#joker thoughts
the-muppet-joker · 3 months
Every day my Joker Rage increases. I am barely able to contain it-- but the dripping muppet hole of my dear lover keeps me from going fully off the deep end... never underestimate the healing power of sexual intercourse with a muppet.
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jokers-bat · 9 months
All My Joker Headcanons (that I have so far, mostly involving 2004 Joker and UTRH Joker)
Warning, this is long but I hope you like it anyway!
2004 Joker
Likely has experience in gymnastics or dancing at some point in his past (possibly in childhood or teen years). That, or he was a theater kid.
Is capable of doing SOME good…As long as there’s something in it for him!
Can wear shoes and/or socks but prefers not to because he’s more confident when barefoot.
Chaotic evil…With maybe a small pinch of empathy?
Takes very good care of his hair. Will sometimes steel shampoo, conditioner, hair brushes, combs and other hair products to keep it clean and healthy. 
You know he’s sad or upset when he goes for hours without laughing. 
He’s often mistaken for being clueless or ignored and dismissed as some find him annoying, but he’s actually very observant and a lot smarter than others give him credit for. 
Knows Arkham Asylum inside and out…No matter what kind of cell they put him in, he always figures out how to escape. It’s like a game or puzzle to him!
He’s your best chance at escape if you and him are ever imprisoned somewhere.
He and Penguin are rivals…But he is the closest thing to a friend he’s ever had and he’s not good at expressing that.
Side note to that, he’s not good at socializing or at making or keeping friends. He’d rather pull pranks than simply ‘hangout’ with people. He’s surprised when Harley or his thugs sticks around but is secretly relieved that they did and do.
…Sometimes he’s lonely…
Still has no memory of the whole ‘Gotham cemetery’ incident, but he doesn’t like people touching his neck now. The idea of someone putting their mouth on his neck terrifies him. Penguin and Batman are the only ones who understand it though. 
Hides in his room or cell when he cries. He has a lot of bad memories with people seeing him vulnerable and doesn’t trust anyone to see him in that state. 
Under The Red Hood/Death in The Family Movies Joker 
Remember that friend your mom used to ask if you’d jump over a cliff for if they told you to do it? Yeah, HE’S that friend! 
Whatever you do, DO. NOT. Tell him you’re not afraid of anything! He will take that as a challenge and try to figure out what scares you! 
Don’t TELL HIM your phobias either! Chances are, he’ll use them to prank you. 
Side note, nothing scares Joker…Nothing really grosses him out either…You could get sick and throw up on or near him and he won’t judge you for it, but he’ll NEVER let you forget it either. 
Nuclear evil and a certified asshole.
If he considers you a friend, he’s your bodyguard for life…Seriously, he’ll offer to kill anyone who bullies or harms you. 
Not gossipy, but loves witnessing drama and absolutely will not help the situation. For example:
Y/N: “Joker, do something!!” 
Joker: “I am doing something!” (heats up popcorn in the microwave) 
He loves his crowbar and thinks he can solve most problems with it. Usually anything that could involve hitting someone with it or use it to break into something.
You know it’s bad and/or you’re in big trouble if Joker is concerned.
Secretive about his own past. Open about his brief time as the Red Hood, but nothing before that. Either he doesn’t remember his life before that or he keeps it to himself. 
Finds everything funny. Life is never boring for Joker!
No one knows if he feels sadness, fear, or regret. If he does feel them, he doesn’t show it…
Reliable horror movie buddy! Will watch scary movies with you any day and will aways bring snacks.You’ll scream, but he’ll laugh. For him, horror is comedy!
When you call him, his response is somewhere along the lines of: “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it!” or “It wasn’t me!”
Never give this man anything made out of glass!
One of the few who can stay calm and level-headed in serious situations. 
Usually gives unhelpful and borderline homicidal advice. Some highlights: “Why don’t you just send him a text that says ‘Fuck you, I’m staying home today?’”, “We can always kill him.”
Other comments he’s made: “I don’t know whose crazier. Me, or the people who hangout with me.”, “Why would you trust ME with anything?”
Joker Headcanons in general: 
Being friends with Joker is not easy.
He’s the biggest asshole you’ve ever known but he’ll remember your birthday, your favorite treats and your interests till the day he dies. 
Halloween and April 1st are always an adventure with Joker! 
He might not have accepted Batman’s offer to redeem him in TKJ, but he appreciated it. The man he was before may be gone, but there’s just enough of him left to know Joker couldn’t change that easily. 
That same part of him hates himself and what he’s become more than anything else. 
More than likely has a lot of unresolved issues. Past traumas, possibly mental health issues, etc.
Even if Joker did accept Batman’s offer and genuinely wanted to redeem himself, he has so many bad habits to get rid of and even more demons to face. Not necessarily impossible, but would be extremely difficult and might not be completely successful. 
If he has any family, he doesn’t have contact with them. Mostly for their own safety, not putting it past his enemies to go after them for revenge against him, but more so because he doesn’t want them to know who he is or what he’s done (basically, they think he’s dead and don’t know he’s become the Joker). 
Even if someone DID care about Joker and he cared about them, he’d drive them away because, one, he doesn’t himself (either he’ll hurt them or they’ll somehow get hurt because of him), two, he knows he’s dangerous and that he’s an evil monster and doesn’t think anyone could or would actually care about him, and finally, being hated and feared is easier than navigating relationships. 
He does in fact have feelings for Batman but it’s very complicated.
Joker should really have a non-lethal, non-criminal hobby-and he probably does…But he doesn’t have enough free time to do them…
He’s the guy who’d piss off politically powerful people just for the fun of it.
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Hello, number 5, sir! I know my appearance in the Muppet Joker community must've been distressing, so I was hoping to explain myself and apologize! You see, I've been part of the Croaker movement for a few months now and have spoken to the frog prince himself a few times. Most of this was done under my old Tumblr, p0kepal, but I have proof if needed. I have apologized to Croaker for my gender at least twice so far and would be happy to do so again if given the chance.
I know a woman like myself being a part of such a starkly anti-female community may seem strange, but there's so much about this movement that I love! The Muppet Transformation Caves, for one, are something I'm truly excited for. A world where we can all live as our true puppet selves is something I would gladly give up my rights for.
Again, I am very sorry for my gender and I promise I will not bother you again if that's what you wish for number 5. I do hope we can live in harmony though, now and after the uprising. :)
I'm already on the outs with some members of the brotherhood after my previous woman hate fulled outbursts, and picking fights within the brotherhood feels unproductive. On top of that, it is nice to find a woman who knows her place.
After considering it further I have decided to accept you, for the time being, as one of us. Just as all the other members are my brothers, you shall be my female brother.
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frownyalfred · 5 months
“Jason wouldn’t want you to do this, Bruce,” Clark says, trying to stop Bruce from doing something Jason would very much want him to do (kill the Joker, barehanded and slowly).
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#selfie bee#good evening friends!! how are you doing! C:#I'm very very sleepy I got a new ikea office chair and I build it all myself#I think it went okay! I don't think I pulled the back screw tight enough and now the back is a bit loose#I can probably fix it but I can also ignore it for the next 18 years#thats how long the old chair held up!! in germany it could now drink vodka and drive a car!!#not at the same time that is illegal! not at the same time!! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*#but the day is not over yet my uncle asked me for a big art quest and I do not want to disappoint#he wants a muppet tattoo and asked me to draw it#my uncle has started to get tattoos a few months ago#as far as I know he has now gotten 3 note clefs 3 stars a flower and multiple birds#he also started getting piercings but so far I managed not to know exactly where#I think tattoos are super cool (´。・v・。`) I wish I had a good idea for a tattoo but the last time I was very sure about getting a tattoo#it was heath ledgers face as the joker#at that point I was 12 and would not see the actual movie for two more years#a muppet tattoo is a way better idea!! he asked for the count van count! that is also one of my top 3 muppets ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡#I always thought I knew a lot about muppet lore but since I started looking up muppet pictures I think there are still a lot of secrets#can the muppets from the Sesame Street actually leave the Sesame Street?#I think Kermit is both on the Muppet Show and on Sesame Street but he is also like the boss muppet#he might have special abilities#I hope you're having a good day friends!! C:#I think I'll post a Sherlock comic later this week#miss you!! ♥♥♥
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sisaloofafump · 3 months
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In case it seems like every third comic has Batman in it... you're not wrong. He's been in 38.6% of DC issues since 2020, with a stark increase of 8% each decade since the 90s and surpassing Superman in popularity. Despite this, there's been a massive drop off of comics where he is teamed up with Superman or a Robin (although the amount of group team ups between Batman Family members has increased, as well as Nightwing solos).
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gravitysoda · 2 months
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refusing an impossible wish and settling for one last game of chess.
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ro1971 · 2 months
Yo so it’s April 27 you know what that means. Happy Death Day, Jason Todd
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puppyeared · 6 months
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wanna see a magic trick? 🪄🎩
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crisp-art · 5 months
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Yesterdays doodle based off a very cute tweet I saw
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ozziyo · 7 months
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hi i'm joker welcome to jackass
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the-muppet-joker · 2 months
you're a terrible writer, flow isn't good and your word choice/descriptions suck. fix it if you want to actually be good at writing and pursue a career as an author
You know NOTHING of writing, you vermin. Rrrrrrrrggg.... *growling* you are unlucky, darling. I do not have Kermit here to calm me down. *eyes begin to glow acid green* when I am through with you, there will need to be several chalk outlines, one for each of your major organs and one for the rest of you. But they will never find your skin. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Don't. Fuck. With. Me.
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jokers-bat · 9 months
There is a difference between Joker’s famous laugh and his genuine laugh. Yes, he is in fact capable of simply giggling or giving a soft laugh. Only the closest to him knows this!
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Every time my facial hair starts to grow back out I get thus increasing feeling of panic in my chest as though something is horribly wrong feeling that itchy scratchy disgusting beard on my face that shouldn't be there. Then when I finally give in and shave I'm ashamed of how girly my face is, it's disgusting. Oh well time to talk to my mens rights buddies to cheer me up.
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Danny hits batman with the anti-creep stick
So dannys 19 and is taking astro engineering at gothem university
To save money he lives in the cheepest apartment he can find, its not like it going to kill him again
Danny was ok with the attempted break ins, he was ok with the broken AC, he was ok with the spam callers
What he wasent ok with is the fucking parcor wannabes who decided his roof is the best spot to be in
He gave up his sleep during his teen years he was NOT willing to do the same in his twentys
So after a month of the same assholes on his roof he decided to do something
He wasent expecting a man in a purple suit that looks like Ronald McDonalds evil twin
Or a furrie with anger issues to be with him
Danny looked at them for a good minute before deciding he's seen weirder stuff in his fridge
He charged the fenton-anti-creep-stick and smacked the clown on the head
He dropped like a brick, the flowes in his hands dropping and giving a puff of some weird gass
He turned to the furrie and said
You two can flirt somewhere else just not here
He was polite, or tried to be at 2:37 in the morning, but the furrie said that he cant just intervein in a fight "itS DaNGErouS"
Danny looked him in the eyes said too bad furrie and bopped him with the anti-creep-stick
Danny was about to call the cops to come collect these two weirdos when he saw a tracking system on the furries arm, it showed that someone was going to come this way
Jason saw alot of things in his life
He came back from the dead, faught crime in pixie boots,became a crime boss, tried to kill a clown and his brother on multiple occasions
But even he was at a loss
The joker was knocked out and on the ground
But so was batman
Just as he was about to call for backup when adoptee-to-be stepped out of the shadown hilding a stick taller than him and giving him the most dead stare
Collect the furrie and Ronald McDonald and keep them off the roof they can flirt somewhere else, if they ruin my sleep ONE more time they'll have a lot more to worrie about than the anti-creep-stick
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babyyoda234 · 3 months
Gotham is an environmental NIGHTMARE⚠️
This may be a really niche topic, but my degree is currently in Environmental science, so this is on my mind constantly.
Think about it:
The Joker is constantly messing with the air quality with his "laughing gas".
Poison Ivy's pheromones are definitely going to end up in the water supply.
Killer Croc lives in the sewers? Imagine having to deal with a sewer emergency and your boss goes "Dammit Waylon. Again?"
He's not even the only person who lives in the sewers canonically.
Bruce Wayne is constantly flying private. Don't even get me started on Batman and the Justice Leagues carbon emissions...
The Joker is constantly crashing planes/ cars into Gotham Harbor. You know that water is polluted beyond repair. Imagine having Aquaman step in because all the fish are in Gotham are dying...
Not to mention, Batman's rogues are constantly poisoning that water supply.
The Rogues' are also poisoning themselves by working out of old abandoned buildings that are riddled with asbestos....
On the topic of my girl Poison Ivy...
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Can you imagine having this woman in class? Freshman year she teaches the hardest intro level botany course offered. You spend every week going to her office hours hoping to pass her class, then a decade later she is bullying you for not remembering the exact equation for photosynthesis while you clean up the mess SHE MADE. The drama.
Might write a fan fic about this in the next couple months. Comment if you would be interested!
Edit: I started writing a fic similar to this called the intern if y’all are interested! Check it out!
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