now.”
That last sentence came out harsh. You noticed immediately and your gaze darted up to meet his. The look in his eyes was one you haven't seen before. Dark, hateful even. “If you have something to say just say it. If not, leave me alone.” You hissed as you stared up at him. The coffee machine beeped. 
You began to reach for your beverage but Spencer grabbed you by the arm, intercepting, and pulled you in closer to him. His grip strong. A gasp escaped your lips at the sudden movement. 
“Let me go.” You hissed as you stared back up at him. His clutch on your arm tightened - it was starting to become uncomfortable but you weren't going to let him know that. You only hoped the rest of the team couldn't sense the rising tension and weren't paying attention to this cumbersome reunion. 
“Why are you here? Why are you back Y/N?” Spencer finally asked in an ominous tone. “I’m here to work.” You replied confidently. He scoffed pressing your arm harder into his chest. You could feel his anger spike. His body heat radiating against you due to the proximity of your stance. 
“What, Los Angeles wasn't big enough for your ego?” He jeered. “Gee Spencer, I didn't think you were keeping tabs on me. Careful or I might start to think you still care.” You sneered in a mocking tone. It was the wrong thing to say, you knew that. You knew it would only get him angrier. And he did. 
His blood boiled like lava. You could see the hatred smouldering across his facial features, eyes narrowed. He wanted to explode. If it wasn't for where the two of you currently stood he would allowed for the darkness to swallow him whole. You sensed it. He was aware you sensed it. Even after all this time no-one knew him better than you. Perhaps that’s why he was so bitter. 
“Quite frankly Y/N, I don't give a fuck about you.” He spat letting your arm fall. 
The words stung. Your face fell and for a split second his demeanour changed. A glimmer of sorrow in his eyes. His lips parted almost as if to say something - apologise maybe. But the moment passed quickly and within seconds he was cold again. “Enjoy your coffee.” He muttered before turning on his heel and walking away. 
A lone tear dripped slowly down your cheek. You brushed it away quickly before anyone noticed and grabbed your drink, sulking back in your seat. 
Remainder of the flight was uneventful. The team gathered together once again shortly before landing for a quick briefing. Together you went through any last minute developments in the case. This time you participated, not letting Spencer’s tense poise distract you. Once the meeting concluded Emily divided you into teams of two - thankfully she paired you with JJ meaning you got to avoid Spencer the rest of that afternoon.
You didn't see him again until much later that evening at the local station. He stood by the bulletin board, deep in thought working up the geographical profile. 
JJ asked if you wanted a coffee, you said yes. Spencer’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice but he didn't look away from the map. JJ turned to Spencer with the same question, he simply shook his head and she disappeared leaving you with the young doctor.
Neither of you said a word. He focused on his own work as you reached for the box of the first victims journals you gathered with JJ. Picking up the first one you began to read through it - pacing. Spencer watched you now. Just like he used to all those years ago. He always found it odd that you liked reading while walking around. A small smile circled his lips at the familiarity of it all, but as soon as you glanced up at him the smile faded. 
Soon enough JJ returned with the coffees. You thanked her as she sat down, grabbing a journal from the box. Her presence eased the rising tension you could slowly feel forming. 
“Does ‘blind pig’ mean something other than the animal?” JJ asked taking a sip of her hot beverage. “Yes-” You and Spencer replied simultaneously. You locked eyes for an awkward moment. Spencer cleared his throat, averting his ogling, as you turned to JJ. “A blind pig can also stand for a place where alcoholic drinks are served illegally.” 
“The first victim references that phrase in almost every entry.” JJ said, showing you one of the poorly scribbled annotations. “I’ll ask one of the officers if they know of any restaurants or bars that partake in such activities.” You said placing your coffee and the journal you were reading on the table. “Good luck. They weren't very forthcoming earlier according to Emily.” She smiled encouragingly before turning her attention back to the notebook in her hand. 
Spencer on the other hand found himself following you with his gaze. He watched as you approached one of the policemen. Your hips swaying elegantly from side to side. He watched how you flicked your hair over your shoulder almost in a flirtatious way, a warm full smile appearing on your face. He watched as you laughed at something the officer said, tilting your neck slightly backwards and placing your hand gently on his bicep.
An unfamiliar feeling stirred inside of him. Was it jealousy? No. Spencer Reid wasn't jealous because you were casually seducing some crook of a man. His fists clenched at his side, fingernails digging deep into the palms of his own hands. 
Oblivious to the brown haired doctor staring you down, you continued talking with the officer. “I wouldn't normally ask this, but honestly I’m perplexed and I was hoping you would be able to help me.” You fluttered your eyelashes feeling sick to your stomach that flirting was the only way to get some information. But it worked. Soon enough you were strutting back to where JJ and Spencer where now joined by the rest of your team - a printout of all the places serving alcohol illegally in one hand and the officers number jotted on a napkin in the other. 
“Nice going.” JJ grinned as you handed her the list. “That poor guy didn't stand a chance.” Rossi affirmed with a quiet laugh. Matt and Luke chuckled together soon joined by Emily. The only person that wasn't amused by your theatrics was Spencer. “Yes, whoring yourself out is really a display of skill.” 
The group immediately fell silent. “Reid.” Emily’s tone of voice was far from pleasant as she glared at the young doctor. 
“Spence-” JJ began but you cut her off. “You’d think with an IQ of 187 you would know by now how not to be a fucking prick doctor Reid.” You hissed and tossed the napkin, which was now curled into a tight ball, right at his head - missing only because he ducked. You excused yourself calmly and briskly rushed out of there. 
The cold breeze hit your skin the second you stepped outside. Your break down followed shortly after. Hiding behind one of the pillars to the side of the building you burst into loud sobs - once the floodgates opened they were hard to control. A sweep of tears escaped your eyes, trailing down your face like a waterfall. It was hard to breathe. Your fingers desperately fidgeted with the buttons of your shirt hastily undoing the top few. You placed your hand on your chest, heart thumping. 
Through your heavy cries you didn't hear the door swing open behind. “Y/N?” A familiar voice called out, the cause of your current waterworks.
It didn't take long for him to find you - hunched behind a pillar, one hand on your chest while the other held your head. Cautiously, he ambled towards you leaving only a step between his body and your own. He reached out and gently took your hand away from your face; it was slightly wet from all the tears you caught in it. You didn't look at him so he closed the space between you and placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head up. 
“Congratulations, I guess you got what you wanted.” You whimpered, the look in your eyes completely broken. Spencer furrowed his eyebrows slightly confused. “This isn't what I wanted.” He whispered. “Really? Could've fooled me.” You muttered in between your sobs, trying to free yourself from his strong grip. 
He didn’t say anything. He didn't know what to say. Tell you he regretted that sentence the second it escaped his lips? You wouldn't believe him. Apologise? Yes, he should probably apologise. But as he opened his mouth nothing came out. He looked at you with a sense of hopelessness, this was not what he wanted to happen. “You have to believe me Y/N. I didn't mean-” “Forget it Spencer, I don't want to hear it.” You cried attracting unwanted attention from passersby. 
“I knew this would be difficult, seeing you after all this time and having to work together-” You took a deep breath. “-but I thought we’d at least be mature about it!” Your sadness dissolved into anger. You mustered enough strength to free yourself from his embrace, slightly pushing him back. That was enough for Spencer to get angry too - it was unwarranted yes, but he couldn't help it. Fight fire with fire. 
“God Y/N, you are so entitled!” He hissed taking a step forward, once again closing the space between you. “You only look out for yourself!” He jabbed his finger into you; just under your collarbone. “You are the one that left!” Jab. “You are the one that chose to come back!” Jab. “You are the one that fucking ruins everything!” Jab. Jab. Jab. 
“And you are the one acting like a dick about it!” You groaned aggravated. He gritted his teeth - you stroke a nerve. A sense of satisfaction overcame you; so you continued. “The only one with a problem here is you!” It was your turn to poke him and you made sure to do it hard. He didn't like that. He grabbed your finger, pulling it away from himself. His hand then slid until your wrist was wrapped tightly in his hand. 
He had all the power. And he knew it too. 
The two of you continued yelling insults at each other. You called him “irrational”, “immature”, and “a complete asshole” - amongst other curses. He resorted to bringing up your troubled heated past whilst calling you “crazy” and “a bitch”. Tension rose with every spoken sentence - your faces mere inches away from each other. You could feel his hot breath against your skin as he jeered how much he hated you. The look in his eyes was infuriation, but there was something else. Arousal? Impossible. 
“Do you know why you hate me so much?” You provoked. “Because I don’t stroke your ego. Because all those years ago I decided to follow my own path rather than stay and entertain you like everyone else in your pathetic life!” His jaw clenched. “And I think you're feeling insecure now that I’m back and working with this team because I know things-” “Shut up.” He whispered but you ignored him. “-I know things that could ruin you.” “SHUT UP!”
The sound of his roar caused a couple of people to stop in their path and look towards the two of you. The door flung open and an officer stepped outside to check whether everything was okay, but Spencer was quick to dismiss him. 
Seconds passed in which Spencer composed himself. Taking a step back he let go of your wrist and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked around, in search of what to say next. You however celebrated this small victory. A smirk appeared on your face and you couldn't help but let out a satisfied laugh.
“If you don’t mind, I’m gonna head back inside.” You said coyly. He didn't protest. He didn't even look at you. The smirk on your face faded. The anger began to dissipate. “For what it’s worth if I knew things would be this hostile between us, I wouldn't have taken the job.” 
With that being said, you were about to walk around the pillar when he grabbed you again. Your back pressed to the cold brick and Spencer’s assailed against you. No escape. He leaned down, tilting his head slightly, and you felt your body give way to his unspoken suggestion.
His mouth slanted over yours - all options to deny him taken away. His hands flew to your face cupping it hastily as his fingers buried in your hair, tangling themselves in the thickness. Your arms slid around his waist, trailing upwards, and feeling the hard muscles of his back. Both your heads rotated back and forth to vary pressure. His mouth was possessive and it didn't take long for his tongue to breach your lips. 
All of the emotions that had been churning rose to the surface and exploded all at once - your heart felt like it was on a rampage. The kiss now deeper than ever. Your tongues dancing together, each trying to assert dominance. Spencer bit down on your bottom lip vigorously causing a velvety moan to escape your mouth. The smooth sound of pleasure only fuelled the doctor more as he pushed himself into you more and you felt his member twitch in his pants.  
After what seemed like forever, he pulled away. The pause was brief allowing you to only to catch a quick breath, and in the space of a heartbeat Spencer lowered his mouth back down to yours with immense passion and desire. Your legs felt like rubber as you leaned into him completely. He explored your mouth as his hands nonchalantly made their way from your face down to your collar. 
Now that he’s tasted your lips, after all this time apart, he found himself only wanting more. 
Spencer grazed you roughly with his nails before binding one hand steadily around your neck - giving it a soft squeeze. The other hand continued down your chest, his fingers making their way inside your half-opened blouse. Your whole body was on fire. As was his. 
Slowly, he broke the kiss. Both of you breathless. A hungry look spread across his facial features; now you definitely saw arousal in his eyes. He let his hands fall down by his sides, but his body weight was still pressed into you. He tried to organise his thoughts. Which was impossible to do with you standing right there - your eyes wide open, hair ruffled, mouth slightly parted swollen and red from the kiss. Fuckable. 
He moved away from you because he knew if he didn't his lips would once again find yours. He watched you collect yourself. Fix your blouse, wipe the corners of your mouth with your fingers, adjust your skirt, flatten your hair. None of that helped however; he still wanted to devour you. 
When you finally met his gaze there was a hint of regret in your eyes. All the dirty thoughts and scenarios he had piling in his brain disappeared momentarily because Spencer knew that look all too well - there was an invisible line you had drawn and the two of you crossed it. 
“Tell Emily she’ll have my resignation letter in the morning.” Your voice a bare whisper. 
He opened his mouth to say something, to tell you he was sorry for everything. Sorry for the arguments, the name calling, for ruining your first day, sorry for the kiss. He wanted to take your hand, and tell you that there was a way the two of you could work together after all. That you didn't need to do this. That he was glad you were back. 
But no words came out. His throat locked up. He stood frozen like a deer in headlights and simply followed you with his gaze as you hailed a taxi and disappeared into the night. 
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here!
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A/N: This is the last part to The miscommunication series, I hope you guys enjoy it ;) Also peep the last link to ‘Zine’ and stay tuned
This is weird.
You look up from your textbook at the scrawny boy across from you. The circles under his eyes look especially dark as the blue light from his tablet shines on his face.
Yeah, this situation is super weird.
You’re ashamed to admit it, but you’ve been avoiding Dick a little bit lately.
You’re still pleasant to him in class, and you see him at the study group sessions, but you don’t try to make the effort to see him in situations where it’s just the two of you.
You’re just not ready to see him with all these feelings brewing inside you.
So the last thing you wanted was to run into his little brother, especially when you purposefully went to another coffee shop across town just so you wouldn’t run into Dick.
Still, you’re surprised Tim chose to sit with you after ordering 4 shots of espresso over ice.
“The ice makes it cold so you can’t taste how bitter it is” he had told you when you looked at his drink with a skeptical expression.
Well, it’s not a problem, you think taking a sip of your chai tea. Tim seems like a quiet person, he’s only said a handful of words to you so far, he probably won’t even bring up -
“So are you and Dick fighting?” Tim asks without looking up and you choke on your tea.
“So you are fighting” he hums as his gaze trails from his tablet to you. He figured Dick was being paranoid, honestly, even Tim thought following you to the coffee shop and pretending that he just ran into you was overkill.
Man, he figured you were just in the middle of some misunderstanding. He’s usually right about these things. Tim’s not going to lie, it stings to know Dick was on the nose about this one.
“It’s not that we’re fighting,” because you both really aren’t, there’s only going to be a fight if he finds out how you feel and how uncomfortable your new feelings make him considering he already has someone he loves.
“I just don’t want to get between him-“
“And Nightwing?” Tim supplies for you and your eyes widen.
“You know?” Tim nods in response.
You think Tim is saying he knows his brother and Nightwing are dating.
Tim thinks that you found out Dick got reprimanded a few weeks ago because he was spotted chatting with you on your balcony. He was able to play it off as just a normal chat but he would be risking exposing you to every villain in Gotham if they ever found out your were someone important to him.
“Maybe you are-“ Tim hums. You feel like a lightning bolt has struck your spine. So Dick does know about your feelings - or at least suspects something.
“But that’s not exactly a bad thing” Tim finishes, and you raise an eyebrow. You wait for an explanation but Tim’s already turned back to his tablet, typing away.
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You look at the city, buildings springing up like trees from the concrete, their jagged edges like the crooks of a mountain. Nothing’s really changed. Not the buildings, or the skyline, not the stars in the inky black void of outer space. Not the city that never seems to sleep, the idle chatter of cars and civilians always whirring in the distance.
The only thing that has seemed to change, is you.
“That smells good, is it green tea?”
Well, one other thing has changed. You find a smile twitching onto your mouth as you hand Nightwing the mug in your hands. He’s perched on the ledge of your balcony, legs swing against the bars.
You get anxious just watching him.
“I had a feeling you’d stop by, it’s cherry blossom green tea, I think you’ll like it.” It’s a naturally sweet tea, so he should find it suits his taste considering he seems to share the same disposition for sweet things as his boyfriend.
You know that encounter with Tim this morning was weird, but the fact that you’ve kind of become late-night tea and chat buddies with your love rival is even weirder.
Looks like you can’t even make friends in a normal way.
“You’re a lifesaver,” he grins taking a sip of the hot beverage with a satisfied smile. The hum he lets out afterward sends shivers down your spine. Geez, no wonders Dick has it so bad for him.
You wonder what kind of noises he makes when they’re together-
Nope. Nope. No. Nope. No.
That was too far, your imagination really needs to get a grip.
“So how are things with you and that guy you love?” You flinch at the mention, choosing to take an unusually long sip of tea right then.
“That good huh?” Nightwing snorts, and you sigh. You’re not going to tell him about the cryptic conversation you had with Tim, especially considering the fact that he doesn’t seem to support their relationship.
Dick feels a little frustrated, as he watches you avoid his eyes. The whole thing seems off like there’s something missing. So you don’t want to be seen with Dick Grayson, but you don’t mind midnight tea talk with Nightwing- and you tell Tim how you don’t want to get in between him and his superhero persona- and then you wave him over when you see he’s a rooftop over-
It just doesn’t make any sense.
And worst of all-you look so pretty standing there, even with that sad look on your face.
“Well you know what they say-“ you let out a dry laugh, “to get over someone, you have to get under someone else”
It’s just a joke - a bad joke, you’re helping it’ll ease the tension. You figure Nightwing will make a dumb joke or pun back, and this whole thing can be behind you when he says-
“Get under me then” you’re so taken aback but what he’s said you’re sure he must have heard wrong. But when you look away from the green tea in your mug to his face, that chiseled face is only a few inches away from your own.
Before you can open your mouth to ask what he’s doing so close to you, his lips are pressed over your own. His gloved fingers ghosting over your cheek, holding it so tenderly that the action sends shivers down your spine.
Dick pulls away, fingers retreating to his domino mask, he doesn’t want to confess to you as Nightwing he wants to do it as Dick-
When you slap him.
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This has seriously been the worst day. Dick sighs as he turns the water faucet to his shower off, grabbing his towel from the rack.
First, he forgets his cell phone at home on a Monday afternoon, so he’s got nothing to do to pass the time while he patrols.
Then the girl he likes slaps him before running back into her apartment without another word, probably to go cry-
And finally, to make the perfect end to the perfect day Dick got caught in a spontaneous rainstorm, getting soaked to the bone on his way back home. He figured Gotham could wait for a few hours and decided to come home a little early.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I catch a cold” he mumbles tying his robe around his waist, his hands moving the towel to dry his hair, stopping mid-motion when he hears several very urgent knocks.
Well, who could it be at this hour? He’s considering ignoring it, probably just one of his brothers wanting to use his shower, when he hears several more knocks.
“Geez Jason, the neighbors are going to complain” he hisses, as he clings open the door, fully expecting to see his younger brother drenched to the bone and creating a puddle in the middle of his apartment building's hallway.
And someone is standing in the middle of his apartment building's communal hallway, drenched to the bone and creating a puddle in the hallway. But it’s not Jason, it’s you.
He only pulls you inside his apartment, the door clicking behind you when you break down into tears.
“I-I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to, I should have known better but- I didn’t think it would happen” The words are jilted by your tears and your chattering teeth. Did you run all the way here? Dick wonders as he starts using his slightly damp towel to dry your hair.
“I really didn’t want it, Dick, I promise I didn’t-“ you clasp his arm now jilting his movements. In the pandemonium, he completely forgot that you were the one that slapped him just a few hours ago, and now you’re the one apologizing for something?
“What are you talking about?” he sees your gulp hard, your eyes averted like a dog that realizes he’s accidentally snapped at his owner. And then, with clenched eyes and your hands balled into fists you shout:
“Nightwing kissed me!” Yeah, he knows, he was there. Kinda weird that you’re referring to him with his superhero persona. You look at him earnestly now- clasping both of his hands in yours.
“I promise I didn’t mean to make a pass at your boyfriend or steal him away from you.”
You’re babbling about how ‘You could do so much better than a guy like that Dick’ and ‘if it was me- I would never do something like that’ when the flashbulb finally goes off over his head.
Ohhhhhhhh. You think he’s dating Nightwing. This actually explains a lot.
“Here come with me” he grabs onto your numb wrist before you can answer, tugging you towards his bedroom. Your eyes staring into his robe-covered back.
Oh no, you can’t believe you didn’t realize it before.
Nightwing’s here isn’t he? That would answer why he hasn’t answered any of the texts you’ve sent him. Who would when they were busy having a romantic liaison with their lover. And obviously, he spun some different story for Dick, probably that you kissed him. And now you’re going to have to confront them both and pray that Dick believes you-
Only to your surprise, the bedroom is empty, and Dick’s fiddling around with something in his rather large wardrobe. Before you can ask what he’s doing he pulls out a suit-
It almost looks like a wet suit, with accents of blue amongst the sleek black- so he surfs? Is he showing off right now?
But then your eyes land on the bright blue symbol smack dab in the middle of the chest.
So Nightwing was here, and he did spin another story! You’re mentally preparing your best argument when you look into Dick’s baby blue eyes stare into your own, softening as they gaze warmly at you.
“(Y/N), I’m Nightwing”
(Y/N).exe is broken
Dick watches you gulp hard. Then he watches you slide past him, each step pronounced with a squeak, and step into his wardrobe before closing it from the inside.
“(Y/N)’s dead, so she can’t come to the phone anymore” Dick can practically feel the embarrassment radiate through the wardrobe door, and in spite of the situation, Dick laughs. He laughs so hard you actually swing open the door, crouched at the bottom of his wardrobe.
“It’s not funny Dick! Do you know how worried I was about you! I thought Bruce Wayne was homophobic and that you were leading some double life!” Dick only laughs harder at that. To be fair, he is leading a double life, just not the one you imagined he was.
“Well you’re not totally wrong,” he says between chuckles, sitting on the ground outside your wardrobe next to you. “I like guys and girls, but Bruce had it figured out before I even did,” he says with a shrug, mouth quirked up into a grin. His cheeks hold a rosy tinge, but somehow his red cheek is even brighter-
Ah, that’s the cheek you slapped.
Without thinking you reach out to him, your thumb caressing the swollen flesh. Dick doesn’t flinch away, relaxing into your touch.
“Sorry about that, I thought your boyfriend was cheating on you,” you say with a sheepish smile. Dick grins even wider.
“Would the response have been the same if you knew it was me?” There’s a hopeful glint in his eyes and you feel your heartbeat stutter.
Is he stupid?
If you knew it was Dick if you knew it was the boy you loved sitting on your balcony railing drinking tea with you all those times-
“Of course I wouldn’t have”
And Dick doesn’t wait another moment, leaning forward to catch your lips in his own.
This time you don’t slap him. Instead, you place both hands on his face and pull him in closer.
“So you’re Nightwing-“ you say, sitting cross-legged across from Dick in a marching bathrobe in his bed. He insisted you shower, he didn’t want you getting sick. You thought he was going to combust with how red he turned when you jokingly asked if he wanted to join you.
“And your Dad, Bruce, he’s Batman”
“That’s right” Dick nods.
“And you’re brothers, they’re the Red Hood, Robin, and Red Robin... respectively,”
Dick nods again.
“And Stephanie and Cass, they’re a part of this too, They’re both Batgirl” Dick nods, he tries to get some eye contact, but you’re firmly starting down at your hands.
“And your ex, Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon’s daughter- she’s the original Batgirl.”
This must be pretty overwhelming, he had never realized what a robust mantle their extended family collectively carried. He’s about to offer you some comfort when your head snaps up-
“Do you think if I got all of them to autograph my textbook I could sell it and buy a new one”
Dick starts laughing.
“Seriously, there’s no one like you in the world”
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someonedm · 3 years
It was an inconvenience, really. Jane didn't want to be here, and neither did I. She had all her friends to be with, chatting and quacking about things I had nothing to do with. And I had... my alone time, I guess. Sweet, quiet, alone time.
But things didn't go out as planned. Jane got suspended, for being a bitch, and when school said she couldn't go to the field trip, she called her rich parents who got it all sorted out. But room arrangements were already made, which landed her right here, with me.
I suppose we both made the best out of it. She spent her time with her girls, while I had a blast going through social media. But, when bedtime finally arrived, we couldn't avoid it. We have to stay together in the same room.
She steps out of the shower, her wet hair dripping drops of water onto the floor. She turns to me with annoyance. "What are you looking at?"
I hadn't noticed I was staring at her until her remark, and it caught me off by surprise. "Oh. I just-yeah." I got in the shower. "Good thing you are finally washing, don't know if I could sleep with you stinking out the room." She said it so incidentally, not caring about if it'd hurt me or not. The kind of effort someone puts in a "congrats" message in a group chat.
Coming out of the shower, I find her still standing there, looking at her own reflection in the mirror. Seeing me, she swiftly turned to her toothbrush, trying to hide the self-absorbance this entails.
Her eyes, reflecting from the mirror, look tired. Her skin is dotted with little imperfections. Her mouth, which I was so used to see lie on a self-assured smirk, was curved down. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and we could both see her.
Perhaps she was thinking of another insult, perhaps she didn't mind my blank stare, but I noticed her relentlessness as she offered me a moisturizing cream. "You want some?"
"no, thanks."
She went back to her bed silently. She was no longer wearing her popular girl persona. We were both tired and just wanted to sleep.
After finishing my prep up, I too went back to my bed. I stretched my arm into my bag, fishing out a flask. I waved the flask in front of jane. "You want some?"
"Where'd you got this?" She laughed, reaching out her hand to take the flask.
"Stole it from my mom's cabin."
She gave it to me back. "Won't she be pissed at you?"
I gulped some of the scotch. "No way. She must've noticed it was gone as soon as I left. If she cared for me I would have heard from her way too long ago."
"Aaah." She yelped. "Sorry for asking".
"First time?" I asked with a full grin, unable to hide my satisfaction with the situation.
"You think?"
"You goody two shoes got yourself detained recently, so I don't know what to think."
"Hell nah. The first time was eighth grade. My ex's brother organized a party and snuck in booze. They said they would have got me with them, cause I looked a lot older than I was. I think that that sentence was why I took that first glass." She sighed, and I knew she has something weighing on her, but she stopped herself from speaking. "What about you?"
"My mom thinks that my first time was when she gave me, after he- after he- uhhh... yeah. It was a bad night for her, and she couldn't give any shit. I had to act like it was all new to me, as if I hadn't had one of those after other nights. I am not a great actress, but I did have a drunk and tired audience." I looked up to her, and noticed she too had a hard time looking in my eyes. "Forget about me. What about your party? Your ex??" I raised my eyebrows repeatedly, and it got a chuckle out of her.
"I'd rather not talk about him." She smiled, though it was a sad smile. "But since we are discussing firsts... well, me and Tyler. Homecoming party."
"Tyler, huh? never thought he was your type!"
"What do you think my type is?" she asked, intrigued by my statement.
"I thought you liked your boys strong and sassy. The kind of jock smart enough so you won't have to actually tutor him during your 'study sessions'. Not some theater student exchange kid!"
I laughed, but she didn't seem to like it. "Do you really think of me like that? That I'm that basic?"
I looked her in the eyes. Even after knowing how she looked without her makeup, she seemed so tired. The kind of tired that stems from frustration, rather than lack of sleep. Jane cared a lot about how people think of her, even if those people were outcasts like me. "If you want me to be sincere" she nodded. "Yes."
Her soft smile faded. "I guess I should go to sleep, then."
"Wait, I am sorry. Why don't you tell me about Tyler?"
"Okay, but, I can't promise to be awake to finish."
"Consider me an elephant. I am all ears." I gestured with my hands curved, extending my ears.
"He is smart, and funny, and kind - I thought he was kind. He helped me learn for history, and we actually did study, unlike what you were guessing. He said how he missed his friends at home, and I thought it was really sweet. I felt safe with him, that he cared for me. I think he did - I wasn't just a popular girl to achieve. He made it clear, romantic gesture after romantic gesture, and when homecoming came I offered him myself. And it was all great going forward, up until Christmas break. He finally had a chance to go back home and insisted I'd stay home with my family. He ghosted me all that time, including a week after he got back. Then he confronted me. Apparently, he was having a long-distance relationship with whom I thought was his ex, and they had sex when he came back for his visit. Said he loved me but that she won't let him be with me.
So I got a little basic, and invited one of the jocks to have rebound sex in his car. While his girlfriend was over."
I chuckled. "I am sorry. What you went through is terrible. But god damn is that a good way to get back at someone, you magnificent bastard."
"I am glad I am amusing you." I couldn't decipher the look on her face, resting for a split second, before turning back to gossip. "So, who's your first?"
"I had a first- yeah uh I definitely had one."
A malicious smile sneaked onto her face. "No, you didn't."
I held the palm of my hand at the back of my head and looked down in shame. "No, I didn't."
A familiar sense of vanity came from her. "Doesn't matter. Who'd you kissed?"
I wanted to lie, but instead, I hid my face in the palms of my hands, hiding from her glare. "I uh - I hadn't kissed anyone yet."
"Well, that's such a shame! I bet many boys like you. You just don't notice them, that's all."
This comment, coming from her, caught me off by surprise. I had anticipated some sassy, if not outright a bit mean remark. "Really? You think that? Cause you kinda sound like my mom."
I guess I shook her a bit too, cause the sass was quick to come. "I'm sure of it. You know how boys are - they lust after anyone they think they have a chance with."
"Ahh, there it is. Should I take it as a compliment?" I smiled softly. "Cause I'm not hurt."
Her eyes widened for a moment. "No I- I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it like that - Ugh, nevermind." She rubbed her eyes. It was late. "If you want me to, I can help you get any boy you'd like. Who you've got your eyes on?"
I was starting to feel uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell what about this innocent question was so jarring. "I don't know. I never thought about it."
She leaned forward on her bed. "Tell me your type, then, since we already talked about mine."
"You must guess first."
She looked me deep in the eyes, assesing how I looked. She then turned her head to the flask. I imagine she was going through what I've told her, trying to make a sense of me.
"You like shy artsy boys that keep to themselves. You get tired of the enthusiazm of other people, even if it's about things you like, so it's nice having someone who's more quiet, like you. But you also want him to be more emotional than you, cause if it was left up to you, you'd be scared of the relationship falling apart. Did I get it right?"
Her description felt off. It wasn't insulting or arrogant, and I couldn't tell what exactly was incorrect, but it felt wrong.
"I... I don't know." I knew what I wanted to say, and it made me anxious. I could feel the saliva getting stuck in my throat. "I like someone who's sarcastic and witty, and doesn't open up, so when they finally talk earnestly it feels like winning a prize. Someone who cares so much about how other people see them, that they take off their hand crafted mask just for you, and seeing them that way, they are only ever more beautiful."
My gaze drifted away from her as I spoke, and I couldn't bare to see how she had reacted.
"I am tired." Her voice finally broke the silence.
"Me too. I don't want to stop talking to you."
"Me too."
The vision of that flask felt burned in my memory as I thought about reaching out and taking another sip. I couldn't sleep, and perhaps more alcohol in my blood stream meant stopping to think. I couldn't stopped thinking, and it paralized me. Images ran in my mind, thoughts and ideas being intrusive, and I had no help in silencing them.
The steady rhythm of her breath calmed me down, but as I focused on it the intrusive thoughts only grew.
"Hey." Her voice was quite, almost a whisper.
"Can't sleep?" I answered, with the same crooked tone.
Her breath is still slow and calm, but I can feel my own heart pounding faster. I wonder if she can hear it beat from beyond my skin.
"When you talked about the type of person you like.
You weren't talking about a boy, right?"
I turned my head to face the wall, watching the creaks, trying to make them absorb my thoughts and visions. I knew she would hate me for it, and the thought of being honest made breathing almost impossible.
I listened the rumble of her bed sheets, and her light steps on the floor, and my squeaking bed as she set on its other edge. Tears filled my eyes and I swallowed the saliva down my throat.
"Was it about me?"
I rose up on my end of the bed, looking at her being the most difficult thing I have ever done. I couldn't see her clearly through my tears, but I knew she was absolutely beautiful.
She reached out her soft hands around the back of my head, leaning closer and kissing me.
I was surprised and uncomfortable but I loved every moment her tender lips touched mine.
I parted away, breathing heavily as I only now felt relieved. I sounded like a wailing baby, and I must have looked like one when I wiped off my tears that continued to come.
She sat there, holding herself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable... I didn't..."
I braced her as hard as I could. We kissed again, now calm between each other's arms, trading our air between our body and stopping only when we had to. We cherished each other's beauty, finding comfort in each other's eyes.
She laid her head on my lap, and I caressed her hair. "I don't want to leave you."
"Me neither." I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I want to hold you until dawn. But the bed is too small."
She woke up and went to bed, and it dawned on me how tired I am. As we both lay in our separate cushions, she lends her hand towards mine, and I hold hers.
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dykeseinfeld · 3 years
u asked someone to remind you to post about your pjo dual protagonist thalia/bianca au and i am SO intrigued by this idea please say more
anon asked: hey queen hope your homework went good yesterday 🌸…now what were you saying about thalia and bianca 😳 ?
ok y’all i’m here...the moment almost none of y’all have been waiting for....bianca/thalia protagonists with alternating pov’s au
warning it’s kind of super long and may or may not read like a 2nd grader’s semi-coherent game of pretend so under the cut it goes!
so the main things you need to know about this au are 1. thalia survives and 2. annabeth’s + luke’s ages are a lil diff bc canon is my sandbox 3. i can’t decide if percy exists in this au or not (maybe y’all can help me decide?)
so the first book:
would start a few months after grover brought thalia (12), luke (13), and annabeth (10, not 7)  to camp half blood. they were chased by monsters sent by hades on the way, and thalia almost didn’t survive, but ultimately she got lucky and managed to send a bolt of lightning through her spear for the first time and they made it into camp
it’s been some time so annabeth is happy as a clam in the athena cabin doing her 10-year-old-with-severe-mommy-issues thing and luke is actually pretty popular with the hermes cabin bc he actually Met Their Dad Holy Shit and also he’s getting pretty good with a sword
at the same time, thalia is alone in the zeus cabin. everyone has been freaking out bc they all saw the huge bolt of lightning that incinerated a couple hellhounds as they made their grand entrance and What The Fuck Child Of The Big Three???
she’s also further isolated because chiron will take her for private training sessions sometimes, since she is clearly really powerful already and also Hades Himself was trying to kill her (chiron told her the reason was the big three’s pledge not to have kids, and maybe about the great prophecy? if he tells her that then she’s sworn to secrecy)
once grover leaves on another protector assignment, thalia mostly hangs out with luke, and annabeth. luke + annabeth both will try to eat meals with her at the zeus table but annabeth doesn’t want to get in trouble and luke is genuinely making friends in the hermes cabin so thalia will feel bad sometimes and send him back
kronos, seeing this bitter isolated child of the big three’s dreams: it’s free real estate
hades is Pissed that thalia survived and zeus got to break their oath And get the glory of a prophecy child
so he sends someone to take bianca (12) and nico (10) out of the lotus hotel and casino a little early.
grover is still their protector, but since the Stirring hasn’t begun in earnest yet and hades is lowkey determined to keep them safe, they make it back to camp half blood with no escort/incident
bianca + nico are put into the hermes cabin, and luke kinda takes them under his wing bc while he’s not bitter he still needs therapy bc this 14 year old has never met a pre-teen he couldn’t try to parent
luke introduces nico and annabeth since they’re the same age and they become really good friends!! she Loves mythomagic and he thinks her dagger is super cool and they’re both just really excited about camp <3
bianca is more reserved and resistant to the whole thing, and she wanders around alone exploring and runs into thalia in the zeus cabin
at this first meeting they get into a bit of a fight bc bianca is still in shock/denial about the gods being real, but thalia at this point has zero patience for this
anyway after that and maybe another scuffle during capture the flag or something they hit it off and become best friends in the way girls can, especially bonding over how they’ve both had to take on raising annabeth and nico basically on their own at the age of 12
thalia is given a quest for [unspecific reason] and chooses bianca and luke, they go off leaving annabeth and nico frustrated at home
quest hijinks etc, bianca is trying to figure out her parentage + her weird mysterious powers? and thalia is arguing with luke because he’s settling into camp/hero life really well actually but she’s getting progressively angrier with the gods for trying to kill her and also keeps getting dreams from kronos and doesn’t get why he doesn’t seem to remember all of the shit that the gods have put him through
bianca + thalia have las-vegas-style-heart-to-hearts where thalia shares her tragic backstory about her mother and her brother and how hades tried to kill her and even about the great prophecy and how she’s trying on this quest bc of that and her dad but at the same time these dreams are making her suspicious that he might’ve been responsible for her mom’s death.
bianca then shares her own stuff, about how terrified she was being on her own with nico having to protect him but also not remembering most of her childhood and not remembering her parents or how she ended up in the care of this lawyer and just the absolute mindfuckery that her memories/past are
luke is asleep in those scenes i guess lol 🧍‍♂️
anyway eventually they finish their quest in this massive climactic battle where bianca discovers her powers in a huge-showy-”i’m the ghost prince”-way and is formally claimed by hades which thalia sees as this Massive Betrayal obviously and bianca is horrified too because she knows what hades did to thalia but at the same time she’s just so happy to finally understand at least part of her past
thalia just reaches a breaking point though because everyone around her just doesn’t understand her anger and just when she thought she had found another sympathetic person who understood what she was going through she joins hades??? no. no fucking way. kronos reveals that he’s the one who has been sending her dreams, prob by sending some messenger who he possesses or smthing and when he offers thalia the chance to join him? she does (dun dun dun)
main beats of the rest of the series:
thalia and bianca on opposite sides of the war training to be the prophecy child, they come together a Lot and have like melodramatic fight scenes where they talk out their anger and try to get the other to join them bc they don’t want to kill each other
luke is extremely conflicted/betrayed and there’s a titan’s curse moment prob towards the end of the third book where they’re fighting and thalia is trying to get her to go with him but here he actually does go to join her (gasp!!) and is evil for at least one book but his heart’s not in it and he goes back to the good side eventually
by the point of luke’s betrayal, annabeth and nico are growing and developing and old enough to go on quests w bianca and by the last book they’re a main trio of sorts and their hypothetical character development is already making me emotional
there’s just a lot of general sexiness with foils and inner conflicts and bianca doesn’t even want to be the prophecy child but she needs to for the fate of the world and bianca is so angry at thalia bc thalia is a daughter of zeus and could control her powers and is perfect and just meant to be the prophecy kid, not some daughter of hades who they didn’t even have a cabin for before
hm maybe by either the last or second-to-last book thalia + bianca are close to reconciling or at least their interests are aligned for the moment and they read the text of the prophecy together and things go Wild bc they both think “single choice shall end his days” either is about luke or nico and it turns up the gas to their fighting both of them care about both of them and yeah
and then i can’t decide if there’s romantic arcs at all but if there were it would go like this:
just a dash of thaluke where at first it was luke having a one-sided crush but thalia misses him a Lot after she goes to kronos and wonders if it’s that she misses him or if it’s something More until to get him to defect there’s like a melodramatic moment in the fight where thalia kisses him and they go off to be Evil Together but it ends bc luke doesn’t believe in the cause and only joined her in hopes of getting thalia back to his side
once luke leaves/is kicked out thalia realizes that she didn’t love luke she just wanted a family and also in the second half of the series she realizes she’s a lesbian as a parallel to her redemption arc
bianca meanwhile is unconcerned w romance until she has her botl-hoe-moment where within one book she 1. runs into the hunters on a quest and has a thing with zoe nightshade who tries to get her to join plus tells her about that time she met thalia, 2. she goes to calypso’s island and falls in love w her in the moonlight or w/e and has her what-if moment, and 3. when they meet up that book thalia somehow knew abt zoe + calypso and seems almost angrier abt them  than the war?? weird bc bianca knows that thalia is Totally Straight right??
my main point is that bianca/thalia is our friends-to-enemies-to-lovers endgame thank you i will take my pulitzer now
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mouse-fantoms · 3 years
The Discovery
Julie teaching Luke piano, boys finding out that they can touch Julie now, Ray finding out about the boys
In order to halt Luke from walking away Julie said the one thing she knew would get his attention.
“Come on... I can’t do this without you.”
He sighed. “...that is not fair.”
He had prefaced Julie before by saying how he would probably be terrible at playing piano. This was completely Alex and Reggie’s doing.
It had started the other day when the band was practicing. Alex made a tease at Luke about how he could have messed up a simple measure of music.
“Alright fine. You try!” He offered up his guitar in response.
He looked skeptical at the guitar. “You know how long it’s been since I’ve touched that.”
“Hey, I messed up too.” Reggie said to help Luke feel better.
“Thanks Reg.” He patted him on the back appreciated the sincerment.
“Yeah Luke,” Julie joined in on Alex’s teasing, “it’s not that difficult.”
“Then you try.” He once again offered up his guitar as a response.
She sat silent at the keyboard. “I would but I... I don’t know how.”
“Oh!” Reggie perked up. “It’s not too bad once you learn. Maybe you and I could-”
He was interrupted by hearing Alex’s obviously real cough. He looked and saw that he was looking between Julie and Luke and that’s when Reggie got the hint.
“Hey! Maybe Luke can teach you.”
“Yeah I guess if you want.”
“Sure.” She agreed. “I could teach you piano too.”
“That sounds like a fantastic idea.” Alex looked to Luke for him to take the offer.
“Sounds like a plan.” He smiled.
Now, the two were in the studio having their “learning-the-other’s-instrument” session. Luke’s piano learning had started but he became upset with himself and had gotten up from the piano bench in frustration.
“Come on.” She scooted to her left side, patting the bench for him to come sit. “Do you think I did good when I first played?”
“Well yeah,” he joined her back at the piano, “because you’re Julie fricken Molina.”
She rolled her eyes but appreciated the compliment. Any chance he had, he never missed the opportunity to compliment her.
“I told you that if you just give it some time you’ll get it. Now which one is A?” She started the teaching process by going over all the notes. Then, on her end of the piano, she played a simple pattern of notes and then had him replicate it on his end.
“Good!” She congratulated whenever he replicated the pattern right.
It didn’t take that long for the two to get lost in the music. The simple pattern of notes turned into a long pattern but Luke was still doing as told by replicating it on his end. She, out of habit, placed both hands on the piano.
She began playing and moving her hands down towards the right. He did the same. She was too busy watching her hands that she didn’t even realize she had moved so far down that she bumped into his hand. The piano went silent as the two realized their hands had met.
They shared a look into each other’s eyes attached with a smile. The two just looking sincerely at each other. Then, as if the thought entered their minds at the same time, their expressions turned to realization. Looking at their hands, back to each other, then their hands. Julie pulled her hand away suddenly. He did the same once she did.
“Did- we just- I could-“ She couldn’t find the words.
“I- I felt alive. I could- OWW!” He exclaimed in response to Julie jabbing him in the shoulder. “What was that for?!” He rubbed the spot he was now wounded in.
“You could feel that.” she said mesmerized.
“Yeah... I could.” He swallowed. “There could have been so many other ways to test it but no instead you had to cause injury.”
“Oh it was not that- OWW! HEY!”
“See?” He asked once also jabbing her in the arm.
This was either a great discovery or a bad one, guess it would depend on the day.
Of course they had to tell the boys of their new discovery. They band had just finished practicing.
“That was awesome!” Luke went to do the usually fist bumps to his band mates. He went to Alex and Reggie (as per usually) but then they watched as he went over to Julie. They watched as Julie returned his fist bump. Julie and Luke turned to them for a reaction.
“Did-” Alex cut himself off from being confused.
“Did you just...” Reggie picked up walking cautiously to Julie. Julie suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her torso into a bear hug. “WE CAN TOUCH NOW!” He gasped practically bouncing up and down. She patted his arm letting him know she returned the hug.
“Reggie you’re kinda squeezing a lot there.”
“Right!” He released her. “Sorry, just excited.”
Julie gave a look to Alex, excepting him to also test if the claim was true. He stood up from his drums and made his way to her. In order to test it he gave her a simple poke on the arm.
“Oh hey, we can.”
“See Julie thats how you test it out. Not by causing injury!”
She rolled her eyes at Luke. The bassist and drummer got the impression that something had to have happened during learning the other’s instrument. They decided not to question but instead be happy of this little big discovery.
“You did awesome!” Luke repeated the phrase Julie heard just about on an everyday basis.
“Would you stop?” She asked with a laugh.
“Just want you to know how talented you are.” He looked down at the open hand he held out.
“It’s hard not to when you tell me everyday.” She smiled taking his hand. They stood at the beginning of the pathway to Julie’s front door, talking and holding hands.
She didn’t know why he insisted on walking her to her door even though the studio and it were so close by. Despite Alex’s teases of the boy’s kind gesture every time, he still would walk with her every time after the band would call it a day with practicing. Ever since the discovery, they never let her forget it. Although it was nice knowing that now there wouldn’t be any awkward ‘trying to hold hands but passing through instead’ moments.
Finally after some time, Julie had to give him the usual news that she had to go in for dinner. Which was cemented when Carlos opened the door.
“You’ll see each other tomorrow.” He rolled his eyes. “Just come in and eat.” He left the door open for her.
The pair chuckled and said their goodbye for the night. Julie came in and shut the door behind her and saw Carlos already sat at the table.
It was nice having at least someone in her family knowing about the boys. Of course, at the start Carlos was ever curious about them asking all kinds of questions. It wasn’t fun, however, when they couldn’t answer any of them because they themselves didn’t know the answer.
Julie saw her dad preparing the last of dinner in the kitchen and took her spot at the table.
“Thought you’d be here.” Alex said poofing in next to Reggie who was leaning against the top of the arm chair, where Ray sat in close proximity at the end of the couch. His knees bouncing from nerves.
“Yeah, how come you’re here? Willie busy?”
“No... he skated away after we hung out.” He corrected. “What’s his problem?”
“I don’t know, he’s been kinda like this the whole day.” He replied concerned.
“Ok I’m here.” the boys looked behind them to see Julie’s aunt come through the front door. “What was so important that you needed me to come over?” She joined him on the couch.
“Let’s say you have... suspicions.”
“They could be nothing but they are suspicions.”
“What suspicions?”
“Suspicions of your child dating.”
Reggie whispered to Alex, “I think we’re intruding.”
“He’s probably talking about Carlos. Yeah we can-” Alex was interrupted when he heard Ray continue.
“I’ve just been seeing her hold hands with this boy before she comes in for dinner and I don’t know how to approach the conversation.”
“Before dinner?” Reggie said in realization who he was talking about.
“Hold hands?” Alex shared Reggie’s same realization.
“I’ve been trying to keep my space on it with her but it’s been a bit and I need to talk to her about it.” He asked for advice revolving around his teenager daughter.
“How does he even-”
“Don’t know but think we should tell them?” In a second Alex and Reggie poofed out and into the studio where Luke and Julie were.
“That’s not bad,” Luke said to Julie as they were at the piano together, “but I think was thinking something more like-“
“Sorry to interrupt!” Reggie said as him and Alex appeared at the side of the piano.
“Umm... this is new.” Julie said. They never would get interrupted during their writing sessions.
“Yeah... what’s up because we’re kind of in the middle of something.” He said as evident by the pencil he held and the journal that was open on the piano.
“Ray knows!” The pair looked confused and shocked at Alex’s quick statement. “Well, not about us. But he does know about Luke. But not the whole ghost-”
“Alex,” Luke stood up putting his hands on the blond’s shoulders, “take a breath, explain.”
He breathed in through his noise and began to explain. “Reggie and I overheard a conversation between Ray and Victoria. He wanted advice.”
“Advice?” Julie wondered.
“About his suspicions of... his daughter maybe dating.”
“Huh?” She asked.
“You are?” Luke asked at the same time.
“No! No I’m not!” She clearly answered.
“He’s apperently been seeing the hand holding before dinner.” Reggie finished for Alex.
“Wait how can-“
“Your guess is as good as ours. We just wanted to-”
Her attention was caught to the studio doors behind opened.
“Dad!” She called. “What... are you doing here?”
“I want to talk to you.” He made his way over to the piano.
“Well at least we warned you.” Reggie said.
“About... what?” She asked even though she had a pretty good idea what this was about.
“You’ve been so busy lately with the band and everything, it seems like it’s been awhile since we’ve talked.”
“Sorry, we- I’ve,” she corrected herself immediately, “been having all these song ideas.”
He noticed the journal open on the piano. “Oh is this one-”
Luke, without thinking, closed it immediately once Ray tried to get a peek at what was written. Which got a scolding look from Julie.
“Did-” Ray said in confusion pointing to the now closed journal, “Did that just-”
“Could have been the wind.” She tried to play it off. “You know how the wind can be... being wind.”
He noticed that something was written on the cover, he tried to read what was written on it. Suddenly the journal, slid back on the piano and down to the bench landed next to Julie.
“Luk- Look the wind! That’s some very strong wind today.”
He gave a puzzled look. “Okay I came to talk to you about something else but clearly something else is going on.”
“Julie.” He folded his arms.
She sighed. “Ok...” she got up from the piano and walked passed him over to where the keyboard was still set up at.
The boys all exchanged looks to each other once picking up on what was about happeend. They filed to their respective instruments.
“Promise not freak out.” She readjusted the mic on the keyboard. “If you look around the room you’ll find that there is no equipment to project holograms.”
“...I guess.” Her dad did a small scan of the room and did in fact see no hologram projection equipment.
“I never told you because I didn’t want you to send me to Dr. Turner again.”
He raised an eyebrow wondering why she would think that. He saw her look to where the ladder that lead up to the loft was. The look was for... reasurance? She gave a nod and started to play the keys, her entrance of the song.
“Julie I don’t-” he was about to inform her that he didn’t need to hear a mini concert except was cut off when the boys’ enterance came. Right in front of him he saw the 3 boys from her band materialize. The sight made him jump.
He watched as Julie took the mic off it’s stand and go over to the middle of the boys. She jammed out with the guitarist and bassist while all their vocals blended together perfectly as a band. Once finishing the chorus she instructed them to continue playing.
“I think it’s time you properly meet the band.” She said as the boys played a soft beat in the background. She went from who was behind her by her right to left. “That’s Reggie, Alex and Luke.”
“Hi Ray!” Reggie smiled waving to the man.
“H-How?” He stuttered out.
“Remember how I came out screaming and you said it looked like I had seen a ghost? Well I saw three.”
“Musician spirits.” Alex corrected.
“That’s never gonna stick.” Luke turned his head to him.
“Maybe it will, you never know.”
“When I went to go through mom’s stuff I found a CD and decided to play it. When I did, that’s when these three showed up.”
“Yep and she’s been stuck with us ever since!” Reggie smiled.
She chuckled at what he said. “I’m the only one who can see them expect for when we play. They’re the ones who help me get back into in the music program.” She said sincerely to her dad.
“We’re originally from a band called Sunset Curve.” Luke explained. “In 1995, the night we were supposed to play the Orpheum, we ate some bad hot dogs.”
They realized that they should probably give him some time to process all the information that they told him.
“Sunset Curve...” Ray said after awhile, “why does that-“
“Trevor was their old band mate.” Julie helped.
“Also took all of Luke’s songs, said they were his, which he then got big and famous instead but yeah just gloss over that.” Alex added knowing that Julie probably didn’t want to get into it.
“...that explains the My Name is Luke song, thought it was different.”
“Yeah and my name is Luke. Sorry for closing the journal and moving it when you were trying to read what was in it.”
“So,” Ray turned to Julie, “this is why you’re in here all the time.” He always thought it was interesting the amount of time she would spend in the studio since he presumed it was just her.
“Luke and I write songs all the time. Plus, this is the only place where I can talk to them without it looking strange. Anywhere else it looks like I’m talking to air.”
“Well,” Reggie input, “technically- although maybe now we aren’t whenever we touch you.”
“Touch...” Ray remembered the original reason as to why he came into the studio in the first place. Suddenly, the boy in a beanie without sleeves loooked very familiar. Luke’s expression dropped once he saw Ray put it together.
“He knows.” Reggie felt Luke’s same feeling.
“Dad!” Julie came in between them once seeing her take a step towards the guitarist. “It’s not what you think! He’s a ghost.”
“Should I be offended?” He asked looking to his friends behind him. Which got him an elbow in the shoulder by Julie. “Oww!”
A puzzled expression came over Ray. “If he’s a ghost then how can you-”
“We found out a few weeks ago.” Alex started. “We can actually touch Julie now, some of us use that information more often than others.” Luke’s eyes went wide trying to tell him to shut up. “And apparently when we do, we can now be seen.”
“We don’t know if that’s how it works.” Reggie interjected.
“I assume that’s how it would be for all of us considering he was able to see Luke when they hold hands.”
“Wait how did you know that’s what I came out here to talk about?”
The two stayed silent.
“You heard my conversation with-”
“Only a little bit.” Reggie tried to make it sound less bad.
“...how often does that happen?” He looked to Julie wondering since she was the only one who could always see them.
“Whenever you’re home I... I’m around.” The bassist admitted.
“Oh... well...” Reggie was nervous for his reply, “next time you’re there just like me know.”
He smiled showing a sign that he understood.
“Now you-” Ray turned back to face Luke, who was currently cowering behind Julie.
“Dad like I told you before, it’s not what you think.”
“What else am I supposed to think when I see you holding hands with a boy at the end of our driveway before you come in for dinner?”
“...ok well when you put it like that-”
“I feel alive again whenever it happens.” Luke input. “Like when we play music but in a different way. It’s this-”
“Please do not get him started,” Alex rolled his eyes. “he’ll start going on his ‘I-love-Julie-Molina’ speech.” As soon as he said it he realized what it sounded like.
“Not like that!” Luke instantly corrected to save himself. “I mean if it’s fine with you if it could be like that because I mean I don’t have a problem with it I mean unless you do because then in that case then it’s-”
“Luke.” Julie said through her teeth to get him back on track.
“Right!” He remembered he had a point. “I have good intentions. Your daughter needs to remember how wicked talented she is. I promise...” he searched for a word to address him as, “sir.”
His eyes fell between all the boys. Luke, most nervous of all, could tell his eyes were kind and thankful. “This is going to take a bit to adjust to but I will.” He smiled which everyone else reflected. “I will be sure to tell your Tía that my assumption was just nothing so she doesn’t ask you about it.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” Julie laughed as her dad made his way to the door.
“Oh and boys,” his hand hovered over the door handle looking to them, “thank you.” He closed the doors behind him as he left.
He didn’t have to say what specifically but they already knew, well at least had a perfect guess. As the doors closed the low beat stopped as the boys stopped playing.
“I think that went well.” Alex said putting down his sticks.
“All things considered.” Reggie agreed.
“I didn’t get murdered so I classify that as a win.”
“...but you can’t-”
“You know what I mean.” Luke sighed cutting Reggie off.
“Yeah...” Julie turned behind her to face them, “I’d say that went better than expected.”
“...Is he normally like that whenever he sees you holding hands with anyone?” Luke asked to make himself feel better.
He noticed her head drop, “...I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t-”
“This is kinda the first time that it’s happened.”
“Oh, well I just assumed that it would have happened before considering how you’re-”
A loud sigh was heard from Alex.
“Alright, alright,” Luke stopped himself, “I won’t go on one of my ‘speeches’ as you call it. Like you don’t go on speeches about Willie?”
“That’s different. You guys ask about him.”
Reggie and her smiled at the two bickering. Eventually their banter would stop as they teased each other maybe then her and Luke could get back to working on a song.
When Luke walked her to her door later that night, it was different. The two talked and shared a laugh like they normally did.
“Come on,” they looked and saw a new sight, Ray at the front door, “you’ll see him tomorrow and your aunt’s eating with us tonight. Come in before she sees you laughing at air.”
She gave a final smile to the air and went to the open front door, leaning her back against it after she shut it. This was something that would take some time to adjust to, but she would. If he had to learn how to adjust to finding out the truth of her band then she could get used to him knowing. She could and she would.
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twdeadlysins · 4 years
not the same
pairing: loki laufeyson x reader word count: 1.5k+ summary: you’re used to death because you can see the dead, but nothing prepared you for this. // set during infinity war  warnings: infinity war spoilers,  major angst, a hint of fluff if you squint, usual marvel themes, and possible typos by yours truly  a/n: get the tissues bc this one hurts my soul 
gif is not mine 
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He won. 
Thanos won despite all your efforts — despite all the small victories along the way. It really seemed like you were winning and getting the advantage, but maybe you let that get to your head too much. 
Maybe, it just wasn’t enough. 
No matter how hard you and everyone on your side tried. 
Vision died at the hand of Thanos while fifty-percent of the population turned into dust, some right in front of your eyes that were soon blurred by tears. 
How were you going to get them back? 
Your knees had given out and collided with the ground after witnessing Bucky turn into ash and his gun meet the dirt. 
Staring at the spot he once occupied, you even didn’t comprehend Steve trudge over to where his best friend had once stood until he called out your name. You averted your eyes to the blonde with a tear streaming down your dirty and bloody covered cheek, mouth slightly agape with shock and realization at what just happened to all your friends — to your family. 
“Y/N, can you see them?”
Attempting to blink the tears away, you sharply inhaled and wandered your eyes around frantically before peering back at the captain with a shake of your head. He combed his fingers through his locks with a defeated sigh as he moved from his crouched position to sit down and hang his head. 
The power you had wasn’t exactly the most helpful in fighting bad guys, but it proved handy only if the person no longer existed. 
Seeing the dead wasn’t something you were born with, it occurred when you had a near death experience. 
Kinda ironic. 
The city was under attack and there was an explosion at the cafe you regularly visited. You had flat-lined twice on the operating table and when you woke up, you were met with Tony Stark. 
He felt responsible since he couldn’t prevent the explosion and wanted to make sure you were okay. You were in shock, not only because the Tony Stark was in your presence, but your deceased father was in the room.
Tony wanted you to be a part of the Avengers, promising that he and Bruce could aid you in learning and adapting to your new ability. You didn’t think you and your new found “superpower” was worthy of being part of the team, but you accepted nonetheless. 
Figuring out your ability was when you also met Loki.
In order for him to stay with the Avengers, he was forced to work with you, Bruce, and Tony in your training and experiments as some sort of punishment.  
At first, Loki was a bit of an annoyance, always making snide comments since it was obvious he didn’t want to be there — but they were never directed at you. With the help of the God, you eventually learned that you could summon the dead, but only if they allowed you to — they could choose to stay or leave. 
Although most of the time, it was out of your control. 
People would show up out of nowhere and you had to concentrate on shutting them out — to decide on whether or not they could be there. 
Eventually it was a two way street, either you both agreed to see each other or one of you declined. 
During your training sessions whether it be sparring or the fact that you could see the dead, you grew fond of the mischievous man. The two of you soon spent time together outside of your work, learning more about one another and it led into something more — a bond — an undeniable connection — love.  
Loki understood the thoughts and concerns you had about seeing ghosts, and the emotional toll it brought upon you. He helped you in any way he could and you did the same for him when he was fighting his demons and his past. 
He wanted to be a better person — for you. You were his motivation — his light at the end of a dark and seemingly never-ending tunnel. 
The blank stare you had on the ground jumped up, orbs searching your surroundings with confusion and desperation. 
It was Loki. 
Thor had come down with a strike of lightning in the midst of battle, accompanied with unfamiliar guests to join the fight. Loki must’ve been with him and you didn’t notice somehow. 
“Loki? Where are you?” 
“Right here, my love,” he softly called, causing you to zone in on his figure with a relieved smile that he wasn’t gone like the rest of them, missing the way his voice was filled with sorrow. 
“Thank God.” Placing a palm on your knee to stand up, you whimpered at the ache in your muscles, and the pain of all the cuts and bruises you received, especially where a deep slash was made on your bicep. 
Before you could trudge over to Loki, Steve spoke up, now standing with a bewildered expression. 
“Y/N, you see Loki?” 
The bizarre question felt like someone swung a metal bat to your gut as you halted your movements, peering at the captain who searched in the spot where the man you loved was. 
“Do you not see him?” you asked, glossy orbs bouncing between the two men. 
Steve shook his head and a strangled sob left your lips as you glanced over at a pained Loki. Your knees gave out once again, stating that he was in fact there before your very eyes — that he had to be.  
A pair of cold hands grasped your wrists that were entangled in your hair and you gasped, seeming to be in a ship with Thor, Loki, Thanos and his goons. 
There was a quick white flash and next thing you knew Thanos had his gigantic hand enclosed around Loki’s throat, cutting off his air supply.
Another flash and his lifeless body was lying there, face blue and eyes soulless. His brother gripping his form, mourning the loss he witnessed — and now you did.  
Your wide, traumatic eyes met Loki’s worried ones, not knowing what just occurred.
That had never happened before — seeing someone’s death — seeing it so vividly as if you were there in the flesh.  
“Thanos, he kil- he killed you,” you cried, squeezing your eyes shut, letting the tears spill. Your hand was against his chest where his beating heart would be pumping for you, but it was hollow — like the way yours felt. 
He was a ghost. 
He was dead. 
“How did you-? Did you see what happened?” 
You nodded your head, breaking down even further, unable to steady your breathing.  
Loki pulled you in, wrapping his arms around your middle as you wept. “Love, I’m so sorry you had to see that.” He cradled your head as you angrily balled the fabric of his clothing in your fists, grieving at the loss of who you believed to be your soulmate.
“Although I’m not physically here, I’m still here with you, dear,” he assured, drawing away to hold your battered face within his delicate hands, making you look in his eyes.  
“It’s not the same,” you murmured, voice broken along with your heart. “You’re not actually here — not with me. You’re gone and I’m the only one that can see you.”
He was aware of how you felt about that. That you couldn’t live your life talking to the dead or you’d go crazy. You wanted to surround yourself with life — with the living, not the dead. 
And now he was the dead. 
“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up. I’m going to get you back, Loki. I need you.” 
He couldn’t help, but smile. He also couldn’t help the thought of you letting it consume your life, to become so obsessed in getting him back that you didn’t have a life of your own. 
Stuck and unable to move on, to grieve properly. 
But that was an argument for later. 
“I love you, Loki,” you exclaimed, holding back a sob as he kissed your forehead before pressing a chaste one on your lips. His lips felt so cold and you would give anything to experience the softness and warmth of them again. 
“And I love you. Summon me whenever you’d like, love. I’ll accept it.” 
He was gone when you opened your eyes. 
Steve’s heart ached even though he couldn’t see or hear Loki, your side of the conversation was enough. Thor and Nat finally stepped up after watching from afar, not wanting to interrupt, and the latter sat down next to you, enveloping you in her arms. 
Nothing could prepare you for today. 
Losing the battle. 
Losing your friends. 
Losing your family. 
Losing your soulmate.
All at the hand of one person. 
“We’ll get everyone back. We’ll get him back,” the Black Widow reassured while you glared into the distance, clutching onto her arm as water pooled from your eyes. 
The captain was already peering at you with remorse when you connected your orbs to his. As you wandered them over to the God of Thunder who felt responsible, you uttered something that caught his attention. 
“Whatever it takes.” 
taglist:  @gruffle1​ @mysterious-398​ @impala-1979​ @sourwolf-sterek32​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @therantygeek​ @alwaysasadaesthetic​ @tallyovie​
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lunarliza · 4 years
JJ Maybank Must Die | Chapter 3: Fanny Packs
fuckboy!JJ x Reader
series masterlist | prev. chapter | chapter one
JJ Maybank is the island’s most infamous fuckboy- not that you ever cared. But when a group of tourist girls come to your surf shop crying to you about him, you agree to help them plot revenge. Sabotage is all fun and games, until you find that the playboy you were sworn to ruin happens to be falling head over heels for you.
Yes, this is based on John Tucker Must Die lol
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For once, you finally felt like everything in life was falling into place.
Sophia dropped off your Venus Panic ticket last night, you booked a ferry to the city for September, you just earned another ‘employee of the month’ title which basically meant you were a shoo-in for the scholarship, and you noticed in the mirror that your ass was looking just a tad bigger.
You were sorting out the application clipboards one afternoon when you heard the ding of the front door opening. In came a cocky head of blonde hair looking as smug as ever. You dropped the stack on sight. 
How did he know where you worked? Was he stalking you? Should you file a restraining order? 
“Uh, can I help you?” 
“So, this is where you’ve been hiding all this time, huh?” JJ crossed his large arms and surveyed the tiny shop.  
“Yeah... how the fuck did you find me?” You bent down to hastily pick up the mess. After the incident at the Boneyard on Saturday, you weren’t expecting to run into him again for the rest of the summer. You didn’t think he’d be this relentless. 
He casually shrugged. “Eh, I just asked around town for a y/n and they told me you worked here. Still amazes me how I haven’t seen you around.” 
You rolled your eyes. As if you and JJ didn’t have English together just this past semester. Nevermind living on the same island for how many years. 
“Anyways,” he continued, I came here to sign up for surfing lessons.” 
You flinched your nose. “You’re telling me you’ve lived here all your life and you don’t know how to surf?” 
This was coming from the boy that won ‘Most Likely to be a Famous Professional Surfer’ in your 5th grade yearbook. 
“Hey, it’s been a while since I’ve hit the water. Maybe I need a refresher.” He flashed you a shit-eating grin- the kind girls around here would swoon over. But in that moment you were just plain uncomfortable. 
“Sorry, we’re booked for the summer.” 
He inched closer to the counter. “Well, at least let me take you out to dinner. Come on, when are you off?” 
You glanced side to side in agitation, racking your brain for some witty remark.
“I’m serious, y/n. I want to take you out! You know, get to know you better,” he prodded. 
You weren’t born yesterday. But he sure was if he thought he was going to take you out anytime soon. Or ever. 
“Yeah well, I think I’ll pass. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have my last session of the day in ten minutes.” 
Luckily, you were able to slip past him and out to the beach for your beginners’ class. It was a small group- an old couple and two boys around the age of nine. 
You greeted them with you usual work-charm and had them set their boards around you. Just as you situated yourself, you hear a faint “Wait!” followed by JJ sputtering towards the pack with a board under his arm. 
You wanted to rip your hair out. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” you spat, startling the old couple with you vulgarity. 
“I’m here for the lesson.” 
“Like I said,” you sneered through gritted teeth, “We’re booked.” The glare on your face was very, very potent, and you knew this wouldn’t be good for the reviews. 
“Yeah, your co-worker in there told me one of the guys that was supposed to be here said he couldn’t make it. So that leaves a spot open for me.” 
Cody. That rat! 
You sighed in defeat, motioning for him to situate next to the younger boys. “Fine, just take a seat and be quiet. You already missed the safety instructions!” 
All throughout your session JJ was an absolute pest. He could have at least played the part of someone who’s never picked up a surfboard in their life. Instead, every time you went into detail about a specific step, he’d pitch in his own comments no one asked for. 
“Well actually, it’s better if you add a jump when you stand up, you’ll go faster.”
“Well actually, if you try to pivot your board when they wave’s under you, you can ride it longer.”
“Well actually, if you attempt a big wave first, you’ll learn how to balance better.”  
The next ‘well actually’ you heard, you were going to fling JJ to the sharks.
When it was time for the group to hit the water, you tried to guide them through the motions, but everyone was too busy listening to JJ ramble on and on about his personal tips. 
For the remainder of the session, you sat on the shallow end, watching JJ have a rat-a-tat time with your customers. Blowing away a stray hair that fell on your face, you continued to glare at the light-haired boy cheering on the kids as they attempted the baby waves. 
There was a point where one of them leaned over onto JJ’s board and threw their arms around him. You softened at bit at the scene. It was very cute. 
Once the hour was over, you called everyone back to shore to give your closing remarks. JJ darted up behind the lot, sparklets flying everywhere as he shook his wet hair. He beamed at you, but you just averted your eyes. 
While everyone headed back to the hut, you tucked the cash you were given into your fanny pack and gathered your items to leave. That was, until you felt the player boy grab onto your hand. 
“Hey, the waves are absolutely insane out there. This is your last session today right? Come surf for a bit, you didn’t really get to do much earlier,” he offered, blinking down at you with his sky-blue eyes. 
“Well I would have if someone wasn’t running my class.” 
JJ let out a soft chuckle. “Look, everyone was happy with the way it went. And I’ll even tell your boss that you’re an amazing instructor. Which, to tell you the truth, you are.” 
You huffed and picked up your board to tread back into the water. You had to give it to him, though. The waves were indeed on fire that afternoon.
You were able practice a few moves you were working on, executing them perfectly. JJ, too, was flexing his tricks and you made a few mental notes to try a few of them later when he wasn’t around. 
When a pipeline wave began rolling your way, JJ tossed you a devilish grin, looking like a kid ready to break something. It was supposed to be one of the hardest ones to surf on. 
“Bet you won’t get this one!” he hollered. You flipped him off with a smile. 
“Bet I will.” 
You both eyed the target, determination evident, as you paddled. JJ quickly bounced up once it tumbled in while you waited a couple seconds after. 
Immediately, he plunged from his board while you expertly pivoted and glided along the tide. Poking his head from the water, he yelped seeing you nail it. 
Afterwards, you plowed back up the sand with him while he raved about what just happened. “That was so sick y/n! It was a pipeline! A fucking pipeline! I’ve never seen anyone do that before.” 
You blushed and tucked your hair behind your ear. “Well, it’s kinda my job.”
As you reached the shop, he turned to face you. “Yeah, speaking of, when do they give you a break around here again?” 
You chuckled and shook your head. “JJ, I had fun out there, but I’m still not going out with you.” 
“Alright! Alright! I get it. Can’t hate a guy for trying.” He held his hands up in defeat. 
You bid him goodbye and started getting ready to close the store. 
Later that evening, you met Sophia and the others at Annalise’s condo, spilling the beans on what happened. They all collectively gasped and hung onto their seltzers. 
“He actually came back?” Maia repeated as Arabella anxious gulped her drink. 
“Yup! Bothered me for my entire session and everything. God, he’s so delusional thinking I’d actually go on a date with him.” 
All the girls giggled except for Annalise who stared at the ground in deep thought. “But what if... you did?” she finally spoke. 
You grimaced. “Why on earth would I do that?” 
“No, like, fake date him,” she re-emphasized, “Think about it- you can fake-date him and we’ll go on your dates and sabotage the fuck out of him! Then, for the cherry on top, you can dump him before he even gets the chance to run! It’s the perfect ploy guys! We need to make sure he never messes with any girl ever again.” 
“Uh, I don’t know,” you scratched your head, “Can we really pull it off? It sounds so messy don’t you think?”
“Relax, we’re not killing him,” Annalise assured, “Also, it’s what he deserves! He’s broken practically every heart on this island. It’s time we take a stand in the name of our womanhood!” 
“That, I agree with,” Sophia added and the other two nodded. 
You were kind of shocked that Soph would be on board with such a preposterous plan. But, then again, this wasn’t the worst thing she’s ever agreed to. 
“You know,” your best friend continued, “I heard after you ditched him at the Boneyard, he hooked up with Emma Cohen the same night and ghosted her too. The boy just won’t stop!” 
Arabella gasped. “See! Rejecting him just isn’t enough! We need to kick him straight in the balls!” 
They did have a point. A twisted, ridiculous point. But you weren’t all gung ho about being the one to beat JJ at his own game. You- the girl who couldn’t even get Pope Heyward to take her to a dance. 
“All you’d have to do is bear him for a few dates. I’m sure we can take care of the rest,” Maia noted. 
Reluctance was still evident on your face. You could tell Annalise was getting desperate. “You know, y/n, I saw all the UVA gear on your locker at the shop. My dad’s best friends with the chancellor. He owes my family a lot of favors. How about I make a deal with you. If you do this for us, I’ll have my dad write you a rec letter and talk to his friend. You’ll be pretty much guaranteed a spot at UVA when you apply.”  
You let out an exasperated breath. Now that was an offer you couldn’t refuse. You wanted to put up more of a fight, but you didn’t want to let an opportunity like that slip from your fingers.
“Alright,” you sighed, “Fine. You sold me with UVA. Count me in your little scheming game again.”
Your friends cheered and clinked their drinks, eyes hungry for revenge. You sat back meekly and sipped yours, knowing the next few weeks were going to be an absolute train-wreck. 
“But wait!” you raised in the midst of the group’s plotting , “I shooed him away today. What makes you think he’ll be back to ask me again?” 
“You rejected him twice today?” Arabella questioned. You gave her a quick nod. 
“Oh girl, he’ll definitely be back.” 
Sure enough, JJ was back at the hut bright and early the next morning when you started your shift. 
“It’s you again,” you greeted as he leaned his arms against the counter, flashing you a smirk. 
He had on black aviators and a gray crewneck. For a second he seemed like a cute, innocent little puppy. Until he opened his mouth. 
“Don’t act so coy, babe, you know you’re happy to see me.” 
Oh God. This was the guy making half the island bawl in tears? You really couldn’t wrap your head around it.
You sighed, ignoring his corny-ness. “What do you want? We’re booked for the day.” 
“Ouch, is that any way to treat a customer?” He pretended to have gotten shot in the heart. 
As if on cue, Cody’s stocky legs strolled out of the back room, acting like he owned the place. He slid behind the counter to face you, disregarding JJ. You scowled and rolled your eyes.
“Y/n one of my customers had a complaint yesterday,” Cody stated.
“What? They had a shitty instructor? I could’ve told them that,” you shot back nonchalantly, inspecting your bare nails in disinterest. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see JJ snort in amusement. 
“Actually,” he prevailed, “They were complaining that their board was wobbly because someone let their customers take all the new ones.” 
You remained emotionless at his petty grievance. “What? It’s not my fault I don’t make my students do a hundred push ups at the start of the session. Maybe quit the crossfit and then they’ll actually leave better reviews.” 
Cody narrowed his eyes. “My students are grateful for my complimentary body-weight routine! They need to be fit for the waters. Whatever, stop fucking taking all the good boards! You’re taking away my customer experience, my good reviews, and my scholarship!” 
He proceeded to storm out the front door to his first set of victims for the day. You shot daggers at his back before JJ’s giggling snapped you back to reality. 
“Done,” JJ said, lifting his eyes from his phone.
“What are you talking about?” 
“I just left a bad review for that guy on your website.” 
Your eyes widened. “What do you mean?” 
JJ flipped his screen to you with the post pulled up. You read it out loud. 
“Do not recommend having Cody as your instructor. Made me do a hundred push ups before I got in the water, voice was too demanding, and shorts were uncomfortably short.” You erupted in laughter and playfully swiped his arm. “No way JJ!” 
“What?” he grinned and pocketed his phone. “Dude was being a real asshole to you.” 
You lightened up a bit at his kind gesture. Well, kind to you.
“Anyways, look,” he went on, “I know we might’ve started off on the wrong foot yesterday, but I wanted to come here and ask you out again. Properly.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but he persisted with his rehearsed spiel. 
“And before you say no, I just want to say that it won’t be nothing grimey or weird. Just dinner. Tonight. It’s not gonna be the best night of your life or the worst, I just wanna get to know you.” 
You sighed and cocked your head to the side. “If I say yes will you leave and stop bothering me while I’m at work?” 
You blinked in disinterest. “Pick me up at seven. And don’t be late.”
note: dUN DUN DUN!!! 
chapter four
tags: @obxlife @rudyypankow @yeehaw87 @ilymarkchan @jellyfishbeansontoast @tangledinsparkles @toloveortobeinlove @pixelated-pogues @normatural @teamnick @drizzlethatfalls @hazelgirl355​ @wicked-laugh​ @jjmaybankswife​ @ponyboys-sunsets​ @5am-cigarette​ @everydayimfangirling​ @angvelics​ @poguecollins​ @xealia​ @floridabornandraised​
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ptergwen · 4 years
yo, what do you think about peter with an azula type reader? Like with the abilities & all that? Would he be interested in something like that, wdy think?
YOOOO HOLD ON i never thought about that before but now that you mentioned it that would be so sick! so here’s a kinda long headcanon
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you were recruited by tony after he read your file from SHIELD
he had asked them to send over any information they had on possible threats
your name was on the list
tony read all about your fire powers and where you came from
he realized you were just a kid who needed some guidance, and you could do amazing things if you learned how to use your powers for good
that’s how you end up at the avengers facility
you want to work on yourself as much as tony does, but you were honestly scared
until you met peter
tony introduced you to him after you settled into your room
peter definitely wasn’t ready for it
“i’m uh, wow, i’m peter. your hair’s really pretty. wait that’s weird-“
he was a stuttering, blushing mess
you thought it was kind of sweet
“i like yours too. i’m y/n.”
he gave you a goofy smile and stuck out his hand
that was a bit dorky to you, but you shook it anyway
part of working on yourself is being nicer to people
tony suggested peter gave you a tour of the facility, and you were both down
peter took you down every hall on every floor, telling you fun facts about each avenger when you passed their room
he sure did talk a lot
it’s nice though. you didn’t really have friends, and this was your chance to change that
you even laughed at a corny science joke peter made while showing you tony’s lab
“personally, the movie theater is my favorite room in the whole place”
“do you guys have star wars here? it would look so cool on a screen that big”
“oh my god, we’re gonna be best friends”
you started your training the next morning with wanda, since her powers are the most similar to yours
she teaches you how to control yourself so your emotions didn’t set them off
you have a habit of shooting fireballs involuntarily when you lost your temper
peter offered to help you practice defense moves later
he didn’t know what he was in for
he thought having nonflammable webs meant he’d get you down easily
you just blocked everything he shot with a shield of fire
peter was already in awe of what he was seeing
“holy shit, you can do that? that’s so awesome!”
“i can do a lot of stuff, peter. maybe i should be giving you defense training”
training with peter and wanda went on for a couple of weeks
then you added in breakfast with peter and lunch after defense practice
it became a routine you actually looked forward to
you eventually worked your way up to gameroom nights together
your favorite is air hockey because you beat peter almost every time
sometimes you let him win just to see his dumb eye crinkling smile
dance dance revolution is also fun
you both suck so you always end up freestyling
peter’s carefree attitude really balances you out, especially when you‘re in a mood about something
unlike most people, your sarcasm is what peter likes most about you. you could be funny without actually trying
he’s one of the only people who wasn’t automatically afraid of you or your powers. he gave you a chance to show your real self to him
you spent over a month getting to know each other before peter asked you out on a date
he was super nervous about it, sweaty palms and all
“y/n, you um... i mean um... do you wanna watch a movie with me?”
“like as a date?”
“if that’s okay with you, yeah”
so you watched the empire strikes back in the big facility movie theater
you and peter shared popcorn and he kept doing the cliche thing where he’d “accidentally” touch your hand in the bucket
he was such a nerd but you overlooked it
towards the end he worked up the courage to hold your hand
you were surprised he didn’t ask a bunch of times first, but laced your fingers together
after it ended he walked you back to your room (which was right across from his) with his hand in yours
the next morning at breakfast he asked you out on another movie date
a few weeks later and you were officially a couple
you’re also officially on the team!!!
tony decided you’d had enough training at that point to start patrolling
peter took you with him one night so he could give you a little tutorial
there wasn’t much going on, so you just did firebending tricks for him on a random rooftop
peter loves watching you in your element
he knows how powerful you really are, and that you can do things nobody else could. no one appreciated it like he did
patrol evolves into missions together
you play bad guy, he plays good guy when it comes to dealing with anyone
peter has his quips and strength, you have a lot of rage and stamina to work with
tony is proud of the duo he kind of created
of course peter gives you those cheesy compliments after like “you were on fire out there” and “you looked smoking hot fighting that guy, babe”
then there are the missions that don’t go so well
you have a hard time keeping it together like wanda taught you when those happen
you’ll get back to the facility and fight some punching bags in the gym, burning at least one to ashes
peter never judges you for that
he knows how it feels to be angry after losing
you just want to prove you‘re getting better, and a loss won’t do that
he helps you get your confidence back up, however long it takes
it isn’t long at all before you have him pinned to the floor during training
which could sometimes lead to a makeout session if he isn’t feeling too shy
oh yeah and peter looooooves kissing you
like he’s just waiting for you to make the move all the time
you’re the one who speeds it up or bites his lip first
plus he says you taste like cinnamon which you’re pretty sure is another fire joke
you’re there to make peter feel better after his losses too
he’s better at it though because he’s the nice one and you’re more awkward with that stuff
but you both support each other however you can
you’re not super into pda because peter is shy about it, but there are those rare times he holds you by your waist or kisses your cheek in front of the other avengers
sam and bucky tease the hell out of peter for it
everyone else just ignores it, but thor thinks it’s adorable
you have to admit, you love your odd little family
you take advantage of the summer weather and have campouts in the huge ass backyard sometimes
peter gets the tent set up while you start a fire by throwing fire disks at the wood
it gets peter every time
“y/n, i think you’re the coolest person i know. or should i say warmest?”
“parker, i think you’re the biggest nerd i know. but it’s cute”
you roast marshmallows and pepper comes to check on you once or twice
tony worries about you guys, but he won’t say it directly
you try to scare peter with a ghost story, and he won’t confirm but you saw him shiver
you go to bed in sleeping bags with peter’s head resting on your chest
when summer comes to an end, peter has to go back home to queens
school is a thing and he misses may
you’re both literally devastated he can’t stay at the facility forever
“i wish you could come to midtown so bad. it’s gonna suck not seeing you every day”
“i have to keep working on myself. we’ll figure it out, parker”
you hug for a good five minutes and peter has to let go first
you’ll never tell him, but you cried the day he left
it’s not so bad because you have nat and wanda to spend time with
and peter texts you live updates of his days at school
you also facetime if he’s not on patrol or you’re not on a mission
he makes his weekly visits to the facility as requested by tony
but he spends more time with you than whatever he’s supposed to be doing
peter brings ned and mj with him one time since he thinks you’ll all get along
you become friends with mj even faster than peter
she has the same dry sense of humor as you, and she thinks your powers are so badass
now you have the best boyfriend in the world and some really cool friends too
life isn’t so bad after all
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This is completely out of left field, but for the au prompts- ghost!ethan meeting the jatp ghosts?
You are a genius. I'm gonna divide this into 2 parts: Ethan goes to the molinas, and the guys go to the bunker. thats the only way this works bc of the whole end of the world kind of thing. Sorry this is just ideas and not an actual writing piece, I'm just not sure how to go about that, so i guess just take this for now. This is probably gonna be a bit long so I'm gonna put a break
First off, I should note that if Lex and Julie met, it would definitely lead to this exchange:
Lex: So you're a witch too, huh?
Julie: What? No I'm not.
Lex: You summoned those guys with a CD.
Julie: I didn't *summon* them, I just played their CD and they appeared out of nowhere! I can't summon, and I'm not a witch
Lex, tired: Yeah, that's what I said at first too.
Now, if Ethan went to the Molina's-
He was testing poofing abilities
And just completely overshot it all the way over to cali lol
There was a freak out session
Cuz they had been sorta quarantining since bf
to avoid the crazy people influenced by wiggly
The freak out session includes an excited flynn cuz "!!! I can see a ghost now!!!"
cuz lex summoned ethan so he can be seen by everyone in case I didn't mention that earlier.
It also includes ethan freaking out cuz cali's really far and now hes really exhausted and doesnt know how long itll be till he can go back
julies just tired TM
3 teenage ghost boys took some adjusting, but a fourth? And one whos a himbo?? Please give this girl a break
Ray comes out to the studio cuz he hears the yelling
Julie quickly tells ethan to outside bc she's not in the mood to explain this to her dad since he still doesn't know about ghosts and ethans not invisible.
hes much more on edge rn bc of the riots
It takes a bit, but julie placates him
Once rays back inside, Julie ask what ethans doing here
this basically leads to him telling what happened to him during bf and everything since then.
Which is a lot, obviously, but they're all enjoying the story
Ethan talks about his awesome witch gf and her amazing witch little sister way more than was needed for the story, but the boys a simp, let him talk.
"Hey julie that kinda sounds like some of the things you did"
"Reggie come on-"
"I dunno that kinda sounds like a witch-y thing to do, according to John"
*seething julie noises in the background*
Willie pops by one time and is like "oh. so we're picking up strays now, in apocalypse cool"
Ethans just "???? Stray???? What???"
He kinda stays a while (like a week or two to rest up and poof back to hatchetfield)
Ethans a big snitch btw, he'll listen in and/or participate in conversations between the guys and shares it all with flynn at her request
Ethan enjoys his time at the Molina's, but when he can leave, he's ready to go, he misses everyone.
They all say goodbye and agree that was a bit of an odd experience
But it has brought back Reggies "julie is a witch" theories and she resents that.
Anyways now onto the guys come to the bunker-
Basically during black friday, the guys panic and poof out, but they over shoot and land all the way in the bunker
Yes I know this doesn't really make sense but idc this isn't gonna be super fleshed out
Anyways there's more panicking from Alex Luke and reggie than lex and Hannah who are in the room that they poof into
Emma walks in and sees the girls talking to air which she quickly puts together is not John, and just kinda gives lex this questioning look
And lex holds her hands up and says "I didn't summon these three I swear"
Emma just mouths the word three in shock before just,,,, walking out
The fact that they poofed halfway across the country is Not Helping alex's anxiety.
Plus there are more lifers who can see them?
Pls help him
Once they find that the lifers who can see them are, in fact, witches, reggie jumps right back to his Julie is a witch theory
In case u can't tell, reggie is me
They too stick around for a couple weeks
To rest so they can poof back
They exchange bf stories
Plus I hc that the dark room is the b&w
They briefly saw wiley in the b&w
But wiley didn't care about them so didn't pay them any mind
But when they first saw that ad campaign they told the molinas to stay away
So it was really interesting to them to hear about the more B&W side of bf
Its kinda weird for people knowing there are three teenage ghosts they can't see living in the bunker with them
Luke, as the resident song writer, is appalled by workin boys.
Reggies thoughts are more
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Alex has no such reservations.
He tears the story and the songs apart so much
Btw the fosters and ethan came across the edge of Great video and Ethan, who I believe is a conspiracy theorist, insisted they were ghosts and lex just thought they were impressive holograms and didn't believe in that kind of thing
They placed a joke bet on it
Hannah obviously sided with Ethan on this
When the guys came and introduced themselves as jatp (tell your friends!) ethan declared that lex owes him five bucks
Lex then reminded him that he's dead and can't do anything with it
Ethan concided and settled for bragging rights
Long story short the guys have quite the story for Julie when she gets back
Anyways that's all I have for now, add in anywhere if u want, I'd love to see your thoughts.
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Quest! For alone time - Barley Lightfoot x reader
*Fandom- Pixar’s Onward
*Pairings- Barley Lightfoot x F reader/you
*Warnings- NSFW - Smut Oral, fingering, safe sex, Fluff, constant cock blocking, Barley’s a good boy. Pre-established relationship. 2nd person pov
*Summary* You and Barley recently made the jump into the world of relationships but have found it infuriatingly hard to get any time alone together. 
**A/N** So I haven’t really found many reader insert fanfics with Barley and only 2 that had smut, I think... so I decided If I want it I aught to write it... 
**A/N 2**So I’m super positive Barley has to be at least 19 So you’re both ‘adults’ and your family treat you that way… the interruptions aren’t them intentionally trying to prevent your relationship or the more physical aspects of it. They’re more rooted in those people not being used to you being in a relationship… they never had to worry about walking in on something when you and Barley were only friends so it’s a bit of a transition for everyone. They’re also kinda oblivious to how annoying it is. 
* ❀✦ Master List✦❀
You and Barley had been dating for a little while now, but had been friends for much longer before that.
So now that you were transitioning from friends to couples it was often hard to find times and places to be alone, as the people in both your lives would often disturb you. Thinking nothing about walking in on you whenever it pleased them. 
You were both adults, and generally treated as such so the interruptions weren’t exactly intentional. Your parents weren’t trying to stop you from being affectionate with each other, but it was becoming increasingly more frustrating as time went on. 
“Sorry dear I forgot” 
“Oops i’m not looking- ignore me… just gotta get the laundry” 
“Hey do you know where my- ahh Barley! Hang a sock!” 
Going out on dates was fine. Unless friends decided to interrupt and make it a ‘friend thing’… twice! 
Kisses good night- they were lovely. But did often result in “ohhs” and “ahhs” from nosy parents (and their cop boyfriends). 
There were good morning texts, and phone calls late into the night. You’d often fall asleep talking to each other. 
If ever one of you had a bad day the other was always a phone call away, and would often show up with cuddles and favorite snacks. 
You let him rant to you about his mom’s boyfriend, and he held you whenever you had an argument with your mother. 
All in all the relationship thing was working out nicely. You and Barley clicked really well and were able to help with whatever problems or insecurities arose in your lives. 
There was just one problem… 
That couldn’t be helped...
It had been about a month now since you two decided to become intimate but, due to circumstances, that was still a thing you’d been unable to achieve. Barely having enough alone time to make out let alone anything more than that, was starting to get frustrating. 
He was really good about it though. Patient and understanding. Maybe he assumed you were nervous and didn’t want to push you into anything you weren’t ready for. He definitely didn’t want to mess up what you had, nor did he want to risk hurting you. 
You weren’t nervous though, well maybe a little, but it wasn’t about that. You’ve loved him for years, wanted him for years. Ever since the day he found you walking to school, crying about some fight you had with your mother before leaving the house that morning. 
He drove up beside you and offered you a ride. Despite knowing it wasn’t a good idea to hop into a stranger’s van something about him told you it was okay. 
He listened to you, and made you laugh. Took your mind off your problems and reminded you of the good in the world. 
You skipped school, driving to some secluded place with him, and talking for hours. By the time he dropped you at home you simply couldn’t imagine life without him. Even if you didn’t know it at the time, you fell in love with him that day.
Tonight though, tonight it was happening! Come hell or high water you were getting that boy in bed! 
<How fair you, my lovely maiden?>  your phone dings with a text from Barley
<Feeling kinda lonely> you respond, biting your lip awaiting his response. 
<Is there anything I can do?> 
<There are several things you can do… things that are lonely...> 
<What about your parents?> He asks. 
<On a date <3 <3 <3> 
<On my way!!> He responds quickly, causing a smile to stretch across your face.
You quickly make sure everything is ready, your hair, your make-up, you wanted to look extra special for him tonight. 
You’re just finishing as you hear Guinevere 2 pull up, and great Barley at the door with a kiss. 
“Hey” He smiles down at you, hands planted on your hips. 
“We got lucky” you take him by the hand and lead him through your house.
He follows you obediently, cheeks flushed. “When are your parents coming home?”
“Not for hours” You tell him, pulling him onto the couch. You wanted to take this a little slow, ignore how ‘booty call’ it really was. “They’re going to that restaurant they like” 
He pulls you to sit in his lap, “That’s good” he strokes your thighs. 
You lean in for a kiss, no matter how long you were together this never got old. The kiss was soft and loving, during which you clung to his jacket keeping him close.  
“How was your day?” you ask between kisses. 
“Better now, yours?” he chases your lips. 
“Okay, I missed you a lot though” you nuzzle into his neck, kissing him again and again. 
“Missed you too” Barley pulls you closer to him, inhaling your scent, using it to erase the stress of the day.  
With the house empty for hours there was no reason to rush, and you wanted to enjoy all the alone time.
That was until the door opened, your parents entering in a hurry. 
“Hey honey- you’re dad’s got an upset tummy so we had to come home early” your mom explains as your father rushes past her towards the bathroom. She pauses when she sees you, on the couch, on Barley, frown on your face. “Oh sorry, we’ll stay upstairs and out of your hair, just let me make some soup for your father… do you want anything?” she asks without really offering. 
You sigh and fall forward slightly, your head resting on Barley’s shoulder. “No, don’t worry mom we should be heading out anyway” 
“Oh… you seeing that new movie?” She asks, “the one with the space thing?” she tried
“Uh… yeah…” you force a smile before getting up, pulling Barley with you.  
Every time… 
Once outside you and Barley sigh, “so what do you wanna do?” he asks, brushing a piece of hair out of your face. 
“You” you grin. 
Barley laughs, “Okay, but… Oh! I think mom’s out with Corie tonight” 
Your eyes light up, “Why didn’t you say so” you tug him towards Guinevere 2. 
Soon you were on his bed, music blasting, fully wrapped up in a heavy make-out session. 
“You locked the door right?” you lean back, pulling off your shirt. 
“Lemme check” he pulls away from you, eyes never really leaving your form. This causes him to stumble over something. 
“Careful” you chide playfully tossing your shirt at him. 
He catches it with a grin before the door suddenly slams open. 
Standing there with wide eyes is a very pink Ian. 
“Did you need something?” Barley steps between his brother and a half naked you. 
“Oh uh… mom wanted to make sure you took out the trash…”   
“Okay- thank you,” Barley shuffles Ian out of the room. 
He turns to you and ruffles his hair with a sigh. 
“Now what?” he groans flopping back on the bed, arm thrown over his eyes. 
You recover your shirt, pulling it back on, before you remember an obvious solution. 
Crawling on the bed, getting closer to him, you ghost your fingers over his chest. 
“Baby” you coo. 
“Hmm?” he raises his arm to look at you. 
“Guinevere” you smile at him. 
“Um… okay? You want me to take you home?” 
“No,” you pull him up, “You have a van” 
You tilt your head. 
“Oh!” he grins, “good idea!” 
You preen at the praise. 
He suddenly jumps out of bed, grabs a few things, and is pulling you along behind him. 
Taking the trash out on the way- cause he’s a good boy. 
Barley drives around for a little while before finding a secluded spot, on the side of the road, to park.
 Putting on some music he pulls you into a kiss before you scamper away towards the back. 
Flopping down, you smile up at him doing grabby hands. 
With a laugh Barley lunges towards you, instantly attacking you with kisses. His hand moves up your shirt while you giggle about his cold fingers. 
Pushing him back you demand he removes his shirt while you do the same tossing them together in a pile. 
He returns to you as soon as possible, taking his time worshiping your body. Kissing down from your jaw to your chest, he runs his hands over your soft flesh before you pull him back up for a fiery kiss. 
“I can’t believe we waited so long” you sigh as he pulls down your leggings. 
“I didn’t want to pressure you” he runs his hands up your legs to grip your thighs, encouraging you to spread them. 
“Our families didn’t help…” you gasp as he leans forward placing a kiss on your warmth, still covered by panties in his favorite color. 
He ‘hmms’ before pulling the fabric aside and smirking up at you. Leaning forward he kisses your pussy once before diving in. 
His tongue, his lips, he was amazing and you couldn’t understand how anything could feel so good. Hands tangling in his hair you quickly lose yourself to the pleasure, gasping his name again and again. 
You were almost there, nearly at the edge, legs wrapped around his shoulders when a heavy knock sounds on the drivers window. 
“Son of a!” You hiss, only now seeing the police lights. 
“This isn’t possible!” Barley groans, pulling on his shirt and wiping his face, causing you to blush. 
Covering yourself with a convenient blanket, you stay out of sight while Barley goes to the driver's seat to deal with the cop. Who, unsurprisingly, also doubles as his mom’s boyfriend. 
“Yes Colt?” he sighs. 
“Barley, what are you doing out here?!” the centaur questions, trying to look into the van, his tone accusing.  
 “Just thought i’d sit here for a bit, listen to some music,” the elf half grins. It wasn’t a full lie… 
The centaur officer begins lecturing Barley on safety and rules and such. How it wasn’t smart to park on the side of the road at night, no matter the reason. 
You’re not really happy with the way he talks to the man who one day might be his step son but keep your mouth shut wiggling into your pants instead. 
“Alright, alright I’m leaving” the elf gives in with an irritated groan, putting Guinevere in ‘O’ he pulls out and drives away. 
By this time you’re, once again, redressed and you join him up front with a frown. 
“It’s okay Barley baby, we can try this again tomorrow” you offer and are surprised when he grins at you in response. Raising an eyebrow you question him. 
“I have one last idea” he winks, driving down the dark road for a short while before taking a barely visible side path that leads up a hill to a cliff overlooking the city. 
“I found this place after a particularly bad day” he tells you, before ordering your eyes closed. 
“Barley” you whine but have to give in when you see the starry eyed way he looked at you. 
Holding his hand for guidance you step out of the van. 
You open your eyes at his instruction and are amazed at the sight before you. The bright lights of the city below contrast with the glittering stars in the dark sky above. The moons are large and bright as fireflies dance around you. 
Once again you find yourself amazed and totally enamored with this sweet sensitive elf. 
Ever since you were younger he was constantly showing you how lovely he was. This was the place he took you that day so many years ago, and several emotions grip your heart all at once. 
“Barley...” you coo in a small voice. 
Arms wrap around you from behind, and he presses a kiss to your hair. Leaning back into his chest you find yourself content to stay like this forever. 
“I love you, you know that right” you purr up at him. 
Blinking down at you in surprise Barley looks almost in tears. Surprised and worried you turn in his embrace grasping his face gently. 
“Barley?” you question but soon let out a sound of surprise as he scoops you up, hands on your ass holding you tightly to him. He promptly pulls you into a needy kiss to which you happily respond wondering why he was reacting this way. 
Then you realize this might have been the first time you had actually said it, even if you felt it for so long. 
“I love you too!” He tells you, once he pulls away enough to do so. 
“You’re amazing” you nuzzle him, legs wrapping around him for support. 
He kisses you again, this time softer and more romantic. 
You pull back before he was ready, “Barley baby-”
“I remember something mentioned earlier... about you... doing me…” you nip his jaw playfully trying to get him back on track. 
With another laugh - music to your ears -  Barley walks back over to the van.
Never letting you down, he reaches into the back and pulls out the blanket you used earlier to cover yourself. He lays it on the ground before placing you on top. 
Looking down at you with heart eyes he once again removes your pants. He blushes before catching your eye. 
“Oh no… looks like I left my panties in your car, must not have put them back on before” you shrug trying to appear innocent. 
“I never took them off you” he chuckles, brushing a finger over your folds. 
“oh-Ohhhh” you begin with a teasing tone which quickly becomes a needy moan as he gives your clit a little flick. 
“Bad girl” he chides.  
You only grin and pull him down into another kiss, during which he slowly begins undoing his shorts just enough to pull his elfhood out, hissing as it’s exposed to the cooler air. 
Leaning back a bit, Barley teases your pussy with his cock. Wetting it with your juices, and finding himself thoroughly entranced by sight of you spread before him. Open and eager for what was to come. He’d seen your pussy several times before but it was always like the first time. 
“Please baby,” you gently encourage him, lifting your hips slightly, needing to be closer. 
He smirks down at you, dragging his tip against your clit all the while applying more pressure. 
“Oh!” he stops suddenly, and for a moment you swore if you were being interrupted again you’d jump off this cliff. Instead he reaches into his pocket pulling out a little plastic square. Aww, Good boy…
You watch with a smile as he quickly pulls the condom on and returns to teasing your entrance. 
“Barley” you huff in half annoyance. Having been teased all night, you were eager to get on with it. You needed him inside you and were getting tired of waiting. 
With a smirk he suddenly pushes into your opening, slowly sinking all the way in; shuddering with the pleasure of being fully sheathed in your warmth.
 Your eyes widen with surprise at how complete you felt with him inside. He was so thick and filled you completely. 
“You feel so good,” he tells you, his ears flushed, eyes glued to your face. “Warm, soft” he sighs softly. 
You wrap your legs around him in an attempt to pull him closer to you, and encourage him to begin moving. 
Taking the hint, Barley buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent deeply as he adjusts to being inside you. He kisses your neck and smiles at your soft moans. 
Slowly at first but soon picking up speed he begins thrusting into you. Before long a pace is set and you’re letting out needy little sounds, not even sure what you were saying anymore, or if it was comprehensive at all. 
“Don’t you dare stop” you whine, once again so close to your release as your arms wrap around him tightly. 
“What was that?” he teases pulling back to watch your face. 
“Barley I swear” you growl quickly transitioning to a whine when he reaches down and begins rubbing tight circles into your sensitive clit. 
“‘You almost there?” He asks, eyes showing both amusement and reverence at the same time. Which shouldn’t be possible. Why is he so flippin’ cute?! 
You whine. 
“Hmm?” he smirks. 
“Yes, yes! Barley I’m almost there pleease” you cling to his arms and try to remember to get revenge later. 
“Ugh- me too” he huffs out and begins fucking into you harder. 
He’s so deep and manages to hit every sensitive part inside you. It was as if you’d been having sex for years, and he had long since memorized everything about you. Everything you liked and everywhere inside you that made you cry out his name. 
“Oh cum with me baby, Barley cum with me” you babble, too lost in your pleasure. 
Your nails dig into his arms slightly as your eyes close, you’re almost there...
With a sharp cry your eyes open wide as you cum. They’re fixed on his face and you watch the man above you come undone, brow furrowed, jaw clenched, he’s so, so handsome; and you’re so in love. 
Pulling out of you with a sigh, Barley collapses next to you on the blanket. 
“Why did we wait so long?” he pants, eyes closed. 
You smile and shake your head turning towards him, “You were playing hard to get.” 
He lets out a breathy laugh, “Sorry it won't happen again” 
“Better not” you move, suddenly, leaning over him. 
“What ‘chu doing?” he asks, opening one eye to watch you curiously. 
With gentle fingers you reach for his cock, brushing down his length softly. 
“Hold on baby i’m not-” he tries to sit up.
You shush him, and encourage him to lean back with a gentle push. 
“Just,” you pull the condom off, tying it and leaving it aside, “Trust me” 
“Oh” he blushes. 
You lean down and lovingly clean his cock with your tongue, before tucking him away and refastening his pants. Not before making a mental note to repay his teasing in the future. 
You quickly pull your leggings back on before rejoining him on the blanket, resting your head on his chest. 
“Worth the wait?” He asks wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him. 
“Oh, definitely” you nuzzle into him, content and happy. “I love you” You remind him. 
“Love you too” his smile was bright and that alone was worth the wait.
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camelely · 4 years
13rw S4 Fix
 So i did one of these for last season and I think now that I’ve had some time to think about S4 I’ll do the same. While last season I thought the issue was one character being overused. But here it seems like there were multiple smaller things that could have improved the whole season Again I’m keeping the same basic plotline and characters :) 
1) Winston 
Have Winston stay at Hillcrest. Him moving to Liberty did nothing for the main plot and he was basically a red herring through most of it. Let him try are befriend the characters from the outside. He can learn about Jess from Bryce’s trial and the news coverage and then try to befriend her at Monet’s. This is where he meets and later starts to date Alex. Since he doesn’t go to liberty school Alex sees him as a sort of escape and lets him in. Clay and Ani dont tell everyone about him because they dont know he is trying to get close to them. It makes them seem less like assholes and more like people. They don’t mention his connection to Monty because they dont realize how close he is getting to answers. Clay can still suspect he did the graffiti, after all it was a break in and a non student could have done that. Plus Estella is another red herring in the school. She serves that purpose so let Winston be the outsider looking in. His arc would still be about knowing a different Monty and not knowing who is was at Liberty but now he is literally the outsider who didn’t really get Monty, rather than it just being a figurative thing at the prom. You can still have the prom scene it would just be entirely imagined rather than the half imagined thing they went with. I think they overused the people talking to ghosts thing so here it would be a  fantasy of Monty and the relationship they had rather then a representation of what could have been. However I don’t think this would have retracted from the point. Also play him up, he is a sympathetic antagonist and it sucks how much he is sidelined for Diego. I didn’t hate Diego but Winston and him basically went through the same arc. They were pro Monty and ending up dating a member of the group, couldnt believe that member was involved and then learned something about Bryce and Monty agreed to move on and just did. All while saying they will alway care for that member of the group. It was an unnecessary rehash. Having WInston be the outsider looking in and Diego the insider looking out also lets their characters compliment each other. They should still work together, just have Winston contact him looking for Monty’s friends. It’s simple. 
2) Tyler and Tony 
Oh Tyler. The character who seems to be in the middle of everything despite never doing anything himself. I didn’t mind his arc of helping the cops find the guys who sold the illegal guns. But Tony’s suspicions, eventually leading to Clay and Tony finding out the truth and just moving on never really go anywhere. I think  it would be cool if Tyler tells Tony, despite the cops telling him not to tell anyone, because he trusts Tony. But Tony, who has had bad run ins with the cops, thinks it is a bad idea. He doesn’t want Tyler taking the deal. Tyler says its the only way the guns wont be traced back to them but Tony thinks teh cops are planning to double cross them to mind out more about Bryce and Monty. At the same time he starts getting close to that cop that takes him boxing and helps him get into college (i dont remember his name for the life of me lol). Tyler sees this as being hypocritical and pulls away. Tony still suspects Tyler is behind the lock down because he is pulling away and Tony is getting paranoid. The rest of their story can still be the same but this way they can show Tony’s paranoia and his loyalty. 
As for Tyler and Estella, It was fine. The scene of them in the bathroom was really powerful, being in the bathroom with a de la cruz and becoming comfortable because isnt her brother was really nice. This could even be another reason Tony and Tyler fight. Tony can be paranoid that Tyler is trusting her too quickly and think she will turn on him. 
3) Jess
Her arc with the principal, being scared and agreeing with the security measures before she sees them in action was really interesting. Focus more on it and less on her manipulating Diego. I did like parts of that arc for her so I don’t want it completely gone but I do think focusing on her working with the principal would have been cool. I would call more attention to her first meeting and her agreeing with the measures and slowly show her change her mind and start to turn against them. Maybe even have an early scene of her and ANi talking about it and have Jess admit she feels safer. Move the creepy cop trying to pat her down to the second or third day. So she can have a moment where they make her feel safe before the negative experience. I loved the protest and a bit better build up would have made it amazing
Her arc with Ani. They fought over Bryce... It should have been a conversation. Not a moment where Ani judges Diego and then they argue. I still think this arc should have been Chloe and Jess and should have been in last season. But they had the opportunity to include Chloe this season and just didnt. I’ll talk about this a bit more in the Zach section but I think Chloe should have been at Prom and the moment between the Ani Jess and Chloe should have been then. It would be right after Jess and Ani made up and would have been cool. 
I don’t think she should have had scenes where she saw and talked to Bryce. Yes it created some powerful moments but they could be reworked. Have WInston use his wealth to commission a positive thing in the paper about Bryce and Monty and have her talk to his idealized photo of Bryce. I will mention it in the Clay section but her hallucinations detracted from his journey with mental health. 
4) Clay
Okay two thing here the first is his arc with mental health, hallucinations, and blackouts. They used it for drama and I wish they hadnt. It should have been about him healing. I didnt mind the way they handled the realization for clay that it was him doing everything (Did they explain the symbol he kept drawing because I missed it if they did? or i just forgot because it was that forgettable lol) but I think the whole thing could have been handled a lot better and a more educated fan then I can provide a better explanation for what exactly was off about it. I will say the the therapy sessions were repetitive and I know thats realistic but for a tv show its boring. The scene were Clay goes to his home was weird and low key scary. I understand the purpose but  I wish he had called him and asked to meet at his office instead. A more likable and relatable journey for Clay with his mental health would be really good for a show that was accused of glorying suicide (personally i dont think it did. My inbox is open if you wanna talk though :))
The second thing is the phantom phone caller. I hate this trope so it might just be me but this is so stale. There are exactly two ways it could go. The person could know everything and be a real problem or the person could be fishing for information and not be a real problem. The whole thing was predicable since Winston had red herring written all over him, Estella was barely developed, and on this show it is always the football guys. Instead let the pranks be smaller and less crazy. Like these boys had to coordinate a lot to mess with Clay. There should be more than one prank and end with a Monty doll and Clay holding a knife to set up the camp episode. But they should be pranks, not the phantom caller psychological torture bs. The blood shower can also happen just on a different day. Clay can be confused about what is real and what isnt making him even more worried about his blackouts and again assuming the mental health arc is handled well, the pranks can be a real part of it. Dumping him in the pit on the camping trip also seemed kinda attempted murdery so maybe do something like tie him to a tree of the path or in a small dirt ditch not a rocky pit where if he hit his head or fell weird the team would all be murderers. 
5) Alex
His arc with Charlie was one of my favorite stories this season. I was also not bothered by him getting close to and exploring his sexuality with Winston and Zach. I’m in the minority but I’m glad Zalex wasn’t made canon and Zach was used to be an effective (kinda) ally and good friend. Plus this way Zalex can live on in the fandom untouched or ruined by the writers interpretation. 
They should have given us Alex in therapy. He tried to kill himself had a traumatic injury, an arc with steroid abuse, and an arc about killing someone. All of which were forgotten this season. All the other characters seemed to be dealing with Bryce and Monty, why not focus on Alex? Even if it isnt in therapy just let him exist in his feelings.
6) Zach
I have one major issue with Zach’s arc, the lack of Chloe. She was the reason he almost killed a man. Let them date, let him start to spiral while dating her. She doesnt know what he did. Have them grow apart on screen but her still connecting to him and not wanting to give up on him. They should go to prom together. I know the hooker was supposed to represent Zach turning into Bryce with the hookers and the drunken sex/potential rape  and cocaine. But Chloe fills the same comparison. He brings cocaine she is not okay with it, He tries to convince her to have sex in the back she is not having it. Maybe he tries to convince maybe it becomes a bit worse than that but she breaks up with him at prom and leaves early. She sees Bryce in him, she doesnt have to say it but you can see it on her face and she walks away when her mind and heart tells her to this time no making excuses. Boom Chloe actually has an arc. As for Zach this is a big wake up call for him he sees what we had become. I know it is later in the actual show but I think it should be in the prom episode so he can have a better conclusion in the finale, like the other characters. The whole season was a downward spiral and I wish we got to see more of him pulling himself out of it. If the whole finale is him getting better even though he wont be all the way done he will be in a better place up the end.
7) Justin
Okay the hard one. I think the writers really wanted to kill him. I mean a fan favorite, who did bad things, and the death would be in the series finale. this is a tv writer’s drug of choice. So I’m gonna do a fix where I still kill him first then to the ideal version. Ok so first Justin dies. No HIV/AIDS. It was out of nowhere, unneeded, and seemed a bit insensitive. If you want it to be related to his drug use, make it so he got a bad batch when he relapsed. Or maybe organ failure. If it doens’t need to be drug related it can be an accident or someone he knew on the streets getting revenge, like that drug dealer we spent time with last season. Or if Justin helps Tyler put the gun salesmen behind bars then have it be retaliation for that. He can still go to the hospital and have goodbyes but it wont be an aids diagnosis and death in the same episode. I know they had signs in earlier episodes but the timeline is still really fucked up...
An ideal ending would have him live. He can still pass out at Prom. The diagnosis can be a combination of stress and withdrawal symptoms.He can be the red herring for the person in the coffin. If Justin lives he can represent hope. He can show the audience that you can get better and things can work out. Even if you are sick and think you will die you can do better be better and live in a better world. Plus I love him and really wanted him to be happy. The message would be you can get out of a bad situation and wold have ended a sad series on a positive note. Even if you are a bad person. Even if you have bad circumstance. Even if it feels like the world is against you, it can get better if you put in the effort. Which felt like the message the show was going for in eariler seasons by showing the people on the tapes doing better but abandoned this last season.
So who would I put in the coffin. Ani’s mom. Now I know she wasn’t a well liked character and her mom wouldn’t have the same audience or character reaction Justin’s death did. But this version isn’t about making the audience sad. Ani would finally have a plot that was really about her, her mom died, Bryce’s mom basically wants to provide for her. And she isn’t sure what to do. Justins funeral felt like it was overshadowed by graduation anyway. Now Ani’s moms absence and the funeral being overshadowed both make sense. She is going to college and doing what she can to honor her mom. And the death of a parent causes Clay to immediately appreciate his own family more. The theme in the first season with Clay was appreciating and acting on his feelings for Hannah before she was gone. Ani’s mom dying is a reality check for him and he know the most important things are his family and friends. Justin’s arc was about finding a family and he did. The core of the show is about family, friends, and the importance of�� a strong support system. And starting it with a mother grieving her daughter and ending it with a daughter grieving her mother would be a cool full circle moment.
This post is really long so if you read all the way down Thank you! :) 
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