#phantom theif au
seizethegay420 · 1 year
Whenever people draw Kokichi as the Phantom Theif, they always draw him dressed like Mephisto Pheles from Blue Exorcist
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flr3fly · 1 year
I made a Short saiouma Phantom their animatic! :)
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Kimiko: “ Oh hi Robin! Your one of those phantom thieves right?! So cool!” Kimiko Kiseki grinned the purplish blue haired looked at Robin eagerly
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Robin (Shuichi):”Yes I am one of the phantom thieves I am leader of Phantom Foundation it’s like if future foundation was mixed with phantom theives is how I describe it 😁”
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lightbulb-warning · 11 months
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saiouma week day two (COUGH): carnival!
bro what if we were rivals in crime and while we accidentally get handcuffed together stuck on an active rollar coaster through slapstick shenanigans and falling to our likely death... our hands brushed??
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lotus-pear · 5 hours
Once saw shuake fanart and was genuinely confused bc I thought it was soukoku. Some people apparently make their Akechi into a ginger. Also skk have mayoi cards that suspiciously look like them
ok ill agree here bc pinterest is an ever present battle bc ill have shuake and soukoku fanart side by side and it takes me a second to differentiate and save it accordingly to the respective board
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aeferkssr · 2 years
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"ah, so here you are detective!" you say as the wind blows to the side of you.
you were a theif, a well-known one at that, and here you were being cornered by a just as well known detective. your rival, shikanoin heizou
your grip tightened on the diamond you had in hand while you stood on the roof waiting for your lift. heizou looked unamused, slightly tired from running up the stairs and overall annoyed.
"give it up, [name]. you have no where else to go." he looked behind you into the vast city "unless you want to become the next evelyn francis" he smirked as he rested his hand on his hip.
as the wind picked up around you signalling that your ride was here, you chuckled into your hand.
"you flatter me, shikanion." a ladder drops beside you "but the only way i'm going... is up" you step onto the ladder as the helicopter as it whiskes you into the night.
heizou runs after you as you climb up higher onto the ladder. you waved goodbye to him and blew him as kiss. heizou looks over the edge of the roof with balled fists and expletives in his mind. and also a red tint on his cheeks
"just you wait, [name]... just you wait."
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lilis-doodle-dome · 2 years
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Saiouma week day 1: Phantom thief/ Stargazing
“To steal the stars from your eyes would be my greatest heist”
So I was just supposed to learn three days late that there was a saiou week? By myself? Rude./j
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ventuszx · 2 years
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Hey Everyone meet My Stupid Au The Gentleman Theif Damian or The Parade of the Forgotten. Still can't really pick a name for it.
So After a new Crisis Event, Damian sacrifices his past, present, and future. Basically erasing himself from time itself.
The problem was that Damian's Revival was a fix point in time, creating a sort of loophole. He had to come back to life and that was what happened.
He wakes up in Gotham Harbor, alone and without any memories except his name.
He lives in the streets of Gotham for a while, Steals from gangs and minions to survive. But after he enters a Circus carriage to pet a tiger he falls asleep with the animal and when he wakes up he already is in another City.
This begins his not-so-legal road trip around the USA, and he starts his thievery to escalate. That ended at the age of 14.
He was caught by Superman when he was breaking into a museum in the middle of the night.
So he is sent to Juvie for one year, then put with the McGinnis, his new foster family, and sent to Metropolis High.
Here he meets Jon Kent. The first time that he and Jon lock eyes Damian's memories of the Him come back to him but the problem it's they are corrupted and full of holes.
He starts to make a uniform and prepare some of his gadgets.
A 3-day Field trip to Gotham, the opportunity opens for Damian to sneak into the Batcave.
But the Bat-family has to have a distraction while he has to sneak into the cave.
So he will need to put on a show, let's see how much they like the Gentleman Theif Rufous.
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scootsoot · 2 years
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a karaoke chapter with them actually singing may never actually exist but like let me have this.
p5 au belongs to @vexilanimous​ !!!! ! 
i have a love hate relationship with this drawing
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spacedace · 1 year
hey in your tags you mentioned a “batfam leverage au” can u explain what that is
Happily! :D
So I'm not sure if you're familiar with the show Leverage, but the quick summary is that it's about a group of "bad guys" (a hacker, a hitter, a grifter, a theif and the mastermind that directs them all) that help people who have been hurt by the rich and powerful by using their skills to pull heists and cons on the bad guy of the episode to ruin them and get back whatever was taken/right whatever was made wrong.
It's an amazing show that I can't recommend enough, very clever, very funny, big found family vibes and an OT3 that's *this close* to being canon (and has been supported by the writers). The heists are amazing and it's all around an AMAZING show.
Anyway, the BatPham Leverage Au is basically just: a collection of DP & BatFam members join together to make a robin hood heist team like in the show Leverage. I have a couple versions of the BatPham Leverage AU rattling around my head, but most fleshed out right now are:
Business of Family - the Uncle Oz AU (Penguin Adopts Jazz & Danny): My plan for this story is for Jazz and Danny to decide to start running heists in Gotham on the people in the city that tend to fly under Batman's radar but who are still very much doing a lot of harm to the city and it's people. The Leverage AU part of this story is going to have Jazz as the Mastermind, Jason as the Hitter, Tim as the Hacker, Danny as the Thief/Maker (basically engineer), and Elle as the Grifter (shapeshifting Elle for the win lol).
Another Leverage AU I've been thinking about for awhile but that I haven't turned into a story yet is one where Team Phantom (Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker & Elle) are tasked with finding and returning various Infinite Realm artifacts that have ended up in the mortal world. And for some reason Gotham has just so many Infinite Realm artifacts in it. Like most of the artifacts in the world are in Gotham for some wild reason (it's Gotham there doens't need to be more of a reason).
They're on the run from the GIW/Fentons, so they're trying not to advertise any ghostly/liminal powers if they can help it, so they largely do heists without powers (minus Tucker doing all his hacking and everything from the Ghost Zone and some occasional invisibility/intangibility when it's called for, but they really do try and keep any power use to a minimum).
In this AU, Jazz is the Mastermind (again, because I love that role for her haha), Tucker is the Hacker, but that's when I can't quite decide who should be who.
I love the idea of Sam being a Hitter, but I think she'd be able to play Grifter pretty well knowing the rich as well as she does, Danny would love being a Hitter and being able to fuck some assholes' shit up while being completely feral but he could also still be a good Thief. Elle could go either Grifter again, but I like her as a Theif in this one, maybe running into Damian in the vents while she's trying to get into a vault or something lol. (I think it'd go with Danny: Hitter, Sam: Grifter, Elle: Thief, but I have no idea if that'll stick if/when I ever write this lol)
Whatever the team looks like, because there are so many artifacts in Gotham & because they can't just use their powers willy-nilly to grab them and run, they're going to be in Gotham for a long time, possibly years. Which means they need some kind of side hustle to pay the bills, which leads them to doing more heists, but this time on various rich assholes that deserve to lose a bunch of money.
Eventually they get on the Bats radar, and there'd be some fun cat & mouse back and forth with the BatFam trying to catch the Phantom Crew (Danny shouldn't be allowed to name things, but he already told Red Robin that was their team name before anyone could stop him). Eventually the GIW do show up and things start getting even more complicated (and maybe someone activates an artifact, resulting in a powerful entity being released in Gotham that they all have to team up to fight).
I have no name for this au other than the DP X DC Leverage Au, but I do know that'll have plenty of Anger Management, Brain Dead (or really Brain Dead + Everlasting Trio, don't know what the ship name for that is), Serious Chaos.
It'll also have Batman aggressively trying to adopt them all because he doesn't actually have anything against them stealing from these assholes as long as they don't hurt anyone. They're acting outside of the law yes but they're doing it in order to give justice to those who have been made victims by the system and he's all about that (the real final battle of the story is between Bruce & Selina who both want to adopt the Pham, who would like to know if they get a say in any of this - they don't).
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dark-pink-fantasy · 5 months
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Jackplushie's reblogs
Tattered Au
Beast Hunter au
Once upon a time
Tattered AU
Tattered Au Lore
Tattered Malleus
In the deep, dark woods ft, Malleus
Malleus Drabble
Octatrio's first encounter w/ MC
General Jade Headcanons
Beauty of the Woods feat Vil
Medusa Cater(Ask)
Demon Slayer Au
Demon Slayer Au
Plans for Demon Slayer Au (Ask)
Sworn by Moonlight Azul x reader pt.2
Surrogate ft. Pirate!Leona
Yandere Scarbia
Yandere Dormleaders react to S/o becoming a Plushie
How Jade lets you know he's there
How Azul lets you know he's there
Tattoo Au
Tattoo Au
Leona and Cater (Ask)
Midnight Whispers
Requests are open
Jade leech
Moonlight Theif AU
Coming back (ask)
Introductions ft. Ace, Idia
Moonlight ft. Idia
A familiar face ft. Ace, Trey
Octavinelle as a Private Detective Agency
Savanaclaw w/ Escaping Moonlight Thief
Detective Azul w/ a Phantom Thief reader (ask)
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flr3fly · 1 year
I made another saiouma Phantom theif au Video! :)
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royoko-enthusiast · 12 days
Hey guys guess what, I finally got confident enough to post these!
These are all either unfinished attempts or drawing I just didn't feel like were worth posting.
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None of these were good enough to post on their own but I wanted to post them still.
First one is inspired by @kazinsblog 's "Phantom Theif" AU, I sadly can't find the fic (if I do find it I will link it) so this might not be the actual title but still! The design was heavily inspired and the only think I did was overdoing the frills.
Second was I think say 4 of Yuma month, failed attempt I felt like didn't portrays the prompt correctly or fully.
Last 2 are Day 5 of Yuma month, took me 3 tries to get a sick scenario drawing I liked, first one didn't hit right for the prompt and didn't do justice, and second one I just gave up on (the scenario was good at the beginning but I gave up when the colors and background didn't hit)
These pieces are not my best of course, but still deserve to be posted instead of rotting in my drawing program (there is only 1 drawing that will never be posted)
Again see y'all tommorow and I thank y'all so much for the support!
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thelemoncoffee · 3 months
this is weird and nonsensical but hear me out.
au where Kokichi pretend to be a phantom thief to throw people off the fact the he is The Phantom Theif™.
the idea here is Kokichi uses the fact that people don't trust a word he says about himself to make people believe he's lying to take credit for the phantom thief's crimes despite clearly not being anywhere near capable enough to pull off most of the shit he does. by doing this he creates this idea in people's minds that if he goes missing around the same time the thief is active it's just him attempting to prove himself as the thief, retroactively creating an alibi and protecting his identity from his peers.
it's such a dumb idea but he'd totally do some shit like this, especially if one such peer was the detective on his case and his crush ;)
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hanafubukki · 2 years
not a request but just a bit inspired for other characters roles in the cliche royalty otome au, we have ace who's a theif that wants the crown jewels but then aims for your heart instead, epel the farmer boy who you met due to sneaking out to participate in a festival and finally azul, the cunning merchant and one of the kingpins of the criminal underworld, who wants the position of being royalty, but falls madly inlove for you and now wants a genuine connection and relationship
Hello ☺️🌺🌻,
It’s funny that you bring up the thief, I had a similar idea but didn’t know who to choose it for. Namely because I am biased, so when I think of thief and tomes games, my first thought goes to Lupin from Code Realize. He is one of my favorite charming male leads and I always found him cute and funny with how he tried saving Cardia. But the idea of ace being a thief? and trying to steal your heart? that's adorable.
Cliche! Royalty AU Otome Game: Diasomnia Ver. ,  Ridde Rosehearts Ver.
For Ace Trappola 
He was a famous thief known across many countries for stealing valuable items. 
He would mainly steal and donate it to those in need, but made sure to keep enough for himself and his family.
Now, this thief was smart and he knew how to blend in.
His acting skills was top notch, he could fool even those who had years of experience.
His next goal was to steal the Crown Jewels...from your family. 
Ace had somehow infiltrated the security in the palace. 
and he had chosen to personate a nightshift guard, but he didn't account for you.
You were looking at the Crown Jewels.
Contemplating the pressure of being a royalty, when you noticed him.
you took one look at him and...
“Who are you?”
Ace did not expect you to ask him that, fully expecting you to think he was a guard.
you looked at him and shook your head.
“I know all the guards in this palace. You are definitely not one of them.”
Ace was stumped. 
Now what does he do?
but you took that choice out of his hands, you simply threw the jewels at him.
stating that he could keep it, that he surely must have a reason to steal from your family.
but what really got him?
was when you went, “Choose a better disguise next time Phantom Thief, wouldn’t want to get caught so easily now would you?”
Now Ace was interested, he threw the jewels back at you. 
saying he didn't need them, rather he was interested in something else.
Your heart.
Epel, my sweet, feral child. I love you so much especially after your ghost marriage and book 5 shenanigans.
You had escaped from the palace.
You were tired from your royal duties and you just wanted a break.
your kingdom was having a festival and you wanted to attend.
So, like the otome lead you are, you got your maid to cover for you while you went undercover to the festival.
There you stared in wonder before throwing yourself into the festivities.
you were munching on a confection when you heard a commotion. 
a group of men were picking on a...girl? No, it was definitely a guy about your age.
He was going feral and kicking all their butts.
After watching the men run away with their tails tucked between their legs, you clapped in amazement.
Epel was surprised to see you and how you were praying him.
He couldn’t help it. 
he started developing a crush on you.
and you?
you dragged him around with you to enjoy the festival, saying how he should let some idiots ruin it for him.
Yeah, he definitely developed a crush for you.
Maybe...you would love to try the apple products his family sold?
Azul, azul, azul...no matter the franchise, must you be the shady mafia character? the answer is yes.
Azul was famous for being one of the leaders of the criminal underworld. 
He wanted a connection to the royal family.
what better way than blackmailing the royal family or seducing you?
He planned to seduce you because less chances of being poisoned that way. 
So, he set up a place where he can disguise himself as nobility and slowly win you over.
problem was that once he met you, he could help but fall for you.
you completed him, you had invigorating conversations about laws and finances, and the time he saw you connivingly  handled your council.
he couldn’t help but fall for you.
now, he didn't want to just get into power, but because he truly loved you.
now, how to go about stealing your heart?
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moaachi · 1 year
KAISHIN OMEGAVERSE AU where Kaito's pheromones smell like CLOVER
(Sowwy this idea just popped up in my head )
Let's see let's see hmmmm what smell should we make for shinichi's pheromones. Coffee?since he like ice coffee Or maybe lemon? Since he also like lemon pie ughh I'm kinda lost with this one
for the story my idea is:
High school detective kudo shinichi (alpha) trun into omega after taking a unknow drug from bad guys dressed in black (he dun shrunk and theres no conan in this AU)
Anddd imma gonna skip everything and jump to the point where in a certain heist shinichi got into heat out of nowhere even tho he's not in his heat cycle and he took medicine properly and yet the moment he meet kaito he suddenly got into heat—And that's when they both know that– they've finally meet their fated pair but not under favourable condition when one is a phantom theif and one is a detective.They both tried to deny their fate as fated pair but in the end they just can't, when they're alone they just cant resist to each other*Insert dramatic narration*
idk anymore for the rest so just let your imagination go wild;) that's all
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