#the family team
How You Say It
This CM Garvez fic was also published a year ago today and never shared on here. Kind of angsty, kind of funny. Rossi hosts a Solstice party at Penelope's insistence, Hank Morgan unknowingly uncovers a secret. WC: 2,169 Ao3
It was a blissfully warm summer day at Rossi’s house, a rare day not marred down by the typical mugginess of the east coast. Emily, Penelope, Kristy, and JJ sat on the back patio enjoying the afternoon sun, drinks in hand. Smaller groups of agents and family dotted the expanse of his property; Spencer, Tara, and Savannah standing in the shade of a tree on the lawn, Matt and Rossi congregating around a grill, Will and Luke busily setting up a game of flag football for the kids, who were off playing with bubble wands and the horseshoe pit. Derek, naturally, was flitting from cluster to cluster catching up with all his family, and Krystall was inside mixing up more of the deliciously citrusy Sangria everyone was sipping on. Penelope thought it was a perfect way to enjoy Summer, her family all together, sun shining, and happy feelings all around. She felt rather proud of herself for having convinced Rossi to host it, and for arranging things so that everyone she loved would be there.
Hank Morgan, adorable, funny, and straight forward, A perfect miniature of her favorite person, was sitting on her lap snuggling in to his favorite gift giver, taking a break before the kids vs. adults game started. "Auntie, what’s charade?” he asked turning to her.
"Ooo! my little muffin,” she said, shimmying him, "it’s one of my favorite games! Have you played?”
Emily leaned in, whispering conspiratorially to Hank, teasing, “It may be your aunt Penelope’s favorite game, but she’s not always the best.”
Penelope mocked shock, howling out “oooh!”
He smiled at Emily and shook his head in a sign of no to his aunt. His face, growing pensive, finger coming to the small ‘o’ of his mouth, he asked, "Does Luke like it too?”
JJ and Kristy seemingly knowing where this was going shot each other looks, eyebrows raising and small smiles forming before going back to watching the two.
She laughed leaning her face to his, tickling him. “I don’t know, you’d have to ask him. And seeing as how you’re full of questions today that shouldn’t be a problem for you.”
He shrieked with laughter and twisted in her hold. When she stopped he sucked in a few lung-fulls of air catching his breath and relaxed against her chest, her chin resting on his head and hand across his stomach. Morgan, from his place with Spencer, caught her eye and gave a warm smile that she returned, his baby girl holding his baby boy.
After a moment of silence Hank turned in her lap to look back up at her again, continuing his probe, "But, I don’t understand. Why would mommy want you to stop playing your favorite game? Do you play it too late?”
There was a chorus of “OOooooo!” as the trio of women around her covered their mouths to hide smiles and laugh.
“Auntie P. plays a lot of things too late for mommy’s liking.” JJ winked at the boy.
The suggestive comment going over his head, Hank only went on, "Does Luke play too though? Why won’t you play with him Auntie?”
Penelope's body flamed red from her chest to the tips of her ears at the barrage, mind suddenly blank of any clever response. Emily nearly slipped out of her chair at the physiological reaction from Penelope, JJ and Kristy cackled with laughter at the terribly kept secret that was the tension between the two agents.
“Yeah, Penelope, why don’t you play with Lu-“ Kristy joined in teasing, but was cut off.
“O-KAY! We are stopping right there.” she said just a little louder and more panicked than she’d intended, shooting a evil look at the three.
Luke and Derek both turned to face the noise, questioning, as did Savannah, who might have looked the slightest bit guilty through her amused grin. Where the couple turned back to their conversations, Luke watched on. Penelope Garcia seemed to always exuded joy and happiness, except for right now where she was clearly flustered. He found it incredibly adorable, the attention made her glow, cheeks and nose coloring, and filled her with nervous energy.
"She looks nice today…then I expect you always feel that way.” Came the slow southern drawl.
“Yeah…” was his immediate distracted reply, then squinting back at Will, “Who?”
Will smiled lightly seeing through his bullshit easily, “You know who. Sometimes we say things with words, and other times with a look. People say things different, but it all has the same meaning.”
Luke eyed him and shook his head, “Right. Well, we should go get the kids, cones are all set up.”
Will took one last look over at the group, then back to Luke, “Yeah, why don’t you get Hank, while I round up the bubble crew.”
Penelope turned her attention to the boy on her lap ignoring the titters and giggles around her. "My delectable little candy bar, what has mommy been saying?"
Hank looked very self-assured, reciting, "Mommy told daddy she want’s to know when you and Luke will 'give up this whole charade and get together’ so I wanted to know what charade was and why you won’t hang out with Luke. Is he mean? Does he cheat? Daddy cheats at games sometimes.”
Again she was encased in a cacophony of laughter and howls from her friends around her. Penelope’s head came crashing into his back trying her best to hide her face, bury her shame, and cover her reddening cheeks, muttering to herself against his shirt. Hank wiggled a little against her, trying to get free.
“Oh, little man, we all want to know the answer to that.” Said a getting-more-tipsy-by-the-moment Emily through the noise.
At that moment Luke walked up.
“I came to collect this one for the game, but you all appear to be having a great time here…” Penelope looked to Luke with culpable embarrassment. He knit his eyebrows together, mouth hanging open in an amused grin, wondering what they’d all been talking about to make her blush five shades darker.
“LUKE!” The boy’s eyes widened in excitement, nearly shooting up and out of Penelope's lap. "Do you like charades? Do you cheat at games? Are you mean? Why won’t Auntie Penelop-“
Penelope’s hand flew out and over his mouth muffling what she knew was next. She tucked him back against her into a hug, eyes never straying from Luke’s, as she death-whispered into his ear “Hank Spencer Morgan, you finish that question and we will never play that video game again.” and released her hand.
His aunt once again had his full attention, turning on her with imploring eyes, “But Auntie P, you said to ask him!”
“What’s going on here, Baby Girl?” Derek had been watching with interest and decided to join in.
Penelope’s face showed every emotion tumbling inside of her, rage, embarrassment, mortification, rage. She fought the urge to snap at the people around her and stalk off. She wanted to kill Derek, but that would only lead to confirmation of the complicated feelings she was having for her teammate, she wanted to strangle the women around her who were intent on teasing her, and she wanted to melt into the cement at the sight of Luke, who had no business looking as fine as he did today in a regular old t-shirt and shorts.
Luke took in the faces of the women around her, hands and drinks covering mouths, eyes looking at anything but him. A devious smile graced his face as he worked out what might have been the topic. Holding out his hand to the Morgan in her lap, he said, “Hey, Hank, we’re gonna get the game started, why don’t you help me round up everyone else and you can ask me that question faaar away from Auntie Meanie.” and winked.
Hank jumped up grabbing his hand, glancing back tentatively over his shoulder at Penelope, who was burying her face in her hands, as they walked in the direction of the horseshoe pit.
Once the pair were out of range she reeled on Derek, voice dark and dangerous, “Derek Morgan, charade ? A CHARADE?!” she shrieked, and the tittering trio broke into fits of laughter again. Awareness hit Derek and his hands shot up as he started to explain, walking slowly towards her like he would a suspect, tone placating. “Look, Mama, that wasn’t me, and he wasn’t supposed to hear it-“
Penelope got up wanting to finish the conversation away from the prying ears of her co-workers, Derek following behind.
A wave of “Ahh, Penelope!”s and “Come on, we were just playing!”s falling flat in her wake.
Penelope stalked into the house, echoes of her shoes all around before picking a door and entering. Safely tucked away in a study off the main room, she turned, hot tears filling her eyes and hushed out “The things I tell you, I tell you in confidence!” How he could betray her like this, how he could allow hesitant confessions between them to become gossip…
“Baby Girl-“ he started again. Her finger shot out, “No! Don’t you 'Baby Girl' me right now, Derek!”
He continued, “I didn’t tell her anything, Savannah’s just being Savannah. But when I told you to be friendlier to Alvez, I didn’t mean fall in love with the man!
Penelope jerked back, reflexively gagging at the word “I am not-“ her knees slipped from under her and she swooped holding on to the mantle next to her for support. He chuckled lightly coming over to wrap her in an embrace.
“Sweetness, there’s no shame in that.” She held him back, leaning into him, insisting whisper tickling his ear “I’m not.” He laughed again, “Ok, hotshot, but know, if you were, you’d have the full support of everyone out there, and he absolutely wouldn’t deserve you.”
She laughed pulling away and wiped at the unshed tears, emotional crisis mostly averted “I am pretty great.” Derek straightened, fixing her with a look, “Damn straight, woman. Now let’s get out there before someone suspects we're in love.” Penelope pouted, “Oh, Sugar, you saying we’re not?” He just winked and led her back out into the sunny backyard.
While Penelope occupied herself with one Morgan, Luke was having a very entertaining and eyeopening conversation with another. He looked down at Hank with a smile as they walked, “So you gonna ask me that question?”
The boy looked up, apprehension apparent on his face, and squinted, “Auntie Penelope said if I do, we can’t play the video game any more.”
Luke laughed at her cleverness, bartering game time for secrets, he wouldn’t push it. “Ok, well, I never did answer your other questions. "I do like Charades, and I do not cheat. Even if i’m losing….and I’m only mean to bad guys.”
Hank was pleased he wouldn’t be losing out on video game time with auntie P, and nodded, doubly satisfied with Luke’s answers. "Auntie Penelope said she loves Charades. Do you ever play with her?”
Luke’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead, “I don’t think we’ve ever played Charades together, but your auntie and I have definitely played games.” he said, chuckling.
Hank’s brow furrowed in confusion at the response “Why does mommy think you do then? She said-“ He froze, remembering what happened the last time he repeated the phrase. “Uhh, never mind."
Luke watched the kid who’d now stopped in his tracks, wheels of his own turning. He had nieces and nephews, he knew how this went. “Hank, how about I guess? Then you aren’t telling me, not really…” he tempted. “And if Auntie P gets mad, we say it’s my fault. She can be mad at me.”
A massive toothy smile broke out across the boy’s face and he eagerly shook his head. "Ok."
Luke took his time playing at solving the puzzle, “I think it has something to do… with Charades…” He glanced down checking in, Hank again nodded eagerly.
“And Auntie Penelope?” Another nod.
“And me?” Another look down confirming he was on the right track.
“Hmmm" he mused, hamming it up. “...Mommy said me and auntie Penelope play Charades together?” he finally guessed.
Hanks head jerked up and down so hard he was making himself dizzy. Luke, however, was very confused by the incorrect revelation and even more so about why Penelope wouldn’t want him to know about it.
Hank, unable to stop his curiosity, went on to deliver the missing piece, “Luke, whys everyone keep saying CharadeS mommy called it Charade.”
And then it hit him.
Luke smiled a small private smile at the realization that perhaps, perhaps, it wasn’t just him, if other people saw it too... He wrapped a large hand on the boy's small shoulder as they got to the pit. “Sometimes people just say things differently, little man, don’t worry about it.” Now if only he knew how to make Penelope hear what he was saying...
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aphel1on · 11 days
compilation of dunmeshi images saved to my computer under variations of "FOUND FAMILY REAL":
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nahpkmp · 3 months
Silly silly animation teehee
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yamujiburo · 2 years
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sprinklesharkie · 30 days
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spend the last week or so making my own text posts n i think they're kinda funny hehe
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homkamiro · 8 days
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I didn't need your help
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warpedpuppeteer · 1 month
The Buckley-Diaz family Conundrum:
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so now there are cousins. alright
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pepirfecin · 1 year
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Team dark being normal
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veelilee · 3 months
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the way is not always perfect there are many difficulties but we're going to keep moving forward
this is not the end, there is still hope, rwby will find a new home and crwby will continue the story 🤍
+ not gif version
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spiderzlover · 6 months
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Did someone say Family..
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coolade · 2 months
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Tf2 Family Guy Death Pose for your everyday needs
BLU version here
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spam-extemporal · 2 months
Dcxdp where Danny has been working with a hero team (did Bruce adopt him? Did he help the teen titans and got told to join them? Idk) for less than a year, maybe they knew eachother for longer, but Danny has been living with them for some months.
Now, I imagined this as a "Danny has to flee to a different dimension after a giw attack/reveal gone wrong" but it can work with other scenarios, the important thing is, death days are important for a ghost's wellbeing, but nobody knows/remembers Danny's deathday or that it's important to commemorate the dead. Maybe he hasn't told anyone yet cause he doesn't want to be a bother, or doesn't trust them enough yet.
So Danny takes the matter on his own hands, each year he goes to a quiet corner of the local graveyard, where he has a piece of marble and a small vase, he usually buys some flowers for his memorial grave and makes some fudge as an offering.
This year wasn't gonna be different, he told his team/family that he was gonna spend the day out, he chose an elegant but comfortable outfit, made some fudge, and saved it on the fridge with a note that said "phantom, do not eat".
The next part might work better with a young hero team, cause despite the note, someone took a bite of the fudge for breakfast.
Danny clearly gets mad, they didn't know, but they just ate an offering, a great offense to the dead it was offered to.
It all ends in a big fight, Danny doesn't want to admit that it was an offering for himself (it just hurts to admit that nobody remembers his death), and the other person thinks he's just having a tantrum over some fudge, like, c'mon, they can make you some if it's SO important to you 😒
And I don't know how to end it cause it came to me while falling asleep and don't remember more T-T
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lenny-link · 4 months
HeavyMedic meet EngieSpy family :]
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cacturnia · 1 year
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batfamhyperfixation · 2 years
Batkid Groupchat
Dick: someone save me pls
Jason: What's wrong?
Dick: Gala at Wayne Manor
Dick: This guy won't stop talking to me
Jason: lol sucks to suck
Damian: Sorry Richard, I cannot attend to the situation. That would give up my hiding spot.
Damian: I meant vantage point.
Damian: If any of you tell Bruce, I will murder you.
Cass: Damian, look up
*sends photo of Damian in the rafters of Wayne Manor*
Damian: Ah, great minds think alike I see.
Tim: hold up Dick, I wanna get out of this conversation too, I'll be over in a sec
Steph: Can't relate
Steph: This is why you don't let the first billionaire who offers adopt you
Steph: then you gotta go to the stuffy parties
Steph: Duke and I are the only smart ones
Duke: Agreed, have fun at the party
Later at the Gala
*Red Hood and the Outlaws come busting through the door*
Red Hood: This is a hostage situation
Red Hood: We want Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, and Damian Wayne.
Bruce, also desperately wanting to get out: Aren't you forgetting someone
Red Hood: Oh, right, Alfred Pennyworth
Bruce: aren't you forgetting someone else?
Red Hood: No
Bruce: Ja- Red Hood. Aren't you going to take me!
Red Hood: what would I need you for? I already have CEO of Wayne enterprises *ruffles Tim's hair, about to get fought by Tim* (under his breath: you fight back, I'm leaving you behind), a police officer, biological son of a billionaire, cool af dancer Cassandra Cain, and Alfred the Almighty
Bruce: don't you want a billionaire too?
Red Hood: If I take you, who is going to pay the ransom?
*Taking the Batkids and Alfred out of the gala as Bruce pouts*
Jason: one of you swipped Bruce's credit card before we left, right?
Tim: of course, we aren't amateurs
Jason: then ice cream on Bruce!
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