#jade- mmm i really just want to go to bed.
vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Are request open?
If they are, I request a prefect really curious about marine biology and Floyd kinda takes this as an advantage. And well, he got hungry and now he won’t let the prefect go. Cue Azul and Jade trying to make him let shrimpy out.
Includes: soft/safe vore, very unwilling prey, a bit of fearplay, a little digestion scare, Floyd can be scary sometimes... I wanted to showcase that tonight.
★✦Shrimp Cocktail✦★
You've been talking with Floyd about marine biology recently. He's been very helpful, but...
He seems to have an ulterior motives sometimes... like he wants something from you.
Oh, but that can't be right... right...?
It's no use thinking about that right now. You should focus on class.
"Shrimpy, hey!" Floyd whispered to you, causing you to very nearly jump out of your seat. "You're still really curious about marine biology, yeah? Come over later! I wanna show you something really cool~"
"I mean, I don't see why not..."
Turns out, you really shouldn't have agreed to that.
You headed over to his dorm after school.
He led you into his bedroom.
"Have ya ever heard of certain animals havin' two sets of teeth?" He asked you, closing the door behind him. "Morays have that."
"...does that mean you have that?" You cautiously asked.
"Uh huh!! You wanna see 'em~?"
"That, uh... y-yeah, that sounds interesting...!" You nervously said.
Floyd pinned you against the wall, and opened his mouth wide for you.
...he can open his mouth really wide, huh...? You could probably fit your head in there- not that you want to.
"I... can't really see them..."
"Oh, yeah, they're wayyyyyyy at the back of my throat..." Floyd closed his mouth for a moment. "You just have to look a bit closer~" He said, before opening his mouth super wide for you again.
You placed your hand on his lower jaw and leaned in a little bit closer.
You knew what was about to happen the moment you felt Floyd put his hand on the back of your head.
"W-wait, Floyd, please don't-!"
But your protesting came too late, and he happily shoved you into his mouth. He made a contented noise as he tasted you... oh, he enjoyed this...
You, however, were not enjoying this.
You were panicking, screaming for help, flailing, trying to pull yourself out, but... ah, that was just making Floyd enjoy this even more.
The second jaws lunged forwards and grabbed tight onto your head.
"NO, WAIT-!"
He did not wait.
And with one or two strained gulps, down you went.
You didn't like how tight it was. It was so tight... and wet, and hot, and squishy but not in a comforting way...
You were terrified. Are you going to die in a world where you don't actually exist?! No, you can't! You can't, you can't, you can't!!
Another gulp, and you could barely move your arms. You can still move your legs though! You can still struggle! You can get out of this, right?!
Your head was now in his stomach. You could tell something was in it, but... whatever it was, it was unrecognizable at this point- that's... going to be what happens to you if you don't convince him to get you out, isn't it?! Oh no, oh no no no...
You kicked your legs back and forth, trying your best to hurt him in some way to make him get you out, but... no, it didn't work.
You felt him swallow one last time. And then you couldn't move your legs anymore.
Floyd happily walked over to his bed, and fell down onto it.
"Mmm, you wanna learn about marine biology, yeah~? I can still teach ya if you want!"
"I... I-I don't-"
"Ooh! Here's a cool one~! Didja know that lotsa different species of merfolk can control digestion~? That's pretty neat, right??" He contently asked.
"Wait, so... d-does that mean I'll be... s-safe...?"
"Eh? I never said I was one of those species." Floyd said, poking at you. "Mmmff... aha... this was so fun, Shrimpy~ Oh, and feeling you squirm, hearing you panic, Sevens that was amazing...!"
You didn't like how you could feel him playing with you.
"Oh. Sorry if there's stuff in there... I was eating shrimp earlier, are any of 'em still in tact? You recognize them?" Floyd asked tauntingly. "Ehe... speaking of that... you don't mind if that happens to you, right? Ahaha!! I'd just love to feel that~ Everything gets more intense and painful... and you panic more and more as it goes on, until... well, until your body can't handle it anymore."
"F-Floyd, no.... please...! I don't want to-"
"Hmm... but if I did that, then I'd never get to play with Shrimpy again!" He said, kneading at his belly playfully. "Ahh... this is a big problem... what do you think I should do~?"
"Let me out, p-please!"
"Let you out? But... I don't want to! I feel so good with you in there, I can't just let you out.... I wanna keep you in there! Well... knowing that you'll just tell me to let you live or whatever.... haaah, that's so boring. I think I'll decide what to do with you on my own!!"
Then, there was a sudden knock at his door. The door opened, and two people entered. Jade and Azul.
"Floyd, what is with you recently?! We need you at-"
"...oh dear." Jade said, his eyes drifting towards his brother's stomach.
"Damn it." Azul sighed "Not AGAIN, Floyd!"
"Who was it this time?"
"Shrimpy! They wanted-"
The moment you realized they were asking about you, you started screaming for help in every way you possibly could.
"...wanted, huh?" Azul raised an eyebrow. "Get them out, ok?"
"What?! No!!"
"Floyd, please let them out. I'm sure Azul will let you eat some unfortunate anemone later, isn't that a fair trade-off?" Jade asked.
"NO, I am not doing that again, not after last time."
"Um... s-so what happened last time...?" You asked, cautiously.
"Oh yes, you can hear us, can't you?" Jade asked. "Well, last time Floyd ate someone..."
"I got bored. He wasn't scared enough. So I gave him a reason to be scared!"
"You're lucky I was able to get him to keep quiet about that." Azul angrily mentioned. "He could have died, Floyd!"
"And? Don't see how that's an issue." Floyd shrugged. "Either way we got rid of him."
You heard Azul loudly sigh.
"Just get (Y/N) out of there, ok?"
"You never let me do anything fun!!" Floyd pouted.
Thank goodness for that eight-legged businessman...
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bengiyo · 1 year
Bed Friend Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last time, King and Uea had the best sex they've ever had by being vulnerable and sharing some of their specific desires. We all hoped they'd take the next step and become an open couple, but King is wanting assurances from Uea. However, Uea thinks King maybe wants to be with these girls his mom is suggesting. It's a mess. Also, the new manager is awful and won't stop harassing Uea. It's so bad that every employee offers to help supervise interactions.
Oh, Uea. I wish he'd messaged King.
Sometimes I wonder about Jade and how much he knows about what's happening between Uea and King. This feels like meddling.
Mmm. I felt a very familiar ache about my own specific angst when it comes to complex relationships with men while looking at King walk away from Uea.
The straws-in-bottles thing just doesn't work for me, but it is encouraging to see King still instinctively trying to take care of Uea.
The tension between Uea and King is so awkward. I'm glad Jade is here to temper it.
Krit seems to be actually bad at his job with the way Uea keeps being forced to work overtime and redo work. This is a waste of time and effort.
Krit's motives are so obvious that Uea won't send King away when he stays late at work to keep Uea safe.
I despise Krit. How long has he waited for King to go to the bathroom?
And he locked the door after flaring his eyes? He needs to die.
I'm glad Uea was able to fight his way out this time.
Oh, King. Please don't presume Uea wants any of this. Now we have to really break up.
At least King told Jade so someone could help look after Uea.
I hate this shirt so much. I want to rip these stupid sleeves off!
I feel like we saw this print room scene last episode?
Krit is absolutely vile. Trying to force things with Uea by going to his family is disgusting.
I'm absolutely sickened seeing Uea in a room with three people who have violated him.
Man, my stomach hurts after that entire scene at the house. Not a one of them respects Uea.
Very kind of this show to give us a gentle scene with Jade being informed after that. I'm so thankful for that reprieve.
Phones only die when it's dramatic in TV, so I'm excited for King to not answer when Uea calls.
I do think resigning was the only choice available to Uea, considering everything he's experienced.
Watching James type with a thumb and forefinger is driving me insane.
Oh good, King is going to chase after Uea next week and rally the office. I needed reassurance.
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aitchnkay · 1 year
Jiang Gunian Made A Change Part 19
Wei WuXian was shocked, almost to the point of paralysis, when he heard of the potential future. It wasn't that he was scared of dying.... The thought of his shijie dying? Of his home being destroyed? Of his friends dying?
He wouldn't allow such a future to pass.
Xia KeXin was the first person in his quest to make that future never occur. "I need to know what leads to my death, so I can prevent everyone else's," he demanded.
"Have you gone to the Qishan archery contest yet? Have you met a boy named Wen Ning, courtesy QiongLin?"
"Good." She sighed. "They helped you a great deal."
Wei WuXian peeked at his friend as they packed. Were you really my husband? Are you really in love with me? It was weird... made his stomach feel funny. He knew he'd loved his parents and he knew he loved ShiJie. But what was this feeling he had for Lan Zhan? Was it love? It was a need... almost a compulsion... to look, to touch, to want Lan Zhan to look back, to touch back. His fingers itched to pull one of the ends of Lan Zhan's ribbon, just to see what he would do this time. It had been an accident back in Qishan.... Lan Zhan had been so angry.... Angry because he didn't understand what the ribbons represented. He did now. In that other future, he'd been granted the right to touch whenever he felt like it. He'd belonged to Lan Zhan: body and soul. He wasn't exactly sure what marriage between two men looked like.... If it was Lan Zhan? He was willing to find out. Aching to find out. "Lan Zhan… you really will have to change into normal clothing before we leave. If you go out like that, everyone will know you're a Lan disciple."
"And that means removing your forehead ribbon, too. Do you want me to carry it for you?" He was gratified to see Lan Zhan's ears turning pink with embarrassment. He was startled to hear the monosyllabic non-response sound like a 'yes'.
Did Lan Zhan want it, too?
Jiang YanLi called out, "Lan Er Gongzi? May I have a moment of your time?" She was talking to the second jade quietly; Wei Ying had excellent hearing, as did all cultivators.
Marrriage? ShiJie would allow us to marry? It didn't occur to him that he should be embarrassed about his martial sister speaking so matter-of-factly about his future. Lan Zhan looked embarrassed to be found out, not embarrassed to feel like that.
There was no time to talk about ribbons and what they meant. Between finishing up packing and getting the communication box from Meng Yao, they were very busy. Once they were on the road, it didn't seem like the right time or place to talk.
The third day out from the camp, it started drizzling. And then the drizzle became rain. Which became a downpour. Drenched and shivering, the two boys happily spied a cottage. Empty of all but vermin and with holes in the roof in one corner, the boys decided it was as good as a castle. Talismans evicted the mice and dried wood. While Lan Zhan started a fire, Wei Ying gathered the rotting remnants of the bedding and threw them outside. "The bed looks sturdy enough," he mused, pressing on it looking for soft spots. "Big enough for the whole family, too, probably. Do you see a broom? I'll sweep a bit or do you think the roof is stable enough for me to get up and see if I can fix some of the holes?"
"There's what used to be a broom over there," Lan Zhan pointed to the rainy corner. "It looks like the mice used most of the straw for their nests."
The broom remnants were sufficient to sweep most of the dirt off the bed frame and remove cobwebs. "What do you think happened to the family?" Wei WuXian asked to pass the time. "I think the husband and wife moved here as newlyweds. They lived happily with their daughters."
"Why daughters?"
"Because a son would expect to inherit the place? Daughters would marry and move out. Maybe there was a son who died before he had a son of his own? Anyways, the couple lived here for decades and died peacefully in their sleep, holding each other's hands."
"That's morbid. If they died here, where are the remains?"
"Of course, the daughters checked up on their parents. And gave them a proper burial." Wei WuXian smiled at his fantasy. It was awfully close to his own dreams. "Lan Zhan? When you get too old to night hunt, are you going to just retire to Cloud Recesses and teach? I think I want something like this. A house and a farm and a river or lake so I can catch fish. Go on night hunts when I want. Come home to my family...."
"You don't want to live at Lotus Pier?"
"I mean after. Jiang Cheng's son will want his own people in charge, won't he?" Wei WuXian looked at his friend, still dripping wet. "We should change into dry clothing. Just because we can't get sick doesn't mean it's healthy to stay in wet clothing." He began fighting with his belt, the leather swollen and unresponsive.
"What are you doing?" Lan Zhan sounded scandalized.
"I'm changing. I'm cold and wet and I want to be warm and dry. Turn your back if you're going to faint like a girl."
Lan Zhan whirled, ears exposed by his wet hair clinging to his scalp brilliantly scarlet. "It's not proper."
"We're both men." The belt finally released and clanged to the floor. "Haven't you changed in front of other disciples before?" The ties holding his robes closed were knotted tightly. "I can't get this!" he whined. "Everything is stuck tight." He huffed sadly at limp bangs. "I'm going to have to try to dry up a bit before the ties will loosen. You can turn around. I'm still dressed."
"No, I don't change in front of other disciples," Lan Zhan retorted. "It's not appropriate."
Wei Ying collapsed in front of the fire fluffing his soggy robes as best as possible. "Lan Zhan? Back at camp, you said you'd give me your ribbon to carry, but you didn't 'cause ShiJie said you can't? What's the deal with the ribbons anyways?" He knew, of course. Xia KeXin had been very insistent that he understand exactly what touching those ribbons meant.
"You should know what they mean," Lan Zhan sounded irritated as he sank gracefully to the floor next to Wei Ying in front of the fire. "You copied the Rules so many times."
"As if I paid attention," Wei Ying laughed. This close, the firelight almost danced, reflected in his friend's eyes. So cute. They were close enough that a small sideways rock would make their shoulders brush together.
"That's what Jiang YanLi said. They represent restraint."
Wei Ying looked at his friend. "Does that mean you're not restrained right now? You can do whatever you want? We can do anything we want?"
Lan Zhan looked back. "Wei Ying," he chastised. "Don't tease." He swallowed once, twice, Adam's apple bobbing.
I want to kiss it. Feel it moving beneath my lips when he does that. The thought was enticing. "What if I'm not teasing?" He swallowed, too, and saw his friend's gaze drop to follow his throat's motion. "What if I remember exactly who can touch your ribbon?" He hadn't meant to make that admission.... Now that it was out, though....
"Don't tease," sounded like a plea for something else.
For a kiss, perhaps. "I'm not teasing, Lan Zhan...." He shifted to his knees and kept his eyes firmly on his friend's as he leaned forward.
Lan Zhan's lips tasted like rain water and smoke. They were soft and damp and thrilling. He could feel the kiss all the way to his toes. "I like you so much, Lan Zhan," he sighed as his eyes fluttered shut.
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carebearmareee · 2 years
heyyy <3 here for a matchup?? i remember trying to do one once, but hopefully you aren't the same person 'cus that'd be embarrassing 😳
ANYWAY. heres my totally aesthetic bio <3
— ( main three horoscopes ) cancer 🌞 gemini🌜& cancer ⬆️
— ( clothing style ) ( preferred since i can't rlly dress the way i want until i move out 😃 ) mixed?? a lot of fairygrunge. mmm fairygrunge <3 also punk vibes? kinder whore is VERY cool!! id like to look like a beat up babydoll who vomits black goo. 🥺
i also really enjoy regular fairycore, too!! victorian goth is gorgeous, and dark toned corsets r hot.
sometimes i like to wear lots of makeup, sometimes i just do thick mascara, babydoll lips and falsies <3 it's way easier since i burn out a lot.
not really a clothing thing, but i discovered this new (?) aesthetic that's called starflesh and OMG ITS COOL!
i don't have any piercings other than my ears, but when i can decide what to do with my own body, i plan on getting these ::
both nostrils
snake bites!!
maybe dimples? ( is that what they're called? )
double eyebrows <3
tongue? ( kinda scared tho )
and some other unmentionables 😃
probs gonna get every ear piercing known to man
— ( shit that i LOVE ) hiking. as long as im not tired, and in the mood. crystal hunting is cool, whether it's in the stores or out near creeks. never find any pretty ones out in the wild, though :(
thrifting is cool!! i love going to my local mall and getting myself dolled up so i can flex on the old (bigoted)people.
most of the time im sulking in bed, though :') i also love going for drives!!! i usually end up listening to music though, and not wanting to talk. but maybe that's just with my dad, idk 😳
i consider myself spiritual? idk, it's been a while but it's been rotting my brain lately.
— ( music genre? ) like.. literally anything. nu metal, indie, dark and classic pop, rap and more. talking about music artists would be easier, sooo i really love all of these artists and maybe more!! ::
Tyler the Creator
Lady Gaga
Tame Impala
MAC DEMARCO (pls ilhsm)
Steve Lacy
Pink Pantheress
i don't want this to be too long, but yeah go figure :')
— ( extra ) my favorite crystals ( mostly in color ) are amethyst, citrine, tigers eye, jade and rose quartz!!
my favorite yuuri boy is probs seth. ( atm, i love almost all except jack. sorry jack.. :< ) i really connect to his character..
but obviously it's cus we both have mommy issues HSHSHS.
tbh tho, yan!finn has been on my mind as of late though. mmm <3 obsessive witch man.
my fav animals r bats, deer, frogs (i feel like most queer ppl do), foxes, BARN OWLS, cats, dogs and probs way more.
SORRY THIS IS RLLY LONG i have the urge to literally tell everyone everything abt myself sometimes.
no because i wanna be ur friend like what u seem so cool. dhakrhajfaisj ok i just need to know what fandom this would be for i don’t think u said it on there but maybe u did and i’m just being a little bozo lmao
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djcanipe99 · 2 years
Dick : I got a telegram from a lady in Texas today, and you know what it said?
Jade: What?
Dick : Beat those Commie bastards. We're playing a hockey game against the greatest team in the world, and they're the best that's ever played this game. Why can't we just leave it at that?
Jade : Because this is more than a hockey game to a lot of people.
Dick: Yeah and I keep running through them all. Johnson on Mikhailov. Broten on Petrov. Pav against whoever OV. We just... We don't match up, Jade .
Jade : You might want to skip that when you talk to the boys tomorrow.
Jade: Dick, there's no disgrace in losing to this team.
Dick: Yeah, I know.
Jade: The important thing is, you got this far.
Dick : The important thing?
Dick : The important thing is that those twenty boys know in twenty years, they didn't leave anything on the table. They played their hearts out. That's the important thing.
[leans over and kisses Jade on the cheek, while she rests her head on his shoulder
Megan : If I touch someone, I can feel their feelings.
Dick: You read minds?
Megan:No. Telepaths know thoughts. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions.
Megan : [to Dick] May I?
Dick :All right.
Megan : [Megan touches Dick’s hand] You feel... love.
Dick: Yeah. I guess, yeah, I feel a general, unselfish love for just about everybody...
Megan : No! Romantic, sexual love.
Dick : No. No, I don't.
Megan : [points to Jade ] For her!
Dick : No, no. No, I don't.
Megan : [points to Jade ] For her.
Dick: No! That is not...
[conner starts laughing hysterically]
Dick: Okay... That's...
Conner:[still laughing] She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secret!
Dick: Dude, come on, I think you're overreacting a little bit.
Conner:[ still laughing] You must be so embarrassed!
Conner:[to Megan] Do me! Do me! Do me!
[Megan touches Conner and she starts laughing hysterically]
Megan :I've never felt such humor!
Dick : So unbelievably uncool.
Conner Oh, Grayson…
[Megan walks over to Jade to touch her]
Jade : Touch me, and the *only* thing you're gonna feel is a broken jaw.
Dick: I thought your thing was a sword?
Jade: We've been hired to stop an inter-dimensional beast from feeding on those batteries and I'm going to stop it with a sword?
Dick : It's just... swords were your thing and guns were mine, but... I guess we're both doing guns now. I just didn't know that.
Dick : [putting Lian to bed] Not that it's a competition, but she loves me 3,000.
Jade : Oh, does she, now?
Dick : You were somewhere in the low 6 to 900 range.
Dick plays the song in the jukebox]
Dick : Really?
Jade : Yes! Stevie Nicks!
Dick: Yeah... Stevie!
Jade: You know, she came to town and she did a concert and she was just so... wild! Oh my gosh! Oh!
Dick: Yeah, she put on the best show I've ever seen. And she is so much better live than she is on the album!
Jade : Yes, oh my gosh! No comparison!
Dick: You know, I'd like to take the kids to a concert.
Jade : Concert?
Dick : There is one at the end of the month... but you have a policy about field trips.
Jade : Would it be... educational?
Dick : Would it be educational? It would be VERY educational. They play Beethoven and Mozart and stuff.
Jade: Maybe we can make an exception!
Dick : YES!
Jade, Dick : [singing Stevie Nicks' song while doing a high five] Sings a song, sounds like she's singing whooo! Baby whoo! Said whooo!
Jade: Well I went today, maybe I will go again... TOMORROW!
Dick : Uh, how long is the job?
Jade: My guess is, as much as a few weeks, but we do need somebody to start immediately.
Dick : Mmm-hmm. So how much are we talkin' here?
Jade : We pay our substitutes $650 a week. Now, do you know when Mr.west will be back?
Dick : Hold on a sec... Oh, you know what? I think he's just comin' in right about...Wally,PHONE!
[Dick plays with the phone cord for a few seconds, as though he passes it]
Dick:[speaks in a deep voice] Hello, this is Wally west.
Jade: Mr west ... This is considered the best elementary school in the state and we maintain that reputation by adhering a strict code of conduct, faculty including.
Dick: You don't have to worry about me because I'm a hard-ass. And if a kid gets out of line, I got no problem smacking them in the head.
Jade: No, no. We don't use corporal punishment here.
Dick : Okay, so just... verbal abuse?
Jade: If you have any problems with any students, send them to me. I will do the disciplining.
Dick: [Patty opens the curtains. Dock wakes up] What? What is it?
Wally:Dick ,hey, it's the first of the month, and, uh, I would like you to share the rent now, please.
Dick: Oh, man! You know I don't have it! You wake me up for that? Come on, man!
Wally : Sorry.
[Artemis begs Wally to keep talking to Dick]
Wally : Dick! I mean, you owe me a lot of money as it is.
Artemis: Yeah, try 2200 dollars!
Dick: Okay, you guys, the band is about to hit it big time. We're gonna win Battle of the Bands, and we're gonna roll it in the Benjamins, I will throw you like a dog with a bone. Good night!
Artemis: Oh, give it up! Your band has never made two cents!
Wally: Arty ,come on! I'm on this!
Artemis: Oh, you're on this? You're on this? He's walking all over you!
Dick : Mommy, could we please talk about this later?
Artemis: Uh, no, we can't talk about it later because Wally and I have to go to work. We have jobs. We contribute to society, all right? I'm an assistant to the mayor of this city, hello?
Dick : Wally, can you get her out of here. please? Why? Why her?
Artemis: And Wally has the most important job there is.
Dick: Temping?
Wally: [aggravated] Dick, a substitute teacher is not a temp!
Dick : [sarcastically] He's a babysitter!
Wally: Oh, yeah, you think it's so easy? I'd like to see you try. You would've last one day!
Dick : Dude, I serve the society by rocking, okay? I'm out there on the front lines elaborating people with my music. Rocking ain't no walk in the park, lady!
Artemis: All right, this is useless, all right? You tell him that if he doesn't come up with the rent by the end of the week, he's out of here!
Wally: Dick, I'm not paying your share of the rent, so... I don't know, I mean, maybe you should sell one of your guitars or something.
Dick : What? Would you tell Picasso to sell his guitars?
Artemis : Oh, my God, he's an idiot!
Dick : Dude, I've been mooching off here for years, and it's never been a problem until she showed up. Just dump her, man!
Wally: Yeah, well, if you don't come up with some money, she's gonna dump me. She's fed up.
Dick : Oh, really? Because that would be a good thing! She's a nightmare!
Wally : Come on! I may never have another girlfriend! Just come on! Come up with some money, please! Please!
Dick : Okay, for you. Not for her, man, for you.
Wally: [calmly] Thank you.
Dick and Jade arrive at Horace Green for Parents Night]
Dick : Okay, I don't think I can go in there.
Jade : What's wrong?
Dick :Jade ... I'm not a teacher.
Jade : Oh, Wally, a substitute is a teacher.
Dick : No, no, I'm not a teacher. I'm a fraud.
Jade : [disagrees] No! You're not! You're a dedicated, talented teacher, and those parents are gonna love you! Now, just get in there, and tell those parents what you've been teaching their kids.
Jade : The thing is, Mr. west ...
Dick : Please... call me Dick.
Jade: [confused] Dick?
Dick : [realising his mistake] Wally . Wally.I was thinking of my other name. My middle name.
Jade : [about the teachers] They hate me.
Dick : No, they don't.
Jade : Yes, they do, I can see. I wasn't always like this, you know, I wasn't always wound this tight. There was a time where I was fun. I was funny! I was. But you can't be funny and be the principle of a prep school! No, you cannot. Because when it comes to their kids, these parents have no sense of humor. No. And if something goes wrong its my head in the smasher. And these parents will come down on me like a nucular bomb! I can't make a mistake! I gotta be perfect! And that pressure has turned me into something that I never wanted to be!
Jade: [silently mouthing the words] A bitch!
Dick : No, you're not.
Jade: Yes, I am. I am a big one!
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dog-girl-zezora · 3 years
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faeryarchives · 2 years
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HIIIII ok i didn't had the chance to post anything for two days because i was out and didn't get the chance to do anything in my drafts 😭 i will be probably busy too this week and next week but i'll try to reply to your asks in my inbox ahihi hope u guys enjoyed this
dorm leaders head canons can be found right here !!
vice dorm leaders + ruggie with a venti like gender neutral s/o!
a bard that seems to have arrived on some unknown wind — sometimes sings songs as old as the hills, and other times sings poems fresh and new.
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: ̗̀➛ trey clover
trey like how the way you are just chill and fun to be around. like being in your company is like breathing fresh air.
but sometimes he also sees you as a child for always pranking the heartslabyul gang + grim and getting away from it from it with your powers
"(name) i can feel the air acting up for a while so i am not that surprised."
"aw boo! at least act like you never felt it!"
the way you drop by the kitchen every time he is on cooking duty just made him feel happy because it shows how curious you are about things
the more you spend your time in the kitchen and with trey - the more you two realize that you are falling with each other and eventually you got together which grim approved
"does this means free snacks?"
"... ok grim we need to have a tal-"
the vice dorm leader just adore when you randomly appear in front of him only to bop him on the nose or give him a quick kiss on the cheek
i swear this man would definitely be the type of person who would drop anything just to catch you 😭 and will absolutely cuddle with you during your nap times yes
relationship with a very boyfriend material one? absolutely wholesome
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: ̗̀➛ ruggie bucchi
oh ruggie, our good boy ruggie thinks you are a very funny person after seeing you prank leona every time he found a new napping place
and the way you are just so carefree and just vibe along with everyone? the hyena could feel like you two are very much similar in a way under that facade
at first he really don't trust you thinking you might take advantage of him when he get to trust you but it turns out you just want to be friends
ruggie do different kind of tasks makes you very interested in him like you never seen one as dedicated as he is
"hey ruggie~ whacha doing?"
"oh (name), just running tasks for leona as usual."
"mmm for that lazy lion? can i join?"
"i don't know what you are planning but sure."
if you two have nothing to do and feeling mischievous, you are going to trick some people giving you free food or just plainly giving them a silly prank 😭
the hyena is very happy that you would accompany him while doing his tasks because it really brings calm to his stress level especially if he is juggling too many tasks at once
the way you just look after him just makes him grow soft and eventually fall i love with you
and when you got together? you would leave him certain gifts on his bed that randomly reminds him of you
"(nickname), what's this?"
"oh! it's a sunflower that reminds me of you!"
you always have his back! during magift practice, cheering for your hyena gives him energy! long day after work? cuddles and donuts!
ruggie is so proud to be your partner and even proudly introduce you to his grandma and his other family members
being in a relationship with ruggie is like waiting for spring to come during autumn season - it will take a while to build trust and bond with each other but at the end of the day it just feels so delightful to be with him
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: ̗̀➛ jade leech
jade is amused because you are just as spontaneous as his brother
having the courage to tease him and his brother is pretty impressive because you never show any sign of fear in your eyes doing that
what interested him the most about you is when jade was tending some of the plants in the botanical garden when you just happen to pass by and saw something familiar
"ohhh! are those philanemo mushrooms? haven't seen them for a while."
"you have knowledge about these unknown mushrooms?"
"yeah! back in my world you can easily spot them. and really they are unknown here? how peculiar."
this eel loves listening to your stories while you are hanging around in the mostro lounge because he never knew there are also very scary events and time period happened on land
you also got to help him to fly without any fear of falling using your wind currents
you two got together after a lot of teasing from floyd and sarcastic remarks of you guys flirting in the lounge by azul and honestly? you didn't mind at all
in fact you are both aware of your feelings but never made the first move because you were somehow afraid for ruining your friendship but it end up well!
other students learn not to mess with the two of you because oh my god they will end up flying by your created stormeye and being paralyzed by jade's sharp stare
definitely both of your love language will be acts of service! you looking after jade and pulling him out of his duty whenever you can see the signs of him getting burned out
"jade, jade come on what you need is rest and vitamin me!"
"oh dear so impatient. alright alright i am going."
his favorite way of you showing him affection is whenever you just appear at random times and give him a tight hug and ruffling his hair! its like his energy is being restored by your love.
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: ̗̀➛ jamil viper
jamil could feel his stress level rocketing high whenever you just randomly appear whenever he is holding something fragile but thankfully you will save him by catching it using your small win currents
"yahoo jamil!"
"holy shi-!"
"oops, ok my bad my bad! here let this bard help!"
at first he will be annoyed because he thought you were just as naive as kalim but it turns out you are very wise and good at giving advice
you just really want to play pranks on people because it's one of the ways you show that you care ❤️
knowing how hectic his schedule is - you always try to help jamil by cleaning away the dust in the scarabia dorm or keeping an eye on their dorm leader but never the kitchen
jamil got to see your serious personality when his overblot incident passed and of course gaining the trust of people back is hard
"even though they wouldn't accept you getting their trust back so easily, always be sincere to every action you make and one day it will soon reach them and realize you are truly honest with them this time."
the way how you would always encourage the viper with your short poems and songs along with the trip that you two made to get some fresh air by flying? oh god jamil could just confess to you right then and there
and when the two of you got together? he is very much on cloud nine, who would've thought the annoying bard he met would become his other half?
please always give him back hugs and cuddles whenever you got the chance, because years of tending for someone there was no one to tend for the viper at all and if you did do that? jamil would instantly melt into your touch and relax.
"ok work time for my love is over! it's time for (name) time!"
"okay alright i am coming over just let m-"
"you are lucky i love you"
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: ̗̀➛ rook hunt
be honest are you rook's doppelganger or something because your hobbies, weapon and the way you two just love to scare people??
but nevertheless, rook is very interested in you! the way you can just combine your anemo powers while you aim is really amazing like isn't that hard?
"filou aéré isn't hard to use your magic and weapon at the same time?"
"hmm? no it's actually! would you like me to teach you? in exchange for five apples of course."
"you little trickster! but i will take you on that"
probably exchanging poems with each other is pretty usual and you also gain many inspiration from reading each other works
and whenever there is a hunting competition - others wouldn't even want to try to get in between you guys because they wouldn't get even pass 1/8 of you guys' target
the moment you got together? you would always come to hang out in the pomefiore dorm to see your dear hunter and scaring the other students as if you were a ghost
"d-dorm leader! vice dorm leader! there is a ghost in the storage room!"
"excuse me? cute bard like me could never become a ghost!"
"ma cherie you are here!"
"please spare me from your declarations of love and get a room."
being in a relationship with rook is the same experience being his best friend but the different part is that you would openly show affection to each other as away to let the other know that you care.
even though rook knew that you would be all alone once he is gone, the hunter is still pretty grateful and proud that he got to be part of your story
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: ̗̀➛ lilia vanrouge
ok listen, you and lilia would immediately hit off from the start
flying buddies, check! loves pranking people, check! living long enough and was included in a war, check? drinking buddies too perhaps?
lilia would try to join your music session - you singing while he played the guitar and kid you not, you actually make a good music duo!
definitely the two of you would share stories about your pasts and offer comfort to each other, living for years with a huge amount of emotion you have been hiding? its better to have someone to talk to especially if they have the same experience
"do you think they are happy for us lil?"
"i think they are, (nickname). i am sure our fallen comrades are."
to be honest? the two of you radiates very similar energy that people will mistakingly call you by each other's name like you being called as lilia and vice versa
so its not really that a huge surprise that the two of you got together because when the news got out malleus and sebek were very shocked but not silver
"i guess i am your other parent now!"
"... ok but never set a finger on any cooking materials please."
whenever the two of you got the time, gaming and movie watching and catching up with the trends is a must you two don't want to be left behind again
pranking wars! this will always be a fun occasion to the two of you and nightmares for the others. it will take days or even weeks for one of you to surrender
if there are pranking wars there are also love declaration wars save the diasomnia group from hearing you two flirt with each other
"boy, you are all fine, and i am so glad you are mine!"
"if kisses were stars, i would send you the whole galaxy."
"for the love of magic, get a room."
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Okayyy so I don’t know if I requested this already or if it was for someone else. But can you a blurb where Harry’s really dominant and he gives the reader wet kisses? Like he sucks on her bottom lip gently and stuff and it’s just really wet?? I can’t explain it but yeah.
no one has requested this yet so thank you!! hope this is kind of what you were hoping for?! i enjoyed writing it though!!
Your whole body was burning.
The room was warm and electric, radiating the heat that was sweating off yours and Harry’s bodies. You were both coming down from your highs, after an intense couple of rounds of Harry pounding you like he had been starved of you. Your chests both heaving and your core so sensitive, that a simple blow of air was enough to make you whimper with overstimulation.
The bed sheets were long forgotten to the floor and Harry was now spending his time cherishing you with hot and wet kisses. Normally after he’s finished worshipping you, and you’re left completely spent, he’ll kiss you until your heartbeat has returned to normal and you have the energy to move as much as a finger.
Just like now.
He was kissing you slow, but desperately, curving his entire body into yours. You felt his softening cock against your thigh as he continued loving on your body, whining when his cock brushed against your sensitive clit.
“Ssh i’m sorry baby. You’re so sensitive aren’t you, hmm?”
Harry broke his kissing away from your neck and hovered over your mouth, so as he spoke his words and breath were being in taken by your mouth. You arched your back over the sensual feeling, pushing electricity through the veins of your body.
“Mmm.” Was all you could make out, still so high on euphoria to make any other sense. Your eyes were unable to open, so lost in your high. “Kiss me, please.”
Harry wasn’t going to deny you that pleasure, so his lips met you skin once more.
He started deep into your neck, working his way from the bottom of your ear and all the way to your throat. He bit and sucked on the places he knew would get the most rise out of you, leaving red marks that would turn into bruises by day. He couldn’t wait to see the marks left on your skin, reminding him, and anyone else, that you were his and he was yours. Harry always had this kink for claim and primality, which he didn’t let soften just because you were a bit shyer than his previous relationships. He licked over the most red areas, cooling them down with a soft blow air.
“Does my baby like that?” He asked as you made little whimpering noises from the heat of his kisses. When you didn’t respond he stopped, moving his hand to cup your cheeks tightly between his fingers so your lips were made to pout. Your eyes shot open and looked deep into his jade palaces. “I asked you a question.”
“Yes, yes. Love your kisses. Want more, please more.” You nodded your head quickly, so that Harry could get back to kissing you sooner rather than later.
“That’s my good girl.” He praised you, making you instantly feel so much better about yourself. He let go of your cheeks, kissing them both separately several times to show he was sorry for the harsh grip, before getting back to leaving ghosts of his lips all over your body.
He trailed his lips right down the valley of your breasts, before coming back up to wrap his lips around your sensitive nipples. He used his tongue to lick them wet, before divulging his lips onto them to suck them dry. You tasted of sweat and skin and Harry was getting such a high from it. He was completely weak underneath your touch, even though not literally.
“Feels s-so good.” You wrapped your hands into his curly hair that had gone crazy. You tugged at his roots, which only made his lips suck and kiss harsher. He tugged your nipples between his teeth and blew cool air onto them to tease against his heat.
“Yeah? Love y’so much baby.” He bit against your soft flesh, groping both of your boobs in his hands, squeezing them tight, as he moved his lips down your stomach and to your lower belly. He could smell the arrival of your newest arousal and his cock began to harden at the sight of it all.
You were infatuating and to be honest; Harry was completely fucked.
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
I’m so so sorry @altocat but I couldn’t help myself xD xD Please forgive me for the shameless thievery!!! (This girl just has the BEST headcanons I promise they’ll make your day a whole lot better!)
3am Zoomies
"Angeal, Angeal, Angeal, Angeal, ANGEAL!"
The man rolled over on his side, letting out a groan.
"Zack. It is 3am. Go to slee—"
But amid his groggy delirium, he realized that the voice was way too baritone to be Zack's. It was enough to jolt him awake.
His younger friend was indeed standing there, looming over his bed, the catlike eyes blown to saucers that practically sponged up the entirety of the Mako-jade puddles. And he was smiling, like really smiling, jittering on the balls of his feet with Masamune kissing the carpet below him.
"Come on, Angeal! Get up! Wake up! WAKE UP!"
"What on Gaia has gotten into you?!”
"I want to spar!"
"What?" Angeal rubbed his eyes, leaning against the headboard.
"Spar!" And then Sephiroth was seizing the blanket, throwing it off the man in one swift and hyper motion. "FIGHT ME!"
Angeal, his expression, leeched of any emotion or comprehension, decided to comply. He slid off the bed, gesturing towards the front door where Sephiroth eagerly jolted out, twirling around and waiting for Angeal to follow.
Which he did not. 
He slammed the door shut as fast as enhanced-humanly possible, catching the sheer betrayal on Sephiroth's countenance as he jangled the lock, then stepping back upon hearing an anxious scratching sound graze against the wood.
Someone was going to get belabored, whether it was a dare ripped from one of Genesis' catalogs or a new type of hormone Hojo was fancying.
"Please come back when you find my friend Sephiroth," Angeal called through his bedroom doorway, scooping up his blanket and groaning at the Herculean effort it took to turn it right-side-up again.
Angeal brought the steaming cup of java to his lips, glancing upwards when the door to the coffee room opened, and in came Sephiroth, his mercury hair perfectly kempt and the uncanny pupils slitting into the glazed, frosty thorns that they always were.
"Good morning," Sephiroth greeted amiably, reaching for his own cup to fix.
"...Morning, Sephiroth." Angeal's gaze drifted towards the window.
"Lazard wishes to speak to the three of us at noon; he wanted to discuss the possibility of using artificial swords in the training rooms rather than our own."
Sephiroth took notice of the other's sunken eyes, drops of ink splotching underneath. "Did you sleep well?"
This whipped Angeal's attention back to him. "I don't know, Sephiroth. Would you like to be disturbed past midnight?"
An eyebrow quirk. "I would simply ignore the disturbance."
"Oh. Oh okay." Angeal's broke off into a chuckle, not that it was very humorous or friendly. Sephiroth eyed him weirdly.
"Do you not recall waking me up at 3am like an animal requesting to spar?"
The strange look lingered, now with the inclusion of narrowing eyes. "Do you recall that the training grounds are automatically locked at 10pm?"
Angeal snorted—a gesture that was normally Genesis's territory, which again Sephiroth found unnerving.
Unbeknownst to either of then, Zack had creaked the door of ShinRa's Super Exclusive and Totally First Class-irific Coffee Room ajar in order to grab a corn muffin.
"Angeal, Angeal, Angeal, Angeal, ANGEAL!"
The man rolled over on his side, letting out a groan.
Ifrit darn it.
But amid his groggy delirium, he realized that there were two voices now cawing his name, a vivacious chirp and a caffeinated squawk harmonizing into one loud, annoying song.
Angeal's eyes snapped open, finding himself drenched in the cyan flashlight of Zack and Sephiroth both—and oh, oh joy, there were those saucers again.
"Angeaalllll let's playyyyyyyyy!" Zack seized the man's pillow, sliding it right from under his head so that it would cannonball into the mattress.
"Yes! YES!" Sephiroth snatched his blanket, again, this time thrusting it so hard that it slammed into a lamp, consequently causing the bulb to keel over and shatter into a million glassy fragments on the carpet.
"Oooooh, Seph! Look what Angeal's got!" Zack was suddenly bouncing out of the kitchen with a bag of popcorn in hand. "You know how to work a microwave?!"
"No! Too SLOW!" And then a fire Materia was produced from Sephiroth's pocket, aiming it with an arm too electrified to even remotely hit its target.
"ZACK! What is the meaning of THIS?!" Angeal bellowed, throwing his body over Sephiroth's before a stream of fire could erupt. "Have you—No, Sephiroth, cut it OUT." Sephiroth grappled with his arms, scratching and writhing against the brawny clasps.
"Wellllllll, I found Seph raiding the coffee room refrigerator." Zack actually made an attempt to sweep the glass shards aside—by sweeping them under the bed. "And he said he wanted to visit your place and said I should come and he's like the boss of me so I said yes and now we're playing!"
"Well can you play somewhere else?!"
Zack threw the popcorn aside. "Sephhhh, let's go! We got lots to explore!"
"YES!" Sephiroth tore away from Angeal's arms and sped into the corridor, sending his supposed best friend tumbling back into the quiltless bed. "I know somewhere else we can go!"
"Best commander EVERRRRRrrrrrrr!" Zack darted after the General, and then, their footsteps roaring out of hearing, Angeal's apartment was left in a condition akin to a town in the wake of a twister.
Finally. Silence.
It was enough for Angeal to collapse in peace.
You have one new voicemail:
"ANGEEEALLLLL!" A lamp shattering, bowls avalanching, an auburn being tackled to the ground. "GET OVER HERE!"
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Epel Felmier Apple Boa Personal Story: Part 1
"Aha, I found it!"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Harveston – Assembly Room]
Epel: (Hmm… What's going on? I can't sleep at all, even though I'm wiped out.)
Epel: (Sebek-kun, Idia-senpai, and Jade-senpai… all seem to be sound asleep.)
Epel: (We were working with those stuffed animals so hard for hours in the freezing cold. It only makes sense that they're tired.)
Epel: (Even though it didn’t really seem like it at first… Somehow it feels like they're all practicing their hardest to actually win.)
Epel: (I’m the one who brought everyone here. We definitely have to win the kelkkarotu!)
Epel: ……Right then.
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[Harveston – Outside Assembly Hall]
Epel: "Whoa"!
[slows to a halt]
Epel: Whew… No matter what I do I seem to always lose speed when I'm going 'round a curve. I have to make a tighter turn…
???: Oh my, is this some sort of secret late-night practice?
Epel: Eh… This voice is…
Epel: Jade-san!?
Jade: Hello.
Jade: When I awakened, you were gone, so I thought I would come check up on you.
Epel: Did I wake you up when I left the room…?
Epel: I'm sorry for worrying you.
Jade: Please, don't be.
Jade: However, if I may ask, why are you practicing alone?
Jade: You're quite capable when it comes to instructing your stuffed rabbit, as well as maneuvering your sled.
Jade: This may only be the thought of a layperson, but would it not be better to give the rest of us special training instead, in order to shorten our overall race time?
Epel: Ahaha… No, it's not like I was specifically coming out here to practice. I just couldn't sleep.
Jade: Is it because you are feeling excited for the race tomorrow?
Epel: Mmm. I don't know, I can usually sleep soundly the night before a magift club practice match.
Epel: The reason I'm wide awake might be because of how much time we've all been spending with each other.
Jade: True, I suppose it would be difficult to relax when you are entertaining school mates you don't normally interact with.
Jade: My apologies for troubling you right before this important race.
Epel: Wai― that's not it! I meant that I'm super happy I get to have you guys over, kinda like a sleepover!
Jade: I see. Well, I am glad to hear that.
Jade: However, wouldn't sleeping under the same roof with your peers like this be quite similar to our life in the dorms?
Epel: I thought so too, but…
Epel: Most of the Pomefiore students all climb into bed and turn off the lights at 10 PM! Every day!
Jade: I see. That must be because that is the "best rejuvenation time" for your skin. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised.
Epel: I'm not a kid anymore, so it should be fine to stay up late once in a while… I think.
Epel: That's why today was super awesome! I never thought I'd be able to spend such an amazing night in my hometown like this!
Epel: It was my first time having a pillow fight too. Yeah, that was so fun…
Jade: It only happened because Idia-san was chasing after Grim-kun who then threw a pillow back at him.
Jade: Who would have thought that it would result in an all-out pillow fight just because his aim was terrible and hit Sebek-kun instead…
Epel: Heheh, I still can’t believe there are times when even you laugh so openly like that, Jade-san.
Epel: You were super into it by the end… It was kinda startling.
Jade: Oh no, it pains me that you saw such a shameful sight. Please keep it a secret from the others at school.
Jade: This was also quite the valuable experience for me as well. This was the first time I've ever had to clean up scattered feathers like that.
Epel: Urgh, sorry… I ended up throwing them so hard…
Jade: It was so enjoyable that we all got engrossed by it… Would that be an accurate summary?
Epel: Yeah!
Epel: That's why I definitely want to win tomorrow!
Epel: I want everyone to think, "I'm glad I came to Harveston."
Jade: Epel-kun, you do not have to think too hard about this.
Jade: At the very least, I am more than satisfied with my experience here so far.
Epel: Jade-san…
Jade: Having said that, if we lose to "them," I will be quite irked. May I join you for some of this extra practice?
Epel: Yeah, absolutely!
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @xerneasx95. Japanese proofreading edits done by Law. English proofreading edits done by Cass.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Meanie (Azul Ashengrotto x Reader) 8
Part 1,
part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 (END)
The final chapter. Congratulations for surviving this long with my bullshit-
“Everyone, please place the flower we have given you in their coffin.”
The sunlight was shining brightly in the early morning of NRC’s campus, 
but no happiness was to be found.
Just yesterday, you have died.
And it took a moment for Azul to realize that you were truly gone.
Everyone in NRC lined up in a single file to pay their final respects to you, one by one placing their flower in your coffin.
When it came to Azul’s turn, he had to hold himself from crying. He felt as if you were watching him. If he cried, you’ll cry too, and he doesn’t want you to fully leave this world with sadness and guilt.
He looked at you. Even if you’re dead, you looked as beautiful as ever.
He grabbed your cold hands, and placed the flower in the middle of your chest, before he gently used your hands to cover the flower, as if you are holding it.
“I love you,” he whispered, “I hope you go to a safe place.” And he walked away.
Azul walked back to Octavinelle with Jade and Floyd. They were silent. Yes, even Floyd stayed quiet.
The atmosphere was solemn.
Azul was solemn.
Never in his life have he came across death, let alone, someone he hold close to.
He used to love before.
He went back to his office alone and tilted his head up. Jade and Floyd went back to their rooms.
He’s not crying. He won’t cry for you.
Read it.
He heard something whisper.
The notebook.
He glanced to his right, the notebook labelled “ To Azul Ashengrotto”.
“Read it after they die,” Trey’s words echoed in his head as he recalls.
He grabbed the book.
To Azul Ashengrotto.
He stared at it, hesitantly flipping to the first page.
“I’m rewriting this from the accounts of Y/n, Azul. She asked for it. I hope you’re reading this.
- Trey Clover”
So Trey wrote this book for you to him.
“Azul and I were chilling at Monstro Lounge in the VIP room.
Lmao, he was soooo unlucky with his pulls, and had to answer all my questions and stuff. Apparently he thinks Idia is more handsome than Jade. Ooh~ 
I really loved the fact he wanted to spend time with me although he looks so done. I really appreciate it!”
He snorted. That was so you.
“Azul and I hanged out at the Rose Kingdom. I’m so glad Headmaster allowed me to hang out with him! Sometimes I feel like Headmaster is a dad. 
I had so much fun! Though, it’s kinda embarrassing that Azul spoilt me with so many gifts, and all I did was drag him around. I love the octopus plushie he won for me. It’s so chubby, soft and cute, just like him! 
He also bought me food from Trey’s awesome family bakery, and a really expensive pendent. I feel guilty, but I love it! It’s so pretty!”
He sighed. Really? Chubby?
“Headmaster told me I’m going to die in five months time. I’m really scared. I know I’ve joked about I feel like dying cuz of Professor Crewel’s homework, now facing with death, it feels really scary.
I have to tell everyone right? Headmaster told me he’ll tell my friends, that includes Azul. How would he feel? I don’t want him to feel sad..”
He flipped to the next page.
“Azul, Jade and Floyd came to visit me. Actually EVERYONE did! Even Leona and Idia! Can you believe it?? But I was so happy that Azul and the tweels came.
I rubbed my eyes so hard because I didn’t want them to see me cry. I was just so happy to see them!”
“Trey told me something. Well, an offered to do something for me. 
He knew I had a superrrr big crush on Azul, and he said I should tell him. I was so embarrassed at first, but I’m going to die soon, so I have to confess sooner or later right? 
He told me he’ll write a whole record of me of what I want to tell him, and then I can give it for him to read after I die.
Sounds like a good idea, but also kind of cruel. After I die????
What should I do?”
So that’s what you were talking about with him.
“I got to be discharged!
Azul brought me around the entire campus, and to Octavinelle! And we played UNO! Although I lost a lot... But I’m happy I got to spend time with him and see everyone outside of the infirmary! ^^”
“I went to NRC’s Halloween Celebration!
There were like flying decorations and good food,
I got to see NRC become so lively and colorful! It was amazing!
Also I got to hang out with Azul and the tweels, and of course, everyone else!
I even got to be part of all the scaring and stuff at the Octavinelle’s scare house! heheheh~ 
I love the big finale, I wish it could last forever.”
“I made up my mind. 
I’m gonna ask Trey to help me write that book. I want Azul to have a piece of me even when I’m gone. I won’t leave him alone, and I’ll do everything in my power to do so.
If Trey is giving me the opportunity to do so, I’ll take it! Though, I should’ve done it from the beginning..”
“Azul kissed me. 
Oh my shit-
But... I’m happy.. I got the courage to confess to him! On top of that, he said yes! I’m so happy I could cry..”
“I’m going to be giving the notebook to Trey. He’s gonna record it all down for me today. 
Azul, I hope you’re reading this. I want you to flip to the back. I asked Trey to attached something really important I want to share with you.”
He flipped to the back. There was a slip of paper folded, stapled to the page. It also held the pendent he bought for you. He grabbed it, and unfolded the paper.
I’m writing this to you 5 months before I die. Crowley told me to tell everyone about my condition, but I wrote this for you specially.
Remember I told you in that truth or dare game?
“If I told you I was scared to die, what would you do?”
To tell you now, I’m still kind of scared. But I won’t show it! Pretending not being scared isn’t like lying.
Okay, but a practical thing, you could do anything you want with this book.
You can tear it up, throw it away, hide it or even show to everyone! Totally up to you!
I’m gonna be honest with you, I was and still jealous of you.
You were and are the picture perfect honor student of NRC. I haven’t been in NRC as long as you, but I’m just so jealous you manage to be so cool and flawless in everything you do! Well, maybe except for flying..
But still! You were and still are my role model! You always manage to amaze me! But not only that, you treated me like your best friend no matter what position you are! Maybe that’s why I fell for you, you didn’t show biasness towards me to become my friend. I hope you were genuine about our friendship!
But, I like the fact you actually sometimes don’t need other people to reflect about yourself, unlike me. I can’t reflect about me all by myself. If I were like you, maybe I could’ve been able to live entirely by myself, with my own unique worth and responsibilities. Of course, while still being friends with others!
But when it comes to self reflection, you are down to earth with yourself, you speak to yourself, and that’s very independent of you. Ever since you were little you were like that too, and that’s what made you hardworking and diligent!
I’ll end it right here, to tell you I love you. Ehehe~ Sorry it’s so sudden.
I love you, meanie.”
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.
Slowly, Azul felt tears rolling down his face.
He broke. Except... that wasn’t true.
He’d been broken when he first heard you were about to die. He just kept strong for you, as you did for him.
He was so glad, he had spent his time with you.
You needed him. You felt like he’d done everything for you.
But now, you’re gone.
It was thanks to you, he never felt insecure about his past anymore. For the first time he met you, his really lived for the first time. He existed in this world.
“Thank you, y/n..” he choked, smiling meekly at your final goodbye letter to him, as he clutched the pendent he gave you.
“I love you so much...”
From Ramshackle dorm, your slightly dusty octopus plushie rest on the side of your pillow.
From far away, he sensed you hugging it, whispering so close to him although so far,
“I love you too, meanie..”
Ok I’m joking
thank you for surviving and following with the story. 
Azul loves you. Bye, have a good day!
@magicpumpkin3 don’t kill me pls-
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movedyourchair505 · 3 years
✨Pregnancy smut✨
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It'd been a day, but it felt like forever, like she'd spent too much time already without the electricity only Alexander was capable of making her feel, just the warmth of his palm pressed to her lower back was too much, she was getting more and more used to the fact that she wanted him even more than before, all of the time, something she'd thought impossible, but she was also coming to terms with the exhaustion she felt at the end of the day, especially insisting on not staying home until it was absolutely necessary.
The frustration she'd felt upon waking up that morning realising she'd fallen asleep on the ride home from the headquarters had only been amplified by the realisation that she was in no condition then to get what she really wanted, the whole day she'd tried to take it slow, and now, stood in the lift so close to Alexander's side, his hand on her protectively, she was desperate for him, craved everything she'd missed for too long now. A few more moments and she'd have him all to herself.
The doors hadn't opened, but his lips were at her ear, pressing a kiss to her cheek before he spoke, the depth of his voice making her head spin, her body trembling, and she knew he could feel it.
“Jade,” he drawled. His tone was low, the confidence firm. “Today were a lot, eh?” Another hint of a kiss. “Promise I'm gunna take such good care of yeh now.”
She shivered, opened her mouth to respond, but she only melted into him, the doors of the lift opening then and he led her forward, her heels clicking on the floor in sync with his boots.
“Alexander...” she said quietly, her eyes remaining on him as he held the door open for her and watched her pass. “I need you.”
He licked his lips, nodding slowly, following, then letting door click shut behind them, never taking his eyes off her. “Is tha' reyht?” he chuckled.
Jade nodded, biting her lip. “Please.”
His let his gaze wander, admired the way she, though she must have been exhausted, looked absolutely incredible in the black dress that clung to her body, it was like her long legs and the natural curve in the way her hips swayed were unaffected by the now well-rounded evidence of her pregnancy. The glow she had about her seemed to increase every day, he wanted to worship her.
“I need you.”
He hummed, slowly stepping closer to her. “'m 'ere,” he assured her, his hand coming up to cup the side of her face, the other on her shoulder, his knuckles stroking over her skin. “D'yeh want teh take this off?”
She nodded, knew she looked good, but the growing discomfort was becoming difficult to ignore and she turned slightly, stepped out of her heels, then moved her hair to the side to give him access to the zipper at her back, sighing when he drew it down slowly, pressed a warm kiss to the back of her neck.
He reveled in the way he felt her relax instantly, stepping back to help her shed the dress, his palm slowly sprawling out over her belly once she had, sighing. As much as he wanted to make her fall apart for him, give her everything she needed, he'd automatically come to be slower, his movements drawn out rather than sudden and impulsive. “'ow's sheh been todeh?”
Her eyes met his and she laughed quietly, rolling her eyes at him. “Not too bad,” she said. “I don't know what she was up to this morning, but...” She sighed, her breath shaky. “Calm now.”
Alex nodded slowly, his eyes wandering up her body, admiring the transparency of her lingerie, black and sheer and suggestive, the floral lace delicate over her skin. “Y'look incredible, y'kno'.”
The further her pregnancy had advanced, the more devoted he'd been to giving her what she needed unconditionally, his dominance intense rather than merciless, the balance between what she wanted and what she could handle difficult to navigate for him, no matter how well he knew her body.
“Lie down for meh, principessa.”
He stepped forward until she sat slowly on the bed and he lowered her down, his lips attaching instantly to the side of her neck, not long enough to mark her before he descended further to appreciate all of her, kisses trailing over her collarbone, his palm spreading out over her breast while he made his way down, placed kisses on her belly, then when he reached her underwear drew it down slowly, discarding of it.
“Alexander,” she whined, lost in the way he took his time for her, but she was desperate for him.
“Let meh ease yeh in, please...” he whispered, shrugging his suit jacket down his arms and quickly with a few flicks of his wrists rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt, then his hands were sprawled out across her inner thighs, spreading them just enough though they threatened to close instantly she he began kissing her skin, pressed to his cheeks and trapping him on impulse.
He hummed appreciatively, moving his hands to the undersides of her thighs to adjust the angle so she could rest her thighs on his shoulders. “I wanna relax yeh, doll,” he hummed, a slow nudge with the tip of his tongue making her hips shake, a soft whine falling from her lips. “Darlin', are yeh alreyht on yehr back? Y'kno' the doctor said...”
She breathed out shakily, her fingers finding their way into his hair to grind into him, to move his mouth where she needed it. “Alexander, shh...” she whined. “Please...”
He chuckled against her hot skin, stuck his tongue again, a few nudges to her clit before he parted his lips, his whole mouth slowly covering her, licking, sucking, reacting to the way she mewled for him, tugged on his hair, her thighs tense and clamping around his head, then loosening again, her body shaking. “Jade...” he warned. “Are yeh 'oldin' back on meh?” He could tell that she was slowly relaxing, getting lost the way he'd hoped she would, but there was a hint of hesitation. “No punishments, doll, y'kno' tha'... no matter 'ow wet yeh get meh...”
She let her head fall back, tried to relax as he asked, a nudge of his tongue making her whine, pull his hair harder.
“Yeahh,” he groaned against her. “Pull me 'air, doll, wha'ever yeh need...”
He was spreading her wetness around so deliciously, alternating between poking his tongue inside her, circling her entrance and teasing her clit, eager to feel her lose herself no matter what, anticipating the same intensity he knew he could overwhelm her with when he lost control of himself, lost himself in her in the heat of the moment, knew how hard he could come down on her in those moments and he was ready to take anything from her. “C'mon,” he coaxed. “I want all of yeh, pupa, let meh drink yeh down...”
She whimpered as he increased the pressure of his tongue. “Alexander...”
The rush of wetness, the need in her voice, the way she tugged on his hair, his head was spinning. “Soak meh, doll, c'mon...”
She was more sensitive, but also more tense, and yet, she was powerless to the way he coaxed her, knew exactly how to get her to come undone when he was not out to demonstrate the power he had over her when denying and edging her, but to give everything to build the bliss and make sure she could let go and feel it all.
The flicks of his tongue, licking and teasing, he built and built, then started sucking on her clit, as if demanding she let go, leaving her with no way to hold on and with her fingers wound tightly into his hair, her hips lifted off the bed, grinding into him, covering his lips, his nose and he stayed as he was, worked to ease her through her orgasm as she trapped his head between her thighs, fell over the edge with a strangled moan before her body relaxed, the tension eased, panting to regain her breath.
He growled against her, chuckling, drinking it all down, then lifted his head, looking up at her, his swollen lips shiny and curling into a smile, his hair curling, damp where it'd loosened the product.
Her eyes met his. “Thank you,” she breathed.
“Mmm, doll...” he hummed as he stroked his fingertips down her thigh, pressed a kiss to the inside of it before lowering them slowly from his shoulders and onto the bed. Her chest was flushed, her hair framing her face, her skin shiny. He wanted to give her everything. “D'yeh need more from meh?”
She nodded, the look in her eyes a plea in itself before she spoke. “Please.”
He licked his lips. “'ow d'yeh wanna beh fooked?”
Jade swallowed, her response instinctive. “Same way you did after we came back from the scan last week.”
He chuckled. “Mmm, yeah, been finkin' 'bout tha' too, 'ave yeh?” he hummed, slowly rising to his feet and unbuckling his belt, could see the need on her face as she watched him closely. “I promise I'll make it good.”
Before she could try to sit up right, he'd lowered himself back onto the bed, behind her, lifting her legs effortlessly to get her onto her knees, weakened by the way she melted back into him, his arm looped around her, his lips against her shoulder. The intensity of him like this was unmatched, the angle blissful, the safety of his arms all she needed to relax. “Please don't hold back this time.”
“Jade...” he sighed, his knuckles stroking over her cheek, felt her lean into his touch. He hated to deny her, especially when it was exactly what he didn't want, but he was worried she would get ahead of herself, though could never resist the way she begged for more.
“Alexander, please...” She tried to move her hips back, her body curving into him and she gasped as he adjusted his position behind her, the tip of his cock teasing what was to come. While the intensity of him was never unchanged, she knew there would be no sudden force, nothing she did not ask for, he was dedicated to the slowing, drawing out the sensations even more than she'd asked, and as much as she loved his demands and the way he could ruin her, the complete absence of any sort of cruelty from him was equally as exciting. Softness when he was in charge of her was rare at her own request, but since he'd made it his mission to focus solely on her unconditional pleasure, she'd realised once again that even that, like everything else, no one could do better than him.
Her eyes fell shut when he filled her slowly, her fingers tightening their grip on his forearm instantly, feeling the veins, the tension in his muscles. She whined, tears pearling down her cheeks from the intensity of the way he stretched her. “A-Alexander...”
“I've got yeh..” he groaned against her skin, held her body up securely against his, could feel her breath shake when he was buried all the way inside her, his hand coming down on her hip to steady her as he started to slowly work his hips into hers, groaning at the way she felt, drawing him in, gushing around him as he pushed up his hips, his cheek resting against her back, her skin warm. “Fook, doll...” he moaned, his eyes falling shut.
“Mm, yes, baby,” she whispered, desperate to feel more of him, her voice trailing off into a soft moan when he picked up the pace, the movement of his hips drawn out, though no less intense than she was used to, making her skin tingle. She was drawing him in, getting used to the stretch, tightening around him until her walls melted around him, submitted to him, adjusted to the way he was working his hips into hers, filling her so blissfully that all the stress and discomfort was much more bearable for the moment, humming in anticipation of his hand slowly dragging flat up her body, then loosely closing around her throat, despite the lack of pressure still making her eyes fall shut, relaxing into the safety of him.
He could sense the tension ceasing, her breath relieved as she melted back into him, the feeling of her relaxing, gushing around him at the sensation overwhelming, his hips bucking forward with need, momentarily shaking. “Is tha' nice?”
“Yes,” she whined, sighing as she adjusted to the way he was moving faster, harder, anticipating him building the pleasure, taking care of her the way she'd needed.
“Oh Jade...” he sighed. “'course.” He stroked his fingertips over her throat, his voice muffled against her skin as he slowed, not wanting to get carried away before testing her limit. “'ow mooch can yeh take rehyt now?”
She breathed out shakily, swallowing. “Just don't stop...”
He tutted, his eyes closed. “Jade...” he sighed. “I want yeh taken care of. Not 'urt.”
“Ruin me, baby,” she whispered, trying to push her hips back into his. “Please. I'll take it all.”
“Jade, are yeh sure...” He bit his lip, lifting his head slightly. “Tell meh now...” He breathed in the scent of her, floral, sweaty, uniquely his. “I might lose meself.”
“I-I need you,” she whimpered, her hand coming to cover his around her throat. “Please...”
He groaned at the way she moved back into him, intertwined their fingers, moaned shakily the moment he drew his hips back only to push up inside her again, her body trembling in his hands. “Mmm, fook...”
The intensity overwhelmed her, made her whine, barely prepared for the way he picked up the pace, the way he started working his cock into her, her walls tightening around him, the friction building the pleasure, her hips tensing at the feeling, her grip tighter on his hand. The stinging sensation seemed to build in her, she expected the relief of the feeling he evoked in her to ease it, but it built along with the pleasure instead, making her hiss, discomfort blurring with frustration, she wanted to do everything for him, push her limit for him because he was taking care of her, but she knew that, no matter how much it irritated her to admit, it would break him if she pushed her limit like this for him.
She took a deep breath. “A-Alexander...” she choked out, biting her lip. “I think you should-...” Her voice was just a hint, still undecided.
The moment he heard the unfamiliar tone, felt the way she tensed, he did the same, his grip tightening around her to stop himself, to pull her against him. “Y-Yes, doll?” he asked, his voice husky, strained.
She sniffed, frustrated with herself beyond reason. “I-...”
“Jade...” he whispered. “Tell meh.”
She swallowed hard, her fingertips moving down his forearm. “I think I need you to be gentler.” She breathed out shakily. “I can't... take it like that...”
His eyes widened, his arms remaining around her as he drew back his hips to pull out of her, fuelled by the fear her tone had instilled within him.
“N-No...” she whined. “No, please. Don't stop... just... just slower...”
He tried to compose himself, worried he'd misjudged something, leaning over to press a kiss to her shoulder. “Alrehyt,” he whispered. “I got yeh. Are yeh sure?”
She nodded. “Please...”
He knew that the fact that she had brought herself to tell him, to slow him down, it meant something, was so unlike her that he could not help but understand the severity of it, but it also had him determined on making things right, on despite everything making her feel as good and as well taken care of as she deserved, slowly positioning himself again, though sinking back into her slowly, one of his hands locked tightly on her breast, the other on her hip to control the way they rocked together.
Slowly, the pleasure took over the tension again, made her relax back into him, trying to meet his thrusts. “Fuck...” she whispered, lost in the dedication of she could sense in the way he moved now.
He was easing her into the sensation again, holding her tight, in awe of her control over him as well as the way she trusted him blindly, had him devoted to giving her exactly what she needed. He admired the way she curved back into him, moaning with relief, instantly relieving him too. “Like this, darlin'?” he asked, the depth of his voice softer now.
“Perfect, Alexander...” she whispered, slowly enveloped by nothing but pleasure again, the pure bliss she knew only he could drive her into with the way he was everywhere, making her shake around him, surrounded by the spice of his scent, the warmth of his chest, the muscles she could feel in his arms. His lips were pressed to the side of her neck, his breath ghosting over her skin.
“Yeh're in charge of meh, doll,” he promised. “'s all at yehr command.”
“I like this, baby,” she whispered, the way he dragged his cock along her walls slowly, though then pushed back inside her was electric in the best way, had her shaking, the soreness she'd felt before now building an intensity that brought tears to her eyes, had her so close.
Her clear expression of bliss and appreciation fuelled him further, melted by the softness of her voice despite her desperate need, knew she was lost in him the way he helplessly adored. “Tha' feel good, doll?” he breathed, his voice raspy.
“Y-Yes, that's so good, Alexander,” she whispered. “Right there...” She tensed, then relaxed, whining. “Right there is perfect...”
Her voice was driving him wild, his hips shaking.
“N-No, keep going like this,” she whispered, worried he would pick up the speed too soon. “It hurt before...”
He bit his lip, the plea in her voice taking his breath away and he slowed again instantly, stroking his knuckles over her throat to soothe her. “Yeh're sure?” he asked.
She nodded, moaning when he filled her slowly again. “Y-Yes... thank you...”
He hummed, the way she told him what she needed and was desperate for him giving her exactly that irresistible, wanted nothing more but to take care of her in any way she could possibly ask. “I luv yeh.”
He was in complete control her, holding her steady, his cock stroking her walls just right each time, had her so close to the edge she could taste it even though she'd paced him so much, though aware that the intensity that had taken over her was nowhere near what she, nor he, usually needed. “Baby...” she whispered. “Do you feel good?”
He groaned against her skin, his grip tightening on her, taken aback only when he heard the unsteady shake. “Jade...” he sighed, slowly drawing back, then filling her again, making her moan. “C'mon...”
“I'm sorry, I know i-...”
“Shhh...” he coaxed, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck, could taste her salty skin. “Dun't yeh start wif tha'...” He bucked his hips back up, could sense she was close, his own pleasure threatening to spill over. “Joost wanna give yeh wha' yeh need...”
“A-Alexander...” she whined, overwhelmed by his devotion, the unconditional passion.
“Fook...” he groaned. “Amore mio, yeh feel... incredible...” He gasped, driving into her hard, his teeth sinking lightly into her skin, his grip on her tightening to keep her where she was, hold her in his arms as he felt her release follow his, his pleasure amplified tenfold by the way she tightened around him, kept him buried deep inside her, her whole body shaking, moaning with relief, gushing, melting around him, again and again until she fell back into his arms.
She felt the heat of his release, the tension in his muscles as he held her safely, allowed her to relax completely as the pleasure washed over her, her breath only shaken when she felt his hand  cup the side of her neck to turn her head slightly, capturing her lips in a deep kiss, the devotion and intensity weakening her.
He chuckled as he broke the kiss to catch his breath, his thumb stroking over her throat. “Oh, doll...”
She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. “Thank you, Alexander,” she whispered, sighing shakily.
He leaned in to press a slow kiss to her lips again, then resting forehead against hers. “Let's get yeh t'bed, eh?” he hummed, drawing back his hips, sighing as he slid out of her.
It was not much later when he returned to bed with a bottle of water and a glass of zabaglione he'd had his chef at Venere send for her.
Her eyes widened, the cool feeling of the glass bottle an instant relief in her warm palms and she took a long sip, felt instantly more at ease, her eyes closing when his arm looped around her and he drew her closer, leaning against his shoulder as well as the headboard, the stretch of her back a sensation she hadn't known she needed and she relaxed back into him contentedly, placing the bottle on the nightstand, shifting slightly to face him, cupping his cheek, her heart skipping a beat at the way his eyes instantly met hers.
“'m sorreh I 'urt yeh,” he whispered, blinking slowly when her thumb dragged over his bottom lip.
“You didn't know,” she sighed. “I'm sorry I couldn't take... fuck...”
His eyes snapped open. “No, no, doll,” he said, shaking his head. “C'mon,” he tutted.
She sighed, had despite her initial worries not expect any different from him. Her fingertips trailed down the side of his neck, his shoulder, his collarbones, his skin shiny with sweat still, his muscles now less tense, his eyes closed again.
“Yeh got no idea 'ow nice tha' is...” he chuckled, his voice merely a hint.
She smiled. “You're all mine, Alexander.”
“Forever,” he hummed.”All of meh's yehrs. I promise yeh.”
She leaned forward, captured his lips in a slow kiss. He'd never broken a promise to her and she knew he would not. The unconditional loyalty and passionate devotion had her without a doubt that she could not have married a better man. “Do you want me to share my dessert with you?” she asked, the way his eyes opened and sparkled as they met hers irresistible.
He held out his palm for the glass, licking his lips. “I'll feed yeh.”
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qingxintea · 3 years
i wanna be able to touch you, but not like this
you get hit on
okkk so i feel like the pda is toned down to the max unless someone tryna hit on you
dude doesn’t wanna lose you like how he lost his sanity 🤡🤡
but in that case he’ll just like take your hand and guide you away
as you quickly think of an excuse for the both of you yes
but then alone ur like “omg holy shit thank you, oh my go t”
just blinks, unwilling to admit that he was lowkey bothered
high key bothered.
trusts you enough on your own, but that anxiety went 🖕🖕
then hug
then remembers that he’s touch starved and not used to physical contact
dude flinches
you just back off immediately and be like “sidjisdc sorry”
then awkward. look what you’ve done now, clown
just blinks and shakes his head. dude will never win a staring contest
doesn’t know exactly what he’s trying to communicate. that goes for the both of you
but it’s not bad
barely too awkward to as if you’re okay
but does it after a couple of minutes of just silence
you just nod your head even if you aren’t because you can’t explain your feelings
dude senses it, but won’t push it cause he’s respectful like that
nearly goes on a twitter rampage to cancel toxic masculinity but holds back
then without warning just takes your wrist and drags you somewhere
his jade spear is pretty
oh look it’s the place with the three bird statues you have to turn
the adeptus abode place thing
“don’t let go” bitch of course you won’t let go or else you die. not everyone has your no plunge damage powers sharty
oh em gee this place is beautiful 😍😍
y’all just sit. like on the bench things
next to each other and and and
it’s sunset which makes everything so much more chef kiss
then there’s. there’s shooting stars at the night!
a bright yellow one came every 80 stars or so and you were like “one rate up five star for you...”
dudes just confused and you laugh
it’s been way too long since you’ve felt at peace
eventually y’all,, yall,,,
hold hands 😍😍💕😍😍☘️☘️🧚☘️🧚💕🌙😍☘️😍
but but very wholesome cause he doesn’t even notice 🤡
omg you guys are the liyue power clown couple
did i lie?
aether time skipped from the paimon menu and it was like 2am in five seconds
he’s doing his nameless island quest ok ??
every time it reaches 5am sir decides to go back to 2am
you rage
then sleep, head on xiao’s shoulder i’m 🫀🫀
mans takes a little qingxin flower and puts it behind your ear. then removes it cause he does not want to be caught 🤡
where tf he get that flower though because it’s like gradient white to gold from inside to outside
then he remembers you sleep walk a lot. and this space is confined. five steps and ur like gone lmao
so carries you back to wangshuu inn with no interruptions even though you’re a light sleeper ?!
literal legend
verr godlet just jamming to the just wiped out tomato town meme because xiao usually shows like no affection
let’s you sleep on your bed
takes your couch
sleeps because bored
and then... bitch is gone next morning ! raging.
and you know the guy yesterday who kept hitting on you
well like
you can’t seem to find him anymore 🤡🤡
xiao explain.
swears he ain’t do nothin 💀
apparently the guy was very scared of the aura xiao gave off and just ran to mond 😀
adeptus moment
later at home,, on your bed there was a letter
if you come from my albedo chap, no it’s not that letter 😭😭
“here. for you.” aww dude is so sweet
then explains he went out earlier to buy you all this good shit
and it’s like a very aesthetically pleasing VERY GENDER NEUTRAL sweater (because some men think clothes are gendered when they really aren’t)
you know that shit in liyue costs a lot 😭 and you get cold ver easily
so happy he remembered 😍😍
dude is silently willing to do anything so you feel better even if you already do i’m
you have two insta accounts. one is a xiao fan page and the other is xiao slander
u spend more time on ur slander page 💀
but post on ur fan page today mmm
dude is a sucker for you om 😭😭
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eyebagsbutglam · 4 years
Meet the Parent(s)
A/N: This is a quirkless AU, lets pretend the Todoroki's are a happy functional family. My apologies to @myheelsdontmatchmysweatpants thank you for beta reading this exceptionally traumatic piece of comedy. Get ready to bleach your eyeballs y'all.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW, taboo themes, vanilla sex, fluff, alcoholic mother.. I mean its pretty tame
Pairing: Touya x F!Reader
Word Count: 3983
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“NEVER trust men.” You rolled your eyes as your mom went on another one of her man-bashing tangents.
“I’m serious Y/N. They’re always amazing at first, wining and dining you, promising you the world. Then when shit gets real- BAM! They’re gone, leaving you in the dust.” She shot back her last sip of wine and wiggled the glass in front of you asking for a refill.
“Mom please. Touya’s different. He’s dependable and considerate. I promise if you just give him a chance you’re gonna love him.” You walked into the kitchen and instead of grabbing the wine you poured her a glass of grape juice. She was sloshed enough to not notice the difference, you were experienced enough to recognize the signs of when she needed to be cut off.
“I know he is baby I’m just saying -hic- keep an eye on him. I know I will be tomorrow night!” She slumped over setting her elbow on the table, clumsily resting her chin in her palm. Her eyes were already at half mass.
“Yeah about tomorrow night. Could you maybe hold off on the drinking? At least keep it to one glass..” You wanted to add instead of one bottle, but you knew where that would lead the conversation and you’d rather not get in an argument tonight.
“Oh yes of course sweetie. You know I would never want to do anything to -hic- embarrass you.”Even her smile was crooked.
“Okay well maybe we should call it an early night. I want to make sure we’re nice and fresh for meeting Touya’s family tomorrow.”You helped her out of her chair and walked her to her bedroom, tucking her in.
Your mother was stressed. And when she’s stressed, she drinks. You couldn’t blame her. All in one night you revealed things are getting pretty serious with the boy you’ve been talkng to, and told her the following night you’ll be bringing her to dinner to meet him and his family.
She never did well with you having boyfriends, always so worried they were going to do you wrong like your father did her. You knew very little about the man, only the bits and pieces she shared about him. He was a regular at the bar your mom worked at, always flirting with her. They started dating and six weeks in she got pregnant. When she told him he flipped. He offered her a very large sum of money to disappear and she agreed, leaving town with a broken heart and swollen belly.
You felt bad for your mom, knowing the experience really jaded her. She never dated again, throwing herself into a new career all while being a full time mom. You hoped that seeing how amazing Touya was and how good you two were together, she would change her mind about love and get back out on the dating scene.
On the drive back to your place you called your boyfriend. You were beginning to feel nervous for the upcoming event.
“Hello dollface.” His deep voice was hypnotic, instantly soothing you.
“Hi handsome. How did it go telling your family about dinner tomorrow night?”You absentmindedly chewed on your bottom lip, a terrible habit you developed when anxious.
“Fine. Natsuo and Fuyumi won’t be able to make it. Shouto’s still doing his internship with dad’s company so he’ll be late along with my mom since they carpool to work. My dad however insisted on driving with me. He’s very interested to size up the woman who might give him grandchildren one day. Has to make sure you’re up to his standards.”His lighthearted chuckle did nothing to calm the nerves caused by his terrible joke.
When you didn’t respond he continued, “Oh come on Y/N I’m only kidding. I know they’re going to fall in love the moment they make eye contact, just like I did.”
“God I hope so.” You sighed, “Although its not just me I’m worried about.”
As you were getting ready for bed there was a knock on your door. Looking through the peephole you spotted a beautiful set of cerulean eyes and your heart leaped. You opened the door, forgetting you were in a skimpy set of silk pajamas.
You practically jumped into him, bouncing on your tippy toes so you could snake your arms around his neck. He held you close, splaying his palms across your lower back before reaching down further to grab a handful of buttcheek.
“What are you doing here handsome? Shouldn’t you be at home? We have a big night tomorrow.” You leaned back so you could see his face but stayed in his grasp.
“I wanted to surprise you. When we were on the phone earlier you sounded like you were stressing out about dinner tomorrow. I thought I’d come by and.. distract you.”He held you at arms length and let his eyes wander down to your lips, then chest, legs, and back up to your face, taking his time to enjoy the view. “But it looks like you were already expecting me?” A cheeky grin split his face.
Just then, the realization that you were standing in the hallway in basically underwear hit and you turned, wiggling your booty at the man behind you before pulling him inside. The latch clicked into place and he used your hold on his hand to spin you so your back was against the door, placing his hand behind your head to cushion it from hitting the hard surface.
Your lips parted and a small yelp escaped. Touya pressed his body into yours, sliding his hand to the back of your neck, his other hand untangling from yours to join. He nipped at your bottom lip and then slowly traced his tongue across it before enveloping your mouth with his own. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, arching your body into his.  His kisses started migrating to your jaw, and then down the side of your neck. You hummed, tilting your head to the side to give him better access. When his kisses went from feather light to opened mouthed your eyes shot open. You grabbed a handful of his hair at the nape and pulled his head away from your neck. A growl rumbled in his chest and the feral look he gave you sent a shiver down your spine.
“No marks! Dinner tomorrow.. remember?”Although you could kick yourself for stopping him, you knew you’d thank yourself in the morning. He rolled his eyes at you, letting out an exaggerated sigh and rolling his neck to add effect.
“Okay okay fine. I’ll just have to leave my mark in other ways then..” And with that he bent down and tossed you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, heading straight to the bedroom. He unceremoniously dropped you onto the bed and began to take off his clothes. You leaned back on your elbows and laid there watching his movements. The way his muscles flexed as he pulled his shirt over his head. His strong hands undoing the buckle on his belt to then pull down his pants so he was in nothing but boxer briefs. You pulled your lip between your teeth while you enjoyed the show.
With a cocky smile on his face he leaned over you on the bed, moving so his lips barely grazed your ear. “Are you going to undress or do you need me to do it for you?” The baritone of his voice vibrated down to your core, causing your panties to dampen.
You began to undress but he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head against the bed. “It’s okay dollface. Let me do it for you.” He slid his hands down the length of your arms and down your sides stopping at the hem of your shirt. He pulled the fabric up over your head, your body lifting to assist the motion. He took a moment to admire you, slowly tracing your areola with his fingertips, one at a time, and watching them harden into perfect peaks. The action made goosebumps raise across your skin.
Once he was satisfied he moved to your lower half, hooking his fingers into the waistband of both your shorts and panties. Leaning in close to your body he began to pull the fabric down your legs, immediately noticing the string of your juices attached to your panties.
“Damn baby girl, is that all for me?”You recognized a hint of pride in his voice.
Smiling you nodded and squirmed a bit on the bed underneath him. “Mmm yes Touya. Its all for you.” There was no point in hiding the lust in your voice, It was useless to pretend you didn’t need him right now.
Once you were fully naked he grabbed you by the back of your knees and pushed your legs up, settling himself between them. He rested the side of his face on your inner thigh and examined you, grazing his fingers down towards your slit and the back again, never touching where you want him to. You felt so vulnerable in this position, everything splayed out for him to see, but he made you feel safe.
His eyes met yours as he continued his teasing touches. “You are so beautiful.”
His pupils were blown, just as you imagined yours were. Finally his index finger skimmed over your opening, gathering your juices, and found purchase on your clit, rubbing small circles into the little bundle of nerves.
You let out a moan, closing your eyes and throwing your head back against the pillows. He turn his palm and slid his middle finger inside you rubbing his rough pads along your favorite spot. A heat began to collect in your core. “Eyes on me babygirl.”
You struggled to keep your eyes open as he continued his ministrations on your g-spot, adding another finger. Your hips bucked again and you began to whimper, you were getting close. He brought his face to your pussy, keeping his eyes on yours. You could feel the heat of his breath on your sensitive skin as his tongue slipped out to trace circles around your clit. Your hips started to wriggle vigorously until you were nearly riding his face. He pumped his fingers in and out of you, every so often to rubbing at the spot that he knew would have you seeing stars.
The heat grew, turning into a volcano about to errupt. Your hands grabbed at the sheets, balling into fists. “Touya.. Fuck- I’m gunnA-” But your words were cut off with a moan as you came undone. Your hips rose off the mattress and you squeezed your legs around his head. He ceased his movements, letting you ride out the wave of your climax.
Lost in a cloud of ecstasy. The release did wonders to calm your nerves. You opened your eyes trying to bring them back in focus. Suddenly you felt a tap tap on your leg and looked down. There sat Touya, head trapped in the fleshy prison of your thighs. You gasped and released him, sobering up from the orgasm he just gave you. “Oh my gosh Touya I’m so sorry!”
He chuckled, rubbing his jaw. “That’s quite alright dollface. If I died between those beautiful legs of yours I would die a happy man.” He placed a quick peck on your lips. “Besides, I know how you can make it up to me.”
Before you could register what was happening you were flipped onto your stomach and your ass was being lifted into the air. He started to rub his length along your slit, smearing your juices on the underside of his shaft. The sensation of his veiny cock rubbing your already sensitive pussy sends jolts of electricity through your body. You groan, grinding yourself back onto him.
“Mmm that feel good baby girl?” He smacks your hip, using his other hand to line himself up with your entrance. A hiss leaves his lips when he pushes himself into you, savoring the way you feel around him. He bottoms out and stills, rubbing tiny circles on your lower back. The stretch feels incredible. He fills you up perfectly, reaching to your deepest erogenous zone. His inaction starts to drive you crazy and you begin to bounce yourself on his cock.
He grabs your hips and leans over your body. “So impatient. Alright then, do you want me to start moving?”You try to grind against him but his grip is firm holding you in place.
“Use your words dollface. What is it you want me to do?”Even though you can’t see him you can hear the shit eating grin on his face.
You let out a whine. “Ple-ease Touya.. p-please move! Need to f-feeel you.”
He starts with shallow thrusts, barely enough to cause friction. You whimper burying your face into the comforter.
“Is this what you want baby girl? Huh?”His grip tightens, so much for no marks. At least its somewhere you can cover with clothes.
Tears of frustration collect at the corners of your eyes and you shake your head no. Another smack lads on your hip. “I said use your words.” This time the command came out in a growl. His thrusts, though still shallow, began to snap harder against you. You needed more.
“Harder please! Ple-ease go harder!” Your pleas were granted when he pulled almost all the way out and thrust into you hard. Once, twice, then sets a brutal pace, pounding into you. He reached forward and hooked his fingers into your mouth, causing droll to spill down your chin. You were a whimpering mess. Moans and grunts filled the apartment, volume raising as you both reached your peaks.
“Fuck- I’m close. Where do you want it baby?”His thrusts turned erratic. You were almost there too.
“Inside! Cum inside me!”Arousal had completely taken over your thoughts, your pussy was the one making the decisions now.
His hand left your mouth to find purchase around your neck, pulling you up so your back was flush against his chest. His other arm wrapped around your body, grabbing your opposite shoulder and pulling you into his thrusts. He released himself inside you moaning in your ear, the pressure sending you into climax once more.
The both of you sat there a moment, steadying your breathing.
“That was..”He began.
“Necessary.”You finished.
You’re the first one to arrive at the restaurant. It was a local place, family owned, making for an intimate setting. The host seats you and you wait for the others, pulling out your phone to check for any notifications. As you look up you spot your mom walking in, she looks anxious. She notices you and smiles, almost walking into someone on her way to your reserved table.
“Hi mom.” You say with a sympathetic smile, “You good?”You rub her back in an attempt to soothe her, thinking to yourself which one is the child again?
“Oh I’ll be fine, as soon as i get a drink.” She flags a server over and orders a cocktail. You drop your hand and sigh, hoping she sticks to her promise of only one.
When her drink arrives she takes a sip, “Aahh much better.” She sighs, smacking her lips.
“They should be here soon, if you wanted to save your one drink for when we get our food..”You watched her take another sip, or more like a gulp.
“Mmm yes, yes. You’re right.”A sense of relief washed over you as you watched her put the drink down.
Your server walked up to the table. “Hello I’m Sou, and I’ll be your server for the evening. Is there anything I can get started for you? Some bread?”
“Yes we’d love some bread, and can we have water for six please? We’re waiting for some more people to arrive.” You smiled at the man.
“Actually, could you point me in the direction of the little girls room?” Your mother asked rising out of her chair. He directed her to a hallway to the right of the table and your mom was off with a quick “Be right back!”
She disappeared into the hallway right as a man with bright red hair and very large in stature entered the restaurant. You knew who he was immediately, him having the same cerulean eyes as your boyfriend. Confirming your suspicion Touya walked in behind him. You stood up and waved them over to the table, not being able to control the smile beaming on your face.
Touya got to you first “Hey babe, you look stunning.” He reached a hand around your waist and kissed you on the cheek. Then he stepped back, giving his father room to approach you. Your stomach did a somersault.
“Dad, this is Y/N.”He kept his hand resting on the small of your back to help calm your nerves a bit.
“Hello Mr. Todoroki. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” You held out your hand and it was soon engulfed by his much larger one.
“The pleasure is all mine Y/N I assure you.”He smiled, which somehow made him look more intimidating. “Touya, you didn’t mention how stunningly beautiful Y/N is.” You grinned, glancing at Touya who looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel trying not to roll his eyes.
“Lets sit. Y/N is your mom here yet?”Touya quickly changed the subject.
“Yes she’s here. Shes just in the ladies room, she should be out any minute.” Sou the server returns with a basket of bread and some waters.
“So Y/N, what do you do for a living?”Mr. Todoroki asks taking a sip of his water. You give Touya the side eye. This was a subject you were hoping to avoid, unsure if his father would approve of your line of work.
“I actually own my own business.” You feel Touya’s hand squeeze your knee under the table, encouraging you to continue. “I’m a salon owner. I have a shop on the other side of town. I started off behind the chair but with the salon as busy as it is now I only do hair one day a week. The rest of the time I’m running the business.”
Mr. Todoroki eyes you from across the table and your heart starts to palpitate. Shit. Is he disappointed?
“Ah! An entrepreneur. I’m always telling Touya in life a person needs to take risks, do what makes them happy. See Touya, you could learn a thing or two from this one.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Touya gives your hand another squeeze before letting go.
You begin sharing the ins and outs of the salon world when someone clears their throat to the right of you.
You look up to see your mom, frozen in place, all the blood drained from her face. “Mom?”You start to stand.
Touya and his father turn to greet her, but upon doing so Mr. Todoroki’s face drops and he can’t seem to find the words he was about to say.
“Is this some sort of joke?” Her words were like venom, and seemed to be directed toward the large man in front of her.
“Mom what are you talking about?”You try to laugh off your moms behavior, “This is Touya and his father Mr.-”
“Enji Todoroki.”She sounded furious. You looked to your boyfriend, relieved to see he was just as confused as you were.
“Do.. you two know each other?”Touya asked hesitantly.
Mr. Todoroki finally spoke. “Mira, I-”He looked at you, studied your face, then over to his son, and back to you.
“Oh.. oh no.”
“Can someone please tell us what the hell is going on?”Touya’s volume was raising in irritation.
“This..is all my fault.”You mother said before grabbing her purse and running out of the restaurant.
“Mom!” You called after her, but she was gone.
Anger and confusion rose inside you. The evening started off perfectly, of course your mom would be the one to ruin it. But how did she know Touya’s dad? You weren’t even sure if you wanted to know the answer to that question.
“I..” Mr. Todoroki looked at you, his face unreadable. “I can’t be here.”He too got up and left the restaurant with haste.
“Dad!” Touya called after him, then looked at you. “Do you know what all that was about?”
“I have no idea, but I’m going to find out.”You grabbed your phone out of your purse to call your mom, but just as you unlocked the screen a text message came in, and then another.
Mom<3: I know you’re probably confused, I’m so sorry you had to find out this way..
Mom<3: I don’t know how else to tell you, so I’ll just show you. I only have one picture of your father, and it was taken the night before I found out I was pregnant.
An attachment followed the texts and when you opened it you felt your heart fall out of your butt.
It was a picture of your mom in a skin tight dress with a drink in her hand, she was laughing and leaning into the arms of a much larger man with fiery red hair and cerulean eyes. Your father. Enji Todoroki.
Bonus Scene (that no one asked for):
Slowly you turned to see the same look of trauma on your boyfriends face. He had been reading her texts over your shoulder, and he already knew the story of your father.
Nausea overtook you. You couldn’t speak.  You dropped your phone on the table with the picture still open and the two of you sat there staring at each other.
“Touya?”A young man with split colored hair broke the silence. You both turned to look at him.
“Shou..”Touya addressed his youngest brother in a daze.
“What’s wrong?”Shouto asked, then glancing at the phone on the table he added, “Is that dad?”
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Can you do Linumi on their deathbed but it's Lin dying for the birthday thing please:)
I guess I just kinda had to wait until I was in a gloomy enough mood to write something a little more on the morbid/angsty side like this. Coping with loss is hard but it's not impossible. Here goes, below the cut:
"Hey there," Bumi faked a smile.
"Bumi.." She slurred as she tried stretching her aching limbs in bed.
"You took a really bad hit out there, Linny." He stroked her scarred cheek with his thumb, "You've always been so brave.. so very.." His voice trailed off as the lump in his throat subdued his speech.
"Are they safe?" Lin asked, eyes shut but head determined.
"Yes, my love. Everyone is safe." Bumi assured her before kissing her cheeks softly. His tears fell onto her pale, so very pale skin.
"No causalities?" Lin's eyebrows scrunched at the sudden wet sensation on her face.
"No, none. Maybe one- but, nothing you need to worry about, okay?" He held her face in his hands, supporting her neck gently.
After ensuring she was comfortable, he bent down and touched his nose to hers, trying his best to hold back the tears that hadn't stopped flowing ever since he found her after the battle.
Lin exhaled into his face, basking in the warm sensation of his proximity.
Bumi choked back his tears and sniffled, "Linny, do you want to open your eyes?"
"Mmm.. too tired, Bumi." She replied against his lips.
"I know, Lin. Just rest." He blinked away another few tears, "Do you know how much I love you?"
"I have an idea," She smirked slightly as her voice came out raspier than expected.
Bumi let out a tiny chuckle, "Well, it's a lot more than I think you'll ever know."
He pulled away from her and shoved his face in his palms. If all she could do was hear and feel him, he sure was going to make sure her last memories weren't of him being a mess of this sort.
"Yeah?" He moved his hands away to find her jade eyes glistening straight at him. He widened his own eyes in surprise, but couldn't help the tears that broke past the barriers he had tried so hard to build.
"Why are you crying?" She asked simply.
"Because I'll miss you, Linny. I don't think we got enough time together." Bumi replied as he moved closer and pressed his lips to her cheek again. He held her body limply in his arms now, soshe was fully ensconced by him.
"I'll come see you- we'll have our own secret rendezvous spot." She managed the strength to raise her hand and tangle her fingers in his hair.
"Yeah? Where would that be?" He humored her as he continued peppering her face with kisses.
"The spirit world- when you fall asleep there, there's a place within your sleep where you remember dreaming, that's where I'll be waiting for you to show me how much you love me." She whispered as Bumi could now taste her own tears on her skin.
"I'll visit you every night, okay?" He promised.
"I love you." She pulled him forward to land his lips onto hers- just to taste him one last time.
"I love you." He whispered on her mouth.
But Lin didn't hear it, perhaps Bumi would have to find her and repeat himself, for she had found her own sleep in the spirit world.
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xlovelybeanx · 4 years
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✭ I’m sorry, this gif is too precious for me NOT to put on here. I’m back at it again with Banana Fish, but this time it’s a request from the lovely @wertzunge !! Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!! <3 P.S. I had a lot of fun writing this!! You can always send me more if you want !! <333
Btw, I tried to keep the original prompt true so if anything seems off, I’m sorry. (Not really an experienced writer yet, but one day! ..One day!)
Title: “Ferocious Lynx.”
Pairing: EijiAsh ft. Skipper.
Summary: When Eiji hears a commotion coming from Ash’s room, the only thing to think is that something bad is happening - but when the poor boy walks on something else instead, he finds himself in a position where he can’t escape.
Warnings: Some swearing, I guess.. Other than that... It’s a wholesome tickle fic~!
Note: I’m gonna change the plot a little bit - instead of Skipper and Eiji getting kidnapped by Arthur and his men, let’s just pretend that Ash defeated them all with his mad skillz and got everyone safely back home. :)
It happened roughly a week ago. The deal that changed the black-haired boy’s life forever, the deal that made him considering running back to Japan as fast as he could. Due to the recent events, the attack at the bar by Arthur’s men, the concerned photographer asked to make a “deal” with the gang leader - basically letting him own Eiji for a week or two in return for protection.
The sly lynx, of course he’d accept because he was just too lazy to do anything himself! What Eiji hated the most of this, however, was the fact that it was so boring and lonely. The only people who came by were gang members, and of course Eiji couldn’t really speak to them - what would they talk about? ..it just seemed a little too awkward for him to start, and when asking questions and things to Ash, the younger one would just tease him about it! It made life miserable, but as long as Ibe didn’t worry about him, he guessed it was alright for now.
“..ahh,” Eiji sighed, sitting down on the older, slightly uncomfortable couch as he finished with his “job”. He ended up cleaning the entire living room, by himself might he add, because he didn’t know really what else to do. He wasn’t allowed to go outside, he would be easily recognized by everyone - he wasn’t allowed to mess around with Ash’s things (like he had anything there anyways) and most of all, he basically was treated like a maid. “Eiji, go get this, go get that” sort of thing from Ash. And while he didn’t complain at all, it started to grind his gears. Of course, he couldn’t get too mad because he WAS protecting him - it was the least he could do, anyways. “Safe, huh? ...well, if it makes Ibe happy..” he murmured, closing his eyes as he leaned against the headrest of the couch.
Suddenly, a loud scream was erupted from Ash’s room which made the exhausted boy jump in fear. ...what was that, he wondered as he stood up, a concerned look on his face. “That didn’t sound like Ash... but... something could be going down.” He concluded, face pale from the shock of hearing such a loud noise in the quietest of rooms. Standing outside of his room, he almost wanted to leave it up to him - maybe Ash could take care of it on his own. But if there was any chance that he was in danger, Eiji had to see him. He took in a breath, grasped the doorknob tightly, and opened wide. I’m gonna...
...save you? Eiji’s eyes widened at the scene he was witnessing - Skipper, the one who saved him at the bar incident was pinned down underneath the ferocious lynx of a gang leader, basically begging for mercy as Ash launched a tickle attack on the poor boy. Eiji didn’t know whether to stand there or walk away - the initial shock of hearing the scream made him stand completely still, as if he was frozen. He could feel his face heat up incredibly fast, but he couldn’t move fast enough to hide it.
“...oh,” Ash calmly said, as he noticed the photographer’s assistant walk into the room, slowing his attack down so that Skipper could catch his breath. The young boy’s face was red with tears pricked at the corner of his eyes, grasping his sides ever so tightly. Eiji raised an eyebrow, fists clenched as he looked down in sheer embarrassment. So he didn’t need saving?! Why was he even concerned..? But then again, it felt kinda nice seeing that scene take place - Ash never really let his guard down, but in the split second that he saw of him tickle torturing a kid, he was totally relaxed. ..felt kind of odd, as well.
“S-Sorry, I... heard a scream..and thought something.. bad was happening,” Eiji mumbled as he fiddled with his hands, earning a slight chuckle from the blonde. He sat up, along with Skipper who was still out of breath, and raised an eyebrow. What was that look for, he thought as he mustered up enough courage to look up for a moment. The jade green eyes scanned him up and down before looking at his “little brother” Skip. “..Hey, do me a favor, yeah? Go to Chinatown and get Shorter, we have to do something later.” He nudged the other in the side, getting a squeal out of the latter - “FINE! Fine.. I’ll be back... in a bit..” Skipper said, standing up and walking out of the room. Which now only left a flustered Eiji and a devious Ash in the same room together. Alone. ..this could only end well.
“What? Jealous?” Ash teased, standing up slowly - the words sent another level of embarrassment through him and he shook his head, his nervousness getting the better of him. No words could escape his mouth, much less process through his head. Fact is, he wasn’t really “hands-on” with his parents much as a kid, so naturally stuff like this didn’t happen. Akira, his little sister maybe did it once or twice but that was so long ago that he’s already forgotten about it. “...ahh, so you are jealous. Huh. Well, if that’s the case, it’ll be a while before Skipper comes back so do you want me to tickle you?” Eiji’s face seemed to turn a deep shade of red, eyes darting back and forth. “..I mean... I g-guess,” he mumbled quietly. There was no getting out of it anyways, so he might as well just take it.
“..alright,” Ash grabbed him, as gently as possible and threw him on to the bed, pinning his hands above his head - a sinister grin was on his face, and the other really didn’t like where this was headed. Sitting on his waist, he leaned forward to his ear and blew softly on the outer part, watching the boy shiver and hunch up softly. “...huh. Would you like to tell me where you’re ticklish, then~?” His whole face turned red, shaking his head - even if he wanted to tell him, what would he say? ...it’s not like he remembered where exactly he was most ticklish. If he was ticklish, even.
“Gonna play the silent type, eh?” Ash asked as he gently slid his fingers around his ear, watching the boy’s eyes widen immediately. “...what’s the matter? You seem... a little squeamish today, huh?” Eiji couldn’t function anymore. Any words that had even the 1% chance of wanting to come out have immediately been stuck back in his brain. He was going to die - of embarrassment? Quite possibly so. “...mmm..” he shook his head, squirming in his grasp. There was so much he wanted to say, and yet, while looking deep into those jade green eyes - there was nothing he couldn’t read at that point. His face said it all.
“...you don’t know? Or do you not want to tell me~? That’s okay, I’ll figure out eventually,” those were the last words uttered before the blonde moved down and trailed at his pant line, making him squeak out involuntarily. “..w-wait,” Eiji choked out, the only word he could muster up before giggles slipped out of him. “Wait? Wait for what? For me to find your worst spot.. and then abuse it? ...mmm.. trust me, I can’t wait for that. Also... consider it.. payback for making me take care of you..” Ash grinned as his fingers wiggled teasingly underneath his shirt, making him clench his hands into fists. “Waihihit, s-stahahahap ihihit..! Ash!” Before he knew it, laughter was pouring out of his mouth - he can’t ever recall being this ticklish but the situation he found himself in seemed to answer his question earlier.
“What is it, Eiji?” Ash asked, his nails scraping gently across his pale stomach, making him want to jump out of his own skin. “H-Hehehehey! Nahahaha- c-cut ihihihit ohohohout!! Hahahahahahaha!!” Eiji’s giggles rose in pitch, making his voice sound very squeaky - something that seemed to edge the blonde ler on more. The sparkle in his eyes seemed to brighten the more he got a reaction out of the Japanese boy. “...p-plehehehehehease! Hahahahahaha!”
“...please what? Tickle you more? Oh don’t worry, you’ve got a lot of that coming your way~.” Ash slowly traveled his fingers way up, resting right underneath his arms. His fingers had not even starting moving, but the poor boy had already been sent into hysterics. Even just the light touch was enough to drive him up the wall. His whole body now was shaking, his legs kicking against the sheets of the bed.
“Does it tickle that much? I couldn’t imagine being that ticklish. Aha.” And that’s when the actual tickling began - the nasty ler scratched his delicate fingers into the center of his armpits, grinning as his work just only started. Eiji jumped out of his skin, squirming desperately as he could do nothing but laugh hysterically. “Woah, maybe that’s why you didn’t want me to know where you’re ticklish...” Ash couldn’t help but laugh with the hypersensitive boy. “HAHAHA- ASH! STOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT! PLEHEHEHEASE-!”
“...now why would I do that? I’m only getting started..” the more he picked up the speed, the more increasingly squeakier his voice sounded - and Ash wasn’t going to lie: it was ... pretty cute. At first he was just surprised at the fact he was there, considering that originally he was checking up on them to make sure everything was as okay, but now? He was just surprised at how someone could sound so cute and not be known to him. “...aww, is it too much for you?” The blonde let go of his wrists to use both hands, using one hand to softly pinch his sides while the other digged mercilessly under his arm. “AHAHAHAHAHASH! F-FUHUHCK! STOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT, PLEHEHEHEASE...!” Ash flinched back - ... that was the first time he ever heard the boy cuss. He knew it was getting bad then, if he had no other choice but to swear. His fingers stopped where they were, although they never really moved from their spot.
Out of breath and panting with still a couple of giggles flowing out, the other laid his head back and sighed in relief. It was finally over - at least, for now - and he could take a moment to take in all of a precious resource called ‘air’. “..t-thahanks..” he said, covering both of his eyes with his hands. Jeez, Ash did a number on the poor boy. “..are you that ticklish everywhere?” Ash asked with a somewhat serious tone, playful wiggling his fingers at him. “No,” Eiji said softly. “Not that I remember anyways. I haven’t been tickled since my sister did many years ago. I just..haven’t really thought about it.. until I saw you tickling Skipper..” There was a brief moment of silence before Ash burst out laughing, unexpectedly.
“H-Huh..? What’s so funny?”
“That’s cute,” he said, pushing his hair back from his eyes. Cute? Huh? The red hue on his face came back as he puffed his cheeks out, crossing his arms. “Cute, huh? What do you mean by that?”
“Just sayin’, it’s cute.” Ash repeated, turning around so that he was facing Eiji’s legs and Ash’s back was visible to him. Eiji was visibly confused - weren’t they ... done? A terrified shiver went through him. If... he’s doing what he’s thinking of, Ash might literally kill him. Physically and mentally. “Hey, Eiji?”
“Y-Yeah?” He asked, his voice seemingly small in comparison. There was a moment of silence before he turned around, holding eye contact with the pitiful male. “Are your feet ticklish?” His stomach dropped - nonononono... this was what he wasn’t looking forward to. He darted his eyes away, looking for an excuse to get away. “...er, actually, I j-just remembered ... I forgot to clean the kitchen! I’ll just, uh, being going now...”
“Can it. You cleaned the kitchen yesterday, remember? Oh, well, I guess you don’t remember me being there. I am a master of stealth, after all.” That little... his cheeks puffed up as he realized there was no getting out of this. Covering his face as he wiggled his socked feet, he remained silent - and that was all he needed as an answer. Tracing a single finger up the sole of his foot, the reaction? ...interesting, to say the least. The smaller one squeaked loudly, covering his mouth - eyes widened in surprise that he was the one who made that noise. “Jackpot,” Ash murmured, mostly to himself as he scribbled at 10 fingers on both of his socked feet.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-! WAHAHAHAHAIT! YAHAHAHAHAHAMERU!” Eiji couldn’t help but cry out in his native language, seeing as this was probably the worst torture in his life - Ash merely chuckled. “‘Yameru?’ Does that mean stop in Japanese? Cause if so, you already know my answer.” Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes, threatening to spill out - man, could Eiji have walked in on ANYTHING else? It feels like he’s being murdered! “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! I CAHAHAHAHANT TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHIT!!”
“Oh, poor ticklish Eiji,” Ash fake whined, dragging his nails slowly up the poor boy’s feet. All the while he’s doing that with one hand, Eiji doesn’t even notice the fact that Ash is taking off one of his socks and throwing it to the side of the room. But when he feels all 5 of his fingers against his bare skin - you’d start to wonder if he’s the most ticklish person on the planet. Eiji screamed, pushing against the blonde’s back weakly - from how much he’s been laughing, it feels like his chest and face are on fire, and his laughs have begun to turn a little wheezy. Picking up on this sign, the younger stops, getting a little worried.
“...ah, whoops. Did I kill ya?” Ash asked as he turned around to find a tear-soaked, messy haired Japanese boy laying down on his back. The other couldn’t speak at the moment - he was still processing the fact that he stopped, since there was still tingly sensations all over his body. It made him jolt a couple of seconds but it didn’t seem to affect him that much. “...n-no,” he wheezed out, “...y-you almost did...” there came a sarcastic and light chuckle out of him but when that was done, he was lucky to have air.
“You guys finished with your one-sided fight?” There was a voice that everyone in the room recognized - Shorter, the purple haired Chinese boss was standing right inside the doorway, his arm resting against it. But somehow, even Ash didn’t even see him coming. Eiji was too embarrassed to speak and Ash immediately went back to being a boss for the day. “Yeah, we’re done,” he said as he jumped off the other male, letting him be alone for a minute. “Let’s go get him, yeah?” Shorter and Ash fist bumped before heading out the door, leaving Eiji alone in the room where he just got tickled to death.
What a day this had been...
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