#meanwhile Jason is 👀👀👀👀
002yb · 5 months
That one reddit post where the guy moves into a new apartment building but hasn't met his neighbors ft. sladejay.
The nice thing about having brothers is that they're obligated to help you move into your new apartment. Not so nice is having to listen to said brothers' opinions on the legitimacy of the building because it's clearly a front for something nefarious and not up to code and did Jason even vet the place before signing his lease?
"Desperate times, desperate measures." Jason says, using his elbow to hit the button for the lift. Suspect as it is, the start and stop ride gets the adrenaline pumping; it hasn't failed them yet, so the place isn't too bad.
"Because you were so hard pressed living comfortably at home with no expenses and no expectations." Tim quips back at him, deadpan. The sarcasm and sass is hardly appreciated, though Jason likes to imagine it's just Tim's way of lashing out at Jason for leaving him at the manor to fend for himself.
"It's called independence, Timothy." Jason says, raising his shoulder in a lackadaisical shrug as he teases, "You'll understand when you're older."
"Nothing says 'independence' like Bruce paying your rent." Tim intones, unbothered by the wicked read until Jason hip checks him in retaliation and he stumbles into a wall. When Tim threatens to drop Jason's shit, Jason dares him. Jason will drop him, the punkass.
If only because Dick would usually have intervened in their shenanigans by now, Jason looks over his shoulder at him. Tim follows suit and they both frown as Dick stares at the elevator, jaw set.
"You good, big bird?" Jason asks, wandering back to Dick's side. When Dick continues to space out, Jason knocks their shoulders and tilts his head to better catch Dick's gaze.
With Dick's attention on him, that quiet intensity from before softens some, but there's still trepidation. It makes Jason purse his lips, sulking, "Hey, you're the one that supported this."
Dick grimaces, caught out, "I do support you, just—does it have to be here?"
Jason's sulk devolves into a pout. He argues, "Your first apartment wasn't much better."
Before Tim can interject with commentary on how Dick didn't have daddy dearest paving the way for his independence, Jason turns on him with a warning scowl, trying and failing to not be endeared as Tim cackles under his breath. Jason flips him off, pointedly turning back to Dick who, frankly, looks antsy as fuck.
"Stay with me instead." Dick bargains. "You can take the spare room until another unit opens up."
"Hard pass."
On cue, the elevator chimes and the doors screech open jerkily. Only while Tim shuffles his way inside, Dick stays resolutely in place. He shoots Jason a look that's equal parts pained and pleading. "Then take my place. I'll stay here."
"For fuck's sake, it's not that bad." Jason groans, bumping the boxes he holds against the ones Dick has in hand and corralling him back into the elevator. "You're being dramatic."
Tim scoffs and Jason sneers at him, backing and squishing his brother into a corner and keeping him there with his bulk.
Bickering and bantering as they all are, they don't notice the hand that catches the door before the lift can close, only how it pushes the door open and how they all look up and oh. Hot damn.
The moment Jason's jaw drops, Dick smacks it back closed with an aggrieved and impatient huff. Like hell Dick's temperament could be of any consequence to Jason at the moment though because an actual beefcake terminator saunters onto the lift and fuck, Jason can't stop staring. If this is his neighbor, he definitely moved to the right place. Fuck what anyone else thinks.
Just as Jason is appreciating the man's imposing stature, he hears a gruff, "Sit down."
The order sends a trill up Jason's spine like a live wire and without thinking, like the fool he is, Jason sits.
It's only as he kneels on the floor, eyes still caught on broad shoulders and strong arms that he only wishes would throw him around, that he sees the dog at the man's heel. Because the man was talking to his dog. Not Jason.
As the elevator starts moving up through the floors, jarring in its sudden fits of movement, Jason jerkily raises his head to make eye contact with his neighbor, a pretty blush burning hot across Jason's face.
His neighbor looks after him in turn, amused and appraising before he smirks and oh, it's sinful. A low chuckle escapes the man, drawing another shiver up Jason's spine. While he pats his dog's head, his eyes don't move from Jason when he says, "Good boy."
Fuck. That's—oh.
To be so humiliated and turned on—fuck this old man. And by that Jason means let the old man fuck him. Please and thanks.
Before Jason can make the suggestion, the man's gaze shifts to Dick and he teases, taunts, "He one of yours, Grayson?"
Betrayal is Jason's first petulant thought, followed by a more reasonable sense of dread because this man isn't Dick's type, but Dick knows he's Jason's [type] and—
No, no no. This is why you never have brothers help you move into your new place; to be blue balled after Jason has had arguably the most cringe of meet-cutes, too!
But Jason can see from the set of Dick's shoulders and the tilt of his chin that this potential romance is dead in the water. For whatever reason, Dick is intent on that. Unfortunately for him, Jason has never been the best at minding him. In fact, Jason will throttle him for this, the killjoy.
"He's my brother." Dick says, terse. "Don't fuck with him, Slade."
Slade's gaze sweeps over Jason, a fleeting once over that leaves heat trailing in its wake. There's a sharp nudge to his lower back—Tim, reminding Jason that he's still sat on the floor like an idiot; so embarrassing.
"That's asking a lot of a man." Slade drawls. He looks to Dick with a crooked and biting grin, so charming that Jason might swoon a bit. "What would I get out of this?"
Dick's expression shifts into something so damn petulant that Slade laughs again, pleasantly low and husky. It's such a nice sound that Jason can't even be bothered by the fact that he's missing some sort of crucial detail to explain the tension going on.
Dick and Slade know each other, somehow. And Slade irritates Dick in a way that Jason never knew was possible, too.
When Slade tilts his head to the side, the large dog at his side springs forward, tail wagging happily as it jumps up to rest its large paws on the boxes Dick holds—licking at Dick's cheek like he's seeing an old friend again. It undermines Dick's authority considerably and Jason marvels the exchange.
The lift door opens and Slade turns back to Jason. Appraising him before he smirks, "Welcome to the building, boy."
And then they all get out together and realize that Slade really is Jason's neighbor and reactions are mixed ahahaha.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Tim and Jason headcanons 👀
One morning during breakfast Tim keeps excusing himself to go to the bathroom to fix his boxers because they must've stretched in the wash. Meanwhile, Jason can barely move and waddles into the kitchen like he has a rubber band around his legs. Imagine the horror when they connect the dots and realize their underwear got swapped
One day Tim's room suddenly starts to smell like tomatoes and he tears it apart trying to find the source. Turns out Jason put soup in the humidifier
Jason: *gives Tim an iced coffee*
Tim: "You put salt in it"
Jason: "No I didn't"
Tim: "I can literally see the crystals"
Jason: "What crystals?"
Tim: "Right there, all settled at the bottom"
Jason: "That's how the coffee is"
Tim still owes Jason for the time Jason stopped him from faceplanting in Alfred the cat's litter box
Contrary to how it appears, Jason's hair is thicker. It's so thick that Tim accidentally drops a glob of mayonnaise in it and Jason doesn't notice until he combs his hair hours later
They get bunk beds on a mission. Tim gets the top bunk after losing rock-paper-scissors. While he's asleep, Jason moves the ladder to the other side
Jason puts a cockroach on Tim's desk thinking he'll freak out. Tim, who's on his third day without sleep, looks Jason dead in the eye and eats it
As a kid, Jason often re-wore dirty clothes until he absolutely had to go to the laundromat meanwhile Tim washed his more frequently in small batches so he wouldn't get told off for having a huge pile. Cut to the present day where Tim's sifting through a mountain of Jason's laundry for a pair of socks and Jason is offering zero help whatsoever
They stand out in the rain to see who gets drenched first. It's usually Tim—he absorbs water like a paper towel. Jason then gets in trouble because Tim could've gotten sick ("Thanks, Bruce, not like I'm soaked to the bone too")
And when Tim gets sick, he refuses to take his meds unless someone sneaks it into his food. Finally, Jason has a use for the NyQuil Chicken TikTok
Jason drives three hours from an out-of-state safehouse to hide in Tim's closet and scare him. Little does he know, Tim is in the closet at the safehouse, waiting to pounce on Jason
Jason peels a pride sticker off a villain's car and gives it to Tim
Jason mixes all the Goldfish crackers into a dough and bakes them into a single giant Goldfish. Why? 'Cause he can, and Tim needs something to test his new food pic filters on
In March their patrols end by meeting at McDonald's for Shamrock Shakes
Tim prank calls Jason and convinces him he's lost in Metropolis. Eight hours, countless Bizarro flights, and two unfortunate geese encounters later, Jason storms into the Batcave while Tim simply grins and asks, "What'd you think of my new VPN?"
Tim and Jason find a wheelbarrow at a crime scene and keep it after the case is closed because it's a free wheelbarrow. This happens twice more and now they have enough for a family wheelbarrow race
Bruce makes them spend more time together, so Jason decides to teach Tim the Three-Card Monty. Tim just nods along because he doesn't know how say that he already learned it by watching the second Robin out-con a conman
Jason wakes Tim up one morning by chucking a feather duster at him, saying Alfred wants everything clean. So Tim gathers all the dust in his room and dumps it on Jason's bed before going back to sleep
The Ferris wheel has a clear "no food" policy but Tim doesn't listen and sneaks a chili dog anyway. Jason's in the seat below him, and it's the second time something falls in his hair without him noticing
Jason: "Red Robin, do you read me?"
Tim: "Affirmative. What do you need?"
Jason: "Pick a different gargoyle. That one's mine"
Tim: "I don't see your name on it"
Jason: "Check the underside"
Tim: "It just says Robin, so technically it's both of ours"
At one of Jason's safehouses there's a mysterious bucket in the corner of the living room. No one but Tim knows what it's for
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Jaytim half sibling au, where tim is catherine and willis todd's biological child. They put him up for adoption because they felt they couldn't support more than one child. Jason was only two or three at the time, and only has vague memories of his mommy's tummy being big.
Maybe tim always knew he was adopted, but didn't care much, other than the odd daydream when he was lonely. He loved his parents, so he mostly fantasized about long lost brothers or sisters.
Idk how this would progress into jaytim, but I feel like this is a deep well for exploring Jason's mommy kink lol (imagine if tim has her smile)
👀👀👀👀 okay so i had a jaytim thread fic about tim and jason being biological fraternal twin brothers here!!!
but here tim knowing he's adopted and always being curious about the family he would've had if his bio parents kept him. it had been a closed adoption. willis had insisted, told catherine it would make things easier because they couldn't afford another child. not when jason was already such a big expense, plus at least with the adoption they'd recieve some money and that would keep their heads above water for the meanwhile. catherine, of course, knows willis is right. she knows they can't afford another baby. but...this is the first baby she's ever carried and now she has to give them up. it takes a toll on her. jason recalls years later never really knowing what pushed his mom into her drug habit. as far back as he could remember he knew she'd been self medicating with drugs and alcohol. he thought his dad had been the reason. he'd hardly been a very pleasant person to be around. an asshole even. but...never a wifebeater. jason had always just sort of assumed his dad was the cause because he knows his old man had been a dealer at some point. jason only knew that because willis had harshly cautioned him against going down that path. it was one of the few times willis had tried to parent him by pulling jason by his ear away from a group of older boys that hung around a stoop across the street and harshly scolding him.
catherine never quite gets over losing her child. the only thing she has is the birth certificate and some papers from the agency that had set everything up. its what sits at the bottom of some forgotten box long after she has died and so has willis. it gather and collects dust in the closet of the apartment in the building jason grew up in. and it won't be until decades that jason scouts out the condemned building, feeling some sense of nostalgia as he determines the amount of work that needs to go into fixing the whole building up so that it can house new families. jason goes into that old one bedroom apartment, runs his fingers through the thick layer of dust. odds and end furniture that was never thrown out because that old landlord had never been able to find a new tenant after jason's dad was locked up and his mom died and no one was left to pay rent.
jason stumbling across that box, going through it, finding an odd set of papers and just...staring. remembering being two, nearly three and recalling how he'd press his ear to his mom's tummy and giggling along with her at the feeling of something pressing against his hand. its just bits and flashes like how its around the time his mom started on a downward spiral that ended up killing her.
jason finally figuring out this was the reason why. that somewhere out there was a little sibling he'd never known.
maybe he can't go to barbara with this because she'll likely spill to dick or run to bruce to tell on him. jason's options are limited and so he turns to the only other detective that might be discrete about it.
tim helping jason with his search because the adoption agency has long since shut down and were active during the time of paper record keeping.
the two of them growing slowly closer, getting to know each other better. jason thinking tim's not as bad as he thought he was that sometimes...tim might even...remind him of his mom.
he dismisses it because it was that visit to his apartment that makes him all sentimental...makes him think of his mom more often and the good times they had together like her warm laugh and the soft skin of her hand. and sometimes...when jason is dead tired and tim's is the closest place to crash...sometimes....tim does those little things that make the kid part of jason's brain just melt because his mommy is there.
jason and tim starting to sleep together and the the absolute ice bucket chill that hits them both when tim manages to track down the couple that adopted jason's sibling and it's jack and janet drake 👀👀👀
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nightwingvixen23 · 2 years
Jason : *moping in his little self-made pillow fort*
Kori : he is not acting much like his usual self
Roy : *through a mouthful of sandwich* aw yeah ??
Kori : yes. and I'm not quite sure how to make him better
Roy : shit I hear ya babe
Kori : *flashing hopeful eyes at Roy* perhaps maybe . . . you can fix him ?
Roy : " fix " him ?? ha ! sorry sis but there isn't an instruction manual detailed enough for that
Kori & Roy : *watching Jay inch-worm himself across the floor and out of his fort*
Jason : *theatric sighing*
Kori : then what are we to do about him ?
Roy : this man can't be fixed. I can fuck him though. maybe that will calm him down
Kori : *suspicously eyes roy*
Roy : *smugly eyes her back*
Jason : Roy. I swear to god if you put your dick anywhere near me right now I'll bite it off and feed it to you
Roy : ooohh très kinky. I approve 😏
Jason : get help.
Roy : get naked.
Artemis : just get me the fuck out.
Kori : oh Artemis ! what an unexpected surprise, welcome home !
Artemis : thanks *tossing her duffle by the front door* would'a been hella more enjoyable had I not walked in on Jason wearing his "bitchy pants" today
Jason : fuck you
Artemis : I'm sure you'd love that
Roy : ooooohhhh 👀
Jason : can you shut the fuck up, Harper ??
Roy : can you let me fuck you up, Todd ??
Jason : *jumping up from his fort* you tryn'a fight !?
Roy : *tossing his sandwich* no sir i'm tryn'a fuck !
Artemis : why I keep willingly coming back to this little "slice of hell" is beyond me
Kori : I rather prefer "slice of heaven" as opposed to "hell"
Artemis : yeah. you're right. 'cause why would Satan even bother with buying Jason's soul while knowing full well the complicated refund policy he'd have to suffer through just to get rid of it
Kori : ok. not exactly what I ment. um. it is, however, quite a creative opinion
Artemis : no creative opinion here. just simple facts
[ meanwhile over in the pillow fort ]
Jason & Roy :
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Jonathan Crane request where reader is a student of his (professor Crane au ish) and also happens to be the daughter of a certain millionaire in Gotham 👀
love the idea that Bruce is with Selena at this point and when he finds out about reader and Jonathan he like
“you can’t date someone with a criminal alter ego!!”
and she’s just like “really?” As she points to Selena (who’s still in her Catwoman outfit) sitting on the couch.
Meanwhile Jason is standing on the sidelines like “date who you want sis but if he makes the slightest mistake I will kill him and pretend I always thought this was a bad idea”
Hypocrites ↦ Professor!Jonathan Crane × Student!Female!Reader
so, i don't normally write for comic accurate scarecrow/jonathan crane and I don't watch Gotham, nor do I watch Titans as I'm more of a Chrisopher Nolan kinda gal, so i apologize for any errors, BUT in my head, I'm still thinking of Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway & Cillian Murphy when I write this, so once again, I apologize
Warnings: mention of getting robbed, mention of guns, reader is Wayne's adopted daughter :)
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Being a Wayne had its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Anyone who saw you, assumed you were daddy's little girl, when in reality, you weren't. He never treated you differently than his sons, except for when it came to relationships as he didn't want you to be a female version of him, however, he didn't think you would come out to be in a relationship with your professor who just so happens to be the villain he's been after.
You told your dad and Selina that you had a boyfriend and while they were ecstatic, the disgust on your father's face didn't go unnoticed when Jonathan Crane came through the doors of the mansion.
First, your dad had no idea that Professor Crane was Jonathan Crane as he thought it was a funny coincidence. Second, he was taken aback that his daughter decided to get in a relationship with her professor out of all people. Selina wasn't there as she was out doing who knows what, but you didn't complain as you knew your father was in love with her just as much as she loved him.
Plus, you witnessed their flirting when he was dressed as Batman the one time, they saved you from getting robbed. It disturbed you, but you didn't say anything. You thought out of all people, your father would be understanding, but he wasn't, and it was kind of annoying.
Jonathan rested a hand on your knee, reassuring you that no matter what, he'd be there for you. "You know dad, I would've thought you, out of all people, would understand." He tilted his head to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?" You shook your head, deciding not to spill his secret, especially knowing the truth about Jonathan. However, when he gave you a kiss before he left, your father nearly went crazy. Then, Selina came home and tilted her head to the side. "Everything okay, Bruce?"
"(Y/N) is with Jonathan Crane!" Selina gasped before taking off her head piece. "Really?" You glare at the both of them and scoff. "You better not give me a lecture about this!" She sat on the couch to remove her boots and raised an eyebrow. "Why not?! Sweetheart, he's a villain!" You suck your teeth, your anger bubbling. "Dad, why does it matter?! You're with a villain too, are you not?" Selina raised her eyebrows in disbelief at your words and Bruce rolled his eyes. "She's an anti-villain, first of all,"
"You know I do bad for good (Y/N)." You run a hand down your face. "Unbelievable. I thought you would understand, dad!" He shrugged as a scoff escaped his lips. "Well, I don't, sorry (Y/N)." Jason cleared his throat. "If I may, I have your back through this little sis, but like, if he breaks your heart, I'll pretend I was on Bruce and Selina's side this whole time. How does that sound?" Bruce glares at his son. "What?" Jason shrugs. "Hey, I'm not gonna Romeo and Juliet this whole thing, okay? If she's happy, I don't care! He just better not break her heart. My guns are always oiled and cleaned."
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christadeguchi · 2 years
Hi Rink 🫶🏼 My friend and I came all the way from Asia 🥲 and went to a Pens practice earlier in the year and the boys were in such a good mood + Sid was in FULL FLIRT MODE. I don’t really post hockey content but I’d love to send you some of the videos I took (and if you wanted to gif any of them I’d be 👀🥰) Anyway missed having you around putting Sid and Shohei (thanks for the intro I’m now OBSESSED with him) on my dash hope you’ve been well
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oh my god……. falling into jason’s arms (same though. if i saw the chance i would take it). he’s nautically stern except for when Falling allows him to land in net/on another man. also… the dumo bit…… please 🥺🥺🥺🥺 just the mental image of him earnestly trying to lug sid’s fat ass up by a single leg (???) is going to feed me for months. and they say chivalry is dead (this is why sid wants to spend the apocalypse with dumo. he knows dumo would treat him right. wine and dine him in their little marital bunker/tower. deflower him tenderly with bashful eye contact on a bed of furs. they would make pretty little babies with flushed cheeks and cherub curls one of whom would be burdened by some sort of apocalyptic prophecy. meanwhile geno and tanger are in a tree/on an island together sassing zombies into existential crisis oblivion)
but anyway!!!! AHHHH i’m so happy you managed to watch a Good practice after travelling all the way from asia. happy boys and sid in full on slut mode???? i would love to see your videos thank you for the offer ;_____; in fact now i am on my knees begging to see them because they sound adorable and incredible
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britcision · 11 months
So these past few months have been A Time, but the past few weeks in particular I’ve held off giving y’all any snacks because I am at Lady Gotham and I really want everyone to see her for the first time together
And I’m also at the last damn 1000 words for the chapter it is so close
But the tone is fighting me and I think it’s because I haven’t fully nailed what I want from this conversation and what will need to wait for the next one
So instead of something from the active chapter WIP here is a probably-to-be-deleted (or at least thoroughly reworked) scene from Jason’s first meeting with Lady Gotham 👀
(Cuz Jason’s been having A Goddamn Time these last few chapters and I think he deserves a break from breakdowns and daddy issues)
Happy WIP Wednesday!
It was almost a relief when her attention snapped back to Danny, her smile a little cooler, but still fond.
“You did not bring him to see me before,” she remarked blandly, and Danny winced.
“Yeah… if it helps, last time we were here we were kinda distracted?” He offered hopefully.
Lady Gotham chuckled softly, crossing one knee over the other and sending smog billowing around them.
“I’m aware. Clockwork told me he intended to ask for your services,” she added to Jason directly, blatant pride and approval making him wonder about his own doubts.
They came from John fucking Constantine, after all.
And from a decade of strenuous training for a job that at one point had literally kill him. Jason wouldn’t say he regretted his call, but he still wanted to know more. And about that weird shadow he’d seen in the visions she had showed him.
Danny seemed a little more hung up on something else.
“Wait, Clocky came and told you about it?” He asked incredulously.
Lady Gotham chuckled softly.
“The Master of Time may not technically need my permission, but he knows well enough to ask before interfering with what’s mine,” she agreed with a regal incline of her head.
Jason almost laughed at the feeling of Danny’s indignation beside him. He didn’t even have to look to see the pout as he folded his arms. It rather effectively killed any lingering tension.
“Oh, sure, the Ghost King he just drops in and ambushes, but we wouldn’t want to offend a city spirit,” Danny grumbled melodramatically, then looked sharply at Lady Gotham. “No offence, obviously.”
The larger ghost was clearly more amused than offended, blowing another stream of smog in Danny’s direction.
“None taken. You yourself were quick enough to ask my permission before entering my city,” she reminded him with an easy nonchalance.
“Yeah, but I have manners,” Danny grinned back, relaxing and leaning in against Jason’s side like either of them had any gravity pulling them down.
Gotham’s lips quirked as she nodded an agreement and she gestured with one hand at the mostly obscured length of her legs.
“They are appreciated. Do you like them?” She asked with just a hint of smugness that made Jason think there was something… more to the gesture.
Both men obediently followed the gesture, looking down the length of her legs into billowing smog and the occasional flash of her pearls. Jason could feel Danny’s confusion.
“Your, uh… your dress? It’s very nice?” He offered cautiously, his aura a delicate balance of polite-sincere-I’m just a little guy help me out here that almost made Jason snicker… until he realised that he couldn’t feel an answering aura from Lady Gotham.
She was so there, larger than life and overwhelming even sat on his level, but he wasn’t getting the same insights into her feelings he’d gotten from every other ghost he’d met. It kinda reminded him of that first meeting with Frostbite and realising he couldn’t feel the yeti’s aura… only to find it all around him.
He knew better than to go looking this time. He could confirm with Danny once they were away.
Meanwhile the Lady laughed softly, reshuffling long brown legs so the other was on top and recrossing them, smog trailing from where her feet should have been as it cleared for just the briefest moment. And set the dangling pearls shining bright.
“A decent try, my king, but once more?” She hinted, a flash of a smile setting the pearls briefly aglow. They almost bounced with the motion.
Jason knew the story, of course. All the bats had, usually from Alfred or the records of the police commissioner.
Bruce never talked about it. They were never quite so rude as to ask.
Which made it even more bullshit that Bruce constantly brought up Jason’s darkest secrets, his own past.
Squashing the thought, he tried convincing himself it tasted like Pitty. Despite the little grumblings of protest below his ribcage.
But no, he knew what the pearls meant to Bruce, knew from the bat signal eyes what they had to mean. Bruce fucking Wayne, Batman, was so intrinsically a part of Gotham he’d changed the way her spirit looked.
Jason had fucking given his life for the city, and what had it gotten him? A permanent passenger who wanted to kill everyone he cared for, a family that could barely look at him, a half life of always coming in second to Tim fucking Drake… a little brother he had nearly killed because everything Jason had ever wanted had just fallen into Tim’s lap.
He knew better now. He did. He knew it wasn’t true; Tim butted heads with Bruce every other week, got himself a Robin cape by larceny (and hadn’t Jason loved hearing that? Almost better than going for the Batmobile’s tires), embezzled enough from the Bat-Budget to build an entire second Batmobile that he kept below his Nest like a trophy.
(Jason had stolen the tires off that once he found out about it too. Tim had never brought it up or retaliated, but he was too good not to know who did it. They’d been replaced by Bat Budget anyway.)
Point was, Jason knew the Pit lied. That Tallia and Ra’s and all that lot lied. He had been missed, he was loved, his family wanted him home. Gotham was his as much as Bruce’s, and the Alley was his alone.
It just… tugged at something bitter and dark in his chest to look at Lady Gotham, the beating heart of his city, and only see Bruce reflected back. Only the glitz and glamour of the rich, just like in real life.
The thought was barely more than words, half choked words he knew weren’t anything but a ghost fear from the kid who’d been left behind or forgotten more than he’d been cared for, before Lady Gotham responded. Not verbally, but for all that Jason hadn’t felt anything a moment ago, he was suddenly surrounded by her.
It wasn’t that which broke through though; no, that was the sudden soft, watered down scent of Catherine Todd’s favourite perfume, the one they could almost never afford so she would refill the bottles with water once they were about half empty.
It hadn’t covered the stink of cigarettes and worse coming from the very walls of their apartment, he’d only smelled it when she was holding him close. Shielding him from Willis’s rage, tucking him into bed, cuddled up on the couch to wait out the rain.
It brought tears to his eyes, the pressure of the day threatening to spill over and overwhelm him again.
He could feel her signal-eyes on him, dimly hear her bantering with Danny about whatever the other was missing, but none of it registered. Not through the phantom arms wrapped around him, the soft whisper of Gotham’s voice in his head.
Not unloved, my son. Never unloved, never alone.
We’ll see if this makes its way back in either this chapter or the next one, Jason is certainly due a couple dozen complete breakdowns just from the backstory, let alone the events of the fic
I’d love to say I think it’ll be soon but tomorrow’s gonna suck and I have no idea what this month is gonna be I couldn’t breathe all through October and it’s touch and go now
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thief-of-eggs · 6 months
So hey. I think Alastor would approve of Red Hood's work in Crime Alley. What do you think?
Oh 100%. Not to mention, Alastor doesn’t even need an excuse for murder, he sometimes just does it for fun. Or as punishment for the smallest of crimes committed against himself.
Red Hood meanwhile only kills out of what he views as necessity. He’s definitely more sparse with his killings than Al is. Not to mention, Red Hood is inherently trying to make the world a better place, even if his methods are questionable. Alastor just wants to rule the world.
However, their methods are somewhat similar! Aka the whole “take out the heads, control the masses” type thing. They’re both overlords after all. (Also they both love red, both have daddy issues, and I headcanon Jason as asexual so like 👀)
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sporkberries · 1 year
Hello! Do you have any recommendations for Roy Harper reading? I'm not bothered about which continuity or where, just if you had a suggestion for where you think he's best 👀
If you wanna go back to some older stuff you can check out the silver age green arrow comics and Teen Titans 1966, I'm not the BIGGEST fan of TT 1966 but it does have some cute and funny moments. I mainly read Bronze Age to Modern age so we'll go with that moving forward. Green Lantern(1960) #85-86 This is Snow Birds don't fly and Roy's most iconic story, It introdcues Roy's struggle with heroin and is pretty sympathetic to addicts which was QUITE the big deal at the time. I also think its important for to me say Ollie is not the best parent in this one, he reacts out of anger and is incredibly upset with both Roy and himself for Roy's addiction. OLLIE DOES LOVE ROY AND IS USUALLY QUITE A GOOD PARENT, THIS IS ONE MOMENT THAT DOES NOT DEFINE HIM OR HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ROY. MUST READ not just for Roy but for comic book history in general Action Comics(1939) #32 This one is a small one shot thats post snowbirds. Roy is on his own but it shows that he and Ollie still care about eachother and that Ollie really misses Roy. The New Titans(1984) #20-21 THE REVEAL OF LIAN'S EXISTENCE !!!!! ALSO JADEROY!! also itty bitty robin Jason is in this story. ABSOLUTE MUST READ Action Comics(1938) #613-618 I LOVE THIS STORY I LOVE THIS STORY I LOVE THIS STORY. It hurts me but i love it... Jade and Roy and Lian... It also shows how Roy ended up getting Lian. other than that I will say no more... ABSOLUTE MUST READ Titans(1999) #1-2 Lot's of Cute content with Roy and Lian here. I wouldn't consider it an absolute must read but again its fucking adorable so i recommend it. Titans(1999) #6 Donna Kyle and Roy beat up a Nazi with a tragic backstory or whatever, meanwhile Lian is being babysit by someone her mom has personally affected.
Titans(1999) #8-13 JADEROY!!! JADEROY!!!! LIAN!!!! Deals with the aftermath of the previous rec. Also some DonnaRoy which is admittedly cute. This story kinda covers all the moral complications of Roy and Jade and Lian. How Jade's crimes affect them all, as well as how Roy feels about Jade. I would consider this one a must read. Titans(1999) #21-22 Aftermath of previous rec, Chesire is being held to be tried. I realize a lot of these recs are relate to JadeRoy and Lian but they are so important to his character. If you enjoyed the previous story read this one, but i wouldn't recommend it in a vacuum. Titans(1999) #30 More JadeRoy, I am predictable. This is Jade's trial. If you like the previous two storylines read this. It makes me sad it makes me emo I love Jade so much and she went through so much and it doesnt excuse here actions but it still hurts. Roy makes a decision. Roy appears prominently in The Outsiders but i haven't read it all yet so i can't speak on it. Green Arrow(2001) 1-10 This is an ArrowFam MUST READ. Ollie returns from the dead, mia is introduced, Ollie and Connor, and Ollie reuinites with Roy and Dinah. It's very good. Green Arrow(2001) #16-21 General ArrowFam goodness. Ollie and Roy Goodness. Just,,, emotions.... Ollie is Roy''s dad... I weep...
Justice Leauge of America(2006) #1 Roy and his Uncle Hal :). Also Roy joins the JLA
There's more probably but this list is getting pretty full. These are also all in chronological order so :333. as a sort of anti- recommendation if you want to read an absolutely awful roy that is horrible in every way and want to be mad about it read rhato. its awful!
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👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Love you babe!! I know the answer to some of these but 🫶
Wheezing so hard rn kitty cat you sent like 1/3 the list
Okay so—
👀: I started a Jon/Dami civilian au FOREVER ago, and it’s *this* close to being finished. I really can’t wait to post it because it’s a fun mix of fluffy and angsty (the latter is my specialty), where Jon/Dami have a very unusual first meeting when Damian walks into the veterinarians office Jon works at concussed, bleeding, and cuddling an inured raccoon.
“I am fine.” He says, resisting Jon’s attempts to be seated. He ignores Jon’s bewildered look as well and proffers up the raccoon he’s swaddled and had up to that point been practically cuddling. “Help him. I have grievously injured him and I am at fault.”
While admirable, Jon really wants to point out that he also looks pretty injured and also needs help. “Sir,” He replies calmly, even though this guy can’t be too much older than him. “You’re bleeding. I will help both of you, but we need to call 911 now and get your head checked. If I give you the phone and take the raccoon, could you describe the situation to an operator and explain what happened?”
To Jon’s horror, tears well up in the man’s green eyes. “You’re right. We should call the police, I need to be arrested for taking his life.”
❌: hmmm, now this is a bit of a hard one, I tend to write across a bunch of tropes and don’t really judge people for indulging in theirs… I genuinely can’t think of an answer, you’ll have to tell me something I forgot after I post this.
🎶: I’m always listening to music while I write. My music varies heavily month to months. I tend to find a new batch of songs and listen to them on loop while I write until it’s done or I get sick of them. As you know, I listened to Stranger by Thomas Day for the second chapter of the fic I gifted you, Rook, which is about very sad, angsty stuff centered around Tim and Damian. Click the fic name to end up on ao3!
✨: I actually love my own work sometimes, maybe not *always*, but there are fics I’m especially proud of. I’ll recommend (myself, yes!) Leave a Message, which is a civilian au fic about Damian celebrating his second Christmas ever, while really missing Dick who’s driving a taxi around Bludhaven unable to remember his family who’s waiting for him to come home. Trust me on this one, read it, I won’t let you down.
🛒: Damian running away. It’s a staple in a decent number of my fics, possibly because he does it A LOT in canon too. If I counted the number of fics where Damian was running away from his family or his problems, I think I’d be counting a majority of my fics.
🎢: This…okay look, I’m answering these like I’ve only ever written Batfam fic, which isn’t true, but we’re going to pretend it is to persevere some of my dignity. ANYWAY, definitely going to point a finger at Unimportant and Like We Were Then. Unimportant has spiralled beyond my control, and there are characters and things going on in it that I wasn’t planning for or expecting. Meanwhile, LWWT went from a 5+1 to a 33k word monstrosity with a plot that wasn’t planned either, but I’m actually quite proud of. Hoping to get the epilogue up soon ♥️
🤡: Basically the entirety of I Think I Have A Ghost in which Jason can’t remember his time in the league, and there’s a small child sized wraith who’s been following him around for weeks. These things are not unrelated. I’m proud of both works in the series, but particularly:
He drops a bag of tea in each mug, sits on one of a few stools around the kitchen island, and slides one of the mugs across the table to the side opposite of him.
He waits for the presence to decide what it wants to do.
“It’s going to over steep.” He tries.
It shouldn’t work. What ghost drinks tea?
Apparently, his.
The kid, because it really is an actual child, on silent feet, steps through the doorway to the kitchen and scales the stool in front of the steeping tea. All of this is done without a sound or any indication that this whole situation is really bizarre.
Jason raises a brow at the kid, and takes a sip of his tea. The kid copies the motion, only making the slightest face of distaste.
So not only is he not a ghost, Jason decides, he’s a posh not-a-ghost.
“Cool.” Jason says. “Wanna explain whatever this—” He motions between them, “—Is, kid?
The kid takes a longer sip.
Okay then.
Thank you for asking all these, Kat ♥️
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002yb · 10 months
Dick doused with one of Ivy's more potent pollen 👀
Usually Dick's immunity towards rogue-made toxins of any sort is monstrously high; he's not often affected, which is why it's so alarming when this one takes him the fuck out with horniness
Just Dick recognizing that something isn't right with himself and realizing that he needs to get away. The general antidote they have does fuck all and Dick can feel how his own blood burns in his veins so he stumbles away from an ongoing fight - removing himself from the situation before he becomes the fight his family has to worry about
And it's alarming once the dust settles and everyone realizes that Dick is MIA. They know he was hit; that he went to ground is telling of the damning potency of the new pollen though and concerns ramp up tremendously. Especially because Dick won't respond (he can't) on comms.
Fortunately: tracking.
Problem is: Dick fled to the Alley. Notoriously Jason's territory and saying that the family's truce is tentative is g e n e r o u s.
Still, it's an emergency. With how far out everyone is; with how they still need to make an antidote that will neutralize whatever it is Dick is experiencing - they need help.
Enter: Jason.
Who can and will use this favor as leverage. 'But he's your brother,' the family tries to argue, to which Jason scoffs because, 'that's convenient.' Just Jason antagonizing Bruce and co. even as he goes to the coordinates that were rattled off to him.
'Just get an antidote,' Jason tells them, 'I'll make sure Goldie stays out of trouble.'
The joke being that Jason is trouble and Dick will be buried to the hilt in him soon enough so Dick really isn't staying out of anything lol
Anyway, Jason tracks Dick down to the fire escape of some condemned building. It's a precarious place to hide, but what's that bit of danger to someone who loves to be in high places and seeks the thrill of a fall?
So Dick sits on the fire escape, body drawn taut and curled small as Dick fights to keep himself controlled and contained.
Meanwhile Jason is on the floor of the alley looking up and wow, isn't this nostalgic? Though usually Jason would see Robin flying between the narrow gap between buildings, not hiding out on a rusty fire hazard of an escape.
There's no passing up on tormenting Dick given how pitiful he looks. So Jason whistles low and watches close how Dick's muscles seem to jump; how Dick's fingertips dig into his shoulders and neck when Jason gets ornery and intones, 'You're a bit far from the nest, big bird.'
'So are you.' Dick quips back and Jason rolls his eyes. Good ol' Goldie must not be feeling too bad if he can fire off retorts like that.
And Jason is ready to scoff and sulk and be petulant; he's ready to start a fight to distract or manhandle Dick to a safe house, but Dick shifts to peek at him and Jason stops still - hairs on the back of his neck standing on end because he senses danger
The intent and focus in Dick's gaze is heavy. Jason hasn't felt like easy pickings in a long time, but in that moment under Dick's attention? Jason remembers what it is to be hunted. That Dick is the hunter though is - hot disorienting.
It reminds Jason of Dick's mean streak from back in the day and he shudders at the memories. Fond in hindsight. Anticipatory, even.
Because Jason has had fantasies with this sort of set up: Dick dosed with pollen and Jason conveniently there to ease an itch
Ain’t no way Dick would actually want Jason, unfortunately, so fantasy will stay fantasy.
Jason heaving a sigh and clasping the back of his neck as he figures his plan of action. Being put out because no matter how he tries to justify being Dick’s warm body for a few hours and living out that fantasy of getting violated by an unrestrained and insatiable version of his undying crush…there’s no way Dick wouldn’t be the one suffering.
'Keep looking at me like that and I'll get the wrong idea,' Jason would taunt as a means of diffusing the tension. A joke to settle his own nerves.
Only Dick throws him for a loop, because he keeps looking and in a low rasp murmurs, 'Good.'
And Jason just - what!? Σ(⊙ロ⊙)
Like this boy is slack jawed, wide eyed with cheeks flushed because surely he heard wrong, right? There's this loaded silence and stalemate of a stare down and Jason starts to sweat because Dick isn't backing down and ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
Jason talks a big game with his deepest and darkest and most depraved fantasies, but at heart? He's a damn maiden. His heart is about ready to beat out of his chest!
Curiosity killed the cat and it's Jason's twisted curiosity on what it is to be loved in any capacity that kills him, so...
'You gonna do anything about it, Goldie?'
It's entirely on Jason for provoking the chase. It's also on him for the sick attraction he has for danger - the way it makes his heart beat faster and his blood sing in his veins
Not gonna lie though, Jason bites off more than he can chew with Dick. Even in the throes of the side effects of Ivy's pollen, Dick is hot as fuck. But also? He's fucking terrifying.
Just Jason laughing through the fear because Dick is a fucking monster nipping at Jason's heels as they run through the Alley. He tells Dick as much, too. Through the panic and adrenaline Jason might mention any number of other things, too.
Endless rambling about how Jason wants to be chased in a cute, romantic way; this night terror shit isn't what he signed up for, get back demon omfgggggg
More rambling that give Jason away because Dick doesn't need to chase him so hard to get Jason's heart racing; if Dick wants to take Jason's breath away he can just like, stand there, as opposed to this cardio nightmare
And through all of Jason's complaints, Dick eventually burns through the pollen.
Fun thing is that Dick doesn't clue Jason in on this. He just keeps chasing Jason because Jason's being really fucking cute about it.
Which Jason only realizes after Dick tackles him clear out of the skies and they tumble across a rooftop. And Jason is ready to throw down. Their first fuck ain't going down like this, so Jason bares his teeth and throws a punch.
Dick catches it and pins Jason's arm down. Then the other. And it's only when Jason catches Dick's gaze that the panic settles because -
Because Dick is smiling. Laughing!
And Jason is (⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄) because he's been utterly exposed
Queue banter and playful teasing
Only this time the joke is on Dick, because what residual pollen was on his costume comes off on to Jason and Jason wasn't blessed with the same resistance to all the rogues' gimmicks as Dick
So Dick is hovering over Jason, very much in his space in a very intimate way. And as they're bantering Dick starts to see the tell tale signs that Jason is very much not okay and oh, he's actually so damn alluring? Uh oh. SOS.
Because Jason is all cheeks stained a pretty pink, fringe matted to his forehead not just from their impromptu sprint through the city, but also because Jason is burning up from the inside. Just sweaty and dazed, chest heaving and with the most sinful little gasps pulling past his lips and -
Is this how Jason looks when he's being fucked? It has to be.
'Keep looking at me like that and I'm gonna get the wrong idea.' Jason quips, head turned to seek some reprieve from the cool ground beneath him, but all it really does is bare Jason's neck and Dick really wants to blame the pollen for how affected he feels because fuck.
'Good,' he breathes.
And lbr they probably don't fuck because this relationship is defined by UST, but if they did? 👀
For real though, Dick gives Jason the courting experience this maiden man was bitching about during their game of chase. Jason wanted to be chased after in a cute way? Dick makes it such a cutesy slow burn experience that Jason takes it back. He wants to get down and dirty immediately. Where's his night terror demon bird man at?
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ladytauria · 9 months
This but jaytim https://www.tumblr.com/cemeterything/739420982161326080/and-needless-to-say-the-mask-stays-on-during-sex
ohhhhh 👀
( linking here for easier clicking )
secret identities / identity porn is one of my favorite tropes and this is SUCH a good take on it.
my brain goes two places with this—
the first is to civilian tim & red hood, working together for [ insert reason ] and tim being viciously protective of jason’s identity, even from himself <3 they start to fall for each other, but jason isn’t… ready to reveal. maybe for insecurity reasons, maybe because he doesn’t know how to explain everything, maybe it’s trust issues, maybe it’s all of the above.
at the same time, he has feelings, and acting on them with tim not knowing who he is feels wrong. tim doesn’t feel the same way, though—it’s fine if jason isn’t ready, tim still likes him, still wants him. he doesn’t mind waiting, and he doesn’t want jason to deny himself something he wants especially after all the ways he’s protected people <3
besides, he knows jason. he doesn’t need to see his face / all of his face. (“and the [mask/hood] is hot.”)
(EDIT: RIP, i hit post too soon!!! pls ignore for now EDIT 2: fixed)
however, the SECOND place my brain goes is a prompt i was given a while ago—although. the first does make me think of another prompt i have…—as well as some (non jaytim) fics i’ve read recently.
but thinking about jason, who works as a prostitute while trying to get his GED / save up for college, and red robin!tim. i cant decide what i like better though; the slow build of feelings as red robin shows up, using jason as an informant, or that + an adding complication of red robin being hit by sex pollen, and their trysts continuing after. (especially since jason didn’t even TRY to look under the cowl/mask~ he never does)
lots of angst, too—jason not feeling worthy of seeing whose behind the mask, and/or “knowing” he doesn’t mean that much to red robin. meanwhile tim afraid to tell jason who he is bc his civ identity is so many of the things that jason hates <3 afraid that he’ll lose all of jason’s affection and trust…
thank u for sending this nonny, i will be turning it over in my head~ (& you may see it incorporated into one of those, esp the second, since that concept has already been rotating in my mind a while)
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foreveralwaysanauthor · 3 months
So, I've been busy a lot lately with chauffeuring my niece to the blueberry picking job she's taken on this summer and work, the latter of which isn't really a surprise, I'm sure, but, anyway, I've been listening to the new Outsiders musical and I just- 😭 There are so many songs I could use for stories/one-shots, but I need to write out little snippets of it all for now, because I can't keep them to myself anymore, and I need to write this out before I leave to work at camp for the summer lmaooo.
I'm going to start off by comparing some main characters. I won't go into much detail as the book/movie do it a far better justice than I ever could, but I'll compare them as best I can. You'll probably see a lot of similarities right off the bat, but trust me, it gets weirder the more you see how close they are. I swear, when I made these characters, I had outgrown my love for The Outsiders, but now it's like 👀 did I though? Anyway, yeah, onto the comparisons...
Ponyboy Curtis (Yes, that's his real name. 14, loves movies and books to escape reality, gets jumped by kids from the other side of town a lot) is most similar to Bentley. Pony is the main character and longs to escape Tulsa, Oklahoma and the ongoing (somewhat violent) feud between the prissy rich people on the West side of town (Socs or Socialites) and the blue-collar, hardworking people in poverty on the East side of town (Greasers). He dreams of more and uses books and movies as a way to mentally escape the area he lives in.
Sodapop Curtis (Again, yeah, that is his birth-given name. 16, works at a gas station to help their oldest brother with bills. Dropped out of school to work more after their parents passed away) I think is most like Royce. They're both hardworking and feel like they should do more to help their family. However, where Royce sort of struggles with being able to relax and be a kid, Soda feels like the rope in a game of tug-of-war as Pony and their older brother Darrel can sometimes be at each other's throats. He's their peacekeeper, but his efforts don't always work. Also, as an aside, Jason Schmidt from Rise of the Pink Ladies plays Sodapop in the musical and he is incredible!
Darrel "Darry" Curtis (The only one of the brothers with a normal name. 20, sole provider for his brothers, works pretty much all day, every day. Basically just a really exhausted, overworked guy who was forced to grow up too quickly and step up as parent to his brothers) is, you guessed it, Miles. I based a bit of Miles personality off of Darry anyway, so it's not that hard to see the similarities, but still. Unlike Miles being relatively secure financially (or so he claims in front of friends), Darry is struggling. He works from sunup until long after sundown to provide as much as he can, but it isn't easy. Pony doesn't really take in all that Darry does for him and Soda until something happens and it sort of hits him all at once, meanwhile, Bentley and Royce know full well what Miles does for them and are both immensely grateful.
Johnny Cade (16, best friend of Ponyboy, they get into a lot of trouble together. He's seen as the kicked puppy of the group as he was jumped not long before the story takes place and would have died if not for Pony and their friends.) I could see as August, especially after reading his info page. I won't go too far into things, but his home life was terrible, so he sometimes slept in the empty lot by their house to stay away from home. He doubted his family would care if he ended up dead, and sadly, I think he was right.
Dallas "Dally" Winston (17, wild card of the group, frequently in and out of jail for fighting with just about anyone) is a hard one to place, but I'd have to say he's probably a mixture of Zack and Butchy. Dallas was very protective of those he cared about, but he had a tendency to go about it all wrong. He had been behind bars more than anyone else in the group for a myriad of reasons, but he didn't regret a single night of it so long as it meant he protected one of his own.
Sherri "Cherry" Valance (16, is a Soc from the West side) would be most like Vivien, but I have a part of me that sees Carrie in her as well, and I'll explain more in a moment with a song. For now, just know that, in the show/movie/book, Pony has a crush on Cherry, but she seems to like Soda as she knows him from local rodeos where he does barrel racing. She says that more than once that it's easier to talk with Pony than with anyone from her side of the town, and they get along really well as friends throughout.
Now that I've done a bit of character comparison, I'm going to say that I could see this musical being inspiration for a What If? scenario (I know, I have a lot of those haha) where everything sort of takes place in the 60s in Myrtle Beach, before the boys leave town. I have a handful of other ideas as well for individual stories and one-shots, but just hear me out, alright? I promise, it gets good. Maybe, by the end of this, you'll be just as invested as I am; who knows?
Starting strong, we have the song Tulsa '67. Typical with most musicals, this is the introduction song that sets the scene, but I just love the way Brody Grant (Ponyboy) makes everything feel. Like, if you close your eyes, you can feel the world around you. Well, I can, at least. My small town was very similar back in the day - or so I've heard from my uncles.
Skipping to Runs in the Family, I have to say, this song is very Miles coded. I based a bit of Miles personality off of Darrel "Darry" Curtis anyway, so it makes sense, but this song just solidifies it for me. Brent Comer is amazing as Darry, but if I close my eyes, I can almost picture Miles singing this. Like, tell me some of those lyrics don't seem like they're taking them straight out of Miles' mind!
Next up is Great Expectations. I don't have a full idea for this one, but just hits different as a writer as well as someone who feels somewhat stuck in their town. It seems like there are only a rare few who make it out of the area, and when you're stuck there, you want to dream big, so that's what Ponyboy sings about. I can imagine this being either Miles or Royce (primarily Royce) singing, but I'll let you decide.
Now, let me just say that I Could Talk to You All Night gave me multiple ideas, but I'm going to keep my list short. My first instinct was a Miles and Carrie one-shot as it feels very much like them pre-relationship. Just a night where they realize that the chasm between their social classes isn't as wide as they were made to think it was, and they bond over simple things. My other thought was, of course, Royce and Vivien, for the same reason. Vivien's family is definitely at least upper middle class, but I feel like, if they were in school together at the same time, in a similar situation to the original story (Socs vs. Greasers), they'd find it somewhat awkward at first to get along before relaxing with each other and talking each other's ears off. Either way, it's adorable!
One song I have mixed ideas for is the reprise of Runs in the Family. Of course, the Murphy boys are my primary idea, but it's hard to imagine them arguing to that point. Then again... maybe that could be an interesting arc...
Run Run Brother has become one of my exercise songs, and it's been really motivational, but that's beside the point. The only idea I've had for this was that, after Miles leaves town, Royce and Bentley plan to follow him, but get held back by their father, who won't let them go without a fight. When he pins Bentley to the wall in a chokehold, Royce stabs him, takes Bentley, and they run to Uncle Tommy's, where this song takes place. I've had different versions of this one-shot in my mind before, but this one feels the most fleshed out.
Throwing in the Towel made me genuinely cry the first time I heard it. After the events of the last song I mentioned, Ponyboy and Johnny ran away, but Darry and Soda only find out what happened after they're long gone. Darry, of course, blames himself for everything, and I can just imagine this being Miles' reaction if Bentley were to ever run away from home for any reason. Also, seeing the live version on The Today Show made me so emotional, and the hug at the end of the video was very fitting.
The movie didn't do the book's version of Soda's Letter a justice, but the musical got it right. I can only imagine this following the last idea I gave you, so do with that as you will.
Little Brother is the type of song that feels like how a person with nothing left to lose would feel. Feeling like nobody cares about the people you've lost, nothing matters to you now without those people, and you've already crossed the line of no return, so why not go all the way? Even without having read the book or watched the movie, you can feel the heaviness of the lyrics as the song picks up. You probably don't want to know what I've had cooking in my head for this one, so I'm going to leave it for another time. Just know that I have things cooking already...
Now, I'll let you look into the rest of the show, but just know that I love it and hope to one day see it with the original cast. I've been a bit of a TikTok stalker lately, but my fyp is filled with Outsiders stuff anyway, so it's been great. Hopefully, you've liked my little ramble session because I'm about to tumble down my Outsiders obsession for the umpteenth time since I first read the book in the 8th grade. Anyway, have a great day! I have a bit of extra time to write today, so I'm going to use as much as I can.
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galkyrie · 1 year
Will you tell me about that not posted fic? 👉👈👀
Ooh yeah, I can totally give you an idea! I have bits outlined at this point so here goes.
It follows the events in this post, where, Jason happens to run into Tim following a mission in a small port city halfway across the world from Gotham. It's been months since anyone has seen Tim, and Jason's kinda been blaming himself for setting the whole sequence of events off-
And then Tim's there in some shitty bar he'd just happened to wander into, laughing with the bartender about something he can't hear- and he looks different. His high cheekbones seem softer, his skin a sunkisswd from his time spent on the sea, his hair long like it was when he was just setting out to make his way as Red Robin. Jason almost doesn't recognize him- but their eyes meet and there's no mistaking those for anyone else's.
Somehow, miraculously, after chasing Tim down and accepting the very justified venom Tim spits his way, he manages (through blackmail) to get Tim to promise to keep in touch with him.
Tim does, begrudgingly at first. He tells him just enough to let him know he's still alive, as per their agreement. But...he's lonely, and has spent months as little more than a stranger to the people he meets, and Jason writes him religiously. Tim reads them. More than once.. then, slowly he starts sharing what his life is like now. How he has a cat that stowed away, who saved his life when he was at his lowest point after running away. How he still practices with his staff, but without the City to defend it's more of a meditative process. How he's slowly learned to feed himself because cats apparently hate MREs.
Eventually, they grow closer. Things are getting worse in Gotham- Bruce is off the rails and Jason refuses to feel like that's his fault or problem in any way, and at first talking with Tim feels like a release valve. A break from watching things fall apart because the man can't stop. It's not lost on him that Bruce is hunting Tim down with far more fervor than he did Jason, back when he was the only one with a known double digit kill count.
He can't help but think it's because Bruce saw so much of himself in Tim. But Jason knows now that that's a mistake, because Tim got out. Tim's carved a life for himself, something small and quiet and peaceful in a way that he doesn't think Bruce would ever be able to manage.
And only he gets to see it. Nobody else knows any of it with Tim. This softer, gentler Tim is all his.
He feels less bad about wanting to keeping that way when Tim sends him a number he can use to call him. Their relationship repairs and deepens over time, until eventually Tim invites him to come see him, if he can get to x coordinates on x date.
Jason's floored when he shows up to the spot alone and Tim's right there. He's gained more weight in the time it took to go from hostile penpal to...whatever they were now, and Jason just cannot get over how pretty it makes Tim. There's actual, physical evidence that Tim's regularly prioritizing himself, and it's driving him a little wild. Gone are the days of entirely regimented and perfectly portioned meals and green juices and supplemental smoothies- Tim's fucking frying things. Jason gets a little dizzy over the idea of teaching him to bake.
Meanwhile Tim is a little nervous. Jason is still in like, peak physical condition due to being an active vigilante and Tim's just been...chilling? He's fully unprepared for the sheer level of attention paid to his newly developed love handles, or how much the man seems to enjoy just squeezing the soft bit of pudge over his abdomen. He's baffled- Jason looks like he's carved from marble, but acts like Tim's the one who should be worshipped.
There's a lot of Jason being unable to get enough of Tim like this, and a slow realization that he doesn't just want these periodic trysts between long periods of watching the Bats go to shambles- he wants to join Tim, he wants the softness and the peace for himself, too.
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deepwithintheabyss · 1 year
Slade/Jason idea that hit me out of literally nowhere
Slade might not be able to have the original boy wonder but he can get himself a replacement as a sort of stand in
Basically he picks up Jason (who comes already pre-trained and maybe even with his own flimsy Robin outfit, who's just as small as back when Dick had started out) and pretends he's fucking Dick
And Jason is more than happy to play along because warm food housing just one guy he has to predict etc yknow?
Tiny Jaybin getting fucked by Slade as he has to pretend to be the original boy wonder. Their scenes varying from rape play to a Robin who's clearly into it
Meanwhile Dick has no fucking clue that Slade (maybe on a trip to Gotham when he tried to coerce Dick into something) picked up his own body stand in (maybe he'd get jealous if he knew 👀 poor Jay caught in the middle)
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Hi Jump :3
Good to see that this one is still alive!
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Ah, they're playing the "do you remember when we first met?" game! Tbh, I'd totally lose at that game, cause I can't remember shit 😅
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See, Jump did like Porche right from the start, I knew it! Ok, it wasn't love at first sight, but he did feel attracted to him
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Seeing Porche like this really makes me wonder how much of that little master persona from before was actually him and how much was just Porche pretending to be a tough guy 🤔 It's kind of the same with First. It's cute when they're all lovey dovey with their boyfriends, but what about the spice? What about the kinks? What about the pet play, hm Porche? Where did that go? 😭
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There, Jump is asking the real questions now! I wanna know as well
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Hmm, was it really only because of Jason though? I mean Porche must have certain dom tendencies regardless of what happened with his daddy, right?
Also "act cute like Zouey" he says... Meanwhile I'm thinking about Zouey railing Teena on the billiard table lol
Oh! Guys, maybe that`s it? The ones who were harsh and kinda dom are cute now and Zouey who was sort of shy and subby might turn into a full on dom 👀
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Now I'm the one who feels shy
Don't look at me like that! 🙈
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And of course Jump is loving it and they have a bit of a bj session going on :)
Side note: Don't smoke on the bed, kids. That's dangerous. Also your bed linens will smell like cold cigarette smoke juck
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