#the blacks' characterizations
horizon-verizon · 28 days
I'm still trying to see this complexity that TG has, and that's why TG stans like them?? Alicent changes her opinion and personality every hour, is the complexity of her still having any consideration for Rhaenyra? not have imagined that a war would start? or just have the same crying expression? Please....!! What complexity does Helaena have? supposedly having dragon dreams and not knowing how to interpret them? the girl doesn't say anything in 1S and everyone just thinks she's weird, she doesn't do ANYTHING! Aemond's complexity is that he was bullied and became a presumptuous arrogant who killed his nephew? and I'm not even going to talk about Aegon..... he's an abusive drunk but yes.... he's a complex character
I think that "interesting" for them is actually"potential for high drama, spectacle, and foolishness just because" for some TG stans who say the greens are more interesting. Yes, the green side is actually a complex group AND they rely on fear (amongst themselves and sometimes against the blacks) & strategy...because they have to strategic in order to try to justify some of their actions or wrest the power Rhaenyra's allowed or could accrue at court. To wittle her already-given status as heir to a more passive role. And beyond-court, they wished to convince the realm that Aegon was the rightful king both before and a little after he's crowned. The greens basically had the task to work past the whole "my heir should rule after me" deal that many lords wanted to stay as solid and meaningful as possible by precedent while also arguing on the precedent set by the GC of 101...which was itself a vote based on the adulthood as well as maleness of the candidate chosen. So, again they had to be strategic and shady and underhanded. And that will inevitably give us more drama.
Funny. Ironic.
We already know that the greens were not that successful with the convincing part even with Rhaenyra at Dragonstone and their long success at isolating her, bc it is only Alicent's move to hide Viserys' body, imprison courtiers and servants, hurry to search for Aegon that enables the greens to take the throne at the end AND Rhaenyra still was able to have many more supporters fighting before and after her death for her and her sons' claims.
Which if this is why you like the greens and not bc you think Aegon deserves the throne or ay sort of leadership [bc we see how unwilling and determined he was to not allow his grandfather to actually try to rule him in canon for the very paradigm that develops from Otto-Alicent's style & aims, they created their own monster], valid. I admit, they make the perfect antagonists & foils to the blacks and they do what they are supposed to do.
People, not just TGs, have cited Alicent's past affecting how she views her own and Rhaenyra's motherhood, that chain of abuse. I'm fine with this, this is true. As for Aegon, I wrote a whole master post for what I think is his "deal" HERE, which is long but you can really sum it up as him trying to prove how great of a leader and man he is in lieu of the all the years he's been on the side and Rhaenyra was Viserys' heir. Yeah his life and misery and nastiness is in part bc Alicent wishes to prepare him to become king and "peacefully" reestablish the order of patriarchal feudal primogeniture/order so she'd not have to confront her own suffering and still materially benefit from it in "exchange". This sentence in itself reflects more on Alicent's complexity than Aegon's.
Aemond? Show!him, as presented, is interesting in that he's going to show a sort of vulnerability from his inflexible role as his side's militant "guard" and his worth being drawn mostly from that. He is there to be the support to Aegon's claim. hamliet describes what I am saying well. "Love is a transaction for the Hightowers". He seeks to "prove" himself and tries to make the glory of a warrior replace real love, but it can never so he's a ball of terror.
And love is a transaction, conditional and more so than on the black side because the greens really rely on putting their children's bodies to some sort of use, from Alicent to Otto to Aegon himself and there is no recourse or sign of deep bonds where each understands the other, comforts each other, reaffirms their emotions etc., or tries to make them happy just for the sake of it formed between any green member. (prob should have made this part part of the 1st paragraph but idk how to):
Helaena's body is made into a breeding machine for Aegon's claim for Otto
Aegon is a tool for Otto's desire to move the crown how he wants and is thus not really asked to be a great leader so much as it there & take his orders/suggestions
Alicent was a Helaena for Otto
Alicent uses her kids to stick it to Rhaenyra (show & book) or else ignores them bc of the troubled context from how they existed even as she genuinely loves them
Daeron--if the show will show that dynamic b/t Daeron and Ormund--is suggested to be more of a tool for his way into high prestige behind Alicent and Aegon's own rise, which is why Daeron's sent to Oldtown in the first place, away from his own family for years...yes I know about fosterage, but I'm speaking to the effects this has on the actual bonds b/t these family member s being reduced to transactions towards their goal towards power
So this troubling, repression, and denial of love is itself intoxicating, and thrilling to people who even don't have to be part of any team. I don't blame them.
This issue for me is then:
Alicent could have been a lot more coherent without the inherent benevolent sexism of her becoming Rhaenyra's only friend and underdeveloped writing that makes her a lot less rational, deliberate, & mentally vulnerable to manipulation than she was in the book....all of which undermines her "complexity" bc she becomes less active as a character much sooner than she does in the book
people say all this ethically justifies the greens' actions, determine that their moral examinations of psycho-social conditions yield the correct and only conclusions to then just reveal that they just want their thoughts to be the general thought in contrary to the evidence in text, or hide behind their real biases and need for validation of those biases through the greens
Don't get me wrong, the black side aren't angels and do heinous actions...but it is simply true that they do not create the conditions for the war to begin and are also reacting to the usurpation.
Moreover, the blacks are pretty open when they can be to be about their actions and Rhaenyra is also already the heir. But the show didn't explore her life as a mother, what her relationship to womanhood as a mother AND heir looks like without Daemon there, or her kids' development after episode 5:
Rhaenyra being reduced to her body (advertisement of "Realm's Delight"; affairs and talk of them)
her kids' understanding, more of this from episode 6 and how exactly they interacted with Alicent's sons...how does Aegon enlist them and their frustrations against Aemond and from their perspective; court interactions, including those with Viserys and Harwin or any of the Strongs; education
Rhaenyra's perceived lack of ability that really just comes from her society evaluating her gender
[book] how she forms bonds with women around her, her relationship with Daemon and their journey towards each other, her relationship with the other Velaryons (Corlys and Laenor)
Daemon as a father -> how he "settles" but not really -> how he navigates/learns to raise another life form(s) & instill pride in their heritage and family after years of his beef with Viserys and losses and his resentments he tried to allay or "make up for" through social advancement and by becoming a warrior/has moved for mainly his own validation [idk how to say this concisely]
how he met and developed whatever relationship he had w/Laena...Corlys and Rhaenys' reactions to that (yes, bring Daemon & Laena back from Essos sooner)
The blacks comparatively do not have to be as underhanded and sneaky, and yet you will also have green stans argue that they are entitled, malicious, terrible threats to a perceived order (a projection--the greens are more that bc they are going against the king's word and what I said above about heirs and precedents).
This and majorly bc of how much opportunity we lost from the writing of this show focusing on developing the greens is also why they appear as "boring" or uninteresting while overbearing, scheming, manipulative agents of destruction at the same time to some people, even though they have more than their fair share of drama and angst from the very hierarchies they are perceived to totally benefit from.
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s-aint-elmo · 5 months
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part 2 of my pining falin agenda aka I STAND WITH MARCILLE THAT DRESS WAS CUNT
part 1
(ID in alt text)
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llinstarr · 4 months
⋆。˚“You’re the whole bloody sky”⋆。˚
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Remus lupin - tcoptp by motswolo.
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coolsvilleprincess · 4 months
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Be goth, solve crime.
Birthing this Scooby Doo specific blog with fanart for Be Cool because I needed to draw their goth fits, they were simply too much of a vibe to not tbh
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
People really are missing the point of a character like Nettles. Being the a non-Valyrian dragonrider is what makes her different(in every positive definition of that word) and helps to serve a larger purpose in this story.
Valyrian blood is not special. It’s not needed to do great things. No one is special because of what family they happen to be born into.
A non-Valyrian Nettles shows that we are more than the circumstances which we are born into. Our birth, our names, and our very blood does not define us. Our actions are what do. We can overcome so much and rise to become absolutely extraordinary with a little bit of determination, patience, and a dash of help along the way. Nettles exemplifies that to the fullest extent.
She's more than a Black Valryian. She doesn’t have to be Valyrian. She shouldn’t have to be Valyrian.
She’s a survivor. She’s a final girl. She’s a Black low-born girl likely without a drop of dragons blood that tames a wild dragon with patience that killed countless others who had dragons blood. She survived the Dance where others high and low alike fell and perished to become a firewitch to the Burned Men.
Her legacy is immortalized in the history books(and by the Burned Men cause they still worship her) as one of the last(if not the last) dragonrider(s) before Dany all without having any known Valyrian ancestry.
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buckttommy · 3 months
umm. pause. guys. guys. gay tommy has been canon this entire time. what the fuck. like. oh my god. no. like. okay. okay. so. 2x9 (hen begins), sal [deluca] is talking about his girlfriend dragging him to see twilight. he makes a homophobic joke about tommy being team jacob and tommy's like "i don't even know what that means." chimney says "he's insinuating that you're gay" and tommy blows deluca a kiss. fine. whatever. but THEN you skip to 2x12 (chimney begins), and—i stg it's a blink and you miss it moment—tommy and gerrard (racist captain) are having this conversation in the background
tommy: what about that burger place? gerrard: tommy i hate that place. hey wasn't your girlfriend supposed to come and cook us dinner? tommy: uhh. next tuesday. gerrard: promise? tommy: uhh. uh. yes. yeah. i will promise.
and it's like. number one, this sounds like a conversation they've had before. something to the tune of "hey, how come you never bring your girlfriend around" which i can't help but think was intentional considering the members of the old 118 were entirely familiar with deluca's girlfriend gina. but number two, no straight man who has a girlfriend sounds that unsure that they have a fucking girlfriend. it was very much giving "ah yes. this human lady that i love that most definitely exists. absolutely. also i like breasts." and it's just like. ok. what the fuck. like. i don't know if this was the plan all along. i don't think it was. i still maintain buck/eddie were supposed to go canon after the shooting and the powers that be got in the way. but. but. the idea that this canon queer character has been hiding in plain sight (subtext) is just. wild to me. like. i've always headcanoned tommy as gay, mostly because every character he plays seems fruity as hell. but bro. i don't think it's a headcanon anymore. and i don't think it ever has been. what the fuck.
there's also the idea that. like. so i've been watching the begins episodes again trying to figure out what, exactly, tommy's crime against the members of the 118 has been. like. he worked in a -phobic/-cist environment. he was definitely complicit in making hen/chimney feel like outsiders in their workplace yes yes all these things are true. but as far as i can tell, tommy has rarely ever actively been anything except spineless. deluca makes a homophobic joke? tommy laughs. gerrard makes a bunch of sexist and racist comments? tommy looks, but doesn't say anything to encourage (or discourage him). hen gives her monologue? he looks chagrined.
and his complicity would be absolutely shitty and inexcusable if he was just a cishet white man. no questions asked. but if — if — you view his behavior through the lens of the fact that tommy is queer himself? that tommy is, and always has been, a member of a marginalized community who felt it was easier and safer to assimilate than it was to be openly queer and have a target on his back? his behavior becomes a whole hell of a lot more understandable. yes, it's still shitty, but. there's a purpose behind it. and this idea is supported by the fact that, when gerrard leaves (flashing forward to bobby begins again), even before bobby gets there (because we always credit bobby with making the 118 the family it is today), like. the atmosphere is completely different. tommy and hen? are friendly with each other. chimney and tommy? also friendly with each other. which we also know because in 2x14 broken, he calls him up for help. which lends credibility to the idea that the problems tommy had (or thought he had) with henchim were not about them as people but more about whatever manufactured conservative boys club bullshit gerrard fostered.
and it's just like. motherfucker. bitch. what the hell. like. first of all, leave it to 9-1-1 to tell a story like this in the most subtle way possible. like if that was indeed the intended implication, i'm throwing my tv off a bridge immediately. but also. second of all. what is wrong with this show. they're crazy. i want to eat it like a loaf of bread. just shovel it in my mouth because the idea that tommy has been queer all along, that he wasn't brought back just to be a stopgap on buck's queer journey to eddie, but that he's been haunting the edges of the narrative like a gay ghost is sooo like. ohhh. okay. [throws up]. like????? okay. anyway. i'm going to be thinking about this the rest of the day.
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
My two Narrators (Grey and Black) listening to music together :3
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Look at them vibing!
Unrelated siblings forever ♡
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fandom-drake · 2 months
Dick has eldest sibling insecurities where he not only carries the emotional burdens for the whole family but he also has the first to be replaced issues. Robin was his and due to his fight with Bruce he fucked up his relationship with Jason and I don't think he's close to any of the middle kids. Literally parented his youngest brother in place of his father.
Cass was born to be a weapon and trained like it. And while she herself finds killing awful, two of her brothers have done so, one that keeps of doing it. While I don't think Bruce has been too awful to her about it, his strictness of the no kill rule and her own guilt is probably eating at her. Technically around Jason's age but probably not sure how to approach the rest of the family about what they are to her. And her mother trying to get Cass to kill again, as if the act wouldn't destroy her.
Jason was THE original replacement for Dick. And probably thinks his thoughts on the no kill rules have gotten him kicked out of the family permanently. Wasn't close to Dick, messed up with Tim, not close to Cass or Steph or Duke or Damian. Has his own thing going on but still clings to the title of bat. Also general middle child stuff.
Tim has his Canon Replacement issues and his whole lone bird thing because the family kinda did drop him the moment Damian became an issue to handle. Also him having to force hos way into the family as Robin. His parents deaths, teams deaths, Ra being a creep, control issues that caused him issues with atleast 3 girls he was working with in one comic. And Damians whole not a blood son spiel. Again middle child.
Stephanie, who like Tim, caught Bruce at his worst. A villains daughter, stuck in a situation where nothing she does is enough. Also forced her way into the family and died for it at the end. Half the time not even considered part of the family. Are all the middle kids estranged from Bruce???
Duke, first Meta in the family, his whole thing goes against the no metas in Gotham rule. A daylight hero in a family full of bats and night (owls) birds. Again, stepped into vigilantism on his own and the least experienced to boot. Has to work during the day, so awful for social life, probably deals with a shit ton of racism as a Wayne, literally last to join the current iteration of the family.
Damian.... fuck the kids issues have issues. He was very much Dick's Robin and having to work with Bruce now cannot be easy. Has the least connections in the family, had his whole world view about killing turned upside down, arrived after atleast five different kids. Dick took over Batman, Tim took over Wayne Industries and is being poached by Ra's for the league. Jason has all the assassin training he has and Cass is better than him at hand to hand. Steph is already a well respected hero that walked away from both her father's legacy and from Bruce on her own. Duke may be be only neutral for him. Youngest child syndrome too.
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Joker's design is still awful but ISEKAI ANIME HARLEY QUINN
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mppmaraudergirl · 11 months
I'm gearing up to do another rant about how this fandom has 0 concept of Sirius' characterization and have literally taken all of the important parts of him and given them to one-dimensional can't swim Sirius-on-Wish Regulus Black and then had the audacity to think this is some groundbreaking ship when in reality they would all be shipping Sirius with James if they weren't too busy imagining Remus to be some drug-dealing smooth-talking Casanova.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
The thing is, Viserys, Daemon, and Rhaenyra, do some repressive things in the book, but understandable and never on the same level as the Greens. Viserys provokes by idnavertance and bullshit the miscarriage of Mysaria. Demon commits Blood and Cheese in retaliation for Lucerys' death. Violently kill criminals. Kill Laena's troublesome fiancé with probably the tacit consent of Corlys and Rhaenys. Most of Rhaenyra's bad deeds stem from a moment when she isn't really herself anymore. The worst she could have done in that moment was order the death of the dragon seeds, which she wasn't even sure she really wanted. Before the dance I would say ask for Vaemond's head, but it was justified by the context of danger for her position and that of her children. Next in the series Viserys opens his wife's womb to retrieve her baby. Daemon kills Rhea Royce for free. Rhaenyra and Daemon kill a random man with Laenor's complicity so that he can flee and they can get married. Rhaenys kills a good number of innocent people in episode 9. Daemon strangles Rhaenyra. Literally anything to make Blacks look as bad as Greens, while whitewashing the actions of two of the main Greens: Alicent and Aemond. The Blacks team are the protagonists/heroes/anti heroes of the story. The Greens meanwhile are the antagonists/villains of the story. It's not hard to understand though! What the fuck is Condal doing with wanting both teams to be equally awful?!
Well said.
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efingcod · 6 days
I have a Black Ops 2 playthrough going while I work and I actually forgot a lot. I played through it so quickly 3 years ago and haven't played it again because 😭 (also I'm not looking forward to the strike force missions). But damn.
But I'm also getting a little mad. Because if you think Woods is stupid and or impulsive yeah you haven't played this game. You haven't even watched a playthrough. You haven't even touched it.
I knew I was right. I internalized his characterization but forgot about specific moments. But there's SO MUCH solid evidence in this game (also in BO1 which I have played multiple times, it's my favorite ok?).
I don't want to write an essay but I MIGHT.
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Took these from Hollow's playthrough (that's why he's there). But I think this has me motivated to pick up Black Ops 2 even though I'm BIG SAD about the canon ending. So I'll take my own pics then.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
an au where rosestarkillerchaser fake a relationship for shits and giggles because other students are making rumors about the four of them being involved with each other in some kind of way
barty wants to piss off his dad
regulus wants to piss off sirius (and his family) because he thinks itd be funny
james wants to pull off his biggest prank yet
and evan is bored
they all slowly figure out they actually like being together because they stage dates with each other and make huge displays because confusing the entirety of hogwarts is fucking hilarious
it slowly becomes less of a joke as it goes on
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 month
Part two rosekiller prompt| Part One
"Have you seen Barty?!" Regulus looked up startled, his eyes wide and his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He stumbles out of his bed and stares at Evan for a moment, still startled from the abrupt entrance.
Evan had burst through the door with no warning, his presence startling Regulus. He quickly slammed his curtains close behind him and gave Evan an annoyed look
"Weren't you supposed to be on a date with him? At the lake?" He responded annoyed, his eyebrow raised.
Evan scowled and pointed a finger at him almost accusingly.
"He just fucking said I love you and ran off before I could respond."
Regulus' mouth drops open, his eyes widening. He sputtered for a moment stepping away from his bed and staring at Evan in shock
"He what!?" Regulus wasn't sure what he wanted to do more, rip his hair out and hex Barty or laugh manically and maybe take a nap for a week.
"A-and I can't find him. Merlin you should've seen his face Regulus- he looked heartbroken...I have to find him."
He shook his head and swiveled around to leave, his fists clenched at his side. Regulus watched him go, his mind still racing. Barty always acted before thinking.
Silence reigned in the dorm room for a moment before his curtains moved back behind him. Regulus slowly turned to the bed with pursed lips and a troubled expression.
"Think he saw me?" James asks before biting his lip. His hair is disheveled, his glasses crooked, his clothes wrinkled and half way off.
Regulus sighs heavily
"Shut up-" he pushes James down again with a smirk.
Pandora stuck her tongue out as she stared at the potion in front of her, her concentration fully on the cauldron. She blew a piece of hair out of her face and tried not to let the sweat rolling down her temple distract her more than it was already doing.
Carefully, with steady hands, she dumped a few more quail eggs in the cauldron. As she stepped back from the giant puff of steam she heard the door burst open behind her
She didn't bother looking over, she knew Evan was stomping towards her. She carefully pulled her gloves off and threw them in the trash as she turned towards her twin
"Try that abandoned charms classroom, from third year.." she murmured softly
She looked at her gasping twin who looked as if he'd been running everywhere, which she's sure he has been. He took a moment to catch his breath before stalking closer and placing a kiss on her forehead
"Will it work out?" He murmurs almost hopefully, it's a stupid question. She gives him a small blank smile
He sighs with a nod, even as she answers they both know what she's going to say
"With endless possibilities I am not sure, even if I was I cannot tell you as it could change the outcome. I wish you nothing but luck though.." she tilts her head to the side and let's him go.
He misses the smile that graces her face as she turns back to the boiling concoction.
Evan slams the classroom door open, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. His eyes scan the room quickly and it doesn't take long to find Barty.
Barty lays on top of the teachers desk, his limbs hanging off around him. It looks wildly uncomfortable but Barty never failed to do the same exact thing each and every time anyways.
"You don't have to come comfort me...it's fine Evan." He murmurs. He doesn't turn towards Evan at all, just stares at the ceiling blankly
"Unless you're Regulus or Pandora coming to comfort me because Evan pities me enough to send someone else.."
He glances over and sighs in a resigned tone, his eyes and nose are red, his hair messier than usual. He had probably been pulling at it, running his fingers through it.
"Well...get it over with then...reject me properly."
Evan stands in front of the open door for a moment catching his breath and trying to figure out what to say.
Inhaling deeply he steps further into the classroom and lets the door shut behind him. He pulls the confidence out of thin air and shoves it down his throat, he couldn't fuck this up.
"No. I don't think I will." He tries for nonchalant, isn't sure he succeeds.
Bartys head snaps back to the side to see Evan again. He sits up slowly with a frown, his legs swinging over the edge of the desk.
"What- Evan-"
Evan steps forward causing Barty to stop speaking. Evan rolls his shoulders, steels his mind for battle and forces his feet to keep going.
He doesn't stop until he's right in front of Barty.
"You're an idiot." He starts out with
Bartys mouth falls open in shock, he sputters for a moment his eyes showing betrayal
"I didn't even get to answer before you ran off you absolute troll." Evan huffs and crosses his arms
He raises an eyebrow down at Barty and steps closer, now in between Bartys legs. Barty, who previously had his hands folded in his lap, snatches them to the side nervously and leans back on them. He eyes Evan curiously, still too nervous to speak though.
"I.... I love you Barty." Evan says suddenly nervous. He uncrosses his arms and looks away from Barty's face, he can feel his eyes on him even as he tries to ignore it.
"You didn't wait for me to fully answer....I love you and you only. You are the only person who has ever made me feel this way. I didn't want-ugh...you make this so hard."
Evan curses Barty out in his mind as he tries to fumble together some form of a sentence
"You can't just drop a bomb like that and run off-" he huffs and slowly looks back to Barty
Barty stares at him stunned, his lips parted in surprise. Evan shuffles nervously, he feels himself flush red as Barty just stares at Evan incredulously. He stands his ground as best as he can.
"Stop staring dumbass-"
Barty grabs Evans hand after a moment of hesitation, quickly cutting off anything he was about to say
"Do you mean it?" He whispers, his fingers slide to Evans wrist and he squeezes. Evan shivers at the warmth of his hand, his eyes trained on the spot where their skin connects.
Evan doesn't pull back, let's him grip him as Barty stares up with wide eyes and hope glistening clearly inside them.
"That you're a dumbass? Yea I really do-"
Barty tugs at his wrist and pouts slightly
"Don't ...please answer."
Evan looks down at their hands again, biting his lips at the sight of Barty's hand that always has chipped nail polish and ink doodles across the back.
"Yea...I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I wouldn't play with your feelings like that..."
Evan looks up through his lashes for a moment, his head tilted down. Barty inhales sharply and tugs him forward
Their breaths mingle, they make eye contact, Evan breathes out and watches as strands of hair fly back. He knows he's looking at Barty through half lidded eyes, he can't help moving closer, too magnetized by the boy in front of him.
Barty nuzzles closer and their noses bump, Evan scans Barty's face, his eyes tracing every small detail. He was a sight, he always was. Always disheveled looking, always looking like a menace to society...
"May I?-"
Evan knocks their heads together, ignores the throb on his forehead from doing so and cups Bartys face
"Yea dumbass, kiss me." He whispers
He barely finishes his sentence before Barty is on him. It can hardly be called gentle, they had waited for so long, too long. There was teeth, there was bruising pressure, it was perfect.
Evan let his hand go to Barty's hair, his fingers sliding through and tugging lightly, barty groaned and almost tilted over when Evan pulled back. Barty stayed hunched forward, his head resting against Evans chest. He heaved in breath after breath, as if he had run a marathon. They both gasped for air, the kiss was short and yet it had Evan light headed.
Barty's fists were clenched on Evans shirt, his knuckles white.
He let out a hoarse whimper before pulling Evan closer again. Evan could feel the pressure of Barty's head on his stomach now, it was a comforting weight.
Evan breathes deeply, his hand gently running through Barty's hair soothingly. He could still feel his galloping heart, and could barely hear anything over it.
"Please tell me this is real...that this isn't a dream?" Barty murmures almost brokenly
Evan stopped, his hands twitching. He closes his eyes for just a second, his heart aching, before answering
"This is real, this isn't a dream...I swear it isn't." Evan forces Barty's head up and sweeps the hair off of his face. Cupping his face between his hands he makes Barty look at him
"This is real sweetheart." He murmures softly
"This is real.." Barty says back.
He presses a gentle kiss to the side of his mouth, more on his cheek than his lips.
"This is real.." he murmurs once more before pulling back fully.
(@thedvilsinthedetails I think you asked for part two?? So here you go :) I only wrote it since it was requested and I'm sorta glad I did)
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thelazuliwitch · 2 months
To people who read Black Clover fics, what are some characterization pet peeves you have? I am not so familiar with writing these characters yet so any tips are welcome!!! Also what is fanon in this fandom, because I genuinely don't know yet?
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"I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me when we're alone"
"You're ashamed of me." Remus' voice is barely there but it's cold and unfamiliar. Sirius stops in the corridor and all of a sudden it's darker, the scars on Remus' skin glimmer in the low light. No one wrote a book on this, because if they did, Sirius would know. All that occupies his mind is this condition. It feels like a restraint around him, like a tough pill to swallow. Sirius still sees Remus, he still sees the quiet moments they've shared, he still feels his hands on his skin. What he can't help, however, is seeing his shadow in the shape of a wolf.
"You can hold my hand if no one's home."
Sirius reaches for his hand yet Remus makes no move towards him. "I could say the same to you. But I don't. I won't." He's still, illuminated in the lamp light, breathing heavily. “Only one of us is a monster, Remus. And it’s not you.” Rationally, Sirius knows the moon is only days away, that this is so much harder for Remus than it would ever be for him. This time it hangs over both of them. Remus’ footsteps echo away from Sirius. Sirius can’t help but feel like it’s unfair.
"Do you like it when I'm away?"
Sirius feels on edge the whole of the full moon. He sits by the window the whole night, praying for a glimpse or a howl. Something, anything to indicate that Remus, his Remus, was okay. He knows it’s one night. One night, twelve times a year. The condensation from his breath pearls on the glass, illuminated by the moonlight. Sirius feels like the moon is mocking him - I’ll always have him in a way you never will. And Sirius should feel guilty. He really should. But Remus is his, wolf be damned.
"If I went and hurt my body, baby, would you love me the same?"
Sirius wakes up at sunrise. He doesn’t know when he drifted off to sleep but he knows Remus will be back. So he runs. Remus is asleep, caressed by soft sheets he knows Madam Pomfrey has transfigured. He’s lightly bruised and a stitched up laceration graces his left forearm. Sirius can’t help but think he’s beautiful. Sirius always thinks Remus is beautiful. Radiant. Like the moon. He crawls into the bed, jostling Remus awake. He blinks slowly up at the other boy. Sirius holds his breath. Remus concedes. He always does with Sirius. He pulls him in by the waist, and they sleep. Silly boy. He thinks this is what he wants, but he does not understand how it will hurt.
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