#like learning Tim’s parents have been leaving him alone and the kid has been sneaking out alone for months
raeofgayshine · 2 years
This fic might fucking kill me but I think it will be worth it because holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit.
#ravenpuff rambles#the things I am doing to Jason holy fucking shit that poor child#did I give myself anxiety trying to describe anxiety yes#but did it make for an realistic experience you betcha#it just occurred to me this time around with this au that Jason is 12 and dealing with massive shit on his own#so adding Tim’s shit to it only makes him more upset#so Jason is having a not so fun good time because Tim keeps dropping stuff on him and he’s trying not to freak out and upset Tim but that’s#making things *worse* and he is litterally a ball of anxiety and anger ready fo explode#don’t worry though Bruce will be there for him when he does#also I’m having a fun time exploring and explaining Jason’s anxiety and how it’s also tied to his anger#like sometimes when he’s super anxious he gets fucking angry or lashes out because he has an intense fight response#when my anxiety is really bad I sometimes get fucking angry so yes I am projecting but#i also think it fits him!!! really well!!!#there’s also the way his anger and anxiety are mixed because the same thing can make him both angry and anxious#like learning Tim’s parents have been leaving him alone and the kid has been sneaking out alone for months#makes him angry because wtf but also anxious because wtf something could happen to Tim#and he’s trying to show known of it and only mildly succeeding and he really wishes he brought someone older#but as he is going to learn in the future Tim will only show up for him alone and no matter what he tries#the kid runs off and jsut doesn’t come out of Batman or Nightwing or Batgirl are too close#So that’s going to be fun for Jason to deal with but at least after the first couple of meetings#Tim stops dropping so much fucked up new stuff on him so Jason is at least prepared#that’s when they get to fun things like Tim coming out as trans or Jason constantly fussing over how much Tim eats#a lot of nights in the diner or a Batburger talking and doing homework and Jason just hanging out with the kid for an hour or two#Jason constantly bringing extra blankets in the Batmobile to wrap Tim up in until he sends him on his way home#before it gets too too cold Jason teaching the kid some self defense because he needed it for crying out loud#it becomes Jason acquires a brother he sees for an hour or two most nights sometimes more when things are really slow#and Jason trying real hard not to dig into the kids personal life on his own and figure out who they are and kidnap- I mean adopt them#because he doesn’t want to lose trust
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analviel · 3 years
It just so happens when Tim was planning to find Dick, his parents suddenly call him to tell him that there's a party or an event or just something on the other side of the world he can attend with them.
Sometimes they do this and Tim always says yes. It's as rare as leap years. Meaning it has happened only three times in his life before. He agonized over it. But you know, Tim's just a kid and there's no guarantee he can actually do something about Batman and Nightwing. Besides, Batman's been managing -if you can call it that- this long, with Alfred by his side, who's words certainly weights more heavily than the neighbours kid. He can afford a couple of weeks away from Gotham. By that time, Batman probably would've gotten his head straight. He's a hero, he's like, really strong, if anyone can get through this... besides, Tim figures Superman or Wonder Woman will do something before he truly crosses the line, right? Why would a kid know better than real superheroes, right? They must just be waiting until they're really needed. Right? Even though Tim personally thinks they should've at the very least locked Batman up somewhere he can't harm anyone or himself if they can't convince Dick to go back to being Robin. They're heroes.
Tim really wants to spend time with his parents. But before he leaves, he sends letters to every place he thinks Dick may be. The Titans Towers, his apartment in Bludhaven, where he lives with Starfire, Haly's circus, even to houses of his friends heroes. (Tim is twelve/thirteen alright. And one that has maybe below average self-awareness and his letters were very polite even if the act itself might've been vaguely sort of threatening).
So Tim leaves Gotham to spend time with his parents. It's busy, his parents keep him busy, and he doesn't have much time to dedicate to the news from Gotham. And really, if this is how it always is, no wonder his parents don't always have attention to spare on their kid in Gotham. So many things to do, so many things to attend, so many people to meet, and even more sites to visit. And the fighting. Tim hadn't realize it was this bad and suddenly thinks that, you know, it might've been better if he did stay back home. He realizes his parents actually brought him with them because they think a kid will somehow... magically fix them...??? Tim doesn't know, adults can be stupid.
Eventually, they realize the wrong in their ways and sends Tim back when his presence proves ineffective. Tim comes back to the city burning.
Well, not literally, but sort of.
Parts of it are burning. But not the whole thing. That's something.
Batman has been missing. And looking into it, at his last appearance, Tim surmise he retained a heavy wound.
(Or he's dead, not like they'll reveal it to the city just to cause more chaos and panic.) Batman seems to be out of the field and that was what Tim wanted, before he would've crossed the line.
Only, thing is, he'd already revealed too much weakness. The Batsignal had been taken down after one too many close calls on the perps they pick up. And the violence only raised from there.
(The first month when Batman and Robin and Batgirl's absence started to become suspicious. The second month Batman is deep in his spiral of violence. The third month Tim follows him around and then makes plants to pick up Dick that doesn't come to fruition and then sends his letters and then leaves. Six weeks with his parents, a few days from and to Gotham, two weeks to get caught up with what happened in Gotham. Batman is out, recovering, resting, dying, who knows.
Five months was all it took for Gotham to go to hell. And all it took was one dead son.)
Spoiler rises.
Gotham has a new champion.
Tim regrets that he hadn't been able to help. Tim will help.
Tim has a new champion.
Spoiler has a fixation on Cluemaster. It's not that difficult to go from there.
As long as, one, you know who was giving the police the answers to Cluemaster's gimmick. And two, that you know there even is a new vigilante because Spoiler is not like Batman who beats perps and leave them on the sidewalk for the police to pick up.
For wearing an almost eyesearing purple costume, Spoiler prefers to keep in the shadows and if not for the time Tim had trailed after Batman's madness, he wouldn't have learned the streets enough to notice the hints.
Tim purchase a laptop, watch tutorials day in and day out, buys pieces from junkyards to fiddle with wires and boards, and leaves Stephanie Brown a gift on her windowsill with a purple ribbon. Tim greets Spoiler over the comms. He calls himself Asset.
(It is not well-thought out because Stephanie takes to calling the mystery person who snuck into her room and refuses to give anything about themselves out 'Ass'. Tim did not actually sneak into her room but sent a drone to drop off his gift. Steph doesn't budge.)
Tim is not yet good enough to hack into cameras around Gotham. He finds he's good with a computer but not that good, his real talent lies not in the software but in the wires and soldering iron and the tiny bug camera/audio he has Spoiler plant around Gotham. If he can't take other cameras, he'll make them. (Also in case someone more experienced at hacking than he is manages to get in the system, Tim has a self-destruct button just for that. Yes, Dr. Doofenshmirtz is a good role models for mad scientist wannabes.)
A week is all it takes for Spoiler and Asset to get all the necessary evidence against Cluemaster. They celebrate. They are thirteen year olds and they just prevented a bomb from going off and put a bad man behind bars. They are high. They find more cases, for the most part C-rank villains and bellow but they also help with the big names by Spoiler planting more cameras and Tim sending the data and feeds for her to drop off to Jim Gordon. He is the only one who knows of the characters that have risen after Batman's sleep and can guess enough from Spoiler's stiff shoulders to keep that to himself.
Then it is six months and two weeks.
Tim watch from his now multiple screen behind his walk-in closet as a grave is dug out from the inside. Because S&A have put cameras everywhere just in case. After all, it's places you think are of no interest that criminals will sought to make deals in.
Tim does not send his partner to what may be a zombie but instead tells her to clear the direction Jason is stumbling towards. It takes him minutes to realize that Jason is patrolling his Robin patrol. Jason is sent to the hospital and Tim contacts them to list him under the Drakes, paying for his room and every other necessities. Has him transferred to the hospital that Drake medical industries is personally funding. When asked the name, Tim says Alvin Draper. He gets a cab to the hospital, finds Jason knocked out, peers at Robin's face. It's when they're alone, the previously dead boy's hands wrapped in bandages that Tim confirms in disbelief that as far as he knows, the boy matches Jason Todd. As if him digging his way out of Jason Todd's grave wasn't enough. Granted, Tim doesn't even know the shade of his eyes, so he's not the best judge.... Tim snaps a picture from different angles of the room and takes another cab back to Bristol while thinking up a story.
Tim knocks on the neighbour, tells them he's got something of Jason and if he can see Mr. Wayne. Tim is surprised himself by how relieved he is to see Bruce standing alive and well. Or not standing, leg and arm in a cast, an IV beside him on the couch in the drawing room. Tim weaves his story. Little Tim Drake wandering around Gotham, stumbles on a bunch of medic picking up a boy that Tim recognises as the neighbour's dead kid, pays for his hospital bills, takes a couple of pictures after the first aid or whatever and gives Bruce the pictures. Bruce makes his way to the hospital.....
I've lost steam at this point.
You decide if they arrive to see Jason and Bruce and Alfred is all tearful while Tim awkwardly leaves the room to resume his brainstorming on the S&A latest case, or they find an empty bed and Bruce goes on a frenzy tracking his undead lost son.
Additional idea: So Tim not being there didn't kill Bruce, but Bruce has been crippled and Batman is dead now. So without Robin, Batman did die.
Maybe Dick comes back to become Batman with Jason as his Robin, since that's not a combination often seen (Or the Batman Jason and Robin Tim, that's more common, though I'm loath to give up Spoiler and Asset). Around this time Babs comes back to the scene as Oracle with the birds of prey.
Additional additional idea to how they'll work with everyone back on the scene: since the Bats have the fighters and more equipped to report to time sensitive stuff, maybe S&A focus more on cold cases. Where Spoiler goes sneaking around, poking at old cases with Asset in her ears, figuring out puzzles and old clues, making breakthrough after breakthrough and bringing long overdue justice together.
Either the Drakes dies without Batman there to slap the poison out of Jack's hands because he's too busy searching for his son, or maybe they live with Tim able to direct Batman there immediately. Either way, Drake industry sponsors S&A, so now Spoiler also has toys like the Spoil... er plane??? Spoiler bike??? Eh, the name's work in progress.
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audreycritter · 4 years
“He’s my little boy!” Dick roared. The fury was wiped off his face in the silence after, and he stumbled back, unusually graceless, as if the admission had been a physical blow.
For a long time, they stood on the roof without speaking; Dick, panting with wild eyes; Bruce, a creased brow and a startled hurt. They held each other's gaze, a silent challenge, and neither were willing to break it.
“Are you going to take him from me?” Bruce finally asked. Then, Dick dropped his head and took a long, slow breath through his gritted teeth.
“It wasn't a threat, Bruce,” Dick said, so soft and precise. He knew exactly how far his voice carried, and raised it not one degree above that.
“I…” Bruce didn't pace, didn’t run his hands through his hair or raise his arms. His body language was all in his absences, the things he didn't do. He did, though, lick his lips, and swallow, struggling for the words he wanted. He was precise in those, too, when he had time to be. Sometimes, when he didn't. “It wasn't a defense, Dick. It was a question.”
“You can't just give him up,” Dick snapped, raising his chin to glare. “He’s not a bargaining chip, or a concession, or a thing to give away. He’s a little boy and he’s your son.”
“I'm not trying to,” Bruce said evenly. Dick hated his ability to sound calm when he wasn't. “Let me be very, very clear. I'm just asking: what do you want?”
“I don't know,” Dick muttered, rubbing at his brow.
“I didn't try to keep him from you. I didn't send you away, even if he thinks I did.”
“He thinks what?” Dick’s tone neared a hushed shriek.
“What did you think he would think when you ran off?” Bruce demanded, a bit of a razor edge in his calm. “You didn't say.”
“You hypocritical ass!” Dick hissed. “You don't bother to explain things all the fucking time and now, the one time I--” he stopped himself with visible effort. “No. No, that isn't what this is about. I left because...because I knew I would be in the way. He needs time with you. He wants time with you. Why would you tell him you sent me away? All this time, I've been waiting and it's been kill-- it's been hard. That's just going to make it take longer to…”
He trailed off, his lips pressed together. His hands were trembling with the strain of keeping himself from pacing, shouting.
“I didn't tell him, Dick. He’s so sure of his place with-- of your love for him, that it was the only option that made sense, when he realized it wasn't a mission keeping you away.”
Bruce’s soft tone belied the tension in his posture. Dick studied him, carefully.
“You could have explained,” Dick said, the pointed jab clear and shining. The final word broke off, pronged to dig and stick.
“I didn't think it would improve things between us if I told him the truth. He would have seen it as criticism of you. It was an impossible situation and I chose the one I could mend alone, with an apology,” Bruce said.
“You should have told him the truth,” Dick snarled, crossing his arms. The wind, chilled since they climbed onto the roof from the attic window, picked up and caressed with an icy touch. “I worked so damn hard to get him to just trust me, to trust us. He’s not like Tim, B. He won't just keep letting it go.”
“I should have done a lot of things,” Bruce admitted, turning to look out over the darkening lawn. For the first time since he’d come back, he sounded old. Older than he should have, even-- there was something frail in that admission, something that hinted at shaking hands and walking canes and soft foods and lonely days full of regrets. Bruce took a breath, set his shoulders. “I should have lied to Tim less. There isn't an excuse.”
Dick shivered, and it wasn't the wind that made him cold. He wondered how many lifetimes Bruce had lived away from them-- how much did he remember? He hadn't even gotten to ask.
No, he hadn't asked. He hadn't asked on purpose. He’d left.
“I didn't want to get between you, like this.” Dick uncrossed his arms, and jammed his hands in his pockets. He shrugged a shoulder toward the window, though Bruce wasn't looking. “I wanted him to have the time with you that I did. That he had with me. But I don't think I did it right, and now…”
“What do you want?” Bruce asked. His voice was flat, gentle. It was the way he spoke to people waving guns, holding detonators, on ledges. Something about it said, I have no needs, no wants. The only thing that matters is what you say next.
Dick had learned that voice from him. Dick also knew Bruce would rip his own heart out and give it to Dick, if he asked. Dick opened his mouth to argue, to growl, This isn't about what I want, is the point.
Instead, he started crying.
The sob caught in his throat and then escaped with a quiet whine, and he’d done this enough times the past year to know there would be no hug. The arms he wanted around him were gone, dead and buried, and even imagining it made him feel worse.
Then, Bruce pulled him into a hug. Dick’s forehead tucked against Bruce’s shoulder, in the embrace he’d learned was gone forever and now had to learn again, and his knees buckled. Bruce held him up, on the roof, the slate tiles under Dick’s bare feet.
“I didn't want to share you,” Dick mumbled through sniffs. “I didn't want to leave him. I don't want us to be fighting.”
“I know, chum,” Bruce said softly, into his hair.
“He’s my little boy, Bruce,” Dick said, feeling torn in two. “He wants you. He needs you. But I miss him. I was all he had, and he was why I kept going. I thought it was going to be forever.”
“I know,” Bruce said, his hug tightening.
“I don't know how to fix this. I've been terrified of talking about it, about you thinking I wanted you to leave. I don't want you to be gone again.” Dick’s face was hot, and he lifted his head to feel the cold air against his cheeks. He sank to sit cross legged on the roof, and Bruce lowered himself to sit beside him.
They sat for a long time, watching the moon creep up into the sky.
“What would you have done if John had come back?” Dick asked, after the tightness in his chest and throat started to ease. He very carefully avoided looking at Bruce.
Bruce, leaning back and propped on his arms, sighed.
“I had nightmares about it, after Clark came back. I don't know.”
“Bullshit,” Dick said. “You would have handed me right over.”
“It would have killed me,” Bruce said. “But yes. He was your father.”
“There were times,” Dick said slowly, “that I would be glad they were gone, because of what I had with you. Because of what we had. And then I’d feel like a monster. I don't think I've told anyone that before, other than Donna.”
“What did she say?” Bruce sounded curious, but reserved.
“‘Sometimes, Dick, you’re an idiot,’ or something close to that. She was right, anyway.”
“You’re not an idiot,” Bruce said.
“Sometimes,” Dick said. “And sometimes I was just a confused kid, who had my life broken into two parts. There was a before, that I missed, and an after, that was its own kind of good.”
“It was good, wasn't it?”
“It is good,” Dick said. He tugged, two fingers on Bruce’s sleeve, like he used to when he was little, until Bruce looked at him. He knew he looked pleading and he didn't care. “Damian already has his life broken into before and after, Bruce. I don't want to make him go through that again. How do we...how do I...fix that. I can't be here and give it up, it'll confuse and hurt him. I don't want to take him from you, either.”
“When my parents were gone,” Bruce said, gaze flickering out to the dark lawn and treeline. “Leslie and Alfred had joint custody. They decided I should stay here. When I was fourteen, I went to stay with Leslie for the weekend and tried to sneak out to a party. I told her Alfred had given me permission to go with friends.”
“Mm?” Dick prompted, after the pause stretched on.
“She said, ‘You aren't going to that party, Bruce.’”
Dick’s smile, gentle and sudden, curved one side of his mouth. “Alfred had warned her.”
“We have to be on the same page,” Bruce said, looking at him. The look was piercing, and intense. “If we want him to feel secure, he has to know he’s going to get the same answer from either of us. You can't be his brother and his father at the same time, not like that-- if we disagree, it can't be where he can hear. It won't be easy.”
The relief was making Dick lightheaded. He would have agreed to almost anything, in that moment. “Easy peasy, B. We’ll just have to be you-know-who and you-know-who again.”
“I seem to remember a certain man insisting he’d outgrown that role,” Bruce said, a bit wryly.
“Maybe it fits again, for this,” Dick said. “I didn't ever grow out of being your partner, B. I just...got stupid for a while.”
“You weren't the only one,” Bruce said. He stood, and offered a hand to Dick. “Let's get out of this cold.”
“Is it making your old man joints stiff?” Dick teased, clambering up.
Bruce’s hand, heavy and large, cupped the back of his neck and pulled him forward to press a kiss to Dick’s temple. “You did good with him, Dick.”
He rubbed the tears out of the corners of his eyes with a knuckle and inhaled slowly.
“I don't think you know how much I needed to hear you say that.”
“I know,” Bruce said. “I’m someone’s son, too.”
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peppersonironi · 4 years
How I Picture a Batfam Age Reversal
I’m going to write this as a fic (And I want to go on into a young justice world where dick forms the team and his siblings are protective) but here is the outline in bullet points in case anyone is interested. Please note this is VERY first draft.
Ages (At end) & Order:
Damian- 24
Duke- 21
Stephanie- 20
Tim- 21
Cassandra- 19
Jason- 19
Barbara- 15
Dick- 13
Damian is Ten when he is sent to live w/ his father. Bruce is 30.
They don’t really work well together at first. But Selina, Alfred, and Clark somehow get it through Bruce’s thick skull that he has to care for this child.
Damian keeps sneaking out on patrol, against B’s wishes. Eventually, he let’s Damian join and tells him to choose a name (Not what we meant, Bruce!)
Damian wants to go for something like Shadow, or Demon, but Bruce puts his foot down. He says that Damian shouldn’t try to be darkness.
Damian is pouting in the gardens when he finds a wounded robin. It’s wing is broken. He demands that the animal should be taken to a shelter, and carries it in his hand the whole way there.
The bird makes it, and Damian demands to be called Robin. He designs his suit, going slightly more colorful. “I might be called Robin, but I am NOT wearing brown, Pennyworth.”
Bruce introduces him to Superboy (Jon, note: less age dif) and the pair are close friends.
He is Robin for a little over seven years before he begins to fight with Bruce about being allowed to patrol alone, and being his own hero. (basically what happened w/ Dick).
Damian leaves Gotham, opting to claim Bludhaven. Jon joins him. He suggests they call each other Nightwing and Flamebird. Damian thinks it’s a bit childish, but he can’t say no to Jon. They’re costumes are here. (done by @hyperactive-lectiophile! Fantastic job!)
They eventually realize they’re in love w/ each other, all while trying to figure their lives  out. Damian briefly tries to join the police. He hates it. Eventually, he enrolls in BH college for a major in Art and a minor in business.
Later in Gotham, the We Are Robin/Robin War stuff happens. Long story short, Duke is adopted. 
Damian is angry to find out he has a new brother, goes to Gotham to yell at Bruce, but then meets Duke. They bond, and are close siblings. Damian makes his father promise to not adopt any more strays.
Stephanie Brown wants to stop her Father, so she sews up a costume and goes out as Batgirl. Bruce is apprehensive at first, but his family basically yells at him to train the poor girl before she gets hurt.
He does, and after Steph meets Damian, who she absolutely adores (He loves her too. The way she pisses his father off is legendary), Stephanie decides she wants to be Robin. Batgirl was good for dealing with her father, but she wants to belong to this new family, and, w/ Damian’s blessing, she makes a new costume.
Unfortunately, after a while, Stephanie is killed by Black Mask (her death is faked, like in the comics, but the Fam doesn’t know)
Enter Tim Drake. Batman has been going crazy over grief, and not even Nightwing, Catwoman (this is SOOOO batcat, btw) or The Signal can calm him down. Tim steps right up, and demands to be robin.
Damian and Bruce fight over this. Surprisingly, Damian is the one who thinks Tim should be given a chance. He sees how his father has been acting. Damian knows that Tim must be brilliant to figure out their identities, and thinks that should count for something. Duke takes his side, knowing that it takes guts to talk to batman, and be willing to join him. Bruce, meanwhile, is a constant chant of “no more dead robins”. After a while, and lots of arguing, Tim takes his place as Robin. They redesign the suit, and he takes his place as robin.
It’s little while after this that Stephanie comes back. Tim offers Robin back, but Stephanie declines. They talk and grow closer. At one point they talk about Stephanie’s new moniker. She says she doesn’t want to be Batgirl either. She wants something new. Tim suggests Spoiler (Bad pun turned brilliant idea?).
Cassandra Cain arrives on the scene next. She saves the commissioner’s life (like No Man’s Land, minus No Man’s Land), and Stephanie immediately imprints on this tiny assassin child (So do the rest of the family, but Steph claims the fourteen-year old first. She and Bruce fight over custody.). She offers Cass Batgirl. Gotham gained a new vigilante, and Bruce Wayne adopted a new child. (Faster than the comics, I KNOW. But Cass deserves happiness)
Everyone loves their new sister, and everyone spoils her. Duke is the one to take her to a ballet the first time. She immediately begs to be put into lessons.
Somewhere in here Tim’s mom dies and his dad is in a coma. Bruce takes him in.
Eventually, Bruce decides to offer Tim Red Robin, hoping to avoid the strife he had with Damian. (Like in the comics, Bruce was going to give Jason Red Robin)
Tim is unsure of this, and puts off deciding. Then little Jason Peter Todd decides to jack the tires of the batmobile and is immediately taken in.
Everyone is captivated by the tiniest addition to their family, but it's also at this time that Jack Drake finds out about Robin and forces Tim to quit. Tim gives Jason his blessing to become Robin.
Everyone pitches in on helping train the newest Robin. Damian teaches the kid things he learned from the league (non-lethal things, since Damian loves this kid), Duke teaches him escrima fighting, Stephanie (Much to Bruce’s dismay) has a full seminar of the delicacies of glitter bomb making. Tim teaches the kid hacking, when he can get away from his dad. 
Unfortunately, when Jason has been Robin for almost a year, he is killed by the Joker.
The family is torn apart by greif. But this time around, Bruce has a much larger support system. All of them lean on each other.
The only time that Damian ever broke his no-kill rule while living with his father was to kill the Joker. He hunted and murdered the clown, sparing Harley. He had been friends with Quinzel since he was Robin, and knew how the Joker treated her. Harley became the batfam’s honorary aunt after this.
Bruce was too emotionally tired to fight with Damian over his actions, so no one said anything. Eventually, Bruce and Damian did argue. Damian refused to apologize,, though he did promise his father to never kill again. Their relationship was strained for a while, but they worked through it.
Less than a year later, Jack Drake dies, and Tim comes back onto the vigilante scene. He refuses to become Robin, however, choosing to take Bruce up on his offer and become Red Robin. He designs his own suit, and the world seems to slowly become normal. Or some semblance of it.
One night, the circus is in town and the whole family (except Alfred) is home. Duke, Tim, and Steph drag Bruce, Cass, and Damian to go see it.
It is on this night that Dick Grayson’s parents fall to their death. Dick is sent to live in juvi, meanwhile Bruce tries to adopt Dick. He succeeds, and the manor once again has a bright young child running through it’s halls.
Dick figures out the secret identities of his family and instantly demands to be allowed out. He wants to take down Zucko, and won’t settle for every single member hunting for him. Dick wants to take down his parent’s murdered himself. He tries to sneak out multiple times, but is always stopped.
Damian talks to Dick (They are extremely close) and explains the origins of Robin. He says that the mantle was born out of a want to distance himself from the revenge and violence of the league. Dick cries when he learns this and says that his own parents used to call him Robin. He suggests that the mantle is more than a personal need. Robin is Family.
Damian almost immediately demands that Dick be trained and help catch Zucko. Bruce is confused, as before, Damian was strongly against letting a nine-year-old fight crime. Damian explains (after much cajoling. He might be more emotionally open and healthy than when he first arrived in the manor, but the kid is still constipated) what Dick had said, and that Damian understands the kid’s need for direction. “When I first came here, I needed Robin. I might not have known it, but I did. Richard needs Robin now, as well.”
The family took sides on the issue, but eventually Dick (with the aid of his puppy-dog-eyes™) won everyone over. He got his own Robin costume, and they caught Zucko.
Dick refused to stop being Robin, and so Gotham gained a new bird.
Dick was Robin for almost two years when The Red Hood made his appearance in Gotham. No one knew what he wanted, as he didn’t seem to do much beyond killing criminals. They thought he was a vigilante at first, but then he began to take over the criminal underbelly of Gotham, regulating crime. On top of that, Red Hood targeted Robin. Attacking the boy wonder when no one else was around. After the red helmeted rogue let loose a few hints about the league of shadows, Damian interrogated his mother, who explained the identity of The Red Hood, and how she had set him on Gotham.
As soon as the family figured out the newcomer’s identity, and the reason he was alive Damian tracked him down. He knew how to deal with pit rage from his childhood, and brought the lost bird back to the nest.
The family was whole for the first time in years. Jason was still angry and resentful, but he had his family back. Jason was grateful for Damian taking revenge for him, and they were once again close. 
Slowly, Jason let everyone back in, including Bruce. Dick is wary at first of this new older brother, but the little chicken nugget quickly warms up to Jason, and even convinces him to teach him how to shoot a gun (In secret, of course, Dami and Bruce would blow a gasket). Jason couldn’t resist the kid. It was physically impossible.
A year later, Cass decides to pursue dance as her career. She gets a job with the Hong Kong Ballet company. She moves there, and decides to take a new moniker: Black Bat. Her family is so proud of her, but they miss her dearly. Duke visits often, bringing new back to the family.
The absence of Batgirl is filled after a while by Barbara Gordan. She makes her own costume and starts going out. Once again, Stephanie Brown adopts a smol bean (Well, not legally. The commissioner is still alive) and outfits her with a more Gotham-friendly suit and weaponry (I.e. heavy kevlar and leather)
Babs is taken whole-heartedly into the fold, and is made an honorary sister.
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douvle-eh · 4 years
these are the days it never rains (but it pours)
these are the days it never rains (but it pours)
Summary: Jason stays at the manor after an injury and learns a few things about Dick and maybe offer some comfort. Just Jason trying to be a good brother. Gen.
An: I love a good dad Bruce as much as the next guy but sometimes I also like to indulge in bad dad Bruce so….here you go. If you don’t like abusive Bruce (mentioned only) please don’t read this. Also don’t expect this to make any sense. My writing process works like this - I have random dialogue that pop in my head and at times it’s hard to make sense of what I’m trying to get thru but I just build the sentences around those dialogues.
It’s raining.
Jason watches as the rain blurs the view from the huge window. A flash of lightning races by, thunder comes a few seconds later indicating that the storm is passing, though knowing Gotham the rain would be staying with them for another week before it clears up to its usual smog.
He lets out a sigh. It’s bad enough that he got hurt in a routine patrol; it was worst that the bat brats had run into him during his struggle to crawl to his safe house and had gone ahead and snitched to Nightwing. The blue bird had forced him to go back to the cave and together with Alfred, they were able to convince him to stay the night or until he healed (though they all knew he would sneak away before then).
Honestly, he would have chosen bleeding out in an alley way to this.
He turns back to the room. They’re in one of the smaller living rooms (Jason still rolls his eyes at the luxury of the manor, who needs multiple living rooms? He never did get use to it) the room is a warm neutral color and consists of two large couches, a love seat and two armchairs (one of which he’s currently sitting on) all positioned to face the large fireplace.
It amazes Jason that everyone is here, and when he says everyone, he means even Duke is here and Jason feels more like an outsider than ever.
He’s tried his hardest to stay away, making sure that he never accidentally run into them but surprise surprise here he is, talk about the worst family reunion. And though the tension between them isn’t as bad as it was before, it’s still awkward.
Duke and Cass give him curious glances, Steph smiles at him when he catches her eye but he hasn’t spoken to them in who knows how long. Tim glances at him warily as if waiting for him to start something, and Damian glares his way whenever they meet eyes. Don’t even get him started on Bruce. The man hasn’t even given him a passing glance. The only one who’s at least trying to pull him in a conversation is Dick and he doesn’t care for the look Dick is giving him, like a puppy who’s head butting you to get your attention because he knows you’re sad.
God, this was hell, sure he’s no longer activity trying to kill them, but they’re far from being a happy family. No matter how hard Dickie’s trying to keep the family together, it’s just too much hard feelings and not enough effort on all their parts.
Besides, the manor brings too many memories with it. Everything pretty much looks the same as it did when he was younger save for a few new pictures and knick knacks. The furniture is the same, the set up of the room, even the weather is the same.
He still remembers the time he spent curled up on the couch reading a book during rainy days as the fireplace warmed him from the Gotham freeze. Bruce would be by him reading his own book and kid him used to hope that this could go on forever, that maybe after all that life had given him that he finally found a place to belong. He remembers looking up at Bruce and getting a smile back, he remembers…he remembers… fire… pain… betrayal-
Suddenly, he feels like he’s floating, like his whole being is just his eyes, like he’s just watching everything happening as his body becomes numb. There is a crushing emptiness in his chest and he has the feeling of being closed in, the room is too crowded, too hot and the voices start to mesh together.
He needs to get out.
Jason takes in a sharp breath silencing the conversation between some of them and is ready to stand up (screw his broken leg). He pushes himself out of the chair and sees Dick standing up ready to help. He shakes his head at his older brother and starts to limp out but stops when he hears a clipped voice from someone entering the room.
“I do hope Master Jason that you’re not thinking about leaving.” Jason turns to the butler (grandfather & caregiver) before he pastes on a smile trying to ignore his siblings’ questioning gaze.
“Of course not Alfie, just gonna walk around a bit, I mean what do you take me for?”
“The fact that you’re not even supposed to be on that leg, much less be walking around; I would say an idiot sir.” Jason grimaces as the younger kids titter at that, he really should have just stayed in that alley and drowned in the rain.
He sits back down and carefully lifts his leg back up.
Dick pulls out a table which Alfred lays the tray of drinks on. He looks at him with a silent question of ‘Are you ok?’ and Jason just nods curtly at him; he really didn’t need the golden boy fussing over him acting like the perfect caring older brother. He knows that’s all bull anyways, just guilt and regret working behind those feelings.
He turns back to the eyes staring at him and narrows his own ready to let them know where they can shove it, but before he gets the chance, Dick interrupts. The eldest turns back to his younger siblings and smiles as he heads next to Damian on the couch. The younger ones gazes automatically follow Dick to where he sits. Jason snorts, Dick Grayson - Ever the center of attention.
“Did I ever tell you guys about the time Bruce and I convinced the whole league that I was a ghost?” Dick starts and Jason sees the family perk at this. Steph stands up and walks closer to Dick, a gleeful smile on her face.
“Oooo, tell me more.”
Dick leans back and throws a hand around Damian’s shoulder, collecting his thoughts before he continues.
“Well, when I was eight it was my first time at the Watchtower and I wasn’t really known as Robin yet, but I was able to talk Bruce –“
“Beg.” Bruce interrupts while Dick rolls his eyes.
“Begged Bruce to let me visit,” he amended before continuing “Anyway, so I went with Bruce to the Watchtower, I guess you can imagine how a lot of the heroes viewed Batman at that time. He was the dark knight all grime, vengeance and ‘I work alone’ hero and suddenly he shows up with a kid dressed up like a traffic light with scaly underwear…” Jason lets his brothers’ story become his anchor as the feeling in his chest lightens and the memories slowly unravel until they disappear for the night. He watches as Dick talks animatedly, he has the attention of everyone in the room as he makes them laugh about his shenanigans and pokes fun at Bruce when the man tries to add to the story or correct what he thought was a mistake.
Jason knows it’s immature of him but as he watches Dick he feels a sting of jealously for the easy way that Dick Grayson could make Bruce relax while he tells stories that to them sound like fairy tales. He’s sure that all of his siblings felt the same jealousy.
Dick Grayson was a charmer, charismatic in a way that’s different from Bruce, more genuine. Maybe it’s his background as a circus performer or maybe it’s because out of all of their siblings he was the only one really grew up with loving parents. But Dick Grayson could soften rock and mold it like clay.
Dick continues with another story from his childhood with Bruce. A Bruce none of them really know. The one who read bedtime stories with funny voices, who readily gave hugs and kisses and sweet nicknames and one who showed that he loved and cared. Of course Jason can’t fault him for it though, Dick was Bruce’s first kid, and Dick had just turned eight at that time, meaning Bruce had him when he was younger than all of them, when he hadn’t lost so many people yet and still had enough light and hope and control over his life.
Dick knew Bruce at a different time, he knew a Bruce that none of them ever had the chance of meeting and for that he was sure all of them listen to his stories with a sense of awe and jealousy.
Jason knows that Dick regrets it, had spoken to him enough to realize that the other man blamed himself for it. He had once confined to him before (under the influence) saying that he felt that his failings made Bruce the way he is, that he messed it up for his younger siblings, that maybe if he had been a better robin, son or partner that there would have been more of Bruce left for them.
Jason wished for that too, but it’s not like him to wonder too long about that. He can’t torture himself about what he should have gotten from Bruce as his son; he let his life be ruled by that long enough.
Dick turns to him and smiles, his eyes bright as he basks in his siblings’ laughter and their questions.
Yeah Dick was just the lucky one, the favorite, the golden child - it was nothing against them.
 Jason wakes up in his old room and he’s surprised that he fell asleep in the first place. He stares into the darkness before he starts to get restless, he sits up quickly hoping to escape the memories creeping at the edge of is vision. Carefully he brings his legs down and pushes himself to stand wobbling only for a second before he’s limping out of the door. Jason knows that Alfred wouldn’t be too happy with him walking around his leg, but he can’t stand to be in his room right now.
He thinks maybe he should head for the kitchen to get a drink and see if they have any sleeping pills he could take. He hates those things but it’s better than roaming around the manor like a sad ghost. God wouldn’t that just complete his night.
He’s in the hallway but stops when he hears voices from the study. The door is cracked open and the voices are soft enough that he can’t really understand the words. Quietly he peeks in and realizes that the owners of the voices aren’t exactly in the room. Even with a broken leg Jason is able to skillfully lighten his footsteps and quietly push the door open. The study is empty but he can hear the voices a little bit clearer now.
When he steps in, he realizes that the grandfather clock that hides the cave is open and as he gets closer he can finally hear the voices. It’s Dick and Bruce, he sticks close to the wall as he tries to make sense of their argument.
Really he’s not surprised, Dick and Bruce had always had arguments, seems like they never really grew out of it. He should probably leave, it’s not like he never heard it all before, it usually had Dick trying to talk some sense to Bruce and Bruce arguing that he was wrong. He tries to turn when he suddenly hears his name.
“You need to get over yourself Bruce, Jason is up there and you can’t even say a single word to him. He’s taken the steps, he’s slowly opening up to us, but you have to do your part. You’re his father.”
“He doesn’t want to talk to me.” Bruce answers gruffly and Jason realizes that Bruce’s voice sound almost … distant. This wasn’t Bruce Wayne talking, this was Batman.
“How do you know? You’ve never spoken to him.”
“I’ve tried” Jason wants to snort at this; really he couldn’t have guessed with the way that Bruce has been acting all night, “it doesn’t end well.”
“Well, were you listening? And I mean really listening, not telling him what or how to feel or pushing your morals on to him.”
“He needs to understa-“
“He does, he’s trying!” Dick interrupts, his voice rising and Jason can just imagine him running a hand thru his hair in exasperation. “He hasn’t killed anyone in a while; he’s been using rubber bullets, he’s been curbing his anger even I can see it and I…I don’t know what you want from him Bruce.”
“He knows what I want.”
“No Bruce, he doesn’t and right now I don’t think even you know what you want. You’re just afraid.” There’s a silence between them and Jason slowly moves his leg to ease the weight, he thinks maybe they were done before Dick whispers out “You haven’t changed one bit from when I first met you.” Jason sucks in a breath as he hears the weight of disappointment and he’s confused. What did Dick mean that Bruce hasn’t changed?
Bruce is confused too and asks “What?”
“You’re still that same person from when I was eight. When I just lost my parents and you took me in. Don’t get me wrong you were great, you helped me and loved me and you were what I needed. You gave me a reason to go on but there were times when I felt like I was the one taking care of you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I tried my best.”
“I know you did but I quickly realized that I had to deal with your emotions that you never dealt with when your own parents died and…and maybe the reason why we got along so well when I was a kid was because to me it felt like we were just two kids in a big house who understood each other because of our shared tragedies. But the moment I started to move on and leave my hurts behind I realized that you never would.” Dick voice sounds exhausted as he continues, “I was growing up but I still felt like I had to be there to support you. I had to become the adult for you, and I’m still doing that Bruce. Anytime there’s a situation where you can’t handle emotionally you start pushing people away. You’re so afraid of losing them and I have to come here every time to fix your relationship for you and to tell you how to deal with it. I’m just so tired - mentally, emotionally I was spreading myself so thin just so you could feel better about yourself.”
“I never asked.”
“Oh of course not...you would never ask for help, you’re so afraid of loving those kids Bruce but they already love you. God they would do anything for you and so would I, but I’m not going to let you take advantage of them and raise them the way you raised me. It’s too late for me because I can’t refuse you anymore, but I can fight for them. I know what it’s like to be at the end of your disappointment Bruce, you’ve brainwashed me into a pathetic robot that needs your love and approval.”
“That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is, you don’t know how much I’ve given up or done just to get your approval Bruce. My job, my friends, my own team,” At this Dick’s voice gets a little desperate  as Jason leans more heavily on the wall next to the clock, “What more do you want, what more does Jason have to give up, he already gave you his life!”
“Get out.” The voice growls out and Jason steadies himself ready to leave just in case Dick come ups.
“No, this is what I mean Bruce, the minute I try to make you face your own emotions and-“
“I said get out!”
“-start acting like a father for once-“
“Get out before-“
“Before what?! You hit me again?!” Jason feels himself freeze at that, no, that’s…that not what Dick meant, sure Batman had beaten Jason before, but that was before he knew who he was and was pit-crazy. Jason is sure Dick didn’t mean that Bruce would hit one of his kids for no reason, he’s not like Willis. Bruce was always supposed to be safe. But Dick continues “…because you can’t control me or because you don’t want to hear what I have to say? Go ahead, blame me for everything! Hit me! You know I’m pathetic enough to come crawling back asking for forgiveness so just do it!”
Jason waits, his heartbeat pulsing in his ears as he prepares to intervene, he waits for a slap, a punch, anything. He knows that if Bruce did lay a hand on Dick that he would run down the cave and throw his own fists in even if he has to crawl down.
“That…was a mistake.” Bruce finally answers and he hears a short laugh, bitter filled and mocking.
“Of course it was, the first time.” Then in a tired voice he adds, “and I’ve forgiven you for all of them Bruce.”
Suddenly Jason feels so betrayed, not just by Bruce but by Dick too. Dick always tried to get them to talk, to open up, and to make sure that they didn’t end up keeping things inside so it didn’t eat them up or destroy them. He made sure that Bruce was treating them ok and told them to come to him should they feel the need too. Yet he hid in the dark his own troubles, and Dick for years had preached to them to heal and in shame he had wiped up his tears with a smile and hid ugly bruises and bloody lips in the dark shadows of their broken family.
Again he thought about what he had been jealous of Dick about. Yes, Dick knew a Bruce they didn’t, a Bruce who had less control of his anger, whose parents’ death still felt fresh especially after taking in Dick, and whose life for years had revolved around the mask and nothing else. Bruce had to learn to open up again and his mistakes left their mark on his oldest child.
The silence stretches and Jason wonders now if they’re done. He wonders who will leave first, Dick or Bruce? The answer doesn’t surprise him when Dick starts once again.
“Bruce…” the voice beseeches softly and Jason knows even after all that Dick is the one reaching out for forgiveness. Jason doesn’t think he can handle this anymore, he flees. Quickly he wobbles out of the study, he goes back to the hall way and finds his way to his room, the conversation still tearing thru his mind.
God he hates himself. He knows that Dick and Bruce never had a perfect relationship; he was there front and center for most of their fights when he was a kid. And just like how Dick knew a different Bruce Jason knew a different Dick, he wasn’t always the perfect brother; he remembers when he was an angry teen, one who had felt betrayed after his mantle had been taken from him. He remembers the glare that Dick had given him looking like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. And he remembers the Dick Grayson who didn’t want nor care for that title of older brother.
He gets to his room and steadies himself on the nightstand as he sits on the bed. He grabs at his head pulling the strands of his hair, damn it damn it damn it.
He shouldn’t have listened in, he was perfectly content to imagine that Dick and Bruce had a great relationship and that everything had worked out after he died, because if not…what does that mean for him and the rest of his siblings? That if the golden child of the family couldn’t get approval from Bruce, was all their efforts and sacrifices all for nothing? Was his death all for nothing?
“Jay?” Jason turns to the door where Dick is peering at him, the light from the hallway shadowing his face.
“Knock.” He grits out and the older man tilts his head and even though Jason can’t see his face he knows that he probably has that damned look of his again.
“I did. Can I come in?”
“’sa free country.” Dick takes a moment before he walks in and sits on the bed by him.
“Nightmares?” Dick asks and Jason wishes it was. Nightmares he could deal with.
“Yeah sure.” There’s an awkward silence between them, Jason doesn’t know if Dick knew he had heard his argument with Bruce, so he asks. “What are you doing up?”
“Just…checking on everyone, Tim has a bad habit of staying up way past when he should and Steph and Cass sometimes gets the idea of baking in the middle of the night with Babs on the phone.”
Jason turns to look at the man and tries to imagine the bruises on his face. Imagines his excuses and his smiles and his avoidance of any questions about them with practiced ease, and they as non metas are used to making excuses for unexplained bruises.
Jason wonders how Dick could handle it, being in the presence of his abuser. How can he smile and joke and trust the person who’s beaten him down and made him feel less…but in a way he can understand. Bruce wasn’t someone you could easily leave and forget. Bruce could bring people together, push them to do their best and light up their passion to fight for something. He left you feeling like you could own the world, but the minute you turn to him for approval he stares back at you like you haven’t done enough so you push on, dragging your broken body and splintered mind begging for another chance.
Dick wasn’t wrong, Bruce had a way to make you feel pathetic. Hell, he was only with Bruce for a few years and he’s still chasing after the guys love and approval, he couldn’t imagine being under him for almost two decades and living thru all his drama and trying to make sense of his messed up emotions. Let alone managing it and trying to piece out the puzzle of his psyche so it could be presented as normal for others so no one else had to deal with it.
“Jay?” Jason looks into concerned eyes and realizes that he hasn’t said anything, “did you…want to talk about it? It may help.” Jason holds himself back from laughing mockingly at this, Dick was the biggest hypocrite. Yeah, talk about it; it’ll help Jason and all the while Dick tightened the reins on his own problems.
He thinks about taking the things he’s heard from the cave and just throwing it back on Dicks face, start yelling at him for his idiocy until he’s hoarse and shake his shoulders to get him to spill everything.
He wants to punch him in the face (and sees the irony of that) and tell him everything wrong with what he’s doing and if it had been him a few months ago he would have. Just let him have it and damned the consequences.
He knows that people see him as nothing more than a muscled wall of anger who doesn’t think and who lets his fists and guns do all the talking but Jason wasn’t just a bomb waiting to happen (barring the first few years after his resurrection). Many seem to forget that he was reasonable too. He was level headed enough and could fix a problem without his guns. Otherwise he would never make it as a respected crime lord or a vigilante that could hold candle to Batman himself.
So he tries a different tactic, maybe bring up his past and lay down a picture for Dick to compare to, or at least see how deep this rabbit hole went.
“I never really knew my dad.” He starts, trying to sound nostalgic, “He was in and out of prison most of the time.” Dick scoots closer and Jason sees him getting ready to comfort, his eyes are open and sad and Jason wonders how many times Dick has lent a shoulder to someone that his actions right now is automatic, that in just a few seconds his face and his eyes soften to look caring and empathetic.
“But when he was around … well it wasn’t bad, I mean it wasn’t like some other kids in our neighborhood. Just a smack here and there for talking back or not doing what he asked. He broke my wrist once, but …” He glances at Dick and he sees him nod understandingly urging him to go on.
“I deserved it.”
“No Jay,” Dick shakes his head, anger in his eyes and Jason can see how strongly Dick feels about it, “no one deserves that. That’s abuse, he had no right to hit you.”
Jason nods slowly; at least he knows Dick knows abuse for what it is.
“Yeah? Did your dad ever hit you?”
“Never.” Dick answers with conviction so Jason chooses now to strike.
“Did Bruce?” At this Dick stiffens and realization dawns in his eyes, he knows that Jason had heard. Jason watches as suddenly Dick puts up a guard, something unnamed flashes in his eyes and suddenly he pulls back.
“That…that’s different.”
Jason is quick to answer now, “Yeah, you’re right. I mean it doesn’t matter if he’s smacked me a few times then right? Or Tim or Damian?” Dick’s face suddenly looses all color before his jaws tighten and his hands ball into fists.
“That’s not fair.”
Jason laughs bitterly.  “What’s not fair? That I’m calling you out for playing the martyr again?”
“I’m not-“
“Oh fess up, you don’t get to act like a self righteous prick and talk about how Bruce can’t face his problems when you’re doing the same thing.” They’re quiet again and Jason wonders if anyone else can hear them. He can see Dick’s hands shaking and he feels enough pity to give him a way out. “Fine, tell me this, the times that Bruce hit you, was it when you were in costume? Cuz, hey, I can understand that, it comes with the territory, but Bruce has no right to hit you outside of it.”
The silence is all that Jason needs to hear for an answer and he feels his blood boiling. He wants to ask, ask what led to Bruce hitting him outside of their costume, ask what he said and what he did that made him think he warranted Bruce’s fists, but as he stares at Dick he knows he won’t get an answer. Dick Grayson would rather die with his secrets than ruin any semblance of peace he has found between them. And Jason thinks maybe Dick is trying to do him a favor by not telling him.
“He didn’t mean it.” Dick whispers and they both know how that sounds.
‘They didn’t mean it’
‘They were just angry’
‘It’s my fault’
‘They promised it won’t happen again.’
It’s the loud slam of his fist on the nightstand that makes them both jump. Jason didn’t even realize how deeply he’s breathing, but he can’t help it, if he hears another excuse from Dick he’s gonna stand up and start screaming and wake the whole house. He’ll throw everything down and tear it all raw and all the anger and darkness in their family would be splayed on the floor. But he knows if he does that Dick would never be the same, no matter what anyone says Dick has been the main reason that their family is surviving, he’s filled the holes, hid the secrets, soothe the hurts. He’s given his blood, sweat and tears into making it somewhat functional. It wasn’t perfect, he failed many times (and Jason can’t help but be bitter about the fact that he’s one of those failings) but he also did a lot of things right. He never gave up on any of them and to tear it all down now would break him, because Dick was the heart of this family and the family was his heart.
And for all of Bruce’s flaws and secrets Jason knows he cares for them, either because they were useful to him or because they fit in his agenda of saving Gotham in a never ending mission. He can’t help but feel disgusted by the fact that he cares about Bruce too, that even with every secret that’s being ripped open showing Jason how messed up he is, Jason still cares.
But…he can’t let Dick keep doing this to himself, keeping those secrets. Hiding the emotional, mental and physical bruises. Someday Dick will break under that and the family will follow right after. He knows it isn’t much, (too little, too late) but he may keep the family from falling apart just a little longer.
“Promise me,” he looks Dick right in the eyes because he wants him to know that this isn’t arguable, “if Bruce lays a hand on you again that you come to me.” Jason finalizes what he has to say to make sure that Dick understands, “And if you don’t and I find out, I’m done. I’m out of this family.”
Dick tries to read his eyes while surprise, confusion and hesitance shine back in his own. The array of emotions doesn’t surprise Jason, he’s been slow to fixing his relationship with the eldest. And he’s been guilty of leaving everything to Dick when things go south, ignoring his pleas and outstretched hands when he needed help so much so that Dick learned to do things on his own while barely keeping himself a float. He figured out how to come up every once in a while to breathe before being pulled down again.
So Jason tries.  
“I know that…that I may not be the first person for you to talk to and it might not mean a lot now since I haven’t been around but…“he tries to find the words, settles on the truth and aims to hit Dick where it matters, his sense of duty to their family “we’re the older brothers right? We protect the family. Together. It’s my burden to share.”
He can see Dick’s eyes shine before a fight starts in them, sees as Dick looks at every angle of his offer. Jason can slowly start to see the acceptance in his eyes but he also knows that Dick will always carry the heavier load on his own back.
“I’m not asking you to tell me all of your secrets Dick. Just like I will never tell you all of mine, I just want to be there when you deal with Bruce’s bull headedness and misplaced anger. That’s all I ask.”
Jason doesn’t know how long he waits, but he counts it as a win when Dick doesn’t automatically leave or smile it off.
Lighting flashes and the thunder echoes before Dick scoots closer to him. Before long he feels a weight on his shoulder as Dick finally lets himself relax even if it’s just for a little while.
It’s this that Jason realizes for the first time (at three in the morning on a rainy night in his old room surrounded by everything he left behind) that he finally feels like he’s part of the family. That along with his older brother they would keep the secrets together so that their growing family could someday find peace.
He lays his cheek on his brothers head and feels something expanding in his chest trying to lodge the ball in his throat out. No, this isn’t the time, Dick needs him to be the strong one right now.
So he pushes the feeling down and listens as the rain outside continues to pour.
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
'Cause love's such an old fashioned word And love dares you to care for The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of Caring about ourselves
 This is ourselves under pressure…
 -       Under pressure by Queen/David Bowie
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nitholites · 4 years
Daminette Soulmate AU
Inspired by this post by @thepeacetea. Thank you for making an AU with so much Badass!Marinette possibilities. We. Stan. Epic. Marinette. I took a few creative liberties by changing how soulmates work a little bit, I hope no one minds too much. If people want more of this, I'll see what I can do. But, if this inspires anyone to write or add onto this- I personally highly encourage it! Seeing the works of art people can make from one thing are always inspiring to me. I'd love to see what, if anything, comes from this.
That's enough from me- time for the fic!
Marinette sighed, letting her mind wander back. She remembered knowing several languages before she hit double digits, her body reacting to surprise by calming her mind, spinning around, assessing the situation, and figuring the easiest way to... disable whomever startled her. It took a surprising amount of self control to act like a normal kid, which made her wonder.
Who the heck was her soulmate?
She had to have one- not because she wanted one but because of all the skills she couldn't explain having any other way. She remembered asking her parents about soulmates, and getting a few answers. Soulmates weren't common- actually being extremely rare. The bond was usually the same, though. A kind of skill share.
The more your soulmate used a skill or integrated it into their life, the more normal the skill felt to you, becoming habit over time. Which is why Marinette always knew the exits, shadows, hidden corners, number of people in a room with her, direction, and how to... disable anyone at any given time.
Her footsteps were always silent, and she kept to the shadows of the room by habit. Several times, she accidentally sneaked up on her parents or friends when she thought she wasn't being sneaky at all. She was surprisingly talented at gymnastics, and the sport was relaxing to her, so she continued it all through school.
When she became Ladybug, she could only make a mental note to thank her soulmate profusely for knowing so many self-defense styles and aggressive fighting.
At first, Chat had a major crush on her, but after showing him he wasn't her soulmate (by yelling at him in every language she knew [which were about 5 he didn't]), he had to accept the facts.
Life went on, and soon Lila was brought into the picture. Adrien didn't help, and the class soon left Marinette behind, bullying her and excluding her. But still, Marinette continued to do the best she could as the class representative.
Two years after she became Ladybug, Marinette won her class a trip to Gotham to tour the city and learn more about the American school system. They'd stay for the remainder of the school year (about two months) and would have the chance to intern under several high-class businesses, industries, and names. Rumor had it that whoever earned the right to would work with the Waynes during the summer for their internship, a huge boost to the lucky winner's resume.
Marinette organised everything for the trip- the hotel, activities, tours, school, etc- nearly without help (if you counted Tikki and Luka- two of Marinette's last friends and people who didn't even go to her school!).
The plane ride to Gotham wasn't very interesting. Marinette sat in the back alone while Lila and her lackeys gossipped and lied (both knowingly and unknowingly) about this and that. Every so often, Marinette would hear something about a Dimitri Wayne?
She inwardly scoffed, wondering if Lila meant the only blood Wayne child. Marinette had done quite a bit of research into Gotham, it's heroes vigilantes, villains, and important figures. 99% of Lila's claims about the Waynes could be disproven by a simple Google search, yet...
Marinette sighed, watching the sheep flock to the wolf.
There's nothing I can do for those who swallow such obvious lies.
They reached Gotham around 9pm, going straight to the hotel and getting their rooms. Marinette, predictably, was alone. She was thankful for that, though, because then she could leave and go Ladybug-ing whenever she felt she needed to.
Of course, Marinette knew the rough locations of everything she'd visit, but... it would be handy, seeing Gotham from the air and in person.
"What do you think, Tikki? Should Ladybug say hello to Gotham?"
"Not Ladybug, per-say. What if Hawkmoth figured out we weren't in Paris?"
Marinette nodded at the flying Kwami, hovering right in front of her face. "A change in identities, then. Think you can whip up something I'd like?"
Tikki nodded with a smile, thinking for a moment before shooting her Chosen a thumbs up. "Tikki, spots on!"
Before she left, she took a look at herself in the mirror, smiling at the new outfit.
Her hair, once midnight black/blue, was red with black stripes, gathered up into a bun at the top of her head with a black ribbon tying it together and the ends sticking up to form antenna-like things. Her bangs, once swept to the side now framed her face, the left side red and the right black. The ends brushed her chin, but never seemed to get in her way. Her mask was black like the rest of her outfit, red decal swirling intricately across the fabric. Red accents outlined where her gloves, boots, and sleeves were against a black background. Instead of the skin tight onesie, her outfit was split into four parts- the top, bottoms, gloves, and boots. Her top took a different style, looking more like a Chinese or Japanese kimono top, the bell sleeves covering her palms and loose. Red swirled around the top in descrete roses, red lining the hems. Her gloves were red, black roses stitched into the fabric on the back. Her pants were black and only reached her mid-calf, red roses stitched near the cutoff. Her ankle boots were plain black, the three-inch heel not inhibiting her in any way shape or form (thankfully) and her yo-yo was still strapped to her hip, but harder to see. On her back was a staff like Chat Noir's, but black and with spots indicating the button.
She tapped her chin, humming in thought. "I suppose I'll need a new name for Gotham." She shrugged, deciding to think about it later. She easily opened the window and hopped out, getting used to using the staff almost immediately as she vaulted over the roofs near the hotel, quickly gaining distance.
Nightwing frowned, eyes tracking the strange red and black figure who was easily taking down thugs twice their size. Seems like a new vigilante's in town, he thought, bringing a hand up to his comm. "Has anyone seen a new vigilante around?"
"No one's reported anything, why?"
He slid farther back into the shadows of the ally way he was crouched in, watching as the- what he could now tell- woman glanced around the small area. "I may have found one. See if you can find anything on her, Oracle. We'd better figure out if she's friend or foe before jumping in."
"Copy that. For now, track her."
"Way ahead of you," he said, silently jumping after her when she used some kind of baton to leap over the closest building.
Marinette paused, stopping on the roof. Her tail seemed more interested in finding out who she was than kidnapping or attacking her, as they would have done so an hour ago when she let them close. She knew she couldn't allow that- no matter who was tailing her. She pulled her yo-yo off her hip, keeping her tail carefully behind her even as they slowly and stealthy approached. They sounded male, if the heavier steps meant anything.
With practiced ease, she opened the weapon, reaching into the glowing pink and pulling out the Fox Miraculous. She had long since started putting the Box of Miracles in her yo-yo when she transformed, careful to keep the Miraculi out of Hawkmoth's hands. She slipped the necklace on, nodding once at Trixx. She held out her hands as she said, "Trixx, Tikki, unify."
Orange replaced the red in her costume, an orange glow surrounding her for a second. No more red was found on the heroine, the dark color replaced by a dark orange and the staff replaced with a flute on her back. She turned on her heel towards her tail, a carefully blank look on her face. "Come out," she demanded, suppressing her surprise when Nightwing appeared.
Neither spoke for a moment, eyeing each other and mentally figuring each other's strengths and weaknesses. "Why were you following me," she asked, keeping her spine straight.
"The better question is, why are you here? Gotham has more than enough protectors."
"I won't be here for long. The League has made it's decision loud and clear, and I won't 'waste your time with pranks'," she angrly spit out, heavy quotations in her sentence. She watched as mild confusion spread on the bird's face, but felt only a slight ping of regret, her emotions having watered down and muted over the years of fighting Hawkmoth. Ladybug couldn't be compromised, after all.
"What are you talking about?"
"Ask those receiving requests for help about a French heroine named Ladybug," she said, pulling the flute off her back. She played an ancient tune that flew into her fingers, removed the instrument from her lips, and fired the glowing orange ball towards the ground, shouting, "Mirage," as she did so. Orange smoke filled the area, a million masked heroines going in all directions and tricking the sensors in Nightwing's mask as she went back to her room, only staying awake long enough to feed the Kwamis and fall into her bed.
Red Robin frowned as he and Oracle looked through the footage from earlier, replaying it over and over. "Magic?"
"Has to be," he said, his brows furrowing as he scanned the footage once more. "There's no holographic projectors, and she didn't seem to know about the hidden cameras on him."
Oracle hummed, fingers flying away. "Any luck finding sources for the so-called heroine in France?"
Tim had been looking ever since the girl mentioned heroes in the country, only finding the Ladyblog. He didn't count it as credible, what with the obvious CGI. "No. Just a fake source," he said, sighing. "Maybe we should look through the League records. See if we can find anything."
"Way ahead of you," Barbara said, hitting the final key decisivly. "Four clips, one response."
"Play them."
A girl in a red and black spotted mask looked into the camera, the Eiffel Tower in the background. In accented English, she spoke. "Hello. My name is Ladybug, and I'm a new hero for Paris. My city is being terrorized by a villain who preys on any powerful, negative emotions he can find using the power of the Butterfly. I haven't been a hero long- today marks the full week. But I know we need help. My partner and I don't know what we're doing yet, and I can only drag us through battles so often until we run out of steam." Her blue eyes softened, hope and uncertainty in them.
"Please. If you get this- send help. Preferably someone with detective abilities and a good handle on their emotions so we can find Hawkmoth faster. I don't want to think of what damage Paris would go under if we had to fight an Akumatized member of the League..." She sighed, giving the camera a hopeful smile. "Bug out."
The next was in the middle of the day, giant bubbles floating in the air. The camera zoomed in on one, seeing adults trapped. The angle shifted to the streets, where kids were running rampant without supervision. "I don't know if I can fix the damage they'll do," the same voice called from out of the shot. "My Cure only works with very specific damages- and I don't think this counts. Please- the longer this goes on, the more powerful Hawkmoth becomes." Her voice held so much hope, it was nearly painful. "Ladybug out."
The next was again in the middle of the day, but this time, the streets were flooded. Only a few hundred people could be seen safe on roofs, and Ladybug did a full sweep of the city on camera before landing beside a blond hero in a black cat costume. "Syren is the most deadly Akuma we've seen so far," the heroine- Ladybug- said somberly. "I don't know what this will do to my people's mental health. It's already been months since Hawkmoth started his reign, but the changes may be permanent. Even a week after he started, I could see the changes in my people. They're more... empty. Like shells of the people they once were, scared to feel anything for the threat of Hawkmoth and harming their loved ones. I only pray my power continues to erase the memories of all those who become Akumatized, dead, or under the victim's control. My people are traumatized enough already. If anyone sees this, please.... send help."
The final clip showed a furious Ladybug staring into the camera, fires raging behind her. "It's been over a year since I first asked for your help. After so long, I thought I had accepted that no help was coming. But understand- you're leaving the fate of the world in a few teenagers hands! We can't keep going on like this- we'll burn out and Hawkmoth will win! Look at what Hawkmoth caused this time!" She turned the camera slowly, gathering the flaming city of love on screen. Craters filled the streets, no building over a story was intact. Bodies littered the streets- some charred and some bleeding. The Eiffel Tower was in pieces, crushing more people. Flames wracked the once-beautiful city, ash blocking the sun. "He will only get stronger, as will the Akuma he creates. But we won't without guidance and training! And no one on Team Miraculous has any kind of detective training- we aren't getting any closer to the source of the problem! And if Hawkmoth defeats both Chat Noir and I, the entire world may be doomed, depending on his wish." The camera was set down, Ladybug walking in front of it with a spotted object- something looking like a frying pan- in her hand. She threw it up, shouting "Miraculous Ladybug," as she did so. Millions of pink dots swarmed the city, fixing all damages and bringing people back to life wherever they touched. She swung down to a boy with black hair tipped blue, camera on his face, yet it was blurred to protect his identity. "Sir, tell me about this attack. I'm sorry to bring it up so soon, but the League cannot ignore an innocent's cry for help."
When he spoke, his voice went through a some kind of modifier. "Okay, Ladybug... Well, my sister and I were walking home from school. We had band practice later today- I guess that's cancelled. Anyway, we were minding our own business when Inferna came. I tried protecting my sister, but..." He took a deep breath. "She was too fast. My sister burned alive right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything."
"I'm sorry," Ladybug said, a hand coming to lay on the boy's shoulder. "I'm sorry we didn't stop her in time. That you had to see this. That you have to remember. If I could wipe that memory from you, I would, but..." A heavy sigh came from behind the camera. "Thank you for sharing." The process repeated with a couple more people- some young some old, and some who died during the experience. All were traumatized from this Akuma, and previous, yet they had hope. At the end, Ladybug turned the camera on herself, face stern. "I know this may not seem possible to you. I know this may look like editing, and that this may be a waste of time. But if you think that, spend a weekend in Paris. See for yourself what we've become. Ladybug out."
The only thing left was a letter from the League. It amounted to, "Don't send in prank calls anymore. You're taking away from those who need it."
Tim and Barbara were furious. But this issue needed care.
It was time to call the Batman.
Bruce's brows drew closer and closer as the clips played, his anger obvious when the letter was shown. But, unsurprisingly, his reaction was the most subdued of those in the room.
Anger freely rolled off of Jason, Dick, Barbara, Damian, and even Alfred. Tim had already started to get his feelings under control as his fingers flew across the keyboard, his face reflecting his concentration. "I don't recognize the signature on the letter," Bruce stated. Which was strange, because he kept tabs on everyone who worked for the League. Just in case.
"You're not the only one," Tim said, keeping his eyes on the screen in front of him. "I can't find this guy anywhere. I'm starting to think he doesn't exist, but..."
"That would mean the League has someone who's either working with Hawkmoth- who seems to be the one attacking Paris- or someone who doesn't want the situation to be known," Dick said, crossing his arms. "Neither situation is good."
"So what can we do about it?" All eyes turned to Damian until he explained. "She said Hawkmoth was using the people's emotions against them. Members of the League aren't exactly the most emotionally strong, and a lot of them use negative emotions to strengthen themselves in battle."
"You're uncharacteristically angry about this," Bruce observed, watching as his youngest didn't react to his statement outside of raising an eyebrow. This wasn't the first time Damian reacted differently than expected. Bursts of outrage or annoyance at specific groups of people, almost muted emotions, nearly inhumane emotional recovery. At first, Bruce hoped the Wayne was simply getting a better control on his emotions, but after a while of observing... He realized that wasn't the case. "What's going on, Damian?"
The teen hesitated, the expression he usually made when he scolded himself appearing on his face. "What's your view on soulmates?"
Bruce blinked, having categorized that specific response as less than likely. "I think if you have one, you should be able to decide to seek them out or not. To have the option of creating a life with them if you so chose. Damian, is your soulmate in trouble?"
"My first language, as you know, is Arabic. But my second is French- if you can call it a second. The language simply appeared in my head the same time I was learning Arabic as a baby, according to my caretakers. I'd switch between the two without thought as a child," Damian explained. "While I was learning other languages, the same thing happened to Mandarin. When I had a pastry for the first time after I moved in with you, I could instantly tell what ingredients the chef used, how much, and what adding more or less of certain ingredient would do to the final product. With all this, I've deduced my soulmate is a French-Chinese baker," Damian revealed. "Now, with this information about Paris..."
"You think your soulmate is in danger," Dick accurately guessed. "Damn, that must be infuriating."
"How many times have they died when help from the League could have saved them," Damian wondered. "How many times have we let them down?"
"You have to remember, Baby Bird- your soulmate gets your skills, too," Tim called, still clacking away. "Whoever they are, they'd put up one hell of a fight if anyone tried attacking."
"I'm aware, Drake. But that doesn't mean they're invincible to drowning and getting crushed."
"Why do you think they're in Paris, specifically," Dick asked.
"It takes effort to feel negative emotions now," the youngest Wayne said. "All of you know I don't have the longest temper. But when I'm not thinking about it, my negative emotions just... dissapere. All of them."
"If what Ladybug said was true, and their terrorist uses emotions to take control of the person, that's likely what the people have taken to to avoid being controlled," Dick hummed, frowns appearing on everyone's faces.
"For now, let's inform the rest of the League," Bruce decided, walking to the computer. "Let's see if anyone has an idea of what's going on."
Alfred, meanwhile, frowned. If the Ladybug is in play... the world is at stake.
Marinette never had good luck in her day to day life. She guessed all her good luck was spent as Ladybug, and she needed a luck balance or something. Which is how she chose the one outlet in the entire hotel that didn't work. Her phone died during the night, so she woke up late, the clock on the bedstand reading 8:17 am. The bus was set to leave at 8, but she wouldn't be surprised if Lila had convinced them to leave earlier. It was only thanks to the Kwamis that she got up that early, but she still missed the bus. She scrambled to get ready, sprinting out of the hotel after five minutes. She found a nearby allyway, ducking into it and letting Tikki fly out of her jacket. "We gotta hurry. Tikki, spots on!"
Damian scowled, pinching the bridge of his nose as the group in front of him scrambled to find their missing student. "Didn't you call roll," he asked in French, being the translator and main guide for Wayne Enterprises.
"Well, yes, but... I swear Marinette was with us!"
He was starting not to like the teacher too much. Or the gaggle of girls gossiping about how the missing student just wanted attention. "You realize Gotham has the highest crime rates in the US, correct?" At the teacher's shaky nod, he continued, his scowl deepening. "Then why on Earth would you allow one of your students to go missing?!"
He was about to rant more when the doors slid open, a girl with pigtails running through and out of breath. "I'm here," she gasped, her hands resting on her knees.
"Marinette! There you are."
The bluest eyes Damian had ever seen (a high honer considering his father and Grayson) looked up, holding regret. "Sorry, Madame. My phone died, so the alarm didn't go off. It won't happen again."
"See that it doesn't. We're going to have to hurry through this to stay on schedule."
"Now hold on," Damian growled, steeping between the teacher and her students. "You were just saying that she was in the bus this morning. Now you're saying it's her fault you didn't check the bus properly before leaving?"
The woman paled as surprise grew in the girl's eyes. "It's alright now," she said, standing and catching her breath. "I'm here and safe, and we're already behind. Let's just leave this in the past and go on with the tour."
"You don't seem to understand the danger you could have been in, miss...?"
"Marinette. Any one of Gotham's rouges could have picked you up, or a common thief or mugger could have cornered you. Especially if you were alone."
"I'm aware," she calmly responded. "That would have been their mistake. There's a reason few Akuma come after me anymore."
"Oh, yeah," a dark boy with a red cap said. "I keep forgetting your crazy soulmate, dudette."
"Soulmate," the dark girl with glasses asked, looking to the boy in confusion. "Marinette doesn't have a soulmate. She would have told me."
Marinette sighed through her nose, seemingly gathering herself. "Alya, I don't like talking about my soulmate. I don't know what they're comfortable sharing about their skills, so I try not to talk about it."
Damian's respect for the small girl shot through the roof. "Yeah, but the dudette was awesome against playground bullies," the boy said, gathering attention. "Kim, you remember?" A tall boy nodded, a grin on his face.
"It was really cool to watch this tiny little girl in pigtails completely destroy them," he commented. "Dunno how she did it to this day, but there were always two things Marinette's never stood for. Liars and bullies."
"Then how come she is one," the glasses girl from earlier asked, her brows furrowing. "Something doesn't add up."
"Maybe she changed," a girl with sasauge hair said. "People do that."
All of a sudden, the atmosphere changed, interest becoming hostility. "Guys, let's just do this," Marinette said, looking tired. She grabbed the extra pass in the tub and plopped it around her neck.
Lunch couldn't come soon enough for Marinette and Damian. The former because she forgot to grab breakfast, and the latter so he could talk to his family about Marinette's treatment within the class. He heard everything said about her during the tour, and his anger at the class only grew. Usually, he wouldn't care and just be annoyed at the gossip, but even he could see how kind she was. Several times, she interacted with the staff the others ignored, seeing if she could help them carry something or open doors or pick up something they dropped. She was fluent in English, too, and more often than not whatever language the employee spoke first. Which was odd, since WE prided itself on its diverse hiring and multicultural assistance, meaning most people wouldn't be able to converse in so many languages.
She spoke in well over 10 languages- all ones Damian was fluent in, as well.
What a coincidence.
Word about the French angel spread fast through the building, as Damian heard whispers following his steps. At one point, a group of employees came up to him to ask about the French girl, wondering if the rumors were true.
Most of them were, but he was on a mission so he didn't spend much (if any) time dealing with the people. When he found an empty meeting room without anything booked for the next hour, he called one of the best people he knew to get to the bottom of this, as much as he hated admitting it.
"Drake. I need a favor."
Lunch went by without major incident- besides Lila claiming a 'Dimitri Wayne' was her soulmate and childhood friend.
Marinette inwardly scoffed, knowing that Damian had been living with his mother until he turned double digits, and that he spent a year or two getting used to Gotham before ever announcing his existence to the world. Even then, no one is even completely sure what he looks like, let alone his friends, and those who actually knew him would be sworn to secrecy by the Waynes. Again, though, she realized how little power she had to change her classmates' views on the Italian and her tall tales. Marinette's instincts told her of someone approaching from behind, and she whirled around on her heel without much thought, pausing as she saw the tour guide walking up to the group. "Okay, lunch's over! Let's get this show on the road, hm?"
Her class quickly gathered around the tall man, ready to continue the tour. Marinette, like usual, was in the back of the group, sketchbook out and pencil flying across the page.
"You're very skilled at drawing."
She didn't jump or whirl around, having heard the approaching footsteps and slight muttering a while ago. "Thank you, but I still have a long way to go." She quickly wrapped up the rough sketch, then closed the book, sending a bright smile at the boy. "And thank you for speaking in my defence this morning."
"Think nothing of it." The teen waved his hand dissmissively, eyes trailing back to the front for a moment.
"Still. My name's Marinette, by the way. Marinette Dupen-Cheng."
"Damian," he said, nodding. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise!" She smiled once again, her shoulders a little more lifted than what they were before. "So, how long have you worked at WE?"
They talked amongst themselves for the remainder of the tour, Damian pointing out and explaining more than the guide for most of the tour. And when there wasn't anything educational to talk about, they spoke a little of themselves, getting to know the person beside them a little better. Damian also asked more about the situation in Paris, earning a sad look from the girl beside him and quite a bit of new information. All too soon, though, the tour ended. Over the course of their conversations, Damian learned that that morning wasn't the first time Marinette had been left behind, and quickly deduced that it wouldn't be the last with the children called her classmates. So, when the time to part came, he offered an alternative course of action.
"Gotham can be a beautiful city. Why don't I show you a few inspiring scenic places?" Marinette blinked at the teen, but smiled.
"Let me ask Madame real quick- I'm sure she won't mind too much."
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Bio! Dad Strange part 4
Shorter but a paris update for her life and a little on gotham with Jason as Robin while Tim is a hero Stalker.
Marinette is 7 when she changes schools, ordered into the Dupont school chain by her teachers since she was getting ‘difficult’ and contradicting their ciriculum. When they challeneged her on this, she went to the school board with Rolland beside her of all people.
The board agreed on one thing, Marinette’s contradictions were not only factually correct, but were done to prevent the outdated ciriculum from hurting her classmates. Instead of punishing her, she got to skip a gade and was given to Dupont as a ‘highly reccomended gifted student’.
Her first day she met Max, who also skipped a grade. The pair bond in five seconds over a new programming focused on learning emotional intelligence. Uncle Riddler was showing her it, and Max got his hands on a various ai bases. This led to then teaming up and designing the one and only Markov together, if only in schematics.
A week in and the two notice that some kids are being followed around by a guy with a bat. They report it. Again and again, but no one can find him.
One day he catches the pair on their way to Max’s—they wanted to work on their ai together, ok? The guy tries to hit Max, saying something about them being lucky metas that needed to suffer.
Marinette’s gotham training kicked in. She caught the bat, ripped it away from him and hit him in the chest with it, while yelling at max to run.
At the end of the incident, videotaped by a bystander, the Dupont Stalker was arrested.
Marinette was given another name by the police, ‘fille de batte’ or bat girl. Her having family in gotham only made the nickname more popular.
This put her on Kim and Alix’s radar. Kim wanted a challenge for fighting and competitions, and this tiny kid did that—to an adult! New friend and rival!
Alix was went from shock to joy as Marientte does art. She does art. Art friend to rant to found!
Nino ran into Marinette not long after Kim and Alix attached themselves to her and Max. Nino became their judge for Kim challenges. Including Mari pinning Kim to the mat, or deciding who did a circus move better (Mari won acrobatics).
Chloe doesnt go to dupont until next year, and sabrina is in another class, mildly concerned for Marinette.
In this au, again, Dupont is considered a ‘i would not be shocked if there were metas there’ school for gifted kids in any way.
Marinette is sent there for her insane science obsession at the time, but is also put in their arts program with Alix to develop as an artist with her medium, fabrics and fashion.
And if marinette redesigns hero outfits as “monsiuer ross, scribbles have more style, let alone fashion sense” alot, well. Kids get obsessed a lot and the Justice League is a common one, as are known villians. Her everyday outfits having different hero schemes—oddly enough some forensic scientist she’s obsessed with from some american city ended up in her mix—well. She’s a kid and showing signs a few types of anxiety.
Possible social and OCD and a developing case of perfectionism common to the arts program. The school has her see a therapist and know she isnt telling them everything beyong mild concern for her gotham family, and confusion over people just ‘not getting things’ as she is terribly smart and good at finding patterns and how do people not see it?
By the end of the year Marinette is in a strong friend group who’s parents and hers have decided to have joint custody during the school year.
She was now (forced) to learn vietnamese from Kim’s Grandparents, italian from Rolland (her nonno that has a Thing for tradition and somehow married Gina and raised Tom mostly on his own while running the bakery to boot), english from Father/Strange, Mandarin from her Maman and she started Arabic to talk with Nino’s aunt who kept saying marinette was her future in-law and point out that nino and her are friends, not dating ma’am.
However, Nino endured most of this with her-not the italian or Mandarin, but the others. Kim couldnt get Arabic but mandarin was a breeze for him. Alix cannot get vietnamese or arabic but Mandarin is her jam after french. Max just speaks french and english, he understands the others he just cant get the sounds right, ok?
When Marinette goes back to Gotham that summer, she ends up dealing with Hero Stalker Tim (jason is robin now) while looking for Red Hoodie who No oNE is telling her what happened and she’s worried, ok?
Tim feeds her obbsession with fixing problems. He sometimes sends her building layouts of places Catwoman stole from. And then the jewlry reappears thanks to a nervous Marinette coached by Rose and Ghoul while Frost handles her post-fix it freak out. Tim also may or may not get helped by her alot during Batman Stalking Time as she teaches his butt how to sneak and complains he’s worse than penguin.
Tim hates that, works on it, and still has nonidea who she is. He does admit to figuring out who batman may be, but needs more evidence so...
Marinette hits him becuase “thats dangerous!” And tries to lecture him in identites.
Batman’s radiowave was used for said lecture.
“And it puts their families in danger you, uh, hero stalker! And stuff so no more identity investigations!”
“They have the same builds, and did signsture moves from—“ the signal cutout.
He and Jason are more careful... ish. They change channels and monitor the old one.
Sometimes Batman catches Marinette and Tim talking about coldcases and she has asked three times if he heard anything about Jason’s street kid identity. Jason is feeling guilty about this as she’s his Pixie Pop. This lets Bruce know that the probably-clark’s-kid would keep Jason away from GCPD and CPS.
When a convo leads to Batman finding out Tim and Marinette have considered asking the police for help with a case of medicine that needed to be recalled as it was beign used to mule drugs contaminated the batches and hurt patients, but turned it down after she saw some taking bribes from Fish, Batman lets Gordon know and an investigation is launched.
While Bats is away, Jason visits marinette as Robin and tries to get her to bats for more information and a lecture on heroing without adult supervision. Maybe.
Only she’s currently stealing from a sleeping selina at another HQ. A Selina who has stopped trying to stop marinette and let riddler turn her house into one of his ‘traps’ to stop Marinette’s ‘return theiving’.
Jason gets stuck in a trap. Marinette is gone by then, scared Robin will tell Superman about her and he’ll hurt her family or something.
Catwoman is annoyed at Marinette’s sucess. She goes to stop the girl after leaving him tied up for Batman with a message: leave her new kitten-to-be alone.
Follow up talk post-Caught Marinette reverse theiving.
“Blame the Council’s decrees. She’s their little princess, and my new neice,” Catwoman watched Batman carefully.
Confused Batman in interrogator mode. “You mean the Court of Owls, arent they disbanded?”
“Bats, the council is gotham’s underground. Apparently Two-Face made the contracts as penance for scaring the Princess during a breakout. Unless you want an organized attack by the council, steer clear of her.”
Batman conencts the dots and curses himself. The girl he was looking for last summer is the Princess of Gotham’s underground. It will be hell finding her. And Superman/Clark will lose it when he’s told.
He lets the JL know about it, saying ‘possibly kyptonian clone, female child. Gotham’s underground is calling her their Princess. Connor and Kidflash tailed her last summer during the arkham breakout while Robin was with the Titans. Be alert for a small asian girl.’
That was how Marinette ended up on the JL watch list and how Superman had another existential crisis.
Dick freaks out with the Titans over this. Becuase kyltonian raised by villians is terrifying. Jason forwarded the message and adds on “she’s a good kid and wants to help. Somehow keeps zsasz and joker from killing people, so its not good to take her away or issolate her from the villians if you find her. From what i remember, she is terrified of her family beign put in danger. The others wont listen to me. If you can, pass this along to the other sidekicks and your allies—none of them trust me enough to listen. I cant talk to her as a civilian like i used to either for obvious reasons. And she’s terrified of me-Robin. Maybe you can get through to her, or someone else can. Just talk to her first, she’s more reasonsble than she looks”
Dick doesnt read the add on until much later and regrets it.
He met marinette once. She was a very excited kid babbling about aerodynamics in acrobatics and asking about that. Not hero things, not power things, or justice league but That.
He tried to be nice but he was having a horrible mission, saw the girl floating as she rambled and tried to grab her.
She freaked out and bolted, sort of. He got slammed into a building, or would have had she not caught him, rambled in french while trying to apologize (he was a but stunned from the throw, and rebooting as villian-kyptonian was... nice?) and put him on the roof, hit his communicator and said one thing.
“I think i broke your robin? All are robins like bird bones or something?”
He regained a functioning brain as that. That was something he could respond to.
“I am human thank you!”
That seemed to be enough for her as he moved to get up. She waved bye and bolted, something about Rose being mad at her for being late...
“Titans. I think we might have been wrong about the kid...”
Later with Young Justice the info was passed on.
Jason asked if anyone read his attachment and was met with silence. He groaned and told them “so another team she’s going to avoid... great.”
Marinette added the titans to her list of ‘people to aviod—tetch and Jerimah were the worst. Luthor and Cadmus were under them. Then the entire Justice League (they would tell batman or superman. Snitches.), followed by GCPD, CPS, the Bat Family and now Titans. She wonders if she needs to add anyone else, and hates that she cant talk to heroes. They could help with controlling her powers instead of suppressing them but she cant trust them not to give her to superman like batman did with Rose to Poison Ivy and she’s pretty sure Superboy too.
Next time, times marinette accidently put together identities and curses Hero Stalker Tim for her now knowing.
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Title: Manor-Dad lets me drive the Batmobile Chapter 6 Summary: The Batkids think Bruce is dating Batman ft. Jason being the best big brother ever to Tim AN: BET YOU THOUGHT YOU’D SEEN THE LAST OF ME. Yeah I updated!!!
Jason felt pretty shitty for the first week Tim was staying with them. He knew the sharp claws digging into his throat and head as well as nausea accompanied by them were all symptoms of jealousy trying to establish its place in Jason’s heart. He was sixteen for crying out loud. He should be above feeling jealous of a thirteen-year-old, who, most of the time, wasn’t even trying to get anyone’s attention. It was almost pitiful to witness Tim startling every time some addressed him because he wasn’t expecting anyone to really ask him about his day at dinner.
And yet Jason was hiding away in his room because he couldn’t stand Bruce paying attention to someone else like a spoiled little brat. He would have gone to the Cave, but Alfred had banned all of them from sulking in there. He figured it was only a question of time until Alfred got Batman to switch into civilian clothes and stay in the manor.
Groaning, Jason buried his head in his pillows.
Don’t be jealous of the new kid, don’t be jealous of the new kid, don’t be jealous of-
The door creaked.
“What’s up, Little Wing?”
Right, it was Saturday morning. Of course Dick would be here.
“Nothing,” Jason replied, but even to his ears, his voice sounded wobbly.
Dick honored his horrible nickname and took Jason’s annoyance as an invitation. He let himself fall down onto Jason’s bed and stretched like a cat, taking up all the space. He stayed as silent as a bat while he waited for Jason to gather his courage. It was dumb, but when Dick wasn’t being a dick, he had this annoying quality that made you want to talk to him. He was good at giving advice that didn’t boil down to “money” or “batarangs” or random actually helpful bits about social cues. Jason knew he could trust his brother, he had kept his mouth shut about Sheila for months after all.
“I’m jealous,” Jason finally admitted. It was strange to say it out loud
Dick laughed. “Of my charming good looks? Don’t worry, you’ll get there.”
Jason rolled his eyes but cracked a small smile nevertheless.
“Not of that, Dickhead. And I’m already taller than you anyway.”
“Lies! Slander! How could you even just attempt to break my heart like that?”
Dramatically, Dick put his right arm to his forehead and closed his eyes, reminiscent of a shocked Victorian lady.
“Uhu, just consult the measurements on the kitchen entrance door. I’ve officially surpassed you.”
Even if Jason couldn’t really believe it. Leslie had estimated his height when he’d first gotten to the manor and back then it had seemed like he’d be lucky if he ever reached Dick’s height. Personally, Jason was blaming that alien plant fertilizer goo he’d gotten dosed with a couple months ago for his growth spurt, but he sure as hell wasn’t telling anyone that. Except for Alfred, in case he ended up growing flowers instead of hair.
“But no, I’m jealous of the kid.”
“Tim?” Dick asked.
His voice wasn’t judgmental or anything, but Jason still felt like apologizing.
Jason groaned and fell back on his bed. “I know! It’s stupid! But Bruce has been busy with him practically the whole week! I know it’s ‘cause they have to get his guardianship finalized and everything, but still. And he’s so smart too! Even Batman’s noticed! I lived in this house for weeks and I didn’t figure out the big batty secret, but the kid did it from a distance!”
“You know, I was pretty jealous too when you showed up.”
Jason definitely hadn’t known that. Honestly, Dick’s sunny attitude around Jason had almost freaked him out the first times he interacted with Dick.
Dick shrugged easily.
“I mean, I wasn’t talking to Batman at all. And then there was you spending so much time down in the Cave with him. Of course, I was jealous. You were all cute and tiny and knew basically everything about Gotham already. I swear, I had to study boring maps for months and you already knew Gotham’s streets.”
“How did you deal with it?”
“I considered your situation and I tried to get to know you. Figure out your interests and stuff.”
Jason frowned.
“Wait. Was that the reason you went everywhere I wanted with me? Passive-aggressive exposure therapy in a mall?”
Dick grinned mischievously. “Well, it worked, didn’t it?”
Surprisingly, it didn’t take much to get Tim talking about himself. After reassuring him that, yes, Jason didn’t have anything more important to do and no, Bruce really was expecting Tim to decorate his room, Tim could not be stopped.
He talked.
So much.
About skateboarding, how much fun the keyboard was, his more challenging school classes, photography, Pokémon, his favorite comics, exciting facts he learned, the heroes conspiracy blog he was apparently running, and Robin.
Whenever they were alone, Tim would talk about Robin.
The sky was blue, the sun was hot, Timothy Jackson Drake didn’t shut up about Robin.
He got super excited and cheerful then, retelling Jason cases he had actually worked and wondering about how all the cool gadgets worked and just Robin.
Tim’s case of hero worship hadn’t gone unnoticed by the manor’s other residents either, but Jason wasn’t sure if Alfred or Bruce understood the way Tim talked about Robin. Like he was more than just a vigilante, like the role was a symbol.
“Batman needs Robin,” Tim said seriously. “It makes him better. I mean, Batgirl and Nightwing and Magpie, you’re all amazing! But it’s not Gotham without the Bat and his Robin, right?”
Tim looked unsure, but Jason realized the kid understood it.
And then Jason began to think.
Barbara couldn’t believe it took over a month for her to finally get to meet one Timothy Drake in person. She had researched him, even exchanged a few words with him over the comms once, but she had yet to actually meet the kid. Even Dick had met him, and he lived in Blüdhaven.
But Barbara had finally managed to clear enough time in her busy schedule – she was coordinating two vigilante teams and operating as Oracle after all – and driven up to the manor. If she used her time there to update the Bat-Computer as well, then that was only her business. She wasn’t a workaholic and she had a life outside of her duties when they allowed it.
She had the work-life-balance figured out, honestly.
Tim was a cute kid. A bit shy at first, but he warmed up to her quickly enough. Jason must have expected it because he was grinning when Tim started chattering about video games.
“So, what do you think?” Jason asked.
“He’s a good kid.”
“You’re being awfully noisy. What do you want to know?”
“Batman talks to you about my training, doesn’t he? How much longer until I can go solo?”
Barbara leaned forward in her wheelchair. “What do you think?”
Jason deflated. “I don’t know. I feel like I’ve been ready for it for ages. I haven’t needed B’s back up in a long while, but imagining him being halfway across town is… unsettling still.”
Barbara nodded slowly before replying.
“Honestly? You’ve been ready for two months already at least. Batman just has a hard time letting go. He’s never really been without one of us for a very long time.”
“Right,” Jason said. “Which is why we can’t leave him alone.”
“What are you thinking?”
Jason pointed at Timothy, eagerly throwing batarangs at a target.
“He said that Gotham, that Batman, needs Robin. I’m thinking we should take advantage of the kid who already knows our secret and has a hard time falling asleep when we’re out.”
Bruce knew something was up, but he allowed himself to live in blissful ignorance a little longer. He let Dick sneak forensics lessons into Tim’s self-defense classes, allowed Jason to teach Tim about the various gangs ruling Gotham.
It wasn’t like these bits of information weren’t useful, the every-day citizen just didn’t particularly need them.
And Bruce definitely wasn’t thinking about who did need this knowledge and more.
Tim Drake was his ward for as long as his parents weren’t in Gotham. Nothing more and nothing less.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Bruce could see Alfred observing him while the kids (“I’m a twenty-year-old woman, B.” “And I remember babysitting you as a teenager, your point?”) bickered about some movie.
Ignorance was bliss, that was a lesson Bruce had learned early on. And sometimes you were allowed to indulge in it.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Tim asked from where he was sitting on Jason’s bed.
“Absolutely,” Jason replied, grinning way too cheerfully for six in the morning. He’d only gotten back from patrol two hours ago, he shouldn’t be so awake yet, or so Tim thought, yet Jason looked like he could take on the world.
“But we’re breaking one of The Rules.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. They’re more like guidelines than rules. Besides, Aunty Diana and Kate already agreed to help us. This is a surefire plan.”
Tim honestly wasn’t so sure about it. He wanted to trust Jason, but what if Bruce and Batman didn’t think it was funny to be tricked into a date?
“Jason’s right, Tim,” Barbara’s voice echoed from the laptop sitting on Jason’s desk. “Besides, the worst that will happen is that you get grounded because Bruce and B are caught up in the romantic bliss that was relaxing on Valentine’s Day in Paris.”
“That’s right!” Jason said. “We’re setting up dates for them at least twice a year if we can. It would be suspicious if we didn’t try to get them away.”
Tim pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. “If you say so… I still don’t get why we need both of them out of Gotham for so long. Can’t they stay here?”
“I do say so, Timbit. Just you wait, they won’t know what hit them. And if they stay here, they’d just take their paperwork to bed.”
Bruce absolutely knew what hit him. Diana and Kate were good actors, they had to be if they even just wanted to operate as vigilantes, but they didn’t even bother to hide it from him.
“It’s cute,” Diana said. “How much they try to make their parents happy.”
“Very funny. What if something actually happens, though?”
“Then your Super-Bro will pick you up from Paris,” Kate replied. “And ten years ago you were working alone. Now you’ve got me and Dick and Jason and Babs to look over Gotham. We got this.”
Her words would have been more encouraging if they weren’t followed up by her narrowly avoiding a brick being thrown at her.
Nevertheless, he still pretended to buy WE having an emergency in their Paris branch and one of Gotham’s smuggler rings operating from Paris as well.
The kids’ happy expressions were worth it.
Dick felt maybe a little guilty for lying to Tim. It was true, they tried to give Bruce and Batman some alone time once in a while and Valentine’s day was perfect for it. This time though, they needed the two men away so they could properly get to Tim.
Truth be told, he’d been skeptical when Barbara and Jason had pitched the idea to him. Training Tim and giving him a home was one thing, bringing him into the active side of the vigilante life a whole other deal.
The longer he watched Tim though, the more could he see it. The teenager was smart, dedicated, skilled and – like Jason had said – he knew what Robin meant.
Though, seeing him be questioned about the law, recent gang activity, weapons, the Justice League, and various Gotham residing companies by Babs all while sparing with Jason, made Dick pity Tim.
Dick’s Robin training had been way more relaxed, but he also hadn’t had three older siblings.
If not for the fact that Jason had made Tim’s favorite smoothie for him, Tim would assume the older boy was trying to murder him. It was day three of their spontaneous ‘sibling-bonding weekend’ and Tim was pretty sure his whole body was dying. He had never had to think or work out this much. He was sore all over. The training mats he was lying on were becoming his favorite spot to be, right after his bathtub and his bed.
“And how do you feel?” Dick asked.
“Like Superman decided I was a threat and went several rounds in the ring with me because I couldn’t recall that the Kryptonite is locked with a special key, and three different locks behind the secret entrance-“
“Woah, woah, Timbit,” Jason interrupted. “That’s enough trivia. Didn’t think you could learn this much in three days.”
“Mhm,” Barbara muttered from the desk of the Bat-Computer. “You own me fifty bucks.”
Tim frowned. “Wait. You bet on this?”
“Oooh, yeah. This has been two months in the making?” Dick glanced at Jason, who nodded in confirmation.
“Yeah, putting together a time table for three days wasn’t fun, I tell you, but the results are pretty amazing.”
Jason smiled and dropped down on the mats right next to Tim to mess up his sweaty hair.
“Urgh, gross,” he cursed and rubbed his hands on his sweat pants.
“But- why did you do this?”
The three heroes in front of Tim shared a look and Tim got the distinct impression that he was missing a big piece labeled ‘context’ in bright neon colors here.
“Your parents will be back in a few hours,” Barbara said.
(Tim wondered what it meant that his first instinct wasn’t to think about his own parents but-)
“I guess that means it’s time,” Dick said and walked over to the display cases in which the various Robin uniforms were kept. From in-between them, he pulled forward a small gift-wrapped box.
“Catch!” He shouted and threw it in Tim’s direction.
Heart beating fast, Tim jumped up to catch it. The package wasn’t bigger than his palm and surrounded by Christmas themed paper.
“Christmas? Really?” Jason snorted, but Dick just shrugged.
“Didn’t have anything better at home. Go on, Tim, open it. If you want it, it’s yours.”
Carefully, Tim unwrapped the gift, revealing a cardboard box. He could feel the others’ stares on him but didn’t dare look up. They had put a lot of thought into this and spend so much time with him. He couldn’t disappoint them.
Tim opened the box and came face to face with a shiny black and gold emblem.
“You said it yourself,” Jason said. “Batman needs a Robin and I’m not putting on the green tights again.”
“What Jason means,” Dick added, “is that we really can’t be responsible for Batman running around without a talented little pipsqueak cracking masterful puns. So if you want to be Robin, you have our blessings. You only need to convince the other two overprotective idiots of this house.”
It took all of Tim’s strength not to burst into tears right then and there. He was thankful though that Jason and Dick dragged him over to Babs for a group hug. 
Bruce didn’t even know why he had assumed it would end differently. Tim had been skittish the whole week and Bruce had watched the Cave’s security tapes, just to make sure they hadn’t tried to hide an explosion from him again.
“I‘m fairly skilled in a multitude of martial arts now,“ Tim began his speech.
“No,” Batman replied.
At the other end of the Cave, Nightwing and Magpie were supposed to be sparring, but they couldn’t be listening in more obviously.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
Tim pouted.
“You’re not becoming Robin, Tim.”
Tim crossed his arms and held his chin high. Batman recognized that stance instantly, he did it fairly often himself. Maybe Clark had been right when he said that it was freaky to work alongside his kids because they all had the same body language during missions.
“I already talked to Bruce and he said that Batman needs a Robin.”
Honestly, what was it with his children lying to him?
Nevertheless, Bruce couldn’t help but crack a smile. “Did he really?”
And Tim had the audacity to nod, all serious like he wasn’t lying straight to Bruce’s face. His poker face was pretty already, not too many cracks in the mask. The kids had done an excellent job training and it would be a shame if that training went to waste.
So, Bruce really couldn’t argue against Tim, could he?
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notforgottcn · 4 years
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⧼    sophia bush, cis female, she/her   / when the bell tolls by anthony ramos   +   taking a leap even though you don’t know how far the fall is, hot coffee and ballet shoes, filling out late night paperwork because you don’t want to go home yet    ⧽   ━━   let me tell you a thing or two about ADELLA ROBBINS. the THIRTY SIX year old daughter of BRUCE WAYNE is a POLICE OFFICER in town, and has sometimes been referred to as THE PHOENIX. they’ve always seemed very DRIVEN & PHILANTHROPIC, though i’ve heard that they can be pretty ALOOF & UNFORGIVING, too. it’s common knowledge that they have NO ABILITY ; guess we shouldn’t get on their bad side, huh? 
tw: death, 
you’re more alike to your birthmother than you will ever know, you have her smile, her walk. that’s what bruce would tell you if you were to ever ask him. you don’t. you feel enough of her ghost on your shoulders without having more information about her. you know a name that is all you want from the woman who left you first.
you are left on the steps to wayne manor. sometimes when you’re sad you like to picture what alfred’s face looked like when he found you out there in january cold. you stay with there for two months. there are photos of you with your siblings. dick kept one for years it would seem. still even here where you’re supposed to be safe, you only last for so long before you’re sent away again.
mr and mrs robbins gave you the best childhood that they could, and for awhile the pain of your origins are tucked away neatly in a draw that you don’t open very much. instead you excel at your education, throwing yourself into dance lessons enjoying the moments you could snag with your parents (they were busy people, you learnt very quickly not to hold it against them).
still things become harder as you get older, you’re the odd one out at that fancy school  you attend. thought you’re not sure how they first found out. here is the first appearance of the fighter inside of you. it will be harder for you to ignore things now. your parents are called several times because you had lashed out at the people who had refused to leave you alone. you are told that were it not for your parents standing in the school community you would have likely been expelled. you are still incredibly proud of that black eye.
you take up martial arts as a compromise, with the understanding that you will behave in a manner more befitting your station in public. the fighting doesn’t really stop you just learn to mask your behaviour. a real sign that you are your fathers daughter.
at sixteen you’re sneaking into clubs making a name for yourself in the new york club scene. you only learn later that photos of you drunk and throwing up into a gutter are only going to undermine you later.
your parents passing in a mutant rights demonstration changes everything, throwing you into a world you’re not ready for. people want you to be an adult, but your nothing more than a child in your mother’s shoes. trying so hard but failing so fast. you easily see the bad sad of humanity, despite the fact that you come out relatively unscathed. it changes you, your angry and most importantly lonely. feelings that really wouldn’t go away.
the loneliness of being alone opens up things you had tidied away years ago. who were your birth parents? why did they give you up ? stupidly it would seem in hindsight you were trying to fill the space left by your parents with people you didn’t even know.
when the name on the test reads bruce wayne it stops everything. the first emotion you really remember is confusion. it was supposed to be someone you didn’t know, someone you could put behind you rather than someone who had been in the background for your entire life.
the first time you go to the mansion after the reveal you yell and scream as loud as your lungs could manage. how could he do this to you?? give you up to people who would manage to rip you apart. he hadn’t known, he couldn’t have, but you blame him for it anyway. him and them, the mutants that cause the accident, they’re the only ones you could, even as your brain tells you it’s stupid.
you remember telling him that you want nothing to do with him but even that doesn’t last too long. you move into the manor eventually, after digging your heels in and demanding to know everything. you find out about batman around the same time. the truth about your father, and as much as he knew about your mother.
that first year is hard, you are ripped from your life in new york and placed in a home that isn’t yours. the people in it are aching doing their best to heal from things that don’t involve you, and yet again you are unwanted by the majority a complication they don’t need.
still not everything in your life is bad, you are alive and for what it’s worth you have more family then you’ve ever had before. jason is the first to really make you feel at home. alfred assures you that the others will come around in time, you aren’t so sure.
taking up the cowl was technically dick’s idea, though you couldn’t become batgirl without permission from babs. just like everyone else in your family the bat becomes an outlet for your anger, a way to enact change and for a year you love it. you make the mantel your own and in some ways you’ve never felt more alive then you do in gotham at night.
just like everything else in life however it is possible to outgrow the hero antics and at nineteen you are more than ready to be something more than just batman’s sidekick. so you follow your heart and you leave. the next few years are a bit of lost time. you travel a lot (you parent’s money lets you) never really staying in one place for too long. still that doesn’t mean you don’t try for some form of stability. england is your favorite, grey skies and cups of tea, but somehow you always end up back in the states. especially after things there end badly. you get your heart broke and you can’t see the direction your pointing in anymore.
how predictable that you’d end up in new york again, some days feeling like you’d never even really left at all. still this time your not some wealthy girl. you’re enrolled in the police academy, you work your ass off and you’re on the streets by the time your twenty seven. it’s the perfect balance for you between the rush you used to get as batgirl but also working within the law. you can’t help but enjoy the fact you don’t need to cover your face.
still you’ve picked up a habit of moving on: new york, star city, gotham you’ve worked in each of them. paragon was an odder choice, after so long running from your family, your birth father’s legacy, but at the same time it feels like a good way of touching base for a while. besides, with everything that goes on in town, it’s probably a good idea to have a cop on hand who actually knows how the hero gig works.
addy still dances but it’s more as a stress relief than anything close to professional.
her entire life goal (when it comes to the batkids) is to be considered the cool aunt though the extent to which that actually is questionable.
she has two cats toodles (x) and watson (x) and they’re her favorite thing in her whole world.
she functions entirely on caffeine, yes she knows it’s bad but it’s not a habit that she can see herself breaking.
a massive disney nerd!! she’s not sorry for it.
family ;;
bruce wayne - father/ sperm donor. she doesn’t want this thanks.
alfred pennyworth - grandfather figure / secret keeper. they’re very close.
dick grayson - adopted brother / mentor. brings out the best in her.
jason todd - adopted brother / best friend. jason understands more than most.
tim drake - adopted brother / confidant. they go for coffee it’s cute.
cassandra cain - adopted sister / favorite batman. strong girls supporting strong girls
damian wayne - brother / terror. their dynamic is interesting at the best of times.
important ;;
adrian trevor - lost love / once in a lifetime. think luke and lorelai with extra angst.
friends ;;
andrea hill - close friend / ride or die. the person addy would call with a body.
ziva mizrahi - work friends / . someone addy trusts to have her back.
wanted connections ;;
travel buddies!! - anyone that she could have traveled with or met when travelling.
all the brotps: honestly give her friends.
anyone she could have interacted with as a cop good or bad.
league kids she’s keeping an eye on.
league kids her own age she likes to get a drink with.
any other kid she might feel protective of because lbr that’s all of them.
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sqoiler · 7 years
family swap au stuff
haley’s circus was in smallville for a rest stop and john and mary went out and were killed in a car crash
it was the talk of the town and martha and johnathan decided to take in their orphaned son, as he was around kara’s age (kara had just landed a few months ago and they thought she could use some company)
they tried to keep the alien thing a secret from dick but it was hard for kara not to brag (i mean come on she’s like 10 have u ever met 10 year olds)
so dick knew and demanded to meet superman and thought clark was the COOLEST EVER
and dick and kara become besties and then one day they’re on a field trip and they go to a lex corp lab for a field trip and one of the workers “accidentally” spills something on kara and dick sort of.jumps in front of her? and then it gets on them both and there’s an electric shock that gives dick kara’s powers. she still has powers but now he has a weird version of them, too
after this clark takes kara & dick and they both move into his apartment in metropolis so he can keep an eye on them and be there for their training
this all ended up with dick and kara sneaking off to the fortress as soon as they could both fly and making themselves suits and supergirl and superboy were born
dick & kara co-found the titans which consist of kid flash, speedy, aqualad, aquagirl, wonder girl, and starfire
the titans eventually disbanded but before that happened kara & babs dated for a while. they mutually broke up when babs decided to move back to atlantis and quit being aquagirl 
when the titans disbanded dick and kara decided to. move on and be a lil more solo so they became nightwing and flamebird
they were still partners but they worked less with clark or the titans and more with each other or justice leaguers 
their home base is still metropolis but they worked on cleaning up bludhaven and work worldwide
b’ara is an atlanteian and she’s the adopted daughter of orin & mera
she grew up a princess and she learned magic from her mom
when garth became aqualad, b’ara (who’s around his age) forced her dad to let her be aquagirl alongside him and garth and babs joined the titans together
babs & garth were always friends but never super close?
babs dated supergirl for a lil bit but when the titans disbanded babs decided she wasn’t so sure about being aquagirl anymore so she went home to atlantis to work with her mom some more
at some point babs went up to visit with her friends for a titans reunion and while she was up there she got shot in the back of the spine by a mugger and was paralyzed 
she had to stay up in the surface for a while after that and started doing tech stuff to help her dad with heroing
this led to her going up to the watchtower and helping the whole jl once she got really good at tech
she still goes to atlantis & can swim around still (her arms are ripped af)
cass & jason were twins born of shiva and given to cain
when they were around seven shiva showed up and killed cain and rescued her kids, leaving them with someone to take care of them. that person, of course, immediately dumped the kids in the first waste hole they could find. 
jason & cass are left in gotham and they’re both mini killers who cant talk, all alone on the streets. fun times
black canary, who occasionally teams up with batman, was in gotham and found the two of them, cold and alone
dinah was sorry for them and took them in, just for winter to get warm so she could dump them in the foster system
then she got attached and taught them how to talk and they got cursed by the wizard (who approached dinah about some sort of alternate timeline or something) and now they both had the same canary cry and before dinah knew it she made ollie pull some strings to legally adopt them and jason & cass lance were born
dinah worked to re-train them and when they were 11 cass and jason decided that it was far past time they became superheros and snuck out as gold & red canary
dinah loves them a lot but they really give her a headache sometimes
the three of them live in an apartment in star city and crash at ollie’s place a lot and when roy got addicted and ollie kicked him out dinah brought him in (cass & jason were still pretty little then) and they all bonded and roy’s basically their brother now
when tim & kon restarted the titans cass and jason became reserve members since they were a lil older 
cass & raven became really close friends through the titans
jason is close with gar and kid devil and others idk
cass and steph, another reserve member, become pretty close and become known as a nightmare pair
speaking of steph, 
she and her parents move to central when she’s like 3ish and crystal dies when steph is six
when steph’s 11 flash brings down cluemaster and adopts her
steph pressures wally into telling her how to get powers and executes the procedure and survives 
around this time, wally hung up the KF mantle, so she took it on
it only lasted a few years before she, too, had to give it up
when barry died and wally became the flash, steph picked up the mantle of dart and bart showed up soon after 
steph was a reserve member of the titans and befriended cass lance
she dated courtney whitmore when she was kid flash but when she retired they broke up
when she was dart steph & cassie got together and have been going strong since
she and damian became friends and ever since whenever hal looks at steph he gets a mini heart attack
t’hym m’orzz came to earth at the same time as his sister m’gann did, and they both sort of hung around before j’onn introduced them to kon, who’d recently come into existence, and the three of them hit it off and from kon’s older brother dick’s encouragement they re-started the titans
soon enough people like bart and cassie joined, bringing along steph and cass and jason and raven and gar an
t’hym and kon started dating and making plans to see the stars and generally being gay
duke thomas’s parents were killed by a wonder woman villain, and diana took duke in
duke convinced her to train him and she did 
the gods found out about this and blessed him with some powers (strength and flight) and he became wonder boy
he’s never been to themescyria and doesn’t really want to intrude or anything
he and cassie are best friends and when cassie joined the titans he wasn’t far behind
duke & diana have a mother/son relationship and cassie jokingly calls him her nephew since she and diana are sisters
duke and bart have mutual crushes on each other and are skirting around the issue atm
damian was dropped off with bruce and he was trying to convince him to be batboy or something when a green ring descended from the sky and announced that damian was the youngest green lantern of earth ever
bruce begrudgingly took him to hal who stuck him with jessica and simon
damian and jess immediately got along really well and it took longer but he and simon eventually got along, too
the three of them are known menaces among the green lanterns of earth and hal is eternally faceplanting at them all
damian & steph met when hal & barry started dating and all the lanterns decided to shovel talk barry
damian voice: allen PLEASE break jordan’s heart i don’t want him to be happy
steph: [snorts in laughter]
anyway damian & dick met when jon befriended damian (as new members of the new titans) and jon invited him over and dick was like “this is my new brother”
damian: hey father i have a new brother and sister now
bruce, tiredly: who
damian: stephanie allen and dick kent
bruce: im moving to ethiopia 
(feel free to ask me or my artblog @sam-and-crystal if you have any questions! <3)
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spyral-agent37 · 4 years
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character name: Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
codename: Agent 37
character age: 26
faceclaim: Cameron Cuffe
species: Human
status: Hero
occupation: Secret Agent
home earth: E19
Richard Grayson started his life as part of a loving family, he was the youngest member of The Flying Graysons, who toured with The Haly Circus. When the circus came to Gotham City, his family were the main attraction, which ultimately sealed their fate. Dick overheard "Boss" Tony Zucco, a well-known and feared crime lord, threaten the performers unless the circus's owner paid protection money. The owner refused, and that night he watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending them hurtling to their deaths. He felt completely responsible, because he failed to warn his parents in time.
Dick was placed in Gotham's juvenile services system, on the grounds that social services was full. He got beaten up by a number of the inmates, and he was later sent to a Catholic orphanage, where it seemed he would stay until an unlikely guardian stepped forward. Bruce Wayne. Things didn't get off to the best of starts between the two, as Dick was still consumed by vengeance for his parents. One night he sneaked out of Wayne Manor to solve the crime on his own - only to run into Batman. After waking up in the Batcave, he was shocked to learn that Bruce and Batman were one and the same. Working together they proved Zucco's involvement in the crime and Bruce offered the Dick the opportunity to train as his partner. He accepted and chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him.
When Robin was 17, he was shot in the shoulder by the Joker, and this scared Batman into ending his career for good. Now completely independent Dick went to work with the Teen-Titans, leaving the Manor and moving to New York. Unsure of who he was meant to be, now he was no longer Robin, Dick turned to Superman for advice. The Man of Steel told him about a Kryptonian hero named Nightwing who protected the helpless and wanted a world ruled by justice.
As Nightwing, Dick spent the majority of his time with the Titans, Outsiders and then later, alone in Blüdhaven. He made firm friends with his Titans teammates and considered Wally West aka Kid Flash his best friend. When the speedster was lost in the battle against Abra Kadabra; Dick felt as if a part of him had gone along with Wally. He didn't fully understand the depth and meaning behind this huge sense of loss until much later. While in New York he was approached by Tim Drake and eventually helped him become the third Robin. When Batman was injured by Bane, suffering a broken back, Dick stepped up to fill in for Bruce while he recovered, developing a strong bond with Tim both as Batman and as an older brother.
With such a hectic Vigilante life, it was a wonder Dick managed to build any kind of civilian life, but somehow he did. Initially he went through Police Academy and joined Gotham PD before transferring to Blüdhaven. However, his desire for justice didn't match with the departments he was placed in, as both Gotham and Blüdhaven were rife with corruption. Dick made the decision to leave and re-skilled as an EMT, he was still helping people, just in a different way.
Batman was seemingly killed during his final confrontation with Darkseid, leaving Dick orphaned again. Bruce leaves a message for him pleading that Dick not take up the mantle of the Batman, due to his belief that Nightwing and Robin can protect the city as they are. Dick agrees with his guardian's last wish, until Jason tries to take the cowl for himself. Dick becomes Batman, with Bruce's son Damian as his Robin, until Bruce Wayne returns from the 'dead' (Tim had actually been right all along, Bruce wasn't dead, just missing).
Damian is murdered by The Heretic, which hits the family hard. Even though they didn't always see eye to eye, and he was constantly being ridiculed by the youngster, Dick is deeply grieved by the loss, being reminded forcibly of when they'd had Jason stolen from them. Bruce resurrects Damian with the chaos shard and things return to some semblance of normality for a while.
Shortly after this Nightwing is captured by the Crime Syndicate. They threaten to unmask him and hook him up to the Murder Machine which would detonate if his heart isn't stopped within a set amount of time. Batman tries to break him free, but to no avail and is forced to allow Lex Luthor to stop Nightwing's heart. Once he is revived, Bruce brings him home to the manor to recover in secret. 
No sooner is Dick back to full health than he's out on another mission, this one more dangerous than any he could find around Gotham or Blüdhaven. Nightwing died on camera, the world thinks he's gone, giving Bruce the perfect opportunity to send someone he trusts undercover into Spyral, a spy ring he had been tracking for some time. Even though it means lying to his family, Dick does as his mentor asks and leaves the manor, heading to Europe and Spyral. Nobody but Bruce knows he is alive.
Still with Spyral, Dick has been working alongside Matron to try and weed out all the corruption from the organization. Stumbling upon an experimental facility which tracked the Speedforce in an attempt to access it. Dick stuck around, working with the researchers in the hopes of finding a way to bring his childhood friend, Wally, back from the mysterious plane of existence. Successfully seeing the missing Speedster in the energy, the attempt to extract him backfires and instead sends Dick hurtling through to the other’s location. Stranding him on Earth 1.
positive traits: Resilient, Kind, Courageous
negative traits: Bold, Selfless, Secretive
para sample:
So far his plan of avoiding other participants in this experiment had gone well. He’d managed to pass through the Cornucopia again without incident; aside from stumbling over a coil of rope and two skyhooks that he hadn’t seen amongst the rocks. Now he was headed down a deserted tunnel, sparingly using his flashlight as up ahead he could swear he saw natural light. Faint, but most certainly there. Unless of course he was hallucinating. Which if he was honest, he wouldn’t discount totally. He was definitely lacking some Vitamin D after spending so much time underground.
This cave was very much preferable to the one where he’d refilled his canteen and bottle (with water, thankfully, not pee), no skeleton for starters and it didn’t smell like a sweet shop exploded. In fact, as he stepped further into the cavernous space, he actually felt almost at home. A familiar rustling came from above, and the somewhat annoyed chitter that followed as his light swept the roof caused a smile to come to his face.
“Hello everyone,” Dick responded to the bats, “nice place you have here.”
Moving forward, his eyebrows shot up in surprise as saw the tree, leaves upturned toward the distant sunlight filtering through the mass of bats at the cave’s roof. Further inspection resulted in him picking a rather odd looking banana. But it tasted fine and was a welcome break from fish. His curiosity kept drawing his attention back to the light far above and the temptation to climb up there grew stronger. It was a tough ascent, he’d have to use all of his skill and his new sky hooks, but would beat sitting around in guano.
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spoks-illogical-art · 7 years
a really badly explained plot of Invasion AU below
Roswell, Vincent, Laionel, Nekro, Newt and Ryland are the main cast
there’s no Drew, Chester, Nestor, Kate and Liam
Kendrick and Nyssa appear at some point, 
Vincents’ parents are dead and his brother Joel is missing, 
well Laionels’ parents are obviously dead too
Gordon, Ramsay, Erwin and Chris appear 
I still didn’t decide what about Mattie
basically there’s no Howard too, he doesn’t appear till the very end
Roswell is married to Ryland yaayy *but the media doesn’t know*
it takes place on Beta 5 (the canon main human cast home planet)
Beta 8 is the Greyhound home planet 
!quick reminder! Barons full name is Timothy Roswell and his undercover name is Aaron Dantes 
well the basic idea was that B8 invades B5 like in canon, but earlier 
when Vincent was like 28 and Lai 6
but it starts just like canon - Ryland meets Tim that’s working on creating a breach between Beta8 and some other planet that ends up being Beta5, because their home-planet is being destroyed by meteor showers
(actually during this AU B8 gets completely destroyed by an asteroid after everyone moved to B5),
then Howard appears, he’s a lil shit as usually and would mess up with Roswells’ plans *bcs creating breaches in time an space IS ILLEGAL* so he kicks his ass and throws out of B8 plus creates a power-field around the planet that keeps the red shrimp away so he can work on his *not so* mischievous plans in peace, 
there’s of course the civil war and the formation of the rebel groups against Baron
his *not so* evil plan was to make a deal with B5 humans to lend Greyhounds some of their land to move on to//and later on they could maybe build a city on the sea? like on a fake island or smth? idk// well they could live together - in return Greyhounds would give them their technology
what a damn utopia, he tried 
at the other hand that  deal was still kinda an ultimatum, Greyhounds had no choice, they needed to move on B5 even If humans liked it or not, because their planet was for sure going to get destroyed sooner or later, 
so they invaded them. i guess. lol.
it’s earlier so the rebels forces weren't so well military equipped and just ready to stand against Baron, but still had spies among his forces, while he was trying to make this deal with B5 they started to encourage others to rebel *because it was taking a lot of time and humans are so fragile and it would be easier just to take the planet by force right duh* 
in a result they actually /did that/ 
all Greyhounds are really short-tempered and impatient lol 
well then there was no chance no finish the deal, it was cut off and humans basically run away? ? at one side that’s what you do when you get attacked and ur damn planet doesn’t even have an army, but at the other hand that was actually a really dumb decision made by humans?? bcs Baron was maybe not on their side, but also against rebels after all ?? ? heh
so his own forces go rogue and start mass murdering humans, stuff gets out of control for few days
well until the ones in charge of the riots are taken down by what was left of Barons forces still at his side
still not everyone responsible for it dies and later on takes over the government to form the new Council, *do they ever learn?? no, they don’t* 
so the riots stop *more or less*, before humanity is wiped out and they make an agreement - humans can live alongside them, can’t be enslaved, but basically have no other rights, and have to live in the specific parts of the town, mostly outskirts
and u know who came up with this agreement? It was Tim, but Greyhounds don’t talk about it, some still hate him for not letting them just kill everyone and be done :U
after that he was thrown out of his position of a leader and just came back to being a scientist
and that would be from Barons point of view
meanwhile back at the beginning Vincent was working as cop for mere 4 years when it all started
and as B5 didn’t have a proper army, police was the only institution that could stand against the Greyhounds *not for long tho* and was mostly in charge of the evacuations 
well long story short he bumbs into that kid left alone on the street and adopts him. done. sdhfjkdshfjkhsdjk the city is burning!! gotta run away!!
and through the entire AU everyone keeps asking why the hell did he do that, that was so stupid, he just made a problem for himself wtf, 
would u leave a kid in the burning city invaded by evil dog aliens?
and they run away and just travel a lot, trying not to get killed, that keeps going for few years, until they meet and join Nekors group of rebels that’s trying to take down the government
good idea
that would be enough for the exposition pff
----- present time -----
which is like 8-9 years after the invasion
everything takes places in the newly built by Greyhounds Capitol City, that’s where Barons Lab Center is 
and Nekor and the rest live on the outskirts
 it's the human part of the outskirts, but poorer greyhounds live there too or just the one that aren’t so against humans
so like they have this sort of a bar, not everyone can get inside tho,
the bar is just in the front, its kinda like a basement ?? but not basement basement, they have gun storage in the basement, and in the back part of the building, they all actually live there or in the buildings around so no government spy gets inside lol idk, but it’s old, like made of bricks
im bad at describing stuff especially buildings 
Nekors’ in charge alongside with Newt, Vincent sometimes gets to speak for himself as /a human/,
Laionel’s just sort of a there, they are keeping him as long as Vincent’s alive,,,
it took Baron some time to track down the rebels and they were the closest group so he just went to them
*imagine Baron thinking about how rebels dress to match with them dfhdksj* 
he goes undercover *i just love this prompt fight me*
and it starts really cheesy with him saving the child from some Greyhounds on the street
 later on Nekor n the rest take him hostage as a spy, but the child is like /ay he helped me/ so Vincent’s like/ ay wait let him speak/ 
he introduces himself as one of the Barons scientists that could provide them maps or other useful information
so the irony is that both Baron and Vincent have to work with those who started the war
I mean it really is, Nekro, Newt, Hicks and the rest were rebels back on B8 so for quite a long time and it’s their fault too
Vincent doesn't know about it tho
Nekor as a long term rebel stil didn’t get over is hate towards Baron even tho he haven’t been important at all for a long time now and has no control, but Nekor is incredibly stupid in this AU and doesn’t recognize him
like everyone, but just, let’s say he should. at least a little bit. 
they work together for over half a year (up to 8 months I don’t know)
during this time Roswell has to sneak out of his lab, sometimes few times a week
poor Ryland doesn’t know about anything and starts to worry quite fast when he starts to disappear for whole days :U 
well until he finds out //that was like the first thing Ii posted with this au lol
it’s when rebels decide to ‘hey let’s just? attack Barons lab? I mean he’s not doin shit now, but he used to be a jerk right?’ good idea huh?’ 
but I have few other versions of how he could find out so that may change
 *AUs for AUs for days*
same goes with how Nekor and the rest finds out
i just can’t decide which is canon in this au dksf
there’s at least 5 versions now 
kill me
there’s also a part when the child gets taken into custody and Baron has to get him out of there. as himself. not undercover. that’s pretty ridiculous I gotta say
but what is this Barons long term undercover game even for 
well there's another tower that emits a power-field that keeps Howard away from Beta5 too, so they have to destroy it/turn off, Baron can get inside because he projected and built it and does check ups once in a while, but can’t mess with it, 
the council just waits for any mistakes he would do to shut down his lab or even get rid of him in any other way,
so he needs a backup like a group of rebels that would burst into the government building, make a mess, give Tim some time(lol) to turn it off, they would take the council hostage and wait for Howard to do his job. 
 well Tim should die in effect, because he kicked his ass in the first place so eh.
the only AU where Howard is actually NEEDED and WANTED what a plot twist 
but how the hell can you fix a planet completely taken over by a race that can’t go back to their home planet *bcs it doesn’t exist*
isn’t that too much even for The Watchman
no srsly i don’t know how to end it
???? ?
that’s it
i guess
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carbonjen · 7 years
Older!Jason x Younger!Dick. Maybe age reversal? With Dami being the oldest, then Tim, Jason and Dick. I want to see how an older Jason would treat Dick (and him not having been dead and angsty) and how the older two would react. I can imagine if Dick was the youngest, everyone would be really overprotective of him cause he's too cute. I'm not sure about age but Dick is at least 16 and him and Jay are dating. Maybe they go on a date but something to get Jay getting all overprotective
All I can think with this one is “oh man I’m going to butcher the timeline so hard” but it’s for the sake of JayDick so I guess that means it’s okay?
What Dick Grayson never really knew was how much he brought the estranged members of Bruce Wayne’s odd family back together. Damian had gone off to do his own thing, and after his death and replacement, Tim was incredibly bitter and avoided talking to Bruce unless he was verbally sparring with the other man (usually while actually fighting on a crime scene). 
Jason had felt a bit isolated. After the death and revivals of the past Robins, Batman had wanted to do things right while also not getting to attached to Jason. He tried to pretend it was okay, he was used to not receiving affection from his mother. Deep down though, it hurt him to the core. He’d never thought Batman could be bitter, but it looked like Bruce didn’t want a repeat of what had happened with his first two sons. 
Bruce had taken Jason to the circus, part obligation to making an appearance as Bruce Wayne, but also so he could say he’d done something with his youngest protege. Jason was a little upset at first, but watching the performances took his breath away. 
The event ended in tragedy and as the audience filed out while a nine year old cried at the loss of his two parents, Bruce and Jason looked at each other. A moment of mutual understanding passed between them and hours later, a sniffling Dick Grayson became part of the Wayne household. 
Jason remembered the arguments he had with Bruce shortly after Dick arrived at the manor. Dick had been quiet as he mourned the death of his parents and got used to his new home. He was placed into Gotham Academy and as much as Jason tried, he couldn’t fight all the kids that called Dick names behind his back.
“Are you going to tell him?” Jason asked. 
“Why?” Bruce replied, bent over the bat computer. 
“Because it’s kind of important to know,” Jason said. “You’re hiding a giant secret from the kid and he’s bound to find out sometime. Otherwise, what? Are you just going to ignore him?”
“I’m not going to ignore him.”
“But you’re hiding a whole side of yourself from him,” Jason pointed out. “Lying by omission is still lying Bruce, and this kid is smart, he’ll figure you out. I’m not saying you have to make him Robin, but I am saying you should tell him the truth.”
As it turned out, Jason was right. When they got back from patrol the next night, Dick was in the chair of the bat computer, legs crossed and a huge grin on his face. 
“You’re Batman?” He asked, practically jumping out of the chair as he ran towards Bruce. 
“How did you get in here?” Bruce asked. 
“I watched you guys,” Dick said. “You didn’t notice because I was hiding.” 
“Where?” Jason asked as he pulled his mask off. 
“In the corner of the ceiling,” Dick said it like it was obvious. They should have known, really. Dick climbed around the manor like a monkey and Bruce had been forced to get all the chandeliers reinforced after Dick had broken one when he’d been swinging from it. 
“Can I train with you guys, please?” Dick asked. He looked at them with wide blue eyes, not at all intimidated by the bat costume because he knew it was Bruce underneath it. 
“Fine,” Bruce said. “Jason will start training you. Jason, Tim, and Damian all had to pass the gauntlet before they became Robin and you won’t be an exception.”
Bruce was about to say something else when Dick hugged him, tiny arms wrapping around him. Bruce looked helplessly at Jason, who shrugged. 
“First rule of being Robin,” Jason said. “Batman is almost never wrong, but when he is, you almost always have to say I told you so.” He looked at Bruce. “I told you so.”
It didn’t take long for Damian and Tim to figure out there was a new kid at the manor. Damian was the first one to stop by, watching the kid in a training session with Jason. Despite the loss the kid had been through, he still maintained a smile as Jason showed him the basics of fighting. 
Dick enjoyed the company of both of the former Robins and he begged them to stay for dinner or tea any time they visited. That was how Tim and Damian reluctantly patched things over with the Batman. They all said it was for Dick, whose energy and spirit was something the manor hadn’t seen in far too long. Damian had always been too aggressive, Tim too serious, and Jason too brash. None of them had managed to break through Batman’s cold exterior, but Dick did. 
As Dick got older, he started going through the phases that all teenagers went through. His voice got deeper and his body started growing, Jason left to work with the teen titans, leaving Dick alone with Batman at the manor to figure out the nuances of crushes and dating on his own. 
Jason didn’t realize exactly how much he and Dick had both grown up when he stopped by the manor while he was working on a particularly difficult case. Dick was sixteen and Jason was eighteen, they were in the middle of talking about the Titans when Jason looked at Dick’s body and mannerisms. 
Dick was leaning against the counter, looking at Jason through his lashes, voice low. His eyes raked over Jason’s body occasionally and Jason realized: Dick was flirting with him. 
Dick had grown up in the time that Jason had been gone, he had gone from cute to handsome and Jason could admit to himself that Dick was extremely attractive. He’d seen the articles in the paper saying Dick would probably be a playboy like Bruce. Jason didn’t doubt it. 
“I miss our training sessions,” Dick said. “They’re not as fun with Batman.”
“Oh really?” Jason asked. “Did you miss me kicking your ass?”
Dick shrugged. “I miss how playful it was. Want to spar, see the things I’ve learned.”
When Dick kissed him on the mats, Jason knew deep down that was why he had followed Dick down to the Batcave. As their mouths moved against each other, Jason forgot about everything. 
It had been a mistake to forget the world around him existed when he was with Dick Grayson. 
They’d started dating, which sounded weird to Jason, someone who always prioritized fighting crime over his love life. He and Dick would sneak off and get ice cream together, or they’d just lay out on a rooftop watching the stars with their fingers tangled together.
Jason should have known that dating the youngest Robin would get him in trouble. 
Dick and Jason were called into the study one night and Jason’s stomach clenched when he saw Bruce, Tim, and Damian all waiting for them. Dick sat down in one of the chairs, acting like he had no idea what was going on but Jason knew by the way everyone was glaring at him. 
“Boys,” Bruce started. “It has come to our attention that the two of you have begun a romantic relationship with each other.”
“Yes, and?” Dick asked. He was clearly more prepared for this than Jason was. 
“I can’t allow it,” Bruce said, looking at Jason. “You really should have known better than to let this develop.”
“Why?” Jason asked. “Because you want to protect him forever?”
“Ideally,” Damian replied from behind Bruce, arms crossed. 
“It’s because we don’t want you to hurt him,” Bruce said. “It’s not that I don’t trust you but-”
“You don’t trust me,” Jason cut him off. “Bruce, he was going to start dating either way. What’s so wrong with it being me, someone who knows his secrets, who knows how to protect him, and who knows what he wants?”
“I would rather he wait until-”
Dick stood up. “I would like it if you stopped talking about me like I’m not in the room,” Dick said. “I have dealt with plenty of things in my life,” Dick said. “Losing my parents, being taken away from my family, and fighting crime. If you think I’m incapable of handling a breakup then you have all underestimated me. And before you all go blaming Jason, I was the one that started this. We’re not going to stop this.”
Dick turned around and left the room everybody frozen in place watching him. 
“Are you coming Jason?” Dick asked without turning around. Jason wasn’t going to stick around to hear the aftermath of that outburst so he followed Dick out of the study and into one of the more secluded areas of the manor that neither of them frequented. 
“They’re going to try to stop us,” Jason whispered. 
Dick cupped Jason’s face in his hands. “I don’t care,” he said. “I want this, and if they don’t, well, we can leave.”
“You’d leave so you could be with me?” Jason asked. “Where would we go?”
Dick shrugged. “I’ve always thought Blüdhaven looked interesting.” 
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