#j I sa what . wait
ieropilled · 2 years
he is one with the stage
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bitterkarella · 1 year
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
Poe: joanne you don't need to bring him here Poe: like, you really don't Rowling: he hass thingsss to sssay and you're ALL going to hear them Poe: this is really kind of off topic for us here Rowling: EVERYONE will hear them
Rowling: ssssee, yearsss ago i disssmisssed graham lineham'ssss babble as the bad opticsss ravingsss of a lunatic Rowling: but now that the overton window hass sshifted Rowling: i'm proud to sssay thessse bad opticsss ravingsss are quite good actually!
Rowling: go ahead, graham, tell them what you told me Lineham: trans people produce no great films, no music, no art Lineham: they're incapable of doing this basic human thing because they're subhuman Lineham: untermensch, if you will Rowling: isssn't he great?
Lineham: trans books are always universally panned because of their incoherence Billy Martin: Hailey Piper: Eve Harms: Gretchen Felker-Martin: Joe Koch: M. Lopes da Silva: Arden Powell: Lor Gislason: Julya Oui: LC von Hessen: GE Woods: Michelle Belanger: Rain Corbyn: SA Chant:
FT Catulla: Viktor Athelstan: Meagan Hotz: Ziggy Schutz: Rose Sable: WN Derring-Judith: Charles Maria Tor: Devaki Devay: Dayna Ingram: Ori Jay: Ai Burton: Gabriel Valentine: Cosmin-Mihai Birsan: Jei D Marcade: Rhiannon Rasmussen: Max Turner: Taylor J Pitts: Vincent Endwell:
Bri Crozier: Theo Hendrie: Derek des Anges: Briar Ripley Page: Winter Holmes: gaast: Maya Deane: Charles-Elizabeth Boyles: Layne van Rensburg: Amanda M Blake: May Leitz: Alison Rumfitt: Rivers Solomon: Lillian Boyd: Torrey Peters: Taliesin Neith: Daniel M. Lavery: Joss Lake: Aubrey Wood: Jonah Wu:
Daphne du Maurier: Patricia Highsmith: Franz Kafka: Kafka: wait Kafka: why did the camera pan to me
Barker: oh you know why haha Poe: clive Kafka: why Kafka: [hugging blåhaj] i don't know what you mean
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hannahbarberra162 · 3 months
Can't Fix Fix A Broken Heart, Chapter 8
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18+, MDNI
Now on Ao3
All chapters
Things get explicit in this chapter. Yandere in full force.
TW dubcon, mental and emotional manipulation, mentions of past abuse, mentions of past SA.
You heard Marco calling to you from the hallway. You didn’t know how he had found you, but he sounded angry. You came out of the closet and saw a cross Marco with his arms folded across his chest. You fought the urge to grovel immediately but did start pinching your fingers. You didn’t know what you did - but you’d do anything to get him to stop scowling at you.
“Hi Marco.”
“Why are you sleeping in the supply closet?”
“Oh. Um. I guess I just got sleepy and took a nap here? Sorry, it won’t happen again,” you said sheepishly.
“Wrong answer.”
“Ah, um…I don’t…I didn’t…um…” You floundered. Marco had never taken this kind of tone with you and you didn’t know what to do. You were starting to panic.
“Oh, Y/N, what are we going to do with you?” sighed Marco, putting his face in his hand and shaking it from side to side. “My brothers and I have really put ourselves out there for you. We saved you from the Marines, we brought you to our ship, we’ve helped you in so many ways. This is the thanks we get?”
“I am thankful! I really, really am! I’m so grateful for everything everyone has done.”
“It doesn’t feel that way. Why didn’t you tell me that you were having trouble sleeping? That you were sleeping in closets and cupboards? That you can’t sleep without your back to the wall? Do you think we can’t help you? That I can’t help you? That I’m not a good doctor? That I don’t care for my siblings? Is that what you think of us?”
“No! No, I just… Marco, please, I… j-just didn’t think it was import–”
“It IS important, Y/N. Why should we keep helping you if you don’t trust us?”
“I d-do trust you! I do!” you were close to crying from the tension radiating off Marco.
“I don’t know if we can continue to have someone on our ship that we can’t trust. That doesn’t trust us. I think our time together may have come to an end. I will inform Whitebeard on your behalf.” Marco turned his back to you and started to walk away.
You were bawling now, you didn’t want to leave the ship.You didn’t have anywhere else to go and if you left you’d have no one and and and…so you called out “wait, Marco!” Marco stopped, but didn’t turn towards you. You ran up to him and grabbed his hand from behind. He allowed you to take it but remained turned away from you.
“What, Y/N?”
“P-p-please, isn’t there anything I can d-do? T-t-to show that I t-trust you? I don’t wanna b-b-be k-k-kicked o-o-out, p-p-please..” you were sobbing so hard you couldn’t form words without stuttering. 
“Well,” he said, moving his head from side to side in thought “I suppose if you showed your trust in us..”
“No more secrets, Y/N. You have to be completely honest with us.”
“O-of course, w-whatever you want to kn-know.” You were still crying but were starting to hope that Marco would forgive you.
“And since it seems you can’t take care of yourself properly, you need to surrender that task to us. You need to listen to us when we tell you what’s best for you. I’ll meet with my brothers and we can set some rules for you to follow so you can earn our trust.” You weren’t sure what that meant exactly, but you would have agreed to let him rip out and eat your still beating heart if he asked for it.
“Y-y-yes, ok, thank you M-Marco. Thank you.” You nuzzled his hand in thanks, trying to deepen your breathing.
He turned his body all the way towards you his expression softened. He cupped your face in both of his large hands. “I know you don’t mean to hurt us, Y/N. I want you to be our good girl, and I think you want that too, isn’t that right?”
You nodded your head up and down in his hands. 
“I know the perfect way you can start to earn back my trust.”
“H-how?” your crying had stopped but you were still hiccuping your words.
“Kiss.” he commanded and brought his lips crashing down on yours.
Ace had overheard an emotional conversation in the hallway and had cracked his door to see what was going on. He watched as Marco ordered you out of the closet and began speaking sternly to you. Ace’s eyes opened a little wider - he hadn’t known you were sleeping there. If he had found you in there, he’d have taken you straight to his bed. He decided to stay hidden and see what happened.
Listening to Marco talk to you was a masterclass in manipulation. Marco had maneuvered you so well, so easily and you hadn’t noticed a thing. Ace knew Marco wasn’t worried about your loyalty, but you sure didn’t. He had gambled on your insecurities and won the grand prize. Now they were all able to collect. Finally, they’d be able to have you in the way they had wanted. 
As he watched Marco kiss you in the moonlight and knew he’d be doing the same, and soon. You looked like a little angel, all breathless and submitting yourself willingly to Marco. He handled his growing bulge over his pants, fondling himself to your teary- eyed kiss. The scene was too hot for him to endure untouched, so he took his cock out and started slowly stroking himself from base to tip. He was leaking precum just from watching a kiss, like he was a teenager. He imagined it was himself kissing you, fondling you, getting to touch you. He pumped his cock a little bit faster as you started making small sounds from Marco’s hands traveling over your neck, shoulders, and down your front. He imagined the sounds you would make around his cock as you rode him, how he would bite your neck, suck on your nipples, give you marks to let everyone know he was there. That he would always be there. 
Marco’s kiss was all encompassing. All you could think about were his lips as they expertly kissed your own. He had caught you off guard-  your mouth had been closed. He licked at the seam of your lips, wanting you to open. You opened your mouth slightly and he pushed his tongue inside. He was still holding you in place, kissing you at his pace. He was in control and was showing you what he wanted. You followed his lead, kissing him back. You wanted to show that you wanted this too, that you wanted them, that they didn’t need to get rid of you. You tried to pour all that emotion into your side of the kiss. 
When he stopped kissing your mouth and started feathering light kisses down the column of your neck. His hands were roaming all over you - your arms, neck, and starting to creep up your stomach. “Ah, Y/N, I knew you’d be worth the wait.” You couldn’t answer - your breath was coming in short gasps as his kisses trailed downwards. “Let’s go somewhere private - I wouldn’t want anyone else to enjoy the show yoi.” Marco cocked an eyebrow towards one of the open doors briefly but you didn’t see anyone.
With that, Marco threw you over his shoulder and took long strides to his room. Once in, he sat down on a loveseat and put you in his lap, facing him. “Come here, Y/N, show me how good you can be.” He began kissing you again, moving from your lips to your neck down to your collarbones. You started to let out small whimpers. You couldn’t help yourself - you knew you were incredibly wet. You started moving and grinding on Marco, hoping for some friction. 
Marco was kissing your shoulder, and had started putting his hand up the hem of your shirt, teasing your lower back with light touches. “Ah, wait. I don-” You tried to object. Kissing was one thing, but showing your back was another. No one had seen it in years, it was a source of deep shame and humiliation. You wanted to keep your shirt on for now.
“Y/N, this is the exact kind of thing we need to be working through,” Marco said with a frown. “I thought you had agreed to listen to us yoi,” he continued. He gripped you by the shoulders and stopped your movements on him. You realized belatedly you were grinding on his cock - and he was huge. There was no way it would ever fit…but you refocused back to the present. Your back? You gulped - was this what he needed from you? So he could trust you? You could do it, you thought, trying to gather your own courage. It was just skin, and he’d seen scars before.
Marco had changed the position of his hands, holding your thighs down to prohibit your rocking. “You can take it off” you said in a small voice, looking down at your lap. Marco flashed a smile at you as he raised your shirt off your body. 
You lifted your arms and Marco pulled it all the way off. He ran his hand over the middle of your back and paused. You hoped he would continue to tease and kiss you, but he just picked you up and faced you the other direction away from him so he could see your back better. He was examining it silently. You knew it had killed the feeling in the room from the way he was looking at it. He reached out a finger to touch the angry red, raised lines. He touched one and you hissed a little - they were extra sensitive lately. He just looked at you silently for a few moments. Marco didn’t say anything but sat you down next to him, off his lap.
You hung your head in shame. You couldn’t look at him. Not only had he seen your back, but you had disappointed him. He didn’t trust you. You had another crew’s logo on you. He didn’t want you anymore, he thought you were ruined. You were ruined, just like you were told. You were going to be sent back, discarded like the trash you were. You just waited for Marco to tell you to collect your things. 
‘Y/N, what is this yoi?” he said in a soft voice. He was being gentle with you, delicately touching parts of your scar that were less raised. 
“It’s old scar tissue, it’s healed now.”
“What’s it from?”
“Most of it is a branding from when I was on that pirate ship. They - they burned their jolly roger on me. Some of it is from a whipping the Marines gave me. Those are the more recent marks.”
“Why did they whip you?”
“Escape attempt.”
“Do they hurt yoi?”
All the questions were digging into your deepest sources of shame. You wanted to be strong but you started crying again.
“Y-yes. I think they don’t let me stretch my skin enough back there. It always feels tight. I’m not really sure, I try not to look at it.”
“I’m s-sorry M-m-marco. I really tr-tried to be g-good for y-you. I’m j-just r-ruined.”
“You’re not ruined, this wasn’t your fault,” he said absently as he continued gently touching your back. You couldn’t see, but you felt a pleasantly cool sensation along some of your scars. Was he trying to heal you? The flip between the harsh Marco of before to the sensual Marco to this soft Marco had you so confused. You didn’t know how he was going to take anything. You let him look in silence. He broke it by quietly asking “why did they brand you, not tattoo you?”
You gave him the answer you had been told, in a deadpan voice “Crew get tattoos, property gets branded.”
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leeknowlover99 · 9 months
singles inferno with enhypen hyung line episode 2 paradise with Heesung
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previous part masterlist next part
warnings: fluff, slight sexual tension, Hee is a flirt
all three couples met again in the helicopter. Heesung let you enter first like a true gentleman and have window sit with the stunning view. “wow the island looks so wild from up here” he screamed to you after you took off. it was so loud that any kind of normal conversation was too difficult to hold. you admired the view instead - beautiful color of the sea and black volcanic rocks. your island indeed looked wild, almost completely covered by plants and very hilly. “that’s not the same island as in previous seasons” you screamed back to Heesung. “yeah, i’m wondering why did they change it, i liked the other one more” he leaned towards your ear and his sweet woody perfumes hit you. the smell and his proximity tingled your heart slightly. just in this moment helicopter suddenly made a sharp turn and you jumped caught out of your thoughts. in an attempt to steady yourself your hand reached to Heesung thigh and leaned on it. you felt his muscles tense up. just after you realized what you did you quickly let him go blushing. god that was so embarrassing. but you felt warm touch around your little finger and slowly turned your gaze towards the boy. he gently wrapped his long fingers around your pinky and mouthed “it’s okay” to you. you smiled at him silently thanking him for bringing you comfort and you held eye contact for a while. his eyes soft and warm. you were starting to be more and more intrigued by this boy. Heesung already showed you few different faces and it was only two hours since you two have met.
when you arrived on the island black sports car was waiting for you. “wow! that’s new!” you investigated it excited. “hop in princess” Heesung opened passenger door for you and you made your way inside still admiring the car. “always wanted to drive it” Heesung said after you hit the road and he accelerated wind in your hair. “this season really is different. i’m curious about the paradise. i’m still starving after that meal” you shared. “yeah i hope for something better than carrots” he laughed. “would love to eat steak.” you drove for only about 20 minutes and you already arrived at your destination - huge luxury hotel. staff helped you on the way to your room. it was at the highest floor. you could sense it’s going to be awesome. but you did not expect anything like that. the place was huge, super stylish and specious but the best thing was the view. it was breathtaking. “woah this is crazy” Heesung whistled walking around the living room. “the view is insane.” he stared. “it must be even better at night.” you added and went to explore some more. you entered the bedroom. “oh only one bed?” you were surprised a bit. Heesung followed you and took a look at the room. “i can sleep on the coach, no worries” he said unpacking his bag. “let’s order some food, i’m starving too.”
you ordered way too much food but everything was so tempting that you could not resist it. Heesung insisted on ordering champagne to celebrate your first trip to paradise. now he was telling you to open it. “come on J want to see your skills” he urged you. “what if i poke your eye?” he laughed. “i’ll poke yours in exchange” he teased. “that’s not very comforting” but you proceeding with slowly unwrapping the cork. you let it loose and gently pressed your thumb on it. it escaped the bottle with a quiet “pum” and little cloud of alcohol. “oh my god i did it” you scream excited and Heesung joined you with two glasses. “told you. to our first paradise” he rose the toast with a wide smile and you loudly clinked your glass against his. “to our first paradise.”
at first you were both too busy with stuffing your mouths full of delicious food but after first hunger has been tempered you started talking. “i’m curious how old are you” you started. “you really look young like Jake said.” “i think we might be peers but who knows. can i guess?” he asked. “go ahead, but don’t disappoint me.” he was thinking for a while before saying “Y/N age”. “oh my god how did you know??” you gasped. “i’m smart” he winked making you smile. “now guess mine!” you took a look at him studying his face and decided to go with your initial thought “22.” he smiled, his eyes turning into small crescents. “almost, 23.” “ah damn it, i was close” you frowned. “let’s see if you can guess my job.” he tilted his head eyes curiously looking at you. you took more time to think now, considered his charming personality and cute boyish vibe. “i think you’re active in social media, maybe a youtuber?” you asked. “ahhh you’re getting close but that’s not it” he gave you a clue. “hmm tik toker then?” you laughed. “yeah i have a tik tok account. but it’s not my main job, more of a side gig” he explained. “so what do you do?” you asked. “i’m a professional dancer.” you noticed he got a little shy after admitting, tips of his ears pink and his hands playing with the necklace he wore. “wow that’s so cool! so on tik tok are you posting your dances?” you were impressed but you had to admit he did look like the dancer, lean but strong body, great charisma. oh you needed to see him dance so bad. “yep. but lately i’m posting song covers as well, i’ve been getting vocal lessons since some time.” his eyes light up cutely as he was talking about it. “you could be an idol with all that talents and the looks” you winked at him mimicking his flirtatious persona. he laughed and you saw his cheeks get a little bit red. “thank you. but now i want to know what is your job! it’s hard to guess, you’re mysterious.” he stared at you intensely leaning forward slightly. “oh really? yeah it’s not that obvious i guess. i’m an author” you admitted. “i would never guess that! so you write books?” he asked. “yes i published 3 mysteries so far. i’m working on the new series.” you shared. “wow, that’s so cool, you must be so smart. i need to read them after the program” he seemed genuinely excited. it made you feel warmth in your heart. “how did you start that career?” he asked. “we’ll i always loved books and stories so when i wrote my first novel i decided i’ll try to sent it to the publishers. i did not expect much, but they liked it. i was so shocked when after publishing it became a bestseller. so it all just started to happen after that success. i started promoting in social media and writing next books.” you continued your story while Heesung leaned back and observed you attentively. his eyes flickering to your lips few times. you were watching him closely as well so you were able to notice that. corners of your lips turning upwards with that realization. “you must be some kind of celebrity! can i get the autograph?” he smiled brightly and reached out for your hand. he gently held it making you feel butterflies in your stomach. “wah i’m holding hands with the celebrity.” he gasped. you laughed and slapped his hands away. “stop it. you’re over exaggerating. i’m not really famous.”
“lets go swimming” you proposed after eating. “i’d love to” Heesung smiled and you got up to change your clothes. you picked black bikini for today. it was cute with some frills and bows. nothing too revealing so you would feel comfortable. you wrapped yourself in a huge bathrobe, it felt super soft. you met Heesung at the door and filming crew lead you to the outdoors pool. it was already dark outside and pool was lit up by lights looking very moody. however weather was pretty chilly, light wind blowed in your hair. it also stirred up Heesung hair. “ahh let’s hop in” he said taking off his robe. like you expected his body was thin but strong. you tried to not stare at his abs and arms but it was definitely tempting. you followed him taking off your robe. “cute” he commented his eyes eating up your body. but his gaze was far from cute. it made you feel hot despite the cold air. his action made you a little bit bolder so you looked at him too not shying away now and took his hand to help you go into the water. “it’s so cold” water was freezing. maybe that was not the best idea. you hoped you won’t get sick after that swim. you were shivering after you fully entered the pool. Heesung must’ve noticed that as he approached you slowly and rubbed your arms. “we have to warm you up” he moved his hands to your waist and massaged lightly holding eye contact with you. oh fuck. you really wanted to kiss him. he looked like he was thinking about the same thing. his gazed lingered on your lips, pupils dilated. “let’s swim. movement will help” you broke the tension before you could make something stupid on camera. Heesung chuckled and followed you swimming to the opposite side of the pool. after you swam for few minutes you felt a little bit warmer. you made a stop at the edge overlooking the city. “night view is so pretty. we can even see some stars” you said leaning against the edge. “yeah, it is. but not as pretty as you” Heesung said fixing the lose strand of your hair. “you’re such a flirt.” you smiled at him. “is it bad?” he asked. “it’s charming.” “obviously i’m very charming” he laughed. “it’s really nice to be here with you. i wanted to talk to you because you seemed interesting and i was right. i’m having a lot of fun with you” he suddenly confessed. “i’m having fun too. your personality is really great. i feel like with each moment I’m getting to know you better i’m more interested in you.” you responded with honest confession as well. “wow. it’s really great that we matched so well from the beginning of the show. but do you still want to come here with other guys?” he asked raising his eyebrow. he surprised you with that question so you tried to answer it without revealing too much. it was too early for any confessions and promises. “well i definitely want to talk to other people, get a hold of who they are. and i guess i’ll see if i will want to come here with them.” you said. “yes i’m thinking the same. but i also know that i will want to go here with you again” he admitted. “let’s go again” you smiled. “okay, but now let’s go back to the room, i see that you got goosebumps”.
after swimming you ordered some korean food for dinner. you talked during eating a lot. you were actually surprised that talking to him was so easy. you were enjoying your conversation more than you expected. cameras were constantly around you, directors advising you how to sit and where to look but surprisingly it did not make things stiff or uncomfortable. you were too invested in getting to know Heesung to care about it. it did made you a little bit more cautious though. you saw Heesung trying to hold back sometimes too. so now when you were washing up you were wondering what it would be to go on a date with him without the cameras. would he make a move already? i guess you weren’t going to find out. it was unbelievable to you that after spending few hours with him you seemed to start falling for him. or maybe it was just the show’s doing. maybe you’ll go back to inferno tomorrow and forget about Heesung when you see other guys. who knows. you scolded yourself for overthinking and put on your pajamas. you still had one thing you wanted to ask Heesung.
you were both laying in bed, Heesung resting his head on your shoulder, wearing cute stripy pajamas. “can you sing something for me?” you requested. “sing for you? i think i can. pick a song” he yawned and hugged you tighter. you thought for a while and decided on one of your favorite songs. it was popular so Heesung should know it. “can you sing love yourself by Justin Bieber?” he did not respond but you heard him humming quietly. “okay ready?” he asked. you showed him thumbs up and he started the song. his voice was sweet and he was hitting all the notes perfectly, even adding adlibs and humming. you closed your eyes and enjoyed the song. after he finished you started clapping. “wow that was absolutely beautiful. you could be the professional singer for sure” you were amazed by his clear vocals. “thanks” he smiled softly. “now you have do something for me. tell me a piece of your new story.” he changed position so his head would lay on your knees. you instinctively started to play with his hair. “okay i’ll give you the tease” you started your story. you told him one of your favorite moments from new book you were working on. he listened quietly. after you finished it was already 2 am. “you’re a great story teller. i can see while your books are bestsellers” Heesung said before saying good night to you and moving to living room to sleep on the coach. filming crew started to get going too and told you that filming will resume at 7 am. you burrowed yourself under soft duvet and went to sleep after your first day in singles inferno.
taglist: @caravm @semisemirin1i82 @yourbobaeyestell
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sunnyfucks · 2 years
“NOT YOURS ! ” hard dom!jay x cheater fem!reader.
cw : SMUT & cheating ! (sunoo is reader’s bf), fucking on the dorm (his and jake’s room to be exact), unprotected sex, breeding kink, overstimulation, uses of toys, degradation, creampie, choking and edging. use of y/n.
a/n : i wrote and posted this before using my jay centric smut account but since it got banned or something (the acc itself and posts wont show up) i thought of bringing it here. hehehehe. and guys, never ever cheat hmmmm?
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“jay please..” you whine as you wait for your orgasm, not to mention you don’t know how much you’ve came undone just for tonight. you can barely breathe as you’ve been chasing your breathe for the past couple of hours since you and him started.
“hmm? you’ve cum for who knows how much yet you still want too? look how slut you are.” jay says, obviously mocking you and he earned nothing from you but a whine. you don’t understand why he’s acting like this, you sure do likes it when jay chooses to be rough.. but not like this. you’ve cum multiple times and you can’t stop your legs from shaking. “how come tears are pooling your eyes and your pussy’s soaking wet? is this how much of a whore you are? ...for me?” he says, his ego being boosted in the process.
although you don’t know if you can handle another orgasm anymore, you can’t help yourself but buck your hips to meet the vibrations with the toy jay’s using on your clit. the room had been filled with your low cries and moans as jay watches you shake hard from the pleasure the vibrator’s sending you.
after some time, you felt the familiar sensation building up in your stomach and jay could say so, a smirk forming on his lips. you closed your eyes tight shut expecting your orgasm, but jay isn’t just done with you yet. he’s been edging you since the beginning of everything and he’s completely aware that he should be letting you cum by now, but he’s enjoying your expressions and you being a whore to him way too much.
you felt tears poke your eyes again by how your belly ache with the lost of your orgasm again. “j-jay... please.. just let me cum. i really want to cum..” you pleaded. jay looked at you to protest and mock you but seeing your fucked up face, some excess of his semen when he fucked your mouth earlier visible on the side of your mouth and your fucking doe eyes... jay’s pretty satisfied with this. so he grabbed an another toy resting on his drawer and immediately shoved it in your aching core. jay pumped it in and out and you could only hold the bedsheets tight.
“i wonder what would sunoo feel if he knows you’re this slutty to me cause you two haven’t fucked yet?” jay says, still pumping the dildo he has on you. with this, your mind trailed off and went on thinking about your boyfriend, sunoo. you love him, you really do.. but you don’t know why one glance from jay and you’re already a wet mess. on the other hand, jay seems to notice this and he started pumping the toy roughly and harder, tempted to make you think of him and only him... well, he succeeded.
“fuck!” you cursed as you felt the familiar sensation again, thoughts of your boyfriend sunoo leaving your mind once and for all. “jay.. please keep going, keep going” you pleaded and jay smirked again. “such a slut” he said before grabbing the vibrator that is laying on the bedsheet. you were about to tell him not to put the vibrator but he had already done it.. and now you’re a shaking mess.
you kept on moaning as jay pumps the dildo in and out of you and his other hand holding the vibrator up your clit, creating circles on it. you’ve started to be breathless with how much of a pleasure you’re receiving, not to mention that the one doing all this looks pretty hot infront of you.
“jay hyung? are you awake? have you seen y/n?” a voice outside the room stated, your mouth hanging open as you realize who’s the owner of the said voice. jay raised his eyebrow on this and seems to had an idea. “you want your boyfriend to hear you?” jay says with a smirk on his lips. you were about to say no but jay setting the vibrator on the highest level caught you off guard.
"no, i haven’t seen her. why? where did you last left her?” jay shouted, enough for sunoo to hear him outside. you have your mouth hanged opened as you’re trying your very hardest to supress your moans. jay’s smirk never leaving his lips. “cum for me?” jay asks lowly, pumping the dildo harder and pushing the vibrator more on your now very sensitive clit.
“oh my god, jay..” you moaned lowly, shaking very hard. “we were both sleeping and i just woke up. thought she just ate but its been 30mins so i checked the kitchen and she’s not there. the other members told me they haven’t seen her too.” sunoo explained. you heard jay scoff with this. “oh i haven’t. don’t worry about her, she’s pretty good and i know she won’t do anything that would worry or hurt you.” jay’s smirk is very visible when he said this. “cum for me, y/n. you’re my good slut, right?” he said and you could only let out moans, along with your orgasm.
you started to breathe slowly after coming undone and you were about to cuddle jay for a moment before leaving his room but he stopped your movements and hovers on top of you. “who says im done?”
jay then stroked his dick, “spit” he said and you did. jay used this as an alternative lubricant and he loved it very much. jay came down to reach your lips and he left a peck on it. “you’re doing great. such a good slut for me.” he praises as he slowly bottoms out. jay started thrusting deep and slow at first, setting his normal pace. his hands traveled around your body, making sure that everything gets appreciated. you always loved how sensual he is, but that’s not the point right now.
because when jay’s done with enjoying every bits of your body, he started thursting hard and rough. jay’s been grunting here and there and you could only let out moans. “fuck, y/n.. you’re so fucking hot” jay praises as he slid his hand on your neck, slightly groping on it at first. however, both you and jay noticed that your phone lit up and picture of you with sunoo can be seen flashed on the screen.
“your boyfriend’s here to get you” jay mocks. “harder...” but you managed to say and jay happily obliged. the bed creeks loudly as both you and jay chase your own highs, his grip on your neck hardening, making you shamelessly clench around him. jay held his eyes tight shut with how much your core’s squeezing his cock hard, tempted to let his seeds out. after some few thrusts, both of you felt the urgency of cumming and so you did, with you and jay screaming each other’s names.
after the deed, jay slowly lets his cock out of you and watches how his cum dripped on your core. he doesn’t know the exact reason, but getting to see his cum dripping out of your core could send him onto heavens right there and then. with how satisfied he was, jay crawl up and hugged you by the back, leaving open kisses on your nape and neck. jay was so ready to sleep and all but...
“i’ll be leaving you now, i’ll see you next time jay, thanks for the deed. i enjoyed it very much.” you said, showing him a smile and you reached down to place a kiss on his lips. “oh.. yeah, thanks y/n.. i’ll see you around” he said while watching you fix yourself and put on your clothes.
after this, you waved a last goodbye as you slowly open the door and slid outside for no one to notice that you came from jay’s room. and with this, jay let out a sigh. because he remembered, that he might have the privilege to fuck you, but its just that.. nothing more. because at the end of the day, you’re still not his and will never be his.
© sunny fucks, 2022. not proofread.
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inktailsaystuff · 11 months
Ghost and Soap Relationship Headcanons
Tw: Mentions of Intimacy
Pre Relationship~
Kind of a slow burn
Ghost was scared of getting attached even more to Soap than he already was 
Ghost was also heavily in denial about crushing on Soap, like it took him ages to finally admit to himself that he liked Soap
Soap was quite the opposite, he had already flirted with Ghost whenever he got a wee bit too drunk and was in denial for a total of two minutes once he realized
Because Ghost is so closed off, Soap just assumed he didn't like him back
Didn’t stop him from flirting with him tho. (But Soap flirts with everyone ESPECIALLY WHEN DRUNK so no one really thought anything of it)
Price saw the vision before anyone else did
Ghost’s version of “flirting” is a bit more tame than actual straight up flirting. If you didn’t know him the way the 141 did you probably wouldn't even notice, 
Ghost’s flirting is more like subtle light touches, and lots and I mean LOTS of compliments and praise whenever Soap did something well. 
Gaz clocked in on it when Soap drunkenly confessed his feelings about Ghost to Gaz. (Gaz just assumed that Ghost was Soap’s new target for constant flirting) And while being best wing man he saw how touchy Ghost was with Soap
Gaz is best wing man (He will randomly leave the room to leave Soap and Ghost alone)
Ghost will never admit it nor show it, but Soap’s flirting had him feeling all tingly and happy. It made him feel like he had a chance with Soap. 
And let me tell you. This goes on for months of subtle flirting and romantic/sexual tension for agesssssss, it drives Gaz and Price insane. More so Price funnily enough. 
He just wants them to be happy. 
Like at this point even Laswell knows. Half of the base knows. Even Graves knows/j 
Price is just constantly trying to get Ghost or Soap to confess
Soap decides to confess first? Why? Because Gaz got sick of it and just straight up told Soap that if he’s waiting for Ghost to confess it won't happen and he needs to do it first.
Ghost literally malfunctioned when Soap said that. 
Ghost.exe has stopped working
He just stared at Soap and walked off (He was wondering if this was a cruel joke or not, and he was actually really scared of getting into a relationship)
Soap got sad because he thought that meant Ghost didnt like him back so he decided to do the normal thing. 
And drink his problems away while ranting to Gaz. 
It’s like 3:00 AM when Ghost confesses, he just walks up to Soap’s quarters, enters, wakes him up and tells him that he likes him too and then leaves
Soap is hangover and so confused
It's only in the morning did he realize and almost jumped Ghost while he was trying to eat breakfast
Cue like five months of: are we dating? 
Relationship headcanons~
When they FINALLY became official Gaz and Price almost cried of joy /j
But yeah everyone was like FINALLY they got together
Its slow to say the least 
Once they started dating Ghost became really closed off for a while as a defense mechanism
Soap didn't mind tho, he will happily wait for Ghost to get comfortable
But in the meantime he initiates touches and constantly showers Ghost with affection even if it's sometimes unrequited
Once Ghost has gotten comfortable with this new situation he will open up more
He does cook for Soap and he cooks very well. (Soap can and will burn the kitchen down)
Black cat x golden retriever is real
Separately are the some of the smartest people ever, together they are idiots
I'm not kidding, Soap is the youngest to pass SAS selection and everything… Ghost is really well versed in combat and highly skilled…
But you put them together and Soap can’t tell you what 2+2 is and Ghost doesn’t know how to speak English anymore. 
Ghost is slowly learning Scottish from Soap (He denies the claims)
Despite how he scary he looks Ghost is a sucker for cuddles, he loves just picking Soap up and holding him 
Ghost does tend to wear a mask in their room (like the fabric covid masks) because it gives him a sense of familiarity
Soap embroiders things on Ghost’s home masks like cats and stuff like that
Gaz absolutely teases Ghost whenever he walks out with one of his embroidered masks
Intimacy is a big deal since Ghost got SA’d so they take it very slow 
Soap constantly checks if Ghost is okay even if it’s Ghost that’s leading
They don’t tend to get kinky much since it’s about mutual affection and passion to them because of that they also don't get intimate that often other than like making out and stuff like that
Aftercare is also great, Ghost is a wholesome man and I die on this hill he will happily give Soap anything he wants
Soap’s aftercare is also great since he fusses over Ghost afterwards even if Ghost says he's fine he will be cared for.
Anyway it’s a very wholesome relationship with minimal arguments
When arguing Soap will start screaming in scottish and Ghost justs stands there like “Huh-”
But they don’t argue that much and when they do it doesnt last long… perhaps its the constant nagging fear that they will die in battle and if one dies before an argument is resolved their last memory will be of angry words
Ghost is 10000% protective, he gets so scared when Soap gets injured, like once Soap cut his finger while cutting tomatoes and Ghost literally wouldn't let him into the kitchen for a month
He is possessive in a sense he gets all grumpy when someone else flirts with Soap but unless he thinks Soap is uncomfortable or in danger he won't step in because he knows Soap can handle himself. 
Once they retire from the military they do want to just live in the scottish countryside and own a farm :>
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lizcameron · 1 year
Daddy's Little Girl
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This one is a little off-brand. No smut, fluff, or angst. Just a little creativity exercise.
Request: “Would you write a dark fic with jj x sister!reader where she kills their dad with a knife after all he’s done to them. She gets arrested, of course.” - @tracymbcm
Word Count: 1501
Warning(s): MURDER, mentions of SA, domestic violence
Thank you @pankowperfection for passing along this request. I hope I did it justice! It’s not as dark as I anticipated; I couldn’t bring myself to make it premeditated.
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You could hear shouting as you walked along the curve of the dirt road leading to your neglected house. Quarrels like this were not uncommon in the Maybank household. Your father was always coming home high on something heavy, his mood worsened by alcohol. Most of the time, he was bitter and spat harsh words at you and your brother. That was the easy end of the stick. When he got really drunk, he was a mean, violent man. He would do and say spiteful things out of resentment and self-pity. He blamed you and JJ for your mother’s sudden departure, having left when you were 5 and JJ was 6, though you believed she must have seen a ghost of what he would become and fled before things got really bad.
You sigh heavily, slowing your steps, hoping to wait out the argument until JJ and your dad inevitably shut themselves in their respective rooms. When you hear a crash and shattering, you sprint to the porch door on the side of the house, throwing it open to see that the two men must have been at it for a good while. The entire living room is in shambles, coffee table on its side, papers littered everywhere, and the couch shoved out of its typical place. The sheets that usually hang by nails to cover the windows are torn down, blinds behind bent and broken.
Your eyes scan the room, and you spot the pile of dishes shattered on the floor before landing on your brother, who has your father in a headlock. JJ is struggling, Luke being shorter than him but with the weight of muscle and a beer gut giving him an edge. Luke is clawing at JJ’s forearm over his airway, but JJ has his back braced against the kitchen counter and one leg pushing against the counter across from him, the support making up for Luke’s weight advantage.
“JJ, what the fuck,” you scream as you rush into the kitchen and try to move past Luke’s kicking legs. “Let him go!”
“No can do, little sis,” JJ strains. “‘M not lettin’ him get me back.”
You stare, aghast, eyes raking over your dad’s flailing body. You are severely out-gunned in the current situation. Not knowing what else to do, you shove at JJ, trying to loosen his grip on your father.
“Shit, Y/n!” JJ shouts. “Get outta the way before he gets you square in the nose. Just go to your room!”
“Enough, J! You’re gonna kill ‘im,” you wail.
JJ scoffs, but you can tell he’s beginning to weaken. “Just putin’ dear ol’ dad to bed. Don’t worry; he’ll be up by mornin’.”
You grit your teeth in frustration, widening your stance to steady yourself. You push against JJ’s shoulder again, this time not letting up until JJ loses his balance and tips over, back hitting the wall. Luke is on the ground with him, choking in air.
Before JJ can reach for him again, Luke scrambles to his feet, putting the length of the small kitchen between the two. Both men are heaving, trying to catch their breath from their struggle.
“Now what is this all about? Are you drunk, Dad?” you ask needlessly. You can smell the beer and cheap whiskey in the room, and it’s not coming from JJ.
Luke ignores your comments and locks eyes with JJ. “Big mistake, boy,” he rasps. “You shoulda gone home to yer boyfriend, Routledge, like ya always do.”
JJ grunts at that remark but doesn’t let it phase him.
“What’s a-matter, boy? Can’t finish the job? Gonna let your pretty little sister do it for you?” Luke drawls with a snicker.
You snap your eyes up to JJ’s and see the fire in his pupils. Nothing infuriated him more than when your dad spoke of you in that way. In the past few months, Luke had started commenting on your body and your “pretty little mouth,” little insinuations here and there when he was particularly too far gone. You insisted he didn’t mean it like that, but JJ knew where Luke’s thoughts leaned when he’d had so much to drink that even his murky boundaries muddied.
JJ roared as he charged across the room toward Luke, but your father was too quick, the coke in his systems making his senses a little sharper than JJ’s were through his cloud of rage. Luke dodged your brother, catching the collar of his shirt and dragging him down to where he pinned him to the floor. He straddled JJ with his hands around your brother’s throat.
It all happened so quickly. You hadn’t had any time to react, to stop JJ. Now he was jerking under your father, trying to get out of his hold, but it was no use. Without his legs under him, JJ couldn’t overpower Luke. You knew your father wouldn’t stop, not after JJ had put him in a similar position just moments earlier.
“Stop it, Dad! Get offa him,” you scream, moving to try to push him off of JJ, but Luke swats you away. You shove at him again, and his arm swings out and catches you in the cheek just under your eye. You ignore the wetness that drips down to your jaw as you can see your brother turning a sickening shade.
“Daddy, please! You’re hurting him,” you wail, violent sobs now shaking your body.
“He did this, Y/n! He asked for it,” Luke hollers back.
JJ’s movements begin to slow, and you panic, knowing you’ll surely lose your brother if you don’t get Luke off of him. You’re hyperventilating as you look through blurry eyes around the room for something to hit Luke hard enough to render him unconscious long enough for you and JJ to make your escape. Your hands clatter along the kitchen counter as you fumble blindly for anything to help you. Your fingers clasp around a handle over the stovetop and you raise it, not cognizant of its weight.
Blinking back your tears, you make your way over to the struggle by the kitchen table. You raise your arm, implement in hand, and bring it down swiftly to the side of your father’s head. You do not hear a resonating sound as you expected from a frying pan against your father’s head, but rather a sharp, wet sound. You blink several times around the confusion, clearing your eyes, and as the blur dissipates, your gaze lands upon Luke leaning lax over JJ with the sharp edge of a meat cleaver sunk just above his ear.
The house quiets as your sobs stop. The only sounds remaining are the harsh breaths both you and JJ drag in. JJ pushes out from under the weight, letting it fall with a dense thud.
“Y/n… Y/n,” he whispers, conscious not to startle you. He knows you could crumble at any moment, and you don’t have time for that.
JJ could hear the sirens in the distance. The neighbors must have called the cops because of all the screaming. You were in shock, though, and didn’t hear them.
“Y/n, you have to move. We don’t have time to run,” he says gently. When you don’t budge, he grabs you by the shoulders and begins guiding you. “You have to lie down. Lie down next to him.”
JJ menuevers you to the floor, laying you back beside the kitchen table. When your hand touches the growing puddle beneath you, the glaze over your eyes pulls back and your face contorts. You look over at your father’s lifeless body beside you, then bring your gaze to meet your brother’s.
JJ’s mind is a million miles ahead of yours already. “We’ll say he was trying to take advantage of you. Ya’ got the cut on your cheek to prove your struggle. I walked in and stopped the fucker with the first thing I could get my hands on. C’mon, lay down. We have to spread the blood so it looks like he was on top of you,” he rambles, motioning for you to comply.
Your grimace deepens, and you can feel your stomach starting to churn. “J, no, that’s- that’s not what happened. He was killing you,” you croak, throat tight.
JJ pulled his head back, looking at you incredulously. “Y/n, I’m not letting you go to jail for this. It was me. I did this. He was trying to hurt you,” your brother pleads. The look in JJ’s eyes is excruciating. “Please,” JJ whispers as you hear the screen door swing shut.
Shoupe takes a few steps in, hands poised on his hips. “Kids,” he begins. “What the hell happened here?”
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entertext · 1 year
HGSN 21-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
(sfx: gulp)
Takeda: Kurebayashi
Takeda: Call her here
[T/N: the dish in front of him contains salt. This is a practice called morishio or morijio and is meant to ward off evil]
Yoshiki: Wh-why are you looking for Kurebayashi-san?
Takeda: I've finally managed to find one...a real medium
(sfx: rustling)
Takeda: ■■■■, I must have her come quickly
Takeda: The next one to be killed is going to be me
Yoshiki: ....
Hikaru: Killed...you mean, next after Matsuura-san?
Takeda: This village
Takeda: is being swallowed by impurity
(sfx: crumple)
Takeda: It's come...down the mountain
Takeda: That big... smashed open... ■■■■-sama
Hikaru: Are you talking about "Nounuki-sama"?
(sfx: grinds teeth)
Takeda: Just whose fault...
Takeda: Son of the Indous...
Takeda: Just whose fault do you think it is that things are like this...
Hikaru: Uh....
Takeda: If you go back to the beginning, everything was the fault of the Indous for breaking that taboo!
Takeda: As a result, so many people died!
Yoshiki: Taboo...
Takeda: That's why...the Indou men have gone up the mountain for generations to apologize...To return what they've recieved...If you're an Indou you should already know this...(cough cough)
Yoshiki: Um
Yoshiki: When you said people died, were you talking about the great famine in 1749?
Takeda: That wasn't just due to famine
Takeda: It was a divine curse. They provoked its wrath with their excessive wish.
Hikaru: Just what exactly did the Indou family do?
Takeda: It's because you don't even know these things that the ritual also failed!
Takeda: Have you never heard!? Why your last name is "Indou"!?
Takeda: Why don't you take a look at your family's "hall" and see!!!
Yoshiki: W-wait, j-just c-c-calm down
Hikaru: Yoshiki, this is bad
(忌堂 - Indou
- 忌 - abhor/detest, such as in the word taboo (禁忌)
- 堂 - hall/temple/shrine)
Hikaru: Something's already inside
Takeda?: I-I sa-aw...it...
Takeda?: ...on the mountain...
Next chapter: 2023/10/03
Twitter Extra (link):
He prefers colorful clothes
EDIT 12/25: to pay back → to return
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
isamu is so big because his HEART is PROPORTIONAL u SINNERS, this is CHRISTIAN minecraft server /j
but also emmm idk im just really into shy stuttery guys that could fuck you up cus they're super big and tall and huge lmaooo so i made isamu huge. and then like i like the idea of mel being able to dom but not being the biggest in the pack so--
have fun with isamu!
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isamu lowell ★ profile
pairing: gender neutral reader x isamu word count: 613
warning: size kink
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Isamu let his dick flop out and it settled against your groin, the shaft warm and thick as it pressed against the crook of your upper thigh.
You shivered as you looked down at it and noticed, frighteningly enough, that the tip of it rested right below your belly button.
"Wait, 'Sa-Samu." You stuttered, leg still securely wrapped around his hips but your arms immediately pushing you into a half-sitting half-laying position.
Instead of giving you an intelligent response, he just covered his mouth with his hand and hummed, his rather wolfish eyes still staring straight down at your crotch.
Then, before you could say anything, his free hand left your waist and gripped his cock, guiding the fat head to your entrance.
Your fingers clenched the sheets underneath you, your legs unravelling from Isamu's body "I-It's not going to fit!"
With his lightning fast reflexes, Isamu's hand snapped from his mouth to your upper thigh, his fingers digging into the fat of it, his palm large and fingers wide against your skin.
Everything about him was so much bigger compared to you.
"We'll make it fit." Was his gruff answer and, without further ado, he started thrusting in with his waist.
You choked a little on your spit as he parted your entrance with the fat head of his cock. You could feel every single centimetre, pushing and pushing into you.
"Isamu!" You cried out, hips jerking and eyes wide with tears threatening to spill from the corners.
The worst part was that you didn't even know whether or not you wanted to pull away from him or push into his unrelenting cock.
Isamu, on the other hand, was uncontrollable. He looked more and more wolfish as more and more of his thick cock entered you.
His nails were definitely digging into the fat of your thigh and his hand moved from his shaft to your knee, lifting it up so he could get a better view of his cock bullying itself into you.
When, finally, the forceful push was over and you were crotch to crotch with your wonderful werewolf lover, you let out a sigh. Thankfully, nothing came up with it because, honestly, it felt like Isamu's cock rearranged your stomach to the point of pushing everything out.
Your wide eyes fluttered close in relief and, before Isamu could move, you grabbed his upper arm and hoped he knew you meant to tell him to stop for a minute, give you some time to breathe through the pain-pleasure of the delicious stretch.
Isamu didn't say anything but he didn't move either. You thought it was because he understood your silent struggling message.
You only figured out why he really wasn't moving when his hand parted from your thigh to rest against your stomach. Or, rather, a little below that, directly above your crotch.
He pressed down and you huffed, feeling infinitely more stuffed than before.
Your eyes snapped open and you glared at him "Wh-What are you doing?"
Isamu didn't say anything, just dumbly continuing to stare down at your crotch. At least he stopped pressing against whatever that made you feel so full.
You looked down to see what he was so eager to stare at and, when you saw it too, your hips stuttered a little, your body squirming a bit in surprise.
There, right below your stomach, was a little chubby indent of Isamu's cock.
Isamu groaned before pressing closer to you, his crotch electrifyingly grinding against yours. He pressed a hasty kiss against your lips, his mouth practically devouring you and his teeth clashing against yours.
It would be a very long night for you indeed.
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romihearts · 11 months
twst characters as songs from my opm playlist
heartslabyul ver.
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riddle rosehearts : come inside of my heart - ivos
— oh this for sure really reminds me of riddle. i mean with his upbringing focusing mainly on studies, there would be a chance he's not familiar with love. but he'll always try his best to show his affection to you <3
— the calmness of the song also makes me think that he'd listen to it. it's very addicting lmao
— hc ; he shows his love in uncommon ways. like, he wouldn't outright say "i love you" but he'd be patient with you, trying to help you with your problems.
"come inside of my heart if you're looking for answers"
trey clover : sinta - rob deniel
— OH THIS IS TRULY TREY CLOVER. like i definitely imagine that this song is how he would love.
— being simply enamoured by you. he'd love and accept you in every way you are and you'll always feel it from him.
— hc ; he makes cookies then writes on em with icing (?) how much he loves you
"are we old enough to leave the stars tonight, we could kiss it right"
cater diamond : tingin - cup of joe
— even in crowds you'll always catch his eye. even if he was a room full of people he loves you would be the first person he'd choose.
— like, he'll always come looking for you because you're the person who truly makes him feel so special
— hc ; whenever you two meet he'll always snap a picture for memories and because he loves looking at your face, it's perfect to him
"di pinapansin ingay sa tabi, magulong kapaligiran sayo lang ang tingin / not minding the noise all around, its all so hectic but i only see you"
deuce spade : ligaya - eraserheads
— deuce would definitely do everything for you !! dont let his troublemaker side fool you because when it comes to the people he loves he'll do everything
— he'd definitely admire you aswell in whatever skills you're good at. he would always be supportive
— hc ; if you're ever into baking he'd always invite you to unbirthday parties at heartslabyul because ever since he found out that you're fond of that hobby he's been helping trey with making the pastries
"at asahang iibigin ka, sa tanghali, sa gabi, at umaga / you can count that i'll always love you, in the morning, at the night, and afternoon"
ace trappola : ako na lang - zia quizon (AKO NLNG KASE)
— nag mimissyou posting to (real) /j
— but he'd definitely miss you A LOT, he's just not fone of showing it. like there have been so much times where he wanted to text you about stupid things just to talk to you. and whenever you need someone to help you he'd be there all annoyed but really he'll always be there for you
— hc ; he watched a romance film once and all he kept thinking about was how he wanted to do the corny and cliché things too
"what are you waiting for? call my number, knock on my door"
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steelandblood · 4 months
How about “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
@plasmodiumpyrexia thank you so much for the ask and I'm so sorry for taking so so long😅 I hope the 2.7K words were worth the wait!
@pleasestaywithmedarling thank you so much for showing interest! I hope I didn't disappoint
Honest Conversations
Bruises on the neck can mean very different things.
Contents: female whumpee, discussion of SA (elaborated in tags, nothing graphic though)
Calina was overjoyed to finally be reunited with her childhood friend, but it seemed like she was the only one who was happy with Adan's presence. Thancur at least did not mind him, but also paid him no mind. Calina hoped he might enjoy having another guy around and find some common ground, but they did not seem to have much in common at all.
At least it was better then the other women. Mirwen was hostile and suspicious, going so far as to threaten Adan and describe in alarmingly graphic detail the things she would do to him should he ever dare to hurt Calina. Sure, it was somewhat touching that apparently Mirwen was so fiercely protective of her, but Calina could definitely go without threats of dismemberment towards her boyfriend. Even worse, Rauna, mimicking the older half-elf's attitude, was outright mean and rude, often joking at Adan's expanse.
When they finally returned to the town it was well past sunset and they were all quite exhausted, but Calina was absolutely not too tired to finally enjoy some private time with Adan.
After a whispered promise to meet tonight outside the inn, they parted, each going to their room. She knew Adan would have no trouble. Even if Thancur would notice him getting out, he would not care. Calina though would have to sneak out. It's not that any of the other women could stop her, but they would certainly have their opinions about her spending the night in Adan's company, and Calina knew they would not keep those opinions to themselves. Not wanting to deal with Rauna's judgement and Mirwen's disappointment, Calina laid in bed, impatiently waiting until the other women were soundly asleep. Mirwen, who stayed on watch the entire night ever since Adan joined them, was completely exhausted and was out the moment her head touched the pillow. Rauna however of course had to go through all her nightly prayers first. At least it was not a full moon, then Rauna would have stayed up all night praying. But finally she fell asleep as well and Calina could sneak out of the room. Both half elfs ware light sleeper, but Calina's footsteps were lighter, and she successfully got out completely unnoticed. Not wasting a second more she quickly and quietly made her way to where Adan was already waiting for her, just like they used to do in their teenage years.
Sneaking back in was just as easy, though her heart was still beating loud in her ears from the excitement. Calina lay in her bed unable to sleep, giddy just as she was after their first kiss.
When the first ray of dawn shined through the window, giving Calina an excuse to start her day, she quietly snuck into the washroom while her companions were only just stirring awake. There, looking in the mirror she discovered an unpleasant surprise. Adan's passionate kisses left her with an unfortunate parting gift of blossoming dark bruises showing vividly on the pale skin of her neck.
She played with her hair, hoping to arrange it just so to hide the evidence, until Rauna's insistent knocking forced her to deem her efforts good enough. Calina busied herself with getting dressed, making sure to find a shirt with a high enough collar, and she was sure she had managed to get away undiscovered with last night's escapade when Rauna's teasing voice came from behind her.
"Hey Calina? What are those bruises on your neck?"
Calina could feel Mirwen's eyes on her, judging her, and only hoped she would be nice enough to not say anything, but Mirwen was rarely nice.
"Rauna, get dressed, go get Thancur and eat breakfast. We'll join later." Mirwen ordered in a voice that left no room for argument.
The moment the door closed behind Rauna, Mirwen's entire demeanour changed. She looked at Calina with big sad eyes and motioned for her to sit next to her on the bed. Confused and surprised Calina followed her.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"  She asked cautiously, her voice thick with emotion, almost reaching for Calina's hand, "I would be the last one to judge." she let out a sad chuckle.
Whatever Calina expected, this was not it. Mirwen never hid her disapproval of her and Adan's relationship, so upon seeing the evidence of last nights, Calina expected disappointment, judgement, even anger, but Mirwen looked almost heartbroken.
"Mirwen what is this about?"
"You spent the night with Adan, didn't you. The bruise on your neck..." Mirwen sounded like she was fighting tears, "He strangled you, didn't he?"
"What? No!" The idea was ludicrous, but Mirwen seemed completely serious, "Why would you think something like that? We just had some fun last night."
To Calina's farther surprise, Mirwen, who never initiated physical contact unless she was healing, grasped her hand, not strong enough to hurt, but firm enough to prevent Calina from getting away.
"I'm sorry, but I need you to be honest about what happened, it's for your own good." Mirwen apologized and cast zone of truth around them.
"Please Calina, tell me the truth about what happened last night. I only want to protect you."
"I am telling you the truth, we just fooled around last night, we didn't even, go all the way, you know..."
"And the bruise on your neck?" Mirwen now looked as confused as Calina felt.
"Just from kisses, he was enthusiastic, and I bruise easily.” Calina confessed bashfully, “There is nothing more to it, he didn't hurt me, I promise.”
"You are telling the truth, you have to be." Mirwen looked at her bewildered and then released her hand as if burned, lowering her gaze in shame. "That's... that's good, that he didn't hurt you. I'm so sorry..." She moved to make a quick escape, but now it was Calina's turn to grab her hand to make her stay. Mirwen flinched at the touch, but didn't fight it, and set back down. Calina hated to do this, but she had to know what made Mirwen jump to the worst possible conclusion. Was it just her regular paranoia, or was there something more going on.
"What made you think Adan hurt me?" The annoyance in her mind now replaced with concern in her voice. "Did..." She didn't want to even think about this possibility, but she had to ask, "did he do anything to you?"
"No, he didn't... It... it was years ago". Mirwen mumbled, avoiding looking her in the eyes.
Calina did not need to ask to know what "it" was, it was the thing every woman was warned about, but was never supposed to mention.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you." Her own words sounded empty to Calina. She meant them of course, but her sorry was just as useless on face of what Mirwen went through.
Mirwen looked up at her fearfully. "It doesn't mat- it does-" she quickly gave up as the spell stopped any attempt at lying, "P-please don't te-t-tell anyone..." She asked, no, begged quietly. It was so wrong, Mirwen did not beg.
"I won't, of course I won't. But you know the others wouldn't judge you, right?" Calina was rumbling, but she felt she had to say something to fill the silence, do something to make it better. "It was something that was done to you, it's not your fault. They wouldn't think less of you, I don't." Calina stopped to draw a breath and saw that her words had the opposite effect.
"Don't say that!" Mirwen protested, "You can't mean it, please don't say that!"
Calina did not know what she said wrong, but she rumbled on, hoping to fix her mistake and not make the situation worse.
"I do mean it. You know I can't lie right now Mirwen, so I have to be telling the truth, you know that."
This was not how it was supposed to go. Mirwen was supposed to except her genuine but in the end useless sympathies, after which they would awkwardly move on, to never mention the topic again. She wasn't supposed to argue.
"But you don't know the truth!" Mirwen shouted, her voice painfully shrill, "It's too disgusting and wrong." She added in a small voice.
No, Calina did not know, and though a tiny, morbidly curious part of her wanted to ask, the other, more sensible, or perhaps selfish, part of her knew that she would rather stay blissfully ignorant. Because in the end the details did not matter.
"Mirwen, whatever horrible things he did to you, it doesn't change anything. He chose to do it to you, you didn't want that and it says absolutely nothing about you."
Mirwen shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut in a fruitless attempt to hide her tears.
"You don't get it! It was my father!" She blurted out and immediately clasped a hand over her mouth.
That was not what Calina expected to hear. She didn't want to believe such a thing was even possible, let alone happened to her friend. To Mirwen, who was always the strong one, who laughed at the face of death and could strike fear into the hearts of well armed men with a single look. Such things are not supposed to happen, but it was true, and it happened, and now Calina could not get out of her mind the image of a little golden-haired girl, tears staining her pale freckled face, with big dark finger shaped bruises around her tiny neck.
Mirwen stared at Calina with wide terrified eyes, and at that moment she looked far too much like the girl in Calina's mind.
"That's... That horrible. I'm so sorry."
Mirwen snatched her hand away from Calina's and backed away, as if only now realizing what she had said. "Fuck, shit I shouldn't have said this, I'm sorry, please pretend I didn't say anything." She was clearly panicking, and Calina was at a loss as to how to handle the situation.
"Mirwen, it's okay, calm-" Calina was cut off before she could finish.
"No, it's not! It's too late, I can see the way you're looking at me now. I don't even know what's worse, the pity or the disgust." With every word her voice was becoming more breathless and hysterical. Her entire body was trembling, and she was barely holding herself together, digging her short, broken nails as deep as possible into her arms. "I don't know why I even told you, I'm sorry, I couldn't keep my stupid mouth shut and now I ruined everything. I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do to fix it, please tell me what I can do, I'm sorry..." Her desperate rumbling turned into unintelligible sobs.
Calina did not know how to fix this either. Selfishly she also wanted to pretend that that the last few minutes did not happen. Because Mirwen was right, she did pity her. And how could she not, now that she could not stop imagining all the horrible things that were done to her, that her own father did to her, now that she could see that underneath all the armor, behind all the rage and violence, was a scared little girl who was desperate to never be hurt again.
Calina wished Rauna was here, the two were much closer, and though their circumstances were vastly different, at least Rauna knew what it was like to grow up without good parents. What did Calina know? She grew up in a mansion, both her parents were alive and well and loved her very much, she never knew any real hardship or fear. Even now, when she was regularly fighting deadly monsters, she always had Mirwen who took all the hits, and Rauna who could heal all the wounds. Even death was only a slightly expensive inconvenience.
What comfort and understanding could Calina offer when this was so incomprehensibly foreign to her.
With every moment ‏that she hesitated, her guilt grew, but her mind remained blank of ideas, until she could no longer bare the sight of Mirwen crying and the awkward almost silence of her quiet sobs.
Knowing nothing she could say would likely help, Calina took a different approach.
"Can I hug you?"
Mirwen stopped crying and then slowly looked up at Calina in bewilderment. After a long moment Mirwen gave a single nod.
Calina carefully reached to hug her, still half expecting her to protest or even shove her away, but Mirwen stayed frozen in place and allowed Calina to wrap her arms around her.
She could feel Mirwen holding her breath, until she let out a shaky gasp and broke down sobbing, burying her face Calina's shoulder.
Calina let her cry, patiently stroking her hair, trying not to notice how soft and nice it was, or how she could definitely feel Mirwen's muscles through the thin linen shirt. She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but eventually Mirwen stopped crying, and after few deep ragged breaths she awkwardly backed away from Calina.
"Calina," She looked up at her, blinking away tears, "I'm- I'm sorry, I-" her voice was hoarse and tired, "Thank you." She sounded so genuine that Calina didn't know if she wanted to cry, or yell at Mirwen and shake some sense into her. Because nothing she did warranted this, because she did basically nothing.
"It's nothing." She said instead.
Mirwen shook her head but didn't protest.
"Can we now please pretend all of this never happened, and never mention it again?"
"Of course. You're okay?"
"I'm fine." Mirwen did not sound very convicted, and enough time has past for the spell to end, but Calina did mot push it. They both had enough truths for today.
"You should join the others for breakfast."
"You're not coming?" Calina asked.
"Looking like that? No thanks." With tearstained cheeks and red puffy eyes, Mirwen obviously looked like she has been crying, of course she couldn't allow anyone to see her like that. "I'd rather save what little dignity I have left. It's fine, really, go ahead. And you can tell your boy toy that he is safe, for now."
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hyper-jam · 9 months
Queer SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons (part 2)
Featuring lots of Mike being trans. Mainly that, in fact 🫶🫶🫶
-I said previously that he always assumed he was straight cause he’s never been attracted to dudes, but then I remembered “oh yeah wait he’s trans that doesn’t make sense” so to explain that, I feel like he’s one of those trans guys who kinda always saw himself as a boy, even if he didn’t really have a way to put it into words, plus it’s not like he really thought about attraction and dating much, so when he was younger, he probably was one of those “girls” who didn’t fit in with other girls, had mainly guy friends (out of the few friends he had lol), and thought romance and dating seemed gross, so he wouldn’t talk about it unless other people brought it up, and he’d have to fight for his life every time he tells people that he in fact DOES NOT HAVE A CRUSH !! (No one believes him because no one ever believes that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of those kids who just named some random classmate that he thought seemed vaguely interesting just to shut people up)
-I’d say he probably came out as trans at around 18, after he graduated. He probably knew he was trans earlier than that, maybe like somewhere around 15-16, but he didn’t want to deal with coming out and transitioning socially so he stayed in the closet until it was easier to kinda just…cut people out lol. He’s stealth and kinda just transitioned best he could without people questioning him, which wasn’t hard with his parents falling out of the picture and not really staying in contact with anyone from school (frankly I don’t imagine he was very popular lol) so like…yeah
-had a “looks like a lesbian with a boyband/justin Bieber type haircut” phase somewhere in his teenage years. Kinda didn’t care when people rumored about his sexuality. He didn’t date anyone so it just doesn’t really matter, but if people asked him directly he’d just say he’s straight cause again coming out as anything just seemed like a hassle
-had his first and only date (before Ness) at like 19/20 years old, and (as far as I’ve heard from the people talking abt the apparent fnaf movie novel) it’s canon that the girl didn’t wanna go on a second date because “his eyes were too intense” (autism💥💥💥) it was some random girl who asked him out, maybe a coworker or smth who thought he was cute, and he just said yes cause he didn’t really know what else to do and figured he might as well since it’s certainly generally considered embarrassing to have never gone on a date before as someone old enough to be in college (which he didn’t go to cause 1: money 2: he had to take care of Abby 💔💔💔) then after he was like “yeah I was right idk what the hype is about dating seems lame” (he’s a little dumb /j)
-he’s in his mid-late twenties, and I think his been on T for like 2-5 years, so he probably started T somewhere around 20-23. Again, realistically, no idea how he’s affording that, but…he did it 🤗🤗🤗
-the day this man discovers trans tape is the day this man finally learns a bit of peace (not as much as top surgery obviously but certainly more than regular binding)
-I reiterate once again that he binds so unhealthy. Wears his binder at home, wears it out, wears it when exercising, wears it from when he wakes up till he goes to bed, and he only takes it off at night because he literally HAS to and even then he still wears a slightly tight sports bra cause bro is NOT DEALING WITH THE BOOBAS (someone please stop him please good god how are his lungs still functioning)
-god at dressing to pass. Knows all the hacks. Even before T he passed pretty well, he just looked young. He knows all the right exercises to shape his body in certain ways, knows all the right kinds of clothes and materials to hide and accentuate the right things, dresses and acts like a man pretty easily because bro is just like that, he’s the kind of trans guy who’s basically just a cis guy with titties /hj like i said before he uses man soap (3n1 energy), he gets man haircuts at man haircut places, he wears man shoes that give him some extra height (being very stereotypical and gender-roley here but that’s legit just how he is)
-on that note, man’s height dysphoria is AWFUL !! Not to call Josh Hutcherson short (though let’s be real he is a short king and he owns that shit ((still taller than me though 💔💔💔)), but Mike is 5’5, which to some people is short even by women’s standards, so yeah he definitely wears thick shoes and shoe lift things to help him get closer to around 5’7-5’8 on a good day, and he definitely lies abt his height when he can get away with it
-the kind of guy who gets dysphoria over literally everything (“do I look like a woman when I sit like this?” “Are my eyes too feminine?” “I feel like how I’m walking is gonna out me” “the color pink cannot touch my body” “no I can’t sing that song, it’s sung by a woman” “does the way I hold this look girly?” “Why does my smile make me look like a girl” “this shirt makes my chest look big” “do I write like a man??” etc etc. all while he literally has a beard and is built like a brick /hj /lh)
-generally speaking could not and never has cared less about romance and dating and sex and all that UNTIL NESS HAPPENED AND NOW THIS MAN IS HEAD OVER HEALS IN LOVE WITH THIS SILLY LITTLE TWINK MALEWIFE FEMALEHUBBY THEMBOSS 💥💥💥
-k sorry he’s just a little fruit but like literally for one person and one person only other than that he is/would be chronically bitchless and be pretty ok with that
-has a type (trans people 💥💥💥 t4t royalty 💥💥💥) /hj
-but low key on a real note dude doesn’t really actually have a whole lotta preferences he just likes gays and autisms /hj
-does drag both ways and eats it up hardcore
-crossdressing doesn’t exist he just is gender. What gender? Yes.
-I literally can’t think of anything serious to say abt Ness’ queerness they’re just so 💥💥💥
-just a little fruit what do you want me to say
-THE girlfriend-boyfriend
-my girlboy boygirl who just loves their little guy failure soggy cat of a man WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY ?? 💥💥💥
anyways that’s it I think I mainly just wanted to talk abt Mike’s transgenderism more which like can you blame me no you can’t he’s my meow meow 💔💔💔
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winchesterwild78 · 5 months
Chance Meeting pt 23
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18+ Minors DO NOT interact
Please be kind and all mistakes are my own. All work is mine. Please don’t take or copy it.
Warnings: fluff, uneasiness, kidnapping, implied and mention of SA, fear, language, Jensen pissed, assault
A/N: This chapter is a roller coaster. It has some implied SA so please don’t read if it’s a trigger. It also detail injuries sustained from the incident. DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU GET TRIGGERED BY ASSAULT! Going dress shopping doesn’t end like we expect. I edited this quickly, so please overlook any errors. A little long, sorry got carried away.
You made your way to the bridal shop to wait for Gen. You walked in and were greeted by two women. One older and one much younger. You walked to them and told them you had an appointment to try on wedding dresses. They found your name and asked if you were ready to try on dresses yet. You told them you were waiting on a friend but would be as soon as she got there. As you waited you walked around the store looking at dresses. The younger woman was following you around asking all these questions about you and your fiancé. Some of the questions were rather personal. It started to make you uncomfortable. You stopped in your tracks and turned to her and said “do you always follow people around asking all these questions”. She looked at you and smirked. “I’m just curious about the woman who stole Jensen’s heart.” You stepped back and walked towards the older woman. “Excuse me, I’d be a bit more comfortable if you helped me. I have some questions about styles and she’s not as knowledgeable as I’d like” you smiled politely. You heard the bell ding and looked up and saw Gen. She walked over and hugged you right. “Hey girl, I’m so excited”. “Me too. I have a couple of ideas already” you said. She squealed and said let’s see them.
The older woman took your selections to a dressing room and you followed her in. She told you she’d be just outside if you needed help. Once the door was closed you started to get ready to step into the first dress. You heard your phone buzz. You checked it and it was a text from Jensen.
J: Hey babe, we just landed at the first airport. I have about an hour before my next flight. What are you up to?
Me: (you snapped a picture of your head) oh nothing. Just about to pick my dress 😘
J: I love seeing your beautiful smile. Can I see the dress 😜
Me: of course you can, the day we get married 😝
J: 😢😞😝
Me: Well I’m about to put the first one on. I’ll text when I can. I love you babe.
J: Okay. Have fun and I love you too, sweetheart.
You grabbed the first dress and put it on. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you thought it looked okay. You stepped out and rounded the corner. Gen was sitting on the couch in front of the mirrors and smiled. You stepped up on the pedestal and looked in the mirror. “So what do you think” you said turning towards Gen. “It’s beautiful, but I’m not sure it’s the one.” You shook your head in agreement. You made your way back to the dressing room and as you closed the door you started to feel uncomfortable. Like someone was watching you. You shrugged it off and put on the second dress. You loved it right away.
Unlocking the door you felt uneasy as you walked out. You came around the corner and looked at Gen. her eyes lit up when she saw you in the dress. You stepped on the pedestal and she walked next to you. “Oh Y/N, you look stunning” she said with a smile. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. You agreed with her. This was the dress. You noticed the older woman standing to the side smiling and shaking her head in agreement. Your eyes scanned and you saw the younger woman on her phone. You noticed someone standing at the window looking in. You couldn’t make out who it was but you were certain it was a man.
You stepped off the pedestal and went back to change. You sent Jensen a text.
Me: hey babe. I found my dress 🥰 I can’t wait for you to see it.
J: that’s great baby. I can’t wait to see it either. Better yet, I can’t wait to take it off of you 😘😍
Me: funny. I love you. I’m probably gonna grab some lunch with Gen. Call me later when you can. I love you Jensen.
J: okay, I will. I love you too, Y/N.
You put the dress on the hanger and finished getting dressed. You walked to the front with your dress in hand and handed it to the older woman to ring up. Once you paid for your dress and other things you needed you and Gen thanked her and left. “Hey, let’s go to the diner on 5th and grab some lunch” you said. “Sure. I need to drive though. I have to pick up the kids for an appointment in about 2 hours.” She said. “Okay, see you there. Thank you for coming today” you said. You two exchanged hugs and went separate directions to get to your cars.
You still felt a little uneasy so you decided to call Blair. He was the bodyguard you hired. “Hey Blair. Sorry to bother you. I’m out with Gen wedding shopping and I’ve felt really uneasy for a little bit. I was wondering if you could meet us at the diner on 5th. I’ll treat lunch.” You said with a chuckle. “Hey, y/n. Sure I’m just finishing up at the doctor’s office. I’ll be there in 5” he said. You both exchanged your goodbyes and hung up.
You put your dress in the backseat laying it across the seat. As you stepped back and closed the door you felt a hand cover your mouth and nose. There was a cloth with a horrible smell. You tried not to breathe but it was too overwhelming. As you slowly felt your body go limp all you could think about was Jensen and your children.
Your body felt heavy but you knew you were being carried. Your body landed with a thud. You couldn’t move and you were terrified. Jensen was running through your mind. He has no idea what’s going on and he wouldn’t know for hours. By then you could be dead. The thought of never seeing him or y’all’s children again terrified you. Then you felt yourself drift off.
You woke up later in a cold room. Your skin was covered with goosebumps and you realized you were naked and tied up. Your body was sore like you had been used over and over again. The pain between your legs was horrible. You could smell a mixture of blood, semen and dampness in the air. As your brain started to come out of the fog you looked around. You noticed you were in some kind of basement. You were tied up, naked and you thought alone. That was until you looked in the corner. There you saw the same figure you saw in the bridal shop window.
“Who are you” you were able to whisper out. The figure stepped closer. You didn’t recognize him but the smirk on his face sent a chill down your spine. “Oh sweetheart I’m the one who just destroyed your perfect little world. I took you in ways Jensen never could or dared and I’m going to use you until there is nothing left for him” he said with a deep chuckle. Your breath hitched in your throat.
Tears started streaming down your face. You whispered out “please let me go. I won’t tell anyone. Please. I don’t know what I did to you but I’m sorry.” “What you did to me? You destroyed my family you selfish bitch” he snapped at you. “What, I didn’t destroy your family. I don’t know you. Please let me go” you cried. With three quick strides he crossed the floor and slapped you across the face. “Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch” he growled.
Across town Gen and Blair were sitting at the diner waiting on you. They tried your phone and it kept going to voicemail. Blair told Gen he was heading towards the bridal shop and she should stay there in case you showed up. She sat in the booth waiting and her leg bouncing. She called Jared and told him they couldn’t get in touch with you and Blair was out looking for you. He told her he would handle the kids but encouraged her to call the police. She hung up and called the police and explained the situation. Detective Martin met her at the diner and gathered all the information he could before he set out looking too.
Gen told Jared they needed to let Jensen know what happened. Jared told her to head home and they would call him together. Hours passed with no word from you or Jensen. Jensen finally called Jared back. Before he answered the phone he took a deep breath.
“Hey Jar. Just wanted to call you back. I got your message. What’s up?” Jensen asked. Jared took another deep breath and said “hey man, um not sure how to tell you this but Y/N is missing. Nobody has seen or heard from her since she left the bridal shop.” The line went silent. “Jensen, you there buddy? Jensen? Hey!” Jared practically yelled into the phone. Barely a whisper came out of Jensen. “What do you mean she’s missing. She was supposed to have lunch with Gen.” Jared told Jensen what happened and how Detective Martin was working every lead he could find. Then Jensen got angry. “Where the fuck was Blair! He was supposed to protect her” he yelled into the phone. Jensen raked his hands down his face and let out a scream.
“Fuck, Jared. I’m jumping on the first flight home. I’ll let you know when I’m supposed to land. Can you meet me at the airport” Jensen said. “Yeah man, sure. Just let me know. Hey man, don’t worry. We will find her.” Jared said. “I hope so” Jensen whispered. They both hung up and Jensen looked for immediate flights back home. He told his agent and the director what’s going on and told them he’d be back if he could. At this point he didn’t care about the part. All he knew was you were missing and he had to get home to you.
You laid on the bed crying after the slap across your face. The man hovered over you and told you to shut up. He drew his hand back and you flinched. He laughed and put his hand down and caressed your face. You shuddered at his touch. Your body was trembling from fear, pain and being cold. The man noticed and for once he offered kindness. He covered you with a blanket. “Don’t want you getting too cold sweetheart” he said with a chuckle. Him calling you sweetheart made your stomach churn.
You heard a loud knock upstairs and the man left. A few minutes later you heard footsteps and muffled talking. Then you heard a baby. You tried to listen and then you thought this might be your only way out. You screamed for help and the footsteps started running towards the basement door. You looked towards the doorway and saw the outline of a woman. You called out to her and she walked down the stairs. As she got closer your eyes went wide. Oh my god. You thought as she stepped up to the bed. “Ashley” you whispered. “Hey Y/N, how’s my brother treating you” she asked with a laugh.
“Your brother” you questioned. It made sense now. This is what he meant when he said I destroyed his family. You thought.
She looked at you tied up and covered with a blanket. She realized you were naked. She started laughing. “You think Jensen is going to want you now? After my brother had you over and over. He’s not going to want you anymore. You’re damaged and used up. He’s going to need me and our baby to comfort him when you don’t come back. It’s a shame you won’t be around to watch me marry him” she said.
“Jensen loves me and will never give up until I’m home. He doesn’t love you and he doesn’t want to be with you Ashley. The baby isn’t his and you’re the last person he would ever marry.” You hissed at her. She got right in your face and said “that’s what you think. We have a plan and soon he’s going to get a text from you saying you can’t marry him and you’re in love with someone else.”
She stood up and went back upstairs. You heard talking and then the front door again. You laid on the bed frozen with fear. You had no idea what was coming next. Slowly your eyes closed. You were exhausted and wanted to see Jensen and your kids again. Knowing the only place you could right now was in your dreams, you slowly surrendered to sleep.
Jensen sat waiting for the plane to let passengers off. His leg bouncing fast. The woman sitting across from him offered him a soft smile. Jensen looked at his phone and saw a few texts saying no update and Jared saying he was at the baggage claim waiting for him. Once the doors opened two police officers escorted Jensen through the airport quickly. They told Jensen they were able to see your abduction on a traffic camera but didn’t see where you were taken. They were still combing through footage from the area. Once he saw Jared he ran and he grabbed him into a hug. Jared kept saying over and over “she’s strong man, she’s gonna be okay”. Jensen desperately wanted to believe him.
*Time Jump 4 1/2 weeks*
It has been 4 1/2 weeks since anyone had heard from you and the wedding date was a few days ago. Jensen and your family were heartbroken. Ashley had been pulled in for questioning but they couldn’t find any evidence to link her so they released her. Jensen wasn’t convinced she didn’t know anything so he hired a private investigator. Blair and Clif worked with Jensen and Jared trying to find you. Combing over everything they found and all social media posts. Still nothing.
Blair was able to do a deep dive into Ashley’s social media and found her brother, Jacob. He realized he had seen the man around town and he looked similar to the man who grabbed you. He showed Clif. They decided to contact Detective Martin before letting Jensen know. Your children and Jensen were frantic already trying to locate you. They didn’t want to get their hopes up for nothing. Detective Martin pulled the man’s arrest record and it was long and scary. Several arrests and stints in jail for assault with a deadly weapon, drug charges, and the last set of charges made a lump form in all of their throats: sexual battery and attempted kidnapping. The men exchanged looks that spoke louder than any words could.
Detective Martin called the parole officer assigned to Jacob Smith’s case and they agreed to meet at his last known address. Clif and Blair went with them.
You laid motionless on the bed. Your body weak and tired from the constant abuse and pain. Every time he had his way with you all you could do was cry. Your fight was slowly falling and with every day you were there the thought of seeing Jensen and your family again slipped away. He only fed you once a day and you barely had anything to drink. Your body and soul were breaking and all you could do was pray Jensen was safe and he never saw you like this.
As Jacob finished using you again he stood up and pulled on his pants. He heard the doorbell and looked at you. “Don’t go anywhere sweetheart. I’ll be back for you later. Be a good girl and don’t scream or I’ll gut you and send the pieces to your precious Jensen” he growled as he climbed the stairs.
You laid there quietly sobbing. You missed Jensen and the kids so much. You missed the way he smelled, his soft lips on yours and the way his hand held the small of your back as you two walked side by side. You just missed all of him. You didn’t know how long you had been here but you knew it was weeks at this point. God you hoped Jensen hadn’t given up.
You heard the muffled sounds of voices. One you swore sounded like Clif. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. There’s no way Clif was there. You laid still and stopped crying. Trying to make out the voices. You heard what sounded like arguing. You took your hands and tried to bang on the bed posts using the cuffs.
The sounds started lightly but got louder and faster as you moved your hands. Clif and Blair were standing inside the house with Detective Martin and the parole officer. Clif was the first to hear the sound. He tapped Blair. “Hey man, do you hear that. It sounds like banging”. Blair listened and agreed. “Hey, what’s downstairs” Clif asked. Jacob started shifting nervously and said nothing. Detective Martin reached for the basement door but Jacob lunged at him. A struggle erupted and Jacob reached for Detective Martin’s gun. The parole officer and Blair were able to intervene and got Jacob restrained.
Clif took off downstairs. “Y/N, you down here” he shouted. You sobbed out “Clif, I’m over here”. He ran to your side and took your cuffs off. “I’m gonna get you out of here. You’re safe now” he said. He grabbed the comforter and wrapped it around you and carried you upstairs. As he reached the top he yelled for them to call an ambulance. You sobbed into his chest as he held you.
Blair called Jensen and told him you were found and heading to the hospital. The police escorted Jacob to the hospital too. He was in custody but needed to be checked out since he got banged up too.
As your ambulance arrived at the hospital, Jensen was waiting at the doors for you. Clif told him you looked bad and to prepare himself. Unfortunately he wasn’t fully prepared for what he saw and what the doctor was going to tell him. He saw you on the gurney being wheeled into the hospital. You looked at him and saw tears in his eyes. You reached for him. “I’m here baby. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here” he said through tears. The nurses told him he needed to wait out in the waiting room while the doctor examined you.
A female doctor was called in due to the nature of what happened to try to make you comfortable. They asked you to go over whatever you remember but you kept asking for Jensen. The doctor told you she would get him once the exam was complete. You firmly told her “no! I want my fiancé in here now. I want him here by my side before any exam is done.” The doctor sighed and walked towards the door.
“Mr. Ackles, she’s asking for you. She’s refused treatment or an exam until I bring you in there.” The doctor said almost defeated. Jensen chuckled and said “that’s my girl” and he followed the doctor to your room. He saw you and said “hey baby. I’m here now please let them take care of you.” You reached for him and sobbed into him. “I’m so sorry Jensen. I should have had Blair with me before I went dress shopping. It’s all my fault.” You cried. He rubbed your back and kissed your head. “It’s not your fault baby. It’ll be okay. They have him and they are getting Ashley too.”
The doctor did their exam and you cried the whole time. Jensen held your hand and kissed your head. The pain became too much for you so the doctor gave you some medicine for the pain. You fell asleep with Jensen holding you. A few hours later the doctor came back with the results from your exam. You were still asleep so she went over it with Jensen. “Mr. Ackles, I will warn you the extent of her injuries are going to be hard to hear. Are you sure you wouldn’t want someone in here with you.” She asked.
Jensen swallowed hard and said he’d call his friend. Jared came as quickly as he could. “I’m ready” Jensen said with Jared sitting next to him.
“Well Ms Y/L/N is severely dehydrated and has a lot of external injuries. The cuts are superficial, the bruising on her face, around her wrists and ankles will take some time to heal. She was brutally assaulted and there is some serious injuries to her vaginal area. She’s suffered a few broken ribs and her jawbone is cracked on one side. All of her external and internal injuries will heal over time. My concern is the psychological damage this most likely has caused. I’m recommending she see a therapist as soon as possible to help deal with the trauma of the kidnapping and assault. Just be gentle with her and yourself. She has a long road ahead of her but so do you.” The doctor told Jensen as she touched his shoulder.
She left the room and Jensen sobbed into his hands. Jared held him tight and shed a few tears too. “I should have been there and not gone. I should have been here helping with the wedding. Why the hell did I leave Jared?!?” Jensen sobbed out. “It’s not your fault man. You had to go for the job. You had no idea this was going to happen. Y/N is a strong woman. She survived weeks in that horrible situation and she still reached for you when she saw you.” Jared said. “You two are going to get through this. You’re not alone in this. You both have all of us. Once she’s better and ready you two will get married and have an amazing life together.” Jared said reassuringly.
Jensen stood up and walked over to the bed. He placed a hand on your cheek softly. He whispered “I love you so much sweetheart. I will do anything to make this right.” You groaned softly and your face contorted. “Shh it’s okay baby. You’re safe now” he whispered again.
The nurse came in to check on you and Jensen asked her when would you be discharged. She told him the doctor wanted to keep you at least overnight for observation. He thanked her and after she was finished she left the room. Jared stepped out to call Gen and give her an update on you. She was completely heartbroken when he told her what the doctor said happened and the extent of your injuries. Her and Jared decided one of them would be there for Jensen and you and would take shifts at the house to help where they can.
When he got back in your room he was surprised to see you awake and talking to Jensen. You were crying and so was he. You looked at Jared and smiled sadly. He smiled back and walked over. “Hey little bit. We are so glad you’re back and safe.” He said softly. “Can I hug you” he asked. You nodded yes. Jared usually gives the best bear hugs, but he was so gentle. Almost like he was hugging a porcelain doll. “Gen sends her love and will be at your house when they release you. She wants to help as much as she can while you’re healing. The doctor doesn’t want you doing too much lifting or anything until you’re better.” Jared said to you and Jensen. Jensen stood and hugged his best friend tightly.
Jared said his goodbyes and left you and Jensen alone for the first time since you were found. He sat beside you and held your hand in silence. “Jens, um I understand if you’ve changed your mind about me, this between us. I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay with me out of obligation. I know I have a long road ahead of me and I don’t know when I’ll be strong enough to be intimate with you. You deserve someone who can fulfill your needs and desires when you want.” You said softly through tears. Jensen sat there for a minute completely silent and shocked. He lifted your chin up and looked you in your eyes and said “Y/N Y/L/N, I love you more than anything. I don’t want to walk away from you or us. I don’t feel obligated to stay with you. You’re my fiancé and soon you’ll be my wife. I don’t care how long it takes for you to be comfortable with intimacy again. I wouldn’t expect you to be ready right away. You just experienced something so horrible and I’m going to be there with you every step of the way. I love you so much and nothing will ever change that.” “I love you too, Jensen. Thank you” You looked at him and he leaned over and asked if he could kiss your head. You shook your head yes. After he kissed you he pulled away. As he leaned back you cupped his face, locking eyes with him. You leaned up and he leaned in. You pulled him closer and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled and so did you and you kissed him again. This time he leaned more into the kiss and you felt the spark you were afraid was gone. Once you two pulled apart you both whispered “I love you”. He sat down and held your hand.
You two had just went through hell for the past few weeks, but you both were hopeful you would make it as long as you did it together.
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @jensengirl83 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373
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rykno-j · 1 year
What it means to be the Strongest (j/jk)
Again writen with s/atos/ugu in mind, but unestablished, though definitely in love.
Summary: So my previous fic, if i remember correctly, had a line like:
["S/atoru, you've been too strong for too long. Let me take over, even if just for a little while."]
and then i realised i have something like that in my drafts, so why not i just develop the thought a little?
Notes: the timeline for this would be set before my previous fic [here] but reading it it isn't required to understand this one.
possibly written in the context of pre-RCT g/ojo? because i didn't want him to have the ability to replenish himself in any way. cue "Domain Amplification": Exhaustion.
there's also a point in the fic i used single inverted commas, like this: '[text]'. js to clarify, those are not actual dialogue but just g/eto's thoughts. uh.. it will make more sense when you reach that part..
And finally, to cope with the month of wait before Shibuya, I present to you..
3.4k words
"Satoru, you've been specially requested."
"..Specially requested."
"..Specially resquested."
Geto watches as Gojo visibly deflates, before he shakes his head, expression changing as he stands up with that same bravo as ever.
"Right!! I'll prepare to leave immediately!"
The quiver in his legs don't go unnoticed by Geto.
This has been been happening for the past month. Don't they have other sorcerers that they can send?
The answer to that was obvious.
Of course there was. But who in the right mind would call on someone who was below 'the best option'?
Mission after mission, Geto finds himself missing the company of his friend. Normally, they would go on them together, but the recent spike in cases had left him with barely any space to breathe either, though he was relatively sure they were easier on him compared to Gojo.
He swears the other hadn't slept in weeks. Geto would return to their dorms, and the bed would still made the way he left it in the morning.
The few times he had tried to look under Gojo's sunglasses for eyebags, his hand had been swatted away, either physically or stopped with Infinity.
"Suguruu- I'm fine, don't worry about me."
"..Then look me in the eyes and say that again."
Gojo would laugh in response, waving his wrist dismissively in Geto's direction. "Of course I'm fine, we're the strongest, remember? It won't be fair I claimed to be tired now would it? Not that I am, of course."
Yes it would be, it would be fair. You need breaks too, Geto wanted to say, was going to say, if not for another interruption, this time from Gojo's phone.
It lit up in his lap, before the screen was raised to eye level. Geto watched as Gojo's eyebrows furrowed, shoulders slumping almost unnoticeably in disappointment.
He has seen this play out a thousand times before. As much as Geto wanted to reach out to drag Gojo back down next to him, his hand was frozen to his side.
"Another special request.. ahhh- I guess I better go get ready."
Geto watched silently as Gojo sauntered away, as if he was about to leave for a party, not a possibly life-threatening mission. Seriously.. he was forever taking things too lightly.
Geto wanted to do something, anything. Maybe file a request to give Satoru some space to breathe? Possibly even an argument that allowed him to join in the missions as backup?
But there was always the possibility that Gojo would turn down rest, no matter how desperately he needed it. He was wearing himself dangerously thin, like a thread about to snap. All he needed was a little tug to break.
Days later:
"Satoru- want to go get a drink? I just saw the workers leaving, I think they got the machines refilled."
When met with no reply, Geto turned back, only to see Gojo spacing out a distance away.
"Sa-to-ru. Satoru- are you there?"
He walks up to the other, waving an open palm in front of the bowed head.
Behind the sunglasses, Geto sees Gojo's eyelashes flutter open before a finger came up to push them back into position, covering his eyes from view.
"Ah- yeah I'm here. Sorry, what were you saying?"
There he went again, dozing off at every chance he got. Geto noticed that had started happening two days ago. In class, during training, while queuing for food, while standing. And now, even while walking.
"..hH'!! ..hAH'sHHiew!! hh'..heH'tchH!!"
And there was that too. Something was definitely wrong.
"Satoru- when's the last time you slept?"
"I was just sleeping, hahaha-! Didn't you see?"
"That's not-"
"Suguru, if you're going to chew me out for not resting again, I assure you, I'm perfhH'.. perfectly.. fhH'.. fine-"
Geto shot him a look that screamed "Really??", and Gojo would have seen it, if not for the fact he snapped to the side violently, bending over as his breath hitched desperately.
"..hh'-hIH-tcHH'iew!! ..hAH'zZchHiw!!"
"Dhh'..Don't worry abou'uhH'- hhH'!! hiH'zZchh!! ..hAH'DzZsh'w!! ..a-about me."
With the way he was swaying at the moment, Geto was sure a light breeze could knock him over.
What more, with the way he was standing, slouched over, a passerby would never be able to tell that Gojo was the taller of the two.
Hence, while Geto wouldn't consider himself to be one who actively sought after physical contact with Gojo (that's a lie though), he couldn't help but inch closer to the other, putting a comforting arm around Gojo's waist.
Geto then stared at the top of Gojo's head. Did his hair always look this messy? Surely not. Satoru wasn't one who paid too much attention to appearances, but this was taking it to an extreme.
"You look like you're going to collapse. Seriously. Tell me what's wrong."
"..Maybe- maybe.." Gojo mumbled as a response to Geto's earlier statement. "..Maybe I'm not feeling as well I thought.. haha-"
Geto sighs. "Took you damn near long enough. Come on, let's head back to our dorm. The drinks can wait."
Gojo whined something incomprehensible before he reached out a shaky hand to grab the arm supporting him from behind. He tilted his head up at an angle to shoot Geto a playful yet tired smirk. "Wait.. ahhh- Suguru.. s-sorry- I think.. I think I'm gonna to pass out right now."
Of course. Of course he could still find the energy to fool around in such circumstances. It was one of Gojo's character traits that Geto never understood.
He had half a mind to ask the other to snap out of it. But upon further inspection, Geto watched as Gojo's pupil glazed over with a hazy, faraway look, before it shrunk, eyelids sliding shut as Gojo went slack in his arms.
Seriously. Jokes like these should really be saved for less dire situations.
"..Satoru.. come on, let's go back."
No response.
"..Oi- Satoru.. you can't be serious. Quit fucking with me.."
No response. It's fine. Gojo liked messing with him after all.
"..S-Satoru.. oi Satoru!"
"..Fuck Fuck FUCK-! You can't be serious-"
He wasn't joking.
Forgetting that he could always manipulate his curses to handle Gojo's weight, Geto slipped his free hand under Gojo's knees, hauling him into his arms, bridal style.
"..Asshole! You're such an asshole."
'Your asshole though, right?' Geto could hear Gojo's teasing voice in his head as he made his way quickly through the hallway, his pace bordering a sprint.
That's right. My asshole.
Geto placed Gojo gently on the freshly made bed. It was probably the first time in weeks he had laid there. A soft groan escaped Gojo's lips as his head made contact with the soft pillow.
Good. He wasn't dead yet.
However, a quick touch to his cheek made Geto question his previous thought. With a fever like that, how was he not dead?
Quickly grabbing a small towel, Geto soaked it with water from his bottle, wringing it onto the floor before he brought it to the other's forehead. The mess of water puddles could wait. He had more important things to tend to.
Geto carefully folded and set Gojo's sunglasses aside, gently brushing away the strands of hair covering his face. The wet cloth was then put on his forehead.
It's not much, but it should help.
Knowing Gojo, he probably didn't take any medicine since this started. Speaking of which, Geto made a mental note to ask when it did. Gojo had been busy with a mission for the past few days, so it probably meant he was working through whatever this was.
Probably a cold.
The sneezing earlier should have been an obvious indication, but the fever he was currently running sealed the deal.
Geto knew exhaustion would eventually catch up to him. To be completely honest, he had thought Gojo would give in earlier. He must have been holding out way pass his limits.
It was alright to be weak at times, even for the 'Strongest', a concept that Gojo never seemed to understand. Either that or he did, but chose to ignore it in place of his ego and the fact that he didn't want anyone else to get hurt in his place if the curses turned out to the stronger than reported.
Geto suspected the reason leaned more towards the latter. Gojo had always cared about others in his own way, whether he considered them weak or not. Although.. with the way he openly made fun of people around him, it would cause others to beg otherwise.
Geto knew him better than that.
A soft whine drew him back into the present. Geto turned to focus his attention on Gojo. Even in the dimly lit room, his brilliant blue eyes were hard to miss, hard to look away from, no matter how dulled they were from the haze of the fever.
"Suguru.. Suguru-"
"Shh. Rest. I'm here."
"..You carried me here?"
Gojo let out a laugh that looked like it took all his effort. "You're stronger than you look then."
"You're just lighter than you look."
The small exchange put Geto slightly more at ease. If Satoru could still make any conversation into a joke, he was fine. Well, it at least meant his brain wasn't fried yet.
A sharp, feathery inhale dragged Geto's attention back to the bed.
"..hih'tchh!! hh'..hah'tchiw!!"
"Bless you." God. Even his sneezes sounded tired, a complete difference from his normal, over exaggerated ones.
"snff'- ..thanks."
Gojo looked seconds away from passing out again, his fist closing around the soft blanket. Sighing, Geto stood up.
"Alright, that's enough of being awake for you. Go back to sleep, okay? Let yourself rest for once."
"Hah.. so reluctant to talk to me?"
Quite the opposite, actually, Geto wanted to say. Instead, he reached over to straighten the cloth. It had fallen over to cover one of Gojo's eyes, making him look a lot more endearing than Geto would ever care to admit.
"Of course not. I just have something I have to get done, so I'll be leaving for a bit."
Geto turned away right as Gojo's frame sunk into the mattress in disappointment. If he had seen it, there was no way Geto would have left his side for another good year.
"Mm, okay."
Geto was careful not to open the door too wide. It was early in the evening, and he wanted to let in as little light as possible. Satoru had always been sensitive after all.
Behind the closed door, Gojo turned to the side, snatching Geto's pillow into his chest, pulling it into a tight embrace. He was sure the other wouldn't mind.
Getting pissed won't help anybody, Geto knew that, he really did. But with Gojo practically forced into bed-rest for at least half a week, he needed to raise some of his concerns to his teachers, at least.
He pulls the classroom door open.
"Ah, Suguru. Right on time. I've got a new mission file for you."
"Right. That's exactly what I've come to talk to you ab-"
"Satoru has been specially requested."
"..See that's-"
"But I've written in to specially request you to follow him."
"-exactly what I've been.. huh? What?"
The teacher gave him a knowing smile before sliding a file over the table. Of course. Always doing things in a roundabout way. He's seen that before.
"..Thank you."
He takes the file, quickly leaving the classroom afterwards, his legs taking him subconsciously back to where the dorms where as his hands occupied themselves with flipping through the documents.
Halfway through the mission file, Geto feels something slip out from between the pages. He leans forward to pick it up, a knowing smile flashing across his face.
A small packet of fever medicine.
Seems his teacher had the same idea, that Gojo would never go out of his way to get supplies, if at all, when he fell sick. Well, that saved him half the trouble.
And here came the other half.
When Geto returned to their dorm, he noticed the aura of Gojo's technique surrounding himself. It shocked him at first, but Geto figures that in his vulnerable state, Gojo's mind subconsciously casts infinity to keep him safe.
Though.. it could also have been a side effect from all the dangerous missions that they had put him through for the past month, such that his body was on heightened alert even during rest.
Well that's a first.
He hadn't really been around Gojo while he was sick before, especially not to the extent of passing out like that.
Surely this continuous usage of Infinity counted as over-exertion, evident from Gojo's slightly furrowed eyebrows despite him being asleep. His breathing was also choppier than usual, either due to the congestion or disturbed rest.
Surprisingly, Geto noticed that Infinity seemed to thin out as he approached the bed.
He remembers Gojo telling him, "Suguru- you know, I can totally tell apart your cursed energy from others!"
Was Satoru's body really recognising him and relaxing because of it? Guess that whole 'telling apart' thing wasn't a lie after all.
Geto reaches out a palm and presses it against Gojo's forehead. His hand easily passes through the barrier, making contact with the other. The damp cloth lay uselessly by the side of the pillow, having fulfilled its purpose.
Still warm, but cooler than before.
Gojo whines against the touch as he slowly stirs. "Suguruu- you're backk.."
"Mm." Geto hummed in reply, sitting himself by the edge of the bed. "Did you sleep well?"
"Ah.. not really."
The raw honesty catches Geto off-guard, especially compared to the previous few days, where Gojo would wave him off for being too worried, right up till the point he collapsed.
He supposes that upon admitting "I'm not feeling well", Gojo's walls simply crumbled, leaving him in Geto's care.
The mattress shifted as Gojo turned to the side, a wrist coming up to rub at his nose.
"S-Sorry.. I- hh' have t'hH-!! hih'tchh!! haH'zzchh!!"
He sniffles against his wrist, watching with teary eyes as Geto pulls out a small pack of travel tissues from the drawer before handing it to him.
"Th'hH-!! ..thank y-you.. hH'hihchH'iw!! hah'zzdchH!!"
He pulls out a piece, pressing it softly against his nose. Outside, the sun had barely start setting.
"..snff'.. Suguru- why are you here anyway? Don't you have better things to do?"
Better things to do than look after you? Unlikely. And your Infinity will just go up again once I leave. But of course Geto doesn't say that.
Instead, he raises the file in his hand. "Background information on a mission. I'll have to read it eventually anyway, I can do it here, I've got time."
"..A mission?"
"Yes. For the two of us, actually."
"Really?? I get to go with you this time?" Happiness seeped into his words, bringing an unconscious smile to Geto's face.
"Mm, but I doubt they'd let you go in this state."
Without even looking over, Geto swore he could hear the pout in Gojo's voice.
"Aw.. b-but I wna go with you."
"..Then get better. Quickly." Because I don't want to leave without you either. I'm never leaving you alone again if I can help it.
"Sigh- alright, alright.. I'll get some rest."
"Before that.." Geto suddenly remembered, rising to his feet to retrieve a mug. He should probably get Satoru to take the medicine as soon as possib-
Geto hears a crash behind him.
On the floor, Gojo laughs softly at himself, hanging half off the bed.
"What were you doing?"
Gojo looked almost embarrassed. "Ah.. nothing, honestly.. I just.. I guess I just.. panicked when I saw you get up.. that's all. I thought you were going to leave again.."
Again? ..Oh, right. He had left for the classrooms earlier. Why didn't Satoru just say something before he did? Forget that. Why didn't he notice?
Geto quickly grabbed a mug, filling it with water before he returned to the bedside.
"I'm sorry."
"Hm? Ahh- it's okay, it's okay.. I was just saying silly things."
"No. Don't say that. It's okay to want company, to need company. That's why I'm here, right?"
"Mm, yeah."
"..Why do you sound so reluctant to admit it?"
Gojo shifted again, this time tilting his head away from Geto.
"..Suguru. Am I'm strong?"
"Mm, why the sudden question?"
"..Am I still considered strong if.. if something as simple as a cold can.. can.. hH'..hih'DzchH!! haH'tchHew!! ..snff'.. fuck. I can't even control those."
"I'd honestly be more surprised if you could." Geto replied, bringing the mug up to Gojo's lips. His voice sounded harsh, and the constant sneezes were not helping. "C'mon, look over here, you should drink something."
Gojo sighed, shifting the tissue away to drink from his mouth.
"Take these too."
"..Medicine? Where did you get those from?"
"Ahh- damn. He really knows everything doesn't he?"
"Anyone on the outside could tell that you were wearing yourself thin, not just him. Shoko had her fair share of worries for you as well."
Gojo remained silent upon hearing that, seemingly very interested in the cup he was drinking from.
Geto felt his heart skip a beat. Had he said something wrong? Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned that fact it was obvious.
The silence lasted for a few moments, before Gojo inhaled sharply, turning to the side.
"..hH'-aH'zZchH!! hah-hH'tcHHiw!! hiH'dzZch'w!! hH'!!-..snff- hehh'tchhiw!"
Geto startled at the fit, though he quickly collected himself, eyes focusing on what appeared to be an extremely sorry Gojo.
In his hand was the empty mug, its contents having been spilled all over the blanket from the violent jerks, a side effect of the sneezing.
"..I'm s-orry.."
Geto paused in his actions of retrieving a cloth for the mess. Something was wrong. Satoru had a voice break? No matter how cute it was (god forbid he admit that), he had never heard the other say anything with such a broken tone before.
Forgetting the cloth, Geto quickly returned to Gojo's side, wrapping his arms around the shivering frame of Gojo's body, head resting above his.
Gojo froze in place, shocked at the sudden but welcomed contact. The mug in his hand slowly slipped off his fingers, falling onto the covers. A small whine escaped his lips yet again as Gojo's fingers repurposed themselves with grabbing gently at Geto's arm.
He found himself leaning into the warm embarce, turning his head slightly such that his cheek could rest against Geto's chest.
Gojo had longed for this for days. Days. Days. He could feel tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes. From the cold or from his overflowing emotions? He had no idea.
"Suguru. Come lie down with me, please?"
He didn't need to be asked twice.
Within seconds, Geto had climbed onto the bed, getting comfortable under the covers as he extended a hand to Gojo.
"Come. Leave that side. It's wet." An excuse to get Gojo into his arms.
Gojo crawled over to where Geto was waiting, instantly latching onto the other the moment he got close enough to do so.
As Geto's arms close around him once again, Gojo realised that he had never felt so.. so safe, so.. comforted, before. It was a new feeling, one he was afraid of yet welcomed.
He had only known Suguru for a year, but damn was the guy making him question his own feelings left right and center.
A hand found itself on the back of Gojo's head as he snuggled closer into Geto's chest, burying his nose into the folds of Geto's shirt.
Drowsiness slowly started to take over as Gojo felt like this was the first time in forever he was truly allowed to relax. Was it from the medicine? Or was it from Geto's steady heartbeat that was lulling him to sleep? In all honesty, it didn't matter.
Geto felt Gojo relax in his embrace. Once the stuffy soft snores started to slip into a rhythm, he tilted his head downwards, whispering in a low, soothing voice.
"Satoru, you've been too strong for too long. Let me take over, even if just for a little while."
That was the last thing said for the night, as Geto himself started to drift off into sleep, the sun setting behind him
Unknown to the other, Gojo's lips curled into a smile.
Really.. the things Suguru says when he thinks no one is listening. It was going to be the death of him one day.
Finishing notes:
this fic actually stemmed from the phrase "what if Gojo's Infinity came up by itself when he's sick?" then it.. became.. this.. somehow..
decided to change their roles here ahhh- caretaker Getoo-
maybe i wrote Gojo a little out of character with the amount of clinging he did to Geto (also the whole DON'T LEAVE ME panic of a sick person in bed), but hey. i'm a strong advocate for clingy sick Gojo, sue me.
i also wanted to keep up the soft Gojo writing, soo i tried the whole "strong character falls weak to a cold" trope thing
BUT i also know for a FACT that i was NOT going to be satisfied if i just let Gojo go out like that, so i tried making his collapse scene exclusively *him*
by that i mean i tried making it slightly humorous. ahh well if it ended up not coming out like that.. it's still fine
also wanted to write a whole "Gojo pretending he's alright when he's not" fic, and was trying to capture the whole "once he admits he's not okay, everything comes crumbling down and he's a mess" thing
i feel like a lot more could have been written in this fic.. but the problem was i didn't know how to.. shshhdhshds im getting better i swear (abit more of this in the tags)
i hope the final scene read as soft as i was hoping it would. just picture Gojo sinking into Geto's hug, smooshing his face against Geto's chest, whining a whole bunch, breathing in his scent
..or maybe scratch the scent part, since Gojo's nose is a little congested//
anyway, hope it was a nice read and thankyou for stopping by!!
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horsefreek151 · 3 months
My husband's First time Watching Twilight
My dear husband has not seen many of the movies that were very informative of my tween and teen years; Twilight is one of the top ones. He not only agreed to watch it but agreed to let me write down his reactions. Here are the 3 PAGES of comments I recorded during the two hour movie.
Opening line: "I'd never given much thought to how I would die." - Well, Lucky you
I'm glad this deer is going to be totally unharmed
What ?! Hang on... He catches the dear mid jump like a trick dog.
Him: Why is (Stephany Myers) so obsessed with baseball? Me: Shes Mormon Him: I think it's the homoerotic subtext
ACAB even (Charly)
Alright... one bathroom? There's only two of you!
Billy (who is in a wheelchair) responds with how hes doing by saying "Still Dancing!" - I love him Meets Eric - GAY BEST FRIEND *He was disappointed by him being straight* *Pauses Movie* I had no idea her name was Isabella
Mike Existing - That's the most awkward person Ive ever seen
Jerk kisses her on the cheek without consent - That's assault
*Edward walks in* - OMG thats BATMAN *JKJKJK*
How ... Why ... Why is she laughing.
So he can see the future... Nobody in this movie knows how to eat food. Fuck you, Binder! She is the awkward one Charly Guy in Mill getting hunted - Hes agile I would have fallen over by then. Bella slips and falls over - Relatable *he is unaware of the trope* "Not in Phoenix Bells" Line referring to large animals hunting people in Forks - "YoU DoNt HaVe AnImAls iN ArIzOnA" What do you mean Charly!? They have Mountain Lions and SNAKES Charly! *I mention scorpions too* No writer in this movie ever talked to a high schooler. "Your name is Bella?" - Its actually Isabella as I have learned I only care about this golden onion... and why it isn't a golden garlic. "Cold wet thing" - Unlike sand which is hot and course She also looks like shes in white face paint. (Edward) just walks away like a fucking freak... I love it. None of these people have ever talked to a human before. *Car Crash* - So much is happening... why are there so many cuts... The vampires all look like fucking mimes Your asking him about the speed he got there and not the CRUMPLED DOOR?!
Dont worry (Bella) Im also confused about what happened *Edward in the corner of her room* Hes like a fucking PTSD flashback. Hes a fucking sleep paralysis demon Its dumb to send (the vampires) to highschool. I didn't know one of (Bellas) personality traits was Clumsy There Bio teacher belongs in a sitcom They act like they are fifty or twelve... not like teenagers... twelve is more accurate. The most unrealistic part (of there field trip) is that the bus driver is not screaming at him for banging on the door... or maybe I grew up in Boston. *Edward dose the apple thing* - Ok now he's just making fun of her Robert Patterson and the guy playing Charly are the best actors. Edward mentions wearing a mask, and Bella quips about it - OOOOO, She called Edward out for being autistic! *He can say that as I am autistic and I give him permission* *Edward cant go to LaPush* - Is it cause he cant cross moving water? *He made so many jokes about vampire lore I didn't write them all down* I was trying to tell what time this flashback took place and I just couldn't. I'm glad they gave us a 30-second tutorial on how to get a book online. Some of this look like a horror movie TOKYO DRIFTING, Dam that was a fuckin j-turn! "Little do (her friends know) he was going to eat her, for her blood" Oh Bella, I understand he's a pretty boy, but back up from the "How do you know what he was thinking?" and back to the "WHY WERE YOU STALKING ME!?" I can't wait for the almost SA scene to never come up again... *sarcasm* * They touch hands by oops * - Touch Barrier Broken Charly and Billy watch the game - DAD DATE! ... Oh no not Butcrack SANTA! Looks at Jasper - Is he another vampire who fought for the Confederacy? She sees buttcrack Santa's body - Do they not have body bags? With how much he's stalking her he should be called Edward the Relentless *he loves what we do in the shadows* Why are we spinning... why is there so much spinning? Bella claims Edward talks old-fashioned - He talks like a badly written character... like everyone here. "you won't hurt me" - cause stalkers never escalate violence when things don't work out. Because she's a white woman, and he's her pit bull. LISTEN TO HIM WHEN HE SAYS HES DANGEROUS BELLA. "personal brand of heroine" - Him: because everyone knows heroine comes in brands Me: Im on name brand Meth (me referring to my ADHD MEDS) Him: You're on generic Meth, and you know it. (as I take the generic brand) YOU'VE KNOWN HIM FOR LIKE A WEEK "Irevicoably in love with him" - GIRL... WHY? Sees Emmit - He kinda looks like Peet Davidson I like (Edwards) sitting like a little weirdo He turned to madly in love on a dime. Wait hang on.... (skips back to Billy giving Bella the stinkeye) Eyyyy They do what we do! (Billy holding all the stuff while Jacob pushes, like we do with my wheelchair) Just Sees Jasper - "Ive never seen more fear in a character than in his face right now
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Is he scared she will know he fought for the Confederacy? (I have yet to confirm or deny the truth of this statement) Alice being Alice - OOoO Edward, she's gonna steal your girl! No wonder he's fallen in love in 3 seconds... he's been seventh wheel for who knows how long. *there dancing in edwards room* - *husband starts singing my fair lady* "Hang on Spider Monkey" - IT's THE LINE!!! *I mention how it's creepy that he watches her sleep* Well, you watch me while I sleep, but you have insomnia... and were married. *they kiss*- This is the most Mormon shit I've ever seen. At least they show how realistically boaring being a vampire would be. Drinking while cleaning your shotgun... that's totally safe Charly... "Why do you play baseball?" - Since they are American Bella! - "Well it is the American past time" Esme says - SEE! The Thrupple of trouble is walking in like there ready for a photoshoot. Blond Thrupple guy (James) looks so High... "...STuck here like MOM" - OOF! KNIFE TO THE HEART! Did her friends just steal mugs from the diner? Edward won't stop drinking her blood - Bop him on the nose with a newspaper like a dog. Edward sad he "didn't" stop - But you did stop when Carlile bopped you on the head with a newspaper. We kissed once now were in love forever.... They are all weirdos and this feels like a cult Director of Photography, I hate you. Costume? I can't forgive you for that flashback. High school science teacher, you were my favorite. His final review: This was a bad movie. There are better vampire movies, there's better romance movies and better young adult movies. All the genera are valed, this is just a bad example of all of those generas. I understand why its popular tho, and why young woman loved it. Especially when you take in at the time, it came out. Its the American mix of all about sex but completely clean and demonising sex and not having any sex in it. To me its the same way that 50 shades of gray wants to be about sexy bdsm while still saying bdsm is morally wrong. Nothing wrong with wanting a sexy vampire with wanting a romance, I like romance. Theres nothing wrong with media for young women. This is just bad.
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bookcub · 10 months
Best Books Read in May 2023
A recap of the best books I read each month in 2023.
This was my BEST reading month!! Look at all these five star reads!! These honestly, might all make the top 10 of the year list!!
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J Brown
I started this nonfiction book in January and I really want everyone to read this book. I was highlighting and underlining so many lines. A fresh perspective on asexuality and sexuality in general, more than just a basic introduction to asexuality, which I loved. Incredibly insightful. I need to post more quotes.
Painted Devils by Margaret Owen
A worthy sequel, although I was worried, as the first one was wrapped up so nicely. It was more an adventurous love story, about discovering familial and romantic love in one's life. I was unable to put this book down!
City of Brass and Kingdom of Copper by SA Chakraborty
I have read adult fantasy before but this one has convinced me I need to give it more focus as a genre. Beautiful writing, amazing characters, vivid worldbuilding. I binged this trilogy in two weeks and it was such a fantastic feeling. If you love high fantasy and haven't read this series, what is stopping you?? Another series I cannot wait to reread!!
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen
Probably one of my favorite books now, I am in love with it. A fantastic graphic novel with layers of storytelling and heartfelt moments. I cannot recommend this book enough.
Honorable Mention
At Midnight by Dahlia Adler
Mother's Mirror was sooooo good, trans Snow White. Amazing. I adored Tracy Deonn's retelling of The Nightengale as well!
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