#jade leech sobs
traumxrei-archive · 2 years
Hello Trau, long time no read ^^
I saw that Jade has been mean to his sim-… fans for Halloween. Me included, sniff. I used 1600 gems for him (+the offered tenfold summon), 1600 gems that I so lovingly kept safe juste for that event. Did he came home ? Noooo… of course not. Lilia ? Lilia kept freaking STALKING ME ! I got him 9 TIMES ! I was like « leave me the hell alone, PLEASE ! I’ll even eat your poiso-… your food ! QQ ». But I’m a little bit stubborn, so I tried the single keys I had in stock. 1 time. 2 times. 3… 9 TIMES. No eel in sight. In fact, no key either Uu’ I almost felt like crying, honestly x’D 2 days later, I gained the final bonus for round 1 : the almighty single key. My last hope. The little ray of light in this night of despair. And then…. « I apologise for the wait ». THAT. FUCKING. ASSBUTT. His summon line was so accurate it was scary x’D But, between us, if we’re been honest… was it really surprising ? It’s so Jade to make people taste frustration and desperation for his own amusement. Why do I love this bastard so much ? Now, it’s time for me to restock my gems for his and his brother birthday, hoping it won’t be as disastrous as this event. Please guys, have mercy on my poor unfortunate soul (and my wallet). On another note, I used 1 tenfold summon today, and Azul came home twice, like the good boy he isn’t ! <3 I won’t even try the third showcase, too risky Uu’
I still love reading your fics, the one with Azul was really cute (I totally see him try this roundabout technique just to kiss his SO x'D)
!! kuro !! it's good to see you after a long while :D
jade was....imperceptibly mean to his fans sniffs he robbed everyone anD dared to show up saying "apologies for the wait" :'))) your summons sure were a ride to read about *cries* jade really said no to all the jade stans in the world,,,,meanwhile azul's being uncharacteristically generous for someone who does everything in deals and comes home twice or more per 10 pull sjdkfjskf
and thank you for loving my fics !! i'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the azul kisser fic hehe he's definitely the type to take the very long road just so that he can ask for a kiss without seeming like he's asking for a kiss
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marigoldendragon · 4 months
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In which Human-Grim has to take care of our NRC-Boys-As-Animals, and has a time of it. This was a lot of fun to do, a lot of the characters already had animal motifs, others where very hard to come up with an animal equivalent. Still not particularly happy with some of my choices, but c’est la vie. Also been a hot minute since I've spent this long on a drawing. Twisted Wonderland has me in an absolute vice grip, consumes most of my waking thoughts, clears my skin, waters my crops ... I'm tired and starting to not make sense. I shall end my inane ramblings here.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
When you have an Secret Admirer - and it's not them (3; Octavinelle)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that 'secret admirer' - everyone wants to help you out...but have their own reason for it.
'I wish for your stay at this college to be fruitful, with no stress engulfing you in any way, shape or form...'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 4: Scarabia
Part 5: Pomefiore
Part 6: Ignihyde
Part 7: Diasomnia
You performed surprisingly well in alchemy class.
After everything, you decided to stay in your room, using the 'gift' to study. It served well to avoid Crewel's ire and as a good distraction on all the wishpering rumors swimming about in school. Heartslabyul and Savanclaw are big dorms and while the first is rather meek of Riddle's wrath, the latter had no problem sharing their experience with everyone they met that week.
A part of you knew of their insensitiveness as Savanaclaw students and that they had to deal more with just that incident, so you believed it best to stay alone for now. You did not listen to Ace's and Deuce's texts, just giving brief responses nor did you accept Heartslabyul's invitation to their Unbirthday parties. You couldn't bear listening to Jack's attempt to be direct when trying to cheer you up and you did not want to bother him and Ruggie, making them believe they have to shield you from their own dorm. On top of that, Leona suddenly started to take the same classes as you, staring through your soul but refusing to speak.
The words were spread and it feels like all you can do is wait it out until things cool down.
Floyd Leech
You see, there is no need for anything in Octavinelle to happen for Floyd to catch wind of things.
Huh? What's this? Flowers were stolen, people shot into the air? Sounds like fun! Why isn't he invited to these things?
It's when he's squeezing a Heartslaybul student and they breathlessly confess that this wasn't really done by a prankster as some want to believe - they see themselves as an secret admirer.
An secret admirer...for the Ramshakle prefect.
In a second the student is dropped on the floor, Floyd letting out one of the most terrefying sounds they have ever heard. He bends down to their level in such speed it renders them frozen, as he inquires them of more information.
...A secret admirer, for real? And...they've got their eye on...Shrimpy...
It was a mistake to think that things would die down in due time.
Right as you entered the hallway, fast footsteps could be heard racing towards you before you are hoisted up in long, strong arms.
"Shrimpy~~~! What the hell?"
Floyd squeezed you closer against his chest, rocking you back and forth as if you were a toy, not needing air. You are not let go before you give him the answers he wants to hear.
"Hehe, what's up with this 'secret admirer' crap? You're not seriously into that, are you~? No, not my Shrimpy!"
Floyd will not leave you alone. He clings onto you like a leech, his hand always somewhere on you. Why are you looking at him like that, he's just curious! About your dear admirer.
"Say, what else did you get from them? Huh? How lame." "Wouldja like me to do the same for you? Huh? Huh? Wouldja fall for me like a stonefish underwater?" "Do you know who that admirer is, Shrimpy? I would love to meet them - and squeeze them."
It goes on and on the entire day. Before Floyd suddenly jumps up and enthusiastically waves at his brother.
Jade Leech
And there he is, seeing his brother wave at him with such sinister glee with you trapped in his arms. You are approaching Jade whether you like it or not.
With a empty smile he greets you two. Of course, all that Floyd has heard, so has Jade. However, he isn't as brash and direct as him.
Instead he inquires your well-being and day as if nothing was up at all - it only makes you more nervous and he knows that. So he continues.
It is only when Floyd just bursts, letting everything he knows out in a flood of excitement and anger. Jade nods in understanding before looking at you with his usual, toothy, shark grin.
"Oya, oya...it seems you're quite in a pickle. Never thought that would happen to you, eh? I did."
He puts his hand on your lower back, Jade at the left and Floyd at your right as he leads you into the direction of the Monstro Longue. "Why, we won't let anything happen to you. The least you deserve is the Monstro Longue as our protection. Say, Floyd, should we ask for Azul's help?"
Jade pushes you further with Floyd agreeing happily. The two basically drag you there, Jade having an soft, almost gentleman-like grip on you.
"This is nothing but trouble for you, isn't it? Don't worry, you can rely on me. Always come to me."
What an interesting game.
Jade is fond of playing the bystander and just watching how things unfold and this would also be the case usually. But he must admit, he's kinda vexed.
Oh? An secret admirer at this school? Sure, why not? Makes things interesting.
But an secret admirer for you? Ah, that does kinda annoy him, takes him out of his routine. Besides, if that person is as adamant on destroying the dorm's reputation like he heard, then as the Vice leader he can't just stand by this time.
Jade doesn't need you to think less of him.
In fact, what an opportunity to have you stick to him like glue - as to 'look out for you'. This 'admirer' is nothing but a troublemaker, bringing everyone against you without your consent - sure, you've eaten well, got a great score in alchemy, are doing well in class, and have an person out there adoring you in addition - but you don't need that when you have Jade, right?
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul had loooong known of these...incidents. And it barely has been two weeks!
Well, he's sly, he's fast and he had that one person still owing him when they couldn't pay that one drink...and look at that, they were a Savanaclaw student who happened to visit a friend from Heartslabyul...digging information out is his forte.
So there he is, fixing his tie, laying all utensils symmetrical out and one, two, three...the door opens.
And there you are, in the twins' grip looking as pestered and confused as ever...ah, you do look adorable, whatever you do.
Before you could protest, Azul clears his throat, throws his arms out, his scarf flying up before he announces what you already know.
He mentiones the trouble you went through these weeks, pointing the possible future shenanigans and how much they will negatively affect you...without mentioning that admirer for a second.
He plays his old role well; confident and charmingly sly as he wants you to give in, making all of these seem like trouble where you will end up empty-handed. This isn't worth the hussle.
"So, what say you, dear (Name)-san? What say we make a deal?"
Before you can even open your mouth to protest, you're not stupid
"-Ah, but in return you just have to gain some points by buying from the Monstro Longue. Become a more frequent customer, you know? We can find out who this admirer is and convince them to stop. Honestly, can't they see that they aren't helping you at all? If anything, they are the biggest nuisance out of everyone bothering you-!"
Azul's breath hitches.
There you are, in this exquisite seat, looking away with a glare yet your cheeks are just swelling red. A charming, cherry red that coats your skin so...cutely.
Did he say something wrong? Did his business strategy go into a complete different direction? Wha-What did he do???
Oh, shoot. Keep it cool, Azul. Get it together.
"...A-as I was saying..."
He breaks the role; back to his stammering, insecure self where the words, which felt so pre-programmed, gave up on him. He adjusts his glasses, tucks his hair behind his ear but that sight of you just...shackled him.
You let out a groan, shooting out of the chair and rubbing your neck. This is a waste of time, you don't even want anyone talking about this person when that is something only meant for you to know-
As you got up to leave, Azul stood up with you, his hand quickly reaching for a pen, before a quiet sound entered the room - of something swift and light falling down. Landing in front of the exit, Jade picked it up with a raise of his brow.
'Deals are meant to be truthful first, not broken second.'
Your heart started to race once he read the message out loud. It had been pounding in your ear, long before an employee bursted into the room and stated that all ingredients were missing with a perplexed expression. Your voice cut short long before guests realized that their orders were not coming, nothing seemed to work in the Monstro Longue. Azul was freaking out, Jade, as ridicilous as he found all of this, did try earnestly to fix the situation by immediately closing the restaurant until they have found everything that has been stolen - sure, they could order more but that's costly! (also, all done by Azul's mother, she won't be happy to know about this!) and who knows if nothing won't be stolen again!
Ok, you think to yourself as you walk back to your dorm, this could be done by someone else. It's all coincidence - not very likely, but possible. You pass by the gate to collide with a distressed Grim, who mumbles about 'cursed soil'. Running over to your backyard, you could see the usual dull green bushes blooming with blue flowers and herbs. They seemed to have congregated on the dead soil, blooming while the rest of the yard looked as soulless as ever. As you were about to ask if your ghostly roommates had anything to do with it, you could spy a pink letter tangled between a blue flower's petals that just grew in size.
'To my dearest (Name)
I hope it's okay with you to call you by your first name. We haven't really met yet, at least not officially, but I was tired of seeming like a stranger to you. I hope you are becoming of these flowers and herbs growing here. I spent a lot of time perfecting a growing spell here on school grounds, so no worries! I didn't intrude on your property or anything. With that spell you can choose in which locations the designated seeds will grow.
Admittedly, that brought along a lot of all-nighters in the garden room and the seeds were hard to find here in NRC, but I wanted you to have useful herbs for alchemy and beautuful flowers...to maybe just look at? The Ramshakle dorm has been abandoned for such a long time and while I know you aren't alone (you got your friends! And a cat, I think?) someone like you deserves a place that is a bit more homey. Do what you want with the flowers and herbs. They are all yours.
And don't worry. I will be giving Octavinelle their ingridients back. I wanted the attention away from you. This is something I'd like to keep between you and me &lt;;3. It's gonna be like mice stole them away to make a cake :).
Besides, they did try to take away the Ramshakle dorm, the only place that could be like a home to you here. Not really fair, is it?'
Your Secret Admirer
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Haha. Excuse me? Excuse Floyd?
Now he really is mad at that admirer kid. Who the hell do they think they are?
Don't they know that doing this means more work for him? He doesn't wanna hang around the restaurant all daaaaay...
Oh, Floyd isn't stupid. It had to be that student. Even if it wasn't, he'd still let out all his anger out on them. They're makin' lovey-dovey eyes at his Shrimpy.
Now he is stuck here, not being able to go out, not being able to have fun, not being able to see his Shrimpy...
Aaaaaah, is that part of their master plan?
Hehehe...he vows to himself to have this kid kick the bucket. He'll make sure of it personally.
And when he is able to escape his chores and sees some blue grass blooming in your yard like no tomorrow? And seeing that smile on your face while you are admiring them? (While he is spying on you before tackling you in a 'hug'?)
This admirer is dead.
You're lucky Floyd's busy. Or else he will be sure to barrage you with questions, be sure to tell him who the hell this is, where their dorm is so he can end them.
Oya oya...
How interesting...and irritating.
He, Floyd and Azul now have more work to do than anticipated. On top of that they have to clean everything up before Azul's mom gets wind of this. Honestly, he is more focused on getting things back together than really finding the culprit of this cause...considering everything returns a few days later, with a few pounds of ingrdients used for a 'cake' some 'mice' made. If there were any in NRC, Lucifer would have long caught them.
Jade isn't stupid either. His brother immediately let out his suspicions and he complies without protest. Alas, he unfortunately has to agree with this admirer. It's best if no attention is drawn on you. You wouldn't want that and neither does he. Though if you were congegrated by a mass of students, Jade would gladly take you under his wing ;)
Still, he cleans everything up, pretends all is well once the stuff returns and the restaurant can open again. A facade should be an amicable one. He's fine with letting things go as they do, listening to Floyd's findings with an eager ear and greeting you so pleasantly when he can.
"I hope everything goes well for you. If you need anything at all, just come by. You don't even need to visit Azul if he's being too sly for your tastes - not even to Floyd if you want to. You don't need to enter Monstro Longue at all! You can just come see me and I'll gladly listen. Just come to me."
He'll be your second admirer...though more distant and less admiring and more observing...
If Floyd is being passive aggressive against anyone and anything who could be your admirer and Jade is sweetly quiet and observant, then Azul is freaking out.
How could this happen to him?! First this admirer thing and now things got stolen from his restaurant?!
And what's even more infuriating is that vivid memory in his head repeating over and over and over and over again-
Your adorable self avoiding his gaze with the brightest blush he has ever seen on you. If only he could hold this memory positively in his heart but the cause of it was some unknown person. Maybe someone he has never met, someone you have never met!
And you weren't blushing because of him.
You didn't make a deal with him, the restaurant was closed for a few days and if Floyd is right (he usually tells the truth when he's in a bad mood) there are now flowers blossoming in your backyard ever since you left the...restaurant.
This stresses Azul out more than he thought and he needed a day to calm down. Next, he needs to plan this...right...right in a way where you wouldn't even be thinking about this secret admirer ever again...
[imma say it, if it weren't for floyd Octavinelle would be suuuuper borringggggg. azul is a crybaby who i could easily end in a fight and jade is unironically terrifying but also a diet sebastian michaelis]
[aaalso i am running out of shenanigans for the admirer to do ahahhaa...]
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chernabogs · 9 months
Congratulations on 100 followers!!! I'm so glad to see your work getting the love it deserves! If it's alright with you (and please don't feel pressured, I just saw your reblogged prompt list and had a thought) I would like to request Jade and Reader with the "You're about as intimidating as a butterfly" prompt. I'm just curious as to how you would write something with Jade since I enjoy how you phrase things in your works. And again, congratulations!!!!!
WAH THANK YOUUUUU so excited to dig my hands into some Jade stuff
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Inc: Jade x Reader, some Floyd (naturally), a touch of Azul Warnings: None! WC: 2.3k Summary: It's a quiet night at the Lounge, and his newfound conversation partner has just arrived.
Most people would hate it—'it' being the concept of a routine. A baseline set of tasks to complete at a certain point of time, day in and day out, which serves as both a tether and a guide for how the hours are meant to play. Jade follows somewhat of a routine in his life. Waking up, attending classes, and then in the evening assisting with the operations at Mostro Lounge. 
Sometimes there’s a wrench in his routine. Floyd may shake things up (he, who lives with no routine at all), Azul may request something be looked into, or he may find himself with a few spare hours on the weekend to venture off into the mountains that lay scattered around the island. He doesn’t mind the changes—he’s rather quick at adapting to things on the fly—and he also doesn’t mind the conflicts that arise with them. 
“—and at least twenty pounds of tomatoes.” Azul is next to him at the ‘bar’ area of the lounge, dubbed so despite the fact that no alcohol is permitted to be served on campus. He’s hunched over on a stool, his uniform half complete and his sleeves pushed up as he writes out the stock order that’s meant to be sent tomorrow evening. 
Floyd has that task. Jade wonders if he’ll feel up to it when the time comes, or if he’ll be taking it on instead. Not that he minds. 
“Twenty?” He muses as he picks up another glass to wipe clean. “We often order less than that.” 
“There’s a discount for twenty. We’ll think of new dishes with tomatoes to add. Perhaps we can also get in touch with Lilia to see if he’ll buy some…” Azul hums back as his pen continues to strike across the stock paper with vigour. Jade feels a twinge of amusement at the way the man is already strategizing how to make a profit from their purchase. 
His attention is then drawn back to the patrons currently in the lounge. It’s a quieter night—which makes sense, considering that this is on the brink of midterm season. A few Pomefiore students are in a booth in the corner, and he spots a Diasomnia boy with two Octavinelle ones at another table. One of the lounge’s waiters moves between the tables with practised ease.
Then he hears the door open. He feels that twinge of amusement grow when a familiar face passes through the threshold with a frown—possibly from the way this night seems particularly colder than most. 
“You have an expression I’m not too sure I like.” Azul’s voice draws his gaze once more. His friend, as he supposes that’s the best way to coin it, observes him with narrowed eyes before looking back to the door. His expression then shifts to a brief flash of understanding before he chuckles and closes the order books. 
“Done?” Jade asks innocently as Azul pushes the stool in with a sly look. 
“Do remember to restock the limes.” Is all he says before departing for his office, leaving Jade alone in the bar area, and giving their new customer an ample opportunity to approach. 
He knows that you will. This has become somewhat of a routine for you, although you still try to play it off like you’re not coming in here to speak with him for an hour or so. He finds it quaint that you come up with new excuses each time you sit at that bar and order something for him to make. A part of him wonders where you get the funds to come out nearly twice a week—but then again, why question where the money comes from when he’s the one receiving it in the end? 
“Welcome.” He muses as you sit down in your usual spot, right where Azul was sitting moments earlier. He sets another newly scrubbed glass down before pulling out the lounge’s menu and sliding it your way. “I would imagine you’d be too preoccupied with your midterms to come visit tonight.” 
“I'm considering this a study break,” you counter as you peer at the menu.
Jade feels a slightly genuine, but still mostly polite, smile play at his lips as he looks back out to the lounge. He spots Floyd lurking by the door, and when the two brothers make eye contact, the latter's expression lights up. Jade hums quietly when the other starts to make his way over. 
“This is bullshit!” 
That is, until an explosive voice from the table with the Diasomnia boy stops everyone in their tracks. Even you turn to look back in surprise, as Jade sets yet another glass down to observe the next few moments with interest.
He doesn’t feel the need to step in. Floyd’s attention has already been diverted, and the boredom his twin was feeling hovering by the entrance is now suddenly abated as the grin on his face grows wider. You look back to Jade, who glances at you and flashes yet another polite smile. 
This isn’t unusual to happen in the Mostro Lounge, especially during exam times when students try all that they can to swindle opportunities for higher grades with less of the legwork. Jade has never quite felt any sympathy for those who approach Azul, or anyone else in Octavinelle for that matter, in a bid to gain a higher grade. Perhaps it was his upbringing under his parents guidance or perhaps it’s just the constant exposure to Azul’s strategies, but he’s always been under the impression that one gets what they deserve in the end—regardless of what they do.
“Floyd looks way too happy about this,” you murmur as you turn back slowly to look at the menu. Jade picks up another glass with a soft hum. 
“I have no idea what you mean.” He continues to clean the glass as the volume from that table grows, now drawing more attention towards the conflict. He can see that it’s beginning to disturb the clients—yourself included—and he has half the mind to go silence it himself. Floyd is taking far too long, playing around with the students and goading them on. 
The Diasomnia boy, in his fury at whatever the other students just tried to rip him off of, turns around and in that very moment catches Jade’s eye. It takes very little facial expressions or micro-movements for the students to quickly sober up, and then turn red in a combination of both embarrassment and fear. He grabs at his jacket, slamming his madol down on the table, before storming out of the lounge with Floyd trailing along behind. His twin's laughter is audible even when the doors close. Jade returns back to his duties as you nudge the menu forward. 
“It’s quite interesting how fast that student ran out of here when all you did was look at him.” You muse, resting your chin in your palm as you peer at him. He feels that twinge of amusement again in his gut. If one were to see the two of you right now, they might think that you’re making eyes at him. Perhaps you are, unintentionally or not, and it’s this thought that makes him decide that he’ll humour your conversations once more. 
“Is it?” He replies, cryptic as always as he glances down to the drink menu. This isn’t necessary—he knows every item on display by heart at this point. After all, he’s one of the people who devised it to begin with. “Why do you say so?” 
“From where I’m sitting, you’re about as intimidating as a butterfly,” you counter. He stifles a laugh as he glances back at you. His smile almost reaches his eyes this time. 
“From where you’re sitting? Then perhaps you should move a bit closer—or order a drink that improves your sight.” Another glance at the menu. “Are you ready to order, by chance? The fact that you slid this my way tells me so.” 
“I’d like to move closer…” he hears you grumble under your breath before you shake your head. “I can’t decide. What is it that you’d recommend for tonight?”
For tonight? He recalls vaguely what the weather was like outside before he sequestered himself back into the lounge’s kitchen and storage rooms. The sky had been a mess of gray clouds swirling above, with flecks of white snow gradually descending to kiss the earth. He’s been on land long enough now that the first snowfall of the season has lost its allure—although Floyd still finds amusement in it, when the mood strikes. “It’s rather cold out there right now, isn’t it?” 
More patrons leave until it’s only the two of you left—save for Floyd, who skulks off to Azul’s office with a pleased grin on his face. Jade hums softly again as he sets another glass down. 
They would be closing soon enough. Perhaps something off the menu could be made—as a slight nod to your continuous patronage. 
“Do you like tea?” He asks after a moment, sending a glance your way. He can see your expression perks up slightly. Even if you don’t like it, something tells him that you’ll be apt to accept whatever he sets down in front of you anyway. Perhaps he can use this to his advantage later—he’s beginning to feel bored with only using Silver as a guinea pig for his mushroom dishes. 
“Depends on the kind.” You try to play off your brief excitement with a more relaxed answer as you lean against the bar once more. Jade has to hide the amused little quirk of his lips as he kneels down to put the glasses away. 
“I was taught by Kalim most recently a way to brew tea that I have been itching to try once more.” He looks up from behind the counter, his eyes slightly shadowed in the light, and he can see your curiosity growing. “Would you be so kind as to let me do so?” 
True to his prediction, he sees your lips curl into a smile and you nod, giving him your permission. This time Jade does little to conceal his own pleasure over your comment as he rises back up and brushes his hands on his uniform pants. 
“Wonderful. We may as well go into the kitchen for this. I’m beginning to have doubts that we’ll be seeing anyone else tonight.” 
Truthfully, he doesn’t mind the company. Unlike his brother who often flips between wanting to be around others and wanting to just be alone, Jade finds himself in a consistent state of ambivalence towards company. Your company may rank a bit higher than others, only because you let him do things like this without protest. 
“This is a spin on rhodomel that I’ve been testing out.” he explains, as though giving a lecture as he holds up a tea blend infused with roses. “Traditionally, the drink is a mead made of honey, water, and some syrup—but we aren’t permitted to serve any alcohol, and so I make do with what I can.” 
He recalls Kalim’s instructions for brewing—along with the horrors of just how much sugar the other man dumped into the drink. Jade gestures for you to have a seat as he sets the kettle up. 
The kitchen of Mostro Lounge is large enough to accommodate more than a few people, and yet you situate yourself right next to him at the counter, watching each step he takes with an astute interest. It’s almost flattering just how keen you seem at making sure you don’t miss a single action of his. 
He puts the leaves in the kettle and boils them before preparing a few more herbs of nature that he doesn’t fully disclose. Once the boiling is done, he pours the tea into the herb bowl that he’s prepared, drops a few sugar cubes inside, and then pours the blend into one of two cups he’s set aside. 
“There,” he muses before grabbing a bottle of honey from a nearby counter and adding a dash of that as well. “Perhaps it won’t be as savoury as rhodomel is alleged to be, mainly because we haven’t let it steep for too long, but I do hope it’s somewhat enjoyable.” 
He nudges the cup towards you with his usual coy smile. “Enjoy.”
You take the cup without so much as a second thought, blowing on the hot brew before taking a tentative sip. Truthfully, Jade has never even tried this himself—if it tastes like shit, then he’ll be able to tell by your expression, despite the words of praise you may give. You’re a readable person.
He appreciates that to a degree. 
But then your eyes light up, and you take another sip, and he knows that he’s performed somewhat of a miracle with whatever he’s just made. “This is really good…!” 
A smug look briefly flashes on his face before he leans against the counter once more and finally tries it out. It is quite good, and he gives himself a mental pat on the back for that. Maybe he’ll even pitch this to Azul for a weekend morning special to offer.
Or he'll sell it to Heartslabyul.  
A comfortable silence settles as the two of you enjoy the experimental concoction together. His fingers lightly tap the rim of his cup as he gives you a sly, sidelong glance, studying you a bit more intently than before. Your expression is satisfied and your body language tells him just how relaxed you feel in his presence. Your previous comment of how he’s hardly intimidating to you plays through in his mind once more. 
“Do you like hiking by chance?” He doesn’t ask subtly—he just outright says it, and he watches as you look at him with a wide-eyed expression. 
“Oh. Sometimes?” You reply.
Not a no, but not a yes. He taps the rim of his cup again. 
“I like to do hikes in the mountains on weekends, when I get the time. You would be surprised at how many fascinating species of flora and fungi exist up there. I collect them for the Lounge, on occasion.” Before Azul shuts that down after a week or so. “You strike me as someone who can be quite adventurous—so, would you like to come along the next time I go?” 
Is this a recruitment? Yes. Is he trying to get you to taste-test his dishes? Yes. Is there maybe a small, selfish reason for asking to steal more of your time without interruptions?
“Sure!” You reply brightly, and this time he does offer a genuine smile. 
Oh, absolutely.
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bloodiegawz · 1 year
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loves rhis man. the beach
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ooriru · 2 years
things you would wear from them + their reaction
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you see those gloves he wears with his dorm uniform?
yeah, you found it on top of his desk and decided to try them on
you might've stolen them from ruggie cause you thought they looked super cute
"hey love, have you seen my gloves?" 
queues to ruggie walking into his room and looking around.
"mhmm no, I don't think so."
you reply, as you admire the said gloves on your hands.
you could hear shuffling in the room, as he turns his room upside down. the hyena checked his closet and cabinets as well as peeking under the carpet and yet he still couldn't find his gloves.
he sighs and turns to you, only for his eyes to widen and gasp.
"love, come on! you couldn't have spared me the energy and time?"
ruggie whines and strutted his way towards you, who was smiling.
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bro kalim would've given you his cardigan and forget that he let you borrow it the next day
he would've been late to class trying to find it if jamil didn't drag him
his cardigan smelled so good– like, it smelled fresh 'nd minty???
"oh noo, pumpkin! I can't find my cardigan, you think you can help– WAHH, why do you have it?!"
you giggled.
"you gave it to me yesterday cause I was cold, silly!"
he stands in front of you as he thinks. you could almost imagine an exclamation mark popping above his head when he realized.
"ahh, that's right! you can keep it, it looks cute on you!"
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his first thought would be "?" but in a snap he knows you took it
run. he's going to chase you as soon as he realizes and he's not going to stop until he squeezes you
it's not about the hat anymore 😪 he just wants an excuse to squeeze you
“oh shrimpy~! i know you have my hat!”
you huffed and held floyds hat close to your chest as you slipped behind a corridor. you took a few seconds to catch your breath, but you halted as you felt warm air touch your skin. only dred washed on your face when you turn.
"found you~!"
your knees gave out, but before you slid to the floor, floyd grabbed your waist and hoisted you up.
"now I can squeeze you all I want~♩"
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© OORIRU 2022
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nrc-confessions · 5 months
I would trust Jade leech with my life ☹️☹️ and more ☹️☹️☹️
Thanks for your confession!
This is not advised. You might die. Be cautious when approaching Jade Leech.
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kheyys-worms · 1 year
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kirayamidemon · 2 years
Wouldn’t it be interesting to see Jade and Floyd’s reaction if Yuu ever got kidnapped?
but I feel like if that were the case, they’d just go n get them back, maybe just be pissed prolly, idk wat you maybe might expecting/were hoping for fjksdj
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ritcchamadayo · 1 year
You reap what you sow, I guess?
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Jade Leech x Reader ; In reference to this post that I made, I wrote this based off of my chat with @/akibanashi's Jade Leech AI over at the character AI website uhrjthfjhf PLEASE SIMP FOR THIS MAN WITH ME HE'S TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART!!!!!!! (I have proof of the chat below TvT my heart cant take it anymore)
knock knock
The faint sound of the laboratorium door clicking resounded against the silent room, as you slowly walked in the room. “Scuse me.. Jade? Are you in here?” Across the room in one corner, Jade was slumped against his seat and letting out a huge sigh. He turned his head to look at you, an unreadable expression was plastered on his face. “Ah… Hello, (y/n). Yes, I am here. But I do wish you had knocked before entering.. Is there something I could help you with?”
Seeing the state the eel-mer was in, you quickly moved to his side. “I did knock, actually. Perhaps I knocked too softly?” You set down a small box in front of the male, closely examining his face. He had looked tired- even more tired than he usually looked after getting worked to the bone by Azul. “I didn’t see you at lunch, and a few students told me that you were here, so I brought you some food from the cafeteria… But you look really tired, Jade. Are you okay?? Have you been resting enough??”
Jade stared at the box of food, waves of hunger suddenly crashing into him. “It seems like I’ve forgotten to eat lunch… Thank you, (y/n).” Jade silently started eating while staring into the desk, countless stacks of paper and books scattered around. Yet, he doesn’t seem to have an appetite, as he goes through the food slowly. Worriedly, you leaned down and put a hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. Jade sighed, pushing your hand away gently. “I assure you I’m fine, (y/n). You can tell that Professor Crewel’s assignment had me pushed up against the wall for the week.. But I’m okay. I’ve been trying my best to produce results, but it hasn’t been any successful..” “Not to mention you feel a little feverish too,” you point out. “I know Crewel sometimes gives us advanced potions to learn by ourselves, but you shouldn’t neglect your health either you know? You still have work to do at the Lounge too after this..” Jade sighed in frustration. The mask that he had oh-so carefully built around himself seemed to crumble slowly, showing his more vulnerable side. “You may have a point… It felt like I haven’t been doing enough these days.”
Jade wobbled slightly trying to stand up, and you held him up to steady him. You put one hand on his cheek, softly caressing the supple skin. “I’m always here if you need someone to talk to, and I’m always here to help out! Just say the word, Jade, and I’ll help you out when you need me.” Pulling away from the merman, you pick up a few papers that he has scattered on his desk. ”A truth potion? Isn’t this like, real complicated?"
Jade nodded. “Yes, it’s supposed to be. But I don’t want to burden you with my work, so please, no need to force yourself to help me.” You gave him a little pout, shrugging as you walk over to grab a spare lab coat from the shelves. “Hey, I voluntarily offered to help you, there’s no way something like this would burden me! I may not be the best potioneer out there, but I’ll try my best!” You exclaimed with a burst of energy, picking up a cauldron to start your work. “For now just finish your lunch first, Jade! Hopefully it’ll give you enough energy to finish the potion today~”
Jade had quickly finished his food by the time you got the water in the cauldron up to a boil, and he watched as you took up a stirring tool. “By the way, (y/n), have you ever tried making this specific potion? Do you know the side effects?” To that question, you put a hand on your chin. “N-no, I haven’t tried making it, but surely the instructions would help! And as for the side effects, it says in your books that it causes light nausea, right?” “Yes, correct. That, paired with the risk of hallucinations and saying too much about yourself, fufu. Still think you’re up for the task?” ”Isn’t that kinda just like alcohol then? I got this, let’s do it!”
No. You do not “Got This.” For about half an hour, every potion mixes you’ve tried with Jade’s instructions blew up. One even blew up straight on your face, and you had to watch as Jade tried to stifle a laugh for an entire minute while you try to wipe the ashes off your face.
“What the fu- I’m glad you’re feeling better, Jade.” You spat, rubbing a towel all over your face. “Okay, you know what, I think we’ve been putting the ingredients wrong. Maybe the feathers should go in last?” Jade hummed softly, while his hands elegantly wrote down what you said, along with a report of the last few failed batches. “Why don’t we try and find out?"
You nod, taking a clean cauldron and bringing it to a boil once again. Carefully, you put down a pinch of ground Mandrake Root, with Jade mixing the liquid beside you. You followed the new set list of ingredients, putting in fairy dust, mermaid’s tears, and crystal salt, while the mixture turns from green to yellow to red. “Now for the last ingredient… 4 feathers.” Jade took the 4 feathers out of their container, carefully placing them on top of the liquid and watches as it dissolves, turning the potion into a crystal clear blue.
“I-It’s blue! That means it should be completed!” You had the urge to jump around and cheer, but Jade had reminded you to be careful and instead started pouring the liquid into three glass vials. You help out by closing the vials and wiping them down, making sure they were fit to be given to Crewel. You could see a hint of relief and amusement in his eyes though, that much you could tell.
"I appreciate the help, (y/n), thank you. The next step would be writing a report on the effects, but we have yet to find a test subject.. Would taking a random student work I wonder?" You stood up abruptly, flailing your arms around. "THAT'LL GET US IN TROUBLE WITH THE HEADMAGE!!"
Jade simply chuckled, nodding. "Then, what do you say about me testing it personally?" You fight another frown, thinking of the outcome. "Well, you just finished eating a while back, and I don't want you to get nauseous and throw out the contents of your stomach... Why don't I do it instead then?" You exclaimed, naively offering yourself to him.
"Hoo? You'd let me use you as my subject, (y/n)?" "As long as you promise to not ask any weird questions, yes. I can handle a light nausea since I'm in full health~"
"Blegh." You scrunched up your face after downing the contents of the vial, a slight buzz taking place within your body. "No wonder nausea was a side effect, that tasted absolutely atrocious."
Jade pulled a chair to sit in front of you, holding his notebook in a doctorly fashion. "Alright then, I'll only be asking you general questions so please do answer with what comes to mind first." The man smiled, a tight-lipped smile that usually hides intents behind them.
"First question, what was the biggest lie you've told a teacher?" "The biggest lie? Oh, don't tell professor Trein, but on our freshmen year I brought a cheat sheet to finals and I totally lied when I turned in the paper. He asked me how the exam went and if I answered truthfully, and I just said yeah I did! Even though I had a cheat sheet with me!" You laughed joyfully while recounting the memory, whilst Jade calmly writes down your reactions. "Hm, I see. Quite an interested answer, but I can assure you the Professor won't know a thing."
You laugh at his answer, and gave him the green light to continue. "Now, for the second question. What is your greatest weakness?"
It felt like you had to raise an eyebrow at that question. "I thought everyone in the school knew already by now, I'm absolutely atrocious at PE. You could be running two laps around the field and I'd be dead by one."
Jade simply smiled, his eyes trained on the notebook. "The fact that you're willing to answer that as quick as you did proves that you are indeed telling the truth. Last question then, alright?" You nod, the buzz of the potion still apparent in your body.
"What's the most embarrassing moment you've had in NRC?" You had to wonder for a second. Knowing how chaotic NRC is, you've definitely had your fair share of moments. "I think... When I bumped into you at orientation was pretty embarrassing. I fell on my back because I wasn't paying attention, after all."
Jade let out a satisfied smirk, putting away his writing tools. "Then we've established that the potion does indeed work. Thank you once again, (y/n), you don't know how much you've helped me for this assignment after all." You shook your head, waving your hands nonchalantly. "Oh c'mon, I didn't help you out to get anything in return~ I just cared for your wellbeing, that's all."
"Is that really it?" His smirk grew larger, a scheming glint was apparent in his eyes. "Then, what if I asked you- If you could ask me for a reward after helping me, what would it be?"
"What if I asked for a ki-HMPH!!" You really didn't think before talking. Before you knew it, your mouth opens to say something, and your brain immediately signals your hand to cover your mouth. "I forgot the potion's in effect!!"
Jade simply laughed, ever so slightly leaning forward. "You should know by now that the potion forces you to answer truthfully no matter what. You can't stop yourself with a simple hand gesture. Now... Tell me, what did you want to ask for?" "I-It's embarrassing!!" "You can't leave me hanging like this, can you? You'll have to tell me what you wanted or else I'll feel like I didn't give you a sufficient enough reward.." Jade feigns a frown, looking straight into your eyes. You instinctively curled up and covered your face with your hands, being under the stare of a predator.
"F-Fine.. I wanted a- a... A k- k- ki- kiss.. f-from you... fuck, I really can't lie.. d-don't tell anyone about this please..?"
You curled yourself more and more, hoping the chair would swallow you whole and take you away, but you were forced to look up unto Jade's ever-widening smirk and the glinting amusement on his face.
"Oh my. You have my word, what happened here will stay here." Jade brushes some strands of hair away from your face, and placed a ginger kiss on the top of your forehead. "Would this be enough?" He said, his lips still lightly grazing the top of your head as he made no moves to pull away. You didn't dare move nor reply. Jade has been someone you adore for such a long time, but deep down in your heart it was still a little scary to have him so close in proximity to you.
Jade didn't say much in reply. Instead, he moved his hands to cup your cheek softly, and left another soft kiss on your cheek. "You're a bit too cute when you blush it's irresistible, don't you agree?" It took all you could to not break in his arms, with you already trembling like a cornered prey. "N-no, I'm not..!" For some reason you couldn't fathom, his smirk just grew wider. "Oh, so my little (y/n) is a bit scared being near me, I don't mind at all..." He pulled you closer to his body, enveloping your body with his long limbs and pinning you on the chair. He leaned in to kiss your cheek once again, making no moves to pull away and keeping his lips floating right above your skin.
"S-stop teasing.." you squeaked out, your hands holding the sleeves of Jade's shirt in a strong grip. You bit your lip and looked away from him to spare yourself the embarrassment, but each movement you did only added to his excitement. "Oh, my... Don't you look adorable when you bite your lip... You are just the cutest aren't you...?" Jade cooed softly into your ear, leaning in to leave yet another kiss on your forehead. "I won't tease anymore, I promise."
You let out the breath you've held in when you felt his weight shift away from you, only for Jade to once again steal your breath away- this time, with a loving kiss on the lips. You were speechless for a good amount of time, the merman in front of you relishing in your expressions while holding your chin to make sure you're looking straight into his eyes and keeping his lips dangerously close to yours.
"Oh I'm sorry, did you not want the kiss? I won't do it again if you don't want me to.." "Shut it, Leech." And those were your last words to him, as you leaned in to finally capture his lips in a proper kiss.
-- end --
(please dont mind me using Ritsu here but HHERES PROOF)
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[CRIT DMG +10000000]
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 stepping toe to toe with you 】
prompt #2: They were dancing together but all of a sudden it’s a slow song and now they were both standing here, awkwardly staring at each other (ft. jade leech, trey clover, ace trappola)
gn! prefect (you/yours), drabbles, word count: 860 words
a/n: hello it is so late i wanna sleep but i was also determined to post this today. so here we are. if there are spelling mistakes forgive me everyone, but i hope you enjoy :D
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Jade Leech
Jade was never one for dancing, per se, but a very enthusiastic Prefect looking at him with puppy eyes was a good enough incentive as any.
"C'mon Jade-senpai," You said, tugging him to the middle of the hall. "They don't have parties like this everyday." And you were right, parties seldom happened in Mostro Lounge. But he was Jade Leech after all. He could indulge in you for a few minutes of mindless dancing.
That was until the music drastically shifted into a slow song. Jade froze. He swore that he saw Floyd standing near the sound booth with a smug smile on his face.
"Do you know how to ballroom dance, senpai?"
"Regrettably, I do not," Jade said shortly.
"Well, do you want to try?" With such an expectant smile on your face, how was Jade to refuse?
It wasn't long before Jade was flushing down his neck after stepping on your feet for the nth time.
"For someone who moves elegantly, your coordination is terrible," You teased and Jade was mentally preparing to roast Floyd on a spit.
"If you'd like to dance, Floyd would be happy to accompany you," Jade reasoned quickly. "He is more than competent dancer—."
"Senpai~" You drew out the last syllable, tugging till he was chest-to-chest with you. "It's you that I want to dance with, okay?"
And Jade shut up at that. His hand squeezed yours as he clumsily continued to blunder through the steps. Maybe dancing wasn't so bad, especially if it was with you.
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Trey Clover
Trey had never been the one to listen to music in the kitchen, but you were. That was exactly why he was getting tugged along with you in a clumsy sort of dance. You laughed when he narrowly avoided bumping into a counter.
"Wow, senpai, where'd you learn those moves?" You asked, the teasing light on your tongue. He flushed lightly at the words, before grabbing your arm and pulling you into a spin.
"Give a guy a break," Trey mumbled, eyeing the clock. "I'm trying not to burn the cake."
"If it burns, then can I eat it?"
He sighed as you tugged him into another spin, "I spoil you too much."
That was when the music shuffled into a soft, orchestral tune. He froze in his spot, his hand lamely limp in yours are he looked everywhere but at you.
That was when you let go, bowing deeply, "Ahem, may I have this dance, Sir Clover?"
Trey took one look at the grin on your face and placed his hand in yours, "I hope you know how to lead, because I'm not well-versed in ballroom dancing."
You laughed, bright and colorful, "All you gotta do is hold on to me, alright, senpai?"
"Alright," Trey's reply was almost automatic, his heart fluttering. "I'll make sure never to let go." It sounded like a promise. And it was. It was a promise he was intent on keeping, after all.
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Ace Trappola
Ace was having the time of his life. There was a smirk on his face as he entwined his fingers with yours, leading you through the crowd.
"Ace Trappola! We're– We just left all the others behind!" You scolded over the noise of the crowd.
"Oops, my bad," Ace said, clearly not feeling bad at all. "Those boring losers didn't even want to dance."
Your brows furrowed, "Those 'boring losers' are gonna end up getting kidnapp—"
"Relax," Ace drawled, pulling you into a spin. "Have some faith in Jack, will ya? 'Sides, it'd be a crime not to dance, Prefect." You looked two seconds from hitting him with a tirade of insults but he watched as your shoulders slumped.
Hook. Line. Sinker.
Ace hummed the familiar tune, watching as you finally started loosening up. That was when he heard a voice booming over the speakers, "Alright folks, we got a request from Trappola Sucks to put on a slow song! Hope you enjoy it, Trappola Sucks!"
The song shifted to a slower one and you all but laughed, "Fifty thaumarks that it was Epel and Deuce."
"This is so not funny," Ace muttered, but he still pulled you closer. All the others around you had paired up, and he would be damned if a stranger came to take you away.
"May I have this dance, Mr. Trappola Sucks?" You asked, and he couldn't help but fondly roll his eyes.
His heart almost jumped up to his throat when he noticed just how close you were to him. Sevens, his palms were sweating.
You huffed out another laugh as you let your head fall on his shoulder, "Where'd all that bravado go? Don't tell me you've finally fallen for my charm?"
Ace pouted and before he could process what he was about to say, he blurted, "So what if I did? Are you gonna do anything about it?"
You hummed, squeezing his palm, "I would take you on a date?" And now Ace wasn't sure who was being swept off their feet. He was sure he confessed, but the way you took initiative made him speechless.
"Is that a yes, Trappola?"
"Fuck you. Of course it's a yes."
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thank you so much for reading ! if you liked my work, go and check out my other writings in the masterlist <3
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
i know in the leech family that its a running joke that the mc is their cleaner shrimp and i cant help but think when its finally the leech parents turn!
Imagine mc and the leech family are going out to do some family bonding and the mc causally picks off some lint or hair off papa leech or mama leech and their mood just instantly brightens :D They go like “thank you dear! Is there anything else on me?” And the parents are just spinning around happy because their child-in-law is doing shrimp things with them! (Meanwhile jade and floyd are off to the side being like “what about me D:<”)
also may I be 🪸 anon or 💫 anon?
I think it's a very sweet idea! Whether it's just one of the twins or both that you've gotten involved in, they both enjoy your fretting and picking at them. Floyd most often gets your attention, as he's always getting up to stuff and messy. However, he's more prone to scrapes from basketball and burns from cooking at the lounge, so he gets lots of attention from you. Floyd loves it, he loves being taken care of for once, instead of being feared or seen as a big bad eel. He needs loving too! He needs to be treated tenderly and kindly. Floydie just wants to be loved, and who better to do that than you?
Jade on the other hand will just get dirty when hiking and foraging, but rarely get any scrapes or cuts. He might bruise here or there depending on how it went, but over all you're more likely to need to clean stray twigs, leaves, and dirt for him. In fact, you'll find Jade approaching you after his extensions, every single time, asking for your assistance. Maybe join him in the bath and help him clean up? As his cleaner shrimp? Pretty pleeease? After all, the caretaker needs some caring too sometimes.
When you eventually get introduced to the family and properly fit into your place with the Leeches, with an appropriate shrimp merform! Papa and Mama Leech are just happy that their boys have such a sweet partner. You further solidify your spot when they learn about your “shrimp” tendencies. They think it's so cute! So imagine their delight when you start tending to them like you do their sons!
Papa Leech will often find himself get into...”scuffles” after work. Normally, the family doctor would be available to patch him up, but they were already attending to a patient of theirs. Here comes their resident shrimp, offering to patch him up! You babbling about Floyd and how he always got hurt from his activities at school, so it wasn't a problem. At this point, you're practically a pro! Papa Leech has stars in his eyes, though, he has the cutest child-in-law!!! And you've been doing this for his boys, for free??!! Screw Floyd and Jade if they ever break up with you (like they'd ever would) cause Papa is keeping you in the family for the foreseeable future. Not only are you convenient, but you care for him like family, he'd be a barnacle to let you go. If you're not already married to his boys, prepare yourself, cause he's already organizing the engagement and wedding. No, he did not ask his boys beforehand.
As for Mama Leech, she's been repeated described as a worrywart, and overly cautious, especially regarding her family. I think that, since you weren't brought up in the family like her boys, would be prone to keeping you at her side. If Papa and the twins are off for “work” then you can find her snatching you up for some mother-in-law time to keep you nice and safe! This is when she gets her own version of shrimp tending, via you doing her hair and makeup! She does love dressing up and looking pretty, and is delighted when you start brushing through her hair with your fingers, braiding it and softly applying her lipstick. It's been so long since her boys were little and played dress up with her! But here you are, so sweet and soft and gentle with her! She's now become attached, if you so much as try and leave the family, Mama is sobbing and begging you to stay, while also strangling her sons for what ever they did wrong (she knows they did something the little troublemakers).
I'd say that the twins only get mildly jealous, after all, the more time you spend with their parents the less they get with you! And you're their partner!!! They suppose they should be happy that you get along so well with their parents. Except Floyd. Floyd wishes to monopolize your time and will hide you away with Jade in a dark coral nook. He called you Shrimpy first, it's his right!!!
(I will dub thee 🪸 anon!! welcome!)
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oepionie · 1 year
Synopsis: The octotrio don't really take kindly to having their alone time with you interrupted.
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech , Floyd Leech x GN! Reader
Tags: Suggestive because oh wow that's a lot of kissing, Azul forms a Crowley hate club, Crewel being an overprotective dad in Jade's part, Floyd annoys you (lovingly)
Word Count: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist
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Azul seldom had days off; he was usually dedicated to his office, checking work and finalizing deeds he'd made over the week. Like now, he's busier than ever, especially with the holiday season approaching. You usually would've helped him out if it weren't for Crowley…
The headmaster, ever so generous and kind, was making you run errands for him more than usual. Both of you were so swamped with work that you hadn't seen one other in weeks.
Deciding to take things into their own hands, Jade and Floyd approached you, trying to garner your pity by telling you how 'pathetic' and 'antsy' their boss had gotten during your absence. Floyd amped up the theatrical performance by throwing himself over your shoulder and sobbing crocodile tears over the 'inhumane work conditions' he's been put through. (Azul made him work 10 minutes longer).
To the eel's delight, their terrible acting actually worked and it convinced you to check up on your poor unfortunate little octopus.
You entered Azul's office, carrying a platter of pastries and tea. He was slouched against his chair, reading paperwork in a position that was bound to strain his neck and back.
"Oh, Angelfish?" As you set the tray on a coffee table, Azul stands to greet you. You don't miss how his face lights up when you walk towards him.
"How are you?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his waist while his hands reach up to cup your cheeks. The leather of gloves felt cool against your skin and you sighed happily, closing your eyes.
"Busy, as usual…" Azul muttered and let you guide him to one of the couches in his office. He plopped down onto the chair and groaned in exhaustion, sinking into the velvet plush cushions. "If I have to read another one of those pathetic deals from these Savanaclaw students, I think I'm gonna have a stroke."
Azul's eyes bore into yours, his lips curling into a bitter frown. "It's been nearly a month since we last saw each other…"
"I know. Crowley's been making me work my ass off these days." You smiled apologetically, moving in to press a fleeting kiss against his temple. Azul grumbled, his eyes briefly glancing over the pile of deals atop his desk. There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he looked up at you.
"Angelfish. You know I can easily fix that problem for you, no?" Azul spoke lowly, adjusting his gloves with a dark look on his face. Immediately, you shook your head. "No making deals with Crowley."
"Alright, no deals…but say the word and I'll gladly take care of it." Azul muttered, crossing his arms and pushing his glasses up. You chuckled and bent forward to peck his lips in thanks.
However, it seems that Azul missed you more than you thought. You should've known that someone as greedy as Azul wasn't going to be satiated by a small kiss like that. Before you could back away his hand clasped over your waist, pulling you back in. Gasping, you slid into his lap and he immediately fused his lips against yours.
"Stay." He mouths against your lips as both his hands move to grip your waist. Azul kisses you again and again, only giving you a few seconds to recover. Feeling lightheaded, you pulled away trying to catch your breath.
"Azu-" Before you could even get a word out, he kisses you again, this time with more passion. The ferocity of it all causes your head to spin as your hands become entangled in his white hair. It was almost as if he hadn't kissed you in ages, as if it was his first time seeing you in years. His tongue darts across your bottom lip, prompting you to part your lips.
"Knock Knock." Floyd's voice echoed through the closed door, and Azul jolted. He pulled away from you, his gaze moving to the tweels who were most likely standing behind the door.
"Oi Azul, there's some guy out there lookin' for ya. He's calling you 'Mr Ashengrotto'. What a weirdo."
"Floyd. Doesn't saying 'knock knock' defeat the purpose of knocking?" Jade's muffled voice spoke.
"Didn't ask. Don't care."
You watch Azul glare at the door, cursing under his breath, clearly irritated that his private time with you had been disturbed. He considered just directing the client to return another day. However, it seems that you've decided to make that decision for him.
"You heard them." Pulling him up, you fixed the collar to his uniform and combed his hair back into place. Teasingly, you ran your thumb over his lips.
"Don't keep them waiting, Mr Ashengrotto."
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Wiping the table down, you made sure to get every small spec of dust off of the metal surface. It was late at night and you were helping Jade close the lounge up for his shift.
You were concentrated and hard at work, determined to finish the job properly. Jade, on the other hand, found himself marvelling at the unusual sight of you in his dorm's uniform.
Azul had given you an Octavinelle dorm uniform that was tailored and custom-made specifically for you.But of course, nothing ever came for free when it involved the capitalist octopus.
It was intended to be used for promotional purposes. You were Ramshackle's prefect and the magicless human trapped in a mage school, it's no question that you had a lot of attention thrown your way. It was only natural that his boss would exploit such popularity.
Such a stark difference from your normal outfit. You were usually seen wearing the school uniform issued specially for your shabby dorm, paired with the expensive high-end designer fur coat Crewel gifted you.
To put it short, you appeared much more lovely than usual.
So, was it really his fault when he drew you behind the bar and began kissing you silly? Oh darling pearl, of course not.
"Jade-" You gasp against his lips when his weight starts to push on you. Your back collides with one of the stools, leaving you with little choice but to settle down atop the bar counter.
He swiftly hoists you up over the table, allowing you to sit snugly as you wrap your legs around his hips; he does all this without ever pulling his lips away.
“J-Jade we have a job to finish." You panted but Jade had no intention to stop. He steps back to assess your reaction, a sadistic grin spread across his face.
The eel was gentle when he manoeuvred you to lay down against the table, but the look and gleam in his eyes said otherwise.
"Oya, I fear something much more interesting has taken my attention." He nips at your lips, recapturing them with hardly a second to breathe between each one, his hands sliding up your hips to hold you in place.
"How could I not indulge myself when the most exquisite shining pearl is within my grasp?" Jade whispers.
The merman starts pulling his gloves off and loosening his tie. He returned for another open-mouthed kiss. It seemed as though he just couldn't get enough of you. Every breathy kiss he drew from you felt like waves pulling him under, luring him to continue and drown himself in your love again and again.
Sadly, all wonderful things must come to an end.
"Leech. Hands off my pup." You nearly slipped off the counter when you heard a familiar stern voice call out for you. You spun around, gasping, to discover Crewel standing by the door. His face distorted into an unsightly sneer as he peered at Jade.
"Pup. I believe you forgot but we have a shopping appointment today." Embarrassed, you quickly bowed your head and kept your head down. Why. Why on earth couldn't the ground just swallow you whole right now?
All suave and smooth, Jade took a step back and picked you up. Yelping, you held onto his biceps, head spinning from the sudden movement. Jade merely chuckled and lowered you back down onto the ground.
Crewel storms up to you, your fur coat in hand. He drapes the coat over your torso, fussing over your unkempt appearance. The man turns to throw Jade another scathing look, silently cursing the eel under his breath.
Despite your embarrassed and mortified state, Jade crouches down and whispers to you. "I'll get back to you later, my pearl."
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Huffing, you stormed out of the classroom with a towering eel hot on your trail. Before you could even round the corner, Floyd threw his arms over your shoulders and leaned his entire body against yours.
"Floyd! Get off! I'm still upset at you after that stunt you performed earlier!" You grumbled, your knees wobbling from trying to withstand his weight.
Floyd doesn't say anything and just slithers his arm around your waist, his teeth affectionately nibbling the exposed flesh of your neck. His annoyingly handsome face was plastered with a smug smile. He knew he was a menace, and he was proud of it.
Professor Trein's lectures were absurdly long, and you can imagine how bored the eel gets during his classes. The issue is that he's decided to turn you into his new source of entertainment. He kept poking you with a pencil, handing you tiny messages on crumpled notebook paper, and kicking you with his foot. The eel had even sneakily placed his hand on your thigh at one point, drawing patterns and words with his fingertips while pretending to listen to the lecture.
You squirmed and tried to shake your way out of his grasp. Your lover snorted at your pitiful escape attempts and tightened his grip on you.
"Neh~ Shrimpy, this hallway isn't my vibe at all. Let's go somewhere else!" Floyd pulls you into an empty classroom, kicking the door shut. He pushed you against a desk, slamming his hands on either side of you.
All of a sudden, his mood changes. The eel leans down to murmur into your ear, his breathy voice sending shivers up and down your spine.
“That class was so boringg. I can't help it that shrimpy's squirming is much more entertaining~” Floyd laughs, nudging his head against your cheek.
That little nudge was all that it took to get you to lower your guard, allowing him to strike and press his lips on yours.
Floyd's hands raked themselves up your back, his thumb rubbing circles onto the nape of your neck. He gave you one final kiss while grinning before stepping back to give you some room to breathe.
“Hm~? I thought you were still mad at me.” Floyd says as you lean in to chase his lips. You clicked your tongue and grabbed his collar, pulling him close to your face. This time, you take the lead and Floyd eagerly follows suit with a giddy smile on his face.
The loving moment between you two lasts for a few minutes before the door to the classroom slams open.
"Floyd! I've been calling your phone for the last hour!" Both Azul and Jade appeared. Azul looked as if he just ran a marathon, his flushed skin having a faint red tint to it. Jade was as composed as ever and stood behind the octoboss, sending you and his brother a knowing look.
“So what?” Floyd blinks, indifferent to Azul's anger. He just truly doesn’t find anything wrong about skipping his job and showering you with some love and affection.
"What do you mean 'so what'!? You promised me you would take the morning shift! We agreed on this!" Azul scolded, banging his fist against the door. But with his face twisted up like he'd just swallowed a lemon, it was hard to take him seriously.
"I don't want to gooo…" Floyd wailed as he sat down with you on the floor. He collapsed on the ground and drew you into his arms, ignoring Azul's shouts. You cuddled against him, sighing, for there was no way out.
This was your fate.
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
I can feel your eyes staring
↬You catch him staring
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Includes; All NRC students ♡
Gender Neutral Reader
Tags: Can be read as an established relationship or not
Not requested !
He blushes a bright red, coughing into the crook of his arm as he quickly diverts his gaze. He hopes you don't notice his fidgeting hands, which are increasingly becoming clammy or how his lip quivered slightly. Spoiler alert; you do! He attempts to steal a couple more gazes, unbeknownst to him, it's not subtle at all and only adds to the fuel of his fuming face, heart quickening with each each fail attempt.
Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Cater Diamond
Gives you a sheepish smile, a small tint of red coating his cheeks from mild embarrassment. He gives you a little nod of his head, a form of an apology as he gazes away. He's a lot better at sneaking glances afterward, careful not to be caught by the intensity of your gaze again. All the while, that smile is still tugging in his lips as he nervously rubs the back of his neck.
Trey Clover, Jade Leech, Jack Howl, Silver
He has absolutely no shame whatsoever. If you catch him staring, he's going to send you a cheeky grin as he continues to admire you from afar. He even sends you a small wave, a teasing gesture with his grin spreading further, going from corner to corner whilst he takes in your reactions. He may even take it as an excuse to approach and talk to you properly; evident playfulness and genuine affection within his mischievous gaze.
Floyd Leech, Rook Hunt, Lilia Vanrouge
Nearly let's out a loud squeak when you catch him, almost making a scene right there in front of his peers. He's covering his incredibly reddened face with his hands as he faces away from you, hoping to just disappear. He wants nothing else but to curl up in the corner and sob:(( intentionally avoids you for a while because he doesn't want to risk you being upset at him for staring
Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto, Deuce Spade
Is busy comforting his older brother the best of his ability; said older brother is curled up in his blanket, chewing nervously on his nail and cheek; his face flushes to a cherry hue as he tries to forget what happened but each time leads him to get even more embarrassed.
Ortho Shroud
He merely looks away and acts as though it never happened. But he thinks about it late at night and he can't sleep because he's a little embarrassed. His brain is mainly fixated on your eyes, or your pretty cheeks and even your lips, and oh dear, he's becoming terribly red.
Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Epel Felmier, Cater Diamond
Pretends like it never happened and never thinks of it again. If you bring it up, he will flick you against the forehead with a lazy roll of his eyes. "Dunno what you're talking about."
Leona Kingscholar
You don't even catch him. He's skilled with his eyes, stealing glances with quick and fast movements that you hardly even realize it. He's just cha cha smooth like that <3
Vil Schoenheit
He doesn't even realize you've caught him, and he thinks he's being very sneaky; but in reality, you found out the very first moment he attempted to steal a glance at you because he's horribly obvious. It's quite an amusing sight, however, his cheeks are a little rosy as he attempts to be sneaky, smiling a little as he succeeds at his "stealthy" attempts
Deuce Spade, Sebek Zigvolt
It becomes an awkward stare down because he can't take his eyes off you, and now you're both looking at each other with a hint of adoration. Who will look away first ? 🤷‍♀️
Malleus Draconia, Ace Trappola, Jade Leech
He's staring at you innocently. His intentions are pure!! He flashes you a kind smile and a friendly wave. He's kind of rocking on his feet as he stares at you from afar. He's very respectful, genuine warmth appreant in his irises ♡
Kalim Al Asim
When your eyes lock on each other, he's already planning your first date, kiss, movie to cuddle on, the day it will rain so you dance together, your wedding, the rings, your romance tropes- a whole 500k words pure fluff with him because he is a simp for you and he's down horrendous
Malleus Draconia (sorry not sorry)
FALSE. You're staring at him because he's a sight, and you're a simp <33. He chuckles lightly when he catches you, sending you a friendly smile. His hands become a little shaky as a pink flush covers his face in embarrassment(even though you're the one staring⁉️)
Your faves <3
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merakiui · 4 months
Hello! I'd like to place an order for a flower bouquet with banana pudding and lemon squares for guests Floyd and Jade Leech (together) please!
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yandere!floyd leech x (gender neutral) reader x yandere!jade leech cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, kidnapping, dub-con, implied loss of virginity, mentions of implied death/murder, jade and floyd's morbid back-and-forth banter note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
You wake to the dreary interior of a stranger’s van, lying on your back with your wrists tied expertly above your head. There’s thick tape plastered over your mouth and it ensures you’re kept quiet. The only noise you manage to produce is a weak, muffled sob. Your struggle is brief and futile, for the restraints won’t budge no matter how hard you pull.
You realize, rather quickly, that your head is resting in someone’s lap. That same someone is currently peering down at you, his head tilted curiously. Two-toned eyes blink at you, shimmering with a childlike glee.
“Wakey, wakey, Li’l Shrimpy,” he sings.
Staring at him with wide, terrified eyes, you think you’ve just met the Devil. He senses your intent to escape before you can even act on it. Clicking his tongue, he wraps his arms around you and drags you into his lap, holding firm.
“No need to be scared. I’m not gonna hurt ya.” With a toothy grin, all sharp points flashing at you, he pokes your cheek. “Jade might.”
You’re made aware of the second man then. He turns around to greet you from the driver’s seat with a kind, close-lipped smile. He looks friendly enough, but there’s malice thinly veiled in those polite features of his. Both of them bear a striking resemblance to one another, but if you look close enough the differences begin to show through. Eye shape, the way the part in their hair sits, that stray dark strand… You look between the two of them, silently urging for an explanation.
Jade chuckles, feigning sheepishness. “I wouldn’t do anything without reason.”
“Hear that, Shrimpy? You’re in good hands. We just wanna play with ya for a bit.”
You shake your head, whining when his fingers stray too close to your throat. He pets you fondly, soaking in your terror like a parched plant. You squirm in his lap, inching as far from him as you can get, but he’s everywhere—clinging to you, his face in yours. He presses a wet kiss to your cheek. Revulsion shudders through you.
How did this happen?
You were on your way home from work when the van pulled up and the door opened. Arms shot out to drag you, kicking and thrashing, inside and then a rag was being held over your mouth. It wasn’t a far walk—safe by your standards! You’ve done it dozens of times prior.
So why now? And why you?
Lying there, perfectly at the mercy of two strangers, you wonder if it would’ve been any different if you knew them. Maybe then it would be easier to find some sort of crooked comfort in the midst of so much fear and uncertainty.
Jade slides out of the driver’s seat to join you and his brother in the back. You catch the scenery beyond the van during the slim second the door’s open. Trees reach towards a gloomy sky on all sides, tall, hulking pines that close you in with twin monsters. It’s isolated, the ideal location for something nefarious and foul. Your stomach churns, and suddenly you feel sick.
The door shuts, and the forest vanishes. Just like that. As if it was never there at all. As if someone’s turned the page in a novel and the landscape has fallen away to account for the next scene—one far more gruesome than the last.
His arrival has you pressing back against the other’s chest. In this enclosed space, both of them don’t seem to fit. It’s too compact to account for long, lanky limbs. For a short moment, you wonder if both of them are trees.
“Let’s take the tape off, shall we?”
“Ooh, good idea, Jade. I wanna hear Shrimpy’s voice.” In one hasty motion, the tape is ripped from your mouth. Stinging pain settles beneath your skin. You yelp.
“Now, Floyd, you’ll scare the poor thing to death if you handle them so harshly.” Jade’s words sound sympathetic, but his laughter dampens them with insincerity. 
“Oops. My bad.”
You open your mouth and then shut it. What can you say? What are you supposed to say?
More importantly, what won’t send you to your grave right away?
“I’m sorry. If I did anything to upset you, I’m sorry. So please don’t…”
“What’s there to apologize for?” Floyd grips your chin and turns you towards him. “You did nothin’ wrong.”
And that’s what’s so sickening about it. Not the leering or the kidnapping. Not the fact that they’ve trapped you here in the middle of nowhere, in a van that no one will ever find. It’s the unlucky innocence of it all—the fact that you are merely a victim of chance and nothing more. No grudges or revenge needed. No real motive. Just bad fortune.
Wrong place. Wrong time.
Looking into Floyd’s eyes, you can’t find a spot of remorse. You suspect it’s much the same for Jade, who tasks himself with untying the laces in your shoes and slowly slipping each off your feet. Floyd watches this with a lazy smirk.
“You ever think about gettin’ new shoes?”
“T-They’re my work shoes…”
“Yeah? Where do you work?”
You swallow thickly, helplessly gazing about the van. It’s messy, things strewn about in disarray. A blanket bunched haphazardly. Empty pill bottles. Candy wrappers. Old receipts. A first aid kit. A shrimp plush missing its eye. Despite all of this clutter, the interior smells eerily sterile. Fresh like mint. The juxtaposition tricks your nose and eyes terribly.
“An i-ice cream parlor…”
“Ooh. No wonder you smell so sweet.” Floyd pinches your cheek. “Don’tcha think Shrimpy smells yummy, Jade?”
“Quite yummy, Floyd.” He sets your shoes aside before turning back to you. Large hands run up the length of your legs. Even though you’re fully clothed, you’ve never felt more bare. “So much so I’m tempted to take a bite…”
You squeak when he squeezes your calves. A devious grin curls on his lips, revealing the beginnings of his pointed teeth. “A-Are you going to kill me?”
Jade hums, tilting his head as he pretends to mull it over. “What do you think, Floyd?”
“You wanna wind up another number on the news, Shrimpy? You think anyone’s gonna come lookin’ for you?”
“M-My family—”
“Will be very sad if they aren’t allowed the closure an open casket provides,” Jade finishes matter-of-factly.
Your heart plummets into your stomach at that implication. Biting back bile, you shrink away from both of them. They share a glance, giggling in unison.
“Poor Shrimpy, having to be pieced back together like a puzzle…”
“Stitched up like a patchwork quilt.”
“Mm, yeah, but that’s no fun. Shrimpy’s too cute to become chum. I don’t wanna put ’em in the ground.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Jade’s fingers work to slide you from your pants. You fall still in Floyd’s arms, looking on in silent horror. He gazes at you. “Don’t look so devastated. We won’t kill you.”
The first tear slides down your cheek. Soundless. Alone. Floyd leans in to lap at the rest that follow, tracing a line up your face with his tongue.
“Aww. You went and made Shrimpy cry.”
“Have I?” Jade moves in to dab at the tears on your left side. Pressing his fingertips to his tongue, he smiles. “So it seems.”
Your shirt comes off next, slid up until it stops at your bound wrists. Floyd gets impatient halfway through and, seizing a blade from somewhere in the back, cuts you free of the pesky fabric. Much like your hope, it falls around you in tattered pieces.
It’s when you’re turned and pressed face-first into Floyd’s crotch that you begin to panic. Jade slides the knife through your underwear, peeling it away with a satisfied sigh. You writhe uncomfortably. Floyd’s fingers are in your hair next, holding you up just enough so that he can reach down to pull himself free from his sweatpants. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen a cock before. Thick and veiny, achingly hard with pre-cum beading at the tip, it terrifies you more than the slick fingers prodding at your hole from behind.
Floyd takes hold of his cock and taps it insistently against your cheek. “C’mon. Open wide.”
You watch him through your lashes, your lips pursed tightly. There really is no other way, is there? You’re trapped between the two of them, your life in their hands. Or, more fittingly, snapped up in their jaws.
“Please… D-Don’t make me…” you whisper, but it’s a pointless plea.
Floyd tuts, temper flaring. “Don’t make me shove it down your throat.”
Jade’s hand massages your cushy ass. It doesn’t do anything to comfort you. “Be gentle, Floyd. I suspect this is their first time.”
“Is it really?” His gaze flicks to your face, searching for an indication that Jade’s observations are true. An odd light sparks in empty eyes. “You’re a virgin?”
A cold sweat washes over you. Your heart won’t stop pounding. Blood is rushing in your ears, trickling through your veins and electrifying your nerves. It’s too loud. Too dizzying. You’ve never felt fear so raw and cloying before. It claws at your throat, setting it aflame. It flicks on your fight or flight. It brings with it the animalistic urge to survive. Above everything else, no matter what it reduces you to in the end, survive.
“W-Will you let me go?”
“So you can go cryin’ to the cops? Yeah, right.” He scoffs and pats your cheek. “Either answer my question or open up.”
“How does this sound?” Jade offers just as one lithe finger slips inside your hole. You wince and grit your teeth at the intrusion. He chuckles and, without warning, forces a second inside. “If you’re good, we’ll stop by the ice cream shop when it opens tomorrow and get you a milkshake.”
Floyd’s lips split apart in a cheesy smile. “Aren’t you a lucky Shrimpy? Jade likes ya.”
You crane your neck to look at him. He smiles sweetly, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Every other part of him seems so receptive to you, but his eyes betray him. They’re just as cold and dull as his brother’s. You’re nothing more than a cut of meat—an offering to sate his appetite.
“It’s important to feed your pets. They’ll starve otherwise.”
“You just wanna get yourself a sundae.”
“That, too.”
“We might as well get somethin’ to eat if we’re gettin’ sweets. Shrimpy can pick the place. Bet they’ve got great taste.”
“A brilliant idea. I’d like to know what sort of cuisine they’re partial to.”
You’re not sure how they can carry on like this as if it’s normal. It’s gross. You feel like you might vomit.
Floyd’s cock prods at your lips. This time, throwing your dignity aside in order to survive, you open wide.
You’re not killed, but something in you dies inside that van.
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supremeshrimpy · 5 months
please don't leave me again
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Request: Hello! can you write reuniting with them after months/years due to work/curses/ or anything! (up to you!) with seperate! lilia, jade, azul, floyd, and leona? (atp im just desperate for content for the aforementioned characters badly) 
Summary: stay a bit longer, it’s been so long! Just…don’t leave them again…
Characters: Lillia Vanrouge, Jade Leech, Azul Ashengrotto, Leona Kingscholar 
A/N: damn a 18 month hiatus is crazy huh… Also, I didn’t feel like writing a Floyd one because I’m a tired senior 
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Lillia Vanrouge (Curse): 
Sometimes, when he closes his eyes at night, he sees you smiling at him in a field of flowers. Euphoria. Other times, he sees you lying motionless in his arms, he can still smell the toxin on your lips. He remembers everything so vividly, the way your hair shaped your cold face as he laid your body in your glass tomb. Still, hundreds of years later, he remembers his promise to you.
“For as long as my heart beats,” he whispered, “I will be restless in bringing you back to me, my love.”
So when he received a letter that you had awoken, he was overcome with emotions. As he flew back to the Valley of Thorns, he was angry at himself for missing the moment as your eyes reopened but so fucking excited to feel his cold skin against your warm self again. 
They moved you to our old room in the palace, everything was the same but so much time had passed. It had been so long since…everything. You can’t walk, you can barely talk, and all basic movements feel like challenges. Everybody that you once sat around a table and laughed with was now long dead. 
You were left to ponder how you could even exist in this new world. Everything you knew was gone, friends, family, and…oh no. What became of your dearest, Lillia? Did he go out as a war hero or as a criminal? Did he live to…find someone new and start a family? 
This was all too much, you can’t take the thought. Everything is too much, you just wish that you could close your eyes and go back to the ways things were. 
The door to your room slammed open and there stood a panting, young man. Why does he look so familiar? 
“You’re…this…by the Dark- you’re awake…,” even with his stammers he sounded a lot like someone you once knew. A certain someone who you shared a final memory with. 
“...Lillia,” your question comes out like a whisper as if it was taboo. Before you knew it Lillia had dropped to his knees in front of you. 
“YE-yes it’s me, my love,” he corrects his voice just as quickly as it came out. His head dropped on your lap; he wanted to feel your skin on his, “please, let’s allow me to stay like this for a bit….” 
Jade Leech (Moving Away):
His last memory of you was when you were both seven years old, Jade was clinging to your tail. He was sobbing and screeching for you not to move away. He remembers your parents dragging you away as his parents held him back, your figure slowly fading in with the bubbles. He hasn’t seen you since, so imagine his surprise when he receives a letter from his parents saying your family has moved back along with a photo of you. 
He’s never been so excited to go home for spring break, you’re back…you’re home. And here he is stuck at school while you're just a dive away. As he tried to focus on his studies, you were now permanently stuck in the back of his head. The photo of you sits on his desk, a beacon of what waits for him after midterms. 
“You seem unusually happy, Jade,” Azul says as stands in the doorway watching Jade pack his bag, “is it because they’re back?” 
Jade snickers as the thought of seeing you once again fills his brain, but this meeting won’t be the same. You and him aren’t the same people as you were 10 years ago. He’s so excited to see how you’ve blossomed in the time you were away from each other.
Jade couldn’t contain his smile when he saw you waiting on the other side of the mirror. He would have been the first to greet you if it wasn’t for Floyd jumping you into a surprise hug. Once Floyd was finally off of you, Jade was finally able to speak to you once again. 
“It’s good to see you again Jade,” you smile at him oh-so softly, “I’ve missed you.” You’re so fucking gorgeous, you look so different than the last time he saw you. 
“Now, don’t you look breathtaking,” Jade smiles, corking his head to the side. You don’t even know that your small giggles make his heart do flips. 
“Now tell me, Jade,” you say, swimming ever so close to him, “what have you been up to while I was away? “
Azul Ashengrotto (Different Schools) 
Azul loves the school’s open cultural festival for several reasons. One, the Monstro Lounge does wonderfully during the three days that the event is taking place. Nothing screams profit quite like parents wanting a quiet, relaxing place to lecture their kids about their grades. 
And that plays into his second reason too well, kids will do anything to get rid of their parents for a few hours. The contracts just keep rolling in for Azul as these kids sell themselves to him just to keep their parents busy and away from them. 
As the Octavinelle student mans the lounge, Azul is left in his office. His leg bounced anxiously for his third reason to love the school festival to arrive. Parents aren’t the only crowd the cultural festival attracts, students from other schools flock to see the wonders that Night Raven College has to offer. 
Oh, how Azul misses you. He misses the way you smile, the way you shake your hands when you get excited, the way your lips…god. He misses you so bad. With a huff, Azul brushes his hair out of his face and fixes his glasses to check his phone. 
“I’m so lost right now, I can’t believe your school is this big”
“Nevermind I found the Portal room, see you soon”
Is it normal to be sweating this much, it's only been a few months since he last saw you in person, only a few days since you last talked on the phone, and only a few seconds since you last texted. He can’t honestly be this nervous to see you again. What happened to cool, suave businessman Azul? The Azul that can smoothly talk his way into the best outcomes for himself. Who is this nervous mess?
“YOOOOO! AZULLLLLL,” the door slams open, with no regard for Azul’s privacy
Damn it, Floyd…
“Floyd, what have we discussed about knocking before opening the door,” Azul grits through his teeth while fixing his crooked glasses. Floyd gives nothing more than a shrug before leaving the room. 
“It’s nice to see you again too, Azul,” you pout mischievously, fanning offense that your dearest octo hasn’t greeted you. 
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, why don’t you close the door so we may have some privacy while we…chat.”
Leona Kingscholar (Lost Contact)
Leona is a lot of things; smart, cunning, handsome, regal, but if there's one thing he isn't, it's communicative. This man can not keep a relationship running for the life of him. If you aren’t in front of him every day, Leona will just forget you exist. He doesn’t think anyone is deserving of constant contact with him. 
They should be the ones to reach out to him, not the other way around. So when your letters stopped coming in, he was…surprised. You have always carried the conversation in your guy’s relationship so for you to suddenly stop is out of the normal. 
Are you angry with him? Have you found someone else more worth your time?
Impossible there is no one more worth your time than the Leona Kingscholar. You must have forgotten to mail your letter in or the post must have lost it. He’ll have Ruggie go check your letter tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that until you come to your senses and mail that damn thing.
One, Two, Three damn weeks and no letter from you at all. As much as Leona thinks that it doesn’t affect him, the members can tell he’s irritated. If you ask Ruggie, he’ll say he’s seen Leona writing something at his desk and then immediately turning it to dust when he notices Ruggie’s in the room.
Oh, but Ruggie knew everything, he knew that if you stopped writing Leona he’d fall into such disarray. As much as Leon will deny it, Leona adores your letters and keeps them safely stored away in his desk for his eyes only. Ruggie’s been secretly keeping the letter you’ve been sending just to see how long it would take for Leona’s pride to break for you. 
Three and a half weeks is all it took. 
Leona catches Ruggie in the early morning (a time Ruggie thought Leona would never be up at) and hands him a neatly wax-sealed letter and simply instructs him to “make sure this makes it where it needs to go.” He also hands Ruggie a 5,000 Grimm bill and walks away. 
You bet your sorry ass Ruggie hauled him to the post to deliver the letter. 
And just like that, communication between you and Leona continued. And if you squint real hard, you can even see the faintest of smiles when he receives a new letter from you. 
He can’t wait for spring break.
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