stevieraebarnes · 2 months
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No Brakes This Time, I Slit the Line
jaydick | T+ | 8k words
Here it is: the F1 au I've been working on for years. Finished with the help of @justtoarguewithyou and the @jaydick-week WIP bash 🎉🎉🎉
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kissorkill15 · 8 months
It's crazy how a movie from 18 years ago is still so damn popular.
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arterrratr · 10 months
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darrenpeace · 5 months
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sketches in red
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whalehouse1 · 2 years
I think one of the funniest things about Robin fans is how the far right side of them defends them. They will call out the most outrageous things if you so much as say one negative thing but then you have the Dick fans who just seem to go, “Oh did DC ghostwrite this?” And I don’t know why that’s so funny to me.
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stoptellinglieslois · 11 months
Principal of pleasure Prelude
Hello everyone this is my first fic the pairing is Superman x Nightwing. They fall in love and have an affair keeping it a secret from their families and loved ones. The story takes place during Christmas time The confession turns into something more and snowballs into a slow affair.
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As I drive my hand squeeze the steering wheel it’s been months since I’ve seen Dick. I haven’t been honest with myself for years about him I kept brushing my feelings aside to keep denying myself of what I truly wanted.
Lois Jon and I are going to the Wayne manor for Christmas Bruce invited us at first I thought wow this is great.
But I as I’m thinking in the car with Lois how is talking the phone and Jon dosing off I’m not sure this is a good Idea.
I never said anything to him or let on I had any feelings for him.
 Bottled up inside of me festering I married Lois it felt right at the time it was what we both wanted. 
But Dick was all ways on the back of my mind every step I took in every journey did I persuaded him taking the name Nightwing telling him stories of Krypton, My heart thunder when he agreed and took on the name.
As we got closer to Gotham the icy road snow falling I could hear his heart beat  faster like he is anticipating something.
We drove into the city now as we got closer to the manor it was after seven pm on December twenty-fourth I wonder what would await me. I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts with my family in the car it’s so hard to think as I’m getting closer to manor it was getting more and more taxing I can’t breath in this box I put myself in all these years.
We drove up to the driveway of Bruce place I opened the door it was ice cold No humans with no clothes on would ever be able to resist this type of brisk cold.
We walked up the snowy steps Jon rang the doorbell bouncing on the ball of his feet wanting to see Damian.
The three of us waited for only a few minutes Lois was still on the phone with her sister.
Alfred opened the door to let us in as we walked in the place smelled like rich burning wood and pine perfuming the air. 
He took our coats and hats and I scanned the room and walked towards the living room, My mind was telling me why are you walking off so quickly who are you looking for your family is right here you don’t need to wonder off like your being summon by a forbidden angel.
That’s what my mind was telling me but I could hear his heart beating hard faster it’s like he knew I was coming I have know idea we’re that thought came from.
I hesitated by the door a bit the heavy old wood doors as Lois hustled me in she pushed the heavy doors opened it and Chaos of bickering and loud voice talking over each other.
And that’s when Dick and me locked eye contact neither wanted to break the gaze I didn’t want to  his eyes are like the blue sky on a sunny day. 
I knew I was staring I couldn’t help it he was so... like a spell was put on me or a curse I could never shake off.
It took Jason to pull me out of my trance he said something to me. “I’am sorry.” I replied.
“Do you want something to drink you look like you need one.” I stared at him and blinked. “Oh yes I would like a drink.” He smiled there was something about his smile a bit wicked like he was going to pull something.
While he went off to get my drink my eyes wonder where Dick was his arm around Barbra shoulder and rubbing it.
A ping in my chest I ignored it for now Jason came back with my drink he had a drink as well he handed it without a second thought I took a big gulp of the eggnog lace heavily with whiskey.
It was strong and it went down smoothly I wasn’t expecting the whiskey I don’t want to drink but as I watch Dick with Barbra in his arm I didn’t protest Jason by giving me the drink.
Jason looks at me and says. “He got engaged last week.” I turned to look at him we we’re far away from the others. “Oh that’s great I’m glad for them.” I said my voice sounded rough and drank down the rest of the eggnog. “ Can I get you another one.” Jason is studying my face intently.
“Yes please Jason another one please and thank you.” I breathed and closed my eyes disappointment and sadness came and rested on my soul as I stared at them unhappily.
As the evening went on and I wasn’t sure but I think this was my third cup of eggnog.
Supper came around we all sat at the dinner table I sat in front of Dick and Barbra Lois sat beside me and Jason sat on the other side of me.
Tim was talking about how great it was his new trip to England he was going after the holiday’s I wasn’t listening much I was to distracted with Dick and the revelation that was just told to me not to long ago.
“So Uncle Clark how’s the daily planet I heard Lex dropped by not to long ago what did he want.” I was taking aback with Tim asking anything I was not feeling myself the eggnog was hitting hard.
“Lex came to the planet and tried to get Superman to convince Metropolis to vote for him for the mayor position thinking he could get me to interview him to be televised. I took a leave absence and he found someone else to interview him.” My face flush I picked up a glass of red wine and took a long swig.
“Clark I have never seen you drink before like this.” I blush because Dick eyes fell on mine I shifted in my seat the spot light was on me I didn’t want that at all tonight.
“It was my fault I thought he could use one.” Jason came and interjected as if nothing was wrong with what he was doing.
“It’s the holidays.” 
“Yes but he do’s not drink like this.” Jason shrugged his shoulder.
“Yeah let it go.” I pipe in and said looking around Dick still watching me expression was silent and reserved he is usually always so chatty.
“Fine Clark I was just asking.” Bruce resolved and he didn’t push it as I thought he would prob more.
Good I thought and ate peas and steamed baby corn. “I just need to take this.” Lois said as she walked out of the room cellphone in hand. 
Jon and Damian finished their Dinner long ago and took off somewhere in the mansion.
So it was just us now sitting as we bantering throughout supper picking at each other when Tim says something about Dick engagement.
“Dick is getting engaged.”
“No no no why are you talking dweeb are you getting married ”Jason said throwing a pea at Tim. “No.” Tim answered his feathers are ruffled.
“Then shut up.”
“What ? I was just saying that it was great to have  Dic..” Jason cut him off.
“You nerd stop being a nerd it’s not you ok shut it down or else.”
“You weasel I’m not getting why would you block me from celebrating my own brother’s engagement this is good news your just jealous.” I shot up wobbly and raised a tossed red wine spilling from my glass. “Easy big guy.” Jason said as he got up and tried to steady me.
“On Dick life journey and hoping he could find true happiness and joy in his life with Barbra.” Dick got up. “Clark I think your drunk gets some water in you here let me pour a glass.” For the first time since I got here he said something to me we never even said hello when I arrive and that was odd all on it’s on.
“I don’t want water Dick I’m toasting why would you stop me from doing that.” I said a little bit upset but I didn’t know why.
“Clark maybe we could just take you to the rest room and sober you up just a little.” Dick said he extended his hand to me everyone sat there watching in silence.
“I’am coming with you we need two people to help him.” They took either side of me and we left the dining room.
I stumbled as we three walked up the long steps of the manor.
We reached a massive bathroom and  there was running water coming out of the faucet. “Splash some on your face please Clark.” Dick says his hand resting on my shoulder rubbing it I felt every digit of his finger massaging me.
I did what I was told letting the water spray my face.
“Why did you give him liquor Jason.”
“I gave it to him because he needed it. I could tell he wanted something hell I would have wanted something.”
“You ask him Dick not me I’ve watch you and him for years and years interacting with each other.” Jason was mad but not at me and not even at Dick.
“What are you saying Jason.” Dick said I was still tipsy holding on to Dick to balance myself.
“You can’t marry her Dick not what I’m seeing with my own eyes it would be a disaster.” Jason said it was nice to be looking out for his big brother.
“Just say it.” I said butting in the conversation that was clearly about me.
“You have feelings for each other and you are making a mistake in marrying the wrong person.” We went silent as Jason confess what was inside of me for years.
“God Jason.” I said loud enough that everyone could hear.
“Be quiet.” Dick put his hand over my mouth  I crave this attention I needed no want his touch.
Jason's hand was on the knob before opening the door and leaving he stated. “Don’t stay here to long I don’t want anyone wondering around here looking for you both I don’t want you to end up like me and Roy.” He said not leaving just yet.
“I will leave here whatever happens when I close the door is your choice,  You chose to do what you want to do with what I just said.” Jason left me and Dick alone.
 We stared at each other this was not how I wanted the trip to Gotham to go down at all I did not want my feelings to come out at all for Dick. I was to live with this for the rest of my life like this not showing him any sign of anything I would stay like this fighting my emotion all the time and pretend that I wasn’t in love with him, And let it eat me alive thinking about him wondering what it would feel like to be with him.
“You are with Lois and you have Jon.” Dick rubbed his face I didn’t see his usual smile like he all ways had this time I knew tonight was that kind of night of no return, A line was cross and I didn’t know who step out of the line I think Jason pushed us there.
“Yes I do you have Barbra and you want to marry her don’t you.” Dick stared at me and I could see him think about my question. “Dick you want her right.” He looked at me and nodded his head robotically like he knew he wasn’t sure about his choice that he made.
“That do’s not sound like you are sure Dick.” I said a knock at the door stopped me from saying anything further.
“Clark they said you are drunk in there what’s gotten into you open this door.” The door opened I sober up quickly when she came in.
“I’m fine Lois Dick was just helping me I was really not feeling swell I need a drink of water I’ll be fine Lois.” Dick made an exit as I watched him leave he didn’t close the door.
“Are you sure you're all right,” She said looking at me with a bit of air of exasperate she didn’t want to deal with a drunken Superman ruining the holidays. 
“I’m fine I told you let’s just go back and join the others.” We left the luxurious bathroom and went to join the others I kept my distance that night not telling him a thing about what just transpired earlier, I even avoided a conversation with Barbra and just stayed silent letting what just happened wash over me. 
The next day everyone opened their present we all ate breakfast and went to the massive yard and threw snowballs at each other and building snowmen. we all stayed out enjoying a day off from god knows what.
I see Dick edging closer to me little by little till he was by my side. “Merry Christmas Clark.” I didn’t say anything to him we stayed in silent just watching the seen around us Jon and Damian building a fort now and Jason chasing Tim torturing him and stuffing snow inside his coat. 
“Merry Christmas Dick.” I inched closer to Dick Lois was inside she wanted no part in the outdoor activity.
“You have my cell number text me or call we can’t talk here to many ears it’s not safe for the both of us.” Dick said talking low and not trying to make too many movements not to draw any attention towards us. 
“What are you saying Dick.” I said not letting my voice out either Bruce wasn’t around he was inside good I didn’t want him out here either.
“I’am saying I want to go out for a cup of coffee or dinner with you I’am saying we need to talk privately.” Dick was serious and so was I. We both did not in any way shape or form should ever be trying to make some sort of date. 
We are both unavailable so I thought but that’s not how I feel I should feel ashamed but I wasn’t. “Ok then when.” I said to him.
“When ?”
“Yes when can we meet.”
“I didn’t think this through Clark I just thought about this right now.” Dick was nervous rubbing his hands together. “How about new years eve.” He said his black hair fell to his shoulders snow falling on it I wanted to touch it and dust it off it was an urge I needed to squash quickly.
“I’ll text you all the information then we go and meet up and ugh..” Dick got hit with a snowball at the back of the head.
Tim laughed and stuck out his tongue at us that moment we had was broken because of Tim and his foolishness.
As Dick looked at me and marched over to Tim picked up snow and smashed it on his face.
I took a shower and wondered what to do next as I was trapped in the manor knowing what I understood that Dick about I but what would become of it really we both do this but where would it lead us.
I knew it would lead us somewhere but it was a dark and rocky road it would not go well for the both of us we would be.. “Clark lunch is ready.” Lois exclaimed.
I didn’t know what to do here but go forward. “Coming Lois.” I cut the shower head and got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out Lois already left for lunch I sat on the bed my cell on the night stand.
I grabbed it no I shouldn’t do this right now not when everyone having lunch. I knew if I did this it would mean I would kick start everything.
Then that’s when I decided to say yes to all of it I text him a simple hi and I put the cell down drying myself off and my cell buzzed.
I hesitated and picked up my cell with a smiley face and a hi he sent me and texting me that they are having lunch and wondering where I was.
I told Dick I got out of the shower and would be joining them soon. 
I could tell he was texting and erasing it he was thinking what to say next Dick did this a few times and then he wrote back. {Don’t say that.}
{What} I said.
{I’m having bad Images of you their all not.. Clark hurry up and get down here I don’t want people to know I’m texting right now.} Dick texted me I breathed god I knew where this would take us I needed to feel good I wanted to feel that I haven’t felt like that in a forever it was wrong what I just confessed to myself and throw everything down the drain for Dick.
{I’m coming Dick.} 
End of prelude.
Thank you for reading !
Next chapter will be chapter 1
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
The Batfam as getting called to the principal office?
[in the hallway]
Bruce: Explain. Now.
Duke: Well, it all started when I kinda-sorta-not-accidentally started a food fight by using a hamburger as a hackey sack.
Damian: And he roped me into it by insulting my honor.
Steph: He just called you short. Get over it, pipsqueak.
Bruce: Why are you here?
Steph: Duke called for backup after Damian made a napkin sword, so I brought it.
Cass: I'm backup.
Tim: And the car you stole to get here was mine.
Bruce: Okay, what about you, Dick?
Dick: The school got your voicemail so they called me, but then I needed to use the bathroom and flooded it. It was an accident!
Bruce: And Jason?
Jason: Missing assignments.
The principal: Mr. Wayne?
Bruce: That's me.
The principal: These are all your children?
Bruce: Apparently.
The principal: I see. Please step into my office.
[later that afternoon]
The principal: Welcome to detention. All of you will do as you're told and there will be no talking.n
The principal: Mr. Thomas, you must compose a three-page essay on why you should not play with your food.
The principal: Mr. Wayne junior, you must come up with ten appropriate responses to teasing that don't involve physical escalation.
The principal: Miss Brown, you must give a speech on why stealing cars is wrong.
The principal: Miss Cain, you must stand in the corner until I tell you to come out.
The principal: Mr. Drake, you must read and sign the contracts that you were hiding in your car to avoid.
The principal: Mr. Grayson, you must help the janitor scrub the bathrooms.
The principal: Mr. Todd, you must write a book report on To Kill A Mockingbird, build an electrical circuit, debate a current event, and complete pages one through thirty of your algebra workbook.
The principal: And Mr. Wayne senior, you must come up to the chalkboard and write a hundred lines saying you are a grown man and will not pretend to be Batman.
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dahliakbs · 3 months
BatFam! x Toddler! (GN!) Reader
Including: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson and Tim Drake
Thinking of batfam with a toddler reader who they have to babysit every other day.
Dick Grayson -
- Like whenever reader needs anything they immediately go to Dick, not even realizing that they're hurting the rest in the process.
- Like Bruce could be right Infront of them but they immediately waddle all the way over to Dick.
- He'll sit down and watch anything you want to watch or take you anywhere (but the batcave)in the manor.
- He'll never take you on patrol, your to young! Matter of fact he won't take you outside of the manor period. Your whole world is inside the manor.
Dick would never take you out of the manor but whenever Jason is home it's a whole different story.
Jason Todd -
As soon as gets back to the manor he's immediately heading to your room and taking you out to explore the world... without permission of course.
- Like Tim comes to your room to hang out after a long day of school work only to find that your not in your room nor in the house in general. Instead your somewhere in the most dangerous city in the world with a crime lord.
-But fret not, Jason's just taking you to the most secluded book store in Gotham to introduce you to the world of books.
- Either that or he's got you strapped to his back like a backpack fighting random thugs in the most dangerous alleyways in the Gotham.
Sibling bonding time is what he likes to call it!
Don't worry, at some point he'll return you home and by return I mean he'll ring the door bell, drop you off on the door step and run away as fast as he can so he doesn't get lectured by Alfred.
Tim Drake
With Tim there have been a lot of instances where you end up injured or somewhere your not supposed to be.
- Like that one time he had to babysit you but he also had school so he place you inside of his backpack along with a couple of your favorite snacks and told you to not come out unless he tells you to.
-Then in the middle of class everyone just sees a toddler's head peeking out of his bag.
- And everyone is so shocked that when you get out of the bag and waddle out the room they don't say anything. Tim doesn't even notice cause he's already face first into his notebook trying to catch some z's.
- Then a couple minutes later he's called to the principal's office to find out that you somehow got into the swimming room, slipped on the wet tiles, hit your knee on the edge of the swimming pool and somehow fell in.
-After that you were never allowed to go outside of the manor.
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igotanidea · 7 months
Heartache: Jason Todd x reader
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summary: being friends with Jason never came with falling for him. and with confessing it. And with finding out he's already in love with someone else.....
*** What was the point?
What was the point of being​ nice and caring and trying and putting yourself out there when at the end of the day someone ended up alone and hurting?
And what was the point of anything, truly, if that person happened to be you?
Being a transfer student in the middle of the school year was as hard as it comes. New people, new town, new everything.
Felt like being torn from the ground with roots.
And to top that up Y/N had to meet the head teacher to make sure she was up to date with all the material and was not going to be left behind. So, one particularly dark and rainy autumn day, which was extreme even for Gotham, she has been sitting on the uncomfortable plastic chair in front of the principal’s office, almost biting her fingernails because of the stress. Truly, she could do without being judged based on her grades from previous school and without pretending like a new kid in school in November was not a disturbance.
She knew well enough she was an event for all the kids craving some, any, attraction.  
And no amount of teachers’ feigned smiles and assurances that she would find a home in Gotham’s high school would make her feel better. Well, she had a little tour around the facility and to say the least, it was almost as depressing and dark and cold as the entire city.
So deep inside, she was hoping that the talk with principal would take as little time as possible and she would be able to get back to minding her own business and – hopefully – learning something without her classmates calling her swot.
She was not the only one waiting for the audience. There was a guy, sitting by the wall on the opposite. A typical high school rebel, with his leather jacket and torn jeans and ruffled black hair with single white strand above the forehead. Seemingly not looking, but Y/N could feel his eyes on her. And it was infuriating. As if she didn’t already feel like an outsider in the school, now she’s been eyed like a freaking prey.
Apparently, he noticed her discomfort but the only sign of the amusement at the fact of making her flustered was a teasing smirk. Who the hell this guy thought himself to be? She was a second from opening her mouth and telling him to back off, but before anything could actually come out her throat another boy rushed into the room.
“Jason!” the second guy looked surprisingly similar to the first, with his dark hair and blue eyes, but his face was far more sympathetic. „What did you do this time? Why am I getting an emergency calls to pick you up from principal’s office?”
Jason didn’t even bother to answer, his eyes fixed on Y/N.
„The fuck you want Dick?!” Jason yelled not caring about the place or the circumstances
Y/n couldn’t help a chuckle. Was this guy really named Dick? Like for real?
„The hell are you laughing at?” Jason finally turned to the girl, the mix of annoyance and curiosity on his face.
„At the interesting choice of word. If anyone’s a dick here, I’d say it’s you.” she smirked.
Both Dick and Jason raised eyebrows in surprise. She didn’t look like the girl with big mouth. Apparently the appearances were deceiving.
„You got an attitude princess, don’t you?”
„princess?” she scoffed and shook her head „well, I guess, given the fact that this school is a maze and we’ve got enough villains in the city I might as well be. But I’m more Merida than Sleeping beauty-”
„You’ve watched Brave?!” the other guy almost jumped with excitement
„Yeah.. um- didn’t everyone?” she stuttered a bit, but before she could say something else he was already shaking her hand eagerly. Who would have thought that the knowledge of Disney movies would help her make friends.  
„Hi! I’m Dick Grayson. I mean-” he laughed lightly „Richard is my given name, but no one calls me that.”
„Oh! Now I get it. I’m -”
„She’s the new girl. Y/N, isn’t it?” Jason teased her again, clearly hoping to get a reaction our of her.
„Hm. Have you been stalking me or something, Jason?”
„You wish!”
„i got a feeling this is a start of a very beautiful friendship” Dick’s eyes were shining as he nodded, preventing Y/N and Jason from going head to head with each other.
 It’s been years since the day they met as two unruly teenagers.
And even though she still thought him to be as stubborn as a mule, rude at times, crude like a freaking Australopithecus, way too teasing and sarcastic beyond limits she accepted those flaws. She was not an angel herself with her sharp tongue and straightforwardness that could match his traits and bring him down a notch at times.
To tell the whole truth, during those years they both found out that the amount of things that made them similar to each other was far bigger than those that divided them. For some crazy reason despite the far-from-prefect meeting they became great friends and made it work.
Great friends.
She should have known better.
She should have just kept her mouth shut and her feelings hidden.
So why didn’t she?
Why the fuck didn’t she?!
Maybe she wanted to be fair? Or deep inside she was hoping for a happy ending?
Stupid, little pathetic girl.
One day she;s been casually hanging out with Jason after college classes. As usual, they were doing pretty much nothing, sitting on the ground on the campus, initially planning on working on some literature essay, but ended up staring at the sky and just keeping quiet. It was never weird for them.
It just felt comfortable, spending time with a friend without the urge to fill it with words.
Y/N closed her eyes for a second, leaning on the tree trunk and when she opened them and her gaze landed on him --
What was with the sudden wave of heat encompassing her and the unexpectedly accelerated heartbeat?
Why the blush?
 Oh, no....
Oh, holy shit--
She has just became the most cliche romantic story, she always laughed at during classes.
She fell in love with her best friend.
Out of the blue, those infuriating white strand of hair she hated, became a symbol of his edgy attitude and rough past. His eyes earned the color of the sky on the sunny day and his whole figure and muscles were screaming attractiveness. And the signature teasing smirk, forming at the moment, made her want to scream cause she started wondering what it would be like to wipe the grin off his face with multiple gentle kisses and feel his lips on hers. Poor Y/N. She’s never been in love before and there was no way she wouldn’t panic.
Something so pure and idealistic like first love, left her trembling and terrified instead of content, hopeful and in a romantic attitude.
For the love of god, she couldn’t let him know. No way. Not ever.
But Jason was perceptive (screw the vigilantes) and once he saw her distracted, there was no way he would just let it drop.
„ See something you like, princess?”
„I did until now.” she muttered
„Oh really, and what might that have been?”
„Your mouth shut.”
„That’s not what you said when I saved your ass on Monday when you forgot the presentation--”
„You’re not prince charming Todd.” Y/N pointed out.
„Of course not, sunshine.’ Jason grinned at her „I’m the anti-hero, remember?”
Oh, if only she could forget that him being Red Hood and patching him up every other night were on of her most treasured moments of the day. But now --and she knew that very well - it was going to be too awkward having Jason Todd shirtless in front of her and putting stitches and dressings on his wounds.
He was her friend.
Her friend.
And she was way too moral and caring and loving and honest for her own good.
No matter how hard she was trying to pretend and act normally and kept on the appearances - in the long run it was just impossible.
She broke after three months...
„Hey, Jason can I have a word with you?”
Okay, maybe it was a mistake to reach to him straight after his shower following the training session but in her defence - she was desperate and on the verge of breaking down emotionally. So no, she did not think about the fact, that he would came out to her covered barely by the towel hanging loosely on his hips, still a little damp from the water with those stupidly perfect black strands of hair curling because of the moisture and chest on display.
Shit.. mistake after mistake.
„What did you want to talk about?” he asked casually moving towards his bedroom and she kindly waited until he put some clothes on.
„I gotta tell you something-” she cut off unsure of how to proceed with it. She knew the guy for ages and it was quite unnerving risking the friendship, but what was she supposed to do? It was either being on the square of being a ticking time bomb that might burst out talking about feelings in the least appropriate moment.
Yeah, Y/N could imagine herself confessing her love for him in the middle of the lecture while he was looking over her shoulder at her notes. Or - while doing some homework at the crowded library. Or while hanging out with the rest of batfamily (god forbid, she would confess with Dick around! Grayson would never let her live it down.)
Hell no!
If the cat was supposed to be let out of the bag, it was going to happen on her rules.
„Yeah sure, talking to me kinda requires telling me something, right?” he smirked walking towards the kitchen, leaving her behind for a second before she rushed right after him. In any other circumstances she would probably find some nicely aimed retort that would end up in them both teasing each other and then laughing together but this? This was a serious situation. You just don;t joke when it comes to the matters of heart.
„Mhm.. sure... yeah, well I--”
„Y/n?’ he asked with concern on his face „Are you all right, princess? You look-”
„I like you.” she blurted without any more analyzing.
„Ok? And?”
„What do you mean ok, and?” Y/N’s mind was spinning at the moment. The situation probably could not be any more bizarre.
Here she was, finally speaking her mind and admitting feelings and Jason was just shrugging and being all casual about it, stupidly drinking that stupid bottled water, even though she told him a million times how detrimental plastic was for the environment and --
„Y/N? Hey, hey you there?” he put a hand on her shoulder, leaning to look into her eyes „I know that look, you’re spinning. Come down to earth.” now he was laughing at her and she blushed like a fifteen year old.
„Jason. I like you.” she emphasized the word hoping he will finally get the hint.
And oh, damn, he did.
But this was not the reaction she was hoping for when Jason chocked on his water starting coughing desperately and hitting his chest to get rid of the liquid that went down the wrong pipe.
„You- you what now? Y/N? Are you fucking joking ?”
Her eyes were fixed on the ground, she couldn’t brace herself to look at his face, knowing well enough what she’ll see written all over it. Shock, disbelief, confusion. Maybe - in worst care - repulsion. But definitely not love and it made her want to disappear from the face of the earth in any way possible
„Y/N look at me.” god damn that deep voice full of care and concern. „Come on, just look at me.”
„Hey! Got you! Busted!” she laughed but with the amount of affectation dripping from her voice there was zero chances to convince anyone it was true.
„Y/N.” he said calmly, her name falling from her lips, given the situation becoming a curse rather than a sweet word. „Y/N, I’m sorry-”
„No.” she interrupted him „No, please, don’t be sorry.” her smile was way too sad to pull the trick „It’s okay.” Bullshit „I get it” lie „it doesn’t change a thing, right?” she punched his shoulder playfully, even while feeling less than playful. Maybe if she gave him a little more time, let the though of her loving him simmer down and -
„I like Artemis.” he confessed with the smallest voice ever. As if that was something shameful. Well maybe it was and maybe it was her fault he felt like that. Which only added to her sudden urge to cry.  Three simple words and her hopes landed six feet underground, covered with dirt, gravel, concrete and whatever else.
He liked Artemis.
„Oh......” she gasped, even though she probably should have seen this coming.
Of course he liked Artemis.
Of course he freaking liked Artemis.
This girl was fucking hot and it was everyone’s opinion.
Her figure, her hair, her face, her whole outlook - no campus social event could do without her picture being posted and commented. She might as well be a model.
But - she was not just a pretty face - her skills, her brain and rebellious attitude.... Yeah, Y/N should have probably seen it coming, but who comes prepared for a heartbreak?
„That’s um-- „ she gulped „that’s wonderful, really.” hypocrite „does she - um... does she like you back?’
Yeah, Y/n - keep stabbing the knife harder into your heart, you’re doing great work.
„Yeah... Yeah, I think she does. I mean I um - I’ve being seeing her for a while. Casually.”
Casually. Right.
And casual was the reason why he didn’t tell her a word.   
„It’s all right.”
„Y/N, please, I--”
„Stop making a fuss around it.” she chuckled, barely holding from sobbing. „just because you’re about to have a girlfriend...” it should have been me!! „... doesn’t mean we can’t still hang out, right? It;s not like some kind of Friends situation when Emily forbade Ross from seeing Rachel, right?” Y/N made a funny face trying to diffuse the tension.
„Of course not! You’re still my best friend, obviously! This little -- well, whatever it was, doesn’t change a thing right?”
„Of course not! Did you think you can get rid of me so easily” she rolled her eyes „I’ll be teasing you even in afterlife. I’ll keep haunting you forever.”
„Oh, so you’re assuming you’re gonna outdie me?”
„Wait, did you really think I’ll give you the satisfaction of you doing something first?”
She was definitely going to die before him.
Being the first person to die from a broken heart.
Maybe she was overreacting a bit
Maybe someone who was a casual observer would think she was crazy and there was no point in crying over split milk and she should have just got her shit together and move on.
Easier said than done.
Ever since she found out Jason liked Artemis life became an endless cycle of struggle. She couldn’t even find the strength to get out of bed in the morning or to care about simple simplest thing.
Obviously she put on a charming smile and kept on acting like everything she said to him was just a crazy joke, nothing serious etc, etc. But at the end of the day she was left drained from all the pretending.
And the worst part?
Once the secret was out in the open and Jason didn’t feel the need to hide it from her anymore he’s been hanging with Artemis pretty much all the time. To give him justice, he’s been inviting Y/N to join every time, but being the third wheel and watching the guy she liked flirting with another, hotter, girl was just to much to handle.
So she’s been spending time by herself, swimming in the sea of misery, cursing herself for not noticing anything earlier. For not saying something earlier.
Stupid little girl.
Life was unfair, people were leaving and in the end someone always ended up hurt.
And what was the point of anything, if despite all the efforts, that person happened to be you?
Would you be willing to destroy someone’s happiness only to get what you wanted, regardless of the cost?  
Would you?
Or would you just keep on suffering in silence?
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hearthown · 3 months
All of Grayson's entrances in TIG, THL & TFG are so memorable to me - like:
1. In TIG, he was the first Hawthorne Avery met AND he got her principal to vacate his OWN office so that he could talk to Avery & Libby alone
2. In THL, he appeared after Avery hadn't seen him for a whole week but the first thing he said was "Why wouldn't she be fine?" to Alisa while exiting an elevator with his GRAYSON HAWTHORNE AURA (there is no other way to explain the energy that he exudes)
3. In TFG, he flew back from Harvard for Avery's birthday and I vividly remember him saying "Ferris Wheel Leapfrog Death Match. This never ends well."
Like this man has such a powerful aura, I'm starting to believe that he can burn his enemies with that stare of his 😭
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ravcns · 1 year
Batfam x batsis!reader
info: growing up in the spotlight does some damage especially when you can’t catch a break, reader was adopted by bruce and this takes place in the last year of highschool
F/F/P = favorite food place
part: 1 2 3 4
Four girls walked together being escorted by a few staff members, flashing lights from students holding up their phones went off. The tallest one shielded the shorter girl’s face from the cameras until they arrived at the principals office. “Thank you Marie.” The girl smiled, “No problem. Is your dad coming or is he in some fancy conference?” She asked you, causing a laugh to escape from you. “He cant even make it to dinner I doubt he would make it to this.” You told her as the four of you sat in different chairs. “I wish my parents were chill my mom is going to kill me.” Camilla said, hugging her legs to her chest. “You’re so lucky that your dad never bothers you Y/N.” You forced a smile, “Yeah.”
Time seemed to move slow in the office. Nobody spoke to the girls, making them more nervous. The secretary that everybody knew was hooking up with their principal even though he was a married man would give them dirty looks every few minutes. Her name was Cheryl and she was one of the people who always managed to get your friend group in trouble, trying to get into the principal’s good graces. Eventually one by one each girl was called in until it was you. Your heart broke at the sight of Loralei coming out crying and her mom dropping a smile, immediately yelling at her in french. The secretary came out “Y/N Wayne.” She called your name with distaste. “L/N.” You said standing up and following her to the office.
The principal, Mr. Anderson, sat at his desk with a grim expression. “Take a seat Miss Wayne, you can leave Cheryl.” The old door creaked as it closed. “Miss Wayne-” “L/N.” You corrected him. “Miss L/N, are you aware of the trouble that you are in?” Then he continued, “Here at Gotham Academy we have a reputation to uphold. It seems you continuously try to tarnish that even though you come from a good background.” “Just because some rich dude adopts a kid does not mean they had a good background.” You said those last two words sarcastically. “Your father hasn’t answered any of our calls. Do you have a second contact that we can inform of the situation to come down here?” Mr. Anderson asked. You didn’t want to call the golden child but your first option was legally dead. “Dick Grayson, I’ll write down his number.” You tuned everything out when he called your brother.
Three knocks rang out before Mr. Anderson spoke, “Come in.” “I have Mr. Grayson here.” Cheryl informed him. You wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. The uniform you had on felt suffocating. “Mr. Anderson, Hi.” Dick greeted, taking the seat next to you. He looked at you weirdly which you couldn’t understand why until you inhaled the scent on your clothes.“Thank you for being here on such short notice.” Mr. Anderson shuffled some papers in front of him. “Y/N was among a group of girls who were caught by a staff member skipping classes in the girls lockeroom.” “Don’t you guys usually give detention for these things?” Dick asked, hoping you weren’t participating in the activity that caused the smell. “Mr. Grayson this isn’t her first offense. That’s not all they were also smoking the female staff member who walked in caught your sister with this.” He took your cart out to show him. Dick sighed, “What’s the punishment?” “We can kick her out of the school and this will be on her permanent record. It would make it quite difficult for Y/N to attend another school up to these standards.” He paused for a second as an idea crossed his mind, “$200 for this incident to be erased and for her to keep attending. This deal will be void if she manages to break the rules again during the last three months of school.” Dick took the deal and grabbed your arm, dragging you out of your seat.
The ride home was quiet until he parked in the driveway. “How old are you now?” He asked sarcastically, resting his hands on the steering wheel. “18.” “You need to act your age I don’t know what’s going on but what you pulled today was stupid. What would have happened if he wasn’t greedy? You wouldn’t be able to get into any colleges with that on your record.” You stared out the window at the suddenly intimidating house, “I’m getting suspended from patrol aren’t I?” You knew it was pointless asking, once Bruce heard about what had happened today you would be lucky if you were only suspended for awhile. “Just go inside.” Dick said, not meeting your eyes. So you did what he told you. As soon as you were out the front door you saw him through the windshield looking upset then he pulled out the driveway, quickly speeding off.
The house seemed empty you just locked the door and went up to your room, finally checking your phone. There was an active facetime call in your friends group chat so you joined. They all greeted you then Loralei asked, “So what happened?” You took a seat at your desk before speaking, “That greedy bitch wanted a bribe and my brother had to pay him.” “So that’s why he said it was taken care of and wouldn’t be on our record they had you pay.” Camila stated, clearly disgusted. “Way to take one for the team.” Marie joked. “I don’t even want to be here right now. When Bruce finds out what happened I am screwed.” You were afraid of what could happen then again how does somebody go from being an unwanted 17 year old in an orphanage to some famous potential heir to a company. Suddenly the group chat with all your siblings started going crazy. Then a phone call from crowbar chomper came in. “Hold on my brother is calling me.” You accepted it, “Hello.” “My dear sister it seems that you have gotten into some trouble.” Jason said. The sound of wind could be heard in the background so you assumed he was on his motorcycle. “Yes it appears that way.” He laughed, “If you want to lay low for the weekend come to my apartment. I already spoke to Roy he’s cool with it.” The offer was tempting so you took it. “Sounds good, I’ll pack a bag.” “Roy will be there in ten minutes. We planned to kidnap you if you didn’t say yes.” Jason informed you, causing a smile to grace your face for the first time that day. “Love you too.” You said. “I’ll see you later Cliff jumper.” He said then hung up. The name came from the amount of times you have been thrown off of a cliff or just even high places in general. You finished packing your bag then grabbed your backup cart.
Time passed quickly and soon Roy called you. “I’m out front.” He said. “I’ll be down in a sec.” You hung up then left your room. However on the couch downstairs was Damian. “L/N, making your escape?” He words held distaste, which was new. You and him got along pretty well since he was only a year younger than you. “Yes and I would appreciate it if you don’t tell Bruce until he realizes it.” You explained, hoping he would agree. “Okay.” Damian looked like he wanted to say something but just went back to looking at his phone, probably texting Rachel. You quickly walked out the front door, jumping in Roy’s car. “Wanna stop and get food? We have to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning.” He told you. “Sure, can we get something from F/F/P?” You asked. “Sounds good.”
At the apartment you two sat on the stools in front of the counter, talking about the most random things. The topic of father figures came up. “Does it ever get easier?” You asked him. Roy took a sip of his drink then answered, “Sometimes, other times shit can happen. You can still fix things you know? You haven’t even spoken to Bruce yet.” “He is always in some fucking meeting even when I finally see him he just suspends me for a week or two. It’s like I’m just something he quickly tries to deal with and then ignore it until there is a problem again.” You explained to him. “Kid you still got years to figure this stuff out, but you will.” He took a bite of his food then spoke after he finished chewing, “And hey maybe the family dynamic just isn’t working, it’s not your fault. The Batgirl mantle can become something else.” Suddenly you weren’t interested in your food anymore. “I can see it but that’s the problem, I don’t know who I am if i’m not her. Everyone else who had the title did so much but I keep making mistakes.” Roy had this knowing look on his face. “Your 18 now I say let Bruce suspend Batgirl, pick up a new mantle, and figure it out from there. Or you could start a regular life who knows, it may do wonders.”
The front door opened and Jason walked in, taking a seat across from you. “So what are we talking about?” He asked. “I think it’s time this bat flew the cave.” Roy said. “Now that sounds like a plan.” Jason stated, stealing some of your food. You picked up your phone to see the time, they would all be out on patrol right now. You took the time to update your friends, choosing the larger group chat first; arkham escapees. They thought you faced the wrath of Bruce. Once being informed of what happened Eunwoo complained, “Who’s going to set me up with her hot brother now.” When asked who he meant the junior replied with, “All of them.” But then also added how he hoped you were okay and didn’t get sent off to some reform school upstate New york or some rural midwest one. You sent a quick text, “guys i am ok i didn’t see bruce yet i’m staying w my brother at his place 🫡.” Then you checked the news. Jason and Roy talking to one another while you scrolled. Texts came in from your friends Kim, Callan, Thalia, Jake, Evan, and Naomi. “next thing you know they got her on the news as a runaway.” Naomi joked. “#FREE Y/N 2023.” Jake said. “retweet” Thalia replied. “Ok but what if the news actually does coverage on this?” Eunwoo asked. “Don’t speak that into existence smh.” Kim told him.
Suddenly your phone started ringing and you threw it down on the table. Jason took a look at who was calling and said, “Just answer it they can track your phone so they know your here.” You turned you phone off, Taking out your personal one that you have under an account with a fake id. You texted the other gc they had with this number. “ou she’s on her burner phone guys.” Camila said. “it’s an iphone 12 pro goodbye.” you told them. “Since when did you have that? Jason asked. “Around six months after I moved in.” You replied.
It was 11:00pm and you were growing tired. Jason noticed and said, “Take my room I will take the couch.” “No it’s fine I can sleep on the couch.” You said. “Y/N, I will put you in there and board up the door. There’s enough granola bars to last you a month and the bathroom is connected to there so you will be good.” He joked. “Okay Okay I’ll take the bed. Goodnight.” You got up and grabbed your bag and went to the room. It was very clean which surprised you but then again, they usually were sleeping at their safe houses or on missions somewhere. The group chat had a call going for an hour or two then you told them goodnight and left to try and sleep. Unlike other things today, sleep came easy for you.
Someone was banging on the front door. You texted the group chat to see who was awake. “bitch someone is at my brothers front door knocking like crazy.” Evan responded immediately, “prob eunwoo tryna get his man.” “I know I thirst over her brothers but keep in mind me and Drew are dating plus we both do so it’s okay.” His text was followed by a picture of him and his partner together on the couch, Drew holding up a picture of Tim and Dick. “tim is literally 20 and dick is even older also how does this help nobody seems to have woken up do i go check.” You texted. “everything aside i think your family probably sent the search party by now.” Drew said, they were being realistic so you decided to get up to go check. “wish me luck.” You sent your last text.
The apartment was dark, dimly lit by the street lights from outside and the moon. You kept your footsteps quiet and checked the peephole. Out of all people you did not expect him. You texted the group chat, “speak of the devil and he shall appear it was tim guys.” “Then who’s place are you at? I thought Dick lived in Bludhaven.” Drew asked. Time to play sibling roulette. You typed up a response, “at dukes place with his friend.” The knocking started up again. This time Jason woke up asking, “Who’s at the door?” “Tim.” You told him. “I’ll answer it go to the room.” He told you, instead you stood in the hallway by the two bedrooms out of site. Roy opened his door, rubbing his eyes, “Do you know what time-” You shushed him, “Tim is here keep it down I wanna eavesdrop.” Jason opened the door, “How much coffee did you drink that you had to come here at four in the morning?” “Y/N didn’t come home and never responded to our group chat. I know she’s here.” Tim said. Jason pretended to be annoyed, “She left yesterday a little bit before midnight, sorry.” He went to close the door. “So you wouldn’t mind if I took a look around?” The younger one asked. Roy came up with an idea, opening his bedroom door so you could go in then he normally walked up to them. “What’s going on I’m trying to sleep.” You could tell Roy stayed here more often based on the state of his room. “Jason I’m tired and don’t feel like playing games, where is she?” Tim asked again. Roy started talking and trying to sympathize with him by saying, “I understand how worried you all must be. I’ll shoot Y/N a text seeing if she wants to hang out to see if she responds.”
Two figures stepped out, one on each side of Tim. Dick and Damian. Dick pushed the door further open and walked inside, looking around. The other two followed. “Tim stay here with them, Damian check Roy’s bedroom I will check Jason’s. It sounded like people were getting closer and you looked around. There wasn’t much hiding space and you knew you were being irrational at this point. You just did not want to go back there right now so you hid in a stupid place, the closet. Footsteps could be heard in the bedroom you had accepted your fate by now. The closet door opened, “You know you could have left through the window.” He said. “Wanna do me a favor?” You asked. “No, father is actually extremely upset about the stunt you pulled in school.” Damian told you, grabbing your arm to get you out of the closet. “Sorry.” He said.
The three men in the entry way looked up when Damian and you came into view. “Thought she wasn’t here?” Dick sarcastically questioned. “Can we go now? I want to sleep.” Tim stated. Jason and Roy looked at you sympathetically as they your siblings escorted you out and to the car. After being on the road for awhile in silence Dick spoke up, “B said he will talk to you after the gala tomorrow.” You had forgotten all about that event. Once again when Dick dropped everyone he sped away very quickly. When you all walked in everyone parted ways. They didn’t even look at you. In your room you changed into fluffy pants and a hoodie then left to go to Cass’ room. Reaching the outside of her room the door opened sometimes you are still surprised by how easily she senses someone being there. She let you in and you cried in her arms. There were many nights like this where your sister comforted you even without saying much, “It will be okay sleep now.” You were almost sorry that you planned on leaving once school ended but decided to push that thought away, falling into a dreamless sleep.
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kissorkill15 · 2 months
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
avery as a boy mom head canons
@smalina requested this in the comment section under one of my posts so here it is! i literally had to remake this post bc it glitched just like my averyjameson one and i had to type everything again (cause i write everything directly on tumblr and not on google docs so i didn't have another copy of my work). not proof read bc im done with this. hope you like it!
she'd send toby postcards with updates on her son (or kids in general) like her mom used to do with him.
the pregnancy would be really hard on her. morning sickness, unbearable back pain, braxton hicks contractions (or however that's spelled)
he used to love picking flowers for her. he found out her favorites were orchids (also her moms) and started planting them in their garden. he surprised her with them one day and she literally cried
he always kisses her cheek before he heads to school bc, according to him, it'll be a bad day if he doesn't.
loves asking for fashion advice from her bc over the years, she's learned a lot.
they have a cookbook together with all of their favorite recipes.
she makes sure to include him in all of the family's decision making. like at some point, they were looking for a condo to sometimes live in when they wanted to escape hawthorne house, and they made him choose his favorite so that he knew his opinion was important to them.
he learned how to play chess at six like his mom.
they go on missions stealing pens from grayson's pencil collection together.
i head canon that he learned how to paint (thanks to grayson) and sometimes paints these beautiful landscapes for her to hang in their house.
she's literally his #1 biggest supporter. he'd learn all of his colors and she'll swing him around kissing his cheek. it makes him feel loved
speaking of her being supportive, he loves hearing her approval so much that when he learns something new, he'll hop on her bed at night and tell her all about it bc he loves hearing her congratulate him.
she pinches his nose when he isn't listening or gets distracted (really lightly but still)
he does his hmk with her a lot bc it helps him concentrate. they'll talk about each other's days and stuff and it makes him feel loved.
he used to make homemade cards and write messages in them for avery. he'd look up youtube videos to make them look special and stuff.
he once convinced her to get him a shirt that says 'i have the best mom ever' written on it.
he loves playing with barbie dolls with her. he especially likes going out to buy new ones with her bc they have a lot of fun judging and rating them
he used to do chores a lot to earn money (which he obviously doesn't have to do cause they have a lot of it but he likes feeling like he earned it) and he'd use that money to buy avery flowers or sweaters
she sometimes gets sad bc he asks her about his grandmother and she never knows what to respond.
he loves braiding her hair (just like i hc jamie does). he loves playing with hair in general (grayson's especially). he likes burying his nose in it and stuff.
she's super protective (but not in a toxic way). he once got punished at school for defending a kid getting bullied. she said such draw dropping things to the principal he revoked the punishment and made him class president (moral of the story, don't mess with avery)
she usually knows when jamie and him are pranking her, but she knows it means a lot to her son so she acts surprised.
they love looking at picture books together of jamie and her on trips when they were younger. he asks tons of questions and it makes him feel like he knew them when they were younger (they sit on the floor with tons of pictures around them laughing)
avery made him this board he can hang stuff on so that, whenever they go on trips and he gets a new souvenir (keychain or charm), he can hang it up there. he wants to travel the world when he's older.
when they go on trips together, avery puts him on her shoulders so that he can see everything. he's really curious and hates feeling excluded.
he loves reading and talking to avery about all of his favorite books. he's super into thrillers and murder mysteries.
she loves buying him sweaters because she finds them super cute on him and he loves them too cause they’re soft. she tends to buy them in green so that it matches his eyes (he has jamie’s eyes)
when he was really young (like newborn), she used to love playing with his hair. he didn’t have much of it, but what he did have was really soft and she found playing with it to be comforting
when he’d have nightmares, she’d cradle him in her arms and sing him to sleep. he found her voice super comforting and thought it chased away the ‘bad guys trying to scare him’
avery always had to change his clothes when he was younger. he used to undress himself and walk around naked all of the time forcing avery to put his clothes back on or he’d be spilling stuff on his shirt which avery would then have to replace.
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justgowithitplease · 1 year
Tumblr media
Dick Grayson:
Cats, Bats, and Everything Unseen
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
S/O That gets love letters often
Your hair looks pretty in curls
Jason Todd:
Forever Families and Bacon
Jason Todd and Tim Drake pining after an oblivious reader
Tim Drake:
Black Belt S/O
Jason Todd and Tim Drake pining after an oblivious reader
Computer scientist s/o
Cassandra Cain:
Cass x Oblivious Reader
Cass x Reader Slow Burn (Teaser)
Duke Thomas:
None yet!
Stephanie Brown:
None yet!
Damian Wayne:
'Are you still mad at me?' (Older sister)
Bruce Wayne:
None yet!
Selina Kyle:
None yet!
Ted Nivison:
Trying Caribbean Food
Foolish Gamers:
None yet!
My Good Boy
Gillion Tidestrider:
None yet!
Jay Ferrin:
None yet!
None yet!
Harley Quinn :
None yet!
None yet!
King Shark:
None yet!
Captain Boomerang:
None yet!
Shouta Aizawa:
None yet!
Hizashi Yamada:
None yet!
Toshinori Yagi:
Nemuri Kayama:
Principal Nezu (Platonically):
None yet!
Katsuki Bakugo:
None yet!
Denki Kaminari:
None yet!
Mezou Shoji:
None yet!
Eijiro Kirishima:
None yet!
Hanta Sero:
None yet!
Momo Yaoyorozu:
None yet!
Mina Ashido:
None yet!
Tsuyu Asui:
None yet!
Ochako Uraraka:
None yet!
Shoto Todoroki:
None yet!
Fumikage Tokoyami:
None yet!
Mashirao Ojiro:
None yet!
Tenya Iida:
None yet!
Kyoka Jiro:
None yet!
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pietropudge · 6 months
we need a series of the onlypreds professor PLEASE
part 2! (read part 1 here -> lessons)
a/n — decided to make these a bit shorter to keep up with posting, plus I'm juggling some longer requests, so the vore in this one is also quite short. I promise, Mr. Grayson will get feed good in a future part!
summary — So, your teacher is a pred... it can't be all bad, right?
words — 1.8k (again, shorter, sorry!)
warnings — vore! anal vore and some light smut (not proofread)
It had been about two weeks since you learned that your favorite teacher was a world-class predator. Well, if you count the forty-one and dwindling subscribers to be the entire world. In Mr. Grayson’s eyes, they might as well be. So many videos already existed of him devouring people on OnlyPreds, which was proof enough that the whole world could be in danger of his appetite, no matter your popularity or status or wealth. It only determined what cut of meat you were to him, from ground chuck to a flake of tenderloin. All of it was just seasoning, tenderness, and irrefutable texture on his tongue, vitamin E from the fat in the human body for his large loads of cum, and most importantly, the feeling of being full for his ass.
You had oriented yourself well to his needs, taking up the responsibility of grading all of his papers and assignments so that he could spend his days and slow class periods perusing the halls and high rises of various apartments in search of his next snack. It was like opening the cupboards at home and expecting the food to reappear as he checked in each restroom, doing his usual sweep when he didn’t have a class to teach. Normally, the teachers were simply expected to check the student bathrooms for vaping and kids that were ballsy enough to ditch class but still show up at school. If they were found doing any sort of drug-related or blatantly culpable activities, then they had to take a walk with the teacher to the principal's office. But Mr. Grayson was different. He appended himself to some rules, but he knew that others didn’t work. Punishments the school administered weren’t enough to really change the youth in the way that he wanted to see it happen. So, he frequented the restrooms to catch and instill a level of fear that the school wasn’t willing to take the lengths to go to.
Arnie—his name was. Mr. Grayson had seen him taking several hits of his vape upon entering the bathroom. He tried to hide it up the sleeve of his hoodie, the cuff being taut enough to hold it against his wrist. Mr. Grayson moved to the opposite side of the bathroom, pretending to stand at a urinal and relieve himself with his pants unbuttoned and lowered. His now-untucked dress shirt was the only thing preventing his ass from being exposed to the harsh fluorescents of the school bathroom, one move away from being vulnerable. But he was more like a predator circling his prey in the final stand-off, Arnie still stiff as he washed his hands with the thin vape being just one wrong move from slipping out and exposing himself. 
One waits for the hiss—the initiating attack. As Arnie turned the faucet handle, he went for the hand dryers along the wall that connected the polar sides of the room. It was waist-high, his hands naturally sitting level with the hungry hole covered by a thin veil of fabric. Mr. Grayson met him in the middle, lifting up his shirt so Arnie’s wet hands would go someplace warm, but not to dry. It was almost avoidable, but the swiftness of Mr. Grayson and the careful—yet slow—motions of the student as he maneuvered with care to keep his vape suspended meant that his hands couldn’t pull away fast enough. His wet hands made it easy to slip right into Mr. Grayson’s crack, his hole doing the rest of the work to pull them in all the way up to his wrists, wrapped around them tighter than his sleeves. They detained him like a thick pair of handcuffs. 
“And what’s that I feel?” Mr. Grayson clenched his cheeks, pressing Arnie’s wrists closer together so that he could feel the mouthpiece of his vape digging into his palmar. It ended up slipping out of his sleeve and onto the floor, just out of Arnie’s reach, and that’s when the dread started to build. 
Arnie spewed out the usual pleas about how “he wouldn’t do it again!” He promised, cried, and begged all the way until his face was pulled in, followed by the rest of him. Mr. Grayson particularly favored the part where Arnie’s cheeks were smushed against his own, his speech slurred and muffled as he twisted his head in every direction to avoid going into the dark depths of his ass. It only added to the pleasure felt, each hot breath exhumed in a panic only made him think about snuffing it out. Mr. Grayson also liked to think that he represented something to those who couldn’t stay clean, showing them how shitty things could really get.
All the while, he filled you in on this as you were forced to stay after class, listening to his symphony of belches on a loop. He let you sit at his desk while he sat on the desk, threatening to split the wooden parts of it down the middle with his extra weight. You had to tell your job that you needed fewer shifts on the schedule in order to finish the workload Mr. Grayson dumped on you. To think that all of this started because you found his dirty little secret, which felt more as if he was holding it over your head. Of course, he was still making you pay to watch his illicit recordings. He made you pay for these talks, too, where he filled you in on every excruciating detail that he could find to make you squirm. You pressed your legs together underneath the desk in an attempt to alleviate the hard-on he was giving you.
“And then he was, lighten up a little!” Your teacher laughed, eyes following your motions as you flipped through another student’s essay. “It’s almost like you don’t care about me being well-fed. He felt great, his bones really snapped into place. I think he learned his lesson.”
"Oh, here, I saved this for you," he said, reaching to presumably his back pocket, taking a second to dig out the aforementioned vape from his story and place it on the desk. "I had to confiscate it, so it might taste a little like my hole, if you know what I mean. Just don't let me catch you hitting it." He was back to laughing at his own jokes.
You were too busy trying to finish the work he had given you. You couldn’t leave—well, you hadn’t tried, but the possible result of doing so seemed to be futile—until the work was done. Entertaining wasn’t a requirement to finishing the work, so you focused on getting the final paper before you done. It was turned in by a kid who wasn’t as verbose as his peers, only filling the front and back of a singular page with his written report. This last paper would be your key to going home for the night if you weren’t interrupted by the predator whose thighs and stomach filled half the damn desk you worked on. Slowly, his weight was peeled from the desk and he came closer to you. Mr. Grayson’s hand wheeled the chair out from between the desk to expose your lap, his little story about his latest meal making you pitch a tent. “I think you need to learn yours.”
“Relax, I’m not going to eat you… or, am I?” He snickered, his ass planted firmly in your lap. You were still unsure of his intentions, and he could play with them easily. What was left of Arnie filled the space between your two bodies. It was enough to rest your arms on, but you kept your elbows and forearms glued to the armrests. The rumblings of his stomach could still be felt on your chest. “Besides, there’s something else I want you to listen to.”
Mr. Grayson started grinding down on your crotch, stimulating you through the bottoms you chose to wear today. The motions of him pressing against you elicited another burp from him that went directly to your face. “I need help growing my audience. I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve been getting less engagement. You’re a… you know. What could I do to grow it? I got the eating part down, but I just need the viewers.”
“I’d start with some thirst traps. Anonymously, of course. Maybe a page for your ass? Fuck, I don’t know…” You knew that you needed some kind of release. The weight of him, the way it was almost crushing every bone he sat on, his legs split to make room for his stomach, which was a concoction of gurgles and physical shifts as it moved the processed remains of your classmate inside through the bends of his intestines. Just the physical touch alone from that was enough to drive you to the edge, a far cry from what his videos did to you every night.
“You can do better…” He said, rocking his hips against you faster.
Another wave of meaty breath his against you, repulsive and reeking of copper and salty meat from his latest meal. You offered another idea to him,  “I’ll start a rumor?”
“Better…” He said, ceasing movement. The idea wasn’t good enough for him.
“Make a gainer account? You can fill your belly—fuck—pretty well.” Your hips pressed up into his immovable weight. “And you keep adding on to your ass a lot, so the results would draw people in. Plus, you can post it across a shit ton of websites. Not just OnlyPreds. You—you can tease them with the aftermath of your meals, too. Cut off the videos right before it gets good?”
“That’s good.” He said, bringing himself back to his feet and depriving you of his sensations. He was already listening to you by cutting things off just before they got good. “I’ll finish this paper, you go on home and take care of that.”
You grabbed your school supplies, heading out into the dark of night. School ended at three on the dot, and here you were, working the clock to help out your teacher. Your car sputtered and fought with you all the way until you got home, most of it caused by the neediness you had to come. By the time you pulled into the driveway, your phone had buzzed with several notifications in the cupholder of your car. There was either an impossible walk into your house, or, you could just look at them right now. 
Lo and behold, a post was uploaded already. Mr. Grayson must have lived closer to the school than you because he had already made a new account with his first post. It was pretty standard—a few pictures of his belly and a full backside view to show all of the ways his gains benefitted him. The account was under the same name as his OnlyPreds—good, that was good for traction. You could feel yourself pitching a tent already… yeah, the more content, the better for you. Maybe being his bitch wouldn’t be so bad.
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redrapscalian · 9 months
Jim Gordan’s office was Dick Grayson’s version of the principal’s office. He was a perfect little angel in school and was never sent to the principal, but as Robin he was constantly in trouble for breaking a man’s spine and Jim would have to call Bruce and be like “it’s your feral child again, come pick him up.”
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