#might go in and fine-tune things later
stewystew · 9 months
Just finished the first season of The Magicians this show is so funny why did they introduce a surprise time loop just to say that this is the last cycle. Like. Ok so that changes nothing. We all already knew this was our only chance. It feels like they tried to raise the stakes except the stakes were already at this level before they did anything. Nothing changed except now we know about time loops I guess. Will this come in handy later? If not then What was the reason.
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chuluoyi · 7 months
✎ daddy-to-be
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- gojo satoru x reader
in which you're worried about how he'd react to you carrying his baby
genre: fluff and comfort, mentions of pregnancy and dizzy spells
note: i feel soooo warm writing this *sigh* thank u anon who asked this!
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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"Gojo-sensei! Must we do this?"
"For real?!"
"Yoohoo! Hehehehe~"
You sighed at the sight of your tall paintbrush of a husband. Satoru was supposedly teaching his first years—Maki, Panda and Inumaki—and yet, from where you were standing, it looked more like he was bullying them into following his whims more than anything.
A kind reminder that… this silly man is the father of your unborn child.
He didn't know that you were pregnant yet, because you had discovered it just a few days ago and chosen to keep it a secret for the time being.
In theory, this was normal. You two were married and engaged in a high level of sexual activity—something Satoru made sure of—and therefore, conceiving a child was bound to happen sooner or later.
Admittedly, accepting the fact that you were carrying his baby wasn't as easy as you thought, even knowing that. You hadn't seriously talked about having kids, and sure, your husband might have just taken a young cursed boy Yuta into his care—and way before that, Megumi, but it wasn't the same with your own child. It can't be the same.
And not to mention that you two were jujutsu sorcerers. Where would raising a baby fit in this bloody, cursed world you lived in?
...and above all, as things stand now, does Satoru even want a baby?
You released another sigh as you walked away, but then your vision tipped and you had to grab the wall for support. Right, you hadn't even been feeling well these past few days. You got queasy easily, and you experienced sporadic bouts of vertigo too.
"Sensei?" Yuta's worried voice greeted you, and you forced yourself to remain upright. "Are you okay?"
"Ah, yes, I'm fine," you assured him with a smile.
"Should I get Gojo-sensei? You seem pale..."
"No, no, that's—"
"Ooh~ Wifey!"
You cursed his impeccable timing as the striking white hair of your husband came to view. A mischievous grin adorned his face, a bundle of sunshine and trouble as always, as he wrapped an arm around you.
"Don't you have to teach the second years? My pretty wife, you can't be slacking—"
His smile abruptly fell when you subconsciously leaned on him and he noticed your shallow breaths. Satoru promptly tightened his grip on you.
"Yuta," his tone had taken a sharper turn. "Go to the training grounds and train with the others. Class ends after that."
As Yuta nodded and proceeded on his way, he immediately turned to face you. "What's wrong?" he asked with genuine concern. "Are you not feeling well? Can you walk?"
"I'm fine," you insisted, even though the edges of your vision started to blur.
Satoru pursed his lips, and you could tell even with his blindfold on, he was staring at you hard. "Don't be stubborn. Come on, let's get you home."
In an instant, he teleported you back to your shared home, his arms securely under your knees. You didn't know when the dizziness started to ramp up, but you were sure to fall if he didn't have a secure grip on you.
"How long have you been feeling unwell?" he inquired as he carefully lowered you onto your bed.
Realizing there was no point in hiding it any longer, you squeezed your eyes shut as your head rested on the soft pillow. "...since this morning."
Satoru expressed his dissatisfaction with a grunt. "In that case, you shouldn't have gone to school. From now on, you're on leave."
He fussed over you—removing your shoes, fine-tuning the air conditioner, and ensuring you were snug in bed. "What is causing you to feel this bad? Is it something you ate? We had dinner together, and I feel perfectly fine..."
You raised your gaze to him just as he tore off his blindfold, his eyes locking with yours. The blue of his eyes scrutinizing and assessing you, and suddenly, you felt insecure as he quirked an eyebrow, seemingly suspecting something. “Is there something you aren't telling me?”
This is it. You couldn't keep this from him any longer. This was his child as much as yours, he had to know for you to be able to decide on the next steps.
You exhaled. "I'm… pregnant."
Silence. For the next five seconds, you could've sworn that Satoru held his own breath.
"Pregnant?" he repeated, stunned, widened cerulean marbles blinking several times. "You...?"
You sat up, reaching for your nightstand and retrieving the five pregnancy tests you had stashed in the drawer, handing them to him.
Satoru fixed his gaze onto the two red lines on the sticks, examining them and then shifting his eyes between you and them several times. You didn't dare to look at him, feeling your hands starting to shake and your gut twisting.
But contrary to your dread, before you could blink, he pulled you into his embrace. Your heart melted as he softly murmured, "Dummy, why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... I was worried. I didn't think I..."
He nuzzled into your neck, breathing in deeply. "Silly... I'm supposed to be your safe space. You can and absolutely should tell me these kind of things..."
A lingering fear persisted in your gut as you croaked out, "Are you... okay with it?"
Satoru snapped his head so quickly, his brow furrowed. "What do you mean—of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
You didn't know why, but his impromptu and steadfast declaration brought tears to your eyes.
"Stupid," he chided, his voice tinged with slight giddiness and overflowing fondness, and doubled with the wide grin on his face, you were starstruck. Holding your hand, he pressed a tender kiss on your knuckles, and then on the wedding band resting on your ring finger.
His sincere, warm eyes spoke volumes as he said, "You are my beautiful, lovely, and amazing wife. And now you're about to make me a daddy. Why wouldn't I be thrilled about that?"
You had given him love that saved him in countless ways, some of which you might not even realize. And now, you were about to gift him another piece of you to love—his own family to cherish. Satoru was convinced he couldn't love you more than he did in this moment.
You cried even harder, wiping your face sloppily as you pouted at him, voice clogged with tears, a mixture of relief and happiness overwhelming you. "Why are you so s-sweet? You're u-usually... such a menace..."
"Hey! That's slander! I'm always nice to you!" he protested with a mock frown, trying to lighten the mood.
Satoru brought you into his arms again, affectionately stroking your hair. His excitement was palpable as he chuckled gleefully at the very idea of becoming a father to a mini-him or you in a not-so-distant future.
With that sentiment in mind, he genuinely meant every word of what he softly uttered in your ear:
"I love you, sweetheart. And mark my words—with everything I have, I won't let anything happen to you or our baby… I swear it."
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 7 months
Hey I hope you have a great day.
So I just saw the post with the wrath of the creator on Azar and I had an idea.
I am very emotional and I bailed my eyes out when I did the chasm quest with xiao and he nearly died AND I got a sad cutscene of the adepti after so my traveler was just stuck in the dialog with Xiao while I was crying a whole waterfall and sniffing really loudly and the only other quest where I had that was when we were in the chasm with dain and he tells us that the hillichurls are cursed people from Khanri'ah. I stood in front of the corpses and cried heart out.
So I wanted to ask the characters reactions to that. Especially Xiao, the archons we know (because khanri'ah and its destruction is a big thing here) and dainsleif.
I'm sorry this got so long. If you want to change something or want to add someone or take a character out it's okay, this is just my 5 am thought I just had.
Alr, Anon! Coming right up! Imma just focus on the Perilous Quest lol-
Creator Having A Meltdown During Perilous Quest
(Warning: Might Be OOC & Spoilers to the Perilous Archon Quest!)
She wasn't going to lie, she wasn't expecting you to cry your heart out so freely. Raw emotion was hard to come by when people grow. They tend to be more...seclusive, with their emotions.
You, on the other hand, were free-balling it. You did NOT care if people were gonna look at you weird, you are gonna cry because you are sad! And honestly, Yelan's glad that the Almighty Creator is expressive and sentient. It proves just how much you care for the characters.
"It seems the Almighty Creator is far more connected than anyone thought..." She wonders what she can do with this information, but at the same time, keep it under wraps. Letting this information slip into the wrong hands was always dangerous.
She wouldn't gamble your safety. Never. Safe to say Yelan's got you covered.
Woah, woah! He did not expect you, the Almighty Creator, to be crying their eyes out the moment he wakes up from passing out and all that—what he miss? What happened while he was sleeping?
Wait, they're not in the Chasm anymore? Oh Archons, someone just tell him what happened! Why the heck is the Creator balling his eyes out?
"Huh—? What's going on? We're out of the chasm?" Poor guy is so oblivious, and no one's bothering to fill him in—at least, at the moment.
He'll pester Shinobu about this later. Just, someone, stop the Creator from crying! Those are sad tunes, not something you want to hear when you should be celebrating about leaving that gloomy place!
She was NOT expecting you to be this emotional! Yanfei feels a little guilty not being able to do anything about it, to be honest...
She has to resist the urge to shake Xiao out of his stupor, because a) that was unprofessional, b) she's more relieved than anything, and c) Yanfei wasn't sure if you, the Creator, would think she was okay if she started acting out like that.
So, instead, she tries to ground herself, and do her best to make sure that the situation is fine, and that everything will be okay. That's the least she can do to reassure you, and everyone else, right?
"Hopefully, Their Grace will stop those tears...Hearing them sad makes me feel sad..." As a lawyer, Yanfei knows how to sympathize with her clients. This, however, felt like she could really understand what you were going through—there was a bond between you and everyone.
She doesn't want to make you sad. That's one thing for sure. Yanfei wouldn't be able to sleep out of guilt otherwise.
She wasn't expecting you to be crying your heart out, but she loves how sentient you are. It shows just how you truly care about Xiao, and about everyone.
She really appreciates you. She can see how you connect with every character—how you cheer with everyone, cherish the moment with everyone, rejoice, and mourn. This was visible proof of it all.
"Hm...How should we comfort Their Grace..." Shinobu wants to do something—for the sake of the gang's gratitude for their Almighty Creator. And everyone here as well.
You contributed much of yourself for them. For that, she's grateful.
She'll have to explain to Boss later...but that's besides the point right now.
He feels guilty for making you cry. He heard you call out his name several many times. He hears how you ball your eyes out, thinking you were gonna lose him, only for Rex Lapis to save him just in time.
He doesn't know if the Lord of Geo heard your divine prayers, or if he went on his own accord, but he feels guilty. He placed a heavy burden on you. He didn't mean to.
"How should I make it up to Their Grace..." He listens to how you scream and cry (out of joy now) that he was alive. You, the Almighty Creator, already connected yourself to someone like him. Your bond was too severe, and he tried to cut it off.
But the way the Traveler is smiling at them with a reassuring smile, Xiao wonders if he will be forgiven. Perhaps far quicker than he imagined.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: This honestly feels too OOC—I don't really know Yelan's personality all that well, and honestly I don't think I caught the full potential of Yanfei, Itto, and Shinobu. I do hope you enjoyed this, but I'm also sorry if this came out disappointing.
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dxrksong · 1 year
Just a funny what if
The classic batfam being used to summon the ghost king scenario. Danny claws his way out of the circle and tries to intimidate everyone
Danny: WHO DARES-JOHNNY13?! Is THIS Where you've been this whole time?!
Jason: unfortunately.
Danny: wait, are you alive?!
Jason: unfortunately.
Danny: is that your family???
Jason: kid, wait up!
Danny: ?? What's up?
Jason: take me with you, PLEASE! I can't deal with their constant drama!!
Danny: John-JASON, I really don't think That's a good idea! With your family being overprotective as it is, your.....weird biology of being essentially a halfa ZOMBIE. I'm honestly concerned about what would happen if you went back into the zone.
Jason: kid please! There's hardly any ambient ectoplasm here that ISN'T tainted to high hell! Look, you can get a doctor or something if it'll make you feel better but I REALLY need to go back!!!!
Danny: *sighs* fine fine! I'll get frostbite. Just wait here for a little bit!
Danny: uh huh, just don't die again. Oh, and btw, you might wanna start running now.
Jason: huh? Why?
The batfam, misunderstanding that entire conversation and gearing up to smother and protect Jason at all cost:
The Bike who drove itself home the moment Danny appeared because it knew Jason was gonna be fine:
Frostbite isn't one for swearing
For one he's more than often surrounded by younglings and the other is to maintain the image of his tribe. For if he were to start swearing like a sailor, the rest of the yeti tribe will be sure to follow. And of course it'd be nearly impossible to reverse such a thing.
So when he met with the great one's distressed friend, all he could do was freeze as he desperately tried to pick his words VERY carefully.
What the FUCK was he LOOKING at?!
This.....this poor thing is SERIOUSLY ILL!!
Oh-wait! The great one was saying something, he completely tuned him out!
FB: Great one, we MUST get him to the infirmary IMMEDIATELY!!
Danny: huh? Why? Is it really that bad- *Frostbite grabs Jason and runs back into the zone* -and wow he didn't even wait, this must be serious.
Frostbite......has no words.....
This......shouldn't be possible....
And yet for some reason it is....
FB: You have a parasite.
Jason: huh?? Like a virus?
FB: yes.....Which shouldn't be possible.
Jason: what?? How? I'm technically alive right?
FB: yes, but that's not why. It's the parasite itself, that's the impossibility!
Danny: what do you mean?
FB: it appears the parasite is mimicking a central nervous and vein system out of ectoplasm not unlike what the Great one has, hence your reserection.
Jason: and that means???
FB: it essentially means you have a second core! But it appears unfinished. Though I am curious as to WHY it's using itself so diligently to keep you alive...
Danny: so what were to happen if we were to remove it?
Jason: ?!?!?!
FB: he would have to be put in an intensive care treatment immediately as the shock would no doubt threaten to stop his heart or rupture his core.
Jason, trying to keep himself calm: so there's no way to fix this?
FB: on the contrary, it appears your body might be trying to absorb it. Or more specifically the corrupted ectoplasm that came with it.
Jason: ok?! And??!
FB: well if we get rid of the corrupted ectoplasm, the parasite SHOULD be weakened enough to the point we can just take it out, simple as that.....in theory.
Jason growled, green coating his vision. Before getting a small electric shock in the neck
FB: it appears the parasite reacts to your emotions. If you get angry, it boosts your strength. Although unfortunately it seems to elevate your emotions as well, which seems to only confuse the parasite more till the threat is neutralized or out of sight.
Jason: so, what? It's sentient??
FB: it appears so, however it doesn't look to be very smart. Only reacting to emotions and the stress levels in your system. Kind of like a blob ghost with it's herd now that I think about it.
FB: well I'm NOT not saying that-
Danny had to drag Jason back home before he injured frostbite.
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astroismypassion · 9 months
Astrology observations 🟢🟢🟢
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🟢I noticed high number of people that like the idea of saving yourself for marriage have Scorpio over the 8th house, but also often Capricorn Vesta, Vesta at 22 degree or Vesta in the 10th house.
🟢People with Pisces Vesta might have rather low libido. They really enjoy things that are more metaphysical and they are often very detached from their own body, not very in tune with it. They might do just well by watching films, TV series and indulging into their favourite movie snack. They are really fine with being on their own.
🟢Aquarius Ceres people had a mother that emphasized that their identity, personality and body are very unique. These are the people that will always tell you you're one of a kind, special and unique. This placement is very much "No one is you and that is your superpower" quote!
🟢Additionally, on Ceres note, your Ceres sign serves like the 2nd Moon sign. Ceres also shows how you perceived your mother's nurturing. So you could have a Virgo Moon, but Aquarius Ceres. And you might actually more relate to Aquarius Ceres when it comes to your relationship with your mother. Similarly, you can have Aries Moon, but your Ceres is in Pisces. But often times Moon and Ceres are compatible and connected.
🟢Scorpio Ceres doesn't want to think about money, although throughout their lifetime their life revolves A LOT around money. Either in form of debt, financial issues, help others with their money etc. Money for them is a veryy emotional topic. When they receive money they might actually tear up a little. When they give or lend money it's often an investment for them and they might have regrets connected with it or hold resentment later on for giving someone their money. Sometimes they make purchases that they not only regret, but might feel a bit ashamed that they even made this purchase in the first place. Also, this is very much the person to mix sex with money. Or they spend money on the person they are physically intimate with (sexually involved).
🟢Having Venus in someone's 10th house in a romantic Synastry is such an interesting overlay I notice. Often times one person really supports other's career and long-term goals to the point they help the other person set up a business. But I noticed that often that also become a weakness later in the partnership. So they continue the successful business, but the partnership dissolves.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house often has a crush on blond/light-haired people or those that have golden highlights.
🟢I'm not saying always, but most often in particular people who have Gemini over the 7th house often assume or very early on when meeting someone assume they the person is interested in them romantically. With Sagittarius over the 1st house (which points to an exaggerated sense of self and ego) they persistently think someone likes them despite clear evidence to the contrary. And Gemini Descendants even more so, they sometimes tend to believe they can "convince" someone if they put enough effort or try hard enough, even when the person verbally expressed that they are not interested in them. Even this Sagittarius Gemini axis can sometimes deal with delusion much like Pisces Virgo axis.
🟢Libra or Taurus over the 10th house: people at your workplace, random co-workers, even your boss will be very interested in your relationship status. Those around you will often speculate whether you have a partner or ask you if you are single. Also, if you have one of these two signs, be mindful with who you are connecting yourself with, because people around you might often make assumptions or jump to fast conclusions to who you are dating, even if the two of you are just friends! They could see you talking with someone and they might already assume you two have something going on.
🟢People with Scorpio Jupiter often go for Capricorn Sun as their spouse or committed partner. If you have Scorpio Jupiter in your Natal chart you are likely to attract a rather controlling partner.
🟢People with Pisces and Aries over the 4th house felt like they had to raise themselves. They are also really late bloomers. They might start raising themselves and working on themselves in late 20s, 30s.
🟢When you have Scorpio over the 7th house or Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart you will feel like don't receive help from anyone and it will be the year of many rejections, either in your love life, career or you will feel rejected by your loved ones.
🟢Composite Leo Mars in the 7th house make the two of you much more indecisive when together than independently/when you are apart. You often swing from "You choose, I don't mind anything" to "I don't know". When you are together you seem to make a decision much slower and it's harder to even pick to which restaurant you want to go eat. With the sign of Leo, you might have power struggles over making your choice as the final mutual decision. You will both want things to go your own way, not how the other person wants.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house are the biggest flirts that tend to be non-committal, because they value their independence a little too much, but also because they have the enough charming, charismatic confidence that they can get anyone.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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mistydeyes · 7 months
Hey! Don’t know if you’re still taking requests, but if you are, would you mind writing something about reader accidentally burning herself whilst cooking? Nothing major but something still to be concerned about and how TF141 would react? Either platonic or in a relationship is fine :)
Thanks so much ❤️😊
as someone who is absolute shit in the kitchen I can say this has happened to me so many times! thank you for the request <3
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summary: When you are challenged to make something in the kitchen, it turns out worse than you expect.
pairing: Task Force 141 x gn!platonic!reader
warnings: swearing, depiction of wounds/burns
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Cooking was never a great quality of yours. It was a skill you were still learning the hard way. Oftentimes, you would settle for something warm from the mess or be the first one to rip open an MRE on the field. However, after a very lively conversation with Soap, your ego was put to the test as he challenged you to cook something one night. "Just some pasta, no big deal," he chided as you rolled your eyes in annoyance, "unless you don't think you could?" With that, you immediately stormed into the shared kitchen to scrounge something up with Soap following close behind. Your eyes landed on some pasta that was probably there for ages and marinara sauce in a can. "Could I do you for some pasta and sauce?" you asked and before he could make a snarky comment, you turned to find a pot.
"God fuck this," you mumbled as the water took seemingly forever to boil. "Might help if you add some salt!" Gaz interjected as he took a seat next to Soap on a neighboring counter. "Mhmmm," you replied as you continued to watch the stagnant water as if you could make it heat with your mind. Soap and Gaz continued talking about some mindless training while you tuned in to the hums and clicks of the burner. Eventually, you triumphantly shouted as the water began to build to a roaring boil. You let the long strands of pasta sit in the pot as they began to soften. "You forget about the sauce?" Soap reminded and you swore as you scrambled to find another pot. In your haste, you had turned on the burner in preparation. So, when you returned seconds later with the pot, a lit flame met your gaze. "FUCK," you screamed as you whacked at it haphazardly with whatever was closest. "GOD STOP TRYING TO HIT IT WITH THE CARDBOARD BOX," was the last thing you heard from Gaz before your vision was clouded by the rapid dispersal of a fire extinguisher.
When the smoke had cleared, you were left with a throbbing hand and a powdery kitchen. "What is going on in here?" Price asked as he came barreling down the hall with Ghost in tow. "Someone decided to cook us a meal and well," Soap trailed off as you stood there covered in white. Price had no words as he looked at the group standing sheepishly in front of him. "You hurt, Sergeant?" he said sternly and you put up your hands to show the reddish skin. Price pinched his nose bridge as he turned to find a medical kit. "Put that under some water, Sergeant, and the rest of you," he paused turning back around, "clean this shit up."
As Soap and Gaz complained through the various cleaning supplies being put to work, you nursed your hand with some burn cream and gauze. Price had given you an earful about your little mishap and furthermore, had instructed you to visit the infirmary in the morning to make sure you didn't get an infection. You winced as you bound the gauze around the pink tinted areas. Ghost laughed quietly as he watched you patch up your non-dominant hand and you shot a look at him. "Cooking isn't easy, Lt." you barked and he continued to laugh even harder. "Think we should call you Pyro from now on."
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petermorwood · 8 months
Microwave Sponge Cake (eventually)
Long ago, @dduane and I had a Whirlpool combi microwave - micro, grill, fan oven - and It Was Great, big enough to use as a proper oven when what needed cooked in a proper oven was small enough that powering up the big proper oven in the cooker was a bit much.
Still with me...?
IIRC it was one of those Christmas presents where Mum, ever-practical, told us; "get yourselves something really useful but not too expensive (I did say practical!) and I'll go halves."
In 2016, after something like 15 years of pretty-well daily use for one thing and another, the old thing expired by stages, micro first, grill second, oven last - it made great bread up until the end - and went to recycling heaven.
We couldn't find a one-for-one replacement (we needed a free-standing counter-top appliance, everyone was selling built-in), so until once was available (optimism) we bought an ordinary microwave.
NB, this and its successors were only used for ordinary microwave things like reheating, defrosting and dealing with freeze-cook stuff. They got nothing like the amount of use of the old combi, mostly because of being incapable of doing a lot of it. As things turned out, this didn't help much.
About eighteen months later, we had to buy another. If a microwave's enamel interior develops a crack (to this day I don't know how), moisture gets in, rust begins and the enamel pulls off the bare metal. That's when you get "sparking".
This demo is deliberate; believe me, when it's unexpected it's even worse.
A private welder show or lightning storm at the end of the kitchen counter when all you want is a hot cuppa is distinctly unsettling. Also, it's only going to get worse, and we could imagine - boy, could we - what "Much Worse" might look like.
To the recycle dump!
(NB, micros with stainless steel interiors don't seem to do this, probably because they're already tuned to deal with the bare metal.)
The replacement, another ordinary micro, Just Up And Died after eighteen months and, guess what, the quote for a check-up and replacements-if-required was as much as the price of a new one.
(Inkjet printers seem to operate on this principal too.)
To the recycle dump again!
We got a third new one (which BTW is still running just fine, because it's been downgraded to Extra, read on), totalled up what we'd spent on ordinary microwaves, said a few well-chosen words about planned obsolescence and the "Vimes 'Boots' Theory of Economic Inequality" and got ourselves a pre-pay credit card whose top-ups were dedicated to Get A Combi Again.
We didn't bother with GACA baseball caps.
That would have been silly.
I don't know if these cards exist in the USA; we treat them as the modern version of a piggy-bank...
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...except that to get at the money you need two people acting in accord.
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And in 2021 we got one.
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Okay, this next bit is going to read like an ad.
It isn't, because the appliance is discontinued. (Whirlpool FINALLY do something similar but not identical.) It's just enthusiastic users discovering there's even more to a gadget than expected.
The New One even bigger than the old one, which had 28 litres capacity; the new one was 33 L (was .99 ft³, is now 1.16 ft³). In non-tech terms, wow, More Room To Cook In.
Reading the figures was no help (to me, anyway) in visualising what a maw the thing had, but opening the door did that and no mistake.
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I said something to DD about "bite radius"...
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...and she instantly responded with "anyway, we delivered the bomb".
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We're a quotesy household. ;->
BTW, The New One does a very good job on seafood, too...
Since we got this, almost exactly two years ago, we've used it from reheating tea to roasting meat to making chilli / goulash / stew / curry (you can run the oven / grill separately or add simultaneous zaps of microwave for much less cooking time) to baking bread.
One of the best things about it is that when the set cooking time is done, the appliance switches off automatically. No risk of busyness, absent-mindedness or out-in-the-garden-ness ending in clouds of smoke, ruined food and possibly even worse.
As for breadmaking, it has a dough-rise setting which is a Time Machine, reducing a two-hour "doubled in size" rise time to about 35-45 minutes...
It also has the most reliable Defrost Butter setting either of us have ever encountered, turning a rock-solid butter brick from the freezer into something spreadable while never - to date - doing the "never mind a butter-knife, give me a spoon or a paintbrush" thing.
There's also a "Chef Setting" where there are some simple recipes. Here's the pastry page.
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Basically, you assemble and mix the ingredients, input the correct settings and the machine does all the timing, heating and cooking.
We'd never used this until yesterday, when DD said, "Let's try the sponge cake..."
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Yes, this post was entitled "Microwave Sponge Cake (eventually)..." and here we are...
We did all the measuring correctly and checked it by pouring the mixture into a baking container while on the scale, wondering betimes why the recipe says 900g, the ingredients total 925 and what actually poured into the container reads 906... Weird. Really weird.
Then we put the container into the oven, entered the correct code, and let things do what they were going to do.
A little later we discovered something else about the recipe besides a weight anomaly.
It didn't mention the required size of the container. Or or how much the mixture was likely to rise.
It rose...
Let's say more than we expected...
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The fluted ceramic container used for baking this one makes it look like a Vesuvius cupcake; not quite a pyroclastic flow, but a lot of flow regardless.
Once it cooled we separated the sponge-cake from the escaped sponge in the same way as sculptors work with wood or marble - "Chip away everything that doesn't look like a cake" - and found that despite its misshapen looks, it tasted pretty good.
So today DD made another, this time using a larger container.
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...and this time it stayed put until removed using the cunning base-and-lifting-straps of baking parchment.
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It's not the loftiest or best-risen sponge cake either of us have ever seen (a smaller-diameter higher-sided container would probably deal with that) BUT if there's something needing sponge cake in a hurry - this went from cupboard ingredients to done and cooling in less than 55 minutes - that treatment seems to fit the bill.
We're now wondering what other secrets lurk in the simple recipe pages; falafel, quiche Lorraine, stuffed peppers, even Flammkuchen* from scratch.
(*Though I have my own views about Flammkuchen, mostly involving a plane flight...)
And we'll be paying a lot more attention to what size of dish we put them in. :->
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sas-soulwriter · 8 months
No to overwriting
In my last post, I mentioned things you don't need to worry about when writing your first book, including going into excessive detail.
Today, I want to dive deeper into one of those aspects: the idea that you don't overwrite in your first draft.
When you're embarking on the exciting journey of crafting your first book, it's easy to get caught up in the desire to make every sentence perfect, every dialogue sparkling, and every description exquisitely detailed. While these are certainly important elements of great writing, they don't need to be perfected in your initial draft.
Here's why:
Flow and Creativity: Your first draft is where the magic happens. It's where your creativity flows freely, and the story unfolds without restrictions. Overthinking and overwriting can disrupt this natural flow and stifle your creative voice. First drafts are for doing. For getting the idea down!
Stress Reduction: Focusing too much on perfection in the first draft can be stressful and overwhelming. It might even discourage you from continuing. Remember, it's okay to let your ideas flow without immediate scrutiny.
Revision Comes Later: Writing is a process, and revision is a critical part of it. You'll have ample opportunity to refine and improve your work in subsequent drafts. This is the stage where you can fine-tune sentences, fix grammar, and add the right level of detail.
Progress Over Perfection: The goal of your first draft is to get your ideas down on paper. It's more about progress than perfection. Don't let the pursuit of perfection hinder your progress as a writer.
Happy writing!
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gigabyte-flare · 6 months
🎄 I'll Be Home 🎄
[A Gigabyte Flare One Shot]
Summary: Christmas is just around the corner and your boyfriend, Leon Kennedy is away on a mission. You begin to accept the fact that you'll probably be spending the holiday alone, but Leon has other plans.
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: RE4!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: unprotected p in v, oral (m receiving), pet names, just really sexy fluff honestly
A/N: Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all those who celebrate! Divider by firefly-graphics
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“You have no idea how terrible this makes me feel, sweetheart.”
Your boyfriend’s voice is coming through your landline handset, nestled in your v-neck shirt, supported by your cleavage as you put up ornaments on your Christmas tree you just picked out at the tree farm.
“Leon, I promise you, it’s fine. I know what I signed up for. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened,” you reassure him, putting up a vintage glass Santa ornament onto the tree, “we can celebrate when you get back; no matter how long it takes.”
You hear Leon let out a deep sigh, “It’s Christmas Eve, babe. I should be there with you. It might not be until a few weeks after the new year when I finally get home. Are you sure that’s ok with you?”
“Leon. What did I just say?”
Leon goes silent, yet you can almost hear the gears turning in that mind of his. You then hear him clear his throat after a few minutes.
“You are too good to me, I don’t deserve you.”
You scoff as you struggle to put the star on the tree, “on the contrary, I don’t deserve you.”
You hear Leon clear his throat and chuckle nervously, you can picture him smirking at you, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“Hey… I gotta get going, just got to the hotel room. I’ll call you later, ok?”
“Alright, love you, Leon.”
“Love you, too.”
You pull the phone out from your cleavage and press the end call button, walking into your small kitchen to put the phone back on the receiver. You walk back into the living room, humming the tune of a classic Christmas song as you finish decorating the tree. Afterwards, you bring out your gifts for Leon, setting them under the tree to await his return.
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Later that night…
You slowly wake up in the middle of the night, your bladder painfully full and your mouth drier than the Sahara Desert. You lazily toss your comforter off, swinging your legs over the side of the bed before standing up and going into the bathroom to relieve yourself. After you finish up in the bathroom, you go out to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water to bring relief to your dry mouth.
Wearing only a thin white tank top and your underwear, you walk out into the kitchen, opening one of the cabinets to grab a glass before turning on the sink, putting the glass under the stream to fill it. Once you’re satisfied, you shut the sink off, bringing the glass to your lips and taking several gulps of the water. You let out a heavy sigh, turning the sink back on to top the glass back off, shutting it back off and bringing the glass back to your lips.
Before you can take another gulp of water, you hear something, a thud sound, come from the living room, causing you to freeze in place. Your heart begins to race and you grab the closest thing you can find to a weapon: a spatula. You grip it tightly in your right hand as you set the glass down onto the counter, turning to walk slowly into the living room. You peek around the corner to the living room, your eyes scanning the dimly lit room, your only source of light being the lights on the Christmas tree, the bottom which is obscured by the couch. You don’t see anything off at first, prompting you to step further into the living room. 
Your eyes continue to scan the room, the spatula gripped firmly in your hands as your eyes settle to the bottom of the tree where you are greeted by the sight of a naked man laying on his side, his arm propped up to support his head. You scream, stumbling backwards as your eyes roam up and down the naked man’s body, his nether region covered by a large red bow and donning a Santa hat on his head. You realize quickly that you know this man, and let out a loud sigh of relief, bending forward and resting your hands on your thighs, taking deep breaths.
The naked man is Leon.
“Jesus Christ, Leon!” you breathe out, laughing in between breaths, “how long have you been laying there waiting?”
Leon bursts out laughing, standing up from the floor to approach you. His hands instinctively place themselves onto your waist, pulling you gently to him before he reaches up, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind one of your ears, his azure eyes looking down longingly at you.
“Like 20 minutes I think? I didn’t mean to scare the shit out of you, babe.”
“I almost threw the spatula at you,” you say, unable to contain your laughter as you set the spatula onto the coffee table.
“Oooohh scary!”
You playfully punch his shoulder, still giggling, “shut up!”
Leon smiles down at you, and you feel yourself practically turn into putty in his presence. He leans down, his lips sealing themselves over yours; it doesn’t take long for the kiss to deepen, for the two of you to begin devouring each other’s lips. 
“So,” Leon says, breaking off the kiss, “aren’t you going to unwrap your present?”
Your eyes trail down his muscular form, settling on the large red bow that he somehow haphazardly attached to himself.
“Of course, go make yourself comfortable on the couch, love,” you tell him, motioning to the couch. 
Smirking at you, Leon makes his way to the couch, sitting gently onto it. You step towards him, promptly getting onto your knees to position yourself between his legs. Gently grasping the end of the bow, you pull on it, watching it unravel. His hardened dick springs up once the bow is removed, the tip an angry red and drooling with pre-cum. You gently grasp his length in one hand, pumping gingerly while you bat your eyelashes at him. Your thumb presses into his slit, gathering his pre-cum and spreading it down the thick hard shaft.
Leon groans, shifting his hips and leaning back to get himself more comfortable. You stick out your tongue, pressing it against the base of his cock and licking upwards, flicking the tip with your tongue before wrapping your lips around it.
“Oh fuck…” Leon whispers, his hand grabbing the hair on the back of your head and gently guiding you to move your mouth up and down on his cock, his hips bucking upwards to fuck your mouth.
Your fingers dig into his powerful thighs for support as he continues to thrust into your mouth, his movements becoming more irregular as his release looms closer and closer. His hand that is buried in your hair on the back of your head abruptly yanks you off his throbbing member; he watches as your drool runs down your chin, a tired smile crossing your lips as you catch your breath.
“Wanna cum in that pretty pussy of yours,” Leon growls, his sapphire gaze full of lust.
You stand up, hooking your thumbs into the hem of your underwear, pulling them off and tossing them aside before climbing onto his lap. As soon as you’re on his lap, he takes hold of your tank top, pulling it off over your head and placing it onto the couch next to him. His large hands grasp both of your breasts, kneading them in his hands. You shift your hips, feeling the tip of his cock press against your entrance, your juices coating the tip. You settle your hips down onto his lap, his dick sinking into you, the feeling of him stretching you out euphoric. 
You let out a soft moan upon feeling the tip kiss your throbbing cervix and you waste no time moving your hips in a grinding motion as you place your hands onto his shoulders for support.
“That’s it… you’re doing so good, babe. Taking me so fucking well,” Leon coos in your hear before placing gentle kisses along the side of your jawline; both of his hands resting on your hips to relish the motions of you grinding on him.
The feeling of him pressing against your cervix as you move is almost too much for you, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you let out a loud moan. In that moment, you feel Leon’s fingers dig into your hips; his hips once again bucking up into you, bouncing you on his lap. Each time, his dick presses into your g-spot, pushing you over the edge. Your juices flow from you, coating him and leaving a white ring at the base of his cock, the sounds of your soaked pussy along with both of your animalistic moans filling the living room.
“I’m… I’m gonna-- oh fuck I’m gonna fill this fucking cunt… shit!”
With a few more ragged thrusts, he pushes his hips upwards, pressing into you as deep as he can go as he paints your insides white with his cum. You relish in the warmth of him, crying out as his name as your nails dig into his shoulders, your pussy walls squeezing around him to milk every last drop of his cum. His softened dick slips out of you and you practically collapse onto him, your hips still straddling his lap. His strong arms wrap around you, his fingers running up and down your spine to comfort you.
He gives you another deep kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth for a moment. After a few minutes he breaks off the kiss, his blue eyes gazing into yours lovingly as he smiles at you.
“Merry Christmas, babe.”
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Man, every time you post from Dragonball Meta I go "Man, that makes so much sense! Now I wanna see their take on this" On that note: How would you describe Gohan and Krillin's dynamic
It takes a village to raise a child. Goku, Chi-Chi, and Piccolo's contributions to Gohan's upbringing are often brought up, but it's often overlooked that he was Krillin's ward for a time too.
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During their time on Namek, Krillin and Gohan have a pretty neat dynamic. As a hybrid Saiyan given some instruction in ki manipulation and martial arts by Piccolo, Gohan has a great deal of raw ability. But he's also five years old.
He's got a lot of power and some technical prowess but he doesn't have the sharp instincts or experience of a martial artist. He has the temperament of a child in need of guidance. Because. Like. That's what he literally is.
His ki sensing tends to be more finely tuned than Krillin's.
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Gohan is a fantastic radar. I think learning to sense ki at such an early age probably made it second nature for him, like having a sixth sense. But that's my speculation.
In any case, Gohan's got a lot of ability but what he lacks is maturity, experience, and some of the more esoteric techniques picked up from a lifetime of martial arts study. That's where Krillin comes in. Krillin calls the shots during their time on Namek.
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As an aside, I love this moment because it conveys the difference in technique between the two. Gohan and Krillin are both about to absolutely murder these guys in one hit each, but the way they're about to do it is totally different.
Gohan fights like a brawler, and so he's just going in for a hard right hook. Krillin, meanwhile, is preparing to twirl himself around with Bukujutsu in order to create momentum for a spinning kick.
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Brute force on the one hand and finely honed martial arts on the other. Akira Toriyama's greatest talent as an artist was conveying character through action.
That is their dynamic on Namek. (Dynamek?) Gohan is powerful beyond measure while Krillin makes choices about where and how to apply that power. And when Gohan's impulsiveness gets them into trouble (in a way that will pay out massive dividends for years to come):
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It's Krillin's technical knowledge, experience, and knack for subterfuge that gets them out of it.
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This victory was brought to you by everybody cannibalizing Tenshinhan's techniques because they're so good. Dude needs to start filing patents.
Bunch of fucking thieves, Kame-senryu.
This sort of teamwork is the relationship they develop. Krillin is experienced and tactical, but also pragmatic. He didn't want to save Dende; He was totally willing to let Dende die to avoid exposing him and Gohan. But he rolls with it and adapts.
When he next sets out into a situation where they might have to leave the Namekians to die, he doesn't say he's not taking Gohan to avoid a similar predicament... but he does bench Gohan without giving any reason for it.
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It's certainly an interesting choice, to be sure.
And a mistake he'll spend the next six days trying to un-make.
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Oof. Would have been a great idea to have brought Gohan along in the first place, huh?
He does it again much later, when he's once again flying into a situation where he might have to choose between exposing himself to Frieza or letting the Namekians die.
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Again, no explanation offered. Gohan volunteers to join and Krillin tells him, "Nope." Gohan has implicitly been fired from ever doing spy ops with Krillin again. Nonetheless, he continues to follow Krillin's lead unquestioningly, all the way up to the end.
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For his part, Gohan is impulsive and follows his heart. He leans on Krillin for guidance and mentorship, but also follows his heart.
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But together they effectively fight as a single unit. That... psychic mind training thing they were doing on the spaceship wasn't just sparring; They were also forming battle strategies and making plans for fighting an enemy together.
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The coordination and teamwork between Gohan and Krillin is some of the best in the series, because they had both time and will to practice and train themselves as battle partners. Guldo can freeze time and he's still on the backfoot from how fast they flow from one attack to another, and how well Gohan's learned to read Krillin's moves and follow along without a word between them.
Oh, and the ki sensing.
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I love the way Krillin and Gohan dominate this fight. Guldo's telekinesis almost pulls this out for him right at the end, but 90% of this fight is Guldo narrowly avoiding being brutally murdered by virtue of his time manipulation.
This is, once again, the Planet Trade Organization in the nutshell. Their raw abilities are incredible, while the Earthlings are better fighters. This tends to put the Earthlings on the backfoot, but the Earthlings have the tools to at least navigate the situation - For a time, at least.
When they can find an answer, they excel. When they can't, the raw ability of the PTO wins out. One of my favorite moments for Gohan and Krillin is right here, when they intervene during Vegeta's fight with Recoome.
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This is a desperation move. There was no plan here. "We're fucked; GET 'IM!" was the only idea exchanged before they rush in.
So, lacking a coordinated strategy like the ones they used against Guldo, you can see their different values manifest in how they move. Krillin, the underhanded pragmatist, goes straight for a critical shot. Hitting Recoome with a well-placed knee drop to slam his jaw shut on the ultra-powerful Eraser Gun he's firing from his mouth.
Krillin's sneak attack fucks up Recoome about as hard as the preceding battle with Vegeta did.
But where Krillin sees an opening for a powerful hit, Gohan sees a life in danger. So he moves to save Vegeta instead of following Krillin's attack. Even Vegeta's startled by this decision.
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Vegeta's pissed that Gohan didn't let him die. Vegeta would have let Vegeta die.
This is who Gohan is: A kindhearted boy who doesn't want to be in these violent situations but will do whatever he has to do in order to protect the lives of others.
Gohan is the most unambiguously heroic character in the cast. There is no poison in his heart. He's not here to fight. He doesn't care about martial arts. He has no enjoyment and no love of violence. He has Goku's best quality: He doesn't like it when people are being hurt, and he's bold enough to get involved if he can. But it's distilled in Gohan, untouched by Goku's poison.
Which is both a strength and a weakness, in different ways. And remains so throughout the rest of his life.
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Watch me and Touch it Querida
Santiago "Pope" Garcia x plus size female reader
Fanfiction is 18+ MDNI
Main Masterlist / Santiago Garcia Masterlist / Oscar Isaac Masterlist
Word Count: 4.4k
Summary: You have a crush on your long time friend Santiago. After the events of Columbia, he stays in your spare bedroom. You two make good roommates. Pope decides to ask you a question that you thought was just a throwaway. Turns out he was serious.
Warnings: Teasing, Hair worship (is this a thing? I guess it is now 👀), oral sex (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), unprotected P in V (wrap them thangs up), cockwarming, aftercare, bad jokes throughout (another Nerdie staple)
Notes: My first Santiago smut! I think I captured his essence. Maybe, Ya'll will have to let me know. Also, I apologize to anyone who actually plays guitar, I just looked up what Google said were the four basic chords.
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The first clue should have been that he asked to stay with you. He had three other men, his brothers, that he could have stayed with. Especially since they don't talk about whatever happened last month. Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia is a flirt of a man, has been since you’ve known him. You pay him no mind, his little compliments don’t phase you - much. He would call and text you in between deployments and later when he was out of the military. He’d also call when he was in the States or overseas consulting. Just checking in on you, he would normally lead with asking about how you were doing. Your mind constantly told you it’s the kind of thing he would do with  the guys except they likely have private jokes. Your heart tells you it might be more, but your mind usually wins with reasoning.
Him moving in went fine. Pope didn’t have much with him. A few duffle bags and a backpack. He took up your second bedroom and things were easy. Just fine. They guys joked that you two should have been roommates years ago since you got along so well. They’re not wrong, you just still need him to move out. Which is impossible to ask considering one of his friends just died on their trip, none of them will say how and even though they all still get along, neither Frankie, Will or Benny will let Pope stay with them. Suspicion is high that there’s some lingering resentment there, but it’s not your place to ask. You weren’t there. You don’t know and you’re not going to.
You haven’t seen any odd habits so far. He cleans up after himself, cooks every once in a while. No women have been in your guest room that you know of and you never want to know if they have. The conversations flow easily and he plays his guitar sometimes, letting you sit on his bed next to him while he plays different chords. Strong hands alternate between picking at the strings and strumming them, Santi softly hums a tune you’re not familiar with.  There was a Die Hard marathon you both watched together the other day. No red flags….which should have been red flag two for you.
He’s your friend. Almost a brother to you. You can’t be looking at how his polo shirts cinch around his waist and slight tummy or how they’re struggling with every thread on those biceps of his. The man has a million watt smile with curls to match, a dangerous five o’clock shadow, plush lips and warm chocolate eyes that focus on you when you speak. When he calls your name, you always exhale, it sounds perfect out of his mouth. Your thoughts haven’t even broached his thighs or that perfect curve he calls an ass when he asks you out of the blue. You’re minding your own business on the couch reading a book. Lying to yourself that you’re going to do less screen time this year.
“You think I should grow it out? I’ve always shaved it.” How long had he been thinking about this? Wait…shave what? Not his head right?! Not those curls. Curls that you’d snuck your hands in only a handful of times copying a noogie that Benny would do and only when the others were around. So silky with a touch of gray….He had asked a question. About his hair, shaving it…
“Santiago. Please don’t shave your head.” You pleaded, harder than you meant it to come out, but you were serious. It warranted your book closing and to look up at him. Why did he have to stand in front of you like that? Sure most people do that, but it’s not okay when he does it. You’re aware of this and the fact that you still haven’t told this man to move in with one of his brothers means you’re the  third red flag. At some point, you became okay with the idea of throwing away your friendship with Santiago. Oolging him when he’s not aware and looking forward when he’s away for a few days so you can think more about his merits and assets. Possibly with a few handheld aides.
He laughed at you and sat down on the couch. “No tonta (silly). Grow a beard. My facial hair grows pretty fast anyway. What do you think? You like facial hair on your men angel?” His shoulder nudged your arm. You chuckled at the thought that he joked about you having men. Pfft. Shaking your head, you playfully swatted his cheek, his rough stubble grazing your fingers. You made sure your hand came down to your knee, the desire to keep in on his face was too strong in the moment. 
“I think you could pull off a beard. You already have stubble half the time. Just don’t let it look raggedy Santi.” You smiled, trying to picture it. The most facial hair you’d seen him with was a mustache in pictures before Delta Force and he looked like a porn star. Hell he looked like one now. You need to stay focused, you’re having a conversation. If he did have one of those nice, maintained beards though…he might turn into an evil villain. They usually had some cool beards before getting thwarted by heroes. His grin at your very apparent compliment and distraction makes you lose the little focus you did have.
“Glad you believe in me. You didn’t answer my other question though.” Squinting your eyes, you’re confused for maybe the third time tonight. “Do you like facial hair on men or do you like them clean shaven?” He leaned in, very clearly expecting an answer. 
Frazzled, your answer matched your current state of mind, “I mean, more hair is always better than less hair. I love some friction, you know I’m used to it because of my thighs but that’s…it’s gotta be a different kinda of sensation when someone's doing it right and has a solid beard…” His wide eyes told you that you’d said too much. Way too much. You stood up and mumbled goodnight, cursing yourself and hoping that maybe he had another overseas contract soon. He grabbed your wrist  and stood with you.
“Is that what you like angel? Something for a different type of friction? Good to know. I take it you haven’t had that from what you said though. Sweet dreams cariño (dear).” Santiago said as he released your wrist. He knew damn well you weren’t going to sleep tonight and you didn’t. The next few days, he didn’t mention it and when you two met up with the guys and their girlfriends, he didn’t mention anything then either. By next week, you were sure it had blown over and he left saying he was going to be gone for two months. That was plenty of time to forget your mistake right?
The time came and went fast. Santiago was back…with a damn beard. It was black with gray strands at its edges. Letting his lips peek out from the oval of hair that formed around them. You looked, then turned and snuck another look. Angry that you did. Maybe he would shave once he got settled in. He greeted you with a hug, nuzzling his nose and jaw on your neck as he embraced you. You wanted to slap him for testing you, but maybe he didn’t remember, you also wanted to touch his face and kiss him to feel the hair on your face. Gazing up at him, his curls had grown out a bit more as well, more pronounced and larger. Pope said he was going to go take a shower and frankly, you felt you could use one too. Get these ideas out of your head. 
The first week is fine. A good amount of time spent with the guys both at bars, their places and in your apartment. The second week however was the kicker - Santiago had gotten some beard oil that smelled of cedar, jasmine and a hint of vanilla. You were thankful that Will wanted Santi to tag along with him this week for more motivational speaking engagements. Pope was out of the house and away from you smelling that damn delicious. 
As it was past 9pm on a Thursday, you were already in your oversized sleep shirt and panties. Not sexy at all. Not that you needed to be, you’re dancing around in your apartment. It’s something you haven’t done too much except when Santi’s out of town. It helped calm you and you could focus on the music and not your various worries, especially your thoughts about your roommate. 
Santiago unlocked the door to your apartment. He walked in and saw you in the living room. Swinging your hips, arms above your head. What should come on next but “Worth the Wait” by Kali Uchis & Omar Apollo. You’re singing along and moving with the music, it wouldn’t hurt to dance with you right? It’s not like he hasn’t danced with you around your home before, though that was usually to some boy bands that you would play because you knew he hated them. He took hold of your hands and interlocked his fingers with yours, his gaze on your surprised face as you stopped moving, but he brought one of your hands down and patted your hip to encourage you to continue to dance. The song is slow and the content is rather sensual. “Keep dancing cariño. With me.” Is the only thing he said as you two moved, your chests mere inches away from each other. He released your hands and placed them on your hips and yours immediately went to his beard. You figured if he’s going to dance with you like this, you may as well touch it. He let out a deep chuckle, leaning forward. Santi pressed his warm chest against yours, he spoke in your ear, “You like it, touch is querida (sweetheart)? I grew it just for you.” 
Your breath hitched when he said your name in your ear and his hands that had been on your hips, roamed your back. “Y-You did Santi? You didn’t have to…I..” His large hand ran up your neck and cupped the back of your head as he sang along to Kali’s next song “All Mine.” Your hands fell to his sides, pressing into his skin, kneading it. It would be embarrassing how moist your panties had become and that your nipples were hard as little pebbles if you didn’t feel the need to jump this man, but dancing is sweet and nice.
We’ll figure it out as we go, just you and me
But we won’t leave each other alone, that’s all mine
All me, all me All mine, All mine, all mio, mio, mi
All mine, all mine, all mio, mio, mi
Both of you continued to rock side to side until the song ended and Santiago stood to his full height. You wondered if maybe you’d gotten too lost in the music and had imagined everything. You hadn’t let go of him yet, if you weren’t hallucinating then that meant this just happened and maybe you could act on what you’d been feeling. “Santiago. What you just sung, did you mean it?” Your eyes scanned his face, you wouldn’t be distracted this time. He had essentially used a song to confess his feelings to you, but it needed to be said outside of a song. Pope took hold of your chin and smiled. 
“Yes I meant it. I know how you’ve been undressing me the entire time I’ve been here angel. I’m not an idiot. At least in that department. I’ll say I’m not great at long term relationships so we’ll take it how it goes, sí (yes)?” He offered. That was all you needed to cup his face, place your fingers in his beard and pull him in for a frantic kiss. He appeared surprised which made you grin as he parted his lips for you, quickly recovering and wrapping his arms around you pulling you toward him as you let him in, his tongue exploring your mouth. The groan you released was loud as you pressed your thighs together, feeling the wetness spread. You pulled out of the kiss and pulled him toward your bedroom. “Cariño, you sure?” He asked with slightly red lips. You answered by  pushing him onto the bed, hands on your hips, you scanned his body. He didn’t need to ask and you weren’t going to answer such a silly question. You smacked your lips at the tent in those damn cargo pants he always wore.
“Too many clothes Garcia. Take them off.” Your hands went to your hips. “Now.” Santiago hadn’t seen this side of you and was enjoying it. He was normally one to take charge in the bedroom. He removed his shirt, exposing his taut muscles that flexed as he fiddled with his belt and removed his boxers and pants in one drop. He kicked off his socks as he sat on the side of bed with his arms out. You stepped up to him but didn’t embrace him. Instead, you just dropped your soaked panties as they hit the floor, heavy with your own wetness. Santi looked down and muttered a soft, “fuck,” next you removed your shirt. Your curves on full display as he attempted to place his hands on your hips but you stopped him. “Up on the bed. I’m due some friction since you keep teasing it with me.” 
“¡Joder! (Fuck) , this is what you like huh? Being in charge? I’ll play along this time.” He slid back toward the top of the bed where you were expecting him in the middle.
“That’s where I’m supposed to be Santi. Move back down.” You motioned as the bed dipped, you crawled next to him and looked down at him. He smirked, damn grin. You wanted to pink he cheek, both sets. 
“No. If you’re going to take charge then you need the right seat angel.” He wiggled his eyebrows as you scratched your chin for a moment. It clicked, he wanted you to…no one’s ever asked that. Pope didn’t give you a choice about settling on his face gently. He turned on his side to grab your knees and pulled you over his shoulders, his breath on your slick inner thighs. “Look at you. You’ll drench me won’t you angel?” He turned his head to the side and rubbed his beard on your thigh, you brought your legs closer together and reached down, taking a handful of his curls while calling his name. 
“Dammit, you know how many nights I’ve thought about this, your curls and this beard? Don’t ever mention cutting your hair again unless I say so.” You growled, his nose tipped upward touching your clit momentarily before he drew back. “Fuck..you damn tease Santiago…” His hands roamed from your knees to your thighs and then your large ass, giving it a squeeze. It made you buck your hips and drop them, making your slick lips come into contact with his beard. Your yelp was sharp and followed by multiple curses as you heard Garcia laugh into your core. It didn’t matter now if he laughed, you were here, sitting on this man’s face. You dropped your hips to stifle him, calling his name as you sat. The sweet grate of his beard against your thighs and mound had you dripping.
Santiago had never seen you so feral. He was throbbing as he watched you cry out his name and felt his cock twitch when you pulled on his hair. He knew he had an effect on you but didn’t expect this. This was so much better than he could have imagined. Now that he could barely breathe, he opened his mouth, kissing your entrance before rolling his tongue around your tight hole. He estimated that he’d definitely need you come at least twice to accommodate him. He then had it pass your entrance to explore within you and he felt your strong pulses. He smirked again, hearing you scream as he went deeper before truly starting. He alternated hollowing out his cheeks to suck what felt like your uterus out of you and having his tongue press against your soft core. He was concerned for a moment that you may pull out a chunk of his hair, the way you were using his head to steady yourself as you grinded into his face. When he was pulling his tongue back to suck again, you screamed his name again and gushed, soaking his face, beard and neck. He drank as if he'd come in from a desert and you were the first source of water he’d come across. When your body relaxed, you fell forward and he slid from under you to lay next to you. Your face was sweaty and some of your hair was sticking to your forehead, one of your hands weakly came up to your face in an attempt to hide it but he grabbed it and kissed it gently.
“You asked me to strip so no hiding hermosa (gorgeous). You had your beloved friction?” He teased and you smiled, shaking your head. He didn’t forget that you said that. He remembers all the wrong things. He set your hand down on the bed and rubbed your back, “Ready for more? I’m going to need at least two more from you.” He explained and your eyes went wide. 
“I might have one…and that’s being generous of me. Why two?” You managed to prop yourself on your elbows but were still on your stomach. His hand continued to rub your back and slowly went to your ass, then a finger slipped into your sensitive sex, making you gasp. “Y-You need to warn someone when you do that…”
“That’s why, you’re a little too tight.” He kissed your shoulder and licked your ear, “those boys you’ve dealt with and your toys don’t prepare you for me querida.” His finger pumped slowly and as it reached deeper he added a second one, making you lift your right knee to allow yourself to open more. The squelching noises coming from your cunt had you whine as you gaze up at Santiago who was watching you, his gaze heavy. “I wonder which chord your pussy plays to angel?” He licked his lips and nibbled on your ear again before speaking again, “Em?” His fingers pumped into your straight, “how about C?” He curved his fingers slightly and your hips snapped, you opened your legs even wider as you began to wiggle against the mattress. 
Santiago stopped his fingers for a moment and flipped you on your back before adding a third finger and curling his fingers even more, “How about G?” His eyes were dancing, watching you pant from just his hand. You’re saying his name, but babbling angrily at him. He finds it adorable that you still have it in you to be angry. You could hold a grudge. He’ll fuck it right out of you. His free hand roams your wide stomach as you pull on the sheets around you and your legs continue to part for him, feet planted into the mattress as you move your hips with his fingers. He leans over you and kisses you gently to which you release the sheets and grab his head, digging into his curls again, biting his bottom lip. He draws back deciding to finish you. He wants to watch you as you climax this time, “let me give you chord D cariño.” Santiago crosses two of his fingers over each other, bends them slightly, hitting your spongy sensitive tissue. Your hands let go of his hair and grasp his forearms, digging your nails into them and you groan with your second climax, it feels stronger than the first as your back arches. He revels in watching your mouth wide open spilling with his name repeatedly, even the pain from your nails is welcome. He’s not normally into it being a bit rough, but he senses that you might not be aware of what you’re doing. He wouldn’t mention it now. Something else to tease you with later. 
Slowly you feel his fingers leave your drenched cunt, you feel like you’re floating but exhausted. Your eyes flutter, but you watch as he licks his fingers, hearing him moan as he does. It had your core stirring again. Having him take you apart, break you even though you planned to be much more assertive, initially you weren’t happy about it, but he’d done nothing except pleasure you since you’d ask him to strip. “S-Santi, do you want me to…” Your eyes trailed down to his swollen and dripping cock which looked thicker than any you’d had, even your dildos. You were understanding more why he made sure to prepare you first. 
“Not tonight. I bet you’re still pissed at me for teasing you. I know you hold onto a grudge like a dog with a bone, angel. You'll be a little less mad after I finish with you.” He rubbed his beard against your soft stomach before settling between your legs, “Ah! Damn it, I need a condom. I’ll have to go to my room, I have some-” His face went from smoldering to panicked, then to confusion as you reached down and gently gripped the head of his dick.
“I have an IUD Santiago. I’m not mad but, you’re not taking your cock out of me until it’s soft. I will be livid if you do.” His eyes were wide as your knees parted further and you brought his head to your entrance. He placed his hand over yours and moved it gingerly. You watched as he looked up at you.
“I didn’t realize you were such a dangerous woman. As my angel wants.” Santiago slid into your wet cunt halfway, watching you to see if you had any discomfort. It was slight, only from the stretch, he was so girthy. You growled at him.
“You’re not all the way in are you? I’m fine. Just move, Please Santi…” That famous grin spread over his face as he pushed forward until his hips were flush with yours. “Yes…that’s it…fuck it’s so much. This was in those damn pants? It isn’t enough that  you have that ass?” You managed a small giggle, reaching your hands to cup his face. “Fuck me while you kiss me with this beard you sexy bastard.”
“You’re so damn kinky cariño. I love it and you, too.” His lips crashed into yours as he started his pace, not bothering with slow as he drew back and gave deep thrusts that kept hitting your cervix. Moans between the two of you had your lips swollen as you kept needing to either bite, suck or release cries. His hands moved from your stomach to your knees, bending your legs back and tipping your hips upward slightly, hitting an entirely different angle. Santiago was up on his knees and had moved out of your reach so you placed your hands over his that were on the back of your knees. Between him rutting into you and the bending you were doing to try and touch any part of him, your insides were quivering again. You were close again already. 
“S-Santi..It’s…” You stuttered, in between your whines. He nodded as he felt you starting to clamp around him, he felt his balls tightening. Dropping one of your knees, he wrapped an arm around your back to bring you close to him, one hand went to his soft curls, now drenched with sweat and the other held the back of his neck as your thumb ran across his temple and grazed his beard. With a few more pumps, Santiago spilled into you, groaning into a rough kiss with you, his teeth nearly colliding with yours if you hadn’t had your tongue run along them. The sensation of him filling your core, had your third orgasm begin. Pope slowly dragged his softening cock along your walls to extend it, he kissed trailed down your neck. When both of your bodies stopped moving, Santi gave it a minute and went to pull out to which you wrapped your legs around him. 
“Not yet. Just inside, a little longer Santi.” You cooed, kissing his shoulder. He nodded and held you, as the both of you soaked in each other’s warmth. When you removed your arms from him, he took that to mean that he could move which he did. He went to your bathroom as you tried to sit up. He looked back to you and quickly motioned for you to stay on the bed. He returned with a warm washcloth after whipping himself off and opened your legs. The cool air had you let out a quiet sigh. 
“Careful, you keep sounding like that, I may have you ride my face again angel.” You laughed knowing you didn’t have the strength to do so no matter how tempting it sounded. He carefully wiped, making you flinch as your cunt was swollen and sensitive. Once he finished, he helped you sit up and helped you to the bathroom. After the clean up was done, you both returned to bed, getting under the sheets, you laid next to Santi  and twirled a finger in his curls. “Ven aquí (come here) cariño. You enjoy yourself?” He pulled your upper body onto his chest, preferring to be face to face with you.
“I did. I’m going to be sore for a few days, but it’s worth it.” A soft smile graces your face as does Santi’s. You peck his lips and lay your head on his chest. His laugh vibrates throughout his chest. His hands are once again on your back, stroking it. It’s relaxing. 
“Good to know I’m worth it angel. I was starting to think all your staring had you rethinking my beard.” You poked out your bottom lip and pinched his bicep. His hands grabbed your hips and jiggled the extra flesh you had on them. 
“You could have just asked you damn tease.” 
“Nah. I had to make you work for it a bit. I’m not an easy man cariño.” He kissed your forehead as his hands traveled back up to your back. 
“You’re near impossible is what you are, Santiago. You’re lucky I love you.”
“Yeah, that I do know querida. I love you too.” A comfortable silence fell over the two of you in each other’s arms, fully exposed to each other finally. 
Music from the fic:
Santi's Peaches 🍑: @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @maggiemayhemnj @morallyinept @megamindsecretlair @pedritapascal @rhoorl @dameron-grant-spector @pamasaur @sin-djarin @i-own-loki @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @readingiskeepingmegoing @saturn-rings-writes @yorksgirl @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @musings-of-a-rose @heareball @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @trulybetty @wannab-urs @pedroshotwifey @missladym1981 @agentjackdaniels
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
When they get to the lake an hour later, Eddie is the first to come spilling out of Steve's car.
He walks several paces away from it, tuning out the post-drive chatter of his friends, his arms stretching above his head as he walks closer to the lake, stopping a few feet away from its shore.
Eddie inhales deeply, enjoying the fresh air and admiring the sunrays twinkling on the water. He can feel them on his bare arms too.
Maybe the world won't end because he said a bit too much about how good he thinks Steve Harrington is.
Steve came out to them last year, on a sunny afternoon when they'd all been lazing around, reading magazines on Steve's living room after spending all day in his pool. Nancy and Eddie were arguing about how hot some actor was.
Eddie can't remember who it was now, but what he does remember is Steve casually saying "I can settle this argument, lemme see", and crawling on all fours to where Eddie and Nancy were laying practically on top of each other.
They must have worn the same perplexed expression when Steve declared "He's hot", because he then took a look at both of them and shrugged, said "I like both. I like whoever" and that had been that.
So Eddie knows Steve would not make a big deal over him basically saying he finds Steve attractive, but he's still worried, because their sexualities don't automatically mean Steve will like him like that and Eddie would never assume that, but now Steve might think he did.
He looked uncomfortable in the car and it's the only explanation Eddie can come up with.
And Steve's never been particularly receptive of Eddie's gestures, Eddie tried flirting a few weeks after Steve came out and Steve froze, whenever Eddie pays him a compliment Steve gets a little weird like he did in the car, Eddie's tried asking him to do stuff together like go on a hike, or Eddie teaching Steve to play guitar or he's even asked him to dance but Steve almost always backs down when the activity involves touching Eddie.
And it's fine. Eddie can understand, he's not everyone's type, it's cool. He just wishes he could shake the attraction off, but so far he's had no luck. If anything he only feels more attracted to Steve with every day they spend together.
And Eddie doesn't want to make him uncomfortable.
So Eddie needs to be careful not to let it show too much, because then Steve would feel forced to verbally reject him and Eddie just knows that Steve would hate that, not to mention he would be devastated himself.
Steve can't know.
After all Eddie said in the car, he'd been thinking maybe it had been a terrible idea to come along on a week long trip to a remote cabin with Steve. He'd already shown too much of his hand by gushing about him to everyone who would listen, Eddie spent the whole trip kicking himself over it.
But, as a dragonfly circles him, Eddie thinks of his friends, and he decides he can be an adult about this. He'll clear things up and apologize if Steve's still uncomfortable and they'll have a normal week.
This is meant to be fun and he always does have fun with his friends, Steve included. He always has fun with Steve especially, and he won't let his dumb feelings ruin that.
Eddie listens to quick steps coming up behind him and then a small but firm hand slaps his back.
"Are you alright?" asks Nancy, coming to stand next to him.
Eddie scoffs, doesn't turn to look at her.
" 'Course I am," he supplies "why wouldn't I be?"
Nancy gives him a withering look.
She was the first to find out about his crush, already knowing Eddie so well within a couple of weeks of their friendship.
Eddie fondly rolls his eyes, finally looking at her.
"I'm fine." he assures her "It's fine."
He offers her a smile and turns back to the lake.
Nancy gives him a once over before she wraps her arm around his waist.
Eddie sighs into the touch, her warmth comforting even in the mid day heat.
"Don't lose my fucking scrunchie" she threatens.
Eddie chuckles "I promise I won't" he lies, probably.
"Stop making promises you can't keep." Nancy shoots, untangling from Eddie's side "We should get you your own."
"Maybe I could make some!" Eddie suggests, "To replace the ones I've lost,"
"How did we switch from you buying them to this?" Nancy asks, her mouth tilting into an amused smirk.
"Oh come on, this way is more fun!" Eddie protests, almost stomping his foot in his excitement.
"You don't know how to sew" Nancy reminds him.
"Do too!" he protests, thinking of his many customized jackets and jeans. Though, he'd never made something so delicate as Nancy's pretty hair accessories.
"And Buckley said she'd teach me!" Eddie concedes.
That startles a laugh out of Nancy, "Yeah, I'd like to see how that goes" she says.
"Oh, I bet you would" Eddie shoots back winking at her. He gets shoved for it.
"Shut up." Nancy demands, giggling.
As their laughter dies down and Eddie straightens up, Nancy turns to the lake.
"It's so pretty here" she comments, looking out at the forest tree line beyond the water.
"Sure is" Eddie agrees, watching birds fly by.
After a while Nancy slips her hand in his and interlaces their fingers.
"C'mon," she says "we're the designated lunch ladies"
"Oh?" Eddie asks, following as she tugs him along.
"Yup! Steve and Jonathan are unpacking and Rob and Argyle called dish duty"
"Thank god for that," Eddie quips
Nancy laughs "That's exactly what I thought"
part 3
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 4 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You and Jungkook get to know each other a bit better Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 4.6k~ a/n: Took me a while to get back to this story so I made this chapter a bit longer. Hope you like it! Read from the beginning
"Again" Jungkook says in a commanding tone, watching as I pick up the book I had balanced on top of my head while he had me running through the steps for a waltz on my own. (yes, like you see in those cheesy princess movies)
"Why am I doing this again?" I ask, stopping for a second to prevent the book from wobbling so much. "It's to help with your posture and balance. Once you've learned how to maintain proper posture then we can fine tune it to make it seem more natural" he says an eyebrow raised as he watches me trying to regain balance of the book as well as myself. 
"How much longer do I have to do this?" I ask as I finally am able to regain my composure. "As long as I tell you to. Now please stop talking and focus on what you're trying to achieve" he says and I roll my eyes since luckily I have my back facing him this time, leaving me able to blow off a little bit of steam without him noticing. 
Ten or fifteen minutes later he finally lets me take a break. "Here" he says while handing me a glass of water. I look up at him with a confused expression, wondering what's gotten into him. He's hot one minute and the cold the next and I really don't know where things stand between us most days. "Are you going to take it or not?" he asks, clearly getting impatient. 
"Yes, sorry. Thank you" I say quickly reach for it, our hands subtly brushing up against each other and neither of us pulling away right away. "Um, Mr. Jeon?" I say, questioning why he hasn't let go. 
"Oh" he says and pulls his hand back, acting as if he had touched a hot stove. "Rest for ten minutes and then be ready to begin again" he says, clearing his throat and walking out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 
Pulling out my phone I open Jesse's message thread and send him a text immediately.
'Bitch' I simply send, knowing that that kind of message will get his attention right away. 
'Bitch' is all he sends back, showing that he's listening. 
'Jungkook is acting weird again' I send, not really knowing how else to explain it. 
'Isn't he always though? What happened this time?' he sends, making a point but also wanting to know more.  
'He has me dancing around the room with a book on top of my head, you know very princess in training kind of situation' I send, annoyed at the fact that I've already been doing this for an hour. 
'Okay, doesn't sound too crazy to me'  he replies, not really sure where I'm going with this. 
'He's been doing stuff like this for weeks right? But today he's been leaning up against the wall and watching me, but I feel like this time he's checking me out more than anything. I don't know it just feels different. And he said I could take a break (hence why I'm able to talk to you now) and he gave me a glass of water' I send off, trying to get it all out before he gets back. 
'Okay and? Sounds like he's just being nice'  he sends back, not really getting the full picture yet.
'But the thing is, once he handed it to me he wouldn't let go of it. Like it took me a second to grab it because I was confused as to why he was being so nice to me but then when I finally did take it it was like he wanted to keep our hands touching. I don't know but it felt kind of weird' I send, hoping to get some validation for my feelings about this. 
'Oooo sounds like lover boy might be into you'  he teases and I can't help but smile and roll my eyes when I see the message. I of course told him about the dress incident and he's been teasing me about it ever since. 
'No he's not' I send, wondering though if he might be right. 
'Okay but what happened after that?'  he asks, pressing for more details since things have gotten a bit more juicy (how he would describe it, not me).
'Well I called out his name since he seemed to be in a bit of a daze and when he realized what he was doing he ripped his hand away and looked flustered? Nervous? I don't know but he definitely was more surprised by his actions than I was. And then he just kinda left and said to be ready to continue in ten minutes' I send, not really knowing how to describe his reaction. 
"Let's get started" Jungkook says, walking into the practice room again and I send Jesse a quick message telling him I have to go and lock the screen and throw it in my bag before I'm able to see his response. 
I stand up and smooth out my skirt and walk back towards where I had placed the book down and reach for it again but before I'm able to touch it Jungkook grabs my wrist and pulls it away and places my hand on his shoulder, and pulls me in by the waist. I take in a sharp breath at the sudden proximity and I'm left staring at him with a wide eyed look. "I thought I needed more practice with my posture" I say, confused as to why he's done this so suddenly. 
"You seem to be progressing faster than I had anticipated so I figured we should move on" He says, leaning towards me, leaving me having to close my eyes, not really sure what to do but I'm startled by the sound of music suddenly playing through the speakers again. Now just realizing he was leaning in closer so he could press play on the sound system. 
"Are you alright?" he ask with a smug look on his face after standing upright and seeing the blush that had started to form on my cheeks. "I'm fine" I say, clearing my throat and looking off to the side so I can avoid his playful gaze. I hear him chuckle under his breath and say something that I just can't catch which leaves me turning back to face him. 
"What was that?" I ask with my brows pinched together in confusion. "Nothing, now focus and try not to step on my feet like last time" he taunts and I grace him with a sarcastic smile in return before he starts to lead me in this waltz that we've gone through a million times at this point. 
"Head up, back straight, wrists relaxed" he lists off, fixing the small details to make everything look seamless and I can't help but agree. With these minor changes it feels more natural and comfortable with each and every turn. 
Once the song finally ends we both part and I do a slight curtsy to him and he bows back. "That wasn't horrible, wasn't the best, but better" he says, trying his hardest not to make his compliment go to my head. "Umm thanks?" I say with a questioning tone, thinking that I did a lot better this time but I guess he's someone who is never truly satisfied.
"Grab you things, we're leaving" he says and puts on his suit jacket and looks in the mirror, fixing the collar and making sure everything is in place. "What do you mean?" I question, quickly grabbing my jacket and purse off the table in the corner of the room. 
"Did your father not inform you? We're going out to dinner tonight, I need to asses your table manners and this would be the best way to go about it. We'll work on fine tuning the small details tomorrow if need be" he says and walks down the hall, rushing me out of his home. 
"I've made reservations for us so we need to make sure to be punctual, which you have gotten a bit better at so well done" he says and holds the front door open for me to head out first so he can lock up. 
For some reason that small bit of praise has a nervous feeling start to bubble in my stomach and I get slightly nervous at the thought of being with him like this. It's not a date or anything but it just feels weird, like it's uncharted territory for us. 
"We'll take my car. You father has already sent someone to pick yours up" he says, never bothering to give me a choice in the matter. I might as well not have a car at this rate, seeing as he always seems to make the decision to drive the both of us. "You know you don't have to drive me around right? I really don't mind taking my car and meeting you there" I say as I walk towards him where he's holding the passenger side door open for me. 
"I am well aware. It's more convenient this way. I have another meeting in the city again so I'll be dropping you off at home as well" he informs me and closes the door once I've gotten in. "You're really controlling did you know that?" I say, finally voicing my opinions since I'm tired of him making choices for me. 
"I believe I make decisions that would be the most advantageous for the both of us so if that's seen as controlling then yes I am. Are you done now?" he asks as he gets into the driver's side and puts on his seatbelt before starting the car. "Whatever" I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest and angling my body away from him. He decides to let this one go, honestly not seeing the error in his ways until I spoke up and makes it a point to discuss this later when I'm not already upset with him.
The drive to the restaurant is painfully silent and he doesn't bother to put any sort of music on leaving the tension that had built between us still thick with animosity (at least from my side). As we get closer though I start to realize that some of that anger and frustration might just be from the fact that I'm actually starving so I decide to make a note to give him a bit of a break, trying to be a bit more reasonable. 
Once we've pulled up I see that we're eating at one of the high rise restaurants that I've always wanted to go to and I can feel myself already start to salivate. "Close your mouth or you'll start drooling again" Jungkook says as he unbuckles his belt and gets out of the car, handing the keys to the valet, exchanging it for a ticket. 
I close my mouth and frown at him before going to do the same but before I'm able to open the car door on my own I see that he has yet again opened it for me and is now offering his hand to help me out. I have half a mind to brush it off and get out on my own but then I remember that we're in public and this is one of those times that I need to be showing off the skills that he has been teaching me, so I graciously accept it and step out of the car. 
"Good girl" he whispers to me and I turn towards him with a startled look on my face. "I could tell what was going on in that pretty little head of yours but you accepted my hand nonetheless so good job" he says and takes my hand, placing it on his arm to lead me inside. 
Being this close to him and especially in public feels different, he seems a bit more relaxed and isn't as short with me. It's nice but it feels weird, I just never know what version of Jungkook I'm going to get these days and it's making me dizzy. 
"Table for two?" the host asks us when we walk up to the podium. "Yes it should be under the name Jeon" Jungkook answers and I'm thankful that he does. I'm not a shy person so to say but I definitely feel out of my element so as the minutes go by he seems to bring me a sense of comfort and familiarity. 
"Ah yes Mr. Jeon, if you will follow me please" the host replies and leads us to our table that seems to be set up in a nice almost intimate corner of the restaurant. Safe from the pressure of the masses that are seated all around. 
I could've sworn I saw a senator or governor around here before we sat down as well as a CEO or two so it's nice to not have to worry about perfectly keeping up appearances as of yet. That's just what our family needs, a scandal because of me spilling a drink on someone important or not chewing my food properly and being called a slob. 
Okay that last one was probably a stretch but still it's not something that needs to be added to the list since our family is already under fire for my stepfather marrying beneath his social status. I want to do everything I can to keep from adding something else to his plate so I guess I should still be on my best behavior. 
"Good evening" our waiter says when he comes around to no doubt take our orders. "Oh Mr. Jeon, how lovely to see you again. Is this another one of your students?" he asks, looking over at me with a friendly smile. "Yes this is Miss y/n, my newest pupil" Jungkook replies, matching the same warmth the waiter has offered to us both.
Looking at him as he exchanges pleasantries with this man I can see almost a hint of a smile, a genuine one at that. They must know each other well since he recognizes him and already knows what Jungkook does for a living. "We'll have the set menu please with a glass of merlot for the both of us" Jungkook finishes and I'm startled out of my train of thought at the fact that again he didn't give me a chance to make a choice for myself. 
He notices the slightly narrowed gaze I'm giving him and he has the audacity to smile, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Why didn't yo-" "At the various events you shall be attending this fall you won't have much of a choice in the menu so it's better to get used to eating food that you wouldn't necessarily order on your own" he says placing his napkin on his lap. 
"At least you ordered the kind of wine I like" I mumble, mirroring him with my napkin at well. "What was that?" he asks, clearly using it to subtly scold me and ask me to speak properly or not speak at all. Or that's what he's told me in the past. 
"I said you have an excellent taste in wine" I respond with a pained smile, hating that I'm complimenting him, no matter how small it might be. "I asked Matthew what kind you tend to prefer and he gave me a few options" he says and takes a sip of the water that had already been placed here for us. 
"You asked what my favorite type of wine is?" I question, confused again by this constant push and pull between us. "Did I not just say that?" he says and before I'm able to respond the wine in question is brought to our table. "Your first course will be out in just a moment" the waiter from before says and he leaves us again as quickly as he had come.
"Try it" Jungkook says and waits for me to take a sip before he does the same. I do as he says and let the subtly sweet flavor envelop my tastebuds leaving me letting out an almost inaudible moan, surprised that wine could even taste this good. 
"Needless to say it is to your liking?" Jungkook asks, clearly amused with my reaction and I can't help but nod feeling embarrased. "Yes I guess you could say that" I respond awkwardly before taking another sip, trying to hide my reaction to it a bit more this time. 
The dinner goes on without a hitch. Jungkook and I actually engage in pleasant conversation and I end up learning a bit more about him. "So what you're saying is that because you hated how bratty and rude rich kids around you were when you were growing up that it made you want to become an etiquette teacher to fix the future generation of rich kids" I summaries, the thought of it almost laughable. 
"In so many words yes, I guess you could say that" he says, smiling at my simplified version. "So you've been a control freak from day one. I mean-" I say, my eyes wide while covering my mouth after I've realized what I had just said. "I think this wine has gone to your head y/n" he teases, this time using my name without any sort of formal title attached to it, somehow causing butterflies to stir in my stomach. 
"Yes you're probably right" I say, just now noticing the fact that he only had one glass at the beginning of our meal where as I am on my third. I set my glass down and start drinking water to hopefully clear up my head a bit but I guess the damage has been done. 
As we walk out of the restaurant with my arm linked with his just as it had been before we went inside I turn to face him while we wait for the valet to bring the car around. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, what I had said in there was completely uncalled for" I say, admitting to my fault. "It's fine, I guess I have been quite harsh with you from the very start and that hasn't been very fair to you" he says, again surprising me with the walls that seem to be breaking down showing me what a kind and considerate person he can be. 
Before I can say anything else our car has stopped right in front of us and Jungkook leads me over to it and opens the door to help me inside, trying his best to maintain some sense of subtly at the fact that I might be a bit tipsy. Wanting to hopefully keep both of our images in tact. He closes the door after he's made sure that I'm all set and exchanges the keys with the ticket and gives the valet a tip before going to the drivers side and closing it behind him. 
He looks over at me and leans over towards me, leaving me confused and closing my eyes again just as I had done before in the practice room today and before I'm able to say anything I hear him pulling the seatbelt over and buckling it around me. I open my eyes and see that he's still close even though he had already fastened it and we both just sit there for what feels like hours studying each other's features. 
"Thank you" I say barely above a whisper which seems to break him out of the momentary trance he had been in for a few moments and sits back up straight mumbling a quick "You're welcome" before pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the road. 
Again the ride is silent but this one is filled with more of an awkward air to it with some sort of tension as well. What kind of tension is something I'm not sure of but he's definitely gotten close enough to kiss me on multiple occasions today alone but I'm not exactly sure if that's just the kind of guy he is or if there's something else going on in his head. 
As we round the corner to my house I see Jesse's car parked outside with him sitting inside of it while on his phone. "Jesse?" I say aloud, perplexed as to why he would show up unannounced but I'm happy about it nonetheless. "Who's that?" Jungkook asks, his clear curiosity a surprise to me. "Just a friend" I say casually, trying to gauge his reaction and to my surprise I see the muscle in his jaw tense as he clenches his teeth a bit before tonguing his cheek soon after. 
When Jesse finally notices the car he looks up and smiles when he sees me and then looks over to the driver's side and sees Jungkook for the first time and gives him an unreadable expression. Unreadable if you're not familiar with him but with how close the two of us are I can tell that he's trying his hardest not to freak out after finally seeing him in person. 
As Jungkook moves his car further up the driveway Jesse makes his way up towards the house as well on foot, meeting us when Jungkook parks his car right outside the front door. "Jesse hey! Were we supposed to meet tonight?" I ask, still confused as to why he's here. "Yeah we were gonna watch a movie, remember?" he says in a voice much deeper than usual, throwing me off guard and checking out Jungkook who is standing right behind me. 
"Oh sorry Jesse this is Mr. Jeon, he's my teacher I had talked to you about. Jungkook, this is one of my friends from college Jesse" I say introducing the two, kind of catching on to the reason for Jesse's change in behavior. Jungkook comes closer and goes to shake Jesse's outstretched hand but still stands behind me, making him press up against my back, our bodies flush together for only a moment before he let's go and take's a few steps back to his previous spot. 
"Thank you for dinner Jungkook, I really enjoyed myself" I say turning to face him while Jesse makes his way over to the door waiting for us to say our goodbyes. "Jungkook?" Jungkook says, raising a brow at me, this being the first time I've used his first name. "I-I mean Mr. Jeon" I say, feeling flustered by my need for correction. 
"It's okay, you can call me that if you'd like" he say before reaching back into his car to grab my jacket and purse that I've left sitting in the passenger seat. "Oh, thank you" I say taking both of them and taking note of how he again brushes his hand up against mine. "Goodnight y/n" he says, placing his hand almost protectively on my waist before glancing over and giving Jesse a quick nod which he returns. 
"Goodnight" I say and quickly scurry off before I try to do something stupid and make matters worse and what I don't notice is how Jungkook closes the passenger side door and leans up against his car watching as I go and takes in the small interaction that Jesse and I have while I'm pulling out my keys to go inside. 
I only notice when I turn back around to close the door where we make eye contact for only a second before he pushes himself off of the side of the car and walks over to the drivers side and drives off. 
As I watch his car slowly disappear I don't take notice into the fact that I've slowly leaned further and further out of the doorway to watch him go until I hear Jesse's deep voice scare me half to death behind me. 
"Girl you got it bad" he says, laughing while I almost fall on my face from the precarious position I had put myself in. "I do not!" I say and turn around to close and lock the door before running up the steps to my room with Jesse hot on my heels. 
"Did you see the way he was looking at you? At me?" he laughs, seeing how defensive and flustered I am. "No" I continue and shush him so he doesn't wake up the whole house. "If looks could kill I would be six feet under" he says once we've gotten to my room. "Why were you acting all masculine out there? I mean not to say that you aren't masculine but you know what I mean" I say, pretty much knowing but wanting to make sure. 
"I wanted to see how he would react to another guy being around you. One that he thought was straight and close to you" he teases while throwing himself on my bed. "Why would you want to do that?" I question, taking off my heels and grabbing some clothes to go change in in my bathroom. "Because I wanted to see if he would get jealous and if jealous was a person his name would be Jeon Jungkook" he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Why would he get jealous? He hates me" I say, not even believing the words that are coming out of my own mouth. "Please, he was practically green" he says laying on his back and picking up one of the books that I still haven't finished and thumbing through it. "He was not!" I say finding his observations ridiculous. 
"Did you see how possessive he got with you? How he purposefully leaned against you to shake my hand instead of going around. How he held your waist when he said goodnight. I'm pretty sure I heard him say that you could call him Jungkook now instead of Mr. Jeon right?" he lists, showing me what Jungkook's behaviors added all together really showed.
I groan after I come out of my bathroom, throwing myself on the bed next to him and staring up at the ceiling trying to process everything that happened today. "What am I supposed to think about all of this? What am I going to say when I see him tomorrow? What is he going to say?" I ask aloud, dreading the answers to these questions even though I know I won't be getting any answers tonight.
"Just go in tomorrow and act like everything is fine. Try out that more casual approach by calling him Jungkook like he told you you could. I don't know just take it easy and follow his lead and see where things go from there" he suggests and I take a deep breath, taking in everything he's saying and deciding the best thing I could do right now is try to distract myself. 
"Why are you here anyways?" I question, turning towards him now realizing that we never talked about him coming over tonight. "I wanted to hear about what happened after what you told me earlier today but I think I saw all that I needed to see" he says turning over to face me with a teasing smirk and I push him a little in response. 
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" he suggests. "Please" I groan out and he laughs at my response. While he turns on my tv I send Jungkook a quick message just trying to hopefully clear the air after what happened tonight. 
'Drive safe :)' I send before I can second guess myself. 
'Always x'  he responds almost immediately, leaving me smiling. Who knew that one little 'x' could make me so flustered.
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freesia-writes · 17 days
Ch 8: Further Developments
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Author's Note: Perhaps this has been off to a bit of a slow start... but I would like to assure you that there is a fun bit of action coming shortly. ;)
Family dinners were one place where Hunter felt he could truly relax. Surrounded by the people he enjoyed most, safe and satisfied, it had a grounding effect and he held a deep gratitude for the weekly tradition. He leaned back in his chair, finishing the last of the juice he’d come to love since arriving. It was a local concoction of fruits and nuts, blended and pressed by hand through fine mesh, and had a rich, complex flavor that seemed both sweet and savory at the same time. In keeping with most of the naming conventions of the island, which included places like The Cobbles, Town Square, and The Forest, the locals had kept it very simple and straightforward, calling it Lo Juice officially while most people simply referred to it as Lo. 
“Thanks for saving this for me,” Hunter said to Phee, who had commented as she poured his glass that it was the last of their bottle, and she’d forbidden Tech from drinking it until family dinner. There was just enough for him, Hunter, and Omega, who all shared an affinity for it. 
“Sure thing,” she answered, casting a smug glance at Tech, who frowned in harmless exasperation. 
“It seems ridiculous that one cannot enjoy the beverage of choice in his own home simply due to the imminent arrival of a sibling who, in virtually every possible scenario, should have no problem procuring his own bottle of said beverage.”
“Thanks to you too, Tech,” Hunter said, lifting his empty glass in a toast. Tech shook his head, opting to change the subject. 
“This vegetable side dish you prepared was excellent. It is not within your usual realm of cooking. What inspired the new endeavor?”
“It was delicious,” Phee agreed, her thigh resting against Tech’s as he sat beside her – a minor yet meaningful form of physical touch that he appreciated. “Where’d you find this stuff?”
“Lyra gave them to us. From her garden,” Hunter answered, secretly pleased to see that the serving dish was scraped clean.
“Lyra, huh? And who might that be?” Phee tipped her head, regarding Hunter with a little too much scrutiny for his tastes.
“She works at the school. Omega enjoys talking to her, and she’s been helping her a lot with applications and internship stuff. She ran into me one morning when I was coming back from an empty hunt and sent them home with Omega later on… ‘so we wouldn’t go hungry’,” he echoed, a tinge of sarcasm in his voice as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
“Huh. Well that was kind,” Phee remarked, eyes twinkling. “You should bring her next week.”
“What?” Hunter blurted out, noticeably quickly, “Why?”
Phee laughed at his response, shrugging her shoulders with nonchalance, “Why not?”
“I mean… She’s just some lady from school. She’s not family.”
“She could be,” Phee answered in an almost sing-song voice, taking great pleasure in Hunter’s mildly flustered appearance. “I’m just giving you a hard time, Sarge. She doesn’t have to be family – anyone’s welcome here. I mean, we put up with him…” she tilted her head toward Crosshair, who was distracted in conversation with Omega, and her humor effortlessly diffused the situation.
“How big is her garden?” asked Echo, who had tuned in from across the table.
“Is that a euphemism?” Tech asked pertly, earning a delighted chuckle from Echo, who shook his head as Hunter answered.
“No idea. Why?” 
“If she’s got a lot of this, it would be a great lunch at the training academy.”
“Are you providing lunch now?”
“No, but we could. Sell it for some credits.”
“You’d probably eat it all before anyone else got to touch it!” Wrecker accused, breaking into the back-and-forth.
“Yeah, because I eat sooo much,” Echo said dryly, eyeing the much bigger clone pointedly.
“Hey! I’ve got a fast metabolism!” Wrecker laughed, bumping Echo on the shoulder warmly and catching the attention of the others at the table. “And it’s not that you eat a lot, it’s that it’s too tasty to pass up!”
“The vegetables are delicious, but I think we really need to consider that it’s actually the excellent roasting technique that brings out their flavor,” Omega said, failing to suppress the mischievous grin bursting behind her tightly-pressed lips. 
“That’s right!” Wrecker joined in, “Otherwise they’d taste like dirt!”
“You’d probably still eat it,” came the slithering snark from the end, where Crosshair was reclining in his chair with his boots crossed on the corner of the table. 
“First of all,” said Phee, kicking his chair hard enough to jerk him sideways and bring his legs crashing to the ground, “Get your feet off my table. And secondly, leave the grump show at the door. What’s eating at you, anyway? I thought you were all happy about the observatory thing.”
“What observatory thing?” Omega echoed, eyes widening inquisitively as Crosshair delicately rearranged his limbs with disdain, pointedly avoiding Phee’s gaze. 
“I’m going to work at the observatory, for now…” the sniper said, almost glaring at each family member in turn as though daring them to say anything positive about it or ask anything further. Hunter picked up on a curious sheepishness in his demeanor.
“Crosshair shared earlier that he received an opportunity to assist in the various tasks needed to fully restore the telescopes, scanners, and other equipment to complete working order. He seemed excited at the possibility of this particular endeavor,” Tech filled in, aware but entirely unbothered by Crosshair’s narrowed eyes boring into the side of his head. “One would think that an engineer such as myself would be a more natural choice, however these particular duties will combine his sharp eyesight with his precise movement and rapid calculations. Therefore, it is an ideal fit for Crosshair.”
“So naturally, he’s thrilled,” Echo observed, raising an eyebrow at the glowering topic of discussion. “What’s so bad about it that you look like a Kowakian Monkey Lizard at the thought?” 
Omega giggled, earning a fond flicker of the eyes from Crosshair before he returned his attention to the inanimate center of the table to answer, “There are only two other people who work there: an old Xyloan and a Zygerrian. Both are insufferable.”
“A Zygerrian?” Tech said, his interest piqued. “They do not usually leave their own system, due to the outside world’s strong disagreement with their moral code and the ethics of their choices.”
“You mean their lack thereof?” Echo said, disgust on his face. He’d heard about them during his time in the 501st, and that, combined with their own encounter with them on Ord Mantell, had given him more than enough material to form a strong opinion. “What is it doing out here? Looking for slaves?” he sneered.
“No idea what he is doing out here,” Crosshair said, pushing the last bit of rice on his plate with a fork. “I only talked to the old lady.”
“The elderly Xyloan, you mean,” Tech corrected.
“And she offered you the post?” The tinge of disbelief in Tech’s voice was undeniable, and Hunter felt a smirk threatening to betray his mirth.
“After a bunch of nonsense about the planet choosing me and how perfect it all was and how ‘the provision’ would continue, yes. She did,” Crosshair answered evenly. 
The rest of the evening progressed as usual, with leisurely discussion over residual treats and warm drinks. Phee was an excellent host, always adding small touches to each dinner that made everyone feel satiated and cared for. From the glowing lanterns on the table to the ever-changing assortment of foods (thanks to Tech’s sudden interest and consequent expertise in cooking), it created a perfect haven in an already idyllic setting. 
Everyone had plans to attend the lunar festival, which was centered in the Town Square. Since Xylo was the biggest island of the planet, people came from around the globe to enjoy the festivities, bringing their own unique wares, foods, and talents. It seemed to be building an excitement around town that was becoming quite infectious. Young people were given flower crowns and “blessed” with exhortations to consider their future endeavors with benevolence and selflessness, and amid a wide array of entertainment, the Xyloans would tell their customary tale of how the island came to be. 
It had been passed down over the centuries, traveling through so many people that some thought it had gotten embellished along the way. But it was a revered tradition, whether the details were true or not, and there was something inspiring about the dedication that the elderly storytellers showed in their performance. It would be the first time that Hunter and his family would have the opportunity to attend, but they’d already heard so much about the festival as a whole that it felt as though they’d been a part of it for years. Everyone headed to their own homes that night with a sense of excitement, finding it pleasant to be part of something so unifying and eager to see how it would all play out. 
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The next couple of weeks went by rather quickly. Everyone seemed to be busy in preparation for the lunar festival. Omega was gleefully impatient for the most part, with periodic days of gloom or frustration due to the social issues with her classmates. It was hard for Hunter to see her going through it, but he was woefully ill-equipped to provide anything other than a steady stream of encouragement and positive regard. When he heard about some of the things they would say, he almost took Wrecker up on his offer to rough up the young adults, but Wrecker provided a steady source of calm and perspective about the whole ordeal. 
Lyra was a morning person, apparently, and somehow she and Hunter had fallen into a pattern of walking together in the early hours. He didn’t hunt every day, and after having run into her a number of times as she enjoyed the same calm paths and tranquil woods that he did, there was an unspoken agreement that they could pass the time together. They spoke, here and there, but also found that they were both comfortable with silence, which was a welcome reprieve for Hunter, who greatly valued the refreshment for his senses. 
Some mornings were particularly cold, and they opted for brisk walks up in the hills, exploring the craggy cliffs that rose above The Forest. Hunter never could hide his smirk at the number of layers of clothing she would wear, bundled from head to toe as they walked. Other days, when the fog was lighter and the air carried some warmth, they would venture further across the island, crossing rivers and weaving through the trees to find little inlets and small beaches. 
Lyra always insisted on taking some time to search the ground, no matter the setting, and would inevitably end up with a few odds and ends tucked into her pockets. The first time Hunter had grumbled about it, wanting to keep up their pace, she informed him gently and honestly that he was free to continue on his own. He’d chuckled at that, surprised at her ability to deliver the thought with neither sass nor ill will, and he’d instead contented himself with a thorough scrutiny of the nearby river, trying to assess if it would be a good location for freshwater fishing.
Their conversations were quiet and sporadic, initially focused on their immediate experiences on the island but slowly growing to include things from the past. Both seemed to be fairly private people, and neither of them were quick to offer up information without being asked. Hunter kept his origins vague, sharing that he had some wartime experience as a mercenary, “and some other things here and there”. He talked in general terms about the skills of each of his brothers and insinuated that Omega had been with them from the start. It was easier that way, and he was deeply grateful that Lyra didn’t pry, instead taking in his words with silent nods and the occasional hum. 
Similarly, however, he noticed that she was equally nebulous about the specifics of her own journey so far. He’d been able to gather that she was from Coruscant, where she had held a few different jobs, cooking her way through a few restaurants of increasing prestige, then moving into a server position where she waited on quite a few of the political elite. This had led to her offer of an administrative job in a highly-regarded Republic office, which she’d joked was given purely based on her “ravishing good looks and undeniable charisma”. She seemed to think that was all a lifetime ago, however, laughing it off as the gifts of youth and viewing herself as distinctly beyond all that. She’d never been married, and there was no mention of children. Her grandmother had been a significant figure in her life before passing away, and she was estranged from her parents but didn’t share why.
The office job had gone smoothly for a number of years, but then it became more and more tumultuous – “scandals and drama” – she explained, so she chose to leave and find something as far away from it all as possible. And that’s what led her to Xylo. Hunter couldn’t resist asking how she found the planet, since it had been such an unexpected discovery during Tech’s thorough search, but she shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips as she answered: “It was a fortuitous tale of twists and turns… so many of them true.” 
He’d left it at that, respecting her own sense of privacy as she had observed his. The following silence was broken only by a clumsy squawk as Lyra slipped on some rocks while crossing a river, and Hunter had moved so quickly to catch her that he’d leapt into the water beside her, fighting to maintain his balance as his boots scraped against the smooth stones. He’d flung one hand around her waist, and grabbed her hand with the other, pausing for a few seconds for both of them to regain their footing. Apologizing profusely the entire way to the other side, she’d been too distracted to notice the redness on his cheeks at the sudden proximity they’d shared in that moment, and it would have taken someone with senses that rivaled his own to register his increased heart rate.
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cherry-jamm · 4 months
Butcher x reader? Smut or not depending on your comfort level.
Due to all the side effects of the temp V and butcher being sick all the time, he’s been spending a lot of time at the hospital and there’s one nurse he interacts with all the time and develops a crush. The nurse (reader) likes him too. Eventually butcher sees her at a bar after hours one thing leads to another and they go home together.
Add on depending on how long you want it. Or maybe two stories?
You could add that Homelanders been watching butcher madly obsessed with him and he spies on him and the nurse hooking up and kidnaps her to use against him.
Homelander could use compound V on the reader making her a supe which he knows butcher hates.
Another idea I had was solider boy wanting the reader and being a moncho asshole and forcing himself on her and butcher stops him and is protective.
OR reader wants both solider boy and butcher at once and can’t choose so maybe she gets both (wink wink)
Sorry it’s a lot. Couldn’t write my own stores. Decided to pass along ideas.
Gross Misconduct
・❥・ Maybe your patient is hot, but that’s no excuse to partake in misconduct!
・❥・word count: 1.7k
・❥・warnings: hospitals, mentions of cancer, general banter, fade to black smut
・❥・Anon i ❤️ u and your ideas I plan on writing multiple of them so stay tuned, also my poor heart only wrote the sweet parts of your request I couldn't take the angst 😭
also I haven’t been in a hospital since I was five, can you tell?
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There's a particular smell in a hospital. Disinfectant, stale air, and a powder smell that wouldn't go away. You held a small plastic cup in your hands, filled with a few pills in various sizes and colors. Your shoes clicked against the pale blue linoleum tiles that reflected the fluorescent lights above. You approached room 234, cautiously knocking on the door before entering. 
William Butcher had become what those in the psychiatric ward referred to as a revolving door patient. He would come into the hospital for no more than a few days at a time with a mysterious illness, then against his doctor's orders leave the hospital, only to reappear almost a week later with the same ailments. He had become a regular patient for you, he always requested your presence whenever a different nurse came to check on him. You'd be lying if you said that it didn't flatter you. He was a handsome man, tall strong, and rugged, and his accent was more attractive than you'd ever admit out loud.
"William." You greeted with a small nod and an easy smile. "Can't believe I'm stuck treating you again. What is it this time?" You teased.
"Same as last time. And I told you, call me Billy." He groaned. He sat on the bench instead of the bed, his head rested against the wall.
"I figured. You know the doctors all want you to stay here a little longer, maybe they could find the source of this. I know you don't want to hear this, but it could be cancer, it's always best to diagnose early."
"It ain't cancer." Billy sighed in that husky voice of his. "I just need a few days then I'll be back on my feet." He ran his hand through his hair. "And how've you been sweetheart?"
"I've been fine." You hummed. "You ready to take some pills? I assume you've been taking these everyday while you've been out of here?" You raise an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, yeah, I've been taking my pills." He waves his hand dismissively. You pull a water bottle out of a small fridge in his room. You set the cup and the bottle down beside him. 
"The doctors are suggesting a CT scan, or an MRI, something that might find cancer. That's the most viable option at the moment. I'm not supposed to be telling you this, really, a doctor was gonna come in later today and tell you, but I know you and I wasn't sure if you were even gonna stick around until then." You looked at him with furrowed brows, he was one of the most frustrating patients you had ever dealt with. He wasn't violent, or particularly perverted, but he was stubborn. Of course, many of your patients were stubborn, but he was different. Something about him made you want the best for him, not just in the way your field of work required, there was something personal about it. 
"You want me to get that scan?" He asked gruffly. Looking up at you standing over him. You felt your face heat up at his unrelenting stare. 
"Well, what I want doesn't matter. All I can say is that, these doctors know what they're doing, and it would do you some good to listen to them." You said matter-of-factly. He nodded. Silence fell over the room, but you could tell he didn't want you to leave.
"You- uh- you seeing anyone?" He questioned after a prolonged period of quiet, he was uncharacteristically nervous. His eyes were suddenly transfixed on the floor tiles. 
You were trained to say that it was none of his concern, but instead, your lips moved to say, "No, I'm not." The edges of your mouth quirked up into a small smile. 
"Yeah?" You found yourself swooning at his voice. 
"Yeah." You grabbed a blood pressure cuff from the wall and approached him to start taking his vitals. You raised your eyebrows and he took off his thick coat. You eyed his large biceps subtly. You wrapped the cuff around his arm and inflated the cuff. 
"How's about you let me take you on a date after this?" He smirked, looking up at you.
"You know I can't do that Mr. Butcher." You tutted. "Your blood pressure is better than it was last time you were in here." A smile forced its way on your face. "So you can listen to what the doctors say." He rolled his eyes.
"Why not? You don't like what you see?" He insisted. 
"As your nurse that would be gross misconduct. Highly against the code of ethics in this here hospital.”
"So if I wasn't your patient you'd go out with me?"
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Just as you suspected Billy checked himself out of the hospital mere hours after you gave him his pills and took his vitals. God, he would be the death of you. You had just gotten home, you kicked off your shoes at the door and sunk into the couch. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you sighed before picking it up. It was your friend texting you and a few others in a group chat. 
who's gonna come with me to the bar tn 😝
Only a few minutes passed before your other friends started responding. 
I'm free tn
If we're going to Blue's I'm down
Count me innnnnnn
You rubbed your eyes. Did you really want to go out tonight? Maybe a night of fun will be good for you. 
What time? 
You asked. Pretty soon everything was arranged, all you had to do now was hopefully take a nap before you go and make sure you looked presentable. Time ticked by and you made yourself look presentable before grabbing your keys and driving to the bar.
The sun was low in the sky and cast golden shadows over the street. There was a crisp chill in the air. You pushed the door open and immediately spotted one of your friends sitting at the bar. After a while everyone arrived and you found yourselves a small table in the front corner of the bar. One right next to the window.
Time had slipped away from you as you drank and chatted with everyone until your eyes caught on a figure out of the window. Billy Butcher was walking down the street and right into the bar. There was a small bell above the door that jingled when he came in. The sound was so small that it would've been drowned out by the sounds of the bar if you hadn't have been intently listening for it. He walked in and scanned the entire place. His brown eyes looked into yours. There was a single second where the only people in the bar were you and Billy Butcher. He smirked wryly. You felt your face heat. Then as if he had no cares in the entire world he walked to the bar and ordered himself a drink. 
Your conversation became mindless chatter as you watched him. You burned holes into his back and practically studied the nape of his neck.
"What's gotten into you?" One of your friends poked your shoulder. 
"Okay, don't look now, but the man sitting at the bar is the patient I've told you guys about." Of course, all your friends turned their heads around to look for him. "He's the tall one, with the jacket." You whispered. One of your friends hummed. 
"Seems like a hunk." They giggled. "Why don't you go talk to him, buy him a drink or something?" 
"Oh no I couldn't, he's my patient!" You insisted. 
"But isn't he checked out of the hospital? That means you wouldn't be breaking any rules by flirting." 
"Until he checks back in, in a week." You scoff. 
"I say, go for it! Didn't you say he asked you out earlier?" Another friend chimed in. Your entire body felt hot with embarrassment. 
"Which one of you is gonna pick me up tomorrow morning?" You joked and downed the rest of your drink. Your friends cheered as you stood up and approached Billy.
“What are you doing here? Didn’t anyone tell you to stay home to and rest to recover?” You tease playfully. He scoffs before chuckling like he’d been expecting you to approach him. 
“A man can’t have some fun anymore?” His brown eyes graze over you in the dim light. “Whiskey’s the best medicine.” He swirls the brown liquid in his glass. You hum. 
“Well, I’d have to disagree.” You watch him take a sip of his drink. There was a beat of silence.
“You look good out of those scrubs.” He nodded. You felt yourself smile.
“You think so?” 
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.” He nodded. “So what’re you doing here?”
“I can’t have some fun anymore?” You shot his words back at him with a grin. He calls the bartender over. 
“Drink of choice?” He leans closer to ask. “It’s on me.” He winks cheekily. You order a drink and tap your fingers against the bar while waiting. “I presume you haven’t started seeing anyone in the few hours since we talked last.” He started. 
“Why does it matter?” You teased. The bartender set a drink down in front of you and you brought it to your lips to hide your smile. 
“Well, have you?” 
“I have not.” You replied simply. He smiled. 
“You got anyone else in here with you tonight?” He leaned in close. You felt your brain slip out of your ears at his accented voice and warm breath. You looked over at your friends, who had gone back to chatting, while one or two of them kept an eye on you. 
“No one that would mind if I left.” You said breathlessly. 
“Then, may I have the honor of taking you home?” You looked up at him, at a sudden loss for words. 
“You know I can’t be your nurse if we do this?” You checked in.
“Well, nobody has to know…” You shot him a look. “Yes, fine, I know you can’t be my nurse.” You smiled and nodded. 
“Lead the way Prince Charming.” 
His gruff laugh filled the space between you. He took your hand and started guiding you away from the bar and towards the door. You cast a final thumbs up towards your friends before the cold air hit your face. The street was now completely dark, only lit up by the streetlights. 
“You are going to love this.” He laughed, as he guided you to his car.
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vicsnook · 11 months
Wildest Dreams | Bob Floyd x Reader x Jake Seresin
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word count: 2701
warnings: break up, SMUT MINORS DNI 18+ , oral, fingering, sex
song pairing: Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
notes: Hi y'all! Hope all is well. I have been on a Hangman kick lately and also with 1989 probably being the next re-recording well this was inspired. Please forgive me for making our sweet Bob not so sweet but I promise we will get sweet Bob back soon. This will have more parts so stay tuned! Please if you don' t mind like and reblog!!! Also thank you for all the likes and reblogs on my previous works, it truly means the world to me.
The breakup was sudden. A string of arguments over phone calls that didn’t last more than 5 minutes were the cause. Bob’s deployment was extended but Nat was shipped back. He was Cobra’s new backseater and with that came new trust issues.
His short or missed phone calls, no texts, and lack of caring came as a surprise. The biggest slap in the face was when he missed your birthday. Everyone at the Hard Deck huddled around the laptop waiting on him to pop up any second yet he never did. That was the night it all was over for you.
You ran out of the Hard Deck trying to hide the tears from the rest of your teammates. Only Jake and Nat knew about the fights and were both surprised at how sweet Bob might have all been an act. You could hear footsteps behind you in the sand as you quickly dried your tears ready to pretend you were fine. 
“I’m okay, I just needed some air,” you said turning around to find Jake headed towards you. “Come on, let's get you out of here,” he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he guided you to his car. You let the tears fall as he drove you home. Jake was one of the only people you trusted and who knew exactly how you felt.
“Want to talk about it?” he asked as he approached a stop sign in your neighborhood.
“It’s over. I’m going to break it off. Not that there’s anything left either way.” 
“Are you sure, Peach? I know things have been really rocky the past couple of months but maybe talk to him first?” he mumbled as he pulled into the driveway.
“There’s nothing to talk about Jake. He didn’t show. I’m done waiting for him when all he seems to care about is Cobra.” your tone was harsher than you expected but it was true. Bob assured you when he was assigned as Cobra’s backseater that it would be strictly professional. Yet the friendly outings blasted all over her social media and Bob’s exasperation whenever you asked were enough for you to come to the conclusion that your relationship was over. 
Jake followed you to your door knowing you shouldn’t be alone. Usually, you’d try to get him to leave but you were exhausted. He watched quietly as you started putting Bob’s things and gifts in a box. 
Nearly an hour later you were finished. The tears came and went but when you closed the top of the box the heartache seemed to worsen. You turned around and walked over to Jake who stood up and engulfed you in a hug as you started to sob.  “Let it all out, sweetheart. I’m here,” he whispered against your head as you cried.
Your phone ringing woke you up and as you reached for it the events of last night came reeling back in. The call ended as you stared at Bob’s face on your screen. 3 missed calls and 1 text. 
Clicking on the text you felt your stomach sink as you read it. “We need to talk and I’m so sorry about last night baby. Love you” you stifled back a sob. It was over. His face popped up again as his call came through. Hesitant you answered it anyway. Better to get it over with now.
“Hello?” he said quietly. 
“Look Peach, I’m really sorry I missed last night” he sighed. “I’ll make it up to you. Work is just really stressful and-”
But you’d heard that before. He’d make it up to you and things would be fine for a while but it would be just a matter of time til it happened again. Cutting him off you ripped off the bandaid. “Stop, please. Bob, it’s over. I can't do this anymore.” 
“No! Peach talk to me please” he pleaded as you ended the call. 
He tried to call again but you didn’t answer this time. Instead, you headed for the shower not even bothering to take your sleep shirt off as you got in. Sitting on the tub letting the hot water soak you as you sobbed. You wanted to go back into your room and answer the phone but you knew it was better this way. He would’ve never broken up with you so it was up to you to take the hint and end it. 
A knock on your bathroom door startled you. “Peach, is everything okay?” said Jake from the other side. He never did leave last night. You figured he slept on the couch and stayed to check on you. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec,” you shouted back trying to hide the fact that you’d been crying. “Okay, I’ll be in the kitchen.” the uncertainty in his voice told you he knew you were lying.
You threw your clothes into the dryer that was thankfully in the bathroom then wrapped your towel around you and headed to your room to get dressed. Jake shouted breakfast was ready as you clasped your bra. “Coming!” you shouted back, throwing your Navy sweatshirt on.
“Hey stranger, made you some pancakes,” said Jake as he slid the plate in front of you. Chocolate chip, your favorite.
“You didn’t have to do that Jake,” you replied quietly as he shrugged in response. Your appetite was non-existent but you didn’t want to seem ungrateful so you scarfed down one of the pancakes.
“Bob called. He’s been calling me and Nat all morning.” 
“Did you answer?” you swallowed hard. Hoping he didn’t.
“No,  but have you talked to him?”
Staring down at your plate you mumbled back “Yeah. I ended it and hung up on him.” 
“Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” 
Jake pulled you into a hug before you could even reply. Sticking by you the rest of the day as you dropped off Bob’s things at Nat’s and then watching rom-coms with you that only managed to make you cry even more.
Bob tried calling the first week. An abundance of texts sat unanswered on your phone too. He even sent you roses which ended up at Nat’s since you didn’t want them but didn’t want to throw them out. But as the 2-month mark neared he finally stopped. According to Nat, he wasn't on Cobra’s social media anymore and he asked her about you every week but it was too late now. 
He said, "Let's get out of this town
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds”
The sound of Jake’s truck in your driveway snapped you out of your thoughts. He’d been there through it all for you. Making you get out of the house and not letting you drown in sorrow. Today he was taking you to a flea market you’d mentioned at work. It was a 2-hour drive and you tried to get him to reconsider but he just said he loved a good road trip and you knew you couldn’t fight him.
The drive-up was uneventful and you couldn’t deny Jake’s playlist was great. Singing along to Jolene as he pulled into the parking lot. “Wow this place is huge,” you mumbled. 
Jake smiled up at you as you walked the booths. His arms holding your new books. You turned around suddenly bumping into Jake when you realized you passed the records booth. He grabbed your waist to prevent you from falling.
He's so tall and handsome as hell
His green eyes were on yours as he towered over you. You couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach as you shook your head to snap yourself out of the trance and then quickly headed toward another booth. 
As you and Jake ate that afternoon at a little cafe on the side of the road you couldn't help but stare at his handsome features. A couple of times he made funny faces when he caught you staring and you tried to shake off the feeling you got when he did.
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Walking back to the truck you stopped to take a picture of the sunset. The breeze ruffling your blue sundress. Jake ran ahead of you and opened the truck door for you. Standing in front of him, as he towered over you, your eyes flickered down to his lips.
Red lips and rosy cheeks
“I like your red lipstick,” he whispered. You looked down as your cheeks blushed but his fingers lifted your chin to look up at him. Before you could overthink it you pulled his shirt and pulled him down to you, pressing your lips to his as his hands reached for your waist. The kiss was slow and it felt natural as his tongue tangled up with yours. 
When you finally parted to breathe, he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry if I overstepped” you mumbled to him as you turned to get into the truck. “I’m not sorry,” he replied as he rounded the truck and got in.
 Jake grabbed your hand as you got on the highway back to Miramar, a comfortable silence had settled between y’all. Only being interrupted when he pulled into your driveway and you asked if he wanted to come in.
Setting down your books on the coffee table, Jake excused himself to the bathroom. Your mind still reeling from the kiss. Your heart still ached for Bob but you couldn't deny the feelings that had recently come to the surface as you started to hang out more with Jake.
You turned on the tv and put on Game of Thrones which was Jake’s favorite then headed to the kitchen and poured two glasses of red wine. “That for me?”  he asked as he came and grabbed the glass for your hand and quickly pecked your lips. “Yes, I uh also put on Game of Thrones. We can watch something else though if you want.” you rambled as you followed him out of the kitchen and then settled on the couch.
“Nah, this is perfect” he replied as he stretched and placed his arm on your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. Jake was very into the show but you couldn't concentrate on anything other than the fact that he’d kissed you twice today and now it was nearly midnight and he was still here. On the one hand, you didn't want him to leave but you also didnt want whatever was happening to progress quickly and ruin your friendship.  “Hello? Earth to Peach?” he said breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Sorry, what were you saying?”
“I said it's getting late, maybe I should go,” he stared at you waiting on a response. You eyed the wine on the coffee table now empty. Not wanting him to drive home under the influence you responded “You’ve been drinking, it’s okay if you stay.” 
“Peach, I’m okay really. I don't want to overstay my welcome.”
“No, please. Stay.” your lips crashed into his before he could say anything else. The kiss started slow but it turned more passionate as you moved to straddle his lap. His hands were on your ass as your tongues fought for dominance. You pulled away and slowly got up, holding his hand as you guided him toward your room. 
I said, "No one has to know what we do"
His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
“Are you sure about this, Peach?” he mumbled while kissing your neck. You nodded in response as a moan escaped your lips when he pulled your hair. “Use your words, Peach.”
“I’m sure” you whispered as he laid you down on the bed and climbed on top of you. You pulled his shirt up and ran your hands across his abs as he kissed you, only pulling away to take his shirt off. His right hand squeezed your breasts as you desperately kissed him. Your body jolted with every touch. There was no denying being touch starved from Bob’s long deployment might have influenced this to happen so quickly but as he kissed your thighs your mind went blank. 
And his voice is a familiar sound
Nothing lasts forever
But this is getting good now
“Can I eat you out?” Jake mumbled against your thigh. “Yes,” you panted as he slowly took off your underwear and threw it somewhere with the rest of his clothes. He sucks on your clit and your fingers grasp for his hair as your moans fill the room. He pulls away and licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit, his green eyes piercing through yours as you moan his name. “You like that, honey?” he says as he thrusts one finger in you and you feel your legs start to shake. 
He adds another finger and hits your g-spot as he sucks on your clit. Your legs tighten around his head as he starts to go faster. Your vision goes white with pleasure as your legs start to shake while you come in his mouth as he continues to finger you through your orgasm. “You taste so good baby” Jake mutters as you start to come down from your high. 
You taste yourself on his lips as he kisses you. He pulls away to take off his jeans as you take off the sundress and chuck it on the floor. Quickly his lips are back on yours as you grab his bulge and he groans in your mouth. Your fingers tug at the waistband of his boxers and as you pull them down you grab his cock. Slowly stroking it as he pulls the boxers all the way off.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Peach?” he asks once more as you kiss his neck. “Yes, Jake” you respond and so he reaches down to his pants on the floor and pulls a condom out of his wallet. He quickly puts it on and as he rubs his cock against your entrance you wrap your legs around him and pull him to you. Moaning his name loudly as he begins to thrust slowly into you.
 “Faster, Jake” you whine as he starts to quicken up the pace. He lowers his right hand down to rub your clit as he thrusts into you. You kiss him desperately as you feel yourself getting close. His left hand squeezing your breast. “I’m close” you moan and that sets something off in Jake and he begins to thrust faster and harder into you.
Screaming his name you feel yourself coming and he comes too as your cunt tightens around his cock. Holding on to you as you both come down from your highs. He slowly pulls out and chucks the condom into your bedside trashcan. Laying beside you he pulls you to his chest as you throw your leg over him. Both of you drifting off to sleep.
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burning it down
Monday rolls around too quickly and Jake has been at your apartment since Saturday night. He leaves early that morning to get to work before you and at work, you both act like nothing happened since you didnt want the team to know. Worried about what they might say.
Jake winks at you as you head for the showers and your mind wanders back to last nights steamy shower with him. You hurry while getting dressed and practically run to your car and when you pull into your street you see the familiar truck in the driveway. As you park next to him he gets out of the truck and rounds your car to open your door. Making you giggle as he throws you over his shoulder.
But before he can walk to your door a car door shuts behind you and when you lift your head to see who it is, it's the one person you were not prepared to see again.
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams
(click here to read pt 2)
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