#prompt - loss
butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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What if there is a world where Jack and Janet swapped, and who got the coma, etc.?
I mostly thought of this cuz I had an amusing thought at work that goes something like this: Ra's: "Your father must have been quite the man, Timothy. With just how perfectly you turned out. " Tim: "No, I got it from my mother. And if you know what's best for you, stay away from her. " ---Time Skip--- Janet walks into Wayne Manor: "Timothy, what have I told you about letting your stuff lie about in its improper place?" Tim: "Not, too, Mother. I'm sorry for being so thoughtless." Janet hands Tim a suspicious jar: "I'll be merciful this time; your surgery is booked for tomorrow, so make sure to get your affairs in order." Janet turns to Damien and hands him a card. "This is out of courtesy, child. Make sure not to repeat the mistake. Either of you." She eyes Jason and Damien. "And Mr. Grayson, you're on thin ice, too, for the attempted hospitalization of my Timothy." And with that, she walks back out. Bruce hesitantly asks: "Tim... Why did Janet hand Damien a sorry for your loss card?" Tim: "Well, since I now have my spleen in a jar, Bruce, I'm pretty sure Ra's is dead." Part 2:
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jordanstrophe · 5 months
Whumpee awakens curled in the backseat in someone's arms.
They look down, their entire torso is drenched with blood.
They start to panic, but someone holds them tightly. "Shhh, shh sh, it's okay, go back to sleep. Close your eyes." Someone grabs a blanket and covers their chest with it.
"You're going to be fine, I got you. Go back to sleep... Please."
A hand brushes over their face and closes their eyes. Whumpee finds themselves doing what the voice tells them to.
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anonymousangstmonster · 3 months
Prompt #83 “Deaf and Blind”
The Fentons captured Phantom.
When they brought it to the lab, they waisted no time starting their experiments. The first of which had the result of injuring the ghost on such a deep level.
It was put in a ghost proof glass box, there were speakers and lights imbedded in the floor.
The test involved seeing how it would respond to a specific kind of light and a specific sound frequency that were both known to deter ghosts.
Once they turned it on, all Danny could hear was a loud droning screech and all he could see was white. He clutched his ears with his hands and closed his eyes as tight as he could.
It did nothing to stop the pain assaulting his senses.
It felt like whatever was hurting him had stopped, his vision was dark and all he could hear was a quiet ringing.
His throat felt sore, so he had probably been screaming; his legs were shaking, so he let them collapse and he fell to the floor in a heap; he felt that his core was strained, so he let himself revert to human form.
The Fenton parents were horrified when the ghost revealed itself to be their son, devastated by what they had just done to him.
He slowly realized that he couldn’t hear or see anything, that he was bleeding from his ears.
His parents had deafened and blinded him.
Maddie rushed over to him to try and comfort him. At first he thought she was Jazz come to rescue him, but she guided his hand to feel her short hair and goggles around her neck.
He cowered back into the corner of the box, frantically begging for them to stop, even though he couldn’t hear his own voice.
She tries to tell him that they won’t hurt him anymore by hugging him and and rubbing his back and kissing his forehead.
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
This is a reminder to leave your whumpee absolutely ruined.
Leave them shaking like a leaf, hardly able to draw a breath.
Leave them covered in so many bruises they can barely move without wincing.
Leave them absolutely blanketed in scars that will never fade.
Leave them rocking back and forth, tears streaming down their face in the midst of a panic attack.
Leave them unable to be near another person without eyeing them warily and flinching every time they move.
Leave them so out of it they can’t see, can’t hear, can’t speak, can’t move, can’t think.
Leave them stumbling and tripping over their own feet, scrambling to get back up each time as they try to escape.
Leave them struggling against the encroaching darkness as they bleed out.
Leave them half-drowned, soaked to the bone, clothes clinging to them as they sputter and gasp on the floor.
Leave them shivering, teeth chattering, trying to rub warmth back into their body.
Leave them delirious with fever, head lolling, eyes unfocused, covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
Leave them begging for mercy, promising to do anything just to make it stop.
Leave them exhausted, barely able to keep their eyes open let alone put one foot in front of the other.
Leave them so broken they can’t bring themself to care about anyone or anything.
Leave them a blubbering mess, stumbling over their words trying to say the right thing to please whumper.
Leave them so mortified by everything that’s happened to them that they don’t even want to be found anymore because they don’t want people to know.
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So Fawcett city has that whole multiple era fashion and building things going on. That but for Amity park. Because of ghosts wearing literally what ever and the Drs.Fentons jump suits extremely “alternate” clothes have just become normalized and nobody really cares anymore as long as you are still wearing clothes.
Danny, as someone who spends way more time with ghosts and ghost clothing choices is so completely desensitized to Ghost Fashion ™ that he just straight up can’t tell human heroes, rouges, or civilians apart from each other.
Danny in Gotham: *after walking past multiple rouges in their full costumes* No officer I haven’t seen anyone dressed strangely. Oh, there’s an Arkham breakout? *Sees the Red Hood* yeah that’s just a regular guy who’s a bit spooky, like most of Amity. :p
In Central City: *Sees the Flash* well, that’s just some guy ™ that likes red
Metropolis: *multi supers ending up near Danny due to his concerning “vitals”* huh, there’s a lot of people wearing Superman related clothes here, must be a trend.
Not even Discowing can phase Danny
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Ok but a character who's usually good with words, good at debating, speaks well and intelligently - until they're injured badly and all they can manage to say is "it hurts"
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whumpster-dumpster · 4 months
Soulmate AU where soulmates share a sense of taste. Character A knowing Character B hasn't been eating because they haven't tasted anything in a while. Their tongue itching when they eat something A is allergic to. Knowing they're overworking when it's cold coffee for hours on end. Knowing they're sick when they taste bitter bile. Knowing they're in trouble when all they can taste is blood.
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vladdyissues · 1 month
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Day 11: Shells
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Cale, when he was being placed back into his body after the GoD test, found himself in a weird empty place.
The only thing in it is a pedestal, and on that pedestal is an intricate, golden pocketwatch.
It's open, and has far too many hands. He can see the gears inside it, and even though none of the seventeen hands are moving, the gears are. If he looks closer at the gears, he can start to see...something.
It looked like space. Like a galaxy, hidden in between the gears.
He pokes around it for a bit, but nothing happens. It just sits there, looking shiny and expensive.
He had no idea what this thing was, but...it was probably worth a lot. If it wasn't, the kids would like it.
He reaches out, grabs it, and wakes up in his body, surrounded by shields and people telling him not to move.
Except the next time he tries to use Instant, time freezes all around him; and his body has no ill effects. In fact, he can feel not only his time, but every single version of himself at all points in time.
The drawback comes after he stops using the power; every orifice that can bleed, does, and he faints from blood loss so intense that his regeneration Power can't keep up.
He calls a meeting with Jack and Cage later, to find out what the fuck happened.
She takes one look at him and dives for the bar. Jack takes a longer look and joins her.
"You crazy bastard," Cage says between swigs, refusing to look at Cale.
"How did you steal a god's power?" Jack asks, voice high pitched as he shakily pours himself a glass of wine.
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arachnesbich · 1 year
Ghost cores being mistaken for something like an egg is a niche in this fandom that makes me so feral, I have so many fic prompt ideas.
One thought that keeps going through my head is Danny gets hurt some how (Escaping GIW? The Fentons vivisection?) and ends up in the care of a hero. There isn’t enough ectoplasm around him to heal his wounds and keep him alive at the same time, so in order to preserve energy and focus on healing he needs to retreat into his core and go into a sort of ghost coma.
Deciding to put his trust this hero, Danny tries to explain that his injuries are too severe to heal in his current state, he ‘can’t stay’, but doesn’t have anywhere to keep his core safe. He cannot stress enough just how important his core is, how fragile it is, about how he didn’t have anyone he could trust to properly take care of it, and just begging them to keep GIW away from his core.
The hero agrees to take care of their core and not turn it over to the government, if only to calm him down so they could attempt to treat his injuries to the best of their abilities. Hearing them promise to take care of him until he’s well enough to take care of himself gives Danny enough relief to just disappear. He literally fades from existence, leaving behind a bright green orb the size of a crystal ball.
In a mix of adrenaline, panic, and blood loss, Danny gives the hero the impression that he’s an meta/alien that escaped from government experimentation, begged them to take care of his ‘core’ and keep it safe from the government that was experimenting on him, died on their couch, and left behind a fucking egg the color of the Lazarus pit/Kryptonite.
After some time Danny heals enough to be semi-conscious and, feeling a little guilty/embarrassed about making this random hero responsible for him, tries to force his reforming before he has enough ectoplasm to return to his original teenage/adult form. He ends up reforming way younger than he really is (maybe he has just enough ectoplasm to form as a toddler/baby instead of a teenager, maybe he reforms at his ghost age, maybe his mind is so focused on the embarrassment of being cradled and cared for like a baby that his ectoplasm is like: “Oh, OK. So we’re a baby now :D ”), giving more credence to the thought of it being an egg that just hatched.
Just shenanigans with the hero trying to take care of an egg then a meta baby, while said meta baby tries to figure out how to get back to his original state.
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serickswrites · 5 months
You're Awake
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, unconsciousness, blood, blood loss, rescue, caretaker and whumpee
Whumpee clawed their way back to consciousness. They were exhausted. Days and days of torture at Whumper's hand had taken its toll on their body. Between the pain and blood loss, Whumpee had passed out while Whumper worked on them.
But now was time to wake up. They needed to be awake. Need to be alert enough to figure out a plan to get away. To escape. They had to wake up.
The dimly room was musty and freezing. Wherever Whumper had been keeping Whumpee, it hadn't been used in a long time. A scraping sound had Whumpee wrenching their eyes open.
"Oh good, you're awake," a familiar voice came from the far side of the room.
"C-C-Caretaker," Whumpee croaked. Their throat was raw from all their screaming over the last several days.
"I'm here, Whumpee, I'm here." Caretaker came into Whumpee's field of vision. They cupped Whumpee's cheek with their warm hand. Whumpee leaned into their soft, tender touch. "I am sorry it took me so long to get here."
"You're here," Whumpee said as they gave a sigh of relief. Caretaker was here. They were saved.
"Let's get you out of these cuffs."
"Whumper?" Whumpee dared to hope that Whumper was gone.
"Taken care of, love. Don't worry. They can't hurt you anymore."
Whumpee sighed. Whumper was gone. Caretaker was here. They were safe. Suddenly everything seemed lighter and softer. They began to close their eyes once more.
"Ah, ah, none of that, Whumpee. Keep your eyes open." Caretaker's voice was urgent. So urgent. But Whumpee couldn't bring themself to care.
"Mmmmm," was all they could manage.
"Shit. Whumpee. Whumpee! Love, look at me. Open your eyes. Where's all this blood from? Whumpee!"
Whumpee wanted to tell Caretaker where Whumper had sliced through layers and layers of skin. Wanted to tell Caretaker where they had been stabbed. Wanted to tell Caretaker about all their aches and pains. But they were so cold. And tired. And most of all, they were safe. Whumpee sank back into the darkness, knowing that Caretaker had them, and they would be safe. No matter what.
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Ectoberhaunt 2023. Day 17. Blood and Flesh.
CW: TW! Recurrent pregnancy loss. TW!Abortion. TW!Bleeding
Maddie: Jack, we need to talk. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I think Phantom, the ghost boy, is actually our son. And I’m sure Danny and Jazz know about it too.
What if we bring down on the Fentons the knowledge that they have ghost children without revealing Phantom’s identity?
Of course Maddie wanted to have children. But…Not in college. She felt it was too soon. The lack of stable earnings and time were not conditions for growing a new person. She had nothing to give this potential child. Maddie did not hesitate long before deciding to have an abortion.
And for years, neither Jack nor Maddie have thought about this unplanned pregnancy.
Ectoplasm is toxic, obviously. But since ectology was only recently recognized by the scientific community, no one has ever fully analysed the effects of ectoplasm on the body.
When Maddie and Jack had the misfortune to become one of those couples experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss, they immediately suspected that the ectoplasm in their lab contributed to their reproductive difficulty. Put simply, death didn’t go with life.
They may not always have followed the lab’s safety rules perfectly, but is that why one of their first works will be exposing a teratogenic effect of ectoplasm? What if they’ve lost their only chance to be biological parents?
What a cruel price to pay for the work of life. Jack and Maddie so dreamed of their little happiness. Do they have to forget about it?
No, the Fentons don’t give up that easily!
They may have to spend a few years doing only theoretical work, but they’ll try again.
Ectoplasm is toxic. Tests, hopes…and a few miscarriages too.
Jazz was a miracle. Fenton family literally didn’t get out of hospitals to look after her health.
Danny was an even bigger miracle, because they didn’t have any hope of having a second child. Maddie and Jack didn’t even plan this pregnancy. Danny was born premature, with signs of hypoxia... but alive. His potential twin was not so lucky. Single intrauterine fetal death (sIUFD).
Right. Death still followed them. Of course, parents didn’t tell Jazz and Danny that they might have had another brother. It was their grief. Children had no reason to know about it.
"You filthy ghost!" Maddie stopped to rest after a chase for elder Phantom.
"Exhausted?" Dan was flying at a safe distance from her. "Maybe it’s time to retire, Maddie? A little exercise never stopped you before." The ghost was clearly making fun of her.
"Not going to happen, I’ll do it until I die if Amity Park need it. And my son will be here to stop you instead of me after me or Jack."
The smile on Ghost’s face faded immediately. "I hope he die first." The ghost whispered in a hoarse voice."It's best for everyone."
"What did you say?" Maddie rose up in anger, pointing her weapon at it.
"Has any thought crossed your mind about what happens to your children if anything happens to you? Go out every day and yell like idiots, attracting all the ghosts around." An ectoblast is blowing right up against her temple and crashing into the wall. The ghost frowned and turned away. "Did you ever think that Danny wouldn’t want to live without you? Did you think that he would be hurt if he had to lose you? No! Is it always about your stupid desires and ambitions, Mom."
For a moment Maddie thought he it was looking at her like it had seen a ghost, which was obviously just ridiculous. Maddie wanted to laugh about it, but somehow she couldn’t. Why would the ghost trying to fake human emotion care to hide the tears that gather in the corners of its eyes?
Maddie tried to get it out of her head. Anyway, it’s not that important. Phantoms have always been atypical. She’ll come home, take a warm shower, and tell Danny how much she loves him.
Maddie: My son is a strong boy and Dan: He’s weak! He’s a freak! He can’t handle it, Mom!
Maddie had long pondered this theory since the day Jack admitted that Phantom had misspoke during the fight and called him his father but she had never experienced it before. Or maybe she wasn’t paying attention.
Maddie: Hey, Phantom, just a question, how old are you? Dan: Why are you changing the subject? Twenty-four, twenty-five… Hell, I don’t remember. Stopped counting after 17, nobody cares anyway. And her first months dating Jack were 24 years ago. Right. The eyebrows, the shape of eyes and the height is all from Jack. The waist and the side eye from her. Theoretically. Still need more proof.
Dan: Is this all your frail human form can do?
Maddie walked past the Casper High playground when she saw a ghost flying around. It was one of the new ones. The Phantom’s full-grown specimen. More dangerous. And totally unpredictable. Maddie squeezed the gun harder. Her theories are just theories and she can’t have such a dangerous spirit near the school, near her children.
Danny: Shut up and give me my bottle of water, asshole.
This voice. Maddie stopped in shock. What’s her boy doing so close to a ghost? He’s always so terrified of them.
Dan: No pull-ups, no water. You need muscles. Without them you’re gonna look like a worm if you’re gonna grow up to be taller than Jack as I am.
Danny: Just so you know, you’re a terrible big brother and I hate you.
Dan: Well, that just means I’m doing a good job.
Danny: When Mom asks who destroyed the furniture in Vlad’s house I’m pointing at you. A little run around town will be good for you. And as they say, Older siblings are like your parents' personal science fair. They're a bunch of experiments.
Dan: ...Just so you know, it sounded completely insane. Terrible. Good job, but don’t go near Dani with those jokes. Jazz will kill us both for setting a bad example. Danny: Bad example? Since when has a good sense of humor become a bad example? Dan: Shut up. Drink water and go to the shower. Jazz is gonna kick my ass if you die of overheating.
Danny: Huh, afraid of one know-it-all? When dad chased you with a bazooka, you didn’t seem scared.
Dan: Сome on, dad has a lot of strengths, yeah, but the ability to aim isn't one of them. And not
Dani: driving a car?
Danny: Right. Wait, how long have you been eavesdropping? Dani: Long enough to blackmail you both. Сomputer’s mine for the rest of the week. Dan and Danny: Shit.
The Invisobill. or Phantom. Ha. Danny Fenton…Danny Phantom. Weston boy said crazy things. Yeah. But what if he was only partially wrong? Everything except the color of its eyes and hair is so much like Danny's. If this were typical manipulation from a ghost hoping to shake the desire of ghost hunters to chase a creature similar to their child, he would have had to give it up months ago. But phantom did not change his disguise. This is his true form. What about ghost girl and older ghost? They are also so young.
Maddie could not sleep. In her head struggled scientist and woman weighed down by feelings of guilt and shame. She was tormented by philosophical problems and religious issues. No, Maddie, not even a neural tube is formed at that time. It was just a collection of cells. It’s not a person. It doesn’t feel pain. And ghosts do not too. Right? Is it even acceptable to compare such things? Is it possible that a ghost is not the remnant of negative human emotions and memories? What is responsible for its formation then? What is the purpose of such a ghost? And more importantly, how long have these ghosts been near and they did not notice? Has the portal become a source of energy necessary for their existence in the physical plane? Or is it only they who have not seen them?
So painful. It’s so unpleasant to think about what monsters they look like to their dear Danny and Jazz. Ghosts or not, she threatened creatures who might have been part of their family in front of her babies. God, naive teens must think that three Phantoms are their siblings or something. Of course! That explains the disappearance of fenton thermos and the way the Phantoms sneak into the portal and Danny’s always somewhere in trouble and…Oh my God, they could be in so much danger! How long has this been going on? No, the real question is..Hm, if this is going on for so long, why haven’t the ghosts done anything…evil? If their nature is in the destruction then why didn’t anything happen? Jack and she would never have missed something that would hurt their children.
The fight between the Skulker and Invisobill was particularly fierce this time. Maddie was unlucky to be in one of the damaged buildings. But who is she if not a scientist? She will find a way to benefit in such a situation.
Unnecessary risk, completely unprofessional. But… The debris of the wall does not lie on her very tightly and the weapon still with Maddie. Yeah. She has to test her theory. She has to. She can get up and leave if she needs to. Right? A little dizziness never killed anyone. She just feels cold and sounds are strange. Maddie: Help. Help! Someone! M-Maddie? An insecure voice with an echo sounds. Yes, it's near. Maddie: Help! I can’t.. I can’t get up. T-Hard to breathe. Danny: Mum! Mama, hold on, I’m coming.
Phantom checks her pupillary reflex. Who taught him that? Jazz? The touch of his hand, so cold and shaky. Now Maddie really doesn't feel so good. It’s good that the ghost is her boy. She doesn’t have to worry about anything happening to people around. Neither he nor Danny know how to lie. She can breathe. Just cover her eyes for a moment and… Just a few seconds. Phantom:Jazz, Jazz! Call an ambulance. I don’t know what to do. I..I can’t just make mum intangible. What if she has a crush syndrome and I make it worse or… Her boy. Why is Danny so scared? Danny: Tucker, she is bleeding and she’s not responding to me and… Sshh, my little star, is all right. Mom just needs to lie down and rest a little.
Maddie could not believe that she had actually passed out. But the time spent in the hospital gave her enough time to think about everything.
Maddie: Jack, we need to talk. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I think Phantom, the ghost boy, is actually our son. And I’m sure Danny and Jazz know about it too.
Jack: Honey, are you sure we don’t need to double-check if you have a concussion?
Maddie and Jack decide to watch surveillance videos for the first time. After all, it concerns the safety of their children, they have the right to know what happens in the house in their absence. Especially when the ghosts are nearby. Children *live in their own sitcom*:
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They have seen enough. Maddie decides to check chats on Jazz’s phone. It’s for their safety, only. She’s a good mother but what if the ghosts are up to something?
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The chat was so..Teenage? And Chaotic. Normal? No, definitely not. How many times have they punished Danny unfairly? Did Jazz learn to lie and they didn’t even notice? And what the hell, why were they joking about dissection. It’s just awful. They need to talk immediately. No, it will look suspicious. They need to try to make contact with ghosts. And then they’ll all be grounded. All five.
Oh, and she thought two kids were a lot of work. How are they gonna handle three more with the bizarre biology ectology? Do they have hobbies, interests? They are definitely more complicated than theblob-ghosts. Was she wrong? Do they have emotions, a need for socialization? Can she trust her emotions in this matter?
"What the hell happened to freak’s neck?!"
Danny: Um, excuse me, ma'am, he’s been doing Hatha yoga in India for years. Practice opens up amazing flexibility in the joints! Right, brother?
Dan: Fuck off.
Ma'am: Don’t take me for an idiot! What about his skin color then? Jack: You have something against my son’s tan? Dan: I told you going shopping with me was a bad idea. Dani: If you didn’t scare everyone around, it wouldn’t be so bad.
Dan:...I didn’t even try to do it this time. Why is she meddling?!
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Dan: Why am I only third? Dani: Because I have successfully stabbed Danny in the back when he did not expect it. With you he is always waiting for a trick. This makes me much more successful than you :)
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witchygirlgray333 · 6 months
Journal prompts / ideas
Poems (either ones you've written or just ones you enjoy or connect with)
Book review
Film review
Write about your day
Vision board
Habit tracker
Calendar page
Notes from something you're learning
Quotes you like
Draw some outfits you like
Search up creative writing prompts and do those
Meditate and write down your thoughts before / during / after (I don't do this everytime or sometimes I'll only write afterwards but when I write before, during and after it's always really interesting to read back on and see how much has changed)
Stickerbomb page
Films to watch
Books to read
Bucket list
Highlight of the day (I like to have a page in my journal where I write a short sentence of my favourite thing that happened that day, it's nice to look back on and it's nice especially for days when I'm not feeling well enough to do a longer entry)
Gratitude list
Random thoughts
Drawings and sketches (I'm not even good at drawing but I love drawing or sketching in my journals and just expressing myself)
This one is more for chronically ill people but making notes for doctor / hospital appointments which helps so much! I have severe memory loss so a lot of the time I'll turn up to an appointment and have totally forgotten about anything I'd hoped to say so this has been a total lifesaver
Along with what I said in my last point about living with severe memory loss my whole journal works towards helping me deal with living with the memory loss. I'll probably do another post soon about more in depth ideas for journaling to help life with memory loss but I write down SO MUCH. I've got to do lists, a calendar page, my night routine (I'll also have my morning routine written down once I've actually worked one out!), things I need to do everyday (such as brushing my teeth, washing my face etc), contact info for people I'm close to, labelled photos of my loved ones (it can be really scary when I don't recognise people so having these pages really help), a list of things I can do throughout the day (I'm on bedrest but having a list of things that I enjoy doing written down is a nice reminder, some of the things on the list at the moment are make tiktok videos, do makeup, watch a movie or tv show, journal, scrapbook etc)
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autumnsunshine10 · 5 months
Wasted so much damn time
On shackling sentimentality
Breathing in pollutants, irritants
Paying attention to the oblivious
What never pays attention to me
A lottery ticket scratched off too late
Tangled up in fate, so tempting
Attempting not to revert to hate
For myself...I still am worthy of love
At least I use that as a consolation
When the darkness closes in
And I must begin to remend
To fend and fight for every breath
Shaky yet still inhaling/exhaling
Dreams have deserted yet
Something solid is prevailing
Death isn't on the doorstep
If I go down it's teeth and nails
Scrapes and scratches calling card
God it's hard learning to live
To find yourself again
After the heart fails
Prompts: learning to live; paying attention
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alackofghosts · 9 months
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wolbert week day 5 - loss
how i wish we could have been friends
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