#sugar daddy grayson
snakeredbirdbatkatana · 5 months
How Tim Drake stole the show and lost millions for a good cause..... aka getting laid
Part 1
Now Bruce would like to say he knows his sons pretty well, even as he hears Alfred's voice disagreeing.
He didn't partically want to go to this gala but with Jason returning from the dead formally, and all of his children being in Gotham this was a perfect opportunity to show the Wayne family in all their glory.
As he fixes Damian's bow tie ignoring the reporters vying for his attention.
He hears a gasp.
Before swiftly as if summoned by a light the swarm of reporters leave running toward whoever just appeared.
Pulling up in a car that Bruce couldn't even name if he tried but he is a hundred percent sure isn't aloud on the god damn road.
His third youngest boy who as planned was meeting them here.
Unexpectedly has his arm wrapped around Connor Kent.
Who is wearing a blood red suit, matching perfectly with Tim's all black, but most shocking other than the multi-million dollar car if Jason's hyperventilating can be believed is the blood red diamond in Kent's ear that he's a hundred percent sure cost eight million fucking dollars.
Which was made aware by Selina who was talking about said gem because she was hoping to steal it before it was purchased by a buyer she couldn't track which is an impressive feat which is now explained by the fact that the only one person is better at hiding than a cat and that will always be a bat.
Walking in with Rob's arm around his waist after a joyride straight out of a movie he can't help but feel like he's flying and considering he's Superboy that a feat.
"Feeling ok, I know this can be a lot my moon?" Everytime Tim uses that godamn nickname he can't stop the blush it's embarrassing and sweet and flat out insane.
"I'm fine you worrywart, seriously Sunshine", hesitating "So far this is the best night of my life I'm on your arm Tim now show me off I was promised that I would get to see Rich Timmy in all his glory."
He smirks grabbing a thing of champagne from a passing waiter who looks terrified.
"Unless Red your pussing out on me?"
Tim's face twitches a look crossing his face before smoothing out into what Kon can only call his Red Robin smirk deadly, captivating, and always makes Kon a little wet.
"No, after all your on the arm of the richest man in here let me show you what that means."
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im obsessed with the idea that gothamites 100% know who all the batkids are, like “ for sure Dick Grayson is nightwing #thebuttsmatch” and they figured out all their identities and who it correlates to, “ofc the newest robin with all the swords is Damian Wayne!!” but they refuse to even consider Bruce and The Batman being the same guy. it just doesn’t make sense?? Brucie Wayne, dressing up as a bat and calling himself vengeance???? as if???? also he’s from bristol???? can’t possibly be Brucie. Like they genuinely believe that Bruce is the father to a whole gaggle of themed vigilantes and just doesn’t know it. Anytime his kids disappear during a gala, he gets a bunch of pitiful looks and he can’t leave bc everyone’s looking at him now??
This actually works into a lot of ppls theories that Brucie is The Batman’s sugar daddy, bc clearly they’re together and co parenting the batkids??
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chikaras-garden · 10 months
Batboys as your sugar daddy
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What’s the point of all this money if you don’t have someone to spend it on?
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Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake x fem!reader
Contains: Sugar daddies. Possessive, controlling men. Power imbalances. They’re all a little toxic. These relationships are not aspirational babes. Oral sex (f!receiving) in Dick’s.
Notes: 18+ or you’ll be blocked.
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“Wear the diamonds,” Bruce rumbles from behind you, lips right next to the shell of your ear. Before you can answer, his warm hands are already on your throat, and cool platinum touches your skin. A hundred diamonds arranged in three dainty layers sparkle in the low light of Bruce’s bedroom, clinging tightly to your neck.
With the choker clasped in place, one of Bruce’s hands traces up and down your neck while the other rests heavily on your hip, holding you flush against his chest. His touch is hypnotic, pulling you in like a planet pulls a moon into orbit. Your whole world revolves around him—and that’s exactly how he likes it.
But like the moon, the subtle gravitational pull you have on him keeps him in place, keeps him stable, calms his most wicked of storms.
He bows his head. The way he looks at you through his eyelashes is almost reverent while he kisses your bare shoulder, skin interrupted only by your dress’s hair-thin silk strap.
“Beautiful,” he says, and you know he’s not talking about the necklace, the dress, or any of the other jewels and silks he’s drowned you in over the last year.
When your eyes meet in the mirror, one corner of his lips quirks up into a smirk, which he buries under a kiss to your jaw. 
There, with a quick, sharp nip of his teeth, he lays his claim. “And all mine.”
Dick’s on his knees, head buried between your legs when you hear—feel—him say, “I need you to take a week off work.”
Well. What he really needs is for you to just quit your job already, but you got upset the last time he suggested it. Baby steps. For now.
“Why?” you gasp, blinking hard as you try to focus on the fact that he’s starting a conversation now when his tongue is making you smart and shake with pleasure.
“I want to go to the Maldives,” he says as if it’s the most inconsequential thing in the world, as if he’s saying he wants to go across town, not across the world.
His tongue flattens out and dips into your weeping hole, and your thighs tighten around his head in response. He groans, and you choke out, “A week for the Maldives?”
You feel his lips twist and curve around you, paired with a little graze of teeth; he’s smiling, and the sensation makes you dizzy. There it is, he wants to say. You want more. Finally, your expectations are starting to match his bank account.
But he decides to play the dumb, pretty boyfriend he likes to make people think he is. “You don’t think it’s enough time? Wanna take two weeks?”
“I don’t have the—” He kisses up to your clit and gives it a tentative little suck, which makes you fist his hair. “—vacation days.”
“Why don’t you just take them without pay?” he proposes as his tongue laves up your swollen sex. “It’ll be okay, just this once. You’ll feel so much better after some time off; I promise.”
Jason is currently scrutinizing the contents of your pantry, a box of macaroni and cheese in his hand. After seeing the scowl on his face, you’re not surprised when he starts to lecture you. “You eat this crap?”
You raise a brow because he’s one to judge. “I’ve seen you eat an entire party box of tacos.”
“I’m not you,” he fires back. His voice is still low, still calm, but you can sense an edge in his tone; this conversation is about a lot more than boxed macaroni and cheese.
In the beat of silence that follows, his heated gaze dulls to a smolder. “You don’t know how precious you are.”
You open your mouth to reply, but whatever retort you were going to argue back with is silenced when Jason’s big hands cup your face, tilting your head up so he can kiss your forehead. He lingers there, and you feel him tremble. His breath is ragged, rough—as if he’s afraid.
“I’m not you,” he repeats in a whisper. It’s like he’s talking to a child, like he knows you don’t know any better. Poor little you—you need him. “Just let me take care of you like always, okay? How about I sign you up for one of those meal prep kits? No more processed food; it’s not good for you.”
When he pulls you against his chest and strokes your hair, you feel yourself nod, unable to disagree. You know he’s right, after all; and isn’t it sweet that he treats you like a delicate angel even though he’s seen the worst of the world? That nothing without his stamp of approval is good enough for you?
“Oh, you’re all set,” your manicurist smiles at you as soon as you take out your wallet, nails freshly done. 
Caught off guard, all you can reply with is, “Huh?”
She just smiles a little brighter, and there’s a sparkle of something in her eyes. It looks a little wistful, but also a little vapid—is that jealousy? “Your boyfriend paid already,” she explains as her eyes not-so-subtly look around, trying to catch a glimpse of said boyfriend, but you’re just as surprised as she is.
“For the next year,” she adds in a dry tone. Slowly, you drop your wallet back into your purse. There’s only one man alive who could figure out where you get your nails done, what day and time you like your appointments, and call ahead to pay off your manicures for the next year without you ever finding out about it.
So when you get back to your car, you call him.
“Do anything fun today?” he asks over the phone, pretending to be way more innocent than he actually is.
“Actually,” he cuts in, and you hear a bashful tremor in his voice. That tremor makes your stomach do flips, which beckons you to give in to whatever he wants. “I was just thinking about you. You’ve got the prettiest hands.”
“Let’s go shopping later,” he rambles on, completely ignoring you. “I think you need some new jewelry. You’d like a new set of rings, wouldn’t you?”
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🔖: @mrs-kurooo; @lovely-loren05
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beesarekindaswag · 5 months
Prompt : The Mean Girls of Wayne Enterprises
Hear me out…. Mean Girls but make it DCxDP.
The public personas that the bats present, modeled after “Brucie” Wayne are the perfect templates for Mean Girls shenanigans.
Imagine : Our favourite ghost boy has decided to venture out into the world after making sure that Amity would be safe and secure (perks of being the recently crowned King). Danny knows he’d never pass the physical tests to be an astronaut but that doesn’t mean he can’t at least achieve part of his space dream. He’d done his research, very thoroughly at that, and overall it was Wayne Enterprises that came out on top. Their aerospace department was miles ahead of the competition - presumably something to do with Bruce Wayne literally being the one funding the Justice League (and if rumour is to be believed, the OG sugar daddy for a certain Bat).
Disregarding Danny’s personal feelings about the JL, the chance to create technology that will be used in SPACE, for space exploration and understanding was too good to pass up.
Just the thought alone filled him with a sense of contentment. Thankyou space obsession.
Which is what had lead to the current situation - an internship at Wayne Enterprises itself. How he landed it, he has no clue - sure, he’s got some smarts (much more than he’ll give himself credit for) but his grades had suffered from his years of literally saving the city (and by extension, the world). Perhaps it was fate? Or more likely, a meddling time god…
Danny wasn’t complaining though.
Only three hours in to the position and he was barely containing his excitement - literally, the fulfillment of his secondary obsession, regardless of how second hand it might be, created such a buzz in his core. He was having to consciously stop his more ghostly attributes from shining through - not even metaphorically shining, damn you LED freckles (yes we’re using the concept of Danny’s ghost from reflecting his love of space - constellation freckles and all)
Now though, he had been released to break in the cafeteria. There was a panicked moment of ‘oh shit, where do I sit?’ But thankfully, his (half) life was saved by one of his new coworkers calling him over with a friendly wave.
“Hey, Daniel, right?”
“I go by Danny but yeah, thanks for the save there” a awkward laugh at his own words, “didn’t expect it to feel like high school all over again”
There’s polite laughter amongst the table and the conversation flows over to casual small talk. At least, it does until out of nowhere, all eyes jump to the doors.
Enter : The Plastics.
Richard Grayson - the dumbest guy you’ll ever meet.
“Once, he asked me why aster isn’t the opposite of disaster”
Timothy Drake - knows everything about everyone.
“That’s why his eyebags are so big - they’re full of secrets”
And the queen bee, Damian Wayne.
“Once he called me an uncultured swine… it was awesome”
(I don’t know what’s better - Damian aged up to match Danny or tiny Damian being Regina)
What follows is a comedic story: Danny meeting the three, them assuming he’s going to be out of touch being from the Midwest (he is but only in the sense that his version of normal is Fenton dumbfuckery) , him eventually getting past their public personas by just not giving a shit for their drama - he grew up with the QUEEN of mean girls, the Wayne boys have nothing on Paulina Sanchez.
Just, Mean girls Waynes… that’s it - that’s the post.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 8 days
L&DS Zayne: Sugar Zaddy | 18+ Headcanons
So I didn't write this. You heard me right, this was not written by me. Instead my discord kitten, my lil meow meow, wrote it. Well...kinda. We were discussing something that happened earlier and she was like "Consider a Sugar Daddy though..." And then went off on Discord. She's too shy to actually post this herself, so she gave me permission to. The green text is my contributions on discord that she included in the doc. Small note: This is an 18+ post, however the first part is mainly SFW (except for one bullet in particular that warns with NSFW beforehand). The more raunchy ones are under the "NSFW" part. So again, this is 18+ but the first part isn't as bad.
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/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ Warnings: Dom/Sub Dynamics, Spanking, Begging, Possessive Behavior (Hot), Zaddy /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ Pairings: Zayne x Reader
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Blog Information | Masterlist
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Daddy Zayne , to whom if you ask him to cut your food for you because you feel like having a butler or doing something so you won't get your hands or nails messy, would do it immediately - He would peel and cut an apple for you, feed you an orange, just doing everything for you if you ask.
Zaddy Zayne who, sometimes when you beg enough or have been behaving well enough, would let you show him off - But he might tease you while doing so.
Zaddy who would feel bad if he picked out the wrong gift for you, because he's like, "Nah, my Jimmy Neutron brain really thought this was a good idea?"
Zaddy who grips your thighs when sitting together, even at restaurants.
Zaddy , as usual, Zayne doesn't like risk like public.
Clothing wise, would he let you dress him up to match with you? We’re not talking about him dressing us up because DUH, IT'S Zaddy . It depends on what you’d be wearing to be honest. If it’s something too flashy, then no, but if it’s something classy, he would definitely match with you. Not to mention that means when you’re out in public, if for some ungodly reason you leave his side and someone tries flirting with you, he just walks up next and you can just TELL y’all are together with your outfits.
It depends on what you’d be wearing tbh. If it’s something too flashy then no, but if it’s something classy? He would definitely match with you. Not to mention that means when you’re out in public, if for some ungodly reason you leave his side and someone tries flirting with you, he just walks up next and you can just TELL y’all are together with your outfits
Zaddy who, when someone mocks you, just pulls you closer subtly showing off. If you seem upset, he buys you double the things he usually buys for you.
Zaddy who uses his busy schedule against you and in your favor. Sure, he may take off some activities to spend time with you, pampering you, but he also uses it against you when you're most needy, suddenly taking over Dr. Grayson's next surgery just because he is a "kind soul." This man likes and loves hearing you beg, and it gets worse if you try to backfire it on him. Trying to make him jealous or sending him a naughty picture will just make him take even longer, but not enough to make you cry of frustration or simply just get turned off, just the right amount because after all, he knows you like the back of his hand and knows how to keep his pretty princess behaved and happy.
Zaddy who would give you another copy of his credit card.
You wanna live in another place? Sure, as long as it's not too far from him
Moving into the apartment under his.
NSFW: You wanna travel? Gotta squirt five times to make him consider it and make up for lost time…time which will also be taken back when you come back.
Zaddy who buys you a present wherever he goes out, going out of his way to buy something for you after surgery before going back to the airport.
Zayne who dislikes you talking back.
Zaddy who cooks for you.
Zaddy who (this is more based on me, I dunno you) pampers you triple when you bake for him.
Zaddy who, if you practice any kind of sport, isn't the kind of pervert to just watch to get off, but maybe occasionally, depending on the mood, if you're doing yoga in such a position, will not need to bend you down since you already do it for him.
Zaddy who occasionally starts the act if you say you're not in the mood, will give you tons of kisses just so you don't feel bad.
Zaddy who loves when, during shopping sprees, you make a quick stop by the pastry shop for a sugary treat or ice cream.
Zaddy who is the silent jealous type but is a gentleman and would not take it out on you.
Zaddy who thinks it's just established how your relationship with him works and if you ever doubt it, he will make you learn it word by word.
And if you say, "Heck nah, get away," he will understand your wish and get away.
Zaddy who has nurses and girls after him, and he gives them the cold treatment.
Zaddy who, depending on his mood, sticks to you, gives you the side eye if it's a dumb jealousy, makes you suck it up or indirectly humiliates the other person.
Now, would Zaddy brag about you? Like comparing you with others (you on top, of course, you're his pretty princess). He knows you're the best so he doesn't need to brag or compare. He may compare to make you feel better if you're sad though. It's literally the phrase, "if you need to talk about power then you don't have it." I think dating Zayne would be 90% of your relationship, married life comes later, after all, he's just like your husband the day he started pampering you.
Zayne who, when he has a crush on you, gives you mixed gifts, some little cheap things and some very expensive, to see your reactions and study your reactions to win your heart.
Zaddy wouldn't let his money do all the work though; this man will rizz you up HARD.
Zaddy who does his skincare with you 💋.
Zaddy who, if you ask him to or if you're tired, will do your skincare for you.
Zaddy who cuddles you the first night even if he did or didn't rail you before sleep.
Zaddy who, if you're a gamer ass, as long as you keep him happy, will buy you the best PC or consoles.
Zaddy who isn't interested in video games but if it's a cozy one and you ask him to play, he will and will surprise you with little things in the game.
Sugar daddy Zayne who gives you sweet kisses when you cry while he's pounding you ❤️ - Telling you how good you are for being able to take him. Telling you how it’s fine if you can’t walk tomorrow, he’ll carry you wherever you need to go.
Zaddy with both cock warming kink and breeding kink.
Zaddy who wants to beg for you to try and come back and tried just one time against his ego to get you back with gifts, and if it works, he's going to hold himself back until you finally have sex with him starting it.
Zaddy who, if you catch him not in the mood, will keep it in mind later to give you what you need and make up for it.
Zaddy who, duh, loves edging you; it's Zayne .
Zaddy who, if he's desperate, would have masturbating sessions with you over the phone.
Zaddy who has a secret folder on his phone for your intimate photos.
Zaddy who, of course, loves seeing you in lingerie.
Zaddy , the panty stealer, when work hits too hard.
Zaddy , the mother who nudges you to go out by going shopping if you've been in too long and fucks you to keep you inside if you've been out too much.
Zaddy who would tie your hands and have you sit on his face while he eats you out *
This guy has all the cake he ever needs so he doesn't need yours for anything other than spanking..
Zaddy who, if you spanked his butt like in the bongo headcanons, would, depending on his mood, have you lay down on your lap and slap your ass or would just give you the side eye and retrieve the gift he was going to give you, making you beg for it. And if you're masochistic, make you beg (optional, depends on horniness).
Zaddy who seems to be the most horny one but in reality is not. Zaddy , that has you start reaching for his cock.
Zaddy who reeducates your bad habits by edging you or making you cum twice the amount you messed up.
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So there it is! All written out and lovely! Thanks again to my dear friend who just went feral over this idea. She gave me permission to let y'all know who she is so it's @nati-cutie-patootie she did such a good job, ya? I think she did.
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When they pass, some give money, others give land, and even a few are able to part with important mementos or family heirlooms. Me? I give people the honor of becoming my next vessel.
One a peaceful Sunday morning, I awoke with my little boytoy next to me. "Good morning, Hunter," I whispered sweetly as I gave him a tiny peck on his lips. Though the day had only just begun, I could feel my weary bones protest as I stirred.
This body was in its 60s, and I was beginning to reach the end of my rope with it. It had treated me well the past few decades, but it was time to move on.
"Good morning," said Hunter, smiling back. He always tried his hardest to reciprocate the love I showered him with, but we both knew he was merely faking. I had already paid his new luxurious apartment and had him placed in my will. As long as he played the part, his financial future was practically guaranteed. Once I croaked, he was free to spend my fortune however he wished.
That was fine for me as well. I wasn't ready to part with the money I had accrued during the centuries I had been alive. And his youthful, stupid vigor was exactly what I needed after spending so long inside this older body.
"I've got a little gift for you," I told him, chuckling when his eyes lit up as they always did. So predictable, so stupid. Digging into my nightstand, I pulled out a little box barely the size of my hand. "I want to see you wear it," I whispered as I handed it to him.
Hunter didn't pay much attention. He opened the tiny box and pulled out a tiny necklace. "Is this it?" he said, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice. He probably thought it was something more chic. His mood shifted when he noticed my incredulous look. "I didn't think it'd be so small is all. I love it!" he said, beaming at me with forced enthusiasm. I just smiled back and nodded, encouraging him to put it on.
The fool put i on without hesitation, and his fate was sealed.
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As soon as the necklace was around his neck, the spell began to take form. "Huh, what the--?" was all Hunter was able to say before he collapsed on the bed, flat on his back. His body seized up as a tidal wave of magic crashed over the apartment bedroom.
I breathed out a sigh of relief as all sensations failed me. My body, nostalgic yet well-worn out, faded into nothing but dust as my essence was freed once more. Hunter could do nothing but look on in horror as his sugar daddy faded away and a body-stealing specter now hovered above him.
"Enjoy your gift," I whispered before plunging into him. He of course struggled, but his weak and vain soul was no match for my experienced self. I swiftly engulfed his essence into my own, feeling a lifetime of memories in the span of a few seconds, and rapidly expanded into his convulsing body.
"Ahh...! Aurgh... right there!" I gasped as I felt the sensation of filling a new vessel. His youthful vigor, the rug of hair all over him, and his bottomless libido... all of these came together as my hips thrust into the air, releasing a shower of cum all over my new form.
I opened my eyes and took my first breath. I was like a newborn. The world was so intense, so sharp, and so full of possibilities.
"So long, Mr. Grayson," I muttered. My old vessel used to be a dear friend before I stole his body. Now he was gone, and a new life was mine. "And hello to a sexy new me."
And the cycle began anew.
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arkhamslvts · 2 months
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greatest hits, curated by yours truly
5 STAR DICK! [p!star dick x blk!fem reader]
dick vs throat fucking
p!star dick and inexperienced reader
p!star dick & breeding
dick & moaning
dick v jason dirty talk
dick v jason and your ex
jason & anal
ak!jason & degradation [2]
vamp!jason being a lover
jason and nnn [2]
ak!jason and collars
jason & throat training
ak!jason voice kink
jason making you cum
just the tip
roomates! [w/roy]
jason being big
GCVERSE [with roy and jason]
pics they like
mutual masturbation
roy sending jason videos
fratboy!hal & squirting
fratboy!hal & degradation
hal & tag teaming
fratboy!hal & sexting
hal & pretty nails
fratboy!hal's duality
roy & anal
campus stoner! roy
dilf! roy
roy & sexting
roy & doggystyle
dilf! bruce
tag! [w/hal]
sugar daddy
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Wayne Family Social Media - The Waynes on Twitter Masterpost
IThe Waynes Profiles
1 - The butts match
1.5 - The butts match
2 - Tim Drake, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, is told he needs to be "more professional" on Twitter. He disagrees and choses chaos instead
3 - Confession time
4 - Batman has a sugar daddy?
5 - Tim Drake-Wayne/Sleep , 20k words, slowburn, angst, enemies to lovers
6 - Batkids tweet highlights
7 - Red Hood and Arsenal
8 - Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson-Wayne and Jason Todd-Wayne read your thirst tweets
9 - Duke gets verified!!!
10 - How Damian deals with online hate
11 - Private Account tweet highlights
12 - Batkids tweet highlights 2
13 - The Wayne’s decide to be chaotic on Twitter
14 - Bullying Lex Luthor, a family bonding experience
15 - Batkids tweet highlights 3
16 - Private account tweet highlights 2
17 - Love triangles are OUT, time for a love square
18 - Wayne kids being gay on twitter
19 - The Wayne kids interactions with Gotham’s rogues
20 - Human Disaster Tim Drake-Wayne
21 - Bats and friends
22 - Human Disaster Dick Grayson-Wayne
23 - Siblings, am I right?
24 - Human Disaster Stephanie Brown
25 - Human Disaster Cassandra Wayne
26 - So about that coffin
27 - Human Disaster Duke Thomas
28 - Human Disaster Bruce Wayne
29 - Human Disaster Damian Wayne
30 - Human Disaster Jason Wayne
31 - Disaster Family: The Waynes
32 - The Bats are ever so slightly unhinged (lie)
33 - Manors haunted.
34 - Broose
35 - The Waynes really just say things
36 - This is me admitting defeat. I cannot keep on thinking of names of chapters.
37 - The (older) batkids have nailed this social media thing if you ask me
38 - Dickie, are you okay?
39 - The struggles of being a (really rich) single parent
40 - *Squints at writing on palm* The Wames everybody!
41 - These are Bruce's 'babies' btw
42 - Bruce is high (on painkillers), what could go wrong?
43 - *chuckling awkwardly* uh what
44 - the waynes are suffering but not really
45 - this is so healthy of them… also, the wayne’s are a category on twitter??
46 - Bruce and his exes
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prismuffin · 1 year
Masterlist 2:
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Full Fanfic Masterlist
How Peter Parker and Steve Rogers react to their crush asking to play with their hair
Hobie Brown helping trans!male!Reader with dysphoria Hobie Brown reminding ftm!Reader not to overbind Hobie Brown turning into a cat and causing chaos in the SpiderSociety
How Miles Morales acts on a rooftop date with another hero Miles Morales reacting to grieving reader Miles Morales being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie Miles Morales reacting to his crush suddenly asking him out in the middle of a normal conversation Miles Morales with a younger!sister!reader
Platonic!Miguel O'Hara comforting transmale reader after a breakdown Miguel O'Hara reacting to reader coming out as trans (ftm)
Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader with brain issues Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader getting a good grade on an exam
Pavitr Prabhakar and german!male!Reader bonding by learning about each other's cultures
SpiderTeens reacting to gn reader adopting them all
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Nothing yet!
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
Mission: Impossible:
Nothing yet!
FarCry 5:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor helping male!trans!reader with testosterone shots Connor helping gn!Reader calm down from a panic attack Connor with a s/o who's a maladaptive daydreamer Connor with an insomniac s/o Connor with a s/o who's a wild/active sleeper
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Nothing yet!
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
COD: Modern Warfare2:
John Price dealing with being a sleep talker
Konig reacting to short!male!Reader climbing him like a tree to see something Konig reacting to short!male!Reader being on his shoulders^^Part 2
Ghost, Konig, and Price (separate) reacting to male!Reader with dermatillomania Ghost and Konig (separate) reacting to having to cuddle up to male!Reader for warmth Ghost and Konig waking up to cuddling male!Reader ^^Part 2 Ghost and Konig (separate) having M!Reader be their gay awakening
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Nothing yet!
Dc Universe:
Batfam being jealous of the readers pet/animal Batboys reacting to Tim Drake's "bad-boy" boyfriend Taking care of Batboys (seperately) after they got their wisdom teeth removed Batboys reacting to boyfriend!Reader smacking their ass and running away Batboys + Conner & Wally being caught wearing masc!Readers hoodie Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son ^^Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son pt2^^ Batboys reacting to getting hard during training with M!Reader Anthro!Batboys having their ears and tail expose their romantic feelings for male!reader Batfam reacting to Tim Drake making a contract with a demon!male!reader BatBoys reacting to them thinking male!reader called them a goodboy
Sugar Daddy!Bruce Wayne accidentally falling for male!sugar-baby!reader Bruce Wayne with an energetic anti-hero husband
Conner Kent accidentally using X-ray vision on trans!male reader
Male!Justice League members reacting to rogue!reader moving out of Gotham and into their city
Jason Todd reacting to male reader falling asleep on him Jason Todd reacting to a gn reader who can't swim Injured!Jason Todd waking up to Reader in his hospital room
Damian Wayne with a child!brother!Reader Damian Wayne being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie
Dick Grayson reacting to a very cuddly male reader Dick Grayson waking up his cuddly guy crush Dick Grayson reacting to a sad!male!Reader needing cuddles
Hal Jordan's (Green Lantern) reaction to reader having a lot of lantern rings Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x recovering!male!Readers Hal Jordan reacting to being bitten by masc!alien!Reader
John Constantine reacting to a food-pusher Reader John Constantine with a werewolf s/o (gn reader) Hungover!John Constantine waking up in a caring Readers bed John Constantine reacting to a male!Reader that reminds him of his younger self ^part 2. John Constantine reacting to similar!male!Reader reading his soul John Constantine being bullied by a cat in a pub John Constantine reacting to a Reader that smokes John Constantine having a demon!Reader be attached to him John Constantine reacting to reader being turned into a baby John Constantine reacting to male!Rader lighting his cigarette with John's
Kid Flash (Wally West) reacting to accidentally courting alien!reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a night owl boyfriend Kid Flash (Wally West) accidentally petting one of winged!male!Readers arousal zones Kid Flash (Wally West) and winged!male!Reader finally getting together Kid Flash (Wally West) cudding male!naga!Reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a partner who's part of the BatFamily
Tim Drake reacting to guy crush reader accidentally cuddling him Tim Drake reacting to Rogue!Reader flustering him Tim Drake with a caring and patient boyfriend Tim Drake with a boyfriend who's very physically affectionate
How Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan, The Flash, and John Constantine react to someone handing them the unconscious reader out of the blue How Batman and Superman reacting to their long-term partner being their worst enemy
How Wally West, John Constantine, Hal Jordan, Dick Grayson, and Conner Kent react to falling asleep on their crush (male reader) How Wally West, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Conner Kent taking care of their drunk guy crush How Dick Grayson, Wally West, Tim Drake and Conner Kent react to playing seven minutes in heaven with their guy crush How Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and John Constantine react to their crush asking to play with their hair How Tim Drake and Damian Wayne react to their crush randomly asking them out in the middle of a conversation (seperate) How Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Wally West and Conner Kent (sperately) react to Alien!Panther!Male!Reader cuddling up to them randomly
How Justice League boys react to empathic color!alien reader turning pink around them How Justice League boys react to male!Reader being turned into a cat How the Young Justice League reacts to a male!Reader with an Eating Disorder
Back to directory;
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l0vergirls · 11 months
hi! im yan — they/them, 18!
i dont have a certain set of characters i write for, just whatever and whoever im interested in atm!
requests are always open (it's just a matter of how much time it may take me!), and anons are always welcome!
i may occasionally post/rb dark content, so please watch out for that if it isn't your cup of tea. mdni for those, as always.
note: this is a sideblog, so i interact from my main! (@fina1girls)
bruce wayne
a day with bruce (nsfw)
dick grayson
mornings with dick grayson
jason todd
college au!jason todd
some jason todd comfort
bf jason todd loves watching you play video games
tim drake
i think i'm in love with you.
kissing tim drake under a mistletoe
yandere tim drake with a manipulative reader
sugar daddy tim drake
halloween with tim drake
tim comforts you through your cramps
damian wayne
nothing yet!
the bats
batboys + their petnames for their s/o
if yandere batfam kidnapped the reader
a look into yandere batfam's darling
yandere!batfam sending you gifts
munchausen syndrome by proxy
fiance bruce <3
something about an older man
to new beginnings
royal darling + their yandere harem
last updated: 4/6/24
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tenpintsofsundrop · 11 months
What would Dick Grayson be like in bed? (Titans Kink Headcanons)
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A/N: So originally I was going to publish all of these for all of the characters in one long post, but I got tired/creatively stalled out about halfway through, and it's just been sitting in my drafts unfinished for weeks now. So I have decided to post them for the characters one at a time so that way I can catch up on them and have the energy to complete them really well. The reader is meant to be completely gender neutral, and I don't really know how to put warnings on this, because there is mentions of kinky topics throughout, but it's basically just a list of kinks? Like, the content itself is like a warnings list for a fic. Main warnings are for kinky topics, Daddy kink, and discussions of BDSM.
DC Titans Masterlist
So... one of those things that is totally obvious to me from the source material is that Dick Grayson is Daddy.
Not just when it comes to Daddy kink (although he definitely does enjoy being called Daddy for sexual gratification). He is the living embodiment of the title of Daddy. And tbh, I think he would love being called Daddy in a non-sexual context - which might sound weird if you've never been in that kind of relationship before. But when you try it out with him, you would probably love it.
It's something he would find comforting. You calling him Daddy in completely non-sexual contexts when you have no sexual intent behind it - it would make him feel good because it brings the joy of having a long term partner who feels comfortable calling him that. And he would definitely also love the casual dominance of it. He would love feeling owned by you because he gets to wear that title 24/7.
But he would be likely to say that it's something the two of you can only do in private - like in text messages or when nobody else is around to hear it, because he holds the title very sacred and he doesn't want others to mock him for it, because it is like a safe space for him. Even if he would 'laugh off' any mockery of it, he would feel hurt deep down inside.
But anyway, speaking of casual dominance - it's something he is obsessed with. I think he loves BDSM as a lifestyle, and for him, when he has a partner, it definitely doesn't stop in the bedroom - he loves setting lifestyle rules for you as a way of taking care of you.
He will set rules about when you eat (to make sure you never miss a meal), what you eat - he wouldn't ban you from eating junk food, but he would limit your intake of sugar and make it mandatory for you to eat a certain amount of healthy foods, and if you have a bad habit of consuming too much caffeine or soda, he is sure as hell gonna use sexual punishments to curb it.
His goal with casual dominance and the rules he makes will always be to take care of you and improve your quality of life - including your physical health and your mental health.
Is he always dominant?
I think that he vastly prefers being dominant because he is a control freak who hates giving up any kind of control, and funnelling those feelings into a BDSM relationship can keep him from exerting his intense need for control in other areas of life - like having emotional fits when other people don't do what he wants and violently beating up criminals. And on very rare occasions, when he is with someone he knows very well and trusts, he will play the submissive role. But I don't think he would ever be a submissive in a long term relationship.
If his sub misbehaves, I think he would avoid using pain as a punishment. I genuinely think he wouldn't be into spanking or any other type of painplay, because at the end of the day - even if he's strict about rules, it really makes his soul ache to hurt you.
One of his favourite punishments is overstimulation. He loves giving oral simply for the fact that he loves overstimulating you with his tongue for hours, and he loves vibrators and even fuck machines for the same reason.
He would use attention denial or ignoring you as a punishment - denying you of affection, or going as far as to ignore you completely if you want to talk to him at all (unless it's an emergency, of course).
He would also use this punishment in combination with overstimulation - setting you up with a vibrator pinned between your thighs and leaving you alone until you're whining and desperate, begging for his attention and ready to apologize for whatever rule you have broken.
I can also see him being into semi-public sex. He would be the type of dom to enjoy putting a remote control vibrator in your underwear just to push the button and watch you squirm at the most inconvenient times. He would also love taking you out to dinner somewhere nice and teasing you under the table, living to see you squirm and become desperate for him.
He would love any kind of bondage - tying you up in different complex ways, blindfolds, gags, all of those kinky things. As long as it doesn't hurt you, he would love seeing you vulnerable and wanting - he would love seeing rope against your skin. (And he would absolutely have the patience and intellect to learn complex shibari just to tie you up.)
And lastly (one that is obvious to me from the show) - Dick has a breeding kink.
He wants to be a father so badly, even if it's unconscious for him - it would come out when he feels you squeezing around his cock. And whether you can get pregnant or not (and whether you want kids or not), he would be obsessed with roleplaying the act of knocking you up. He would be obsessed with seeing his cum leak out of you, and telling you how he's gonna knock you up while he's deep inside of you. The first time you tell him to ditch the condom while having sex, it drives him insane, and it's the best sex of both your lives.
(A/N: I think that's a good round-up of all my headcanons for him lmao.)
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hanasnx · 1 year
babe it's okay bc dick grayson IS over 6 foot and he has a long cock (i saw it!!!!) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
wishing i was his sunshine gf who he spoils rotten 💔💔💔💔💔 he always makes jokes about how he's almost a glorified sugar daddy, but you always rush to reassure him you don't care about the money (he knows lmao) and im so sorry for this but, dick grayson has a voyeurism kink, a somnophilia kink and an arm kink bc he likes it when you cling to his arm like a koala to a tree.
he always gets home late after patrol, and seeing his pretty girl in any way is what gets him going, so he just couldn't keep his hands off you. you woke to your underwear being on the ground, and with his fingers in you 🤭
he always a spends a fucking FORTUNE on you whenever you go out, but he never lets you see the price tags. like my dude RUSHES to cover them so that you don't worry your pretty little head off <3 he started doing that after you told him "if you keep spending so much on me, dickie, you're gonna be in debt by the time we've been dating for like- a year!" so he's very cautious now. can't have his pretty girl worrying about that of all things! especially when you're as rich as him, i mean, all of things he buys is barely a dent in his bank account..! as long you let him touch your pretty pussy while you sleep, wash his hair (!), and be his sunshine, he'll be fine !!!!
(im literally so obsessed w him 😓)
baaabbbeeeee stopppppp
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(me when someone says “arm kink”)
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behold. elite arms for your arm kink viewing pleasure courtesy of a one dick grayson
☥ i think i saw somewhere that he was canonically 5’10 and that’s good and all, still very tall like i won’t deny it. i just feel like he has crazy tall energy.. and i’m a fool for “glow ups” and growth spurt trope. like in the first season he was shorter than everyone, and then second season he’s taller than everybody like 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i can’t get enough of it. he’s got like 6’2 energy to me
☥ thank you for telling me about your headcanon kinks for him bcos i’m still trying to delve deep into his psyche over here. still trying to figure him out, my sexy little human rubik’s cube
“he likes it when you cling to his arm” is soooo real. like where other couples would hold hands, you hold his arm. feeling his muscle under your palm 🫠
☥ when he realizes you’re awake, he whispers over the wet sounds of your pussy, “shh, baby, go back to sleep… just couldn’t help myself. be done soon.” he coos, and you’re so groggy you hum in content, adjusting further into his warmth while he’s toying with you.
☥ “cant have his pretty girl worrying” PLEAKBSLWBEME
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“as long as you let him touch your pretty pussy” HFSLDHSLKCJS IM SO 🔥🔥🥵‼️
the fact he’s fucking loaded fr. he doesn’t like to flaunt it really.. a silver chain for himself here, an expensive motorcycle there… he’s very cautious with it. never liked the mansion life, too big too lonely. the apartment guy, the city guy,… unless he’s with you. then he feels like he wants to step it up. especially bcos he wants to fuck you that night after your luxurious outing
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chikaras-garden · 1 month
Batboys as your sugar daddy pt. 2
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Don’t you know you’re his?
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Pairings: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne x fem!reader
Contains: Sugar daddies. Possessive, controlling men. Power imbalances. They’re all a little toxic. Allusions to daddy kink in Jason’s.
Notes: So quick. Very short. I said “one” and wrote three. I’m a giver. 18+ or you’ll be blocked. I don’t usually do part 2s unless I want to, so please don’t request them—thank you!
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Standing behind you, Dick dangles a breathtakingly dainty pendant in front of your face. You can feel his smile in the way he holds you: hands on your hips, chest puffed up with pride, lips against your temple. 
“I got you this,” he says. “You’ll wear it for me, won’t you?”
Mesmerized, you reach out and touch the stone. No, it’s not his name, not even his initial, but a perfectly cut, dark blue-green gemstone nestled in your favorite shade of gold. Dick’s not the flashiest of men—yes, you look at him and instantly know that he’s wealthy, but he has nothing to flaunt because his confidence is as easy as breathing. 
But he is possessive. Almost everything you own is blue now—because he thinks it’s funny to be so on-the-nose about a secret only a select few people know. He doesn’t care who else knows that you’re his, no; it’s that you know you’re his, so much so that straying isn’t even a thought in your pretty head.
Why would you, when he spoils you so?
“Are you going to be a good girl and ride my thigh?”
Jason doesn’t give you the chance to answer. It’s not that you can’t; he know you can. You’re his smart girl, his clever baby. You could solve all the world’s problems if you set your mind to it; you just don’t need to.
Because Jason takes care of things for you. That’s why, even though he asks, it’s while he already has his hands on your hips to drag you, pants and panties off, back and forth over his muscled thigh.
When he brings you close to his chest, he pressed playful, teasing kisses against your mouth; his eyes are alight with mischief, darkly sparkling in a way that invites you to get lost in them. In him.
Sensation climbs and your mind goes hazy, but that’s okay. Jason’s here. He always will be. Always within arm’s reach, always ready to give you his full attention—hands, lips, cock—at the drop of a hat. No matter where you are, you’re his, and he wouldn’t allow it to be any other way.
“Can you behave?” Damian asks in a tone that suggests he knows you can’t.
It’s his fault, really; he sets impossible rules knowing you’ll break them, just because you and he both want to find out what happens. Your lover is brutal, yes, and ruthless—but most importantly, he is fair. He answers every one of your whims before you even say the word.
“I can,” you insist, tilting your head in search of his lips. Behind you, he leans away, holding you in place with a firm grip on your hip and shoulder.
When you whine that you can’t reach him, he tuts, chuckles, and cups your jaw in one hand. “Do you know what the word means?”
Behave, you think. Of course you know what the word means. Everyone does.
But then he murmurs, voice low in your ear and breath warm on your skin, “Should I show you?”
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bludhavensbirdboy · 1 year
i don’t think we talk about sugar daddy Dick Grayson enough that man is literally a little rich boy with an obscene amount of money that he has no use for so he would definitely spoil his S/O and i think more people should work that into their fanfics 🧍🏻‍♀️
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Masterlist 1
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find masterlist 2 here
-Steve Rogers
An understanding between artists
Steve is in love with the male reader and outed
Police officer Steve Rogers x male reader
-Bucky Barnes
Werewolf Bucky x vampire male reader
“Can you please come get me?” drabble
“You’re gonna be okay, baby, just breathe. It’s all going to be fine.” Drabble
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who has a prosthetic arm
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who likes pastel and sanrio
-Poly Stucky
Relaxing on a snowy morning part 1
A snowy evening (Relaxing on a snowy morning part 2)
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 1
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 2
Poly Stucky x shapeshifter male reader who turns into a wolf pup
-Tony Stark
Tony Stark x Ftm teen reader
Tony Stark x top rival male reader
-Loki Laufeyson
Loki x Tank/Healer male reader
-Moon Knight (Marc, Steven and Jake)
Marc and Steven being comforted by the reader after being yelled at
Shower fun with Marc❤️
Khonshu x ftm reader
Steven Grant x Monster/Non human male reader
Sub Jake Lockley x Dom male reader (scent and Collar)❤️
Jake Lockley x ftm reader❤️
Sub Jake Lockey x Dom reader, Alleyway❤️
Moonboys with male reader who says the safeword
Moonboys x ftm reader who was harrassed for being gay and trans
Moonboys with a flirty male reader and how he flusters them
Moonboys with a tall and buff male reader
Steven Grant venting to his boyfriend
Nine realm headcanons
Bucky and Loki x Oblivious male reader
Avengers forgetting about your anniversary
Marvel x Eldritch horror male reader
Marvel Characters reacting to reader suprise hugging them
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader meeting at a gala part 1
Dick Grayson x Male reader meeting at a gala part 2
Dick Grayson x male reader, undercover❤️
Dick Grayson x ftm reader who is dysphoric
Dick Grayson x Possesive dom male reader❤️
Dick Grayson x former circus performer male reader
Dick Grayson nsfw alphabet❤️
Dick Grayson with a ftm reader whos been deadnamed and misgendered on purpose
Dick Grayson being brought into subspace by the reader with sparring❤️(ish?)
-Jason Todd
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader part 2❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom male reader, desperate for each others touch❤️
Jason Todd nsfw alphabet❤️
Jason Todd being insecure about his appearence with an artist reader
Jason having flashbacks as the reader stitches him up
Jason with a male reader whos older and is like his sugar daddy ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake trying to flirt with a Tiefling reader but he has no idea how
-Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne and speedster male reader who he hates but starts to like
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne nsfw alphabet❤️
Klarion x young justice hero male reader
-Edward Nashton/The Riddler (2022)
Reader comforts Edward when hes working
Edward and the reader are obsessed with each other
Edward x male reader whos a huge romantic
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 1
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 2🖤
Top Edward x Bottom male reader, who met at Arkham❤️
-Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)
Bruce x Male reader who is big and intimidating, but a softy
Bruce x Detective male reader
Sub Bruce x dom male reader❤️
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan nsfw alphabet❤️
Ftm Hal Jordan with a Ftm reader ❤️
Hal Jordan with subspace, edging under a weighted blanket ❤️
Hal Jordan and the reader having enough of him putting himself down ❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen nsfw alphabet❤️
-Wally West
Bottom Wally West x Top Kryptonian male reader❤️
-Clark Kent
Clark Kent nsfw alphabet❤️
yandere Clark Kent nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-el
Conner Kent/Kon-el with a ftm reader
Conner Kent/Kon-el nsfw alphabet ❤️
Conner Kent/Kon-el loving the readers scent and stealing their hoodies
Conner Kent/Kon-el x kryptonian male reader ❤️
Conner kent/Kon-el cuddling with the reader for the first time
Kaldur'ahm x alien male reader
Joker x ftm reader
Ledger!Joker taking care of the sick reader
Batson headcanons
Batsons x ftm reader
Batsons x Himbo ftm reader
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 1
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 2
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 3
Batman/fam being determined to adopt a criminal/vigilante reader
Batboys throwing eachother around as bonding
DC characters and what kind of yandere i think they would be
Batsons with an autistic reader who mirrors them
The Boys
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander being spanked by dom reader ❤️
Fight Club
-Tyler Durden and the Narrator
The Narrator is extremely in love with the male reader who also catches Tylers attention
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz x male reader headcanons
-Poly Ghostface
Handsome Devil part 1 (slasher male reader)🖤
Handsome devil part 2 (slasher male reader)🖤
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 1
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 2
Poly ghostface x autistic male reader
Poly ghsotface with a reader whos in denial about their sexuality
Poly ghostface x metalhead reader with a personality similar to Stu
Poly ghostface x reader whos fascinated by gore and blood
-Brahms Heelshire
Brahms Heelshire x protective male reader
Brahms Heelshire being comforted by male reader
Cuddling Brahms after a rough day
-Michael Myers
Michael Myers x himbo reader
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Michael Myers with a voice kink ❤️
-Thomas Hewitt
Thomas Hewitt sfw alphabet
-Corey Cunningham
Corey Cunningham x slasher male reader who replaces Michael 🖤
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Corey Cunningham comforting an overstimulated reader
Slashers x male reader who is insecure about their thighs
Slashers with an s/o who vapes
Slashers and a weirdly strong male reader who keeps beating them
Slashers being given a flowercrown
Michael Myers and Brahms Heelshire with petplay
Jason Voorhees and Pyramid head with violent hide and seek
Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Pyramid head Proposing
Dead by Daylight
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
Evan Macmillan sfw and nsfw alphabet❤️
Frank Morrison and Danny “Jed Olsen” Johsen with a s/o whos built like a brick house
Evan Macmillan, Jason Voorhees and Bubba sawyer bottoming for the first time
Star Wars
-Din Djarin
Din x Tall tanker male reader who is secretly a softy
Din Djarin x Flirty bounty hunter male reader
Din Djarin x Stoic male reader
Din Djarin nsfw alphabet❤️
-Poly Bobadin
-Anakin Skywalker
Anakin skywalker x ftm reader
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x Touchy male reader
Anakin comforting reader who was tortured and has night terrors
Anakin x Jedi male reader who is Plo Koons padawan
Sub Anakin x Dom male reader who is scared of intimacy, plus handcuffs❤️
Anakin with a ftm reader who has dysphoria
Padawan Anakin and a father figure male reader who falls in love with Shmi
-Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker x Shapeshifter male reader
Clonetroopers x ftm reader
Anakin, Darth Vader, Obi wan and Cody, overall headcanons
Deaged star wars ocs
-Montgomery Gator
Vending Machine Mechanic
Monty x tiny male reader
How the security breach cast would help the reader instead of freddy
Security breach cast x animatronic male reader
Harry Potter
-George Weasley
George Weasley x slythering male reader
Solo Leveling
-Sung Jin Woo
Sung Jin Woo x childhood friend male reader
One punch man
Saitama and Genos relationship headcanons
Guzma with a stoic reader who has a centiskortch
Team star bosses with a reader who is the leader and a psychic type user
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
Rick Sanchez (C-137) with a ftm reader with autism
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost with a short male reader who is underestimated because of his height
Ghost with knifeplay ❤️
Ghost with knifeplay part 2 (theres actually no knives in this one)
Ghost with a reader whos bigger and scarier than himself
Call of Duty characters being fucked while being interrogated ❤️
Alejandro, Soap and König with a tall feminine male reader
Ghost and Soap with a himbo reader who is submissive and breedable ❤️
John, Alejandro,Gaz and König finding their partner asleep with animals.
Soap, Ghost, Rudy and König with a partner on the autism spectrum who copies their accent
Rudy, Alejandro and Price as biology teachers
Rudy, Alejandro and Price with an s/o whos a biology teacher
141 with a male reader who owns a huge wolf
Alejandro, Rudy and Soap with a flirty reader who speaks multiple languages
Ghost and König with a big chested male reader
Call of duty characters with a reader whos tongue tied and fumbles to speak
How the team reacts to ghost having a husband with colored hair and stretched ears
Ghost, Price, Alejandro, König, Gaz and Rudy with a male reader with long hair
141 with an older reader who still moves like a 20 year old they gush over
Cod characters with a male reader who has thick thighs and stretch marks
Cod characters reacting to meeting Prices husband
Cod characters with a male reader with a very low spice tolerance
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artemis32 · 4 months
DC Universe Masterlist
main masterlist
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Bruce Wayne
sugar daddy
Clark Kent
Damian Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Jon Kent
Tim Drake
stalker timmy
Wally West
Harley Quinn
Lex Luthor
Poison Ivy
Ra's al Ghul
Selina Kyle
Slade Wilson
sugar daddy
Talia al Ghul
part i
part ii - tba
part i
part ii - tba
Justice League
drabble i
Young Justice
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