#sad this is a horror game they look so cute
rabbitsinvideogames · 10 months
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Rabbits from Before The Night
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
Robin Dick Grayson Characterization
I'm not sure how or where this started but there's been a rampant misunderstanding of Dick Grayson as Robin.
For some reason there have been posts upon posts that dick was some kind of angry robin and I don't know where this is coming from because in every single comic Dick is said to be the happy one. It seems to be a Covid craze because such defamation was not even in existance before 2020. Every one of the comics - Justice League, Batman, Detective Comics, Nightwing Comics, Jason's comics, Tim's comics, all of them! Talk about Dick being the happiest of the robins.
Some people say that he wanted to avenge his parents death by killing Tony Zucco. However Dick could never do that. John and Mary raised their son better than that.
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Issue #100
Where do you see a raging blood-soaked boy fanon makes him out to be?
The biggest supporter of happy Dick comes from Alfred so if you're going around claiming Dick was angry, you're literally spitting on his grave because Alfred ADORED Dick. He thought of Dick as the sole reason for Bruce's happiness which made him love Dick even more.
Alfred is Dick's biggest advocator. When Bruce is hesitant in his initial days of Robin - Alfred says
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"They will be easier than they ever were for you."
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"He will see excitement and adventure...and he will help you see it, too."
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"He's gotten a taste for it, Master Bruce. He has the natural skill and talent. Do you really think you could stop him at this point?"
"He could make you better. He could BE better."
"A hero forged in the LIGHT."
And Dick feels this too.
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"Then WE help them find the better path. Together."
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1000
"Let's show them how to do it right."
Calling Dick an angry robin - that's an insult to Dick, Bruce, and Alfred. It's an insult to who they are as characters and it's an insult to the very creation of robin.
Dick wasn't made for vengeance. He was made for the light.
Dick is the embodiment of hope and a brighter future. He's what people look forward to on their darkest days, their shining light. He's the hero of all heroes that came after him. There is no one like him.
There are tons of comics on Dick's journey as Robin but here's a clear one as to his thoughts before he became Robin.
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Robin & Batman Issue #3
Dick wasn't angry. He's was sad, lonely, and scared.
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This good boy doesn't deserve what you call him. This small loving child. Don't you dare push your evil agenda onto him.
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"I don't need to be the next batman. I can be something else. Something better."
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"And you know the best part?"
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"Now I know I don't need to be alone. And I don't have to be the dark."
"I can be the light."
"I can be Robin."
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Batman (1940) Issue #687
Dick was an excitable, brilliant, and over-excelling child. He was a ball of sunshine and happiness who loved laughing, playing games, and being crazy. He was a hypercompetent, crazy child who lived for the love of living and adventure.
It's the loss of the original dynamic duo that Alfred grieves over.
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Batman (1940) Issue #687
Just look at this adorable baby!!!
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Batman/Superman (2019) Issue #16
"Hey, Batman! You took down one of 'em and I took down three! I told ya I've been practicing!"
"Good work, Robin."
What the heck you cute adorable baby.
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"Holy--! Is this a warden's office of a museum of horrors? Look at that old rocket ship!"
"Ew. There's a skeleton inside!"
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Batman/Superman (2019) Issue #17
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Love this sweet, adorable child.
Another issue with the “Dick Grayson was an angry Robin” take. It’s not just a different perspective, it’s just blatantly wrong.
How wrong?
In order to fight the Batman who laughs, Bruce creates a machine that will emulate the joy of the happiest person he has ever known-who?
Robin Dick Grayson.
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"Happiness is seeing the world though the eyes of children."
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The Batman Who Laughs Issue #4
"Dick was the first robin. He had the happiest eyes. Circus eyes. Weightless - leaping, never falling."
Bruce drives himself insane from the joy he feels by looking at the world through Robin Dick's eyes.
Every comic. In every. single. comic. All of them talk about how Dick was a happy child and a happy robin. Dick's talk about it, Jason's talk about it, Tim's talk about it, the Justice League's talk about it, the Batman's especially - all the batman comics - talk about.
I would've actually added about 50 more panels but I ran out of image space because posts only have a 30 image limit.
I'm not kidding when I say it's IMPOSSIBLE. ABSOLUTELY, INCONCEIVABLY IMPOSSIBLE to say that Dick was angry Robin. Dick, Jason, Bruce, Tim, Damian, Alfred, Barbara, the JL, the titans, the Gotham villains - they all talk about Dick was a symbol of hope, joy, and light to Bruce and Gotham.
Not only that but if you read the comics, you would know that Dick was a happy robin because all the following robins had a cascade effect on their personality based solely on the fact that Dick was a happy robin. Jason's personality was the result of Dick being charcterized as happy, and Tim's personality was based off Dick's being happy.
But you know what the biggest piece of evidence against this blasphemy that Dick was angry robin is?
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Secret Origins (2014) Issue #8
"...Becoming a much needed FOIL to the batman, whose own grim obsession with revenge could easily have caused him to cross the line..."
Explain something to me. It canonically states the Dick was a foil to Bruce Wayne who used to be revenge obsessed and grim. A foil in literature means a character who contrasts with another character to highlight the differences between them.
So if Bruce was dark, gloomy, angry, and revenge filled and Dick was the foil, then how on earth is it possible Dick to also be dark, gloomy, angry, and revenge filled?
On top of this impossibility of Dick being angry and full of hatred, can we take a step back for a minute and think about Dick's position in all this? Dick is the very first child hero, the one countless heroes after him look up to because he, Robin, was the embodiment of light and goodness. He single-handedly dragged Bruce out of his pit of self-destruction merely by existing because of his charming and playful demeanor. How, then, is it possible for every single character in the entirety of DCU along with every single writer who has ever written a comic - to be wrong?
Let's be clear. Bruce's personality, is written to be the opposite of Dick's personality. And Dick's personality is the opposite of Bruce's. Furthermore, Jason and Tim's personality were written to be a response to Dick's. There's also Alfred waving a massive banner about how Dick is a literal godsend front and center. So. If you still believe, that Dick was not a happy robin, then you have effectively mischaracterized every single person in the entire batfamily aside from Kate.
Congratulations. It's truly an accomplishment to be so wrong.
So no, Dick was not in fact, ever, the angry robin.
Dick was a happy robin and that is the FOUNDATION of understanding the batfamily.
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thebestsetter · 17 days
- I wish you'd dedicate a goal to me
- What? - Rin asked as he stared at the girl
- I said - (Name) said while not taking her eyes off the horror movie her and Rin were watching - I wish you'd dedicate a goal to me. Ya know, like Bachira does to his girlfriend - she sighed dreamly - or Isagi. Hell, even Kaiser dedicates his goals to his girlfriend.
- Hm - Rin said, taking his eyes off her and looking back at the TV - that's kinda stupid. Everyone knows you're dating me, so why would I need to do that? The game should continue as quickly as possible, so it would just be a waste of time.
The girl finally looked at him. If he stopped paying attention to that movie and decided to look at her too, he'd see the sad look in her eyes. The girl sighed again (this time, out of disappointment) and got up from the sofa.
- Hey, where are you going? - Rin said, finally pausing the movie (just as the main character was almost getting caught by the big, bad and scary monster) and looking at her again
- I'm going to bed - she responded. Quick, short and emotionless. Exactly the opposite of what her answers should be
- Then I'm going too - Rin got up from the sofa, kind of grateful that she made him turn off that horrible movie (he liked horror movies, but this one was ridiculous. The monster looked like phlegm and the script looked like it was written on colored paper with crayons by a 5 year old)
- Hm - she hummed, and the teal eyed boy was starting to get uncomfortable with her responses (or the lack of them)
Without another word, the couple went to their shared bedroom. (Name) sat down on the bed and decided to spend the next 30 minutes surfing the internet and liking some cute cat videos, while Itoshi went to the bathroom to shower (the last time he had taken a shower was in the morning, before breakfast. Yucky!).
When he finally locked the door, (Name) suddenly got a call from her best friend. She decided to pick up, since the girl always knew exactly how to cheer her up
- Hey (Name)!
- Hey.
- Okay, You can stop giving me that attitude, young lady. What happened?
Sighing for the third time in a span of 30 minutes, (Name) decided to tell her about the disgreement with her boyfriend.
- So yeah, I got kinda sad. He basically said our relationship was a waste of time, you know?
- I can't believe that bastard really said that. "That's stupid". If anything, he's the stupid one! - she said, mocking Rin by mimicking his voice. A very poor imitation, may I add. But it made you giggle, and that was exactly what she wanted - can't believe you're still going to his game tomorrow!
- Yeah - you said, a lot more happy thanks to the conversation with her - But can you blame me? VIP session, baby! - you both chuckled
- True. Well, I have to get going - she said, sadly cutting your convo short - I have a job interview tomorrow, since not all of us date a football player - she playfull rolled her eyes - but it was amazing talking to you!
- You always know how to make me smile. Thanks.
- Don't mention it! If he ever pulls any shit like that again, just break up with him OR don't hesitate to call me. I'll kick his ass for making my pookie wookie sad - she answered, using that ridiculous nickname you begged her to stop using
- Will do - you smiled - now go to sleep. You need to be in good form tomorrow!
- I'll get that job opportunity, you'll see.
- I don't doubt you one bit
- Bye, good night!
- Night! - (Name) said, turning the call off and finally going to sleep with a calmer mind.
What she didn't expect, however, was that Rin was hearing every. second. of. the. call.
It's not like he wanted to hear it, he just happened to be attently listening to every word (Name) said and trying to understand what her friend said too. It's not his fault his gf uses speaker mode!
The Itoshi got out of the bathroom and stared at the phone with a dumbfolded expression, not believing ehat he had just heard.
"I can't believe (Name) got mad because of that" because of me, is what he really thought, but he decided to lie to himself claiming that "it wasn't his fault"
- ...why are you looking at my phone like that? - the girl said after being woken up by the light coming out of the bathroom.
- Like what?
- Like that!
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Okay then. If you're acting stupid to make me angry, congratulations! It's very effective
- I'm not acting stupid
- You're right! You're not acting stupid, you are stupid
- Hold on - he put his hands in front of his body - are you seriously mad at me for not wanting to dedicate you a goal?
- Wow! What a genius!
- Not a fan of the attitude
- Not a fan of you being an asshole
Rin decided that arguing was useless. Afterall, you were always very sarcastic when mad, so any efforts to make you less angry were fruitless. There was only one way to solve this argument, and Rin already knew what he was gonna do. So, he finally decided to lay in bed.
- Nuh uh, you're sleeping on the couch tonight.
- What?! You wouldn't do this to me.
- Yep, I would. Couch. Now.
Yeah. He had to solve this shit fast.
"And there he goes again, Rin Itoshi dominating the field once more! "
He was at the top of his game today. It almost made you pity the other team, really. Two goals in the first half of the game is a big deal. And, sadly, none of them were dedicated to you. Not that you were expecting it. You knew how stubborn Rin was, but you were just as (if not even more) petty.
So, you decided you would leave the game early. You wish he could see you leaving, but he would notice your absence sooner or later.
- Wow, this game just keeps getting more interesting! A penalty for the team led by Rin Itoshi, and it looks like he will be the one to shoot it. I'm sure he wants to score a hat trick, so that's his chance! And he isn't someone who loses his chances often.
He sure isn't. Because, the moment he grabbed the ball, he looked at your chair, eyes sparkling and almost pleading for you to watch him. And even though you wanted to leave him alone, something inside of you told you to wait. So, you decided to humor him for a bit.
"The ref blows the wistle. Itoshi looks at the ball, runs and... GOALLLL!!!! A hat trick from the one and only Rin Itoshi, ladies and gentleman!"
You rolled your eyes, cause you knew he wouldn't lose this, and decided to finally leave. Afterall, your gut was wrong. Nothing extraordinary happened. Or at least you thought nothing did.
- Love, wait!
No way. Rin freaking Itoshi was not jumping the fence separating the field from the stands just to get to you.
- This goal was for you, ya know?
This wasn't happening, right? He for sure wasn't hugging your waist so tight it was making you red (yes, of course your red face was only caused by the lack of air filling your lungs because of his grip. Of course you weren't feeling shy or anything)
- I didn't think dedicating you a goal was necessary because I thought you knew all of my goals were and are for you. Everything I do is for you. I love you. And since I love you, you don't deserve only a goal: you deserve a whole ass hat trick. This is for you, love.
You were crying. In front of thousands eyes and in front of the television. The whole world could see your ugly crying red face, but you strangely couldn't care less. Not when Rin was closing the distance between your faces, and specially not when the striker was kissing you with so much passion it made you wanna cry even more. And so, you laugh.
- Yeah, you're not sleeping on the couch again tonight.
~ A/N: not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes!!! Also, the friend got the job after the interview 👍
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ama0310 · 10 months
The President's Daughter
Character: Finnick Odair
Requested: No
Type: Angst/Fluff
Summary: Arianna Flemings-Snow, the adopted daughter of Coriolanus Snow, bravely volunteers for the 75th Annual Hunger Games. Yet, her courage comes at the cost of confronting not only the repercussions of re-entering the deadly arena but also the profound challenge of sharing it with the man she passionately loves.
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“Finnick Odair, right?” 
Haymitch nods points towards the screen, “ Yes, he won his games at fourteen. Youngest ever. Extremely humble.” 
“You’re kidding right?” He looked like the most narcissistic show off known to man. His stance. His waves. His stupid smirk. He looked as if he were happy to be returning. 
“Yes I’m kidding. He’s a...” Haymitch dramatically flips his hair” …peacock. A total preener but he’s the Capitol darling. They love him here. Charming , smart, and very skilled at combat—especially in water.”
Peta leans forward glancing at the screen, “What about weaknesses?” 
“Well two. First Mags.” A frail looking wrinkly woman pops on the screen. “ She volunteered for Annie. Mags was his mentor and basically raised him. If he’s trying to protect her in any way it exposes him.” 
Katniss stares at the screen seeing the women bravely volunteer for the young girl in hysterics, “A guy like that has to know she’s not going to make it. I bet when it really comes down to it, he won’t protect her. 
Sadness flashes through Haymitch’s eyes, “Well Katniss,  I just hope when she goes…she goes quickly. She’s actually a wonderful lady.” 
The silence fills the room before Peta asks, “And his other weakness?” 
Haymitch lightly smirks before passing  to the next district when a beautiful girl with hair as white as snow comes up. “ District 5. Arianna Flemings. Mostly known as...”
“President Snow’s daughter?” Katniss snaps her head to Haymitch. Eyes widened. 
He tilts his head a bit. “Adopted. She won her games at fifteen. Everyone and I mean everyone fell in love with her. She was the purest of the pure. The cutest of the cute. And the most dangerous of the danger. After one of the tributes killed her district partner all hell broke loose and she murdered the last seven remaining tributes within two hours with one. singular. knife.”
Peta shook his head in disbelief, “If he adopted her then that means he has to have some sort of heart. And he’s letting her go back to the games?” 
Haymitch holds out his hand signaling for the kid to stop talking, “Well, there were rumors about Snow not really adding Arianna’s name into the reaping; however, when her childhood friend was reaped she immediately volunteered. Flabbergasted everyone.” The video shows Arianna immediately protesting and volunteering the moment her friend’s name dropped. The horror on everyone’s face was telling how much the district loved her. 
He cleared his throat and continued, “ I imagined Snow wasn't really happy about that. That’s what he gets for adopting a victor when he’s the leader of these games." He shrugs. "Arianna is very captivating. Even Snow’s heart had to have melt for that young girl. Took her right under his wing. Obviously she was treated like a victor but most importantly she was treated like a Capitol.” 
“If his daughter is that important wouldn’t he know that during the games people will be targeting his daughter. Who wouldn’t if his daughter means that much to him.” 
That’s when Haymtich shook his head, “ Because my dear little Katniss… A) he calls the shots. If you haven’t realized everything in the games are controlled by him and people that love her. He’ll be hovering over you all the entire time. B) She’s a skilled competitor. Again seven tributes dead in two hours by the hands of a 110 pound fifteen year old, hello people keep up. Since then she’s never eased on her training. Obviously she’s bound to have enemies because of her father so she never stopped. Really good using her resources, excellent with knives, basically insanely dangerous. C) Finnick Odair. Both basically spent the last nine years together. Everyone thinks they’re together, but are keeping it hidden because of her father. I’m sure the President feels a lot better having Finnick with her knowing that he would risk his entire life for her. However don’t think it’ll make it easy to kill them. While you two are faking it. They—“ He points to the screen. “Are real. You hurt her and not only will you have Snow on your asses, but a trident in your chest. You hurt him and you’d have knives shoved up every hole in your body. They’re each other’s weaknesses but also strengths. They are who you want to be allies with. I’m serious Katniss don’t mess this up.” 
Arianna couldn’t breathe in her dress. It’s not that it’s too tight (which it actually is), but more-so that she’s again back to where she was those many years ago. 
“Breathe. Breathe. Breathe” She lightly whispers under her breath while entering to where all the other Victors were.  She was wearing a beautiful white gown with red lace at the top. Her red make-up contrasting her snow-white features. 
“Isn’t it Snow’s precious girl. Miss Flemings never thought I would have to see you back in the games.” She turns around and sees Gloss from Tribute 1. 
“You and me both. Don’t you look as charming as ever.” She smiles graciously wrapping her arms around her friend. “Where’s Cash?” 
He smiles and points behind him, “Getting the gang back together. Should we be expecting you to join us?” 
Her eyes immediately try to find the one person she truly wanted to ally with. “Gloss I would love to, but I have to check with Finnick. You know wherever he goes I go.”
He nods understanding completely, “And I admire your loyalty. Please try to get him on our side. We really don’t want to have to go against either of you.” 
She nods smiling softly at the man, “Speaking of Finnick do you know where he might be. He wasn’t with Mags.” 
The guy pointed behind her making her turn, “I guess he’s already trying to get the Girl on Fire on his side…without telling you?” 
Arianna lightly hit him, “Glossy I love you, but I hope you weren’t trying to turn me against Finnick. Like you said before I am extremely loyal.” 
He chuckles before backing away, “ Didn’t hurt to try. Now go to lover boy, but please remember what I said.” 
She watches him go back to the Career pack and lightly waves at them before heading towards the duo. 
“Then how do people pay for the pleasure of your company?” If only she knew the truth. 
She sees him lean forward, making the Girl on Fire look uncomfortable  “With secrets” 
Arianna thought it was the perfect time to break the tension especially since she wanted to talk to the golden boy before they had to parade themselves. “Nicky, we went over this so many times, you should never try to get with an engaged woman. Very inappropriate.” She wraps her arm his waist looking up at him. His smirk turned into a genuine smile. 
He immediately looked down at the young girl smirking, “Arianna, you know I’d never try to get with anyone else but you.” 
She lightly smacks his chest before looking over the girl staring curiously at the duo, “ Arianna Flemings.” She sticks her hand out smiling as Katniss took it. “ My niece absolutely loves you. She always wanted to meet you, my father never really introduced us, but you know how he is. You look absolutely beautiful by the way.”  
Katniss couldn’t help but like the girl in front of her. Though the fact that she is someone that Snow cares about keeps nagging at her, the girl alone seems genuine. “I’m Katniss. I saw your games. Very impressive.” Her curt response made Arianna look at Finnick then back at the girl.
“Thank you and your game was also very impressive.” She smiles and then turns her attention to the man next to her. “Nicky, can I talk to you over there please?” 
His gaze went to his angel and then to the girl who’s staring at them, “I’ll be there in a second need to wrap up my introduction to the Girl on Fire.” 
Arianna rolled her eyes playfully before turning to Katniss, “It was really nice to meet you.”
The two stared as Arianna glides away elegantly. Finnick leans towards the girl with a smile, “She is off limits. You hurt her and I’ll gladly pay back the favor with your fiancé while you watch and die an agonizing death. Got that? ” Before she can answer he backs away going to find his girl. 
He finally sees her talking to her district partner and then shoos him away. "Nicky? Did you really had to use that name? "
Her gaze filled with mischief yet care had him wrapped around her finger, "There's Nick, Nickey, Finnley, Finnerson, Fin-"
"Okay we get it, but there's only one name I like hearing you call me." He leans closer.
"Mon amour" She smirks before lightly pushing him back. "That's only reserved when we aren't about to dive head first into our deaths."
His smile drops, " You are not dying. Snow will not allow it and neither will I."
She caresses his face, "Finnick these are how the games are. Though my father cares for me he wants to destroy the girl even more."
He lightly glares at the girl, gripping her waist a bit tighter. " Why did you have to volunteer dammit. Everything was going to be fine, but you just had to volunteer. Why on earth did you even do that?"
She glances around noticing that people are getting on their carriage to start the parade. " I had to, love. But it's okay. I promise you, it will be okay."
The sincerity in her eyes truly made him believe it was all going to be fine even though his heart knew it wasn't.
They finally break eye contact when her partner tells her that the parade is about to start. "Better get on your carriage Snow White looks like Prince Charming needs you."
She kisses him on the cheek, "I'm not into Princes, I prefer fishermen" winking and getting on her carriage.
They both know that no matter what happens in the ring. Capitol be dam. Districts be dam. Both their goal is to protect one another no matter what the cost is.
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three--rings · 11 days
You Should Watch The Spirealm/致命游戏
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What is it?
A 2024 cdrama based on the danmei webnovel Kaleidoscope of Death. It's a censored version of a BL novel, with thriller, mystery, and horror aspects, 38 45-minute episodes.
What's it about?
A young man accidentally gets drawn into a virtual reality video game that involves passing tests in a series of doors. Once you start playing, you cannot stop and if you die in the game, you die in real life. He meets a frustratingly mysterious, competent, and attractive man in the doors who recruits him to be part of his game solving team. Well, specifically to be his partner. Lots of gay subtext ensues as they fight through door after door seeking to get to the final door in order to end the evils of the game. (The book is a little different, as it's more supernatural.)
So basically it's a infinite flow deadly game situation, with m/m romance.
Main Characters:
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Lin Quishi/Ling Juishi (novel/drama versions of his name)- Our protagonist. A smart graduate in computer science, good at games. Well meaning but a little naive to start out.
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Ruan Nanzhu/Ruan Lanzhu - Our love interest. In the novel he crossdresses often and he presents as a woman for the whole first arc. Super intelligent, expert at the game, extremely flirty but reserved at the same time. Got one look at Lin Quishi and said That One.
Other Characters, aka the Found Family:
Ruan Nanzhu's team consists of a pair of twin brothers (one young and dumb and one uptight), a hot doctor vet, a woman whose main job seems to be cooking dinner, and a not-so-stable dude.
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Then there's Li Dong Yuan, a rival player who becomes reluctantly-tolerated friend, and his cute female assistant. And Tan Zao Zao, an actress who hires the team to help her in the games and also sticks around persistently.
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They're pretty much all delightful and some may start off silly/annoying and end up breaking the hell out of your heart.
Okay, but what's the VIBE?
Big Guardian vibes. The team of lovable scamps investigating weird supernatural (?) type mysteries? While the boss and the guy he fell for have a situationship? Totally. This definitely has more of a horror feel than Guardian, though, even though they tone things down from the novel.
Each door is its own setting, and some are more scary than others. So one is a mental hospital, one is a traditional village, one is a gothic manor, etc. Lots of tragic female ghosts who have been wronged and are getting revenge. The one that really creeped me out was the one with the children with the eggs. It does a lot of creepy rather than really horror. It's not truly gory at all, as it was made to air on Chinese TV and they have strict limits to violence.
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The camerawork and set decor is really nice, actually. It looks great most of the time and a lot of the effects seem to be practical. It looks a lot better than Guardian is what I'm saying, if not quite to a film level.
How Gay is It?
Oh MY GOD. Okay look, this show was NOT supposed to be released, but thank whoever put it up for that two hours. It's really incredibly blatant, like really as much as Word of Honor was, although because the plot is focused elsewhere it's maybe not quite as in your face. But the actors UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT and there's so much longing and SO much implication. After a while, everyone basically just treats the main couple as a couple even thought it's never talked about.
I mean episode one there's Only One Bed and at the end of their first meeting Ruan Nanzhu gives Lin Quishi a RING. I mean, the flirting is also BLATANT. I also just find this a really romantic show, despite the Not Talking About It thing.
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Is it a Happy Ending?
So, It's Complicated. I'm trying not to spoil anything and this show is pretty easy to have spoiled for you. There's definitely a good bit of tragedy in this show in general. Characters die and it's really sad. Like, this is a plot with stakes and if no one we liked ever died, it wouldn't be the same.
I will say I consider this show to have a happy ending, but you do go through some pain first. Essentially the main couple does have a separation, but there is a reunion before the end. There's also a scene that will give Guardian fans fucking PTSD, but the show does a fix-it on its own, okay? I do feel that I have to warn for that, though.
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Where can I watch it?
The show is legally available on Viki with a subscription. Obviously there are other ways to find it as well, and links went around before it was picked up by Viki so check tags if you need those.
I really hope this encourages some people to watch this show, as it's really well made and a great time. It's one of a very small number of danmei adaptations we've gotten, but a lot less people have watched it since it's modern and had a weird release. Honestly, it's well written and acted and filmed and you should give it a shot.
(All gifs by @ruanbaijie, thank you very much for allowing me to use them. Check out their blog, there's such gorgeous stuff there!)
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Wasn’t feeling drawing much today lol, so here’s some headcanons!
-Dream Sans likes to play the harp. It is soothing for him. However he likes intense and loud music, like heavy metal, since he believes it releases negative emotions healthily.
-Swap Sans has a punching bag in his room.
-Ink Sans always has a miniature container of watercolor hidden in his scarf.
-Fresh Sans likes the gaming console Gameboy.
-Error Sans secretly likes dress up dolls. Especially ones with a large section of outfits. He never will tell anyone since he thinks it would ruin his ‘scary and threatening’ persona.
-Cross Sans would not hesitate to chug down coffee, even if it’s scolding hot. He doesn’t care. Sometimes he drinks it to where steam is still coming from it and the steam travels through his eye sockets and skeleton.
-Killer Sans would sometimes dance tango. He would definitely 100% have a rose in his mouth while doing so.
-(Sorry this one’s a little sad, the others aren’t that sad) Horror Sans likes to feed others. Like a lot. Even if you don’t wanna eat, he will make you food. He still has the fears of letting his brother starve in his AU, so he makes food for everyone a lot.
-Dust Sans secretly likes the nickname “Dust Bunny”. He finds it cute.
-Nightmare Sans’s tentacles twitch when he sees someone he enjoys (platonic or romantic). For example, if he sees someone he likes his tentacles twitch and whirl around similar to some creatures with tails do when they are happy. He doesn’t know why he does so.
-Epic Sans would always be a cookie for Halloween. No matter if it’s a group costume. He would still be a cookie.
-Geno’s favorite animal is an arctic fox. He likes how swift and pretty they are.
-Reaper Sans had once touched something/made something that didn’t die and was so happy he kept it sealed away and hidden in his cloak.
-Outer Sans’s favorite snack would be pocky. He would just eat pocky while looking at the galaxy skies.
-Fell Sans secretly watches animation memes. No reason why I think this. I just do.
-Color had tried using his colored flame things to color his outfits. Instantly regretted it.
-Dance Sans eats soup with a very large cooking spoon.
-Ocean (or pirate sans) loves mermaids. He sometimes sings at night while all the crew mates are asleep to try to see if a mermaid would respond.
-Bird Sans sometimes like to fly in lazy loops for hours. Papyrus has to get him to stop by flying up to him and getting him out of the cycle of it.
-Lust Sans sometimes likes to visits florists and learn about flowers. His favorite is hydragena.
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notthecutesttrash · 1 month
Content: It’s been a few months and Ghostface hasn’t visited since that day. Officially tired of it, you decide to go along with your friend who makes a date with a new alpha for you.
Trigger warnings: 18+ Smut, degradation, lots of blood, death, spanking, implied somnophilia, daddy kink, injury, fingering, oral (male and female receiving), implied stalking, mentions of knives, typical alpha/omega biology
Word count: 13.9k
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A phone rang beside your figure, disturbing your much peaceful-like silence. With a groan, your hands pulled at the painfully loud object. 
“Hello?” It sounded irritated at first, but you calmed down into a small curiosity. Silence. No noise on the end, not even a small thud to signify any existence. You knew not to get your hopes up, but instinctively your legs shuffled uncomfortably with high anticipation. 
Seconds passed, and still nothing, just sweet awkward silence. Huffing in disappointed frustration, you pulled the object away from your ear and as you were about to place it away, you heard an ushering “Hello..? Helllllo? Helllllloooo?” Recognizing the sound, you exhaled a quick breath of relief.
 “Hi, (F/n).” you exhaled another subconscious sigh, ear pressed against the phone once more. 
“(Y/n)! Thank god, it didn’t seem like my voice was working for a moment. Might’ve pressed mute, not sure. Either way, hey!” The woman spoke with excitement. Knowing her well, you were aware of how she had this mischievous little voice at the end of her words. 
A small flicker of disappointment struck your heart. You long ignored the sad feeling. It was a reoccurring issue since.. that night. 2 months passed, longer it felt even, and not one word.. not one lingering scent.. not a flicker of hope to reassure you about the strange masked man. You were beginning to feel as if it was one hell of a heat dream. 
You knew full well it wasn’t… although long since faded, the knot told you otherwise. Blinking back to reality, you gave out a small fake chuckle. 
“Right. So… what’s your plan? You want to go to a bar to pick up some sexy alphas?” You joked a small irritated feeling deep in your stomach churned at such a thought. 
“Hmmm.. no. Well… maybe.. depends on how your day goes.” The woman nearly broke out in a revealing giggle. Her excitement poured out of her words a little too much for your liking. 
“Uh huh.. and why would such a thing matter?” If you didn’t play into her guessing game soon, you knew the girl would have nearly lost it in patience, and this made you grin. 
A small huff was heard over the phone. “Wellll… I may have met a sexy alpha the other day… got his number.. said it was for a cute little omega such as yourself. He seemed excited, and hey, todayyy he seemed to be… strangely free. What ya thinkin’?” (F/n) beamed, sounding as if she had been at the edge of her seat. 
You continued to fiddle with the fabric of your shorts, picking at the designs one by one. Truthfully, you were hardly ever interested in her experience, but this time you glanced up, looked at the time, shrugged, and said, “Why not?” 
Gasping, the girl broke out with a shocked “Wait…what?! …. Really??!” 
A draft of irritation washed over as you turned your head to your kitchen counter, then over to the windows that showed a clear view of the outside. You mumbled to no one in particular, “It’s not like I’m reserved for any other alpha anyways.” A huff beneath your breath was apparent.  
You stayed silent for a moment before ignoring your anger. 
“Yes… BUT you’re helping me get ready.” 
“I’m on my way,” the woman ushered out in full confidence, causing a swift shared chuckle from both lines. 
Both of you uttered out quick goodbyes soon after. Your body stood up, suddenly feeling a flash of hope cross. 
Stepping in front of the mirror, your eyes took an instant notice of your rough bed ridden horrors. You lightly brushed your fingers through as much as you could. You didn’t think this would make you as excited as it strangely did, but you soon seemed to realize that your body was almost dancing at the thought of finally being able to forget about such occurrences. Your choices could’ve opened wide to any other alpha you wanted, and the thought made you practically laugh at the thought of the masked man. 
Humming happily with a small smile painted on your lips, you shook yourself out of your comfortable pajamas and stared out at your unused clothing. What to wear… you thought. Perhaps something sexy for a date of wine drinking.. perhaps for something fancy like a well-cut steak. Or perhaps something sweet and casual, for a little cafe. Maybe both. Something you assumed (F/n) would’ve thought of, was the idea of a regal yet comfortable bar. 
An omega in such a place could cause harsh dangers, so she always knew, that no matter how cute the date, she would always be there. At most, she had the choice to linger in the background, carefully yet happily watching. 
Time must’ve passed quickly because once the doorbell rang, you were forced out of your deep thoughts. Promptly, you made sure to throw something on before you opened the door to see your very excited friend. Your grin turned into confusion as you scanned over the unused bottle of assumed champagne in her hands. The woman cheerfully waltzed in and set the bottle at the nearest counter. 
“One, what the hell are you wearing? Two… ” her fingernails tapped at the cold bottle. She moved to wrap her arms around your form, pure giddiness exploding out. You shared the same expressions until your hand grabbed at the champagne, your face shifting straight. You didn’t need to say anything for her to quickly begin her reasoning. 
“Well, I decided.. if things go right, you can bring the man home and well.. enjoy yourselves.” She smiled with false innocence, her head bobbing to the side happily. 
“Please..” You snickered with a roll of your eyes, making for a swift turn towards your now messy room. The moment her eyes gazed upon the atmosphere she now was the one to give you a blank stare, hardly impressed with your options. 
“You were never good with choosing what to wear were you?” She sighed, hands at her hips, eyebrows raised sarcastically. 
“That’s why I have you.” You beamed with a ding, throwing a flattering shirt towards her form.
She caught it well, giving it a quick look and a hum…  It didn’t last long, and she rapidly flicked it to a messy pile of “definitely not” clothes. Her form moved to your closet, and her arms began searching as if it was her damn job. You sat upon your bed, watching how she moved, hearing how she muttered “no. Definitely not. Hmm.. maybe.. no.. yes..” Under her breaths, until she eventually found a flattering pick. 
She pressed it against your skin, forcing with gestures for you to get off your ass. This was an important matter clearly, and she wanted you to look at least damn good. (F/n) pressed the dress against your neck, lining it up perfectly so she could see where it falls and where it begins. The dress dropped down to your mid-thighs, its pinkish color making you stand out just a little, but still be a part of a group with its simple sweet design. 
“Something like this will do.” (F/n) nodded with affirmation, plucking at its design. 
You shrugged, lightly shooing her out of the room before you undressed once more. 
Allowing the soft fabric to glaze over your skin, you softly smiled, feeling much more shyly omega than you would have considered. Nonetheless, the color matched well with your hair, and although your bare legs were revealed, and it was a common sight, them being exposed because of a dress made you feel inevitably shyer. 
There was that lovely little submissive omega side of you coming out. 
You stood in front of the mirror a little longer, somewhat admiring the look of yourself. (F/n) whined her rushed words, and you soon got out of your dazed look, not realizing that your eyes were already blown out of proportion at the thought of being taken hard and nicely by a dominant alpha. A trickle of wetness produced and dripped slightly down your panties. 
A strange familiar scent made you curiously peak up at the window beside you. You weren’t sure why this was your instinctual thought. Either way, you couldn’t think of it for too long before you opened your door, letting the excited woman in. 
“Look at you! If I was an alpha I know I’d want to take you,” she jokingly purred. You awkwardly blushed, your legs pressing against each other sheepishly, fearful that your arousal might’ve been obvious. Body getting hot and flushed, you decided to change the subject. Quickly walking out to where the champagne bottle had been placed, your fingernails eagerly picked at its cold wrapper. 
Once (F/n) followed and gazed at the sight, a quick inevitable gasp caused her to rush up to you and nearly slap your greedy hands away. 
“No no no, absolutely not.” She said, cradling the bottle as if it was her child, away from my sight. 
“Not even just a little..?” You fake pouted, eyes growing wider. 
“I don’t think so, sweetie. Your nonsense doesn’t work on us betas. But nice try. This is for later.” The girl placed it back down, her hand patting at it. 
“Hmm.. but what if there was no later?” You hummed, your body swinging side to side, your sweet dress following along with it. It almost made you feel like a princess. 
“And you wonder why you don’t want to go out and meet new alphas.” (F/n) shot at you sarcastically. 
A small laugh escaped, but it soon drifted into a deep sudden thought. If only the true reason wasn’t so strange and horrid sounding. 
“Okay (Y/n), he’ll be about there in 20 minutes or so. Are you ready to be treated like a queen?” She mused half-jokingly. Before you could even muster an answer, she spoke with small anger.
“I’ll make sure on my damn life he will.” You knew she was serious, considering she was giving you a deep gaze. You only nodded. 
Her mouth opened to speak once more, but it was quickly interrupted by the sound of the all too familiar phone ring. Exhaling a sigh, you gestured away for a moment, taking time to move to your living room. Once you grabbed the phone, you answered with honey, tiptoeing with excitement. 
Your heart leaped into your throat, and suddenly your feet dropped. 
“What is my sweet little omega doing today?” 
 You inhale sharply, your heart begins to stammer with quick fear. The tone was deep.. familiar.. terrifyingly cold and secretly irritated. It was to the point where it felt as if the man behind the tone might as well just have stabbed you himself. It didn’t help that your cunt might have gotten fearfully aroused. You didn’t say a single word, frozen in every emotion you might’ve thought of. 
“(Y/n)! Who is it?!” (F/n) shouted from the kitchen, a sound of shuffling evident. 
With that, you took it as an instinctual need to slam the phone down into its receiver as fast as you could. “Nothing.. just.. wrong number!” You exhaled shakily to yourself, walking away from the room to where (F/n) was. She was grabbing at your mother and your father’s kitchenware, poking and prodding around. “It’s a good thing your parents are almost always never home. Imagine what they would do if they found a big bottle of champagne in your kitchen with some hot alpha stranger,” she spoke all while shoving a giant spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. 
You said nothing, unable to muster out any thought. Continuing to breathe erratically, you moved to your window, as if you were perhaps fearful that someone or something might be there. 
“Are you okay?” (F/n) knitted her eyebrows together, voice laced with worry. 
“Yeah.. just… weird.” You couldn’t say much else but she simply just shrugged it off, nodding away. 
“Tell me about it.” 
“Anyways.. are we gonna go?” You rushed to say, your eyes glued to the woman in somewhat hidden fear. 
She nodded. “Let’s do it.”
She placed the champagne into the fridge comfortably, then grabbed her keys. You were still frantically looking out of every window within your radius, all while trying to casually follow (F/n) to the door. 
Once more, as you were about to take a few more steps, the phone rang. 
“Again?” (F/n) threw her hands in the air with a groan and a quick roll to her eyes. “I’ll be in the car, just answer it real quick.” 
You contemplated on whether or not to truly ignore it once she had turned away… or to use this opportunity to ask why, to get angry and yell that the son of a bitch left you and had the nerve to call now when you were finally about to have fun again. With an angered huff, you walked back to the phone, your hands wrapping around it with a pause. An indecisive fear rushed once more, but you swallowed it back and pushed the phone to your ear. 
“Don’t you fucking dare (Y/n).”
It didn’t take more than a second for a deeply upset alpha to be heard. The words were supposed to anger you, supposed to make you feel a raging determination. But instead, you instinctively whimpered out, the omega in you feeling painfully complacent, an urging desire to please. Wetness poured down your panties at the thought of staying here, waiting until the masked assailant would come back and fuck you horribly raw for hours. 
A quick thought of anger recoiled into you. This is your time to show that you’re not just gonna be a desperate little omega waiting around for your ass of an alpha. Your rational side struck in, and the black of your eyes and the wetness of your twitching pussy calmed quickly. 
“Remember what I said ome-“ you slammed the phone into its receiver once more. Your omega side was getting desperate, but luckily you were filled with enough anger to slightly ignore it. 
Remember what? You hissed to yourself angrily, your stomped steps leaving a loud trail behind you. The nerve this man had, to call you after months. To have the nerve to knot you and leave his apparent “sweet little omega” alone. The door slammed behind you and you couldn’t help but noticeably tense up your facial features. He was out there, fucking omega after omega, probably using his little stupid getup to make sure no woman could chase after him. 
A large, deep furious boiling envy overtook you. Your thoughts were racing one after another, not realizing you reached the car that (F/n) had been calmly waiting in. 
She turned to you, “Are you sure you’re okay? Who was it on the phone? You look pissed. Like someone cheated on you pissed.” Her brows once more scrunched in worry and confusion. 
You bit your tongue, holding back every little bit of retort that revealed what that whole situation was. Exhaling a sigh, you stepped inside the vehicle and made sure to simply keep your angry thoughts in the back of your head. “Dude just won’t stop calling the wrong number,” you half-joked in an attempt to ease the conversation. 
“Maybe “dude” just wanted to hear your cute little voice.” She poked at your side, teasing as she buckled in. Playfully rolling your eyes, you turned to gaze out your window, lingering on the trees outside your house. “You know what they say, the moment you get taken every hottie in town suddenly calls you up.” She chuckled, her hands grabbing at the steering wheel. Humming in response, your peering quickly stopped once your house was beginning to get further and further. 
Once the place was long gone from your head and eyes, your worries slipped away, and you once more began to remember why you truly were here in the first place. Your conversations made your mind settle with ease, and (F/n)’s demeanor caused some oblivious happiness within you. The omega within you was once more anxious.. yet aroused at the thought of meeting another alpha. 
“All right (Y/n) you got this.” (F/n) smiled reassuringly, patting your arm as you both unbuckled your seats and stepped within a radius of what you correctly assumed was a pretty-looking bar. The anxiousness settled within your stomach, in turn, you exhaled a rough sigh. There were a few whiffs of scents that crossed your nose, one that smelled like pure ash and cigarettes which almost made you scrunch up in disgust. 
It was when your feet stepped into the area, that you hummed at the sweet smell of cinnamon, perhaps a vanilla even. (F/n) silently gestured to the man as lowly as she could, and with her last words she parted from you, meddling into a seat far enough but still in perfect view. Throwing her a look once you had sat down freely next to the man, he gave you a look as if to disregard you. It was an awkward second before he had looked over your form once more. This time it lingered, and surely he could smell you as much as you could him. 
“You must be that beautiful omega that (F/n) was telling me about.” The man spoke, a rather sexy grin spreading, his head tilting in intrigue. 
A small blush spread across your cheeks, and you shyly tucked your hair to your ear. Eyes ogling at one another, his gaze appeared as if it was drinking at the sight of you. You could tell he was thinking harsh things considering his scent shifted strongly, causing your heat to tingle with excitement. With slight blackened eyes, he licked at his lips before taking a long sip of his drink, a sexy groan following. 
The arousal already between your legs was obvious, and so was his.  
“What’s your name?” You asked innocently, head tilting with genuine curiosity. 
He hummed at this, smiling in a way that got your pussy tingling. The silky name rolled off his tongue with ease. 
“(Y/n)” you responded shyly, curling your legs tighter.
“Pretty name,” he smiled. Thinking nothing of it, you smiled back. 
“Want a taste?” The man pulled his drink towards you, his eyebrow raising. 
You thought for a moment, before shrugging. Lips wrapping around where his once was, warm arousal in your abdomen surged to your sex. The liquid slipped in, and you savored it sweetly as it hit your tongue. It was cold, refreshing with a thin tinge of grape. It wasn’t as rough as you expected, and you took another sip, soon moaning out your approval. The burn in your throat lasted for a few small seconds. 
You were oblivious to the arousal you gave him, and you were too innocent to realize how his eyes were darkening by the second. Once you handed him his drink back, you proceeded to order the same. 
“What is it?” You asked after eventually receiving a copy of his glass. 
 “Ciroc,” he mused with a dark tone. You blinked at him and he couldn’t help but chuckle deep. That response ignited a small instinctive hitched breath from your form. Luckily you were able to hide… some of your pure attraction.
 “It’s vodka, sweet omega.” He said, smiling down at you with such a piercing look that you were sure he could read right through you.
Muttering out an “Oh,” your shy gaze dropped from his dominating peering, a trickle of wetness pouring into your already-soaked panties. You awkwardly sipped at your drink, too shy to glimpse back at his eyes. At the simple gesture of not meeting his gaze, his orbs blackened more so, surely thinking what a sweet, and perfectly submissive little omega you were. 
The smell of your sex caused him to groan out huskily. Taking another long gulp of his drink, he breathed in such a way as if to signify that he was losing his mind. You took another shared sip of your drink, eyes peeking towards (F/n). She glanced away as soon as your eyes met, a grin spreading wide upon her proud features. 
It was silent for a moment, but it wasn’t awkward. It was knowing, and the air was filled with a musk scent that a few others couldn’t help but turn their heads to. Betas or not, it was obvious what was happening between a clear alpha and unclaimed omega. It was until about halfway of being finished with your drink, that you decided. 
“Do.. “ you paused, catching his dark gaze once more. His attention was fully on you, and that wasn’t changing anytime soon. “Do you… want to get out of here..maybe.. go to my place?” You shyly asked, fiddling with your fingers, eyes stuck on the man in front of you. 
The man grabbed at your drink and downed every last bit of liquid there was. He ushered the bartender over and pulled out his wallet. Something so simple, such as his counting was aggressive and filled with arousal. He handed what he needed over to the other man, paying for what seemed like much more than just yours and his drink. How much did he have before you arrived? 
His hand grabbed at yours, and this prompted you to get off your seat and follow. You rotated to (F/n) and she swiftly did the same, following after she practically slammed her change on the table. When you were outside again, the day had gotten already so dark, and you could tell it was soon about to be night within perhaps an hour. 
The alpha looked impatient, and within a second he turned around to you, his lips smashed into yours. It tasted of hard liquor and from this, you hummed. Your hand lightly wrapping around the back of his neck, pushing him in for more. A low growl came from his throat, and a soft whimper followed from your own. 
“Hey, hey, before you two go crazy on each other…” Both of your features couldn’t help but irritatingly stop and turn to the voice of (F/n) who was holding her hands up as if she was innocent. 
She gestured to you, throwing you her keys. You caught them and pulled away shyly, exhaling a shaky aroused breath. It was obvious that both you and the alpha wanted to do whatever you wanted to do instantaneously. The thought of having to wait at most about 10 minutes or so, shouldn’t have seemed like it was a big deal, but for both a very aroused omega and alpha to sit together not doing a single thing to another for even two minutes, that sounded like torture.
Both you and the man hadn’t made a move, and you simply stayed silent. She gazed at your forms, able to tell that a heavy whiff of impatience and arousal poured into the atmosphere. So much so that you’d basically just fuck in the car.
(F/n) sighed. “All right, give me the keys. You two better hold it in your pants.” She huffed, rounding to the driver’s seat. You sheepishly followed, your hands together at your legs. The man grunted at the unfortunate plan of not only (F/n) there, but the thought of simply having to be patient for a moment before the definite plan of fucking you senseless. 
The woman patted the passenger seat with a stern stare as if she was purposely pulling you two away from one another, knowing full well what would happen if you both were in the backseats. 
The man grumbled and although he was breathing heavily both out of need and heavy impatience, he silently moved to sit in the seat. You moved to the back seat, sitting in the middle, your gaze down to your feet. Tightly, your legs were pressed to one another, afraid that your arousal would pour down your thighs and onto the leather.
The silence was painful once (F/n) had begun to calmly drive. Surely, your mind and his were clouded with lust, the thoughts of taking, or being taken repeating. The man’s leg was impatiently bouncing up and down. 
The alpha’s heavy breathing and soft growls were clouding your mind. Your heat was drenching your panties even more at the thought of stepping inside your house and instantly being fucked as hard as the man could muster. 
Your nose inhaled as much as it could to get every little scent of the alpha. Eyes closing and head rolling to your side, you nearly dropped on the seats. The instinctive need to slip your fingers down your cunt, to roll around at your clit, was becoming difficult to ignore. The harsh omega within you nearly slipped as many times as it could, before your nearing smaller and smaller rational side, exclaimed loudly to hold back. 
“Hey hey.. (Y/n).” Your eyes fluttered, blinking tiredly up at (F/n). The car was unmoving, parked perfectly at your house. How long were you just sitting there thinking? 
“Come on girl, get up.” She gestured at you, moving down to talk closer to your ear. “You got a sexy alpha waiting for you.”
Nearly moaning, your wobbly legs arose, moving towards your front door. (F/n) didn’t follow, and instead, she simply waved at both of your figures, shouting a nonchalant “Have fun!” She was quick to wink, sitting back in the car to drive off as fast as she could. Your hands were grabbing at your keys, attempting poorly to unlock the door.
The alpha moved against your back dangerously close, his mouth at your neck, growling and nearly biting into claim you. You weren’t even inside yet and your legs felt weak, mouth sputtering with harsh moans. Eventually, through many long seconds, you managed to open the door, and as quickly as it was opened, it was closed with both of your bodies now pressed against each other into a melted kiss. Your back was against the door, and your legs instinctively wrapped around the alpha’s body, hands desperately clutching on his back. 
His erection prodded at your sex, and with this, he made sure to grind against you real hard. You squealed out a whimpered “Alpha!” 
Growling once more, his lips didn’t stop kissing yours for what felt like minutes until he finally pulled away. It allowed you to pant for a long moment as he began to eagerly kiss your neck, licking along your beautiful unclaimed spot. You couldn’t ponder anything over the heated arousal and the wave of pleasure that he sent you with a single kiss.
You took a whiff through your nose, and a long moan poured from your lips. Continuing to inhale to achieve the same bliss, a small smile tugged at your lips. You did it once more, and with each time that you did, it was getting stranger and stranger.
Ultimately your eyes opened, and your focus drifted not to the kissing of the man on you, but the strange scents that were mixing. It smelt.. strong, so very strong, but it didn’t seem as if it was coming from the alpha practically on top of you. 
In a way.. it smelt like it was.. behind his form. It was as if there was a thick musk surrounding him in a perfect barrier. The alpha in front of you was beginning to lose his unique aroma.. in truth, you weren’t sure what his smell was anymore.
You couldn’t help but drown in this new smell, your moans now belonging to the lovely scent that you were inhaling like a drug. You lost notice of how the alpha at your neck was lightly sinking his teeth in. 
“Mmm..” Soft breaths of yours filled the atmosphere, and the alpha tightened his grip on your thighs, pulling your form and his away from the wall and into another room. His gaze caught your living room, and he swiftly pulled you over to the location and greedily threw you on the couch with him on top of you. Your legs softened tightened him, and soon you realized he was still tasting and licking at your neck, his teeth inching more and more in. 
This caused you to inevitably pause. The omega within you was going insane, it was finally going to get what it needed. 
A small voice screamed No. 
This isn’t what you wanted. 
“Wait..” You muttered out, your hands on his shoulders. He only growled in return, continuing even more so. His teeth grazed your neck too deep for your liking. Half of you started to panic as much as you could before your instinctual need to be claimed had gotten out of control. “W-Wait… alpha..” You tried to mutter out through your desperate moans.
Once again, no response, and this time when you felt his teeth, you craned your neck back, crying out loud in pleasure. Your mind was becoming cloudy, and you only managed to whimper out a few “no’s” before you submitted into your quivering need. Your legs clamped around him as hard as could be, and the sinking displeasure grew painfully quiet.
The man raised his head and looked deep into your needy yet desperate tearful orbs. “Omegas don’t talk back to their alphas.” These words were dark and at any other point It would have been upsetting.. but in instantaneous response, you nodded your head, pleasure and heat overwhelming your mind. 
He furthered the treatment upon your neck, sinking back into a comfortable place. Your eyes closed, delving into the man’s passion. The voice in your head said nothing other than how you needed this claim. Your nose inhaled a large beautiful whiff of that same sexy scent.. it was delicious and even closer than before.
His teeth began to dig in deep, and as you were about to scream out a “yes!” Every action ceased. The man grunted loudly out of character, and he felt unusually stiff. When you blinked open your eyes in soft confusion, they widened, and a gasp caused you to nearly scream out. The man on top of you choked out stuttering breaths, his body raising as he observed the scene. The tip of a deep familiar knife evident through his chest poked through, blood pouring around the sudden wound. 
You violently quivered as not a second passed before the same weapon yanked out and jabbed through another part of the man’s body… The man choked out globs of red over the pink of your dress. Breath caught, and throat dry, your quivering shocked eyes stuck to the man above you.
Your eyes gazed deep into one another, his orbs were filled with sudden shock of pain, pure horrid confusion. He couldn’t mutter a syllable as the blade was taken out once more, only to stab into his back continuously. Again.. and again.. and again.. it was sickening, and all you could do was watch as your stomach violently churned. 
Red splattered at your lips, and the alpha body poured out with blood.. so much blood, and with each jab, the splatter flicked at your features.
You took in a sharp inhale, tears cascading down your cheeks as you began to grasp even a moment of the scene. The man coughed up once more until it looked as if the light had faded from his eyes. No words were made as he fell limp. His torso swung to the floor, and when you had managed to glimpse up.. your throat tightened in horror.
Tears were pouring down your terrified orbs that had caught with an all too familiar masked figure. 
Ghostface tilted his head, his right hand gripping a horribly bloody knife. His left hand moved in a slow mocking wave, and although you couldn’t see it, an evil grin felt as if it was painting his face. The adrenaline of your fight or flight response took off, and instinctively you raced off the couch, fear burning and hammering into your heart. 
“Oh come on now (Y/n), don’t run. It’ll only make this a lot harder.” 
Ignoring the voice, you dashed to your front door, knowing full well that if you ran to the phone it wouldn’t end up in your favor. Your heart was racing as you slammed it open, and you were soon darting through the grass and trees that littered your area.
Sticks and rocks were hitting your clothed feet, the darkness pouring around your figure made it impossibly easy to see nothing ahead of you. Running continuously as far as your legs could take you, your torn blurry eyes made it so that a few dangerous branches and trees, were hardly noticeable.
Breathing frantically, the blistering cold atmosphere whipping at your face made the air feel impossibly thin. Time felt as if it was slow, oh so slow as you were terrified of being caught. No matter how much distance you made, you needed more, you were sure he was hot on your tail, ready to dig his blade into your back. Your breaths were short and you were on the verge of hyperventilating. 
You took a deep inhale through your nose as much as you could while sprinting, and when you had smelt possibly nothing, you only calmed down slightly. Hand grasping the bark of a tree, your body paused for a moment just for your aching panic to hammer deep into your chest. When you were beginning to sprint once more to make way for much distance, you realized there was a terrible gnawing pain in your stomach, followed by a pain in your tightened chest for every deep inhale you took. 
A crack in the nearby area caused instantaneous fear, and with this, you made sure to ignore every bit of your clenching muscles. Direction mattered less, and for all you cared, you could run into a ditch that was up ahead. The determination in your body became constant, striving to sprint as fast as your legs could. 
Eyes beginning to get impossibly cloudy, and pace becoming a little slower, you panted without realizing how loud you must’ve sounded. The nearing scent of alpha was surrounding closer and closer. Forcing yourself to break out into an even faster dash, and your exhausted muscles were crying out. 
A crack beneath your feet caused you to hiss out in yelped pain, forcing an inevitable pause. A shard of what felt like glass lodged itself deep into your foot. The crinkles increased in sound when your body met with the cold forest ground. A harsh jab hit then hit at your bare knee. 
Whimpering out, you bit at your hand to keep yourself quiet. A large instantaneous fear wracked your body. The recent memory of blood splattering on your face and seeing the light fall from the man’s face before you surged in your head. The omega within you poured out in sobs, tears pathetically streaming at the fear of what would happen if the alpha found you. 
It was wrong, it was disgusting, it was terrible. 
Tears poured out, and even with a chunk of your hand lodged deep in your mouth, you couldn’t help but whine out loud, the pain of your cut foot searing across your leg. You panted out hot breaths, your hand grabbing at the tree near your fallen form. With every last bit of strength you had, your fingers held tight and clamped down. Quickly, you forcefully stood yourself up. 
The moment your cut bloody skin had even remotely touched the ground, you squealed with pain. Your toes curled, and although this caused more blood to trickle down, you mustered up the courage to continue. Both feet hit against the floor, and with a hiss, you only managed to move a few steps. 
The air around you overflowed with that same lovely yet terrifying scent. It was overpowering and you subconsciously whimpered, helpless, your eyes becoming blackened at just the thought of him nearing your figure. With a poor attempt to shake it off, you stepped forward slowly. The aroma became stronger and stronger. Your sex was throbbing and the fear of disobeying your alpha so heavily was impulsively making you stop in your tracks. 
Don’t give in, don’t give in.. the rational voice in your head screamed out, rapidly thinning away in seconds. 
Leather-like hands snaked their way to the nape of your neck, slowly wrapping around to your front. The scent was terrifyingly strong, your legs trembled, your pussy ached, and your stomach churned. The masked man leaned down, his lips close to your ear. 
“I fucking told you.” 
You shivered with fear at his harsh tone. A soft whimper followed once his fingers graced your hair. Growing smaller and smaller the more he had caressed, you instinctively turned to him, sheepish. The masked figure was an inch away from your quivering form. You could feel his cold angry gaze, and from this you shrunk, your fearful gaze moving to the ground in response. 
“Look what happened because you didn’t fucking listen little one.” He grabbed at your chin and harshly forced you to look at him. Tears were straining in your eyes. Even with your attempts to keep a stronghold, a few escaped through the thinning barricade. There was a strong anger burning in his silky voice and you quivered, terrified. The remaining peering made your body burn with discomfort. Yet mainly saddened by your alpha’s extreme disappointment, you bit at your lip, holding a barely remaining effort to glare at him back. 
Ghostface tilted his head as if knowing you were attempting to challenge him. There's an unmoving scrutinization, and he coiled your strands in his finger so menacingly slow. This action gets your touch-starved side quivering in arousal. The more you stared back, the more the omega within you exploded out. Tears eventually burst in cascades from your eyes. 
The masked man’s fingers moved to play at your hair teasingly. “Little omega can’t be good for her daddy can she..?” He was apathetic once he finally saw you break. This cruel tone made your chest wrack more with continuous sobs. 
His fingers wiped away at a few of the wet streams, almost more irritated at the sight of the pathetic tears. 
“Maybe that’s a good thing… I like a little fight anyways.” Ghostface snickered lowly to himself. His masked features inched closer to your wet cheeks, voice darkening. 
“But.. maybe I should have let the asshole claim you. Knot you deep so you could live your little serene life in a plain home with 4 pups.” His finger prickled at his sharp bloody blade, tone dark and amused at seeing your heart stammer in response. Instinctively you shook your head, your blown-out orbs pleaded with his, practically begging for the alpha to forgive you. 
“No? You don’t like that?” He teased, knowing well that it was causing more of your desperate tears to stream. You shook your head a desperate no once more, your choked cries causing you to struggle with your breaths. 
“Say it.” 
You sniffed, attempting hard not to break out in more tears. “N-N-No..” 
“So is my sweet little girl going to be all good for me?” 
You nodded your head in response quickly. He stayed silent, and your broken voice responded with a stuttering “Yes..” 
“Yes, what?” 
“Y-Yes Daddy..I-I..” Sniffling, you attempted to rub away at your continuous cries.  
“Hmm.. I’m still not sure you can.” He challenges further, and although you knew at this point he was just being cruel, your throat tightened in response. 
“N-No.. I-I am..!” You managed to argue out before more tears broke out into weeps.  
“Are what?” He shot back quickly, unphased by the desperate sight. 
You inhaled as much as you could to calm your chest.  “I-I.. can be.. good..I-I swear… I a-am good.” You struggled to rasp out through your hiccuped cries. Gaping, you peered into where his gaze would be, seeking any emotion, any form of approval. As expected you received nothing.
“Hmm..” Still, he seemed unamused. His knife trailed at your chest lightly. This choked out more sobs, not because you were afraid he was going to jab the blade in, but fearful that he would leave you in this cold forest once and for all.
You disobeyed your alpha, let another touch you, kiss you, nearly claim you, all because of your anger. Ghostface stepped back, head tilting slightly to observe the cut at your knee. Blood dripped down your leg, reaching your drenched red sock, covering your foot that looked more harmed than anything. 
“Fucking clumsy omega,” The masked man hissed, moving his arms to swiftly pull you over his back with little to no struggle. Your stomach pushed against his shoulder, and you muffled a whimper when his hand grabbed at your ass.
Ghostface began to walk, and you didn’t know where he was taking you, but you were terrified. You hiccuped into him as you tried to breathe through your stuffy nose, and nothing in you tried to struggle, instead, you were just clutching onto his cloak desperately, afraid the alpha was going to let go of you forever. 
The shock of your sore wounded body came into effect, and you began to hiss at the pain of the deep cut on your foot. Still, the anxiety of him leaving you stung more than any bit of pain could. Continuous snot and tears drenched the back of his cloak as your face pushed into him, begging and pleading. You didn’t know how long you were sobbing into him truthfully, but it seemed as if forever had passed.
A door opened and closed, and Ghostface tugged at your form, and your rear instantaneously hit against a mattress that sprung you back up. Your back hit against a wall with a light thud, and you whimpered when the man pulled the bloody sock away from your wounded foot.
You quickly realized that you were in the comfort of your room, and the man had set you on your bed. Ghostface was peering at your cuts, seeing how there were small shards of what looked to be glass stuck in the wound. The masked man walked away for a moment, leaving you confused. Your panicked tears calmed down slightly once he came back with what looked to be a first aid kit taken from your medicine cabinet. 
How did he know where that was? 
The thought was pushed away when he grabbed a small pair of tweezers and moved it towards your knee. You instinctively moved away. “No!” You yelped, terribly afraid of how harsh the pain would be. The man exhaled a more patient yet still irritable sigh. He peered into your frightened orbs.
“If I don’t do this, you’re going to be in a lot more pain soon,” the man reasoned dangerously. It almost sounded like a threat, but the omega within you trusted your alpha with your life, and you hesitantly nodded, relaxing. 
“Good girl,” he eased, and your stammering heart fluttered, Blinking down at his form, your tears quieted for a moment as he had moved the object to your knee. 
Did he mean that..? 
You sniffed and wiped away at your wet cheeks, a newfound hope deep within your heart. 
It didn’t last for long as you felt a sharp digging inside your skin, and you groaned out loud in recoil. The metal object moved inside your bloody cut as if it was searching for anything in particular. A warm liquid rushed down your leg and although you were attempting to hide your uttering squeals, a loud cry escaped when a shard of glass cut deeper into your skin. 
The instant relief that followed after once he grabbed and took it out, was enough for you to ease. The pain began promptly again when he repeated the action to scan for other shards. When nothing was found, he moved to your numb-like foot. You didn’t feel as much there as you should’ve. You began to softly whine to yourself, easing into a ball of helpless cries. 
The anesthetic that he rubbed on you afterward was cold, soothing, and not as harsh as you expected. He did it well as if he’d done such a thing a thousand times over. The man wrapped bandages around your wounded areas, and he did this so expertly that your eventually blurred calmer orbs began gazing over him, your heart blooming at the idea of your alpha taking care of you so well. 
When he was about done tying up the last bit of the bandages, he simply glimpsed up at you, then moved to stand tall before you. You had forgotten how much taller he was than you, and because of your sitting form, you raised your head to look up at him. His fingers moved to your lips, rubbing at your skin, erupting a shaky hitched breath from your teary self. 
Ghostface continued rubbing his thumb against you. The urge to suck at him was impossible to ignore when he had teasingly entered only slightly, just to take it away and repeat. Your breaths were struggling to keep up with his fingers, and you didn’t realize that your tongue was desperately attempting to drag against him. Tears were still softly pouring down your eyes, and yet your need desired so plainly to taste the sweet tangy leather. 
“Such a filthy little slut.” Ghostface declared a matter of factly, dipping his thumb over your tongue, this time keeping it there. 
With a pout, you calmly pressed your tongue and moved at his still thumb. You horrendously cringed, shivering with disgust. A terrible metal-like tasting liquid dripped against your tongue. You knew it wasn’t just your blood, and the thought made you revolt.
Continuous tears spilled from your eyes at the thought of such a horrid thing. You felt sickened for what was on him. Yet.. the instinctual need to keep sucking on it, made your pussy tingle with excitement. Remaining silent, he observed as you sucked up his thumb greedily with both disgust and need flashing across your face. A chuckle was heard, and you gazed up at him, orbs blackened.
He dipped his other bloody fingers in. You gave out an inevitable moan of disgust. Nonetheless, once it settled over your tongue, you began to hum softly, licking around the shape of his fingers quickly.
The silence remained, and eventually, your continuous lapping slowed. The stammering in your chest calmed significantly, and the tears drifting out had paused, leaving only your wet flushed cheeks. Your focus only shifted to the filthy yet somehow delicious taste of the leather over your alphas fingers, leaving your panicked state soon, hushed and needy.
This was disgusting.. so terribly wrong… yet so frighteningly good 
Your pussy tightened at the impulsive imagination of loving sex with your alpha. His unmoving gaze was strong, and his breaths were darker. Moaning softly, you continued to suck and lick at his now clean-covered fingers.
You ogled up at him, desperate (e/c) spheres, hoping with such a needy gaze that he could see you were begging for him to fuck you through your arousal, and to continue even after. A growl burned in his throat, and with this, his fingers swiftly pulled away from your desperate tongue. You whimpered at the removal.
“Take off your dress,” he demanded with ice, concluding a swift end to your whines. 
“Now.” It was such a tone that you feared the outcome too, and that was all it took before you nodded. Sheepishly your form stood up with a small hiss of lingering pain over your foot and knee. It was bearable and not nearly as harsh as you had recalled a moment ago. Hands clutching at your bloody spotted dress, you slowly flipped it over your form, and threw it at the ground. Timidly your legs crossed, your pretty pink bra and drenched panties within clear sight.
Ghostface’s fingers trailed at the fabric over your breasts and you exhaled a hitched shaky breath. His knee moved in between your legs, forcefully separating them. You submitted effortlessly and he angled his mask to your wet thighs, your thin panties nearly displaying the throbbing pussy beneath it. 
“And to think that asshole was trying to get all of this for himself,” there was a dark chuckle that left him, genuine amusement in his silky voice. Fingers moved at your chin, and he gently moved your features to his level, your shy dilated orbs gawking into where you assumed his would be.
“I fucking own you.. got that?” He spoke lowly, irritated, fingers moving to your lips once more. Your legs attempted to cross at the throbbing arousal, and you quivered at the thought. Bowing your head in agreement, he moved to your ear, whispering so darkly that chills ran down your spine. 
“Next time I won’t hesitate to punish my little omega.” The pout was evident and he darkly laughed. “But.. if princess is a good girl then there won’t be a next time. Right?” You shook your head in response.  
“Say it.” 
“N-No Daddy… there won’t be a next time..” You whispered sweetly, voice still evidently cracking and stuttering from your previous sobs. Your focus was glued to his mask, and he hummed in approval, his blade suddenly snapping at your bra. It fell in pieces to the floor, and you instinctively attempted to cover your shy breasts.
Hand moving towards your arms, he pushed them away effortlessly, fingers moving at your tender nipples. You hissed out, moaning through your teeth as he wrapped his hand around, and gave a swift tight squeeze. A surge of arousal rushed down to your heat, and a loud moan poured from your lips like honey.
The same blade flicked at your panties, and you instinctively pouted at the thought of the set you had bought now going into the trash. The fabric slipped down your legs, your wet sex throbbed in response, and you could feel the man giving you a hungry ogling. 
“I should make you suck my cock after all that. My little omega doesn’t deserve any more.” You instinctively moaned at the threat, the idea of his cock deep in your throat struck such elation. Chuckling darkly, his fingers graced your gaping lips, moving towards your tongue.
“You’d still love that wouldn’t you?” Without hesitation you moaned in approval, tongue circling his leather glove. 
The masked killer hummed, “Of course, you would, such a slutty girl.” Saying nothing, you continued to stare up at him, neither denying nor confirming. 
“I’ve been enjoying seeing you walk around in those cute little panties of yours every day.” Gasping not in disbelief of him stalking you, but as to why he never visited, you moved to speak and he cut you off, moving impossibly close to your ear.
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you raw for a long time now… and to see this little shit get so close to you, makes me want to ram you against the wall and pound your insides until you’re begging me to stop.“ Moving away from your quivering figure that was cherishing the idea, he gave you a condescending pat on your cheek.
“But, I’m not going to do that-“ your body slumped and your lips opened in a saddened retort. “I’m not going to fill up your pussy with every bit of cum I have inside of me… I know my sweet omega would love that too much..”
“But that’s not-!” The man’s gloved finger hovered over your lips, warning you to be swiftly quieted. A quick pout befell. 
“If my omega continues to be good again, then I’ll fuck her senseless. But for now.. that’s not the case.. is it?” Ghostface’s tone was ridiculing, and surely a smug mean smile was painted on his lips. Orbs dropping in disappointment, tears prickled at your eyes, lips pursing. 
“Is it? Omega?” 
“No..” your sad small voice whispered out, a tear trailing down. 
“Good girl..” He purred, trailing his voice wickedly, allowing your heart to flutter only slightly. To say you weren’t good, then to call you such right after was cruel.
His leather fingers trailed downwards, moving slowly towards your aching pussy. Your breath caught in your throat unexpectedly, eyes trailing at the man’s empty sockets. He watched your needy expressions, your anticipation dripping in your sex impatiently. 
Ghostface dipped his masked fingers into your folds, softly.. slowly..  toying with your wetness. A shy moan escaped, and your face moved swiftly towards his neck. Your hands wrapped around, and you couldn’t help but wiggle your hips longingly into his fingers. All rational sense of questioning had vanished as you had begun melting into his hands.
His slight simple touches caused your desperate trembling pussy to clench around nothing, as he continuously dipped his fingers only slightly in, to quickly take them out. Erratically, moaning into his neck, your tongue graced over the fabric. The man took the time to inhale, and with this, he lulled out a delicious-sounding grunt. The smell of yours colliding with his, only caused his stiff dick to twitch more. Feeling this, you bit at your lip, a past statement of his echoing in your head. 
You moved away from him, and you could feel the confusion through the black holes of his mask. Knees touching the floor, you met his eyes with black wide pupils. Everything in you desired to make your alpha happy with you again, if he wasn’t, you just wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.
Your pleading fixation made it clear you desired this probably more than he did, you wanted to make him happy, you needed for him to groan as he stretched your mouth wide with his cock. Knowing what you wanted, he stayed silent, as if contemplating through the arousal you innocently were giving him. 
"Please Daddy.. I'll be good again, please.. let me, please… I’ll…” Pausing, your tongue nearly slobbered at his clear erected shaft poking at the leather of his pants, twitching at your sight. Ghostface hummed for a moment, then exhaled a gruff approval.
“Fine. I’ll allow it. Show me I can trust my little whore again.”
You were furiously nodding before he even finished his words. Hands moving to his pants, his cock sprung out as if trapped, and your astonished ogling stuck like glue. Swiftly your hands graced his knees, more than ready. A tug pulled you forcefully back, his hand at your hair shoving you away from his angry shaft. Arching, you met his masked features with a pout. 
"If I see you touching yourself one bit I’ll make sure you can’t sit straight for the whole fucking week, kay?” You nodded swiftly, impatient, truthfully unable to hear him through your arousal. You were quick to proceed the moment his grip lessened. He tightened it again and pulled back, and you grumbled instinctively, annoyed. 
“Watch it, you should be grateful I’m letting you even suck my cock after the shit you pulled.” His tone was still irritated and a saddened frown fell.
Nodding quietly, his grip lessened increasingly so, and you took this moment to finally, and so happily meet his thick arousal. God, he was tasty looking, and his dick was so large you could cum alone just by imagining it fully inside you. Your tongue licked at the vein prodding from the skin and the taste of him caused a pleased rumbling in your chest. Tongue licking hastily at the aroused member, you happily took him into your mouth. With his breathy grunt, your hips wiggled, excited, and you moved closer. 
His leather-covered fingertips momentarily tightened at your hair when you moaned deep into him. The arousal gave you a continuous drip of wetness from your heat that was craving to be touched. Desperately desiring to not displease him further, you forced your painfully needy fingers away from your sex and took it as an excuse to wrap them around his throbbing cock. You let them roam eagerly, and your tongue swirled around his tip.
The shape was entrancing, and your tongue studied it in sure detail. His heavy breaths were getting louder and this encouraged you once more to take him as deep as you probably could. You bobbed back and forth at a decent pace, allowing yourself to get into it as much as your limits could take you. The taste of him you could get more than used to. 
Staring at him, a blush scattered across your face. Meeting his gaze whilst doing such a dirty action felt so vulgar.. yet the desire of pleasing your alpha in such a way made happiness bloom in your cunt.
Ghostface was unreadable with his mask on, but the lustful scent seeped through a hole out of any sort of cover he had. Your gag reflex increased as his cock began to prod at your throat. You moved to pull away for a needed break, yet when you were just about to fully remove his cock from your mouth, his fingers placed on your scalp moved down and balled your hair into a tight fist. Suddenly he jolted your head forward and his cock hit the back of your throat. Your mouth took him wholly and despite your struggle, he breathed so beautifully that your body couldn’t help but wiggle in response. 
“Fuck doll-“You swirled your tongue around his cock as much as you could with such a size, and his heavy exhales shifted into a sharp hiss when you sucked at a sensitive vein. Your eyes gazed deeply into the mask’s eye holes, your tongue desperately working at him.
He pulled his head back with a grumble, his fingers applying even more pressure to your head. Eventually, it was like something in him snapped, and Ghostface impatiently shoved your mouth almost completely down his cock, and your throat instinctively attempted to expel him. Promptly, your head was pulled back, and before you could even take a breath, it was diving forward onto his needy cock.
 His breaths were short and staggering, deep and heavy, mixing in with only a few hardly audible grunts of approval. He was mercilessly bobbing your head back and forth, and you were moaning desperately, your hands tightening hopelessly at his legs as he fucked you furiously. Your tongue was attempting to make movements around him, but it was beyond difficult when he plunged your head down him even further. His hand occupied your head firmly, and your throat was being taken so very well that you could feel your angry cunt surge in jealousy at the lack of attention. 
One hand slowly began to snake down, you hoped not too obviously as he was surely too focused on fucking you at a furious pace. The sloppy pattern was beginning to make it hard for you to breathe. His cock was repeatedly jabbing at your throat, and when he pulled your head away for a slight second, you gave him a pleading gasp, begging for him to slow down.
Nothing changed, and you whined at the merciless pace. A groan of pleasure erupted. “Fuck... your mouth... is perfect.. for me princess.." He was grunting increasingly through his heaves, and you peered at him complacently, eyelids widening at the burning, at the gnaw in your jaw, and the gag in your throat. 
Your fingers moved to the pool of your streaming arousal that dripped down your inner thighs. Despite the intensity, you could cum swiftly from him taking your throat in such a way… Your needy pussy throbbed when he sucked in a breath and shoved you down even harsher than before.
Sneaking into your drenched panties, you slowly moved around your clit, reacting with a sudden moan at the instantaneous pleasure. Promptly your head was pulled back, his fingers tightening in such a way that you were sure he could break you. Regardless you finally took this moment to pant and cough out as much as you could. 
"What did I fucking say?" Voice angry, he exhaled roughly, and you could tell he was just at the brink of climax and you ruined it. Swiftly your fingers pulled away, and you glanced at him with wide eyes, ashamed. Opening your mouth to defend, he rammed his cock into your mouth completely, and before he even gave you a chance to adjust, he pulled back.
"You... don’t.. fucking..” His words were emphasized by a repeated punctuated thrust back into your throat and then out. “..listen... do you.. omega?" Ghostface was now tugging you forward onto his shaft as swiftly as you thought possible. The man’s breaths were speeding up, irritated, yet so on the verge of cumming. 
Instantaneously, he jolted to an abrupt stop and he jerks your lips to circle the end of his cock. His balled-up strong fist held you there so tightly, you felt an impossibly warm stream of cum forcefully spew down your throat. You coughed into him, not expecting such a deep climax.
Attempting to poorly to be patient with your breaths, he held you there with a iron grip, hoping he might just let you go any second now. Yet with every passing second, you were struggling to take a singular inhale of air. The burn in your throat was becoming unbearable, and you moved, or at least attempted to. A sharp impatience surged in him, and he balled his fist tighter around your hair when you tried. 
The black dots in your vision were getting harder and harder to ignore, and the gagging in your throat didn't stop. You looked at him, pleading, a terrible aching in your jaw, and the stress in your unblinking eyes causing a stream of tears to pour down your cheeks. The man was breathing jagged and heavy, and his cock surely twitched at the sight of your struggle.
He pulled you away within a second, and in that second, you inhaled as much air as you could. You were panting out like an unflattering dog as small amounts of his cum drooled from your tongue. 
"Swallow it." His tone was sharp, and he was just about at his last hair of patience at the idea of you disobeying him one more time.
A genuine fear swelled, and you shrunk at hearing his tone. Lowering your head, you swiftly caught the escaping stream in your hand. Slobbering widely at your palm, you made sure every bit of his release would find its way back to where it belonged. The taste of his cum made your pussy burn in enjoyment. God, how badly you wanted to be fucked. 
The frightening glare lessened at your show, but it did nothing to aid in his anger towards you yet again. When you finished. your head bowed to the floor, heartbroken, terrified, and aroused. Ghostface suddenly stepped away from you, and you jolted to observe his every action.  "On your stomach,” he sat at your bed, his hand on his lap, signifying where.
Hesitating so clearly, he tilted his head in a way that gave you menacing shivers. You pressed your breasts nervously against the soft blankets, your stomach over his knees. Apprehensive of what the alpha was going to do, you secretly hoped for a claim or a large knot frankly.. but you unfortunately knew that wasn’t going to be the case. 
"Since you don't know how to listen and follow simple fucking commands.. you're going to count. Anytime you don't count, lose track, or say the wrong number, I’ll double it.. on second thought, I’ll triple it.”
You were vaguely confused, but still you nodded apprehensively.
His leather hand touched your bare ass, trailing down the shape. Regardless of the glove over his skin, it gave you a fire that ignited in your cunt once more. A powerful spank into your right cheek caused you to suddenly jolt forward, yelping out at the unexpected pain. His hand swapped to land a blow even harder at your left, and still unaware of the situation, you yelped, teeth-gritting naturally from the pain.
You hoped this was just a quick punishment.  
"I don't hear you counting princess." His iced voice broke you out of your daze as if somehow threatening that it could get worse.
"T-Two.." Stammering cautiously, the fear that it was going to be incorrectly quickened your pace.
You didn’t know why you even expected him to give you a break already, or at least a further explanation. It wasn’t too long after before his palm met your ass cheek like the crack of a whip. Nails curled into the sheets, the fabric piled into your hands desperately, and for some reason, you were still whimpering hopelessly like a bitch in heat. You wanted so clearly to beg, to cry, but you couldn’t focus on your thoughts and counting all at once.
"Th-Three.." WHAM. 
That one felt like hot metal seered into your skin from the way it burned so harshly after. Although in the moment you felt your head whirl, and it was all happening only a second after another, you were sure they were becoming increasingly powerful. Your behind must've already been a purplish red, and the relentless tingle emphasized that.
“Four." Tears stung at your eyes, and your throat made a choked whine when you received the fifth blow at your cheek, or was it six?  The numbers arrived so quickly and you were beginning to lose track of the way his hand met so brutally with your rear. Back and forth, back and forth, it was too fast and your head swirled confusedly. 
"That was six." It was quiet only for a moment, and your fear increased horrifically. Nothing would have readied you for the way he in response to your blatant mistake, increased his strength tenfold in each promised tripled blow. The worst part was, he didn’t even switch between your left and right. He pauses, then starts again.
You couldn’t focus outside the stinging, and you wiggled in his grip, desiring to escape.
“Now it was seven." From that, he repeated the horrible action from before, and you attempted to push your head deep into the sheets, imagining a place where this wasn’t happening, and your alpha was just a sweet man. The echo of the next slap rang into the room, and you wailed at the spreading pain.
Tears finally grazed your cheeks, and your mind at this point could only notice the way the burn exponentially doubled with each slap.  Knuckles turning white from clenching, you again attempted to move to ease the blatant discomfort. His fingers then sunk so harshly into your back that surely he would have given you a bruise, and the next blow doubled in strength. 
“Move one more fucking time and you’re going to be counting to the hundreds.” You sniffled at his cruel words and limped into his hands, struggling to not resist and flail against him. There was a cruel rhythm to the blows, and you counted in your head, thinking that maybe if you focused solely on the numbers all the pain would disappear.
12…13…14…fuck..15? No.. 16… Fuzziness swirled, and although you were counting, you were beginning to lose track again. The stinging in each cheek brought you to reality, and the burn could only ease for what felt like half a second before he would smack at your opposing side.
“E-Eighteen…” At this point, you were heaving broken sobs that cracked from your throat.
He sang, “Seventeen,” a sadistic tone in his voice. He was apathetic and usually unreadable, but right now, a side of him was enjoying this so terribly. Biting at your lips hard, you braced for what was to come.
He tripled the spanks, and you were crying, quaking so helplessly that you would’ve maybe thought he’d give you mercy. “P-Please.. I can't... alpha it hurts..i-it hurts so bad..” Body quivering, you fisted your sheets, sniffling out unflattering sobs. 
"Whose fault is this?" Ghostface spoke sarcastically, chuckling evilly. You hiccuped a sob, a tear in your heart at his words. The disappointment and anger from your alpha made you intensely ashamed. The crack from his palm, the stinging at your skin, the uttered shameful forced spoken numbers on your behalf, did nothing to aid your emotions.
Maybe it was your submission, your tears, or your broken pleads that rung out, stammering “alpha.. alpha.. a-alpha, please,” that had him pause for just a moment longer than what you were used to. It was only a sweet few seconds of bliss before the blow at your left cheek ignited a swift remembrance of every number that you had to count. 
"If you just fucking listened like a good omega, this would've been over by now." His tone was as usual, cruel and sadistic. Surely something in him, the alpha harming his omega, did care, maybe if you could just hear it.. just a little bit then he’d stop. There was only so much you could do.
His hand struck you, forcing you out of such an imagination, vaguely uncaring that your skin was a hopelessly swelled red. Sobbing, you truly tried your hardest to keep track of every sting through the dizziness.
“Tw-Twentry three..” The crack of your unflattering voice yelped at its ending when he used his raw strength to let you know how wrong you were. Tensing at the apprehensive wait of another slap right after, it eased quickly, a welcomed pause showing you were indeed correct. He only allowed ever one breath of relief to fall, and even then it was just barely before he would give such a fate. 
“Twenty-six…” By this number, you were sure it would've concluded, you were sure that it was now beginning to get too high to be thought of as a normal punishment. Another strike proved this very wrong, and you yelped, fear coursing through you.
“Please.. no more alpha.. please.. I-I’m sorry… I-I promise… I-I promise I’ll listen.. p-please stop... The pain in your rear was becoming so unbearable you couldn’t care less about how pathetic your pleading was becoming.
“Oh? Now you’ll listen? It only took 30+ spanks.” Ghostface enjoyed this all too well, you were sure he did. He paused for a moment. Not out of mercy, only to watch closely as you whined into the sheets, body quivering through the throbbing heat. Where exactly? You didn’t quite know. 
“Tell you what bratty girl. If you can get to 35 without messing up once, I’ll stop for tonight.” For tonight? Your heart raced at the implication, but you couldn’t think much about it before a crack of his palm hit your ass, and you screamed out “T-twenty-eight!” As apprehensively as possible. You were focusing so hard on each spank, teeth nibbling at your cheeks so much that you only slightly drowned out the terrible pain. The excitement of its closure only drew you in further. 
31… 32….  You were getting terribly anxious. 33…. It was so close, almost there. 34… “Thirty-five!” You nearly screamed out, expecting it to finally all be over.
“Ah ah ah- 34. Not 35.” Perking your head up, you swiftly rotated to him as much as you possibly could, tears brimming in your eyes.
“What?! No-No no no, I.. I.. please.. a-alpha.. please,” the sobs threatened to escape at the thought of starting all over, fear chilling your body. You were sure you counted correctly, this… this couldn’t be possible. You couldn’t go through god knows how many more.
You could see his empty eye sockets, his emotionless mask turning to you, and it felt like a pin could audibly drop in the silence before you heard him laugh hard, meaner than ever. It lasted too long, to the point where you confusedly sputtered a “what..?” 
“Look at you, so hopeless and innocent, so scared. I’m sure it hurt your little brain to think that hard on counting, didn’t it?” He patted at your ass playfully. This ignited a burn and you jutted against him with a hiss, a sizzling heat between your legs. Did this mean you weren’t going to receive extra punishment?
“I-I.. don’t get it..” You admitted, and he laughed.
“Of course you don’t. I just wanted to see your cute little reaction.” Your soft surprised “oh” didn’t last for very long as he began to rub your ass cheeks so gently, it almost scared you how quickly his gestures could go from cruel to sweet in just a few seconds.
The soft caressing did ignite a fresh pain now and then, and there were still past tears stained on your face, your eyes blown out fearfully, pussy beneath the red of your cheeks that was throbbing so. It hurt, it hurt so badly, but there was something within you that wanted him so bad you could die.
He rubbed at your rear in such ways that made you tremble. It ignited a comfort in the painful ache, and you heaved out shaky breaths. Whimpering, some part of you was unsure as to why you were even calling out to him after such a scene, but god you wanted your alpha so bad.
The tenderness muffled into soft spikes of discomfort, and with his glove touching it so nicely, the searing dimmed out rather quickly, the throbbing of your aroused cunt almost subduing it forcefully. You moaned, writhing against his hand that teasingly brushed over your sex. “A-Alpha..”
"Hm?" He played dumb.
You felt truthfully happy he didn’t see how embarrassingly you were jutting against his hand, begging for friction. Meanwhile in reality he was biting back another mean laugh.
Ghostface’s action ceased completely, and you pouted, the omega within you about to scream out for his knot. His hand met with your ass abruptly and you squeaked, pushing against him.
“Ow! A-Alp- ooh… alpha..” moans of pain turned lovingly as his two fingers dug deep into your cunt.
“Surprise, my little whore all wet for me after I spanked her senseless.” Circling your hips, he curled his fingers and you screamed, begging aimlessly when he began to spear you repeatedly. The wetness spilled over his thigh, and he cussed out. “Shit omega. You’re going to make me want to fuck this pussy of yours if you keep dripping on me like this.”
You nodded as swiftly as you could. “Yes-yes do that, please.. alpha- please-“ he spanked your ass and you yelped, quieting with the bite of your lips.
“Shut up.” It wasn’t as ice cold as his words before, but regardless you whimpered at his sudden demand, and you quietly wiggled to the way his fingers rammed themselves up to a hilt in your aching sex.
You squeezed him tighter than ever, thinking of all the things he’d do to you, of how you might just sit on his face and grind your way to completion. Grunting in approval, he gave your pussy a soft slap, and you threw your head back, moaning loud. The climax was beginning to rise, you could feel it, you were so close, and you were riding, grinding on his fingers hard, gargled pleas falling from your lips. 
“Oh, Ghostface.. oh.. oh god.. ah- wait!” Crying out, his fingers left you completely the moment your quivering release began. The nerves settled sharply, so quickly that your throat nearly choked out a sob.
“And fuck, you taste delicious too,” he breathed out gruffly, and you rotated to him, hoping he had removed his mask. Nothing, just his licked clean fingers, and a blush burned at your cheeks. He gazed at your helpless quivering body, and it looked as if he was contemplating for a moment. 
“Fuck omega,” he spoke lowly, as if only to himself. As if he wasn’t at all planning on fucking you raw, but the powerful alpha in him was significantly growing at seeing your handprinted ass, and the way your tasty hole was clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled. The dull ache in your rear that you were wiggling, caused a surge of slick to escape in slow streams from your sex and fuck it looked so delicious, he could clean you up within a minute. 
“Face down, ass up. Don’t even think about looking.” Ghostface’s words came out more rushed, almost on the verge of madness, yet you didn’t question him, he’d just give you another brutal spanking If you disobeyed.
Springing up off his lap promptly, you snuck a look, excitement surging through you, your face pushing into the soft covers. Shutting your eyes tightly, your booty instinctively shimmied to his sight, more than ready for what might come. The position spread your throbbing wet pussy wide to his view perfectly. 
His leather fingers rubbed at your needy clit like he was just getting a feel for it. Shaking with whines, your deprived muffled moans absorbed into your sheets. Suddenly a warm tongue dragged up your cunt so slowly it nearly caused you to break your restraint. Hands tightening around your covers, you moaned out loud as his tongue ran up your wet thighs, drinking in every little bit of arousal you had.
The hot breaths against your sex had you shaking and yelping in desire. The thought of your alpha enjoying your taste, made you wiggle into him harder, and you wished more than anything you could grab his locks and sink him deeper. The pace instantly increased, and he began wildly lapping you up, his thumb shifting to rub swift circles around your clit. Two fingers pushed deep into your tightening hole again, and with this, you broke out into quivering moans. 
You strived to shout out to him desperately and urge him to continue, yet the barely holding of your self-restraint made it impossibly difficult. His fingers curled deep alongside his pace, and his tongue circled so amazingly well at your juices, It wasn’t too long before you gave into pleasure, and ripped your head from the sheets. Eyelids scrunched tightly, afraid they might just burst open and disobey his rules.
The thumb that swirled at your clit stopped, and that hand met with your bruised ass. Jolting, a squeal left you, and his fingers shoved deep into your walls. The hold on your eyelids was about to break, and you were panting, desperate.
“Face down omega, don’t make me tell you again.” Ghostface cracked at your red cheeks one more time, reinventing the forgotten pain.
Your head sunk begrudgingly into the comfort of your warm sheets, teeth biting at your lower lip in frustration. You could feel him smirk into you, a clear amusement in your desperate whining pleas. He knew you wouldn’t look, but oh did he love seeing you so torturously submit.
The sexiest breathy chuckle vibrated at your aching hole, and you shivered, fingers digging into the sheets in order to not rip yourself away again. The coiling climax surrounding your pussy had you tightening hard around him, and his tongue moved to your clit now, licking up and down the throbbing sex. This had you going crazy, and you couldn’t help but move your head just a little. 
“I-I’m.. A-Alpha“
Scissoring, his fingers started scissoring inside you, and you convulsed, just about to lose your restraint, the coiling getting stronger and stronger. He was relishing in your flavor, his greedy tongue lapping deeper into your sex, and he purred into you.
That broke you, and your orgasm quickly sped up to the way his fingers were pulsing deep in your fluttering walls, thrusting, scissoring so deep you screamed. 
“That’s it, babygirl, fucking break for me.” Nails nearly ripping at your thin bed cover, you pushed only your chin out, moaning so loudly you couldn’t even hear the way he was laughing at you, but you sure as hell felt it. 
It almost wasn’t possible how far he could go, and he stopped at an absolute hilt inside of you, his knuckles surely deep into your cunt. His tongue greedily worked at your high.
Trembling, the climax started settling, and your eyes were nearly rolling to the back of your head as he continues the quick movements of his tongue. You jutted into him, body so tensed from the quivering release, it felt like you couldn’t even move anymore. You limped weakly, only softly grinding into his never-ending torture. Tears threatened your orbs, and you came so hard, the sensitivity of your nerves made it so that you were shaking into him, desperate to pause.
“D-Daddy.. t-too much… c-cant” He opened his fingers wide, making you scream out again, a slight pain beside it. Too overstimulated, it was too much, and you could hardly think.
His fingers suddenly thrust into you so fast your desperate cunt quivered, a second climax started rushing in too quickly, You screamed, unable to ready yourself for such a painful yet sweet release. Grinding against him hard, he lapped it up like it was his last meal, and he pulled your ass deeper into him, your legs weakly shaking.  
He didn’t stop, and at this point your head dropped, fingers weightless at the loss of strength. You were twitching, and your cunt cried out as he ate up every little stream of cum that dripped. Whispers left your lips, his name at the tip of your tongue, jumbled gargles making their way out. Your leg moved to push your body away to sway him from his further abuse.
He growled deep, sending a jolt up your spine. Fingers tightened at your burning ass, and you were whining in pain, his tongue circling you so quickly still it felt like it would never end. 
Low growls were coming from his throat, and nothing encouraged him to pause for your exhaustion. You were still moaning out hopelessly, your slumped form only upright because of his firm hands.
Eventually, his fingers slowly pulled away from your cunt that was still attempting so dearly to suck him in. The sound was obscene, vulgar, and he gave a few slaps to your cunt. You whimpered, jumping to each. One last lick was given to your trembling clit, and he unexpectedly spanked your right ass again.
Desperate pleas were falling from your lips, tears streaming down your cheeks. Ghostface breathed out a chuckle, his hand now gently rubbing up and down your numb pussy.  
“What a good fucking omega, so delicious and all for me.” His hand pat at your ass, and you hissed at the way it seared. Butterflies flew in your stomach, your heart skipping a beat. Happiness still enveloped you through your exhaustion, happy that he enjoyed you so well, and that he was proud of you.
The idea of his features sent excitement through you, but you didn’t look even if you wanted nothing more.
Your alpha was finally happy with you.
A soft whispered moan escaped, the thought of this sending you to a sweet sleep while he continued rubbing your pussy so well.
Before you passed out, you could faintly hear him snickering as three fingers entered your exhausted walls. 
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Mushroom Oasis (Visual Novel)
Created by: DeersphereStudios
Genre: Romance/Horror
Mushroom Oasis is very cute, and I love Mychael's design a love (I'm a huge sucker for good monster design). @deerspherestudios always seems to make pretty nice games with cute characters and it was really nice to be able to hang out with Mychael! The artwork in it is also very pretty and cozy, much like Mychael himself.
The story starts out with the MC losing their cat, and has become worried about their disappearance. After being unable to look for them, they desperately look into the forest near their house. After wandering for a very long time, they end up stepping in a fairy circle, where they pass out due to the spores after finding their cat's collar.
Waking up in a cabin, they are tended by someone with messy hair. The two of them talk for a while, with the guy revealing himself to be named Mychael. The MC finds Mychael's appearance to be a little bit odd given the horns, his green skin and his pointed ears. The MC tries to ask Mychael where their cat is, showing them a picture of her, but Mycheal doesn't seem to know. Mychael seems touched that the MC is willing to go out of their way to find their cat, and is happy to make conversation with him. While the MC tries to go home, Mycheal seems to convince them using his spores that they should stay. Mycheal brings the MC to the kitchen and offers them food.
If the MC refuses and leaves, Mycheal will reluctantly let them, but as they walk, they end up falling to the forest's influence, passing out. The end is Mycheal walking sadly to see the body of the MC taken by the mushrooms in the ground next to their cat.
If they agree, Mycheal will cook them something and the MC eats it eagerly. The two talk about why Mycheal lives in the woods until the MC accidentally drops their mug on the floor... which Mycheal catches with his tail, later revealing his four eyes. This can lead the MC to either freak out or stay calm.
If the MC decides to calm down, Mycheal will become bashful hiding behind his plate, telling the MC that he'd be willing to hide his eyes if they'd prefer. The MC drinks the tea, and reassures Mycheal about his appearance. Mycheal insists on having the MC stay for the night.
If the MC freaks out, they will try to escape. Mycheal tries to get them to calm down. They can either attempt to take the sewing needles as a defense or leave them.
Leaving them will cause Mycheal to grab the MC forcefully and use his spores to brainwash them into calming down. He cries a bit, sad that he won't be able to love the "real" MC but is willing to play along with the sedated and brainwashed version of them. The MC is then brainwashed into believing that they've been with Mycheal all of their life as Mycheal plays along with this state.
Taking the needles will cause Mycheal to release spores to get the MC to calm down, however, if the MC does attack him, the needles are stabbed into his heart causing him to fall down bleeding. As Mycheal dies on the floor, he talks about how happy he was that the MC was there with him before dying. The MC feels regret.
I gotta say that this artwork is way, WAY too pretty, from the backgrounds to the characters, it's just really cozy and it's great. I love Mychael's design since I love looking at unique monster designs and it's pretty cool seeing a mushroom based monster character. His four eyes are just so expressive, and he has cute expressions. The creator really has to pull on the heartstrings on the ending where he dies though, don't they.
As a yandere, Mychael is pretty interesting because he is pretty much doing the right thing in forcing the MC to stay with him. As we see in the bad endings, if the MC does end up leaving Mychael's cabin, then they end up being taken by the forest much like their cat, so subduing the MC using his spores is probably the best he can do to make sure that they don't leave, even if it's likely out of selfishness as well since he is pretty lonely. The spores do raise up the question of how powerful his mind control is, as we see that sometimes the MC can break out of it, while in others, such as the ending where the MC is braindead, they can pretty much completely erase their memory. It might come down to how much is released in the air or even what kinds are released. It's possible it might come from his eyes as well, since they turn into a sort of pink hypnotic state. Mind control in yandere stories is an interesting topic to get into since it goes into the idea of if the yandere is okay with an MC that doesn't really have a free will anymore and the amount of angst if they do ever snap out of it. Mychael is a curious creature since I'm not sure we know where he came from or if he's the only one of his kind. My theory is that he's some sort of mutation with the forest (since he's able to sort of tell when the forest "takes" someone and is unaffected by it or at least knows how to avoid it) and possibly was chased out by humans at some point as well (thus his complex about his appearance) so he's forced into isolation. Or I'm completely wrong since there can be a lot of reasons why he isolates himself so much. Also, his blushing sprite? Adorable, I love it.
Overall, a pretty cute demo. I like how it's introduced with the MC running after their cat which I feel is pretty different from how other VNs I've played initially introduce their MC. I'm curious to see how Mycheal will develop as a yandere as the story goes on.
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kitybur · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 | 𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜𝐰𝐡𝐲
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⌦ in which you, your silly friends and silly boyfriend move in together & what i think would happen.
— warnings: gn!reader, craziness, fluff, swearing
| can you write some headcannons abt how y/n would be with the rest of the group! or how the group would react to isaac and y/n hehe ANYWAY THANK U SM , love all of your content |
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• to start off, i think we can agree that living with the boys would actually be HELL.
• like you’d have to be scrubbing the house top to bottom after filming a groupchat video. but for the sake of this, let’s ignore the bad side 🤗.
• the boys would definitely love you, and treat you like their sibling (everyone but isaac ofc). they would probably be a little overprotective of you, but that’s them showing they care.
• you’re getting ready for a party? when and where. someone’s making you uncomfortable? who needs to step in. you feel me??
• these men would never fail to make you laugh if you were having a bad day. like if you had a bad day at school or work, they would instantly have you in cackles.
• they always make sure they try to include you. if you weren’t a streamer, they would make sure that you get some screen time if you like to be on film. if you don’t, they make sure that you at least go on adventures with them (especially willy vlogs)
• okay independently tho.. i feel like softwilly would be the one to include you in most things (if you weren’t a streamer like we just established). idk he looks like the type of person who wouldn’t want to leave anyone out or behind. if you were a streamer, he’d still try to include you on recordings.
• yumi definitely would not give two shits im ngl 😭 he does his own thing so i feel like he just wouldn’t bother with you (in the nicest way possible) if you didn’t want to hang out or go film a vlog. but he’s definitely like one of the funniest people when you get to know him so he’s basically your main bitch when you’re sad.
• larry would definitely be your best friend. he’s got such a sweet personality that you’d instantly click and just do stupid shit together. like you’d play loud music at four in the morning and wake everyone up because you saw a tiktok dance you wanted to try ☠️ i just feel like larry would be easy to get along with.
• along with larry, i also feel like grunk would be easy to get along with. you’d both go out shopping since he’s lowkey got drip and you’d bond over it. i feel like if grunk got close enough to you, he’d ask to watch spongebob together. whether it’s over discord or irl. it’s a special moment y’all get to have to hang out.
• tanner would be your workout buddy. he’d make sure that he spots you and vice versa, and make sure that you aren’t breaking your bones doing a new workout. if you don’t workout, he’d be your horror game buddy. tanner would even just have you in the room because he gets jumpy. and if he gets too pissed off he’d make you play. and just constantly grab your shoulders to scare you.
• and lastly, we have isaac. in this case, isaac is your bf and lord he would be the best boyfriend. 🙏 like he’s actually super tall and muscular that he would give GREAT hugs. bro and the best cuddles. literally could crush you and that’s lowkey hot 🫡.
• but no, isaac would definitely be your muse. he’s definitely got that golden retriever type vibe, maybe slight black cat. isaac would be the best at massages. idk why that came to my head. i feel like with his large hands he’d be able to give great back or shoulder massages.
• isaac would buy you a bunch of shit, like he does for the house. it could be something totally stupid and he’d be like “but it’s useful in so many ways” or “it’s cute!” when it’s really fucking ugly but you’d never tell him that.
• you WILL constantly hear gagging sounds from the rest of the members whenever you and isaac are in mere 2 feet of each other. mostly from yumi and softwilly. but it’s all jokes! most the time..
• they will also make kissing sounds when you two walk out of isaac’s bedroom and ask if you used protection. even if you have literally just woken up.
• larry and tanner would recreate any lovey dovey thing you guys do, but make it 10x more funnier. any photo y’all post together, they copy it and tag you both.
• ^^ stop tell me you can’t see that happening 😭😭
• grunk would be the supportive bsf but will threaten isaac if he takes you away when you’re supposed to watch spongebob together.
• overall, i think living with them would be such a hassle, but if you plan it right it may be fun. if you love cleaning and screaming children at midnight, this is right up your alley ‼️
• ‘kay but y’all gotta agree that living with them would actually be so fun cause they’re funny and have an amazing time doing actually anything. like they could make any regular night into an eventful night that would end in the kitchen a mess, empty cans in the floor and bodies sleeping anywhere they can find comfortable.
• and those are our youtubers/streamers 🥹
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a/n: okay pls tell me if you agree or disagree with any of these cause i was just going off the top of my head but i wanna hear what y’all have to say about it too! i didn’t really know what to write for this so it’s all based on my opinion and how i see it. i hope this fulfills your request!
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canellescandles · 2 months
horror au
playing animal crossing was all fun and games with ellie until events happening in the game turned out to happen in real life
->inspired by a short movie on yt
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A/N:sorry for the long break,I went to the beach and lost my right arm because of a damn shark. Specialists say they want to know how human flesh tastes, but it bit my whole arm off 😵‍💫. Anyway, I’ve learned to write with my left hand so I can still cook 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Rainy days were your favorite.
They gave you and Ellie an excuse to stay indoors and play video games for hours on end.
After playing the same games repeatedly, growing emotionally attached to them, Ellie convinced you to give a try to something different from your usual apocalypse-themed games.
Halloween was tomorrow and ellie judged it to be the perfect time to introduce you to Animal Crossing's latest spooky update, a game you had never tried before.
"it's not traumatizing-scary, but I thought if I like it, you would too," Ellie said as she turned on her Nintendo Switch, a gift Joel had given her for her last birthday.
Often, she would gift you video games from her own massive collection, which hadn't gotten her into the Guinness World Records yet, but it might one day.
It was your favorite hobby together, a shared passion that easily brought you closer.
"you know what I like. If it's not pee-your-pants scary, it's deadly boring," you stated clearly as you made yourself comfortable next to her on her bed, lying flat on your stomach, propping yourself on your elbows as your eyes darted to her screen, the game just starting.
"oh yeah? we'll see about that. I bet ten bucks you'll get so addicted, you won't wanna go home tonight," Ellie said with a confident smirk, pressing 'play' as she seized the opportunity to have you to herself for longer than usual.
The screen flashed, revealing Ellie's character in a virtual room. "just watch me," she muttered, focusing on the screen as she led her character out of the room with a joystick.
Her character entered a clothing shop, trying on brand new clothes.
"I'll let you know that having no taste is a symptom of covid" you teased, followed by Ellie's soft chuckle.
She was used to your constant teasing but never grew tired of it.
"alright, try to make her look hot. we're going to see who’s going to need to get their health checked."
You smiled in victory, pleased to get a chance to play on her Switch.
"alright, bet" you said, going through every option available, trying your best to give Ellie's avatar a brand-new Halloween costume.
After a while, your lips curved into a smile as you admired her avatar in a cute, spooky witch costume.
But when you tried to buy the costume, your face fell in disappointment at the sight of Ellie's in-game money.
"man, she's broke af. that's why she looks so hideous. I can't even make her glow up, that's so sad."
"hey, take that back...as long as she's got clothes on, it's fine." Ellie said, taking back her Switch and removing the costume you were eager to buy.
You rested your head in your hand, already feeling exhausted, when suddenly, a loud, deep rolling growl pulled you out of your trance, followed by increasing pouring rain.
"looks like you're stuck with me tonight,"ellie smiled cheerfully, already plotting to stay up all night.
Halloween was only after a night, right after the full moon, but the spooky vibe that accompanied it came early today.
Both of you had turned the lights off, total darkness enveloping you, with the rain pouring and spooky sounds coming from the game as background noise.
You and Ellie took turns exploring the city and completing Halloween quests, distracting yourselves from the menacing storm that didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.
That is until another storm struck, slightly shaking Ellie's house and almost blinding you with the flashes of lightning outside the windows.
Now, the rain was pouring softly.
It was the calm before the next storm.
Turning your attention back to the game, the first thing you saw was Ellie's character momentarily freezing as the screen quickly flickered.
Ellie looked at you to see if you found this as creepy as she did.
"so, still boring as fuck miss apocalypse?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"a jumpscare here and there won't hurt"
A laugh escaped Ellie's lips. "bro, this is 'Animal Crossing,' not Freddy and his friends or whatever."
"Freddy and who?" A look of confusion on your face didn't betray your words.
"Freddy and his friends," she exclaimed, her gaze averted, trying to use her brain that's rotting from playing all the time. "the bear dude who scares kids or something. I dunno, I haven't played that stuff."
"that's FNAF, girl."you corrected, looking at Ellie puzzled. Between the two of you, you always assumed Ellie to be a game nerd.
"yeah, whatever," she said.
Now that you mentioned it, she actually remembered playing it but somehow forgot about it.
Your eyes drifted from Ellie's to her screen, which had stopped flickering, noticing many details.
"You know, I don't know how you managed to do that, but.."
Many details you've never paid attention to before.
"It's really cool how you got an exact copy of your bedroom in there," you said, looking back at Ellie, impressed.
Ellie’s eyes fell on the screen as she listened.
Her eyebrows furrowed suddenly.
She had never noticed too.
In fact, she had never decorated her in-game room with the intention of making it look like her real-life room.
As if trying to make her memories clearer, she scratched the back of her head, trying to think back to when she decorated her room in the game.
"uh, thanks. I never tried to make it look like my room, though."
"you even got the Savage Starlight poster on your wall," you pointed out, looking at her screen curiously before glancing at the same poster in real life, which was in the exact same spot in the game.
Though you were absolutely amazed by this, Ellie felt anything but impressed.
A feeling of unease started to creep up inside her.
No matter how much time she had spent in that game, she never recalled getting this poster.
This was undeniably weird, but it's only in such an atmosphere that things start to get interesting.
It was just a game after all.
"yeah, I think that's how I got broke," an awkward laugh escaped her lips, ignoring how hot she suddenly felt.
With shaky hands, Ellie wandered around her in-game room, which was just as dark as the one in real life.
To lighten it up, she walked towards the lamp on her bedside table, noticing it was placed just like in reality.
After looking at the bedside table, she focused her attention on her screen again and pushed a button to turn on the lamp.
At that moment, a quick 'click' sound echoed in the room, instantly drawing both your and Ellie's attention.
The bright lamp was flickering, casting shadows behind it.
You felt Ellie's eyes on you and turned to look at her, wondering if you both saw the same thing.
"you did that, didn't you?" Ellie asked, eager for a rational explanation for this unusual moment.
"no, I didn't," you exclaimed. The bedside table was just to your left, but your arms remained flat on the bed.
Even if you wanted to scare her, you couldn't have been that creative.
However,your words weren't convincing enough for her to believe them.
Still trying to figure out what was happening between her game and her room, she decided to try something again.
"stay here and don't move," Ellie ordered, to which you nodded and obeyed.
The drawer next to her closet drew her attention.
Her eyes fell back on her game, staring at the same drawer.
You watched Ellie's every move, your nervousness increasing as her finger pressed a button.
It was inevitable.
The drawer opened in the game.
The drawer opened in real life.
A mix of confusion and excitement flashed across Ellie's face as virtual and reality made one.
Thrilled by the turn of events, she turned to face you.
"now this is getting creepy as fuck," Ellie said, talking to you but becoming self-conscious about one thing.
You weren't alone anymore.
"yeah, this feels like the first minutes of a horror movie, but not the shitty low-quality serial killer ones—"
"the crazy haunted ones that leave you paranoid with 'inspired by a true story' in their summary."
"we're definitely in some 'bury your gays' type shit."
Ellie's soft laugh contrasted with the eerie atmosphere. No matter how serious the situation was, you were still able to make her laugh.
A part of her still clung to denial, seeking any rational explanation, but... where's the fun in that?
Was it scary because it was cool?
Or was it cool because it was scary?
Either way, this mystery was eager to be solved. Unsure of where all of this would lead, Ellie gave in to the temptation to discover it.
You decided to keep playing.
She then walked toward her in-game guitar, which was placed in the exact same spot in real life, right beside her desk.
Your eyes drifted toward it while Ellie was focused on her screen.
This was getting more and more interesting.
She pushed one button,making her character picking up the guitar.
As mini-ellie strummed the chords, you and her noticed something about the sound.
The melody wasn't coming from her Switch.
It echoed from her guitar in the corner of her room.
You couldn't believe your eyes,your ears and your mind.
In denial, you were convinced you were dreaming. But when you pinched your skin multiple times, nothing changed.
Ellie looked at you, seeking confirmation that this wasn't all in her head, a sign of her insanity.
"I'm starting to believe there's someone here with us," you said, your worried eyes meeting hers.
"you're just realizing that now?" she smirked.
You crossed your arms protectively, feeling thrilled by the game despite how scary it was becoming. "I'm actually surprised you still haven't peed your pants."
"trust me, it'll take more than that to freak me out like you."
"be careful what you wish for," you warned, feeling and fearing that something was about to happen.
In the dark,where fear and curiosty reigned over all your emotions,it was the comfort place for one thing.
The storm had calmed down for a while, but the rain continued pouring relentlessly.
Each droplet hit Ellie's closed windows, the sound resembling someone knocking.
Now you don't know how that spirit managed to stroll across the windows, but you knew that it got her.
It got Ellie.
With wide white eyes and mouth parted open, her body was entirely frozen, unresponsive to your calls.
The evil had total control over her body.
At least, that's what she made you want to believe.
After slightly shaking her to make her stop, you thought of her biggest weakness, something that always worked when she'd try to prank you like this.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Ellie panted as you tickled her sides, desperately trying to push you away from her before she fell off the bed,head hitting the floor.
Worried, you put a hand over your mouth at the scene. "oh my... are you alright?"
"would be better if you help me back up,"you reached out a hand that she carefully took, before helping her to lay back on the bed.
This is what she gets for trying to scare the hell out of you, always using the same old prank that only worked once on you.
When you were worried about her head, she was shamelessly laughing.
"you know what? laugh while you can. we'll see if you laugh once you wake up in the flames of hell after I choked you in your sleep."
"wow... nice charming words, you really know how to make a girl feel special, huh?" Ellie snickered as she saw you rolling your eyes at her.
The banter kept going, from playfully nudging each other's arm to pushing each other, as if nothing creepy had happened earlier.
That is, until your hands grabbed the Nintendo, back on the game.
Now that the virtual and reality have united, your careless laughter could easily turn into cold-blooded fear.
Ellie mirrored your wide eyes as she spotted the visual confirmation that both of you weren't alone.
Behind her character stood something in the dark.
Something because it was indeed not a human.
Its body blended with the color of death, or perhaps it was the other way around.
The darkness's arms warmly embraced its sinister presence.
The color of its eyes was the only hue transcending through the darkness in the room.
They were red—red like pumping blood and Persephone's pomegranate. Not leaving the character’s body.
Its eyes were able to pierce through the darkness, as if its life was too fierce to be halted by death.
Because it was death itself.
Ellie's eyes turned to you instinctively, seeking confirmation that it wasn’t part of her imagination.
You returned the same gaze, but not effortlessly. This unexpected turn of events made your mind run laps of thoughts and your body freeze in place.
With the same thought, "Is it behind us?" echoing over and over, the silence grew too loud, nurturing your frightened state.
The door creaked.
The one behind you and Ellie.
Your eyes remained on hers, with fear enveloping every single last spark of excitement and amusement.
"It's just the wind, right?" you managed to whisper.
Ellie still understood you despite your shaky voice, mimicking the same tone as yours. "the windows are closed."
That wasn't the first time rationality couldn't explain the strange events around you.
You were just afraid it wouldn't be the last time either.
Suddenly, a message appeared on the screen.
As your curious eyes returned to the screen despite the fear slowly consuming you, another feeling began to take over.
"Don't. Look. Behind. You."
It was regret.
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feelingdozy · 1 year
I love your writing omg <3 it's MARVELOUS I'm so jealous!! could you do finnick odair flirting with a shy!gn!reader? Like he calls them cute and they just freak out and hide into their shirt or a blanket, etc etc? And he just keeps flirting until reader just covers his mouth and they make eye contact and it's a HUZZAH moment before finnick just kisses them?? sorry if this is really specific!! thank you if you fulfill this request <3
A Little Shy
Finnick Odair x Reader
Hunger Games Masterlist
Summary: you go out to town to find some supplies for fishing as it's the perfect season. You find yourself inexperienced with tridents, and someone comes along to help you find the perfect one to fit your needs.
Note: this is a super cute request and will probably take awhile to post because I want to make sure it is absolutely perfect, also thank you!! I try my best to write as nicely as possible
Warnings: mention of death and killing, slap (hand over mouth)
You had wanted to go to the market in district 4 for awhile, wanting to see what there was to offer at this time of the month. It was the prime time for fishing, so a lot of people had been stocking up.
You stayed for a few hours getting the basic supplies, making your way over to the tridents. You had never been a pro even as a district 4 victor, but had always admired people who were able to use a Trident so easily.
You looked around slowly at all they had to offer, wondering at that point if maybe you should get your own and try it out.
"that one's nice, huh?"
You jumped at the voice that came from behind you, quickly turning around. You should've recognized the voice, of course it was Finnick.
Naturally, you got shy knowing how much you admired his Trident skills as he'd won with them as the youngest in the arena. You hated the games, but loved the skills of the weapons that came with it.
"are you good at using a trident? I've never seen you use one"
He was watching you? I mean he was your mentor back then, but you were really a nobody. You thought your win was a bit sad compared to other people who had won with skill. It was the career in you talking, quickly coming back to realize the horror that came behind it all and that you were lucky to be standing here alive right now.
"not really, I'd love to learn though.."
Your voice was quiet and faded off as you glared at other ones surrounding the two of you.
"how about you come down to my house later and I'll teach you a few tricks y/n?"
You turned to him, his charming smile placed on his face as he found your eyes.
A blush found your cheeks, a little intimidated to be taught to use a trident by the Finnick Odair. Even though you should've learned how to use a Trident in the training for the games, you focused on your hand to hand combat and nature tips and tricks then the main weapon of your district. It made you feel a little more reassured that you wouldn't die by accidentally eating the wrong type of berry.
You picked out a trident fitting to your hand, comfortable in your hold. Then it was time to start walking to the victors village that was surrounded by ocean. Their backyards went out to a beautiful beach, and then water. Constant, neverending water leaving room to do anything you aspire to.
The walk was peaceful, as usual. The weather was hotter than usual so if you were going to be in the water, why not change into a bathing suit? You quickly went home and put on a bathing suit beneath your clothing, hiding it before you got to his house.
You knocked on his door, his footsteps getting closer and your heartbeat faster. The anxiety hit as he opened the door. You just now realized his height compared to yours and how shy you were. It's the Finnick Odair. How could you not be a little scared?
"come in"
He said with the same charming smile as before, gesturing for you to sit anywhere you'd like. His place was nicely decorated, ocean themed items around you at every turn. Tridents sat on the wall, some framed and some just hung as a decoration.
He had gone to the kitchen, his back turned towards the living room. You looked at his hair that always looked amazing and you wanted to ruffle it and run your hands through it- wait. We're you actually thinking of.. no. This was Finnick Odair. Loved by the capitol, loved by the people in his district and by the other victors. He was an amazing person despite what he had gone through, most not being able to handle it all.
He brought out some cookies and sat them on the table in front of you. He sat down, the couch dipping with the new weight beside you slightly pulling you toward him, slowly sliding. Your cheeks now had a light blush again from simply being in his presence. His eyes glistened in the light of his house, his hair fluffy and his face charming and cute. You thought Finnick Odair was cute. The Finnick Odair.
He stared at you for awhile before breaking the silence.
"soo, you've never picked up a Trident before y/n?"
You nodded your head no. He sort of knew when he was training you many years ago, just a year older than you, wondering why you didn't pick up a trident. He admired your other abilities back then, knowing how to identify different leafs or berries and hand to hand combat were great abilities in general, but especially because you got put in the arena where you'd need just those skills, like it was almost fit for your win.
It's funny because you were by far the shyest tribute he had ever seen, you didn't talk much or make a fuss like many other tributes had done, but instead listened and took any and all information and tips and tricks from the past victors that only wanted to help. Why did people go out of their way to make a fuss?
Your head was turned down from his, scared to actually make eye contact with him no matter your past relationship.
"you can look at me y'know. I don't bite?"
He laughed, your head hesitantly turning upwards, scared that you'll reveal the layer of red forming on your now heat-radiating cheeks.
"no need to be nervous, y/n."
He said, and you swear he was teasing you at this point. You looked into the distance again, seeing him taking in your facial features from your peripheral vision. His eyes widened a bit before his classic smile appeared on his face that he always wore, except it seems a little more.. genuine than before.
"you're cute."
Your eyes then met with his again, and now greatly flustered in front of the man. He memorized your face in the moment, how your cheeks gained more color and your eyes widened. You couldn't even make words come out of your mouth, your heartbeat pounding too loud and mind too fuzzy to make a coherent sentence.
Was all that came out of your mouth. He slowly lifted himself up to where his arms were to the side of your face. You quickly pulled up your shirt, covering your slowly reddening face to where you might've been radiating heat, heat that he must've felt through the fabrics that layered because it was so warm.
"You're so cute. Shy hm?"
Your heartbeat pounded louder and louder within your chest as you once again admired the man who was above your sitting, now laying form. You buried yourself even deeper within your shirt before he could see even more obvious and powerful hints of red on the rest of your face.
"look at you. So red. You like me calling you cute sweetheart?"
A slap echoed in the room as you couldn't handle it anymore. You put your hand over his mouth, your heart not being able to take anymore of his flirting. You could feel his signature grin form under your hand as he put his hand on your arm. His hand slowly slid up til it reached yours, taking it and kissing the outside of your palm.
Your eyes met with his sea green. His other hand creeped onto your cheek, his head slowly getting closer to yours.
his lips collided with yours with a deep need to feel your lips for the first time. He deepened the kiss, his soft lips feeling amazing on yours. You couldn't believe your first kiss was with the Finnick Odair. Part of it because you were already in your twenties and you had never kissed anyone before, not having any partners when you were younger. But mostly because it was him.
You let him take the lead, not knowing what else to do. You let go as you had to take a breath even though you never wanted to let go of his soft lips, feeling like you had been in another world while kissing him.
"promise me you won't explode if I kiss you again?"
He laughed as you nodded, going in again for another kiss that had sucked you in, captured you.
You had just kissed Finnick Odair. Twice.
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silentcryracha · 2 months
❍ ‗ Watching a movie with Han ‗ ❍
Pairing : Han Jisung x f reader
Summary : chapter five of a cute standalone miniseries. It's what it says in the title
Genre/ Warnings : scenario/imagine/headcanon, drabble, fluff, suggestive but no actual smut, everyone yaps and is a nerd, homebody! Jisung is real, some swear words
Word count : 600 words
A/n : none
ps: There could be grammar errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
series masterpost
Watching anything, not just a movie, but a tv show, an anime, a short, a music video, literally anything, is an experience.
Each one unique and requiring at least a whole five minutes of commentary.
He's the kind of guy who feels like his life changed completely after viewing a certain product. He will gen into it so much, from the possible lore or original material, the music, the character takes and analysis from twitter users. He's probably one of them
It's so funny actually because you can pretty much guess what mood he's in by the type of thing he recommends watching. A sad movie? He's in his feels and probably lowkey needs a good cry. A fun anime? He wants to have fun and not pay too much attention, probably just relax.
A horror movie? He either wants to try and scare you and then act like the knight in shining armor (he's actually shitting himself too, trust)
"Shit! They just did a jumpscare, I didn't expect one two seconds later!" a couple of popcorns jumping out of the bowl.
"Oh no did that ugly nun scare my princess?" he wraps your shoulders with his arm, voice comically condescending, "Does she want a kiss to make it better?"
"Don't even try it, Sung. I saw you jump too, loser"
A thriller or dramatic movie? Probably feels the need to overthink something other than his life, and most likely have a nice, interesting conversation.
He's also quite strict with seeing new episodes from a series he hasn't seen before. He doesn't like to watch stuff in your presence unless you are also watching them. He much prefers your company anyway, feels also a bit disrespectful and in general he probably wants to focus on the plot.
He's usually pretty silent and concentrated but if it's a rewatch or he's purposefully showing you something he just yaps. So much. He NEEDS you to feel things as he felt them, you know?
"Baby, there! Did you see that shot? It's so fucking genius actually, will be so important for the plot later on"
"Don't spoil!" you exclaim, annoyed.
"Yah, I didn't spoil, I just commented on how good the shot was!" he defended, as you rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Shush."
But it's actually stronger than him, I fear.
"The composer using that bit of music during that scene..I know what they're doing"
"How can you hate someone so much but also enjoy their presence at the same time? Such good acting"
But don't get me wrong! He loves to hear you yap just as much. He's actually so in awe, looking at you with those big round eyes and an amused smile.
"Am I talking too much? Ah, sorry baby" you chuckle embarrassed as you catch yourself basically covering the audio of the movie.
He shakes his head with a smile, still with those adoring eyes. Like you could do no wrong, ever.
"No, my baby. You could be literally reading a cooking book, I don't care. You look too pretty."
But when you've both seen the movie/series in question and it's NOT a sad one...it's over. You both know damn well it's just part of the game foreplay at that point.
"Honey, how about we just chill and rewatch this? It was fun last time"
And just like last time, this time was indeed fun, since the movie was left on his own to the end credits as you were blowing each other's backs out.
It's a given at that point, I don't make the rules
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kivrumi · 2 months
⭑ᡣ𐭩"₊SEVEN 𐙚⁺˚
chapter 3 - toji fushiguro
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ʚ PAIRINGS : Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna, Toji Fushiguro, Ino Takuma, Higuruma Hiromi, Kento Nanami, Naoya Zenin ɞ
{ it is not stated here who the reader ends up with, the story is to find out.. }
꒰ SUMMARY : How did you end up in such a mess with various guys? From strangers, friends, and crushes to ex-boyfriends and enemies. How did, what you thought was simple, life turn out like this? And who exactly were you to end up with?
꒰ WARNINGS : SLOWBURN - NSFW 18+ - mature & sexual themes - smut / lemon - language - violence - mentions of obsessive behaviour - sub/dom mentions - angst andd fluff :3
prev chapt | next chapt
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'How has my life been moving so quickly?' You wonder, as you violently press the buttons on your Nintendo Switch 'And why is this Super Mario 3D world level so difficult...'. You put down the game before you accidentally break it out of anger. It's been more than a week since your interaction with Satoru Gojo, where you got invited to perhaps your first ever college party. You had a sickening feeling about it as it was only tomorrow, and you hadn't exactly prepared for it in any way. Your brain hasn't assembled the information together that you are going to Toji Fushiguro's party on Halloween, and you have the chance to say something to him.
'What would I even say...' You wonder as you then stroll into your kitchen. You see that Shoko has made a lil something, so you immediately grab a bowl to eat. You then sit down, ready to eat your meal, but annoyingly there was a knock on the door. With a long sigh, your legs moved to open the door for the individual.
"Wanna come over to mine now?" Choso asks. Staying over at yours has the benefit of the Nintendo Switch and gaming, but going to his always meant movie night that doesn't end well. Due to Choso being the worst at watching horror movies and your experience with sad ones.
"Yes, please." You then go grab your bowl ready to leave,
"Don't bring your bowl- just eat here first. Don't worry, I have plenty of snacks, so you don't get peckish mid movie."
"Alright alright," you say as you then sit down and consume your bowl as Choso sits by you, fingers silently tapping on the table. "What are we watching?"
"Was hoping to decide as we scroll through Netflix"
You are about to respond with some ideas, but your mouth is full. You take a minute to chew and swallow your food, and you open your mouth to begin spitting out ideas of a genre but of course, another knock on the door is there.
"Is that Shoko? Did she leave her keys?" You questioned as you got up to answer the door but Choso was already there unlocking it. Expecting the chestnut brown-haired girl to appear but instead, a snowy-haired man with deep diamond eyes stood just before you and Choso.
"Can I help you?" Choso asks Gojo as Choso tries so desperately to recognise this guy, and why was he here? Choso was hoping to hear the words 'Where is Shoko?' But instead, he painfully heard him say whilst looking straight at you,
"Hey sweetie, you look cute in your cinnamoroll PJs."
Choso was utterly confused, not because of this random man but rather the burning sensation in his heart. Why was he flirting with you, and why did he hate it?
"You knowing who cinnamoroll is just shows how much of a whore you are," you bitterly replied to Gojo before swinging another spoonful of food.
"Satoru?" A girl from behind Gojo says as the white-haired man turns back to be met with multiple other faces,
"Oh- hey, Shoko.. and Kento and Utahime," Gojo says as he makes way for them to enter by him also leaving the entry to step further into your dorm.
"Satoru, what the hell are you doing here?" Shoko asks as she goes by to sit next to you.
"Wasn't here for you, Shoko, well- actually I was at first but now seeing cinnamoroll girl there I just remembered I have important business to attend to with her."
"Ew, what do you want with her?" Shoko says in utter disgust as she eyes Gojo up and down, with the more unpleasant face.
With the door shut now and a quiet, intrigued trio consisting of Utahime, Kento and Choso now sat on the sofa, where Gojo stood in front of the table where you and Shoko sat.
"The party tomorrow, just reminding you, sweets," There were a few gasps between your friends, ultimately surprised you're attending such an event.
"What makes you think I forgot?" You question,
"Nothing, was just wondering what you were going to wear."
Shit. You totally forgot a party consists of dressing up in a dress or some sort, not that you disliked dresses. In fact you did love dressing up, but it doesn't mean you feel confident to do so, resulting in you always wearing baggy clothing and whenever you want to wear a skirt or revealing your intimate parts and legs you end up pussying out.
"You're coming too?" Shoko asks you whilst grabbing hold of your arm. A wide grin was displayed clearly on her face. She has always pushed you to attend with her but often gets rejected by you. "And seriously? I have asked you a dozen times to come with me, but as soon as Satoru asks you you're all of a sudden down for it?" Shoko says as you laugh nervously.
"Well, Gojo did give me a good offer."
"What offer?" A questioning Choso asks as his eyes remain on Gojo.
"To meet Toji.." As soon as the scarred-lipped man's name was exposed, there were defeated groans, and you overhear Utahime crying out the words no and Shoko excitedly crying out of joy. Kento was more intrigued by his phone and Choso; well, Chosos's expression was hard to read.
"What are you wearing then" Shoko questions
"Not exactly sure."
"Well, I was thinking for myself to be a nurse. Last year, I was a police officer, and I would rather not repeat that."
Right, you didn't need a dress. It was Halloween! You needed a costume...
"I have an inflatable Garfield," you say with pride.
"Are you serious? Not only were you that last year, but you're trying to seduce Toji here," Shoko says as you shrug it off
"What if Toji just has a weird interest in inflatable Monday-hating fat cats?" You joke around,
"If an inflatable Garfield makes him want you in bed, then I'm afraid he just isn't the one." You and Shoko both giggle at the idea to be cut off by a concerned Choso,
"As if he isn't already bad enough."
"Agreed," Kento adds on. His face might be stuck in his phone, but his ears do not miss the surrounding gossip.
Ignoring the Toji dislikers, you and Shoko were coming up with ideas for costumes.
"I'm leaving. Shoko, I only came by to drop off your cigarette packet you left at mine." Gojo says, handing out the packet to Shoko.
"Aawh thanks boo" Shoko says as she snatches her cigarettes back, "you always tell me to stop smoking, but you're bringing it back to me."
"Only because you would then waste your money on more" He replies as he opens the door to leave "And sweets, make sure to wait here for me to pick you up" He unexpectedly says with his eyes aimed straight towards you.
"And not me? Fuck you, Satoru." Gojo is silent from Shokos words as he sighs, knowing no matter what, Shoko will find herself getting a ride by him.
"Fine, Shoko, you can come too..." Gojo was so obviously hurt by this decision as Shoko was almost about to break into a victory dance.
"Thank you Satoruuu!" Shoko makes a heart with both her hands just for it not to be seen with the slam of the door.
"Be a zombie," Utahime says, who is now also giving you ideas.
"Nice idea, but I don't want to ruin any of my clothing, and it might not be sexy enough."
"Sexy zombie police officer?" Shoko says, "I still have my police officer costume from last year, girl."
"Well, the zombie police officer idea is extremely good, so I will do it, but I can see myself regretting such an idea."
"Okay I'm going to dig deep in my closet to find it hold up" Shoko then leaves to go to her room and then you look towards the sofa to see an uninterested Choso and Kento who are just mindlessly scrolling on their mobile devices. Utahime just sat there, staring at your wall.
"Uta, are you coming?" You ask, as her eyes shift towards you
"Nah, I'm always forced to go when you reject Shoko" She put her hands together as if she were praying and closed her eyes, "I can finally be at peace."
"Kento? Choso?" Kento laughs at the fact you suggested for him to attend, which was all you needed to hear to be certain of his response. Which was a no.
You look over at Choso, who is just like you, never wants to attend parties and major social gatherings. So why was he so deeply in thought and looked as if he was trying to find an answer?
"I'll... Come too.." Choso says so quietly that if he was an octave lower, you don't think you would be able to hear his words at all.
"WHAT?" Utahime says, turning her head towards him, Kento also following the same action.
"Really?" You ask, what makes him want to come?
"Well, it's about time I attended.. something. And since you're coming, I guess I just feel more confident to come too." A smile on you grew large at the boys' words,
"HERE," Shoko exclaims, throwing the police costume on you. You held the material in your hands, eyes looking over the design.
"This is.. really cute" It wasn't very revealing; it was a tight fit. You see a pair of shorts that would possibly end just beneath the end of the curve of your butt. A belt was included, a gun holster and everything. There was a police hat and handcuffs, what the fuck. Even a fake gun. The collar of the shirt was quite low, you suspect that the top of your tits would be exposed which makes you cringe. Slutty outfits were just your thing, only for your imagination. It scares you to actually expose yourself like that. You put the outfit to the side, needing to deal with it tomorrow. Plus, you have a bowl of food to finish.
"Awh, my food has gotten all cold now."
The harsh brush dabbed your face, and a petite hand strongly had hold of your cheeks.
"You keep moving!" Shoko complained as she made her grip tighter,
"Not my fault, you keep stabbing me with the brush," you respond in a muffled voice only to earn an eye roll from her. You and Shoko were sat on her bedroom floor, heads facing each other as one violently helped the other dress for a said party tonight.
"Ok, done!" she cheered as you looked towards the mirror. She had done zombie face paint on you. it wasn't vibrant colors as it was more suited to your features and skin color; it was clear that you were a zombie mainly by the patchwork across your face. She enhanced your features and made sure you didn't look like some terrifying ugly zombie but somehow rather a good-looking one? You began having doubts about this fit; hell, you were having doubts about attending. You were already situated in your police fit; you felt shame from how visible your bust was and your exposed legs. Shoko, who is already dressed up, then put on the tiny police hat on you and squealed how cute you looked and how Toji would go crazy for you, which only made you feel more nervous.
"Shoko, I don't know if I want to do this anymore-"
"Hey," Choso interrupted, you and Shoko glanced at his attire. A vampire.
"When did you come in Choso?" Shoko asked, you both are looking at how his hair was opened. You weren't used to seeing Chosos hair like that. "Did you break into our dorm?"
"I have a key.."
"Where the hell did you get a key?"
You watched Shoko and Choso bicker at each other as you giggled silently.
"Shoko, when is Gojo arriving?" You butt in,
"Not sure, assumed you would know."
You hum in response, but the conversation still seems to continue
"Who even is this Gojo guy?" Choso asks as he sits by you now, his eyes making a point to not look at the way you are dressed.
"He was my friend since 16. Come on, man. I've told you about him before, " Shoko replied,
"So what's he got to do with you?" Choso asks with eyes on you now, strictly just your face.
"W-well we ended up meeting the time you ditched me to help out Kento. I was lost, and he helped me to my dorm. Ever since then, he approaches me randomly, and I guess you could say we are friends now?" All Choso was thinking of was if he had just not gone over to Kentos, you wouldn't even be friends with this Gojo guy, wait. Why is that such a problem? You can have your own friends, can't you? Choso really wonders why he cares so much. He's never been bothered that Shoko hangs out with that delinquent; what's any different than you hanging out with him? Bad influence? Steal you away? Well, maybe Choso is afraid Gojo will be your new guy best friend. it's quite pathetic to even consider that in his head since you and Gojo aren't close at all, why would you ever choose Gojo over Choso? He just nods in silence at your words as he then pokes his finger onto his false sharp teeth. Shoko then groans to say
"I swear Satoru is always late to everything."
"No, I'm not," a voice by the door says as it gradually widens.
"What the hell, Satoru!? How did you get in?" Shoko yells as she gets up to point a mean finger at the man.
"Someone left the door wide open." With that, you and Shoko look towards the culprit, Choso. "Sweetheart... You look..." You turn towards the speaking man and this time take in what he is wearing. A doctor's outfit.
"Quit staring at the top of my boobs man" You pull your shirt up in hopes to cover something up but it doesn't quite work.
"But I'm not" He says even though he is unshamefully staring at them.
"Can we just leave?" Choso initiates
"What makes Vampire Man think he can get there in my car?" Gojo responds but quickly realises his mistake when you and Shoko's eyebrows furrowed at Gojo. "All right, fine, let's go."
"It's so lively in here!" Shoko exclaims as she makes eye contact with the bar and rushes over there.
"Shoko wait- don't leave me yet!" You look around you to see no Gojo or Choso. Are you already alone? With a shy hand, you covered your chest area as your other hand kept pulling down the end of your outfit. It kept hiking up somehow as if you weren't already embarrassed by how revealing it was.
"There you are, come" a voice, quite clearly Gojos, emitted from somewhere in the crowd. But you can't seem to find him. A hand gripped your wrist, forcing a yelp from you, as he pulled you through the countless people. Finally, you reach the corner of the room where there was a long, dark gray couch. The area was full of smoke, and you see Gojo initiating you to sit. Once you do, you see a Black-haired man who seems to be quite close to Gojo right beside you to your right. Not the black-haired man you came here to meet. Your name left Gojos lips as he introduced you to what he calls his best friend, Suguru Geto.
"Pleasure to meet you, princess," Geto says as he takes a strand of your hair to twirl it around. This man is clearly extremely high, his eyes are red, and his costume is a military man. Gojo started complaining about how Geto was already high but Getos eyes were fixated on you. Well, fixated on your breasts. Both men- no, all men are the same. You embarrassingly blush as a result, covering your chest with both of your hands, inching further away from Geto. His attention then went back onto whatever Gojo was babbling on about, but you doubt Geto is catching onto a single word of his. You look around the large room and fixate on how the house looks. It was large and quite beautiful if you removed the drunken college students and mess. You innocently look around but his sharp eyes catch you, once again. Toji Fushiguro. He was staring at you from afar, eyeing your attire. Your hand went to cover your chest more, but you realised you were only dressed like this for him. You nervously hold eye contact as you bring your hands down to your thighs. You gulp at his mean stare; he could definitely tell what you were doing, and he could definitely sense your fear.
"Princess, what brings you here anyways" You look back at Geto, who is staring down at your thigh and now gliding his finger across it. You move a hand to halt his movements, which makes him slowly raise his head to look at you. You realise how good-looking this man is, deep purple eyes, his cat-like eye shape. He was enchanting but way too close for your liking. You see that Gojo has gone off, talking with this girl who is blushing like crazy with a hand on his chest. You don't feel any jealousy like you usually do when Toji would be around other girls. "What are you thinking about Zombie Girl?" Geto then travels his hand up your thigh, not daring to go any further than the end of your fabric.
"Nothing to your concern..." he let's out a heavy sigh in response as he fully backs away from you to roll up some weed.
"Ever smoked this shit?" You shake your head no, which ends up in him giggling. "Ever smoked anything?" You shook your head no again, and a smile crawled up in his face. "So you're a goody two shoes? You don't seem to be the life of the party, but you sure do look the part." He motions his hand that holds the spliff towards you, but to not much surprise, you push it back towards him, declining his offer. "Alright, I'm not one to force you into anything." He starts lighting the bud for himself as another girl goes close to him, motioning how she wanted the spliff to share, but he just told her to fuck off and slightly pushed her away as she was getting too close to him.
You look towards where Toji was before, but you can't see him. There has been so much regret of you coming to this party bubbling inside of you. You get up to head to the restroom to fix up your look. Once you get there, you then see how the top of your baby pink bra is showing. Despite that you think it makes the fit better, you try your best to pull your collar to hide it.
'Fuck, seriously, what am I doing here?'
It's all been happening so fast; if you told yourself a week ago what your life would be like soon, you would laugh at your face. Your whole life has been repetitive boring days, but now? Your life for once is getting interesting.
You open the restroom door, and a drunken man immediately falls into the restroom. He was clearly leaning on the restroom door beforehand. He laughs stupidly so you walk off, ignoring him. You look at your surroundings, unaware of where you are.
'which door was it... did I take the stairs to get here or not...' you open random doors, randomly seeing people heavily making out or straight-up breakdowns.
"Tryna find me?" Looking in front of you, to see a man. The man you're here for. Grinning sinister as he looks down at you as if he was going to eat you right there and then. His teeth were apparent as his smile left your pussy fluttering. But you take note of his attire this time, you look down to see him wearing a plain grey shirt and black pants, no Halloween costume?
"Yeah, you're just the man I've been looking for" Your mouth runs faster than your thoughts, Toji's face seems to be closer to you now, and he doesn't seem to stop growing closer.
"You got a name?" You blurted your name to him with no hesitation. You may be sober but looking into his eyes made you feel intoxicated. "You look like you're going to faint Miss, you good?" his hand wraps around your body as your legs feel unsteady. It really hits you now, you've been speaking to him so brazenly. Why? How? Tojis arm was wrapped around you right now and you're speechless! Your face was white and your fingers fidgeted. "Y'know, it's not good for a little cop like you to get so distracted" he finally lets go of you, but remains close to your face. Oh god, you're stuttering now. You're stuttering right in front of Toji!
"F-for someone holding a Halloween party, you're surely underdressed"
"underdressed? I'm here as yours, ma'am" His hands brushed over your hair, his eyes piercing yours. Your back is already on the wall as his face inches closer to your ear to whisper something to you.
"Want me to put you in place, miss?"
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@kivrumi do not steal / copy / reword / translate my work
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cookie-crumblr · 2 months
Chubby F! Housewife Reader x M! Yandere OC Jasper
Part 4
Part 1 here!
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CW: F!Reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, non-con somno touching, reader has hair(not described just “in face”, pet names for reader(pretty, ), age regression? kinda a little, names called not by ML(bitch, ), TW ED AND WEIGHT MENTIONED NEGATIVELY(ily fellow girlies and NB’s and boys with ED’s please be warned!), just sad kinda vibes, short part(getting back into it sorry luv yas!) ABUSIVE HUSBAND omg sorry i forgot the wholeass theme
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(i know i gave us all so many options XD also i deleted the wholeass ending of the last post?? i confused myself lol so sorry ignore the weirdness plz idk why i did that)
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Song rec: a lot on ur plate, by Father
“O-oh this? hah, I uh-uhm, fell, haha, yeah, it was really embarrassing, to be honest.” You rub your arm bashfully, hoping he’ll drop it.
On your eye?
He smiles softly at you, offering silent consolation for whatever you do not wish to admit. Then he steps back and let’s you inside.
Once inside his eccentricly vaporwave home, he leads you to his game room. It’s fully decked out with two multi-monitored setups, and a humungous T.V. The cable management is immaculate-meaning: You don’t see a single one, it’s beautiful even if you aren’t really into this stuff, you can see the care and dedication he’s put into his hobby, just the same as the rest of his house.
“Wow Jasper! This is so cool!! Your place is really awesome! I don’t know if i’ve told you that yet, but i’m obsessed!” You motion towards the room to show off your point.
He glows sheepishly, he’s used to complements on his appearance sure, but on something so personal to him, and by you, of course he’s a little embarrassed. He’s so ecstatic too. “Thanks pretty~”
He starts setting up for a movie, handing you a box stack of thrillers and slashers to choose from, how cute, physical copies! You wonder if these are his faves, or if he just buys dvd’s for every movie he watches.
You pick one toward the middle, it’s old, like really old. Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
“A classic, truly ahead of its time.”
You’ve fallen asleep on Jasper’s couch somehow, even after the amount you’ve slept this past week.
You felt so calm near him, so safe and relaxed, you’re gonna feel so bad when you wake up, but for now, this is the best rest you’ve gotten in months.
You poor thing, you were all alone in that sunroom for that week, nobody even messaged you. You must’ve been so bored… And so lonely.
He moves some of your hair gently from your face, his lids heavy as he looks from your peaceful expression, straight to your lips. His slender hand slowly raises to meet your skin, his fingers caress your cheek, and flow down to your lips where he pauses to inspect you.
Your head is lolled uncomfortably to one side and you’re a little slouched, yet he gazes over you fondly.
Pale fingers lightly dance over your more sensitive flesh, as he leans closer to you. With eyes heavily lidded and mouth parted slightly he places his lips to yours.
Your lips purse slightly in your sleep, in reception, as if you’re (in his mind) giving him the green light to continue. His heart races wildly in his chest, like a clydesdale down a stone path, heavily and loud.
“So pretty~” it just slips right out of his throat.
You aren’t stirring much, so he gently, and begrudgingly lays you more comfortably next to him… if it was up to him you’d be in his lap, but he is already too excited for that. You’d wake up in horror, he’s sure.
His hands accidentally brush over your chest, and he stops to check on your face, to make sure you’re still asleep. You are.
He brings his palm back to the center of one of your breasts, and softly lays his hand over it, again checking you. His eyes are heavily lidded as he begins to massage and squeeze, upping the pressure little by little. Slowly he starts to press harder and uses his thumb to brush over your peaked nipple, he runs it over so many times by now your breathing shallower. Every flick of your bud has your body almost jumping in your slumber.
You mumble something, and startle Jasper, he stops, before switching to your other breast, making that feel just as hot as the first. Flicking over that sensitive nipple through the fabric of your top, he stops to pinch them both and watch you take much shallower, and needier breaths. His own breathing is becoming hard to keep quite as your growing excitement is evident to him.
Imagining how wet you must be already has him dizzy, and on his knees in front of you and the couch.
If he goes any further he’ll have to do something more drastic… He can feel it in him, the surmounting hunger making his head feel full of smoke ready to burst out.
“Fuck.” He fixes your top and pulls away to go find a blanket.
Just then, your phone dings eight a message from your husband. Jasper fishes around his own pocket for your clone and checks the message:
“Where the fuck are you Y/N”
Jasper’s eye twitches, as he reads and rereads the message over again.
“mmf… Jas-*Yaawwwn~*per?” You stretch and sit up behind him, he puts away the phone clone, and readjusts his pants in the same motion as he turns to you. His erection twitches with the way you said his name, rubbing painfully against the tightness of his jeans.
“Hey there, pretty~ how did you sleep?” His mind melts again when he sees you, forgetting all about your husband already.
You giggle and your face heats up hearing him call you that so naturally, and in his soothing, breathy voice. Not to mention, after such a hot dream…
You push the heels of your palms sheepishly into your eyes, pretending to wipe them but really just trying to hide the fact that you’re flustered by him. He watches closely with intense interest sparkling in his irises.
“Oh shit!” You exclaim, locking back into reality and you start to frantically look around the couch for your phone, which ended up under your cushy behind.
“You alright?” He asks, worried.
Your heart sinks at the message you’ve awoken to… How can your husband be so… Cruel?
“N-no… I don’t think I am…” Tears well in your eyes.
He shuffles closer getting on his knees before you, and cupping your face.
“Do you want me to fix it?” his voice is so serious it makes your heart thump nervously.
“I don’t know, Jasper…” You aren’t sure what he means. “I can fix it, i’m sure!” You shake your head with determination.
A gentle smile creeps across his face, you have to look away as your heart keeps thumping too hard and too loudly! And he’s just too handsome, does he know what he’s doing to you.
His hand remains cupping the air where your chin once was for a second longingly, before he lets it fall to the couch cushion.
“If you ever need me, just tell me.” He offers.
You nod your head once in understanding, even though you have no idea what he could possibly mean by him ‘fixing it’.
You collect your things and head home. Jasper follows you and walks you to the gate between your yards.
“See ya soon, pretty~”
You turn on your heel bashfully, fuck! why is he so hot and he just keeps calling you that…. Is it so wrong that you don’t ever want him to stop either…?
Your husband on the other hand, stands tall and looks in the doorway like a massive father waiting for his troublesome little girl to come home. you feel like a little girl before him too, one that’s broken a rule and about to be punished.
“If you hadn’t been in the sunroom sulking for a week i’d think you’ve cheated on me, stupid selfish bitch. Who was that, thing, at our yard gate?”
Anger boils in you but quickly simmers when you remember he already punched you once. “That’s just our neighbor, his name is Jasper.”
“You’re already buddy buddy with the local freak then. You’re to stop hanging around it effective immediately, Y/N.” Gods he sounds like a father too. Bile builds in your throat and you swallow hard to avoid gagging.
“Yes sir.” It just slipped out naturally, like his commanding tone just awakened your much younger self. You almost gag again, and hold your stomach and mouth.
He sees you practically turning green and gets angry with you, “What the fuck is your problem bitch?” He sets down his crystal glass of scotch, and cracks his left knuckles.
“No-nothing! sorry, i think i ate something bad earlier”
“Speaking of, you should stop eating for a while. You’re embarrassing me now,” He says it so easily, something so atrocious.
“Maybe i will then…” The words fall from your lips dejectedly.
The world is a deep blur as your feet carry you to the bedroom behind Edward. He shoves you in front of him, getting tired of dragging you by your soft arm. You look down at your wrist and see angry skin already forming blues, but you aren’t feeling any pain.
Are you that dissociated? You blink a few times, but you realize you’d rather stay zoned out, and climb into the cold bed.
Just curious,
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ily-tomura · 8 months
Player Two
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Autistic!Tomura, GN!Reader
Tomura wants to show you video games, but he doesn’t just want to play while you sit next to him. He’d much rather sit with you and watch you play through something he knows and had a good experience with.
The first game he shows you is a retro-style puzzle game. He doesn’t push you to solve things quickly, just watches and lets you have your time with the puzzles. If you get stuck, you can ask him for hints, but most of the time, you’re trying any idea you have to see what works. His excitement about the whole thing is infectious.
The second game is a horror graphic adventure with a gritty but distinct visual style. The story beats are important, so Tomura sits quietly while you play. He’ll take breaks to check his phone or play a game of his own, but he comes back to sit with you while you experience a heartbreaking story of sadness, misfortune, and, in the end, hope for a better world.
He’s actually somewhat embarrassed to show you the third. It’s a seemingly trope-filled graphic novel with a wild tonal shift part of the way through the game. He thought it would be fun for the two of you to read different characters voices and, while you aren’t fully sure where he got the idea that one of the characters should be southern, it was really fun. He didn’t tell you about it aside from the warnings the game gives you, so it totally caught you by surprise. He’s smiling so big when you’re look at him after the twist.
When you tell him that you want him to play a favorite video game of yours, his eyes seem to light up with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He’s nervous about doing a good job or playing the game the ‘right’ way, but you assure him that he’ll enjoy himself however he wants to play it. He says it might be a bit too much pressure for you to watch him, but he does want to play it. That’s okay with you. It’s a day or two before he actually comes back to talk with you about it, and when he finally does, he’s so excited! He asks you about your favorite characters and talks about theories for how he thinks it will end and potential twists he could see happening, shaking his hands with excitement the whole time he talks. It’s very, very cute. You’ll have to show him more games.
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youandmedead · 1 year
Mµ†åñ† Må¥hêm HêåТåñðñ§ (þår† 1?)
Warnings: ⚠️SPOILERS⚠️, swearing
Notes: Dude Mutant Mayhem was so fucking good, so in order to honour the release of it here is some dumb thoughts I've been thinking of ever since I saw it. A second part may potentially be out soon but looking from a more angst perspective
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⛥ Leo is 100% a fanfic reader and most likely writes stories about him and April. I think that it's all started because he found Donnie reading some about his favourite anime characters and got curious and asked him about it, to which Donnie went on for ages about fanfiction in general, to different tropes, clichés etc!
⛥Donnie and Mikey definitely seem like the type of kids who ended up on the wrong side of the internet as very young kids and found the most goriest shit ever
⛥When Raph was a little kid he found a plushie when him and his brothers were exploring the sewer. He deemed it cute but because his brothers were all teasing him over it he left it and then went out on his own to find it and brought it back to the lair. He tried to hide it and then cuddle it when he was feeling sad but one day Splinter found it and brought it up to him in front of the others, making him embarrassed. However, to this day it is still hidden somewhere underneath the covers.
⛥The guys secretly watched some super gory horrors one time after splinter said not to and they all freaked themselves out over it but they tried to hide it from splinter. When Splinter eventually did find out, he did things to specifically scare each turtle in order to teach them a lesson (which he heavily enjoyed doing). They'd always discuss the scenarios the final girl was put through and what they would do in that situation at night and then the whole thing about "freaky" stuff happening to them would be brought up...it took them a very long time to realise that it was just Splinter fucking with them.
⛥They all watched vines and quote them from day to day
⛥Leo loves to collect plant and flowers but when he brings them down to the lair they die within a week and he has definitely cried over at least half of them.
⛥Mikey is definitely the type of person to eat the world's nastiest food combos and enjoy it
⛥Mikey and Raph have constant bets over who can do the dumbest shit
⛥Leo always felt quite isolated from the group at times and it always made him feel self conscious and more different from the others.
⛥I think that Mikey constantly worries about his brothers and Splinter - especially Leo.
⛥Mikey, Donnie and Raph are the type of kid to lick the backs of magic stars and then stick two together in order to eat them
⛥ Leo is terrible with directions
⛥ Donnie and Mikey believe in the 'if you don't repost this video in (however long) you will die/get bad luck
⛥ They are all heavily invested in the yellow car game and Leo is always the one to get punched the most (Mikey and Raph are very competitive)
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