#non binary damian wayne
remosdeerica · 2 years
Thalia: Hello, my son.
Damian: Um... actually mother... I...
Thalia: What is it, Habibi?
Damian: I'm not a... he.
Thalia: I see.
Damian: I just mean that I don't really feel male or female. it's not a big deal, you can refer to me as you like I just thought-
Thalia: *reasts hand on Damian's head*
Thalia: Hello, my child.
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Bruce "teaching" his kids about finance (this is purely crack)
baby!Dick: Hi, can I get some ice cream?
Bruce: Sure.
baby!Dick: But I don't have money.
Bruce: You can take out a loan. Would you like compound interest, simple interest or variable interest?
baby!Dick: Uhhhh, compound Interest?
*Years later*
Dick: What do you mean I'm 50 thousand dollars in debt to you!
Tim: I need some money.
Bruce: How much.
Tim: Ten dollars.
Bruce: Are you paying me back or is this a loan?
Tim: ....never mind.
Damian: Father, my and Jon are going to the fair. I need 500 dollars.
Bruce: Well, you can take it a loan but I'll need a deposit of 50.
Damian: *Hands him his phone with Talia on the line* My mother will take care of it.
Over the phone: You fucking skeevy loan shark! My baby boy will not go into debt!
Jason: Do we get like allowences?
Bruce: No, you see you can take out loans...
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yandereforme · 6 months
Yandere batfamily time travel au (different/angsty version)
The bad family gets thrown into the future, about 20 years or so. They are them faced with three major villains who lives in Gotham and have somehow become worse than the joker in terms of casualties. Two of them are front fighters, well, the third is said to be the boss and is not seen often. Their counterparts are pretty much obsessed with fighting this person. However, it isn’t long before their nemesis kidnaps one of the Wayne’s from the past, and that is when they meet you.
You are the third member, and contrary to popular belief you are not the boss. It’s more of a Harley Quinn sort of situation. The two main fighters are people who recruited you after your foster parents sold you to human traffickers, because you developed meta-abilities. Those two ‘rescued’ you and trained you to use your abilities to help them commit crimes, though they usually disguise you whenever you go out, so no one knows you exist. The rest of the time, you are usually treated as a servant/pet.
I think the first person they kidnapped was definitely Damian. However, none of the kidnappers realized that Damian had a tracking device as well as a comm. after a little bit, they all start becoming protective of you, and I can see several of them attempting to be kidnapped just to see you.
After a little while, the fight happens. They are winning when, suddenly, a shot rings out and you fall to the ground. The bullet had been meant for one of them (you can choose which one, though I am mostly thinking Bruce for the Maximum angst) but you moved in the way of it. You got shot for them. You saved them, but paid for it with your life.
Before you die, you look whoever you saved in the eye, and ask them to make sure that this didn’t happen again. You meant it as making sure human trafficking were destroyed, and those with abilities were put in good homes, or that no villain could use someone the way you had been used. However, the bat family takes this as permission to make sure you never become a villain ever again.
When they get to their original timeline, the first thing they do is search for you. You were a chubby three year old, knew you hadn’t discovered your powers until you were five. It was fairly easy to frame your parents for a crime, and take you with them to the manor. You were never going to have to struggle again. You saved their lives. Now they were going to return the favor.
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byghostface · 21 days
Omgg!! Welcome to Gotham High Frankie Stein!!!🙏🫶🪡🔩🩵🩷
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I'm joking but thinking that Frankie Stein is Nika's favorite Monster High character (Gleb confirmed it in an old tweet) still makes me very very happy😇♥️✨
I like to imagine that Nika is a big Frankie fan. With her pale-gray (sometimes bluish) skin color, she totally would cosplay her/them in the convention, and Damian can be their Cleo de Nile (in the gen 3 version).
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 year
Jon having a conversation with a friend from school (college)
Jon: hey, you should come over this weekend and hang out. The apartment's clean cuz Dami made me clean it. Well, actually he didn't make me, but I came home yesterday and they were maliciously cleaning the kitchen.
Friend: how do you maliciously clean something?
Jon: you know, it's when you're like manhandling the dishes or like sweeping passive-aggressively
Friend: I have so many more questions but I can say without a doubt I've never seen MY roommate do that.
Jon: yeah, it's a skill only a woman can possess but Dames has mastered the skill like an art form. She exudes feminine energy and blends it seamlessly with his masculine essence. They have truly ascended.
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just-trash-talks · 2 years
JEALOUSY (jondami/damijon)
Someone:*flirts with Jon*
Damian:*Kiss Jon*Oh where you talking to them? I'm sorry It's just that I can't resist kissing their pretty, beautiful, charming face I mean Jon is my BELOVED after all, y'know right?
Jon:*very confused*
Another someone:*flirts with Damian*
Jon:...Siri, how to find a good place to hide a body?
Alexa:I'm Alexa
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galadrail · 5 months
My new fanfic about damian being non-binary !
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year
Older Non-binary Damian
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Idk how I did. Here’s the Picrew link
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Damian Wayne x non-binary! Reader coming out headcanons!
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Word Count: 753
Warnings: To be honest, I'm not sure how good this is! I tried my absolute best though.
Summary: As you struggle with your identity, you also worry about how your best friend might react.
The constant anxiety you felt in your own skin could be compared to an army of ants crawling along your flesh, never going away, never leaving
You were never comfortable in your own body, never truly being happy with the gender you were assigned at birth. Sure, you still loved wearing dresses and skirts, but it made you uncomfortable to think that you were forced to be a girl because of that. 
It took you a long while to accept that you were non-binary and an even longer time to decide to come out to your friends. 
Damian had always been there for you in a way no one else had been. He was critical and brutally honest, but he did his best to be kind and loyal to you. You were allowed to be vulnerable with him and he never once took advantage of that. 
He was always so talkative too, never missing the opportunity to state his opinion even if it wasn’t always necessary, but once you realized who you actually were, you suddenly became worried about what he would say - what he’d think. 
As much as you loved him as your best friend, you were worried that his overly critical views would ruin the relationship you guys had. It was the main reason why it took you months of building self-confidence and pep talks in your mirror in order for you to muster the courage to walk your way to Wayne Manor. 
Your plan, ideally, was to: Go over, hang out with Damian and the rest of his siblings for a bit, casually bring up the fact that you were non binary and hope and pray that it all went well. 
Of course, you weren’t foolish enough to believe this plan would be executed perfectly. Being friends with the Wayne’s came with the fact that you would never be able to perfectly plan everything. 
Alfred had let you into the Manor once he saw you outside on the doorstep, slowly nodding and briskly stepping to the kitchen to presumably fetch you some tea. He had always said that tea could cure everything, but you were sure it was just a British thing. 
Damian was in the vast living room where he and Dick were engaged in a high stakes Smash Brothers battle, Jason on the sofa reading (probably rereading) To Kill A Mockingbird. Tim was most likely hiding away in his room under a pile of blankets. 
You made your way over to the two brothers, sitting down next to Damian and watched as he demolished Princess Peach with his Charizard. 
Damian greeted you with a quiet hello while the eldest pulled you in for a hug.
The underlying anxiety you felt finally resurfaced as the main problem sat right next to you. You fidgeted with your pleated skirt, running your hands through non-existent folds.
Damian must have noticed your nervous behavior since he had shooed away Dick and Jason and turned off the TV. He always took great care in paying attention to when you were feeling anxious, knowing how important it was to take care of your needs. 
He was quick to ask you what was wrong, but you failed to formulate a coherent sentence. All the words you had been dying to tell him dried up immediately in your throat, never seeing the light of day. 
You began to overthink once more, wondering if this truly was the best idea. Your friendship with him was not worth breaking over something like this. 
Damian’s eyes twisted in confusion, noticing how shallow your breath was and how your fingers continued to fray the ends of your sweater. 
“Tell me.” He said softly. 
Whether it was because of his upbringing or if it was because of genetics, Damian had always carried a commanding voice with him. No matter how soft it was, his voice was hard to deny. 
“I’m…it’s just…” You let out a shaky breath. “I think I’m non-binary.”
You waited for Damian’s reaction, expecting him to cuss you out and cease talking to you forever, but instead he just blinked. 
“And…you were nervous about telling me this?” 
You silently nodded your head. 
“They/Them, I’m assuming?” You hesitantly nodded again, a little shocked at how calm he was acting. Was he not disgusted? Was he not weirded out? 
“If it helps,” he added, “This doesn’t change my opinion of you. You will…you’ll always be my number one.” He reached for your hand and gently squeezed it, managing a small smile.
"So you aren't freaked out about this?"
Damian shrugged at your question. "Why would I be? You're still you, and I'm not an idiotic fool to risk losing you over something like this, especially if it makes you happier."
A smile found its way to your lips and you couldn't help but to pull in Damian for a hug. Looking back, you felt silly for being nervous about telling the boy wonder. It was Damian after all, and he would always want to make you happy.
I had to research a bit to do this request accurately. Thankfully, my best friend is non-binary and they helped me a lot when it came to writing this. So, everything that the reader feels is based off what my friend said it felt like when they came out. I feel like being inclusive is really important and I tried my hardest to make this decent, but I'm not sure if I am the best account to go to for this sort of thing! By no means am I saying to not request anything like this again, I would just rather someone get a really well written oneshot instead of something that might not be as accurate. Let me know if you guys liked this (since it's something new!) and if you have any critics I am willing to hear those out too!
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Steph: Last night, I tried to explain the concept of she/they to Damian without giving myself away.
Duke: Oh? How did it go?
Steph: He respects it, but doesn't understand why people who use it wouldn't just use they/them pronouns.
Duke: It is difficult to explain beyond I don't know dude, that's my gender.
Steph: Yeah, that's what I ended up saying: "gender be fucky".
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chariom-inactive · 2 years
trans femme damian 🙏
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
Of Bats Reincarnation and Teenage Rebellion
by DecaffeinatedApollyon The concept of reincarnation was never a topic that Noah bothered to sit and think about. They were a firm believer that one day they would die, and that would be the end of it. So when they did end up dying, the last thing they expected was to be cast into a world filled to the brim with insane clowns, literal aliens and crime-fighting furries. How will Noah cope with being handed everything they have ever wished for? A second chance… |[Achievement Unlocked! Nepotism at its Finest.]| You have got to be fucking kidding me. Words: 1962, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU, Gamer AU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Original Non-Binary Character, Original Characters, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Other Batfamily Members - Character, Other DC Characters Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Original Character(s), Damian Wayne & Original Character(s), Batfamily Members & Original Character(s) Additional Tags: Gamer AU - Freeform, Video Game Mechanics, RPG elements, Reincarnation, DC stands for Disregard Canon, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Metagaming via https://ift.tt/ok3pe4J
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 6 months
Bruce changes his tactics when pulling loose teeth with every child due to reasons
Dick *looks nervously at Bruce tying the string to the doorhandle*: Are you sure this is going to work?
Bruce *confidently*: It's how my father did it. On the count of three. One...Two
Bruce: *Slams the door, forgetting his strength*
Dick *gets thrown across the room and into the door with the tooth still attached to his gum* : My nose hurts. Bruce?
Bruce: This is going to work. Just stand there.
Jason *eyeing the car with distrust* : Why can't we use a door?
Bruce: Doesn't work. I'm going to go slowly. Okay. Wave when the tooth's out.
Jason: *gets drags for two minutes*
Bruce *visibly annoyed as he ties string to Tims teeth*: Why do you still have your baby teeth?
Tim *confused as to why they're on the roof*: Dunno. Is it a bad thing.
Bruce: Doesn't matter.
Bruce *under his breath*: This better work.
Tim: Why are you sweating.
Bruce: Focus, Tim. I'm going to dropping this rock--Don't look at me like that. It's not heavy, like 25 pounds. On the count of three. One--
Tim: But--
Bruce*dropping the rock*: Two
Tim: *Falls*
Bruce: I'm just going to tug it out, Damian.
Damian: *screams*
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yandereforme · 4 months
Damian wayne? nah, Damian AL GHUL.
(in my perspective his al ghul blood is where he gets his yandare shii from cause yk..the al ghuls..it just fits right..)
(imagine if damian stayed in Nanda parbat)
so imagine damian going on an assasin mission in gotham and crosses paths with vigilante!reader(Female if possible xx) on the gotham rooftops where they get into a fight and for the first time, Damian loses, to a girl/woman and now he's obsessed interested in her, now I see him purposely taking missions that's from gotham just to see reader then just one night he plans a kidnapping, think several other assasins on standby so the kidnapping will be perfect and..idk anymore, I ran out of brain juice.(I'm gonna be honest this was my dream last night, and I woke up 💔)
also, me personally, Damian al ghul>damian wayne
I wanna ask without anon but I'm EMBARRASSED CAUSE IDK WHAT I TYPED SOUNDS LIKE WHEN SOMEBODY READS IT!! (and ik my grammar suckz ass cause English ain't my first language. far from that💔💔)
oh no I'm yapping again I'm so sorry
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You are not a bother at all! I love this idea, and you don’t need to be embarrassed, that’s how I write most things lol.
Damian Al Ghul x Vigilante! Reader
I’m thinking he went to Gotham to scout out his father and his subordinates (they aren’t a focus in the post)
He completely forgets about them after he meets (and gets his butt kicked by you)
You are an independent vigilante, and you have always been that way. You avoid Batman and his birds, preferring to take care of things like human traffickers, muggings, abusers, etc.
That being said, you knew enough about the big stuff that the boy in ninja gear set off alarm bells. You were prepared for his attacks, and had your weapons at the ready
You were a badass, and wiped the floor with Damian, even pinning him down before other ninjas came out of the darkness, hellbent on you.
He yells at the others in Arabic and you take your chance to slip away. This was above your pay grade, and the Bat could deal with them. You needed to continue your patrol.
Damian was expecting an easy fight, but you surprised him. When you glared down at this boy, blood streaked across your face, eyes alight with hatred as you held him down, Damian fell hard.(I headcanon that Al Ghuls fall for/become yandere for strong fighters or general badasses, while Wayne’s tends to become yandere/protective over kindness/innocence due to their trauma)
Those idiots who interrupted his fight with his beloved were killed immediately, and he immediately set his sights on finding you again.
He found your vigilante work a worthy endeavor, but your civilian life was not up to par. You worked two jobs, both of which were meant to be taken on by peasants, not by important people like you. He admired and hated the fact you survived on your own, admiring your strength but despising what you had to do to survive.
This man will fight tooth and nail to get to go to Gotham at every opportunity. He prefers to watch you on patrol, and privately dispose of the simpletons you were surrounded by
After a while, when your room and all the supplies were prepared, only then did he set up your kidnapping. He approached you late at night, outside of your suit. You gave him another worthy fight, but this time he wasn’t going to let you get away, and knocked you out quickly.
When you wake, it will be to Damian sitting across from your bed, reading one of your favorite novels (he doesn’t like this kind of book, but as his beloved enjoys it, he will be learned on the subject).
Be prepared to have a life of being Damian’s Queen, Y/n Al Ghul. By the time you wake up, he will have already removed all traces of your past from the rest of the world, making sure you had nothing to go back to, if you were ever able to escape, so your best bet is to stay as his queen, and hopefully figure out a way out(you won’t escape.)
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sasheneskywalker · 7 months
batfamily fic recs where the main character is transgender or non-binary
Laying My Heart Out by rotasha Bruce doesn’t have friends. Until he has Oliver.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Oliver Queen & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne
if you get lost (you can always be found) by corvidspectre Originally, it was easy to believe it was just over-eager adoration for one Dick Grayson. It was too easy to believe in fact; how could he have known there was any alternative? Dick Grayson was amazing, all that he wanted to be. The way he flew through the air, his effortless smiles and energy, what young child wouldn't want to be him? He was just idolising him, and he was a perfectly fine role model for a young girl to have. Maybe it was just a blossoming interest in gymnastics.
It took Tim a while to realise he didn't just want to be like Dick Grayson.
He wanted to be a boy. No, he was a boy. He was sure of it.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Past Tim Drake/Stephanie Brown
by any other name would smell as sweet by misspickman A dare and a couple of offhand comments set off a domino effect, sending Tim down one or two identity crises. Apparently everyone thinks it's time for him to do some self-reflection.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Batfamily Members & Tim Drake, Bart Allen & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Cassie Sandsmark
A hold on me by Anonymous Damian starts thinking about self-identity. Things both are and aren’t difficult. Growing up is hard, you know.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | No Relationships
always an angel (never a god) by maruyaaya When Jason Todd is twelve, people begin calling him the ‘Boy Wonder’ and while Jason is, of course, extremely pleased to have taken up such an important mantle, it also feels wrong in a way that he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Look at me! I’m Robin, the Boy Wonder!” Jason cheers the first time he has the Robin suit on, Dick Grayson’s old nickname coming out of his mouth with a sickly sort of feeling to it.
But then Bruce smiles at him like he’s finally done something worth being proud of and Jason feels like he can ignore the way his skin is crawling if it means Bruce will smile at him like that again.
He can change, can’t he? He can be the Boy Wonder that Bruce wants him to be. He can do it. He can be whatever Bruce wants him to be. It doesn’t matter what she wants.
a canon compliant fic following the life of jason todd from birth to death to re-birth and their struggles with discovering who—and what—they are.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Roy Harper/Jason Todd
Spoiler Alert: It Gets Better. by carolinaa Red Hood's been running Robin's Nest, a secret youth shelter in Gotham, since he came out of his murdery craze. He wants it to be a place to stay, no questions asked, with a hot meal provided if you stick around for breakfast. The kids of Gotham deserve that much.
Enter Stephanie, whose new name isn't the only secret she's keeping.
(or: how steph outsmarts her dad, makes gay friends, and gets the guy)
T | Archive Warnings Apply | Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake
These Twists and Turns of Fate by Hinn_Raven To be born is to exist, but to live is something else entirely. Stephanie Brown falls apart, and pulls herself back together. OR Stephanie Brown is assigned a different name and gender at birth. These are the changes that result.
G | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Harper Row/Carrie Kelley, Stephanie Brown & Harper Row, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown & Crystal Brown, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake
loot my body by carolinaa Jason comes back to life, and finds that everyone's mourning someone who never existed.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd
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g1rlr0b1n · 1 year
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Playing around with my new tablet and made some Damian Wayne pride icons, feel free to use them.
I may make more because it was surprisingly relaxing
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